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\>k\ T% Tin \ | u -?? I> \ ?'? t\< wimi in?, v.h?- Opera BBkBfBI "ll.irl?e Wour." Hav bbly'b turatbi " ITohbM?B." Ni Vokk v.i.Miv ?? M \i < r ? Trr*, PAl.k im ?TB1 " 0 kB ? M < Ii B." (>a> ii.?n.i-i Mi\-ii:i!- Ori.UA ?Vanrfy. t*ta i Iii vi Rl ??'Ii ' IV i M?>v >? ' Ikl IMKAI*- M. 1'n llir tfOOO1* I i ? IT TBkATBI ).' .1 Bl !<??" Kai i Aik * ii? vi i.? -'" l HM ?pi >'l *"?>m 1." Ami ii. vxIwimti l : \ tu - ti ,.>n. l>.i v ?ml Kvrnlnc Bill kl kl ??? IIa' : ' bcn ;i. Jatfl lo ^ orruic-rrccmo. aI ' M BkBTB }',tnt ?il'i ? ?iiiitiin b?skiku wu i'imm ui 7b* m 24 eolnmn. h?HiM ll.'i'i? AM.iUM t rb 7 fi i ?ji - ?ih eolnmn m ?i am i. ?mbb? SM Km i i? hl ? m ?. i'Ma* i? Ii.? r/i. . I ? ??< .i m.i Bin ?rat Nonn? Int I i<m Int (MWi COkloBATNi* Noll'l.? '.IS ?'??/r fltli ? OlUmn. Doom BOABB 9p ? fl ??? Nkin. DA* in.. A kW Ml? ? :i.' / ii .1 . M IU i'l> ii ' Mi N. Ii i ? 7'/ I 0Oi i. m.. I'm i. <?;>? tu " ?"?il- eo ui . KlIkOl'kam ' ??VkMTWkMkvn " MB 8lB I 'I'lTUB. *Tkamciai 711 ''?er ?hi untl Olli liiiiiuin?. Uli 1 UlMI 7". / . /? i . ii Ii IIuim* am. Jf.m.m- WAlTkt? 2d i.i"- '.H' ?fJuniD. IMlBI CT].? 3k fu:r tat. !M bm<I ?* I bu.BBBBB. Lab m i'..' i > ? aw ;i I i mbbm. Ihm *m> i < i sn i<i /.k.'< (dl MtHnaa. Mkaau ?m hlati MkkTi - d4 rmm* mbeolaiBB. t'IMI.IM' INI 'II ?MI? '.''. ISttm i ?IlMMB. M ? 11 am . >t ? IM /?..'.?' t." i; t'wjt 5tli .mil Btk I'l'Liiini-. *?*> ri 111. am..\. i " m ' n 1 ?" I i'' po'inMr.i, Pi.uTi. vi Rotht.? ?? ? / >; n ri: ..ii.... limn*. I.i ai im ai? 2d J"mnW mim co'mbib Iii'? im?? ?kklkfc* Mi." 7'/. hkkv (?tu rollilnu ] ?in?'). Sn /*? ftik binI Olk.laraa ? TU :?l ROTBTk 5A< ".ii, alUBBB miav*- at a<" kailhoai.? Bai t act ttd and 4lU r? ' ?. BikAMrnk?<k<BAfi tu tum* II im Tkk?BIBl ' oik 'MX rakBBM. i i;i>mrsfc Som n A: i i,'vi ixi ubsi ^ini*1! ITmbrBUm Iuitc l. ..i . ,;.i.|u. Mi. .-Im..... .1 .... ...Ii _ ?? Ai .?! RXKl Bl \v :> ' ]?? > i'i>n>B>in<Mnii. J.'iii k >* " H?'fl .'i'i i '.; ?Pill of Si B - v"ik ;in?l t.l" i.i.??x 10, Bl 17 V'BloB bb, YYilbobV C<?d Litxr ???!. v\ii Lime.?The M \;i .. :?' i -i 1: iL iad i " pure. DU . ?? ll? ? I11JB l ? ? .:it.7 'I ms h .i I bid k o polii >? ,i noi ulity eabodii l in ;11 T '?!< n*-3 ? .. mmi ; .ii tj? OHaada B. Poltet t-. be the only b? ii< r oi Um K<!.-. ..i m uteri wim bb <!.? ' ? poHtieal v?-?!??*?? oi aajiof Jut vrbat Ii.' ..ii.ii,-. I ?? K< '.\ i n!? U a reroM BajahkBt Tilden, und tue rannuwy jm.?cv of oeaflaiag the trieaehea tu the doll and familiar Hi Tv ahoal tue remoi iln it; ;hii eitj i dentljf 'm.i tlia aodieaeai, ktraaj bjmJ b/aipat betk d ? Lbaj arc, I: .i painfnl iael thai or^aaionaDy im??].)?? will n train m ob :> lling the i: nth wl :!? nadei Um domoraiiiinfi baflnrni a of the CnatoBn Ho - . o.i "f the l.i;,( -i caaea of prerari> c -i c* thai ?art waa rrairhod jeaieulij vbefl a oTeU-kuowa AI -.i'iy braaror declared thai Ii" bad BOthiag datiable with him. The ofa* .ii' .??... 'in libertj ai rxamininff bii trvBvka, aad laauMj natoriaj inioiigh i ? aBarl .1 ;? itiei aa'f farnikbiai itare 1 tabaoco r . ind taaanplj ! f-aHloreDaaariua;aooie? tu- .in it.' < . b 11 \. .. laaiM. The Talmana trial btd a brief resurrection fi laj. It aeemk that a n m of t in- Piaa> I. riao "BvmjV (?* Dtfeiplim " reojouca tin t.'-i monj .ii BritnenkeB to lothofitic lad by t'. 1 ktaTnatnrea. The coauaitt^o appoiated to aaeura ai?TBBturei t? tb< u tiaaanj taken in t!ii trial ol Mr, TalmaaTB reported ycatrirlij to i'ii- Brooklya Preabjtery tr. ? 1 the* bad : "i baei ob tallied. TbeicupoB I>r. Dpaar, Mi. T. Iin?i.-i '> i. i: .\ in 1 iiiiiii* eonaaal, pitaaatad n pat 1 wttruaj forth tiij- fact, :in<i intimated I win.1.1 bfkB (?. i!ii> defect .1 iniii.on t<? tili..a '.u . oi.1 i cour!. lit' rieabjteij ihn ii.-*. bbi i tthmaaeklj bawi vi i, m ipfkjwc n techaieal di v i<- oi tau m>rt. Tb< papaj luui apaa the tablr. ami fi.~ttnr ?aaaavei ?Avil- taken ?<? obtaii the aeeal 1 klaTaatmraa. Our itnff Botrcipondcnl in <k? 1 i?? aukai a filial M-vicw nl P.i 1 am 11?!ir. t1 i n . ai d >.f tin* ptawfkBOt fey m liand^onn- Bepublican rietory to <l:i> Ii ?in- a cajnpniaTn of arhkch the ?wlioii B pablkBan part] hai reaion to be BajaaaJ, Tin Ohio H< poblieaa* loofe Ibeii t.tainl mi the hij/fuM" pin, ?? of principle, and iuaiii of UM uiool dtattaia^iifbekj w? u ol tln #Bratry Joined in thii MiaMBt larhl for beaMBl motu y und liou?->>i eleetioaa. On tin- Jii u i> ?ratic aide Hie ijiHg-nilMaiict- of the nratois typified tfir BMfMBeaaj of n rampeJgn policy which involved at ihr TmtJ OBitaet a snr rvii.lcr of raj i'liiplim, Under drcOTOfdtJJOM liko these. ? Republican defeat eonltl only bo honorable) nnd miicIi a Repubhean victory an bow sitii11 assured eauaot f.iii to stn i Bjtheo nii'iuii;,.'! the bend men anil '.lie I? il t B dencles in American politics. It will be oewa !?> most taxpayers that our local rivil s ivin?which is nob "tin- beat tbe ?'\\o:i<l ever, saw*?** devoted i't two of Iti branches n> hue moral aupaaari of Una noble ? pan ?? <>i billiard a. li !?? a ram of (he Fire Department, it seem-, thai a dou liii inan uutat paj bin prvdecaaaor for bia ahare ol <in'!i furniture ai the compac] may have pox* rdutaed for i;s own eonforti iln"i. and favtder Cotnpnny N?>. 7 bad Invested in ? billiard (able with which to while bwhj tbe long tintes between^rea and drinks, and when William McGrath entered tbe company be waa Called lipon tope] Ytl'i ;is Iii? BOOM *?i the OOat i>l that expensive piece oi fnrnitnre. He re fused, on tbe aery reasonable rround thai be rj i] um plnj the game; bnl the Department rallied around tbe billiard table, aa it were, and be oraa aetnallj dismissed from tbe force. I In courts are aoai eellril npoa to say whether the Fire Commii donen have tbe ti-mt in enforce such ? rale. Uuleaa the ezprctatioM bc4d on! la to-day'a diapatchea are delusive, the arai arith * I?? Dtea i- practical)] over. The Indiana have, retreated before General Mcrritt, who baa reached the Whtb River without oppoi liorj of anj sort, ..r? <I tbej are anppi ed to be u it tei in?'t it msefvi a over tbe countrj in the bo|NB ol evading purauil and detection. The report thai the] were moving southward, with tbe idea "i efaVettng a anioa ?tili tbe Booth era Dtea, la practi nlly nullified by tim direct n poi t to tbe Indian Bun an at I Washington t tbe Southern Utea li-.v?* in.., ized Ouray's order, and will taivi no part in t!n Whiff Kiver diiiieiilty. If these In . it i re raain quiet, and thoae wbol tight. I lioru linrsb are Bctuallj dispersed, the war la over, ; ? will la aoticed thai ii.? dbapateh re? ceived .ii tbt tndi n Bureau 11. <Inraj and the Agent at t he Lot PinoaAc.-n-y stipulates, In pfrVct, thai tbe advance of the loldiera tuuat la ab j ped. U Utk -an be done, they ink tii p ice oommisaion can Bet tin tbe il " ultv. There i- the signHb .it re I mark, I wever, tl.-.t tbe Dtea will fbrht no ; . re mk-ss foroad to do bo." The .vas may ... bnl rl i- evident that the Dtea will rend] to renew it it they feel thai they . ,. i rievauoi to n?. ruse. W Intin . ;. o] I trouH - ? ? ; ??? la i after, will ptwbabt] rh - cture aa to ? uumlx t of 111 ;. ... rente an ..t ail tdnu a bv ? tiled ???Hi i.'. and keea t?? oritioiae It, and ft to oi poae i' fef ir i!o.'.- not esfl them. Not i- t ibt a ti? ?'? thrnar, tbongb every man i who is Buddenly 8i ;zeil with the idea thai be tuual re] roaenl the wiat) m and the purity of the uai.if. by *Bcratohing ? le apt to oop poo thai no one elae e\?-r bad the lana :?t? i ?fbi e Tbe ir at li in that tli'- Bepobli? in ; rtj ba i been la a ite of perpi tttal Ina > rnotioo for twenty yeoraj n- b party? ??? - a an Inaurroc li a ;. ,.:,ii-t Slavery, Booth era domination, iSeceaiiioD, n ? i other anci< ,: bereaieBt and at the aame Lime it haB eon- I tintaaBj bad hi deal with inanrrectioua Bgainnl Itaelf, am on at tboai of ltd own mem bora who want to bauten Um marcfa of even to, and t<* I riug tlie millennium anoner than il \ d --i bk tobring ii bj tbe action of the majority 1 of ;i I oe poofdo. Bo the t.:it i>? baa be* i oome \ - il net ?1 to I and cam rat proteate fron men who tbinlt them* far Li advance ?ii It. Fbeir riii-* | are expected,and diaeoooerl no one. At ; t.:,.. perhapB, there an fewer BepubUc n !? ? the i at any pn \ i .as time dnoi the wtvj the part] i- aingnlariy not ted and ro aolved. Yet then an onto. Now and then n ' B publican rtaee ap to deelara thai be i? nol at with the progreee which tin party a i a nie La making, and proposer to ,:>> oaY by ; liimaelf on a moral aoouting expedition. A few ni 'it ae RepnbUcane can be found even now/and 'or them a single, ti n stiou may be ad ? rviee. What better thing can now be accomplished, bj tbe free rotee i i a majority <W the people, than that which the Bepublican p iny aims to aecom/diab 1 Lei aa not waati time In aayinf ! 'iiat there better tbinga whieb tnigfal be . aaraximpliabed, If the p. nple won wiUing. Tiiis i la not a Governnieni of toaaariata. The plain, [ practical! evefj?*aay oitinn done the ruling I bora. Men who <ln not Uke thai -nr oi i,... ranaant, ami who waul to bo ruled by aa aariatoiiracy of intellect, or v.; tui, <n temperanoaj oi pa^riotie tiiainter ratednoaBu oi literary cultun ami claaaic ;;ta? . must ^.i Boaaawben ?-ls*'. Tbia eountr. ik ruled iiy the plain and practioai people who conatitnte t!if- majority, and bo it will be ruled to the end. The question fm men of aenae i? ? it what ottghl to be done, or, in tome other atage oi i siati not, might be donab bnl what in k ? ;in be doao. It is jinx.ii,I?. of course, bo to! for Domo etiitn randktatea. That Is tin ottlj logical aaprrasioa of s deain to defeat tbe Bepa li? mn pfaTty beeaoae u iii*-n nol do weU enongb, l\?r the Bepadilicaii nr t!n> Democratic oandi dab will Mcc?edt and all the pulitiea] stdo sberwa, which threataaed to ataonat to anroe tbiaga year agOi have i?.-,i iiin,>i oui (,i si^iu i.i the OTerwbalBaiag baton ai of tin mam queatron, wnether iliu rullag brree in thie BopubuV for Imir years to eoaae s'mll be tl ni f.iree which li mainly embodied in the Rajfmblrean part v. or which is BMinly embodiod bj no Desnoeratic p.irt\. 'j'h? man who does not eon aider f it the Republi? can Eoni is, oa the wttosa, tin- better, the men txiimwcarthy, ami the anon antitlad to rule, osnjht t<> vote fae Drmotistlu eamdi? dales directly, and to wosh fur them ?ith atighl and main. The Republican Adhdhuaitea do not arbdt Democratic aitoeem. The] only want to pun iisli the Bsa^bBean party baeanm ii baa inn rouformed t<> thah Mir.he.s. In trying ho pm. i?h ii lie y eon seal to tbe Boocees of i party which they eonaldot Lnflnitoty wotraa. They largwl all tin- grand things tin Bepubli em party Ii?? done for Jaaateaa, for haunnn nadttai tor tin- Dniotij tut tin Nnimual boaor, and t?>r hsaaaat raaaaay, und oosnteat tu iu ileleiit, ub lul oh then indiviiliinl VOtOB Sap, In,, it lias not dorm more and belter. .Sun it has not done ever]tiling, th?y vutu nlly mtj, W? wQ1 raverec fill thnt if baa done, rhe party which I1.14 pppoecd every forward step, ami which bow reiweacuta bi ay n:n lii'i.aiv, disloyal and diaboncal ? N im lit in public afluira, shall ???? poshed forward i<> mi - eees ami to power, rathat than ? party which do 1 ?omething, bat aoi enough 1 Tbc Re? publican part* emnodlea Biota of the beet, poreat, aaoel boa eat and BMat patHotJe foreea Lb tin eottatry than any other, and jraf i!m- very bmii who frankly aekiwwledfc ihn conceive thai they bare .-. right bo vote againal it becanae it dona aoi irholly ladafy tin in. In thli State, certain ol tbeae bmbj piopoae to "acratchn Mr. Cornell. A* (tea citlaesa, they have the right an asea who own r dnt.v t<? themselves and their ooootry, they have not the right. N-< man who compre? hends whai the Repablican party Im* done, what ii la, and what 11* prevailing forcot are, bai any right to eontril Bte to Ua defeat, even by withholding hii rota, to long aa the choice hi between thai party and the Demo cratic. The election of Governor BoWneou would mean a complete anrrender ol this Bl 1 r?? to* the baaeal and moat nnecruimlons Faction thai ever haa baea aaaa in New York. Ii would im an a iiiiini|t!i "1 bribery, ol oormpiion, <>; BbameleM proatitntion of pablic tut-i> to ?elfish enda, of*attempta to bay tin' electors i?f the people. There i< n<? poaaibility of evading the ehoiee. Mr. Cor? nel] in Mr. Bobinson nil] be elected. Hut the men who talk oi scratching Mr. Cornell propose to torn over this imperial State to ihr- control ol the rote-boy era of Cipher lllcy. A vote refoaed to Mr, ('"na il is a vote t.i give Samuel Tilden the ofll e which be triad in vain to gel by boy inn aa electee. TBE BO ?B BOX PBOSPKCT8. Tin French Legitimists >-ii!l strive, wrthoni much snci is, t?> tnrn to acoonai the pros? pect which the death <>i the ex-Prince Im? perial opened to them of uniting monarchists ? ?I nil parties In rapport of their chief. The bid which the Count do Chambord made foi Ikmapartiat nid baa not won o?oi any promi? nent member of thai party, while the baa qi la :m Paria, Chambord, and elsewhere, bj which the Legititntsta celebrated the t!tr\ ninth birthday of 111 - - Count, only demon Btrated the slight hold which the old monarchy baa on the Bisection >'f the French people, with i * rreater part of whom it has hecoi te little more than ? mere tra rlition. The masterly inactivity >vi h which iln- QoYcrnmeat allowed ih< eetobawata to read :>i each banojoel a slavish addn m t<? the Coanl de Cbamborii mid make entbnaiastio speechea on the glories oi royalty, aerved t??; , mplete Ihe discomflti e ol th< pitirooti ra The moal Blacked effect n?' tlie LegitimistI ? the Monarchists hr.ii overthrown Thiers, and seemed have the throne, within tfaeii V.O rding to a i imphlet <f which onlj ten c pics were printed, a tei the mppoaed Mfu erty,tbe ohl Count aaaumed thai tbelh stontion s ? fa nd, and snoki of pro tot tig thi bap* pineaa oi his cold, ehildleaa bona old by the presence of the young Princes of the Bona of Orleans. The rollen obstinacy wit!: which De Chambord rabeeqnently maintained that the throoe waa bis b. Divine right, mid that bo would Hsi n to no conditions, and the per> inr ill*- white flag which is associated with feudal serfdom, were alike fatal to the Boynlli t ichemCi and forced ?4 promotera to lake n ft ge in the mbt 11 n re of pr I m ting thi term oi Preaidi at MacMam o. While the Count <y Paria bad ihn* linked lua fortunea with those of hia Intractable ..i. :n. oi< tin- aaanmpfion thai be waa aboal U ' proclaimed King, there waa Bo^fu^on" oi ilu Legiavnisi and Orleanial parties, Tliis M. . ;?m ra, the Orleanial |onrnaliat and devoted m , '.iii of the bouse, recently made plain a . u, in di elining an Im itation to atft nd one <i4 ti.'c birthday banquets, be declared thai no agreement which would serve aa the Lands of political action exists between the i?'? parties, and tint there i< l<?i prospect than ever that rack nn agree? ment c m ,he i atal lial ed, Bo the tel gram which doubtful a t! irity that thi Count de Pari* h is assured La ?? luain tL it :.. is faithful to 'in " liir....n " ...ii ri i<r <.i;!y In the personal fealty whieh be pledged him. Thia homage he cannot honorably disavi ?. and in the present aspect of a.'i.ur be would gain DOthii | wi re hi t?. do so. The ael result .it the recent activity on the part of the Legitiadata to widen the breach between the adherents of the monarchical system, aa represented by the Count do Chambord, and those who seek t ? roaetabMah the Orleans dynasty with mini ferial reaponaibility, aftej the r>iiti?li model. The movement baa likewise served to promote. Indirectly, the interests ol the Re? public, whicb continues to attract Co bei sup? port all v\h?> place the glory and advance? ment of France above the r<tty clainai ol rival dynaatiea. KELLY 18M VKKBVH TILBEKIHM. Ii 11 not surpriaing i:iat .lehn Kelly ii wanulj welconud bj urreal crowda of Demo? crats wherevei he goea. Neither will it be snrpriaiog if he should poll a heavy Demo? cratic rote. The truth ii thai be appeala to Democratic voters ia behalf of idoaa whieh Uo at tin- foundation ol the Demoora?e ajantwtion, and which ware, In irreal degreo, the cause oi thai party's formation. He a;. paala t?? them, too, againet i peraenal oeapot iam, which baa at bait beeome partiru latiy od Ions, both lor it* <>!.jiIn ymi tor it-, met la (1-, to thi- great body of Demo? cratic rotere. BepnbNcana cannot altogether ?ympatanu with the doings of Mr. Kelly, for, although the immediate eifcel of hi^ snc ceaa will bt to daatroy Tildeniam, ti> defeat Mr. Bobluaon and to rdeot Mr. Cornell, the ami oi Mi. Kellj la to bring about a ehanga in tin- Democratic party which will asake it stronger in the cod than ever, TUdenism ii the despotiam '?r nn nnacrapn i "n- hypocrite, who cheats Iii? eaemtry, bia parky, and his aansnuataa In the a,inn of Reform, who aaes tln< rnnlriotlc fee! in i;? ol IhiNiHands of men aa th. toaia <d Inn aataaa, aaaaxnVan, and who deaaoraliaea public Ufa by the watfaaal itMorl to tin- baaeal mothnda With id form a? a cloak, TUdenism baa rappreasad acoata of eomplieity with ciiaae agahaal aaany aaen ol In. al inflaanoa, in order to hnld over them a species ol coaraion which in every Im mm dhv bs>awat u-* blackasaillng. With H. form as a clouk. Tildeaism brihef mum aaen withoflUw Bud some with Jobt, find BOtttC Wtth fKTWfT, .?mil debauches toe< mil the etrantrj by shameless Bee of nsoney n conventions end elect! one. With hVform mm cloak. Tilden? i?ni bai bought delegates in a Democratic National Coavention, end bai hried to bay electoral rotes. Bly, aimret? and ilimy? Til denism winks in the dark, and ? \-t darea '.i appeal openly I i the rjeopto i>i any honeai i.i i-i'. Tin b thini i hare become not only Hreaome bnl Inanfferablo to man] I >emo< rata, and the real strength of the Democratic op pa i i<>ii to Tildcniem boo b gins to be ahown it- Mr. K. Uy ai <l Iii? aaaociatea k?? through tin- State. Bepoblieana, it hi traut, do nut wish in bare the State ruled by Tammany Hall, anj mon Mian by Tildeniam; they are oppoaad to Democracy in any ?ad every form. But they cannot help sym pathiting nrith too revolt againal tbe moal liypocritieal and diehoneal faction thai baa ever pruatitnted pabUc atntion and power in tili- Male tn prirate eml-. Kellyiam ia not their ideal) bul thia ;.t leaal is tun.that Mr. Kelly appeali aqaarelj to tbe people for anp port. a bile In* opponents rely noon lull "barrels," aeorel cipbera and "si ill-bun ts,*1 packed Police Boards, skilled inspectoral and trained repeaters. Tbe Democratic party had its origin in n de? sire tu bare oandldatea selected and elections controlled by tin- body ol tin- rotors, ami nut by any cliqae of manipulators oi wire-pullers, la later yean nil parties bare adopted this theory, whieb once was called distinctively Democratic, and tbe Republican party really appeals mon directly to the laxly of voten for its nominations than any other thai bai ? \ t r exieted. Bul then is do room to deny that Tildeniam is a complete subversion Demo? cratic principb s. The seen i p icking of raucus and convention has been reduced to a science by Illdenism, so thai voten really have no roj i in the selection of delegates oi candi? date . This despotism rouses hostility, and no wonder. Mr. Ki Uy has power because be re? ally n insents the voters who sn anil -d by the T. imnny organisation, and who bbve vol autai ly selected and followed him aa their leader. Bnl Mr. Tilden has power in sj i.I the Democratic voten and leaden ol tl ia I*!t?te, iim! they an compelled to vob as be bids, eveu whim they .1 tte tbe man and k i thai hiamethods in dt straying iluir party, The welcome whi h Mr. Kellj meets Indi c.t's thai tili? adti-Tilden movemenl will control 1 irreal man;, rotes at t! 1 nexl elec? tion. <?'it of one (trillion v.itiis in the v nearly ?_'?. ?.?..??? ?.:.?.%. .1 ..: home at rloa) election, who won probably about evenly dividi '1 ia tu 1 irties. The Bepnbln :'ii- polle I 47.2 per cent "I the whole vote In 1878 and , i 177, and 18.1 pel cent In 1876, and waa nol as iii.i!? il, ' r as moch ha ?? u ?? it, or aa greatly j nided I?3 events, In ?irlu-t of these elections, 1 :,? 11 ? ? Ith resumption secured, pros-1 miuority of the vote 1 '. !'?? then bw 1 ry 11 ild ?.,.! t >. ? 1 100,1100, The 1 tion chance iiow bul to iliow such Irength that ? ? Bul it n onlj oaal 50,000 rotes Governor II . son ' in be tbe 1 In- ten candidate for thai oil ? e In 1 be history ol I be .-?. .itr. I XB Ifd \ n UO BUILT .1 MARKST. Bosh a ' as adds 1 .ia-.t:: r to b n befoa ? i::i_*e col lection aftl ' tues af bar anunent bwb. Li I ;mi mi a 1 . ?ii! Harvard Unlvera .. Mr. Qu cy waa Mayoi b aa to b.'s. Ine obaervancei of laal week natorallj ret dk 1 Ibi * ran ' v and peescianoe, if we may bsb the word, of oni "f the shrewd *t puMio men of hbi da . Ithasbi u said that tbo establish in, Ht of Um Paneuil Hail Marl at was ,t |. i>t twenty years ahead of thi times. Nobody aval bad this facultv of I rAmg fornrard 11 largi 1 msaanre than Mr.Quin . Rispa ihaasa ..t real property, baaad upon what he belntvi I to be tbe eertain prne parity of Boa tun, aaade him ons of her Braat opnhnri Htiasns Bat tbe Rail I Market ia the meal popular msmorlal af bfaj m bile work, I; i? nab 1 anurki 1 ssnobody, sorely as we need it, baa ever bnllt for KawrTork. Indeed, the Bostouiana beast thu though I <t are larga raarkota m other eitles, In none ol ,'?< . "ran bs I and so great a variety I. kindsand qun i?es is n tb< it-.'' li bra ran 1 ? 1 wiaeprot lionftwth fntnre, without which bo rdtj mi aa ura ?i lately iif-.--s.u_y eoaveniencea, >\ rether 'ii bnilding*, streets or public grunnibi. 1 bts oneol tbe moal 1.Domical of Investmente, Iteonld nut now in- erected, eaeepl at 11 raatlj .1 itei rpenae, V t Una waa oaly at.1 many municipal improvements ael afoot daring Mr. Oniuey's ulmln atration, an-I of which the city hi .11 present 1 ijoying tbe ben tit. Portnaate and faw the citaes abteh ban aaeh atagiatrateo n hs wssl Portoaate tbe cltj which bav?wauohciti? aeoa baa ahm the sriadomto call tuem to plaeea oi honor sad trasl '? Mr. Qiunejr'a waa a great earns >i unn;^ 111c Oarea politi si struggles of the country, from the begin? ning ol tbaeenrnry until the breaking ap of the I , ral and Demoerstie partiea He mm hinaseif a \, leralisl af lbs Federalists. It Barm i"r .1 im in. lit mitigated his seal that ins I .rt\ was in a bopeleoa minority. In nothing did ha shoe ins pohtieal sagacity awn completely than in Ida early spprebension of lbs riatafl power of lbs .'atl bobltaginternet, He looked at the fnstitu ti .11 with tbe same sbrewdneaa with whieb be hmit tbe market. After 1813, bispublinservices were witbhn his native statt-, wbieh was suflh iani fat him. When tbe great struggle sgmnst slavery came, be was early la tbe held, old aa be was, for Ii edom and 1 be I rnbm, in?i as In 1800 be bad taken ii proadaeal perl la eflbrta ind.ct Pre moat to the Presbteney, Soviet II be forgotten that be waa tbehrst Jndge to this country or iti Unalaud to lay down the I i? that lbs BublieaUoa <n iu- trath with 1 1 ni mtoathm,and f<*r aJaaiifiabla and, U not libellous, Ii. ail Bings Mr Qaini y thougbl sad a< bad with II. ? sbsviah it-^ar.l tor peasant eomfoct er eeaveab aace. Boston will rememba r him a- eas rsaolately beatapoo baviag hs awa way, hut also as on whosr way wa*> usually the n.:ht one. Tabs trial at Newark, N. J.. of Jtiw-pli A. Illair tii mardm ai John AriassriiBg, lu? nfaMihrnsa. yi? ssrday took k staitliag tare. The priaelaal adtoem on baOolf at the State is Ophelia Dyer, whose evi daaos, if Bredited, vonhj go atrooglj to shoe m; pi. ,.< n.i' oa the part et ?iair. A. brother ol tit- pri 'iii* 1 it tinted thai Ophelia Dyer, with bee father, eaaae to his store ha Brooklya, ami offered let 4s*.i>o i" Iujm- the souatry ami ael appear ..1 1 be trial; saying at the asms time thai h?-r tosbimonj, il iriM-n, -.'"iiltt ha-iir tin- | r. Mist? Dyer a.l ml tied that ahs had In nmaaanj with has father, aw lalssflsa with Ball Bbvtar, bai lays thai the peepeaitiea sasss from n,:r father, end Ihm -in- >>..>.s aeraeaaaaaanttai party tola, Hull Blahr*s teatl asawj is rerj poaltira tiiut the proassitbm earns bam bar, Baa t? Um witness who amtraea that u, ton aheotlag ble eaaehmnn ftlslt crrai "Coaas on, J.. .11.*' lui tea iniiiiiU-s, ^ml t|li4i |?. ,,,|,| m ln,r, " it must ba d'lin-," aoth of whn h ?ipfiBBnans blare, noon osth.deniaa haviurf u-sod. If Mnw Dyi-r'a U^tti nimr can be ??tu.wfuUy broken BWUB,tbe earn will BSSIUUe a IM-*v ;|?|n ( i. Yh obta "i "ii ? - >l i-i!i'>n<->-ai"'itor wtil be bb> . iii-i ci forevei te-day. _ _ Tin I> iimt'i iih ststiaaiaa who an peepariagto ? i m uo N< a -1... k Iwmadtatfli alt?* I fmm la baaral fi.tu legana! lii'i.-n fco rensere BoOIbsob fron ?Ii.. 11. k. J. nun a* wall stag at boosa. If Tilde? bad loa pi aei to ajraal tbeli ream it, be woaW not dam todn :t. Ibrtn promote Mr. Potter to the bead ol [ the ticket would boto prepara i ba way for I be ?re overthrowofTildeoDorrt year, Ii Hr.PotteH wen fco ran io plaee ol liobinson, mat bo defeated, Hideo 1 would bava Boexeeas foe baring lost the State, .rn.I woo id i" pui hi 'l aside f<?r auaie man who could j carry it. Ii Mr. Potter were to run and lw elected, he would be dangeron 1\ likely to dorelnp Into a Pi iidfiiil I candidate himself; and be would hay* a triumphant Taminany organisation t" baTk liiui up. l iidt n's only hope la tp ruu Kobinaon ug mal both Cornell and K?lfy. If be lad< feal d. tkedis aaier ean be etaarged i" K<-l!\ : if be la elected, lil <i< ii mil be more powei fat I baa aver, Mr. Tililas und Gori r:mi Bobmaan will n>>i ail np late to-night to boar tba mwi Crom Ohio, b'i lbei will the retarna bi displaved in the glare of aa ek < - trie light on the float <?i No. IBCiphei Alley. 81oa mask and low Ibrhtel The Ohio bfm i-? about t<> Im- placed in its eofln. Praaidenl Hayes does not i low Mew-York politics fromm luftj a piano aa tba leaag SeraUshera. When a MHTBepondeol ..i ih> < iaeiaaaal ?aaa rar taformed bim at Fremont, tba other day, that :i eertaiu class of Bepuaihmna, m bla name, wen trying to laflaance roten to aaratah CaraeB, ba ?oaa c rod promptly : " I waald aot bare a aaomi nfa bealtattoaaboal :'. I woaM rote tor Ur.Cornell. Ii ia true that b< di?brs front bm oo tba propriety of Federal onVe-bolden menacing eaocaae* i bat l ean andantaad fcbat. A politieiaa broaght np in N< w-York, under the eaatom v* bich bai el waj " pri - railed then of workloa up the doiuu.u.'? mi differ. Hie New-York aebool ol politioiana wn erally take an inherited riew ofthat: but in aaen au e ? t ..ii mi ullfgtan a and patri t im i ? h> pulilieau would lie the urat ?hing to be con wen i -.i certain!) rote toi Mr. Oruell. 1 tlm-iv there will be eerj fan Hi ua ibi su Ualloj i found eu i red as il it bim bj tba . dm - ka tioi daj ami ? i be pemoeratie party enters upon a long period of du itei to-day, broegbl on byitaowu brilliant blundering;_ Ifr. Wattorsoo exclaims ia arnralabi MWe may i i i mi ?. ead we ssay lose H *m fi rl : ai d ? wado, He iv.-ii batp ml" Sex, Hi in u wenr"! helpj an, tar, asyoai nani ?' i" nnen ban deaoi ? i ited, Pi ? ( ,i I,,.- |a working with a??-- Republican parti to I maiutain re umption,and ti-.ii means downier i" | the 1 oi i stic , arty. The Southern Demoi 11. ? an ? ai ni lo m?j over the ?i.itlook. Bea itoc Uitt'a m I u* 1 ri pi it sbonl New- York haa deprc ?? 11 ham ft* 111 ? ? rney say Ohio kt hopeleas i m ? snallyo thi Solid Booth in 1880, and that ?u. ? em Itieu b ings i utii ily ? it... Uoi i irk II inn auswi i .a . ivembar. ? With Ohio 11 tl ? Ri i ??? -, and ii n .ion- j..iir. I!! BTA It I \KVA 98. he Republic ins !i ive nearlj on npl h d thi Li hi 11 m,, rutic manugi I ? Ii ??' ??>? ?'?;-" i be i unatry Demot racy i...\>- ?? i uo ? - ime ;.i..: j.- b Kallj'a pepuiartlj to Mew-York Oiy. Che Una. VYilliam I). Veader, of Brook bombs tit Ii loa mai bee of tba Dei.sttartatl iga n uduea aeleetul t.i aOBiiBlater brae 1ns iBformatkm tu Iii?rural brutbren. Bt doBbtleSi took a laurel etu The barden <>t the Tammany spcechci .?! i imtnany i ulled iin n. liirwBgo. According fco TU I flea Herat', th Den i rat (j .... m " i he i ib .. I shadow of thi moat (raial ikat arer aaptretf te tos h ddi ae| m i i aarty,' n Mr. I. s Taleatt, ol l. tie. tl e Bom ? ? falcon ia a bi .an ra-ooarlet, and bb unpunUi.otJ SpThoinas F. Grady, on bla way from the Albani k [|yat ttiagtotha BlBgBamtoa k-ii> nteet* ii, :i ; tit .- r. BtOOl I " If it ag ltd I . i ? i ? ! I ... ., i..- - sad bssb atoles, aad I bad had telegrupuii BBBaBUtAloB Bilk Ib.- Ib.- v. -, wobm 1 ?><?; :.. "I SB SB in . mplieat Way Bkaald Tildea b- !? ? a Ihiel bei snae .. tried to dckuI ? I elei u ral i b) :? .. _-: . . hate nominations for the .State legislator! : PtwBeaater in tue XXVtk Diatriel (CortUBd bi ii?.?:.'>n ; .1 Cm .ii- ->. i - . Ibbj ei. i> bm rat. . ? i I an 11 ? bum la the i-t Dlalrioi or Moaros Oeaaty.Oi ?-. i Baassy, BepobUeaai in Ot?am Caemtv, J. - Browna. ftaawenl | IB ltn W LTfctler Uuttrict, I) W. BtwutlBK. Daaaoerat s la the lal Ooos .. ?? ?? .. . jobs i.Jayeox.inm.rat.iai i enta bo i. . nek. decituid; lo IVia Albany Puii'lct, 1 ??: i Ki puoilean ; In l-i ifadlaon i?.-ii.. t, MUPaai O. II.,:, i. :?? ocrat i la tat Albany District, J ' I .u. Orten harker l in UreeBi i ? ml -. i > 5j < ????<>. . Prohiidtn i ? ; id i benauBo 1 itnty. B illiaiu IrCanuoi , p nbltn mi i; la lat Dutches* Dimriet, laaai Carpenter, Itepub^l ili it- is thr liiM Democratic effort toaaswei bVlllor Smltii'i axpoattton ol Bobtnauo's Retorai pn> tea '??. ??nil II i* mi SBOomaMBly Se one, ihr i /; ( ob. ssrrer Is Ike iui.ii nn lu rancor of n : " i .sipiiabi ?! Eil. tor of tin 4 Ma aa M$t afag ??'.'?' ?al baasi tout loprore ii,.it Laelai Bohlnaon baa aol n ?:??? ? d tba :..v Uli Brltuaal iknarr t? tkatws lav- redaead ikaaiBelves. I'm: BBW-Voaa TBlBnsa puMtakea slooKsereedfl. bin ia adi.i'i "i tola droll idea, and lunoceni v laka what Um Deoioerata are goma to do abuul it. rbej in almplj soiBg-olar Ikb miellieeal Etlu r'ablirbli -i umi Dottoa beftora Ike Into Ifoi penple ?\ S b-1 mill sak tkem m pass JadgBMBt apBB it." Tb.- people tan bt- trusted in a. PKH80XAL. Mr. Kup'tie Hale is in Cincinnati, ill from oi erwoi k. Mr. Bartlett, tin- sculptor, i-> engaged noon it nn-! nt in.- hit- Wot. H. Uuul: sad be is a1 ai i" BBdertake ? uatna >>t Iba .1. ad srth i. n prsaeatlag aim m sled bi work In Iii? itadlo. The path ?>i geaiua ieetrewn with the offer boiahhi adail slloai ism eolorea pedeatnaa,P. ii. Han, a BBS p istni si whass bei ? Baal si club nihiiit i., lav h baaaaoBM atlvar loe-i lie bei |oal i isaufM nn. .11*.r n..- parBoae ai Mar dea. Mr. A. It. btepbena, bi Im waited tor bis train to Ike r.ttwiiy atatlon lit LoaiKTUla ttu Jtberday. became itoakjeaiof an sgreaable happeatnic An ??'.i t.i. ui, a Jewalbur,walked up tokua,aad plaeldlj i>rc bob lea in in wish u baadaoBN watek sad bbbIb si a t< ?tl uiiin.v ..: biaeaiaoni and frltndakrp Mr. NBrpBaai waa n i to ral y .-.\,r. bm iv pbbbibb. The late Mr-.. Potora, of Philadelphia, baa begasalBad la bar sapaaw, Blak urd r ton, " Ms has of tka frhrats OoaiatitaUsa aad IBs PWas*i Tnati Tree, sad tke oaa from Fena** bobm ob UattnhvaLi bIm tka lot k'-t x?i;ii ChtaMastiee BfarakslPi hair, gteea ta Mr. BraaaUatbar, bBbb nparsarai ike lapraass <'-..urt of iii? UalBrd fttatsa. >>y iii<- ?"ii? ..f Ike Oktal liutioc ; Ikelookei mill ban ol General Waahiaatoa sad fae dmlle of Mam ball, glrea by tka Oktof-JaaUas to bis iai aar, it. Patera," Mi. Qaotip 11. Pendlotoa'a entrance bato pah Imbjbwaa, maasbsna M" sassflsm. "i reaUj i?vih1 iin- peaBaBOea of iin. law,"aa aaya. **aaal aaanred u? peaaUaait,asd it i waa to asset with myaBBttaattm iBBtSnd tt te be tkara. >It fell lato tka kaad of bbj law Bsasoptar* taa lata Qsarm t> PagB, to want tu be UaUad Bialsa BaaaSar, aad as ssfcMl bm m rua far the l^'^i-Utiir.', *?> un i<> I." it v .1.- ih.-te in Iii t.,\ ,.r. 1 ran sad waa alee tad, aad Mr.Pagh laaeked tka Ba?ata, I attribute mi palWeal career to i.otbinu u.-j m,j ti,,; ,io ?:i. to ai iiay Mr. PBajh." Mr. Qaorga WUhaun t'urtis, wrtting in ti.e HaTI mit- r Ihtrprr about ibb ABMrBBM BMBBaaaBl for Old gagtsad, -ay- that M bm laleti ami a aBtlgklfBl fipr^a ibm "i ibis trae AaMriaaa kt] sltf of IbsbIbi ta our Out BeaM im. ?i um ntaass tuii.-a the ?? trip maanaaad,M i>> Wnliuin Winter. ? ? ? gag felicity ol pbraee an.I ilir [rntiivf leelluir are in. h that tin- little booh ISBOlBBl nun Ii fa a taaaaaead alanbailaa aaeaaertoa in Um -'d traveller, aa tl>< Hu vibration nf tin- guitar ilr> i- all in - ? . need .1 in..11 in? i to aaaatral aruriauriae, ? ? ? Iii ii la Baal ipd in i drop oi I ?ai v ; i ? la Iii pa i i ? . i... Eufflaad lliat Uaala UM Ann rhMo i . . i _ okbbh i' motkb Tin- Ann ri'-.-ifi Hum. m- A-? riali< n, laut ... .1 k in >???> i. iti i ii r.Net liattantjrtaa di laMed raport ay lia ay at, Mr. Bado? Street ??. ? ap thai itva aalwala vi n tr iai part aal la an pala aed tuereeaflees, U ?'. ittl ,aaaaaada ? ? aria In a inmtir rarrir*:! f ? ? V : . ilav*. Htifl n. .... i in ? . '..i . >r.-It, w.iboat water, pa ' rob afterl a 14,000 l? tbe nvaataooC a rar In which aalraali ean I lad iod watered lu Ira i?. ?. i in- eat aal to ?>?? ?> ? aav . 77m /''?'</? (Col?) JWaeaa pnbbabod ma; - of I J'.' i. i ..l... . ..'..I .1 i. i: w i ..riii i| ... i- irlp a- .' paper la the ooeatry, aa4 HI abwws aa atraaaptMo i aaaa aaiwailag Ifcal aaaal M eradteaMa to a Maw* Tori , a per. Bai If If I* fi net bai tin r.- iin- wtnte Bebt rag uitd 11<- radaeanae) hi poeeibie tfeal each ilntnaaa Mar work aaiaiblaf VTaaa are teedaf oatefa rouipped with faaajpror rants aed BhjBa eateaea tau i paaaaoa ,,ri ""' u" ar"' J""' "," i tea. i' la a fair laJareaaa thai n.i v ?utoerlbi f??r tin . ireal nowapeprr. in faet. the] may baei faelUV lira lor tapping the telegraph aln aa Uber appear la i iowa tbe i at port orAgeni M**k?r*a?ti?pafeaea i t. rerlr. Hoarerer, If Harrttl Mraorraewlia I BOO meii.tbi u lea art 11 probably not aa aMa to repel Um aaV raneaol ta.- ibreebrngaiaebiaa Mr, Joaa ?h H. I'm-., of Bt. T.i>ni?. \* h |mt rara gwnlaa uaal baa wlte easel to aaaal Mm atai a tJipaar till In- l? for u.rn-y. A l< w <l i> ? na*i> an eOJaai beard a ptetol stnai ra Mr, Paaafa taaaa, aaal aa g?. In f in.a lam : v ; r g .. -In fl . r oj.|*-i 11 ly lutliO airway ol loath, ottt a saaofehuj : ? i?t * * i at Ha aMa aaal hia wifeesaVriag,aa eetlaay aaaaaa aalgM sadee tba aiiaaaiataaeea Mr.iNuaa patapt He waa aal aaartal ait, ii. i a mi ii baaed aaatta aaasa baaaexwtoraed that tin- um.i ? iifi.iu araa aaa ai hat betas lafcaa, aaal aaal he. waa fotgulaa akrtde to aaa boar bat wtVa waaaM takelt. Mr. li kb a ol ?? .)?>?>? at a little imii of tba eoaaaaem rue poilcei a i aaj rate tbuaufb'II waa?toi aa r i .* qua hu loareba i liai off to a at dioa-hoaea sad ha aaa in... ap. l;i-man k it not liaiipv ; ami ?PtNUfh ho ?. i ,i> atta el ace are. Ma aaaal flea aa aaaaap aa M be wore aa Batperac'a Dr. Baaal baa baaa n rartMtf ?aa i- fartbi r talka v. itl boa, i'< CaaaaaeUaa la aoM t t .', , Mim tafeaa u< Iroadbac Melaai balp aai raaaacaa ??at int.- bba ; in- laaMala IIa drat li . ..i i- aai aaa a Ml vita IIa werk. "Waat a??Mi baaa I." m ?.t?w; ?? ad uader I.-m i 4ad waal aldaapreaf aiMary bare I aat aaaaad f "la aatarfrlai aij aMbutoa," aa ? ,? i-? al Bat V.irzui, "I Nave ru't.l? lu.Ooily :, ; . . lad waal u mbaraf poaotaI aaraaaal bato i....... n'H . i i ;.. tbt a Btaal wan waaM bare baaa . . ?. :; bo.OOO at -way, aaaay aaarr?wm, .i not baaa been ktUad, and aaab auaabera of aaatnara>af ? I,. .i .? 'v i- ?i i. i- aad nrrawoaidaaa Uitla ' ??? . ??? " I '????? uttou, Ira i, p ila," a.r.. r. / ?/,. DBA B \ -Mi ? W. rHK I IMI'AUl 01 ? LAMB. . ??? i ??? ?! : . ? a ?? i'.i !il; ; ail i lint, r.ja i'.i J, , . i \ . lathi pad '? aaa la ha tau rah " it ia a it i n ? trauaforaiatloa. '* Tba laaib.'* bbjtb BUM tlarrtnaatlr, ** baa been oati poaaa Ibto ball bear." la faet, be I at tarn d ii raw f baaa the raaniii? inn.-and ? Boaaraaa aeaa raaaol r..i Mba awful. wu. ra >-.- v tba Maw atU fall mt lor tare aaaaaa) a>t radne. Bai TU TarM laarrwaaa aVrara panedaj tbe air anj ready to daaaaad, aad aadoabti Uy then ?riilbe a faaeraL raa "ee tptoaaaa erMSi " aba iu ilaraad Mr Boa?.Ut'a raaal rtfl aral iMy ta tbe Srateorpaa, Be baa renara >i at >a?lderabta tleie aa> ii.ii-ii>i: far. it wa raaaeaaberartxbt, Mr. Beaaiaaall !i.ia beaaaajrlna n a i at1 rbbia aaatoal a n ri nalyi aa ? w, Kini ii ri iiii> bt aal a Unaa taal I aa bar! ii rltaa aai a -a clnded. 41 all eeeata, Mr. ioaaieaatl ab.i aaal maad law aaaaphar, Thea? aftor tba "ooeapl i ? i ill In ** la dlapnoad of, a aaaall ptonaf attraalycetrraa in., in ta dropped ...t tba laooeap aaaaa, aad thai * aid ?trew tbe plain witl Mr. BaartoaalPa aaaal, bad >>iy araeafallj lead t-i Iba aoldeu bot at draanatht rrlO aaaa. Be ** aawapaper erlrte," '?' . BeaatoBaH ! i ika, aver dM kaow aayUtfa# abnal lha araaaa. or . vrr *?.?a a Mie?t in Iba dlaeaaalna of tbat yaal . ? i iverarhel ?uibVcI OxeBftmi und CBorlay, Letal Baal and Laiao, Carapbell aad Jnlui Taj .>t .<i"i Lawaa ?>* a bai U IM ouitueareB.eof dual !" ??aelaiuta Mi liouclraali ;"aiaa itrltglua nol ra -ao, aar woaa?a aaltbei "; and Mra Jitiw<aou aai. ? ? the n s ? ? ?> tbe, tbef ar.- iniodj lufaaiowa a aaaa ol Iraoraul .1 reaal leaata ?i.i>-i are Mr. Bearteaali'i ?? anaeeraaaa* rtrrbtaa," and ta wartaa but i eeatlya ear ?????? Iba Itierature, art, aael tuaraalMn at aarapi aad la .. for the luat half ceni arc. be ha* beard bul eon rotoa u'??!. iaa tBat waa tba voteo af aat In . >n car ran ra alw taaaa rbrwa Wban :l ??n la aael aaaa* nun. ofopl bai It aeema a little ahaaalaribal dr. Baaa i mitt auwieal nboabt real aa bad- ? bat aonivboiij .?? rfeleaih Bart hia tealiBBB. Btaal ta the i a thai tool M the" A Baad red dt laratawbai I - la* gla aantot call" a k.I deal ??f Bwaey," aa arhea UMd . d< ?roaai ni rwaudied, in aai h a eery aw v.- i d i' i.i i.i'i aa naut draaaatiat amrbt well bar i .1 Mui' pra-areaa. It laaeo'id tbiactliAtMr OoaBicault baa at uaal t1 oanaovad. Taaaa aaaal baaa naaa 1 >ra> tera " to tB. draaaatle crtiAelai ?>t um alaaMaaib eea> iii> ?--. laeklakw*aonlOoea not Mbau. tba atylaal me atfled eoab aiporar) tbat auaaa tiaaa daoa n?w>wed ^i . Biaa'a**Kaalo"it*freabtraaalatkra hreaatbe I reneb, la l?r reore to hia taate. Mbea that aaa part uui > . , .t adopted ba .%?11 *uj:i.- .,xa>u. ?l.i ua 1 aaga .. ? ? t? im peace-par lad ?out?" ..f a.I in? ?Uua-uuiid adreraa* ram DIRUT OF MB. JOBIFFT. The jroong Efnnarajdjaj pbtnlit. Uafar! Joat h**'. whonaaa>attaaaaaatai Uaii u*i u^tbt um n.-> . , aan iu aaaaatoa, aabtofad ?u nMaai ami MMba - renn, it in' it- tiu* laaa baaM abaal inm baaa. M la to* aaaaa MBbaeto tn> tia< bbbbbM aeaaVaed m? apaaaa ft aai rtty to Vtaaaa, ami oiuait-.u Ufa? 1* 1 1 1 aad uiuii' BaaarttBhi in i^wotbiua; u. from irtraaa Uaaa nan aaj aaaaf part of tbi< a^erht Maabraaai aai eaaaunaaaaiii haaraaari ??u-? not bjaaeaate!Jdi p<>|>uliii It)' lu tin- Aa-lr.ju i' lpt11* 1 ; .nut I iianvr. ?'l niKiil wit., iiu. ih1.h1 liy a tlttmu "C aei-o uplu:i?-?l . I' IHNCUnt IL' rlii'M wliu wat.-hmt tli<< [<rt furniauee w Ith Iba iuo.,t arb Mad ran iu iim< al t? ...1 aadMaaa an ?rllal lada Ho* I? M ratittt-nttou ol liU tltlt< to fame. In luoat ol lie .??? .n p.iauato tnai Jo-?-fly ataaagrt at .uriulm'. Wln-u we bear 0/ a pat-noun n*l yonua BBaaba, aapaaaaMy M tiip mo-imu aa bbA wo nauallv Um, k ol a " itoumler" Joni'ffi la aayMMaa bai beat, iu u bniium, >et uoi uotav, aaahlaa wtibout clatter. Neitiie. J?ea lie lual ? tin w ith Ha.ti.-a of lrrrauau- ?plruilor, or ov?e