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LOCAL MISCELLANY. REVIEWING THE TALMAGE CASE. it fflBMIBI t QBO KO OX Wttlca DO. sl'r au imp: - m BAVk 11 ratOWM "l i <" ooxnxt. Th* Brooklyn Preebytei*y yeetotday slaaBgd tho Ki'V. Dr. C. II I Bj MM liXMlclaT.'l. Ill ploOl Ol the MOT. I?. Bt S!. Join. rtlO IIBBmllllilt anpoilili'd M MmTiloiwtrialto isoara tlii signatures of wtt> BXMBOS to Ihe tei*ltirOony given by fhi'iii. in BQOetd. Ali. ? i ham!.- i>f tbt " Book of Di?i ipl'iu\" IB* |x>n?<l that OOthtof ha.1 hi Ml ?Inno. Dr. f*pt ar. Mi. Talnina-. "S ?'ln? t conns. 1. Ttit-ji presented n paper mm* cl.iri'iL- that t!i.'ti'st wnoav Iiail not lot am BOtttl ? a tn-n PNWlltMl hy tie ruBBS of tin- ChBTOh. Hi imiin.iicii that t!?.-* ii. ;.:, ? i mc ltd m t*io ayeand ??f n motion on inv purl to throw 11??' onnti otii ol roart, Tho Rot. trtbnr Gi*oahj said that he wu awan of the ?rommttteeNJ llnre to attend U Its work, and M h id .?i.-i .T<tni'.'!\ taken it upon I Itooeli to iei that too wttuoaaea inr the acooeoutioa bad signed theii leal itnonj. "Bywhat authority." Inquired Dr Spear, "did Mr.Croahf vnluateei nis a* del tin a T toe statin hnrea a li.. ii In- baa obi lined are w??i ill no niore loan ? a aaark in the saud <>f t <?<> or ashorn. And by what law ot elective sffinitj did ho *>? aro only the stgna li.ii i of a ii in rom im the prose? niton f Hin lei i.. e aasaos i.i th ? vent h irdori of teroi rity. 1 i.:u attou hlhed at ii v yoaag 11 h ad. Mr. Ctw he.* Mr. i..\ l>i. Hpeara arttnutoats are flimsy. There is trot hi up in the book thai imidios thai tho Mgaatai I sttythini more than s eorrohorstion of tbe tealtmouy. UV iave a parallel in \v.;l ca-cs in j Bnrrog it? ?' ? n ir:s. \. here Ibe let tiinouy ia ii quired to he signed hy the witneasea. and it i? douo auy-I where at I si siJ i um-. On atotloa oi Mr. McCollagh, Dr Wpaat*s paper was In id ?si tin lahls hi i vote of 17 to 16, rat Rev. I . i.. I' ? ? ? - im ?'. el a rat ?? i f the eom u to secure sic a ores ia the place ?>f Mr. IVek, and after some artintoniou? dehnte the com? mit toe was directed to read thi leetimony to ths v itiu-km'm a.i?l (t.t a s. ? uro ili< u r-igiiaiurts. I.a1mn?; THE PBI( E "I < OAL. a noa tap fin coMPAitii -as srcnoa bau 0IV8M li'. Ths 1? la ware, Lackawaw ? n I W< itern Rail? road L'ompnnj baa ahaadoaed its sttctioo saht of < ?>..! for OV i' i. Presidon Sloan said yeatord j t! at Iii.- Bi ii ?: bad I .???n tatfei a fa the sal ?? 11 I u> asoay among the coal cottpanios which wei sti r? laa to obtain better pi -. Hs bad ? onoi >?'.' I al at taadt iBoeancoeon Moodar. W. ll. Til i il tat, i . . .-I i .?? I . ' inil VVilki '?. re ( oal t'oru j m. h.:- been one ol tin* meal ardent fnendaof i ie propuwed t-oinlunation. Vfe letdaj he received a disp ii'i ti"- I'i? -i?l. ul Oowen. ?>i the Re ding ? "111 nyt whoexpreaced bia i btos vanoepnoes ii ?.. la .j - Mo .., it. aud ??'! November I. n lbs \\ iIm .-.'?.?ri -. Pennsylvania sud Lackawauna ? a in us ?: ...i.i- ?. t!,o !.', oil Mi. 'I ., iiittl U8l teleitrsidiiin r? tbe sari ? .if Pr si drnt Sloan and hima-lf. President Hovt, of the poiinnt Ivania i omnany, was nnwi linp to as>roo pi -- v 1 dep ml on tbe eoitrseol tbe ? ... ? and thi ?I -I. for coal, fi .h i. views expressed at ti. atm oi Lebhth Valley ( i 1' " >??; >| win ; girl' - suicide ll ? OBATH SAID '?> M DCS PO ' i if tSTTLKIS OOMOCOI OP in.i. i \i l B. M Mart Kspan, nlnetoeu yearso] I, committed ?.?in i v re .-. -.I ,.? :it n.?.?t?iij Hudson-at. Bhs was an orphaa. snd, after bet mot ? r*a <!? .''i ? few roan scoj ihe sapportod henelf in- ???win,'. For e< v. r il BBOotliS sit ? ii al m sn i-- il' from i pain* f i. ?! ., brought on hy ove work. Khe had saved n httlo money, snd ibe went to board wnh filends In Hudson- I. Hei aaek*. Luke Lscan, idrypjooda dealer nf It.!. n. . > aiune i.v which bad loenlcfther bv her mother, bul hi r> - 1 ?''!'' i bei iave|| (the began a lawsuit, but iii 'ii.hi gf*d slowly in the courts, Horsuvioga i ? . i\,. rapidly, and she becotue very uolsn* ? dy. V. itecitay moraing ?heshot fa rselfthroagh tbe ri.'tit temple wil i a sm ill pistol \% Iii? '> she I. id e i.'il. .ii ii- I. S o diod aimuat iiuuie?liat? .. without utl i .: .i word ;.i i n ,..!>. A bank Isouk which abolefl ijhowed that she had tuonej < ii "i^"i remaining t" pay '"-r faaeral expen -? I I I IISG FAfl il I? A IfANl \< > RAVINGa Mr-. Inaa Kellei was found dead la bet bad on March 29 187? al No, ...<i? rbxtb-st. A roroaer/s Jbtj found thai ths h ><1 died ot eRusion on tin* bra n i. atting from dnnkiBg. Her hanband, Johu Keller, said that h> fevad b?*r aar ease iouB oa ths Soor, snd, after Uftlag ber upon s bed, sent for m b.iirbboi ti> watch with bet while be wool out. When I ?? retnrned, several h "ir> later, -'? n u il- ul. Yesterday Louis Schmidt, of No. 246 Wtwl Tbiriy-flrst-sL, called with bis nailher to see < ?? IVoltuian, deairku i" have ths hodj "i Anns Keller exhumed. l!i'.\- said thai Keller sflei in- wife's death f? >uml board with Andrea M<? i. of I ifi \-ti'-t--r. an I .'I- ive, Motrger, N'buipll ami Roller al! maiTted si r>-rs. Bleiaser y< ???: ?!.i \ waa taken to Hart's Island s mat lac. In : i raviugaler !. rgedKeller with having maxdorad I.i- b it<. I Im Si Ii oldts lia?l also beard a raasor t ii a woman living n.-ar tbe Kellon bad b?rard Bonii'isof iiithtiiig ?in the even ins Mi- Roller's death. No uelioti wsa takeu yesterday. 1 he Kelh*r familj i- slid t" bave bved bappili for eiitl t?ten yaati before lbs a He's dsallt TBh /' LAIE THAQEDT. .1' '-! ! il A. l'.l.All.'> rRlAL ? t?N I IM 1 11. tBBTIMOBI 'il ?uniilA DTKB SBO Ml;. BLAtaVl BttOTttXa mi rOXMBB BOX i- iiim -iik OP* PCBBP fO LBATB TMI COl'ntby roB FlYX BCX i'm p i?. >t I arb. The ctMtrt-rooM vai pacarod when tbe c>? J sepb \. VImU was raaansrd raMersVai Marulag m th. ? i uf Ojet bbsI Ti rmlaer. at Vewark. Tut r>- w..^ aabiumbbHj kargi altaada ssol Btttawhs ibbwbB a geepialei M In tbe aracaadiasB Mr. Kali was railed |otheataodapea tae ?mssbuss ot the c-.tur ami aaa* ? !.?! 'tin raory sftaa sb an ting in rspl] tn iw\g%. 'i Nswavtl. ??' tl i '? f see, h. n-A : ? i did mat oaM Aimstraaca al.ty \ri.'n si draak avdotaagi ? saast,sr say I wsaldaot pay aim. Mi Haur?Bat aol any *aaoat lbs 4??1 raseall1 aaa bbti BSSBsaeBex rosstons. Id \ at bbv mber,'Walt,Marr, 1 ? I, ..-ii . ii. ? !...v :' 'i in-?i>. >i up stoiia was amnlly li.. led. I dnl bm -ii-."- .i.'iui sa 'to- stmra, aad i am ssl ei.t him wBoa Be waadows i iM aat bbv to huo ? Ttatt aill guMt yea dawa*' wbea I saot htm Mbbb l Waal in i taM asy wire taut * i Ihh ia ?l? Mi Ml bad am 1..- bmbM bave abet Baa, aad bssa i- tas pMtal I taati frmii btss,' l 'i 'i n"i say to Ophi Ua, i bi ? n aat,1 n bsi a ni in sajTB Ii?' ?? in shoot. I aaa i.h<?ot Mist.* I did not ?to amok to JoBiB'a raaw far taa nvvelvar, batl laoli it from Li- baSat at lh>' time of the ?BSOttBg.'' yiBMtBlai Absei taea began t*.i' woaasibmIbbIBib Rbawtl sassaalM saswer t?> s gutMloB, thai aaes while llvtagat Mirei Lake Oatiage, bs waatoat with tun ?bb ta the easBtag in.l tied to the sir ta frighten ad ? .'> . ii tbMvi -. Ra )'? sted ibeattBS at t?i?- tlaliws, gad luol n il hi-ard that II.? |iiTi...ii- In- w.-: if. ii? i t.ii.. bibb asmsd WllllBBIB Bad htt ???ii SUBBj bMs narrated - tu* "f tas mIbbi saaartaaees whs .'i followed th. ihootms. and also told bow he n / d AnaetroBg aad BtAl BB| B i '?? bi bp hitn golBd llifn (lie rOOBL VhSI aVrssBtmag dragaod tum tata th" r. um, sal that saa Btrwaa ii..h IBs. ?ui\.-. BBm Bi .. ti tie bsmbsb. aftei gi Mink' the |ils!.>!. bS put 'I in Ml hit. pas. ki-t \\ In n |l( Baaae frwas tha si saiaghehad the nvlabl ptatol mi iu? stahl Baad aad lbs rastt on.- m to- Mft. in n piy i? a qiwfttitn ttf the PrstrtatBTi asktaglf hs dM say ai th- btspsesl 'hat he tool AjnasSroBg hj ths haad win ii hs sasd tir- .'in- BltaaaaBBsweredbp.aad added thai as p..i'i. Ms Blateaseed al ta* taaasM bbb?m grsal skit ? iMa. \' Ho lefBISl ?.* : I..' P. .-. ? mn . Mr. Bhtts shoasi kaa be hebt Ihe asstol whaa ha Sred, h] hsailactt atom '<> i.i? body aearthe ikrbt tup. Its iiibbbibrdibal l. ? ?. i. :.,.! ??. Anostrwog thsa taaa wbea haaesd s ssasad i: in-: in- iheanrbl he i?>oi bit ii<> it befaes abwalhBj. B - !*.->... . .. in BBsrwasiet died, and leatiaad thai Wu i. M^r> Hin- il-. ii'-'l fr.'ii ?!.' ham Im fore tlir Bjaoailadashebbbbbaarasathe htwaaadtahj hai to $,? Into i'.)- u?i' i.i.d tu take til" ahjl Hi ii ; : jbbi WBS g sag ta bIbbbV. i. rim llyer,thaaaevaatgirl, was ?atfhtd i>v tin ?!?? f. j, . In aaawec ta ?tadae Tita worth aha said aka dnl net kaoa b muH tleary Kaoe, aad did am ? y M bias thai loha ? Bgtj and ?i" ??>. H?a dM she -.?i. sa ti. .in?- aftaf ine BhowtiBg, tiint Juan bvaaght ths iroBBk '.i'i.-s'f aaeaoverdsalarad thai bag isstt* Mtay CBBll li #a ii ar Mr. snd thai tor BBUSJ |Bs woaMaaaatsf the saaahrp. ^*oe n?iinin?-?l that ?<iie bad ealiod m Hal glalr'a aton :.i llroekiya a HI he; Mtirr fHall aUaut hi a bratana <>t dafaadBBLl Bat Ibibst bbbH bar taoro, auaply toillag baa thai hs sraal d t..f..i\. a talk ahasBl Ifta sasa. ?tas BUI was between li r fatawr, beraatf, Hall sbbbt aad .?Irka i?'f Mi 11 n*a> ii ? . .. aid aha woaht ga nut at tht sa^atrj tat ^ hi j,.. nthmsss a sal ta PBoehlys kBoarlaa that hm lain BBSgoBNItoiWM that pi p BtL Jini et.?- had Ba o htm 'h >t ihe bbbM bM da aa v ai IBM uik iha mm\ i aas thsai M hm h Btlamaj woal i sasaaBjaMb hut a-., udBot I lafcit sraaMbe. dhataM hm tsiinr ?a? dad aat wMh tahava aayihlaa to da atth lbs Maasas* tiou, i?n?i did not ?????' ahi v. .ii: i ga S* a flMB*S atathaa In p?m the as i mb] if it weald hs paid. Mm tald bm lataas I, i ..ii..' bm lata ttaabh , sad hm eiatn bbM ?fi?-rwur.i Hi.i v.Oalfaibet wbbSSBBg was an smIuI llilog. Olo gid aot tell Mr. Bbtlr that shs wa? sratahai hy den e. Mvea. thnf he moat not write fi> her. BB1 nm?t give the njMMMf in ? a?li Bad not In n check. II? <irv Kmm WM <???*>*-<i forward, Ukl the wittir?* r. <'o*;n /i-.l Ihm M ii mim BB* BBBBB] ii To oll tili' algal of tin- ?iiootlntf. but ?li'.iii it flio lim! Mi Ihui tIi*?* join, im i aald he waadd btaw out Mr. Blair** arataa On ntnm ejamlaallea abe leellBod Ibal Bell Blair laallj ?aki fhat it waa net worth walle for her to es away I ?aal Kin- tont her mtbei ehe waaM aal |a or have Bay* tamg i" do wlih the raatter. Henri K mi ?. ..t Mnntelalr, teatlfled that he waa en ployed on the Brie RjUIrvaadf, and tiiei Oohi Ha Dyer on ? ii" norutna alter the ahootlnr told btm thai Joba bad threatened to anool btr. Blair. Bha raid John bad a baaed ber and awore at her aad applied roagh aaaaea to the ehiMrea. Ophelia Drer waa recalled ami tc-n bed tbat ehe bad aever heard John iwear or abuae the rbllflree, K ae waa reealled aad teatiBed tbat Ophelia toi.t bun John bad called the ebUdrea ** baalarda**aad| iia.i made t loaa cry ii i:m..\v of Mit. m.aik'.s aaoTHaa. Hail Blair, ai ii. ti xiiiii d Unit in- aaa a breaker of toaapb A. BlatT, "On Iba Bight ot Bepteaaber IB," ?ahl Be,??Ophelia Dyereaaae to my aterc what n Mat ?beoalliil her roin-r. Be badheea i?.betete la aaa im-. Oeorpe Barne arai pnaaati I aaked Ophelia If tl ?>..,? t. in. thai -in- v Bated MOO to pa away. Baa aafcl it . atIrae, aad . bat abe aad bee fal net u oni.i go to Mex bat 01 mo iiiiirh. i reaaarfead la ber, thai la a great deal ni iiioti.'v.' aad "in- BBaaminid thai boi lealiaioaji waa 't.'.iii tghag aad wont i ti uaa ii! n. Ber f it her - dd, 'Any. hoi- aroeldatrethat.' Mi. Baraaaaked what bei Im? portant leetlmooT waa, Bbeaaswered thai aha aaa mj brother pel the revolver. Br. Bnraa then remarked thai ? <? .ir eadanl admitted thin 8b? then aald the baerd Mi Blab aajr,*ll Binal lie done.' Bn aabl n the MOO v ? pal l and aba rot ? aughl aha weald ill m- in Conti ' ,i irr laiportanl t. atiav aj : a ??? thai iba had eBb-d i aio. II? i fatBer ao money aioal paaa direct,) between ii?, bat if I would laj it down aomowbei ? be a ? Id take it no Ophelia alao aald that i ran bodv bad told her thai only b< i teettiuou) a 11 bad aa in I Bi ir. M ? ild an a<>l lo vrtte to wr, and aald if It aaan ? ? aai i a bi Ulna out ot Iba aeantr*, aba woatld pal aa bei ier*arlolBee." On oi.ea 11 iinattoa Mr. Blair d< Bled tbat l - rnti i talned the propoaltlon la aood faith, aud declared thai he ii nl Bot bare tbla rt u\< rsatiOB to obtata ea kteuoe to throe du bta on Onhella Dyer** 01 adlbl it ? a* , wituoea, rare llurti*, if Btooklyn. tewttded tbat be waa prei nl .it I be talk between Hall BI .ir, Opinila Iner ami Ber rather, and tally ??.berated Iba i r. \ :.? witaeae. .lefeooi Iben railed a aamlier of wltnoasea a otei I 11ti-.I to Mr. Blair*? pood character. David 8. Parker, ol Monielalr. teetided that on the uigbl before the aboot. M . V raadbtaa releltbtan a ? abortij attcr 8 .? lock. Wbea urged tonatala Biair aald he waa afraid to I ..\ blaebildren with the aervaeta Ba aaeattnued i m toua particularly aa eurli and ugly, Braeal k. ? i Idea that Blair told hi to be bad hired Boeeeioi bei mac be was u'.ium to l aw bta plaea and luu.i.i a ith Ii an uaa. j e 1. v Pather Mendel, a Roman Catbol i prleal of Monti lair, teetiBod that be aaw Arnietroug in bla i o a i let the aaootlaa. Arniatrone to I bin tie wi - a ' tboUe, I tl aftc ward, waen told diBcrentij by a ! ;-'-? rant, the orient adroinlati ed to bim 1 be i tea of i hi Church. The m-xt day la thai.ltalpb*aarj i raaoa was green hiaa Blair aaked biai to (a to the hoapital, aa be waatad io .i-., Armatroag'a forgivtneaa, Arn troag upon eMng Blair, a ai, "Pm htm mit I" bui - bartjuaatl] forgave btm, Miaa Draper belna ?? a a reea led bp the defence, tcattflcd that aba w. ? nreaeni a a convaraatloa on Ike monilita after the ahootina be? t... .i Mr. Aruotu aadOpb< la Drei Ophelia tatd aba ? d rot eeea or hoard earthing a til after the atHKitina. I taaidthat afterwarit Mr.Blairremarkod "i. bad to ? done." Ophelia taid the i.i wbj ?!;? thonifhl J bad abot Mr. Blair waa beoattaa abi dad hol I ...? :.i .Blab bad a pteloi i i art adj urned natfl to-day at 10 a, m. I. a elated io fat Iiar{ford Coanwaf ol yeaterdaj thai oaBaturdaj a Bewarbodloei h?fi aatellj for Hartford Boraoa Brauaer, founa aaaii aholormei orkod lor 1?! ? ir aa eoaehman. it a ta known thai Uranrer bad lived m Baal u <i |...| it ||, i ?..< bimday iiioruaiB tl.Ibcer, in compaoj with Deteotivo I > n, . ? io flad lam. but no had U t and aooe to work 0 . farm la South Maaebeater, wbera he waa found. Wbea Iba ta ? ofleera drove ap lo the plaei Qruuaer i a - ii. o In conversation with a man, who waaal I ouee recoajiiiacd bp tue Newark officer aa a brother ol 1 i*?. i uta brolbei bad been there about five nituatea, i rep a . .l thai ba waatad Lbe young bum to go ?... a a ni. hiaa ua i wont wltk thi ofn. ir, refaatag ta with BI It la aald thai Qranaei will teatlfj tbat when he worked i t Blair he kal troabh about collecting hia i ..i ?. ii. i i.i mi-, aboalvi. anraaaouab a and very i ... ... LbouaB lie uiii no. oBTar to bitlitii unv bodliy Cl 8T0M aoUSJi hXPEUIESCES. miALAOF PASSKNGEI.8 AND INSI^CTORS. WB*1 WABPOI BO l N lit i: BAOOAOfl an AUABV BKKWKB?KyyOBTB TO BXTBAP DlaHUBaWI is bi*i Toaa, 8urve3'or Grabaoi jraaterda* tnddd ooooftho i inp -i a Laurea oi doilab .? %.i? tram an oeaaa ataaaa. Bblp<paaai ag i thai bare i.a anada bar a hang time xaa artlcti wi n packed la three .nmu? baloagiog ta George - \ aadoll, a proaalaeai brewer of Albaay, who arrived oath Genaauic ladwau a ula a awora declaiattoa tu .i blatraakaoontalned not lug ilatlabla itui wbea lbe laapaeloi op aad aaa at Iba traaka it broad io J coatala aeveral artlebaa npea wblek akrty abaatld have keea pahl, aad by ardor ol Deputy Bar ray aa aXtbba tho three truiika i.i re aaal to iin- aalanra rnaaa of tti,. iiu*ton Uoaaa, where the hailoartaa articrea, ralaad at aboni ??j." m re foaad i Foaitein fBaa, ii?j doaaa patra oa? I wo-battoa bbmubobi ilovea, l doaefl foai hut b>aladlea* btdgbrrBBi I deaen IwoHmttoa ablld'akhl L-..1.?. 1 do/, ii toliMenieri'a |:>i| j.-|oi ?. ly ilojien laro-baitoa Udlee' hid gtovee, 7 o*trirt. BBBIBera, yarda aiaraea ea,kafad ailk, 88*a yarda Maeh Mlk, l kabf'a druaa, it ladlaa' aadeiablila. l laiiie.* whita averaklrt, Ii vim? al atrtped velvet, i."? yatda oi Barnard Bib, tj doaaa ladlaa' tldiea, I aimnoplhioB. Iparkaarm al vbrwal Beaenbottleaol p?rfaaaery, I eeaea apoaB al eoltoa thread, 8 Chineae rahlaala. 10 aaoroi a aatahela, ] pair of ladara* Bhoaa. ] pott ladlea'alippera, 8 aeta Battawood q.oa aad fOrka, i itIver-plated periaroBBake, d aaaall faatrj b \ -, .". head mUrora, ii paUra sf aaetal braaaata, 11 faaey bosee, 1-,' Bieeraeba im pi pea, 13 briar-wood pi pea. IS Imttattoa aieerichaom pitus. -t caaea each raatainlng atpaaadclgm bolder,3 naibrel ia. 9 wool eoala,8pain of Brwaaera, ii waBtieoata, 9 amt aardbjtaB Jaeketa, 4 tl.nnei poitiooata Baibroklered with auk. i ladlea*Bilk rail,a>a8 ami tippet,! breal faal ahawi^I ebildrea'a ?.??? >, 17 in.'. i um "? . .ii -nr.via, 15 nnu'g inerbao aoarfa, I palra hatlea' Blh baa , o aalra worated ebildrea'a i. M pain ? kite cotton half-bo a, l" palra aooil ii balf-boea, 7 mea'a woaUea aader blrta, 7 pain v oo Ii .| di tarera 'i patra Blh drawera,3 all! Bade rah Irti 10 ptocaa i ii i enrtaiaa. lajajj doaeai of i;iien waphlnr. '^o yarda of lmen, i> lim n tablealatba, l white Mil am braldaradahawl,8 ioiiu-i?* oiiu acarfa, 86 auk haadkar Bbleta ABotaei aeisare waa thai af twenty?8va traaka aad aaaaa bBoagtaa to Baa membera ol ? huattj aamiid nil :i.aba Bavo heea abroad three yewra ami who are Jaat retorataa ha their bama la Baltoaura Tbeae 11 i vi I Ion did not liii iiii ine bivoiii dental allua. knl Bp in birit lag i"!d lbe tnapeetoi thai they bad dnti bla goadb ? a aatb a to ahom ein? upmm rhaae they nan nbaiaad 00 par mint Bot baalagai j i adymoaay arith Ibem, t'ie laapeetm loaned them Iba amount until ib< y .Iiioiituln it from a nr..ttu r in t'n? rdty. Tneti Iheii paekagea a era " t? ?! " by Iba Ina pec tor. Wbea aemr Bi tin I .in. 11] I et ill in it to the ilo.k to re'II ml the BBMNtal loanaad by Iba laapeetor, tbay earued thai their tranka i. oi baaa a a B Bad a- !:?? a] for i uailaai loa, M i>t ..I tue paadtaBM wart eianainad yeateMa; umi wera b aad i.Biala elegaal waariai apuarat: I pi.t ebeep bha h Bilk aaa ahm round, an i a ten ether iluti ?bto artadea. It waa iailaaated thai tin- laapaator waa aaa aaa peeled at aeeepttag bribea aad laal It waa to Bart ata boneat] that t..i- aaagaga waa taken The im? baad of Mr-. tyDeaaoll i? aaad la be eaaai i M i altk an AaaaTBaaa la aatioa abroad It ia ahm reporied thai aeveral Inspectora have at a detected aoeepUac hrlbea lamiy, aad thai ?'i aaeh par Baaa have heaa aamaiartly <'i niUaed, ti ?..? atated reamrdaj thai the 8arveyoi*a akapartaaeat of the OOaiaai Uanai n .i* a vei aa eflleb ally m laaged aa 'i Ii ia heaa In the laal Bz aaoBiba A Ceatom Honac odjiei myi thai niH'i t iii ?i?. nalag from Karopa thiak it la perfect \ kafBlBBaM to bB taaj beat of the Oovaraaaeat, and tkere Bbn da aal i . n.iti to ui ika a f.ii->- aeclarattan, A praaauwat aaerehaat of lira rity, who bi i laed heea aa tm ate BBtblp ?.. i n aa bar aai trip, BBlared m Iba ?worn decbiratlon thai in b d ae daOable artielea in bta baainoTe. Bi left a j.-' kari with a friend, aaytna thai Ii , ouaiatod . f i .tu ? lied Ui n d Htatea bouda, Tbla uaa opeai * hi an in? actor ami louud to contain limn Valaedal $ UM. nfon n im h the ?!..!? if.ia i?7."' ?i'i Ao? min irate dearrilied ??;?? thai ol a rleraytaan who de e .mil on aalh ii. it >??' had aa dutiable eooda, bat ob ? a* u tioB oi hia aaa an. ailk and other dutiable artlcloa, valued at 868 50, wem found. laiba ioi ov? aa oaaea tiaee March laat.the paaaen ^'i-ifailed ii ..i-' Irutnful Btateaa nta aaa ibrb , oa la a h d>leaned bj Depulj Oollectoi Klbbi : Marek 24, BBaaa ? baggaaa >a rae Queen, belno(lnif to a Suuday. aebeel laai ber of Brooklyn, on whleb be bad to par 00 pug i<? t .inn...i a vBuatfatn "i *i' l Aprll5, ,, aara oa tbi ?ileam of iraoda valued al 6203! lo; .aril 7, no ouimnh rood* ol a aaaaeaaei ao Hi' Bbeln, value.i at #91 lb; April 7, from a paaeeaaer on tbi Bothnia, artb lea i iluod ?i b&S 04 ; April 0. troiu a pea. a> .ia> i ..Ii I Li' ~ ??'"- ?.?t.i..iiil .ii I. Iii ;i7 ; A,-; ? In, i.Hin.i paaa . oiii!.. Ameriaat-, article* valu ' al 6168 t Apn Ifi' ;n .? paaaenger ou lbe Maha, ???? .. ... . d at 6*7 il? ; M ir 1 i. from .? i ?> nn i on tin i ol ?'m i Kl iB,gi da valued at 66573; Mai 26, r . a Sea Vorb u.rtel ua Ilia Uera.>,i i I? vBuedat671886| June 13, from a paaaeaa ? on ilia i ,. , i la. goodat iltn i ui 1831 68: J in. 11. Boat a Men Tort Importer on Ha Britannic, artn ea rained B 6640 SO; Juni 3M, from a naaaeugwr aa the Kin-ill.artieiea y.iiu. u .ii 1168; June 30, from .? poaaeu. ?mr on the ?Uermanic, aooda vaimal al 6488 13; Jn i 14, ?i in ii Ni b-Toik .in urti i on i i.i Bailie,goodal alaad B fl.OSl 86; Augnat 4, from ? paan airei oo the Celtic, Hrticlea valued at 6137; tuanat 5. from a paaw ngei ou the \ bi nn. nrtteh ? valued al Till *'??; Anna i IS, from ,i paaeeagorou the Oil] "i Cheater, caoda vmued at 66o63i i.*.in ai.oiin i on the laan boat, good* valued ?? ploaO&i aui;ii?i So, from a bailor living In Philadel? phia, oa Iba i lily of u.-riiu. gooda i am.-.l ui 62,668 . j i -i-i.I. ml?. i lo, 11 "In a I' i>-eii.'. i on I lo- Mt. I... in i lit, mil dee valued ut fill '.'.i; Bapti min i lo. froan u rim idi l pbm in ii ant ou im- Algeria. ariieBa ralaed ut ?i,-. ?7 j ii "ui another marehaai livlu* la PhUadi Ipbia, bi the Algeria, gooda valaedal 8788 701 Bepmmbai tlolll U oaoaeliael oil III" Udel, Ultitli a J nl B68I ..-i HOME NEWS. PHKRMOMaTTER TVBTBRDAT AT mi DNTTS. NO 21? BROADWAY. Pen. T ' Ram 7lJ ? ? m ft* hTtdBkCM. Sta BMheat dnt*.a? the dar. TA*. i.i>*h?i ?tl ?. An i's 4". s-:itii? iUV. HTi. ,*.SV % PROMnCKll i ARRTTAtA Ftfli tvtmw JTttel- Bcnsfor Zachsrish Chandler, ?f Mlekbra* s,.?,,.(.r .1 \v Tshnstea,af VlralaM ; Caaareea Bin 11c rli k M isndOilgea B - ays-oat of Oooniw-fu-nt, mm Attoraey-OeneMl Seboon*nahai . v,.,. j ?.rl T'ntri - Nvniiani Reach Lawronee, of Rhede taiaad. W'tultor tfntrt. A??:?t?ni fnafaitrr flrnoTil ThnmiiK .1. Bndr. See i.turr oi ? tat.- lllea ? '. l!?-i?rh. I?r ?le?.rae L. Millar, of Omaha, m. i iteeorder Jofta B. \>p'nw.iii .mi lac Rev. ?fethei Roewat, of f Jverpool Ait" tum I* Untr< ?Ki Unvemor ('. R Inffersoll, of Unit.Brse?rf /r h ? K. F. rimr. h St 7i-r.i? /'..../-Ttie Dr*. I?r R. O. Illn-.t*j|.\ PeeaMlWlt of Hr.>.?rf Toller*.Ht. Jmm't ffot*t Vr .|>i l.k Bmorttoa, ?f tin- (Irrol Waetetw itaiiwnr ni cmi ul* . n 'rrnrt II"-" PajMBBll t lire, ii i'lnv QoedfcM, of the Pelted Male? Marion Carp* ?. Pitch ?Irma? ffrftf Ks Major J. K. iirnum, .if si, Lantat RE* Y<u;k < ITT. Tli.' ft**} bath which baa been nsed ai tha Battery stnoeJone butt araa closed for tba Winter yestenlay. Al tho meet In * nf the Baptist minlatora yesterday the mii 1 loci iif disenaeton waa " I ii'- I li sines ?>( : Im Chufb." Tho c**oy waa read by the Ber. Dr. W. w. Rberta, .-i J< ?-. . Cltr. Henry H irn?, of No. 109 Dil I don-at., made fin ss ?ignment tot Ihe henefil of errditora yestenlay io Miirdi liiii 'ohn. I he pi leren? r ? am >nnl to BO/fiTS, of ?In h the bighe t rlaim is $4,000 by II. B.Claf* liu A ( ii. The movement among f .io<; nr-makan i'i (in ? rfty to . nforee mi ail1 am ?? of a w> - eoatinai a in n small way. nnd additional suhocrlpthms are beingreeeived In tbe different shops in aid of lim iti kiag cigar* in iken in Bt. Loaia. Tbe hark George Treat, from Booth Bay. while attcmotiug io coma into imhi withonl a pilot on Butnnluy nighL ran ashore on Weal Bank. A large amonnt of ballast waa thrown ororboard, and the rcaael waa floated off Monday. Undertbe in plci iftbi Bs irfan Yolkfest Asso? ciation, the Mumc] 0 roher fostivnl was reb brateil at the Harlem lliver Parb yeatcrdav.* A parade, a proc tas 'in in nail i ..I costumi nnd in II <? evening a display of Art works, were the <!n.-i features. A large quantity of eignrs and cittareftes was found secreted In rn her? bags In the li"M ..r ihn iifxand Ma City of \\ ashing ton on her roooni ir /ul at this port. The hags hail been stowed aa be i'. u the coal bunkers and the hull. Beginning Wedn? luv. OH '>? i 14, tha steamers City of Morfton and C S>w-Vork will leave Pier So, -in Nun!. Iflvoi .1. i 11 S ;?. m., Instead ol *ir30as In i . i f.n ?. IneXorwiehl iue sl<'aiuera will continue (?ii ? hi same pier dailj Bt 5 p. in. for Sow-Lon? don, Norwh b,' '?. On siitiiI i\- nnd j esterdsy 2, IBH Immigrants were landed stC stleuarden from foreign i i im hips, tbeQernaunie brininiif ?'s7, theCitvof Montreal 407, tbe S.ritEerland :^7. the Helvetia 3X1, the Ethiopia 257, the Schiedam 219, the State of Ala? bama 1 IB, and the Cornwall 49. Richard Power, who daring t','> bud eloren rears baa been the princi] il las reporter for the new-York City Proas Asaooiation, died Bonday afternoon of pneumonia, Howas a man nf excel? lent education and long experience, and aas popu? lar among bis eo-woi kei ? an i be mi m. Information was received at the Prodnee V.x ? 1 nge yesterday of tho death of i neoi it* members, Louis Klocknor, who died at Bonneborg, Germany, on 8ent?*ml*er21. He wss a ronng man of abilit.t. only 29yean old, II'- had been with Kechnagi I ?V Co., provision Br?k? r-. si N". 48 WUliaroat, The trustees ->r the Bew-Yorh and ttrookiyu Bridge restenlay decided thai tin1 rente through tliii city, between Kose and North Wiliiam-ets., s'miilii be laid out i in feel in width ojy taking 7o feel <??! each side of tha centre line ss now 1." sted. Three-fourths of tins land have been secured already, Tbe Gate City Onsrd, of Atlanta, Ga?, arfl] visit Ihe American Institute Psiral 10 a. m. to-dsy, es* wirted bj a detatebment from the 7th Kegiment, a number of ofllcers of l In- New-York National (juard, and several city nffl :aw. Downing's 9th l.''^. imonl Band will give a special concert al thai hour in thou honor. The ocean steamabips on Ratnrdny carried out n number "f li.ipii-i ami Presbyterian miaaionw es on their wat loSyris ^ml Indis. The Rev. Dr. H. [I.jemap and hi-, wife, and Miss K. A. Bird, who w a- born on tbe slope ol lit, Lebanon, sailed on thi luman steamship. Pifteon Baptist missionsries sailed on the steamship Auchorla. They will l;?? to stations in India, Burma h and A mam. A black and tan dog valued ni B100 was stolen from Ann Burus, ol No. l .u WV-i P?u*ty-nftli-at., sbont October H, On the 8th sbe elaima to bave seen her pel tied up in the bat k yard ol the prom? ises No. 190 hi tba same street, occupied bj Kaniuel Bima. Mr. snue failed t>> explain away tin charge ami was in !<i for trial in ?500 bail. Michael McCortnick was arrested on Bcnday evening in Willmm-at*, wbile innuing along with a largi toil of Bewapapem under his arm and crying ...I " Extra?'Extr-a-a? irn ai outbreak at situ; Smil:?eacipe of BOO prisoners -li?i >>i the killed snd wounded of over fJlteen offloeraP He ?ras Hoed 010, ami seol io pi ison in defaall foi ti n days. Cokmel Charles B. Spencer said yesterday to a TRiurxi reporter tluit tbe srmory of the .Mii Regiment in Twenty-third*et, had become nn* safe that ho had been compelled bane an order forbidding even company drill In it, Tbeessl wall ha?.bulged andilecat i- otherwise apparent. The matter will bo brought befon tin- Board oi Alder? men on Friday, Ai the meeting of tbe Marine 8o letv yesf enlnyi consideration was rriven t?the po <i .ililj of future ebauuos iu I he policy nf tbe society, nrir ng from a decreased oroportion ol full members., lunrilerto increase the memberatoln it i\.i- thought benl '.? adhere to tbe nrnsent qnsliticai ions for memhenhip, l.ut to extend to honorarj aiembenthi privileges ui roting and holding certain designated ofhgoa, Cleveland W. Dorman, the post office clerk who wnsarrested laat week,chargeil with stealing let* 1 ters, was arraigned veaterilaj hefow Cmfesl Ktatos Commissioner Mbielda He waived examination, ' and wasc?>mmitted f.-r the uction of Ihe Urund Jury. The pis*ats fiiendsasaei t thai be iv out of his mind, and his appearance before tbe Commis* ' smuei veaterduy seomed to uiw strength to tin theory. i Leroy Minnicli was recently in the employ of George Bolsnrts on a canal-bo it, He called repeat? edly to demand in- wages, bul withoul result, Yi sterday he received tbe money at last, bnl nnder protest. Hi says thai Rolierts sttnek him. Miu-I uick drew a knife and stablieil Roberts io Hie arm ' and hack, caaaing several doep ami danaerons a ii"'1-. Minnicl was arrested, and Roberts was) aenl t< the Chambers htreel Hospital. Crager A Co*'s factory, al Noa, 62and t f'lin j,. -st.,wos rolilnsl t*aturil?> nicht ol laolii s*. Inab , atoml ii two tiuuiV-. i.oiih $200. An office] ar- I reateil lloorge Miller, who had narted awny tto plunder for Ihe burglars. Re na d a bone snd wagon thai wi re nol his own. an i waa arr. - ,..1 f,?. lions -i.... in;. He says he did not know the men who employed him to take the trunks to Christo p er street'Ferry. He wss held for trial iu default , i ?i ,000 balL Al in. Tombs Police Court yesterday, before Jos* lice Oiterbonrg, Henn A-li. ol llarrisbarg, Pi nu., wss arraigned on a charge of havipgdefranned aev ernl flrms in this cit) in false representations. |j,. i- r well-dressed i'OllUg man. and pn tendi d thai In name was I boma?. Day, jr., and thai be was the son .,? i prominent plumhei ol Ban Fruneisen. He l...i r..\.i.l money 'i Jordan L Mntl A Co.and t* n cnusl i^ Co. He was oommittod for trial in tJie Conti oi Geiieral >? saiooa, TboUniteil Slates In pec ton -.f Rfesm Vessels have refuaed to renew the certiflcalea ol Several Brooklyn fairy-bunta on the ground thai they are unseawi rthy. Tlie on nen were Informed Battirilat |?v t ollector Merritt that tho veaaela must Iwwith dnwu nnlil nowieortifl ateawereobtainod. Too hints sre Ihe Georae Washington, Georce Laa Commodore Perry, Commodore Barney aud the \Vnrrcn. Th? two Commodores -? i v. .1 as gnn in. it- iinniiK the w|bt. The Rapid I'ransil Commissionen Invited Mayor Pooner to attend theii meeling yeatenlay. Tnet bud adopted a resolution declaring "thai thereiaa ,,. it. In Ihe t u? ami Conntv ..t Ni w-Y rrk t. r i cieaiii niilw i) ni railways t<u ti <? iraiunmrtation oi pasHongers, mails oi frainbl in addition toaut bow existiug." No aetion waa taken on this rraolntion yesterday, however, the piocoedingi con mug mereh of explanations hi Ihe aug m*on in regard to several routes. I'he Mayor waa nol preaent. Coroner Ellingei yosterday iieid an Inquest in lbs ..i II.H. IIa is. the cigar dealer ul Broadwat ! and Thirtietb-at^ who died m the 1'wenty-nintn Precincl Police Mat ion on thi night of (briobei 7, after being charged with an aasaalt upon twolittht girts. Detectives Hchmitl beraer 111111 Pi ice made 1 be arrest, I be Jury gars s verdml thai Haas died from Ilm effocta ol bronchitis, accelerated by his arnstl and imprisonment, and censured Ibeofncen for arresting him without a wairant. Coroner El? lingei mat tin verdict t 1 Bupennteudenl Walling, Iii- Aquarium has received one rd tba famous electric eels Iront the River Amaann, I' aas the only one that aomvad tbe Ions journey. Ii nieaa* nres ah ml Ihn and 1 hall h 1 in i. ugtb ami about eight inches iu circumference, is ni a nnt-browu color on the back aud s brig l wan et beneath, with a 1? ? toral 'i>> rnnnins Itsi utlre length. It.- .m air bp itbtng animal, snd 1 bm to Iba sarfaoa ol tbe water almost twerj ininnti t" hrcatbe the pare a) It is sid to be tbe only one allv< in this eouotry. I be breadstuffs msrkel was conslderablj nxcitod yeatenlay. siul slthougfa Winlor \\i".ii Im- ad* yam ed in Ihe last two mo itlis frow^tl OH to .*>! 11 ig a bushel, it i" believed thai the rise will not be check d before tin price reachea $1 frO. Flout . . . terday wss from 15to23ceutsabarrel bigbei limn on BAturdai at wheat fiom it to I oeata higher, with a inodei ii 1 [port ilemaud snd an ex* rated market. Corn was Iron to *aofaeeat higher, with an sctive tn rketi oats wen higher, und iu rye there was an sdv< bob oi I neul a bushel. Whadj in BBJOt ranes wn? obtained. PlOThdotai ? BY* lower. The reediton of faaec Rmith'a Son t% Co., mann' f.iciiiri-i ?of umbrella-, who have ananended on ae* ennnt ofthe allea?Ml f-.fTO.0Ofl defalcation by Ihelr Imokkeeper, have roeeived a statement from tha Brm. Tli" Itahllitki aw ??*?'!.ihm?. -.? i r11.? nominal ralneof Ihn aeaotn ta placed at i?7,000, whieh in c ha dee atork, I.k account* ami m>t< aa. The Irm anbmite an oller t"r n Mnnpromian either at 4fl eenla outfit' rlnllnr enah,or ?r|" rente In no tea al three, nix. nine, t a air* and eighteen iimf**'"-.. at the option of tlm ernditora, proTided OO oei ?int nftbeered" itnM mi *n nn ucep* ?tue nn or lief >r.- YnVMnOer 1 "'. No meeting of creditor* baa yet been called, No elear haa been ohfnined an to tin- hiding-place of Steele, ?he defaalttag bookkei per. The Coeet Wreck. Company I aai amok ml ied flic thri'i'-o n>.tio| t., ii,?,ti, r A. w. ? k-. -unk three areeknncn,in eiarbl fkthonia of water, in Cheea pcake B f, Rbe had on board 078 ton* of aaa coal, for ll.iliiinore. fine wreckingoomtMUiv made ? eur \> \ ami Boding ho preaI derd h of water, deeid? <i II naeleaato try i" raiee tin- arrnek, Heavy ahaina were pa?sod nnder the vraeel ami made faai *o Capfafi Merritt'e pontoonn, and in three Jay aba waaal Baltimore, in Rood condition, Olm i i MoManna, of the Park Pollen, anttnoad if ili. Battery, be ird i in- aereama of a weman out in tlm river early Bonder renrnlnn,and obtaining* Kotit he aonn 01 rtook another boat in whieh wore two men, and from tha aide of which ayonna r rnnaa hnna bj In r bands in r11 water, In an iwer to bta qnrstttone the men said that tbev were on theii wnj U? no eiti when their **umpanion, riaing to It-; foot, l"-i her balance 1 nd fell into the water. Tl.HIw 1 afi iggi I her into hia boat, a 1 en I lie I a n , man mwod oil in all It 1??". [atter, : ba woman, ? 1 gave her nime aa Mary Mnrnhv, w.ia 1 ken before I JusticeDnfl at PoliceConrt. Rlteeaid j them 11 iii n ber In tha hot*. Whether ehe I ilircw lieno-lf into the river or whel bar tbi v 1 brew 1 bar ayerboard-, ehe oonld not fell. MrOhrin TJold. of No. 10.1 Eaal 8ixtv--flffh-B*? i appeared aa eomplalnnni \ eal 11 In the Tori rilic I'olire ffonrt. a ainat her hnaband, Amin .- hold, 1 a'liom ehe ci'nra I with ahawnVuinent, Hold hna I iiindo alioiit a^oo ,000 andmenrnaaed Ina ron.-? ?inn bnainea . which nften railed him to New? Mexico, afro |><dd admitted that ehe hud a banl ji . ! r?| K5.00O, :i"il he.11 ? 1 ? - ilntn ?! thai ????in 11 iint wn ? " ado In the Infi real nf thedantrhh r. Tin father h ol Ihn ifi nd. Im anid, thai hia children would n t I... I.eil ted Ii? Ina w< iltli. J oat ice I Mnrrnr ?nidthai Me. pnldeonlilhe held lor iiiso, J?vl\ con'lncf ?b?wild if he proved t!i ,t !i ? r ontem p'.iit 'I |oop iri?r'ng II ?? Inter? afaof In* ? hildrvn m ins property. The fnrtl er bearing ? ?! toe ?.. n waa po?:p ?11. ii until in xt Monda i. BBOOBkLl N. 'I bo pniilic batha are atdl 1 pen, nod 1,220 bather* I v,-11?ii liifiu laal a ? ? 1.. 1 bia ia the ae* owl day tor the registration "i those v. h i desire to \..|" ut the Coming election. I In; j?l.oi ?- atry will he opcu iruw 7 i" 1U a. 111,, uud Inrai ?? to l*? p. m. Haut p aiili 1,11 of the Ba lb rn D atnel bare 1? tf? tioueil the litt autboriliea to pui Ii ?? 'In park ???in il by .1. J. McCoi nick in tin l?it:t?'?'nili NVanl. Tim park ia bounded by Atnalie, .Nonii baayoud, Eigbi 1 antl Nintbrata Tha Ifaj ?i yoatorday oi to tha Cotam m ('? aneil a in-.?in...1tiiiulicra that 1 lie ratea foi tin iiw? ol wuier i>> inunufactniera be reduced :!<? p?T cent. He coiHiiliira thia ^ in onmi not to u?i\e uauufaci urera away fro u tha city, 'I ii" amount of 1! ?? | ibtalntvl ngninat tlio city by M< isia, hi;,. ... v ?k Kei ley, tj?l:il 1 ?, w aaoidcreil bi the tjomixioii Council 10 Ii ? p ud >??!?? terday. i'lio bill oi John ".. Purauua i'oi ?ervirea tu the catMJ, nniounting to $ti,0M 22, waa also pubL Bamnel Davia, aaa thirty-two. a boatswain on board the steuundtipRbinicda, lying ni the loot of Ainity?et? while patntiug the ol tbo steuiiior from a Boating ataga ye I rdaj afternoon, foil over? board and waa drowihM, llio Loiiy wa .iiut rccov ? ti .1. A man who jrava bht name ns Qeorge Poole, throw hiuiaeif on the track in front ot an Atlantic-av? tram, near 11 <>v-.. v??., Baadaj eyening, but tlio eii r 1 in-. 1 atopio'd tin- train before 11 tea. bo?l Itiiu. roolc, who wua Torj ?i:unk, aanl Lo intended to commit hm- nie. A wild Texan ateer eanaed eonaiderable ezeite iiii'iil in lltiiii--t. yeatertlat afternoon. i.ia\.im tin* hi'Pl it ran up ami now 11 tln< blm k several tunes ami nearly injured enrne little ebtldren. It was cauglil alter graal ditlicnlljby being driven into tin- front yard ol a bo one mi the block. Offh er Cnaick, nf the Manhattan Aveaaa Police, nlti'iiipted to arri-al William Muleahev, ol No 410 1 laklanii-ave.. Sunday, when the latter resisted ami a atrugale euaued. Both the men fell to the ground, and Mulcabey bil the offli 1 r aev< rely on tlu Iiiwer lip aud left tbtuub, and aucceedeil in getting away. j Tlic anniversary meeting of the Foreign Sumlay I acbool Ass elation will be held 111 tlm I'liiiton A ve ; tineCoiigri'gatioiial Church next Kundat evemng, 'I lm inoi'iing will be adilrcaeed bt Iho R? v. Drs, Philip Scbtitl and rallml W. 1 1 inilmrs, of Now 11k. Mr, Koberl C. Ogden, at Philadelphia, and ot In-i s. Mia, Antoinne Rerndl recently obtained a limited divorce bom bor bnaband, Ott<i II? rnilt, who aaroctl to pay berf al mony. M<- paid f2oo an?l aavn ber a check 101 the balam e, ? bicb in- all? rward 1. - faaed to honor, sin- began .m action to recover tlm ii in.11 inn 1. and obtained a deoialou iu bei I'MVoryca* 1 rday from Jndgn Neilsou. ia lbe City Court. A suit forati alisiilutedivorco brongbl by U to Bcrndl a gainst hia wife 1? uoa pending. Judge Ri Dold.i, in the Brooklyn City Court, ran dered bis um sion yeatetdat 11 regani 10 the anpli- j cation t?y the ? 'il?. ol lir.?.-'v \ n f.?r 1 perm nu nl 111 jnnciinu to restrain (Jeueral Jamrai J?mr?lanf as 1 ? coivi r of tbo Mutual Has Litthl Couinaiiv, from I o|H-i.ini{ the ?treots for ii o pnrposa ol laving u 1*. I pipes. Tin-?leeision ia favorable in the aaa com i panv. 1 b?'lity claiunsl tbat the right to lay pi|u-s I mill.I no: pi ?1.1 Hi' dcfcndanl aa rereivci nl tlio ] company. Judge bteynoida ii" 1- this view lo be in correet, I N. II. Clement, Michael Chaaneey and Richard ' Ingrali im ai re ippninfed by the Snpn nie Coun to I uaa as in valm id laud oa ? d bv tin- Lonu I?Iau?l Rtilnnid Ciirnp.iny nl Itlanltc ami Pranklin-avea.. wmch lbe Brooklyn, Klatbuab ami Conej Island RailroadC.panj ileaii dtooeenpt fordepol pup* n. Tlie arbitratora reported me value to be .??!5,000, bnl thair report ael aside l?y Judge tailberl ycaterday on 'tu- application ol Receiver Sbiirpe, wb?i claimed I bnl toe land was worth ??lii.iiiiiimoi than tin ataonnt lixid by the arbi tratoia, JEShKT Cl 1 t. f^atriet-Atfornev MeOill, of Jerarp Clay, reatep. dnt bi .?I a short coneultatioa with Judge Knapp in 1 teil in'' in im- second 11i.iI of Jennie Ii. Bmitl and Cover) H. Bennett, for tbi murder oi Mra, Bml li'a bnaband. I'be trial will probablj begiu next Mon? day. Prancia McLinden was tried reaterdar. In the Hudson County Court, 1 an ndictmenl eharanng b?n with having a- ml ? ?11 WOcer W 1 irner, ot iiur riann. He waa acunitl d, 1-11 wasahown fimt tha , in rr attempted to arrest him without .1 warraut, ami ba reeiated w it Ii auch tone aa w aa m ceaaaij. Coronet Mandeville, of Newark, began an ini|ii< -1 jrcslenl ?1 in lh rasa ?>i .1"! n Meierhofi r, who waa Btardereil at West Orange inal Tbiirsday uiorniug. So iniw fncta were devolorail, KBM -JKBPET. Pan aaojf. ?PTilhat naC?mkling, of No. Tii Market ?U, Patersou, age neventv-aia rear*, is iMiufliictl to hi- boose a ith luji i" - received by being -'nn k in ib. Im. k wit 11 1 -.,. k wood by John H. Wulthall, ot Union?*t.. in njnarrel, the canae oi which Ma thai Mr. * ?iikli .l ?trui k VValtbaH'a lilllc dauglitoi with bis whip. WnItball waa arreatod and bailed. .Oarreti Qeialer, age forty-five yeara, a boat? man on tlie Mom* I anal, rolled off the deck nl Li bo ii at in I ill-, mi Miiiinlav. while lotozieated, ami a j? droa Dad. BTi 1 IN 181 ami Si vi'i.i rov.?Cbarlea Robinaon, a neirro, waa com* nutted to j ui yeai?rday bj Juaticc ruylor, charueil with boal Ina hi* wile, Hnnnab, a bo mm liea in a piccanoua condition. It la baredtba woaoan will TUB BOBBBB ) OF l>i;. v /' .' EA \. Captoin Boll, who waa arrrated ob raapicioa efbaviagrabbad Dr.MaeLi in,id N ,M Baal rn a tmti it.,ol dlaiaoaaai ami im ai v ??? tin ameaal of 818.000, w*a bcfirn J oat lea nammer yontentsy mora* in.'. A lbe JoBbraoa Market Pol tee Ooert, Meprovad mi allM aad wa* dleebargi ?( Im.mied*. Dr Manl?eaa h*a written the I liowiag tetterabaat Uwagklri ;fa, gdlfar af Tht rrabaaa ?nt: ta many misatalement* "Jare inaaared In the prrB* roueeraiaa tbo rablMBry in Baal Tftreatletb-at., I Ii ive lo raajneal in it ton will nva Ibia leib r pan ii ny, im dlw ,l ? Ina ""? oatraga I < iv? notu ?? .it toe l wenty. n i.ih Preeiad Btatloa. rwo detectives were aeal loiiini wiih nn-. nv a boa* I waa anbiailled lo boom eroaa o, Biiontna, dnrtag which I atated lbe fact that Cap. lain Boll waa iba oalj I a bom I lad ahowntbe ?llamoBiia I'nl* .pb d ? b lbe fact tbal tbia waa lbe ,.-11 v irunh brokea opa .. - med 1.avtnci Hi mtbai j,e wa? Hi" runt* peraon. I arraed I bat, Ihougk the etreumatane - aanrkt app ar snaine! .11-, 1 roiiiJ ael brmg myaeU lo Bnapecl one ?Pom 1 had dwaye re aa riled a. , feotiemaa. On SaturdaytaplHia Bull aeeowpaiiiod uo ioim- Police iiri.i.| niiix'i biaawa frei anil tad lot the purptiea ot aiiln* me a Bat aeaiai ire iad a?tvt ?? h?- could la 1 ba matter. Wewerea ?a leeoa. . ?i bj i?n doteetivaa On the wav there k rouveraed WIIB ate fn ly.aadex. pressed .jraal mv o-. Pafvwm* toraieringthe neadquarten I Informed r ti,- ddt^tivea thai I would poi brine myaelf to bolbrva ba waa lbe Tbev, bowever, aabl,M Ow m, and leave I bat In ua." I Bad a ?.in.11 lull i\ ' ? wiih 1 aptaia Kc ilj . lu wi 1 1, p. ,| my eonvbrtmn. H , however, elected bi -? ?? 1 aplain 11, 1 i im- if, .?ml .pH -lion il im.1 aa to in- wuon ib ?m. on the 1 riday, and m?i 1 matdering iii-1? plica aallafjo tery. decided to detain him on hia awn aatbonty, a* I ,1,1 luod to waki anj charge igatnat blm lo warrant bia .irr.'-i. nu Bundny morning, wi on we Were liefore Jade* PI am nn r, 1 stated la aa iwer to him tbat not a Ith? Maadiaa all lbe ein aaiataneoa "i the 1 aaa, 1 ? aald not brtna aiyaell lo *aaiieel Captain Ball. The nnmbera of ail the notes are aoa known. 1 bava aahiad ba IB* Baak tri Ragten*! m *taa natamot both there nnd nf ?II Confln. nf al rpie?. i hnvn Willed Ml lliloi iiihIIoii to UM BatlMh BoUoC M tO IJM lOtWi BBd ?l*o fnp aoearate (lescrlptenoi of Ho Mobbs, i et<-.. of ike Isweilers frooi whom I parcbaiod theai of '" whnao pn*aii**lnn tum bave I. fm ? tttng. rVlmajj nop - then fore,art m.i w ?>. i!. tbi pel.v are prmted im to the ititeTM ia WBBmi peseesel.? bibi be. 1 mm, but, yean, M ?? Mai Lbab. INDUSTRIAL A I WE. r..v\t>. Olii.., Oct. l -'.?'i'lio freight beaaa mea et tbe Lauts giere. Ctovataad tad Pitteberg ?ad lbs Olewalaad, OMambaa Bad Claelaaatl Baad shrank yesterday fm SB 1? i day*. They now laeelra ipi ia. Tha Atlaaue BBd Oraal Ifsatars freight raaa gave aetloB tam tan f waald aal rmaaaa m Monday aa> BMBtbetf tri .;. | w. : I advanced. Almut IBM hi.' Baaaged in the strike. Ci ?im iii.*m>. m.i . o. i. 12 ?N'? eoui aaamaap except tin- HawOaatral bai yt resumed niminif. 'iho. rofo paaj H ihlppfag nxelBBlrely by rail. Tbe water ta *<? i..w in iio- aaaal that bsats eaa am carry arm '?<> lb rd* of a load. Thr Potomac River la lower hem Ibaa for thirty yean 'i t?- mcreary n 11*0 red W hi tin ?.io. if to-dai ? fhere are oo signs of rain, Rsambo, Praa, Oet 13. -Fee Reading Iron w-.r w? will pat toelr boo bum will Ian? o|.itoa early Bell w.-k. ThM will give employment to 300 n * waa. A potition ia beltirr elreolsted amoog tbe mplo i< of Ibe Philadelphia and Rewdini I: dlroad io tha Bltj atkt"g BB im rru-i of tragi - ??? 18 p< r real. TUE EEi OED .1 / Ml MPUIS. Mi mpiii*. Oct. 12.?Tbi report in regard fag yellow i. ver for the week eadl ? la : n gfal taaafollowai total aambi i ofeaacar< pot ;<??! for the h> < k. 7. (wbltes 40, eolorsd 84) j total to date, 1,4211 total deal hi bam yel lew ? it r i?>r tha week, S3) r..: .?1 to .1 ite, 433. levi a new eases sad sis Intel.U bp reported li dai J idge i '. ll i '_< has i Uta Irtjnni tlou graai d bj si .?....! .1., i.., <i i.low it for Ism * of q ritt ou Ihe race ->f the i ill Thi re was . Is ?? r..m yeal ?:;.) an. raooa. .\ ? ONVIl l BEI LPT1 RED. Roberl alias Link Dill*, ? oegro, aaa -ent to BUckaeU'a falaod >.n September 30. ras aeal day as eseaped hy swtmmlBg aerom ths rhaaaek Oa sal ?atarday as waa o eapta ed bj the pol.I the I '.\ sUth Prrcluol, abd deUvered to tte lala d> UA i'i A /. INTk LLit)ESCE. aiXlATI uk aUMAXA>(! ?rnno<. gD)| Asa ante...... tdrl Clacktaow.lS<a.6lBi Boon rl .1 7 M inlhs. 10:4*11 Mooa'aasa.dS ???J Baad/Roob.. dill ? ? i . LsUa*?* ... e <l ?? Bandy u. ~ i...... i-.? .i . o :,.?, lioU in*. 8.H . PASSl VC BBS IBBIVED, prom urtwgRP?ar sfi tasBii sartTxaxuvo. li ? v i st r.v. i. i. Ii. i Im r, ??. IU tuny, ll.r K?V. Ii 11 '. U. Poa . B. U. aad . Hi., r. i. ?.imi.ii. Wta, 8U1F A /. i i PORT OP VBW*TORg .OCT. ll arrivro, ??ir Santa Pewinas. Hstaam h i aUagn I |ty Del ?, p-ouana ?. Porto p|?t t ? d < 'apa Uayaaa 7. Bad Turia lal hm | S, i<> wm i' ? Ifda .v ? ... j ~ir r (Ul ... . win, Mm 'f .i'n. via Kill ra ton. f.?, 8 i dar*.* IBeogaa,eie,loPiw PoraroadACa. sir* ila i da cu ?. laota.UaraaaOotS,toWIUla*s p i jnM ?'? 1 ??? aMp Frie 1 linder fieri, Ralimar. nreoirn 87 dsra in satlmi i to TllfO I'll.'.::.' I ' ' u ? - 4 BBf for *n ? > ??. -iiii. ''hirlei iiennN(>d RieliBiiHid, MeL fackaoa. Bavm i toon ?. ?> W irten A Co Bidporie i, Hweenr,of nn?i fem Waterford,Tin Delawara in, ,i .- ,i. . In '. ? ; i*t In I n ". I dyn \ Bark i loaai i ?? Verdi iliati. VUt ram ia. Iii i. ?M >Uyi. bt i l.iill.i?! l<> A ' ll n.M. hu? iiMponooi iNor?, Ra'hlaon Loadaa tOsapawtth Chalk Mortal v.. ...| in i mi'., i. i. >? I ' <>. Ban Carrie ItuBiphrey p,f i ?- ??? . io..r'er. i aadas Bt pt in. in balbiti i.i Htjaaaai, Royaaea. P Bkerles * ' ". n.nk H.i'vK. ii id HI i n, N 11?. Ui..i:??>', Harrow 49 d?x?. iii milaal loH, imme I itr .. I'i.. I> |.!.' ...'.'.,,::, i+.r,:. ii -n Aiirf 111, !,.il Mi to Puurh, Kdvn v < .. BarkOacai lid S'or).Xli taaaa,0nbtmiOaaf**,tottallaal t?i l >bUM .t . '?? ll.r, \ .... - i ! I ? 'i:! ?".M.i.)i,,ri.;M, *. :. ? .. IB i.' i.'liin. B.IJ ? -ii. i'i. ?. IB| at < ". 'Inl. -t Ai- i 'i 1 ai >U i 51 l?l<. t.p!. inN.; tt nrteri v. ... 11.. ii later. Bark gam yarn Bnri, kInker. Anut. :a.on M in *, in ba'la.i t>. Bm kmaon,1 **>\ ?>? n a On, Bark Pai w v \i ataiMpan CTemeecet, PBasa P R, H dai wit.i in.k Io Ii Ttoa In ....-'? a ? .1. 1 tntin .1 a >. I'. 1 IIa.4.1a 1-'U> ..."i-..- ir tn .ii .1? r : eam lo i - w.i. I If K itle (I l. , Pal r rli.; ????. i' II. 17 day*. v,uh mi .,1 to :i 1 Patabl* * sob 1 rnwei ?.. ?? later * Bits 1 hol Morl Bach**. Iuawleh 60 aar?, m sraVr. BrlsItehoaO f ii i v. v- Mil, Bsrhsdoas'?2 lays, with andaiae* to II ITowbrldee' Bona, Hrta Harah OUmnru. Hi Ba MaerltJMl7dayfl.wttbeadsrto j da in- ? r* At'o reaaet Iu P Bn. ,t ? ... im rJee 1,. i" 1 ? '.i. Hasa ? laOr nde 11 lava with fruit 1 todrlaaatl BUitarnAi'a reaael m R p Back A Co. hi ffiarai'l ia?t?a rilmdao Ig saya.wimaacar aadWm> la Mel i" l> Tr?.< brlilir* .1 1 ... I BrifCbina 1 1 ibett*, Borlnaai SI day*, wlto eedar, wta, t.. 1 v\ s i' tiraitroae. Brig tiara J tdami MrPaddeii.naraaa ?" duvs wiib sasm |.> y 11 M 1 ran a < reaael 10 Jed. 1 1? -A < .. Rria ii'' iB Maria ??< Baasoi . i """"'"y Ptoailtsd, 1.1, m ballast i<> p 11 sadta ?( < ?>. wiM) -in.--; vi Sandy Basar,] .10. 8. varyhasr. At 1 .iv I aland, imiit. m.. aksBSy. UttB \ BSD. ?*tr? Kepler IBets), TohBsen, Uvsraasl, Raskd rai sr seaiidinai ? Br>, 8lacliir. Bnalol, llentteraon rtma; Ra. i . dir. Elliott, ifewca*t] mi True, K, Dowiloa * Arrblbakl; Rli iBBMd Kelly, Went PMBt, Vs^ Old Isilnlnion 8* Ca i w Rrnni I ./-,:. i... ' i., i - n . ? ... i i .n ? . ... Uiukhui, Portland, ii P liimat.. ship* ii'hn atli ii fir :?? i (era, J 8 Tucker .?? ? ... Jotaa i >??? . ll i iff. Havre. C T.?i. iignna Nr. Lull bi . ii oniHirir. tienham r.. ii. w. riaa ,w . ..? Oreenock Bri,Xsn?on.l reriand, Ira Out* i Co. '?' -? ' llnsre iNort, Hniebye. ?i.n*l?wn er Pslflroam lor orten Be* .11 .Boye? '1. Pli kai .1 * .1-.rufeasornlaana rbumai im . 1), B<. Uarubnraj Fuaea, Kdr? A i*m lana 1 iir . Meaner, f .. r ?. 1 - -?- Kord B Hin. es l/*MMsalBl Snr), lalinksen, 1-iverp ? 1.1 rob.t 1 ... / irmloa ? kuM i. Rarroo, Cnrkfnrui .1 nli 1 en* 1*1 dies ken. in Be . W'atlsB reel A ('a laszir L'arrv (Rri. Carry, Can or tat niotiiii t roi I. n, c Bnrtaiii trironaat (Xorl Mas, Raw* ?? ?! ? 11 ' * I'll rli i .!..- . ' ... i BB. i'???? ra, Havana. Ja* ? art I tVj . uipbou n.-i . K|.>lo,Maraslllas,Benha*o, B?m - 11, Pii-keniifd ? .> a M scbwrlaaart. Joboaaa, 0 r- er Palnioniii f.nlers, Pniteb. !?.??? a ?? Bakraa A ami. Pah* loUcii, 1 <>r~ ? 1 1.1I111 11 . ...i ..i.i. 11. - ...... .t Co. uri?s Flora <.lale, Dana Roanoa Arrea, Joba Obbbj Sal* laban illri, - srrel Baronne. Pr Beam* I Brwai Itarry 1 ami tobt * Pr?. I'? Rrbhreiosra Rar, DwIatitA Platt I oebrsilraei l>nia. |i...i?. Haaiw M ttrande, \v arJ'U j; c?; > n in 1 1 ish 1 Ick, Aas 1. Bdboa. Hp, S I adg tu POB :i 1 s' iv.ntr-1 t...S1,... o, 1 pt \rr .1 ii: itot,Mr Bristolctty,fr*M bsw ! > ..rn. .111 11 x ni" ? M'. -1 r 1 .iM .'W.1. 1 inn \ ..ik: mr.t'' Rollerilain Mr flnlit'il II -Mi In1.11 \r? V..rk. an .1 f.iv.r nnei, atrotbsra. trow !tew*Yorfe armt Rtdterdaat, ?ii w a hebidieB, from XnW'Yisrki i.rr al 1 Bon -ii BirathaMsm fi-iii n ?? V .1 k; o ? 1' .-'..1. ?: r i .'iu 1 r ..111 New Y'.rk yt'itFSiroWN, ritt 13-- lal lad 13th .1.-:. ttoWraias fst ' n.-'? Vort. I. isnox, tVI I"'- Balled Tili tisr. Cti-i? Pnri-I* Marianne l\'i I ?tii Bat. Sunbnaai, llsfraflnrt, Th,. Charier, ZefSroil'apt i Raiasii Btk bm, N boi isttwolo Newayneanai illebard 1 Pesrse; ||th last. Marile W Brnit, Raeebn* Kaima, MaraB* rtla (Capi Barr time Uarj 1 Baker, tlbo ra, M t MoNadt ihe latiei fm Xewajrlesnst Qaeaa rietoria, SnMBtarMora. Mattaalaa Oalatnla, all threw f.* Oalawara Rireri Raeovnry. plrlo, JamoaO IVndlet a, illt'ir. 1 !'.i Bes v..ik ii - Ja.-L. am. JnsS B i op /. Bidli f ? P0111 nr. Mei Aruidae .cant Han - 11 . in.-.: ISl ? Inat, Margala f i.?.n>i? all for Baiiitoarsi .l.i-l.ii.i i r 1 ? r ? 'i.i ? - m "?!? i li .1 . 1 .|. , fa, 1 ..' ArrM last, VlislB dells UBamls; ?ih irt?t, Kooerto, Wan 1. d 11 1 tin -. I? mi.. < 1 1 ..?:?>. . iirn'-o c.iui Hannen Imh inst, Ulrica rapt 1 ..el , lona, Delta. Dido llth > Has* 1 ipi ..: en). Vat.' ,:. . !, oroBtoa, TaauirUk 1 - tu II11.I, %r 11 i' apt Ni.'l > ii>. N oral 1. ABiiutieenu ni. U i\. 111 -11 llrPOPHOSPITl 1' -i WIR cor?C.iinptlot twagha. Braa '.1-. i>*3Ultr, ga. ? Paralysis i- sun-l.t nrcvpiited i>\- taking Bjcbabp's Tkxtotai c m tor 1 be brala aad asrraa. Pot lion-s -cleaning there is nothing an eftec Bmlsadi ?? a BaiABca Pruri pbablpik. Bold by all (toe .?. All rloomv. ncrronr. tctrors arc bgjj?khed by TBlEroiAtToSI ll< iilache und neuralms were, nerer <ti qatck Kycaredasbj id babo'sTumrrALTosio, inn. 'I Ii?- lirer ntul kiditeys w i n- ncrei -.1? surely ragalsitfl ?? by RS haki/sTcctotalToxi CoMStTMPTIOR I.i go rRO?RLRS Caa ?>? if. v ni. : and . ire>| by aMas Pun un* "PalaI ibix*1 Cop fjvica oil, la ornnMaatlntt artlb PBosi Ho NlTKtrikl rh* MBmaSksrtaalraiady. AUdnigglsis Depot,SPlait-*!. of nil tool g, Rii iiakd'i Ti btotal Toxic la Um aal aaudbwa. It auutsa sa dntaaarda ^..ii ciuiM in.. .11.1 laojrh, dear girls ? 1 u'< m j ? t i- ? 11 are * imr a. p -.n!, . ' I ni. v. nr in luth u piah ind - ??? et, And yoni 1 111.>bad* bm i , Ami inn . annul innp!* ??m, Kui ibiouKii tba 1.t - iiooosr. So an iki - in ronr boots il \. 'i take Bit n. AfursTBaTorAL um', 11.k.. aedraaluuas. ? MTo ba or nol to be11 i-? tbe quca^iraji a.-i toUag las haart? 1 f BantA ...... kwi BipabBraaa, U bum rata, ..r.-enl.a. -ar.. g || . ]., hhjh ml. nlaail bbim Bt Bp ptwval at Kkos'b FsU *bbb*i f saalhiMea's bsis. Maka aa rsrly BBf* Bsm al IU III ....I?. it at ii, i|,r j- ,,,|, A,tf??B ,!?,?, One qnartei of liiiinmiiv ilio ri,?m aM-oti** drink taka BiniABii's TwroTAL tiiBK'and Uva. 4 RALF-CENTT7RY IV RSE.?HI \ rTS A. l ? I lia OabaBBI bj "'?' r ,M? i*r.?i . .in -, |iri>r?n ? Hin?! ri'lialili-lie i!'.'Hi*-mi ifn'iimll-ni mat. Dm unlfUft,rMMl ahaaaa Irapui klno.1 Hai n* trlee all ?U- try t .,?. axdalba* ? <li iii/fi"'". Irepot, "JiatlrBBd-af., Nnw-Vafk, NE?VOUM DKBILl I \, Imp ?? iVoaka -?7 of the irrran >f it ai-ratl ml ,v ?, i , . i 11 ? u,r ? 1.1. .1 i,. a J \ ' il i - I , I: - - ? . ill .. r?a tl we are mi,,,, i.umi. Prien, all.* H ? reaeaaa, s. nd aar drealar, Pra#m*f] ?e w i m .1.. ? 1 .. ; * trfcaailera. S6 lane at. Bow-Yneh JJEyV CARPET8 FOB FALL TRADE. <;i.iiir?.i. i. i, iiyvtt. 271 anil "" i''?aal -i . bot oaoa Broad* at ? ???! Klai ?)*? OFPBBB ai BBTAII, a Saw ai .i h tip BODY BBIMBEIA TAPKNTI.i IIKLMELfJL 8-PLI ami IXORAIN < VBI'KTH, oil** i.'.i ii-, p.i aai a a n m \ rruffal DISEASE] OF TMS NEiiVOLTS SYSTEM. maaaarataaa atf*.aieaaaraCaar. Vat ? ? *? r erar jtfe am! I** direct beanna which il in- " bu ' .'''''-"^T..* iliiirm l'M* !? i ?? 'i1 /? I. Han- ..hi. 1 ? ? ' ?????riaa? ?i ii,l,, i "i i'ii, ii..' ,. in il in nil, i.i. "r .v Hit linr il. ?ra nta ,ii om ?? ivot hug -r*it a u .r aa l a' a m tbu dim i I beta -? . : i ',, mi? -.1 ia , rata aai ? ... t *euj ??* HENB / A, DANIELS, BL Dn 144 Lexinjtoo-ava., rear 2.Uh-st not i.?>. b in i i | at f. >. -\ OUaXi A EVEH FAILaS RADWU'S SAHSArARJLLIW BESOLVEVTa a roan ay conn.' ? ? i ll?*ita nf eitraoritiaarr aaeeieal ,, Miami i ll in purify, In el. ri Buir, jmi lai lawrafa i ni ? I ..-i alb d gl ICK, ? LK I v.. r.BAl K, anil pkhha.nkm In lt? trcatm at and cure. ?omni tlr-'i Barl healCk] IPiro or haul mti-rlr nro in.nil- in..ii ran biood i '.. ?? ? '? 1 ? 'In' ???? ' i' ? ?? ?? '?' whether It I? ? i- u i.C ?a j. .n,Hypl ? -nr.-*, I nn.- i ?. "?? ?. i i u>! ??" ~i [lb i.'.. ?> ? -? am - ??'iiio Laoaa> Klila<*ya. i i ?I ?r, Womb, -km. in.'. - . raa- n. or ll.i?rU r>itbi i ein. iiMtnotiooai, ibe elioa oi ine >iu , , im il,. I'.l.' i .??- tl.- fJ" ?'. 'ni'I'Jj and rep?tra rbcue ind wan J Haeneaof ihn ??-mm It lbe ii.ik.iI la aabaaltky Uh pracaai m n airi Mteeaai . a i aa fariaparllllin'd ?oleem i ? i' 1 * remedy, bal -?> irceihi- hiinuoaloaa action of i-ach nf ihcnr. gsaa Iteatabliah ?ihr?>naboul ih?* entlr? ?>?non fnni tmial baiaionr, aa.1 Mipiiittn :.. Idood va.eltli ? aara -n.j 1 im I! . t Ih- Baraanari.lUB, i.m. ?.i.-.r ami ro-aiulfnl. Ilmfie?, HbMcbea, Klack Kpota uol Hkin KraiMtona cm r.-miv-<lt - - t? ? M a ? aia. Throat, aniKIUi .... ih u Iibvk .. rumauiMi an i *i-r rn >aa from miriin .. m m merrnrr.o froa I i m ? '?????*. . iftiaa . ? i i i " . a . ire it ti.. - .? ip in .?i ta CnlltlllUttl .1 -.: t'; i I Ilm* " tn.iki- Ita>.' -i ?:. Ott tbO ?i u m. pbh I 1 ? PK a i OTTLE. Railway's Ready Relief, TBU < KEAPEnT tJtDBBWTafl DP i ? I POB im Ml I. V i kB in i at: WOeXU ONK RO?RN I lt'>l i LB ?TILL CVKB M 1KB LOBPLAIBTU ami PBKVBBf iii b \ - I i I AHAIN'ST HI Ulli X A i i A' KB Ol I Pt, Dl.HH'H INII t'ONTAOIOL't DIkKAKKH IIIA> 0> a Hl'.NOKKU IXU.I.AI - KXPKNDI I) 1 .?II UTIIKB ktKlb ii'lBKB Ott MKUP 'l. ITTBBOABCK 1 Hl. .vi . m i -! It AliWA V'M READY RELIEF IS AP* PI.11.1. J.\ lil-.AI.I.-i "UTAKC.V INll.l.mi.i.V Vi', i tiRIHNO Mi D1RLCI l"N?PA IB, I'Kuil W UATBVKBj CAI ?K, CKAHKS 11' BXI8T. Ia all ca ea arbera pain r ??. ?roinfurt l? expetirned, or II aelCMl oltb Iudu ia. lilphtberla, aora n.U Mawaa, Ba4 Uvu - ii.. ii - i..-.. itilimMi i.l.. laBaaiiBai.f theBowela. Btomaek, Ln i I. ?'. Rklaeya,af attk ? phi a, ?inin'*i .1 ^ .-e aa<i Aaae, m altb Be .r.iu. i, m-ailaxins i n Doioroaa. Pa >b. aeba, Mb . vt ? .in baaa a-'". i'Ua .u tin- lUi k. of akena i.ti.n.. in with i? . ba .' I.- [era Herbua, or liyaeatarv, ae \>. ii.!:,,.-... Braiaoa, er arith ??tral ?,Crampa,o| h-nioun*, Iliu apnUeattoa ?i RAUWAYH BKADV KM.illV WI 1 ? uro/IM >it Hm ?..i ill >?! i'ii.-.' t'.iiu|ilaitiU lu A lew uoar.k DR. lUIWAH lEGIlUmfi PILLS, p. i ;??> |y uaatalaaa, ? * ial * i i Uaa, Bar Ma aneaef t i ?? onli i ? .if the -i. hj. , ii. ? r. boarsbk aidaara t. i are i it aiaaaaea, kaaalai m. aaaupaliaa, eoauveaea*.lad ? 'a, ipa> I epata, bl :. n-!????-. blboan fuv. r, lutla'u'ii ill 'u nf :a ? u vi?, pilr?. and au .i r ii./i-., ut. >f tbo iBiaraat rbtea ?> Want raati ?: to .? im? lir^oai ?> PB1CK M CKNTU PKK auX, BOLD BY DRL'OOWTaV DK, KADVYAV a I ".. M \\ iBBEX-HTM H. y. ri?up o nn 'c n LTni in i m PBJH i ixafrcaaOBBaetabaal wrUhrarmt alaUaa (treolar, peatal aara, bfll nt tarw, *i:ai i ?anaata, i.i-u Jtc mi book, mi PBBaa, mi kam v pbii Ba, ? KUfiOTBIO PBB AM? PAi'V BOOBAPH OUTDOBI PBICKa i "i: BBW-TOBB BTATBi PCMTAL i kKD, UO, *l ?& l.l i l I It M1XB, BalL Bnl B4V LEO tl. < \P I I Hl N 0 BPJt, A. UA!4*B A: OO , IB WdllTB-HT^ Jf, V. KAMM.I.. BAREUORI & COh geiaklfctaaal Hto, I B POB i BKU ' .1 Dl v.M".n DO ami MAJiBPAi n it Baa op diabtobo ibbtblbTi Baa. kaidk1n j h.a yol... ah.i .. - n \ - - v i at, I ?OKK Be, u bbw BUBXIBOTOB sr., lvoxdob. ^TEN 1V1IN?TES FRCJI lffl-st* D5AMONDS A SPECI M.TY. W ill I I UEMB AT U Nl PUB I lni|inrfei ant Maaafaetnreraaf nur We'rh ? Priv'.?n? Ktonet .in.*, iv and -i.-rinnc Hllvur. AI.ENTH IOK \\ tl.TII ? ?I W M? Hi - tin ' **i..: - In the Bem 171BllOADWAY,cor. ofCort'.andt-st Hi.- -.Mil a? ? . Bbi-aiaa u, u iiapa ai a I H BKKAKFA8T, GHCOOLAT ASK i < 'I ii UlUMJI 'i I I Mi [Ti PABia ABB LOB DOB, Ben Yerk Depot, n.? latJ tl aaaaBibal -???~?~- ?l Pyle's O.K. Soap, I III: PUBK81 IXDCHKAPK8T ABIICI K ro -kLi i i roa rna LAt'BDRY, iia l ii, ami i vi BY I'lN roil,BT. laaa Hand the leal for "Upaara ITai il In ihn nienil biaaak -^-1 jaBBV Oea-a ?3 -m\ Ml i t.iti OTISelev?i?hs. ?TinaKoTakaaBaiaa4Jaa.aaai . sr. 1VU J til Pomler. MfMM fr.Mi <>r.i>.- Cnw M T.irI it - ?' ! laaMOtlp Iftglti 1 " mitifai AnStllllLolV L 111 ?? . i ? i < < 44 j . * ? j , ,u. ? ?1, I. |,M.,| ilaky liol liioaiUol lui u.... . .. .? w iii...hi i. 4i ui Um tii- rawttafl ntm mmn \ laillgjiuiirl? hi >.i.