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oll 10 REPUBLICAN. A MAJORITY OF 10,000 CLAlhlED. lite TIP*9 WOmM nOVI LABOR hi puu.1CAN gAfXg-rvKHU. OOVBTIM not iieaiu? ik.i.m ? thk i BOBBl ITtXBB < !. '??*. T: IB VM loo weather in 0!ii?> y.-donlny, nmi dM election brought out M uti RguaRj heavy vote. Tan, first l?tnVM nil ahowed lowTfl BofyoblieOJI gnius. ami m-?imd (o indicate a majority of o'.J.OoO for (%tU Foster. Later returns indicate tho majority i? from 80*000 to 25,000. 0m cm imat <? is as Mgjt an from 30.000 to 40.000. The DajBO* atmtt ...;i<iii> that Foster hum can ltd the Stall' bj I UaTge majority. Tbc n turns alai iiidici'ii a Etopablieaa majority on j tint hallot in the [jcgislatare. llgBiilt? fsagatj bag taajaj cani?*il by the Republicans. A TKI.F.GRAM FROM KTCHARI? SMITH. rUK majority l'laim kd to re from IWBBTT" i l\ I to forty tllulSAMl?A gi:ni".KAL 0jr7?rp swu l. mi launTSAAPa vo TBantBfBB-l ('ivfinnati, Oct. 11.?Ohio givs luster over 90,000 msjsiilj Th is a 111 ahanatiij Ihiilawnaln turf, aal at kaia beet trrtajhi aie w Bating. Tho Republicans arc gaining every w here; ami it looks Bate a ifi-Ticrnl srotiml swell. I.otrr.?Siifllrtcnt returns have hsea n-ceived to ju>:i:y im Maim mi 00,000 ruiijorit.v for F^nr, aadltBsai raaeh 10,000? The Lsgislatan isRe nvUieaa ii batt bgaaesanv There is a Seiferts gain fen sU parts mi the State. Ohio has aynbsa arith eniahasis and clseraese ef pntwoss thai naaaot t?o nihrnadsrstend. .Daewretatedid not sxgeel victory, I'lit they dot not satitiipets garb an ever a helming dV feat. Bp babd 8mith. Editor of las Oaasfta A DISPATCH FROM hfTJRAT HAL8TEAD. a i MMiNT on THE RATfJBTg Of tiik PIBST an T'ltNS. iitr saruasaAea sn ran imrtrsa.! Cincinnati, ?ct* ] *..?it beaks ttkc ?? Bt pal lleaa i Bf. Halbikab, K'liior <>/ las Geaaanaensl. A DISPATCH FROM J. R. M< I.1.AV tin: Ki>.t< b Of mi: gXOjriBI m sats Tii.iT THE i.MS OK mr Fo-ll g !>? IMItll gl i?. IB1 IBUmBAFB To no: PAIBBRa.1 riN?.-!\N?ri, Oct. 11. 11 p. in.?Report? from tlio northern part of tss State radicate the BKctrae mi ( srlesF star by a haadaoms BAajerity. Hamilton Coonty trill be eksm <>ii the eaeatj stehet, if hi hie to gtva rery aasaram lufonustum at thig boat Tat eatahjeesy htcja. J. R. McLeax, Editor "f Jin Eumuuvr> i mt vir.w OF mr, p. r, m \><?\. A I ?--1h: '. RAJ ,:lii 01 20,1 00?01 MOCRATR In <i v..AM OOBCfJsl IHK UtOlgLATVRg BT a I HAUL m ? KMAI*] v. IHY 1 i.l I 1.1: tta To TIIK TK I III SI . ] Cm gauctiAj Ohio, <>> U l L?Three baadred and twenty precincts from nil parts of the State give s : ?; Kepabticaa gain of 5,230. Cmveland ni\? s Mr. I iternea '.. 6,000 majority, and the galas average \H vmeeto each precinct, wind triil ? !??<?! i*<<t by 20,000 aiajority. The Pemoerats here oooeade the Stats by 20,000, nod lbs Legislsture by s sn ;ill pa iji i .t t 1 in' whois oounty and legislative ticket al < srelaad kt Republican by 0,000. In Toledo snd Saaduaky Rtriaa bai saptared euoagh Green' backen tonsakesomegatna] !? it slsewberaIb tin Btat On backen iirr shoal SQaally divided bcteri a tu'- Kepub!icausaad lbs DemocratSi Platt ,' hi.. aill gel shoal i "..tag? ratal tor Qoveraer. F. JJ. MiMiv, Bditoref The hmmuWx AT Tili: ( II V RALL IN COLI MBU8. tut: MtPTBUCAKS m gg ihm m .m im; ittrin Hi IDOjO \KI! RS ARB 81 vi THTUtSI I.V. > go Tll? RRfOTBKNI Od Uli RRVBi Inr yaiaoBAPR To rnr raiBCBB.1 CotgfaBOB,OadawOet. 14. Ohio has gieea tlie Confederato Dessoutaay g staaaing bk>w, and has kQled the ebaap snoaey htm hug and buxied if so du? j. ihm ii easy aevm bs resatrsi led. The Repab* lican victoej is iweepiug. glast one .in.l eotuplete. Mi. Pastel's majority promiaes, !? 'in lbs returns mom in. to roach 80,000^ ;'i * i*? ?r a liberal aRoaraaea Inf back aaoatrj Deasoeratic precincts, when tut laeimhmd vom may lira some Deinocntie gains, ami for sgiiealtnral to was, a tu-r<- the changes sn no! gp at. 1 lie ml ana gg la Legislative caadidates iro f ii from beiag tali: bat the big wave that naalifted Mr. Peetat up aaore any Btajerity, sara that "t OeaseslOraatla 1870,laakesthe claim ilia; both Braute und House will bo Hi-publican a safe BO. At IkBO :iii? evoaiag Chmrmsa Bobinson eeme Into the Meil Hoaae arith the 8nl laeara. Ii was froaaIsiwaTillti. and showed s hVaakdiean pain of 201. MLet'sga over to tbs hall," bs said] "ih?' in w? lias ecassseaeorl eseaiBg." Will Geaeral Beatty, Qeueral tir-oviimr, WykosT, the sM coa> ?iitai iibalimsn. gad batfadoaea newnpapei mm, be lad the way to ike City Hull, already nearly glbrd with h watttag erowd ad Repa olleans. A tawa np in th- Westers Beesen nported a ( <i 98. Tuen cam.- IiBBaaea, in tho . ? in pail of tin Mat.', with it pda ?'f ?ih). A tawa la Colombiaaa Ooeety. fgeBstdl la tbeeast, i< Ibjrwad with ISt and Ibsm sams big gsias in the CelomboaCity ptvsasata, aad s batch of imh..! rbwbtramrarloaaeeattal soeatiea. The tut.-had new aegao t ? Bow, aad Ihe irr.>:it erowd whi.-h had li\ Bo'clnck .t'.wii'"l ilif hall prow in-n ami more aptwartoaa w ith applause oae g un aftar aaotbeg v us aaaaaaeed. The aaadaaaae gmas In Cotambus aroaaed tin most eath utlasm. Hems Missed mea m tin erowd wegaM wegked ap by tbm aewa tbs they fell to baggtag each othei sasid Iheaacoaraaiag shouts of the crowd. At haM^paat H. Iwenly-e ? j>r. einem shewed 1,090 Bepablbss gala. Thee i me t"? BBamritbjs from Ii vehud eaam roil tag in. CiaeiaaaM reporti <! the i teeth a >.i all oi bet b>jpabUeaa U gbtlatire esndi saBaav By thin time the sathuaisem had leached inch a pudi thai it i-e. med imacesibls for ua erowd t .. Hmka mkj gesatai aasss. Up to iiii- bum ue Dessocntkt ?nins had boeg r?' pottedi hut shevtly aftac 9 e^elaek the Aasociatad pri!? broBahl in ii f'-w ssattartag aramhs ?! re. ,i it foi ih.-1> in U ta*-, nil . bad already begea in asausaVoa their own baadqaartsn ami to . an- ami BM what ail the SBBBBltSHJ al tin- l'iry II ,11 trag abeajBi The Oeeseerathi gatas wen very kMagoam, Iniwever, balled Mthey ?len- in amxumtfidamati bm t? Mlfylag io tin magnllads .?f Mi. Foatar*s \ h iorv. Rj 10 gTclega*. Biaatydlrs precincts had psaertad Repasamaa gabs el 9,004. Piftoen miaatos utter t as aVgaem had gaas apta 9.07O. *.? ball i-.-i n? thetaRy swethrd tbsaet gam la 8,4-18. At lithe BBaaenesaseal ?u? 1,100. Aftm th ? lew Mied to hsaea to macs sabmlattoas, al though Chairman hUieiaaoaend M. w?rs. DBealdsoa gad Nash wen hard ai v\oik flrith lion eeata si aad the annperatna i n dag daa nv sii faeesk At ttsl Psmamatie Readqaartan at half paat lo, then wag a SBsail ami Mihmn ciowd aasBaesd in front of a platform erect) d at tin* gad of an ggMjgj store. Nnoe of the DaSSOtrgtBI clil'le WON there. Mathias was in h saaa sdstaaa Q. Tbaaapaoa, whs psaamdaty slsisscd . v. rythtnp szaRiaady, nor of thf Hin ill ii ?v ami iHintideut McKlBBOy. ( arson Luke, theessassBiysd Miia*laaejg eeasaaittee, waaIhen BfggSaTBJ ili-patchi s. and by his SSfaS Chum,iy New? ton, "f Tkt (Mastaaaal ataapabw, ntriiKuliiip with the figures to make them BgpS r a little lese appalling, lKiwu the htreet past the door went gg army ol Jubilant BepnhlicaiiH on their way to the railroad Station tO *Ai !? .mit- Charles Fouler. Tin ir ehouts hnishi'd tin- husine - at ihe Democratic heuilqiiai ten. A few BtlaataB iatai Lake uml Newsoa gathr seed up it.ear aapenaad departed, ami iho ua* v,a*. tuITH "1 Ollt. Atbalf-pasl ii tho teturue showed ti...t tho lie public ana had rjjnitd Um clone Boamtlaa of lladieon, Do law uro, Hardin, Knox ai d kluekingntn. Tbaoo, with Hamilton County placed beyond qiMBtloo. made Um la^iniamii rarely Bop ibllcan ou Joint 'la'lot and arcured tio< ri tire in on 1 01 Senator ilmr man to private life, Mora than thin, Bepablican oootrnlol tiotii Boneea bcii?- Inearcd,tan <t?--?trn<? ttoaol the Democratic gerryainndei of leal fear 1.twuea probable, and tie next Ohio deleft thai to Con great tree ineored for the Kepnblicane, At midnight Cnainnaa Boblueun HMdeaaneeeh claiming .Mr. rosin's election by :it least :!<?.imk? majority, ?n?l alee rdadmiag both branchec <f the vtsiatu.e. A'tci ba'f a doaen jubi? lant Bpeeeaec had In-on blade, tin crowd thai went to the railway elation nomn bach t<? the ball, and General Bee it y annoonoed the diaap pointing aeara that air, Footer bad boI arrived on the tram, [here waa than aothiag for the happy RepnbUeaaa to do except ao hubt nonflrea and gn alioutlna nnd alnnlng tavoaga the atreeta untn iheei fatigne aampelhN theai to gn home. To aaatiaw the whole State will ring with rc Jnlnng "Tea the arieat revolation m Ohio poUtlea whieh haa restored to the KepabUoaa party old tlBM majority, pad hm im] inflation, repudiation anil mil Plicat ion in MM COmBMO grave. IfaSOa, m.?iii<> Bcpabltoaa Kam* hold out wrii. Abaal ono-eifrlith of all the pro inet? In the Ktati :i a In, and the nel gain is eloee npon 5,000, amking P arh r*i majority thus far ebon! 8,000, The lamanv Ii ; pi. i in. tsai tim proaenl ratwof gaina would bring ? t ap to 35,000, bat tins ratio made up from the favorable retnrnawhich al way a come in lirnt cannot ii expected bo bold good Ihronghool the State, it aeema entirely eefe, however, to tav that Foetert majority ovei Bwtng will not bo less than 20,000, While it may be over 28,000k ESTIhlATEa or THE MAJORITY, raxaoaanu pbom the city ov iwm obtain on an w IIIi It indhatk a possible 25,000 ur 88,000 afAJOBITT. ( oi i Miu <>ut. 14, !? p. mX?BfitlTBl from otily 90penetacta na the entire State wi re received up te9o'clock. The net BoyahtBian gaine, if ooaUinued at the aame ratio throegboet the statt-, will alee! ( baileeFoater by 86.000 Bmjority Th?i weather to-day IhrongbonJ the State araa eery line, anil the Indicatiooa are that the bearieel vom ever know,, in i lb bo baa in i n polled, Bt80 i>. mi BoYontj flTe townahipa have baeo Iii-iii i Drona, ahowhaa n net BopabUean gain of 1,240, Theaaineratiothroaghoat the Mate would give Fns:-r 88^000 aairjorit]. in ??. in.?At this niiiir comparatively few re lama have beea received from the larger ciiiee, Aa far as received tbeee lataroe aaoai act Bepabltean ga aa ia 180 kownabipa, wards ami predacti of 1,800 rctea, I (als p.m.?Beta rni from ltui producta, i blleeted and reported by managen of the telearapfa ofBeea throughout tlu> State, ihon a mi gain ol _',7;?o votee for Charlee Foater (Bep.) far Governor, over the vote for Secretary of Btete in 1*7?. ihm ind catena Bcpublicaamajority in |ho State ot from 20,000 to 80,000. 11:20 p, m,?Betnrna received up t?? fUa bonr innn 380preoiacta ^bow nol Republican gaina cf r?,L'.i:i. 11:00p.m.?Bottuma from :!??<> precincta,werde ami tewaahipa abon a net Republican gain ot B,780 ratee. ]?_':_'*?* a.?The Bej.lieana claim the Logiala tare apon tbe report ol 11,000 atajority la i in la* nnti and Hamilton Uonnty. lite Demoeratado not cotuM'di tin . Four buudred and tony preciuota, a. 1 !? and *? a lutbtpi give i in o.?ua Mite?. it. ..can gam THE t: UNS AND LOSSES. I it ,i:MrVT\' Y RBTOBJCa PBOM Tin BBYBBAL 0OOV* ma i : n in o bbably dp m blbyxb i>\ t.m k. Coi i Mm ft. Ohio, Oct. 14?10:40p. m.?The fol lewii ? la a d< tailed stat' meal "f iii< renn aa of Um Stale eh* :i. n lo-daj . received here n]> to t his Imur. is; ; -. H i ? B 'P. ' Bill. I Majortti i.nt I Viur. Dora. R i Dem i a km. : .\..ii ,i il. a- itiibnla. Is ill.. in. ' Browa. i Bui er. I Carroll. i t " in palaa, laelad a i BrluUM. i i Urh . . I Ohl Ii .HU. I Cii.rahtMxa. - : i>. ii.-.. i la Ranee. l . i, .m limn.* Bai i ? kv. ; Palrib Pi. pranklla. I ?..?Ilia. Ueauea. i... !?. HaraUtoB. Hancm k. Ilurdm. Ilarrlaoa. . Hearr. Uockma. liaroa. .t .< kaoe. Jcgeraoo.,. Knoi. Lui*p. Laai in1'-. Lo klag. l.i.l li iLe. Laeae. M u1!?"li_. Mahoalng. MarbH. Mi.lina. Mi Ig?, Me. Mi ?Iii p'l MUnil. Moi row. Muekinguui. tll!llW.i. I'n Itaaaj b fS, rtage. Bo i laud. H iBanal v hetote. i ort.. Bam Bin. i rUMball_ 'i ii-i trnaraa. Uati .a. V im Wert ... w irrea. n aaaiugton. ?V tyne. a.<. .V lull I. tie.. Ii ??' 1" 1 881 j I 3,400 &i i.l 109 1.0o7 \i:? hi 1.J-. 1.4U 240 ?ii 86 MM 104 1 B4j a ?a in ii m u? lib pi 88 lb; ;if.i :::: *m niiVi ii mi _ bs?l 1.74M 1 4'' 1 1,104 I8i ant ],- - l,00e i'". i e?t sjs l.-:.:i BOO 'J71 ?l'..i da So. i 8,0*11 BtM ?J.1V; ?44 1,471 seV: 1.11 i... 1 " i 1,888 1,071 1.808 l.^iu 111 1^006 40 57'J 44 430 1,846 1,001 708 818 lot mat oiii aa na 4 ~ Ml 2, 'ii 1m aixteea al the twi nty-ala rtraatiaa aot named above, the Deaaocram had 18,748 piaraUtj lor Sec r tary ef State baM year, and in the ether ten emu lira the BepoblMana had 5,183 plnraJity, All thi galna and kMaea m the above taiile are baaed a pen the rote foi be ere tary ut Mate in 1878, HAMILTON COUNT! BE PUBLICAN, mi MAaBaVrn tBBBI ah it t a?B00?a LAittir. vote IN i iNiT.WAri? BOMB BCBAT1 :ii\i; oK name a, i ii r rat ana am to rat mnaona.i ClXdHKATI, Obta, ?>ct. 14.? I lu re iM now no doaM that lie- BepahHraaa have earned thii i, [Hami'toa) by al leael 1,000 aaajeaityt aad 11,. > ale l.y 'J.i.lllhl majo'lty. 4 i. ? aral Proai fHapati ii siat.-h that the weather in Cincinnati clear ami Bdaanaart, ami that kbaeo vaa a I irga rota polloo? Qeerga W, WiBlama (coi nr. ill, i lie K 'tnililieaii candidate for itepiesental i ve, naaeraaed t. um the tiokat by aaaay of the Kepniiii r.ius. ami l.i'WiaO. llernanl, the !>? moeratic cauiii* date lor Clarh al the Ceaaaaea Pimm* Coart, waa aarved la the bbbm Bwaaer bysaaay Denaoeraea Lib lb BltaBtma wastmid to tin. constituiional anieml Baeaaa laAveaaiale it m aaated that forty Deoao* erat? voted tIii Htraiglit Itepublicau ticket. In the Second Ward hire several liard-monev lleuincrate aetatehed the name of Kwmg tot Governor, tn-ro ral airoato ol tn ki t-holders were unoln by the po bjea, but the men were all roIeat>od almrily aftef* ward. HABD WOKK IN h'OhTTHEBN OHIO. Ci.kvki.a vii, 11., (let. 14.?1 be eleetlOH took place gaietly la Northern Ohio to-day. The weather wim all that couid be deaixvd, and a Very large roLe waa I polled. Both parties were out in full fOTOS and trerkiag hard. Ai Sandnskythe Democrats mu?lo a determined Hitiii on iho f ssjhneioin At Mertette the voteweetoitheavy. Theeoe* ( ded Republican majority in the county wan 100 thtniiiclioiit the duy. tin: news at pabti headq?AjkTEBs. The room? of the Republican Committee ?od teecorridorsatdM Fifth Aweeee Hotel wen etetd ir on :m carlv hour last SVSBhBg with n surclng crowd, anxtoii* to learn tin- latest in w. fr.'tn Ohio. There was uo eewM in tke mind* of any t list Ihe Republican State llekct bail oeen elected, ami the iitnniMt confidence WOJ neewaWMl heat the party would have n majority In the latgtalatnrs. Tklaooagdenea was Dooflnaod ay ti?e iste i ipeSehes, a a?ajBMrt teem Twe Tumi rmt sates, re BoiTodat bal&pMi 10, givingaaaeraatM ot a complete victory, wea s me rod with aethealaatla applause. At tea CBeenhaal BeadsjasrterBj in tin- sturtcvsnt Heose,aaeoh pnsrisflethe reaeltef thaOhioeleottea was msi.if. sie.l. tjcorirc O. Junes spent the early part of the evening at a Orvcuhnck meeting. On hl? return to the holet his first impiiry was for news from Ohm. When loht Met the defOBI Of Kwing waft conceded at the 8t James Botet, he exolplniedi The Detnnrrots u.aj ipvc It up. Im' I shall uot until the full potmt haa beea made ami returned. Oeeerel Kwinx foeghi thissampalea <>n Um Oraaahaeb lasas; he mid iif people that tin- return al prosperity was due to the in Battoaof ihecurreacyeauaed by toe leutoeetliaflMef silver. Tue people of Ohio voted on this issue un.l not within the old pertyllnosi there w er'- Desaucrata wee oou d not rote for Swing, and there were Bepehltwai who rould and did." The Kohmson Headquarters In the St. James Betel Wen thronged iMSt evening, hut the fael thai tin re been mi eleetJoa in Oaio was steadily Igaeci .1 Oaa prominent Denoeral rare Onto to no Bepantlcaaa at an '-arly hour In ihe eve:, mir, und a ateiher af the Hlate ( anaihai said they had made uo arrnaci si an ta tu irrt re w- from Ohio at the commute* rooms, ami were BOl Dersuadi d Umt the news was of a kind that they would _____?_ " WA8BINQTOH. Pt NBTAL MATTERS, pobtmabtbti Jamba bkbkxs at um obdbb about AHIiitKesi s OP LB11BRB irBPABThlBBT Uomsip. IBTTBLBSBATH lo ibb tkhii sk. i Wabbibotoii, Oct. 14 foatmaatnt James, of New-Vork City, has rebelled at tim otdet of the nwllllBBtet fllBIITBl Which requires letters to ho aunt to the Dead Letter OfBee, the superscriptions oi which do mil contain the State and other Intllml cal detail-. Mr. James olieycd the order lor one day. Be found that there would not be IOOM eaough in ihe New-Vork City Poel OfBee to continue to obej itlonger. Il was easier, for tliat nintliT. for elerka to semi letten to tin desttnal lone deal red by the writers I nan R WBB todamOTBI some technical pretext for Mudiaa them to the Dead Letter Office, it is not arobabJe Biat the i rdee will be aBfbroed if V wTork ior the reasons Indicated. A brag stsnd nut aider of the Post Offset Popartnunf has required i hat ai) postal cards haviiiK a.i.v portion ol tho mes? sage written on their fan- ihoold be treated as BB meltable. Geaeral Tyn.r to*day reaninded this nrtier to the extent of Imidin? thai surh mittag i i 1 not i ml' r them nmaailabki ?<, m.r prari ni fin ir iM'irs mailed aaleea it makes the addlTBB illegible, rhepablie is cautioned, however, that by writing any porthm <>t the bmmbbb aa the faM they ineui the risk af the card being delayed or misseiil. At th<* reqneat of General Key to-iiav, Attorney' GcnomlDevonstelegraphed to the District-Attor nej '? Louisville to appear for the poetmhitieea of city, and more for u transfer to the Ped ral i irto asnitwbkflhhae been brought in eS'ate Court for holding ahoal 1.900 letters addreeard to the agent or aeercta v or the old Commonwealth 1 miery. The similar suit in the United States i nnn at aBruiariUe was ysiteiday decided in her fa rar. Mr. Key, net impaaled by Colonel Thompson, Sn p Mute ml nt of Reil war Mail Bereiee, euo Colonel Parker, Chief of 8|ieHnl Agente, left lor Biehmood I (Mi i-'hr on business eon nee ted with Ihe tranefi r to tbnl city ot the s or hern Division Saperintend liiej will be absent from Waeniagton three 01 lour tin. s. GOLD GORffl IN PO CIBCULATIOff. PAYMBBTS AI bbw-YOBB iii Hot till TMB OUUUnXfl ?Ol SB. faaaaaAt raam nmeAToa.i Wabwibqto*, Oet. 14.?The Treeeary Depertaient beceam a member of the new TorkCleering House on Jan nary 1 lest. Up to the lei ol this mooth all QoTernmenl balaneM tbrongh the Clearing Rouse have 1.ii - ttled in Unileil Slates notes. Since i lie lstof the present monttt tbetotsl of Ihe balaneM pain bv the Onli Tiobbbij at Neu-Vork threagh the t leariagHoum amounted to 915,941,000. of this smoani tbeaamof 05.000.000,and all checks for eelled be ula, amoaatiag bs 99^00.000, have bmb paid in gold at that point, which makes the total amount of gold paid out at New-Torfe since |he 1st ii -i. B7.5O0.0Xbj. Thispaymenl of gold, it is sai.t bj tbe rrcaanry ofeeuds, will last us Ioiik as the in i\v reeeipta of pold from abroad ami lie scarcity oi uoteaenntinne. U lme the 97,500,000 wm .- peid out ahout $i.immmiimi in polo was received al tbe rreeaary Detutriutent, maaiag aa actual increaM in the irold eirealatiim of more than 9:1,000,000, melnslve of the 9200^000 reeently si ippi -1 fiom the Mint by order of the Secretary. WASHINGTON VI i:s. tTiwnrtiTrre. Tea ad ay. fhrrt 14. \*79. The ppseMathm <?t Robert 9meue, tue Mbemd > i ssemberof OSegrem fmm south Obmubb,hi peohabty BBded. To-day the Attoraey^Heaeral of the Iteta ?>f s. ail. < arollBa BMVed for the of the aiottca Intended to hrtagthe Mae toapeady triul. It U un.ler i IihiiI tint tills ends llie ease. Mi. Petsette. Da Bed States Oeasal at Lyons, to the Daparaaaal sf Mate the foiiowinic report si tee n ? Saite ot mb erops Ifl France: Wheat, lu four depart in. ut? la very goodi in sevaa, it is saod] in twsaty. three, fair; :n forty-one, inferior, to flftes-n. had. Osts, in fori \-one'lepart ineiit*. vei y |OOd| Intwintl - \. lair; iii twelve. Inferior. It ha* not beea had Bit! oats aaywham. Barley,la ?ix departmeats, superior; l?, thirty*tve. reodi in aiaeteea,fair, w inie the ?roiw ol c.ts BBd barley In Franc.; are K""d, w heat is lul.rloi, aad thedsasaad far it win in* larga. Tie osaBBdlm ef lee OBrrseey report* the wboi* saraBBtef Stfd'tl mal elrculatl.ui issued since the pule Iteathm af ths aaaaal mporl iu November, isth. at ri i.s;ci.3'j.>. TBeaaraaat or circulation hawed in tbe moat be ol govern bar aad PMsmher, 1079, aad tu Jan aary. May,Jaae,Jali aad aagmt, 1970, was Bsessder null laas than #1,000,000 for each Brants. Th.- aawtml ,.-il .1 III Fel. u?i v was * 1 .gsSytOl J in M. ? 11.081,020] in April. ?3^18.634. The smeaat BBsaea In Sept ember, 1*79, was 9&480\879? wiitohWMmom MM 1 Siee UM au.,midi loBBM during the four inontiis praceedlag. Ihe imreas.. of clieulation It the year ? ad B| BoveBlhsrl, ls7s. wa? *l.iil 7.liS|, and the 1. till ii resse frost Janusrj 11.15711. to WoTsmbm 1, liTT. w as ui. b tbau ?:io.(KHi,lSSi. a KhW TERM OW THE aUPSKME COURT* Washing ins. O. t. 13.? The United Slates Supreme ('.?an aaasmhtod at noon to day. There whs a hugeatewdaaesef saaaahamat the bar. a.any laym.-n * era aam al 11 sated to tue court-room as spssteMM. in. fettewtaghasteem was hTaasaetedi on motions of various members of the har, Mcsnrs. Philo ChaM*. of N. w-York Oily I Oaykard H. Ourfe, of Mobile. Ala.| Minor .NI. rl we Hier, of Memphis, T-nn; und John w. 11 aadale.ol Italeteh. N. t ., were admitted la pcaetlee, go. 00 Jsaapa P. Wcdssaa wed Btdd.a Beavaa, p 1 UghteafTor.aaaiaatBeates Oarrlagar et aL. araadla. iin?s.'d with costs. .n... 17?Tbe liaok af Am.-nru, plain I ig In error, asalnsl Virgin.u and A. 1?. liauka ?.., pamad <m asernml ot Hickuessof eounnei. Mr. Ohlei JTasUee Watta baaoBaeed 10 n s bar that the asaii will te*BiM aa hsgm ths sail or to* dechet aadei MeTweatrelzthRam,will tie aaaUraad saaas?<Bo.9 Onsllisl, the |iet|t|< ?11 ol the Slate ot \ Iririnia for a uiun daoim iifc'aiusi L'lin-'i States /adgs Rlvse, heiux the flirt iu urd. r. A.Jouriied. ffAOBDroTOli QOOBIP vrA r.ovnov. Lontlen Ks totMrU) Ttlrgrau, t* Tht ttitk Oatls .v. v i. I bare seen &iblo telegram stating it is ofrli tali) Buderatood in Waabiaslon Mai Mr. BaniUton Fish, nace secretary ..f Mate In Hem mi Orant'aCabtDel. will he leu.I. red the Ministerial miss.on to the Court af St. Jumes, aiid (hat af present he u Bot BdTBfBe tS IS ealetlaselplematBiHla In tea meantime Mr. Krarts, now United Hlate* Secretary of Stale, has br?,u a|> preaehed on tho subject, but slvas uo avbtaaes of a- . ejii^uce. ._ THF TIUKI) COLLISION IN FIVE days. CniCA<;o, Oct. Ii.?A BolligiOB between the eremna aacom.xlatl.iii train ami a kt.tvcl tram on ihe garth western itaiiioad sesaired at Mai wood yestereaj by which two men wer? killed and a UiiiuIh r were wounded. The names of tbe killed are Monroe W Audi 1 s.,11. of BgUl, and W. P. Sautz- r, of Obi easo, both pass. uiroia llcorte Caliholm ua scierely out not ssrteaslr bajarsd. lever al other pssatngen aaMhadB saaBaaap, a aibnMdi rsumdiug aa to sia nala was U10 cause of lha sociaani. IOWA ELECTION. LARGE REPUBLICAlf OADTS. NO BSTIMATi: YLT Oi Mir" KA/OOfTT IN TUE STATE ?TUB RK.TURNH MI'AUKK. TIip State eioetJofl took place in Iowa yes? terday. The returns uro mCBfTTOi bat in all cases except mm tliey renort ? Repablf oMi fain. There won four tJekoti In tho Bold. The Reptihlirans carry BOOM enmi? ties, apparently, which they lout in 1H77. No complete retorna have been nooiTod in ra traiil to tho election of nietnhcT of Congresa to fill a vacancy. A FI LL TOTE IN TOT STATE. a LAROF. RKPI RLICAN ?AIN I N HKS MOINLS ( OrXTY. IDs Mminf.s, Iowa, i let. 14.?The day has been tine ami pleasant throughout the Stale. Tie rou? te t for Govern at in atoet localities baa beea exciting ami hard fouirht, with a full rote coming out in almost BVBgy locality. No trustworthy news has yet been laoeived from tho State as a whole. Returns so far received indicate that Gear's majority In this County will be 700, a gain of MO over the vote >f 1S77. A GAIN AT COUNCIL BLUFFS. TTTK RF.itiilicans APPFAH TO II AVB SWFPT a COf NTT IN which THKT WERE RECENTLY DE" frA I KD. Council Blpffs, Opt. 14.?Thin county is close. The returns received up to the pre-ent time (10 p. m.) are meagre. It is very lik'Iy, however, that the Republicans have elected one State Senator and two Representativ.s here. The county is estimated Republican hv 101? major? ity. There was much sera i c h in g done. In 1^77 the Republicans were 175 in the minority, altboagh having a plurality of 104 over the PetBOCratB. RETURNS FROM FABIOUS PLACES. ItElt'HLICAN OAlaa in almost BTBBY CASE ?NO KHTIMATF of TUR STATE. Cnp'AOo, Oct. 11.?Returns from sixteen vot? ing places in Iowa give Gear, the Republi? can candidate for Governor, 4,482 roten Trimble, Democrat, 1.077, nml Campbell, Greenback, 882, Outetde of the-e Qaaf lias \u various polling places II. 140 majority. So far ns ?aparted the Bennbbeana have gained in all eaeee exce|?t one. Maksim 1.1 .town. Iowa, Oct. 1 I.?Franklin County trill give Gear an anaanally large majority, iiar din County, a- far as heard fiom, uives the Repub? lican state ticket a large majori t v, MI'scatink, Iowa, Oct. I I.?About three-fourths of a vote W;im polled 111 this Con lit v to-day. It is es Uaaated that Gear, the Bopobttcaa eaad date for Governor, will have from BOO to 400 aaajority fat the county. DELAT8 IN COUNTING TOT TOTE. Tin: MTUBMB OBMBBAUAT BIBAOaa on tui: BAY OP RUCTfOB. Election return- from Iowa gem rally come in slowly, and it is sometimes two day- i.,'lore the Vote of even half the Stato can he given. Tins year tbete are four tickets in the lehti which, with the reported " scra'ching." will boo nut. in part, Im tea raeagia returns received ban night. Last year a hen the Democrata and Green backen wemaaitedthe Bepoblieana earrled the stain by 8,160 tnajoiitv, having a plaralit] of 8, 157. In 1877,when most of the preaeul eandidatea aren elected, the Repabliean plaralitywaa 12,103, ami in 1^71; the State gave a Bepublieun majority of 48,774 far Prreident. It hi with 1877 thai ooea* pan-on. bib to be made this year. 0BNBB?L tOBBI0H Xh WS. RENEWED AGITATION IN FBANCE. A ciiamji: <if ministitY Po-siiii.k?tub BAXrfCALB It IbTPABT. Lmnma, raeeday,Oet, 14, i*7fi. The Be^aetMayae Froaau/aa, the orgaa of M. Oaaibetta, ooatmnee lit. advoeaei of phmary amaeety, a Pans ajapeteh aalaeftaiea aayat **If at.Oambetta aaotevea af a 'plenary amaeety* eampatga. all is cer? tainly ?vi r with the ffaddlegiiia Cnahaet, it hieertata that if M. WaddlagbM u even hrowa, at, Oambetta wiii not accept aaawi aad K. OreVy weald beeb!lgedta aamaaaa NT. Paal Caan im el faoont. aha oenM aaaeeb bm ntth ahaaatf a number of Bxtteurdata, wbeei aamm atanearenld have tho eflbelol aiaruitng Pranceand Barope." The ParleJonmal Ea Pranaai gtvea it aa the epmhM or n geaerally well-tafuraied imBtfetan thai la .1 mann M \\ id arten, Preatdeal of tae Couaell of state ami Mm lateral Pnrelra Affaire, and M. !/<? Boyer. Mtalater of jaatlee, wiU realga 1 peraapa aaaj M, Leon s?v, liniiatet at Plaaneei and thai M, da Pveyelnet, the present Min laterof PublicWorkja,wOl beeoaae ihr Prembrrofea rattrely tlaaibettlet Ministry, rhe Paria oorreepoadenl at ihr Itatee,however,deelaraa poeltltelv thai MI.da Freyelnol oopueee plenarv amnesty, ami will not accept tin- Pri Btbfraolp won the amaeety prorramme. Tin- laugrui^e of the rail'cal iircna Is Ucoomtng eill rnir> on*, and 1? eagerly corded by the reoetlonary pa pen The ifai$eiilai*r. ravmwtaa the aeenaatbjna asadeagatael Pntenna Hamaeri of comp ictty n Cbaa itei's eieeation.warna the reactbrwariei that it 1- Leiter, in their owa latorret. ta am the word "ezecutlea" aa little a* peattble. They iboubt beware of remind! aa tbe Badieala that the ae-ii-mm of theOommnniat leaden a <? still napnaaiaed. Boateilber, am.1 her extreme Badteal, lias been elected a BMBlbi r ol Iba Paris Bunli'ipailty for the District ut Leu Beaetaa, THF. OOTBBjntBBT dpi IRF.hatino. Pabbj taraday, Oet 14. 1*7?. Eg Fritner states that M, ifambetl'l tAeoUOB fn the Paria MnnlcipaHty areadleeneead at Minartaj'i rainm-t Ceaaefl. PrealdaatQrevy deeland dlattaetly that tin election would unt mndt?) the (i iveriiinent's attitude In r.k'arl tu anniest v. Nntinng warranted the hellrf that the Deputl. * would ho dla eeaed u> revoke the original deriaten. The Council did net {aatietftare ana atieel dtetnr^aaeee, tmt de. nt. ii 1 bei if certain maatfeatattoaa luoabt ib c 1 cam- It would he Uecensary loiuke incaHUIe.s to enforce reepeel for the law. Another C.mnnbd who had been granted aaaneatv, h.i? died, aad hat faaeral whs attended to day by 'j.issi parsaaa, laeladlagaawmberei tbe cbauih T of i?. pm,... TRACKS OF THE CABUL htASSACBE. Ixwnoa,Tnaeaay, Oet, it, \*79. A dispatch from Allahabad to The I'mly S'ftrt ?,!> 1: ?? Hr Fr. il. rick Boberls and hin ?Lid vmltod Iba late Ptaabtoney at Caaae? perthiaa of winch Hre baraad, am tin- greater pin t is nidi ataaaBagi tiiounb cuuiilcielv looted. The undies ot .M.dur c.iv.i^nari and Dr. K" lly .ire am.1 to be bttTied beneath 1? pile Ol i-6hnn and charred lone al the nortberneadaf tin.artyard. A searefa ?111 be Bade. Major Cavagaaath vininng Uiary Inm been found at tue Ameer'- palace.*1 A rBapatea to The Mamtfard. dated H'hiih. October it, nay- tbe ' siun at Ail-Khev I has beea attacked bj large aamben of ina Beivhborlag n rhe attach was r. - pulnnl Twenty .three Atchau eoipnea were found, net i- m beBeved iiiui nmnj more were larratd off. The awttaat eaeaaltlea wen oalj Ire oaamaed, THE BELGIAN SCHOOL QUESTION. Baooaa, raaaday, Oet. 14, ltTi, The Catholics hive elected their nadidate tin Baaatea to aaaeeed ihe krta Oaaal Boyavai, who ? - a i.ili. rul. '1 tie ciintest caused much exeltcuient, an tlie renult may iBbel the paettbBB "f ii?- CabhM t and it' t'T attoe tbn eoatlnaaiioa <>f Oterlee Mpramaey ta Weal Fiintiein. Paitbra were ?o anamiy BaaaBed on Baa Barmentary Bdaoatam tail mat dtedaveramem ea tiled it by ? hi? v tv.n in .) riry in the efltaaap* porter, beiiiif Oaaal Bayaval. There w?s BB affruy luat DIKbt, iii w Inch one BUM wan ntabbcU. THE UUSH AM I RENT MoVKMI NT. In 111 in. 11|. s.|?\ . 11, t It. !-Til. Five hand red tenants of the Mnnpiis ol Sligo and die Karl of Liichii met mar Westpnit, In the County of Ma j ii, r.intiaiifc'ht, ami solemnly pledged theni-elven to pay no rent BBtB a tedllcllnli should be trap till pea* pen 10aare 0. the great BUI of prieee of all ktada or m*iI cullnrnl produce. A ? oil e was pitted nl Wuricu|iuint, ( oiiiity D..IMI. l ister, that any man coming into the county tu pui m i. than .? puuinl |ist S5j Hu acre for !uud tudj bring h;s co^ln with lain. TU AU8TBO-GER MAN ALLIANCE. Ixnxaon, Wea^aaeaaaT, Oet, IB, H70. The ('olognf Gaztttet Ut-1 litt enrresponden aeaaraM on uaetWeatby antbortty. the report thai a .1. t laaaire treaty waa macladed between Oermany and' Anaurla n .. .1.. Pilaee lii-ioarck'n ymtt to Vienna. 1 in: BRJ1 USB IRON TRADE. , FutBOaoB, In s-liti, 0.1. 14, 1870. Advice- from Barrow-in'FnrneM yesti-rtliy an/ the dcuiand for iruu la, ?-d iBtem fur forward delivery advnnrrd ?> to to ?htlllnim per ton. Large ahlpmentnure being marie to Awr ea Bad ?COttattMOt, TkO ordern OB head fat Iron and ntrel nrr mM to be ?ii flic I nt I? iniiiutalti tho artivitv tt taw trade throughout tin- W IB tat Heveral furnncen have beeu n llk'hi. d. ElaLIOTT TO ROW AOATVST BOTD. Lumiiik, wavawaaTtaf, Oct. If, li7!>. Elliott wiitec that he 1* eVteraviaed to li vi the ijnrstlnn nettled aa to wlio la the be.f sculler In E o g land. au<l he therefore NMHM at meet Hoyd on the Tyne instead of the Thames, on the ferm? ?n/genteil hv Mr. ft-irra?. lie h*,e acenrd IfWty drawn .ind signed ?nie es, whirli he haa forwarded lo Koweaatle for approval, rtie mutch la to Utke pleoe Wlthta teu or twelve weeks of the signing of the articles, THE LAWSON-LAHorciiERE QUARREL. loaiioa.Taeedei. Oet, it. 1*70. The London rorrespnmlput of /he Maneh, *t,r <luar<tian "ays that Mr. Kdward Lew L'iwaon, of The .'Hli/y Trles/ra^h. ha? brought an action ugn'nnt Mr LalKiiichere for statements published tn the la'ter'a paper, ihr Truth btowIpb eat at the recent street affray Im?i ween tboae journalists. 1 lie cane will ta; beard at Guildhall on Thursday Beat, DISORDER IN TURKEY, IsOBDOB, Tucnday, Oct. I I, 1879. The RtnnilartTa rorrespondent at ( on-ianti nople telegraph! tbsl .t.noo additional men Lave been teat Into Entree, The Kurd revolt eeettnnee, and the Kurd* are robbing ?? d niurdeiing people up to tbe very walla of Mosnoul, a Inrge town on the Tigris. ANOTHER RUSSIAN CKCISER ORDERED. LOtrnOB, Tuesday. Oet. 14. 1S7!> A dispatch from St. Fetemlnirjr to The Daily .vrirt aai ?: " The rnuifnii tea of tho tratnatear Bei ? haa Bleated a fifth cruiser to be eOMtrnetOd at Marseilles, at tbe cost ot 4100,000 " [B48SX)00|, LORD DERBY NECEDIN0. i^>vi?.is, rnredej. Oet, 14.1*7*. Tlif Mctnchentrr Guardian^ London rorri ?BOadent a >yn be loot pa "1 r? uaon to be l lere tiiat Lord Derby willnnou upeuly .iftLiatu wttu tbe Liberal parly. hie RICH mexican silver mini S, Washington, Oet. 11?Mr. Battoa, Uaitad Irtatre Ofieiril at Matnmnrae, la Tell Btapatek to the i>e pertnaeni of mate Batafl aoeeeasbor 17, is7o, give- some informalhm OBBBOfBIBB th<> newly discovered silver and Cold mines tn Met co. These marvel.oilnly rich uilnea are Incuted In tbe Mb-rra M ? J id a nun'p, abanl BOB Bai loa went of M itaiooreBb and aro very lliuceaalhle. The great distance, the terrfale mads und danger'rnui tie- Indiana in me inoiinfainN, Biake it a imz irdoaa Joar> Bay to reach them, the ebaneee of getting tbe atouey ther- ami of go'ting It out of the country aie. of eoiirae, very doubtful. The advent of the eoaanl U to wait Ms in nitiis before attempt)an to no to the uuiies. By thai time -nine definite knowledge on the siioject will be ob ndned, THE DEFAULTER PAINE. Qi i iir.r, Oet 14.?Walter Paine, the Fall River defaulter, haa been reeaended tili Ttteeday next, awnpatatd tor a leeead nrli ei be beat eerpna today. ONLY FIFTEEN WALEEES LEFT. IBB MO'tK WBABT TOBTRBTABTB wirntiiiAVV? " in oW Kit'' UImW/s COBMIIOB. Of the twenty-six tin-n who earnedthepftv? ilece on Mmntay niirht of continuing lu tbe BrwkBbJt m ibnh yoamrday aelj twenty tbiea ttartad at lo a, mu ah the eentoetanti bad left the Oarden on the pi v ana Dbrbt, ami niept m Betahbor lae Bete a. ?? Biewer" Brown, Catbtban and Btna note missing at the Mart Km?; appcar-ri, however, about a half hour lite. Nothing was heard loin BrOfTB HBtU 1 ale in the BftOP, Baea. when bta trelner. BmBh. a.nd that be eenld not nalfe any more la MM BTOOeal ?BfflBl Re BSplaBBBl Hint Brown had beee bbBbutbu nil Bleaa from t he .ninn ut that tmabled him la Urn laal arnica, Bmith nine eeal thai be andeoaeladed ? eeadBrawn back to Rnalead at the end of next week, lie thinks that If this aamPfMUittaB pedestrian is properly Bttaaded laaee, ao wit he able io retara tn a few ?eataa, Cnllnhna. tbe other mea wae dM net etart, bed teeotvod bat tali of peeamirmaiem on tbt Hi - i day. Some of tin twentr-fonr men who BCBM tbe neroud Bey*a raao were la a pttaaata eeaeattea, the bma Mat MiBanad Badrjolata, ami they ttatpad uroumt the tr i k as if they wi r.- tri ailing on WfihaB Wood?, Harn at n .out Bitaejarald aaeemd >o be Bat fieaham or ail. ii. nay. he wi.l win. lie has been nalk'uo* -i. .ol I v, and, v. ho led him by tinea al the end af the arai day's walk, aaa dene cenaadernbat raamlna. The latter itatted ?>u a brtal Uret m the aajra* ibb. bat when be aalhed Barrbaaa gain, d on baa. Woods had made loo Hillen at 'J:OK p. in., after i.eing is honra und H mntntea mi to ll.iilio. hi eovored lmi iallea lu 18 beanaiat35 aiuv ? lie- aeteal Aiilklng UnnC, The belting at thin lime waa 3 lo 'J on linn to win. Berkery, Lay'on, Brtee. Cahdl, v. ran it. Dole, ? krle, ind Sherman, I in- darkey, also had retired evening, BMktap tbe ?ithdran la at ywterd ty up ta o p. m. tea la anmber. The la tenet ui tue almenoeo eentred tataeeoaieal between tfoodi ami Barrliaan, BThenever I an at ataa atet ea tbe track the apectatora ahan ed aatlli rortaeir favorite to "go in." up tu ii p. ai. Harrm m bad de ereaaedtbetc dfram fouraillea to one mile, O'Learj we red aroaod the iraeh mvi ral time- with Colaten, the Bwed , Hint Onmpnna, aramctaem on, to the great dolbthl of tb> sp i latora. In the evening there were not many per?onn prenent ami iin- eathaehtam wan theeeren not very un it. "hortly before 7 o'clock Woods BBOwed gn at fallnle. left the truck und did not o tiiiu for two hour*. Harrt man hud pea id Wtu.dn'n score lu a laaart UaW ami an hour later was live miles ahead. BYban Woeda ratai aed to tue track he wan tnin man lu the race, with Barrbaaa ten niiics ahead. At teu adaahea before the epming hour 11 inlaa li nt lea laps to in ike und King one mile In order to n. ore 1 lo. Mu h esmteuteni pravatled earnae the ipeiiiataii at thin Hill.'. Hal.Ian BMtde one lap over the BaCeeaarj nnmhereC aulea At one aeeona bofon twelve o'clock King Malted on hin lam lap, winch he finished ut one BUaaln after tweive. It wan decided that an be wan on the lit-t hip baton ml'lnls-ln be had tue right to finish It. nml he will be allowed to enter la BBOtOiW. the following to theeaere of all mono who will be ai loWOd to enter the race to-day i A'umrt. Ifen i waa Vint . . Pluaecakl.. Campeaa.. c.i-f ill. Win sis . Heehea 1'iaaaa . ... Mil. a. Laaa Bhaam 1 17 1 Inifriiie . 1H4 a a/aiera. Ut 3 lliitim . 1.1.1 3 ;T r. me tan 2 Berbear.... I'Jrl t II .. 127 1 . Klug. Hi a 1 BTuaa i aps. Ill T im lit lU 1 1 111 111 no I TELEGRAPHIC SOTES. Till BT v daiB I IN Dil T m B NTS. TBBBTOV, N.J., Ol. 14.?The Merer County (Irainl Jury has bruut ht la tbirle mue I.ids .if tuilti-tmeut. I'AI l lloVroN'S SWIM l UMI'I.Kl BTA NaWBUKYPflBT, Ma-a? Oet. lt.?Faul Boyton BC ciuiipii?ii.'.i ui. awtai aowwtaie Memaaaa Blvmm i>mo ttale at taraaaa, uutlnii t .u autoa In aevn unya. TUB DBBVBB and Klo OBAMOB HAILitOAD. DbBVI k, t ol., Oct. 14.?It la the MbMripllonn to liulhl the eitensiiiti uf the Di-uvoi ami lUu utiunla Itndwai arc to be at eBOa umiavil. Uli: LIFE ASOOCIATION uk AMKRfl'A. Sr Loi I-. i?> '. 14. -<<? moral 1?. M. Proal baa been; appointed tenipnrary recelvei'of 'he Life A-s.s latlou uf Auier MOV aleI took riinrgn ?l theultlce 1.1? eveuliig. BTBIBJC OF VILB 01 mat AT MATTBWAX, n. V. PuUaHKBBHaiB, N. V.. O f. 14.?Ail tin- einplovos in BaibaryjaBarworaamt aaiteaaa. ? ? ik- u a nisiy nl s .11los k tills lu riiiiig, alter vainly ilt iuauuUia ao liu lease Mpay. TWO LA BUB BCHOOBBBB, BATH, Ma., Oeu li.-D.ti. it not. li buinched a ?ehaeewe M 017 laaa berthea basaay. Oam A .*?.i? >. i tauaebed a sch. iiin r nf '.s7 tuna bunbiu. topiiuu Atoaaadai BL nun will i.iiniiiaii.l her. Uli BTBAMBBBTATB Off TIJbSUtlA'a0ABO0 ButiaVAt, .n. >.?>.!. 14.-lue diver, bare abaa* ilmii'il anv iiiteutimi of goiu^ tn sable Island again ihm neu f.n - .'I sa.a.gaoy Uiore ku. 0? (rum lie ?i.. k ul the state uf Vir.lliia. A COMFLIAMOn arxTB TDK POBMa OK law. Bkw-11avkn, Coun_ Oet, 14.?I he tirami Jury in i In-. .... <?i the ii.-v. M r. ilaytl.u, fun ml a inn- Pill thin lu.niii. charging him with luur.irr In Hi. lirst Uca*rec. 1 here me fi.ur iuuuU iu tin- Inali tiucut. A k1di.NU rot'UNAMKNT. BALVtMOBK, i K I 14.? Finn Mai \ land and Vir gtn.j juoug aenlletueu rnlvia, wilt, thirty five laaahaa it BOH Bfsaaj 'ol Philadelphia to line |,urt ill tl.a inlet sstale tournament <.u Ibr patmaaaal rihibiiioii aruuinla. TDK WKaky BBABOB mu UatABUB BOOa. Si ?AN tob. Peaa.? Oet. 14. ?Tbe fat bar of O rile Ib.s. reached Factnryril.a, t?<-uti lue tu.Iis ?aM uf ihm place, ust avealaa. m pursuit ut a muoish ?in. area aappae d tu bavo Bat buy. ihr buy lu hei jmima. ?s.uu piuVe.l uul lu be lila ?uli. TUB CANADIAN LI M W Kll Tit A UK. Ottawa, Oet. 14.?The lumtmi trade eontinnee bn?k. s.'v. i?i ABMnaaa barenhaea inmkieichoavj mi ? h ...? on -pe. ii is nun, i iu. ?s M wou4 for me BNWatoetiinaf in n. aaa hi Ibb Wi aMvat] n..unbi iu ibi? maikai aad ?uippeo iu Ana i Ban port*. LA BUB l-.XCl'Rnlo.N fAHTY IN BOBTBKAI. MuM hi al, in t. 14.?A large esbBMoa tuirty 11oui Naa BaaapaOtn and M.m.s. I.usetl? ? I., r.- to it?y. aevacait uaed aD<t ?iaff, ami ei ...i?, man -ini at, Wi - inn, ( lien, y and i'reaiolt. ami a uiuubnr uf piuusiu. lit per auiia.beiUK niiiuuc tlie pnrty. utoBBiova variety in hub -.. WbbtEmd,M J., Oct. 14.? Ilm "Ererybody^" mal. Ii, wlucli s l!i i-.iistliui.-Hie alt day?' fall loinuauieiil ut the!'uluuib. t llllte A??>hlatliin. ?III beirm i.ii Nl..n tor BBBt, cloalng uii .-.?i unlai. Arni.i.g tlie '.'(Si pr *< s in. luuuev, guna, au outer lor an uitl. er'a umtuiiu. a gulil uiuuuu-U iwetw,a pig, a act of i rm ki i>. bob ? "f BuOPl cl'.. ihe hubeat b. u.gval uisl at over ItOBj ami Hie loa? at at t?. Neaity ltnjinaj-ksui. il bare alicn.1/ cliUUwi The tBCBOat v?lU be up?u truu haul to a a. an JOHN KELLY AT SYRACUSE, EARNEST BCPP0R1 PROMISED BIM. "rVKltsi. ilinMlv vi *i>km?.< uais in hkVOLI aohnm tiik BOB1BOOM ii? Kir. Mr. Kelly was rcicivcil at Svr.n UM fegtet" day by several prominent I). nun rats, who uro dissatisfied with the present State adiiiini-rr iti.m. He addio.d .1 tin ?t haf lit Sh llbBMMMm Hall in ?m i v? nni^'. and dcMMWd ?hmM*ll ]>i* isod w :tli t do |.n a pecl s ol Ins ran \ A CORDIAL BSCIFTIOff. mk. kI I iv 0BBBTKO Ml ?IVMIII. IMl'.MINKVT l?i Ml>< ha iH ? * okowmtd mi mim. in i n. |BV TKIK.K4III To THF. TKIIIt'W: | BTVAOUgg, Oet. 14, J>bjj K' liy ?o i.iirht ad? gtBSged a peHtlogl Sleeting in the seme Shakespeaei II.ill in whir!) he was nominated for Covcmor iu September last. Moan while a strong poUthhal or iranizatinii in his s-iport has hecn rstaMishod in the citv. The movement m Ina I?. h ilt was storied un? der very favorabis BSMdltMBO, Such prominent men as ex-Atforin-v-i.. nctal 1'iall, SKsJWdgl ( .linstock ami William 8. Iis-in luve, within the past four years, been deprived of all power iu the In tad DWMa> cratie organization hy the influence ot liovernora Tilden and BohlBSfili. und thev have been superseded by men of no repute m the eoiniiMi lity, who in most instances am not t .x payers, ami are therefore flaagorBBalr nr> apoaaihle. Tum shelving of able m?m hy of f he .Male ualiuiulnt rat ion BOO< I ???? ol s pgamdod n l at mav he t< rineil the Ugh, caste DamoerawA linte was a .sei-uud riant of Democrats, not so repotel ?, srboahm wsteeroaasd to sottvs hostility hy the re nomiii ition of (?overnor Robinson?namely, the Canal King Itomoerots, who blindly seek MvBBBJI upon an administration 'hat WBOeempaOed b) MM Constilulm.von though it would ii"t, to reform canal mistnauaireuieut. Tho two of Diminerals SBBBlieBOd, when haml.-.l, will is>ll ptsbebly l,.MMi votes in tin-county tor Joka Kelly. Iu Seeesgaeaee of their defection and Rm harmony in the K< pu?>.ican ranks, ths majori: v for.V. H.I ..r neii in tins sostnty is be peeled t<> bs 4,900 \ ot?.?. On bit!elan tat day Mr. Kelly received a anbsss of caution Bod was BSlcOBBSd by Edward S. .leiiny, a Bmmbor of the Domocrstic Btati Committee last year, and tWB SCOTS ot her I >. SSOCratal, A I.ii ge nuin lier of Passecrats eallad during the das spoe Mr. Keily, ami in im evet in? he vm in ? te I bj s tin.u saad atbara in Shakespeare Hall. I ins so ealh d hall is an old theatre situated in tl;.< upper stoiy of a large ling. The tarnished splendon ot I he hail made it a stoat ssolBBeheiy piess in abieh U) hold a meeting. I< was tho SBIBHeat od the halts used by Mr. K' ly don ig sit piaaeBl eaavaaa ai tha State, BBd Consequently SSVSBal hBBdfcd paraam who iii in. d to in ar hist -peak aars Buabla bs gam sdmittaaee. Willi.mi M. Beewa,a law partner of c\-Attorney UcbbcbI Pratt,aetad as ahaitasaa of the iiieeliug. (pi'i IBB stage R ere ? x Major Willadoe,ex-do Clerh Bbeha K. Jstm - B. I lamb, ex-Canal CoBUBBadouer Wng'.t. Geaerel D. Wflgbt, Patrick Corbel ami Counsel Jobs >l. Btrong. Delegations were present from Betmee Falls ami Cbittensngo, One band red staa eaass fn iii Liverpool indsf tho toads rslii|i ef Thomas QaJa, aa sz-eanal contractor. Ill* gBBBJUt. PBOCaXIHBl s. John B. Hsekin stade the tirsi tp eh, It con? stated wholly of attacks upon Mr. Mlden, bat the sritieisai of that psBlleman was so doll that tha Badbtare took no interest iu it, am! Bb ttly bagaa t? call lustily for .lohn Kelly. This rcqaeal WBS granici. Mr. Kellt w as lnm r. a boequel '?: Sowers as he came forwar I, and was WeleoBti d a ??S warm appuuee. lie besai srtth then words: "Wbonl was standing bete last Sept niber I did not expect to be elected. I had not then been befon Ihi people sodeoold not tell how tney felt toward Oovemor Kobinson sad nysell: 1 bare siBoe b <l an oi porta* Bitytosee. The noetlngheld utTeuiiiian> Hall in tapport of niv catiilulsey was nee of i lie largeai bi Id in new-Yorksusee the war. It is obviona that tbs peonk* are tired of Tildeelsm ami are detertniis d la November to show Mr. l?den thai tiiepisipbiof the .Mate can rise above indivnlBals. ii is pima that tin* tivrlit is no kmger botwesa Mr. Cornell ami Mr. Kohinson. bei it is bow between Mi. Coraell ami myself [.it applaeae.J 1 io d yon tbal 1 woaid do evetyihlus la my ?OWN !.">? hct Bi) <lt ; 1 shall r. ?.e. in I bat promise jte have the great sraiideation of tekecraphiBg to you on i lect ion night that a-e h ive met Mi. i ildi n and Mr. KoiH MMI, and thai tiny oui-.' Hr. K- ii. at tbls |M.iut Bbraatly stoppt <i speaking eztempsMTsneoualy, ami tor the ri luatndei oi his up, eck r> .oi from s Qiannacript. Th< spoi cb < oooisti e ot extracts from Repub k an ? saipaigu dot bum ut- in l"7i?. ?bowing tbat Mi. Tilden was a railroad wrecker, kttteraof Tddea's to rweed disclosing his friendship with the rweed Ring, and political ut - else on Mr. Kobinnm'sn.ideas bolter. Mr, Kelly then Mr. <iie toy's lei t< r bo I ildi a in IbOtf, ie> preaching hlni with not stopping frautiulenI voting la thai year iB Kew*Tork Citv. Mr. Kellj charged mat Mr. I'ildea baa again at tempted to manipulate the ballot-boxi s i hrongh Poiics CeeuBamioaei i Mac Lean and Mori bam. The audience lisieaed stolidly to all these el srgi s, imt luterupling the aathor with either < beers or hiss. -. Before Mr. Kelly eooclnded mme per one thai bad probsblt eome to the emetiag ooi al earb Baity leli iii<- hail, -ii that then- wi re s tea \a- sat sea s. Ihomai P. Oradj, la s sueeeb which tol loW' d. BBBwered a circBlet beedsd **e few plain qnestwna,' winch is beiag circeblted by iln Deato> cratie Mate Committee In every place netted by Mr. K' lly. These questioos arituliy repri si h Mr. Keily with niaalBB againal Oovemor Robinaoe ai -i thereby defeatini tha Deaweratb: party. 0. B. Potter also made an BBsbrass, aad ths meeting was tin n inljouri e.l. A together the im-etiiig w is not as BBCCSBSfBl M it BBS liopeii it weald hf hy the Anti*Rebtnson Demo* erate. They had desired te bold bm i t* Lb the streut in front ol the hall, hut a safgetoat erowd did mit rather these fm ike pnrpase. Uoceover, the crowd wit inn was quiet to a mmntkabtode* ?ms, 1 hs aposkurs Inane it difoeali u* bammee out of it aus icspunalTo spplaaen. whatever might in-us s,-n um ins. rhera was Meaadereble damps pniBiBteBl evm the abesaee el Mr. Oorsheisaer ami Mr. Cox. After the maefiag Mr. Kelly sv as ?eie usded at tu.- Vanderbdt Houm.-. roHuorrea mgak Ml. Kelly Will deliver ill a.l.lles? ill IISSM-go. into IHK KIVKtC in a H >' I, Mii.wai Ki t:, Oct. 1 1.?Last i-veinn-.', whilo Mm swhoh seetas at no > ?r?u at MwChMtamN atla aahas at,,I M. Paul was luaklBS Bg the BtBtBlghl freight tram. It start, d lo cross llarnli i.i. ?': |. htidge. The fee va tMsk. and the eashmec did sot dlssavac bbsI has hthtgs was apse te aOew e vests I paaa, uutii close to It. The BSBinWAj leinler ami ana fmlght ear i ...led wub Uwd ptaastad tot* tha river, l easraeec a;septegeeBp out ut tu.-river piob n.v :.ita ? injured. 'file Mietniill BBBBUad With SSVera lr..l-?. sshil? M Marty "Bill,amlegraph epesatac. aho ?? ?- rtdmg on the SBB1BBI at IBS .oeou.olIv??, ssa- l u e.I im i IbS ddhrtoaadarashed mm aa anrreosnbi bis assaa. tu? loss to the railroad Is ab.-ut ? aimi ki oo a puomrg ran t Cl.aries Bayamr, einuged with mW las bal smptoyar.JehaMillar,ofOreeested.L. L,sfi s.i ?:.eo, um? irr**smd set atght ot BB? 111 Aeadeaii it., hVwaik, sad lakes to Btoaelya. lu m? paaaess. f.w ?? mead, OmUMEo dJTDCJMi dtriatg?atF tMLmUiMAFM, AN im'IAN llA.Mil ll in Vli [OBIA, San PaaBriBC . Oct. 14. -A Vielmria dutpatckj .svslhsisn liivliau uaiue 1 l.a. hutie was ?mtero is t,..i:. st Bisa W , siuilUKirr lei tue niurU.-r of a i lnimu ui badpatbog *.n iirniub BoaTrig, 0 i. le??Bwae, a ho siaiun .i to be an in m atac "f s aan sxaw Iva asaspaaae, snd an s?? amal .st i . ars waalaa. aaesbsswamasataa re?ier.ia? ? a the iisrtsir leslla? 11 a DBBAJtORO SMIPMABTgB Kll.i.s HIMBhXP. Kbnmbobb, Me..Oct. 14.?This eveaiae Cap UUa J ?SB r. M i?..ii. a w ? I. known *hl|.iua?t. I. ? h" i.a?l I.? ?-n ueiaus<si f?r H'Bii iiuir, .tahu. u Ho. I i. M . i... ?... * ?lit. I, ?Uli a Sidle, sial I boll ?.11*1 louisrlf. an OLD 1 it a. gMAB bboommb ooxpvbba EsSBABioa, Peon., Oct. 14.?Aa the Hrw-Vera i x pre*? urslu ?/U Ibe Ixsaware, l^o ks?aluia s.i.l WV.ieru Hall I..b.I OHiu.le.1 s ?Uari'Cur??', ?1. nilie* east .?1 l.ei. r?.u lag PaterOavtB3BcotteacS vmatayS, aaeaauaa *.,iiiu?esi, waasomm at Ost bsbbb , ran evm ????l ?uieo. a oobpiobb i LAt c uy wii.? maiik m mosimt cinoAiio Oet. 14.?Herbert B, wTatermaa, for alahtaea anmtba tbe c?BOsBllll alarSt al V>* Board ?f TraJs tli.a ii.its .?l.-iu.>ry d Ox , at.... taMBI nlgi I ?ithB?o.oooaaisodiagtabis employer*. Ma i.a.i Saatassd Ibe book* for toiue mouths ba? k. vi< riateor iu* RAiutoAD OATAaraoPMB NoBIM I BOY, Vl., Oct. 14. 1 bs bmln - ol Will um mama aad Masm Oraaa. vtethaa athaa tarsBmhuaa,. }adV,^l heie I.. Ost. IBS .... buriad n, ih. sau.. >.ias. TbsoiM.eo.uiaa am Bapr?saii a BBJB LUH-aiblaaaot ralsurss ....i iriea?is attruilBB I Staa wm - ? ?? laojeatswl ??? suiloinli ?