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vo,-x\,(m;c. NKW-YORK, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1*79, PRICK FOUR C IC NTS. GREAT SALE OF CENTRAL. i (?NSCMMATION OF THE BAKOAIN. TWO him'KFO am? fif1y twus.wu MIAULS soi.t? BY Ml?. VANOKRIOLT 1?) A sysiuca 1 1 ?a Ml am'k with TIIF. wabas1i SY-TKM of roai>s. Wn sale hy William H. Vanderbilt to the YV abash. Syndicate of 2 .MM ?00 shares of New York ('?Mitral stork was coii-mnitiatod yester? day. 01 this anioiiiit, 150,000 shantt are Fold out licht, anil an option is given for the remainder. At the price agreed upon the sal? amounts to 090,000,000. llesiuea friends of the YYnbasb. and I'uiou I'aeifie Railroad system.*, prominent foreign and New-York bankers constitute tin syndi? cate. A large part of the stock will be placed probably in London and otlnr foreign markets. Details of the transaction are given, aud Mr. Vanderbilt explains at length the reasons that loud him to let the absolute con? trol ot the Central pass out ot the hands of bis tnuiily. HISTORY OF THE MSGOT1ATI0N& hib salk of ItAll l oao S|o< k BT! b BAM bt a siNc.i r OBJ BIB mb 11wbbbbii i'b oail ctioxs SJ I IHIUtAWN ? CXlON OB HIS im? portant BAILWaT BTBTBMBi The sale of 2?0.000 share* i>f New-York Central stock to a syndicate composed of prominent foreign and AiiM nan hankcis and of friends of the Wahash Railroad system was concluded ycstcrd.iv. SQbStan tially in IBB form and BB the conditions exclusively announced in Thf. Triium: of last Friday. Mr. Vauderlult sellsoutnu'lit 100,000 shares and grants to the syndicate the option of taking lOO.OOO shares more niton t he s.iiue term?. Ti.c price ol the stock is tiled at 120 and payment is to l>e made in monthly instalments. This sale, the largest ever made hy a single owner of railroad stock, assumes ini|K>rt.tiico not only from the magnitude of the transfer, hut from the conseiiuenees lhat are likely | to follow. The result will affect indirectly the en? tire railroad inteiests <>f flits country. The negotiations, winch last Thursday fell Mist short of success, were interrupted by tiie refusal of Mr. Vanderhilt to accept conditions restricting the sale of the remainder of his stock. He was unwilling also to give as large a represetitatiou in the board of directors as was ttetuauded hy the ineiuhers of the syndicate. They asked for three places in the Hoard, and Mr. Van? derbilt refused to give more than two. He finally withdrew his objections on both points, and thesalo was completed yesterday. The condition in retard to the sale of his stock was made to cover the exist? ence ot the syndicate. tiif syxpicatf. The prominent members ai the ?vndicat* which has thus virtually bought 200,000 shares ol Central stock are J. >. Mm pea Jt Co., of London, Dresel, Morgan 6z Co., August liclmont & Co., L. Yon llofttuaun A Co., Morton, Miss i t o., and Winslow, Lanier A Co., together with their Furopeati eonneetioiis, and Edwin D. Mor? gan, Cyrus YV. Field, Jay Could and R n sscllSsffa. OtBOf oa|dtaHata and bankers have tsr-eii nimlllail to share in the prolits of the transac? tion. The upportionmentof the stock has not been made nnolic, but it is understood that a large part of it will be plBBBd in foreign markets. A general agency of the company for tho transfer of stock, the payment of dividends there at a fixed rate of exchange, and. In general, for the protection of Wie company's fore en interests, ?,11 be oiwncd in London with .1. S. Morgan (ft Co. The head of the Knglish house, J. S. Morgan, who is | now in New-York, has I.i prominent in condnct- j ing the negotiations. 1u hiui and toDrexcl, Mor? gan A Co., Mr. Vanderbilt at the last entrusted, nu his part, the consummation of the SaipslB terms OT thf. salk. Cutler |M terms of the agreement th" sale of 1?0.OOO shares ol the stock is absolute, lb- price is 120. and 20 par cent of lbs tuin !ia-e mooey is to be paid in cash, and the BBBM Breportleu BB tip* Let of each month until tue wlode amount haa been paid. 'I he first payment will be made la BsOlTOW, 'Ihe stock is is titulersto,sl. upon the payment of each monthly instalment in the same proportion. Mr. Vanderbilt aril] retain his ro BMdanuj interest, wkieh la believed to amount to abaal 160.000sharea, and will continue to bold tho control and management nf the road. Chances will be made la the Hoard of Directors of Ibe company. The syndicate will be represented, on t' e ;>art of i's foreiLMi membeis. by J. 1'ieipoiit Morgan and the Wabaah Railroad iataraal By Cyras W. Field and Mn Humphreys. 1 kSBB changes m the board will be cft'ectcd Rooa. Fol the additional 100*000 shares the s\ p.'i. ate hold-, the option to buy on the same terms. It is believed that this option will not expire for one year, but il was admitted Vi M i-rduy by im i.ihi ra of the syndicate that it would extend beydbd ihe time, leipnred for IBM payment lor MM absolute purchase. At the same time the utmost confidence was ex? pressed Bbal the syndicate would take the addi? tional stock lung before the I xpiraiiou of the privi? lege. iinci OM Tin-: spick BXCHAJtOB. 1 at official announcement of the sa c was not made uutil afternoon, but rumois of it. comple? tion reached the Stock I.xchange early in the day. The news created great excitement and was the universal topic of conversation. Its ef feet was se.-ti in the Imaaedletc advance of the Vatid- rbill and Wab.ish stocks. In this rise inauy other st<H'ks sympathized, and ilie* market closed strong and huovant. New-Voik Central rose from \ to 1A I U. and Wahash I rota 30 to -111 i..., and the prefeiTed stock from t*.:t to Iis, while Krie ? BBiai at BJkkjb the highest price of Ibe day. After the close ot bosiuess JtM3* was bid on ttie Street for Llie. 1 lie mM was everywhere the subject of cotivrr-a t ion, aad hanker* ami brokers speke la praise of Tut: Taini m. which tirsl had given them the details of the negotiation. A prominent BMBabai of the Stock Kxelianae said that in aalta of the freejnent mali (ions and v ii n but denials by envious pa pen which had Ik en beaten on the news, most of the members bad from the lirst bartered Ibat Tut: Tribunb'b a< count was substantially correct. fWO iBVOsYJ ant BTBTttatl i vm i>. The coaiplction of the salo by Mr. Vanderbilt a?stii,'s (..ra tune liaruioiiy between the Wabaah ami taa Ossvand tvataaaa Tba Ceatral bus reeeiveda 11?Uli Ho- \Tabaah Road the larger pai t of its Fast haaad taadbe. It repaired last year 80,000 out of Bt Kl cats of through ireight landed al Toledo by t .< Wab.isli Road. Ihe pBBBtBaB loss of this husi iicw by other connections, which the Wahash Com jtanv was contemplating, is believed to have led to i Ins treaty of peace. Ihe consolidation of the Wa? ll i?h and ?be Si. Louis. Kansas City aad Northern kmiroada, which was ratified La October, Bare to tli, pe a fawn pan J u tbrounh line beta Detroit ami Clneag?, to Si. Louts, Kau ana City and 4 Imaha. At the West its line connected directly with the I'uiou and Kanaan Pacific Roads, while at the Fast it creased ail the trunk lines to the Atlantic sea beard, and by proposi il eaten dons t ? oaneeted dinrtiy v nil ihe tit and Trunk und tip- Great Weetera UailroadBel Canada. The neweomaeny had open to its choice all the great railroad liuea to the sun board, while it had almost a monopoly of the i South West .nit I'acilic I111..111. >s. I o -.cure this business and to prevent its fulling- into the hands of rival) of the Central Road wem important obj.eis to be Blued About Ibe time of the meeting at Toledo of the stock? holders ol the consolidated Wabaah Comneay, in antiationa were eaeeed ia Ttaalf m Mr. Yander bilt, with thefriepda of the neat comnapy. Mot aaveaal naaks la arbieb tbs daBsiUi and nroriaiotts id taeaBmuai; bare been diseaated the m totlationa Bavo la eti brought at last to a nicee~slu| done. Ai>ait from tio- maanilada ol i ,<- trauaactiou in arbtch la iaveleed 090,000,000, the aarreement is looked upon us of irreal imporianc,. to tin ysiiroarl iiitere ts of this eeaatrr. The Ceatral iBBad, ihi< u?h the Lake Bbora jtoae, nil! aeon re the kaatnaaa ol tke tjoatb neat, abiie tba Wabaah Com Bauy will gam bb excellent route to the Atlantic seaboard. 'I hr advantages of the alliance nro to both road? great and important. MR. VANDEBBILT r.XI'LAlXS. BKASOXB Win? ii DGM7GBB MM ki maki: ihk BALI ?thk MIUVll f>K xi W-Yollk i IIY am? ihk iTMiiAi. nwwiciii oirottTifrw io a o.\k man row r it. William II. Yimdcrbilt was visited last evening by a Tarnen* leportsrat 11> ? rssldrnrjpat Fifih-ave. and Fortieth**!. Ilr. Vanderbilt cum lato the in rcption-rooin having in Ins haml a number nf busi? ness memoranda, and looking like a man of many business rare*. Ho appeared lo be in exr, Mi nt health ami spirits, ami even to cany his shoulders as if ho realized that an enormous weight of responsibility had been newly transferred from them to holder* of New-York Central Mock outside In- own family. "Well, what have we now T" he asked in cordial tones as he entered the room. ?? The Tmnrvr. would bo verv ?lad, Mr. Vanibr bilt, to publish any information you may choose to give eottoeratnc >our sale of Central stork to a syndicate." replied the reporter. "I tare jut heard of it tWJM It* he Mid smiling, as he motioned his visitor to a seat. " When I came home to dinner 1 read ot the fact in mi or? ing paper." " We bod intelligence, before noun, of the con? summation of the sale.'' " I hen you know of it long before I did. No, 1 can not give you any particulars about the sale. 'I he negotiations wcro entirely in the. hands of Janius *. Morons &, Co.. of London, und Drexai, Morgan it Co., of New-York. It is from them that the details of the sale must come." " Moj I ask, as ? matter of much public uitcicst, what line ot policy prompted jon to Make this aale f " I don't know what to sav of it as a matter of policy. I did f-el that it would bo better for NVw York Cl(y : and when I sav that I tin an better for theNew-York Control and lor bo,tot we depend for our prosperity on the city, and thodtj needs theNew-l uk Central, a pihlatlaOtltlnnnl h is been growing np oppoocd to the control of sneh u greet property by a single man or a ringle family. It says wo rule by might. Wo certainly have oontrolled this property by right. Hut no matter, this public feelini exists. We are charged with controBina Lcg lalatnn I: with naing our power in a manner injuri? ous to tli" interest* of this great city,as if it were not absurd to anppoae that wo eonld hope to better oar Bel vea bj working againal New-York gmrebanto, Another object: lhere was an nntairotiistic railway interost which was seeking alliances in other direction a. 1 believed it would be better, at the same time, to harmonize this interest with the New-York Central, and all thus work together In the Interpol of the City of New York. It can no longer be said thai I am the owner of New-York Central. I have disposed of |es than half of my interest, but it now rests with the stockholder! to say who shall be at the bead of the management of then affaire, Perhaps enough stockholders will send me their proxies to kc>-p tnc where I am now. and perhaps not. I here a crcat public outcry igoinoi one-mail power. Bnl in reality it ja the only efficient power in great affairs like the management ot a great newspaper or :l irreat railroad, as in almost evn v t liBBu else, pro rldoil, of course, that you hove the right kind of a to w teiil t he one-man power. If yon baten'! the right man, it is all wrong. When I owned a con? trolling interest in the road, 1 eonld w nre the inter* ests of the other stockholders no better than I can now, for in doing most for them 1 do most for m> aelf. lam glad ?o b.- relieved peraonally of the rcoponaibility of themeana employed t<? protect tneh a great property aa the New-York Central, People have and might ?all me grasping, wnuterer the taflM hi the cu?e,\ilieu to protect the New-York Central, which was prim ipally m.T property, 1 had to obtain control of lines of railroad connecting the New-York Central with the West, such as the Lake Shore and Michi uan Boat born, the Canada Southern and the Michigan Central. It was neeosaary for me to make these roada a part of tbe New-York Central system to prevent their passing under tie control of a railway coni'diiati m which would have need them In a way preju? dicial to the New-York Central'? heal interests. I knew t hat t in" combination wee negotiating for an outlet to, ii* system ot railroads, eitbi r by way of toe PenneyTrantn Railroad to Philadel? phia, or by way of the Baltimore ami Ohio to Baltimore. It was a choice be? tween continuing the competition for West? ern connect iona ami making its memhen my friends. I tbonght it wise to do the latter. A number ol gentlemen Interested m tin* combination | have now come into the New-York c.-niral Com |iauy. The two systems will now work together Harmoniously ami strengthen on,- another. This is one of the greatest events possible f,.r the s.I of New-York ami for the New-York Cen? tral. These geutlemen lire in New-York; they control great interests snd whatever the manage? ment of the New-York Central and Its connections may be in the futnrr, tin y w !i conl Inne to be snb servienl to tho commercial interests ol New-York.'' " Am I to infer that the first orartnre for the sale came Horn von ?"' My preposition was placed in writing within the last forty-eighl houra, and sent to the hankera who made the negotiation last even inc. 1 am told that there was not enough of it to go round to all that wanted a share in the syndicate,and mat it was taken up in lots of a million and half n million, it is to be placed, as 1 anderstsnd, tor the most part in London. " \\ li lt price does the syndicate pay f "PorsOch in formation ] must reler you tO the bankers who negotiated the hale." " I ?o \ anticipate a rise in t he stock L' " Ye-. 1 think it must advance. 1 consider New York Cential and Hndaon Kiver Btoek worth ISO. I be t eutral and Lake shore bora enough trade directly tributary- to ihem to support them on a pa) in*-' basis, and if the V, abash cominnal ion had even foi med a eonnoi Bon with Baltimore or Phila? delphia and scut their busuaess tho other w ay tho Lake Sil ?'.>? and < 'ciitral could have Stood it." "Havi sou an] regret at allowing tbe absolute control o| New-York Central to pass out of your untily ?" " 1 think it will be better for the Central to pave the -toi k more w idclv ttistl ibtttod ; and as for my? self. I had to yield to puid^ si nttuwnt. There js DO use attempting to rastet grow ing public opinion, it i- very easy lor a lew persons who have private ends to serve to start a feeling or a public prejudice by a skilful use of circulars, newspaper items, ni. etinns and committees, rney have used my prin? cipal ownership of New-York Central as a atarung* point l?>r a crv againsi the propriety of so mneh property being controlled by one man. 1 have dil trlbntod the power I held, and let u* see If tbejr wiB be better satistied. I Im lu ve liial under the elrcamstaueea 1 have dime rigbt, and ti at the public Will sav I have acted wisely. H Another thing," added .Mi. vanderbilr. " This railruad committee moanB a Kailrood Commission to control tbe railroads ol tins State. t<-e is composed of smart men, and 1 Im - lieve of honest nun, but tiny don't see the sent purposes of the men who stand behind them and baVS been most active in urging the Invest igatton forward. A* I said, what these men intend is a Rail? road Uoaanussisn. Ami with a eosamiaaion of politicians, what kind of a poettlOO would I i.e pin.. d in. supposing I retained tin- coulrollina ow Dership of tue New-York i < ntral T \\ by, either I iniist own the isunmlssimi or the conimiastou would ow ii me. When sip h a thing Impends, the b. st course a in in can pursue is lo w ithdiaw, and go into Bomething site, " As to my rtttoinins the i isnsgomenl of the Cen? tral,"' be conttnnod, "it wilt depend koro aftef on the free will ol the stockholders. 1 have always received the proxies ol those holding the stock which WM not under my own control. Hut it might be said, perhaps thai the, -..pi me theii proxies to keep my g.iod will, in that liny km w it would be mwleSB to .?dopt anv other c lurse, 1 boy might hais done tin*, a ml at t he same nine have i bought t lint the affairs oi the eompoBl were not being administered in the bosl manner. All this is elianged now,and 1 am disposed t-. think tl it if is tor the beef interests ot all concerned.' _ ADVANTA0E8 OF THE ALLIANCE. amp IPATBS aOVAXCI IM im: BTC4 K?gOjrgflf to gBW'YOJM ? 11 v. A aaaatleanan who is eonvotsanl w ith all the de? tails of the s?t.? said yssterdsy tiiat it would not be projM-r lor him to dlSOiOOS the ' sn-'ciiic letaila, but in the war ef osngrata WttBg Tin TBIgOBB Ofl MM BOtorpriOl II had shown in being the first to publish this BKMl imp" rtaiit piece of Inggirlsj BOWS, BO WOnM sav thai Tag I itilit' si.'8 account ol a few d i\* ago was snhstan nnli] Borroci The iiegotUitinBs for the eels wsnll have been cioutd then if Air. Vuuderbilt had not rc impel to comply withthedemand of the syndicate that during the term of the syndicate In- should not offer anv stock for sale. On Tuesday Mr. Vender* 1?ilt withdrew hin objection to this clause in the agreement and in tho evening of that day the salo was closed. " Ft is a syndicate of prominent New-York and London bunkers," the gentleman continued : " and by the terms of the Iran ifer 918,000,000 Worth of slock la taken outright at the stated tiini? and the syndicate has the option of ^io,(KMt,0(Kl worth more ?t the same terms. Inmropinion this additional BIO,000,000 will he taken up ninl the bankers in the syndicate prill BMlkl a great deal of monev l>v the tmnaaetkm. Between now and .lanuary l New York Central stock w ill tie put on the London Board again, where it has pot been seen for perhapi U" teen year*, and transfer books will be opened in London. The London bankers are to be represented in the Board of Dlreeton by J. Pkrrnaot .Morgan, end the Wnbaah combination are to have twodi* lectors." A geiitlenian of MO BlneBOC in financial ciu'es mid he regarded this sale of New-York ( antra] stock as something calculated to greatly benefit New-York City, It would be vastly bettor, also, lor the New-York Central,be believed, to have a part of the stock held by men holding groat inter? ests which would work in harmony with it. GOSSIP AMONG Tin: BBOKEB8. iaik iv im: ronsrnoM of tbi n/arnKM wnif? pnoammrv pbkdictkd to ran atxian roado. The Wtndoot Hotel was visited by some nieinbers of the Mock Kxchange last night, hut tho attend? ant e ot these men at this evening ex? hange was re? markably small in view of the events of thedav. Probably the fact that the following day was a holiday, and that the Stock Kxchange would not be Open therefore, deterred the im-mlicis from visiting the hote] us usual to get all idea of what might bo the course of specula'ton on the morrow. Tho members pfOMOl talked very little nbout Mr. Ya nib-rbjlt's great sale, but much about its probable cilce' on the price of lin? stock of the New York Central, the Lake Shore and Wabnafa railroads. The opto MO was expressed by many that theic would be a decided rise in the mar? ket pi ice of the stocks of these roads. BOOM pcr?ons, who confessed that they held Central stock, aanguinely predicted that it woakjrioa t<> 100. A like increase was predicted in tho price ot the stock of the Lake Shore and the Wnbaah, Some eetonlahmenl w'as ezneeeaed thai Mr. Vamlerbilt parted With his stock. Said one member <>f the stock Kxchange to another: " Why did he sell f " [be other replied t * Oh, I mppoae he wanted peace.'' Many anecdotes were told ol tins or that member of the stock Kxchange who had been lorlun. fe or nnfnrtnnnte in buying or sell? ing stoi k oi the New-York Control on the eve of ihe great sale. The "hulls" WOTO in the majority throughout the evening in the hotel corrtdom, and they were very enthusiastic in their descriptions of the coming prosperity of the allied roads. LEAD I II 11- TITLES DI8TUEB1 !>. Midi M itPRisK 001 si i> iiy a DaXTlCIOal y| day. [m ti umuapu t<> ma rmmmn.] DkxtkRi Col., Nov. 26.?An Important case Inretrmgtea tttia to all tee pvopectf upon wntek Mo Cily of LendVtUC -lands naa decided tj JadgO Hallet In the Called stains circuit Conri M-day m favor of -< tcls. The decl-IOti causes surprise, in without dull it it v. iii lead io a great deal oi vexatious Btagankm anil may eanm Meodeaod m that elty, The IBM t?i the lalul upon which statids l.endville anil it-, -u:iin os bm been derived Maeugh patents from the Tinted stale. Ooyernmeat for placer mining graved, li aatag pan of OaBMmla Qalab, where aM Pike's Peak placer minis liuvc been worked since 1-|in Tho aaae was the St. Lenta knmtttag and Kettiiing Company against Thunum K tup, BeiUS ltay and otners. it araa brought by Ibt eeo> pany t<' roeoTer poacoaaapo ot lots which parties have "Jnmpad " apan au'i heM nttbonl title. Taecoea- : pony rlaliueil IBM land iu virtue af deeds from t/ie patentee, Tbotaaa starr, who ball it muter a Called m patent. There are about lno suits ponding* brought hp parties etahntag ihronah toe Starr patent niul ot tic r placer mining POtBUta leaned for l lie Isnd Hi" which baanfrtBo is MtnoMd, Tim case whs broucllt us ii test c.t*e. The qOCBMOfl upon winch the title of ]>liiliuiffs lUMSl was the validity of tho patent. The defence woe thai i lie patent was void because It was issued for liil acre* of land, and they contended that mid- r an < > t Coagrasa it aanldnot lawteily bekwned larexoeedUag ISOaerea, Tin- defroea offered to introduce the proeeaenme winch look plaeebefara the Bgeentlee Departaiaat pee* nndingtheImneneeof the patent. The ro ut allowed Me defbudente to introduce oneb avMeoee, and also to ?hew that the patentee*! traei of ptaeorauntag ground waaeeeapeeedof mveral dihbreni placer claims which he had puvebaaad it iid not appear, the defence i loimedf that he had compiled with the law m earn cm-e. The decision en-ntes great surpris-- mining propcrn awnera of LoadvLUe and (Moreno aonarally, as it will enable a certain breeponelble class of people who bars Boeied to tust noodi rtul atlaing camp to " lump upon" and bold much rateable property, the tttlc ot irnleh naaenpneaed to hate beaa settled beyond dbputehy Patente from M< United state-. The case a i'l go .it once to Hi i Hin d Stan ? Bupreae Court, which tbould Ml this case for earl) apeeial hearing, is it lavolrw mdiioaa ot dollars. ADhI.i. iu tan be pi, seup id , fi om leading people of Leadrilie that this most lanportani anearloa abanM at once reoatve Me car Baal possiitix iiiKuiion firaea the btaBaa I ladle) d Ot-nrt in the hml ataoe, until Metttta bneettled, lucre will boeontlaual timiide and turmoil. Tbeia is arnebeonmmtton m Leadriik ami in tins ally touu-nt erartea?leeialew. KntlerefrapitnUsti oboareheta em greatly excited and planned ai tic- danger of loMng their property M bsodTllle atid Its vicinity. BEI BEET INDICTMENTS QUASHED HABJOavoBOt l*? im., Nov. 26.?The kfieln MvobrMefy eaeo waareanaied tin- BMcntagi The mo? tion was to (uaehini bnBetmim agatoai Bolterea tin are and that the orand Jury was impropeiit aeaatt tuied. It vai tllilllld that while only twciiiv-tluee niunes were on the court records mm - worn grand juror*, tweaty-four ware pre anal In Ike Orand Jar] rooai aae partM >paled m the dlacuaalon, the laterioper not boring Boen swurn. Judge Pearson sii-tuiiod the notion to gUABfe on ttm arenoga Ml forth. Tbia dvclsion atao Qoaabeatbe ludtctnu-uis against K-inlee and Hie oilier aefendnnta, rB70 PEEEENTS FOB EES. HATES. Philadelphia, Nov. 26.?Mrs. Hsjes, the wife or the Preatdt at, rial ted the MeModtal font in Bna city tills morning, and Wat formally BTMOnted with a handsomely embroidered satin MJO0U, lllsliop Bimpeei load" the preaentotlaa epeeeh, Huhsciueuny gnethoi pcreen was piceeoled by the eengregatJoa of fit. joint's * bnreh, NO PEOPER LOOEOU1 OS THE CHAMPION. PniLADXLPniA, Not. 26.?The reporf ol tho La jI Hoard al Strain Vcoscl Inspectors aononoMg the collision between the steamer Champion and the British ship L.uly Oclnvia declaies tint the ill-nst.-r WM Wiiidly due to the shnetice of a plopei luokout uti the t'liahip.uii. I 0AL ALMS AOVANCED. Philamlpiiia, Nov. 2i>.?Tin- Philadelphia uiki Baadtag i oai Oaatpany have advanced ee it hi ia 10 panto per ton* and Baatern priem BS cent s par tea for allgraOea, Theadvai.goaamtooBbetea Monday. Aa adv.nn c of V.? 1 em- per ton <.vcr the UeiemlK-r cirenku mi.1 go bKoeneel la laaaary. A BID !<>i: THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Cim iwati, Nov. 26.?A mee?Bg of pron haaot DooMaratawaa held here toolghi at theOrane tai.e iiapetoaeemothe bekllagof tbeBonm cr.itic n ittoa ii 1 On vi Btlea bei t next Bnafar. Caariaa \\. Bfoehrr, wbewat widely known In eeaaeetlea ?ith i 1 1 ortia Betdrnlna Boord, pnridcid. a aoamlttee oaa appoletott I BJ \tSS 1 sin A^l ALT1ER-BT TELE0EAPR thk IOB mi ? ii rOQ ihin yet. Ni wntlRIl, N. y.. Nov. Uli. ? i wo Ooy?, age twi Ive, aaaind atfl'trrn1 KaBargar, van iiiownni i., w ? .,:.,u (.Ties \e.ii riliiy while ?BOUngi ii a it 11 Bgjrt khob ron a aouiran, HaI.II \.\, N. S.. Nov. Uli. A soldi.-i was ycsteiditv aeateaead vaaavaa yaaraef petal aarvltaOl and to be Sa> uiUsc.i ln1.11 Ho' s. i vi. e fur piisinna an otUc?r. HUnoKBjen n\ a Dm bckb i.tnatio. Pi hui. Out., Nov 20.- La t night Benjamin lUletae'L s iuuhk mm if BBaaand in n.T. ?i.lie nruns. ?t tart,, a w i bain Wi at, * laaw aun, al u>< uuii, wuti aoi wrltlag biet mvctaI alowa an.i 11 aaBuaj in lu ituiL Waal bred tor an bam alMrwaaaj, TWO OUI IKBM BOggtAJta mat to j a1k Bkaxciipobt, n .1^ Nov. ?_*?; feedhrdav frank Mi i Oaa BBd H Obaal C .nun, two .Itiinken Uli irr?, al wuik aa tea poahe hnprevaneam hare. Wied 1? aaaoa * tuft, mal daetnyed aoaaa taaia Tn. y alaa is al 1 hs fnrrmao aererei/ wlin a apaSa, Thin umriii'ii? Mri siui, ml I'anun were acut io ju.iko i.sneto yraoheM j^ii toaonii ui?i THE PRESIDENTS MKSSAGE, m principal ponfre. FINANcK,, tiik indian uirkait, JMM CARRYIXO traok, SlPFUVlSOItS. i i' . A correspondent in Washington ?tat. ? Chat Mir PraaMes! bmIuhi no ipoeial effort to eon real the contents nf hin Baasaanjl to CoUffMli He ii<lvi<rw there lie no changes hi linan cial legislation, hut calls attention to (hodan gMI of excessive coinage of silver, lie diiprMMMj um nsitntion aboai transferring the Indian Buraaa to the War De? partment, and wai inly commends c(iin ?crOB und the carrying trade to the consideration of CQflgraaBi The l'iesidcnt d< >ins to have the siim i \ i-ois of election and iMTihali nanl, ami recommends an appropria? tion* The number of topics discussed n large. a COK8ERVA rlVE DOC1 MI N T. cilANOKS i\ tiik pot icy Of TfJ OOVBBBMBBTHOf Aiivisi-n as ran as nxAnca am? nu urotAMi ana cov.tki:m:i>?rfypn:a potnra. [at rauaaAm in m ibjbubb.] Washington. Nov. 96V llnii eon tea ta ox tbsfbrth eoaalag messa- al Mm President have been Iba suh jeetof aBaveraation in Wa biaftna to-day i aad it aadaroaaai tiiat tba Preatdi nl niakea it a aiatter ot BOeapaejal importance t<> avoid reference to the rabjeata treated of, Auione?the more important features of the mes? sage am the following : The PrattdeBl first con? gratulate* Congress uthe. material accomplish? ment of resumption, hut ? -\presses tho fear, if the coinage of the Standard a?vei dollar is continued M ithoiit limit, that tie- present stock of gold will beatfl to Uare the country. Bad that silver will lakes iUi place. ]|c recommends that no action be taken toward living the ralio between gold and silver until after a Monet.u v Congress shall arrive at some conclusion. The coinage of tho dollar, however, might BB siispended. Inasmuch as it has been Hie -mlicy of the C.ov i iiiaMnialiitie tbe adoption of the Constitution to pay all debts its soou after I bey are incurred as pos? sible, the President recommends a sinking fund for tba payment al all oblbjBtkraa within ii limited uaaa t and if tbe rerennea of Qovernnaeal arc not sii flic lent for tili., then i hat a tax on tea or coflco sbaaM lie levied, as that wUl bB tin only means con? venient for I be purpose. The President ealla Use attention of Cobbmbb to the uite.r disregard of the statute concerning polyg? amy by the inhabitants of I tab. He asks that some BBtfoB be taken, as tho tiara is now approneh iaf when if may bfl BBBBBBBff to admit that Territory as a State. He, however, makes no apeetfk rBBOB> meiulatioii in regard to the matter. The Presidenttreata tbaaabjeef of CirilObiiIbb reform at roaaldorabla hmgth. tailing tho poattioa goneraRy held by Iba advanced frienda of Civil Bet \ p e reformi Ha reeommenda that Congress take tue i-tiies to give perpotuiiy to tiio reform already initiated experimentally by tin Afliiiliililtalmi In referring to tin relations of the United States to foreign countries, tlie BBBBBMB states that the United states is oa f i icndly relations with all other Nations. The President discourages the renewed agitation of theqp. -.tum of tbetranafsrof the Indian Ku lean to the War Department, on the ground that Baad a discussion tende to obstruct the ofBoots of the Indian BataBB in the execution of their duty and pi od at ea bo good. Asa member of the Washington MnuiiBBBBl Com? mission, Air. Hayes advmm an appropriation rnfft ??ieut to Bushplata Ibal aiimumiiil at ao aaaiy day. rbereiaqnttenlong passage on the aahjnel of Bupervieora and Uu)ted stales Marshals, which is a> stalwart us the most radical Republican could wish. Tbe President recommeada the passage of an appropriation sattelsnt to pay supervisors ami nmr s|iaIs for their services during that portion nf the Bscal year for Which no appropriation was made. If11alsontfaaniatindaahallar appropriatioea for the future. IIa lakes (he ground that as it is only in time af wai BB otln r pressing emergency that the iBBBBOf notes (tba worth of wbieb is Ixed wholly by the Governasent)is natborized, ami that as no sm-h emaraaacy now exists, tea greenbacks abonbl now be retired in SO BSC BUUinei wisely calculated to pre? vent any distuibnm e bf the PfCeOBl liuaiicial afljni* librlaas. The message makes reference to the IntCIOOCnniO canal, and enrnestlv favora the enteiprfao, express? ing the hope that afl? r so mativ years of delay, and after the attention ol the Whole maritime wild has bean called bo the subject. Congress may enter upon legislation to facilitBtB the preBflBBttOB ?'f tho work. Tba Niearecaan route is aapnniallj rafanad to, and with faVOB, The President also calls i he attention of Consreaa Mi Dtstriet of Cohasabta m?tiers. He dwells on tPo aeoeaatty for an Improvement of the atrrajfa. ualla attention to the ancaying wood pavciBCBta. aad m ikesstrong reeommendations that immediate ac? tion be taken to Improvi ibe river front, both on no* count of the wants of commerce ami as a sanitary up asaje. The Prendenl mpeclnlly commends to the atten? tion of Coopreas the condition of tbe forelno oom llierce ol the.Mil TV, .Hid Balm that all pos-ihlc k)B" ialal ion to extend onr ? ommerea be enacted, rent ? i ellv with rropnet to tbe enrrylna trade. The preal aurplni nf American agricultural and other produc? tions und t he large balance of trade in America's fuvoi areaitedaa reasons why Ibe AmericanCon areaa aboeld do what it can to extend tbe faeibtiea nf commerce, Tba President thinks that by wise action now this country maj regain a carrying trade ol which it cannot again be deprived. PO?T Ol I t< ft ANO LOTTERIES. Lonaav lbitbbb i<> aa bbiubbbd to tata wbit KR8?M. A. OU PIIIs's St 11 IO IUI III Altl? Nl XT 1 i:hK. [aaxBBAi raaaa Bavafoa,] WiBaiBIHIIB, Nov. I'd. The Assistant AHotney Qeoaral for tbe Pool Office Deportment, la reply to an mayatry from the rbird AaasstantPoatmaster General, has addressed to the latter a letter, in which he says: I have the honor to ailvlso you, first, that " lottery lel lers1*resetdaa Ihs Dea4 LsttirOBtee may i>e retarned to the writers hy ina'l : SSOnad, thot IlllSlinsall rs are pot JOStiaVB in withholding l.-ttcis to an iiulniiliuil for ihe sole reasna thai saah tnoivMna] is an aarnl ai a lottery eompaav i thelener must be aooresaed to tas agent as such, to lustily uj tfetenl on, Bales* it la addressed to a per.oii or Mi m <lio lurcil l>y a sP' or?lei of the Past sissitir Oeoerslto be fraadulcol, In which cafe teg s tcred mttera are retarned %? the wrMataaad it>e pay BOnl of money orders fol hl.l.lep. The Poatmaetsr-Genern] has also written a lettai to General llaaea, tba Tbird Asaiataal Pirat master li. neral, upon the same suhject, as follow.-. Refer, ung to Sections 8*604 and b\809 of the BaVlsad Slallltes, he >-a\s | border, therefore, to r..rrv out the t>royi.iops of the aeettoaa mferrrd to, 11 hi dbrectrd tint si I letters ena cemlan lotlarMs wamk ami arrive al the Dead Letter OBJ es Bs retuipeU in t ip- write i s. If, hj inadrertenes, uiioiuke or athei wise,letters saapaaed la oatata lattery matter saoald eooN to Ihe UasdLetiei Oator,they sBoaM in? ?ent m ihe oBssa oi deliver). with soon sarao luiiis lo the posliniiHlci us will llisuie thelt piouipt de? livery. I he cas ? of M. A. Pauphin against the Pest m.istet Qeoaral, m whaek t he - amplalaaBlaeoha an ha)aao> C hi to restrain the aafOreeBBaat ot the recent order of the post Oaaoa DapaitaMatwith regard to lot? tery letters and BBBBOS orders, w ill come befoci tba Cener.d lerinof the Siipieme Court of (he District on lhutsiiuy of next week for ii hearing. TBE VTM ' bliMI8SlOEERS B0PE1 I T. UENKIIAI. 1IAICII IXPICIS s| , , i Maaaaaii ni -s Dsai iron.I pysBaiaoioB. Bar, 80? aaawlary Be ban re? ceived ihe following leb gram this nioriung from to Banal Harsh, paaaulaai of the Uta Comasiaasoa : iaih Ptana tai a r. Nor, BB. \y.- have laferaMOoa thai tan B one attver UU s are on thin nay, InelaaiaB Jack W? areauwofepinioathai we si a I I--- -u ?? i soul In e.iriyiug out ytur ?Ii. mk At allavcnii ?<? bavB patJraaa aaeaak to try it. Bo far aa the danger I* concerned, the Commission !..?* not given that a thought, 'fucy must lake Ihn chance*. lUirii. Commissioner. The latttf portion of this dispatch it in reply to n toleapaai from Secretary s< imr/, la whfcsai he snid: The caaauMteaavBj if they bare i<'a>>on aa tetat Ihomaalvte in uuugcr. awel follow iBstr ewa ludgtuei.t in taking tain Mi'oa as tin-ir safety may iwajaMBx A C IV8R POE 111A SK801VIN0. nrr mo balavcb ov h:apk ami BKCKlPJf or wacii which bavb mauk na oodbtbt so BBJBJf BBtlllB. |?;i:\Kiur. i-kiss M-i'ATCir.j \VASiii\<;rov, B/oT. 38.?TheChief oi the Bureau ot Statistics furnishes a statement whieh may tic re? gard, d as csjtcc ially BPPT >priate for penpal on TtNtaJbajtvlag Day. The excess of exports over the import* of mer? chandise during each month fr ? Janaaiy to Au? gust, inclusive, for the year 1*70, while less HUM during the corresponding months for the real lew*, amimalwd to 8140,380,688. For the nape Breathe of ihe year l*7s the BIBBBI was 8166.806^34. During tbeBMatha of September and Ocloiior Ihe exports of merchandise have again increased, ex .ding those of the corresponding months of 1*78. The total excess of exports of merchandise during the months of September and OiIoImt, 1*70, BBMBjated to 661,378,331, aaaaaJaat 648,800,437 in 1*7*. The excessof the value of exports over the imports of merchandise dBTIBf I he month of October, 1879, amounted to JiOO.007.s78, as aifainst, an excess dur? ing the month of October, 1878. of $28,188,063. The value of exports during the month of October, 1879, araa larger than during any previous month in the history of the country. The excess of the imports of gold and silver over il.Bportfl from .luiv 1 to October 81, 1871?, amount. .I to 681,603, >7!?. The excess of the nu poils ot gold and silver over flic exports al the port of New-York ironi November 1 t? November 33, 1876, amount cd to 613,860,804, indicating that the total exeraiof laiporta latotbo countryovnr the exports thereof from Jfllr 1 to November '11 iiinountcd to about 860,000,000, AS OPERATIC SEESATI0R, BBPOBT that BaBTOB abamb0b0 and Ills WIMM, BBVDBA API nt, I.KIT NKW-YoRK FOR FUltoPE arrrnoOT MB, MAPixsoa'a knowmidck. So far as can be b urned BbbVm Aianibiiro and his wife, *? ft >ra Adlni, who have been singing fo gelher at ihe Academy of Music In the leading parts In ?? Trovutore " and " Higoletto," left Xow-Yot k for lairepe under somewhat peculiar circumstances at .'I p. in. yes? terday, on the steamer Canada ot the Trench Truasit hirtH l.lne. When Mr. Miipleson w as asked concerning the report, last evening, he said thai It could not tic true, and icfeTcd I he i, n?te-to N .. I.' Hast 1 'went let b Ht., where s. fior Araiiilnifo and BBl wife were IBppSBBi to be II vlnt,. At the house It was learned that on Tues? day evening an expressman hud takci the ?Ingers' trunks away, aed that yesterday morning Seflor Aran> huiosud Ins wife had left the lion*- fiyttig thnt they wire going to the Kverett Hons- lo "tny. The two luiiehe.-l with friends a' the Kvereit House and it whs Marat I at the hack office that at I.:p> p. m. they were dm en to the freeeB eteeassf which ssased ai n i>. m. T.':e second chapter of tills story is even more curious than the flr~t. siyuor Aue l,?, Mr. M.iplcson's bus.tiess inmiager, siiguor Ardul and other* wet,. mi ire Ist tue report m the evening, aerora tba apan Istibb, aaal many said that it couldn't be true. Olio voting mau" sutd that be . iw Senu Anoii'uno al Xn. 4~> l. i-t 'i wentletb-sr. at i p.a>..nnd Mr. Maplesoa said thai at p. in. s. nur A rani bore bormw^d 8300 of Bias, The manager "aid further that at about B p. B. 8 fiors Adtul raBM to tbe e?ea aad areureal five seats for taa eventoa nertoraaaaee al "Csiaiea." f>i raesday be Bald h" had paid to A ram bam B8.500?ata nniitl.'* sa'sry. and lo his wire s-.'io. Aramiiuro was eiiaa | i rrom October to April HlswhVs name had not area on the prospectus, aad be aad aot tBoapal of engaging her uniii one aej when he overheard BarrtoaloB la one of i Be Academy parlors, 'flioii sh- ??iig us I rmiorii in ?? 1'r.i t store." and ?, oddu in '? Hu-op-tto " ;o her pusIi ii.u'i, ifnnr?e?,?iid // /nve^ in the . .?ne onems. Th- two *nnr i or i tie issitlii.e ii ?? Troy u toie ?' m Newark on Tip nlay eveataBi At that tine beaabed Mr. Ifapaaaoa'a per* iuin4lon lo sing In'? s'f.ilnif '?later "oi. BoBday baXl Ijiler in the eVMllM Mr. Ma|i.e?oii ssid that Arariiimro had left Word for lilru by tin doei BO* to ilit- i Beel that aa uis aame aid aal appear m me oast for tba ai v tea days he would return to Milaa to fuiiii an enaaaaaaenl ut I.a Seil i. Me promised tonend ImcS Mr. Maple.en's loan of B900 when he reached Moan I. is aafd thai he Baa aa eacaaemeBt a) La Beala, hrpma nafh.tnbev 10, aaal Mr. Maplaaea sind taat he ana to pel siiie^io^ IlloUtll._ PBTMClANo* RESEVOLRST 80CIEIT. The New-York S u iety for the ReHaf of Widows rind Orphans Bf l*b, s enitis he'd It. ta rty-sey. cnthaupiiiliuei ti ig .it Bo. 13 West Thiriy*ftr*t-?r. !;. I evctii'ig. The toetatt aaaaheca 146 membera, mntty* nine of whom are life BKflibera and ori\ ..tie are annual aalaaalbata There are alaa twenty^la Banafatleu, w ho am Iaeta6ad aaaaag the life aiaaibar*i und have Be* BeamaaoB by 'ho payment of 6166 During the past year aad baa Barn rzteadad by th.-s... acy to twiiva aalawaaad faareaaldrea of aaoaaaedamaMaara, Tho fln.iiiela) report shows the Inlnnce trom lhi< previous year waa 623.873 S51 laeoam from tatereef and Baca of BMBabarBj 66r6B6 M: trom bead aad movtaaaa paid m, pS.OOOt lotai,6B0j7S5 37. The rtlahnraamaala un-i in veatmeata were B34 56B SB,leavluB hahmee la taa treason nfBtl.lao *w. XBaaBeteiy baalavssted faada uuioutltltlg to rl 1.*>.">oo. Dra. J. U Bank?, W. X. Itl.ik. inna ,-ri.l .!... l Foster Were SpPOmSSd A coiiillillfee tO report I t the qaa tellv in... ting of tin- amBaaera spnrnnrlam maolntiona on the r lam associate. Dr. Oliver wblie, Aa ebmtam ol oftli ers for tile eiisiiiug rOBT WBB he d, n Uli tin- follow* lap result i Frenident, Dr. BsmB i T. Habbord) Vlee Presidents, Dra. Jared Unsiy, ,i. B. Taylor aad s. B, Purple i Iransamr, Dr. J. H. Miaton. Memaara af the Hoard of Managers, lo fill MTeB mCBBrloa Prs. H.A. Barry, J. H. Raiemnn, M. P. Robots, Francis DelutWkt, It. Watts, \. ?-.Jene ; ail A. If. Illicit. A88AI LTED HY THREE ROTE, Mrs. Mary PoBB, of No. ISO Chcnv-si., wma BSsaalted in h.T houu) lasf Thursday by thieo hoys liv bm In tba same Boaas. one of tue imn kicked in-r in tBeebdoasBB. Tfha paUaa wen- huToiassdal (Bern aaH > ? st.-id i v, and tl ai the w oinan might die ii.nn tip- ,-oVct af toe kick. The Boys wan atTuaea arreated. TBeyara Pianels Marr, aan twelve i Charles Crow ley, ug- four leetl; uud CurLe.ius BalBVaB, age tfilrteeu. TELEORAPHW NOTES. wo UK on tiik OHKRXVll.HK caxai. to ?foix. OTi'aW/a.Nov. 36.?Mr. ?i.Iwln will prooahly m*ui hegin wink on iii- Qrcanvhlssaash aaaplsyassat wm he give.i 10 it huge force of ssm troiu ? lti.i l. Taa si. \ UN's iMMioaaTioa at ottawa. Ottawa. Nov. ?_'?(.?Dun g ibe oast aeamai BOO laiBibjrsaiahavearnvadasra Taey stars stiacapslty imiu Isbncefnand nuasrs, Ah aarapravaisd mi i stasssynMai raa btbambb bkixowa apunAr, MoNli:i ai . Nov.'.'ii. ?liny men have been eii gac. it in Pjr'itening the nesin-hip II. a^roinol ia C aeat, -lie is bowsBosl?aadsaassasd ti ic-ir^-tu Bssnws BAVAOE BTOICIBM. Yakim*. Wash, h . Nov. Bantnsknie and Kype. twaladkiaa wer* hnaa Brrs taeai for las sraraar mt IBs Pcrfcbw rsadty in IBs laaian wai two rears a,o. Bath Bard with stsna sianteteaea, 0006 i.anu PODVD in manitoba WraKiPrO, Man., .Nov. 20.?CKe, ft V exnbnrinpj pin iv. whit h lus i.ii saasNslap taa aanntrj aarth all ariksa, rapf?ts test last* Is niasB Ba* agrteahnral iinre. a-ni thai lt,o nversand .ake? ai,ou.n| m UmIi. B IIv canaI'Ian BTKAMMaa ARB DBLAVUk M..mio-ai, Nov. 36. -Toareuseo! tho Canadian Uueof ?l,-4lii> m m-tkillK l'Uigerp'iMiige? for I lie Ii?. I . ,.| Iwalseiplained br 1'ie fs'.-l ti. n the ,tr?U* sre clo ' i vessels In. ur .11 cXi .1 J. 0 imp , by bsvlng to ro by jutf. A.N IMPOBTAMT i'a 11..nt aUIT DBCIDBIX Cincinnxii. Nov. Ji!-J.idg.- Uasier, United siat. s oiren i < <m. >. baa drasasj la the cassaf JaaaaaHer. ?sat aaabut tae Hall Hafs aad Lash iTsmaaaj ihai IB* us fcadsaldai inotlafHapaaa las patent ot seraeal bvi ;,.n. in. ss aas slssssstaa ia* bid. TMB ami ItH a s I ini n compwv's ait Alljs. Pall KTVBk, M.iss.. Nov. 88.?Al a mnetiuf of las slacBsaasns at Iba Asaarfaaa I lass osawaay laaaj Ii wa* MUisi in fund ibs debt of ill- . ei jho il <ou -ii inwdied pi.iasi raapsa Usaas will be asnssd, assaasa B pw si ai noei rsi and hsvliig lite year* lo run. m.upTUNi; BOB tub WAIT bavo. ToitoNio, Nov. 30.?No tiding* hare lasen re carvad*?IBestsssssrWsaaaaa ihr,,, me* an mssina a i ..ii tul scar-a TasTS i* gust ex. in .... i.l iu ( oIIiush.smI BVarlhei.nhefi.e of Ihe \es*el, a* .dl the elaVcl? .Hid i raw wcm-i. ,i,p ni* ot town. an INsI l:\Ni i; company to ?F ma of to pay. Ibov, n. y., Nov. 36.?Judge WTeatncuob. tn-.i.o raaatadavaroit-ip>r the d< p-uuitiii luihe <.me oi .tume ?. UraltaS, soiuliumiairtx. aganet Ihe M.-lr> | oliuui Fife Insur? ance raaipaar. <*> iwuu-i un a patsrr i<T sa.omi,*a taa groiiud Inat the aeSSSasa p. lsoa t ail ins * inurcpr^aeula uana A nfw bb0bbt nurii:ty koii coi.ohfh mkx UOXUoJf, on'., N>'\. 80. \ bow seerel society i<t cuioiid |Ms.pi? bus I ss-11 imuiisj in Lsndao. ii is ?ailtled " I he Kli.^hl* o| l oluinbiai.? ' Iii: odisillilll n is i.| llu aune prill, iple na llisl ul Um Kulghti of Ihi MaccaiK.-a, the ?... nn hovuis stes acasmsi . mj w. i?. MeOMsThisa las Isaaast oi tsa ?mbsm order. UtJJID, or i :fmi kv. tiik Vicroit. Wooun i00k, N J? Nmv, 30. lie Middlesex OuiKliiP belU Ii? ?eiin iciithly ulas. P*l| ,-onl .-.i lo iv. TkS fnahas waia tarawa Baaa a naals retail aa napMiwoa< t\ aa* yards dbaa ia* i saestacei iwera c is ul i.-ud, If iTsswapsssk Ws*d*j Vtshsr aad Mallard, i*j aaehi i uia, 11, houiri anil, lu aatb, aim 0s I ami IsSBB, a GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. kxcitkmknt \r si.rno. STAin MaKUM ANOlMKIt f lu?:.i I i CBVSH ?"t"HA ? OABOLCOgggCrilO Wim mi IM HIB a ?g 8V? tkm of Tin: w??i:i.i>. Then-is much excitement still in OllgO. In land, on Recount of tbe remit arrests. 'I examination of Kill.-ii. the lawyer ? iiarg. d wi:h sedition, Wut in progress yesterday. Spam is about to send two frigatee and aaere tfnnfn to Coba. InjBiOjna. Porn, Is in tlr-hand* of the Chilians. The telegraph wire has boon extended to Cnbnl end < 'nnd ;har. THK irish SI ILK AMTATINO. Tin: kximinatioh ok UIXXB im PnOQSgMg, London, Wodtiesilaj, Nov.'Jo, H70. .lolin O'Connor 1' (Home BnJor), mem - le r of Par i lllii'llt for M n o, will pn ?nie *> the dciiiOU ?tratlon tu !?.? held at If>->I ? Pail, on -oinday n.xt. Aaaeno the apeofcera ofll be Jaaila MeCartky, Alexen* der Sulllv.m ami William Ke tnioml, Menaa Kale M ? i.i ber* of Parliament for I/uufnrd. Loiilli aa?l Wexfoid rr i*i er-tiveiv. Tbeeeverai Lmdeneed provterial ?.tin* geira will a-* mlile at Trafa'jrnr'*i 2 oVteck in tho afirrnoon. si.O iiinrrli ill. are to II> <l>: Park, wbrre the mi ? uns* will becra il :i u\ knag. M.ifio OBgATLY MOTVOaWSt In flti.-o last evening tbe police patrol acre stoned anil foiirarrt Kt<WrTeiu.'i>li'. I.vcr in MM evening Mr. Ilavitt was ?cien ,it. d b? two bauds. Tin- police d the ?Ireet? there tins u.ornlug. I urt her r? Inforceuenta arrived. So fresh dl-tiim.nirca BBfS oi-curred. It la thought tin** toe Oevommant mteudi w loeM/va lot iriiiln of the p.i?onera to Imbun Uist? id of Uk'iig tbcai at the County ApatO It T lie eiaiulti tlloa ill the OBM of Mr. Kd>n was resume.| to-day In presence or a larger BBMBOrof aaegiatrelao than eoBOL Davtil and Daly ear ? present aa aa ietetave. Mr Monroe, spleen's Counsel. ru.ld (b it Mr. killcn'a be? ing a bnn later might lead people t. beUeVO Uiaf t.iey couid aetapen his advice. He ptoda m long ipiufailon from Mr. Killeu's speech at the .ting, on vrbP h he (Mi. Ifonree)relied far Mr. Millen** MM effect that ?'he would like not lung i) tiei than to a** tboiiaauds of men coining over tue in. uutjln?, rfl>a iii baud." He showed that olbeia who were present .ii the meetingp?drevaeeatraaad against Kuhn'? , ouum nine* pb\ force. Mr. Rae made n lung, rambling speech for the defence. Ha wm ordered by tee Beaab re sit dawe, rue anon bond am ten and others were then eseoMued. PtlsO wu? on the v ergc uf a not last | lgh f, and the po? lice and Ni rlear the streets. Tnof n ade aavetol arresia. DaVitt has telegraphed to NesrciaiI- be will keep Blei a raa*easeeta to speak there on mki.i.iv md Moudsy, ami that he win attend the aaeotiag m fHaaaee. Mr. i. mistime, in a ajaaeeh tins afterm on in -? i. expn aaad Waase If In favor of %\\iug Home Kule to Irc hnd, but iu local matters only. A CRISIS KXPKCIKD IN FKANcK. litnXaflriT. Wednesday, Nor. '2li. 1?7!). The \tirg'g Paris c?u respondi-nt n ports tint the gSaaaBOBrni Vraiiraue ag .lu p BOO iure? |a favor of a plenary amucstv, in roeaasgaonee al M. Huu,t>eri'a revelations rczu rdlug torture in Pawfaledoala Thta leuds probaliiilty to tin; report thut a coming aaedlOed Ministry, eoaagralng luanv of 'he present members, wiil prepeaa a plenary aiuiii'stv. /.?i Franer nays that It Is alisoliitcly certatu Hut M. V/addtagtea has only eoaotBted to raoMia Presideut of tue Council until after New Y'-ar'a Day. THK BRUNSWICK BEQURBT void PRRRaPB. Loanjoa, BV anea tev, Nov. SO, isth. A dispatch tmm Paris to The Daily Ttle p*aaa%anyai "Tiio Itibonol of Bmnawiefe baaaMMtatad that the btM Data or Brunswick. Wh i left his furiune to the town of Geneva, bad bnen lepsllv deprived of tbe right to dispose of bis fortune. Tho Tr.boost has there? fore, c.included that his will H null and void. Aa (. a. va has ?Irendy spent a large -um UB IOC Btttnaoienl to the late lluke and the ?i.i. ra H ol? -. the town vlll be in a sad pndaMMsYal if it baa to saatora ina Mene*b IIK GLADSTONE'S canvass KMsnii.oii. WaBneadajTi B? a hti?. Mr, GlevdataaWi ob raeeifiBR i I.iin a?I draaa her . tnsde a baaaj apot ah. Bb laa road lb it a ?D? MtattoBofPaitanaanl aaabt to nsv tHk?n pMeeara aow, bnt aatd that tho CoveroManf abatahpi ta are from lirekU-o It Unowa till.' the colintrv l? a : Oust it. and nlno beaauae It deal re* to be free mr a year to grre Eagtabd aud Europe now inrprii - thk OONTRBT FOR THE ASTLEY BEI Lo.NlioN, Wcil.ic. iaV, N V. SB| 1-7J. 'Ihr Sporting Lift .iys: u Rowcll, th?- Kng iish paOaatrfan, lias aawtOad thai iba next walklag inatch for tbe lo?ig-i!lst!ii:ee i li imi'ioirdilp of the world, and Iba Aatler Belt skall taka pfaea la EaateadL The backer or i'm,. hoi write* tbnl be will wltbiuraw bia aaaa if the n? xt aiaieb aUiea not lake pl?ee i;i Unanons ?l'U-.iry aiso v. isiies tu withdraw fioiu the di..i. u."' A M -slAN REC10B BKSIOKS, Lospos. Vedoea Lay, B iv, BS, I'm A ?li. jiatcii hron st. PotenlmrB t?i The Ikuff jftna apja tbe Baaler af bba DJM*a LTmveraMy, foOoa** [na the exaaipie ot Iwa 1*to*j Mofl .:? Iba St, rVtiwebaarg t'li ver-ity, ha? reeiaw d la eena'rqoeaeo <?! lbs new ng ulattotis. _ TROOPI ARD ships for CUBAm M ap.'hi). ajraOOeaOay, Nov. SSj 1*7'.). Kloverj Ir.iitdit d soldiers will l?avs BtUCS> pjna <m tue spth laet,aad tstot Doaeaaaorlor Onbs Twe frigatea ntB aaaa praeeed ahortly to retaSaraa lbs Cautaa agaaanron. A BRIO si nk AT SHAKOHAT. Urvnoif. Wed e aday. Barr. ?-???'. IBIB* ' A dhanntch to Uojrda frotn Bbanghad aajra i Tbc st ataanr Ptna?aa came in a dMatea aad Mab the hrta Condor. Ttie datiiAge sa-iaiaed by the-teamei , if any, is uol know ii. TELEORAPfl link to ( api l. i^isi)..-.. a/adai lay, Nov. ?-'?. l 70. TeloSJSpllafJ rxmutMiCajteOn \\ii!i Csbnl and < aiidahar has beOB lotapb tcd. and Ibll BtOI 11 lot'- Laa> San papers publish di-oa'.ches fi :n tsotlt ibo*e poiuta dated Tinnlav night. IQCIQUB CAPTUBED BY THE CHILIANS, \v. Jas adan . V?*v. BS, i-"'.?. [ntelligoneo has reaxhed bora that tho cli?l uuaa bora lab? ? toniq ie. _ MKXK it) APT AIRS, UkZIOO, Nov. 1?'..? Tho richSMBSS of the Mo ga la Mines is nov reported to nave Peoa ? KagaTM ited. It is aiso M d gaVAat d 111. ill.Ii s attend die |?r<? uriujt ef woihI nod water, raa VeaMter aVp?aOf*awiM aaaaaalaena ot the debar ef psrwareoetalng m. gioa * uv ftoaa distant Provinces. It tuys ? ho liuveruor of Chlbaabna on the 1 ti: 11 uf SagtoMbet inioimed the Proyiaefal I baaatano ef aa laTgalaa af tbo TiiiMoiy ol Cbibnaana brBdB Americans aocooroanied bi Mine Indiras in pnraait al 1 111.1 mis. Tue 11 ?? ' of toe i..-, isi 11 did as * i'-aea tbe Capital aulll ail weeba after tho oeenrrene Ifsadtor alao a A. s aa' 1 be 0*v? waol Sad iu 1: Ira of toe \ tolatioa .?; ii- lerrltery. i Of ?ica _ PBZPARISQ POM QESKRAL UitAXT* girg) Pint IDgl 1 in a win. imi:::iu\ BITS, PmLADgxPHiA, Sot. 26.?Tho Corastittfo oft AiTaiuruii ills i.f iL? ? i'y r.iiiuit-, avpotatrd to arrange for the rveeptloo it Oanatal <.:ati?, have ngtoed upon ibia pragraounai raaaSay, Peeasabeg Ii Orand puna, ant hi tbe ewaung a teoepUoa al the t.leaea al ?;? mo v.. cniMa. afedae da) Afeoegilaa al ludepradaaea tin tbooveatna ana at ibe reatdeoeooi Mam Stofclef Thai dai ItiawpltaB hj the Orand Sraay if ibepb BBS he und tu 11.votung a Oroad Artaty eamn sya aa the Aeaaboay of Music, v. tth apeevbt . ? aa a, ate Brl haj ? Becoption bj IAe Commercial Bxebange. Martiiina Kx> ?iiaii.e and bviaag al Ti ine, aad In toe weeing ? 1 .s i tb*nal -he r.-iih i... ,> \. j. Dux-I, e*q. Bsilorday? Beceptloa byU-eaebaalriuiliiu aad tawctteraal tt.c Aeadeair of kfaaie; in tbe evening a bar.oa 1 ndi i?i llon t?v Hu- c tlav ii> -it tin* aVaOVan 01 K.tic arts, afua da)?Visit to (Hiard ? elleaa and oiks ; pan 1. aui .1 ugsi tu til" rventeg b r* ??< pthra bi f. reatdeaee?| fJao* er,1 Bo boil 1'atteiMia. tncadaj R eeptl.t the Baton f eaaee ipeelal invitations |.. perl elp 1 la ibopa adeareto be a. nt to Iba 5th and ?'? aM*tr>ini.d B ? Itu u ?. ibi 7lh h>ginientol Bow-York,and ite Xev-J rat-] Bngade. OIOBMM WAO MM Al t ALL R/l tM. Fai l Rivi k, blaaa., Nor, 2B-? At s sssslingj of I lie Hoard ol Tiade lbs hIiciiouB il wo* Voted BP reeteto the lessdnle ptIon paM tooaa>roeaioni AacRj 1h7 .. (be date et ti ?? ; i t i. ?I i i b. i at. 1h 1 OM VsIrUt, to aa i1.cre.1sc ol 1? per icnl...:o .-to la'o i !:? . : .01 dennan L A 1MB IE HUM PAW FOE 1 hWEME, ClNi'lNN a ri, Nov. I lie c. 1' Ul ali d liot Itng stallion nbp)nw?y wen aotdiaal even bag at gatOB, K>., lo j-.111..11 ', ol.-aa I ..::.?; in, .or .>HI.ISKi. i-teiuvvsi i- ny iia uc, und 1 a 11 r?" } oltL lie in eic ibe f.ieicsl bUI?o.i iiuo ob laeepd.