OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, November 29, 1879, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1879-11-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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thf. PWBM11I auain on f.xiiip.it10n.
nut iNM Ai. Mi xit ii**!. mimii man ukacoxs
The regular London correspondent ot* Thk
Tkibi'NF. describpss below the annual Imiquet
pt the Ciulilhall (o Her Ma it sty \s MtttlfAl is
which occuried on Nov.'iiihtr 10. The chief
Interest ?f the great tuunirip.il festival contie I
in the presence and the speech of Lord
Ht-aconsiiohl, of whom a striking picture is
Tin: UND mayok's Mtttiiw pahf.axt.
THK BTJBSTt w hom IUI iin:.\i.ns Hli> ani> DID BOT
jjbihibib] !?? ri.KMIKli's mask?His bab9
woitk i" kbbb IT o\.
[from Tin i;i '-i i- vr ooRin -i-omm \ i ok tub tkiiitm:. )
IbbbBbbt, Rot. i i.?Ibat < on idhall banquet sifters
from another tiiiildhall. banquet in glory: ililVcrs
also in the degree of public expectation which at?
tends upon the speeches of Her Majesty's. MiuiatOfB
to whom the banquet is given, and who have more
or lese to say. according to circumstances. Perhaps
that of yesterday w as atnoiur the most htilliant
because curiosity was at its height. Xov.-r were
Invitations more eairi rly sought. i liavo so little
talent for soliciting favors that i hold aloof
from competition* of tin* kind, and I had re
signed myself to w.vting till next taBIBlllt'a papers
supplied a retiort of the niit'it's eloquence. Hut a
friend in authority most kindly offered me n card,
and so i found uivsclf at tl <>'< look on .Monday
evening in the midst of the great tlinn g which
gathered to listen to the Prime Ministct's words of
wiadoin. i have said in a previous letter what 1
thought it needful to say on the political aspect of
that unexampled discourse. All i shall attempt now
i? to note down what interested me among the
many features of the great itin-.icipiil f-stival of
the year, omitting most of those w Inch an common
to ever}'such display, and which i described last
SOMR OK i HP Ol ests.
Our country was rcpre-ctitcd last yet: at this cer?
emony by Mr. Welsh, w ho, being Minister and Kn
voy Extraordinary, and of unusual height, ma le a
conspicuous liirure among the great personages of
tho day. Last bJbbn the sovereignty of the Hepuh
Lc was inipi?i.-oii.ited by Mr. Il..p|iin as ( Ii nge d'At
Tuires. Li ss enterprising m the mat tat of titles than
Mr. Poach Lawrence, Mr. HappJa refrained from
describing tiinisi If as Minister, though if personal
merit were to count he might have marched uj?t|ie
aisle in the blaze of sin Ii glory as illu?
mines, the possessor of lull diplomatic rank,
lie waa among the earliest arrivals. It
is doubtful whether any of BBS many city officials
who act a* herald* on tins occasion ha ' ever bclorc
beard of a Charge d'Allaitv?. Tiny could make
nothing of the title which Mr. Hoppln modestly
idinoiiuced, and ill their distress their sonorous
voices sunk to a whisper, so that the crowded tanks
of city si; lite, und city dallies between whom Mr.
BaBBBBB advamed were unaware that a Plenipo?
tentiary of the Dotted States was their fellow
guest. When Count Minister, the German Ambassa?
dor, appeared, he w as much cheered. It is permitted
tons to hope that an American diplomatist would
lad have been less warmly greeted had his presence
been made known with equal distinctness.
Of these herald* there were. I shouldBBytBOBBI
eight orten in all, and they were i ften aa much at
fault about Ltigiish tiths us about American.
WbOB Ministers BeajBB to anivc, BSflte of them were
auiioiiM ed by their ininiM. rial tit 'es. some by then
personal tub s; some with the proper handle to
their BaSBSB, some B lthout ; and all with a pleaaing
variety in t ho use of aspirates. I bus we In .ml of the
Light Honorable Mr. Cross, and of the Uiitht Honor
aide the First Lord of tin- Admiralty iplain Mr.
Smith would never have answered1: of Mr. I'.dward
Siatiho|ie without the Ho:iorable, and of " Colo?
nel Stanley,* though he is Honorable as son
to the late Lard i>< iby and Bight Honorable
as Privy C BEBCillor. Not one of the ashen seemed
to have heard ol Colonel Stanley, ot to suspect
that he was anything BPBBJ than the commander of
a regiment. Lord Bury was ? transformed into
Lord Berwick. Lord .lohn Manners had a female
companion with him, w ho In i aim- f<u tin- nonce
Lad.? Manuels. The Marquis of Salisbury was
shorn of bis Most Noble. The I x-Prime Minister of
lb lgiuui w as introduced as eX-Ksvo}'. Sir Evelyn
Wood, the In io ol the Zulu war, was announced at
one cud of the aisle as sir General Wood, and at
the other as Ocueral Lvelyn W.1; all tliest?
proclamations heiug in dnplleate or triplicate.
He was great ly chceicd, w iiii-h led a friend at my
elbow to n-maik that the British public knew
l.ow to distinguish a real lioiu a ahum hero. Five
lniuutcs later came Lord Chelinsford, for w hom the
i-bee ring was not less beany : v.h>ieiipoii inv iriend
desitod leave to withdraw his pn rious remark,
Lord Chelssaford*i face supplieaa complete commen?
tary on lus sorest in BOOth Atrien, When Napoleon
said In-wanted men with big n ises f..r Marshals it
is obvious he did not mean to dispense with till
otlier features. Row Lead Chelaaaford basa suiii
rient nose, though of the bBibOBS kind. Hut he has
ueit'ii-r chi'i, nor jaw. nor tBOareueci of temple, nor
any BBS of IksSSJ BOnSSSUB of face w hich w e associate
with decision of character. There is weakness
in every lino; with a look of puzzled
anxiety quite fatal to military sei vice.
BB nun immensely pleased with his cheers;
io, for that matter, WBB Sir Evelyn Wood.
Still more so waa sir Charles Whctham, outgoing
Lead Ma yet; ami as BB had been soundly hissed all
day during the procession of which he formed part,
at can hardly be blasted BPJ enjoying the contrast. '
lb has bet-:] a most uiiporuil ir M.v.or ami done
plenty of foolish things, but one rather likes to hear
that he took his punishment cheerfully und waved
his lace handkerchief in res;?oiise to the gioutisthut
followed hitu all along the route.
a stkkaM OK WH.I.-KVOW N IT..PIE.
Miuiiwhib' slreamcd in city dignitaries ami in
v Itad gnostS of all ranks and of no runk. Humility
v. .is no safeguard against tin- peiiioiis honor o| a
promeuade up this avenue in a gl ue of light, with
hundreds of curious eyes bent on you. 1 ho nun
with wands, in their 7 al to tinn the crowd at the
entrance, urged everybody along. If, however, you
gave your nain ? a* Mr. Jones, you were in no
danger of bearing that modest patronymic
echoed along your path. The hall rBOOBBded
with great titles; each Inlaid shouting louder
than the other BBf BB Barl ?ir Duke.'
Put be unite lo*| hi* voice when the oouusoner
c.-.me. TI.e number of men in uniform is vary gn at,
and the blaze of scarlet stiege .is that the arm;, is
in high favor with the city. It is depressing to be
t< ld that most of these warriois ale ju ai < fill liur
gsaatBBras) aanaaathis martial panoply by virtue
ol being Deputy-Lieutcuaut* i f tue lower Ham
I wo )-idics vre re cheered. The 1':^' was M;?. <';: >
eiidii.li lieutinck. Whether sin- was cheered Im*
eause she was Mrs. Cavendish lieutinck or because
she won- a brocade gown into which huge dia?
mond* were plentifully sewn, I cannot say. The
other was Lsdy Salisbury, to whom the Woman's
ltiahte ix-ople owe thanks for asaerting the prece?
dence of her m X. She would not w alk behind her
buabaud nor v. t by hi* side ; but when the name of
the Foreign Secretary was thundered out at the
lower Bad of tbe greut ball. Lady Salisbury wo*
already weU BB her way up the aisle, swinging along
with pride of port and a certain jollity of loco
which seemed to imply that her Ladyship looked
upon this solemnity n devised for her personal
amusement. Lord Salisbury hurried after the Mar
luioueaa, but failed to overtake her. She it was
who first shook bunds with the Lord Mayor, whose
three-cornered hat provided her with a In sh occa?
sion for mirth ; and when Lord Salu bnrvyume in, u
lad second, the intelligent fon-iguei from Belgium
Was clearly lo doubt whether the terrible Marquis (
or bis quick-footed wife, was the real Caliinot
The l^rd Chancellor had passed in just he-fore,
certainly to n foreigner tin most picturesque lignro
of all, preceded aa lie was by tho wliole slat, of
sticks-in-waiting walking leek ward and bowing
low, ami by Iiis own slnlF bearing OIM the inaee and
anothorihevelvcthagv.it' I lie great aeal, and a
third the heavy train of Iii? Lordship's velvet robe.
Lord Cairns's powerful faee looks out from the
voluminous wig which descends upon his shoul?
ders. The coat rast I should draw is not
hetween him nod the UOhtldj of no name
who has gone hefore, hut hetween him mid
lite great Puke of Nariliiuiih, viand. A great DOOM
ho of Northiin:h.>rland assuredly is, with Iiis long
descent ami vast poseOtsiotTS, and 00 looks every
inch tho beiz of a hundred sarla, With bio shop oly
features and perfect inaun> r. Ho is Lord Privy
Seal, too, vet Ins name is lie ver heard iu politics.
What he is and all he i;, be 1- l>v birth. Lord Cairns
is an earl ol yesterday, hut bo has made himself earl
and L->rd Hurli Chancellor by his own powenand
personal gilts, nml that is in i a had thing far a man
who started in life aa n Nort i of Ireland lawyi r.
t.Mi;aNci' of isaooxsi II I i'.
Last of all, Lord BeaOOOtOald came also. It isi
three-quarters past the dinner hour: luitihatde
lay, ami the long BoeeooocOii of dlsfuitarlea who
bare preceded bint, have boon contrived to reader
his entry ibe more impressive. Aud |MpfoooltS It
la in oil Way*. I verily believe the gOOSta would
rather hare rooe witheal their dinner than without
this sauce to it. Tbe wboloPall ris-a for him ; the
Opplanteitd afening; t!ie greeting BBCh BS ho ia
rightly pro".i of. It was a 001OW remark that
Lord Beaou iaftoM was locking ancotnmonly well?
S i he whs; so long as he thought p-.iple were look?
ing at him. Tin- eottditloB of thbj gn at bhuVs beoitb
isauaflairof Stale, and h)diacttOtod TOty much as
Loins XlYtb's bodily welfare was discussed when
he changed Ins shirts in ptihlic. Lord DeSCOBSttold
deeo not change bio siiirts m public Ho Undo it
less ernhari issing to e?Vcl from time to time an ex?
change of wh it nre HTltliBrTI called his principles.
He baa, bowi rer, his physical peculiarities, and otto
a ho sees hi:a from time to lime is aide lo gu. >s near
enough at his actual health. When he made bit
cutty into the Library Ol the Guildhall, I tttxxl
near the door. I could 000 him |in1l bimoelf
tog. iIpt and compose the muscles) of his face till
the desired fXpiOSSiOO was attained. All r< ?ein
blancea, says: great pbysiogm mitt, lie in the ??yes
ami mouth. I "dividual OXprt MifKI lieo tbort too, and
the brief apace daring which Lord Beaeoeefield woo
advauclns up the aisle was not too briel for a goi?l
look at these fratiiies. Tlp y qnitfl continued tho
good reports from llalfield whi'.h I recently men
tioned. A strange lire bttrood if bit eyes. Tbe jaw
nud lips were set last. For tho two minutea no
in .ii's luce was more full of eneigy, no step lirinei
I ban hit, oeptoagenarian oo bo is, with four yean
added to the seventy. He wore Ins Windsor uniform
of dirk bine with embroidetieo in gold with
pendant sword, ami on lus breae! that uiatcbleea
and prioeleat star of diamonds Inclosing the ruby
croea of the Garter whioh tiLs all meaner breaata
with envy. To tbe Lord lltvyorbe bowed low: aud
acaiotoibe Mayoress, pecuinpliahlng ibe double
obeisance without any too perceptible stiffness or
audible ereaklopj of too joint a.
As the pi... essioa ir on the Library to the Ban?
queting Hall slowly made its way ahont tho
tablet there was no fault to Bad with Ins hearing.
There are few aetoro wbo make ap better, or who
play their parts more perfectly so lof g as they are
on the stage Wben bo atood up to tpeak, and the
cheera of tbe nine buodred goeata greeted him, be
received the aupl-itisc wilh quite admirable dignity,
lie was too great a man lo I? ? moved hy t lies., nat?
ural expressions of hoatoae. Not even ;i bow acknowl?
edged thi iu; bo i food a. < root as t be Int torate storip
of his shoiildeis perm il t al. No more did be ac?
knowledge by a single ItOtd tho overdone pan. gyr
icsof the Lottl Mayor, but began a I once what Iii?
had to say, which, uerertbelei trat to lit tie that it
would not bare aaffered from a briel exordium of
politeness. In Ins oonfOBBBi lor eeaunonplacc civil
itics there waa a touch oi almost regal manner. It is
of the essence of royal go id breeding to show, ami I
presume to feel, aa abaoloto indifference to tbe feel?
ings or comfort of all meaner persons; no| becausu
a king ina\ not bo kind heart od, bnl because the
distance w Inch separates him from his gt< atesl sub?
ject is aim ply liilinite. Had Lady Beacon.diold
been living, il would hard I v have turpriscd
any bo ly i" tee bet husband :.iv<- in t his arm lodin
uer,aaa kingdooa to bio wife, In ber absence be
took in the Lady Mayoress, as required by Guild?
hall etiquette. 1 don't koow whether it ia also
Guildhall ot iquetto tbal the gnoat of the evoniug
should not bo placed en the Lord Mayor's right
hand, nor even next to the boat eo the left. Lady
Salisbury was nn the Lord Mayor's right, the
La<h Mayoress sal pest to the Lord Minor, nml on
her left tat the Prime Minister, He did not dually
h, ; tie bimoelf la ins chair tiIt after sonic fumbling
with (he cat.Is that lay on iiis plate and the plates
m ar hy, ;.s if perplexed hy Ml position.
ratcomonru) vr rno table.
Unrine dlanei he sat for tho most part silent.
I luring Iiis speech he bad recourse at intervals to
the ftlasa of c la rot, or it may have been port,
which was in front of him, which was
full when he begun and empty when lie linisheil.
Uta voice was ttftWg CBOtJgb 10 tench through
the hall, with the help ??f a singularly elaborate
ami patient artknlatioti of each syllable that be
uttered. Hut it was hollow; it teemed to be
fetched l?y a tUOCeOBMfl of calculated ?Horts,
from Bomewben in his throat, and was
hnohonded as if he had oaly a limited supply,
wbieh might run ?>u: if not used with economy. He
has very Btnoh th> trick of mouthing Ins words
w Inch Mr. Irving Iia in Ins hast happy momenta.
It i^ as if the muscles of the tongue w. re weak, and
did not lavarbthly respond to tbe will ol tbe
aooakof I ttBBoa it mini red two distinct
exertions, or art ? mom, to bring that BOBfol IBOtn
her In rout act with tho palate. If yon
had heard him for tho first time, you
would im have said this man is a great
orator. Mut yon could not Ustefl to ? sentence
without peteelvlog that he bad a consummate
knowledge ol lhe art of speaking in public, and
consummate cleverness nl making the tuost of Ins
knowledge. When he t ame to refer tothemordor
of the Lngiis!i Envoy ia Cabal, bit tones grew so
si,|. inn, bio attitude ao impreaaive. there waa iu bis
Btanaor such exec.lent at im lory of pathos, that one
a bo did not know what philosophy ho can hnug
to the endurance of woes not Ins own would surely
have believed that he was beholding the
symbols of o genuine sorrow, Mut what is
genuine iu the man is^ his intellect und
his courage; t< get her with his contempt lor men
>\ iinsc Intellect at kept m sobJeettaB to tettii .i eon
v jettons, ami a hose eotuage is aal snfleieni to over?
rule com oieoee. oi to diarogard soefa fBeta aa happen
to he iBoonaiatoBl wtih an enoetivB ttatsattsat.
L itag in i he evi iiing Lord DsoOBOSfiahl paid Sir
StafTord .Noitiicote Hie compliment of supposing
thai bis speech on lOQOItt WBSOOCBPying the atten?
tion of the audience, lie leaned hack iu hi t chair,
his maek slipped oil fni a moiuent, the light from
the great chandelier uhove sOroaBSOd lull on his
face, and you saw what he was like \, hen not rosing
for the gallery. ThO ?I.ks grew hollow, the
tint of his skin wax-like, (be lips re?
laxed, the cavernous jaws fell slightly apart,
tbe carefully foeiOBd curls on the left
of the brow slid out ot place, tbe tire sank low iu
his eyes, the whole lace aged BaitlfOJIj ma minute.
If ever a human countenance looked weary und
bored and BBtOBfoL LdM M? a. ..n-tn Id's was thai
countenance at that BSBOsBOt. PsfhBBd BP hit that
his speech had fallen tlat. iu spile of the cheers;
perhaps he did not Bgfg WBOtbdB it had or not, hut
was simply tired nml sleepy, and wanted tn have
aVOM v. Ith tIiis? pageantry und gal h inc. This state
did not last ; as soon as sir Stallord gave s.irns of
ending his heavy speech, his oblSB WOB BBOa SgOTO
awaiB of his PUldie. and nlcrl. Il< n smui d Ins ,\a.
paint MBimbty as be had aaitted it. when you
once In gin to etiuly a remainahle f..ec, the study
soou bctoiiK-i u laSStOBttlTll ihcio wua uuthiug
else to iateteel fine, unless Lord Beliabury'a ?cid
civilities to the Lady Mayoress might ho called in?
terest ing; lmt 1 stayed on to the last.
And in the last the weary old man preserved his
air of fresh serenity. He followed the Lndy
Mayoress dutifully out to the draw ing-room. He
endured without any show of resenttneiit the con?
gratulations of a few pushing admirer*. The ever
faithful Montague Corry presently brought him his
rloak, a romantic garment of cloth, very short, and
lined with fur : then t he t wo put their backs to the
wall as if to defy all comers till the Prime Minister's
callage should tie announced. lie had not long to
wait before the far crv from outside the door:
"Lord Ilcaconsfield's carriage coming up" was passed
on to him by a dozen clamorous yet reverential
voices. With a last salute to tit? company he put on
his cocked hat?a laced and plumed piece of head
gear nl the kind known us a fm ,-and-aft hat
ami limped aw ay between a doublt hedge of liv?
eried attendants and spectat >ra of every degree.
Not even his brougham is like an ordinary man's
brougham ; it is not a brougham at all. but a tingle
coach of ancient fashion, swung high in the air on
C springs; c image, horses and servants all very
BBBUrtly turned out. The cm r-f.uthlu! followed his
chief into the coffee-colored interior, the footman
dosed the door ami clnnlied up behind, but, his
foot ea11 hin..?, COMC down headlong faster than he
went up. There was a cry among the crowd, for it
looked as if the man were drawn under the wheels
and 11 ii to ergl a rush to rescue him, bat he wan
already in the aum< of a big policeman,
fend preeently/ wag righted and thrust up into hi*
perch. All tin* look a minute or two; during which
Lord Bcaopnoflcld rat Immovable and anboten oti i.
rhonearttngeand beneaand footman ami poach
man and Prime Minister nn<l private secret at y van?
ished into the darknt The play was played oat,
ami not Eo# another twelvemonth will the curtain
be rung up again on thissta"e. Lord Beaconsneld
w as go. d enough to asaare tbe company that be
should in all probabintj agaid be the chief per?
former at the twaivYmort Ill's ct)d. Perhaps tbia
was only fen oracfelar pleoeautry : perhaps
Ins Lordship, had sever read tbaSl sound
maxim of Air. Hoaea Blgluw: " Don't never
piophcsy onlesaye know. q, my,
tiik pikmii.aumi. oh Tin: PKtcnvi'iir*
Ixtjoob, PHday, Nov. _*s, igYPaX
Adhmatefa from Madrid Is tlu lUiilv Ami says:
The special representstrvaf, from Prance, Italy
ami Germany to be present at t!ie marriage of King
Alphonao and the An hdin he-. Maria Chi istina pre*
mated tbelr credentials and peoocnts to the King
yesterday, and the Eagllsb repreeeatativc will pre?
sent ins to*day<
The preparations for the f. s: vit es are being vig
OtOnsly paahed forward. On ihe lirst day, the 20th,
tba marriage ceressony will take place. On tba
nseond day of tbe festivities theft will be a recep*
tioii at i he Palace ami a gala performance at the
Op ia : an I on tbe tblrd ami fourth days there will
be two bnll tights, a state concert, itplminatlona, a
bnuqnet nt thePalaee, sud a gate performance at
I the theatre.
Ik side* th.fleial festivities, Ullis are SB*
aonncedia several of the Embssaiea and bposes al
the nobility, Klag Alphooaoand bissisiers visit the
Archduchess dailv al I be rovi 1 reetdeoce at Pank*
Ex-Queen Isabeila.KingAlpbonso'a mot ber,croased
the frontieryeaterday. and will arrive in Madrid to?
day. _
The royal w edding in M i ll id w ill b,> cdobra ed
IntbeAtocba Church, and the ceremonial will be
similar to thai of 1B78. accompanied by a military
display. On the days Immediately following tie
aiarrlage there will be a banquet, levees, ami p>
eeptiooaal tbe Palace, a gala night at tbe Opera,
anda n viow ot the troop* forming tbe gamaen.
In compliance with the requeal ol tbe Archdoeheaa
the municipal foe ti Vitlea may be upon a rednoad
scale. Special Envoya bava been aeni byBelghrm,
Qerm&nv and Italyi and the Emperor of Aaatria
will !??? represented by the Arehdake Resmier, Tim
Crown Prime Rudolph, and tic Bavarian Dnko,
I.. .nie- a anmerona suite, accompany tbe Arcfa
ducbeas Christins and her tuothi r.
Aiming the wedding presents which have b en
sept by the Boropeaa G iverumenl to Madrid, that
of t he French \\ ill eertnlnly sol be t be least beauti?
ful, Ii is a magnlBeeut vaas ol Soviel ehioa, of
bage proportions and elegaul In shape, Such is its
weight that II took four men to carry it opto Ike
lirst story ol the Foreign Office, whore it was un?
packed in Um presence ol Admiral Jaarea, the
French Ambaaaadi t at the Court of Madrid, lie
sides the preeenta which have been given to tbe
turnte bilde in Austria, splendid preeenta have beeu
prepared for her by Queen I-a silla, Don Francisco,
the Mont p?naler farailj. t be Prinei m ol t be Ast unas,
ami the King. Tbe Queeu'a apartments ia the
l'.dai e bat t lo ? fl restored in a cosily style.
THE Iliisii PR08ECUTI0R8.
Tip.m i KNr goaxB in tn atioo t oubt.
liQttPQW, Pi .day, Nov. "Jit, 1-TH
At Iba Kilh ii t;i;il in BHgo to-day Mr. Rea
desired lo cull 0* W ill esse* the Town Snllelinr, IBS
Osihene fershbtshop ol Dubtm, ami Mr. Dwyer Dray,
M. l*. Tin* proposal ptevofead ike MagtottaMs t<> cut
sbett the exaatlaatkm aad oommlt Mr. Killen tar trial.
T!n v sensed to accept Bail, aal Mr. ltea protested
against Ihe proceeding..', ami - ml he bad BrYBBgOS1 with
buieltenl not m god hall. The nuurJatrate aehed Mr.
Kill n wbethec Bo w.-uut tin i bail,Lai fee atontly >e
iii-.-.i. ami off-.n it a poaalvi resistance to tits removal
fiom Court. He h ing pB 'he nuns of nie two poUeeuieo,
wrthhtata t ju t.iTiin {.round. The Court waa then
ordered to I*- el.a-e:. BUI BtaaatB. DavlU und Hca rc
Bbttaed tu aaNMncs in tbe order.
In St. Louis a Bt a ee-meeting of Ii i-him n
Basbaaa sailed farOeaemfeer *. to sdvanes the pre*
Jeet of raising fund* sad OtfeeTWlM provumg for the
institute Irish in in land.
bORBOB, Prfetay, Nov. 1H79.
A dispatch from BoTlifl to The Pogf says:
HTheOarmaa Paalaisaler-qsneeal is preparing u pre
imishI lo lie presented lo the |; Id.stag under which the
Poti Office Depart went will have charge st me ein.re
freight tiaBM of the Oarataa railways sad Besoms the
general tairict Inr the piialic."
Sr. Jons-, N. F., Nov. 28? The Union itsaBiQf
Al.rous. < apt.na Junes, tailed BOUCS nt '?> o'clock this
afternoon fur i. rorpeol, feovlag repaired the daamga
sugared Iiom her rseeal eallisMs wlihaa Iceberg.
Ephkata, Peun., Nur. 28.- Julia Ann Hoher.
masacMBaf aetseaing bet iSapuMthsf sti'i fest tu laut Baier,
waeanrntei raatsesay stu iuoun aad ami tojaii. 11m uuaui
m dead.
l'BOY. N. Y., Nov. BH.?Patrick Hi'key was a!
niust bjetaatlf tilled feataMSy bv Iba i r- manu i siplaion al
a altra-pijreenae M?si am ihn neetoa, Uwoaae i aaaal anal
w'cst.iu Itallwiiy. uear Jolitntuuvilie.
A00LUBI0B with a btabd-cab,
PaovtlM \< R, K. I.. Rov, SIB.?A apecMl uain OB
ti.eN.? \<>ikuii.i Nanp?nglend ItaUroaJ raadewaabaa -
ear in tin-dipyeelaraay, toametly kUUaa Mleaaal Mc?rstfe
aafeiaanMueo, Taalrarecoiiipniioui nsrey escaped ?ah
Uli II live? hv leaping tu.in lliecir.
rtBWBOBfl, R. t"-, Nov. 3B.?Haniy HiihM, a tj*>
nur age twenty-Bra aad ? reapeeteS reaMSatel iti.nm.iiig
Otora ounnallleil auicblebt ?beetlae yoaterAsy, Ilia ts-iv
ma-l.iiiu.i Ii ?lieln. Ml. IItilsr lud h.cu ?uuj.. t l.i li.eiau
Chol), uu<i liad lliieati lusl ?uxi.l ?.
PK'rm'ija, Out., .v.o. '_"v lo-day, shile a work*
niaiiva. ? i ployisl In dealing a c ii lau . ? Uli i-n/Po in- Ii,-.
. .inn-m. i on..eri-i iiy ih ? uaa aaB Was t>aeasd by UselsN
BMmat tbe weraa,OsStaaOasfe,a* tbs eaai ?f hfei own luv.
Mi . .. kbecaaM s.pnynsteii oBBOM I IS lank, sud helora
he i Uli Id Ii? ISBSa ?al it s ss oead
a S.tll.Olt l'NAI'l i>IS taiii.y Kill I Ii.
Hi ri Ai.'i. N. Y . Nov. SIB.?The iiom of Thomas
It us*. II, ?f et. ? liarles, MI. Ii . a Bebet In Ion ?In.- In l In b?rge
w . i .n. ?s? loninl tloalnig in Iii HuffaluCraeS Uns Imming,
l.i ii leg m lileii. < ? m Id* ba\nig le-en nninti ied sad thea
throwaia uapbda AnsurewBjnaaaalr, at Detrell, Mebmi
lec ot the iiarje ba* aaen aereatal a sasplatja.
iigu v; s<. as ntjoBcrioB.
RBW-HaTI s. l'o iii.. Nov. 'Jh.?Colonel Fiuley. of
W..-I. iigmii, ?8*ie.lrali.isl liv su l .j'in. imn Inas rrnmvitir;
baefeaerpaaataat Ubs AMerlcaa BaUaanl Ufa and Traat
tkanss rummt theirbauBiagbara a*u isaajpssa BMt ne
baaslura takea ibaa away, necatvet baasaU eidared hha to
aeaaaratltM aaittermrl lmt aaaitaadaaaar>rM a charge
of i uuU 'opt
WlBOsoi'. \ i.. .Nov. Asa Mauouii, wco mtir
itcreci l.iifn? s.u.. le, al Usirc. Vi., in (i. i..l.. r. is76. was
hulig.-.l ill Hi" siiale In.0. lore tu ilai. Macisli .1.. I .r. .1
tlisl he ?i.uld Hol ??<?> b" the ?.'..fluid, l ilt would li*v I" ?"?
carried ap by tuaaberUt lie asaAea umoi .? istaaallea of tiio
cruue. bill in lunilli.al Mis. i'CTlUiu \ias the KUIlly vuc.
Ua lua\ca ac SBS SfetMU Si
i"Ain bv iiik TTaBsSfl sy> r>i? A n. BBOMAO>
izatiom or fin cfjrnut iuahd -wich <>k
Tim fust su ps were takes peetefdoy toward
tli?" fultilmont of the igretrmeot concluded
vYedoaadaj between William H. Vanderbill
and tin- vYabaah syndicate. The lirsi jngtol
mont of the purchase money was paid by ttie
Orooiben of tlie syndicate, wbo received in
Ktnni i pjoporttODota Rnoonl of Lfew-Yoril
Ontral slock, while at | met ting of the dffOt>
tors of the company pMCOfJ were made for
two Of the new dlfOOtOtOi J. I Vjnont Morgan
and Cyrus W. Field.
la thefttal negotiations lor the sale of Central
stock, DsexeL, Meresa m Ca,, with tbetr RagHah
booM of J, s. Morgan sY Co*, teted in a two-fold
capacity, tbe Una was oot only the bead
of ?he lyndleati which proposed tO buy the
stock : it \va? iiImi ihe tiieml of Mr. Vanderbilt, who
latrapted ta it thotuiapletkiB ai ihobargain To
it lias boon gives by tbs ssembers sf the syndisBts
tbo powat to put tho ?csjobrai stock so the
market, ami by Mr. T liier Vi It the aothoritf
to make the SSttlsietnteaad In.nsfcrs, ami in part
st least, to invosl for I.im tbo proceeds of tbs sale
The members of the syndicate yesterday sent to
Drestd, Margao %\ Co. their respective portions of
I tbe peymeat made. Tbs sum, about aooftflb
ef the fries of the 100,1100 shares ah<
lately bought, was paid by them in cash.
It is anderstood tbal ta tos payment to
Mr. Vamict iiili a portion consist ol of United Stales
lour per cents, i his Is belioTed to bare been in eoav
pliaaeo with tbe orders of Mi. V"anderbill for tbs
inveotment of the fuuda. Then is nothing
iu the agreement that compels p i.\ nient of
gay pan m Govornmsai boads or other sc
cunlies. Tiie sale was for ea-li. and the pay mint
yesoppooy was made hi sash to the hankers author?
ized by Mr. VstrderMU t<> roOeiveit, The stssabsrs
of the ayndkuts bad sot abt itoed jrealsrday eoptss
of the sgrtoment which bnd been promised them.
They were suable, tbeiafacoi to give its Briawts di -
tails, ami J. l'i rpont Morgan who was perfectly
familiar with them, poeitiroly declined to
make tbOBI public. He said that tbo ac?
count pabltobsd m Tin: Timm m: was very
aciuratc, hut that In- did no' feel at ?bt i t V tn enter
iuto further particulars. Other, utembeia doslsrsd
their inahility to recollect all the conditions sf the
sale, and referred loojolten to Mr. Morgan.
ii km- of rai oostnAOf.
Itwasaitreeiltli.it tbs payssenl forthe HKMMO
shares slum hi be ms Is m live lastalflsenta, Tbo drat
1 was paid festerday and tbs BOZt will fall dim earlv
j iu January. No payment is to ho made in December.
Internet is to be paid on tin- entire sum et
.*! s.oiiO.tKM at ?I per cent, he ginning from the dale
of the contract. On lbs Otbaf hand, tiie
syndicate is to receive any dividends that
may he declared on tbs stock during tbe time
of pavpsent. Hy mutual consent the lyndieate may
anticipate tbo monthly payments bv riving proper
\: notice of tbe intention. Mr. Vsndetbilt agreed tore
i tain his remsieiag Stock for one year, and
the statement recently made thai he had reserved
j tbe'privilege of placing through lbs .syndicate of
an additional 100,000 absres on bis owe aoconnt
vas denied yesb rday by proaaincnt membera of tbe
syndicate. It was said ibat the sale of Central
I stork by Mr. Vanderbilt was controlled absolutely
! for one year by the syndicate.
?an \ iM'i S3ST1 . ?< STOOP, aoar,
Iba absolute control nl (I..- Central Itoad hasthus
passed from Mr. Vand. rhiit. Of the 004,283
shares of the capil 1 stock, it is estimated by
per ?ms in a position lo know that the
Vauderbill family owmd. before the re?
cent sate, about 500,000 Shares. A higher cati
inalo has It: en made hy others, w ho place ! the
i number at m arly 000,000 inares, Mr. Vanderbilt
! recently said tbal OS had sold less than one
hnif of h<s inf test, hut at the same time he
admitted the possibility of a Combi nation among
the other stockholders that Might deprive him of
the mHiiiigcment of the rood. It is probable that
less t bau one-third of the stock will bo retained in
the family. It was predicted yesterday
with grcal confidence that Mr. Vsndcrbilt
would not again be refilected president ol Ibe com?
pany. Although it was not Indict id that al present
there was any danger of sin li a combination against
him, it was thought probable tbst before the next,
annual election the control id a BMjorttyof the stock
would fall into the hands of persons hostile to his
reflection. Candidates for the prospective vacancy
were named, even. The course of Mr. Vsnderbilt
in disposing of B controlling interest was believed
generativ to he fraught with important conse?
quences to New-Yoi k.
Them is nothing m the agreement between Mr.
Vanderbilt aad tbs Waboab syndicate that >an com?
pel the\Vabash Cosapaay to deliver its through
freight to the Lefco Shore and Central Roads. That
company is free, indeed, to arrange for an
excbiiage of traffic with tbs Erie and other trunk
lines to the so aboard. If is aBBOfted that saeb a
contract for the exchange ol business would have
been made bef ire this time w ith the Brie
Company if the latter mad had been ready
and able to handle the basiOSSB. For the
present harmony, between the Wsbash and Central
systems haa been assured, Prien da of theWabash
Company aatdyeotsrday thai the admission to the
directory of the Central Road of I he president ami
a director of tho W abash Company was a
sufficient guarantee that the two companies would
v.oik in harmony. Tbe bosloess of the Wabasb
Rood sras tho prise, it was said, for which Mr. Van
deibiit waa strip logo The lamer part of its through
business had btj n gifJOB to I bs Vsfldoi hilt mads. U\
the aeqofarittOBB and HOOIISS'tllMIS recently made
By it. that business was likely |o mwcII
to still larger dimensions. The company was
SSahtag an outlet to the Atlantic seaboard, and
it was known to Mr. Vanderbilt that negotiations
to that end were m progress b. tweeti the managers
of the company and those <>f oilier lines. Tho fear
of losing u baatneai thai had brought to tbs Central
a considerable patt of us revsoos com?
pelled Mr. Vanderbill to SOnelliatS the
Wm bs 'i Interest. His friends were directed
by him toseab t friaadly alliance aith tbe Wsbash
Company, ami tbo efjbrli that for four weeks have
bl n |Uit f.,rth hate boOB BTOWBOd With it
partial aucesea. Its has gatoed no ssaaransss
that the business of the Wabasb system may
BOt bo diverted into other channels beyond tho
facts that he has udmitte.l two of the Waha.-h
Dourd to a share in tbs ?BIISglSB nt of t he Ceultal,
and thai his mads were al present a favorable unt?
il t tor the traflie of the Wsbash.
tiltowiii Of TOB WMiAsii gygTI M.
The aegbrOJ of railnupls ihaf has reoiprjlafl these
concessions fium the ownet of th.- Kaw-Tork Con
Hal lias been actually tip- glow lb of a few month-.
It is scarcely more than seven iiionths ago thai
Cyrus W. Field wa? alsctod president ol tbs Ivohoah
Railroad Caaspeay, 't he cbangs of sseaaosBtoal
had boOB cllecied I WO months bet?re, in February
of tins year. The ? oinpan > Un a operated less than
7<iO miles of mad, and lOjpOWOfWOS IBSigalOOant.
Constantly since that time it bSB leesbsd out in all
ilir. ctions. and bj its BOOaoHOWtsOO w ith the St
[sPOsS, Kansas City ami Northern Knud, which was
sosomplished laOctobsr, ths ooasgaoj oow ? latfahi
more than 0,000 miles ot read. Boi tteeoopapMBooa
with other lines, virtually umler t he aams inaiiafc
ineiit.aihled largely to ils iuiporitlliee nild power. Al
Kan-, s City it ?oninct.s With the RsBSBsPBclfls
aad al t on.nil itiufls aith tbs Uatoa Pacifui,
?'Iii who ii it haa another coiiuectioo by
way of the M. Joseph and Denver City Road. It
has neouired the Chicago and Padaoab, and the i \
laaaloa of this line lo Chicago will he romriUtod
pmhahiv within three weeks. It has gained con?
trol M the road from Danville to Cairn,
which, in conneettaa with other lines, will
give a through line from Chhsgo lo New
Orleans and Texas. These combinations have
made the Waliash system one of the. greatest
corporations in the country. Af one tune it was
content.dated lo unite nil the road*?the naBBBB and
Union Pacifies and the Wabasirlino proper? into one
oompany. I ins proposal met with conaldetwbk! < a
position, nttd for the present, tf is ?aid, has
been abandoned. Hut under siibstantialiy the
same ownership ODO manag' BieaJ have
is*, n gathend railroeda nearly 0,000 miles In
length. The company delivered to tin- Yumlerbilt
roads nt Toledo, last year, mi .OHO cars of through
freight. Tor this business the Central and f,ake
SI ore Railroad* received on an average .*;><? '? car.
This busines?, which it is predicted will exceed
next year 100,(HNi cats, was a plitterii g p:i/e.
a nnaiBAaui ati y.
It was seid yesterday hy a frjeml of the Wahn-h
Company that when these lifitrcs were shown lirst
to Mr. Vandi rbilt, he reiardod them with growing
astonish,ii nt. The co.npb fion of its Chicago ex
ten un will give it at that isiint a larm
business, whieh has been estimated tOf next
year at 80,000 cars mop*. At the two Kastcrn
termini af the roa I the oompany < gpeeta next year
todelivei 200,000 ears atthreoah freight. The
poaatbility Of losing this immense business, it is
said, led Mr. Yaodcrhilt toateh iinallinnco with the
? omiuiiiv on any roaOOOahhl t'-rms.Mt is believed that
the arrangements that have been concluded will BB
beneficial to both systems, Some doubtt of Iba long
rontinnanceof tbe alliance are oxprseeed, bnl the
struggle which had been expected by many Las
been averted for u time.
Af a meeting yeeterday af the directors of the
Now York Central Company,Joseph li nker and
.lohn K. Ibirnll reeigneo then positions, and tbo
raeaaetea were ftlwd by the election of J.
Pierpent Morgan and Cyras W, Field, The
election of the seci ml W'ahush director, Solon
Humphreys, i& contingent, under the teitns of the
aarroninant, to a partial fnlfllmret af the eootract.
It was not provided that In- should be elected at Ilm
meetingyesterday, bnl it is understood that ho
will lie math' a iiic.iiIk-1 of the lia.ird ut tlio next
"I'l l i i S on IHK stock MAKkl.T.
After the Thanksgiving holiday the speculation
? at the Stock Exchange broke out with renewed
vigor, ihn Vender bill ttoekn, Waaandi and Erie,
opened at prices eonaiderably bigbet than the clos?
ing prieoa of Wednesday, '1 hey advanced
with rapid strides, am! although a part
of the. rise was lost, they dosed sev- |
eral per cent above the opening prioeo.
Centra!, which closed Wednesday at l:i|3.l, opened
at 1 :<?%'?_>. ami alter aa advance to UM closed nt 1
i;n;i.... Wehnenooatinooagantadat an advance of
;t'j per cent and closed at I77s, having touched .">()
during tbe day, A still larger rise was made in the
mh.t the preferred stock. Erie, winch dosed
Wednesday at ;Ih:isj. opened yesterday at
It) and doted at 4", the Btghast point
of the dav. The dialings were marked by
great excitement, and at the eloee tbe Brie groan
ou the floor of the Exchange reo em bled more a
lively aertmmage than a gathering of buftnen men.
It appealed to be the general opinion that the ai
rangoment, whieh was thought at Aral to bo
hurtful to the Internets u tbe Etta Bead,
would prove in the end benenelal. Tbe relation*
between the present management of tbe Erie aad
that of the Central are eeid to he ao iiitnnato that
tbe formet is likely to gum from the advantages af
?he Central. It is said that Mr. Valid.rbilt did
much to retain, at the recent election, the present
management of the road.
PhILADKLPHIAi Nov. 28.?a in.ijoiitv of tin
Comnilsstenera sf the Philadelphia It"Mug r und have
been interviewed to-night In regard to the
riiinor pahltahad bj gew-Yorii that the gsw*
York Byadttata Whteb beagbt the Central and
ilmlson so ck from Mr. YiimlorbHI heal ir-!.i a bid for
ail ih" Pennsylvania Railrondatoek owned hy the City
ot Philadelphia? about 00,000 ?hares, of ihe par rains
of isui.ioo. in.-. ? <v tlud oo met ilurof tbe rammle
ahmen baa been held alBoa the Ilia insl. Ai tbai
meeting na onus ewe wane, i-nd no nnl rrerired. The
C^mmaWMaers know nothing of the story, and won d In
nur caee oppoaa the sale at the efQni ito i to n. n Tort
parties sb any terms.
JAY gould in kabbajj.
Atchhox, Kan., Nov. 28.?Jgy Qottld and
party arrived la tkla eity test sveatog, aad that swi
mg started West over the Central branch at tbo mad
The paity will proceed to the end siths line, sad aiay
ai-o bjspeol aaeae of its branches. Them Is a greet de il
af Interest sxpreeaed throaghoul the state as to Mr.
Qonht'a purposes. Ha now controls neertr affteca ban?
died tulle*of railwaywlthla taelunlta of aTmsar.or
Hilly one-half of the lotat mileage of the g( ate.
[For other Rafliray AVrt .t* *te*nik /''//.-.)
Ni.\v-(?ki t: vns, Nov. L'S.?GreOOfnl Hoheit
A. Par.ow, Of Waat 1'. Ilclaua, lestllle I generally i. : re
the eeetmtttee te-doy thai he ballavsS Bwaaay killed
judge Winter: had ssvst lo ud Bwany's veracity dh>
suaaad. Mr? Jsvetl testified as to the contradictory
U'Stiuiotiy of llou-rr about P.laueaard and liiinsr'.f.gc
bjg to KeUcgg's house with returns BadWtrtlBgOB
thea tiier -. bl H. Wales tmlulai thai ha raaardad
Tom Murray ns n very good in l"h; if aYttngas B Judge,
woold accept ids testimony. PBal Trevlgae, clearance
clerk II' the Cll-tOlll Ifmne, i. -tltleil Ilm I M loll e iii.' I .
htm very ladtgnaat al tbe mmar thai hefHiloa)Bad
siadS mi nttolnvit against Kellogg, and got i lia lo ante
a letter to Kellogg, denying the rumor, Mlton si^i,,.,i
this letter, whieh was put Ib evidence yesterdsr. I i
Bsntrsatel the algnatarea showtngthal MUoadm not
Migu thu so called sflMai il.
Ckattaxoooa, Tean.) Nov. 28.?A white
nifii aaanpj Beanol yarhnsa was arrested hare tin
marahtg for stsahng the body of Teaaaam Keith, who
died on Wedneaday Bight, The badly area paeked bj a
ihae-hau, Bnurkeal as ssatamlBg fresh ash, Bad I
gpssaed to Atlanta. Last right it whs Sttampted ta
saad the saasb hea to ClBetonnll. the alleged ruatenht
tms time bdng eettoo esed j tun it was refused hy tiie
egpreaa eempanr as being of aa value. Theebnngeol
eontenta arouard suspicion, which n-d late owning to
the dlecovsry ut ths body.
SYitAft ^K. N'. Y., Nov. 28.?Tba htareellai
PowunrsMlili sbesl twi ive anTesaeathweet af gyraeebw,
exploded OU ThurnPi v nun iiiiur. BOBtTO] nig fhns bnUtV
Ings and II.isio pounds of powder. No person w hs in
Intel. i ha Ins- is ih ?ut jpaVOOO.
B ib ti eaa gov. gaV?Thtt msrafng, s tow adnutrs
seesrs B o'clock, rhera btbs b aevstv ?xpioo.ui an : ?
brtghl itgtit m lbs i.k? aerthweai of By re ease. Tae
light for half a BMlBUte - etned IUm ttit of I '. 0
eoniiiiK' 'ti"p> it la wppes .1 io have h na a na b or.
S.vNHi Hook. Nov. 2s.? The grow of Life
gSTtag araiton Ma. i wws s iMnag ea the b aeb about a
tsls afwruoou. when they nw s large sen Bietv
?ter about 400 rani* from tbe shore, it appeoiydto ?
a huge aerpaot at leaal BOO i*el lang, Through a pair
<,f strong gieaees its bead oobedl rger n.. n.i bogahi id
altb eyas a* lance aa a saucer, it was uioxli..- ia a
?outbi ? iy dtoastbm_
CAKLfgLBi Peon., Nov. 28e?At the ggnnal
snagaetef tba Osaeral Mcada VWteraa A.stu n ?l
Carlisle on Wednesday cvenlua, tnitiatury slaps nan
inBoa f?r the efcmbra at so ruaestriaa ataias to ih* lata
UeB ral MeaOain Wtabinaten, D. C Tin-Arno . i tin
Potomac Is icijucst d to Ink ? c i.u or the 11..>v. in m.
Cim iwati. Nov. 'JH.?i'l.is atOIBlSg at a
masked mil at Boataaon's Oper i n ?es . vd i cuitoB, a
rsttety satten Bran Celan in. alienpnd amehle
wlull drunk By shooting hstaell BtthS r. hiou of the
heart with a small ol .tol.
TELEOB if im \ >r. <.
si Kiviii iki.h. III . Noi. 28 ?I rum n ports ..f p|a -
?i. .in. tu Um Hoard ?i h calf', u tppi aratbai acarlot fever la
aiBtuit .a ttiecity Theaoo.sat du rerj u> i t b/pa
(anai'v ik. DfXO UK1I INOXAXa,
Ottawa.Nov.28. Ibe l>epartra< ai has, it Man?
deraio'sl. Siran go* f. r ihe illsuibnl.f a ooaadiraula
qiiiiii.iv inarhduaaassnogthe In.'.an. aim In,,, i,, ii un
taee ? mi in '"in do h lattag ni ? saaasn.
Till: CHICaUO i i i n UJsPEATKD
sa\ Pna ??:.? . Nov. 2?. lue match game of
liane b. ii pi i.ist I -en ?? ii 'IH'tii li.e ku.i^ .1.. ..i
ClOll, cli.iiui'l'ina ? t I cuu s...|'<, und tue I li eu ?? i il..
wan wltii. ij.e-l liy B Win \. mi l. c ut-ai v.u. 11 ?? . u i
eislitag Htruugnaot, a ..: t lulled is lavetet tut Katck.r
bockvi Cii.l by s-caretd ? lo i.
HI BBTABff jftOTMAPl wmor r.
M ri) OK ECOXOMY?lir.I'KAL Cr Tili: i.kcai-ll s
uy.R ci.aihk sii.ursm?? row nt TQ um tub
SILVFi: rolSAOK a-kri) ?HIV H-MilXO opera?
Tug Tiiibim: to slop primm tho annual report n.'
Secretary Shrimnu In full. The i-uniaded BBPBfpBi
BJpJ expenditures of the current and mining fiscal
year* are ?.'iv< n in detail. and f h-S-.-r.-'srv point*
out ihr necessity of cco-.ouiv iff i.rh-r not to i-xrrml
tho NfHMW ol tbs (iovt rniin iit. Tho history ol
tho funding o-x rations are state.; f-illy, and tables
aie given to show tin- *avinira which will follow.
Bo directs attention to the SOOitsfB tirismi: from
mi va int cm duties awl tg I hose i Mci-ruing the valu
ul l on of M0M Oj BOSOS te?.rs; lie i!r|.j:i-.:;iy
ehaage in the tobacco or spirit dimes, loi; inlifltob a
that it may Ik- advisable to admit for.-ign ships to
American regi-try on payment ofhaOSjOfBt rlolfOfli
Tin- estimated revenues for the i-uncut Iis? al year
an- s>,jHH.o00,0oo, and the expenditures, SllllBSilfl
ol tho sinking f il ml. an- (338.90)0,183, KosmMoopi
gros inere is ? tin- appropriations heyond the ppWBB
of the sitrplua to meet them, the Secretary advises:
tOO restoration of a moderate duty on tea and MOOt
and the levying of an internal tax on tho manufac?
turers -f opium.
The Conl toller of tho Currency discusses
tho relations which have existed between
the National banks and the OotOTOOMOl Ml tOOIO>
sumption of specie payments and the lumliugof tho
public dchi.
nut in cKii-Ts am? upuotntoot oo m ooo*
OWOMOaTf POO TOM \ i ak PIOOI sur loitrif.
inv HUMMLiPfl to tiik IMO0BB.j
YVa-iiisi.ion, Nov. 28.?Th?* following is the full
text of Si.-cietary Sip-r-nan't r-pirt:
Trkimhy lor irtukxt
W'ASIIIS-.Tos. 1?. OL, 1?' e. I, 1070. )
Sin : I have the honor lo suhailt th" following annual
IQpatt The onllnary reyeum-s, from all sources, f,.rtho
tiseal year rssllBB June do, 1S7?. won :
from customs.SI37.2".O.Oi7 70
f to-iiint mal rsvsaaa. .. llS.Rdi,eiOM
I mm sale , of public lands. l>.'l,7sl os
r iiuii ta? on en, nlstli.n au.t deposits of N?
t.oiisl Hanks . S.7?7.'.oo 33
From 11 pjyiaetilof interv-st hy Pscttic Ka
way ('omp.tiina . . 2,707.-.* 1 .1-1
From i oatoais tecs, lines, penalit s etc.. 1,I'>0,H7S uu
From fas* consular, letters patent snil laMS. tn-l,i'5l 7?
Kl< IU ur reels ..f sale* of <i?veiiini>-ul pi op
, nv . 181.128 ?I
Ft nn premium on svlrs ot coin. s. :o4 SH
Pram prennuai on loaas. 1.49n,tM ?
Prosanesatsoa oUuars.eta . . *. ?.7
1 p?u nvcsmeaef the i-isnut of Usiaaib.a . i.74i.4?i is
rivet nonce lawiini asnrcas. :>.oa",6** 99
Total onllnary rerelp's. ?e'.s-.'T.Isi ??
I he ordinal v < xp? iiiillurcs for Hie same |*-r.o<l were :
?Si anOaisssasi. . trs\40P,PPI 17
1 intcicourse. i. 138 830 13
per in a ms..... .V.'wo.iouos
Km? pensions, inc.u<liug ?SvOTfyfOB sr.-. satst
pensions .? 35,121,4?! 39
For lue Milit?r? i sUhllsl iu Pi. in, lu.Ung
itrer .mi hertior hupro vein ecu and arse.
ml. . . 40, i::,y.c.? 7J
Per tbe Naval sataatfshaiant, Itctndlna v,-.
pi . mscliiiirrv sii'l iinpio ciaeiiis .n Navy
Vants.. tsUtaMOfM
pa ? , iiie..us sspsaSlOaraa, laelaaSBS
mI Im Mrdklings, litnt seoaaa ami rails taw
ia.-r. venoe. PS\070,S 0 78
fcr, xi? maiuics oa ail-juuI of tho |.;?tr., t of
Clu.l.hia . M07 llfl 11
p< r Interest OS tbe nobile t!eut. 10.? :?,.!' 10 I
Per pay at nt of iisiitax .v?ar.i. .>.>"'. ouoo
1 ot .lor Unary estMiKtltiins.??_'?? ?, IHljBw I ">1
Lssvlssj saorptM rovossss ol .vti.""7i>.:i*Ki tt:t. arlSsO
was apeliet BS foil.'ws :
To the re.i nipt on of I'm: .1 --utes not s. etc... *.] i ? i ;
Ta tha radsmpisBQ at frasttaaal enreaner .. ,OA,10JSp
To tha mill asp Ian afdpai asntsssida aar Iba
atasJagfaaal. ]8.:.ooon
To increase of,ash bala-ic* in the t reasury. ?l.l?.o.M 77
Tol il. sS^OTbVOPSOS
Tlio a SOWN dOS tOS s>r::,:in: BMd BsT th I POOS a-.is
'.' ?">.<;?? i <;"4. leaving ? dsOetoosp on tins sseooasof
tWJJTrn Una 70.
? i at] sred Sil h th- previous psasl yen. tha ressOjOJ
for ls7'.i have lu irssaad S10,711,139. 70 la r e fo.;.i\\ our
It BMI Iu i u????ms rev. SOS. S7,f'79Jm 7 .t?; lu inuru.it
revoasa*! PdtOTO^BOS 04| RS i icneiu on ,ii.<,
il.40fl.P4Q - : m rapeyofMssI ol ilssoil bp ft rtOs Uail
roaO Oosspnifdssi pl^lOJiO 071 M predta eo sohMfpp!
?1.801,170 041 sad in s?ssalleoasos Itesna, OaVSOO^
i i i to, Ikon esssdosroasoof 0047.8 104 a ,'? Hows:
I i sales of PSMlS lamp, |104>B00011 la pr.-taluuis
,.n MstfS of aoin. filos -i.c ic_?; in ? . inl-a tiiial
ujxoohssik , 011s\0M 04, sod si profossli si natsol
Qovi i a iu -nt pi ii pasty, lOO.OAl 07, siaSsap a set Iu
rciSS e iu th:' receipts Itoiuall source, f >i ihe yc.rs of
flfl oi; KJ 7?i.
II . \p ii lltures show an incieas ? over the prSVtSM
year of rf 32,224,791 OS, aa feDowa I la the Vor DspsiO
Sfsisl.fJfflH.TITtTOi in He- Intcii,u Pspoitaaml,fOJstT,
KIM 1 l;l i.naii ..T.i7.l>.-.-i?7am! Pi as ..ti?.s>7.l?-4 4<> I :ll
in tin oMsresI aethe i>ii'>:ie rieh ,9SA-7,i 71 :ii, ami pj
the sttffl ssd iiiisccli.-i ieoiis. -i 1 ?_.".??::. ? 1 ihcre
waaa OssrsBSeol00,043,17450 Is the SawPapssQ
BOOt, MaktVS a m l htoroaSS m IbS SSpsOSVOBBSI oj
^'JJ PfSS^ftO 7...
( Tin; ' i tu. >v. i ? ??it i it ? i' it it' n i K.M-Ai. ^ : ah.
Par tm- pic em ii iesl ys i nie r. n: m . a. haa] soi es
BOMMSHla * ill he us fnUOWSI
For tl. qn l ? I i n UMBBBS
aa aa t rscpi i hre ia tttan
K.tdttit. if. Is70i sa> ?'f Mm ?ear,
ins1. aausfsstso,
rV mi customs. SILO^1. lv;'.'. rio7.'>l -.^Wo7
front u.. ui ii tavanae. !lti.40l?,i >,>,:*? o. u- i?j
r aisaksiolpobttc ? i i 1.7..tr- lo .-s..i;.i> .'ii
I r..in ih\ oa ciiralatl n i n :
a boohs ol National 11 ik SJdiiJM ? ? t. ?>, :;a)te
Prani rc|a,ukui al bite i i
n p.. r. BaBa nv I*aa p'a 9X,ltl t< l,-.'47.."i72 54
Prwtn Ca ua tstee .rti bs,i
.f.- ?. -.'a'Jftry-i -m>. l.'0 74
Frusa Icrs, cuosautr, lei Ian
p.l.-i.l. an ' l..li. . .'si.-..s,. i ?_? . \.!fW.S3S7!
I loll, UlU e, I et Sales i iiv
.iiitmiit ic i. .... .16.ss' is ta.iisa-a
Fl?sa pnrOl*on ralMge,rl IU0.4SOOJ LOOS, ljwl
From r-v a les at I N I I ? .
irictnic?liinibl-i. !!;p,s- I (W l.tci.isapt
Iron, ml?, i I ??.is mhiuvi 1. loo it 17 Im l?W IW
TsIlIilaijpn. ?7o.s,.:-..:.;i> o f-.i-m. -i.i.o?4
T..c S1SSBlHIOH a fSf Ihe ? SSM BStTOd, SOHSsI BBd esl
Basted, v i I ta :
I or the aja ?rier 1 <?? tl
i im. ii : s j ;. mg ti,r
Erp luli'iirn. ..o. |s>7.'. bsrsa
1-, i i i I ami BUS .ioc.
rapaaaas, in lu tl c , ib
to i. iiugs, Hit .i fsoa>ai an-i|
... itng the tew .a.-. Sl-.M 5.TUI ;'l pjPl.tSV'SP H
lu l.iuiu.s. i, 4?,7la<KJ S.ial,v5 SB
Far pmsfcjoa- reartlsr .... Io,soj7ia00 SbMSOStfrst
par an ears at paasaaaa ? U, 174,240 SO 7 mj i,
r?r in utary asialal asaeat,
la ijibi l"i iss Ii sm
latter ..u i ii.-i >? i laapieva.
in i.ts .iii.i at-.iais If^tOaJfOVai .:. Oil BBJpj
Iro II i. :o e ilali 'Mine in. Ili-i
, ] i || \e I.Ol i IIIS > '
c ui. i-, ?.i'i Uip ovrni in?
ai.Navr Varda ... . CI8s\860SS 11^03,40041
hoi . vi. 'i. I meson ?ccoi: .i
, f .iu- insun i "I foainiic i. t.i. .:,7-.'.' i;\ -. j4.-.-:i7 :'-a
j, i i ,t. v.a i i. il.i ;.
eshi. :: '?? :* tS BI.l i -.72144
"I I,is "i Ii"iirv .'vpc*i..i ui ? -' 'ii *:7..*li..iit4 i-U
1. tal iccel.'t-. BstBfll ami rolMMted, Bjr?rMj0O0^000
|etOl SBpSOsiOBTSS, SSfOOl an I SStsBBUl if. |8O4^aO0/kJ I
laarl -i;. n itBBSl ol p04?O00y0P0,
Aftar spplytBB tho bbIboss of tbs spoohd saapsastsl
t'llf.ca BtSsV s ii-.c. held in th, 'iic.-ir, hfl IhS taSMBBs>
ta.li ul InetlOBSl SOIPBBOy, nun IBrtlSp to PO^PTSMKM, to
IBs poyBsssO sf srrsBrs sf p sdtaBs? os tflrssisd toOss>
ii ui :i of tin- a,t ipopsoi >i Jbs llti 1170, lbs lOSOBSSOi
reVOSSM flSl-tTlld -lurn.s tin- BMOtbS Sf July. Au.ust ..nil
BSpOBBOpf ?t IbS pSOSSM fl-cal PSBI OBS Kl?t alooiocil
li\ i ui n i* e\;n .:- - mil ta. p..) nit-ii? of vh'el7 i..'li? liO
..i ears oi ocstous a.-cruiug under the Act apimired
January 271, 187'J. Nul witustmaliiu toes,- uiiu-ual do
?ua id , ilie Iii :i iri ueiit his heeu an e i > purchase ami
apply to tbs WbbIbs l-'aud out of uic surplus rcv.-uues
lot ihe uiotiili alOsSOBflS fin.o?o.ts-o six p, i BSM bouda
i 1-1, ami OjfOUiM In live pat cut bends issued
Bfldrl the Act or March a. lsdi. lUe latter Is ti.eix
. . : 1 ;i : oa "I Ui. .? ? 11 nds . v. r u-u -s of four
pH aSflU uiiuer tho re u .dug acts, and uiil.>t.s nnex
pSBSsd SPprePtOBttOBB) avai.anlc for exj . u.li. are withlu
this year,ata uiad.-bv < 'uu-r. # , ti.e ?..i-p.us icvouues,
Ifl addlllaa to patiu^ off tin Iml.uco u nrreaisof imjij.
?K. is, will piai-a-Jij ..ii,. II.'.Uep.ntuteut to apply (a

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