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HOME NEWS. PRO MINK NT ai.RtVAI.a. Fifth .trenne /rV?'-Senators O-wge P, Hoar, of MaeascaoaMt*. Henry B. Aiit'tonv. ?ml Ambro?.- F.. Itnra ?Id.?. of KIi.mI'- I ?' md. and Krauel? Kornau. id Now.Tan l Ket.r.eei t Hives W a. Rueeelt. ?t*. Frederick >l:lee of Connecticut, and Richard t'rowlcr, Ol Ncw-Vork; thellon Oeoree O. Hoehina, ol Attica N * ktleraey-Ueu tral a. Kchoonmaker , Judae Theodore Miller, of Iba aw? \or. ?', i:.t "f vp;.i-a'? enmr Tlnoi as lallsd and .lam ?? 1 Ftetds. al Ma^-aohn-elta, and Oeoree R. Wendling, of !"? lamta .. rt'OioUor Hotel?John W. OnrrcM and I'-mrr ?? mau Roberl M. McLsue, of Halllmorc. and Hnitauen i man. i.f Ron ion . Ho/Tntmn //mile-Senat?- < >. H. Plait, of l',.n nertlrul..Veer-l'ork H?fef-Mlle xi ?Union.MWssn* In* //oM l oner, a-man John T. Walt. ol l ouneetlco?. and Oen.-rnl Jamra S Nefley. of ntiabura; .fit. Jn<nrl Ho'rl - John F smith, of Albany.for, t r.-nvr 11 .tri tleorses Ii. w Praatdaal . f the Now-Tort. Kew-Haaea aad Hartford P.vlroad i'oropenv.venia ihn. Holet i "a er, ?-man James W. t>tert, of Finalilny. U1 .a* Ml J/< m.? Professors J. II. Thai er and ?'. M. Mead, ol Audowr, Mai-., and Ueorgc IC. Pay, of New llstru. m:w tou oirr. General Tliotna? F. Honrkc has lioi-n Mteoted hy Bkerlff-eleot Boweto be Warden ral [*a*i?w mo et Jail. The steamship CtteaMSB lunlctl ($7!? immigrant ami I he State of Nevada 118 immigrants at UMtM Garden yesterday. K . ;lar trains on tho Metropolitan Kb-vated If .il raad will iieann ranabagtoQuo ???firraj ?d iny Bftn* Bt on Monday next. Jonathan Ltingmirc made an a*signmetit for the Im tu ti? of i r-iliioi- \ isii rtlav to Charles C. PiBCa mmf, I'ri-ti r.-iH-i a, 918*908 21. A eonrerl in aid of the WaafcrBH by the floods in Spain, umler tin- BaajMea at tha Spanish Choral s.,11. iv, will take place at Cbi'kciing Hall ilna evening. The tie games in the lullianl tournament for the chamihioBahiP, between Slossnn mid Scharfer, will be played ort ni raininanv H ill at * p. ui. to-day. '1 he game will consist of MM punts. Controller Kelly ha* paid Bpthe Chamberlain, to Ike i-r,-,:it of um nein ral fund, 980 hj eoaaclenee iiiiniey, which was sent to i he'I ax OiVne with tile H qtt??ai that il be a.knowledge.! IbTMB Tkiiunf. The next lecture in the OotMbBf I 'alee Free Cniit ?c will take place this nvetiing in the Great Hall at 8 o'clock. Pltkfeeoot K. \i. Haynmd, <>t the BoBtOB hchiMil of < iratory, will -five Humorous and dra uintic readings. A dispatch was received at the Produce Kxchange Peataroay from Mr. ( lark, the suiieriiiteiidcat at Public Work-', say i n : " All boats which leffHuf fiili) prior to NOVeBabfJC 21 are MOW east ol Flira. I io- ptMjPBBH are good that they will reach tnle r. I he i anal is < b ar fmm I'tic.i to Albany. " IlBBlIMi lavlor, n| No. 1?S0 (ircenwich-?it., was eharteil by l.ichard l.eerde?, of No. '22^ WluiBBH ?1.. vol. rdav at the lotahs I'olice Court, with bav iaf ass.inllrd and knnckod him down in the street, mill Ntahbed l.iin with s inn- s'i.i i p iii-.triinietit.iii fliciuiifii severe wound mi bii bead. Tay hu was I.. M hi default ..? - l .o ni ball. Metective Fields, of the TMstrict-Attorney's oftice, vr?terday took M. ('. Gp (tier into cllslndv nlier MB rNBTB from Kumpr, ".hither lie had tied to escape BNBBBWsssMI for Krann larceny ami tue re teivnijt of stolen fronds. He ?ras surrenden d by )us tioiidsineii, and was coiuiuittcd teniporarily to? day at the Tombs. A inee: init of itieailiers of the bnttt-r trade of this ritv wi* held yesterday to tak?-; < linn abnui the re jmrieil fraitdiiletit sale M nlc<>mari;aritie in this cily end elsewhere. and to devise n cans bv which rn-r aons aal URB the urtirle in\inlinion of flic law can Ik |imseciited to the fillli-et i xl.-ut. A cniniiiitt- e wns appointed lo take delinin- tu inn in the matter. Knur of the cotton sa fun Iris r< ecnllv BaTMaBd fnr ?tealitiir cotton obtaiii"d lull yesterday. John W. Ha uen, oi No, X-iH (irei-nwirli-st.. became surety i Henry ('. Mill. r; James Kiisrer, No. ~H Front ht.. lor i'atrick Fun el I; James ill Kenwn, Nn. is I'errv-sf., for Lawrence ltowe, and Frederick S M k,-r. Nu. loo (Hd-slip. fnr Martin McNally. Mary Fnss, of No. 180 Clu-i ry-st., was assault -d and baalan by bRBBilwf ni bojraoa tiktmBaoraiBCol Nnveiiiln r 20. Her healrb w as delicate, and seri? ous illnesseiismd that vi-sti-nlav eaowd In rdenth. 1 ' is Malo.a, ace twa-lvo vein. Charles Cmwley, BAM lnurti.n, ami Cmiiclius ,'?ullivan. usre ?UP taea years, have Isen arrested by the police, nud await the Cnr-dii-t's ilis|?.?itioti i f the case. The RMBMKfltt of the Wmm Wii/o/o, which is pub li I in this ettv and circulates l u v lv in Brazil, has siisp. nded pablioation. Tha Brasttiao law now laiMBM a la\ nl 7?-> cents on evi rv 86.91 mint es nl printed mutt -r, and if is pmpns-.-d in the new tiirirt'. which will take ertect JannBrj l lssu, tn raiaa that daty (B)?H 80 mmtBBBht9B?97oaai*aa,wBieii iscijinv alent tn 99 I cuts a cony ol the ABM Jf?m/o. A lit.>ii,<> PricM-ii. of No. IP.'H |*Bai| gt was nr r lied yesterday on tho eOMplalul of Maiuita J*ti sf'?. "t No. 2~> Lafa yet(, BteoklTM. BlM nbarBadshatooNoTeaabet*S] tie |uiuMM took a 1 Ti. i btMB Uaa BMsUaBBIfMB addiesscd in h?r maiden Bame. Alia Signora llaneita Zen,m, ami optBnd it vith UM ill si mi of tibstructiuc her correspondence! or |WyiBSlato Bat seereta. l oaimissionor Shields be'.u I be prisniu-r in 9980 bail. At a meeting of the Kxecutiv" Committee of tho r?o. i -tv forrbo PreraMlloM of Ciaalaj to AbIbibbi >?.?letdav, Ii WM IMP ( (eil, that sinco January 1 in thin i-ity ami llmn^lvn (he .<?> ictv had pm-e eated 410 BMM Of cruelty to animals; tn.,i 1,500 diaablad Imbtmb w<m rallied from labor i 217airk IVMBM were reiimvi'd in ihn BBlMlIa?CM] 1,800 votn-oiit knHaa won nVMtMyadi aad l.OOOmmd phimts were IntrallgblOll A woman who gave her aa Alice Smith, hut Is known tn the pnheWI as the WMMrW ol a rnrtitui who aaoe wai a rafteaeB M thin city, reported totlwj |,o i i vestetday that a MfTaat in hi r eiuplny had ran mwaj after robMag bar baaaa La Wmmt Thirty baeoad at. of a sum of mmn y and iliunoinls ral and al 99LOOO. S!ie udd a story ol beitij- dmggad, la Which Ihn poUoepat no taitb. Tho uuuio ui Hie servant girl was Maruaiet DMA, The scboomr Kit Carson arrived from Miragnane ye-.tontay m a balf-arreckedcoBditsoa. 0a Nutbih ? mm* 19 ia the QaJf Stieaw aha ad a iiorth-nnith enat ifale, split ting the for.-suil. thus PBRBiRg the TaBBM to full latO the trough of the mm. The WBTM Bwewt the doc ha of oTdytblag movable and brake iu the bulwarks and the life-boat, 'ihr -Iii]! Dor. inn. fron i alcatta, bmi ? terntic gala oa MoT0Mhcrl9 Bad 90, north of Hattctas, and was I- iwb on her beam ends. Tue *m"mmmMf* was In .ivy Tan examination of James Ilovd. alias llrown, Wh-,? was arrested last weak for dealing in conn ur? teil money, w.istiegiin yesti nlay. W. H. PoBtOT, of 1 lie Secret Service Bureau, was the ntily WltBCW, lb-1? atioed thai ha received a handle of counteifi it BMNMI from Boyd for the ^argOM ol selling it to a friend named Hauer, v.ho u he represented as a Doteh Mdlar, Ahont980 of the bomb torfall win was pmdui'rd, cnuiprisiiig l.'lo dimes und l.MI Quarten. They wera jrery p"?>r nnitatioiis. The BBM will be comlutii-d m-day. JIKOOKI.YN. One hnndred and nitiot\-one deaths. 117 lurths, 117 maniagcs wire recorded in Hmoklyn I week. There are in the Flat bush Almabniise two colored women w ho claim to be lOi and 101 ymira of ag*J respectively. i he fourteenth annual report of the Hmoklyn Children's Aid Society show s that the MCeiBtd KH ti.e past year BBTB l?"?Ti 919,71904, and the ex BenditBFea $11.707 IL The aoeiety haa eharge ol tkc Newaboya1 Hoaae, al No. 61 I'oplar-st., khe Iu 4aetrial Seaool at Nn. 139 Van Braat-at., and the rs-aside UoaieBI Wesi Hiighton lh-ach. About kflaaa of the wackaMa eBMriayai la tin lojM wink? m L Waterlwury ?V t n.. at reo Kyck ami Vi'aii-ihat i-sts., wraaaal M ga to wotk leaterdn* Diorniiig unless their wages were incienseil ll/'j cuts a day, and an attempt waa made to BfeTenl tin- other employ,-* Imm working. A poilCCBMn '-.a* siim-i],,.),-,! ami (be .?inkci? ilis|a-iscd wilhuiit BBJBBwal any tmuhle. NEWARK. A scaffold at the chemical works of fiTbtrf Brotuera, ea the ilrev ftviit, fell yaateashty, pre eipitatiag sere ral wefkatea to the ifeaad, ami aeri on ly lajartag one of tasMB, Michael b?ttk, 1 he oi tiers were inoix- or h-s? hurt. NEW .il.l'.-KY. Crat/fo b d.?H eaty \\.smith Ifty-fhre yean old, w ho for ten y m baa lived t he life of a Intimit ilied Miilib-uly on linsday. His wile is in the lunatic a?> Imm, litiAMi:'. ?I'ire lias heefl binning on the inoiiti tain akoTB J.lewelyn l'.nk fiir da\?. con? suming the leaves and BBderBFUh and dlliltg mmm daflMMN hj the dc?l:iictloli nl Vnlltig (In s. Ma i IWIB JbBMB ??Stirfc, in the employ of Jacob \\ 11 knit' a tanner living four mib-s eti?( oi Mat a .\ an. a a- led all Ve hv the billing ill of a Mind I-anl. on Wednesday, tl? was loading nn a wagon at the Irate. He waa fenad thjee ktian nftefwarUa three lei nitttar ths - .nd, with bis bead bs-iit over no tiiat il torn iii d Uls li e|. UUni ISLAND. Hivkiiukaii -The i.ix mm on 9100m Ized Im Ikeoaaaiag year for the rartaaa towaa la Suffolk County is a* follows: Smilhtown, *| Us ; Booth* aaiptoa, 91 19| Bakylaa. 9108i Kaatkaaiptoa, 92e.; Hm ikh ivcn. bo ; lUvertMaa, 93c*i Hantlug MB 92**.; Bonthaed, 7-?c; Shelter island, 7u. .; and IbllBi Uoc. nnvjoa iiraa towns. Kast TaRR.toWN.?kbaal ninety Italian laborers at work on t.e New-York Citj and Nnrthern Kail wav ve?terday "truck for a*n menaaeej pay. and plaaRM obsiim iions on "tin- tnokaMgnreol tha movement of trams used for ibe trans;s.fiation. Sherifl BrWJbdage PFMBBBm] to alimd uuy aasialam e pMaaMBaf m tin- matter. \Y11111: I'l.ain's.?Ibe Hoard of Auditors of the I i - a B of White 1'in l us, on i-X a n in at i in of tin hills attains' the town, haVB audited 1(11 of lln- D BIB bet, Naay have haaa tayaated aa thegranad thai tha tow n is not Inhlefac taeaa. The amaaatelalmad w.i- 94,038 o7, and 111?- aMOBUit allowed waa I'j 777 <;:?. 1 in- AmliioiH iu then ia.earl aai use u,.. liMttoM of the Peace of act!eg iu caifaaiaa wuu tho lUthlea IB ? amain y cafes. A SKIIT IT. \. AM II BOBBBRT Ci.v< inna ri, Not, 29.?Mr. Tetina, ? j<*w Bkr of Coviu^tou. Ky.( >? .?(, tday discovered that hit Mfe bad been robbed of forty cold watches and two palra of solid rold bracelets. II?? remembers that In the evening after the goods were out Into the safe, and before the safe wa? locked, Iwo men eame lu and eti ernged Mm and Ida elerk In conversation about purchase*. Tlien a third man drovo up to I tie door ami called Mr. Terlnn. While he was out the tlii. f tookt etrnrand pnsaid It out of the hack window to ?mother confederate, and Uten relumed m time to eon Baaa the pbribi Ballon ?hieb bud baaa Interrupt?!. EM loss I? CslllUUtCll .It ?II.MOO. MASONS' DAY AT HIT. I IIB, VISIT OF THE 0?-KB LOPGK ANO MORTON COM" MANOKRY KNIGHTS TEM PI. A R? 1 >1. .* WT Ml VOM l'KIZKS. Hu Tili Regiment Armory Fair prospered yester? day in apite 01 tlie rain. In the nftornooil the nt f. n.l.mce was small cnu.pure.l with the previous dnvs of this week. In the evening time were fur more people pre.- nt than might have heen expected considering the disagreeable night. Within I ho armory nil was brightness ami beauty. Many prtiiinnetit persons were pn-sent. A lei-iirclv inter? est was takeii in the attractions of the lair. The thanr was not so crowded as to interfeio w ith tin jitoiiniiade, which wan animated, ami was cheered hy the music of (iralfula's hand. In was " Freemasons' \i :lit." and the nflicer* of the (.r.nnl Lodge attended in a body. Thev were escorted hy .Morton Cnininaiidi rv No. 4, Knights I ctitplar. This line hotly of mi n, liiiiiilo-riiig RR?I ISO, ami rnuiniaiulcd hy A. 0, Uoodall, had an? nouneetl that tl'.ey would march to the Armory Htiilding in full imifortn from (heir lodge rooms. This thev did in d'li.ttic?'of ilie storm and regard Icsaofthe lact that tin y would he coio |>t-> l>tl to walk nearly two miles and a half over a wet pave? ment. Thev entered the at tiinry at ?'rlm k. looking very valiant hut consider ltd \- the worse for uniforms well soaked with rain. The white plumes in their bats were as unassuming as the plumage of a rooster after passing throiiith a ruin Storni. About 0 o'cloek tho Morton Commandery marrhed from the Adininistiatnui limhling into the a runny halt and form, d about the ttoral tilapla. Captain Kemp, of the 7th Kegi RMBRl Vi tei un Corpe, who ia a Knight Templar, charge of Iba reception. Wbea the Knights wire draw n up in single file the prooenilotl of offlcSH of theCrand Lod,.-? advuneed to tho DOTrI temple, where ColOOal KRiRMRM Claik ami the other ofBoora of the regiment receivedthetR. Among the (.'rand Loom Of-Oara wi i Grand Master Char lea Roorm, andT'ast Grand liaatat Dwood K.Tfiorue. The re? ception lasted half an muir. The Committee on l>r;:wings were very busy last evetiinu'. Company ("'s diamund earrings, valued at $400, were brought to tort n nc's ?Int l. and (.'oiu misaary R?der,aftar sh ik'iig ap the Uekata rlaor? oiisly, -TOW forth No. -77. Mrs. AV. 11. Hataakf was in Ibacontaaittee rooai to ????? the drawing. When the lucky RRBibat was announced sin- draw her owii ticket from her pockel and was pleased to Rod that aba OWDOd tba earrings. Mrs. Watson, of No. no Wast llni: v--i.tli-sl., held ticket No. 861 in Company Ira raille fat the Mixer? Wagon, valued at rf.'iOO, and won the pnz ?. Tba W in lu ster riHo, valiietl al $37 50, was diavvu by Lieutenant Q. W. L'.iml. ?toueral Hancock continues to lead in tbo voting for the Army ami Navv a word. Last evening he bad 310 to tea, to 253 for CosuBodorc Cooper, 103 for Qaoaral Grant ami 141 fur President Mavis. L'olooel Radar,of tba0th Kegunenf, keeps aboadol Mum Mc Alpin, who for rOO| tin a If I 10 the 00bb petitioii for toe National Guard a Word. Colom-1 Ryder baa 001 votes, Major UeJUpin 06. votaaand ti. oeral Vartan 324 votes. At tba polls of tba 69tb Regiiaeat award Lieutenant Opnager has rooeivad S22 Voten, ag.mist 166 for LbMltaaaut <-. H.l'. titt. This is " Latiics' Day." and a very large crowd is expect I'd. lu th.! evening tho Old Uuaid will at teiid tu lull umior.u. DELAY IS 1111. BEIEEEY CASES % HnBRittVIrfti IViin., Nov. 28.?In tili? Riot lull bribery eases this aftcruooti, the case of Alexander w. |aR_aa_haCi abargadl with corrupt soii.nttiun of members of the Legislature, was called. Mr. Alluiidit. counsel for Ike <I.? .-u? In r. alba?Inircl tba at ray of grand |nraaa of tba Anaaat Tern. Tbta waa overrated, a aao iiou waathenaaadetoaaaeb 'he iaja_etiaaaL Tbfctwaa al ?;ucd a lout,- Hme. l ue Court a ill decide IkRRRR uei 9, THE WAS ON POLYGAMY. Ooof.n, Utah. Nov. Iis.?The grand jury recently uilloiiriicd ut Kiit Lake City w_, spec lallly lUktriicted 10 uphold the law u_ainst pol\tutiiv. 11.a iiietrict.Attorney und Deputy MhihIihIs huvc baaa hard at work for i wo atonlfcl aattlnai evidence, winch reaalted la Rhutlndietasenbifor poiyKumy. The grnmi jury, In then report, say thev found t.ic "w itnesses veiy rctrucioiy, eepccinlly tin- .vouii?:t r ones. Ali MY OEDEMA. Washington, Nov. 28.?The foaloirfalg or ?lerliaaliceniasii. il )>y din clloii of the Secrciary of War: " Al frontier Mut Ion?, remote from towns, tue BabeajbMMe DepartrueiH will, on the application of com lnissn ne.l oltn cts. piiicha-e e. italn stated ijiiantltlcs of abrara.tboao-coraioi wboai tiny arc pure..used bebai eoaabtered andka pled at ta take and pay for them on their iinlvul al the Million.'' rir?t Ltaataataal D F. Battaa loth Infantry, has been appointed to act a? liispeelor of certain clothing mid ci|ul|iacc on baud ut the Infantry lacrRlRRUI laadRaVORI ut BnaT?lo, n. v., for Rblab Captala Guinea Lawaoa. _6th luluinry, is responsible. Tbabaavaa( abaaaeacraaka4 llajac Oalda Hees, 7tb Iulantry, ban baaa extended tin. ? month.-. MATY IS TELL I GEM E Washington, Nov. 98.?Tbm DaRed States aaaaaaarlaa_paoaa is lapavtadaa huvmg arrived at < huilcstovvu, Maas , yestei ia]. MABlXh INTELLIGENCE. MINI t I i rr U.lltV RPRAR 7 (H I stun sets. 4 Ml bull I Moon oiitth*. 0MM BMM waiia lo nAV-a. 7 HI i One. Island.. I M | aaja w?rsu po-dai 8.01 i Oov. lataa I.. BetJ i .?i M>Ay. 7.04 ' Baa aela 4 94 b..'?4 Moon souths l'.'.J BMM WATBB si'Mmv-A 9*ti < Rye, Ioiuud . ?:?? 11 noa WATBB Si NPAT ?!'. Sill , Gov. Island . 1' Z2 | SHIP NE ITA ' flnrk slow. 1 1 vi IIa I Monti's aa?. t ?ra, 19 Hall Uata.10:1a a. Hall .ill,.10:3. Cleek slow. 11 m ?-. Moon u|!f, .lays. 17 Hell date.10 iJ m. Hell Gate.11.11 PORT OF NKW YORK .NOV. 28. A It RIVBB ?.'r obb ot ww Tart [Bri l ami, Uraaaaal Nor is and Queen*!..*, n It', to John O Ihne, sir Australia Url. Wind. i .melon Nnv 1' Men ioviii Uro? BlrOtkeUo iRr), MRehell, umi 1 tin's. loRanderaaa a- t*nn, Btr* i laaartkan iBr), Tom. Nearaart, i-.l_, l^daya wua arrt| pea, etc. ta orders, e?F,-i taflee 9 Balwr, so Maaarar*aa .nr.. Uaaa. Mlddlaabarf l.i.Uys, with iron to oriler: veB.e| |o Kmii'li. ?aya A' t o. -ii waatanTasaa Hlaea, Per_aadbBk Jacksonville and Port Royal, lot'has II Ma lory A Ob, -tti t' Rolr-r. i-aoesloii 0 dare v.a Key West to f-hartes II M ' ay a Co. Mr Haltern?. Mallell.VVest point. Va.tniild I'omlnton Sal'o. sir Gate inc. Daaaatt, -avannah I dara, la Uae Yon en. sir i IM Domlaton W .!>.? r, Rtrkmaad to old Homlnlou se Cat Baeeneetly roported 27th tu the RkbaMad. nnia Deverea letoreaaeek). Pa leraaa.i alealkt ion days with ia W R Cooper. Jri reaeel le it t i mt tu. -lop Na irn .sw,.,t Petersen HamhiiiK "<s toils, with liar rel*, ate. laorden reaaH in Paaeh, B>lye A i a ahlp Qeberl LLaaa Vonaa nfana utmm Llranaal auitayn, With Msla, etc, to si,?? A Rnrirese. t?kip Ittel..!.. ie t..i , Reiaefahrt, QeaoafiaaaVa,tabal last la Taaa Racer. Hbla Caaaet (Urr), Oeroaa, Aatwarp It daya, wttk harrrla to .1.1' I ve.-iM to ii. i maim K'?"i a Ban Naaatka (Am . B| i bera Hootleur 11. daya, tai BaBaM to limater. Hark i .it. ir.n Au-t , Tomas, i. h, olas.-..w 4:1 day?, 111 bal? last aa ntaearleh on. ll.nk Altt.le Tr..e. ..f s; .,,.),? v i, Fu vin s, i iporto'.N dav- tu baUaai (<? j imea vv Elwull ,t Ca, BArt Oea UKOer Elina, Iba lam ir.. 4s day., ?Rh coffee lo Wright Brown A < reaael to C Tabtaa A Co. H.nk Klla iNnr;., ?.kudeaaaei LS di-ys, in halluat to C I a- ? 'a 1 1? Atcldui a Hololf i Aual .. Ragiiain, Ilniiih ira j j days, lu ha laat to H .v l.-h .> t o Bark (Sty of Luaerlrb ia?, Wbitfaed, 1 IraipaM lldaii mill old .run loor.-i r; veasel to McKavA in, ' 11.ri p ma (HpoB). OllrarL mhIhi.'iu aajra.wMkRmmmb to araalaibaa, vvaiiia .k 1... It^ra A Ilaall? ...f sr .Haven), LtaBMw, llntliail.Ma ;:?[,,.. eritti enrar^etc. toH Trewbrtdire'i si.m. Bei. s,i Haaipkray navy Iai Pen teuer!, BkeriM Kiueat. a. Ja. 117dara alia nabra ta O aeCeednvaj ? 1 11 to u P Bnlley. Bark oeeun Beaati lot T.tanbta), Ira rant, rlarana It daya! with aaaar ia a W wmmn. veaaeite tnaMaBahtwiadtOa lira l'siiiard May eta. H hka. p1111 m, I.uci al daye. with mi it a 1 lo I lav bbm 111 ,t I Idi 1 reaaal la a Abbott. RrtRB rabandEaiau, Maurae, HJPaa "< t it, withrnrk' oeal laRwaadtnvaa Ubaaadla Perth lather, Brig Baa Antonio lui:. ( Ilcnil, Vakaa a bl daya, m ha.laat to LaarR -toiey a- siaipall line I l.a Had.lier.ol and from Duini.ira IBdAya, will, siikar to Ii 1 aiueion Alt. Uli?. Mary lil'iha. Whliti more. ImhMn 117 tU-.a ail1 lion to ? a J Burke ve.?.| ta M Mantel a Co, Hrlc sii?p a Mailin (cf CaaUDi 1. Rpiwii. VVPmlnitioii a <? Jo il.iya, with lumber to VV A Parka tin, .easel to I 11 smlih A 1 o. BrlR Caaallie Crala, Kan BedRwa la ballaaL Kehr Ell i.ara.111, IuiwiIuk. MlraReaae 10 daya. with aaBba etc. pi l.v011 a 1 . .. k^. it>. 1 llsupln. sehr Eclipse 1 tin, Eden, oraud ''avuian. Ja, ]!i lUva, allh c 1 im nnla t>i Jam.a W )? 1 well at < n Mehr B L lltoaeil st.i lnian, Jacksonville 11 dara. wilh linn bar a* Ajaap a C arki raa??Tla r rrrn Ray. ?akrCkaa A Ulaalaa MeMUlaa si Andrea 9.1 daya with c.h aaaata, ate, la ?. Weaaabn vessel i. uj Wenbera a en Isciir I'hlln.u, Cook, MouleKo On,' with lu.h-e. to 'i 'ViaMlt w i s n-auuaet - ai s?.i i? Mean, break, >, ibb k ami abnakf Al i iiy lalaii?. mvs , 9 .lbarbr or Plmwnth for orders, A tlluido- ?alerlna BUttll, l>A??V Cork', t-almotitn or P.ruiouib furorder*. A (iiuulo (labrielia I It al > ilebrot'a, fork. Falinoiitb or Plymouth for order*. A ultimo: \lr?*oidrn Hennvaro (Halt. Icjiuoarn. i'ork or Ml mouth foronlrm. Punch. E?lTi A 0*t Bl Nicholas (lln, Ahlt ner. Ilutti-'ilani (' W Helfant: Bremen (0*ti, Llctkc, HulUr il?m. Punch, Idjc A Co. __?_ ? Hint Arella I tiurlow. (talll*- n. Nable?, nrett. Son A < n; A II Ktrnnarh (lln. Mtiuro, Rouen. <" W R.-riant Toronto tHr>. fbjTKinii. Alroerle for order*. J K Whitney A t o. Nohn Delta <lit i. Hrewatrr. Mo-inl<oi. N li. IT N. vine A Son; Venn*. Rayon*, Malau/sa. I' II smith A I'o; (iraco An drown, A nine wa, Kr.v, Snow A Unrat a*. MISCKI.I.ANKOIS. nTJfdiv*. fl P. Nov f. -BP Arltope, havlna been repaired, will ?all tlila afternoon, or at the lateet. early tomorrow, for Liverpool. OlnASTKltS. I-osttO*. Not M -Hark Klinailtull, ?'apt Ur-fBena. from Philadelphia net s for Honkll -. haa itrauded uu Calalt liar an.I ?unk. Wir will la* a Intal lota. Hark Halt-be i Nor*, ('apt Andreasaen. from Ptdtedelnhle for Olbralfar, on the ltttli ln?r frll l-i w tili ?tark Vt-nerata (Nor). < a p t Jaaaea, (mm JtaweeeUe Oct "7. lor Now York, d'.uid anil Iu a Klnkme roudltioti. 'Iricrrew was saved PORBIOH pn it ra. t/.terns*. Nov Me- Air ?ti a Vtrt?rla and Mralh. both from NrwVork en nl iilaeaen. mi MlhaBa from New.Yore; arr at Kaluioiilh. str Effective, from Ualveaton. QtflUUmTOWn, ff?tfjj. aitItr fJBlM. from New-York for MoMi iJt, Nov V.s.-Arr atr Mnnltolian. from Montreal for (.laaron. BBBMBB, Nov ML- Arr *fr Ifohenrolh'tn, from' Paltlmore. Of limf. Tfei "-. irritr Mikado, from New-Vota. ABTWBBPi Nov M.-sailed IhevVtli BMA air Plsutyn illele), for New*Yen. 1 OBBOB, Nov 2s ?'??ailed CnCi ltmt. Aiifnsls (Cept Bnek>; 2M m*l, savannah. Ainerie:. (('apt BMIr-fi ?ltu lu*L Plan ihna P. for New-line .na; 'Jitth I net, Jntin Nonuan, for Phile deinlpa: ("Ina. skarearom. Y'llmi. Pat?uml, the latter for Doboyi sedmi, Dnhreveekl, Private er Annie m Law] '.'7th ln?t. William?'orhrane, all for New.York; Marttarel lleald, Vaaod* (lama t<'apt Amlrea*t-Ml. Ilaknn llaknii*en. Omeu (Cept MekMxai, Mai II I l?se. BoeCa Bay] HIB ihm, Amonquc, Ch?? i'ot. Arr Md ln?t. Krane ?ro Padre, N B Palmer, John LaughHm e.Mh ip*t. Ami-'h-: 27th met, ^iimtiuiT. Pair/. Wi-n, the iat terat Poitlai.i!; spr.liltlleld. oft l?Uliaeue?a. '.'nth lUMt. I iron. ha. [ Anounrementa. j WnGHISTBR'l livPOPilo-T'Hl m Will cure (.'viieiituplioii. Couah*.. Iti .iu intl-i, OOaBBBy, *a NYrvotiM debility and wi nUnos? of |>ejnerntiv? nraan* po*iilveir rure.l hv AlAB*"J BBAIH POCNb, Price, t?l. Idtman. Ahtor ROaae; /.at. LJ40 Broadway i critt'utor. 7 flihnve.; Alleu, lit lata fa lb nl for circular. Hbtb von o.i-nn- diaordera, Derronn debillt? or acut ? pa'n at tin -tomach, or anv oilier adim-nt>? Then, Iu theaaamtof haaaaalte, inrthe iioufAB Ltrca Pan 00.1 Ah aoiption cure. OaaanilBOaa Beaaaa Ml BMaiww. A Bun Rxitkdt k<?k Lima DitBUtn And ermpioma of eonenatwtien ie PirftAlra1 "Palatabu*1 000 l.lVKrt (HI.. In comhliutlon ?Ith I'li'-aril' NlTKITIkK. Aetuiii?hluareaulle. All dr.Ig| lata. In-pot, 'i Plalt-st , N. y. WnnTll A THOUAAlTD DOU tTM I Fverv child biotirtil Into a lauil'y W thouvhl lo l?- worth " a lhon~.ind dollar* To tin- parenti. Why llieu elmuln tu. y not be > INd for from infam y I? niatiir ty I Keep lm> inoulh aud MMtb r.eht hv BflaOPfthT, an I y...i at .rt tli.-m rljrul. fUST OPENED, *t A lln aa oi rH-'.-'np. \Tfli DINNrit SETS from copmi.A.N D, MINTON, WKlKlWiml), *r. Aleo, a MM ?ariely of CA mot UOODeJ, aiilt.thlc for Holiday ami BRIDAL pki.skms, At I.ow I'rlcia. IL M. BBOlfDIOJ, 8?o BBOADWAT. \TEKV0U8 DEBIL! I V. ImpotentVVoakneu aT of the oraaaa oi Oeaerattea, *<-. eannrttlr aadradioallr nire.1 hv WINCIII STUB'S bPKCIPIO PILI* Two t i .it boxeaara uauallv aiitt. - .- ". al tier box. Sit hoxa?. It. send lor ilicular. Prepared by WIMOHhVSTMH A T.. Chenuida. Rtl lohn Ms. New. York. VEW CARPETS FOB PALL TRADE. (;{(;r.T:ri.. HYATT, 271 and '.'711 Caual-et.. between Ilrnodwav and Klm st., OTFBBfl a i hktaii. a BBW stock <?r BODY BRU88EL8, TAl'KSTRY lihTSSKLS, S*PLa mm IN0RA1S CARPETS, 0IXeOIA>THB, KL US AM) ma T TIN il STRICTURE, Impotence and Diaoasei ??f tha C" Oaaaiatlae1 ????.m? 11 lie mr an I anae fir eure L ?!?? ir< I .. l andto 7. BKMaT A.DANIB4 a, m. n.111..el BBtaa>?f N EVER l-'AII.S B\!?\VAV*S SAftSAP\nilJJ\\ ?ES.ILVEXT. A irmedv OOWBOfhi "f lairredh ?>:> o( ctraorduiarr medical eeotaBfiifa > eeaaUal t?> parity, heal, reaelr, aad invigorate tiie brokendownand ? i ladbodr?QUICK, '"I.kasant, saki-., and PERM a n k nt iu ii? treatmenl ma care, sound lfe*h mid BnallBJ (Ihre or b-.ird inuxrle are innile Irani pure hloo/l. No mailer hv ?hat mi me the complaint BMP be feeUrBBI -I. win ihei ii be Scrofnla, OonenmpUon, Hyphllia. Okrere, aaeea Tu.ii, Holla, l-.rvHltielaa, or salt-Rheum, uNeaseaof llii I. iltiK*, Kidney*. lilmlihT, Woinh, skin, lav. I. sioma. h. or Bowels, eltbi r ? bronie or con lUtailaaai, tin- etraa of the ate. eaee lela the BLOOD whleh lapplhss ihe wa?te, amibuii t* and rapaB tthreeoraene and ? aeted ti*?m-< or tin- ayetaas. it in.- mood I* oBaaltBy. ""' ptaaaaa ot n pao uiu*t im un Beaaa. The sore ipnriliiiin RaaalTeal not "niv i? i remedv, but eecut. * l be bariiiouioua ai timi <>f each of tlo- r saan. it ea.ahhiii. * Ihronahanl the aailre ti Maat tuuciuuiai hai maar, aad eaMilee tae hleeAeeeeele with a aasa aad lieiiiiliy current el new life. The -kiu, MM a f.-w dav-.' u?e of tbe s.iiKan; riiiiiin, beeaaiee clear ami beaatlfaL Plmnws, llloti In-*, Riai-a s|k.ts. ami skin Kcii|itl.>u* an- r.-mm. d; Bon - .md l ie is eaoa cured. Pereone saJbrlBg from wet f ii i. i inative Dleeaaaa ?i the Byaa Mouth, i ar*, labjfa Throat, and ill,n.ila, thai ba\i i. . mnulaled ami si f. .ol. either Beat urn ur.-d d:sca~i * or metcurv. or Iroui the use of Cnrroi IreSubtittttttt ?at inly oiiaa ? cure it the baiaapanilian la routiiiiicd a sutlicn nt time to make It.s tuipreaalon on the eysteui. PRICK $1 PMBBOTTtdt F?a Ra Ra Railway's Ready Rslief. TUM CHMAPl i \NH rust Mi nn ini: POB PAJULT OBI i N i ll B WOMXI). ON K 50 'IN i' B< > I rLE wii.i. CORI MOftK UOMPLAIRT8 anh PRKVBNT Till: HYHTKM AO a II* Hi BODOKR a TT AUKS OP KPI. DKM ICH AMD CO>.TaOI0UB DImKARKH THAR OHM HI NUR! I > in u.i..? I,s BXPKNOKO FOR UTHKK MKI> ICIMKR <?u MEDICAL \ rTKRDANCK TMK MOMBRT KAUWAYH RKADY HI-i.i KP IB AP PI IE!) KX1 KRNALLY?OR TAKKN INTKKN ALLY AO CORIUNG TO HI BECTIONH? PAIN. TRUM W 1IA1 KVLlt i a I HK, C BAH KB PO KX1HT. In all ca ee whele pain >r discomfort i* experlenc-d, or If ?eiieij with Iiilinaie. IRnhtlrMla, 8.rtweat, Mamaa, Bee i in. i' Lteareeaeae BlUoaei elic, Infbfmattones theBowetaj BMBMBB, lanip^. Uvef, K Idni vs. or ?itn i r mo, tjnlnav, Kev.-r ami Aeue, or wtiii Nenraivu, II radar he. Tic posocoax. reottv ache, Karacbe, or with i.unit..iao, Pain In lln- P.a. k.or Rheum utisni, 01 with Dialibaas rheleie Mortui?, or liyaaatocr, ec wllb lliirti*. scald*, or Ilm.-.-?, or With siral *. Cramp*, or baaeaie,lbe appUcatiao oi RAOWAT*8 RKADY RKLIKV aid cuii-you of lln- .Vorst ot tbe*e roiuiilallita ill a lew iiOiUA. DR. R.\ll\im REG0LATIM6 PILLS. Perteetty taetcaeaa etaaaatlyeealad, lartht ??mtt at: iiv order* of the Menench, Beer, ti iw.-is, kiaaeya, bla i lat, iscre it <tui i?< ?. iieaiiai-im. coii?tipattou. Doetlreaeea.11 UMethMkj irt II, -1.1. M loaam -. hlllone femr. laflaaimellaB et Iba tttt aale. pile*, ami au n raagemeeti of the lataraal vtaaara Wsr i anted lo re eel a nesnUva earn PRICK-JA i BMTB PXB IliiX. BOLD 11Y DRDQOfBTA DK. RADWAY A < <?.. if* WARREN-8T., N. Y. *??% SAFKTY?!TFAKS IIVIIRAt LIO IS ELEVATORS. Oi ii* BRUTKBKR ek Oae. X4o) Krvadwar. NY. Gas Fixtures, CLOCKS AND BRONZES, Metal and Porcelain Lamps. 836 1KB 8118 IM1BWAT. KilcW Vice 81 Co. EVERYTHING IN UOMBOPATllIU BOOKB ami M BDICIMKM Meelehaa Caaea. Pe'lT*. H I (a I ol Milk, COAMA .tc. Ac Hamphreyr Homaoiaslhlc nneeiBea, IInmyhroes' Veieiin art sjiei itii s. Untaahraya1 Wlteh llaael <Mf ami Marralof Heailoir. CAHKM POR KXPORT A HPKCIAI.TY At Bnmpbreye* Uomeopathlc Mnliclae 1. u .? -p.,* i ii Kiirtou si.!i .store, siij Hroadway, liurj daoraaoea 17th*:.. Maw. i..rk. THE FAMOUS BRANDS OB CHAMPAGNE, PIPE R-HEIDSiECK PIPER, s<c Kur BALB BT wI NT ramtb ABD ONOOBM BTBBYWB?TBB JOIIV O-IIOKN M!t A CO Bale Aaaaaatai Ike OnBhat atasaaaad CaaaBa, *U Bmbma N. Y . and II Bt sa. ;, in. in -I . Monin-1'. MAM FAt Tl KLUS OP Silver-plated W?re A Vr.KY T.ARIJE ASSORTMENT OP COFFEE. T V. DIX.NKR, HK--*l lir and WATER SETS, CAKE AMI) fiutt STAND*. foTSEE, VEGETABLE, MEAT Mini. TCRKENH. hpoon* and fokkm, OTTLMBjT, Ac. also, A ORKAT VARIETY Of NOVFI.TIEH. OABP. (asks. ( a II D ItF.lTIVI ks. JF.WEL liOXEM. CHIIe DBJOTI, OJOMMBBTAL PIECEs.Ac. IHI1IIOM. 6B6 BROADWAY. DOWN TOWN HOUSES. DIAMONDS. BANDnU niHKMOHK m DO* BahRkttabea1 ih;o. IMPORTER* OF DIAMOND* AND M A N D F A l'T III I fl I OF DIAMOND JEWELRY. Son. M M a IDF. v L * N R > H ..... Ynmc Anil M NA.-HAF SI., j "?W.IWRR. Xo. II NEW IllRLINiiTuNST.. LONDON. mani taiti I'F.IIS 01 QUADttl PL! 6 Maiden Lane. fahime.*? and BOTE lr WILL PlffO a i ? assortment "l BCFBBIOM TABU P7AKJ ALWAYS on hand. NOVFLI in IN WEDDING PRESENTS A SPEITAI.TV. rACTOBIBB, WMmT mi:i:idi:n, conn. ARCAFJD, MODERATOR DUPLEX TABU l.AMl's. MO?NTRD in POLISHED BBABB and BRONZE, WITH ALI. THE NBWKST French Porcelains wedding presents Kail, Nicoll & Granbsry, * Sticcraanra lo BllbBjhM. IlaH'rr A Oialuni As Iwiaiiteia and Jobbers of I'm.' Fata y Honda, ?20 AND &li JOHN BT Wei De Meyer's Cure A rpeedy ?' d Certain Vntido'c I Cntari h, snof Bea l olda In ill" Until. Inllu-n/.i .u..| Hronehltls A iMaaMBBBBRRal laaaaBj ami abeotate brm BaM by an Iimsi'i-1 or delivered by D. It DEWBY ? ro., id Bag -t.. n v t ri MapaakaBR PRa^bhr n bbMBm "THE PRINCE AMONG MAGAZINES.'* .v. r. OaaanMR :i ITBRT LJYING Author* ? or Mas MaBar. itt. lion' tone. .In* A 1'rntidr, I'rnf llnalcv It A. Prortiir. Edw. A I rer ama Prel. Tvndnll. Or \Y. It. Cai-pen I let i raacee rawer I ohh .Tin- Dakr . <>i Irnylt, Hi,. Bfatek Mfca araj Rjre Maieeb it HI*. Ufa. .Mm lloiiulil. .Mr* o iphiini. Ji'.'in luai low. 'I Iiiiiiiiis llnrilv Miiiilnu ?rnolil ID nrv Ii liiasl'' . YV U story Tor aurin.-1. H n?k in Teaayeaa Brewatnat. .in. in n.) uiin is. aic i>prneesMa ? iai pagaa "i Littell's- Living Age. In 18B0.TRa LlYDM auk ent'-ra lipon it< Mlrfperteafa ji'iir, Niiiiiiirrillv iinilv.illc.l und i oiit>iiii"ti?ly ?urr.-io.fiii. imriiiR Ii.? vmr il ?il' fiiMiiati lo ita readem the predaeiRnu oi tin- mo i ernlncal aatbora alioTr-nniued. und nuiuy iiihi-rs: i iniirt ajrtbei.leeet Smalt .irt MbertBienai by i LaadMaj ratalBR riBTalbMa end an eaaronl UN APPROACHED BY AMI OTHER PERIODICAL in BVf world, of fbe m.'sf valuable MleiBI r and SelaBMBe mat ter of the day, Irom tin' proa of um foremost l>*oyl*m, scirmUi*. i rlllea, Dlaeaverere. ami Edltant, rapn auil Inn every deiiarlnieul ot Knowr lire and . :? /lots, in. I.ivi>u AUK la a trffkiy majori'.? gtvbtB won tliau Til It f.e AMI A QUABTBB TIIOI BANS leabta>eebnaa aelara pam-a ..f n aim^ matter ya u |y. it pro aeaMba an ineiaeaMre Rrna eonaalenna Ite a rat a n. tun uf to itler, all* Baibaiaa. awtna t<> ita wivkiy laaur, and wild a raayaatara enmpuffntu bIMmoI </ '-v a* othtr bmMmiH l?aBaal Fasaja. HuriKwa, i'iIMrlmua. Tn a,. BReletiBB >.f 11 relandPMroratr. I' rtry. defciatffla, w<h.*- ..." -i. lorfctal and I'nllttral Ini rm.itloii. from 11.o elitin- bady u? Fol riuii ParfcMJeal litaratara it ia ibarrfaee iitraitiniiii. to every Am. rtr-an reader, aa iu^ ni.iv aattMaeiattty Bjaab aadCOMFLRTR compuatiuu i t an ludiap..iaab;.t eaiTanl Ittrrintio Didi?/irn>j(iie bucauau It i nitialt*a thr prtalm Hot a of Ibe Ablest liivinaT WriterM. ??ni? last volttmo of TBB LrVRH Ann prrannta n 'r-ati ri ampli'of Iba i ii inn i.i in BtlaeRaa Bad adaptation t0 n,^ deaiande nf tba haat ja.p iiir ii eraiatn, ahie baraaaenrad a . ?i!.- aetraatatbM to tl.a- p. rnaPcal " [,%>?? J'ort T.ilyitnf. ?it aavwi Mm nbela Baad al litarainra, and aarara It ouu. pbHaly. Ibaraoablj ant ImpafTfillr " {Tbnra. OmmRumR. "Itiifiit la tin bral. If." ctii-api-sl and mi ?t con i ui. i.t baeaRtgabtaaatwttbtbajproareai of tbouatiitiu ail " pbaaaa." a rik Awuui eaa, paa^arlvAaaL ? it ia. by . I -''' ?. t'if iirat eclectic pabliibed ** [JpbOurr Obnrtaaiea, Rnomeaaf. ? lives 11..' beat of ,11 at Hie price of one."- | A'rm \ . rk Bp if. araaMi I It 'O fnl.y anpp'iea ll.e wanla of Hie n-a lln? pul.lff l!..ii Btreaab ita pea* a abra* R la peealble ta ba bb ibevaaabij wad Inbrraaed tn narnail Uierabua aa by Ike p-ruaai of a ieaa Utl nf monthlies/'.i/,/.nt Inquirer. " Te read It weakly M ? liberal ednraltmt" [jTita'r JBaald aniliB. ?? ii.iA Mel aa a reader mm* bRTly L.-ep aaarlfkB n thai is linpoi laat in 'be lit- ratnre, bltUa .. pobtii ? ? m ipieoce ..f Iba day."-[ ta.' M*'l'">lill. Srv York. ? it holds tin- paiai aaaiaal allrlrala.'' [C\ ataiartaar. CaatV1 ri"e. ?? it ia raman aaaai i ro avaav . nr abn aaatraa n Ikaiaaik eampaadlBBi el alltkal laadaMiabbi ami aotewattii] In tba lleialV Win Dl." |/; wfea /??.'. ' There U aa ether way nf preenrina tka a,me amount of ri. el,"ill ineratiir^' fo. uli) U.lUK lite IkaaiaM ptl. ?? ' i y;. ,tvn AArtrlinr. - The heal 11 Ran tan .?! the day " I v. \, n ?fl. TVk Livuto Aoi is pebtiakwi veealy at M a rear t'tt ?i mutmpfj m forB10MTRI Limn.. a?B jutij .,(;., * ?efika AmrrleaB Bl Ueatallealor i<-tr,i,-r't Wmk'uat Battr) alll be aaatfararear.k?M .> msmMj ar for nM riii. i.imxo aoi ami Ib.- RK afanta a? or /Ij./.le'oi.'? Ju rnnl. EXTRA OFFER FOR 1880. To ail bi a mkauilhati for IBBBwfll beaaal ?ra'is ito> mini hits . f In7:? ? hli i . einn n. bmldatoih t rataraatlaa in i nr. tba Brat ebaRtera al" HB Wag Wi lNoTWrbb UaMai 'u Ben nan hi il It"*. (m.l i'll l^t. aaa ippaenut bi iui ai i iiotu a Ivaaea abeata, a.i.iie.-,_i.itti i.i. it (,i Paataa, CtN tlfll -s ('ANAMIEs1. i INAUIKM MY tNDRKAHRRRII I'ANABIEfl have allv. ry'. l-nr. Pi la. deliantfiil and water notea; und lint.- in.Bett Uatdi aaeh aar. r.inle.1 . 11 .1 If .I .ii'i .nil. lim* Is eaii lul,y m,c(| *4 e n 'i. ?I l>. I > .i o.r.. a. * .. HOLBMN'M BOOK n.\ lillilis |fg piCea. BBBtRBlBaBRBR all abaai Mrda. by mail i..r. aal ?. Maa>|m. oil MoLBRN, taj aibave., near iS-l-at. N. X BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure, MaaV fri ? nttMCrMaj ot tpiim yji*) r.x??.-It? 1 ??>';.!. -n ? ., I other M ii i i.i h ?|io?liii)u? ?i fl-l.iu-I-4U', Nnrlh ?i.uih. Nn oth'i |.|.vvr? ? u kUl) aiiih ita-fi . fl?k\ hot birjnaur lux ui ion* )>art'). Cau he cateu by .|> -j>.|il? ? teal ot L|ie lln ri?ulU?| In UilllK' ?lll.l> lUUll. Iiima Aaar.'.'.t ot ('? BUM . ?I LB7f | TlBWIH. (AM ii 'a-.y THE LITERARY REVOLUTION. Loading principles of the American Book Kxchangk i i Publish onTv hooks of real vain* and high library merit. * 11. Work upoi. the baeb. of the pblsent coot of tnakiDg books^ which la about one-half what ia wM " ^H^h/m to'huycre direct, and save them tho 50 or co per cent commieaion, commonly allowed mtoatSf iKKika when made 10.000 at ?IL^'AV?1/ a fraction of the cost per ropy when made binding, bnt nvnlil all " padding/ ~tre> ho commonly reported to to l>. I lie COM! OI OOOasi Hit.-it ill.?>.??".(-(- i .....I.,, r.00 .t a time -admit the low price and ?>\\ .U,r/^?f V. Qm I.i ty >e, naper. Ac, do c ireful prlnlln? and atronn-. BMl fat and Barfed type, npongY paper and ffand.v hinillriar..which ak. I ...,k appaa! large aad ...... and WfflaA.. ",,r ? halL,,'i?!*," ",,:,r v?la<) VI lo make .fl OOaad > bii ?od arlll i>av better In the end than la make $r, oo m?i,?,.,??, Sdooratio? to Patron?! roar good optaloo, freely expreaaed to year at^aaiatatetM, ?aar aid lo diatribiitinir our catalogue-, (we will ?ladlvHend aa many a, you can use- to advaiita?. ). your ititiaeaca E ralaraaeloba or ind u .? 11. *or akllBf atltera to ran* clubs, will aar? m many thousand dollr.r* we are i.ow.?omp.-ib-d to peg! bar oawaoaeei adrertleiBS. ?nd help aa so mal the more to multiply booka at low pric s. The Her of the first 10.000 anbsrilhere to the f.lhrary of D?taaraai Raewieden" ia ae riy urn. TBaaewhewtaSBj lota it ant a. cure the. ?!>??< aal t. rum given wl i need ?''??' | llii-lr outers tnv wM.n. Volume four i? priut'ng ana ami al.orlly to- <!. hvrr.I t'i subscilbc rs. ???n... mir -Craaea'aOaac r.t m< ' la at laat ready. .'?j*1'! Ufa and werde of < iiriai " ?ill bo waleinieB ar baa area ? at thoiiaaiula, a? it wall drarrrc* to lie, Bible students a iii "e aa onlahrd ns well aa pleaecd to sec so etcellent and r"'? ' " edition ef ? Kittoiiyrlopiedlaof Biblical Literature, widen we aaaeaaea _..._ Vol.uue two of THE I.IHRAItY MAOAZIXR. n?r>V ready. Iu bound form, excels its prerteceaanr lo elre. In m ? fonn II Is. and deservedly, meeting with e aal? beyond an nreeedeit in the maearlne ft.I I. Rota in the wwpia lea tm> Hip In i tnrri-a-.- I el/e. bUffM type and wider B*M Mr 11-" People who ure on the lookout for h lids, and other Kirr hooka willbowlse lo note. Hut our ALI?' "J EDITIONS. <>ur eueioniera nie rapidly h anilng tbat ?bat Wtt any la our advi 1 tlsclucuta la neither ft. lion nor eSMCer ated fart. The literary aorld ban never b. f >m a-'ii t.le t> .0 of our ; . IfJtlaaa, at approxlm He I oet-but ll shall see mom of then . t All wbo take Inter, at in tha dramt or comedy 01 hum 11 lite, aa irell ai ail Crh mis M tempera net win not in iin am Lal latereal our nnu Mino, incut of ?? Leaves from UM Diary of an <il 1 Lawyer." LIBRARY. OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE. SO V0L& OVER ltkfiOO PAGES. ?10 ink In fBtffhaaat?I our promise to ihe pnblle. in return for a remarkabtt liberal Mtiiraairaotaar Al R k. e tlUpn at cm am ? BERn'M .YcLOPACDlA lit* KNOLIMH 1.11 I.IIATI UK. Mod >e Mould f .l.ow Itaromi-'etl.pu wllh oll^ei pubil. at . n< equal v ncaaMbM ut low ratea. we aro now I fe* the LIBRARY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE, ire 1 ,n: entire oi ibe i-iii M7>i Bdlabarghaaa ism il. Ii ed-t o 1 o < IIAMHKt+S l'YCI.')P*:i)IA : A 1)1 (? TIONAHY O? USIIVB1HMAL BJIOWLBOOB t"H TBK PKill'LK, with veiy larye additions upon tapeMda ?;a-clal interret ta AaMtteaa naenta With Hie Importael aidltlon* upon topb-sof aprelal lntireat to Anteil, an reader., fhn w..ik. already *up< r<or tooil.ors, mraal Iu (Ida particular, ?111 Be more than equal in all re eiaeie UBberasai to tea aiairal reaaari to am- eyeaeamaia ii re of ore pabltsbed in inie Muatry of m Batrapa jr awjej loin in in ?in 1. iii.. amo nit at ?attar oealeiaea ? it ww larri lv rzcaed that cmtalued lu Appiclo i s or Jo?niou t>, Bhaagacoauag but a baedaa ?f then pun-. TERMS OF PUBLICATION. Tin; Linit.iitY Of rSlVJBBBAL knowlkhok w,ii te- coiupa ied in vai voium-s of aBaal BaO paaea each printed (i. iu in w e.edruiypo plalre, made fmui clear aud beautiful type. BTYLBfl AND I'lllt'Ri. Acme .m'.hiou, 'jo % oluu ei, cloth .BIO Aca- edlthaa, ?11 eahtasea bait more 00. if Aidut e liilou, .0 vuluuiea, halt Kaea.a, pllt ton. -? if ord. red .-.eut by mall add 10 H nti pur volume for poetage. which BTTLB TO BUT, Price p< r ML, ?1 1 poetage. 10 Pi ice. ?1 1 laittaae, U Traxulated fcy Dry den. Price, SO TTTBIJ. flrolt. Ix.und In4. ci lit'. (IKIKIKH LI I E OF ITfltlMT. r. 111? Ol HBON'i DECLINE A I) PALL OP HOME, with Mil in ui - Notee. In ft vole. Pr.ce per vol., ?1 | ro.taa-e, lo.esta WOBKm OP liAXTB, Tianalated by Cary Prtaav gl < poarnr . 1 ? 1 . mi wob KB i?K VTBUir cents j poitaKe, U c. nta. Of the fol o rina the paper and the mirsioa are the ?am. sa Iu the rbeaper rdltlom (sll that is aem rally deelredi, bnt Ilia bindlag Is In be r Kaaata tw? Ua- tops a* in the Aidos editions above described : MATAI LAYH BIOTOST OP ENOI.AND. In S Tola, Prh e ,er toI.. M c-iits i po?taa;e, lo reuia. SH A KlvU'EAKK. C omplete works. PffcM, ft If | post. a?C. i I 1 elite TAIN K'w BTBTOBT of roOtaTBBJ LITIlItATL hP-, Price, 51 -2h : nreitn^e, 10 cents LIBRA it V Mao a/INK. Hound r.ds. rola. 1 andasow ready. Price |-r vol.. at ; post a/e, 111 (cute. TUE LIRRARY MAGAZINE FOB 1"h. Rerlnnli p with t':e January number, TH E li11p.ARY 11 An. a7.1 <V. a i.l tesunie its fonn aa a tnoiithlv. v crest number of : 1.b is :m\ma- -icioil-.l ih> ir pr.-feieine for it In that tbspe, Ai the aim. ilmu it Kill take an a new divaa of laranr type, anditesti: will m 1- c;e:i?. d lo IH J pae>-eeach l?sue. ftactiar acter will Ih-ih. ?nie as m-reiofrire. It is proposed In iaakin< seieetkass to draw uposa 1 r.-ncb, oenuan uud other Kurooesa sourcea. aa no i ua ir .m Kualleh porl'elleale. Wid ? no itoaai tin. al of hiah class l.tei alure la OTcrlonked eeneelai premiaonoalagreaata aniriea wlrjeh meat abiy and aanrtalDliiaiv di-cuss topics which oc-npv the popular thought, a id to that which ie or permanent rather than of transi.'i.i latett si. The ....ti t -if onhliahlPea maeatlne ha been redared fully one hull within a few yeaii am! we ire. therefore, ahlo M live more fur lb - money than waa before loeelble. Com. Paris, ns will .Ina that a'* numbers of THE LIBRARY MaoaZINK will aastreaalf) l,'Ms\ pa^-?I I contain morn Batttaf than r/be Ecieetle Maeazlne. at i"> a year, and about one-ha.f aa emch a* iJtta h's I.lvlna Aae, at tn a year Ttneaof 111k 1 .IBRAHY maoa/i.nk ?1 ayear.paat aife pt e pa 111 by lint luihliabera. Mitts, r.pll'-us mavbealnat any time It la not sold by newsdealers (ft-nerally, as are allow tht-m aaestra di?. outit, BOUND VOL ikkh. The niimhcra for -it montba with elebetateladex,eeaatlMtea volume. Advertuinc pageeara renne,e.1 Batata i.iidiue. Price, in cioth. 60 ceatai half mo. rotco, IM t ent-1 r.a f Hmsia, vllt P.p. *i It ,.v mall, add 10 ce.ila tor poataae- Hubscrih. ti to a cui rent\oiume wbo will .-rdi-r lie- I a Mat volume of the asme all I.In one 11 on th after its completion, will t.e allowed a cretin ot th cents toward ite iui. i-, on . on.ltl . n that ther will distribute their own back 1111 ini -rs i's M" cum us a hern tfn-v will t e likely to influent t> tutinc rlptlous or onlera for our nnblb it Ions. Yotuaaeaonaaiid two of TflE lihhahy MaOiZINP. with 1 nni|i|i't.- t'lties, ore now ready for deilvrrr. They c< n tain a Urs? aiiiouiil >.f vere etcellent o-.-itier. most of ft of a 1 l ata-?> r worthy of permanent preserv-.tMn. It la In the bound volumes narticulatiy that (he sreat adranrace of tt.e Im in w t liaM-1 hoat'ii over that of other inaaaztiica ?11i I'he type lathe same lu all. I lie payer.In the A< Mh,e.1 It Ion 11 tions FltoM TAllf.E of 'o.M i:\TS-VOL I. U Ujraftbnt eaaeUal in qujl ty. ami a 1 bai togeMtalUrde . Lr.klne Petty v.e.i t i,.f ear WUlag la ettra waU aea? Jba ?jy_?n?* I Th^ r^Jieaata iu orceee.a. u. Seyco t\**}>\\^ ?OTalnTO? ; I* BMaaeaH BaaMaal the lUlian Poet.-on.r.a. aud t-i any one whu uau a) are tho small additional coat it la much .he Bora dflrahle style, i he ALI'I B edition I? ptinte.1 with ettrt care on superfine a id beaiypener.wlui mucii wtfler aaaigiaa faietajarali la rtanralleu for beauty, ettadleiice autl ouveuieuto ol lorm, by .iei t v 1 lo,.ie BO ev.-t made at auy price. DIMOOUBTB TO KAHL? BVBS0BIBBBB. Tin- greater tha number ami the earllM. tue t ubicrlrttona we reo Iva, th ? Hate a tue ilia ami ezpeaaa ..i paMteaalaa, aad the BMes ehtaiy ami aanj ihn raiaane are eraliarsa aattag mi been hers, tin- ar.-aie, m.- reeaBaet Inebrnsaaeaeela indue InaotbersabaenpOoaa We aecerdiagly a-iopt ihe plan, as hen ..lor.- Ie 01 bei pobl ca mu.-, ..1 alowitta imjcinl minelioj (ti bi above prioee tothaae whaet araanaro inmost received, us follows 1 .0 pec m ut discjiiiit to the first IBeOO subetTibe-e. 15 ?' ?? ** aeioml " 10 " " " ttdrJ ,?, " " " fourth " '? Babeei Iptloaa mat- he acmtupauic t by nuv sum not lese than *!, the di^i-ount w ill he iilluwcdnu the t-nilre Mibn rlplion p., the i-m tin in bt be pah) .Men the wort li eomphM at or la iuatabaeuieaa tha vwaaeae aie reaaty tai fMlvarr. Ta part! ? who wl h t" pji th. entire price iu advance, and aare ihe -t it 1 < ami us the trouble of K'paratereinlttaaeaa aa .. ?titioualdha-anniel0peroeul Mill M alloweI, i, e~ -"? pee real Inelead of JO percent, :operc-nit lU-t'-atl 01 1.1 p?T cent en-.. .1 <????'? epeeBtea rot lerau 11 iiuhs wnte for parttaahrra .\ specimen vvlaaie ai the werk aut] Be onicn-'i by aar one forcxaastaatloa irlththeprlrlleceol rataraif not 1 ana -a. hi.1.1 try, wliiiia teu tia.i eafter date of tie. rneetpa. MM aud paataga uiun accouip n> I it- out. r. UiLLMBERS'd ? rCLOPaEDIA OF ENGLISH UTERA I I BE. a Hisiorv. critical and Baagrayhleal.ef BrlllaB eaB Aaaarl 1 aaa an i bor?, with tpnctaieaa id ihett wriOoaa, originally ' eilllid by liobi it Chemlaae Mi ft Third eBlitea revtaed by lluhcrt I'arrnthers, LI-U. First American edilluu. uuabrlil^ed \ uud HMttendk BTTLBB and PBICBB, Aente Bdttlon, 4 rohtatee, cloth .. Arme i ?.luon. i ral laiee, half ataroeee Ahlae .edition, i volumra, bait Hindu, ifill top II or t- i.-tl scut or mail add 10 eeale t ir postaae. our. iRtoa.d ?< heatbere'e I yelrasakala al Kiigthkh Liters lata"lapennllailf a w?r* w.-uiiv ol uu v. ism .ireuiatiou. it . Leaate_projection ol rare i-.teratv Interest. Ii.aulyaad merit, a ct.ucemralion of the la-st itroduciloua ol Kuvlls'. aud Am. i.i in intellect from ee Hast ta ieceat ttusoe, bol isauom aiaraedeaiee a key aad radaa to uii euier m-'ei le-ok . io the bUtaange, > nutdine one to sec and Indite for himself which ai s I bent ninth his IMfttBgi OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. It will hi bsg aladneis to many a'i In art 11 find that this ir lly aelmirabhl work baa l.n nrouKht wit.du the rauee ot shallow pm-keta. The pi t -s are pheUwineuat, evou in these ] #aj i ot . heap iivukt- runes, Plilla.l.-lphbl 'I b- hleti ry of i.-fers records M cyelop.e IIa at the National lilei u. ai.-m any p'- ple w Im Ii i .Ol I e reiimuapiy couipale I With the werk wiiblt-. t h-ar tvpe on . l.-ir j.aper, it ne.-ma to 1 n in-, ihe acheetasea'e Idea er tae perfect oeaaeatlaaet sub slam e ami form. .The Ll\iua Chart h. ( lue.ieo. III. ACME LIBE.ilanY or HIHTORa?. in tin^ si-rit-s it is araaaM '? t<> acaaeal the works of tea treat pint..-is whoso wtltinas have tueiiiselvra hi oonta a pun of hietary, aaa are aeeodated in the aitade et bB reaaVvra wlih 1 theuauetie whaae htatury they aarrata As thev nre h.?iks I Which all w Im aspire to the aWBanfelp at even a very sm .11 HbrarTtliafrt i. iMt-se.... and a v- ry estenaiva aale can : Iheratare be auTetj railed apea, we shall publish Baaa ai prioee which, eamparad withnaaal raiaawru be oeaetderad nimn-i i trrell?aiy law, aad ear Bae ediitaa w.n ctaayara ? f svurahty, if Md erea taalfaal favorably, aRh the heel adi- | tioaa oi tae Mate worka which have heretofore it...-u issued, i he wrlee e ill he lam-d m three a'yies. as follows: ,M 00 . i ua I on P. A. Troll ope s-uppo ad ( hanaealn ihe Moon.lib haul a. Prut tor l-.iiail.h Men of la'itera-nbelley. Thoruia Hayna Afhemn aae*tha church. o. li. ? nrteU ( h.tpteraoti socialism.Johu Stuart Mill Mm no or T.-acli njr the (Ueslcal lanaua.-es .. . Hackle. on Hut Worm of a CbkSsMl i.dueatlun .Ibmamv Pro-* Ob tha Oh alee of Hooks. fniinic Hamann Lnlnmoiiicv. W. h Hal.'aa An F lu. niuii in oteat Kiitaln. -li coutts I.Ind.ay W acnei as a Dramatist _.lal. Hobo ProMbUli) a- im-1.utile of Coodnrt. W. K. Hladalooe Sydney DobelL A Personal sketch ? Hoia-it imcbauaa itie Preach Republic aad the catholic Caarah John Uorley Couin-.i-rt ia. Depress: .n ami Reciprocity Hoaamv Price Alcohol : ll- A. I hoi aud I'see. i.aaqurt on the Htady ef .Natural Hutory. HI. Oaerca Bivart Tin-chaic .-a of Fuaiish opera. Preacle Kn. fler i t.-M -...ii...i Aa|.e.-t of im-American < hnrehae. Dean Stanley PreiasarPs Love ?leer .wattaf Besaut . 'I ho M uaical Culiua of the Prrecet Day H. Heatheote siathara . srhopeuhauei an Mt ti, Hooks and Music l raacr't Maaaxuia VOL. ll Rentatnin Franklin . T mmai Itnihea The l.a-t Jewl.t. Keroli. Krnst Keuen Dlllllkellllt-.a I I Ktlgl. ud .J. H. nouirb ileneric Idtae . . Francis i.alion Tin- Cflatedle Fr.iucalse. I ran, aise Sarcey I nab .md ib- HMaetaae . Quarterly Review Toe Preach l'lar lu London. Matthew Arnold. II.. Claaeheal 1 oiititiveisy : Its Prereut Aapet-t . Ales. IUiii HuUm f ami Politics_.J K. ae?!ey ! In c. llara Pi nice NapoHm.In^tlti Mcl'arthr TM l-iiturenf etat.W. 11. Midhurst i Clerical Education re France .E. About k Chglioetre of tha Baeaei Ceutnry. .Pmuda /In. oner Music. . Frir..r's Musa/tne I Problem of the ureM Pyramid. Praetor WiilUm Hlack. t'nlversiiv Massrtne TbeNatloDtl Poetry ef bail la.Rate Fnliurraih Rreeaac A lutloane i u Human Happlaese.W. II. Mailaakt rhe ArtiatiC Duaiisui of tae Kenal-oi.uce.V.-mou Leo i he supiemit Uud lu the Iu.lo-Furopi.uii KyThalagy Ji.i ii< I n-ntst.r Down AaMaa tha DatehaaM. Van Lane Parllamentarj i.o\. >rnmeai in Ameii- a .n ... - uhito klodni Men aad Wemaa .imtton t'oog in - Aiteol BaaMla il.e Floreutine Chronicles II. M.i'l. rka OB freedom. Max M?ller The Cully of Natute : A speculation Lord P|,to.pot Carlisle LEAVEtJ FROM THE DIARY oi-' AN <>LO LAWYER. INTBMPBH \n<T. TUM fillEAT B0?BCB of CRIME, lly A B. Btabaahad, F?e. uiriulo ruf tho I'i-i-Ivatna liar, lilmo. cloth, larire ty,ie, fli.e. heavy paper, eitra clolb, blj. k i.nd Koid hiu.iiim'. 1'iicc $1; |0stai,'C Id cents. Heady January IB, IfMI Tbit Im.ok uif-irdt new and rem likable prisnf tbat pi tin, etmpie Irath > teats all the .aea'lous ut fieitmi. to Ihe Inn mo Interest of Its nuiatlved, rivalling tho fi.nmus ?? Dury of a Phya i leu," aud ui ita irutuful ti-rii tie io ilh s of lite power ami ertmeef lataatperaoi 1. taraaeatBag ihe aril kneaa "Ten Blghta in a Hat P. ?>ni. ' 11 a iu no acuat- a r-p. ti loa of well known haauilee aad aaeeaetM ay reaiperam . bat he an. im pres?utst o-i f t it t.s drawn irom hit awa ezaarhMMaaadl obsi'rvatInn, tie- antOM entertains, provokes to lauahieror to learAaadeeavlaeee moie effectually ihau ha t?St o, the must powc.tut amutueut. DICKENS-SC0TT--CO0PER. AcaseedltioB, deM Maabag. PerVteL,jM c uts. Acme edlthaa, half co. per vol., 7.. coala a dee ediiian. haB Baaala, aiu fop. Per w>i.. +1. It by bmII, add for paataga on uka Arau ediuaa o cents tier ml. and li! cenis p r vol. for the A din edition. OILMAN'S aiBBON'S R01VCC. Hkttarvof the DecBaeaadFhll el the it. maa im u->-, by Edward Qlbbea Wnhaotee r.y 11 B. MUaua. Ancwrdl ( Iben with very taD lades, complete in Bra v-aum-*. VaLI H-aJy Deoemh r 10, 187B. aad ia. mnietaiag telnaaee, tire hi Deeemaer aad twa ka Jaaaary. The type Baad a Me, vary 1 laiw faced Boarnecsa The priee ef the cheapret edltfcoa beretolure pubUahed (Inferiortathla)has been pa, laiclv re daead by eoai( etltioa, aad tue plaice hcinr; bo liy worn, to pat .js Ihe heel poeoiblea Ivt-rt seineut of on- historical series, >.f which weniake QiBban the tatradaeMry werfe, aiiil beta scatter Ibe v<luim-a nmmi? pnrclns-cis throuirltnnt the eonntry,andthna daaaaaatrate ftatf umivahed excellence combined wuh Bar priee, im after to tn. first io.inio par 1 has. is of t.ihho 1 a special dis.ount of lo tier Cent fiom tho prices give! alene. life AND words OF christ. By CUNNINOHAB ORIKfB, I). P. PRICE RfCOUOfetl FltoM i* to (0 URB is. All who ar.'i-itt r-.ted In Cie dissemination at re?rtout lifenitiire wl 1 hesrtilr aeleetaa our new edition of tins wot k. Pot Us lo coiu ueii I Iis ? hara ter wmilil he but w..ate ol w..r Is. so Well 11 it knan n and ao l.i(bi\ la liest, eine 1 throiiKhout the r.Iit.-I.ins ts.iriit. ?ra?aiWitaa, itata,rhBh. s"j ; pp^MaaBBh Aldus edition, Idmo half It i-sla. adt top, HI. it by ii ad, pasiajo - Ai aa adttfea, 10 ceuis; Aldus editioa. It cents. In repiln'ine at a t r ee bo low and etuitrasilna an won derfiillv wlta that ef tae 1 h-jp- st edition heretofore i nl.ll-li. .1 wehuM not, as maav will at Ural luiattine pi minted a bout ' Pout In pi ml, paper or bliullna. I he t\p.- U clear, bt-autifiil, j Iarire, op-11 tiif'-d Hrevii-r, the paper and pilntliiK t x. ell. nl In < 111M1.ty. au I Hit- bin.Una rich ami heauti.ul. as well a- a iopr ' aad daraaia rhe Ahtaa edlnaa anil Ira aa nraeweat to aar i llbrarr M Ceatre la-ike| as a t;;|f htstk for ciu.sti-iua or other nietaoriiii nan, if 1- rax uli ir.y appropr'tile. o A aieai ami n ihie work, rich ia late bum loa, atagaeal and 1 aeboiaiiyiu s vie, aaraoatty Bereai in B>aBag1 - [leaaaa Literary ?..rid. ?in. aal mi baa broa,-tit to uii iiitli.-ult nml ruble task tho I Mares el aa oBejaeat, aall-tafoiaiea, aad aevatti mim. Be ha*, in a vary araai decree, broaghl bafara hie readers tn? woiidni amch Jeaaa atcvod 1 ihaeoanirj la whieh he lived 1 t.i. people aenreg wheat in- gran up and ?rialalaradi ihe relbjriou iu win u be wat brained 1 tae Teatpia aarvtee la which he 100 k Mrti the eoelaahsai eaL civil and s..(-iai aepaeu of h s nan-. the partlea af the day, their nptuluas aad I In r spun . ib.- cost .ms ii. .1 raled 1 ti>a mBaeai ee rimt prat ailed : Ihe eveate, social, ft Ucloue aad pollOcal, not oientbsned in n,e Oea |i" ?. that forunal tin- hietary of n . lifetime, so tar as they aad.' . 1.oao.hi standard. Th Riverside Press, of jlou/rbton, Os?<std i: i-o., have pub. BahedtheOloha Bdlllaia of ihe noreia ef s-r v\ .cirrscott, C i.-iib a 1>I. ? s and Jauiea Fenlioore Cooot-r. Ihey are printed from latge tyje ot cxce lt-nt luce (ot r. sdlug; the oiii.Hi.a Is tasieiui .1 ,.< attractive, a-ul ih. v a . te 11 1 resp cts the lieal au-1 most e.esirahle popular rui.l[ these wurid famoMaaveli evei j.ubi!sweti la thlaeeaairv. Thetleree eewpe ittea of some or tan aeatthy pui>n?Mna housoa has caused Hie lettutioii in pi hues of three wat ha ta !? 1 ., ti .ii tn 11 ot t :?? ir l.irmer ootl, and by puu'fi.- im; n very lark- yuan itie. ai.d <:vln>,? our paimns Dm greater share Of tiioiousequeiit nttiieiion. woare aide i maketm aMprteM leu thai we h oi ever imariiied to ia- peadhie except by amnafasiluilhg themaaraatrea Not heina oui own publica Ibaaa we manm gnaraatiie long aaatinaancc el 1 ? . y . .?, urn < an we allow .1 dub rate >t aaejt'a dhwenat BOOTTB WAV RLY NoVF.LM. iu II thkth volumra. Marli M ste. i eiuravlua^s, tinted paper, ein? , |(>:h hlndiua? Pub 1 sh. i 's aru .-. llgi our price as 0(,. WOBJU OP OMABLBd DIOKBBB, comp ete in IS vol. nines, eeatalnlaa :>:> iiiuitnti mis, hv Derley aad ? Htharti aod en iu let lo ?11 t:-e charaoMra. llnt'-d ia r. extra cloth bindma Publishers prli e, f IS. our urtcc, fO 60. ?\<irk.i of j \mi.s FEMMotti-: coiii conrptMaBj { 111 voluuu-s, tint, d pnnrr. extra cloth i'uh nliere . price, tibi our piitc till. MM .M l.\Y .s HISTORY OF RNGIaANDk We have puhllsht'd a new edlliou of ti ls sli.11. aid work. In live laige lOiim. voiiimea, ue.triy'.',lli>0 P v ?. lia c .da t.imllua. I n He-Price of '.o f 1 1.,, .. .. .\0 |?.i. I ter .sin Ion of t i s w ork hna ever hee-i l-siie.| 'b Una CoaBlf f (or l> as ilein ?7 -ai; it is. In f?ci. al lies 1 sal 1. in style . wnh iheeditloi a of Harper. I.lppinrott rud 1 tha r 1 uhiisi.era, whieti nn 11 racially ih< > hate cataioamd at thai pin ?-. p?,t i ,0 as *, ! aaaae ia Kirro'd cyclop DIA OF BIBLICAL LITER* . ATURE. Ia twa large a e vatnasaa. ahaal LBOOnagaa Ithreiraaad byntaai baudr d.nrrsvinge on wood. Price net vtdamo la ' ,-hii 1, *i : bait Baas a sill ton. PI ;. 1. PeataitonOeanta, Ann tstit- a aowr.-edy of ihfag eat wan, redaced la prhae to m ? lllll of 11a t.n um r cost, will he be ird . welcomed t.v a:i Madeal aadwerheraiailMrellKleaeield. The atacuIBi ni r.a .11 ot ihe Jo m labors al aver fart) al the moat n Had btblp ral arhahiraand wrBeri a ntodern tfma<, repr HNiilna uii ihe great eraagrliral churches, under the edlto'?i.lp ef the laat. nun in. J iha Kitto, 11 is mi tan Indian asahl ? to IM IP nn ef every aHaisler an 1 al erery d ii but aladent Ii is wu.i vei vitnai piaaann ibatwegadll mear pom 1 iims t (pu.-n 1 It Within the reach al ....nn timu-u-mla who bate bi r.-totorc been u.-out red by ita esl cost troui 111 neeniualisa CRUDi S fJ cost ORDANCI . DRABBIOOBO, price hi.hi PBU TO IL w> have p..? raadi mi aaahrhlg d edltlea af Ulfa aeia haM ia -I pi lined, ni 15n.ui paper.aad well baand m a largo ee. lav.1 re ama, Prh ? la el ith, *. 1 ha f iumsIj, c.u t-.i. -f; .".u 1'uet.i ;c. i 1 . nl -. I>!:YI> N s VIRGIL. a m-w e.llti.i'i ef the worki of Vltgil. Irji slattsl by Pi v.l.-11 prtntadfi.aa ai1 '? Ian ? lyaalaahai flaotae inata i elono! aalforai in aum oi pane and style of imiiua win, our oin. r ' Acme a al Idas <? lit! -es. w-.L . e w Icouietl by all who drilabl in iha alaaMi ? a al lataM lal. t ?. Ai m < c.'it n-n ale. it |. o |i.:,r. ? t lnih. lo cents Alibis e.| l:o. . i l 1 t ip, bail Kiiaaia. Mil reins. Ifio Bail,poeUks< keme ediiiea, 9 ..i.i?. Adas ciumn 1 * ' IN. .?Ml' \R IUI I HOLIDAY AND GIFT Uouks. 1 The ALPUH EOITIOXB af ear pabBca .mis are eaMelalts BalteMafar aae aa heiblav m other aietnorial aitta. Combim ' im: lu -ti it iin-r.t. * th ? im hi st onit-i witu hi a iiuTal typeaia Bhy,.n tfaeiiaper aed pnat-a-x, aad elsaaBL salaitaallal hm inl' allhceat inel la a aaauaal whea eamna'ed with aiakMar pabbcatmaaaf ?aber baiatea thej an- ju-t wuat I people ehe hare Baa la Ie and li e leasluia nispoaltluu to 1 s.u.iv Btoai aiy * n del it In Inn si then ? eat] la. Even Uie rm-a-er edttloiis ..| mir laH.ks are a nie eium -h ot iad etil Hi rssatMm i t. aa ei t mi w mte el ? ? I \-> i Mas foe narvoar of pree atglvtag bnl if one1 aaeaai wiiiao fai enoeitii It is alwa, a an in-reiseat ii.-i| even la aosseaa m wait a?afa giro the work < a Btraftta anthei u beantifjl. Int il b| I.- s ofou i i ns pal i r 11 aaa ee i so- ALDfja KDITIOBB In 01 .... iv pr t.o mi i it ii Baa i.ea\ \ ; ?per, wiCt ? l?e msr (rtue ni..- - nil. bo ii il at i. .il t. kiii lop, ?a i.i ties i i LIBRARY .il' i MVi R-itt. K lnWl lll...... lulkl tola. Pra eper vnh, ? I ; n . i.. 12 et ma UllAMRBRa'a CrCLOPdaOlA OP KXULIBB l iniiv i ac- . ? ? ??? Is. We aiso is' i tlllion of the sB'ue, lio'iml In b.ilf Kns-la, Kill lop, for I he pi ii e of ti Ml tor the a>-l. TAIN EMI HIBIORYOFI NfJLIBH U1ERATURR. \V> have also l-,.|.- . tu et. -ll.-ut lo i |>ri el . ,,i mi of Hilt work, it is tin- traaafauaa of van La m. aa iiaabtt tadn pruil or tin- last Koxlisti edition lit four tnl .titra. wllli all Iha hui loir's a nl Ira slat <r's la est notes ami c mc-tona lua l.-irae 1,'mo volatile of about 7?>l paaea of cl-a.- ami i> (ie, u Ie ell ihn ie.i.i-ia Ki ue.aily ran eaatre, thaatKh mae ihau aaeteath Ihe price t .at ?aa i haraed tor ta loan ? >isi lu Una i ountiy only a f< w y.-ars ago. TAINK's i.\..i.i-ii LITER ATE RB is In aa r.aprcia rival of CHAMBERB*B CYOLOPJBDIA OP ENOLINII LITBRATCRB, bat a aaeM esaelkw rraapaalea ralima ami ImiHi uutht to Im? tu the hamlB of eveiy one t? i.n takes a t e llciit lu ii-e Kucusii lousue. Pnce, b-.iin.l ta extra cloth, bo teat11 lu half t.usaia, ?.it top, tl 2,. lly atall pnalaga If eeuta. OTHER BTANDARD PUBLIC/ I IONS, ACME I.I ii It A It v OF STANDARD BlOOBAPBT. IB Igrvfa. Clnih. s. hi st-patately. l er vol., m.i raata : pnettee, b I conn. Fi.deia*a the UitMt, by Bneaahty. -?" haw Hah it lluraa. bp Crtle, '.'ilj pp.; Maliouu i, bf ll >b-n. Bi - pp.; Martin Luth. i. hv chevallrr lltiuaen. J'.n pp. Mar- ij o . u pf sent.-, by Lamartine, '.'."ft pp . Joan ol Ar i . Mnl....l, U.iHppi Hannibal, by ihoe. am., i.i ran pp.. casat.i'i Ua dell, '^17 Bp.| i iooiwell. by l.ainartlue. o-s ma; ? SM litt, by Maciinlat. . 27 pp.; t'olomhus. by Ijiiul(I .e. ".m r>C-l Vnioria ( ol ttti.i.iiy i rolio e, *Ji7 pp. acme i.I iia ii \ ol m' ill Kit n CLASSICS. Hi 0 tola I ChMh. easd separately, Per to. .so eeate i Mataaa d cenia. I vicar of Wakeile .1. UBf pp.i leBB BaekB, Btl p,... Utt > .. die's curtain i a lutes, I i."> MSj pa ,| H? , Virginia, '.to* pp.; pice o a uu po. i Cadtae aad Othct rah s tie ip i re disc lAial, '.'Ni pp.; Lady of the Lake, 31- pp.; Saut fBAaB.BR) pp. ji'venii.i: classics. Velaaiei heaad in rdeth. aoid s.-parateiv Paotafm. s asahl ea. h. Baaya 'e purr.m e Praeraaa, 17.'. pp., so reute, firnt-ma Nufhta Ma pp. ia i.-iii.. Kobois to Ciiisoe, i 30 pp., SS cents ; it j ion Mumuau a -a "s.i pi., taicania HUI.LIN s ANCIKNT HIMTORV. Twovots. In one I l,.i spp. i i th -?? :?>. -h-ep.a:',. ? -i. ?,, ,?.. jitHhTpBl't i ? i? ? WOBkm rwe ttm. ta bbpi \,Hi pp. ill'. -'-' st.o. p. g.? ,"?1 . pna< as . en s. smith s uiRi.i. IIICTIOBABY. Heart] - tl i 'ta l liter. ? ? H J0| i.ottaa.. tSieuts. siltKl-ti \ K'HtOdPLBrra WOHK*. t. m. up. cloth. sii i pp. Chith, ?uls ball ite ia, f I -.'., . pottage, I.I ? ite, . or n Al t' hal e Us. cecils lu.i.K - of NAICI'.AI. ii.-i.M:l Parti, Iba.". Pan II. Hilda. Pan III, Inse. Is . a to'a la 1. l!7o pi^ t loth, tl I'. ; postage. 1'J.eXi - I'I' I'lHM IIWDV l.KXICON. i loC-, M Ceuts; | . s, uje I a? ma. KMuP'a FABLES, 2UM pp Cloth, mi cent*; postage. ? M kohan op Mohammed, ciotu,' io c uts, postage. ;i eaata ADVBRT?BBH OP DOB QUIXOfan tS-'op- cloth. 50 Cellls I OS!.,..-, >l c. Ills. BTORTKa ami H A I.Lads for nil'Mi folks, by hllea Iracv Ahtaa. Cloth. Bl ; pasbagaal. *? 11 It BAT tl" I ia Bl ORB AT AvTBORB, Mil pp. Cloth, ho cents laisiag--, lOceuta AklKltlt \ N i It V huiy spoeehea Of eminent otatoiti od I pp. ? !??!-. s-t o. -ta.-e. IS cents. CELT Hit A I K i HPI I CURB op CHATII IM, III'Ii kb and KtrKi'i: 510 aa. laath. gl pattaae, lSeeata URAT.TH R\ KXLRClsE. by Ur. C.eorge Ii. rat lor 40? pp coin. IVOe 'Bis . Boat ig,-. Scents. BBALTB POR ."MkN. bt Dr. i(corse H. Taylor, pp. t bun, 4a ci ill ? po taitc. I ceuts. i r.??iM rip t i.i its. 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