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Ihr ?iik? ttFand nronut eMrane ItM yeir llicsiiinof 1-4.? H' ?t,?.. rVTtVATII i i: ' Mt* f4V Tin- rei mmm ? Iba B/n < i i ? i lane ao. tt4i, emm it- -t ?am exUtlag btwa nil I n laaaac in m.Biagac<\,ei*i Fr?in im . Bl ' ? ?? ? . . ''.'in? Pram -al.-s of p?ldtc lands .... I. ? ?'.'?'? ' I ri hi 's N I rental ii .ii!'! Btadta "f Nu Ii..Ii..: i. .. k. k.7.'. ?.?.kl * 1 -in ... . I .?' 1 1 r. ?' In In , c 1 . i? *y I ?in a- t ? . - 1. o . '" Kr'tii 1 ? ' ?- ms? p.-i .l:;.--. .1.- 1 IOO.Ol.fl h . 1. Irr? I. tt- ts |??te: t 1.11 '111 1? .. 8.0.1 ? ? ??r. ?1 ????? ?? Mitnii tp.. n? jim-mi Pro'.1 nr. Uea eatoage.etl .. ? t. OOtortu Kr?naaa**aaa*wmeanreee .1,790 oa Iota'. ?: inarr aareapB)..-'-?s &k>>? ? T... Ml Mira ot expcudttur ? '. r i'u idune pcil?"t tt~ ii vi- 1 T o Ilm MMtOjl BSCCnJ v? 1?. .- trti.-c -t- mm ai fidl-.v lern. :?.-.-? . .... ac.n-"?n>-?'^ ) V. ... ...... i.-.."'" .' ' 101 fahata. MWii.vouii * etel !l . i 1 ? !?? ? . 1.1 .'?.i ' " > H lli-i v'.-..:.![ -hm ni .... . SB. 310, 0170 N ii fti.n n . 4.!".??-'. 11.% M rMoMM .." ... ?.'.4"M? aoa ;?.?.-,( r Bbrih? Ttc? in- 0 M?MM*I. * !-J "?" ?' Warn-;... r.i.-ni J.SjT.Oal 41 3t?*y i**? >?*?? 'I . iV. ' ^A' laU-rl 1 ti. Sei tat* nl . ??'.? ? ifiwiiiii -t - ?n ?in-ra .. _ .... i..-.iiiii. , ?'. . 7.711.'. fllrna- ??. . IM * H /' , j.UHrnt MMMMi ??'/? ' >?. i(i'i.?'i* Int-rm? . :i t u i?MWeaM ?-1.177. JI" 00 ?takln*-Put.d . Sm^JKia: 7'.' H.-f.iiH'li .-! in?, ni. mal ri-v ni?-.l.?i.-K..vr ,T.?, n.m rail.vmiiic frma eustueM . ,y..i*i. ?>?>??<? ? Ma mm. .. aa .... .... LTTMlM M T..I-?! ?-- ? im-teu exncndltur???, Inriuitinar rt.aklt. ln.t. r.'7'.(?:..WUJ Ol an .at - n :tp!ti?.if. !?,'.?"-.'? 5 Iii j:.. .?? i..._- un* Kinnini: fmni. ran eetnaatng ?nrn um. v. ' ? ?? ??_?:;*,-jo.?,i:;.'> i.T. ?...nwim. a nip! is <>t fi'.'."..'?.-' i SS raaaaiaBaaaaal rerenaepni Ha aast Basal yeai an Baaed upon ihn aaBOMpttaa that the b> i ii m..! r-. ? lot. iln im; Hu? past f> w tnonihs arc nhnoi mal. aanl BMtMty due to the tilting up at wanta i-i-.-itt-l b) tin '.' .lenrcf?d.?n, rather ill iu by tbe actual In (?!? , 1 cf trade. IImmmiwann Bataa Baarsenet. the rave* nues f?>r li:e lu-.' i xi-.t pr? biiM\ will not h? Irrn-i-wit Ik v.'!. I '!.i OaMMltaMMMl i. T:if r?tMiiiito.l i-\|?.-:iill MaaafM Mai i m borbMl an boamloaoo aaoroaalto aMataafoa Maaa loo ni aao aoaoaoary aappofMMloai for imlrj 1 OMaa 1" r.'iir-"- of 1 oii.iiurlion. Tbr ratt aaaMt aaiaaai "i M>^aa^sao ai vtl pNaaaa)r/aaaa> aaaoMi .- ?? bo\aalaoal aaaaopilattaBai w-oiiM ObaanvM baaNoai na i.ppi-pnation? tx >ou?i ii:i? inii.t. or t-pi-iii or aaaaaa wba> lag I v--. btaot BoaaMI of rtx-tuii- must be j r. rtdod. bIhmU i'hs reona M aoianokaoi rmo, \. bot erer,I a aVeiataty awaw 001 paaaaMaaoa* aa ?111,0 unatgeoi. aa a moaaa of moot loo ibo aVaaioony. Iba roatoi to aef i moOoralo aoiy oo too ami ooObo, ami Mi- h \ tine or .ii- auaroallax opoo BMralacMaao i.f o| lam. 1 hon n .itioi mofo folby stab ?l. ATT I NTIOM < ai U I' |U i III: MMKUtO I I HD ACTM, t.i Si laabMj aalbi aao MMolbw ?*? Caahataaa.MtaM eoi.meti. a, to tin' Ai l* of Fi "r'i.iry SB. l-H'J. 11 ml July 14. 1870, unmnnr Un-piin husr or payim ut of one |s?r ei nt of ::.o i-ii'hf ih-tit of the f iteil Stati-i wilbiu eai h fl-i-.ii vi ai afti-r the l<t ilay of Jrly, l?o;j. to In net ap ut a* a itaMaa htai, aai Iba bibrreal ta iik?- mao n. rl. i'i'|i lol tn tin- piireb.oo* m i-jvimut of Iba puhin .u bi, aa tin- Baataian af Iba iMoaaay ? is laam tin.i- '?? fiiur illu-.t. Tl;. -r .n !s al.- ri-^-.uil.-1 ? lmp<M>ii g upon the Pecretary the duty of provulmg for aba MaBtag faai aM af the mi plat laaaaaM M the ti.-Vr. 11 in- i t. II a? BoaatBgMMaBbl to coinplv witti tin a * laoolnmintadarlaaIba paal f'-a paaia^ awtag M tbo toas of r?Ti aao i ons, mmmm agaai Ose u*Moral aaanaoloa alba im-? 1 in.'iiiflo ut Hit- ?nun i v. But a* Hit- pr<> pecta f. r ii-i i-n-?-?t rt-vei'in-i. ?-? l.u*.''- ?lib the ri to-wi-d aetltllr m all hr.iui hra (<f ?.?111. protH-r nt thia lin e 10 araa in?- Baaataaoaa <>t maotloa tue sMics liaas en .1 ? b* ibaaa u?-t.?. Ii u lailaaaiiiil that gB0,8*iH 731 will berogalred for 1 ti?.? aoryoaa ?lunu? ?aa 1 ? 1 st ft i*. Appi-* i-iatiiur ihe neceaslty fur iinlt.-il action 111 BbM gbroe iwa. Ibis tb pai Imiat arlll baartliy ??? ?>|a rais with OaaatPeos oa the maei rurul aeoaomj m tin: aabOe ex aeaditnro? ttudorllacbaraa.and m tint and tbe8eeri lary 1 ? v.-i - earelal eattetderattoa of tbe aatlaaabaa <>f ? \ ? 1 reaor-mitteOby tbeseTeral RxeeotlvefJeparl m?-ui?. a- . apwoiiTbiliaui bejrwad laaaa aotaaily BMBoadad 10 ti.. iMMwaaiilea >.f the Qovorameal ?1I1 only Impuir the uti lity of tue llnmelBIJ to cany ti.tsr law? :lit.. .11 i :. ffita 1 xUewtt BBaaaagBaa Baeiabaeywo tum. I.. ~ 11_.-- ~t for tba aoaaMteraltoa ol the reapeetive aaoaaa a permanent atgaaiBattav ol no Appropriations fjBBBBalttea lOT ? seil 2,?iu?f. who nli.ti! lmv?- leave lo alt BBrWtB ta r> cosa, wllb power to -?-ii 1 for ja-rsou? ami pap.-ri> an i" 1 xa in in .* nl i ?x i>?-uiliiurt-? ol the U<> vein tin Iii ; thai ml ? la- niloplcil hv tlie lra|h-CIIVe hoil??-s BMItnw appropriatbiu bills 10 Iteasa <it approprta 11 11. ,. 'i : m adlaa BMrtalalfra i-n.visions; that alt Bopraprlatl'.n-. ? x epi f?-r tie- tutereai of the ?abbe debt, belbatliegMa period not exeeedlnxtwo ft ars, ant 1 ait Mo- 1 i-xp- lull tin.- lie strictly cotitlm-d to Ibeperiotl ol lime tor arbteh tbey are approurtatoii; aiul that ..1; permoaealead lodeBolte opproprlathana msiie Maaatanafanrjreonago, ex.ent mat ior tue put>iic BaM. r< !??-.. ?>? I BBM mi in in am? IBfJVBTBT. At the iaO Bf mi annual BBgeBt* DBBBMBM 2. IgTg, tbe iir. pa: ,.ti n- for Ihe le>uiii|>tloii of -pieie |.av u.i-nts gaatMVi far bp tlie ac-t Bggvaoad JBanarjr 14. i?7.\ and boon ?abataaiislly comi'h-tecj. on the l/t d iy uf Janaarj, lgTS, Iba < Baad for tin- resumption of api rn panraaaaBS, the re??-rve of i- 'la on r and above all matured liabilities BM |133JM)8,t(Ot 5(1. |*PrvtBM to that Unie, in view of resumption. United .state- notes suit coin ante freely received aud paid 111 pi iv ate Ii.miner- un npiivali nt-. Actual re BBBg tion BBMMBBBBi at the ItflM Bxad by law, without any WOBM Bl BBBMBi for BBBBj ami without di-luri.anee to put. a- or pr'v.ite biisltn .-.?. Sk>dlatlnetlon nas in-cn made ?no e Ih it time bet vei-n coin slid Culled brutes note- m lbs e iBnattea 01 dutioa, or 1:1 tin- paymeui 01 tlie prinr pal or Interpol of Ma pWbile dent. 'I lee great iMKly Of eo.u li.dt-btrillit -s hu.? been paid 111 United .-slate* ?ales at th<- n-nuest of creditors The total auiount of Cnitcd Ptates notes presented for redeiupimii f 1 khi .Isnuarv 1 to November 1, |a7Bi nas ?11 -'MB78. Bnl Ultle coin hu? been on the coli liamlitie? of the GoTi-roment during the s .me |>eriod. though the iiuiolinl a ei inng excie.l. ii 0600,000,000 BtoanilBM com was freely puid into Me 1 reaoarr, mid gold bnl ion wi * geposiieo in the Assay iilhi-i and paid for In Uuuid Btstea nous. The BBBBaana p Id an 1 aBvae aaaa au.i boilton m ihr Treas ?ry Mere aed durtna thai neriot from gl07.S58.7Hf 19 lo ?}-_,j.">,i:!:t..">.".s 7.'. ami tbe m i balance arallaide for reauinptiuo lactaaead troui irlj.i.ji.-.soi 60 to glft2,7S7,lM 4*. lu aeeardaooa with the position taken in the lent mm> naal rapart. VaiMd Muies boon hare bees received mure January 1 last in payment of unties ..ii Imports. To meet t c local deaaaad for com in place? athar MM Bhrw-Tork C ty. pereom apgipiag Bare beea pahl -iiver coin f..r ITnltod BtabM note*, the coin being delivered to llieui on i staiilishi-d express line- f:i-e of expenae ; ami fer some i Una aoM und nl rar eoSa I Bl bat n tn ely paid ?nl at tlie -i-ieral MiieTreasiirle- upon current nbllga Inas af t in- Oot i I iiiu.-lit There hii- bsea, BoWOVTBr, bat llttM deuuuul for . ohi ?lid 1'iilted sitales i.idea, ami the circulating note* of ghnaaaal boaks hare Been raeetred aad paid oat ?t par with com m til bnetneea traaaaetloaa, public or pri? vate, in a.) pal is ot Ihe BBOOtrj . The apeesc Biaadari Maa Bspallj taenrad Baa glrea an bnpatas Mad kladasf bnmoaaa. Many iudustrt.-s, |;reuth depo med aVM c the panic ol 1 ?73. baVC r.-\ 1 veil, wmle baetaaaad uctiv t.i hu? Bean snow u m all brauche.? of pr. ?Im : o>ii. tin.le and eammcpos. Every prepara? tion tor rcsiiaiptiou was iieeompmied with Incrcasi d tiu-tiw- ami luiitl.teticf. ami ItaeooMmmation has been' followed by a MTIVal of pinductive industry uueX auipled 'ii OOI previous hl-tory I: 1? U111.'. lio-dull of tills ll. partunalil to maintain crsuio: tnoi, an 1 for Ihh) purpose, in addition to the use of surp.'u ? 1. venue and tin- Tui-il lor resuioplloo pui ?BBaa. Um Bern Ion h) aalBorwed to lasue, aeii, anddh Saaa et a; aol han tnan uar bj com. atlhi r 1. 1 kj .?r per ceut 1.0.nt-... 1 lie deeerml oa Bel out In tin- lt< tunning AM approved Jaiy 11. 1*7(1 Ttda aet hi baaed upou the lue BBQBaBaTT axpaodltfea of Hie li?V ernmeut BPgaWpeMMd for hv Cougro*a will be met by rh?- .111 rent rerenui-.?, leaving the surplus rev. um-- ?ml in?- rciu-rv?' Mad available tor mumotioo. g-ll M also provided by thai net that Ihe aiuouut of HLtiiied Males null s to oe I. lp . mable nil del ..,:?( 10 coin ^Hail .' 'dilalli roilui f?! lo Hi. -mi, .,f .-?.;???../! li.cSJO. Tbl' a ? ipprored M 1. :i;, 1973,lw roaai 11 be maxnuum ^^HM-'oited Slat - luiiea wnirb reauuipiion bl t? in maintained 10 tin- -um o: tilli. i> i.llltl, I the 101 in ouuiuudmg at tlie dan- of I I be paasawe of ihe ?et. Ii ulao pn.vidfs I ?Bfanoaa: "Aud when anv of said ootee maj :>?-r<-J dtsroied BP be n e? ived nit<> Ihe Treasury aadei any law, from any aonrre wbalover, and ahail belona 10 tue Volte.1 ?t?te?. 1 bo J snail 11..: bo retired, concaved or d??- I atrt.m-.l. Bnl IBaj shall be lataanod and paid out ngain, nnd kept in en eul .1.0.1." Tin* ael must in- eoustraed in BBBaaathta with IBa piwvnhnel mo fieoaiiMtMNi that ?? No 11..'a-v shall andrawa from tbeTreuauri inn iu ecnsiijai 101 m awgnmrMinn* node bj law.'' Ihe reaerve funderealed b? tbe Branmptloa Ait ana d no-. .- Itheal nuttier lagtalatloo, be spp .. ?i to the papnaent of entrant approprm Ilona j 1 ni 1-.1 to n. pre eu.I that Congress will bbbM M pry ride ampierev?? BBBbMbmbm such uppniprhwtant rher?-fore, underex IpBnx law, tbe nates reeeired MM the Teeaaurv inex chalice for ?-',111 ??nl slnayaoe ..V.11 ab e for t'lepur BhaBe af nt 1 tohaagw forcoia or mm on. Am t'ultcd BMP 1 notes ta the 1 n asm v m t be exi hange i for ???> d Baahrrthai uutho.ii.r 01 s ;i..,n ;t.7isi of 1 in- U?w-.- i Biatuie- Irani aesn raB i<>- :?? ? () ,i ]?.,, i,.i n,to| puijo.-e they Maat neeaaaaah\jr rameia Mibe Xrcosui-y. A -P. ?III' PIM MI'IlUN H'M> i:l i ?.\| MKM.I P. To avoid all mo ilaiuti, n in u-.-pi c.f jpy ivcoui BMBJUMttflkal by 11? the BBaaMptMB fun I l<e sm-cifl aaBB ?t' aanal and ist ..pirt art in rnk mptioa ut i utieo Mates iioii-s, and that ibo u?t?-? redeemed shall oulj U laaui diu aneBmaga aar er pareanaa of ooiuor i.u?ion. Tbc gr?-at rouveiii'-m-?- and BBBg BfnaaBartallotl Ol notes has U.-u- fai ?-iiat>:.-d Ihr l v to i-?ctiai .:>? 1 hem f.,r eo.u or bull.1.11 at nil the reutiea of produetlou of gold aud Mien in iin? count .y, and ttu>. 10 pay f01 large BBBBBatBBPttga OBMBf Baa BaaBg OfBce lu New Veefta Wtthasat BB] BaaantMl ?Iran on the resumption inn.., ana II to bain red thai tins reiaaMrj -i,, ,1.^.. aill 111 1.Hin.wry tnui-j lUrnlsh the fnmMHrj wim uli tae t?J II llOfrSiy. It woiiPl b. only in an um MBOefi not < a?y t.. . and not nk.-.y to arise, that tin 1 en PI to soil bou ? lor < resumpiioL. mupaeet nonfd bo exeroiaed. but n 1,1 b. tue-. 1 v< .1 m men any extrnardMarj eemand f? the roaenytMB ?>f n??t?s win. h miirht pos-, blj oeear. She BeOfatary kt, Moennra, of the eeensM thai ia? pro viaions or existing law an uiupii- to ? nah.'?' the Depart lue nt to tuaiutaiu resumpCon, area BgOB Ma pei s m Volume of t'n lod Btalee uotea. In vk-w, In.w? v'?-r. of tbe laTKc luflow of M"ld Into II,. ,-. unii \. aud Ihe high prltf ?.f pub.te ? would Kam to lie a iBVfH able time to a jioi n-.n ol tbe Bbsking A-'i.i g la gMttSi Blairs uotes, to be letli 1 <i uu.l call 1 1,, d, audio IM? Mr iv ura Ine'lv to rn.''>n-> I' <? m?\i!ttum if Ildes In Iii - . lu n' .-.100.00 '.Oll t, ill. Oxid Ig Ute ResumptlPii Ar.. Ti.o M.irv Ulli BlfBllj Mit? Im* uK< r|l. n of i nn Utm t? IN question wheiiiei I' iltid Ml KU? unten.:ui mill SB mr m mwmi Msiter Bs IM "??i ssd of SVbse. luv t . WCS .flu in ?? in in; k tlu in sieh \? ?? r ? ? ii ?? ? ? pTttm dorian im ?rar? and wna tip-Mta "v In? i nu i ui t 1mm mmmjit ie rcBMoe th?M Hj Ums \ p hc . f ? r tin- , in.w redt essed, i- ?Uli ????nt -.-i? <l u th.ii <' i rr. Prior |n 1802OB*? Mal Bad dlvei wart i l< ii ;? ml? .. Ittilt? ? ?? <ii " ?!i <l bv pnvetc HUM Vinn.- hi tin- Hilms, und ??????<?? Ii . ? nvem nt forma ami deekrM I ndies Uns bou lue l*?p? r inuiiri I/. ? VioiuUv t<> |?av sueb coin. Vi ?'?? .1 tultoaal I'--- n i- rat* <i ag n>t IM Isra* ml notes doi i?. rtaa inter.-,, ta i?" Band m a pari <?t IM elreaiattae no ii'tun. Tai ebmf onjnctioa m too ndsalM ?i mo i > bp Ii ? QatarBM al aran i Mi oi the i< imi-l n< w I cianae, fur ala?tHM that tM Untied BtatM mm weaM l> - u,. Murad t>? ii- nec in ase, na safety aad it< pratanl rsdampttoa. Ia ?st nmi dur Ing ii irr im- in blic rxlgeei ?. otber eooslMrntJana mat l f..l?T \ i thcI1. J?Ut tt WtWM'l e in Ml it dlll Ii? ! ' IM, and apcrUlly daruta times of proaMrtty nd trarp'na r?\ciiue. tu ]> lo ? r. imi MUaltrilPlatesonpbl !?? -tat.d like aaj ata*?* Maww net". It abmild ha I carrrui ui? ncj ,n.i>- bp t>< ?'??.? aroMptlv rsalssaaed bt cata m osmasnt. IM aeaa of ibo Unite.i Kates n mow roc veil for nil public 8 04 Si ami 1 carefully limited iu amaaai: it u promptly ? .1 BMd ?ti racaiaada and laipta ra r.-?s Ii a la nie pinrtOM ta atve conBdcnet ni aad atMtlt) foi aaeb rraVuipUou. wiiii litest.OJtioM maintained ibe Unit? <l Hin las u ??# wri M readl ] r. c ???>, u and paid oa :.i drauMtda bf Biia they are malataiMd, tM IncaMen ,lor clause l -. v? ? to t b4 lIHtOBal ? redll . r - ?ettoB !?? Ha? il . i?. mi lead to impair aaaaVleaca aad leetaa a N its of t%\? flat He. pjaHtat op nil Mtoajs-toapaji cxaooa ORiiojK ii wnuiii ?> cni, iure. tosM ins ?t;.! 11in me mm asalatsaaBwi af NaoaspckM It la a aaeleaa aad obfee abie aascrtioB of pavar( whask OosayrsM aatphiBoa rapMl oa tM aiouusl el sxpedHeBey a one VBaai it is cou-i'lcnd ill it Its coisiiiutinuality in seriously c > > ii s:< ii, :ii..i fraaa ttaaatara it is aaajeol lo oan istav. it wouiii now appear ta bo wi-s' t ? wttaOraw '.c i-xcrciae <?r aaeb a paver, leav.ii? I; in r?-sc:-yc in i? asjalB reat ti ?t i< n, ... ii ? periM ol war or arava cm : : i m] a -1 slated in l DOS. rOe Govern meat derlTaa an adTantnM m erreolattas it-notes without Bstorastaaavd tbs pmpI prefer sncta notes to com as loeney for tbelr rMveauucc m use in ibelr oenoln reOewptiea to coin on OVtn n<L Tt - sia> fual ndvoiitage ssap Pi leeatcsi witbowt tlie rxe*rlse of queationabli power^aoi Med an] arise Iruu ihe repeal of the i-gal-.eiulcr tlait-c, as in futltic ciuiim-ts. Coutrartlna parties Saar stipulate fireitlo r ! gohl 'T Kilver co b, <o boiti n ne.ney. I n i be ahseiice of an < x, resa stlpulatioa " r cot . tin- cm on, ? , resu:n|? ttcn WoBld exist thai the paitB-s i-onteuiplale-l par tneui In bbbtsoI asoMy, MO sueu prc smuption niiaht properly be tloetared by law ami the contract eufore >i aeaordteirty. The .-'crctivrv, therefore, resn etfaJlj robaiits to Cooaress whether the 't i' 'ttpit- rtnast sb'Sld nrt btt at toiieulo'l as to all fill lire OoBtr lets, ami lie left to Sil|>n'ale t.: luo-ia Of payment. I'u. leil .-is'., s BOI es ahouid still lie reeelrablc for all du ? la IM *? ?yi raaasni ; iher simuld lie promidl) rvdeoassd am demand, and ample prvvisn u made to secure surb redetaptloa, ajOtsO AND ULY BO SI ATI-1 ICS. The o|?rrati"iis of tue minis and a<s-iv olli 'ej tjuri' ^ the rear, and ti.eir eotidilii Ti al tM present time, arts exhibited in the rSfSBfl of tin Mreeter of tM Mint. Too report also conts us lecomun adal MBa for in. re., ?ins the effei-titoncss ot that luancli of ih ? s.-rv Ic ?. aud furnishes information relume to the BBMunt ol specie in the country and tbe psMOMNMO al Iba BOne? of tbc raited States, und btSSsBfhl uti lo receni dates ol the currenct i f Ihe priMipal saOOtrhM Si the world, ol th? rales of produettOBt Of the prn ions mrta's. annul their cotisuiuptlou la coiuagc aiid in l lie arts aud mantifac tUt'CM. I he vslue ?>' ihe c'Id colnace aXOMted d tillitf the yiai was ?M0 0-O.IM'J; of standard silver dollars, e27.227,500; of sabsldlsry sivir coin. (38,200: ol o inur eum, pir7.700i total, 008.812^02 .">o nml ellv r wen- ?e|>araied In tba -. mid lb. ,i ofllec In New-York to the aatooai al .w??'.7.*.:i ..41? s*7 in mhl aud 910.087.5211 07 la silver, a total ul l-U.' 17.< "li and ti i* hi .i i. pal ii il Pars wer, made m i he annum; of 1*12.970.812 69 ol s'old nml t9.U40.802 11 ol silver. The in.tits au I u-say ofHces geaeral.y arv In execlletil condition, ai d tbebf eapaelty at sufticlcni to meet the dem hi.I for ruli.iiti' hiiiI Par-. The sold coluaas ? aea l-d-j atoal which time |i dis-. ai iHiared froia circulation, hue Men ntiticituil t on uouiilc eagh s. nal aortBB IbS BMP t ear over 11 in r c nt of tbe gold isiius atraab vora m me ?, < it saisiler de niui uution. The eotuaMOl sbbWib aad .mir eaal. s will i>e continued until lbs demand fur assail aohl coin is sup? plied. Tue coinapool staaJard illrer uoilais na.< iu-ea kept fullr up iu i lie rMBheStfienta of biw not wit.'istsud | lni{ ihe dlfilculiy Mperteuc?d In prneorlnn silver bullion for tue mints nt s:m Prsaioiaeo aad Carson at mmmt rales. The i.mount at s.lver coin of 1 ... limn .i m,| provided tor oy law bavii pbeen ejroeuie<l,iiic i-oitiMge of lias Bfatnej Baa Mm saspended lit* deuiuud loi minor coins, partteabsrty for the l-ci tnpt is , ha^ nein pressing. The bufllon prod need from the mines of t io United Htstes for f he I s year II estimated by the Director oi ibe Mud lo he nearly 000^000.000, tbe pioportn.iis oi gold su.l h >MS ado n I niud. i' ic \ ,-ar'.-. Intal p.o ductiou is less tnaathai of the preeeding vom, ?aus d by a diminution m the yield of the mines ol Nevada, which was not composawtod by InortaBa-d productmu in other planes. The Dirreter si maic- ihe com in ti e country on October 81.1879, al #303,750.497 ol gold ?nd s>121.4r>ti.:i5.*i of silv?-t; tue luiilion lu mints mid New-York Assav OflktO ll thai date, awaittn? coinage, auiouut.a to B40,OOl/>03 ol cni and *>l.?".:i.l-J ul ?i.vtt, making (lie loi id iiinotli.t ol coin aid I'll noil, 0481.001.009. TMaaUmnttna ol tMsp ele In Ihe coun? try at any given lin e is uiways dilllculi, Out thisesiiaiate apiMvirs in ii.ivi1 I'ct'ii ran ,ulh ju com cd from coIiimsi reports ineI statistics of recninugc, ex|?>ri and iinjiort. The amount of s-ol l and allVST aini'ially used In ll.c arts and manufactures forms no laeaBMBdetable factor In e? tltiiatliia* Ihe production of the Bines or the specie ivail abio lor vlri-uiattoB, aad aa alteaptbas been made in iorive at th.- amooati so used Iroiu Ihe rtcrds oi ihe New-York AssayOOkss, wkkrb farnlsnes the prineimil yart of ih.- metala cm ?imied tor these purposes, au i from reports oi the aaaaalMl un ? a Tbo general n -ua. while lucoinpieie in details, indiciiii- tliui lue total con? sumption for puraaaea atbos IbaB soSaocs is in excess of eatlmatea Mretofosa made. TIIK NBBIl ol LIMlTIXii lilt OODfAQK OF 8II.VEB DOUtABB, In 'he last annual report the Secretary stated: "I I wonld seem tobe the best policv for the present to limit the ugKrctfutc lasM of our silvei SMsOaSSabased on tbe ratio of 111 to 1, to sip h sums bs can clearh lie maintain, d at par with gold until the price of silver in the market shall iissnme a definite ratio tn gold, wheu that ratio should be adopted and our coins made to conform to it; and the becretary reapsdOJOltp reeoSBmeads thai In- be authorized to discontinue the coinage of the silier dol. when the amount outstanding shall exceed 950.000,000.'' He airinu lespsf 11*01 J sails tbe uitenflo of Congress io tue BBportance of further limiting tho coinage of the sliver dollar. The market value of the bullion in this coin has been, during the past year, from lo to 10 per cent less than the market value of the bull lou lu the gold dollar. Tin; total milliner of silver dol? lars copied to NoVBMMf 1. 1*7!*, under the Act of Feb ruaty2s, 1878.WM0SiS\180.BO0.adWhtoh pl3.ou2.841 was la eirenlatkBi sod ihe lamatoalar, 982,208.258, In the Treasury at that nine. No < tl ? ? has been spared lo put thl- coin in circulation. Owiaa IS its lltmltsl iHUiiHge It has Isen kept at par, PBI its free eotuape would soon reduce its currant valMio its ball Ion value, ami thus estubllsb a sinjtle stiver slaiidnrd. Tlie Inevitable result weadd bo tooMlaOaaoM eota ir. m circulation. ft ta tapoaaibte to aseertata what bsmbbi of silver coin, based uiKin tbe rates of alsteoaof silvi i to. ne of gold, can l>c Maintateed at par With goia, mit ir is mani? fest tiui this vuii oaly he done by ih< Oaveroaeut hold? ing lo its vaults Ihe great holly of the sliver coin. It ? stem that nothing would be gained by an unlimited BStBBflB, unless it is dsstrable to measure all tsIbos by tM silver atandaid. The Mco ratary cannot too?iroi,g|y urge ll.c in pott.nue of ad- j justing iM eoinMo rates ol las '\> n metals Pr treiuies wild commercial Nations, nun a I . thai mo be done of limiting ihe coiuage al the RttVi r 6>Htat to such a sum as, iu Ihe opinion of OOOBMSSI Would ? nable tlie Depart Uieut to reatlih maiiilslu tlie slaud.ud dollars ot gold and allver i per with each other. Un the -IM Ol KuVeBsMSI 1878, at which date the tc fnuding trausactioas wars aroaaoi la tin- las; annual report, there bad Mei lywedofl per ceni consols fur refambng pair puses, 01a4,77O 900, aad ihe re remained at tMt date biaaSa i-edecmab'e ?- fodows : Marn :i, lHii.t, it per ceul, P071.404^00| June 14, lsjs. 4 per cent, BOBO^suu; atmreS 0, 1004, ,io ins). 0 paar seat, 0104.iVkl.800; lOTsl. pB08.251.100. In that report tMBUastasB of Congress was calico to the three mouths public liollce in, i|rcd hy law to Ins giM-n to holden ot called for redemption, wlib the recon.tncuilaiion that Iba law lt.- so BMdtOsd rhat ihe notice Im- ai tn.- dl-cietioii of tin- s. cn jry not less than ten days boi more than three MMtba As no action VMtaBSBBPM IsnS 0 coniiiii tiihi.'ioti, on January 1, 1870, tM fear per eeai loaawaa tsabrod to tin- public nitbnat roaasins*Ihr psrtsd id the aosiec,aud lu view of the penniless aBket ol reaaaiptlM ms aeeretary askiiid is ibi i ion If mini Btatea aotes la payment foi the lames sold. TM bond- WON raiddly sold in Urs country, ami wdsmprtoni ot BveHwwi los.assay of wBteh weie hciu m On re isr, rea lei -d daairablc tss s.d.. al tbs bonds in Loadnn MBteleal to tan vein the Mlpsaeul ui tfuld from ink) i oiniti i. To ullani Uns o decf a contrnit v.a- BiaM on tlie J1-; dnj of Jnu uar\ ,1870,With i rrtaia ban Ks mid ball si r-, in,del vt loch tbc\ spreud tosubacriM si uaoe 110^0003900 el 4 p<-r cent bouds, wiih iMoptloaol I 'k"iL P16,OUOJ001 mure byaSMtbtyM ?-iipitoi s i f ?Ki.tHio.iMH? iluriuir Ainu, ata] ami June. On lue purl i t the Governs un nt tbs tioiiiis acre ie i,e Milvsiod free oi eharpB in laiudou. al wuleb ptaea aa aceney was io ta BMlntameddnrkiarthe ewtanaaeeof the contract. L'uUer this coniisci elo.tss ,h?h? ol bonus were lali n. In tM meani me, aa?cr aolhorlty oi torn ie| af Jana ary 2.*?. l-7y. i k 8 ii>- ary <'fl ioJ lo exruauin* 4 PBS t- bl bands MM m a.l. d flte-taculies.. im- aaaaant of 11v -twenties so exchanged aas OPOOjOOO. ?) i M Mb 1 aoUl BM Bit.wai n un ie ,,.,;:.!..: Ivc-twoaUo*shMkl at.rarad pj aab* - ritdtoM tto mIom 4 per rents nrrefaudiig the ten fotty would M made upon leasfavoiable terwa la las pa?<?...? i. Owtap aartlj lo t. i., that ihe ii sv] Mymeats fall tag due m April nod M.I. v.'.oi i ale i o si or i i.,, .? to tOS BMBey StUUS bet, then aaa a laiuaui H la tM aalaselbiiBdsduriug tue moiitli of M ic . .1 u ares were aorra-sfulij lai. u hy Iba Dep-iriment to ? M adja*tmi .t ul im . c soaata ol pnrv-Lasrra ?" busala ? I Mm Mabanass' to' at lo t'ii aasslaoas to ei als of tM i our rj. On ii>-- m irulas id April 4, toe amooal ot outsl lodtas Sv< aealki not coven d to] saMenpttorn ..? per cMls. wai 160,903 7'si. He I or ;i <? ,!o , af bu ueaa on thill da> sll BMTptMMe Sen i..elk. I -..llj.'..,i u r, lund the remamaaa Iw-taeniai . and m nt-exii ..hoc \-.t?i previoua aot'oa Iba oOar ol J., narj l w..a r?s? AddillaMl aobserlptiana wen re.e.vii aad r ) stad.BsSMSBBtras i" IUOJ!lU,ooo. iiJ(, lefaadiag of tM dre-tn nnv. a Iseaw n mptsiuxi, aad M ochar ?Ix psr cut.ooud-. beim; ml emnt'lc on At., i. 10 S10t?,<8>i0oxi ,,f the four per cent, boid? wem ill. rid at s premium ol otn-ii.u of i p r Beat, (ih nn.Is to be applied to lbs red uiptksn al i... ffO pM BSat, bouos, is-u d BIHMT UM sei of Masai 3 lent, lim-wu us ten- asttsa,Slid n ?<? Vmg the Ireldue, *4 1..od llO.i, ii. ce?a ir. f. r I ne rei|ei,,|i, ,,|, ,(l tha bbssre loan, for th? SMMiakia a| Tfaad Ian 11 r.lfl'a-> s oBered al ihe sami lima. Tbs four per oral bOBBS Wats also oO.n*'1 In escharge tto mow ouUlanJlug tuitailt-u ISBlMIP bonds. on i 'olio* ItX Mt'n 'I 'i" ? * .; ri!?:??.k> i<- ??? ?. I ? >' ' 1 if.U.7.?.'?.?<>.?:."(?<?.\??! ?!>' I" n ' ?' ? 1 .' ' 4 net . .-?>.?'. ?fNV Ml (J I MO (MO i ..? ill !!>?? i'n.l ll M- * ?? ?? ' ?? ' ? ?' . i ? I (Ml . . It* ? V ?V .ill'..'' ? ' ' ? ' "?' Un I -Il ? ?V iii-m- ..s. 1.1 Mtm ?*.-.?> !? H raws . ?? ' ' Vi.m ;i- ,I>n . . ?I |.?u ??? (m~ i dot*, a irgllio pis p . i v-i:. ugiv. wen? .1 bb bi44*MI ?!! lh? I. b**l ?I $2,01 II, ". Ou Ami ?-'1 .?? rail win n ;.l f r ?? ? : ' ? ?? : ? ii ii- urtv im)i..i>, on i ???? ra*> BS . ? ' i r iK.mmi.inni o* tba loaiiof MM the ?ob* las 'be r~ eamplMa i'i all ontenmoog riMlei-ws ? laheei mi- rot i ni ."> t-cr ?out. OiM .ri'i. 1 ! 7-. d< Tio??ur? i fit ??<?:?.? n'iwmii al '" i ? > - ? i i l l li ?*?? v, Bath ul7. *\ bv iIn* Bt9. ? V I b0t1 SB, I ' ?it pai f.?- law nl neper* aad th rn-nsnr i i be United B?Blea are* nintn r .?: in Is ac ibeiu " a Hi i-rn.ti a| miv IbMtapal bank &r+ Bated For IBB porpw. Tu fsctlll '? .til '! ?? it Bote ih.' Bile m Moan eert ii i ? . M ilioi ni 1 aad paPlle oalieen w r? rerlie i t. i?i e aa ? d p ?? for Mm pi?no>.:i* aatboriBrd nnd .?? ? % U ?? :?? - MaaBS.OSIl and 6,169 ?f IB* Bcvtord rhntntexot tlw Unit'? States. E-iah?wni Boele wan uf , .r lathed*' noniluatlofl af BIO, aad Bora Inlerinl i Ihernteuf I paraOBtl Bet BBBBWB fr- u An d i. IH79 ii Will uma t I qitarterrj I P'teat i> ran ua law I per rent band , rate wblrh Ike eerfiB* its) wei i con? vertible In bo urn of 980 or it* Bioiu-dea liwv i i inbeertblng > < n'?' it in* no; no hare tbo eert Scab ri ? tared In tu- an.ifnebi u-??( iel)ep*tti > ?. . I bp illaii If ap at Iba adtapea by the Drp ri ? n ? I nno <. Ine 4 pet eent bonds to obo? i ? f 1 per ceht oi*ovepwr tbe iemand lor Iben ee rOente* UTitotli am Mat, (nteea forthem atapren a . e rt spoudlngto be iremium i theo ad* Into wbloh ika? were eoarertlble ware last red, Ian ihe aal ii ? :? wUek i ii? r arera koBei uot only aail. r d bei olreeted theaa ta !??? bwrned t. ra> cb cure lor lawfal money. Thai appare i;> pre*, ntiaa taa aale oi tii-iu m h promt am. un 1 aa>ra ? thrrofore deciinad. To brtaa then wtthia the reaek ??f ?niiiil hrreeiafi na attd at) i April ih. their Beta atae raatrtBtad to brdepen?'ni rteaaary ntaaeia aad pohtie ealetrii hnodad lor tbat port obi . aad to toau aoi i edJng CTOp al ?'!"? tun ?. Et Btaoaof the Mteoi ol ihe ia aa inorme Itoaa, however* with n View al lenaedlate eanveraloa oi the 11"-' deaii * late boada bb b beeeme avio>Bt, and on a i>ri1 M tbe ofljcera Bellrna the t er tri were dlroeAed to tataae Ukuai when mea araaiea waa luauifest. At the eanie time. eontnrtaolonB en tin- bo lea it in bjurae BMMhtj were proatty red need, and tlie eoavwfBloa of tin' eerllheatea into Bonrta waa peatiioaed until July 1, 1??7?. Tie entire BBBOBBI wbb, lioviiv?T. ?11t????>??? 1 ot a* rrpldlr BB the forllaoatoB eould ha prepared.and Before thaeloa^of i be hioal ynar In reapoa* la the bjvttatteai to beeome repoeirjirtea lor I be sale of theaa eerttheat?**s, .'i<e.i pwatte offl ?? rn Hud ?erenty-i"x tTatlonal haaka were deetaaated tor tin- POiPO ? and eaawawd in t.r- aale. Tiio ot-rriti.- ii?--? w. re no d a* fo Iowa : Hv pnMM aAeera dMlraated Iibibb ttarleB, 928^69,200; i>\ N it.?mal banlta,fl07,670; i>v iiulep-iioeM Treasury i fil a?ra, ??M.'.,l".*<-i>: tn l-l'1. 019,790, of whhi ii aaaonni I be re b id been marrerteal into A i?rr cent bonds to tbe cloee of Boatuaaa. Deti.her 21, 1979) 7. jn;t,.learrna aamtaoaUaa an^arai^oo, M MMAllY III TUP FI'Mi'MI OPEblATIONB. rims. Bhtea 9*b I anther 19,1979, to wbwb atuia the ?ion- w?'r?' l.rouslit In tin- last annoal rep r!. tm re bare heea letanahal |97f>4d9.799 ata pi r eaol aad IIB9.B00.iMI dill |>err< iit ImniN of tin-I' i;. .t-i .i.-. min BeoamheaMbj tut? ri>t et t pat eent,atakwaf oa annnalaaflaaal iiif?TX'?t bfwtafaieaf 19^986^977 BO, 1 In fa brwBM labts slmws th?>' k n* in IBfandlat thbta Maieh 1,1977, aad Ihe annoal aarfauj' al latereal than Cm m: ftPa %} i. ?!>?: J^mii ..f - ?*> Tea twWesof ]*>i;'. plre two lies? i IBM i iiti-o.s >.| IBtfA. ? on -ii - nt lawi. i mauls ol im.?. n it.-pi i eeaa ii 5 it li Ani-iiiit !? fondod. f -..on o l'?3.H1SI.j i o. |!M 0..0 20 .ii. a isi I U10,42*2,75ll b7,47SlMM11 Annnsl inter ??.i < hartf... * (?.707. Ill s0.o71.7pj 0(1 TBtBl BKtfi :(i.;,!).mi it I-? 77t'. J_.4 AO la pbaee of the above bonde thete Bare been hwwed beaea h?> iriap Interaal es Mhrwa: Bate par I Ameanl re- Aaaaal mi-r <?? nt funilixl. ? k| . ti n 4*1 4 f l;;:.,ooo,t> 0 T19JIX9M Bb^O7?,000 19411 991 BM ..aI.??.:'?"?<' t.u..- ?.- W Tilt.- oi loan. i Bib .1 kam ?f IhBl. Paaaad loaa al IB 7, bm*ldlBa eartiAtrrVi Tntsl.I Mahhaa a Bai Ine ti tin> aaaaal laten ti stm t ahnrefl i. 1S77, oi p] i 290.41d BO, Theaa imtteeeUoni have been nr. ouiplihlii'd s itii. nt i lie lo-s?il a d Mar, and wltil. iit appreetahtv dlatarhiaa the ear ram haaraeaa ol tbe (??a.itry. in a few dara oopiea ?.f the soottaota, ?-u enlare, luipmiaul oorroBpondeoee, and b**oeonti per tainla i ihiinto, and alao to reaamptlaa, \v:li b.* i iid be : re < Barns ftm aatlre Iraneanllwna ui refaadlng atnee l -7c. hare been na foliowb: mil 1/ Aonii. Loaa i f 18 8_... .e..o. i.i |v 4. fj 80s ol 1801!. a i Bte?.. ixni B 90s of Jone, ism. b.%0s ?l 1802. Oanaelaef i b?e.. Cenaa ioi i*< ?". Ceaeebi ?>f IBBB.... li.itr p'l ??ia. Total.....I. ?1.009^*40.080 Aniooal rr 1ii ? -?!?-. i. lAaaual later I ?-?i ehann BI4.217.O0 iii:i.?ik?,...o; iio,4u9,;s< 5 4(? .11 :t.730j 1.127, lee 90,189,4Ml I00.l4t.9ldl' 211,9 .o i B10.42J - 0 17.677,090 71,224.32200 001,1 30.0*4 90 i in: xa l iiinai. BABBSBi The report of the OiwtiwBkw ot the CBrtBBay gfree roinpleti' atiftsties relative to the Nat otial banking ?yBtem fraaa ha oraiBtaaflBB aotU tha praeeot time. Tue aaaak-w or i.anKi. in operation OeBaker 9 of tbe peoaeaM year, ike data of their last iwpafm, ?a< B4M8i aad LBeagan BBBaeapHal, Ba9da097?9ghi mrptna, ?*l t?a,799,Bil; Individual dugeatta, g719.7g7rBg0; tpeeh ? bj n !iii..- Tailed Stall-? com cert .flestes, s>42,17:i.7.'II bjaol4eoder oeBBa, tanMaavBg Uaitad gtataa atirttaeaioa' s>p"..;i7.i,ilO; loans, 99M019,107. Ike total nr aadathNi oaB^Bhawttna ea Boyaanbor 1 waa 0997,191,418. Bmaag the takjerta BaaBaasad in ika raporl arc the relutioiis Wklak have BBlBted BBtWeOB tin: N itlonal liitnks nnd the (iovtriin.eiil in the resumption of -peel.' pajBBBata a ' m the tBadhtB of tin- pBfcttt awat. In BBtB of these niipottant iBBBClal operaliora the BBBgeralten of the NatuilHl hiink? has lean of eesentlul B'TVlee lo the Oovermneut. The hank-, in the BgarBBBta, have BBatBBBaUy kept on haud, us reserves, in arly one-third of Uie ?-ntir?- nuioiint of leira! tendt-r notes outstanding, which, together with ti.e eoiii. is iiiurh in excess of the unmuut uf the reserves n quired hy law. Tuey have coiiKlantly beld aa etcur.ty for their clreulatlug BBtBBb and toi Government deposits and other put pones, more man ot:e-fifth of the Interest ? beut lug debt of the United flutes. They tiavn maintained their lcesl reserves In the Ti?-a?ury for the on ot their cireiilatlng notes, slid inch redemption bus la-en uisdu without failure or delay at ihelr ex? pense, lu this moilo exehnngei hsve lieen made iN-twoeu all pnrts of the country at the los eat paaagtla rutea. IBB efft-et of the business dt prr-siou prevalent tkOBI 1872 until tbe le ' sumption of specie pa>mi nts, upon the National batiks I* shown m the losses which they have sustained and the .livulends winch many Luve been compelled to pass; also by the imticeat.lo diminution, fmni IBBT to yetr, in the BggregBBl surplus. Tue sggiaaata capital und aatpaalta af banks, other than Nattoinil, is nlso given, aud such other lul in mat.on In reference tn these bunks as could Is- obtained from the ofbeers who have charge at ikeesaeotlea of theahuklaa lows in the different Btirtti Tha ten lerae taxes redd hv National bank* at the Watbjnal. gtate aad municipal aathaeltJea have koaa a Kr< it at in lebavlaa otkea prapi rty from tin- bnrdaa ?>f tax i ? n. u,ni, in tin- agareate.are aieee than the n> teri-Hi mi? per cent on their entire OTculalton. Tlnia tl.e large amount ol non-lMXaidi- Umted.siates inuuia beld bj them horanm laxabla, uim Ibaae taaea are in egluet paid tor the fraaahtm ihey aagey el bmadagetieatatbag indes The eosl ot liquiifittnig Iii? ultall-ol N.ilioual Hank, w h'<-.i have btOB placed in tin- honOs of t, eelVen -no e tlie eslalilisnliieiit of Btfce s>-'etn la for tha tii-t t Hia givsB In the report, aad will Barve te eer n-et the Iniprnaalna. winch has to ? iti ut pravalk d. that too gnat a portion of Ike u?-ets al such keaki baa b<- n ezpendod in the Batthaaaal el n.eir ?AIra i are also g.ven Biwwtag tbe loa? to depoa Itoia mid IBM olner creditor* Quwatfk ttie ilisolVem-i of National inuks, mid these loOBOB an- Oompaftd With sluilliir ios??-.? In? urred by the c.e.l ors ol ineetreot haaka eta er mau Batteaat. aad tue bbbh purisoii i-. xe. . dn.^ly lavorubie to tlie .Nu mm,! ayn u-ai. Taa elroolarioa tbe banks, whiob. ?inoe ibe paa ?age of the aet af January 14, 1979, hai uuraatj aaaraaaed, la oeo battanaang m Be Bgeragate amennt, n,lowing tiial the si stein respond* prompttj lo tim varying ri-Qulremtata ol bnalnaai Tin- advaatagae ol tarn ij at 'in ovei unv .->* ?? o of keaka kltharto dot isi-d are tBal ihoii elioafaliBi not.- an-1 cured beyuad par* adventare ?>i kiea, they are af nnlvanai en i.. n. the e-jnntry arBoreget laaai-d. tt-.ey are u...i, p,.,. IocUi i-r..i?-.:??1 fretfl aoiiatarfelibtg. tm-v egaab lae exehangM betweea dlataal pans al ihe eaoai v. tkejr ?r - promptly redeemed oa itemaad al oae i onium.i place, the banks ar. nihjooi lo u -iri?-t aad rig Uol aarr< Bl inee by iu kp a?u ni ? flleeri of ihe Oow ni no in, < inn < id ? enisireg lentij madekaowato im pan .--.aud im i con; 11 bun-? very lane peraeatnaa al tketi piotl - btoe wagai laa ?. '? sj item ol Banatna that.after on rxisteuce ?if ilxicaa rears, thraagb war sod Bwrtndi of gf atiaiillooand go al di pi laaioa, has produrad mob reeniia, mag fnlrij .ip.a-.-ii hw um booB* ?ii a.. .iu?i tnppoi i in i Ougraaa. Bl? t il l ami Li-Ill tr-i Bl ~. :s Ti.e iiiom t .il ? n ni-n i taue ol um Oorernaaeal have be. il eo. doelid thTOOgB IhW i Hi BW ol tn. t'niu-.i gtatea i bobbim, alne harfstaot-TremMCT e.a, sin ?i peeBarMa, ..ui 999 pfatanaal b-nv dipasltail s. im- reeetpte ?.i tk flotaiaamal Iruiu ii I a ii.eis have a . ..iiati-d diniitg the last pear, a* bBowb By ararraata, ta I i.nia, i?;n.h27 in. oi vatab 1799307^49 Bart i. .i..... [rem haaaa, 9197^0.047 7g ; atm oa - i ma, +1 i;;..'i;!'* !>H from mninai n-v. ,u , and e'> Id Hornaalee ol labdaod truui ud . , ,i an Tb<!m fucatpu were ?lep..-i|..| as faUawsj lo luu - u 11 oof u. > olBeei, a4!2,3tS3,50m 43; in Xi ..... ? .ii.. .lepo. iai a s, ^?>.".:;.'j7 i ;?i '.i i j. Tut ?o iraaeortiawa have ia ii e adnrtod abaoei nraaand u mai u- siai.-.i i.. in ?in rra BNgnead in tha eolleetioa ?r sate- eeptng at im levuanea oi bae QeitfBBM nl bare eolleetedand bold Iks Bioaoya wlthseai laaanottl properij tr.?n-f.-tr?--i or paid ant. and Mat aa nu as aeeoaata kava i... u Jusia-d tin .e appeal lo On no kuwn oy BWhMgta MdB> BBBBsmaom, Mo tr.ti.iu balaoeaa am aglaaMd Belag a.uM.udKl mainly for luforuiailoo or luveaiga . luu. In ihia couiutliou altiutiou la in , t f.. ... :. . ,? . ..f UM P tM f' ui'prtllrr . 4M . .i> ? i t m M? report. In r i. r l "i ,.? ..' i r i i. ua in In* ill- IT.q nosey t ? ? i it ?? ? !i .: ?? ir.r . iii * .1.. imiiiIh mt .. i-. of Mm Pejairfmsnis sbonid '. ?>. :i. t tu t \. >"a,mtnti, t'.i? dinner I.i . rva- irv ?*? i-enng la IBB as? Mip's ti, um of . , ?? . ?; i, have h -ii . .i, .mo tin* i.iio't ? ir il 9n*M ''.i word "< t;i-." aa Beed m -. a 3 477II ? ?? ?! tu un ? ? tf ik I' Hui ? mu>. IM i. < of Orr nut! I? o* ol thai ? fit-' ?r. TIIK Rl WM r: F>:i'M CVITOMI. The >' iturauwafa Hn parts oilaa Um nwmi . ?..:!! . f ma r .r iBpatooi inrarnd oMhta ' ? ; y.u-m .? flr ti raati bay*. Mm a* tot. 10 .-: Tu 1177? f0 90 I.?_'":) 87s in l-:7s. 9.Y.VJ.i.7-C 88 j 11 1-7-?. j, i ? \ 77.1 03. rkta ? bows n rrdtoettoa fur I8T8 ?>v i 1877 of 1778,403 35. sad a rednettoa f?>r' 1 *-7,.? a rar 1871 ??: 0403909 ?_???. BMhtoB ? rofal a?v? ht (ar .-h- I we ?? ? ? af 9818,80054 4awrbedfat* r .aural la i ilaa oocarrai On nan 'bopa l year ta Um ... . ma a roTrpnr fmm aaataw* TbapaveBoa an? ...........systembaain.leus ortoftheaBM/mi vrli e i ?!?? uld bniehVaa rdbet.d BOMBapiapar aa* sa? tin id ?i tli real f. r. lau marlc-r vala?? Tata ??? ilaa io a system of no-? r\n nathr s tniiie ntrtaaal ttMCa? ? I law****, anpreisd apao asad*. eoeaarecd bv ran pa Msaufartaiei *lo i BMtsla Ike U< Ited B ate* BvkleaM if mrbandrtt laailuai baa been laed la away ens -, Md up m Ii - >-vn'. n ??? 11 a In i ? k? pHaMJ ntvo i : Uvenoed bi Iba weal appraisers^ nad row tbaac n ranees appeals farrraptraisem nt bava h aa t.iken . j- u ram aaaaber af naaaa. Too nadar ?>f : aarb nappraU Basatft had at Ibe ;mr el H w ' > ?,- ri.r ibi renn radios .1. 80. i?7" ro . H7-i . pa follows: 1-7". I07j 1870, 903] 1-77. 907j 1878, 878] V*7:>. 500. Tb? aaaaral a|> j pr taeral Rrw-YetBa afesfh t ooordingto tn ? reap pmha rarat* fh i .i ? led itowe tin 90 k of lout laar. the t talnamberl rl e enreeat iseal j bp al that part will I be likelytoreach 13900. The aetien nt IM loea Bp* ' prntf i s haa, hnsrev r, bera tone ml ly n lalm i i un Um rvapprnaawmbIb, bat ba aMmrraaan ata j reaaltlaa tbriefriaa abaw thai si m. bmUbmI I bIilh1!! he adopird bt v in h web paeatHiBi may ba n t-i r dufam ?I "t ' baa i w nolttod b 1 ba ta a ? aoa n toree. <??>. method - w Boateit la the adopt am of apa Ie I dntleahj ?? .i nl ad valorem. Thu rbaain roold, it i ' beltevad, be safely adapted, with proper limit attuns, m ' le.nril tu IUI i; overs, ptr-ea Bib poo n, pteae I vrTveta aad rame othet elaasea of ;-...i)s krbieh i aow pav mi .ul valorem dtttjr, and whtek eon? itnl j tue abmf pwmad al dwpatc n< pa v.i.u ? ni.rn-. t .?? Govern ti enl and the imporri i - Aaotber 11 in woald j he tu l ernet t? ? ? Government, tu eaae of in naderraloa* Uos. to take lb* axtoda m tha mvalea prloe, with a nmy ' aonabteaam ddedlur frebrblaad oth r bxibim i aad prnfit, nmi than eanaa aabsof the roods t<? be made on Qevt-nBBMnl aeeoaat 8j atraaty between ft iae ami ttaly.anndeaameyearaahaor, H was pi ivModtbai sumis aaeertmaed by lns(ieeilon to In? uadrrvaiotd to tbe aa? mm t f ."i pet ret t ? < ?>?? amaad and aotd av th ? <; rv Bromaat, the Importer raeattlns kta owavaJasttaa tor t be n.Miii?. ttaenti er wttk a pri in o' ."> per erat. A almllar ; ptaa adoptedli Baftaad had Ofea ? aTeet ol hreablai op thin ajatrm of anrtnnralaaltna Tbe teaaft Committee dh Piuaaee reeoaiaModed Ike adaption <>f a sum nr BMaaere m the report oa tbe bltlwhl b laereaaed the ntj oa iroolbmaaada,wbtebbeeame a L.w Mareks, 19071 bat tt waa aot adopted by Ueuaraar. n routem plain I thai Ibe OovernaMBl aOtht tabi ibapoodaal Ibe mperter*a ralaatton. attk nn aodhioa tberelo at 10 per oeatfor axnenoea m*d prol . Tta8eereiarj i< eoavtaeed tbnt It the ad aaj rrip aratam aa Un claaaea nt pooda bbbm d, aa tM'ii as oa PMac otatera, is euatiam d, tn, adopt Km ot a ptaa of ihu ebaraemr will provi beae* tl-ml to th.- in nest im pad er aa%eli aatotoalBtenataol ii. i- Oowrameat. Tili: Ft fltK DOTtl I, The difn.siltlrs ntiemlan; iip.,11 tie aatbjatlaO at duties oa aaxar eader tbe Dateb edtor ataadard, wkmk vaca aitaded to m the last MpattoftblaPrpartmant,eoo tiam d dartajj tba p >st year, kbatar aaaimaed m ba im porh ii a blah kad allbar in aa irtiOatally aelarad hy the addtttoa ol foratara mhal laeoa, or whtob, by tba proeeaa af maanxtaetare, had ixen aandtaalty abaapad as in pradbaa Baaan of tM ktQbaal MeebarbM iliaaatb ' while i>i's..issin/ 'he lowest pradea of aotor I preaaBthed by tba Dateb itaadaifl it lias keea kati by Ho eaarti that Caaureaa, in bapaataa Iba daty upon aaaai 1wa Uaa m tbalr BOler.BManl t' <? I irna ttolnr rrf tbr an ear irbieh is developed bj ibe ord> 1 naryproeaaeaf auutaiartnre.and wbJeh laoleatca the : dBNtteeol perfeetamtu wbMh the prm'caa of elanfloation ? haa beea carried Aft in a apoa tms rMw, tbe Depart meal burned iBatraedoaa t. it< cwslome aOlcera taal ! wheretaedeaane af aaeeaarlaoamaptai aaaoaumrad I Mim Iba Boter 1 board ihad the Maat had am , beta IBMufarrived in tbe motki roBteiapbited by I law, rtallra sh mid be atdkutnd acoardhiB to the :? aa ? otor i>' Mb -nu'ir. an.1 for 1 he parpooa of t irrytM : . 111. -lew ip liu lie l> la.i'ii- \\,re estanlisln ft br ] tween the r Inr and Iba ureaotb, Tbom liMtraettons ? bavs> had ttoeBVet nl repr ulna; the tmportaUon of the mOeetioaahbi eiaaata of aonri before referred bo, and I ol proda laaamorn bdtbful eulleotam 01 tin- dntl - ; Bpea aayara hapnrMd aeeoidiuf to ihr ttM latent aad 1 nioanmaol the law. Uuttl IM matter Is s. tiii-.i tbM 1? PM Uiei.t \\.!l BMlBl il 1 IM JH'-'t ou 'I ha- MreMfOBC . naaumed, ot dJarepardlag tie- appareai aalor I ol Iba BOBar Where the fii ? jiist..y P. ? at il BiBoailaa; ilatlea upon the true color ol tba aaerat am I der tM theory above staiii'. By iM adoption ol bob ie.ui.Hioi.? at the pari of How-Yorb reapeeling ibe wehrBiap of aaaar. the differrnoe between im Invotee ae'^m nad tlie,iefiial?ei.nt BB r> tue m bf IBM tloV ernmenl we rbora Ma Bom redaeM 'nun lOTt*per aMI in l-77io fiepw rent ui 1870, taablBB a aavint* ia tM <><>\i im,lent mdotlMotfa i) t8.00O.0uO. Beferenee la made m anotMr iu.rt of this repeat M ein BinetaBoea aader wbleh it amy in come neei t*ai 1 to retmpoae ibe dntlea idmhm aad 008M aboold ad* dittnnal revenae he reajuleed, Baeb lereuae eaa ballm be derived from ib m leorcea ibaa fro at any othor Hut 11 s I oi i ne 111 in force w. re 11 . e lie. arnl UMtefoi ? on MoaUdeaoji? rabaaiBAriearaad. TM artlelaa ure iiuikv aad Bomb eaaool M oaaili imnjaiM. tad tM 1nt1i11i01.nlat er.Hie i bj tue .intv woald m mi j.^ui ai seareely io be f. It b] tM |? Bp e. P tSBOOOOIpy li.ttiii IOO? some aaBrpUOOi ha i BPbMB Ib regard M the BMBMBT in which eiiiniiiiiiti.itis of p...ssei.y, ts' li.iK-'.u.'e liave been made al the |s>rt af x >w-Ybm Tba ayaaam af aa imiu:. Maa Boeaaaatp t . Batty aal Um law has bmOOUmCb - 1 in- oitii an ataMBtaM to bmbv paapto, hut any ?3 -u ai of ,-i.llleirUt tn (ti li el or pli v< Ui BM B?B"tMBg Will be otleii-.v- tn the parties conceriieil. It MB MOO the aim of the otllceis of ill is 1 ?1 |ial t lue Ut to apply the law Moally to all patvawM. TMaaMPaBaaa laeidamtal to MM system hnve been lucre.iseil bp the hick of facili? ties to itinke the examinations Wttb pTTptr dttpattltl. It, however, t. at the latter MBMof OMB* pis'iii wiii be reaauved upon tne aoa^daiUaa or tin. new Batv> Ofbec already aniauriaed b\ Cimarma Tne duties eollMtedoB paaseaavra1 nai;saitc at iae port or New York during ihe three raora ended the 90thof Jane, wereMteiTowa: 1877,083398111; l*7s. 990,790 oi 1879, 9171.<>7 31. Tbe law din s not define um limit of ipiatnitv or value in regird lo either BOMebolO or per? sonal effects of persons arriving In tue United .States a Inch in.iv In udimt'eil free of duty, and it is recom BMnded tliat a I11111t.ition eovcrulmt tM ftea rail) of ihc-c classes of articles may be eslulnishcd by Congress. TIIK OPIUM nbsJYMX Large quantities of opium prepared fir smoking .ue brought lll'o tne Untied stall's, mid this article being of small balk and great value hi aaaU] MBfptsd A simi? lar article is inauiif..ctiired lu the UulieO Mate., from tne crude opium,aud in endoavuring to ascertain abettier In any given case tin- arln-le has been spiugKlt d, Il has been found difficult to determine whether It Is of domes? tic or foreign manufacture. The imported article uow pays a duly of *d per pound. It Is one that will MM high rate of taxation, ami It Is recommended that an internal tax upon opluui prepared In ihe I'liiled Slates for smoking of an amount tonal to duty up'>n tbc Imported article, to lie naid by stamps, be adopted This wnu.d yn nl a enwahkmahsB revenue wlihuiil repriiMimr auv BOtOtprbM winch should receive eueouraaeiueid at tba baOda <>r OBBOIOM, it is also reeomsaeaded thatptwvkMM be made for u(fix? ing customs stamps to 1 ai kagt s of Importe.I opMHB pre* pined fM smoking In the manlier now required In the eaae ol Imported ckrars, and thai opium piepared for MBOblaa BBportad Into the United Mates or maun faetarad m the Baited PtaMi found wttbool proper stamps he made liable tu aelr.ure aim forieltnrc. UK K ISDOITATJOMS, The Intal tmportatmn of RH durtmr thu last BassM year BMOBBb tl M75>9S4^S1 pMXBda. Of this QaBBtttJ 00, IO0JJ71 poumls were imported into rian Kiuiu i-co, ami BbaM 9539003900 imiuuiIb . from OBBBB. A large pari ?us undoulilcdiy cotisiiuieu br the ?'liinese ou the raallt Coast, a ho are not citizens of the United states, ami who have BB intention of becoming snob. Thu urti cle will bear a blither rate of dntv than tha: now Im? posed hy lnw without ?atsYMQf enhancing the tost of Ir. hM to MM gem 11 consumer. INTKIIN *L I KVK.Vrr. The receipt! from the sevi ral sources of iBSBMaS umhT the internal revenue laws for the llscnl j cur elid ini: Jure 90, lx7l?. were us follows : rtaMaatriM . 933.170,184 8fl K10111 loliac o . S , 13,' 9 Proai fermsMed bsjoan . I0.7va..t30 08 I rein banks sml bankers. b,ll>8,k8s .'.U i p.407 HO Proaii Ihssivs staana ? C.tis.. -in.; i i aianMnMMXMaadsatsfssdMlawa MOOM 00 T?ial.9118,919,489 s7 TbeaaMOBt of collections shown by PM (OfVSjMBB tabtabarladeaeoBMsiaakBMm sales at ?tump- pabln atad,msrrtlm aoMvata collected in 1870bviaM0s> poalMdUUtbl iMl fiscal tear. Tnere tlills mises all ap errat varlatkra Mtweaa Iba ameaati ofemteettaM atvM ta IM labte ami tacsM ahawa by the aovertap wnrtauis of Iba i'lca-uiy. TMinereass o' Moray mm fPSsa s;.ups dnrii if 1-7;? w..s MU140e409 99| tie increase rum ion ice. 1 .1 ntl so.,,- ?as bat 143.34708, Ibi Mkt ? an.t in araal rrvtmus an tpti 11 *i1 to.o ami 1.1 ox in . I mi re, wl eh . lei 1 ihi< ?? arau 1 in aa 1 1 9IOl.43| m 7 . 1 ; r i'.i m. larvai raven an if 91183*1 ?,408 87. rks \,r? ijrue in 0 1:1 n oi ? 1 11 \ ? uue drnvi I immu itoMe socuts s at of us--I .,11 1 umnatfortBt dabilitv ?I lai tt.f t. x it on up..11 tbrm, I. iM pi ?? 11.-m <*.amll, feastlnation 1. Mm iuie- ,f laxaile.ikf I .? at leOS MMtajaraa*. Tea Mmpie ait rare u nt ibe ipi st..1:1 o. ibe re..mtl..1 ot Iii, I mi 1 tux 1.oi.1 I a ioiii|M.i iv u pea mm! if operations in varasas m al msO . s... 1 iom ? . aad u 1? natisaaiM in Um ' ? oho ? 1 1 ii: ... , hV reoM : 1 Mva I eonerd .1 ilMOsl a IM reei rssrstsuitai im taal 1 artttic dt rip * im Bras 1 ai< >. r ??! i-7. 1 1, r.y tw< aMlliwMOfdi ..11-. bsautci uruu ik< .no., tM U-s, ihe uua.-rtaiui) artstaairom aa aaik pa's a eben B Ol till ? Bj BSfS Bdl t prndMthW 1I.u a nml mini. ?oi warfciag paopH out of rmptuyasMK, TM ? : MM of iaies 1.1 tin t.,x on iMnOCB ami si it t or tM BnOctpatmn ol sm-.i a Mai ^ lei.os si b m M Otattaadi Ma mrnane. ds.,.. paadM the cs raaMtaa t<? tboaa eommodiuee, and lo dmunee insts, in,- dcu.aiul tor cliaiigs ra es noes noi net] nsie uiiii BOMHeiera, aim pot ibe gteali r pan of t; 1 iux. bin , In. f|. wtM U s who Mai mi ? BhaBoi bmbI al piofii on .be c 1 pit >i ui\' ited in the HMBafaetara, Tm taiiiag ad in tbo iRrnaas from lob.1. eo tbal into 's? ratlelMted from tbe dial imlasMM IU the rales 01 luxation laatMMMd as likely inaiiuoaul lu im third ef the tu collected in the In?t She 0#e ?f| ihewJd Is re garth l as H aitnionttmn tb-it. In lt?p tut? r ? t uf um pabltl > 'vreer. mi well a-. "i illdit try u<! i .tum?. im. ru: I .irr rnange tu tfe eif nbllsbed BSf >?? ?' lasetloa 4b. aWi Im tu?- bbbbbm be anae? IM srii:; 09 4919991 av PRtPgfgO, Tbc lowaami ti vwls nf Ihe Uofted Bgat'fra.M sho wn by Ilm NeerdBOt the K-kis'-i'? BumaB ?' ,: I close of the fl-ciil ymr ended June .'! I l-.;:?. was 1199J.909 iitb or iiii* loaaasts i iMiBw^vtw ? sen led 9,71 T ibbjiTbIBJgfcblBiril fort:?! im- ign trsile. BBd BVeTBAMTWM wul-.l WI-mJ?.?" lo-iirol.i lateeaed and iminfil Ii tiio amutwit w itaaeeettt n-vi?-. Tin r" bM beea au Iiiit.-i.i- of ?i :;;?!!-ii ?> . ;.;i t rt domeatic tru-'e. ami aiiieaaaahi..' l.i."..' u tnoa eoMMryod in thefMVbJB trade bj/ Mb, us co-tinar?-' w::.-i M ti in- et v? sr. Tb? rrwIbiMitt during the year er? i La Bb ?! an MM* -: | BSBBt ^ . Ms im remsdfl Ca , I UM ?i :.r l.-i IJS.^i-'. N.imVr. i Tannage Total.I 1.1*2_ \_ lba.030_ TJ i raaeaM Ii.uit in H7? r .mprlsiM tWJbl Mm?, in? t.liiMiily in ?-xr.-? B tue numli r La:!' -Miriiiy UM mt ??????it. Um total mmmm Of TOBBohl anterod M t:. ?i BoardpoCMfromlavnMn BoaatrtoB waa it B ?'??' -" ! t"iii during tIm- y-ur rililnl Jutn- IIO. 1-7-, 19,769.197teosOnrlnajibehmtS aal roari ?hoaliNinn . : ot 8.997,910 lone.9t abonl 19 *+* bobi. Tba ? Anierican ti.ns ??.1 e i-:-?^ex ni 1 >r r?t on laoraai.I ? ??? Kl ;t 8 tun- or 1 P 1 not, while Ma for -inn Showed a 1 reaaeof 3,107AMtops. ?! Beer?) 96 imnt eeat. 1 ? ; innnaw In tbiaa raarataimmratril rn Iba ban<a of Mo aornb r of anirtaa af reeeeat and not ea Iii I number of vi-m Is, and Ii rostrlctrd 10 i tea naa Oed uotM <if In? total ainoni 1 of nMrebandiao broerhl la st bob board. Iahe and rlve por - itnrtns Ina '?st tim-sl vi-ar. an am nut of the ti Im 1 |3 "'?i.tvi m ib lo nortod In Amoriran .????? - md 1 9tiii.4M9.iMBj in tonten, of tue expurta a vnlno ol ? 1 *??.?-. r? ,S3U ?na shipped I" American 11 1 r 1^1,700,863 in foreljm Vraeela Of tbo ca-rohitied Im? ports and exports, S3 pet root only of in- 1.1. <m__ aros convoyed in Ainerlean vaaool ? tu 1867 oral 78 per rant of th.- merchandise Imported and ? Bporti .1 ? aa carried in reaatla ef IbotJ II Bterea; at proaanl bnl 23peroanl,aa Mated, weerrled taaneb rooools,toougb tee Intel rot nas ol tne trnda bna 1 mw rrom 1 ? 0 Bcariy 9700t000,OfJ0ie bbw r ? 1 2001500,000. it is neither to ti.e Bdrsntace bot im- Im r. mmi IB ? bi i Btry tbot so immoosa a pninorttoB of It* fnrefjrn rnrrj t%% ira.l.- I...? iia*?. 'I In? tri Hal Ion?. TV- ?Hat laourtonnare.asis we] kn- ?rn, wna dee to tin- * wr. ?nd - on aflorili elose 11 waa propoood to faeibtaM I ho 1,. uroiton to our merchant Taartfie of Taoaobi thai had I..- a trauol rrad .0 ft ma, bnl the rtr >rt it n %Un Btlon failed, und a ?1? : bu 1 mblb lion aealoal ?!.>? r< un. of sneii reasetB wbb embodied m the stateMa it nuy wall bonnaatMwad whether tbe aermtty mt baa exiaila a MaluMmuhtno property bo re ixed after Ihe lapea ?1 to lone 1 time dnrlasT whmh the prtvtiewe of reiiistty baa b?eo dented m thte etaaa ef ywanate, aod atnea tli t-n-iiaiis tor dental here, in ?? aaeeBnra, mm meir BeiffMe, in. ea It lins al.vav? Im-i-ii I hi' poll v of flu' 1 tor to re?trtcf the prlvtleaea of Amerisea reoMtry to vsaaeta btOll in thta eonniry. Tbo ob|e.*l was M rarthor the BhtplMlidMe nod na\ ii mtereste of tlx eeontry and t is noii,--- n-n??i lueeeaafnJ as ta adesoea Me lfm tod States to the seeaod raaB aaadte natJens as raspeeM tonnage nnd tha aam Berof lieahlpa hThjia wood whs the hhI<-i?* bbbMI) naa . ia Me aeeatraotMa of -hins we h.d tin- adTaalaae DTer foreign nations tn theeootef material. Oaraaip boild r- aid aot only rapply reaaela for domeetla eom mere . hot eoold wee mfally eom pa to in ihe Mitytag trade of the world. Tbe naa of Iron in shiphuiidinu in plaee ot wood is, ho we rar. iteodlly InereaalBgi aad in Hie eo?t of iron und tu the prh-e of lnl>or other eoui iin-: lal nat ions liave tlie ailvHiilu/e. 11 Is a grave mjU ? 1 ion of puidu- poiiey wbetbrr the perlest has nol .u i ri u win-n tii'* DBltmlted or pwrehnee, us nader the l-hlgl-s i stalilli'i", should In- extend.-d lo vessel* hs wellbblootuer oomm dltlee,aad arhao adathadea to Aiei'iteaa reatstry apon the paymont of dotlea aheald be allowed them upon ImportaMMi. The rnharary ef mir old position lathe arryMg trade will more than Ooaatoi iialatie.- ativ illsadvanlnirr IHely to i-nsm rr.-in a taodineartoa of leetrletMae apoa tin. rigbl of anrahaea while a mod. rale dun- on ships Imported will nable our sMpholbteri m romp, te sur mfuliy in the eonaliaeiliiB or iron n-sse s of tin* larwest elasa. Tha propaa pottey to lie pars nod IsdiSi nit lo determine, hoi the ^-reat importHuee of eonsiib?ring the snhj ? i is re-peetiu.iy! to the BtMatlra oi i ougn aa, nrs l x poors asro ihTPOBm The ex-, mis aad Meparta af the Lmnsi states during ? alaal laeal year are as follows* Hanerts al (kmtm 'Of mi re'.nniiise .fi!;?c.r''.".7"'i baportsof htswhjh maeehaasMe. 19.099741 Tu'al.#7io 4:ei ut lni|s-rt?of nur. 1.iiioIis.- . ?l?ft,77i..7S l.\. e- of < -.port* ITU imioris. B2iil,eei BM Compared rtlh tue pterMoa year ihe im? port* an rrrater by p9,73e\89S, uml the ex ii ii? by -ri'>. i7:M.7">. The aaanal avwrage el the , xty --I i f sneii Imports over exiMieta for the ten reaTB ended Jnne SO, 1879,1a 9104.706X999, bnl dnrtna the last font years Ibers baa bi rn aa i xe-??? al exports nrer Imports i- follows! In 1979, 979.949et81; In l?77. ?fl?l.l.vj.ii'.it; in 1 s7:y .?.oiU.ijiJl.iiihi. I:.- total Kubl value ol exporu of domoetlc ruerebandlea from ihe United Rtates lias theraased fr.mi 9276.166,9971b 1-7:i .. 0630,340,700 m 1979, aa Ml IBBBB of lad BW r ni. wiM one or two BaimpoTtsBl rxeepttonsL the tTnlted states Btunde slooaomang the eommafalal n.? t ons in baring an* exeeafl ol exports over u.iih of merebaadlae. The Meeeaea m Ma valnea >.r our rxpoeta i? deetoed mainly from breodatuhb pre at-rued meals, copper, live nntatala, agrienltnral iin pl in. nt-. tuts and fir *?.ln?. dart tile 1 spi .1? ami ii Many other artHNea exhibit a larga utereaaa in the qnnnitty exporMd, i>ut a deereaaa Ib value owhM to i heir priee?. Tba urilid"* whieh ?how the irreatest bjereeaa in ihe qmintlttoa exported are wh?ar, Sour, oats, Bern, rye, copper, eoitoe, petrolrom and olbee oils, pun . , - (excepting boot and lard), qmekallver, dfaahlled aptrius, rtareh, saaar, BMiaaeeo, MUaw and mal Mhaeao. iin VMiee of toe eX|>ort? of hreudsiutfs from ti.e t'ni.ol Bi ... . daring the last Beenl >eur BMaoatad M 9210386,8118, and ooaaUtated SO per aeat ol Me iota vaine of oar ri parte of doaaearM moreBiadisa Tie tbIbbof buaeotuS> exaerted during the year 1S73 amonntad to only 669,749,161. The atinast nulunued ripxeiry of thi West eru ano Nortnwestern btates for tha pru daeUOB of r.rials in i'oiiiirc;i.iu with the fnetlt lies tor sjl.eap traiisportiitloii, bus i Mem MM sharp aampailtMa with the older fttate* mui wltn ton KU eom.tries. Mauv pr.sluets of Ainetlrmi maanfaetare, prevlwwaly exported in small g Bantu mm, or not ut all, now find protllutile uiarkets in lOfWigB BaanhthBh and bmbb of theaa prisiuets ure u hb exported to eniiutnes iroin whieti a few war-, siro tlie v ?ere largely imported into the I'nitnl stale-. Ihr importation of irerehaudiae into tbe United .Slat-s iili..iu,,lnl lo ?flUJ. ldli. J 111 dm lie. I lie iaral year eaded Jnne 90,1979, Ii tell m 6467.001 Ji23 M19TS,sadInereosodto6446.777,779 In I979,nn iu eraooe ot 98.7jii.-T-j, ug oi 2 per seat aa aooapored with the preceding veiir. The tniport tttou of railroad hur? oastbaed from .'>:n..'.:i7 Mae In i?7-j to S.911 ions in is7.i. Tne peeaoetloa <>f rnlbeod bora la the United rttute* .tin 111? the your Is7s aiiioiiiit. il to7s?,l 1-j in.... Tbo total ituioiitit of expar s ami Imporisoi eeta ami Million during the last tl-ral year was aa follows : Kxi*?ri? of roln and bullion .t>-.'I.HP7.4t 1 Iuip.ii.s uf aaM and huliluu. JO,jO'i.tsjo Kxreas of exjKirts over Inmorts. 61,701,441 Dautaaeaehyear etoea imui, the exports af aoeeai have exoaadi d tbe imports of ipeeh , tbei -..?.???? of * ..-it IXportS over Impel t? wa? reached during fa* year lgg4, win-n it to over i St uro in. vear 187.'>, the exeeas of BXpoita of Speele bus rapidly declined. summ-ting duiln ihe net ended July 30, lS7s, to ouP. 934)18,811, and during lac laeal rear ended Jnae90 1h7!?. t? only 94,701,441. ,\ marked ehange baa recently 1 laketi place III tin- liiovi'llieiit of the pr. e.i t- in, ra I. H?rnig the iimntii*of July, August ;mil Sept. ml. rof the arronf gaeal year the Imporfaol com aad btx?ton ex aeededtheexpoita999,126.337,and from Otituhm l t.. Mam nib. r 1.*? tlie imports or coin und bullion to in.- port ot New-York exceeded ti.e exporu at tha' port 199391394, bjdtratlag that f?nt July 1 to Nov mher 13. tin i utile nn|s>r:a of . aad ba lion ex reeiled the exports al-oul iHh' <HJli.OCK). This in n keil change In the movement ot eotifl and bullion wbb md iinexpeeii-d. Liurlng the la?i r ?.11 year* the value of our exports of in. r. h.m tire Boaexeeagel the value of our lofBaiia at tuerehandiae 9753,87]. 179? tha eseBM of osporta h?a heretofore been iiiaiuly niet tiy the remitfiiiiee tn this eoiuurj oi Ann ilean ?. enrlto s, hal i ms t line 11 pi-ear. to h . ve ronie wh B the halaaee Bf Stade ib our lavor appears to lie udjusicd by meaaa of preetona m.-taU. IM i BHAl i <i'aMKit. F. The Internal coimueiee af the country, as exhibited h he tonnage I-am-porte.I mi rallrotils, h u afeadily In rreasetl in Volume, even during the period o comm. ratal BoBBM ?Ion of the last six y ars lids affords un lllu?tratton of the leeapet.five poo bi ? "f the BounttTi as the eoiniio (titles irnneperh it oa rallraoda an taa pradaett al agnea turi. oi ardatag .noi oi mnaafaitat Mg laabtetrate, store i baa 99 per eeol ?f the taterna! Boatanna al ttm country bibow earried aa by meaaa ut railroad transportation, nnd ihe huhu? of the pr. during and enmmerrml eiaaaeB are hi-coiutug more and bmmm ron'orini-il to its methods Baal BaeaemthM. The i fantltiaa for gtreet btade BaTorded by arraaeeanaaM aaltired mm bo laera eoesaettng tniraada ha* greitiy as* leiulnl the trade limits of Ihe seaporla ami of all Intel lor p tints. BUBlMt OOMhlliBIIOBe ln-twe-tt raMronda ami aeoaa Blaaant IMn ntt.>ni <\ i us v.- privileges for dirert toreigu tin. at ait tin- aoaawtaat Miarme points of Me romitry. The romp t tlon af rival lines for t iranurh trafBt i as given rts. t.t . r.ue am> atbins tonehlna inter. M.ilt ? .oiuii]. n-r. 1 i? -i- ,| l. -|l ..,? l :it<- rill. II, In ||,,. mnMi ttf dlawrlniaattooa in rate?. As para v Bail naa on sttiiaa, they demand a careful lurestigatloB aadn ihe aatharlty at Oaaw r i i in ?i i 11 i msS i nr n ai?s. The ne d . f sonii' legislation for tbe a. Judl.-atlon of 11.lints whleii an now within tttu JradBdat imn af tins department, bus heru ?-alle.I in reeaan n p u t , ut nie attaotion m on> rtran propn mvtBada for MteaHgaiMg al i .-. such us ore used tu tue ? ouris of |u. to--, are nut withtB Ihe newer of ihe .i. na imonl. A trlbnoal wbtoh mav reeann the ben rvbleusv which tbe untun o i.. er so adwita, tbi er.?. ? x imin itiau or \? tur>-. i n et? d ?f. xpai u- al item 'Ola, h.lie benriBg ana u publlr record of prom-i-OMga, ? Bar Ihe proper n.| stme i of aoah 1 inn s . tioa l.?? :i in . ?? .- *oo H to tan . r . laii ? i.iiolou In BcnOtng to im r.un ?r Cialnta eartala llspafod raaei bi ?bag in ih ..- irfmrnta A general provision .d ma b. ill Imp-aiianl db>|?otrd i|iM a. of law oi i .??? luicbl be remit??s< io i ni inbanal I r trml won grcat.y n I \.- tba . ill . i. ui hhi depart meat ntu t?-no u ii.-nie ibe m i. ol ttt'tte l.i.i. b iBattuo I bait la metbod* ;.. sav d trj dleoaitaol Matbi ... BM-erlMaMgthe irott., o t sah mi re li i pnrp s ?. Too impwrtatiea el preridl g nne SadMtMa of rhJM wlthta wi n i. elalmt agsharl t..?- liovaniBMail shall be pnaw coied. or BT Waat al ?lieh |r >ve:it.ou bf Ml ?.r IsTMied, i? agate nig?i a ma Un an at mi oi Oongr ?'? n moi is- aeaom 4 ibat u ? -um in banal M aa tadlVMfami wUo ta M a sttaatiei ., pn-?? ui it. will. \t a e.i MaeaMd, be aseeeaMd Me u > movf Wlti't'i ?I? year* frOM lite I IBM when I ..'? I rilnn* Ml'.'* riglii first BMfBed. D u ll iliiilt4ii.i i ? form Barl af ??<? ?' ail rivtla I nlMii rut exp rfrni e Im? ShpWtl tail ?? bet w ? ii in lire! ; i s I raf) injfim.??? i? im** t?y ihe eoMlnsiv? pi ass BB art ? tbal rt.tiw? ? bSM iK Isycd Myotpd ? i.MBie tUB ?-?un f B'l Iii Iii" lu V? hf II II |f ??f I. Th i h| i|ll.iWllt?' I . Til to lie ??IMH I 111. ll after V.,III. S-OS t.l I.I" r u II II ,'llTf ?l" I . : b N I >*t light ul a: il of f t Ort cv ii s Infea .1 1 v ii. Tun nrcsnmpt'on ts mash ?II aast la i a eof a H < in 'igutfi't III.' OB tl IIIBMsl IbM In BOB MS sal aa hldiVlilll i. The <ii.v<ruia nl I? atwaye ?? nad i ii 1.1 wan ap fimn'l, ami It la ? ffs?wfl In in?a;nst iv..i.n Why a viii.d i MBBBBJl ll liuuld mit ih- pi ?-?aal taal wnhlu Hi" l rru l >ix Cadet Iba .rc'-tii i i-piimatat" ea it -i poa loin InadrarviiaBsraqaal pastta* in rho*M who m ? ui < la ua. ThaOmiHilters nml Cemmlssloew nl i nstwms bnv ay lav ib* Bu.ii detcruimatton nl all ? I i|;n? ri.iuli'M titUM. 'hur jari?l et on.BadS It DBB ii ti . ?? tin* a i'liliii >? im Mrft ?.i.'?'i-ri firt .in . / ' It ill ?<? IIa ...-nsci u' Inn Iis? i-< i a r ma , ? :? rltUntsft. ami lt? therefore rarin-Vas i ..i i an. Another oitleei feels I? t,|< duti t? tXM .a .. i., ..a-ufli i-vi haws '?may an IssbB kaaaoM i ii.-----1 inMuttal rpoaoil ? stahlt* of limitation ia ibm. Pha iii.r.i ABaWhar, in ala repon. i |ic?l it .'Ina 10 IM impm t.uice of aon.n I ml t-ti .'f ll?? rliara. ti P. It i- PJOOfl nit ml. I :... r I it, that M ba provbsed by lew { that no claim nidi, . In ?? in el ih.- BsacBllve tlapenaseaaa abail ha rtuh-aa prea Btod OT pay meal wtthbl ? ua 'latut Ur* I a<-i(!? rt. with tho Banal n f v..r i.r iboae (ila<|ttalttma by arm, or ? i? from i?tffBBting tba claim a i in ?nrn time, i. Ilium it/ a similar character, in far-r ,r . iigulu-l ?? I. .:i !'.?? t?.,v. i .t i nt in. .Is . na-, .????m? iii..-. r. 1 ????? of anal 1 hardship ari?c. In wblrh ?urefle* upon bonds I ul j pttnclpal h BO MBHN ii. nl ?-r insolvent, are ti uwy bi lauem upea aeeoaMa I i.i' i, hr doe dWrnaOoe. hare heca cnti.rred laainal tha anaiBOl ahlla he w.aa nitre <* , , ,. the ..i ? .. ;,ii* i... a di<f.actton ia il. in ii ,t rodea aa to limitation of -nits Bpaaj ., ronl .'- nl ipea aaaiBnuitaMMrasah it . ., aowevcr. 'tot Just ???? to provida that per aona liable fo the (Joverutopnt, ovea hy , ouiracta nnrt? r al aboald be Blaebarcral froai IIa um- after the lap-.? 1,1 r. years i mihi lime wi.i,i n- n ii..b.iiiy l.a? b. i n asceroilneil an I tl"?'' I. . V- to pUUWU aecrulnp in Iba oid nary eoorae of cur ivnt bwatnaia, t...- 4t aaitananl .a ?i I oraauiioft lor tim ..... t,? . i .. . . .I-...;, ta- da us Hi al by ta.' . ? i - ' 11 ? - sln.nlil he .eir irncd ?? filial in all |i'tir . Is. :?? aii !?roja>?ltloiis for (i.e 11 e x :ii i. at In" <?< ai |Uiil<n > n, either In Iba Oarl of Ciatau <r almwheie, me Opposed lo tile title prim ipb - of It I? sabu.'ittad thai Lha trae end of leartslaiioa aa tne .un )eet of clams I* to trader ti ulr adfaatasral spredi aud Heal, mil in diannntaaTt Ibrn aftr?nntn of obf dramnada, or the rtexamlnation of those nlrea^y ai tiled. MfTIBCTIf'l PAP It. In the lit-r annual report, m-rf on \> as t -nie that p n. ins dB toff a ti.v.- paper for printing pabfMj ?'.tirif.., had If en Ii,v t"d. As N r. -ti.t, a p iper lias been ad ppji t.avii g fo: Us Uistluetive ft eturcs a continuoua silken Ihtrn'l uid dtr-frltiuted aM fibre af I CbteBt -o'or-, tsitii of WbJab are Incorporated a 1th the pulp in the BffB> ? ess of manufaotiire. As soon a? t ie character of ihe paper had bMB deter.nine I noon, puhla- ad vern?eiiic: t was ms'ie fin pmn.'?ais *or i - ei itin'sctere, and ihr bid of sfeaara.f/ranedtCkk,a I?.. bb, ; --. Brlaa t?'' itfvrst rrertveif, waa ace. pte.i. Casmr tba . on I IBI ts h i Ii h is It ? :.i la ??% I * a leai linn. He tlov pmroam pays, larlwBtaa 'he cost of nine, it mala p. r pOMd tot tile distinctive ptsBBr. a reducli.m i f Meei t? per poand. aaaompoaad ?:th Ihe loweal or in h. pelo ore paid, und a aavlnp, in tbe ordinary use of this paper, of auout $25.000 per annum ; but in case % large; aim tint of p .per shall heiesfter tio a far il od for printing bonds, or ?f?r <>. aer pur i .-?? tbe savins' ?und be I all I SBSmllBrly preaier, it is bettevM that tin - papal a id proteet the pab ic again-d coiim--r.'o.ting und ? as wed us that whtcn has BM tofoi- kOOO lu u?.-, while for droits and cuecks Ua use Is mueb preferred As boob as l..e ?.ipp|y of old paper I? exli.uisfi 'I. v. i ? nil be atmilt the trat of Jaaaary aaat,all Uniteslasataoaoata, Na tloaai Baak aotca, beada aM ebreki of public distort? ing ollleers will be printed upon it. bt iiKAt ok EMBAY no am> pkp.tino. The sys em adopted in the bu-im ?? of eiigruving and prliiiiua notes ami securities of tin <?n\eminent h n been closely adhered lo. and BB a result this Bureau it iipi.ii a thorough business basis. Ihitiug tbs past fi-cal year an unprecedented amount id work has been cxcciit. d. appinxlmalltig M per pan! of increase over tii" Peel prior, whil? the Increase in tbe aggregate exm-bditures. has heeo but si per cenr. It is gratifying to know thni WbUa tld? work waa executetl at ti dm ed eo?l. tne asjaplayaij MaVim the operation of the plan of jay it * by tba ll ? ? luv? been receiving belt, r conipei -aiinti. Those toff* Baerli paldBl 5o a day have been abbj to cum Ham ?}1 BO to e'l (X> a dav ol not exeeedlBi six hoara labor, ll la ezpooted that IBM verb will a re? moved from tbs Ttaesarj Deoairm u BalldlM '" 'ho new building iu course of erection h> Ihe .-prl ?T of wb. ii. with Increased facilities, ll can be OMOBkV dalt il BM still more peouoiuicu.iy HBMMBd, LIOHTHOt'sK 11 fABI 1SIIMKNT. The UaftdboMO cstiihlisunifnt remains tu a sst* llfa Stacy condition. lmrug the fiscal year it has put iu operatmu thirteen new tapbOMMta, aavaary-alVB new nver i ghts, aM new steam toa mmb\ and 111 new bu.ty?,-if which the laat three are auto? matic buots. It has dls'-.tntinned six lights.which were no lomrer nee led, and ehOBMd the charac i. ri-t a of ten others, so that thev will ho more useful than heretofore to commerce and aavkrettea. The itoani his aaMbsaad the work of eBanpiaa tbe burners ot Hie ? liai.t? tn ihe several li 'ht'iouse d.stricis. so as to BabatltOtS i ?ui oil for lard on as aa llhwataaBti bat H aaaaot found it aspadajai to stake Ike ebasuts Ib ItaBiB of tM hkrkrr Badera. Bj ? incuts with tiie cTaetrtl light have been con lliiued wttb such results that the i. .id has now asked for means to pu* tlie -light to the practical lest of a workin*exhibition In a llantbouse. The estimate for this pui isuse is comm ruled to Iba at ti nt ton of CMpvaaa, The eaparlmeata as to the paaatpatlM of sound thronak fos* amdsr by tba 'ate Prnfeaaot Ifinry have baeit couipiued by bis successor in the Board, htMaf Morton, with the re?u.ts de'alled 111 ihe .ippeudix lu lue Koaid's BBBaal report f ttt'-r and <;eont ric si nvi y. The report of tbe superintendent for the fiscal ye ir shows tlie tuiimate hearing of this work no commerce, navigation and manv r inurements tn civil lite for river and harbor Iniprovcmsnts, lighthouse service, marine constructions and for engineering pur. peace generally. The records of the snr vcv cotiuiu precis., details pertaining to gcogrm I M post i: ou s. shoreline, tides auf current', dlstaaes B Md directions, beisthts and contour of ground, he I idru gtapb) of tplai wafers, and the magnetic variation iu all the Mires and TsllIMS IBB T..e n su is or tba year inclu.le 2d hvdrograptiu' ?urveys, asktttleaal smadoBM op i iii o s and tvpogrnpay lu ">J sites of work, def'?iiiilnatlons of ni.tgiietlc varlallon ai in wide1) Mparated toMllttos. kraprladki ami lalltarta at otiiers. und ipeeial i baarvaaoae nn tides and sea currents. 1? a IM B irlaet tM ebaitS Of tM survey are marked with comn i.-s, varlattniis derive i froci ol>?erv.itiawa dMOOCl] u.?e'i:; to luiul surveyors In the luterlnr. The aurvey having mapped an? delitensl tbe most Im? port ii t rea. iics id the Mississippi u rep reseated bp a member lu Ihe Mississippi River Commission as orjam/cil under the Act of Congress appraved Jane S8, 1970, in consider expedients for the Impti i en., nt o.' ihai river. All previous eoinmissions of ilkoImportance have been anoattramd in tne sams way. und il bas generally devolved ou fuis branch of liic publi - sei vice to make the need? ful surf, vs; BtMMBf in means has thus MM secured by the rand07BMBl of observers lu readiness, and ncipiai .led with all the details n quired lu DMi aetlOB arftb nuestinus ot in pmvetnent. Tha geodette work now in progress along the tLlr: > midh Pal al el is well advanced to the casiward of the si. rra tfevada Mountains, lu thu course of tic .tear the ds> bmiM tor ebaru haa hxtavtr ksersaaed i at our aaaports s ties have more than doubled, and tbo volumes of tbo Boaal pUoi ami printed tide laPii's, are in steatlr Ms faeOC With ti e MBBal reports appoMMM BffB given on ?,:s of special in irrest. The?e an isiBMaaiu railed tor by the iure ilkarat rttlaeaa. bw the namMff si rot utiips Btiuted l.aa for MB years bar ly sitfll e<l tot ua triinitiun to public dcparlmeuts autl laaltTafltM of Icnrii.iig. MMtn iio-pitai. sr.itviCK. The BWMUB-Oaaawal or Marine Hospital ser vice rt pints that 9^909 seamen tOBOfft i relief durng the last fiscal year, of whom 11*499 were treated in hospital, and 8 99J as ffMJBMBffy or cut patienla, Ixdng an Increase of 2.?i'J0 lu UM BBaabM of patients over last year, BM of l.lit over any year previous lo 1-7*. The amount of hospital tax re ive I aad i overod Into the Treasury during the year was P3O0,4O9 ?8, while tlie total expenditures Were faT?.Uti-t Ul, mak dig n per csutta co?t of 817 9:1, a re? duction over ls7(s of $2 11 a Ida. ti 11 :..t? lasen 1 nVcted in the cost |m>r eapiia from -J- ll ... l?7o. wli.-u tin: ?ervic, s. ,,a i vo, t;anl/..d. do .Ml to tue pres. ul time. _ The remainder of tho t epid t comprises a ,siiui.usr> of bureau reports, which have alreadj Lu 11 lahB '.> BBbtlshed In Tilt; Tkibi nk. The Secretary re? fers IB thestdetails to the L fe-iiving, tM new N >: ? ua Board of II... It Ii. the lu-irict of Columbia, aud I... paMtal aamMmvy at BM pm4m etykm. .1 VOTED CANAL VBBDICi BET EMBED THE ju009mvi AC.AI.NST OCKPvON AX1> OrilKII.H SKT AslDK. Ai hanv. Nov. 28.?-In thm eaae of the Pt o p|e against II. nt ) D 1) ulson and Others, Judgment has b a is versed b} tie-<i ncrul Tctm of the Supictue 1 nn ' ; ii. r< f.-iv nee Iis. i, 11 gi ,| und a new ttlsl granted, t>i* co-is to abide tie event, lb la acltou was com ui n . d 111 auj 'i-i. I?7".. b", Attorm \ (i ucra! Pratt Bgataat II nry D. D.-nlsoii ami uihers for tbe rrwvery of 0417.371, wit i (bterrat from JaAusrj l, 1970, and pasts, lot iu a IB a BMti at n. 04 hi l^tW. in removina wall aoneMa aud ?iraigu ? ulna l ie fl ic Cauai from PertBrhuytei io ih< Lowei vlonawk Afueduct. fbi raaa wm refetved 11 1 ?*7*i by osw of IM OapraaM 1 Yuri .!u-' 1. r? in .1 iii.. ? K, \|n,?. 1 al e- u. Tuppim and Isaai LaWsuD. 1'i.c rrfeivea. alter a testl'sas beaxtaa el 1 1 ?1.. p.. te. .11 iVi. .-s. 1H77. g vtng jnitsr ?,f ..r: ?? H its pi ,M7,lo0o4.ui wbteb m ap . e 1 Saaln 1 um Ii kell t ? 1. (, ..1 il l. rm ui ISO art . . a . . a Las Landed iti wn tb< devialou as> 10 i. labwvr,_ FlUh ,: iCOBD, a f O/Ki ;.?. <iuti.-i,o?s |98kJPJO TokBDOi N r. M.?A abooo latrory and ma ud p'amnp mil, owm ; i>? Be bor 13m ii'other?,at .tan ata.itlw f asyli ml 1 BMmMsVO few uid ? 1 ?SM ?*? lb' ? 'd ? ?'. W' ra del: 1 -il Hv Bio last .1. la .? ,??? o 11 inaniaaM Oil (InlBi