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IIHMM rt'O ?lfftmas \?o- X its tu. ?Ctjm?n <?r 5H:?:?--u r a <>i"i?. "1-BBhi ? iii ?.i..irtlBl." _ - ?_? .. Bi-m' tiu atkk-j mut b i Ot mm Me, ?? <??* Pm.i'l'- il (H'llli ll.i-l. -.nil-: V. !*= ??>" > !?? ri ?! iu.ATm.-s: " Wivn" *: ?? au Amman n rfcl." FuthAve?ce 1iibatbj<-2 aud .-: Patiioiuiiu-. ???aiu?' ?'?"??" Ha? i Ki v> TiirATRr- 2 and * : "The Odor 'on. >i n York \ n aimi m IAst and Krrnlng. \i >? a, ttn ? torn - '.' au l B. Un. 71? taeadwssr. Pack 1 HI ?ti;?: " ?in! I ! " ft :r. in lieiuid." t-?\ h imc?co Mnarasuf onu llooea?I ami I. >? , t i-.-ui ?1:3 ' nod ? : O'i?tii. " FSitm tin. I' ? BAtnt Twbatki liebaodS: - rnmh kuu. waixack'bTaauxna usoeadSi "Om" Ami ::!? KB InOHTI II ' KM tttaa. 1>iv mmi i:v?>'unj. (ii:>r. Hail--:3 i r. u.: Dicken? llealuiea. Ki . ?! ? .' BLAL'i i. M.l'l.? -?'? UWl. 7ni i:''.\t knnonY? Kmr. n. m Hall?2r ? Organ11 e < ? 11 a 1. S: "l-Mlnti." t?v mi il ai i? Billiard r.nt.m. JniCI 13 Horriiiticnicma. Avt ft viam 9lh l'anr-Mi and flth roimi" s BjUfklkU tIlM:*ks abo BAKOtn? HfA/Vwr?Mil COlUUMI BOAku im' Room !?'/? Fit r- SAB .?k.ui m Fv<im?i'nimi:< ?"? ' ."hu '?iiiniii Klii>iNu<? NoTU'ics im l'nyt- .-i ? ? 'inc. GOm-l BATMM -n.'H. i- '?, /'.?;> 81 . MnntOj 1>AS im \. AM VIi ? fi'k rii-ic 0 !, I'O.IIUin. i lu israi um I ?#? Ota column. Ii? . ,si KoTtCK? l'api ? ."?i!, ???: ii? ?? *. m? n?CMKcr> OM l'ii' .">-!i ,-oIunin. iu! iA i.- %tk t'mfft 4Mi aud ill. CO i.-uu a. Fcbmti bi Wl /*'? 811 ' un bHATL* AMD PBKIiUBB-- Ml /'i?/- ?II'. Ii column. Uli: VVantkiv?4M rOBM <i roniniB Holet- Wh Pmjt 811 i ? BUBI . Ii i cm (?-?i/i &m/t >'ii eulunu !>?:/ i ? in,? -OM V>ii:> HI an I Sth eccumn?.. J.?>? icnoou SM ham 8 ? eaieme. ? ?ii - im May iis,.- :"A -o" u eatwa, LSttAl .So-?!.-KS? -//. i'u-lr? Ii 'l ??.?ll.Om. ?Nu h.' M? Wh l'ifff-fdh n ' ? ?i.ii akdBlat* mamio .?--?*?'? Isane?Otk caiwm. >'<? iaab* AM- Db?iob BM l'w i;.ri.Bwn. Mia ii.i AM .iis BAk Pmpe- SM aoJvana ; BM l'uv-3', a .' i .i ???; ???!? ? i awraa vn rutxjraiMtna ca /?-????-:;.:. rodBMiaalnaano l\.i.ic ai n >ri. i- -;??/? Papr ntk uini OtnaaOnnna> i'M : tl.'A t'tiT' <?'! .'nnoi rai rnrATi s?'* rone- i-; aaal M aainamo Km i.i. i - NoTi. Ks? ??/* l'avr -d !? ' i diituna. K>ns Watm Malm wi> F*mmt to BBaOBBO: I oll** (OA /Vi r .1 i .-?1.111111 r-ri.i : .i NlltBOBn M rWBO r>tli ind lilli en-uci a , Pi . m am* lutumiBB Ml ffapa ItkannJtnl >!>??? BP OrBBB SM fagt? ilrh aaKBBM li ?i raw iwa /?*!??*??urii rntnuan. ti.-.-Hires Son rs. "Auhiim v Hi;\nd" Fa hrarn _CBitTantarp ITn.a r..ah - PiLt*.?Orcoi Rncloifa icootsod rh?-u BtatB naniB? Oral Bas? Bl . muoii.5' ?? s<il i h; druuflm'? l!ii! i mat!"m i i bkd by Ilinoi il Ba-thaat the ?? . ii \?"ii - i>r.i.!--. \ V. Hik'm Iii/hii it iiy ?lf .on. 1 i lh;l mmi i.'- OrLf.BRATKD COtJOfl l'KOps. ?.< 11 at Bava a, ii. B. on. aak drou. 1 . ?> iBrUIOBB. Mo*' ?i. Wr, i.rr?, iMo pei ?nii"ni. I * i -\v. iv\:"? laiarag. ainilBabn?rilwaa,$8aoran. HBl Bl 1 1 itUirM- . IInil >ubat-nlic?>, SS BBB auuuin. 'I* u .-. eoaM ia adtaam a. ?; am ii nmrn of rtu ti ? v ? \, oik? \?>. lj?t*> Iii und way, onntar ihirtr fi-i --'.. No. :?ii?i W. -t Twaat) -i'nnl-, t.. corner 1 ii:! by*.! N>. Tin 11 iul-:ive.. ?iriier Ferty ? ?Mi '!--?.; Nl. M.' Kaal Foortoeothat,, crncr I ? ? i -nur.': No. 2 SM Fonrth-BYa. illarlcui.i Vi ?siiiMiiiiv - >i>. l.:<^"^ V*m. I., ?m\? .No. o?! |ti iMorti-Hi.. StraU'L I i i:i- N... 1? Kue Si llbe. ;v tU'iJorii Bail]!tribune. Fu 1 NDEO BY HORACE OREELEY. BATURDAY, WOTKMBEB 29, L8TO. V ith SUPPLEM^tT c~"~ - ? ?? JHt MMWB TBU MOMSJMt. Ki'i:M'.\.-Mr. K'lhii ha- Inn cnuiitiiiied lor trhil ?i fMar --?? Kln-j Alphoitao and loa l'i im BM ? ht.-tiu.i urc lo l?e uiurind to-uay. = Mukhlur I'uc ha hu? Ix en luuesucled hv Aiuniita al toieiuje. l?...\ii-ii? .? I in, I'hibi nl piililidlies the annual report oi the S.-<ri-tury of the Trenmiry. - -:.: A torna lo ha> i ansnl cti-al ilauiuire in Louisville. K v. i-Four BBaHaSflBawai for paayaaaay haaa u-eii found at Salt Luke City hy the Grand Jury. llu- jii.k-n.i-nl BMBBBl Daatlaaa and others fot iin.-< anal contr.ic: ?vi ich.nges has bobbBBl bbMi . 1 ti v AHB flaM iiban ? Tne t'rst jiayuuiit of the W boah svtiiln ute on the purchase oi Ne??-Vi.ik stiM-k made yeeterdav. ss - t'liaui.e. \ ?I, Dapoat aaatkad ? aaakaaaa ai tha Haw-Tart cen? tral Lailroud luaiiatcmetit liefore the Leg relative Coiiituittoe. ' - The paaBBtigers of the ilisahlen Or. ot Kichinoud arrived on tho Circasnia. ? It is said that Mavor Cooper a ill appoint a lieiaiidu un Police Coniuiowioner to succeed Mr. \N'lu-tler. ? A man ami woman wore arrested charged with coiisjur.uv to poison and rob u country manufacturer. _____ L>r. Freeman J. litimitoad is dead. ' " Gold value of the legal t.m ? i ?live? dollar i ll0l-2 grains., Ss.'.ih cents. r?u?< ks active, openin? higl ci. and alter a reuctuui closing strong and Inno ant. Tnr WrvATHKK.? I nun nk local obHerx atudis in? dicate varm and rainy weather, followed by colder alaaiaaa Waat bei lale in the day. Thermometer ye-', |i.a>: lliglieet, i?'.' ; lowest, 4.'i-; averagi-, _ The hopeful Spiiiiper lliink? tiic Iicmocrats in CoOfftUOB will hp ** quil t M lauibs." Not until such men ae this ss-t tin- example, anil as B "laaBBW* Mi. BpctnfWa is one ut tho worst failures in the hi-toiy oi the human ntco. Aeionling to a reuoit dt-rivitl from the Lont-st I te Chief (rumy, the Mornaitm Imve bcH-n evcituis the Ftes in their region with the Ktoiv that tin* T'tiitsil Statin iliil not pro ptBI to keep faith with them, und the BSldiati MM alSSMaf nioyiiig ii|xi]i tliein. Tlie l? |Hirt was lalsi-, but it loiupcllod a halt of the work of th?- Ooniuiisv-ioii for nearly a wis-k. Tlo1 political Mguineuiiess of Lord BencouH aVIrft aawaes as Um Laie] .Mayoi'n bai qui t, or its lack of sigiiitic.iiici-, has already baa> SBi forth in om London loiTespondencc. In the K-tti-i piiiiiinl s-lsi wlu-n-. the purely pcioouitl Jjatitn s of the (Mtheniifr hi* ilosciilnd, und have a striking picture of the uppi ar.tiicc ji Pltea Mini-tn. The case of the railionds inraiiist tin ir SB* BBilauto could not. ptolmlily, be BBOTC liitclli Iteiilly or skiltully stated than to Mr. Chnuu eey M. l>eix w in Inn apaasil yistcul.iy bafBTC the Anss-inliiy Itivi -tigntitig Coiiiinitti?-, a aa* port id which is printed i l-ewlnn . It is in il worth attention, Dot laraiL-e it dis|?o*cs oi the garKBOl srifW-aaal l??n Ihe raiiiomi-. luu lie tmWtt M is ulwiiys iiis:tturtiv?' to hear the aUkBI -iile of unv i ini!rov? rs> ; Baal Mff Da pew u-ually HSMflSB to culnin Ufl -i ,?, Wlili neVi l it is. Tha staff (oili spoinb nt who ha? BOBO BBr* acril.. g ihe miiiiiig M gione Im Tiiiiu NK rlnii eis liming the past lew months, sums up in a b tu r priayteel alBowbore g law iwikiwM gj_pa rii i ii s of tin- sin ia 1 Hf| of tin- inines. The litt roiili;,s|s of Mmnt (oimtiv BN fOBUul not onl\ in tin- smith n trips ot fertaBUBj tsaaj ss4 i-.-? i, Lut in tin- paat lo laairt ot tba mmttt arba gatl.ei ftcri. tin ? t< Helling aabaari with the nilLam and the Kuiilioiiaiie that was and laiuioi that is, pattaps aVhShj ? itry'i byotI for the bbbu arbo w.i- aa i] ?1 ivaji in t!u nslg wbca be bybj nt the Igjp, Mi . I'r.m-tor may n >t be rcspoiuildc foj Iba dis-igi< cable ch.uigi in ILt- wi-ntl fi, o p?i> Lai * asm w< i i.?..::>? i j tbe baalt .r the ?-op! us alBBfjaaaj ppt), tbs ni tnr. thai aaaM ^ to lol.ow in t!i,. ii.c, i,f Biel;,'? asaaaSp ami Btaifce lbs easAh abwai tie 147lIi ..i .'Mi : lu-t. htp il Brat, whai fa tin wuns o ihia buddin u... old i ra ke tVMMM nn unnecessary Inn-dent Have in Ii ipota broken out on the sun. M Ii iIt delnpe due to tlie absence of BMM solur irregularities,' One thing, nt least, is cer tain?and this i-? practical TWT1Mj!f?BM frOMB up canal-boats \v:ll gvt safely to IMO WbtW. ll i- not often that a group of nun spots er ? rsMMl or a showei nl meteors ronirs to 11m hafts of theuo humble but useful vessels, but when it does let it have duo credit. sj f EETAMJ &EXMA1F8 9ETOMT. The report of the Secretary of the Treasury, whici is given in full to-day iu a special dis? patch from Washinpton to Thk Tkiuini.. is BM tii -?t Mr. Sh'iniau has issued since specie payments became im accomplished fact, und ilu' country glided without n tivinot into tin steady grooves of a currency rt-di-einable in eoin. Tba Seen tan's rortorf is naturally occupied wit.i some neeoiuit ol this beneficent :i< In? v< ti'eiit. which Irin; since becaine famil? ial ami p!i MPJri history. It was by an easy BBfBJ I lint he wa- led, in discti-sing Ibis siile .ieel, intii i tull iftrManl of the advantapes the cnnnlly derives from tin National ll.inh-, witlnmt whose aid specie pavnieiit MlM Inive bOBB impossible. Tba Srcretarv truly >iy> thai tin- results atliiined under the Kb* lioinn BasMBBJ >vr.iiin coehl not have been readied under any <n! or IjattM. The record td sixteen tea s sho.vs llinf, in tbo security of tbe noteholder and ihe BBJfWMl ereibl given 1<? the tint mid in 1pjij OMMf ways, tin N.i banaaJ aVBtoai is so MMTCBsshly aaibfafaiTtary t lull it may Jwbrj appeal to the go 'd-xvill of CkajfiMB. ThOM words nre bddPMW I to a Congte-s whoso map >ruy haa inlcn tions up ui tho system which nie En from honorable, and Secretary Shot man. by a wise woi ,1 snok, ii iu time, may have done BOOM* thing to defein DuMcntic pftote. In bmbbuj tlie rexed question of um retirement of Un'ted Si ttes in Ins BM BOCK taiv nukes the ieeounneiid.itn n Hint the resumption fund be specific il'.y tM* lined by law and sei apart i> t bm I-ilenipii'.n of United BtabM aatsat. aad that the noli s redeemed BraUl only In- Matted in ?xciiungc lor or in purchase of nun (r bu b n. Hi is of the opinion that the pro? visions of existing law mtto suflieieiit to main? tain re mnptio.i, even with the pre situ vol i:mt' of Dai tad Btmtoa aotca ; but baa Bamn tury thinks that ihe power lo sell bond - lor retlt inp; i' ll purposes should he bn served, thOBJth it could be OJBOOJobd only in emergen? cies. The prevailing; Wad) ju ices 'or pah ie ne curities : ml tbe general fooling of confidence leit l lo i ho suggestion lhat tho present would bo nn e\c. Heul BBM lo ItlTOjl a portion of the sinking fund in 1 iii;?d Si.iles notes and re? tire and cancel them, thus reducing the max? imum of the amount in circulation to !,:{(K).?M)(?.('(i(i. tlie figure livi d by the Ib sumption Act. One question of wide no; ortnin c is raised by bm >n 'gcsiion made in bm PSJMft whether the legal-lender quality should sill! be con - farad upon United Btatea bomb* While bm paWM to i-siie BMM notes in ti M of war has been upheld by the Supreme Court, the tight to reissue them iu time of BBBB4 is Mil' contested, ami the Secretary MM m lie of the opinion, though M tbnet lOJOOBs1 nn m1. ?ion is made to that effect, UBai BM lopjal'bBodor ofatMO ihoold be repealled. There nie many other matt+rs ot |RBBi In* tirest contained in this report, which must be di-? ii-st d hereafter. Tin- Si cietary MBMBtM that with the ordinary receipts teaching; |S88y0O0?OOO.dtinM BmImmI year, ami tbo or diiu.r.v expenditures HBtlhlHl |uTTfl.lWT(\flfWlLlllll GrOTCniBMIlt will be able, link s- (ain^iess inukes ajipuqn ions in too la vidi a spii it, to balance its bBoko, BbI if it shi'tiid BBpoarBMtl i hon la to be a delicit, ? ither l?ccause ol a falttraj nffUl BM I rTMUM or In cause of excessive appropria? tions, a duty may be I id upon tea und OOflbo, mid tin internal tax upon opium, lu the ex u, tm s oi ooMtctutg the (usioms reretTM, bm Stcit'taiy shows a BtYBUJ of ueaily $1,000,000 in the Baat two years, and reports u marked improvement also in the actual returns lioni customs. There is a etr.king supges'iou that economy might be pi uindi d if there was a permanent upproprwii ion I eommit u e ot both bouses, havint* power to sit dvtag the rooi etc. There am reeoinnietidations also nspeet injr renietlies fmj the prevalence ol undeivitl uatiotis, eoneernilip the hes' MOtfcodl ot re viting American shipping, aad upon aianv OMM topi, s of gTave iinnortaiice. The rejMirt is clear, bblo and satisfactory, though BMM will Ist nreessarily difl'eienees of opinion upon some of its recommendations. It will commend itself to the favorable con? sideration of Congress, aud ihe country. Tin: .ii:my ixd xn r. The anutial reports ot the Secretaries of War und the .Navy are public document-, which we always rend with ininpled feelings of s.uislactiou and aimoyniiee. With satis? faction, because they descrda' the eonditiuti of two bi-anthes of the Goviruiuent servit-e in which every weil-infonnetl Americnn takes ? just pride. Whatevi r abuses and tlemonili/u tiou may )irevui) irom time to time in Ihe rnilitical depnrtmeiits, nothing bhnkis ottr OOBaVdMMi in the hoimr. patiiotism and abdiiy of our soldier* and sador?. In personal character und professional at cotupliehuH-ntH the grtdtiates of West point mid Annapolis are equnl to tin- best otliccrs of the WOttdL They leatl a hpjdj lit*-, on small pay. They perform I great variety of scientific und other work, of the very htpjaBPi jiractieal import anee, and how tliey can tiplit history has nniply told. Yet cheap us our in 11 it hi.v and BBfll i siolthshmeiits, the money lor their sn; port MOBM tti be aVdcd Ml With BM Hint (st reluctance. Tlvciy ye..i the BoffTtBfbM make the same ronip' Unit (MBgMM, lav lah aMMpjh in aBJhaj matti is will not opaajw priate the sums required tor necessary cm rent expense-. Sieietiiry ItrCrait 1. i:n ;.ts that he cannot pel I'Uthoriiv to tiil the tanks ol the Anaj BJ the nominal ofaV-tttra s'u'.pth ol 2ft-000 Kiep, whit b he MabrtTM to 1m* Bm MMtMal number OBBOMO Of gpani'i p (he ImSbo Ihm - thsC und pci im min/ * t Ii? r fOBIB?bI di.m .. Tin, ol our orflBany foroo fa tho direct raOM of " PJBJ . ll Hot nil. the "OI-asM i- ; ti*? 11diI.g Indinii hOjOtilttaM*) and to tin' obs'inaie, nun asoiiiup n fiisnl Of COMBMl lo MUtho. ./.:? Ihe tnil tnniit oi Um tii.ois v.i.ich tin ?Aiotrj iiiithoi it M s h:;\e BBMBMBl to be nle-oliitcl v aoMadiaJ ioff the prajtii^uoa ot the rTrsdani MttMBBMlta we lutlst RttnhBM the dlBJMifa] bMOBBCfM BsBi M often sl.iN-k the BBBBlTJ, Loot 8pw*tBets tle- ataaltoia wert gtratui up their lives in an Indian war, tjie 4)ema CMBbt deli puBMOI in 'A:, ainglon voted lo withhold thett pof :ind food III the bone that the Pioafafoiit wotdd aorrraifherhia pieroiraiivc to rave thew Iiop: ?BHTOtMB] nml BOt long m?? thej refMiid to vote mtipbI apOMMtf pay in tbc n.i.v, mi diii thoj iui"ht daiM credit an tha ati aap nb ., MaaMBMa oi riijimilUojiM - ;, lii'illsli .is wi ll us In-U lkes? pi l i oi'iii.i ui *, btiiiUa, BM 10'.i Ii. .?p aiMOUJ iu lilt aci iln. tbe deficiency bad to bl Made m* rear. Nothing i* dour tor tba bm) mm Id of our roast tlofeut-s. Tbl aUiMjlag iortitien tioun cannot even be k? pt iu r? ran with t w mragte appr printinn BHMBB tot them, ait I.the dilapidation is stcadilj iucreiisimr. Tbl clcri ral work, BMMnMbltf in connection w ith pen? sion claims, is ruiininz behindhand, because ConjrnaH will not provide for th* |BMfMI nninlMT of citip!o\i s ; nnd every year tlie nr ctitntilatioti of ni rears becomes printer Mb liai i.xMiii tit to mm department, nnd a irrealer wrnnir to outside claimants and creditor". In Um Navy the ?!? (icii iiHcH have uot been so serious as usual, und Ihe Sen clary is al-lc to congratulate ?m country unon the bSMM big strength of the service, ihe sum appro? priated however for the pay of officers and men still falls over $100.000 short of the amount they ban actually earned, und ii* tlnir ?OlbojT mi l then MljMI KM bKM tlxctl by law this il licit constitutes a charge ui on Mm Treasury which tin re is no bMOTlbftfl wbj uf aiatdhu We presawe thaf OntfRKi will root persist in ?m attempt to reduce ?xpt-n aatmraeby tbe etaeple preeeea af nfbnng to pay ilcht?. We ipeafc ol tbf men- -.sing strength mi tiie ham vice, bill wbotblt Bm Uatlsd Stm-s Navy would be of much avail in mmb ot n mddea war with ivy Biel et ieeond-elaa OMtilbMB Mint is highly arxrhsBMhrtieal. Un oraMiag ships ?re i? freal port of m ant i bjbbMmI leit?iti, lot wieely, do doubl?we bavo not bMttlged iu Ihe < ?:' rtnd i1 In cisivc i x >. riieeata uti oh Kur inerta notKn . ?jokfasjr i> it.val nil ni'i . t'oc. Tbe banrowe mojmJ la tbe eflei ? j of tba >\y nobtatacd by a MMN M < ?' :i ; ? : ????? Beb n Mtril i ? ihe old ..hip:, a id by gi it.;.-, inl af i i at. of reeaeia which tm n m rear* wen only a aaanaa aiprai <. It. i ...?????! mm hue 35 reeepfaiia co-mo . on, hi htiii n -...??<:?'?? h id harpotki-rjoaha, ;.* tl '-.?? ?? nn ? '? ? - ? ?ovM be got I ?? i ly 11 I. :- : ;i.r. atereover, j7 \. mm tm me ? . ? ? the Navy widen as ... ?aval paapoeca ol an* ?> f. ?? i u> hi ep tit 'in, aad air. i'l u . ? ? that they in s?iii, and th ii pi ??>? a . ? timiding new re*eels oi ??? aim ? ibe are stiii ot see. at DLXFJft y 01 n i ?'. Tba effect ol defeat njtoa t';- Llemoei party is MMMaMtMMBttly pond. Idwei n ?? ratea upon thou as eft awine meal ?11:1 upon tin cbildroa of [srael?nukes tbem deront. UaTJH them to the votahip <>f lbe brae I. I b nanner in which tbe entire Deanocratic party h:;s raiaad up its handa aad ;i?-1 ti il upon a^rutji Gial the id or} Got tba retara oi material pro ).? i itv?tvi r Mticc tba pasty bepn io anft t ih i< at as out-of tbe consi qu >ooee of the chautre ?;? souictliiiiir, in it - way. quite tmn himr. The suddenneaa asd apparent eerneetneea of this aroM awakeniagi m the party recall aad alnioai Make real that vivid fancy of th* poet who Haw "heathen nations tamluijtv' while coafeaaha] liuaora baatoaod to obey the fMapel cill, " B nation in " n day." It niuv be said tiiat in their recojruitioii of Divine Providence as .In- only caiist- ami BOWOB oi our UIH'Xnui pieii proBperityi then is a certain ambixn unsncsa of toad i boiI ol doubtful balancing bctwtcu ^ralitmb- ami eoMtphsiainfr; much as one iiii^-iit s.iy ayaee orer the Tbnka iriviiiK l m key, anil BBUBjeai in tlie curt " Amenn thai after nil it was a frreaf ahana that this araetoua formality shouliiii't In- credited BaTafaset the turkey on the batcher'a bill. Ami then la a neaaare of truth iu the remark. Then BMM BBBM to lie a vicious snappishncss iu this smiih-n " Thank "God" outbreak in the Democracy that makes a pi m!i M peraoc think more of dodg? ing n lifted loot than of joining in tin- nrove* mem of tin- upward roOfaag eye; a kind of vim ajary daab-yoor-eyee cm l ut the and oi it, aneh as a luzv varrabond loeltnagovei Batohianeighbor'a thrifty field wighl pennte a ThankagJvtn? proclaiuutioa with, joal to keep his acsgabor fyoMj ajetlteg pioml. The nddesjraeaa ami uuiver.sithty of this outim-ak oi DflBBOtiata devoutness, however, inns! eontnine to excite wonder and snip'im. no matter how luiudi vitrmi they Birl on their aoighhora frooi iIn? tal I of tiieii MBTU?ElBjfrbMjn. Iben- Bai never been a time when th Ib iuoeiatic party as an BrgBlllntlBII ha- be. n so iMjdy to mtanwlealge an orcrTadiog PruTi deuce, albeit with a general i xpie-sioi. ..; ibc conviction that it baa Made a great MMtahe io Hit postponing for ut lea.-t a couple oi years the n-tiini of BMterial proopotlty. DM tin Democratic jiatiy is Botiuag if not prftt eal. It has iiiainta'm-d Ihe Btttta e o! ciiiiciKUi now for twenty years, ami this is not by any im. us tin- liist lime thai the ways of I'mvidonco have fallen under its disapproval, the trouble usual!) BMMg that Providence hurried matters mi rapidly that the party had to drop ull ib- baMMBge to keep up with it. It is a liotew nnhy ein-iitiistama in cbubbc tiou with this Demoi iat:c " boom " lot Pioviilt-nce that it bj b1mb|i hnvghl forward as in tin- nature ol a eat-oft ; nol so MBek u distinct nnd independent pnpooi* tiou um a qaalilvintT fiu-t?a sort ot n joindii. A- tor in-tame, when .Mr. Thon? hwing?who may be reniembereil us h.ying noaausly run Ear eenething iu boom yfaaBnm Statu, BMM tlie platform ttial BWeiJlbiag v\n gOMBJt to the liort-wows--waa reniinitod that everythingwmdMjgoiaaTto the bow-wows, he ut last admitted the- fact; "hut," he uud ?und it was an emphatic "hut '?" we "owe that to Providence, und no, to a " He|:iil licati Administration"; a recognition of Providence, H will be observed, with a "lint' ; than winch nothing could be aeon coiiMsitnt seeing Hint his party has beauj "taBttnuy" nt Pi-ovidence lor twewty-flve yeuis. So Senator K.itoii said the ., , day vciy kindly, if imt paying igijr, ti,a; **Uod AlmtghtJ had a irreal deal More to do " witii hiingwg back praapecity to this, ,a,. "uy John BhrTMM or bmj Mghd tioa ' hau'; tbe lajoeapattieai td Pnvldcnce InNug evitlttitlv -tl Ji ted by die leal Jubn aaMraaaa aMgdal ebani alt aha cntbt. And here conn- im- BhMe Coaanitaea af-thai strange \i.i-. a naarionentiua kaowa aa i... I lilt I. r U in i r.i ? ?, Bfi i a Lu v eall .ill M Addraas,1 ia ataiehtfsej atyi ^ With the n "turn ol uiiU.ul pros|i. niy, for win, j, v, MreveroutJ) thank only the boonU-ous baa i " oi MttT Bod and tin Gtod Ol OOI imh etc., i ic. Very partinhar.yoej o e. 1W ?? v.,. "ri vc'ent.y tlunt mmky, ' etc. liny nn ail pajj bMSMbM BmJ very th.ti.klu , bnl thvy bbmw mbmmbm 'a aataJety that no; a eramb of their thankfulness fgJla oil ihe altaj oi tueii pu t) to be picked up !..\ Jo.ui S?.. .? (ll ?, tin- Beptablicaa paji\. Bo oo all hand, atay hgn '?ei n ohatTvW for the i>,ost tau ? : tb m u a <i awoeni di-p -iiiion amnag Ucwrnrrahj lo aacrths all the gasry im i ?-iv?- ml the thaaka to I) vine Providence fur the goad ;.in . chut have ea rned iip.u. ga, IfhenOTT r mi nt on has bei ii made ot (ho IM-t ,,| ret ii i um? prosp.-niy they ban kniaisdlj aa -iMi. 1 "Yes. yes, ,,h y,.M J ,('. tin ' ... ?.'?.?? MOMjMhll Noiuing bui Ihe traps.' 1. | ? i 0*1 roi Mm Crapa,"- antfl one might nlnUMl think hu had struck a ?> rotH htnaaaloiaa at the Muezzin's rail to pnj?r] thy M whirl Iheir fucen It* ward Mi* et urul lose thrnisrlvt 's in the thought that "God is great!" It is a cbecr iu: aad bjarpii ing spectacle. Ami w hen we (hink Mal BSTthtBg bill defeat rould have bfOWlhl s . ? i<> t in s u 11 iiudn?sf *h vntion| Hat nothing hut il- chastening* rould have made them so recognizr l'rovhb-iire, truly we have an added cause lor gratitude ourselves. And let us so* to it that, hy continuing the wholesome discipline that has produced such good results, we keep tbcM tor a longtime in this pious frame of mind._ it/: kW iB PMOBlBfLTTivm. The statement lias hr i n nindt* that Mr. Tilden i> fbtbaYcd us a pooeible PiteBdcntiBl candidate, and that UM DcaBBCUtk party is linishetl as a political power. It would lu well for the country if both were true. The in M poosibilitj that MbfJl I MM as Mr. Tikderj can he elcctetl?though his method- are in um last deerce ditnoriliziiiir? is a onld.r tn's EerbMM. Tho uoMiliflllj that tbo Dtia Oeraths patty mav y.t, ai.d may use the power ol Mm Federal QorwrnnvBirl to areaae itaoM upon IhoM who uphold thai Government and defeated n Dem >.bellica, i* Moat dhv lieu t eninjr* V> i then aaemi lo bo M good tea ' ti '?r believing thai the auuutiv at M lu? .id ol Mr. TildeVa MQ/ilHotirrnorol the Den oeratie party. Then i- a polshshod letter by i bmIom !>. ,iin.\ni, i.i which he ata tee tbal "tlie DeoB "ooratU ;. 1.1, <annoi die,* bssraajJM It pepre ??. i - wi ai M is ,d,.' m i ta . ,.i ?? Mm auw of ?? . . .??>;.!! .'* \\ sea amwrn i bay "the pt ople,*1 may arena the white Pereoerata. Al Lbo Sooth p ibabte that Mm Dan? eratie party will Boi :i .> i L ii.' iis Ittero is left any of the t vb. iveaeM mp] hatred of the i t.ion to h ? aveeztrea ioo. At the North* >?.;;> , robe do thai the D nBoatastso party :. m ? it ?' Ion m tl are t- lofl aay nnr ..... ,. ..-j,..-. id raoe, may naan fraiHin of ?. lisp riag -tiir-aiin with Um rcln'. ?.., ta be ? rercora . "The ompm oi ? .:: p ? :p < " bM <?;..:i pjMOMI mo cause igao ;iii.'::;.. dishorn sty und .i...whioh at asMibd by ?dmi . ay s ati?i putrkriban. As long : i rre is n ;i t to be paid, there will I*' : 'i n who want to rob the ? n ditnta, awd ninety - .it of cvriy h united oi them W?I lie [Jetuoerabs, Bo long as therein.' inir.iiitliis. ?1 colerrd cithMM to he defetrded ia thoir etrf] ami poiitieal lights, M long there wi!i be mop wlei make it their bttBJMM to trample upon i mm rifhta j .md poeb men will be Deans* emts. So long as thcM is i (JaioS io he niu.ti bjdasai, thaw will be an who bate it and want io destroy M ; aad taay, too, will be 1 ieino.rais. Ii is kUe to aapoel taal tbc Deataeratie party arill eeoaa to exi.-i, ;.nd seaaeely mm bile in e\,,crt that il WtH OOOM to in< liar-'the pm : . pti - ?. rity ami boaorof the Muotry, us mg m th m OMBMuta of popBMtkra ( wbteb alwewd Deaiaefai i leaden^ ifter ovary defeat of then party, aet tbeMaeivM bp re sti.-.iii. They brake bo cfforl to teatMia repa* diaton aad diabryaliata i tea the party aeeaii ta be Bear iBcaeoe. r mb h coaatry hn op portaaity to pee what eleneaU really coaBti tut?- the Detaoeratie party, aad what .-pint rontrois it. The exhibition never bila ta in dace tbe people ta rate far a diffcrea! party. The parry hsatlj eoadt naasf, not alono be* eaaae Ha bsadi ta are unwise or vicbrau?fat aawortfary nu n have mounted to |Niwer through . very paUtieal erfMabnthM?bai baeaaM tbc bjaorant, the dathoaeati tbe riadietive ami tin dhdoyal among its patera alwayi appear t> have the OppOt hand wln nevtr tba party i Ukaiy to prevail. Theo, und then only, the raal -pnit and bwdeucy of the partv are ahowu, and the lesson usually Lists nun long r-iiotigli to prwvMd DaaMerasjic .sim r>- for mm yMxi tln realti i. A patty of neb ehaMebar i< alwayi mob* ag?sl by trukery. Devoted BttaebBMttt to jaatptaafipleo?'ine laUaan aaea tr.nii and baatieo, it doM not pihmpm] rror, no the other ..and, can its I adci? ..Ii > o ta bvuw opeaiy the spirit ahbah eoaapBht It. tbaeh a party ftaaeai m acad m a leader who will bejein ">y lurking it- p >t. rs, M I wh ? will Mid by trick* bai tbe toaiiUy, All the ans ol the eorrnpl ihiuagogue lu- enid'iyd lit ilio. who Woald ge' Ibe favor of siirh p parly ..ii i afbM'ward the s^afbaaM of tbe eoaattrjr. ?dr. liUien l ptraaaj m Um iMasocrsdie party ? strong*! ibaO any Other PllBIOI I Bill leahr, in sjnir of Ins reeoat dofeil in ilus btate--*be* obbm ha is hi" Moot tricky poittfciaa known to the party ; license In m vet bbriaka from d.eeit or bribery, bad " trawls M light Buach* Miaa oMlei." with UM least liaggui:? .it' afBTtpISi t?i surli a party, surli u man is tiie h uder and nia -it r, and it w ill he itTBTifT lode d it tba lb lam lallti part] ?-s eaprs hi. inlim nee. It is ,iliog"ih?'i prein ittire to ?apTsTJM that Mi. Tibiea l as been < x;iligl.ished, o: thai bli pariy haa baea deatroyed. The Deaaeerauc port] will auke a bard tight next year. At tm- Baad aaaatoa <d Coagron it will try hard to put on OBM limn ihr mar-k \>uirh it pal ltd oil when ba virt uv was Iboagbt tortala. li will tight lor suif. ss in Ni w - Votk. and tlie I iu-t votes bava ahowa bVat, ii that party can be uniird, tbe reaalt la tbia Mate bj b;, no BMBaa BMBIIld. THE MdtLWAl ?OXBOLIDATtoys, The MBaatkhatM at ra Iraada bM poM m far tbal it bMMCOBM a inalier of tM hip heal public m tersat. Tha preal sals ol ttwch mum Kew-Yarh CmMbI Bail wad, by wkMh a rirtaal aaaaohabatMa oi IbBmbbM MMBsNaatroM Kew-Totk MOidwobi 1 .1. < t. d, wui prababty have a ssarkad nfaaM apM tbafatara af tboAaaprMM railwayayaMM, ujkI ntsui future Lr<;islalivc nml (.'ojipri ssimial mm* ih.n i.i fluid in railroads. Dpefl thaaMWtb aad ooommm of rival ettiea,tbs BMtoMnaMel rait* aay ratM and tbe coat oi tra apottaUM bercatter, and ihr ability ? nt tnis uiiiiitiy lo aaeSPM fi>r' i: ll markets im o- rapidlj itMrrnssiai poMMoM, r? 11? t: .a aetMo will bbm Mm sn MPah a la ik effeet, N..| Luit: h-n. Hit? ,\ s-^.u^ t'riiiia! und the Do iaa PabiBr, ? <i,t it pawarfal aad mmmmm reads, a .m ? . isaUtad. Mr. WaaabHtMNi, ill oi ,,-. lo ni e t il uisrlf lu a liiass ot in ? .v sbarp aMapMituia fran tba vaatlf ssaaadnia ladoMM ?i tha pMMtrlvaaia aap> ?' ?? ? ?' ?ij? i d a fssarMaffhsa inter*st in i'ii Lake bBMB, UM t'luadt Sum, pa, I al .'I.i .gm ('??nira'. .md ?s.-ini' oriur nad-, and a \ r> vuiwifn ii'.ilui-aee in the C'hicaini and Non li ??>? b* Tm v.ta i-.init ppotsaa then virMatiy rSS Msl 0 as III*- I'eu.isvh ums s\ ...i in bad i ' .... sp .t.i.i m. i ums. Oa aba oabar baad, tn<-1 mm P M? ? ba i laag mm hi id iw palling Be* p MOMO t !?? I.iwii pip .1, a i .?:ribi:iainMi of till i.. ui . t.M-ni.' I iw... w nn Ii \%.,. ,di ' p .?er of M i sdste rauaopel ista tin- trnalr to aad friMB th. Pat ii. r ?.. is. Ta Uasoa Paetas u^r.> NaalBsd Ma MMnfa n.ii a line of its OWO to the east ward, b bib Maad tba sTaartas PBobaa, tha H, L Bl . Kmba*( n v sil l \.?rili. .-ii, and Iba W hash, ,. ii-.mla ?? i i In* ittu i.ittm ami ol.tain^i i outnd nl ' BaMjrothai kapert?at mads M Iba Waat. It was BMst soahlad M "**?inrnatl a vust uiiiiic. Tba W.ibasli uloiie, prim t<> tnuse arrauprmriila, hud . . ?I las', yiiax tu MM Lake IS Hire, at laladOj i i.i ?biT*'B|h uasatld Boatwaad *"** _^ | but it* connection with tbo Kansas anil Union Pacific and the Misaonri roads it wan believed bv shrewd men would Ntbh if to control at leint twie* as much truffle for the commit v?'.?r. The trunlt mails of the I'aot depend bnga]y upon t heir iciati" with ihe ton), which traverse th? grata and Btsttba |ip>dnetii|r regioi.M. It was ptibhclv Btatad, snrne mouths ago, thnt tlie JVmi-ylvumu t'ouipunv, in onler to secure the YVihash traftle. oheree. fa vol? atile rates, n sale ot ICOjOOt -hnr-s of PatMM ? :> n : I stock, nnd two seals in the l/ourd of that;. The Vundnrbilt interest has ugrued to sell 250,000 shares of stock, and to give two seats In the hoard to the W.ihash pnrtv, and one to the syndicate <>t hnukcrs eiiffotfed in the trsiisactiou. Thus the Vuicferbilt system and tba [faBM PMtkV nun YV abash system are virtually united, and form the most po wc rl n I railway OerabtnatlOQ < H i kiio .v D? There is a Kenersl belief that Mr. l-a< not taken ?fiio.iKin.tMMi out of IfowTork Caalial without iiavnisr some oi her place to |>nt it. nnd the recent moveiiieiits in the affair* of tlie Kmc, the election of one or two especial friends of Mr. V:;n dattrtH to il'? directory, and the riicu.usf in.??? t let I'ii-idi'it Je Brett has lately Isfoun- a director of H.e Western I nion tel.yr.iph compar''. am tbangbt to cast Hgbt BBM his plans, if these -11:1.1 proVec.,./. t, the cie it c ?tn'niiution will i>i> ItJ eontfol om and nr.vately t o; :ier of the two greet ?ruiik lines laWdaTsf w< st u..rd from .Vw-York. O I have throe roii'e* to Cfiiiago, two to *t. Louis, DOd almoo i r n'i p if et trat s'M.rtatioti theaagh, th* lift':. :, ions ol Al sour, Kansas sue *.? mi tin- only recta aereaa tho r ?nt in-ut. My .-;:ch a c nbniai i in, l'ratti BT ctiMlc cm bt shipped ?t ha-t a. cheardy ns by nnv other noil, from Wesiern fir .er- BB Kaste ni or foreirfu con? sumer*. The BOW' .tnuf will b? BB40 to dic iBtn pJipja ia ether trank llaae, bj oraioerj eft bbb ?taaean, and it control., mi many !.nc. lor \. hieb wifldeaire to Bod mil prop! ijmaot, that it- Interact Will BIOBspi IBB maii'ti nance oi very moderate aatm for freight, Uhaabeeemaa well racaapsiaed fat-1 tti .t tin.-t af tiuiisi art daea aaa i>,- redo* ad only by BeeaBBBaahaai aaotialling long lines aaal ? raai braa*aa. Bot aa otaareoraeian] m the aoaaaif wall bora the advaaanga af fTchaakOuatialCiiBtbTaatlaa m aaagth of ton ., aal raitnde of trade, at aaaa < f prude-. It is easy to aaa that very laipoflBBt eeataeQBBiieca v. di follow as io |bo roenaoraa of rival anj New-York sboui.i - cur. a decided advantage aa >11 tha movement ol exportable products from tha West.itn advantage as daobiiTa in tba araof rait- j waytfaaaportatiiMi aa was secured in tho eta tt\ water transportation by rla leafau v. lin n pPBj Btod tin- En.- ChnBalj II is in th-- Par We-;, aad aaaoaaatpy hi Katiaa-. H bra k i.Vo'.oni.lo. und the IWttrTMBBI tiiut tne aa? at thai wheat la niwet raeidly inetaco hag;aaal tne aettlatraflli eeaw wanlyfroaaffeaaa reitiiiiis and fr eu 1 Ui. With the tine terminal i' or Inch the Sew-York Centi tl already pea aaaaea, aad arbteh tbe Brie la ao rapbfly aeeailag, thieeiiy will be la poaftwa to compete store adran ta<cou>iy than e\ei with any rivals. Koapoetacle is more nieiatirhni., than that oi a cliureh which is alwavs in Lo! water. TOBBJ i it; of tha ili-r pute in;o whic'i it tiius* bcine. -cr oiih thiiiit-. on > eannol help focliog sorry for a ? lurch m the Bneeeafortabta oeadition, for hi ?aaaae, <>i tin- Oenaaa Lattberan, at lion- it, Penn.| which doesn't appear aa have bad much ptaapwahittapaalon for a leoaj tin .' past. Tba Btat of them weat to ohurak too drank to preach. Theaaeond waaehargedwith b in,- :... ? ?? .\ and alao with " ia^wrhaa tin- salirtrai ot his koaibl ? par.ahiouers." Tbathfamwaaa pcaaahet af a dtf fereateolor, being an arowed opponent ?u beer* ? I:iiikin.'?so be wutidn'i d<?, for tois Bnoeadall ehnrch bt o herd ehwroh to enit. The taa rah didn't iitnk, hot he did wetee, and he had t " go. Theo aaaaotbe present prnaebeK, wba aharged win. inebriety by no aw ana ?. mi- e( a onal. Hobm of the tioubie atay have aruarn froea the fact that aareral of the Trsataaa i tba . inrebaia m the re* toil lupior BBndoeBBj and the Bad fata af M'vcra! oi taatrabeplietdi ma* poeorbly bsnd thmn to ahatop aawpb At i n-si ut, Boareenr, th < Ban h mm bm t.> i e in tbo irreal est daagee <i tun eataattopbe> They aafd a mentina t!-e ethaa algbt to eeaaldec Ne, five's c-i'e, l h" diMosi ,,f BBO s-jere I bvildiBB v. ii en had been pn rioaaly Bailed Bp by bi mi <?t tba factions boring been Earood open by the other. There waa a dfnadfal time. They all full. I :.. aether. Each brother showered apoe the beadeef alt tbe etheri tie- Beast opprulaloaa names. The a oni " dar** w.u., it aas tbiiur, i little Bvaf>waravad. What was lnnii.csi .il all. .No. |'i\c compln ned be cause iti the hot d. lnte he was not spoken of ns "Iba Ret iam d." EfM tr end-, however, rallied around bun. ami a hen il BBBM t" i rote the be ? i BaKanpoaanrwaa finmpbant, Thooe wbodid not admire hiai rated to eaeeeM) aad to foand a ehnrch abaNrheaa. ba f ;t if - ti.e ^r.-ar "Tnnenrtabi charefa seraraaaageproceeded. Onetbingthey aab/bl have tried,aaddarfaVt. Why aal anna 'he Baaamaapij BBaaahdty thaaa ohttrh are kept By the cbnich iis.<mb?'rs f The new Pollea CoatMiiokatar is r**|iortid to bbtb ?pent Tbaakag riag l'.iv in wakiag aa bmpaotieo 1.1 i n- Urty atroeta. If ho whthaa to ngaap bbaaolf '? amaably aa i ia amra of twferat, tie will do wafl next lo make a pi rBOHBl ' san tiislion. incoffntto, of in- pr. '? oofsaaarelogashaa. n.irba?.-e aad sir-^ t BWeep nj;s. BoxaBi barrels ami Bah a .ns arc en:p ttod in a sioveiii\ Maoner winch ataaaal alwaya reaalia la tbe aptlHin*. ef a eeaeie\erable pint of tba ooutoata, aad aha general rala in icuani to street rulibish is that the ?wc-pers do not touch more i bin s-ve-ii y-ti ve per cent af ttafl dirt, ami the cuitf do not catrv away more ihan scventy-liv- pat aaal of what tin- swis pers collet t for them. A person ?? ho paaaai ibroagh ? deeeai uptown atBaal the abaat 'lay while the o icration was goina "i . wate bed the men nt wotk. A number ot piles of dirt had Ju-l BBBa swepr p> l'-tlicr. bu: till the depris nilof the pavemeni were s'lll full of filth,While ilu-l and telu-e blocked up the initl-rs ha t way to the top of the curb The oart-drir r carried a large shove: a Ith whin hebn I a ii to the heap- ; it cannot b" said that he polbfoted theaa, for ha oaM not have deaa that oa a aobbb> bbbbb pavoaifarl althoal the halp of the bluuut, and In did W t 'rv. Whan t li?? sweepers aad as!;-men ami dirt-i- .n-! id ah paaaed, the whela blnak wns hnTi main.'-: anaaghtl] eeadittaa. LittloBileaofaabca lagalaagtha daVwulka, the reiouunta of moil mis davdgewed the roadway, tba cuitei? were choke,;, am! bagaatataiof eaahage ami aetetry-topeaaaa v.i riet] ao tho laadaaape. Yet whenyoa aaa^kwnet a ?1 rrtj atTBot, the eateakdaad pufha rapty,**Wh| that \erv -Meet is BWOPt twice a v.ek !" As we -a d somct.iin? of the ch-nro oi .diiffiaiism iu his BarBBBaa in nie Bajaaaal aba I'ev. Dr. LBtiMt'.af t no iro?1 In spi i :tie uci nsa len le-iug of i heft from a printed Banana in ibm K \. I?.-. Par bar, oi Land ns ?weoasfat to add that, afaar btotortag in Boatoa the ether algbt, i?r. Loiiawt alradefl to the aeeeaa iion, ami BBi 1, " Then would s.mui or ,,; rtmi I n ad cay' i.\er Iii land a snhicie ,t BBIBhai of his s.-i bbbbb to alloa nil to badge tor iheaBaetvoa of ah hs* tegrily aa a mrabrtor.N Bsaetly so. Hut thaa in. \ah niter's nplv to the charge ol plllailna fr-un I'ti..ii 'raetbal btaownasind ?j* aa MBatitoted thai he hit' a I.ami ?; uucoiim iocly rcia-alinv ot her men'.- wonts aa hie own. when they gad orach brnpeaaBaf him. lb a i ha la be -me that bj tba tap> mnns whieh be prep< aaa la print i. riitdlrattoa ot aar hrtegttty. theaa mm no; lurk fail bat lepettlaBm ot other aBm'a kdeaa and langaaaa I if ao. Dr. I i , aeeawts a . etil be waraa than los trat. ih..- aai ;> id] de aeta aapatai paagaaag ha ha a Deniooratk KeCoru / Baaataf Tnni Bau p?i. -, : , talk isjlitic, with t! e uujiii.siiive i- ?ii. p lul u* :nr:it.-i tha t tu s..\ thai Kwiog waa not oafnalod by the aarti'a Kztra aaa> aloo reeerd, ho bjr the bugo rote rmllod Otuo pj, waya beaag a\apabfiiiau on a pall rate. Re ? rmhiiig whaterer to aa* aboal tbefatoa, ua? "Ia ait oo id he I ire I Pbora is not ing in n win,:, bavouiii infeieat for blm, or epttba pi bable iio. aitiou iu ritdea'a puaaible L'abinet, Nubudj .on be ? i.h i li d to i.a.,a a v. i? in, ly intoTeekooa BBsal o! a BBMeWo tike thati A stroller tbpoagh OtpaBM Ally th- atbac day aboaghtbedeteeBad a Baalanebohi reutatu il . iromNo. 16, luuning Bparadidag like l.i,.- j ? i)., A tint tu. Ali'-iTi. whv ??.,:?; '??'' *? ? n e.nido- ?' "' ?mpU denly via he rented, and :!. re ??..!?:?? ti. ? - ? naltey nl tMN ?-<?rkinr ap a Imir'-I. ThB DeBMeCBtVBduuhay will bOBba lo k ek n% Mo ui iv. and i i 11? ? H ?????id > t "i. '. ' ? !,,.?!{? i i? ?tun lnj' iro tti ? "vi ???. i? inf. Tbfl l:i'l. itia K< puhlie >?? S :i'? l l i . !??? illMrmn -olvi-ij oi fav ir of SonntI> ... Cat >i. ? i . ? nr. bmm "f tti'' Wmt MBBsl ('ouimiM tf, UmA beats frntt d itic Indiana ? ?h rnet t a towaittt ? ta rata lap htn election. Tbla isthe Hr?: paUic .d Mr. Cairn phi PJB the |?.*silioe. I aajl la BP tloabi -if a Una l)wii h-ratic aar? ise f<? oust i.aOir Kel oy/fron Ins seat. Wbatrvd oin conic of tu?* latent aweariiiK tout pppbl ol I. isuttut li.itfi in i. !>? , Hin puri?i ? n iii no: h? < La* i'ln imrtv orcii'it ar* already preparing tin* | ,iV .: mind for the opiratioa Bf MMafcaBst of it a* al dataPfiaad apea. Thus Mr. watl ? i ^Tbww la a fallen ha tim Reaate ?>f tbr- Das I states wbo bad aa aioia right ta tret la I bun lb t any oae <?f Um Dwannoes back-drn er? i v. .,- . baa.'* Ha tban gweeaa ta aay thai tin bVpnbt**?| hueandcry "will aot frighten Dei i ,\ m l*e diBcbarga of o puna daty." lbs la I r, VY.n i ih ii.'.' of a WI.-i' tmty isiliev ! Heist::* BMM PBaealln his part v IcatTc-r*? in ( . ,.vri'-? "lt.. - derhi id-'! I Bey will poem tbemaatves m<rr tii m avac aorthy of til aaaaa if laap follow ata a Iva . 'Hi ri* n?ui.t to bi* a growing conviction in t s I.'. pabMoan (?.? 1 >? that after all tl witl tn" be beat i? nai uaate i Praaaaaatial aaisdafaiB till acxt year. rwifioiwinan Fryc aayi in VTaabtagtoa that baas t" t. '.nnfri-tpN'.viil lav ii ( 'i.i'ajfo at Ihn p!a. ) ? ??I holding tbc aesl Ratfoaal hapabheaa Done* . nun. Mr. Fryi Ut aabj ta aaetaitdaBt. that tf Oi in in.t in tin- li-lil rJIniiic will !m i nnaated. I Ii i - nan io In-a Kood uttier'^" >iii? ' u the raun . / ot 11." ':!?? apl Ii'OU. Qoreraor Robirnnn .-n't rain ?!'? agh pal ta an ?arer Taa I kihi nk'k little question. .i ib t.. TlMaapeoa, a in? serbataly aiMdrl la kaew, aaya that I.' is <>nt ?f tin- Prent dan tlal race, bat that if tba Doei erata elect tha aaat rxaabj ba will b'- provided for ta WaaMagftaa. if taa Daa* - eratieparty,in addition to iu otacc aaiaaaa^ia mm rate tbe eon tent ra IMO bandi rapped with a Us?iiaet poeitioa for Tbaraian, Ha pto*.|*#*rfn are naare bapahaa tban a rar. \\ i at pfaaal tba Caaaaat poaitioabef Seeretary ot tba IVaaaanrI A aaa who shifts bna ftnaaelal Brdaioaa to suit tba ?"i 5 ??hm.'if in his juirtt would m t I? a | r in..l tor laaBnll of iheOovt rnincnt. Ir das ?nee more baaa daatdad that the aaaafe is a h '/' ii-Msiv Demoeratk aeettea. Tha I a teat Daaiaaaaiai apataeaaBbM Muapaaaad a Bajaaoai and n adrt dot, Ua braaatanraaaab 'hut >e,!u iiir id only hi .1 fi|?aii' .? "I. 11 heiun und'.'i .s' >."i tbal Ua wtb raabja after alaatdaa and allow lie uliir.s to take fheolliee. They flu.,k I* :nl.> !.s woald eonaant to take ih^ aoBoad paaeeaaibi > ???riiis. i|. paed not t>e paititBur abeal baring s vm'Uir pm but prnaatnatalaaapa in writing, for the ehaai ? to tuitii it would aavar arrive. Tba fi diuna PeBpacaaai arc graattyagtbaaaalba* aaaaaaf tba arrival of pulawdawaratabarraaata troin the South. If tbey Wi i b) In'tlatiCe tins new Hapabflaan rota, why 008*1 taar shin a colony of ii|iu?-rur\ patriois frmii tut** city t They can ba ?pared bare. Voiiih-ejs's hearing xe-ina to be mneh better than bia ayaabjhti Ra s.t>s ba oannat aaaaaaTaabagaaa* i- 1 iraiiiiiL: 11 ibe 1> raoeratie outlook t-.r in xi \* ir. DvrOSf tlie Extra ."v pataa ba made the remnrkable aaaaaaaaaBBBi tfaal ba aaatd sand m baaaaaBta Chaiabar mt >Vn?hingtop, aad by lata laa ins * tn '?r'i'Hi nl Indiana hear tin- Inart-lM ats 1 f hit tounta. An aaroapal.?? a U-at bae tlril arast east a tremendous abadow, WUsa probably ^CLtJunte fot bis debscttCB vision. PMASOyJU Uisliop S -.nioiir is 1 ipidly recovering, au*l w it ?mm as read} few aetfva ssrvtaa, I* ihop lvd-r. ot Naiehez, will, sayt 77;* ' re mi;.h'< fafsstisr, u- appaBBtsd auaapatai of a.-iIi l)i -hop Pan stt, ?Mr. Wiidun Ilradford, the nrtist, for U10 an a Bleb ba la ta petal ter asat QpsaBaaav a ,\. I-.'"', tint* will be a Yui*cmlu* picture, tlie ? >i 'i sa a 1 . ti.- se.-ne. I ba Emperar Pkaaaia Joseph has appointed Mr. Hi 111;. Knli -n in .<iu post o! Au tro-fluuyailuu <sm? iu.-m i :.i In Uvstpoel. Mr. K saawaa suuie years :iL'c Onaaal tor tbs Balptrs ;u New-Vm-k. Ii I'lopuseil to arrange in Huston a per* ?anonl nn wartal at tba lata Wit baa bL Hum?this me Bsuruil t" be m tbs fona ??f a aattaaUaa >>t Iiis picturo? to '?i i iibi ras t 1.1 i'.e. asltaJ pppaMaaatlp at taa Mu?cuui ot Prae arts, Tfaaruj Mr. Celt reoaatly aalaaaaaai his 1 v 11.1,-i, ?; >.i IhI.iv nt flai u ir'l. coitnuit into pssswa* i'onol ... lurtOBi'. il** Iims Nrn stating at N.'WiMjrt, ali. iv h '? i*u:i. 1. red osieof Uta best ?li.ils.uf ii s BurrsjrsnseM Oaa club. Miss M i:!',.i I'harti rs Somervillc, the only siirvivliu: daapBter nf Mrs. Masy BaMI vdle, bss Just ili.'i! in Florence. Misa Siimervllla enjoy<*d a pension of " a rsar,a rsa n> bsa in rsesaaBBaa of tne sen tecs i.ii.'i.'l n. sn.'i.r.' t,y .ut mother. Miss Sotuervills aaaaB " Fhe aaeeUeeBssaaof Mary rjoinirvtiu-." Mrs. Hayes did not only receive a gilt of a screen st itie MotUoiiist fair in I'lnUdeipbla: two s,i i-iis wert: L-iven t" bar, aa4 also unuienbernd tnfli-s in 111?. wav oi vi-lrct aliiiiwrs. brwnsa K!oa -hosr?. and atbar sraasasBtl and luTesuruv*. Ibe President aad ins wife .us-iit 1 bsataglvbsa i'sy attb iiisuep .mil Mrs. BUapaaa, Tne Ib iiin i?a]icrs tlescribe a sleigh lately prsssuieii iiv im pssaaaarBBbsaBetbjra t<? saisWbbk, ?? pataaaai of taa baaas of Tum himi ??i:s. a* s umrvi-i of i.mtiy aaaaa. iti? baai1 .s abapai i-iu* a eocbi?sbeii, .in' i- of pobsiiril cls.ny Inlaul wth silver, ami Ilm eushion? arn of tii- neuest purple velvet ndorucd with saver balls. Mr. Loa -'fellow, being visitisl al Cambridge) by Mr. Charles Wnrran ftislilf rtl. w:n nutnralii asl. ?1 by the latl*.- n.r au BBBBBBBlBh *' 0 abBU I wi BB Mt i ou t" ab <1 >Ur fori ; .ml ill. Sl.xii!..: il To, UpMl Inn. i.i WftM don ii soutr tine if Ins own 00001 un mUpit bava h prafsei tn-.-.... . .Mr. ItsapOsUea tbasspbl Bar a SMBHaS, t*seaaeatn>bis Oesk sad wrots tbafaar iiucsbn^.L* meg " lives "I pwal SMB a.I r.-ril: d BS.*1 < n Mr. Jboaph Head, a Harv.iitl graduate, now niotc tiimti ataaty yvaaa obi. a ti?e aay oniritiai asrwbi r of tho brilliant " Hostou nuss^rs " now Pv'ne 1 . seatpaaPi fararad hi tie a.-*t iiecadc of the century. hu<i Mr saaMMaaat ataaabiptaBey, ami wm diTssui inn nest Mrudap umform of vaassal imiiss?-, iiueit au i : i laiaaad a ri. far. a plumed bat. ami free jscket and -, i In loi Ho i ti .limn-,! wit ii >el .. .? ' lira. Mr. LeWM II. Hetltiebl, the vctrnni print? t. baa liut et-b-braU-d bis rorhty -ventb birthdnt at BJ rs euixi Mr. R Itl. 11 pn-stilert st aupper witu crc?t iprafbttatsaaaad crac?-. Knnu bit old friend, rbnri iW Vasdj ba raaarrad ii:u letter: MAaasol BgrataasBa eouciatul.i.ioiia lUi i,? uca ul an annlvrrsary so . .i. raaVtap i . \ luisell ami your rrti-tals. It Is prrmitt - t i" BM N B .'.i n to r.-aelt, f.iSh- scon* y. ars auil six, wlnla i :ir im .'.i. . s,. na.c't s. I-loan eun-y. i- you have, wlin -?t aapJMcrapbMl gaad haaBBl and reiain all iheir im abMa UtoyfaarprtvstaBB ataa la iiavo bved a aaafal IBB,aB0 taaafap loa frn a?Uaip ga larao cirelr with wbaavyaaraaadlBCaa nOsMm at n aciier. for edn >rs *r si. ii fuel, und sie so n-gsciteil. W. bate Imi'Ii luen a sally tovesvd in si tiie etrntuastaaesa, oondUtons. ss ateaaand ralsttssn mt ear |m-otr?ci?ti uvu*. I i as I leu n i Ii? sue A "i .. ,le.-;. .:,.'.;. i,..|l.u- ?? ii.i uftneaoj . ????i aarey ?f ?ur H-irmly fatber. i'm > y? Ui-, rbBMwW Weed." UKMMkXAL KOT?kt A arbPJ ataa bj (ter.uany, writ'ugou the the* is) ot vaaad, ib ? .....??> llial ?. t i-al of ti.? loner annuals aava aal oni, ? tor aatBra of iu** aaabs, am aot nai ly em |i u) nute? i ino-r, , r oi ?| iit^. p'.t-nt^.il ia to intertill with those of llie auinaa sii.-eu-s. In other word-, (list p, i in pi i'lieiul is.uu c-i.oint, aid Lo d theories of tbsreapb baa-o'wi.lcli niia) of u-, untortuuaieiy, are i.n.'in.t. Tin-.\|. .ttus a Ii? daoaaii rk and cats ai<-w mid a? inlcb at Um* deut w es Iba vwiiik lastbrs Is ibe . ..i.- l' el:.. ...i 1?. i ... . u- ? ? . i ?? is ..??? oi ? \ II ... Iji uitisii |si s ii(k.U Un ii liliei at*i s.a. Tin- young Ilium of >i \i.i I...s such m ?' .ii o 11v : ? .?.? .. limit ..? I, ti.;,' i,? . tiffin lo try t i. in.. If ..til tl ii I oul i.ow well it works. Wntir pa?a i .i' tip it.ii s lawn aa taa rand Trieste to n . .. ie, be leaiu.d thai tin pris..n oouiuiimmI m no t.i-.t ; ? .mm. i. ami-- tie . , un ,st m ! aviup tt*:ils< d I i b ils, ceil Uli I' til d? HerU-s-1 nl liUtl Uaaasa aad eooepiraap naaaust t1!?' soyeiviam. I'iiuoe ??III.ill on laH-oiiinu' .. qj nuled s i! ll t.1..- .acts, not only tai Bad UMtaeaieaaa tmi Had II luaie il .i. iv v arrtt*0 eat a btapaaaeaae. lie la ssM te bava wBSsssseO teabsBnP IBs aniartaaata er -tab aub xr ai apparent in* i real,?Viasuiustau tarns in sstaaa a pormt ?> long ;'. ... i i b Border to i... ia the ss laat list OslaiU Mi (iLulstoiie's of the honor of - lib) !?* I?. ii*4.t>* on til .i . ini|?|. lion of bM >? ttetab .ii- ?:?.'. sOaiKRibia aawtttraaaasa m Obaatb He er. in ' "i ii at i n bb SSl puny uiulerlU laentnl nwab i r la a rkeu its serbsn la tba paeaaBtM .1.. ... , -I ...i.l .1, .-, Ol., il 1.1. I .11... ?-...!.': .sis ?? ? u I" >? en ii. i. In- r -.i .i. k . ? ' .la.i ? .i. k nsianeea psraiiiord motu tenisl.i in i. at ue^ree ot |>ul tust