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CHALU8 AND IT8 FAME. KU H LID ( DE LICHTa FOLLT. a vi??it to-im: sror WMEM king i i i i - ?\ Cjl'AJNT TTH IBB Ol IKlMF-MlMK IlISIOKH'Vl i ki:or?< nmisFnri?. fmoa an otXMBMMAl MBBBMMMBMBf BV ims Tiurn vr.' ClIAI.l vllvt ri-' VlKV'NK. NoV. 1 Ik ?Ht TC is 11 little MBHajM village of 8,000 pn p|| nestling among the Limousin Hills, courting an obscurity fioiu which It ought never to have emerged. Hut one mm ?lay nearly 100 yean* t*9M Cirur de Lion took it into his head 1?) lay siege to the CMftCM of Chains, and, ns luck would have it. was hilod in the attempt. The event. Iiowcver. made i?x>r little t'linlus famous forever. After looking ovir the ground, historically and topographically, 1 have come to the conclusion Kb haul, w ith nil due respect to his in 'tiiory. might have Mud ut home, and hceii nliout l?ettcr NnlMM ihBB civott ing around I'tamo m|ii;i'.1i|i:il: w i" i mm country barons. " Served him rieht," is about the verdict n New-JciM-y jmv woul<l render in the case. It may seem a in tie presumptuous for a Tninrxr correspondent la go lor the Military strategy and judgment of the bold Crusader who made all Europe quake : but this is an iconoclastic ape, and the calcium licht of modern times dashes in many a searching lay upon the hitherto BaQMBfltMMBd8M> t ics of Um pbbIi Kar l?e if fmiii me to insinuate that Knhar.l was ? fraud. His exploit:, in the Holv Land and his pa? tience ami BMHBJM M adversity seive to mark him au vi In ilk' hut that. Yet when we contemplate liitu comiin: la take this little place with his band of veteran Of RSBABMB if must be confessed that he dn?ps to the level of a Veiv commonplace and Vtll diclive guerilla warrior. Even had he lived, the MMVMMl \vo:th Um caudle. He would have captured a castle with two-s. ore of gentry, archers ami Boin, ii. wBB Kid sluit themselves up in the towers on ins approach, an 1 would have thus grati lied In- rev-- tig ? upon tlir Lord ?>1 t'lialus. who had ?lescried Ins i in-? to t'o over to that of Philip ol Fram e? but I hat would have htm all. Prompted by these motives ol malice alone,lie cami?and per i-h"d iniscialdy. (hie involuntarily exclaims, " What a pitiful ending of a lieroic life !" 0m r. ;.? ::< - here bv a railroad rule of an hour from Limoges to a little station called Hussiere C aland,an the Peiijjueux Kailwav, and thence by another hour of tedious statte ride, which is uphill nearly all MM way and through a country covered with scrub-brush, and so Mgl< cted and un? inhabited ns to recall seems 1mm the heart of | Yn/oo t'oir iy. Miss. I tried to pot the driver into conversation on the way up by Baking him various questions, after first pilining his good nature with a ? ?:gir. He a il the peot>le are lazv. the soil is bar- | NM, and no MBslMBI is going on but Soldiering and politics. I'r, s. otly we came to a bill about two miles long, BMi he relap-cd into Mleuce. The horses, wnli the reins tlunir hMSB upon their backs, Joyjtc.l leisiin I; aloiii; at a funeral pace, stopping short now and then la brush away a By. I turned. MWBm-ai ??< 1 tin- top ol the long ascent, to see what maile tnv ftiend the driver so quiet. He was fast ash rp. Ihr rein* lying loose at In- side, and the stump ol ilie cigar still grasped tight hctweeu bis laaMh He cave a BMIBIsIm HMO, woke up, ad? ministered a thumping Msb to the horses, yelled "Ai I lez " st them in a siereoiyped Voice, and thru? vent to sleep snjaln Hasl year there will be a branch railroad ritiiniiig fo Chains, and I advise my Americau f'ieinls to,lef? r tlnii visit until travel thither by llfsBsj MM BBtMBM i ihing of Iba p.i-t. Wa I tdied into MM village, however, in si taking st.vie. and dtew up In foic the hostelry a id staue house at a gait which made the shepy steeds rear upon their haunches when bioticlit to a sudden Slop. The tavern is at the village cioss-ron<ls, nml has a look of c<?od cheer about it as you enter. A pointi r dog sits nodding by the bbuiug logs in the liuce lite-placr. a couple of bans, proofs of his prowess, hang from the ceiling, guns and giimc bugs are in the corners, tin furniture isof the plain? est and most ancu al description, and the whole scene recalls sou ? old-lime ptetuie of a country ho-fiTry. l'foni Um HeaBsN BBS, the Rue de Salarditie, lined withe ifiis and ttBBja, leads dow n tothe thickly built portion of the town. One might imaciuc himself h some remote quarter of PBlit, so ritv-liko are the do/en or more of solid blocks of btukUcgS tint MM Chart proper. At a certain s|p 11 c< r. in r V mi turn to the left, and, not Utj feat distant, see th ? t iwcr of the C..? eau of Lower CBsIbS, from which was aimed Iba arrow that BBBl Kiehnrd his ' life. I should Mats lu re that there ule a Lower and mi Cpp r Chains?tho latter ami by far the nunc imp rliuil ca-tle of the two standing on a sharp ruiiiience which ri-e-t in the midst of the town. Tradition says that Ibatwa castles, whu li aie not mote than an eighth uf a mile apart, WBM 61 MM cted by subteriam an PMHUMBb Lower t'lialus was the weaker of the two, nml ngaiti-l it Kiehaid directed his attack. T here wars two towers tin n, but only one MSSalM lo-dav. and nearly a- solid as when as it was liniched. It is tisi fret high, 10 feet iu diainrtrr. and has WBlll m anv k laai in tI.nT.ii. s-. T lu re is mi entrain <? to il from the level of the stieef, but ace. ss It In I liUwMgb | lmle MtbsdMiagbowaceapiadlyy a blaakaodth. whence one aw 'lids liv stairs to Ufet doorw.iv on Hie firsl tbuir. The tower contains lour aatSMMal chambers BMBBMtTBIBB other, each of w hich is In and ventilated bv little n.i: row SIMa-aBSVpst] BfHs dows, throiich winch the archers stationed within could command ev.rv apBtWBoB. A IpiraLalOM staircase ol 130sloas leads to the sutMit, wnieb is st .11 roofed aver. The remainder of the lower i ns. Ii? is in ruins, only liaeeable bv the lines of sqitalid little bulkringt which BBTS sprung up mi its foiin ?, wnli here and Ikon a port ol Iba am it ut wail lueorporaled with tin- modeiu. . Turn.uu to the lett ol Iba lower, and passinc abwB a sti-eet whiiTi leads bv ti two luiniites' walk j to the OBtlytBg liicailows, one reaches tin- pbtee where Kicbard received Ins mortal wound. A great bowlder, i ising out of the BraeMWBIlL BMI*ks I he siMit, and I-known as " Kichard's sfone."' A blue blopsed countryman, who is temliuc rows a few .lards i ft' steps up as he BBM JTOB enter :ln in-.ioow. ami with a "Bon jour, Monsieur," lets vim know he is the proprietor. You ask In in if this is where Kmc Ki? n.tid was lulled, und that starts him, tor bv tins time he has hud m BBBHJI rUUlSBI?BSOStl* Knglibh tourists?that Ha attsrr is stereotyped, lie shows you ibBpaiiil from waieb lbs arrow w as -p. d, and m |iuls lu> left toot on tin- lock, b ans [nrwafd a ith bis elbow on bia knee, cocks ins a * a up at t in- eastla, ami taiia you that was kiebard lu iir tieLmn's attilada when tin Birnv struck hi i'. loa Will is-rccive m a srrond plain " the rock is already worn und scratched, I us it is, w bars In- ha., put ins aa batted foot up j it a Int..tin .i lime- alreadj foi pravmus visitors. , Ins siory i < pleasant I, laid ami interesting. I _4110X111111.V ol Iba spot lithe rasllr walls is what most ntiike - mi.-. In tnose da.vs 1 p. re wen- no Arm I strong Kim-, no nrli inen to pick oil reconnoitring loyalty. Henu-g.-r und In-Megid could have talked tappet bet Wilhout uucoiufoltubly elevul.lig tUcir Voices, Tin- rustic who owns this " Ur hard's Sfone,"wcre lie an American, would fem e it 111 ami ebttMBB quiniii foi ai.m.s ioi . Hut Dowseb bnsiuess view seemed to have struck him when I tugaestect it, J?m p:iin i;.;tl SBtBBfMttOB was in pointing tin- to the new line of wbi< h bat already spanned his n.i ad iw with ? sasvaalygraBii? bridge. "That trUl biin^ people bare,' he -ml. sigBiflcaBtly. I'iv r inn,uti walk thi' ugh I he it rt v straggling haBea a biah < laateraBoal the lower mwer, ami then by a / u/ ig path up the terraced hillside, brines one to Iba I a-ih oi I poor Chains, commanding s mag inti. etil view of all the MiroaudiUg cuuntry. A neat little greea laities gala at the head ol tboslgaag Mtb warns you that you are an intruder, ami must ItrM a-k |m 1 mission to enter. A pot lion ol the old ?astle has bee.1 rciiovated. and is lined as a cirls' aabeol SB* eon vent. In r.-p mv to a llumiiions the Lad] - mm 1 lot makes her apBoarsMM e ami i liweifallj a-ks >oi. toaster. Visitors, saaoetalljr KBgtltb. iba aaya ata oaita bbbmuomj la BuMtar, She is very kiud and gracious, and Batata out w here the sub ten pas-ages are, w here the Kornau chapel stood, and tell-jou how the great sloruiol last Wim. 1 btwoitbt ?oWH a cr ,il pie.of the old tow el plump into tla- children's playground where we urc staaatag. Yet Mm t iwer?oa the whele-tbaogb it dates from tin twelfth c 11 fmy, is -till solid ami imij. Btt? in appeal am * , nearly a hundred f< ? t in height, Min iv ic. i 10 iilitiaatfiiiMaa. with aralla uino fi-ut tin k, and a siiigl- doorway, less than three feet w iile, eighteen tc t above the level of the ground. It seems to nave been a fort less all bill In.pregna? ble. The walls of the castle about it have di-an jm ureii a'th IBs exeapthniol two or tbreefrag liieiilscoiita.uiug her? and there a decaying Gothic w ludow. While you have hi en sdmiriug tlu-se relics, 12 $} 0 .': 1-sti in ill und the piavgrotind laiOtaboiBg villi the laughter of happy mil., it in lime to vitiiiraw; von iBaah lbs L l, HaiMfisf. aad ra? ttSMojfOtH s'.ep. down tiie hnisi.te, coin rast 111 g in Itsooght all laaaa Bwlaoeboly MasiMslers el p .st kJ .iv uiih the lr?oli voiu.g lile ot our ucw Wcmcui World. Co atTBt late Wbiek m -t historians have falh-u has bvcu that ol uc< ledniua to Herl I and dc Uouidou the honor?if such it he ? of lnivinp aimed tlie fatal ?bail that lobbed Lnglainl of her King. This state nu nt, however, in now universally discredited in thtiM" parts, inn only by tin- common pet pic, lmt by t hOBB B Lo liavc made t lie closes! research, ami the aceount written in Latin, by a chronicler, one (ieothy do Vtucois, who wan a contcni|m'i.iry of the evcntH he ni rial it now |tiinr.ill> tan Ired UlM pooeine. Hernia a liaitaJalioii ol it. Heeayai Ia I be year of Mr Lord, 1,199, Ktilinid, the ealwni Kinit of Fantlmnl. was wounded in tlie shoulder_l?v an nrrow while beaieatafl a certain tower of a ? in Limousin, called Chnlus-( ihnbral. I? thli tower tlicte arere lere eboTadjette, mtibi with them tlitrfv-eielit mcti ami women. One ol Ibeae eberelierawaa nam.d ivrre Hroe,aodtba other Piene Ueaile. 1' ?* raid te bar? beee the lalt.r who aim. <l with Iiis croaa gee the arrow-1tint woo tided tbe Kins. Deatbeaaaed on t he twelfth ?lav after.beinctbeToeedaj areeedlnfloe mnday on which the Church eelebratee the lyoeeewonol Brenehea(I*alm Sumlav ?) the nth of tbe Ides of April at 10 o'clock ut niirht. While lie was ill with Ins wound, he had ordered Iiis soldier* to beaten an? other castle helm uinu' to a Viscount named Non tiow. ami still another railed MoptML-ni. Tbeydra so. bat nl the news of Ins death icy withdrew in disorder.*' It wa* I'.erre Ha-ile then, one of ihe trentry of tne nciulihoihoo.!, ami BOl Kcrtratul da Goordon who killed Kiebara Camr ile Lion. Will om school his? torians phase make a Bote of it T BEI tOlOUB INTELLIGENCE. At Tliiliolm, in .Lilian, a now Presley toiian Church has heen opem ?;, umJ a BradBBta af Kl to, who, in the aerrteoef tbe Ghiraraaaeati peaM eaauaaaal per atsaatb Ofloer9100, bea beeoata taeaaapar al It al the plttlallj aaaallaatarj of 01 amouth. .\t tin- Vatican will soon ba I'stahlislicd a special school of diplomacy. theOBpMl of wnlrli will BB t - iicpiaiiit ecclesiastical stuttents with the L Is lory of latensoeorn aateaea aaeae the Pepea. Orlftaaldone nients preserved m tae arehtrea of the Vatbata win form the heals ol the instructmu. In OeeajgU thaw is a ?fat-Hut of tin- ptinii t Ira Haptist denomination a ho aaa II% I ri'Utrhcs uii.icr his cure, making it necessary for him i" preach nM day laaa on Sundays. Dartobj siv days of tea weak be aeaa late the f.ocst ami chops Bood to earn a living. Ami he la M-vcii'j-one yearaal ate at that. ?At tlie installation ol a Troti mini-tir over a churcii in Ki-zcrum, a short tune n go, the Inn it-si in the aeeaatOB was very pre at. A thrOBB of ncurly V.OOll people lllhd the hulnliiij: and BTBWaX iihotit tbe aeeearay.aaaUateaMna, la that aaatleeettbeeeaa try it is paaaaaai to start right inxii teheeta, each to ac comiiicdate a haadred i? ys nmi (irk*, aad tbe aana or >?o.i a tBoaaht lo >>?? a ?nfaeteai sum ie ?io it. An ?mm IS oil loot to raise II.e Inoliev. Cnli'iilaiions havo been aaade to show the liumhcrof yeara it would PjQnllB at present rate." to convert the entire population nt liull , ami u most for? midable showing was the result. Hut In spite of tii. se Iparea, however e*ttaBoaraataa^ at eel : regreaa baa bora BUMte -nu- nnaeli>naij work lu tan country fkTBTan lu 18Sotbe aattre Chriatians m India, BnrnwB,aad North andBouth Ceylon numbered 27.0?0. Last Uciu hrr there were 4?'ii,OO0. Prafeaaot Von Qoatoi'aae, tho ?-vaiigi'licnl leachcr of Holland, rccntly iffl] im .1 that a wave of In fldcttty whs ste.-uiiiy advancingorei ProtoBtaal Knrope UMaB not even tl:c BBBBl t.ivnie.l conti y would BoeepO. " They have hud it." he said, ?? in Iii rniatiy. and now we have it in Ho land. Tlicv are ts gu nine to nl il in Scotland. In twenty years they will h ive il ta Ihe Mill, ami all their Ihnaloaj nlll aei tare them." Win ti tin- deatb of tae Lit ? Ur. Power, tha rbi:.:dc"p:,la millionaire was in nie kmc..ii. the s., ,ml Ki 'nrincil rpiscnpnl Church of tout city expected lu had left theui moneyeaoaab to relieve their inoilc.iL'r ot BMyQOO] bat Ins executors, finding no provision for the purpose. <iid not feei nt liberty to take aay -teps m iBe matter, altboecbthey admitted that Bui lutealioa had seen to asabe a bi aaeai <>i tbe ktnd. tt appear* thai i venltar aratleasaa aaa aaa oaaae faraard and as euiueii tka Bsortgaeot principal emi m tar eat, so thai tne ebareb ut last lada lias f free ol tk >>t. A ffalBjCbaieDl from the Salvation Army :tp pe.iiod recently la ll street III Sou III I.on,Ion. and Is thus ii, Bernard: Bean afatt iiark a " bbb id " m BV i aaauaaad of a raptaki w he at intervals btea a iraaipci.oi ?s u at oi in, ii, "a call b> atnaen,*1 were asaratxlaa thraaaB tba ?irret? on ibeir aay la Iba 14Bdlrntioa Factory"ta " nr..i penee." I ie i> apte In tba piwotsslon went alnnn ?Inaina i,Vinns as naaaL aal were preeeded by into hoys earrytaa a lean pole front which arere saspended in,, lull ed naphtha lamp*, -m il Bl BIB BBBd bj UUU'kOt* BWB toi'l-piay llnir wo.-al ii.t."Ut. Dr, M.ipiot.'s roeeat tri ft of eleganl booka te c.iid.u.ii MeCteabey aaa a peculiarly Inlieesilua, side. Teere naa arhaa Iba cardtaal tired Ib Albaay ai Ihe r.ishop of that diiii . >i 11 chain ed that Dr. Bbafa. ?ho aaa alee then Urban tharo, foaad m htaaeen aaageataleeaiyaatea, Bad th- two men. Both aeepif In lereated tn art und ancient learning, bconaia attached rrtende, TBoaarh widely separated ta lallgioaa fntta, Ihej foand a point of nnian in aallnre ami iaatea,aaa v hiiv people who did coi ku > w them well lunrvolied at the fftendshlp, annii ai knew them heal aadentood II eaatlr. Dr. Ilaeraoa aaa iDdiffcreol to tbe aoaatp winch In l. ok lleelf to busy travel ah up the City, Bad the Ir eadahlp ot that time hits conti und down to th" present. WbateTer may baTe bean tbe case in paal tunes. It is evident cow IL.,1 11... 1.1\ n h is no harillni .o rtaai ta ike dlatlnntrrt aeasa af ?? l ue i ity af * aaroaaa.'1 yiaarca dtrtrad from the acaaai af 187(1 akow thai ^t:e b IBB I" hind other cities af this country in prepor. ima ot abarehra to popatatlaa or preaataaai etttea tin-r.- sire nt L ast leu th t co ahead of her. Bhe has onlv one ebareb far every 1,731 of porulatloo, wBlle Waah Inat b, which deaerrea the aaine thai Braefelya wean nas one for every li;>'_'. Cleveland l:u* one lor eveiv l.oji; Ifew-Orleana one foi ever* i.'iiv, Cincinnati one lororcri IMOi Ball wore one for ever) 1,412, aad Boa luaeaefeeareiy l.600. BL Loaialanearij as well eft feeohnrebos a* Brooklyn, hanos one t..r i reiy 1,839 of popiiiHiii.ii. Aa for this city, she i? aearly aa tar beM d Brooklyn aa Brooklyn ts bebtud B'ashiuaton. Tin pro? portion staada 1 to",?13. In Ni \-\ork state u h ller aboalBBiaBsada tkaa hy Waahlajctoa hciseif. Thi Ig ini * are 1 lo 8o5. The EtbbioMooI Chareh of Hanirary i.a becu tu.ih r tin- coin ii lion that it was the own? er ot m ? t t in i. min r's last win umi leatansaat, aad tha peaaBnaaeaael Iba aaeaaMal aaa atareaal a- Badeahead lit a special coiiiuilsslon appointed to ilelOTBllBB the aaaattea. Hut the ?aaabers of thin eoniBiaBtdoa did aol consist af historical M'holars. Th. y wric tin inhi is ol rat llaatsnat. who bad aeapeeial kaealidia el the tab p et. It h.i? now been ?hoW II. upon "he testimony of I'm ic-v.i Hanke, v> ho in nl" *so. rial reteareoee, that the only real testuiueui of I.u:lor, tno one whieh he wrote wiin h:s own haml, t - in t in-l.lhr.iry a1 IL-id. 1 iierir, where it is kept Is a Klaas ouec for the Inspection of vlaiton The win in taa poaeeasloB >.i the Bnacarlan Braneelicala, tknagh wsHtteu iu a hand very eioaely Liihei's, is not area hia will, hat that of oae oi I: i- n,l low els, Hull lei il-. v. ho Int rod need t he Iielorn i tleaInte rranaylTxinin, and uadantrne ropy, even to ;t e eery charactera. of the last will und teataaieat of hi- ?Batet. TBO rr^WWfft stoty QOBtOl from Ceylon that an Ai.?tili au pr.est ut K.illur.i has refused to mariyii daughter of tlu late Di. Norman Mack-od to uu assiot antOovenuaaal aaaat, Mr. it. B.CaaMiaa, aadtaal Ihe trefaaal waa wad.- aa the taaeifal amaad that tka pi lest could not perform u ceremony in which a Piesby tBartaa w hs aaa or tne parties to the ?? ratraet. a* tka re tult of lliis, a Journ.y of twenly-sii iT.ilcs hadMba made to find another minister. Made,I, us N well kaaWB, was one of CjBCBB V:. toria's chapiuliis for Pcotlaad This repeti litis tu en followed hy ntiidher, winch ism theaarara ot u ditnui. Mr.GBanarae, tt i* aflii lii-il, did not Intend to ir.-t uiarrlcd ut Kail urn, and I hare was ?? no aaaobttd refusal " to perfarai the cere iimiir. Tills at h'-sl i- cnhisinc If tin e -\ a- no "abeolBM relii-al," the Itifmei. Is Hint there WBB B Berths! oae. ami u there w as a partial one, haa came li to he u-ivcii If Mr. Cam. "on I.a I no Inlenoorj to pet iiiar The priest und Ids llishop decline lo meet the cliiirtre under shn I i of a n-soluilou " not to cuter into newapa per diac Baateaa.1' Dr, Lovick Pictrc, the fallier of M< tlioilistn in Ijcoicla, Wims- death whs pOBBBtly BBBOOl ccl in this coluiuii, toiiuded about thirty-live years atro the Wi s. hajaa iaaMhi t BBeBa at Mneea, nmi ta the race ot preal oppusitlou advocated a blither slaudard of education lor women. In 1071 he wrote of this college hs follows! " I urn toe ouly living uii'iiiher of the oriKtnal Hoard of Trustees; Luv beeu present In my place i.t every com menceiueut, thirty-five years iu succession. Tho ladles lime, aH'i to call me the Nestor. To have lived to win so proud a title is the pride uf mv life, and, if I de? al rVB it, it alll be the crow u of my earthly glory when I um de id. My sou, now llishop 1'ierce. wn? its first presi? dent, and graduated Ms hr-t eins-, leu in number- iiolile spot lasens ol noil adneatad woasaa." l>r. Pie roe, bet?re the college was estttlillshcd, lsbured two Vi mTs lu tbe I. , tare Meld, to aOnihat,U In - . i. i ... prejudieeaof ?' inuuv luid* of the land * ho liclieved lu the inferior!! v of the female mind i.pni'il with that of the mule." Tbe college w as built by private contributions, ui.d not a Baa of Male fuuds lias ever been bestowed Upon iL There died at PfBlh, a few wi i-ks utro, Count Dominik Zichy de Vasouki?, foinu rly llishop of Knaeuau und Vcvpriui, und one of the wealthiest und highest nf MuiigaiIan magnates. He left a fortune of f)i..'?00,000, and waaa fair representative ot the time when. In 1 ranee aud Uerniany, (treat bishoprics ahd rich beiirtlrc* were looked upou as tue n iturul privileges ot noble families. ii w i- niuili a In-hop when onlv ll.lilv-two >cain ot Use, but had held the ofllcc only eight years wllcu Ihe lioiibles of 1R4S oeruired. und a rupture was BBBtaeal between Hungary und Austria He then Weal to Ins i - a tea, which were lu danger. a part) >>f i real solda I-, till line to disc run unite b 'tween ho al a a. I l ein I Mn.-i al-, plundered hut poaaeaeiona and HMiacd hin Phyatenlly, la lttfo, when aalet ra tarn ad, he weat ie BnaN aiid I?aaad tbe Pupa ui reUeaa hha irmu his eataaopal i ll.iige. "I run flllll! tin go-pel pn c pl of fergiv??lies?," n, Is report .1 lo have sale lo ih- I'oi? , "Inn if I ! i\ ? to re i uril to V si'I Im as bishop, I en. I h'cs- i In..,- vvhn have i e.i uie uiori arievonaly, aud I da not n . i aba ter ea hvroleaaa.a. Hialofaaaaaas Bnaiis airanardky the Vatlrau uu-t to- AuhuIju liovi ;i in. at, and he wlili drew to hl* Chtati -, aacrs he Ims sim led ? nsefn] but quiet Hie, cout. niiug himself with deeds of BladaeBI uud ouaritr. SCIENCE mit Tili: PEOPLE Thi Lici ObuSBtatomy.?Professor? Hurn mmm mid WaBBBMb Mil decided BBBfl Html Hamilton as flic best astronomic illy for the proposed Lick Ob BIHBllBJ Mount Hamilton is fourteen miles east by south from Hun Jom\ hM Clara I oiiufv. California. A space nfl ,r>33 nrrcs on Hip summit of l he mountain has been ?et npnrt for the nbservalnry. The exact vice of the telescope Mbe BBSd has ti"t yet been determined. au<l will Oafeoi to conic extent upon tlio success of th? Ith?? now bung made for M. Otto struve, of Kit-sis. In't In uhseivi the transit al VSOBBM 1883thet r u s" t?vs purpose to secure a: one," u l'J Inch ivfructor, which will BMMM a pi ruianciit fixture mi the nhsc i vatory. ThebBllfllagl MHIMI to the complete equipment mi the observatory etc as follows, though, of coiitsr-, no ilcflnlte plan hs. bu n dcchltd upon : The observatory proper, which w ill consist of a building, tXV rhuly connected with Wfcteh will be n llhrary. study, c >m unilug room nml a sleeping room. As c?a-iitbtl ndjimcis lo the i hicf oli-ct vat. ry hulhliUKx will he u house for the astrniiotni r In tteflj anolher for his us.Utuut*. may hies aud various outbuildings. uihI a iHrire inillilm. for the iicconnniMlnllon of the general public, whi h last building Wlil thmhtless be rented ns a hotel. The lornui HH of the Minindt or Mount Hamilton I* Imp reel und porjiby rv, with cropping- of inctainnriihic slaM lifted bv later upheavals. At the suininlt of Ob.-? rvatory Peak a ? pace of l'jnx'jito feet will be itrnileil to u depth nl 110 Icci. Tills Will afford ample loom lot Hie oi'h-1 v .t u .v buildings proper, nn?l the uthc r btt?diaga can he place?] to adiantuge on ? >!??!( of Iba bill lower down. The main observatory luiilillutts wi 1 be Sbont TO fact in (llamelcr. The found it inn w ill be atone and brick, the walls iron Miel steel. Th- walls will be 80 feel high nml the dome .10 feel Btjdl lonnL 'There remains muco to be done bet?re ibe design of the donor can be realized; hu: Ibe trustees have tlieh work well lu band, ami It I? buped (hat next year will sec il? active prosecution begun. _ A Ni.w V.inxisii.?Bone lew jrmri bbjo i' was dwoovsied la M il it. fleaie. A trie i. that knlvi s used lu cutting down p'atit-bateaitlaa to the natural order Kuphorbiaerie were protected treat raetlBs by the ttinn which adhered to them. Tins led to further experi? ments bring niada Wttb a vi vv of u Utting tue gum Si a preservative rial. Iron platte were coaled with it, hiKl subjected le lanMrstOB hi tan waters of South Africa, winch ate eta ted to be ptBvatbial for ibelr foul ncss, and for the raptdlti of the growth or vcgctutloii The euphorbia in Ratal gr ?are m eloae aoatlgulty to ibe set shore, so thai there was ample opportunity for se? verely teat ins its ralae ns a prop etlag coveting for iron agnlusl roirosloti and imirinc gnnv lb, The experiment* proving successful, it was then KMnriit to pul the dis? covery into a practical form. Tm Ulla end the cum was dissolved in a preparation of aptrtte, nml ibis was found to he u ready menus of applying It as u coating for ibtaV Pattaakt. and fat Iroa-eroth gsaetally lagalrlag saoa ptatatttoa, theeyirttecvaporattay, und the gum beaut left aa tee aarfaea ef the metal, A sheet af iron c.i..teii wltk thia preparatlea a a* p'need in tee waters in tin Ratal Dockyard at Chatham, where aaytblag lasnaersadbeeaanearapidlyfoaled, ai the cud of two )cars, the pla'e whs In ken out u'.d was found In he quite clean ..nd In - from foillln / Bad eotTOftJoa. The i oiii| has a so i,< en sin e-sslull.v I- sled in Afihu agaitiat the ravages ol tae walla nut. These laereaaea uuve ita adoption in praeUe ? t -r \ erleaa perpeei ?. nun it i- now betas h,ti..;ii\e, u in Kngtaad. C.m.itohma Balmom in El ax>p?.?Abonl liKi.oiKicaiiforniu laboeaov i, the;'in oi Prefeaaoc Bpaa oer 9. Bated, United Blatte Ptsh Oaamaatjaer, to the (icnmoi < 'lub.hnve Baft I.v .in Iv ed at Ilrea.cli with u loss of ins than I per etat The gr ater portion uf iheeva bate been MBsaedlstoty tuaaatebed for bateb but pin poses lo the v ir.ens lib balfhUiB BO labllahBiBaie al Badeiraell, i smsaebea, tBataehea, Cincow, Prague ami oilier places, 'the era had beaa pecked m three eaaee prorated v. ah Mm, the toreattea ot Mr. Mather, who poi.ihv wpennteadedaadais Baaaad ibepaeklaa> i"' Qatawa P,ah rv Boetotp la ?abtaa arrawaraaritnli tat Mraaaaittilaa 100,000 peaag eaaisflaa te Xew*Yerfc, aa a tctura ptcaaai In Profesaot Bated. At the baa ?Mting of tae aoelnty, II waa atated the yeaag Oaltferataa saliaea, non mart; two yean eld, tae reawll mt a ptattoae eaaawjraaMal al ova, wti develaptna Ibaatsclves rapidly, havingraaahed a byagU afSOeeu i mat rat 110 lueaes) already, aad imaaailen a Ina ami Baahy lonaatleaul ibe body, the tatiiria to m mi kIi.hI in ui iiii:iii)' aava mt n il.. pfor??d tmilMasi, in iin-du-cia n. Profeaaoc Balrd i- Uirina goodwora inn li la bopi d Bueeeaa w Id yel erowa fntare ezpei inn bib ib tutaapeeial BOM, aad has alteady ne u Instrumental in MaaMBsel] aeveiopuur the sun,ny nl astivi UaMea,aa weii as in Introducing at reral Baropeau taenoi re oi Iba fninllv which tuuiiiirc to ho vnlui.b.e Bddl?enfl lo i ur feed teaaaret a TBS Al RORA BOKEAUB.?HeTI l!-muik. who liun spi ut iiiau.v in surveying the imrihern llghta, I says: MTbaaareTBlaaevaraeea dariag ratreaaeeoM nr nortliel'.y v\ lints, lull u;i;,c!ir.< ? hen ii'i or.lllinry aretl.i tcBipeiBtara Mi rrhnal by - latberry aad weeterly ?? nde, and :s ttlWBIBUj f. l owed Bf miovv. la IBe Boathea*tei i. part of Norway it si ems Mj be eapcebilly cauacd by Miutiieasierly wiuds, whicli are tlu re very BMaal and ratiicr warm. Ita appOBiBMia I? alwaye m.nipealed by a tailing haraaaeter. la my apjuea, the phnaoaiL MB H due 10 tue teUowlBg f ausi's : Wu.-n n WlBd la lea with wai mill, BBaaatara aad aleatiltiti eoaa t In eeatacl Witt a hotly of cold air, the ?etBtUTB 1..BVI rn I into ttiov , the vvnriuth und eU?* trieitj urn Hi. reii\ t. e.e, .1. BadtBeaatera h Iba reealt ef Iba dhmnrtMceea, The northern hgbte aBBBat mbbc m ve.y h.^u latttniVe. In c ins'- fie v. ai in. in.'ist air l. oonled mmm be.ore it leiicbcs thelii." In Dm way He; i;.tn:,r? v,. ltd i? nullit for the splendid appearance of i he BBPOtBla Ketthata Norway, win re the sea wpn'.s. bnagtag ?rariata, aralatara aad eleetiMntyfroai Iba eeeaa, an net bjt cold land winde from the interior Hreaee. I^.t im. Bravala aad Rlllerfttrom, who ipenl a Winter ai Biaii hop, in a.ten (1st. To ,ii|{. n.i. s.iw tm.tami I lights 100 i.lues in Ji<? nichis. Ta? del ruination oi tbe chemical clean nti lavoived byaBeaaaol apectruai an ,:v sis Ml bv im in -all? tin- h list of (he aBBtetOUl MietP title r? suits to be dented fraai ar' ;:<? exptoralloa. EbTBALMTIIO tmk J>kai>.?Mr. RnaniaB, rni lad BtateaCBaaal Uaaaral al Dartla, m his dlapateh te the Dopartaaeatef Btate, datedOeteher :io, llilllilvales a disci iption of a Bdwly dl>c I Vend pr s9cm lor ibe preservutlaa mt dead bediaa. The inveutor, or i di.m'oveler, had secuted a l a'ellt lor the proce-s, hut lll?' (ieiuiau OjvcrnaieBt, Bttaeblag Riaat luipuriauco to ihn inventiun, mducd Iba pattabM to abaii ton his | patent. Tbeicnpoa Ibe Oeveraawnl made pnbllcihrongh the press, a full ili'-ei i|it'ou of the proci ss. The luimd aaad hi ptapared aa fnllowa i la it.oou rranrmre of Boll big water ar? dissolved 100 gramuies of nlutn, IB lltaaiBMfl of cooking salt, T_' grainnn - BBllpalie. 00 graBMMBpetaab,aad in traaiaiee aiaeahj mid. Twt solution la tbs*aallnwaa to eool aad Biter. To to titrea ?if this in-ut mi, color ?h, odorh aa inpii'i. i lltrea gli eei - laeaadl IbraBMttry.lcalaobolare to be added. Ibe processor preservuu' tor eiiihilmllig) d,-u?'. b ..lies I., meat's of this liquid consists, us a tuh-. ia sniurjtingatid napregnattag those bod Mm w Ith lt. From i u2 t?.% "i,iIKIt of tue liquid are llsoil tot ii liodl, aeCOrdbil tO Us s / ?. Tue hodMs prepared bv tabi proeesa are si,i in retain their form, eater and flexibility, liven at Mr a period or yesrs such dcud iiiav Im dissec'. d 'or m.i-poses of si b iice Hiul ctliniiial luriKpriiilencei decay aad the offensive stoell of deei.y are eotapletely pit! Von ted. Upon i ne is'on the in ii sen i.i r flesh >ti >n a th. Mme appear aaee aa ta the caee cm? a fresh dead body. Preparations made ef the aavcral parta, such us natural ikeletoBs, lungs, c.itruils, ? tc, retain Ibelr ao ft Bess and pliability! Tin: HgJJOTBOPI in QkODKTIC Si i.vkys.? At a raeaat aaeatMig mt the Man Piaaethao Aeaaaaay af BOMBMM I'rofes-ot QaBBJH DatlBbM gave an btlateattag sketch of ihe value af th- Bellattepe In the trailed States Coast and Uco.ictlc Haivey. In BrMMgaMltlBg across Hi- continent, nays the P'ofessor, long, r di?. MUMM have been lump d Hum BVBt a as BUM M BatBM a ban*- Uae in TneaOsaaty, eleven art lee m MBMrtb,waatba MageM in the world. From his station on Mount ], ag Prafaaaat Itevbtaea bad mbbbInbI by tba bnliatiopa ot ?btat 100 mile-, und the signals had haaO BBW rv.-d i well us thoM' made sc vent) miles away, The itgaall too. had show mi tbreaab n -moke mo Baaaa that Lnaaea Peak, mi) miles awaj. com i not be dtaeertii d. ij,. had teen the reflection iron a minor several Inebes In anuaetet IPSatUea away with the nuked eye. Tbeaa ebesrvatiaa* sre wtrrfced oal so Mearlj thai hi a awsa BMBBsataf IBB aMlee there was a sbaVreneeof bnt 3>a Indu s from that BSfle By lorim r surveys on shorter hue. A niHii who nrnv? (l here Iron Boston, a few days ago, bus heeu ludustiu usiy aagaged Bvevsiaee iii flttiaa biaiaelr for eratetaiagla Ms strain oeenllar In I'sliforinu li.mlug eamp-. He made hii rn-t ,,ni,]l,. ? fforl jesientii). Mieting a new made ?-,|u.iltitsne?' ? Wim chnm-ed to he it siuool ti-acher on lue st rant in? remarked i ?? 1 say. ( olom l. thui racket that the twain ?luffci.?dh.hcd up to (In kit at the Jnsthe mill Mal ^ught far atpplna Ibe Pittabara'a deal frees the abuas ??>? tough deal, h?.? I itii y.ur.s.veet life Hie i,,v ,? thosedbrgraembo aloaabwhaa u gets iiM apttM ou a cuss once.'' lb-was at nine requested to uttend Ihe meeting of Oiu Ploneeis at the Hnv nt a sole delegate from Nersda i ouniv.-1Nevada l iiy Trsnsertpt iNfto JJnbiuuiions. t^ I TK.U'TIVK NEW JW>0K?-J?if fJUT THB 0TPBIBB AMP PMTM7TIVEB Allan Pinker Maraaaw PataaBlia keaa. lllbMsraMaV). ei so POBBMBT Hoi Bl Mrs. MsryJ. BMaaaa^ aea Bevel sBMat ef 'laa Inwi) " lMsay Ibaeataa.'' an .'. j IIAWKIIVKS. A new cniuli iWMfchj "Tba BattMSBSB HavtBcye Msn." illiustrslnl.i , -0 CABMEI) HV BT0MM, M.v Agasa ITawMsa new novel. BBMSf ??l " KarUnnjii s Wife." <tc. 1 60 MAi.lC V?i'l ?...iisK. fU lib ?-?Hille. rit!?uid.lo|,|. u.g. liaBBBsrMillan pa n.i,?.i 2 CASIIIRK'S Kr-itAPIUiog ; Hank Aure.loteaami In tklruia. 11) 11. 0, Per. y. i V. Ill, . . n |g BTA8I0B HAltl.vm,-. NSW limiK. a Talk ?uh HaabttsahsatearDaagM is, Maeaivraaay. 0. W. CAKLKTO.N ?k ( u., Publmlie?, Ncw-York. | Xruj Pnbliranone. A FOOL'S EfiRAND. iiy om; of thi: fools! a tai.I. <'l i.ih) a i iui. '"I i ii! " The atorr ahewnta In ?Welche* nil In he mab hrd In Ihn whole range" of niiMirni llrtlun. I he aalhor a ktl n luxlicht ml" < h.irai lor ?Ivea him it |miwi r whb h never MUH tu the Hi'. w lull- IiIk Kklll In illaliiK'iir ami hiiuiuniiia lonrhca aiiil ?r -at y lo tlie Thurm uf the sturv. Thru- ran be M MM tint ' ?? Fool a Krrand " will tale a bl?b rank In Action-a rank like that uf ' I ui h? loiu * i ablu.' " , II--'< n 11?\ < Hi r. ?' A Ii? I novel, pertinent tu the il?r. TJM anther hide* him ?elf iiuih-r the iimi do jilniiiK nl 'One of Ihr rents.' but II the fmi.llv ?an Li bit, ?ml Hum civcii tolhla alyla of writ Int*, ihe reenluc world would lie it nettled ? ? ? It ia bnl Ui nl in concept un .mdcxe. niton, ami ararkleallkecliampatrne. 'i lu te I? inn npuImr Ii?par> ?; tlieinis patheeta dbdarbIM e\c liuiiitaliii . liier.- n. tn, and nuiiedy Mevoke uilrth and liiuclit.'i. lira t 'A J?aari1.1 r? n11,' fOf the n ailing will carry IIa im it i cwaid."- , Plot Idem c Frei*. "In point >>f vlvnl em-painting, autille Intnltltna of Character, ni'l r,.|l..i|iual nu n. .in,| MMT. many "f ti" eVetl he? in tili? volume may wed clta lense uaMWIltM with tae moat effective paaaacM tu nur fletlUoea Ufa r ,turr. not e?..|lliie Die H,,ii.i.r1it| pl.turs nf actual life ta'tlBcM Tuui a Cubiu.' - [Mi w Y w k 1 iibune. (f Pound in Mil. Price $1. V Mi hy .ill beak* Hera, t.r ?eiit, paaApaid, Mr 01 by fokus. HOWARD a BULBBRT, V~ Park place. New -York. II ?LIOAY BOOKS. THE luu K <iF JOB?Illtutrelad with .*?'? engraving*, after di.iw.nir? by Jnau Oil Bart, * tot ti mit. linia.lfui y pnetea.*t jo A ui im: TO FAMILY DEVOTION, By tha Barr. ai. und? r pietchi r, i>. f.. royal quavrtu, IB *'<-*i plate*, la.huh.tilt edaee. ... , &00 Ii \l Bid N E'H IfI*TORY 11f i ll i: REFORMATION I ft rilK hlXTBBNTH CENTURY, ? TOM, I trow n cli.tli. In il Imii. 4 SO [PAlJllIUNK.-ri HIHTORY OPTHK REFORMATION UI TUB TIMa; OP CALVIN. Braia. Brewa eJeth. la a box. id from #i; to.moo DR. BrCUBII'M WOBKB. fi vela . Mvn.. tin.furm. New and n.'iit Mliimn . .. . 10ill PEBBLE* PROM THE BROOK. i?\ th Rot.BlebarJ Nt BUhaatratl. . iM MAM I RIUHTI Hi ur hi >h?. Walt-n. iiutiinr of MCbrwtle'a uid organ.." .'? illustration*.1 2? BOtttlrt OP THE aovti. By Ur. b. 1 Prtae, New ami cheap, reillllon . . 2 00 M\ HKMBK Hv aiiito.r ..f ? W'nie 'Vide. Wuilil - 1 7 a COw PBBU ta-k IBaatrated. Bj Btrkat Kaater, doth t,itt.. IBB HOBEST CAHTEH at BROTHERS, _ .' Broadway New York. POB THE BTUDY OF AKT, " no book bo w.ll ml?Un need" aa 'LUBKhTfl H [STORY 09 ART.' Mr. Chattl ? i'. PI i km* am a i.f it ; "It It the olilj i.ook nf In in wined II.oae who a,in at gi in r.i 1 ? tlllti:<- ni'. tbtnlB a aaM rlral idea mt aM tt tha broaaeet tiihiaof bbbbbb H. tlV.ty ctin-eriuatr v. .'i eh cv , rv nln l.i,?.in;.t. ..i"|?Tlnl I', knew MBM Ihuip." LUBKE'8 BISTORT OF ABT. A New Traai battl a fn ? iha ?. reafh Oanaaa EdJBaa. lallt..I. with Ne'e,, hy I i.a BIMCIO K>K. Two votf. ?vo, with nearly goo BhB tr.Uaina, clnth, citt tops nr unt nr. fit. DOliDj BEAD A CO, Nbliaiiers, NI.W VOIIK. pODD, MEAD & COMPANY BAVI BOW BBAOT i I RE PBIMT COLLECTOR Au It.triMtae'.loii to Iba B"BBWlBllgB Bbbi ttWJ ttt PBrBV la i OaPectloa ?? Anmitmi Prhtta, By P. \t a it t n. v. With aa AapoaBlx aavtawaM Pfartdtap^i rYaadaeaa lha Tn* aaa aa af Ba ravtoff. 1 ...i gaaa uf IbaTwhaB BTarhaaf l. mlir.imlt nnd of DBroria EtehtaB* BBd BB| rave ;-., and a fitbttoanapby. BdltaB, c..ih aai i aai mi ace.nut of inn hBBnyararj atchtbgatmt al BOBEBTHOB,Jr. one vol. Bra, with BBBaaraaaBM Ulaatr?tMBajiikmatlly printed an I l.i, M, DODD, Ml.\l> A ( <).. PaUiabara, NC'.V V'HIK. Q P. FC rXAM'8 mi:,-. " ~ |e-.' MB Bl ??. Bl B York, PCBLI8B I lll< k.'.y : A l.MtV s UPB IB THE ROCKT BOVNTAIBB. By I . il,. |l.t Itli.l author i f ?? I v rtuull.? la the BeotfwIeB Ia> ha mt," ? a BMht atTOB Mil. * Thtwaph fapaa," Oetara, .i hawratai, II 7".. ? Vis? Ilm] at an Ideal writer. ? 1 ll> r rattve !a more haiaBaarbaa; tbaa a ae*rwLM - t ..rotor. Bpi etat er. a I? CTfoNABT OP IBB OBRB tB I CRN - CSBB IN BBDXCIXB Br cutler. B. P., Baraaaaaf thaX. Y. Bfe and tiili. iu ry. en . Hi,,.. |..ri, ? \tra. Bl ADV MM WERK. A BTBAMOB DIBB9PXABABCB. By Arna BathBllBI Grate, autbae an M The Leereawart h Caea." hataa rolaraa nf en. ?? Km k.ri,. i i.ei No.e.?." Itbjaa, paper, fl ea elate, pi. Ai -o a new ciiliBa i f 'TUB LBAVBNWORTB i'.i.-r." mu... paper, BOe^ eteth, *i ?-.'>. ?? A? lum uliiti . a? \\ ili.l i Ciiiima." [N'c.v York lixprew i.iptai in QahavJaa'a haai ,i.,ui-. [Taw IIa ran PaOa tili tn. EBB LI9B 09 IP, B Ol ADATONB. By Oeoraa Baiaatl mu,ia. Octaro. ahah extra, with 3 pet Ii alia, ahaal Bl. ?? idraaMtleracarBaf a Bfaof naaeatfai aatfrKy, power anil inUuriii e."_ PROBATION. By Vaaaa PerhergBl, Aathai of THI nifT VHH.IN. 10 mm i laBBBN llnur Seriee). ri 00. RECTOB BEBLIOZ. BatactbBMfraai cht Lattarai aadBbahette, BaaMtaaa ant Baturtral Writ nu?. l.' i.o . sen e?i. *'J 0 l. HENRY HOLT a\ CO^ Xew-Yorfc. pHEAPEST BOOKSTOHE I X I HE WORLD. V> IMMl KHK in I.ICS i *TA LOOt hi FR Eft? LBG0A1 BROBL, :i Baahinaa >t.. eapealte iu?t uiu.-e, B. Y. Q'MEABA'? .mil Las CABAS1 NAPOLEON. OB BATCBDAY. BOV, BB OfafBABal N tPOIiBON, Baaalaaahl Exflai ar, aTataa Baai Bt. Helena, haha] thaapBahaa aai laaaattaaa uf Bapa Baa "ii MM Mast bapai taat araaM hi hh Bl i and piv mbbbrm* iu htaaaa anaa. bv BaBBY B. lYMlABAihMfaMaaaiaaaab afrhapartraital Bapataaa, after the aajehratad pin um uf IicUrorhe, aiut a vi w nf si. BaMMMk,heth llacly engraved en Meet. I rakw, Uaat, Bath, BOi halt aaM, t:> oo. a UM ?. t.v-i CAB AM BAPOUCOV, M-n.-lrt of the life, i:\ile ami oaaraantiaaBaf BM haaparaa Vxpataaat, hy the count DB LABOABAB. 4 vola , IM .". | KB) pae<?tmtmi, wnh alght MeMparBraHa aaaammt alaatratlao^ atath, BBBBi half ratr, (10 00. "The rariMr ABMrtaaa ? BMJaai "t Baaa faaetaahaB BWBMfra Bare haaa Map eat af pataB BMaifhaf ait tiiew..rka reiatin? tn Bapahaa hy hB pefaaaal aaeaanxtaa taayaBB habtthaM piae aa the best and in ist tin I urtanl." Kor aale h) all Itisikaellers. nr by mall en n-ccipt nf price by \V. J. WH>D1 JBTON, r^bBabar, 714 IHIiiAHw AY. N. Y._ POOL'S ERRAND. BT <?m: <?r THE POOLS. A Tirr.ii.i t Nu ai ?BT 09 u9i at tiik socth. ?? it i?a pewetfeRy mlMea ?urk. and laraMaa, wc ajar, i" aeaaaraeabarailBiaa w.imi aa 'Ueele TaaPa Cabta.' to nhwhit Mledeed a asaiBaaMa pit-ce."-; ttahaah IN, c i oh aei ver (lifUi i ?Y/hatMataatraotaraabMBhaattha t.n.k a tha ?MBaf BnYaaathataerradasIt, ? ? v u -a i.i ,t arary cameat patriot aiiotild n ait."- , liiili.lelpMu Th?r?. * ItMaaare thaa Marhfal, he we rar. Me tt ta arBfea wtth Mab sara thaa atataarr power. ? ? ? a aamtMa rarely eipiiiieil in it* iraei. inteiesi." .cincinnutt Oaaataa ? It it.i? Beet Baal m- ve men. an i at in the patriotic bl. oo nf the Nation int? wai,tier Mow. li'.-ii w.. b?\? luintaki u lliu Amrilc.iu people."? [OhbMBM i nter-i ictan. lioi NO tB hil.iv < LOTH, PBIOB H. ?,* Hohl by all Ilonkaellrra | mailed free fur ft hy P0BD8, Howard & BULBERT, _27 PARK PLACE, Maw-York. J^F.W AND ATTRACTIVE VYoKKs ItTBT i DBItlSHBB BT A. I . 4R1U I Ui ING a >oV. I TAM. 'ltM. Hl V. DM BT, h., I IMITATION's 09 UPB MTtth Baa par trait an ateai i v<d. Or. Baa ti 7.'. II. PBOCTOR-h M A . Huwuu UP BKT. With M :i .. M in ?? 1 f 1. III. KfNOITON'h, u*. II ii . BEW story- HEB Melt li-. TIIK lil'XTRK. Fu'l-p iKe lllealiatiuna Bl MX IV. HOIMVM a N ^ AI M OF I It K OTAOM With a new meniulrui Im,ran ami ak'ieh i I Ma leadv hy It. ||. htmlnnrd. V. Yl'MA HMITHM WIT t?D WIBDQaT. Wtth a meaaotrefK \ Daraataah By tt U. flinddini i yui creaa e... il 7.*. ft '? fJLTra,R. B,.HOODINOLIBB Paaaxba F.rr,,r? In I an?,tae-. a new eillti ita. ?il | ae<-a. New mallei. Iv. l f I I .. VII. ANIlKItHOJCsl ll?. BKV. JAM KS, I \ HI: . OP THBOCOTTIHH COVEN ART. Ivel Aon pa?ea. pltM, Fur ?ab b) all bo- ksi I], ; .. i op e. e .it postpaid, oa ie . o,| of prlra, iy A, C. ARalSTKONU A BON. 714 bboaowat, n. y. iVcnj Pnblitalion?. JU8T PUBLDH1D BW IN ION'S HEW WORD ANALYSIS Or School Ftymology <>f Kngllah Derivative- Words, with practical eierctaet In Spelling, Analyzing-, DaMMg Syno? nyms ami tin-1'?.- of Word? Tlila In anew miNtriln? and rewriting of th? antfor's very popular WOMB a na i.\X1S tlr?t published in 1*71. II has grim n out of a la;?. ninnmit uf testimony to the rifi-ft that the iMfll iHNik while valuable *a ? MMl of nirlhods In the hands of tcachere* la deflrtent In practice mirk for pipits. The old M ETHODH have hern retained, while an ade-piatt amount of new M ati MM !ian been sddid. ? huh, IM pages. Hy mall, for examination with a view to iutroduitl'ui, on fx i cij.t mi M BBBM WELL* I N A T U If A I. P II I L 0 8 0 P H Y. raw Kunow. With many tu w etigruviiirN.can-fiitly rrv laai and rei ilited in a.' oMliUii-i. v. Ith Ihr lali ut n niiIIn of scientific discovery an raaaank. My wuiiiiiimiiu.n c. fhud. in two parti ami In one volume.. Pa'IT i Im heli a the discus-Inn of mutter and IM goners! l>io|,. tin a. fa-aiiiHiiion of gravitation, and the eh uitntiry I rMdytaa af ?neurn-ith?. Iiynraulb s. ami hvdmsta'lc*. PA III' II liaala af IM thBBTJ mi 0M forces known ft" heat, ilrifhliy and uiaguetls.-n, together with the jaaln l|jl of Aconst'ra Mi man. Mi ei?BmIMb ah?a flaw t? introduction, rait I, 40 ci hi... I'it t 11, .*.*, it nta. i'otm li.ic, H. IY180N. 1SI.AKK.MAN, TAYLOR? CO, ITlH.l-IIKK-t. Mi mmi Uo f.rand uf.. N. Y. instrnrtion._ For Eov8 and Youne Men?Citv. 4 CLASS for Yotrna Gentlemen and private 1\ iBitrnrtloB. THOMA8 R. A8I1.10a Wet* ICtk-ac_ fTNIV ER8ITY GRAMMAR BCHOOL, No. U i 181 ii mail way. neai i-'.i-t. Primary, eoaaaierclal and eMaafkadeeparUaeate. HOBBY 1 akin, FtMeajaM For Youne; Laaies-City. \N Engliftb, Preneh und Grprnuui I$onr?lincr __ mmi bay Kchnol foi ronna Isdtes, Wet*Ena Institute, Ken llaveo. Ct. Mr.?. 8.1? CAOY. Prla. Bannlarcircular. A .MLKM'AN KINDERG VOTEN. C% 20 WEBT 19TB BT. Paella received ai aav lime. < all or address Miss st Elnderar rten._ is.s SARAH cnAN's PRIVATE CLA88 FOB Of RIA lit; West SAU Nt.. Ncrr Nork c.-fi QUARTERLY. 1) if KS. HYLVANlS REED'S Boarding and .?I Da) -i beol lot peaaa ladlee v.?. 0 mdH East MO-ot> Preach jiiu Hi nnaa I ingnages practically tanghL MADAME MEARS'S Engiiab, French and iitimaa Best-tan aim Dayneneo far senaeladtea, 3X3 Mm. -hi avi , Maw-York. TB*coarse of weeklj Mt-tama in l'i< n< h ? i : i-oiioioii. i- oll Pi id:, v. Not. 7, at 12 o". l"i a. \|iss Jaudon'a Boatdina and Day School for .il i bwm Lad tea mid L4ttla tun-, reajes ed le IIH Mailiaon. ,im., lit. Itih in i M ? ii si-.; aatargrd aceeaaaeesnBeaei r? i peas Sept. Mi separat) department tor \<-iv young ???nolars. P?TGER'S FEMALE COLLEGE, 487, 489 11 Itb-eva i i-tt\ tir-i \. rbeaina September 24. Appli rtnltcUanlfled 22d aad3M. sipecial sdvautaaes for clansic ? i m rntlBe coarse i ala?A arnaic. pa in tin a ami ura? ihp. lias Aim in < l'i-|.i'rtmeiit. Kniri'i-rs BCfl BlBIOdBttst Be*. 8. 1>. HUItl'HAU?. U._t>^ PreaMeat __ Tili: MISSES GRAHAM (successors to the I Mi??? ?>.ii win reopen Ihelr EN?II.I?H and PRBNCfl lii'AKMM. aid DAY m lliini. fn \>i\ nu I.AI'll - oa ii PHDAY, aKPTBMBRR 30, at It a. 1 Stk-ave Tbl Baaeal, rstabilahed m IBIS,caattanea laeearerai na*alaa ur.i ihar ? uirb laatraethm m ever] departBMai lor which it tiaahithrrto teen so favorably known. ?Board and tuition : tattorta IACK809 PXJtAIdB BkXINARl. BJi Hast IflBUtet. For Both Sexes?Ci'r. |{. bauveurh BCHOOL of LANGUAGES, lii !? BTAI)IBON.AVE.,Keai lifctsM. ?OB LA DIES ami OKNTf.EMBJ*. S. m. bTKRir. saeeeaaoc to DR. U HAUVBI it._ |?RI ends' hem IN A RY, Enal !i;th-st. and 1 Kmherfuni-place. pbnj. SMITH. A m.. Prlnclpat t?H\ N< II BOARDING BCHOOL t?.r GWi I mmi Banll Beya ffin Par B aioalha. aim, fay aebftl i ,t times n eh lor ? v. mux cla -sis. QC1LLOCT J V blKlTB ?v CO., 31 fciaal laihsat._ / j erman-?merIc?n private kinder ? a HAKYKN *ta 1 limn Mers. null deal i" IBa AeaB. nay. cl.i.a.n ft.>>?> ;; in , \<-.u? oi ai.? levelved. I."IIIS ll >>lll 1' . O |'i 1.-. .Ii..) 1 III .. MBB. U Alt] E MBJ KP._ \|i-> 8. D. IJOREMUS, ?7 Eaat 21?l-st., III BOARDINU and DAI HI UOOL for TOUKtt LAD1EM an i < Ii Ii.Mtl.:v i.i> oea 11 slusle by her mU r. ^frs. K! v>. _ i-s Dr BliuYN KOPSandMISS KEITH, ifoiawrlv Uadcatolsi ;?? ... d'OrsejMnti and Itua Kellb) will raupen tb, I res b BeardJiuj ami Day school.-77 Mai.lson-ave.. Burner H i -t, Bej t. vv \>*-'.:_ iifODEL kinder!? AKTKN uml I'.I.KMI.N .?1 TAHY ' LAaai h (nt i .... . and Kols ttm.i ihn a t-. lea rearaeld, an I Seminary lor Ktndercartau Tes< o-r -. al Piaf. ..i ii N BHAL'Maad Urs. KBAL'n BOKPTE, 1 Baal 22d-sL, - i he Pah i le.^__________ VI ISS M. A.CLARK. .*! ,1 rllai and Frenchsehanl MvyeaaB bailee aadehlt. ? ran, 10* i-.i-i ii'ih -t.. wlB reuten sepiember :!>-. ArttetM i rawraa, CalDthentct and Latin Included. AppUc ?Uou i.y letter or pelMiually cs above._^^^^^ oiTO W. FUETTERER (G?ttingcn .?I Universliy, Hanover, Oeraaavh wlB reeoaa in-.trm-. t sa ? ? i 'i aii.11 i". uerman ami the elastics. Particular sttentlaa p.i.i to Utnaaa pmnnntfatlne and .lion. us \v.-.-t j.dst. s: P. JOHN- SCHOOL. kj Boaidli a ind I'jv BebeelfarYeaac taateeaadChUdren. STl'IltO. i.vMna^H M. KI.VDKUOARTEX. SEPARATE DEPAHTMEMr BOB TOVNQ BOYBL 21 Bad 34 Weal li3dat,befc Bramlwai uml Sthave^ N. y. la v. 1UKODOBB IKVIM.. l.l.. 1), BaeMr, CCHOOL ?>i LANGUAGES, 1,481 Broad war. I' leopeaeOctober t\?Preaeb, Uemma, ItaUaa.Bpauuih be tin- aatarai wet had ; oreea aad Latla by Profaoenr i preii.r a. D_reetei ?u tea kreneh Dspaiuaeal mt iBIs sc heal, refers lo preieaaei i RO< IIKH(Harvard L'wversiin. siiihki.s . itui-loi Ambaaaaderi aad the Bar. J, Ii. VLHCKMT, l>.(>.. ac; eir rnlarsnn appllcat.oo._ ?rili; nibses mason will retmen their Eng 1 i sh and i reach icboas tor yeeiif ladies und vhlidrtu on w sdaeada), i sjtober 1. al: Btl Lasiaatea av,-. M Art Schools?New-York City. Miss MCDONALD'S AKT CLASSES, Xo. 4 I .ist 20tb rt. Tenne favorable far the Winter. MRS. .inliN PluiPET-?LceamtB m drawina, I all aad water^oku palailaa. Aeeeretlag on china, edh ami etiler m il. iMML Mil'lln, 41* IBM '-'1st st. M RS. LOUISA !'.. (Tl.VKJt M M win leaMva papOa in pMaUag Oaadaeapa^ flnwir*-, sun mi i Ml a Ulli) l'lcot.itloU). At la r studio. "The Hells," No. Is Ka,t ? CUi st., ioilier tth-svc, Ii. ?liiulu ,- Octoher 1. Beteten?.? : Mr. D. Huiiiina-ton, Mr. W ilhaai Hart, Mr. Jiinoi Al. lUit. Mr. a. p. BaUowsi For Both Sexes - Brooklyn. \f RS. L. JERNEG _M BOVVEN baa reanmed i" I her leeeeaa M aiaalc and Eotelga i in taaeae i oaniclal at teailea paid to paptla backward in i aaUah braaehea. Pob fartherpartli uiat, aaylj ?t ill (TMMb at.. s>outh iirookiyn. For Bovs and Youni? Men?Country. \ lezander luatitule.Military Board tug School, -_ While I'brtaa. s. Y. PMaerpal. o. B. WILLIS, Ph. O n?YSand YOUNG MEN privately fitted for I? reUraa. CeadltMeed or rejected vai.uii)jtrt eeached, baaiaierer Win tor, btovkhndaa. _att V. UoPFMAKX. HOYS ander SIXTEEN, Yonkera, N. Y. Thoiiuieh tea. litUk'; klluli nie; low talcs. MMMMaaa laeB. BEKJAMrM MABOBT, / H)LLEGTATE and COMMERCIAL IN8TI \J TI'TK. New Haven. I'onn., (iem-rsl Kussel's Hrlnxil. I leparaiiuy lecellaae, m-icuuric BchaeMet huaine*,. Tbae. i>u_h physical training lit nuUtary drtUlaa. avawaKtea ?? Ample opporiunlh lor athletic games, rowlag, Ae. FAMILY and l?A\ SCHOOL?New-Bntain, J t . ii u. 1). si cm <l tu nlvo ttmrouvh m-li union and cul inrete e hmitui aaaabar ot t unus. a.iiin-si, d. rt CAMP, PrBMaaaL JIT IT.K BOYS.?Special adrantageai lower _1 raise i Beert In? Bebeta tar Berai eatabUebed 1MB, H. mason. Yoakera, n. v APLE HALL Inatttnte, Jamaica, L I., tor i.i.v., Kap Iah, French. Oerataa uml Claadca See .. \?RRISTOWN ?N.J.* BOARDING SCU< OL lor bovs. ',he Bev. K. N. II..\\ ELL. A M . I'nuciuaL \|T'. Pletiaanl Inat. Privnte rlueaeaforIiovb, Anil,i i -I. M i??., .-stall. 1848. H. < N A ^ ii. A. vi.. Pna pEEKSKlLL (N.Y.) Mil.I I'ARY ACADEMY. 1 head far Ulaatratad ftlty-paae ctrcalar, pENNSi L VAN IA Mil.11 ARY A( ADEM \. ? i ii i HTEB, Pel n. i WVfl i-nffluei riaf, < In m:sir\. ? ami KscBah iaaMBB MafarraS' i etaael rHEO. um i. Praark, Sk I r\ti V[Ai SCHOOL YKAII.-V....v "flr ??Fir for two. at HOME M?ll OL, orange M oaulalu aaari -? Baa bib, Hanta i itaaga n. j. For Tounc Ladies?Country. l.'I.Mii: \ FEMALE COLLEGE. V college af ? j tin-hlylieat tunk . has ei h-ct.,-and ).ri-|>ar.ilorv |i? ?*rt no ids. and sii|s-rior advaut.i<r* in inusle ami ai t . t.-rtnt iiual. at sie a.iiiirs? it,-v. a W.i OWLKBl o i>, Ma?ua, n. y. ItV* Next taaaleu b< an-- aepteaibei 10 rjROVE HALL, New-Haven, Corni" ?Im VI MOJtTFORT*d BCHOOL (or YtM. nu LAMBM. M?RVARD UNIVERS1I V- I X \MI\ \ iiun- FOB WOMEN, rheaeveataeaaatlaaUaawin begin \\Bdneadav, Map 38, l^so, laCambrbiga Kaw.Y'orB, ri,ua.iei|,'.utiiinau. Forlaformattuu addiess Meeia, lar] S Ren York Local C Bimlllea.69 Eaat2Alh^i^Nsa York, \11? BULKLEY'S BoXltDlNG and 1> \Y a?1 ^ ROOL lai young ladhas, Tartytowa an-tbeHndao^ QS8INING INSTITUTE HUI YofMI l.AMI i. SI Nil mmi, n. v. An n ul Bad MaBera laMHraaaaa, rwMhur, MeaM aad Mm win, l.inoi aim v and Apliar.itiis. _Rev. C. d. RICK. I'llnclpaL W'H.smN COLLEGE for Youna l.a.lies. ?? t'haaiberaburc, Penn.-Kau i.-rm ...???,,llMr n Barcalaasgneaaadras. Mis* a. p. OOudbEll loiiy FrtafL iVHEATON PEMALE SEMINARY, N.,,i??, ? ? Mass., w.:l Leant Ita fortv flltd ni-Iiish ?,-ur Tbnradav l-s|'lrnil..r II. Parin.tlloaapply la alias A K i AUlltli Ol II. A. ii... tag., NuiluU, Uaas. Jnotrnctioit. i) For Both Bexe??Country. COLLKOIATK INSTITUTE, HncketufnwR. N.I lateral boHdlnx In II)? ?tat?. InatrnrUo? it "" (b. but Ii Mlea> Ten departrnenta. Kif'h year npen* hepiemuaf ... I'iii per year. Calaloxue* ire*. Kev-OIK*. H. A IIITNh Y. 11 I.!. President. QHAJftBEffiBURG (JPobB.) ACADEMY. I'trenta dealnnr a aehool l* th good and cheap *ill pl'lM Impure into Hie Im Tita of this on-'. J. II. MMCMAKER, ph. jt< rnnclpal. rGARMO iNSTITUTE, Rhinetock, N. rZ flta fur rollexr or fur biiainra?. for rxtaloaa* and par liculai* a idris* the Prtniipai. ja.MM M. Iir.ll A HMO. Ph. D. I, 'a MILi BOARDING anil DAY SCHOOL.? 1 I i,^i'?li. I.aiui, I'lano ami nrran :.?*?..n?, term* 100.1 ir>. HA Ml t-. OOODMAM, BeMaOVJ oran?r Co., Si. V, _ _ FAMILY BOARDING WHOOL.-<>n farm U A mllra fluni New-Y>.rk, ?'? a week, hoaril. was.',.nr. tol'loe ai ?'Oil'< cnjfnrta of a roonil'T Imma , -< 1, !.r? r-< .-ira'a itcita ei'a ? are ihn ma Mm BeaMMrx racaibm ppf particular* aaotv UMra II. C. Mi i.M 1.1,. ?Unnaa.Bt. I.;. JANUARY '_'. New eliiNHcs an tr ? " ClaverackOotlea*aadKadxea Riverlaetltatx ?neiioni of lil/ii lank, v la re In ya an thorough, t 111i?-.l lor rolle*;?, an.I haalneaa. a fill coltefs roorae fur girt*, lue Hav. AI?jNZjj'K. Ph. D., Pr.?hleiit.i lavrtack. N. V. AIAPLEW00DINS1 I I I I K -Forboth -mm >*l i . i . or.:. .lie. I'enn.. *'.'i per quarter: aiu.leaia pro> lui<.i lui hiialijeaa, Yaie or Hai nnl-clti* protestor*. J. BUORTLIDOR, A. M.. Prtnuoe1 VEWTON COLLEGIATEIN8TII DTE. Sew a-X I'.n. HWaWI I.?at J. R, j.. ieo|.en, Rajah ?hat I f.?r uialea an.l female*; urnrartlaatj bealtay, exseIMM aovern. mei.t ami ciiili-iimi MBaeaeea | theeahjpj to til fur anr enl. h-ee or Mr beataeM i fjooaiear; aeml for rstaloxue; refer ?o aM ?tiutenfa. J. Rtti I McOoa, I f. It.; JedM John V. Htair. Jeraej I it.. r>. H. TfcVKXa, a. M._ PARENTS wi-lnnjra Orac-elnu BOARDING 1 SCHUMI, for llnlr daughter*, homelike and refine-!, iileane addrca* lot uiculi.r*, M. A. P., l<uck Box 24. N?r.. Nil f. rd. c. mi._ DENNING TON SEMINARY, Thou. Haalon, X I?. 11., rilllllllM N. J.. 'or both peiea. We e'.rel m l.ealtlifiiliit-aa. t ooTenirncc, itlarlnhne, thorough teaehlafc boax i om:..rt> and mocorate rliar?ea ROCK LAND C?RLEOE, Nyaefc, N. *Y.? l; oh n ie?. thi roiub. homelike, healthy: Bo extra*. !?: rear Adoraaa M tL BANJUWTRH. A. M._ CEWARD INSTITUTE.?A Petnala SeaaiaarjT I? sml li-va' ltl/h schont. Two Hoarding school* nnrternn t c ..iiai ? iiu-nt: Xl'OOa vm . mu-ic an I n..*'..|a ?inru?.*ea ei. Ii?. A,!ilre?? Rer, HJS.MRT a. BARLOW, a. M., PHMfM, Klorlila. i iranae county, N. V._ CWaRTHMORE COLLEGE, mar L.iUwlcI it pi -a. Cmlefccaie of Knenda lioih ai-vea adiuloed. ax4 recelv* theaaaie tlexiuea, Coilexa Couraea??jiaaalcxl. ilctao. tine. Knrtiah Normal Department. IMeparatoi? and Mo>t*l Kcboola, Par partlrnlara aititreaa KDWARtl II. MAUII.L, Prealilent. swailhuiore, DelawamCo.. Penu. VOUNG LADY ot GENTLEMAN roeehrod 1 at a pn f hMi faiuilv at BoftlB, <?'erm.t y. Knaliah and, PTewehapoken. Pm ptrtkuUMaudrcaa HI OOi.l'H K'il?lU N l.ll, IUji kville. Conn. Miscelianeoua A PPARATU8 tad PURNITURE of all tiadi ax (m hchixiia, aeademlea, eulleirea ami ball* ; aeml for cala Mgaax BaKBR, PHATI A CO. 14Jan I 141 i.raml st., N Y. Liiuj 5riiool3. \ ALK Law SeliooL? RoBBlOf OOBBKjt - vean; 1 ura?aat* ? rarM liar daaraa of D.P. i? '? - rea?a. Kail lor-a. >ftaa japt ^ft. Amtieaa Piuf. MATLAMO .Now-ila??n.iJl A Dannnq AtBfrfMUf. LI.LN TODWORTirS SCHIMM. IOB DAN' INO at iir- aasiOMROM BO.00I .vru ave. Send for rirrulxr*. (Efiuners. i GERMAN GENTLEMAN given Genaaa _Y aad Latin leaaaaafar01. a. M , Tribune owice. AFOREIGN GRADUATE mmbUi litaadoa aa prot. a^.r in i l*??tra and nuaterii laatOttxea. .uber in aeolleceorprlrate Uattly. with k. -.^u raafT i-etervncea in one |p|are. Atldreaa Dr. K. X. 11., Tilbnn? OMr?. AYALE GRADUATE, teachar five yeara, want- . ? piuvr ? nt . ei.eriry and rut: u?! em in Hie work i rei'oiiimeii.l. d br lira. Wll'lam M. !a> loraod John Had. Ad djaai PBDAO?OI t, i ribuu.) DflaMa UAea. LMBi BanaV way._ t lady nt extu-iii tii-o will irivc lessoim i\ threa dan ?a.-'iweek in Baallah braaebaa Dtawlaa ami patatiac, ? Itbi i to d?btrea <r aiuita: t^iiiu ?uu Mat he. m.itlt a ulao >au^..t : lieal refi reneea. Aildrraa * M. MOfB," Arte indent'* la ague 10a r-tb-are. i GB IDC .VI K <if Y A I ' 1. m i> I-.i- liail lai^'o *\ i \'" r.. i:<?.? .n lea. litna*, wilt re.-. i e lata Ma faaxRy aadj home in the aUbOrba nf n.-alon a few bot 1, to wli.H.e . nee ami A educatiianhUwhaleatuatMavUIhaglreo, Piiera to fc. D. O, prime. D.iv. .f'fl ?<? Ne-.vY"?rk Oha. rv. r. Ailor- sa J A.MKS iilKii, A. kl^Anbarxdala,Maaa i GENCl ttn st 1100LS ami TEACHERS. futn n>U*H an'i ladaraaal b.j fn* ttndlmt aanaaMtWOf(kd uitrr. Paialliea. nrhoala aaa CoilexaM prtxaiptly prortoM with tiipertiir le.ieher?, pradaatea nf he?' Aurnean and Pur tianco'.ewrx Head for ein alar. T. COTKaWOBTH ^INC NEY. IHiMi: - i IC BC1LDIWO. Ct r. Hruatlway and AMERICAN ami FOREIGN IE?CHERS' r\ AOKNt V laliodnrea to rollaxw .?rdmoi. nu.t Maallaa ?opanar ptaMaaora, petnflaela, aaiiai^an. lotora ami ?.iv 11 l.i -?. .. |nr evei v dei.arim. nt of ln?n tirt'.nri.reeoiumenda swt i- i a.i on or in. ii. M ... M. J. Y'lt'NO, Ai.irrii an uul Parrifrn Taachi i? Ajn n. .?. ITaiaoaaaata? REST TEACHERS, American and FonigB. MJ promptl] s r.>v..l. a foi faiulllea. ael.noN, eoUejte*. J. W. si Hi RMfiltlloRM,30Baal 14th st., s.tretury American HChool laxUIUtf t ?..ihiiatie-l IS.3._ L'NJ'KRIKM'KD TP 1'oR"(Vnl ? crailunti-) I at d drea nnra ? papllai Maar rafkrsaaaa A-druaa TC 1"??t:. li'ix .!. i nlitiue niUce._ a^OVEBNESS.?A French lady artabaa nn an KaaaaMataavlsltiiia; sorernc-i. fi r it.. morutni; l.onra; Praai i and Uennau: ataalc a ipecia ir ; t in.? "t city refer? en. -a. Ainileaa Kl'HOPf, TnullUe Cj.t .au > HI. e. I.V'at* liiu.lway. IAOY ni liirui" i?xpi'iii-iHc in ti-ncliin^ would -4 laatraetartratalr ladle* d-airinit to aaaUa a a;i? am l.i Ru tiM '. Pnuch. atatbeaauca, hUloiy lierituro rarvfaUy taaaht toa4aiia arahlMreai w niht . xci.auita lea. aonalurMaltil In r. tia d fonllv: lefcretn es rltjrpa rao*. Ad dreaa THOBOOOtfJtKtMs Trlhaaa ?ptoaa onbe, 1,'JU Droadway._ ?riTat? inafractMrn i BttfaiB t??r ndlen a I ?pe.iat. Innhehi city reference. Addt... YAI.U OIIAD UATK, rrlbune i idleis_ PRIVATE LESSONS in ClusVies, also I'r, m h X aud BBatfah. TaatUaaolaM ftaai Meaara. wabart Baoaar. A. R. a'etBMta ROB y. A. OaaUBR and uthcra. Addi-aa TKACHRlt, S!ux 25, Tribune Office._ -VKACIIKES siipplied to m-hooli ntnl latnilied X w.thont ebara-". Mlaa H.OItKN. K. IT I II, KllfCA TIONAL RCRKAC. 93 I aipiara._ rpEACHER.?An axrjerieiteed teaeber of fbe A Bagttth branch, a, havinx MM beat of I? a MM ?fter? in* earek< aa in aehooU ue private famihe?,. rther pi iiro?kiyn oi New.Yuri;. Ad.lre.'a A. II., ?3.l Ad>-I| hi -i . Ili.s.klyu W'AN l ED.?An nlocutionial in n acTiool. .VI ? t drraa Khocl'TloS. station K. New-York. iJiOWC?.llj. PROPOSALS l"oli PHYSICIAN'S SADDLE l BAOH Dbpoi QrJABrraaaxamra uuvt. iiot ?Tn.n-?r.aa t Ol OatlUa, nk-v y'< kK. Nov. BO, l?7l>. I BMALR0 PROP?>sAl.s. in minicate, win i., i........1 ..? tbMoBce. nut 11 t2o'ci ek.aeoa, Deeemuer20, tune aad i.i tea tin y w ii. be up. Bad in the preaeoe ? at hi at* fa fui futulahlne and delivennx al Oil* ilcixit, no Piivalrlau'a Saildle l.aea, f .r velennari me bhhl.r? will .tibmll with tinir a tempi* of t,. article thry pro| aa m faraab .ml alale wiiuu tliey will rommeuco audwh.-u cuiph-ie Hi - de? livery. '1 ... i.ov. rnnient reservea the rieht I? re|c. t any or all pro. pu.ala. A piefei.Miiv will he glveu to artt_tJ of rtoun aUO praducttoB. < 01.?in on* 0: price pad aailily bataa rgaat Blank pto|io?a'? aril luruiiantlnn 111 re'irnrd tu Hi. kind ot Siiddlu l!a^.i rcpilred, ?Iii bo furuUhevt m? BMatBBBBB m BBB Prepeeal* ?hooM ha lm'oraed " Proposal a fur Phyaiclaa'a - . '. > ax*,' and an-aae.l to the tile lei-.s'll. .I L. C. BAatvOJt, colon. I bbw a. y It. Baal, yiur StBMMsr. OiriCK I'l HCHaalN'. AMI IlKIMr 1 Cr.UMOSAliv OB HtlBMBTBBCM UlttTBn -IAH* ABUT, I abuv uiTuaao,coBxaaCBBaBB am. Bocaroxara, i Ni.W-YohK 1 III. N. \. |A. ISTu. I PROPOSALS foi SI 818 L_N< E BTOBJ 8. X PROP* "Ms, m daaUeata. tu BeaMd na. lopea, a .tk. d " Propofals l? r siiimaiience Slures." and a.l.irea-i d to tic- nn BerM?aed, wlU be received, auoject la lb* Banal eaadllMoa at tills i.dice, until I'J n cmck, noon, nn MONDAY Dee. t. 1H7II. al wl.b'h time and place Hie, wtP i e o; mmt In the i r. * nice of In.I.I.Ts, for i lie d* Iverv at the At mji lluililiiiy, ui au. b (h.iiilan: il.e i it y of .\ e a-York as lu'iy lie ile.ianale.l, .il ai BVt (fl I uateut award, ul the follow,ua labaMieae* ?t- r.-.. tO, u ? pound < sutfar V.xt a C, mb irr. li. B en i paaad* it > e. Pi Im? i arattaa or LaoMMaa, in kanBM All bam la to he round l, ami fill. In ad In ? u. samples linisi an uipaiiy | ropoi-,.,-. siai.ilard s-n p|. s i, i.y be ,?-ci. at tin. d. |? I I i.e i:ari.I 'i re-et vi d to r j.. i tin or nil ..ids. Ily aathority u( tin Cnliuni-sary lleueialol SiiIm>|*|. nee. J'lilN p. ItAWaiNH, MajaraaaCB ratrhialm aaonBtTMBtaaOBBBBBBBt i ItMITNaoXlAX l\?Ilfl llov. I I I.i I. UK IHK SUMKI AKY. J. \\ astiiM.iox. D. C.. on. 31. 1879. j SEALED PR0I*0SALS will be received Sy IT the Va'lon il v| its. mil llnlldllif Cominliiioii. Waditnxtou, D. I .. until 12 in. en NoV.-mbei 'JP, lH'V, In. au| iihlu?. .'e.u. aad ? i Iii.? Bp In eaaipMU wnl.liii; ol.Iei alow.pi. -sure ai *mheettnxapnaratua for iieatiua itie Hrr.Moot Dail<llaa] now hems-i li . I. d ha t .e Nail, uai M .aeiiai. 1 Ue to be . onail i i ted iii .ii i lilail. e w lib lb, |. .t Ibe ?pecifleatlooa r.miea ul which, and any admieui ilitip tmatiuii. May I.t .?I in-..m?e ot CLCoaa s.TICI./K. Ar. Int. .1?, i BaMdMar. h. p maiuo, l i N .it ...n il Museum Bail.1.ii - C..11.110-1011. Illiocriianroaa. I ADIES, DRINK BERK YS TEA, and ba Xafbeaatlful with ul iialax: daaxwooacoaMeUca. bkbkyb TKA ret nivcs 1 I Option. o[ the akin ... if" Hi' 1 ?npletloo ami Hilles Hi ? w bole system. I hoar wh ? nae 11 atitke al Iba loot ami tialoie beauty and youthful Irealiu-aa. luaiead ot destroy tax both by namrtlca. Tu tie taiac'it "?> v "t the hRBKKVa I'KA co, K-K) Arrh-al, Pnl.adalpht.i. unlerabf iiiu.l pioaiptly aent at 6lK'. and tl per b?\. MUeraJ .llavaunt to trade PATENi I? \'!i l>. CAVI CTS. 1 MC N N A en . So 3, row, New Y.nk pr pro tor* ot The f.. 1. hi.tie Ann rlcau . ill year*' e\,.. rl -a. ? aaia llc.loi* uf Pataahk iiami tiook on Pair'nia, aith mil <iu.vti.iua aad advb c. ?ei.l free. Loot iiuo fonn?. BANK rook LOST -Bailk l.-mk Ho\ IBABBl, of tin- Beaerv savlnr* 1 ?uk kt MlaMaa the BuderUrraaaalad to return It to the bank II t.- t 1. aimed, before tbe leih dav ul l'e> ember, ls.'y. aj p.uallou will be made to 1 he bank for a new 1 00a. I OST.- Rink book No. ??.UHii ?i iTm Oet> mj BataMavtiaiaBaak. The tii.ihr 1. 1. . >? 1. .1 mlcaveit attbi Baaj Ii not lauadat i.siui a ;? ? .... i.euto. i>?* DOubrr, IS71I, ... |. ;va. iuii w ill be rua..c tu Iii. ' auk (ur a u?a book.