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RAILROADS AND COMMERCE. < AN ARt.lMF.NT BT V. M. IM H W. Ei -i VfMOW m asm mbi.Y IBSjCIKT 'BIH IAXIATM > ; t iw;Y?NO CONKt'ri "in.hipk i Min\n >" _\kw-Yi'uk bkn' ITTIT??LOW PAH'S ON TIIK RAH BOAM R t ri!Ki>. i ! ;: :.?? appointed hy the Asscmldy to in -reetiauMthe BBBMBC-oontof the railroadsof the Staff11" ?BU tl alt woik tail Spring by announcing thnt they would. BBBOUBaj Iba char acta r (if a court in their luTcsttBBt>e_i, aVoeordiugty for months pasl vin e*s< -1 oal ?!?? .i id Maea-lp f.. tha railroads have hara girltia theft test mumy before the committee. Tii* roinmitteeatea 1<1 curt in this city, in Qpleaebaia. la aTacbaatat aad in ituflaio. i The t.ikniK of MfltMMMp ciulcil in this city the pNaaatwaaki YeeMfOBvy tbe bearing of the eonn telof tlieaceneadraihnjadah um at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce. Cbaanccy M, Depew appeared tat aba Raw>Taek OaotraJ Railroad. He t; a?le im arciimcnt in criticism of the testimony nj::iiii-l tin-ro;ul. His sju . i h occupied lour nml a hall lioitrs m its delivery. It was listened in hy the follow "): BRMheta of the commit to: A. II. Hep. Linn. JaaaeaW. Hnsied, 0. L. Terry, Charles S. linker. H. Low, and W. E. Noyes. Mr. Dope? ?aid in substance. UM, PJ'.n.W > ADDKK88. I Bnka it lliat moi I lie leaM of your UhiafcB piving vest.-rua) was that Una Ions lavesilgulloii liud bceu brought loncioae. I trust thattheLr-rlalature will IBBBB pi ur labor* profitable, Tin. is t ic most i nn piet<-1 xauiinoion ol the railroads ti nt bus ever been Binde in aay Mate, it win result in a barge bill for the Btate to pay ; in a large lull for the commune* tops) iu the eiu|doyiueut of counsel. It lias resulted in a baaa !<??? to tue iaaB>aae_i laweaujB the revelation of then haaiBaai secrets to rivals. And yet. Botwithatand Ingnll ilus, there has l?eeu so much good nceoninllshed that I think it worth while that the investigation was BBBBttal n. WB now know that the rallrtskds have I ? ti ceiiducted fl lih as little eoiru|>tuin au I with a much uiteiilgi ncc und public Bpint as aay other busi? ness. No discussion "f t l,e testimony cun lie i.r use w Kli? ent a consideration of the nature of the k noon the rii r oiils. it lM<_an six vears n^'o. it then bad little strength. Year after .war the Brune pa ml, nit ii have appeared in tbe Legislature or lb vi MM pnaabBI Bf M Bead ears there the horrible on; r >-.oti ol tin railroads. Th-y at las? ormiult"d the l'u..i(i Transput tutioii A-on i.ilion. Iis object whs to n.afce > lie of its uieiiili. rs Mavor of thiseltv and mi? nt ni r Ma vor of l'.rook va. It met In a little room In Gr. et wi h-.t., und ifhasBBBBi week Bfter wet k these prohifms. Tuey ta Bad about > he monopoly that was aatbnaeaMtbe ettadBef Ubeeeentry. And Thnrber was there. Hiul Mei M ?..? i \i> :e. The Cht ap Traus|M>ri.'ition Aasoetuttoa tailing to secure the ear ol the rouuuvreial U?liile, these BMB WiUt' i fon the Chamber ol Com BBraaa I aaaiaraiaad lhari wire aaly ilfiy iuemb*rs bare when the beulete* at egal' st the ral roeis Mas pre? sented for adoption. You a.I understand in easy .1 Is tu m t up sueti a meeting ol tie reetiea. spirits oi an cnranlaaUoe. When Ute] came lo Ute Legislature nud pi'm ate l ih- ir Indictment you Bound tin ir imlli tuu-nt wttltea ay tbe aa?i a bis haad ihai bad writieu ?ucb ladp'taaenbi loryeara. Tea have lud an opportunity to la u u Iba ii uta of ine BBtieeertakioaa oi ihe Ciuimher of lomuieree. HI !t? Y ok IHK VnVI Mr'NT. You have bei n in ac-sioii for six months. Where are tin people coming to you nml detiiantlinc relie. from tin opnr? ssions of the railrouds I Ol the 1.600 members of the Chamb r ol Commerce only two have U-cn before Baa, Why liave not ir.'lded before you and told loa Ibalr arhrranoee I A private circular was si-ni to thi aeerehaala lafnrnilaa uieaa of your meetimra, und ti t lhaj eoald ha beard I ire. They have uvt ided tue |i um as If It Well' a IiesliielKt'. Mr. Sleriie I' -i; ill his MeeeatiiUea of teeUmonj with an ancuuien' b fore you. Ip arg aed that the Liu- Ca aal waa haut :or tu? d ?vciots. no'it ol the btate. [ aar that DeWlIt Clinton imiii too. i bI ta act tha tram el tbe Weak The Bisie mu'euo' discittataatlea BC-lnat tha pcoduete al the Weal. Year afteryear It law lowered the aaaal abargis. The Erie i atil soon beeoaie a free caaal, for the put pose of Mttuut Weatara trade to flow ihreeah toe si i?e. New In itie iaaaisttorts) ejtaBBluatJaaof I ie ruiiroad Mr. ^ie: ne eharaea ibal Uu Biate the railr >adsr'?.oot?,ooo. r.., i it partaeiabip <oee noi permit tb< state lot xpos?-tia ir haaliuaa Becaeia la taelt rivala; te eompii ibem to i >? ahaaara ta I heir eharaea. Tue pages in .inch Mr. Bt ran i m. ahem tbe d... em i ol New-York liuvc heel aBewa la ha autrse i? reai nwn oh.^-t vation. There 1? no i roof Hint iin N. w-Vo k Central stoi k . \. reek Mr, Wereeaiet haa taatiava beiore you ti.ut a . i pratMatloa ol thai aaoaey was paid imt iu uu provemeBta Aeomaslttea of the Lea slutiire invistt ea*edthla tacreaaeof atealkBad apou tueir report Hie l>.Mtatare paeeedaa BekaBthorixing it. iioit a'oek si'a ls le-tlav. Iraaafetted Ihoosnetls el lime* sim-i l OOtawaed bvov r eeOOO persons. to-day a.oi . *'joii.,i.i .'.ism. s . v taat Bdiuatlie uurdeutliut si' ek is sappe ii to h ive put apon the p. oph . t e Ni w Tetb Ueatral carries passeugete ai Ilm lowest i_te of unv railroad in lot- woihl und lreighi at as low rules as the lewest rates of the in. ?t haahrapl read in t ?? *int'. puppiu-a m. beaa?d in Ube open Barker, na lean employe.. nn cm oil ? ?saauiiiiiie bave tuabl u t.. ui na?e.s ?i Uu< road ta nut It al low rntea. It is the Bist time tbo Chsaber of Ooiauieroe baa been need in ..n nddicssio futCe a sealing of inns to I HI pell Ihe \nlue ol otic r linn's piic ity. It is lacrvtubie that thetunmncrol Coeiaavee In a bedjr ahtatld bave hislareid such an ud ill ... 1. Ilu yiool tin y woui'l hav. e i. i com ii uaiBlle apltil that in a time of un< x un, led coinue r II elai depression Hi a< k M a \u- t eeUeettoa oi prep r.y MV1 U PI in ? "i 1MB BBll.BffAPaBi >lt. Man ass. rif Mal MMM vi aaaavntsarc fulae.-ind Mate Mpartd to tac Btale Kaalaaer aradelusive. Th? ics tii.iony is that MB rejiorts BN HrtMbful. but thai they ?MM lie fuller. H" as.i i ts that the railroads make M paapei aaMBawaatteoab I ihrnk the proof is ihe other a iy. Hi- bMBMH as to BaaefchaMers being defraudi-d 1? aneaataiafdl so far m i M Nee ?Tai k Central is couccmed. Hi- atateBMBl i- that the pu s?. wBleh fairli rcprcseuta IhepaMM BaaUflBeatof the Btale,le preludiced. Now Its preaaBae aalaaataiaed iBueaM. Mr. Merne says Hi y arc aubsidized. I don't believe the whole press of Ihn Plain eaa Bei aahaldiand The raUn>ada notoriously ar.- net advenisers. Is the railway the Knit's highway Mibe Broad seaae of our philosophical frleudsl Arc t railroads, free and opea to all I la it the King's lugii . whlaB tbe King has built and la which ihe King bearetheloeaeeI llieBtataaaya: "There nreviliuges nnpeopled; iranapenallealaaetilrrl to populate tnem. Any oeaihiaaUea of men who will build railroads tl.i .iu h tin m Miall have cur proli clioti.'' heven'j' cor aoratioaahave aeea ocaaahva umii r tb?a appeal, mid 1500^000,000 ha\e been invested. Only seveutoen of Ibem pai ill; al n .-. Oa tue aaaregate amount Invcated a r. ni n ol only U |n r e til Is made. Hit, luviator eau li"l (ti I'ttl of liu-ii.eMi lue the man who Invests bis Baa ay M bank la a. laearaaan ar manufacturing, \tidic i ins hnve 1 et ii-iiuk the .-iiate ha-th nve.l a benefit WBhsB tbeIflBaaiaaUoB cannot picture. The rai ro.uls Bave badeMew-Tork be Bmptre Btale of the Union, lio BnaNah law of l ?:ti provided mat ii after twotuy eae rears ef BZlstcBei an. i oa-i Bad 'or I hree successive )?..:- aaxaed a divide ad ol lo per aeat, theu ti e govi ru BM u m'.slit leoute us rale.-. Hat then it guaranteed the rsiu-aadlOp raeal ric.-ipis bar tweal/-oue jeais fol? lowing ii it uiuile mien * reduction. Tilt: PBOaBJM ok BATBM, One of iho ekln?mal ipicstions lying ?t Ihe f< undnllnn of MhlaabpBM. is that of rules. How are rates deter Hineilt Arn thni the absolute property of the railroad BBMBM r> regulutt d by Ins private Ballone I The rail? road manager In the first ptaBB BBBBa to get a rate which eau he 0>nie, a.,d at the BBBBa time one which wi.l MMMMM Iritdn. la etbM word-, he aeeka to have reaaaaahas ruu-s. Tn? ulIiaaB BMBaaar'a powers are vary .uniud. Wi.?u ii is aaaaated in?t ihn railrouos i,.; . ? to Mid ' in locality at the . ipense ef aaoleee*. tt MswaB aa aaaaall as iciroiy merits reply. \? i ael t_- dlieiteffB do thu best tn.-y con tor their roi.-si wot Id lb--) do Muyt alng that would damage their riswl-t Tb.i eharito is obviously ui true. Mr. CtiainnilU, )on tac Called apea IB lave the questieu Mini the liusl i i ef thte eeaatrv baa eataTrawa ita political divialoas. 71... ;s-opie ot lb* L'i lie I states uro u nniou in tueir I ... esa tateaaeaa, -uo railway slmii atepped al Lutfaioiuid PBabrppai has haeBBM us much a thing of the P -'ne the stage coaeh. It is eaa rai wiy Ibal runs fr in N-a-Vork to e?. rr Western poiut. The New-York Uiuuarer aiamla a-re with ids iiauJs tu d und with Cnl caga, l?, Idpua aad Bt. Faal a_rJaa ratea which ho imiu accept. The MaU- line las rilsappe.iretl IB onr bUStUeSS, llviUu. N rfaifc, I'ii.iu-if Iptna and 11.11 mure have found thslr war to IBa ?>>i. If lew-Turk would bu etjoai la brr cointai ielal preatlae Bhe mu-i ue. ot tue ii aaBBMi aa .i i*. Mie ruusi aet M bauud oVwu i>y any rr >u rule. Tiinori.U AJUB LOCAL it ?tk?. U'benyou esioie te ll'e ijiiestlnu of through and local mimjraai bbI m\mt ihat taraaah tatos d_ not d?mugt* Maal raU s. The only MB-bB >nr MM bss BBBO offered to th a eaeet, has come f: om u tr v mlllcra al It >ci.c.UT ? J B> ffalo, and a lew commission merchants here. What done Cue tcslimonr ef ihe ?Mara at Boehcetar B it IMBBj Uist all tbe wheat must l>c obtained rrom tia Waal; (?es-use ihe Male ?n at ua< itetenorated. It 1 a as shawn that ine flour was aen i to Ne?-Y?rk by rail, I' i aase the caaal mea would no; do the oiisiuess. The Hi atasa) t-BPy have beea luii > by tbo rail I'ikda T-ev aie fai-ing the piuhoin, uh, iin r It >s pos r. . u r a aaitaM io keep a parilcuu?r praduetioB ut a C rt nn place. Mr. IBMM a . o . . s .? , inerebaut in 1; ffjio, hti, ih,i Hour can morj c eipijr In IBa W.*tai 'St place o? production. Ion n seufacturer s" levettbi ?d? the miuu .-man und hu>s of the p. d.urr. Iu tin: hot compe.11 on of trudo now tue mid U. men are ahoi: - M-X 1 ' IBillOadl CBBBOl uld ine nnddleiaaji. not uaa the lyrglaJalure. If Ho' Ne w-York rni'tuada w?a<s compelled to uuloa l und unship flour It would ao by other cnanuete to the aea. T heie is a trry auggesiive dispiUiu from He. Ixiuia In to di.i'B pajs It BBJB that the mid-ra there have suspended milling. 1! :?I..-, iu,e men in J/verp "?1 have audJenl) di-cott rod thai they ran mill WUcat more ebeapll He re than He y .-an atHt. Loiiia Tbe geu erul result of this expansion in tiude baa be n 10 lu Cl? SSo lie l.o.n.alhn of tin .e I \\ o cllle* W tlllo llie range of competition m iy h tve deairnyed some manu fa iiurcs, ii h is nullt up otber knds of manufactures. 1 le Wjo appeared before Ihla eommlttea bave |. Illi d Ibal after they have adjusted their lands to cer? tain arin le?, uot In co?.petit ion with those produced on i . abeap laaaaat thi ? tat, ibey have made a pr..tu. k u ufiocn yoare the Chamber of Commerce has advo . it.-d llie Im ieu- of Ih* means of ln.Ul llie West TesBteeaj before ibis oommittce suowa that wbilea car L I U' d, atopplng at Various stiitlnlii, ln.iv cm ouiy 1*2 a iap, tbo car full loaded ruuning ibrougb from lh. Weti may earn *-<J a day. The oulr ogpeiise la for BwhaaL i he i utus receipts of eouic. local Station? are s?i aa gi cat as the duburaeiueau. Tbo thtough butl oe*s. on (he tmtTMf, i* very cheaply dime. The thmnrt im-inca? enorm,.u-u dccresacs the mm of the local irumc. Kvery road Irlca to make mm.or. Tlirro are mom roads tB ihl* BUtC which chame (i cent* a mile, i ue* are compelled to do ><> to pav cxi?ciiao<, breauae f.h V onlv <!o local I iishM a*. Hut ttic New York Central MOI tBe Die attract l ? UV BUI Iv. h un lumifBao volume oi tbroagh traffic, li baa enabled the-u reada to rialaofi unit local rates to u point where every hctlitv can ttirtye h.jik t.Mi?e? i ant Ih. local rat ?is iilwav* mice! bj (Betaroagh rate. Localities are supported by lumi ? Uli a. MuVopol.V CltT. Btr. Bternr rays the New-York Central la a monopoly. Th. r?- m a cms-road compel ni; with It ;u BB nvernre Bf ararj rwaatyantea) the aaaalfiewa bj ita side* aaate BBttacvtlhlt The railroad* of mm llBta earn, nlto ?atber, ffiKM)0O,00Oayear. orxty ?nibwa aliahiBia from lb ouch (raffle. Tbl? la the leHlha ommm raa ?>f tha Waal pay* the St n to of New York. Tb ere are 1100,000 tnrin* in Btteiaaariil operation ia Una Stale, In the faee of tue i uiion between 1879 ioid 1870 tbe local tautneesol uie New-York Central Baa ra neasexl 33 per cent We i' ire so to ii ra4 i . I baainaaa that It baa laereaaed. The i ?! ibaei beearedaeed oaehalf darlaa tin'' Bmebj we rree will <>t the itentletoen ot thin eoiaorattoa. IfroBa 1870 to 1878 :h. r. ware 35.0OOfarmi mlded to tae pr - ductive. power* of this 8iste, The Went in tamer ha* to pay to pal ata pradaaa t.. tin- great. Ittea ..f the Veal He haa to pay 1*?,? nnii per Mile. He pave a frebrht \7 ?1! _"JBBao eqaal to the rr-iuht rate paid bytha ? w-Torbfaraierto aead hia wheel to New-York City. Wj. icnse an ? picked eat aa the point abb h ha? sumied toemoal rroai tiu? eempetotton. Ami vet aol n aiuxic w ii lies? aaat* forward to tbeetty was nein*: ralued Tlir Hi a York Cainial laiilaa nn perasai or th. ^nmls of s-. raciHe dcsi.l e ft ?? cai. i ai d the De a w r aad Laek.nv >iin i Ituilma.l. Hupp.iai Mr. Sterne Baa a law paased making a taaalaiaai rata "or mile. Wh it's th. rc-u i t In the Veen competition ".-Ith the other great raUwaya ibey aar tfl awaatea : ?? There la a jKi.nt w In re the New-York Centre, roml cam ot adjust local to taroaab raleai we will put our rate* to thai point." \v hat Is the renn.i I New Yoi k will lose her trade. Tin raaaUol tbapolicyheretofore followedbaa i. .a to ii.,.k- u- iha that Bxaaafactarlag stur., or iha DutOB. On.} Ml pci cent ot the wheat uaeil In this state is ralaad m iha Brate. Tin- afloat al this lanmenae Ibroaeh beetacBs ta thai the beaoflts nr.- ineaicaiable. M ime measure-ot haatnaBB may have become Baprofll able; but in theaagrecate, bp baenta mo experttoaof Wcatcra arttelea. p. p iiaimn haa h.-.n aaoraanaely la? ereaaed mid m... i net i. o. ram paoaaly . atarwrO. Too U a> timotiy before tae couualttec is thai iha 3-eeal fur- mi the New -York Central a le t equalled any w h. re. Willie the local ratca aa tb< Central arc um 4hiro Vss ihaa iue, h eul rat.-a ul tiie oilier trunk iim s. A\ EKAliK RATH UK TltAPITC. laOaaaaei cot theaverageratefor pssoeagera i* 4Hi cut* ; in Manie ix I ween 4 Hint ."> ccti'a ; iu 1'eiinxyi aaahttflbji MMhagaOtBlai i ..ii.u*, t: axtaeeaeta,dte hi Colorado, in i tCaataad*4] thaCkMttaeal of Barapai avcnitfe 4 to 5. In Coin . c u ut fremht pays fPp t'Batl pari n i . i mi <?; \i ? , i>ai alaaaaeaaaatta,4%; Pena ay.raala. 5; Oaio, 0% j a the railroad* la Kew-York, about 3%; N< a-Yoi . Central, B*|M of a oeat; Kuawnd, 3%: Geraaaay 4 The New-Yora Ueatral tbaa carrion poaaeuewa end freight at the oveal r.nes ot ;.m ruil .i n i he wie i.i. It 1b aofalr that we rikoold perpeto* ally ha aert with aH aiptatoredaaaoar moooie, Could a eoaaaahMbw adluat theaa rate* a ay hatter thaa the railroad men t raa i arlli nenlary eoroatUaloa of Baa* laad aay that this ta ithlm no Qorerameai khoold bb* dertake. How la tin* coaiatltha to do iietter than the able a*ca who hare been la the haalBeaa far flftj \< n t li oil >.re may th'in a i lass ad yet eaieneettclei m \ arha ahea baa ta lakes out ..t Ita elaaa aad . al la ia .liner. The lea trade may aa to (^tneaao. The ap rtre ..i Mi. M. rne ih "stcciai rat- -." lie -a\a " an.. lal rate*" hare haill un en aoananB v and baak> rnpted aaotber. Tbl* aoMeet demanaa atte thra. The itiaaoay aa to apeclal rale* m aaifono] the teatlnooy in tin i i. so.i la OirecUy th* rercrae ot what they eharae. hawaa ta Oenera wanta lo bioy< t<. K rata* of frewtbl are areater luaa the a ?? I-.ue ?rib in Kun-as. He want* apeclal rate*, wh. .- in lured ay It U be n.\.- than 1 WeatakeM rontracl itb aa indtrklaal werciiant for tba whole year raaad ?derthe ph i: ,n i;.:,t be eball traiirarl oil hn?tue*? throaahaa Mr.Cruee,oi Brracaao, pata a apeclal rate Baeaaaa "t Ihe ra aaw ol baaim ss in o k.i poor nrer iur roa?l ateadlli th< y< .1 roaad rbe Be Y .i C trat R?ilrond ii lowl ylaato eanaliaa ihe t .? aol the jobber with tboae ui Hu Bierrhaoi iu in. luiertor. doo'l think ii aaa hi dam . Qrpii ii haa so leena i lati i la Albany, Byraeuaeanil Boebeatoi that the uierctiuuia i era can aaaae here a. u bar rood* m the -n.pnei the lobhar aere. Then hi tu ea bla xaoaU to the conn city, where ha bat leaa tax ? tad i a r wave* ., u i- n; - ii ?eada aal] una . qaanttlli a of fn < nt at a 11 >??. n cannot oBei tae railroad *nob favorable tenea. Tue imn ,.i flyraeaae ran *ell Moreeheapl) and dt? imune aaoreqaich \ ihaa theMew-Torhuiercbaut He coaaeoabaili arlut in the etaantry raerclio t-. Oi half ot the New-YotK (Votral I dim I. no any boatillt) lo any kind of hu i -- h re li Bi r-YorB. Bui yoa can't praTaBtohaaaaalfl thoaaotti all nn. Tin: w \ KBBD sT 4M CBABOR? it has in en ciiat. a 11 a ttha rataaban heaaaeptap |topi.V illV i|i t ds . n w ilcie.l sloeU. v |fa nun rn t tie- rate.? are Bi i al tii c.'i' nt tin- bbmbbi 11 ttoekt thai iha ratcaara in.i n-at Baarea whwh will aarry tba fretaht. The rail rood s?en Berat km.\.. til! the end of the yi ir h i ha stands. The rate* o the Central areai.idel rloielneas and not fordirMends. Its dividend* an made bj tba lartnaa Badaaod m Baceawat. Bo vblppei at r bad hi*rstes loerea edto p rdlrldeoda. Tun rat - i ??? Bieadlly been lowered. Slaoe the laareaaeia atoek the HlBBajHI of t i.e i nail BBB lli. lc s..! all time* a - In nek the aaralaa* bara If we had k pi apthe ra eatbe earataa would hare been enormous. One oi Mr. Btei. i v bobblea is that ti.e cost al traasporl itlon can be aseertataed. Theteaiitooay is Hun li eannol heaaear. taint'd. i n.- hard w inter aad tba mild Winter, vary in'.-, 'i i.e Boat rarlea uui.'.r different cl re lim? it sueea asmneh aa the eosl of ralalaa arvaa. Vaa* .!. t: it, Jewell nn' Baiter say thai ihe east eannol t>" aaeertaiaed?and Mr. si.tiw khu n eaa. It is aharaed thai "peals" ata btjbrbaui trraaa ? railway point al tries "poolaM .ue i beat i nn .ii oi nn years, "Pools" nn- srrfeed al lo pre vent the disastrous ctunpctltloa ol nulroods. Pools i * v ?i ii i ill road* ami "money pools" proved a i... n 'Ihe " |OBBB|(a p.m." hi - ploVcl a Mice. s-. N"W ulu.e cao be Bxed aad ataiatalued Bow the rates sre nmIh* taia dtmeaase thrr. isae advautaa* lacnttiaa then. Tue pool sstabtaabed pernwneucy m rates, winch is hem aolal t" tie shipper aad to t e railroad, baslneei i i i-i., i ooc?i more hare a ehaaee. (hat hi pool * ?'? k* to the detriiaent al Bea-Yoi i; b u hi eu dJ proved. BtaeefuapoM' there haa bean ao ablpaaent lo the West fixaa Karope exeepl Iba ratca of tbe Mew-Y rk meraaaal aere acaaidoiaa. We harn handled here la New-Yora More BBst-birand frelahtthaa aU tbe other . Ittea aaaihtaes). . nn cii.'.koks or OOBBUPTloa, Br. daBraaBays thai Mbaalda caaipaabM" araappt -- stag the paepte. Bow wa bare marehad up to theae aaaBpaah * aVarai iy sii thai Iha aarrapl saaaadrala ahaald i,ul i-e ipc. Hut we nave found llu-iii to he like the miraxc of tin iti a rt. The Brat of thaaa eompeatee waa the ea> pi. as i uinpm e.-. Mr. Kulliruinl Mr. Worce-'ertestttled that the aipiaaa baataeaa ia dMaaraal ftara thai or u ratt roadeoaipaa! ; that tin ? r.panic-are not con? nected with lb.- railroad*. Tba railroads' aai from i hem llist-einsa rate-; nut if colli not linden the Iha work or express eompaalea. rbej aare aaaoea in an rv Vilm..': Ihey olsiribate ihm aaekaaeai Ihei lake aa oroet fromyonrwlft Ihr soata rlobuao ta a dial mi city, aal they brttta bat k the ithboaa t" tier, in a word, th> Tdo B niimia-r ot ihmKa that i tie railroad companies eoald net undertake ta do. Next in.- ?? faat Irelphi IIa ? " wer. ip then of aa so oik mla d thai tin- ruiiioad BMaaaera ehtalaad a praffl froaa rhjea. We di.i. ladeed. abiaia u profit from the enormous amoanl of baalaeaa Umy broaaM aa. The* ri ached o il their nuns to hi. Louie, to Omaha sad tost. PaaL aad broafbl te bi tons el fn IghL B/a fooad thai tin- railroad* not mit of them the same profll as though IBey dM tbe boxlaeas tbevaelvea Bot there wss oaa mine of eorraptma eertataly the " Merehai ta' Die palch." Th-- testimoay showed that tbe Central feaad t1 at it eouid use theaceossof tint eampaay la Boropa aad In tins country to its own m al sdVSBtS|PB. i, slow..! thai un- Oaatral own- btr ?are i. un its preoort aaata ahara al th.- stool of that eompany, und heare derlraa bm ta profit thaa It would it the Mi re bants' was merely a -o >. ratt re line. Our income from It has been aoormeos. Then there is the rallniHil .iloux Mi'iiyten Duvvll Cr< ek. Cimmuter* ontheHudaoB Birer Btmd for raara ahraaard their aboabtara whoa they laaahad this pi t aad abl?pcn i lo each other abaat the aaoraraaa profita the Yander hilta obtalaad from the awaarahla al thai little tutor road. Well \ mi km.w li came out at Saratoga Buroagh Wi.iium li. Yanaerblll thai thai mud aaa hallt bj " eoa : r... .oi it aaeh law rates ihsthe failed, that Commodore Yaaderbtll pel id* head la hia ewa poeki t aad puhi the maa his |aei dae, ami ttiat the stoet ot Bah read in tha aaasa ef the VaaxlerhfJla aaeialy repre*?-nta tnl* aam, \-.| so aeatBnr aeaadal waa dlspoand or. Well there Wa* BM Aibiuy Hridi?e. 'lucre. WlisliT a xeaaaar te this State who did ool believe that. b> tha fav/oral theBeadael thereadathai aaed tha Brbxaa, a little knot ef maa derived a royal toauata Irom ihx'.hk ii.e i asseui:i u uw.l fiel*;lit I..ill p. art <l over It. There waa alas not a lobbyiat m c.e Legtalatare that arbea Ba i ai ra doll did a t rack h.s i?r daa to dlseorar aeBta w ?> . f mm* i aa monej n il al Iba Central By denounc lag lbs bridge diicetora. WaU, that, ta*x. wa* dhajtarad. Yua now ku ia that beyond tie mileage no eh rgs a a itcvcr t* mode tor the paaraagera and Iretghl p;i- iibstorar the brldxe. Therefore seroyal income can I.... derived :r had finally, the drawtag roam aad alcoplBO na oompaay mm ait maea, i* idar u aaaatrae foil ol ilio Inw* of tine Hiitie Ihe Central mm hellered thai II ha* no rlsht to |WB .it h c.ita. that the work lie done by oalald.iBpnnha I deaM ebethaf if we had Iba t,. ..: tbe oompaay woBld exereMs it.ror Hie miiroad* in Iha Weal abeaaderteoh tbe *leepinx-ear btiainea* liuvc vcii I up. i be w,"i ? is I <? ?( .I.e:. 'iv an outside com;..ui,'. Wli it wu* H.eie-illtof the luvelllgailoli of Ihawagaer DraarlBg-BoonCar Oompaay 1 it wa* iti* covered that the ael profll of the eompany had heea pun, ,,.?. Wuy, yoo merebaata ef ihe Chamber ef Cam merce would think BOtbtog of auch a prottt us thut In cousi.l. rut ion of tue eupllal Invested. Mi l?e|iew iBafped iu the delivery of hla adlreas anil said that he couul Wnish it tu almut uo b?ur lu the moru _ 1 ULBOAD l \ rMMJUTO, im. 111 BTBB ASh BIO BB kflDl TO BI EX tl BDBTJ OOLOBADC Si'hlN'iS, ( oL, MOW. '2H.? 1 he fij> uuul mccUiig of the Htot klioldcrs of the Denver and Km Oraude Kuitroud C..mpt.#?*\?iva* held here to-duy. The meeting was barraonioui. and the present Board of Director*, via.. W. J. faliu-r. Dr. licit. Jay Oould, mmmM Ha^e and C. W, Woerlihoffer. wero nnanlmotisiy pafJaaaaal, a paBahsBhaj wa* adopted BBpaafiaahaj the Iloaton leuae, and renulrltm the director* to proaeciite the AUhiaou, Tepefa and Santa l'e Oompaay lor duuiuifca Another resolution ennfltmad the decision of tbe director* to extend the road aver all Ita 0harten d rout.-*, partl. ularly to l.-slvlllc. and the Han Juan and 1 P MO, In Cnihuoiiiis, tor which tbe president reported ample means bad becu received. fan mf.mMm and bomerhkt railtioad bold. Tbenton, N. J., Nov. The bhIo of the hferuer aud Somerset Ha.lroad took place to-day, under a foreclosure of mortgage for 150,000. Tbc purchaser were the Pennsylvania Uallroad Company, who bold the luurttfii^'o. PORb) UMOIIOr a t;i:rat p.<>atv Akron. Ohio, Nov. 28.?The Atlantic and Great Wc-Mu K ulway will he told In Akron on the Oth of January, under foreelnaiiro proceedings. Tim dato w.o. fixed tn-d.n , In pursuance of privute, lelegrants nn nnnnctug the completion of the reorganization Byndl rate In London. The liabilities of the road ere about i70.000.000. It la expected tbad It will ecll tor about _ THE comm. OSDEL AND INHUMAN TBEATMEHT, an opinion Bt j' BOT BBIMtWIGP, in MB r.UHLKY DIYOBCB 8L1I. T.o opinion of Jadfl? Sedirwick. hanfltfl down .tent, rday In the Huperlor Court, 8|> Term, on the dental of a inoi Ion lor alimony In the divorce aull of 11 tnuuli L. Paisley agtlust John 1'aialey, hrouirbt on the ?tee ad Of cruel ami inhuman treatment, presents sev? eral Interesting feiturca. Tim decision was based opon the propeeUlua Ibal tha faets Mated in the complaint, If true, were not sullteieiit to con titute n caii?e of ac? tion. Tbo complaint states that previous to IBM tlx* defendant had kaaa auilty of acts of cruelty which Would have entitle 1 the plaintiff to judgment of separa llou against Ihe defendant. Ill June. 1K0?, slip bovail all ae laa for partial diverse, hut at the deleadaaPB -niiri. tation she iliseoiitiuued it, nnd in November, 1HH6, they b igaa to Bra lege that aaata an husband ami wife. The complaint goes on to aver that In June. I??7, the de " aaaaaai platatat both ia ptetatbtaad toother pei sons, of h i\ ma killed their son Willie, w ho died In Juirn, 1885." In November, 187'J. the defendant denied that he was the fattier of their child Myni. In August, L0T8,the iefaadant made false and wicked charges against the pliuntilT. and " on auch wicked and false pretence " left plniiittff. and has nnce refused to com munieate wdh her excepilntr tin notch counsel. In Pah rwarj end Ms ran. is77.U1? cm pintn 1 saya. be semi i?r so ? 11 it 11 mo ai d lasii!I her while she was lying 1:1. In April. 1ST7. the dafeadaat with ** waBteaacaa and orueity n liecaa aa aetloa tor absolute dlvoroe agataM tbe plalattK The eomnlaial says that the charges were talee i thai ihe dad adnat culb d altarax a," who as plain tiii his heaa lafuraKd ami believes were aaaaraad th. reto by tue ttefendent,N ami who bv Mahaelnlolj tnlee hsatuaoav eadeavered m aaatala ibe aharaea against th " plamtiff" Tin- jury lii-Hgr.-cd. and IBa if lion was discontinued. Judge bedgwick iu hia opinion says: I am of otdtnoii thai I tie alleged -uhoru itnm of per? jury and the bringing ead irini oi taa action r..r divorce d net eenatltuteeruel ?. u.i inhuman treetaaeei within Un eiatata, It would be lmpaee<ble te Baabe Um net of n BW Lina le conns el Jus. Me a cruel or an inhuman act. n sever ilHeuadad the sei ton may nave beea?aa*1 the aeereteabomatkraal Itaalf baaaeeflVei spaa taa per? son igninat whom tbe Injustice la contemplated * ? * The nUn r acta or charges aiaea Jum , l-??. beyead doubt do not toiisltiuti- cruel and Inhuman liealuiei.l. Tbej wer.- no; eon tin noes. Although falae und wanton, tic i .reur aaineat, theeoaiptaiatdona net abawat averibnttae] resulted In bodily iuparj of ihm kind, to any extent, produced by an] men.-, 'if tbe reauil ha mi aUil sum ring, pure aad nmple, without bedltj injury being eanacd by the men I i MtBertna, tbera is no autnorlty :ortii? action. ? ? ? i an rurtber ol the opinion thai Iba acts -nice June. ltoi.i, do BOl show Itiat 'he i 'lp led com! Ion I I the coialolia I loll of the a ii'ir i.. Jaae. 1068 baa heea broken hy Use defendant. This opinloi ia bused apea tbe whole eaee 'i ell ' a l?V tbe e. in,it. Ii is not Hie culls ? ol her ' ? ? to 'his pealUon Itnmedtatel) upoa Iba sea a! eged acts of cruelly. But the lived year- alter Ibens, with no reaaoa to fear Inhuman treatu m. until ha m. es a charge, which be foltowa by aalt. Bar cii nauin with defeadaut after and betwaaa tha aew aa* ? na uudei the riroumstaueea ta , ooedeeation ei aea icta I ia .are alleged ia hi eruel aim inhuman !:? BfmeBj " Poi the reason declared it. Ibfa rtrrialna. Jadge flodg Wiek granted a motion la dl nu i the eomplaint. Bor v.o .? .v On geah II appeared far the plan nil; T. at -.1 waii lot tin- ueii ndant. FUDGING A DOCTOI '8 I BB 11 i'K A i B> John aseoButrd, ol No, 428 Weal Twenty* alabthsit., abet FiaaaM Watbiaa, a negro, iwtaa m mm Ukbxh, woaadrag ktaa aevercly, aa Boveaiber 10, Iba i n ia was i iken to tbe New-Terh Be pNal where hM wound was pswaeftBced aa ptaba ? IB ??? Leoeard v.i- areasted,and ia lbs Ji ft r*nn 'i ? lent PoHea Unart. Iu Bixoj eoaiwi d him i< ,\ a.: Utoreaaltof Walklns'aUdurlca On Not inb>*r S2 Li-nunrd'a counsel pn n i l i ?,' l| "O . :,i a (,. i,of I?i. a. Lee Knapp, tteadlua ph inol ibe N ?. -Y Bos (?Hal.-t-i.oic iit 11 Wntams was of danger. Oi the the ?trei ih o IhlsJuatii Bixb) ado.? Leonard ia B8.000 ball foi i x nilaatli T i< iu Ii tiou was s t ? .?j BTe Ines ..i\ laa) bui no .-. ord t ta h iard from Watfciua. The ezauuaailon waa Ibon adjourned until ,.- ida . Ia the uenntliue It was discovered thai t:. eeli:ii. itepurpoi n .. l< \ ? ?? was a ??: gery. Bo Lot ird waa seat to prl on a. am. Vatklaa'a eon in ion is, tiii arltieaL AN DtSURAlfl I. Mi lAL BEG UK. Alhanv. Not.28.?Attoroe -Genoral 8chooo bu er, aa behalf el Jth.a. P. Baiytb, bi Baperioteodenl oi ih?- fnsaraaea Oeparteneat, baa aap? i ad la tba Onarl of a ajmalafreaatheerder ef Iba <i n-rii Term araap laa tbe Bapeelaleadeat ta pap ever le Beary R, Piar soi., aar eeiver of Ihe North American Lue [oaarance Company, taa aeoney held i hiaa, ( [TIL NOTB Mm. M iry s. Haaey, who waa acquitted bj the verdiok ef a Jurj aa B/edneeday. ol aa atteaipl to d- fi tad M -sr .. 1 \ a .d 11 .- : s Ol 000 ib Bat tiy a Ion on i ? r Btaaaonda, waa i rougbl ra .. re Jnatlee Law re nee, in Um -iitu? in.- Court, < 'hunibei t, yet.ay, on a habeas oorpas, aritb a peUtloa for ?-r aiaeharceln tbe criminal pro?.lluaagAiasI her for the same offene?. \ - tani Diati cl A I irnej M n e 1 A that, inaaicaeh ? i ila v bed alreadi p -s- l apaa the aaei Ion that ... U il ha tried iu a er inii.a proei e lh.g. Bad UM woman had heea acuuittod. Um I)uurtci-At(oruey did aal laoppoae the atuUea, it waa Ibaaaiara graated n> Juabea Lawn nee. Jiul'o Blateltfopd yeatorday reypejaetl the di eision of J ml?. Canute in i in- cas ? of Qeargi Gregor j. pi i'iitiir in error, (it-.-gory oce.ipicd Urn premises Nos. 4TBaad 4SI WaM i'-rtv-eighth <t., und Baad a porttoa . f one lot as a dfjVBW iv. T il-- rear of No. I Ml Ii. lomr.-d to a savings bank wa- RJUted to one Anderson a- a vinegnr factory. Ii was aabaequeatli found to be adh> iiih-rviitni wasselaed nv tbeQ ivernaasai sBtborlties.aa were also Oragory'i horse aad wagon. ?maory antsi to fei aver the-n. In the trial It a as asked It he had kBOWO llie rear prelilhsi s \\ i I tired as a lll tlln iy. 'J, .. ,,ue? Uoa waa objected m bp ih DUtrtet-AtlorBev, aad Juag BBanl waaread redaeninatOrvwory. JadaeBiatehford, iu ni-decision,-ay. ihe ipic-ti ii was lmpro|Ktrly ex? cluded. I Ban a qneetioa tor tba jury whether tue rial man I knowracly or eoaeeiouaij permitted the drive? way to in- need for patpuoaa al lagraaa or ecrcs to und from a distillery, kaowiagibal there was a dMlUleiy iu Ibe rear huiitiiug, a bob trial w as ordered M a I8IOM8?Not. 88. Supreme Court? < A?m/?r*- I'.v .Imk'n Ilarreif.? Irwin am TeokaretM -Ordai sen cd. Metora act tin Met repulitsa ties I.lain t'tiaraay.?Msllta aeaMdL iiuu.-un ss-t Hadeee. Bee ?eawraa .um Br Juii<e boaohoa - Preaad act. Um Baak of PafaaaaaBB ; Hauic agl. suue?urdt-is aiaineiL Meyei acl. Meyer.?hec Bfaaaeraaaaak Bi Jadge f?aiaana i Oatttag a?t. htarter. -OeeaMaBeraa* aaao. Iu Ihe mull..r ol Tynan Motion to i iinlati lor eaa teiui.t BTBBted witheoata. Boaerl set, Bogett.-Au ailowam ?< et By per week aad aft ceaaaetti ? graaled la tbe delendant. ISsld -iirt Pin.- -Motion tor a i ?--ettletn? nt of onn-r In 11 to Bwe eaieted aenlad wltaent aaata, Behnlta bcl Pttuaaj 1 In r.- nan; be j i tftreaee In this ens,-, hamu.-ls nat. Walla ?Bee atwaoraadani PBaerbach am M, balatel st aLi Avers atrt. Ajon sad others?MoUoaa araoted, Knlgbi apt, Bey no'.ia Bailey agl thi Mrtrrrrlttan "aTtnga Bank i aaiamea nai. Lirmgaioa. OTileee graaiad la tea aaMSarMaaagrtnek ave ?Oraaiei. ftaanfal 7Vrw?By Jmlae Deaaaae.- Daabaa agt. Cu.iiiDp ouil an aber, Baa, 1 anJUicr.-i- ibBBa l Mt/iri tor( mmH? HpmsieU Ibf'M Chlfd-JiartiM Curtis. - Preemsn agt Pah an or M M MoiMa graaird ItyJinUe s,?l-nlek i.tniiaer els', apt. Ihe Amernan Aei'o. alle -I? betj ?f New Vor? (iiuiiti-ii .aea BMvernedaak Paislej aal Palaley.?see aiaateraiiduBk BeneviBe. ate., agA in.1 .null oi m Bndasr- Hoe bmMraadaav PBlaleyagt. Paisley. Miilian fin tiBtpaiaijaliatmiT aenlad; teeoptuloe. Totti agt Boots .Motfasa daaled with aaste ta abide Um er eat ?,.ii. e' ,1 aai. uaiiaa Bilansneanaiiisl Pause sat. Keane ly at M.?order el suiiaotuiion. Ansio apt. sands i^.h asoduact. Martiaaei al -OtderaaUrned. BeMBoaMt, the 1,kl Ii?? k.-i LUt IBBBIBBCB Oni|,llHJ et Bl. OiaaV ids leisaiag aetaon arimiea. Ktdilitai aaL Kant | soiuio n agt. cuiri'ii, AdameaaL TarahaUi Wertnmn aat KaebJarMaL ?Orders of dlaeoaUBaaaae. Papa igt. Vera Otaer graaiad. BarwoodetaL >m. Bertaai -Akpeasaat buada tu Ike sum ef ttlbV jisu 19ca nt : apulaailna t I iBereasB can be mail- hi t - ?Her Bieidlefal art. nil tin BeBBlilimi Biel Pataeae el al airt. M. Hu; apn nui.iig r iaiu ts vv. itosr, csij, rats rw r. i t. < ,n iimi Pfaaa^dBMSafl Term?-Bf JiuIl'o l/irretnore. in i. Kuakkt, in. r<-.lersd. BlaktSTset, Laariie i Blaa eard apt, Yoaaei teik. nhuiaii am. Bbaea, aaeiteaitoae ?rraiitad. Ta tff-naet Vaalageaj the caaaiHMJ Kalaaaal il nil ..ill. 1 ? ; In i Ii, inalUI ol ih.- appm uli.mof .--ena* I i r. - Motions a,anted. Hart act. pi.e an - heiaarl eeaBtunA etc. The Now-Volk Lite Inaurancecompany agl. Munay . itanMaat. same.?Jiiil('rin-nis ol tore, 1 .s.u.- ami sale ordered. In re aaasgaaMnl of BtcKweo. laterm ardered. Bhoadea aad olhei. asi. Ajers. ate.) um Maw Volk BewerV Pice Insurance Couinany act. 1 .vans, i tc -lie. roe of Judgment of BWM e- ? and -ale ordered. Murine Court?t'hambrr*? By Judge KtMintt.? ?!ur-"p aat. tlaileti; Klrkpattn-k sgt. Mater: Misueagt. Tompmiia Meaeaeainaiea. lyvy sat. iloffuian- Motloa granted : stay ?I pri>cee4iiiaa vacated. Iden agt. Nevine.? (li-or?e P. Hut lei wot lb appeion ?I receiver. \s el.ner ast. WslsaiHsiue sat Cutler, Mel ulhllu pgt, Tiuat | lllvell hnrah agt. Oliver.?Or lere signed and Uled. Bewail agt. Khauley. Motion grained. TBiANEXQlYlltQ NOTM8. SoMi.Kvn.Ln, If. J? Nov. 2S,?Tim POBBg sport-m-ti of ibis place paaaed Thanksgiving Day Iu holding a s,-ri<-s or athletic gsuies,o|M n lo auiut.-urs only, the pefSBB being gold and silver m isla Is. ItLitdKN 1'oint. N. J., Nov. 28.?The mem? bers and friends of the New Volk (Inn Club spent the holiday nt their BBaaCBU park m ar this plnce, engaging lu pigeon sweepstake-. A better day could not have bota s, i. clcd for tbo siiort latfore the traps. BbBOBB Point, N. J., Nov. 28.?The fwnii nioiithly meeting of the Uorgen Point itifle club for the MBBUrptaa niarksman's badge waa held yesterday on the range on Ibe bay front, the winner of ins trophy for the foul ih time being W. E. Jasper, with 40 out of a nosslble r0. The other best scores were T. Conroy, 4ft j Y Uatlnaii, 4f) i Oeorge Unle, 4S i J. t. II. Cliina, 44. Tim Oral live highest euorea wcro prcseutcd with a tur? key. Kp.d Hank, N. J., Nov. 28.?A gnme of bot ball waa played on tbe public squuro between side* under tbe leadership of Henry White ana Mllo Bogute. While*. Bblo wuu. I the money .market. 8ALES-11AIUIOAD AS Ii OMER SECVRITIF.H. riltHT CALL?li*? O'CLOCK *? m. r * n%. n>ftater*d 1^1 10.000. 105?* V I 4? lieg; l??r7 |o."no..1<M\ 6?.IW?.tx-c. .103% 084*4 coup '91 lryxm.107 r K *? coup r.i->7 lo.ouo.1034 THIRD CALL?1 'o O'CLOCK P. M. ?3...104 Hi r b 0? p.** lBso I 'mx'.... D ? (ta Heard 1881 103 <h>.be.106V r - 4a Hag H'OT 10,01 0 . 103?? 1 l.' k. .160% C 8 6? Conn 'HI 18.i'Oii .bo.. C H 4 V Coup '?7 10.000.107 Si 20.0O?. he....I07V 0 B 4? Coupon Id?7 60.000.103?? KOfPTH CAIX?9?% O'CLOCK P. M. r.S.4?nr?llH)7 I lft.O^O.103 V I B 4? i'onp IB07 50.0.mj. .103% SA I is-! oYl/.'Y.U/.W V BfOOfl DRPARTItKVl BIBBI I0HI) 11 o'cloc Ponlon H * F Iff I m Cnlon M - VOM oZVjl', hoo 10-1% BM 62V I SM 7.3 2M. Ms't i(io.io7r? IaM BBV MM.53V 1 IM 100 'o'.los 1' M '?'-' '. , Di l A Hii.Imiu Cbea.t o care r Int Im M 100 80V Debt 10M . 37 m a Ht p First 1,1 (Tino |( IM im I rte 7 s fun 4r.M. L'villcA Na*li2rt ?m ..lOIV M K .v I C A ton 4(>m B*V I M ..U l Mobile .ft i itilo Ut IM. u:.'4 i CO 1 0 .'"1 M 'I'tlint Cu Crrl'f All BM hi Kam w .t i.. Ono'd l?t .1 BOM i.J<? ii i ,v Wablal M -i i. ii x m eon BM in? SM.IvOf rot A WreSd ex-c IHM Iii I .v vi i-nnc x-o itM M ireal B/eeteri M M X BBBBBB 2M BM Lake Brta a w im MM HI Ul BTfl .C Mim In KlM BJ Iaiula.t Naah C *IJ < 'e III:,ii luam li 4M I, 0*? I lurid a Hunk . no Pel IBc M 8 8 '200 80'4 300 .7;i Si sou BU% 'I.i l brail Central ?00..lw HO U?V 10i)..B?'*| l-ikc shore A M ? 20 i Ins .', o.lmt-i, im im'-. iioo ioHv IM.<07v2M lo-i'v 5i 0.M7V2M HiBS im.107 M IOBVj Illinois (Vnti ul ? n 10 ,ia 40 100*4 Obfaj a- It Inland 2 i.i 148 ' in, .V AI fill 2oo..ii.)V t n mi, PaeiBa BOO 181 5S0. HP 4 loo 1MJV 100 BBV ?bte .* Nartbweet IM .gl 4"0. ?ii., a o to v g mi ni i. , INI Ul S ''Ml '.'i '? Cbli u N W pr- f HMi.L 4?, lnO.,05'4 M ? 100 ? i ?nt B ttnr n r luu so 100 B?% ?OO..7BS<lvO0 7:> u on" .ll'./IUO 711 ??? :,io -n _imi ,7BVj 20 i -ii . , - . ?oo si BB0..7B m a -i 9 r.-.-v. i en1 IBM. 7? 880 im'o 78 V I MIO. I 4iio 7.1 'i 75 I 44W..75VI30 > 71 kj 700 18 V100 29 V Del Lock A Weef ? 2''it 2OH(.20U IB inn .IV*, -,io %*\ Mitral Coal 100 .i- ? 1 BB fUJ iiaOaoa 4(Hi.l:?8Vi40.i.l37V iO.ll HMXlBa |ioo.is7<a i ,-. . U B7ta>,l M SB asno.sH <Hei s"-1 1 M s;i ! || CelC .V I inl Cent (ioO Bt*a Canada -outirn 1 ni i i0S .% v ij.k- E .t Wo 2?< o.i ? ?A 0 !? i?.l 41 m .:r ? HO. I1'1.' .'ill,i. ...U U IM..44 , N s L B >V W n I'fil lOO 71 ,Uo0..7l I 0 71*?| Hutni Tmiiiel IM I'4 \ k. I' l ,-..'.r. ,'ti roO 47 100 IBta i u ;7 yiou..c?*a .* 11 ICailriiml K a. m. I faptelina * Naih |?no set- io? ->'?* 200..i-O I Laf Pl'ii A Mini i io" loo si ' Mnrrla A I !:<*??? loo 1" '4 100.101S So 103 I Mo :, \ i 'lil,, ,\?u lot BI Mo Kan A Te\ta ita).. WHs IIH?..VB*4 IBOO.BIIUS Kl .10** tilg ii . 100 I BOO. 30 j Bertber ? Par pr, t MU M}*4 IM. Li Baab ' but .v Bl L ?.?mi 70 1M. 75 i Uno n Ml*al.?l| |i| .on 18 'i 100 i" 'a 300 IH .'OiL.vBs AOO..V0 IOO..KW*? .'.INI 2HV III,i. 2U '00 211', .HO IH*? Bon -n Bflo..88*? i Mm ,v Beadli it 1 Ii Hi.T-t 2IK) 72W MOO 72*4 20 ' 72a. HI I. * I roil M A. H Aaaaou I ? o ;i li)ti..48'4 si LA "-an trau :? i i;'4 3oj..48 on I - -t I. B s.m Kr I'n t 12nd..12 '?i 4 O '2-I4 BI I B BaB It lstp -on 71 Wabauli ItatlwtiT 111'i.' 84) im iiii 8O0..8I Tial 0'I?? H0O..62 'Im on' a Ii 81V ?"'? 8oV 100 1,2 4 200 I1OI4 !NNI BSV I "i i0kj 100 01*4|3OO On Wab HI 1. .v Par.' 0 1M 17 JtHi 4JJ4 IB .'in I- '4 in. ,00 isHi ,,ihi Hi hi 800 1 M hi., is BOO m HOB..18V 1 kfa B 'iuuu-y I o 121 '4 Uaa a si jo SOU 88 4ir .i'4 loo..84V 100 3.11, linn a- -1 Je eraf ?o<-...??? .'?I iiil.ailnn B K .ia, 80 Pac in loo. I'O loj. bOSi I. U Ul 00 iii'-'.'n'ii.n :".'"'. I8W80 4?V 7iai..4'i I'll IBV Hon t'H... i 1.1 4 .'4 1 IUH.?O IHJ0..4?'? 000 ati*a] \\abst la Patat 200. 7: .ni' 77 : v 1 o 7 A MNI. . ' 2..i i 2> i ? Ii O. .?'4 7.->j ?-? i> 76 UM o 7:. ? ? ,:i in 74 s 1160074 -'??> O rt.uO< ?v 2.1 Cm V6M. 96*4 : II MMI*a Iim^s , tM V lb'M ^7 1 M >? - 3?U80V ??t . M.abB 1 w .1 ..a I'll IbM - ? 1 I'->! s. 2 I 8 I M i'' IHM 1 '. M. h.7a . i'M -i , I ' nn As -ail.fa 'tSKfi ia r 1 a ? > ? I rla ! M -7 4' M - IliM 8 ROM ? IUM - ,i|. all : 1 ? v.- 1 ra cnlon 200.108 200.ll IV III L107 7 MAP - 1 I II. Iis '..-0 MOB - N V 1 ,v 11 nil son 800.. 1*7 Paetfli Mill H ? 2- 1.1* 1 2:i Nkl ?> 700...'6 '1 VC All , 3, o li loo.I ' V 800.186 .. -t I B Iron Mount A..S Bled BMI I. .2 11) .48 I'"'. . I . '. .1 ' 4'.''? '.ii., :.' 100..48V 2 .' 17' ;mi ii lot 47-4 1 u l-\ .'.- n I-'. .i 0 -. 100 BU84 2u0..86V M iM '.?-?''i 700 - ?'??> .1' 1 .nn .1..?', .ii 1 -1, . ,.,l> Plillii .'. in a Una IM .7.14 10 ,.? ? l,io V M i? IHM ? Ml ail M , 4.47V liM ? ?L I ,'. B In iati "ii|i i 1st .62 -. M II'.'\ i X i' Iis IUI 7 . ... Roatb'B l?t . M I 1 ; Ma 11 1 iu i.i. ?.. p? . te '?. 1 VlOtl i.!', ?1 hero . .;,' 1 1 1 >? .7. "i 'i .' ? ^ " '. .,'.i .7l 0 , . . . 1 ,, .1 ,v -? .. 1 : . . ? Bui ?<? si..'iv 0 .1.1 , .... .... , uiaaa .?.? 1 ?? I M -'no IH111 co.1 I0M..1 ni I... ,v \. ..'. lit I 1. IV, .1 I0M 108V Ml- - i ity l?t ? Kam . PaoMi >??* pea tuv ue Aa v, ,tli mui| .11 Cl 11 1 vi 02 , . 1,.. Va. X li l.-l ? .10 2.M. h'O ?"' U.16 1.1 vv n Id Bi Coup 1 o . 1 I IA 'I ,t ... Kx 1 imp 811 .10 BM BO ?? i L'd IClal M *ui |.i.iBtanr 2M b? V 1.1? C ItdkB lat IM '.11 I C '. i C 2 1 M Ti 1 .. ? n .1 tea r.M .4SV 1 s j.?p,i ^a .111 m v .. 11. m Bxpti BO... .60 U .11 Intiro Kx ? no.. 1' : '? s ,n 1.1 1 un aal i'o 4<"i .1 1 <><' i't> Boat on W Pewat . 11 ? 11 '-j 1 \ elatoc Mm Co 2..0 17 Hum. tba Mm 1 o 100 M<| al .1... 1 . M .11.1.a III . 80*4 ?".. aUV A i .t P 1'cl 1, , iota. Del a- Uadaaa 7- 2MI.7HV ?.tir.I 200 . . it'llle , o. H 1 12011 . .1 , o 11 1.2. '..?> ?! i. ' : o ..I 0. ? .?,.!) ?I '? - i 'l i.ii ,. 100 1 a Unit;.imp ii M .... . 1 .'.I Pirf '?? ? ii I.. 1 snore M 0 . 2181 IOH" 1.1 ' .80 S6 ...i .. .. . I? IHI . n . .1 . .nn. ::i si V I. II . I II pi 11 :.i ... 10 i 1. .1 cm ? Lafareti t_i.ii 11... 00 iij4 ' ... 1 ?bin II ii '.' .1 . .no.. 18 l'i ::i I Uaa A si ?0 1 ??' . 3*4 too :trt<.. . I00..88<k :t'.i ?I I a ii'. I'l Pi ,0 '.'I 11). ii ? .1 IO '1 If. i . .!'' I III '. J .1 ,.i .- . Bill I 0O..7j' 11 ? ?'?..?? II10 A at Jo pre! ..: i 1' . ,,ni 11. "?17 \, -1 I. 1- Paeiaa I4 0 .H) 100 V ? -' ' ? 41P4 '. ; 0.100 - 2 , . -i ' 47 - ii' , n..i: 11 i i| 00.. 111 V. .1. HI I. a 1' nt ??! in i ...78V) " > 7 'iii ?.!..,'a . 'ii 7 - - v. , grated 70?4 IV180 lo 1:10 ?1 ..- 1 -1 1. .< aaa Pi 1; Mi 47 V B0..74V Praa anal inn .1. 1 "i BI '? |imj hi imj pi'4 . I i ??.... ? 76V -1 i- a s r iat peal IIHJ 70-4 I I..V N O it IB* 800 7J (Jno.-iU-1* ? 2 BBCOBO BOABD?I O'CLOC LeaMtaaa7a oaa i< taadaae latOti l.'.M 42V '4M s7V N,> i end lat .N 1 1 leal 1*1 B U . 1..: ln. l 7n 1 HU 1. 11 100V CM W.ibaali I; u.-.iai h o. 00.l?..??WS I.Pacll c IO0 ? 'i 100..tillV 21, 1 I 2 ..0.1;, IoO..MIS ? n.- on 11a Bs* Co jon B0*aJM0, rr."4 IOO 1. I.. v ?es; jlialu.v. Mississippi VW 87'? .'00..87 i n its. log j- .?? 2M s7 (Ml sU^ :pl 1 .2S 2 0..2s'4 806 -ii '.' i n-7 Obio.1 Muapral 1 ., MJV .'?"i 87'? 200 ?") 'i ?.ii 1 80V 1 0 *7*i 1. (J A I C NearJeraajr Bb 40.. 2.? 800 ?_" <s i.a. 1 o a ,1 luv 100..Iii? Maabattaa b b 1400..82 |84M..SI lo BB 200..?9V b.l '4, I i on Aanented IM. lot'i7M 104 I? I' A .1 n .1 iBUMIaaaflM Mal B8V Leliieb A WH L> 11 i? tented ,'.M ?i M A s P lat I a ptaaaa Dtf r.M in? Mil Ast P c 8 p 1M l.l BM UOkj vi..rri- .v K 7a '71 UM II" ( I' A Asli Ol.l 2m 1112'4 l at lllm A m 1st loM nl Mo Kan .? TeX (' A inM ni l-M Mo. bun ,d 1 id .'.M f 1 VI ; Ii d Taxa* cen 1*1 \v? si. rn Div |M. 108 Baxa? W ^ ObBBB t I,ns..11 st VOM U4 la Mick i vstral 7? 3M...I17 V 1m 128 Cent PaciBi o>. B 3m..1iov kal. aa Pal LflC fia Dea Oiv 1 ''11 a* w 1111 roan i ert m 81 ( 1 a I OlatM Trnal Co Cat Aan :.m 87V -I I. A* lion Mount ?r. t 111. inue j.r.-I 111. sno 7.' COB 1 !d 1 ra*t 1 a earl Aaa ?M..48 An ui a Tarn a in Min t 7H Brie 7*1 .maul luvt I IB in an B lat -4 M. 3M . i '4 . . New M 7a InM B8 T..I1110 P A \\ lat si 1. tuv kaaa X Hell III, ,1 I Ollp BM l"-"a i 1 a w 21 ex eua 3m U'.l jtos 11 ,e Brie ' at 1 IBM j .'4 IBM.&3 K P. M. lata 'a' Pea en X-( IM 1? ? l-m BS*? bM I'SSUM. 11 I. it Hi ll a. Muu Iu I I M 88 ? kieai pa Mm lit '.Ml 1. L'ntoB 1'ne lat M 8M .1I0V Pennartraaia Coal II 1 M sutro I iinnrl Co 10 .1 Booten Water P lOU U <, II, .in. -t ike Min Co 11 a 8P*| West- ru ualaa MJ IM.100% . V! IOPV 2 MI.IOP? 1 u 108 . 1M..110 l M I 0*1 ' .,. Lflc B It BJ 266 20V .100 wv i 1 le prel 400.72 1 ol .v I ml 1 vat 100 2-'V ton 22V Mteblaan central '.no P7V12IMJ.V7V 1 ible a N iVeeten 12O0 vl V300..8l*a ?-im? Bi*5iatia..pi baa ,oi*4l -Al lsllloM l?l3 O'clock TO CLOOB Ok' lll -iskss :t ..'. uj I P. m. *to BTaa * Tex jii lo.M I. *j|6M 17 ' HUM I7'v IBM 47', I- Ium c. v I1M 4"',| Mo Kaa 0 T Con AaaaateO Be M 84 . U P lat Mice :iM lim, Kile Ni ? 2<l Con .,OM -II - M 7 ? 8.1 M s7 ilS'.asH j. ?1 ?; him s?'. 4. m s7?,-ji4 M e i4 .NIM 87*4 Ii* M- ? s. Mil,- aearfd Cataaa vi - >Vvom ?, 1 v BTab i 'on o*a* I 0 nn 2 M 86 Ufeaa A Ohio lat Series II '???'.: vi ? 'J . 0*10 2.1 M 1M 41 lioai .11 II a K tat ibm 81 Ni w I .-ntral C>.al |.o 18VI100 38 Beetea 1 ami ? a lao tiMM. uv Caribou Mln Co it> ft'i Uulrksttvrr I'M IOO hO'4 ||iinie?iake Mining KM 1 40 1.1 811 i Ontario silver klin IOO.40 M in Co '25 80 Can ton fiOil. .64 1>< 1 A! O RlMI Uloo too 7!i\'loo II Hallo runnel 1 o 300 . 4 V26 0 4V Lit lie MttB, Mm Si hi IBV 800 K8V a .t p rataarapb 8<)0 47 |liPj 47V 1 Mleb C lira! in 11 oat i PaclBC Mail Ml 20141201.. 10-9 I'll '.'.i - B '-".' V B V I ' til A' ii'? I DO, 1 <> ', 100 ? I ? V 7"u IM? 160.188V 1.1 IMU1M.1MV BOO.I ?.'< II Inn *c ntral i.,,1 a 100 loov 00v intiabara 110..1 0 CC c A inill.inanl* [0O..S0V luu .81 It. ek Is,an.I lO.'.lts ioo.USV Moni* a 1 -- ?. 1 in .'-.? W..100 70 .101 U\ a I 1 du R 0 'a 'n 22 II.42V ".no. IIV 44' o.i 1 '4 4400.42 320 1 41 IM. .42V. 460 4o -j ;m .4-'4 ? MJ 103V| I .. 0 ,0 HU 0.12 v. -t. i'aal 24' u.40V I 00 42 - ?. iihi AOS 1600 4 '4 1-11.1.40'- .'s 10.41 V : M 4014 " ? 12 . 4Val 40 im 4 07 '4101 pe.% 07 Boo. Be ;i mno ut?V ue B6**|74 ? U7 ? en ot \ Jersey 100 711? loo .7V 100 7U .no "HV BOO..78*4 BOO liM 78 ? 2U0 78V.1INJ BOB 18 I" ' 200 7s 's| 1110. Ilm 7HV loo. 400..7* I Catee PaelBa 8O11 -p ao 1 Kertbweali rn I00..PI v in. :s ? 7 ti rev 78 v 7s'4 7?'4 HHV 01 \ 100 111 .iNi Oiv ;<1 '?..I'HJ PI V IHHI tllVj Borthweelera rref 21NM05 s-iibii lo?-v 4M loo. 411 BOO..40 8m M M BOO 7.. loo 74V 2ini..74 V|I800 ;5 li'O 74',200 75 V Ml' 74 si Paul pref i loo 4i'V ? i'" ? COO 40M Itf00.48a- 800. 20 . Watmsti It It l?00 Ul 1O0..59V St I o..5HV 100 100. Mis* ft9V 10*1: lOVilM a. o tu ?, 1 ni i4', 2i*i r.? , -o 1 co ? 80 40 1 7M..44 I loo BOV loa Bu 2m 41 I 500.44V I Sou 40si|.'i,i 11.11 HM I. 'i ., n . 11 ... |60 14] - i " I) 44 ., HOO 4 1 j im. 44v 1/.imi.41'-|?M. 13 IV 18U041VJ5M 41t, BV li W'n pre! 4oo 71V i'*' 72f* 4otl 72 8'H> 4'il .7 1 V l?'0 2oo 71 1200 75 I 800..72 1200 7H ElMI 72 V loo 74 V 200 72V loo..76 7if 78'* BVV 200 MIVliMJ.iloV loo 8BV18l|. 11ns KNi. ,BB loo 1 ov nHVlo.. .00 loo 611 vl ? ble B a (jtilner 50. 121 IU0.I2I Pel leiek ,? W.'al BOO s?^ 1H0..H7V -?"' s-.Vi4oo.87v ?'. s- ,. ?7.1 -00 H,7w,no $71. 800 s7 MO. s.7V 2o'l H?V 2200.8*14 17'h s7S,li.oo.HH.. 1000 87 |iHiio.hH Alton a 1 H pi. r 100 40 ion 47V .00 4?V '-imj 72V Hai ?7'a|2i*J 40V 20'. 72'?| Phi t7?J LakaBbae* Ati Mat let IM loflV-M 10? BOO 7.1 aM llHiljJN MOV It 'SI. 11 A Lin* pfil aialernCnlna Too. 106 ?|.M. 106*4 218J 53V Aon |nuv7"i'li>*V ||7oO 100SM'hleand Alton loo.jos'4 |. u 1,1- v loo ion vsi 10.HMts 2'"> iniV 40(i.liiO,al0ll.Hi*\ lOO.IOd's 3. <? nx v Citnaiti snnfbern 2iHi.l 'sV '<*) lo-'* 100 1"6V7(?U. 106'. j 20-V.76 150.. 76V 100 in- Inii i.lOtl I IM lud {1 on.lotiVj 1 loo 7 V 7(Mllo"\ '.C 10'IV 5M ili'.V :iM..l...l>4 C/.oa A nl.Ui It 100.10? 1100 . 108 ,70.i. 103% loo 10?V| 100..18 ?* 111)'..i'.'. V sou 106 Vi '100.1U6 j I HAI.kS FKOM - '.j '?''('? K TO <?(..-? Of BUSINKSS. J o'ci.ocx p. u roNi i lyi'r.n. ? <t Mta i Ni.fll frn I'm Prd [ Wsh MLtf Prof IO..M IM 7P4 !0i? 78's PMI * '? I 7".i 74 MMJ hJN "44.. 7 ? urn "?>. ".? o v:i- 7"n r?^i S'-'i. 72S5O0..72', VX1..7*?4H.s? 74 2?o 72'? 4 m ::i j? ? 7i Si Bt P*l At Blonx Cpl I'd 7.1'i I'm 74N OK) 7? luo 7'/ I lllOo.ia 7?Hi.7luj at I...iii? A - r PM ??> 7 ' 1 >? 7iN ?.'-> 7v"* 1 I<h<.74>? mm tj itu. 74 2:> 7* I Pniilid Jr "t (Mr ??t t Ift'i IH Inl I' n ,t Wn BO I In* OB 0 lafayetto wo. im hi i~ 11 |- ii- i]r MO] 1"" 93 K-iii'i?? .* T-tas IM..11 l.i'ii'jp? .11h1 M joo n 2<m ?tWlO0O.!ll*4 lOO MS, imki HO'?11000.111%] BtL.AIfcoaat.Ae. 40d H?h l&KI Jl 4 ! .'Ml .47- 1MI th<4 I'm 111", Itss .31 V V?m 4* 'Jil.1 .48.1 4 "i ;:i.*4 7hi 31?.; ion 4- ^ BOH ..11'.alum.31 r? B/ab -i L 0 Pse 200.. ..'I-", loOU.32 j4im 47 ?"" 4?S\ 1 'ii 31 1 loo 47'.. MINI Id1-. L'vUle ?ft Raab. IL 1000 17Vion n'? ?Ot'..fMV:l o Ml I'.'ihi. 47 HMi 4H*t Mar a- 1 in Im prof '.'(?? MMBoo i" '. Ion. i i'-. ? 11 i', .-in ? 4 . loo in7 vno i?<, no ii1, :i"o..4iHi7oo 47 TOO ii Dm 1.-. him 4.-,i4iu.i 41. \ Manhattan K'whv SOU III loo 17'* Hai. ?in, lono 4.1*4 PM) i,4 BaakCBM 4%BtLB iix?. in 300 47?s $00.,75*t 11"" 76<a !? ?* "i {a Pre! NorthernPachte it 100..u-U 100em. MM..IIi-i M..IX1U 80,1 ;.a . 100 .114 j I ?0% *a M 1 ? 1 :? . 90 I. . .'.'1 100 I I0>? 3 ."V Von Sou 86% tm. 1 o %r><t i sou.lid ' I ni K.i'S, |l>l (l|>, H I Ml MI? ? >l. MiiHbMli i'. v?o wv-'oo 2s s 100 an" o o an '1 2 .11 2 1 . io0..2'J% PNI -..i' no ?_".? \. ndl.1 A Missis prof 10n..r.7V '? M t ?. .t 1.1 ? A. 1*. J//.V/.VO >T<? K KX< <ns>;r. .s.4/,/.'.* Ifuklll loo. . B.4I 100 ,b90 .'1 70 l'H) .?, .1.4.% 100.bSO. 3.ii 1 TUMID PALI I Tmc-arora COO. u 11 111.) 100 8.641 bt, 100 loa MO. 101 100 llio ,.bl 10-i...hJ. 3.r,o 11 Ml 2oii .?:(. Ii M 3.r.s MO iui 70(1 . M,? -?? loo ..?1. :t. SO.'. 1>3. H IS Kindley 20O . 70 lMl. 77 ??nid PBfctef 70.Lot ?'on Virginia 140 4M ?ji-i 0% 1 M loo. 4.0S 1 idilornla 2iK) 1 I in. 4.00 impcnai Inn . 78 Baebaaa j 40O . S4 Tioga I SO . I .?.0 . lOO. 2.00 Heehtel 200.... 1.00 I Eureka ;o. 17 ?'J:'Ut r. m. BaaM mir. MM. 1 110 loo ?M llrlli- Ni 100. 1.. . Mo mo ..b7. .'. 0 MM.2.30 Kappa han'ock Mill . .If! Win. ?7 100 bio laooboni. 80 t'ou Ni i' 20. n\ m?y H.-llo 100. 2:. N Y dt I'ol lOO .. .. 2.(10 In'li?|ienrte ..? 100 . no La (.'rosin 6"0 . 60 I n cro?ua 2100 .M 100., i>:t. oi ?ia?.hl.r.. I I Mari u M Into IBB .. I. .00. till) I .OS ?.: ci! I'.astern (000 .... 80 200 _ 20 lt.Mli M .. io?t liulorf so alfli in>4 <liMMlaha?? 4ihi . 20 Tip Top 100. 1.43 Fkioat. Nov. 2fl?r. it. T!ie limine?? of the weck einlniif with to-ilny ein bn M the ti inain tioiia of only IfOdoyVt I enuae ol the IBBBCTOBtiOB of the TlninkaitiviiiK holiilny. Ihe tioin for the week of the Mib-Trcaaiiry in Bhtdo rr(ei|ita tt $t.00O.7P7 and piiyinenlH of .$7,?iMt>,i;H7, aad rasoll in a radBataoa of ita pBBtal baianoa ot9bX4JS&,528 -, Iba total batanaa now he iB?%Tllfl,96S,129, inranisi .*1 L9,tf 1.807 Nnvi tnher i% ami BaMtna. 8188,187.868 Baptaaibar86. Tka p eliainri a of ihii week nre : ('nireiii y losa, 88303411 coin loan. $1,000.187. The re Bataii nt thia port of for.-icn gold durttiR tha wi-i-k aaraarat to BS.ITS.OOO, If 1? ptobabla thai to-morrow's hank BtatBBbMBl will -how :i further losa of leiral-tenili-rs aad n ir iin of specie, I nf tha surplus reserve la likely to bo nut* tori 1 Uy mcraaaed bf ? redaction of the depoaita, in 1 nn 11 q lenea ol a aoBtfaation al Iba loans boai lha fiamrea reported by tba atatetnent of la at tiatarday, h I tbe dotnaal ia czahaaaea 1 on Mime to rule Bcalnal New-York, and at the South tbey an lik.-ly to ha wo rat tu iure they are heiter. At St. Loins ant! (J.ii aaa*N whata a week atro l bey were a bowl par. 1 in \ ?im a bava declined to ipi BO aod so aaata die eoanl res]?eclivo]y, loeal naooay market, boar* ai boa ateadily worked raainr all the \..'\: f'|'K'V.ii:iliit ami common rates bav? in 11 0 and 7 jM*r cent, with aoear ?tonal excepUona aa low ai avaa V% per eeat. At otts tune aOOM BBZiety was fell lest the I nn*" ?in intlt? "t Kfain on Iba canala bonnd to lhfc>watev siioiihl Ims onte to ' T'li,J be I asked up f u im- \\ luter. Hut tlrandlder weatberof lha laa! ti w davaalaiaal Inanrea Iba aafa dell eery ol the piaal hi h nt Iba abipoienta. Dnl if lha woiat had happtned, it wooid bapa bean an ludivi Inal rathet tiinn a public ealatuily, ba can e ourelevataraare arell tilled ami lanreouaa titieaan anoat m the harbor, aa that there need neon no thai tba railroad-would be able to add to oar already hu ge rappljr aolVe eutly in in -ei ii d< manda. On the 81 ?!. Bx "Itanae th aneenlatioi darhiftba ?' ? waa Taried and irrcaalar, hol wi h ag a rai ?ii ? i..-.i. am toward high r prices whiclajlually tle rclopid Into an excited "* bull" movement, l he busiucsa for tbe deedaya amounted to 2,483,151 I, arninat 3,410.044 f t tbe inoredina lull ?? :.. Iteneothedailt avernaa foi thia week la ?:'." - ? a, aaan ' 508,300, the dailv apanuja peek. The great erent oi interest toaio i. -;>? tiliitora wiu the aale "i 150,000ahareaof Ceti? iraland Itudaonaioek. with an option for 100,000 ? .Mi. VVHIiani II. Vnuderbill to a yndiva i ..i raa formed to buy it. It M banli 1 osalble thai loo much alauifltii. i- artachco to 1 :n- Lranaactton, If we mo correctly in fortued, the aale i-? inud<* i<? n lyrnlicate whoexpei to make money out at marketiua tha atock,nnd that Ll in no way aflecte any IraHoar? : .1 cuts iietwc, 11 tii" c and Hudaon and othei railroads. It is true that by thotermsol the sale eertain ohangea an- to be mafia in the Board of Direetoraof thaiiaotral and Budeou t'ompnny, hut in ii teaiaa to be oolj a portion of tue t, nnS al the 10 itrad which the htiyeis were aide to ilBJ. Neil lerdcs it sseui 1 1 "ii ? ?!. toaappoa that lha iah system, 1 aeked bp 0,000 mlleaof iwilroada, won '1 In 1 ed up by aa exclusive arrangement wlffa . ie I neol railroad over the 758 miles diatance to tide-water, when three or four other linea will be competitors ior ao la raa a traffle as it will aoutrol, I In we vor, the eompietlou ol the sah waa accept il by .-lock apei a la ? aa a lymbol "t peace and will toward alU and eouaesrueiulr tbej pun aaed .. kai e. ly. Central aad Haoleea advanced trom 130ou Wedneadayi when tin- aanoBBoeBMat waa made, to ISO, nlthottail the Large Mtla was 111:1.Ie tu i^o. BrMatovk. which, aoeorolngto Iba tbeoriaa ni tome in tue wlae m.n. was to be badly damaaad ii, a publication thai tin- aaaatlaliea was in pao gi is, alao sat bared atrangtB after the anBfnawt* nn nt of 1 he trade, and from that time atada aa aa \ 11. e oi aboal m per cent. Tho linul ebanaee frotfl the lust prices ot a week aim, with nno or two exceptiona, are advaaeea ranging from 1 to 10*1 pel cent, tba BsTliya Stocks l.-eiiel ,illy .show? ing niua ezoeedtna r? per cent, bxmptitia Brie, a ni !i eontnbated 710,800 iharea to the total buai n -< of tba week, 1 ba bnaincda and interact ?i re uu usualli well dlatribated through tba list of apaaa lative atocks. Hut thorn were no causes if. feeling specilic iutfiests other than those alrea'ly related, WI.I.KLi hanoi! ni' i iii' I s. ror tue ?fok. A baav aa?t aaaoaaha A loll ale' I er. Ilaute a Um ami Ter. II. p'il. Bwrtaa Air Ian.* 11. 0. u. sn.i Nacttrw l ill.-., si. L ami W.O. t anada southern. f..t.. OL aad UM. ('., OL ami tad. Central Oat 1 ad ohM. . 1 aea aad Ohio v-i pt 1 ie - tad 1 ibis tai pf. ( hi. ., it. and (juleay.. 1 in. , it I. and r. (Tihairo aad Alton i hii 1.:" a:al Wton p'd I lev. and Pitta . Clue, Paad Minn, cue. atid n- U ? -1. ra 1 inc. aad v w. arat. 0 n , Mil and St P.. ( hl. BMI lad st. p. pt Del..lack, snd W .-st'ii i'ei .nei UadisaOaaal Krank I." t.... K ... Ilaniiilial aiut Bt, lea.. Han. and st. Jos. ML Marleai. Houston and IVxas . Illinois ( ,-ntral . Ina. cm. snd Lai In.I . III'm.ui and W'al Kansas Pacim bits, knk A I'as Monies In,., prei'd. lait..} BttO, U. and M L.rla and Weefu Ukf ahaea . I.?nlsvlhe Nsali M.uiliaiuii Itaurond.. Mar. an . 1 11 1 H pf Mar and 1 Iu. Bt id. Metropolitan . Miciiiawu Caairal... Mohne iud 1 dial . .. M" . K.iU. and In . Moirls nut ll-.s?t. . Maafcs,?list, aad at-I* .New .li rs, \i > al,id. .Vow Jersey . N.Yora ami N.Harea, .S V 1 '.-ni. and II'id . .\'.-w Verk Blavaled . N.V.Ul. an I W. sfii N. V .. U I! and W. p] Ifottbera PaeUM. Hertbera Paetaa p'd.. (lido and BtbsaaMpfl (duo and Miss, pr^f.. nttshara.Pt, ? it Ohle Phlla. and Kdg It. IL. Koine, w. and Or. st Paul and sioux C'y Do., piefd. st. lamia ."1,1 a. I-ran Hl. I*. aud Ban y. prof II I,aad sau v'u hU U, 1. ii. ?ad b. I Man Pactuc. Wahaah. V ahaah. -t I. t Pac Do. proferre.1 . Am 1 a-'. 1 ah 1 aak Atiaiiti.' ami P a 1 al u astern Cnlou Tel... AeesM Bxaeeaa. ajaerleea Baptsee LtMtad .-isi..s Bxprai W. lis 1 ais'i r.kpreas. ?alt ?:. Pact tie Mall . Am. Coal. Consolidated CoaL ... I. a Plalta. IJttio P.tuimrg. Marrland Coal . .s^w 1 eutral ('uaL ... Pcniisvlvaulu. uuiboe Mining. aVki ahdei ill ilng_ II. .111 .lake Mm Co.... i nitail) Miulng i'o ... stammt a MltilUg Co. sau.. 1 mmol. Quicksilver. dnl kallyai n referred, lloatou Leal ('a Hosten Water Power.. Inis riosniif. I >?? IILgh'tl Lsiweat Nov. 2?.Nov.21 "soliL* 1.4 ii 3.s|ii 6',u [B 1.0 1) e.7'.u BA 72 4Q.1M ?1,3 IS . Sq u 5 L740 aaa Sill in ; aaa 4.'- ' 11.700 ft . ;. . 0 ini a St, M 7_-r. 11 o'l 1 pa :t. .'ii . - --j -1 71 11.12s U 1 iisi jw nattj F>~'-1 O.siM ir.ft I So 4o'-j tu 0 I'll H.'.'ltl I"1. 14,02.1 :<# I So 00 tu'? B Total shares sold for ihe week.-j.i-i.i 1 The iiiorkot after tho holiday opeued excited and materially higher t'ian the l.i?f BaTBfBI ti \Ve<lnea? day. rap eiul !y for ikihk of llie ? m .-i.-tIrt< *. Erie, wlileli cl..s..j'on \V. ?Inesoiiy (if Iis.1'?, upened at 40 ; *''? 111mI and Hadeon ut 188*1 ok'';:'-' 1848g j Wuhi-'i. -t. Litn? mul radii aoaaataa at ?17 againal t*V% mul the urrhnta *t?xlc at 71 agataat ci; Missouri, kin>i'i mid Texaa at .Ki'.j a^' iitiHt U;i'a : Hannibal mi l Sf. .I'Mph at I 30 against 39*% a ad preferred Block al 62 ? iinM ,<;<?; ir-.n Haaatain al is arainat 1?.';: Waat? em ITniaa nt lOfttj again*! 107*g| and atber atoehi aitaamallet advaaaaai I . .v'natlio opening I beta ?a? tu irres; lar movi-nr ut. foma ati rk* miikina* fiirtim. ;.?!% ?.'.<?.? , ?.<. ? ., s triiuio dlaMyjrieldad from Ifrat ti araa. Tita movraseata after that ooatfaaa i to be irraaalat daring tbaaa? maindnrof Iba dar. an til aflei lock, a*aaa ? nll.'ileu ml V.Hire fm Kile? It liaMliir Ii. st ili-t'ltlied flo.U II to .Hil* '?> I" .- f l! v... !?? in .... : wild, and Ibers aaa a general rem Tory from Hi* lawet ataaaa. Dal aeuarall] tlx market tti..'.* imt aloea up to iia t>< ? : la*urea. Tba bnaineaaof tbedai (only four lmuis| anttatatadaa 528.400aaana,of abicb 186,400 abai - vetaateaa in l-.rif. Ol NVw-Y?u '\ t ..!,:> ."..i.u . .un s wiir aoM n* Bgwaa ransing between Ut*Lea* 139 Ullll W.Ti? Kl?.'.'. I lie, M. Louis .iii.I i'm .li htm ks w ere ai'live.uiul Ifiirtuiittd ;ia Btocb a* li and 7 per i i nt. Luke BaafB Mihi an luirli tisj litH, lull ( ln.seil itt KMjVj, a li.i ll tfi.ill of mm Uja in ur. Tba Mi Loala and Bau t*ranataro ? k-. excepting tba dial prefeirsd, wire a little lotref ti.m aa W edm aday. Tba eoal stocks also apaai <l baayaaM I), lilWilin iilttl lliul.-i'ii ll|i I 's per ????lit at M?. Ilelii wmtt\ Laaknnraana ou<i Wseaara up iLj pt-r cent ut ?"'j. aud Naw-J r ?y Cea tial up 8*4. pat aaai at sn. rroaa thero opsntna liu-un - tbata aara fartbar adTaneggi baa tlierl.isi, if |il|. ? M-i jit 1 >r Il. law :ii e. L.h ku'a .llilira mill Wrsiii li,were low? i thaw t lit) o,.i iiiui:, altbsBgh bIihwiiii; stain* irmii \\ .-.InesOu v. Wi--|i-rn I'tnou wam netiv<\ wlliii" up t<> 11<>. ih ? hng to 107*4 ami closing ut lot*. I'neilie Mail w.u oniy eteody batweea 89*4 ami 88*4?. alaalai at ai?*i Kn inun's; Wall Btieet News Hiiumii pultlmbea a report frmn London tliut the IVnivmn (iovertinient aaa opa?ad aagntlatioaa tor the Mtrcbaaa of four of Iba tiiaapanJ'11 ?teamerH. The tiual rli.uu'ci Iroiii tbaetaataa prieeu of W'edneaday aiaaa falloaa 1 Ail v Maoaa--4r^aawapeabe ?ml oino. Ci.-vel?u?l aad I'utebuia and QakltailTaf prafcrrrd,eaaby | im)., tin. uuii Lafajratta ami Paat8a Iia iL, aai 1 *a; H, Paai, Laal nUa aaai NaabfUk, aod Uobita ami fjhaa, each 'j ; Marria aad Saaas and Wort beta !'?? eMk, aaah Luke 8aoca. >t. Loaai and ban naa> etaaofltal prabnad, aad SVeLs, ntnao A ?'?>.,? aah 3?; Nortnwist pivtiTted mul Sioblgaa t en tint, en 11 7mi C, C. C. and L, Chicago, Hi.1 aid Quiiicv. noribweat, I1..I., Bloom, ami W.-stern. Manhattan. Nea-iork Elorated, St. Pan) aad Btoaa Cliy preferred, aaal Atlaatiaaod Paeiiie I1I1 i.ia|>li. each 1 : Itarietta and Ltneinnati fital preferred and Beading, aaah 1'? ; Illinois Central ami Waatera Union eacn l*gi Kock lalaodj >t. Paul ptvfonad. Mairopolitaa, aad Nashville Cbattaaooga and Bt, Laabj, aat b 1%Ci m* tral aad ami 1 nioti t*aai8a,each 1 ? ihia und Uuamalppii l^atDahtwaia. Lackawanna aad Weet era, KantaaPactao, Naar-Jeraej Central, Ami ii> an Dietrid lalagraob? and American Expri m, ? aah - ; si. l*aal and Btoaa City and Iran Mountain, pact) 2*4|( ?. C. and I. C, V% < anada Boothi rn and aaa> aiaal aad Bt? Joaapb. each 2*41 Mlaaoaxi. jlaaaaa aad TiAiM, 2%| Debtiraia uiul Had en n. it'*; ItaanibaJ aad m. J?>-? i>'i ptTferredj Jt-'t; Chii iijto, St. I'aiil und Mnifieiipnh? a d Lai jretta, Bloomtngtoa hikI Mnncie, each L1 Waoaab, Bt. Loata and PaaiBo 4\. aud preferred a took 0 ; and Erle B^a? and preferred atoch 7 pag at .it. ?ecltnaa Bt. Looia and Ban Frunciaco pro* t. rn li. h. ? Ohio ami Uiaeiaaippi prefi 1 rod, hi. Loabl u d Ban rranciaeo, and Boatoa A t Line, oacb *g| uiul Chicago* Bt. Lmiis ami New-Oi 1. a .i?, 7u por aent, Tbi market clti-et) exaitfld und Ktro iL-. ?>? int. ?it>( a a ?? .: t. ai t'101 uti i>u tin uet't in.t .tut:k r?'4wiai OnaaaaB Anual Sao-s. I Cjaalag aaaa, xiur-e HjO'g Mie't Low't I'.ual. Hit. a?a*4 to aa' in 1-1 'i UH Ml Sj 10 i ai..v 1 .11. a ,a i.iimi.. i'.nfiiah Uae. C.,81 1..? !t.O. . <i rsoia'a. *.?..! ..??. at I .. C..C. u I. U.. 1 bi -. ? 1 Hoe* Cbeaai Bl? . : . ...? ? .1-1 . . LTaic,Bui ..'i in.. i,. 1.* pa.. i Im. a. Aitea Cl?e. I alt, Rt Cleve g i ...?. Inj ? . ..-1.1 .a a I 4 'Hi ciu'.'a.'i.W.BfJ io;>? i. .. 1 ...*si.i-. ;o f..> 101 Owl ..v "Vosi u.I ?7V eg ti. a Hun. 1 .1.. HO S'-hi ei.Aaa.Je....l al I :<>'i ii. .ti ">l J >. ia '??' I. '? LllmaMCaainl 1 * -. 100 . yi<i 11% la L.B.gWeat, Kan l'. .. Ki ? . .v P.M., Larfajr, u i 1 ocu.b. N wb IjKUi MNfiiM aaahewai. aara 1 aa 1 mm Alar..V< UaStlpC lirli "'.joiIUU. Mkra.taaaal Mi iteaoaie.. M. -t i ? 40 j aa Gil B Tu 1 - ? -j : rn II <i .0 , 43 fail a ?-."? 1 3.1 108 t-. ti-* ... 11 '. li 1. . '.. 4 ik'j 1 : 1 is list.. Us ; IMJ . ll 1 Si ? 1 i' 1 .. I .. ,11a ..s l< . laa 4&V 4-s 47 ' 4s I h ?1 '. Lot . to! - : : : aa 1 Hi'-/ 114 I o> I in ? inn's loaa 10 ? v its si '. ?'.'. ma ?1? I 13 Si 5 * a'* I BJ as an atv ! i?s III II 1 :<- : 00 1 s'i ; I M I I OAS II BP in gaek 1 : .1 KU. Kew-Jeraajr.. . >. j 1. ...1 a?. .> f. u. a a.. .Jt.i.l laratea.. . (.?.?W..I llo i.rel. Nertba Paetae. i>.. am 1.1 Hb... a m.?s.. p ..'.1 BO .-an.iv... :u ao<d 3.' 1 : 1 1 0 ao I bo 4 1 71 la '. 1 1 -s : li 11 df ta a ? i."'- : s I I'T at*i n *: I bm jag - 1 l.i 10 ?ga 4'mi it i no 1,l?s . 1.1 0 1 . o 11. "j s75 . 3 i'la I. ? ??) 1.. imi ..I 7:. 1.....i li 1 . .) B >? 2 u -.. -J LB>aj 1,4.11? a.XJ 73 31"v ti I Pail ina .'LlLAILauina btfaaiaac 1 IM. at L. et. ?B a. I. . at.j...v s. r. at. ?11.a-1 lataf.. ?tl I MAs Palca PaeiBc a'absao. w ab. atuaP. p.. arat...... Ait er.tMat. 1.' a. a P. rat.. j B>.V.Tat. lOB*j A.isui? axe... Ai. > :. Up. .? I . * aaa. BT. i 1 nee Baa Oaetea. Pa. mo M il.. M I'g N 1 vii.1 lual 1 ... 01 1 M| I it. 1 4". 7il 3J .1. I8U BOH r.sV rdPtj 112 73 aa*a 7J laa 1 im 1 if *b 7?'i 7-4 7 ? msi 1S0?, ?.. 1..0 1*0 , I'atl '? i? . " i . ; , - 7U 7-. . - :u :. . 46*?i 57 M.-4 --4 ?.?..'? 7', IB 111 111 I 7u Mi 7J . .?4 Ti\ :. ? :: ! ?: 47Si .. 47 , n 101 114 T I'anii... ., l*.i4 1 an: on Homi il'eM.Oo Untc 1 llab'a. Oatario B.Ca ataaaal i Ml a. suite Itmnci. OueaaiiTar... ? ?li. arrt. BoetaaLaad Oa Beetaow.Pen. ?V aH*i ;ii S."al I '4 1: ,>,' 11 :?" . 1 -' , ?" ! 7iS 47*J ajj 103 . 04 afa if I 30 I 1 i .'.4 il 4o j 31 '-? 4 ?4 ?'?'.14! II II AI I MlSji 51 ",0'4 7?. >4 M tis i-u i-^ MS ' Oil I 4 107*4 . o 47 4u>4 4t!J. 17 iui? |i'h^4 |o0 .. I lot co la aa - :?> t '.? m,i .i BT| 4 ??? pi s.i it . j in H a .010 1.148 'J.k u iul .00 tA 1 li'-O S HI 1 " I ?.'.3 'O :. 1 3.1 0 4 4.-0 rK 17.t'V5 4. ', :\t "O 74'4 ltlt4o8 ? 'M ii.-iH) 10,1 'i 178 -'4 . s 6U\ 3 ?S, 1 i Si lls. |*| it' 11 ii*d vo 11 108*4 1".*'4 103 ,;1 Si*. El la iu.-. 9*d in IB 40 SO s'. B t 04 WSj eS'4 II '. II ( 4V BI '?? 1.4 s. 4 , ?i "4 lt.Ui na t'ii< 'lav ra3 so mo I i :..y -? MB aaa 13 n 10 5,210 1 i I.:?.".? 1 XoO ..vj'.i.'O IIOSION ST" IBBi \v<- inaa .tar. itn.. Baa. * CBeaa IBS is?? taat.'ni Ballraai.. IB PuabiO Arfc.Val . 8?Si Wim ? aln 11 ' t IIeel*. 171 .71 . ui aaa aaaoBB <ir W I I. iv.Tnatav. \V*ler I'. tin. ID'S 11 '4 lli.stnn l.arul. ln?* 1 i?i? a A Tag. lM 7a .112 ll'J'4 l i. li.u.l i raut 7?..l 12-j 11 - Hi i . . I ? 7s . 113 I 1.4 Ua.taad sa ... .los'i lOBl* g, B. It. IS* now.. M ?-. s| ', imt i:. v Bna 74.. 51 . 5|S a. a rap. it. B....IIIS ltB*a i aat. a a. it. it ..lar 188 Beat, .t ia B.B 11? in lau.a BaJe >?. r.'7Si 127?? Uii.A ...l'iit'.*Mlii. .'.2 i.i 'i u.'.ri.N.i IBBtMB BI IBB IBBI IUI I BgO in.i. AeBai i tti.t. A.n..i. ? UT i'a. new. J13 13.1 i North's Central it M .1 < I eppM I'; liaueaa stU . i. Iianklm I ? ? .MOT..i .. Pea-ante. ' j iney . I . sov. i laid_ i.Si (I Si ' A Si e?1? .07*11 ti; -a . 32 ??? . 27 H :-4 v <m . 21 ?3 Ptra it. it. or g.j.iSI Peaa. It. it. BOlj Baaaajg it- it . ... aa*? 111 iaa v Aller it it Bl*j Cal??.i?-a ?r.l_ au'i Nm i i.i i * im-..wax. ?' i Ji .Norlhrrii l'a.'.piel .'.li mix, ln> Bi iii s# M 57 (..Mali Nav Pitts. 1 li. ,t It || BaataueUI* ic .t PbPa, ai: I in. <|l Ii (. Olli i biilulU pi.l). a8 10*4 21 17% 181 ai is ..4 i UiMMi eitli i s i,|- -?s i k4n.-isio xiinivi -r.irita \\. iit,o?uy. To-i'ar. v. tiv Tndayv a aba. I nan ta. ? . . I... ktM.?. Bt >-i ?mt Balaaar?, II He lale. tlUlHI I 10 1*4 l-|* 3 111 2 Si .10 - !*S r. a Caled ?1*. l '4 Cat ii tmu. 4S UboUai. T*a Co?*. Vlranna. ft's Co aa i'?i ni. s ? taaa Paaaaa.a Kmrka < ou. fcitel.i-uli. 3"? lion an.' i urrv... I ii ai.' h i/.*. 1 '4 Him. snit [fetorem IBa in.t.. rial."u i aaapi Biaaaa. Is In s B*j 10'4 10 5 1?4 4'a 7s? |Xj 8*4 17 Si 1 14 Julia Oaaaeaaataa, l Jaattee . i " la-.iv WasM.'atun. ?4 Man 11... 1 1. 6 aO 1.1 fin Wlilte. I Mi Clinton.1?.^ Maxiaaa. 24 -4 vi? ?!. 4-\ giruBara Bal .... < . .\.1'I .. 4-4 N'.rtli n.uiaiixa J, Om 1 .v?S ?t! (.*. 4'. : 1n.i man. PateM. . na' aaaai ao.i Mi Bataae. ' in "....i, ? .1. ii.ii. lit' 1"H . TroUii C.ooti 1 ?:. 1 10 .40 1'* . A IS i- . Iu *-j p I * .?k I IVI I raUea J.u-? The Tioirti Minuiif C'otiii any ha* levied .. . . > Bjaai of 80eaata pat ahaie. QoTerBBaeal boadi a eta dull, bad tiv ir paiaaa gndaallrbatdaoed, mul th. Bloaiag trauaactioni were uiiile at the heat limuea of th. il.iy. l -d.u'a liiBtTties* iiielude.l rf.i t.lMHl loupon ..'ni 1- 2 ls'er.-,l (Is nf ls?<l :l| 1(I^7B; Bl-900 i. lend (J* of lss;? ,,t 104*?! tHI.i COUPOO 4lfla at 107'i*lO7>4: nun ai^o.niKi eonpon 4a ut Iii:t?H, ami asiii.iHH? i. -iai. tvit ut |ii:i: ;? |n;i'H. Tba fouoiriagare tin* blgbaat mul ioaeat prtc<a of boints tortile week, uiul the clti.siiii.' s i.,s t.ii|..y mid u gaagj trntt ? Pur the weox.? ??? HlKo.-at. I. h.. -i. Not 11. ISov. ?H. C. H. (i*. I ML, B....10f< C. a ii. w .v*,c .1 11? C. e. new 4 Set. 0.. 107 ?* p. 14 aaa 4a. r.[Ob*j Hat ut i ul. s Baa N 10k Vi ti h.t H Antiexod ute the BaBBua| pataBBI in . a, 102'4 IMS In..', K6 ? . in.' 4 It 7S 1 * b4 am a air* C. a. ?*'fio.i*c. ..i"4S lo4S I'. K.a*'*.i.ioa|... lo4S I'^S P.s.8? al.tea-_lli5Slml I'.e.u* mi #*'a loo t'.a 6* si re? .10314 C b. 5*'ill. r4>oo.ll>2'4 10v\ D. H. 4Si* lll.IM.106 100'4 t M.4SM'tfl.?a>UD. 107S lo7'4 ail aaxa.t. 0. s.ta HM7 rr*....less tua*i t'.a4*lao7 euui... 1 n?S 109*1 P.a. 1? a* Isn, . i23S . .. C s i ?? it* i?'3Si.... f .K. l "*o* IHi'7 ...124 .... t S. ?' v IIa '.sis 121S.... C.a. C'y ii*l*iiti....i2i .... nut. oi v/m 3 05? c ats s?S ihe totul aulcs for the week of Stalo boudg