fllK pi'mocrats pividkd in (lI'IMnN a- TO hutu
toldy this winter?iMl iieithiJCaM kkk.l
ino happy AND CONFIDENT.
HtSVWff of C'Ugress arc ^atlieriiiK; rapidly
in Washington lor the session which will lu?
pin to-day. The Democratic iihtiiIkms enter?
tain very diitVicut views M to tluir probable
policy this Winter. Tin* Republican* BOOM
tack to V.'.ishington in excellent fpirits
ntul r? solved to ma ntain their old stand.
The Tribfne correspondent* lave obtained
the views ol in my of both parties upon the
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, the
length of the session, and the po'icj of the
cimmmk op H8T rPRING?MH. MAMMON) DM*
11ril'!L 'MIS1NO?MR. atkins Mi l ii AMKLluRA
[bt Ttl.KORAi a to thk TRinCNT.)
W.c-iiiMiTi x, Nov. ;io.-Opinions, among Dcnvn
rratic Repieaciitatives as to the wisest course to
pursue regarding the election luws dittrr widely.
Suite mi the Southern Democrat*, like Alexander
H. BaBTBBB, and Mr. Walton, of (.Yorgia, think that
Hie Demoerata ought to abai'don the programme
)ui<! down at the Extra Session.
Other Southern Democrats like Mr. Singleton ami
Mr. Chalmers think it wiao t<> OOnlllllll the struggle.
Mr. Manning, of Mississippi, nut.' BO regarded bj
imhliiignpuiious about midway between the two ex?
tremes He .mid to a Titim nk correspondent to?
night that while B? considers the ground lukeii by
the DeniooralH at the Extra Session an a pure and
high one, it was not either bb pure or bo high that
the party was fund to assume it by considerations
of patriotism. He said that lust spring tin- question
was snl.mitte l to the Northern Democratic Repre?
sentative* a* to whether it would he policy to make
a tight against the election laws. Their judgment
was in its favor, and the Southern Democrats ac?
Mr. Manning continued, "I am in favor, now. of
leaving the question of continuing the struggle to
the Northern Democratic Representative*. So far
as the Snulh is concerned, we cue very little about
it. Although the policy i* very popular there, Ido
not cutisti ne the result of the Fall elections as a re?
buke to the Democratic Congress for what it did at
tbo Extra Seasion. In Ohio, the Republican ma?
jority was init a small percentage of the entire vote,
it is the judgment of the best informed D. mot-ruts
now thr.t it Jinlire Thurman had h. eii at the head
of the ticket the Demou nts would have won. In
Nca-Y-.-rk, the split in the Democrat ic ranks alone
lieat ns. It was best that this should bo ao fur now
Mr. Tilden is out of the lace, and all dpsensioue will
BO healed la-fore n. xt year."
Mr. Manning continued l?v saying that he does
rot see how ilie Demo, rats call avoid a reni wal of
Ihesfrugirfe lor the repeal the election laws if
they would ; anil he should consul.-i it a very criti?
cal thing to r? treat now. He thinks the coming
m ssion ol Congo s* will he a long one, ami li ? %i- of
the opinion t hut the discussion u| financial questions
will consume a great deal of fine He thinks that
it would Is- ii good plan lo nuttatitiito greenbacks
for the National hank notes, ami keep the supply
of money up to the "demands of business," hut
?v it hout undue inflation.
Representative Atkins, ol Tennesxee, chairman of
the Horn*' Committee on .Vipo printnuis. sa\s that
be is in favor of passing at an early day a hill to
appropriate money to pay f t s of mrshals which
tin- House fadotl to pass at tbo Extra Session. Mr.
Atkins qualified this statement by using the words
" legitmia'e fees. ' He lepeatcd the .same winds
wla u asked about the regular imiuiarv appropria?
tion for the next fiscal year. When inked whether
Iiis roust ruction ot the words " legitimate fees"
would not require that the appropriation bill
ebould con t.tii 11 e Hall hit We clause which occa?
sioned the vetia?? last Spring. Mr. Atkins at lirst
hesitated, and then repicd that he eutild Dot si-o?k
lor the pa it v. and did not like to express an indi?
vidual opinion.
On lina ?ial subjects UM views of Mr. \tkins
?"?in to huvi BadBtgOIH some chaiigc. Last Spiing
he was very anxious for the Warner Silver Intl. j
Now he appears to care very liitle aboul it. I hen
he was fierce lor the ot tin- National Hanking I
law; now he seems satisfied to let the National i
banks staid. This chunge is pml. .l.Iy due |o the
luct that Tennessee, lik< tin- ri st ol Ihe country, in
leeling tin return tide ol pros|k-rit.\. Mr. Atkins
says Tennessee lias not been so prosperous since the
w ar as she is to-dav. I he crop* thi*yeai wen mag?
nificent and brought good prices. Real estate is ap?
preciating tanidly in value, and In nil the towns
many new huthiitins me being erected. To show the " pood times " are not coufined to any one
loc?lity in the Booth, Mr. Atkina related the follow*
inn: I own a of loud in rexas, a f w miles
from a growing tow n. A lew we< ago I received
a lelti-r l'om a person in 1*0X00woo uttered .f7 an ;
acre tor Ihe Intnl. i paid no attention to tin-letter
mid in a few days u celvi a another from the name
pbbubboawHnoaaeAJ6an oara tor the same land.
Soon he wrote agiin offering ir'H an acre. Then 1 i
wnite him that 1 didn't want to sell, foi 1 thought
within a veal the property w. uhl he worth Ml jmt
Bant ?on than ha had otYeled. Ha wrote back llll
inediat. iv sa ving that he Would pay the .r?H per cent
lucreaso now.'' _
1 ii KT COM ? BACK PPjOM tup. vht.ihis ill thk
j All. kill Of 0011 AMI CO'.FIDKNCE.
[BT 11 i.Kl.i;Al ii Tu Till. IMIBUBB.I
Wasiiincion. Nov. HO.?Not since 1*71 have the
Republicau leaders returned to Washington at the
'?is iiing of u session of Congress so fall ol hope .and
courage and so confident of the approval and siiu
l-nrt of the country as they do to-day. Coming
lre-h from the great potttloal BtTMgglea in the
Northern States and bruiging with them the pre*.
tige of success, they are reudy to enter upon the
luiMiiess of the BBMUM1 not doubling what the oni
eome will las.
That business, it hardly needs to h ..aid is Pr. si
ileiit-making. No'nody expects that much public
bu.siui s* will Im-transacted i xreii! the tardy
age of tho necessary Appropnalioa lulls and tbo
adontion, la-rhap?, of ono or two neaaurea which
cannot he considered in any w'nso partisan in their
character. ,.
I In-eonfideiice and hopefulness ot the Republi?
can* an-not duo entirely to the demoralisation of
the Datnoeratk partv. '1 hey are portly due to the
la. ftliut the partv whicli has trtOOlpht-d in the
North is more united than it lias been fi r years;
and there is now every prospect that the haiinony
Will cuit'line.
'1 be most iotereslii.fc. qii'-sli. n aiinnig ihe retiirn
ing leglsla'ors is the probable policy of the Demo?
cratic Majority, tonebiM turn laauee raised last Win?
ter aud fought over during Ihe extra B.'?sinn. It is
llioikiM thai the Bonotrr may look forward to a
w?~?iniiif '.iiruiy Mi-cnes, during which little that
is iinporl.mi in the way of legislation will Im- ac
eoeaphabed. Tha aseitement may not begin until
nfle. IbO holidays, but in the end it is thought to be
i.i4? Mohaa.
piiompily?a dkeadii l Dot t M KM i k 1,000
i'ao En IN one CASE.
inr RXAMBkAfM Pt Tin: trmh nk 1
WABOaVOTOX, N?>v. 30.?Ri-pn-m-utaiive Manning,
of Miasissippi, is a uiciubcr of the House Committee
on Elections.
In conversation with ? correspondent of The
j i nit nl this cveuing. In sunt that he thinks eveiy
lue.nlier ol thei committee :s disposed to work hard
ami repmt all t he con tee tod ? aaea to the House at
the earliest practicable day. For his own part, he
is anxious to avoid a repetition of the just ciiticiama
which have been made on the delays of the Com?
mittee on F.lection* heretofore. He recalled the
? se of Mr. Fuilev, of Florida, who was voted into
aseut m the very hi.t week of the Xl.Vlh Con
yr> ss. and thus received about $11,000 fbf u w eck'?
?a-i vu e.
I I.. BOaafMBOt d eh i t ifla ' am * BOVOall been referred
to Mib-coiuuiittee*. Mr. Mauiniig m a Bomber of
1 he Mib-eoiniuitt.-" w In, Ii ha.? charge of the cases of
ii shoe agiiiiint Hal), in Florida, McCain* against
O. lb, in Indiana, and H.ii..1?mi against Sh. Ih-y, in
Alabama. He hay* he has llenily deyoted
l olisiilerahle atteutiuu In tin? cunt-a. He eviiielitly
legaidathat of McCain-IDem.i agunisi Ortii (Rep.),
whii'li has already atlr.n tisl cuiMdcrublo public!
?t tent ion, us a vi i y sdong um-, while ho ilmn uot
appear to be particularly impressed by the teati
Buouy in the BBBi ol liaralaou (Rep.; again-1 Shel
Icy i Dem. 1 Regarding the content of BasVss (Rap.)
against Hull (Dem.), Mr. Manning *ays tliat ho hue
NM I considerable of the testimony, but lino cn
<leavored to do so w ithout a.low ing it to tnllueiice
his judgment.
Hie papers in the case of Curt 111 (DenO against
Yokmn (Ghk.i, arc Vrrv voluminous, filling over
I.OOO piloted pages, so thai the task of simply
lending tin in w ill In- a todlOUl one.
It is cxpoi tod that the c<>iiit.iittcc w ill art on all
t lie ease> at tins m-smhii.
who nwi; 4BR.YRD in wasiiim.ion.
[iit nuMaFB t?i nra laiauaa.]
WaBMIM kin, Nov. 80.? I.'epn'seiitntive Cannon,
of Illinois, says he is not In sympathy with Mr.
Sherman's suggestions as to the liuaneial legisla?
tion which ought to he undertaken this Winter.
He bus all along Ik- hi raiiieal on the silver ques?
tion. He thinks that the BBOPM ol the whole
country, hot Bailtoalailj bI the IfiajthuM, aanatl
view with alarm any new attempts to tinker the
currency. Mr. Cannon is in favor of the Warner
Mr. Krank Html, of Ohio, says he is not prepared
to give any opinion. He his not hail time to read
the report. Generally sneaking, however, he is in
accord with beer? tary Sin "in ni's; financial views,
although he noes not favor the substitution of
National hank notes for greiii backs. Mr. Hurd
believes that Cio session wll ho long and interest?
ing, politlrabv.
Mr. Chitien.leii, of New-York, thinks that the
question of moat importance before the country Is
that of On constitutionality of the legal-tenders.
He has str.mglv advised Ihn Secretary to assist him
in hin ging the question of their legality to a de?
cision hy Ihe Supreme Conn. He does nut lielicve,
bowever, t it such n decision can he had until
alter Ihe Presidential eh ctmn, ns nil pariiee will bo
afimil to i ike hold of such a subject for fear of the
' political i ft ?ct.
In rep]) io the question. "What will he f he finan?
cial pnliei of the hYiutlilicau party nt thecoining
seeaiot!." < i iieral (Jartii hi untied that he had not
yet canvas ed that sill.j-ot. lie had not yet exam?
ined (In- report of the Secretary of the Treasury.
The policy of the minority, he thought, should lie
watchful and conservative, rather than aggressive.
What might or might not he done is a oiiesliiMi here?
after to be il t erminod. Heiini not think the Dcm
oerata thenia ilvas had del rn?ned upon a policy as
to the length ol the aesMon. Auv trivial incident
might make it longer than the majority anticipates.
Any attempt, however,on the part of the majority
to raise toe laenea of the Extra Session will be
promptly niel by the umimiiy with the utmost
v got of opposition.
Senator CokO,of Texas, still wants the Warner
hill to pass. He e.\|Kcts the Southern and Western
Setiatoi . wil vote tor it.
<ii in ral Haw ley said that Bll Bail IB III the main
wish the views*ol the ri |?.?rt. He w< old have lieen
glad, however, if the S. ere tain had taken more rad?
ical ground r galling the retuomonl of the green?
backs. General Hvwli v myi that if the greenbacks j
could bo restricted to ihe same functions that the
treasury notes of Greol Utitaia are, lie should not
object to them. Thai, In- thinks, cannot be done,
ami he is. therefore, in iavm ol a policy which shall
look to absolute retirement.
Tut: irorstiovm idra or raaji inmanians.
['i'm i! ii. i lll>s M-I aTi ii ]
WaBHIXOTOX, Nov. 30.?Afl extraordinary letter
has been received BJT Um United States Indian
Agent at Pine Ridge, Dakota, It is written on the
official paper of the "Indiana Christian Sunday
School Association." which in iis printed beading
displays the name* of a number of well-known
citi/ens of IndiaBapoUa a id ot her places m Indiana
as vice-presidents and niliccrs of the association,
and that of Z. T. Sweeny as president. It also an?
nounces that " the next convention will he held at
Danville, August :f, 1 mid ~>. ISjM*.'' The letter is as
Ooi.fMnrs. 1ml., Nov. .'I, 1?79.
Dkar?ik: I write to iiseeiunii if It la practicable to
get rirmmrmreatlon wrtRflttMna*Ball. I shoniil like to
settle tbe question of his troabla with the Government
by kiving bins employment for the coining Buuimer With
eicht i r lea of his braves. Could v in make luoh im ar
rang.'iiiriit I I w in pay you for yoar troabla anil Uaae.
Mv plan is to give exliib lions In some of tbe cities an I
towns. Tbere am throe el u here wko neopuee to do
that thing either with him or aoaaaof iiieUies. If yon
ran serve ua we will either pay >ou lai your trouble or
give you an mteraai la the proflta. Hoping to hem fmiu
1 ou so^ii, I romala very truly, Z. T. IWBBII*.
TOTINO un an Y SOBJl ct.
[hy timi.usi ii in im. nuatm.J
Wahiim; kin. Nov. :??.- It i-the g. neral impres?
sion lu re to-nigbl that the aeaaloa of the House to?
morrow will las brief. Alter UM reading of the
1'icsideiit's Message, and tbfl paaBBge of the usual
resolution to refer!I is probable
that tb<* llouaa will imtned lately adjourn. The
Democratic leadoraaroBotdkapoaod to oiler an op?
portunity for any BOtlOB to suspend the rulca ind
thus force a voto ON any iiuslimi Batil they have
had time l<? < onfar with each othi r. and possibly to
hold a caucus to deeide upon a hue of policy for I be
session. As I he l'r Milcul's Message will be prill led
in the newspapers throoghonl tbe country fo-tuor
row iiioriiing, n is probable thai the proceedings of
tbe House will preSOOl few features of public in?
[in miHiaaw to thk ibirvsr.]
Wa-iiim to\, Nov. :I0.?General Graal has writ?
ten to.I idge MeArthur, chairman of tho Citizens'
Reeejitii.ii Committee here, that ns be expects to
visit Cuba early tin - Winter, and as ihe intervening
time may he taken up with s i. ial engagements in d
private business, bo dottbta w hi ther he will In* able
to Washington before leaving. Cat Cuba.
WisiiiMiioN. Nov. 30. 1*79.
Mr. Ilitt. in charge of IBS I'nitcd States Legation at
Puils, lu a dispateb to the Popartaaaat ol State, dated
Novctiib. i 1. 1 sT'.i, re) oris that after careful Inquiry, be
timis tin Morniunana la Friuce.
Tin- riesiihiit haa ilgaarf tue aaonuaataa af Major
Tbi inns p.Moi can,to be one nft belli rceCoiiiuilsslouers of
tbe IrUtrti t ol < olutuiu.i.viec Qaptaia B. Ladt aid Phi Ips,
resljne.i. Tbe apiMilntaieut la for tan nuexpired term
endiug June BO, 1800. Malar Morgan bus ?u.iuilllcd
Iiis lioli'l.
Admiral Ammen and M. De I'ruuco, tbe representa?
tive of tbe French prone.!, rs of ibc Nicuragaun (anal
project, called on the Ptcsnl. at yesterday, and had a
lit u f convi rsation villi him on that subject. Tue Presi?
dent expressed a willingness tu tto whatever may be in
bin power io sii.i the aeuatraeUOa of tbe eaaaL
Tbe Chief of the Hnreaii ol Stai istlcs reports that
I here arrived at the part of New-York dining the month
of October, is7t>. Bl BM paaeaaseasb 17.250 of whom
areva latar'arama. leanaa 'in* caetaepeAilinM perin.i of i
187H, the Rita I number ot paaaeagen arriving at tust
poil Waa 13,Mis, ol wboiu u,li:tn w. ie luiungianla.
Tue eniplojes of ine \\ isbin/tou Navy Yard sere
inoie.' Bacratary Thompaoa hbm avaalag in gmtefui
recoguiimn of bis naHorBatf ktai treatment, and
especially ol hi* continuance el tbo work at the yard
ihiuu/boui the year wtusant redaetas the loree or tbe
Bay. 1 b" Murine Hund supplied tbe music. Tbe Recrc
lary made a short sjieech
The I ounuUslouer of Inteltial Revenue Inn de?
cided to in null the u?e, Iii Ihn niunufuciuie of vinegar
by the employment of alaohol Vapat*.ef aa npparatSis
eoRsiatlng of itn open yt s-n I, continuing enter or otacr
liipi'd, into which th ? vapoi is to aa condensed, sur
louiided l>v niiotber open YBSaal containing flow nig
aster, which latter vessel liny BB lenned a w.u. r
The Chief of tbe Hureau of Statistics reports tbut ihe
exports of ?|n-troieuni nud petroleum producta fiotn
Roston, New-York, Philadelphia, lialtliuuro. Port*
hiiid, Me., Sun Francisco, und ull other enstolii* districts
of ihe Foiled Hintes during the luont'i ol Sepleiuta*r, I
1B70, smouulod to f>.07(i,nio gubuns, valued at
it'AA in 1 sn, and during the sumo p. rlod in 197(1,
40 703,dl7 gallons, valued at tro.'.'li^.Po.i.
The rcpoit of tbo Ufa buying Hervlce fays Hint
In 1h77 sixu-cn ?tuthuis were added to tboao
ou Mat aaoraava hthrr As a resoii of ibis
only oue out of every atxty ja-rsous lai perilled iraa !
lukt, or ana . n* of every elxty BSSBSlthRI. lu 1K78 tbe
number nt ?lalloun was further IUi leased, and the loa?
of life was reduced to one out of every 101 pet son* im?
peril!' d, or one nut of every eleven eaaualiics. All Ibis
lime thO stations were crippled bribe msiifli" lency of
in ratigenieiits for Ilm proper mail leinno .? of . rem.
Tins ueiug rciuidcd by the At! ef June is,
ls7rt. tl." haii of lite sank to ouo out ol
ovi'iy 210 petsoos ituperllleil, or oue out of every
I 11 fa f urlliur mown that since
tbe baginuiiig of the |ire?eut flscal year, up to the Rata
of tbe rcpoit, uu unusually calamitous
Autumn In lust region, slsty-oue d|sa?iers have in
l Urred wltblu the Held of life saving OparafcUMM on Ihe
!ak' ? there uetug on bnsrd the vciaosls luvolvcal 46? per
?ous, of whom only one wu? lo?t, this bel?g a wumuu,
tin- rii'ik of:? vessel, who was asleep brlow. ami whom
tilt.' captain singularly omitted lo notify of her danger.
POLITICAL si it s.
f FECRKTAP.y Mi l IMin INlMiUsKT*.
Kkoki k, Iowa, Nov. 30.?At a meeting of
the Hur of I III i i IIJ jeeteiahRJ. Ita following resolution
peaaeated by Jaha if. crnig was Baaannonely ndopted:
Hr*:>lrnl, Ttint lue member* of Ihr of the O'ty of
K<, having known the lion. llenrge \V. MrCrarv In
Um tattiunaiaa or private lifeand *>soctatloaof pcee
t ee In our courts, irrespective of party, et idlnliy and
earnestly r. commend Ins uppclntmr nt in fill the vacancy
mused In Hie resignation of the Hon. John P. Dillon,
late Judge of the Circuit Conn of the United Mali",
fei litnr well iiMiu, d I nit I? in high nnd pure charnci. r.
his distinguished i.hill.'lrs, mi I Ills i xteuslve legal h-arn
iii- and iittHUi'neiitd would ..dorn ind honor I in- po-llion.
The resolution la fctrongly Indorsed liy the pnss of
both parties.
LOUDJIAHA canvas* ovep..
Nkw-Oim.kans, Nov. 30.?Miiss-meetin?s
wi re held Inst uig'it bv the Democrat* at the <*t. Charles
Thejitr., and by Um RejpabUeaaa at I/tfa/astc ^qnarr.
ThI Republican meeting was the largest of thnt pnr.y
held here for some years. Nperetiea were made hv (ie'i
erat Woodford, Jaden Tu) lur Beattbl nnd o:hers. An
O action Will be held oll i K ?<laV tu Xt 'or Sliite iitllccra.
mid the newCoustiliit.on is to be voted i.u at thesauri
an opera Brau di;-tkoykd.
Toronto, Nov. 30.?The Grand Opera
Housn was destroyed by tire yesterday morn?
ing. The cut. Inker, Wright, hi* wife nnd
child were burned to clmler?. The loss on
the building and contents Is estimated at SFJOO.OOo.
Dearies BandaaMi r i ? - - tragedian, who was lining an ea>
?aannarmi at the Oranel Opera House, inni aii of h s eal?
ii .nie drosses and appointments In tue place, and they
were all leal, lie win he a sonVrer to the extern of
mj9,000. The building was Insured for ?MO.tKKi.
Tin: ih)I!m:i.i>\ti 1.1: rn:por BTJBWBD.
IIokm i.i.svn i.k, X. Y., Not. 30.?The Eric
Kailw'ar depot Base was entirely destroyed bv fire this
morning. The rontciils were mostly sav. d. Rodger's
d'ntiig saloon, connected with tao depot, was ulso de?
A house on Broadway, oatu Van BteloH*
avc, Brooklyn, which had been vacated only uu hour,
wi's destroyed by flic yesterday morning, muting a loss
of 4>1,5im>. ' The owner wits <'oolitic Pehmldt.
Toit.k \, Kan., Nnv. 30.?Adviceshfrebeen
receive I iiere that trouble occlirrcl yesterday iiiumic a
grading patty on lac Kansas Central Railroad. It ap
1" .us that while a contractor was pnvmg his men, a
large number of forced checks for men's time were pre?
sent, d to him which he refused to pay. Tho mob of
graden with eoeked rewalyeoatkea aaoll possession of
Ike cull..elm's gaarten ami httned in mta paythe
checks. The tlllllone In lbs vicinity became Idgh'v
incensed Bl the action of the riot< is, and coiai. D Bg
taget bar. arreetod tae i.ugic.idcr? oi the mo., and re
stored otoiT.
Jamestown, X. Y.. Xnv. 150.?The ro.nla
being very muddy a bet of 8100 SfBl marie Friday even
bag Unit OapCala Thed Qaaadla, weighing MO pevade,
could not walk to Warren, Pi mi., a distance of twenty
one Hille?, In eleven hours, keeping in the middle of t!.e
road. The Captain ice. pled the tad, und siurti ri at li:30
h. in., followed by ludg. s in a eaiftagOa aniriai at
Warn a at UM p. in.
BoaTOVf Xnv. 30.?Um steamer Allna, at
this port, from Liverpool, br< light in the survivors of
thcliinisb bark E litb, C.tptnti Traimir, from Einludet
phla for (nie. nstovii. The cnidain and four of the crew
were probably iieOBPB. The Atlas reports Ikat the
ri'seoi d im-n In.d b. en tossed nniiit on Iii? waves for
lour dues, living on a ml tack and water, when llu-y
aare deserted by her.
Dkthoir, Not. 30.?The English Opera Co"i
pnnv, after ten nigb's' bad businc*. at Wbitm \'s Opera
Baase? hrokoap last night. T?koeesnpaaywaeaajastoi
by Blaaeaa Correlll and Heart Laaroat, ani began at
CitietnnaU Utree moataa ago. A psrfanaaaee i* to be
given tn-aigbt to ii. se fumls to gil tl o people back to
ButtalOi Not. 80.-?Tho Eifa Canal ratorni
no in November Jo, this season, show a BOefCaee of
pS8,8M min the rfceipts. compared with the corrc
ipondtng penod laat vear. t.ic an*aar of elearaaeea
?boa - a ii eis- ise oi 3.V?. Tue aiaoant raaelved ior ions
was fSOl-SSO 18.
Cincinnati. Not. 30.?The report on ap
ptatseeBont of arawertaa te not expeoteel before Tnurs
day. Wh'tber nil or only n pit. t unite It Is nndei ataod
the coii-o.ldaicd company w ill i luh.iik soou in ti.e luali
uluctinu of buttled act r.
The store of Charles Uaagell, lenther ini
por'er. at No. ITSWHllBBim.,WBB visifed by burglars
some lime on H.itur:lay algkt* the thieves muklng their
way in through a i'cur VnaOeW. A lot of French leatt i r,
valued ut if'J.tMH), was wrapped up and conveyed Into the
ndlniiiiiig cigar stoic ut No. 170. kept by Kotbib Lelps.
Beta lading a aarvaat al elgare, tta taaaveaanparfad
with aboal ^'JiMi worin of them. appareaUy intending to
re turn for tae leather wlUi a wagou. Apolloeasaa hav?
ing discovered tha svhtenea. id iheu visit, however, they
kept away.
BALTTMORI VOWBLl OfelJC mb. suixttam.
Hai.timork, Not? 3T.~Ballinsota will give
An hin Sullivan n grand welcome concert at the
Academy ol AlUbic, DcOQBiaai L>.
TWKIA i YEA Its- IN PltlMlN.
PunAi>i:i.i'MiA. Nov. 30.?Dannie O^nlrivan,
charged with Killing his wife, has be-u to ? llu
pi laeaassai si ? Hrri n years auu sween mouihs.
lll.av V DAM AOLS HUI A i OI.msion.
Daltimorr, Nov. SO.?United .s,:u(^ fjomnia
Uaose Regses reports the umish ? ?..-orge m-ii is
liable l<a jla for nuiking tho Krencu brig Uruia lu
a church ni.ow.n down nv tiik wipd.
Loi laviLUk Kv? Nev. so.?The Method tat Kpi?
ospal iTiamh ai ranslisaebaft has barn deanavai by wind,
causing a U.-a of $l.ouO. Mnuy i lher loilldlugs In liial ?? c
tlou wiie daiua.eil.
TH I. Cltl.MK op A commission MEUCHA nt.
Cimin.nmi. Nov.80??Joai'ph M. How. a promi
asattehaees eeaaaatasM mii., tadkana f?r rtefi?u.iiug
Ho. ueveraaMai ay bUae aatifcsa. his alaaaaa] pallty, ?uu
iiiiown it on tor teaieaey at the aaarla
antra arauui ooimo to an WRjauuTioar.
Cincinnati, Nor. 80.?Alonau Burna, the sou of n
nemaineal Keulm ky lawyer, I* . ? n .-a with harma *hot
? hlijuh JaeltKon ahlli-bnlh were going in ivlinesa an exeeu
llun. I he ..on..i will luolialii) prove fatd.
Bl IDINO, I'eiiii., Nov. ,'IO ?lieorgc y ngg was ar
reetcdhaeahistaMbtea a char, e of bwag implicated in the
m.iu.arnf Paul i Misue, Wh..?? begy ape hsaadaaase i me
huo hoi nlily un the Uea..lng limlroaa track atmut a
Hille 11.>lli tins ill,.
ATLAMA, <>n., Nov HO.?a M|iiud oi sixteen reve
aaa aspattaa. raiihug in To aas Caaslj. wu aurrounaeii by a
bwaahsreasfs s?aa nieaataiaeera ana Ice cad as sarraadss* a i. n e ol lheli uunilier waa w.iuu.J.d and lefv m
a feU< e i ol in-, lol dealt.
cobpon Ui NIOMOMOM To R> TlttEI).
NaTarpuar, R. L, Nov. :I0.?It has been ordered
that i nip,aal Mehoiwni abail he tiirned over lu Ihr civil
saiiMsrluaa far I Hal He as ekargea! ?.o kavtag eaaaee tas
.:. atk al Ike snldiei Reap who aas found luadylng couilitiou
lu a cistern.
l atkkr and mux ptrnmn in a mine.
Cincinnati, .Nov. :io. a ispatch lmai n, w
Oeatsrstea a, i itrksraaas Caaaty, say. that while Ita Ula s
aud hi- son. ivveivr year* old tvorkiua in a coal nilns
snsiariisj Itcsvseb*.bsnrylsvgthssa cnmuivieiy. lh-fuic ihejr
t uu.d hi. ling out in tu weredrsi.l.
a OAal op OltAVE dncertaintv.
ClNCtNNAIL NoV, 30.?a special dlnpHtcii to 7 hi
f jiinn lioni liellelnlitaliie, oalo. ?..ys that Dr. J. A.Ilninne.
aa#MIesetkhssl Monday vvhl.e nuntina haa been rrpniled,
si: I lie* urn.mac I. His iilebk.-aniMsarance, wilh the f?ie anil
i.|M Ibiao. il and lu im les n laxeil. H .d ilie alise... e oi any ?l?u
of c.isaaapasll on, make hi* fru m's he itate to lay hliu lu the
urava. i he use excites grssrial .nt. r. .L
CtfATTaNOOOA, i ??im.. Nov. SO.?Il turiis out
tliat Jai ksoii. the n.lili-t. ?i,.i am did here on
Kialay. BBS In en Sur s.UasS SSUPMSa la me hu-iuea., as
aixt 'uu s. loine.ilsha-e henu tune I lo i.lui. JdCUaou Is weil
kilo a n. and ass a call.II .at" far A atrroSBI at tili- laal oh. iloa.
n, si u lair-'ll, Hi.- smlim. i. a ucj t.., sii.l uaa hem via
ployed at the ceujet. ry .urthi pat.i Ihls? \, ?ra.
cisitn.n*ii, Nov. ;ii?.- V sis', mi dktnatOD Iron
Chaplin, Nelson Cunuty, Ky.. states that Aiiil.o.iy K- i.
roiored, aaa per-uaihsl hy a negro pgaiaa, eiaussblg taoe
ablu to vvora nun?. to uiuid r aval > Miller, lu erdet to sad
bei bslv to Rllldeiit* lor illssi-tllan. Wh. u tin -
alarmisl by a buy. came lo tho scene of tue iiln.e, in. f ft las]
the cabliiou flic and avii.vy iu the dual say vvn.. i.u
throat cut
tum r.x-i'itKMint dpxocxi ts nn: m.saoimhxt
Of tiik x \TloN.\l 111a x 0 h?th f. TPHhTMl Rt>
PoltM JTilllLF.
The British canvass proceeds ac?
tively, niiiidiigii parliament Bay not Im dfg
solved for Mime titn<*. SpeakiiiR in Kdiu
borgn, Mr. Gladetone baa Baaailed tin* finan?
cial policy of tin- Government, and its attitude
townid Hnlf.'uria and Kouiik-Iia. The euciua
atencea ander which the British iiovi rumenf
withdrew frcn the position it Manntet! in re?
gard lo refornis in Asia Minor, and the weak
exploration of the piCgg, are re?
fined to in the letter appended.
ax ACTIVE canvass in PBOGBES&
TWO ORIMT Ml KTIMiS Al>l>HI SsF.l) hy Mil. ?.i Ai>
itom1 in kdixucrgh.
Lobdo*, N'.iv. :io.?Mr. GladttoM made a ipeaeb
ntthi' Corn Market. KdinhurKli, yeotcrday. Ra de?
nounced the CoiMervalive finance management as
aiiisTanrt and illihnanat Im Afghan war cx
IM'tises, h<- said, like tlmsc of the Abyssinian war,
were aadeerated aad kepi aaaiet pending Mai alae
iidiib, Mr. GladatoM aaboeqaently addressed
17,000 persons at the Waverley Maiket. He in
riesad that ihn ladepeadenea el Ina new free r. .lk.-m
Penioaala arant Beret again fall under ihe yoke ef
a despot ie power, and warned against allowing Aus
11 in to inherit Furkisii supremacy.
nir. nmrisii amiussadoi: gLUBTEM ani? i ihifat
bxs at coxstantixopm: ? loud BAUfBOttY
pottnooi a all pobtbbb pasaairBz ob bbckiy
inu a Vau : i. aa PBoxntBvnoBi iobbbt?obb
kk it, n renne Anon*,
[rana i bbbolab coaaaaronDEST of isai; tuhu nf. ]
LoBoob, Not. 17.?tafeteedof saiinir that notn
itiir hut i lie unforeseen routes to pass, it may he more
eeoYanieni in fumre to nay that nooning bal the le?
ered! hie banpaaa This will ba a innre aeenrate for>
mnia en long aa tbo preaoBt rulers of Greel Britain
remain in power, Afortnight ago, for example, yoii
would have said it was iiieredilde that the sit lilen at
teiupt to enforce tha Aagte-Tarkiah Convention with
reference, to Asia Minor, racked as it washy menace,
should ho as taddaoly abandoned. Yet this, if wo
may trust Ministerial oiyans, is what lias happened,
A fortnight since all Luropo was ringing with
the report that England had peremptorily
Msnennoad to Tin key lint tiie tine- had BOBM to put
Bar house in atdar, she must enter upoa tha path
of inform She must give Asia Minor an honest and
nffieieni aorerameat. >Sho must set up a poliea
i. te- with Baker Paeha, ex-convict, to protect the
unprotected females of Armenia. She must d.snii>.s
htabmoad, she must btnak aff her negotiations
witlt Bussia. It wan not known then and is not
known now that each one cf those specific demands
was presented in a definite form to the .sultan. Dot
they were all pilldlclv d i sc iisse.l. liolhon the Cult
ttneat and iti Eaudand these annonBeenente were
accepted as MbateBtiaBy true. It was universally
be!tared that the British GoYernmeat bad gtrea the
Porte to nn.h i stand large lacasurcR ef reform
iiiusf, ba entered upon at once. Tho Forte
having dallied with this ns with every previous
demand, m order wen! to Malta to pot tha licet in
motion for Turkish waters. This not only uni?
versally believed ; it was directly BOBBTtad by tha
UlllliltOflal papers in LoitdOB, nml for days the
whole question involved in this start ling proced?
ure was di luted with gn at vivacity. At last, on
I hursday, Xoveiiihcr Ii, BBBM B nncl; aniiniinei p ent
that Muslims I'acha.Turkish Ambassador in London,
had Riven satisfactory BSBtmnCeO to Lord Salisbury
that Tin key pledged herself to i upon the w
nuireil reforms at once, and that, the movement of
the geal had IM IB fBTB been countermanded. In
mentioning tins announcement in a letter of that
date 1 spoke of it as all but incredible. It certainly
ma net generally credited. One Mwa agency oon tra?
il ioted it on offletal aatbority, Bnt there was a
general diapoeitien to wall ior Lord EfeneonaflehPi
GnUdbeB apaeobt then due four days off. When
tha' speech bad been heard, and the stop, f iction
produced hy ita oontemptaoite silence on tbo ntaat
Blearing toph i of KM day had passed off, curiosity
al> ait t his I urkish business revived. Hints were
thrown out from day lo day (ha:, after nil, nothing
had oeenrn 1 te w arrant such excitement. And to
day 11 seems ch ar fmm semi- fti i; I declarations
that the iin rcdible news uiusl. be credited. Sir
Henry Layanl has certainly been blustering und
threatening at the Porto nml the Palace. Hut his
chief in London has once more allowed himself tu
BO pacified by a Turkish promise.
All tliis would ho amusing enough if it were tint
hutiulialinir. It appeals from the s rinoii preached
this moniintr by one Combiratira organ that tho
faul I lies with that loag-euffBring crcture, ll;e
public. 'I he public expected loo iniich. Ihe foible
of the epoch 'ii which we live is i MggOtwtiOB, and
thin baft incident has been exar-crated. That is
what are are new asked ta beliaea. The mmon
?traneea addreeaed to the sultan by Lord BaaeoM*
field's oriler were of far less fonti'dailo .?haractcr
than our hasty imagination conjeetuicd. I'erhaps
the Porteitaelf made tha story woree,orerstating
tin demands made upon it, seeking; to ex:'ite preju?
dice afiiu^t the Power that counselled reform,
so ns to bide ita own BhOftBOBUngi under (he
alum of Barege at the supposed ambition
of which it was tho victim. BnMiB, of course,
helped. She always does help in whatever mischief
ia plotting for tbo moment. No patriotic English
man can dorhi that when a Paeha plutideis a prov?
ince the Muscovite Ie that when the Turk
makes n promise it is PriBOO LobaOOtl who helps
him to break il. The ( zuV minimi ut PrniltBBtl
BOpla is the niilhor of all the dispatches whtoh rcp
reeeat Bir Heary Laraid in a laenaeiiig attttada i
loeiadlag, 1 suppose, Sir Henry's own telegrams.
And Huts, we are smilinidv told, "tints 'be more
(ri dalona pottlon of the public h ive Dome to olieve
thai Lord BeaOOBafteki is ineditatiiiif a series of pro?
ceedings iu tho East wbieli intist MOeOBBail"
yaopard our goad relations with lurkey, and max
possibly involvo us in a ffeeh controversy with
Kas-ia." Upen which ch biiircesiion I will
nnly remark that nmoiiK BM muro crcitulous por?
tion of the pahlte must be included not only the
whole Cunt iin tital press, but the journal from which
ths ehildlika enggoatian hi now quoted. Tbo aaam
eoBWhariOM must be drawn trom an inspired ohset \ a
tion in another Ifinfarterlal orgBB that the BM ral
duties imposed upon England bf her relations with
Teihey may he discharged by steatly and, at the
same tiiin>, i autiotis pressure upon the Porte, "re
BMBlberiiio that our duties are not necessarily i o
eitensive with our nuiit-*. and that we need only
enforce tho latter when it stems expedient to
do so.''
Acvcjitinir thoBO Inspired utterances as true or us
iienriv true as can lie expected, there is but one
t hint.' to be said. lit. aland has had to endure otic more
dLscracetuI lebittl at the band? of tho Power whom
I?ord lleacniiali. ld londlv refers to na her ancient
ally. Malm oinl ami Osiuiin, one. the tool of b'usaia,
the other un ardi nt advocate of a Pusso-TuiKish
alilenffl. injnala in power BefOrma me prtmueed,
ofrourse, but the l^Kitntingof (hem is deferred on
the jdea of poverty. Lu;;latid has taken nothing by
bar last motion save nn' of the hatred she
had previously earned In.m the l ower aim professes
to bctriend. There is no lack of explanations fnr
this lust collapse. Some of these 1 have
Bin Bdy given. The ingenious of the
others am devoted to proving tout the eollupse
is not a collapse at all. A fresh iclegrani from Con?
stantinople appeals this morning. Coming aa it
doee throogb a*aalm*i Aganey, it mnai ba ragardad
asast itcinent which the Portedoatred made public.
It is the characteristic of Keuter'a political tele
gxame that they huvo usually an "offleloua" origin,
and tell not always the tiuih# still leas oflou tbo
whole truth, hut for the most paitaoajtttl of the
truth as the nflical minil thinks it deniable to i aP>
niunicate to the outside, world. This comment nmy
he taken to apply to t.-lcgtauis from other place*
tliau Constantinople.
What we are now inviteil to believe on Run tft
nuthoritv is th.1t Muslims Pacha, has tehv-Taph.-il It
the Forte that Lord Salishury is sati ti<d with his
explanations. Ynu mav lliink this a fortnight old,
hut it is not It is published in the London papers
of to-day, with the < on tantiiioplo date of Novem?
ber HI. In substance, to he hiire, it was published
November II, and the rcpuhlication ut it can only be
due t? a desire to repossess the public mind with
the iioiion of nil accord belWOBR England and Tur?
key which did not exist then and cannot exist now.
It is even thought worth while to reprint the old
statement (with a new date* that the I'orle will
carry out the reforms demanded by England,
that the Sultan has ratified a scheme and
ordered it to he curried into execution- one scheme
for Eiiiopcan Turkey nnd another for A?ia Minor,
How ni.inv months is it thtee. Euro|>e was assured
that reforms for Asia Minor bad bOOO determined
on by the Porto, and how manv days whs il after
that I'loclamatinti that a modest ri<!? i to it appeared,
to l!ic eflect Ihat the want ol funds conipellid the
Porte to limit the application of tlm promised re?
forms to ? single province t And in what pmvinro
were the proposed ol any oi her rgfUfibs AM i led Ollt ?
Mr. Forster, who spoke at Leeds on I'ridav, ha- I
theory of the matter w Inch deserves attention, lie
says he htm never thought Ibe Atigln-Turkish Con?
vention the mein sham win. h others have consid
ercd it. It is nu undertaking by England to defend
the whole tetritorv of Asia Minor against Fussi;
on eondition, however, that Tin key exci utcs the
required reforms in In r nlui ir-trutton. Il lias at
last become evident to Lord II aeouaileld thiit tho
responsibilities cntaileil upon England by llnsagTee
ment are too heavy to he borr.c, and too fraught
with risk to he allowed to hang over DM
band any longer. Bo. says Mr. Focater, tho v
f lUtBBDl arc at last taking steps to get rid of tbd
Convention altogether. They mean to !>.? able lossy
to the Suit an : " We have pressed you to refotm j
we have done everything we can to make vou re?
form; you will md ret..rtn, and therefore we c< n
aidet ootaelTea free from our narantea." 'Una
may bo the true explanation, bnl it is certainly in
consistent with the present effort of the Ministerial
IDOOtfapieces to minimize f he scope of the Hog)Nth
demandsand to cast doubt mi the aieaacea thai ac
OOnpanlod them. Lord 1! aeonsfle] I eoaM have en
lighted aa if he had ehn-en. We are now told that
be held his tongue because Mr. ' i.n'slouo was
going to speak [a Midlothian, and Mr. GladetOBO
woom bo sure to ntiarepteeentthe nutter, to twud
and torture the lauguagc ant! condacl of u
ton straightforward and simpli-miiidcd Prime Min?
ister! What, rat the raaaoa he for the eooeealaai at,
it has had the (ratal aanOl abroad. The fi ar
oi Boeing the wholeEaeten mm tion reopenedhat
thrown F.urnpo into OOOlBMtlon. In Kaaaig I he
events of the last two weeks have embittered the
general feeling against England, In Turkey the
auger is not less. It Is not for nothing the
press of Coaataattnoplo, which exists under strict?
est cenaorahip, has h on permitted to rave against
tM bad feeling of < iicaf Britain, and to scream out
wild dehaOOea ami insults. '1 he end is not pel.
As Mr. Foist. r r. marks, there are limits to human
reekloaaneae, and th nan it would be hard i<> wy
what Load Boaoonafleld' and Lord Salisbury will
mil do, I do tmt believe they will face tho eouatry
while t heir checks uic t lugling with a eeajbi from
the hands of the '1 ink. o. W. 8.
a prnmaiTf bpmtacu at the raft'itai?tih:
rbidr piipriAit.
MAiniin. Nov. 30,1371?.
King Alpaoane and the Grand Dnanan Maria
Christina, of Austria, were married yesterday at
the Chorea.of the A tocha, la presence of a hrilli nit
assemblage, including the ex-Cjueen Isahella, the
Piitiecss of Asturias, Ambassadors and grand digni?
taries of the Empire. The bridal was richly dtaaaed
in w hite, and wore a diadem of brilliants and the
insignia of the Marie Louise order. The Atoch.i
Chur.'ii was splendidly illuminated, and decorated
with rich draperies. The bride appca id
much moved during the ceremony. The imiilial
benediction was given on behalf of the pope by the
Cardinal Patriarch of the fndloa. whooAciatedal
the mass, which was celebrated offer the maiiiage
ceremony. Ketnrniaa from the ebaroli, King Ai
]ihouso .mi (jucen MariaChristina tlrove through
tbo city. pin. .led by a brilliant cortege. The
Qneen made a moat favorable liiipttaniun. and aaa
enlbaalaatieauy gr.-.-'cd by the pfmalara Last
liglif there well? 11111'!! i UKl -s in ill.nor nt the
event. Ex-^Jueen laabella la aboal to hold a leeep*
tion. _
London, Nor, 30,?The fRthering in H/de
Park'a-'liiv in response to the call for unorganized
demonstration la favor of tlie Irish agitators, consisted
of .in im Mean ateh. The raaoiatlaa protesting ngatnst
the n cent an"s . of Irish agitatori and ravoriug a peao
ani pr.ipiletory in Iici.tnd were doubtless earned by nc
etaaiatloa. Tin- lese noted -p^akers, pat Hani trip tbeee
in Uta Md>- lie-chugs, lesaed me most sed tloaa language,
und thai* attsfaaeee seemed to eraate much aasnaantent.
The anthorltlee had apparently taken aapreeaaianae
ahatevcf let the mniiiteuaiicf of order.
Agltattaa kihI lymnethy meettaga aere held all over
the Onnnty of Mayo. IreUted, on Ban luv. The principal
one was nt Balbtgaaderta, at wtm-ii Mr. Jaasea imiv
was present Ho wiih received on his arrival and
escorted to thpslimd by huiulleds of BSN armed with
pikes. Beyer al Cathallo eleigy an wars praaeat, Daly
was eathnabMtkially areeted. Tares <; ivenpnoal ras
porters wen- present taking notes. (lie gutm nug
nnasbered aboat lonoo persoas. Mr. Michael Davltl
nr. Bonday addn asad a atowded laooilng al Irishmen ut
Ne-ve .stie-upii'i-Tvue. He spoke verv temperately,
In Liverpool u meeting, ft.e Btteadanoe ut wtili hls
estimated at in.ntni pareooe. was held opposite sr.
George's Hall yesterday. Mr. Paraell fully indorsed
the aparohea for which the reoeal arrests in Irohtnd
were asada.
PAJMa, Nov. 80??Tut Ptottctiiinist Atlntlta
tionol French Industry has nddrrssed a petition to the
(iovei iimciit, statliiK that the crisis has sssumed I arc. r
proportions tliHti ever during the l ist ten months nnd that
I ha very existence of the ehbtf French l-utiistrles is nien
aced Nearly nil the European countries aa well us the
L'uitrd Btarra and the Luglish Coioalee have ralaed
their tar ft-to the pn-Juiltee of France, und the uso.eui
Ooa urges the Qoveranicai and Parllaawat ta praactd
curly to dlaenea the gcuerai tariff BMI uierehaut aud
mm;tic hills.
LOVDON, Nov. SO*.?Of the tiffv DMBlbeTI of
the I.Baden school lioard elected on Thursday nine arc
QObWIOj Nov. III).?It is refinrted thut Mr.
(inidling has sold cuc-fi.utth interest In geld miu'-s
la Haaaae t<> sTadap Dtttaakaaasf ?ud otnus of New
Yors far aaop,oott _
PaBIBi Not. 90.?The Heptihliean Deputies
lu d i aayetiag today, at whlefc u mis determined to
pappet i the Uaktaet.
CoN-r\MiMiiT.E, Dec. L?Il is ollieially an
ui.uace.t Hint the i. |nut or th- nsoHssduutitiu ?f Ahmed
Muklilar fui ha by Ainuuis Is without tiiuiidulinn.
OTrAWA, Nov. 80C?All tneat cuttle coming
from Barapa eaate aa kesakysetsd at Oawbea, Halifax aud
bl. John to a ijuarautlue of uuielv nay*.
BT. John, N. H., No?. HO.? I he liabilities of L. II.
n. YaMr <k asaa. ssraratagas an sObNal s.?tenient, amount
to pnadhin one ut bm ana i? aaasa, a,?. u. ire ?jJ ikk..
ho UQTJOn LH ENsy-s |,, nAI>
Mobribtown, >.. .)., .Nov. :;o. -Oniaa la a di*a
arcemriit brtwern Ihr rennen and the Mayor, see
t-ral lutuor .!> BfcWS have receive.l uo license, au.l hsvecaused
tne.r a tores.
OTTAWA. NOV. 30. - I he il il er tors ol tin. Hank of
Ottawa have baatd a MSaakW lo the stiM-kl.?Mera staliug
thst Hi ioiiS. qu.-iii auf iimvs t'o-v ? ill w it 1*1 old paiuieni of
Ike divtilend lor O.'a hiilf year, iJleiy ile.
NKW-OKxrs.Ns. Nov. H0.-Ji.uicH M. ? FDoaa II A
llroihrra. of Keiitneay, brou.hi .1111 In |hp Hin, |)|.(nit
Cuuit SSalnsl Ellas 0 Mona, ef PlBttBBall. Invohin?
?ereral huadts-d tbiuiaaud du.lars, fur in r.m. ni mot trade
UiaiS k." ami r.hboua aud a. alp on wblakcy.
PllII.ADIT.PHJA, Nov. 30.?1 ?Iii IHK I he mOnth of
Ngvrmher 4.au7/90 pireea va.insl ai <V.lil>>, i .1 : i??
aahMd al the mini In Ihiaeny. Of lull unmber ?Ulli u . r.<
inuine eaatec i ".'.Mo eaai>?. saATo salt sad is i iru ta
I Bobt places i leu ipiaiter su?le. ; leu B"hi iiobai s i>.
siU.r.iollaia sohiu^c i 4oo Hire.-SVuvao
S.rJU,4i o t<
The President's Mi-snuge, which will be pre
sciittMl t<i Congress to-day, i* printed
in full lx-low. It ha* already Isen printed
in MM of the Sunday new.-papers hi
New-York, Cincinnati and CblcngO. Af?
ter brief congratulations npon the Na?
tional prosperity, President Hayes tteata at
considerable length of the lb .kmc of tho
country, md earnestly ncommend* the ? ; <?< t*\.
eat practicaiilo retirement of the United Btetee
legal-fender notes. There is no long? r any
reason, he says, for delny or hesitation in tho
eiilorcemaiit of the law for the suppression
of polygamy. The demand for security
and li(((biiii in elections in every part of tho
coiii.tiv is recognized* The Civil Service ia
discussed at gieater length than any other
topic of the Message. The President urge"
iiis opinion that merit should lie the basis of
apiHiiiituietif, approves the requirement of a
definite tent of an applicant's qualifications,
and cx'ircs-es satisfaction at the results of
Civil Service examinations in New-York and
other large cities. The condition of the In?
timus oeenpaM much space in the Message,
?od the 1'ifsidcnt earnestly m commends tho
pass ige ol a law by which Indians m.iy obtain,
hi der certain eruditions, u title in fee to tbo
farm lands assigned to them by allotment.
The attention of Congress is called lo the
most important puts of the annual Deport*
incut reports.
11 .\ i OF i HB MK88AGE.
Fcffcw ritferaa <>f the Htnutcund liouie <>f MtfwtmmmX*
fins ??
The members of the Forty-sixth Congress have
a-cseml led in their lost regular session under cir?
cumstances ratlint; for mutual congratulations and
grateful acknowledgment to tbeliiverof all good
lor the laCKa and unusual measure of National pros
pent v which we now enjoy. The most interesting
events wbn b have occurred in our public ullairs
since my last annual Message lo Congress ale con?
nect t d with the latanlal apatat ions of iht ilevena*
menf directly affecting Ihe business interests of tho
com.try. I congratulate Congress on ibe smeesaful
execution of the Kcsumptioti Act. A; the tune lixed,
and iu the manner contemplated hv law. I nited
States notes Ix gan to be rub emed in coi.i. Since
the lirsl of January last they have !.n promptly
redeemed on presentation, and in all business tran -
actions, pabUe and private, iu all parts of the
countrv, thev nr.; receive I and paid out as tho
equivalent of coin. The demand upon ihe lYcaeury
for (old and eilrer in exchange for United Ktatee
notes has been comparatively email, and the voluii
tary deposit of coin and bullion iu exchange for
I notes ha. been very large. The excess ot tl.- p.. .
ions met ale depaaUed or exchanged for United
Bi ,t. s notes, over the aatannl 01 United statee
notes rcdeeui' d, is about I 10.IMHt.tKM).
rnjl pi Hue utKDit.
The resumption < f specie payments am been fol?
lowed by a very great revival of busineea. With a
currency equivalent in value to the pp gejj of the
commercial world, we are enabled ta enter upon an
equal competition with other nations in trade ai d
production. The increasing foreign dentead for our
maanfaetaree ami agricultural producta has eaaaal
a large balance of in mil favo'.whn h I as becu
paid in gold from the 1st ef Jalj leal te Wetembee
IB, tO the amount of about '09,000,000. Sue ? the
rt elltnptloli of specie pa.\ III,"lit s I Ii re has ;.ls;? Imo-h
n marked and vratift .tie iinprovmeni of the publio
credit. The hoiiOs of the Uoverniitent, hearing ouly
4 per (ent interest, have been paid at ar above par
si.ih. ? nt in amount to pay off alt ol (lie National
d< ht which weeledeemaolc ander pic cur law s. Tho
amount of interest saved anntiallv by the process of
refunding the debt since .Maren" j. 1*77, In
.fl V-",7.177. The b?nde sohl were largely in small, ami tho number of OUTeit'Rens now hold?
ing the public lecuritiei is much grcati r than ever
I'lte amount of the National debt which matures
Within lesstnan two \ i ais || fy702,121,700, of which
BtWOfOOOtOOO hears interest el the raleol IT per reef,
and the balance is in bonus bearing (> pi r< eat inters
est. It is believed thai this part of the public debt
cm be refauded by the aVueoi I per cent botide,
and by the reduction of tuten st who li will thus las
effect d about f eaa be aaauallj laved
to the Treasury. Ta aacare tbte important reduc?
tion ot interest to be paid by the Unfti tl BtBtl fur?
ther legislation is requited, which, it It hoped, will
bo pro. ided by Concreea during ite prcaaul am ion,
1 be coinage Bl gold hv tbo mints of hie Pulten
Slates during Ibe last aecal real was 1*10.980,913.
Theeoiaaneof silver dollars since the |..->..gc<.f
the act tor that pirpoe up to N. v. ubei 1. 1h70,
w. s .*.|.i.iNIO,s.Vl, of which s>lJ,7lM?,:il I has been
booed from tin- freaanry eadia now in ritanhv
tion.audtSB^OOtflOOla still iu toe poeaeastoaod
the Government. The pendency of the proportion
for unity of action between the United Mates ami
Iba principal commercial BBtimie Ol Kan pc, to
< Seel a peramnenl ?) i tern for the equality ol cold
ami ?Urei in the recognisedBMBeyof ikeworld,
leads me to recommend thai ? eagreae refraia frees
new on the rem ral IB JeCt, 'I he great
revival of trade, infernal and for. t. i, will supply,
during the coming year, ite nwn i Detract lot ia,
may well be awaited batata attempting farther an?,
perlniental maaenree with the cotnage, I would.
however, strong.y urge m>on UOaglBBa the imp> rt
aiicB al BBtberiBtBB the Secretary of t!te I reaaary
lo suspend tile coinage of Sllvi I if 1 ais upon tho
preaanl legal ratio. Tee marl et value r*f th silver hung uuiioimu and largely leea than tho
market value ol is obYMMaty iits?
practicable to m a in tain them at par with each
other it both are coined Without limit. If tho
cheaper coin ia breed into circulation it i ill. if
coined a itbont limit, aooa become the aole standard
of value, and tbaa defeat ibe deaired object, which
is a earreneyof both eohl and silver, wbn !. Khali bo
nt eqnienlcnt mine, doliar fordollat, with the uul
\cr*ailv recognized uumr) of the world.
TUP. BBTinKBTgOT OP LBOal -TKMil.i: RUTga t litU D,
Thetetlieaninl frontrirentotbniat United Mates
IlOteS, With the c;.pacil V ot Icgal-te'liler Ml privato
contracts, is a i-'ep lo be taken in our progrcaa
toward a safe and stable currency, which ibauM be
nccepted as the policy and duty of 11 e inc.. rniuetit,
and tue interest and MBUrtty eg the people. It la
are Btweonvtetfen that the irsm- ef hujal-fanffani
patur money, BBBCd wholly uime the autlionty
?nnetadrt el the UoYernaaeat,exeapi |g ixmune
emntgaacy, is warrant in the Constitution,
end a vmatten of aoaudfinancial prtoeiplaa, I ba
lataa af United Btatee notendnrina tie uteetru
war, w il Ii l be eeem ity of bar ,l-i. n.U-r bal arai < prt
rate ladlrtdanht waa not euth rised ix. pt as a
means nl paecuiug the count rv irom Imminent in-ril.
Thecircalatwa of thane aotea as paperawnci lor
aay pretracted period of tum- after u.e ai.omplisb
BBtut of tbla purp ise waa not ctmtemplatod by the
framers of tni* law under which , |.,w i ie issued.
The) anticipated I he reiiempt ion and withdrawal of
theee netee al the earliest practicable period ceo*
?latent with the attejaapput of las aeaaai tor winch
I hey Wi N provided.
Ena pebcy ot ihe Ualted states, steadily aslbered
to frmn theaduptlan ?>t the c.iastuutiot,, haa bean
to avoid ihe creation of a National debt, ai d w hen,
fioin necessity, iu the tune nl war, debts liuve l*een
anaajad, they have been paid od nn the rotere el
peece ee rapidly ae possible. With tins view, ami
for this purpose, it is recoinmei.iied tliat the exist?
ing laws for the Mcciimulaiion ot a sinking bind aufn
ncieni to extinguish the public debt within aibnttod
pcimmI be maintained. If any i hn? i nl the objecta
or latea of taxation is deemesl ue? eaaary by t'ou*
grvss, it is suggested that expeiiem e ho*shown that
a dot] cau be placed on tea ami rtflTee, which will
lint enhance tllei pfli e of those ui tlelea to the con
sinner, aud which will add several uiilhaueof dol?
lars annually to the Treasury.
TIIK si pprkssion oy poi YOAMr.
1 be coiitiuited deliberate \iolation by a large
number of the prominent and luriueiittal citizena of
tlie Territory of Utah of tha laws of ti e United
Slates tni the prosecution ai d puiiisliuient of poly,
gamy, demands the attention of every depaitment
ni iheGoearnnaant, Thla farrJtorj aannpaaaahpllBai
aadnelool to entitle it in adutission a
Stale, aud the general interests ot tue Na?
tion, as well as the welfare ot tin- uf:ze- * of tho
Territory, require its advance from ibe territorial
form of government to the,dm,.? ami
pririhujea Of a State. Tins liupoiiant change will
tn t. howi \i i, be approved by tue eiiuiitiy w hile thn
eltu is ui i tan, in very coiupb raide eaaabar,a^>
buhl a practice which iacomleuiiied aa a crime Jiy
ihe lawn of all civilised rammaaltiae tnreaghoni
the world. Iho law ggf H?t auuoreasioii of taun adL