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fence wa? enacted with great nnanimitr hv Con greaa more than seventeen years ago. toil has ra m .lines I until recently a dead lrtt tt?r in I lie 'l.u r .v of Utah, beeau>o of the peculiar difficulties atteniting its enforcement. The npnu hi wnlelv prevailed ajnong the ctttacne of Utah that lilt law was in emit raven t hm of the eon ?Litutiiuial guarantee ot relmieii? tn eii.un This fibjeciie-tt is now removed. The Supreme Court of the Uatted Slates has decided the law to be vs ithia the t< .:? il; Ire power of Congress, and binding. :?? a .. Ihm, for all who reaii'.ed within the lorri toties I I er? i? no longer any reason for delay or licsiiat'on ri it- en'nrceiuen*. It should be tirinly and effect iv.-lv eX>c.ltod. Ii not S'luii'ielltlv sfiiii gent tn its piovis.ona, it should he niii*>n<lr.l, and in aid of tho purpose In view, I more e n ' t.-h. n- \e and laota searching netBOtll for preventing, as well as punishing, this crime be provide i If ;i -.ess il\ t . ?.?? 'it ? > ?Ii* : c law, the enjoyment ami exercise ?f the rights and privilegivs <.f citizenship in ihe Tcflilaiitoaf the lulled States may he withheld or withdrawn from thoaa wh> s i-date or oppose the etilii i BP all M the laiv on I -;;!>jort. PBBBJ ash PaJI PJJtOlaOKPj Theeli fi-ms nf tin* pa?i year, ihmigh occupied only w ii'. S ate nfticce, have m>t failed to elu it, in Ihr p' Iii c.i! di-r ns-ions which atti-nilcd I hem all over the i ? T.itry, new and decisive evidence oClhe deen interest winch tl.o meat h.slv ??f citi/. ti? take iu I be p> ..?r >< . I the cor. nl r\ tow ird a trete nil ( and coma . cstahlishm. il*, st whatever cost, of nnivervM-e i.ti'v ami fr<s <!..:.i in Ihc cxrriise nl tin-1 let live Wl ?!>' Q tat lopieoof pohtt ?"sl atnonra demand great at aw loa from our people. In.tb in : spheic 1-1 N iti.e ai ami Maw aiitbotity. 1 lad Bit re.'??oii tn qualify t he i ' hi.>i) 1 expressed in mv last annual .Message, tin no temporary ?'f administrative interests "1 Government, however tirgeui in ..iighiv, will?varaBaplai tin loalafaai people in defence <if the friniarv rights of gitiaeaafalp, and that tho pawer m pnblic opinion will overrule all polnieai prejudices and nil sectional and Slate altai lime i.t -. m di mai iln r that all over ..ur >? ide t?irit'>ry the naBM and chataeter nf eilracn of tan Ualtad Btataa thai! aaeaa cue and the -aim- f -.ii.g, und carry with them tun hallengcd nooutBty and respect, t-earaeetlv appeal t? the m hattaptnoa and r"iriofis-n of all smaii-tpr ns. of every p.irt of the country ? ???? ? much th v may na dtvhaod In aphainaa on other, political sahjecu*. to Balte in caaapelling obislii in e to exist in ir laws UiUie?; ai lha protection ot I lie right id suffrage. I MBBBOtfalli arnonnnn Conproas to anpply any lie? ferte in tJktae laws which experience has shown, and which it Is within its BOWi r to remedy. I again invoke tie- cop* ration of IBi Executive and Legis? lative .no luTitiasot the State.- m this great pnrpoea^ 1 am fulls coavineod that if tin pnhlic naiad oaa ha set at pm an ibis paramount vacation of papular rights, in> s -nous object will thwart or delay the complete pacification of th" country, or retard the general diffusion of prcsjiciiiy. Ir.Kiop.Misu Tin OtTIl IKBVB ;:. Ina : i ?!(?? M. ssagc I invited th* attenti lit' Conur-s-i th" subject of the lufortnation of the j civil servi 'i of Iii.' Government, ami expressed the intention >f transmitting to Cong-, .*s. as i '? practical a report ?upon tbia aobject bytbeChair inau of li e Civil Service Comn isemn. In view of the fad-that during a i maid iM ? period the OPVCtnoienl of Great lliitai'i has been dealing with amaatBittrat*Tt problems an I -. ir various pai tuulars naksnani to those ataaonted in this i nun try, and that, in recent yea-s. tin measures adopted weie noderatood to haveb en effective am. in every respect biablj aatiafaaanty, 1 thought it de?iralilo , to havvefnller informal urn upon the snbji-et.nnd a.' oi.liimly reanoaaad tho UhMmaaa of the i Civil Barvi <? Ootaatiaeaoa t ? make a thur- I otigh lavoaBlgatton for tl i- The j reniilt baa beta an atabafate and wopprehen- i ptna lapart. The reimrt aaaa lattk tha history of] the spoil? s> stem ol i.iv.ii llritan ami of; taVariatand tali af the Parliaimeataiy patronage,! and of i fii-aal mterfereur.- w ith the freedom of cleo- ' tions. It shows that, ali'-r long trials ol various kinds of cxaniii.atioiis, thus.- a weh an- competitive j pant op. ii oa oaautl tetnai an all, and w hich an- ear- i yicd on bbsV r the sups riaaondenoe of a single com- ! niisaiiin. i.avo with great udvaiiiagi beeues abl'sbt-d j BBOOnditton;. of ndiuisslou to ahnoal every otlicial i place in the BMBotdinato of that SnMtsTT and of Bciaiab laalia. The completion of the papal ton uaj to the ax teal af i he labor un oived in its prepui.iiion. : nd the oath -i"ii of Cousrese to anakeanj ptwvhaan eeahar foe the eomtn-nsation or i thei-vp i- 'sof theeonunlaaiou. has Iseen povipmnsl limn thi presentttme. It is herewith iranstuittcii j tu {: iiirii m, While the reform ii.oasureH of a:i ither i Qavetati ... ? ; no antbotitv torus, they ar? eu- I titled to inflnenee to the extant to wbicii their inttiii-ic wi-doin and their adaptation U> our itisti tutiotis and s. cia! life may <? ganaand to our coiisid- i erto ion. 'Ih" views] have heretofore expressed coin ernit g ; $jhv di fee:a -tad abuses in our civil administration | ?BBtBia Uli? hanged except hi s.. f ir as an < nlaifcd j exp'Ticn i baooponoa my aonoe of tlm duty, imth i af afleota and of ?M paepaa theaaaelvcs, to ci*5>k.t ate for ih .r removal. Hie mj r., evils and perils of a Bait las a epoHa ayetem of appointment to otiice I ?ndofoiiie ? ienure are now m-m ru'ly recgtnzeil. In th" reaolatioaa of the great parties, in the re ports of t-'i ariuieiita, iu theilchuics and proceed- . mg? of < '..iigress, m the mess ;ir,., l.xceutiv* s. th" gravit.\ ir ! h -se evils has been pointed ouI and the POOdol ti ei. reform baa been admitted To com inaiid the aaoeaaaaTP onppert, ovara measure ol i-e-I foi'u inrst tas basi'i' ou c.uiiiii.oi ligot and j?ii:.-. ' ami must be compatible with t!..- !: alt >y cxi.stenec of great pi:tie-., which are raevitablei n ! essential in u f i ???? M ii ?. W neu the o-'i,ii?ha\i :.ppr>\(d.i policy ai a National election, Confidence on tin purl of tho ofik-ors they have aolaeted and ot t be advisers prbo. in accordance wit ii out isditical instil ulious, 1 gbould be consulted in tl a noth y which it In their duty to carry lata mM < ta is indispensable. It is einiiiently prnper t hat The\ s! ..u'd expluiu it before the p op!e as aoII asillnstrato its.spin: in the p?r i?rnUUM I >'f i heir .iDicial dutUlS. ll hardlv need be pointed out that very different Considuratious apply to the greater uuuit^er of those ?who fill the snbotdinate plaeee in the Civil service. Their responsibility is to theti anparioia ia official Pobitioti. U w (Leirduty teohoj the legal instruc? tions of thoae ufmn whom that, antbonty is Volved. y,:id their le>st public serv no lomdsts iu the discharge of their fuuetmus irrespective of partisan pahties. Their duties arc the .same whatever party is m power, 8m whatever polioy prevails. As a consi-t-ueiice. it follows that their :. :.urc of oflii e should not ihpend upon the piovaience of any xadi. y. or (ho supremacy of any party, hot should Im; deai raaini d by ib?'r eapaiitty i.> serve in? p< .ipie moat uaefully. quite Ittnipactiro of partlaaa inter? ests, 'i hc -ami' eonsideraiinn.- thai sliuuld govern the tcuuic should also prevail r.i tho appoiu'.iucnt, diM'iplnie, und removal of torse- siihnrdciatos. The authority of appointment and removal is not a pecopleite Whieh may he us d to aid a frieud orro Wani a BarthBan, hilt is a trnat to be exerciacd iu the public in len s*, under all tt.e saucUous whu;h Htend flie obligation to apply the public funds only for public ptuposes. Kverv i itizcu hnnau equal right to the hote l and proht of entering the public Bcivii.-id bit tanatljl. The only just ground of dis ion attho npaBaarpof ob ura ter and capacity he baa to aaahe that service most aaefol to the peo pl?. j.xi.i-i la mswo whote, apoo joat and recognized prim jies. as upon tha theory of pensions, of Bus and prone.tmtie are bestowed as lew aids for past aci vi. tm, thaw bestowal upon any theory wliii Ii dis regar-ls pevaonal merit lean net af injustice to the CitlZeu. On Weil us u breach ol that llUst cubjccl to wliieti tl..- .ip,Kiiuiii.g power la held. I ii..PI K MK.IIluO.S Ol EXAMINATION. In the iivtht <>f these principles, it BOOOmeaof great hafpartani ? i i ptaajafajanl and adequate means, es? pecially i'<r every department and largo ailnmn*. tratne . in. .? wl i pj pciaonal daBLliniination oti tin part oi if-In id is BUI practicable, for ascertaining thosa- BjaaliaVatiena to whn h appuintntenta and r? BappaJa s:.niil.I have relereiico. fo fail to provide auch nie .ns is net only to d- i.v tia- opp.ntunii. of BBOafftaining the facta upon Whieh the most right e?u- el urn fo i.Wr?> depends, but of necessity !?. dis? courage ill nrtiiy Hspiranii. by handing over ap poaataaenaa aad* to naare lallnenoe and fa? voritism. It it in |ue rigtit ol tho worthiest claimant to gam the appointment, ami the iutereet "f the ps-ople pi bes'ow it upon him. it a ?Iii I seem clear that w:si: and just method wl ascertaining personal littn-s? tor otiice inust nerds bo i.i iinj.nrianl and permanent function of ever)' Just and >ms '/overiinient. Ii nar h ug sine, become imp i.- bl . I i thopiwatOafiee . (>?: ;h-.s. baying the aliii\ id nomination and appointment to personally examine into the individnsl quaiilicalions of more than a s o >i: ptunoftatn ??l t?aoo ?ceking office, and witb ihc enhirgeinent of civil service that propor tin.'i banal oontlnna to become less. Iu the earlier I year;, ol tha OoTrTBMrnt. tim subordinate office* j wan so lau fa anaihoc thai II was eaaj foi tfio-e mak egappotntaaenaaand pteanotiana lo personally j asnii rial a iau aaarrta oi the ruasttdatae. Party wan un ts ;iiid nieltniils had not Iben iavoiuo powerful agencies wt entPcloB, BBOtlla lo ihe tree ami Just cx araiaa ad ihe aBspatntinp pawer. A l?r? ai. i reaponaloi? par' of the duty of restor? ing I in- Wvs! t-s to the d.-.- red purity and eftl CU-ney n-ata upon the J'n ai leiif, ion! It has been my parpo e lo do w.iat i- within my power toad vnaeeanch priideor and gradual mea-nros of re iaias aa trill most aayely aad rapidly bring abaut that change of nyatein essential to make pegadanaataPativuatal^poda aa'.iNfactory to a tree mad mtadhaaat people. My a prup?r exeretse of au? thority it ta In the power ol t . Bxec :.\. todo Bauch to promote auch a reforoi, but ii cannot '>e iao chearlj nudisrataod that aothina] adequate can be asreoPrpUsaied without ?'?<>,.erution on the part of fTansajiaa. I hi 11?ulaiala and bstaiiiaaa sapport pjpyp the people. Ib'iorius whjca euailenge the eautarallj asjteptad ?saarate mi part ? , amidruand ebangrn iu ?M met boos ol departttp uta, are not the work ol a day. I heir periiis'ieui to iindatioun must he laid in wmud principles, und m an experience whn h aVaaaaoeatati a ths rwiadom aavd expo**:* ihc errors ol tuen ad vertan, s. l-.v.-iy \;,y niin , r deal res to make lim ial action a gain and an honor to bia country, but the people ibem.siIres, fur more tiian tbeir other is in annlie atation, are in ta-psst.d in u pure.eoonouncai ami vigornjs adiuiu jppjrathaBi My la as enacted in lsif>,l um. lHoS, and now m auoalauco i>Meliorated in the !;.. rhu praciHc of ii/intiary apiKiiutmrnt? to the several I subordinate grade* in th* great Derailments was (Otidemteil, itnil cxatninatuuii, an to <-apacitv. to he conducted bv departmental hoard* <'f examiners, were provided for and made conditions of adnut-si m to the public service. These et-.tutca are a decision by ('oner ,h that examinations of some aort M to attainments and capacity are essential to the w. 11 Wiug ot |M public service. Tbt in port ant ques? tions sim*.- tbe ena^tmrtjt of these lnw* have l>eon as to the rharaeter of Iben BBaminatloue,aad whether oQrial Uverl aud pini an influenceef common right am! m?fil wen? to control tbi n?c? ss to tbe examination* In practice tbeea examina? tions have ii -t always been open to worthy pBieotM perirrally who might wish to lie examines! ; ollb ial favoritism and pa 11 intluetieo. ns a rule, appear |e have dtflngnated those who aloue were permitted to go before tbe examining boards, subjee I ing even the examiners to a pressure from the friends mi ttie raudiriurrt very 4 'i eult to r. >iat. As a MHI queiice. Iba Standard of ?dmicnien fell beien Ihetwbieb the nubile inter? est de BBUBUeU. It waa almo.t inevitable that a system which provided for r.irioiis sennrAte lioerris oif examiners, with mmmh supervision or uni fori i method of proe dnre, should result in eonfu aion. Inconaiatener and in.nleqnate testa of ee tracilv, hiahli deti iniental to the public inter, st. A fart bei ami mare radical ? hange was obviously reauired. in the annual BMaaaaa af December, 1870. mj predaceeeor declared thai 'there is no duty which s<? much rmbatrassrs the Executive nun heedi ?I depm I nn at* ns that of appointments, nor ia there .tnv >nch anhious and thin kies? labor imposed on Senaten and Bepceeeatativw aethat ol finding places for conatttnente. The present syntem doc* iio< ercure the t>e.?t men, and often rot lit Men, for tbe public places. The elevation and puritica Uee of the Civil Service ftbi Government w ill bo hailed with unoroval by tbe whole peopleof tho I UoitedStates." Congreaaaccordingly paeaed the act approved liarek :<, 1*71. "to regulate ihn Civil > ?; . i. i ol the Caned States und promote Iho efficiency lhereof," giving the accessary authority to the Executive ta baetltale ? < ivil Service rc follil. w am r aa i it. ronrnicwoB Acting on del t!u< stati.te, winch was iuterprefd aa in ten lid to seem.' a s\ .stem ot juet und t lb rtual | examinations, under uniform mi,tei vision, a Dum? ber of eminently competent paaNI were wl et teil j for t lie purpose, who cuteml with real ii|k>ii tho discharge .,f Cm ir datiea, picpa.ri d with an Intelli? gent appreciation of the romlreinentf of the sor- j vice the renn hit ions contemplated, and took char:'" of the rxatninitteaa, and wbo. in their capacity as aboard, BOV* been known as lite "Civil Service? Commission." Cenneaa fat twa years nppropri 1 at cd the m< nep needed for the aomnnnaatton nml for the expense ef i rryingiw tbe werk of tbe com- j mission. It nppears tooui the repori of r'te commit*- j aioii, submitted |othe Preaident In April, 1874,that examinations had been held in various sections of | the country, nud thai tin appeewriat'on of nlsiut. j !P2o.OOO would he reqnlred ta meet the annual ?x- , j pensfs, includingaalariee, involved iu discharging I the duties i f tbe commiaaiou. The report was tranemittcd tn Coagrcacby apeclal message of April 18,1874, with tho following fa-I vorahie comment upon thelaban ef the, romniis-j shin : " It sustained t>v Congreaa, 1 have no doubt i the rules can, after the experience gained, Im. so improved nml nnfppci d as to etil] morn materially beneilt the publle eerviee and relieve Ibe Fxeen tive, m it.; ra of I foe git and Ibe lu ads of depart? ments from inflnenceeareindicisl to good ndminis tration. Tbe rnlea, aashay have hitherto tn a en? forced, hive resulted beneficially, ae ia ahoc n by the opinions of the mem bare af the Cabinet and their subordinateo m the departments, and iu that opinion I concur." Andinthi ennnal m^sangi* ol December of the aatec year similar views are ex pr. ss -il, aisi ..,?> aiipi.ipiiatton for continuing tho work ot the rommiaatea again adviacd. The ap? propriation was no? made, and, as a consequence, the active work ol the commission irai s.isp, mied, leaviuethe commiaaioa itself still iu existence, without the lucins. thorcf rc. of causing I qiialirications ta be tested in any ayatcmatic man? ner, or of securing for the public service the advan? tages ol competition upon any extensive plan. I recommended in my annual meaaaae ol December, 1877, tbe making of an anptxaytiation for the re? sumption ol the work of the commission. In the meantime, hnwevt*. competitive examinations, under many cmbairaaomewta, have b en eotidncfed, within Inuiteil spbeics. in the executive depart ni"ot? in W'nahineton. and in a number ol the Cus? tom Houses and Poet Ogfoeaef lb ? principal cities I of tbe coiiOtrv. with a view io further ts- their of- j feet , hm! In ererj laatauee thei have l?een found ; to be a"s saluiitry as they are slated to have been under the admitiistr ition of my prt deci s-or. I tlutilc ; the ecooouiv, purity and nfQeteacy of the ptiblb* ser? vice would be greatly pronintisl bv their systeinatii introduction, arbarever practicanle, j Ihronghont the aotiie Civil nerviee of tiie Gov | enimeiil, together with ample ptovisioti fur ihcir j general supervision, ia order to secure consistency j nud uniform jtistdee. Reports trout th ? S -eretary of the lnteri .r, from the Poatnuteter-Genenil, tromlhe | Postmaster in the Citp <>t' New-York, where such ex aminations have h< on some time on trial, nud also . from the I nllectocol the Perl, tbe Naval Officer ami I the Surveyoi in thai city, and from the postmasters mid collectors in several of the othci large citms, I show that I In- competitive system, where Applied, has in various ways contributed to improve the | nnblie aen'iee. Thereportaahow that the results bate been salutary la a marked decree, and thai the general application ot similar rules cannot | fail to he of decided beUelil to t Ii? s. i \ .? ??. The reporta of iho Government officers in the City of New-York, eepooiaily, bom docidotl toftti uionv to the uliltty of open cauipatit ivei xamiuationa in their reepeotitv offr cm. 3hot? u.g that " theso ?>x andnatinne and tho ? acalmnt qaaliflcatione of those admitted to the aarviee through them have had a marked incidental effect apaa t!.<- per&ons pre? viously in the service, ami particularly lipon Cose aspiring to promotion, ThatO has been, on the part nf the.snlatter,aniacreaaed intereat in the work, aud a desire to extend aaQUn ? ' mca v itli it beyond a par: icul.ti desk, and thus tbe mural ? of tho entire foroe. has b v>n raiaed. The eAau.iuati.uis have lavon attended by many citizens. WBO have bad an i opportunity to thoroughly wvoatlgato the scope aud charaefer of the te->ui aud the method of determining the results, and those viHifnrs have, without exception, approved I the modes employed, aad several of them have pttb lictly attested ibelr favorable 084bIou n|s?n such considerations." I deem it my duty to renew the raeonimetnlaiioti contained in my annual message of December, I *>77. reqm .,*ing (ioBgreaa to make the I necessary apprnprtation for the resumption of the I work of tli* Civil flfirrlaeCammlealnn t-conomy will be proiuored by authoriEinga moderate com? pensation to persons in the public service who may perform extra labor upon or under t he commission, as ilte. Executive may dire-t. I am eenVlUCed that if a just and definite test of men' is enforced for admission to the public nervi? e and in making pronmtiona, auch abuses as removal without good cause ami partisan and ofli: ial inter leren ,? ta il h the pi .per exercise ol the ippointing power, will, in birg? BMNUBBra, diaapnear. Tbere are other admiaietraltva ai uses to the atten? tion > r Congreaa ihoald be Baku I in thii oouiiection. Mere pai' loan appoint mcnl and I ho constant peril of removal without eauBBvery natamlly b ad to an abaorbiug lud laiachievena political activity ou the part of those thus appointed, ?im h not only inter? feres with ihe due discharge of utli ial duly, but is ineompaii Ie with the fjajaekun of elections. .Not nitinut can an I, in t he view of several of my pre deces.? in I ho naoldanliBl nfliin. and directly iu . or m i. with Ihe law of 1471, already cited, 1 endeavored, by regulation made oa the *?Mof Juno 1877, to pal some rea-sniiable ha ils to such abuses. POIJTlCtL SCIMM1 <>P PKUKllAl. OOFlCE-BOMinnn. ? It i ay not be BBgy, and it may never, p*i bajie, b? necessary, to deg|M w ith pceelaMfl tbe proper luuit of politic il action on the part of Federal officers. Hut while their right to hohl mid freely express their opinion* cauuoi be queathnaad, it ? very plain that they ehonld neither baaBewed to devote to other subjects the time needeil for the proje i discharge ?>f tii.'ir i (Dei tl datiea nor ta ii*.- tbe BUfbority ot their olllcu to enforce tha brown opinions, or to coerce the political .action ol those who hold different opinions. Iieanonsot justice and public polity ?iiuie analogous to those which folbid tbe use of ufhiiul power for the oppression of tho private ciii/?"ii iiii|m(s iijmiii the Governeaaal tb? duty of protecting its vfheera aud agenta from arbitrary ex? actions, in wbateVM aspect considered, the practico ??! muking leviee tor party pnu.. - iijM.ii i!te stlarii s o' oahaan is blgbly demoralizing to the public aerviee and itiiereiailalde to the country. I bough an olh n should be :e free as anv other citizen to*give bh own money in aid of his opinions or bia party, be should alaa beaa free aa any oiJm ? iiizan to tefUaa u> autka s.n h gilt-. If salaries are but a tail BBOtnajpmliM fur the time ami labor of tae OBBeera, it is gro-s briuatiee to levy a tax upon lhem. If they are ninth- excessive in order that they may beartiM tax, the eiooee ia aa indirect rohbary af tha public funds. 1 recommend, tharafoi i. -in b a rei bnoa and ash mdoa ef preaeui statutes a-so.ill aocuio to liBMO UI every grade of nfficlal llfi or pnblic emplovmenl the protection witb which a great end enlightened nut.on should guard those st ho .are taithlul in ita service, i.i i in i\- Wim toi;, ir.s cm .\Ti.ii:?. Our relations with foreign countries have con t -til* d !>?? ie '.? !. N^irhGteat llntntu liiere are still unaputled ijnaaaeaBa, uVowiugont of the local laws of tue maritime Prwviucea and tbe notion of pro. rnwialant . deoaaed te bo ir ahnuejagkni al rights loouied by treaty to Ameriean haharmcn. The United Stetea Uiuiater ia Londea hna lasen m atrui led to present a demand for <<l(V>,.'ki., ou. m viw'ft'i ?f. - I i , i il li) Ameti?Mti e.iijp UH a. Pattnati B.the Othdaj of January, 1878 the subjettiiits bean tafcaa lata c >nai<i< ration by the hrit.ab (,o\, and tin early Penl] ia autuipaud. Cpon the ? nnpletinii of |ne nectasary preliminary ezanduutiou, the aubj ct of our parthBmatian tu t e provincial fisheries, x* rettnlatral by tretty, w ill al nn . 1 brmigb: to the tlliicinti <if th. Ii il -Ii I i i'.erijuient. tilth avow loan ciriy and pc, lua.uait ?< til, .c... ol tbe whole .pe-stniu, which was only 1? iiip.nnrBH adjuaiesi by the livaiy of Waniiington. KfToru he'. ? i .Oi Oi ..? i.I ai ii 11..- 11 .,n>\.,; uf reai i ic - tious loaml iniarieaa to the aKSSetaaiafe of cattle to tue United Kingdom. Rom* rorrrsrayndenre htm ajea mt* inrcd with regard tn the rescue and saving of lifo nur} property upon tho lak-e, which haa re? sulted in important modifications of the previous regulations of KM !><oninton (roTemni. nt on tho snhjeef in the ink-rest of hnamnitv Mi com? merce. In mcm lance with the Joint lUflOtu* Mon of flat laat B dann! Coiistpss, Commissioner* v ' r.. appointed lO IOWOMbI tlic IrBttod states at two international cxhibi ions tn Australia, one ol which l|now m progress BtflvdBOy, anrl the other ?o Im? lielil next venal Melbourne. ? desire lia* Jh?iin . pteaaed of m;r merchant* ami mannfao turers in forested in tne im|iottanf and growing tr.ul" with Australia that an increased pr >vi?h.n should he iii;kI< by Coinrres? lor the representation ot our iniius'ries" rit the Melbourne l.xuibitlon of BeZi paar, and ?he ??Meet is respectfully submitted Ito your f?Torahle cons.tlerat um. fin: mtv piif.nch OeMsa, The asaentot thetiovenimcnt has been given to the landing on t In? i of Massachusetts of s new and independent ir.insatlantir oabtObetween France, by way of the French Island of St. Fit rre. ami this country, subject to any future legislation ?,f ('on? er, s-: mi the subject. The conditions hnno-. d. be? fore allowing this connection with our shores to DO a tahlished. me such a* to Baeurc its oompettthwi w :tli any exi~t;t:i'or line* of muri yc cable, and preclude amalgamation therewith. la pant kw for ei tire i quality of rights to our Gaverninriil and people with those of France in the use ot the cable, and prevent any exclusive possessio! of the privi? lege as aaioidod by Tiaatw ta the dbaWhraataae of anv fi:torr* cable eoBiannilealloa between France an I the I'mted Baatea which n.av he p^efepte i aad ?lownplMhed by oar nitiaaoa. an Inportaal radae lion of tho prrawal rates af Mala roauaanloatioo w'iii Klimpe, felt la be too bard caaocflt ta the later* e is of aar commerce, must acer saarily flow frma tha eatebllehuutof Urs competing Hoe. The attention of Con press wn* drawn t<i the propriety of -nine panoral reanlation i>y Connreaa of the whole aabjoet of transmarine cables by ?.. ptc deoeowarta his Message of Deecenbcr 7, 1975. and I i rapes I fall a snhaait to your eon asd erat tun the importance of Congressional asti?>n in this n alter, j The qneationa of grave Importance arlth Spain, ,- . -\rfnp out of the haeldaarta the Cnban InaniTac 11? ?>. have been, fur the most para, bapndy ami honorably aettlod. It mac roaaeaabl?, ha anti i ip dad thai the i iimmlealon, now aittipain Waab (npton, f'?r the dechdou of private cawja in this connection, will <.i*?n ha able lo aviac laa lahata to a ermeloatoB. The ronp-etaading question at Real Florida claims h is lately In on reaewed as a aaMi 11 oi'coro .simmieiiee. ami may Baaaibli icqalre Can "!? aaional aeti <n for ita final nleo laiiion. A treaty w ith tao Netherlands, with tuapeel to eonaahu right - and privilege*1, sir. ilar la those >. Ith ollo r powers, h h locu s'gned and ral t'.- ', am! ?->.? ratifieatioua were exchanged on the :ils? of July I ? i. Negotiatioua (or pxrr idltion treaties arlth the Netherlands and arlth taanmarh are now in pro? gress. Some aneatieaa with Rwitaerlaad la loqerd la paapor aod aaai ol aatlsraala have ari?cn. I nt it is Bat doalrfJeri that th af ?ill bo arranged aaan a iu?i and aatisfnetory baebv A aaaalIon ha* ab?i oeoBirari wrtb reapeef to an aaaartoo < I iln by flwlaa malt lei pal authorities to exercise tutelage over persons ami properly of 9whr* citraene nalaral'oeo in thai conntiT. It is mo ?>'?'. tbiamayrvoaireadiaatatootby treotf? With tho Oonaan Empire ireejaenl qaeal ions arise in connection with the inbjeets of na'uralizatiori ami exrmtiintioa. bat the laiparfal Ooveriiniept has constantlv manifeated ?: de ire to strictly maintain and comply with ail treaty stipulations in regard lo I hem. In Boneeqaenee o:* the am lesion ot Cnngreea lo provide for a iliohMoatl* renroaentative nt AI hen*, the legation to (je,.,-, e has been arltbdrawa. Then is now no channel of diploao ttie sammunication !><? iween the two conntrwa, aad tha expediency of providing for one in some form is submitted to Con gr-'s. Belettoae with Austria, l?is.^i.i. ita'y. ParlnpaL Tiirliev ami Belriaai continue amicable, uml marked bv no incident nf especial Importan <?. A change of the personal head of the Government of K/ypI has taken BaBOBi Ko ehagapa. however, has occurred in tbe refatioaa batwean Kvvpt rmdthe United Ktates. The action of the Ea.? ptian Govein mei.t in oreeenH?B to tho Oltyof New-York one i t Ihe nticietit oheli ks whieh paBaBBI taeh hp-foneal interest is appiaalated as a generous maik of international regard. If praoperiiy ahouid ntteml the enterprise of itstrausimrt.ilion across the Atlan? tic, its erection iu u eOBBP BBOWa position in the chief coinmercial eltf of the Nation will ls< soon ac? complished. 'I la treaty recently mad- In t'voon J ipaa and tl a Ciiit.d Ktstes, in regard la Ihe revision of former treaties, if is bow believe 1 wil! be followed hy similar ariion on flu-purl of otbei treaty pow? ers. The attention of Consrasa ia again int io-d to the snbjiyd of the indemnity tandl r . ?-, d Feme years since from Japan and China, which, with tlie'r a'-euintilatod interoat,now aamnnf to consid iiiilesums. Ifsaynartof tbeeofotulsisjusth dit? to American eitizcts they s'mti'd Meetve if promptly, und whatCTOI ma\ have men received hy this Government in execs-, of stiutlv just demands slmuld, in kmuc form, In reiunie.l to the nations t.. wbmn it cipiit nhly h-'lontrs. Tae Covernmeiit of China has signified its wilKagnom ?<< con idea Ihe question of the eiuiirr.ition of its subjects to the I'liited Kt.ttvs wiih a ?)iapasaionate fafmeso.aad toenCperaio in 1 such nieanuch ns may lend to prevent niiurioUs i cotiseqiiotices in tIn- United Stales. I be neg. tiations arc still proceeslinp,nod Will Is- pteaaed wttli dili? gence. A question having BTteea lajtween (thina and Japan abonl tlie Looehoo Jalands, the I niftsl Slates Govcrnim-nt has taken BtaasnPss to inform tli.sje powers of its le.ioii.-se tn ext- ad ih. aouxl olflcas for Ihe maintenance of peace, if thov shall mutually deem ItdraarabJe ancTflnd ii practicable In avail i .lemsclves ot I ho pn II'- r. stoit'im; i iik n aspgrjl hau??. It lai Bjpjathsoaalan aaWahle la aonomibe that tlirotigii tho Jndiaiooaaadonaraotic action of the uiilitary commaaanaiof tho two nations nn each aid?-of the Rio Otnndo, andar the Inalraeiioiis of their respoetiTo Ooooramaale, panfa aad depreda tionfi hive greatly deerer-.scd. and in the localities where formerly niOHi d< stnietiv ? have now almost wholly reosed. In viev of tin* result. 1 t-ntertain a conlideiit. expeetatiea that the oontinnauce of the prevalenco of quiet on tLe border will noon become so assured as to justify a modification nf the present orders to our military commanders, as to Brewing tho border wiihoin enrouraBinir such dastarbances hs vrould eiidatmer (he paaoil of the two DOUDtnes. The third Instalment of tho award nmlaal Uexico under the Claims Ciimmis.siou of July J. I^i.s. was duly paid and bus la?en put in course of ilisinbi, ion in pnr ana nee of the ad of Oanaiaai ppoyiding for the same. I his satisfactory all nation between the two countries leads tim la anticipate an expansion of our trade with Mexico, and aa Inereased contribu? tion of capital ami Indaasty by oar people to tho development of ihe groat rcrann aa of that. ountry. I enrneafly commend fo the wisdoni of (.'ougresw the provision of hiiiiahlo legislation looking to (his re? sult. lnp'omatie intercourse with Colombia is agnin fnlly restored by the arrival of a Minister fr-.m ihat : country to the [Jaitad st t rs. This hj especially lortiinate. iu view ? f the laol thai the question <if an internceanic Banal has recently aaaamed a new and imp.>i laut aepoct ar:d is now under dtscpsslon with theCeiitrwi Aasaricanoonulilea, ihr-mgii whose territory the canal l>y Ihe Nicaragua mute won Id have to pas*, (tie I in-ml thai ralqdlteBcd states? man hip on their part will t. e th..f fh.-c .rlv p. ?e cution oi sneh a work will barBely Inare to the bene? fit, not only of their own atiweae andthnaeof the I Um led States, but ?d Ihn aouiwaroo of the civiliaotl j world. It is not doublod that, should the work he oudertaken under the protective anspieea of iho United Stales, and upon aalisf.ictniv .-.incesaiona for tnc right ol way and its. secuiiiy d, iheCeutial American Governments, the capital for its comple? tion would readily bo rnrnktaad from this country ami Karape which nnghf, falling sii h guarantoca. pi-ove macoeaelbaBL Diplomatic relations w ith Chili have alee been atmugthened bythe reeaip'iou of a Minister lroiu I thai country. Tho war betwaou Pern. IMtvia and Chili still ouitiniies. The Unrated Bin tea bare not deemod it proper to interpose in the anal u r further than to couvoy to all the Qofaruntents concerned 'the aasnmnco that Iba friendly offices of the Gov? ernment oi the Unib d Kates for the restoration of pence upon un honorable basis will b ext? uded, iu ease the ncl.igeri ats shall exhibit a r. Bslineaa to ac? cept tbein. Cordial relatiooe continue with Prazil and the Argentine BepabliC, and trade w ltd theas countries in impioving. A proviso , f(,r regular and aaara freejossal mail iwanainniiBiitin. ia our own ahina. hotweon thoporla of tins oountry and the Nations of Smith America seems to me to deserve tho at; en lion a| Dagopuaa as an essential patuanM <d an enlargement of our comiin-rce with tin-to and an ei teuaion ol mn oarri mg trade, a recent revo iBttoB ni Vonozaela ba- been fallowed by ihe e.-tab lish .aent of it provisional ChrvBtUBM nt. This Gov cll in-Ill iianllol >el been lollilally l. i out.i/.ill, and it . decin .Iii? >. .Ic to uwait the |.t.i|..,?.| uetlou of tin- I.pie wt.I. Il is e\pi > led I . ur,. :( ffic Mine tiini of rooeUthtioual f rms. A naval veseel has la-en sent f-i tbe ."M.iinan Islands, to make aurveya mid take p-isscvsinn i.i iin pi.v I e.-s 11 |. d to the I lit.-., Stafe In Saii.-i.t, in' the llaroorofPago 1'ago. A coaling ?Uli nil . nie l'sl abi^hcil there, Winch will be COUfOUionl Bud useful to I'nitiai SOitiw vesfU'ls. The n.mject af opening diplomat la relations with Koumiuiin and Barvia, uu? boeome ind. p,ndciit sovereignties, is at present ug I, r c 'ns'.dcrniion, and is the siibicct if diplomatic correspondence. There is a Rralifyiai laaiaaaa p ir.d? wi ll m-arl) all F.uiopeaii and Aim m an coim:n. tasl it is oelii-m d thai, with Jodie ion* aoti on In regard to its dcv.-lopinciii, it can ami wiii ho more enfiamesl. and Baal Amoin an products an.! manufactures will Bado wund exh Hiding fnarkeu, The lopaalp af diplomatic and consular oft,., ,? tlp,,? |h?, Mii,j,.0t under tbesyntem now adop:ed. nave re nlted Iu ob laiiniig much valuable information, winch haa been and will continue, to bo laid tieioro ('oa^osaM. and the public from time to time. TUB UOMWltOi OP AlAfik*. The third article of tho taUBtf wii-b liusaia of MaicbbO, 1M7. by which AInsLa wan ceded to tbe United States, provides that the inhabitant* of the ceded territory, with th? exception of tho uncivil? ized native trilie*. shall bo admitted 11 the. enjoy? ment of nil the riebt* af eftfcriUO Of tbe Cr b d Sfnle?. nri't ?hall ba maintained and protected in the frae entoTment of thoir liberty of property ami religion. The nneiplltgao. tribe- .ate i aid < t to *u< h law* ami mgnlati ?tu p* the United States mav from 11..ilo liioe a?lo|it in reesrd to tho aborig? inal tribe* of that pp?It/. Both the obligation* of tbia treaty and tbe necessities of tho people require thol MM twgtniltd form of government ?\rr the Territory of Alaska he adopted. There naafji to be no law for the arrear of person* charged with ooMtnon law offener?, such a* assault, robb ?ry end Bravder, and no ewig la tr?te authorised toinsne or execute proeaoe m such ensea. Serione difftcidlios have already arisen fr. m elf. neos of this character,? ot anty aasMig tho original iahabttanta, but among flliione of tho TTaiton Stnfee nud other UUUIltliee who have engaged in mining, fishing and other bu?i,ie?* operation* wiihin the Territory. A lull author laiag the appointment of Jnartcea of the JV^ee and constable^ and t hi nrre -t and detention ef pagpaajM charged with "rimtnaieaTroeea,end pro? viding Air an npoeal lo Untied States Conrt* for the Dlstrtet af Oregon, in eaitabie eases will, nt a oroi* r time, he anmalt ted ta Con ar cap. i sir. rt'Bi M hum rt. The attaatiou of Cniigreas i* call? d to the aim nil rcpori of the Secretary al the Treasury on tiie con? dition Ol the public IHtttlfffi Tbe etdiMTJ revenues froei all bohsbob far the land pear aaded Jane 30, 1879, \m rv $27:i.s'27,184 >?>. beordiaaiy exoeedt turcrt lor the bbbm period were 8266,947,068S3, leaving a aerplaa revenue for the pear of 86,HTO>,300 99, Th? rece'ni* for tbe preeeol i*c?l \< ?, ling June HO,, Beta .! and estimated. am a* tn'hws: Actual reeeipti for tue tirai ?pi trier, commencing July 1. I s/:?. e70.o4:i,tl63 t'.l; ?-*Mmat<d receipt* fnr tbe renaming three* qnartera of the jrear.9v306,ll?6v396 39: total re i I pis I ib< cur real Qaoai year, actual and cat i mated, $1188,000,000 The exvenditurea far the same r.n I v/.U be. actu .1 an I c.stjinat -il. as f.d hVwa: Vot Iheqnartei euauuencina Jalj i 1*7'.), peti :i. .-?p ndituree 801,003.383 !??; and for ih? remaining three- quartern of the year, tbe expend!- i pareanrei ittmated al 8172,.'110,614 90, makiagtbe total expend! ferae r_''.i ?? >'.?hh?. and leaviag nn eatimnW t nrp it* rt rena ? for the pear ending June 30. 1880, Of if,-'l,0<M?.0'M>. tbe total -e in: during the next fiscal year, end? ing .bine ."0, 1181, r .Minuted ... ording to i lifting lane, will he 8388,000,000. and Ibeeatrmated <>nli nare evpendltntvo for the ?m>'? period will be 8378,007,30439, l-wvincaanrploool 99 903.033 81 fm that pear. The largo emewnt exneodod for erveara of petMion* daring tha laat and tha preoonl ii eal rear, eaaoantlag t i 831,7474249 80, ii?? pre rented ;he eppIlenUoB of U e f ill mmmibI reojatred i.\ law to the einktng land for the nuirent rear bnt the**' arnum hariaa ix'e? nnbttanttaliy paid, it is be? lie red < the *'iik;ot' Bead ? aa ban afn r be main* tnined nrthani any ehangeof cxistma law. rag A I. MY. The s m ret ry of Wiai n parte that the War Do* part meal eatimateB for the laeal year endiegJane 80, 1881. are848^80.488 'M. Iha same being b-r a less run:.if masay thaa nnynnnnal aatimala rap aered to ?anmaaa from that Departeaaal dnriag e p.??vi. d il at least twelve year*. He concur-with ihe Ueaeral ??! Ihe \itny tn rc< emu r inluiu mi h Icr; ielatton aa a ill authorise the eniiataaenl of tbe lull Bnmberol U.'.OiK) an n for tie 1.p.-of ti..? Arm,-, ezrineieeof the 9,400 men required for detached duty, aad tl eeefore aet arn?alne far aerriee la the ti. hl. I la nlsLi reoammends t hat < .'oinnvs* b?' adted t<> ' provide by laa- for the gmaiiBltioa of ii btrga number i afabandonad military peetaand reearTatiena.whleh, Ibonch eery ratanble la IhomeolTee. bare bei b rm- . dered UBelesa lor military purpoat ? bv the adrnnee ef ut ilization and Betfleroent. He unite-with the i Ki itirteiniHater-t.'eneral iit reeammending that an appropriation be Balde mr tha MnMtrnotion of a i heap ami porfeci ly tnepr mf build ti-r for the safe at or aae ef a vast amount ef money, account*, raneb rra, deime, end other valaable recorda bow fax the Q imaeter-Oeni iaTa oflloe. and expo ed to great risk of tol i! a rtrnettoa by Bre. tie ano ieeoa> mende, Ineuaformity with the views ol lhaJndge Ad roc ate tleneral, bcm Beclaratory mgialation in reference te the aviHtary Stntnta of Limtta Iton?j as npj.lied to th;- crim- of ib s-r tlon. It. iheee several recmamaadntione I concur. Tbe Beeretary of War farther r-ports that the work far the Improvemenl of the Booth I'assirftin Mis.siss'.ipi Ifi\er. iteder cm tract with Mr. .1 itne It. Kails, made pi puisaaiicc of an act of Uongreae, Ima been prosecuted dartna the Baal rear wrtb n U'< ati r meaanie af auceeea is tii attniamont of i " iiilta than dnrina a ip proi iona year. The chan? nel through IherJ urn real which, :.t the beginning of JntlO, lW7ft. h id ?i depth el ,.p,v 7'-ji. t of wal. r, lierLon the 8thot Jalr, i 179. a mmlmnja danth ot 28 feet, having a width of not less than um? lcet, a oi a ee Ira I deni b oi 80 feet. Paymentt bare been made In accordance with the atatata a* the work ptogreaaed. amottnltng Ib Iba aggregate la g i,300.01 mi. and lartberpayaients nrill beemni due, ?a pievided by the etntnae, iu the BTeuief Bueccaa in maiBtalning the channel now I veiled. The report! of t'.< General af the Army and nl' pin nbprdhnlBB pi ? lenl a full and dt tailed BCConnl Of the I mil tarr operatinna for tbe repreaaion of huatOitiee among the ladianaof (lie Ute and Apache tribee. tiud praiae is jnetly awarded ta the offlcera and ij-s.p.- engnged, for tha promptneoa, si all aad conr> :<i.e diaplaveda The t>a*f rear baa bean ana of ?ilir.osl tiiibmken pea^ee and ij-.uer on the Mexican frontier, and there hi reason ta believe that tbe . Aorta ?I i hi- ?evaroment and of Mexico te main? tain order ia thai n gma mil prove permanently aoecerefnL rbte Deportment wae enabled, during the i-ast vear. to Bud temporary tho-tgii erowded aaeommmur?una und a safe depository for a fMirfnei of us reeorde in the noropleted east wmgoi the im Idingdeaianed for the >tatc, War end .Navy Das? part men te, The conetrnction of the north enngof the bu ldme, a part of the Btractnre intendecTfor the nee if the wai Department, U)betagearriod forward with all possible dUpat h. and the work ?honld receive traia Congrem -n. i. LiheraJ appro-1 priatJoM a* will secure it.-, ipeedy completion. TUP NAYV. Tha report af tha Secretary af the Xavy ahowi continued improvement in thai branch of Iha ear* plea during the la?t fiscal year. Extensive ie pairs have bet n made apoa reaeela^ :<nd two new ships have been eampleted and made ready for sea. Tho total expeuditwee of tbo year ended Jane 80. ir;70, ' leelndhig apaahae appeufwlatioaa not aattmatcel for by tbe Dcpartiuent. were 813^080.710 08. The rx peneee chargeable to the year, alter dadnodug the Burauul <if tinse ?paetfk apprepriatioae, wetn 813.343,317 79. but this is ?unjeet t<? a r. Iqr> I UOB of !*ii;8:i,7'i.'i ttfl, that amount having been \ drawn upon warnmls. but not pnul nut Oaring the j vear. The anuMtuI m aparnprintiona apnlieahbs to the last fiscal year was l,.r>:i.h,ii |?J J 7. j 'there was, ihciclore. ,i balance ol 81.479,004 117 remaining urn xpeoded and to the eredil .if the Department on June no, i<s7o. Tho e?. tiinates for tae heenl ram ending .lime 89, ihsi, are ?rl 1,sill, 117 '.l."i. v.tiuii \.s the tipii'.piia.ions for tbe pieaanl fiscal year 8301,997 98. 1'he reason i (ertbwtncreaae mexalained in the beeeutary^i re? port. Tbeappronriatiana fee ihe praaaal Bacal \inir are !; I 1,009 800 t>7. which will, in the Bptolan oi the Baeretary,nuawat all the erdtaary demandeofthe anmrat Tho amount drawn from the I'reasury from July l (ohovember t, 1878, wi i gS.770.404 13, of which ftl?OOS,440 89 baa been reiuudei., leaving us the exnandtlora ot that period 84,874,963 7t?. If tho ai|aaudliiiiaa ol tbereaMUB Ing two-thirda of the year do aet exeaed tbe pro port ioa for 'hese font months, then Will IBUBalB bu ezpi'tided at i he ? ud of tha car !r>l77.;?o? 90 ot t In current appropriation*. The report of the BUatelaiy phowBthe grnAtfrlnfl foal thnt amang all thed> bnralug offleen of the pay corps of the. Navy there is ,t"i one wiio is a dofamier to tiio exu-ut of | single dollar. 1 unite wi n him in recoaimonuiug I i e i o,nova I of Pie i o-s a tor to nVioro In-ill th'nl [iioanou lhat bartitnttenrepeatsarodttunan the Naito-', nutl has nbt.-ilnesl lae agpiubaliuu ? f ?cj, q. U8e men bj all nans of tin- world. Its removal from its present locality would not only be condu? cive to tho heaii'u of Ua oflhcis and ptUdatSSSUi bat wonbJ gn atly Inarosse ir* aaefalBe -. Tbo anpropriaiion foi judicial expenses which has heictofoie be n made mr tho 1'. parim. ut of Juattce iognMt, waaaube^vided at the last ?,--"io:i of Cllllg 11 MB. a?d BO appiopr alioii whatever was made f..r th" payment of ti eine? of Marsh da and t i r deptrtii a, either in the nervi c af pmcon* or for Ibe drschargo of other duttaa, ai d SUMS June :>?> tit. -? - nib en h.i'.e co.iiiiim l performance of (hen* detiae without ssaaaaaau^ian fiom Iba dorm a ?BUB, taking upon theBBBBrVea tha tieeeasary inciden? tal outlays ua weil aa rendering thoir uw n si-rvues. lu out, a t* w unavoidable instances |,a.s tho proper execution of thsprnSSSSOf the United States failed by reason of the abssoga of ihe n qukdte nfipiopria ttOU. 1 his < ourse of oliicial conduct mi tbo part of theeeoffloera, highly .miitsblc to ib.-ir ieelitr waa adv sisl bv the Attorney (ieneral, who tiifofBPBU (iiein, however, that they would to-ccsaarill>' have to niy tur then en: iptmaauuu uikiu ibe pro,pect of future legtatatiea by Congreaa. I Isen fore e? mmt isllf rc< omincnd tiiat iBBBmdlata uppropriatiou be made by Congreaa for this paTBoae. The BOt makiug the principal apprnpriatiou for the Depaxt uient of Josiico at previous MaalottB has uiiiluriniy contained the hettnWBBg clauae: "Ami lot aesrnying the axpeneae which bbbj be incuircd in the anforeameul of tbe a t approved February 28, 1h7i?, entitled "An art tu amend an act auproved Moy 90, 1870, eniltl?.l An pat to anfoSea the light ot eitfnaua of the United >lotes to rate in the several Slates cf tho Cnitesl .states, a 'it fi r other purpo--*, or mi.. hc?s ameuda tory therecf, or anpulemeutary thereto," N' iappr? pt.atioti wae. made fm Ihij, pmpo-e fm thecnrient year. Aa np voaarai election of mainlwre nl Uon rtes* ueeiit r-d, the omisaion a a* a matter of little practical imp ?lianoe. Such election will, however, take place liuriiig ihe enauing vear. und tho uptuo priutioti made for the pa., . f Marshal- ami Deputies ?bautd he stiff) ' n> embrace compeiiaat inn lor tbe srniic? lli'j may I <? requu.-d to pi. form at st.eb election. tub sl'pnkme OgsBBJT, The business i.f the Supreme Court la B| prisent largely in linear*. It cannot lie expcited that more causes can lo drt-MM than are, now disposed of in 1U annual eeaaion, or that tv any ujonouitv tha ?lieriiiKuinboil magistrates who compose the c. irr run accomplish mnrc f hau ts imw done In thermirta of many ?f the etrotttta ?Ii o tins hMRa? haaincroooidtaouchanextent that the delay ai Justice, will call th.' .mention of ( nur.-? '?; ? pnnrixte r-rnnlv. It h belhrved that nil ?d'?TP? ?? aach circuit which can fa rly ha enpffUd mm ua judicial for.--. I he eviN ar-nn.' fr mi <h l.iv are Wm heavily felt hy tho l usted Sun-* than hr Pr"?'* - lifors.a .ii.( .hi ?< - ar- .uiv.ii..-c i l>.\ ' n-' ?;"""'?* w :-' n it m?e? a tint they involve tno dimmsvton of qiumtraM of a puhtn . !...r;.' J-The : ?1e f\ ? /o ''. the Attorney (tonend i? the appointment i>f anui Circuit Judges, and rlie creation off an inter mediate Conti ol Errata and Appeal* which obfili relioTe the l*jrpronte Conrl of a part of its Jwhnlnt fion, while a lernet laroe h e^obtamedioi the perfoimanc 0/Circuit duth a 1 ot.Dead tbia iue> peetioa to the consideration af (eonaraaa H naaw fo.-mto aflfnr.l a romolefe n-undy. and *unld in? volve, IT ten additional Circuit Judges in .'! pointed, aa expcndltora, at th- preoaot rate ol sal? aries of not mote fllMt s.i;o.?,<.o :? ...i..w huh would certainly be ..nail in aampnmoa wait tl.? objei ta [0 Im attained. ml p<?sr niiii i: ; itaimmi vt. The report of the Peal BBaTtr Tin aal baara teatl? niony to the g-nrral revival of bus ?? throu|hont the country. The fBBllptg Pl ti c Poet Ofl i I' ppatahMtl f"t the peat andiaf June 90, 1879, wcro 930r041*982 "(|. ht :u?r rT . I.lf * :?1 more than IBB revsnnoo of the preceding year. The amount real? ized front the aale >>f poatage-atemrja. stamped en relopea and ps-etnl-curds was fTdl.-hm !|l m r.? than m tiie preceding yen, and 82.387,58923 more than in 1m77. The ? xpoaaitaree of tbe Departmeai wore 103,440,899 lo, of whieh the bbpj of 9370,461 69 waa pud on lialdlitiea Inenrred iu the preceding year. I In cxiieti litures diiriii',' the v. at were ?801,900 77 leea than la Ina pre ediagyear. ThU redaction ie to boattrlbateu mainly to the operation of the lac peeoedJone 17, 1 *?7s, ohan-ring tho compensation of pnotoiaatera from a commission nn | tn calm- ol ataaapa aabj to a OOauniKsi oi mi stain:* cancelled. 1 if amount drawn from the Trea-urv mi appronriations, in ad? dition to the roaeanee of too departnMoti was |3,091,4hM 94, beiag 99,279,107 9n keoa thai la the precediaa*year. The cxia-miun. a tor i. ?? *.i- ,.l year ending Jim? :;??. 1881, are aatlmatod at 9^,920,900, ami th- receipts from till source, al 9824110,000, learroj a deneic iey to be ipjajapri* pied fo, out of ti e Troaoai t -t 87,710,900, The re Istimisof tin- depatt'iieiif with railroad compnnhnj have U'cn hnnaoaapad, notwifhatandraj the (aaaral redaction hv (.'mi.-n .s of ti.eir <ompen aatioa, by th> npploiiilatlon for special facilities. The railvw.v I'ost tlfnci: linoa have heen greatly e tooded, eepocially in the Sonthern dtatea, J im int, rest-ot tbe amlwai hJall 8erriee and nf the public would lm groatlj promoted, and tbe ex* penditorea eoald la1 more readily eontroll -.1, bi the ehaaaifieatson ol tho employee of the Batlway Mail 9mvice as laadPUMnaam '>? the I oainuMtef-CtaMni, I aheapptepnataon foraadariaa, with reaaael in whieh the maximum limil id already fix d by law, to he made, in gross. Ihe Posimastep-iieiirral recim Bh :.dn an amendment of the law regulating the in creaw: ot i iiiirs tisatinn tor iiicieas. il service and in? creased s|?s'.l in star nmtes so as to enable him to advertise for pn>|s)s,ls for such in- I i n as, d service ami snceci. Me ahm Sllg- I gr-st* the adiantagea ta aeerae to the aom* j n.orco of tin oountry from ihn enectneant of a i general law. authorising contracts w.fh A meg- I hi an htiih steamers, carrying the Ajaorteaa lap, for I braaaporttng the maila betweew pnrte ol tbe United ' Sin?, end pnris of tie Wei Inci, s ami 800th. [ dmerioa, at a 9xad maximum price pea aalha 1 tin* auMoat to be expeosted being regulated l.y annual I nppropri n thane, in like m inner with the ernennt | paid for the doaamtle atm aervioo. I ha arrange- j ?ant mode eg the IHiatmaatei-Oeni al md tho nee mtary of the l^rananry for tin- collection of duty j apna hooka loeaived in the mail from foreign coun? tries lias proven so latiafactory la Its praetteal ape* ' I tlion thut .' he res >><umcnd..(iati 1- now made that Congress ahall extend the piuvanena or the Act of March 9, iki7,.>, andi r win- i> tins irmai men I '....^ made, eo an to apply to all otiier dattablo articlee received in the mails fTOB r ,reign OailBtl 100. thk I\l?t \s WABPn, The raeorta of tin- h^renttary of tin- [atorioc and ot tha l oi.iini aemn r af Indi ri Attair-. setting forth Ihapraiantatataof our reastmnawith the Indian Iii hm en enr tacritocy, tha aaaaonzm mio'ii to ad? vance their mi; /..?..... ami prn.sp.-ril,-, and file pro gi m already achieved i>y thorn, will l*s fauna of more than ordinary Internet. The general conduct otoiirlnd.aiiiNipinalloii haa hoeo so satisfactory thai ot two disturbances, re? sumed iu bloodshed und deetrnction of jirnp ertv, is all t hi mom to be lamented. The histnrr of the outbreak on the While R-.ver I f:- liisi rvatioii. in W?sten Colorado, has bj> eoate aofamilial hv elaboraterenorta bi tin- pah> In- prc:..s that its reauukabbj in.-.d. nts need no I i-i stated here in detail It m expected that th aettte. amnt of thttdifneult] will 1.1 to such arrsnce montaaa willnyeventfnrthor hostile eootacl be? tween tbe Indians and the border, eeltlomonli in Wcsf.-rn ColotndOk Tin1 other disturb.nice n.-curred at the Keocalerfl Anency, la htew-Mexioo, wn n Victoria* tbe head ol a small hand nf maraudara. .itt-i committing muri ahroeitioa. beiag vigorously lias ? 1 by a iiiililnr; t'.|. ,?. made his way a. ms. the Mexican !>oi leg, and is now on foreign soil. While ttieae ooennaaora, la whieh a oompaias lively email aambor ol IndlaHO were engaged, arc moat deplorable, a vss! majerity of our I idian nop alation have fully j:i-tiii. d,the expoi aatoa of in..-,. rhfl believed (hat. by bUBsUlM BM peaceful tntltt eucea, the Indian can he led fo abandon the habits ofaaViU ' lie. and 10 develop a CHp'ieitv fm usel'ul ami ctvdJaed <H-eviii,iu,u.i. What they t.aveslrrasly ace implished in tlie pamult of agricultural and me? chanical work, the reomrkabbi auceem whieh has aft -mied I he c\perimcni ni emplov inn ;vs iteighters a class of liidia-'s hitherto counted jimma the wihl cst and most kntrset .?>:??, and the general and uraent desire ;x preise I hy them fm MO education of their children mny be ha IBB M safn eicnt proof that they will be bsxnd papiabla of ncrouipli-hiiig min li BMre if they ooattane to he wi-el . aud fuiriy gBidod. I he Indian poUoy aketehoa in th.- report of the Becretory of ihe Interior, the ob? ject of which is to uinko liberal provision fm the adneationof India, ytmth,to settle the ladlana iiisiu farm lots m Bovecaltjr, to gtva them title in fc batheirfawmo,laalmuable forucartaiu Bamharof years, and when their wants uro th is pcav dad for, to dispoae by s?l? of I lie bUMBl on their revo-rv.ii lout not ooeawled and iis.-,i by fehem, a road t,? be for nw! out of the prucceda for the benefit or tbelndieaBi w hich w.ll limlnally relieve the ?OVBCnmOOl of i be i'kpeiiws now pniviiiCsl for hy anneal appr-.pria I tone, mnal eommood itself mm just und mo cticisi in the Iodlene. aad ao ahm ealenlahad to re? move those obstructions w'.ich the existence of large usservafioiia pieseiits to the settiement and development <i| Ihc cimiitry. 1 theict.-ie esrnestiv rooommend Iba a actment of a law enabling Iba Qovecnmoot to give indiaaa a title-fee, uaalicnabla for twenty-rive years, to the farm Ittedl ivasa-ned to them hyal'otiin tit. 1 also 1 peal the r.-.-.iruiucuila tion made ... my first aanual meeaaga that a law '?.> p am <l admitting the Indians who aa i gl vi Auafac? logy proof of having by their own labor Hippos led their f awilira for a anmtar nf yaara. ami who paa willing to detiu'h Ihemeeivm from their tribal relations, to the banodl ot ine HaapaBhand ;u ', and to grant Ibem :?ate:its OOBtlllHBg the aaaaa preriaion of inalieaabliily foracortoia period. 1 in- experrmonl of sending a number ?f Indian children of both .ex. ?10 tho Hampton Bii rmal ai d AirricuHnral [natlluta in Virginia to ren-ivan el. - maatary Bnglish eduration and prai rical instruc? tion in fai niing an.l other useful industries, has lesi foicstilfs so promising that if was tnoiight expe? dient to turn over tho cavalry barrack ? at Carl sie, iu Pen Bay Ivan ia. to the interior Department im 1 in ostabllsbaieut ot an In.nan selumi 011 a haTgM s -nie. lbs school has now 158 pupils, selected fnuu various irihea, nnrl i.s in full opi-rsfion. Arraiue nieiits BM also inadc for the education of a number "f lauiau boyi BIM irirls, belonging to irilu-s 011 the i'acillc eiepe^ in 1 eta dar asaaoeg, st Fme?t Oiove, iu Urcg'-n. these laaajltUttoni will eaCBBMaad them? selves 10 the hhoinlllj of Conjres.; and (0 thO Bhib anlhiop.c uiuiiibceucu ol the i moiieaa people. THK 1n0iax i fltrtlToliV. Last Spring information was pjeaivud of thoor gan /.aiioii 1.1 an asTaaaaiva man maatdl pj the \\'eBt e?u Stales, the ohjcci nl which was the. occupation, by unauthorized poHoaBj ol e.-llaiu lamia 111 tiie Eaadan latilaaiy,eodel bp ihc en.-inker* to the Oai wnmenl fag the paipooaef s. hdaeaaat by othcr Indian Lnbee. <>:? the 391b <f April l aamnd a pr-iclaai ition wiiiinn/ all po.sU.,, ag iiiisf parti 111,. MB in such an attempt, and, by the nimpotatluii of a military force, the invasion waa pnunprly checked. It is my pur|sise to protect the rights of the Indian inhabitants of that refT lory lo l ie f ill extern of tho I x.-iMtive powir; but if would be unwise, to wage the faol thai I rerntory so largo and go fertile, with a popahxtioo ao spane and so gicat a BUaltB of BBBBOd roaourccs, w ill he found more espoaod in tl e roneutmn al laeh n:t> nta i bajipcneil this yam when the BBXPOBBSBina S ates are mote daaaelj settiesl and tho weetwani m?>vc meut <>f mir r.opiiiut inn hsiks s( -11 mole nojmlj lor frcsii lands to oce.ipy. i Bdersuch rlmnmntanom. thodiBi uity of mail lalnlng the Indian Tern tog 1 in its preoool staaa Aid I nor em a. and tho Indiaa trfbm Inhabiting 11 would do well in propan faganobaoontingi-n.r.. I thr|. f..|, f,dly approve of the advice given to them In Ihe Soctc'iarv ef tue Interior, on a rUOOai in oasion, to divide among theniM Ivcs in severally as targe a i|u mtitv of tlu-tr Um:? is tie y c in , iMhate, t<? Bcejaim individual lilies in fee. bjglana1 < f tUeu pPBPPBI tnlail own. r ship iu coiiuuoii, and ts* consider in what mumior the uai ineoof taUnr landa may is. dlapooed of hv the (lovoiomcut for their t.oueUl. Hy a.i.ii>ling aach a p.ln-y they WOuldnmCUl iln nlv secure lm lln-ui aelvea the value ol their pi-sse-ssions. and at Hie a one tone pin,ante their piogroe* in civil'/ udOB and BnmnagtaPi ahaa by aaaieeeetiag m p rpetanaa the pahBBBj stufe of thtnap la the Icrriiorv. Ihe ion w hether a cha ig- in tho conti nl ..f ttio In? dian Ml rice should he mado waa, 111 the Th OonapntBi paavxaa to a joint cmuuuiiee al Is-th haneaa fatmsprirpandraaoct, In mt lust snuuui Men a?e. I cli.ieiajod the uopo that the deflWlon of that question then in prospect, "would uucet fur. I ther agitation of this subject, -lieh BfdtutJeu bahhJ apt to prodnro e disturbing cll'ecf >i|k>:i tin- vi?,,,. I an well im tbo Indian* themselves." Since then, the eommittoo having raptrtcd. i bo i| i.a* t,r,n deeIded iu the negat (vo by ? voto iu tho Horooi of [Upri acnf aHrea for the ranons here elated, and in view of Ifta fact fLol luribor uncertain! v on tfita p ' i!i !.il< ni.iUd to oiitiruci oiio t Ion?.u< a* < rl i gidaftuti, t;i muM UM discipline of tho m i \ i. v, and to nnacttlo M.mtaiy n.".inures n w tn progfeso' for the government and improve; ertof nil mm, I reaaeetfally iooommm thai Iii? de. arrived at by I ougrcss ut ita laut rcsMoo ho permit ted to stand. tmf. HtMuaj i aajM. I ? .rt- undo by (be Department of the h u riorio nrrcsi ihe- doprcdationa on the timber Linda of the I'nifid States hive lawn continued, end have met with um td -rabli- eucceen. A la ige nnnit.-i nf, J>M of ti-?.!'??? I< 'v.' 011n proeecM'"-! it, ;' , , the l/ntted Mate*. Other*) g?**j been act fled, the t.. i,a rs'.rb riiiii to >n. k%i p vim >?, t,.,. i,MV. era men i for the value irf the titulier taken by (hem I he ; roceedeel theOO BtOBBeel lot ft tmi Mlllomi n?' turnrd into the TraaeaoT, far exceed la amount the su/ne appropriate-:! by Cougr* s* for this purpose. A more i itwirianf result, however, .f. ,? i|:e 'fa<.t thnf the dentrnction of our publfa forest? by ilepte dation, although auch ceaeo Mill occur, baa been %Ti tlv red Bred in extent, and if is piohahln thai if tli. priwol poliey 1? vigorous), pur-ned and Miflb ient pro. isioo to that end is mad. by < 'on grew, ?lieh tre-pas-e?. al leant these on a large scale. ( mit \f entirely suppressed, except in the Territories wiiei" timber tor the d uly reqaireateata of the Bopnlatioaa eauitot, aantao the pceocnl auteof the otherwise obtained. I then (ore earnestly invite 'he alte at ion of Congress* to the r> eomoMUdu* tion by ti.e i h-'arv of the Inferior, tlut a taw be enacted enabliag tba tppvuinmeni to eel I ttmbar from the public land*, without conveying the fee, where anch iandt are priaeipallj valaat-lc far tea l) rubel t im n ?>n, auch aalen to be so regulated as to con. form to domestic wants and biuinom reqiiiietneni*, B bile al he same f nie guarding agatcat a sweep deal raction of tba ferauan Sita eeeetaaaet of laaaj a law apiH ira to become a more pressing aaeceatty ?vary day. ari::n : i.Tt if . IM ?: i i .niiMi'Midation* in formt r : , .. ire re? newed in favor of enlarging the facilities of the Depart ?MBit of Agriculture. Agriculture is the bjBjdlBI iiueroht and the permanent industry of our people. It fa] to the abundance of agmuharal pro. duel ion, a.-? coiunar tl with our home conanmpl., and tu" largejv-ifereasetl end highl. MOBMBla market I broad which wo have enjoyed in recent yearn, that v.-e are mainlv indebted for our preaent pr? pel if I bc a people. We must look for it-1 a., turned niatfttnnanea io tba bm MtbataatMi re sourc . ["here ii no branch of incn iry In which la hoi, directed by scientific knowledge, ynldaaiich inoreastd prodit'tton in comparison with e neat Had labor, ami no branch of the public aertice to which the encouragement of liberal anpropriation? (anhe more bpi raymtoly extendetl.. ihe aarbmioi to render such aid is tint a wise economy, bof, on tho i v. uadonbtedl.i result* in 1 mtes of im uteaee annnally that aaigbt be mved tbrouu-h wwU-direoted rfforte br Um Qovernmani to promote this \ual inten-af. The results already BOMB* pii- oil wiib Hie very limited means hcre.oforn plaeotfal Iba command of tba Depaftaaaoi affAaxt euitirre are an earnest of what may be expected with rnereaecd apptupilatlooja for aha fotai par jsim s indicated in the report of the CouiuuaMuiiet, with a rlow to placing the Departiuetit lipon a f oot if w w Im ti w ill enable il to prosecute more ctTec Hvely the objeeti for which it is artaMhaaad. An pio;u t.?ii .us aic needesl lor a more complete! labora? tory. Car tiie establiabuieut of a veterinary division and n division of forestry, and lor ?n increase of farce, The requtreoMBti for th. 11 and other pnr p???es indicated in the report of the Commieaionrr, uml. i the head of tin immediate necessities of the il. n^iitiicur, w ill not involve any n tpouditure #f Bwmej that the eaaatrycaaaot with araw-ety undertake in tin- interests of agriculture. TIIF BCMtAB of F.W'fMTlON. It isgratlfv onj to l. arn from the Ibirca i .?f Bdm earn,ii tfcajextent to which educational privilege* throughout the United Slates have la-en advaia-t during tire year. No more fum'amcnl&l IbbYMbbV bilitv reals upon t ongrns thaa that ot d vising approprietamaaaBTBiaf ftBBMBtlaai toetlncation. aapplemental to bs-ai action in the Stuten and Territotb i and in tn*. District of (.ulutn bia. Die Wiea foretlmttght i f the foiimlera of onr MverameaB has not only furaiahed the basis [or tho support of tho eonitin n sehiMtl s' siems of tho ii'iwer .'tales, but l. i I tho fJnamtBtlon s for the maintename of their BBlreiaitice and collej-es of agriculture and tho i-. -. t- nit- arts. Me isitr. s in accordance with thisira litkroal puliey, for the ftirthci benefit of all theee iBioreeta, aad the rsBeweaoa of the same ad v anl?ge . in every poriionot the counti v, it is Hoped, will receive roai favorable oaaeioeratMBi. So pre? serve and perpetuate the National literature should be tu: DBB tin- fon most cares of the Nat otial Lecia tataie. The library gathered at (he C apitol still re? main . unprovided with any witabte aceoinmiHla tlnaa fm ita rapidly twareaalaMj storea. The magni loie id importance of the collection, increased as it is by the, deposits made under the law of copyright by domestic aud foreign exchange*, ami bv li e i ErmtUM library of the Smitbaoiiiaii InaUtution, call lor buildinaaecommodatioua which ?halt be at once eipial ami lireproof. 'ihn location ot Micha pull t buililifig, whioh shouid provide tor the preening nfiofoetlWo of the psesenr, and lor the vast increase ? >f the Nation'a hooka iu the fu? ture, is a matter which addreanes ihnen to the dia liellOli of CiWlgieea It is earnestly recommended aan meaanre whichaheold unite ail nftagan, aud winch si, ,.;!,I h i longer bo delayed. TilK WASIIlNGTOy MOOT MPNT. The joint commisaion created by the act of Con gr??aoi Aagaal _', is7ii, for ?he purpose of supervia ing and dlreatiag the completion of the Washington National Monument, of which commission the Presi? dent is i member, lias given careful attention to thil aabyaet. and already the strengthening of the Eooadat aa has so tar progressed aa to insure the en rue si), c s* of this part of the work. A nias-ivo 1 lyer of WBsonry has been introduced below the ortgil ai bnndarh b, w idening the base. Increasing tho stability ot the structure, and rendering it pos? sible to carry the shaft to completion. It is earn . tlj me mi mended that, snob furt tier appropriations ba to MaC 'or the continued proeeention of the work as m,u be tie. ess ry for the completion of this Na? tional m inument at an early day. mg ?tglBBUl OF C'lLl'MBIA. I:, form'r messagca. impressed with the impor i ? e of the siibjoe . I have taken occasion to com* tuend to t'onrrrets the ado[ition of a generous policy toward the l?i-tritt of Columbia. Ihe report of IboC immieehnneri of Ihn District, herewith trans* putted, contains siiggestions and recommendations, to an of whMh taamaatty invahj your careful ut tentum. I aak your early and favorably conaidera tioa of views which thev expreaa bb to the ur? gent need of legislation for the reclannttiou of the marshes of Ihe I'otomao ami ita eastern branch, wit Ion the limits of the city, aud for the repair of Iba streets of the Capital, heretofore laid with wooden blocks, and now by decay rendered meatimpaaaabla, ami a source aa aneaineni dan? ger to tba health ol its citizens. The uieeos at the disposal ol the Commissioners aie wholly in.ide ipmie for Ihe ancemalhaamont of these lmpirtnut worko, and should be supplemented by timely ap orvp lattana from the Federal f^aagnry, Tne tilling lata in trout of the city will add to the adja? cent lands and parka, now owned bv the United 51 lb B, a largo ami valuable domain, suiuciuut. it ut thongfat,toreimbaiaa its entire coot, and will also, as an incidental resu'(. secure the permanent iui piovcineut of the river for the purposes of .1 hi. i ho Curtail tut ion having in tented Cougreae \yiih sunreiiie a d . x lusive jur s.lictiou over tiio district of Columbia, its cinzena must of necessity hsik to Cungreaa aluun lur all Beedfnl legislation att> ring iheir interests, and n.s the 'erri tnis i f IhU P al net is the common property of the people of the l n.tod States, who, equally with ita reaid *nt citizens, are bxtaraaiad in the ptejbaitrj of their Capital. 1 cannot doubt that you will be amply aiislamed by the genetal voice of liio country ii. auy moiiaurea you may ad p: for this ,>ui,.. . . 1 also invite the favorable eanaMeeaaaen of Csmgr.sato the ? mis n| i he pubuc bchools ot thia Diafriai. aa t Lhlbited iu lie mam I of theCouiinu*sioiie|s. \\ bim the uuaner of pupils ia rapidly increaaiBg. no fpleiiuaie provision exiata lor a eameponaV ing iiiereaae school accoiuuiod.ilion, an : (he Com mtraiouen arc without the means |a BB mi this ur? gent Deed, A number ot the building* now BBcd lor ach.iol purpoat s urn rcuted. and m-. in tuiiwr* taat particulars, an end led tor the paiyeee. Dm ? aaae ot paaedat oiinoalion ui Ihe l Mean i ot t oiuiu bie i* siiiidy entitled to the same eaoeidaiuCHM al tIn hauda ul the National Uuvo(ituivut as iu the e?v .ral Siafea and I. rttlories, to which inunillc iit grants of I iie public land* have been made for the endowment of scboole and uoivaraitioe. Ill' III' IlloliU U. lit \ is, ?' iii<- Utint um, I ice. 1, 1871?. A BANKER SUED tVR LlllEL. A i ins v, X - v. Ut).-Mrs. K. W. Hall, ihiugtiter tit the lata Charles V. llaniuamJ, if Crow a I'oliii, am) a'.'ler of t'siiigi eaaiuai, John li-uuuoiiO, ItM luoiigi.l n null agaln-t KII.O.i A Martin, preetdeut ut llM MereU.taU* Nain.ntl (lank ul Wlilt. hull, tor Bhei A eirualfcT alieueil to hate 0. en ItsueU. aeliuig folia that aLe reaorted to u ilion oi '.?w In escaia* the p.-rtoi ui jiim of ber ouligatiana for her fcu?uau*l'a BMeaaaanneB, Kl.Pi li)\TIii\.?Ui elm's Wife? "How do you do. alt. W sklc? I We Lave uot aeon at eh area lately, flave you Peeu awarl" Mr. Wlvglen??? Yeiw uin'ml I'tn heen n vl-tt a' hit old 'junta ai Mau. bea? ter, itu'li." Keemr's Wife?" Keabi I 1 hope yon fouud Iheold U lies unite well." Mr. W'ggtea?" I dtBn'l ?ar ii.y aaiuta, mn'tu? I nald my elu eUBta -rerlatua' the 'anuu ot my ; MUB > on kuov* uiu'rai"-- [1'uuch,