Newspaper Page Text
he contents bimaclf wilh obeerviug that the Tnrkiah prose is ?olid ou the subject?which was known betoro-aud that the RaJaon |>ari> min frenr.y of ?Hsiim to concludo a Russian alliance. If other wit'i'-saos may bn trusted ? ?nd them I nrwlttt?e> ? f tueui?this frenzy is uot eouflnod to the Palace. Yon w ??'. MCOQfer a favor on the British public, and natt.rjlarlv oa the Couaercativee. if you wonM toil them where Lonl BearnDslield pot the motto *tmprriitm ef liber la*, which he brought onf at tho Guildhall. \V!><> is tho Kornau statesman who fiist proclaim. ( .t. or cq what Kornau hUMMfUM is it to Is? foundI never knew peopie so completely .it a '.o.s. This is a c m my of classical scholarship. 1 here are plenty 01 men on tho pn-a* who graduated from the unive.-s.ties with high das lealh ? > t tor*. VhMC are eount'.e.s volunteer* who scud letters to the papers uu oh cure points of ancient b urning. One of the b. i kaowa private tutors m Kugl.ud, Mr. Wren, b i.s i Vi. :!y contributed t > a daily paper a political (! - : : :i :>n the principle* involved in them.vtt?: but not a word from him or anybody about its origin. Nobody undertakes to identify its author. Ami, still moreoddlv, nobody comments on everybody's ignorance. Yet Lord BaaeeMAeH exprc-.-.-, .-..11 : "Oue ?>f the g.catesf of the U> manswh -n :isk?-d what wert? his polities replied Imperium et L?scrtas." If he were one ? f t'ie greatest of the Rom ins surely he might be idc nti fied. Latal Roseliery cleverly snd that Lord Benenn.-tic'-17 vatchwoni PBBladed him mt the Ian Kmper 'f Napoleon's declaration that the Empire was r-<ai e. Thero was not much peace muh i Na tudeon, an I Lord*Beacon*h>ld's empire is never w ithout a w ir on hand. Put ?Ines p.>: help us out of our awhVnl'y about the aathorahJp of the phrase. If I/ird Beaconsfield had ever b e.i ?. p'"cte<l of giving the rein to his lllMflllinlloil.ti might almost be thought ho had invented Iiis Ro? man. H it with a man of Lord BeaOOBObi ! i's at] iet exactitude in all historical matt-rs, mi h | MUfiebN is impossible. ?. W< ?< P. S.?A painful eommentiry on these doubts has fbaft appear, i. Mr. Wren, wheei I m. at loped above, lias Wlittaa another letter, in wl.ieh he plainly atlii I I that Lord ll .icotisfield's Roman is alter Ji only a rtoman Mr-;, ifairis. "I thought aa,*aaya Mr. Wim, "when I wrote my letter, but of course assume.I that the Premier Would not nuke so iklinitoati nssertiou without good grounds. Ii.quiry of more learned men than my- 'f. and a can 'til search, have eat!"lied moghat Lord PoBCOailf M'l h t s tone person is a uure man iu bn^kraiii.'' It now only remains for Lord Beaeoii.-IicM to produce his authority and confound Mt. W r. n and all s.iurar ecofJ'ers. There is auothcr curious . eint i:i conne. tion with this speech, in rhe Thaai lha Prlaaii Mia tatet It report* da< aajrhbt "if Ibava ha a country. In km ample, ou ? of the most extensive and wt al'.hiest of empires in t.'ie warid If thai country, fnmi a pcr Terse interpretation ol its insular ge ographical ihmi tion. turn i an indifferent car to the ? cling-and the fottii.i, , of t'ontiueutal Lurup?', such a eaWCM would. I b le ve, only OB i in its becoming au ob? ject ot g aaral plunder." That is an oui.u.uis pre? diction: weh c th ul.ited to rouse ularm, if to louse alarm were Lord Beacotisfieltfu object. Rut it happen* thai ! | did not say it. What he said was that, in t!>o c m.' supiMwe.I. peaci might In- endan? gered, ihr limm alone has (be other phrase. Bad what one would like to know is, bow it got there. ja/w.w; au: immouials. tiii: ajtcrrnoa of hinki martix by mraiwtra ACAPIMY?"OrTABtF. MMTX> r.'tlSINT. pTwew nu Baworaa conRiisrosrpKST oi natTantraai Paki?. No,-. I t.?M. Henri Martin, with whom it has been hi , pi. > ill g.< tobe in frionilIy mii im' relations sent me bwl week a ticket of ndiins-n.n t" the Acu-t emy for fi dav *>f bis reception. It admitted BM by the gra'nl door anrl sreur d me a seat immedi? ately In line! the one on winch tin lau.iii.-H of da* funet nrud. nr.. inns sit when Heir BMeaapHI are eulogizing tin m. I wai therefore very well placed to oli-crv -the ec-tebrated pe >ple who came to wit? ness the ?..>;? m ?i it v. The ro. m w wi V lie I'iiiiiui tals receive m wly elected hrethi' ti must have been descibed ke \"ii over and over ay..un. I shall not thcref.ue ^.i into details in that it Is a r.tu-.ida with a do.mi! roof and a floor sloping la B narrow. eewtral "p ue, ami coveicd with nrcnlar beticiic-. The decorations am in a gray tone and skimo, which la this time of gold< ii im'. \^. r hip 1 rather like, und tho table l?e l.ind wIip ii the Bureau sits is made of rawgk deal boaro?. i il by a scanty ilrap-ry of green baize. All tt.e c upeling is m a cheap and vulgar Manches? ter fabric. The st., . tutors embrac. d the pfflamnf the Republican jiurty. who have made literatuie their career, a id a great number ot influential Jews who think it w .rth their while to be atteutivc t.> M. Henri, who is a proprietor of the .'n /r, a Journal w h'ch occupies a gteat tiuaucial isisitioiu owinatoit- relations with (.'einnschi. There were also t he I.ilM ral friends of Louis l'tiilipi>e und his dwaaaty, waaai M. Thleta had drawn with btai into BeniiblicAiio.ui, on bis retirement from the, I'reside nc\, when he could no longer remain thero with din ty. 1 was sorrv that M. <J?m l?etta abaaaiaad MaaaaM from the AeaoV emr real rdaj. Tkinra h.-ul once called him a/on fni iiux? but there hail been Beard! il reeoBjl il? lation in the datk days winch pn ceded the last elections. The heavy, honest Spnller reprt' ee ii teil tue L'e publique frmm enlia M. Gr6w m mm bis delegate General 1'itiie. who eat opp<r el to Madame Thiers, in a niche-or a tribune re ?emblitiL'one?high up in the ns f. The widow of hi. J fm ra was above the statue of B 'Ssttet. and remimleil me, in her wnb?w's wtsrsle, of Queen \'ie tona. Giicf has let! deep traces on aeff c iinte- | nance. Mm was a rather handsome Htnl w ell-pie eerred woman at the time of M.Tbhwar) deal . HI ? is low grav -bailed, and weal i t be BSpatwdaa ol one wa>thaabeaa -tunned by attlictiou. Iba sinter, wh.i sat dow n stain on the lorm reserved lot the Thiers family, is not less cut up thuu her sister. Both ladies have aged many vears since I last bail too honor of being received by tbeai in 1^77 in the Plaao 81. Qeoiwa Admiral I'othnan attended on the widow, and Pttxxi oeliind her chair in a p uto which was at one* natural, gcurlcmanly and imposing. He is a fine-looking man. and goasitss will have it that he meditates u-kii g Madame Tbn rs to east awuy her widow s w. i ds and become I'Admirale i'otlniaii. Be ibis us it may, When the Admiral sat down aaat atcayad to tawbaekmt bar ehaar. But wniiuut aecr.lnug to him matrimonial designs, his long and intiuiate fi i? mlship with M. I'hters. and his los alt v after the 94th of May to his illustrious ti <ml-. weahlaxpnuahJaattitwda ta la Tribune Boeeuot yoatorday. aTsAone of the Mooarehiote of the Acad? emy ulteiided except the l'uc d Anmale, who ns M. riiiere's academical godsmi, could not have de? cently absented I imseit. anil M. Me/ieies, w ho came to have the p e.isure, no doubt, ol silting next the U-.ii InUuortaL Litue la too uiucu the in? valid to ?put bis booVsroeaa Jtdat Flavia is also in iy.,.1 health. Why (Halles Blanc wrPo Waa an habitBd ot tho smIou at the 1*1. c. >t George did not attend to bear bis eulogy I have not heaid. C'uviihei Fleiiry was pnssetit, and s it at the right hand of bis former pupil, the Due d'Auinale, who bud klczieiesui bi? left. His Boyal Highne-s had the at of oue who was avaaae. Which, I dare say tie was. at the praises lavish d IB oil awcority of heart by the honest Henri Martin mm the Republic, and the gn<nt man who drew Pi.nice mfo accepting it, heeaaaq the only regime securing ordei and liberty in au eapial degree. M. Hoarl klartia aptdke out ?>f the fulness <,| In writing out li:a speech lie tell I bat be " lud.lctl a finul jn.t' 11 r. Garnier, of the Ankiteoi, mm a mem er of tu. Institut?, sat just behind the rri-epi-ndnw who Wae very warmly applaudesi us oe advanced m bin UIS< xlirse. Mild bore W illi goo.l temper the pin jiia's.- ladll t?-d ou him by M. Xavier Marmit .. in the Conn. 1 ui?tA?lmiiul l'otnuati und M. Bar tie me : m. HuMre, who walked with me from the laoUtate i<> tu? rlaae de la atada?BO, The con ver? nation 1 pad with them waaol n highly iiiteristing eh .i.i. a..d may form the submit of anothct Jett.r. 1 .,i.i sorry to find that Isuih the Rovalint and Red journals sneei at the academical solemnity of yes U l lay, i? < ii ?he> both treat ao u lirsi-cinse uiter BMBBt ot Thuts's ineiuoiy. 1 In v both scoff ut the great patriot who, at the time of i,f. when men are iisu:iii.\ in then outage, waa wi.u ?uuiitiess coinage Bud pnaligioua skill engaged in say ng r lance iron. attor run, _ MdHllAL L A ?' IA~l<LlsiAl bT. i'KTKUSttl uo, Dei . 1.?Tho Military Court, te-roTc the Nihilists charged wilh atleaipt li g tie x^sasaluatiou of Uenerai Bii-uteieti were on rtaj, lias ??rnlensssl Mirrky to Ih- hanged. lalUUofl Ltft bl Ml condemned to haul labor In the BitKYian mines iur inn t?eu >e.?r? ror aaabiiuiB Lu iiuctsi Uinky. Mil oiliers Bale IHM U ai-IUlUed. y iii.ruK of a hambIRQ Mix. L iMiov, Dec. 1.?ibe important firm of LQ. (joddefroy At ton, of Uaiui uig, won large iraosjt uii voubtciions, has suspended payiutatl, XLVIth OONQBESS?IId Session. REOI I.AK HrlWT OF PKOCI KPIN(I< TBK riKSIOKNT*s R|f|MI QClKTLY UK( K1VFD IM BOTH IIOrSKO?HIXAIOR nURMMDK ANNOUNCiS A BPKKCfl ON TIIK INTKROCEAMC CANAL- RIT RESKNTATIVKS FROM CALIFORNIA, iowa a.m> Kktw-roRK rrfrrTiri in. SENATE.WAMiiiM.roN. Dec. 1. Is7t>. The Senate was Cttlted to ordct ut 1-' o'clock bv Vice-Prssldeut WHEELER, and i>r?fer ?.? Bta fsi by Ibe Chaplain, who made irpeclril allusion to tho death of oof Senior aud the aevr le domestic iiilbcilou ot nru.ther, stoic the . ice of tbe Iw v^tcn. Oa motion of Senator TIIL'RMAN (Pern.. Ohio) tbe Secretary was directed to notify to tbn House that tbe S nate waa in m kuih ; and, on motion of Senator BAYARD ti* ui . Dei), Senators DA YARD und AN I H?HT (Rep.. R. L>. were appointed a committee to Join a aimilar pom nr. Hoe on the port of the House, t o wait on the President of Ilm Untied .slab c. and notify !? him Mint both Houses of Congress were in BBBBBRl and ready to receive any conimuntcatlon be inli,!i t choose to make. Ou motion of Mr. WALLACE (Dein.. Penn.i. 1U o'clock w.t-. rived ?* ft.e-.'giiL-.: Ino:: ?>( d uly nie .?Hi:.-. The VICK PRC-IDEM ?UBSJatttM theTeportOOk* the Secretary of the Bruate and th? Kerceant at-Ann? of th? Se nate, trlving au aeceuut of Die prop-riy ot inc InIted Slate* in their custody, pa rr<|iurod DJ law. Uu also snhutitted a statement of ihe Judgment* tendered hv the Court of C1 inin fur tl i ji in i mllus lotrcmlaM 1b. Is7;l. |.4id on the table Bfl 1 OBBSVOd to tie printed. While i.\valtiii.T forihe report of tho eomtnittco to wait nj on ibe PrealdOBt, bBBloOOa was *m>p m'cd and the Senators BOBMal the time In BBBll OBBtlBB und mutual eoniTafriliiiloiis. All tho Senators wore lu their m its exi ? pi Mi seia?. Hailcy (Irene, Term.), ltlalue (Rep.. Mr.L Cutler (Pea.! B. C ), CO If TOB (Rep.. Wi*. >, Dav Is (Ind.. III.). Farley (Dem.. Oil.). Drover (I)em.. Ore.). Hampton (DoBi . Ik i'. k Hill (Dom..(.a.). OooOtaS) (DOSB., TAX), Jone- M>.., I a.', j on en (R. p.. Niv. , Ke'log.' (Bop., Lad. Lain ir (D m.. Mm* >. RBMBBj (lb in.. N. C ). BBsWOfl (Rep, Nev.). Van"e (Dem., N. (1. TUtSTBOts i Dom., lud.I, Win tr (Dmm., Md.). Williams iDeui.. Kv.), ai d Yv ilbeiH (1 Viu.. V.: >. 1 BB pnb'!fl g I'lertcs wer- filled u ?.'i ladles and :.'( u' .' tin Ii. uln'. I lie ill ,.!eic rCc K..l n t \ bad several occupants. T'lne Il m el's decorated a unru b.t of desks. ' At lX3i tBS)Ooamlttes not Dm*. Diu repwirrd, on B8> lion of for. THURM\N (1). in.. O.), u recess was taken for ihree-q'.iarteis <if on hour. At lt'.'o p. m. tho Sena'e teconveiied. and received a uieseuge from the IDwiae, in uOBflaa that it was in ecu-ion .nid (hat it hud appoint* .la coiunnilee of three lo |oin such committee gfl muht l>c appointed by the Senate to wait uiM.u the I'residout and lutonu bun thai Congress had eotiVtm ?'. ami vvt.s r.aiv to recc-D. e any | ccniniiiti'catioH he ungiit wish to make. Air. ItC RNslDE (Rep., R- I.) gave notice that alter the morning hour to-uiorr.-a tie would aok leave it call up thetotalNsoiottoa offered by nlni nt tho last session i - Laiing to tbe proposed Intel. . C..U1.', for tue IIBfMOSS of maklii:: some remarks tbtfl on. tin VICE PKl.-ID! NI ial I lielotc the .?Senate t'io an u uu i report of Mo Bomnlorjr of Itat Treasury. Ordered to be printed mid laid ou tho table. Husii.i ss was then again ens!H>mied for a short lime. At 1:18 p. m.. I he s uate Ceiiimiltee to wa'l oil the Pia sides) repot ed that l!iev bao done so. nnd had been iBftBBM d iltai the Pro! dear would a' once communicate to Colicress a BBBBBBgR lu ? riling. Immediately ufter tho committee had reported, the private secretary ot tbe I'roelUiut appeared and an BOBBBBBi lhat he llal hi OB dir cted tod, liver to tltc Si i .')'?? u niese,lie from the I'reaident. The message was lti.-icapon reeelred and S'ibmiltwl to the i?odv by the VD F-PPF.'?IDENT. The Clerk I hen read the message conn b tins It at 11:1(1 p. in. Mr. i'EUEY (Rep., Micha then ro-e um] sold that the BOnOWfBl ofllcnl auf devolved lipoll bllU of ulillOIIUfin.' to the Senate the il -?ih i ! his late colleegue, 7. leharl in ( haaoli r. R WOO ssm BtoBtOBBBt purpooo to ap.-ak of t he chararUt and services of one so Iouk sud so notably a aCBsBI r of tMa boaiy, but at some suitable time km wollt I Iii Vit?- the Semite I . fiTproOB. bv re?ollll)<Mi ami bv eulogy, ita aenas* of Hm irrenarnble loss the fs'ulion bn-l Wtatainri in tlie death of so dlatluarnlsbed a citizen. As a mark of respect to a Hcnster present nt Ike last nd Joan ment and absent now lorevoruiore, he niov. d tiiat j "the S. uuto do now adV'iirii. Tne motion was a creed lo, nul at H: 15 p. BB the Senate I adjunmed auilU IB o'clock so^mitow. HOUSE OF KKl' XTATIVES. Loup N'forc tbe !iotir ;i]?|?<iititisl for (ho meeting of the sccoud s sslon of He XLVIth Congress tbe galleries of the Houmi were filled with interested spectators, while on the fl -or the usual scenes lurldetn to the first day of a sessiou were lmlng enacted. Hands were warmly shaken, and greeting* were rxcharsed. Lsnciiter ami gooil-f.d'ov. sblp mied supii in.? until Speaker RANDALL (Dem , 1'enn.), asc-mting to his desk, which wos adoimd with a basket of handsome Mowers, called the House In order. Prayer was ofcerod by tho Chaplain, the Rev. Dr. He? rlsen, who returned thi.nks that the members of the lion-' bad hl'hiii be.oi per'iiltte.l lo assi in'i e louetber. The SPEAKER tin n din ctod the I rk 10 sail tin r dl, when J'f. members responded to their litmus. The SPEAKER laid before the RoBM the eertlflestes of election of Hmaoe Davis (Ib p.t. 11. F. Page fRep.), C. P. Rs-rry (lH-in.?, and Romnaldo Pacimeo (Rep.), of California, and ol Willi im O. Thompson (Rom), ot Iowa, us members of the Hou-e. Mr. F. WOOD (Dem.. N. Y.) pn ?e:ite.i the eerl'fleste of olecimn of WaMo Hutehlns (Dtmu) frotn the Xllth District of New ior?. He stated that the SUte OssV rsrsoera wUlMl meet until tBe IStB of larormBar. ood. ..i. oidiug to loa (BaBasaa of tu? Obbbw, Mr. Boteblns (w BB Ii is a eertitli dt from the District can vaseora shoar nig Ins eit etloa By S>SOB ?ajorttatj could not take bis ?cut until that time. Mr. Wood, hownvi r, hoped lhat. ns tnero was no i|iiestii.u about the elcclloa, Mr. Hutchius would be le'iiuilted to giialnv. Mr. < ARFil.LD lit. p.. Otim) Mai. d that tfejOCB would be Uu objection as long as the uctioa of the ii In tha alter would not 0?' regarded as a pi-ecedcnt. Mr. Iluichius. thortdore, in company w'lh too other uewiy-eleced men.tiers ironi Colifomia und Iowa, ap IM?io<i at tho lui f the House and took th. " ironclad " OOAB. On motion of Mr. F. WOOD (N. Y.) tho clerk waa dl ria t? d to lnl irni the BOBate that the House Wus i'-ady lo pliKVeCd with biulnons. Ou moiiouof Mr. ATKINS (Dem. Iowa) a cotumltiee ol three was appointed lo wait utsm the President, and BBBOBBMsl to him thai the House was ready to receive uaiv comuiuiiic ii.on bo in ghl desire, lo triiusoilt. Tne oPLAKEit upiioinied Me?ara. Atkins, liccknell (IM in., lud l und Ourdeld (R<'p., Ohio) as such commit? tee, and (he House then loos a reoess of thirty nimules. Ail. i ?i tue re.'i >? ? us ? xteudeu I lilriy ajlOBtSOfOTO. ut the oud of which time the House Wasoellod lo order und lue committee apfMlBtBi to watt upon Iho Pre-,, o n, reported that it hau dim-Large I its Uut.v. aud thai the Pnaideut had t Btifssd toit t.i.t he would immedlateiy lisusiuit a incssoge io Congress. Immediately thereafter, al 1:50 p. nt., the President's uunnal message was received und read by the clerk. At hist the meesMge wus listened io nlicnliveiy, but ofier a lime im mi" - f< II into conversation, and Hit message was concluded witLout nuy murife>tHlio'i of approba? tion or disapprobation being made on either side of tin House. The reailini; ol the lueem gc ni"-u:j,' d an hour and a half, and toon, on flMttSB of Mr. F. WOOD, the on -s.,..-e and UM a. eo npauying do. RBBBBta wero re ferreu to the Comm.lieu in the V? bole and BfaBtBfl lo b? pi luted. Tne House then, at :;.:io p. m.. alj airned until to morrow. BMAFFMAI8BMMA I ol IMPORTS. Mr. A. K. Tingle, Supervising Special Agent ot the Treasury, lu his annual report to the Secretary, stales that the value of seizures reported dutiug the year amounted to t,S7,4fl:i: amount recovered by suit or euuiproudoe, tHU.-'l^'i; me "fa ?ed duties und p? nalDci collected on udvui.eod involees and changes of classification. fMTMOi rediietiou in expenses recommended, lH47.^:iO; savings during the year bv reason of retloetion made by ibpurimelil In rutes of drawbacks. rrsWIJAi-ti. l erty-nn e i barges and commission eases were dismissed Involving !S14'4.1imi. The amount involved Bj suits insittuusl was ?S7AU.114. 1 he i.uinbi r of arrests and eriinical prose, uiIons insti. mted was thirty one. The number of ugcul? employed Hie year was iwiuty-eu. . Tue pur diom com pi ns.limn aggregated e75,:?l-l, ui.d travelling expenses BIS.BO-'. making a total cost of 1*04 ;>Id. The total expense of collecting tne customi revenue duOug the year was I|i5.4d.>.77ei; fh" i x pen sc tor IBB ti- al year ended Juue 3i?, 187S. was bA.^vlS.TB?. show? ing a reduction of iM'MJOS. Durli g tbe year ibe number of |iackagea nf unap pialacsl uieiehiiDilise ir.mspuited from ports of first ar? rival io poi i - of desi'nation, under immediate transpor? tation BoOdavwai 'a!4'.),811, ou wim-h tue invoice vmiuu was rrS.745.o0LJ,. nd iuc estimated dut.i> SmMSi ssu. ItBlORlBB to Ibe such ssfll. eff .rt> ot tile oiv .sloll, lu coo in iuiiou wiib the sppruulng check uuder valuailons ot uu|sir;ea tnerehuiidisc. Mr. l uc e says : T he ulieslou as to I'm Hue m.-.ri.e! Viiueu! ti lie kid Iii ,vi s . its been app.rein v si IttfBs aller n mosi VfBBB> ous coulisi b} the iui| orleis, aided bv ub.i counsel. A BBBBBI r of rr*pprui.?emciiis res all. d iu establishing the value at 52 i ran es per d^seu..... originally c aiu.e.1 by tue Ooveruineiil, luslcad ol i'J francs, a., cia un d by the lm|K>riera. All entries ot km uloves, of bist qua,ii . . no* .mob ..: ...' ti .m ? I ae iiiciimis-.! Uulies ami penalties evulbcleil U|mui iIhm nrilelo alone duilug Hie IU eiil >ear amounted to eiV?.UT.? So. Pmofs wen ob' in,n pi, -i it. d to the Appral*. rs, showing (hal veivets Imported from QofBBBBf ou oou aiBBOBl ui, altbougu man uf set u i. d ii|.?.n oi.i. rs on viousi.v given ai a fixe.i |>or ceni, were -??-i-n. .ijcaiiv und uniform.y uud. i vulued upon entrv. It WOOfooiid upuu li.Vi stigat. that tue pines til BBlM ihesc v. I via- were ordired ulid sold, ?tp-i Oeduellng entiles, commissions MBtl eXiH-nsee. wen (run 20 pol cent ki 40 per cent oigb<-r ibaii tin ktvOBw ftlB??. D suou.d m uuuersiood that tbeae sreie not oidinary iBIfaVrtMsBBa of goods to oe sold lu the Aiueilean uialkel.bui lhal |BB pi lee whiib tne inuuut iciui.a was lo n* ceive was agreed upou W'fore ahlcun ut lo the United nates. The decisralioii by (he, in hie invoices, of a larger price thai, mat ut w.i. n in. siuoos w.-r. actually somi, was tberrfore a deiiiMuate ui teiupl tO I V.iili BBJrBMBl ol a BOTUoa of UM dill.--. Tneee inves.lgnlliitis neve colillroied Ii estatement in.nie lu my leisoi of last year, It was the prsotlcit at eer turn loreigu uisuu ss i i eis lo invoice th. ii gooaaeoop siKned to lids ' ounii) al nnee? as BUOhlowei luuu the uisrset Value as aias deemtHl pi lli.eiil, aud line practi? cal V 111 i la tariff rale to be pi.d without n-uard to Ibe lale presi ribeo bv law. Oue o, the leading uialiu f. innrer? o| crefeid, w.u. B _e In New - York when tne in ve-itgatious were pemilug. was askasi uistn wlist lie ..a-> a ii e va.otv. aaSVt) d iu BM lu>?aBSsO ?>f gosKte siupueO lo tne L'lnten Btau-s ou rauBBaalaaioa. He rtifutosl tiTa" it w?a a <t it. ii. i . tun ,o BUOBIBl ; that the g. oos were* ui nie spts laily lot the Aihericsa maWBSS aud BjM no market Velue in Ciefubi. auu Uisl it vi u> i liereloir " a man el ol em sc eine " w Uli euch ito.n mtmi iirei ss bi how h. would lovoif ? hui guod?. 'iuu*. if coiiab>utd in Voices ur.- lo be allow i d to pass uu^uee imuiu, us has fnuueutly been tho piaoUte lu jeers past, th* mummt of duties oellected upon them Would depend uiM'ii the s'naticity of lb* ? eonseleeee " et the foreign mnnnracTnrer. &? veral lnvo4ceeef vttvet* were rtiliuirplenfl, end in every instance no sUvaneu ur.ou tl?? laroleo value win sustained. Pending tneea rem?iimi?e mciits. n large proportion of the eeaaon*' Importation of these ; ">tU wio hsld nndcr general order, end upon the in,n .mi. MMel <>r inn r.-?nlt the consignee* gmeraily en? tered tii> 'r goods ?I the no rancid price. I rob?' I of OB*, giwd* of nil ginne have been largely .ldvinced In Tnlue ttj the appraisers. Morn l ban ROO roses of rrnpprnnni-Mf. mostly of Mills, here, net urred at ibe P.wt of New-Yor'* ro suiting, with few rxcapt:on<, in nu n'lennoe *n value, aud have formed the baai* tor-iibacuucut entries, thus sei hi inn lareely Increased revenue. Home of the prominent American iinoorter*. wno by ts?a?i>n of the prcrnlene* ot undervaluation. Nero Seen f?r many i .. , exflnded from direct inipertntions of silks, vel vets, slores and similar articles, have dcU-i-ini>? .1 to resume the purchase of this class of good" In fofeian market. Tftey nrr encourages! to this rout e lir DM marked sneresa of customs officers tu maintaining ad vanes ui?ou reapprolscroent. notwithstanding ihe nop |hmm-d nniiregnaole position of certain forenrn manulac Hirer*, wbn, by cou-ignlug tt.eir proiiiiot* to Xow-York and refusing to tell to American buyer* except ttwoagt Holt iigiliWin tin. loutllrv, fell secure III the belief tli it tlio Government wa* ihl* cutlrolvdeberred from Mtnllill L In'ormntion of foreign market values rev? ered direct imoor'aiions hare be*>n msde during the present reason, and it is bot? '1 thai actual MMSMI in tl.reign Iuhikefs will tni'o frcpn iu and geliere I in toiiimiah Indisputable evidence ef dull this value bv whi- h consigned goods may he apprai-ed and equal and uniform donee toliooiodi ll is u conn.ion error t:? suppose that undervaluations are cjpiitlned to article., like silks, velvets a'.d itmUai . Is, which pay a high n 1 valorem duty, and th.r. the adoption of low ad valorem rates will rnre the evil, ll has MAO ascertained tbul marble iu blocks, upon winch I|N i I \ .j'oretn r.ile Is but H percent, ha? been system ,!(.. ,. , und'ivaiin .I fur a number of venrs past, thai I ic loss to lie- Government by r ason ol sued umier vain ii .'3- er s tint i.e. ?< i.-s Ui in ??_*.>.'??<? per annum. Similar frnndnleiit praettON have ntsa prevailed in the Importation of certain classes of dry go-xls which nay a low imI v elorciu duty. t? lltumgge- iiou w ineli has bc? uso frequently urged, that these dnfj >nllte* In ik* collection ' of the r? vi mi ? e ?n only bo oii> bated By the substitution of iM?tne tor ud r niece a .luni.-, it has been ob? jected thai as to sitiis mid other dreaa goods no tpeciflr r :to con d Be BoBMuiliu4 wtneh would ep rate t qa'tably. It i< oonO'Jeiilly Is-iiovcd. ViWever, that m rompoaoa ?pertBe' tety 1 rted open weighI und snuuro yard would secure the iwo-fold objrel desired? viz . eci (unity and iit.ifnrmlty lu the codi i ll in or duties and the protection ot the iwrflmm maunfeeturet. sie c. ..nil evasions of the revenue b ?vo isa u prac? ticed hy nilarepreoeatattoo o' the inn- character ?<f meri h iiubso and false ll*?olBi >1 N tberoof. An In? stance of Uns sind was discovered In ih? iBportatloa of uuiline dyes. An iu vest'gallon di*i to seil t lie (net that a French mauufaciuier of dyosSttin had been fur more tnari a year iiefraudtm; the revenue by entering his irer eendis" as "niannfnet ured articles col otherwise pro vidt?l foi," the dut f on which is 'j') par cent, wueii in rea.lty tliev should have been > ntet(Mt as "amline dyes and colors," dutiable ,n Tip cents per pound and It") per cent ad vaJofwos. The BBfBfBBBMBl Bl the praper rate of duly on Iben? srtleb I, tB BBBJCB^BBBBB of t his investi? gation, win s ?euro an iBBIBBgoi revcuuosthereou of not less thnn tH.*SI,U(H) per annum The rc|H>rt concludes a* follows: Inves'igattous Into the method of wet (mm nnd sampling Imported r.'ig.\rs hove beeu continued, und lave lesuitesi in a complete rpnnrantl if mil of Iho Weighers' Depafttneat nr New York, end radical i changes In the mode of suinpiiiig aitrt weighing. The ?igiiHiiei? ami rare exercised by luo weighers since Ihe reorgHnlaatton have eamoted a oaemtslorable Incrnaae la the revenTM from sugar. Ii is tofftcult to estimate the amount of Ibis lnrrcnr-e. It may, uoweTt r. iiestiiu-d test o:.t if.- most intolli ge?t and careflll QnVotl IB the New York (Jus.oiu Ibiilse, wiios.' .lei v it ts to "iits rvise the Hqntdatlon of entries, has gtveu il is hl< oiiiuloe. tiiat UN wsight* is-tunnsd lie the weighers (luring the past year are nearer by -I |ht cent to tie- invoice weights thau during former years Upon tbl* esttinste tin. increase of duties nrlsteg from tno.c i ireinl we-j. iiiue ,tte ei;.t i to :B'.,'.7l rev. Carefnl atteattwi baa heeo give i to tBe subiectof sauipuug sugar. wttB a view to secure uniformity of practice ut i b the |n?rf?, anil I have|M>ri th it the many difficulties surrounding the object desired appear to Us vii been ovin o;ne, 11 nil thai a syslntu . as lies U de vi-?-U umiei wblefe it is beBevod uinnum samples may always lie otitnlned without leaving anything |o tns di-ere ion ol samplers. Hy reference to 'he accompanying tables, showing the elaasification ol sugars and IBB tlBlHM BBieaeed thoieon. st the four |ir' ;e;,..,i ports duung the lust two fiscal yiars, it will be seen tiiat the clusaitlcilion for the past >ci.r aas higher iii.oi for tbe preeediug rear, the aver agi duties per pound being one an I one-hall hundredth* of a rent more for the flscnl year ended June llo, 1V7?. tnan lor the year prevl -ns. Tins fraction, smab as it la, makes an man use of Iji'J in.?tifj 114 tn the duties co.Iceted upon 1 ,(>ol.iitu;,I lo ponuds of sugar Imported during the year at New-Term, Beetea, I'ldiadcipnia and Baltl iii le. _ THE ATTORN?1 UMNMJLAL'a HI.PORT. WaBBTIlPslTON, Pre. 1.?The n'Hinal rcpr>rt of fhe Attoruey-General was sn'miitted lo Congress to da>. In regard to the) deficiency iu appropriation for United .tiatiw* lliraaali Iha Atteraav-Oeneral aaya: The last leamea of tBopraomn Omsgrea* h iving ad? journed wltiiout mak ng aupropriatmn* lor these ofS e. rs mi 1 their depuns* tor thn cunent year, mueb an? lely was fait lest the oruinarv hu.-iueas of die courts, as it adeeis private panics, and especially aa II legaru* tee interest of the United States, Wotlld be Seriously deranged. Ir was my view Dial . fri eis might pioporiy pi toe od in Uiu regular perturinancc of tbe du tlea reqaired of them by Btw, |a tap an in ipail.ui of a suitiibb appropriation by Congre-s which shoiibl com (ssusnte them for ?M sal vices amuatiy rendered, aud those expenaeaMOeenontlf io the discharge ot iBeJl olhc. h. * ? * Ttiesi. oflt er? have faithfully performed all the duties required ol inmii to law, osmI advanced fron, ineir own means tbe expenses which have lie-'u necessary to their pei loi uuin 1. Altbuugli In ouu or two instance.. 011 ac? count oi the eapeaaeata be Bsearred, luarshait huvo Isreu compelled t*j |m.stpone tue sendee of itroeeee, yet uo Imiioriaiil practical dithi utiy lias neen Cunnd in tue ellioreeUieol of llic process of the I dIIimI Malts or too conduct of the buslno-s of i's courts ti.v icasonor tilts de netencv. Tnis la due to tho r-'al and Bdoiit v of taeoe oOl -its, w uo have nruggled 10 poriorui inulr dunes fuitbiuiiy, uittv.iLaUiodiug too euBarnuamebt under which tin y lubor. d. I eonsl icr thuir coutlnet m all respect? worlhv of the higliesi eouiuieudallun ; and I earnestly urge upou Cou grea* that tbe appfophaiBia noeeteary to ct nipcn.^nie tiiein for their services Isa made wllu all ?uitalde eXpe dMtoej. Iho unman 1 which ha? BBf*tofOro '?een estl me . : for this purpose and submitted is ewsi.tsH.. which uow coustiiuics a aatMaaayia too cum ...... t?..? BOB. Undirthe head of " Protection to Civil O?iters,'' the Attorney-General says: Additlou-.l Icslstatlou is iieednd to protect the execu? tive civil officers ot tue Government in i!ie peir?rmanoe ot their dunes, aud also ucnlnsi outrases whteli are oouiinitted U|H>b them, hocause they bavo faithfully pel to.-m et t tbeiu. Tue piitnamutnt now tillacbcd to a resistance of the process of the United (bates (tains Isnoic tnmoaaaraM witn many offences winch have beeu commiitt 1! upou and agaiusi tBBee aSeera, L'uiteil blate.i Court* suounl isr cloiUcd with proper power over siub uli'bi'ts In nrdi r ul least to pun.n who niurtler their efMcere while discharcinp their duties 01 because tbey lia\e diacUargiMl mein, a 11, tiler *o vdai lo the propor t xcctitioii ot tbe protxge of ihn l'nitr d State? should n..t lie left alone to the adminiMra l.011 of Justice in the route Cou.ts. Hcfcrrmg to tno election laws, the Attorney-Gon eral says : It bus been my effort resolutely ami falrlv to exe? cute all tbu laws of the United State* pro ti e purity of tdecilou* iu the ? .tu? way lhal utBet laws are exrcu ed, aud to to Ju-ilce those who bnve violated IMSB. Bubm uddiiion to the expenec* of tbe ]>cpnr:inenv b en made hy tlie )>roee?'Uiioii of off.-noea committed againsi tbeee law* ov vurloiia forms of luiituitiaiiou ami traurt, iho mote pi .tuiiieiit of which latter was the oftence famil? iarly inown ?s baBntsbM s uftlug. While eoovleUoaa have bot hoi u oiuuined in as many cases as cuuiu have beeu dc-ircd, 1 uuv. kuowu of none winch were cem lui uce.1 without proper und sufbcient evidence to Jnnlfy tuim. Toe unnsBer of convh-i' -risc?nm., i,.,\ever, authorises tie rssltei I hat 11 more uealiuy si ntiiuoni Is dt icl. piug Ho- if agaiust offence* of this ch ractor That ttie> attiko at tu>- very 0 i idatmn of n publuau govei a.oent cannot lie disputed. The necessity of making some provis? ion for the transaction of business in tho Federal Courts is adverted to. General Deren*, stigjfesbj the appointment of uu additional ju?go 111 inch cir cuit, by which means an iutorimslialu appe.'lats court coidd be formed iu each circuit, ootndaiiua ot I two circuit judges und the (irctiii jmtn-. An ap I p? Hate ootnt ol such a character could be safely in? vested with a vety large Junsdicii,m, and would rw* j lieve the Supreme Court and those circuits now op? pressed with business, besides giving to all parties opportunity iMTPpoedy trial. A detailed statement here follows of iMditpefJ. Um "f thetiiuses nu the dtaket of the October term, 1">7*\ aud of those tuns far heard during the present term, ihn attention ol Cougress is called tn tbe retool decision in what are known as the "trade mark ea*i<?,''ami also lo the quealions in? volved in several eise? now p nding ami steip to be brought to the .111 of tbe court 1 he appropriation by ( ngross for expense ,,f tjl(. I nifed Stales courts di ring tin- last Beeal year wm 900,000, I be amot.nis alre idv pani goi and the accounts presented and payable lTt.11, Uljj appro? priation will require a daaeleBcj npniwpnBtioB of fillTO.OlMI Oll uck lilt of the jildi ij e\p. ||ses f..r tho tiseal year ls?:t. rhe TTtnngto mm the fiscal \ear 1s.ho i, p2,350,000. I Alliong oilier recnmiln lldutlops ate t lie I01I0W mg i | inn tue Daitad Htatea iMstiut AI lorn. , ? BbonJd be i paid by aauriaa aleaa, aoaTpal aa at pro* . nniK ' In fees; that ae-istant Lulled Sale. At >rm yn { should be provid- tl for naertVUB tUatm i- and ibcir I salaries lived ; t.iat the number ol Baited Mai?.? t ouiu.i-.s.o.n is-.mW aggregating 'J.MOO-j, It>o in 4l, and as the . Ap.a,-, , in. ideiit to ti.oir dutnwl urn eonlii ually i on asmg. Congress slmiinl iixtho iiiiiMiu nu aaanaaa ta a amtriri. und IfaaiBonty should he given Hie Judge of the district to Uianllotv fee-111 cases wliere warrants were eund>-ss|> issued, much might be done to bunt expense*. 1 he report tHiBotadot witn a rafrrrjire to the courts iu l'la?. in which the Attoi uev-(l un ml sayg; For the <a*l lour >ears appropi lailoas bay, irts,.|i uiaue for ihe eKpcuxs of tin T< rntorud ? ourta in t'tah Tuts Tern lory isrsist^btly itecili.e. u< male the api n url.,lioiis tslnei. ail other Trrniorsss of to, tfuBod Slate* luakf, and prui't ily snoiild make, ror liiess. eouri*. ll wili he for Congress to oon?ider whether sotuu sysieui oaiibo. hi ad '.'ico i.j ubleb lue 1 . rf i.ory ,11 1 I . , pe,led 10 meel au i X|h-Ud.tuie Which lue InglsialluU Ol Coutress lia* ir. nte.l ... ? prop, 1 elmr^e up 1. it ll wouid he obvmuai) luipoealtiie in the iiu antium to prr uiii ihcpioper admiuistrallou of Ternp.rial Juste c to . la... THE TRUNK LINKS BUJ UrrjklMI AND R4TE8. a MMfM that kbit M ?h?rt 700.0ooof thr him cicqt ip.kd Foa mir. suit man ?kKOKK ti1u ASHKwnLY MBLBtOAB ?'< 'M BIIIBW HHimil on BOeTKPUUUftg. TaUM ANI? RAILROAD BATK? 0> TUB MM Ot WWTTKrJ I'BODL'CK-A BTATKMFNr BY JAMES M'llKNRY. A Hinior wjain t irculation ye-Ocrilay that Kriohna not funds, enough ?-u haw! to pay the interest twaTly line. Tho tkfic.cnt y was rumored to be $70x0,000. In com hiding his ursnmcut in defence of tue rail? roads ItiBtirdBJ. BT TBdja Shipmaii reviewed the testimony that b.ui been given before the Aseetnb.v IVimiiiittce concern i in; tho management of the rail? roads of tbe State. The address wan .1 thorough analysis of tho testimony Bnd b clear stato lncnt of Uie position of Uio managers of tho Eric in Jibitioo to all error* of ad m.lustration (hat have Ixcn alleged ag >in->t 1 In in. Jatiica M> lit nry lute went a statement to tin- eo.nnnt |BB of Ida version of the Erie controvert/. Brief coin me at* 011 t.Vs by President and S. I.. M. liarlow arc gi ven herewith. THE fpie 1ntekest almost DM*. A RI'mok I'liT TIIK company has XOT TIIK AM.ifNT XCKssAItY to RAY II?THE df.h CtkaTCT 1:11 litfitD to BB 1,700,000. At tbeWitBBBBf Wotvi ami DtrlOBBtatVo's at a late hour last rv. n.nic it was rtUBoeodthai JsBBOBK. Kbvmumtstated that IhtErii RailwayCompany w.w>7o0,<>0ii .-'.ort of the um 11 ? e-sary to r>;.y t!;e intarasl dM i'i ? few da? on Ua b? mis. At tbmlatterBBtBBd plaaa Mr. Kmwn own vorda ware quoted to this eSacti and I ioawueot purporting! to be in his own hainlwrniug was ,'jhwii, of winch tlie foMow itig B BB a BOW : The Krio stateBBBBBj which will soon l>o pub-" liehed. will a'mw .-, 7.M),llOOiietie-it toward pay incut of interest on iin boiuls." Mm. Jamil WBJ sought, but al the late which t lie t.cvvs waaobiaintd het on Id not In- Intimi. Mr. Kerne ,va > subsequently BOttgfcl at the Albc n.arle Hotel, wi..-v. |is i.nv liviroar. but 111 reply to tho reporter's card lie reut word thai be bad retired. A coniiiiiinica;;i>n was sent to him in wiitiiic to the effect that he was ii noted as saying that Erie was short $700,000 BtB ils interest duo shortly, nnd risking if it might lie stated on his authority. Mr. KeBOB made no rep y in writing, but the reply tMBjaj by Ihe waiter: " Jfo ; and you must not say so 011 my authority." None of the Kile nl.icials .ouhl be fntiud prcvion.-t to going to proas. _ ai?;i:mi:n is for the eailkoads. CO MCI. I'STOB Ol" KX-Jl DOB SlMfMAN's HPKltCH? AN'i W' ;<S T" i'OMPEaINTS and (.1 I I DTs \|s. Ex-Jtitlire. William D., M coiinac. for tbe New-York. IssfcB Erie nnrt Western Railroad. 0011 cltided ins argument before the Assembly Committee yesterday. Mr. isicme charges, said Mr. Hblpnian, that the carnage or milk by the Eric yields a revenue of f'J.'.'OO per night ou each of il ?? local uiiik Irubis. The fact is, an Uf, Itlaiichar.l has BBBWB, that the gross revenue la only fSM per train. I now turn your atten? tion to tho e.miniamU of tho millers of Roches? ter, of tho graii.alcaJi-n aud porg-packera of I'.otTalo, and to the depression of agricul tarc in the Western part of the Stab-. Tbe testimony discloses the fad that the ()em->e? wheat fields long since ceased to produce the kind of whea which one. miide the celebrated (ict.esee tloitr. It has bee n supplanted oy a new viirviy, core privlu. tive, but maMng un In Tenor flour. Tne local mil.ers will no*, use It,aud go to the BTSla markets of Toledo and Coicago foi their ihe only coaiidalul of (ho Rjichestcr miller is regarding the rate from Roche.' ? r cast as com? pared v.lih the through rate from the West. T::c rate from Raschester to Li\er;>ool has never been ui?>re t'mn ?1 ccnis higher than th ? nt" from Minneapolis to Liver? pool,and usually It is from l."> to 90 cents lower. Now, whydiMs not the purchaser buy blstloiii m Boebesti rsnd sulp to LIvcrpon! when E.c frel.'ht is .T'l cents c'lciprr from R srnesier to the foreign pun than from tin: West I Tbe r. of i o i-m . is that In i an Imv ul- fl :ir n; the West 7."> cents per bai nl i heapi r than a: R i..-.- '.-r. i?i course Hie 7j cents difference Is not created bv the rail? roads, but by tuu Westen myier? ibe ri.-ult of baa near? ness io the soiirta- ol supply. The grain trade of Iai1.uo has BBtloflbtedt] declined. It has iH-en ?npolBBtoi l)j tbe arual VaaBorn centres. Tula sialeof things is bs'youd lekislattve roii'ml; the laws of uriolo r.ixTiite uaeelstibiy. Tbo )Mtrk-UM< klug business of EufTuio is also not us great as It ' b.ts been. Il is i beeper lo kill tbe boas Jn the West, und thus avoid Um trataBBortoilon of I'll pi i edit of tPBata luaierlal. Lu'talo has been in? jured by the hlgB tort of biiullug gr .iu. The combina? tion of the owners of ihe elevators to keep up high pi ices is dauiaginc. DKI'ttKsSliiN in IHBHIIHIH It Is charged that the decline in the value ol farm lonua In WtsttJ-ii Ni a-York Is due to the rsilrouds. This is a rtelnston. If the Ne-s-York roads were blotud out of rxlsteuce.stlll Ibe proeliicls of the West would reach trie Eastern markets iu comiM-tition with those of tbe farm? ers of New-York. As to the decline lu UM Bark et price of fsrming lands In this Htate.tbo llWhBBS wbollv faiis to show mat tliere baa been any xreater offthnn id real OBtBtB generally in the t.s und cities. One witness ?a) s that twelve j cars i.go bo sold potatoes at fl fiO biieiiel ; now tiny were lib rent-. Ontoi.s Ibeu sold hI B*J ami .*'_' M btisoei: now 50 cents. Il Is not aurprisiug (hat furun-ra find times hurder. toil ihe New-Yoik lurnior has great advantage* over most of the Wesl. ru farim Is Muliv of tho urtli !i lie e'oiistiu:e..s but does noi raise ore br> ught to his door cheaper. Ho also can respond to tbe call ot tho purchaser in New York quicker. BUll DO New-York fnnner complains (hut lie his to pay a higher rat.- per mile for rail tr ajaoriatlon ever the New-York roads thai, is puliibr the Weeteni faun r. UN remedy, he thinks, la a pro rat? frelcBI sysftm?eliber levelling up tue tiiruugu rates or levelling down tho Ioosl raies to a mathematical stsiMlard of uni? formity. Now if the New-Yort trunk lines bad tbe sole power to fix their rates ou tarough easi-bound freight (widen they Uavi> ai / tin y eouid not ralso these roles independent of oOBeurreol uctmn of thnolh?>r trunk lines wiihoiK div< rilng the ?.- iraf tief i om Ibe Ofay Of b>w Yoik. Raising tho rales on lorougli freigbi no's passing Sy rail turoiigb this rtute. by ?taiule, would send n over roads running through other Stales Tae only other course n> lue local isles call le brought loapio ntB With tbe IDTOUgb rates is in redueio the hs-al rates. To attempt tins wouuh be to ignore the iMimlitlous of trooaporfaUoo ? such us leugtn of haul, bmk uud rugnlariir ol Lraifie, et. Toe manager*ofthooafosstaan struug'iuK to redaee tim ditfoieiice is tweon tniougu aud local rales to tae mini? mum, regard b. UBS bad to all the BtSBtSBta ot the plots lern. It has been said that legislation baa le-en successfully aoolicd to iraft!?? on the English rnliwsjs. if V(,u W|)| that legislation you will Orul it vi ry limited in Iis roaracier ami opei.iiiou. KofWTer.a > omnarisun i .m md be in nie as ib ? ..millions of the hmk of the tr trie of the two countries areeiilire y d.ff rent. Eugiaud ie not broken up mio sepurasO HlaP-s, Baring the power io mtke i ot. die ting laws, each with is own rat Iron t sys? tem, with Us own syatem ol laws. England, moreover, has eluuloaied troin her civil adiiiuiisirsiiou tbe uie , ment of puny. Win. h docs nut h??H..te io dl ?trlbuio its luvors to ineX|>er.e'Uce and nuh. ei ity pioyided UaOJ wear the robes uf party lealty. It i* o't.'u said ihat if the New-York toads can I BBtiy a busnid of grain t..rough iroiu OBlBagB to tho eoaboard lor tumr proportion ol the tntongh rste tiie.v ? .... carry a bushel of ciaiu fiom Rroi kpurt or Ruth, lu this slat ?. to the- wabo.ird ai a sum equal to tueli UtODOfOOB of tlM thioitgb late. Tuis suggosllou ignores (h? diileleueo lu the Co t of transportation between ? Ion? ami a ?hurt haul?h - tween vast besUe* of truflic mo\iug one cinire aud small qtiuuibit* pieLtsi up ui local sUfloua II Ignores lue la. I that loo nec-s.itlca of New-York City roBJBUB tuai lue triuik lim s of tins etat?-, ah >uM paatl cipaie largely in Uns traneporladou to pievem u toiul direranai of It to olher lilies, and taut tin y only partioipaie IB il at tho rates whkli luie tho hour, und which are fixed bv the rigid laws of demand and supply. To say that these New-York roado stiull tak' no pur' id IbOUrOBkfB BBsaBgaa BBBOM iimler Die is nalty of Ulng deprived of ull (irotlt lu tne local business, la B pivpoailion involving the grossest I uj us lice. THIt TESTIMONY ACOfr THU KRIR, I thltik un examination of IBB testimony about tho special rates grantou by tin Erie mauagera will MtfBfj you Uial they were uot made capriciously, nor with Ihe design or eff ct of injuring any one Mr. Jewell's ap? pointment as receiver and bis administration have neen cnuciseai. It is suRlclcut for my purptwe here io ?av that bulb tne apiNdntmi nt and ihe receivership h ive Isreii lUlly vindicated. Il nan Ih-.-u insinuate d alssi that ih? rtHeuru ol ihe Erie Railway lo tne suit.- En gtueer aslafepros?tod the condition of the eoupony. The tivstltnouy of Mr. Jewetl ami Mr. LilUc ahoweti Ii. it lie: reports were all u.sde lu aoodfailh. As to tbe aal.iry ol Mr. Jewell, bis original salary as pieslii'iit was voluuluiliy Lmlcicl In in. ine ae oanty wnicn ne icqmred ^for BbaBtbsBiag the hBMBTSMB aud im rative gsSHSSBBa ha IBBB ? d o a? sume the o.n .oils dtlllos of muu.iglug tbe affai.-s of this cornor.ii au "a' ptt'eclh pis; and pro, er. As to hi-salary asiei HTST, Ml was II em bj lo. taBBTt winch oppoiiited hi as, witboat say soltcitata? o nm pan ot on the part oi ui. counsel. As to tue aOtBlSBBO?' of the sun ol Erl? agaiite. V.iuderbm, 1 woul.i aa> that wns done under Ihn a.vico ol < oUiiaol, in a huh 1 auand. Aa to the aettleoteul with Mr. Ooiild, 1 eouln say thu II.? ilisi me- wusibou^ht ton,. Ha Boot rtaoll Unit is.uid iHisellnv lie ohialiied. Mr. QoBM b <d several millions of Ihe prupetty m | cum puny iu ins name, and H was of vital tin puriaucc thai the I it I., and pok<**?sl. n should ins ai gOja> d by (he eouiputi) as ~m?o ms possible. Mr. Oould linleil io p. rfon.i s. in?? ol Ihe eve.inul? m (be llrsi s. tt|. men'. i. ?... uud ?tot wsa nnuttfiii nvmiiat bun ,,. collipe DBrfortBBBBB. '1 his was subsl.mtialljr BBB0a> pU aoaftatBa ait)usiiuetit .het, mut i> wuiii is calteo the aeramd " aelllcmeiit " who OoulJ. There 1? not ? iM?rt i i. ..I p-.m.f loal lu eltUer of these seub ine.iis ine Iswl aitaiusble results wore not socuied i? ? <? Em t'om|*aiiy. UJ" ?' isblpmau iu eiusliig his address reviewed the I iMliotllfljOlelOBIof the conns upon the relation* of a s-itsto to the railroads witldn iu bnrderi. arguing last ran muds worn no; pubsio enUrprlsc-, uud thi nr.* wholly under Uin control of tho Rate. He clov-n with these words: . , "1 aui aware that fba pnternal tlioary or government is gaining adhen n < ow u MB eonntry. Tho condition* of Modern lifo pree* ftnrd-r and harder upon the mnlUtudee every year. Wmn theso toiling, ami voting million* undertake to npplv the thenrv of pnternal government to rented* tho evils -loco ?tUml l-hem. they will extend Ihe hard-toniulllg pieces* lo other property be BMO that nf mllrnod norporatlon* hi in mi Sinuc will begin his argument in behalf ..f toe Chamber of Conuiierre fn-duy. A STATKMKNT 11014 JAMX& ItctLZMtY. HIS VPRSIOX flF mK I RIP. COXI It'iVl ?HY- MUll K rowvu-NTs whom i hi -ii'i.M n w> i r and a. } ? m. nviM.i.w. Jnniea Mi ller ry lias made another statement ahum BN ro.vtiiio. wine a bis re presentat Ire In this MM pry, Jnmea A. I.cilly. last evening fjPtl in .Mr. Hephui u. Chairman of fie Assembly fooinittt'e. The iuo?t tmis.r fant patte of Mr. Me Henry'? statement, which Is en? title. I ?? atsteipr nf of James Melfetiry !n PJ ation to 'he loons neeotiat'<1 in fondoii for the Krlo h.illwsy DM puny 1M7_\ X mT:t, i S7 I," and which Is aw-oi-o to tie' the L'iilfi-1 Mates Viee-Consnl In Pails, are a ? .'.):.? ????: I miderto.ik the const nu l:on of the AtHnt.c ami Greet Whsten: us an exten d?"i of tbe I". ??? Il nlw.iv with t'lll mowlcdge that Ife prosperity depend, m on :'s BOB* rirshle treata en' l>v the Erie. S... a after IU com p! ?*! mn tl. Hi le r.'i'Uilialed all its engagements Wttl a view to sti-an,-'" the great railway widen I fOOltra led, Eariv In ii7'?' I nee-pled a siijrgisiion mace hv Mr S. L ?t> lb.rl.iw m. I others, aud detrrauai d 10 provide an bnn eel idnilnUtrntloafortBeBrie, [took loeonly eour-e tho i.puear '-il open !o n ??. I im! te.d le money i *? ? im nt" a m o ol tin-, rlirer tors to resign in favor of (!:.- of Mi. Hmliw. f rel cd entirely < n Mt. 1 larl j w's 'tat.meat a Its the position ?I tbo Erie, ii \ i tMJ and pi.ieed tin iii In po?ir. and accepted implicitly every notion thev ropreeenn-d as Mm eeceoenry for Um beoeatl of tan Krte t dapaay. My ,m|ect Vafl plain, and whs always traiikl'/ ucknowl .<".. 1 10 -It - I gtBOO I he Erie ttualn I.... v iutl PMM '????' ? so that It w.?ltl '*> in a position to cairy out its engage meiiis to the Aiantic and il:eat Wesi.-rn. Immediately Ol the el. i tl m of tlencrai fr.X. March. 1873, withn t wen'.y-faor hours l was eoltrd on MM advance o' PJJj^OOUjOoO to prevent the appoio'ment of a re.-. iver. I negotiated linswitn Pwfl. BmBBoBabeBn it Oolrtsehra.'tt. and resdlfod In Hie OOBttSM V pur Value in i utrein >. e-.n-lrli iVMl at the tin.- an extl uotdlliartly surceaeftU negotiation, loi winco I neOsmSI ion ihans* of Ihe (oropaiiV. Sni.rtlv niterwaid a law was pass. 1 at the m-tsiietof Mr. H irlow, ami al a i-ost to the Ei i uf >7;>.U0u. pan! it\ renolulioti of the Board, making UM Brta M rxa ptioo Pa nil Awriona raflwaj in resiutring the directors ro lie resid' nr eitteem. ?f ti e I i.iteu e* it ?. v.n'?.ii ttgis i iioii eooeeatraled all ihe poWM in the haipiso* Mr. Itirtow and Ins eonfe leraies. In tue Mtel of May 3.1si7'J.<?on!u'*uame laforth- first Ilm.? ?utroleced is the holder of bonds worth P8^MO,0)Si, whieh it t.i. suggested sho .Id bo rcpur aanessa,tor whieh78 pororal sma dessandsd, Hiibougii they w.-re sa.d In i>.ive In en sold I > (NMtld a ii? l?er cent. Tu. letter of t icportsthe tsnjMoai of these MBit at 7tH par bsbi. tad oa psaa 01 it fa itated iBal r ? purca?se will largely bsnell: tbe Company, aud t..e lltllltalttB lN inerea?ed 9f tile kr.owloilge Unit ObBM has been prevented fr.?m n-aluina much, If an-liilng, Bt> V'inil the -ictual cost or 1 ue bauds. Um a contract for the sale of tle se bonds was con cidcnuy made with (Hmti, linder WfeBM Bo Vat Mi rcooive whatever prollt w is r. allied By ihe sslo of tlie^ houda (aisout tUOOJSNn. I'll is ea > i was deceived bj KrP oftl la's, at..l a I M labors far suppii-.i g ftradaaaramal boatu est JBratabii terms were mi le u-eiess. by :!..- pn.ffr. It net tho whole pr. ? eds, g lug into private poe'.rets. Barlow** letter (aa papa 18) atrat aaaaraaaa that nu the e'irtntigs were BaBM nood .'or ts-rtnan-nt work on tat railway, ana" suggests ihat u.e iisn.-.s??? ?' rem no ?? money an?uld he settled t>v BBwBoaMBUB out of the balance of bind p.- Oroda, I was rals'ng this BBteey Bt LtWd m BBBat ibe impression ttMt :t was t-etng appropriated for tl,. improvement of nie. railn ay end Its cipiipment. In til's I yy.i^ decer. eil. i- oUoWtSfj i ne nheme of President WatBpB. to his let? ter known ust'te "WatBOB" and bis various inegesttoesthai fartMraamaaraworeroasdned for tm eompanr, f aegottated wtta Patera, BUchotTshoim ?fio.ihsi.noo eonverriolB bonds, pre pectin attached Of these ?fS.MSl.O'JO were at once made available at pai tri currency. The renuiniiig $'J,o00.lH'O were afterward negotinred under ine lti-irtictioneef BfaraM ra London at lower prices?say 80 per cent PJ so p. r cent; nut fnt the negot latraa ol thi ? ' lo.iua I roee. v. d the el. pre.-.. :.,i., under seal, ??f Ihe ih .nka o the l o rt. Thenext Bnaneis'in iveim i.t made In 1a ndon by the Erie Com pan v was the is>uo or XJ.tKKi.lhK) sterling s-coml ooBaolidaie.t liouds. tho ..rrangeiiieina lor w bieb were made hy President Watson without my knowledge or consent. TUo loan wa? a tadore, Mau el, In js reeni iwitig eabeeiIBid. of ? bleb al iea?i one aall ?aa aeed iu tbe e.vpeii?ea connected wr.:. the Is.lie. Wats- ?! then lougbt, and I i.eset an d advaueoa to u large aawaal oa Um nnaoiu pfl?uoa of the tswde, u iug more than ?2,000,000 itcrftM anaold wfeea Preasdieii Jewrtt eaan power, ihe ptorwadB <-f which weie phi ed at btt di*;Misal tii.-ottgb the Bpeaef of Mr. J.<;. <l.-?y, one of the dlieeters ?.-nt espvcMllv to Loodou tor that purisi-e. ?in Iii oihers. i Be e wm not a single dollar of the proceeds appro? priated w ilhout Hie poaeoM of ibe Erie Otupsny or some Of ItS ofneer? or ugi nts. Tue mtmmary of tBeae ttuaueisl transactions is aa fol? lows : fne Erie recotved In IST'J. pioeoeds of first mort r go bonds. t?fi.iMM).oisi; is7:i. nreeeadeaf con. ni? nes tit n-m-t s.".(KM).00.i; tK74. proceeds of second eonac41*lated, 810,000.0001 total, BSSJMMXMOl Daring iii. -e iBaaetal arrnngomowta eaattenod repmoeatatioBi w.-re made Ibat the nmney was urgently infHed for ?? coastiuciton " piirpoa-s. These rcprcai atattottf wero belli ved iiid i.eted upon, and ll was not unlit the last BeM was sold and Mr. Orar bad iciarued with the I sal ore,. , I? to New York that it beeniot evideal thuiiue Krle one pbjeleallj and taaaemj i bt uo bettor po?ir.ou. if so good, us wbne le diarge of Fi ik und It. BNL luime diatet.v afterwsnl M pa-sisl Into he hands of a n c, t\ i. and the legality oi tue second cousolidaied bonds was officially called fBtO ipiestlon. vikws ray pitrsinrNT JBWB1I. Presfeiei.t Jewett was tfJCtai ycsrcrd.iy at bis office, but did not seem to take n very lively Interest in Mr. Mellenry'* ?MBBMBt, He was very buay, merely glanced at the paper nnd said that 11 Mr. Mcllenry cared t > keep his story warm hy continued punlleutions he (Mr. Jewelt) could not I.c!p It. It was enough for htm i>. know .hat the ijUe* tion in all its bearings had be.-u dleeaaaael Bj aobbH of law elected hy 5lr. .McMenry to ?Ttle the matter, and thai this court lad rendered Judgment against Mr. Mcllenry for about two tudliuns of dollars. \ TALK WITH mu. lJAItl.nW. fl. L M. Barlow, who was foutid at his oftlce. KB, IS William*-st.. read the pr.|ier through carefully, making tue following comments on several points as he pro? ceeded : Mr. IfcBenry beging bis story without specifying dales, and u would appear, from what lie %%y%\ that be was engaged in otilliimg lIn. Atlantic aud Wea'era nt the tuuo of rne Fisk ami OoBld BBaaaaBMBl of Erie. In fact he began tbo construction of th-n road ubout '-ej, and it was finished I isoui IS' ?, He says that a law was passed at my Insran.; r,quiring the directors of Krle to he resident Citizen? of ihe L'uned Ptatae, This law mad* n a pei xi offence lor the men al 'tie lo ad of i;rle not 10 recognize proxies, and was dr. rn up ey Kv.irts. A mrhtuuyd und Choate. and bud the clause Sir. Mcllea.rv c, ui plains r.f tick, d on nt tbe end. I md those Working wi'h me did nil we could to prevent Ihe passage of Ihn net. hut with, tit avail. With reference to the rep ire lines- ot rlUiOO.ono of bonds from Mr. OOBld, Be look tl. ::i at 65 per ceut. We oBJeeBsi to this, out BMtad on making kMJBBry In Wtul sir. ef thai nolauly in Nea-York would give .* imp h for the houJs us i.ou'd liimstlf. Uui we knew we could r.-alir-? OoaaOtBrng Ike P7 per e< nt In London. Wo offeeeo lo repurchase of (imid, *|| rol Used to sell except far something like M pel cent or y.y per cent, ll is bonds w ere in Kngtand, and we threatened lo at;a. b them tor ihe judgment . b tuiued agaltist him. We had MB so far IB our power. Hinl lie eomprouiised at 7."> per cent, by waJeh means I siivcd almiil if?i.Vi.(SM> to the Erie Company. When Mr. Mcllenry say-," Tuere was uot n singlo duller of I&0 pr.edaappropriated without the cons %\ ,.< tho Kne company or some of us officers or ?grata," I need mij tel 'in that a court of his own chuoeliig tendered a judg? ment against him for two MlBs ns, a- due IxOfli hitu to the Erie Company. ATt'HlsCiN It) iE A liAlLKOAl) ( El I KK. IMPUItlVM HIT mail Ci>MKviPl s I e l>. AvOaUMWi I in., Dee, l.?Jay QejvM ajad party retuiued to mis clly to-tlay. Mr. ti.utM si ren thai ilia Central brauch Itoad would he extended to torm a eeoaeeMea otth the Baaaaa l'acttio at an early day ; that tbe : t. Jm eph aud I>euvcr Hum', would lie ex? tended tu Ate I ui fi on a point uear Troy Junc? tion ; that a hue wou'd tss built from lliue Kaplds er Waterv'llc lo Marysville; and that the Central liram-h Koad, from this city to Watervitl' would be relaid with steel rails in order to provide for lirgely Increased trsftlr) over It. Theae cbangen w.ll give this city outlets It never before had, over bath the Sr. Joseph and DeaVfT ami Kansas nnd Pacific The new road from QfWBd island, on tbo Union PactlOi via ABaWaaa m.-i si. Luom, win m, tao ibortoai and most dire t line me \Ve?t stlonis he lw?sru ihe Pat i Hi (oast and Mis-ouii; und the extension of the Central liiaucti lo a con tui? tion with tho Kmsua Pa alii mar the West Hue of tho (Pale, will muse ibe ibi rteol and m >st din ot route rn-io Daatrai to tbe Missouri Km r. Mr. (lonld ladtoated that nd the tt.frlo poselng over too Kausas and Colorado roads ami tiie DBBM I'u Me f. ; S[. LaaBl and eastward will BeaBBI st tills city. He staled thai Ateluson should ne affordeil. either for east or ?est Inline1 f, eii.-nts, over hot u tie Kill is Pacific Slid Bt, Josopb ami ??BTI r Koad-. fucliitli-s ecjaal to |feo e nt utty or Bt, Joaapok EXI ENSIONh AMD CtiMUIXAHOVBi Bavrmknui Dae, L Qerenoff TaibBt .?m.i other prMI'Benl dtaie und corpoiation official? of* Mussucbusi tts arrived in tuts city last nlgiit aud are to-lay m-pectiug tbe terminal railroad fiu Ulfa s, shipping wharves und ele ..t ( a:.(on ami la'cusl i'olni.of tbe 1*. nn.-yhania ami tiaitnoore and OUa Railroads. Ex-(lovnrnor llrlger stated that tho visit was Olie ol business, lint ? allied lo see ttie is ill olid and termBsal taoiUUei of Baliimoeo for laoBMolres, to ?ad out what this poll lias that Ba?tOO has ool. OB .-aturd.iv I oil Messls. Allieri Pel. and C. S. iieail. (lie BrtUeB Coinmissiotiei s, in iperted the same points and toe now large dry-doc!, now b. ingcousiim ten at l/ieusi I'oiul, iid)olbiug 1 oil Melleuiy. St. Jom.iti, Mo., Dec. 1.?The St. Joseph unit t), nvt i 11.11.. w l. i .1 li.i. beeu .VI. ail, tl to toe l moll I'aciUc at llrautl Islaud, Is lo have another extension. Mr. Iloubl hud his associates having purchased that part of ibe Ccutrul hruuch which lies w.-.t of Vtatervilln Ihe nt-Joseph und tleuver nnt is to he extended ?est ward^ along * lit south fork ot the .Solomon Kiv<r to the kausas ynatle itoad al Muuumcnu The gap uf Iwnuty ?MM BBtWaBB M-rysvllis and Wntm villa will tnp t>ti::? ?t <nt* mwi will form ta Important thron/h Uu? Ut 1.? r>|h?ratixJ *a *h? 8t. Joseph and Daataj, I'm- ,f the mw proprietors us* |>iiruhe*?d ? ,.? ,,, j road-a I wt>i i g?,t of y.iv !jrt*<:o,i Wa 'usm* mid Ate-iu. ? ??1 .' i :'..<j in,..... ?, f ? x: ? !|ru rf.o M ?,,, ri r ..." ?,, this fit/. Tin giadiug is lo be renal red and t let track i?id aa imii'i m i?o?*ibV. Tim* at, Jaaapk am in? tu? terminus of la^ Missouri I'acifU If ulrotvl. It b:.? been aadeioieoo' f?r *ouie utile turn- thai tbe Awhivjo ami N?bi .-I. i H al ? lo ?-Ii ?uge tu irnck mid ma from Tror Jjii.'tiou io st. J >*epn. I'M 11 taaq I m?. I?ec. l ? Resardm- the minor that a syndicate bad iMitt an offer to purchase the i.ity of I'hliade.pi 1?'? interest in tu? etoeic of tlie Pfiu.<yi?aoi? Hiilti.^'. ?Ty fi'.i.rr?.:>, IVti*. n ?:y. : . u. .,, en ordi"ane? of tae city f'oai.etli pre ? : >af ite it "ta raatiBt tt mM at wtt than aac east ia#a <aaiw ii paid : r in ritt ,:xca, sueha transaction won.., nnt t?n i nreh . . >ut ?do a ?bare. Tbc par valre t w-T.n. r.nd tbe Slock v? .i, i ??.??,1 i:; lae market yesrerisf*. sit.., Kr? D.'t. l.-Ttaj NasAviiet reefsreh.o hs* reoti ted m a satisfactory tariff itrttuwii, aud if not In terms. ?*i;i tn raet, tae f/>msvillc and Xaabvi ! i aao tliu .\aehvi.l* and Chattanooga Roods are te WUtt I focrtbo.-. Cm ivs XT!. TV.. I.?Jtirlge Bufer. of Iba I.'ur.i-1 Mate* f in uiM'onrt hat k??m d * eoin-orn ot deerr* fo ? the ?tat of flev IrnJ: niapotm. i inclniiell anal iofaaetlo Railroad, a fnoilae diente tinvlug been Issued by Ibe 1'iilri-d ?. ' .i;rt :n i'diana some dar* ago. Ths <j lo ii? ? ! i,y i'.ft v;,?.'' ? i ???iiri::.. atom r. Eni?.* are re'|u:rod to deposit fc&O.OOO aa au re idi nee or good faith. 77//V /f/:O.I 7>l*.l ?' TAtiKRSACl.K. A KOBMAL WITH DPA WAL. Til* rkv. ill:. 1AI.MAI.K SfSTAIXKU? KM TBCSTftl 1 l>k. II>K fi? If tVK TUB PRVaUIYTKMaM BODY. Yum 1 BBBBBJ ot fits Hrooklva I abernsch*. 1-n.t evenititr drew up the f.illowinit paper, wbieb *,|. adoptad i a niiuio'ie.h', to be urear.uled to 11*0 Uev. 1. Da tViW I il i ig?', the pa?tor: I l.o I'nard ol Tnisteea of the) Hr joklvn TBWwa rie thiiti ii d?. laataaaat e?eialljf tod ttBitediy to Iba paator, tho WV?X. I'oWifi TaJmairr, D.D., us, loljo a ?* : I hat the ton anil Beraiatrtit pnrsnit and per?. ( ui ion i i pa-tor of tins i-han-h by wicked, ma lit'iiuti* :.i 'I :n ?Ii- ions ii ? ii. ii to i' r ;... ..mi ,,|. text of ? < ?'!? alaatleBNBu having for itsavoweal ohpvt blaaleatructioa and Hie iLatru.-fi >nof fhe pros ?arityaaal aaaaa of roiiirion m cborch, wm lind tual fealtv to our duty aa freemeti oi th" I.. id .I.'.s.u Cinist 11, mauds the ?o-nnraf ion of tho Hro iklyn Talvrnai !e from tho F'resbvlrri m d< tnmiination for as long as thii BBBBB and unprovoked wrong shall continue, and that we nejtai il attl pa.toi 'o initiate such nieatur; ?> aa will etl'. ct this tu -irse, raajBjtrad. by self-rcapoct, by the light* of h intan nature, and bv the interests of gis-l order. ?I'ieienev and lull BBMBBHlton htaa vroi k bata, Bo blessed of (iod in the past and pjuy cat, and bceboaiog na to higher anarlBeaB and aae ooaaaa, for li.e cause of tlm evangiduiug (iospel in the ftuiire. _ A SKPMON (IN WALL ITttBT. ax Ait.?ThA(.r ov the nrM.tngs o* the pasioh taj srxoAY. "Recent Poing? io Wall Street" was the Mbjaet I Mr. Taimsge's dlseouiso al tbo lirooklyn Tab? ernacle sjiinday morning. Tue decoration* of tbe BbaVI ii h na u were displayed on Thanksgiving Hay still run Incl ii. tnetr places. The ebureli was HI led tolls utmost capacity. The text was Proverbs xiitl., 5: " Ku-uch tvriainly make themaeives wings. TauyUv KWWT aa aa oaabl toward neaven." Mr. 1 aim age said: M ne ) is a gmdeu lu cast.*d bird with a ailver beak. It light-* on the nOlcc desk, and tn the counting room, and ou the rarlar euirc-tuWo. Men au 1 women staud and admire it. Thev do not notice that tt has wings, larger than a ra veu'e, larger than a flamingo's, larger than aa esglo's. (inn wave of tbe bund of mls.'orluiie aud it i ids Its beautiful plumage aud Is gom?as an eeglo fowaid b'-aven. my lext says. I sometimes think thai it goes 1 a the other direction. What a verification we nave Had recent I) of tin l!; . ;?? ?taeity of ileh.stn Wall SOree': Encouraged by tee revival of trade and beeanso tbo ? m win /i ii i> I oci uried were so far back as to bo almost forgotten, speculators raa up stocks from point to point until iur.irct.nt peop e supposed thai they were always a>?ing kB BBI > ml ami g.atberod in from all parts or the country. Tan crasn eami? thank tlod In time to waru many BfbB wer? on their wiv thill er. Ihe sad m a* of It Is th. t a gn at many youug mca of integrity ?vim 5..i? t savtd a little money for the purpose of starting In business went into Wall .street nnd lost all. It eu i tn.'ir aaeatjaaa a Baa me patpM sBi ui.i ^sbbB out eon eoraxBB certain u i it da ut iiefariou. eutei urjHf, now u ttsatnne, BtoebaafB agi'd r:smg. nnd they will fall, and lo 'ssi ui. n will bo ruined unless ibe press and tm pulpit give emphatic utterance. I counsel eouatrymrn who bare a surplus to Invest it lu licet mortgages or (ioveroioeut* ?uo in keep tlaai mi If all Mraci the vortex m who a ?o many nave U?'ii swamped ami ?wallowed up. These .ii' . - M rs ba?e ioi d< pressed trade. Thank li id. BTallStreet's reporlt] to bias' too couitry Is Mag for? ever. Wall lt. i~ Da/T .w, snort, uiiare-hitecturMl, end its htstory ii bo I owe. Except l/omhard-si., LoadBiB, It Is [Ax Btgbtee: -trie: on tue planet. 1 here tUe Uovern uient ut the l a led slates was b<>rn. Tin le Washington held ni? lev,. s re Mesdame* Ailams and Kuox and others dunlai id tin ir .'uai ma. Tin te luiiatnao Edw ar.'.a. and WbltoSeid r.aui-um n pre,u lied. There Dr. Mason elild.-d Alexander tlaiiiuton for writ? ing tin1 t'oi 'union of the United Plates without u Hod iu It. There negroes were sold io tue slave mstket. TBaiauiliainaTi wars in.mes?ed to vaaathagtawa ami compelled to draw them, or lashed behind cart* to which tbev were (asten, d. There fortunes have come to coronation ni The history of Wait .Street is, to au ext-nt, the Ha neiul, cotumerciul, literary, at tiaiie. moral aud r< iigmua history of thla country. It Is only a tew blocks long, out 11 h .s reached from ?he (' on..las to tho ?u? of Mexico, and fiomtjan VtoBMBM to Hau gor. The nest and the worst sjoen In tbe citaarry are tliert?; every thing iro-n unswrrviug iiitegttty t HMOS scoumtreiism. from heaven-born cb-uity tu blooolcss Hhitocki-m. Wull streut stand* as a ?j-pe for tried integrity and for (ha ,uo.*t ouirageoii* vll'.auy. Famiers with l?ut a few hiiiidrisl dollars worth of produce to pur no tbe market hare little to test toeir character*; but pot a man in tut seveu-duiea heated furnace of Wall Street.aud ue either comes out a BbadraeS or a Btaefc moral cinder. If I wanted tn fl 1 Integrity borab-proof I wotiid go atnong the brokeis a id bankers of WaJi tureet. dome aupoosn tbat there ta only utilimited Hitaocial de-b*ia ucry there. ? i if you resal ihe business signs from ouet cod f4 Wall ntr.'oi to the other, you win And more men of Integrity and Christian ' benevolence lhau in the seme space id any other street in any of our cities. Rut it Is als? tbe type of unbounded swindle. There are .spiders waiting tor innocent flies. There .re anaconda* read? to eiiisu the nuwaiy. I'Bere are tho ?uat'cla! wreckers ou the beech, praying b.r a Carribeiiu whirl?lud to sweep across oar oomasorcial intoeeets. 11 is no plnoe fi>r a man to go m business un? less be has uls moral principe? *e:iied. liemreiber the fuu<oils iu*a wliissostosm oataaad opeu* uutui.s could Bet attui." for ids ad iHer.-iis rhflM In Central Para tu tue f ?co of decoh* N';w-York, aud wIiomi beiiavn.r tn the sir..':.'.)', ns ex;.:i p e, h is t.l .Tied 10.000 , aaaa nu-n. 1 Bald up ihe podBAed meiunry to warn young men wuoau moral pnuciples BTC not settled to keep oat o. Wall sitreet. i lv ro Is sue*, . thing aa tbe hem of a oank or of a Stuck Exchange?.lo you be tbat bero. Goal didn't allow the l.ousto huiil>sntel: ami ne won't allow the " ... .. . " to butt you. Uooesly pays best for boUi w rl>>. We:l Street ?* the type, throughotu the country, of le gitnusie s|HSs-ti,atiou and or tuliious ganibitnc. Ainmst every hierctiiittt is to some rx teilt a specniator. Ill* as bom ?i to <l ,il in st-ei.s us lu coal or or hardware. BlBf iegiiituaie jpeeuisfIon, aud yoa stop the oauks, stoti houses, and all our Cleat pr speritles. The stock dealer is a commission merchant under anotbei name. The dedliu which he makes is as brisht ahd as Ih> m *? aa IBB dollar carm .1 b y daily h.hor But if a stock bio der sells 7ii.ii of and gets mud lor it. tbat's tisili - tug in fie.ion, and involves tne ?; l,ll of gA.uhliug ss much as anything th it gm s on in the lowest (ammuu' he.i in ihe country. l>o you tbat there are huu Breda of vung men iu New-York and Broe?ki>u who are pi rtaBlBg nadcr a passion fur stock gambling I IH> you Buow i hat litis is one of tbeareateal curses of < bris lian lands | l>o you know tiott there are humlr. ds of men in this bouse w ho are in perlt f When it professor oi Christianity . o.? into stock aamtdli g be Ii?? likesia. Ood 1* sg 'inst it; He bnt.-s it, blasts it. amt will damn Hin time ami in elernllv. O. men of Wall s.reet. and of ail sirt'i fs. stHiid leak imm ncfanou* enorpilsc?. In the morning * hen j e a op?'n jour liu*iuess ask Uisi's blessing upon l , nnd when you close the day on no nice a b uiedieiton U|K>u It. A kind of bmuooea which )ou cau't engage iu prayer about la no BaetBaBB to do. I hope you will all make fortune* for lime and elernllv. I prav tor von all pi o*p.-iiiv s-iod close io ( urut and t'nrlsl will stand close lo \ou. Alsa ! the stock-gambler J What Will be do lu ibe Joilg uent I Tnat day will aettln evurvihliu. No sniiiggbui; into Heaven! No iollaterals bj tisds Bay !n ! Cesl foib.d after yoa have done your est day's w?lk on earth and the bushed assembly atauda with 1st weal laesds al > our oherquios, <>ihI forbid Ibst the most appropriate text skouai be : " Aa a partridge, stuotti on eg/s ami hstcbeih ibem not, so be ibsl g> iteth rloBea mid oat by right shall leave them tu tue n klal of in? daj s, am. Il IBB vu4 he ?hall be a lool ;*' or the most Utliug pealu.nie words of .he poet: " The piu .' ut many a crisis uutuid Is sold, gisil. solil. (old I" v ei.ssun l ?il: i hk si now a i I i I! i ll\\k> (.IMSU. Holn rt ('ull.ver.s subjcit .SuntLiy uiorutng was ' si i.'--.iciill.'.'." The oldest bu.uaa lustiocl, ko seid, is sc. 11 > Uio ss. wUlcU is BSBIMBBI Io primitive ni*a In the characters of Adam ana Cain .11 s.i, i.i; , nun l:i ? .i .Vbi.i.ntn, ,,i. . lu .i ki I ibe udveul ol a belter day. All the gn it U u Ol Ihe Hi I.iv were marked by Ibis loa? lure, mul v KB Jesus the * ? r purpose was to give 11 in- lf .or the uieol man. Eveiytbing messt uuble. h autifal sud gi sad ti as i Ol ne m IU turoaau these' wuo BBttld g'VO Up lb< IllsedVes Iteely. 1 his I? the IcssoUfor lb< MBB day a ter ihauk-suinc. Sn-'bill si. ins vnii Sii.nn>. ?I. i.ix Sii.dtUnjr loa {mim okHsrsd)?AB, now ou >ou Io, Herr Sculls I I want ton to dine arita me en TBOaday Be] Herr bob alia, the great p.iilosopber (whose ae.jU .intaUCO with her la.lisnip is of t... sliguteel)?Totl ars iery* vreath . madam ' lb null sat I Introduce to you Mad .uiO ncbuil*. Lasiy biiobb agl (wBoteieka great paiksr pbors are ail\ei>, but doestt'l waul lu n< hotli.rsd with their womaiikiiid) -A? delighted, I'm aural Madame fii hu lx. i sraot this dear, over blisbsnd ol ?onto to dnie witn me, and ines-t ibe l'uencs* oi Ltap1 imiii. i.ikI the Risuopot my si-iea ia* law, Eady Hum. ire MoM-ley, you know? ana yett will .|'.,ic bim ki us lor one evening, wou'i Msdsiiie rsekuits?Ha, certaiuly. it ho wi?hrs iu ii tsi'iiulii |lu bis iiiuoeenos of the ways . of Saodaw un i Suoiadngiousi?Ytm are f*ry vienti. raadaiul Put these i a lies tat vou meutioo, acy are Sen perlsfB not exactly rcshettah e, sat you bal uot also luvltcd tuf wifo i?ll'uutb.