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V?L X\XIX..K?-12,071. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 187*. PRICE FOL'II CENTS. CONGRESS REGINS QUIETLY. THE DEMOCRATS LESS VIOLENT. KOT HU Of HH AT 1111 SENATE MMM YFS TKRDAY?* GREAT DIFFERENCE SEEN IX THfclR ?Aim-1Rcnsni at thk capttoi? CmMMM MM held hf tho two parties in lM fluted states Senate yesterday In order to MMM for tilling vacancies in committees; the Democratic caucus was not largely nt t<itded. It is noticeable that IM Donio cr.its conic back to Washington in a much more peaceable franio of mind than when tbey left last Summer. MMMttOM MM offered in the BoVM yo-tei il:iy declaim*; that there should M no (Inancial leffalBtiOM at this cession, they were not acted upon. The President will send in soon the nomination of Colonel Ward to be CoMCtOf at lliooklyn, N. V. The sessions of Mtl branches of Congress yesterday were quiet ones. _ SENATE CAUCUSES. thk democrats complain of hik wav the tat konaok is MtlMWm ? tur vacancies uft by mr. chandler'* death. pMMHUli MM dispatch] Washington, Dec. 2.?The Democratic Senators met in MMM] morning. M vacancies having MM created by death or MMM in the Demo ?r.itii- membership, and there being no applications I .. -.-nted f<?r HuMMttWH resolved that tho majority representation shall remain as tixed at the extra session. A somewhat general discussion ensued concerning the distribution of the Sonate natronagc. Several of the Senators complained that it had not been t quita' lv distributed. No disposition was ruani <1 t > interfere with the resolution l>y which the S m itc officers were required to retain all disaliled I'uiou soldiers that were on the rolls | hot it was re? marked that there arc ?tili employed by the Senate a n.imber of men placed in office by the RMMUmM who wer? never in the Armv in any capacity, aiid a desire was expri ssed hy some of tlie members of the caucus to replace them with I?c:rir>crats. After some discussion, a resolution directing an inquiry into the nature of the instruc? tions given by i In caucus last session, and several other resolutions providing ip?Ifleslly for tlie ie Iciition of Captain Has^etF and various other eld employe's in case any further changes are made, were referred to the caucus Committee on Organiza? tion, which was created last. March. i tie h' Senators held a very brief mmm this afternoon. It referred to a committee consist* inf of M'-s-rs. Mornll. Ferry and Rollins the sub j. i; of filling the vacancies caused by* the death of > i ii> . ( h ind er in the membership of the Com iii111\s on Commerce am! Naval Affairs. This com? mit!.-e afterward arranged that the vacant place on the Committee on Commerce shall be mmm s ootorBaldwin,ofMicbicao,and that the other vacancy atoll be tilled bl Senator Ferry, of Michi? gan. Another change in the minority representation upon the Senate committees will !>e made by pluc iiil' Mr Hi.iir, of New-Hampshire, upon the C?inmit 1.1 M Pensions, in place of Mr. lugalls, who retires III his own request. THE DEMOCRATS VERT MEEK. hi MR It km 4 It k a ii I k < HAVCi: ok MANNKIt (IN'G OF Tiir tYMmXM PIUMVI of Tin: hoik. jbt HUMUH to the tribune.) Washington, Dec. 2.?A more striking contrast cannot be unarmed than that exhibited by the tem MI of Democratic Congressmen at the beginning of the extia session last Spring and that manifested by the same gentlemen now. The evidence accumulates to 6bow that a revolu? tion ot !>olit!cal opinion has taken place id the party during the Summer. It was said at the extra session tin the floor of the Senate, by a Senator of the majority party, that the Democrats were will itic and NIMM to assume all responsibility for legi lation. while the minority wan distinctly told iu i lici t that law-making was henceforth to lie no part of its business. The Democrats rushed into caucus night after night, adjourning tat regular MMMMI th? two houses as if those sessions were ol minor MfMnMMi in order to give an opportunity lor more extended deliberation in the secret con? claves of their own party. A MMM committee was appointed, and elaborate machinery for the pei fed ion of all important legislation in caucus was established und maintained in MMMMM during tin'extra si-ssi -n, altlioiiiih niiiiiistakalnV signs of public disapproval were plainly uianif sted before the ebd of the session. At the extra session were formed the issues which have formed the polities! stock in trade ot both pa i tie* durum too summer. The issues have been submitted to the people and have worked out their full results. The icpie-.cntativcs ot IbotWV parlies return under very much the same conditions which eoufrouted fheai before. One who judged alone by the conduct ot th< pu'tv during the extra session would have piediited that then Inl action would l>e to give attention to political affairs, and more tiian ever King Caucus would rule the course of events. Yet no Joint caucus has been hinted at. No caucus of Holls?' Democrats has yet been held or called (although it is intimated th;if one may be culled for next Friday or Saturday*; and at the caucus ol Democratic Senat>?i s this morning nearly one-half tlie loeinbeis of the caucus were absent. V I.< Ii taken in connection with the tone of ofcon \i 's,it ion among Democratic Congressmen, thisin ddiereiice is a remarkable development in itself. Thfl caucus m as a tauie affair. CONFEDERATE CLAIMS, the si cond day of tmi ni.w MMBOX Ml II11IHII hy a miwu ok the IMl'atii nt ram? iiy disloyal claimants. ;bt telegraph to the mmm,] Washington, Dee. 2.?The second day of the sesnoii did not pass without an attempt in tbe House by Southern Representatives to pass South? ern claims upou the National Treaauiy. A Southern member brought forward a bill to refer a MMM claim (arising out ol a seizure made in Mississippi in 1 Mti:b to the Court of Claims, and to extend the jurisdiction of the Court to cover this p.111 ?< ular case. The same member asked that the bill be referred to tho Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Conger, of Michigan, moved to amend bv send in tr the bill to the Committee ou War Claims, where It ptoperly belongs. On this motion the first yea and nay vote of the ses-ion was tak< n. Mr. Con? ner's amendment was agreed to by a majority of 4. It would have failed except for the iiilirniative votes of Messrs. Lie km II and New, ol Indiana, and two or threo more Northern Democrat*. A nunilier of the Democrats from the North dodged the vote, being unwillniK to otieud their Seutl em allies by an aflirmative, or their constitntents by a negative vote. The intent of the bill is to make a precedent by viiiue of which warclaims maybe sent to the Court of Claims and adjudicated without reference to qiiesii M of loyalty and without regard to the statute of limitations. 8mm after the above proceeding Mr. Harris, of Virginia, endeavored to have tho bill directing tho s. < rctary of the Treasury to settle the claims of several Southern State-, and the ('ity of ifaltiinore, for money expended during the War of 1819, made a t-uecial order for the M>coud Tuesday in January next. This was dofoAied b]t the objection of Mr. Willits, of Michigan. Tbe biig.-t ol these State claims isthat of Vir? ginia. All the papers relating to it were some tiflM ago withdrawn from the Ii es of the Ireasury De? partment by one of the Virginia Senators, and it is said that they have never been returned and are re? ported to be lost. If they are uot found, it will be com? necessary to colled new evio nce; audit is apparently intended by Mr. Harris that the QoTero merit shall go to wotk and hunt up evidence to establish a rlaim against it ?elf. L is ptoia tb it ths SoutLeru Demoerat? are as im? patient as ever for the payment of Southern claim? ants, loyal and disloyal, but especially the latter class. \ U 4R9DU IM P0S1 OVfJCIft TUR MMfl TO make 20O 0MMM1 men IS bf mmm nkxt ai'BII. IORXESAL rOX?s OISKATCR] WasuingIoX, Dec. 2.?The MMMMM of 1H0 postmasters appointed by the President will expire during tho ensuing four month.-. Of these, 77 will expire in December, til in January, '22 in Feb? ruary, and -u in alarch. In addition to this number. there are 43 other offices that have bft MM PW ?> deiitial. their reccipt s having amounted 10 more than per UlM, Then aro besides 1)7 eases t h ?t have been aeted upon during the recess, ami which must Im? submitted to the Benate for ap pr > making an aggregate of UdO aptioitilmcnts m eoatmaeten to be acted apoa by that body before the 1st of April, besides any changes that may occur thruuuli death, resignation or removal. A TALK WITH FERNANDO WOOD. mr.WOOD not in ka\<iK M UTIMXfl im: 11 Ni>r.K<?iik nois, howkvek, favok a siorr*<;r or tiik minting of stlvek. fBT TKI.Ki.KAI ii To THE TBIBl'NE.] Wamimiyon, Dee, The Preeident'e Message and aec mp ins ing documents will he distributed to-morrow to the various committees. Mr. Wood, chairman of the Ways ami Means Committee, who is intrusted with the pti paration <>f tlie egaohltioa of distribution, waa found to he quite willing to ex? press Iiis views to-dav on the ajon important recom? mendations of the Administration. "As to the retirement of the greenbacks," said Mr. Wood, " 1 can frankly say that if it were upon the question of their original issue, I would vote 'no.' I did vote ' no' when the fJBSetlflB < ?nie up during the war. Hut now that they have heen issued tin v are a part of our currency, and upon the ques? tion of retiring them I shall vote 'no,' unless, of course, a decision of the Supreme Court in t lie mean? time declares them unconstitutional." Mr. Wood says the increase in volume of the currency by vir? tue of the importation of Turopcan gold has nit Operated as an Inthtftrn Although a volume of would have been too niueh in 1"?7."?, it is uot enough in 1x70 ; the business interests of the country have grown immensely in the mean? time. He would therefore leavo the greenbacks uliine. They aro valuable, and simply to agitate for their retirement will have a disturbing v licet on business throughout the couutiv. As to the other suggeBtiou of the Secretary, ces? sation uf the oolaaoje of the silver dollara, Mr.Wood says ho can hardly help laughing every time he thinks of the silver dollar law. In his opinion. It was always an absurdity. The coinage ot lift'* mill inns ot silver dollars was of no assistance in hring ing about prosperity. It was onlv a drop in the hin ket at most. NoDOdj would take the silver in large transactions because they are at a discount of 11 ea 11 y 10 pet cent. Then thev cannot he ton ed into circulation, and never will In-until thev are worth par in gold. He should therefore he in favor of the immediate discontinuation of their coinage. Mr. Wood thinks the committee will be aim'to present a fantt bill sometime during the session, and hopes it will be accepted; but of its details or even ith general boom he (.Id say nothing. The committee has had no aaoetlo| yet, and Mr. Wood only spoke his own convictions. TWO RESOLUTIONS ON FINANCE. SOME OK IUI. 1(1 PfllMCANS FliOM IUI? trUT SAID TO BK ttrTfTCTIt TO FINANCIAL LMMLATHM OF ANv MM at TI118 SESSION?AN EXritESSlON OFTIIIS PK KLING IN TU Hot si:. IHT TKI.Ii; l.'AFM TO THE TRinrXE.l Washing rox, Dec. 2 ?In the House to-day reso? lutions relating to the c urreney were o tie red by Mr. Trice, of Iowa, and Mr. Fort, of Illinois. These resolutions were aimed at the recommendations by the Secretary of the Treasury that the coinage of the silver dollars he suspended, and that the legal tender character of the greenbacks be destroyed. Doth resolutions declared it to be the tense of the House that no legislation iiflecting the currency should be enacted at the present aeaotOO, While utmost all of the K< publicans felt that it was a mistake to bring forward the reso? lutions this morning, when there was no possibility of getting a vole on them, it is pretty certain that a great inanv, possibly a majority, of the Western I'cpnblican Representatives approve the substance of the resolutions. Several Ohio Representatives, among whom are Mr. Montoe and (icncral Keifer, expressed themselves so to-day after the ad? journment. One Ohio KepubHrmi. who hns been nn ardent Sherman man. remarked thut the Secretary bad gr? atly dtaappointe I bun. ,\ good many Democrats profeai to bold the same opinion as Messrs. Trice arid Tort, but it is hopooel DM to tell until a vote 11 taken how many of the lat? ter will adhere to their professions An impression appears to be g.nii.inar strength among the leading men on both sides of the Hon ??? that alit 1 ?- then irlU be ? food deal of talk on financial subject a tins session, there, will be nothing done except pei haps to carry out the rec? ommendation of Keeretar/ Sberman in regard to refunding op.-rations. A NEW POINT FOB GENERAL WALKER. TUNtaVPlVTM 09 tue OOTTOM ci:op said to have WM I n "UMSO mis vi ak BY white men?a MNMBMIOP BY Mr., manning. [Bf mWHtl to the thibi nt.i Washington. Dec. 2.?The Secretary of the Kmi graat Aid Boeletj here has just neeired informa? tion that another large party of colored people has BTTiYed beut fron North Carolina. Tlie party is on Its way westward. Several Southern Representatives have lately in? terested themselves in the question as to what pro? portion of this year's cotton ciop was raised by white labor. Mr. Manning, of Missi.sipn, says that he has collected a number of fa< tsmi the sub? ject, and he thinks they Justify him in asserting that three-fifths of the cotton crop of 1N~1> were produced by fn-e white labor. He has called the attention of Ceneral Walker to the matter, and has urged that the census schedules bo made to embrace inquiries m relation to it. Mr. Manning's theory is that white immigration from K'uope and from the .Northern States will be? gin to flow into the (iotton States as soon as jtj |a deaaooetrated by statistics that whit*1 men can raise ? ?or:, n by their own labor. If such immigration Baa be brought about, Mr. Maiming says, the S intbern people will no longer oppose the exodus of the frecdinen ; and hi contends that this would dispose ot the " neuro question " forever by elim? inating the coloicd people as a separate factor from politics. FRENCH TREATY. BSBrUCXPTATTYl KKLUtl TO OAU FOP a RF.COX KDKBATIOa or i ins qt KSTiox. ~q| m rai. i'ress disi'ATt'll.J Washington, Dee. U.?Representative Kelley, of FaaaaylTaaia, wheaea%aaela near the head of the Speakei's list of nieinbers desiring to move the adoption of resolutions under a suspension of the rules, does not bei lese that the resolution which waa adopted on motion of Ternando Wood last ses? sion, r. q,testing the President to negotiate a com? mercial treaty with Trance, expressed the reel sentiment of the House. Then' was no debate, and only a slim attendance at that time. He, thcic fore, intends to otter the following resolution as soon as he obtains the floor to make the requisite motion t Hrsolrrd Tbat It Is the tense of this Hmisn thut tie' BsnotiaiioMtu the BxeeattreDeprfrtaaeatol tfeaGov rrnuiretof u eaOMBefelal t;eaty, wtiereliy the rates of duty to l?s iuiposcd upon foreign coinn.iMiutes entering the t uned Hintes ior eaaaaaiptwa afeooM be 11x^.i. woa ii. in view or tlie inortatea et u 7 of Artlele 1 of the Ooaotttatloa of tbeUatted Itatea, be au lafrae ttoa ef tbeOeaitttattea.aadaa taTaeUeiof one. of tue L s'jen!\ca Of the Hi?ll?e of I'.eDl es.'ll tall V?8. Judge Kelley furtiishes his resolution for publica? tion in advance, iu order that it may tie discussed and considered, and that the Mite upon it?though taken under a suspension of the rules, and there? fore without debate?shall bo deliberate. STILL WORRYING MK. SEYMOUR. DEMOCKAIIC I'Ol.lTII.-IA.Nsj ENDKAVOKINU TO ei Cl JiE WM OOiefl \ I TO Uf .N FoH PIIKSIUENT. (BT TU I.GUA I'll TO THE TIUUI NE ] WAjnMfnWi Dec. LV-There is a very strong ele? ment among tbe Democrats of both houses who aro i .Jin- ot pel ..iding Horatio Seymour to accept therreeilleeitlal nomination next year, and to se? cure from Liui some assurance that he will obey his party's call if the leaders conclude that he alone can wiu the buttle. The Democrats believe such a declaration fiom Mr. Seymour would relieve them from their present anviety is m the future. Senator K ma;,, who is Mi. Seymour's neighbor and intimate friend, does not abundou tbo hope thai the latter may ultimately consent to be a can AMafc . altbOOfb be says that just now the tlovemor is firm in bis purpose never again to take part iu political affairs. Mr. hxnian intimated, however, that tbe prcMUie ou Mr. beyiuour may yet be eo 1 powerful i? M force him to sncctinib, as was tlie ease in IcHlM. _ COMM1TTEK PROGRAMMES. THE APfRoritlATION.s OOMBUIIBB TO MF.ET TO? DAY?THE BOUAI B?UH NOT K.NTIULI.Y RE? VISED. [I1T TKLEORAPH TO T1IF. TMBrSE.) Wasbinhion, Dm 2.?The first meeting of the How Committee on Appropriations will bo held to-morrow morning. Hie Committee on Ways ami MMM will hohl its first meeting next Thursday. Two Republican members of the Appropriations Committee expressed the belief this aftertn on that the committee will bring forward no measures until after the holiday recess. The Committee on Rules has not quite completed its work et revision. A member of this committee ?::id tb n evening that n repmt will not be .made to the House until next Monday. None of the House Committees met to-dav, bot most, if not all of them, will bo called together he tore the close of the week. A NEW COLLECTOR FOR BROOKLYN. colonel R. c. WARD TO 8CCCFKD THE I.ATE JAMI S FHF.ri.ANi>. I BT II UMKAM TO thk TRtnrsi | Washim;ion. Dec. 2.?The I'i evident will send to the Senate to-morrow the nomination of Colonel R. OL Ward to fie Collector of Internal Revenue in Brooklyn, in the p!.i of Mr. ceased. Colonel Ward is understood to be the man selected for the place by Secretary Sherman, but his appoininieiit is believed at the Treasury De? partment, to bo satisfactory to leading Republicans of brooklyn. THE MISSISSIPPI JETTY. the cabinet co.N8IDF.R4 THE qi'krtiox of PAY? ing captain pads. [oF.nkrai. press liIM'atch.l Washington, Dec. 2.?Tho Cabinet session to? day was devoted almost exclusively to a further consideration of the Mississippi River Jetty matter. Tiie question at issue was whether, under the law, Mr. Eads is entitled to full payment for the last quarter, the channel of the river during about t went t days ol that lime having been more or less ob?ti ucted. A NEW DEPUTY MARSHAL MEASURE, luv n i.roitAi ii to tue niBUBB.1 Washiv, r v, Dee. 2.?Among the bills intro? duced in the House to-day was one by Mr. Harris, of Virginia, which provides that deputy marshals at elections shall bo selected from different |k>litica1 MTties. Although this bill does not comcfmiua Democratie caucus, it may meet the approval of enough members to be accepted as a party measure. WAHIIM. I1 >N NOTES. Washington, Tuesday, Oec. 2.l^TO. Au officer of the Secret Service arresteo h man named John Clancy last matit In C ivlngton, Ky., for maun faciuriug and scihug OSBBlat fall com. SenatorL'arprnter will introduce a rcso'utlon to-mor? row, saying tuat "any legislation during the present session of CMglWI < hinging the cusilug system of lliiauco would h - inexpedient." The hill introduced h^Mr.Priirht, of Tenne??ee, to make staff rfbM in the N.ivv eipial In-fore the law, pro? vides that in all eases where HiiitT olflcers of (lie Nhw are arraigned lie fore a eoiirt-inartial, all the members of tliecuiirt shuil he stuff officers. Tlie House I"oiTiinliIM on Agriculture will meet nt an early day. Uipiesciitattve Coycrt, the Chairman, ?aj I ttiut tlie tlrnt measure to lie considered Is the petirtinir bill making the OoOMBMtfeHMf of Agriculture a Cabinet OMMTi IM ceuiuiltfee Ik very mueii dlvtiled ?u this subject, and it is nut likely that tbe matter will be speed? ily disposed of. Collector Ciiirk. nt AtlaBtB, expresses the opinion that there Is a preeoiicei ted on the part of the Illicit ?Its; illers throughout the entire mountain section of Georgia to resist the revenue officers. Tbo touinils Stoserof Int.miu Revenue, hue din cted the Collector to employ a suit) ilOBl fores of uriucd men to assert and maintain the supremacy ot tho revenue laws. Mr. slmrletuu, of Mississippi, Introduced a bl'l In the Hr>us0 io-ii?v to lucorpArai* Ilia "National BotoW Mecrantlle nureati," with a capital stuck of $100.000. Its oT'hct being the. collection of dent*. sbUBM und dr. Baads fa tbe aSYeTel HUtea and Territories. Among tnr rncerporatori ?re George w\ Haiiou.or New York; 8. ii. Emery, jr., of Boatea : w. IL Battea. ?t Pblladeb pblai Georgs u tY tilts,of Belttaorei Reobea i>iortof Cincinnati | J.J. B, Wniou, uf Chicago; X. L. Morrla, of sr. Loafs, und other*. Mr. Belford, of Colorado, Introduced a bill w hich prn vidrs that all laws establishing u reservation tor the Cte Indians In Colurauo, shall lie UpOStlSl. uinl that t he landl i-(instituting such resrivatlon shall b conn' pa blk dun .nn. it tuitio r provides that the Preatdeat, with tin coaseal of Um Senate, ?hau sraotai Its COnils ?ioOeri to select in some OM Of tun Territories a rOSrr* ?Sttea tat UM Utes, sad arraagfl with them mr a peace fnl i'tn.v.,1 Tbc nm proposes mi appropriation uf (4?U.O00 to mc t tlie , to i. ?? of the removal. l>'or ' ??.J*rocfflinQi nnd Annual /??ports tee See vita Paye.) THE BONANZA MiM IS THE MARKET. ? MIL FLOOD SELLS TWO MIXES ? CHANCES I XI KCTI.D. S*\ FkAXCIIOOb Dec. 2.?For some time Mil rumorshBTO 1.II c u rrc n t that the bonanza firm was preparing to reduce its interests in the mines of the Conistoek Ia>dc. Yesterday Mr. Fl ood, ob be? half of tbe linn, dispose.! ..f the control of the Vel low Jacket and Hide and Norcross Mines, the former going to Robert X. Craves and tho latter to Ah in. a Hayward. The consideration named in the transfer has not been made public. Then* nre rumors that the firm will at an early day still further dispose of its in? terests, but nothing definite (an bo learned as to thai. , both of tho mines transferred were mentioned by Coll DMA as continuing iMiiianzas. I ho trans? action earned much comment, and various theories are put alloat to account for the action of the bo? nanza linn ; but the most general lielinf seems to l>e that they aie tire.I ot controlling such great snd nuprodii'-tivo property, nna aro perhaps satisfied with tbe result of their mining operations. To-day all the old directors of Halo and Norcross except i wo resigned, ami were replaced by men represent? ing the new owners. Some action will be taken in regard to Yellow Jaekek LAST HONORS K> GENERAL D.lflS. Indianapolis, Deo. 2.?The remains of Gen? erai J?fl. c. Davis arrived Ik ro to-dny, and lay In state nntll the departure of the evening train for MassphtS, Ind., the ficiicrid'c former home, where the (mural will take pl.tie to-moni'V.. < 'EIMES A KD CASUAL TJ i:s- HY TBLEQ/{.I HE KIUJKD BT [NDIAHB. Ottawa. Doe. 3.?Sergeaai Cray burn has been klUtsiby Indlaus nuai f ull Bralab. 1a i m. i a i i. UN a BOHOOJIMt, 0ffWK0otN. V., Dee.2.?Daniel Kkilen.a waoun, fell Is tluy lomi Hie rrni trres of a schooner and was Silled. collision at Philadelphia. PhILADI ij-iiia. Dec. 2. ? I im steamer Panther was hi < iillialuu with tljr Nurtrrcl^o bark hi. n'af Mere and ?atflse away it.- Iikttci'afl>lugJin bouui and Ue.v-pn>. ACCIHENT AT 7HK t'nION MIIAVT, Ran PbanCIBO?, Dee. 2.?Elgbteeu petaoaa were ?sn st Ism ?oaMoi wiiH? ( i.tii(i a. Ihe t'nmn shift id Vircliiia t'ltr Usdiy. 1 h? saaai er I. ft Hie p'isce luiuiedl Biel] Stiel Ihe m. nil lit and a coonultte? ol in uns gm nun lovkins tvr hlia. Aihany. Dee, 2.-This moining, while a freight train w?s lUiidinf un th? track half say between here and Sf .' .ctjdv mi?lhrr (r--i(>*i.t tum di?*..iMl into II. hagBMOf MOtaMMBna, tir, inim i.ili au i lnaKemsn 11, In ere IiiJuicL but not faiallr. A mni#i ut rattle aTOM km. ?i. mvstkhi'iLs DatATJl of A KAilBKB. Clabbmont, N. II., Doe. 2.?Levl I . stone, of Corwin, was n'rsterionsly Int ire.1 on Norember 11 In his barn, and died on Friday last. m r.stone wa* fltir one years old and a < Ituen ol gissl i liarsrter. Foul \ . It hii-|.?? |.-.i, he bad quarrelled ?Ith Ills faielly. An luijiiesi Is l? he b.-ld. THK 5 ew') rle ANS WHI->K1 v i i i - Xkw-Hiii i \sDec.'J.?l h? whiskey lases, I"ni ted Hiatea avaiuel haiu. oaiuniiiini ana mJu rs, were called la tlio Culled Male.i i lr( uit ( ourt Monday. A Jury waa Uupan elied |M Ihe ruae toiitlDio-it mail f IQWOw. llan.m <lnl I* hui tlie BOD IBflMM is priKeaUiiic agaiuit Uic uiacra. SKN 1 KNCEH T ' iii. M il 1,1 MASON. PoBB~ Dee. 2. -HoOrj Wis,', one of the murv;erirs of Joseph Labrr.waa this nionin;r are tern ed to be baagefl He tttcanstefl to dollvet a wrlitoo sutemrnt, but ??? stoppe'i by Juris* lleudtr.on. llila la tbe lusurauco <i.nstiliarr snd OBM t r ahlch Drewa ana Miiblcr wrre haos>d reteotiy. tit BAI tuikve? PLUKOniMO lit PFAIA l>i 11 ai (tf I h e 2.?Another darrog Mbbarj has bcoa corntuitted here al tbe rraloenr.o of tho 11 ua rli'i o.oiB Itog-era. reM'Uiblma in ilatall that coimnltteil at 11, i. -i,. hi ? o Um How. wlloraJ Paawaatow Asia aioea. at.a ii ia un general oplolou t ial the rltr la belttf pluu?etad by a well orKsnlird (ans of auras u.-e,. . a IOIMMIi ? it BOB rABBBO in Montreal OriAWA. De... R,?Salnrday night the oHh mis of the Bank ol W out real received a telesraiu from .New-S'orB I n.te/uniTut a cashier's draft for sa.issi a forgery II was pcrporied to bare baea diawn br Uta * oDimercl ii Hauk, of Baa hMter. oti the afner ran i.i. banjo- Bank, of ?w Yotg, siul sal prraeutcd by two men. uamed wnsou and Hm.Ui, bone dealsra, wbo ??ospsd, ll Is suuboaed, ui UUoa. B. Y. POLITICAL ISSUES, BROKEN PROMISES Dl MAINE. Tnn MKMI1KRS OV THE MAINK I.KOISI \Tt ntT NOT ALLOWED TO BEE THE RETfllNS?RKI'LHLICAN OAIN8 AT CIlARIKK BUtCTtOMi The Governor and Council of Main?? refund yesterday to exhibit the election returns, for Senators and Representatives, holding that the Constitutum gives them no power to alter or correct them. The Republicans have issued n protest against this decision. Several charter elections were held yester? day. In Lawrence, Mass., the Reptthlleans gained n sweeping victoiy. In Ncw-IIaven, Conn., the Democratic ticket was elected. At Poughkecpsic and Hudson, N. Y., the Repub? lican victories were very decisive. The State election in Louisiana took place yesterday. There was a light vote, and Democratic gaina are reported. THE FRAUD PLOT IN' MAINE. THE OOVl'.JINolt AM> COOJN IL NOW ItF.FISE TO F.X mniT tiik Ki.KcrioN aaipiai i rnoTKsr nv THE RKPCBLICAN*. AUaYJBTA, Me.. Dee. 2.?As soon as the Governor and Council mot this morning, the Senators and Representatives from the various counties, accom? panied by their attortnv*, repaired to the Mat" House in full expectation tin y would I"' al? lowed to examine the returns in their several eases. Oue after another, however, failed even to get into the Council Cham? ber. Finally, about noon, Messrs. Win? and Savage (attorney* at law of Auburn), representing the Androscoggin delegation, were informed that the (iovernor and Council had decided to allow the returns of election of county oflicers to 1k> examined, but that no one would bo per? mitted to examine the returns for BaMs tofoaodRepreaeotatives. A meeting of BeuaUni and R presciitatives-elcct was held soon alterw ard, and the following protest was adopted and for? warded to the Oovcrnor ami Come il: ArorsTA. Me.. Dee. f, 1S70. Jo the UnnorabU iht Oorcmor and < uu>u ilnj the Htatro/ i/o/mc: Ttio ?adetatgaai Senator? sad BefwaeataU'ree eleeti rhosen to the legislature by the election ef H?'picuiher 8. 1879, beg h-ave to submit to your Honorable Hoard ttie following protest: imriug tlie ineutli of October and first half of Novciu ber it '.vas g|\en oi:t taut ttie (iovernor and Council would meet on the 17th ?lav of tlie latter month tor the paipeee ol opening tue election returns, and according!v tin the day named (he Council met, and there was U considerable assemblage of persons in this elty Immediately interested In lie' result. The Council at once passed an order declaring that the twenty days within which applications should he tiled for correction of returns should begta to run on met from thut mite. The general Inference was tlint your Honorable Ho.Til would lurthwltli permit parties Interested to inspect the returns, according to the uni? form usage of your predecessors. Heven ex-Governors of this State, then in the city, namely, Alison I'. M n rill. Baaolbal H.itnlln, Lot M. Merrill, Israel WaahbaTB, Jr., MdaeyFernav Kelsoa Dingier, Jr., and Shlen C'otiuor. tesiitled fully and publicly that Iu their aitutlnlstrattons they had never know a a single lust.nice in which a eaadtdate t?r ? lllcc p( 1,1, authorized attorney had been ictus- d a full mid free examination of the returns. To these has since licon added the concurrent lestt asssy of rx-Goveraort Jaiea B. WHJIsb*. Abaer Co luirn ami .lo-ima I*, ('hiiintierlain, flois giving the um brskea testlatoay of all Uw Irring ex-Governors si ee 1 ? ~. 1 Kui against this Imposing srray of precedents, against aelesrir expressed legal right, against the mi pereal Intendmenl or root Boaoreole Board flx inu the twiiiiy dsvs for a|)|<llcations for cor recttoa, even attempt to gco tue returns has met with eviisMe delay or flat retnsal. As a means of securing mir rights, resort uns then IihiI to the supi< me Judicial Court, by jietltlou, on tbe HUfi day of November, to Issue u inand.imus to compel the Secretary of State to exhibit the returns. Iu ausser to tills petitlnu, Chief-Justice Appleton ordered notice for u henriu* on Tuesday the !J.*>th. Your honorable board, however, on Baturdav the 22(1, alter notice had been ordered by the Chief Justice, passed tbe following opdef: " Orvferrrf, That the ??eerefsrr rive puhlle notice tbsl ?In (luv. i imr ami Council will he III session from Doeem l>er 1 to 13 for the purpose, of eXHTiitti'iig tue official returns of votes for candidates for Senators. Reprcsen tatlves mid county nfHeeir. Candidates clsiintng trreg alanttea sr other earn i preeaairil to vit:at?- their elee tiou will have rcasousbh- appeal unity to be heard, cither pi rsooslly er by daly aathoilied counsel." As this order whs uudersiood to eoaesde, area though grndgiugli and hi restricted time, the privilegeOf in? specting Bw4 correcting returns, all fhe parties In In? terest agreed to suspend legal proceedings and itwuit the issiD?their purpone beleg to reiicl the desired i ml em soul IllUtstton, sad even without nniHtiou n poset bio. Following the suggestion* ot.voin outer, the umlei (signed esine to tills city yesterday, i'.lly expecting that the pioinlse ?hleh the Srdsf eon' .llied Would be ( 'il? licit out iii coed faith, Bad that thej , llhd all othei LSg ? lalive candidates, would lie permitted to inspect the re? turns ami aaeertata if there an any error? thai could be corrected under the law. Several members of your bOB* or.iblo hoard hud individually given iiSHiimuce that there Would be no dlfll ulty iii BSBtBC ihe re turns, and they especially assured different aaatleoieo thai un\ aaadtdath wbo wnald bring a etrtt> fled copy oi the election record of his township, would be sltowed to see the returns and compare said record with It for the purpose of making the cor? rections hitherto always allowed. Iu anticipation of lids condition the undersigned, lu connect:on with fici; as.'niton In other counties, nt no small exnci,-?-, and a ith much troub 8, have taken pains to secure ecr t tied and attested copies of records in nearly all of die towns In the Hfate, aad thus thev are fully prepared to comply with this exaction, unprecedented, burdensome ami expeusive as It has proved. And now, aller all of these conditions have heen eon piled with by the Republican caudidntes, after thev hare endeavored to adiust theui"' ] ves Jo every tea.en? able?aid, permit Us to add, nnreaeonabli?UBettOfl prescribed by root h inoratile Hoard, we are anally und definitely told thai you have decided to permit ttie re lutni uf otsantj otloori to be examined, pal that yon decline to exhibit a single return from any c.unify or any town of the elvctlou of any Senator or any Iteprc M itattre, Tbl Hon. George C. Wing and A. It. Savage, can., of Auburn, attorneys i-pi callv foi I lie Senators and Repre? sent all ves-eleet from Androsctigglu Cvtmiy. and repre? senting the common cuusi: of all Republi? can Be?tore aud Bapeaaeatattree re c lived to-dav from your Ilouorable Hoard the fo'lowtagdeflattaaaswer,deUrcred by il? Excellency Oeteracr Oaiaatoa la fall CienaoH. rii i Taut no oue coul.I he permitted under nnv circumstances to Inspect the returns or iln- clccto n of sVnutors and He|?resenta tlves. Hi? RaeaUeaCf was plejKed tohu?etlie refusal on Ihe conclusion of >oiir Ho- orahle Hoard that the StatBie of 1877, so far as it relates to Senator? and Hep n-nentatives, Is unconstitutional; lull under that statute, His Lxcclh ncy was pleased to say. the leturns for county othcers would be freely shown to the candidates, tiul that no return f"r senators aud Representatives could be shown to anyone. V' in II.amiable Hoard will permit the undersigned to reuiaik that tiicv never gronndrd their right to insjh t the returns on the act of 1S77 alone, tor the right taaj ure demanding Is one uii.foritily enjoved ly their pn - froao the fbaadattoa of the Government, and Uli* for the tlr-f tune di riled. The Baderataaad| theeefcra, cuunor see how a right ?a)d ed in (his Slate Badet ihe Constitution, und n rai aitberte v itaacld, oookl is- affected i>> the eooaidatloB nhty of the stntute referred to. Thev are especial I v un? able to see how the Executive Department of the Government can sei aside Ihe plain directory Is turn BBCOl a Itatste, The law lu qaeattM ssvsdlst'vr'.ly and qaa lacattoa, in its concluding iIsBSS, that us prnvMons, so far as they reis,'- to taeeerreettoaeof letaiaaahall aeappttei la datorssta lag the election ol tjciiamrs and RsprcseatatlTes ts ?M State Legislature. Your Hoiiurab.e Hoard now di elares mat this law Is nocouslituticual, a cou clus on which you certainly turn not resshcd when, on November 17, you Issued tbe uotice in.der the twenty day provision for corrections con? tained lu the same section fron abash tae above qastattsa is made. Vour honorable body will p> i nut the undei signed to i unirW that von snjey the. disiiiicllou of tieing tho llrst OoTeraarSbd Council who have directly assumed the duty ot tho tudicial dcpar'umut of our government. It bss b en the in seile?' of wise and . prudent siaeatfrea ta invoke tae judgment of the supreme Court on ?II itniortaut guestiuns of Isw, unit iiimui sali inn occasions, as provided lu tbe Constitution, wueu doubts respecting a statuta tulaht arise; but your i.onoiutile tsiaid. without thsf reference to Ihe Supreme Jadletsl Osait, which ihe Constitution of Maine SSPCS> 1:- h ptsrMse tor, aaoasse to set seMe their plain pro vistouora lawnow outb??tatutcboiil(. If your honorable board ran do this in our case you can rcndily do It in I tie r, and tho ?xecutlon of our eutlre body of taws is thus made to depend ui>ou the opfulon which vour honorable board may have as to th-con stituilen.tity of the several parts with the rei-ivd right which you bate exercised lu this case of ebaaglaa your conclusion In the space , f t, urtren days.. II Uns Is-the detlulte bsaisou which >our hoiinr ub!e Hoard prutiONos to execute the laws of the ?Ute, it would lie a merciful act to nutlty the people us to wolcb laws your honorable Hoanl regard ite binding, aud which 1? uiiKiitlvo. aud especially as to which siatnu-ssre aaf< from change gf construction beyond the period of foortcea days Wc respectfully inbuilt that, ns Individuals, we have the same iigut to determine the constitutionality or uoconstltuiiouaiHy of a law for ourselves that y<iur honorable board may have for yourselves. All Inws duly enacted are biudlng uulil repos ed or set a*:de by a Indicia! decision, and your Honorable Hoard Is guilty, you will ;.. us to say, of a glaring usurpatinu of power whenever yon rt' cine to disobey or uimnl or refuse to ev? er uto any law on tbe statute book. Ibstnsd of this unprecedented coarse, why not, like your csieful prodtee?sors of sll paitic-, submit tbe t|iiestioii lo the Supreme Judicial Court to de? ter.nine what our rights are under tbe Consti? tution and laws, as Interpreted and declared bv u ion? llneof Illustrious Judicial decisions You are no wore abovs the few tiso Us aadstsifBsd \ say of sit citizen*, those railed to eierufe (he law should he ihe mn?r re wty to show the example of dull fill obedience to the law. Isv anv other course of conduct you encourage Insubordination that I? but a single, sten rinm anarchy. We ore "iking for no rights that have not been freely Ml M KM fo our predecessors hy all your i rode cssort. The An?lo-Sax<in mind detests hidden returns and secret courts and Star Chamber OoUBOlts, and demands fair idsy and <>i?en proctdlugs and a candid trlbiiail. At every Hep Ihe orsranlxed law of M . n. . which demarda ao open law and an open court and an open return, aimed Rlld "ruled in open Utl ??KIM, never riinteninlated that Hie same return, aa a?>oti at It reached the (;.. vc rnor and < 'on i,e I, idi did kMTM a se? cret pafer. Invisible to all persons except those who, aa In this instance, may have a hidden motive for the con eealinent. Every meuiher of your honorable body Is practically bootuo to the Republican narty. but a vast plurality of the people ot Maine decided nv an open Vote to lntru?l the admluMratlon of tbeti btato Oov eriiiiient to the randldutrs of tb? Uepulilleau party, lour llotiorahlo Hoard now deride (hat no aue ccastul ruudldato tor Senator or Representative In that partv shall so nuirh as look nt an election re tnni. though you have to usurp the functions ot the Judicinrv to prevent BtBfc Deu'cd by row booorabls Roanl the common rlirht of Inspecting tue election retorni. hitherto accorded to all candidates; denied the right of appearsng before the Executive Council of Maine, hbheilo freely accorded to all aHliana) treated with diseourtesv and indignity ? hen pre Vrrlng requests never before refuaed. the uu derslgned present this solemn protest, while resorting toother forms of redress. The undersigned pr?fest aarainsf the arrogant and unuiiinor.zed aMsiiiupiInn of power, the iini>i?.haited destruction of lights. the hold usurpation of Judicial functions, the secndalous seeretlng of the public records, hitherto open lo honest liiepeciion, wbtcb bare rharar !??'>/? "I the < ..ins.- of h norahle Hoard In all the matters heroin ?iihmttted fur your consideration. Nathan T. flirt. Scnator-elrcr from Hancock. A. It. ?;. Smith, senator-elect from Lcwlaton. .t >li> L Ci tlkr, Representative-elect from Haligor. OOT ( . (Joss, Represent ulve-elcct from Ha(h. It is understood that tho Republican Senators and Ri ptBBSBtBtiVJM will resort to proceedings, and w II] in.ike no lurtlier personal efTort with tho Governor and Council to procure access to the returns. THE LOUISIANA ELECTION. A II' .HI vote IV M l'w-( >l:LI" ans?DEMOCRATIC GAINS REportkd. N'ew-Ohi.eans, Dec. 2.?The election in this city passed Oaf quietly. A light vote was polled?prob? ably less than a two-thirds vote. The "ring" ticket in this parish was generally elected. S|?ecial dispatches to The Stir-Orlean* Jh-mocntl from all telegraph stations in the State show heavy Democrat Ifl gains. These reports, giving esti? mated majorities in eleven country parishes, claim Democratic gains of 12,100 compared with the Democratic count of 1*7(5. The same parishes gave Haves l.tioo majorifv. All dispatches say that the elections olT quietly, and most of them report the negroes voting tho Democratic ticket and for the Constitution. IIAS8ACHUSE1 R) ELECTIONS, BonoVi Dee, 2?? Unnieipavl elections took place to-d.iy at several cities ttiioiiirtiout the Htate. In (.loueester the result was a Republican victory. In Fitchhiirg the Citizens' License ticket was suc? cessful. The contest In Taunton was animated, and reaulted In the election of Chailcs f. Jolm-on. Independent, for Mayor. Tho city election In Lawrence resulted In an overwhelming Republican victory, Mayor Simpson carrying all but two wards, and defeat? ing John K. Tarhox by 335 vote*. Tho Republicans elect six Aldermen and thirteen Councllmrn. The Dem? ocrats electing only the Couuciltnen. BOtTOIf, Dee ".?Oeo. A. Bruce, Citizens' candidate, ara I I ? Bit . ted Mayor of fomervllle, J. M. W. Hall. Cm z Bf*BaudIdate, wus elected Mayor of Cambridge, and Colonel R. M. Pulsifer was elected Mayor of Newton without opposition. Haverhlll elected Charles Clan IcikIi, the i'rohlhitlon candidate, Mayor. In Herein! cities the women entitled to vote for school Committees availed themselves of their privilege. At Fall River the election was one of the most exeit lug cv r held In that city. Wui. h. (ireeuo. (Rep.) was elected Ma', or, receiving ?,0!10 votes, against 'J.-Hl cast for Jeremiah R Leary (Iieru.) Most of the seventy eiu'ht women re?;l?lered ex.-lelsed the right of suffiage. Andrew .1 Beooa, tbe CHI bum' candidate and ptes, nt Mayor of Chelsea, Is rrelected. THK NEW-HAVEN ELECTION. Nbw-Haven, Conn., Dec. 2.?At tho town i leelloii tie luy tbo Domoerata elected all officers by BBtferttftM ranging from .VW to sno. The Commou Council is Democratic. This lathe first tt me for three veins that the PsuiBBUbj have carried the town. The OreesbeoBetS iaa uo ticket, but voted with tho Demo? crats. A CLEAN SWEEP IN HUDSON. N. Y. |bt Tnn.nAPii to tui: triiiink.] HirMOW. N, V., Dec. 2.?At the charter elec? tion here t' -dav the Republicans made a clean sweep. They elected Albert, Hoysradt Recorder by 300, and John r. Carrie Assessor by 700 majority. They elected the Aldermen In every ward. MR. HOSKINS S PLURALITY. Albany, Dec 2.?Deducting tbe 100 votes la Alnuny, which it BM thought would bu given to Mr. I'otter, Mr. HBeldBBj the Republican candidate bm I o n tciiaut-'ioverii'.i, has a plurality of 8871 hutt'ieiftl rial canvass of the entire State may change these figures ouo way or tbe oilier. DEMOCRATIC ROWDIES AT WORK. PHTLAntLPHIA, Dee. 2.?The Democratic delegate elections held hero to-day were attended wltli much disorder. In Ihn Fifth Ward a convention was brBkoB up by a nioh from the Fourth ? ?rd and three men were shot, one of whom, Uernui d Rliey, died ou the way to tho hospital. VICTORY AT POUaHEEEPSIE. Poughkeepsie, X. Y., Dec. 2.?At the municipal election to day tho Republican city ticket was elected hy an average majority of thirteen hundred. Every Renuliiicnn on the eitv or the ward tlcltot Is Sleeted bat one. The victory la overwhelming. SAN FRANCISCO'S OFFICERS. San Francisco, Dec. 2.?In consequence of ? legal BBCBrtOB, the newly elected city officers will en? ter ou their duties at once. tragic deeds is texas. GaLYKBTOBj Texas, Dee, 2.?In roiisoquoiiee of a quarrel near Waco, arising irotn the refusal or Mist Staufh I I to dance wi.h " Hud " Wood, he and William Currie fought a duel, l int night outside the ball-room. A iSBSB shots were exchanged. Currle waa wounded In the hand, a bystander in the leg and Genres Wood waa shot In the thigh. " Hud " Wood then went to where Miss Staiitlcld wu engaged In cniiverautlou with Albert ( hoch tut in.ide two attempts to shoot her. lie then rei.i.nse.l B?Cbosb, " You are a friend of Currie " and shot la 1 in dead, and going up to Currie, knocked Inm senseless with his pistol. Wood theu made guest hit escape. .t ie Tin: is hie hay des case. Niw-Haven, Conn., Dec. '2.?In th< Hayden case this ?taWatfBjfMBBM ll.iwley, (he baKeBBBC of Marv siutuiard, was allowed to testify that she received ? letter trom Mary ou the s.iinlay before tin honin-de, Inclosingo e tor the Rev. Mr. Hayden. It was brought to beetbl same day thai Marv returned home from du fIrd hj Ci,..i les Haw lev, Mai v being at tno house the day it was received, the letter was BBtaed by the wlmeaa In Ihe i.resciice of Maiy, who look the b iter address,'.1 to Mr. llsydeti and tbBBW II into the lire, su) ing. "Hum ain't nt .my ue.trl can see him ?jrtelf, tBBBaf aa I hare g< i Lome." Wit i tbe letter was a note from Mary ?tanimrd as king her not to let her father tee It. THE CA THOLICS ASD I HE SCIKXH :<. lluvrov, Mass., Dec. 2.?In order to clear up ml-understanding It Is announced that Archbishop Wil? liams, in addressing the Catholic clergy here recently, tald : " Pireuta who, for good and tufflclent reasons, omit to send their children to the parochial school, but utln rwlee secure for them eftl -t.-nt religious lnstruetl >: , in n , if ? ell disposed, be admitted to the sacrament Exoomsaanleatkoii. as also pindlc denuuolatiou. of mdi Tiduals or designated classes, it strictly forbidden to all prleett uf the dlooeau In this a? m all other cases." P1MTJNQ "7777 11ailboad stock. Denver, Dec. 2.?Ab elcctioB to dispose of t>lol<Hi.<SK) worth of railroad stock belonging tu Ara paiioc ( ountv to Jay Mould for 8250,000 took place to? day. a light yoto waa cast, and the proposltn i uas acoepted 10 to 1. [/tor vtAsr BaHioay Suet ms Beta ml Pagt ] A BANQUET AT MONTREAL. MONTRKAI., Quo., Dec. .2?The Scotchmen of this olty ceiebratrd ft, Andrew's Day by a bai quet la*; nlfchi at the Wtodaor Hole:. Cungi auUatory uiea searrs were exchanged wim tbo sister sooisUos la lbs leading eines of Oeuada and tbs Catted Btetes. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. PREMIER WADDINGTON iTHi:i.D. TflK lllhKA 1 I.Nil? atta* K ON ihm aii.nihjnf.o-? GIIOWM VMM CANADA. In Paris fSSti .i| if M. W addiiigfoii defended hit policy before tbe Chamber nf Denn t ics, and < licitexf strong expressions of approval. In Itclginin, flu Kisbopof Tonrnay has been superseded by an ad? ministrator. Tbe Canadian press is dissatisfies! with tho reference made to the llshery question 11 tin- President's Message. It is said that the Czar ii about to announce a legislative scheine. 'IHK FRENCH IIIMUTRI BAR. I'vKia. Tueartay. Dee. 2.1 ?70. If, Gamlietla, President, mid nil tlie Minis? ters were pfl sent In the Chamber of DapMMI to day M Bau try D'Assnn withdrew bis interpellation of tin (ioveinment for thep.esent. M. V?addlntrton, I'restdeni and Minister nf Foreign Affairs, cons plain's! of this course, and proceeded to declare that Ministerial questions should not he raised hy unmean? ing programmes, drawn up In private conventions, but openly In the Tribuue. A truee to the policy of meet, lngs and newspaper articles. h? mid, would lie to th< Interest of the (lovernnieut, of Parliament irid of tin country. If the Minister*, had not the fill! confidence o< the Chamber ot Deputies they weis- ready to retire. Th? speech was cheered, not only by the Deputies of the Centre nut t> y a portion of the i^-rt. Cpon M. Wad dmstoi.V resuming bis scat I he Chamber proceeded to routine business. The four Hurenus of ttie Left will meet to-morrow, each group lest holding a separate meeting. The. Daily \f>rt,? r >rls disp i?cli nays; " M. Ilandry D'Asaon withdrew lila Interpellation by sdVWS of the Bouaparf ists, they having pointed out that he was oer* tain to he beaten upon It. ' Tin-Heputiitc ins. have agreed up m the following as the main pari of their political programme : Liberty of meet I ii it and lawful association: llhertv of the pr-sa, and gratuitous secular < nmpu Isot v education. TS-e STTrltSTntnry sruatiou appears i,-ss sirsined. MM. -;m :. I. --? Ii and Floqilrt dcclalc that they would not accept pm I folios in a new Ministry. It Is general'v bsttsvsd that win is M. Ilaudry D'Asaou laterp Hates ihe (Juveriitnrut on rsssdsy ihe Uovern* in n' will make declarations which will lead to a Tots ol roiilldcncc, and end the cil-ls by consolidating D'S Mluistiv. Ihe Paris correspondent of Ike, Standard. however, predicts that II, WaddlsgtOO will be out or oflice early next year, und that Cambctta will becutuo Premier. EXPECTED REVORMfl IN RUSSIA. LOMMMsj Tm sdav. Dl S, 2, 1970. A Hitlin dis;iirli to I lie Stmulurd says: "1 he (hu will mfoim the uobtllty of Moscow, at tbe re> BSfStkM to-day, of his ih t riniiiatlon to ca I a number of uuofliciiil udvisers to assist him lu tho government Of the L uplre. The Couucll wi I be purely deliberative, without any right of control or luteifer? MM, It will be chosen partly Uv ttie suffrages of the middle aud |n-as ml classes, aud putly by direct nomi? nation hy the Czar from the ranks of the hereditary uoblllly. Other measures of local icform will aiso be Announced. Taese I .novations have MM - ? -s / advocated by the Czarewltoh." TAKOOB KHAN IN DANGER. Londox, IsMioPi D<c. 2, 1870. CiMinneiititi-f on Y.ikoul? Ivh.tii'- d?-tmrttiro yesterday from Ctluil for IVshavvur. the I'utt says: " This news Is of great significance. It prohuhh means that Afghanistan has s eti the last of its Ameers. It also point to restraint, if not actual punishment, being in store for Yukoob for his.? ? ?-, if not connt vauce in the massacre of the Kmba>sy. The exact part bo played may never b? known, liiere Is more than enough evidence to ssSahSSSh Yakoob's weakness and culpsble negligence" THE BERLIN STATE OF BIEGE. IJF.Rl IM, Tuesday. Dec. 2, 1*70. In the Plimlai Diet to-day Count von Lulenburg, Mlnl-tcr or the Interior, in giving reasons for coutiuuiug the minor state of siege, declared that the state of things prevalent last year still existed. The scen t Social Democratic saltation, he suld, had in? creased, and the connections with foreign agitators wore maintained. PRECAUTIONS IN 1 I'M.AND. Di m in, Tuesday, l>*c. 2. l?70. In conacqnencc of reeout anonymous threats received Or the Commander of the barracks at Ulrr, Leinster, the whole of the smmnuitton, including sew. eral biindresi casks of powder, has been removed under ssoeri to Dublin. CANADIAN BLUSTER, Toronto, Dec. 2.?A special MUt dispatch from I.don to Ihe tiU.b'. says : in? Simei, dlseaS* sing the Prsaldsat'i BMeseae, mutsi "The cm.tdians sre no doubt tenacious of ?he right- of the Dominion over their own coasts, bur they mim S ei tbe Incomes looee of the renewal cverv ten years of the esaesastSM to t'nlted stales Ishsrsaea. It ts to be ho|?ed It will no uni.t eessary : and we -hould urge tln-m to ugree to a pcnwawcal seitlaioeat nu equitable terms." The (.lube, in discussing the l'nslden 's message, re? fers to the Fortune Bav affair, and adds : Oil this text The London Time* prints a sermon to Can.idluns, which might u ith g; eat propriety bare been pitched Into Us waste-basket. It would be mtcli better that the cleat Kuullsh SfraTM ShOfolC say nothing than that it should show nervous uess at the prospsol M reopMlag Ihr rtshrry question. Tnrro is nothing war? like in asking for compciisatloii ; bot M the contrary, something laughable in tbe Inpudeaee with which our lug leighbor demands *10.">.C<s> for li.-h which two skiptiers only hoped 10 catoa one Sunday afternoon. ? ? ? The etlect. however, of Mich SU UtterSOCC Of ti r Nats*Is to make Brother Jonsthaa beltsra that he can haTS cvertniugy bis owu way ; that Lugdahmcn are terribly afraid of a dispute with blsi : and thai it he is suikv eaoaah M saa get wtut be wants on terms which would not be fair to the holders of the naileries he covets. Ihe Hail, the Conservative organ, sa) The claim Is preposterous m nnount, to begin with ; and although the violence of the Newfoundlanders ot Foifuiu: Bay caimut be justitiell, th? Ir Is no reason at all for the contention that the A SMI leaM can he superior to the Ux loei, and eujov greater freedom on Sunday than is accorded to British sii'dccts Tm Imperial Oar* eminent im y consider Ihe SObJesC, and no OOSM will do so, SMTSly from a de*lie to consult t'i- Ami n tie- . f in ternsUosal courtesy; bur Lord BescoasaeM,asdMl Mr. tlladstone, la at the heim ol State lust now. riiEP.tnixa ton a:si ual gbaxt. Cincinnati, Dec. 2.?Preparations for Gen? eral Orntit'a visit are being pushed rapidly. He will nrrlvc here on Deecuiber 11 ubout noon in a special car. The train will run Into the eitv to the public landing at Broadway, where an Informal reception will take place. a proccaslou will escort the <? neral to Milslo Hall, where a itrjnrt n c ipttM will be held la ttie afternoon. Tlnodore Thomas's orchestra bas been engaged la fur u'sh music at the reception. In the evening a hauquct Will be >.i>cu at the QMM* HstsL it. leg it a mo nv nt> thk BT. I.AWREM'K (T.okfd. MiiNTtti vi. Dee. 2.- By order of the Minister of Marine and F isheries all lights on the Lower >t Lawrrnoe will be exIIUKuUheil Ki nighU II VN KS TO HK INVKSTIO VT1 Ii Rrr> Hank, N. .1.. Dee. 2.?At the Cvnaty Court issdsyJadesDixee directed the c.iaui juit to ii.w-.tigau ttir rsessjt failures of it e asaasy hanks. aid roa ibsi \m>. ort Avw. Out., li. Patrick's Bortst? held Has to day 1st Ihe purpose of lOThMg menus tor the i as psst in [retSM. s> m PATB1 MTl rit rii I POB4 AI Boston,Dee.'i,- \ neettna ti take farcwall ot the I'nuca ludUus wsa held here todsT. Mayor Prince pfS* aaiing. Sympathy waaex|ir,s<e>t im UssSresssssv TU K M KXH 'A N mini NO COM l'A X Y. San Pa a KCl aro. Deo. 2.?At tiie annual meeting of the Msstaaa Mining Conip*iy BMsM SM ers were rs ele?-t*sl. The ?umrinU-iic'eBt asya there are IBSSSSShM ex pecuuou? im vafusM" d vrlojuue ii during il<e cmi: f fear. C A1I LK IB Ul'AKANllNH. llt iiAi'?. N. l.i I? c. 2 ?l our lo ad of imported Eughsli Iterrforil erat I* I. c.m.ola w.ic .pui ?ul ned st i-'asi iiuds o t ? iiav bj tin- < msi.,in 'tie irs.Isaeesrdaacs wxth the n-ceot is del of tlo? Tuaetliy Depart meat. a nswao rou ooivoxi PBoisoaBBi t)i nw?. D<e. Mr. R dtcnsi.ii, rrsm Keittt s,i,t.aud, present cd M the IISMSterol Agicmture t s- lieiiie tor tue ??ItUliieut uf S uuuiber ol UigliUi.d mull Bsawa In Manllot?. Alu BBIMOP LTBCB to RAVI A MAJUPTOB. 11 do in i ii. 1 ?'??. lafunustion has bveu reci i ved tliSt t a- lllghi Her i iuioiiij o'Malieny, Hishnp ol Arilin tabs, Aosir.lia, has been apisiUitot. .uajator to Atchbiatmp i.yncb, uf the lloiuau l aiho'ic IM.iceae of Toronto. l'HII.AUF.Ll'UIA bios Full H<i 1 ii POM v BBTK' nIB pun aoi i.i'hia, Deo. 2.? Ilia ttocBtioldsra ol ths Permanent Kilnbltion. la Kalrii.uunt Park, t -day offi rvd 'be tue ot the axhlMtteo bntldlag Vs the twogrest pottUrsI p?r Use to hold U.eir cuuvriiUons .u seat >ear. THK MCW'.ma NS.W u k LOMBBB TBABBi BT. John, N. ti., Dee. 2.-1 he IuuiInt sbipmenta from this pirt to k.nrope for IM eleven roosths eridiiig No. veiuhes Jo amuuuted to 0 \0oy .iitirrSclal tect. cotuisussl with iHv.OOU.Ooo i -et tor the ?aimc penud ol last vesr. AN KXI'ltF.Ss sit I'i lllM I.NKKN1 HoMlltKI*. KBFpkuicK*nt'go, Va.. Dec. 2.?The euudovos of ths Heatheni l.iprea? Company have ereeietl a marble ceno taph, VO t'-el hlsh, Uitl.e tueuiurv of Wllllatu Willis, their 1st? ?iipeilnundrut. who felt s victim lo tue > < ihm t. m r in Mem. Dblalu 1H7H. A CASK Or* Wl'stPKNDKD ANIMATION. Kail kiVKi:. Mans..Dec 2 Tbe w.te ot Frank? Un Caase sled suit.truly al w eetpoi l on N nreoiber VP. I rep? ratlona ler buital were maslc. b'K the lit, like bpiaM.aoce of tu? renulusludUKsl lor irlemls to ,witpoec the fasoral, sad the oo if hat f,cen kept na. ii lac Ui't?VUl lluo , 00 ? In use hsv . tas appos*e* sluOo death, it. i iiiea.Ua are .? as to warn s* Uuc 1'wUuta wf susyeodet suluUlrsa. vi ?beiher dsauisssMlaeily place.