Newspaper Page Text
V0I?X\XIX..K0-12,072. NEW-YOUR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1879. PRICK FOUR CUNTS. TOPICS IN CONGRESS. FINANCE AND POLITICS. ko ipmi imivii lim a mm imi to com* to B PAS- this wimfii-finance bills oki I It 1 I' YrsTFBHAY?contests. Kit'. Oman! ll>rtV)M and Fernando W004I pre? sented bill-* 10 the House of Ropreseiitatives. vest* tday in regard to refunding. A rc-ulu tion was ( ft',1 i ll in th?- Senate by Mr. Pmyard for the gtadu il Abolition of the legal - tender*.. If is hwitTBd by the regular* correspondent of The TttDtm at Washington that, while thciv will bI d, lute on financial and tariff topics tins Winter, no disturbing legislation will be consummated in r. giird to either.' The im tc?tant of tlie -eat ot Mr. Orth (Kip.) h i- apparently abandoned his ease, anil the Committee on Elections will report against hiin. The jiro|>osed nionutnent at York fowl is tiiiil. t consideration again in the Houm\ AGITATING QUESTIONS IN CONGRESS. HUTl Um TOOtCCIt IW WI.VTi It oX QRKKN 11 AC xs AMI SILVER COINAOK QUESTIONS. HIT NO LFOiSt.VTION ? no dan'111't OB TAhllF < HANOIS, EITHER. |t n.-v Tin: kk.i i ah count>i-om>i \t of tiik tkiih sk.) \\ ^-)11sc. ton, Dec. :t. : ; there will bo BBBM Mm as-mti of lUBtU questions in Co tigress duriig the present session la to be extiectcd. Mnitv of tl.e more discreet ninoogthc Democratic leaders wotthl Im? pi id to avoid it if possible. Bot? bo far a* I have heard, Itocnuse of its injarious effect ?>n the industrial interests of the country, now seek ii?: t ? make up some of t he losses anil repair some of tin i.:>..?? rs of nearly six yearn of ?h pit ssion, but, to quote an expression used by one of i hem, because thev have been ruined politically by tho attitude their party has heretofore tiikcn m r. gard to the currency anil resumption. The disposition to lcgis late in mey. to drive the gold currvney of the world out of circiilatfhu in th<' United States by providing tor an unlimited expansion of silver coin? age cc nineties, to make resumption a failure after it has achieved a success never equalled in the financial history of tho world and when tho whole country is enjoy inn the benefits of the prosperity it has brought, is ns strong in the Detiioctatic party to-day as it ever was; and if none of the crazy theories that have been devised to ii jiiie the crclil of the country, debase the cur? rency und clog the wheels of business, are enacted into laws this AN inter it will be first because the ft'publican minority in l?uh houses of Congress will almost unaniinoti'dy resist their passage and a Republican ftrcsuli nt will interpose his veto against them, or because the Democratic party leaders do not consider it safe in view of the ap? proaching I'residential struggle to pat their finan? cial theories into statutes. 1 have said that some financial discussion in Con? gress is inevitable during the preseut Winter. I do not believe that the wise recommendations of the President and Secretary of the Treasury in tho annual message and the report, in re card to tho future treatment of greenbacks, will receive any serious attention lrom Concress. Jr is doubtful if even the ft.-publicans in the Seuate and House of Representatives, especially those from the West, could be induced to carry out t hose recommenda? tions even if they were in a majority : and it is cer? tain that no large number of tho Democrats will sustain them. The discussion is much more likely to take place upon bills to remove tho restrictions lrom the coinage of silver and to retire the notes of the National banks In order j to make room for the issue of more legal tenders. Hut even measures of this kind have little chance of Wcotning laws, and the business ?MB of tin country ought to be making up their minds nt once net tube disturbed when mich bills are introduced or even WBBfl they are reported from (iiiiinittees, NothiiiK will come of them; and the BBBflt will do well not to allow themselves tobe alarmed B" anything which max be attempted. 1 do not mean to say that then should In- fottered among I'epnbliein members of (ton grass a fselingod GalsS security leading to a letting down of elLut against da tue. oils measures that BUMF be proposed, bet that bu-iiie-h men should have that oonfideoce in Ihe 1 re-nhnt and the lb publican minority in Mth bosses that bo seesoa of distrait ami alarm shall be allowed to result from anything that may happen in WashingtTB this Winter. What is tin"- of a a?lions affretinB rcsnmjition gad the BiTeBcy ia also tons of tario legislation. 'JTnreare Democrat i< Representatives In Congress, and Baraapsa ha PcpuMii ans (though of the latter I In SaSSSSC is very TTwItll). who w ould like to have a geueral revision uf the taritl just nt this ttBSSI but it is uu|k>ssibie to tind Betasvidenessolany ma lui'-it plan for ? general reduction of duties on im IMirtH. After ids tormer experience in rttflpting to deal withBBMlunesiton. and tlie suuitn ity way in which the last House of Keprc-cntatives disposed of his carefully prepared bill, it is hardly to lie sup? posed thai Mr. Fernando Wood, chairman of the Committee on Wan aad Means, i, anxious to tempt fate again ; and il he is, any bill proposing cbaagSS like those bet?re advised iiy hi iii Will s,m'edll\ fol? low its prede< chsoi to the sl.aiies from winch it aevaf woaldsaasraa. Tbs Kepabltcan minority is tuned ?trsagSt IB the XLVlih than it was in the XI.N th Congress ; and tin re will always be enough Dsaaaarattc votes to dctssl a Ynt larads hill, or BBS which l<k?ks in that diiactioo. 2. L. W. HI ><tLUnOMI 031 FINANCE. fWO BWjrBBBB in Tin: m .naii:-*n OPimOM l?r VKbOI'ino IN favok of NO LB0J8LATMM on PIXANCK THIS |IIV ii LKOK.vnt To TIIK Tltlill vi ] \V vsillNOT'iN, Dec. :i. ?la the Senate this atter MMB Mi. Bayaid bHwdaaad a resolut ion. which was referred to the Committee on Finance, providinc that from and altet tin BBSBtgB of thai ie-olution the Treasury notes of the United Mates .shall be rc 11 icable lor all dues to the United Mates, execpt ii.,: duties on imports, and shall not be otherwise a legal BnaW, and any of Bsji nob s hereafter rcis (inil shall U-ai this supci script ion.'' S nator InealN tnitnediatel\ sdhf si a resolution which he asked mi^ht lie on the table and be printed. It expressed the opinion that the present volume ol of I'tiited States notes kIiuuIiI not In- re dw > d, and that said notes paghl to t oiitinuc to be a legal tenib r in the payment of debts. A littncNF. correspomletit has BBBrngBB? vvith a number of Westeiu Republican Senators in n pud to the questions raised by these resohnions, and he ti.ids them practn allv - did in suppott of the WBshi tion of Mr. Ifjgadja, The Senator hitn-elf says it ivpreseuts the views of all Ihe Republicans of the Mississippi Valley, and probably a uinjonfj of t!ic D? MHK an even i ha-.i e of siipiKirt BBMMg Republican Senators from .States further east, Amoiiig tin- latter the seiiliiuent is piimanly favor? able to the Itayard resolution ; but the fact that the I ?eim?< rats are aifxioiis tS MSh a Ml BMM on tinaii c.nI question*, in order to divert public attention fioin tin* issue on which tiiev h ive been so disas. troiis)y d. fe .t' <i. leads Hcpal.Ii. ans who would ?.'li< r a ise favor tic tetireinent <?! tin- greenbacks t . :u quh sec in a postponement of the question until alter the next Presidential canvasi. H presetitat i v.- I "rice, who in traduced a resolution in the House yesterday Maailai :o that of .St riator Jtigalb, had a c ?:i\< isaiio , ?itii S, . ivliui Sin rmau this loretKKin. He wan told bv lb" BeantBPf that he did not desire any financial legialatloB during this si^sion. tacntary Btem?p paid t.) a correspondent of Tn Tkiucni: this BVening that he did not c ire to add any thin? to \\ hat he had alteidv said on this mi bp et in his repott. He has always In Id the opinion,, then- expressed, and believes now that the legal-tender property dx-s not iticie.tM: the value ol the irr e.ib.?. h or ucike ii any more acceptable to the pe .pie. If 4'ougics* would make this change, givitig tho (secretary time to anfBOT for it and aslborily to reduce the value of outstanding legal tenderH. to #:*oO.OOO,OUO. the sfiotk to business would probably be much less than if the Supreme Coin! should suddenly decide, * j. ar or two ttQm Bow, that such notes retatucd after the war BM not ? Irgal tender. Secretary Sherman said,that be does not now nor has he ever seen any obje.ctiou to the issue of Iteasury notes provided the volume of them ia not allowed at any time to exceed Um amount that I an always In- sunt aim tl at par. Ho does mit MIM with llu> IVi'suloiit that tho amountof the green? back circulation should be now reduced. THE HBXT QSEAT act ix rkitnihv;. IDKDBID Mil I |o\S (ik BP AM> Us TO Bl OOBTBBTKD IBTO 4 OB 8*9 FBI cimn ? bim.s by (.1 m it u. i; \ n it k n ? am? PBBBABDO BOOB* [(.i:\t.itAt. rucsH dispatch.) WABtUROTOB, Dec. 8.?TWO litiIw WCtB introduced in the lb-use to-day rcgardiirg liituie funding OP* rations nf tho Government ] mir by Mr. (Jar field, ol Ohio, entit led " Ait Art to Facilitate the In 11111(1111? of the National Debt," ami aimthcrliy Mr. Wood, ol Now-York, cut itU il M Aa Act Respecting the Refunding of the National Debt.* Mr. Wood's hill merely limits tho maxitniitn rato of interest on future refunded honds at per rent per nimiim. Mr. (iarfield's bill authorizes the Sec rctaty nf tho Treasury to issue 1 pat rent bonds at once ui exchange for outstanding and unoancelled houds bearing a higher rate of inti rest than 1 per cent. It M understood tha* this lull praj prepared :it the Treasury I) partiueiit by Secretary Sherman, nnd contains all the provisions thai lie deems neces? sary to enable liiin to carry nn BOOOeeafplly tho trat k of refunding the ir'HOO.OOO.OOO uf and 0 pet cent I.cents which fall due iu 1881. The follow ing is the full text of Mr. (iarfield's bill: Ttiat all exl?tlii(r provisions of all law? nutliorlrln?' tin- refitodimr ?f tSoBotional debt sliall apply to any hnudc nf the United States lic-n mg a higher lato nf lli teri-Ht tnaii d |n-r cent \( In. h may hereafter beOOOBa tie* (lei mahle, and tin-Secretary of the Treasury Is hereby BPtborkh d, in the pris e*> nf refunding lhe National den., ti. e.\eh vitf mrcelly nt pur, bonds ol the United states lieiirui;; i t.?!'-,( at -1 percent per niinuiii, of the Oatarnpttoa iai WTlBedbj lhe yet of July 11, flllcd "An A t to AUtaortM the Refunding al the N i lioiiul I> Iii," .nid u' I?auiemlatory thereto,'or any bonds of the I'nhod states outstanding o:ul ulc tiled Mat lag a higher rule of intcnst, and in any suca exchange, in leiT?t may !>.? allowed on tlie bonds sn rcileeined Iura period of three month*. And whenever any of the bond* hi. ii deemed hear interest at 5 or ti |M-r cent per annum, the Secretary of the Treasury may allow to the holders, in lieu of tlie time limnlli?' inter, st provided for above, the difference h twecii the interest on such bonds from the date ot cxctiuiigc to the time of their mat nnry and lhe Inf. rest mi Die lour ]>or cent bonds tor a like period. Autli'.iii) to i-?ue such four |s r cent boadl to the amount tieee.-arv tu curry out the provi? sion* of this act is hereby granted. Both bills were referred to tlie Committee on WaJTI mid Means. THE SIXTEEN CONTK8TED BEATS. ? TIIK OppiiNF.M OK Mil. OKI II MAKIN, A SAU FAII. DBB ok it?.U >iick PBOBABLT to Bl doxk to Sc.MF. OB IHK OTBI R KKPl'iil.n A\ s. luv Tl i i'.t:Al-Il in Tili; IBIBtTBB.1 Wa-mim;ion, Dec. 3.?The attempt to unseat Representative Orth Il{i ]>.of In.liana, docs not np Iiear to make any headway in the House Committee on Elections. I here btM been considerable, speculation aa to whal action Um commit lee would take in this ease. It the next rresideiit were to bo elected by the House nf Keprc-icutatIvee, tho vnto of latUaaa WOlN be n quiird to decide the result. That Stute lias six Democratic am! six Republican Representa? tives and ouo Greenback Representative?Mr. De La Matyr. Tho vote of the State would there? fore really be east by Mr. Da Lit Matyr, mile-* a Republican wero unseated. Every effort has therefore been made by the Democrats to make nut a case in favor of Mr. MoCabe, who is making a enntest fur Mr. Orth's seat. 1 pp aid the close uf i In- extra session Mr. McCabP, who had up to that time done nothing In establish hia rieht to a si at.presenii d P petition asking further time for taking testimony on the plea of newly dis? covered evidence. The committee gare him fifty days in which to iret nllidiivits to MPrtain his peti? tion. It appears that he has done nothing about it. At the meeting of the committee this morning, Mr. Weaver t(!bk..i, of Iowa, moved that Mr. MeCabt's petition be di Btieftod, A vote was BOflt* poiied until the meeting next TucMlay. Mr. Spriugcr, rliairnian of the committee, said to-day that he thinks Mr. Weaver's motion will prevail, and that nothing further will be heard of the con? test against Mr. Orth. A Republican member of tie- committee remarked that he thinks Mr. Weaver's motion will receive a unanimous vnto. CM the other fifteen contested cases before the committee, tour are ready to be heard. The briefs are all printed ai d the OOOteatPBtB are in attend? ance. Tbeee are tbe eaaea ot Bradley (Rep.) apt. Slemons (Dein.1, fmni Aikansas; Biabec (Rep.) agt. Hull (Dem.), from Florida j Donnelly (Dem.) agt. Waahburu (Rep?)i from Mlapeeotpi ami L'urtin l Dem.) agt. ioeam (Rep.I, from Pennsylvania, In the cases of Holmes 'Dem.) apt, Sapp iRep.), and Wilson (Dem.) Bf*!, Cup. otei (neu.), both from Iowa, a aepjority report will be made that the alte tun: rat robera are entitled to their scats, a minority report will be made, tleebulmj that pader the Cou slitOtMmOf the Mate nf lnwa DO legal ileetlnll Was hehi, pad that therefore neither of the contestants an-entitled to sears. Tbeee epaea were decided by I lie (uliliintlec just befoic the close of the last ses? sion of t unjurcea, bal no repmt waa made. in the cases uf Haralsoii |R. ji.) aPt, Shelley (Dciii.), from Alabama ; Hubert ami Merchant ext. Aeklen (Dem.), frotu l.oui.iana, pud McDowell agt. Wbittaker(Dent.), from Oregon, no briefs 01 evi? dence ni any kind have In- n ItUTUisbed b] the pcr souagivinguoticeof contest, ami they will prob? ably !>.- dr. pped by the e liniiittee. Too reasatalnp casee before the eoaiTPlltftfi are in abeyance on oxteaetoaa nt time. MONUMENTS IN VIRGINIA, A ni s u rnos OF a bdidbbb TBABB A00 AnufT voukiow n now To II caiiiui Ii Oi l?Vllt QiMA'd FoM>m:ss i tin APl*ROt*RIATtOXB< [nv TTflmBflTa To Tin: iitim nk.| Wasiiinuti'X, Dec. Iu the House to-dav Mr. Good* bioiight fOTP ard t he follow ing )iieainhle ami resolut ion. which w ere uituuiimiiisly a.lopte.l; Wherein, On tue '.'.l.'hduv ot Or'nlicr. 17"?1. it wnn "Jftaafaesl thai tin- Datted states, la C uigres, a-s itabled, win cause to aa rreeted at Torkt. wa, in Vlrplaia, a aur pleeeiaraa adaraedwttB embtttaaof tue alllaaee be tveea the Dai ted sint. sand bla bnrBI Cbr stian Maleeiy, iiinl laaettbep with a sue. Inct narration ol tb< *urrender nt Barl Oeraval Ha to eta Kxeelleaej Qeaeral WaablBp tor..i 'omaaaaBer ta t 'tin t ol tne eefliBtaed fereee of Amer? ica und Fr..nce, to Ins F.iceileucy the Cotiut Da ttO> citato beau, tt wawaduu] the atixlllarj Iroopa ol his most Cbntlao Ma testy iu A toot lea, and Ma Fx. clh my Count lie (irasse, eOPIBiaaatPg Bl chief the Naval Army of Fram e iu the CtMoapeake "; and, Wkttowtp TPat reaohlttoa bsa not been carried Into effe.-t. und trie pledge nt theNaliun nrnle nearly one lioiidn il vi Hi', usii nsysW yet iiiirninil. il ; an t, IITserPOe, It Uearpeatl] proper that the Centcntilnl nuuivei sal v ol the deelHlve victory achii-Veil OJ Wash iugtoii u"d the Doatlaental Army tepatpef with the eseieiaaee of their Preaeh allies, ahoaat ba aaproptt utei.v celebrated by the Aaamepp peep la on tap spot wheie it occurred; therefore. i:>$ui:eii. Teal a acleei eoaaaatttce of thirteen BhaB ba appoint'd by Hie Sjm aker, ?P4NM duty it shall be lo cou BMerthe expediency of approprutlna a ata ol mon< \ lo be expended ruder the direction of the sciretary oi War iu creeling at YorfctOWB Va., lhe BbBPaaatBt re leneil to In li e aforesaid res..lotion of t'onsri-?a, an.I to make tin aeeeaaaiy arratutaaaeata m aoiijBaetloa wlUi tbe aataorttiee of the Beate ot Virginia tor an aparopi - ate eolebratlea by tbe Ann rtea i people on tin- intn of October, l?si, of lhe sitrieu-ler of Coniwallis ; and im- *aal eef llea have leave to report by bill or other? wise. Mr. Coole introduced the foregoing resolution in response to a ruiui at made b] BBIBIB RaWlllpg heU pb theaaaleeteary of the aaRaadee of Cocawallla last < ictober. Virginia allows im .ession of Cninrn -s to pass without being a suppliant for sonic fuvor from lhe National Treasury on account of monu? ments. One year it is an appropriation Hi keep Jef. fit son's grave in onhi. Another lime it is an ap? propriation to mark the bii ihplace of WpphiPBtOR. Now it is an apinopnatioii lor a battle monument. Nobody iu Virginia sei in* to think that that State und h'T peofle have any duty in the matter MTI to iM-g nil that can be obtained from Congress. The only public monument uf any consequence that has keen rai ed in Virginia .lining th ? last foity-cight years is the tine statue of Stonewall Jackson in Richmond. The Rcvololioiiury heroes ofthut State apparently ex< ite little palrioiic in t -rest Hiiioiig the prapeal geneiation. i in ? 0MMITT1E OF SENATOR BRUCE. IHK BIPIMtf of IffK I XPKK18 on TIIK. 11(11 d mi's - ua.nk to in 1i.i.-km1i? nia WISTB. (oy laiauBiia iii ihi ikiui m. : WasiiinhtoN, Dee. :t.-Senator Ihnen will en? deavor to hold a meetiug of hia Kreeduion'a Dank I i:\cstigititig inuilillttno .luring the week. Re? ports from the experts will lie presented and prep? arations for the examination of witoeaeea will be made. Tbe n ports of tbe experta wil) not be made im Mir, tin It in possible that some of the witnesses S/bOSS testimony iadesired would he alarmed ami would u?-t out of the roach ot tbs eon mi Met, None of the rumors which have from time to lime been published regarding Mm discoveries made i?y these experts have any fnuiulalion in faet. I he commit? tee M experiencing some difticnlly in sei tiring a oommittec-rooin ni the Capitol; hut Senator BraOS hopes to make satisfactory arrangements withiu a few days. APPRt IPKIa HONS. A MEETING of Tin: BOt7Sg C'ivimiTTEK ? A LACD AJ1LK SPIRIT MAXIFKST amoxi! TIIK MKMBKK9. [i.l.NKRAI. 1'KKSS DISrATCll.] Washixoiun, Dec. ').? Tho House Committee on Appropriations met this morning, Chairman Atkins presiding. No arrangement of the sub-com? mittee.- hag vet been made, and the meeting was in? formal and social rather than of a business charac? ter, Tnegdnys and Fridays have beea axed as the regular days for tho meeting-' of this committee. A genera) IntarehangS of views this morning indi? cated a desire and purpose oil the part of the mem? bers to perfect tho appropriation hills at as oarli I day as possible. i he Hiihjcet of the deficienov appropriation for tho pav of BMUShsla and their ileputies for tin-current ?seal year received more than inei.letital mention. The opinions expressed warrant the statement that this appropriation will he the tirst one provided for. OF IMPORTANCE T<> CUMMEStial MEN. HB. MOI.ToxV mix TO AID IN NIG ?TIATIN? HILLS OK I APING, KT.'. [BY TKI.1 l.ltAI-ll TO TIIK 110011.] WiBaUBOTOX, Dec, S.?Mr. Morton to-day brought forward in the House an important bill to facilitate the negotiation of lulls of lading and other cotutiie: oial instruments, and to protect persons dealing in them. a similar bill was introduced in tho la*t Congress, but f illed. Mr. Morton said to-dav that his hill has the approval of tho New-York Chamber of Commerce, ami 01 tin' lluarda of Trade of New Vork, Boston and Philadelphia. He has strong hopes of getting it through tin House during this session. A MILLION OF 811 PER CENTO. t1if. l.OVEHNMI NT OFFI Its TO Bl'Y. nawawif nu m dsbpatob.1 Washington, Die 3.?The following cir? cular, in relation IS the paiahasS of United State? buuds for the sinking fund, was is-iu-d tins afternoon : Tkkasimet DaPAgtauuiT, i ?u i ti u or i HS Bl' lti.r mit, WaSBIBOTob. J>. < . Dei. j. 1*79. ) The Secretary of ibe fresiBrV ben hj giv? s sota i foal proposal! wr tat sals to tbs OoveraaMS! af MjOOOtOOO ofsny of Ibe 0 par cent interest bsariag bonds of IBs United States, aaowa as tbewltoessf 1B81." will ih? reeeiV' il at the office ol the As^l-tniit Tis?uisi of ibs United Statei it Mew-York aath Saturday, tha Oih last,, at winch time tin- tads will he opened am! toe awards deelared j the bonds tans pnrcbssfd tone up plied to the sitiKltlg fund, aa Provided ill Section 8,694 of the Kt-used ? i;,tute* if the Celled Slates. T?e propoKils should st ile t as SMStae character ol the bonds offered, WbetBsr registered or coup.ui, and under what acts tin J were liWsfd ; a d tln-v BSJ be for any ainoiiiit not less tasa 03,000. The offers must Oe for the sale of tlie h..i.ds with accrued iiiturcst to and including the Ota lust.; MNiaseBproposal nast inclose a esrtMsd earea lor 5 ler cent ot nie am.unit of IBs bondl oBTared. The ehsi k<or iiiiinoossafnl bidders will bsreturned ssssas as tbs result is Beeertaiaed ; sad those of ethers on ibe min.wing business day, when the b inds must bs Bellt? en d. Hiid the pajineiit In lawful money will BS made as Soea BS tBejr SSS be diih rxinimcl. The right Is re? served to reject any or all bids, and to waive any dc fects. Jobs SHaaBAB, Secretary. WASH1N0TO? NOTES. Wasiiim.tos. Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1?"?. The Treasury DspSTtSMSl to-day purchased 300,(HHJ onneesof stiver for Ihe Philadelphia Mint. Mr. Walter If. Duke has breo appointed to fill the taoaatrj on tha clerical force at the Executive Mansion, occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Price. The following telegram was received from General Hatch this morn um' lrnin Los Pinns: " The Indians continue to come lu. They seem inclined to testify uiore freely." Judge New, of Indiana, has obtained the consent of the Secretary uf War, that the claims on file lit the office ol the Adjutant-General of Indiana, known as the Morgan Haul claims, may he transferred ui hulk nt once to the War Department Sere. This will prevent throe els ms treiu being barred by the statute of limita? tions. a largo party of colored flBilaiaall from North Caro Una reached this city to-day on their way to In.linns. About llfty sfthSBB were furnished with railroad tickers to their destination, mid the remaining INK) were taken lu charge tiy tlie t o ured Woui.-n's Christ inn AsSOcls tion, and supnllcd with uccessarv food, T im BstfOBSl Emigrant Aid Society is endeavoring to ra'se fluids to defray the expeuscs of transportation to Indiana. General If. G. Wright, t hief of Ktuiueers, United siiite? Army, neeoinpntiied by Ma).ir Fanpihurt, of tho Lighthouse Hoard, are ou a tour of inspection of light house stations on Ihe Southern Coast. They took pass? age nt Savannah in the Fern. They were ai Key West yesterday, ami le.?ve to-day to visit each lighthouse station on the west rSSSI of Florida. ..nd may continue theirinspection slragtbs Gnlf eestt to the month ol the Mississippi. TBs Fsrn Is nu her regular trip, wiilch was taken advantage of fur the inspection tuur. K0M1NA I IONa WaSHIHOTOVi Dec. :l?The President Rent the toiiowmg asartaattaai to the Bsnani as flsj i Ili.rnti'i O. Sake, to be IVnnon Af. :.: st Philadelphia, Psss. Cl.silos Hear<!?ley, of Iow.i, to be Fourth Auditor of the Troaaarr. CMterWfS ?/ Ctut?mt?(irnTK* V. Craiiuirr ?t. Mule V.itg II rbOT, N.J., T in.miss IrsBMS ?t Anai'ul.s. MS.: OOQCSS E BSWSsa, at NurloU, Va.; llmlin isshuiaii. at Vn ksuniK, Miss. CSIfse>sn ?>' Internat greraas-?!* n. crssBcr for the Bteead Hislrti t of Illinois i Allre I M. Jones far the 1 bird MstrtCI ai*.is , Howard kt. KtiUhlii, fur the flurd HiMilcl of WIs cousin. Indian alpsal Char.pi nation, of Michigan, for the shosh one a neue v. WjOISISS fVtmeN Hi in the iV- renne Serrlee First Lieutenants i In I.. BSOpl r. .lohn C, Mitchell au.l Loau ft. IM Odd Of to be i jiff lalim . boeOLd liest. iuuIm Georm L.TInnstou, Jol.u DousotV wntaasi J. Herring and j rSSpK M muiiik to tie Fust Lieu ISBSStS) T'lilril I.lrut.'liaiil fcifsiiisd t* fTajtns lo bsMsoood i.e in . Worth ii. Il<>?s and John a. Ltskwo.Nl to be Tht:<1 Lb-ii? i.Sills. J1. iimnhont ni th' Xnru- Coininoiloro Thomas --tf \ < ns to a Itear-.'.'tiiural ; Canum* Filwar.l Ilanett an.! IT.on -r c. Itlaks to lie i oniiii.Nii.rrs : i' .iiiiiiaiitiera Os. .ir P. Btsnntos, ltii- ,r<s.i>. lavior ami Henry Brsea to be captains tioa. tauant Camuian'ter* Henry olas? and Phllln R.CuSBM lo be i omni indera MoslasistsJseob B. Noel, Lsossrd i bsnsrjr. BseiatssHsbasHMd Ussrsa W, in-iouar tabs llestonast rjansMadsrs: sfastsri Jsba W, rhuosBossa, Uson W. Bcasatar, Ossrge a.cstasna nmi ktarua K. ItalltabsLtto. tassatsi Bjaagss Walter c. Cow lea AaattaM. Kstafet, criss. J. Badger, s'a ."e l w. 11. I>lfr!.>- hm ChfiaSMber u Bonato bs Masters i MMSb asaas DxiWItl CutTnian. William o. Han num. ItssasssB. cr SSB and Henry Mluett to he Kashtns: M- ... - lu?per.ot P, s. WslOS to he Chief of the llurrau ot Medjelse and Msrjrsry, ai.d Bsrgees Oeawai, with the rank or OoaUBOdarSj M..|n j| Inai>c tor Allirrt L. UlSSS to Ik- M.-.1I lai I Urse tor. Barnoa Arehihaiu o. Bbsstfsa to be ? W edict] It:?jifc or, r.i.?.. 'I As-iala ;t -lugeon l:. iij.uniu s. Ma. kl. t.< h< a S'liai-ou. sirsoiid Lleiileiiams VV.sslbsU B. llfbllSIIt SSS lle,.ry Clay Fl-In r I . lie Flisi-Lle itenints, Vtirlnr Corns PaOSSd Ae'istant KliiTlliror l.eoigr J BSTSSP to be a Chief I'.n ein.m i in ths Navy. Assistant Fnctnesr .lului K l!i>r.'"ii In he a I'Asscl Assisijnt In art ii ?st, Kranrklln C rnn.ile, efftsam* s>l\aulj. to he a Civil Knriueerln the .Nary. Also a large batch of humiliations af Postmaster* lor point* In tBS u< *t and tSBIB. [lor .7.? rtyular report of CiTiartjihinal Pi-ve eiitngt tee s-c?,l lMllt.} EIGHT PROPELLERS so f.D. Philadklthu, Dec. 3.?Light pnpeJlen and three barges, the property < f the PaftsdctphBl aud New rstkBtSSSi RaVlgattaB Company, were su!d at auction here to-day. The steamer Kanita brought 930,100, ttasstsnsasr AWaass Blb\000, and the others aoldfOI sinus raiigliii/ Iroui gfjOtS 01,000. TIIK UTES WARLIKE AGAIN. Kawlins Wy. Tu ., Dec. Tho mail fiom WBita Diver this ?erslsg brings tin. news that on the ub'h: of Novo? her 30 the Ute Indlsna Htinckcd and drove lu tho pSfSSBS in charge of a herd af cattle from winch tbS SSBMMad was upplied atfh tiwat Bl White Bm i lump. T?e I ml. a 11? can led nfl ihe eutlro herd. TELL GRAPH 10 NOTES, IIA IN IN CAXIK-nNIA. San Fbaxcibi ??. Dec J. -Within the last throe dais afptasatsBswatl have fallen tu all partj of the smte Asi'< ultoial pr.?spe< ts arr eveeltrnt. m WKI.LANIi CANAL KN I.Alt'. EM ENT. Ottawa. Oec. S.?Ii is andMatood thai Baaaer. man. Ntehol-o.. * mown have WTSSd a contract for a. cUons Bl aaiU 34 ut the Wsttasi - anal. A I t Mil. It ill. iCKAOE. Pon Ji itvis, ,n. v.. i).-,.. ;i. ui,i lambrnBOB esiiiuate ihar.urr' fret of lumber are now In the liolawaro llivn, a.ei eauuol he leuiute t until 'he Ice BM Ils HISarBBIPPJ I Ui'lPJV KM KB Th l n'isvci i, Dec. 3.?The Mississippi Fallal HiTrr IinifTuveiii.Mii Couvrotlou t > dav uigrd up.,,) r..u?rra? Uie asepnaSf oi making ??.' ? ?'... critiiu liupruvran-uu. a Hi.avv BALVAOfl 01 aim. St. John, N. H. Dee. X-'/he i,i<,b,. mm thai ih.> Stesmri i 'i a-?l.n . Se.u a S-'-O.iSai ...u,-. f..r |..-,, .,u disabled st?-aiiiKi,ip i 'itr of Htclunond Into Halrfuj, m<( the ('omnany declloe.1 to pay unrr than %W oo > Tne caeo has gone luiofiie Admiralty Couru. Ml NT'OAIl INlHtKST. ST. Lous. Dec. :i.-At the -Mississippi Vsllev Cane Oroirers, AiS'siatlnn meettn? (.?-dar laaur A Hr1#e UM rurroapoadliij teciourr, aatd uiucb tnt?iesi was niasl tealed in tae caltarv of surarnaju caoe aad lbs uMasnfaeiure ?I lu/rar ict.-atiom, esroclsllj la lot Norta. THE IRISH AGITATION. THE DAY OF TRIAL FIXED. TIIK UdVl.llvMl .NT pltKSsI NO TUR lM'OSFCtTIOV? TIIK PKOiJItKSB Or THIC IltlSI' IMUTlCAL COM? MOTION. The trial of the Irish prisoners, charged with sedition, is to begin nt Currick-on-Slian non on the 11th inst. Tho Rtato of feeling in Ireland, and the circumstances attending the urrcst of the prisoneis, are stated iu the accompanying letter. ACTION OF TDK GOVERNMFNT. TIIK. AltKK.SI OK IM VITI AM) Kl I.I.KN ?MINTS FROM ?ONsMMINOVI.E?CIIAKACTKK OK Tili: I AN* OOAQI COMIM.AINKl) OK -Mil. PAltN K.I.I.'? IK\H KRMIIP. [ I ROM TIIK roRHrSI'oNPFMT Ol TIIK Tliini NP. ] London, Nov. ?O.?Yesterday's arrests in Indand mark the rnmuienccnicnt of a new policy?or at t i ipt at a policy?on tho port of the Oovcmmcnt. Heretofore they have let tin-agitation run its course. they issued orders for tlie arrest of Davitf and Killen ami Daly they must have made up their minds to crush the movement, if crushed it can he | at all events, to re-!ruin the /.cal of future orators within legal bound-.. IVihaps || may I.e aaatUBed that some of tho many recent Cabinet meetings, which wero supp..- i to bedevoted to AetaMinor, were in reality occupied with Iii-li atlairs. Tbe taunts of the Constantinople press have reached Downing Street, Said a Turkish paper not iiitnv day-j ago: "You pretend to rorortu Asia Minor; you had better begin with Ireland,whose people are in a state of permanent revolution." The counsel of tho .Ma - i journalist has been heeded. We the same moment of Maker 1'acha's apisiintincut as Superintendent of Mesopotamia, und of the successful movement of the Irish con? stabulary upon three of the most ittsiginli. ant s|Makers who have taken part in the Irish war against lan.llniili.iin. Mr. 1'arnell thinks I hese at rests sue only the precursors of a suspension nf the ha* hcas rntptis. He may be right, but the value aad sigrilheaticc ul the present -tep are lint to be tneas ured by the predict inns of Mr. 1'arnell as to the fu? ture?save so far as his predictions may he tho off? spring of wholesome feais. It is now some months since the outbreak in Ire? land became agrarian iu character. Nothing is curious than tor.mat k how merely pnlitteal and even religious mat ton have dropped oat of sight. 1 he Home Rohrs members unit ted St. Stephens with their mouths lull of < >bst rm-t ion and tin- m w Irish I'niversity f the latter being the price paid by the Government torat cm pm a ry mitigation of the for? mer. Fhtahedwithsomethinglitre a victory, they Mi'ight bhclrOOnetltOOnte, but they found their enli? st it tietifg much innre keen eboal ndaettone of rent than about the parliamentary sin of their es? teemed n-presentai i vi s. Home Rule was us popular as ever, hut a Winter of dlM privation was before them, and tho cry for local self-govern? ment was saun drowned in the roar of indignation against landlords who are so un? patriotic as to desire their rents paid. The meet? ings held in different parts of Ireland have been re? ported in t he Knglish press with unusual fulness. They bud Hindi the same character everywhere. Little was said of politics in anv ehaae, ami much about bad harvests ami the land QOeetiOO. The temped of ipeakl rs and people alike gn u daily more violent. In England tbeee perfotaianeee seem to have a?tractei| the attention of everybody but her Majesty's Minisleis, who were ton much occupied In the promotion' of Impciialism in the four qaar> ten of the globe to attend to the distress ami die tiirb une m.inifestiiig themselves in these unpleas aut wars at home. At laat Lord Ileacnnsfiphl addressed a few words at the Guildhall to bis "brilliant brethren " across the (Channel. They were perhaps seriously meant, but they wero not very seriously taken. Nobody bettered tbe Government were going to act. Why should they T Or rather, why should they not have acted mouths ago, if at all f It is certainly some months?two at least ?i.ince people who concerned themselves about Ireland became convinced not im-relv thnt discontent was general?lor Irish dis? content is chronic? that there was every reason lo fear thai a period of real suffering was at hand. I he Irish themselves thought so, ami said so, ami Imed tie ir agitation upou the prevailing und i x jM-etcd misery of the poorer classes. Two courses were op-.-n to the Government. To suppress auiln t inn altogether is what no man expects to accom? plish iu Ireland. Cut it might have been Bolllfiod aid the sting taken out of it by timely in? quiry into the condition of the country and a promise of relief, in some form, for the most Draped distress. Ortho law mkdit have been put iu mil? lion upon the tir-t opt break of seditious oratory. A strong (toveiTimout might have ventured to do both ; but this Government did neither. They bnve allowed deotitattoo to reach a point where it thnateaa to become, in some districts, famine ; and they have tolerated language, whether troin the platform or the multitude, which was both sedi Uoaa toward the ClOWa aad menacing to every subject who bad the misfortune to own laud and the preeamption to expect rent lor it. Nor is it jret dear that theOoTOWeBt have made up.thcir mind to deal vigorou>ly with thetr dnRealtiea. The meeting at which Duvitt und his comiades held the language now complained of is aln-ady Dearly three weeka old. What they said is bitter enough, but uo more bitter nor fun her outside the law than many otffer liaraiigues before and since, l he chairman Went through the usual farce of ex? horting lhe Bpeakan to aae tenperate language advice which the speakers interpreted in tho usual l'ickw ickiiin sense. When the chairman ut? tered it, a bannet with the iiiseriptinn u the lead for the tillers; down with the land robbers." was stating him in the face. Davitt modelled his spec h ou this motto. 'I his patriot is nn ex-Fenian ; a martyr, whose martyrdom originally took the -ha;.1 fourteen vein I of penal servitude; since abridged hv tho tyrannical Saxon to eight ; D.tvitt lieing, in fact, at the moment a ticket-of leavi- man. Ho has found leisure in his years nf retirement to ma t tiro his views on political economy. He considers rent for land, whether in pros? perous times or bad times, an unjust and i m moraltaxoo theiadoetryof tho people. Land? lordism In describe, us an open conspiracy against the jM-oplc, wall h ought to be crushed by those who raftered from it. He eared nothing aboot fixity of ten are, whleh ooty tvooal fixity of poverty and deg radattOB. Tiiey must have the land owned by the tillers; ateaatime,tenants ihoald oaly nay rani when they had a surplus utter everything else, and could afford it. It i- upon aaeh iaaaae rant as this that tho charges against Davitt are boa ft Whether his words are or are not legally seditious may he a question, hut wh ) b li ves that an Irish juiy will con viol upon then I Kill ni went further. 11? i> a barristerauit w is p >s-,hidesirous to see how m ar the w ind lie could sa.l. lie a Ivocated'a contisca'i .0 of the land in favor of the people; leaving to the people to say whether tho confiscation should bo effected by the pen, the pencil or tho sword. " Plenty of lead," answered the crowd. A priest interposed with a proie-t agmist physical force. Killen, following FariieU'.-i example-, said he did lint nOOfBBMBl it. bal he added that be would be glad to boo every man carrying u ritte ami know? ing how to useit. Which, ol course, ha- nothing to do with physical fo:< . # I should MppOM no man w ho has not the happi? ness to have a little Irish blood tu his veins could read Ihn sort of talk without rep; or with? out the I effect I oil that the cans - 1>. a bad one if it BOeda such advocacy aa Killen'* and I hunt's. Con the talk is neither better nor worse than w hut has been going od for months. Mr. Farm ll, it is said, has been studiously moderate; studiou-, any rate, to aay nothing himself which BOOld give the poljis- a hold on him. lint he is the leader of tine agitation; ho baa again aad agaiu been preeeut at meetings where murder hat been advocated ; ha is morally Tfopotislhie for the course things have taken. If the (.?vernimmt wanted to ptolaas I ?Oral i fleet, to signify to the [nag people, that their turbulence must stop short of crime, they could have done if efie. tually hv arresting Mr. PgfaalL A legal pretext would not have l>een wanting, and the fact that no ?eon viction could have been expected need not have dot.rred them in Mr. Pa r n c 11 's ease if it did not deter them in Davitt's and Killen's. These two uro men of no standing; in no sense,SO far aa oue In ar", ate they leaders; their offence docs not ex? ceed the offence of many other more prominent men, and the Irish will he likely to say that the Government did not berin with the leaders, because tin y dared nut. TbS arrest-, in one word, will do good, from the Government palatal view, only on condition ihat the polio J of repression, of which they are a sign, is pursued to the hitter end. If Mr. I'aniell can he silenced, Mr. I.owther may re? joice; hut the first Safest of the new p dicy is to elicit from Mr. Partiell a declaration that tho course of the Government, which Mr. I.owther represents in Ireland, is contemptihie and cowardly, and that Ireland is a country where no man's liberty is safe. The Home Pule Exsea'iVSil London is still more ex? plicit. Mr. O'Connor p..wcr. Mr. Fiuegan, and th'-ir comrades express their indignation at the fad that the fust response of the llrttish Government to the cry of distress in Ireland is the arbitrary arrest of three gentlemen engaged in defending the rights of tho suffering tenantry; and they regard thr-se. arrests as characteristic of the despotism, police rule and espionaue which prevail in Ireland, and they solicit contributions for a Defence Fund. The arrests were made by due process of law: they are no more arbitrary than any arrest of anv person ac? cused of crime is arbitrary ; and tho talk about des? potism is just fit 11 keep company w ith Duv'itt's about landlord-tyranny. Messrs. O'Connor Power k% Co. know this perfectly well 5 but they also know tiiat Bgitattna is not to be kept up by the use of reasonable language, and there is every s gn that the excitement produced by these occurrences will manifest itself in ;i Hood of words ou which the Government may, if it please, base a good many in? dictments. It will he placed in the pleasant di? lemma of having to bring lo trial great numbers of persons whom Irish juries will regard as heroes, or of modifying the purpose which it has just an? nounced. The measure it has now taken is one of those half measures which are signs of weak? ness rather than strength ; and it ia unhappily adopted at the moment wheu a display of decisiou and vigor WSJ most needed. O. W. S. HARROW ESCAPE OF TBE UEAB. A nKSI'EPATE AfTEMI'l" TO Kttt HIM -TIIK T ItAIN BLOWN UP ON WHICH UK WAS ITJffQgBD TO BS TKAVKLLINO. Mo-, iiw, Tuesday, Dee. 3, 1 ??7?. After the arrival of the Emperor lu.-t night, while ensssasasl trainooataiulng the baggage was on the Way Bitter, an explosion occurred. Oue baggage van w as blown to pieces and seven carriages were thrown off the rails but nobody was injured. T?-dav adcputallon proceeded to the Kremlin to congrat'da'o His Majesty upon his visit to Moscow. Prat sal Is IhS Kuiperoi's arrival lu tho Hall of Audience, the I. rd Marshal gave the deputation the news of the cut as" trot he of the previous evening. ills hearers ?pocsred for the moment tliuu leratruck, but bnawdlately afterward broke into loud cheer* at the Luipeior's escape. The Emperor appeared lu sr. i ie.ii .-e's Hall at noon and wus presented by the Muni" cipal authorities with bread and salt, when he spuke us follows : " Gentlemen? I am very glad to see you again, i inetnli. ring t'.e loyal at (ucliinciit which you evinced aa the occasion of the sad event of Aped 11. Ptmilur insurances then reached me from all par's of Basels. You are already acquainted wlib the i veins ol yeetSrd iy. God preset red me as well as those travelling with me. Auxloils only for th* Wel? fare of Russia, I have placed myself in ihe hands of Provldenee, hut sedtrlou uiltat be ex? tirpated. T appeal, therefore, to you sod all right-minded people to aM me Is the eradication of this evil which has taken root In ft us si a. I address myself to parents, and urge tBSBI to eon tuet their children lu the paths of truth and ligBtSSBSasSS, In order that they imiv become, not miscreant*, but useful men and good eMseaekw The Einperoi'? words were received with lead cheers. Tlie explosives which destroyed tbo Imperial baggage train are stan d to have been placed on Monday evening under the rulU at a point over which the I in (hu In I train would pass just before entering the Moscow BaU> way Station. Tne Czar arrived safely, however, at 11 o'e.oek Monday bight, and the explosion oceilnedon the passage of the baggage train, half uti bourafter* ward. The hou-e whence the mine exploded has beeu Ik DVered,endeeatch is making for tue perpetrator* ot the outrage. The Cssr will arrive lu Bt. rStsrabozg to-umrrow. LATE It HE TAILS, Afl Mas who Was ia the baggage train atthetimeof tho explosion, says the baggage train of fourteen I ir rlaues ,uut two locomotives, w as dispatched ha'f an hour ?stete Ihe lisle ssi i j las ths Ksspsrar, hal by a for tuiiMte chaneo the Char's train overlook; tho baggage train, pn-sed and left it some distance, behind. Th? ex? plosion attracted the poMee nud a crowd of people,*w be were loud in thetr < BpreeSMMM of horror. Telegraphic cnuiinu ilcatioii was Interrupted for a time, owing to the posts having beeu thrown down by tae explosion. The tell stay official* who wore in ths IminedtaU rielalty were badly injured. The pcrpetra toi I d uibtloss thought the Czar was In the second train. The Putdk Prosecutor and the M igi-lrate soon arrtv ed. Tho latter di-covered In the courtyard of tho empty house, concealed tinder the snow, some wires connected with s bstterj placed Is an outhouse, from which the passing trains colli I ea?lly be seen. Tse house was bought Is rVot-mber By a young man who united that be was a citizen of Samara. He bad li. cti observed iPggmg In his cellar tn his neighbors, bur he disarmed suspicion hv declnrlua that his reason fordotag BO Was ts obtain ssad. From tin* cellur was dug a pa-s.ig' - a av. fa which u train of powder wa* In d. connecting w Ith a mine under the rafiwity. More wires were found behind the wsll-paper. From the qaaatlty af eiethhtg found la the house.u ia supposed thai several persons w.-lc ellua^Cd in tlie work. out: AT HOBBOB MA NIELS 1 KU. ImanoB Tbarsdsj. Dee. 4.1879. The Daily Srtei'i St. Petersburg dispatch says : " The runnel containing the powder train run lf.o feet from the house, uiidcriieiith the permanent roadway. Tbe fli-t part of the tunnel was built of stone. Some per sous who wore 011 the embankmenl as the bag- j gnge train passed. Imagining H was the t''s train Cheered, which was the signal tor. gpiodtlMI the Mia a." ' Tbs attempt on the lue of the Osar has created grout eoastsrnstion and tudiguatiou m London, Parts, Bse liu aud Vienna. TBE DI88AT1&FACTIOS IS BULGARIA. L<>\i>>\, Dee. :i.?A rliBpotoll ttOmt Vienna to The >fantlunl. rcgardiug the situation in Hnlgarta. says: " ITSMM do SOI improve. Prince Alexander, after r pe.itcd consultations with the Consuls-General, has im chic fl ISShargsM. /.oikob". Ids representative at Cou slaiitiuople, with the formation of a new Ministry, should it be aeeeeeesT, Bs aill probably rnspesd theCeastlta tion and pioclaiui a state of siege, only abdlcatiBg should thesenxnadrse prove successful, ibe rtlesstatfssthia ot the Pslgarlsni 1 ? ?lue chiefly to Nihilistic tendencies, which bake b<en widely pronogatai by young Hub gntiaaa eduoslod Is Pao-?elsvle school* lu Raseis, and who hare tint leturned home." AUSTRIA1 A ABUT NOT l<> BE REDUCED.% Vienna, Dec. 11.?The Lower House ot the ltclcbsraih, with oniv twenty dissentients, to-day de? cided to pass to tho discussion of the clauses of the Armv bill, after a warmlv applauded BpoesB ffsat Balsa von Horst. Minister of National De'enee. who saPi the (ioveruinenl could not ccuuomia 1 to an extent thai woulu weaken Ihn iidluary power of the Ianput He said the pc.iplc thems Ur? s liistlni .ivoiy Ii el the BPprbBSh of . vents of great luii-wrl, and do uot wish the llovt ruuirnt to b ? taken ..? surprise. A SMALL WAS IS AFRICA. Iaindok, Dec. 1.?News has been received Bl Liverpool tiiat a war has broken out between rival Blinhj bj New Cstabar. West Africa, and Ihat '.mil pcr sicnh.-iv been slain ami wounded, mil Ihe prisoner* killed and t at n. Tin? Kurop aus lu New Calabar have Mpirsted a Hrltish iiiivnl oitlccr to Interfere. It la au preS nded that the outbreak will spread from opnl? to liru's. A .VAU* GOTEEXOB FOB Em\TEMOUM. LnsiHiN, Dec. 'A.?A dispatch from CfMlBtBB thioplc to The Ilms? asy*. " Oa the recommeudatiou of BBT Aast SB lagBld. tbeHritiah Ambassador to T?rke), Uustem Paaba has bean appointed OoTcruor of tho I'rovmoaof Kruroiim This is an excellent appoint meat. Itus'eni i'aaba for tbe last sit or Seven year? governed L naiion with remarkable espseity, firaiucss und inparunlity." TIIK CANAL TOTIIK PACIFIC. ! . AH ADTOCATI Of M< ak.\G( a. VIEWS ok fiFXOR M H>tUQ Bin KMOKTS TO ort TIIK AID OF AMERICAN ? AflT?I.IST??4jrnbral OltiNT's pos-IIII K pi KMIH N? Y. >< inn Tbaapag ?I?; 1*11 TU, Xtcaragmn Miii latci in llsly, who 1? in this country in Hid interest of tin- Niearag.iufihip (anal project, returned from Wash? ington Tuesday well pleased with the disposition of tha President and Influential numbers nf Congress toward the enterprise, and prepared to place It In a definite shape before the capitalists of New-York. tie Franco la a stately, gray-haired gentleman, who speaks F.ugtlah perfectly, has had a laige experience in business, poll tics and diplomacy, and Is ' horotlghlr Informed mi the winde subject of (?tbtuiu canals, lie was associated with Cornelius Vanderbiit In lhe flret Ntrnragnu Tran ait Company, and has alway? cherished au urdi nt faith, in tue IfkOJ that the must practicahle route for a caosl lietwem the Atlantic and the Pacific w;.s through his ? ??Iii ry and thst this route would in lhe end bo' chosen. Iu conversation yesterday with a repreaeota llvenf Tin: Titiiu sr. lie first criticised sharp'y the at titii|.to* In- I.- sic pa -o mak i- hi s mlvix-iii v ol 'In- Pan aPH route seem like a loftj. illslntereau d cilort in behalf eteeaaanwoe hadafettaaatJea. "The truth is," aaM he, "Da LeaaapaPas] his laCfcOl m the Panama lottery be? fore tor ( anal Congress nictentid none hi tbc Nu-sra pus enterprise. Ills advocacy d the Pa on ma route pro M cd. il iroin money considerations wholly." fieli ir de Franco produced .1 pi tup i let containing the proceed n.-s of tbe French Company, which got lhe i aP Baaioii from the Coloinhian Uoveruu cut long prior to the inc.-tingof tbc congress, id which tin- qnc?tlou of Do- n n.nn. ration for la-la sseps for adv eating tbe Panama route and securing Hi adoption is more tbaa once refcried to. He also showed lhe charter of the new company, iu which a nicivation of 10 per cent of the first twenty millions ot capital subscribed, a* compensation to "the founders ami eaatHeftaeef the eaeetaelee'" fa prortaknl for. ite fort lug to tbe statement or I?e Lesaeps, in bis recent speech iu Falls, that he hud ih posited T?O.OOO francs with tbe Colomh..ri ilove,-ninent to guarantee the carrying out ef bis scheme, ne said thst tbe BOWCM waa Iu reality made In Colombian hon.Is uf tbe face value of 750,000 ffnaoB- winch were iiought in Leaaloo for '.IH per cent. He also spoke of a feature lu the concession winch, he sail, lie I.-n-eps has not mentioned in soliciting subscriptions?a stipulation, for the paym i.t of .*? per cent of the gros? to eint ? i.t tin- aeaepcay bale iiie moaney of the c?dom blan Ocvimuient, no matter whether th ? company makes any pioflt oi not. Tuns the papacy WawPBaaaajbt to go to the shareholders as dividends la to he constantly sucked into the Coloinhian treasury. ' : aa ftapaaal aaal If pro ti. aide to construct,"contm* ued Si PPC <1c Frauco."WnU.d he hg ? the Suez Canal, only useful to Steam-\easels, B 'Cilllse it bj til tlie region of calms, ani salllug-vesscls would ba delayed for weeka Id rcaclongor leaving It. Th - Nuara PPJ IPBfp i* not of thutreglou. It would be folly t i couatruct a canal for steamers only, when th-re 1? a netn-r route available for hoth sail snd steam vessels, and when the great hula of tbe world's commercial marine Is la sailing ships." In reply to a question as to tbe uttlttlde of the United {states (ioverument toward the canal enterprise be -aid: Ike Haiti -I Itatea Ii rally taoaaaUted to Ike Nicaragua route. Your Government has spent ten year-' time and a large Bniount of an tiiy In surveying no fewcrtlianaeven different routes between the two ocean*, and the decision of its engineers alter all tuls work had In en done was tiiat tbe Nicaragua route is IPs heal route, sentimental, commercial ami scientific considerations btod v>U to stand be thst decislou. The Ni. anu-uu route ia the official route of the United Slates (io\. ruuieut." ?? What la the financial basis of the Nn ? cuter* priec i" ??1 have the ph dees of French financial ac-ncte. that) they will au Iis line immediately 1 BOiOOOuOOO of franis if an American eeaapapy ai forward and the cou<e*slnn obtained. The estimated amount needed to construct the canal is oniy P.VJ.inni.ouo, but to pro? vide for all ? entUNeaaetea we want a subscribed eapltal of fTOO.UOO.OOO.lo he called iu at lhe l it. of $20,QiHl,(HHJ a year. I d< sire (u associate in the till UlfPUee a number of gentlemen eminent In fluanclul circles lu this coua m." ?? What will lie the next step!" ?? lo get ikeeaaeeaafoa froia the N.caraguan Govern? ment That will be a matter rvcmirmar do great time. Our I'rtsldeut can cull Cuuxress together ou fifteen Oays' notice, and the macessary legisluflon wiij i?< promptlr voted. Then ?n shall want a charter fruia the Congress at Washington to make the eaCBfaav distinctively an Auierfcau National iitfiir, and artet wsrd we cju receive suiiscrlptiuus and push the work along rapidly." AeSCHANCKS PB0PJ okm ItAI. OltAXT. " What assurance have yen that OeaCVCl Urant will accept the presidency of the canal company I" " lie Ins given assurauees thst If the concession la ohtalued and sufllcient capital subscribed Pi make tbe carrying out of the project certain, he will accept. Of course, lu such a case, he would he bound to devote " himself entirely to the enterprise und would not feel at I'.berty to engage lu political tnoveaieuts." '? Da you expect semi some more po?ltlve Information from Ueneral Grant as to his Intentions I" "Yes; Isnall meet him in Philadelphia on the lfitb, hi company with other rtlends of Hie canal project." " Is It llkelv that he will visit Nicaragua during his Winter tour t" ?? I thluk it quite posslhle thel be will go Miere frutn Ilav-tua '>eforc visitiriif Bfi KtCO." " What la tbe attitude ef Ike people ef Nicaragua to* ward the canal cnn-i prise 1" ?? 1 bey are so entbuela-tiruily In favor of lf tha' tfthey thought t here was no other w iy of earring it out they would demand annexation to the t'uited States." " What la tbc popul Hluu of Nie um, im I" ?? A.beul 2M,0M, of whom 220,000 are predpeon and consumers?I mean eiviliz.-d people." "Do roe anticipate oppoaitloo to your ?eherne In financial clich-a here in New-Yoik I" " The ratuiina KntlroHd Interest is, of penrsa, opposed to it. That teameny tm? a ooati.ii t v.nh the lie bexepa ' in Company by which the hitter is to take Iis rosdr on the completion of the canal und pay *!4 .. "-I.*i for It. As the road only cost ?r "s......... this is e good buririin, but It addition the company Is to he given slock m the ciiual to 'he amount of 4<),oiH>.no<> francs. In a general way I suppose tbe ruilwav intlueece of tie- Vetted states will he opiKiscd tu our eutcrprlsv, us it is to ail plans for water carria.te. I hope, however, to ?Bei ee I in iuteie?t> leu Mr. \ auderbllt In a route where his fnthi ? wasouo oi tin- pteweera " hi fljr do Freuco exiieeu U> sail for Niearsgu i on the 20tb m case bis business here praap re ss he ext'ecta. Uulcs* h? ts or, r sanguine it l- not [aaprobable r:: ,t shod alur VisioUDt de le's-eps reaches Fan nna with his en giaeece.eoatracfawaaacaaacbluerr,Ceaeral Oi mi win si 11 up the San Juan Bit cr and the beautiful I. Ike HlakV n .-iia a* president ot the American lutcrnce inic Canal Compuiiv. ?__^^_______ TWO S?rt h Mi uin u huALM. 1'A'ii BATBBN1 CBPBOkB WITH MIOCBIBd CBIKnj, Nkw-11\vks, Colin., Dec. :t. ? In tin- H.iydcn trlHl tin- uiiirnius" eosMii lluwi. i u.? . i,,,-. , , ,t,, n, ,| by Mr. Watrous. Mil e of Importance waa elicited. Ibo witne?? haul she did not have fr emily feeling* toward Mr. n.iyden. The defence tried lo get w itness to write, a line lu court so as to compare tlie handwriting with thut In ti e le'fer she says sin- received from M irv ; ?he declined, and the I oiirt said it i otlld lint c..ic|ci tier m do so. lhe clutni of I.e defence I? that thcwitaese wrote the letter In i|iieation. Hi Leorant Ilalliv. of Ml tdletown. li -t tl .1 that bo wtiv Mr llaydou ..t o'clock ou ti e dm of th ? murder la Vli.tlctown; bed lur e or four m nutiVconversation % :h him, no one lieingwltblu hearing ilistuuce. hOPJOB, Dec. 3. -Upon the reassembling ;it W .n-nter peeteeoap ef tha Chart eaflPawJ la tae tnal of Fraucia F.. Haydcii, of Kucliburg, for the in u-der of bl? slater, Sarah K. II lyib n, hv aalaaptpa. Dlstctet Attorney PtOKlteaOwall UpOO tl.e no.I iv. for tl.e BsarOW, w . .. be aald, *ss to euaiuc the defendant to get pos? session o' a small sum of money. Ii was also stated P ith iegsr-1 to the method of and ..pp .rtuultv tae alleged crime, thai evidence of the most alartllug na? ture would be piwdiieed. John ? lioHto. apothecary, testified tfcat on rhelatof Maya rooagaaaa hcapal aagat aralas or mmaPtae fmiu bliu and said that be knew bow to use I:. He would not kMBtltl lhe p. i son poliiled out, but wsh qn te s'ire he was the num. I.auru Yd.der. coualn of the prlaouer. sud who Used lo the fambr. testified that Friinci* gave Sarah tucdn lue mi tue atffPt of her death | aaea aft h retii lag sarsh waa tab a very sick. The case la exciting great Interest, snd the court? room wa* oiowded all day TBE MOBMV^S hit I AST. OoMtB. Utah. Doe. :i.?Y/<e Nwtm, the Mor mou Chmch organ, savs It .1 ?<?* not tnmk thst the ex prosMtons of tin- Fr-sid. at la hit message will have tbe slightest tTeei toward the aal at lea of the Mormon goee ii" i or the suppression of polygamy. CRIMEA AND CASi ILTtES -Hi TRLMHRAfW, aKAPUi'H TRI Al. HgOITN. OeWPOO, N.Y.. D c M. l l..- trial ot Daniel Searla. s uegio, for the murder of K. Pews., I-gou berstu-day. tBIAL POP KstBI ULBBJaBT. Kl w-ItKl NsWh a, N. j.. De. n. lhe trial of sTo> teppi kiieei .-i . .maty CullssUir, fi-r eoitaMsb-ueat. sat uns? lor to-say, vaa iiastpoiie.1 or.ill lOu'.l 11 io i..oin.-. i ? * ii i l 1 i..) poh I Rial. Hkd P.vnk. 9.J., Dee. ;i. Uaurpa naflairi ieoV> ore.!i, wil" 1? cbataud epjfe an alien.nt al ouirsaauua atsapla ?aa caiiiii''.: to the oeuuty Jell today, rhe evnleo?? ageaaei hiss i* stroaa