Newspaper Page Text
NON-RESIDENT TAX PAYERS. Continued from Second rt-.e Oeuaert. (iotlleb 3d M:<iVn lar.. .. 0 ?!!.???? Cbsries 351 Greenwich (?ib*?a * Co. 74 Duanc. ifiuooT. Cua>. D 1* 182 B'way.... C beon's. John. Son A t o 62 Broad Oilieaple. J?ines 31 W Wash M'kt. ?irr, Frederick 33 a'.tu*. James A 1??. 112 Franklin.. Godwin Dintd 66 Xaaaan . O cts. doiooiori 3<i XV i! i i'ii. Ooidth weite. F. H A Co.. 64 He? ard. Clooiwit! A < lurk 220 W ia i'ns-ton Ci,>. -win. Wiu. W. Co. 142 CuuBi bcis. f,r-< II"'?" ! ? M.- ??>- * v-ll.. Griffith. Albert A. 11?? 2d-ave. Of.>one, Richard 50V Hudson .. JTAAA, CHAS. A 90 J?eari. Bagbt. (Ulbert I? 26 Broad. Rile. William E. t>6 Nuaaau. R.,inbiir?v. Herman 151 Water.. ItaniO'irr* r. ??,. ,.n,..n \ ; t W*ter.. Rand'ton. Janie* 1 A?tor flouse.. Houi'-. HI '? ' o Beaver.... Ban A St Jo K K Ca 7? B'way. Hard, Samuel B. Ill Broad. Hsrned. Cbailes A. 16 New. Harris. Frank C SI South. Harris Woolen Oa ?S Worth. Biu-Mson Bros. A Howeon :?'. i iff.. Il^ak-i w in H A Co 11 Warren . Hat- b. D-nlcl ?' 12 Wall. Havll.m . * Ca . 48 Barclay. ]] ,?, Wllnarn 191 Franklin. R belt?'??< John ?>?>* Broadway.... Rc-lees J iw-'? 77 Franklin. Heeve. Henri 200 ll'b-sve. hHuckcn. Pbllp 20 John. B'-llar Herlana 56 Leonard. Renntnc. fl?nry W ?6 Cedar. Ii ppe, Henry E. 10 Park place... Beriug. W'l.Ham 26.1 ?t?-uve. Beyneetaun. Herman 113 Worth. H,.?uimaLU. Las-nard IM 15 Worth Htrah A br ? . 898 Broadway. Hoboken Coal Co.. Ill Broadway. Boerner, E?l! 15 Mslden-lare. Roidea. Jetnea c. 219 Fnlton. R me. John Jr e > Kxchaua*c-plaoe. Hepkins. Edward f, 104 John. H . .-f I ?? A ? Broadway Uonroan. J "i n 3o7 Washington. How. Hall a 3 P.ue. Ri?#ard. Chane? E 61 Warren_ Howard, John 2:1 South. Bowe, Norman F. 27 Pearl. Ho/t, John W 147 Duane._ Bntcbiur. J"bn w 1-.5 Chambers. Hoela-t. llei.rj H ?.t South. Hulbert. WLIuui T SO Warren.... Hall, Leo- .iril L 2?'.* Wa*hltnrton. Hummel. J M A "on? 181 Wllttnm Hunto-in, Henry C 159 Chiimbcre Hoaer. Bellietlil 19?> Huune. Hutchinson, William J. 5 Jacob... JDELL, CHAS. W. 333 Wash'o. Indianapolis. Decatur and Spring held b. R < o. rjo B'way. jail re I, Wei 9f. SSI WaabVtn. International and (ireat Northern R. R Co., 26 Excbjugc-p. 3,000 3.000 6.000 2.000 2IY0OO 100 ft.OOD lo ooo 3,000 5.0OO 1.000 5.000 8.000 3.1 tOO 2000 a 3.000 1.000 17 .'.(Ml 17.600 1(1 <SK) lO (Hit 10,000 2.000 7.000 6.OOO 7.IKJO 15,000 2, (V>0 *,000 10,000 2.0O0 3.0? *0 3. (MM) 2.000 B.IMM? 1,000 8,000 B.OOO 5.000 6(H) 8.0O0 3,(mm) 2.?m>0 100.000 S.imio 9.3O0 8.1*00 8.000 3.000 s.oco 8.000 2.000 10.000 o.coo 2(io0 8,000 600 lO.ono 1.000 10.000 6O0 12 73) Residue in Greenville, N. J. Invested In U. 8 J bonds 500 12 75 4,000 102 00 Reduction account losses 500 12 7? 3?t0 7 65 Amount awora to office fixtures 200 5 10 * 60 1 27 1.0OO 85 50 6.00O 127 30 200 6 10 12 8o Mo office furniture 360 t 17 8.000 76 50 8? ore In '78 $5,000 60 1 27 SsO 14 78 1.000 85 50 100 23 50 Amount swore to offlce rarnltn.a 73 2?>0 6.000 6.i?M) 3(M) 25 l.Ooo 300 2.300 l.OOO 1 <> 1.230 UN) 1.<MI0 S.tMMI 250 2.000 le.iMM) 158 16 1 BOB Hl?) 2.000 1(H) 10 10 1.2O0 150 850 30 2(M) 20 6,00?) 25 6oo 600 16 600 1,?>00 20 3 MM l.OOO 2 ooo 1.300 4D0 5.743 80 100 600 1 01 5 10 127 50 127 50 7 05 64 2" Ml 7 65 j pj n 23 :?o 2 53 81 *7 2 55 25 50 127 30 o 17 31 ik) 4.v) (,<) 3 82 13 30 60 7 63 61 (Ml 2 V> 23 25 80 do 3 S3 8 92 76 e io 51 2. 1J7 50 64 12 70 12 ?5 12 73 2?, =,0 31 7tl '") 23 60 61 00 8? 25 10 20 146 43 1 27 gwom to in offl:e furniture 2 o5 Sworn to in office .'uruitnre 12 75 Borrowed part of capital Borrowed capital in part Amount sworn to office furniture Reeldes Baalewoeja* >' J| amount sworn ti oflice furniture Amount sworn to satrplea Amount sworn to office furniture Ppeca'. partner with Sayre A North Amount sworn to office furniture. A meant swf>rn to office furniture Amount sworn to omve furniture Amoanl sworu to la natures and ?auipleo ( N*w ,I.-r?rr cortioration. No property here \ exuept office furniture i] r.irtner wirb .Tonn D. Cutter A Co MeducUun account loiiea 1,000 85 50 Sworn to In office furniture TENSING!', WM..N 92 Walker... Jennings Bro*., 31 Hurray. Jennings. Saint ir ? D- pot. 94 Beek man . Jo.iuaou. < bus. E. 50 Uold. Johnson. Piectaaaal E. s?>i Reado. Jones. Euo* F. 176 Duane. -.. J i-c, L..ui? i H. Broadway . June, John P A t o. 97 Bowery.... J^ALNDLEK A CO . 471 Hrootue. Ksyeer, Artfco'.iy, ?2 Walker. K"oocg. J.mes C. -6 Warren. E?*Ujr. a t. c. lw'ftaadwavy.7... Kelly, John 22J Howery. K? aim, CBaWles 5o Boud. Kesayler Uudoip..? 49 Exch'ge-pl.. K'lubuli. Wm A 31 New. Klug. Albert .1. tl liud?on. Kiutt. khafaa hr. 89 Naaaau. Kip, La a 134 Pearl. Kuautb, Nas-iiod A Kuune l'?2 Broadwuv. Xuoe?er, Jobu A. 19 Johu. Koue.-. Oe.i. E 11?' Broadway. Kits over, Aug'.isi 26 \\s v. id. D .1. rick 31 Mercer.. K'ici^. AM <r i'. 88 -re.-n. K ta, Arthar K. 12- i'eail. Kyle, ?Jburles s2 .?o.itb. J AMBERT. COS bad 722 B'wsy LaibikTt, Henry S. 110 John. La in belt, Jn.l:? 722 Broadway ... I. im ?ort, P. tcr W 722 B'way. Liaeaahtre las. Co. 197 li'way. Laaaatrnih, Tueo. W. if B.-ekiuan. Ieirter^radertek H. 21 Maiden-ln. ).? Ii, J.iiui - "?(J N.i-s "i. Leitiab V.n'v > o:i! ( ?? -'1 (, I ? . g , V t ? R ?. ? o 21 < o .aadi. J^evy. tlaiem-e Is* WiiUaiu. L- i>. A '?? '?? " f "son. Levy. John 96 Veeev. L vi ?il v. r A Phi lip* 11 Warren. Lfhhf, H i. *%Ca. 37 White. Lliinr. Ben| 4*Bioad*ay. Lit "liuiayer, Henrv 13 Beekmau.. Lipps, Ctot?. K 71 Malden-hUM.... Lit tie. Jame* L. 50 Leonard.. Lubati. Henrt 3 William. Lucia. Jobu 93 MuiOeu-luue. rAVGY BRO".. 1 Beekman. M Mcllrue. John 30 Tortlandt. Mc.MitUa I.Cbas. 1<>2 (.re. nwieb.. M Mlitaa.Bamael 1 ?2* B'way.... MeOjaada, Bcrusrcl 129 West. MtMea. NrlsoB 69 \V. Broadway.. >i W ."i.d. E la Ir. 73 Maldea-laaa Macitulav. Join L 22 WMibitu. Maur, I - *? l'".t aj. Mandel, B?u on 3H3 Broadway. Marcban i. Laaiaa 80 Nassau. H. rcuie, Hermau. "o Exchaugc pi Market, Jobu 143 <J< ntre. Mar<2, B'-ulauiiu F, 17 Coentiee-al. M^ruu. U> > ij'i N.saau. M trti.:. ItSphl :i r90 W aehington.. Harli i 1. A Uio.. 73 Franklin. K. > ?'.'. Au ,.< ?' .-?... N ... M'iad.Oe Tg- H. 42 w ;U . M- uki^ A rartordJ n irelay. Xf .-a!*, H-nry 11 274 Waahltig on Heukieiu. WiiiUin 295Oraeawpffe.. V. oke, E oe 1J. 881 Orel Bwleh.... H-rrltt.lIetirv D A ( . .12 Mud.-n-ln ?raasfeaSj, Wm. i A J SSI B'way it-rriaaean. Ousluv .">?? Exchange place. . Meats. I, aiiiiam 40 < >.i?r. Meyer A Peshlaaaa, 460 Broome. .. M biguu Oaatral R- R. Ca. 26 Ex Bhiee, Qaalraa P >2 w 33d. Mile?, nweelina 2o WmiehaUl. Mills, Clark W. ?JO Denver. Miaaonri A Paede R. R. OB. I Bow l.llg Green. M x G. J. A < . . !?mj Cbumbers. .. eaeasra AaaAw bs Oasacwl On. IfJ iiu.U. *:ir. . |I.,..-u,' ? W. W AI 54 Cliff.... Moon-. Bei . r 58 > ??BB. M^ore. li.vid .d. 13.? Water. Moon- ... irge R. 32 W Wash. Mgt, Moose MiulnaOe. "7 Brusdway.... Morai.'. Mdaa d 199 sr. 89th. M"rotn . 9.. haw 1 17 Jay. M irrt-, W heeler A < W. 14 ( litf. ?eras, G. A < ->. 999 Broadway.... M ose. James <>. 76 JoUn. Myrs. Jacob 371 WV?t. Myers. Joseph A Moo 172 Cburcb.. J^APIER. Charles 419 Broadway. Nasb. Israel 97 Water. JUihan. Soleaa ..-I J 79 K-ede. Pal'l 'A ire i!u:t ? ? 722 B'wav Reedu*n..iieurv E ls Excaaug. -pi R-uler.Jua.tuB 87 Warvea. MsImb Broa. A < ??. Io<? W..rth. K 'leon.Gustav 433 W .al.lllglou Mkt Meiaoa, Richard iff Gold. Kow-Huven ?"Im k Co.. 5H1 B'way. h-sJe sev Bu*mniboa*. Compuuy Pier 41 S. R. 9} .chose Ueur> < . ?? i'lue. MeeaTiii. Georg.- 2C 1 Euli h-ave 9urUi, Joseph W. 7si l ii.nklin. Rortheiu Paeidc Railroast Co., 23 Flfih-ar*. (??riberu Railroad of Ncw-Jereey, 197 Reade..... {ore*. Clus?. II. 6.1 !.".liard . o.e?. Joseph C. 52 Mouth. (')l>IO, BENJAMIN 140 Pearl.... O orleas Exeavatiag Co., 205 Bmadway. Old Dominion rtteauieiiio O.. 197 Out, Hem . 11. 4M) Broome. ( ?Bdor . .loht, ;:tl in.iit. O^aeahctui, Albeit Von 50 Kx chaBge-pl. Orr, Katbuuiel 52 Joba. )A?E, ENOCH W. 09 Weat. faabley Sl ver P'ate Company. 4.?6 B'eatFiitietk.-. Patereon Iron ? o.. 139 CBaanbers.. Puitoerg, Hiary 1 243 Broadway, Patterson. Artkur W. 55 Piae...... yearee, Ge<?rge A Co. 7VJ Pnauklin, Karaaii. William 32 Front......... ndujr, Tuoa. R.ahCo. 77Chaaib?ra Pence A I lawson. 94 Spring. Perk bs Patent Bau liar Company, 20? Broadway.? Prrre . Frederick 90 Pstwhinc. Cbaa. 119 William. .. Pierce., c. w. * J. 100 Worth.... Porter. I noina? E. (?0 Bread Potter, lesser M. 176 Broadway Ptult, Geo. W. 14 Joha. Pi 'Tldeuee Tool Co. 11 WarTen Putuauu. leaar f. . QLUBY, HAJfUW. 97 ParS-pl.. l{ ADOBI, LEON 409 Broome. egelt, Julius 350 Canal. IB, Jacob Vou 50 Eichang>-pi.. 2.0C0 1.000 8 000 6.000 2 ... J 6 OOO 1.000 80.000 6,000 2.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 1. W0 5.000 6.000 9.000 9.000 2.000 35.0i'0 2.000 2. ?M)0 5?-M?0 2 000 9*900 2 000 6,000 1.000 l.ISM) 5'.0 ?99 9,000 4,000 12,000 10,000 3. (i?M> 3 "oh 4.0 ??) 5.(XK) 3 " ?"?) 7 -?"?) 2' I I 3.? ?00 ft.oiK) 10*00 9*999 UN 1.000 4 .IHM? 1.1 ih1 1,000 a\ooo 3 COO 3.<MK) 2.0 "i 5.000 l.onO 60.000 in ooo 9,000 1 'it 2.000 .' 1",.M.I) ?. (mm) 9,099 2. tM,o 8,000 12,01 MJ 50.IMI0 a ooo 13.OOO 111 o.M-1 3. (MJ0 3.<MK) 10,000 3.000 1.000 2 990 I oho 3.' ')<) 1 0 0. 00n 999 B ("Ml go.o 0 4.UIM? 5,000 1.000 500 8,<MH) 1. >?M> 2.IMM? l.OOO ?999 5.0O) pj asm 3,(MK) 2oO 10.O00 10.000 .V *si 3." .OOO 3.000 10,000 2,000 kt.000 1.000 50.000 1,000 3,000 3,000 2. (MK) 3. tM?0 30.000 3 .SM) lo.ooO 960 2.V E ,000 ,(MMJ OoO ,000 2.imh) 1.500 2.000 6,000 2.000 50.000 500 12 73 200 6 10 . 8wore !n '78 to f 1,000 1,000 25 50 6wore in "79 to 83.000 200 6 10 lso B s2 Sworn to in office furniture 600 12 73 150 8 9J 26.000 6C3 00 Swore In "73 to 830,000 1.000 25 50 1.000 700 25 200 23 100 lOO 3o0 75 100 10,f?co 1?)0 l.itoO 1,609 25 600 13 1, 00 25 50 17 e5 64 6 10 64 2 ;-5 2 55 V 65 1 91 2 55 Ixvcitel In real estate ga r?t ? ' irnttnre; owns99?v. hoods STTort-to in?office furniture Swom to ta office furniture i owns real estate AaaoWol awom to in ofAsa Sarai tare < Owns U * bonds ?30,000,4>a per oent, 31? per 875 40) cent bought la "79. 2 55 BotroAed capital CS 50 3b 25 64 15 30 32 23 50 600 12 73 100 2 35 600 12 75 6()0 89 75 2'M) 6 10 Swore T8.9600 4"o 10 20 Swore tn 7S $5001 reduction sect losses 25U 6 37 Amount sworn u> in office fu.-tuu 2. ? ") 61 <K) 350 8 ?2 3*0 S 92 koo 80 40 l.iwo 8* 30 2,500 63 73 100 2 56 80.OO?) 510 2.j"0 63 75 6 ?>|>0 127 fiO 200 8 10 2,500 63 73 20 81 1U0 2 55 1.000 25 50 Amount swern to saa>ra*a> Amount sworn ij sfflos titrc?irs r, n 8,ooo 150 30 2t') 130 1,000 s"M) 100 50 1*990 7.* <0 :,<n) 50 loo 2.VK) 12 2O0 3;M) 0. s.M) 'o LjOOO 300 2,-|"0 1.0O0 1. " ' > 50 2. < ? i) 130 2;0 100 300 loO r-oo 500 10 7-0 3?M) ?99 899 oo 1<M) 1(M? |0 oo 9,999 SO 600 150 9?M) 10 23 4'i '-'?O POO 1<I nisi VilM) 1IMI 3.0O0 3.IMX' 3'N) 11.IMMJ 189 5,000 60 1,3<M) 500 400 l.OOO 200 12 75 7. i0 J -J 1 27 8 :q L 2") 80 2<i4o 2 ?:. 1 27 i j 50 101 25 12 7 1 27 2 63 "3 311 19 12 73 71 40 5 io ?j". ..o 12 73 63 73 25 50 23 r.ti 1 27 51 OO (Canttal. 622.222, lrvested In ?. 9. bonds. } ?:.0'i0 pi.-iuiam on bonds. Resale. Germany. Paituer mabta statement. Amount sworn M tools. Pays on ufflce luiuiture. 5 9|M>eii; partner with John A Ahry. Redm ? ) tion aeeount losses In capital, s* we :i 78 81.009. Reduction account losses. Reduction account losses. ? last rear. .... < Bpeelal nartaer with Bultrer A Llehensfein 1 ?jj.222 in L'. 9. bouds, ?1.000 premium. Swore iu "7S $15.000. 1 91 Amount sworn to office furniture. 3 - J 6 73 Amount sworn to office furniture. 2 53 Amount sworu to oflice furniture 7 03 Amount ?worn to office furniturs 2 53 Amount sworn to office furniture Amount sworn to office furniture Amount sworn to office furniture Resides Helghtstown. N. J. Amount sworn to office furniture Swore in Tl 9998 No ouaincas 51 1 12 I M Hworn to in office furniture 22 95 64 Sworn to 99 office furniture 1 88 8 64 < Resides Massachusetts. No capital H vested In i business hero. William W- Falen Hgus 20 40 Sworn to in I fflce furniturs 255 00 6 10 2 65 127 50 76 50 Sworn to In office furniture 7 65 Swum to In office furniture 2M? VI Resluee Montclair, N J ; Is sn invalid 8 82 Sworn to in office furniture 127 50 1 !>r> i incorporated under laws of Delaware, no 3s aj j property exsapl office furniture. 12 75 Lives Jersey City X? i?taoeelal partner with Baltxer A Lichtenstein; ... Tea pit a! #22.222 In U. 8. bonds; 91,000 is " \ premium 5 10 2,500 ?3 73 Swore in "78 83,000, Reduction account losse 1,200 50 ?"?( 15,<?o0 5?) 1,000 900 130 I 200 1 .M..1 60 l.OOO Jo.) b?)0 10 1,000 50 1.000 30 ?V) Connectlcut corporation 1 27 992 50 CliNM-d up business 25 50 < Swore in "78 ?10.0001 principal office Jfewarkj > no bank sect; pay od samples and dxturea 3 10 Swore in '79 ?250 a 92 1 n2 5 10 19 89 1 27 9} it) 2 56 7 63 23 Amonnt sworn to office fnrnlruTe Amouut sworn to oflice furniture Amount sworn to office furniture ? wore in '7sj #2.500: reducUon account losses Auiouut sworu to saaaples 25 50 Sworn to in store furniture 1 '17 Sworn ut In store flxturee ta 50t8pee,a! partner with BaltSer 8 MCStenetten | I ?22 222 invested in U 6. bmds; f ?1.000 premium on bonds Reed. Abraham 327 Waahlncton... K irenhard. Herman 55 Dejr. Ricardo, George 193 Water. Rich. Henry 1*~ west. Richardson, Uoaea W. 31 Waits.... Rlehle Bros.. 91 Liberty............ Rlea?ner. Christopher 242 Pearl .? Rigs*. Qeorire 11* Pr-sMir?. Rlpley. Nathaniel L 33 Jlai-ten-la. K'.beria, Wm. M. 4? Ll-penant.... Knbidoux. Wui. H. 195 Wal?.. R?hl aeon Broa.. 8 Spi nee. 22 V user Refers John 1,1.15 Broadway. Rollins. ArteltnoC 241 Washiugtou Kollateo, James 144 i.lnerty. Rouk. Lvmes E. 144? Reade. Roaael, Wui. ('. 190 William. Ronse, John 233 Sprlnir. Ruprecht. Kudolpn A. 76 Nassau .. Russell. Joseph 10 Barclay. Russell, Win. J. 12 Cliff. 1,300 6.000 2.OO0 1.000 100.000 850 8.000 7.0? to 5.000 5.OO0 :i.(sni 2.000 8.000 8.UOO 20O0 2.1SK1 2.0O0 500 1.ikmj 1.000 1,000 100 500 80 23 sou 850 1.500 100 800 400 1,500 2,000 500 150 23 ? 250 103 400 300 73 2 33 11 II 76 51 7 63 0 37 84 23 2 63 204 00 12 73 10 24 3s 23 61 00 12 76 8 Hi ..4 6 37 2 55 10 20 7 63 1 01 Sworn to In office furniture Reuuotioa account loss/a f Special partner w'.th Converse, Stanton A I Davla, Boston boms; 1 worn to uinfllcesUe Sworn to laaatupiea Resides New-Canaan, Coflo. Sworn to tn office fnmltors 8'fore '78, $300 Sworn to In office furnlturs CAARBACH. EDV* ARD A CO. 78 0 Broad. Sr. Lonln I:.r. ?? ? < ..?no iny. 157 Chamber*.. St. Lonls * San Francisco R'w'y Co. 3 Broad.* -tamutuK Co. 57 11 e?-km an Sand. Taeo. W 70 Wall. Sanders. Walter 134 Duanc. s.v-rv. John. Sou A Co 07 B.-ek mau. Bswvcr, John is Putt. se 'Ulinell. Joseph H. 10 Old-el. Scamine*. J. Vj alter 10 Old-al. Scheldt. Wm. 313 Canal. -1 nuniuun, Wui F. 2s0 W.u>utu?i'u Sea Insurance Co.. 112 Front. Scrty Ilros., 32 llurllns*-*llp. Senner Kollert 503 Broad wav. Selb Thomas Co., 5sl B'way Shlff. Gustave 41 Water. y'immons. Wm. 11.3 W. Wash. M'k't. Skinner, Wui. 43 Mercer. Staate, Wm. 0. 101 s. Fifm-ave. Sl.oer, llioma?23 Maiden-lane Suislle v. T .eo. F. LI Wnimin. tJ ?:.1 ??>???- R. 303 Bowery.. Bjsssj, E. A F. N 440 Brsnue . Staushurv. Charles T. 31 Wooster. ~t niton, Wm. J. 13 New-Cuureh... fftetee. George I. 13 Gold. Mem. Albert 501 Broauway. Btel>?is, Martin 104 South. -liastnv. Leonard stl Worth. stnkr?. Cad well A < M, ho Thomas. Sliauh, John 254 Broadw ir. Siuurt. Audrew A Co. 34 Pine. I'ARBOX. Al'red A 131 Reide.. D-nny. William ST, 1<17 Broadwsy. Thompson. niBshlSS If 109 Fruut Thorley, Cliarh s 05 w. 14ill. Tnurston. L ins V 32 W \\a*t'.Mat. Titawortn. Rimolnh M oH4 B'way Torrey.Wm. A A Co 14 Murray... Trahon.Wuliam H. 60 Veaey. Trauiie, E A son. h Front. Turner, Coli J 2s Broad. Trust Cnmpanlea: WARM BBS' LOAN A TRUST Co., ? est. of IcGo-van 20 Excbailg. -pi Union Trust Co.. 111 tiuat foi Han? nah J Ilubhanl. Co., 78 rTRTOX HARDWARE Chambers. Unite.I BYaaasa rial <?la*? luein ancc t o., 11 Peak ?faasj. L'.uer. J Hue, S Murisy. Vannest, Ftanei* R 55 B.-ekman .. Vanveleor. Alouao 801 Broadway. V. vi . *?t. Eugene 77 Nassau. Vidat. w< iimm It. 34 Brsaai. Victor, Carl 70 laM.iiald.. Voas-l. F A Co 94 Thomas. Voigt, Gottlieb 22 Cedar. T^T-ADSWORTn.Cijas.DOe E'way Wallinir. William E. SI P.irk-pL... Ward, Everett. OO W >rr<n. Ward. Theislon II 47 Mutny. Warner. J. D.-v. i 851 BrsBMwaiy... Wl II. Isiac 111 U oi.ard . Well, Jos. pii 115 Worth. Weil. J & Saws. SSI Pi Bit..,. v\ sds, ha rate 0 1 a. 88 Br .ad wav.. Werner, Roheit los ( i.amner?. W.-trier. A.b, rt 172 W luam. Whtt?ey, E wm 890 Bn edwsy_ Whltaey, Fraarta W i'< WiUlasa... Wkitaey. Jofea ?. 04 Nassau. Whilteiuore.Calsit ac ..S7 Franklin Wahl". Rlciianl W In- L.b ity_ Wdey, i.u'c oo Barclay . W i.banis. David V N no Beaver.. William?. Edwaid P 114 Joan. Williams, Bn Hard II 50 Bio.idw.iv Wnuierdliia, J Clute 64 Wane. Wi.sou Packing l.... Os PalU place. Wilson Sewiug Ma< blue Co . 827 Broadway. Winslow, Edward 26 Nassau. Wise. Maurice 40 Cuff. 10,000 10,(HH) 4,300 114 75 500 12 75 3JHKI 6.000 20.OOO 1.IMS) 5.IMS) 5.000 100,000 8,000 111.000 ll.OtK) 2,5'h) 10,000 5.000 3.000 5.1 mm) gJJOS 1 """ 881 31h) 10 imsi 1.? hh) 1.ihh) 3.ihm) 15,000 10,01 io 00,000 0. 1HM) 5O0 3.0O0 3.000 2<>0 l.l.OO 1. '.HMI 3.< aw) 3.0'Sl 5.0OO 1.IN 0 10 ISK) 30.400 40,000 500 ISO 'ANCLEKF, Rohei t -0 Thomaa.. sVSOS 0J300 8OJJ00 2.000 1 .IMKJ 18 OIMI 5.iH)0 2.000 5.000 3."<H) 5.0IH) 1.200 8.O?0 3.1MH) 3.ISS) UHH) 3.0 HI BOO 7.Ml HI 3.t 00 5aW0 1 ? 0 ijooo -.?) 2.01 >o 3,Ooo llSI.INSI 10.000 6.0IH) 100,000 20.000 5,000 5.04N) ll.OOO 2.0O0 Woodruff, Ant.'iony J 67 William.. Woods, Sherwood A < o 171 Fuiton Wuollry, Johu W. 84 East 14tU.... Wri^h:, Johu K 188 W.l.iam. jTSXi A BOWLING. 04 Thomaa. 7,000 York s;re.;: Flax Spiuuli.^ Co.. 101 Frank:*?. . Yotuis, Theo F 151 Waase . Young, I'bomaaS 35 peari. Yutte, W 154 Broadway 2EIOLER. Gcorse F 50 N 1.500 3.1H)') 3, ist 6.O00 100 1 OSO 7,iMS) 50 1.000 13.000 SM 400 4(H) ll.iss? 5O0 730 7.50O ;.o7 2.0(H) 100 l.OlH) 5o0 ?JIN) tilH) 1 M BSO .n.iaio :uh) 200 1.IMS) 11.IHHI I ,IM> 1 000 1 I .Ml 350 1,000 25 50 17s SO 1 27 2" 50 3?2 25 ii 37 10 BS 10 20 >!' "?o 12 73< 19 12 j I'll 25 IS 75 51 00 ( I 55 BJ 50 12 75 5 10 15 ;io :; M H 37 127 >0 7 88 5 10 SO SO Js,, .,() n:i 75 88 80 25 30 - si 25 .0 Amount sworn to office furniture Amount sworn to office furnlturs Swore In "7S $20.0001 ons member of Ann re? side* and nays taxes In Brooklyn Swore 71 Ol.OtH) Amount swore to office furniture Amount swore to office furnlturs Reeldea Jeraey City : borrowed capital | real estate marts'. $12,000 : lost $8,000 ?ince TS Ain't flx-d hy Ins. Den't. SI W.IVK), is all inrat'd in U. 8. bonds : ?750 premium on bond*. Principal offlee Thotnaaton. Conn.i pars on *amolo*, ofMee furniture, etc. a>. : Amount a worn to (.flics furniture i borrowed capital Amount sworn tn store fixtures Swore In *78 $381 Redatscesa account losses. Swore m "79 t3.000 Amoun* sworn :o "'ore and office furniture Utauction account loaaeo 1,000 23 50 1 SB 1 J7 I 55 II 75 5 10 12 73 1 27 12 75 2 55 60 30 100 500 000 boi) 50 300 loo Sworn to hi* portion of furniture Sworn to SJ tool* and furniture 26,400 673 20 Reduction sccouut debts 22.500 573 73 100 2 55 450 1 91 11 47 500 12 o.(MM) :o (100 p III 80S 7 500 1 11. 11 30 100 500 too 180 l.IMM) lO 888 MM) 2.immi 100 3.1UH) ..(III 1,000 50 2..-.IM? 50 5<M> IS UN) Ija 10 7.500 1,500 2.5< H) .it 111 2.(HH) 4OO 2,1 MS) <0 100 II .Ml 01O (Mt 7 88 II 78 191 88 85 ;.o 70 Invested In Government bonds pari* house N0capP.1I. Amount sworn to office furniture 12 75 I 55 .; 17 ?j ..I 25 .1 57 12 75 51 OH 03 1 12 I M 191 25 39 23 63 75 7 65 51 00 < I 10 20 61 ? 0 127 50 2 53 Pays on offle" furniture Swore In "79 $1 20u . reduction account losses Isaac Cohn signs Aumtint swot n ta office furniture Pay on office furniture aud tlx lutea Redaction account loasea snd dehts Repair* walehe*; parson tools Boston house Swore In '7?t803 Pay* on office furniture Special partner with Wilmer?lng, Hoguet A Co Para on office furniture an 11 Hal ?Ith K. H. Wulf A Co.; reduc? tion account losses ? 700 17 93 Pay on office furnlturs l.o.M) 5<>o J7 4.0(H) 10 25 50 Pay* on office furniture 12 75 1.1 lias dc?k mom 102 iH) fcWi-re lu '7s ?6.C00 REAL ESTATE. .\kw \ i)l;K. t\. iltlesday. Dec. 24. 197'J. The following sales were held at the Kx rhat k,e Si. .i'M' um 11. <| . . tiit AABaBrw r. llnmett. 4-atnrv brown ?tone <lselling with lota. Raa 158 to 104 La>t 7? Ui't. - 29 ? - ft ? ot .M are, each lot L8.8aJ0S.l8 Addnea liiowq.ftiil.Tuo H'l Jrre. aVaaaMHL jr. 1 I NHf l.rlrk bulMing with hit. No ?13 East Hmh at, B a.' 828 fit) of av.-. Int &X88JB N V Lift- lui Co. llL-WO Hu l.'tum Mfii'-r. 1 Awuory nrick bniidlni: with lot. .X.?3I7 F.aat 88J8> at, u t. SM Ii e of SM arc lot 88x88 | N V Life I oi Co. 10.7C0 Kit OKKtL? REAL BaVTAIM TRANSFERS. thrs i-itt. Bow. rv, N o. 170 170"?, tsn ami 180?od Xoe 1^4 ami 18 i? it ami also No< l'.'l anil \m Wal? ker si, * Van It i lugci to lnplicmia X linger fl Kivtiiiriou st. No 43 . .Matlhta sultuii to Suaau M liaiaht. 1 freakflan st. Etoe 3-' ????! m .um" i. Morgan. ]r. aii't?ifi-to tlie New Vork ami Brooklyn Brlilsa ( ?nipauv. 6.000 Frank mrt sL No* 'J'.' ami 24 ; Wihtani A-tnr anil wife |..||||. Nov.-Vor? ami Brooklyn 111i !?<? CuiDJIir .. 1(5..'!00 gutt. at, n a. -'l? s it w of M-are, lo.HxloJ.J J Wha Ion, tel. re*, to Ira E Doyln*. .. 5..MMJ 89th at, a a, IBS Re (if .Id are. 77.4slOO; John D Ciiunniua and wile :o lames Krady. 0,'.'45 Udtsst, a a, l <?<? ft w nt Bi > lefeelae ave. 88x86.111 John Want auil another to UeetM l.eaak. 2,000 MHt'i-at, s ?. 125 f ? o! -t Niihola, atv, Jov.'li 11 ; joiui Waid to fJeMraa L- a*k . 3,500 ?jiiweeel ave. s w aijnii w ardi, lota Nni d; ami ?jtsiv-'oo ; Mary C (Jai reit au l (i-sbaud 1? Pvetro Ml.n . ?.000 ISOtkset, n a. list ft w oi Tth.avr. to a a 1,'let-et. 2tVz Hi in Anna.M Kyan. e\i cutnx, etr, to Marian -. i, i-nun. 5.00O Otb at. n a. 188 ft e of Well. ..i-.'.'T; UenretlB -< liaii1iiL'han*eu to-..p.n.i HMBeT. 11,800 Urn ave, .o,ixliairirreirulari .. M -jielr. Jr. rete-ee, to J (' ( onuor. Jr. I?,7tl0 75th at. a a. ISO ft eof .'.thave. 5<txlOU| Hubert O II oi al.'l wife |o lilw ir.t P ll.arh. 3H.iKMI ISPih-et. a a. I88 lleef ' in aw- 88*08.11 ; William U -haw ami wife to Josie II Ilevoe. 8*868 siOtb-eLaa, 888 fteof 5th axe. 80x108.81 J X Tap puu. t 11..i'.'" i. iii . to Alfred N (io'eiiilorf. 1 5lk ave, s e ror II iTBBi fill Tldl iBlBgBlBB I Isaac T sum I, to Maria T -mull . 10>> Ifjeft-e*. ? a, TULt ft a ot N are, USxloO, 11 ?irre*n. lar Ellr.aneth M Hraniuinn ami litubaud to Eleanor .1 Mead. .. 2.600 1241 li-at. n a. 250 ft w ot Hd-avc. tun HMl 1J ; surah R jeukuis l?> Krcderu k Aldlnm* mil me i her 8,000 Lot? Bee 44- tl. 46and I', on a imip id Morila f-1 i'i bine's nmtii rt> ; Csthanue o itorke to .illicit > Van I'eit. r i eivi r. ate .?. 1 same pr?peri v li.lbeet s. Van Pelt, ncdver, etc to . A'u'.UIJ t> W.ileiueyer. 075 Sam* j.ropertv : Arnold J. D Wodemeyer and wife to Metraret Heartn. I.immi 76th-?t. a ? -to ft w of Ma.llaon are. Jisii lo'J.2 . and alaon a 75th-el,145 ft * "i Uadiaoii-ave, 50x10'.'..'; AArabaa Boadrev to John Tav.or .1511.000 127that. a a, 8k n eel athsave, ltaB8.ll; Harriet OVvrbUel ami to Cowen Kara. 9,1(MJ diu I. st. n # 350 fl ? oi Itth-aea. l!5sl<aX8| and also 7 1 at at. 800 tl w of -ih ave, '.'.'.llo0 .".; Jjmea I) Mill ami wife l.i 1 itiLenua s ( uttlii . 1 Lewie ft, w ?. 50 ft sol slaulon al. J? 1x100. J B sii'i ri. .r,referee, to the New Ymk Lite Insurance Coupauy. . 6,7imi Lewis si. w s. 6d.l ft sot ntanton sl lMlxlOOi J It Mee-a.jr, referee, tu the New York Life Insurance Companr . 8*788 Lewis st w s. ">'< 8 ft s of Mian Ion at lH.lxloO: ] It aaa rsjr, referee, m the New York Life luaurauta i Coaipaby.-. 1,700 Rl".i f'R?EIi l.EA-E. Kellnci;. FB toll Ful.leer. Noa VST, 3M and 331 Are a. 6 years, m annual rent of. 81."'Mi KH'OKIlKU wrtrtri*88HB81 Black Alexamler 0 and wife to the Mutual Life Insur? ance Company, w nl At ave. 1 S year a.82H 5iMl Brady, James ... ... Vorth her ?-?eilig* Hank. ? ? b.'ih st- e of 8il-avi), 0 mortgagee. I year, total_ 80,000 same to J l> i'r.niuilu-, aauie pPMamt no day*. u.uoo Chtistle William and other ta Tfioinaa C tnueeer, u s 10uth-?l, eof 41.. are. 3Bontlis. 2,500 Seoi. to W It < banib.Tlatn. s ecor *tu-ave and lu6(b ei.SOdava... 1,000 Cruaer Eiiiihemia W to tlie l ... . , t 11 ..epital. Nne RS iTo-j. iMoaud iso1? Bowery, 't moitasara, 8 yeuis total.?m.? 111,000 too :ns Ira K aad ?it ? to ?>araU M -waltb. n a MOtb aU w of .1.1 BTi . instalments 0.5oO Durrea. Henrietta V and hoabainl to Mary A Hees?. W a Willie a*e. c I i441b-i. 1 veer. . . 1.500 Oeaia. Theo U to Oeoige M Mil.-r md another, exee Btera etc, ast.7tn si eof loth are J veara. 4.'Wo Uairh; >u?au M to ihe Broadway savings Iastltu ti"B No 48 Hivington-at. 1 year. S,500 Hauer, soalua to Jomi t Uesen. 8 a lb st, e of Ave B. I rear. -. "00 Jobnaoii A aad ante to W UrBiison. a w cor FiaakJ:B li'.iays . ... 1,900 Kays i oeen I? lla'i ? l "verhlerr ? a 127lb et, a Of dth ave. 2 mortgaaea. 1 yeai. total . 10.000 Lanier 11 B to A Veaulo. Not 87 and 19 caonoc ?t, 3 years. ., ?- 1*08 Mira, Pletr i u> Jnbn Hairell, t t l airuiount ave lot, j?oaS) aad 82. ?yoer? ... . 4*5 mi Schern.linger J la V M mamneon and aaothur, ? w eor let uve and TTth ut Inataimeaia . 2,000 Teyl"! J to A O'jWuhey u a 7Blh ?l ,nd ? t 7dth 4L w ot Maduja ave, l?eyeBre.-. 41.600 i:n omvmit a--i<.n mln t.- 0*7 mortoaoe*. Camp. H M to Hon Sir ( iiarle? A Murray. B'.una? 1? Miir. Herl ha A to I C Itliiinp . .1.1127 f >? M M BJ to II w < amp . 1 llariniann tin?t?c?..f II K . to ?. K c Fnnilas. 1 Halft. BCleO H Wal a at tb. l.on? New v< rlt Lifo iiiBiiiain c t'oirpaiT to E Morrison. 4,'. IB Rl Igewood Inauianre t oof Htookiyn to A U Low. tua, ~.J00 i?mi ft. Ttmina* to J K Miller. : Muitu. William D to Maty <i Watcrt. 2.050 ?titf vtt.n Cstaie ?f jr tiatc. ADVERTISE*! KNTS FOR THE NLW TOBJC Tit I lit' n E WILL ?? KKCEIVc.D AT ) IIR I f rows ot KiiKi. I. j:|w Braadwsy. cor. Thirty irtt , ?t.. or :Klt*w West rweuty tuird-st.. corner Elglitaav-.. No. b'Jj kaal Fourteenth-fit., corner I nion-eotur*. /(?0 Third ave., e>tr, Kort; ?evcuth at., at the LI AHLEM uKI'H. K, N'> Jl.tiM ihir.l are. cor. One hun.treil-and-twenty fiiurtli-?L i Hartem t%i*ing< bank Biulil.njji. up lo a p ea., at re* vtln ?? If <???_ VA>T '.? tn-s r., XKAR 4TH-AVE.?SuitaWe lli for btnlilcr. '.' 'ota. each ?a.OuO. K L LA NU* wmr I NU. 5 Ueekman at. t^OR SALI'..?Several fine Hafu payititr over IS per cent: aniut fine apartment bouaea paying 15 |>er ceat J. s. ANNE1 ie.5 I'lfle tl._ I ami a?b. i. w ANNKTI K. 5 fine at. L'oll >.\LK oi LKA^K.-The four-story store-, 1 IB Cliff ?u,d .41 I'earl .t. between Fulton and Johu. 2H by itl f. Apply lo UEoHoE O. SAMPso.N, '.hi Broadway, toon, 13._ iej LOTS, incluihiu lull front Kasterlv ??w Boulevard. 1U and lllib-.ta.. for aa'e cheap. BoYU on preiumea. ,'OR SALE or fxclinntre.?Flats anil apart n e t uoin.,-. in lien ii ir' of the . itr. tor country property ? .NN k i r~ ?rooklrm Heal (Isnue lot Qale. I7VERGREEX-AVE., B KOO K L Y X. ? HlWBBB. li birn ami M BMa 'or BfLAOQl ca?y term*, it C LAN L> ,t WH I I INU. 5 lie. Lilian ?L_ CH)R BALE.?Brown stone house in Broolt M. yn. gout location; 14 moma, alz? 20x40x100. price ?.>,..OC, out Uttln uaah Apply 4111 West 43d at. New-York. (Titn pruprrtn ?0 Cel. ADVERTISEMENTS FOB THE NKW YttKk TKIIU'NE WILL RK RECEIVED AT TUB t PToWN OFFICE*. No l,2.'i*t Broadway, cor. Thirty Ant, at., ar IIBN Weal Twenty-t'urd-st, corner EigS.a.av.,.. No. wri Eaat l- .iirteeiiiii at., corner Umoa-?i;iaie. 7bc I lonl ave.. cor. Forty ?eveuth-st.. at the IIA II I.KM < iPFfi ' K, 1'binl ave.. ... > me uuudrel auit twrnty 'Harlem Havuig? Bank Building*, op to | p. a., at reguiar Cittnv -ie? TP? LKT.?134 Ems! o7ih-st.; complete order; A n-aaoualile rent. I'Al I.e. Tul'l). No U.'> iliua-lwaj rPO LEI'.? Ilnrd-story front room; neatly 1 fnrniahe.t- gat lire: tor gentlemeu only. Apply'1.1s Weal .Mat-it. Tn LEaiSE.?The tive-story liuiltliuir known I aa N'oa. 1, a. 5 aaxl 7 Bowerr atnt Noa. J, 4. and H UlTla too-a*. For particolars apply to B. MOHTIMBH. 11 Wal, at. \TERY eleirautly furniahod private house; fmir atorv. high atoop . with all ImproTcmeute. No. 17 East , ti, ai . iiei^reen ,t'i are and It road way Ccnnirn jJroncrtrj tor Sale an? io tel. AT ORANGE, N. J. (neighborhood specialty). ? l' ter aale uud reut : all Tarierte?, great bur irama._BJiWAatl) P. HAallLTON. IS N Y. L"0|{ SALE or I.I- \S1'..?For iiianiifai-im n--. I do ? ci| woika t-c . Moeki ??( Iota with iiulklira-ind water Iron! ou Newtowu Creek, adi ,Uilng New York and Hiiaiklya. It A YOl N'i. jTllllaiar, Ac.. ?.Mi Exrhanfe-plaCii I?0R SALE.?A connlrr seat of 33 acres in the i-eauuful Tillage of ileneTa. situation exrelleat; gmai bull tlnga sod auuielance of fruit s rare chance lor a geniieuian ileeirUig a couatry home. Apply to UKltUlT 11. BM1TH. Oaaova7B. y._ RA>"GE, X. J.?Houses and Country seat* io Irt aaa lartale: I great varietr alao.finu?aDd budA lola. BLAAlBv WKLX UH<m . ,'*J Broadwar. Heoui I. firal (Palate ic <?uharta.t\_ XCH AXGK.?Some vi-rv desirable m{??i?K a LYN BBOWN CP ?NE I?w E I.LIXilS,. in eomi. ete mder. fur couatry residence or ta.iu. J. O. MuYT A HON. 15 Baaaaa aL A\ At i. hobton'b icecbeau is mate fro*i rcita obaboB ooi nty crkah. i iiN.ilJalbltB L' M Ii er.-) tan l) 1111-, an b know ir is . always reliable. fa thy ir and \OU will L'MK no urUEB. iMaott Mm ?tu ave.. Wm Bruadwar. and 71 OhattuvLetl. Baw-tur. 4.J iulue at., Kaajaaya. tfoor? and Rooms West SA*. PARTIES ?affprinfr from mental or nerrou* di*e**e* esa find fowl board and proper ?tcatirion In i it ??!.?? i i, r ulir-.? KXPK&iEXCE. Inbua* ?ptjwo 'iftV-, l a ta broxlirf. _ rrO LET.?With board, in the large double M. house (50 feet front?, No. 24? Weit 14treat.. ? m<?n S cent euite if moms witn or without priest? mots i other tad ?tnale fur rentlemen , reference. Q I TO $7 A WEEK.-9ing.fl or farm!* NJ> ~x room* with hoard . table hoard SJ i transient f i a ttayt lue tiir other hr.teis we .arf-'t at wholesale, haaca our lemarkalilr low rate?. CLARENCE UolhL, 12 Clinton piata. a f?w Soaca traaa Broadway._ *)D and 3d-?tory rooms, with board, for >rrri *-? tleruen and wire* ; al*o lieg.? room* , reference required 10 Waat Waahtnfton eqnare._ 5TH-AVE.. 33, TORN ER 10 TH-ST.-Eie ract first Boor, ?a suits or teaaratelr : ern ste table or board. slso truot tunny upper risiui tor two i handaearist/ tawartahsil.__^_____ XTWKST 10TH-ST., near Sth-ave.-Hand t-t sooieir fnrn'.aned lar?* tod auiall rooms - supenar boarii st ni "d>rat?* for tsoiU:*a aaa fiautmu, tras ?lent. SI per day _ laat 3:1?. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NEW YORK TRI HC NE WILL BE KECEIVKD AT THK l.'P TOWN 0PFICE8. No. l.Jip* Brnscwsy, corner TSir'.r flr*v St.. ?r ;|0?? Wsst Twenty third ?t? enrn-e Elrtiihar*. No. t'J Ea*i Fmirt*enth.*L. comer Union ?qnara. 76* Third-are., rnr. Fortyseventh ??. *t the Haiti.KM OFFICE, n*. aVJ"! Tturd-ave,. eor On* kamUedsaaaVtwssrtf fu-tria-u. (Harlemsaruif* Bass;. up to a p. ta.. aj ofhV* rata?._ ff~EXTRA LARGE HALL RO"M wirh first el*** board hon*e new.y furnished (araaahVinti pcrmar.en: only, rateraacaa f.'-ea and required. B Ea?t JAtb it ?pH?ICE of HANDSOMELY-Fl'RMsHEI) \J BOOM* flr?-rla*? naaas, food location. SvH) 7th ar*. oppfmite"Ro?*iiii>re Until, 41 EAST 18TH-ST.?Neatly furnished rooms I tolas* Witt pr.xata Fiencli lamily ? moderate price* i reference* exc!;au?eit. ?3.:::cr Resorts. w r\LDO HOUSE, Waldo. Fla.?Hiirhest and health.e*( puiut ,n Floral* I".r** ac.o.i.iaodatinn* mo-terms ;>.:.?.?? Ii del open Dec. L Apply to s* a. e... ;? r ? r ? r ? ffl'.Gcttianeons. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NEW YORK THini NE WILL HE KECEIVED AT THE UP TOWN U* 1 . ES, ? ,.. I, J IS Hr1s.lw4y.ror. Thirty flrst ?t.. ..' :ia*i Wmt Ywrnty-ihireVsL. corner Etr*itb saw* No, BO Ea?t Fourteenth-*!., comer l'nion-*q'i*ro. 740 Third are.,. or. ?eresU?'; at tu* it AHLEM OFFICE. R i ti.-isi iT?..cor ons 'i ludrad aa.'. Tweuty faunh-st, Ha-.'ui savinf* Bank Bu.hia.f.. ap * p. in.. ** r**aai cfh.erau*. _ ___________ RUSHES of erery description, at 315 Pearl ?t.. opposite PsrksBaS : all a :icle? al iowsat price*. joi.X K. Huri'Kl.. Manufacturer *n<t Importir. I'. CA<U PAID for OLD NEWSPAPERS, ItnOKS. 1am Pit LETS, RA ROPK and RAOOINO < OPPI It. BRASH, LKAD ZINC, PKWTEICTYl'KMETAf.. ELkaTTTBOTYE FLATB?. STEREOTYPE PLATE?*. TiN FOIL, TEA LEAD and OLD Vi K I AL of erery deacrtpuoa. Order* be mail attended ta W..i ?rud tu slv pan of th? cur or fnburba. STOCK WELL, _No. Jo Ana ?t? N T. I ADLE8, DRINK SERKYS TEA, and be B Ihsaatlral without usius danpero is eo?in-tle*. SKREYS I Ea r.'oiio.? eriiiition* of Ihr ?Sic. clear* '.ha eoaapiexian ?ml toi,. ? th^ wUu.e ?y?tera. I'bnM Whs as* it stilke *t tU* root and reatoie beauty ami yaaibful froauue??, insieaU of desirovna both Iit cosmetics. To l>* bouahl oa'.r at the sthlitVi" TEA r'".. "otf Arc:, ?t.. PliliadelphU. ?rlers bT msii promptly seat st JOc anc t! par 'jox. Llher-l uas ouut Is: i aahx \VAN I I ! '. ? Information ot the heirs of Cap ff hats 7AX_ PStlTM, .:ecea?ed. a Norweslan by birth : whocaaas from I hi .?t en?en to Liverpool and N*w v I'd .'ween '.s40 i wa* marred In New. Yorktoan Ir.?!: woman, anil rarce to ral:f?mia In a mail ? In Is .a, Icsv'.na a wife snu two sor.? who. if liritig, mMJ t ear of nn.nei.'.lns to their auvsntase nr ail lteastns w'.is pioots of their i.ieiitity. E. W. H1LLEU, Adiulii.5trs'<ir of tb>- esfste of Jamas Smilii deceased, V ir.u z, i *1. for the tj-tl'.'jiirjs. BIAS* nPKN FIRE I'LACES.-Laree and e.^icaut ?tock of bra?s fendera and!:nns_ flr* ???ts, aSSl ti'jii*. bellow. > :c. of antique and modern .ie?l A*.?mtab.e far I] ^reaent*. re?liiis al w ho.etala prur? a:a.. Aiioarv J. 9. CONCVER ? CO.. 36b and 3da Canal *t. ?oar aftj -fonniy. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NEW 1% YORK" TRIBf'NE WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE CP-TOWN oFKlv.K> N >. I ,'i:l<* Bro?dw?y. ror. Thirty hrsl *r .TOS? v. est Twente third ?t., cor. Kirftitli a??. No. U-t Ea.t Fo ir'eenth ?L. corner Colon-SQuar* 7?0 nardATS. ear. Forty ?eres?U., at th* HARLEM OFFM No. ?J.,.*?| Thlrd aes- cor. One hundred and twenty fourth..r. Har em >ar.ns* Uaua up u> sp si., strsswjsj sOjss pacss,_ LOST^^nTlBook No. 111.? 47. i-ued br the German Savins* Bank, n the cut of New-York, to Charles A 1'ah.le. Is miss us Th* ander or holder of the bouk 1* request...! ?,. .:? iv. r it to the Hans. If not re*t?re<1 hefors the 1 tl. laj at January. IrtSO. apphcauon wi.i u* uiada to the hauk for a new ........ TOST.?Bank liook No. 9?5,f?86 of the Ger J man Sar:iifs Rank. The flr.ih-r Is re inested to leave :t at the bann If not mum! or restored before the 1st of De easihsr. LsTB, iffttaaOsa wn hs to the bans tor a new book._ I OST.?Ba_k book No. 81JB71. ikwood ot la MMOaraaSSl Savior* Hans n li ?? Miv of N. w Ysjk to aha Maars ras rtsasa Knastss CataraiOtsaaMBi Vaawas. las Ander ta teque^teil toiU-Uvr It at the Bank. If u?t realorsil t ?. foie the 1st of rebruary. 1 SSo, application wtu be made u> the Bank tor * new book_ MISS H. A VERY, No. ~Fifth-avi?., found oi. Oa f ii i shas ij Bam aar 'jo'n a ?um <?( atsasvai tas ?t..'e . f tf OF NsbB ."t: < ? -he statsd tluit sue w..nlu deliver It toatirone ealiiuc at her residence sad provtus propeity. H. ir.NeiU A i o. Business .nances. Tu PRINTERS.?Mast bo told; ,i Erent bur l' i:d no ria.oiiaole <Sfei refused ; a Srst-rUx.'oh pnnt Imr off., e. whole or In part, 1 cyunder Cottrell A Uabcock press .Ox'J? . S t.onion Pres*. 2 's Gordon presses, sll equal to new, with aU urce?*arr boner sad engine, tt aorse power. Call or .?...::-?> ..' ?'.t';. e. UU S 3d-st. *ecord (id) floor. FniLtde.pMa, Penn. Rcliaioas Xclucs A CB*__* .ertnon in -i PaaP* >|etiioftiet FpUeopol Churrli ItlMT*s, ami J:d ?t rHI BAD AY, lOiftO a. m.. ty Ith* Rsv. Dr. TIFFANY. A hearty welcsnie tu all t lnireh ol the Meselah. Ith-L ami l ark ave. -Rev. HENRY W. UtLLutt'., V U , will presch ih;? uiornur at 11._ Ch arch ol I lie Hol? Trout* M* lonave. and I the Rev Ml El'HEN II. TY.Si., tr^ '.. I).. Rector.-Chrlit tna?.!?y*ervtceatll a. m. Rev -TEPHEN H. TYNG, jr.. D. D., will deliver an addrvae. ?nuih Itrlormeil I horch, ssnes at Uh ave. and. Herr ires ci.n?i man monilns at V o'clock s.-i mau byl.e Uev. Dr. BGVA.N. of the Urlek Church. All aie uivltMl. ^.mnsemcms. DALY'S New) THEATRE. R'dw y ? 3()th"sl^ Theoii.v t.i. itre miller th* uai.asvnient of MR. A001 sTIN DALY. The Fashionable senmtloo 1! AtTOOOTIJi daly's La?t and Best l omedy i Entitled an a RRRR a l'.nuil II A Ity ? A a r r aa h B II a a N *9 aar k a a BHl.nB II a a i n N aaa RRRR aaa \\aaa \\ II AAA N ? N a ar r Jt ab b II a an NN A All RA a IlBBB IIA an NN nn If II G0Q h h TTTTT nn IS II H oh H T T T i n I II U I ran I t x X If II O h ,1U II T n X I II G O o II II t ... W nn II oog H n t MATINEE TODAY AT '1\ ax ARABIAN ITTOaTT matinee today at 4! a> arahiax xlu_tT maiinke today at -'i an auakian night of f - an arabian night. | every NDlHTat So'SSBC. GREAT CHRISTMAS DAY ATTRACTION. DONT FAIL TO si p TUM i i I! E AT I'l.'I' EST II 1 A N ??TI' FOR THK VME ;I AN I.VTKHNa IM\ \ \ fix I'AY"' BAWFIOlf BafLT OF Tslfll WOtVuD I ii'l.esiy. W .-stou and RowelT* (rest it-curda beaten br frailk Hart and Chit.Uan Faber. liver BBS. mile* Brat day. Fortv eonteauu * ?tili In the rare. The contest SVaBBBS fiea! interest and excitement. Uu^theaibe. Leper. Krohue the i;< rman rhatupion. Bnodr mil ampaua nukliiu i irrau.l .ir is;..- Ii.r .e. ..mi plac?. (?rand Musical Recitation day and eveutas by the three Bent Brothers' celrbrau-d Cornel Rand. Privat? rrterved t.r ladle* Ore. Adrulasloa 10 cents. _D e. hose. Mauae-r ORATORIO SOCIETY. 8teinway Hall. Dr L LAMBiMCH.v.Conductor FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Deremb -r 26. Public Rchoarsa?. sAI LRDAY E\ ENING. December _7, Concert. THE M E-Si* Ia iL TBE mediale THK M KS? IAH. So'otat*? Miss Emma Thumby Uisj Anna Dra*dlL Messrs. Oeor'te ?Im, ?..Ii ami Fran. Htiuoieitz. Aduilaxion io Public Reuearial, al : reaerved ?eata, ase. e\ira. V.linl.'lun to l oueeri. #! ..eived seats, iOc. and II sxiua Ticket oBVe sieinwaj_Haii open to day, STANDARD THEATRE. B'wy and 33U-8,. Every Rvenlas until further notes riti.x KtwTOio. I'XTRA MATINEE CHRIS TM AS DAY all MATINEE MATH BDAY at 1 10. CTEINWAT HALL. ~ ' vvI CAFP's N f CAFieTK I i I pi i ??: CONCERT i . i N.' i KT Concert con. i.ur JANL ARY 10. at r* p. ex ?Jan Emm ? M -.frehi. I Opera IO thom ff i iN STREBT FLA fa. i lluuse. t. iE H ARD iia? K family | Uraadwsy ? Tbu v?lain soll poraaed bar." i so,i j#*a>SA> TH'.-. i K 1! 'S * KE oi't TO DAY auiiueu CHRlsTBAS DAY. aeais ?esared. I [NION BQ? VRE ! HE \ I RE. \J Third Mania of FRENCH VLATB, GRAND Ei.rn.1 MATIN lE ,N CJEttlSTMaVS DAY. 4 Imvacmenit. CADeSy'of music ma-ked BAM. To be given -he UTII of january'. Im und ?iit the tn.pieee of c:e v .-?noidertot tbe A.adewy of Mueicauatae follow? ing ger.'.mau i J I A ?TOR. H IHVIN JB. william A?TOR, COLU MKf. - l??U.V, W W a?TGif. OLIVEN HII.I.1, COMMODORE BALDWIN. 1. w.JEROME. V.r.. HALL WIM. E. R. JON KS. s. L. m. Barlow. H. e. JONE*. JAMKSA IIAVARD. A. '"I IM l?'lTTIt*l?E N. to BECKWITU. ?? NU H >la*oN RANK. ISAAC BELL, ;aMF> P. EERNOCIIAN. AI it BE! MONT, 0. K. El No. PERRY RKI.SInNT, FR?n< IT LAWRENCE, A. BKLIloX r, JB.. hi K.MHK I DRILL ABO, JAM Es RENK ARD, J. A lOWERY. C. H. oEHP.YMAM. HERMAN B. LE BOY, UEOROK a, BoWDOtN, J F I.ot'BAT. lit Nit; .V BRA KM, MATCRIN I IVrNOSTOlf, H. W. IIRF.VOOBT, L. P. MORTON. BENJAMIN H II IITOW, T. H. M f ' H W K. FREDERIC BRON90N, /. PIKBPONT M'lBOAN, A. l. brown. J. II. MAlI'iNKY. OBO. Ii BEVh. I IUI H. MtKiMALU JOHN L. i adwai.adea PETER MARIE. Krii'AMDC'h) i'ER, TMOMAS NElVROf.n, I4KALLI :;R-k, HERMAN "K' Kli IH, J. O costkb, ROYAL PktBLPt. R L. CUTTING, Jn., JAME? V.PaRKEB. OK* WM. UTTING? ( 11 ah II. I'OHT. I ? STER, A. BKLMONT PI'HDY, w H DIN-MOITF. e. RANDOLPH RoniNSOM, wm I .i-IIKI MiB, HKVkKl.i ROBINSON. w. p docolas. mar*hai.i. o Huberts. B EN BY 0 RA i'er, wm. REM - EN. JOHN 11 DRAPER. P. It HIVES dr. Rai i!B KM MET. C A -FW.OD._ HERMAN kUMCL AMI >? H Eii M F.RHORN, EE ROY EDwAK, PHILIP W Hf"Y LER, H s. FEAHIN.i. E T - N E t LI MO, CO fran KLYN, C. f-sTKu.MI. CORN El.I i's hl- I.lower. FREDI-RD ^tmfi'. BTUYVRMANT fi-H, LI'PkNARD -TEWART, JAMES W. t.EKAHD, henry -ilEVEMS, F E oTBERT, WM ICHNBt'LL, WM. .IHON. ? WRTR*V[.l|s J. J. GOODWIN, ISAAC TOWN-END. j N ? ..P.IsWoLD, w. H VaNDERsII.T, F <>. DltlsWijL?, W. K. V AN DI KUI I t. A.C. Ol'.YMK- AMES VAN W a KT, CAPTAIN OKA FTON, L. VON HOFFMAN. J. W. HAMEHSI.EY, . r WOHDEV ai EXANl'EIl HAMILT ON. B'iianaN w. NTnROF, TUEo. a. UAV'KM EVktt, J. A. WAD-W- UtTH. f.G Uli ks' HER. BACHE WHlTLOt X, O.O. ROWLAND, MONEY WEB-TEB, > I ROWLAND, OFO H WARREN. 0 ERA l I) HOY r, jus. ii KAN ION Application for tickets to be mnl? to ilia Committee of Ar? rangement at tbe oSVen* the See unary of the Aeademy aA Muaic da..y iraaj ? a. in. to 4 p. at. _ HERMAN B. LE BOT. _ ?_BBBBBBBm academy of music. A 30ra AND I.A-T Nli.UI'ot thesIRM RIPTION. TOMORROW Fr.rtavl Dec. :<i t>t <!;:. tlnu o' Mo/art e opera. i.*. ri.AUTo MaoICm. Tarn (i,.,. ?.cn?r Rum in Papa?- no signor D.-i Pueoie, "ara tn*. Herr Behreni Monoaraiae, -ignor Rin.Idiul : 1 i re Geal? Mile. KoblatL Mile. Altona, Maae. Laitiia. be i Le Tre l.-BM aelie -M'.e. nchnr Mile. Martini, Mtaa Annie L. Carr Pape ?er.a, Mi'e. :...dor? Manli er . I'amsna. MJe. Alwina VanerUv ami Astrflamante. Mile Mare Manraon. FA it I v, ELL MATINEE. SATURDAY, Dee. 27, FACHT, slgnor Caei panitil, - snnr Del Pucnte. ?leacr Oeleeet Mile. Annie Louiee Cary. Mile. Leblaohe end Mile. Alwrna VelleriA A' BBEVS"PARK THEATRE. POMIIVELY LAS1' WEF.E OF EMMET AM FRi 1 Z IV ireland. Uaunae? Cbrlataia? and iatnrrlav at 2. BTon.liT. Der. sb, BaKTI.EY IIA M P RKI.L's newplaeol ? Fairfax ? _Beau can be ordered be HELL TELEPHONE. Association HALL lectcbe cocas*. I.a.-.T LECTCRK. FRIDAY evf.nino Dec. 2*. Pr toaaor I'. W BEDFORD Give* bit 9pleedtd.' lilnncrated Lecture '? KoME.'' TICEET?. &4> CENTs . ?f :: e II . I BROOIXYM ACADEMY of MUSIC. CURIsTMa> week only, the ideal pinafore. An rlTtn at'lie Boaton Tbettre orer Ml nl?bU. FA VP HIT k a_i;. ri-.Ts A SO brand I HOBL'B OF BB, ROADWAY OPERA HOUSE, Location. Broedwae. betweea .Pitta tod 3ltttU> FOCHTH IVBEE. An eatabllnlied s-.icciMs. i LIN TOB HALL U sayrt * t vmeile THE oTKATEiilaTB. Matint.- t bnatuiat Day. nROORLYN P?RK 1 HEAT RE. CROWDED HOCBES TO SEE MR. McrfLLOCOBL THEATRE FILLED WITH THE ELI I E of BBOOELYN. Iburiday Afternoon and MBM if'ar.atmasi-TlA OLADs IATOJL Fndae Erenine-BRt.'TC-. Tbe Fall of Tarqnia. ' taatnr.lar Matlaee-HDN p.YMooN. _ BtMatiUy n >i;U J ack CADE. ?JHRISTMAS OFFERING FO rUE VATIOX IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. NOTICE THE CHANOE oF TIME. ACADEMY Of MUSIC, CHRISTMA-4 DAY. DECEMBl'.R ii, 1ST0, IN TUE AF1EKNOON r KoM St to 5 o clock. Ftrit performanceol COLUMBIA. columbia. COLUMBIA. A NEW naiional ANTHEM, fouB ifdon tbe aiatory of America POETRY AND KOatfl BY P. ?. OILMORB. Tbe mott flfted and popular of American toprtnot. Miss EMMA TTTT H n U C Rl'.R H*n BBS Y T T H HU CR Rs s Ii B Y Y T H HC C h RH BBYY t HUn h U c HRR SS? RBH VY ?h uuchr HB B Y H hc URRSBHB V... T H H ccc R r Ml ubb Y ? ?rift ttac the kj." part In "COLUMBIA." A powerful r'ti.-rna and orand Orcheatra will aavak, Prevediuu Hit uroituctiou ef ilie :.uud. Mr ALGERNON s. sCLLIVAN. will deliver ?i. appH prfate aitileeaa. Ur.uE?HOK V.t.MJKXIlnrr. wl.i ret.t tlie poem ?? t'Ol.CMBIA." The en"- . eeat be e.pt_i:r dir..led betweeB the '81 John's Gubd " and ? -t, \'-..< .-.ii le Faul" socletiaa. admission. 5? C>NT*i BJCsERVBO seats. M ti l - EXTRA i boxes. ea.'b teal SI, which luei idea admission lor -ate at tb<- tea .-my. inn... r>-? net n ?tea. pHICKERINO HALL " J08EFFT. V> Mian LETITIA 1. FKir?.i.H . .Hoprtne JOSEFFYCONCEPTS FRI pay EVFrNINW. In. .'? saturday MATINEE."b Bl ? waUBI 30. now si ClllCEEKINO HALL an i 'it hertic-, 2? Cnion-enaere._ iTTFTH AVENUE THEATRE. PINAFORE. L JOHN T. Foitl) . Le^ee and Manager. DoVI.V t akteh london ope t A i oM pan Y. LA-T BIGHTS OV H. M B. PlNAtoRE. gtveu 'lil>.it I he pel .oii.i . . - W (a. lill.BEKT and a'.TUt H "?t LLIVAN. m VTI neks TO d ? Y aud satc111 aV at 2. NOTD E?I HE l'lHATE- oF pen/. a nce. the entlrelf new at .1 erlaina! m> Indrainat c ip-rj by the a VTIloit AND . i .ai po-ER < 'F pin AFOHK will lie ppeli.ced lot the Brat time on WEDNEBD%Y BVKBTINO. De en.uvr IL -mu . ureil at tl.e i''e I<>r tin. N EX i wl-.EK. _ 1 \ RAND ( <?N>KKVAT?>KY ..f Mu-n . j 1 E ?t \? 14th at. special cour<e. for leecbert end profaaat?aaa? ?VERLY'S THEA I RE. BROOKLYN. p. i.r eior and M mager . Mr. j. h H a VERI.T. mis i EX I'RA HOLIDAY MATINEEI KEUCLAB WEEK I ? HHlsTM AH DAY. IMAIINEKB. loci? ALI)RICH and t.HARLES T. PaH-LoE, iu Buttley i ami.l.. ir. gr?'ileet Amerlcau play. *l\ p a It T n E K. Interpreted by tbe ?aun< superb Mar Company wlih wbicB it a. lit ved an electr t ,i c. en at the Culon Stiusre 1 beatra, New-York._; HAVERLY'STHEATRE. i4rh-st. & 6th-ave, J. H. UAV'EHLY. ..Pmnr.utor aal Managet i. As T TWO Wt? KM Of Mr. Bart lev Caiiipbell's I omedy Dram*. Til bit.ALLEY slave, which has to be withdrawn in c maequuuee of pievion* eh> gjueaiecu, white atill ela\I. to CBOWDBD a i'DIENCEB MATIN EKB WEDNE8DAV aud stTlltDtY at 2 P. M. EXTRA OALLm slave MA I I N EE i H kistm AS DAT. Moinlav, Jau. .V return of the (reut aitraction. rilE lol lil-lilM THE PC PALACE CAR. JUBILEE BINGERS. Io-NiKlit^ the CNIVEKHITY sin'cpbs of New cobue.11. ?tng at A'Mil'lA rio.N HALL. Thta. t.'hrieiuii*. N tiihi. at s n. m. GRAND l'Riit.HA MM !?' ?New aud Old ?eere. Tick eta 23 tenta. Resert.'il Heals 3& ceeta. At tue Halt KOSTER 4t BIAL > ( ONCERT HAXC 23.1 at. aear oth ava. Ru t Rial s Graml orchestra and ihe wortd'a greaieti corate Tlr,U?,W? J. LEVY. ADMIh-ion CENTS. M ART HA WASHINGTON RECEPTION ?T Ji'ltN-i MI CIA EVENING. JANUARY 20. lUnee ctn be tecured st Wheeler A Wilton's Parlor* and Guild Boema, 5 Greet Jsnee at,_ V EW YORK ACjUABIUM. B'way Ac 3.r>tb-et i,^ F.very aftrru.ein aud evening. CN( LE T.'M-"? t. UllN. Hhnwing SOUTHERN LIFK BEFORE Til e WAR. ae depleted hv Mrs. Hainen Re . i -m?c. ADMIse.1 i.N ONLY .j CeN Ts. 'ALI.At KS. Ufirtstiuas Week. Proprietor aud Maaager Mr. LE -TER WALLACE. THURSDAY, December 2.V Is'9, CHRISTMAS NIGHT. FRi DAT and SATURDAY kVe.NINOS. Dee. 20 tad JT. sol ' Saturday matinee at 1.30. will be areeented Dum b.1.0 icanlf? >iui.Url comedy Of with Ihe anoat coiuplete nine en eucae .u.1 cat*. iBcladlngf Meaart. JoHN OILBERT. HBNUV ED ? t HakRY BECEETT. OEHALD EYRE. M. BAKU V Mo HS C hi. ?XWKLL, J U. OIIM.11 It, W. J LKONABD 6 K EDWIN. Mutes ADA DY As, ROSE WOOD sod Maaa. ?.' It it retpeetf >illy announced that Mr. I.L-.TE r WALLACE, having returned from hit extended Weateru aad Eaater toar wil. teappeur uerr m a ? SERIES OF FLAYS, tbe flrai of which w ll he ooUUonth . remedy or SUE Sloops ro 1 'I.Niil'KR, w hieh will he ureaeiiie?! ou MONDAY BVENINO. DEC EM HER 29. with APPROPRIATE SCENERY AND ACcaaaoptae Mr. L Bar EH WALLACE a-akiog in* raeatree ee . HARLES M a It...' a r. Aa an eameet of the meaner la which the forthroejing alava at thia theatre will be lUuatrate.l the Manager begs to e-flj -. teul.ou to ihe tollowtaa OTay of artUta . Mr I.EOIEI. H c I M E. Mr JOHN GILBERT. Mr HENRY EDWARDS. Mr. HARRY BEi kETT, Mr \V H ri.oYIk, Mr. HERALD EYRE. Mr. M. HARRY MORE. M: I M ID.11.AND. M. I W SHANNON? Mr. i ll ah. '?;?.. kw ELI, Mr J. H. UILMtM B. Mr Con I MURPHY. Mr W J IE0NAR0 Mr C. E. kdWIB.. Mr H. PKAHHoN. Jr Mine ADA DY AB, Mlaa Eh FI E OiAKMoN, Utae.l'oNI-1 MUa ROsE WOOD. Mtaa STELLA BONIFACE, Mtaa SATE BARTLBTT. Mia. EMMA ICRAINE, Mlaa E 111 AlsDKI.L, 1 MiaaMiNNlaJVlMlNG. Mlaa AMY JuU.lym