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OUR MINING INDUSTRY my ruor. i. s. Nfn jiiRnr. RISTOftT, CO.UMTh?* AM? CdTT.OOK fm tSr *v '1 ?I ? r mf Tht T >'???? Si* I a\ * I"*"? much iati ?v?.f,.,i in the Si tu-r- 1'rmn the "t> e-teni mininc dial nets wr.ffen Im Mr. 7.. I.. Wb't -, tad rorrenvoDdewl of I ui l iam \i . 1 lu v }?i\r rw~tt graphic ?ml fn .im, tlM>ug;i po??..lai w|lM.ri''i'i viriiiiir, ll;,\ri'r:v:,,;;T hoe i ?1 .. t,\ acrur i!<- in imi'teisof fact, ai-l have supplied a pg) w Mit Ml U\ ewtdic Mr. White .1-1 i>?t. },..\>. ?ct. ?ov. t t!i?- u h?h ? tie hl. aott na 1 ha\e ie finti" **?eitt several months io tiiv Wo*t. fi.iai ii .luumabri ofuupori.ini ?ii:ru-*and mining ,b-ij: ?* u??t visited by biui. yo'ir re.idors niav p< r b:,f>* I C v? Illing U> have Ills M i lt?* <?{ l-ttcl* *itp|>lc Itxs.led by some notes na ?nrh mines a* ha' e not vei been descnlsed In your column*, it s<-ei; < ,le*i: ,b!e, feowevsi. that the matter* et detail ? hull will |. r Ike amat i>art make up tlw??- notes should li>< pre? ceded Im .i few wor is iu regard to the present con- i aitioenf mmii;a ludustrv at Utc West aar it* oat buk lui the lutare. 'fa. -e i. ii member the course of cvei ta in our ri.iint. ? during the last thirty years a ilivc-all more than cue epidemic of tninrag lever, and the?e have been ??eVhbly fixed ia tl'e tneuior. of of onr pe,.|il. by tin h?*.sc* ami disappointments liter have occasion**.), fir*' eiii e tue d's. r.very of avid in California in 1 * IT and the ru*h t?i ih?< gold h>Jd> winch be^au lu htfl und oootiuued through ?veral year*; resulttug in the or? ganization of our Wuhru ni.v, im l.aild ina of the Tail tic Railroad and He con t mm of !rl..">OO.OtH>.000 iu gold to our il wealth, Must of this gold came from ihe supcitiiMsl deposits worked bv thousands of 1'id^peudent gr.lch ruiuers, ami though the quan? tity idoaiued caused wlid ri itemeuC and induced a great rush to the uniting district the work r.' psbed little cap tal tor Its proaerutiou aud did not proi'iote tea tormaiioii ot wn.iug couipn;.ies nor fCDcrutc a MDeculiit ive spirit in mining, lie effect Bpen the bast was simply to draw oft a part. >i.d of..-! a *u>-ritucii* part, ot the population, and was then-fore .pine dirti-rent li-un tin' ! the :i:i;.i:.g t>v. r* whi. ti foliowesi if V a tv-placer deposits of California had l?cen so far exhausted as to yield an ancertain return for in.ii?........ .dort, and the production of gold came ekic?y from hy draulic washing ami system itlc asinine on quart* leoees, the unemployed mining population lu part turned o other avocations, and part I v migrated to discover and de? velop mines lu other portion* ot the great aia Tal beit of the West. This army of pro*pcr!o'? overrau Oregon. Idaho, Montana. I'tah, Arizona and Colorado, everywhere searching for gold, and that m placer or " gulch " depo* ta. Several ot these were found which proved to be of considerable richness, such as Alder Gulch kj M.mtana aud the gold diggings on Clear Creek aud the l'ppt-r Arkansas in Colorado. In th* in? terior of Uta continent, however, the rainfall, winch I aaaaamres the amount of erosion and the as-cumula tion of sunace material, ts comparatively light aud local. For this reason phscers there are of limited extent, and those discovered were early exhausted. Thus placer mining throughout the West in a great measure lost its importance, and it may BMN W said to be practi ally abandoned. af> rept in jairtioiis of the California gold belt, wliere It is rent Maai by the great hydraulic mining com? panies, and m a few districts of the interior, where Its meni;is- returns satisfy none but the patient and rt eoorun al Chinaman. With the exhaustion of placer deposits in various pkfts of th?? West, the attention of miners was di Tfetcd f:;sf to the quartz I? dges. t he siuin c from which the gold wiis originally derived by nature's system of crushing and washing, and to the min? eral veins discovered In many l.icilitles, that car red silver a* tbe.r chief constituent, but combined with this gold, copper and other metals. Among the tint of these veins to be worked, and that which tip to the present time has proved the .icbust of all. was the Comstock, that bas bow yielded over fHWl.ono.oOO la gold and nil vor. About the same time will, the Comstock, silver veins were fonnd at Austin, Bel Bunt. While Pine and other place* In Nevada, and id the Owvbee district of Idaho. All these proved exceedingly productive, and tb#?y created gri?at ex rlteuient not only In tue mluing population itself, but throughout the country. Nevada was the prin? cipal centre of attraction and field of operat ion, though Eastern California, Northern I'tah and Sonthem Idaho contributed each Its share to the general turor. This culminated In the flush times bauieolately following the wir Mining companies were then organised by ttuiuaatids ; everv prospect helc found a purchaser, millions of capital were poured Into the mining districts, and invested with Stirb entire disregard of business principles and eommuc. prudence that failure was in m?*t instances S OTP ai necessity. The warnings si science wer? disrega- cd i e xperlence gained in othereonntnes ?ras scorned, and the error, still prevalent, that ?he uiHslncatesl "practical uiiner" wits the onlv ife guide, led capitalists into all aorta of mistakes. Stamp mills were erected to work smelting orea, smellers w?re built at mines furnishing only mill lag ores, or.what was still more common, expensive dining and millinr establishments were constructed there n<* considerable quaatity of ore of any kind exited. Added to this, there was frequently a com? plete forgot fnlneaa of the plainest teach 4ag*i of prudence and eirporionce in the a*lectiou of the managers of these mining enterprise s. Work of a s|>rcial kind, involving the outlay of a large amount of money, was to be done bv agents two thousand or more miles away from personal sop-ovision. In such circumstances a necessary Condition to success m?st be the selection of agents proved to ho boneat and skill- d in the duty they bavo to perform. Instead of this, offener thar otliTwise, tlie work was entrusted to some relative j or friend of president or direefors, who was an- i ?aoploved bat auae n^ftt 1st usefulness in any ?flier avocation; oft-?n?T. perhaps, iucompeteut I dialionest, bit n .ne the leas un- I an:.l<.:ie?l for tho place to which be was appointed. Such folly e >uld have but one Vesult. Moat of the mining enterprises were ?n*tiere?aful, and. as is generally the case, the h| line was laid where it did not belong. ^Tlio niinos were pronounced worthlees. and those who had lost f bair money in raining throuun tlh*ir own carel. ssness and urn i nice rrediteil tlu-u failure to the uiiues alone, and thereafter reg..PsM ?very mining ent-rpriae, with distrust, if not as a 1 Swindle and a soars. Kiih.eriitffit experieoee has ahowu the error of Sara x;r-ui?- 1 b?- immens?- revenues derive*! from ' ?or Bjaasa prove that thev are second otuy to agn ?ubiire as a source of wealth, aud that tosncceed in BsMasj ii is only necesearv to follow tho plain, practical rules winch bring sucoeas in other ? uf h'i*iiie?*. With ri*.id adheren? -- to these rale-, asaxsaai now ?fters a more liberal return | inr a vaaSaaaM than any oih?-r branch of indua TrT i?. in. iii?,| dare, the mine should be care f' lini.-i.-M l.v s<nii- tros:worthv and i-iiiiins. ^ ' ? x:-eri, one eapalde of delermtinng as curately ta*- hstare of t'>e deposit, and of answering tb# BjaMiaasl wtm-b pasjagaal themaeUes in the outsa>r mm ; vi stigation of its value, viz.. what arc the ?Jo:;n itv. irial t? and as'Cewsibitiiy of tbeore T The ?*sa*!', . f ., -, . ^ .t can be easily tu< a-areii, aud ?' " ?-*< ' ? r"?s determined l.v uiil -iu-.h. f :r *?e. yields, or ear. ful sampling. The iniueralogi *?I . a, acter of tin- ore, ?ha.ii a competent ? Xpert JsSa * at ;:ght, determimv. us aeiapf atioii to thai or that i ot i:r>iiiieiit. I hr water suppl, ,th;- coot of fuel. Us? 'i ... ? , aim ssbor, of in ning, miiliugor ?""?hing the ore per ton, may all be ascertained w"' ?- .eat facility ami ctiitainty as the data lor esTisist?? in tb?construction ol buildiu???r bridges * railtosds. Asa geuaraJ rale. Um net value of the ??that may be seen and measured iu a mine is ail that can be paid far wtsat abintsrls safety, and aaaaa at the very baat mioeaiu the country ha^e been Joiebused on this basis. Itiulug opeiations sr. n. eesaaniy expeuaive, stacs they nmat gsuerally be ???duetoa in out-of-the-way place? by ageuu. aud beyond the ihiaiss?slii supsj vision ui the ?w?. r* A Urge margin is ihstmiore reyuir?d to make turning iafeauiuuiu aalei but wuau ? mim? ha* been so far opened n? to fairly determine the character of tbe deposit, a considerable amount of ore of Inir quality lias been exposed to view, and Ihe aet value of this only ia ? ???'d for. the chances of lue? lie altogether in the iiinnsgvmc-it, and the chaac s of gain in the prom ? v ol fh." |? r-;s.( .if t!iP o;r deposit Iii volume | ami n. utit-s* ?i y.'ivd what ( an ?*? teen. A " prco j pei '" is noi a mine, aud yet it offVu lias a couiuer i rial value and may he t'..c ol- < ? t ? I !? ?d utiaic in J vestment. It may be said that no bosmcss ia free from risk, ami every purchase, is made <>n a probability of piant: so a miueug prep-rty 0:1 ?loch !it'l ? d. vt l ament h.'.short made,but which to the expei leiu eil eye gives at; promise of 1 value, auy be a luveataaent 1< r one who baa >???? ?? > -bat :??? ??. p legitimately risk ; but no one >? ??'?' .??>! o<i a proti.duiitx. however iiMUiev that 1? beld iu trust, or is ind.speii.sable to him sun! Ins f.imily, and therefore that he cannot afford to lose. Ilrcae remarks are mode to correct, a tlteory, en? twarnest by many good business nun. thut the cause of the numerous failures in the mining enter- j prices that wcr.> organized in the in in inc fever of l*-?;."i to 1*70 was hi gcrmnil the fault of the mines and not ef the miners, aud that mining enterprise* ???>? le-ees 1 speculative and extra hazardous. As we ?hall see in tracing further the. history ol wining at the West, abundant experience has proved that there is a ncht way and u wrong way to conduct mining, and that when rightly con? ducted it is as safe and remuneralive as any other business. j Tb-t failure of so many mining companies, be tween l$o7 and 1870. brought this busiucss into sncli disrepnte that to propose a mining scheme to any capital fed waa to expose one's self to insult The bonanzas in the upper levels of the Comstock mines had now been worked out; tbe White Ptue excite meut. which bad la a few mouths brought forty thousand people together around Treasure Hill, had die*' away with the exhaustion of the peculiar and I superficial de**oaita of ore found there; the Poor man lode, thut at one tinw sent from its bonanza seventeen tons of ruby silver to be exhibited ty buildings, had dwindled to its normal proportions of a rich but very narrow vein, and a let -led ea'.t.i had a?1 tried down over Lander's Bill, Austin ami B'dmont. Finally came Black Friday, the panic of 1^7:1, and tbe hard times which fol? lowed, during which business of all kinds stagnated and the Interest In mines seemed to be dead. It was not so. however, for the quartz mines and hydraulic works ot California, managed by men who were well 1 trained and understood their business, continued j to be actively prosecuted and to make a solid con? tribution of s^O.OOO.lMH) per year iu gold to the wealth of this State. So In Colorado, tbe Odpin County cold fields continued to yield their $2.00?.OOO a year, and the silver mines of George? town. Col., of Eureka, Nev., and of the Little Cottonwood, Clah, kept up some mining excite? ment. Tut* was. however, mostly confined to the Pacific Coast?that is the region west of the Great Plains. In the Fast the mining lever had com? pletely died out. In 1*71 the great bonanza of the California and Consolidated Virginia was struck on the L'omatock. Skilfully manipulated by the gamblers who con? trolled it. the atoek of these companies rose from $3 I to over $200 per share. This produced in San Francisco the wildest excitement, and cansed stock gambling, which had before lieen general, to be I 00111 e almost universal. It Invaded all ranks of I ,.,.( ?servant-git Is in families, waiters in hotels, all were dabbling In stocks, nnd ladies met. j not as formerly, to gossip and drink tea, hut to enltlvnte and indulgo a far more pernicious j taste. Few business men, however disciplined am! I I self-controlled, enidd resist the temptation to " Iraki a flyer" In uimifce storks, and the effect was todis honor industry and economy, the life-blood nnd I breath of hea'lhy business, to debauch fhe entire I community and undermine the most solid and sacred interests of the State. So strong and wuie- I spread had this method of garohhug become that I was recently told hy a prominent banker at the West, tliat scarcely a day passed that he did not receive r? m ttaneee of ti e bard earnlnarsof fhe miners in some distant camp to la* Invested in oueor another of the I popular arocks; aud that, stranger still, the petty savings of the convicts in the Penitentiary were I not unfrequentlv sent tiim for this purpose! A dis? tinguished Senator, who ia supposed to have real- I ised a fortnne from his mining operations, when in- j formed last Spring that a considerable mining ex- I citemeiit nrevfiled in the Eastern States, said to bis informant t "There la nothing I aal! excite? ment there vet; whea von find tbe waiters and chnmbemiu'ds ard lKHdblsrks dealing in mining stocks, then von may thing you have a real mining excitement"; a stage of civtlieatmu which ail good citizens will join me In prsylng may never be reached here. But In the face of all the disappointments of former years, the interest in our mines has steadily increased, and last Winter oaosed the Investment in Western mines of much of tbe capital that had I so long remained nnerrployed at the East. Then those who con Id here find no betrer use for their money than to buy four per cent bonds with If, were ready to purchase good nines sa Inreatmenfs. liiere was no excitement, hut a reaaenable amount of legitimate, interest. Within a few months si' this has changed; business has revived, money is in demand, avenues are opening on even side for the employment of capital, and those who have large sums at command are incline! to invest nearer home ; and yet tbe transactions in I mining "hares have immensely increased. Now al most" every one has bought or thinks of bnyinga few shares in this or that mining scheme. This is generally done in a pure spirit of speculation, and I the increase of this tendency to gamble iu mining stocks is to injure not only the best interests of the cotniunnity at large, but those of every substan? tial and legitimate mining enterprise. The taste for I speculation is becoming so strong that it is no longer delicate and discriminating, henci a bubble and a swindle, if it is bolstered up w ith stro:ig report am! false promises, stands on an equal footing with the most solid and intrinsically meritorious enter priae. For this speculative spirit there is only one certain eure, snd that is adversity. Disappoint n,ent and reaction are sure to succeed credulity and 1 folly, and here, as in other cases, the good mnat I si:M-t with the bad. It ia probable mat preaching will do little toward stopping the evil, but it is manifest that the hi-at interests of all honor ' able, well placed mining coini>auies. snd, indeed, of I all commerce and industry, are oppoaed to such J has' v and careless) investments an are now being dailv made in this market. No good bnsinesa man will place hia money in the hands of strangers, or of those whom be knows or snspects to lie raarala; hut if h*? buys a fractional interest in anv proiasrty. and thus loses the control of his capital, he will be care? ful to see that it is in the hands of those who, he is aafislied. have the honestv and ability Uiuseit well. We niuv therefore expect that as a consequence of ii 11 wise investments manr of our citizens will lose the r mom-y, and a reaction sill take place which will uiore or less seriously affect all mining enter? prises But there is, on the other hand, good reason to believe that this reaction will not be so gen? eral as tb<?c which followed former mm lirtrexcitementa, and that It will not result in dis? crediting any of those mining companies which are doing a safe and legitimate business. The number of such companies ha* largely imieaeed within the last ten years, and a better-in termed class of capitalists are now investing in mines?men who ?. i.i t.> tin r in vestment- with some portion of tii?- a-nirhfnl care thst has given thetn snoeeaa 111 other things, and who will retain something of the dornstv ? hieb has ?nveii them fhe credit they en j. .. I'lieie ar mining companies now before the public erhielt have paid Iben du Mend* regularly month after month,_u some cases for years, and the dividemls have beeu a fair tutetest 011 the in? vestments made. These companies aud others that ure i-eiug organised on the same general plan, that w to make the divi? dends estabi' h the reputation and vslue of their stock, are destined to give cur ructer to mining enterprises ia tbe United States; a id when the ebb title shall sweep away the trail structures ot the swindle* uud the pure speculations. Uiear perms - ueaoe will gite tieiu a prestige ami prosperity that will tss independent of all mining chills and fevers. t 0111 tin 1 isons ai pro\eihi.dlt odious, and 1 shall not make them hete : Ion in :in- a:!n lea which are to follow, where ????< ml mines and mining latriei* are describeo, honor will lie giveu where honoris due. ____________ " Curl Maria vou Wobei! ? said an opera goar ihe other u.git.. "I Aappose !??? was ehi .sleueii ait** his in... bei W list i. curious thing I" '? Km nl sll," replied a friend; "suielv he could m areelv Ustve bsca chxuiteued bttoic bis utotuer."?{k'uuny ifuik*. THK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS holiday ha1tixkh.s ox evert !i\x1>. TttK ri.KAvirnrn or tint gkxat FMmraa fn joyfd bt astk h-aiiom?mi-a*? f ri-nr: h. i\ miihts am. mo?s>- :n,: aa?>ki.: - ii . aa* Tld\-,ryj?TTYAL AT THK Wlfao.X MMR The iweather ltd not prevent an iir>nv??e bo. lOay und* yesterday, broad wav. Sixth-eve., (ri;.inl-,t. und ethci gr< at retitn? of retail ?hon? rn th? East and Went Sides were filled with ton? of thousand* of seekers for ChnstjBui gifts. The scenes riming the day and i veiling were very carious and interening. At tho Stink Exchange Ute brokers Lad a bvely cele? bration. The YYilaou Mission made its children happy with a Christmas tree. Notes of the prepara lions for the holiday in Brooklyn are given here uith. utelt bcesbs ix limn and stores. TlfF. SIHF.WAI.KS rHI.'d.Vt.Ell WITH K vofr sk'kcrs i <i: llotiDAY ei: i?( mines sM.nrs axu ix ctnrxTs?THm immf.nsb att'LTiTrik of bi tkbs m tbf fast si uk. There are so::;,- features of New-York street l.'fe that are broogut luto special pruniincnee fluxing the t'hrtstmas shopping. For several seeks before that scsaou or giving, the store windows take as an appear of i-u-geouj ill-play that exceeds anything that Is offered at other times of tho year. And with each year new saasbaaatSSW aud designa are Invented lor the pur? pose of attracting customers to look, aud then to boy. Tbe crowds that are seen in the popular mopping dis? tricts at tills time, n.ivlng spent the Urn few weeks la s.-etng wh it tl.ere U for sale?sod ilurlng this " thop plag," ss it Is imtletl. the storekeepers ilo not expect to niak? their largest suit s?start out In ?hrlstmxs werk to buy. They throng such streets as Fourteenth-it.. Broad? way and Sixth ace , on the Weat Side, anil Grand-et, and others on the Fast Side, and are Id sueb numbers that It Is diflleiilt to walk on the eldewslk*. With the street* lu such condition as they were In yes? terday tbe crowding m even worse tban !n dry weather. Although tliere bad been efforts to clean the principal street*, wbleu were iu.-u-krd by evident Improvement m tbelr condition, yet there wts still much mud and melting snow lying In the gut? ters ami at the sides of the st.-cets. making them luipasBdUle except at corners. Some of the people stopped frequently to look lato tb? itors wtudows. while otheraimpeded the moving multitude bv dickering* with tbe curbstone pedlers. ?r tnesc there were yes tsrdsy the lousl number snd ths usual variety, espe elallyaloiu Fourtrt-n'h-st. and 81 xtu-sre., where they stood in s nearly counnuousliue. 'r(.-re were dealers in I children's toys. Japanese chiua-weru and lacquer-work, fancy grsases for decorating tuantol-shet ves, picture frames, soups, perfumery, laces and nockct-ooolm t mar? vellous m?trui:ieiits that " cmver* rhe human voice into i ssriodioas instrnviental music and even useful sr ticies were not wanting, such a cement, to the dnrn billtr of which no advertisement has ever done Justice. I As the day advanced, tba argument was used?-always eons-deiedfotcnt with the barer?that there were "only a few more le't." This, however, could not be said of a whole wagon load of etiostuuts thut stood at a corner. I which suggested an industry in picking them up fram , tbe ground it made one's back ache to contemplate. The cries of the renders, the shouting of drivers and I the tinkling of the c ir-lielln, .vmluned to sank* a Dabei ! of the <-rowdid streets, and at xrry abort intervals the roar of the train* on the elevated road was added. Inside the stores ail wss Ills snd bustle. To ohtalu s piare at a count r was often a mai I ter ?lavolvtng not only mucu time and patience, but much physical effort as wi '.. There was tho busi? ness-like matron who ploughed her w.iy through the lndlcnaut tbronr; the porr.y ?>id gentlcmm who was dragged hither and ihltber br the young rin who knew wbsi she wanted. If h- dl . not; tbe young man who liao .neppe? in on bis way up town, and the older man wtioso long list ana woirted look indicated plainly ibat he hail been sent; the young girl whose com? panion was a friend who did not aiind net tig troubled, or n brother who dirt; the ahshbey dressed, forlorn-looking woman with a child, whose only plessure was to lodk at the pi :? ?.. BffS : ? I "; b*J .' ? gj ;.??* ol snopp. r?. Tbc force of Cierks had heeu every where luerrased for the holidays, and they stood at every point along the counters. The sharp taps on the counter and the cry of "t'aah!" were neard^above all the noise made by the crowds of visitors. However attentive, these girls?as must of them were?seemed wearied and lUticsa with constant standing snd con? tinual questioning. One of them ssid tn the hearing of a reporter. " I hsve told tbe price of thst writing-desk no less than forty-three times already." hut gay a- 1 scenes were during ihs day-time, tbe arrival of right added tornancy. The windows wen llgbtel. and Uumtiiaied the street. tia*-Jets ?si:h 'Merry Chrtstuss" snd other mottes appropriate to the time :rre easily read from a distance, while in some stores- the staring white blase of the electric light produced a daxxling effect, which was made weird by occasional flicker'ng. Locomo? tion iui-;..i Wmne uncertain and exasperating;, for the c.eaaest of the streets were not free from deep water in the gutters and at tue corners where the sew? ers were choked up, and It was no easy thing to avoid the puddles unices the direct reflection of s light re? vealed them. The lielatcd shopper now appeared, and eager!) nought without stopping to look further. The * lores ware kept open until far into the night.snd the last iHiyers only alaapneured when they were Anally closed. The superintendent of one of tbe many large baxmr* wt.ere cveryunug is sold undsr one root, from s soup plate ta a toothpick, from kid hoots to tue topmost eather for tue bat, told a Tribubb reporter that las present ee.son Had b-eu anui.u ualiy-uocnasfuiore. uud that even enlarged accommo laitona failed to pro viur far he increased number Unit Halted the store. He sa.d tnai this was also tbe leal lino ny of others In tbe same OUSinees. Toe rain that began to fall about 9 o'clock seemed to hav>- utile effect upon the buyers, woo had been pre pared, lu view of the throaiatalug character of i in- dar, with umbrellas. Many deserted the atreeia for the -tores, snd completed their purcaases where they hapi>ened to be; but large num? bers remained out undaunted, and went from place to piaos. The curbstone meronants, however, succumbed to the drizzling rain, all except oue man whuss stock ooiiniHied of a metal article w.ilch tbe rain could not damage. The varle.1 eTcHil.-ucles of this for tai.uscuo.d use could not a.l be heard if oue old not sto? hut paused .atsurety by. although this single reached far down the street. A GLaNCK AT thk grkat T. 1ST BIDK. On the East Sale, from the Bowery to the Kast River, esiiecialiy lu Oraud si. sad the neighboring atreeu. tbe scene was oue of universal animation ami buslilug activity; aud If It lacked the more refined and fashionable features of the West Side, It certainly did not yield to Ii iu point of numbers and liveliness. In spite of the rain and slush and ad lu melancholy sccompsnimsnts?the liupedi meats to travel and the numerous obstacles which be? numbed the pedestrian energies of the crowd?tue streets were ss den*eiy thronged, and the stores were as cheertul snd bright s? in the Untat, crist>e?t weathe- of previous years. From an early Dour tUte neighborhood was thronged with pur? chasers, aud Ute number steaoily increased as the day wore un, wbeu at 3 o'clock on* might almost have reasonably Imagined, on beholding the immense aaaem biage around him, that toe entire population of the qusrter had to/ued out In honor of tho dir. (irand-st. was, of course, the central snd culminating point of attraction. The Whole atrest was lined with stalls, laden with all kinds of articles, and doing a very thriving trade. Among tbe ?maller stores were two thst presented au unusually gay and festive appearauue. Tbeae were a sbop for the aale of dobs and toys, snd s Frencn pastry eook*s plaee, which giltU'red wiiu an unusually bright sud tempting display. In the great diy-gouds stores the crowd wa> dense all day. Every d. .?artm.-ut was thronged, este.lal i nie centre -t.iud-., which were .-,.r,ii deviled to holldar artlclos, many of a most Dovel and beautiful description. " Has ihe weather bad any diminlahlng effect upon the business of iho last few dsys t" Inquired ths reporter of s ui-mber of one of ihe l.-ading Arms. ?? N .i m toe least." wss the reply, "from morning till evening tbe store has been crowded, and we hsve been fsr busier to? day than ou sii> previous (,'nr.stuiss Eve." Vei crowded as this great bouae was, Its hosts ware . quailed, if do; surpass- d, by ttio-e which surged lu and out of another immense Orsnu-st. bazaar. The must at? tractive feature of this establishment, at Irast In the ei es of II"- little folks, was trie toy department in the base tueut. to Vilich v alters wereoi.rdiuih luriled by Hanoi Plaua hinisell, a no ?toirtl in ihe middle of lue room, holdmg In his iirtna a itgbted tres, aud looking tne very nieiuie u' a-iie.vulencM and glee. l>awn be ow ?in the fairy land" beiow, as It wa* pleasantly tleaignated on the placards? was one of the largest collections of toys that ever greeted and delighted ohilurei \ . \. s llo-i- ?lU> a.most ereil rouceirahts article lu existence to Sill li? and Miuil little hoy- and girta. It a t.iouaand children had tx-ou wal'lng. each oor to i? a. rVeil Ulla U Ul?rl. Ill a: , c.i . ih. v w..UId have been imtoediat. lv gr..ritleit. flach Doy would have 1 und hu soeolal nobiiy atid di-ngtu. Tuetss never waa auch a pUee for boy*. Of drtlina and rifle, and other warlike parapherualla tie i must have been enough Ui Block S good kU ?I ST vtf Tie array of dolls was poainvelr brwiidenug. There w,-ra whole neaps of them together in a atate of nude and aitleaa aimplirity ; and on tae second floor aoove were otuei*?ol more reftued mil gent er pareiitasra?art a) ?Mi in Uiu issest styles ol fashion, sad., eager lu their nsarts to oe Ixaoafetrnd lo richer quarteta. At utght the sceacs ou tbe East Side were evea mure rnrtnii ? ?ml in'rroirriiie thnn in the dev. Electric lights on ir:,ii?r<e (irand-ai. bunding* irradiated the whole .....d. iitrqwng evervtbuic la-neeta them Into tv-ld ami afcinlre pi..miMi ,n ?? ?< in t'..c t,i >r?f noon. I r-"? A "l 'T lulit wm a immim to ika atmvl>r vaar , drr? hi .I .rail e* mrs. who. In > oneeiiurnee of the aright ? * ? ?-. .11 > rii. *(!..iud ib>- frteii.llr light from tbe store*, dikpeu?, <t r. Ith burner* a* a nar.iaaa and exfuira.-siit luxury, and rxfHtmrA taeir -rar-'? I lo tresw-r advaofnge than daring to* dav. I Thnr last d.iii!t,ish ng stork afforded r*"***"~r ? ? "' i ? " d day'* aaln, although they aever ? i. ...?n.-d iu ener-rr. bat bawled out luatey to tue la*:, em- 'ii'uged I v tii" getieroo.* attitude, of toe crowd. Tbl? ?teil system of ?tr~t rend n*. whlcti has become ?o proni'ucot a feature nl tlie qii.ii .nr. deserve* more no tire thnn has been geiicrrillv arenrd'-d to It The ?tails are by no menus the affairs popolar,y aapsoseri. nor s,c t:r contents at all conteanpttbip or uuaorthr of ctMn.deraUou. Mnyef the ariielea they expo* display a skill aod Ihorouahuesa of w'Ttaiaaaaip that are wnr.T.y or the best class of purchaser*. Among the urticp* wl ill were selling frtetv yeaierdav were imitation caral iMcklarea. made of ceiliilcld. and really arthete and pretty in their way ; Itr; le w.waxen tea set* and fttr ul'uri' und r..i n lim.n.ui. l.,\ *. tnnM of Vruich ui c mad. by tna venders themselves l'be ?tat ?und timtr uiraem nunv of whom are women?present a novel aad striktnr feature of this nan of fin city j and 0*1 oeraeltitis like last evening, when lit np wilt; c-.ndles and glittering with oranges and tfegri bread, si ringed pop-roru and colored Claasware, they seem really dazzling to the oeeupants ef the tenemeut'bouses and p. i.i .Us' le s of M w-York. Tbey uiusl have made large *.ii..? tar night, for ta.y were pat-" ??muz .1 i>r great crowds, Soeue ef the I upmest ST'?ups In that quarter of the cltv seemed to be con*rc gated rnuaii them. Contentment atid holiday pleaenre were n fleeted in everybody's countenance. The seder wan elnd to part wltb his goods, and ? ? ?. r - n equallr clad lo receive them. Each in a incascre had conti lhitted fi the enjoyment and comfort of tue other, anJthi -a u'aud good v,111. THE BROKERS' IVoLIC. A LIVELY TIMF. ON TUP. SIOCK EXCI1AN1JE?A.XXUAI. rELt-nniTiox or mi? day ukfork chiiistmas. Tht Stock Ext haute was prettily trimmed yesterday witu long festoons of "rdur snd evergreen and with wreaths o* mistletoe. Prom the windows and the trss-lamps on tbc aide, walls were bung smalt Ameri? can flairs, wnlle the pillars which support the visitors' gallery were trimmed with gn> u. The tall chandeliers ou each sldn of the rostrum were trimmt 1 also wub green, und ou the tiack ol the Preaident's eha'r was a lurge greeo star. Under this oung no a whre black around the Untre of a eat. the color of which nvilled thai of tle> animal mado famous by Pa) (irutcaque beads surmounted the pillars of the aUud ing each sUe of tbu desk. wL.1l In front of Mai dat -'led the flgurn of n clown, life-siae. In the gailrn raised pla.forms bad been built for the accommodiition of ?pecumrs. The mllery was tilled with frtend? of the brokers, wboss fair faces glowed with excitement as tbey looted apoe the curious antics on the floor below. The cel, braiion of the Christmas Jubilee is as old as the Exchange Itself. In past years tbu frolic has been alliier, but it lost y stiMay noue of its interest. After the first call was finished, about 11 o'clock, the nproar began, aud roran nour continued without intermtseiun. A process! in of masked brokers, headed by Orafulla's Ttb Regiment Hand enteret the rooai arm in arm. Every specie* of animal waa represented on the floor. The band took possess on of the rostrum, snd after a galop the Stock Exchange Glee Club sang America, In wbteh It was ?* as- ??ed " by all present. It then satig an original rung, entitled " Move Tour Family West." which bad a lively eborua. The ? points" were gre.-ted with mnch l?ngster and applause. Is.n't r .n fear to trr y. nr luck. 1 if pen see|. I- uc. Tor sum* ?? t hap ??v? iher're grain; np. Au.l f in know tc s nrw-r wioug. Co %el1 some Flrle short. If item y y>n wua -1 ruafee. Ane when li .Iron* a ihiI'i or two Whr flier. \ > nr rtot.t tana. I'on't viu sell P irlflr. tfnn ch. rur i rr, to'.I It's pone to n*e. Ami as ?iHirtsm-n. vou are wall awar* A pointer never lies. If ron'rl bare* brawn atSM .'rout, Aa.l a i*n "em on fhs I I Win jast a .rlac yair friends to buy, I I,?o >|u'eilr unload. Afterward J Wiiyn* Davis and Thomas B. Adam* il.iticed. in friendly romp-r'tion, a aatlors' bomptpe Round alter round of applause was the reward given these rtvala, between whom no distinction poasinlc. Each was prom uuceil without a peer. The daiu '.n was followed by a coratiaf in which ir fl.ited hlail.ler? were the only weapon*. The fl >or wa* cleared at ia?r by a platoon of Imaginary po.icemen, ciimmuinlcl by W. E. Tunis, wdo imi?ersonated Captain Will? iams. They were armed with aaussge-uke blad? ders with which ther clubbed the rctreat'n* crowd with Indulte seat. Alter ? quadrille, the Glee Club aang finely a champagne song, of wulcb me refrain, " Billow* of Bright Cbaanpegne,** was greeted with frantic cries o " go on." Bhortlt afterward there floated down from the srebed ceiling the life-eise flgure of a woman, dressed with all the magnificence of a bal? let-dancer and ethereal as air. The performance cl ined with the singing, In lull flboru*. of " Home, Hweet Home." The broker*, however, did Dot seek their ii. ? i With the bnsw, l*iirt tig. they marched nnt Info Hi os.l-st. and into Deimomoo'a. A* tbey riled through that rosurt Uno were weu-omrd by John If. Longhl. the Superintendent of the Brnad-st hous", whose rare b.ia Issen familiar on the street tor forty-*lx years. Prom a blab stool at the end of the coanier be waved a cordial welcome. Toe procession appeared to fitde sway here, although It is believed tue baud finally emerged from the New-el. door. Traces of the fun wer? visible now ami then during the rest of the dar. A* the closing hour approached members ou the floor of the Exchang* were ben' on every one l>elng uncovered. As the gong sonndeO the close of business tbe air seemed tilled with aspiring hat*. The Exchange will not be op.-ned until 11 a. m. on the days foiiowlng Chri-.mus and New-Year's. ( Hi; I.^ IM AS IN BROOKLYN 8KBVICKS ix THE CHL RCHES? AMU8CMENTS?CTIAtl rTABLK I'KKP MtAri .NS. Christmas in Brooklyn will be ushered in by the rlngtaa of bells. Tue turmoil of trace will oeasc for a brief Interval, ami to the city and Government build? ings the holiday character of the day will be noted. At churches of many denominaUons especial musics) and religious ncrvleee wUl be attended by tbe usual throngs. At 8 a. m. the chimes of St. Ann's on Lho fleigut* win rlngont Cbrtatmas oaroU. Iu the church at 11 o'clock music will be performed and Dr. Bcueuck will preach. At St. Mary'a Churob a choir of thirty-atx male voices will render a ebolce programme. Tbe soprano, Misa Mitchell, and nihur members of the choir at the Church of the Messiah, will render musle from Ootinod. Hsodei aad Mlllard, among others. I nder tbe direction of Mr Hutchinson at ftt Peter's Church a musi? cal selection in which spoesr the names of Beethoven, Head* Nsotin. Dudley Buck and Handel, will bo snug. At Giaoe Church, the quartet, consisting of Misses Benedict and Merwln and Messrs Wbitfaker and Came? ron, wltb a cboru* of fifteen voices, will sing. The cbotr ot the Church of the Redeemer will be assisted by a quartet of bias* Instrnmenu iu .dditiou to the piatto and organ. In the Roman Catholic rlmrciic musical services for fo-dar are announced. In ad T.ion to tbe programme of St. Stephen'*, published in Tut Teibi xe jeeterday. at the Churches of n. p?ter. Ch tries Birr .meo and of ihe Nativity very excellent mn-ie may be heard. A special musical service anil a sermon by the Sa-ior have bceu arranged for In the Twelfth RSeal ^formett Church. At tbe Church of Qaja Sivimir (Uui tariau) a sermon wUl be presetted by the Rev. Dr. Put man, tbo pastor precedisl he a mnsical service. At a oamoer of Metbtuluit Episcopal churches services will t>e held this evening, kluaie will be rendered in the Eaat Congregational Church at both morning and even? ing services. A large number of Siiinlsv schools will have Christmas tree* to-day. At the Rink. Dr. Fu.'ion wtli speak In tbe evening of Christmas Day. A satkM rt wll Lks given this evening at tbe Br ?iklyu Tsb.-i us. where Rossin '? Mater will be sung: Mile. Alwine Valletta, Muta Annie L int*.- t'arv. and Sutnori Campauinl and O.ilaaai and Herr Behrens will take part. At tbe Academy of Mn?lr and the theatrea exrra matinees are promised, and the tiirons: of pleasure seekers to-Light la expected lo lie very Urge. In tbe charitable and penal tnslltutlous Christina* dinners will i.e served to all the Inmatea. Exercinea will be given by the boys at the Newsbors' Rome, in P.'Plar-st. Shopping for Christmas gifts waa continued up to a late hour lust evening, and poor was the home In which no remembrance of the day appeared. FESTIVAL AT THE WILSON MISSION. The ladies interested in the work of the Wilson Misstnu. wbo are good nngels to buud*ed* of the poorcoildrcn of that populous neighborhood surround? ing Tompklns Square, made the children of the school happy yeaterduy afternoon with a Chriatmas tree. No single Christmas tree which waa ever tailed In the woods and carried into a boose, could aloue have held the gifts prov.iled for the school, comprising, as thev did, not only a great number of dolls, package* of eandy, knick-knacks in which ebildren delight. Put a generous lot ot articles of practical ase. Tables were a. curlingly uti.ized to supplement tbe tree. Tbe celebration was accompanied woh exercUes usual on such oc-aooin?, ami it wsut off to ttte unbounded Uellght ot tbe large com|i.iiiy of children, aud the gieat satis? faction of those who take pleasure in the happiness tbey confer on others. Mll'Slum ft HKPOBT. GO v^ UN MEN I BsNGAJn >\-v M}/nop*i? for Ihr (Kut 11 Souca. \Vasiiix?;tox. Dee. 25, 1 a. m.-Au area of lowest pressure has moved northeastward beyoud our ststUius, and rasing harotneU r generally prevails east of the Rocky Mountains, the pressure being highest in tin Missouri Valley. Cooler northerly wim'j prevail over,, tue Lake region, the Northwest and tbe Houthweat Teum s*ee and tbe Ohio Vs ley. Increasing to gales on tbe Gulf I '*, arid accompuMted by raun or sleet in the two laat section*. War ner soiithweat winds pri vail ihroug iout lbs Atlantic States, with cloudv or rslar weather, .-ice,,! clear on the Soaih Atlsntic Coast. Tne pressure i? terr high, wltb cold weather, at Rseky Mouuiaiu suu PaeiUc Coaat stations. .'n<r traft rm*. rur Middle Atlantic States and New Eughsod. southwest vesring lo auobrr northwest wluds. rising hartirreter, partly elomry weather aa<l oecsslonal It<tit ram sr now. _ IBIBUM LOCAL aWaVaVvfAfMW ^?OI b*: JD.rotraJ ITtffhL Iba*. "~ ' t i ? * ? T Miatirt! I S ? a ? t ?fjrn',!>???>" 1 'V .l-afTail. te? btrMIKHI ?I .l-'l"i"t la thH -?? . -.? -??'h. ? BBaesj ; :,<? *rrr *s* isa ***aa*v* fhfiai ?' ??*?? ?<? < t.- .* ?.<*? ? Bn-"r?m? n utu:?*t Tbrtrr*r<?-?*>U Ma* i>i mU tkm liuMlli? Willeme- .r> ij..r? l.'.n? hont. Ta* N*t?a mt muU'4 H? rmttmmmg Bf* ??natlan* la t??llHir?, ** iaal:*ta? ?f im taai . SSnBBS ?'. Hm i aut-? raanaaa i^s-khi?,. fBrarxr. omn, Der 2?. l a.m.?After the rapid fi l; yrsti n!yy tnimtinz the m..vrtr.ent Id tbe bsrr.meter wxs Irr^rtilar. the gdneral teuJ-ncy boinr downward, t'l.-.i.iv weather yrevellrd. with oeca?lonsi m?na. The teirpcrature ranged between 3H3 aud 4P, the tv. ri|f CJsV | rannt lyi^ hlru-r limn on tae saue dar lai: y.-ar. and 2 V b'.gber'ban on Taeaday The amount ?f itare I tue air Is large. Roudf wi-ato-r, wltn ra:n oranow, followed by coder and elp.irlnir weather, early in the day, may be ei pected la tola city and vtcinifr to-dav. " HOXESTT THE BCTT POLICT."?Coimti V practitioner (arrprlacsl ar tin- visit of a notorlousaju*. k and phi-vender); " Well I What brings yon h in t "' Qua' k (evidently suff ring from disturbed perlst alte action): ?? Well. air. the fact ta, I feel rather queer, and " Country nracrttio'.er; "Then why don't you take one of yi.ur ' Pe in? of I! ? ilth I'" Quack i ?'Tust* Juxt It. mir I 1 think I've ?wa owed one?by nilatakr P? Punch. it id uice when a wife trivet her husband a box of ciyai ? on lit* birth.lay. nut I* somehow takes rn#> rooianre -hi out of Ir when sh* qnletlv sbaerves nex" morning. " You'll have to sits me some money to pay for those etcar*; I spent all mine for other thlngs." | Boston Tiaui ript. latest snip yzirs. rnp.r ill' NEW VOIIK ARRIVED DEO. 24. "tr Rio?irainie, IVuniugton, Uafveston 6 Car* via Kay West :?. r It it.'l..f. * c.i < iv >t v Sana, -trvena, Naa*ao Deo 13, v.s FeraanrtDm. to Charm* H ilalmry m Co. rOKEI JN P >BTa. Qt csxsTOws. Dec 34.?Sailed, su Celtic tor Xsw-Tark. Catlrara Ueno sie? Ifsve achieved the mnat noted anreeaa ot sny msrtteina* of nosteru times Tliry < oust*, it Cutlrura. tbe great skin cuss. ( .itlcuin Resolvent, a powerful blood purifier, ami i iitinirs >??!>. lfie inest sooUnug, healing, and relrtshiug befurs to* public _ MAHKIK?. i OLCORD-BLfXX-On Tuesday evening, Dscsmbsr 28. St tl e r silence of the bride's parents, 102 Ws*4 4id-*t.. bv Rev '" RPnn. aa?l*trd bv the Rev. Wllllaio M. Taylor I). p.. and the Rev. William Xaat, D D., ths Rev Faninel < o.' .'hi ti. :.;!s? Al eea .. dsoghter of the Rev. C U.ius. ?CHI \ 'irTf TOt aTf*TTrtT tta rueaoay evening, Iiecem. bar 2.1. in the Prvelivtenan Chur. h. at >ew Prorldeac*. m, J. i>v llie He" I) M. -ewar t . saatateC UV the K'^ . i ?Hl ajrara,Krw4s H. BTsakajIsr. mi m manne, v. i .to Beiiej.. daughie' ui DaalBl K. au<t Mary i Vatealloe. mi :>ew I*ruv :dtiii e V J. DIED. n\r ON- At Sing Hing, PecemHer 23. In Ihm 74th year of his ng ?, I'Siiiet P. Bai., formerh of 'hi* city. FBm rss Bf kai ate residence ou Kikisv imirainc, 26ih last. at'?i wk. < .ii ! . ?tu meet rhe7 a m. train from New-Yorx. lcn niient at lireeuwooil. BK s .NETT?aoddeoly, st t-uPt Orange. December "S, Fauna J.. wit- oi '-iiluev it. Reunett. in Ui? 30th rrxr o. I.< r age. Funeral Fn lav , Iiecemher 311. St 2 ?0 p. iu. Train ? leave foul ut Barclay anil Chnsu pher als st I in. Ii.\ YHO< K-In Brooklyn, 2lld u?:., ll.niy It. liayduck.ln me ''!>l yrnr of tits age. BslBBvss SBd frteuwB are m-iol lo atteu.t Ina tuneral tro?i his tai" r-ai leu. i, .No. 2oT 'dl. !.. souih lirooklya en alxih Pay. the 2i'thm*.' st - B*SSM k p. at. KIIMI-K -'in Tneedsy morning. Di-eemliet 28. of canrsr, r meltws, wlf" "t David Kilmer, in her TSdyear. Kriativea sun tnends "f i lie taaitiv are inched to attea t the ? il from lioee Hill 4 K. ?' i.ireh. 47th *t.. between S<1 SBS :?d avea? Kili1.?v December 2S, st tOiSOo'clock. B K^ HOMO- "n H ???iiismis?. Deeemoer 34, at ins -is resl. '.. sal BM mtm Asahei luymono, in the 70th rear ?t als sure. V.t.c.e r.iuersl hereartar II riOBABrT?\t-unimlt. X. J.. Decsmbsr 32. 1S7?. Ws'tsr II irVaft, infant son of Joan Elliot sad Carolins Iioas Her geaut aged .'? inni.iba STKPUK.Ns- At Mount Hops. N.J., Tiasltv. December 33 1870, P.u hard -tenheni, formerlr of Devonaltlre. Eus'aad. in the 40th vstr ot 'ilaags. raasial services will bs held st 'us late real denes, BfoaaG nope N J. on Frlosy BWratag. Iiithiasi.. st 11 ir-cio-x 8TfLs>?Ob Wmmumtft i ? .t. T. Eawtu Sbls*,ix the i7th vear of a * age. Funeral fro u hi* late reantsnc. at Dsrlem. Frtdsy. Detern her 2tl, luat.. Hit a STI ART-At his late resilience, on Tuesday morning, D* cember 371. last.. Alsxauder -'uart. Frlenoa are I iftasi Is attend the funeral semees at the fifth Avenue Praabrrerlao Charrh. corner SAthar . on Pti dav looming. Deer m bar So. at 10 o clock, tils resaealed that no flower* be seat Ta V i- 1. Dec. nito-r 24. of bronchl?a, Lsmont infant son of Alexander, jr , sad Tannle Taylor. Puacia. ilu .stiuas Dar. 1 s o oca, from tbe residence of nil psrsuta lH west mm st. Oufcuil Wouee?. 43oa riirarea. DEBIOX A-X? riXISII KXCKPTIOXABLY riMfj. whol*.sali- and ketajl. a.R*' It KB a panco AST Jfr"* CO.. H7 Orwena-aC. A ss, 70 a 73 Wuoaier-st.. sbova Brooms at. _Broad way cars pass the door_ Holiday i.ooda 1 WINTER WEAR?SCARFS, nr..-. ..LOVES. SCARLET L'XDER^HlHTa and dkawek-s 0 ka .lt. 1)UCBLE-BRKasTKd MERINO UNDER ISUIKI" 50O. r.ACH. DENTs KID Ol.OVES.B3 20 a TA! IL J. W. JulLNaTol, mb i.kan i'-i'. .n'KW.Ti>RK. AXsfQ W? tTH-AVaT, an POOH ABOVE 23par, Hospital ?ararday AND HomPITaL HV ?day. I-ECEMBKK **7 and 38. 1-179. ?? I. I.fKfS Hv-Pl TAL. PHOTaSTAX T EPISCOPAL. Total anmbei im patleuU treated the past year, l.BIL Av? erage ooet iiertiaueat. 944 "jen. <>v?r So percent ehatity na Heats. Religiuus deuommaUoa ot patieata from tbe o pea lag or the Hospital to St. Lase'a Day, October 19, 1S70 i Total number._.11 i Protesunt Entacopsl. 6,H5;t It. man Catholic. i.744 i'reshytenaa._. 1.31 Lutharss._. BO'i Metnodist._,i i,. 760 Baptist._. 872 Dutch Reform. 155 on. .--?.<?:? ? a..*ta. 91 rulverasiieta. 9? UniianaoB.?. J6 Quakers ._. 23 Prote?tsats of other denointastinns. V5 Proteetanla ..f uo special denomlusUona. 1,3?7 Greek i sUioUus. . .. 4 Hebrews. . . 6fl 1'nkcown. ?78 llo.pilal s?a'iirrf.t and-under Der 27 and M 1M7? METUOt-H OK CONTKIBCTIXO i ; to tnrh thei oiiections st the Cimr. bea osSVN PAY, 2Sth Bkja 'Ihrough the Collection Boxes, which will he found at the lintels. Ferries. Radioed Depot* aud other Public Place*, on SATURDAY, the 7th ast, Hy checks or money sent lo Mr. Charles Lanier, oeueral Treasnrrr. 26 Xaxaan *L or io the following gentlemen, who have nonnested In act as tr?s*urer?. fur llua purpoar, of ihura*pviUveas*?ciaUo:i* they represent: Mr. Samuel D. Rahrock, No. 60 Wallst,, far Ckaabsr of Cum meres. Mr. ?Aiiiivn Alexander smith. 40 Wall ?t. for If ew-York Stock Ex. hange. Mr John U. Karle. 136 Pearl-si., tor New-York Cotton Ex cl.anae. Mr Kdwsrrl Hlnckaa, No. 3 WiUtam at., for New-York Pro? duce ?*ir. char.e* r Elwell, Ko. 67 Soulh ?f., for Xew-York Mart tuue Kxchango. Mr. Henry A. Oakley 60 Wall *C fur Life, lire snil Marius Underwriters. Mr. Charlea M. fry. Bank of New fSS BSW aad Banker*. i - P ef erring to make their gift, t i nartlcnlar boaplial aiay so oeatgaale I hem. Cuui ni.a....... m.t mm Sealg ualed will ins dividedomler au equitable BIBB, b.sed .ii.?n the charity wurk and the needs of each, anioug th - u. ?i iutU nnit lug iu this aiosreuieot. whl. h are a* follows. Mt, Lake's Hosptial. Pre*hvt'n?n li.wpltai. Mr. ?Iral Ho*, pitsl, llermau HoapitMl. Hahn, mann Hospital. Woman'* Ho* pita . urlhope Ic lliwpllal Mauhatt m Eve and Ear H...pilal. Sew- Vork opthalDiu- H.HipitsL New Vork Ky* ami Ear lu rtimary House ?f Re?t t? < on^umpiive*. insiiiut on Ke? llet of Knplured BM I'ltppleil. Si. M*rv** free HuaiHUl for i bllar- ?. Mew-Vork ltihimary for Women and C'hildrsa. Hume fir Incurable*. i ommittee ui make *urh .1 stnl.nlion are aa follow*: Ilia Honor tne Mayor, the Poatra.i ter ?f New Vork. the President ot the < hsuiber of < iiraim r s. and William K. D>*lge, Ir i.eorge II. Andrews Jesae anil Jotui W. Ua.-oer. New V uis. Dec. ML 1979. _ i.KOKOE mai lTLLOi II MILLER, t hslrman Ooaersl comiulttes. urosos fl Baxir. Secretary. Pie-bMer an II .pilnl Ma.lia.ui avr. snd 7oiU For the Tresbn -ut ?f I'nti-nu Vslthoat Rrxaril to Color. Creed or i ooniry Numtesrof patients treated during the j ear ending Dec. 1. 1S7'.I. .- . ... 546 Number Itealed iron of all e'.arge . a?7 Nombei pa ruin In whole or in part the small *um charged bv tu? Huapltsl ... . . IBM Protestants ?1 ?':'.. nominations . 4'Si Hornau t aihoilca. . 1 J? The lle*nltal isentlrelv d pendent for It* aiipitort upon t ie income of ft* endowment* and the cuutnuoliunt. of u.e chari? table. There U now s debt ot ?13.'".00, incurred far current ex. PaaW lines .Metice.- I h-? -. reign mail* foe tue veu end liKStl'l lll'Al U-cemUer 27 IS79. (Ill close at lUla..flics on T1ESDA V. si 11 a m. tot rknws, bv ?leon-tup Wl cm-In, via uueaaatnwa , as WKDNBSHA V. al 11 a m . lor Enrope. Bf atenmaliip Oallla.vl* QussSlssSWa teotTesp .ndnnce f.t Fi .;:.'.- ai'1-.t ?peeiaLj a.Wte* BM M I ' ? . tor ?'.am * oir.-el bv sieaiuslilp Ament|ii?.> la Havre ou 1'HLRS DAY. all* a. l?t Ire'aod bv sieatuaidp ciiy ot Mo^trsaL via Qu*e:islewn iciirreai?.Biteacs fin (ireat Urtta.t. sad ths ' o lliieir u-lal oe speci.dly alMn-asedl . sad si 9 a. U., lor Burope by *team?B.n trims, us l-irmonSu Cuetbourc aud H.imuurgi o? HAl I'K.iAY at 11 a.m., tor Europe, uv ateam. ?bin Oenu .ulc.v a uueensi- wn u "-reaisvudaucr fos issrausiy aad sm as .ami uotat ue specially addressed) . and al 11 asi_ tor Hseilaad dttecl. >>y ? Kl band*, via tlls-gei? aad al 11 a in , tor ? ermary Ac, my sb*mbsMp Baeksr. via south amptoiiauc Bieuieu tn.i laatiaau?oe tor I rest Britaia au.l the i o.itiueai iiu?l to .p.- i iliy ail ill eased.> l*ha mails for Denmark. svM?b B:.o Norway are nispait-eed by liau.Uurg ami ilrsiiien ssaaakSfk SSSJ . ' e e. .. s SM a sum a t.. aul xetiii Paten? Pert* leave Sew-Vers Issr.etnrssa -.Tl IU* malla for II i. il ai d J.uusiealeara New-Vor? iMtceislMr 94. The mail* (or Usliaa. vis New-. >r eac*, satre Mew Yors Deeesib** .1 rhs ni*.ls It davaua l?*ve N.wYork DeCeailMtl 3d aad 27 I'ae malls rot Naasao. N P. ear* ???? ? ..r? De? cember ^7. Ti.a saaiia f'?i Meile., ear* Nnw-Yor* Isscaui^er I hs otaua fot Porto Bat., save Xew-York Deesssuer j7. Tli* mails tor Chins sad leave s*n Frani laos January 17. I'lio malls tor Ausirsfla. die., leave Ssa Erase*.*"i Jaa uary 19 TIP.s I..J4HW. Postmaaier Peat iiSloe. lew Y'ork Dao. SU IS79_ The -oal of Ihe Ne%?- oik Indrusary ' r an.I 1111.PuEX so. a IJvlturatnn-place. Mlurrrxsnt?|uar?, t aat, wilt be open Ui public uispeeUuu ua H irssllel Aaiuiday, u?4uiiMt 17. Hum lo *. a. ut 4 p. as. ?pens. Satire* 4 peso i from the >rw.V?r? rotated MI*?loa ~*e 'earn fi'/ifi ?ve t.ports <#.' our l k> nr? ilm teere ia asvstli na. knowa ??ffenu* siu'iiif Ot? cn''?r?d ?sapl?, ero>*i>*?eii by ?leg nee? and uiabtl'v t > :>r < ???:*. *'.f * ? f?? >h?lf ?..' fri; i.erN.tllt.''.; ? ... f? A MI..I >'. llbj. Ina*. ISA w'ast .tot.. ?:. M r;.,w\K, . ,,. . . ,t, ( 'onaTrc?? W ?Irr .? i .-, tr ?? t <r.?i|-i?! ?o-| ? r w? titfa. eona-scs t* >r? entire ir^e-*iu (r*r.a ev-wetHiaf. cor. ?w. "i ? ???!?.?? ????? .. ? ? toten, -ml lernl? I? fastmy 't- mu.v w ?--oh ?u ni:.; r .! viicr? an oangereu? :r it^at? anar Im kaowu by i.ise.l.. <??"? ( lirlsiniae oi ?t haxva n ?. ?V. af X um ( ?-ir ?i.n .. ?? f- i . .t - H? Mhos'* M ?IM KR AXLEV Je*, sc Iba Ue*. f. T. V.00DRCFF. 1.1 Mm. bstlj Foffi???.. r-.. i,. in Uta ?Mar* Ctaswak fH"'? ?? r A I I > 1. -.i. : Z N ? ? K * Tli?T e?e he?u haseasl tor ?wer M vesrs aa>! ?fW.i ??swiy anal ?artaaa roaet. Hol.1 by aii uruac:?:.. i\~... ..nvm, niii he utad. iV? rT BOOKS ALS i ,\ A'IF EDITIONS. tKr.c'.** lo i?o*? uf IS* test t*ees -aon'M /utiy *le*r*4ti tirrrtntort on f A4 IBSVWI ? ??/?, ?.. UJtt-o P PI T.l.% M*-> ?**?*<?*.. I 1 | .'?ih-ove la Berkshire with the V? iM l'rnrn BT Eutins ?nd Dora Goodal?, an'bor? at 'ApnW Bine* rasa" MuuUi |*??rl?. profusely illustrate!, wlti? dsxigh* by W. HaaiilMsa OUntaa. l'loth. riirr?. aa tuor-tcco. Ov A Dictionary af im? German Teno? I eed la Medicine. By <t*o. 4l Cutter M. Ii. Boraeen of the N V. I ir aid Ear ' earn ry ne. Hvo, cielh sttra, SU A Laary'a MI? la the ?f... kv Mono, ale* B? taaaaafM Biril ? .tti?i of ' l( Mooili.iuibe ?.Im.wv. i Islands." " A Klnr ..f Vi.. ? ' ir...Kn Jupaa." in-laT?. .lunrramrt ?i 71. A rawkei ii..--i .. ......, . tmtr Km?Jt o.r.. . Lv.ap.Msi t>jr y i.. lr-lu.i.1. liiiau. clutb. Tacvaia. I1KNUY HOLT aV CO.. l'IKni 4rt?v?u ifertar fMrliam. ?M?rr; in? 'roni in? f. n 'i n ?n.i r?t?iaU?, KaaatMWM aad HauruMa ?> rluaaa. i rap?uf?ii Ut w.i.uioi K. Aptbnrp. I Jin.i Aruilnjr swim., ?, Tb* yiajylc af Ike Miarfle Agra By Viktor Kydber?. rraa?;aiec mj 4. lt. ixlarm. Uk?jSi ?! t? Prabatiaii. Hy Jeaata rMarfll). L?*?ara Hoar h?rt?a> laoasw_ CTIAHLK? -f'KIRNKK'-A Hiva 743 a?. 11 > Rroaaarar. Tn? < anflirl ?I f'hi'istiaaitT wi.a llratawai.m ii. fr. n?*-..ard t'tilbnrn. '1 rm*i?lj.UMl i.j r^iirta.? K#jb?jrt C. atBaytRt ?nil Ift- K. i J II Ko,.ei. I i ul.. . r?wu nr... BO. Ta? Vivai ( karniri A:? Ii>.ri%n Mauor. By f ord? iti>u?a-''.au a.itbor of ?? iti: a ami Ita Natlv? iaoaa. 1'riinala wl fr .m tn? fmirh by Miry d? ilain e 1 %..l. c.'qwd svo. exira i .otb, aaiunraa* li.aatriirtooa, fi Ml. Tmr l.ritrr* ?I < karte? Dirken?. P4i:ed br hia ?'ter lo law anu in? w.l??t .uujjuior. W uh aevaral t*c ?lattU?Iit>ara. ?i aaJ?, liria?. ?.v Alanaat the Way. A Tolnmenf altor. i?em? t?v Mt* b.Kit*. Kdftor if -vit, *Al(hoiaa." 1 ro!.. aqua.-? 13m?, #1. u? uiotu. at HL t.eouuE w.c.iui.KTON x ro.. Ckrarlaa Dirke?a*a Tartar SSaST ?'""lU.uauUaa "..i?T. i? t... e .Ith Lhiunit, <,ru ? ?2 OD Our Du achter? . wnai ?r.i.; vre .lo wlUithrail A Talk with Matkera. Hy Maruna Kirla i. Kaper bwuad. w.ta I uortia.t. Prlea ?? oaata. Farrwet lleaae. Mia Mary J Hu!nie?' now nova*, ?af?T al " l.aua RiT^ra." Ac. Ptica ?1 M). IHAKPkK A Uli.?-? _ FeaaUlln-viuar? Hirtatrt ratio Dletlaaiiry v \ t Reriaaa ay caafltaa T. Lawia mji.1 CuarU*? Haart. Royal ?>% ?.<K53 p?fea l'tit?. tx.aitt?. uu. ul, *M 50. full ?>: rep. at) M Imll .?t'.er. $10 So. lull 11 .?>... ?. | ? Th? Kaoiaf, a enaaedy la narraov?. Br oe^rrra Minwlitk, 4to. p?p?i. 13 centa. Nu ?0 lo the rrankllu K.piar? Library. Tke Hell? of Praravea. A novel B. It. I. rarjaon. tut, pa,m?r, lileau)?. Na ul ia the Franklin ?n.piare uorary. 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A MOM 7 I 1 Ureadwav l.lnrttariona ef Life Bv the Rape-, Da ? M Tivlor. tvith an* portrait ou ateeL 1 veL Cr. Hvo, fl 76. Flowers ef **ky. By B, A. Proc.or. With lltnstratloae 1 vol. ?1. K !n??iim'? W H ? . aew MatPI Meadrlcka tke Una. ler Jfu 1-page lllustratioua, iL uo. History and Poetry el Fiager Kisurs. bv Charles Ed. wards \? l'h s pre.'u. e br Itlei.sril iiuur/ ?ttMtdord. 1 vol.. Uuio, Illustrated, cloth. Si J.. IJ. M HOT I ON 7?? Broadway. Ritual of tse Altar The unleis m Holy coaimTintoa. Illustrated with 70 wood cuts. Impe.ial svo. i 'loto, tlO 0?r Karlv Knrtgrnat Aaeestoe? "rnnat t.l.t. of P*r. ?ens et Uu ?MI j. luxurious r.xues. At, woo eaiiersted te /inn nra In .tfoo 170?. auiaJ tlu. Cloth uncut. *Vi. Half morocco, gilt top *6 Owen Jones's Ursmsnr of Ornawicnt. a*M f .tition. la 'In parts at fl each. 1 to 5 aew ready. Tke Etcher A Mas-artns of K'-cbed Work* at Artiste. Moodily paria. 91-' per annum UOlCillTOM. Utt.OOO A t o. Heat en. Jl 4st?r-pluce .?Mlaeellaalea Bv J sbn I si.m. 1.1, n . sathor of The Aiiu.lops said Deer ot Autei.ce." Ac, with a Bon steel per trait. 1 voL, svu. *'J. Her Lover's KneaA aad Other Peesna Hv Nor? ivrry Cuiforui with -After the Bail." 1 rot, square 16me. gl 50. I f. I IHK Ill's Bit Oh. Ills Majeery. Myself A new .No Name Muvel. PneetL Tke Faith el Reason A serin* of Hnndav lecture* on osaaisrs issrtauuag te Me'tcvm. tontet ul?a *???!. Imiaortautv, I'rayer. kurala. Ac. By Jouu W. t-had . u a. luuui. clock, ?L. la Ike Jtnatera >asae Holy s*,,,> sn.1 tsas. sal Belinda, square ldiuu, Ulumiuatcd Utie. Uotu. tad r '.res. . i, R0BBKT CARTER A BKOTHRR. tv.lll llcoadwa* Tke Beek el Jeh lilostraied a , ? ?rr*g oraoiucs b> John ijLbert. Brautifully prinua and ixninA ?4M. ??a A Guide la Fa an It Devolve a By the Rev. Aletaadst Ir'iou lver. D. D. Royal qaarso. with lo stool piatos, ctota gun situ glu sOgee, $6 a O KAMDOLI'll A I ... BOB Reoastwo y 'the I hi Ulms? Hell * ? 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KLFORO, _ 744 Bran*]wan. Tente?. He Mi?U?7y. t>?meree, Ar. htteeture, *k-u'ptors, raiutiug. Industry.. esiuraea, Ac By l'hart es Tnorie. ti rnr filt cso.b. uierocoo backe. ? d i .u.l iuoro.Cs bs-vsaUnd full ii . . ? ' Banyan ? Fllgrtni'a Preaiean. Ry Frnderlek Barnard anioUi.r*. Kii?r?vsstby Ivelat I RceSeers. Ivel, uuarta tlUi- XI-S). bound tu bait vellum, parcliment stdws. gUtatna. uueut, subscruiuou pries, use, eau. ""