Newspaper Page Text
NOT KS ON EDUCATION. Harvard Scientific School is rei orted to have twenty flvr Instructors and only sixteen sludenta. A college for young women is about to be established at Norfolk-. Va., by the citixeaa of that pia<-e. The school receipts in St. Louis during the petal rear were #Sm4.007 Ott: the expeadlturos amounted tof8m.112.13. The Atlanta n.-iptist Seminary for colored youth baa hut been removed froui Augusts to Atlanta It baa now thirty students. Tho chief English Literature prize of Trinity Col'., t. has been awarded this ?. ear to Mr. W. 1- Crosby, of Wisconsin. th<? se-ond prlw? waa bestowed upon Mr. T. M. Peck, of Connecricnt. The subject next year will be " The Prose of the Reim of Queeu Anne." Trinity haanow 106 students, the trcahmcn numbering twenty four. The School Committee of Meliosc. Mass., hare done a thins worthy of imitation. They have sent a elrt ular to the teachers of the prlmari schools, asking them to be careful about the children at recess time, to ace that they are properly clad and In no danger of tak? ing cold. Thrv are r< quested, also, to permit no chlldrru to attend school from families wherein there la any con? tagious dikcase. At the recent meeting of the Hartford (Conn.) County Teacher*' Association one speaker Wisely said that they fried to leach too many things and that they go loo fast for tbr child's understanding. Another speaker said that rhiHrcu should learn as soon as possible to understand and deal with the reasons and relations of facts, and added that the in sum i i cy of! uiuilcs to secure the result has becu demonstrated. The average salary of the regular teachers tn Boston is $075. Tbcir average le i;rtb of service Is between eleven and twelve years, but there are many Inatauee* of very ;oi g terms. A lady tcuclu-r has re? cently resigned, after a service In the city of over forty one years. Thirteen teachers are now employed who have taught over thirty years; 101 have taught be twoen twenty and thirty venrs, and "OS between ten and twenty years. For such faithful teachers as these the propose.1 pension is certainly a deserved benefit. Superintendent Eliot at the recent dinner of the Hoston Latin School Association expressed the Optn'on that the school system needs the personal tie, so ttiat the good influence of the School Board shall be perpetuated long after the pupil leaves It. The II. n. fi. O. Crocker said that id his experleuce as s pupil Eug lish was grossly neglected both In the Latin School and at Harvai.l. hut be had been educated In Lutin, and he had found tnst bis knowledge of the grammar of that language has been of great use to him, especially when lie hat been compelled to speak before a mixed BUdUliee. Dr. David Murray, formerly Principal of the Albany Academy, lster Professor in Rutgers College, and later still the orgsnix'-r of the uew s\ stem of education In Japan, has tie-en appointed by the Hoard of Regents of this Stale to frame an aib-quiitc plau for the establish? ment of higher collegiate examination*. The object con? templated la the establishment of a higher collegiate Standard in tne State of New York, and 'he more direct and tangible connection of the University with the higher lnstilutioUH of lcuriitng. The legislature, It will he remembered, uiaile an appropriation lor the establish? ment of these higher examinations last year. Mr. Chatles Francis Adauis in a letter to Tht Chronicle of Ssn Francisco, thus illustrates the yu.ncy reform: " Suppose, instead of cducuiioo, It had been funning. We had cultivated the soil lor yeurs In the traditional way, producing certaiu nsuits. Ws suddenly determined to introduce an educated raimcr, who hsd studied chemistry ami applied science to the Soil, lie set to work en what the English have lout: used and called the principles of " high farming," and we al once hive larger crop*. Wn then describe to our neighbors whst we have douc, an 1 write theiu to conic In and look at the piocess. This Istbo whole story, und W hen people talk of the gulncy system?of its Imvtug nothing uew In It, of ita having long Im-oii In use, etc.? they simply make sn exhibition of then-own lgncraucc. The QsaaMf system is nothing but a little Intelligence and science spplicd to education, and the only matter of surprise to me is tho attcntiou which my paper re? garding it has excited. Ii shows uic very clearly that our edU' anomal* are terribly t?ebind the times. As to the success of our new method as compared with the old?to i|iicstioo is to my miiid very much as if some of your Caiiforulana were to undertake to doubt wuethcr the scieutlllc mining of to-day la any improvement on the old wash-tub methods of the miners' camps of '40." Oue of tho Kt loriniiig Committee of the Qlilticy, Mass., schnei* says that when tlnv began tocx amine Ihc childrcu .it reaiiiug it was f. un.l that they would siaud up und read In a very loud lone, with u gr< .it d. al of emphasis and < locut onary dl-play, selec? tions witn which thev wire tatiiillar almost to the point of mi ui.TU.ition. Hut when a book aus presented to them, simple hut unfamiliar?siicu as Hans Chrisilau Andersen's little sloiies?they were unable to read so that the com in i I tec list, nit.";. otild uuurrstuiid them, and when they were asked to close the Pooa they were BsV terlv unable lo tell, except lit the most vague uud Indefi? nite wai, what they had r? ad tl.Basal mm The whole capacity of the < lulilreii was exhausted In the effort to distinguish and n the words successive!v, uud the Idea wa- not grasped at all. In pnniai} departm. m*. When the teachers were re?,tnred to carry the pupilsover a certain uuuilM-r of pages within a given Mine, it wits fouuil that sonic of the pupils had memorized the read? ing laaflaassj and Bjsjasj lu many instances able to repeat entire pages If a hint was giveu them by reading the first Hue. In geography It was found, for instance, that many pupils would ati*wcr promptly in reply to the question, " What s an island t" " A body of land surrounded by water," and reapoud.-d "No!" w ith i qual pro l pt1 tide tn the question, ?? Have you ever s. iu au Islaudt' although out of the windows mt the loom in which the examination was lK-ing Conducted Huston Harbor, with a score of Islands, could be seen. The children had. naturally enough, grown to associate with mmj mm idea of leg * and anus und a lu-ad. Bad Irrem lsr* of land did rot sink.- in.-ui ai bodies. This 1* the sort of complaint may Justly be iiiailssscoii rernmg a vast number ol the mecuauical public schools tn this repuollc. Profess ur Huxley, in his recent nihlic-s on Technical U'luciitioii, sat.l that whatev.-r might be Hie lucrits ot dennrlts of the old system of n pprcn i i e-hip, It was as thoroughly doomed In dlUVrent of ordinary handicraft us It had becu long doomed In physic. The only alternatives appeared lo flim to be < 1 two kinds. In (be ttist place, there should be brought together within the reach ol the young people who were emplo)cd iii great manufactures ihc means of carrying on tbelr education in the particular brunches ot husl aesa with which they were respectively occupied b. - youd the inn" during which the rn <?<-*.ties or practical life obliged tiieui to be at work in the workshop?that Is to say, foi a period corresponding vliiually with v. hat used to Bs their i.pprenticeshlp. One of hi* suggestions, therefore, was that there should be established Id the nelghta.rbood of the great centres of Industry schools to which young boys who are learning certaiu handi? craft* ould resort in order to receive Instruction which Would qualify them to work skilfully and intelligently at their trade. He likewise suggc-ded thut a centra) Institution ?hould be established which should do for the teaching power of England what such a school as the " Ecolos des Ar * bj M. lers" docs in France. The Professor added thai he did not entertain the slightest douni that an exutisiouuf the Kindergarten system, Including the use of tools aud tho knowledge n/ele? mentary machines, was a matter of great liuportuucc, t?ul he could not think that the evil of not giving baud work lu the elementary schools vas after all very great. Although it wan a great 'hing to make skilled workmen, yet It was ma,a more Important to mske Intelligent Bocd. The four or five year* during which children ordiuarPy remained at school were not too much to de? vote to eveu exclusive study of reading, writing and arithmetic, and lo the acquirement ot some Intelligent k ii owl edge of geography, the clement* of hisiorv, utul the rudiments of physical science. On this point he kuigul observe that no pupil whs adu ilfe.l to to.- Kettles d'Appreutis In Paris until lie was ihn teen years old, or unless ho presented his certificate of elementary educa lion. ?, &rcj Peculations rHi: BOSTON "Advertiser'' mus of this hook: ?' It 1* a voice out of the darkness appealing to the heart sad SB*seteare of the whole Nstioo. rst.all not th a p?tbrtlc votes ss bra; U I' Till: HIM A l iriKFS. AV indian's ATTEMPT TO appeal PROM the Tomahawk to the cor htm. bv sylivp, with an Introduction by 1 ustathcuihu height Eyea). a. .1 dculeaiion by Wendell I'ldllipa. with Portrait of "stanulug Hear," sad Ida Faiully. lSmo. Paper covers, 60r. ? JalacsMiut sliomed on uuaui itle* nought for circulation. _DS'hiWilUli, HIKSiKS .v CO. I'ul.l.sher*. Uoatuu. JC.-T ISSUED.?A new holyln edition of SCIENCE IN STORY, bv Dr. e. ILPOOTK. An aiuu* lag uarrtUve of rauiuiv Tubba, the Boy lloctor, aud Kpeiisir. the Trotibloaonte. Monkey?tea. long the young the fiisiru. Uou of thei: bodl.a; s2 on, ?,'> 0 au>! f7 .Vi. according grille Mil HA V HI I.I. PU uLlSUINO COM PAN V, lA jfiMsaath sk.. New-Ysrk. ~t M EKICA N K1N DEBOARTEN MAGAZINE J\ Btsiui TB. Btbie Hoaae. EMILY M cor, Kdilor. aud oilglnatui of a in * sYHTRil and MATERIAL, which are rcsoguised ss the UEtvr ?hefttar known. ? ???? New Dnbliciitions RWORTHINGTON18 ? NEW ROOK". D'ANYMiX. Aliworiii Edition of Alfred Tennyson's Complete Worse, incluulor ?' Princes* Alice." " D' of Luckuuw." au.l '? Lover** Tale." Beautifully BlajtjHM with choice steel and oilier cLrravlug* t>v ibe beul artists, and prt.itecl v. !i. risl line uordrr. ?n flue touH paper. One hand? some Tolnuie, 4 to. aupeibly bound In tloth ?Iii, eitra gilt ??? fi s. t' , PAPYRI ? LEAVER. A C>*npanlnn to " Lanrel I-eirea" ?nu ?' Lotos Leaves." r<un| rlr.tia Poems, stories and F.miti by Heute W. IxuirfelUiw, til.rer Wendf II Uolni'-s, John O NV hill lrr, William c*nll?u Ilivaut. Jamie hnssell t nwell Wl.kle .?. K .ward Ksslcstor James I. Kleids, and otherpromlneut anthora. Killtet? by WILLIAM FKAHNKY t.ll.l- Pallv il.ustrateri with fine engravmca by einiuent aitlsls. New, 41?, full irllt, *.V DOKK S GALLERY ok HlP.uK HTORIKH. Illnttratln* tb? ro at Epoch* ol tlod's ile.-illiir* mth man fioin <ieiie?ls to H< relations, Br JO--KPHINE POLLARD. A sumptuous (It book. 1 vol. 4to, $M 7e. MR. TI ETON'S NEW ROOK. THOC AND I : A Lvrlc of Life. With other Poems. Ry Thro lore TUIon. With steel portrait by Ritohle. 1 vol., cloth, cllt top $1 75. MR. f WINBt'BNK'h NEW ROOK. A NT I" DY OK eill A KKX f E A I.E. By Algernon Charte? Swinburne. 1 ><>).. ritt lop. +1 73. BOOOH vfAW MADS BMOOTEi A 8erlea of Familiar Esssvs on sclenUflc Sublcet*. * BY RICHARD A. PROCTOR, Author of "llyt .a and Mattel* ot Astronomy." Pleasant Wujslu Scien. c," Ac, Ac. One Volume. Red CM AM Top, S3 23. r?/- This Is the only new book Mr. Proctor has written the The Westminster Review for January. is7!i, "Mi. Proctor, ot all wrlier* ol our time, he t conforms to Matthew Arnold's ronei'ption of a man ot culture In that he i-DIV s I . huiiiai.l/e kliuv. I, .-v. 1 . ivcst it ot whatever is harsh, aj jnc, or and so makes It a source ol hapid neas aun tirijrtitnci. tor all." _ R, \\ OKTIIIM.TQN, 7r.O Broadway. N. Y. NKW8T0RY by HENRY .JAMES, Jr. THE PARISIAN, published In I'sris nn Decetnber IS. will contain a storv, wltten eipicssiv for its toiumm, by Henry James, Jr., en t iled ?? A Hiin.lle of \* tiers." Other features ot the Christmis nunibrr of THE PARISIAN will bsa new story bv James Pavu, the well known English writer ; a story bv Alfred D.Hii.ict, and ? ehronlrjue descrip Hen of Christmas' In Ktauce. br Jui. s < lartlc 11 KIN I A Mi will ha\e the f.i.n at l.liinhexof THE PARISIAN on sale libniil Mta of Leeetiilier. TUR PAUIHIAM is Hie leading Coitilnental newnpsisr priultd in the I- ns' >h laniruarc. _ _OfBoe, 9 roe-Rcribe. Tif IN the bouse. CHROMO-ILI HOC) ra I'll EI> by L. PHANO A CO. Edited by Dr. J. Vox Falkk. Translated by 0. C. Pekklns. PRICE, 91? to fiO. SOLD BY BOOK SELLERIS. s r. W. BOND A CO.. No. S Reeknunt., Hew-York. OlARIErr lSM?. illl sivl.K, Expl'PM- Hooks, Dally Journal ?. Flr>i-chw>i stationery. Blank Rook*.. Novelties Ui Holiday Ootsls. FRANCIS A LOl-TRETs t.'i Maiden.lane. >ti0tractiott. For Bovs and Younj? Men?City. PACKARD'S COLLEGE. NOW Is TDK time TO UNTER. The bc*t time to enter Patkanl * Business edlere 1? MONDAY, J i It DARYA, advantage* will he gi v.-n to those who enter on that day The office will be o|ien dur? ing the Holiday Week, and the Pi Im mal will sec | ei sunnily allwhocali._ts. h. PACK a bd, Principal. ITNIVER8ITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, No. J 1.4W1 Hroadwav. neat 4'^it st.?Primary, coinmctctal and classical department*. Htii.hY m akin. Principals. For Youne lArties?City. IN Knirltsli, Ftciirli Ifld (Ionian BoRPdiOR - ? and Day Hchoul lor ffeaaa tasttta. tt est Kim Ins.Huh. NewHuveu. ft. .Mrs s. L. LADY. I'rln. send lor circular. AkLERICAN KIND ERG \RTEN. I'll WEs I 1?TH ST. Pupils received at anv lime, t nllor address Miss PRAZKU at K inderrarten._ VIA DAME MEARS'S English, Pmicb bb<1 !?! Hiisnau RoaidiDC slid I>uv Schorn for v..unv Indies. 2'.'" sve , New-Ynik. Thycourseof wceklv '.e it uns In French will couinietice < n Fnduv, Nov. 7, at II o\ leak. cuburbXn Seminary Sif f?t?ig - 1 ? I', ami ll!7lh sf. Ileriiinfiil situation i BsfSWaaAjl instrucilooi uiodeiate prices. Rev. EDWIN JOilNsuN, Prbiclpal. _ For Both bexes? City. \ incnc.hi LQotterfrartea Nonnii] BcbooL S3 aTn. latsl 1 llh-st.; K. M. COR, Pi In.?New classes will heirlu alter Hi.- heUAa] a. Lesson* IhOHSIJlh utiil piaetlesl. DU. sT?VEFiTS HCilOOLol LANGUAGES, kV*J iIADlSON AVK.,Ne*r 42.IM. FOR LADIES AND OI.NTLEMEN. Is. M. tV| I.RN, success,.! to lilt. I.. KA I \ hi it. 1/1,1; SEMINARY. East I6th-nt. and 1 Ruiherior.l.|ilaie. HI N). s>MI'lll. A M., I'nncljiaL MODEL KINDERGARTEN nod ELEMEN TAHY CLASsKs for Hovsaml Oirls Irotu three to ten Jcais. lil, ati't eeinli ary lor Ktnclcrr irten Teaclierr, ol Prat OH K KR ACS and Mrs KRAUR bobttr 7 Kttst ira "The Palette.'*_ RUTGERS FEMALE nU.LE(JE. 4S7. 4SH 6lh-ave.?Koriv lirst year hetins Septemlier 24. Att>li t?titK l. ss;he<1 22d aim Vit.V sp. ml nilvsntac'i s for rlussic it tcleuttnr cnorse : also, music, imiiitlnr and drawlug. Has Acadvunc l'e: atluieiil. H. an:. rs uiei.uiuiislated. Rev. S. D. 1.1 lit D. I'.. Presliteiit._ CT. john S school. C Hoiiidint: und Day Hchoolfor Younc Iainies and Cl.ll.1i. u. tsTt l'M. OTMNAHIDM. KlffDKROARTBK, MSPAHATE DEPARTMENT FOR YOCNU ItoYS. 21 and 2a West -2.1 st , Int. llnmiiwav und r.tb.avc, N. Y. Rev. THRODOBR lRVINt?. LI. D , Rector. M Art School*?New-York City. RS, LOUISA H. CTJLVEB Will reiclve j.uflls liijia'nlln? ilan.lse?pe, flower*, still life . I n u inn! ? eci ai ion >, at her et mho. ?The Bella," No. 4? East 2fclli-sL, coiner tth-ave.. In ?liinili,' October L 1.? :. ;.u. i s Mr. 1>, Mr. Wilharo Hart, Mr. Jana? M. Hail. Mi. A. K. Ri Uowa. For Both Sexes?Brooklyn. 1IR8. L JKRNEG \N BOWER ins is*amiod j-i 1 her lessou* in uiusic au.l toreiali Isu^uages; especial at teii'ion |.ald to pti|.lls liackw.ird in Enrlish branches. For lui Ihr i j si rt icil lui i a]i|il)?u t llil ClintoL-sL, South Rrooklyu. For Bovs nnd Youne Men?Country. \lexander Inttirate. MUitarj BoRi^tBjrSefaooL . White P'klns. N. Y. Principal, i'. R. WILLIS. Ph. D HOYS and YOENG MEN privately rittctl fur loliere. Conilltietieit or rejected laididales ... Ii I. Summer or Winter. Sim ktul'lae. Mass. K. HOFFMANN. DOYS ojioei SIXTEEN, Yonker?, N. V. JLf Thorouirh teacliiuK ; ktud care ; low lai.e. Ehtahllshed lS.Ni I'.L.sJ AM IN MASON. pH?MBERLAIN INSTIT?TE^ Randolph, N. V' ye-Ppaparty, S106.0Q.'. llili lor 14 weeks. f*.V). Opeaa i.e. IL Address for catalogue. Pro!. I, T. D.D., Pies. f OLLKII'ATK ami COMMERCIAL IN-1I \7 TUTR, Ne? Haven. Cnan., tieneral Russs'll's schoil. Prrparatory in colleue, scientific schools or bustnrsa. Thor ouch phrsicel tralnliif he inllitaty ilrtlllnr. rvmuattlc*. ,ta Ample i.|i|"'i lin.llv lor ?ibieticKaiiies, niwlnr. *e. LW.MM.V tsad DAY KCHOOI^New-Bntain, X Conn.- Drsiriied to irtve thomurb Inntl net ion and cul lure to a limit.u ntimlM-i ot*. Addn-ss D. N. CAMP. MrssnrasL I <\)R BOYS UNDER THIRTEEN. Hempstead Institute. Lout; Island. HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY, Wor? cester, Ma**. C. II. UITCaLF, A. M., sup, niit. inli i't HOPKINS GRAMMAR SCHOOL, New-BaV ven. Conn.?I'rfpatatory f? Yaletwlsipl i Winter term ie s-iiiM Jan. S, UUst-.en, Heuiy While, ex IT.a. T. D.Woolscy. Prof T. A. Thacln r, II C Kuiarslev. A. C. Tnliilna pr.if biuieon E Hal wni. Eli W Liak.. Rector,W. 1. Cashing. JtTTLE BOY8.?Special ailvaiitaires : lower J rates ; B.isi.lii'c schisil for Roys: e*tab)i*hej lN.I'J. It. MASON, Ynnkets, N N \l T. PleBMnI 111 > t. - l * i i v.-11?- clafRM for boya, i?I Atulo r?t. Mass.. estate 1H40. H. C NasH.a. M.. Pr u PEEKSK1LL (N.V.) MIL1 l'AKY ACADEMY. ISend for Illustrate ! liltv imre circular._ PENNSYLVANIA MLI.l I ARY ACADEMY X (in BTkl. Pern. Civil engioerrinft, tinuiiMrv. clasKics and Kn?llsh ; decrees ? iii' ( IHEH. HYA IT, Ire. 'pARRYTOWN, N. Y.?Tin IRVING IN8TI 1 TOTS oi.ens next fession Jaen.ry .*>. Preiiaratn.ii for Hatviinl. N iiie mil othei xill.-iies. or loi litisiness. Rest iii.ual trainiur. Address for ilrrnlsrs, ARMAONAC A HOWE, RftTMaw?bk _ For Young* Laaies?Country. 1DDRESS MAHLEWOOD INSTITUTE. ? Foi Young I.a.U n I'lttab.l l, Mas*. Next term ot tins Jauusri .*>. Hoard and I nullah, ?SO. L^LMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE.-A collea? of M.J the btithest rank ; has eclectic ami j-iepat iioiv Dep.irU aienta. au.l suptir.or adv iuta?.s in music and art; terms m >l eiote. Address He.. A. W. COWLKS, D. D. Klmlra, N. Y. ftT Next session U gills Si-piemtier 111. rjOLDEN HILL 8EM1NAKY foi Youiir Li VAdtea. Bridgeport. Conn. Ad res? Mlsa EMILY N'Kl.stIB. f^ROVE HALL, New-Havtn. ConBe-Miaa VA MORTPOBTw school lor FOD MO LADIES. WILSON COLLEGE for Yottac Ladiea, Chauiutrsbuig. Penn.-Fall term opens September 13. For catalogues address Miss A. F. ooolisKLL, Letly Pnn'L WHEATON IE MAI J! SEMINARY^ Notion. Mass.. wfl lM>rli, Ita forty-tlttli scbuol voar Thurs.lay, fs. ptcmher 11. For in'oimaiioii apply lo Miss a. Iv CaRIbR o? 11. A. COllI;. i?o Noi ion. n; ,.s For Both Boxes?Country. BOYS aud GIRLS eilncnten in a Faiuilv school, ander home lull ieur,? | excellent success ; rood retercaces. Rev. J. M. BACUKLDOR. a. M., PewnaJ. Verataat._ COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. HitcketUtmvn, N.J.?Best snd iarfsst baildlUK In lb* Mtato. Instruction tlioruual'. hull, sexes. Ten departments. Fifth vaar open* tSejiWmlssr b. ?'J25 |>*T Cataloxue* lien. Rev-tihXX W. V, HlTNaf Y. D. D.. FrealdanL QI1AMBER8BCRG (PtmR.) ACADEMY. Fa rente deal ring n whf"l both good and cheap will pleusa Inquire lute the tu.l iis this one. J. H ? sll CM A K 1 it. Ph. D.. PrtnrliatL ?GARMO INSTITUTE, Im .-k, N. V., hi* lor college or for imsliiess. Fur cauloaue and par lh ..1.11a. Uu. I'r.n.II.,! I) Dtuhu* address the 1'ruu lusl. _I AMES M. Dl'OARM'l. Ph D. VEWTON COLl.EtJIA IEINS1 I I UTE, N? i * |OU- Husoes county, N. J.. t.?.|..-.i, Heptrnitwr 0 for luules and females ex. r.yliujily healinr. evceliutil r iiri, as.ul and lufliioneesi lhor?ni(b to (It for aSy ret left oi lot business; #?-<?<> a year ; aend fur ratal.uru., i. ie to old ?li.dent* J. Flatei 'M.Oee. LUD: Judre John a. HUui. Jetsey Caty. a. b. blLN E?S, A M. M Jniirnnum. ' For Both Boxes?CauntrY. FAMILY BOARDING nnd DAY SCHOOL? F.agllsh. laxttn. Plann and orgsn lessons, terms moil, ?rat*. MARY t; uoc-DMAN. Salisbury Mills, orange Co, N. Y. _ IFAMILY BOAKDIM; SCHOOL.?On farm 14 anllea Nrw Taft, *?> a week hoard, washing. toiMoa aituthrro?forts of a country hot?; acholar* receives moth? er's rare doting the Summer's \ao*tl?n. Kor parUeoJarsapply taifr* H. C, MONKLL. Maahaaeek, LI_ JANUARY 2. New classes are formed at el.v.-t.rk cilore and ii ? 1 '"I lllver iiial11?? tn. a.-i of high rank, where hoi* are thorough!? ntunl for , ie*s awl Inislm ?*>. A fi ll ml r?v t-nnrne f"r ?Irl?. The Rev. ALO.NZo FLACK, Ph. I?.. Prt ?Idcnt. Cliiv.-reck N. V I AP K K \ V OOI > J N STIT L' TE?For both seres; _L Conrordvllle, Penn.: ?oft per quartan students pre? pared far business, Yainor Harvard , urstclss* prof assort, j.shohi i.idoe. a. mm pm? u> u SF.WARD IN8Trn.'TE.-A Female Seminary _ and Boys' High School. Two Boarding Schools nndoron ? management: fSBS * vear : music surt modern languages ex? tra. Address Rear. IH N ax* A. HARLoW, A. M. Principal. Florid*, <irsnte county, ft. Y. _______________ VJWaRTHMORE COLLEGE, noar Hiiladel k- plila-I'ndor caruof rnend* Hoth sexes admitted, *r. t receive 1 be same degrees. College Coaraca?Classical, seien, title. Knghah .Sonn?: Department, Preparatorr and Mistel frfcOfds. For particular* address EDWARD II. MAOiLl* Pri*Mlent, Hwarthmoie Delaware < '<?., i'enn. $1 \i\ PKR SCHOOL YEAR.?Board nnd 1 ?JM t tuition fo- rldlnren ; Orange Mountain. Addrea* Box South (uange, N. J. _ <_/_ I per mmrterj Roeklnnd College, Nyack, CTX^xr \ \. botkaasMi openslie Whiter session Jan. 6. send for catalogue. W. h. BANNISTER, A. M. MscelL'ineom APPARATUSaud HlKNITKRK of all kind-* fur schools, academies, eollege* and halls i sen,I for cata? logue. fl.KKII, PHAIT Al 'i. I t'Jan I Ml Oraud-si., N.Y. tarn Schools. \7 ALK Kaw Schoal.?Reenlnr course, 2 Ycnis: . Uranust? course (tor degree of i).V.L.). '1 rears, Fall tens, iijensbept. Jo. Ainlics l-iot. way New-Haven, <Jt Dannnq ^raOcmics ALLEN DODWOliTH'S school fo p. n a Nci no AT his RESl dknck. HOL Ml 51'ii ave. Bead for circular*. (Era triers. AGERMAN GENTLEMAN give* German and Ijitin icasonsfor 4L A. M , Trihtiue Office._ ALL wanting TKACHKRS, shools, or Pupils, uddreria "Atn. r. I nloii." 707 Kroailwar. N. Y As GOVERNESS.?By a rovng lady com Petent to teach ("iiiimon English branches and Piano; also French and German. Address Miss M. K. WKHH, North smpton. Mss?._ AGENCY for SCHOOLS and TEACHERS. Iiitrmtirttt ami iiulort-il hj/th- im Unn tiltitntnr* tilt*' ?>Hitt>v. Families, sshwds and t ?.liegei piomptly provi.bMl with sui?ei tat teachers,'iares of peat AaMrtean and Fee eign eo.leges. Sen I for riroalar. 1. diTKSWOll'l'll "INt K NKY, nii.Mi.-in hi mr. Brossiwarsaglitavat AMERICAN and FOREIGN 1EACHEBS' 1\ AOKNCY introiurrs to i ollere*, nrliools and Isnnlie. superior professors, p'nicipsls. lu-im ints, lutors and guv ernesse? lot eveiv di-psrtuient of,ominenilsg'Hsl schools to parnnui. Call on or address MlssM. J. YotlNil. American aini Foreign 1 ?scher?' Agency, '2'.i t'utnu sinuie. BEST TEACHERS, American and Foreign, promptly provide! fM fa'uilles. scLooN. colleges. J. W. BCHKRMKBUORH.aOKaal 1 ?'?t . eiecretary Amctirau School luatirnto. ealalillshnd l? ?._ (10VERNE8S.-2.A youna lady, wall eda M eated. ilealresa | (..dilou s? governess,imrserj- ei.x . iin m or companion to lady i m cans be. Ifiieee-saiy. o* saperlQtead lug tl e housekeeping ; good Imiii" innre an oNJeet than hi.rh saiaiy. I>e<t n ferem es. It. \\. Trimme 0|He.\ I^EACHKRS sHiiplictl t<> schools und families without charge Miss Fl.ollKM K. PITCH, KDUCA TIONAI. Ill'Hi.A l". IS rmon wiiure. T>cean Qitamers. AMERICAN LINK. fob (jUtENXIoWN AND MY'ERPOof,. only 'I'rstisatianiie laas aa_ac Hi" amkiucan Ssillng everv Thurntav Irom Philadelphia, aud every Wed uesilay from Llverpa a IM.lNOI>. tu I'll- l>ay. Dec.'js, 8a. m. Loan ci.ivk, wxnitatiDATi nee. :u. umm BED STAR LL\l~YoK ANTWERP, ?aikaa (vary m <uya alUuaalaij from i ? *? i * i :-? i sni New-York, landing passengers within a few hours' ride of the Important en. ?i mt.Test ou ihe continent. VADKHXAND, MONDAY. Dl c,tf, 7. s. m. f or rsies ot i.assace .inn other intormation apply tj PBTKM WBIO II I a soN-. '?? octal Agents. 307 Walnut-Mt.. -iplua. .'''- Hroodwav, New-York. john Ageu'. s liaiterv-p'sce. N -w Vi is (J?I0N LINE. A D.MTKIi BTAT1 - MAIL sTKAMBBS. FOR Ql'F.BNSTOWN AND UVKRPOOts Ixavlug Pier HS. N. II .f.e.i ot Km? ?!. WYOMINU.Tt l-.s-DAY. Jan- ?. 11 a. m NKVAHA.TTJKWDAY, Ian. Sft ll;h?a. in WIHCONMIB.11 IfsDAY. Jan. '27. MO a m WYOM1NO.. .Tt KS DAY. IVU in. .. a. in. (9' 'lliese stesmcra ire mult of ron. in water tight tap parunenta, and are ruriilshe.) TYitti every requisite to make Ihe passage across thr Atlantic oolhssle ami agreeable, hiv? ing liallrrooni, sin .Wing lo-'iii, vtjm Ing-rooni. piano and library al.-s.einenen -"-.l surge m. s cwsidena sinltaier.-r on i-as-h n?i earner. I?.- -n leiooms are all ii|i|>crdeck. thiisiusui' lug those greatest of nil luxuries at m i. perfect ventilation and light. CABIN PABB AO E tscmnllnir to s tste rooml. fiKl. ?*litil ?10U. B, t4?J STKKRAOB, at Imvrii -i. OFFXCa, No. Sfl broadway. v\ ilxjAMb a HI lo.X GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY, BKTWKI.N NKW-YOHK AND HIVHK. Pier of I ompsnv (new) No 4'J North P.lver. foot of Mort m-it 'I nivellers by'this tine avoid lioth transit br Knrlish rail wsv and thsdlacoiuforis of crossing tlia Chsnaul in a small boat. FRANCK, TtXMslls. \\ e.lnesd.iv. Jan. 7. 1 p. m. I A 8 RA DO a tanglier.Wednealar, Jan 2i. i ax, am KRIUf B, fl. jou.-ia.Waaaaaiay, t'.b.t, n e.m. CheekrtUawn on Cie.l i l.voni.ais, ..i Pans, m aniounts to, uu LOUia DK UK11I.Y.N Agent. .No. ,V> Hroailwav. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL.? Hamburg 1 AiBeriepu pe.tkel tomuanvs i.luo for PLYMolM'll ( II l.l hoi'i t. and HAMIiritt. Ii i-i.iee.261 WBSTPHAIilA .Jan I BBHDBR...Jim. 1 ORLLMMT.Jan. i; hates of psaaage to Plvniontli. i.oui'.oo, Cherbourg, If .on burg, and all ts.uiti In Knglann. HeetUsm au i Wales. Kir,l Cab-s gold, *li'U, >? (-.,mi cabin. iout,4W0| Hieevage, ? a. n.i. ..SSO, c. a IUCHABDA BOAH,Ueo. Paaa. An'!. XL' NHARDTA OO. ??! Itroatlwoy. New Yo-g. Oeneral Ag. ula $1 Hroad-sl., New.Yolk. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. J NORTHOKRMAN LLOYD STKAMmhip l.ini. BKTWKKN SBW-TORK Wltl'IIAMITuN ANH Itltl'.MK.N. NECKAR.sat.. Dae. 27 I WK.sKK.Sat. Jsn. 10 MAIN.Mat Ian. ? I o.-ii. \\ i:ni)KH >at. Jan. 17 RA TEA OF pah-win rmin NBW YOKK ta BOD I'll a M !'? TON, IIAVKBOK lilt KM EN. FIRST CARIN. fllallsM' iNDCABIM.ftiO - IT BBAOB, *:?0. lit turn tickets at redm ed rates. Piepaid steerage c-rtiil rates. f.Hi. Met MB tickets to all IKIInta in the South of Knglaud, MO. _ Ol I.R1CIIH m I o.. I HoWUIIg li cell. J.N.MAN LINK L'oYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FOR Ql'KK.NSToWN AND LIVERPOOL No .'l' E.? 1'lle alt .liners i f Ib.? I lie l ike Lieutenant Maurv's Lane m it ?. t a 1 suasoi s iltie-v-ir. CITY OK MONTREAL.Mil It-luV I tec. 'JH, p tn RKPt'Rl.It .SATURDAY, Jan. i 9 a tu. city OF NEWYoltK .?AI c ItDA V. Jan. Hi. J p.m. CITY OK BRDSHBLB. 'I HTBSDAY*. Jaa. CITY OF BEItLIN.HATUBD \ V. la i 21. i p. m. From Ptat a<. >. R.. i.ku ?tt lurliun ?I CABIN, sou. (Hd su.lSDNl. Retnni tickets on favorable t.rnis. B1 BBBAOB J'-'S. Drafts at l .west rate?. Salaaaa. ?tair nsims, so ok mg sin. smidahlps Tlu se steamers do not carry caOle. sheep or pigs. JolIN O. DALE, Agoul. Iii and S3 Hroadway, N. V. NEW-YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAll. ll LINK These first-class steaniHhijw sill regnlsriy at Hp. m. from Pier No. &. Nortu River, a, fo lows: CITY OF VERA cuc6, ( apt. Yaiis.ce.We,!.. Dec. 31 M.VI i a'? o DB I I'ba.Capt, F.s.te.sat.. Jan. in. (A< comuitstatloiis in >urpa~seil). For fiHlalit or passage aotdy to WILLIAM P. CLYDE A Co.. No. 30 Bioa-lwsy. LAWTOa BROS. Agents In Havana ?V E\V - Y( IRK. HA VAN A and M E XIC A N MAIL i.1 s. h. 1JNE stcaiin r. I. ave pier No. X N. It., ul 3 p. in. FOR HAVANA DIRECT. AND V K It A t lit /., via HAVANA Calling at progrtMii, Catupe. he ami Froutera. ?CITI OF ALKX A n hri A'Havana and Mexe., sal. Dee. 27 ?city' of WABHiKoioNiHa aaa oaty)_Taars- Jan.H ?ii? ol- Mr.l'.ida Havsnasnd Me,mo .Sal.. Jan. 10 MKAI.HA I.A CAHTE SMALL 1'APLK SKRVe K H. k.CII Y O. MEXICO wl'l leave K*w-o/lean?. J in. .. and'Jijlor Yeia Cru-.t via ismpt.-o, unn lux pan, tonne, tiny with BtaaOM r* for Huvans, New-York. K. ALKaaNDRK o; son.'. N..s. 21 and ;:;i Broadway PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY Sailing 1r. m Pier foot Cunal-st, North River. For SAN FRANCISCO via IHTH Ml sni PANAMA' sieanohip \ \ i Leu, Pas ail a v. Dae. 80, aaaa. i " inn eting lor Ceiitias and Mouth America and Mexico, From san Tram isr < io Japan ani. C.lca: StaaaaaMpCITY oftokio. oatn_r, Dae. 27. awn. Irom san Francisco to HeaoMB. Ncw X.eslsn.l and Ans trslu: si snisliin ci i y op NBW-TOaa, ataaSBf Jrn IP. n -on (For freight or gei eral luformstiou. npplv si Company** Office, on pier foot ot < ans M.. Norc River. Psssengeis forwarded to san F H a NI !0M> ?. ? AN DWIC.f ISLANDS, JAPAN. china, ft KWZEA la N d, A I'STHA li a, SOt' 111 AMERICAN, CKNTRAL AMERICAN an1 M KX1I y.n FOB i a For tickets or nih nnstlou In ri gaol ta routes apply to the Pnaeeuger Departui^at, No. 'J07 Broadwav. U. T. SEWAI.I, U. J. Rl'llay'. ueueralPaasenp-r AgeuU iMipeniiteuiP nt. ROTTERDAM LINK. Bleamers leave Co a Pier, adl- I'avonis Ferry, Jersey City KAAN.?.YYoHicadav. Dec. -J|. P. i ai.u Ji.aatnniay. Jan. a moaWa saa aja ag caaaa, *t.r>-*6o. MMas_ra. sat. II t'a/AUX'. Oeneral Agent, 81 South Wi liaiuak FLNCH, i.HY i. .v (o.. '.17 Sou ill Will iaia-st_ Fi eight Agts. L. w. morris. N Bread war. uaaaral . .1-.., .kguat. Natioaal Line.?From (new) Pier 30. North IL -FOR lIl'EK.NsroW'N AND LIVKRPOOI_ THE UL'i.l.N He . Ill 7a. hi. I HLLVKIIA Jan. ? It a. m. -Foil LONDON (Victoria Docksi ERIN. ..Jaa.7. HfiSUp. in. | URe K''E . _ls<i 11.7 a. in. cabin. aVIOtalffll, enrr. nev . si-.? -.i.. Am:., Is trota gl unward issn.-d si ver? low ra'ea. Coutiwuy'sMflces. No*, o i sun 73 itioadaay. 1. w J. HUaaT, Manager. \ WHI TE STAR LINE. TT INI I i lisl YTKK a N* D HOY ai. MAIL si i AM KP. s Fol. UCKENSToWN AM) LIVERPOOL. I NOTItK.- Toe al.-siut-rs of tuis l.'ne lake thp lane R-iute lei oaiinenCcd by i.i.-ut. Msury, D. S. N., on horn tie- oiltwa:,! and homcwuid vorages. oi.KM and', Capt. Keauulc.'i'ueadav. Dec. Ml. (1 i?. BALTIC, ("apt Psrsell .sat. Jan. 1. 7 a. m. ? ELI |f. Cap'. '"TtIMI .lliinsUSV Jail H. 1 kla m. KROMTHE Will TE STAR DOCK. FOOT ?ii v.. ItyfR e?T. these sleamein are iimferin In six - aud unsuapassed in sp- i pollituienta The Salm.n etal. r.-onia. -looknig an.) Hal l- J rtsinis si-r (dared amhlshipa, wherr the noise and motion ar t leaat feit, adording a degree of e..|al..rt hitnerto uuallaiuable at. It at KS.-saloon. ?0o, *K0 and SltiO. steerage. tfi< Rstur.i lliketa on lav oiaide lerma 'Fhese steamers carry utiiii- r calUe, sheep uor tugs. For inspection of pans ami otu.-r tutor, nation aitdy a- fit < oupauv's OSBaaa No. 47 Uroa.'way, New.yo.k. or 140 Wal oni .1.. Philadelphia. iL J. Uohtjm. a.. . Steamboat- and Bailroa??. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.? I,cave New Yoik from font of Desbrosees sad fort. limit st*. _ ' ... s'.ii a. m. for Wsshlngton. PltUhnrr, Colntnhu*. Cincinnati. Indl*napoll*, GUBMBa ?nd tiia West, Richmond. Charleston, and ilo- south. Pullman ears from Bai Urn ore to Newark, nli i', I'lllsbuig and Chicago , 1 p m. for *A asini.glou and tho West Pullman ram from New-fork to Ba l.more and Washington, mastng close oon nrctlou* for pltuburr, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, laml*vllie i.nd si. Lr?JA Through Pniltnan cara Baltimore to Cincin? nati and St. I oti'? in iio D. m. dailT, for Washlnrtnn, the South and Wear. Pull? man aleepcra frraii New-York to Baltimore and Washington, making ' lose connections fnr Chicago. Cincinnati, indlanapo lla. i 1'ir\ ]'? st la.nls, Colombo*. Plttsbnrr. the so-it'i and, Tbronfli t'ul nmo <ani friim Rafllmore to Cincin? nati, connect* at Washington wlib train* for Lynch burs. Florida. New Orleans and the KOilth For through ticket* p ease call at Company"* offlee. 915 Broadwar. Nrw 1 brk. and at 'icket othces, root of Cortlandt and Desbrosses-sl*.. sod 1 lepot Jersey Cttv. _ HOUND TltlP TK'KBT? TO KANSAS. NEBRASKA _AND COf.ORAOO._ CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. Eerrv Ktatioo in Now-York, foot of Llberty-st. Ferry Slallnn in llrtmklyn, foot of Fiillonst, Jewell's 1 harf. (tiiuiiieailng Oct. d. lsvii-Tr^lus leave New-York, f?ot of . LtUrtist ** follow* : 0:30 a. tn.-cor Flcmlniton. Kaston, Beivldere, Manch chunk, I ?man us. v i k i-. Elmlra. Ac Couuerta at Jii.Mip.n wlih fi., I.. and W, It. R ?Ifta, m Porllich Hrtdg* Rranch. Ea?t?n. Harrlsbnrr. Manch Chunk. Tainauua, WllktebarTe, scranbm. Williams port, Ac. in .'lo a. m. and 4:30 p. m. ? For Sonorrlllsand Flomlnrt'm. 1 p. in.- For Kii-riington, r.tston, Manch chunk. Tamaqna. WHkeaharre. Scraiitoti, Tiinkbauiioek. Taruinput, Ha/c!tou. Readme, Poilsvlllc, if*rrl*burg, Ac. 4:00 p.m.-For High Hrtilg* Rranch. Easton, Relvtdsre and Manch Chunk. 6,. Op. m.,dai)y.-I*or Easton. Allentowi and Harrtaburg. Elmira, Ac. connects at Junction for I'.. I,. und W. R. H. 7:4,% p. in.?For Easton. Fo train* to local point* *ee time table, at stelion*. ? I'NMAY TRAIN'S-Leave at MS a. m.. 12 p. m.fir notinil I took and iii|enne.llate .tallons and at 5:3o p. m. for Easton, Allentown, Kesdinr nnd Hariisbiirr. Posts of the" Hro..* Ivn and Krie Annex " make connection st Jer or city station, to and from Brooklyn and Erie Depot, Jersey City. NEW-YORK an?! LONfTWtanch division. I eave New *, i.rk, loot of Liberty at., for Perth Amboy. south Aiolsiv. Red R'iik. I.oinr ilranch- ocean Orove, A:.. S 1.1, 11:4.1*. m., 1:1?. 4, 5:15 P. m. staue connection to ,ind from K KYPORT at M.uawan StA Ron. FREEHOLD nnd NEW-YORK RAILWAY I Coni'ti ion. Iajvi' foot of '<ir "n-elml'l al 8:15, 11:45 a.m., 4, 5:15 p.m. NEW-JERSEY SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Leave New-Y.rk, foot Liberty-*!.. C. V. H nf V. J.: - I ... av fm ? -naiagaalr. Tomm River. Barnegat and in ti f mediate station)-. 1:15 p. m.- for To*** River, Vim-ami, all staM <n* to Bay side a mi l"Mt A l LABI ic <T i y. 4:Otip. m.-Knr F*rmlngdale Tom* River. Rarnegat, Tuck ertown R. R. MS Philadelphia. NEW-YORK nnd imiii.adklI'IIIA NEW 11 LINK. BOl'ND i: Ii. H i k' Rill-TP. FOR TRENTON AND PHILADELPHIA leave N-w York tmm station c. It. R. of N J . mm of Lib? erty ?I , for Philadelphia. I'oi >i.itioii coi nrr Mnth and flreen-Ms. at 7:45,9-00, 11'15 a.m. |{M 4 ist. 6:;?o. 7:11. 12 p m. On Sundays at B:45 a. m.; ...30. ia p. m. Fol station corner'lldpl and Rerk*-*t*. a* MO. MO, 111II ?. m i. to, :t to, 4:tsi,;, to. 7:15 p. m. <>n Sundsy at H:45 a. m.j .Vtlo p. m. Fur I teuton Waeren and Tin ker ?I?.. K:30. 7:45. 0:00, 11:15 ? III.; l ??"?*>. :40 *:'MI. MO, 7:15,12 p. m. Oil snnday S:4."i *. sb . 5.311 p in Itctnmmr train* will leave I'lill idi-lj.hta for New York Finm station Phila and Readinr Rallioad. corner Ninth and oncosts, al 7::H'*. MO a.m. l*Alft I.I -. 3:(rf). 6:10, 7:11, K-|. i On-iiii.Iiin?* at s-SO a. .'. t'.O, 12 p. ro. From I hint and Berks-al*. at 7 1.1. MB II a m ; 1:30. 3:25 ?-..M), li:45, 11:15 .'. in Ou Sunday at MS a. ni.i 4 .'10 p. m. ? Deiioie en mnn en* sttachio. From Trenton, S\ aricu and Tucker-*!*. ?L'JO loxcepf Mon? day), li: Hi s.'.", in l.a m; 1.5 > 2:2'. 4:15 4:1?, Ml, I AW p. m. On ?,in 1 iv 1 2i>. '.':ila m.t ?1 ? V- "i coimerilon I? nnide st Jer?ev cliy Si it Ion hv ferry to anil fiom It.klu and MKrk liepol" nt Jeraer City 'IIrk. is for s.ilc ai psit oi I.'h' rti si. - ?:??, 101. Oil. !t.'.7 Itioadwav a' ihs piincipf.i hotel*. Ni*,. 2 and 4 Court st. and Ann. \ niii, e. J. ? II s Wbarl. nr.siklyn New-York TranaferOonsnant ii> "'-'t* Krpi ?s)?ui can for ?Mahtit . hs^itML'e firm hotel ot n sidenee to ?:< *titi..tiou Ap plication can tie made st 1U4 Broadway, 73u sixtii-ave. New Volk, snd I ? ?ort M.. Pro .-i. n. ami flu s,- oilii esaro in connection with the Reil Telenh lie ..mlI Law l'el*gT*ph. H. P. HALDW1N. lien. Pas*. Agent I EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. I J ABBAKOKttBNT OP PA BKNflBR TBAIH?, M.irrh 30, IS7P. la-ave d.-eo s fool ol Cortlandt and [STM p. tav for tftaaten. Bethlehem, Allentown Heuling MarschCltnatk, Hasteten, Mahanoy tlly, A*hlan.l. Wdkcs Iihi ic. tserawtast ami Tuiikhsmiork. I ?::P? p. in., Nicht Kxpicss. dally for i. Ili-tl.'eli. ni alb Ilten. Manch Chunk. WIUc?ln,ne. Kliulra, Ithaca. Oaraevn. Aabnm, Binihtsssr Ruffiio, Niagara rails aai mm Went. Pulliuau aleeptareoa heaattncl^d. ROB*T sa VRi; snp l nn.l I ng'r. liecer il Elisteni Olbcc. cornel Chinch ami i 'ortlamll its. CHAR II CMMMINOs. A**ent \EW-HAVEN. HARi FORD, &c.?Fare, $1. II steamers leave Peck slip daily IBaadari excepted) for New ll.iien it I ail ill p. 111., eniieectiii-; w Ith 1.1.1 s NORWICH LINK to HosToN.-l AIM-: ONE 11 DOLLAR tor KnaeBtl limltm tickets. Stcnrners leave Pier 40, North River, daily, uicludliia' MaaAFAj al 4: tl)p. m. for New-Iaitclon. Itoston. Worcester, *c. pVJEW-YOI.K C'KNTRAL ami HUDSliN 11 RIVXR it v i LBO \ D, - i ?Miraen, Ii r Daa >, ?I73. thri'iigh tiains will .cue orand central Deisit s:ihi a. m? w eatera gad .\o. laera sTipifs. la Rochester, sr. Albans and Montreal, via SaraUma. with drawing r mm cars. loi.Rta. m., Chicago nnd Western Exi.ress. Drawing-room cats to c iiian tslgi a. ilo In i-tci and Rnflalo. IIS S a. m.. Ezpreaa to Allranj and Trojr. with ct-nacctions to l ;ic . - -..i pa. ?len? fallsaiul ItutluiiiL 4:(Kip. ?s? Alban] nn.l Troy Bxpreet 6:<'0 p. in.. Vt. I^.a1.. Express, daily, with sleeping cses for si. Louis, runntri* throiiiih r\. tt ilav la Iho we-k | also steep lag cars for HiiSalo. Toledoaii.l Hetroit. and tor Montreal, ex ceptibg suii.lav iiiiiht, v.a smatoita. 7: o p. ni.. Fast Exiirea. to M intreal. lto< ti.*?t'r. ami Corn mg, via Qensrra >(.eptaa car* to oenwa, Rochester, and M.mtreiU. via si. Albans. MO p.m., Faeiae Rxareaa. dailv, with sleeping ears to Rvracnse. Hm lo st r. Niagara Tails. Huffalo, t leveUnil, To Ii do, D iron ami Chicago. 11 ini p.m., Nijrht i-.xprc**. with sltcp'ng car* ro Albany 'in . i- nn sale st No*. '.'52 ami 419 Rroalway. au I at Western's Kx|?rc<-t ollicea. 3 Park place, ami 73.'. and D4 " Bioadwav. New-York, aad HSU Waebiagton >t, Rr-sikWu, c. i;. MUKKKB. Qea. a Pas.s.-ii^. i Agent. PENNSYLVANIA RAILRO ad-oir-at Trank Line and Cuile.1 stales Mail Rotilc ?On Bad Bfter Nov. in. IH71I. trains k av.. Ni * York v a Desl,na.*e, and Cortlandt stoei Ferries as follows: V- Ton ss for liarrisbiinr, Pittsburg, th'> West ami Hnuth with Pullman Paluec Cars allache-l. I a. av. ? and 8:3 1 p. daily. Fur WUhnteanorL Lo. kliaven, Corrv and Erie at Si.'io p. in . conn, cling ai con > for Til usvl..c. I'rt'oieum c litre amj fie oil Regions. Wliliuiiisport sud l.ockh iv. a, V a. m. Battajraare,Washlartta sn.i tie Booth. "Limited Wash iiigti.ii Expr.-s*" of Palltasa Pailer cani mmry,asaepl Baa. day. 10 a. m.. arrive Washington 4:12 p. ni. Regular at 4 t I and *:2n a. tu.. I, 4 *mi 10 p at, sumisv. i0 p. m. P.Mireaa (or West I hiiadelphla. 4 :'o. 7:30. S:20. 9. (10. Llmnisli. AI Ii. in.. 1. 1 ,:o i, 4:40, 5. 6. 7 30, s:..ll and lo p. in. sundae, 4.:ili ami '.? a. in.. 5, II, 7:30. s.K > au.l 10 p.m. Em grant aud s.-c mi class, 7:30 n. m. ? Kxpress for Philadelphia via t amden ?:30 a. m nnd 4 p. in., except rranday Boats of "Brooklyn Annex*' connect wPh all ttirmuh trains at Jersey i ity, aflor ling a "pecly an.I iliaat transfer for Itrooktvn travel. TtelBaArrive? Frost rWkAjarg, Me, 10>40 a m.. 1010 p. m. dally, and '.?:4ii a. m.. MO a ui.. dailv c?rept Meniar. From Waahlagtoa md Baltlawm, Mta. at, 9. mm* IJO, 10:10 n, in. aaaaay,atioa ta, From ptuiaiieii.iiia, &?.;> ?, i -o... I ml 0.4", 10:10. 11:30 a. tn.. 2, 3:50. 4:3o. 4t5il. b. 10, ^ 30 and 10TU p. l.i. sun tat. ??:>". H:05, 0:41. 10:1.1. 11:40 a. m , 6:3 10:10 p. tn. ?1 . k. t oll.c. s. .'..'i; and OH Rrnadwar. No. 1 Asior House nrei Hs't "f '" ??' aaata au.l i artlaad' sts.. Na I c.nnt-?t. ami Uro.k I in Annex fieisii. km.i olFuitou *t.. line 1.1 in. No,, i t 1 li. and 1 IS Huilss.n st., Ilolsiken Desask Jersey Ottv, BJatf. rranl Inuei tUce, .No. s Kntterv pin. c I he New.York Trai.s'er Ciiiiipany w 11 call for und check bagkage 11 ..ii hotels ami p faiieaee*. Jr it AN K THOMSON. L P. FARM Kit. lie.ii-rsl Mabater. neu 1'iiM.i nger A ,'cnt. T 0 PHILADELPHIA V11N N s Y L V A M A RAI LRO A XX. THE OLD BSTABLIRHBD Rot TR AND SHORT LINK NEW-YORK AND I'll I LA DkLPH I a. Ptxtcen '1 hi" ? ? ii.-.- <vch wav dalle; threo depot* 1'hlla.leli.hl I, two in New-Yolk. Double Truck, the most improveil Equipment, and th? Fastest 'I line < .insistent with ahsolii..- saff ty. on ami afterNTiv. t?. HTO. Exprc** Iral'i* leave New.York via D. siirosnes and Cort m ? ? iani.t sir. ct Ferries a. follows: 4:.?'. RfO, S .o. .. ilOIUBIted .11*. ?.) 1. I SO, 4. 4:40. 5. A 7:Jo. ? wii and lo p. ni. Sunday. 4:30 ami 0 a. m.; .1. a 7 3d. S :to an.i 10 P. m. KxpraM tralu* leave New York dailv ex. ci pi -umla.vat 7 ilia. m. n t. p m. rnnnliu through via TreuUm and Caiudeu. 1 Boats of ??RriO.irn Annex" connect *Hh ill ihr. ugh trains ?t Jersp- ciy. atl' i'huga ejs-edy and dmct ttaiiater lor jtrooklrn travi'L It. iirning. trams leave Weal philad lphia l2:ol 3-'>o 3:45.7, 7dpi 0, mta au.l 11 a. ui. il.lmite.1 ? xprra? ] 30'?' Di.). 1 15. 2. 4, (.Mi', 7 and 7:3 1.. in. on eu/i !ig, l.':o| jj -'il' ;i 45. B: *?? and s.-JO a. m.- 4, 7:35 p 111 Leave Phi lolcnh a via ( am.ten .'h ui Be 3:50 n. in., daily < x. cpt sunilay. li.kci Ofjaaa?Naa, ...U au.l P4t Rroa<l?a). No. I A?tor House aun foot of DesliMiws and sts.; No. 4 ( oiirt st . and BTOnklya Annex D. pot, tOOt ef Fullou st., Ilim.^ . ? NM. IIA llOaadllO II id -ei-st., I...ken -. Depot J,i,,v Cilr. Llbltraut Tick, t nmee, No. 0 Rattere place ' 'l:\NK THOMbOH, l?'P. FARMER, tieuerui MaaaaaCi o^u'i i ......., Ag/t, 11HE ERIE railya ay. now known as the NhW YtiRK. LAKE Killk and Wl.s'll.HN It 11 LR. iA Ii. Anal.*.' m. nt of tralna, lakina SA> I Nov. 17. 1S7".i: 0 a.m. Citicinuati and Chicago Day Express. Drawing 100m Coaches in Hiiffain and siis|h-iis1ou Ilildge. li p. 111. tDaih ) Fa<t St. Louis Expiees, univiug at Outlaid Sa m., r. innectlii:- wtlk fael tralu* to the West aud South, we 1. Pullman'* best Diawiug-ro >iu Sifepms; Coaches to liiiffalo. 7. P m. (Dalvi Pad tic Express for Hie W-?t. sic pint; Coaili's through I" Riiftalo, NU .au ia Is, Cm.m. nail und Chicago without change, also II.if I cars to 1 biragn. 7 p. ui. Emigrant traiu for the Wc?L Tialns lea*.-< hsmis-rs street |>. poL Nrw York, for NeWsrs, H i'. s ill 11:30 a. in 3 lo, 4 20, 5:2 I. 0:'.0. 7 3'i p. in. and 12 ght silui.lny nights only. , ... ; , ? m. 6:30p. id. . Rulherloid. au.l Passale. H. 7-5 '. lo. n):J0 a- m. (the lie'.-lis. m. ir<lu siopiat It'iihi-rfo d Park only on siuiiLiivmi l'.'D'sui. LI.'', 3. :.l?. 4:10 5:10. ft 3"i. ti .11.... :... -, | . ,, IV! midnight, sundav*. 0, 0:.l0. 10:20 a. ui . 115. ti.M p m'' u 12 iiililiiH'hl. .tn.giii. sua.lsys, C s;.:o, 10:20 a. ni., 1.4^, 6:00. 7 p. m., and 12 11,11-' Wai wick, 7:30 a m-. 4-3" p- m. Newl.ntg 11..I Com*>ali. 7 jO. 0 a m . 3:30. 4:30p. m. Hun Ma4aal aaT K 1l''*i,u,,?tf ?> m-' 'J M ^ aa Runda? S:30 a 1.111,? ?tM 0. luMa. iu- 3;30, MO, 4:J0. 7 p. m. Hun ,;ay?. o. ? ???'. Jl' -" a. m..0: t<s i p. ui ..i 1 ittlel -*n, 7: .0, '.'. I0-.ju a.m.. 3:60, 4:30.7 p.m. Sun nays. H:30, l.i: Oa in , 30. 7 p 111. Tue ? *. m. au.l 4:30 p in. train c .iiB'-et with New- Yurk aud Oswego Midland Rail n sd al Mslust. . .... port Jet vi?. 7:50. p, lo^ti. a.m.. 4;:py, 117 p.m. Sun.Uy* s,ao. Li:2 "a ". .'. ' f.ii Ami 7 p. m. ^ Soil H' -'Is I. a*e 23.1 si. iiuarlerof and qmrt-r after each limn I. ' in ?>: 1:. a. ni In .1 15 p. in . an.: U 1' 1an,; 1 1 ( , p ,?. ?|ickeisforp***ig" *ud for apartuiema In Drawing r.smi ai d 1't.lug l*oacaet can be otitained, aud ordera for (he , ,. si.l irausler ol bsirtage inav lie Mi, kt the Com lutiy'h OtBce? Jio*. 23?. 4ot or P?7 HnM.lwar. N. y.; So. I couit st, Rrookivn. or al the Company * Depots. I- xpn .? t'.ii"- lorn Hie West airive In New-Yor? at 7:25 *? m ' " Vaof W. ABBOTT- Hen', Pers'r A.t, New York, Gftsationf CDante?--/-maiea PROTESTANT SERVANTS' BUREAU for families, hotel*, snd all others who want good, relia? ble, civil servant ?irla ami woman ; for city "' country wagee to suit the limns ; al-n useful ynrnr girl* iti.1 nurses, tc alao nislrbelp PHOTEWTANT IP.Ml. BUIIICAI . 13? elh-ave. fourth turns* a bore 10th at, _________ /MIAMMKRMAID~df7.?A young American " ' rroteatant girl wishes? situation as g aiulxnnald. and to wait up m a ladj ; or ?? rhamneimanl and take car? of linear.*--. Aadraaa p. K.. 334 a?M UlUaL pOLORBD HELP FURNISIim-Owk*, v> waiters, rhsmhcriuald*. girl* for general housework, carhroen. gardeners, Ac, at Uie . ol.opi.l) M-WIOK, 13. w?sawiaaK______ Cook.?By a reapectablo Scotch Protestant woman a< Brat rlaas cook ; ran ?erve up dinners Hi the latent sole- hsking ?od pastry, all kind* of sweets, beet citr r. f.-renee given. Add re-* m u'l cll CuoK.ucueral Adver? tising Office, 1399. ilrokdwar.____ (ViOK.?By a rc^km-lablo young woman as J first class cook, by the day, week or uimth i nnderatamia rooking la all ita branches , I? tellable, and lias unairepuon. able nly reference*. -14 Weal 33th *t . -d floor rear. DRESSMAK ER, fcc.?Draw and cloak maker and nirker over: twenty yens' praoice; rhsrge* mod i rate ; f .otu Hi to ? dally . no boaid wanted. Address J. O., Tribune Ilrunrn Offl. e. ,tio ad are._ DRESSMAKER.?A first-claa* dressmaker will make walking raits with sdjusrsbh trams from fit) to $10 , without, from tit to *l I : up ?linens to be aeen at aar time; arMnstahle trains long ami graceful, and will not turnover. Hol West I'M list. ______________ r?IRST-CLASS BICK NURSE ..pen to en JL gagement* frcm the lfttb ; well recotnmeiitled by physl elaaaaad ladles. Mrs. DO DOE, .38 West 40th-**., pree. ut employer's._ AUNDRESS.?A first-cliiss colored laundress wish.* genta' and families' washing en the most rea nable terms ; sldria, collars and cuffs done up In Trov style; ief. lirst-. las*, t ad < n >r ?ddlesa M AIIV E. OOKDoN 1-8 West Join at. . L SEAMSTRESS.?A Oermnn Protestant girl as seamstress i can cut and nt and take charge of children. 73 ','d at- hr?l M SEAMSTRESS, StC.?A seamstress, under? stands dressmaking and all kinds >.f family sewing, also macliine, aoolil go out ay the dar i r week, or would take a |,c ruiaiient plate as seamstress ? elt. or toiiiitrv. Address M. N.. Kox 17.?. TiHnine I'ptowu Office, l.'_3.S uroadway. By a reapcotablc woman to do Hie washing and ironing for ladles sod gentlemen, or won! I do families'; understands tinting and putllug: children's i ! done in the nr.a'r.d manner . flannels washed the same us new; best reference. If Inquired. Call on Mrs. Mc'COK MACIC 40a East flttth at.______ ?><7 7TH-AV&-PAULMK MOCCARD? ? II French tailor ; rtulng habits. latfayet'e end Kobra Pierre eoits, walking suits, dolman*, ulsters all clothes for lailies; ilrst class imkc.r. 9itnaiton9 a<anteo?ftl-Ues AFRENCHMAN, who speaks Oerman ami Kngll-h perfectly, wishes a situation In any capacity; I j.. m i.hi and accountant . willing to work and make In in SaU generally usclul in any capacity. Adtiress A. L. 9mm West .tuh-st._ i.N EDITOR of LA ROE EXPERIENCE, es j'\ peclally an political a ritrr for dallies, managing editor, legal writer and annotator a id reporter desires employment ottlirron a daily or weekly or a, a legal editor. Addrcs* t:COM)MlST_Tlniea olhce, i hit-ago, 111,_ AGENTLEMAN who has ocriipp d various Imp..rt ant and conndentlal posi 1 ns. pnid <? ami private? ..ti ers I list >.f private sccretart, tor several rears, to a waU-knewn wealthy ellir.u, now deceased -desires employ. io. it with iDoi'ersie cooipeus.iioii; iin. xaepilouaUle refer? ee, es. Adore* MAUIso.N. l rib .in- tiffin'. _ pOACHMAN, COOK und I.A UNDRESS?? \J llv 9t iinlliiavlan man and wife ; first class references from Issl employer. Address " T." Ilox I?, Tribune office. CtOACHMAN?' Bv a Barried man; no en 1 cumbra'ice; Is willlugand obliging; flrst-claas city ref ereaces. call or address -VI Eaat 30th^t_ (^0A( 'II M AN.?A fOOne iniiii ?l i wcui \ \. u \J es|h?r.enc?desrea a sltuaiion as km. hn an. in or out of ; In at city l.fer.uc. s. Call or ?Idresa A. E, llu Weal : Ttll-Mt. _ _ Ci ?ArIIMAN and GBO0M.-By a resncctahle young nun: thoroiiuhly c.iupeteut In every respect : generally useful , lutlustrioiis. willing and obliging: Ural . lass elt] reference Address David, i.??. -4?, Tribnue i'ptowu otu. e. I_t8_ liroaslway._ pOACHMAN nnd GARDENER.?A youna V. mal 11 d ionn, with only one child ; understands the cire of horses, hat ness. rair'.ageie, t ai tie ana poultry | eleven year* eltv or ci.iii.ti.r re.'eience; wife cn exceih ut luilt' ; to st reter nee trom last employer, with whom I lived two years. Address "JloME,"ff East 14th st, * *Zo flJnom it man (Eoufcni Vo|"|( E.? The attention of MHOM tlaiining i.v any ihtereat In anv land* in this Colony Is ca led to the loilow np clauses of ordinance >'xv of 1h7<i, entitled "An oritinauce to provide tor the tlual settlement of certain claims to land ": <1.A USE II f ?All claims of titles to land srlslng under any contract MttMd into before the loth of October, IS74, which I have not already becu suNnilttssl to the a ovementioned Commission (Lauds Cemmlsstou) for investigation, shall within six months from the commencement of inls onlinanre ls> ?uhndilcd lo the sbove meiitlonea Cominisslou in order that thev may be fully investigated and equitably adjusted, snd snv rlnlih w hich 1* not so submitted within the sai l pe? riod oi six iiiontus shall be held to have and shall have no force ..r eile. t. VI. ?The (iovemor in Council shnll take Into consideration aim decide upon every rejKirt of l bo Commission which has not iH'en sodeall will. before the p.salng of this snd ?IihII i-sne to the persons Interested a cerlltlrat.- uriilor llic hiititl of the Clerk of tho i 'ouned. etubodytn? the derision ii|s>n such ie|h.rf. and shall cause the pnrport of every such decision to he published by notice In 'I he Koyiii Oarette. Every such . .oi. e ?Ii I s|.e, !i\ cy..|y persnn t.> whom In eoliseqiieuce of such de. isn.n any Crown oranl of the lands In .jueatlou will be issualde under the lirovislnns nl this onlinance. VII. -Any jm .soii feeling himself gggr.evod by sny such decision mar, within two months after the publication of the said rotte*', or if absent from the Colony, wlihln ? ? months thereafter, present a pf titlon to the tloveruor, sotting forth the ground* of ht* objection to thodetUtoo, and praylug that the matter may ba rein-, td. V I 11.-Any iic:?..!i feeling h.niseit Hger evisi by ,r v decision of the tb.v-inor In Conn. II. given before the M*a_-I of this ordinance, ii|a.n any rrporr of the said < ..umiisslnn. may witiilu two tuoutlis alter the passlug of tin* ordinance, or if .,b??nt tioni the Col'iiiv. within six months thcrenfler. present s petition to the toiyeiin r. settlne forth the of Ins ..blec.iou to the decision, ami prat lug that the mutur may be i Olicard. X X.?If any per~in claims any lsmls stteclfle.I In anv not it e published under I he si oh HecUea or th ? Tenth Sec'lon of th a .irainanee, or anv i -i lie or interest therein, or any mortgage or encumbrance tin-icon on ite oiint of auv contiuet or trims action sp re the lohilayef October, beluga trau* aeuaa prohibited i.y Orataaac ? Na vi ..f i?7.'., at on ???.nt of any morigage or encumbrance acipilr.db. foe the IO(fe day of October, 1S71, from or through any intended grantee ..t stich Inn?:?, where i be InteU'led graute", or the persons. I. im ng to have an. h mortgage or encumbrance lndorse.1 .>n the i.u\n i.i n t ini iii-sin.stieii v.,in th. oi.l. r of prior tv or tak^rwiae,asaetXIedbj iii. ioiv.inor In OinhmB under r-ec lion X of the Real Property ordinance of |iTTtJ. sank petSCM may aIthln two luoliths fr.uu the publication of the notice klliabllfilHt im nli ii I lodge wl:h the l!e,-,strar of Titles a caveat prohibiting the ls?ue of thrt Intended grant, either ul tagethei i unless the grant bo mado subject to the claim of the ea wafer. XXI.-such c iv.ats *hill be In Ibc same form and shsll kava the same effect and a.iall he tleaU wllii In ad respects in the nani" way. us uearlv us mav b?. ss ea-.eats losigid muter the Heal Prop. iH onilnaiu e of 1 s ti. and the (rov. mnr shall :>?ue all sne'i grant* and order such Indorsem-uts thereon as h?oaseaeeaaawylaeoaaeqaaaee of anv tina indfment that may be given by the supreme court In the matt. r. or if any ^ . Ii ca\ .it lie with t:i n b. acie.- .ent bciween the parilea. that UVliaef avaj u .ne the lut.n l.*l grant la such form and aitli such lu.iols. uicuta as will currv mit such agreemout. Is.] CIIAP.I.ES MITCH El.I, c . nuiLiidoaer of Lands. Lards OOlt e Fiji, 13th October, 1S7?. Dil lua3w lh Tin Tai srrr* or tiik nkw Voaa ? am. Baooat-va itmma, > Ornt B: lip, tl WAITBST., Br. KlKI.YN, Dec. '_3. 1870?) QEALED PROPOSALS will be reeelred by the 0 Ti'iist"i Ithe New York and linsiklvn Hralge at their ?ni.v, Na 91 Wster sL, llr.Miklvn. until 1m. o( Mo.NH vv JANL AItY 1-'. ISSU, Mr the Insnnf.i. tore and delivery of abo it I. ISA.OO0 feet (tKjsnl measure) of Saataen Yr l.i.ow Pi N L. tntlabout -7o,OW> feet (hoatd measure) of Will I E 11 \ K. Specltie.itl ills limy be bait upon appllc III.HI at the o'VJce of the Trustees. _V.. A. itOEHUNO. Chief Engineer. DROl'OSALS foe Plata Printera' Su;-plies. 1 Tuaaoai IMvahmdit. > Bl Kt'At U? EM.IIAVl.Mi AMI PaUIUMk) December IS. IS7U. \ PItoPosAi.s rup. st PPl.lKs. embrat lug dry colors, oils, chemicals teUHe*, psper, tynographlral inks, binders' materi? als, i a int. gpic. hardware, and engravers' and pr.liters' sun in.-. IM u.i'if the Bureau of Kngr* vine and Punting tor six ii.i.ollts. n-Liitr :?<?. 1 -Ml. will Im le.e.ved ut tills office until l -'o'clts k in.. December 31. IM71I. IU k o: in- for pn.|sis.i| in.mi an lea s In either t lass, with iafatiaaikai a* to ouaatll), i|iialllv and cuuUHions, will be fur uishetl aa aopllratlon. PioisTKula w.II be compared oa each Item separately, and, t ons tiering the adaptability of gualltl* s to the work or the i.ureait. s? well a* the pi lea* pro|a>sed, oiders ? ill be made ou the P.we-1 bidder f ?! I lie silicic doslretl. . The nuht to waive defects and to n-ject any or a'l bids is ro? se rv?sl. Parttea n^aaatiaa infonuaiion must spaetty upon which psrtirulir class oi ariirliw lio-y are gualif|.-.i i.. inoi.o.c ami shouitl address O. if. IKISH, i r Bureau Eugraving und Printing. Washington, D. C I) /nrnilnre. I5SK8 nnd OFFICE FURNITURE. LinUAI.Y TABLES. BOOKCASES, _c, manufactured by T. O. SKLLKW, 111 Fultou-st. AtlENT for THE CKI.F.IIKATKD " Woo'lON ' DI.-k. F.NE DESKS FOB HOME I SE. Stcamboato anb tiailroaDs. POB BRIDGEPORT and all points on Nuii I galuek u-i.l ILdisatouic Itallio.i.l* ?- leano rs leave Cath annc si p il'ler 30. E. B.< dsily st 11 30e. m. and'J.30 p. m. Fere luaer than by any other nsith. ONE DOLLAR TO BOSTON, VIA THE PALL BIVMa LINE. I ..i special 1.nute I llekela. Mag illiceut at -amers OLD ii.LIIM and NEWPoItT 'eave Ne*>N ork dally, tiieliuung siihd.-> f, at 4 3" p. in. fro'n Pier '.'s, North Kiver, fool of Mur tu> si Leave BraoWlju, 4:Oo p. bl; Jersey City. 4:_0 p. in., via Annex. TO 15<?S1(IN VIA THE OLD DELIABLE SloNIMilO.N l lNi: l b* e scant Meaus-rs M A ->sAt II I sE ITH and BIIODR ISLAND have Pn r 33 Not I '? Itiver (loot of Jsrst.) at 4:JU I. ni., d?llv. EXCEPT st NDAYis. .special lust i lass buiiict ticket* g( tsi only fur the Idp for a huh they aie Issued tooth istat ami train, as spertnt-d on the lacs- of each tied) sold i .a this line Horn New Yi rk to Be-too iat?l. Siiitsroomsan.l ticki ts sei'or.-tlst Nos. 303. 897. 7S^ snd :>4: Broadway, at Mctr'.)*>lit in and Fifth Avenue Hotels. New York, lud at 333 Washington st., Hrooklvu. Ticketaar? also .. Id ai ad prin. ipal h.deis and Hckei-oU. _* and at offices ut Weal col I KxprraaCo. PK0Vn>BHC8 LINK tor freight only. Kb aim 11 Lie. trs au.i Oalalea leave Itel -U, North Hirer (foot ot \S arr.-u sL). daliy, except Sundays, at 4 p. m , fur i i.ivitb-iii-tlireci. Ficightviacilherhut taken at lowest tales. Lv.i-int ii s. ha in i it h. i...l r_a.A.uit * )'r_a__uu THE MONET MARKET. " MALKS-dOTBhVIMMNT MTOOK DBF ABTUBXZ. m H.10? third call?lLa o'clock r. m. I "1907 107V 1 30.000 .be..101 fourth: call-24 t/ctoci p. m. riHKT CA I 1,-10 L, o'clock ?. U 8 4s Co 1 poo 1807. 6,000. D I AtConpon 1881 10.000 V " On, Registers* lsao lO.OOO. 108 V DNti Coop 1007 loOOOO.?3... . 104 D * escnrrcney 189? IO.O00.. KALEH BAILBOAD A.Y/> OTUKS SECUKTTIBS. lOA. M.?liUM RKriiKR TllfC CAIL. Imp A Trad Hank 11.. Vit I'C * I 0 1st M m ?7 Trust Co Cer A* Snojileinentary 11 M s?p? M 1. A I ? 1st Pref Incom 10600 7??% Tri Per in I. drant MM ,| 1 j Kanaan Pacific Dru u.v 0? As with Coup Cert 6M ..uiv C Kall? A Mm 1st KM JOS , Mt Panl < 'on 8 F IM. .11 1 >?. Horn- W A Ogdeti lat Cunxol 1M. 61 ,51H.. SS Ei le Now 2d Con 0M..8f.\ J s nr., runnel i'o 100.. 8**300.. 3*1 I Pullman wr.. 10..1IM ,'100.103 Pacific Veil Dm ..i?V'4i)0..3S 300..34 "si A 1 aim n Ifnion HHJ.IQtH, JOO.IOO', i" I? 01. i.?. .11., , 200 100 lloO.IWa NYLKsW "n im 41 ?, iOO .40?,: SOO 41 100. .40?.' 3'j0...4?)?J N \ I K W'n pre' I 200.. ?7** 100.. ?8 ? icblgau ( eairal | list i1i>?2<m> up, 100 91'?,35 . OK I ake shorn lM.luOS 400.100V ?North 100..8MVIO0 8il?? I Central of Ni 100 80 Del. Lack, t We n , WO 8."4 100..82A, Kock Island 100..14? I si pft0| MO <?% Wabasb Psclrlo ; 200. 40 , '?io 404a Wik "l I, 4 P pre" 1 loo 0.4 VI'0..fa'* " 88 V 100 ?HD? Kanaaa A Texas 000 .Jl V40v. 314, 100 IVIOO.SIV t 1h..1.U soiith'a R loo .ft* "j st I. A D m Ml As 00 45 S 200 . 44V 2U-I..4S I ?si L a s Fran prel 100 4? Mobile AO a wot 1 oO.. 20 Naab Chat a m l 4<si. 78?? Manhattan R'wap Uro. 66 V '?CA- IC 2<ro 21 ,100..30*4 20'L. 20 Vi FIRST li' ADD - 1 0 l.j (Vi LOCKA. M. American Express 100. OH Fiill'm Pal Car Co 174 104 Western Union lM.lOOi 1<>0 100?? Fat Um Mail a a ItO M Lake ehore A M s 3o0 ..DPI*. K Y Lake K A Wn Oiaj 4i ,Iimi .40'? t'nlon Paclric 100 82vloO. H3 Clere a Pitta Ofd 200.106 V 00.. 100 V t'liiaiiu southern*V Chic Mil AM F 260 72'? fXIO 7^H? Hur C It a Nonh'u 21 6tf<? i lic.-.'i,m-ake a Ohio 20??. 17'a tndCIa a 11 :psi :i Phil <? Reading 400 07 ' Mo Kan a Terea 800.. a i ??,i ?00 31 > ' st fauns t m a 8 a , 200.. 45 ' Wab st L a p pref 'OO. 6.4'? >i Louis a 8 Fran 100 42 lOO 42V s: Laodson Frprt 200 48V st L a 8 f lat pre* MO..0tfn2?.. ?0 2U0..0? j 12^ (?'('LOCK?8ALK8 BEFORK THE CALL. Rome SV A og l?tC l>M..6l^UM. 66 1 .l ie New .'o < 'on CM ? ; ? mm sc? 40M.S'i,?| lint lll'i a U 11 In 6M .49'o Or R'v A N lat mm 113 lieu A Rio U 1st 1UM..II4 Mo Kan AT 2d DIM...17 Mo K A Tex C As IM .92'? 11 |... 1 an F. lat IM hi. ?1 , i Well* Fargo Ex 48....100 i'uhuikn Pal Car C 10.. too sutro Tunnel Co 800.. 3'?20 ... 3?, Del a Hudson 400 74V 200 .74 Western Cniou cISl.KHO..- jo lOO.lOOVJOO.lOO'a h O li M 1'a.lflc M II 800 .34'-.25 .. 84H 2ou..34*?l Krie lt?llw?r i Del tatck A West 2050 40 V?00 4! >. 4 ?> c2*al700.83 3100.41 iloOAMl-1? 1 d'o hv-,.100 Hf. ?"0 .41 I 1I00.K2>m( F:ile RaUnar pref MorrlaA Eaeex 100..?8 ;:?Li..e8'? '2'a'lOi1? 'oo ..7?, KNi .CHAj i auala sontbern R Mu hi Mitral i 500 ii.'i1, Hai ?j?, 200 Ol V18.. O.'V ' ' hi" A Alton ll?y 92 , o.. P3 i 18..99V? 6isi..pi V| ! lud i in A Lafar't? latk* shore 200 .8 1M.101 1300.101 j Ka- aa* A Texa? M.101 v'lOOlOl h i 1?'0 31 SiOO..31?j a West . 1ISI.101*?, 1 I 'Blon pacific 10 82?? ? en ol .V Jer?ev 200 . mo KiOO. .sO\ 60.. 79*? IOO..bO>? Ioo..8?H,| St Paul 4iX)..72'? 500. 72*? 50.. 72?-100..7a'V 400.. 72%J -i Paul Prof 50. 9S'? rt a'ia*h sl.AP Lako Erie 100 .20 M tunat'an K R 20 1 65 Nash ? hat a 8t U Iini 78?? N V N H a Hart 40. 164'? iic/i.ii R A N'ar Ce loo..lira Han A St Jo 101 13 Hal * st lo Pref nn. 6.<*? |2IH). 4o\, loo..*t0A| Ohm*} Vls*j??Jpp| I W ah St LAP Prei . 1 mi ?71? loo ?1??. Waft St LAP Prei . 1<mi .\ i i'AIU 100 .?J??1 j Moo .ii . ,., 27*. 31V -' 1 ?MO BOA HD? 1 O'CLOCK P. M. Bur C R ?t N 1 st DIM bS DIM.88 Che* A O Pur M y Fund M 10.. Is Mil A st P CS F ISM 111 rs Lake E A W 1st 6s :,m M. iroiM.Mtan E 1st 2M..IOIV Mo Kan A This* Consols H K As 1 Oaf. 93 Ot ntral Pacific O fl '?' M hiv, N Y ElevaiedlstM 1M 114 OM 114 U Par siniuug FoJ ' 2M..1I? Soiilh Pi*c 1st M HOOBsj Texas Pac In L U M ? ' st Land I Monnt Cairo a Fuitou ist UM. 103'? IM. 104 T a Wab Cou Conr I . u 14 ?> ?? 111...15'? Western Ualoa 1 chic Mill A St P 3J0.I01 ion. 101 >? lisi 7/', 3o0 72*a Pacitlc Mail 81> C Wab st L A Pao I ?Mi .(.'.t, 10v..U Mi. tOV Lrie lUllwav M ab st L a P pre( II 0 ll\4 0 .4I\ IOO..03S.400 031a 600. .41 V700. .4 11? Pel Lack an? Wesf I-ne llansrsv pref 4'NI so -?'.'ijo.8iTs 400. 68 '200 . 68'? ' 2M 88 " * 100 ? " ?. Mauhattao K R Mich Central IM.-Msj luo,.hj l<s) ?'.". st I. A -an Fran Lake shore AMR: Dsl..42 100 43 304X101 .M.'.lo: M..kaaATexaa 6iSi.ini',600.l?lAjl IM .31*4 100 lot'?, I .Northern Paatfla 1 nn.u Pa. iflc 100 s-.' ?'. 100..82s, Clove A diu O'iT 2OO..106I-J 1" '0% 800 8i 1 em Pal Pf*d . DM .56 |6 ... 65 1 Canada southcra ( entiaJ of .S J I loo .051? l" a. Ml.lM4r) As <tide A N Western DM) .45>?> 500..87V, 1011.87'. Morns a Essex Ch A Northwesl uf DHL. 103 "a Cbio A R Island I. -. Ml '4 "in. A Miss pref 210 M\ I c c a I Outral ISO.. 21'si'HI..20'? SALES FROM 2?a O'CLOCK TO CI.01B OF B?81XKSS 3 O'CLOCK P. M. Erie preferred 10O..WA?M0.,Mlfl 1900. 83 r Lat Rl'n A Mun lit Illinois Ce .tral 100 PSVH^J 99 100 98*?l MicMirau Central T ITanre 2d pref im...o1? 5M..H1 Tol a Wabish 2d 1UM !>8 5M. US'* 1011 !I8>?| Oreat West 2d M 1AM Pfl'-j ? Y Flerated 1*4 SoM s., ?J0M.S7 10M .S7 I K W a Og 1st con 8M..65 Bo* H a Erie 1st 2OM..03 Che* A Ohio 1st ?.riles U 20M II J Mo Kan A T 2d 10M..j.7 T A Wab 1st M st L Division no..Too Pu hu..n Pal Car C so., lot Utile Plt*?*f M g llK'./J^Hi Atlantic A P Tel 100...41 Delawui?? * IIud 100..7I'? W r?iern t'nlon I>-1 Ltd a We*t> '.'?si s.i '700 831 6'JO. 83V100..8J Kansas A Tsiaa 1M 8lTal4uo.82V 14(8) 112 ;siaj. xa?J - 10". 92M0?i..?3 "m Jim?. . a-jOiSL .321? 100 93 jlO-i 93S 1M .32'? I0O..32U 100 .03?J.'00..9.'N 5 'tl .sj v.vk) 82*s 7(*y. 03V400. 93?a ixs) .a.".. riK) M>a 60.. 03'j "IMI. 32^,200 .32\ Lake shore Canada Southern 1M. 101 s 100.102 I 100.66 2M loi?,20o ... (I Lou ivtiie a xash 2iMj.10lV2iMi.10l ?, 3o.i .roi 600.101 ?si'100.101 Ts Mobile a Ohio Asa Lnion Faciac ; loj 20Sj 10O..6.1 Mauh 'tiau R R CentRRotMJ ' 1'Ni. 54V 10 . 65 600..H-ja. 100 Si's N Y I I. rated 3D0..80''^4ol'..8i '? 100 .123 lloo. 81's Northern Psciflc HML.BIVI'O si lo.. .30 > US) 31V 700..31 1100..83 100 31??2?J0..81'a IC0..81 V'00..81t? pot t. asaiara 100 .87^ 100 .87V N-rin Pi Pref 300..8, Aj DMJ..5b'?llN)..60'4 Northwest pref Phil A Reading 100.10.1'? 200.100? 1 5<Si..o7?s I st Paul !l.tiiu.hal A st Jo 100..72V160..73'. 1 2HI 33V I IOO..72*4'5O0 .7.0? II Ast Jo Pref 150O 73 ,^0J TSV 000 63'?'200..*4 6O0.I1H '4 14 list .7j> Mmj 7o'- 800..aS*9 800.101^.200.101 i st Paul pref iNaahCASL 10". 101 "si 1 100..PO>? DM)..PPV '?'0. 78'a400.?78*a Paclhr Mall 200..09'.UO,.M <-t I. A Irtiu VI A* 2O0.35 t. 100..35'-j est Paul A Mlu It' I "o. .4 .?? Oof). 45Sj IM. 34Sil I 100 4? ICO 45-? 100..46V Rock Island IWubashPac 5 . 46 | 100 4? l7isj 41 500.41 Vs 01,10 A Miss N V C A Hudson 600..4IV8O0..4I'? . 300..18 200..28V 20.. 127"v s.. 129?a 400 .41 V| oh 10 A Miss pref 2IHC 30 I I Wab Par pref 100 57'? KneRailwav 200 ?3 V4oO..0iV CCA I u 6tSl .41 a.7IMJ..41 V: 3ia) 04 .100 .04 100 2o'?3f>0 .21 3500 41^,1:181.21^, 600..64'?J I 1)8)..21 1100 . 20*? I 200..21'.,100..20V N. r. MIMIK? STOCK KXC1IA VO? .SALES. sAI.iS AFTKR THI' SI U CALL. California 200. 3.20 Con Viratuia DM). b30. 3.45 8* . 3.40 60. 3.60 Oothlsbaw 100 ; Caled*nla B II 100 *15. 2.55 HukUl 10<l.b30. 8.93 100.t.-ol 7iMl.b3*i. 3.00 100. 8.76 Soulb Hits Ass'm't unpd i 200. b.'O 3.25 J4SJ. 05 I 200. 8.10 lav.. 62 63 .Vi ?3 53 ? I 3 200 . 181 Helle Nie I00. 1.3? 100 . 1.45 Bolle 20 . 8 50 . .1?.'.. 8'? , 500. 8. Impi'ilal oraimlle 100 . 36 i 1 WO. b3. 44 |3O0. 44 b3. 8.15 2i8? .. .. .1.05 100 blO. 3.15 DK)..t>3. 3.10 100 bl6. 8 10 joo. 3.05 Hnckeve 200 blO. to I 800. 200 hi . ?0'. boo. ,00 hi ?.. . .-.IM? blO. < 2'.'<K)h.1'i. 5oo M shamrock , 200 1.4 * !40ll. 1 41 ! Ore'nMnuni'n 300 bx<>. '.Mil slrriaNevssta 20 .atlo. SO*? Rappahan'ock 50o 37 200 blO 31 100. 36 Reehrel DM) bJO. I loo. r.'.u I Buiwer 4. 9 50. U'? I.eadville I 200 .... 4.60 Lucerne lOKI . . . 15 ' 1518) .... M ! 100. 17 oreat East.-ra 5IMI. 28 Tuscarora I0>). 21 ? iold Place* 2O0. 26 Amerlc'nFiag 500 b30. 64 Wkdmisdat. Dec. 24?p. m. The btistness at the Stock Kx'-?anire to-day wao light in all its departments. Tho lirst two and one* half hours were iziveii tip to some really enjoyable Christmas festivities, of which an account will be fou ml in our local coin inns. Alter that buaineao Wits rc.iillO'il, hut it was not c.-utliiiletl without occasioiiiil interruptions from the outbursts of fun from some of the members, who were unable ttu restrain their expressions of joy oatural o the season. Finally a general and sharp advance in tho pricea fur stocks furnished to some a MIM for additional joy. while by others it was defined poor food for Christmas reflection, Ihe total transactions of the day aru-miited only to 114.IMR) shares, couspieiioii* .iinoOJal which were Lake Shore, Michigan Central, the coal stocks, St? Paul common, and Missouri, K.rtisas mid Texas. The Sr. L ulls and San Francisco shares were no! as strong as on preceding i!a\>-, und tlie Elevated Kailroad stocks were a shade lower. Tin- Baol c!..iiigcs from the closing prices yester* 4.1.1 s ; re as follows! Advances?('., (?. und I. 0^ Krie.Western I'uiou and Pacific Mail, each ?4| flau? tnhal and St. Joseph, Nashville, Chattanooga aud St. Loins. Ohio aud Mississippi preferred ami lr*?Q Mountain, each :V : Chicago, Ut. PBbJ aimI Minneap? olis, Northwest, Hannthal aud St. Joseph preferred, Illinois Central, Oregon Kailroad mid Navigation, Reading and Union l'aciflc, each L,. Delaware and Hudsou and Wabaab, each ?>. "Delaware, Lackawaiiua and Western, Michigan Central, Lrla preferred, Wabasb preferrexl and Atlantic aud P? ciflo Telegraph, each ?4; Northwest . . eiei i- .1, 7? I Kock Island. St. Caul. Northern Pacinc aud Ohio and Mississippi, euch 1; 8t. Paul 1 referred. New Jersey Central, Missouri. Kansas and TexM and Northern Pacitio preferred, each 1*41 Lake Hhore l*a I ?n<1 Central and Hud? son, 3 per cool. Declines?( heaapeaks and/ Ohio, Chicago and Altou and St. Loul* and Sau Francisco preferred, each '4; ManbattsB Lievaien. -?m ; Louisville aud Nashville and New*" York LT.". a ted each h; Mobile aud Ohio,7? aad St. Lonlsaiul San Francisco first prafcried 1 percent. The Philadelphia Mock Excbaugo adjourned at 11 o'clock, and the oulv uuotations recatived hoat