Newspaper Page Text
J* mm were Heading J.r?,?:U*s, and Pennsylvania 30V. ????? o* rna stock ..tin ?10?. .lam.. . . . " ' ' ? ' ^_jtil^atf^Jlara^ aa*. laafc'c A.?i H A. a i " i.0. a * N uv*??,* -Miia'u C..C..C. ? J ~] C.c. * I 0.. OH_? ' cars* ? Caitt li-r. ? vi cauK-i a.; a. Caie. a A lues CS?a * ah. pi ni-'.M.ra-. M. ?? .Ml 06 .1 I7M ...... m j a'i J ?v'-v M Nr J" % i7?2 H* U* 14? 9?v aw?y 99 V i e-i.- * \ w fit?, a piuj I'.. M . <?-' ' C M .an I" JX..1. at ??i n D. a lia? U . ? a **> J*? B. a ">? ?' ? ai Han-w .... _uia*w* c?n? _li as?r .?_> ??*?;_*? a Ban. Parn.e.. _>***D.M....j .. Da. erat. ?? __uW.ri-<t w -Jv mmmm. ?Mama- ??? __** shvr*.. . mi'.; BUiuUIUk... Metropolitan* . at i ? a . i*-v ?.!.?. ?La m ran.. *..?<* ???< a_?i.'-iijt?>ti-. 5. Jc*t..r*i.. X*. Y. A 5 M. - l i ?m.. a/i _ ?-?! ?.. B.Y..L R ?wJ Do prat-_ Ktirthn raeaaa. Da oral. (uiu a Miaa,. . lia wnt-. Or* *.*>*-..: ? ?0 s?;\ 13 14* irW 17 44 ?in 7? I U% i 2J 9a j .10 imh ??-??I I.< 14'i '?to, lia> I - U'o IHS ITS ffS -:s. It'3 104 7..'. mm a :?i s 16. l - ?*?? this, - . 94 * ? 37 1.4 1*04) '.'.'?Ii ion '.'..'in 41 ai 4..ii 6.130 S..O 10 ?K. 7--U .pro IrisJ -111! 44MJ _ iU. lim?, Ii.I '. a*1* M,| 44'? aid ?$*?! si-* ? is .i?? 4?-_' ?7-? v??3 ?7-? ;io-V an i sein '??' ? ftd -7?a| **i,| /7sJ M?ai 47*' l0_ I M krfs ia4*i '? M. '. 64V tU*? &j : ; lift < I'.1. ! *-?*? a'j?, '.?_?? im? 4* M) IV Im' 4.1 I. ;?<( -uo ?*: 19.010 ; l.?"0 Etta 40 1. o PV .*Kr.i4ia? J'-..!!??!? ._- j at. -.* a. at.t-aa. p a.. (?tL-a--? LacaC at. i... i l ? !*???'nc W?h. st.l..*f Da. prat. abm. iaal.Tai . at P Tat. . ... . ^ V'J : lot lot t7*J 97 &7\j' -41 S* .0 ?J..uiii l.MWI Mb TOO Mm i lot) ti> >- I s ii?, ... .%? j fn'a, 67?*) 67\ ttfi 170 *7 I 67 -. -, LuS lo4 I 104 1?M 111.1 I 106 ! ? I 4? ] 4aV aasjl 4-sa .. T ??'?V "f ... bH 0?, t Vl j ?i ?*"? 44?*i 4S<aj 4A*aj ?ft-a| m fad as i 41 I 41V 4?V 41V 40*W 41?? i..;- **w n.t>*i (M 41 ti 41 ?? l .lai.. l-O", loi s Lai adaiua ?_? ... inat. Kzp. ... Ii. t?. Kxn. ? . ra?o . PannaMiii i I - 41 loi 10* i106 .?4>4 U. 34. ?SV I an aou Mu-j-at -. Oi LM6* PlMaa'g. Ontan* M.i n. ?taiMaar* Aii v patro 1 Cue t v*x an.? . - j - '3S 3 V b<?- 04 ! 7.?ii 73 I I 40??, 41 ' j oajia, 101 I too i lue V j 37V ftdV I 40 I 4!' I 10f\ '.OA ?Sa 2?V 1 3?4 3.1 6a S _ 3- -i 'JV". '48 i 31 : i o .t.W SI HI 341 3?>?l m v ?3 I 000 4T0 4<ni 3041 3:.'. l.'.a).. r. ..i 3.40?i ?j.-oo 114) *,Joi> 4ri . .. ... ?aaai aalea aw t*' aav .11!.'.?. I a a To?. . ?<? last! a* ?iw3 s bu?t ft .lara. UOelN.. fit ICR* up BOtOt?* STOCK?, Yeatta-ar.To-oar. a'atei Pawer_ lti*s 10% ?tea i-an.t.. . OAi V* .ll.v Ma's a,m\ mi, la*-Art 7a.110 11? It. aua is.Dia>4 IObV ?. R. K. 3??? aew.. 81% D1S _ant. * kne :? ft.'V M*a a. A Top. n. a.. . r.i i_. Boat. 4 4.IIH W 1.4M Boat. A Me. K.R I'M 1 is) M- in s-o.:*j lia C_CL.o_a.4tMat. 43 16 Vratasr lar. To <lar. ?MB San. A Cks-a. 18>* Iftw, laat.-ni .-. i:.. S3?, 'J3>s PKrb.AArk.Va4 . 73>s 73?s t .vlimet A UecLa, TT3 .74 Copses i' 4 4<a Dtia-an nivar. 4 4 PraaaPn . ?.".<? .'.'.-, Inters at loaa:. ftfte afta Pewable. |K 3? yuinrr ._ _a '.'0 Brngt. d'? flV sllrer Islet. 33 '._ Goremirx^ut Ls.nda partiripativi in the general dulnea?, bat were firm aa to priees. The ciav'a hnai oeaa at the Boards iBBftBtW #l?).iaio m*$mm O of 1881 at 107V. $10.000 r^ciaiered 1880? at 102V. fl05.(MK) rouTM) l 4a at KM ami .f_o,tMK) -e<fu?ten>tl at 103. andj'lO.OOO etirn inv fls of 1S09 at 1_'_".... Annexed arc the clneinc quotatinas: ra ????* I4BV MtV C.aa* So.raQ?... k'.'.-s loftV C.a**'4Lrsr.'.ti4 t'.e.a* ?1 e*as...i.>7 IBfXj *1 rew...!._3 103>a an. a*ne<i. ' C. s.4s DMVT rwc .-lOt l?:t'? C 4?;?4iT [???..Mir, iota .w. c . m. laao... ivl C.s i "t 4k iJ. % , s. i , .i* .--<T .. ! J1 ?? ... L'.a.*a-ai. sawa... loS le.iS ' P.a. ("r m lssas . CS.4SJ* ?i :esr .. lob's IlSi-, t .4, _"- OS 1 BV?. .l-_t ... C.S.4 _ ?l.ts*aa_106'a 104J . ; rari If T*1 f ft * 4 T-j a 87 IS tat? b-mdrt were eut-r ly ncgloct^al an el almost wit hont quotation*. Louisiana couaola cloned at ir?1. bid, and offcr>il at -4?>. Of city* bank stiK-k* thrr- were sold only eieren shatea of Importer*/ and Traders' at 2110 ex divi? dend. Onlr a small lnisi'iesa waa done in railreat! bonds. Eno aes-ono t onsols w??e \>\giu r at m7 : Joetou. Hartford nt.ti firsta wete Vbieter at R3: C-Woa paake and Onto ii'-ate. aene? B, V at t>2; Mia aoun, Kanssia and Texas so-uii'l* 1 ,,t 47; (_., C. aud I. V. Mrsi assetnteii i_ at 87: and Oreifon Railrt>N<] and Naviitaru.ii la per cent at 93. St. Pan] atultiua fumls res-ovi-red t<> 1117*, and Hurl uirtou. Cenlar Kapida and Northern to ?*). Denvec and Rio Grande tirst? dt<cMned V i>er cent io ?4. The Sub-treasury Bl sfBf iraineal $?187.083 on balance, uiatle up by a curteiicv mt\n f .f-.-i.s'l_' and a coin tain >i *lt!3.0D3. This makes the to ,u fain sun e Frnlay $1.7-;2.440. Money on call to day ass sharp 7 per cent, with one or t wo t xi'-n tional loans made with a co:umi?atou aaUaat, wa bear <>f 30-nays loana Laeiiia made :ii 7 cent, an.' this rate ind for lar_e amounts. 1 'iseounis are iluli, and deaiers scale rates as lollowa: aozap . Four dar a ftS? S 3<?ei a e a 7 Oooil . Rot an well known Ooud._.._. e..icie named. . n ? 7 6 ? 7 . ft * 9 a * a . a aid U ?10 Tbe domestic exchangee on New-York are fhmtvd at tbe places uamest aa j-linara " -avannah.^H-* V discount ; Charleston, Snv/it V 4__WMBB_; New-Or leaaa, commercial $3 50. uauk $1 .V) iiiscoui. Louia, \si dixiounl; Clin aitu. 3-'J a $1 50 diaeoniit : Brsatou. lti'-.i c uts dwrmii.t. i Im I'tMtcil >t_r??> '1 reaaurer at \\ a-hinaton to-day r.-ceived $70.000 l.i Nati..Hal bank note*,. Tbc eti*totns re,'<-ipta were $430-000 anil the ititernu revenue receipie were $4.10.000. Tue following is the Clearna House atolemeut for t mUv : Excii.-tlisten. $112,001.124; balance*. $4.580,7sa). The l u-ineaa at tbe Sub Trea-urv coveretl: lii'ceipts, $1,1 H.I,615 ; payments, $497.630; < nrrencv oalauce, $fi,4ol. 1?4; co.u baUuee. tlo7. U8,157. The following are the comparative quarterly statements ol the State Banks of the City of New York : Bs_aaBsB_ i?7a i<cf? Sept. IX Dee. IX Capital .Si:.i-...-0"> gll.x-jft.-.'oo >etpioltt? . 4._4s,'j jO 4. To . ..tSI C* lac a. 17.-00 Dec. fm ?ec_ Inc. 1 7.SO0 1.00* 0..40 I Bi tn ....on res? 1S71?. Der 13. sept. 13. i.e. la. Comparicona. ami nuir'n'8.?36,ol7.?H)0 $30,'.'*t,,.*jo Inc. fti, . ?4.m-ss and 4.27014 o0 ?J.StKi.sOO Dee. l.STP.Siai ,4<a? 3.4*3 . s) Inn. 67' l.Bou.Hisj 1.4?;i,3o? De-j. ImjkOU Stn.4nu fm-. 3...4.VSOO li c. U.OS .iMMl 1 er. Deo. 6l.7tKl 1,160.900 l.J"4.I.ISI r.-.-o.. 14(1,700 Bo****.t.aaiijss l?sxai tenders _ 4 364,000 Overdraft s . 94.100 1 etaia.B40.7i-.auu S6l.bon.7uo lue. *:.;>TJ,a-.o J lie to lowing were to-ctav's ouotatitins fur do? rn oat ic aud loruign coma and bullion : riitvins. Sellins;. Aineriean irada loilars. 90'? i?* *? AaiornanailT?! tu?i aaduusrver .UOars.... 90% ' ? Aaieneai.?i:Ter.timeaand?air-dla>M. '''v Par. Meiuaauoltar-. tmt atv.e .-- e>9 >??? i.can dollars, new stvle . .. OO Kuallali auvar ..4 6.? 4 73 llt.lraocs . "0 94 1 aentr In Baaa?w 413 4 SH >S4 .t-7 16 66 16 70 h era li-aai <? a in a n n a.16 66 1ft OA Silver aar* ?ra an?) par os. ? 1 I3?a 113% Fioaa?aaar*. Par 100% Tlie foreign exchange* ooatiuue dull but-steady at tin- tuliowiug quotations: Pnaue oauker* sleruua Mil* So aavs. aa LandoB .94 91 S a 4 G?s?i bau a er* and prime com Ooae euiDmeceial . I - eaasrnia Pans.Iran *.. Antwerp rraacei. illdarei . s.i.arsai Si*4 S ?!?, 4 7!o,a>4 ' 'J?? 4 Tit SHTtV o ttVaW a.Msj#j .".??? ft .'3 r?ft ?H 4 's* 4II\ IH3.* 1M? ?4H* as -a t a <l*r*. 94 <*4 ? I ^4 4 -'J . . 4K'S*I*J 4 Si ~Ji sj 6iil-?j.o ft SlVBfl '.'ti ft .'I 'a?: 4ll*a4 l>?-V<* l>6>?a* MS,* BW"?B at*. 94% 94'4 advance I V 40?, t'64* Oftsj ims Hi's aerim . rracliiaars*.. .__ hi Lomlou British rooaula udvaneel V per i-.-nl to 97''n for niont-v r. '.?7 ,.; loi i.e. .?n i. Li..ted st i .-? .-> anil 4*_ per c uia vsnre about lower at 1O0V col lOHV reatpe. tivt 1\. BOl the U we? at IOC1*. Am. riean railway asca ntiea were null: Erie at 42*s aaainai 42*4 '"*t evening, ihe prrfem*i| sto. k tinoird azaiost 70, aes'ond eeusoN at S0*( .iirm lllol iu.ideo 5? quoted s3 o- s4 a_ .. < ciitral waa unebanaed at 102. Perm ae V lower at 3; I. per ounce, a decline of Mr cents autd at $1.40 x en an ite <n London rwiiig r o a 72 li Mlfllt *4 b.iriivr at ailvor Was q J.ryl. in l'a agatasi 81.5 from 23.22V t- 25.23 frau. :?> ; ? jCJ Tne rroas earning* ol tbe following railroads are reported : v .nr.! ajbB ?um i87a I m Tlonl week ef Dae. .. StKil'J * Jan i 10 Dee. VI 90..70? Ms.'.raO totniiuii a so *s.sitTuxi. J4I7S. 1879. week of Dea-. .. Sl.'fl.isaJ gl< lJ( i. 910,11? .'7 . - h 'f ha re. aaaaa ot fi< .*s*t Inc. S4I. _ wu oniiu at tne pnocipui A;.aim is.iu 24ii4 Unv ..I l'ecember *ere: .n. w Tora. Plow, btua 7.104 Wheat, bush. 26.980 ? jrn. buait . . s?.7a* <>al*. Iiuab . . ft-..-*) Are. laaafe.. ..4o *-????. asuri, .>? lula, ^uali. .37,i3U '.U'-.'-J. ft*.ftU0 DalOBH.-e. '..s'-sj 4,3.317 ;,s mi -'.4 ?> -.".' ii*i I,oft0 "mh* AI au.l LriMu mhI Milwaukee to-day : r~?R?5TlE,?-ships* ea'? Chtcatrn Muvrakw C1ilru?o Miiwiun. Flour, bbl?. iiwu? li.iiaj 17.6U2 lo.auo Wb-at . . 144,3*4 m~?[uZ 3n,.<24 ?.5O0 earn. bush.. . .. 824.704 4.4.0 41... * liv. bii?ii j :oo j, <ft)i , 44)0 ?-?'?'?? " <b ... VA177 )?.3(?n n.aim ii'vhi Intal buan- 4*Lu79 mj.mmi lou.OVO ls.700 ?TTROPRA?! Fl^ATfOTAL MAUKICTH. I. xi...? iw 24-12.1*1? oi.-r. H bouda. frmr per rent*. ?Ir?i?i. . S? - "reat first luortraae trustees '* '" '"" . Hie ?aroti.? .?..iiaol-, S!?J? . rraaarroania < mtral Leading Railroad ::r.^ , '?' ,vl"'k' I*"c; -;. ' >', '" -consul*. ?,i,a trrr ruoue*-, 07?,. ?ii?,'?J?h_V '""""?"d ball per rente lOll's . ?i.aiiiM aa. i;e*t w eoteni nr-.t tanrtgara lm?i.^jo ewrt-4 rviV'*?'*'?"' ?i aaoiT'" *u,!u** >"' ?*???? Cakis. .*??: as.uanreoa lain.loa, aa owns* 23 cea uluca lot check?. TUE MARKKTS. TOTAL KKCF.ilTS OF PRODI ci. Ter MaffJI Jr?rrr. Yrneix n^ti Itu.lrmdi. IaWWIIi Der. 24. ItTsffj * ?'*Kira. M I < ro.iao.pca. 110 i Bot*. pks* F28 B.w. Ftoui. lir&aja aaod. tui uhuu I ?"*<?_???? 461 j ?au*- K.91I-, Beau*, bol* 2. j ; naloa..Vo . Ulf i Lard. tea... 1.747 t ot loa. tue? 4..C2 : Iti.les.t.ios. 1:<7 I L*r,t. k?c* IM4 topner.nula II. Hot>?.nai*.. an r,ui:.-r para. 2 07". Kairv us?*. ".;:) istle. bales. I ? , Cheese pg*. 6^36? KrOur rtb.s ..177 L?othT.sJs 11.944 Hres'd k'g*. Cn in Lbl*. HA ; Moa*n*)e? 28 No.. 7R4 WbeaiLbrta. 28.7.VO . Mol-ws,b).. 3.320 Rico, pkg* 186 -orii. bojWi. Li.. i*nt* tun?. ? angir. b.u. Oo osvm. aos*. 60.4OO , Ihj.b ..... 5TH4 i skia*, oi?*. 43 Kl r bs-sli. 4 -i) Ii ..sin. Dt?.* 1.OOP ?.tup*.pcs. 100 Mull.haoo. IM i Tar. bb.s .. :2.1 ,* 447 Barler nn* fMM'O | oil .-?. u?* s,4!iK Too., aba* 187 l'eas. hush. 7.172 ! (RUM. bhl* so , 4<t'? ruon'l. bkt. l '.'S , F*Bota.bc* 75? W isir r. bis ?24 t>stm'>ba-a. 608 | Park.bbls.. l.bipj ; sTaai baiaa 817 ';enfi:al makkkt rkfort. Wednesda r. I>rc. ti, l?!70. A-lIKfA-Quiet, stearir i nl-F.IE -!jo ui'Mleiately active and nm ba^aed : Fair i ar?. <??, ir.A,- -...s?? ba?^ ?t ?? *. f. suilknecht, " <.n private taiuis ...sa0 Ukgn vi ?? Itl.-ls." ann 6ts? bass, iaaam wlib drawn Iroua st<. fc . strs-k brre now. 2<>? l*!i bsvzs, Mild Ora.irs (.ulct nnd nr.m.nrl stock. I 2.-.0 naas and 80 979 mal* in. ...'.Ii.-r i'. '.".0 bajpl jBTa, l.?i'S bars i crlon " 627 I a-rs Maracalb... <.liv: hu?a ianrnarrs. l.Sv. hau? Jamaica '2.54U ba?? >l. Hon.iniro. B.1S1 \mm? Forto hic... s,::im sars Coota Bk-a. 0.027 sags Mexican, l.?>iS)tmsrs ?'ncis, 031 l* Aasraatxira. s.>2i l.s*s sa?*i.t;ia. li*.oai< mats J. \a. 1 . Ml msu sunpir?. Tl - trade agreed to aOJourn over to :Won dav. i ii'lTfi.A?Spot Cotton o ust, steo-'v. onchanmt ? OimstI (irrtiaaiv 1 piumis. ll't>?c.; Low M.dilun?do.. 12--...: HIsV dilti? .Li.. 1/-jr.; sale* uff: bale*. ( 18_' last e en.ngi Im In.Mo? SOU tot sotaxaiac, . li. for specnUlion ; dMivensl on contrsctn. ?usi luiles : rereipis at the ports to dar. ?_e,443 bales. a?a:nst .?i^s ihlxdar '*si week and 22.297 Isxies last rear. Fatures ni...'... t. .r sctlre. *loslna; quiet but steadv at an advance tst 0 to 11 aotnta ; sales. s,,;iis. boles. Pn- es paid Prceaiije., i2.:.tl4l2.88 : Jaeoarv. 12...U? 1.'.74 . Februarr. 12 >? a .:,.i?2 . March. .3 ]HAKt.2V: Apnt. l3.87A13.4Mi ?lar. l.i.ol j l.i-i7: Jaaa, i".i73*l3.s2; Jn.v. lS.M4Vl&Mi An ?aatt lo.tt7a>ll.i'2 ."septe.noer and uctolo-i 1:1.42 '?-?lay s . loaii.r prices? I?eeetaher. I'J.SS'/ ' J.' n ; J:iii.isrv .2 ?'?.? 12.?.? I'cbruary. 12 t?7s>l2.!>S; Maren. 13.24? April. 18.44 ? 1.1.4? : Mas. 14.671*1: OA- Jure ..17 J..IT. l.t.9trai?.nl Ausruat. lt?14.0V. Tranatofahk* or? ders. 1-.(!1? tX>BI>AOB? In fair sale, nrm: Manilla Crmlare. siz?> above 12 I 'd?nd Hav and M. I* rtoiie, I4<se.. Mauul a Cordasre. 12 iti'it {\ in .11am ), 'Sc.; M 1: it a Oriaif. I th'd ami Oth'd c*m ami ?,? in. diam.i. lSVs* : Manilla cm.Isar", hon 101 ?? > ..n?. 1? ?. M.i.llla 1 or.!aste, boll r.-pe ) kn\ b lai'd *n-1:? th'rf.. 77c: Msnllla w hale l ines, ltc. Tarnd Mam.l i. . 1. .. lue larreil* Lath Yarn. 16H?.; Mi-al tu>|s>. siaes above 12 Ih .L aud Hav a..d Hide Hope, iKaa Hinal :i?pe, 12 th'd i-s in. L.m.) lWci'losI Hope, d th'd and ? thdC* iu. and ?]? 111. .ham J He Tarnst sj.sal Lath Yarn. IJ"r4Li Hnseu Hen01 1'sirtst Corrtaare. 12SC.. Amrnran ilue?;?l II eu.U Tarie.1 ColXlswo. I'JW fVOVM AND M EAL-F -Or hv-Marset 8A10e. ls-tier. with onlv a il-'ht traue: boslnens restr..SMI Wf CfertatsaM holldjr? : exiKirt d?inand mouenne. Jolibin? Inule . 0:1 lined mainly lo ni reel wirtt*. some e bu-mess tn L?w .trades KxTrs lor this and Oert mnuin's ile ne-v . ssle? 1.1 rtCllhhhv, Inc'udln? 3.4ISI *ih n. Winter w heat fcxtr*. *H 2.1<*?X M , '.Is. M-nnesoi* Kxtra, ?6 1.1 s?aft tor the whole ran re I... bin?. I ow I xiia, a*> oAdsM 16, Includln? l.oo bms r?i ihls r&nn.b al *?i l.V and 1.0<si bhl?. tor January at Jrt'C1*: -?Hi bbl* tliy Mill Kiri*. ?Vi <.mt~ I". .. !?. -um-mnr, ? "> SC*?? W5; end 060 bbl* No. i $1 'Jla*,', K. . of the Hale. Mim bh|.. srer.' lor export QU'.t.:tKH? No. 2. S4 SAaajt i.*> ?iioernse. .'.'isvar. u?: t ocr. 100n 10 Fair Ex? tra ?taie,'.?*. :."i .ii??' '.. ksk?-? do ?0 "n? 4" ":. C.wiimou to ij.ssl Kxtra Western. 4? 1'iaSMl 25; Choice ti? Fanc? r?. t>' ;ti??as .". . C imrriof. .. ...?h1 rJxVra I Ko .n.l llnoo ? <hlo. Ml 20OSSJ 7r. !.,.-.< t-i . no:.-. y? -0 . 87 7.1 Minnesota c.unmo* Kxtra. *4. 15s86 S61 Py^ Millars, an 2. ?t?? mi . Haaenr e.irr*. *>'? 754H7 5? . -in-irii:. 87 ti l s.'ju.U ?7 ..o./-9. chlettT nilhie ihe rsur* of 47 76 i'fs ?%. [ co'omci lo l-a.r s.xira. *>. I:, ??: r.o 1 ??li? fo t,,m?d 0 it?, ilrssi lo Cboii-e Faai'T. ?7 104*84 S4| Psteni Winter Wheat Kxtra. ?T. 7'i"?<s . cl'.sirc iinlet firm ...?<)t' rHEItv FI.OLT. .iMde f.mi.r, qan . -ales. 000 bbl*; Coi..mon in CimmI Kxtra, ?6 IBtsTal Hj (4?o4 to . ImS e 4?i IHlurgri SO.BYB FLO Fit steady ., 2iSi b Is .siiperlioe. ?.", ni'r.i .atl'i'KV 1 FAT FialCR dull. *2o*?2 ... ' i HN MEAI onlte steadt ; Yellow Western, A2 7.7?!*.: 2:>. Rrsanlywlne, *j in r?:i 36. FISH Mackerel firm, few ottering 1 Ust sales of Maes* cbnsetta Sisare ?200*22 tor No. 1. 4*7 .Ail^ae ?r No 2. ami 45 bO or No. I. rjasl iiaiet but Arm; '"eorges. ?.'. 75.?*-' . "it not pieon . (.rand luna. 84 '>o | It- I Herrtr? dull . -'6.iss> Isiioa I not in iL- ia?t sales wen. at 2lt*22e. f.rr Msimm and Scaled, and IScinr i.arirru. .. Metiiuin ..losei lo 11 I u.-.ik ; l.aiuaii .i ileTit!? very s. ar- e. ?uo u?v .| 101. . - i..onklithe last business was at 8?;; nalifax shoe Split on..??!*.. JO; Forilaod i'.o;i::d. *?.', 7.'ici4 ; Ka.?t;i"rt I'.oi.iu:. $2 76ohn. F' >HKT N FRCTTS-Mr an. ttmi -al-s. J.?T 1 is V* Ion cUiiraugeaat ?.*7tH>?>7 25; aud 2jo tibls Almena orapea. 84f45 75. '. RA INsoWHEAT?Starker Irrejrnlar and nnsertle.5. open? ing t*Ale. better, antittcjpacully the advaaeo waa liMt. auu the ?naikeS closed dull a* snout the n?ures nimm as: evi um?. I?.. iioluc foi rx ;e rl fair bii^lios? on "pe. u Ul ive !i.- '..ui.l. ssle* . 0?.fSM. bush, fnrnrea. 247.00o tush, spnt, Cueraded SprlDg. 81 :tO??l 43 ine uoie? a in? of itn.isjo hui.h. tor export at #1 4*1. No. 8 Spring. *1 40^41 42 . n?. 2 Snnns 4] t. cr*> 1 4s ? Orsau Btvy tip in?, ai 4M: t u?rad/?i It Inter Red. Si S'.ogl ?'?7S: Red and While CaUiidu io?et|iLT, i tl 6^Sj. No 2 Red. flS'.IViargl oO: No 1 Reil. $1 00; Mlxe*l Winter. 41 ?->? t ngrvim White. 9.".44r-*i s:, >u .1 Wh-'re. 4'. 4.1 : No. 2 White si r.'j i*l 53 ; N>?. 1 While. ?1 .la ?1 ,'iS : No. .? spun*. Bx .-nul*-i. ?1 ?0. 00 . Ke.iruarv.81 'a?Sir81 ; 1 So. 8 Hod. DeoetnlwBT, ?I 59?*s>ai 69 U. eiuoiiiK 81 WtS i do.. Jannsrv. 8i UOsAd 1 Iii. tlosan? 81 HO^Wgl 604: do.. February, *'? tC-jo*) 11 closin? *1 63?joal ?. ??? . do , Man:!' Si 6* : N'o. 1 While. Dec-fober. 81 6.1 -4WI1 .18*4. Btaa4aa >: .'.*>>?,?fAl 68 ; do. Jauuarv. :.-l .IM'sofl A7>*,eloa ln? 81 58\?8t -'7- do. Frbrusa-y. ?1 edos-l 80** closing g. 80_R E steocv and qniet; shies. 8,000 bush. ? tale. M'.c. .BARLEY nnchanaed; sal's*, lA.IMsi bosh. No. 1 1 anaila Brlgot, 41 06 .B v KLEY MALT 84884 st'*"!*. C"RN?Market .ess active, ?can eiv an flrrn: export and home trade demand naht, and terv iltUe dolti? on st*ecr.laOve aceonnt: sale*. 40.'s o oueb. fiinir-s. 78.0.S1 bosh. spot, iiicluoutg L uaraileil Western Umi. al ft-'??... si saner >i xeci, 6<l-j?67<V': >0. 3. 61 *!;?62c.. So. 2. 64Su, edeainer Mixi?d. tJooe . bcr. 62J?c. mtm Januarv. .k.-oc. fo. 2 Deceiuber. 04?je. : do.. Marri,. Otic . OA Ts 'toil. el-.sing >??'-c. lower: 47.ISJO linsB.. tnclnd iaa Climen hon table, 47Saa No. 3. 4?r.. No. 3 White. 60c.. Ns 2. ttl .. No J V? bile 61461 "?jc; No. 1. MM.; Nn.l aulte. hS?sf Mixe VI eslorii. Sue ; White no.. bO*62o, White ?tot*. 61 ?62c. FEF .' iinlel. ubchaageil. 11 AT ANIi STRAW?ihippin? ?rnaes Arm and 1n demand, while all other* *?T" dnll and unchanged | Shrpn.n? fWasUe*. Prime Grades, n-rail. fsosrpur.; M on ram. 70?r76c: Clovor. 56c. s?it, :,o . nin.?r-!.ou? Rt* HOc. SJuort do? oOti., Oat, 65c ? HiDKK?Vinlei. t.tit without further eharire. jl (j ; '?_ Vary % . >-t. pne ?? steak nn.l more or less nori'tial , New York, new . r p. .'o.#44m> Kasicrn. new crop .?'# s. . Wtacuualn. IRiaarlr.. siowiti i-7?. 7Ai-e.. old* al. growths. 481. c; Factbc CaaM uop* growth 1879, 35<z40C; Out 7s? 2 c.; Ravsnan* 60s?! Ac. MoLAs8h_s?Loreis-!! dull and nominal, st.s-k. ti"" hints, t nba. 1.880 biota P?rto Lie... and Mill I hits. Cn?l:sb Islands. New (<ileo. s la t jml* demand at 36AH7C.; stock otated at 6,1 too bbl?, NAVAL STORKS-Spirits Turpentine remained firm and qmet ?i 41 V lor southern bM*. Kosens rule i H\m ami witli out qnotable eh pres. str.lneo to U.a*' quoted 81 62 Si St ? 1 67 V. . ag and lltro quiet. o| l.^-Oener..ll-. firm and itoiet at roe morr.?nt. OCKAN c RKIi.HT.-- i ho gencal marset waa dull and rate?, a enilal.t Ulli haiiged. Liverpool, ?i.aui. 2 ' Iols Tai low. 2U?: 1.300 sa*-kJ. flour, 10.. 44 . -.?-S'O \>m~* CotloB, \?? *v^l.; t.aOO pi.ii* PiovihIop* 2<?s. for Ha. on. sie' i s for Hot? ter and t. neeso. 1, ."'ii si.-.iui. n tmsii. i.r*ln 5.i.. ?0 tb: 2 (MM) sacks Klour. 2o?. Ml boxes l'.a<.quoted 27? 6.1.. 7 ". baata Clover -h-e4l jrrlv .te terms. <>la.?ow. stnam. s.iHsj bn^b. (iraiu. private terms. 8,msi sacks Klonr.thiougri.J5s. Bristol, ?tenin, '.Oo !?? x>-.. Cbeeoe, 35?. Havre, steam. 6 <as? ba?h. Grain. 4a 3d per or Aiuericaa brig. 298 tons, ?o V ??.? "r i onuina. Ora n !7c. p. r bus':., and ? aao Oil, vie. ADi.H.ean schoouer. ::03 tons. ln>^ Jsc?s.iuti :e to Porto Csv belio. I.n'i.b. r. (in 7 > |?si Al Am? r. sn bark. ?US t/m*, fi in cadii to Fort *u<L t>.n.'?c Irom i h.i?driplu>? Its lan bark to ' . usiabtl' ople. ; J.kisi Itehiied I'etroloum, 25r., Hr.ri. i tainei mi :e ; ontiu.-ui ?" qr?. t,rain. 4s ",i ; It Uan and Ni. we.-ian bark i i a:.can - or \ an-, c a qr* urain. ?-d . Norwegian bark to la*bou. S.'iisiqra. tira.n. 13c. i>er t?usn. _ PJ I llCI t M - Was steadv for early deUvones ; the?.ms, hl,',, i-fil?.-! ho! I oi. 'to- ?,..t a "... -i. ? -li -Hipp nir onler. 7"?*s c, N .ph ti*. ssjasBVi.; Re?ne.1 in hatsV, her.-, s'?c tor Janu..rv ; 1'hi aneiphia su>t aa.titnore, nVsr,: ( sees. Ha i:tr C.lnr ou i-b-'.h r -port" ??>>?? ?>: '? i .iu.le Peindeaia' i.ere s7.oisi hals.< 041 City. SIM. (AO; open ug 81 8*? bad: lughesl, 8i 1?'\. lorcoi. f. a S c oH.uail i' \ UmI sixl 8- llUaskeil. PI'.UVlslDM?PORk-Mess a .hade hlgtier. bill veiv qsaet. ?xiMirt .'ereanu ..nlv n:oil?T*ie. ?ps u ut ve inaotn rerj iisht. sale* --3 bb.s. spot. ?12 5o?*l27*j aettung uii. e '.n las? Ca L 412 25. Third Call?Jsuuarv. Old or Sew. 412 200812 I?5 Jsnuaxr Now, 813 60*814 . F-biaarT New 8L> .'0^414 15; March Now, S1J Jo?gu;i'. REEF iu lieht* lo, at nuciianged price* P'auiMesa. 810 .10 o*li : Kxiio i"... 81 l.i?12 Pocket. 8 ??813 6". ' Ur Extra Holla .des*. 821 6P*>*ao 5b.BEEF It A.Ms stesalT and q:u>l. quoted 410..t l.'T MKAP* lout.erately at and *leadr. ?ale* lo.ihSJ 8) Pi. klatl Be. las 7-S.o. ; I lc.klssl UsnM.8srbv .i tickled -IwiutUer*. i'?? ., V- -BJOked Ham* 8 sosV-; s-taokisl Shoulder*. ? 4. Mli 1'Lts a shauc a.mi.sor but quaei I-u? e ear uuoted 7 2 c . -hen Clear 7. Ou; Ising and -bieri Clear, half and ball. ..37 -as- ..HIlKsSKi? MOtt? si hout .ni.uable . i. und lair v s. I?saj OHM Heave In IdghL j -,*?;1?-. PI?*. o ?<. ..Ai.ia-Maikel opeu??' .?.(*. pel ilS? lb higher. but ilnaeii ?..h a:.'r'lon?f Oie aovani? i'm?t; very united exiHirt aed sp -cniat ve bualne*. re;*ir-. rl ; ?ales, i9o tern. l*rime e>to n\ spot, 7 !?74*s.o2Sc. lor N w. srtllme prlre So Last I ad 7.sic. l.iajo tc* January. . . ? 4? 7.SWC Old. 7.W8P. New; 2.260 tc* 4-??nuiry 8.l'6<* .... v.-w ...i*l '.es Maicn. s.: 7 -. ?/ .22 .c. New. rier'i all?Janua/V N ? "7 ? no. Old oi New. 7.70 a7 82Sjc- FebruaiT New M."2Sj48 0Yc do, old or New. 7 IM)4?7 '.ejw . Marc .New. 8.10??..jc: AprU, RaV, I 1 I ?e 22-sc. do, .'. or New 7 IMis ?. .. I Hi bttum et?*ny Ulli u'ilrl ?oles. 10 I tea. 7.7. e. IUOo.-I Ls.r v 88 Ive : lisle* 150 ics. Coir meat, 8.24V*. ?l..?m? s.3 e III! TMB OMictly line creamery la good >>niani and a shear high re, otherwise marke uull aod uuchanared: state Wci.h. i .tii ' - : " <??-. 20?2.i > .?!? P*-" and hair lo-o. Fair lo i Im?K2..2U.. St.4-\ Hairy u.k u: I k jo ? h. ice ".IteV'T -lui . tub* ' ommo.. I7s?l1>e. stitc J (Isssisfr. Caiaaion to Choice. 23<?.(7e: W .oiern !m iioasoo Lisiiaicr a..??2-c: W-v-t tn H.lry. Ii??r to . . ? h .-: :i K . .. r . . I" ? ? lo ? hole. I ? tofera Basis, poaf la rim a, I44*9r. ? ,,. I .- ..OS wihoul qooUble > Uhi KC - , .-- - l 11-. e Ii s. .if el t i ! ll" ?" ' 1 , t.nb) qii .le.. ??.*?.. i -ir I., i iio.t. . i .n.olhv 42 .111*2 7-j 'HininaH' Flax se?sl quiet, at *. . . ||li 1..UMT d.lll s" <l IMIUIUI I Sh!wi.i,.m.u:. a..ivca;iullraioa; l>?r hl?l?rr ;.nd tu Koutl dciuaaii. s ooat df lb | new*. Tamplco.sols. 1.66 ? 57 Si em . Houdura*.47 S?* ^ eur. Miii?mman snl 1 ?57 ^ cur I 1 erat nu. - 4. s-. ut Verairu/.se -. ? ui " laieieal*.. *-s? COS.] Huei.os Arn ? 50 a cur I c.iral Au.en -.... j parta._.6A 8>i3Sear. : caa. MimmaA . 4>47 ?artar- j Ci.racu* .. bl *?j- .rai Cenuai Assort. i ^ttt 3 hj?.'.4 ru* CJli. uain'iuo?! . ?4. -cur M ..ii as.per *..55 ? ear. sioa. 45 B. 888 pSax M i shiu J." sj.i 40 cot ....*.st?xr?.47Sj? cut ?^^ Par i.'5 ? 1 nr. i i>aa>t'i*)C*bolio.47 Si? ? cor. ..... . u_ n.w ?uiei al 7 Sj?7Tse for t-ali le (I. efli In? . i?s llollu. i.Asr.. 5,4481 ha?* Petnao.leic. ,H> aclHe. iTnahmi, *19" <*-? l*w?.derert. *?*?? id.9V ; lulLoai, H'oiosat.. ?Uusni.i a. - iV??q>ec Moat of Ute Rn?_r broker, aarced to a..l?~ir.> ill Mond* t sTKa P.! ?1K?Qatar WMm.. ??4tfs .; Citr. sc. TALl.i W- "(?Mrfr. sale*. |.-ivlii?a, ?V. W H IsKF.Y-Msiket ..uiet. a. I:). LJVK STOCK MARKET. Xttw York. Den. It, BKKVrr^-RecciptB jvMatVaT and I? art* 21? i ar? ?f 3.3*111 hci.' ,' cars .1 >aai. ai. anl 0? car* at Jrrvv * nr. Total nmv sratuntay " in Wan 7.007 head lor ilia eurr *>nosdlur lime ia*i w?rk' Thee* were ahm upward ?1 Mt far loav* of < .lit** >n rbe raid* from rnvmi im?*., and 22 rar* wi it held nark at li?mmD ? .3 c uaot Morris * Ct .c mii p c r* I. Pai* n? t i 11 - i? a-ntha Damp, mtrrw- weather a Llwrs' an?tl sf i-atil and a Torr II sailed dews ml rosnldaol to snake an doll and irregular markrt. Bnlcrn-r* bare learned i.irii?.. i a dull I>r??*?<>i Href Hale dui'nc the had Uitu- to aar In flxlu*: pri?5ee,ytTl -orri ? wer.- liurrlrsai isflr.t af'or the dar'* bn-tne*m wss over. It >ni*9?*lhTe to *lve a Acure with h wtaild repivaot.t the tr . rlna rf l> i_ar?.; tor um s?r- a: usually irr.?, .ar; a turtu nai?. ?iit??inin may hare r >.?Mt ..m fc.? Cotwoon Cat? tle at p.-tc-es tiarrlv >,e. per n, lower ilV- qualify ?e?l for on Mou.Lay. whHe other* aci iclsxl io rel ..lit a' i r? ilnrln ll of *jc. At Jersey I 'ItV w.awl (Mile w-re In .tin <imL ano prices ruled aixiiit areadr.eut at onili ..?. ntl.or n.or* of ?lie tH-tte- sr ..los were than wi rr wanted, aast selli Were .le.'.c.l t.i aei ep| ;..*t.-i ires . r.'i ff tile CjOSe .lie pre*vm deprcaston in tlie market wa* lirourht ?n eut.. '? the fooikiliue.s of slitnper* Last week sll the st-ieli sa.hl reaih.) at paying pr.ces. Mhic.i lolu.ed shipper* io aiate rhJ'r .n.-rraae the snpp'v, r*rardie*a ol the a. t that le?? Heef and niors Poiiltrr u?ed durlar the hnltdava. Far ihe i the re. eipia are Israel bv 1 ,.ift2 he. IliRT three davs of fast week, win Ft in. .u. .*,inv ..m ?, .md llouall men .<? rf?H ....... r-?a MS??Oi. Po.,t m steers at TrffsV-.i.. ,ir.-?s 54 a 60 ft; Os-I Io Choice *t .urlnu?.-.. t.. i|-e?? mla .7 ffi, wtlh sereral car 1 a.l-al 1 Kin* al lil-.all*aa>. tudre<s IS The i.ittireal rioa 1 In BaS finer i'lin*t-n** C ittle, while tTler were al the sutrk rants, is only rquaMed hr thai now shown in the <?: fin. die-asd i*?ef thonxaarat th* city. A ta>nt nee bait of the rbmeest Cal lie !h.i' x ;?? ?? t-.-.i ', Bust mouth were piireliaatsl bv Heiu.vke At 1 o aim itie .11 her ?ak by V. . cm.ii a c... M????:?. ? din.aii .t'fo. tiwkttotr tint?t d'Tveio Maoisou e cure ..anlrn and .rar? thepnMI.' an opie-iluul';-of srelua ihem alivi : Messrs. ' . .iiecke <k < o. hare had their I at tie ?IsUirhtereil and vstenlay tlirrw open 1 lie d ors of their eaiabiishment, 'Xn ii*a Pn'ton st.. to ill * a arnrral lnapeellou of the beef. Tber? are aiiont i'a> Iire*?ed 1 aMle m the bnlltllnc ranctra from 1.'.'tin to I ,?.;!."> B) ea. li. A row of Quar'.era banx alonf ihe low? r li-m.ks. ah-iT. whirl. I* a row ?f 11... .111.1 iti'u olaher up is a roe of I?re-?eil s-neep. whirl, forms aino,?i a complete Cliel-around the tiiilldlns. Tlo rsh. ep srersee a trifle over lo-'i tfe emn. slid w.-re i.irn.shed from the stauarhtrr bouse of Mr. D. llarrtaaton. on each niece of Itlb ia dl? playetl a printivt card, with stich consp rnuus name* a* w If. Vanaeridll, Hon. BL Uiitoa. T. ?;. r.aetiii.n, IT.ioti -tii.are liteel. an.1 many other*, which 'nefeates wi ere ha mi>i; will e-.ent isllr be serTed up. The ixnilnt.ou wjs visited '. y m my pn.miuent hnUibers and . .nie 11."i. '.. 11 I 'le ?? se?er. v one that .lid in f ? pronoun.-^ it t e diet .iltplay "I the kind ti.'ey had ever seen. A vcrr tinniiriaul tu? t is aiso r. v?a.?d in tue beaiulfiiilr shii|*Ml aim well fattened tiuarter*. whi.-h tleae-. to ape.'l.l aaanuuniiiK- Paimer* and breeder*.>f I.Dr*>>nck ares sou ally ieainlna that "ttw Issuer ino * t*3k the better I tl.a pncb." and are .mine all In their power to p'are the United stares In the trout rank, not Ml* far hannrc more CatCe. hut siao for harlna lis-lter Cattle tiisn any other owintry. The .|iialiie 01 tas 1 atil.-in > this'teuniry 1? tniprimac e'rery year, and tbe fart that an . -' -luntn atl' that he had nerer seen ? liner dlsp aj ot L>rn*ani lieef ,n the tuarkets ol London, goes far toward pror-i g tins sa-ertl.m. B*j1m ai Jei?.-y dir?M. Ooidsuilih, f..r A. Mindhelmer ? Is v .rcmia Utt, !...'o lb at 7c. ft.. .1., soil .V ?? nub. tors. W. Allert-m 10 i* steer*, l.lltM If., at Dr.. ftfi IB, le-* ft f. eat I.; for II. Kloof, r '. M.?*..uri ?t.-.-is. l.oC.'.i . .1 s?Bc.i ?jodo.. ai Tt. at 1?-.. and ftOr each; 10do.. tt, at Old * do.. 1.4."S)th at uMs, II. Wen: a. iruer f. r V?. >leci l : 11 Illinois Steers, i.031 D. at "V.. ft.', lb, loss til ea< b 1 24 iK. l.tfH-.' m. at SssC, less 41 ea. li , .7 tlo.. l,o>i n .11 * ;4. . has t*. on tin loi : lift do., 1.1*0 lb st S'.e. I 10.. 1 1H7 IB. at S?ac; 38 do.. LatM IS. at ft.: do . 1,107 3> at * -?c, 50 IS ; 34 do.. 1,1 1? ft, at 8Ur., and 91 each ; 34 do, 1, Ifta ft. at 8 '?jr. lea* 910en the lot; Id do.. .31.1 tt>. at Sv,... le*. ?10 on ihr lot. 32 do.. I. .07 it. at 'j.. Dido. 1,314 li, ai I.e.. do., ..'.'I'.l m. at UW 11.8 Rinsri thai for seif. i7 IlUaols !*u?rs. I Otw it. at SV. les .'.tie. earh . 1 * tin.. 1.14a 0,. at >*K.| 3 do., 1,12.? ft. St sc.. i>0 ft : -4 . d ... I.iai 2). St - *jc- fj do., 1..12 fb. at Dr.. '? n 1 on ??. .'o .m at!C?. 2o d.... i.bob b, at >??... .-?H.1 Ma. oath. 13 uu,, l..kV. ft. ai O-ssvi if do.. 1.-14 lb. al lUc; 'JJ do.. 1^)0) It. at 10i-.; 19 do . 1.322 It.. it file. 37 ft M. Laut^rrtuicb for sell - .14 Uhnul* srerrs, 1.100 ft. at H>sr., 60 tn . 3 . afs l.'-'O 3.. at BV? aa.l ftuc, each , to do_ l,;?04 ft, at 10c. 37 ft. lese ??* ou the lot J. P. sedier A Ca lor l.a.usman A Hmwn : It Indiana Steers, 1.1131 Ih. si 7 ?SC 34 IS ; f.-i \ t,..ff I., Oh.o -I. er?. Iii..; T. it I.V...'.? ft. lee* aw oo tlie et for P Hefiie Is Ohio sUsts, 1,134 ft, at s'???-.. .*> ft i far J White i BJ Pean HlVBBJa -loekera, 0.0 ffi. at "c .">4 ft ; fur I*!.matt A Leh mau i 11 Ohio -ti ers, 1,4a] ft. at 101??., ftfi Rl. le-s Sft on tbe lot : ? da.. LJstM ft, at lO'.e., tor D D. Mit.lou . .1:1 K- ntu. ky stvers. 1,177 ft. at '.Cr., fto ft : 7 SsV, 1.4S? ts. at In 37 ft ; fof x-iutnibera At stl'i'tl: 1 s Ohio Sleer?. ..101 It, St *?4r? ft? m IM hi i ,901 ft. at !?V.r . tor W. Itel* 7 OU10 .-?teeia 1.37'.? It. St D*r ; 20 Co.. l.'.Uti ft. at tO%a . 67 ft. i an 1 Mof'lierson ti>r J. ffBtsai ft Peuusylvnnia ?teer?. I.TT I u. at a*aa Iff 9119 ia.'1 Iii I al ltlas. 91 ffi; iot j. H. 13 I 'hlo -teers, I.3a7 ft , at Dir.. .'.0 ft, ft tlo., L, IM ft. at 'o'?c.: do.. LMS m. at lose . ft7 ft . tor Lehman Hdtheta: 8 uhlt. ?l.-ei*. 1.302 ffi. at ?'?e.. ..ti ft 1 4 ai'? 1.43d ffi. a. jO... ft 9Bm 1,4-4 It, st io sr., 3 Oxen, 1.1 ?3 2). a. fet ? i Ih ; .'. i.o.. 1.342 ft. *l nV 1 Dl du-. 1 flts. ft, at n_n.. ftO ft 1 lor J Doucy, 1U Oha? -leers 1*1? ft. at 7 ftft ft Keatou dt Holmes for .1. White- 7 P -muvranla O.en. 1 099 Bv, ai Mv . 07 ?; 2 do.. Laawft. at f*Wa If ft; 7 nnr . .. .. a. ft. *i 8-sc: far 8sJkaial*nre A Co.: 17 Ohio ste.-rs. i. 941 ffi. ?i '.?***,. ftO-t); 10 d.. . !?-'?; ffi. ..1 ."-jr.. 1 Io 1. lej IL, at life. 37 lb. it. ('.. . i iver tors. W. All.-rton 11 lUinols steer*. 1,122 ft, at SUe . ?6 ?i 34 do., 1.16ft ft. at **,c.. - u'liouoell for S. W. Ailertou. 17 I liino.s steers, 1.141 ft, *t-4/e... ..."> h ? pT Westiieimer for DotT. Wannas a> i Illinois steers, 1.131? ft, at sV., ftti ft. and fl each. I'J do., l.lSlt ft, aff*jav, an l Mab each. aaiea at i.nta sl.-B. C. Coon forse f .l j Illinois ste. rs, l.Hll t ffi, al 0*-c. N ffi, ?ml Me, en-n 14 do.. 1.36ft ft. at Its-. Vorei Jt Keaeastelu for Meyer* A Hssffenstata i 39 HltBota steers l.lli "> *. at v*i . ft'I ffi . 17 ..... ll. at 9c. sin each i 37 do., 1.37? ffi. si Be- and *1 - trh i 111 tlo.. 1.200 ft. at U'ac, l.**wl each; 27 do, 1,981 ft. at BAap . 3 do.. 1.4 3 ffi. at'.lUC: 7 do. l.?ftO ffi. ill ll V-.: IS (fa-, l.'tl* ffi. al n.e; 14 do 111 '4." i silo.. I... 1 n ft, at luUc 37 ft ; 21? do.. l..*i?* ffi. at lti??r., and 9 earh C. Kahi. .'or J Uroani ll Krnrnrky S-eers, 1.2.111 ft. at !?V . It'i 12 d" ? l.i'*Nt ft. st I11V? . 37 ft; 4 Oxen, l.Mift ft. at Sr., "ft ft tor j. orowu dt ? o,. 10 k.-ihnrkv -u.-r*. 1,4.4 fb, at ti-Vc, ftli ft; 14 do.. 1.B4M a. at 1 o. .. 67 ffi. ano?loon tie on ; 43 no.. 1...V2 ft. at at loJ?r. .} faker; ? KenlneEr -teer*. 1 f*f7 ft, at 10*1-.. 37 ft. 4 oxen. 1.482 ft. at 8c. ftft ft; 1 RnIL 2.340 ffi. at >s^-. F Joseph BN self : 13 Illinois steers. L?M ft at 9 '.c. ft; Duo-, 1.44)7 ffi. at IOC. 37 ffi: Odo.. J, 94 ft. at lo'sc.; 34 do., 1,428 ft at 10'sc. 1- do. 1.312 ft, a' 11c . afl ft. P. P. cary tor B. 0. Cuoa 1 10 Illiuola .-teera. 1.318 ft. ut 0*iC, 66 R> 1 1U do , l.fttK) ft. at 9J?e. If. F. Bltrchaldfor M Klrehwat . 28 Illintd* Steer-. I, !70 ft. at y'?<-. ftO ffi. 'e*s 4: ca?-n. o .io.. i.ihs m, at loLjc . .^7 ft ; for M. t.eUiner, 1-nhio Hou*Tli "-teer?, >!**? auu Dry l ow*. 1.170 ffi. at Sr.. 6.'. ft. HallcnUKk A Daria on eommlasion. 24 State Bulls. S48 ffi. CAl.VKS?Receipts yestertlar and Io day were head . .1- ..1 not 1 -.t. ..'id no ji \^ astiiiiK'oL M trWei i h---- -.?sj> qn t. a boavv sipply of t.raaeers ou sale, nil the mark, ? was slow aim 's. lewer t'.aii on Moudat , niost s*lea ner--*i 2d'2 ?c Veals hsv>- n siasl nemaud and rou nine hrtn at .C44e. Ba4aa? iialieuue.-k A iiavi* sa*lif t'nis-ra, -.-lift ft. *t 2e.: 20 d<.. 27( ft, at 2-4C 4 s iio.. 3O0 ft, at *- . . . 1 ... Ml ~. ai 2?*?-,' I'? red Calves. 3a0 B, at 3c. 2 Veal*. 176 AT, at 8Sc.; 1 tlo., 199 ?. at 7e l.,-|.e:il... k .1 I'-werrild 2 Veals, 10'. ft. at fie ; J do , 111) ft, al 7c; '1 do. lftft ft. at 7-*r.; 9 tto.. 103 ft. at 8c. J li. lltimesoKl. 34 11 raaerr*. 3 .ft ffi, at 2 Ss ?KMPP AMt LAMM?- Receipt j nn-1 to dar were 33 cars of 6.720 head-2. cars at rtoib si sad 11 cars at J. 1 -. t City. Total since satnriav head, aaalnst 17.547 h>-ad tor the forr.-*i*.ii.iinr nine last week. There waa a limited demand for faith steep and Lamia., and tbe 0*.. ranrs were barely rloaed nut at a raoocttun of lt. V BB BMBaV sajes ot s i.- p *r.-r-at 4 / jt-ic mr Common to Pnsrre. ?nd Lambs st ?}*. "sc.. fr.r rhe most part; a car loud of Choice Can ada hrour'it 97 .'0, and 81 le*ad reached 97 3 1 V Hai. a?K*e A llileoek *old al Jersey city ? 1?H Ohio -.beep. 70 ft. at 1 'W'.; til tlo.. !>1 l? ft. at ft -?c. 21 o Illiuola do.. -1 ffi. al 4*jr.: 77 do., ST ffi. at 4 V-. ?7 do.. 132 ft, at l%B?l M Ohio Laiuhe. <W*i ft. ai?Sc Newton <fc Holme* sold 40 Ohio F.w-a l.lli ft. at ."'40 Joifal A Rncklna '*wi sold . 44 Jersey Ewes. 138 ffi. at IV ; 14 lenvv Lstnus so ft. st 0\c DLIen ark A ist?cv ?oid al 8<Hh *t- 183 Wastam Sheep, 02 ft. at 9n 30. la 1 du? t'l ft. at 9 - 40 . no ''acada I ins, 121? ft, at 4 V~i 00 do., ...'>? ft. *4 fas.; 2'..'4 Canada latinos, 87 ft, at 7c; 1? 3 do., 01 ft at 7?ac. 01 d?t.,03~j ft. at*7 al Klibv 4 Co. sold : 177 Western Sheep. 100 ft. at Sc.; 70 State lainitav 041 ft. at 90 10. llalleu'Hlek A Doris aoid : 919 Mlehicaa soorp. S3 ft, sf 4"*c 911 Jo.. *7 ft. at 94 so 1 10 state do.. 7- at 4^; 3." do . 99 ffi it *r.: 4 iki. 72 ft. at 4r. -3T Stale H?'i ill ft. si 4's*; I ...i 1 ana-la laun'.-. tfl ft. *t 97 'Jo ; M MBtBUBBB BBs -7 ft at 7c 13 sttale ?s>-, .'* in. ai 8 V.-.. .'a; do. 0* ffi, at ?> vc J. H. Hume sow : 218 Weatcni -beep. 81 ft. at4?*C: 17 Stile d?.. 129 ffi. at 5-rc U' ms- Hereipta yestenlav and to dar wer* 74 cars of 9.337 aeao?3i. carsai J. r***/ City and 3ft i-ars al 4otii *i. Toial sli.tie saturlav, 22.8T4 need, aaavnst 21.Tiai Lead fur the . ..r respondliif time lt*t ?ee?. The market .idvanrnl a title ve?f.-iu*y. hnt 1 h advance Wt* eatire|7 lost to .Ise. orrll eiir"- to iTima liosps are qtinted at 94 0".??>t S3, a**, A ' U? so d 130 1 ililo Hots. 133 ft, at 94 Oft ; 1 said A < o. ?. I ' - its.. 131 Ohio Hots. l"o ft, at $4 'JO, and 24 slate do.. 2ftl) ft. at 94 00. _ LIVE STOCK MARKS US? H T TK LEO I'. A P If. BfrTALCi. Dee. 24.-CATTUI-n*ceai.u U?-*?r. 880 head, fatal fur tse week thus far. h.oftj hsXM fm the same time last week. 8.143 need ? ricetpts r??n?i?ne.| ihroturti. lsscars; markrt dull and *low ; slim ntit n ianee of sll claaar* of buyer* uiiailiy malnlT oeuinm ; sales light ; Steeri at 43 44^0*3 83; Sleili'iui to Oood. 43 75d9i 73 . Oxen. $3 4ft<r94 2ft 1 lags number bil.i over n..kf a?n UAaaa?Recelnt? l.-dar. 11.8 .1 hes.1 lotai for the wnea thus far I4.OOU head . for the *am.- flme lasi werk. IM.Ohi nesd . receJn ? -onsicne., il.i.otan 9 car*: market quiet ; barer* and sellers apart 1 fendli e dean ? rT.-r.rc* c 111 par- favo-r b y with last week, 1.1:1 to i.imsi VVt?t.iu BBaaSV M 2 .<r?l '?". : Cauada s|jt"p held at 94 23?94 fto : no I .sin os un tale . MVeral ears bent over. 1 ? Kas-aipt* iw-uar. l.U.^6 ueart . total lor the ??l thus far, '2,420 , sad : for 'he Mine Hint, last week. 2 .77'. heaa : rerrtpl* cansiauetl thmu*"i. * c*rs: fair .lemsnd for local trade , >a?steni dealer* holdlProtT. offennsw setter ally ot srood quellte salsa. York Wets-hta, Pair II cht to Choice. 9s sO?94 ?41; Heavy and Modi urn. 94 ft. ?94 7a: Ktlu. 44 'Si best (Trad.* a - >.?u ol. . B9 I 0 i-ec 94 ? uoue? K-ceip's. 7.is30heau . shlnmetits, 2.900 head; uotblur tie a 01: tl.e labor qnesil n. larje pack . r* ho."lint "Hi the I nion meets Uns evenlna and ta-meirnw. when it ts I boo* lit thev wl 1 decide to ?1ve in the market ts doil aai slow, bit st.udr some -man paid 94 ..???/ ai ft 1 for isneo Parkin? , Liant w.ld at 94 4o**94 fto - CBulea Heavy, 49 664194 To. t a eri.s. Iiseeipta 4.0IMI h**A. sblnmejila Ift.i head; mat.. . pts.dlidy active and steadr 1 sb pp-nc. 93 Ae?M00*i: Butt io-: t qolei ?t92a93 2ft, F-* anil sleeker*, slow and 1>: 1 fa 90199a Mk i.f? itecrlpia and ahipments. none . mark.-*, not anslly si LoLhm. Dec i'4.?tc .<;s- Firm . Licht shlpp ns, SI 94 0 Puck ma. 94 21149? -SI ontcher*' to ~eie.-i. ?4 60<r f! ?0 . rrselpta, ll.-.O" le a < Innmeu'*. list beatl. 1 All r onpplr very I, I, sad romp***rsl of poor sin*,'i * lad wanK-d trinslrr* were vrrr t*W : OaaBUrar.ea iu good d. maun a. fa.,* ; recaipts. 260 Baxiwr- Firm, Fa9> to Fancr. 93 2,.#94. receipt*. 100 THK STATU OF TI.AHK KCRI?PI''\N MSRKKTsl Dec. 21. 1'ork Pi me M1 *s I stern, d ill a ftn ia. m_4.uant - It-.rt iti'v 0,1.1 ii .13 tsLi ?ull ai S . Tarpeul u. sratr t?. .??? Lamtr.u. atessfy al 99;. Livsaroilt- Dev. .1-12:*-? J?. 1* -Laird. ir7*J?t, per i wt for LOT I I n ??t cu.'.m : I'rl'olelim. fl^d-percal atraaiiiBi 21 traara 9*00. fl w Basse* -Mean. Lard tto***. a ' reaar- .*?' iTTOS MARfffTM 4 -12:30 a. III. 0*0* '>*'t*' . ?'e? tr-'?*C ?U^H^^T, no' rrbraarv aW-warx-ii at* f ?ti. slse JlIM b?V ui livase Ml' ???*! ubll! Moi UAl.lUh '-. to-r. .4 ~? ulion quiet Middling, nm-ri '"MtnarT. 1 a*. ?t?S?S, 504) iSMI'S; #*j t> it1 _li da, March and AiNtt do ? M . Apr"! and Mar dehrsrv 7*ifd.. ' sad June 'teltverr. T'^jA.. also 7 Sal, do, ry. TT-o . bIm> 7J.?d. .-. , :?i . U..-14IU. itng l pianos cotton ?keaaa ii't^d. . i o p. m.-Tne Mir* or Cotton to day im,vi- " "I I aw ? I t> ites l?al? ?MO! Middling ! hum; expnr Uiiea sjhss, Kkw otiAaxa. Pec. '24_i ot; II7?**.; Lo* Middling, 11 Sc.: '?'*t>i?, 7. t?4 heJe.. rr<?m. 7 i:7 N ' - . ??.<m. nullit bales, latt I Malt! baloa. et - a.issb. l>or, 24 ?Cotton quiet Middling. IIS?.; UoadOrdiaarv 11 lato?: rpwo. 6.2?i3 Male*- exports' to Ci t' V..ntiaenf. .tin) iial'V cousiw ' "" .' vi last evening 1 (km Wes -. I.?TIA. Per 21 -cmion -Nad* i Midulmg IIV. Onod Oi ?iea . ?lopiurr?.. -2 i?3 tsmtea bti.U6o i,ak>?. orton -Furores cteeed dull will .'ose tV?in tmiighl on January L iftiaat, 12V, I*?w real Brtaia. MM bo.o. eat - ?lock. I7.0?'.!i hales II; Mld/JUb?. 12 V Niw Mid aw net tocmpta. i,l-?:i?aiee ro qniet i Middlln?. 1C'??V-. leary. llV.; netireHata, :i.l7tt it. 1J175 half? ; coastwise. 2,1 >n uuiei: MldaUlnc 12 V.: Ian* rr. 1IV.: reedi'ie. :1.24a bale?; '. Ill bales . sf?rk. 17.216 ooloa an*nnai Midalin?. 12c. l*? iry. 11-jr.: net re , < :pts. 3,?..2 u i,:ist baloa, eoaatobje. 2.5 m quiet ai.d steady: Mtddllnr. Ion?; ordin?re 11 *???. net re boles: exports roost wl**>. 1.741 evening, 4,6<W balea; aloes. MulJling. '..'?%' . p.. net roceanl*. %Slt e?t Britain, t.iK)7 bales, at. 1.87s bales: "Stoa. stock. l?7.:t.;4 bales unchanged : Middling, Ilnerr, 11 Sie.; receipts,, C'J slots, DOMT3TIC MARKETS. '2 1 ?F one firm : salsa, Pol bbl?. Wheat la ?a. Id <a-s * nn? Ml. ill ?au Winterst f 1 434; -piinit at ?I 31. both on track. Com atrady, ?? and New Mixee Western. In store, at es leu quoted at ,V.I-*54c. Oats quiet. M Ma, llarlev in in.sir rat? ?r.uanil and ?let . sales. .Vsi hush Nn.l Milwaukee at Mill Feed sc|:in* at City Mibs: -. ?l">**ld, Finished. ?17? UK p.- |..u. i Mill lane active: Coarse. ?1 (?6* *i.... I n,... ?, ;.. .-?1 .o . N.-si l'io?eaa, al ?u p. i ? *t B-ill Freiem? r?em|-: *a tjea?. Uc: Cnrn, HV.; Oat*. 6c. New Vork. Zlc ipu br ItallrooAa?F.onr, l.l>.w bhis.; ..1 V . old .No. .' V .Ne 2 Write.n lielit mi. hin-f.'. Rye i Ui'Sic ib ?tote. C.stlse, Slo"$l6. U In B .2IIO b; 'i .1' ii . trr. Si MA. cash , Junuarr i ?1 IM A <trn In fair dem n. arr ; 4? .c. Wmmju ? with a fair H'e. aske.1 Ml' . I' -? Brmer. Prov.s '-at and lower ? ->;.t im Rr in ut 4 . In.Su . re, Mis- bush, shipments by R?i'n?ail? rB>*srt W/f'XI husk., t orn, X'.VtS) hush, i'.or. nominally tini haoae.1. v? liest nn sum cb.slna weak ."? o. 2 l>'l '.V :. 2 ( h.tafo >pnnc. al 32 .'ash ; SI 32's l*rr: No. .1 do, ?1 1.'. ; Reieiisa. ilSe. it lower al my cash: 40 v. Janir . sCVa. Mar i l'..p-. ted, .,7s,e. oats blind at 34V. casn: dbV. lamtaiv. tinner al Me. Barley armor at Httc. ?us nnsetthd. but ?ooeraov hither. I'oik-fl.i "0 i as., and I'M J : i Feoniary . 8i3 S|?>S13 112's Maren. ,. ii. Jauoary . ,".of#a7.,;7~jc K"o .. h. Bulk Meats active and a ?hodo tu short hib, B'ostaBBVttl cirar. . "ir rtnii and nnc!:*n?r.l. Wheat re. e p's, 3.7'mi shipioei t?. 1.mi i Oaf tl F..rk I ?ts tlrro. i ts. 4'sr . -'ides. ti?,?"-.-..'. Hams 7-'*lc. uitth a f..T ..omand at ?107. Itutter Urmcr ; Reserve. V.'4 (?2..e.: rrtTiie.'o. 22*2Xe ; Prime ral Ohio, 21 ?.. c >utrar Urm . ..artta. loa* ow-or.eaus, 7-?'j .-c. tfaga aa'H but Pro > ceaaiaoa. '4 0.-.: I i.-hr. ?A tn,Mt :. packln?, t* 3'.??4 ?..*>; Hob'bers'. 44 66sr*4 00; receipts. 4' Mit ueau ; stupaieuts, ?sb bean. Drm. it. Pee. 24.?Ftwr. stronr and a rood >let"arul -,n. s of 1. "tin nhls. White it f*J 5". a h a -tronror: Kxtra Ware lie.: 4 ' ir, ui, ,i?ai 41 . s . J No. ? n,, ffSl ? , ? il' . - ; .-? i lie '??ll:le-r. y, *? 42V March. ?1 451; Mlchl?an. 41 3M'? ; No 2 . No. 1 i eliow. IPe.; Hi?a No. J.lo.. 4sf*S. Oats scarce with aTaryartfrn rjauenl No. l Wim?, 41 v ; No. 2 do.. Mixed 3Pf.; net BMafB '11.(1111 Press, .! M.irs tin bbl*.; Wh? L Mil '. ah, M:,::.mei.'? LBBS b'.sh : i 'at*, ! . I !..'?? C . tier. .. No 2 lo, 3-c. Clover Heed dull . t ; Miha SA loo*i 13; Choice, S3 4.1. I at V. ISBflO 20. Reeeipls-Floiir, l.ll.SI 1st hush.: ( ont, L4fhJ hush.; Oats, l.soo Floor. 3.400 bbl?.; Wheat 4uO buah.; Corn, . 1(10 bush 21. r ioiir .inlet aud uncbaiiseiL Wheat ojHtnc.l tinu, advanced V. and clos?.| quiet . No. I Mllwau kos Hani. 01 31; in. ssiir, *l 31 ; No. 2 Ml.wauXee. ?1 3.1 .ash and December. ?I M J.inuar-; 32 Si F?b r 11.1 ? N... t do. ?M 1 "> : No. 4 do.. $1 .>7Hi: "Rejected. ItHsic. 1 o-n his'her. No 2. 40'?c. Oa:s- a?l. r; No. 2. :i4 V ; R?e in ?.?.?? i.i maid No 1 7'?l?c . ey quiet , No. 2 sprtll*. nviaiuus flnuer ; it> >* i'ofk ftrmit ?13 60 cash; 91 t 7B Keliniary. Lor. 1?I r:me aieam, 7.U0>. cash; 7.76c. l.-bn;ary. ftilA. Dec 2!.-F'. ir A narked absence <?* ;mr ?x-sut or sp^ct'istii f inuuirv. -;,ii t" u> msii.i Inun tin- local i.rsma.l hnoa u meet present oiueraene.e? . prres nmiitnsJIv nr 'lanir art 1 Snj -rnne, ?4 7..?*6 25 j We?i. rlvanis kxt as. *. .>74?r?0: Minnesota Furs Families. Mrilaiui, 46 fi ord do. oo>sl. In stnail ibis, 40 75; do. Choice and Fancy -~ t* -nnsvtvanla Kxtra Famllr, -Misll'iu. Pi 7>; do. tsssada 47: ilo.. Fancy. 47 12 Si; Ohio .10., OihhU ?." B ilo., Fjncy, 47 7.i: In? diana do, f7 25: rat, Ionia do, ?"?nev, ?7 76: Witter Wheat Patents. 07 76?#? J Minnesota do.. $e??M 611. lire F.isir?uiall .-alia al -"> Com Meat?Nothing doing Buckwheat Mea ? small sales at $2 4<'??2 .16. Wheat armer. InflnenrMi i<> ibeupwanl uiiivem. nt lu liel?hlM>riuc uaiikeis. and cable auvp?? r> ?" an odvance lu Loielon of 6d. per cental tn carroes on the coasr. prices I to 1 Ski Iii?', r. Hier*, is, however, not much do mand either iroin*, export rx or *ik-, nlalor?? Western Iteiected, cn track. 41 47; Fenn?vivanla Re?t. on tiack. 41 ri2-j . x.llUiei.i Amtier ,.o. ?. .4. No. 2, .0 Sarah? . car int?, |l 63. M t!m Open Iliatrd. !n deuiainl. ully UTSK. bisher; I?n. 2 Reil aotd at 41 58S pir Foo uurr : 0. .'.4-??41 64 Si'or Januaiy , No. 2 lusl. December. II 3-1 hid. ti .',3-'?as?eu 1 Janaary. 41 M*4 hi.!, 41 54 Si aakrd ; ?ebrnarv. () .'?>'? lud. f! >ssi as^'d R"" uol much em'tle" forward ; l eiinsylvaautand Wes.ern. U7c-U-c. C'oiu. a.i'i.i ini.ti.l. "in.1 '.i--. .mi. :.- ?. .-r\ * owlv. 1.1 ices steadv. ?10 Penn?, lvanta aM -ontti. m FsJsWsT, on track snd 10 ?Tain ers.t 81 ?8il*?r.: san Yo-1on track, ?ssohtfci do.. aAooA r-V'.j tcauie.. o,i rr ick. Z~ ?67 -jc: While. 63c.; a carao of 4 (MMI buah. White Haul was taken fur export at shout 86<oo.. ?on lH*ard. the sxact price was out msu.- public. At the en R. ar.i, f;ur demand. prt< for Januaiy. b("? UeremllST. .'.SSie. h4m so- asked. February. 1 Mixed, 4d'/?47SiC; tcsilT. Hall Mixed sold st for Febrnarv: sail 60c. asked; Jantiarr, 50c. sc. bl'Lhi'V a*...', "sf '?taineit. 47V?*4He.; Hi.iild Dud , Peeeniber. In.'. .).'.. ut r. ITovls. h All '/410 60. Jtess h...I..-.1 Ham*. 10 : Hear tub Mldei .n ?.ilt. 4 SoshSJ no., :."????? t ii-.-. '? ;i* Rut. berAr 71?? Fair and Choice W.dtti. ls?41H'. At the 4?'-.u 'ild, ... c. ?skod, tor No. 2 White as ,-.i. .L-in-i?rv . ii)c ''id. 3c asket ion. .11 I ' 11v Mesa Beet, OlAj lleef it an. I Pork. 113 5 erg 4; Extra Prime. $1 v. si UVc.: 'i.'? n suit and ptrkle.sssSBSdi suioktsl 7 Uc. do., in salt, 7c. Sbonl era, su?ai-iiickli-1. ,'iSj< ; do, smoked. B r. 5^.C. tJtcil? WesU-rn Ilerces 77.,'-i?. Tsja, Butter dulk steady . cmamoiv l-.xira, 32au3c, Bioorord i i,inn]-au I New V01? Kxtra. ?2!.c. '?? esl.-ni .'.e-ei ve Irs. 2.' '26e: do.. Good to ('bone. l??2lc. Rel's dull: I'euusylvaala KxUss, 3oA2'2c : Western Rasene Kxuras, 30?22?. Eggs quiet PeunsvlVania, .tc; West iru. 20?2*Jc. Cbeeeo ? ; Sew Vor? Factory. lSglaV lAV.i.-rn r .11 ( ream. 12--c . do i,.sei. llal'24-,. do. ~kllu?, 7 Coffee dull. n"uiln-L snxat ? Nominal at 7S<f> V f..r F.ilr ro Good t'ettninc Jauseovado-s ? Rerlne.1 snaars ii met. stosdr- Cut la?L 10*?c.. Crnabod. 10 V.. I owderou. 11 a.j i.ratiuiaten. tfV-; CoufectUinenr' a, PV- Molasses 1 \.o 1 iiriro' here, not \ .-t < ffernL -isels ci. v^r. I'lmot j and tmm oieiaai. uuchauged. Fetsl dull; Brau. 417 50ah|lK 60. I *:, leiim .lull. n*.miua. ; Rehne t. In bbia . 8'?c-: lo 11c Wi.iekey iow*r. dull; Western, al 14. ihipiuenta C'orn. 14V 64) buah. oT. ia?t is. is,'. '24. ?from- firmer, iwheat better; fto. Red i-all. ?1 341* i?l 14??eaan. 41 36January: $1 41 Si* 41 -. 1 \ 1' hruarv a. ...?r*l 45 ? March . No. 1 do.. ?1 24 a ft 21. < iensaaer35??c cash ;tr.'??r.iri'?r. Jaaaarr: :'Sa;is*?c F*id-narv - H"?c Bataa 1 t?'a* May. oais bla.'i- r at :r7Hc. cash ; ..7 0u ' c January ; M**a. Feornary Rye qnlot at 81 bid. Harter steady and urclianged. Whiskey ijaie: at 81 08. Pork better at til asked rasii . sares ear r at 81.: 45 Jan uarv ; 81" 87 Si Fsbiuarr. lainl firmer at 7 AOe. Rulk Meats flnu aud higher; 'sboula.'.-s. 4.1u??2i?c clear itlba, li.ilnc, clciir --iHes i;.ih)?6.70c Bacon-Nothin? ilotnir. it,-, elms-Fionr. 4.isw? ouis. wheat, lo.oou husn, earn. ,7.1?.i?b . ' 's:-. 10.1KI4I hush.. Rre, '.I.ihhi biwh, llatiec. 7.ihhi bush. Shipments? Fionr, s.ihmi bids; Wbeat. 7.000 bn?h : 1 urn. 2.1-00 hush ; liarlev. 4.'Ssi bush. De?, IM.?Wheat dul .Amber Michigan. $'. 41 No. 2 Ited Winter. Spot. 81 41 '?. I'eeember. 4; 12 I 1,111 air, 8142Sa Keiaruoiy. 414?S. March. 91 4SSi: No. 2 Reu. MlX.d 81 3s. Corn steady Uhxb ' ixed. af?*8.l No. '.*. ?pot. 42c, Fehritarr. 43N-C. Oats quiet No. 2, 3'iSo'. i !,.t.-r Seed dull: ITIine. 45 07% Pressed Hogs. 85 35. RonsApas? Wb.'si, 1,'i.lSlU bn?b ; Corn. 40.- .ST? bush <>al*. ,'i.issi bush. Mi.pmeuu-Wheat. 3.188) Buah.; Corn. 20.188) buah. _ ritINT CLOTH MARKET F?if. Rivfb. Mosa.. Pe?. 24.?The Print Cloth market at iiuet and uncbatigect is any r-spoct. ?fhisistriil. pmasUTT (ri;AIw.\NTt.E POLICIES ARE ISSfP.D BY THE KMCKLRBOCKKU CASTaLTV IN-I I \M K 1 o.. OF NEW YORkC. gtiaranteelnr rhe fidelity of persons botdinr poai'ionsof po rui tary trust ant responsibill'y. thaa seennnx a CORPOR? ATE ? ; l" A R LBTY in teu of a |ier?uiial bond where security Is miutred for 1 lie faithful P'-rt. rman e of the dullas of em p?,o\ 8j hj ni, posi'ious of trust. Fid) information can be obtained at the office H7 Broaitway. WM M. RICHARDS. LYM.1 N W. BRIOOS, Pre-UleaL Vice I'resUieuL JOHB M. CRANE. ELTWARD STAKE. _ ?secretary._Qoarral A?y?aat. ilAS S ! 0( K> ?Sc City K. R. (Florae aiiil Klvt'd) v ' stocks A U01 d. Ot.UKht At sole. F T. M EU ITT.s HiihmI at QA& ?T0I KB. Ail New York and Brooklyn oaa stock?, and also all kinds of Urook.yn Investment seearlties. d ait in bv _ I.BO II I'll I n 1 I--. '21 broad?T. n y OFFtCI OFTHF r.BI till tlMSil AW Mll.IJMi i OgrAXt, i ? Sali [.AkK .'ITT I tab, Nov. I;. 1870. I NOTICE is bf.ehv (riYen. to wiiom r mar concern, that no transfer of stock belonging ro ibis com piibv Mi l her. after lie recognised UniOsS the same is slle?ted hi L A. Van FR V AO, flu i.clai agedl of the cot:i pony. 444 nr,?.iway, New Xork. A M M KAV. ll-estdsat H. A. Vah Pba \n, _firritarr and Traanstxrar,_ Tu? n?a V.iaa K t; . *n h. et. 00?] Ttr AeLBtk s ostrcrr, 7 Bsoaiiwat. Baw-Voag, roe. 18. 187 V?ries. Lu. IN 1 F.P.BUT Cfif I'ovs due Jaanarv n* tt noon rhe hwwAeofthlatwmpiinv will Ik. j am 00 son sit. r r roisv. Jsnu aty v. IsRlkon pies, i.t ' 011 i f the ^roe at ih. Cera 1 xciatuge Dank, corner of W itt -ui and B?*ver-?tau Si w-1 i>r?. J. A. COW I Nil, __ Txssatsxrer. p'? ?ifS \T > KCl h I TIES.?W lifther .r . ?'r le to ROW. C. FOX .s 1 o. >? n y. "t.a k 1.1.hinge. , wa i st., Nww.Yark. VII.-MH Kl 1'AC.HC 1JAII.WAY rOM'i .t 1 1 a - Y.-TSe .0111?.1.s due Jaaiaary 1,18044, ea the ono .. ,1 1, .11 raste Haara? m u-iaifl. mUmA Company of Mis ib'i'i.- 11.1 ..I. r hm dife ,.t the Importers and ?7 '. S VOL OV4U.K KaAxat'. t rlTPOXa m J ev.ll 0b> r. r. ' n. i 1 , ,". 1 a lTTP { nry 1. 1H80, or ?ooupanr wil. be tau.1 .? sTati r.' uaui *uiTTi list >an?e ..lacr. es??V.-r? MMH .? 0, Ireaa.ll ,-r A TU BaiLWAT CO.. Y'.kk ls.0. \ I " 1 eiua,-! .... I^BS C0?P0XI <'F THE HAlJT-TEAbXY tnterrit ..p Dee Ftrsl \iigi?ase OondV uf Una rooipanv will be paid isb sad afler th 2*1 lantury nest at the Central 1 ru?t? osBpaay. U N sesuu ?t.. N ? w \ 01 k J.'UN E. BODY. f\nannai. Tu Tili: HOLDERS OF 01(10 STATE 1 - i (?-k- ? 1 he lot. re t IM ia/i!i?rr i MHO. od tl.e fiuiil.Nl <?ebr ot the State of '?ht" will b? oalrt it the Am.-rvau r x.hfafiaja .Vaiiona Rank Xf? Vor? (Uly, i rot? ibe IM to tii* EE proximo, and :h-re?rt.u M ..or .-flea ih,? cur. The Wajuwer hooka will be reapeiard on the lrtih of January. i olufnbu*. Ohio. Oer. 1?. 1173. janen WILLIAM!?Aadlier ?f Ottf MILTON UW'.NFS Serreiary uf Mt*i \ U i II.i-V RS. Attorney Oener?!. BT. Loci*, lao* MotxiAi* *?i> *ot rn??w Kai..war CO.. , No .\H-ri 'i . Nrw-Yoaa, ix?- ia, tarn?. 1 'PHE .BOOKS of tu? FiRST?vo?l jx second ;?!".'?'' -Mi in n:.- fthiaconi jnnr will be .-ii>?e.i i n . intuT ?I, : *7tt, ?t ?_.?!???* p. n>.. and Holder* of out?' ' ?diu * i onM.Inl.i lad oonil* !nferrat rertlll tore Im.'? ?tuOer .!'. M7ji, fcir exi'-hatiar Into ureirrred ,u< nn.. bann? tri the romt.aav I'. w '!< 1 li Iam?. Treamirer_ THE CENTRAL n:r>r TOJfPAXT of NEW YORK. X?. IS VaaaaaaW.. immer uf Hn?M"t. CAPITA L, tLOUO.IKaJ 1N C. 8. BONDS' Allot.a tcte.rat ot, denoiuta. returuaa-.n on demand, or a? taaialflafl da tea. las ltvat ueptadterv tor inonev paid t tto Court. I* ?nthorlxrrt ta art aa Executor. Adnrt:il?trat>r. i.oanlian. ar lu any ?.Iber poatUon of iraat. Ala? aa Reflate ?r or Transfer Aarrut ?et ,-to?.k. and Una Ja and aa rrujlaaiar'ia.; M?:.?j?-h. HENRY P. Sf AfLDlNO. PrmUrat. ,? ?Xi?u '\' i . il 1- p.vio M'K, sv-etiArr. BOARD OF Ti'L -srEES. Pannat 0 RalH-ork, Johnafhan Thorne, Isaac B. Ph-lpa, Joaiah it Flak a. ( lute. o. 1 an Ion. Koni und W. Corlie?. Prtd'k U. ('oastttV Wui II. Apaletoa, C.uatav Senawb, Hand Dow*. Martin Ha tea. Wax. Alien Untier. arkly^ ?b. aornn. Jamea P. Weilar*.' Cornelius N a..**. BenJ. B. sueraian._J_ SHELDON & WADSWORTH BAa KE R.1, 10 WALLST. In addition to a re ieral liankl-ir bualne.*, hny and *etl I. i . ?Mino??.o'.. ??? ? - ii'-ntai; ?? r. .-ur? ! ? ia?.-, a?l?ancin?-on same. D?*lrabl? Fl tat M.oi*a?e Hai:way H?nde for ?aie. _ WM. C. SUJiLDON._#X, B. v VI - iRTTI_ BUTTRICK & ELLIMAN, MEMBERS NEW YOBIC STOCK RXCIIANOB. NO ? N.V??.*?Al'-erT.. BTY, BELL AND CARRY r*T^CKJ AND BONDS ON _ifMiiii BB_ ?IIClfjr# Ali \0RTIWEtVfERT SINKING FUND 68 PT'E 19-29. POR SALE BY KI LOKB *V CO., Na 31 ?BaVJBBMt TOWN OF HARTFORD, State of Cwonerticut. 4Hi PER CENT BONDf* REDEEMABLE AFTER 10 ABD PAYABLE IN 23 YEARS. FREE OF ALI. TAX UNDER THE LAWS OP CONNECTICUT. KHK MALE BY Geo. K. Sistare's Sons, _NO. 17 NA"rSAr?erT.. ft. T._ R. M RAVEN & CO. Memtex* of N. Y. ?t.? k nnd Mlntnc Exchan???, BWKERn A\D BROKERS P. 0. BOX 3M. li WALL STREET. Biir and ?eil all aernriaan dealt ta the ExrJianges arrrtly on i.'onimiKOou. fur i ?ah or on Haxxla Our otOre. adjolulnc tbe Stork Ezcnanae. encl. e* na to execnte ordert with diapatt h. Mr. Raven attend* pero.nally lu tlie Ex haue?. Inlereatkl lowe<| oa Oepoall?. Correspondence ?ullrfte.1._ STATEOFMAINE 6 PER CENT KON'DS. PAYABLE IN 188?. State of Massachusetts I PER CSR OGLD BONDS, PAYABLE IX lNOA BROOKLYN CITY 5 PER CENT BUNDS. PAYABLE IB* 1011. CINCINNATI CITY 0 PER CENT BONDS. PAYABLE IB 1?00. J< R SALE BY DANIEL A. OXORAN, '2~ P1NE-ST.. NEW-YORK PHELPS, STOKES & CO. BANKERS, r. N PHELPS. JAMES sloKE". AJf^OS^PHELP-} "-TOKE^. N) 43 W A EL-IT- NEW YORK. COMMERCIAL CREDITS la Doilan tor u-e ir. Cal.od sutea. Cnlia Ae. lu I'ouisi* -terlinx, available in aay part of the world. Al?". rravellera' CmUta and CIRCULAR NOTES. E. C. STEDMAN, IS IN Sat It 4>l? HilOK?K, .-O. <?) HROADWAY. NEW YuRJL Carern attention clvrn to the pun-baao and sale of all OerarltMa dealt m at tbe New York stock Exchaaaw Ia qulrle* eoacei ulna tlnanriaJ matter* promptly *n*were.L -?.ii ks earne.1 *a vt ?rxlns. Internat ?liowedon ilepoait*. *u> |ect tu draft* ?t si?ut. Account* sotualed. liaminq tonset ano ?anner; MUSCRAVE &. CO., IIA N KB BS, NO. 20 PIN K-ST RE ET, X. Y. Pe|io*it? reretTed. snli)eOl U> check ?t sieht, kotiataratl allowed on dally baiaaraa. UOVERNMEN I BuNDs. stark* ?od ?11 laveatoiaot ?ccurlUe* baincht ani sold on roniimsaian. DRAW* BILLS OP EXCHA*<OE OX LONDON JOINTSTOCK BANK.LONDON Buy and ?eil sll American ser.urti^es upon the LONDON STUCK EXi'II ANOE. on tbe most favorable fei ms. Dmi?cno Xon-e? Tu? IaroBTPW axd TxAnFatr Vatunai Hasx ; or Mw Yoil NKW-Yoatx. Dae, 20, lsT70 . I 4 DXYID?NU OF -h\l.\ PEK I KN l out a\ of the earning* of tbe but *lx maaRi*. free of al. taxei. baa thl* day been .ee.ared uy Uua hau?, n .vaoin hi ihe ..t ilav uf Janu.irr next. 1 be transfer l*k?k* w.U remaiu loaxl till that date._B. EL PKBKlNs, Jr.. caaalar. NCtTR N kTlOB AI. BAAK.) Nt* i oka. Da*. tA li 0. ( ADIVIDEND ot" TWO AND ONE-H?LP HKR CENT upon the eaonai atook ol this bank nahen drriared. payable uj or alter Jaauarr 'A lHMu. The trauaier boukJ wi.l be clueed trom this late until the 2d prux.. IL U NAZ ItX Caablnr MBTBOPOUTAa KL?VAIK1> PAILWAt COM4'AXT. 1 NO. 71 HaoAI.WAT, > NKW \ .o(K. Deo 10, liT7'J.J AQUARTERLY DIVIDfcND or (2^ dot cent two ?ad one b ill per .?out upon the capital ataxik uf die e?mp..iiv til - ;>a. ' "ii aa.l after ta* 4 4./ ?i Ja.fl are n*x.. *t toe i en'rtl Trust Coni|aiiiv. 14 Na*aa?-?t, New ffJBB. to the atrr.ktn.lde:* of reoird im the 22d ra*c Tim traoaler Look- ?iii Im d a. a ii'iiMk m. on Ihr ~'M InsL, and reopened on the uiornmvol the ibl of January ucxt, I ^ 11R Y Sf) L IT L^S IL V E KM INIIN ^t.J^^ ?' AlN V, ItO IIS BkOAOWAr. NaW.YolA. IktMBOtW 11 latTB. The BOARD P THCSTKES have rhl* aar dee'aw DIVIDEND iNu 2' ot a PUIt CbNToa sla.iaai.otKJ tapital atark of the i-iaiii.aj.v.aiu..iiu ag o *~~ ?*?.????.?, or aLpi'r >baie, ?Mit ol the aerond ? n. i earn Oaj*. pay iU* at .he t an i ra.i trr r ! ...d e**a?*n n -em .7 bka Eel OS. K?Y. iserrelarv " OBaMAjT SaVPMMI JL?*? 11 vox ira Ava, _ N.'? 1'HE Uoani of Trusties ot the- OEtiMAN OATTNtiB HAN K aav* drilaiad the FOSTV. PI ROT MKMIANNi \i. ITVIDEMo ta Depad^ r* aa? lt. . I er. i.i nf.iei 11.? fe> Laaa a* Uk* rasa at Fl YE (S) PE it i'EB r per aauu ii oa ?um* uf *a and not ?X r.*?t ?? O.a-0. and at the rat n P >l'it t?> I'BK CBNT f?*r auiiuui i.olar?rr (iiaia not eicaeanut 03 0i?>?pay?4na aa aial Dlvidaa ? '..?4 al?Hlrtwu all] be added to prturt|ad wad draw utrraai J auary Us pus U utaoa oa or betura Jauuary lu. will diaw ...u- e-l from Jauuarr 1. 1 11 IUI' BlfSlN JtH, m O. F Aaiiioa. Treaanrer. m i* Nkw Yoa*, i ??, Dae. !?:. MTf. > I) urmi: uuu jioi vtaj? oou> Maim towrAj-ri Ur I'AUtXrttXIA. i N'a M Broad -"?ew Yoak. Dee. IL bpbB J IVIDEND No. I?. ? , . _ ? - Ilm R.HPl of Trnafe*** hive flit* fay ue<Ur*tl ? MONTHLYVivi 7ksm FIVE' ' K.NT* per-h w-k^ rne .aniial .tiki- -f tM* company ?"* '?* nvwthof "Sf parable.... :?? .?Mau. Trea*4W l?mL? ?lo*o .? lb* Mm) a leupan oa Um -Tu of I,*^^)RTRIOirT. i*irret4taT._ Fattui PtTOht no ? ? ? ?<'.iniTEr. Mixn i romr%vt. I 1 Id and I i3 BboaPway. (fBfJ [ "US. O.e. oyarxv ? TDEND N?>. h ?li .inl of Dirtw-tOTB i)1;. value fli'O ifD i ectntfsj afoct of the rnmptiT, on ufBi e <?f the . i.mi'?ay on jd i ?fror January A Tra>i.?te will cUm- December 21 and r-?.i?-n Anovr .V 11? .i -aT'.%.!?; kaiuhi' ('o?r?iif, T.uuMki a ? iitj-T. x. ? BBlfioH vaT. Conn.. fX. 17. 1*79. I DIVIDEND No. ?ME-Tbc Du- *? till* day declared a Ql ARTESLY DI V 1 DEN O-f TWO DOLLAi'- PER - m M.l'. oa IB* preferred ?rock of tb.a.-'Hu. ?an-'. pay aide >?a the u,U> da* at January. 18??, at the Traa. ?r rer*? office In Bmlan?.'. ' "im t 1 be traassW books will i*s closed from tha *,th to Ui? muxDbo. Lola days lurlmure. CHARLJX? K. AVEIULL, T renew rer. *""" HAanwiL ^otTon 1 gathpb Baar.! CTFTY-8EC0ND DIVIDEND.?Thai Direc r tor-of tin* Baak have this ilay declared a DfVlDETXD of "-OCR (4) I'BR CBAf, pirable, fra* or fajaVWjbwli of Jaau ry, proximo, naiil which .late the transfer book wt I BO. ^:~Si u. -_j if. CRANK. Clam?ar._ n4t10x4l BfttiAfrWAT Bs?g,f N?* tun. Dec ..'. Is7>. I SIXTIETH DIVIDEND.?A SEMIANNUAL kj III VIDKND of Kt<IH T PER CBNT will be paM on auI after j?i.narr A 1M0, fro* of taxea. J. 1. r.\ E.'.ITT. LaWhter. T r .waitvV?Ti. j v in-nc i Ntw Yoatt Dee. :?7*. I THE BOARD of PIKErhiKs have- tin* dar ?Velaren a dividend of P1VB Yf.R CENT, free of tax. irum the earning* ul ihr Baal aix lhuitba, payabte oa ami attaw Jiuiurr ',, l??O._BaBAMil-l N. 1 -.a.-ilei. IUB .Viii'Nil i-AttaMt-tx if x-?.v.i?, ( Oacarabar .9, ltr79.( rFHP: I'.on .l of Itincfi.r- have I'ns May ?Ip I . lar.'.l a l vi DEN u of THREE PEK CK NT fnun taa earntneaof the paac alx montua. i.ay*ble. free ot iax. January J. !"t? The traaafer h??>k? WiU he cloae.1 an til Jaai.ary I, 1MB. K. k W it: ? ? H T. i;aao.a?__ . kTixkVTA Nat* mal Bask. 1 Naw vout. Dec la. in;*. I THE BOARD OF DIRECT* >R> lo-Ye- thi? r\?y rte -la iat Dl\ I IH 11 ??' I ' . i: ? I. u> K-II 1 1 e" I RR ( en 1'. free frrnn tax. r>?r?',t' -'aoiuxry 'J, laMO. ancl ^hich .late the transfer t>s>ks mil: be eloartt PREO I aVLOB. CaahiQT . 0?vicx or THtt aMKRtf ?. jitaratr-r TRtJUiaAn* Co., > 6V? BBOAbW AT. Nf W TintK. f>ee. lit. 187*. I THF QUABlEREY DIVIDEND <>t ONC ? m ? ? n !?. i [ a i. y f i ? ' t N l' wiIi e ad oa I he can ital kt?ck of tats comi>?av at the . ftce ?t the < ewpanv. Jean* arylS n.e t.A.,-ter boekaaul oo . j aa utr) 1 aad open January l?. 1?*j. _, E. W. ANDREW a. Praatdenr. c DaraaafoaX Wrmi, Tt naiarar._ t MBi>oai.r-? rki -t < ? <v\ r i .s. Y? isso. 17, laTfJ. I HE HOARD Of I RI -lr.K- ot tina com. I pair have. Oil*nay declared a 1IV1DK>"D of PuCB PER ( eNT. en the i apltel stock, out of the *anuaa* uf tlM current six moi ti.a pa. able i anuarv .. 1-- . The transfer book* wU, be cloaeu from December 27 to th< .lay oi pb\ u.eliL _ _WILLIAM R. Bt'NKP.R f*cretary._ Ball P?**aTt*ro. 17l> tltaa IBTbT" l^HE BODIE CON.^aJI)ATED MINING I ?OMI'a.SY has .'ecl.rert Div .lend No. ft.of PiPTY CENTS |ier anare. payable at ihr omre of LA1DLAW mCO .? v -v '. >rl. lean r.>.i ?I - >? k :??iie<: from U? New York traaafer aovnry. Traaafer booka eloae oa the 'jOUi ln?L, and riopeii :m1 pn.inco. w a II. I ENT. -ee-.-t trr. < ; :? t. ? v wp is. Ftaoo i ' ?nvf I No. tia Brsadwav Lesi. 13, Kffa ( THE REGULAR < EMI-ANN I AL DIVI 1 PUN I) of F'.t'H PRR CENT baa been ileelared By the director* ol taw company, payable January 13. lanu, al our oftlce a? above. The treuster hooka will rlaaa Jan nary 5 at 2 am., and rooueu Jaauaiy lo. H. B. P \RHONsi. _As.i.taiiu>eerer*ry I i. i.ak? -IIOBI ami Ml< IIIDAX fSi.t-tiif.ft-l KA1LWATCO, ) Taajtai'krk'a iivioi'ii. R.4>a No A7. > ORAJtn iti tbal Drrrrr. N?w \ obk. Dee. 111. ISTO. THE DlKECI'oR.S of ihia t omo-inv litre thladay deciare.1 adirlitend of Kot'It l'KR i'ENTnn?*) ?? v -?...?. . .tj Jd lay ??' !? '?raary n-xt, al Ihn offloa. 'The iranaffet book* a 111 he c'.rted at S o'clock p m. on ->??. nntay. the 27th InaL. and will he reopened on the morning ol Iraiar. the ttth day of February next. _E. D. WoRCKHTKB, Treaiurar. _ Tin muthoa.x cirriAL Railioad compaxt. > ritxon htil's urricB. Ks.u no 4(4 > Obasoi'KfrrHAi Dtror, niw-Yobk. Dee. 16. 1879. ) T?HE DIIlEi TOBS of this rdiBpaBJ hare I ii.a ilay dedaral a dlvwteud of Ftit'lt PER cent apaa Iim capit.l stock payable on Uie -d day ol Pebrnary n?.xt, al Uns omr?. 1 he trauafer bank* will be closed .it:; o'clock p. m ?n "*at. onlay, tiic '.^th i:o?t., jnd will t.s r ou Uie morning of FTUaiy. toe tlth day of February next _ _ C. VanDERBfLT,Treaanrer. ITNION DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION. I Broadway ?2d *L and rlth a. ? NKW YoBjt, Dan. 17. 1879. The following DIVIDEND for tha curr nt liAlt-jear haa be- n <le lnred. payal.l? on or after January II PI Vh, per ee^t per auaiun ou auma tiorn aA to f50O. and POL* It per cent ou any erceaa .nr.-r *ono. MHNKY DKP'oslTii. o.n < >U B-PORF. JANCARY 10 DKAW8 INTEREST FrtOM TUE 1-T. _CHARLES e. IBBAOITB. Serre-arr. < UNION PAriFH' RAILHOAD COMPANY.? a DIVIDEND i p ONE AND ONF.-HxLF peb CKNT on the capital rtock of tl.? Cniou F*rifj> Rallraad Cuinpanr will be pal l on and after I iauary L la-0. to *iocA hoklersof re nrd : >..ei la 1879. New York stockh'.i.inr. w II no paid at the I'uloa Trn*l ? on, ....... "? lii.M.issir. ..n'l Itsist.m aim khohier* at the company soiDcR. 41 Kqaili'd" Bunding, Ho-iou. stock txsik* wll. oe cloaed D comoer 1 ? and rc-pened hi iurv2. HENRY McFAHLAND, Treaanrer. (iflt-ction 5?0lUf3 4 DVERTISEMENT8 foi the ne\v J\ YORK TRIBUNE WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE I'P TOWN OFFICES, No, l.tA'M Bmaslway. cor Thirtr ilrsl-oK. or No. .'tas? W aat I wenly-1 ..ird-at.. cornel El*hth.*va, No IPI Eaat Pourteenth-?L. .orner I'n on auuara, 7444) rausL .?.-.. out. Fortyaeranllv*Li at taa HARLEM uFTK K, No, 2.2SI I hirrtare.. .-or. <ine-hundredand twenty fnurtEaC II Allere .-saving* Hauk Buikliug). up to 8 p ox, at reguiar *dkt*r*t*a_ NOTICE.?Tba animal nin-fina* mi the Nrw Yorfc i'Hy church Kxi....?i?n *nd Misalonarr ~o> i*tr at tha M R. church for the election ot ofMi era bir the ensuing year, will be bold FRIDAY APTBRBoOB. Doc 2fl. at i o'clock, attlie MLtalon K.aim.. hi.'. Hio*dway_ larrxn laaiaAXCB coj?ta?y. i .n gw Yoax. De. amb r 7. IffTB. I 1 of ti.ia compaur will b* paid at l iotr ?fBc. No 167 llmad war. oa Tueai.ay. Januarr A. I Sao. nciwenu the hoarf ol 12 m. aad lp.a M AHT1 N L. CROW ell. President, C.virKinaocuB CAat-ALrr Ixm'ka.xck coktaxt ) or New Yoaa. > OFTtCl N 1 1-7 ?Rt>ApWAr, new youb. Dee. 23, lBfB.1 the ANNUAL MEETING of stock J UOLDc.KS for the ElorUon of Director* aast lue tha transaction of other buainea* a- it tie be d *t the Ciuupany'a oatea on Tweadasr tn* dth Jar of Jan nary, ls8., at 12 bomb. Poll? open trum i- ni. to i p. m. The >fock : ? anst.T nooks of t be Company will rlo?* OB SaaV urdar. Deoembei 27. ls7'J, aad reopen W ednaaday, Js.ioary 7. isao. JOHN M. CRANE, -acrelary ?.nniiqa ?aitKS. METROPOLITAN sWT.Ni.S BANK, ?OH. 1 AND 3 THIHDAVKNCE. FIFTY THIRD DIVIDEND. Ne? yorfc. r*H>. 24. if*;*. INTKItKST ATTHE RATE F F1VB PER CRBt peg ?nniitu on sum* o. fl.oisi *u>: under, aad at th>- rare of 1 mr Per Ceni on amnnnt* overf l.oi 0. which have remit ad oa iti poait durtnt the ihre? .ft alt m.Mitl.* ending Januar. I, It- . win be paid according u> the bylaw*, oa Wedaeeday. Jan. 21. litVlDEN Dt* not withdrawn will bo added to the deposit and ora? interret '? in Jan. 1. DRPHMla madeoa or be iure the loth of J*nn?rv will fjBBM i 'eieat trooj Jan. L i it A - L. TlfFANY. i, % i'. .'.aU.i. h?:etanr. l*r a.Hiit._ Report of the condition of the con? tinental nah N vi. hank. s?w York, at tha close of biiainoaa ou tba l'Jlh day of D cam bar. 187? : KKMOCRCKB. laians and dl*> ount* . ?4.4 ?AT!?8? 1 B ii 'Ods t. ..-cure circulation. . . -*7 won'"J ? i.her I s Bon.laou hand. . 9 .is*' 'jo i iia.-r -i.. ki, j.imls Ac 79.831*2 uverdrafi* . 17' ?? Dm tnaa other National Bauk* . 14R.7P1 92 ?if r in -tote bank* and .anker*. BS.-?.1 >? Ran slug Hoaao.... . ?> ? o Other iieal . atato . . '.'CO. ???) of) Curt eat expenaea *Bd tue. p ild . 44,i.'0nB ITetnuun* paid . 47.47J *3 Check* and ether cash item*. 30.1,77 47 Ki. hauae* for OBtaMBfkfl houao 1,271.784 14 HUlanf o ber Bank* .-. 7.271 *? Pr*rtlon*l C-irreniT, Ac .... ?77 sprole 1.4l?s*a7ft Legal tender Mote* . . ... ?2.AL9 00 O a Co tlttratea fur Leajsl tender* U.?d> 4*9 liANlainpUau land.? SB." .6 DO Total.?lAlBo.aSS 27 CaMtal *f>ea paid la . Bl.taai iMWIin e-nrii.ii? fuud. in J* ooo Undivided pndUa. ftn.741 41 Batten 'I ImuE note* outatandlng . 7?A.B0? 0B Divide id* unpaid j 123 00 Depo*ll* la.l.t:.lual?'v41 8.? Mauoa*. Bauk*. l.n;7..aa> ii State tiauk? AUd bauk CertiUcate* of D?. BwMP ? l i.:ux sa ', 4 . ^ Cartitt '1 .'heck* . d,5H8 0TI .11 CaaulA-i'* aBawBi_ . 14*>,4i*i..l Total.. <? i^w. >; BTATE or NEW Y'iBK, C.ltSTl ? V NEW YOKE. Sa.: I. KU?O'K r A y laj K, caeh . r i.f Ute* ats.v, named bank, da anlwnnlv *w ar that tha sbovu atateatoat U true, to the outt of mr kn .wlod,? aud b**f*at ^* FRV l 'K l \ Yl.i .It, i ashior. Snbaertbe t aad *waea to b. f rv at , (hi* .'4th .lay of rsreeaa ber, 187 'A ALPD. H. TiarsoX, Notary Public. N. Y. Caubtr. Correct-At oat. t HARLKS 11. MARSHA'L.1 Hl.NKY m TABME ^in.^rlataa. E.iML.ND D KA XUnirxi I ^HE TRls 1 EEs op THE MAN II VTT in - WINDS IN- i iTCTIoN hate three.ed lotete?! I. he paid sou! ?tcj.oaiuav* ealMfaal tl.ereio ua?eer tue toy lawa al ilia raaauf six k ehh'TNl peg aauiiai on .auis not ex.-ee.liag * (to and pur PKK CBN? per annuis .41 larger msk remaiutag oa dopaatt aariug the Iii*, e or s. t moui ha etwl.u J guuai y '. l-?o. PapaMc a* aad alissr the thir i Moo.I y af Jaaaarv. lntarral ruA wiUaarawi. will It* asldad W ta? praicipAU. aad receive tnkareat thatakaH aa aasp?il EDM AMD aCHKLL, C. f. alvobo. I'rtattd.aE s*rrurr.