Newspaper Page Text
? - LOCAL M1SCKLLANY. F.DISOX'S ELECTRIC LionT. IUB BErOBT OP IN ntl'l""* AT MKNI.O I'Al'k V'NTKl'K. For some time a ru:uor bus boon circulated that Edison, tbe famous inventor, intended tn llluni tmte the village of Meulo Park. N. J., with his clec tnc lifbt on Christmas Eve. A director of tbe Electric Light Company that is supplying Mr. Edi aon with money to pnrsccuto bio undertaking said to a Trtbtnf. reporter yestcrduy : "Tbe report is untrue ; we bavo made no prepara? tions t<> illuminate Meid<> Pnrk to-night. We never Laro set a day for making a trial of Mr. Edison's inventions for using tbe electric light?that idea was tbe creation of some visionary reporter's braiu. Tbe apparatus is not yet perfected, nor has some of it been tried; uor lias Mr. Edison, I think, yet obtained bis patents for some of it. Many ex|?erimetits will be made before the directors of tbe company will feel like inviting tbe public to au exhibition. The company h:ta already beeu subjected t? a great d. al <>t ridicule in quince of t!i.' publication in tbe newspaper* of exaggerated reports of the results of Mr. F.ui-on's labors, and is not inclined to invite any in ie bv adi?plav of tbe electrical ina chines while tbev are yet imperfect ?i:d not tho? roughly toted. Wo do not yet know positively tho net of manufacturing ami tl.sti Uniting the cb?c tneit v. Laboratory experiments cannot be entirely tin?teil. 1 doubt if we will know tin* cost tif the eb cfiic light supplied by our company i >m parc.l with the livrbt supplied ?? the ens Data Ban lei till tin in a n\ stem can be rented in s.mie large city. Mr. Kdison has liad |M?lea erected in Menlo Park to bold Ins electric lamps, ami lias also put lamps in sev? eral houses in Iba x ilia go. The village of Menlo Park is an imaginary one, howetrr, (insisting incrch of Edison's Laboratory, bouse and two or Ihm- oilier ImiIllings?so that tbe experiment, when it is made, will not Is* a verv extensive otic. MOM of the dircc toi > "t ilie Ebcti ic Light Company have beeu in? vited to come tin re to-night to witness any apt rt nieuts, niul 1 am positive none will he made." ?? A .is t in di rii't ion re, cnilx hivti of Mi. Edi eon's machines and lamps a laillilul OOof "Yes/' said the tlireetor, "it was faithful as far as it went; but no mention was made of several important inventions inseparably connected with tbe oilier parts of the new sys * tern of light. 1 suppose Mr. Edison did not rnre to mention them, from a belief that others in the in? ventive world would instantly rash ui ami say, 'Ob. that's old; we invented that years ago.' lint the gas eniupaiii"s evidently have ?nur fuiih in Edison, fir gis stn.k fell ni ptico isi l.iuidou and M ? ti . on the publication of the report that Mr. Edison bad filially succeeded. The owners of gas stock, I think, are mistaken in assuming t bat their property will bo severely damnn, d bv Ilie in? troduction i>f the electric light. The g::s comp.mies ouu'ht to coutml tbe law business, it seems to me, as thev have tlio old. I lies have the r ght of way through the streets, the names ni ru ton-is, in fact tin- eutiie business of lighting tin-cities is in their bands. They c;.n adopt t Ik- new method of lighting and still hold tbe llUMUesS.'' PLECKO PNEFMONIA IN YONKERS. rilK Pist-As,; T*T*M***? *******CAtMtsUWOtTKP ?CAKELKSSNK-s OK CATfI.k-DWSKIIS. The disease of plfuro-pitcuiuunia is still spreml Ingiiitbe vicinity of Yotikera, and on account of sxtreme carelessness of certain owners of disc ??>'? cattle it is feared that it is beyond the control of the small ton e aj inspectors at present employed bv the S'ate Government. The inspectors In luve that unless tbe Legislative s].dily makes an appro? priation enabling tbcm to enforce the sanitary' rcg. nlations, ami kill all sick cattle with or without the roi.< i t of tbe owners, a far-reaching epidemic is ist e vita Me, Caeet of criniuitl Mejimnet mgm in,'i i t i tin it i ntice alinieo daily, yet tbey have no as frei to mike any arrests. I h<>mm C o Ie, a contractor living in the north? ern part of Yniikers, sold a iliseased cow to John Iiiltott. wbo i" Octolnr Ja-1 Mild bis own row to 11. B. Odcll, at whirs? faun it ue rotopen1 plciiio-pneiiiiiniua and founuunii-aicd Um dteeaet lo ? large aaatbet of other cattle. Cnvle sa\s that bo did not know the cow was n ' when he'so'd ber, but the authorities thinkOtber wm), tad tav tbey would place htm under arrest if thev bad the authority to do so. When DtJtoa dis? severed Iba cow's c< md it ion.taetaadof reporting the case in tin- inspector, who would have killed In r, lie turned ber into tbe stteet, where she ran xxith other cows, and lias undoubtedly Ifjread tin e 'iitagion. Ol Tin sd iv. Inspectors Wiax aid Hopkins, of th- State Cattlo Commission, found the that done I OOW in company xxith others, ami articled D.ilton to lake her back to his stable and tie her attar! freai otbera, Thia Dalton Anally did. but not until three cows belongitiu to William Pien>niit. a bin'tier, bad sboxvn symptoms of tbe ilw - . I'i, [ lit ittd imt give the lii-peetors |>er nti-.iiin i" kit' ;be cows, and they Luv?i rcpoited to General Patrick inr inatrnetJoak*. I wo :?!? n- n! Mr. ? lileir. cows yesti r,lay showed the Urs syajptooi of aatsiro otaaawisan. aa olora lioaol ilia o ratnre of the body to 100 and lOlJ rahr.nii. it. That there may be no cause for SUV sis U> nil of list liilsfy action nil t lie* pill of the li.spvCtot, however, the eoxvs have bu ll (|Ulirail Uasm] xx 11 be .illovxed lo live a day or two lot i i antiitheowuetbaajtataofj of the infection, ayheo 1 b will allot*.- n ein to be killed. OKKKRAI GtUHT flSITI His motiif.R. mi:: i n' ikt Horns on jk?sky t iry nhiiiins? Itrll i n to PIIII.AIiKI PHIA. Ex-Prusiiiciit tiiai.t made a stmrt visit, vesterday, to hts .t:;itl mother, who is living xvitb her son-in Ir.w, Abel R. Corbin, of No. .Vi? Paxouia-ave., Jer eev glils. .'s it was feared tbafunv exeite BMOrl \v tibi be injurious to the venerable lady, the Visit was niudo as quietly as possible. The ex I'risidnit, m i oiiipaiitcd bv Qjlotjal Frederick Ctiitit and wife, arrived at the slaVMf City statmu of tb<' l'eini-x lx itna I ulroad m a Hj>ecial carat 10:30 a. m. yesterday. Few persons weit? in the fta.ititi. and the of the partj was un? known. A dach was in wail in.', and tbe ex-Prcsi t! i,t mi; ti.. othH nieiniiei.s of his family were driven to tbe house ol Mr. Cm Inn at once. The resid. m e of Mr. Corhin is a txvo-story frame s'rncture at the rear t>f the Hudson Count v t ourt House. General Grunt's mother went there to re ndc with her d.iugriter and son-iti-l.iw ab >ut two years Hgo. when Cr y inoxed lioiii Llizals-th to Jer-ey City. Her life MM bsMO a verv tjuiet <uie, and com Bl i a lively fexv of the resid nts of Jer sev City have known that she was living there. Mr. CerWa greeted I is distinguished brother-in-law an.I tbe rest of the party when they were driveu to the door. v,i prnOSM excepting members of tbe family were pr. sent ts) receive General lilalit, and although a number of peaasineur cit r ns cnllad later, ihey were not admitteJ to his preaooeo. This xxas in ac* rordance with bis request that be might be allowed to have a quiet vent with hit moiber entirely un distrirt?e?d by auvoteelse. G. (iianl said that this was his sole oMfcet in goiii^t to.Iers -y City, and fo regarded the visit a duiy as well as a pleasure, t was "lh.? first real bit of peace" he bad had tmce he left the City of Tokio at S.m Fran; ht paid, and. while b at ty welcomes wei. jne isanl, be eujtyed the respiie. After'remaining tvith Ins mother about three hours, the hack drove back to tbe depot with t.eii eral Grant and trest of the parly. 1 In x took a special ear tor Pbi'adelnbia. where they will tqn-iid I . :i :mae with George W. Childs. THE FORTY-SKCOND 8TREET SC.'IKMF. The Forty-second Stre<-t, Manhattativille and St. Nicholas Avenue Kailroad Company succeeded in Setting the Aldermen to pass a resolution extending the time one year for building the road. Owing to the late date at which the resolution was passed there is not time to pass it over the Mayor's veto before the expiration of the terms of othVe of many of the AItb rmen who voted for it. 1 be franchise Would have b. conic void after December '27, but a pre*. Ol IB the orhpaaJ grant allows all time lo be deducted whirl) is Consumed in legal pr'M-eetllliga. An injunction was served on the company a few tluvs ago, am! tins, it is said, was doue at the instance of the company in order to prevent the ifohtaa from expiring heforo time could In bad to secure a legislative act extending the charter. As the r mipuny has never made the slight? est effort to build the prop.,*.?{ road, there xvas no apparent reason for obtaining an injunction to atop it Just us their charter was expiring. A CALL TO DR IN0ERSOLL. Tbe Rev. Dr. Edward P. Ingersoll, for tbe last ten years minister of the Middle Reformed Church, at Harriaou-st. and Tompkins-place, bat re? ceived a call to the pulpit of the South Cougrcga tioual Church of Worcester, Mass. His people iu PfKiklyn ore very unwilling to lose their pastor, und on Tuesday evening a inc. ting of tho ? file rs and mem bei s was held ami a series of resolutions was passed, setting forth I heir high appreciation of loa work in the church, and tbeir earuest a'eairc lo have him remain, with tbe hearty aasurunce of the warmest sympathy aud support. Dr. Ingersoll has Dot yet decided. KTATEN ISLAND FUUsT KEPORT. Tbe financial report of tbe Malen Island Railway Ferry Company for the fiscal year shows tbe fol lowiug: Paid capital stock, $clU,0U0; funded aud floating debt, |s'MM),000 ; receipts from passengers, f'l.ooii 05 ; reosipie from freight, tro.s?;!'. 1 ; re cripts from other ?oBjee*. $186,581 48. Expended for mad and ferry. 9179.171 07; for interest, $2 1,247 33; for dividends, $42,009. SHOT IN A BAR-ROOM BRAWL. A BROT/UFR OP JOHN SCANNF.LL WOUND* HENRY WI1.SON YERY ST.RIOUSLY?ESCAPE OP THE AB? SAH ANT. The liquor-saloon of Cook? A McCain*, on the woat aide- of Tlrird-ave? near Forty-aecoud-st., was the scene of a murderous affray early yesterday morn? ing'. For several hours a crowd of men had been dunking in the saloon. About - a. m. a little hoy, employed in the saloon to entertain customers hv singing, began the " Mulligan Guards.' He was interrupted by Edward Scannell, a young man living at No. 317 Kast Twenty-seventh-st., and told to stop singing. The hoy complied, but began ringing instantly otieof the songs from "I\n afore." Scaiiucll. who was drunk, thereupon Strock the boy a severe blow on tho fare. One of the hy stundt i . Henry Wilson, a barlier, of No. .111 Walcr st..\vho was arouainted with the hoy, interposed his bndv ls-t ween Scannell nod Iiis victim, and sa'd : " Ed. von have -truck a Fourth Ward b >y. and I'll defend littti." Wilaon then let Scmtiell on the month with bin tint and. it is said, knocked several of his teeth out. Scannell seized Wilson wbout the >odv. mid for a moment the two tutu wrestled fiercely. Friends of the two men interfered, sep.-iratcd them, and induced them to shn&..- hand.- as a proof that the o'latrcl wna endetL Ten minutes passed, and then Wilson, who was leaning against tue bar. suddenly heard the tcpirt of a revolver, felt the -ting ol a bnlli t, nnd saw Scannell near him holding a smoking revolver. The bullet from the revolver entered V il-on's faff on the I' ft aide of his nose. Scannell tired tired a second shot ho! ue Wilson rcrovond from his surprise at the sudden attack. 1 his bullet pierced Wilson's riirht c.ieek. S mined Bod from thosa liMin and soulhwnrd alonir Third-avc. About thirty feet awnt from tiieynloon he thing the revolver into a bean ol snow, w hen-it was discovered late yes t elfXtJ V aftlTllOOfl. I'at'rolmiin ladt, of the Twenty-first Precinct, saw the crowd povi-ug out of the saloon, and aUJKM run? ning t<> its dnors was told of tin' nt templed murder. Scannell wa- pointed UBl to him running down the axetitie. TU oflieer pursued the fugitive, hut lost siitht of hi tu at Thirl v-seveiiih-st Wilson remained in the saloon. In m tear that Scannell was waiting to shoot him, Patrol? man L"ti soon returned and advised Wilana to go to the Thirl v-lifi Ii Street 1'olice Station. Ills wounds were bleeding i?rnfn-ely. but he felt strong, and he walked to tie- station tiii'l^'sted. BOOB afterwards he Devalue weak, and finally swooned from los-i ol bluod. He was taken loltcilovtic Hos? pital, where the surgeons discovered that both of the builds hud entered Ins lend, but they cntiid mit lind them. They pronounced Wilson to be in a \ M y i i Hica! condition. Edward Scannell was searched for in vain by the police reatetxiay. lie i- twenty-two jrean old and is a voimirt r brother oi the Join Scannell who killed Timothy Donahue in Johnson's pool mom- ai I w i nt \-eii'l:tii-st. and BSOadWBT veins ago. This murder was caused by tlie killing 01 Flor uce Scannell, another brother in Donahue's I rjBOI saloon dating .'in election quarrel. John Scanned believed that Donahue was the murderer, and aller two at? tempts Mice, ded hi killing him. He ttaoaPwd eoo* T.ctiou for murder under u j>h :i of "insiniity," nntl after a vein's inimi-ouincnt iu tlie Asylum lor In? sane C ii v icts al Auburn wits released as cured. He is now living in this city. MI IINY ON AN ITALIAN HARK. TWO ITALIAN -lamkn ATTACK AND KILL a BOAT BWAIX AND COOK. AM) WiHM> TWO UIMBM TUT (Wl'lAIN SIlO'iTs Mil Mt lilil 111 l;s. Capt.nii Stefano FiTianilo, of the Italian bark Francesco Panovaro, which arrived yesterday from Italy, made a IttBatl to Funch, & Co., the con .igriec-, of a mutiny which occurred in uiidocean at midnight on December B, The Italian Consul will begin an investigation on Friday. When a n nortcr of Til Tribcne boarded the vessel Atlaut e I'asin, the captain declined to give any p.irticul us of the meetit g. further than tluit the unitinet-rs had killed the cook ami boatswain, and. had stabbed the mate nnd another seaman, ami that he (the captain) had shot and killed th" two mur? derers. The cn-w had also been warned not to give any particular- of the trouble, fearing lluit it might prejudice ihe case against the captain. The two mutineers \n ri'lin-irorio I'eiiro Irene and Aiifntiio Aretnliiiiilo, hm h BBUfwa of Manila. The rest ot the er-w were Italians, and were unable to -peak English, but through an int rpivitr the fol? lowing facts were obtained : Arendundoand Irene said just before they du d that they believed there was a large amount of treasure on board the bark, ami it was their inten? tion to take p.ssession of the vessel, hut they were entirely ignorant of navigation. A* the watches wen* almut to be changed <>n the night of the mu? tiny both murderers ai med themselves with knives. Arrndundo lir-t killed Sebastian Aouasina, the ? -????K. while the latter was a-let |i in hi-bunk. Then rushing to t In-deck Ircin attacked lir-t mate Pin* ehatti, and plunged the knife into his side jn.-t be? low the heart. I'lU' hatti run toward the captain s cabin Followed by Irene, who was confronted by Arita E luanlo. the cabin hoy, who was aroused by the tumuli and jumped from his berth. Irene ?tabbed the hoy ill the chest and also cut frightful gashes Hi other parts of hi- body, and then ran after i'ltieUatti. Anndundo then attacked and killed Antonio Maichi-ea, ihe boatswain. In the inianiitiio tin- captain, who had been ?sleep in htl cabin, had been roii-ed, ami, nrmiug himself with a revolvi r, ru-hed on deck. The two tntitinters then started to word ihe captain, who calmly took a in and ordered them to surrenderor take the conactiiicores. As tlicy paid B0 attention to the command, he deliberately lind, ami the two murderers fell to the deck. They died in a few um meuts, and were buried in the sea. I'nchaiti was walking about tbodeck yestetdav. but is suffering ii<>tn his wound. Ediiaruo is lecovi-riug tnim his injuries. Ihe rest ?1 the crew believe timt tin ciuiise of thocantain was the only one he could take under the circumstances, and I hat by his cool in--.- and bravery the liven of the otheis were saved. Ihe captain did not remove his chillier, iluiina the n iiiuiiih l of the voyiige, and was unahle |g get much rest, as the entire duty of navigating the vBBBBlj aller the mate was wounded, devolved upon him. _ THE lU'KGLAK'S VICTIM. mary REDKOUD, Tili: COOK, I.IKKLY TO iltt OVKIt. llloroil S1IIL VkItY PKKB1.k. Mary R? dford, the cu.ik fur OoBBtBl John Heii drit kson, of No. 114 West Thirty-eiglitli-st., who was so brutally beaten by the negro burglar, Franks, at an early hour Tuesday morn? ing, will probably recover. Dr. Ewing, the physician in charge, said yesterday afternoon that his patient was improving, aud that, though .-be was BOt yet out of danger, he expected her to ic CM r. 9ha Beaded qotet, aad he bad soot to the pattOOm>aaiMBaatOBBal tha bringing of her as ad? mit into Imt presence for identification for several .lays vet might be attondad with serious danger to her life. Franks was tlietcioie agatu nmanded by Justice Murray, at the Yoikville Police t.'ourt, oil the charge of lelonioiis as.-uult. The Briaoror lived on Thirtietb-st., between Sixth and Sev.-iith-iives.. where his wife and child now are. His neighbors were surprised to boar of his double crime, in tl.ey had UOIBt leajarded him ao a in oi of desperate chaiacter. Some veins ago he was u rout-hinan, and held some MOO? positions, while latterly he had waited iu tfie Emiiiie Gtnl-n on Sitth-ave.. ami in other saloons. Iu the immediate past he has had no regular euipho nient. ami bus done isld choreti aa he could Bad the OUOOJlUBitjT. lie eaid ye-n-idav that Ik- had hceu drinking a good deal on Monday, and he also expreased a kind of admiration foi the courage of Kate Unidy, the chambermaid, w ho, he saitl, clung to him like a leech and was the chief im? pediment tO his e-i f I .'. ON TRIAL FOR FORtJEHY. Charles Limitier, indicted for forgery, was placed on trial iu the Court of (Quarter Sessions at Newark yesterday. Thomas W. Dwyer, a clerk for Dennis Osborne, grocer, testified that on Senk-niher l's, 1878, the prisouer gave him a forged check for ipT04 Of) on the Ninth Ward National Rank, in pay? ment for a lot of cigars amounting in value to f4J8 73. Julius S. hlalKT. a Hoboken hotel keeper teatitied that LladBet lived in his hotel dum August, 1878, to the follow ing January; that Lind? ner gave him a lot of Key West cigars iu payment of a board bill. Witness identified a valrne shown !n in as one Lindner had at the hotel. Deputy Sheriff Davis testified that he found the valise in a hotel in Washington. D. ('.; it contained bank note yaper, blank drafts, check-books of various banks, bottles of ink, etc. John Stunt-h, of the German steamship line, -testified that the prisoner had passed a draft on him whi h proved to he bad. In the afternoon Thomas Courtney, an old companion of Lindner, whs on the stand and testified to hav? ing been with him iu a large number of his dishon? est transactions. The Stale closed ami the Court adjourucd until Frida v. when the defence will open. A FEDESI KI AN IV COURT. Welter Wheeler, of Urookville, Conn., was one of those who started out Monday In Utlmore's Uspden to win the American HelL He was backed by bit trainer and feUow-towuaman, Alexis Laventura, a grocer of Brookvliie. On Tuesday Wheeler left the track despite the Opposition of bis trainer, who had not only -ackoubiui but b?A formatted him with some ar? ticles ol weartutt apparel tor use on the track, whim he bad neglected to return before leaving tbo Garden tor the Putnam House. Wheeler was iincstcd tbricwh.I. In bod yesterday morning by Odt?*et Godfrey Ol Um Eighteenth Preclnet, wbn, Im'Tcvir, ban M B irraBI against bltn. Justice Murray of toe Yoikvlllo toNafl Com i discharged Wl ccler, at the same lltna telling latvontnra nut bo bu I better return at once to Hiook yitlc and atteud tn future to old grocery business. LAWYER AND C LIENT. In November, 1878, John .A. Marshall, of Dabin Ferry, waachurged with arson in tbe second de? gree. In burning a bouse brloogtug to John Conlln, ad? joining one owned by bltnseir, which, It was alleged, be net tiro to In order to obtain tbe amount of Insurance thereon. After his arrest be employed W. W. Ely, of Tnrrytown, to conduct his defence, and he appeared before tho magistrate lu tho preliminary examination, after which Marshall was com? mitted to tbe comity (all to awult tho action of the Grand Jury. Sonic weeks subsequently, aa Marshall al leges, Ely induced linn to sign u bond and mortgnoc for I ?700 on his property at Dobbe Ferry, which wos then untnenmhered nnd which was worth nt leaat fA.OOO, saying that ho would n qnlre that amount to defray the expenses of bis rtr*ciicc. Marshall and his wife i xcctued the bond and mortgage for ?700 to Kiy on neee rcpreaoaiuilon*. In January last Kly as? signed the mortgage >n Mars'iull's mnpcrty to Wllllfiin A. Hull, of too tlrrn of Iiencdlct, II .11 A Co,, of this city, who m good faith bought the BMMMaga from Kly anil paid him the full amoiuit of #700 for Ir. Before MorsbitU'* trial on the Indictment lor arson, lo in? formed Elv thut his services were uoi further required, and paid him in full for his legal services Bp to that time. Marshall wns IBBswgOnafly tried mid acipn: ml. Annctl n i.a- Ii <w he. n begun by Mr. II.ill to foreclose the niortgauw upon the property "t Mr. Marshall. The d< fcucc set up against such forcelo-lire la MM the mort? gage Is void and frauilul. nt forwuiitof niiisnlera?oii. The mutter enino up for a hearing ycte day liefere Calvin Frost, referee a imitated bv the S.ipieine Court. It w.ih cotiieii.b d b.? Mr. II.ill thai he buugnl the mortgage In good tun ti mid I'ut lie was Iniiccent of Iis frilll.llllelll inception. Mid I hill the ilefe.lCe Would tint lie ul'oiust him. Mr. K-otf.i, or New-Rochelle. COatUel foi Marshall. saataaiW I Mat E y's us-lgtinieiit lo Mr. Mali g ive I mi no ibom ll'le to Hi- BMrlgasTB riiau Ely 1.11.m if bad, aud dMNL tue m-.rrg.ige aai batag a aegol a ale laattautaat, aO Aefaaees walea were g od ngninst the a Beta Bar they nun havn aca lisi tan assignee. The reftiet stated that 1st WO aid Itvene pinul ol tho el. evaistaueaaBel forth befefti dBiddlaa Ikeoiicatinn. Mr. iini , on batag ex irri-tis-it. sweta to lea pareBess of the bum testaaedthe payaientof themoney liter ior( nnd stilted that he nave Elv the full 1111.011110' f/J\ o al Ills house In Turrvt.iwn in January la?i. Oil h s . 1 - - examination by Mr. Kongo he (Mr. 11.11) 1.1I111it 1c. I lh..t he luuile no laaitlfj ol Mr. Marshall us to the vali .lly ol lue on rtgage. The delt'iiee then slated that thev Intended to prove tbal t n- Msartgaav was rraastahratlf aiwataad byPJIy frota msraball. when 'he la.ter was Bolphaa aad de> pendent, and that nut ere do'liir u' consider .lam m.inry h id bean pni.i oa 11; that tt?a* U?rat.-re raM aad Mat Ma preasisraa at 1. ?? not ho said bc tei Isreca'.'s ?ee pl'oeceiiiriKs. Testimony lor the iletuSv'e wlil he a'c.' at Tail) towu 011 the . "."1 a Instant. 0kb win: too maw. Charles Voik, I (Jcriiian, Ige 81| of P?3 V|d rtdgi st, was held in s.scoieiil 111 Essex Market Cour, this murnttig to awult '.rial at QoMBtl Sessions, en a charge of bigamy. Wife No. 1 Magdalen Ficnnshnl and wile No '2, Aunts, w er. bath in conn us cumpluii'iiiit*. Iu o. toiler, iM7:i aaaat the name of Praaaaaal, in Newark, N. J., the nrlb incr was married to No. 1, bur alter 1 with her a while lie lefi iter. In August last, wile No. '2 was married r j him. tint they failed to live happily to gi tl.ei. mid ~ln- claims that lie is now living v. tn 11 third wetaaa. The pel sonar at a led ikal he taaasui ins tint wife vaaoead abaa beatarried the ineoad time, us u. bad look d tor bBC u?r live j 1 ars w ithuut success, lie furnished bull. OBITUARY. ir win bij88ell. The death of Irwin Rliatfill. ttit* young pod and dialect writ, r, is aaaaaaOPtl from Ncw-Orlcaiit< where be is sal.ltj have ui,. 1 la destitute circiunstuiicv among strung, is. He was horn lu th( loath LAM, mid was rd ?aatod ut a Btaaaa c.itiioiic teaeel in hi. Lsata, iiu father ?ras the late Dr. Kussell, bnitber of Addison P. aTaaann. ofIsaftTtlk. Oate, the rratharaf "Literary Noted." He was lull utid slender, with a MMMth face, an 1 though not bunds' me, possessed a winning expressl Ills cuislltitlinii was delicate aad his taBMWhal bieg uinrlilc prepared the way tor frcii'ueut attacks ol IMdt ncss. Always fund ot writing, his first parti in Scril.ntr'H ilontlily nopeinc! in, 1-7(1, and -luce thai time he has been a tOeQIBBl coutrihiitor. He wrote dialect and sentimental pieces chietly. MaagB 111 the bist few 1110. tin. ot his life he com pattd a uumbcrot a serious Batata. He possessed too Tola of BMthaoat, aad waa a oarefal aad 000001 lions winker. Ills I ullull ui* ni Hie negro dtalcct ware trin- to tiaa He had 1. good knowledge of early Kn Iis 1 and BaTud llleratllre, win veiy food of liiirns, wboUl bB Is s.dd in manv Ptopei is 10 huvc r.-scinhled. Hn. etat ri hutiousto Scrthiirr't Monthly Acre pahMahtd Md llbtt* ttnted In the linr-a-P.rne department. An: n^' the liest of them were. " Hjl.-'.Vac DohtB?N M Nehiii i.aiiiii /. ...1." '? Precepts at P.irtln," " N'oimtii Pen;.:..," ??'rl-e Oi l Hustler's Ellarlcnce," " Mains John," and ?' Chi isttoui Night at the Q iarters." In tin l ull ol is"r& I!;i cattC to New-York from Pott lilb-oli. Miss., w 11 re he !::.?! ; ct. (I nu nur*e li e p:e faaat PatMBtf th ou1 iht yetlow later ipKtaile. t'i Mt bltention of prose aitlng his literary wi rl;. He a 111 li e cite, und, weakened by his BstWaaTsTe work, was unable tu du Ids b'St. He cnutlnued to toa> tritiute to Smbiur'n. in..I d.u Finne work lor J'lick, gw crally wrl'iug over hN own liimie, lull tOBBaktaady BVl othel names, ** Job C.,se " a favorite one. Whll here be wrote uuder greut drprersiou of miud. prudue brdtatataitttatasasti tttataa paaai caii.-ii ??Hope," which appeared ill .V-Coir/-'? for June, and was pats Ushed iu TlIK 1 Kiln vi.. Lumi Siiiniucr he went to \, \ Orleans, aud there dl.l occa'totial work on The Arie-Or fetou limn. Eusseb's pieces proved very popular, and w.->re widely copied. Uis " Carisuias Right at the 1'iiarteis" thought to he tlie best and nio?t characteristic tlmi?; he ever wrote. If is u Christinas medley, containing scv i ral mugs. "Old Piddling Josey " playing the fbblUr tod BBlllBg BbTfar tiki dunces U one of tue best, aud is given below: Git pa* pardners, fu?t kwattllloiil Pt?ajp vi' feet, an' r llOI 'em lush; Tune la I MOb I dal aairr aiilflaal OWtOM to gH hnnie hline-li:. e." h'luUt vo' pardners!? ..eraj?e p. rlltely? DoaM be haaiptB1 'gm de ri?'? Bai nice all 1?;n: w Step out rightly ; aiiuz daata >?' i ab bei ties'. Fo'wa'd fo.iii!?whooii BB, niggers! Back agtal don't ive so slow? ?wtBg roviiahsl ah)'da Oggera. w .eii i huliers, den J'o' go. Tup ladles cross ober. Hold on, till I taker a dram? ( solo! -;,es, Ps tobte*? Kamt -ay BOW dB tliinle urn? Huiids inuitod ! -liul' itii vo' faces, Dool i?- looala* at vo' bral I Swiinr)o' pardaersl ta j*f niaceni Hat's de way?d it's hsrd to beat, ?hlaa lo'w'd?whea vou's ready? M-ike a Imiw hs low's von Inn . ?wing aernst w bt npp'site lady 1 Now We'll lei you SWaa Ik'K*n 1 La,in s eaaage? taal apdai uikih'; Iln yo'' i. i ter w hile ? aVghtaa'lsf I?daa*i warn bowalkta'?< Make vo' ^t.-ps, iml show yn' sti |e ! Some of Itnsscll's later pl-ccs were set ions. Hrrihncr A I'o. have uow on haml ?cv, ral which have been ceptcd, but not yet published, as well us several in dialect. Among Iii? lat> r BtBOOs were Studies in Bt] |e, which wire liuitat|.)iis of Hunts und others. His'life was u short and sal one, and its cud lonely ai d i... thetle. JOHN R. MiLPAN. Hai.lston, N. Y, Dec. H L?Johu JJ. |fc la>,sn, lor thirteen years Deputy County ('ink of Uns county (Sarutogi), olid a prominent stadtl In tin lie publican party, died thisuflernoou. H-w.ts liftv-inn.. years old. The funeral will pmh iblv take Haiti BB Saiurduv. He will be buried by oBB biegt OB Coio ii,.11.ii. i> of KuighU Templai, of Vhtek he was a mem? ber. r IRABHOMMA ARUlfBD. FKOM LIVEKl'O JI-?UV httAMSIIIl' Ol-.llll IMf. Aber?. Henry Hart, 1.. ft, Mrt'or !. A T IV ahefK. O. II. Itsves, Chaa. kleycihelm, e Aiiplvioti, iallies A. Hall, -aruuel J. Mi-rum j| lillss. O. N. H nisten, T. lisru, ti. n, A. Harrington, d. II. l?g: ~ t ;r.K HilgraT. llilureth, A. 1>. Itcuwick j u Hunerneid, V. U-iuttrv. J. U. Mi le. Wni. ' ' Putt, rtisl.t, I.. li iguius, J. 1. mill friend liioton. P. II. II ti vie, J. II. Ila.h r t. J Jfe4lell, II loll. f. A' Jes ut. Mr. and Mrs st'il ft lend' llalliu. U. 11 eo. L. Ites.l. alts. B \y u Itrown, Mrs. J. O J.. ii nr. i.. Uevu.iiiU Th'oa. Brow u. Miss E. W. Jeorll, P. 11 - ?'liai .latin J A 11?..ton. C. K. kl ul, li. E. Mwiuer Oeo T L'auipliell. A. P. Alex. K. Haitsruur. E ' ' anufaiulty klnjt. tv. A. >.afiuiy.'.Mrs F n ( st?r. K. P. Knau O and cl/iiiirin ' Colemta, Miss J. KltcbeiL F. P. Smith, ("has. Ducker. W. M. I.ruch. .Miss Auule schocurrld. Max Rfstt, Jarnos B. Loeb, E. Hermour M ir El more, Chaa. EaarK John V. B trauet. A Ptllowcs, Wut. and uuil family ~ i.mss, ir farnliy i.awson, Robert Herbola. K Mrs. Men a, Mr. Hteln. A. Ostes. Mr. Morris. John J. Merlin- J It Onawold, Wayne McN.iughiou, Mr. SldeniK-i|?, a ' and Irteud MuCoru, Mr. White, P Hemingway,Henry Van Marter, Wm. Worn II p n and friend la Manna, P. Wild, P.' Indian (irrzi'-N?n/p dim i hm:i>. Boston, 1)?*c. 24.?A public meeting wus heldat the Merchants' Exchange parlors Tuesday forthe discasalon of Indian cltltenshlp. Addresses were made by General Armatrung, principal of the Goveinuieiii School at Hampton, Vu., and W. 11. Lincoln, of Huston. A yon no; lady in Clncago, wlnn asked by the ( fllelatlng luinlsvr, " W bl voa love, buuoraud oliev this ua-tn as your husband aud be luhini a true wife I" said plainly. " Yes. If he does whi? he promised m., fluauclaily.''-rOo:d Ulli ?ewa. V U ** IIOMK NEWS. PK )MINKN I ARKirUA Fifth Armif //Vr/-Senator Ronroo Cotikling. of tUra i lloralo C. Hnrrhatd, Director o( the Culled States MM. ?od J.-erph Jcfferaon.HoUl Bruni,tick?Ju<lf<i Saini el Hand. ?I Alban* .?Hlfv //ev?'-Pa> uissicr Arlhnr Ttnrt a. u. M. N.Hofman Honte- Ucucral Iaraei Vogtics. U. 8. A. _ Handsome now fans aro of ostrich feathers to match the costume iu color or iu pretty contrast. LMM point* before nml behind will Im? amotiK the favorite styles of Mirsagc for evening dresses this Winter. A novelty iu the faience lamps so fashionable at present is in the shai?o of a huge pitcher with handle. Captain Eads. who arrived from Europe in the Germanic, left New-York by tho evening tram for St. lxmis yesterday, Thomas Dnrnev, ape thirty, at work upon the Elevated Railroad, fell from the track yesterduy, and was seri> nsly injured. The plan toobsetve Saturday nan holidnv at the Produce Exchange wns de f on ted yesterday, tho vote heilig *>4* in favor and .*>?is against it. The favor which the Oriental materials and de? signs have attained is demonstrated by the nuui her of new designs that am constantly appearing. A life-like wax figure of flanihetfa has been placed in the show-window of a Broadway tailor. A figure of the late Prince Imperial is soon to ac? company it. William S. Remington, age six! v. of No. ITS Adel phi-si., Brooklyn, fell dead in Washington Market at 4 p. m. yesterday. He was a provision dealer in the market. .lames L. Monolian, age thirty-nine, of No. 71 Cherry-st., was knocked down nnd his leg was broken yosVrdav afternoon by a Madisoii-ave. stage, at Wail and Soiith-sts. The White Star steauisliin Germanic landed 208 immigrants at Ca- !>? Garden yestcr.lav. She was j delayed in her departure f mm LiTarpaal two days j on account.ol tog. The Aldermen have not yet received their pay fur November, the Mayor ri ftidiigto sign the war? rant anleseOtorae DalPsaeJ iry wasdedaeted, and i be (Inn troll er refusing to make out a new war: tut. The Aldermen are very angry. A naval wine deeantar is mach- with ? tiny music box in the bottom, When the stoppet i" taken out and the decanter tinned In petap0>t the wine tba mask) box plays, ami when tl e decanter is set down ami the utopoer leplaOBd the music stops. William Hanns, t.f No. 217 West Twcuty-sixfh st.. age tweitty-eigiit. w ho w as w eak with consump? tion en (lie night of the burning of West, I trad lev A Uarj'a Kannfaeton la Twcnty-nutih-st., died 'I nesday night from the effects nf'lnglit caused by the lire. The Tammn'iv Coininittee on Org.-ni/attOB met la-f night and fartber considered tba charges of treachery preferred against some of its members. M ebael II. fJigeraon, of tiie Vlth Dtatriei, charged ben*.tot Seebacher and Jastioe Campbell with up? holding unfair and UloSBl eh ciioio.. Si.eeches were made hy Cainnhell and others al tacking Sigcrson. Charles A. Coo?of Gears Wamboasine Company, at Corleat s HO k, applied to the Dock Coiumi ? sioners ysetard iy for ntvajfaaaaa to repair the balk* bead at the loot of Water-st.. East River, and to I mid a pier 850 feet n> Iciitrth for large foreign freight steamers TheCoaiuiaaionentboogbl that a pier of that length w mild abet met ion. The Si?m-i n i-ory Committee of ti.o Cotton Ex? change cans' d toefailureOl William II. Wagner, a member of tba Exchange, to he isisttd yesterday. Mr. Wagner w as a OOmnWBSNN broker fiom Charles? t' n. H. C . where he has been for tha In-t two, although be tranaaeted Irnaineea here, and ins lia? bilities are reported ?aald The polios of tili* citv received circulars fr on Philadelphiaresterdav.offering ? rewardpf ?100 for iafbrma wn eeaardlng George Goodfellnw, on eicht, on oi James H. Goodfeltow, <>i No. 719 En nie-st.. Philadelphia. The boy has Isen uussing ??luce November S. lie is of slender llgllIe. dai U complexion, hair nndeie . At the time of his dis appearaofl ? be was dressed m dark-colored clothing, and wore a ja -kei with in It At the Norwich Line afro ta or Citv if New-York was roundiog the Hullerv yesterday morning aba Was ran into by a schooner iu low of thctug.V. C. Lawrence and a large purl al her j.uuer work on the port side w as an n il aw ay. Much excitement prevailed among tba pa?enger* op the steamer until tin y were ? soared i>y Captain Shirley that there was no further ilanger, !fnd they were s'ayn landed on Mac pier, Tha schooner, lost all her head rigging. < barlesF. ElwelL treasurerof Hospital Saturday Colhction of tba New-York Maritime Exchange, Dcknowlndai i the following eontribntions for that tnnd: W. K. I?. Joins, MO; Captain W. If. Knightoo.flOi James E. Ward at Co., *io: ? Wreak*, f 10: Olypbanl A o... *i.iioo. Members of tbe Produce Exchangemade the fottowiaa soil? s' riptiom yesterday : To the geueral land-?Ball A Co., *.".0; LMy craft d Co., #25; Lang or. Robinaon, IBSi Pearaon s. Halsteed, tJ351 Walker ?.V Hughes. jSStJaaaes MeGee, .f20 : RnobloeM A- Licnten sfeio.flOi EL i>. s orliMf.flO: <;. Rentbau Rae, RIOt ThoeiaeC. Ctaobb, ilOj >. A H. CKOonnell, BIO] Thomas E. K< If. Boi W. M. 0ndeittoak.f6i J. E. Miii.r. fJS] Blee Irk Horner hoe, SO i L P. Romaine, fJ0 : John I). He klotz, fjfl \ J. E. Jenkins, for >i. LaaVstHoatntal, ^io. BBOOKLTJf. A eharitable baker left Uu ticket-, each good for a leaf of bread, ?Ith ihe p.du e at HM the Piffh Precinct Station, to he given lo the deserving |Hior. Investigation into fie manner in which the Re* j nblicaa primarios iu the Biatteenth Ward irereeoo* llncted before file la'e t lection h |g been begun by the Uraeral Coaamttl ?. I he charge of aliautloniug hii w ife brought Jobu Demnsey/.of Ko, 100 niatt i-sf.. p. D., before Jna tioe Elliott yesterday. Hi alleged that recently ha put all of his property in her hands, and -non after abetaraad himand two of their ebUdrea into tha slteet, and now sin s bin lor support. Mrs. fleniji sey denies having put htm out. James Eceiicv, of No. ?"H Vandcrbilt-av., who re oeutlv was complained of twiea for ropraooatiaa himself tob- a Park poHeemau,was chaigcti by Hoary Elafaaajle, of No. M riiird-av.-.. on Tiaeaday with extortiog a gold iratab,a chain aad B9 from him under threats ol arrest for diaordetiy/ eondaet. lie an]] lo- l.toilght befoie Just ici! Felly. The Government has affeeted a new lease for foar yeara of tbe bnilding in Washington-st., near Paltoo-af., now oceapied by the CitrPoai OfBee. After the 1st of January the second iloor wol lie aasdfor themoaey?order and registered letterde partiueiits ami Paatmmatar MrI<eor*a privateeffloa. 'there is umeut need of a second window for the sal-of staaana. The Ratal arill ha $4,500 a year, u radaeMoa al BBOO. Judge M.sire yestesdsy rebaked sharplv certain Brooklyn lawyam for obtaining fiom him by deceit approval of a hand ou appeal befoie the case to he appealed bad been decided by Justice Walsh, he tore whom M Cams, JedgS Moore said thai he had been made subject to a scandalous imposition and ?boald eonaiderthe advtaabilitv of prossnting tho lawyers com si nod la n to the Qsneral tei m. John Corney obtained thoappcoral ?i the bond. MAU N ISLAND. SiAl'i.riov.? J- liu lien net t, nirei fourteen, while driving along ihe Manor Road at Stapletnii on I'm-.lav. araa throwa from the aragoa by the latter ooming ia onntael a Ith an obstraction in tbe mad. lie n e. iv. d a bad fracture of the skull, and liv.ii only a lb Oft tune. JhRriKY CITY. PaterHencke.of Qraad-st., Jersey city, was ar iai m il before Judge vestetd iv on a charge of fa nghiawife {bealgbt before, she is aati. oaaly iaJoredt aad Hencke was committed to the county jail. 1st the Hudson County Circuit Court, at Jersey City, Mi- Uaria P. Kuhn yesterday obtained i \. r Biel I* her favor im Btttw againat tha New -York. Lake Erie and Western Kailroad Company lot q> bines icceiveil by her wagou being struck by a laoaaaattva a year ?go. HCrjgOa BITJCI towns. \ i i.miv?l tie Ottdaena' Aaaoetattoa of Mount Varaoa held a meeting an Taoaday evening to adopi inca-iiie- lo seeure ihe advantages ot raged transit coininuinealion between New-York and Mount Veinon. A committee was iipiNiiutcd to tain; lit ? prel.minaiy steps to accomplisb that ob fm i. _____ BAUE BALI Mi ll.s. The sioikhoMei-s of the Troy City League Cluh held a uieeilng at Troy recently, butatnl not conic to any conclusion as to whether the chili will remain In tbe L atui .or play tu Ihe National Association In LgBP. It was lateraslaod thai If tho cldb remalna in ii,, ,y>HKue Bouie aahMN shall he deviled by which thu patrons or games In Troy can witnesa champloiisbip a-ames at a lower rate of adniiasiou thou 50 rents. The plan of aellliia a coupon ticket, _tt_Bg tbe bolder to three ailuilsslons for ? 1. api^ared to meet with general favor. McUesry has nut yet narked to play with Providence ( iui< in 1-so. hu I the llulTalos are tryln? to secure him to (ill the vacanc* caused hy Kulnier's v ith fcrawal. Tbe Albany Ciuh bai engaged MofTtassy, form erlv tblrd-hast'inan of the Msiicaester Club, who j layrd dunug the latter part of last seaaou with the llochcstcr Clab as righl-flehltr. Tl.. l.-a^u,. Cleve, land Club hMs engngeil "Af" Hall, who played la?t season with the Troy club. WeVev, ol l?? seaium'* ( Incluiiall club. In.s t.ecn ciik1k- d lo Jilav a Uli ihe Bay City club, ot Man I inuclaco. In I ?,?. f ?ri y nml Hetu?. ,, will probably play in aouir cluh on the Pacific aioiic u. xt season. Kdwaid Nolan wlio piicbrd or ibe Koiekcr la>cker cluh, the, ciinmplons of California, reached In? home In I'atetaoo. N. J., last Friday "ll .b" Malthew* la In Bnaikiyu. nndusiill iincligiited for next icasoa Joseph K llott. the wcll-knoaii catch.t. a ho caugot for the llornell club, of Moni* Ilsvilie, N. Y.. iu ls7U. nut who baa been a law student a.nce Hie ilUbandiiiK ot'that club, died al bla Home iu Wellaville. N. Y., recently, of typhoid fever. One of Ike dlrerpira ot tue new ( 'in In. natl clnb ia aald kS Inj worth ami t<> own Sl.tMX) worth of atock. Thomas Baa I. the we.I known pttOSea oi the ilostou cia_ was uiariioi to a vouna lady of Boston on December 20. He !? now on a brief wed din*- trip to tili? city and Brook-Ire. Ho will realde In Boston. ? THE ooVmtlk COTTON REIZED BT THK OOVKKNMENT. A SUCCESSFUL CLAIM OF HALT A MILLION DOLLARS LBADINO TO A SUIT. In the. unit of Charles f. McCoy asrainot O. De Rosset Lamar. the plaintiff lives lu Baltimore and the defendant Is a banker of this cltr. The complaint charges that T. E. Hambleton, as agent of the Richmond Importing and Ef|K>rtlng Company, received from the plaintiff at Augusta, Ga., a ?lusntlty of eotton, a portion of which was shipped to Charles A. L. Latunr at Savannah, who received It aa the property of the compuny. Charlca Lamar is dead nnd hin father, the defendant In this ueitou, be? came hi* administrator, and as such canto. Into posses? sion of the eotton. Subsequently this cotton, as troll us much mo'.i'neld by Iaitnar, was sole-d bv IhoOovern menl, ?hipp d to New-Yolk nnd sold. The defendant brought suit In the Court of Claims and was awarded $570.343 51. Included In this wns the proceeds of IM Tflltl?allied at S23.R-U RS, und shnrtlv after n covering ihe eisiltns Lamar ml vor I lied for I he rightful owners of the hales to prove their claim. The title to tlieeottOO hits Im-cii tniUHterred hy thu company to the plaintiff, hut If Is ull-ced that tliedcieuduut has refused to come T?? ii settlement with btm. The answer, which was filed yrsfer.lsv, sets form a general denial, and allcgra that ueil her the company nor Mi dv fins any property In rhe cottoii because loth were ene? mies 10 the Untied States at tue time It was seised. The. answer lin l her asset Is the company wus specially organised during the war for violating the blocirade, und in vul'toua wuys making war ou I lie- (lovcriiuieiit. fOUNG HIGHWAT1IEB <>v PO rRTfT-AVF.v: t: As lira. Lena, Cohen, of No. 901 Fourth-a ve. wns walking up Finn th-ave. toward her residence yes? terday, shortly nfternoon, she was struck on the head with a snow-hull. As she turucd to see who had thrown It her right hand, in which s'io ho d her pocaetbook, run taming #1f>, was caught by Feank ilnrdner, age nicht;.of No .i j I Baal fllxllef h-sr., and was so pitin fuliy twisted that sea tleiott fainted. Tnn aoehirtaaah diopp'd 'roin her gras|i and was picked up hy u com p IBM 11 of Gardner, and both then ran toward Third live, thr.iuga Fifty-eight b-st. The rotihcrv had been seen hy ?evi-ral |iersons. who gave chase. The thieves look refuge In a fnur-Atory tenement west of Thlrd-ave. (iiirdner was eaptuied on thn roof hy a citizen and h.nnled over to Detective Cornish of the Twenty eighth rreclnct. who tc ok him to the station, nnd that went for Mr.. Collen. When she saw the prisoner she nt euce Identified linn ns 011? of Ihe two III lives unit then f.dnfed. She was so prostrated with fright that It was not thniigiir |.roper 11 compel her attendance In theTorftvllle PaliceOaarl against thi accus?d. and he was reniniiued until this MBIBlllg. when It IS expected his companion will also he In custody. BOBBED i\ A d,:n OF TUlEf m\ On conipiaint of Julius Smith, a soldier from Pali ffatillllta. Detective Carr mid two officers of Hie I'oiii t.i Precinct entered the lbpior shop. No. 1 James-t., Tuesday tiignf. kep hy Thomas Ra?ey, und iure.teil lue prujTieior mid tue inmate*. When they were nr. raigii. d liefere Justice OtterhoUtg yesterday, at the Turn is Police Court. Smith stated t iut he called Into Ballet 's thaf hot ween 7 and I o'clock Tuesday evening for a drink, mid that when leaving he was assaulted and kaoeked dow a, ami a pocKi-Hxi'ik containing $-75 was f..: 1 I My taken 1 torn hlui. He wns unable to Ideuufy his Basallaal lu court, mid the charge of loM.crv had to lej nbaudoiied. However. Jitslice Olterhojig d ?elded to ha.e ; ioiiipIuiiiI taken ugiiliist Hal ley lor keeping a di-oiiiciv hoBBt. the resort of thievis nnd abandoned ehataci is. ai d he was held for trial Indefuulf of tel.000 ball, Oos man and one wotuiiu. Inmates ol the house, wcic llued r 1 o each for Intoxication. THE BBOOKLTH ELEVATED BA1LWAT. Alietiiin^ was given by Justice Gilbert yes .1111'.e Hrooklyn Supieuie Cautt, in the matter of a motion to vacate the order ior tin- discoutl'iuaucc by the Attorney-General of the mils of tLe People mid Jefferson Jackson against the Brooklyn E.evated Rail? road Company, issued last week. Counsel fo%the mo oon argued that the Attorney-General discontinued the rant with the consent of the p.-ople nnd the defcudunt. but I gal si tlie wiflhesof lie-plaintiff, Mr. Jackson, and w 11I1 111 Hie right of so doing, as the Attorney-General's duties are pun ly minisi et ial. He added that the build? ing of the road weilld luvulvo a loss of ikl.OOO.OOO to property-owner*, nnd thnt this suit should come to trial to detf itn'i.e the right of Ihe company to cau?o such 11 I...... l! 's nrgiic.1. againsr tlie motion to vacate, that the n one or Mr. Jacksini was added to Ihe suit without the e-.ii -cut of the Attoruev-Gciiersl. and the latter re? fused In aci as hi- attorney. Decision was reserved. ACCUSED OF COUNTERFKf UNO. QiorajmJ Qarino Bad bit wile, wlio keep n grocery slnre at No. 33 ItaMcr-st., were arrested yester. day, charged with passing eouuter.'eit nickel 3-eent pieces, it is believed that Ghueat has - m ?. c*ied in bb> ciilating a large ninnnnf of the bogus coins. They are made of genuine nickel, and the work upon them Is ?0 good that few would detect the cheat. The male pris? on, rwa- held In i?'2.000 ball for examination. The woman was ullowed to go 011 her owu recognizance. CIVIL VOVSB A|>plic:ition was made to Judge Choate yes terday to admit John Brady and Edward to bail. The prisoners are charged with being proprietors of an illicit distillery which was trtead near the Pah?.el. - ob the lliidsnti lu't Summer. Judgo Choate reserved his decision. A deeiCG of absolute C?TOroe was granted In Justice oilbert yesterday to Kail L. Lauer, of Nu. 7S Gorrv-st.. Br nklyn, P. D. from Sophia Lauer. Chict-Justice Neilseti, In the Br.oklMi city Court, gi anted ahsolnte divorce Ii i 1111 her batikt BO to Mrs. 111.,li II. Comwell. wife of Salome Cornwcll, of No. 1?J Boatb F.lglith-at., E. D. A. V. Smith, wlio was uf one time president of Ihe Folien Sewing Machine Manufacturing fuuipuu v. nil.I who was arresl. il last Mat on a c.i.irgi- of swindling Allot P. Betehafli nut af 919,000 by 1 rlaclBg her tocou rent to take stuck in the company lor that amount, ob? taining the money itoin her for th'.1 purpose of paying for the stock tad then going ewav with It, bai bena ud iiiiiti d to bail in $1.000. His bioiln r. Friend W. Smith, ol Btldgepoit, Conn., betaatt b;.? boi.dauiau. CBIMIMAL NOTB8, Daniel Sluolian. said to lie a brother of Andy Sheehan, Hid boxer, unpeare.l 111 pssex Market p..lice Court yesterday nfternoon and chirged h s Inw ?er wilh collecting a Inli for s<Jt!). mid faring to reuiru more than MIX The law? e: denn s I In- charge, and s iys that B still hud Im-cii liroilgiit for the same thing, and dismissed hy Judge Tue case w as rcuiamled. Joha T. BetsBtsttsOf Philadelphia, compi aim id at the Tombs \ ? stei day that he had be.-n delraiul.-.l of s-j". by J111111 T. Winden, a stable keeper at No. *Jo_' |. >i Twelfth ?t., by it pretended aale of a valuable horse. When tat latter was brought up before ,- Otter liourg tue nlHc-r said he helicvi d Whaieii to be the bead und Itoal < f a .tug of uupiliicipled men. Whutcu was held for exumliuitlou. The rteJdtfJCt of Max (itirfon/ann, of No. 317 West 1 tveui.v-eigiith-si., whs broke a Into pa tat ( veiling of the 7th uf November, and about fBOO worin of jrwafafy stolen. A very peculiar wutcli was 1 part of the ?tnh u property. A lew davs ago the delec nves stare ad this watch was tu the iiiies tasluB of a/llliam U 1 I am-, a locksmith. ?1 No. i n, Rast 1'wenty clghth-st. The latter told In 111 that he bad ni eive.i it in pai r. pay/BMBl tor board from Ohatiei Wilson. Accord? ingly. IhsI night tlie detectives arrested Wils.ui a ad John Rochfort, liiitb of whom were i.lciillll. d l.v Mhs ll iselur. Veeterd.j-. In rhe J. fterson M.nker Pollea ('.mi t, Justice Plummer held thcua for triul tu $1,000 hall each. DEClSIONS-Drc. M. aVatVPe f.'owr/?Vhimliert ? Hv Judge Doiiobiie.? Hoffhian agt. Lux.-Iteferied hack to refeiet to lecousider. l.uwience agt Failcy. -??.-,? no inorsD linn. Hv Judge Vau \ erst. In the instter of Livingston. ?Re ferret I? >lla* II. Itrovri el'. Mutual Life 1 onipnnv BBt. Sniltti ? Hcllt'i'U gl Anteil. Mslelvlor Itelollii of Jnv? 1.1. rwlliianniilsaak haicheiiur.-lajaaetsaa coaUaaad. wit Iis npf. Klfers. -itepatl continued and order siioieii. In rhe u.allerof (Mahoney. ?Ile|sirt conrlrrno.1 .m l sale 01 .lei ed. Moan agL Moau.-Jii.lgtneiit ol divorce graut.-d tu pljiiilltl. How ant agt. Tra uor?aTztra sllowauco atveu. Iivckuiun agl. lM.ylng.-Ordrr grsuied andThoniaa Irwin spro uted referee. Laset net. Itergeti.-diner settleil and slrnod Ktnrk agr. staik. Motion i..r eoiiiis. I fee tad alimonv allowod. orover and HakerSewlug Mac lue I'mnnauy ast. Penny.-Juilxiui nt Inr pi iiiillff. U11 kw.sKl nut. smith.?1'nler grsiired and Will min Irwin appointed icferce. (lalle aar. Schachtel ; Mote.Jr.. ugt llmckiier. -Motions rraote.l. Katumerer sgt. Uurg.? Pi lilion Siauted. Mullet agt. MiiIIki ; I n I tie mat ter of lie la I'.ua.?orders granted, i lark agt. BlggtM 1 samtj sat. same 1 Clark agt. Humphrey ; Same agl- same.?order scil.ed. swilt agi. Koye Polio and rile Manufacturing t'o.npany. Orders ebt tied. Itv Judge Ijiwreiue.-( niton act. Itssltne,. ? Motion for a piciiuiliiary Injunction denied with sin costs toabMatat .-vent, sec memorandum. In the matter of 1; ray Motion ite nle.1 j SSS memorandum BststBt agl. ShattilCK. ?1 shall Uot nod. rtake to consider Ihe rxiu'plloiM l<> the re|an t id the ref eree ualli the rniarllan of the inlaut has beeu heard. In Ibe asBttarmt Walter. Taearswiea tavaasta ihn asaassasoetlet regulating and grading Kifth ave. fioui notti la 190th-at. Is drille?; sec ineiiiorsndnm. lu the matter ol Mil 'loakev,? Motion ('cute.!; see memuran.luru. I.; giuan agt. the < bapln Moth 11 to quash the return to the alternative writ denied; see memorandum, ousts agt. Ihe Mayor, etc.?The taxation of Ihe clers Is afhrtiifd. jjaaelel **mr*?Bv Ju.ig? Van Vorst.?Wafett sgt. WsImt. ? Iiiutings uf fact and roni lusious or law settled and siirne<i. llv Jitiijc laiwreiice.- Watts agt. Mhlpman. etc.. sml others. ?BeeaciauiMiiiiura. Oauo agt. Met mm. No. 1.?.see memo? randum. Oano agt. M. i 'unn, No. see tueiuotasnbiiii Oa? uo agl. MeOaaBi N? sv^aaaaaaaaaaahaBL I'stter^ou agt. Met mm.- So* uieuiorsi duni. f.. ilt?tMrt II - My Jiiors Iaiwrence -Hunr and others sat. CamplKdl.- I "to litt?' preol of ihr s.-r \ l..- uf the nolle j of use trial upuu tin plaluttfl's attorney. .Superior f ourf?Svreuil '/W in?Mv Judge Sneir. Oabeva aat. the t'mtersal late company.-See roeiooraudtua. Hart sat. Hurt, stlaa fl. Biewat uaraatataa r leree. In the matter ut L. .?is el al ordci ilt-ini.-inc ex smtnatlnn. etc (Jross act. IsAaea.?Order of discemiuiiauce. K Urn t Batata Be*, tht ? uuliuental Life lusumuce t'om|s?iiv. Mot.nil ; s, e III. Ill .1 al .llllll. Maiiler. elC. Sgl. Hold tie, -Uratt signed, / art. MenadaLie - . >t t, t ,,t inscon liuuanee, Wltmark ait. soiomoii of subalilullon. W nnsius el si Sgl. Jones 11 .ink ... : \? illiains In h n ine Ullliied. ll'diblUS Sgt. Ilultse l'Ssi .Hill Clcapllolll et.lcrr.l on ille. Cavatissh agl. Truss; WaaatU sgi. Uviugstmi; ?Y?.r,.U' ??f eVribner; McLean art Berlin i XVI li?m* act. William*: Connor an. A?t .?.ny.-OM"-* rranfad. By Thief Juat ee Cnrfl* - llouneggcn ft al. tut Wrtt*taa et ????irrti j settled ?ml signed. ^* C<m$twu I'Ceat?Srri-iiil Term- Bv .InderVan Ho*. sen.?fare of Ooettc - Nee m?moran union file, Lnrr agt. Lucy.?Order settled and enter.-.!. In r>- *Miguujeul ot Met mt; In re BnsseJL-AppucaifoB? grant -f. MA ?/.VA El 77. ?Ll?LSaE. MINIATUR? a,laKA?40 ro-n*r. *******. 7 '.'31 Bit a aar. ... 4 3h ? dork- fao 0-, 20? *??? . *M I Mona ?otith*. 0 .'./ M^.v. Ii,, Ii a t, . i" ,n rv-nav-?. m. --? ?andy Hook.. 4:8.1, Oov. r? 3:.V2, Heu 0*?? 7 41 a ? .. '"?"? **t?? r? OAf >, M. Sandy Hook.. 8:24 i?st. l?l*o I . H 17 1 Hell Jas*. g of SHIP SKtfi. PORT OK yy.WAOlK.DHC 84. ARItl VKO atrctVrmantc Art Kennedy Liverpool Dec 13 aad Cineena own 14 toltJCortl?. Btr Kapanol iHpani. Kcheverrla, i le fneg..* 7 day?, t? tenham, l<<>reacu, Picketing A Co t tr 1 Ur of Vera UTBS, Van nice. Havana 4 d?y>, to V-'m t Clrde A Co. Mr Morgan City, Adams, NcwOrlean? Srtsr?. to Bog*rt 4) Mni^an. Ufr Albemarle. fliiltiher*. Lewe?. Del. to Old Dominion Sa Co, str City of Atlanta. Woodhnll. Charieaton to Jarno? w Uninrarrt .fr Co. etr :<! nullit tun, Kelly, Richmond, to oi.l Dominion SaCo. fctr Lombard iHr). sieiihensoo. Philadelphia to J C Meager Sir Kii.iin.ra. Rrarir. Portland. t<> I t Arne. Shin Bt Nicholas. starkpole, Han Kranrisco ll:t daya, with mils* to Hntion A On. sblp 4 in rica (Port), foraea. Oporto 32 rtaya, 10 ballast ta O A main -k .v US. Klilp Anahanc mf Mostoni, Jackson. Illolo Anc S. with mdaa to Ira Muraler. re/ael to V?rnoo II llrown A Co. Safk Onhdia u?t Liverpool) ETird, Calcutta >ej t 10, with mdaeto'iv BOSSflAT, |P ve art to B"#r1n* A Archibald. Marc Harah rhambera. Kutheriord, Hull '.'(Ida)*, in nallaat to Flinch. I Idee at Co. Mar? Kall ?Nu Vor . Kfrar. Illo Janeiro 80 days with codes to Johnston. 1'errr A Obi vesa.1 to c Tooiaa A cn. Bark Hannah I'.lanchaM of Wlnlaor. N St, Williams, Ant? werp 31 ilay?, iu baliast to I P Whit my A > <>. Bark skaregmm N'?r>, 0'?en, Annen. ?,7 days, with iroa and harre!? fo order: reaeel to P.ineh. Kdye A Co. Bark W ni Coo'iran (of Dorcbea'.er, N Bi. Dernier. Liverpool * 1 1 'n.lae to order: reesel to Knurh, Kriv* A ?"o. Itaik Ad-n ril Tegettioff tOer). tie be r. Hamilton 28 day*, with mdse to Wat|en. Tori A Co. Bark N?rge 1 Nori. Petersen. Belfast 40 dar?, * 1o1 Iron ora te order- veaifi to neuliaro, lt?ve*co. Pickertna A Co. Hark OilPeo H (Itali. srhlifrlnn, Ueno? To dav . to A Olnnlo. Bark piullne Kien Khnreb -r/. Antwerp 3? da,toT Kilter. Jiaik Ilia (Nor?, Tnomethr. Bio Janeiro SOiiav?, wlUi r..ffe? to Ilm. Forwood A Co: resael 11 K>wkinann, Of r Irin A Co. Hark P. >kc ? >o.Mcbol*.'n. i.'onccster o4 day*, witn aalt foord-r: n-.*! ti Ho- Imann. ') rlelo * Co Bark Picaio lOeri. tapn. Pernanibuco 3o day*, with BMH to CM i-r>: \. -.0 1 o master Mark iio-eiii't<i Ital . cspriio, Amaierdam 44 day*, la bal? last to Austin itsluwin A Ca Bars A ace Campbell, Katon. Mon'ev dm (11 aay*. with MdSS to C 11 BSSSaSP A US] rea?? l to Itrett. smib A (.'o. Bark Francesco Hanovaro 1 Itali, MchiatTlio, Sarona '0 day?. In l.all.u.1 to Knurh, KdyS A Co. Hark Oustav.i (Itali, fallet .. Oporto 4?) day?, wlUi md?? to mder: treaael to Mm A-Co. Itrl? Fanelme (l?r) Loran. Monterld"-? ?l dar*, with hides to Wilder A Oreenonali. veaael to J P Whitney A Co. Kria Johanna, Itaj. Klo Janeiro M day*, witli coffee ta Oman Bros A- Co: veaael to elwan A Son. m'hr Addle Weasela. olla, Han Andreas 'JO day*, with cocoa nuts toil W.naele. BsBf ISISB w* IT?I MeFaddea. M?r?calbo Kl day?. with coffee to 1 i Amslnck A Co: vessel to 0 J Wenher* A Co. \s I Mi- ?iinM:t-At sandy ll.sik. noslerate, wsw, cloudy, thick off (BSCS. At City Miami, llaht, W; fortsy. CLfCA KKB, ?tr? Cltrof f/>udon Wilson, l/mdon, W II Thomp?on A Co, ripa.U lilt I. ilraC*4, I.iverpo..!, P W J llnrsl: 1 Ity of Montr-ai (Itr), Cocdron. I lverp ol via uueenslnwn. John O Dale: UsSl a-tli. ti tin, Tom, Naple*. OeoP Bailer: Frl?ia (?r). Merer^ llainbiirk'. l'lymouih ami Cheritonra. Kunliardt A ('?; Brlaio, (Itr). Mvumns, Hilst..I. W D Morgan; Atjroay iBr). Peak Havre, rim. li. Kdye A Co; Maas 'Dutch'. Ilonjer, Italter.lara I uiiri:. i-.lye A Co; Pomona 'Mr). Mahlmnu. Montraw Bay, n Wc?rl?: Alps (Hn, Ktan-e. lacmel. Win. Koraiasl A '"oj Caroadelet. Burrow*, liairestoti C H Mailorv a l's| AlaTlera. IIa ?1 h?ilie. > 1 e. urie m*. lioa-ert .v M o can. liate rl y, Daasctt, Ba*annah. Oaa Yoaast Piorid*. inansv, Pbibviel. pBta. Wui I' Cede A Co; luac Hell, liitibr W. st Point. Va, did 110111 moo >s Co; Oulf am. Inar .ai. Men head riiy, .ve Wn I' Clyde A Co; Martha --teeoca. chauce. Baillmote, J s. Kreian; BStSBS, llallett. Ilngton, II P Dlmoek. siilpii mnu.nweaiih 1 liri. Cooner. London. Oeo P Btrlleri Pomona Brh Isbiater. Ulasaow, ifenderson Bros. Barl.? St Mary. Ilalloweif, Valparan-o Kabh'i A Ch*nneeyt Vsneranda Politodtali. Marseiile*, lauro. btorey A scaipath John Hut "crf. nl Bri, nnrwe.l, Antwerp. I n hvL Krt\e A c01 ?nsan I. t.'amnbell illr). Brook?. Loud'11. J \V Parker A Co; Antoinette (->wed) Pager, Amatentam. Kaneii, P.dve A Coi Oloaiuni (llr . Kls-^n, An wrrp. Snow A nur?-??: HkterkliolS (Nor). Albrcchta?'?, ifamburr, C C<>| Flor-lla. Pea. b??lv. Havana, a K Wanl ACo; Ella -Non. Ltrsnn, MaraelUea, C lo'na. A 11. _'ie', Raiten. Port of Spain. DTmwhndfe. ThoS Tunill. ISMS, Hort of S|>aln I. W A P ?.rin??ronn. scl.i? l'om William?, Kdward*. Paru. '? Annlnrk A C?; Mary Bradford. Oliver. MaTaguez, Wm ?ouvU-e A sun; Cai rlc Sauii'icrs < tin. Nlrkerson, HSPMMS, I B staple*: Cisra u l/oud, Co-.k. (ireviown, Mr, P H Smitli A I'o; Kmell' e <? Sawyer, Kell. v. BrlAaStSWS, H Trewl.rliire'a Bon?, ll?t ti.-Weaton. r.?jtlia'i, Mayas.iex, B J Wenbert A Co; Victor I'uIp, Hlnkliaui. Har.1101, I K-laplea; II and O Blendetmao, CarttSMT, Para. Burdett A Poud. POItKIOS PORTS. LovnriK. Dec 'JL-Vtr Cauada, from New-York for fhl*porS, arr off Deal at 9 a in to day; arr ?rr? O.dden Horn an I M a, both from .New.York; an-at BnsSsi sir Com wall, frnoi New? York; aiTat Antwerp, str Morgtay, from New Orlean*: arrak null, ?iroilieilo. houi >'cw.York; ?rr at Canllff, ?tr liheu hiua. iro-n Ne.v.York: ?rr at Olbraltar the lrtth mat, ?vr I.aniisliaw, from Baltimore-the latter encountered heavr gales, dutiiiK which one of her crew wat lost ove: hoard and loiirotbeis were minted. LIVEKmol. Dec -1.-Arr str* Cells, from New.York: Mary I^iulsa. t s.m Savannah: Prie.ce Kdward. 1'aarlottetownj Yaiucmir I. from pjew-Orleans- Venczue an fi..m lialtimore. M'.vii.t.:, lice t.4.?Arr sir Bolivia |Hr'. froui New-York for Olaaaow. Loxdo.v. Dec 24.-s?lled'.'Oth ln*t, Sul-kotcant Von Tha. lent, for ."Vew York; Mary K Campbell; '-'1st lu*K Jo?i f Haa Prisen, Meta iCant Ho jeal. VSd Inst, Diiisbera*, Aeeeniloii^ KaUta ', Kinlila (Capl slmouseu), hotli for .New.York; Ml* soiiM, for Tvlaj-.'. Arr'.'nth 1 ist, Ki '.mr, Carrie Dclap: 'J'Jd ln*i. Anna (Caps Boi.ta.1. t. ttv. Ague* Campbell, Sigurd Jarl Bsntol IfBSSB Milton it atit Cs'.o, W K lleanl. Prince Raps it. rlraaka, Am? in net Organs, Ja? A Mark, (iraxiella. Ton..pie, Talsir iCapt 1. .. e.K<. 1 . ' .... 1 ? 011Ii.k-.. .I,. '..Ol. at 1 a.ioi.n'.a; Ki.-i,io|?ilite III. ott Portland: Win Uli. 01. the latter ha? been dauu:ge?l; ?Jtth Inat. Isabel Cragg?. Ianf>'Muriei. May, Macedonia, Kasan N Moener. itr Later Ship .Veic*. if an ?>, ?et /VIA /Xv-I [Aaonneementaj A Stitch in TdoBatm Kntl I* true id eld SOSSB and uiout.'is. When Ihe .orni.-r ?how? th# first defect take a " ?tilc.i," ami always ss?p ItSS n otith rlghl by UMUit UsjNr. It cosla leas for a new coil than asetot n'-etb. Kala? teeth are not aa pleasant aa natural oner. Don't (Yiroii Ynt u Lcifai Aww. Have tin-in and build upyonravaieui bv u-iue I'ltlLurs' PAf/> ataki Katon LlVEit OIL, In combination with I'U".-oin Ni.laH l|\L Alidrtiggiala. Dcuot, I Piattat.. New-Vork. \\ iMTiKsrKu's HTrx>raoai>aitut Will cute Coux11u1ptK.11. Cough*. Br ia if.n. '? ? n'lt.'. Aa -1-?? nl>i:asks of HEM BndMEEVOUa DEBIL IT\ a specialty. Dr. 11 outer. i.-to W. iot> -1. biliar? ]>(?\i.mi:i:y. "si;c." Kor ailc at the Icadiut: gnv. rs and w.n>- d< alcra _CHAULKh OK a KP, sole Age nt STRICTUBE, Iiiipotenoe niiii l)ist?is-?s of t!i3 Oeuerailve'ira*ati? ia?lioi?llv ?11 I as ? ? Ul ,? i ITSA II uri 4 o 1 Sad 6 to 7. HK.nkY ADA n I BUS, MLjQ t< .^xiuft^a-tr rvi)\< in i;im:at vauiki y X AT Til K CHILDBBXU PABAP1BK b.'O llllOADWAV. 11. xt baa-k a'.o\. - : ?.U \ itT LKW IB P. 1 il'It a l.s. .11 AM'FACTl'KKK OK Grand, Square and Upright PIANOS. THE WKBKK RIM STILL EXCFI.S ALL OTIIKHS ? ' Pl'lti: AND MYMPATIIKTIC TONE. COMBINKD WITH ?IIEATF.ST PtlWllK " PHICKS ltKA-oiNAUl.':. AS ci NSISTPNT WITH THE MOST Sl'PKBIOB v. iiltKMANSHlP. \\ Alt IIUOOHS! Fifth-avenue* cor. lOth-tat. THE FAMOUS BRANDS OP CHAMPAGNE, PIPE R-HEIDSIECK OK PIPER* Sec. FOR BALK BY WINE MERCHANTS AND OKOULBS EVERY W Hi.KB, JOHN OSUOUN. BON A Of Hole Agent* for the l ulled state* and Canada. 45 Beaver tU n. Y , aud 14 SL Sacrem. ni ?!., Moutreal. ^jaaa. BraajBW *a aSBBa t?.\ FFT Y 1 TBA M * B V fR 41 Uff OTIS elev?iors. OTlN BuOTUKUsi ?V 00m U4M nroadway. N.T. VKKVUl'S dcl ilifv nnd wiakniss of genrrn* AV Urs organ* poaltlvelv cured by ALLR.VR BKAlN KOliD. Price, SI. Dttiuan. A*tor House ; ZllX. 1.JI0 Droad" way : CtltlsiBtou, 7 Stb-see.; Alten, 31 j lat-ave. bend for elf cuiar. ROYAL POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made fri rn tirape Cream Tartar. H <>ur*krvi>?r ? lavvrlir in Wartuw < ill m ?r the trabt No other pren*r?tl "> f*t?M ?orti Hutu n?k? hoi breail*. or lu?nrloii?iM*trv. i an I.?ich b> ily?.|H |itii ?. .? Hlu.iit fear of the W? rrmiuin* rr"in m\r Inulaoauuie 1WI. Of The rich lookiii* tUvi.ra. llnv il Vanilla ami lernen. aui|> i?a all other* Ui aroma. Uate and ?Wcua.Ua. ^ fiuVAL liAklNU FoWUtll CO.. New YuT*.