OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 26, 1879, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1879-12-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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HIS MI-WS I Nl'II.WOrT)?UK st1i.I. hii.ll.vi.? THAT
? Pol tllCAI. CHAT.
President Hayes is stated to be of the same
opinion iu regard to silver and tlie legal-ten?
ders as when he sent in Iii* Message. He In ?
heres that a sound svstetn of finance is neces?
sary in order to attract foreign capital to this
cottntry. Secretary Shertnnn says that he has
no intention of oflniug four per cents for sale
while legislation is pending in Congress. Ex
Congressman Rainey declares that the He
publicans of Virginia have acted with tho lle
nd,jiistcr> this year because the strueglo has
heeti to them a matter of political li;e or death.
Petitions stdl eontinue to pour into Wasliinjr
?a>u iu regard to a great issue ol legal-tenders.
Tin: pee<iden on riv.vNCE.
nts poaiiioa um astaaa Btt yibwi win rff
ii?.n iu:<>Ai> a\i> tOMn:riiK\stVE.
(rnoa IM asMttaAl ciisiiusi-onwkxt Of ritF. TRtnr>E.
W as i.MiioN, Dee. 'J.'.?ltefoie leaving Waslutig
ton for the holiday recess, the Western Republican
n i ;lieis of Congress partially iceovt red ftom their
excitement over the tinaiu la] recommendations con?
tained in the President's message and the report of
tbe Baantaa* of fluTraaaaiji and by the time
I'oniticas i-i.SM-mbles the party favoring a " let
well enough alone " policy will piobably be weaker
?ad less tietnot'Strntivo than it has been. Rut
whether there is a change of seutiment sufficient to
aaaapj legislation on tbe subject or not. a discussion
of it is now generally admitted to Ire inevitable, end
the Republican party will enter upon it with tho
advaning ? of being eommttt d, as tar as the Admin
i?i ration can commit the party to any thing, to the
only sound and wise policy.
I'i.drably no part of the President's last tnes-nge
aas tiie subject of so much careful thought before, j
it \\ a- wi it ton as that relating to the currency; I
and the p..ssago recommending the repeal of the
b zal-tMider clause of tbo law and the gradual re- j
tirenieiif of the greenbacks' would anquetttonahly !
be placed in tbe message if it was to '>? written to- |
dav with a full knowledge of tho criticisms it j
would provoke.
The President takes a very broad view of tho
whole financial problem. In a recent Ounvoraation
on tlie ?ubjeet Vr. Haves referred nt some letigih I
to Lko faet tli.it throughout the whole coinincrcial i
World there is great lack of opportun it v for the
safe investment of capital, nnd that moneyed men J
in tbe h ading nations of Europe arc looking to the
DBated Slates to use their surplus funds. Oil
tin-other b .i.d, with oir almost boundless and
pnly partly developed natural resources,
we need this surplus foreign capital to as?
sist ns in set'ing on foot new agricultural,
commercial, in iniiiaeturing and mining projects.
The prineipa'obstacle to the rapid influx of this
much-needed c,pit il into the United States in the
past, the President thinks, has been a lark of confl?
uence in tho rafety of investments j but this dis?
trust has now in a measure been removed, chie?y
by our snece?s in r< sinning specie pavmcrhs and in
reluiiduig so large a portion of the public debt In
bonds bearing a law rate of interest ; both
r?f which have been nccomplishel with
nut tho aid of any recent legislation by
Congress, but by the firmness and courage of the
Administration in the execution of the laws which
It found already on the statute-books. Foreign
capitalists j ii dire of the safety of investments in
private or corporate enterprises in this country par?
tially by tlie public polity of the (iovernment. If
Ibey see the Government scrupulously honest in its
Igajings with its creditors, mid promptly meeting
its obligations, they conclude that the people who
made the Government, and by their support made
an honest public financial policy possible, will also,
as a rule, be honest in tbeir private dealings.
The effect of the stund which tho President and
rni r. tiny of th" Treasury have takcu upon financial
sentiment abroad will therefore be geod, even if
Congress does not act m aeeordance with the wise
reeosaMadaltoM that hart bora made. This was
a matter of prime consideration with the President
in areaariag the flaancial ported hlameaaage. He
loi.lied bcyoud the efle. t which it mig'it have on
the fortunes of the Republican putty (although he
believed that it would be beneficial to themi, to the
fTeat and permanent material interests ,,| ib.- oonn
ry. which he hoped to proiuotu by the stand w hich
he took.
Tut Praaldent thinks that he had no right to an?
ticipate tbat bit recommendations Would not meet
with the approval of a majority uf the people of the
t'ci'itrv. Im* rctundiiig operations and the pre pa
rations for ie&umpiiou bud boeii opposed in Con
pie-sandby aponionot the pre.s of tbe United
Mites; and whether the Administration should bn
?lid allied or not in what It bad done was one of t he
questions involved la the lata Full elections. The
?Kol of those elections, the Preeldeot claims,
was, among other lhiti.*s, an indorsement of the
financial policy ol the Exeeativc : and he believes
that he war justified in the assumption that, the
ttept alreatiy taken having been approved. th? next
ttea in the faattthlakhaienl of t >und iinancial priu
i I ? would also be sustained.
F inally, if nothintr is done during the present
r- --ion of Congress, the President w ill bo gratified
it his advice onlv stimulates popular discussion, for
that, nc is confident, will in the end lead to the de?
sired results. Z. L. w.
(by TtLI HlAPII to lilt. TItlULXK ]
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2."?. ? "secret;,! \ DBsafBaOJJ 8.1vs
there is no foundation for tho it-ports which have
been published regarding prospective refunding op?
eration*. Ht -avs at has no power to sell bonds ex?
cept for refunding, and that no large amount of !
bunds w ill become payable until eighteen months
hance. He has uo right at present to negotiate for
the sale of the remaining four per cents. In any
event, he says, be would not sell them while Con?
gressional action lo.ikmg to provision for further
ret muling operations is pending. Secretary Sherman
expresses the hop* that Congress will do some?
thing within u mouth or two to facilitate
tae exchang" of bonds beating a low rate of inter?
est for the six pel c? nts payable in 1881. He is
row paving b pi pi art premium for such bonds
?arehaaed forde sinking fund, but be bus heeu
loU by banki rs thai he could cx< hange boodt of a
"p.wer lute in large amounts !oi ihe six |ier cents by
Inertly paying Ihe difference in inttrcst from t]iiB
time until their maturity. Ilms saving the premium.
1ii1kty )t:i.f.lnNs OF BOtftag aJwYOPBIATED BY
Tut: Bjeaaaii nur acnox on ran *tAmmaMtf
APi'Koi-Kis iioN Ittt on iy?.d.
lot Tl.'i.OKAIII lO IUI. IUI ihm. I
Wasiiim, luv. Di e. Although Congress had
be I iu session for three weeks before the holiday
adjournment, no mot ion bad been made in the
House to appropriate money for the pay of United
elan s Marshals.
On th-? first a-.d second day of the sissi. u it was
said by Democrats on the floor ol the House that a
deficiency appropiiation bill would be promptly
brought forward and passed. The Republicans ac?
cepted this assurance, but as might have been fore?
seen, the promise was not carried out.
Foot of the gei.. r i' appropriation bills were coin
BjaftaJ and reported, and three of them, which appro
priate altogether over *:iO,(K)0.000, were passed by
Ihe House, but no Marshals' Defieleoe* bill was re?
ported. The bill will amount to $fJO0,<MrO, and it
ought to be remembered that the marshals and their
deputies, uiauy of whom cau ill aWord it. have been
com peilest to l>ear expenses w Inch the Uovtmiuont
Is bound to bear. 1 he amount of arrearages due is
bow about .7sb?o.<HH>. the marshals and their
deputies laving received not lung since the
1st of lust July. Not one ceut of the
*:iO,0OO,(g>j above mentioned can Ihj expended
before the 1st of next July, while every dollar of
the JsiiOO.ooo needed for marshals will be miuired
before thut date. Half of the ap.ta la already over
There hat been no occasion to use any money to
lay vlevlc-m marshtls duriug. the current yeur, and
theie will he none before next Julv. Tbe delay,
iborcfore, ia not excusable on the ground of what
the Democrats Bight ot bet w ise plead to bo apoliti?
cal necessity.
xt) KM'sj'Kcr you .\r.ui.or.s.
flit ti i.kiiui h to the thiri'mf..]
Washington, Dec. U.".?Injustice in business and
thedcuiulof jioliticnl rights are not the only
causes that operate to impel some colored men to
m> k-tuones in the Xnrtli. An intelligent ficedmun
from North Carolina, wbo went to Indiana some
time a/jo and is now on bis return to escort bis
family to bis new home, described the social condi?
tion of ?! ft airs in North Carolina ns something ter?
rible. Said he:
Those white people wou't work. They think
they are too grand and too handsome. I think they
OTP tho Oglicat rOQO Oodr? BUM ever shone msm. I
bavo been West and have seen handsome
people, I hnve seen a race of young men
bright, hamlsoine yonus* fellows?got no into
business, undertaking great things and accom
idishing ibem, and supporting themselves and
inakimr good times. Down onr way young men
don't want to do anything but sit in front of sorfto
store all day and whittle dry-poods boxes; and if on
Saturday night they ? an steal a few dollars from
their father's money drawers nnd 'go on a
spree' their ambition is satisfied. They
delight in nothing so inuch as iu beating some poor
colored man or delta iching colored women. 1 tell
you theie is no more regard aliioun those people lor
the virtue of colored women than for their cattle.
You will he.ar th.-tii tellm? of tlie:r exploits in this
line for weeks, us if tin v were deeds to be n.ond of.
A colored woman would no uiore dare jro r,u| alone
iiftei (laikthaii jiiinjtfrom bet housetop. When three
or lour ol young whites well loaded with whiskey
can catch n ' nlgcetr1 out alone they often kick (>nd
pound hint bint illy, and nothing it thought of or
done about it. Midi a race," he added with bitter
ne-s. '? i(, uot fit to live."
Thisninn bad lived in the eternity of Qoldtboro,
and hia rTprossioiil were applied to the young
wfeitM men of that locality.
8CCCK88 or Mit. WBAYKI in MCI ri.no petitions
K??u IHK PAOfSAOl <>l His bill in ROJDAUn
THE pay ok T"*!"TfTTrT
fnv nuMun i?> TUR irjBUJUkl
Washington. Dec. 90 ? Mr. Weaver and his frl
low dcinairoitttcs in the IImum of Representatives
are very active and qnite successful in obtaining
rimiatures to petitions which they have scattered
broadcast over tho country. Hwpetitioners, who
are represented to be veterans of the late war, are
made to ask Iba peteags of lir. Weaver's bill to pay
them tho difleiouce in value between Kold nnd
tbe greenbacks iu wbJob they were paid.
Nearly one huudrcd ptsttftiona of ihis sort
have already been prOQBUtoil in the Hous?.
Witiiin a few days several BepoblieaB reji
rcM'iitutivin boys roeeivod oopiet of these petitions,
and ai-o letters orgln? tin iu to popptet Mr.
Weaver's m? :!snre. One Western Bopoblioan repre?
sentative informed a Tkho nk correspondent a
day or two aito that be badjnatrooeivedalettet
from one of his constituents, savinc that bo Served
sixteen months in the army and received his pay in
grecnlricks, when the. were worth only fit) cents On
the dollar, 'this soldier, wbo Is a Republican, now
deiuauda that his Representative shall Veto tor a
Juw to pay bitu the other 50 per cent.
Washington, Di'c. 25.?Au Ohio Representa?
tive, who, until within the lust fortnight, did
not support General Oarfield's candidacy for
tbe Senate, said this evening that be has no doubt
of General Garfleld's election. This gentleman
r.ivs that tho Republican Kepresenrnfives from
Ohio, Messrs. McKinley, Monroe nnd Townsend are
supporting General (Infold, while Governor
Young Is opposed to him. General Keifer is
not committed to any candidate, and the picierenco
of Mr. Bntterwortb is not known. The Reoretenta*
I five thinks that the vote tor tbe Hon. Stan
lev Matthews, who is a Candidate, will be
something of an indication of General
Grant's strength as a Presidential candidate
In Ohio, as Mr Matthews, be says, Ii an out and ont :
Grant man. The same gentleman, who is n Sher?
man man, on being atiked it ho thought (,e;iei?|
Grant would t arry Ohio, replied, " Yes, I Ihiifk so, |
because I believe we shall carry the state next year
anyway. Hut Grant would not uet tho German
vote, whilo Sherman would."
FX-COSOI'.l s MW I: A INLY DaWBXDI '1111.111
col" ii sr.
Washington, D.-c. 25.?Ex-Coiigir-.-simtii
Ralucy is now an agent of tho Interim! Revenue L*e
partuienl. uud he has recently spent ticvcral days In
Virginia, lions a colored man, aud bavins made an i x
oellctit business record In Congress, he la naturally re- j
KSrded an one of the leader- of his race. These facia
give cieat value to his opinions In regard lo political af?
fall? Iu Wrgiula, with wii.ch he has taken occasion to
make Lliuecif lutuiJiai. Mr. Ilalncv gives I he fo.lowiug
statement to a correspondent nfTiiF. Ti Ibt nh :
??I weut to Virginia a 11'undcr ' because I ulw.ays be?
lieve in pwytnj aa ?oneel debt I soon found out, though
that BepubUoans who had Ignroi with ihe iteatiju-tcis
acre not rcuudlators, and had no idea wluti vcr tit re?
pudiating any honest obligations of Virginia The fight
thai they were Making was not on that question, but It
wa? in regard to tin ir polit'cal rigid?.
" The Republican.! huvc been oppressed for a long
time t>y souic most infuui'uu and b.u barotu hxiMallou,
liiauctirated nytfel Ix uiocrucy ; and they have sought
by every h'gui mrftnti tu get relieved, but nothing caukl
beoswe, no whioaiag peat still saiets Is Fntglasa. The
payment of the 0B| italum lux I? nia?le a prerequisite of
Voting KUncal I inal hWtMttSS are denied. The chain
BlBg System ?Od the law agBtaBl Intermarriage ot the
races, with nmny oilier oppressive laws.arc in operation.
The capitation tax law It especially obnoxious. Men who
are jirxlotia to SSQSUM voles male It a convenient means
ol bribery. Tho Demnerats offer to pay the tax for
pom WM publicans, nnd thus seek to Induce tliciu to vote
the DsaseetOUS Meant what la wanted Is that the tax
shall he collected and the ballots be cast as entirely la
dciKiidetit actions. The Kepublii^aus havo suffered,
also, from utOusi partisan Judges. They hnve luojudgea
apix'h'icil iu tlie ^tatn of Virginia, nod these have the
powet of appoiiitlng eleettOD cuuimlssioncrs or Judges of
election. This powei Is always exercised in a partisan
way, ci? lug no show w hatevet to ltepubticst.s.
" The prime motive which Induced the Republican.- to
affiliate with the Rea IJuslers is found In tbe promise
held out to thetu that all these obnoxious laws SbeoM
be repealed, nnd that Republicans hcrcalti r should have
a fair opportunity, not only to express n.cn opinions, but
to have their votes honestly counted. They would have
liked vi iy much to elect a Republican to the I'nlicd
Slates Scuule ; but. as neither tbe I'uiidiri nor the Re?
adjusted would ufllllate with mm MM for this purpose, It
was com cded to be hopeless. Tbe consenuenco Is that
they have agreed to work with the ReadJasters, and
they have helped to elect General Mabone to tbe United
Bute* fernste. General Mabone has thus far
evinced a disposition to cairy out all Ids pledges
! faithfully. He declares that ho will benceforth
vigorously oppose tho principles and practices of the
old liourbou or Conservative party In Virginia, aud
will seek to become the leader of a mom liberal party. I
have beard It said, and I know many Republicans bo
Here, that h" will act with the Republicans lo the
fseiiste, or at laast act Independently of the Democrats.
" From wbat 1 have secu. I am sstisfled that them can
be no future narnmujr between the Fuudcrs and the Re
adjusters. There !? n breach wide and deep between
them, nnd the bttieruess of feeling la dully growing
more Intense I believe the m?sse? am with t'i i:
adjUders, but tat wealth and aiUtocr?e/ urn r, life ILe
FiltiOfTt. _
?' 1 thin* It tinju?t toward the Republicans of Virginia
to charge turm witii forsaking lb it party aud running
au alliance with ibe repudiating element. The sirucgle
is for politltal life and lib riy. If they fall In this efloii,
their fast chance will hnve Mton etJSpl BWSy, *ud there
wbl be no vosils'e of psrfv life In theKiate. lrsu. ces
ful, It will have a good effect In the future, not only In
Virginia, bn: In other Southern Blutes. Tho Rsudlattert
Iu the bi?t rlecttnn worked faltliittlly for tbe
Republican candidatea In wltnesjiag the count
lag ol voto?. nnd la oases of eapttat by pre
cm lug lufluebtbil counsel to defend tha rights
of BepubllcatiS-eb et ; and II la due In nil fuel
that tun RepubUoau tsprsscntsiloB In Ifet Latglslalure
Bat 1 ren so much mere a?ed over last yesr. Very atreag
iin 1 u!?!??!>iKi wer? in-ill ii t to foine of tlie Bepithllean
Bteaiberi ef tlie Legislature, Immediately after It* organ
?zatlon, tn L-o ever 1" Um Pandora, and aid In retaining
ilull Heentary of P??te, two Auditors and Htato
Treasurer. These offlelals form the heard br
which the votes are finally counted, and tt was deemed
of especial importance hv the old party that their men
should be retained In nfllre.' ' What I" replied the Ite
puhlleana,' vore to retain rhe men who have twiee
counted in Congressman <;onde when he was not elected 1
You don't know na.' Under a fair count, the Republi?
cans will return two. and probably three. Cniigre*?
m-n from Virginia nt the next election, and a fair count
they now seem destined to have."
BONUS BEFOP.K THKT are due?england's
Washington, Dee. 25.?Mr.Johu Jay Knox, Con
trollerof the Currency, m u note to his utinual report
gives some statistics of the National debts of
lireat Ilritain and France. In his remarks on the
liguies presented he says t
It is won hv of remark that the consols standing In
l4*.'.'! at A?llO.OOO.isrO constituted at thnt time li? per
c nt of the entire National debt [of Great Britain], This
H |>er Bl ut stock cannot, uudcrtbc ciiurtltions of lit Issue,
be redeemed by Ihe Government without giving to Its
holders a full year's notice ef payment. Tt Is well under?
stood, however, teat the Government cannot, with pru?
dence or safety, venture on the bold jsnlicy to which the
gi\ nor of such a notice would commit It, thereby assum?
ing nil tin- risk Incident to a change of clicunistanco lu
the interval between mil ice and time of payment.
The reserved option of redemption of the great war
loans of ihe United States I? of much greater value to
mil Government than is the virtual perpetuity of : he
Biitish emi-ola lo the (inverntnrnt of Great Bili. 'n.
Tor, through this option, me Trensurv has la-en enabled
to re lu ml the outstandlug bonds of the United States at
the present low cm lent rate of interest, and this ou no
tic- so brief thii im risk whatever was In
earraa tfeareby, wbaio t in- iiriti-n BxaaeQtsae is in itr-tr
prevented irom availing lis'lf of any decline
in rates of tutetest, but must continue
to puy 3 per cent upon u* enoimous amount of debt,
tlmiitrh It might I g bill a saw refund or borrow tiiouet lot
Its redemption at a greatly reduced rate. The resulting
savings arisiugout ut thai provision In mir loans which
authorizes ihe anttCtpaUcO of the time of their rub BP*
lion may eventually wholly offset the rxrr?? In the r ite
ut luti rest p ?hl upon thi'lii over thai Bald on tbe Brit Ith
rcusols, which excess Is now as to the greuicr pal I of
our loans hut 1 per cent annually.
There Is saaM nil t bnri ty for the statement I hat
Covernor Charles C Van Zandt, of Kliotle Island
bus been offered by tho President tho posi?
tion of Minister to Kussia. Governor Van
Zamlt Is about fifty years of age. He
was graduated about 18i'.?, at Tnuity Col?
lege, Hartford, ami was subsequently admitted
to the bar of Khude Island, where, ho has pta< tiscd
1 i\v ever since. He has been in public life since
1 s.lJ, having four times been Speaker of the Lower
Howe of tho Bhode Island Legislature, twice
elected Lleutetiant-Governor, and is now serving
Ins thud term us Governor. Ut< has always been
popular at a public speal.er. He was chairman of
the Khode Island delegation at the Cincinnati Con?
vention ill 1870. QoYOIBdC Van Zandt Is an.an of
literary tastes and cultute. He arrived iu New
York yesterday from Washington.
KlWBCRYrOBTi Mass., Dee. 25,?At (j o'clock
this morning lire broki> out In the Beylcy TTat Factory,
from spuiitaiieutis combustion In some, old waste. Tne
factory, valued ut ?40,000, together with the contents,
valued at 170*000, ash totally dSBtlOjed| Insured for
$40.000. Tiie stock uf the corporation thus wiped out
Is chiefly hcltl by John Currier, Jr., Jutncs Currier and
Alexander Oaldwefl, of Newburytiort, Atkinson Stan
v.ood, of Bo.ii.::. und Bavb-v & Folsom, of Ncvv-lotk.
T he corporation euiploved ?bt) bands, with a nionfldy
pay-roll Ol ?0.000. To "till orders it ran day nnd night,
ami only yc-teiday teethed uu order for 100 cases of
bat? nt the hlghexi plin s icactudthls year. The fac?
tory will probably he rebuilt.
A fire occurred at p. in. Wednesday, on
the llrst floor of the tliree-..tory brick buibliiig Bl So. H<i
Bleeckrr-, t. The purl lu which the flro originated nun
occupied by Li Corn as u tailor's shop. The d-image to
stock wns (it.Mill; Insured for IjOOO. The tlrst floor of
No. 80 UTt-ff kcr-st., oecuplt d by Daniel Hallest,n u* a
dining saloon, was damaged j.r>6?>; no los.iratue. The
building wasr owned by tue L.ituiard estate; damage,
*o00; iusured.
a stTOTAE bubvkd by bubo lass,
Dr.s Mom s, Iowa, Dec 25.?Giiman't book
and Je welry st?r -, GIllespK 's drug State ami Brbl't. dry
goods store In N'ewton. Jasper Count r. Iowa, were
Inirned last nicht. The Inis is fje,i.),tHKi; insurance
sliMOO. Burgiiir.s ate supposed to have started tbe
rouBrKEH rorsu dubmsb.
Biiantf??kd, Uni., Dec. 25.?Fire this morn?
ing destroyed one ol the large stubles on Bow Park
r.irru, near this place, together with Its contents, m
pladtag fourteen horses. The ljss la $.8000, iusuranto
unknown. _
Philadelphia, Dec. l'.">.?Cliiistni.is was qni
c tly spent lu this city. Tho weather was disagrccatd ?,
and but lew people were upon the st.ects. The
mat uiecs nt the theatres trttt sllmly attend mi, but
to-ulgl.t all the places uf nmusi r.ienl were fldcd. fsor
viccrt were held In most ef the churches. The uiiiiMtcsof
Ihe Penitentstry, House of Correction, Connlt I'll.on,
and Il-itis. of Ki-fuge were given Christmas tliuucrs.
Cincinnati. 1>.c. 'J">.?Business vat entirely rus
ptBsfta. The usual services In tue chureiie* took
place, ami dinners at charitable and penal Insti?
tutions w.-re giv.m. The ?? Messiah" wae per?
form! d to-:ilght at Music M ill off a special chorus
tadTheodora Thoaraa'a Oioaailf t and soloists, eefBte
nearly four thousantl persous.
Toronto, ObW, free. 20.?t;urlalmss dav was observed
tlirouiilioiil tlie Doialnlonlu theaaaal uinnner, special
services being held la the Ppls.cop.il ami Kornau Catholic
i uiirches.
Kan Francisco, Dee, 90 -CBTBstatat tiny wns urilver
sally uliscrve.l in tills city by the cessation of business
and the usual scrv.ct s lu I he din. . in -.
For Otter OmrimmmM OeltbraUont tee Second Page.
Nkw-Ohitans, Deo. 25.?Last night Cop
lataBacbctilaaadtwoeidt veal to Ve,lM Caaata>
hnuse-sf. to urreet Fred Vowbs, lh? cashier of Mr.
Bettea,eeatractat on tin- niaalBBttl lavtaen itati
roa l. who had fld front OBtatga on satutda v. When
Cnptuin l.ucheuiui entered tbe room Vetrtasalteasptat]
to draw- u pistol, Bel the Captain ns rjuickiy presented
his revolver. Vow les then swallowed souiethlng. The
nhis nished lu and overpower cd bim, and, finding he
had taken poison, took him to lb" Charity Hospital,
where he tiled In a few inin-ites. Mo was on kit aav to
Havana. A ?um el Btoaey w?s found on Mm, and he
vi- given decent burial to- lay.
Civ innaii, Dee, 25.?It has been found on
examination that four carloads of blruchel barley,
which trilfOd here W( aaotdBf trnm Chicago, for a brew?
ery, hud been " snlphurlred," 6o as to gin- ihe grain Ihe
appCereaet aj tantttat barley. If is said that there la
In Chicago a large b>aehert tor the piepurariun of thi?
sulphur.xed barley. Theconslgnee refused to accept the
Viti Gnrignno, n* Itulinn, about fifty yearsof
age, last night at aaaal 11:00entered the lodglng-hoivie
kept by Timothy McCarthy, at No. 41 Oak-st., and got
Into a dispute at the bar about payment for
honor, lie was about leaving tbe ptsee without
paying for his bill when Charles B. Hall sicptied
betweru htm and the door. The Italian drew a stiletto
ami plunged it Into Halt's hack balow tbe 'eft shoulder
blade. Oarieaao whs locked up in tho <>ak Sireet Blatten
Hoiiso and Hail was sent to the Chambers Street Uos
Annie Carroll, uge twenty-four years, of No.
.VJ.'. Foist Iwelfih-st., sttempted suicide yesteiday hy
awallowiug a uiiuntity of fails green. Hhn hud sepa?
rated from her busband, and was living with her
mot... r. The pair had beet: drin ki ug tact nni finally
tiiiurtelled. after which the daughtor took Ihn tiolsoti.
s>ne was taken to Bcllevue lloipttal, and it la thought
will recover. mm^^mmmm^mmmm^m^m
Boston, Dec. 25.?President Nirkerson, of
the Atcbhmn. lopeka and Hanta Ft Itiltroocl, d> uni
that that road has passed luto tbe hands of Jay Uould.
An effort was made in Bangor, Mc, yester?
day l?y a clerk in the Adjutant-General's offleo
to remove 120 rifles and 31,000 b?ll-rnrt
ritlges from the State Arsenal and take
then to Augusta. Tho citizens, liow
ev? r, stopped tho wagons carrying the
war material, and the clerk, in order fo pre?
vent a collision with the excited crowd, re?
turned the arms and ammunition to the ar?
senal. He said he was acting under orders
from Governor GrnPCeJog.
THE CITY GREAT*!.Y excited.
Banoor, Me., p. c. 2.".?Ranger was to-<lay the
sc.'iic of an excitement unparalleled since the dav
when the puns of the rebel batterv made their as?
sault on Fort Sumter. It had been known that dur?
ing the day Major Joseph L. Smith (tho Greenback
candidate for Governor) and Mr. Folsom of Oldtown,
ami others, were in consultation at the Exchaiiao
Hotel with Mr. French, n clerk in the Adjutant
(Jeoeral's ofllce at Augus'ii. The result of their con?
ference, was apparent nhout 4 o'clock this after?
noon, when word came down town that two two
horse wagons loaded with 120 Springfield cadet
rifles and M,000 ball-cartridges, from the State Ar?
senal on Essex 6t., were on their way through the
When the teams reached Kednskeag Ilritlgo f hey
were stopped by a crowd of people, and inquiry was
made of the drivers us to what authority they were
acting under and what was the intended destina?
tion of the in iterial of war. The teamsters said
Hi y bad beau engaged hy a barkman from the
hotel to take tho material to the Main Ci :,ti il
deiieit, but did not know under whose authority.
Tho arms wero delivered to them by
tbe arsenal keeper. Hy this tune the
crowd beg.m to grow larger, and the bridge was
soon rilled with a large at <1 exe ited ma?s ot penplo
determined that no shipment of arms should he
made through tho city unless under unmistakable
Mayor Hrown was sent for, and soon appeared on
tho ground. About the same time Arsenal Keeper
Smith also appeared. Mayor Hrown naked the lat?
ter under whnt orders be was act in?, and received
the answer: ** TJndOP tho orders of the Governor."
Tho keeper was then naked to show his or?
ders. IIo said ho had no written orders
but was acting under a verbal order
from Mr. French, a clerk in the Adjutant-General's
office. Meanwhile the crowd grew more and more
excited, and insisted that the arms should not bo
allowed to leavo the city, but should at onco bo re?
turned to the Arsenal,
Inquiry being ma le by Mayor Hrown for Mr.
French, that gentleman appeared on !he MOM, and
said that ho was hero, by order of Governor G.ir
celon, to remove the arms and ammunition to Au?
gusta. Ho afterward admitted that ho had
no orders from tho Adjutant-General, and
only a verbal order from Governor Gar
cclun. Mayor Hrown called his attention to the
high .?t?te of excitement existing, and told him that
bn feared, with the MfUgfll police foico under
his control, that ha conbl not guarantee him the sato
rnmlnt t iMOnga the city of the war material. The
Ma vor said bo did not utnlcii.ike to diet ito any
course of action uuder the t iieumstanrcs, but sug?
gested that it would be better to rci urn the mutet ml
to tho Arsenal for tho present. Mr. French,
nckiiowleilgin? the want of proper authority and
s eins the excited condition of our citizens, dot ided
that t his was the best course to pursue, and ordered
the toiMJ to return to the Arsenal, which they did
?ritt the aims and ammunition.
A- iho teams started on t'ieir leturn three hearty
cheers were given by the crowd. After giving his
order for their return, Mr. Folsom, ol Oldtown,
Major Smith's lieutenant, upbraided Mr. French for
not doing his duty l>y Inotsttng <m carrying out ihe
pUU agreed upou. Ho WSJ pinintitly rebuked hy
Cnptcta Bestelle, of ihe Whig and Courier, in front
of who-e office the crowd was gathered. Captain
Ron teile informell Mr. Ft) loom that neither Mr.
1'ien h nor the citizens of Hangor needed any
satellites from Oldtown to instruct them as to what
srpj their duty.
Mr. French has returned to Augusta to nwuit
further action and instructious by the Governor.
The excitement iu this city is at lever heat, and
.Towils of oiii citizens me gathered on the streets
olid iu the stores and offices discussing the situation.
If in a tune of pence the arms are fo lie taken from
? he Arsenal, carried through the streets of our city
and thence to Augusta, and the Capitol put in a
mate of siege, tin y are determined to know the rea?
son why. While there is a strong and dOsgfly-COBlOl'
iloinnilnalloH to too (ho outrage attempted to
las con,milt ul at Augusta thwart.d, and that by
paf nable nod lawful methods, the people aro in no
Mood to be trilled with, and any attempt to precipi?
tate a lontli. t will he PMl with the determined op?
position and resistance of bold and result: tc. men,
who know their right), and knowing, daro
Maintain them.
RvNt.i.it, Mc, lice. E. Optron?, the I n ion
representative for Veazie. has published in The
Wki? and Cswmt on open lot tot to Ebon F. roi*
Jtmty. of ihr .\fainr Slinu'iinl, iu which he says :
Iwnaverymnon aatsnlated to titinktiist reoeeoM
MOBlnailli i 1111J i in h |.rue.-rding? In the (Juternor ami
Council of this year, w hen otilv last yesr vou took such
decided it* ad Ogata ?1 th" anspielen of <l ireraorConnor
lud Council wrongfully BSOBtJna nut Hie present Pnalon
ma)orlty in the Lcgia'atur?. Now, instead of se-iag
you tenonam It In the strong nnd vigorous lonanage
wh'ch vou usuady etnp'oy. In your pspsryou apprtir
entirely la fav^r si orgauizlug a Laetslatnrs<'f the
minority Instead of the majority which tho pssws had
fj.rlv chosen, und for tfci*yonask mr aid In distribu?
ting the spolla of such ftUany, Though I a as elected
on an opposition ticket, nnd tutemlcd to sup?
port t:.e regular nominees of uiy parly, >cf.
when the members-elect uro counted out mi
nretenc- e which me totally false, or exist et best only
:n the tmiln h us ignorance of the perpctra'oi* ; when
such adv.intact s were taken of defeetivo blunks. sent
out for this very purpose bv the constituted r.i:thviltli-?.
su i hat returns were cast nut from this very cause:
when some laws were. StfMM y enforced, und others ou
i he ?ante subject a etc iiuliiRfd, by which tbeto trivial
errors could have been readily corrected ; when H\r of
our largest cities, containing one-seventh of our inhab?
itants and one-fouirb of our wealth, were disfranchised,
and ii.any smaller t jwns treabNl even worse by being
rouiptHi il to bs r? pn eeuiril bv those t* bom they had
once repudiated at -he polls, then no long, r can a man
with one drop of blood of a Revolutionary father in hli
reins lend hi? favor and. tunch less, ht? Influence to
support in aid of such systematic rlllauy.
Bangor, Mc, Dec. 20.?Tho following commnoi
cation signed by Mavor W. II. Hrown, a utimber ot
ex-Mayors of this citv, ami other prominent cd*
izens, will be forwarded totheGovernot to-morrow:
Jo JTis Frrellenry, AlonZ) Ovki.ion, a or er nor of Ute
State of Mathc:
Tue cltlsena of this citv were much turpHsrd on
Ihn uftornpon of Chriainiaa Hay to learn that the arms
nnd ammunition were being lemurrd from the Htnte An
si mil located here to the railroad depot The first as imd
knowledge of the fact was upon seeing team loadeil
ami psostni tbxough tbe principal airocts. lui
MOfltolOry there wits a apontancotis uprising
M 'oir best cttiz-eiis. so Ailing the streets
as to prevent tho soasfeag OS the teams. The Mavor,
who had been sent lor. having no kabwledge
cf tlm HtitIi irity uud-r ahli ii the urius
were Mtig moved, first demanded who
ssiumed tbe responsibility of th ? mo euietit. JTe was
answered by a Mr. Kreuch, ret resenting himself tobe
a clerk in fhe AitiataBl-GOMral ? ofltee, that ho wan act
in:; ninlei verbal Inetrnctlosi from OorrrndrGarcci.it,
to remove the aims nun ammunition by railroad to An
gnsta. Mi. Prcaea. seerog the difficulties In the way,
ami being informed by the Mayor that be might be uu
tible to ten rain the people with the force at Ma cow
hihihi, ri( -1.1? .1 to r< turn tho eruis to the Arsenal, und
tho citizens qiilei!v dispersed.
While deploring tin net '.of tho Pinto authoit!'*
In iiiiivIuk birgo quantities of deiidlv weapons
through the Ariels of a peaceful city
In the present excited condition of Ihe
pnhlle ndnd, we ?hall endenvor, to the extent of our
ability, to prevent any Hctioti which should Impair out
good fame as law-abiding citizens.
Boston. Mass. Dee. 'JIV?A special dispatch from
B.ingor to The /leiaid of this city say--:
The escape from blnodstod was vry narrow.
Adjipaol-Orncral Leavitt 1? now In Eastpnrt
spending Clul dmas. He will arrive here B>
ni'urow. What artlmi will be taken Is not ktmwn. It
Is well known that the Kepublh-ans are forming secret
military assotUntious, und threats bitve l>ecn luaUo tbat
they would seize the arms In the Arsenal.
negroes CHAsr.n by nrrri ans.
Bai.timoue, Deo. 23.?A most disgraceful
riot took place, attended with violence and
bloodshed, on tho train which left CanMcn
station on the BaPbuorc nnd Ohio railroad at 11:15 on
Wednesday night. A few nights before the dopurtur*
of the train a party of eight ruffians boarded
It. They were evidently Inflimed with liquor
and determined on mischief. An lnoffenslvo
colored man w as seated in the car which they entered,
nnd he nt ouro b crime tho victim of their violence.
Tiny drove BUB from the train and .vould not penult
him to enter it again.
The train Marled immediately arter this, nnd had eeM
but two squares when they di-covcred la one
of the first cars another colored man, who,
to escape n threufetied beating lan Into
the ladtasV SWTS cloudy pursued l>v the rough*.
A geu'b man ill the car saw the colored man's dunge"
and dosed the door batWfan him and bis pursu?
ers, bulling It aid preventing them from entering
uti the burl nt On the arrival of the train
at Mount Win ins, however, tho rulUtiia effcted
anenlraliee by htcaklug the gtOM l> lueCBf ?XsM iu.<t
drawing the holt. On enters: g the tat they aeselkd tho
p:i?<i Bgen r.giit and lert, malting an Indiscriminate
utiack upon all, uiiiuliidlul ot the Ir.gbtened shrieks of
the ladies and children.
The iii111(iD>s tuen drew pistols and b'red In evpry dlrec
tton, regardless ot consequences. The greatest terror
and coUHtciii'ttiou follow* d among the p .^sciigcrs, and
many were prevented wifU the greatest
dtlbulty from throwing themselves off the tram white
it was in motion, the slop ut Mt. Winans havi. g In.. |
u brief one. _
CINCINNATI, DcC. 26a?A special dispatch
to Ihe Commercial from Dclplios, Ohl j, says
that lieinard Pickers, au uld (umnin resident,
wua e.ilie I to his dor by lou I knocking
at 1! o'clock this luorumg, und up hi opening the dour lie
wns confronted by tineo men,anu< d with revolvi rs,
Who demanded n large *Ufu ef Money which ho Wa?
known to possess.
He rcfiiseil to comply with th<? demand, and In the
scuffle that etisued Pickers was shot and tu.-tautly
killed, tbe boll entering Just above the left eye
Ills wife, healing Iho ulstut banco, eamo to Pickers'."
iissistuipe, wticn she was seized und threatened wbh
death if she did nut tb silo -c where the money was.
Rhe ItaBiedtetelj began to icreaM, wboa tee men gagVd
and hound ber with rep.-, and placed Ihe sob-sot her
feet to the In, until BOablfl I0 endure the torture hinget
aaetold wkoteteaBMinei was. Tins was taken to the
amount of fl.ftoo. unit the criminals left without leav
:ug any eiew as lo their p.-isoiiulity.
Philadbi phi s. Deo. 25.?Qettertl Great and
nurttlj spent OsMetaaM Pay Bad BTtalag bb tao guest*
of ?corjfe W. Childs.
T'.-inoi iow morning at half past ten o'clock General
Grant will recelvo the Universal Peace i.nion.
Then ho will rce Ivo a dclegatlou of
Methodist clergymen, and after that Mayor
StoUey and the Cotiunt's Committee on Receptlou will
nay their respects. He will then go to lue resnb. no of
Bishop Htrapsoa. in the ?fteraeea he win be ihe. aaeet
of the ottlcers uud directors of the Bank ot North Ameri?
ca, who will lender him it banquet in their bunding,
in tbe evemug he wl.l he the guest at a private dinner
of ex United (State* Minuter John Woiah. The onlv
guoats will he George W. Childs, A. J. LUexel und I'rcd
dent llnj es. (la Kitunlay afternoon ho will leave far
Wushlogtou, ??? here be will bo the guest of General
Beate at Li? residence In the country near ti.ut city. Ho
v. Ill leave Washington on Tin s.lsy for the West, where
he will lake it sictnuer tor Havana.
yx I r.FMi: < nl.ti AT cmr-AGO.
chicago, III., Dec. 25.?To-day is the cold?
est of thA season, the thermometer iMaudintj about BN
ull day, und to-nUat from foat to six below.
CtNTixNATi, Dee. '-'.").?The weather changed last night
froinmu to colder und cloudy, with light snow. Tue
thermometer fell i tendly all day.
Pan Francpm o, Dee, D.spatchcs received bore
from all along the coast state that tho cold spell
Sr.l'ACL, Minx., Dec. 25.?The cold wave rciichel here
this morning, and the tie liinnnetcr fell to AO' below
sero. Bailroad traius suffer tuueh delay from tbe inn I M
cold, but nil roads ore reported e;oar to-night.
f*T. Locis, Bee. 2-*?.?Tho weather turned very
cold yesterday ufteriioon, and the mercury sank to
Bl b low i-rn during tho night. To-day It bus ranged
trom 7? to s' above, and is now ar the latter polnr, with
liuiiciitioiis of uiiid'-r t. ?peratare, tue wind having
\cuud from uutbwest to sdathweet.
Civ innati, Doc. 25.?A special dispatch to
( iiinn'icial Jiom Pat i-kali?, lacking County,
Ohio, ans (hut at n Sunday -school festival
Piere to-day the 001 tea Battery, representing
snow in the costume of Santa Claus took dre, and in a
tew inoini nts i hi' whole snowy robes was In flumes, and
the children, lately piessiug forward for presents, weie
M u i w ith n panicaud lushed pell-uull out ot tin-chinch,
bat without meeting wtta eertoae ailsfcap. The tire was
qaieMy extfacaleaaaVbut not before the i,.,?. ?. .,.?, ,.:
of Miit.. CtOUS uns setereiy burned, wliethor talaily or
uot is yet unknown.
PbBBHOLD, LV, Jsi Dee, 2.?.?Six memliei?of
the uer.ro bainbtll ariesteU for tubbing fanners und
otle i? of Lotu Branch and Bed Bank, went before
Judge W.lllPlj! on Tuesday last, confc..?ed llieir guilt,
aud enteiej a plea of guilty. Yesterday tsamuel Kear?
ney, John Hants aud Jack B'ckctU, tho alleged ring?
le.r!< i '.wvio seuteneed to ono year In the State Pi (son
on each chaige. imtklug three years for each. John
Wesloe Haul*, who Ural coufes-ed an-1 gava evidence
nzul st the gnng. was let off with the light ?enteric* of
tun c mouths In the County Jail. George Cooley and
Ai-eU liiodlo were remanded fur seLience uuiil to?
ChicaoOi Dec. 26.?The deaolopBaoBta in
tho stock yard strike have Beta that two ef I lie- princi?
pal bun es will resume on Fitdar or Haturdny, and will
demand a promise from their employes that tiiey will
not belong to unr Union whatever. There seonis to be
uo mu* of weakening ou el.hrr side, although there
i-eeujs set ions ilUcontcitt uninug souio of the mure
uredy woi kmeu.
Ti l IMIUEIIIC .Vo/.' s'.
A WOUKVAN lNsl.AN'i;.Y UastsBD
H sici.s, Dec. SIS.?fataoxenuM retaeFnJerwae
atmrS on ihe head by a heavy Iron glrOrr which be w*s sa
slsllug lo ho'sl lu a buihUiig neai Post OIUco O'paaio. 11?
was Instantly silled.
Cbattabinioa, Doe, 110.?Ciuuies .Muiiu-ws got
Into an all'-rcalion with John Redding, both eolorasl. m a sa
1 >.and pnded hy shoolmg hiiu desO.
K l I.Li' IN a Ul'AUltEU
NASHYliiit, Tann., Dec. 2(V.?In a qusrrel here
to ilav Deputy Marshal Mitllfns draw a plate) and shot Ed
wsru Ilau.ev lalally He waa trying lo arrest II an ley.
A V IC 11M OF DU v N h 1. N N K-ss.
Nl d |f ARK I 1. N. II.. 1?.'. '_'.). Iheili-ad body of
Patrlc1. Btshaa, flftv vnirsof age. Was I- tad ut the h iussjot
Michael CorrUBiB this nt'trnlng, with indirapons that n?hcn
was uiiirdered. The lsi> men had Is ea on a uruokan frolic.
Wtl aiKOTON, N.< , Dec, 25, At a Bloomer hall
In a sodnr hoaiitiur-hoie n Itat nl*l,t. s nc*to womsn nsniKil
Mana Hau stabuod Win Marie, a wtoso sadoi, asta a Aua?,
11?tiled iu Ihlny ?laatse. TBS Veaaa wssaireatotL
OltAND TltfN K TRAiFlO REillPrs.
MOMTBaAJs De . 20 Ilm Uraao Trunk tratrln
ret <-i|iis fot tli - trecli rmllna t.n ihe voth Intt. show au In
crease ef f Mo.iss) over Ihe cc: *e?uo!u!!ng week last j *.ir. The
lati'-a-so tor the pad twrely Bve weeks Is t.lil,.'>77.
Kansas (hv, Dec. " Daw " rok, at one
Urns a menibor id the Jesse Jsuiss rranr. lias bs, ? arres st ?
nuioarr? ouuiy, kau. Hrlsuudri liHiiu'.niriit iwr aaaaaau
iu tio- munter ofj W. W'hlcticrs. oos ot Pmkcrlon's itetc
tlvS> lu . - . 4 sad also tui miks(Iu|| in the roOMC t ef a hank
al lutlepeufleate In 1970. Im was wlik vrasatsssl Uiutsj the
mork PlggrTlM Wim Tum ah.man? pvmv aM
It"! VII VlirTI. Al I V ( ONQI KHVP.
General (lough ha* Meet*tied i" joining hf*
forces with those of G'-nernl Roberta gt brnWi
pur. Colonel VYoitiiiiii'h f oirce. hnve surr? ??Wd
iu repelling an attack by Ghil/.us at .fug'hillak
on Tuesday. There was a vot*? of I'M to 14
in favor of the Cuban Abolition bill in the
Spanish Senate. The oveithrow of the Peru?
vians nnd Bolivians is gVggagd] complete.
London, Frldav. !><???. 2?, 1*179.
The Paris rorrcsnondent of Ihe l.nn<h>n Time* says
that President Ore vy bss now nflieially com?
missioned M. de Froynnrt to form a cabinet.
M. de 1'revcinet is thus solely responsible. He will
have to submit first the names ot isusous and
later Ins programme, should his se;.?etion of per?
sons not meet with President Grcw's approval, M.
de Fr? yciuct will ha\e to ?letiuitely resign bis I 0111
M. YYnddington told President Gre'vv last
night that himself aud M. do 1 PJPgfggg
had agreed gpop a programme, nnd a list
of Ministers and nn?bT-.Veretariea. M. Waddington
liiinsell' <h'.-lined to foriii a Mm ? i v, :n..' i - >to
niemled that tho task be intrusted to M. ia Frey
riiu t. The latter In Id an interview this morning
with IVddeiif Orevv, who ragjgggpgi him to reor*
gaoi/.e the Cubiuct. M. do Frcyciuet accepted tha
LoM'dn. Ft1d.tr, li e. 26. 1S79.
77te Timti'j Bucharest coricspeiit:rnt snya it
is stated ou good authority fi.at General
Drcnteln resigned his ollice under the following cir
cnmstani es: Mirskv having given information t?? the
Russian i.olice, General Dreiitcln ciinmutesl Ins sen?
tence to imprisonment, hut after the atfempr on the
Czar's life the more exHfnble patt of the Czar's en?
tourage insisted that Musky should be h ;in zed.
QgggfgJ Drcnteln, however, insisted upon keeping
faith with Mil. ky, mid assert..1 that h.ing
iug one mure of th> lr number would,
not a licet. (Im Nihilist?. Finallv Qsoaral Dicnteln
kept laiili with .Mirskv l"ii the diepsrM produced so
much f?cling that ho restarted. It is sit.I that the
Czar sustained General Drertteln in ktcpmg bis
pledge to Mirsky.
Lo.m'on. t t lduv. Dt ??. 20. 1*79.
The St. Petersbnrg correspondent of the 1/ail)
Acic, thinks there is a prospect of an understanding
being readied regarding European peace, and a
s. ttlcnieiit of the diflit nitus in Asia between Rus?
sia nnd Knglaiid.
It la also understood that favorable administra?
tive measures recanting the press may be looked for
before the ?-ud Of tho Russian year.
London, Frida;, Dec. 26,197*?
lite Stiindai(T$ correspondent at Constantiimplo
savs telegrams from A<lri:itiop!e report that the suf
eriugsof the refugees bocomo. worse dailv, ami that
tho 11101 tality among them it im-ieasing iiighttully.
there arc uo resources lot 1 bet! relief.
london. Friday, bee. CO. 1?7P
The Po?t'$ dispatch from Bei I ineayi tlm' accord?
ing to intelligvnco from St. Petersburg, tha Czar ia
anxious to visit tho ( z n iiia, hut ta prevented by
the disturbed condition of the Empire
calcuita, Taaraaay. D.<c.. 23, 1979.
Tlireo thousand CrhllaaJ| attacked Colonel
Norman at Jugdttlbtk ou Tuesday aftcrtiaon, but were
beaten oil with loss, and dispersed. Major Thackeray
was badly wound, d In lb" light and one Sepoy was
killed and one wounded.
London, Thursday. Dec. 22, 1879.
I/is Stan-lard"! Bombay dispatch, dated Wednesday,
says : *' Yesterday a small coltinti of Infantry cleared
the close country between lhafpgf and ( alml. This ac?
tion bus restored confidence in the cdy, where the must
tnfluentiial pooplc MP wlili us. Wer? It necessary tu
save ihcm, General Huberts says. Im wouol attack tha
enemy immediately. If no opportunity to strike a blow
offers before General Gough arrives, General !!> >h< r:a
will make Mti attack the dar roOowlsg his arrival."
Hit) It met,' dSSMHI h 11 "in Cabal smis; "The first
novasf GetMrai Bokerts will aw to rjeet the enemy
from Kala IIIisar aud inn city. This eft. < ted, rl.n troop*
may be sparet further offensive < dort* dutlug tha
Whiter. It Is possible that tbe combination agsltistus.
which is not National but ntefeij rellgteaa. will
from Irresolution. The combination uns wltlUa the las!
few days apparently lost muclfsttcnstb."
London. Friday, Use. 20, H?79.
7Ae Standard"! correspond cut at Lahore reports thai
n supulous movement is noticed i>"oce<dlug from they
Afgbunls'iin frontier. Afghans 111 snmll parties are
travelling t<> different parts or India. Bvtfy train for
the Interior takes from twent* to forty gfgftMMi The
authorities are on the nlcrt and will watch the travell?
ers. Auother curious circumstance is the fact that Large
numbers of Arabs are constantly 1.rriv.uc at Hotnbay,
and although tbey are stopped at the 1 .n.way s'ut gag
whenever there ta any ground f.u H pu ion they
make their way to various attkH of the
Interior by the by-roads. TtS inatr.u-Is attr icting the
earnest attention of Ma Govctnae nt.
Ihr /?.,,.. .Wir?'? Lanore dlspal.Ti, ilnled DseSeik?J( 20.
Ulllioutices thill I, lo-1 11 G.olt'll I...- lome.i General
geiiarta without opposition 1Mb Iks aa mj,
LOgggPa I hursdaj , Der. 'JS. 1?,"!).
Ti e solicitor of Althttl Oilmi, the Tii'hln rgsj
clultnaut, writes to tho newspapers dt iiym? th it tho
writ of error In the claimant's ease wa.s apt llcii for
under Ur. K'uealey'a advice, and asM rl.ng that ihe I>oo
lor will not and cannot be cttp nyc.l as counsel in tba
case. He says thero Is no authority fni t:>e statement
teat the MM will tie taken to the House of I. irds, M the
argumeots cannot last longer than >.ne Say.
LOPSOP, 1 liUtsiL.y, Dee. ?>^, I?79.
The Time?* oorrt-spoud? m ;.t Madrid reporta
that th i Senate passed the bill foe the tibolltiou of
slavery In COPO by a vote of 1^1 to 14. Generale
Riqtieltiie und l'nnder^ist and eight Cuban Renators
voted with the minority, klarilnca Campet, Generst
Jovtllur, Count Valmas?yla, General Cuic'i i and the re
muincer of the weal India n.cuibcrs abstained iroaa
voting. No Cuban Senators voted with the majority.
BOJPJgg h\ Rl s. Ore. _', 1879.
The prevailinyr opinion berg is tluit the war
on the west Coast is practically over, the allies being
reported to bo in a state of complete dislutegiatmo.
The allies, after tbrlr defeat at Dolores, concentrated
at Tarapac.i, where they were attacked by the Chilians
and driven from their position with heavy lues.
lsixn??. Thursday, D.c Wk\ lb79.
7/ie Time*'* Vienna OH respondent nsserta
that a compromise has been uiiolllcl.illv suggested by
France, by which tho line of frontier pMPPMi by Tur?
key would be accepted in Ktdnis while that piopoaed
by the Urceks would be taMPltd iu 1 nesaaly.
London, Friday, I>ee. 26, 1S7P,
The limes'* Berlin dispatch reports that
1'* i.ajv matks have i-c-.-u colleciel there In aid of ;he
fauitin sufferers in silcsla. A thaw has set in there, aad
the sufferings of the lamlue-sirickcu are 1cm inteu?e
WlMBMi Man., Dec. 23.?Advices from
F utMcLcod, Bow lttvi r. to NoveititH'r 3, confirm the
reports uf destitution among the Ulackfoot ludtana.
Tweuiy-flve have died of starvation at Blacktool Cross?
ing. 1 hero are fresh reports about cattle helnot killed
by the Indian*.
1.0SDOX. Thursday, Dee. iia. 1979.
Andu w Cainegie, of New-York, has offered
to the cmporat on of his native city, Dunfermllne, Scot
laud. AA.OOO if-A '.'AO] for the establishment of a frea
public library sud recreallou room*. The owrpotatiou la
eititslly dlridcd whether tbey should aocept the giftet

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