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gUMtfWlfo Ott!. gUttlW'to-Xijty. _n?A?WAT CsrauA Housb-2 sud 8 : ''TtoStratsaglSU." JFOTH Atexub 1U8ATUB?- rlraios of PenxaDce." DALT'S Tub *tbjc-9 and" 8 t "An Arabian Night." HAragxrs lbooextx TueaT8e-2 uDd 8: " The Widow Rirmri ThbatBR-3 aad B : " The Galley Slave.' rW-YoaX AQrJABIBM-iHlT | ' : THaUTBa-^nriurfax/' AQUAJuCM-iJaT ana Evening. B_4j*oace MrawTaaut' otbba Hocsi-Vanety ran da au ihxstbx?I.SO aad 8 : "Prlnoeas Toto." Squabb TuxATua?" French Flats." Valla ca's TuitATaa-" Ste Stoop* to ConQuer." - KOaTaTU *X BtAI.'B qAUDBlr?Concert._ j alMBBgMXKTs- M Pee*? 8th comtrn BaBBIRO Hai'sut amii Baxekrs-7(s Peg*?5th column. Busmxss Chances--71* rage-Bib rolnma. ?*aXawsM NOTICBB?4fA Pawe-lat comoan. BARD ano IlOOMS?3d Fe-.e? 5th eolnma. COBPOsiATlON NoTICKs-Sd/'A<ss-6th COI limn. DaKCIHO ACAOXMIBS?OfA Fngt-'lxi cammn. Bitidbbi, Nt it ir ks? 7fA Pagr- fvth and 6th column. Elbctiok Ndticks-7/A /'o.or-6th column. *iSA*ciAL-7f* Fuse- 3d and 4th eoiuaioa. FtTBUITtraa?3d Paae? Oth column. Hklp Wautki?3d r?o?-6tb (Vilumu. lea Cubam?6/a Faoe?iA oolntnn. IB8Y8DCTIOK-6JA Pdfe-2A column. Law ncBOOLS-(Ita Fugc-lst eaiunio. Lost AMD FOCKD?3(f Fooe-Ctb column. af ABItlAOXa ABD />BATUB-5/A J'UQt- lit tl column. Mi*cgLLA?xot:s-7IA Page?Otb column; bili Page?. ' Otb aaa Otb columns. Msw FCBUCaiioss-GfA Poor?1st column. PuoroaALB? 7fA Poa*?Oth ealumn. RgAL EBTATR-3d Page?Sd column. RuuutODB NoTfCxa?ilh Paee-'iA cointon. Battbos BAXK8-7IA Page- 4th nnrl 51 h columns. SITUATION* ITaBTBS?'MAUU-3d l?a?e?5tn column; Fbbulxs- Sd l'a-e? 5ih eoiuun. Bract AL Nolie's*- 5th Po#e-,M li calniaB. 8TgAMBOATs axd Kailkbabb -3d Page?Atb and 5th eolomua. nrnAMBBt-OcEAM-Sd Paac?3d column. TBA081B8-6/A tige? 2d asiaajn To Wnoat It Mat Cascxwi- 3rf Pege-ila column. _? nu mess Ko tuts._ " AlIkrskt Brand " Bay alway*. *>_coirpxxsra Mux DUMINY ii Co. "?xnrj?ATH _ "KXTXA Ql'AUTK SSC." Snperlor to sty Champagne* imported into thu country. AMTHOKT OCCHS, _ f-ole A st nt In tbe United State* ano Can aaa*. Holiday Presents in elegant Meerschaum PIXS*aad Cigar bolder*; also floe Amber Gooda at juices to snit the Uaiea. c. sTXiia, 347 Broome st,, under Occidental Hotel. o' _[_ " Souvbrain " Extra Dry Champagne.?R. tr. TAUaXB. Bole Agent No. S6 Beaver .st. T&RMS OF THE TRIBUNE. Pontaee Ace in theUnited State*. DAILY TRIBUNE, (lnokidinx Bandars,. 1 ye?r..81C 00 DALBY TRIBUNE, (without 8uud?js), I yesr.... IO 00 SUNDAY TltlirtsTsK. 1 year.?. 2 00 WEEKLY TRIBUNE. L year. 2 00 IEMI-WEFKLY TRIBUNE, 1 year. 3 00 Remit br P. O. order or lu remMereil letter. Address THE TRIBUNE. _ New-York. BRANCH OFF1CE8 OF THE TRIBUNE. Namt-Yobk?No. 1.238 Broad?av. comer i'hirtv Crst-et.; No. 308 West Tvrivntv-tbird-3t., corner Eighth-ave.; No. 760 Third-ave., corner Forty leventli-st.; No. 92 East Fourtcenth-st, comer Union-square; No. 2.380 Fourtli-avc. illarlein.i Vv ABBINGTON?No. 1.322 F-9t. LONDON?No. 26 Bediord-st.. Strand. Pabib?No. 9 Kue Scriba. asa FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1. 1180. THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Foreign.?Tbe new Political Economy Club in Montreal baa eighty members. -? Two Afghan Sirdar*, have arrived at Tashkciid. ssas 1 he Ducn essof Marlborough has recrivetl so far ?8,300 to relieve the Irish distress, sass Th I Ashton-on-Lyue fcotton-mas tera ha ve refused to advance wages fire per cant. Domestic ?The Governor of Maine las submit? ted to the Supreme Court questions of law covering some of tbe points aaggestetf in Mr. Morrill's letter. bb: i 8enator Houston, of Alabama, ia dead. = L -sons have been injured by a railroad acci deus ear Ht. Paul, Mino, i Governor Robin sou bas not : iterfcred at all in "Joe" Cobnra's eaae. I Adjutant-General Townsend has named bia appointees. ... General Grant bas received a pubho welcome at Augusta, Ga. City and Suburban.?Tho final city estimates for 1880 were made yesterday, amounting to $28,142,999. i-Frederick Smyth was elected Recorder, sss Tho accused officers and directors of tbe Mechanics' and Laborers' Hank of Jersey City, were found guilty. I Two Pennsylvania burglars were* captured in this city. ; Tbere were many visitors at Menlo Park, i : Trie Count Joannes is dead, ssas General Fisk replied to Inspector Hammond. ? Tho Aldermen passed the Chambers Street Railway scheme over the Mayor's veto. i Gold valuo of the legal-tender ailver doliur (412Lj grains), 87.80 cents. Stocks lesa active but higher, and closing strong. Tub Wkatbkk.?Tribune local observatiens indi? cate cooler aud partly cloudy or clear weather. Thar atoaaeter yesteiday: Highest, 31?; lowest, la**j average. 2oV>. It ia anfo to say that the State of Maine will not give Governor Garcelon a unanimous " Happy New-Year." BJ With tbe closo of tho year 1879 ends the work of inspecting tho tenement-houses, which was begun some months ago. The re? sults are summed np elsewhere. -*> Tbere has been a sweeping conviction in the case of tbe indicted officers of tbe Mechanics' and Laborei a' Savings Bunk, of Jersey City. All ?ix of them were found guilty by the jury, after but as bow's deliberation. Mr. Beecher's aide of any controversy fa never a dull one, and his answer to tbe criti? cisms paaaed upon bim in the matter of the Bible Society, which ia given in large part elsewhere, austaiBS bis reputation in that re? spect. His reply to Dr. Porter, in particular, fa characteristically pugnacious. *> Justice is not 80 blind that she cannot see the virtues of modern apparatus. Mr. Rieb '*,. ard Smith, of Cincinnati, having occasion to i? publish certain accusations iu bis news; in his ^wsyausul -as arrJpflBfSP against the Chief of Police, was ? criminal charge of libel. He^wajFpKHaptiy releaaed, of coui^^xxTIb owir weognirance, the judicial *wfar bim*; transmitted by tele? phone. ? ??*>.?? m Tb? Bandit Board in the City Halt are evi? dently of the opinion that tbe old proverb ?boat being hanged for a full-sized ?beep, if one fa to be hanged at ?il* constitutes a whole eode of morals. They paaecd yesterday tho resolution author ixing the Chambers Street Crosstown Rtil way, over the Major's veto and over the Cor? poration Counsel's opinion that the Board of Aldermen have no right to make the grant. In the choice by the Aldermen of Frederick Smyth aa Recorder both Controller Kelly and Mr. 8myth may well exult. The successful candidate has been the most tempest-tossed of mariners on the local political sea, and Mr. Kelly must be happy that he bas at last carried Mr. Smyth through one venture with? out shipwreck. While there fa cause for re grot thst Mr. HacireU's mantle did not fall ?poo Mr. Rollins, tho Republican candidate, Mr* Smyth bas s food professional reputxv tiou sud will no doubt fill the office with endit. Tho Maine muddle has assumed a new place ?proaataing perhaps, bat not wholly satfafsc | tory. Governor Garcelon bsa submitted some ' sf tbs qoesttona ?uggeated by Mr. Morrill to tts Bwyime (bert, Vwt aot ali. Tbs abound ?Vf2 **-?*Va ?*%* B<?--sjyj. . -?. ?' I .'..aa. iii' ' Hi i i'i' s* ' fa taken that the Constitution does not authorise tho Governor to ask coun? sel from the 8upreme Court upon ques? tions of fact, but of law, and that a number of Mr. Morrill's questions must be excluded, as they relate to facto and not to points of law. But the communication of the Governor is not made public, and Mr. Morrill and all whom he represents are kept in entire ignorance as to which of the questions are to be submitted and which are to be thrown out. TnE Tribune repeats to-day the suggestion it has made on so many New Year's days be? fore?that the offering of wines and liquors to New Year's callers is in no way demanded by the dictates of hospitality, and in many cases may woik great damage and even ruin. There is no need surely to qrge the point. The, number of shipwrecked men who ea^ trace their disaster back to the ill-advised hospi? tality of some well-disposed woman* is very well known to be unhappily large; and it is not necessary to be fanatical upon the subject of temperance in irder to recognize the fact. The teudency of our best people has been strong, ir, tho past few years, in the direction of removing such temptations from those who might full by them, and it is to bc hoped that to-day also will show that the movement is still growing in strength. PROGRESS. ?A new year dawns ; may it be ft Happy New Year to all. A new decade begins; may it prove as full of prosperity to all the nations as the decade that is dead has been of dis? aster. The last fifth of the nineteenth cen? tury opens, but who can gucs9 what marvels and blessings this miracle-working century still bas in store for us T Eighty years nero, Whitney's co' on-gin bad barely begun to work, and tbe spinning mule was not yet born. Hut these t\to have clothed thc world. Eighty years ago, men were dream? ing of the steamship, which Fulton invented in 1807. His thought bus brought China nearer to us than England was when he built his first boat. Frauenhofer taught the young century spectrum analysis, and Fresnel the polarization of light, and all the arts and sciences now owe them a debt beyond measure. Eighty years ago, Jotiner was stoutly battling against derision for the idea which, when the century was still younc, subdued its first great scourge. To-day there fa scarcely ? science or useful art that is not constantly indebted to photography, but when the century was born the photograph, which Arngo rightly styled "a gift to the whole world," was unknown, lion bands have almost annihilated distance, and'a capital far exceeding Hie citire Wealth of any natiou in 1N0O lins been expended in making this the age of railways, but tho cen? tury waa already thirty years old winn the Ural railroad was opened. The use of anthracite in making iron, and the Bessemer process for making steel, have each revolutionized the world; modern civilization would be simply an impossibility if iron could still be treated only in the ways known when thin century was young. The sewing machine has brought blessing and comfort to the mot her of every ^household, and has saved much tojevery wearer of clothes, aud yet the oiliest patent of that nature is not forty years old. Into the cot? tage of the humblest and poorest, thc oil-well bas sent light, but petroleum is one of the latest children of the century. And the grandest of them all, the telegraph, which enables Lon? don and New York to whisper to each other day and ni?:iit, and brings news of tbe industry and the commerce of the whole world to tho bieakfiist-tnblc of every mer? chant or workman or employer, has been at work only thirty-six years. Of its tbonsand appliances and mollifications, each a miracle, the signal service mid the telephone ure among tbe latest and most marvellous. But who can guess what the new year may bring forth T It is no longer true that " Science moves but " slowly, creeping on from point to poiut." For centuries science ctept; then .it marched, then run, aud now it flies on tbe wings of Ihe lightning. A new year now means a new world. All our modes of life, of industry, or of enjoyment are revolutionized as tins won? der-working century studs forth it- years, each with its magic wand. Other changes of a political or social char? acter aro to bo expected, as greut changes have already been witnessed during the cen? tury. The slave trade has been abolished in England, serfdom by Kiissiti, and slavery by the United States. Thc mightiest conqueror of history bas been sent to St. Helena, tho mightiest Empire in Europe hus been trans? formed into a Republic, uud an Empire mote powerful still hus been formed by the weld? ing of German States. But there is this difference between the (bunges wrought by science and invention, and those of any other character; progress in all other directions is irregular, and, to thc huinau eye nt least, uncertain in its rate. But in science each step begets other steps ; each achievement clears tho path for others in great number; and progress is steady, cumulative, and continually accelerated. Wo cannot know what wonders inven? tion may bring us within the coming year or twenty years. But looking at the past, and realizing what vust strides the human in? tellect is now making in the conquest of Na? ture's forces, we may be sure that every year of thc twenty which we begiu this day will bring us some marvellous and revolutionary change. Every nour adda to the resources afc tho race, to tbe powers available for iiiiiijaj*]B>. ing to human happiness, n"dtN*Ns*tt weapons a with which tbe woik of <*WfBe?t is to bo ?hushed thenceforward. To live in such an age fa a blessing for which we may give thanks with joy. To enter upon a new year, in such an age, is to bo present at the birth of a new world, and to have of? fered to each of us a part in the creative woik. A NEW LEAF. It is probable that the majority of individual men and women in the United States will begiu this first day of 1880 with the determi? nation to alter their conduct iu some way for tbe better. Well-meaning and light-feeling people are apt to make such resolutions ut the milestones of life, and Americans, ns a rule, belong to that class. They are not the few murderers, thieves aud tucky loliliciaus whose noisy doings fill too roany ol our col? umns, but the mass of decent men ni '1 modest women who try to do their duty in an honest, commonplace fashion to wife, hsuibntid and children. Their individual resolutions, as we said, will no doubt be good thia morning; but what are they going to do m a whole f Men, ss a natiou, will coolly c romit sins, from which their fear of God or >f the devil keeps them innocent as individuals. There are one or two crimes ormistakes which this people, as ? people, have committed, and would do well to leave behind them in tbe year Just gone.? Tba chief of these concerns tbe indians. The mistake is precisely similar to that mads by tho Nation toward the blacks during ttl, days of slavery. It ia an ignoring of the rights of ? human being because ol the color of his skin. The vulgar, unthinking mass answered all arguments then of justice to {he negro simply by "damning the darkeys," and they answer like arguments for the In? dians by a jeer at "the red devils." We were told with pious unction then that God had cursed Ham and sentenced him to be a servant in the tenta of his brethren; and we are told by the same class of reasoners now that God has doomed tba red man to extirpation to make room for the victorious course westward of tbe Black Hill minery The Nation has a conscience, however; it saw its error in the matter of slavery and it is slowly rousing to a comprehension of the truth about the Indian. The common sense and humanity of the people demand that these men and women shall now be treated ns human beings. They will not tolerate another cruel, costly Indian war, or any such massacres as that of tho Modocs, or the slaughter under Captain Wessels, or the slow killing of thc Poncae. In the present case, the people will not be satisfied to have *' the " matter handed over to the Army," if that means a wholesale indiscriminate warfare against the'Utes. We believe tho mass of the people think, with Thu Tribune, that Ouray has acted with a good faith, moral courage and energy commendable in any man, what? ever the color of his skin. He simply under? took to do more than ho was able to do. The ten or a dozen criminals concerned in the Meeker murder decamped, declining to go to Washington to bc hanged, precisely as white murderers would do, mid precisely as every sensible mau suspected they would do. Why, for this reason, shall the whole Ute nation lie given over to slaughter T When half a dozen Molly Maguires tum assassins, do we order out troops to murder nil tho Irish in the Pennsylvania hills, sparing neither women nor children t" We protest in the name of a just God against further injus? tice to these people. The American Govern? ment should no longer be guided in its treat? ment of this race by the prejudices and exag? gerated statements of settlers who have stolen their land, or agents who regard the rights of a Cheyenne as much ns those of a cayote. We ?lo not regulate our relations with great nations upon Mich statements and such prejudices ; ?.?md Mill less tire we en? titled to do it when the offenders nie weak and helpless subjects of our own. If a dozen or a hundred Utes are murderers, Iel the dozen or hundred bc captured, tried and banged, but let ns have no more brutal warfare such as that which last Winter broach! tho United States in the eyes of the world on a lower level of civilization than were her sav? age antagonists. If we succeed during the year just begun in firing tr, these native Americans the citi? zenship which we grant to thc outcast of every other Nation, we shall have taken the most effective step toward righting one fatal error. The man with n vote, ns we have seen in the case of the negro, is a man who quickly learns to understand and respect his own iSghts, anti who will lind friends to tie fend them. The Indians have no friends now. In England and France, the reports of nu ap? proaching Indian war are received with indig? nation and pity for the savages. Hut nobody will interfere. They are us helpless before us as any other weak, untaught race whom a poweifnl nation chooses to trample limier foot. They have neither money, arms nor food ; nothing to give them claim for our consideration but tluir weakness ami the helpless condition to which we have con? demned them. Hut let us remember, in this coming year, that behind their weskneas and helplessness is the God who.made them and us of one blood, and that His justice fa sure. A DISt ERR ED HOS EY MOOS. The amiable young couple who are trying to govern Spain and enjoy their honeymoon at the same time are having a trorbled time of it. First they had to deal with ? Cabinet crisis, which WM bad enough, coming ns it did close upon the heels of the wedding festivi? ties, and involving the dismissal of it Minis? ter who is the most popular man iu the Kingdom; and now comes nu attempt at assassination. Tho whizz of tie minder er'ri bullet was not n new sound to Alphonso. Ho was tired upon in Septem? ber, 1^78, and bore himself with great cool? ness, stopping his carriage and pointing out himself thc man who tired thc shot. Hut to the poor young Christina! a mere school-girl in years, fresh from a peaceful, happy borne* life in Vii una, this rude experience of the dangers of Spanish royalty must be a terrible shock. It is said tli.a one of the two balls tired at the King almost grazed her cheek. It is singular that with nil the attempts at assassination that have occurred in recent years not a single sovereign has been bailly burt. Few reigning F.uropean monarchs have been exempt from murderous attacks. Their lives have been assailed with pistol!*, shut guns, daggers, bursting bonna, infernal ma? chines and exploding mmes, mid vet not one of them ever got u really serious wound. It used to bo said in our civil war that it took a ton of lead to kill ji mau. The amount of IKiwder and ball necessary to bring down n king hus not yet been ascertained, but it must tic very large. The wonder is that since regicide has been shown to be such bad business, men are wi ing to engage in it. Tho chances of snc| ure very remote, wh'ilc the death of tho wdbld be king-killer ia alinya* certain. If tho men? tal machinery of these men could be ex? amined, doubtless something would bo found out of gear. Tbe desperate character of the attempts, tho entire lack of personal griev? ance, nnd tho bungling manner in which the crimes ure executed, all show a want of sanity, and tho escape of the intended vic? tims has doubtless been owing to the fact that the assaults have not been made by cool? headed men. Hodel and Nobiling who fired at Kaiser William in Berlin, the Italian who tried to poniard King Humbert, tho Nihilist who shot nt the Emperor of Kassia, find the two assassins who within fifteen months have attempted the life of King Alphonso, were all young fellows of enormous egotism and ill balanced brains, muddled by liquor nnd com? munistic theories. Probably they were made to lalieve by their eo-conspiratois that a rev? olution would follow their attempts which would shield them from punishment. Of all monarchs in Europa it would seem that Alphonso ought to be most secure from assassination. His youth, his personal bravery, his love-marriage; tho put itv of his personal character, and bis honest aAcnipts to govern by constitutional methods, ought to secure him so large a measure of popular regard aa to make the formatior of plots against his life Im? possible. He seems to be not only a fair King* but also ? high-minded, conscientious young' gentleman. Tbe Bourbons have usually be? gun well and turned out badly, developing as they advance in life Imo tyrants and de? bauchees. It would be unfair, however, ,to Judge the young King of Spain by his wicked '?? ll ? ? ?neestors. Bia imbjects ought to give Mm a fair chance, and it would seem that even those who are craxy enough to want to make him a target for pistol practice might let him enjoy his honeymoon in peace. FOUNDERED AT SEA. Just three months ago on the same day, Octo? ber 1, two ocean steamers sailed away from this port, and no note nor tiding bas been heard from either since the pilots left them. They were both new iron ships. The Joseph Pease, which cleared for Cette, was built in 1876, and the Telford, which cleared for Ant? werp, was built in 1877. They were vessels of nearly the same size, ono measuring 1,751 tons and the other 1,747 tons, and the ordi? nary crew for steamers of this grade would number about thirty souls. The friends of these sixty men, who have probably been swallowed up in the Atlantic, the owners and consignees of the vessels, and a few officers of insurance companies interested in the bulls and cargoes may still continue to search the shipping news, although with scarcely a spark of hope, for some chance fragment of infor? mation about the foundered ships; but outside of this limited circle how many people ever beard of the lossf Now, disasters of such magnitude are cer? tainly worth some attention and comment, and it is altogether depressing to reflect that, tho main reason why so little notice is taken of these losses is the fact that they are so frequent. Rather more than a year ago tho Homer, nn iron steamer of nearly 2.000 tons burden and built in 1877, left Bootoo and has never been benni from. A little later, another new iron steamer, thc Zanzibar, measuring 2,24f> tons, left this port to meet an unknown fate. After these followed the Copia, from some St. Lawrence port, and the Hermann Ludwig, from this city, both steam? ers measuring more than 1,500 tons (one of them four years old nnd tho other only eight), which started to cross the Atlantic in the month of September, 1S78, mid have gone no one knows where, while in the early Spring the Surbiton anti Herninn, nnd later in the year the Kensington, all sailed and sunk and made no sign. This list, perhaps Imperfect, only comprises steamers which have left some American or European port to cross the Atlantic dining tho space of little more than n year, and have never been heard from. It takes no note . of wrecks from stranding or collision, or foundered vessels which have bo^n abandoned and mime of whose crews at least have been saved front the sinking ship to tell the story of ber loss Among the steamers foundered and abandoned liming thc same time while on transatlantic voyages ate the Yoxford, the Bayard, the Aberfeldy, the Guillermo, tho Seiuiramide, the (jurtubav, the Roscommon nnd the Ho? rn ssiu. (If these the greater proportion were vessels of good size ami comparatively new, some of them being lost on their first voy? age. The foundering of the llosconimoii, a month ago, on ber way to Havana from Liverpool ? was noticed in Tnt Tribune last Friday. It may lie worth while to mid that the firm which owned the Roscommon have lost two tither steamer*. Ixiih new, during the year. These were the Surbiton, which went flown in March, while on her passage to Li Vet pool, from New-York, nnd the Kensington, which cleared from Cardiff for Havana, and is now catalogued among the missing. If we should add to these the loss of other ocean steamers, like that of the Richmond, which was abandoned iii the North Atlantic, ami the Hellespont, neither of which chanced to be crossing the ocean between America anti Eu? rope, the record of foundered steamers for tho year it appalling. Inasmuch as these vessels are nearly all of English build, it, certainly te not iuuiajiromiute to ropcat the suggestion that the British Hoard of Tr ide would do well to instil Ole a searching- investigation of thia mat* ter. The commercial world has a right to know whether iron steamers cannot he so con? structed ns to be comparatively safe in the open sea, especially before they ate Strained into unseaworthiness by years of stormy ser? vice. __-__^________ Tin" traditional ill-iiirk af Na sr-Yorker a in New Year's weat ber aeema not to ba vb deserted I beni. Whether the skies are smiling or liol to-day, tht-ro can be little doubt about the nnfrirudlinras of Ihe sidewalk*. Yesterday's snow will prob? ably be found to have settled that. Imleeil, tbe ?rat iiMtalateul of tin> New Year ia so regularly ami invariably nnconifortabla, that thc veteran New-Yorker aronui hardly know what fo make ot ,i clear sky and elena sidewalk! in Hassling conjunction. Tba year just closed opened with ti heavy mow-atora winch poured down npon tho persererins callera a sternly shower of dis courageuieni tbronsh most ot the day ami linn li ol the in at li t. New Year's Day, in I'I?*, bu a Brooder showed nu more disagreeable feature than a verv law air, perhaps because its prederexaorbadfiirniabed mora than Ita share of bad weather; for 1877eame n like a lion with a Inn! temper. Tba uir wa old amt raw, anil n wini Jim.', drift ina snow-atoms lasted moat of tba twenty-four hours. The Centennial rear, which tim Weather Bareajgshould have welcomed with.smiles, beean with toga and general discomfort, l'erhapsit is hardly neceaaary to continue the catadogne lartbai except lo suv that it was recorded of New-Year's Day in 1*75, that it was tim tirst pleaaant day pro viiled for taste who adhere to the Knickerbocker cualonisif calling, " in live or six years." Rut the veteran New-Yorker, nfter innnv years' experi? ence, has Hfown stoical. Ho expects tho fccleincuts to be against him, anti therefore, waves them clieerlully in kcrniuja up tho kindly diatom which hud tim I upii.ialTtWaxlaail pi Washington in tho times when ha waa officially a Knickerbocker himself. And If the caller of to? day finds the air inhospitable, while tho sidewalk is too hospitable, let him aonsola himself with tim thought that tho day will furnish, tw tteniTutions of New Year's I lays have done before, nnd will Bgalo, un ample supply of entirely new and original Jokes upon lim weather. When the project for a World's Fair in Berlin in IHH'A wu* iirnt announced it waa reported, in this country ut least, that it had the support of the (ier nian Government. This report tums out to have been unfounded. The movement originated with tho lier. lin Chamber of L'oinincicc.and tba Imperial Ministry ?fter considering the .natter for several weeks bes declined t#give it ei'.her its assistance or official (taticlion. This ends the business, for it is impossible tu hold a great Exhibition in any country without indorsement and considerable material aid from the government.The promoters of our New-York Exhibi? tion can now go ahead and lix their dato without tear of foreign mterference, Some excellent iii ggi*a* lone on the arrangements of future exhibitions, which they would do well to consider, aro contributed by Ki>pn sentat ive Oechelhiiiiser, of tho Prussian Par? liament, to a recent number of tho Pntlln rYatfiaal Ailung. Ho protests sgslnat the constant Increase in tba Mis of world's fairs, by which their cost is enormously utiRmeiitcil without any gain lu the way of practical utility. Hy tho admission of all objects of -productive industry' they have become, he aays, immense shops and storehouse* where ordinary merchandise largely predom? inates. Ho would have International ex? hibitions restricted to objects of art, art industry and lanny, machines, tools and scientific instru? ments. Raw materials and products, baif-made articles and sll familiar comm on place commodities should be exoluded. Dy following this plan he '? ?? ? ? * i i ? iwnanaii lin tUaksansrnianenl bnlldlng, **ea aa eHy needs for occasional local exhibitions,' he large enough for a world's fair. It may ba that Herr OeohelbSuaar's restrictions ara too narrow t but his demand that the tradition wbioh makes slea the teat of merit in international exhibitions snail be disregarded henceforth is timely and sensible. Enter 1880?big wrth Presidential hopes and dis? appointment* I _ A great deal of valna'de speculation haa been wasted concerning tbe interpretation of the Haine statnte defining the length of tbe Governor's term. The law says that be shall hold tho office for " one year from the first Wednesday in each year.'' As the first day of 1870 was Wednesday, and the first day of 1880 is Thursday, it is claimed that Garce? lon's term will expire to-day. and that the 8tate will be without a Governor till pert Wednesday, if this interpretation were correct, there would be times when the State would have two Governors. Thus, if Garcelon's successor enters upon office on the 7th his term will expire on tbe first Wednesday of 1881, but that will be on the 5tb. leaving him two days short of a year. Tbere would be, if the interpreta? tion cited le correct, two Governors for two cays. It is ttue that the quibble is of the same site as' those which Garcelon has made, but it is not the sort of defence the Republicans can afford to resort to. _ Whether this proves to bo a Happy New Year for the country depends upon the vigor with which the people set about the work of squelching the burglarious Democratic party. Mullett is alive and is a roaring Grant man. Aw? ful query : Is Graut still a Mullett mau f ? It ia tbe profound opinion of Mr. 3. S. Cox that if Seymour will consent to be nominated nothing can stand in the way of his success, but he is afraid he won't accept. His second choice appears to be General Hancock. This is very unimportant news, andouly the dubious of tim holiday season justifies itu publication. Mr. Cox's first or second choice will have about as much effect noon his patty's ac? tion as a conscientious acruple bas upon Garcelon. There is some Democratic talk of holding the next National Convention in Washington, in order that the gathering may havo tho bonofit of the advice of .t he. assembled wisdom of Congress. As there is no large hall in thc city, it ls proposed to have a joint resolution passed by Congress permitting tho use of tho new National Museum Building, now in pro? cess of erection. There is a sort of appropriateness iu the proposal, for the convention will be a me? nagerie winch will do credit to any museum. Ueii Hill ts very quiet. He probably thinks his party baa trouble enough on its hands at pre-cut. Wada Hampton tells tba Democrats of Benth Carolina that they can cat ry that Stato in 1880 only iu two ways : Ono is by adhering to the policy of 187(1, and the other is by suppressing the colored majority by fraud. Now will he tell us wherein tho former plan diftera from the latter t They are as near alike as the two roads, one of which led to hell and tho other to damnation. The public has its ear strained to hear Tilden'* opinion of Garcelon's Job, but no whisper has been caught yet. Garcelon neglects no opportunity to declare that he is proud of Ins work, and to point to his lifetime among tbe citizens of Maine as a proof that ho has always rejoiced in good works. It is a suggestive fact that none of these aforesaid citizens feel mored to speak with admiration of thoso good works. .Iiiik'nitf by this adelice, tho Governor must enjoy much the samo local reputation as the alleged man of enanty of whom Goldsmith said that be "clothed tho naked every day?when he put on his clothes.'' * PERSONAL. M. Gounod has just composed a new work, a " Miserere " for four voices and solo. Georg*, Viscount Strangford, was the original of Lord bVaconsfleld's " Coningsby." Miss McClellan, tho young daughter of tho Gen? eral, is described as tall, slender and blonde, very fair, ami gillett with a charming smile General Sherman had tho pleasant Christinas gift of a fourth grandchild. His daughter, Mrs. Fitch, luis now two sons and two daughters. Thu Hight Hon. Hugh Childers has been travel? ling in British Galena, with Mrs. Childers aud their daughter. They return to Kuglaud thia month. Princess Louise is barina a clearing mado iu the woods of Hideau Hall and a veritable backwoods shanty const meted upon if. It will bo finished by the time .she returns to Canada. l'rofi'sso David Swing has refused, it is reported, to nave his salary- raised from seven toten thousand dollars, nnd lint asked that the offered addition bo used for charity. Senator G. F. Edmunds is visiting Burlington, after 8 j ear's absence; and la honor of his return au informal and very pleasant reception was given him by his townsmen of both political parties. Thc King and Queen of Spain showell publicly the other day. while driving in Madrid, their dovo tion to their Church. They met a priest who was taking the last sacrament* to a flying man, and Blighting from their carritix" the young: pair lent it to the priest, fi.Ilovviiiat nu foot um ni tue acclamu lions ot the peopU. Minister Foster has visited nearly every Stato in the Mexican Republic, thus accomplishing what no oilier foraiatn diplomat or tourist has performed, and giving himself a thorough and complete knowledge of tba country, He responded to tho various ad dresses of welcome from tho Mexicans in their own tongue and was cordially received everywhere. The advantage of International Kxhibitiotistothe trade of the United States is signally shown in the ap? pointment of Messrs. Tiffany A Co. as "Jewellers and Silversmiths to II. H. li. the Fniico of Wales." The warrant for this distinction has just been issued to the timi from Marlborough House. It is the first honor of tho kimi ev et conferred upou American tradesmen. Robert Kurtis's Masonic apron and the mallet and minute-book of the Lodge of m. Andrew, Dumfries, of which the poet Waa BU uftiliated member, have Just been Bold la Edinburgh. Tbe minute-book bean bia signature to tho by-laws. Tho relics are to be nroseilteil to the (ir.iml l.oihie of Scotland hy tim (iraml Master, Sir Michael K. S. Stewart, who purchased them for about fi00. The Emperor of Austria ba* 'erred the gold uieilul for hcience ami art on MMe! mulla Kuzicka Ostoic for a new Turkish and itr-maa dictionary, which this learned young la..y baa "cently pub? lished, with transcriptions ol the Turkish words into Kunian characters. Mlle. Ostoie hutt already distinguished herself in tim department of Oriental languages ut tho luipenul Uncut.,' Academy at Vienna. When Charles Dickens visited America for tho lirst time he stayed a few days?says a writer iu The Republican, of Springfield?at the old City Hotel SB^ugUurtford, occupying roams on tbe first s*aflk which bad windows reaching twirly to "Ibo street level. A HtirtfoidfJPaaei, who has since become a distinguished citato, ap? peared at school ono morning loudly and proudly proclaiming that hejabau not only seen Mr. Dickens at tho hotel, but that the creat novelist hail spoken to hun. Deeply dirt his mates envy tho youth, but his noble spirit was shortly tamed when it was tinnily ascertained that he hail climbed up on the windowsill of a room where Mr. Dickens wns shaving and that tbe latter had turned ut the noise, and razor in baud, waved bim away with a steru "Go away, boy." Mrs. Marshall, a daughter of tho Rev. Dr. Ander? son, of Old Aberdeen, has just received the diploma of Doctor of Medicine from tho Faculty of Medicine in Paris. After her thesis had been accented Pro? fessor Hardy, tho President and the Seuior Pro? fessor of Medicine In the Faculty, warmly congrat? ulated Mrs. Marshall on the share sho hod had in set? ting at rest the vexed questiou as to the admis? sion of women into the Pans School of Medicine. Tho Professor concluded by saying: " Von, Madame, have helped to vindicate for ali women their right to study medicine ; you reply in your person to ull the objections of your adversa? ries, i have Heen you and watched your work for years, In the hospital, iu my wards, by the bedside id the patieuts. I have seeu the ea-'uest work you have doue, 1 cougratulate you heartily, and 1 thank you." GENERAL NOTBST lu the well-known English annual, " Whita? ker's Almanack " for 1880, there are minor Improve? ments la the body of the work, mid In the appendix there aro articles on last year's Weather and Karto quakes, on Popular Education and the London School Board, an epitome ot tbe Laws of the lost session of Pat* liaiut-nt, tbe Poor Laws and many mtier topics of preas ing linet est to Etigiiali readers. Tho portraits in the " Altnanuoh de Gotha/1 for 1890, ara those of FrSdsrlo Frails and Anastasie, Qrand-duko and Utuail ducbuss of siscbleuoarn -1 with at atW&r-ajB?**^ ?var. \ s^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ F^?TSB^rii<ae,88|f^io8^ *a8f8fenei8i thaattltMSTsrbi^n^to to JJ ^yeupitoTtne Bomber,, .u*^ wdeW, la uT*L.n?Vh! j^uleTartttjras Tar, lat^^ag mtv thm?]Z ?tract* veaielM of tbat kUd wan, u besJa^uaS with ike more inxurtous oas* ^^WITdauhlu Russian reatoeau. Open-air Sraa werTWedis *! streeuatthe expense of tbe msalBtSnEar Senses! ,7-,U,r *^tSST8Fi?< A fashionable lady of San Prancdaao attired herself in a party dress, and bad a foJl-lcagta pboto grapb taken. Enveloping ber Ughtly-lacett flnecyu a balloon cloak, she descended to the street, hailed a street ear, sod seated herself wilMa. Wara har atraat waa reached she motioned to toa conductor, and at? tempted to rise. Bat so tightly was tbs poor thtag har* De***u that she couldn't get up, aad blushing scarlet, she told the conductor that sba would go a few Mocks further. When the terminus of lbs lias was resetted ant tbe last gentleman bad lett the ear, t's oond actor staked ber If sbe wanted to ride back. ?? Mo slr," sbe re ol led with sweot simplicity,? I {Deftly want soma help, for i can't get np." The conductor set ber on her feet, aad sbe walked home a wiser woman. Mn*. Swi8shelm makes a stirring appeal in rae Chicago Tribune tot Susan Johnson, tbe Ute Stjuaw, who saved the White Elver captives from tbe mallee of ber tribe. She contends that thia womal! who from tho depths of degradation bat risen to heroism ls to-day a j beast of burden, made so by the customs of her tribe j and by tbe Government, prompted and controlled hy tba piety of ibo United States. It is United States bsyonets 1 wblcb stand between her and the protection of civil? ised low. Take away tbe bayonets, and the white men of Colorado will mutt (bal Susan Johnson bas all tbe protection they give to tbclr own wires and daughters. Let Eastern piety, says Mrs. Swtesbelm, call off Its Indian Bureau bounds, whim are now bunting tbe Utes away from tba green gravcaof their fathers sud friends, snd e very Uta squaw will be lifted, with Susan Johnson, out of lira mire In which their womanhood Iles trampled, and wilt bo set on thut broad plat form which civilization accords to tbe female citizen of tbl* favored land. Tbe Viennese version of the quarrel in the Im? perial household represents that on December 6 tbe Csar Informed tbe Csarewltcb tbat dorina; bl* reign not a sin? gle constitutional experiment ought to be made. Tbs Czarowiteh somewhat excitedly kave a rather hasty re? ply, to tbe effect that tbe Csar bad no right to coinpro^ tulse tho future of the dy ns**/. Tbe arrest of the Csare! witch was only prevented by a telegram from tbe Em? press. The differences, however, between tbe father and son are so great that serious conacguences are ap. pit in-iiili'ii, the more sn as tbe Czarewttcb ls sup. rorie J by a strung party, composed of several Mui'sters, two-thirds nf the adtnlntstrat.fSJ Senate, and mauy eminent generals, all of whom demand the intro? duction of reforms. Moreover, the Senate will shortly submit to thu Czar a petition most respectfully but firmly, asking bini to bestow nu the people certain rights and liberties, thus milking the people the guardian of the Ktnpirc's grcaiuess. The generals have also reported that more that! i fourth of tbe officers in tl'e army were infected hy refuruu asplrittlous. Professor Henry Morton, of the Stevens In? stitute of Technology, lu a letter to Th* Sanitary Engi? neer, complains tbat recent articles lu the daily press on Edison's electrical light, trumpeting as a wonderful'sue cess what anyone acquainted with tho subject recog? nizes as a conspicuous failure, bas tbe melancholy sc suit of pluclog thc Inventor and his work In the same category with Keeley and his " water motor." Payne and his " electric engine," Carey and bis " magnetic motor," aud others of thc same class. Against this the Profes? sor protest* In behalf of true science and for tbe sake of Edison himself, who bas done and ls doing too much really good work to have bia record defaced and bis name discredited In tbe Interests ot any stock compuuy or Individual financiers. Tbe Professor does not mean, in using tbe phrase, " com splcuous lalluro," to lotluute that Edison has not now, as bc had a year aero, a lot of electric lamps running at Menlo Park ; but that his your's work, starting out With the most confident assertlou of an accomplished success, only awaiting grouting or patent* to be made public, bas euded In Isndlng him In au tdd method repeatedly tried und abaudoilrd by oihors. ind which there is nu rep mm to believe haa received auy important improve? ment al Edison's uanda. The new French Premier, nf. de Freycinet, waited oo Gambetta the day after tho fall of the Em* pire, and offered him assistance. Asa former student of tbe Ecole Polyteobnlque, be landed be might be ot service in tho staff fur tbe administration ot the army. Uamlietta, however, bad a different Idea. He felt that tbe provinces reqnlred to be administered by men of order, and although M. de Freycinet informed bim tbat he was not a " Kcpjbhoau of thc eve," be pressed bim to accept thc Moutnubau Prefecture. M. de Freyoioet, 'ifter a very short stay at Montauban, returned to pri vote Ufo. He was at Tours when Gambetta arrived there. The latter had preserved a llvoly recollection of tuctr first Interview, and asked bim to be a kind of In? termediary bet vasa himself aud the war office, directed hy General le Fort. Ile wonts aol alva bim tbe title of Under-secretary of State, deeming it too monarchical, and appointed bim hi* delegate. The deere* wa* signed ou tbe spot. General ls Fort resigned on bearing of lt, and Gambetta then gave M. de Freycinet tbe direction nf the War Department, so tbat ho became, virtually Minister of War. Whether or not be waa rlgLt to ac? cept tbe post, bs certainly brought to lt a surprising power of nut..- -vt .iition. amazed evervbody by tho stimulus be Imparted to tba department, and con? tribute.! to keeping up for long month* tho resistance ora France left without an army, a realatanoa which ri-flee ted imno nae credit on the rou Lt. v and gave German v mtaglviugs as to bar overwhelming successes. He certaitilv ulso left the post with a reputatlou for on Impeachable honesty aud patriotism. PUBLIC OPINION. Clearly the coming of the Presidential eleo tlou ls not, under tho circumstances, a matter tbat can be contemplated with unalloyed RatujfaoUoo.?[Boston Herald (Iud.) One lesson tmiglit by tbe trouble in Maina ls tbe Importance, and ueoeeslty of having a better and more accurate chis* uf meu than are generally selected tor election officers.?[Elmira Advertiser (lieu.) If Garcelon, Pillsbury Si Co.. hail supposed the Republican* would bold them to a bloody account for tbe crime, they would not have dared to take tbe course they have. If, nor, the fraud ls frustrated, even at tue cost of some live*, IC will be a wboleaouin .easott that will not soon lie forgotten by meu siui.iai ly placed. -[Hartford Post (Rep.) -? ? SOLID FOR SUCCESS OM ANY TERMS. /rois The Kifhmomt 61*ite (Dem.) The South is solidly Democratic and will be iu'that matter what the issue may he, whether for greenbacks, sl'ver dollar* or gold, a tariff or free trade. We are not making platform* down here )uat now. We leave that to tbe North, as also tbe candi? date. Any platform, and for that matter almost any candidate, will do for us, so only they will secure the defeat ot tbe Radical party, and-the restoration of the Government to tbe Democracy. In this respect tho South is very Ilks the Mew-York fireman when tbe ques? tion of the color tbe engine should be painted came np. He didn't care a fig what color they painted "der ma sheen." only so it waa red. and yon may give u* any ?ort of a platform, wita almost anr sort of a candidate, only *<> he ls a Democrat. Bod wo will vote all the same. Our object ls to secure our bare first, and decide after? ward how we wlU cook it. ROBINSON. AND WHAT AILED HIM. from Th* Troy nm** (Sep.) It cannot bo said that Governor Robinson1* aadiiiinisir.itiou boa been eminently anccessiul. At hts 8**v>c of lite?Indeed, at any time of life?wilban ambt tlon*t*ejaak*Vv au accidental elevation which ho probably never flBaVi.i-it of attaining, he should have been us Govern oi reasoning and rewa: circle iu which he lils vi lon was pa since Governor Robin Mann, and ucver rema shifted his principles aim coat, and it was not ?Hate that be displayed tbe party bato. We can only and that ls beyond question octopus of politics, burning tlon, threw bis ru/rt ad tentacles al aa ru a vite, so tlaast the Governor t mere machine, snd moved only a* Hued him would eject or withdraw thing more thin a blind, un? til' rn aggrandizing bis patty al friends. But lt was a narrow The borlxon which bounded all the more strange, ver before a strong par uy party long. He Hy as be ebana-ed bis me the bead of tbe r and bitteruess ot r lt ui?on ono theory, ne one. Tilden, the n maddening ambt ut bim and held him ce to rta tc ca nw a wit power that con it Its pleasure. A TILDEN ORGAN STAND* From Th* K( ia (ra uaittu ( Governor Garcelon has dared duiy. Teat la |u>f wbnt he haa done,an. mau can read bl* letter carefully aad not ir there ls a fault anywhere lt ts In the' Igtiornoce and worse than of I elni-t elect iou* Hilliers. It was tho swo State Board to these returns errors. By not doing so <h- y Holst* ?n very sinai! matter in the nund of the lu -tn aime.mun. but a serious matter Alonso Garcelon. If be ts nut upheld b,,??...-_ tin- Democrat to party, that Varty deserves Jlefea; and disaster. _ AN HONEST VOICE PROM THE fom Th* VUtctewrg Beril* j ? The situation in Maine ia serle large number of tho people beUevs that _ people us expressed at the polls ia not being We tin not ineau to say tbat thus* ta power acting within tbe limits of tba law; <?* tbat any law walch makes lt possible ccont ol votes setnaliy csst ls evil, *? evil results. Ail p ssiol*ufsg*ard* ._ around the exercise of auArage, at tba. ?setotaed, but after tbe Judge* aad Clarks have rcoolvvd vote* aad eountsd Wita*. IM hoi be changed by our hlgner authority nothing mote daiigcnift* than aa eaaretsa I change an actual oaat of vows*. Toa ??"> I frauds ara those perpetrated nader tbe