-*?i*TV O rt <v. XL..N0-12,382. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0, ISHO. PRICE FOF'H CK NTS. THE INDIANA CAMPAIGN. THE DEMOCRATS RELYING ON CORRUPTION. y\-> \ ? I -ti: HA KM M ri i NT rr 1.1 Y sf! I 1.11 lt Willi MON RI PO* THI 1'KM.M l.A i.-.? ht M i i:\Tir m I rKRs BUST?A QBAXP RKPVBLICAM MtMOJJ* R r *; i \. * Ex-Senator. Barnum went to Indiana with tWO nu n, who guarded oni< fully h\< baggage, a icfa i- understood Io hsiT? inclnded ready cash for nae in the election. It ie eatimated that iliic arc Too Democratic repeater* tn the State or oa their way to it. The Repub? lican dnnoiHtr.itkui in Indianapolis yesterday waa racceMful, and irreatly excelled the Dem? ocratic dil lay. Benator Conkling'* tour haa been a Irttdmg fcatnre ol the canvas*. Iii-; ?peecbea hare been timely and effeciive. TRANSPORTING THE "BARI " HP' C'MAI MULE l-l Vi K "N 111- WA\ tO INDIANA? 4 \l:i KILLY OV \i:r SQ Ml Pl Kl D WI -MONEY. /IO ri Ll 0BAP1I TOTHI I IUBITHK.I Richmond, Ind..Oct. 8.?W. ll ^Barnum passed i mi New-Yoi r sall * d*) . RI . i'l M llidl I"' 1 ai l i , He v. u .!? i oropauied bv two men oc? ean.' ii a the opposite section, who at Brat ai ? i b?, to i iib in.il and no acquaintance lt tu owevi r. thal they wore , . Oil '' - |' ? - 'I, ll li ? ?I usual. AU l.<';.' care fullj .ill i be i in ? in his secti m. K , i :-. w v >i ? ii tween New-York and In - tl evei y ate. and ? ot .,. ol I ' otb< ra reliei Doe ;ii" sal up * ile 1 he othera slept. 1 h? thal ii-- ' ? 1 ld ? ii . n il ?. CL0S1 SG 1 Hi. * il \ -.LY lol; l li CTION HaY ?MORE ON Tl ? :HK 8TATK?Al RAND Kl ri nu STBATION? MVLEfl r> v. ? ? i ? ii -.. i -Til Di mocrnta tare rely- , : ? ruffians th< Evidoutly thej ... iev can v in ob a fair roto. 1 ' Boater* dow in the re ii in .-xi-.! by lt ,! , ? : 7 ilminetou, in and l'ii I thura, wann ni: the I nub i ml.i the d< narture from 11 ? ? I ul men kno*ii for tl en Democratic ward polil cs, all bound foi 1 i anti is, and furn abed with tickets to ko and leturu. The advance guard nf tina army ol rascals l-a- ar? rived, and they aro disMibuted aron nd among low taverns, wheie tlu-ir board haa been paid foi un to 1 i the bo ird bil s run < nly t.t i -i i Iii -? fellows Brill ntdoubtell.vbe pntoff on the early moruiua 'i the State. Some may be ni, t lo t !? una! , to \? : ? h place they iu;iy go mi tbi ' rain leavn u here .ii 4 a, m. \ - bal |t vi atch i? being kepi mi the movements nt ill bi -.indrela by men detailed forthe purposes, assisi . ; di etives I rom he east. Il English bi d Bal umareplayiug ibis repeatei business as theil I ? tramp card they vi il be beaten, Home fraud? ulent votes will uo< tobi be gol into tbe boxes by ' champions ol il ii -' " Ire* vote and fair ,' bn1 the Republics ia ur.- too vigilant t?>r I hi ni to <1 > a gre ii deal of mischief. J lie f? eling on t ? ?:': r of this raid on the Indiana ballot-boxes by hired striken and thieves from Eastern cities is bo strong here that there is talk ol a public mi of citizens lo protest aaaii si theoutragi A ..I! \NH I I NA 1. KALI V. T - 'iv th*- great dosing demonstration ol the !.' campaign took place hore. It linda donMe character, for it waua national gathering of veterans <>t the Republican soldiers belonginsto the < rganisation known as t li- ji<>v~ in Blue, aa well (]??.! mass-meetin* of Itepubliean voter*. I he ait an waa in all maneela a creal sacee -. Among the ve'crans i?r--> tn wet* visiting delegations from Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Oh o. Penn ly I vania. New- York, the District ol Columbia, Ken? loi y and Alabama, Michigan sent over three hnn tired men. The day parade was never l"; n equalled in Indianapolis, Tba proceagion moving nt a brisk walk was nearly two honrs passing the new 1? ??iiii-.i.ii lin: e. lt waa about Ihree li ? a> long a> the Ileum-ratic procession of last I'ne-day nm! the eflncl was much i Impressive display, Mr. Coiikluig e wigwam: A. A. feeney, of Nev..Yuri:, ami Postmaster General Maynard lu the circle, and Era ry A. Storr* in front ol the court-house. The sj ? ; aibv of the business men with th<> Republican cause was shown by the manner in which their blocks and bnildinga wet* wiih few exceptions handsomely decorated with flags and mottoes, llio Sir.king li a,una ul : lie procession were the loni; linc ol veteran soldier*, all middle aged naen nov marching with thc firm steady ste;is which tin lapse ot DI teen vears haa not csused them to au learn. In addition to Ibis lest ur* were tb* in rsemen. the handsomely uniformed political eli bs, and the diaplav made by tbe manufacturing industries of the city and the stock-yards. Bar? num's " seven mules " < ansi il a areal deal ol laugh? ter, and an i um un ia- * li it- Garfield Ball, a> big as atwo-storj house, kept "s-rolliue on" loth*de liglit of the ape tatora. The torchlight parade to? ni btistln ti ? t of the kind ever witnessed here. Showy den.atralbuis art* not an assurance of sncci is in apolitical campaign, but tl io Republicans feel eui ouraged hy today's affair because nf i;-- contrast with the Democratic effort on Tue'day last, Hm! because they remember that Mime years ago tbe D nocrata snrpaaaed them ni tbe demonstration just before the election, lt. i* eu ?(?marv :n Indiana Va each party to hold a i lea* lng i ti', at the Capital, sod t malu: it as im pnail g ;?! aft ur as possible, Tbe sm cess or fallon of Hie effort nukes c nsiderable impression on th" roten \\(n> aie waiting to see whicb way tbe political current ia Bettina. Unto ii no change ba tbe Indiana sn nation. The Demo? crats ar* confident, thom li perhaps a little ;? iso 1 han a wt ek ago, Tbe Republican* aw hopi fnl, and a great deal more s > than at any time dur? ing tbe past mouth. Kverysid* ?* straining everv nerve to wu tbe nee, rb* contest, though les* demonstrative, is moe*, mete closely fought than wa- ttuYi "f 1870. sjeentary Doney lias recovered and was ia tbe prece**ion to-day. Chauncy Filmy, of st, Louis, :tiui Georife C. Graham, of California, :mo still ks re assisting bim in the v\oik of organising. Thomas V. Platt, ol New-Tetk, M also here. General Bancs arri red l o-day fros* Obie to iii! three Indiana ap? pointment*. Ea-Senatoc W. Warner easas ftmm Alabama to attend tho meeline . A idii^ ftiB gn**ta at the Dennison an T: derick A. Douglass,ex Uougrvaaman hiliott, of Nil i (' ,inE ALDIK.NCr.8-- HIS S WU IMBI WIDI.LY gi ^ I, IffaOM A STAFF 'Oltr.Efl'OM)l'.yT OF WK TkTIir.NK.) tamaxaeou*. Oct, a.? Mr, Blaius/a Bt**wa**)a lear wa* the aaeet stnkisvi ftatara of the Weetara ?"?taiga of IH7U. Mr, OonkUas/a stumping tour ??tar? tho ?um,; relattotl to the campaign of 1??rwl I iu lull in tin di inc n il new ipan s, a i i e icad b; limn ianda wiii. \,ould u ..i n i ? li h au h .vii*-. i i 10.000 ii i pie vi Bo lu .ni hun in Wi rrn, i lie .... i ? i who stood in the cold wm I mi a < iuciuuati ip, (ne 10,00 H amid yest er dai ,ani .... telling i ' him i s-duy at. Terre lia ? i lion ol me tx , be baa ?? . ?; oueu ;?' i ? cul ire iiew -??.?-( i : v ci . . ri . i ii. - arc i I.i. I hey n . ! . ?'. ely Hie i issues rn lb u. 1 shown hi .. bas i,iii I i hmoii v. in ii be li ? np ? ired bel ire at .Nraily .i.. i'ii,;....! stump ora suet cn for a ito, M .Co a rn w one io pvt :. nth le. I h.' ; i as well sa.iafied wini in* btiiiupiuc. ci| m i. ?? v- ? cms Itelr a? in their can v.iss be wi I prooably abandon . own bl i. ??. .-. bl N ' rOR BLAINE Al PORI I AI D III I 4 El 1 INO. Portland, Ind., Oct. S.?benatoi Blaine add ri --.-ii nu imnieusc mi snug bei c to-day i li also si a - in | ' rge i ? ?_ Ul* volt e is siios effect of si' ? nc I . ,.i ..... i day tb it lie would uni he auls lo Ail 11m remain ? ! . ol tm lum m.! i', kid ULMVEAL OAKFIELD io YOVSQ2IES. ?* ? ? ' D Al MENTOR, wonna of wt uomi ro vocno votebs?thr sov luiiiiNtv ol i ni: N < > 1 i n- nu Pl uti oi tua !' Ml OT-BOX?THK (Iii KV ll! III!' I! I Ci.i vi) wk Oct 8.?The J*u-t Vm:-,' Garfield nn.i Atti.ur Ital tainui, ol Cleveland, went to Men? tor ibis afternoon b> a ? pecial iraiu ol six csi rn I called on General Garlield al bis home. I'betrain stopped al 'li" farm and tbe battalion, beaded bj a band, marched a the naldene*, when Herman W. Grannie, president ol tin organizatien. ni brief eulogistic address, to which General exuross thai creal, gen. et ..I. i .'i ni -t i in |..>-e iii .t arises iii I ne bear s of ..elive, Iniellisent youtur men when tbej flrsi crappie wita the great qnesi ons ol I bell country. I s.?. ol i i|,i'ti like'lilsIn our blstory. With all lite plea i i li brines I hsb ii.iund to ?ay il brines a IHUs disenebnt ii- i>' lome In ibis Always t. tbls time I tiuvo leen . , tl ii.' ll Ul I ll -1 iii ? lliysi ll ,| voil! L Ii: .1!. 1 I..?11 f Iel .m.: upi hm-, j jf before ?'.!! arrival unynody bod raised i be question, I should bave tsertcd. witbscood deal of indignation, if un.' ' "ly bad gemed lt, Ut*! i mi -i i w i- it ronna- nan, but tiny tell in- -"a an''o i-i-i your ili ?. N.i i : it s Presidential el-ctiou. li that ia ? , veone man .s I .ne. I roted before any oj jrou were born, : itel and app'ause.] i, ron arc j tune, and v . i-, burros nc iii-- language nj nip yan Winkle winn !?? HwoKe, (rora thai lona sleep, "Who ii ila- world am lt" 11. m.: m-r sn I appian | I niuo have passed Ibo v, ii flush ol youth, al least, R i . you |( cern emen, 1 bave not sn .'.ir tefl ibe gussi of j un io I ravel Inland but I bal I em yery well i?? u,. luiie; tm. state ol ronna manhood, t om sn ,-x;it i mee in u ol tomi rears, nnd there ii uotblng to nie iii thu world se Inspiring ss ti possibtiiiiei thal Ile licked up in the bead and breast ni ii yoitug man, [Aitplmim 1 His hopes thal lie br lore him, lb*! areal nus iround bim, the great aspira lions al ovi him. a I ibt -e things, with tbs untried path, wai ot ur,- opiinns un ila difficulties ano dangers, tn spit* >. to courage ami loree sad wore. I* h a spectacle tlisti Ibe very gods would lo k down noon In ancioni Rinnan nays with more iban mu m.,r ii ie" -i | lpplouse.| Now, iel w -;:* it stacie w?rd or two In answer to Ibis tt...! ? illina, md c niijiiiineat of yom ? niiiig Iv mr :, u . .? Kl ll .-? in '? lb ll;. Igbl ? 'nat I know gel I I I i he i.c.uK iii \.niiii: men and inspire them, sud sum. uV loaioiis that aro likely to set into ti,'ii minds. LH me -ii. .ii, of one delusion tim Iibink, rrom t'-- remarksof your iTnuiii.il:. von an nol Ikely io have, lt isa d biston tba* affects all men more or less, particularly t eyounc men?tbs delusion ihal ?^< ?U? of om st i -i hu eui o'A merles n sover lenty, sucb guardians, such de leaden, will keep Un lb p itdle pure snd keep il free. Vi,ni l- cenl emen, youi vi-.it io me gives ma * coin oil h.i nt ol in- blaasst son, and while it dlseucbsais me, as I sold a little wnile ago, lt mil reaches tue bsnd ol yoma out to me, which f take with .iii cordiality and ranieslneasj ui.il foi y..ui leudered mpporl tu tue, wbieb u t.'.t tor my sake, bat for ike saki ol un liuis.. of viimii l h.ii now (lie representative, I i.;ie ron Bl! the tm.nie of ivbie i my lie irt I- cspalt o. |App.a*se.] flie Souse M small, tbs farm .^ small, toi Piw.isbiii is small, tbs eennty ii .< smal one, oat nil tuen u la li i" giveol generusity, and nospliauiy and ti. lu ..ne - all that ls In mi bsnds loglvi - is roora wbdi i UStS). IA|.p:.iii.e .ii .1 el,. < :>.| 1 !uil jnu Welcoum to all then is ol os, x nib men. CHIMES AND CASUAL T1K8?BY TELEGRAPH. INDIAN VRNOEANCB. Devveh, Col., Oci 8.?A report has ranched hero that a. s. j.i-ksui. tie. ni i, wbi sbst sn IniUss s les divs I sae, wasr.aui.i d adatiai .take, urosi nr.imisiit piersiU, sad tin- c.uaciis iiiieHieii rengssi ? khcapk ami BauAnr/BJt, BoRDEBTuw.y, ...J < ii . h.-;,.. i.- P. Conover, SHtOM l'r.?>u e.Oiivi. ' ]:iii,;il f:,:n u triln DSSf 1 liirniici M. i li.i. vi i?i ia) altai uuiootioj, bishsau<-'itri liv Ul naas of s UHiibp.vn. Uswasesngbl after a eases ol two attics i iii. BOU i ti i *n niivi Hun. Mfmiuik, Tenn., O t. B, \i C.ilia. Bolivar ( onntT M.hs . i.i Wsdssadsjr. n i. Owsa. smstles, sod J. n. (?lovel, wuoni li* baH miti led i.m.r a u lt, tile.* pot tis SB I ?li a soe , inlier. ov.u.i (??! tina.!, SOC u.ovoi die. eicui Inn,ut aller ,unl. OPsUUTIKfl tH new york AM) CHICAOa Cnn *(i". <> L * ? Ar inn Will-n, ? young man was wsssrresisd ban aa senoras of sn^iinc from hu rm. j, iofi. ifft ledsytst NaW Vstft, w.iere ie in cliargnl mh (uv mi ?-ii'l>?4Z nil ? ouiialilciaule siuuaul lr .m u.. uriu of buuel. L.Spiy & ' ? M'KKIiY UKI UIBIITON. RlCRMuRD, V*v. Get. H.?George Lowry, a few il.ii - h.n.'? s-o-.ii.li'd s iwuioir; iiiuimI M?-?--, In N?Una ('.muli, wittie Davsd 1 tm':.*, los 'unlink in i.iw miltie,i bat a sin Atier srnsL seedy ss srassd uiisvns o>erpvH*rwi tl - guam sod husg bulb euloma nmn* ENGLISH'S BAD RECORD. WEAK ATTEMPTS TO EXPLAIN. WILLIAM M. BNGUSH TRIM TO BRRAR I UK 1 li: ?T OB tmi: imnniMi m-i i.'.ri'.i-i ? Ria at ATTI MITs TS rVAIi: A .lt -I DURI IN WASH? INGTON | Xl'ns! lt I I I.Al. MRAKI UBI-l> Tn ' it i. him to PAT IT. William H. English hag bnrrledly put for ward explanations of lii> parl in tbe pen siuii fraud, winch are shown m tbe dispatches appended to be utterly valueless. I' Inproved by hi* nwn letter timi be claimed to har* re? ceipts on hand which be did Roi gel until long afterward. Ii ls also ahown thal Eng? lish, while .1 nu nillir of the R sidenl Demo? cratic Committee al Washington, refused, un? til compelled by a law anil m.my years ifter, 10 pay a widow ^7:>1 due ber for thc ase r three v an. TRYING lu HOOPWIKI KARI T. At this point Mi. English's letter of i xplanation ft Secretary Marcy becomes pertinent. It tvis as fol? lows: w tsntnoTosj .i,., 23. l l.t. 1','hr U?n. Ww. 1,. MABCT, AVciWerfO/ Kari sn: : In relation to the .-ti. J it u?,iter ol a couvei ? linn I ad Willi "I n itt ,.a - -i ? 1 ii.i > to sa] : m,i qutvoculh ilin' ll i ? n '? ii , . ..?? has li you, .hal I inn i ? i ? i r. fused tosetlh with the bel i tundra.i i', i , ,i I iss ap.tia led up u, the suojec tty a certain lr. Cooper, wnotu I knesr tn ,? ii iiime,..nm.il .i^<- il snd fi-Mi ?> noe barnett i I ,,,i : i i erv reason to bein re bli only ob|ed v.... . ...| ,- ... . i,, snap ? ol .-.:.. nt ?? ?>. di sfforl rn- pieasnre to make any turf uer statement I can. If ll tn* Bot, I . i i ililli- my*"!!. Your- with respect, vim.nu ii i:m:i.i-n. lint lim Becratary was nol satisneiL Mr. Many knew in the Bret place thal Mr. Cooper bad full legal authority, snd every panel nee ;., - ow it: and, further, that the bein wen tin bim their lawtnl attorney claim ins thal they hud Iml lei .'iv il I heir 111 HP-V 11)1 lu Nol ??nil"- 25, 1818, ii pei i, il ii or.- than i wo ra t I I nil re? ceived it for their "sole use." Ile also kne 11 ie re were si] ii" irs nm i u in bianwh urdel fm pa) meut to English, ns tho*i to whom he wa* tn paj Ute moue., amt iii.u from i ms ? a;.i?n ii on ol Eng? lish himself, written two roan and righi mouths after ha had received the money, he .',< i nol i li un to bav* receipts, exi sept " from three or four " of thc hu. i in- whole explnnalioti.ini sw ol tbi fois disclosed to the Wei rei arv in tbe record, waa fsa fro,n satisfactory, *nd aa a consequence, in font we. ks afterward, namely on Mareb 3, 1840. Mr. English hail (juicily left the department in dur grace, ai; r cisvic i n. Tbe receipt* which be now prinl - .?? Indi sbow tba! tbem*terisl declaration in thia ettei tn Secretary Marej wa* false, namely tbe o dm thal be had i-1?ipt* from ? -. i " tl ree or fi i ni th ? six bein It waa tbe f*ct that ba elaimstl to hue oniy three 01 fem ihit weighed most beavtlv sgaiual him. But tl now appean from tbi of bc nm ip-. he print-, as a de lenee tl it be did nrt have a sinai* receipt al that tune from : ny ope of tii'tn. rbeonly paper ol a date earliei than the letter to Secretary Many from any one >i t ,, .. named ia tbe order foi paymaai nf th* pen? sion to English thal sr tdd tren answer for a receipt, li lin- paper from bis motbei making over bei .?Inuits in tbs cs:nt? of her mother to her son William H.English, Astothose ro-eipts it i- only oece* s.in tn aa? farther tba! tbej an vague, and do nol name a-'V -nu, UnR iliey ar.- in pul fur settli nt sdminbrtraast of tbe estate ulna thai pension under tbe law did not enter as assnts ami seed not have tieeii included, and tiny do not e vet a set tie m." it of the pee non ***e lor ni 1 tie bein, A>- m .vuat hitermed adecuwon ol the eas. ky the Comnus ionei ol Psosions ila'.e.i October IS, 1848, on wno n so much Stt*ssi*l*id it \saa rmreiv a general Bt*temenl of tn* plain ami well-known pension ij? in "ic e**e. ihe quest iou which Euglisb thusask*?i*bc?ttbr*eye*iBand a mooth attar b*ree*ived the m >a*y wu* stated in Un very order bom Secretary Many, upon w i?-n he urew thc isoney 8ept*mb*r 8,1846, ra which the only surviving cbildwn, "wno wen ki receive it w"m tiiiiuea ami th* money m>uio parable fur tho B"l* use nf ibo** sn boin," Again 11 should tte remembered thal the t ommissioowr of Pensions, wbowrot* bim tins miara! letter, bi me ssine one who B*d nporSsd oBsWially te neera, t.ry Many " tba! Mr. Ragbah aaa illegally ap-1 lioiuted ailmiinstraioi. and no^ te.'tis.s to paj OVSI the uiousj." and IumI also muled In a report to the J Beeratarf thai Bugiisb " baa Rot aaid it over *nd I r, line, to do so, :irnt i-< w'm'iv Insolvent, ss he says, and the seen ri I v i i inst Detent snd not liable f<>r tim mn um t." Neither of these opinions wsre ever re? cs led or modified bv tbe CsmmisMoner of Pensions, \v' oe cern lal le! er on a pom ol plain lan. Mi. Et gliah now cite* aa s vindlc ttion. As'i!" lt un these fatal de eel - lt ls nol reasonable ti, ,.| api '?"-: hat un ti' ii i lie ability and a anding of Kee? le tar j Many and Attornev-Oen ra To i ?? wonld bave Miffed aa even* judgment as they did ni clerk wb' m i bey ki ie iv to he at i and nnleas ii called for it And on the ether hand, when 'I English knew, sa be himsell sara, thal tba fact of bi* paying ovet tbi pension bad Iteen disputed, ii ja not reasonabh to suppose be would baveallowed i togo lavi-.t; a WIDOW n?R IHRRRRT Ol COHMITTI I Bl HMS- I I RI KP Al LARI IO si I il l i ,11 i LUM. lin ii 1.11.kai it TO mi. rRIRORR.1 Cincinnati, Oct. 8.?The UanetU will publish to morraw n orniuu i he tollowing mm its Washington i n; 11-p. nu. nt, General ll. V. Boynton I Wa in-.i.i'.s. Oct. 8.?The records of the Bu !?niue Court ol thc District nf Columbia, contain si ie against Vt illiam ll. En indh idual muI in hi-e. beN itional Dcm i ti itu: lb ? i "ti .milurie:', which exhibits him In the role of lailii i a dow a sum of r ni annuml mg i dttee ?.d. Hu was theil a t Congress. Hi sue i w ith tl i hers of the comm snd : i tel ' fl m. .a withdrawn from ,. s ho a., ? !? ip tnsible I,, a* I ii . "' th? committee for this pm pose, m 1 Pu .ul. i ? ? ii to n ly ,m r ipi.OOO. I I lui due with inti and no i . ? . n in fie Circuit <'";nI 24, 1801, under tin se I . ! I Den ic Co li ?-. npp ni u a; i lie Convent or i i < Jineinn di tn - ||< tel Dei - 1851). un ii! it \i ii imes ap p.-arlti ited i tn i English be> i t hi ti b ben gives co] ies ol ; he , ,,.'?: :t ' .?? i ' i bllieUt ll ils I --Heil. Fimn ' ? lie moms were ri [rs. Al. A. K . - i um -and a hall who wan tu reccivi lol their use $120 a mi i i o up- m: ii t a. ? i . wa ? thal an at tat ,-- led i .E the couimiltm-, English being among tu om. 1'ho corr spoud ni ? -ii., inn -..i i ? m -. Upon ihi ? i in- in" -hal si teched l .ii.ii .il "-1 ,l io this Cit) appin! "d iii a nour $1,600, bur a* nothing more i- beurdoi tbianrop iii, ililli;,i these proceed inga, it mis probably [on d thal Em lian h -1 transl tm d it. At .ti , te, v lu oj - ? . ss Snail.! recovered il ,' tl . ? li ted in Ind This suit con inned on the docket for several vi ira, andwasdismi jed hy the plaint ill against every? body hut English, showing that be was regarded as .Iv i ponsible, it being nndentood ben that In- was t.ie treasurer ol the committee, i'm' ol these continuances was based upon iy English May 19, I-*;--', whit ii ony ? i Met 'iu-kv " was reallj . thai McClusky waa then ai Memphis, Lu . j but owing to tbe disturbed um ilttiiin nt i.I .. and tbe const quent i. ,i; niptio i ol its ni iii fae lilies, be Eng? lish) bud been nuable to communicate with or rom M ci i-i \ for months past, but that Ip> ic tatton ;iud belief that be iv,.ni,I it,-ah'" lo pill, ar M ?< I mikey's testimony by Hie Oe to! tel of tbe Court." McCluskey was al thai time a si in thc rebel army ..mil. ii - by ins ow ii statement to b "ii in cnmiuiinic ition with bim. A trial waa tbe old Circuit had heen , il au . be ii 'w Sup erne Couri instituted in its p.-.it ,ii mb r 24, 1 s'i 1 tbe case was tm ii i l Iel Ju-tice t sitter ami a jurj. timi a jndginoni rendered oguiuat English tot STU! IO wil ii '. .,??:? collect iudgn int here, a i nu : he judgment-roll al [ndiana ?inl and pi eiu"tii was ?? fained ngamal Eug lisli i a ii !> i IT, 1 HI ., \iiiiei ja.m,ii tit was not . i un.ii Marci 25, IB70. J;. WUl I'h >l i CTi ITA OHIO. IRK RVPCBLIClN COSKID1 -T OF A BCRSTARTIAL M 'Jd .. . -, \ i i Ml . ? ? ! AL'D DK1ECTKR, |B1 ri.1 UUAril : i tm. nilli' KB Clv.vkland, ''(?:. ^-i.'ie political situation in 0,iio da ,i ::n wi ii tn snd more interesting, but is Hy so to thc Republicans on accouut of the to n 'iiee thal members ol thal party generally f el tu the r> ku I r. Estimates to-day place tbe majority for the Repub lean Mate ticket In ohio at I,,,.,, 10.000 ti; 20.000. Oovcrnoi Foster, who U actively engaged in cam* and has bad excellent opportunities for ob? servation, ut V"!. sanguine, and all prominent speaken from East snd elsewhere who have visited th , state raj there is i it i .nise whatever for alarm. I he Mann' election awakened Ohio Republicans ? the light, time. Sim ell,", lie : I il nen s from that ? tate tiny have been buckling down to hard work, '. Brat Garfield sndhisnsar ft enda think that theoolj possible da ger is to be apprehended from rep'a ten and thenseol money, rhe former continue lo em, e hen from the East in large numbers, some pi- ,i," min Indians others remaining here, Tbe il i Mt io .ire es elleni; mncb better than in tbe other Suites named, and if the jimls sro carefully >il lu Itepnblicani as is intended, the nilli.ms linn Phi a IC pa. a ami NeW-York Ml li si a lui no show i. i itel ? ,'. I ," i fl ct of the free nae ol Democratic money ? innot ? -v.iii m.. u ted. To-day Ueuersl Oar Held received information of a Democratic plan to yore 400 Italians who annoi ipeak s word of Eue? ll ii. hui wera tn receive asl uruba it nm papers tram New in s. i t.io Democratic towns in Portage ("tm r. The Italians an employed on the Val lei Railway. I i- a,e;o sav now that means will Ins I oki ii t ? pii ve i then voting, Cmiirnasiiian Prank liuii ii. i i- ,.. v.-il over 950,000 to uni his inin? ti,' , in Lin i- (','11111' District. Hccordiug io a prow* lunn Deni ti..t. THOU In III 'ju S IS ll KIMMI). Cities io, Oct. B.- Mr. Thom is Hughes in? ri il, ll , ii ? e. ..- i,i-ii.. hi i li "I ? i im cl SI a ill ii ii" I al ia i.i . d P.k a .1 .given is his bonarby the LU i . , ' . . : which i'ie Rev Brook lieretord, whose gm-st Mr. Hughes will be during bli stn' ben, is pres! n nt A; ii imo im,,1!" i i?'o| r sal down to the din? gi i, ii ii . i si i i i ? ?? at' . Shir. nu: rt.! md a tic una bi-giiiu.il- of < | in i n n,n?n. I NI HA NOE OB ul! UN O A BOORO, Nsw-Oki. i >*, ? N?:. H.? i m. gi tn i- i . "s on tin titree ?i^.iiiut-H. k inn s. ->t ig mill Rstialls. wrseksd ?i ? rn it.iti. l sui es . e ,o.j.,i :.,i | '.-.no la lbs Easters* aad Trada.1 .-.on mm.nv ,?c?i.l sail Comaum loturauouvuui. paataa Il Ah III- N ha K RBORRN. Di IVRR.C.i.,0 .8. I.asl ii.g.ii. while return in "lia ., iii < ot iltur ('otu flu, > lr..in a ly ralina. J SOS* i-u ,il h a I.i- ne, k 'i <* en lu tin ii-11 ti sr lim liea.1 tnt ni a esr win.mw 4n lia. il ram< ut , nuUi a willi t rraUrbl oar lunging nt t ie . i i > h.-ni il,, immv dlseiiarssM Undi ir. nair , indisiinsisssslr. sad a ssasm asa aaa wuuuita tn i..a isa. THE LOCAL CANVASS. ACTIVE whim-; in ami ABOUT THE CITT. PAR:nu tu i in ROTS in uri: MON DAT RIORT?? ARRA*ar.MR.vrs madr poh a ORRAI DEMON STRATH)*?ADDRESS S RT IHN.Y \s\mi RRKCMRR AND li tTItj SPTMOCR?INSPECTORS Ol i (iii pixs?j,; HOt'RATIO ' ill BRI Ri -? The arrnngenienta foi the '-'.cat parade of tin- Boya ii li'uc. to take place in thu erv Monday night, arc now Busily completed and promise a display sn u as bas never yet been seen In New-York, Mr. Beecher made ti rousing speech iii Brooklyn last night, and Horatio Seymour spoke in Cbickering H..il. The Democratic fartiona y< sterday ?11> 1 not re: ch ? harmonious conclusion abonl tbs city offices, Republican primary elections for the Dominating conveti* .ni, plane, THE GREAT PAEADE OF BOTS IN BLUE. PREPARA1 ll St ' ? MP l I 1 i?i al UK OF TH* OOH MRS ARD HOW TH ET WILL POEM?40,000 MIN ro in: in mm. The pre para i na for the Republican parade Mon ?\ w ni li: oext were complete! by theUarfield and Ar tb ni t Ulnb ol the Central i'">v. i . ? r.s of the ; ? nmg with pet ted in tho pg whom ;- ral Bainutn, Genei il < 'ai let m, Col I, Crtimr, Solon B. Smith. Alderman Perley and Alderman Jacobus, i, I i nw li I ? , i tba! there will be over 10,000 column, .tums 1.1 ? or ni", i un n v. ., I ? . I . ? and the head will itarl from Seveiiteenth-st, and Fifth-ave. Tbe line ol i. anh will be aa aire I l'it i no ne, although there h is ; oi li" i consult hiil' the large bodj ol men that .nil t ii.! .i re ll is '?? ? a ? tv, i lo thc prevailing dtstet I nnm i,i i ni I"" ? . i un uni ul! of the aid in the 1 i. . ii the -lil ? r for a dis tam., oi .(vi r a hundred ni.h .. i io three divisions were di completed, and the po il ions nm igueil i" - ? ' Inst n i gi . I hi firsl (1 v. -iou Vi ill coi istol 17.'"'ii i en, md will ?? General Horace Portei I tn will form in oi' around Union- qu ire, a- (I wili he 1 <1 >y mount "I pol ii <. : more's hand and corps, li o', a i ?' cscoi t'.air, : me ul i' mimiiui er uud B'aff, Oem ra D .??ii stat!', fiiaiuil ?'- Bind, tink Exchange ( a! -? ,d, Inllowed hy I t tin i rgaiiizatinns from the Isl to rbi \ Ultu Dis r.ct. i he -. cond div ision w ill ? onsi ? I 2,000 the streets bi ' Vi nt h and Seventeen) -sis. The hdad of the division mounted pol ce, loot noli se, i'.iel .1 iel W . Mason, i >mmai der and - ft", Product En Itauge ( lub, Ce di I impaig i ' ' ii .I Btnel org-u 12 itiou ? ir,nu the Vlll.h XXiV-u Distpeis. Phi rd Division will form in tbe street! of Fifth-nvo., Itetween Keveuteoitth au I I ?? ?? r ii'.-si. Ii will ie command tl by Gei ? i i Winslow, and will consist ? f about 12,000 men. The principal p*n of this hiv.-ina will be fo ol the Brooklyn Boys in Blue muter General Fowler, who has reported 8,0 0 men. Gem i .1 Ramsey ol Jet ey ( ny uiiliii large number uf nen. will also take pan In lins division, os will other i mztiiens, li wili take several bonn for the procession to pass a given point, although the column will move ai quickstep. I he bouses along t ie line will if illuminated sud Dreworks will be displayed ai rai ions points. I he ctiet-r will elan if n ightened by electric and calcium lights; the lat? ter will he liberallj icatl red throng i iho rn < ? -ion. Thc thirty or more bands of music will en? liven th ? >". asiou. Ann,in,' thu organizations reporting yesterday wen the following, with their commanders: I1 - t nhoofer Legion, Wm. O. Irving, 2,51*1) mens Ar fiiii Logion. John ti. Nugent, "fit; Fin Guards, Major I-!"-ither. I75j Rtchuioud Cmmtv Boys rn Blue, General F E. Martindale, 1.500: Second Dui-.mi Boys in Blue, Brooklyu, General E. B. Fowler. 8,000; Chester A. Arthur Boys in Blue, J. C. J. 1. ingbein. 100; l?i . . r ('amp Club (colored), \11r ? I Mills, WO; I. ocoln V.ii. M. B. Whit.-. 800; XVlth A-i- ,i bl.\ Distri T, Michael * regan. Too ; Ke tuidican luviuci bles, J. Clayton Erb. 1300; Philipsfnwn Club, II. Fish, jr., 150: Bo\Bin Blue. Xllm A-octnblv Dis? trict. Colonel ll- nv Fisher, 800: Boys in Bine, Xlih A?nih v District. John ri. Brady. 500; General Henry A. Barnum Batterv; f'olonel Wm. M. Phelps ami Colonel George Becker, two com? panies ot 'Jim men . ia. Students ol the Medical Coll. C. s. li.ii-diet. '-'(IO; Il.-ys in Mac, Colonel Ch.trl"- H. South worth, 500. \in Assembly Distnct?Colonel Jsmes Duncan, ooo. Thc IX-ii District Corps, umler Brlgndler-Qenerel John W. Jacobus, will have two l> ads and 300 mounted mon. This is one of the best drilled nod equipped corps in the citv. lt w ill (o:i?ist of 2.000 uieii, inauv of whom were army veterans, ono peculiar fcatun will be a company composed of men wbe have heretofore been Demos rat- and mem ben of n Hancock snd English duh. hui who yesterday rame over in a body to the Republicans, and, nnoei General Jacobus's in? structions, wen organised into a comnanv. lin following arc simm of thc members ni ilns compauy : Charles 8. sh nv, John B. Welch, .Ins, nh C. (luritigtou, Matthew Barb ur, J.W.Lng den, W. J. Delaney, James Pike, Hour voeipcl, W. Fowler i. Ai iran. 0. Allison. A. Allison. John Voelpei, John Kenney, .1 imes Barber, F. L. Matches, Andrew Tweed, .laities Searles, Hector (J. W. Souse, amt gila* hear. Genet al Grant, who will review the column, will be al tended by Governor C mell and taff. General (irani ii i,i arrive in Jersey City this evening ai 10 o'clock, and a suitable guard of honor will escort hini lolli" 1- lilli Avenue liol.d, where he will rei mr ti during ms siai in the citv. A hauqncl will le given itt ' tm neal Wednesday in 1! tstou, at which Ex-Governor Rice will preside. \ committee t instating of ex-Governors Bout well and Talbot and t'olonel Herbert E. Hill, ac m p inn d hy Sn perin teudent A, A. Folsom, ol the Ilns iiii ami Providence Railroad, will leave Boston M ni li\ ! ii Kev York, and on rnesdsi the com? mittee and General Grant ami party will have nus I nv lor Boston. _ MR. BEECHES SPEAKS IN BROOKLYN. ENTHUSIASTIC MBETIXa 0 DER lilt AUSPICES OP nt* Y'tcso kbk'h iiAini : i> ami aim iii k i a.m l'AKJN CLUB OP THAT CUT. Tin-Young Men's Csu tr si e-i pi rt'ged so lone lo t ike .n, aetlvs part rn Nat ? sal alter-. Hillside of pa rn a lin -, mat I tin no: nuuk lt j i,., -..ia io spotoatiae in any woy lor ourself, a < rrgi i, au. ia? si Hui i.t a Kr^ai ooh leal meeting ol tm iel low en,sens. ( spinal e.J But In behalf of ten: lenin. at tn* profOMior who ore ottentlmes rr. it u i for i,,i gttng in poililei I ii* v.' a word to say. I'h pronltar relation which tie pastor sastains toward but peophj n tU'-u indlspeiisible chat in iii n n du, i rslauag lo political ?n, I rs be should emptoj cutta lodsioe i.gw i . , pee snd good seton-; but that be should be nu barred from exrrUns direst innuci.ee ia pm,lie sOau-s u tu sat that he shall be tutawa oat sf bis oltissasSlp. Ile lias ii- Blush riuht ss aujb.slt el-e bus. [ApplBvav ] li v ut ones sstabtssR lb* iM, a n mi ti." eb -ti; nu., ii i? . 1 di< i li ,i i nu a ,| ii,Mi I..-, ir i bail ! - ' i I lin ? I i ld th. s 1 IO tl lg.. . ? ll .. i.'. . ' : ? ? | I it. u kins'. 1 ii ii tl w .. . i ? . ? i -? iha: ?! ,a mi I V, |i ? i ? lilli.L' lll.lll tu I . ll.Ul I : ! 1 . . ' . ... ... , y ,,,,.. ^ Mit TIM) AT I MR ', ' - rt LD. Horatio Sej monr tn de an i ,: ti ? ? locust Delmont, I. 1 i . t H. ick am, I' in lt . -',. in." i. A-i.ii-ii.... i ). Ia.-, , ? .' , it. 1). tia Ely, F. F. Vs M 'otter, John k . \. i \ , i ?i ... Dd nd McAdam . ? i tesl a i, im" np. a,. si s ta about fi a i k, tm Hr.I named ,, . . ? | ?. lr. ( os mad" I lui i . a eas* Ind D ? oi iv nook i down to ? rath ess. Il - ? . . lem -lu - . ; :.. ii in tarty. If ll l"' Into I ov tr, not I pres Bl ,n, ?!?. r j:\ Oovcn ni s , a h.,i .> tn ., li ?,. ?? rarmly gr eied. Bu fees ? is p*le, ? - pi.nu a .i In- -i oks \i ' . ' on sid litton excited stilt ? ? i i.i ri fern i obi peaking IL waa PSI SPpUUSC of ll i-in of HIS: . tilt ace evidt ? .i st bar th in ap ia bli .; -. i little bal ass sew er thai be ba* sot ? in -s t eft rs in pm t In d'.RVr lttls or nothiui i ni noni I not 0 tbe questions under discussion win I ? inuit: ne for tbe Presntensi ss bi ll staiB sfRSP sent which be used against tbe i: ubiicau partj .; .it bc stiled Its llspo-dtio tot toe ks s ml uti.rr oil'., asl dip ir aients of ii" i sal ai Cusbtngton, tb powrnaml rlsbts wulch la ongal to llSleg or upi \ Pliiiti*. 11 e |> ur Cia' ; audi SOS li"-t BBS a Cl li.par 'li B I i in ti ?? '? ween can'a: Garnet* sud bitnseH as ra**x* bites. Lk? himself, Be mM, General curt i?i > .,- ll .? Itu t ti till in ll,lluiled ; like illU'tf le ;. '? pi ii lu ,. durlns fi" rlim .omi H-ni ike h.ma"lt be a sold ? de fest ed. Fne sudlenee msde ihemi i trtf trer this sadden turn of ins coaspsrlion. Psil "f bu pta eh a- .?< roi IO WI: wuii sit -"Vt ritint nts nader sll rom sri i il in oni ii iud ut i ??--.. ? ti ni ,h other tl'.ii He Om mei ? :, n i ???up lon u ?troy ir~.lt On Ibe ii in sil"' that ol nd . ... ur ? , i . imi n cur i ,i t ' i ? : ? kepi m new i -tu in.t .i l' a-. Io ;??? t in ;.. eal .ni the bless ... - ? ?'? i "<" dei over onr bruod dors ? I i ? -a-, i from ia. .oi? ?:,? I. - .it, . ? ? - * " * be l'i t.. med in Uov-i inn eui | ? ? p>*ni Io1 . , inti) -?> vs snd varied li Wey pr. -. ri, .1 lt' ? mi -. I .iv tn; UUtoll :. i. . a -t in tun md I i \ ? ? '.? i adi a* trol ami direoi all tau rs tho re-au-i !u-i um s ur.- i v, nh lu mt eon amt wisdom it. , deaned los (urtsdicUon ol General sod State liuveinau tis, Us tl lier il. pl!:."ll i- Iii III" ? ????' I ' 1 br Si ma reuei-s ul.i I" Us ll-, l-l. Ijl. iSf* :i mts ? .-.is tu ! ot esses 11 to las safety sf , m p iii >? , Inst 'I: 1 I. ? S.t Pu -lu- pru!', . ? ? ' ??- ' ." Irani till px i ie me iii ulm i' sometimes ii ilks our t. eee> tSStS. ll IS a liiv.'iaiui lill ? .. promote nie wt tare ,u mi nw Oat -.i i "ro.-p Tit). Lt Us I i .1 ilir inst aaa'- '??'' rn our I ul perilled el-t tl 11 I ? "- 1 i-'i ???? ?? ? ? ? '? ? outset 1 ' il contioi 1. -\ . ? ,' ' - ? ?? ti.,, iti-viii-ii-tl - 1 -I ol tuc \ ..ion. Bul when ? ? . ? .1 ?i. 0 OBI Ma* wss tir.-.t ui~ ti. 1 1 di .li -,,.;,,11 Min wi; tor I Bc Will k Ol OUT lill lai.ett ii .? 11, r ,i. 1'1 ?? result lll.lpllal ! 'a.,I ll I 'll Ibo b Bi M. WI these d ? ? 1 1 I -l-l. .." I .1 tl ? i ll "I ll tl !".? true t. ai ia eseb Instaoct when tiny hal 1 t |H l i loll ll h ll l"'"H a ? . 1 . 1 . , I I -h. ul. lae question sow 10bi conablered ls be lng It.e excitement 0 ii e pa-l n>. a i' 1. rs, .? :hs e ilitrol 1 I' nu IIS , .1 1 "i-i 1 ' I 11,..nt-. .1! 111 d speculations, ;, - o 1 Kout t drifted toward me oppus.tc u tno-r. 1 ?? me uti, situ our dun. With 1 ll 1.'tu . . t . . I 1.y ul compel launs 10 ? bel 1 upi iou 11 rt sui bal ? bet n - ..; ti ve Men wi 0 11 ld powi r tor loo* t they li ,i- . sUied 1 est ed rights. Lbej re lem li 1 psss. tor power, foi pall ,1 1 1 ?? main lbcs< ; ' ' 1 11.1 1 1 ..iii si lal otu .-. nu, ta" uta by ?? . n 1 ii 1 '., it ? - . t Ussil pi"-. 1 on-, ll.". 1 il a .: : rini Mt u,. I -, ? riley lee' it kssrlb 1 ivel n iin-11 r. i.len i!u Kepi ?, 111 . in . tte vast pollUeal ma. bini., sb ... is . a ? t i.u t V ? m. lr 1 in ada | eiear, strong Urn deu.aads mi 1 < 1 I' bis Itieile of dOttJlBg wilt tie fUPSIItUUOB IS io served be mai 1 rig* la upbetttitig '?? t-'i ? Ol. Mr Ilalii.lt ai. ll uflii si ? poWSf ludt ii 11. ly, I .- in ., tu 1 su.iu 1 o 10 by v 1 1 a CilaU B ai ts* ( IBM .Ul. I".1. ai.d liol lu tbs 1 lil,unoi u d Usurps ? Wi. 1. du WS g* I Wt 'll in ipa. ,1 - * ii i ii aim tv ex vii 1 tin ai 1 un knuth I lt bi a law of muli asl las lbs mm Who li i"?. alni inn til" Inti tun. . I. ? till is m.?-! !ioio um subj passions, f rem ne fleeted luteresii ral* law basils good as lo eui.tun,', iles. We i..n< 1 | k . i imi of lin., HU I. W .; io Ul I'""'. ' lal . ' iii.ai ti,1,nie satiated uv 1l1i.1i... ,.,! 1 ,,,? ol trie -,".111, ii,et ii rs nil 1. uiced inc leugih 1 Uss I 1 lum 110 oi inti, pursuit*. Wu protest, -.1! Mr Sej noir. BRSlSSl th***** 111 (.., ruler ni whteb will eashu ,i ... si W*ss> InSlell le Hied.lo and llitrff. re * Hi i u- pliSper. Bl pur suns of iou pewple. Ws an eemhaitias IBs iBeettts et Mr. l,,l, tl'1,1 t .al lue Uki VSVe SSS Bl ti t ..li.'iu' inti 1 Ililli iuui^iui'. la, l>. -o rain pa;.I plo.,*, igslBSl Hil- ncitan, uluru Unsettles tBS puui ol oin U kui assail uti.en taree fa i sbeiurbsuca ti sll 1 - >s pUTSUllS, t') li IHUIL' "IIUllOl li lo t I I- 1 . "I.... ki. 1-ii less 1; au , ui , 1. /. ,'?> .; ? ti i.. 1 .I-'. 1 igolis. Wo rebuke toe theories of M. 1.. ir., ui wuk wents inn ta* farewell sstarsss 01 W saki natos: "Let th*** bs se CitiiliK*e l?y u-ur.iatloii. !oi iii.al.11 .1.1. li oin lu,taino tua) b* UM ll,-timi; ul nf ."".I. it ll the '|, n.:'tki;:;s' (lin DRRMIORATrI CulMiill-?JVI.Mi.si.i RR lill. I'rttil'ltl. IX I 11ANI.K. llroat ?i thnslasni ts manifestesl by the meuibrrt nf the H.tukeis and Brafci rs' Kt publn au t lix ts. VBSRss diilv iRcraaasa la numoeis. Ataaasslsaaj ot tba I Xislllive ( tiii.iniUee. Ibnrsdav. at Ilia lillee of J um .mui. Sii,uli A Cutni.g. amulet ments for (ho naiatlv of 1 lu- dab, Monday evctiiiitf. wire nearly 1 oiii.ileie,!. James l>. Suiilh. piesnlelit ot (Im- 1 lull, w.n. eu.poll ri,d lo aiaai ga ...itali-, (it ue rul (.. ll, 1. Collis, loiaueuli ot l'hilauelphia, a a.eui