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-PUKVKKTION OF SMALL-POX s ? ?.?m.? ACTIVE WOBK OF THFa BOARD OF HEALTIL tag MRTiintm ok tp? ovfbsekr? ok t?? ?an-tahy CONDmO? OF ???? ClTV-IUP^lCULTIIfaS IN ??? ?VADIaNO ???8???? TO UK ?G?( CIV ATKI?? *W ? G. ft ? TI1K VIKt'S 18 OBTAINKD?IliniSU eiCK HUK?.D8 ?G?? HOSPITA?A The work uf the Health Department in sup pressing ?msll-p >x. and tn preventing tba spread uf tub? disease, bas many Interesting features. Dr. Jame? ?. .Taylor, tbe bead of tbe Vaccination Bureau, was found at Police Headquarters oue day last week busily engaged with tbe duties of bis position. Tsvo sttendauts were at a aide-table cutting quills charged with vaccine virus into '?' points," Ml another was fining the orders of physi eluaa and others who cabed. Oue of the us*?tant phy? sicians wee raccinnting tbe tiny red arm of a baby, held in its mother's lap (au operation which it did not very uueb like), and several stalwart negroes, with tbelr aleeves rolled up, stoud by awniting tneir turn. " Wc sre very busy lust now," said Dr. Taylor. " From flity to 100 persons come here each dav to be vaccinated. Many physician? in the city set their vaccin? virus from iu, and orders are received from all parts of the eountry; lo addition we supply all of the hospital*, dispensaries mid charitable iostitutlous In this city." " What Is tbe nut bod of the department to prevent tbe apresd of the disease t" " To go back to tbe begluulngof tlie system, a bill was passed In 1874 '75 authorizing tbo Board of Health to establish a separate department fur tbe suppression of small-pox. Ile'ore this men w.'re employed at times to vsceiBBto the people, but there were no systematic, efti elenf effort* mads to prevent tbe spread of tbe disease. V?nta t be department was organized Iu October, 187.*5.we were in tbe midst of a small-pox epidemic. Tbe eonis was set to work vaccinating people llvlutr iu tenemeut bouses, workshop? aud factories, und tbe cbildreu iu the schools. In the conn-oof a few months, as uresali, tbe dis? ease entirely dlsapi?eared. We began at once a system of visiting certain quarters of tbe city-a system unlike tbat of any other place. There arc now twelve physicians who aro engsged in making visits during the entire year Whether there arc any cases of emall-po ? or not they go to each house at least twice a year for tbo pur? pose uf vaccinatimi those or the Inmates who require it. Tae number vaccinated in a year is from 4.">,oou to 65,000. 'two assistants are enirnged in vaccinating tbe children lo tbe schools, who, under our system, are better protected than any other class. The luiuetce of the penitentiary and other institutions on the lslauds are looked after twice a year. " In times uf an epidemie special work has to be dene, to wb'.eb several of tbe members of tbe corps, are detailed. All os-ee reiiorted by physician?., policemen aud others are at once inquired Into, and either Isolated or removed to the hospital. Houses in infected neighborhoods are thoroughly searched, ultimigli no cases may have been reported to be tn them. If tbe patient is in a private bouse, or une continuing only two or three families, he Is usually removed to a room on tbe top floor, and put in charge of a singlo nurse or attendant, i hi. has been found Impracticable In hotel??, flats nnd boarding-houses, for as soon as It beoomes known that there le a ease of small-pox la the bornie there's a general hegini. UFE AT IHK HOSPITAL. ? When patients are removed they are taken to tbe reception hospital, nt tbe foot of East fsixteentb-st., whence they are taken to the Riverside Hospital. If they are able to alt up they are conveyed In a coupe, but If nut they are taken lu a closed ambulance. In eases or very young children we always insist upon the mother or nuise accompanying tbeni to tbo hospital, and remaining there with tbem uutil their recovery. Vaccinate tbenion tbe day they enter tbe hospital and tbey incur no risk at at all ot taluni: the disease?. There nas not yet been a single enee of lufeotlon under these circumstances. We allow a wife to go with her husband or h bu-baud with ?is wife ; and a patient may tike a nurse or a friend. Tiiose dedrmg private apartments are allowed to have tli m ; many of tbe better clsssof people avail them? selves ot this privilege. Friends cut? communicate with those at the hospital every da> uud ?"id food ur uny tblng to increate ihelr comfort, Patients are confined at the hospital from ? week to three months according to the form of tbe disease. "But the matter Is by no me ? ne ended when tho ju'ieut is ?safely removed to ita? h'?spit,tl. Iu nio.-t t.-n??? meut bouses there are several famines, u ually of ouo nationality, associating with one Knottier. Eveu If the listare of the disease in known?and In eases it Is not?often little precaution le tait, ? against it, mid BE a matt there is great danger of other min?tes nein??, striclicu ' (?????. The house is disinfected and a etose w.itcb is Kept ujion it fur ucw ca?en fur turco ur four week? ; aa suou ?s a ? w CHse appears It is ininicd'Hlelv taken In baud. On,? of tbe principal causee of the spread ot sninll-pox in a neighborhood Is the uu.ubei' of light casce that occur. The dls.-aee may have ?<> ??,.?? a form that it i? not reeugmz.-d, autl yet uihers may become in? fected frinii It and bave tbo must virulent type. We have even tound children playing in tbe street broken out with small-pox?in the second and third stages. This fact sbuwe the ne -d of general vaccinati m If a person le vaccinated witutn two or three days alter tho disease has been tukeu into the syeieru It will save blm from the disease ; ur if be is vaccinated after a greater lapse of time the disenso will assume a mild form. Very yoiiug children have ?oue to the ? .ospita) with their n :oiher?, nfter being vaeeiuu e I, aud have cutir?is es? caped. Fruui our oxoeiioiict: ut small-pox we are autis? tici! tbat if physicians and peuple should report all cases to u? promptly there svould nev^r be anytiiiug like mi epidemic in this city. As It Is, sometimes nut a single cato ic.urs In severa! months. For the last six until tais winter there nuve uot been many cases?unly now and tbeu um?. THE 1>!?I A-.. THIS WINTER. "Tlie first cases Ibis year appeared last October among tie Italians, by ss ht m tue un-etw wns evidently br.iught from' Italy; at tbe same time a numiier of colored persons having the sinsll-pox came from Phila? delphia. Iti* now principally confi icd to these two clause?, althnugli to some degree showing itself among the Germans and attar mtio-iailtl-s. The n? irialitv ?teuiilr decrcasss. although tho number of c.tses is increasing som what. Last sTeik arai the week before only ubaut twenty-three percent or the curve was tata! ; early lu Jaiiui:ry the percent was ae tiie-h ?is twenty eight or twcnty-tibic. .Much barai often resulte from the earel-ssiiess of pliysicims of the lower clas?, who do not take the precaution to vaecluate those exposed lo the aasaaae, nut aa,?i?t tlie pareuts or Mends m eoa? teainigcases. An liie'anee of ibis kind occurred not long ago, iu whle'i sixty-eight eases were developed from it cingle t tune ??? ?1 patient, or which twentv-tbrco terminated futally. Bal proper incuus been tagen there v.ou.d not have been more than throe ur loar, atad per? hap.? not somali??. This is u violation of the Harilttirv Code, bat of the many oases ?siiteli have ben taken into the courts we have failed (o secure cauvictlon mone." .?!<?:! I iV. CASKS. In making their vl-its tbe physician? meet ?vltli a great fun?)? dltricaitits, e.-jt -daily ?????p? Italiain and Bohe? mians. Whilo they uever show violonce, they tax their wits to the utmo-t to preveut trie quiok eye of the searcher irom Hading tbelr liefe friends. *' Hers 1? a good ?xau. ?do of wi:ut we often meet with," sttld Dr. Fiino, one of tbe visiting physicians. "The other flay 1 went into a iaven Italian looeinent-bouso In Crosby St. There w>re viss-ls of dismrcotlng fluid setting around, and the faces of the tenants bore traces of anxiety about eametbing, fmm which I at once concluded that there was a case uf ?mal.-p..? in the bouse. Enter Inga room tbat I had reason ta suspect, I wa? told ? leu theni had been s oase there, but that in- u.oth?>r or the atafe child had taken it to uimther street. Tuie whs a likely story, but I continued my search. Jest as I was occurred ta? m ? to look ..gam under the bed. First two trunks were pull-, d out mid ? .un t wo or tb r.?.?? binadles ot rigs. Tbls diselliseli lite dm? outline of a man, who. convinced thai be ba l Beata dlecisered by being vigorously punched in the back with a stick, roiled out from bis hiding place. ? wss a big ssvartby Italian, and was holding a child In bis arms which was wrapped ui? In a blanket, und whs mob with tbe small-pox. " Another lime 1 went into a large teneineut-Bouse In Baxtcr-st. Tim landmdv assured mo that then? wem bo alck people la the hou-.c. Hume of the door? wero locked, aud I went nut for an officer to as?ist me in tlie search. ?We uttleck?'?! adot.r. built was rastened on the lusldo and suiial not ope i. Fin illy t? woman admitted us. 8he ?mu? Ib the third stare of the disease?In which the vesicles arc drying up su I r,? liirigoff. On another floor m rhts sanie house we found suol ber door looked on the inside. The officer burst open ons transom, ami caught a pliu.pso of a woman making hvr BBenpa through another. When we got luto the rtiisrtuseiiis she was uoi to lie seea. Going up to the roof I dWovcicd her running nt?.?m in tue ataow, and trying t<? elBdc uie by g.stting i.ctniitl ehiiu racy?. This young Italisu woman, wl.o was ubout ? went ? year? old. bud lue s uall-pox, and has slue,.? beeu sent to the hospital." " How do you explain the-e strange ?.'?tions I" " It Is simple enough. These people lave a dread of going to tbu huspttal or lutvliig thttlr fricad* sent there. As a matter} of fact, their chac?es of ret overy are very mucn greater then.?, but tbey do not seem to cotnprebeud " Do you have much diflkulty In gel tu g them to sub? mit to vsecluaiiou t" ?? As a rule, tbe Italian men and wo inn absolutely refuse to be vaccinatesi themselves, but ? hey will allow tbelr cbildreu to be. Ol iste, however owing to the number of cases In some quartern, there has been less resistance than usual. Tue luiportauoe >f vsce.luatlug those wbo are exposed to the disease Is very great, us It either preveuts it or greatly modifies It. Tbe rather of a ?family tn Pell-st. contracted the diseuse sud was re? manded to the hospital where be dtqd. At my ?ohcitaMon ?Uie sou, sge eight, waa vaccinated ; tbe mutter herself flatty refused. Both were tik.-n sick soon uf -? with ibe small-pox, tbe mother bsvlug s virulent type fmru which abe died, and tbe boy a very mild form from which he treoovered." OBTAINING THB VIItCB. A Tbibukk reporter recently visited the farm where tbe vaccine virus la obtained. It le a small one of ?inirty aeres, aud is situated near Clifton, N. J. It Is so near tbe railroad station on tbe New-York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad tbat one can see It from a car win? dow. Tae farm-huuse, wblob Is a quaint old Du:ch home? ?lead, built of rough blocks of brown stone. Is ssld to be 300 years old. and to bare once served General Washing? ton aa his headquarter? A barn stendi near by. It is also old amo quaint, the eaves of Its bigb, steep roof almost toucbtng tho ground. One of tbe physicians of the party led the ?ay along a narrow path cut through tbe deep show.whlcb termlnsted In tbe barnyard. Here aererai eows ?sere qaietly putsulng their moditations, and a number of chickens and get se made up tbe comple? ment of the usual barnyard soene. Vpun soie? mg a hat in oue ooruer ot tbe yard two c??! vet were found lylrnt upon rude benehel or table?. They wer.? tecnred In their potinont by atrapa paatm?* around their neeka and lee*. Tbe hair from the inner snrfarc of the upper part* of tbe thigh?, and from the. back part of the belly, liad been tha ved, ii?nktrig a clean patch of tkin tbont fourteea inches square-. One of the calve? wa?a fi-tn subject and toady for vacflnarlon. Tith'nehlt lancet, one of Ihe phyilcinni matle little actr !??d patcbeaon the ?kin like tbo?e raade In vflcclnatinr. tbo ?rni of a human bsiug. After thirty or ot iht-st? paicbe? wore made, vtcciue vlrua, lauen irom a previ? ously vaccinated calf, w?s uppllttfl fiOta qnlila. The calf, bcyoud ?tartina now aud then. Ft-enied to aufrnr ?o liltle thiit the operation would not have cxrltod the cnmoaitslon even of Mr. BaTtk, Thm iho much vaccinated tittle? animal wailed out to Join Its fellow* In the barn. Theeaptlve on the other table wa* a sucking calf which bad h?e!i vacclnaied In tbe S'tuie inanucr a week lieinre. Yeelclc* or scab* bad furiucd umm the patche? to which the virus had been opplletl. Wben the top? of tiioe Vi'slclet were, removed tbe vim? which they contained ?m expascd. The quill?, which are two or turre Inches in length, were then charged by 3lmply rolline; them lu the matter?first one end aud linn the older. Etiourfe vim* It taken from one suij-ct lo vaccin?t?? from 2.0UO to 3.000 persou*. When a calf ha* been unco vaccinateti as In the e ite of a person, rhe operaiion cannot be repeated, and It It consequently Mint to market. The department is now using ten or twelve calve* a week, whicn tro fnrulshed bv t. e nan who lease* the farm. It rotinlred ?o muny, trie fariner ?.?Id, Mint be bid t" ride over the couittry far und wide to find ononidi of them. In the month of Januar,' Hie health ofHcer? vaccinated (1,471 persons free of chanto. Tbe ? e.ii ? t ruote.I emall-pox pavillon, on North Brothers' Island, l* ready lo receive ab ml forty patten ?. Toc ileeliu Commissioners destre lo leave Blackwell'* Island altot-.iibor aud creel additional building* on North Diolbeir*'I?I-aiitl, If tbe tiidUey tt.r till* purpose und for tbe purchato of a proper boat cun be obtained. At present tlie tec !n the pvt-r prevent? the traos?er of rho Minili pox patients now in the Kl? crddo Hospital. A in;.-! constructed by ihe Heultli Otllccrs to show the location of the elt-hty-stx cases of ?mall-pox that hnvo occurred in the city, between January 1 und Februar,?.? .">, ?bows that tweiity-sev?i*i of tbe eatoawert In the dis? trict bounded bv pearl, Park, ('liutlium and ?""analst?. und the Bowery. Tin* quarter I* largely mhabilod by Italian?. In H.e block bounded by Klin. Crosby. Grand and Bicorne sis. live, ciac e occurred. Up nil noon yes teiday 107 case* of emuli ihix had bcu rcporrcd since January 1. ALAIlM IX JF.11SIY CUY'. Some alarm lin? been causetl by Ihe spread of ?mall pox iu Jersey City. Two weeks ?ro a < n.?e was reported at the Commercial Building, at (Ircene und Mnufgnmery ?U. ? child living at No. 83 Oreenc-st., lu a large double ten'emeu(-bouse, visited the Commerciai Building and carried the disease homo, 'flier?? arc now .debt enscs In the two lene,nontdiiiii.ic,? annui? ?ovoli ramilles. Yestir duy a man with in* fnc? covi-resi with ?m*U-rox pustule? eniered Polk?e Headquarter*, and stating that be was suffering from ttto diseuse,nsktd Health Inspector Jenne to send blm to the pest-hniiHC on Hie Hudson County Farm, at Snake Hill. Be ?vas onlercd to n-tern home, and wassubsequontlv sent lo th?? |.esr-liou?e lu on am? bulance. He ?uve Ills nume as Robert Hei. hrich, am! ?.??? tlicm had b.-i u t .?? .It ntl.s lumi tbe discute 111 bis house. AN ITALIAN COLONY VISITED. Deal Beacu, N. J., Feb. 10.?Several nm of small-pox were reported among tbe Hallan colony of laborers at Elberoo Station to-day. Two weeks ago an Italian suffering wlti> the malici?? was removed !o Hew York, where he died. The .'fealth Commission?? nave been informed, und they will take action on tbe mutter. RAILROAD lUTEBEBTH. PACIFIC MAIL FREIGHT COMPACT. Negotiations have been pendin? between tlie rnanaa-ersof the LViir.n Pecille lta?road aud the l'adite Mall Steamship Company In regard to the existing Height compact, as tn win the", it shall he disonni limed aficr the completion of the Southern Pacific Koud, which will be about Marchi. A cou.-ultattou waa bold yesterday between Sidney Dillon, president of the Union- Pacifie, and J. B. Housitin, president of the Pacific Mull. A provision of the contract 1? that It abeti become inoperative when ? cum pet in g road far Pacific Coast buslnons -hall lie computed. Mr. Dillon staled that nothing doti atte had ben deeded upon, tint tbe matter ?vus still in at.cvuuce, and could lie annulled n! any rime wiriiout previous notice having been given. It ? thought that nie eonirael Will bo o ?intinteti, as the Union Pacific will virtually con lid locul business, mid will be a stronger c(uii,i.-ilior Iur through bushiest If it cxn have the cooper mou off*??? Pacific Mall, which II might not have ll the contract were atrulad. THE PROPOSED NE UOUTE TO TUF. WEST. A dispute!) fron Cleveland yeaterdav Htaieil that many rumors ??ore In ch-ru'.tttfon icspcciing the tu tenilon of Ilio Centrili RilIroHd ol M 'XV-Ji??cV to etul' lishaconncciion with !tti"S la FetiatylvaDia making ? through route io tbe West. It wi? ? irted thai unvcys had already been made for ihn c. i.iieelton wit Ii the Weitem road*. Judge Lnrhrup, rhe receiver nf the ruin pany. ?aid xesierdav lot reporter for Tin: ???p???:, lu regard to the rumor : '-Il I? into mal ?ve are reclina ? Western outlet, a.el neaotiattoar?are pending ?tin. tlmt result in view, but tiuiliiugrii finite ?? aettled a*ret" ?a A ?SOUTHERN ROAD SOLD. Richmond, Va., Feb. 10.?The Atlantic, Mine lssippl and Ohio Railroad waa sell to-ttav at public auction under the decree of the United state? Limili Court. Clarence II. "lurk, of Philadelphia, boonmti.L' the puicbascr tor *s.(i(i...<t(i(i. The first bin, of fifi.07??.????, was mrvtlc by Mr. Edward King, president Of Ihe r.iiiui Tiust Cunpany ant the io'>re?entutlve or t!io furetcn bondho.ders. Tin? next hid, ol fg.KKi.nnn. wn* in,id. pj Mr. Clark. A lively i-ofupetlttoa iin-n i-n-uied between ihescgeiiilcincn ?ml QeneralT, M. Licnn. Kpretentlna the Cirde lnt<rc-r ??? the Rahmend and Danville Railroad. Bevcnty-flve lad? having been made, ranging from ?t?.??(?(?*<" *tlo.HOO. the toad ?van Mnaliv knocked out to Mr. Clark Bl tti ? ll-ilrc? first stuied. Mr. King's maximum whs i.S.l7S.(>(Ki, und that o? den ral Loenn wa?te.001.00u. Iinniedlaielr after the ?ale Mr. Clark deposned with the tntuder, Hie cash pay moni or $l(Ki.c.?0 it'tpiind bv rho torm? ot the rette. ??. ('?firir stiii.-s r is the expectation and in'<-n lion of the new owners of ilio ruadlo reorganize Ibe cornil mW and ro make roast,, ubie end proper provision for the otri stockholder? and the artaeeareil rrrditor*. Mr. Clark farther Ut ie? thai the r*nrelia?or* are repre tentative nun of caprai In N'evr-Yoik. Philatlelphla uni Landen, and the. raton?te, tra eonjaurllun ?? imi existing and euiiticcting Ilia s. tu form a g? ?nul ti unk between the seaboard ami the IFe.l und Suuttnvi ?t. OFFICERS ELECTED. NEWPORT, It. I., Feb. IO.?At Hie. annual election of the Newport and Wlekford Railroad ami St'ami oat company I ho following ?(fleera won- Fleeted : PreMdnt. Heoigc M. Miller, of New York ; Tren?ufer. Anthony s. sherinan, of Newport, in Ihe place of John T,, deceased- Wreetor*, George M. Miller, Levi I*. Morton, .lulu. ?. A. Or swold and fjeorjfts petbodr Wet? innre, of New-York, John (?. Weaver, of Newport, ami a. p. Vaugb.m. of Wlekfurd, It. I. Bosto.n. Kob. 10-l'ione'* B. Ilayos arid Theodore C. Bates were circled yesterday la Lrcltlatlva joint eon ventina ?is State directora of tue Boaton and Albany R,iiiio:.d. ?a ?SEEKING THE RIGHT OF WAY. Wii.Miv.T.iN, Del., Feb. 10.?The bill to give th* Baltimore and Oliin Railroad tha right to run If? new lice to New-York tbroueh ibis S'ate bv \xay of \?'ll inluglon, passed Hie Slate Senate at Dover to-day. OBITUARY. GENERAL GEORGE P. ERTE. General GcortW IVaboily Esti?, wlio aervetl with dlstli.ctl ?n in the Western Army during the Re bclllon. died suddenly of mut?? pneumonia at bla board? lng-hou?c. No. S-.'i Sixth- ve., on Sunday. He was taken 111 about Christmas Ime. und bad apparently recoven il, when be had a relapso lust week, and ?lied before Ins nhvsldan could reach htm. Owing to the city ordinane? providing for such eases, tho phyeleien wus unable to irratit a certltteste of d-itth. and tlie case was refened lo the I ?oroner?? office. *? diiesday Hi" remains were seul to Nashua. N. II.. where General Ksie's relatives live. He wits boro lu Nashua in 1830, and, after leeeivlntr a good education, removed to Onto, where he practise! law. He entered the Ht.'tte mlIHIh, and at the outbreak of the war went out us Lieutenant-Colonel of ihe 14th Ohio Iufantry. The men enlistad ror loo .luya, imi the regiment was reorganized by Cenerai Bteedman und Colonel Este far three years'service, ami did good work In 1HG2 Coltiuel Est" siiecscdcd to tbe command of the regluit-ut, snd in Hsti-1 be was brevetted a Btliradier General, und served to the end of the war. At II? ci. be licitan atriiln to practise law at Washington. Ho wit? at one time a partner of Chief Justice W.iltc, and an in? tlins'e friend of ex Mlnlslet Cchcnck. Lately lie bad been Interested tn mtulug- He was it very reticent man. and lived ? somewhat retired life. Be wus u widower, and leaves uo children. JOHN C. WUEELEB. John C. Wheeler died at hi? Iiouhc. at No ir? West Forty-sixth st., Tuesday afternoon, at the a?,e of eighty-four year?. He was at Heymour, Conn., m B-ntemi?er, 1707. and started tn Ufo asa merchant uno msnutacturer of tools and paper. He was subsequent v anoolnted to tbe pesiraastcrslilp at Seymour, n position be held until his arrival m thin city, nearly forty rears ago. Here he took tue Union Place Hold, and manacrd it very successfully. In partnership with Ills son John Wheeler, ex-Tax Commissioner of this city. Ills death was accelerated by a fall he had last summer. II?? leaves two sons and two daughters. He hud long ugo retired from active business. WILLIAM CARHABT. William Carhart, who died Tuesday, in his sixty-third year, at No. 1ft East Elgbty-flrst-st.. ??..s burn tu this city. At an early age be begun lo Import dry goods, continuing In the same Hue of business up to within six yeurs, when be was utilised to retire on ac? count ot failing health, llecently he suffered from a coinplicslion of various diseases, the malady which tiroved fstsl being dropsy. He leaves a wife and four children. His funeral will take place at his house. No. 16 East Eighty ?r?t-st., to-day. ?-? ANDREW K. HAY. Winslow, N. J., Feb. 10.?The Hon. Andrew ? Hay died at his residence beie on ??????.???? night. Mr. Hay was for many years the leading glass manufacturer in South New-Jersey, and In his younger days lie was a very prominent end Influential Whltr und Heiiubiicaii. lu lWiH he was elected to Congress on the Whig ticket, but decilued a renoroiiiatloii. He was seventy-three years old. lie wa? boru lu Massachusetts. LOCAL MISCELLANY. LONGS ISLAND BF.ACIIF**. ??? BASI8 ??'???? LITinAllON OVKtt ??? WImTK?N r.Sf? ?f t'ONT.Y ISLAND?MOW ???: ????'f.NI'ANTK ??-? 1?? PATES.hUS WBOT INDLTKI) ltlM'i: TDK Tow** of GKAVr.?r.v*o? ??;:? ???? ttt?? TOA BKACII Al UR 1U1CKAWAY. That part of Coney Island Icing between Oravee end my and the.ocean lor many years 1ms been re fardedae tho property of tbe Town of Graveseml. ? the early settleinent of Kines (Jouuty IMH marshy fields and sanrl banks nenr the ocean, BjjW Coney Island, wer? cinnmon to all the pcopie living near. The descendante of some of the early settlers, sunn after these lands began to be vallinolo by renano <?? ihe im? provement of the lslsntl. begun ta? talk ??1 their rights as successors of the original patent?es, md as having undivided rights to tho commun landa. In Jauuarv. 1H70. suits against the town of G rave se ? 1 were begun by Nicholas Johnson. John l.tnuions. 8. B. Clifford.C.AV. Clarke and others to recover the title to the lands lying vest ??G tlie hrooklyn Con course, and tin? rents iilre.-itly paiil to the town by hotel oi'oprietort and otb-rs who had leaned the propci ty claimed. The suits of Gittoni and Clarke were decided for the town last summer and are, now iHiiding?m appeal before the court of last resort; Johnson's suit wns called for trial February 2.1881, in the Supreme Court in Brooklyn before J in ? ?? Pratt, ami the plaintiff not appearing it was dis? missed. Apolieation to huvc it replaced on the cal? endar nu the following day we? reel with a demand that Johnson pav tin? costs and an allowance. .Inhnsoii then furnished an adula? it to th?* counsel for the tossii stating that lie ?lui not ?vaut t?> ieo|e ? the suit and Mint 1i?j wus willing to givo the town a deed telinquiabing all bis claims to the (One ? lslan?l landa. Joooaon also auted tbat he waa induced to liegiii th?? litigation by Al)r?*d Sully, ?if the Mnnhat i m it Beach Company, and Martin fcneonmaker, who ??ailed on 111tn ami persuaded Inni to sign an ?igrcc inent to permit. George ?S. C. Dow, who ?s? formerly a partner of Austin Corhin, to look after his interests along with those ?if ths other descendants of the original patentee?. Dow agreed to pay Johnson 50 per cent of all muiey leeovered from Un: town and to tnent nil the lovnl expenses. It is also alleged by Johnson that the pin pose of I lie suits was to clonai tho till?? of tlie lauds nt the western end ot Coney Island, and to prevent any investment by capitalists there, and tuna binder dangerous rivalry to the interests of the eastern end of 'lie islitiui, con ? rolled by the Manhat? tan Beach Improvement ami Railroad Companies. A deed given >>y Johnson, renouncing al! claim t<> the lanils iu question, was lilt'd yestcrtlay in tho liegistei's office in Hrooklyn. and anonlerof rtis contiiiuanct'?if the suit was Uictl. It is said that u similar ag.eiiiftut with Mr. Dow was mode by tho otlu-rs, who become plaint ids again?! tin? town. Tbe t?iwn has been put to much troubl?*? and expense in the litigation, and it is thought that actions a?ain?r. Mr. Dow ntul others will lie in the matter t?i recover the costa. It is expected now that the title to all tbC lands svili lie made eleni by the other cluiiuant patentees. It is hoped by the residents of (Iravcs end that, the improvements projected no tho western end of tbe island will t beg he curried out. Be*Mrtsl capitalista have made idlers tor the unoccupied p-rt of the beach, and it is likely that a new hotel will he erected, and a lino of stcauu rs from this city run thither. The trial of ? case in equitv involving tho title to tlte ocean beach iu trout ol Far Kockusvny. L. 1., immetinies called Hog Beach, was in gun yesterday before Judge Prati in the r-norerue Court, m Brook? lyn. In March, ????, the Town Hoard of Hemp ?rtead leased the bench, which is a narrow strip ol sand extending about three miles caul of Par Rock away, and separateti Ir?.m the mainland by a narrow inlet, to .lohn L. C. Norton ami Mr. C. ?.????,?? ?sho represent capitalista desirous ot creating a smuttier resort on tin? bench, for tilt ? years at $1.00?) a year, Michael s hotel proprietor al Far Ruckaway, Istlie planatili in the suit, claiming the part uf tbe beach which ins opposite the frontage of his property ?>n Un? miei, 'luequestion is a testone, ami involves Boingbackto examine tbe deeds of 1?>??. The whole beach is estimated tobe worth to the company formed to build a hotel, !f2,000,000. Tbe coaling ni wunner went bet is very acceptable to the Manhattan B<?ach Railroad Company, which is making extensive improvements on iis property. ? h?? breakwater, which is being conati noted at high water innik. for ,3,000 feel along the Imo of thr? In ?oh, to prevent the made-gronud from being washed away, will be finished early m ttn? semum. It baa heen concluded to drive three rows of piles, instead <>( twn, to be filled in with stone, ami to bxi fartened together ssi; h sii mg mu? bracea. Jetties will nlsti tie huit! ou the north n est side of the hntbnig ernnud* to break the torce ol tb? ?cas dnriug tbu i.igii ga ? BKKIOUS All'HIV IN ? BAR-ROOM. Kdninnil French, a colored man, living al Have* lOWn, We?' ,I liliali'.?, L. I.. We'll il t.. tlie Map:.' Grove lintel, Wednesday eveuiug. lie s\:.s under the influence of liipior. Rlmrtly after entering tbe hotel tie drew a razor from Ins pocket, and after whetting it on ??1? i? .?>', stai ?? his d?termination t" mnko sonto white man's 1.1., l p?. I'bere were several persons in tn? bar-room ut the Lime,and French bad scarcely mnde bis threat before be ?sus felled to the flour bv belog .truck on the head with u pitcher. He s?as severely cu and ss as removed lo I lie Toss li 11 .il al .1.1 ?nan ;i, svi. In? wninul? Were dressed by Dr. ? ??la?. II.? ?.niued nil night nn .scion?, a 'i had noi rulli ! last 'v.i.n.g. Tin? aii'h?.liMi? have ? ?t ben able ??> di cover who iu* Iheted the blow. ?-^>-? NO SKWS FROM MR-WING >'i ..\mi;i.*-. No further information haa been rceeiveil ol the missing ?it ?nil. is. It nus tl ought thai thi ?hithnia, svili, h arrive?! W etrwesdai, would brina? news ni ihe Batavia, but the captati) say he did utitseehei Messrs. Aliti il s?. ( .. . ai?? ni - ni ih? missing Bristol City, think thai I..e reuseI sigli! .1 by the Johannes 1! n??!, ? ne .da?,. ?? l ss hundred m'??, from Queens town, wrs their sti uner. I !:? nnlj dispatch ? ,?? ?? ,? Iiy the rigent in 'I' - ciiv concerning tlte !>.-s..' ihe sfsamer Josephine, ol tin? Morgan Line, states thai she sv.?,? lost lif. . ? :. mil? ? south t.f Hlup Island, She was ?m bei way from Havana to the mouth ol the Misai?gippi. MAY PLANS l"i: TKI.KGRAPllM, A meet,nt>ol |li l'i'iie h.chang" telegraph Committee \s ? I,e d ??? ??> nias, at whi? h the prest dentaof tin*Frodine bu<1 Cotton Kxebsuges w?re present. F.ds-.ii, I.Vul. president ,.? the Amern-uu l{^i?iil Teleuraph Ciimp*mv, ? .\p ninni the priiicip-il feiiurcK ..fili.? inaiiii/.'iu-iii ?f his company ?nul ? uni that lie would iik?? In make arrangements svilii the 1 a. ? I muges so tl ?it ibe eompBiiv ? on Id iransnut Iheir business at miNli*rate rites, llis proposal sv.,s received favorably, und the mendiera srepted In? invitation in visil the ofibeof Ihe company this aftiTiioon to ins|H'c| the instriimenti ami examine thoroughly tue afluir ? ni ti.?? conipituy. Nime meni? li? r? o t the con u ? it lee said af lei Ilio meeting that 11 wus posai ble (lint suine nrraugi'iuciiii would he mail.? lo have this company w.. ? ? in conjunct um with ila- ?? reliants' Telegraph Company, VVhnt ??Vcl plans were tleculeil mio,?, ||??\ Bollili Bee tilgt provision was inaile against any future coiiaulida tion schein??. All Die. stock idilli? Min!.anI?' Teli graph Com? pany which was placed in Ibis city has boeoauh scribed tor. THK HOSPITAL SUNDAY FPND. ? In? Dtairiboting Committee of the llo-pnal nat? urila? and AsxM-iat i??ii mei in ?layoi ( i race'* ntlice vestenlav. 11"'" memli-ire present ?vere the Mayor, Poetmaster .Jumen. ? I'? Ualteiiok, preanient >f tin? Chamber of Unuimeno, Hi? I,'.???. |)r. Armitage.Fre'l-iiok Stun.'. -, II. I.. Pellnw and Ulivi ? H.Palmer. Hie reporto! the treaanrer waa read, ?In ??ving I hat t liei.? xxns (22,1117 IB lobe diatributcd from what la known aa the General Fund, a ttm*? wii* adopte?] ?.?.? lo exelude any hospital ??.?? participation becaitae it? receipt* i-xceedetl ita ex? pondit uros. Motare. l'olle??- and Habe ua wore ap poniteli as.ib-C'iiiiluillei In milk.? a ? purl Monday n, xt as to bow the lumi ?li'uilil be distributed. BI'SINESS TROUBLE.??, Richard \V. How, proprietor of tlie New-York ?nil Brook ?? ? < '<>"?'''i'tigf Comjianjr, ut Nu. 2? Hiirllng tlip, nini ?it links ami Nelson-sta., Brooklyn, ba* made an ?aaigiiiiienl to Daniel 11. limitici t, riving the following prefisreiirea? .lames How. *, ?G.,???? M, Marx liiiw, ?20,000; .1. T. K. Lltchfleld, $12,101 (in: Brooklyn Hank. ;,.'!.Min : t??ti*l, K51.0HB 10. Tin? il??'(? of a-signuiein waa lilotl m Brooklyn', Mr. Il"?v Im* Inen m bn?ine*aabout ten year*, ?nrctvding Ins brother Jamea Ifow, Jr. lie was regarded in Ibe trade. The New-York credi lor* of the firm of? John Rob iTlsnil, Son &. Co., ?vlliilenale ?le.ilei? in i|| v psodi ut Toronto, bave received notiec of its failure. The liabilities at?? are eat ?mated ?it 9200.000 ?nul tbe as? sois at tr'lHH.HHH. The Bnn wa* otte of the oldest lu tbe dry good* biisiiu'ss. -??- a, ANTI-MONOPOLY LEAOUE. The National Anti-Monopoly League which was ?rgaiii????1 a few weeka agoia diatnhuting ci ?alara tliruiigliniit tlie country. Among tinse is an addii*?** to tin? people urging Huit Borporatioua aball be con? trolled it? tin- Mate which ?leales 1 tieni, ami Hint labor ami capital shall tic alli?e?not enemiea. with justice lor both, and making a atroug argument against inononolie*. It hi intended to bave urancb organizations >n each Assembly District. Tbe num? ber of mefaberala now nearly l.oon. RESIGNATION OP A BROOKLYN PASTOR. The friends of tin? Kev. TIkuiuih if. Sheer, pastor of Ihe Park Congregational Church, Brooklyn, bave kiin wii fur some time that lie coti toni piateti resigning lus charge. .Mr. Sin or'? religious convictions bave for several voars been diverging from tin? so-culled orthodox doctrine? in the direction ol what be eoo aidera a more liberal Christianity, Four year* ago be left the MeibiMlist Chinch, not at all on religious gnuimis, but merely on account of bis preference for tho Congregational CI.inch goveriiinent. There ?? entire harmony between tlicnastor and bis congro giitiuii. Wliori it was lounicii rhat be thought ol resigniuk* tl?' ?tiiiiiling eommlltee renimiatratoil with liiiii, ami urired li i tn to remain, (assuring that bu clni?b vrue In sympathy with bit teitcbtug*. Mr. (?licer, hoxvrver. repHed that tf tbe ebureh re? unir.! hioi it would make uer-eeaary a chant* in the orciraeTJon wbt'li would sep?rate it from.the coii irregalit.nai fellowship, and that even if it ahonld unh"i(i bir.i so far he did not (kein auch a ho.d step wlviaaWe ??n iti pai t. He w?! read ms letter of res? ignation to hi? congregHtinn a week from next ?un ?lav. When Mr. Blfcer acc???t??d anali ko lue present piai?.? the property oi the church waelicavily eucum Urred. The Rev. Henrv Ward Boechcr relievedlit temporarily from a forecloeure. am! during Mr. ?ilKer'? ministry th? debt haH been almost entirely removed, and the property suveil. DEATH FROM A DOCfe BITE. Minnie Lee. the little daughter of Charles Leo. living .m No. -12 llliiiii-pf.. Newark,who waa attacked with hydrophobia Monday night, died yesterday ?hnrtly atr-r Mana. Sonic tear* are felt ???r her two brothers, Patal. age four. eon. and Charles, age ten. Ixiili of whom wer?? bitten by the same dog on Janu? ary 1. Minnie'? bymptoma became mor?? violent Wednesday night. At 10 o'clock abo was seized with spasms. About bor bed were three women and u man. an?' tbev nil took hold of her when her spasme enme. on, but found it almost impossible to bold her. II ?? ?pastns lasted forati hour and ft hnlf, during winch she foamed at th? mouth, rolled her evos wildly at tiin.-s, and bent ami dia tort ed ber body. Several H mea she made ?? hinug motion ?xifh her monili. Neailv all tbe timo sin- wus entirely con? scious. Yesterday morning Dr. Hatten called, aud seeing that there was absolutely no hope for her, nil wishing to snare her iiiitieeessarv suffering, he administered morphine. This abated the violette?) of the symptoms and tended to quiet the patient. For several hours she coiitiiiuoil to riuso up with an ellon to vomit, which she wa* unable todo. Both of Minnie's brothers had been sent to the bouse* of neighbors. Charles, fho youngest, was inkeii borne in the eoiuse of tho day. He bad on ihe illuvione evening acted strangely, it ?vas thought. He expressed an unaccountable disfasie fur his cotia* H;s appetita, which had always been good, failed, ano yesterday ho sighed continually. Late in tbe afternoon l'ani returned home. He was in a high fever. Neither of the boy* liad been in? formed of tbe nature of the dltwaee afflicting tbeir sister. Laura Malz, the little tfirl who uve* in the neighborhood, and who was also bitten, is kept in the hoiieo I.? her pnrcnt*, and has been in her usual health. _________ TUE WniTTAKBH TRIAL. TESTIMONY AT THE COURT-MARTIAL. r.XA.MIMMI PKKMlNS WHO WKKK ON'CK CAUtTtV 1NVKSTIOATINH A ? ASK WITH 1IIH MIMI MADK PP. Notwithstanding- the iiii|?l.:is,.tit weather yes tcrday, the attemluuco ut the U'hlitaker couri-mnrrial w?s a* largo us It lias been on uu.? (lav. After the testi? mony talion on Wednesday hai b?ou read, the cros*-e*c ??????????'?? of Lieutenant William II. OfHn was con? tinued. Nothing new, however, we? ? netted by this. Lieutenant Walter M. Dickinson wat next called to the staud. He arai graduated from West I'.ilut la?; Juna and Isnuw stationed In the Indian Territory. H?-Is a tall, wclt-fermed young man. with a vary Intelligent face, wlin ?? is adorned by a transparent mustache and side Wbttkera. Among oiler tlun??, he nubi tlcit bo lull noticed several titile? In his inspection tear, through tho cadets' rooms, which WMa part of bis duty at West l'oltit. that Wtiittakcr's pulo?.?? waa without a mllow-eaee. Ho had not reported It. a? be did not think ? waa hi? duty to do to. The wit? ness rlieiighr ? list Whlttaki-i'shalr looked as If be had cut it i.iiiisoif. Apparenti/ in- bad held We lookiiig-aiaae la one band ?vini? he had us-d '.be iflaaora xvitli ibe "tbor. Lteuteimut I'li'i.iiison tiUd examined the teltaora wbleb w<re found In Wb'ttnkei'a room, and bad dla<*over*d ? lutti ou one oi the blade*. In company ??-lib Lieutenant Coffin, he hud dis ?"?ere'l a sortitili hair on Iluso ?? f?w In.ill - later. Ilo Inni tito ?et ti lill'ielles uf Wlll'tiiker'? huir on ita? ti. ? ni ibe imi lau club there were four drope ?f en igni-ilei l'.o ? ? !, a? if ?omo Olle Inni dipped bl. Ungen lain a pool of blood itiul tlu-ii allowed tbein lo d tip un the t lab, ? What mudo you think," a?koil Mr ('!iati|!iei'!iilii,"thut it va- tVblflaaer's han ? ou saw ?? the Boor !" " It ???? euh?! Wiiliiiiucr'a hair or tbe bali'of souie Colored person." ?? llu? do ?.ui km.?? rtia' I'' ? ?? ?? t- woolly. A white man's hair may be curly but It In never woolly." '? You ?,:tii roil lluniglit Wlilttak.-i's hair looked h" lf lie had int ll bun in. Will itm pleateexplainyour-clt inoro Lilly "'" this point. ** " On Ha? fruii! pal ? ol 1 I - head It was ( ut upward and bru I-.??, aril, tn ev.u'ii lb* ruine xx a? that utiymie xvo'ld nit lus balr ?f ho hud im or?c to assisi hlin. Tbtewaa ui-? the ????.- on th? back <?' hi h-el." ?? Hax.-i'i x mi mu other reatan tor this hi ll ? 1" " I il'in't know inn. ? ?!, uit tutu ciiliiiig. hat It seem? to in? that if I lint .ut in ? oxvii nan lliat i? ttie xxay I should bave di ut li."" " Itu't Ibi* a fancy of yimra rather Hutu s fratoni 1 rh ? u I he glad, however, to hear a?) rea soni tor j'lir bell. !. If x? u have un' I" ? ? haven't any oilier. That waa my opinion. I thought that tf another person bad cut bla hair it would bave been ui ?? ? niffi i. ii:l?." ?? \'.. mo? xxiiii.'a!; r ili-u.'ji?.l as ll wa !" ? \? s ; I ibould bave conti ic I mv lelf .11 tlvurod." ? iji : (?unii'., r? ? \? ?.en nul ?uu Orsi ODtcrVe tin? tiiiiloe I ill uldeh III? |. ur xx :i? cut I " ? I did not pay uiuoh atteuilun to II when ? ??a? In li?? ,?...????, a?be ??.?? going to the hn*ptial afierward, I ri down ?taira ?li oi ?even irei hehliid him I liuti, ed lue ??.e tu ?? hl'??? ?,??. hair ?? as cut. lind I think ihe ???? n Urni occurred in no-then that perbap? kel b nl Umiliateli I.iu.-. ll." m |or Merrill ??? iviiai lu-idc ?-.ui liiiuk thai ibe four druii ?r ' . ??? ? n Hic itu'i m club cum? from ?urnebody* ?? , . I" " I! < m?? I taw ??? oiler we? In xx lib h lo ace.unit for llieir :.|.p. aranci iii.d |m ? ,|..?? . ' ? 1? 1 ,.? ? ? Mini"" \? !i||| ikei'i hu? tt. I " ?' M? ; he had goue tu the ?? ? lut ?? m n I came lo rttat ? Ii-'u -'? " "Hid x.n,u (?,?,:? ih* ilici rv of Whlttukcr** gull! al ' ? ? ; the Indi ??? ein ? I" ???? ? alieni ib?: ?.?? u. vit. ? ? hut nee tue,? it. liiixvi x. r. I x.? a" n ?. ? ???? u.uli d Bl ?- I UP ?gall. I t ?Il Iliade ?.? immilli*! I.e spot? iiin-i liu\ ???,??? tu ? a? ' 1 I'. Whit , ki ? ? a,lo ??ii,? tuo ?.|???? to drin in?,? hi- ile?, r*." ??.,.? I .Moreow-'Tpan what 1 et* did roti bate yotir II,. .,?? ?.? .. x? liitinkei mntili ? <l Ii lusrll I" ' I liouthl bit it.?in ?.?? of tu.? ? ???????? could li i??? i? o II. and I ilid lio b. Hi ??? Ibi aux of tue cutlet* . X III ?Ve.' il... I XX?. ibi .Io II." ? W ? sii ni ? he be Ilk. !r lo do ?neh ?? thing I" "?' -? 1? wlu tolti . -?? a'cl was ? e lining well.'' ? t ' ? ?n ? rea ?? x. u lud I ' ? ? don't kit .xv ?? l cm gir? ? iy oilier." "Imi ton. ver ktiow nuv o h.?r eadei who mutilated I In -'? ' Ih'ouU '? Uc ...? 1??'. iu lilt si Utile I" ?*" ?Win d you have thought ?? white radei capable of ?.?ich a lai u t ' "Yes; if hi hol " en In Wnlffiik-r' rreumn ????.??." M |ul .1. "Hud eiieii iiiiyllriig In tin with ?.ali? li , I I I' ? I doi.'t titilli s.?.'? Professur (Irci ? ? -"Were voi niieof the radei* cm? piovi' ? ?? . ???' ?.?? ? in luv st ?-ai lu? tais cate I" ? Y? ?, sir. ?? a*." ?a|"? (. li'.t.u ??" Ule ? ??:? ?vere invi ?? ????'?:: : tl:|| ?Minai?: t?.? ? ,.?.?-, ?? li ,t ?,.1 n dui ?mi follow?Hint \? nu lu?.? ? ?? n - guiny, or tin. ? tu? wa* innocent, and ?ron ??? ??? -m p?> tu um t.. limi tito gull i) person* I" ?? l'ooii Iho theory tant Wl Uta bor did ?? bimse i " .?lim ?.?- -c u ut. a law ?luden! >< Columbia ('??ile.-.? ?. ? w Hi'hiHil. w?* ile lieti ?? ? ma.. Ile graduated tmu? We*l I' la-t .linio, l'in ha? lesiglieli l rutti I ili' Arinv sue.? Hull. Il? ten III d thai III? t....tu al W.-t Point ?ti? u most iliii-rily iinileriionHi Hint ?f (,'adel Wulttuker'*. Alca; ? a. ni , Ai'f.l (i, Insu, un board soni'? une eoa,e down ibe-tau* frinii nie floor attore lu? room. He had reiuiilcil it ?? Ili? ? 111 . r?, x? bu bai Investtguted tt. Il tm ned ?ut to be Huile) Willi?, who bud got up arlv Hut! in? un?? to ? ??.? a bub. .?I,.Suiti waa ihen dismissed, ?lui u (ialil.u r said Hint be hud a matter he xxlsied to tiring before the Court. II? deaired to introduce the t ? -11.n?? "fi', ilei V.'iil tinker trforr. theCouri of In? tieri .* e vld-iico. Mi. In unti ria, u r-snniid.? ? ?,,at lu t,ni,-etc? lo Him moil ilietdettlv. It would he dott'im.-u lal n. tin? Intiie-ts uf hit client and dirceli) coutr.iry to Ibe rraulatlona ul the Army. The*c stated specillo illy ihnt tesiiui-uiv taken ut a rotirt or ltii|iurv nlnuild not he lido u coni r nun tlal wbleb liivol? ed Hie ?? luissal ?u ?m olili ? finin ihe Army, or when the oral ic.Hu.on?, of Ihe wilite??could he obtained, Tbe hour bn ?, ??.-?: having trrlv???!, Ike further dttciiasiou ut ibi* x?.?- p?s:i.e ? until tins morning. TUE PIRE RECORD. HEAVY DAMACI?: IN TEXAS. (,??.??-ion, Feb. 10.?Tht Seint luis u special oispatch from Deniaon, which sas?: A hre broke out yeslerdai In the wholesale grocery bouse of Mm x. Kulm tV to., at MulU-St. unii Au.t.ii-as'c., and ilratroyed ihe Building. Tli? first Boor was oeeu).? by Marx. Kuhn A t'o., mid tue house of l. ule ??.,Itiseli ?c...; ibe nnper floor by ih* D niton Herald, ?,,,ile? ,V ItBSS, dentistas, and tlie fallili? ol J. W llll: ton, tin- pnipneiorol The Herald. The litaseasre: ?colica ??.?????, on the bulldiug. ?7.500; liisiind forfJ.IHNIlB ? na London, Liverpool and (? ?.?in?; #2,000 m ili- S nil li iii.ii und Alluri, ni. Mars. Kulm A t'o. h-se #20,1)01); ??-???????. e ????,?????. lloldsell A- ?'??,, dry gnds. loas ,Tl,"i.oiai: ? ???lo,.ano, ??'-'.ois? cucii In the II.un.?, HI l'util, Manli iti ti:, C .nlineiiiiil. Il,mining und Bremen, inni ???Mal in thr Hpriiiglleld. Oilier losses uiiikc the to? nti lOSS $0o,00? ?. MEMPHIS OIL WORK? DESTROYED. MiiMi'iiirt, Telili., Kob. IO.?A lin? Broke oui tills umilimi. In tlie stuck ?.? nu ot th?? Southern Oil Works, m the um I hem part of Ui" dis. I lieti unes M?.read ss Uh such rapidity I hat the workmen employed had M'areuly tliui? to escape svilii their lives. Fliilnes ...,.?? enveloped the entire structure, which,together ssna 2.000 Barrel?! of oil, 1,000 tons or oil cake ?md ion? m o.ttou ?eed, was totally destroveil. Tm? bulinine mid contents were Yaln dut 9.00,000. on widen there ??i- ?m ? n sui a me of ? 123,000, in sums ritnglng between gl,000 and 945,000, In itlioiit forty coiupaiilcs. ? A Wisconsin CHURCH BURNED. CniCAOOi Feb. lo.?A diapatcb fumi White? water, Wie., says the t'uagrogollouai Chereh at that ataee. together with the organ mid fornitore, was hurucii yesterday afternoon. The is 123,000, on which diereis un insurance ol 14.000 each in tlie Home In mimine (.'oii?|iniiy of Nnw-York, ihe (,,?,? mental, Nul ih America and i'eiiusylvaiila. EXPLOSION AMI LOSS OF LICK. ?????????.??, Minn., Feb. 10.?A special to The t.tenimi Journal from Hi. Paul save: ? lio linseed oll works uf Archil,aid A Hdiurmlr were destroyed Iiy fire tins morning, the tunk s exploding with stilliti? ait force io ssnik Hit: hiillillug. John Mart, the superiti leudcnt, aud a laborer wire hilled. The loss is t-?,???. HOME ggWsf. PROMINENT ARRIVALS. St. Jamtt //ofe--Senator John P. Jo_g_ of ff<__jj__ stid stato Trrssarer ?. G). Wendell, of *'??*? V^.'-?atiitai //mase-csiitsln Jemes ?. Ksd?. of Kt ??'???. ????\_&e?n*?_u"f fes Tngsils; f. k A ......AVrs? /f.,mv- Hoery ????!?*?? 7?*e/a?ii</rifle?>)t.rf?r.7#f?rBSl .... /-?/?? ?t*??"?.?*? ,5!_t?_5! Hou. Br?ten E. Fsaton. of jsmestowB. ?. ?d*215tll ?iMiersl Hsndtton W.rrt, of Albany ? WltttjaBS ?-?****' $ It&arvi W. A.HIiiira??DS.??f BoMon: ^??^?^"?,^^? u The (Sneinnnti ?inquirer, end Jstnes D. War-ren. ot KuiTslo nrnoort iVtMiaw-Kear-AilniirsI ?V. R- Tavlor. }>???? ?? lessor J. M. Pierce, of Cauibrl.tge, Ms??., aud^pUln ?ao. MiAkaa, of the steamship KotaMil?.n ?*?/W^TTu^ Jsnics II. colt of Msssachii-etts . Vittori* Ilote?- Pie Hon. John M. Francis, of Troy, ana ex-Coiigrfssruan W. < . ?p??t?. ef Vermont.WeumtneUr /foftit?Ailorney-Geneisl H. W Palmer, of r-riBSVlYania.aVot-Korfc R*?~9!SSm\~*a!i Presina, et Keiitiiekr.-Ke'rwoHtin "?ofst-tOblet?_*?_? Agent ?. ? Tirisele, of the Treasirr Uspsrrnisiit... y?-G? f'?.''' ta . Uta William M. Wadley, l'reMileut of the Ccatrsl lian road of Oeorsia. ^ ? NEW-YORK CITY. There are 489 churches in this city. Harlem i*? to have a handsome new concert hnll. The porcupine brani is the newest braid in millin? ery. The yellow Tuscan braids will be worn again this spring. The flmir-de-lia is the favorite ?.?-sign iu the new cotton sateens. The shooting-jacket will Ite a favorite style for euiniiicr waists. The warm weather has thawed ?mt the hibernat? ing orgnn-grimi?'!'. Foulard ailkt are now selling for Ices thau half their former price. Valenciennes lace in new dentali will be used for trimming Bummer dresses. Wide bord?is ave on the new cotton materials, and will be useil for trimmings. The int.-nor decorations of th?* iiesv Union League Club House arc ncarlv liuished. Some of the new boots for ladies button very far l?a<!< at the ?iile. behind the ankle-bone. There are 120'?tudentfi in the l.'iinn Theological Ketuinsrv ; a less nuinoer than last year. Hatin bows with silver or eilt ball? on the ends ate wovii ?s shoulder-knots with party dresses. The third story ha? been added to the Cardinal'.! new house at F-ftieth-st. and Madison-avo. Frenchmen in this city eay that American frogs are more ?telicate eating than tho Calli?: croakers. New ambrolla handles arc made of celluloid ; it is much cheaper thau ivory and is both strong and pretty. ? fe?v spring bouliers have been Importad nnd privately exhibited. Nothingstrikingly new is seen amone them. Artisans are carving the designs in stone on the main entrances of the new bank building at Ilroad W8V an 1 Wall-st. A coat of paint would ??reati.y imnrovotho appear ance of some of the loeomotive-eoeinae on tbe sixth Avenue Elevated Railway. Many trainmen on the Third a\venue Elevated Railroad ?v???r their numbered badges reversed in onlcr to avoid identificai ion. Mrs. Jane O.Ed wards sends $.*> for the Life saving Service through Cantalo Hiekford. of Washington. It will be forwarded promptly. Theatrical ticket speculators have been "long" of Clara Mcrris matinee tickets lately. The public prefers tn pattonifc the box office. The possessors nf sleighs are disconsolate as the snow is fast ?lisapiienring. There have been more than forty days ?if sleighing this season. Many trece in Central Park nre badly ?1i?ngnred by the branches which were broken !>v the recent severe storm and have not been cleared away. At a me? ling of th?? Chamber of Commerce yestcr .1 iv. the proposed Lowell bill, for establishing a uniform system of bankraptev. was discussed. ( I'llIN?! Ill it THROAT WITH A RAZ'in. Mrs. Catharine Mohr attempted to cut her throat svilii a raxor yesterday at No. 72 Broome-st. She is thirty-six years old, an/} was left a widow a year ago, with sev.n children. She gashed her throat deeply, bul hope ol her recovery is eiiti-itaii'od. POR mi' kxim:d socialist?. The treasurer of the Relief Committee in aid of the exiled Kocialists, A. Hoeline. rei?orts that the rom? mitiee has rreived contributions to the amount of "M.ssM et>. Of this$1.024 ?IO has been paid to the exiles, leavingf250. which will be used to pay tho passage ?if sume ol tlmir families. ? ivnitY ix Tin: Ki.'vsnn TRAIN*. The practice of running Thirl Avenue Elevated trains by the lower stations without stopping still c;t?i-es numeraos ? omplaintg from il .? victims. If a ? ? -etiper asks lo he allowed t?? ge' off the conductor grntlls replli s. " Don't stop. Whv in h?1 don't you ml?? in tin? cattle-cats underneath ?'' cii.\nui:t> with CAVAI XO hi- si?ti:k's* ??t?t. A coroner's Jnrv vrsterda) chargeil Veil Meiirew, an rx-ennviet, with the murder of his stater, Mrs. Jafxs Carhart. at V"? ? im West Kleveuth-sr.. De eeiuiier 21. He threw s lighted lamn at her. and while her clothes were burning be robbed her and 11???I. II?? lin? not 1? en found by the polire. Tin: 1'Hi.riisH? EOoUMfCAI. ?isRDFV. ?n annual meeting ol ile stnekholders of the (Tniveraal Conservatory and /.ool.e-ical Oarden I'nnipaity was he'd yesterday at ??>. i:t~ Kroadwav. ? In? election of officers nnd a hoard of directora was postponed until March 10, when a aneehil meeting svili l?e held, Tbe present olii ei.? and directors ??.ill hold osa r till that rime. WiiliKI viisu ?'? TROtRI ' ?. The strik?? <?f tli ? who I-cai vers .f Herts Brathera* still continues. i*be Carvers' Union has been in f.'itn-a by the Pnbee authorities that it moat uot im.'riete with the linn in trying i<? obtain workmen I ? till Ihe pli.s of the str.kers. The "lockout " of the ??tele?1 i'i'l;ers. who were employed by Scheuer ?? >"ii. No. ?ill liroadwav, still continue?, CORPORATION 111 'RB-.l'S NT I Kill. ? p.tit ..n n? the Legislature asking that bureaus of sinfisi ics. laws ami Information may be estab? lished for nil corporali ms representing cnnitsl only, in winch th.? control of thei*orpornt??n ?.?determined by oui* vole for each share ot caintal, is in circula? tion. The object of such IwreatM la to furnish the people \?ith exact aud trustworthy information regarding corporation??, < ??>??.???< ?? WITH K!invi<: \ ???? raxR, At tin? Tombs rollen Court vcatt-rdav, I). J. Whit? ney, agenl of the rWiefy for the Prevention of ? nine, charge! .lames Kennedy with keeping a faro hauls at No. 00 ? ssau-sl., <m tbeantnplniut of .lohn Stephen-ion. Dili et? M II an I (tartiner, of the Tombs Comi Squad, bave been se .lung [or I lie accused man for days, nnd fourni n at No. li!??? "onthThiid-sl., Brooklyn. II?? was iield ili f?.tMKJ bail. COMMITTRI) m Till- invi's ton Mi'ltin'ft. A woman nnmed Aun Cnuniiigiiaui \sas bunted to death nt So. H2, January 10. Peter C*n? luid was charged with pniiriiig kerosene noni her clothe* and sotting fire to t hein. To the policeman svio? nu-'sieil him be said that the Woman ?vas ?? unk, and he set tir- to her to drive her ?'Ul ol Ins room. At the inquest ycdenlay, the Jury Inumi ? 'mill hi guilty <>t murder, aud bu ?vas committed to th?? Tombs. a Min it pii.Kt roi.v or a VK.Mt's UOHTALITT. A tec'irtl ??f the city's mortality, err?ngest l?\ stieets, upon which much lalmr has ben expended in the Burean ol Vital rttatistics, was completed vrtterdav. The table hits liecu prepared hy the direct urn of Profeaso Jauewav, In f'int-avc. th?.? largest number of deaths occnried In 1880, namely, ????!, t>r wl ich 1120 were in ?K?l t >nemeiit-hoiisea? of Hies.? ll'.i'j were cbildreu. In one lonement-houae there were 7 ???;?????. Tliird-ave rauks next with (170deaths: S33ofthoae who died were cbildreu. tu M'cotul-ave. ill" pcisons died : .">?_'?? wen? dwellers in tenoiiioutVliousea, bixlli-nve, bad only 112 ilesth*. ol wb'cb fT ocenrrcd in tcnemenl-housea. S 'veiith-iive. 177 ?baths, with 1IH n, t m in nt h it-cs. t'ightb-ave. 17?) deutba, with tiffin lone? ineit-'ions,-s, noti Broadway 80 deaths, of which oui?, ?_"_' wow m tenement-bouse* BROOKLYN. The annuii report of the City D'spenr-arr show.? that 1S.7HI patients ?vere treated in 1880, aid ??, 111 pi.??<Tiptions fnrniahed free. The garbage colleetora pay little attention to the uiieinpiied ?ish-iinirels m Soiitb Brooklyn that have been accuinuluting foi several wet k". Edward Kennedy, who was sentenced to life hn? priaoiuuent Wednesday for the innrder ol Mr?. Nellie Mokes, ss as ?, in to 8iug8ing prison yester? day. It hi reported Unit ? new theatre in the Esatern Diatrict svili he built soon iu ih ? vicinity uf llrtiatl vs:tv nini Koiitth-sl.. at a cost of ???i?I?.ikiii. | Mt, ?,,st star actors ami leading companies will Ins secured t?> Play in it. aud it will rival tho Novelty Theatre at l'itili ami South Ponrtb-ete. JERSEY CITY. Wm. Annual aae ten, of No. 12 Elliott-place waa badly bitten bv u s.ivam? il???,? VVedueaduy night? Ilio dog svas shot yesierilay by onlerof Police Justice Slilsing. The annual statement of City Controller Nelson, *?.?,??.??.,G,-,,?<,.,?'1 a",l,ll,Ji,i1'"?? ,i,-1>-?'f tnacitvat !M(I.7(10,.I1,.. Ihe water ilel.t. which is self-sus tatning.ia -fi ???.????. ,n,,i taxes and nssessinouts amount ini?? to 90.248.161 are collectable. Mahion H. L'ramptou yesterday baoded over the 9227,000 m Hudson County booda. winch bo re? ceived lor the proptieed new courthouse site, and received Iu exchange the deed of tho property. Alter the properly was imrchusc?! m 1H70 the Stato courte decided that the bargain WM illegal, as the appropriations for tho year were exceeded hy the issue of the IiuikIh.? NEW-JERBEY. HnmiKKN.?Tho fourth annual soiree dunsrtnto of th.? Union Siimal Club ??t lloboketi was held last evening in the Gorman Club llnust?. Mnny luviU'd guests from New-Yurh ?vere present, ami the wealthy (??'im?n families of Hol..,ken aud Jersey City were well represented. pATi'its?.?, -Alexander ??? Uten, a native of Inllytowii, Lanarkshire, Scotland, who been living ut Coletowu, III., attempted to shoot himself >esterduv iiiorniiig, while coming cast mi train No. 12, ou the Kn? tbmi. A patmeugcr knocked the re volTer down, and the ball, instead of entsrin? Htm lion's necket ?hieb it waa aimed, heuieA mmittn bla arrkle. He waa taken to St. Stm^ ?oertra? at Patensoo..Iu the trial of Samuel J W David, for the murder of h ?a wife, the taking of testimony waa completed rc?ter?Uy. Iba defend? ant and hie father both teatioVI. Tbe uriaoaer atid that be was married iu 1*7ti. and rhat bla wife waa then an inmuto of the Rev. Dr. Arm i tag?*, a family, I he case will be aummed up to-<l*y. 8TATEN ISLAND. Pout Richmond.?A case ot smnll-pox ia re*-*-irtt?il .n Port Richmond. ^* Wkht Bkioktun.?Robert A Mlutnrn, ot Weak Brighton, with others, baa filed ar? idea of inMrpora. t um of tbe United Htatea Illuminaiiug Company of New-York, with a capital ot .S?1.000,000. Nkw-Dokp.?The funeral of ex-Judge Henry R, Melcalf wae held yeaterday iu the Moravian Church, at New-Dorp. There was a large attend-? ance. The sermon waa pleached by the Ber Dr. Yocnm, pastor of Br. Andrew'? Church at Rich? iiioikI, of winch tbe deceased man was one of tho oldest members. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINlATURK Ar,MAN\GL TO-DAT. Sann*.??. ?-?? ? Sun????. ? 30 iClcsik ft?tI4rn28??e ?>? "? -' ?-. ?: Id . Moot ftoatiis lo je , Uoun'i.i.'e.iUy? pt Il ?'.H WATKB TO-'M Y - A. H. Bandv Hoo*.. 5:4J t noT. Itiaaa.. Wrt$\ it*ii ut*..... g ?g h m a wat?h to-dav- p. u. Haudr Hoo?.. C:''tJ 1 liiiv. i.lan.l.. (J V> ; Util*..^. 8.3*4 NOTICE TO MARINERS. Ornea or rua i.mhth rsr. Bo ab? ? \?A?iiiN"io.\ Feb. 10,1880. J Nutte.? is given bv tbe Hf lu H nus? Hoard mat the axel wldte light of the :id tinier to the e.-i*lwai-il and J*i*t oolsiiij of Erie 1 f n !:or <Preaqu I*le Hay 1, Lake I? rl?. I'ennsylvamaj win nut bo re'igtitotl on the ouontng of uavlgutlnu la tl?? .pi'lUgOj 1 .-eil. ay order of the Lighthouse Board. JOHN ??????, Ut ?r Ad ne. ? al IT. ff. Navy, ? bun.nun SHIPPING NEiiS. PORT OP ? E ?V.YORK.Fi.3 10. l?J"L AKKIVKD. ship J?tele BiitTlll (of Yarmouth, !xTH).( hureblll. Sr \?m m Hoc'?.', In i.allaat to tttya A Hlncken; anchored it, hu,^ Hook for oitler*. ur ?--iiip Jame* Drammoni (new, l.BS? toni'. Carli*, Balk Jtru 11, lo btilast to Itine* \V KIweTTA (a Bark '.tsir*. '(icr... Schwarii.ig. Hamburg 29 (lay?, with ?al? ?.a! empty barrel* to order: vettel to W.ijen Ttwi A. Oa. Hue". ( "iiH'il I'lated (Her), Schnitt, fM-naialiuco dd ?tay** with sugar to ? ? Mattblessen ? ??'lechera1 Mugar Beflnliigl Co?. Vt-**el to Kuuch, Kdye tfe Co. line A J White (llr), te Blanc Tark* 1 aland Novan vi* ?'?sitan. NF 17 day?, with ?ail to ortler, veaeel to HMteuj V?al*(.n 4('o. Urla It ? (?rove. Hodgman. Peoatcolt '? day*, with lamber! to onici?; vi ?sol to Fara?n* * Loud. .-ehr J .1 Hani?, HamiDuad. Tampico 23 day?, with woe:]*? and Hktns to J W Wilma it Co. -??- ? ?-?-???-, Mltcneii, Laguna 32 city?, with timber te Bl Kn?n?l?. ? sehr Clotilde (Htvt), Rudolf, Nue vitas '24 day?, with le-e? bogtiiy aud cedar to odio A Perorai vessel to Itinet Borltinll & Co. ?sehr Lester A Lewi*. Fletcher, Brunswick, Ua Jan '-'J with In.utier ?? ? H Mrsith .s Co. ?t'ltr ?a?? Carietou (of N?*?an. NP). Thomdikt. C?rdenas ''ti di??-.. Witti *ugar lo order; ? ? sevi tojParaons A. Load. ty Iho luiiowin* vetMl arrived yeaterday, too lata tor in* senioii In ship nnwi IIiil- Tlissi?, >ilckhaven. Corsean a.T.livs, with ?alt, aide*,? etc, to A I' -sir. ut; veeeei to Marcial it Co; SUNSET - WIND - At Handy Uno?, light, ? SW, dense fog. CXiRARED. straSldonlaniBr), Blytb, London, Henderson Bro? Balrte? (Un. Pa-sel' Liverpool, ? J Corti?: ? ? pi. ? .Bri. Wllklnton, West Hartlepool. W ? Tbompson & Co; i-'luuitioMugh (Bri.' Whltebum. Hamilton. A ? Ooterbrtdgi & Co: Lnaatng (Oeri.i Vo*?, llambnrg, Plymouth and Cherbourg. Kuuhardt A ce: llii'h'iKiini. ?Steven*. Norfolk, (?1.1 Uninluion Ss Co; Nereo?. HtM'-t, lloeton. ? ? Danne?, l'un eil ?tatet. M.tthewn.l litltliuore, 'ieo ? Olover: Niagara. Baker. Havana. 1 ? Wsnfl 4 Co: Cre?ceut(1ty. l'orter. Aapluwall, l'acino *JaU e* Con Eleanor Uragg. l'ortlau l,J FAueti BautUgo de Cuba, Foote,' Havana and Mexican port*. ?Uli'Maggie A Ilobeitson (Br). Cooper, Anglers for order?,, Bowling & Archibald, Monarch (Br). KicUai?lion, London, ? I Nevhn * Son. Barks ?,-yiithle (BD. Bishop. Bordeaux. ? I Nevln* A Bon? ?tVt-liliii-ton ? un. ( lare. la.udon. Jtmea W ?tacU aft Co; Abbr Bacon, ?taples.dibraitar and Malatra. John Zitrlosen: Europa, ((.???p. ??nei mil i?,Bre?ieD, H.nn.nn ? nop & Co; Ho*a Madre? litan, I.ehoff-. Oirk for order*, scarpali A OA, Brig Cano dia,?. Lane?, Bordeaux F II smith A Co. scliisJ \V l'aimer, Piim?r. M euiford. ?t.mfonl Mannfse. tiir'.ntr eu? ! n???? Mav. SDt?TOW, Jacksonville, ueo H equlrej H W Mo oil.?v. Dou?hty. Waanlngto ?. NC Overton 4 Haw kit:?: ? ? Hitilth. Atken. Booth Bay, Me, CbasTuiug; HedoaJ do, lie! ta, l'rovideuce. Chat Tuing. MI8CELL?,NE0U*1 Halifax, Fob 10-StrColum 1* iBr). Yming. from f-ondon: for Boston via Halifax, i* ont arta 1 ove.duc al thi* poil. MARINE DISaSTEHS. ?.(?:???? Fob 10-Shlp Elcano, Browi, from T.lrernool fog Cali-iitt.i, bas put into Queenstowu leaking, having ?osi bul? warks imi stanchino?. Nkxvoih.kass. Feh 10-8rr Yruric Bnt .Mpan), Elgarte. from Matanzas arnxed bere yevteruav a'toruoon with the British sehr llovalist in low. having plcketl ber up fifty uillet . tl eoutliwoat Pan*. The *<:br enconnle.tod a ?ever gilt Oft, tu ? th nint- and lost ?a la aud rudder bead. The lioyiuat IA from i;?tr. lie with fruit. ?TEAMKIl MOVEMENT?-FOltRI'lN POllT? f.tvKKPooi.. Fcb lO^Arnved, sir Carolina (8pan), Rlestra*, mini llollimore. \? ? u tiv? ?trs Mark Lane (Br). Way. (rom Norfolk; Ons nu m ? Bri. Williams from Portland? ANTWKtu. Feb 10-Arrlved. *tr Flft iBr). Knight, from Halt ? inure. corfCNHAur?, Feb 10?Arrived, ttr Katie (Oer). Welse, fronjj New Vork. Hiuu Feb 10? Arrived, err Salerno ilir). N'eUT, from New* York. sTEAMKR M0VEMENT8-AMR!.Il-*AV PORT"! Ronr???. Ft-b 10-Cleared, atr Nav gatuoas (Br). WllUam*'n. ??i.i..!. ?rrs Mioj'ioiiau iBr), ;.irI>ougall,(tla*>gow; 8ardlnlaal (Br e ut"::. 1. ? . via Hallbix Arrived, str ??'.? rulan. Archer. Mvrrpoo!. i'oKit.ASu, Fob io?Arrived, str Lake wiuocpeg, fron? Livi rpitol. ?a?.?.?-??:. Ft'biu?Cieareu. atr Jobut HopkliiA Parker, lilin'.'lll. Hailed, sir Johns Hoplilus. , l'liiLALKti'iiiA. Feb ?o-Arrive-l. sir lloran, croaeil. Bct. ron. Cleared, str Miaatrel, Taylo,?,'eaton. salted, mi XiMihii. ss MoNiioK. Feb 10-Paewd iu tor Baltimore, eg ?al Ino. Mottu linstet. J IH.i.xxvAi?V ??'.??????te?. Fob in ibe harbor.??* j \v Everuian. Naw-OKLBAia, Feb IO??Sailed, atr Moi-ran City, Adatti? New. York. cu ?tu ? ?G"?. I'eh ??-Arrived, ?trs (tisi o???. m, NewYorir Citi'i'.it.a. .'.?tn Haltnn?'e. t-.tx.x'-NAii, Kt-li lu?cbared, str ?mond iBr). Bremen. FtiKKKiN 8HIP1MV ? ?,??????.?, Feb Iti??sailed-lit lnsl. FsnCa!-*. 4lh lnit, IWatJ Tilde sih lust, L ?? s -atntth, -utaoi;..: Dili .ua!, Constiutlne^ Ttldiio , I'e.ibislv, loth ln*t. Htorllin.'. ?p-iv-tl-lih nisi, soileclio. Tavl?r i).r...n Tib Inst, Maria (???ili! selilidl'. Hi" latter at Dover, Neptun, ?Viitl Uuntert sthtntt, Inmtnirg, Kil.iorrau, Loui*e*nv ileirrriat* Or h last," Alino. Heu i.onutii.1. Dcs.-ta llubMVtt-kl. Etlta A Konneyj Fairy. If Kit! iTt'ilvemr. laik" sip' ri-??. ? Mosher.l itomi, t-t tt?r;i.i'l Hrinli. Morn.?? Con?laiiiuir. Vrrtt? lOlft] in -it. Arduo, A ?pato tan. Aaron ,('ir.t ?sg.-t??. < i-oelleltl* lilaila, li.g.i. Inveii???. Ivituboe, Magd?!??. Mutiiiza?. ro. Uuei hhlo ill??/, ne? fil ? /?./.?. " What, asked a Bnnday-slitiol teachera '? In ui.u lux in hie nower rbur nicvcut a o wicseil niari troni bl'-t-pitii: unti MUM linn to to*? ibeitt n?ion bl? uiw loxv. imtl xvbat slioiUd he ?lo fo onji?. tbsr |?oace rbatl I'.i-nelu iiiui.Tntiiu Unit f" " 8cw up tae ?? >le iu Hie nw?H i|ii'iii bar." waa the prompt anstver from ine bad ? >y ah tlio loot of Ibeclnss. I Auuuncejien'aj. Lydn's Tooth Tablets ne the ? rfcorion ofi io amo-a, Ui'licaicly ttavorod, sud please th,? ItMMl f.:pridiou?. My ir,ot!icr lins been a nniiiyi 10 dyspepsia im x.'.iia. rh > usual remedio, frtl?-d. Contrary ta raj c\pecn talion? th* Dolman ???. i'o.'*!ie.itinii.i toa cured ter. t . ?,??? Ahi Ml'BllAY. ?. G)., L. It. c. P.. Toronto. Piles are inatantlv relieved ami porni?ncntl??, cared In u lag ".)? xkcsis." Hartiflu tree at H3 sierctr^t lien's llid'in Kond positively cures ;t!! wertk?? ? licsei brnln ar.lsoxinilorgans, ffl. ilfurfS. %h4rt)gt*traai M UTUAL DI8TRICT TELEOHAPH C03C? PAXT. Kxct Ulive Ulla ?os.?;.' ti!" -IV -?. fMReetare being fitteti up trivtritatpcrri n-ot tiiecitx fo? tin? pin |io?o or hiniinhu.g i'mnipi Olid cl! oient .MK-a?i:.VHKIt, l'fl.ICIJ ANI) IT IH: sEHVIlE. NO 1IKNT will bo.lutrgotl fer Call l'.oxe? Tha ? u'iaii.age of i!.e|ui!'bc i? ma*??feti* tvUeilea. H. w POPE. Vkv.i'it-.iici tau.tdeal Mgr. To Let from May 1, 1881, OFFICES TRIBUNE BUILDING. THK SUIT Off NINK BOOMS NOW OCCCPUt? B? MK-?llrt. VANDliKIMKL. UHKKN at CIMINO. Al'l'LY AT THE TUlUt ne cointini; UM RUPTURE. ir. J A. SHERMAN, and Hi? on!?' Br. 8HgBat?t?? ,u?n to iho nubile lor ih? )>??t ? v?*r? for MMM-g ????????? ?utl cure of Ilupture. may, uulll RM* _g*gl be iiinnullo 1 a? follow?: At hi? br*ncli tifflct?. ?? *_I"*?l li. ?i.'ii. mi Wisitiesday?. Tburttltx?, ind Jl?*LAmnmm*m principal offlee, ?'?? hm-uiwar. ^??W't'rtffl? Mun.liy?*. and Trnxeuays of each week. HI? ^^rt^thci ',, ^ graphie hkeotttet ot bad c*??. befor. ???1 ??t cnr*- I ,.'??????. ., niailoil lo those who ?und 10 cents. ? <_?? ? AP*m, ?AT-TTeT?AMtiiYnnATu OTISeleva?obs. ?a pkty steam urugAT) --^ . J ELEVATORS. ?OTIS dltUTUEIt?? 4U?M!? anadway, ti.t?