?wmen to deal with; but he evidently failed to com
?wahend the resources ot ti> rlvsl Mr. Presi?n Is not
Cb.id to Ue bluffed by five-dolisr rites, slid has mude
ihjd f ? ojtronnee which tor ??? lulo the ah tde all pre
Ztaa* mtl'i? eroenfs to die of which aev record exists. He
?enciitice? teat to srivoneondcriue two carrtaces at the
Baku rates he wi'.l furnlsu a heute tree of cuaive, and
BB for poor people wbo are not able to pay for
Barai carnage? he will provide "just ?a uuiclt as if
|Bsy wne nth."
In 1879 the California Legislature author
Bwda eou-itittee of the Health Hoard :<? ex?nime var:on*
fatalltie?? ff>r ihe purpose of silectl?;? tbe best tue for
?State nosp.tal for consumptives. Tho results of this
Investigation ?ppsar ,n the annual report ot tiie State
Beard of Health tor 18S0. and Thr Medicai Record uf this
City cals attention to thein us a valuable coniri'ititmn
Berllcustic knowledge. Tbe committee maltes many in
?ere-ttng observation? about resort? wiilcii already have
? reputation for beai t amines*. San'.? Barbara, for in
Staue?, is recoin mended tor its equable t<>m >era*ure and
general freedom from severe winde , hut in summer ttie
winds are sometimes bad, tbe air is ???? very dry, there
Ore occasional fogs and the temperature us huh 8au
Diego has ? remarkably equable teiLipTsture, the range
?et heirs? more thfiu 15? for tho whole year; the
BBSBBBBW is less tban thai of mist in?, ns on the eeast,
there am few ??*?? and ue sever?? ulnas. lake Hiihh
Barbera, however, it lacks elcvutiou und dimes? in
?jauntier. Arter a careful mveaugation of this character
the ooasioities reeommeudeU that ihe Biete no-? it? I i>e
d feted m Alias Peak, on loe ? ?Igt? of the Coast Kndko
tamtam?, wlthiu twelve miles of Nipa City Tins
fiat*- Uw ot l?ie year? aUfweind coaxwk-rahle ?.tentila,
seje ti? ooaiiuutee, ou accouut uf it? equability ot leni
peraterc. lu tn-c iloui ir.iu loca or burnii winds, the dry
awe? of tne ?tatospbrre, and iu ???fa?a? advenientes as
?> lassimi" lor consumptives, its ed vallon i- a Mm ?
1,600 leet. Its tuc?n tempera:are Tor wiuter 1? ol?0 . lor
BB?.r "I" The mesa relative humhltty Is ouly 45
ruent, ?Dieta le conquiera ? ? iivs ttiuii at tbe ?it. ?t
ter ku ? au health r?<n?. Tb- c-nu-tte is waiui IB
Baver, out it ?? seid never to be oppressive. There
ibi? ne lealanal diec?se?. an?! the vicinity affords abuu
Swt tacimi?? for camp.lite an i out-Joor exercise.
from It* Vnc. Voik Tim?? of U'*?n*?ttmy m?rnine, March Ti
I" Hul Maelci s. icuiolube? inai I am au * -.?, ; lu ?,.::, it
In nut written dowu. yet folget uot thai I am an ass."]
Perhaps tbo most amusing leaf .te of tbe Presi?
leot's reuoeiioatiou of Wie exiauug incuiubouts of
federal otti.es in New-York is tin- distiiist with
which it has been received by ?-veial no-called " in
iBBpeudeut'' uieiubeiB of |>>%ISbl Sonato. Wheu
S?BTbIBUNB, With a duablo-lctdeil allei tatuili of
ttfiiml amboni iliou. assi ? ita i tuet clique on the 2d
Of January thai tbey would "not tail ot bontinlm
recognition loi ? heir indeoemleooe, their culaci?,
their reso.ule pursuit o? the poifey they be?
lieved he?? for the Republican parly, und
for tbe country," some simple souls imagined
tbat tbe day of Conklmgisiu was over and that
Blessrs. Woedltt. Ruberlwui and others were it. con?
trol the reOeial patrouiige of Ilio M:?le instead ol
our senior s-.iiatoi. Tbe Presidi'iit has either
changed bis ninni or bo wa? ?t??.-^1? uiir-iepruscntcit
by the supcrseiviceable person who waa trying very
hard about that tune to in.ike linn iiduulou.-.. On
the whole, little as there is tu be ?aid lor Cottkliug
ism.it is inliiiil'ly l<. liei thai. IB? distribution ul
pairouage by a syndicate ol ofluc-jnbbing Stale
bcnatois. _
aYomlmitiont by ffir Ivtf.ilnt'. sir Wmn iater. WsOsusday,
Maith SB
#'er ( ollccioT of the Port of .\,?r- fare?William' II.
Ar ?initttr lo ?uttrU?William Walter Pliclps,
for l'uii'iil-deiKiiil ut London -Kdwili A. MeiiKt.
tor ?vtmitorOtnerul?W illiain ?. Chandler.
fniS INNOCENT CAl'SE OK ?? ? ???????? ?>1<??G.??.
Frvm The Tribune. Jon '.'.
Tbe time boeme ht loi ai le.i-t otic statement
about the itpiu'o.iciiiuu Administration oi Presuli ni
t?arti'ld. It is not to be ueetl an a mul.v-v <'.,.lit III
tsodiug?SenatorialooutnetB, wh<ihe( in New-York
erelscwueu?. We ate fully authorised to ?a? Una,
jsnd the M'orila are emr <-u u? 11,cu full aiBiiitu
it it proper to any tinlkt' that lea IsteaiM Admin?
llfrdfiy? trill ?ce fi? it thai Ihe mi ? /rom ?? >? - ) , i. un !
from ot h a Mods uho mut tin lottrtuje ut ? Im. y. lo
eery f A? ???fire of their uistrt?!* m lie bxil?ou.ij tor
apre-v/r ? f, ?ad ir/io tlius Hmmllg tm\e? fur t?urfield, shall
ftot ??Iti r toi il nor lo*t by it. Jl'iy mil not foil uf < on?
myrabli lenagsif?v? fav timt inurpeinlcnct, tutu eumratft,
puir rotatati pinmU of the ?vu ? the if believed bull for
fhe tUpubl ?'.in port y and ho the cviitiry.
GeiiUftiicu at Albany wl.w am m?uI to tmv? been
ilireaieu-'it with h ?iitieieut ewife at V\ aahingtoa
?lav readme themselves. 'Ihe ?VduilUiatralHMJ ol
Presuleut (j.iibcld is u? be au A?miuistinliou for
Ihn winde HepubliOBii party. It will ton.cut no
auarrel?; will most carnestiy at -k the
iings that make lor m-uce aud lor the
liest inteieste of tbe parly it reBteeeate. lint
It will uot i-ennit its trieoda to be perm-?uted tor
their friond.sliip. Wlux-vei baa la-en persil '?led to
dtrtibt Ibi? mav aa well make heu?cioiib a declaia
?ihi ol independence froui tne U.claiiwn ot Buy au?
thority nave the wishes of coustilueute anil his own
Convivtieu* of poiK.y and ngbt.
.The Southern bulldozers will nivrr permit
ti fair tlectlou until they .tie taught tliat a fr.ii.rtnY: ? une
Bjill avail iheui nothing--! Albany Menm?! Journal <Kcl'l
If it is riot Jeff D.ivih ?Imi is making a foul
Of hlin-i li it i? Wade ilauiploii, aud il nui il.nu.?
ton il in lieu li ili. The ?euMcrate Seve sore time? wiiu
their allies In fray.?|i'levt !?iel Herald (Ken)
The best thing ihat the President can ????*.
te h* liad Rionali alone, anil Oui in ike MtattetB VBm?
than il.ut are by unbje, iiu? ? ??- ?-leu.liy tu ali Hie pania
asid expiusi- Ibal would alii ml lee mcetUM yf Co: gre??
U Uli apriu?;.?irmiadelpbia I'cle^ratjti (Hep.)
fltrn The Trvp G? ?it* I Ktp )
The L'uited Males cannot afluid to keep the
Mi of ail ver up i>y artificial Bseaui tit Ber for the beoefll
W botiansa uiiiK-owii?.?!? or of forecn Bwwetsj Imi if .??
3* preclas-lv ? hat It IS ?iulOi.- now anil Will ???ntlnue :? Un
Soli??; a? Iouk as the ???? <??? is ouiiiiiiucu of ove?
,????,???? luoiith of siivei dollar- vkieli are noi eeeWe I,
ri conMitut? ouly an euciimonuiee .Mid a ueiiaor bulb
Maliuiiai citait and basilic?* liilercsl?
A?* OVKHI^OADED ?G??0???.
fVom G/?? CA?<a*?i A?wi.?J?v Journal iHtj:)
.David Davis tukes the atiniu utl tin? ftTrra^o
f>*mi>rrntic Hcnalor'e itiiuil m CVoi?riuV) by WritlllK M ???
1er, ieeJartaa ihai be wui imt rtaoica as report?e, hut
EeouAiiis lairui, which expiic- lu 1KH3. If Da viti
t.ltll} relieve bliusclf uf that linn..-use "ii ml "
he is coi stai ti y vrat'UaT about t BB people of Illinois
Bxuuld be triad u? send amau u> the United Otates Beliate
??Be te m accord * lib I hein on a ? MsatetleJ mure. TBal
abb 84-uatoi will ieturii to ?'????.,??????. BJ he sals, to
fool alter hi* private business when his term expires,
libere tant a particle of duobt.
Fivm The An-Anvnid I'lstmtch lOet/u)
'"We sfek fopitalieis ami skilled workmen
t'Ui the .NuiiU. Wi? ueetl llieiti. \li ?an! theiii to ctuc
? shall In lo make, liicui feel at Jioiuc, end sitali ho|ie
keenc lUeiu prosper beyoaU in? ir m ? ciailons Weite
lieve tt?at hete is a Kfeai ??-id aud a good opportunity,
Bnd ait? irym?. la our own ? ay to mike this Held and
ptiporiunit> known, and we protest a?;H.n?t bein^ Judged
by our worst elements or tin? expressions uf a ?lisa.iM-tn? 1
BilBoniv. There is no preJudKe here aaam?t Nnrilieru
BMB. We ere A tuen ?ans first?we an- proud of our coin
Beei eeuutrv?our oairiuiisiit'? not bouuned hv tseie
Une?; ihe hrotlu rhood of tbi? ? Hula De?iple U a erowtin:
reality to us. aud oar ouuituou iniereeis are daily mine
appareil L ?????__^
Thellnst sale of tho oil paintings mid vruter
fcelor? v. birb hare been on exhibition recently at the
Lsaviit Art Gallery, took place yesterday ereaiag,
jhsty-onia picture? were Mid, which brought s total of
Blvs.tHO. The attendance wa? fair, and aitb?u?b the
piMiaK ??? not allunateti, a iiood- xveraffe was real lied.
Bo very iarce price? were ?1 veli, the lnr?r?st lire?; BB40,
tor" rilutili?; u Subject," by A. fasauova. Tne following
h tbe list of picture's which brouait $100 or over, to
gctbsi with ibe price? and artici? :
. 4Hiil . Pietvrs. Price
??s?Tto?i,C.Tne Pet-trait (wsierceior). ?mo
|??|??, ?.The Pieity mm uirl. ?????
f>nin.i.J.AnkvealB/ Party.
?eMbuU Its? .hadr of Honor. Uniti ?f Bane
Antoluette. 6'.<5
B?*iiHm.u<?raea..*pilu?;-The lliuuesusad. I'"?
teslth. A.hftrs?? Reposta?.. 7^'
ireuae, llrarreiu....Ttie Cbapeaa. **?
????"?va, A.Fininiia a Hubjeet. So"
hardi. ? E.Winter r>cebe. ???><?
??Bbifer. C.Hcene tn Hoilsml .-. I'M
?U?u.Ul,.M.Hea>l?fl.'atsliei . ?>>?'?
??any. M.Spanish I?-it twaterioUitl. 14K
Ubksra*. Jnan.Musical ?? in. U>*
trtK*j-Aa,"',?.Thr Nc?iM-tfut nartier. ?Ml
lehharfl it w. J.ske u!s.i?> . I'D
?mm. faam?...?..??T*ecn ???????....~?. '???"'
.?JaWt. ?J. ? .AClilUtot ltaiy . i?7<>
eira?*. ? istmia....Warming M. iistitU . *'M
\2HS\J\*,..Hash Mlsh Kslls. ?llu
??*?^ *-w.Tiavaiion nirsuei uy Wulve?.. sun
'?*?*?; A.?Vila Kluwer?. ?I'd
g**??*???? ..?. ? .? iMmksy Itil?.. l?w
MW*wtl.rMseB...Uu?.iiuTiiie Urta*. ???
????LriL.T*eM*Qn?.u. ??i??
laaiaa. !...Wtai*rTwib?kt S85
?>~? *??*.,^*e?S1-rait.?.?.?.. :::::::::: 20*
52?^"?;.?.<>??????*??? . ? o
wl? fttta'a-.T^,i?"*???>?wisiwsterc?.lor) ) S
raevea. Otto rt?.l.iiochI,a?s_ ?70
g?name, E.w..B?u Ks*eB*c?i?ieaa. sin
K^=":^?-:.:::::?:.::::::: S?S
N*?*e-......V?u>, rv^a,ihasia?"??." i?0
S Mm OcQTearkto met to-eay iBtr?ia?it. i? ?
?***. nreaidiot. Harm ? ????.????
a ?LJ?tT^SP?^ *?*. D?riioularly with a??*.
?aViL??r?t,?^ m deuoeiit iu* Uia iiDurej?l?7,Jii
V-BTEBDAT'e M;.tTiN(i of ini' WORUr*a ?.\??: ? X
MR. J! W: ?'?? 111 SITATIOV.
At the meeting of the Executive Committee rf the
World'.- Fair OmnusMon yesterday, tbe principal
business was to receive tbe ? estim?t ion oi Oeoeral
Orant, and sarte ui>o:, hi? successor. (>f the Com*
mittee there weit? present vice-president H. G. Stab
bins. F. L. Talcoa. r-amuel ?. Raines, Qeaeral Cha?
loti B. Ft-k. e'x-G;irertinr (raw ford. Thomas Kutter.
W L. .Strong, the Rev. Dr J. P. Newman, KO.
Ralfftoa. Joba A. Hsrdeoborg, ? Page DavIs, Will?
iam A. Sterling, Chartes Sehlesingt ?. Lewis Mty,
Safas Hatch. Jaiiie, F. Button end others.
Tue resienation of Oensral Grant v.a. read by
Secretary McElrstta a?* follows:
JCaw-Yosi < iTv. Mares 22, l^si.
GESTUMEX: I bav?? im- h?-.;..t very resneelfailj to
fender mr resignation us |ire*ld"Ut ol tbe World'? Fair
Co?uilaalon o? I--.3 I ?ui ?aiMflod thai i?? make the en?
terprise a sac??? s? will require ih<-undivided tnue ol
wbucrer aaajr hold the iMMitiun of nn-aideut. n will be
imooasible lor roe lo devote tor line to Mir- dalle? ol ike
ofllce far a number of aiootbs lo corse, nut I exixsct to
It? ko entrai." d as io Bluk? it ne OBVen! DI to I. vole much
lime evu ?l a later date, Duplas laal vour ? iii'T.mac
niay SMSI wnh Hie grculesl hik?. ? as, I am verv 'rulv
your??. t, fS. QKAKT. '
To tbe C?iiunii.*f.iiners ot tbe W ? Id's Fatr of I ?-;*.
Frederick L. Talcott the? ottered resolutions ae
oeptiUaT tbe resignation of General tirant w?Iely on
tbe croand that hie other engagements would not
" permit bim to devote bit asdivided lime to tbe
res. pon si lile ????? laborious duties of the presidency of
this Connu ? sa.ou." The resolutions also requested
tbe Commute?- mi Permanent Organisation to re
poit at au early date a nomination It? till the va?
cancy occasioned by the rrsiiiuatioti of Oeoeral
Onerai Fisk wished to.know whether ?t?? com
aiasiooer would state of his owu personal know*
lade? whether General (?rant would insist upon bis
resignation lieihK accepted.
Dr. Newman sud ibat UeaerslOrari hail stated t<>
him iu acoiuiiiiinu-utiou tbat hi- desueti tin- resigna*
ti?>n t?> be accepted.
The resolut ions were fSicn passeri.
Hr. Newman reported favorably the rawes of
William W. Evereii, presiden) of tbe I'eopiee' Line
oi steamer?, as a Uoniiuisauoner. He Was elected
ana ?|toouiieil a luembef of the
Executive Committee, A communie?!ton eat
received from Presiden! vVir?mns, >?1 the New?York,
New-liar -n and 11 ut lord Kaum.ni Company, agree?
ing to uieel ine Commit lee un transportation and
bold a consultation ou Saturday ut li a. p?. It waa
siateti tbat a hill had pase-<1 Loth Houses of the
Kew-Jeise.v Leg stature t<? aid tus pn imsed fair.
1 In? Ci'iiiiiuiti-. - theu weni into executive seasion,
ami tbe question ol s successor to (ieuera-l Urani as
l?ii -hu ? ?? the CommuHiuu \n?-? at ouee bn
up. H. U. ?Steobiu* proposed the nsuir ol Much .i.
Jewetl, pic i.le'ii ol the New-York, Lake Erie sud
Wesl ru Uailro.nl L'ompaiiy, Othei ? . :, ? rs pro?
posed the imun-s 'd Hamilton Fish and Uciier.il
Ucorge B. McChllau. It was stated Hint neithei
William IL uor Coni?-] as Vanderniil ?voiiid weep!
the position ni president, liteii tune bciui; c iu
I? 'tely tabe up In then present euleri-n ua. Mr.
?v?(?:?: ?;.- ? .1 ? mat there wa? no man wli?j ?
watch the prepaialioiix for Ihc 11?.?]??<?? ?? I'm ?? ih??
oliera 1 Otis ni ine < '<? nr.u^ it 11 ? esrelaliy
tii in i'ir- tirili Jewclt.
Mr. Stebbins is known lobe in intimate fri?1 .il of
Mr. Jewelt. and il was laken ? ? maireil lhai he
pre?i it??.! Mr Jew eft's usine alt p uisukation with
? hai seni iemali.
ih? Committee on Permanent ?? sanitation was
tin?-<-1? il t' confer -.Mill l're?imili Ji-WCIt and
ascertain wbel ici h." would act tpi the position, Il
was al I to luinish ??. Jewell with the
asme information as t<> (be ro???i timi of the enter?
prise as wa lurnished I ? G> tierai Giant previous lo
bis acceptance ol tl??? i??sition i>; pic-idcnt. .*???.h?
taiy Mchlratb said that tbe i-rimioitti-e woul
on Mi Jewetl to-daj or to-iuoriow. A meeting of
the Executive Committee will bt r . !? ??. as to
the reply ol Mr. .1 wetl lias b ?en re el ved,
Geaeru] Grant, wheu iiuestnini??! by a ?
Tur. 1 ??????'?? at the Filth Ave.iue Hotel yesterday,
said ; " 1 -hail start on Mondai foi Mexico, ?
thf steamer leave? Gal veston on ??<? '.'.M, sud 1
inn-; m ab o tbe connection. 1 bed intended to ilari
today, hut anlooked tur basin? ' d my
Cettina a?Nay. As in bow iontf I shall in- gone 1
? atito't Bay. Certainly four mouths, but not more
nan ten.
" 11 u is a fair question, General, what are jnu
goma tm I"
?? W?ll, I cannot hatdly soswof tl at question."
lli-itatiutr a moment, he oOUtlUUed: "I ?cu going
iu ibe ? ? tere?-?? oi the railroad* in that ?"Ctiou ui
tiie couutiy, and my trip nas not hing whatever to
lb? with Ibe 1st limit. Canal or any tr.iu-cjiit mental
?' Whom would ron advise to 1*? cIiom , for Presi?
dent ?>l the W??t lii's Fair 1 "
?? I dou'i a?l\i-e. Vanderbiil is tbe man who, il
he Nvili Ink??, hold ol it, cm :n.,?,.?? il ? sili G
" I lieu you briieva that II Will be a s.i? ? - '"
" Yes. I think so, it ihe people ink,? m>!il i?l it and
?aba nbe the money. Mr Vauderbilt can make ?
mici es- il be should bave to pay the money all . it
t.t hisown focket. He Wuuld better do i'. It 1 Were
be, 1 should. '
MR. J! Will IN !>"VBT.
" Have you accepted tbe president y ol the W ?1?G
Fair Commission T" asked a reporter ol 1:?? Tun
CM ol lint;!; J. .lew?it la.-t evemog.
.Mr. Jewetl started perceptibly a?? be replied : '? it
has imt been offered to me."
" You are aware that yen Lave been sclecl 1 *"
remarked the reporter.
- No, 1 am not."
" When it i- oli'-ied tn von, will yon tcrepl !"
* Tbat is s question J auould require tinte to enn
atder. I bave not paid inucn atteulioa to tiie stih
ject: I eannol aav a oat 1 would do."
??i!\<>:i should accept, whai amonnt of money
would 1 lie Li u- U tilto.rl he likely t?> siibaci ?be G'
"Mv acceptance or non-acceptance wi>nld u?*,r
heve i lie least effect npon whal tl?1 brie Railroad
might or might not do. lint has tieni ral Urani ?
suri ed ? Wi II. I ani -"ire lo bear il."
w Then you think that Genera! Urani w.ti a noni
man loi Ine plata f
?? I ihiiik tint chancea are alw-tesbsd, ami I nm
verv son ? to heat mat he has a? iiiall.V resinned, a
thongh 1 hatl neeu it stated as a ruiiioi thai he tu?
hk. ly to do so."
" Un you hi lieve in the ultimai f the
?? Mv views m? m the suid?e! I expreiaed -it 1????*??
nt the Cooper Instttnte laal tall, aud 1 bava us *el
hei'n m? reason to change th-m.''
'? Have >"ii not been surpneod ? ih- way :.r which
the people have anberribed money for the m ? )? <?'? V
" Mv dear sir." responded Mi. Jeweft, " you really
must uol <ss|a ui?? an-, mine ?itiest mus."
??'yoi'/'i'* fur ihr ?a?? ZA houri,
Wajihxgtok, March 24, 1 a. ib.?Tbc Lnr
oinet^r wliigbst over Hu-Ou fot Mexico. Kxcepl over
tin? unit states it is deetdedlj below the ruean, and II
lowcat ever ihe Onir of St. Lawrence. Tiie wentbrr tin
been clear,exceptoccailonal luhtsnow in Nrw-Enclabd
ami the Lower LiK" recioti. Northwest in??mthwesl
winds prevail In the Missouri Valley, am' ui all disttins
easlwsrl nf the Mississippi Hirer. The temper itnre baa
risen irom the Mt?slaNs|p|il V illey asslWafJ I" Ihe Rot ky
M.'iititdius, especially iti Tei ?s.
For the Mltlll?? '??ates, fair and warmer weiulnr,
we.t'erlv wimls, statlonarv or blitbi-r baroni? lei
Ko New Knpiatnl. e'ouilv fir partly clutlil weather,
northweu lo Miiit|iwe?t wind?, bighet baioiu'. ter. sta
tiouaJ-y or blgh? ? temperature.
Til UIUUIU' Mortilo?. Ml ?.
0'?| 1 ? ? 4 ? ? 7 ? H10 12 1 g S 4 ? ? 7 H 01011
r^?,??.,,, .?,,?,.?, , T..,,,. rr.
^^^.-t' -"S..r"-? iP in) ? -'
,4.,4.?^?', a.t^.4.,;, ? . ,.,,, -
li,, . ,?.<t.l|l "? ???????????'??.??,'?,
3?%r?^."'z?#. ^stsstsrss. ^s vr^?
m,rHlDS'nii?i?i.t Tu- Irregular ?nlte IIM rec-Mr?,!. ? ,? ? ?,???????,?
IrtMiu-rrarr JartaflU??. h.iir?. Tsrurak?? ??' l>u-lli i? f "????
il, Tatlatl'.na'i ta.np'rstsr?. u lallcaKta ?/ -.lie t?j<iii,jj.stcr *. U*l
MI ? raaravatr. Si? BruaJwaj.
TniBfivB Ornc^ March 24.1 a. m.-Tbe tondeney in
the barometer durine the pirli? cloudy arni clear
weather yeeterdav wo? upward. The temperature
r*nred bei ween M? and 39?, me avera?e (34'4'l ??eins
llV lower l tan ou tbe oorr??pondlng day laat year, and
flo ???.er than on Tuesday. .
Wnriuor sud g. iiaialiy clear weather may b? expected
in tbi? city aud viciuiiy to-diiy.
Holla, Mo., March 23.-? bold attempt tit
bank robbery occurred, in this city tbi? moruine, and re?
sulted in tbe death of tbe burglar Patrick Khert. He
arrived In Holla about a month ago from Kan???, osten?
sibly looking for a place to open a liquor shop, tkklag op
hia lodging la a boarding-hou?? near the National lLiuk
of Holla, Bla auepiciou? conduct attracted tn?
stlantieu of the oflloer? ot ths back, who
called to their sid Henry DiVta?, tue Cit? Marshal.
G.?>?? uiTeatlaatlofl it waa discoverd that the humlar
h:id cm'ne.? acres?, to ? v.icani buildtn? adjoining Ihe
?isnk. an t for ttiree niRhis lini been uiinin'e-tcl in Ms
effort te luun??; to the vault. Ou the fuu-th night, Jn?t
fis lie had maie an entrane? to the.
Vault. M raBBl Devia? sud bas posse. at a
?iarnal (tuen by tie? ? ashler who wa? seen?'ed
in tin bank, surrounded tbe. Snudine sail att-mp???! bis
ire dive, but Eberl who preferred ddath to nrrcs?.
W{fh?< ? , r p ..i?? tcinil ni;. ? ? i!'--pcrat?? effort to ???
cane, and was shot Th" only woids he uttered were.
' \ ? I've mi bbs, hoy ?."
MB, James j>? ? r ;m:s a DISSER.
The following 1 * ter. dated "' New-York. March 0,
1831,' wa Bigned by James D. Soiith andeightjr?
oi e other well-known business mea of toil < hy:
To fir //.in. IBOMAI L. JaBSB, Pjsh?a*tcr-General.
Washington, ? ?
Dbai -ik: G??? utnicr.icme.-}, merchant? ot lfow-Ynrk,
witiioui ?? iiociton ol peirtr, eouBT-italau yoo en your
prua ? p,ni tu the diet ? ?ut? be : ?? ?-. 11 u rou dob occupy,
We ?'mi-mi n'iti f tue uew Administration ab?, which bas
hv the recognition ni your ability and gene??, s cared so
efflcic.it an offlt r for bo Important an office. We desire
ni pt<rtliigtorxpr sri publicly our appreciation of your
v..in ih.e -? ? entire community while Piarti
maater at ? w-York; and, therefore, iu vite you. If cna
paiiMe with your pabbo dulia?, te natas atinM when we
m.<v mee) yon ai u publie dinn r to be sir? nu lui? dir.
? op s tfilsj imititeli will meet wliu year fa voi
coD?idcrallon, we n-u.aln your? truly.
Postmaster-General James inaio the following
rejily :
Post ? i mr. Di ???t??tt, ?
Wasbixotob. I? t.. Marcii g?t, 1881.1
ci.XTi.i v.r-.N : Ibava um bettet to ecxaowieuirevOur
kMrro ili 9th lust., tcii':?? m? tbs romplimentof a
public illuni r. and ? ? aay in reply ih it ? value h'K.iiy the
good >pioion ? taebauuesa .-neu of sew-Yi rk.aud would
be esosi happy leaceept the Invnaii'in proffered mr bv
yon a? ihuir ?,?;??? seoiaurea ?ere it pract?came lo da ?o
While I keen.? ipprecutc the aTbdlicas ?t? I boi ti leine
thus manifested bv ihuee witom I endeavored to s-rvr in
u mor? Untiti d li Id, I in.it ramenthwr ih ti I ?na ?tu. uu
tried ti. mv new Bewirten. I rans il appropriate compii?
menta er reward? wbicb I have not vet san id. Ou? who
spoke with Inspirwd wudom .vani- tu: 'Lai noi him ib?l
inn:? til ou bis harne*? !??-! - e "?.?? patOtb it off."
While bupinif thai my eflori ? in ? mure emerge ! ?pber?
et .r-iioii ni'iy contino ??? ? et ?he tetierou? ?ini ?
I l'in hititerio accord?.??! me. t rei./.,? pailltully thai -..e
trial winch is to prave th question ol htucss or nullifies*
h;i-1 ?ti t inii begaa.
l'odei the il '-'itustanees, therefore, it i-erins to me best
lo de?, bue y ?mi kiaat bari tattoo. Ver. re ?protro ;??.
1 HUMAS L .1 .MI -
A BKeling of the members ol tbe Liederfcranz So?
Cjety was held lui ereoing, .??.: N... :?;? West lOuitli
at? to il,?? ids whe'lier the society should remove its
hruilqtiarters loa ?ite turtlier np town. Wilhelm
Sieinwny, tin? president, raciipicd the chair, and
a' ?1? 'J'J'i mera bei ?. wer?? pic ? nt. I In? discussion
on ill?? tines,??) al is-?:? Im>i nn ? heatud, ?????- :??|
vBca?iiign removal to Hriaikivn and others the re?
tention of tin? piveiil hundi??. It was alt r 11
n'cl :?' before (be vote ? an ? I ? n. The pn , lantiou
to bay a lot in ????.?-eie lb? .. I tween L xin^ion
ai.?i l'i'iii'li-.??. ?-.. was ilieu utianinioush passed,
? lie pin. of III 1 let i- $7?>.<?)?. ami up I) ?
socie?? intend t?? buibl a new Hub bon ? ," t
cowl ?it $1??),????. p, ili- putire sum ?IIHI,000
' I I the lucei . .? Il,,|t
R ? ? : ? ? etlt ' oil Id lie rat-??.I a??? ? Ihe I
iclv. Ilefo e.the mec lOJ.OIhl
lia I h ?.? ?. I in c iiistru ln?n of tbe ???\?
IH A ?.? li :?? IS III . .1.eli.i-e ol il; '
/ :/.;/. ui.nl ,.? i>i .? : ? ?UT.
? hVlil In h pli "?? ?? Mar? b 7 ? G ? mem?
bei ? of the ? - .
Willcll Ml? ' :?'?1 ? .'. lo: :iL" ? ? ? VP? ??
! I ? m ivo ? '? ! ?, ? ?? ? . ?' 41 ?le ?
- ' . ?ITP.
Y -?? la? I ? . Ini ?I fliu ? ?um?!
Hl lin' Hm , I ? t ??.
Ifci'l, l'fiyt '
in n iii.sptile ?? r p uni ol m mrr ?? ? III m ?
?? ? rovei .? ? ' . ?? ? ? Hall on ? ? t" ? ? ?. ? ?
. \ ..,?.,?? . ' ? ? ' ? . ? ? , ? ,.
Ili ile qua r? ? Hill w.i k rd ,????
?,, ?:? ? i?. ! . die y
j ..?. Im , the ? ?? ? ' ?, ? ? ! I . ? if? ? Kike ? il
?? : In? woui ? ? ??! ? lili in
i ? ? laken |o the
H : ??-, ip ??) and * a? ar?
:.:?,?? ... I!?? \? - ball.
I..-: ? . ? and y . - lo? ;. il up
;, i.ic ?\ ? . 1 . '
SOTES /'.'.''? U /.?// Il / ? / tSl>E3.
Si. THOMAS, Mir 17, vii Iliviici ?\
si- ici : . r. ? < r, , ? . . I
ti- , ij ..? I in ? I brig. It n
? \? .??. in ?:. . m on - ? ?
Kevon board Ibi -?.?? :?_? ?????.???? f, < op?ration* Bgaitiit
Ih? Ver zu ??? ?;? ?, nino-nt.
Twosbiel ??' < .? >i|uake were fett ?m llarob 11, and
ai? ?? ? ?? ? ir ? 12
? ???!? sre ru ????, ?, .?? ? t? ni
is ?lego'laliiiv I.it thr u.iiui.tll?,! of I ..: tin t lijuiat?
r,<- hall of tin \??.'?? ? ? tel ?,????- ? i, ?-, ?? w.i?
Mild f?<r fi .?ksi. and that of I ? ameritan bars Ma:?i
W. Brrii ? ?? -l ?????
Ih Aiuelicaii ?saht Vigo strive?! lier on Mar !i 1 .'
an < ?si e ?u Msr? bill ??. tr.ds
- . I ? : ?. ' . II : ? ? ? ha? lin-ii
received thai I ?,..?? ?
mi m : ? ? tilli insp? ?? ? s tmnns ' iv ? id ? ben ?
II < iptfal ??? o ilaili a Ii l?e ???? m ? li ? ? ?? ?, ? ??- ? ? ?
?. Il ? ?\ ?- ?, ! If.l, Tic < .?? ? ? i.i- ? " m 'hl, however,
? pi nail n' ' lu pi ?;? ? ? - ? ??
1 le (, ? p ? ., ? ? | .,. i. ; la II1 disti II l'I
I ! .1. ???? ? I |i l! ??" ? ?il il Iti- ?! .vili |
. pro ? ? F rs' o i.t':tv e >|llti I a? *. I -'.
Poni .i iure ?. I lay n4 Marci :?-litri? Oli r-fciei
Ih? ? ? ? r G???? nn ??? 1 t ni .? it?
?? ?- : an imp?udintf revelutloa In Ifayti are
:,: ?.?? J.
,1 CU 11 l/S II.! ???-.? F UE 17/7.
Poni JrRVi?, N. V., March 23.-A1 Itali
past 1 o'cio'-l rralerdaji sfl re h a Ir ri ibis ai len
? 's. M, ! t ,!? ' ?Il ". . S t \ . OU "??
,.! ? ..? ??..? ? p ? . t ?? : ;?.??? ,1- rv ? Katlrnstl A .1
,. ' ? n ' ???.:?' ion.. nttrmpti ? ? ? k'nilt . im
?,? n :? .? k. r ?? .?? ? :!. G?? oil I ??:! ? ti ? ?? ?Mir
t ?? ? . ? ? liiowii / ? ? . r ti.e ? ? ? ??
? II ? ? , ? . M
?.? III?". ile. ? ? ??
?? uni ? ! a back wiulv. ??. li en biHrii ? ? ? 'lui
daughtel - ' ' ? il : Itili, w.i ? y ? ?? ?
e ? ?,? ?. mi. ? Blleitl ? ? ? in ? Ih? l. S I? was
pa? p ?? Sltl'i ??-!''. bul ? ? lliliell ? lo ib ? t, liei
ittliil ?? ? 1 ? b. !.. I III pli G l'ir
cries were heard by a ??? 1.1 nr, ??hu firn ? '. ? ?t
lia ki ? >? ? Hi" it.- ' it! ?? ? ???
iti - t< ,.? '? ? ! :? mon lit IH ?? ? ?Il II Iti? ??? ? Bv It IS
I line l| r?. li II. c ell
\\ \\. (tilii an ??.? I - an led Ihr Im lu?::?, ili .
,, m alt o I ? tue ? loa ?, Ibi? butt.Im? ? ' , .?
a . I . .? i' il?' ' . ij ed I II? li ?? 1er il ? .?? , f.. : . le
ni, . il. ? e s 11 e,, ? ?? e taon1 e venin? aud the umili ?
il II? I eip tlcl lo ice .v.T.
TUB Affliti.M ti SOTTI SU UJM.
Clkvi.i.axi?, Mttfeh 2'?. ?Il iilos thfl |>eis(iiis
tiici't: .tei te last Biebt'? dispai ? | red sil Lnfcr
si: t.? and Miebigs'i Biieibera Ks ?? Imi at .? ??
Uncbam, B. g Sali, of Laportr, ???., susta id a fracture
of ? m rib?, end ? Iemale paswenr??? ??a? painfully enl
unii t nr '-.? ? ?< Breman waa Toowaa 11. Btrvenanti
It?? un ? 11- head rushed Sicalnsl the lanlrr,
hi? bach bmken, with ? . ; u fracture? uf ihn bom ?. and
Ihe upper panni Ih* ii il) m ?led li? ihr ???
scalded ??? ?-cipiiii.? ?? u, The laalr ?i Kuxin.erl.il
\t,?? fmii I in the ?|.? ei- a th the ? ?nil, lnuli It e?
hack br.ikpn sud lbs laaly boiled arni lorn. Ilii wife
Wa? at the ,,..)e attending service in Ihr Taber le il
? ? il. I xpiea? ?.??????a'?? .? hm'oer, of Ihe I
s.ai-? unp.iny, 1 it aa ear, and in? n?ek ?as badi?
wren ?ipil, ? h? m l^icka-oud, h ? ,?.? pharxe of two
Amerli ?>' brdieed iii'l Ills f ie? Iturni '?
?, ? . ". hajraaeyman, r*eap*il nnhurt, i*iu#j
. pvt- u on the furar,ir.? ear- Inai wa? oui ? ,
riii.vr.VNK, Wy. T., March 23.? George
PiMi.tf. alla? ' DI? ItosS ????$?," OB? pf Ha' Bla Moiili
isln murderer?, and a road scent, wh w?i leuleoi ? ? ??
be baaajrd on April 2. attempted in im ?\\? Jali last even
in? ai liaivluis. lie BMBSgad ?? ??-? hl?ahaekleBoB*,wlib
?lin n be attacked Jailor Rankle? when be entered the
corridor to luck tbs pnsoni i- m Ibetr reti? for ? lie niirhr.
TheJ.ei.n'a wife, h'aiiinf the conflict, bad the pretence
of mind to lock the ?lineup eoor.loeklaa ttm (alloi la with
Ih? ??? lier?. An alaiin ?a? llien raised anil a number
of cit iftis basten??! t ? the jau, rei iiisl t lie Jailor and
teemed ? be prisoner. ? ??????? iilsiuicli to lh- <f>ey
enne Lender stiites that Parmtl waa takefl out ol iai by
u ? illy ot inaskc.l men al Id: jll n'elnck last nicht and
cmi Wsl to a teleiirsph i>o!e npp.islfe tho r.iilrond rnaehlus
?bops, wtiere a nuie was thrown over u eroes-arm of ihe
part? George w'a? then ni'iile to climb up u ladder, ? hen
the rope wa? blare?! around Ids neck and the ladder
pulirti mu from under hliu. Hi? lost words were, "I will
Jump olf, hoy?, und lirrak luv neck."
Pottsvii.i.k, Penan March 23.?Charles K.
Taylor, of Minersville, an attorney, and Cbarles F. O ir?
ret?. Clerk of the CeaiBxaaiaaara of echuyiktu Couiiy.
were erreMed to-dsy on a charaw of cnniplrscy to de?
fraud tie county out of lame sum? of niotirv hy collect?
in?: inirrcst on cntipnns of county bond? which had
nievioiirly becu pant and turned over to Oarretl for can
triiatioii. Tavlor Ii a!s?i ehnrcel with inr?ery The
prisuuers waived a hearing ?nd were admitted to ball.
RiCHtiOMD, Va., March 23.?A meeting of
tbeKeadliuiteiii'euteOomaittte?. recently called, was
bald at G*? ?TAig ofBee, in this city, th!? MVftilug. Ti e
"ours? Of Uauoial Mahoiie In tin? henal? wa? di?cu?sed
und wanulf ioilor??d. Tae committee issued acall for a
hwto touveuiiuu. w be held in tun city on G?? jisday,
June ? Au adurtii? wtU Le Usued tJ the Ecudjuter* on
Friday Beat?
f'ontrruied from First Paso
vie? s mu? he ?temped UieSta-e successfully, in company
With th?? presesi Uovemor, Wiiiaru K. Smith.
Lati r be b ? ame the secretary and practical manager
of the Honest Money League, and did efiieient sorvu-e,
personally atei in connection with that organization, iu
?omhattrnr the soft money theories recently so preva?
lent in tbe West. The appointment ol 0 >maal?alooar ol
Iielian ?04?G?? un? to Into entirely unsolicited. lie h?s
never l?efore held ttnv pee tiou uuder the (?overumcnt
ex apt U1..1 of privale ?oliin-r.
General L? wis Walineo was boni in Foun
lataOoonty, ladiaaa, in I828,aad wan educativi as a
law; er. Al the outbreak of the Mexican w.<r be entered
the army an 1 served u-a locona-ueuteuaat of the 1st
1 ? Volunteer?, After the war be resumed bis
1 was elected lo the State Senate. He be
came, in is?;i, A'ljutnnt-Oeii.ral of India?,?, lint almo't
las mediately re breed that portion to tako command of
the 11th Indiana Volunteers. In the tali of th.isame
year he wm eommlsetooed Drlgadier-0 aerai of Voiun
t'? G?. At u.c raptara of Port D?nela?? bo p'.ayei? so
conspieious a part as to win a commission as Malor.
Generai, ai the great battio of t?hlloh he rendered
ell! I'nt al'l during the BCCond day's flghtlug. In No?
vember, IMS, be wa? pre?itlent of h-court of i-.qairy
In ihe ease ? > ? > - - :. ? : -1 : BuelL la 1864 be commanded
thi Si Corpa and Middle Department. He wa? * mem
' ei .?r Die eomuiissii n ;ur ;nai ni ine person? Implieated
mur ?er of l'io?itie.nt lihooIl- and attempted
nation of Secretary Bewara In th-fall of n?9
pi "?; s ?ere preferred Buainst Qovernoi Axtell at ?ew
Mexicu ?-?."'h resulted in his removal ami the appoint
mein i.f (,i moral Wallace in hi- stead, which position he
h??? tmce occupied. - General Wallace letb?? aurhorof
Iwj novela, '-tac Fuir Go ?," iititiikh-tl a number ?>f
>e^ra ago, and 'Hen H-ir." published Isstyear. The
tir-; ,it these w?is very successful and ?ave ihe author a
diauxei literary reputatl?a,
Or-ieral Adam Badi-au, who has lieen nominated for
the position oi Charg? d' Affaire? to Denmark,!? a native
of New York. He became a Captain antl aide-de-camp
o:i the ?tjtr o! (J-neral Sherman in 1862 and was
wounded at Port Hudson, la 1864 be ?as made Lieu
ten 'id Colonel uni mllitarr secretary to General Grant:
m d 1 o,;, "gg wm? Colonel and aide-de-camp Ite was trien
?-"' ttod lirtgadier-Oeneral, In 19?? he nnMiaoeda
'M tary History of General Grant." hlsTn in? was
ai'i'.'.'it-? Consul General of tue U'iiie.i st ?t?-? in I.-m
don, ? i\ it. - f, r mie t me prrriouaiy sei ? ?? a? seereiary
of It-vMM. a ibera, ami has rt-uuuod ins Ooiinuiehio uuJl
ti? ,?? ? ? t llroe.
Michael J. Cratoer, of Kentucky, who was
Don bate ? \ ? ? . ,i:av to be I Inai ?? d' Aduues at Berne, I?
a native n| Swill riami. Ile ?, uea< ral Urant'* ?brother?
Inlaw, ami b\? appointed Min te ? a>nt tossSen*
?? ?: ? ? ??, ?, ?-?G?, wtien Misi raissioB wee reduced,
Mr. < ram? r rcina.nwd Ht ? up nu,men as ?nante
il' ?d . ; -. u, ? u r union lie ?'W bolde,
|nr tklrosaph n? lint ? arnrsK.1
W - t:iM,i. s, March 23.?It I a- b un ihderroined
noi ' > m. ? ? anv chsnge a! present in Ine Commis*
niiier? ni Patents. A niemb-rof sleadingfirm
? ? ? I . .? bq -? - mi New-York C ty
ne ' ti ? ' al ?? ii'ii'.i t!.e IV Rident, having seen the
? rcbicut tl ' I Dudley, t.! India IS.
? u ? : ??', t,, be .l'i ii : ? ? ? ibeC unmissionershio.
it ton ? '? any ? ?? ins*, " We have
? . ? u of parts," ? sani, " ?. h" ;
pali ... uiliar Witti Ilio duties nf In- "Ili te, slid is
ile.?"-' -i in ni .k?? i,y>\ ily G.?????? ir. To
put a ? w risiili in there tiou will bes misfortune
lor ali ?* li?? bave bus. with ihe nil
? Pu as ; h.m in n on t hat it bad
I It ? lo retaiu ? '??run : nonei M irb?e.
SI ???? Mr, M ?w the i-xaiiple nf the tu*.
???rill ' s, he Will leave tho nlll -e ?tl
m- nwii ? <??' >rd ait--r ?.nmi tlmm ighly lannli ir
n\ . !? : \ a I . I' as
II III1 I ! ? < - ? s to
Ik i il ilio ? t irives !nr
? . . .
?? ? .c.l in tb I'uiun? till ?.
- e ? t ;i ? , : i". rm '.? -.'?.?
V.'\ ?p?\?.!'>\?, M ich '.'.'.-Au illnstrst'on of the
?- ? with w b h the Tre-il ?! ami his Cibine!
are keeping their own conncil ?r funiid iti tbe faci
t'. ?- Soi ! ,i-(i'"';e:a! Pli tipa, m h > RM t"-d. iy
nommai? 1 (or ihn vacancy noon tie bench of tbe
t uff , kuew no-Irne ol th?? Impending
? ti'in itou bad actually been tent
Judse Phillips then hastened to the
1?..1.- n ? told t ' ' t ho could
ke lb* pl*oe, and hi? name s i i ol coarse be
? Itbt rswo,
Wa-'u .i.tiiv. Mardi t?3.? The Senate in ex
t u'ivh? -: a ? lay ? ? .? -.?-? tu? followlu it nomina
' imo? j ??.? r-a. ?few Haven, ?
II ,|
/ . ? ?- ? ? ?. r ni?era ? v. ? i>. Ray
11 '< ill Mi. ha ?'. I i"n I. ll'ltlatOU -?
V Hi , V '. ?. ? ? ? na,
. S ?.?.? ? , . . ?.tri uni ?. V . ?? 1.1, ... .'. ! ??
tir .. V - - ?. ? _
( ? ;:.';? ? ? TuPIi'? -? / ME CAPITAI.
a ?. us..?..... v.r. t.ead in. M irt h '.?;:. ls>;i.
?? ? t t il ? ,' : - "' the e*. ? rtf ol domestic bread
v- ?'?. n ? ?? ?.??.iii ol February, 1?>?, Were
-.It'ti '."?. miti diirmir I- 'ttiuy. iHspj
-? 1.1 ' - : ? G. ? ; ?? t ? . ' ? ml ?? ? ud? : Fi hru.irv,
? ??- l i?s.rtt??,?ir,'J, a tl foi iheeatne per ol in 1Sh:1
- j'1 e 'i.,'..''.. 11 .?')? lin m I it s ? nrled r? h
l-*-l, flvj \'2H f'J '?. a? 1 duriti ri cigni
? (? iv-,,? ? 1 ?, ? , , , ?.
, rp arri ved 11 the ??'?? ?' ILlliino ??. Ut..? . 1> ??
Its .' I a-l ".".N- l) I! trd.N nv-C', ?? ,?? >-Y 'k.
?? ?,.? elph ?. l'ori II ir.xi and San l? ranetseo ilu ins
Hi ID' lllll t ? ????1 Kehni u . '-'- 1 **1. 17, Itili ? ;?*? ??
(re:s. of wbm ?3.??7? werf inn idratila, llietiutn
ber ni . U urriv-il al 'be -aiinve-nninei ports
?It.-.'ile irli t un m I li ended February ?M, 1#H1,
? - loi ws? I : in I ?i-rill ill??, ra'.'.li ?!?, i ? 'Utili II
??( 1'.malia. 77.21?*: Engin tul uni '? ? e , " .,?'7''. :
?, ' ??.????; ?????? nid. ?,???; L'biua .,51 -";
all "in? r ? oui ? ? le ?, ??~ "'?"??
?.?-G? iu ?? ? ?? ??.?G???????8.
? ? ir niai ?.:.s ? ? s ? .---, eil by beeretary Windora
ititi in itiL' ruai.Hiian? ni public bu Idings under un?
it a? t rv Department, thai llicauOiintof thesDpro
priuit'tii ti vallatile i* in iili 'i.t L? provide for la hoi
and im suppl m nut <? hriccl in ei .finir eontricte
d tbe 31 ? .'.?-' ? tu. auili ????G??,t them t?? inform
ail person employeJ in the bmldiiigs Dinier their
respective charm?, and all persona nr corporationR
furnishing gas. water or other supplies paid-from
ibe nfureaaid pppropriatiim, tbat in. department
will have in> ineaiis availab'e for pavinr-ni ut su. ti
?erv...- 1.1 supplies lieytiiid tbe Uate above snell?
ii ?.
? IJermsB Ran lary paper recenti? received in
? ? city contain? nu article in winch Dr. Ibilings,
Viec-Pn ud"tit of tiie Nntion.il board of Heal lb, is
?I NNitli -ia\in"; tated tbat there were severs!
I iiiillioiiaof tricbinosed bogsin the United Slates.
1 ?r. Itti iirasaj tho publication is erroneous; thai
he hua nt-vc? mad? a ?tatemen! beariug ??|?? the
H4'i"c: m any manner whatsoever.
ITJakuks in nit: i?uai:ili;:ia>ti;:.'s DEPART
Tbe relief of Captain Rockwell as depot qusrter?
master in tins city, end lbs detail ol Maj ?? l?. C.
L'ani to tbat limy, ?in mike necessary other
ebsngrs in tbe Quart? rnnisti-r's Department, Tin so
change? have been ree muieuded by QuarteTStaster?
General Melga, and will be made a? lollowsi Lieu
teiiutit-Cnl'.ii.l L'. <?, Kswtelle t" Newport Barrack?,
Kentucky, ns chief quartermaster, Department ?>f
tbettontb) Major (?. I!. Dandy, now at Portland,
Oreiron, to relioy-o Colonel C. 0. Bswtells as chief
quartermaster, Deimrtmenl of the Columhia ; Major
W. II. Htu'hes, now nt Kt. Louis, Mo? to relieve Ma?
jor U. C. Cani as chief quartermii-.ter, Depsrtsaent
nt iexas; Major E. U. Dakar, now at San Antonio,
Texas, to relieve Major llngbes at Kt. Louis; Major
?..?. ?ekerson to relieve Captaiu A.b. Klmball as
depotauartermaster at Boston. Mass; CsptsinA. e\
KimbaU to relieve MsJor U. li Dandy at Pgrtlstid,
< it??? in : Can:.un L. K. Cumpheli, now ut han Anto?
inn. Texas, in be depot qu.iricnua?ier, relicviug Mu
jnr K. D. Baker.
Wasminotox, Marcii 23.?Mr. Voorlioes
(I>fiii., lad.I ?u mltted the resolutlun which be bstl yes?
lerflsf offered snl subscnueuiiy withdrawn, declurliiK
that thi aeettle attttade ssaasssd by tbe National lsanks
to tbe rcit-.i '.: ,ir of the Matiynal debt at a lower raie ot
interest, and tasti recent attempt to dictate the leidsla
ttoa ef Congress, are onntrary to tbe best luterosta of the
psepfa , anil asloalsted to assito ihelr alarm for tbe ta?
Ur. Morrl.' (Rep.. Vr.) rabieU the point of order that
then solution was not In or?or, Paaauiucb as it wee a
legislative proposition.
Mr. Sherman (Rep., Olii"), thuusht that H woul-1 he no
Inst to tbe chair torequire him to decide tbe point until
nil the precedents on the question bad been cited. His
rer?.:lei im? vas-bat nropoililtins Use this had been do?
nati d iu every executive ssusiott N.bieh had ever been
called; indile booed that Mr. Vooraeee would be per
.mi ted to sneak to the point of order.
Mr. Mortili saut that be bad no oblaci?n to theg?r.tle
man's siiealilnii to the point. Hie only resson for ottject
iss to ble eseskuYs to the merit? of tbo resolution was
that In- rte-ued to idj iu? at an enrlr day, and that tbe
nrotioaitiou irouid uraaatily icive nie to a protracted
.Mr. V' orhees then r>roeoede1 to arene tbat the propo?
sition w.m cie.irly in order, and cited precedent? to show
iliat it -? s!.?'?-'...l executive see-tot; of the Senate nuy
buetnea? eould tn- -rana*rtpri, wh-.-h di?l not ?'-?-?'he
coo | ir arimi of thf flou??* of R-pi-Mentativee. He quoted
from me iptntonsol ?m-a men aa Chase, SSwara and
Donala?, to tbe eff*ct Rhat the Senate in ?pecni session
Dicht ?? any ai ? which it was competent for it to de ST
itaelf without the cooperation of tne House and stated
that thi: theory wss embodied by Mr. S?-ward in a reso?
lution au?! ansctmously adopted. He reeve tied to eon
inyone urarnat n1.- will, and moat of ail ti-.a Sene
ter from Michigan iMr.r'erryi who bad ye?rerday spraag
?' b - leal la oppoiluon to tue presentation of ibe pend
Ina resolution; hut it ?.va* araitiijt that geatieinan
baddunnrt?? ?nec-.s. ees-ion of tf.e XLIIld Cenere*?
??-re?! ? resolu'icr. ?b-lrnctinir from he puolic domain
ine island or Uaektnaw and l?dieactn| ti totbe peone?
of ? urie, the peonie if attenutesi. The Senator h.ul
made b In fa^orof :ae powerof tne 6eiiate
tt adopt ihe reaaintioc, end it bRd bees adopted. The
?itlon ?L.:ci. tie ,Mr. V ?ur'iees) had subtn'.tt
? ? ? I uo 6?'DOGrr*noe bjr the Hou??.:?. It was to gve in
itioc uper. a sT-ai overahadow-.aa que,ucL. It was
t' rr ine depar-ments of nils Government tue opinion
Nil. -a the Seaui^ if the United ?taie* entertained on a
Rreaipublli nutter,and it xigat y verv :tr.uor?tant to
rertam brain h??? of the Government tbat this expression
of ",';p.!or. ?Qould be G^??.
Mr. Morn, s ?m thai !t would seem from the pre
cearuis mat the Secate bad ai w?]?. had a great reute
t in e to do anything, -xoept what it had beer, eneclaliy
ca. ed to do Sotara? ae was concerned, aowevr, be
woald withdraw ? tie point of order, as tbe resolution
won ? at ?Il events have io se ??<t unti, to-nlorrow,
ani: if there was a disposition ? discuss this qur?tio;?. or
any other, the Kt-pab icaxi side of tbe chamber was qui'?
Mr. Sherman said that while be believed that tbe flena
tor from Inliana w*? quite naht on '.be point of arder.
??? tiioairhi that t:!s ?rood ludxment would oonelade that
It was uot advisable to open a dtscuneion so or :ad as
tin? reao1n>MM wou.d Rive rise !?>? If eo, Rood by? to
anv shortening1 of :ne session. Tbe resolution then
went over asti! to-morrow.
Mr. Daw?? ,Rep Mas?.) offored a resolution tbat tbe
Senate proceed o -be sleclions of a Secretary, 8er?-t?ant?
at Arm? and Doorkeeper. Chief Clerk Prtticipal Kxecu
tive cierR and Cnaplam, and kulis>-riiioiily offered reeo
Intii'ii- milking tbe following- nomination?:
/or Srcrrtirrii?<;, onreC Qorbam. ot California
For Ser gran ? .il-.irui? ami Doorkeeper?Harris IL Rld
dlelier.-er ol Virginia.
For Chief Clerk?marte? W. .Tnbnsoe, of Minnesota.
>'-,e J ritiri pal t.fcuUve Clerk?James K. Youn?, of
I'? nii-ylv.iiii.t.
J"br CAtTp/iffav?Bvras Sutidcrland, D. D., of tbe Dis
tricl of IVl Ululila.
All Diese re-ointions were, noon objection* rai'ed bv
Mr. PeU'tletoa (Dem., O tlol. Ulli over, ?Ad at 1.10 the
.-;, ite, in motto ? nt Mr. lutrall? (Bsp., ? iu.), weal ml??
esecutive ?< so m. ami when tbe doors were rcopeued at
l.i.'i the8eneieadlouraed aatll m-morrow.
?> 11? ? Editor of ihe friftus?.
Sii:: Por :i Week rumora I.avo ?teen carrent of an
impending change iu ihe Comm Miom rship ol Pea?
simia. La-r night tL.-v took a more definite form, it
ha vu, ? been hat tied that, by reason of ????
cesai ve preaure, tho President is con
sitlcriug tin- adviaabity ol a.? k in ir inr the
resignation of Commissioner Bentley, 'Uniteti .Slates
Miirshal Dudley, of lndiaua, i?'tbe leading candi
date for tbe po?'? ion, aud, Rbonhl a chasse occur,
in- name will pi ibably be sent to the'S n its.
lln- "soldier li-::i?:it."-> maeb talked of io Con?
tisi debates aud dun ig tbe canvasa,is made to
appear as tbe moving influence in thi? natter; hut -
what does no! an:"?;:! ?- ibe lael that tue Washing?
ton pi si ?:. .lai n agenta are at tbe bottom of tin
? bole ?natter, and ba ?? b en working lor mouths to
bring tins tb i ne sboat.
F-eigbl million? are to be ?-xpi nded in driblets
iliiniiu' the nexi ti-i.il ?rest t.'r peuaions, sad it ia
expected ? bat the appropriation? for too eusuintf
, ? .u NN ill >-\' '? l one buiidretl million?.
l'In only influence? which appear el the Pensiou
1 Mil?.?, in relation t?> cluirus presented there, are
those which are favorable to tho claiui
ants; namely, t:ie?r memb m of .Congress sud
th.-?- ps.d Attorneys Nosttoniey for tbe people m
employed or baa any function in connection with
it,?? ? ist'?ess, and the t'oiu'iiissioner?unless he he a
nun ot egiraordinsry firmnee?, and one tbonmgbly
-el in Pensum ?.?? and in the art ? ri*:??-* ot tiloso
who it tempi In fi t-nl to es:a'.?liS'i pension claims?
liiil-? be "V G?? lieltn- il.
President Uartield, a auldier lum^lf, is believed
tu be considering the qnestiou ?vith situe
lion whether, under tneae sircamHsucea, be
? ol bet 1er risk t tie removal ot the on I ? Cnnimieeioner
ihoi-vi-r f "i-oi-'tiiy m ?-'??:,??! the ? ? lira of the
Pension OUk-e ainl place in cburse a man
e ?... whatever his natural qualifications.
? ? a ? ? ? ? -r- mal " ' -, Slid lo
tnakeiih a cbaiige at a ti-ue When thn hnwi
iiess ol ti.n??? i-seeeds bv tenfold that
winch it e? r reached heim,?. Commiaeiooer
l> ati'\'s tin tn!s bave advised ttial he
lake mis ens in ine inaller?ii'-ulier resign nor seek
to b,? continued; but leave In President to act dabs
in.iv ?; col is Im-sT nud ta<ve the rospouubiiitv, u.
/I :(??/',?,_,.' il, M ii:iL"J. l^^l.
[nt TSLEflOAPii t? niE rsiBoms.1
Cincinnati, March 23.?The work of tbo
I), on.? ic Convention to-day was ?acb as to place the
if tie ri.r.iiii electlia In ere at doubt, WUUau
Means, wbo I? put forward for Msv.ir, fai or a wealthy
? id rt-spei :r-e ; .m:-. Me wa? tik.-n up by tn Domo?
?: ,?? In Ihe belief Itisi lie will rei the vote
or the reilglouR au1 order-lovlug clase, diaastunted
With lh-> .iti'Til t' ? .?!? ? ic if M?\.n ,f .<-ill. WOO tarlo
t: publient!candidate. Mi Ri-hird Sinilb.of TAe/Toarfte.
a.? |?p.??:?-.? lu -ii,?"i: ?? un- Iti- CumwtrttUt WUl
support Ja ob, und Cincinnati ij prunlaed im- nove:
ut sreir.? the sta ?rari Gas'ttt arid
li ni crai le Suqnirtr wniking toa ther lia? tiviu
lu ot hers f ??'? Hi- ? ime llcket, w!. le ih??
.j^t'.t < O?r.?.? - .'?'/ will n? fLmtinc ine
^wtbe i: , . i.? ait?. Ilotb parties sre bopelul.
I ?,!?? Republicana belltv, mal .) . ih will caw ataon* tbe
lierai.ni U ? ??? -at- ????,? lbs It tie nmII lose atnoUR Hie
?. ; ... f >r ib? io er iifflcer? a
ii e? ? i?-l ?? M proiiolilvl.leeted. A? Ibi? ?? in?
? . ,? ? r.l'y nf tue S'-ite, the rmult ni tb e lection
?. ? I? spi 'i.'vil :. in- nmeh lo io |,i decidine ho?
tu sia'.?? w?U Noi?? ne Uoreiiior In the fan. ?
PORTOP ???.\??.?).???.MAJICH SS, tgf 1.
Str ntenroy iBri. Wan?ce Hhanchse Jan 23 Fooc-.nw ?_?7,
????'.? . a. s>liifsporn ili, l'ori s n?l.'"> ami iiibraittr Mcb 7.
? iblea?? nul I i' - ?' iL> mortel ?. -e lo lin.oim m os.
\ ;. iiirt. lliiRlies, iscmel UchU, Ans t'-iye? 7, jere?
III,,, vi ????,? llUSV? III, l'"l lll'l l'Hill ?- IV ill.'l Koi^slOU 17,
traimi ssn.i ? a-rifo lim. I irwoml ,? ??
s.|ii|i 11.ni j ? M. t; ?. no?) '. Ih iter?, i.i.'iiie'i G?4 il.ij-s. with
nt :- m ?? ? ? t. . .? ?: ? Uli HI ? 111 li "?;> ,? . O.
>?,?|. ? , ? ?: . / ? h it ? ??<< ? ?. il , u air* .'."? ilirs. ntiMi ?ait
??-?' ?rapt > ?? ir: II* tn -Mit: \ esset i(, | -ni, |i. Kitrf ?- (?.
?,??,?? it- l'uti ' Usi), -olilo ..ti, Ltuieriok ?tSiIaye,
11. l, ilUal ." Ni-: il II ll.l-?lB .V G.?.
i: o . - lit an ? t 't .-? ?:?'. -.?.;?.. l'am u ire N'av 3?)???1 M t
, ?? . t, ,; . . itn^ia
lau. ?? nu u .,-:!,, n.t -J J.iVs. Willi so.tS
?.r .?e.iei ? . ,,, iati r
?i-hrJ '???' r ut ia.? ??: nusi', H?res. Asplawall 17 4ara
wl.li noi iiiU. *IC. ? l'a : nal .? ?i.ro.iil ?'? veaiciio milter.
V ?:;?! IN I'?) ir?
niaSOOW, Manli fi?Amend, str state of Nevarla (Bri,
.-tl ? lt. tl'"ll "-e V Vor?
M iVII M "'li'.' -????t,? Mr svriiistlan (Uri. Air.l,
rioni linai??' vi.? lluhf.lXOtl tier ?rav to ?,??p pool.
?;? ? ' . .-. Alaii'b-.'S? ?????,?. ?tr At!u? itlr), Wulfen
tien, u. oi Uontoii lor Uivei ?? ? I
??????'?? POHTS
run.?.' rii-niA. March Ja?Arrived, sir f.umio Oruauey,
frolB New ? nlK.
? bwrril, str l'ity of r.rlstol. Delamntte. for f.lvernnet
HavaSnaII. M ircb ?3?Arrived, str Vul.il -aia ????a), from
?.?? .?? ?
?i.ui'ii. atra data llty lor Kew.Yerki Mm Lawrence :or
Uail.aiJli?, VNoii\'.-tei l"l ilestou.
BROCXLKBANK?Ol Momia)?. Vnrett 21, 1^1. of pnenmo
ma. Cal trine**. SI., WUeeft. w. Uro?klct)ank, lo imi?TtU
tearoj her ans.
. ?eme?? at a pro Thnraday. tbe '.'1th lnst.ather
laturesldeiu?. I'J'M-.s.t llltlist.
Fi lends of the fsndlr >r? retpMtfuUy invited to attend. In?
1ertno.it ai ? an ? l*?R BV
in n'KKK-Monday luarame. March '-'1st, William Borkee, la
i?lh jreari'f hiaaeo.
Funeral lutin his UI-resilience, Illu^ewood. ?. J. N.Y.I*
fc ami westeru ?. lt.. Thunilar. ?MtS, at 3 ? in. Trsln
leuves Vea- Vortat 1.45. Iteturnliur leaves K1i1rowho?I St
fi'.'l ?nil "-li. Itelativesanillii-uas sre respectfully lnviiesL
??????'G??-?? TiiMlar, March H, 1881, Levi li. cramp
lou. la the H.lil year ut lus s-e.
Fiinnsl-?-??ices?iti:? ?ate resilience. 1,307 i'soiflo-at., Brook
tea, on Friday, at ? ? ?.
Heiai vr? ami Inend? sre risaper! fylly inviteli io attend without
luiilir: iurte?. Krien.il wui kindly omit Sowers.
HAB PS BSP at St SSV lata residen e?. "S4 LeuuRtoaave.,
mi \n -iltiBs.laT morilla?, Juliet Alus, wife ot Ileuiy tt. lian?
nertott. M U.. ?nd ?tsuirliUrol Luu-?? E. andlbelaie Milo
II HOOti lortiii-rlf i>! Ilii.liua. -N. V.
tteUC? ?,I (uaii ?. Iierealltir.
Khn ???.??-At ter., u ? !.. l. on ltd day, 3d month, 130,
Kebeoea Keleliam. a??e?l s.s rear?.
Fun? i.ii st I'Meml ? Meetiim ilo...??<!, Jericho, 7th day, -Gib
n.-n.. iu 11 n'r.ock a ni
OajTUaTM ?til luuettuiil trata al HUksvUle.
MANN?At FlushluR. L I., on Weaceidar, Marcb 23, 18S1,
llurnoii.. NTitw of a. Vcruoa Manuand ?lauguier ot Will?
lam kl. UuJerdou?.
BAZTOtl I'll;lieK-At Anahelm, Ca?fornla. March 31.
Anna F wil? uf Jason li I'teroe, and eldest daiuuier ui
KdwiaS Manon, of Atuhtf'iiu. tale tft New-York illy.
WH ITI.OI'K -On WeODesday, Hatch VS. ?.omelia ?., widow
ut Aii'lie? ni Niriiuoi.k. iu the Tdih ie?r of lier ?a?.
Friend? ol 111? fumilr ai? isviud to aileud Ih? lunaral frota
lb? real de ??-? ?? Juno H. Knapp, sou tu Korwalk, Conu., oo
Fiutar.-alb lust., at 1 ilQo ? -lock p. ra.
CarriaR?? ?rn. he iu waning to meat tb? Il o'ciook train from
Naiatid Central Den-U
WHBRLRR-At his residence ia Sesretlale. If. T., ?? ma'.?!
of Manli. Oeor?;?' S?. Wb'ader. lo ti?? W.l year of hi? atre. .
jTiuirraffc.rvic.ua ?fill b* beai si bis late resiileiuy? lo hear?,
dab-, on lertdav. iheiijtk ins?., at ? ? re aftaw arrival ef tao
tram whack leave* toe Uraad Oeaural Depot at 2 JO p. ax
Special iXolute.
Abseiute Hale. ?
?. HomervUle, Auctioneer_(lKO. A. I.EAVlTT A (XX
?tthe Lea viti Art GaUaneSjSn Broadway.
?a ? ? p ??^?? ?t?
anrterthsfllrscrirrnofg.Mr 's f a very. Hd 5th ave., who wit?
exocuio otders to i>urcuaeu without char??.
On? hundred and forty dioica woisji of srt by over 100
noiod arruta.__________________
Art-Ioteertaat Hale.
FDWaKD bCLIBNCK. Aiicttoaoer.
Pnvite collt-itlia of iSL'I'Kllil HIOU-CLA8?! OIL?
Pa ? ? t? Nus. io ?rincb bave brenart.ied ?oate uoporiaat plu?
tureajrui rrcaivod from abroad. Aiiiuu? tue ?il.si? ? eure
?auleti a ? Dadoiauy, l?atiU-oU. Bmater, l-suxbe, Keuu-r,
Zui" r Mutiler. Lrislaii. >auuiei, liri?ioiiau <ol. XiistuM?.
Kuwaiti, ttoaibled, ?Jauinriaui Nue ou exhibition sud vi ito
?old .il .iui.li.iu witliiiii? ?,serve, al Ibe .??1 KNCK AilTOAL?
L?-KV ?? .<?mii?L, *YWlar Allerti?)*. MaruU -5, al S Cctuck
Artistic Bronzea, Clark? aaS Decerseli 9 PorcelaJix.
Ho. 209 fifth ave , Madison s?iTiare.
bei???!, 'iiio ?ni?liliali
The oBtir? third noor uf mu estebtisanjsat l? spn.-oprh?*!
to a very compiete and ii'.ii.jni? ?? >,.. jt bttoNZKii, CLOCKS,
CLOCK ski?, ,?<?, ?,?? :ii?i trilli crune?**, piooasaf DICO
?JKAIlVK Pue.? ??.?? > jf il?) W?ri?jier iuvaI." "Mln
lou." l'rowu Derbr." and tbe besi ?Youuli UOrlcaot?, ali ot
biauW- latoal lttiporiatiuas.au?! a* -toiJhtrlATB ??????.
Visitor? paritculaily luvUed lo inspect iheat-Mk.
Ar? Male ef Impertanr?.
BY TH<ns. IL?. K1RBV, Auctioneer.
BY G Hos h. BIHBY m CO?
(Opposite waiisersi,
lilUlI Ul-A.-i? MOUEKN l'AlXTlNOs
CnARACTKIlIsTli: ANI) ??????????'? WORKS G.?
BALE FRfD.-Y KVKNING. ai 8 O'clock.
Ilrary A. Dauiel* VI. .>.. Ut ?.? <? ? ;? ?lare., ai?r .Jia-i.
. rio ir ? s tu I aal i ti f.
iiie?iiim vi t iti? nn
Piles j'TDii'iii? era tic ned *'ii im uri ????. ?a
keile, bsalureoi catino, .tur? isl lititii? MOl Ciruj.
iaiesniilLduiailiuij ? -'ern ? ji U ? J V G. il '.Voti 111 ???:.
P??l lll?ler Nolle,?.
The Fortiirn ? ??!? fur me w.??? endiuc SATURDAY. Marca
VU. issi, will ?lose at tuUoiU? ?? ? I I'lisll A Y, al li a. ne.
tur l.nriii.a. li? ?lentu-Sip a by ?.?iuta, via yueeiisiowu. un
U I. 1j.ni.-da V. al l?:*i a. ui.,' Ini KOXua?, or ?tusatnsiitp
Bothnia, via y nwininsu . on t ili il Mi A V at lit tua in , lor
Europe. hy steaotabip city ef BraaseU et* Qas?alowa. sua
ai I 1 .il) a m for Europe, liv slcatiisiili? 1 lerner, VI? Plfiu
?.??'? ? Lei l,nir? ??? li-miliar? mi -.All'Ite ?Y, si 111. ni.
Ini Oeriuiuy. Ac. by ?;iuiii?lil!> Kheia, via raiuthamptou and.
Hreuieo loin in iielem ?? ??? oie.it III .Min ?nil llic CulilloeiiC
musi tir ?.?viti ? adarawsedl aie! al 11 iOa. in. for i'.urniaj.
Irr ?team-lull Oeruiaiiio wa ?Jueenstoaru liWtTaapoBdtBO? n?r
(ieimaiiv ami Mcuituid ?Boat le aueciaUr addi ?aedi ani at
11 .in a. iu., I?M Boni laici ilireoi, by RtoamsalB ? ?: ?as su. ?ria
UiasaoW ? imi.?' 11 ?? a. ni . for llcU'ium <lu*ect, by sUrxat?
?hip Waeslanri \:j Aniwerp, The malt? ter a^hiiwall and
-.., lb Pacthc leave m-it York Blateb 21. Tbe .uau? ier i.r-y?
? :i .iu ? G?.p m????) ????? Mew.Yera March SI. The atada
? : ? etiti lUcult-av?? \vi York March Ti, I b?? ma'!? lor >iu
ileaV? New ', urk .>?,nuli -II. Vite mails toi II?... is slut
M eue? ma ve New ? uri. March SA I lie mail? ter L..UII leave
NVW Ver? Manli ?15 lite mails for Nrwioui? ll.ci.l ami ?t.
?? .re ???|!??? n le??? Nrw^.irs March 24 Ih? mai'? lor
C? iu um capati l?aW? -?? rr.un'Iseo ??G.? i. ilio Italia lor
A Jillslia. ?lc. .cai. .->.:ii Iiiicimi, Aprii '
li <? /? Ali-H.V ?? un? l'oil'UMtcr.
PuM DB r. \.??? ms. Barth l'J. L-SAl.
saw books as ? sew ed ? t?os ?.
?'.ilritled lo Uovi.* ?? ??? ??? thret ?? mfi? lulty inf.;'r(.|?i
heretjlurr oh Dit UUmSg ?'? ?e.
J\Ml? l(. O-?.OHI) ? (II.
I.IIe. Stories nini l'oem-ol John ilrduqliim. Oa? voi
niu- l'.iu ?. iliiMtrale.i t.? ?. le.-a Uy Wu.iaut Wuitcr, vriut
pulliail-i. I ?' mu?. Je, taeti le??, ole.
iti in.b Hehl le? Web* Folk f?rn. F?rr Mnholoirr.
I t-.tni li lineili? b? M/irieik??, L'B 1*4 -lie? OsNf
Imi ?Vale?, li.iuu ? u ??. I jjI O.aci. ll.aitriljl. I v^L,
svo, aiR io[>. PiKcsA.
gABMCM ?IcCl.l'B? ?: < O..
, 1 iL-n?o.
?Vlusfc ?-ludy In l.crraaay By M ?a Any l-'a/. 12m?}.
Pnce ?Ita.
\?'.irks by Prolcssir Swine-Club ????? Squtro 13?)
l'lietl. Jliiuve3.it ?,.?? .-..(.uri) inm). l'iteti.
fIl.\Ul.K> T. UlLLINilllA.H.
??7? Unn^srxj.
Thr 1st??? ot ?"iimmrr. nr Nassau sua iu? u*?*nui. ?;
?nsiii-elie? ? A l'Ili ? ?I 7 J.
?livorv ol the f'onrjaesl ot Hp^ln hy me Arnb?W.oor?
\\ .m a ?etch if mu Cu?n tal lea wuii-a ti.ev actaievtsl and
n;.,' m??', tu Lui ?.">? il) lleur> Coptic?. 'J vola Croirn Hvo.
? In. it ?.?.
The Baeterla Ile Dr Antiini? M??ni?t Tr? ? slated tram
tbe Fracco ?>? Uwuae ai -n-iuij-i?, al D., ntu?ei#u U. ^
Ainiy. i5?o. C ola t? jii.
HOI '?.irrt?. UliCMV ?: CO.,
il A ?tor-place.
Th?? liina'a afil?ate? anil Other Honrn. ite Jobn'O.
WhltUM ?viti, nu? ??.???; (MirluiL 1 v?i, loiuo, (pit n?:i *1.
I.onalellotv limbdnv limili. Arrancad by Cliarloii?
V -.?? Ii.ites Will a in.e ?aun Ir new purtrnllaud 1-iillus?
tratioo?. Mtjaare, Ibbsm, UaaVtuily acaiBBi ?. *i.
The I.ile noil I <irrf*pori l-nce el ?tir Auibony i'aaixxl,
? 4' It. luir FlUJCtpal ?..,,?..-'auol Ihe liil.lili AlUeVUIU. .IV
L m? Fairau.
Thirty Yrare. ??????: l'in'itu New and ou. ut th? autiior
>f "Joliu ll.i.ilax. lllBliOBlla." ??. 1 ? o.. IC'luo, nul lojfc
i'. J't._
?: ??. uiTTON.
7 II Mro??dw?jv.
i-rrmoiu ol Tho I'lty BfflearrC ????. O I?.. Rr : irol
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