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LOCAL MISCELLANY. *ONE MAN OR THE OTHER LYINO. ??? COLLISION ON THK NKW-HAVK.N IIAlLltOAP? CONTRAlUOTiiftY STATKMLNTS OK A OQSTOOCIOB AND THK HAlKiAt.K-MA.STEK. Coroner Hvler, sf Bye, iiilBllllBSi yesterday after? noon hi* invest l?:llliili illtntllO. death of Conductor Lettin, wlui ivas killed bjf the collision on the N'ew-Haveti Railroad Thursday evening hist. Conductor Snaultlini! continued his testimony. ?G. Dillon asked him whether It ?vas the rule for ? lie liagR'tg?'-iiiH.stcr to be sent out to Hag train?. Bpsuici ing did not know whether the olii? ?is ol tin? com? pany km w flint such a custom was ni VOSOS US the arrival of hi? train at Rye, lhu,s?lay. Be got ofl at the lower sud of tl*edepuia_d bis train weal ou I? the switch. He followed In? train up tbe track ami was eundingat the ?roasiug near tbe switch wh< s ih?? collusion ot curred. He denied tust Be was talkiiiL' toa hackman ul tho lowci end ol iho depot ^vlien tlie collision occurred, an I that somebody in? formed bun of the accident Mr. Ihiun, the baggage-master, asked hnn after tlii? ( illusion' whether he called hnn in. Tb? Wltuess aaswered, no. " Did yon ?ay, Mr. Dura, after the, collision ; ' Jim? my, the conductor is dead, I've Bot s family to sup port. You can say you held Dp tbe Hair, bat the eu trinecron lb?down tram Ig BBS]'?sighted and thd'ut ?oc it G" -?... air." " DM you say nothing like that i_ the pr?senos ol *?ir. Field, the station spent T" '? No, sir ; l'in sur ? of it.'' The foreman wanted to know what tb? OO&verss? liso was between tbe witness and Mr. DtTftnaftei the collision. Sp*?nldlng replied : " Dunn cam? np and said ' Well, I've done it.' I replied? ' 1 know you Basra.' Dunn said be didn't know what todo. Ho eras all mixed so al the time tin? ? oitision occurred. II?aaked-wbut he should tell tbe superintendent, Mi. Reed. I ?aid, ' If yon nut a lias up, toll bin? so. If von did not, tell him Iliat.' This eoi? versatimi t?ioK place In the persene? ol five brakeiueii iu my cah'ose, about turcc-iiuai'ters of an hour afte, iho Collision.'' Baggage-master James Dunn was Hun recalled. In regard to his conversation with Oondo?tof Bpanlfliua, ho said: "About fifteen inmutes after the collision, not forty-live, Mr. Spaulding cauif to BBS ivi ? u I was alono and took m,? In hind ?? ear. He said: 'Lettin is dead, and I've eut a wife and faintly to stipi?? ul; you ?ay y on faiaed the red Hag.' lio siso urged that 1 should say tbe engineer was Bear-si?hted. I replied, ?it ?meo, ' You had better SSS i'r. Field.' I took him to Mr. I?'mid on the rear tilaf form of the depot. At the gentlemen's door Its ?Sntad the same thing |_ the presane? of .ilr Field. Alt e ? some conversation, Mr. Fit I.I told mo to al? terni tu business ami do what I could. I went in the caboose for ?? drink of water in..I eaSJM right ont. ( Nn such conversation oeeurred tinao as Mr. npauhl? Im has testified to. J would swear it on all tlie ?Moles in the world. Mr. rJnauldiiiu swears that ho Via? ?it tho crossing when his tram was crossine? an? switch, 1 ha ve proof that bs ?.is not. Ho ??us thai he gota tlagiuaii out, but I ? ai? piovo Iludid not do so." " Call your wil nesses,''said Mr. IBI ion. Stettin-it Field, th?station agent, being recalled, corro?iorat?-(I ilunri's story ahout tho conversation Between himself ?ad Conductor Bnantding. Mr. Burnett?Did you ever complain t?? ihe <l? Ti.siciii auperiuteudont that you did not bava eiioiiirh help at Ihe station ? " 1 ticvcr complained to liiin. I uui not a man to Snake complaints." After soma mor? uninteresting testimony tho in? quest was ajourne.I to Friday M 1 B> ml, when the verdict will probably be rendered. A Tbibobs reporter asked a iurytnen yosteids? whethei there was ?my probability of tho company Ix-tug eeSSSarsd by the jury, 'l'ho jut iman replied : " 1 dou't believe ?here it. Last July two men were killed on tho road at Eye, and tho company was not aansurod." A MAYOR'S REGARD FOR MORAL?. A reiuarkahle veto messalo was sont to the Com? mou Council of Hoboken I aesdny night by .Mayor Passen, of that city. Tho Council at a previous meeting had granted a license to .lames LaOttigau to Hell liquors. The message explains itsolf J 1 return, wit limit my approval, IS? spptleatloa of Jumes Lanniruu fur UeeDSS I?? keep a tinuae ni publie entert?initient, aa giunteci at ruar ?esgu?n al tlie ltitii inst. [ du not coiiaidct Leunigau a proper person to tiran ?icon????!. liuiing the late fall eie? lii-.ii campaign i> eaiidtdate for publia olBes had oeoa? ?inn to viali Ih?? ?' h.eise of pi,Mio eiit*iti?luiiieiit " of tlio ?*J il I.anuigau. ami omet turn parti??? prreaal with coni BasfUtias there dlspeuBed, Leanlgaa diapensie? Ibeui in ?asaee. la seltllaa Ihn suoni, which imiilil boi have ?? Ceiled sj?l .",(?, the candidat?: iva? uiileli ?nrpriROil lo learn front I aiiulgan liimeelf llmt " it ivoulrt he fasi $">." That ?moiit.t was I hen unti ? here pulii over ?\ ? Imat .ni ? ? ?,????? fart hei hatea eaBI ?bout It. Til? nppnrt unity v. as te? faviii ? ?.!.? fur man to avoid taking advaiit?gc "G one ? im wits ih, n hi?,I ihr, e nt a disadvantage, and he e \ posed tils nature by taking It. It I? true the candidate Uli: tit have reiueed to pay, but It was set policy under the circumstance? fur him tt? do *o. end lie whs knnwiu^ly \ Ictiiul/.ed. No?*, such a deed m BS opinion t? more lieiiiius t hau htgharaf robbery, for tbe SMBwaymaa takes the chances of ids life, but in this C-aar, tin? victim cuti 1'Mt m hnUBd Indili ?till by tlio City (toTr.tuuieiit a? a respectable place ami la robbed vt ?111 Impunity. The tacts a? st tied ?tro of my por aonui kaewtedga The ordlaaaeas of the city loouire that tlie lift use?! ?hall be " a proper peesui.," ??! penton." Any one who ?rill do an this Bpplteaat Lannl piii Ine? iluiif I fmiiiot wimilei iu mu"i aiel nuist refuso a II. <?: -c. A motion was inailo that the license bo granted over the Mayor's, but it was rejected. RECOVKRINO A STOLEN' WATCIL ABsintant Engineer Hates, ol ?1?? United States Navy, lost a valuable g Id watch, which was stolen from nini while he was Walking in Hioadway l'n day evening. On ilisc-ovcring his lean ho mud" noth? ing about it to any one, but determined on a litt I??, privale delect ? ve work. On Saturday mot nun? Mr. Gat?-? staiUil out for a tour ot tin? pawnbroker?' shops in the power? in search of his lost timepiece. Att?i visiting several iiiiHucceasfullv. he entered ? simp where three men were tiling to dispuso of a tvatch which ho recognized a? his. Tho man who Beat IBS pis Oit iras hashing an examination of the aiuole, preparatory to stai in? the prie? he could ad? vance on it. " That is my watch, and I'll trouble you for it," Baiti the engineer, walking up to tho oouiitr'r. Tlie pawnbroker immediately placed tho watch 00 the ???uiiUr near tho three men, who all reached for it. Itut before thiy could lav hold of it Eugineer (?ates li.ul taken it from the counter, sndeoolly attaching it to bis chain, placed it iu hi? pocket and walked out of tlie (loor. The whole thin? did not tako a minute, aud the thieves were completely taken hy ei.-rpriju?. Two inaile O?, while the tinn?, moro bold than his fellows, follo-od tho ollicer for BSVarsl Lb? k- making threats. Finally the engineer, lic? eo ? nine tired of tho fellow's vapoiiugs, tuiued around and started for his pursuer. At this tho fellow disappeared up a sido street, and tho ollicer Wont cu his way rejoicing. CAPTURE OF A YOUTHFUL FORCER. Ar.tnnt &, Ferris, of NO. 'A3 Union squaro, for two weeks have had m their employ lriingL. Van Et? imi, of Albany. A day ortwoagoho Ian the employ of the ?'?G???. roeadajf be called at the A molici ? Dis? trict Tflegraph. Company's 0?lce, in tho Grand Cen Iral Depot, and asked fora lue- c igerboy, to whom ie gave au envelope, with basUuotlOns to lake it to the Hank of the Metropolis, at No. 2H Union-square, ?nd ?o bring whatever was given to him then? bach to the lelegranfa ofAoo. The taaabior found iu the en ??bob? a note lor ItMO. put pm ting to be signed bj Antrim sV Foitis. together with a letterreqneating tlie payment of the nule, tho loiter bearing the signa? ture oF I\. Clareaos lerria. L'pou Inquir? at the ftrm's htisinese pinco it was found tiiat Um Dots ami tlie letter were to igen?-s. The messenger, followed et ? little distance by Mr. Antrim, returned to the tehgiuph ottico, and gavo au envelope, which hail boon given to him at the b ink, to Van Kitcn, who Wne thereupon arrested by a policeman. He was taken before Jiislit?? Murray, at the York ville Police Court, yesterday morning, aud put uudcr $1,(HH> ball to await examination. A DISHONEST POST OFFICE CLERK. Fran.iis Humphreys, ago twenty-three, living it, fa_a nnsarod snn elsTSBtn st. batwooa Eleventh? Rio. and tiie IU.uh-vani, is a clerk in Station Loi Iho ??w \ ink i'ost Ottico. Ho was arraigned yesterday Intu? o Jumbo Patterson, at the Harlem Police Court, cha g?'d witli robbing tho mail. For some Mass Oapssinhisdeat Beady, of stai um L. ?as asea receiving complaints stating that certain packages Beut (.inoligli that station never reached their des? tination. So iifiiuciii had these e?iiniiluiuts liecotuo that Mr. Rrady sent lot i'ost Ottico Itispector New* boiub totavsstigats the mattai?. Tuesday a ear rant was i.sMicd hi JbsSjoS Patterson, and Hum? phreys was ?nested at hi.?, desk in the station. Ilo adiuitt'il Kl- glut and said that be began tamper? frig with the inaila in Mai eh. In his hotiso weii found tjuautitiis of silk trimmings ami other ma? terials, ? ori h about iJ??O. Justice Patte,??,? tnruod ihe prisoner over to tho Cm id Slatce Coiiiinissiuu tx. lie was held in faV.000 hail. THK CITY'S PROFILARLE FERRY LEASE. ? Under tbe new lease of the Union l?'rry Company tbe company agrees to pay the city l?t?g gas cent of It? r? ??eiptii. The treasurer of the company has made ???quarterly report to tho Controller. H? slates that the receipts have hee,] as follows: Cross ? o eeipta lor May. ifUtl.K-K? BS ; for June. *?S.S!U ; for July, fBoVSOO 76. total, ^'?4,??1. Of this, 12<a ereenta_iiiaiitato?KHi.is73 H7. and ? clieck lor is amount wassert u? the Conuoller. The oity autlionUe? think thw au iuiproveiueutover U,e $1 a Ereutal paid the city by the oouipany i?,?ler tho isioiis of the contract mad? with the Tweed j ta 1871, the consideration being that 1 cent fare should be charged at certain hours luorniua ?ud evening. * A TEST CASE IN ASSESSMENTS. A meeting of the As?.? ?soient ConuniMnion was held yesteriiay. It aaaisJSavse] tho inveeugatiou into IBs John H. She.rwood case, luvolving the assessment?. levied for the improvement of Sixth and Seventii a>Tee,. from Oue-bundred-end-teuth>st. to the Har? lem lCivsz. A inivate conference of tbe Commis? sion will be hold Auguat 18, and its decisimi will be ?tuidered at Uie a_it puhiie Uioetiug. This will be probably hold about the middle of Sept-milier. This I* dwiued a tost case, ami thf decision will a (feet a very larerc ntuaber of cuses, involving; ;i large nnu?nut due the city. TRVINu TO UVE UP TO HIS TIILORIKS. f now BOBOS hatch si'kpkiskd rut: QBalB SBBOO? l.AT??KS. It is not more than six months since a well-known stuck and produce operator announced to toe friends and customers that be Inni beoome tired of Bghtina Gottltt, Vtintieriiilt. Reene. Sage and other?, bad accumulated ?? " kingly " fortune, and had deter? mined tn retire, from las ap?enla ti ve tield ai unce. This tininuitieen eut wtis followed liy the selling ut seal en die stink Rxchsnge, tbedisp?iuou m ?? large block of Iron Steamboat Company's itock. Ins contest agallisi the Western I 1110:1 consoli,lu? timi, lus defeat In the courts, and his tup to lier muda fot recreation. Nearly everybody believed Hut this speculator really Intended to he. " a man ol leisure" in tbe I'm ? re ; end wheu be Buddenl? ap? peared on the llool ot the l'loiln.e ExcbangS \ ester day, iitsl as the "call on corn" opened, his lac?? heamtui with smiles, bis 1 ?.:?,! tbrown open expos? ing the indispensable white waistcoat, looking not unlike ti Texan ranger with Ins broad? brimmed abite fell bat, he received tbe usual hilarious greeting ? Inch l?itliis Hatch is so well BA'CUetomadtO. As each of Ins sciiuaiutaiicea sbook him b.v tbe beud, Mr Hateli smacked his lips asmuobaato say, "I h.ive something sweet iu atore for yon." ? lame mirabel had uuderstood Unit be bail peculiar views as to tbe market, aud tbat he advised" people who have money to place II in tbe bank." Mr. Hatch uns not inclined to be ofleuded al thesarcasmsor lim broad tokes ?vitli win h be wns greeted, but seemed rattier to take tltetn gootl-nat nredly as com? pliiuenta When " September option " was ratted, Mr. Hatch ?tomi lilaniily by. aud kepi close watch on the bid? den. The nomi usi price ?as UO cents, tint when tbe hnls reached ??.?'* Mr. Hatch nodded to tbe ?a'l-clcik to sell ????? memheis tlieu nudged etieli other, and remarked, ' Now we'll see whom lie's sell in? tot." Ibe etili clerk ask?.I "What'? the name r"' Mr. Hatch responded iu a stentorian voiee, " Ritfus Hatch.'' Tins caused a little oomunotiou ami Mirpiisn. As the call proceeded Mr. Hat. h contiiineil to sell until lie hail actually sold 'jss.ouo bushels ol tb? total traiieaclious ?1 toe nail, which :...? .inted tn lis.otio bitebela II" sold so fnt'ly that (he market declined from one-fourth I? three? eighths of a cent a bushel, aud ih?? general inquiry was, "| wonder what that ' hear'hi up to?" The response waa, "(>h, he's aeUiag ' short ' lo enforce Ins theory that arate mu?t Isa lower tn compare with low heii'lils" Mr. Hatch Iclt, the llnoi!v. his ? on ? I elilinee beaming with api tarent satisfeci Ion that he had " looled Ihn hoys again." The facts are that 1?<? had sold a<-f?til property and bad ma.I.? between $H,tMMJ and t???, uno <m the turn, The trad? tug utis tin? heaviest known in " September op? tioiis ' fot intu? y inonl hs. BKL-CTION OP SITI 'S POB IImSPITALS. Tin? Health Commissioners, President Pre?en? ol the Police Hoard. Colmici Lmmntis (Mark, Sanitary Superintendents Dtiv and Janes, llr, I'avlor. of ibe Vaccination lluroau,aud other physicians, visited North Brothers Island yesterday to select site? for the hospitals for contagions diseases that aro to lie eroe, el there. The i-land, which formerly was under the jurisdiction of Qneenf Count v, was (?riven to the. eit ? for tho use nl the liotird ot Health by th.- last legislatore. Th.? Riv? erside Hospital on mackwell'e Island has been found imtirely inadequate iu an emergency, and as aeon as Ihn new hospitals a??? completed will be ahtin by the Health Three btick liuildings will he ere? ted ??? north Brothers Island; two for small].? ? and tvphua lev??: patiente, and tbe third tor cases of diphtheria, seailel level and other Ooulagious diseases. The island will he surrounded with a sea-wall, and much of the city's sebee may bauend in tilling in low ground upon it. The erection ?if the hospital buildings and other eiiiit<!i,p!;it<??l improvements will cost much mom than tho (40,000 at present appro prialed for the purpose, and n new appropriation will have to be made next year. Mr. Height, the archilei?! who Is preparing the plans tor the build? ings was of the party yesterday. In a mouth,, hids for Che construction of the buildings will he received, and the work will he began. North Brothers Island is situato.! on the Sound, a mile, from tho shore, just south of Port, Morris. It baa a surface area of abont thirteen aerea it ie el prevent occupied only by a lighthouse-keeper aud bis assistant, end by a woman who entertains orca* loual picnic par tics. liRnoKl.VNS DYNAMITE HOMI!. ITpnn a warrant secured from Justice Walsh, in Brooklyn, in March, Nelson ltainett?. of I'ough keopsie, was hrought to Brooklyn yesterday, charged with tbrealeuing the hie oi .lames Mo* Cbcenoy, of No. in:? Ctiuton-et. in March th?? ser? vant in Mr. McCbesney'a house lOUUd under tint doorstep an attinie resembling a tar?e Bre-crecker in appearance, with a balf-buroed ins??. Mr. Me ? beane V was alarmed and submitted Die article, which lie. called a " dynamite hoinh," to the nolle and neighboring druugiete. It whs Blled with a yellowiau-white powder, bnt no analyaia wee ever nitide to determine what it was. Mr. McChesiiey had had some, dispute with Mr. Harnet I. 111 whose bouse near Pouglikeepsic ho had lived, ami so se? cure 1 a warrant tor Ins arrest. This could not he executed am il Tuesday. Mr. Barnetl was ar raignetl yeateraay and admitted to #1,000 bail for examination tn-iltiv. He nays ho knows nothing about the so-called " bomb " at McChesnoy's lions??. He owns a farni of 'J 10 acres near Poughkeepsie, and rents the house on it. for live, months every siiinmer for 01,000. MeChestiey hired it in ls-M> and stayed four numi lia paying f???. Ile refus,??! to pay the batanee, and It.uncu called at his house in Brooklyn for the balance and wee ref used p.i\ ment. McChceney says Barnett threatened his life at this time. AN P.NTKKPRISINO CHINES- THEE?. Sam Stilili;, a Chinaman, was committed to the Tomba yesterday on a bench warrant issued by Recorder Smvth, oharging him with grand larceny. Ou July 3 Buiug waa cangbtm tbe act of stealing a fancy sword from tint store of l?. Isaacs ? Brothera, Nos. illftaail 6_1 Broadway? He entered th? pia. e as a purchaser, and while ne supposed he t?as unobserved concealed the SWOld within tlie folds ot a leras nmbrells whioh be carried. Ho was seen by on?* Of the clerks and was arrested. At the police court he was held upon a charge of laiveiiv. Habeeqnently rein esentati ves o? lin- linn, which had been losing various articles lor nearly six months, visited Atlantic City. New-Jeraey, where Slung sani ho lived. There it was discovered that the Chinaman had opened a store on Ina own ac? count, sellili? goods Similar to those sohl by Isaacs ?V Brothers. The irrealer pa?t ol the stock upon Investigation was found to bave been {stolen from Isaacs ?- Brothers. Articles valued 111 all at ??,??? wem identified by mom bere of the Arm ns their property, The stolen goods includi d porcelain vases, monean, plaoejues. satsnmn bowls, picture frames, napkin rings, silk diessini? gowns and a variety of similar articles, some ol them of consid? erable hulk. How the Chinaman managed to carry tbe articles away without, being delected is a mys? tery. i?NI A BUTCH JEITO BUSPICI0?8 DEATH. The body of gara nel Alt, age sixty-two. a buteher dtdng business at Ivut y-titth-sl. and Pirst.-ave., wits found llnating in the Baal Kiver at tho foot of Baal Seventy-sixth?t. yesterday inoruiiig. It lay at the foot of a rocky clifl abonl eight, feet high and was groom? agallisi, the rocks by th? outgoing tide. A hoy who saw it called Detective Campbell, of the Twenty-eighth Precinct, who lives near by. Me pulled the body ashore an.I sear, lied it. Eight ?cuts were Ion ml in ( he dead ma 11'si rouse r pockets ; on the hack of bis bead WM a long and deep cut. All was ?11 1 he hat lit of going to swim at or near the point where he was louiiil, and it was believed b\ the police that be went tbere for that purpose and fell down and was killed. Recently he had given signs ?if a distmbed mimi. The neighborhood where he w as tound is very had. Iu consideration of this the police have set ?m foot a searching Inquiry, and Coroner Knot prepared to make an autopsy on the body to ascertain if there were, ?uy other Injurias than the ? at ? wound. QfJIKT Ml - TING OP THE PARK BOARD. Th?? l'era Commisatouere ai their meeting y eater1 day we? s ma mild mood. A committee consisting ? >f Commissioner Wales ami Commissioner MaeLean reported in favor of increasing the pay of em? ployee of the department receiving less than $'J a day. A resolution to increase the pay of tins c?as* 1(1 per Boot was adopted. Commissioners Wales ami (ilbile were appointed to select a foreman and a (orce ??? laborera to carry oui th.?. plans for tbe im? provement nf Manhattan -sonare. A plot of ground containing nfteen acres, lying just above tbe Harlem KlVei in tue Twenty-third Waul, was set asido asa public pai k Its Inniiiitai ?es are Motl-uvc, Sodgwiek avo., Walton-ave., and .liiliel-st. CriT INSTITUTIONS IMPROVED. Tho Department of Charities and Correction is now carrying out very necessary improvements at Um Penitentiary aud Female Lunatic Asylum on llliickwcll's Island. At Ilio formel institution u new ?00khouse and diiiing-hall have, been con? structed. The dining-hall is-10 feet high, BO feet wide ami 120 feel. long. The addition was much needed and will accommodate 900 man. There is also bnibting and well advanced a new wing to the Retreat of the Lunatic Asylum, which will he four Marisa high, 300 feet long and 40 fret wnle, and is ?lone?, like the former, by prison labor. It will pive groat relief to tho aayluui, which is overcrowded. MKTHOD1ST DELEGATE*} TO LONDON. A large delegation of colored Methodists as s. milled at the National Line's pier yesterday inum? iti? to bid good In.? to tbe bishops and clergymen ol the colored Methodist Kpiscopal Church ot the United Status, who sailed ou tLe. steamship Tho ttneea to attend the I? ciiinenicitl Coiilerenco of Methodists to Imi held in London. Among the dele gatos to the Conference were Btabopa Janus A, Shot ter, of Ohio ; William 1?. aud ,L P. Campbell, of Phlloatslpbta; the rinunciai seeretnrv of the Church, Ueiijamiii W. Aruett ; Professor J. 11. Sbot tor, o? Wilbcrfutco, Ohm, Prolct-or J. VV Morn?, of diari??!.?.'vu. 8. C; the, Rev. .Jame?, M. Tdwnssnd, of Richmond, Ind.; tin? Rev. A. T. Cnrr. of Chariest on, B. ('., and Alexander I lark, of Iowa. Among the passengers who will sail on the lumen Btestnship Citv of Berlin Saturday are nearly 200 ministers snd laymen of Ihe Methodist l'.piscopal Church (white), who are delegates to the Kcuinoiii cal Con I'm enee. VISITORS AT THE CUSTOM HOUSE, Among IBS visitor.? who called at the Custom Hones to sec Collector Robertson yesterday were ???-?? rotary Bristow, Postmaster Pearson, Robert Ray Hamilton. W, ?. M Drier, of Pennsylvania, ex-Msvor fjopaill, of Newark, Senator Bewail; of New-Jersey, Collector HsUoy. nf Galveston, Tex.. Dr. Guy, ?t Brooklyn, and George A. Hslsey. or New-Jersey. No change- have been made by IBs new Collector, and it, is not probable that any wi*l in? inaile at present, Many application* for posi? tions bave bei ? received end pieced on lile, to await tin? iiezt Civil Service examination. A ? ES TB USI. 1S TI ? IX VE X TOE. COOLING BUILDINGS ON A LARGE SCALE. PBOKBSSUB ? ? MG UK'S PLANS ? " GLACIAL ??????.? T'IN" A.M> VII K ZI'HO-MOTOlt. John (?aiui'eo has been for several years engsged in solving p'i-'leiiis of refrlgerstion, vent i lati.m and the uiiiniiiiictu'e of ico by artificial uieans. nil attention was brat directed to this class of subjects in eonaovtion with toe transportation of fresh meats ten or twelve years ago. when he came lo this oountry from Scotland for the purpose of making experiments He has invented a mai him? lor tnakiug ice, u part nl Iho motivo power of which is supplii d by the ammonia that is used in the same machine for freezing. In the machine lu? is uaing at present, by meausof the expansion of ammouia, be is able to ?avi- moie than 40 per ceni? of tlie power necessary to drive tbe machinery ? It?. I is, the n achine requires io per cent less steam than i! would il the motive power wore supplied by a stillili ?UgiUfl alone. Tue successili' this double ougtite, a steam cugine coupled with a low pressore ammonia cimine. Bave rise io t he concept,i;u that an engine might bo constructed in which ammoni.? could he made to do ail t'tc work, so that steam and consequently beat proaucod by the combustion oi coal, could Be dispensed with altogether. Mr. Gauigee and his assistants sre now making a series ni experiments iu the Navy Vani st Washington for the purpose of briualug tlie invention, if possible, up io ibis state ot porfei ii"ii. This projected,engine Is celled tbe /.< ro-ntotor. Mr. Gniugee arrivo?! in this citv from Washington a few days aso, and ? at the Victoria Hotel. II?? Is a fall, broad-shouldered man, with a clear com plexinn, bluish gray eyes and ?? full dark beard ?lightly tinged with maw He is a Huent talker, and when Bpeskiug of whet In? has accomplished ami oi his projects he exhibits iho enthusiasm characteristic of sn inventor. lu cou venati ou with a I'BinuNB reporter be described abat he hoped to accomplish by uie;,us of his ico machino in luskiog ice and ventilatine; houses. ?? The problem of artificial refrigeration," he said, " is one of the irreal problems of the day. Indeed, taken in its relations to tin? relief of suffering? the introduction of ao sdegnate system ot ventilation, ami the proper provisioning oi cities, I know oi nono that is equal to it in importance. I have worked at it coutinnonsly for a dozen years, ami I am preparo?! to say Iba I m uo American city of any importance cuti natural ice begiu to ?upplv the wants of the coiiiuiunity. Gradually ice machines have been Improved, nut all have been suited to extremely limited production and have worked bettor in winter than in summer. The revolution to in? effected then is to have ap adequate supply of ?it? from large machines, cooling air, water and produce on s ?>??? sesie " How m.iv tins become practicable f u A machine capable of making 500 tons of ?ce a day requires only the same skill to run it that a teu? ton machine does, under a system whereby ateam and condensing water is Isrgely dispensili with. As to the cost of production, artificial ice will cost little moi??, if any, per fou than is expended in cutting ami Storing natural ii e on the river hank. Transportation end storsge, you see, sre tho inani onuses oi luiih prices and irregular supply. Tbe distrili,itio,? ?if natural ice throughout the country is very unequal, and most unequal whore ice is most needed in the Southern States." ?? Would not the msunfai ture of artificial ios ob ? large scale meet with great opposition on the part ??I the m? companiesf "afosi tei fallili'. They have systematically op? posed the only system winch obviously must soon secure Ihe pi,'?die cheaper ice." "Von siso propuse ventilating pu Id io buildings alni private lun.-es by means of the ice machine How can this las donef " Well, in the hist placo engineers hsvs agr.I that to cool and emulate air iu overheated dwell? ings is practically impossible. In mv opinion, no method of forciug air into ??ml through buildiug? can begin to compare m point of economi snd oil,eie,icy with that of the inculai ion ol cold, or as 1 hai e called it. ' glacial [?filiation.' livery meilii al man and engineer to whom I have explained tins system admits its adaptability." " What is the principle of distribution T" " It is very simple. Asoverybod) knows, cobi air ilesteiiiis ami hn| sir , .se?.. ? ? urici t of I ir could he put if circulation by means ol a shaft for ths ili--? e ? l ol' eti Id air ami ?? ? other tor the ascent ol hot and impure ?m. There is enough beai in snmmci to ?.-it?- risi, to the ascendingcolnmn. Supply cold at the proper place and you nave also a descending column." "Would Ihe machine then be put in an elevated posit um 1" " At the top of the bnilding. There the air can be taker and cooled above the ?.Its ami dust of tho city where u is free from impurities Itv this sys? tem a whole block ot buildings could .In- supplied with cool pute ait that would produce a uniform temperature ami couhl be regulated at pleasure." j? (low would the expeiiee of this system compara with thai of l'ititi .ni-, an into buildings |,y mechan? ism T" '? I he cost in rotimi terms would not exceed one sixili as much It would not approach the cost of heating s boues by the consumption ol coal m ? he winter season. Bo you sec people can seonrc by this met nod as comfortable a temperature in tlu-ir houses in summer as in winter, 'Ihe methods will apply equally well to large bnildinga like the Capitol at Washington? which la poorly ventilated -to public halls, theatres, school buildings snd eliurt lies. In a word ait ot absolute nurity can he blown through buildings of any uiuwnsious in absolutely limit leas quantities." " How many Ions of ice can a machino be made to produce a day T" 11 Tbey can be made large enongh to tasks 1,000 tons a day, but in practice those producing 100 tous a day would be sufficiently Isrge." " Uo you think that the projected ziro-niotor will piovi? a success ? ' "From iii.v punii of view it can't, fail of success. Already we nave a low-pressure engine working In conjunction with a steam engins, 1 have set to find a competent authority ou theory lu heat who does not acknowledge the sounduosi of my position. The experiments now making ??imply refei to matters ol meohauiosl details, which may bo re? garded purely as quest ions ol tune." GENERAL GRANT to ORNER TlSCEOFIELD, A CRITICISM lit?" OBBBBA- THOMAS'S MoVUMI'.NTS AT BS8II VH.LK--?JI'lSKKAI. B0BO1 IICUl'.S ??? TTJDB ????.?????? ami BBBBBUBD, During ths nasi two months there bsvo been sev? eral puolical ions of statemenls from persons un friendly to Major-General Beholield concerning tbe conduci of thai oltiioi at the battle of Nashville ami elsewhere, snd toward Central Thomas in relation to ?tie operations at Nashville. General St liotieltl, who is abroad, referred these Statements to (?encrai tirant, wl.o has responded ir. Ilio ful? lowing letter : . . Nkw-Yiiick, An?. 1. IhkI. General J. ?. ??????????. lUur General : Your latter of the 12th of duly has just, i,ecu handed to me by Colonel Wherry ol your stau. I have read it carefully, together with the ?ululo Iroiii ihe Medi) Deiito<rat, The lapse ot t line since the event, spoken of in that article isso ?real I bat I feel some hesitation in snsweriua vonr li tier and the article from Th? Democrat as 1 might do if I had access to tbe archives at Washington: but writing from memory 1 Hunk I can SSV with' grant positi venosa that there was never any dis? patch I mm you to me, or from you to anyone In Washington, disparaging General Thomas's move meats si Nashville. On the contrary, my recollec? tion is that when 1 met yon on ?our uav to Wilmington, North Carolina, subsequent to the battio of Nashville,you explained Ihe situation at Naahville prior to General Thomas's movement againsi Hood, with a vie? of removing the feeling that I had that Thomas had been slow. I was very impatient at that limo with what I tuOUSbt ?as tardiness on the pan of General Thomas, and was very much afraid thai while he wns lying there al Nashville and not moving his army, Hood might cross the Tennessee River either above or below the City of Nashville, and get between him and tho (lino Blear, and make ? retrogl ade move? ment of our army at Nashville a necessity, and very much embarrass and ,!olav future op?rations of the arniies. Laboring under tin? feeling ami impres? sion. I was telegraphing General Thomas daily and almost hourly, urging bim to move out, ami attach Hood, snd dually bet amo so Impatient that l noo? templaleil his removal ami the substitution Of an? other officer In bis placai but thii feeling on my part was not added to by any dispatches from any person front the set ue of action except those Iroiii General Thomas himself. I have certainly no recollection of rSOSiving any dispatches fiotti Nash? ville during the time spoKi-n of in Iho article in Che Deiuoirat troni any person except General Thomas himself. 1 feel very sun- that if any dispatches had been received from vtui 1 should now recollect il anil I am tree BO say ihat it would have created % pren? dici? to your disadvantage if 1 had l?osivedsuoh dispatches. 'Uns mach you aient liberty to uso in anyway you deem proper. The other rellections which the author of tho article alluded to airaiust you lof comae am not called upon to say anything in renard te. Tho fact is. your subsequent promotions are proof positivo that 1 entertained nono of tho views set forth to your disadvantage ai tuie article. Very truly yours, LI. W. GkaMT. HOME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVATA Fifth Avenue flutet?The Marquis de la Valette, mid __ Marnata AS csmbts, ofVrsnesi !>uni?i J. Morrrii. of I etniiylvaiilti, tui.l Mr. and Mr?. \v\ J. Ilereii.??? ... Itinrfmr /fotti- Alilerniau II. B. RBlght, of I.?mii|..ii. ?ml Thcml.ire M. Pimieroy. ?f Aiiliiini, N. V.Hentiniimt-r Hotel?JsMSSS ? Panssster,ef Troy, nnrt w. a. m. 'irler. of iiar.ieton, penn.h r??,? ..wri j ion ?.?--Usptsln BcMlckam, of the stessa? hin?' lliitli'itu.Jfolel hiututPielc?JiiH'.Wo Murtlsou, of To run to. NKW-YORK CITY. Seven ntremshlna landed ?',???? immigrante at Cast I?' Garden yesterday, The body ot an nnknown man, apparently a la? borer, was found in the North River yesterday at Pier No. 46. " L. M. 1'.'' sends MM for the Sea Side Sanitarium for Sick .Mothers and Cnil?Iren. It has been turned ever to the president, Henry King. Mayor (?race has directed the suspension for three montila of City Marshal Michael Sbaaghnessy for improper conduct in the service of papers. IHK BBW ?????'.???1 ill' TBB UltAM) ,????. George ?. Moore, librarian of the Lenox Library. wae yesterday sworn iu as foreman of the Grand Jury in place of Edward Van Volkenhurgli, who is Buffering from illness, BUB OVBB BT AN [OB ?G????. While William llille, three years old, was playing in (he street ne ir his home at No. 109 Eli/.aueth-st. lust evening, he whs run over by an ice wagon in nherge ol .lames Crawford. The boy was injured m badly that the police sent him to Bellevue Hospital. Crawford was arrested. MKKTING OF Illtlf'KI.AYKltS. Brich layers' i'nion No. 4 held a regular ineetintr last evening, in Milliman's Hall, at Twenty?e_rt_-st. ami Seventh-ave. Henry Cole was elected presi dent, and Michael Weed secretary, it was reported that the tieniti nd for bricklayers in this city was good, and that they were ciirii-utlv receiving .$4 a day. A POUCBMAB'tl CBABOBfl I'ult CAB PABS, Mrs. Youiigbrtith, ol No. 283 Last Tcnth-st., nhareed Policemen Kennedy of tbe Tombs Court Squad with endeavoring to extort 10 cents from her for carfare, when he went to her house to arrest a lodger. Kennedy admitted tbe charge to be true, but said that he usually received car tare from com? plainants. ???? KXCTJftnoB loll BABIBB. R. Cornell White announces that he will give till babies in arms mid their mothers a free excursion to Soekaway Beach to-morrow on board the steamer Grand Republic. The boal will leave West Tweuty M'coii.l-st. at 10:30 a. m.. pier Mo. ??, North River, at 10:50, and Jewell's Wharf, Brooklyn, at 11:15. No tickets necessary. A II n r \vKit'.?? DlgrfOBBST 0 iblBOTpB. Joseph Duelger, the brewer, of '22\ Bast Plfty foiirth-st., in the Yorkville Police Court Tuesday morniug charged Charlea l\ W. Koehler, whom be had employee] as a collector, with embezzlement. It is claimed that Koehler has appropriated about .f.'iiKi sine.? March. Justice Murra?, held the priaoner for eiaminatiou in default of $1,000 bail. KKAHV TO Aitili It ? ?? I l'I? l'I. G POINT. John Graham, counsel for ex-Polh e Commissioner Smith, yesterday wrote to Recorder Smyth saying be would be read ? to arane tbe point in refer? enee to the tu t of 1 ss 1 which, it. is supposed, re? in?is the act under which the Commissioners were indicted, Friday next. District-Attorney Rollins Intimated tint be would be ready to argue the mal ter ?m that day ami Recorder Smyth has decided to hear them then. 0OBOB_S/aj INQl'KHT An.iotiiNr.n. Conmer ?'??? ?md a jurv began yesterday morn? ??? an iimneel in the cas.? of nanchi Tobey, who WM Billed ?July 23 by being thrown to the street from the Fourteenth Street Station of tbe Third Avenue Elevated Railroad. After the examination of Mini?? of the employe? of tbe railroad company Coroner Kimx adjourned the inquest, iu omet to give the relatives of the mail tin opportunity to pro? cure eve-w it liesses of the accident. CBaBOBD WITH MCI 1(1 di' lll'lt ('HII.t)IIRN. JamesTterney, of NO. 78 Oliver-st., charged Anna LucUiivi ?h. of NO. 80 Oliver-?!., in the Oak Sir,! Polios Station yesterday, with being habitually drunk and With cruelty to her two children, Louisa, age eleven yoars^and James, ege eight yeaie. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was informed, and it look charge of the children. .Justice Klammer vestcrdav. at the Tombs Police Court, committed tin- mother to th?? Workbouae for six months. A I'lil.Ii IMAN ????? Kl li BT HI IIIANS. In aoeonlanee with orders from Captain Hodden. Policeman Smith Tuesday nigbl ordered the crowd of young ruttiaiis that baa been in tbe habit of aa? ?embltng at Fourth-ct. and Sixth-eve. and annoy? ing passers-by, to disperse. .John Carnuto, of No. lio West (Venty-ninth-at., struck the officer and then fled. He wae arrested in West Washington piti.,?. At the Jefferson Marini Police Court yester daj morning Justice Morgan bebl Carman fog as? saulting the officer. BROOKLYN. Deaths last week, 383 ? births, IMS; m arri.? ces, I!?. A suit tot absolut?? divorce Dronghi by Mrs. Annie Hill aaaiuat her husband. K.J. Hill, of No. 118 fleet-place, has been begun iu I In? City Court. l?r. 1?'. Bond, of Ko, '..'7 Scherraerhorn st., was nr rested yesterday for failing to report to ihe Board ..? Health the smallpox ease o? Mrs. C. Eckert, ol No. 38 Veramla-pltice, until a sanitary inspector dis oovered the diati sen A three-year-old airi, Ann Wise, of Thlrd*ava. and Thiriy-sixth-.iL, feu offa dosi on which she wee playing with some other children? near her home, yesterday afternoon, into Oowanns Bay, and was drowned.lames Shay, a boy, of No. 528 War ren-at?, while bathing in the Gew?nne Canal al Um foot of Sixth-?!,, w as drowned ycilerdav afliTiioou, The (?reworks which wer.? intended foreelebret ing Independence Day will be displayed this even? ing al l'un Oreene, Atlantic ami Prankliu-aves., Tomnkins Park, North Fourth and Bwveutb-sts., and m the vacant lot nt Seventh-ave. and Nintb-st. The decoration of the City II.ill Municipal Buildluga was begun last evening. Two suits under the Civil Damage Act have been begun m behalt of Mrs. Kere Cunningham against Thomas Fleming, bquor seller at Ko. 31 Hudson gve., and Henry Kiep, Fleming's landlord. Damages in each caso laid a! 81.000. I! is alleged by the plaintiff thai liquor sold by Fleming to her husband has caused him to eeglect I?is? family and leave it destitute. Fleming wae directed not to sell li?,??t to Cunningham. jersey ernr. Henry Wilson, I'ost No. 13, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of New-Jersey, has uiude erraneementa for a three days' encetnp nieiit at the Union Hill Schlitzen Park, beginning M< ndsy. September 13. All the Grand army poets m he otate will be invited ami several regiment? of the National t.iitnd. Henry Stirili?!?, a sailor on the Baltic Monarch, of the Monarch Line, was arrested yesterday on two chames, one of stealing clothing, valued at ??!?"?, from one of the passen gerS and the other of breaking open a case of dutiable iroods. United states Commissioner Mmilieiii held him for examination on the chamo of violatili?.' the revenue laws. George I?'? Douglaas, of No. 338 Beventb-sa,, was arraigned before Justice Kelrobei Tneaday morn? ing foi passing ? worthless check for .f 100 ou Anton Hilbcr. a liquor dealer. Doug.ass borrowed $?!> from Hllber and gave 1 e check a* security. It ?a drawn on the Mechanic? and Tradare' Bank, of thi? city, bv Kate Taylor Douglass, and was en dorsed by the prisoner, Dongl ss refused to make any ?tatement or give any information about ivate Tu\ lor Douglass.other than that she lived iu this citv. He was held for trial. NEWARK. The annual collection Of Peter's Pence in the Diocese of Newark foi the rapport of the Pope has just been completed and amounts to ?0,600? It was reported yesterday that Wally Tompkine ami Joseph RochelL who had hired a boat al Baal Newark to po sailing In New-York Bay, were drowned last Saturday oil'Sandy Hook. The New-York l'ire Insurance Company has ob? tained a judgment for $5,000 against William a. Tooker, clothier. Broad-et., and <m execution being issued. Mr. Tooker's place of business was taken possession of by the shell if. Anthony C. Nickel, ?if Newark, a butcher and a newly married man, ceased the arrest yesterday of Francesca Boettingar. The woman in a tit of Jeal? ousy beat hint in Us own store with a poker, she was angry, be says, because he would uot marry her. Sue was held to bail In$900. NEW-JERSEY. Hobokbb,?George Croyte, a sailor on the ship State of Alabama, lying at the Fiftn-et. pier, fell in a fit, while working In the hold Tuesday, and died before medical attendance could he secured. C_???.?????t.?Angnet Merehens tad OeorgaWeid enicldt were arreetedTneaday, near Passalo, for an assault committed on the fourteen-yeare-old daugh? ter of Louis Bisley, of Carlstadt. ?. .1. The girl is mit expect???! to live, Croat excitement prevailed in the neighborhood, and threats of lynching tbo men were freely made. Patbbbqb.?Roland ?. Bowne,of Pa tersoti, ?ned 7'/ic Pesas, oi that city, lust, winter for libel, piaciuti bis damages el $10,000. The Jury acquitted the de fendant, and when s?wim WM sought for to make him defray the costs of the suit, he was missing. Tuesday morning ha returned to Peterson and was immediately, arrested? He had ne money aud was therefore held in custody. Patkiison.?h vve!i-attended nsnoHng fesa held yesterday in Patsason, at which repr?sentatives of different total abstinence nocieties ami jhtsoiis in? terested in prohibiting ihe salo of Iunior were pres? ent. The object of the meeting was the format ion trf an organisation for ?? more effective warfare OB the sale of liquor than has been hitherto can ?ed on by the divided ellorts of tho societies. Eugene BjcajgS was elected presideut. Hoiioken.?Coroner WiggiiiH, of Hohokon, began yesterday afternoon au kaqeaes in the case of John Qetehy, the Hobokan barkeeper, who died Sunday murning from the effect, it is believed, of an opera? tion perioiuicd uunu i__i in It miry lireiner. Mrs.. Gctchy, wife of the dead man, testified that ttree years ago Iiremer, with her husband's consent, per? forinoli an operation wi h an instrument full of needles. About fourteen days affo ?,einer per? suaded Getchv to have another iiiicration,from which BS died. Dr. Nsst testified that in his opinion death resulted from malpractice.Alfred Pools, ?.boni three years obi, was run over and fatally injured Tuesday evening bv Michael Torpv'e milk wagon iu front of No. V?t) Wiflow-sf. LONG ISLAND. Qror.rr..?A singular accident happened to Prudence Arch, a negro women, at Quoque, Tuns* day. sin- was frtantung near the creek at the tune, Intently watching a fish-hawk that waa seemingly anxious to slight. Prudence watched the bird with lier mouth wide open, when a hornet l'.'w ir. and Btnngtbs roof of her month, one swallowed tin? hornet, and it nirain stung her inwardly, aud poisoned Iter whole system. Dr. Benjamin, of haver* head, attended the women, and until yesterday tens Mere entertain-i! for he; life. This is the second time ?m accident of this kind BBS been re? ported lately. ?TATEN ISLAND. <f ??t??.-Pr. .J. G. D. Middlet >n. roeentlv of Port Wsdsworth, Clifton, lias been assigned to duty ?it Fort llaves ??t Leavenwditli, Kansas. NbW-BbIBBTOX.?The remains of Alfred S. Nor? man, who was killed on the railroad track near Baltimore, arrived at TompkinsviUa Tuesday night, ihe funeral took pinos yesterday. REFORMING RAD WOMEN. PLANS OF Tilt'. rOMMITTKR ?G KIVI' ?GG???'? ??? ?? t???. OOVBBXOB ?? BBLBCI ? StTB l'oit a BBV lonvAToKV. Governor Cornell in May last appointed a com? mittee of live to select a site ami Ihe piati for a (lolite nf BefUge for Women to be built bv di State. The committee is Edward (Mark, of Coopers, town; Judge Beckett, of Saratoga?. Kenjemiu D. links, of (?Id Westbory; Mrs. ('. S. Spencer and Mi?. Egbert Guernsey, of New-York. ? G?????? reporter recently conversed with Mrs. Guernsey, tho secretary of tin? committee, with regard to the institution and its proposed work. "Have y, u selected a site for the building T'! he asked. " We have bad over ;, hundred ?imposais, and are now visiting the most promising pinces, but lune not decided upon an), We have soon several desirable situations near Bsmtoas. st New-Ham? burg, Dobbs' lorry, ami to-morrow we shall visit a place on Scaten Island. Tho trouble la th? people ask too nun I, for ?heir land. Governor Cornell mil ? wams to appropriale $100,000 for the sround and building. Now il some charitable person would Kivi? twenty-live or fifty aerosol laud ma healthy Situation, near a good stream of water, it would ?imply repay liim in a few years by tli? good it would do. " What is the treatment proposed T'' " it will be similar to iliat ? the Indiana Re? formatory for Women. That ias teen tunning sis y, ars with very satisfactory results. ? bei? are ?200 lu matos, Only two men arc employed on the prom? lacs une is the eugiueer and the other is night watchmen. The tirsi work doue by a convict upon entering is laundry work. It has been found that wsahiug has a subduing effect. All the clothing worn there is made by the women. Asa reward lor good conduct tboy ari- allowed to work out of doors. They take care of tlteeows ami horses, and till tin? ground. Some are educated to teach school, and when leaving the place are found situations where tiny ma ? cam an honest living."' " At what ago will the women be sent to this reformatory V " Between tbe ages Ol fifteen and thirty, and they will remaiu from one to live veal's. Indiana. Ohio, Massachusetts and Cauads nave similar institu? tions, aud it is too bad that New-York has not bad one beion? this time. The expense of getting started m Msseacbnsetts was ?400,000, ami unie?? we receive a uilt of tin- lami mo have not mole than One-fourth the money needcil. " Is it designed for the women from this city t" "Not at present; only lor those outside of New York. As it Mill contain only '.'."?O it will be lull without taking any from her??. However, wa shall enlarge ?is fast as possible; o,? better yet. if the first ono tsssneoees the Statele Isrps enough to bave three or four such reformatories." ?? How great a per cent bus keen rateasse, in other Institution?T'' "In Indiana B2 per rent: and only one person hss been rooomudtB ? m the six yearn. - llave you received any pisas fot the building f " ?.tt yet, We are m BOpes that the laud that i? given us, wholly or iu part, may have buildings upon it that mai be refitted for our purpose." Governor Cornell, Controller Wadsworth, Jodajs Beckett and Mr. ? tesa yesterday visited tbe prop? erty owned by the Btsteou statin Island relative to devoting a part of it to this purpose. Judge Beckett stated to a Tsibonb reporter that be did not think the sito would answer. It is too mai Neu-Volk. A situation up the Hudson would be more acceptable. The Cornwall Mountain House has iii-en ottered, but ss it coats Wi5,000, aud the buildiugs an' worthless 'or this object, it will not in- visited. The building to I?? aaed must be lire proof, ami the partition walls of brick to pro veut escapes. Tin- property must be in a good situation, not tar from a market ami railroad, yet away troni both; it must bo purchased cheaply? as ths amount, to ???? expended is limiteli. Tb? Is? listes thai it ?hell not be m New-Vcrh City nor m Brooklyn. To-dey several places will be risitedon the Hud? son. Ve?? or Jay the committee was ottered ttfty acres ol lami seven miles back of W est l'omt, which will In? visiti-il. GOLD IN SUOI' SWEEFINGS. BOW THK COST?N ok BBPIBISMJ Tiir.M is* Tins OOUBTBY BBOSB tu inni \T Pit?kissks BBP ??.??????ITS COST AM? THK TROKIT YIKLDKD. "What is done with the sweepings of jewellers' shops V asked a Tiiint'Ni; reporter of a prominent Newark reoner recently. " Until thirty yearo ago they were thrown away. Some care ?as taken t?i pick out any pnces ot gold that couhl be seen OU the lloor, but not Inn? was done with ti.e tino mild dust. About that time Hal bach, a Germen refiner, came to Newark, ami seeing tin? amount of gold that was wasted warntaround to the different shops and offered the elei ks,, dollar a barrel for the ?weepings. la ?i short tun ? his brother started in opposition to hiss, ami paid $2 s barrel. Competition soon advanced the pnce, until the Jewel lera themselves took up tbe trade so far as they conili, lu ? is" t ' Cumins' Amalgamator ' was introduced into most of the large manufactur? ing iewellers' shops. It requires but little snoos and poivi-t for its use. My means of on?.? of three amalgamators the sweepings sre so thoroughly silted that not more than ,"i per cent of gold remains mi them. The ?weepings sre then sohl to refiners In t lie pound, the price varying froot ? cents to G?0 cents a pound. If the refiner does not tbink there is much gol.l remaining in thein. he sells t'uni tit refiners iu Europe, where they can be handled mon cheaply than hese, owing w the diB?reaco iu tho price of labor." " What is th?? process of refining V "That is our seo-oi, aud refiuiug is S profession where ev.rv man is mlf-educated. The?? are DO colleges where it can lie learned, but ? arili give the general principles. The sweepings aro burnt, pul? verized and assayed. There are three common methods ol assaying: smelting with load, the ass of diluirne ?nul amalgamation with quicksilver, rite amalgamating process is the one most generally used now, as it is cheaper thau the others. ?? [etite business very extensive T" "Owing to the use ol ill?? it is not now. although l had s quautity of sweepings t?> tefine recently which yielded the jeweller$10,000.* ? How often do yon lake up too Boor of ? room, where t hese sweeping? arc obtained f "It depends upon the material. If it Is a spruce lloor. enough gold will hau? accumulated usually m twenty years to defray more than the expense of a new door. The BOOT like tho sweepings is burnt ami pulverised. A fewdeys sgjo aieweller wished un? to take up his floor and relay it with Georgia pine, The amount of gold taken from it was ??,,, ami the expense of rclinitur and luriiishuig tho new was ????." "Il.nv about the workmen's benches, aro they burn? too Y" "They are mostly made of walnut and ash. and are almost impervious to gobi." * Do you not obtain -ilver BS Well as gold from tho tlo.irs ami sweepings ? ' "Not much attention is paid to the silver, as it ????sts as uinch to renne an ounce of stiver as an ounce of gold, while the silver l* worth but $1 lfi per ounce ami the gold $20 Bit?" " Wiiy cannot bdison's prop seed plan of sansaTaS? itiir u>dtl particle? from iron sand by Ihs aaasfa mannet, be applied to your trade as well ?" "It is Imposai his to obtains insguet that will attract the irou-saud just enough to detach il from tint gold ?Iml not make il ?ullieie to the magmi, lalisou has not made it a success m his uudertekiug, sud the same difficulty would exist iu tho case of tho Bwespings.'' ACCOUNTS THAT MUST BE RENDERED. An adjourned meeting of tho parishioners of St. ' Anthony'? Church. OB lntha-st., t.iceiinoint, was held last evening ?it the Union Assembly Kootus, at Manliattan-ave. ami Indiasi., to beten to tin? re? port of tho law oommittee appointed at a previous meeting. This committee consulted with lawyers relative to the difficulty which has u+ritated iho church for tho last three months, grim? ing out. of tbo alleged aou-eecountiug for all moneysoollected bj Father Lane during hisp.lN. turate. The committee reported that the trustees of any Roman Catholic (_ hurch are ret)iurc<l to exhibit upon oath to tin- Supreme Court in thejudi? lai die trict in which the church is situated, ?mce i? three yeara, an inventory of all tbe est?t*. r*_i end person?., belonging to tbe parish, _?_ that it ens ild be unlawful to divert leak revenue. The coniuiitUte was of be. opiniou that u guilty ??'G???? are iHin-onallv liable. Then-port w_s accepted, and the meeting adjourned to meet Aa irtiM 17. 1 he iieeeHsarv legal uieitsuros will be G to recover tue mone v. MA RINK IN ThLLlQIiNOB. -?a? -IN'fATl'KK At,M*V40. TO-DAT. anuria??. COO ? ?un ?et?. 7?2 ? ?.tne.k tsat, 6m ?_ Munti BSSJ.? Mono ?oath?. 7?19 ?????? ?a*;?, Uay?T| ? ??.I ??.Ut ??-liAV-?. K. SaudyHook.. 1 45 ? 0??. Island . 2:10 I Hell U?M. Ilf ll|i-rt WATRB ??-???- ??. M. 6?uly Hook.. SI?'Uot. I?l?ud.. 2 38 ? Ueli One. ??? SHfl'I'ING S? G0?? OF NEW.ViltK _A'.'-.J. 3. I ML ARIUVKI) ? Steamer Denmark (Br), Tv?od. London It ?lay?. wiUi _4aa ?ii'l | ?-?ngi-i* to F W J -tiret Sterna?>? ? ??,????.?? (Fri, Harre 11 day?, wlMi luda? M?get? (?' ????? ?I?? ilt-??.?? ste?uier ll.-li, iisi.iiiltii (?, r 11 ?.In beck, llrriuen 13 day?, Wit Ii nid?C ?ml |l????tl?r? In "1ft I ., !,- | sn-atni-r FViata .ri. Kafatetrem, ll?iiil?itrr July 20 ?_| Harre ?3, with ,?;,lm? ?ml ?mrm-iiki-i s ?? ? I BteSmiM I'lantyn ilici?;), s? liait, Antwerp 14 tiar?. ?Jltb mdee end |????????-<??? to Fuiick. ? ,?!)<?_ < ?> ?(??miei I'.iiiti.u (Bri, liimdon. ??,?'.? loll!? Mi?lili? 10. ?-orresto 1.'. l'alena* 1?. Citu?.llar l'j, ? iti, imi! Ut l'Urli* Steamer rii.nd?, ?'im??*, ?a.m?!? rvini. NB il d?r? ?nth ?too? ?? ?;??,, a ? olea. Rteamerl ityol imii.i?, Risk, IVrtian.lina July ?? ?od Port ll?.y?l July Ml, ?lib uni?? unti ! . ,??? U H?lory - t. iiTuT Uni ?Irmndi?, l'en ? ? n,'lim, il?lr.?u,? July 27 ?nd Key ? ,--t .to, ?rue _eaa ?id ?? ?at n?.ta? in ?. ? M ail? ?r ?* (o St,?,.. ,t Muti?, ri.. Clini-, lliiitnt .: ,U?. *. wllli tL?I?e aud las h Waul ? < ? Slesner it. ..I M.'umtin', Vere??? ?I July SX Fr? atara ?ft ? ??f? ?< ?,.? ?te Prosreao 26 ?nd iiav_.? So.wito. Ulli paaanfljrem tu G ????*??.||,? ? Hark I.'.K'ia (?? ? ? ??? ?,'??> ?. ?.m? Kofis AssB 4. with mdm to ? ? Lo? ? Urn- reaael t.? II? iit.-rs,,?, Hi,.-. Huir Matilda r.u. W. UiKk ..? -??? ? -_ day* f roa Dorcheasar. KB, Willi -loi,.? t?. li I? sh ???,.,. ? t .Se? .? ttsrjf G Mm?.?n, s???????? < ?,???? l'.Mviitti 11 <????, ?un logwood t" A O 1.??,In-, t?s-<-| to ('lias, ? ni., ? ,? ?... .??h: Hilen, ?;,??,1, ASKOsyeo 17 il.itt?, ?iti. ?..? wood t?* ? ,. ???--,?.) to l(ri-it. Sou ? ffTlit? roUowltif ee*?el ??t?\? . but wuuoilo Betted p? ?IiIpiuiik iifum -?..r.. : Ve? V,.ik cur iliri, Krau?, linaloi 1? day?, with nuis?? (g Ariceli _ Co. SI'NSKT? Wind ai ti?ndy Hook, llglit KW; vrry hazy. At City ??Und, ?ame. < MiAREt). Bteastera aeri??tu- ? Un Gt?wlasa, t?aerassi via <,<iiee,ni>t<i??, 1! I Corti? stai?? ..f .'.'. ?.: irika .Un, Iira?;;<.<?laea,ow, f Ai.?tin llaldwiu ? <?. Ami??- ?p ? .1 tilwiti, FoH-?u l'iiii'-o, Atti Cavea, .to, I'm,, ? ,.? ?..,? ?? ? ' ?? .. . Vandali? <(?.?? ,, ??/?.loi. Han:! Kuu' lin.UolUnlaiu ? IM? l? , II ,??,.? .,?it. K,?:irr,l:.iii Fun, I, l,,!v?? _ Oo _Albe in?!l.?, ??;?.??, u. st F.?mi. Va ???1 ??,???:?? ?.m s? co .D?? aware. Wiiiio-tt. C!,*i ?. ??,.??, J U' y.ii.,1 :ol ,v < o . Mu hall >ii. Kell*, N.rtolk. < ?? l'on,? _?.? ?. iiuuud old li?iu.iii? Lui s-C, -Cuiiiiuoiii?ir?;tli Van Kllk, ?????_'.???(?1???, Joliu c notont?. Martha suhoii?. Cl__re, liaiciutorm Jd .-inp Aima <?????, l'brtttoffert. r?u.i. u. ?ou. Fuotti, Kdye 11. ? tl.-. ?? ?lin F Itottrnan BSSb. ?BSSBMSBI. fs_S ZilIKiaen.... Fileiiaii.lal (. t.i ,. ?\ ,?, ?,'? i, lliiul.i.i. Gaeta (Itali, Lai...?-. ?Ova??? PbiUij??. ?* e MilllSMli ? Uli, ????!(???, t'..ii.l.-au'. I W l'ai ,.-r ? Co .?Mu? Mar?I , i'.ri. Snuii, llotliulaui, , V", lieti . ? . mia. Mal? ti,.???-. I'aliiaiiiiMo. < Ion l'ai.?,?,? A ' 'liaiiiii, y Bilu? IuiikI ???.? i.iiilK"?. K-aakca si i'i.-n?M?n, H Tmw bridge? Ol .carru'k. Mab-.u?. 4tio Jai,, ??,, ?? Ncvlu? ? s?,n .. Mail.ial l.iadv, SUS ????. Wiu.isoi, .Ns, J F Whltuoy ? ? ?.. Ht lira < 'm'? eoe f*j_saura, Btaat, JeilFrveAC?.Nat* aeS?aalt? ??.??, .Voiloik, Slamili. Ball? Cata ? ao tiak. ?,????,??. BalUa?ara, n H lir.i?L, ? .',? asa Juan, l'o?!^?.?. Mai|. rt. Il G M. t?_l i Ci?.WUiS Mouul, Fre rasi, -Stt.ijinittoii, ?? ? Bagas. l UL? BOVBUUBMTa OF SI _AMFli.1 K'IIIKI.IN ????-?, beeeoa. bea t-tniM, ?saa??? Fine-XaestBaf. Knirtit, forni < ,?!? s ?. f ,r I li^'ai,?! au.l (?alt ???!...? .,'t ?. l.l\ Kiif?.?:, Ann -I Panisi, ?ttc?iu.i-i Kit ut Uri, C-?-Jiraii. :.?! ? ? 1 orb. g?, ?.??t3???t????!. no-auir? Hrivrua iBr', Ho?;? ?, Naw-Tace lor I.ivsrpsst, t'orKMi ?...?.?, Au? 3?An u?-.! -.<-m,.-i t aniden (Bri, Paytv frinii ?<??? rette and N sydn???/. ??. AMIMI.? Au.? t eiffsa?, saaa? lltnolatid (????', Ran ?111?, ti..u, New Yiiik. HAMBUBO. Aus 3?Arrive.!, ?ixanier Cini'.na ?Her), Ludwig, freni ????? ^'?.?L? Aun 3? Arriveal, ?iMinrr ?.n.-ln.n? iBr). lleodcr wl< k, frotn N??? lork <??? hai ?av lo ula?e;o?r. UKI-I.'l.. Au? 3-saii?s!t. ?ti-Aii,-i ??,???? un. UbtiiU tor Ni ?. ? >?G??. VRBA CBVS. Aus 3??iTlveal, ?teamer Alexandre 111?? i#YV fri'in Miir*eillea. Un ???, A nie 3?Arrived, ?teamer K.irkei If.k.'r, Keiuiil?, troni New Vur_ balied, ?loamei Kni.-keriox-ker, for M t ????_? port?. AMi;illl'AN Po ti P.ri? ;.i\. Ane 3-Ain?ed. ?t?a_?r 11 unter, ?????????. frote Aiiii?|?il|s. N s Il ? ?.?? murr, Aue; X?ArriTwd. -leainei? Ulti, m an ,Br). fror? l.ivenmol; Win crane, from li.mton. < 'i.-onalia. ir..m chaiii-.? toli; Faimv ? ?l?ala.l?:r, Irmi, Nr. "il. i. i i tabe! ??. from Cleaif.l, at.iiniei? Vlnolaiid, for New York. II I Hi?, lor PhilalelpliiA. nut ?i'i'i.rniA, Aug 3??p-.risl. ?te?ner ? Wuimp, from BslUmora ?li-aii-.i. aSSSMBSrS llrrc'il???. Tortland C?-t!ti?,iede, Itoelniw Romau lloaton; Sante? laiiiiiwr. KCBMaUe, >??r.Voiaj \V WbtUdl? llaltimoiv. Funai..r, iliai Bailed, ?teaaaera UereaMa <'??????|?.?,?.?. !t,?ii.?n. ?^auu-e mot1 Fon I liRss M'iNIt? ?K. Aii?;3 1?i?.<d ou? (miu l'.aJUraore, ???????.ars Mark laue, fiom CnuUur ut, . ali?,? ni? and ll?me? nla, l.-'tli Ir ?? Uvei ?,??.?|. I'avsi-.l iu for ii?louuitj. ?teamer L?>nl Nelnou. from Mar aejUoa. iter Latte Shtp?iivi Sue*. Sfeasi s> ' B?_l r*j*-i Anuuunienienta. Atsk yonr draurenag tor ('p????,???. Ou?r ?uri.? un.l i-iTv.ty r? luedy lui ?orna. Price, '?t> cetita. Kail &- Wtlao-^as? :ut<l W brand of nnu'e Lincia Cullai? aud r uffs are tb?: beat. sul.i i-rerv where. G___T Ills. OVKItlls. The antronnttier who di??'oeei-? a ne? ?t?r. tbe ?eienUat wi? finii? a now ?,?,? .ir III? eeolo^i-t a In? ati?.-|it? p|???? a m w ?pt???!??? ?.I fnasil. lus<??-?,?G?'?.?:? tannili- . l.ut tin- actual g,>,al ?util ili-r.ivf ??,?? dois notion?: n ??.?? ,??>??f????? Ui tb* fiintiiig ut a meitlC??e a Iodi ?? an inla?l.1.1? < tnv for rei talli dia? ? ..-? ?j Su. li ? ,lir< oviiy ara? ma?!?* Bearli ball? tei ?lu ri'ago by un Fa-tern gent'<???:?? nani? .1 IViry liai is. and Ins (iit-p ,?? ui ? ?? is im? k in? arti to the ?rorld a? I'rittt? Ha? - It is a -ui.? fine fi'i l'lai ? ??? a < Htm)?, I. hu I tira Mint ns, CUitUia, ?id. In.leed, ail Ou?,: < j u\ aintat. Hi MtY A. Dabtblb, K. 1).. 144 I^exuigl?ma ?e n?ar - .?.? .-,. il,, ,?, ?, s io 1 and 5 to 7. Atteuuou to iieutleiuea NbW-HaMTBBJI-B I?vti Kvs. A Bast llaniiRlnre la-li- writt.- " Molli-? ba?? fieen afll'.rfAd, - ?atti KM ? ? ,lis.'.i-.s. ? .,- . um? very bad, un,! !,ii I an alatili,im |iaiu aud miniti:,??-., tn one ?i?lo. kiilot-y Voit provola jrivat bKaelug and ba* ? ouij.l.-lelv t urnd ber '"-? tttaaitt.?. W? liiiow tliat thoro ii riotliing on earth ?sjiiai t., nor HinKiyi a? a family nn-d., BARGAINS. FURNITURE and CARPETS. Wl WI1 I. CONTINTF. (ITH OHK A 1 < Li A 111 NO OUT S.U.I. 11118 WKKK. OVffgg, S500,000 WOllTH OF FINK l? l UM 11 UK AM' CAHPKTCfaB Wll.l. UK SACRIFICE IK m swK Tin: cost ami raOOBCJ "i" MOVING. Wim, OPKN ihr BBW si ?t. ?. IK'KTP FAlK to ski DBB sum??; DI ? in. BARGAINS. BA?MANN BROS., :i'2 Went ?????? fciitli-^lrcrl. "\ W110U.S()M1. (TR.vnvi?:. ? gf_j __?___?___ -- - - ?ceded in Every Family. AV ? gCANTAKD RKFRKSH ING ??1?I LOZKNOE ? ok nr . ??? ?,? 1.. I ?oil??.??. leadaeh?, and all Kiadraa ratty, ? __*? ' "?" ' laut? ,?lividi, ?od Bype ? IH? ->?__ ea ?,.? es ^_ rterBox. SoMayallOroggMU. G? ? ?? ? ilo ill j ?? juin?? --. Duplex Safety Boiler Co, Dexter Automatic Cut-off Engines. 34 Corti.,, i.ltst.. N. V 4? Kijiikui. ?t., t'hlearm. 1 " 1 ?t? iMMia ?a _as_, SA It- 1 Y s| I AM * ? ? ???!'-gf OTIS ELEVATORS. OTlr? .1 tli'. 11?.?<"> ?. ? ?., ?? , ..???. ( ?' ? I -??^ \ LLEN- BRAIN POOD Baaai-Telj ?ares oer-r *'\ vnu? di-liility aud all weaknea* i.l ?-eneratlTe Orgias. AlldriiKKi?!?. *i|taoa.a?e l? for S- CHI l'i liiNTON, ile rullon??!., > V. Royal Baking? Powder. ABSOLUTELY PURE.