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CONTESTS OF THE TURF. OIM.MNG DAY AT GRAVESEND. IHUMM ATTENDANCE AND INTKI.I.STINII ??rORT?ME? MENTO, Hl ?HAUE, HINDOO, MOXIT?l! ANI? KED I>IN(? TU WIN NE HS. The first ?lay of tini ?iutumn niii-tiiiK of the Coney Islaml JssfcSf Club, at Sheopshead Hay, yester? day, *va? BatBSSBr- in all respects. The weather wo* nil that could be desired, the attendance ?,.?? lar^e. the track waecxcell.-iit. tbe start? were mud.? without nn uetteesarv the racing was IntcrcsMng. It waa a poor day f??r the favorite?, ouly two out of live reward IMI tin? confidence placed in them. The BtSBjISS-BBS TBB EBtttlB for the number of dtsaStSta, but neither Jockcv? nor horse? were seriously hurt. The first race was a scratublc of five furloni;?, for all ages f'T ?? puree of $500. There were eight ut?miuiiU??ii9 ?ml ?even starters,Huxnluim'sFranlde H.l>elmr?icriitclicrt. The ?tarter? wen- Cook'? 1?. g. Wukefleld, 4 yearn, 115 pound?, M. Ms! SU-HS ; O. L, Ixirlllnrd'f? br. f. Me? mento, _. H?, Urtili ; Wilson'? I?, ?f. Reporter, 4, ?G>, Far? ley ; Hal'i'ock'a el?. ?- Sioux, 5,115, (Ostello; Jerome'? ch. f. Ulne Lodge, 4, ll.t, Hughes; MolsetVfl 1?. f. Ilonnio I-i-ie, 3, 1011, Flsber ; and P. I-irlllnril'n br. f. (?udivo, '_, 80, Ouley. Pool??Ilonuie Llzztc 9100, Memento 9100b Bioux #.">0, Mue Ixxlge 93">, field $50. lJn??ke?0 to 4 ai'iiiii-d Memeiiti?, I to 1 against l'.oiin?c l.izzie, ? to 1 against Sioux. 15 to 1 each against Rim? Lodge ami Go diva. und _() to 1 eaeh against Wukefleld and Reporter. The first r.ttempt was successful, Ronnie Lizzie nnd Memento having the advantage, the other? being close up. The race to the Onlsh wa? c.itttliie<l to the two lenders, both drawing away from the ollurs. The llnisli was exciting. Me liteiitt? won by a short neck, Bonnie Lizzie second, WiiUellcl.l third, Sioux fourth, (?udiva fifth, Blue Lodge Blxth lind Reporter last. Tbe time wa? 1:0_?4. French pools paid $11.-0. The ?ecoml race wim for ? purs?? of $."?00, the winner to bo sold at auction ; one mile ami a Quarter. The starters we: e Uabcock's eh. e> Ventriloqui?!, 4 tears, 108 pounds (Costt-llo) ; Kvans's 1?. g. Rtister, -1, i?."> (Farley); O. L. Lorlllard'e b. o. Rambler, 9, 77 (Lear.v); Daley's C-.h. f. Rellona, 3, ?0 (Ilnggcrt.v) ; Dwyer Brothers, b. g. Wurflelil. fi, 103 (McLuiiKlilIn) ; Miilkey's b. m. R.u-nlie, 4, ;?:i (Maynard); nntl V. L-I_lprd_ irr. f. fspark, 3. 8(5 (Onleyi. Esses WsB-SMQ100,Spark0>30, Vcntrilo.|iiist 900, Rumbler $15, Rosalie $45, Roster $15, aud Bellona $15. Rooks?f? to 4 agamst Warllel'l, 5 to 1 euch against Vontriliniust, Kan.Mir, t^park ami Buster, ?tin! (i t.? 1 against Rosalie. Tbe Mart was delayed by Busier, but when It come it was an excellent imo. Rosalie. w.;ul to tbe front at once ami was never headed, incr-asin| mV h-ail all the way croiind and flushing winner by six length?. Warfleld, the favorite, was at no time in th ? nice. Snnrk, R?ster, Ventriloquist, Rambler, Wartield unti P.cll.nia came iti the order named. The time *M L'ilu'i Prenota pools paid $1- 00. Rosalie was bonghi in fur $1,050. The third race was for a pur?? of $700; thi ce-* car? olile to carry 90 ll???: four-year-olds, 1CM lbs. ; tlve ami used, 114 lbs.; sex allowances; the triniti of any race of heats In 1881 to carry 3 U.S., of two such races, 5 ll?e, of tin.?- <tr more such races, 7 lt?p. extra: mile heats. There ?were only two entries, Hivy. r I'.r. tliers' 1?. c. Hln.loo, by, I years, 95 lbs 'Farley-), anil O. L. Lorillartl's??. ?.sir limili, by Wuverlev--Millie J., 3 years, 99 lb?. (I'rull) The race was rcjranlod by all ns a cer? tainty for Hindoo. In the auction pools he sohl for $500 to Sir Hu.h's ->:.;",, ami the bookmaker? offered 12 to 1 agallisi Sir Hugh ?,,,,? ? to 1.1 against Hindoo. The*' ?ot away on even terms. Sir Hugh **as thrett lengths in front at the ?piattcr pole, and was allow, tl to hold the advantage dowu the back stretch. At tuts three quarter pole II in.loo had caught linn, ami from thai out Hindoo was in tho lead. Be Won l.y two and a halt length? la 1:48%. There waa m? bottine ?:? Ik? second heut. Hliit!..o's jockey, Farley, was replaced by Parkei, the former,' It was claimed, being tuo li.lit to rule IBS celebrated hone to! mlviiiin :?? It was a ran i;.?v thing for Hin? doo. He look the lcatl at the start, increased it all the way riroiiutl, an.l won bv Uve, length? in the s!ti*v time ol 1:1 .'?. ricucii ?,.ois ?Miti $". ?d. 'l'?le chief H?teles! nt the day was eentrc'l In the fourth ra???. It was for a parse of 91,000, $-_?to to tbe second ? one mile an.l s kail Tin? entiics were Q, !.. Lorlllard- eh. g. Monitor, i>* Glenelg? Minx, ? fears, 117 pounds, Ooatello; l.M. Lilly? br. ft. Wild moor, by Longfellow?Florence, 5, 107, fPureell), and P. Lorlllara'a br. ? Parole, by Learning? ton?Mai.i.n. aged, p* (Peakee). Monitor was the choice .?'ih.? betting men, and In ?)?? poola brongbl .f";<?o Bo Parole. 9135 ; wlldmoor, 930. Tie bookmaker? of? fsred 1 t<? 3 again?! Monitor, 2? to 1 against Parole, and loto ? against Wlldmoor. Wlldmoor waa in front at tbe start but soon gave p!ace Be? Monitor, wko at the three quarter pole was a length tn front of Wlldmoor, wbe was three lenrtba n. ir?.nt of Pande. Those position? were maintained until t!.. ri uni wa-. passed for ib?? tirst time, wiieii Parole began ?" work up ell.btly. At tbe end of the mil?? Monitor was a flood length In troni of Parole, wko led Wlldmoor by a soalh Proni that point *,*'iidinooi- slowly dropped be luiu!, aad **ai out ol the race. At the t hi ee-.|iiarlcr pole Paieie was a length behind Monitor. Tornine lui?? ?he homeetreteh Feiike? plied the whip freely on Parole, bnt Monitor waa too ta.*t for him ami won by two lengtha aad a half la 2:37. Wlldmoor *.as twenty len_uit> bt. liiiid Pan,!?-. French poola bald *7 15. ? n?! nu' steej.lechas,? OniehM the .litt's racing. It waa fi c ? ? uree ?.r 9*350. 910U ??, ? h? ??.?.> id, and 950 to tin? third hors??. T!,e starters were J. McMabon'a b. g. l?evan, 5 years, 119 pounds (MeKee); Haley'a i>. m. Li/. rte ?., ? yeora, 130 (Nolan); Oattaoaoh'a b. g. Highland Fling, tiyeara, 11<; (Wynns); Beili* s ph. g. ti. Waahlng? ton, 0 years. 5;('_? (Kobertaon); Robert Etrodley'a l?. h. Dispute, 5 years, 128 (Morrls)l A. MoCarty'a t>. m. Dora Doon, 5 years, HJ3 (Verplaak); L Han's eh. h. Redding, aged, l-it. Pltspatiiek ; <'. Morrta'a .-?. ?. Ulli Mous.??, ? ?eara, l-l (Diosena). Pool??LUile 1?.. tri7.">. Ulghland Img, il"., nevati, Dispute, l?..ia Doon ami Redding B90 each, LUI) Mooeiin, $15. und O. Woaklngton, 91ft Books?-j Ut ;i against liim D.44 to ? agolnal RediUng, ? to l axai-ist Ulgklund Fling, ?; to ? eaob agalual Dora Doon aad Devam. 10 to 1 against Hisi.uie, uni ^o toi t-ucii agolnat Lilly Monaon sndO. Waanington. The race waa exeltlag from s'urt to llnish, ami was full of Incident?. of the eight starter? uni.*? three came in. ?;. Washington went away with the I'-iiil, imt bolted ul Ihe tirst Juran and was ,>ut of ih?. race. Highland Fling, Llzsle l>. and Deven wen- in Ike p???? .mill tbe fourth Jump, when Lassie I?, fell and Peras rolled over her. At tin-water lump intra Doon vas leading, with Redding aeoond, Lilly Mouaonthen Went to the mint and led over the aeren th Jump, Dora Doon s. coiei and Redding third. Tnere Dora parted comitali*' with lu-r ri.ler. ?I the laatjump Lilly Mouaon fell ami the nn. honie was between Rodding, Highland Funk ami Diapute. Redding Uniahed two length? in fron: ..! Highland fling, who was tw.-uty lengtha ah? ad of Diapute. The time waa -I.I^. French ?.is paid 951 5o. The wlaaor waa hroogkt in by hi? owner. CLOSE OF TIIK SARATOGA SEASON. ENI? ?G HXWmi 09 900CE98PUX, ltA? I.VO? VALl'A?AtSi?, TIli.l?A, llANCKulT ??? P09TOUA_D TAKi: 1?? l'llIZUS. BabatooAj Auk'. 27.?The raeing eeeson Closed today. The programmo was a good one, tho weather beautiful Then was a l.irne ?uni brilliant es? SSO il- mBt present and lb?? trac!?: was faultless, Ifl the Bret contest, a dash of a mile, Valparaiso aadkla fi.ld beateli ??! i lie head of the homestretch. .Mr. Reed'B lllly, Tli'tra, SjaVB an BSklUttofl of kSB won !??????? ?.;?.?? ami Btu.viiig powers In the second rue.?, th,.? Baden Halen ll.i?dicap, riuiiii'ig Ike tkreS ini'.-s in :.??.:..'i, Blthougb flnisliiiu'in a cailler. I.aaciol'l took the. eoDBOUdatiOQ pur-e, nml Poatguard Iks steepleckaaa, botb winning easily, i'lierc were 141 r-ices run durin? the IfiSBOn. with lio fallares ami no postponements. Th,? oliic. is of to? day's vt-t-re : Jadgeoy Mr. lraiiklin, Mr. Oweas ami .1. W. jJeClaUaad) UsBera, J. ll 9asHk sod ??. T. Vfiiliama; Bit retar*, C. Wlaaliy; stari, r, QostgB Cud ?.* a'.l.iuei?. I'irsl ra.?.? l',,tse | !',(), of wliich fSOtOtlH Scemi kens| special coiulilious ; tun? mil? . Start rs ShaW'a b. S. Val? iitiiio, :i years. :>3 jioiimls, Sheridan : Colulzzls's br. g. Valparaiso, ;i, ?.?7, l!i-,.phy; Caiir.h?i's eli Q, Churchill, .1, 100, 9tOV ali ; M ,p-is's eh... Kui.:?it Teni piur, 4, ios, Doaakuei M__r*a k.g. Moak, 9, 9?2, t. Btopky. l'oois?Kuii?ht Tin pisi. 9900 j Ckurioklll, 9100; Valparaiso, 9150? 9eld 990, Book botttag??? toi ngalnst ktiiiilit I'eiuplai?, 9 to 1 SgalBSt Vulparai-o ami CitiircbiU, 90 to 1 ngniint Vuleniiiiti und Monk. lo a capital start Ch nvhiil ??as the fliet to sii tw in ihe bad, Valparaiso ??-Ooliti, Knight Templar third. ? ?? the WSSt turn < luir? lull was half a laagtk la front, Valparaiso aoeond, Monk third. At the tinn? fililoiir post * iti?.ami?., took '.lie truck ???,.? lid to the half-mile pole, when Valentino oaugbt him and skewed the ? .? ?.. tke bead of the stntek, whore ha -via in turn pained by Valparaiso, wko oame awn*? at Ike aerea furlungs, ana after a alclrmiah with Ohurohlll ami Kalght Templar wob by two leagtbs, Churoblll mcoiiil, a leuiEtb in front of K ni ritt Templar third, Valentino fourth, and Monk tilth. Time, 1;48V iiincl-. ?poo!?, paid914 f<0. He? ,ud nut?.?The Ilatlen Hiilcn Handicap, a awoep Mokee of 930 eaok. tm oaly $-0 if dei-iat-ed out, srlth 91 J)O0 added, of which ?runxto tke aeoond korae; three miles. 1 mu-?ere l?iiomiiiatloiis. Maitcts: Bead's b. f. Thorn, ;i year?, by Longfellow -?a?a? Ann. :??? ???.., Bro - ph? ; T. H, Hit* i?' b. f. KUa Wartlehl, I vears.liy War Dane ? ? florae. <??_ |!,*., Moore. Pool?: Thora, iJi.'iOl?; KMa Wnf Pcii, $:?<?. Boos-bettina?30 to t <?u Thora, i"> to l a+:aiii?! ?. ? in Wertleid i.ila Warfleld took thetreekaadled ??? ih.? ?. si mile, both under a atrong pull. After i?as-< ii.K the Maiiil Thorn lo.tU up the running ami BOOB opened a gap. Mu sl trlt.l on tbe third mile twolciijrtlis in Iron I. Mo?,re called on Klla Vt'aitl.lii to close up, hut the mare waaezhuui'.ted. ThornfJulKhed in a cantor, KUa Warfleld postea eway off. Time?Fim mil.?. i:n;>.: tw.? iniioa ?:32 : three niilea, 5'J:5?4? French pools i.ui.l 9&70. Third raee?Consolation puise of ?jV|.'?ii. of which 91?H) i?> th. aeeond horse ; apecial weigh! condition?: oue nil?' and a fur'ong. r>tarlcrs: H. Prior, |r>. It. e. Lnniskiileii, ll >rs., ".m lbs., llroph> ; M. f oung'? ob R Bancroft, ? jrra., i?>7 lbs., btovuii; Dawee's oh. o. K.n kead, I jr?., lO? 11??., Warden ; Morris ami Pat ton'? l>, _ Kxplorer, _ yr?., ??i Hi?., Hration. p?m>Is : Bancroft, ?100; Held. ?r-!?'. BocB-betting: ato&agalnM Bancroft ?.". to 1 aifiuiist Explorer, uto l against Enulaklllea, In u> 1 against Kinkead. Kaniaklllen, Bancrofl umi ? la Bee ?1 went away heatl ami bend. Ex].? ? end ran Into ihe fence. Enniakftlen looa tbe track aud ?howisl tin- way to the Qoarter poat, where _????.??G, who had cloaed a t.ig spat?.?, com? up aud took first place. At the half-mile pom, Bxplorer was leading an open length, Kntiiekilln second, Baaerofl and kin ??-??? ti-Mii)iig. On tho turn. KlnAeod iuoved up, headed Kxptorer at the tive-elghibs, ami led mto (he .-? Btovull waited with IJaneroft uutil the last furlong poat waa reached, wheu he gave Itim l?a head, and ho ahot ahead Ulte ? rocket. Bancroft won by ft fpiiprth, Klukcuii acconti, ? loii-rtli ticforc Explorer ftnd Eiinia killi-n, who inaile a dead heat for third place. Time: l:?V7*ii. French pool? paid $8110. Fourth race?Free luiudicaii atcepleehnae; P?rSSB?S0, of \? t.icii.f ??? to?m sseoBd Borse aaa ?50 to tlm Mord; tractiii.ial course No. 2, ? one tulle ami ft half. Ht?rter*?C. Keed'e eh. h. DtstBT?S?OS, Ai-od, 15R _a., Meuny; Lyuoh'a rt. h. Herbv. at-ed, 153, al?Bride? Ir vinjr'a eh. h. l'ost?niir.l, axed, 150, MrOrath: Dawes'S eli. ni. Basa, r> yra.. 122 : Warden, Unnn'a ch. h. M. C. Me Douiil.l ? yra., 120, Louie. Pool*?Postgtiai-, BS55; Dlaturbance, $100; Derby, fOO; field, B-10. Hook-bct tln-f I to I on Poet-ruaril, '_? toi against Distar??BOB. 4 to 1 ft-*alii8t Derby, 0 to 1 iiirainat Kose, 15 to 1 aKiilnat McDouuid. Derby went off in the lead and took tho atone wull In company with Disturbance, and Post i-ii.uil and ?OSS two lt-ii-ftiiH in the rcair. Derl.y allowed the way over the water, .lump nnd Into the wc-t in-Held, where. Mt-Orutti moved up with I'oat (inani, unti took tlie lead in tlie buck at ret eh, allowing a lemSta iu front at the Be.ltnont wall, Rose eccomi, Derl.y third, Dlaturliance fourth, McDonald far lu the rear. In the run aeroaa the fractional track in the in-field, Derby went luto aecond pluee and took the long Jump with I'oat Guani, but in crossiti?? the ?rest field iiKiiin Post I'nard outran Dsrbjr, and came In a, winner by four It-n?-tlis. Hose cam?? up fast at the linish luul rim a dead heut with Derb? for second place; then tiiiiit? Disturbance and McDouall aotnc six teBgt?I behind. Time, 2;"i7. French poola paid $10.10. THE FIRE RECORD. A GREAT FIRE IN CHICAGO. DESTftt'CTION OK A _?fiCM PoKK-l'ACKINO FACTOKY ?A LOSrt OK 09?I MILLION OOU.AltS FULLY COV EHK.D BY IN8CIIANCK. CbicAOO, Au-r. 27. ? A firo broke out last c\ chi??? in .I.ilin Ilutelcy's pork-parkin-- fiu-tiiry, at the I'niot. BBC*?" Yard?, in the factory 4,000,000ixniiitisI Of meat were ;?toreil. Hate'.oy'e lose is ipir?0,000 OB the stock ami $100,000 on the butldiii-r and fixtures. Peter Mil icoeli. of Milwaukee, was 1 ho other principal loser, his stuck in storo heini* valued at $.">0O.OOt>. Other smaller losses will Mag the total loss ap to 9?,???,???. The stock was s(. well insured that ifl ,0(K),(HX? represents also nb.iiu the total insurance, which was pl?OS- in amali ainoiints in SQSITjr all of the SB?IBBBlSS G??G? eented in thia city. All the insurances are placed thrnuirh the Bgency of W. tl. MrCormlok A Co., HO. 171 _S Salle-st., which firm prepared the following partial list for pillilication at a late hour last Big?tl New IIanipahirc, of Manchester.82,500 People'a, of Newark. SL5O0 Newark City. ?>f Newark. 2,500 Fanners', ..f York, Pean. 2.500 Britten-American, of 5,000 l'i.ion, of l'Ililutlelpltiii. 2,500 Liverpool sad London Bad Globe. 10,000 l'ire Aasocial ion . 2,500 American, of Philadelphia. 2,500 La, of Parla. 5,000 Commercial, of New-York. -.500 Shoe ami I.tat her. of Boston. 2,500 Commercial (Talon, of London. 10,000 Buffalo, Ol li.itl'alo. 2,500 Merchants and Mechanic.?', of Buffalo. ?2,500 Newark Fire, of Newark. 2,500 kferehsnta', of Newark. 2,500 Star, of New-York. 2,500 Farra t-ut, of New-York. 2,500 St. Paul, of Si. Paul. 5,000 Irvine, of New-York. 2.500 Western, of Canada. 5,1 00 Girard, of Philadelphia. 5,000 Fireman's Pond, of Ban Francisco. 2,500 Continental, of New-York. 5,000 \\ atcriowii, of Watcrtowii, ?. Y . 2,500 Westobester, of Westoheeter, ?. Y. ... 5,000 liny ul, ot Liverpool. 10.000 Ninnarli, ot New-York. 2,500 .Ftuu. of Hart foul. Ki.ood Harttonl. of Hartford. r.,?wai WlUlamaburg City.,. 2.500 Kinbs County, of Hrooklyn. 8,500 l'ire man's, of Baltimore. ?,500 Queena, of London. 10,000 ? inerii an ( cutral, ol Ne ??-York. 2,500 I ionic, of New-York. 5,000 si aiutarti, of New-York. '?' Lam nr. 2,500 Metropolis, of Perls. 5,000 Anui-im, of t'iticin nut I._ 5,000 AI lea ia uni. ? .1 ? ?| I sl.ii r?;. ",?'?'?" I ?Hitman'.? id' Plttabur?. 2,500 Crescent Mutual, of New-Orleans . 2,500 Factors' ami Traders', of New-Orleans. ."..(mo Franklin, ol Columbus. 2,500 Mechanics', o! New-York . 2,500 National. ..f Hartford. 5,000 Sun, of Ncw-Orleaiia. 5,000 Total.1105,000 The linn bad allw placed stoat 1500,000 on the four million ponnda ol proviaiona burned Tbe Immensi In? surance is a bic blow to ihe Insurance interests, aa nesrly every compan* dolna bualneaa bere bad policies on the property. The agencies are su acat tered that no full Hat .::.. as yet be obtained. The property destroyed waa ai tua ted al Forty-four?t-et. and Pocker'a-ave., soil occu? pied a block of frround, 'ih?- proviaiona deatroyed were held by a large number <>f firma on ?varehouae receipts. and it'??in probably be several dare before tbe naim loi all the Ins. ? . ? :m I.*- Mr. Hatelcv Bay? at>??.ll 500 n 11 n are thrown oat of employment. Jamea A. MUi ler. of the Insurance Ann of ncCormlek ? r<>, sanine iit'1 not tin???? a compan* doing bnalni aa In ? 'hlca-ro which \?aj not reprcaented In tiax tu., except, peruapa, the Pbtxnix, ot Hartford Conn., whit-? bad bal recently again begun dolns baslaeaa bere. To-day a Are bi ike out in the foundry at MoCorralok'a reaper works, ri.?? loot la about $50,000, which is covered by Inauraaee on toe whole establish inenL ht. TRAM ?'????.-??: PARTLY D?-TROTb_a Montkkal, Ati.?r. 27.?A Iii'" (!iis morning at the Village of Bt. Jeaa Bspttst? destroyed nearly ever] house on Si. Hypollle st. Daring tl.?? piOgTOSI Of the lire th? roof of a stod fell in ???? Joseph N nul, guardian of No. l> station, ?ml sen.nisi? Injured linn. t??- hoasebold 0?to?? of several families were -?-red, bot ?i>nii!t twenty families In all wi re burned out, Tin* lions..s were mostly one and two stories high, and man? wer?? ot wood. The loss will probably am...m: to about 820,000, about half of which u covered by Insurance In I.ugiish anil Canadian ofitess. OBITUARY. CAPTAIN EDWIN B. atOODIE. The news was announced in fhi> i-iiy yc.stt'i ?ad ?f the tieut'.i, in Liverpool, of Captali? Edwin _, Moodic, who h:wl been ter U? uiy thirty ii? ?? y? ars in the employ of tbe Canard Btcaroanlp Company*, tie waa born in London, snd when s bu re lad entered tbe sen lee of the Cunar?! line. Prom the, lowest position OB a steamer, he Brad**?Uy NU until he attained the r.tik of eapta?i. Wag several years bo wss in oompand or tbe ateamerCnba, bat be *vm tosi kuo???!! as the captain of the Bothnia.? In is7."i be retired from s la*- aervloo of tn?- company to accept a position aa member of the Dock Board of Liverpool, which position he hold unti' he died. Ko official esnse of death was received yesterday, bat II was tit?>ii-'i.t thai be died from s cancer In tba stomach. n<- was twice married, and be leaves a wife uud ueveral children. JAME8 P. 1). LANIER Jama? F. T). Lanier, weU-known to the older ? eaertition of tlnuncicrs of this city SBd the West, ?lied yesterday at an advaneed age after man?? ?ears of i|.? eiitiin?- health. As a banker be waa connected with tho state Bank of ?ndi:.un ami its Damerons branches, ii" baa???-* house, of Winslow, Lanier ft Co., sod tbe Third National lian! of New-York, of win? it be ?-.? the princi? pal owner. Mr. I,anici? withdrew from active buaiueaa over ten year? asjo, bavins arraueed for the continuance, even after bis death, of tbe firm of Wlnalow, Laniera Co.. limici th.? itianavi'iiieiit of his Bao, Charles Lanier, aud ins partners, John W. Rllis, Edward i>. Aiiam.s, Daniel ?. Bb_bid ami Edward Wlnalow. M Ism AX A GING A PENITENTIARY, Thaehargea agalaal Ex-Warden Bhevlln, of tbe Kini-'s (a.niily G. nil. nt iar., wblcll w.i'i-itlliuleil to last week at ?i m?-?i in?-*: <>f ilio Commi??onera o? Cliiiri?ie.-i ?nul Cor,eclinii. \?i-rc made more fully ?it ? apeoial ima tin.' of the < ion???ssionarsyesterday, ?it the ('entra! OfBoe in Fuit or. -?. Warden On ten, who faahos the charge agatnsi hia pmdoti*a-s*-r, embodied tin se iti his iirst anuu.'il report, whlofa lata par! M follows: The state of affairs that sxUted when t took otta rae was, tosaj Ihe least, discreditable to those In whose care the management ?'f the penitentiary bad been entrusted. There ware no regular boobs to be found that would ?n dlcate tin- manner of eonductina buaiueae, or the of bualneaa yearly tranaaetod un aeeounl ot the uenlten tiury. Bverytblui-seemed to be done al ratidom, ?siih ?.iii?iur clearly defined In its manamuieni except In eompete?ey and diahoneaty. The expenaes for tbe Ural Bve moni bs previous ??? January, l^si, exceeded the receipts by if.",?;!?; n:i. There Is every reason to believe that, with a proper msnsge niciit, the balance would have Inen the other way, In causi-, for the seven innntlis since January I, the re? ceipts are In aXMss "f the expenditure? ?7,(>77 580, which ??ill be settloteai to pay the defleteaey oaused by my predeoesaor. This Is the first time linos the completion of tbe Penitentiary that it has ever been Hi-if-sustalnm or \ iehl'iig a revcuiie to I in?? eoiinly." The present contract for prison labor with the Bay staii? Bboe Company Bets ti"? t-onnty fifi5,000 ? .? - sr Icm than the one that ex1sted for five years pant; tho State appropriation for the mainteaaaee ol male convieta has been reduced ti alxty-two and a hair oenta .ach ?? week, ua sgslnsl ??i received by tb? former adtntniatration. 'ilio receipts from 1873 to I??1.? averaaed B02,521, while less than 870,000 would have paid tbo running expensea The pcuitenfJary has noi been self suiita?tin-.', becs.use the aetual sumoer of prieoniira aas frau.leiitly incl'c.'isi d on tin? luniiial reporte. The bo?,Ks for the i'cceii't ami dlsebsrge ..t pruonerfl wen fall of errors, and loas term prlsonera were frequently released severs! dava la advance of tbe expira tmu of fluir tona, i ?'.?.? ls7". to isso, were animal tlclleits t_Bg?*g from $8,000 to g]8,000 ? .1 ear. Warden Qraaa "fives ? table oi tin- trae aad tais:? retara <?f *?iso?ers, of whieh the following is a compilation : avi.?..?u.:. B0*_BBB of raiBOBBBa in i: uii fi.siai. yi;.*.u. in Penitentiary Report to Board of Correct False Supervisore. "Number. Bcturua. 1-i7">.f>xH U8 7:1 l-7ti.7ii? ?tiil 140 11-77.711.1 tisi Hijj 1878 .Ufi 7(i(? 111; 18711.MU (il7 llil 1??0.710 d??) UM For the first five months of IHSO^Bi tlM report to the Hoard of sup.-i ? mim clulms ??? parsoas, the true uuin bcr bctag 5U1, uliiUc rvtui- of I'll. LOCAL MISCELLANY. ?? GENERAL SMITH'S INDICTMENT QUASHED. ???_?? RMYTIl'S RKASONS IOK HECIDINO IN THE BX-POUOI C??MMlSislONi:il'8 PAVOR. Recorder Smyth vestenlay renderad ? decision granting Hie motion to iiuash Hi?? indictment found by tlie (?p????? Jury on Aj?ril SO airainst tin? pollos commissioners for failure to clciin tin? BtTBOtn, M fur as tin? indictment relates t<? ex-Police Commissioner William F. Smith, Tbe decision after reciting the charges under the indictment, and tlie provisions of the new street-cleaning bill passeil on May 20, lHHl.snys: "The act of 18S1 wa? passed and became the law of tills State after the original motion on the part of tue d?fendant Smith to iiiiusli the Indictment a? ngalnst him was noticed for hearing, ami no reference was made by either the District-Attorney or tbe counsel for the de? fendant to the provision? of that act on ? In- original mo? tion. The defendant Smith ha? renewed the motion to ?mash the indictment on the, additional Hound that ' the in? dictment r?-st? on bo _ml basis, UMwnek as okapter 677. of the laws of 1H72, and section 07, of the act of 1S7:I, nml all other legislation relative to street cleaning and the, removal of ashe* ami garbage. Inconsistent with the provision? of the act of May 29, 1881, have been re? pealed by the twelfth section of that act. If this ground is well t?ilcn, and can be sustained, it renders It uuiicocs Rftry to give the conclusions arrived nt by me Bponthe various questions which were argued with great ability hy the able and learned counsel for the defendant, ami by "lie learned District Attorney. ir. ?he examination of the arguments made, and of the briefs whiob have been submitted to me upon the pues? tlonasto the elice t of section 13, of the act of 1881, upon the Indictuie it nml the further prosecution thereof, I have given as full ami cuieful consideration a? my oiiicial engagements wonld permit, and the magnitude of the Questions pre? sented demand, recognizing as ? do, thai the case is one in which the Inhabitants of this city ami tho d?fendante nn- deeply Interested. u is mv tint ? to declare the law ?* the Legislature has obosen to eiiaet it, however, I, ?h an Individual, mav meri regard the wisdom or expediency of enacting tke alWute; which la the aublect of tbe prea cnt examination, without any provision being therein made to ?void tke question which is presented on this motion. Tbe question presented on this motion is: 'lias the Legislature bv the passage of the sci of issi, ami especially of ?cotton 13, of that act, in effect declared thin the i uri her prosecution of this ease musi be stayed I ' In other words, has the act of 1^7'J, upon which this indictment bss been framed, been ao effectually oblite? rated ami repealed, m if H bad never inen passed, and tin -t il li.? colisi."ere.I us a law which never existed 1 The language of acotion 19 of aaid sol is clear ?uni unam? biguous. It repeals tbe sot ?>f 1872, and section 67, of chanter 335, laws or 1x7:1, referring to both acts by chapter and date, and also repeals all sots ami parts of acts Incottaiatent with It In an ordinary ease it would not be neooasary to ette authorities .is t.? tin? elicci of the repeal ofanaet opona criminal prosecution founded upon tbe act so repealed. Lut this is no ordinary cuse, ami therefore I deem it proper to refer i?> boi.>f the many authorities upon which I rely lis sustaining t?. the fullest extent ?lie con? ci, isi.tiis I have arrived ul upen Ulis motion." The d?cision then cites a large number of author!* tiesand decisions. In both bnglisb aud American courts, to sustain hie decision, aud concludes as .?.? lowa : " For the reasons above stated, nur conclusimi is thai 1 in? motion should be grunted, and the indict? ment, in far as it affects tho defendant. William i?'. .?simili, nui? t ? te quashed. ENDING HI8 LOTS WITH RAT POISON. Coroner Parker, of the Rastern District of Brook? lyn, liclil nn inquest on Friday night, in tho Seventh Procincf police station, In regard to the death of John Phlgeon, age 1 wouty-one, w bo swallowed some " 1>? ugh on K.'i'.s." a poison. Iaal ?<.?'? .an ! died three days afterward. He ?lui this because a girl, four? teen years old, refused his attentions. Dr. ('. If, Burns, who attended Pidgeon, testified ?it the In? quest that acute ninniti, superinduced b?? a poison, either arsenic or strvebninc, caused his death, Pid 1.n'sconsin, J, H. Matthews, sani thai be saw him ink?? tin? ?nus..n in ? be house ..? Mr, Stillwell, father nl tii mil, Nellie Stillwell, ** Lo refused to m? *\ itli Pidgeon t<> the bearli. Nellie told him there was poison In the boose, after be tintai.?.idi in take bis life, and api the box, labelled "Bough on Ruta," from which ho tool ??'???.? of the contenu. Nellie Stillwcll testified that she was fourteen yean old, and had kept company with Pidgeon for more than two years. They usi il to go to ti"? I heat.? and driving together. (?n August IB he naked her to go t.? !?'<'? kau iiy, and she refused, bocan ?? her mother was sick. Pidgeou t,.! ! ber eue would noi be blamed for his taking poison, and thai he had it on account of his pu re ?, u' u? meut of him. The jury rendered a divided venlict. They all agreed thai IMdgeou'a death ocenrreil from scute mania, caused by poison administered b* himself in temporary aberration <>t nun.I. Three memben of the iiir;. .?.Id.? I thai Si Hie siili**.?!! waa t.. be cen s'ir. .1 for proviiling the poison. When tins was remi, the young girl htuwl into .?? storm of lean and id had t<> In? led from the room to be quieted. FINDING ? NAKED AND MUTILATED BODY. Joseph Riche, while gunning on F rida ? afternoon, in a thick piece of wo da owned hj Mrs. Kaynnr Braith, ..! Freeport, ;i 1 >?mt one-hall a mile from that 1, came across two large bundles, lying in s cleared apol in the underbrush M Ural sight the bundles appeared t" lie onlt old ne er-punen? rolled np. Prompted bv enriositj Riebe turned one of the bundles over wit ? the end ..1 his gun; it fell a pat 1, nini 1 lise 1 >sc.I 1 In? head and -unis <>f a woman. Hor? rified nt bis discovery he husteued to Frre|iori an I Informell Irr. Dent?n, the Comner. Dr. Dent?n und Kielte, vidi others, taitnediutol) returned to the woods, and, with tlie nid of a lantern, s,?,n found the buiidlca, wuii !. they removed to Suiitb'a morgue ni Freeport. The Beeond bundle found, contained the naked body ned legs of the woman. In one package wen? the head and the, oui ..ti al the ? ? mu lil. r. Tue ? wore heu vi ? ,. rapped in <>l<! news papi ? ? tin n plucfd m ? pillou slip, and this again . .I with old n.-tt spa...?? ?.. in the other park age were the legs, which had been cnl from the body al b? hips, and tho body. The had been cnl ..pen. and the leg? placed inside ?I fei t upmost. The hair on the bead ?;?- dark brown and neatly done up and "banged" in front, The flesh ?m ths right aide <>!' the fa? .? **as in :* fair state of presena> tit.11, tlie other parts o; the bod . Ik ing d< composed. Tho teeth in the lower jan were good. There were no teeth m the upper jaw, the woman lia?, um evident y worn a false ant, Nothing whatever **a? found \\??!? tho body hy whh ii if could he identified. The w? tnun ? as apparanti] of meilium height, and ?:?.?.m thirty yoars ol nge. Coroner Dent?n ??p pnnellcd a jury yesterday morning, appointing De? tective Stephen Payne, of Baldwin's, inreinuu. and after taking the testimony of Riche adjourned the further hearing until Haturday. Ii i.?. thought that the woman was a victim of malpractice, nini that 1 he '?< ??\ v. as shipped by ex press from N'.-t? -> ..i I. or Brooklyn to persona on the Inland, and by them ti.m,* n *t in-rc found. JOHN P. JACKMAN- EMBARRASSMENT. It was learned yesterday, that John P. Jackman, the fugitive partner ol the lirm of Jackman, at o'll ira, manufacf nrersof cloal sat ?o,27White -t., began tonrpecnlatc more than a year ago, and al? though Biioeeeeful at in 1, soon began to los?? money in li im ?/entures in Wall Street. Upwards of six tiioiilliH ???.? he nul with ? leries of losses, to nice! **?iicli lu? us? .1 the firm's rapita!. It ?? aaid thnl he then stoppet I speculating and endeavored to retrieve th ? firm a einhiirrawinieut. Us continuance depended on Holes of paner. Owing (.. the rcci ul stringency of the m.? market, the paper did tint sell as rea lily as it : ml done before. Knowing that flic notes would go tn protesi on Saturday, ? ugual 20, and, being afraid to meet tlie consequences of bis acts which woultl then bee.mie known, Mr. ,la.?.man suddenly left the city, If is thought he made no preparation In regard to money, a* il required all f bu m. .m ? ho was able to rais.? ?,? carry 1 lie linn, lie had heeu re? garded as n very honorable man m all his ?i.?.?.lini,", ami hia friend? ore surprised tliaf ?ledili not coni,?-, everything t.? his ereditare, ?nul rely upon their lenii ney for ? seti I. ..?? m ami ?t <?. ntiiiu ance ol the business. His letter published rester ?lay is regarded as characteristic of the men; he might have fao tl his erediter?, but In-had not'the courage 10 meet his partner, who hud given him his entire confidence in th?? financial manageinc it of the business. The lia1 il i tie? are now believed to be losa than a? firal mentioned, and, it ia thought, will not excel 000,000, Including merchandise ami paper. PERSONS FOUND STARVING Li Hi?? Nugent, age twentj -1 wo, ? neatly dressed nnd apparently respectable girl, fell in a sworinui noni ..f foli??" II. adunai ici-:, yesterday. She was carried into St. Karnalia.s's llotue, at No, ?till Mnl berry-et., aud revived. then discovered that ahn was suffering from hunger. Hin? said she had eaten nothing, since Thursday. To the matron of the Home .sin? -.1 i.l sin? inni util her home nor friends, and that having thrown nn her place as a servant in a family ouJersoy <:iiv Roighu, she had come tothia city in find work. She applied at an Intelligence otlicc in the Bowery and stayed there until her money waa ullgone. Starting out, driven by huii gcr, to walk about the city, ?lie fell fainting. She was caret! for ai St. barnutiinVa Home, Kh/ab? ili Courtney, ege twenty-three, and ber child six years ohi. were found sick and starving at No. :??_? Kast Forty-sixth ??.. yesterday. Tin? polio took them ft. Sollevile ll?. pi'tal. I.i/zic litici.:,?.h, :,,.,? aeveuten, a servant, was taken to tbe Ninety-ninlh Street Hospital yester? day, from No.,337 Bast Eighty-sixth st., where ehe ? .si.k will?, hunger, and without the means <?> buy 111 1 ;i.|. Francia Fole?, a homeless mau.was found snf fenng from huugoruiid rover 011 Pier No. 3 North River, ilo was cared for at tho Chambers Street UoepitaL ABANDONED SHIPS BBP0BTED. 1 :?. 1 steamship si. Bernard, which arrived yester? day, reported that in latitude W 30' North longi? tude Ms 18' West, .sh.? pa ?-' I the Norwegian bark Racer, waterlogged and abaiidouod. Her foremast and all ol the rigging attached wi i-c trailing along? side m the watei : her purl M,h? troni the li?? inani rigging *v:ih crushed and spunterei, ?,,,,? other appoarances Indicated that she had beau wrecked in a collision. The Racer sailed from Chatham N. H., tor Liverpool with a cargo ??' timber on August 20. Tlie bng Annie and Lily, which an.ved yesterday ^irom JiKjk?ouville, ria., reported that at about 4 p. mi. on Ann-list 20, twenty-1 wo miles east by north from Aneeeoni. she. passed the wreck of a fish iu-r schooner. The hull was partly under water, and both masts twenty feet above were broken off initier the cross! rees. Altinre net was floating be? tween the masts. The vessel WM supposed to bo ?nieliorc1. A SEAT IN THE EXCHANGE IN QUESTION. Tho accounts of Mr. Meyer, as assignee of the in? solvent linn of John II Hoar A. Co., have been filed in tho Court of Common Pleas, and a motion to confirm the accounting will be made at Chambers to-morrow. At tho time of tho assignment in October, 1878, tho Stock Exchange made inquiiy into tlie matter and ex p lied Charles P. Kuchnomundt, the only ineml-er of the firm who belonged to the Exchange. The llhaian was that, the assignment was fraudulent. Mr. Kuchnemitndt has been seeking reinst a lenient in the Stock Exchange, and he procured ?in order requiring the assignee who, he huvh, is hostile to him, to tile his accounts. The assignee states that the firm of Hoar aV Co., at tbe time of tho assign? ment, owed F??-,T33.38" that its nomi? nal assets were |?2?,?4?._3, from which lie has been able to realize only ??,?04.7?, und that he has not, been able to secure tlie seats of the members of the firm in the Mining and Stock Exchanges. Mr. Meyer says that he has not felt justified in suing the Stock Exchange to test the qoeatiOB whether Mr. Kiichiieniiintlt is still a meni her, until it is del er? mine?! Whether his scat is proueily a part of tho finni's assets. GKOWING CROPS ON LONG ISLAND. The coutilinad droaath is doing Beai injury to the growing crops on Long Island. It is found that corn will be a failure. Many of the vegetables are so dried up and parched aa toba of ao value, l?any of the large growers of marrow squashes for winter use,have plowed ander ????y acres of them. Olliers who have liuili expensive houses for protecting then? dorine tin? whiter, will have only few, If any, to sell. On heavy soil the effects of the drotlgth are more severe than on tight soil. Cabbage end tur? nips (hat were planted some tinte ago grow little and unless rain comes soon the crops will fail to mature before the ground is trocen. Mitch* of the seed recently sown has failed to germinate, end will have t.. be sown ov.-r again. All kinds of vegeta? bles have advanced in price in the last we ??. Cab? bage sells for $8 a handled? Pearaare plentiful at BO oeota per basket, GOING AWAY BADLY IN DEBT. Theodore Doench, a manufacturer of furniture at No. 257 West Twenty-ecventh-st., disappeared on tbe night of August 14, and bis creditors end the Sheriff have been unable to discover where he is. It Is thought that be lias left the State. The Sheriff Is in possession <>f the factory on two executions obtained by creditors for about 887G, but tho ma? chinery and fixtures ?re all mottgaged and will uot, if sold, reali/?? enough in excess of tbe mortgage to pay tin? firel attachment, Mr. Doench i> In arri ?re for rent sad his work]neo were nut paid. It li noi definitely known how much he owes, imi ?? is thoiiL'lit that his liabilities will noi ex.d "fli.OOO. Mr. Doench was formerly in v. ry prosperous cir cniiistanees, nnd .succeeded to the (itisiue of ('??li? ra.1 Holler. <>f Tweed Ring notoriety. He waa of the firm of rheodore Doench & Co., which failed In November, 1*77. VIBITOBfl AT THE AKT Ml'siTM. The of visit.ns at the M. tropolitatl Must*um of Art in the last ??eck was, In the ? gate, 10,053? | HOME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVAL?-. Windsor Hotel -The Earl of alrllo, of Bcotland Sen for'? lintel I?.\-BeBBtor W. W l-.a'nii >.f ? onU". li? cit, anil Tbmuas I. s"t-1111111???, ni Ni1? a 11 ?| ft?(14 ? . ?ritnu- Hotel?Cengreaamsa William ? Itnaa II. ol M??a? cbnaetta. and oa ? oiiirre-?niae Krccinan < larko, ol it... ?.? - ter.?. Jams* Iloti I ? Itb, ..( I'liua ll?ifi/ii/).?''-r Hotel a ;i|.lali) Perry, -it the -li uni-I.i|> lattili!..?? 'nun ?????* Itu'.el ? ( U|itaiil I.auil, Ul lu? -I. a inslii|i CltJ ?'f .' new-yoke errr. Tin? total nnmbcrof Immigrants arriving ettCas? tle Garden ib the last week was ??.7?_'. Mantice Dyman, ave three reara, of No. 42 De lancey-st., was ruu over and killed ucax his boma yesterday, bj ;i delivery wagon. Deaths last weil., t .71? : hin lis, G. 1 1 ; inai. I ? 1;"s; [irrest?, i :?:?'j? excise licenses granfi te* s collected, f ?,? ?'?. IV.iritl ?) ItV A BABBI I O? ( UM I?. .lami ? Woodbnry, of New burg, captaiu of the bargee \m le etiti Mario, s ia itruck on the head hy ??? chalk, yesterday, on pier No. 47, North River, and badly Injured lie was s. in to the at. \ im? ni's H?pital. MAD l.fliis kll.l.I'D. Two mail dogs ??.r. shot yesterday In the city; one hy a policeman in Ihe Sixteenth Precinct, at v... :<:{(. Weal Heventosotb ?t., snd the other by l'oli, '.-tiian Pellet, ot Hi?? I ?vciily-iiialli Gp.??? it, ?t. No. '.?..7 Broad?* s*. ? ( UHI) Kill RD 11V A ST. >\l'. Tliomas U'llriou, ?ge fonr, ?li. A al No. 1.315 Sccuid-avc, ? eaten ay, tuna Injuries received on August _0. when lie was crushed under p -?- , In John Muliiollauds quarr* al Blxty-uinth-st. and S-colid-a? c. AT Ills ul.l. Till. KM, .I..Im Kuli, a.- .1 fort? -eig it, p profossion .' ibi. f aliti e picture ia tu the Uoguc. Gallery, was detected : a?, niornini* In the a< t m ? .icing su e ?. trun ce into a sore at No. .".'_' Beaver-tat., by means ??! skele? ton keysand burglar* implements. Krill ha ? turned ?:..? HI !>? Prison. II?? was is ? :,.:... Justice Otterbourg yestcrilay, at the I 1 olicc f.'o nt. aud was committed foi trial indi faull . ? .-,?_'.,??? bail. BB?BCHIKQ FOB BM wn B. Carl W'al itital, a?-;'? twi utv-fo ir, lia? i inr ti?> It"...??, was a |?? ?-?..? ? m t'?' Hai ?-a. Police Court, ycsler day, charged bj a policemen witli being of um und miad, when arraigned Wuleutal statml thai ? abort time ago hia wife ami child bad been stolen from tilia, and thai I.?? had been soaruhiu : for I hem ?? ? luce. Il?? was .on.nut led to tl?? car??, of the Commissioner? ol Cuant?es .imi Corroetion l>y .lii-tii c ( - ? | UBI n l'.\ A ? P.?LOB -i IlINAM ?-'?'. doli Wob, ' ? ti.Hainan, keeps u hiuiicry al f?o. 17?; I .n ?. i? li-?,!. All Leu, ? w irked ? ' trump, attempted to a?sul some of lus moue- ,\ i i?i.i.i>. Job Woh ?.hi.?. ted. and In the seurlh thai ensued Ah Leu grabbed a table-knife .and ? it int.. Joh \\ ?.?. a ali ? ?.? ?? -?. lie then rati awa. . ? policeman stai.d m mimili <<? liim. Job VVoh, who-.? wouud la ver) dangerous, refused to allow the ambuiaace aurgoon to re n ve biiu to the hospi? tal, ami in ??, a . al temici lu his bouse. ??|?:? ?ti mm; G0 BLOW ins BB?,? OFF. Frani Is Ketchain, weuring a special Deputi Shor IfTs badge, given h* Sherift Bowe, ??-a ? before Jus? tuco Morgan al the Jelferson Marke! Police Courl Vest, iii .?-. ComplainI was made agallisi htm by Collins Brown, col trod, upon whotn ho dro\* a :??? ?>i rer. ?ctchaui threatened to blow In head off. 1'bu justice lined Ketcluuu F10 for .on ol tbe corporation urdiuuuc ? iu carrying a revolver with? out a penult. THK IIIl'IODBO-T IT MADISON ft'QUABB OAJtDKN. \\. ? . ? oiip'.s l'aria Hippodrome ami triplo Circus will begin a Min.?? ol performances iu Mad uu aguare Garden 'I'uesduj evening, September ?), li.?!,? ivllj be racing between loui borse cbariot and two-horse chariots, I.' man standing races, races ??, it li male and female .toe?.?", I, iiai'.'.l.' at'.. Hat taces, I ii ?. ?I de. . i.i? I ti UH lue u I III I il?? t li:', c , ,:. ,? . rings, and a tiumbor of sensati m nets ???. Inch a ? ? ? ? bure. Un tJeptetuber ? a torchlight parad the principal streets will be given, BT ?IBI 1? IB A liAMi: nl' POOL. P.d v, aid I.cai.., of Twenty-seven! h :. and Fifth aye., aud Tl.lusDuwliiig, ol No, l i _ \\'.- ' Poi tietb-Mt. while engaged In playing a game of pool on ? lilla.? nigh) iu Lue billiard roouiol John ItUuider aart, ui -econd-avo., bad h quarrel, m which Dow ling drew a kmfoand s?ibboti Leah* in the abdo? men. Leahy was taken to tin? Mi. Binai 11? nital, where In? now lies m a critical condition, ?)???> Llug was arrested, and in the i'orkvllle G???,?.? Court yesterday, was held to await the rusult ol Leahy's Injuri?e, BOT (????? I ID t'Ai.VAI,?:. Judge Broa ?, of ? be Unitc-i .states Die! riot ? anirt, yesterday rendered a decision in the r iati oi Thomas Met oiinocliii' ami others agallisi John _. Kerr, owner, aad Will?wu Wablmau, captain ol the . ?u Pomona. McConuoobic ami the othor piami ? it s were members ?.l tbo crew ?>? the Poinoua in July, l^hd, wlien thai ves, l assisted the stcaiuahip (.'olini, which v?;as in distTOHS, in tea? hin?? ????????.? Island. The owner of lin? * Pomona received $3,025,75, far Ulis -ervice, ami the plaint ills filed a 1iIm-I against the ire?ail. olalmlug salvage shares. The ?leieniiants claimed fluii, tue uloiioy was not paid tor salvage, but for towage. Judge Brown decided ill faVOC oi the tlelellilaiil.t. an accuaaa rmtD. Michael Colli?s laid la wait for Miehael Moran, of No, U3? l.itciiw, on Ptiday night, Slid after beating him aeverely, caused buairost, aud Ii.m locked up all uigni it. the Police ?stat'oa. When taken to the Jeffersou Market l'olita? Court, ycstiiday ??????Bg, Coilins inaili- ?? oh?Tge of as sii'ili. agallisi Ins aatagooist. "Why Is it," s?ked Jiistne Morgan of UoUlns, "that y?..i have not evoa a sesatob ob your face, while this other man's face laauiaasoi Dra?seaf It was abowu thai .Collins was tho aggressor, aud ili?? .Insite.? ordered Moron to make uomplaiiit ?it-.iiiisL hlia, and Collins waa iiucUijillJ. spiiNiit.Nti nit; HU-BAXD'g ?????, Mrs. Kll? n ??????, lu lug m ? In? ? lui ?? \\ aid, made a complaint yesterday of habit?al druukenuosa ugainsl ber husband, .hintue Morgan issued a er? rant tor him, aud yesterday moruing Ihe husbanil, John King, was arraigned al the JuhToraon Markei Court, where the woman in adnition to bur charge of habitual drnnkenne is said tlial be had uol ? an tributad ?<> ber support lu six weeks, She atated thai he Was al.nuda;.I Iy able to lake care of Ini' as ?.? had .???,???? m H.o ?reenwitih and Chamb?n Street Baviuga Hanks. ?'Thai laver* true,"said Mr. -lug j " ?.ni my wit'.? has the bauk books, aad hi..- luis airea.Iy squandered a good part Of my money." The Justice dlsmlsaod ? h?? cas??. AilitHMINII A llAMi OK BU III ? ? ?, The lt'sidcutb in the vicinity ol Niuulccuth-si. and Last River, have been aniioved for some time I bv a gang of ruffians who commit thefts and insult people hi the street On Friday night six police ?????, of the Nineteenth Precinct, arrested ,?*' fo1* lowing persons. James MeGush, ??f No. e?87 Ea^t Tbirteenth-flt.? Richard Smith, ??f N<?. 4<?!.' M ( Kighteonth-st.; John Madden, of No. 515 Last Kif tct uth-st.: Janice Ulrich, of No. 426 West ? went v M>vcuth-st.; Hugh Meanv. of No. 507 East Flf tccnth-st.; Francis Carroll, of No. 404 Bad Fonr teenth-st.; J mes McKntie. of No. 5Ji> Kast rif teenth-st., and Thomas Smith, of No. 285 Avenue B. Thev were arraigned before Justice Murray, in the Yorkville Police Court, vest-rday, and each held in $1100 bail to keep the p?aoe for t_c monthft. BROOKLYN. Panaits tor the erection of thirty new buildings Brere BeeUM from Commissioner 1MM last week. Tlie body of a man was fourni in the East River at. HarbeoVfl Stores yesterday mornin?. He waa about thirty-sir year* old. The body "was clothed in a darli suit, with a blue flannel shirt. Policeman Hay, of the Atlantic Dock sfitiad, was struck yesterday with a slungshot by V. Smith, who was trying io resene Jasaos CohVy, arrested by Policemen Rap au?l MoClavn for intoxication. lbirL'lars. in forcing an entrance into the house of .lohn P?tentela, No. 42 Forty-flfth st., en Friday niRlit. knot-ked ?lown a small clock which stood in the sill of a rear basement wintlow. It inaile a great noise in falling, and roared the household, frighten? ing away the norglore. The Sjueetioa of continuing the existence of the T..??? t venae Baptist Church, of which the Itev. J. Hyatt Smith, Congressman for the Third District, is pastor, is still in abeyance. A mentina will soon be held to eonsider the ?mestimi, as res church odi? ti.?? v. as sold under foreclosure of mortgage in June. of the prominent members of th?? church says that flier.' la a project to reorganise the church ami BecUta another pastor. There was a very large number et persons around the musi? stanti iii Prospect Park yes erday after noon, at the tenth conc?-rt of this season. All the wats were occupied, aad standing room was to 1m* had only at a distance from tin? musicians. Many carriages were in the drives and grove at tho rear of the music Stand. The Park Commissioners have decided to ui*c two or thru?? supplemental/ concert? in >?-]?U>)iiljt:r. JER8BT CITY. Michael Walsh was sent to the Penitentiary for three months yesterday, by Justice 8t?h_ag, toe ??-at ing bis mother. Th?? body of a aran was taken from the Hacken sa.?!, river at St. Paul's avenue yesterday. It *\;w identified aa to ?t of W. EL Irwin, the telegraph op? erator, whose hat **us recently found on the river ban!?. NEW-JERSEY. t? ? an?; r.?The investigatingcommittee, appointed t?>. \.t nine an ? report upon the books of amount of ??p??? Lyons, as ? ?istrici Clerk <?t' tint Franklin School ? ?latrici, has made a report in which it ?tatos Mr. Lyous'fl accounts are lull of serious dis? crepancies, which the upon gives in detail, 'ihe ? repoii **ill be a tei] upon at a pablic meeting on llonday, September .r>. ?TATEN ISLAM). New-BbioutOV.?II Is pwpoaed to improve tl,.? channel lietweeu Bluten Island ami new-Jereey so ii ?' H will he -n?? ioef wi.)?? and 12 feet deep at mean low-wat? r. li is estimated that the improvc menl *?. ili cost about (165,000 LAJNO ISLAM?. Ami; vvii.r.i?:.?Exokiel U'aynor. age :iiii''ty-t*vo, a veti!,m ?.; the war of 1812. died at Uis bou Friday. [?BMP8T*_D.?Tbe Overesere of tlie Poor li.iv?? begun a ^.m agaiusl Christina Zenjtec for !*>.??, lor I liquor without ? li. ? Coruna.?Henry Rompe? Bged si-?:, eompla?sed y ? ?. ? I . > morniiigof headache, and ?ii? ft i:t an hour ; greatsullering. Coroner Seibs **;il hold an inquest. If.>< ?* ?? ?.?? Csxtrk. ?Bridge! Clart. age twenty five years, attempted to conunil auicide ob Friday evening bj lumping into the pomi of tbe Brooklyn Cif Water Win - She waa rescned with difficulty b* v,,?,,,. pcraona and takon ??, the Town Poor House. ; that she ha.l no money or in? ads, aad was fired oi livi \S ?? ??????\ i:n?? be boose ?>f Henry < ?wens was en? tered b.i burglars ou Friday Bight, After ransaek? ,? tlie lower jiart of ? In? bou . ., weut ??, t be room ot Mr. Owens a id stole jewels and money ; ... the value ol $5??. Ihchoneeol Mr U*ospau, in the n..? street, una alno tried by the burglars, a re frightened offbj the ringing or the ..._ i.'i mu n i> \ri'i<i:t ? \ n<?v?S< ulytor : " 1 (??? ? ?.?.? in . ...;. ,n,._ your face, Brown! 11.. .. '-. enes lu ? In It." ? ?.?.'*?. n begtna to amile pleasautly.) "O e aide of tlie face la so ultori) unUkc tbe .??? ?, y ou ?. !.. ? ?.?. .?.? ??.'. B'a lUlll? .-?. eli J? lo Ine WruUg .-lile Ullilrt I G .II. ll. ? ? Bi A E ISI ? L L l G h ACS. MIVIAI'L'HI' ll.M.WIO. ro?ar. saartaea. :??:.: ana mu . ... 8:S91 Cleek tsal mu. .'.?>?< linea ? ?. ??. ? oui uthi. - ?.? a ?na age, m., .t wa ral .< ' ?? ?. * ?. _ I Saadr lloek... fc37|Oer. i-i.m.t .i<? ?.".? Ball ossa. Ill'll ?* Ai BB I*?-n*> ?. M. n iii'ty lloek.. B.68 I .-..'.i .1048 UsUOSBB. .'11 NOTICE TO M lBINERA roa ? ro?AL in st law_bn?_e rivsk. hminpet hM beva pat !? Spett? iti Ili?? Bivi ? .-I I jutini???, at Ute ' . "?.'. in in? 18 ' ?III N, Ion t 3 4 ??. Id tl en mou Mttrutn the trampet will minti a blaut of ?. - duration, with Bitervala ..f .15 mo ? ? M . ? ? :? . ??'...ili.? ??.?'l'.il'.V. ???.|.?|'<??1 r.M ilt'il tOUA?g a 10. ? at borni ?.f water, RK'aK l'.till!.-? ',.,..,? at l.i.'ll-lllll ?.? ??.? I .:, leti, .*s, in ..? :"i M -., ...t. a ','? ** . ?? ? tl? .?? ? ' ...??-.? J?W lo- V ?rill clew (fe ?shun ? au?? lead ??. ? lie (airway "' bealsberg ?n. Baa SHIPPING STEH * PORT Ol'.;. 17, USL anni ? ?? m r . Ity "f H"i.lre?il liti ?, ?.mut. Liverpool Aup 1? ami ? .? fe, .villi n l?. ?.?.? ?i;wmh- ..?? m to John <; Dale. ? ? p? arti ni , Unter, ?.? ?,-?-|?,?->1 le Jave, with ? ? ... ;-?...???<?. ' > . Perry, ?.;?<.1 \iiir IS, au?l ? ami i'i.tteiej. 11-?.. ? ? Cotti?. IK I ' . :. ?? Ile . ('Ulti ?. li..'.?.t. 1 . '?. , l'il . th iron urv to narbig Broa ? io Fauch, s. e. .-? ?. : i '??'- ?.? '. I'iir 1er. \*???.?*1 Ha?ti r pool 1 G, ita?-?, wit ?? mil ? ?.. ? ?? ?h.paon .* ? ... >?. .n.i r l'ravauoon Bri, 11 arriaos. Poti Besada -'?.lav?, ? .n.i .ni., ? ?t?Mt-, with Iron uro toanler; reaaeiu? BeiUiam, l?li ... ? ? ? .? . ?.- i '-ti. ?? ???.?.??.-ii Aog IS, alaga ?.'.?. p... 18, and et John?, imi, r.i, wuii mutm ani ?u--.. ? ?;.?.!??* . ' n????. l>rUUre .*? <'.?. ?lin. G'.Ulli'.!, \t:t'. '...?t..? ;ii.,l|,n lo J I Ann s. I-'.. .Ilici : '? !.. ?? .tf. . **'!????????. i-litrl.'sti.ii li ll.1V-, Wllll ti . ?.? : . ... .1 Y. tiiilnl'.i.l _ t'.i. ? ?? -. lohn, \ n , ? nrdley, Parta am? bo* in t)i .-it. -ct.? ??. u Broa, - h ?? Pude "? ??.<? ... can ...i l.-ni.l.m., l'ai tei ma, Cartfeagi u? Iron ? .l'I 1?"!:?.:.?. ' . ; III "Wii, l.| 11-. .!i\ ?. . Hin? .?. l'ellt; \. ?ai ? t.. It .1 Corti?. Hai ? ? ..'? . ' ' Ui f>4 .1 e. -., tfitli ?_?t t... t?. . v.?.- ' t . Fu I A .'??. ??.. itali, Paole, Macaalllse S'.'dav*. ' ? . . itoti IftOll ivs. Peri I.? , a?., with rten and ciuci to untai reaaal 1.1 liiert??] ,?. ? ". ? ??? . \ tl, l'ina, Tarrapma US tlaya,v.lthl ti ll .. Uri.? *. n i ?.?-. ? daya, ??itti limi .. ??, ?. ? ??. : ? :!.i .* ??'??; \.??.?.. ? ? ? ? ?.:?.|?????. ir i. um ? arver. 1...?.??11, rortlaud, with luinuer t?> J M i-t Ini vi? r, ?-. ?.. .?, u.-, ?..??? Vie, 28day?, ?rita eoooanhtato \*',ii .,. . Mini Abbott. ? "????. I'"U.;'I.-, ??, 13 liais. Milli ? i ' .. ' \. ? . ? ? II ? '?'.? ......, ,?|.?. ????. :.;;?????, uiih IBM la? Ha* itami ?t l'I. Hl .? r Wind at Handy lint?, ? Bi sleaiy. Ai ? ty li anil, light. W? ' .'ir. ??.????? l'te.i ?? ?- ?- ? ?? me 1.1 ?? Uri. s ini; li, ? .???.!?>?, ?,?;??;,.? ] M.?.? (lem-i?! Werker ..?., ? , ? ?.temen via Hou! e lui titoli. > >. nnu? ? ? ... ...,...; * .-p.,. ? ilur). Wink 1er, I tambara. Beager Beaa StcaiiiiT Nt'iitllll??, I'.ell?,. linstnll, II I I ? ' t. :n.i? I. lit. ...n, Ira..)?, ? li-.'i (.?. I ? .t n, ?.C, J W Wuiitit tan Me..i'ie. William I. attirili,. M.ucli. liait : .nule, ..... II I.level?. Hteiunor Old Dominion, W.ililar, Norfolk, City Polat end 111. Illlielel. I HI ll'.ltllnl.l'l > ? . .. ?.'Inelauu, Bo? ? ?. ????iiini.n?... ,f s Kreina. Maun.t ?.'iilittoi', Uulim, Willi.mutoli. Ni , U'iii I? <-lyt!?. ? .. .i Columbas, WimmMiuU, CksBtasBaab BCL J W (julut_-d ? ? ... i ?.????..???/? (?iti, Voting, riaTannafe. Bfealgnatnrr. Muther A Co. -?t. .inn r City of Augnata, Ntckeraon, Hatraaaah, <? <? v..nee. St.?.miei? New York, h'll.K, N( ? l?t lean .. II. ??? ? ? ? M..l|>:.ll. f-le.o'ui N. ??. ?< nlean-. Haltet, Nu? uii.'tj.-, Clark. AX 3oS Mu?. Prunaia, Belano, s.-m Praaetaee, x'sn vitirk ?? oa Bark ?????.??? ???? cUer), M .as.??, tlambnic, iirrmnuii Koop ? .'.? Bark M .llieil ? An.-t., Vi.l rlic.'t, Natile??, Se::??, t Hii.m I'u.Ik Km:.'.n t Jli). Walker, llilliklrk. Janiet *V 1.1 well ? Co. It ari. . ,???.? ?:, like, Havre, Fr, 'I'hoiiiax I ?iniliaiii'i ?? euheW ? < ?. Urla Ni ?.?.? fimi.*? ??5??>. Potter, <?.?????. Beyd .* Blaokea. ???-?? I-? lia. I.eie (ftail), i:?|....-t: ?. Al? ?.????p-, Kmiit, nenltani, l'Ickerlas ?*' ''?' ?.?.?? tuguat.t Her?, Bohn, etookhoim, ? ** Juma .* <... :^<??? . ? !-. \* liliali... t* Ilion. M tv...ut, I la, J A \ ali Iliiuit. Bchr Alien, i.inii. fiei. in Wanberg. Udir V??ai .eil., un.lite- 'aiu| ???... Ili? lintel Broa, Milu ruin..n tur), ?' ? "k. gonfqgo Bar. ?1 Wnaaela ? Cot Sein ? !?. l'Illuni, eie ?,?,? ), Itili k. llelc?ivuiel, ? II, l'I Neun?? .*? .- un. ? ivi.? f.? .il, Kawkint?, Baltimore, "?*nTTialaacra Sein? Ha.e il..? . I rocker, l'i.iut-a l'ilio UUtl Ai|.luw :dl, 11?. .?. laiti * VapluwaU. s< ',r ? ?'.?!:; . and WUlie, Brown, st John, Ni', ? ? Beaer. Sein II F Braillard, liuil, Nut?? H aveu, li?. 1.latr ? Son w m * Montili, He. ?..p, lt. ?.' -?? ;."i ?. Ka? ?.?? .t Bro, ? 'e IB.?,? t. il r, I' un. .'-liight. Ilail. ? A lu. Bohl *??.;:.??, ?libila. ?A'iHMUl Hele, l'W *\ ??|.?? A ''<>. Hehl --ila. Brainard, Ohnatlc, N.-wl... niton. II ?; ??,.vie. Behi u f Kai uh. m, LowelL .?.??'.?...nt p?,, warrea Bay. The tleitiiti'tl..|i Of -leaner Br/BfeB, ** lilt ll clt-arnl 3gtft. lias b<.?.. changed t<> ?.laagos. BPOKEST. Ang 1ft, lat l:i 50, Ion 6S 40, bark Crown PrlnCS (Uri 8-< dai ? nut '."in l.lrerpo ?1 le si John, ? 11. July 17. lai .lo ?. Ion ??? W. alni? Vi m J Unteli. Ilrav from Sev ? ??. ?. . Yokohama .lily I ,, lui V N, lui '.?'. *V, l.aik, Wiilm le nUMX troni N?,t * tirk r??l *'..,? i. !a\ :i, N.I...I??. ?.u 47, Imi ?_??, naia Prefaaaoi flataar. f?..m itotu-r ?1,11.1 Ini Ne? Voi k. ft??XN*?.?l luil'' '"" al" ,,:"k ?r^'""H", l<'rI,? ,,'",,l ?renien ?.?? is, lut ..', ir., loa ? ?, hark Mattia 0 symth, ?smith, futili riiiuii toi f?ew-York. Aliali, Uli:., ???? 17, bark. OucUoia iFr), fjxim JbUUoa for Ans II, eon-ufit-eW of Fautaet. attip saut- Clara, T___w fr-.m irarr?? far ???????1?.???>???. - * An- lu, In Hay of lilacay, abb? Bar?te Bret?tara. O?_. from Llvertiool fer Man Ft ant tact.. ?>? MAKIimi DBl_MH-B?B, BSj Ht Bcrnat-d, fro? Urei-pool, A nit ?, 1st 4?? SO loa SS?L pa?<*1 bark David ? Nor,, with lamber; S?eklaa4 lutar?, watorlofott-Kl and atiandnntyl; for^m?at and all alt?t-lin* alo*? ?Iti?, port ?I.I?? tr?.in fare tu iu aln rli?-lti?f alore lu. liiokatlU?? a ?(.???????, not lun-j m that coudt?as. flOMTOX. Aiitt i"i -?st??mor Miaiwiurt ? Un, Bnrwril, I.lTcrpof.1, while froinc at * de?d ?low aixxsl. at ? SO Huston heilt tifimiit F. br N, diatant ft n.ilei KChrJ????... wililaue?. Kill?bettiporl for h.-r and klllln?-<'a].t t'ralir Tb? crew were "-roarst ta port Capt CtaBg basalBSJBS In st Andrew?, >B, wi ??area a wife? and aertual c?l'?lr?*?a. !?I8C_?.I..a.^*EO-??v Ship Jumna 'Br?. Oar-rla, fi-om Ant wen? for t?an Fraia?sea at Mnntevldn, In ?llntreaa. will hare to f<> int.. dork. IirtK AiiDieat UH-?, bere from Jar knot,?? lie, VOth. 2J El.j-.N from a baeroni. paaaod the wreck uf a Salila* at-a?oaaav the hull patti? under ??t-r, with btith uuiaU 'JO feet abor?? brokert o?r under tbe cmaetreea. A lare**- eel tl??tluv IHbiB?? the manta, *??????>??.? la be anchored. Krv WitaT, Aup 27-Th.cjpl?luanil crew of bark Abarw tli't-u atlll ivinaiu iu the boapltal. Mii.VALLEn. July ML lat 40 BL Ion 37 W, Aj-erioaa i-btp alioala*?ua-aa\ lettera JiLFW. tujtsoviifEXT? ok ^rBASsai FOKKteN IO-M _tfB_saa-L? An/r 27-Ar-1r*d, ateamer Ptatearcan <Br\. H tilth an. from Wsw-OttSSBM. Ul ? BBaTows, Auk Vf7 ?Arrt-rad, ateam.-t R-public ;Br", IS. vIuk, from New-York on her way io 1_?/*??-??>??. amiIB?0a? ????* PniLanrLi n?a, Ant 'iti?Am?1t?~. aua?tcr PoMerille, Prie?, Boa ton. < iei?n<l, ateameta C Whttlnn, Har.llui?. I'mvi.lSSIMSi Alieta (ilopins. BaaSa?j Vlreliila, lllnki.y, Fall Itlrer; Faanla, tir.ltnle??. Net? York. Dkla?vauk HuhAkWATP.K. Auk2" ?Arrived, ateamet Bue?fe. water. Haltimokf. Aue? 27? Arrlred. ate*ire-a Anatolia Br), ?? Harrow. John W (iarrett, l'opter Ne? York. Cleared, aU*auinr Martha Mavetm. fhHi>?-e, New-York. lillilli.N SIIUM'IN i. tAUaOU, Antr 27--.ailetl?ietti in?*. DBS??* f>?r MMr-TaBfej 20th m?t. B?a?taal Welch, for the Delaware; ??* inai. ' armena Ci "".'itti in*?, Jair.ii* I. [A?M??, I.a Be?*?Bj ""th lna? Adele A s_tnut?, Normanbv, th?; latttr for T> Arrived- lS'h 1n-.t, Iiii-i.-m ..lata. Nettie. PerreiUr, ' Unitila*, Nellie May. Ul-t inM.-Alvra, Fihik-ik.'apt Ma? ter ? . tustjn. It lii(r<-rn..ll. Ialini ' ?-t. Baa 1/t.ttiond |-itei>iiiei ), t!ie'i?u<-.r al M S'-Mtlii-, Ittlly rlmpaon. Candide-?a I??ro, Charlotte Yonne, I*a-n-?r ?'apt Jolm?? sc'.i M Pierre. Ware of I ife. '?tit h taut. Ath'.ou. Da / nati, Ha-e. Kiuhurn, Kiarona, Magnolia it ?tit t-ve_?a*A Nina N'.-r. PoatMo; 27th inni. Albert, Mar? tiuln, Nyborir. l'a? ? .-sclnatlluo, l'uracvemntA, l'htaou, Qua? tro, Tonuwantla. [For Later Shipping AV-?, if any. See Seventh Ga**,) Aniioiineeiiienta. AC???a Corns ? lieviti ;???1 roinovctl. One bottle of C_B?i_? ? ill .to it. 2? < ? m t, 1'rj-rfnat*. LfNIlBOlKi's ?-?-Vat J.I'hMA. Tlio only naf?? Bad sinv earn for Git | Crinan-t:?.;?. - .s Hop Ba_Ba*a 1' Earl cV Wil-..?G- 1. nul VV lintnd of tm-u'l __a? ?.'ol?ais BB? < BB? are the lxeat. BoM averywhet? Hknky A. D-JT-aXa, M. !>., 144 J>xiiizt.iu-.ive. heir .' ? \ H Ul 1 and 5 to 7. Atteuuon to Gemleiaaa. Kidni ? -Won Ip a dry. vt srettttiV c..iii|i..,iii.l of wnml -rful --flSrarv in all i*ia> ?? tin I.iv. ? an.? Kidney a Hi. prepared in bot? *rjr and litj.i.d fon.., imi cat ???? ae au t-?ct ti?'a Ba??Br?c aud diuretic. Try it. ('i.'.rr Wink i?>i? (?.?????\. ?he anberb quality and eotln raps Wtnei, ol New-Jereec, and the ?tioo as that phyalciana hair? hm! t.\ it- us. . haa Indaoed tBesa to arrlu abetal ?t. ai.d t-aoaa? liundi-etli? t.f otli.ri? t" pr.-s in?? it l'i ? ? .?? t.-.e l.^a? ami u.o-t ?. 1 .,' ??.? arine ... be k?d. ?? ? oiiiiiniiiioii pnrneana, and ?ani ? Mr Kpoei ... ? aaaaa th? pi ??, without the ad.UUou of a pa ?ata* *i oik ? illi.e, Iti '.Vrti Kl IM I i.'i.- ? ? - Cl iTAIN ???.??G AND < Dr. .ia -in.mas. and the only l)i .tba ptil.lli t??r the p.t.-i '. ? .-?r- !??: ' ii,i|.i are, m.? ?, an til fnrt h? - principal .? ..??'s, \?.t'i p!i.,t..u'i.ipliic liktin??- ot bad < ?- ?? ??? . ?!>- and arUs* in.?. . .i I?? th??*. ? '.?? - VLl.KN'S BRAIN FOOD potati velj ?ittcnir von? .Ictillitv aud all weakt.?-?. ol ? rana. All ?Irui-'i-'-t? . -. | Fulton-Nt., ? \._ VKHVnrs DEBILITY, : _"B ?,,..? .,? ! an.I ra<?. .?. wi si it ? . i-ii.i. rwoia - ? ?.? -iiiti lent l"!'i ? SA. Sand for circular I' t-ilclli.-i ? 1 ..I . ~" NOTICE ! ~ J. & C. JOHNSTON, BROADWAY. 5TH-AVE. AND 22D-ST. ll.l'.IM, | ? Al.iKI. AM' M A . ? NsiYi: am.:; | ill Till lit CARPET DEPARTMENT. *-"""_ ON MBB-SaVT. AI ta -?T Ht. MM, I \ lIIlilT A COMPLETE tVEW ST0(K ?:siim; 09 r.i:nsr \\i)i:\ci.i mm.di si?,? sIN l'I Itkf-.fl. Pa-_-UArt. ???)11>, B'Ui:>< SI AM? B!?a_M__a_i C-J-fflB, ????, MAIS ANl? 1?1?1??1-? AN D Wl 1.1. ? ? -? | ?? 1?. W AN 1 \M lll'A?l'.l) V U-aaCTT ?G AMERICAN CARPETS AND RUGS, .M.l. ? )?:\*.' PATI 3UBB, AT TH?: LtlWKSr MAUKF-T l'KK'*?>. J- & C, JOHNSTON. SPRING HOUSE, UCaaVB? UPBIMCS, W. Y. a ?. ?. ?.? m uta ? ? a nei : .n-t. _ ? ni. li.?. ? ?- p : ? ? ? ti ??_??m uhi.BJ I BBAJtY. B?U-D Ul iii'li U ? ' ?" Vi'liK I IMIBBOa* M TCI **'-?*,'" * All.IC IS ELEVATORS. ?TIB Ulto ?.? a I.?.. .11 ? >. , LAKATiVE "Ptepared froiuX. *\ li ti.-pical _uIU ? f aiid'1??a. X Delicious and Re? freshing Fruit Lozenge. WUck Serve? tlie Purpose of Pills and Dis? agreeable Purgative Medicines? TBoric.F'ii?.; Lax -.t??? - n ii .- ?-.?ri?! I I'.li??. mi.t ?>' |)l?lnis It ii t* cetitly. <f?.? u?.'? r40UB to Ins.? t ? nitsliii- '!.<? *? ??'??ill Hi ' Il Imp?!'.? ? ? StaUiK-??..?? II ?. ?St- ". Btaaaa rw-fcrd Im ixt??a?Hi ? in I?oa????? ??? PRICE 25ani SO CTS. SOLD BY all DRUGCiSu* . ? r?????a??aa?aaMWBB^-a-a??w-a EVEUYTHIXO IN' EOPATHY li.i.M |...i|'.\ ? ii u ?' aa- M! UH'lNBB, BUB?? lliunplirvya Hutmsipnttil?? si... Utes, lliimptm-ve' Vt-<<?rl? ur? tSpt-titii'i*. Iliuiiiiliit-vs? ?luti Hal?.??! ?)il ami Manrrl Oj ? .. G A l*PI ? ? M IV ? lliiinpti!. ???' Mtniii-iiptilliir M.-.lii im- ? ... lii-tioral lK*?Ot.1? lil.i:, I, -^tOi-S, tUji iitO*Wlwa*-, tUlnl -???? ?_#?? ? 17Ui at-, ftc? lurk.