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eharacter. or nnv other olile??. I treated hhn ?s atafflp and politely a? 1 could, t-u! I I Tid of him. I ? 1 Ss* want to be annoyed b fUlB. Q^Waetkasasaythtagparttsatarlj r^ttarahls m his ornear..u e ? ?. Bi we rather pesedtarty slad fat the baasoa, ihembetrmeaowtatnestrsel s1 tael EnmenBWtsetasatrs'essslataorn of that kind. Us bad ?? Stoektage. ? pair of trowsers anda commori, orf nary cod. ? davor two afterward he SSSSS airain to my ream BOtaTtted Me Stffl tasMSOd on my signing bl? r-e immeadntlon, r? iteratiti-th.? same ftalementiiH before, of hk? having ? pismlei <>r the ftses if ? would ree anmeod him. I ?gain d. 1 ned. I had In the mc.iiitimc, out Bfsnsfesttr. read tao spossa. BswMaltttai emrs ex Bhod at the second interview than at the first the see> oe ? iras ? rerj - ori totervleW, for I tried to dispose of the matter as quickly as possible I said tohitn; ? ? ?ret time I see the Secretary ol ?tate I ?\i;i mi alio , to ? Im.' I ?111 not say that I won! I Mm, but simply thai I would mention hlsi ,s Hin tended t.. do so, bnl probably In a different way from ? he suppoe -.? ? wo Q.??? Kroio what you saw of the prisoner on those ? lorn?, and from what was said sud done by him, ?lid you on m any opinion ns to his mental sonnd i .. ?undue?11" Tin? v.i... -. >I am not im ex? pert, and do nut know whether I should aaswarthe linea? ti ?. The CoartC^Ton may give an opinion In accordance with vour oboe? attuo. The witness?I thought thi re was some derangement of Inamental ? ? , but to what extent 1 oonld not say. When I went dowB to breakfaal thai morning I sao lu.u ai the laide see board? r. l called the landlady und asked lor Ifshe knew that gentleman, ?nenien? turned ni-? natii.? and said be had told her thai he ?as s ?- nsUtui tit <>? mine. o.?What wsa your expression of opinion to tbe landlady al that time I -.?1 said f. : ? do not think that he la a proper poraon to have in roux boni lin; ?io, e. ; li, -as .ed w II'.. [Saldi I think he 1* Uliltlc oflluhls head; or some lauguagc ol thai kind. Slie askod me whal l meant,ami ? ?ani l thoughl ae was kin i , ay, and that she had bettor noi have him m ber ?.,., Hug house. That Is about the conversation wi bad ill thu : ? ? h ...minet. Q.?When Old this converse? fou take phtcel ?.?1 thing it was sbont the litii or r>t:? ol ?arch. ? the examination of this witness,! .?? ???? l. ? .. ?. uri D. Uubbard, a iroiei of Oneida County, K, >. lu- I ved ?? ? than half s mils from tbe Com mnnlty but (ludi uantlv) wee never conni ? la In 1803 be worked for three month? for the Comtuunttj to which the prisoueral ti at il un b li He ??????? In the same shop ?uh witness, li? was a ? uv quick tampered men. U anything was said to disturb blui bo wo ud .'.-? ?? riled,?? and would gesticulate voi,;. ,.n ? tala in a mysterli ismauner. Bewpald -h tar hours In a corner saying nothing. Atotbortliu s be woeid be eheerfut On one occasion in? tola witness that he aspire,, to Oc tile lea l.-r ol the C0111111..10 ? On ornas i.Tanilnatlon wltnnns stato?! that all persona ?1 re free to leave the Community arnen ti,.?, ??;.?.?-.? d. On redirect exsmlnallon, however, he stated that an m.ut m i.i- was oonBoed In the Community, and when . .. m finally found to bla father abe bad been horse? whipped with a rawhide. Bhewas a terward sent to au tasaac >;-. lorn bal afterward recovered The prisoner?1 remember that ease myself. There la ba/eteaJ r. stiaii ?? there, i.ut 11 le alle] Irliual and that Is a good deal worse than physicna] reatrulnt. p ?< ama left the Community be was led to believe that he was forever damned That is tas way tbeComnmnwj Vue k. pi together. at?rnan ? tuk campaign-. The next witness was i.,hound M. fcuutli, of Chicago. tJu had been shark to the Republican Central CoiuiniUee In Nev-York during the ia-d eampslgn The ro'oiuitt? e sent out a bangs nuubi r of iaenasents, " sad wepaM honest aaataas en ail of it." Witness bad seen tin? prisoner M'Verul times. He wanted lo ne lilac d on thy rolis a? a spi ala t. Be ?ltd BOI appi 11 us il in could J.ut balia dozen sentences together, and witness did not think tasi he ba?resesseaany saelgsmeM teepsah. The prisoner?This gentleman was not m a eowHtloa io know whether I did or not : he w m otti} ? clerk. Mr. Jiavhlgc?That is what I tkeSbxtaV The i>nMM 1? Jewell was the fellow who did the nus ine?i.s?j, wilt and lltiokcr and Dorsey aad the rest ?if those fellows. Mr. Se,,\ IDs then read the tspssttMB of C. W. TaiUST, tf Dakota Territory, who deposes to have known Mrs. Mai s ad sai Mrs. paitan, stetem ?>f lather w. Qaiteea, und ts have regard? '- tii ? m I John 4. KSSS, a BSgn lawyer, who lives near tie? Cov? ertimeli; Asyhua for the insane was ?? ? examined. Be Lad sssa tin? prisoner al tas B roseti ts Manot?n lift? ?? 11 srtwsatyttaMS in tho swaths of May and Jane. Bs tkaagkakewass snap uian when he ?;r~t mw aim Vi'ii , ill-ay erasj peoni >and this ??? ? - ! to him to be e?,../,. Be bad uevci hi rd ;.e? j,r - mer utv anvthln ?. ?,-.. 1 ?,'?\ 1.1-.??? inquired l"? the erasy man looked. '?Ju-i as he does uow." r-pli-i the witness, "except that bi ii I a bund!? of papers with him " TUK l-l.'t ?.si k- N8T8 ' :????? ? uro. Mrs ! - . ?. to the ? ri a rand wife to .-?.? eosusel, wa? next caia?! to the wltaem stand Bhe stated that h>r set one 'ori Luti;? ? ,of 1 ? bi r in it! er Jane ? ' om r is ,' .? ?, ,, ? -> ?!?. ? ? was ahont seven yi ? ?kere nio'ai er- ? h-r soother from the time ?was three years etd Bhe ! id bei rylong tana si t!.-? tan ? bel I ; Im s as o. besa told thai her Blether's tlcknes el thai time lai.! daye rands h.::f. Bhe remembered ?? b,? id s'er. ? d, pet fleetly W.I-. boni, li.r au t h id anbei other ken [fron loth. r*a head After thal time ber motbi r :i m <?? ? am ? , .t i" r Wiiik In the street aft? "jjure Were tWO Theodore, who died aben la ,?. is two years a Who wae born witb a ? indUinh: and Juila Catherine, who died ?? . mouth- ?Id?1\ w.-i Su al . ? er motbi r*s lekui ? Was attend it?,.? a very sevi ? pain Inner bead, and her hab ? Her Orai r, e .11?? ? <>? ..f t'hai ? r -.vas thai BO va- a 1 "?> ? beeaaas he wsa very active and smart. Bewaa sent to school verr yonng?wkea six rears ? ?i.??t. > learn i,? i:k. lit- could make neue, butoouluuot t;.i .. lie uh. Itheword"ped"for"oume"and the word lor ?? quail." His fattier punished him for It. bnl thai nmti" u.. difference. h:i?- thoughttaat be eoula not eom incielili the dim renee. After his mi thei'r. death HO lived for a vear or M with hie graadtather and then came baok to bis father, wii Sem was married in January, i--r>:>. wolle Charlee was hviug ?vit.. lih? grandfather. Bubeequenlly, when he was twelve year? old, he lived with wim?at .??': ... ? eago. where be went to 8be ? nothine peculiaraboat bin then except inai manate, and she was very mues attache toulin. J m-? be ?viiii ?? his fataaTi and, suiuicqu ? ir, when M eras eeventeen year.? old, he came to live alth witness at Oak Park, near Chicago, lieu - loaded sc uol at the Con lereial ? 'ollogi In Chi ago, and a.hi- uaal a?? wi-ni bask t<> Fresport. Ifroai Uiere bo vent to Ana Arbor to sin went ki Ann ?p.,.?- to wo him, aa abo bad beau mtoru) d tout ho was g?nn; ou worse t as hi ? ... found thai be had abandoaed hut studies, and ? .- riving h.s Whole : M rim- ?,? ? ??? ns and the publleatious of the Oneida Couimu ? u -u- -i witli lilm for a whole event tag to him to go oe quictlv like otbei Ki??i up ail tliiit stul , 11? I .,;? ? alt :.- , D.t upon ??,??, however, and si.?- m.nit up :,.-i i,.n? i (bathe crasy. She told hi ? no or, to ? ,y m. more attention to blu. '? ? as u.? w.i. "oleary gone daft" at toe Oneida Community, bu could bai 111 bave any conversation withbim,as they were uotlefi mo? ? ir .? ? ; hoi - ? that he at? e?l liki , ? ? - son ??lio had la db bewlku ."?, struck on ?, j.arti.i lost bis nun ? not learn fi vnei ei to Stave the Ouehta Communi ? U_ to? re. ih?? j. i-oi?,r? ? h ><l bees there three years at t:;.tt time, aad ?? ? ? right In the b -in ?-, theii t ?V ?;.? ?? u, m on to rotate ?-? ?-: ory, ui ?luiiliiK his ailmlsslon t?. ti.?' bar (at wbieb sht? ? maeh earprised), ble marriaee and bis ?ep his ?rife, down t<> the time ii<- \ bdtod bei In ?. Isoons?i In 1h7~>. (she ootlead taca ;? grsM oliaaxe In in- ? anpaarauoe. il? ?%ah also ?? ?.? ,ra. t to ?? slous Wiih aad used to get Is a M bi aiutili " f...u". Be lei mud willing to do anything Unit b. w-i.s (old to do, bul ko; ?,-r? much laifogged ani could not do it. Su? related the lucidili ?? ber aita an axe. BIm be I given binino provocati had got al patieuoe witn him. it was not the ax? that frlghtoaed ber so muco ae it was the look of his face fio looked], Hb retreated tuto the boo e and ran up to ber daaghter'e room. 1 sailedOkto,tbe btredmaa. Bas mid: M Bere, take this boy and put him oil tin? piase." Un.s took hold of him I and took aim to the dining ru ?in. At this suge of ii r testimony, whten was ? en In a \?t\? low lone and wltli great rap: lily ol lltteraue? . m. as to Ik- ai.iio.-t SntBlalHglbie. ilio Couil at l-:u j?. in. usl Isaraed ? WORK BXPBR ?????????G, Concoki?, ?. EL, Nov. 20.?The etij,ctin tendent of ttie New-Iiauu siili'.? Asjiuiu u.r tue Insane has beeu ennuuoued to appear as a wiiness in the tiui taaa in.,]. 1K.S1I..V, Nov. 26.?Several additional SXpsrtS 4.? the eub| of insanity, ? ho have ht. u BOniStOBCd OS wlV s for the defeuoe in the Cuitcau triai Un asti lo? ingi? lor W u uiiiiglou. TUE EXPULSION OF PUBBOY iSD WEITE Talk amono poutmans- PLAJM that diu not no The artifes of tlie 'J'uiiiinaiiy PiiiaillHlliS on Or((4aixatioii, in sgpstlaaj Boar/ I). Parroy and tadrow J. White, Was tu e BSJEt of geiiersl ??iiiversoi ??, day among toe SheOt ths Cttj 11 dl a,. ; other reaoit?. Thi- prouiptm?. ? aad itSJSt WfetSh I ir ? playod in de ilui?C ?? !lh the?: U:. loy.ii mSSthsm ol l n Tammany SfpotlSlVH. ani bis disregard tor their Ctlk-ial positiou? and puny eSTSleee, sailed foilh tbo s?mlrattas <>f machine asea fens rally Meters. Parroy, Wiutc, Koch, Lauu. .Mauiie. J. ? vc?;, and Other pohticlaas en ?a,; xl ni ihS se!,eme lo oiwt Mr. Kelly irom ta ,. .f the tfl gathered lu the Mayor's otti.?.) la tao ali aud Uiwus*.^! tbe hitilatlOU. Thev were apps Bsssswhat ? the Hssnltalty shown la Iks TamuiaUj organisa ... tuai bHows ? Comiuiu. ? wae ripe for revolt, s l thatltonlj .? eom? /real man like tin-pu lil tie Purro] lead mate thS avowed eaiWfSM of tho ottici il head ?.' toe dtp (ioverumcut to esaas t..< Dsaaatos? ttou to cxotl jU-, KsDp aud inalai i'um,, as bis sarta 'he "t?os**hlp." The plans to carry ont tht* pulpos,? were, not fully matured when the men Mgi |ed in tin mueuac learned on (enreda* eight of Mr. I ?<? to cxp.-l I'urrny. They were not di innye.l haeeiM. and early on l'rlday ior.niltu' they set to work to stahe Mich ?m exhibition of m rei nth i.i ?'?? as would appal Um hose lac ISO Members of t:. initi?e re ear wen im l to shake their allegiance, and notes wen :\ ?...:.,;. [ oaitola pri minent m tubi rs to ca'.i npon the Mayer. Lut when the crisis come, and ?? sote was tahen, only t w< exy-axne memhen .m record sgalnst the expo of Purroy uni White, aad only a ?mall part of this Dumber will ,.. ?? nfThmmanj Hull. ThfcU regarded as nil the ? sole because theeoum taken ay Mr. KsQy lias BO . : Tam? many, ami ?- ::. . ;??.? ; ta be '? aaesneUtnUenal " what ever that may mean when applied tonn.: ? 1 to ?ia veno constitution lui! the wlilof ii.- hah r. Heretofore, when ft WM aeeaaaery to get rid of un oh Jeolmiisblo marnimi, a disciplining eouunlttee bs appointed to laneUgato Um charges, end then the dis? tent in whleh tbs ? ? member Ils d has been reorgautaed in meh a waj as to ???t? htm ? ? tauter a msmhoT of the Tamaaaay organisation. In the eaaea of Purroy aad mute, however, no ? tee ot Investigation wai appointed but ? rceolutlon directly expelling them was passed, si ? aralo course only 29 members ? p ? ' > vote. Among those ? bo opposed the reso ? ut ion of er] were Park Commissioner Lan , ? ?oroner Usi Weide, Thomas F. Uilroy, and a number of others woo .-.a.? yesterday tbat, although opposed to the eoui t..s. n by Mr Kelly, they bad do intention oi retiring from the Tammany organisation. Mr, i'urroy sad -Mr. White do not ex? hibit an.? G? elin ? oi ralllleatl m o\ ? lio?., ???;? iiuy ?,,,? themselves in. l'bey ? rt that ave do i.ilei,t,on ?.; joiningthi County Dem but ? ill commue to be Tainmauv men, and a ill he mem? ? the organization when Mr. Keilj snail no be its leader. ? in? pian is now ?o s,??...? p?-? don of t.? .a its luvt annual meetin , or be fore, il nosalblo, to ?tourea inajoi ? y ol the r? ichem ?, ol which body ol ? lue . a ?? m ht. Otiii r pol? iticiens, however, who bave lieeu engaged In previous attempt? of this kind, laugh si their-tl now. Tiny sismi toi? Um attempi made last spring to obtain control ol the Tamro ??.is better orgaaiasd ano had more support than It will be ooesibh to gol (Ora long ?nue again. Nearly ? ii,? whole power ul the City Qovernoteni was then m; in.? against Mr. Kid... Kii'ii, Martine, m srly all the men who voted against the expulsion ... were acting against Mr. Kellj :..?<? April m t-.? ? li.a..., '-oc:. I.? c. "dl ill ; Blld J el lie v. as ?tettinoli- I. a gooUaaoJurity. lie is itrongei now than he was then. The defection of runny ant White ??ill take imi p,? .i awsy from Kelly, As political leaders tbe} have no tuflueuee uutsl ..- '??<? Tatnmanj or? .?,?.?. furroi is ?? KimUommlaaionor, bm be is ??ai., mu in a Uoaru ol Uirc members, the oilier two be .. opposed to i.iiii ; therefore in? Influence there will not be great, and hli character and past aa? (ive ium iu?uenoe elsewhere. The leaders of the Countj Ueuiooraoy are Dot anxious ? ? ?.; ? ?... . eed In capturing Tammany liai! lu the lutsreet >. tlsyu (.....?., and ? -.1 give no more al l iban the) aie .. ... . o .m. ? ..?ii- ?.-,ti organization is waaS uini.ii?! 1 .... d ..?,? hsvejual appointed aio... I., I,,? .... 0 lie:.cai., ill their OWU iau..s. Wiser than an. ?\ n.., Ibai lei what t.ic? can iroui lue .Ma.? o? m tin) waj oi appoTuUueut?, i.iu luej ? ? , in aid'ii. ; ny 01 his political scheint? If'i'auiiuany ? n< under S nes Icadei tbe disalloetcd 1. 1111,11,,, in mo, 1..1.. ??..i flock Use! i" It, end Cooi?er, , on, Power, 1 ... .1.- .11 .v Co, would Und ihi tu ?m a... r than ever. Henri il U Dot probable thai tb y wib gire anj ahi In another eontaei in Um oontrol ol Um ? allineilo bOCletJ . Mr. Purroy said yesterda) tbal of the forty-four mem? bers of tin L'aiuiuany U onorai CommiUei In ? . IJllVlu, tort) two bad aurned a paper agreeing i<> with draw from laiuniany Hall. Bsuiuel ?. Coj and 1.. T. Wood refused to sign. A. nos ranimanj luiti.ewiii be organtscd with, nrobably. ?.!?. 1 lurlney as the leader. Mr. v? ulte ss I that im com? mutes in ios district, in e \ . 1.11. which 1 .. menib rs, still p sign. 1 ..1 - ills riet w be ? sad a ?- said n.ui ?, .'.-. Moore, id las County Domoemeyi will be um ???.> rauunauy leader I., re. I'.liio.. sa.? s t.ial "G??? 1 .? ?..?. ... .. Hociety of the Annexed Dtstttct," whlea \t an incorporated association i>. d has a elah . sill lie atado the nuoieusol sues ?.many or? itlon m Iho city, and lual at tillar) associatioua \? III ??? .on: e.l i.i . :. ? ? -? m lily ill Mr.Kelly's friend* laugb sitai* project, aad asseti h Purroy and Wnlte eauuol ... .?....... ,i....... term ? . auj ill . .? ... ? ..... -...?.. live in. ? .1 .?? . ?) thai ex oaloi ? ? .. ?. ? ? also b -.1 II.'.?. Ibd ... - ? llZS on ?? ill o?? an the stronger b . ol .? eon In usti?n of the i ai rwj eoo -. lu ine Tauimni \uf'., bui II Vili ? Ul ??' ]? ? gua li ? -. l'ammani Hall h ??. Ing . TUE il ri. UE <!:/>. RANCE U SS ? '. ! "?' FFALO. Bl Pi ILO, N. V.. ? 'V. _'<!. -Tin inaurai ] ? . s' il Id 1 ir?? I don . and ? ?. ': . . I . ? - D'I G??? t :.. ? I nu: insiir.?;' ?1? '.lin.'.er . , On lu i'.i .? lu j .r I, and un- Pi. si I . KJ ? Will e ..? .- I lU Uli ?? . It e ? ?? : , : ? ?'? ", '-'?:??? L'i t: Tra UsrV. A CENI ?'.NT MILL BUB? Kim:-ti'.n, Nov. 26. P.O. Norton'? extra sire ? ? and the iton ?. ed to tl :??! early thl lliuoei sti.- -?.. m 011 the Wsllklll tbs town o : .?.'?? the di ind the m ? hau left ? time before ii??? ni Imi ? I ? ? el ? oi eeiui u . ro? ? ?, a'i .' total io.- il ? ?: ?'? Uli ? HEAVY L088 l.N FRONT BTREET. ? fin broke ?>;?: on the socou<] Hour <-G t!n? fire-story butldln , ?ius. -.:?> an ? -'.? 11 ? d ??. bri di. 1 he building Is e ' orai ki r baki ; ? by ? ?barb - T. <? ? Im in .V ?? is, cloi ed at thai hour. The pol e alarm ... Bri I. e.l th?' l! ? .. ?.-> I.i ! ? . r lo ? ? ?? ? ?? I ? tat to tin im Ulini ? i ? uwui >i uj tii Qllbert ? stun?. A KEW-YOEK SCHOONER BU 1NEH. Bu iMOND, Va., Nov. 26. . 1 Crammer, wss destrejo thai iiormii'.' while lying al Wh key River, waiting to load with wood, Tbe fire ? ai.?.! m ?'.? fort ? die by ? ? 'eli bed been j Is? ? ?? near the si ; were badly burned. Thi Excri . was owned iu .? York. m ? : ?. 11 : BHOUMOFF, Lovdoh, Not. 26.?The death la ttntionnced of rie? Behoumofl, for dm . Ii.I ?. A 00TTOK PACTORT l>\"l '? CHSsmt, ?'\?, Nov. 26.?The ? ? a aoUoa factory of ?. RiddM * Bon. al ?len Uld<Uc,ln ti Isoouuty, sustained a dam ige ol |o,00 I by lit .? hi : evi Ding. NOVEL DI8PLA F IN AN tCMB l' ST0?K. Ehrieh Biothera djit? pinoed in ?!?<? ??*??????;?1 windowd their ?,ton-"a complete ndnlatnn drena, ?r.viiij: couth.nous daily |? rtoi I Ml to the m t. ?' o !. t, ii?.! only of mveril the of nil ?????, ,..'. r- and eoodltloaa in lit., who aoueUtnti the penaaaenl and leg! audience, but ahm of ? ? ehaagtng throng ol ttrhag youthful ipee! tore, who will view t via? It opens to-morrow. The pomp endetreu ef Barnnm and Coup are hi ? ? .- >. it of cas ? poiseneeked with haga; the ipaotatwia* hsatihi ? inioji tier 1?????? tier and filled Wlti the beany, rank and Isehlen el "doDdom." Then are two epadoni crowded with ridera, eWwaa, taaahtera and per formiug aufmalt ? head la gorgeona naif unas ol und gold dianoti moa tllenl muele, v.-i.n.? aronud rhtsra, tambi?n and rings s stately proee* Ion movi 1 ..? ? ....?, . . ? ... ? _? , i?j 17 .? ' ?U ?'?' ??!.?. I bis ?..?.I.e.' lu? ??. . i.i tWO lllllTs Ul- I ..' ?. ? '-III . ? itiuci-'i, so that smple spaei UtaDordedfi the various ? .? lonusm ? - ? ?. . . costerna* an great. Thi Is noticealii??. Kiue Judgment ia -...?. t.n.? li? ne ot ol the ?. n. ? ? sets. Che ui ? uulli '?' . st. am und .d mio n ir dr ..... . I ., . : ,. ' ? I I. ? II. ., a. chariots, .. . ,, ?,,, I I La, Ih Di...mi are le m uniformiti . : ? , . . u] ? .? ! ? ? . . It le ? reU .. , -,o in?, hooiUv uucuiuu ui tnvs uno *??? lati e THE STAR? ROUTE REPO MR. OIB80F8 OF ? nut ???G. CXd ??? ? ?II'. ?., raxu r?, acnira aTTonjm .. WAraumros, No?, 2T -The to "'? n0 ' ? ii ???? : POSI Orni e ''" PARTUI ? ?, > WAfumOTOM, ?>? '' . Nov. ?! ?. 1811. s p.m?: I here received f; ? lentil,dit Ol .1 ?- Il e a ??? Ion..:: ? ? ?' . Ol . tu -t itestli . lelt upon ni -. mur \iti.|1le? '.I :. noi un . iu the Chief < Ieri. ? ? tie ? th ?? he e ? Ima by enti une thai be bai acted wir).. :? Inst rnetloi -. flow ? -,i r, l dorn H " opei t ad It ? . iow who h ?'?' t" ?, that, o.? an?, othi r thin to the ut th..'Attorti' ?. Hein G? I. ? ? ? ?' a ? hieb wa transmit ted mi We . m-t.. ? ,leeoni.?.li: I : ? !.. Honorable the Acting \< ? rnej Oi m ? il, l>e . ni ol Justice.' l em assured I , .1 at 2:3? ,'. m. : ? ds uni ila . ?ve ? , il t.. the <?? l< w, m lie m,.ten thai ) ou were In your ree. . d 1.ned It to i i t.. the late Attornej ?? lenernl and approved by him, and by his direction and the iitcgee? . ? olonel <" i>r ??- r. : -. t ii e my was tran? milted to ???u ? ? ' ?' ' ii:i " art, ?? ?. accordance with ? io instruction? ? ? pre li ? ?. ? unit to von some ol the resulti ? ? have m idi . ?? ... ..? ? .:? the I .,K. -! ?? ? ? loin i stand tha hi had wen yon Ini ? m itterand at j our requeat bad oommuulcated with me ootht ?.'.e fin, ? ??: k flirtili ? t there Is nothing of record iu ? ? 1) ? en J Ilei to ? itbiniro the title appended t.. . . tunt-.Wtor ??.- tor the Uni ? il <tnte? I have lo ? ? April 22, 1881,1 ?as employed by the At? tui uei '- m ral al A tu ?? ?? ? seul t in?. i> variaient ol Justice and to . in.. Stigatlon and ' : ' ' S''"' ?., a,,? can It ti proper for me to state tiii- employa? ni was u olici ed by ? : 1 he tbs: mien lew I ever hid ?. ? .Attnrncy-?? or iln r . raion I ? g.????? ?? Mie Mar itoule ir.un.s ?? ?? ??. Ih'? residence ut ?.. :. ,.i,l-l. 'Inen? were present the Attorney-tinners!, '"" t'ostinasti i?-,,encrai and Mi. Woodward. The An.j-i.en, ??..? Informed me that mj services as in.? representative of th? Dspartmenl "i .In dli e ware desired in thi I I.cution of the ?stai Route cases thai dr. Wood and Hi. ? . ? ?,, ? ; ,\ bad p ?????? tin ? aij , ?? Dt ?.? .ii?? President,ami that si tusrrquestbe I.turn I in?? to be t '. ;??,. I tou V .. . oi.. Ine ?o ci?,,,? li,?,,.. I lo i (lie AttOI ? Bmployiiieul was sanctioned bj the Pn-aldcnt aud I could be retained us a spi , I would accept. ? ?,m ,. ?,. ? me ? ? , ,?.? ibe Atfoi nej Hi uenil, 1 . . ? ?..-... o. Uie ?.,?p???..-?,???.???.??, H "l was luformod by htm tbs , agreeablj lo ibi requis? ol Mr. Wood ward, and tbe reco ol lb? Postmaster ?..-,nia, ??.? i? approval "i ti.? l'le-inni, 1 waa G? tailed m tito CSSCS. i Mi|.,.o-e.l..?, , 1 nal 1 In ISCl ? ...ii I bud boon retained was ni.?ol ?.I In the De? partment olJ ostico. I learned ul'.-? ?; ? IH I.? ili lUgll 111? A.l.utiev Ul In l'ili waspo .ti?e he hau directed the cnsl.arj forms c ....11,1111.. ..lion to ?..? adurc-a ed to nie. Upon in<|uir? be aim 1 that this bad inn beau done, and thereupon in- - ed ui? s inne under date ol 11 .? J-, H?l, Id which m- says: "I eertainlj supposed n bad been dons a? of the dato ol men requi? iMr. >'..I ward aad in. l'osi lerailtoiDalrffect,Aprilitj,le?8l.and ? . ;. ?ni ? ,.,.?, not.? t... . rtlfj ' bal .. iw wei ? ace ? uin :lv emploi , ma. date." r*rum ?'???? . . J. ? llave .o .el In tbe caps il. lu n un :> 1 wa* retained u io repn in Uepai imeni of .1 . ico. iii on? m,?!,. .? m ilio invitation ni ill. Attorney ?? ??., ? have .n ran. times reported to ?. in I ...... ?? ..? ? lit? naie ot tUe Attorney-conerai issi il ? tant Ait,.? ?????? . - -...u o,, blu ? ? ? lai a -?- attorney? employed bj ion sail all others ofll dlyi Star 1.Oillc ? ' ??>> of (??,? report ? I to j ?>? on tbe ??.id fu.ituig uioiin; Douerai, w si pis ed In ?. tas 1'iMtaiaitai Uvuoral,to wbum a ? ,?.? .?.,. ?.- request ... -t .:? ?! ?. ,t tin? Attorni.. ttem nal ? . . Tbs ????? ?. .ini.... - ?. e ? ?. ? 1 1, , ? ... : , ? . . Cl,, . I" Davi ... I after tha repul , ral. ' ? ? ? . ? .1 bad | ? |*u . ? , ..?? ni the , I li..U (I.) me in V ? ? .? ? . , ? . led ni. t...?? , . ? ? ? . . : : 1 ? ? witu,. ? noi ? . ? ? ? It .... . .1 ! ? ? nil ' I ?1.1? ? ? ? Washi.' mo*, D. ? ? ?. ?. i ? ? ? ?, ? :.i n, j. ip ? Ii Up ili . > ? curds, and \. ... <? un , ,,,, . ?...?? Is ?.? ? . Hi I, I) I.I. ? ? ; ? . ? A ? inc. " in t n n ioiia ol ? . . ?. ,?? r.puri, a . ? ? ....?. ?? i.?, r, m hu - a ? . , Il . .||, ,| ,,? '??. li ..?. reu am upon : ut Uli ? im ?>, , ',? ? : Im eu n.. ?, .... . lb ?-.:.? ..??..! ??...? a in the . . , ' 1 lie con? . ? . Muti ?,', w ? . ' re'ei Istwl? iuj if ??,,? , ? - on? ol Iln ? . - | ? Ih< btal io?? by yta to the ? , laud, toe ? occupied by the siili |uft upon tin :..".?? ? .,. |,,..,,, ?., nr ??? ? ? ? m ? Ibai tbe publii uuoii m , n.,?? mu i, .m . i ? ? reached ?l.l.l m -I 11 in ? e ' j .,,, ? ,,,, ,, , , . ?(. " ? "?"' u" tpn ?slims li ?? ? !|??? pas? ge.. . ...,? ,..?, , ?liJ ,. ? ."i . ? Ini ????. ? . 1,. ? ? ". ' ? : t i"ii Wo.., ? e.i'i ? , ions. ?),, ?,,, ', lavoranti of ta? luauei m , um al torn. 0f tbe noon 1.1 ti ai lie WOUlu m., (cal lu ?ou (.,?1 ,, ,'...' ,! ..??.on il In ,mu,,?,? .,. . uni ? . (b< Uhi U< ?sin. U) and tu r ti.en me ,, ,. wed be pub!.ad. vm Wero ??{ ?? any p???? to Ibis o., ri u< ... bui .,? . ,,..'? '7 lo ?he lo-t ? ?? :.. iwrimeiit, a.), Uatl ?e u ? :<i lo my at? '?? Il n m ..? . ? t ,! ? ' ., .' , ? ?? ,?,. ... ? ? o: iu pul? ??,.,,, io'- star Boni? prosecution, fjpuu lui. ??,.?.? I \? - ??' .<? ?,.ned , ,?' , ,. ? Vi rj G. ;,. . Ill>ll.>, .- I pin, , ,, Aclin?.' Aliono.,, ,.',? BEF0UE TUE QUAND Jl.UV. \\ asi?im.ii. -, Now, 2&??John u. ?lminii b.<... ? m .... ?. ? .???. '.le?, W. I?. Burba e n'ici k m ?,? e, ?. ?, ? ?.-?. r, a form r mall .?iicl.,1, and ? ??. i.ioi-oli ,?,? . ., tue tirsud Jar) lo day. ? I thai ?... Ir Mstlssony ?. bUed to ? ? i-o??? . bul .. timi t;.? -. orni u il l'homai I. J mdi ' ni Criminal ? II ? ?,..,. torLuley. _______w____ _ I I ? ? ? / . ' ) Eire hcoke I I . .... ?il.lini augnai liad I ani.?',. o , . . . . . ?? il? 110 \, c-wto',1 ..?? ny two or taroo li.iud \. , POft I allunai Tito firemen il of the fire. It was in the trimiiiing.i I r ,, ? ??,, ou the tilth lloor of a :?iur fonr stories ol which were . -, wick ami Balks Conrpan] ? total s noant <>f bi \. .t r -?- -. ? ?? tal ! a' . leo * - up ?:? the I.nil.ling. COLUMBIA 1?7.V.S* AT FOOTBALL? ? DEFEAT FOR THE l'KNXSYLVAM Y MEN, : | ?;! \?? ? T.IK MCI) ATTHK MI.U QWOCNM 111.1.... ? ' ?IX 18 -II.'. ..---A t.AMK Will. ? Tin: - iru> a chance to njODT. Tour rutiliti poUoomeii with drawn olnbs kept the pu Mie psass from betagbrol M J ?'*'? rd ay ufter Booo Qroands while sD Ike stadeats <>r Colmai,la Oo - I tow from the ?,?.?????? o? Pennsyivar, I I iroogn the snrrow < titt mes and a break f?>r tlie main stand IS see the football loamsfrtrml sslt ob e.ich sebera* seeks sad coll?e t m earth. Tho CoUnnhla team had mnssnrrtl its itrength wtth t! e three leading eoHsge tentili? and had eonm oet of the tomb} a little th ; r. The striped l'ine uni whits Jeissys sad the variegated hose of Oolumbts bad lost tluir pristino '. igt i ned ami totted with the mad of msny , stood oat In marki ? oontrsst wito the hnnmco late tig ?? so ? itrtped boss of the University of Pi nnsyl? vanta. The mem beri of the tatter team had not epent the fall in pion 'hin , tho mo ? of ? ariosa athletic ?oaads. Boi both is .us played as tntersetlog gsme, and more tbao one spectator was heard to ramark, "That's foot? ritb soma vehemoaee the drei word The say wae s 8ae one ? w nie , ? ,????. Several ? oaobi s i-.-o-ii bearing the colon of the eentesttag ooUegee, and laden With lady U and t . ir e* irte, occupied positions opposite tbe stand, while boglen and itadenbi with tin home reni tas air with ?, ry smtaaeholy and Ingahrtoastones ?; 8o*siosktas leas sad leak repra? ;?, m "t I'eim .yivtni-a i.oiii.d In tbe middle of the u .-i-.i.i ? bop, step and a lamp The Colombia team, wblob ii 11 air.?.??, taken Its plaoe ob the held, looked at ? . .??? t.on of gymnastics with festtags akin ta pi.asar??. Tin? BSUSl "funny work," as a bystaader called it. between Jadgm and referes followed und tho p.a? hOgSn Were the players : ? .?:. ot Pennsylvania Itnsbers: Fleaton,Sobell, ? ?? ? ?, I ,?-, al ?, Brail ford; half 1.1 k- M.ia.1.1, ?, Kemak (Contain), Perot; bask? liawkea. Columbia Colle??Bashen : Plshhurn, DeForeet, Po . ? Idi ?! - . - .? ? m ??, ' u .1. , Wheeler? Hein.., Morgui; quartej back, Lawsou; bach, Wll u The ball was mated by the University of Pennsylvania aad slowly followed ap by the nahen of that ten o (toad tackling aad kn kiuu- kept the leid lively fer rese? ti ne, and the BdVBatSgB SSCI.t to be with the lVnn-yl rsalahoya Ostambta thought to soon sa easy rletory, aad appeared surprised at t .-way in-r opponenti skip pad aroaad the aeld aad kept the ball Is their posses mon. Pennsylvania kept tin- ball stam hf tts Ootambts E id kmly sa Inspiration sels d lbs Colombia men, moi Mo?aa, hai lag sssttred t be ball, started iiio-1? OV m to ras asmas the Bold To ths epsstatess be looked ? ? tormlaed to ptout that hall bask of tho Psaasylvaals coal. Batet sas hall ras ss apparently hai nil? ss ? oUBg BtaS Irma I be "ti , r -nl.? wound his.-inns around Morirau's ueok, aud botb ? ibbed their nosm la the mud, whlli their feat p.ou.i-,-,1 tbe sir. This ex? ,, tumbling aas followed by several good play-. ? ?lie Pen . ,??,?,? team, ?,?.,-?- a good ? .a ..;. ? .lumbia ?....?. I., tuta timi ;. r..? ini ..? tin PoloUrounds s is ? o eit awaj In larga plaalenoutb? ouoe wbito -?,?> ol botb lea ma. and the .1- carri? ? tbe api otatoi - li ?? ?> to the dayaofbo bo i ind mod pie*. Tu? wholi inning \? ,s Intereatl .. aad uia o- some excitement amon^ tlie sp. .? talora, oho wolte tbe boIiom ?? ? li their obeen aad ?? ? ? ,? a, :? ? .? " The Pennsylvania boy? did tluir lo ?? ?-? work In the Ont Inning, koepiug the ball el. to tbe ? oui ? - u tau M ue. At the explre > fort) ii.? ? o.iu!. ? time was called, in uh. r sida Luvlng aoored, aud so safety-tooeb-dowus bavins; boas lo.ule. ?g the int.-no?-:,m the crowd xathen I around ? ,..i..?. -< i.t tbe ?? lilt] ? roll I I . . iifl aud foliowe l II up ? ..(..?. .? the hull aud made a daab fortbi lYuu? M .? alia ?.'" ??. Wbll I . ? ? ti il an ? sbolli u?. enty un u rulli d lllil.I. i .1? ?.?.. m . ... I ? .olii .ir io ii, Pen ? m!. Then lo r - ? :? lo Iba ? r ?. ?? or 1 u .. mi, Mol , touch? r ? . I . . : I I t ?? Ili .1 ?? ., i.t II . , , . . . I ??? k.-p, IU I ? ? Il up > gol ? l lo HI, clever : iole-. u ball back .. ., ? . ? .. tei e\ : . . ? |o?.edl>| ?"' '" - ? ?. , ..? ? ? l . ... \ . .li , ? a. IU ; aud . ... h a ? I. .idilli? ? ? ... ?? , .. ., ? .? .? opp m?>, _,, |i . . .ol il .... UO| Ul oo un: JrU? a\h ? ? G. Washington, Nov. 2?.?The following ebani ? Uesuf oilb ,-rs ol the Corps , bave ii.-eii Biadai Captain Charlea ? ?. ?. Da vu to r??; mil ??> totter to the ?... m . mi ??.:,) M ' U (tot ? r of the li u,? Lighthouse HI-1 rief, i-elle? In?; Major Jo. ? M \. rj no.? , Capi ?ni Daniel G. Efeap relieved from.'.. enlaseuglni.of the io:,? Ughi, ami iti ilio expiration of the |??:,ve ol almenes. . m m ?,, report bj lettor m the Chiol ol Bnj ; l'uni ?. ? uh ? -ni ih?- ?'t? K. Blaghain relieved ir,.in vita tat battallos "' .u, a??.s, aad to report ta Major 8/1 Itam ?. Klag si Cha taaooga, Tenaseeee, fas duty, nini, ? m- Inmediata ordere. < apt.un dimos ?.. Villini, ordaaam Oepertateat, nei bass sppstatad to aet as tospsetor as sertaln hospital property si (falso. New \?r*. Bear ai Btlral Qsorgi ?. Batan, sssaamadtag tho ? ited ?' "? ? ni?.? f.? on the hutas, was ai Caitos, Para, ? ?'u?. ila? Pmeaesta, ou Novembei '?'? "e reports thai as the 87th <>f ? ),|,,11 , ?.,- ??. ?... ? ? ,1 tbe Alaska and I oui., I ?G,-r in ???,-,-? ?,?,? con ?? ". ??'1 her crew ??ere found to ?-- ??-.-ii h suoi " Oc ? ? ?Hl ? bali h Um? will I' fi- Bolivia ?? : l'ini!. , lus|N ? led ou Uotober !ll. 8he ??as m ou . and a? r orew I drlj lustrile ? .1 In tbi Lr , . ponalble, ooustduring tbe large number IH lui .. s .1.11 . . ? : I . r. ? u ? ,,?,? lu ? ? of the ..m.-eis mid men ,<<i iiiuui ' roo ?. ?oaur John W. Stewart and Ensign Chartas ?. ame? cho .??. io i.,e li.-, ? .n; Lieutenant Beaton H.1.1 r ??-: ???. u-1 from tho Hydrographie Office aud ? to the Ot : ? wuimm P. Lou ,,,?.,. . ? ota au ? ordere ? to ? ?,, -?, lau Frai B. Ca? -.- Un I .? mouths ? '.?\ " of al ??? Sorgi ou Klebai ? .tabi rldKC detaoheil froui '??. ? ? ? .? . u. ? iber 1, ami ;iiaee.i mi ??al' ni: u u.-.-i Leo I?. Miner iletacbed from Un Alllanm anu ordered t.. tue ?? the Rot. !*r. Josiah Whitney, who died , . . ? ? ' . ' tea .?p? lo.?| ' . ' ' . '?Ili ? - o ?, lila? I,.,.., ? ? piti . ,[ solini ? ? tableau's ; otort to m . for Job . i??- Lanar, ime of Un. Aie.tin,.. LOCAL MISCELLANY. ??? FRI-F.PORT MURDER MYSTERY. TTSTTMiiNY ??????) AT THF. IVQt'l? S ?TIIYIMO TO (???? THAT THE DEAD w.-van WAI ??? ti tnx Tlieiinitr-ston tlin remains of Hie WOtneo found in tin? at Freeport, on Annusi 26, which are non believed to be thon of Ella Clark, tin? victim of malpractice, wna eontinoed by Coroner Dent?n at Freeport yesterday. There was a large attend anee of tbe rendente of the village, it Ik understood that Important testimony wo?J I bo given. Distric'-Att.irney Downing WM ?Tesen, an 1 examined tin? wit m - . \ KUen afilla, the fini witness, said that she Uwed ut Dut. li ?? ils, Long Island City. Her testimony WM M fi?llo?vs; My husband I? a miohman. G have beep married tfsylast. Prior to my marnage ? lived In Stan? ford, Conn., with dtfTerent famillei I rorfced fm- Mr. Brnoha at Rtamfordfor four months. Ella Clark lived there ut that tini?. [WMthecOok und Ella til" Wah> ii?.--. [ waa not acquainted with Ells before golugto Brooks's to live. I was acquainted with 'he cose John ?peoeer, before ? went there. After ? had been there p short tini.? Rila t dd DM that slic WSS Ilatrici to r. 1 asked Sponsor il t! ?vas true, and he ? ? ed it. Ella thonirht a irood deal of Spencer, bui he rill not appear to think mneb of her. she was lesioni ot him nini me. and 1 left, the jilaee on that account. ? ????G saw anv person paying attention to i:ilu except Spi Ella told me thai ana had been in Mr. Bm over six years I never mwKlle und Spencer goout '.. t except once. We occupied luuereut lleco Ins apartments, spencer slept down itatra, it ?vas about tWO weeks after I w? tit I" mt< Brooks'i that Ella toldraethat she was married to ? enoer. Spencer proposed marriage to me in Deeem? 10, while living at Brooke's leaked himhow mani wlveabe ?ranted i?i"l be replied.u? " I told him that ? Ella, and he swore ih;tt he waenot married to tier and never would be. BUstold me mat ? did not ?vaut nie m the house, ? mid Mr. Brooks of Spencer's proposal of marriage to in??, f Knew in Janu? ary IsM that Ella was in trouble. Hbe inquired of me abolit, a doctor and I told her to go to Dr. ko.? ell. When she returned ihe t ?? ?'. me that the doctor told her to > u again, and if she did noi feel better ihe would hare to oomeagain. I afterward called at the doetor*e and he ??,'? m.? that. Bun wished an .ration performed: he would notdoll and she had fone to some hospital in .????. York, ? inni? seen Ella ery when Bpenoerspoke to her i.ii.riiv. I left Mr. Brooke's employ on March 27. Did not heir of Blls'l leaving Mr. Brooks'i until June Ii I when aa officer came to my bouse iti'intrlmr about her. Ulla Wl s alio ? tv en' v-c'clit v?ais of age; she won false upper teeth. Bhe had a Indi forehead and wore deep " buiiirs" that nearly ? ? ? lt. ?? r fa.?,? was narro??? abont the chin but plump about t!,?? ceci ; l,.r cars were |?!??p????. leit si.?? did not rings, rhere wai no mark or soar on her boi r, or deformity. Bhe wore s No, 2 ihoe, and weighed about i:ni Ella told me n ien I left Stamford'thai ihe ?-.mild ? ou?e t., New-York to li??? in tin- t ? ?. in a visited New-York twice in the four months that I Mr. Brooke's on both \ir.its Hm? called mi a Mrs. Kenne? dy. I knew of Ella's receiving lotter? Bhstoldmei ey werefr.aman named lietints Croaln, of Rev-York, She did not. sai e ? them. .lohn S|,'licer lesinimi lint In? fand known Ella Clark sine? June 16, l*?^?. El'a wi-ni t<> Stamford about Novi-aber 22, 1880. He only knew of Rlla'i going to no?,? -Vi rk on hi rownot Mrs. Brooke's business. He did noi know that Klla wna m trouble until be wsaleavingllr. Brooks'? employ. II?? continned : Mr. Brooks t'l ? me that Buen Valone (Ums) toi ? him that ? was iiiiiMiid to Ella l told htm that It wai dot so. I did not aa] in th pr?s ? . of Ella that I \. a-tint manieii when I proposed marrtajre in Ellen If alone, or at sui time I am not married. I aia not acquainted ?liti Mr?, Eennedv. >>1 win. ? ? have b< ard lilla ?peak. I rut letters for Ella from the Post Office frequently. I sever weal out with her eicspt onoe. Ineverbeard until to-day that ibe woi 'a ?. th. I h ard nothing . .? ?. ? ! .a alter she Lit Mi Brooks'i m, ni 1 wai trido? away, oaJulj is ? never reosived or wrote a lettor to i-ola, limi she :.??? ? r told me ? hai si ? .? si m troubla Lawrence Clark, n brother of Ella, testified that lie ?vus emp o ml in | lie c te.l"i'!'?' i?e ?...tine ni "! I e ? ?; Piad Office In New-York. H??, bad never that Ina -ist . wai inaine,1. She earns f?? New? York on Mav 'j. list, end went to Mrs. Ken's. No. 327 Kasi Twenty-eeventh-et. tibe told li ? p ? thai ?be would ?top al Urs, Kennedy's for a ?' eck or f >. Il?? told her thai it wa ? noi a ver nice plie for h r tu rest herself, but tbat she should go to ini acquaintance, Mra. i". rke*a, ai the would do better. She did not go there, ami sul tint sin? would go to no person ? house thai ine knew. The witness did noi she was iu tro ???!??. He ?aw her aaain on Hnj '^ : ? ie then told Id m that s'i" ??. is gninir to Dr.Thomas's,No. 107 \Vi I r.irty-seveiitli-st. She told hi all there for throe or four days, The wltme* had ?*en the ?!'??? tot thn ' or four times, lb S'insorteti day* after he last Haw hoi be cal Dr. TI m is's, and li il e or li him ??? it be nul ??,-r. till?! ??;:* t ?>?? ? I lur hnshflU ! tolo < i ir*: mill ????<? ili - ? ? a ? ; ? ? . ? - ? uo.iiea : : ,. In ?. The Wl ? i 'umili, bul ? il ho ?. I-? co :. - to he pr ? ni attui ' dnst tliom, and tin : quest was adjourned mbject to the call oi li..? 1 ? ! V" [DEN !' \; ? IEA. KDtl 1 .??!? ???G??. siili'?THF. . ?M-nlll? lev. ? ??? i. nnan ship, Captain Missen, which arrive?! : . ? ? ? , I ..? 12,000 cii . i ? 12,000. r - is ? ;:; to ? bui ??a? valued al f&?,??? nti owned rmorly ? ?. --.el. anil was called the II ||S I a ? ?. ? of ? eli Ine 11, Dilli her CSp1 lin'? ti. ine ??. as Oliver. Tb I ' I lei I nty-onn daj - ? r?.. \ ? ni ? ; . io. "?? ili .t lav, .'?? tomber *J ?. ? nini imi " . . the Salai waa ni ? ??.,'1'i:' indicating th il ?ho liad I ne ? [od? ig kept n?? lime, until finally Cn ?tain Oliv?! ? > ??? >t bis ? --el ??.,?!! leaking b oily, an I I - tonili il ?? r' In r with the ? ' he lleslvi L bove to, and ? ul d tor 1 lie ? v, ,? of the Sala ? to tu their boats. Instead of ?loin* this, ( t?i .?ver suddt nly ran bis I utcn I iiiK to jump un im til th ? h hie um a. Fur .? m e e ni he ; v. ?? together in 11 ? n ? - ;?, unni Ih . of t he lleil v. ig sin ? ?' ; ?, g? (ting bla \e -? :?\? ay, I ? ? ' -??:? ivi '!?'.' in | ?,I ol the rosi uer. A it the ?. ? ted, ? .?, uniti Uli ver tried to lower a boat, but ? :?? with one ol bis m ??, Jo ? t'ai ?>. Aboli' l:3U p. m., as ?t ??.::-. tting dark be \? ? id w aa Increa .1 lus ? oftti ? e reseiied. . ? ? n,' ae. iillllt ? , lie waves, ami il ? ? wi m were saved. ? j . >uuu t, ? ??;,. , , . threw one end oj ? to the mon in the II ebont. ? bey then il into the water, and were pnlledin. The is n oi ?; niUM :i i'.iK tbfl iln? sfitti left ; int. \? was mi laal ? ".My ti??!,' said Cantata Wissen, a weather? be l'eu I lei ?Ul ?, ?. ,? I ;.l , lo I i BIR1 ? "? ras tbu ImuI when wo sheered ? ?? uiiiol the trough ol tbe sea m which the Salas \v ? ? IVI I.I. ?. li il 11 '.? '?? ??, . l'I . eleil ? ?-.:.. tu hour la ibi noi im, e m ...?.. ? n men. They niade their rosoni il.inculi because they kept 1 Uowing u? a ii we were going to leave them. They wanted to be . tienr us and the ?-.irei ti.e butter. Tin il rig wi ? Injured al all." Iln? steamship busto, Captain < "? >11 in ir. which lei I Una pori on Wednesday, returned yester? day. ?'n I . .??? lay at 1 \? !mu about . n. ?.?, east of Sandy lluok, her crank broke, l'io? ?toaiiiahip l'liorn Hohne, of the ?; ? S i.i Line, Captain Brown, from Now>Yoi ? o London, name along shortly afterwar J and t ?ok ber in tow. The hawser broke several ttmueon lb ? wn> back, causing much trouble and dolav. The damage to the Dago m alight) und sin? will atari a. am in ? bu ii:? , . ? m? iJrilirtii ?????' St. I.Inn?, Captain Uli Us, nr ltveil yesterday from Aqttia, after ? voyage of ? went y -foni dava. Seven uayi woal of Cape Henri ehe eueountered vnrj eevere winter galea, iu which .-.e?.. iai ol her mila were enrrmd nwny. Till: AJIEBICA2) BOOK EXCHANGE RI PBOnuOT plac? ?? DJ mil iiA.\ua uy a uk 01 lVLIt. The embarrasemeni of the American Book Kx chauge ol No. ??'?? Broadway euluiinated pester? ii.iv Iu thenppolntnwnl ol Sande P. Uandafl? ceivei by Judge Donohne, ol mo Supreme Court, on the appUoatiou o? ?.. I>. Hack, li hue been ex? ;? I that auuh a coursa would have to be takeu, a though u woe hoped that a syndicate of tin? largest creditoi -, ? bioh has been carrying the nom? foi nino time, would be ahm to oriugii out of its trouble; Inn mm oi tin? mailer crediti ? begun inita, on attachment was leaned ami a ji?! puent nbtntnml, end it ??a.-, thonghl best by un porsous?iu rusted to have a receiver an? ilsotbatall the croditors uitfhtsharoi lim ?xchaugo a ? . that it was tuoorpor? aid ..?.??? li I I. I 'T\ ??n.ia c ipital ;ilin o. ,. ne ? i ??,???) W.S paid III. 1 lie utl'i . ? apital >? ais ???!?- seed January 14,18S0. tolKlOO.O?O 1.1 which $JU.0U0 was paid In, ?(?1'0.?00 cash inni ^ni.iiiii? m iie.eity, Hier statementsbowiua .,.? its i" Ihoainouu | .,-,.?.,?.?? iU ,iu? ,,.?.._ ( ,u. ' : ' I" ? .a. i ? ?? to ,,?..,D.O.).?, aud th? n animal ', tttl.j April 21 ihowed that ????.??? bad been puid in ?r ?.???,???.?;? cash and flO.OUO propertj und ino sJUatiug ..ii?? dui ?.oc . ,?.,? f 114,000. 1 DO ??.???'??.?. SUI ?? . cl..l lo Ih.? le, ueSS Ol .e Alileu, ?? no Ih l,.... iu tuia < ?..? a ,a old , , ld ne "ci , ? years the traneaetii .. , med I'M', . . in the a ??.? .m o? m. de te, ia pub li .1 ?.. ... ...... ... i ., , ,,, ,,?. 1.?? ? obli "..? ..n-. ? volimi . ?,.: o;..?.La ?Ul. Ora NVa-i lo!.?,,, ? by , al ? ? sto ? n.? public n<?!.. . A m alomen ? to ?tcwhhohhHca, Lhwoiuber 111, l?t?O, allowed Habttitiee, $239.572 ??; cash on hand. $-',012 25: bill? receivable and aocounts dne the :?\, KH.268 ?in. It is said the eonipanv nliont the first of ion? year declared a dividend ot $10,ooo, The stockbol On, could have had ?ash, but nearly au tis-d the dividend to take up additional ?tock. Tlu? time for fi in r the annual statement for nun expire I before it ?ras filed, ami it is said that t;w tni te. s maybe considered individually liable for the d?lits of tip? corporation. .Mr. Alden said yesterday that w'lotherornnt the basine ; m a d goon would depend on the receiver, It was probable that tbe creditors would make some fttrati .a? in? it to iro ahead, ?w it was toi r own fatereste, and all had expressed their wUlfrm? ness, ;is iar as heard from, tor a continu itimi of ta? buatnesa The equitable ssseti were sunpose4 to hf Milli teilt tO C'Ver till? 111 ?elite.Im-SS. ? Illeetjnif of crotlitors would be bold as h on as a statement could be prepared? probably about tho middle of tue week. _ THE STRIKING (PUR-PACKERS. Tbe ci-.r.-ir-p-.i-k rs trita left Straiton &. r^torm'i factory last weak are determined not to return to work until their demands ?re met. Tbe linn Is equally ss determined that tltey shall not tome back i.i ? body, but i.s willing to take hark a frnv of tli.-in if tbey con.e an new inen, an i not in the ca? pacity of fonin-r emptoyea A reportar ftalUd at tu?? neadqntftenoi the strikers in TOint-iv??. egg, terday, and foaad most of tho tasa loan playing sarda, drinking beer. and am pai, .nl? sal.HU -.1 ?villi theiripresenl ? ?iriditi.???. S. rag members had just been to the factory and had ten? dared to the traasarot of a benefit fond the weekly amount due, but he bail refused to take one cent from them, statina; as his reason that, secordhig ta tho constitution goreming the msn and their ess. ployi rs, while tbe men are 0:1 a strike tbe " tionsol the benefitfnndecase." What that meant theoommittee did not kii"?v, Ii u it wae ant is tied that the legal rei.lineili, ut? bad been fulfilled. Bach one ol the itnkers yesterday was twid ?15 fjOm a fund collected in Tarions tobaeoo factories, and was promised this smonnt weekly fur ssreral weeks. The amount whtah sash packer m ti, toryOOntribatoS ta tie; ben, lit fumi is live cents;? week. lobe reporter also calici ?it tao netsryaadsaw Sir. Straiton with reference to bis leiusuu; to ac? pt the weekly dues. Por an answer he ritan i ? printed constitution. Mr. Straiton was very ei m iii.-* condemnation of the leader? of the >ti :ke. a id 'aid : " In order to eateh up ??uh the work ??>? been obliged t<? hare all our mea outside of um pachi ig-ruoms remain Idle to-day aad on Mon ley, ib.s throws 1,700 persons out al employment fot two daya ? uder no consideration will we r<?? [va bask the striken. We bars filled their pinces, and til?? new men are do ng nieely. Why discharge loyal men to make room for those who' hare nivea us .so ma. b trouble, ami are Ufcelf to .,o mi b! any time f (te are shipping; every dav over 200,000 ciuurs, nearly SS many H we made when the rentar Inn,Is were empio our weekly pay roll form r.y average?! sooat 918,000, fhis s/eek it UonlyflLOOO. And ss no ? ? ing alinosi astimeli work a.s bciore, tao lass is not on our sole." ?? w bat ab .ut Lena Babaah G" " I never saw ber, bnl learn from the foreman I lilt when sin? heard that ?/7 ,,,,.? ii;i.j Htruek besanas ?he was employed here sas left bor work and ha? norer returned, noterea to ?it her pay. The strik? ers have'pickets ' nanajinyaround tue faeton ??? watch deveiopmenta, and, it ig said? Lena L* airaid to come bete." THE BB00KLT1 READT TO SAIL. Thesloop-of-wsrBrooklyn, the new nag-ship of the \m-in-ati squadron In tho South Atlantic, 1.ft ? 1?? fard .e-tor.lav ami arrnhorad off Kibe's ; I. sin? will take in bar ammunition to-morrow and sail ia the middle of toe weak tor her statina, relieving the present nag-snip al Bio Janeiro. Tho Brooklj u is said to be eqnal i<> a new reami? having been entirely rebuilt and supplied with cow boilers sad machinery rince ber retara from tur?os two yoanajo. Ine following is 8 list of the saneen ? Captain A, VV, Weaver wnunaoding; Lieutenant? Coaimaudor, C. M Anthonr ; Lieutenants, C. 1!. 1 lili. It ??; ,???.?!! ree, W. H. beebee,J. J. Hunker and H.O, Handy; Paymaster, vT.Uoldsborough; 1 Iiiof Engineer, w. W. Dangani Passed Assistant Sur? gi ona, H. M. Mai tin and ?. M. steel??; l'a -.?? ?1 ? toni i?ngineen, ?>. r. Qowing sud 11. Schnyiet t i.. : Midshipmen, J. hVCahoon, C. S. kip l?-y, 1. mi .wden,J. A. Boli, (i. B. Perry and A. U ? tel .'.'i.'iiie, r-. 11. J. Beech and W. a, Mo.iii; Chaplain, A. L Itoyoa? 1 -h; m:\\ oarbison at two pokis. The new garrison for Ports Hamilton and Watt? ??<?: ?.-. f.. ? ?, M, B, G and i), 1.1 I :???.?: li \r ili.t.. ' : ? ?. ? ' t'oli.;.el Jon.1 Hamilton, comminuting; sta g ?>?? t?. P. V..un u, t . .-. ?., Poet sui ?. . aunt , Po ! <? um terms ? ; i ral i.i iute .... Hills, l'os Adjutant. Light battery p.? notato, H. I . B re wet o; Puai Lieu en iuta, John M< J, 1. .-t,...,; ,-.???????? I.i-u.?nain, W. II. ( Batter] ?. ?.. .un. ??. V. \? ;. ? : l? r^? Inn: ?. i.. Wood ; Second Lieutenant, A.C. Blunt, tory C? ? ?'.ai ?. W. !.. N'a'. bUwdj t irai l.i. menant, il. .1. U iii. ; >? co 11. . 14.'AI t 1.. ?.. t'irai Lieutenant P. ?.-?- : r, commanding 1 1 us. Lien te ? an t, Jame* Curry; riecoud ?. . J. W, . . Pori Wad L?I ap ain, J. K. Brin il????: 1 irai Lieutenants, 1.. L ?. 1 aud I?. a. lini..?.t.-, THE VICTIM OP ? POBTUNATB aCCIDBHT. ,\ti -. ( r?.el ?.. -i Straight ?.'., 1 > it 011 prua , u .. ot the New?] ? road, near . I ut .? city, when s train ap^roaehod. ib ? ?.. . , whois lutti dent, did no sue erhear tuo tram. I ? ? sugli! :.--.? sud ?... iw ber ol t..o Irout ot the cugine. .??? -. t'ro?.? I, y ?? a . m.?.'? : .? noi itar? to nsoi s ...r ... .: 1 fall. Al ?.. ir? -, ;.,,? mil ii"?u ? - : ?!?? ??? tbe engine, tns traiu ?topped. Wl ,...?.. 1 ,, be discovered the I'igtitened wouiau. cms skeu '," the s docl >r ?.?as sum? moned. He declared thai she bad sustained only blighi external injurie?, l; u feared, however, tnaa ..i.ui Isiujundtnl maly, Kits waste an to her liiiiii? 1 , , IHK ( (?MIM; TAJUFF CONV?NTI??*. [' National Tariffi ?>? reni ion, s hieb i* to be held iu :iiis citi this week, will be called to ufdri si ,? 1 on on lues ?a, at 10 a. m. rhemoruing will be dt 1 otod to pei Ci-cting a ? Kation. William D. Kell, y will sp igb i 's not decided al what tim . Petos ? u.ri. r and Thnrlow Wee 1 will also pr ibably ui.,^e sln.rt :i?lure--^-.s on that ?lav. 'li higan will the large ?I delegation in proportion to its 1 aud iu this will be Uovemor Jerome and tbouiM VV, Palmer. Ilanr of tho dolegations bave ei 1 1 ., is at.he SkAicholas 11?? ?i, where ?iw u u,uarten ol the ? oorenttoo wiU in?. ?? APPEAL r >B LKTTEB CABBIEB8. The anxUiary corps ol letter ha -1 mi I ta ? Belting tor au 1 , 1, ?.?.., pay, i u?? . arri?is m this els re ? ? dutj from 0:3Oa.m. lo 7 p.m. I hey are obligea, to fur? ...? imitoruis s \> ??'', ? >??>? ., :.,????,' tonds a .d to compi] ?.uh various other exaeting r menta,in return foi which taej gel onu ^?'mj year, a snm nardi] I to parchase ini oeces? m nos oi m?? at present pricoa LirTiY JESS IS IS AS AEMORT. Au saunas' to the 7th Befdasont haa boati ton ... e 1.1 -?. , ..? Is tas shape ?>i - ESaatS tai ?, 1 ,. u, bi I last night it opened tbe season hj .? tori sui gaines to the armory al Potuta-ava. sad hlxty-slxta-et. Tbsm wt re twelve 1 oarl ? arranged m the taras ?itili bag, and ? a. u S as o. sap ed t>> Its SSSSpleUI? lit iH 1>1??.?. rs. .Xiiinttg tbe ptaj ' ? ??<?.'?' M ?"ral la .les, '.vliii .?|?? s.une i.f , ??. bSSt playing of the eroi og Tnsfssss wae the regular laws tentili?, aithenl the lawn. AH members of the mghnsal ai?,? I'UglbU) to membership '" i "? association. i..e conno will be In operation on hatarday sftemoous .. d i-niiiKs. i-.-i ovoaing there was a lergs auiubersc 1, sis present, who watsheS the gasms, or msj ? 1 ?iiULieiH rotane ?? the srsssry? PLATINO, ol E TLB T???8, Tb? tie fjpbnhtSl in the billiard toni?uuuont ?vere playadsaTyssssraay m Tsmaisny Hall ? ctttiie w is betwe? 11 Wallace aa.I Morrin, alni re-. 11.lei .a ilio estant of the tormos m, j? notala Tac gasi ? w,,s aoopoi.its Moctsr? best mu? aerali,in, ta?la,IL 13,13? 11 ami il? Bis average was 3 ?-oS. waitassO pesi rane ?vere It, I!?, ?.*?) and 10. Ills average will ? .G--???. Wal!.?eo then met Slomjun, and euU'ul-'?d uno.?., r aaaaat, thus loelug a vUeo aaanaj the ata?era ananaai osa M anead of 1,1m ui thu ??? point, auit ou the eeeoii.l luru h? wasifl Us won the game by 80 points, Btomun's bssl runs "?'???. 1 s, 10, 11, 1,', 10 mni tu. nia averses *ae M j, ?. Wmiaos's best runs were 11. lo, 13, u, 11 sat ?j ule av?r?tes wa? SI 4-0. 1 , 1 ?.? 1 ?.u.1., -e' " uni atorrls played ofl m ?lernte tu. t ?ont uiiJ iuui'in ??????.. The gasae was eoo ? u, ?a.?? on i>?itu elds? v?us good, altbougs, owtnglo mi' kfrt'iit length m the ?:aini?, ii ??as some??ha? ? m,G, iloo-ou led alter th.- seouad tailing, but m tas nrieeiiiii inning It was ? tuigame at tid. Tue first 100 ??hm lua.lo ??> BloeeoU in ibe t..,;no lini-d iioiui_-. *i,.uiS In in ' lliell '-- UOIDU l)( hllul. bloSaOU ilei soli,? ? ?? ? -l'eli? k:,U ulM'Urd a gap Of On, US ke?il tu.n iiilvauta^O m ? l'alter t:?- iweonU turn bad been ina.le. Morris then , ?U?run* ol 1*.', u and -?.-, and ??.?-s ptaytagver) ?.-ad llv lu the slxty-elghth luiung iue s.-..i?,? ??...s 'Jio 10 .1.111? invor. Bloaesa sota wewl to the r.Jit SIS I ail vur>m>i betwoea l"? sad 80. lu hie ii hii eighth Inning he made bis tinn? luin _uU??.v.ou ,. wtm ux? :, ,.?? . a m? ? 13 ixdnts o? ?????a?ta , 11-;.,in u,am r, Im, .?.ter thai ftluMlon mads run? ,.'. ia uno luana ?w? away ahead agaiu. lie won? I , i.j 3d potuta. .slonMiu'? .un- were u, ,:', 13. Morrt?'? beet i"t. ? oen l-, i?. ?..',? ??,..?, i-, I s average woj?S!-> H?; Morris's average wun .. ?->'J- lb* reeuit oliale ....u pn/o .1 ?:?'* i" slosaon asd tue prue o? ?:???.? to Mor U Chen 1, 3jiu? wu ? ?oUacier cUadoiu?iug idou lor Uic eiu?lem.