Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1882. price pour cEirrai V?**XLI1..1N#-13,079. EGYIT, ENGLANDandTURKEY ACT10N.ATLA8T.BY THE TORT^. k PBOCI-1BATIOB laatED D^O *__** * 1;nu:, ,,,k BILITABY CIBYMTTIOB MID TO ,,Avi: H, IS BIONBD-TBB BBWB PBOB TBB , I-,.m 4.M) Ml XANDB1A. Tl,i Snltaa baa ptoclaimed Arabi Pacba b ^bel aad baa callad oa all EgypUaa. to objJ theKhcdive. Uia..portcdtb?t,he mihiary eoPYeatioB -etwev" Eagland aad Tur 1- 1- baea -.L Faar thouaaiBi W, owibb to tbe diffieolty of aecuriBR aaffl ;;,,?'i,,,,!.-. ^ <'-???<< iivhivr;,;;r. ?otbe Kl..-.livc the positioM aad Btreogtli <? Aiabi'a .'- ?- nic iuforBiatioutbuaacqiiireU , - |?.? BCBl t? C ',.,..1 Wol-'K-Y. II.. LBg ; UoYtnimeut, M. de Leaaepa lay", ha* ao c,pled H-i, for damage and obatruc tion to tbe trafflcof the caaal. ARABI PACnAPRO LAIMED \ REBEL. ConstantinoPU Bept B-Miduight-Thc Ba ? ? ,. laiDHtiontotbeEiOPtianahaBl ..I ,,.,- dianbayli the JnleraoftbeKhMllYe. rnarl ***?* 11:(,tl? proTckhiBtheiiiterventl aol gland. Ibal Ibe ? ra _ conferred n,.on ? i'tra.1? ! 1 ?k> t?'iana to ohey the Khedlve. TIIE ANOLO-Tl RKISll C0NVENT1 N pAW Sept. 5.-A diapatch froni Conatanli -ti.m the Anglo-Tarklah military taa been aigu. 1. ,,,N , . 5.-A R.?iilcr disoatcb. dated I iai BS-K__E : ?* BSkS-*! ss&ss '..-'? ? L*iiyKaS b from t'ouatantiaopl.;: An ?? ? '", s ,;.,. v<.,,i.-.-..',...l to-aiahl oi to-morrow. MORE TBOOPB G01XG .0 BGYPT. j iN1,lS gept, rj?Ordcr. bave been receind al Wooiwich to diapatch 4.000 troopa t? Eerypt. , ..;?;,,, togoto Alexandria and 1,000 _ F0RWARD1NG BUPPL1E8T0 THK FRONT. I,, i?,n sept. 5.?J.KMTeapondeutof Thi -Baea .....' | ulcgraphaeBiullowe: "11 baa been ne t.(U ,- ,,l ),v ,-i reconnoiaaai cein the dlrection ol tialihir-b that Ibat place ha- beea Bbaadoiied by Arabi Pacba, II ia not expected thal we ahallhave ,to be ready to adrance lor ut C*0B1 -mi." Bept B.-Large naraber*of Bedonina ! ,,, ,,,, l.i.u m.u outhe banksof tbe canal be t -A..1, l'.i Bald and latuailia. Bome rebelofllcera frow--libiycb bave amved al Iamailia totem'.er thrh sulu:.s-..,ii. Over 8.000 Araba arefortifyinB jeb. II" Araba aic embarkiug Ibeii bag ,n?i military atoreafrom Forl Gbeniileb. PreehWatei Canal al Iamailia ib ???'? Iv. Ihe wat. t coinpan- haa i-Iiicoii " anmiliaand I'orl Baid. Arahi Paeha haae*. ..?? i;?e ol li.icii .- from Kl-Karauu to ,' \\ s,, ,. r,.-(;ei, Wuls.-lev la nraklng ev, ,;,,.,, ,?... niniae a eoniplow Byafein of biiji , the flel.l force. The tuak ia ntucli iimh l. ri.i.ia di.i'i lh< furtiau elemeui iii la ???'_ toailiuit. Meaiiwliiletheenemyia loiiieiil lo i-< , .h!!,, :)?-,!el.,:-.v. lt laruiuorrd Ihat Arab ? ,. . | ij )?mv\ itnna Inun < airo to i i il-K.t.ii ..-.;.-i.-e tbe Rnllah ),-. lyi'.-u.el. t- "?' ? .-I Lrain. Matieraarei.Inw amoothl> . 1.llaabnuda .1 a! pn-ai-nk but ib* . DUMimntion ia ao ... ?' 'i - " B Ul um ?" .,, ovid luppliea ioi futnre ase. TllE \T.WS FROM ALEXANDRIA. \ bia, Sept ".-A body ol lOOmarlnea , ....!;.. d.,\ upon tbe rillagea l? tweea Alex i and Meka aad arreated all persoui who ,, ible togiT. .. i.1 acconul oi theiu . \. -. Tbe uuiboritlea aro takiug Btringeut meaaurea to mding of peraona wlth ot employment. One bundred an I utu Bich peraonB. wbo landtd yeatenlay, bave been Araenal. P' nd ul- declaion aatowhether . they aball lie couipelled t? rctnrn ou boanl . fr..m which they dlaembarked. Four ,m8| wbo were caugbt hwling in Ramleb, ] ,. n aenteneed to death. lin- ii ;m wbo iiiiu leie.i the two Engliahmen, ] r.laon and Dobaon, and who ia t<> he I on Thuredaj baa confeased biaguilt. lle will be ? i ,.? Datire ij i uioiull eliuiv baa wrltten an pori iiddreaa. dto i: .? Khedire with plana, re~eulingtuepoaitbma r, .; -?. , _i: ol ihe ' t i>my. From interaal eri , t] thal bia statami nts are correut. ,ii, e ol tbe Informatlon haa l?een tele . Oeu. ral Wolaeley. lt la believed thal luence ol Mahmond Fehmy v.-nl lie naeful in , :- ,, , , the rebela. He .; . - lhal be waa , ieil l,v the Britiah troopa He aa> - li" aur i ,i li,. aecuaea ni iny of thoae couii>osin? ,.-,- ,,; tbe Knodive, inclmling i l.,,l,,i, ibe i'line Miuiater, <'i bavingcommunl i - ii \ra.i rn.lia. j'bere L .- been eoi movemeot mi tbe i i imp, appareutli occaaioned bvthearn val ..l reiuforceinonta. Kadri I'acha haaarrlveil I . aarepreaentatlveof the Boltan. Tbe iiuarau tine affuiuat abipa from Hi.iu'.iv haa been entirely r, uioveil aud lhal againal Bblpa froiu Adeu will Ijo miuued urovideo precautioua beti DAMAGES FOR CASAL OBSTRUCTION. J' > ii.. 5.?M. di I.- pato-daj .reaented a j rt totheconnci. of the Baea Caual Companj on irotiationa with tho Eugllah anthoritiea Im t rvatlon of the ueutrahty of the canal. lle na;.l lhal Gen< ral Wolaelej had loformed bim thal ; I.i 1,-Ii i;.i\-.-r-.ui'-ut accepted re?por4_lbility i ) aud obatruction lo the trafflc of the Canal. QENERAL FOELIGA NEW8. EARL 8PENCER AND THE POLICEMEN. Di r.i.iN, Bept 5.?Earl Speaccr, tbe Lord I ? replylna le tbe niemorla] from tbe dla , . emeii, aayi be baa dlrrctedtbal aeareful ?,: , , ii.i.i inio tbe recent oonduct and prevlona , ? raof ile nu moruL Ha a IU per> , . !,-.ii\\ il.- reaull uf the r .|iiu-y, and pn t nu u will be reliiBtatcd wbo appear deacrv i -. - ;.t. r. ?A dlapatcb t<> tbe Pr. I mbllu repi ? i r-, n. lt la i \i?.-. ;?.! ol ihe 234dli itod. IV IDENTS IN THE IRI8H AGITATION. Loxdon, Sept 6.?The corporation of t!i'' Cit> ?? Corb baa reeelved a lettei Irom i;. I ?uttna Ibal ba wUl eot antar Into ? a f,;ter tba ezplratloB ..f tbe II fbiaaeul oa . n a 111 ? have t iy tiiree iiiniitlia longer. llie eorporatlon of V ., . : tba fl.e 1..U1 of ' ?Tli. i> ii.M'' t "f a Bplrll .v .: , | , tbe ..ihe. ,? Ifl i.i Llo. .1 i.-l. 114 , klllio j ;i i.i.i ibal ;ui atu-ii.i- i idoar i \,, ,,.;. .| reporl placea Ibenuinber of axrarlnn out i ? m li, iini.i duriu?i lh- uiouib of ' j -, ..- i . '? ii <? laea "f lutl uidution aud , | ibeaendiugof tbreateuiug uttir.. ( ROP8 IN EUBOPE AND AMEKICA Lobdok. 8ept 5.?Ihe 'lime* thia momlag j . - , . ? i-i,i,ii. urj of B. i , rlew of tbe barveata of tbe world, laeuedatMar* a li-.. Aaregarda Prenoii abeat tl bready kaown, BalaeB |ood ln tweaty_ra departmenlaaad v lygood Btwo,aa . ad Ineeren departmeaU Oa v yeai Rjra abowa i almllarlj farorablaaoB" traAt. Haile/ -i, iwi b al gbb i Inprovemenb i ireat Brttalo 414 laqulrtea bava beea aeat te faraa l ? growlug i ropa Tbe ra atvea, takioi 100 aa r-preaentlng aa averaga erop, ebaw tUe fulioMiug re?uiu Vhaat, 8_.t| bai:i_>, U5.4i oau, ^ 105.1 ir....tH. K.7.1 :p.ii.f...*H. ?.i.l. TW? *?^'"',."? pared with laat year'a flawrea, whieh were aa foilowe. Wlieat.90;barley.llOj oata, BO, roota, 80i .h..i r?t .? ,,... 08. Tnewbeel erep wlU prebaMr ?"".'""" flUar?.? forconauiuptlon.laatlnal4.(W ihr wiileli ?-* abal be .1 poml.-nt ..n fiu.-ifn auppiy. Hnaiat' ibaoafr eountrj from whieh tbe reportt arenn r?fuiiiunuiarl8lBgtBereBnn Tkt Tme* aaya: "***? dniinatbetune alnoe tl,. reporta were colleeti I baa ib.< biintatluthi northcrn bemiaph .? 1.,.,-n-.. i:.....! .1.1 mini'l. W. u-iihKvIi 'i ior. |."it H defleioney cltherln . Tbla ?? ai inere i- .lutel* nonc. ?j-.i.- worl l :.?<- over ?n average harveet, and wltn auou jt barti t tobeoue ofcheapabnadaaee. REPORTS AND RUMOB8 OF 0HOLERA. IIadriu, Bept 5.?An official reporl rroaa ManllaaUteatbal 155 natitea and flte Bni-opaaaa hare dicd there of cbotora darlng the laat two day* Tbeep Idemlc l* beglnnlng t" i...m...\.Bept. ", liu lu l??:. Ofllee.onaeeonntof falae Ibe pn*vale. <>r Aalatlo eboli ra .(i A<l.*n, li' II bi - :i al item.-ul Ibal il" re bate been ? . th. ii- alnoe Oetober, 18*1, excentati laolaterl . iard*4blpiu July laat. Nu epideuuc ebeiera, u ..?I,-, extatoiu u.iiui. BCIEXTIFIC Ml N it VARIANCE, Toro: ro, 8ept ."?.?A cable <li-int.'ii to The ,, ?*., -. ?? --. reral to tdlng inembera >'t inoll of tbe Bntish Aaaociatloa for tl.-- Advun. n . ni ..1 .-'?:? nce ire eouo to ererthrow tbe d.-.-i.-i"n of tbe laat i.itlng ..f tu<- Ooun U, aeleettag Monti-oalMtbeptoeeof meetbut fur 1884, They itete irlty "f t'"' membeit ?' t'"- Coum il iperati RErORI ABOUT i'J.l.l'VI.W AFFAIR& Wasiiinoton, Bept. 5.?Bear Admiral ISalch, oomuuuidlnti the Paeltte Btauon, rep >rt* to the Naty De* partment from Payta, Peru, on Anguat 30, thal " :l""', wlviocarromUniaauaomiee thal the < Waa aoTera iii. ut haaonlered tbearreal of th'- PeruYiana who ae i-..ui|. mii-.i Mr. ir- s.?.:t on bla vi-it lo afontero al Huarax, J. A.Oareto y <? ire a, witb m teral otbera, bate t>,-( ii aeul toCblll, aud Oi neral Lj ueb baa ?,???-r*-.t :i de i ree aroun i Lluia lor th.- .>r *-l\ in m i" givo tbemaelvea ui. ii ou,-., or tii,-y will I.,- treatetl aa Monteroa >lo*i ol tii.-i ulllau troopa have been ?i b.lrawu from the m t. ii,.!, and nn- now i-i-i,i nu iu i.iiu.i aud < allao. . i , I'en ??? i.i i- r pori?*d at Puyut, Peru. I'heEaeex ,i.i n j.. . !? ?1 for uu.y in Ibe PaclUc bquadrou." FOREION NOTE& iui.,i..v, Bept, 5, 1882. An Arab paper publtohed il Beyrout, In Byrla, haa been -i:,.,r.-.-i-.i '.or bavlug publtohed au artiuto ii^aiu.-t t liil-I'.aii-.. iateh from Derlln anya: "Preparatloni for the jouruey <>f iho Einpvroi t" ttoacow are beingat-eratly ooutiuuotl. Exploelre subataucea batea nlubeenatolen i:,,:n be Ktuaian luperlal depou,chledy froui Vlaal a diapateb from Vienna ? lyai "Itii belli red berethat the fallingof thebridgi al lahora on Uontiay waac*- - d by a lorpedo whieb bad been ptoced in tbe rat ine for tlu uurpoei of injuriug tbe Crtar aad Uratid Doko Mic.ia I. i ii,- iiiulater ot w"ai waa awepl from ibe bridgeand m-v. niy lujured " Uavana, Bept. 5 v number ol pcraoni harlng been eamed "ir roi ramaom In ibe Proi itii i Ban i.i--" >!>? Cub i. < aptaln Ocuoral Pr. ndergaal .haa proclaliuuo. thoae Prurlurva uudi i .liallaw. A MISIbTER'ti l AiU.Y IOVE. Ilii: lir.V. ALBXANDKR -. KKIMRR, OF POTTSV1LLE, AliKi -li l? nY a.\ i.l I> .-Wl.l.lili Al; 1' l'.Kl.A, 11 Ol PXOMI8I . .ut ti i.i .i.i: m ii ro rna raiBUNE.1 Ueadino, I'.im., Bept. 5.?Tho rillage of Woniolndorf, Borka Couuly, waa eon Iderubly ? ,,\.i iu. irreet of the Kev. Alezaoder B k, i~, r j,, -, i ,,f a iiii iii.iu Kefoi ii"-.! oonitre/rutlon al Poii bul whotoatteuUlugthe i:> lonned Mynod ul '?'? umi i- oharned by Mlaa Ellzabetb K. tllller, "f Bower, witb breaeb of proiulac of marrlage. for whlcb ahe .i.iltiiH 83.000 dauagea. k- i-.-r i~ aboul thlrty jeat ? oi age, and haa already galned aome reputatlon m- a Dilnlatt-r. Uiw "-;111 r to a prepota H-in,- woman aboul l. K.iia : baa u ?;.i ?i... Uvea a :t.'i i.iiu ;. 1'ottarllle. In lu-r utii.iiit it Mlas MHlcr aaya thal the beglnnlngof tbe coiirlahip between ber and Mr. K>- ? r dal i i? n-k aevenyearaago i Ingln tbe family "i theKer. Datid K. Umnbert al Boa, r. Mr. K.u- r w i- a \ laitor ln ih. family and a atudenl In tl"- l eol u al Bcmiuary. Mlaa Mlller allegea thal be made freuiient ii|,nii tur aod beoame a aultor f ? >r ii. i.-iii.. - i - p!i-.i-uni ..I ?<? i|i iti'in v...- oon II n iiod f il- ul 18S1. 1 ilC - .I'-. .1 IUI il'- tn ?. II ,'?? II II dit-ri iu. |, iral "t.l iiiu 'i ?:- ii ui lu tln- iM-iiii.iu Iteforinod ? ,iu.,ii, .ui l i -, ,.i.,ii in-,- with ii"- piaiutllf. Die iimuber ol letl ? ? i, eivedbj bt*i abi aaya waa upwarJ ol 100, al! of them ,,i tbe moat t, ii.i.-: r-bar.ioti-r uud i;.:..l witb ardoul ? ol bla uii,1. ini; afli ? i ,i. -. Bbi h c ime a motber, niul al ti"- reouoal of the de i, iidant Bhe uami 'l ihe bi Ir Milton OIm.IIuIi ,. i,, ,, - bi ,,.i -- - thal Ibe li- .. M Ki -? i proui* > ,i t?i muiT] ber, but ?aid tbat tho ot-rt-iuouj mu-i i? iioHt|Hiuod uUill ih- unliu.ttiou, to wuicu i-he utn-iil. I J , .il' be ?? ,1- "l'i . I" 'I. .i::'l -",,11 ni ,i .in ,i in irrle - ni" n ,tt:, (ioiililc. One y ui bko Iio <? .ih ? in Mi-- MUlei wi h Ibe renueel Ibai tlu - , duriUK tlu ir rourtaliip und ongngeuieul In i i irnod t" ii in. t.'i ibe n u?oii tbal ii alie dled iboj hiil-IiI j,i-- luto tn.- IiiuhI- i,i atrauKera, au.i It ui'.i.: be uu i,., a- ml for bim. I'lui Iug Implicli t rual ln liiiii, Hbe returued aboul lonr bumlrod, retalniua tbe balaneo. U'ben ahi board uf nls luurriug, -,i. v..n: ti. Piittai ille u l.i n- lu i- atutioue l au.i tln reporl of bla niarri ..,..,- t: u-, i.u- attoiupieil I,,, oxpl ni it ii ii :i ?'! di uli d ? " u i '., ?.: ireacb uf proniiee ur tue pareiitaxe of tbi obihl. Ilia wife ,-... - I'l.-.n; durmg tui n,t i , i, ??.. -..? ,i- iii'.u uu ?! thal be declaro.l ti ,iin ir- ;. i |<il II al bi Iia : ii. - i . - - ? i. 11 n, -t,-,i :,, 1...11, . ii, i .inil iu I,-. uu ,i tbe wboli ,.,,;.. ta (i umi. Ki -ri eutered bail uf 1,000 for t.i- appearuuee 141 1,1111 t. // / EPBOXE IMPBUl /.Mi..\ T8 DISCUSSED. Bostov, Sept. 5.?The National Telephone Aaaoviatiou uiet al il"- llotcl Veudoiue iiu- mo i iu- ,'u lowiuR .,::,,?. ra ??. re i ,?<?', i foi tbe i naulug year: ' ent, M.n-ii.i.i J.--.M il. of Connecticut; vlee-preal di ni. .I.iiu, s u. Bpoed, l.nui-vrii-, hy, aeontary, C. W. Faj, < bicago; treaaun r, r. <-. Beacb,I bleago K. porto were i. ad abowlng a coi - "f tiualn W. A. Jaekaon, of tbe Teli pbouie aud Telegrapli <'-.u ?truction i oiupauy, l <? . u :, ^.iw a "!'"?: deacriptlon of 1: -1-.|.i lience witb the llne fnuu Detroil i" Porl Buroo, ?;it mllea in length, with reference t" Inductlou. i. i. Baboock,of the Bvanenlle, Ind., Telepboue Ex cbaugoCompany,gan ,i'i i"-i-ii--tin_ aceoiuai "t 400 of wlre i.y iii* eompanj and worked auocoaafullj wiiboutinaulaton ?.i any kiud, byalmply aitacblna tbe wlrea to tiu- polea I'resldeut Jewellex< piained the dlaadTaatage ol thiokly settlvd commn pver ol !., Ihe i.uuiii, i ol t> learrapb, eleotrlc Htftil and i,: - in ii.,. uelpiiburL.I ,-: t-- wbii ii runvcraai --:i li m liiue* n u>li rod aimo iiiiiiiii.-. Aaborl .li--,i--i..ii foiioweil ? t i I i< advia - lu win -, and tbe opluion >.f tbosi ,.:?-. i,t waa unauimuiialy in favor ol thia uietbod. I"' Noriiiweatern I'elej.i.-- .\ niciatiou, ol .Miim apollH, Mmii-.auil tue Wiuiiupeaaukoe lel.-plioiu l j. ,n.\. i.f >.-u llaiuuxiilr.-, were elt-cted inetuuera ..ith itlon, uu ii:, Bnd? ,?,,( Miaaa l o upauy waa lan h in.n u . ine aber. !.,? .\ - - .,. ttiou tben ad j iiiu, u uutll to in ,irow. -? - MAKIXQ a DES( i XI ix BBOOKLTX. Mi. (iiiinli.i, accoinpunied by Charlea II. Cteeluian, a roportei ol ./k UtroM, madi aa aacenaion in the al ihi Polo Urounda yeat. rday, i i,i balioou waamade "t eottoa, raraiabed both | aud out, and waaeapable "t oarrying 450 pouuda. It waadxtj feet bigu and meaaun <i 120 ln t lu clruuuifcr Al 5:511 p in , il,,- i'i" - H..1 n roee in the air. rbe . iug -tr.,n^ to on enl In llial dlreotion. It li waa Ul ut one :iu, , ii,i be b oa i ? it .i.i- iu,.ii i uruugul iiu..., ..i ida aevi ntb -t., uroukiya. EFFECT8 01 IHE IBUSHORKEBS ACTIOX. I'u i-i;t ii'., iViui., Bept ">.?Tli.- uituiii i.f ^ . tuiaied Aaaoclatiuu at Ita dlalrliTt nit-uliua uf the day, Tbe Irou-workera appi .:?.,. wuudi i m-, tlng, i*ii.l tlu .? , umora ol bn aka ... t n ranlu oi Uu - i inir ul.i. :..?..-- ..i, |. il ? :,i. aad . i..i n i.i -ii uiove. l'be -t>. I i..i.i oi Wii?ou, VV'aiki : .v l o, ;,, tbla luuraing, aud lo-murroa Ui . lu... B lii n" . ^^^ IdL YRLLOh FK\ l i: EPIDi af/0. Brownsville, Tli., Bept, 5.?Seventy-aevea aaa eaaea -,i yellowfatei daj and f--ur ?iriiiiia. ii, ii. r aaa been fnratobed lo 3441 famlUi -. rha palienta to tba boapli d number tea. rin troopa Browaeoatlaaaiaaxcellaal bi '' laontbe ii. ,11 .ih, 4. BaUuiuraa, i om doal i porte i thoielu luuUel iwuuiy-foiu huiii*. ilic ritai ii vuy hlcb aod la -tiii rlBag, Ihe aladla aectb nn.i tha wcatbi r threetcotng. QiXTB-Toa, Tex., Bept 5.?Tha Oataraor haa taaaed an appeal to tbe County Judgeeand tha Mayora af ttie cltlei aad towaa ofTexaa,a1 iBag thal hehad reeetved a telegiuiii from rhoaaa Ceraea, Bayar af Brawnatrllle, aaaer'tng that tbere were 500 eiaea of yellaa farer ta Ibatety.wnhMlneraaaaef from aareaty to one baa? dred a day, and the neoeaalty for meana to ?'-n i ain to Ihe alck and deatltute waa Increaalng and urgeot, and Ibal any iiiuda tbal ba- b n or may be conirihuteri for tlie reU.-f of tbe auffcrloa people of BrowpavlUe ean ,., Meaera. Balb Hntehlaa kOa., of QalTeatea. NEW-10RE BEPUBLIOAKB. WAD8WORTH DELEOATEfl FROM ONEIDA, ai n.i.i.imi'ii r.. thk nuaeaai Utica, N. V.. B.?Tbe drel eootrilmtion of Oneida County t'i the RepaaUeaa Btate Coarentlon jsa ?olid d. legation of iiv.? deleg itea froai tba IILI Diatriel for W.i-is rorth. Hie eoBTeation waa beld iu ihla city to-day. aad it derelopedItamediately lha (.Li tii.'1't between tba Btalwart aml tbe Qarfield RepobUoaaa platn aad Bmple. There were no Cornell aaan in tbe oonrentioa aad tbere waa no i ..ineli aentimenl to be beard iu tbe lobbiea o! thehoteL The Arthnr Btalwarta ili.l ^ hard ii4r!itiun aa il.ey ha~e erer doae in thiacoanty to se.-iir.- control .'i the eoareotlon, aod tiieir cotnplete defeathaamortifledanddlatraatad tbeBL Ali their cffective workera Bwarmed about the hotel from early dawn, lnelndlng Colleetor Anaatroag and their new Foatmaatar, Btevena, wbo thrnal lato ti?. Utica l'ii-t Offlee al tlu< momeal when it waa auppoaed lus todnction would enable hia party t.mtrol the diatncl eonventioa In Onoi.laCounty intheorganizationol the courention, The Garlield Uepublicana eloctad their cbairman by a v..i.-.>i '_'l tn 10. I li-.v aabaequrnth reducod IBeir atrength bj admitting b delegatlon irppoaed t.i them from tbe towu of L'amden, tne only eouteat. The (lelcgutcfl to the Btate Conrention are Henry McCloakey, J. N. Conant, A. L. Woodrnll, w illium An.l,?!??...i, ,ni.| .1 liin iv. Pugh. Thej all anooonce theuiaelvea aa for VYadaworth ull tii>- tnne. IIONROE DELEGATE8 NOT PLEDGED. ]{(?( ui siin. sept. ."..? lin- II.l Diatriel ol Monroe delegatea to Baratoga will probably vme foi Folger. An eii.iri to pledge tbemto Folger waa aot well re i. iv.-.l, and ii ally failod. ENOI t,ll BTALWART8 0N BAND. The litst fall meeting of tbe Republicnn .: Committee ol Kluga County *?>* a. Id laal eyeo logtoflx tbe il.ite fnr tbe prlmary electlona to aelecl tlie nielnli. ra uf tlie .\--.-ni>.;y lU-lrl'-t ('uti v.-ut ioiis. wiiic.i will ehooae delegatea t.. tbe Btate Conveutlou. Tli.- meeting ??* well attended, and before lt aaa called tn i.tiii-r tl.el-e ?;ia mn. h ii.tlve eaaeualug. A card been aenttoeaob Btalwan memberof tbe<.Blttce, algaedbj Bcaara.Perry,Oal aaderand Baddoz,aaklng ti.r attendanee,aa bualneaaof bnportanee aroold eome np: but tbere were ooi enouati Btalwarta to carry onl iu ii- i ni .-i iiniuie. Tlie ural lei-ini'f. of iui|i,,i, iii.-e waa a report ol ibe _xecutive Couuolttee m iat rofHep teiiii., i- 1.' .i- i li.- .Iii.- :,,i- tlie priui . ry electiiiua, ,1,1.1 tlie Inllowlug day for tbe Aaaemblj Dletn t Convcu tioua. Th.- reporl waa adopted witboul oppo iithm A reporl rroni tbe eouimlttee arnicb re \ ??,, the roll ol the T uth Ward, aettiiig fortb tual ttn j li ..i - i.ek.-u tbe iiiiiue- ..i-lu.i |.? wtiliiuit rigiit to voto from Ibe roll .-. ;i- Blao .i lopted. Wn a tbequ. - on , ,.. |, up loi .1 I. lug tbe i|uab latlona >.f ?ol i- al piiui .r\ , ;.-eti..ii-. ii- provldimr lor lourteen daya' r al ,i.-i,i.- iu tue Ward befor. v.itlug, wlilon woald pi ?? ,,, imiziiig " \ol. i ? in im v B'ard, .i motiuu wamiiadn ?'. ;,1. i lie in.ill I ,,|| the tilble. im- .il'.lt "I Il'' BUtl Cornell.vr.ia lont by a vote >it 71 to2B. After au .._-!,, |, .;,,-? for tlie Aaacmbij D.atnct Uonven ti itiHtiie in,-. iii _- adjoumed, t ;>? auti-Oiruell ineu inucli ,i. ;,;, . ,i ti. tiieir i . rdefoat. lt - effe. ta will be I. II iu iu.- ai i. ction ..; ut leg it -i" tb( Btuu I bvi ution. ASSEMBL1 DWTR1CT MEETING. The Xlth A?i-iulily Districl Republican .aeoclati n beld a meeting laal olgbtatNo, 107 h". I Tblrty-foortb . . i: lt. Bamilion preaidlng. rarelvi nereona, among whomwaa l.. B Batea, were propoaed A e immlttee Bomlnated ihe loll , to tbe - ate < unvi-iitKin : (, .,: _c i.i.--, (.. A. J-. ubody, >. V. Cruger and w"../. >'.. Stfi BA1LBOAB INTERE8T8. FIXING RA1 E8 ON COTTON. The Btaiidiag Committi'a of the gencral fr< ijtiu agenta of tbe trnoh llue rallroada met yeaterday ,,, ronaid. i tbe m bt dule ..f rati ? on ootton adopted al ;. recent meeting of tbe Weaternaud ikmthwi l rnroadi I.| tbe .hlllilte.'. wlllell ta lne|. ! tO il,, |,|,,,, im n of li i.i - ?| cordln - tn tbe idopt. -I bi tb. \\'. -tein lin..-, -a.. ? aol Uu ?'.. i. DIRECTOR8 ELECTED IN ALBANT. Albant, Sijii. 5.?Al the anuaal elcclion of tbe a... ni. and laiiaquebun :i Ballroadt4>alay tbe fi loadlreetora were cboaea: TbomaaDlckaoa, of Srruu t..n. Penn.i Colonel F. Vouo*, lloneadale, Peoo.; Iii nrj Btnllb and W. L. M Pbelpa, Albauyi Blnard ITarder, Cobleekill; John B*. atovi r, B : J. I'i. ire iiniil Morjran, Cl '?' ''.-11 ?'?'?? . ,-.. i i> lor uud l'.. ; ? I'"??- ? N'ea York; Jm i i .!, 11v . Park, tud fleiirj M Ol uu. (1, town, S, .1. < oloni'l r Young waa eii cte?l pn mi i,. \|. r , i?rj and treaaurer. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. Di.NVi.i;. Col., Sept. 5.?The firal paascnger train over tbe tl nrer, Bouth Park and Pactfl. Ballroad, n braneo ..f Hi<- Unlon Pacltlo ayatetn, came tbrough from i, :,,,:? .. t? l> avur, brli gtug 270 peraoua to the Biuln ; l.\l?i-i'i,,ii. i^; is, v. [11., Bept. 9 -it ih rumored tbal a radleal . ia abont to oceur lu tbe mauagcment of tha Hau . tud -i. Joa. pli llallro .1. ABB1 ST OF .1 MI8SING LAWYEB. Tbe miaidng lawyer, Francia <<. Salmon, who eommltt. J i nrlona fr.iu.l* Id Urooklj n, waa arreated ^< - tcrdoy In Jaekaonvllle, Fla Bewaa -.f tbelawflrm i.i Angel a Balmoo, ?it Ko. 243 Broadway. H. went ..nt ..f!.. mi ..ii.luly 27. Al bla boardlug bouae iu . iint.i!i-i , Brnoklyn, be Bnnounecd tbal bewaa B.ilaa to l.ii.i.u'i t.. vi- it bia mother, aud tbencc lo ln Ua tn ai e 10-. brotb. ra. Pnnii ,..,,. ,,:,,,?,:., ,i a oorduroy ault. wbleb he sni.l he wi -li.-.l lo we ir wblle buntlng in Ibe Idimmlaeka. About ii,,..- weekMuft. r~ahuoii'?d?piirturv, '?ue ol Ula r ln ,| - \\i-i.t...r th, I...1.1: I-li.n.i < olli.. llo ,, , i v irolnliifi ?.'"' ?nd uioi - ,iioou bad proeuri 'l "i?r blm u|miu Ibe |n..|>. rtv ol Mrn. \j ,n iiudv, ol Xn l.MI'i.-i eiit-Ht.. f.itind tbem to be j.i i,,. iinetor I-.. l.-.-irii.-i Hi.-it Haliuon had taken hln tiote for tbe aj'j.joo forged Bra. Body'M ludoraeuieul ,,, H ;, ,,i ,!:.,.?.ii t: >? inoney. 'Ihe mBttei w - laid bef. re the pollce, und bj me ina of the i. v. bleb waa Qral - :?' to Boutreal b id II,. ':., - ivannab, Ua., and bj !.i- pbototti H i iii.iii waK tr iced lo ibe latter cilj and tbeuee to J ick houviI ? ii, -i.i' -i?r. wiKut. tbe lawyer di rraodi .1 bot vi ,i .,iii. i i" i.-iiii-. _ _ .1 8T1 i -f-_R 8E1ZI :> B\ Hl R CBEW. Bisbarck, 1>. I'., Sept. 5.?The watchman ?? tli. Peoli ab of the i ecb L4na, whieh aaa re ,.,.?i y I'oiitlacateil b] tbeOovernraenl fot Mlllng Uiiuor on a inilitun n-aervuliou, waa orerpowered laal ,i..i ibi , .. ? i". inli - ? uu "oa golti u up aud _Ut biu;.- away. Herdi aUiiatlon la Cbamberlatn. TELEOBAPBIC N0TE8. \ Til ROBAPH CABLE BBOKEB. noTTAOl CiTV, ?1 irih-Va Vine.t ird..\l i * r?l '? _-i | ,. ,. ,, ,-? ii.b lal.le I.. twi-en here aud vtu ,.-,..- i ,. .:??: ? 8 lor taa aoa ... '' i ? T|ii .'. ui.. K 01 1 Hl H IIOONEB PBIZE i;,,,, , , ,|, h, .-. ,'t. 5. -1 he arhooner Frize. nf .- , .. in liallaat, liiinu.1 ??, ? ? ' ? I .lle , , , \n . Ai . 1.1 PEVEB IB MAINB, I i \li- >??,.-. "' //,?/??. ' ' Pl ,,, rri'iii. ti. m, d floanl -f ? ? u . I IIOBS1 H KTBfi K BY A TltAlV. HaHTKoB.IH1 ? M?pt. ?"'??I he iilt.Il.n. I .1 _-. ,!:,. I,?ll. li". ? ? ? ? ? "?' ""? , i,u, i . ba ???? - Mlll r, .i." wi ' i. lll. I ir.-l l:\i .,,, , ,| k , ? ? ?,.,, , , . , I ,,|.? M ?..- I. , ? ' - ; ' ' ' ,":"r ia t : |NO i.lii.l N .-AV, ? ?- BAM I AFI All:-. Al u\-.v. >? i. . ."??- I I"- "? ' '"" ? ? - t A HCPIXiNI ' tKKR MI 1 . I' PonillBKI PBIK. X. V.. ?ept. ,,,,, , | ,, , i. kl . I nu ii 'i ?i-'.n . un Ua rlgbl ana . . 1 , .. ii,,- lultiala J. II A -i Mi ? i. . I SNIAL A5.NIVKIWABY ? ,,i:'- ii'll. Vl - ? ? i ? I .i |ta -.-ii.i ?? ? > ' '"; . .i u !? . ..: I .; ,. Uiuael i.,u ' ui.-ii-u KiUem _n-? UlilUiieU bj 11 ln li id. BUTCHERED IX COLD BLOOD. A BHOCUKG TRAOEDT AT KEN8ICO. tiik ki i:i*i it of k yn.i.MiK rroaa rorxo pbad Wiiii iiis MK4D BACKBD Tti PtaCES?XO MO* TI\T 1'OR TIIK lltlMK llt I KnlllllKY?KKFORTS to mra tbi artTBOBBzaa A deliberate and oold-blooded mnrder was perpe* trated in the bamlel ofKenetco, in tha town <>f NorthCaatle, Weateheater Coanty, It iH aappoaed <>ii Bunday aft iruoon or etenlng. Tho crimo waa nol known, boweter, nntil abonl BtVeloek ou Mon* dayetening, rha tictlm waa Alberi Montfort, wbo bad been doing bnatneaa in Kenaioo aa :i dealer ln drygooda, froeeriea aad other artielea aanall) kept f r aale iu a oonntry atore, H'- had alao hUled tbeofflceofJa tt<-.* in tlu. town for one or two tetmm. He waa a man of ttne appearanea, and waa abont aixty yeara old. Laat apring ba bnilt ? aew storo aml dwelling, atul only a fea m tatha u-'" look pnaaoBBinn of thfim They are utnated in a oentral part of the hamlet, Hr. Montfort aaa oonaldered to lu- a man of eorafortabh! <ir: imist ;in< ?s, Imi waa Bornewbat peeuliar in lii* bueiaeaa mattera atul rebttiona. Ih- alwaya paid caah foretery article he purcbuaed, aml lu- gu\.tdlt totery 1, v, peraona. After I"* cloaed hto storo for tbe Digbl bo peraon conld induoe bim lo reopen tbe doors, uo matter how important it uiighl *??. 1; aeema t" bate been kuowu aniong ln- ii.*iirhi>or*4 aud ciiKtomem thal Mr. Montforl inlonded to riait New V'.ik on Momlitv in onler to purthaae gooda, lor tbe l.i. i iliat tlu- Btore remained cloaed on day cxcited no atirprtoe. Aboul balfpaat 7 P. nu. howevor, when (ieorge Ackorloy, Duiiiel Wyokolf, Willlam Kobblna, Joaepb Puryea and other young men bad aaitemb --'l iu fcquire Archi ra ?u>re, "t"- oi tho party remarked tbat no one apnearcd to hare boi ii Mr. Montforl aboul thal day. It wuatben de cnled by tbemtogo to tbestom and aeowbal waa th.* iiiait-r. Mr. Wyckoff waaprovided witb a lau teru, aml on bolditig il close t" one of the w in lowa ol r.Montfort'aati re il waaobaertedthal ihemon ey-dra aer waa open aud drawn aboul Itall way out. thto i.i't ut onn- iiri.uM it Buapicioua that ttoiuntlung waMwrong II"- men tben weul to a rear door, which waa uulocked. They ptwbed it open. when a borribie right mel their gaxe, On tn. door of a -.ui ili r.n oaed for b kitchcn lay tiu body of Mr. Moutfort iu a pool ol bl.L llto fore bead waa aplit open, aa ii by ablow witb an axe or hatchet, the gaah hiim >i?lit lucues lu length. lue 1, It ear waa i iil ln t..... and the gaahextended uearly totbc backol tlu- u'-''k- whiie auother blpw with Ibe axo or hutchel biulcul aguab fromapoint alioul au inch from tbeaucon-l oul to withina aborl diBtauoool tl"- rigbl ear, thua uearly actcriug tue bacL l'.ur.ii tbe bead from tbe tjody. A blow bad alao been stiuck on th.- topof tho head witb tbe liluni portion "i tbe axe. , . Dra. Sniid and I urito.of Wbite Plaine. who made tho examinaUou yeatenlay, uociarea thal they ii.ui uever before eeen aucli a ciwe oi butobory, autithal .my ..a.-of tbe four wouiutoiu* lli.tfil wua audlcient to cauae luataiit deatn. me waila, doora and windowa ol the room w.-iv all beapatu-red ""I" blood, und tl" i,l,?,,l bad Uowed tbrougb tbe crevices ,,i the II""!' to ti"- cellar. Mr. Montforl * pocketa weroturued iuaide oni, and nol a cenl of uiouoj oouhl t"- fouud unywhere. l'm*.-y.- glu-saea whii b be ,,,..,I were -u ;.,:'..I.-'I from hia ueck, aud a lead peu< u v,,i- picked up from the aW uear wbere bia li.lll'l |.->!iil. , . . . , , I;,, uewa ol tbemurder ipread in tho neighbor :i.1 with greal rapidlty, and greal exciteiueut i?. \.,ii,,i for ihe .<?-! "i tne nigbt. < oroueracuir mer. oi Ulnu- Pluiiia, waa gtton iiolico aooul o'clock n. iu. : be al oncc proeceded to heiiHico, look ,.,i--,--i-,ii ot iho pn-uiisea, aiul apoul tne ?UUI in collectiug ..II ibe faota ootainable from iu.- exciietl crowd. i <?? budj waa pluctdou i..- until tbe fnenda ol ibe dc eaa -i maii couid i>. iiiformed ai,.1 ni) i-. *? arrangeuieiu.1 lor tue buriai. \. i,;() morning Uorouerscbirmerimpanelleda iuiy. wbo viewed bia body, alter which nu iiM.ut.Hl waa ailjouiiicd uutil to morrow moruing. ln in-- lueautime i orouer Sscbiruwr und tbe Ilm V,,,,,,., -, H Baker, will obtaiu ull tho mtoruui tiou they cuu an to tbe perpetwtor or porpetratora ui ihe crimo. li waa atatod yeaterday ' for aix or aoven yeara tbe atau-rol Ur. r'owler'a wife litt*d witb Mr. Sioiitloit, aud wbeu ... , '? Mr. Moutlorl waa marrietl to fciuuia K< ol la, ? af thrii|tuo luotboi ol two. hildreu. Uu 1 liur.-nl ?, lu;l M ".> l:.-vi.I ,oJ raxrjrtown, a -. - ? ? ? I ira. Monttoit. aud ainati uumed lluigbt paid ?' na? "' ?"? ??? "; lort. at K.ii-:.". aud on Salunlai Mra. Montiort tveul t" t.iii. town ti. v -ii bei -:-?? r. Al uoou yea t. i-.l u Mi-. Montforl - :w , robu *>ranl ,,. ,? , iu,. laml i inurder, usau oitici r wai ibe i noui ,,, ,,,,,,, M. bei "I nu- lacl aud retiiieat her pi ,, :..,,. ;,,,- .ni. Mra Mouiiorl haa alao a hroihoi t:b i ? r- iiolda, wbo ua*i boeu in ? ii,. I'eui I'linary, uud ou baturday oi Suu .. . Uoputi >i" i.n i.-i-.i.- "I larryto** u, wau ..,.?.?-_ for bim al kuiuaco, batiug irncketl bim tm n- tro.ii i M'Mo-.ii, on ac.ouut of Htuue new iu. Ue I.ihi mhuoI Mr. Montiort ,,,is.- w:i ion>uiulav, aboul ?'> or tl p. m. A party ul v.11.1 ? i. ...... lia.i iM-eii ut;< idmg -i ' amp-mi ii uwi-lling i:30 p. iu. .lu.. ?aw u iigbl carriod i, ,.;, ibe -t"i.' lo im* roouia upal ura. II iHHililatodou tbe-ideol u blll. li"' bia Uoorcou ,i ;,?? kciioiuI bi i' Uoutuig 'I"' road und a miiall back I"".ii. uscil lor n. i ,;i. ,?-vi u, k , '1 ni;,. four ,.,??-. Wc iu,;, ii"l ou,.,ovi i leuHt- I lor ,,i, i,.,ti< :. . imniiiings.oic. It"- uiljoiniiig i. froutiug t.:-' roa.l, i? a- >?! iiubuiabed ui... cupii -- l-" room backol tliedry-gooda.| is ti,.- kilfbon, ..i"i ibe atljoiuing back room ia u etl i,? ., diuingrooui. Abovc tbtae tlioro ih ?u<: iur uiHhoti li.-.l-rooiii and ouu umall uufurutshed bed -,..,-,..,, portionpl ihe llooi ia uu opoii, ii linibiio.l uitic. iu wbii li there ureu couple ol uetl . |: .,.,- uotic. i .? sictday thal nol u rfiigle ,,,i,l, of feiualc :i,-i'-'i l waa io be accu m the buiidiug, v bile Mr. Moutfoil a beal cioihca were alorod iu a l.i. , , , , lueoili loth on ibe Ui.;..-:i il.' waa found tobc eutiu throe placc . oacb b mg aooul loiir uu bca l?i,B aml tl"- dmii icatling from ihe kili bon badu ,,it in it .,- ;t in.i.i, by .i bbarpaxfiir hatciiot. after tho iiiquenl h ul l?oeii adjoiirm d the t oronor r,;?-^,-,l tm* -..I. I. i--' -ih.* mo:.i-i : ? ? "? "{?? faim ,, ;i;,. umi .i.i. .i I,:.m. aooul .iu" iricrol uiuilo troui i, s ln i--. uu axe wua fouud coventl -?,ti, iil,,."l aud graj I"!'-- V""1 '' : ,,,,, ,| a -.I,,,! -|'"f, il wi li blood iu Ibe bonae oi luo i ktht-r-ui-hin ". Montfort, whu h ot a mito uptboroad towai I Wbite I'iuiuH. ftcui Iho u-iru ou thia tarui auoilicrsbirl waa lound toru aml ,,,,, t< 1 witb iu,." i. tbeae thiugH were tukeu ? > H,.,Hion of I.. Iho -Junim r, who imiucdiateiy onl ?? il t?t. urreal ol Mra. Mon lort. ber luotber, ilra. Btul >..,,, Im- i.tiiior-iii-iaw, .nu! ber awter, Marj ?cy aolda. _______^??? A TAili ?//// k*** VAXUERBJLT. IUS Vir.\V>ti\ Bl BISl S8, 8TBIBE8 \M> lilii KUTCBK Ol .ni. BAILBOAD8. |I1Y ri t i -K vi-ii ro nn. riuurvi. ; lli pfalo, N- V? Si'i'i. 5.?A Tribuvecorre .,..?.'!' nt batl au latortiow wtth Willlam U. V'anderblll to-nlgbt at Niagui ?alU rbe oontei itlon ,.?,.,.. ,i to tl.-- ii ?" ral bualneaa outlook ol t..' couutry, -'"I auoh ral road qui are ot publio latereat al thto ttwe. "1 --'-i!i not aay tbat ti?. bnalueaa of ihe oountry la at thto tima to ti?, best eonditton erer experitneed, nor thal tne proapecu are tl,,- brigl teal ever ieen," ---'''l ?'? Viu.i. n.iii. "bul tl"- outlook for the next elghteon Tbe priuclpaletl of tbla ui lu lb< Bni cropa ol theWc*t. 01 KOodcropa i"---'-i proaperity for all claeeea when ,,?,,. are no drawbacka In anotber dlrectlon. it" , i,,.- qui itlon l, nol aetl ed, bul ti"-:- wi i to atrlkea next ).-.<r than I Maaon. Thto la on.- of tlu ,,,,,.... ? I Ibe latiorloa, well aa for 5; ffrSStaS ;; . ? ? l? all -- * ? ?*?"?" - ? h foi Blltbeeenen trumi Uae r?U.i. , li.' oi r< apou.lont. ... i..!,..;..,.u. - fr"'" atothej.r ..[,, - r?w wtii "M"!i;. , ['thatltwUlgetaucxtenaltej ,, i',.,:; ..', fiill l.i,-.iMti.tK?,l?. U'.iUn:,, , buyor owa any aaoh railroada aa "??ii".*. a appri rataeaberti arngoftha CaaadaBoatb ?^;;:r,;:Vrr,v,r,:,g,":! ....i... ***& baaa Bipain ''??.NuViUcCtuiralUailrlgUlaalt U new. Wo BBte baetneaa eaoturh aad eonnaetlona eooogh. Ba dun't re oolre any eloaer relaUonahip witb tbe Bt Paal uud Ouuihu tlmn we oow en).iy." " Wlmt l? vi.iir opiniou regarrllng the reeonHtnieted (irun.i Trnna i" ?? Weii, it'.a polloy bnanot been made olaaryel i c?n t nay inucli ( lt. The io ul will uut fc'et any too mucb baaloeaa." " Tbea old ronipnniea are nnt greutly diBtiirlx-d Bl the building of a , niiiiiy rlval lin. a i" "The) are not in the teaat dlafirried. They will all eontliiuetodoaffood oaloeae. rheae fallowa who are ii,.1 tlug m mucb oolae abo it their great enterpria. a are ib.- .uiiy oiK-a who will auii'-r when they eonaa mio tlie llcld." _ 111E 8KP1BUB EB ELEl 'TION8. REPUBUCAN VICTORY IN VEBMONT. iltY TKi.i.iltAiil K> tiik runtrM.i BoaiOB, Bept. B.?Diapatchee to Th* /earaal from variooacitieaand townaia Vennonl ladieate that the Repnbhcan majority ia the Legialatnre will be ilightly redoced oa ooeoaat of Bplita la bobm piaeea orerthe li.iu..r Qaeetioa. The rote la Boaaaall? amall la utoat plaoea Tbe clmf iBteraat of coorae eentred in tbe Cougreealonal conteal tha election ol llaratow. The Kenublican candldatc i?.r Governor wasconceiled trom theatarl b* everi boilv. John \V. Mu.-iri, in iii.' Ni lhatrlct, bad a' walk ? iv.-t.'' Mr. Poland i- nodonbtedly eleoted ln the IM 11 i - t. although biamajoril v will be very eouaider reduced by the avti u >>f Mr. Orout'a friends, who ..-lt tl at hia courae ln Uougreaa merited a re election, and nlthnugli Geaeral Groul dlduotop poae Jndge Poland niauy of his frienda worked /cuiously iu 1ns behalf. AI.KANsas DEMOCRATIO. LiTTi.i: i.'i.i k. Aik., Bept B.?Tba rataraa abow iocreased Demooratlc majontlea <m the ritate tick.-t. The Demoeratie majority will be larger tlnn aotlelpated. Tl.e Greeaback TOte i.-. very suiull in the btate. WE TERNMEN 0_V TAB1FF EEVI810N. CntcnfXATi, Sept .".? A deputatioa from tbe Groeera'A aoclattoaof Claetaiiatl appeared before tho r.uiii i ..iu iih-liu thia morning and preaeated a paper oa tb queatloB of tbe duUea on augar, molaaaea and rlce. Tlie paper adio ated a eoattnnaaee of the wlae aad llb eralpoUej of proteetlon f<>r tlioso etaplee of the riouth and Soutbweet .1 li. Miteii, n, ofthla e.ty, nn hnperter of drygooda, made aome ingge Hloni ai t.> rat. a and elaealflo-tlona ot merehandlao, and itrged thal iiteta ehangea ba ui.ide lu tba t inii ;i- toalmpUfy iii teolleeti taof dutiee. Oeorge EL BeKee,ofthe Kentoeky BlverBOla, Praak fort, Ky., aaked to bare tha duty maie permaneaton Hanlla and Bla il hemp. Oeorge Btrtbley, of Cinclnnatl, maaafaetaree of women'a aboea, made an argamenl agalnatthe Inereaae of dutleaon tannod or Onlabod kld aklna. on the ground tbat tho aboe manufacturera would Hml their Inl imperllled on account ..f tbe Inadeqoate eupply of tin Uhud in.iteii ila in thia eou Jobul- Miteiieii Hml J. L.Pf.iu, aa |ircaldent niul ?ec rctary nf an oaaoclatlou ol rolllng-mtll owoera. aitbuiil ti-d un urgutii utugtilust :un redueUon of tbedutiex on Iron Be. Pfan?ald that bc uud .lr Bltobell repre sented eUlit niili'iu'inlils la tbe immedlata vlciultyof i Inciuuatl tbal i uiployed from 3,9 ?u to 4,000 men. rbe proprletora u tbese ...lua .-nnila bad reoently beld a meeting, the unantmou.a iteuttiueal ol wblcb waa tbat li v..,u : md Injurtotia to the Iron lutereat of tbe L'nited Btulea to bave tlie tl i lea roduoed on nny _in>l ..r Iron, eep< L'l iiiy "ii rolled ir.m. THESOCIAZ 8C1ENCB ASS0CIAT10N. Babatooa, X. V., Sept 5.?In tlie meeting of iu.- ."?<.' - il ?-? i'll---- Aa-i.ei i- i,i,i, departmeut o: educa ii ,'.,-,. ,i y, Prufeeaor W. L. -larrla, obairmao, madti an addreaaIucontlnuatlonofhlaaddreaaol laal rear. ai ,ii.---e- were made t" commemoratlon of l li.uwin hy Mn. Kmi.y Talbot of Boatoo, aod Parka . i ti, of Now-York. An abatract of a paper on " Clvlllsatlon of Amei ia i," by Atice Fletober, ot Waahiugtoa, waa read. Tbe paper waa .Uacua cd bj Bra iu i, ol Pbllade phla, wiio ipoke ol tbe Zual Indlana aad tbeh oeremoniea and nnplemouta of worablp aa belng ldentical wlth tbe Per : worabipporai Bra Bmlly Talbot, Leroy Par> lt, i preald' il ol I i VIli i ?' i H lard of Boultb ; Jobo . ,,r r illad. Ip ilu; E-J ?? n l W, Beu la, of .l.uiu.a il,.iu..n- l :iuei--it ??; md Willuin Uumpatoue.wliu -i,..k,- ?. 'i i 'li io ? ;?. 1..." ?oa, aad md i"n.l a |. i;.-i- ..n " i'i" -i si? liina " .: l aud ea lebate up m ii. tV'm I iiuTh paper, > bl. t tu? K- f. !'? II Joni -. "f ? li ildwm ii.. . i'i ancla Way i i. J. Klngabory, of IVati i lllIIV, ( "II . ,? \-i -,.,? tbeRov. A. D Mayo read a p ,;.i ?? N iii.I Aid lor l..l,i-.i'..ii. prol --"J i inldw .ii -i,, . ? oalied u;...n b i'i, rtjdi nt of tbe A ipoke brl ,l> ..n Htate aid gtvi'U to e-lue iti'.-i in Englaud, ulludingalao to .'ranee He deprei ited inlerference uy tbeUvueral .,,,m , inii.??,, Iu i..'-..: .iU',.1 .. i, ii.uii-,,,1 i oneord, Maaa., ipoke i ii, i u, ed "e no i'-..i - >.f In ? ,...,,? |u :. :. i|"'l .i law ut Col -?' ? Meveial coll. ? profeaaoraan bcreto utterul tbe Pbl U t.i Kappu i ..!.'? eution lo uiorrow. COLU810X8 BETtFEES FEEIGBT TBAIS8. Raleigh, N. C.f Sept 5.?A colliaioa oe? eurred ' ird betweea two ii.iiii-. on tbe BalclghaudAugaataAir LlneBal.road IbeenglueBol botb train a nndanumberol uara ?>-i. ,,,;.i!.v wreoked. ....-.? n lt. Bmlib, thi eu<lueer of oue tr I'u-, and bia uurt, bm aol futa Ij. vv B i.. ... . .oiiduol-r, ? taiujii .1 11 tarrouD, Conn., -. p . .">. ? \ peaob train on tb. N'ew Y,,ik md > l . I Iti roadb .uud tor Boaton n . olli.lou t" algbi , id frelgbl tr du al liuni tide Stullou, ,i a?ut four miloa huM of tlns ,-it;-. lh. tbtralna were in.iiy damaged, aad ? i uf tbuj . ;iy, eugim er of the in 1.1 md I n?i . ,ii ... >i ? . ??? I, ii ? iiiui iu- im ? i-. ree p imij c_ra were . trom the tru. md n ... I. 8EABCBINU t'oh UAJUB PBIPPS. riiii.Au. i.i'in \. Si'pt. ?"?? -The Schuj kill [Iarbor Po ? h fo i ing a b n n .atluglu the udei i.i o'- I to tbe oue lately w rn b} Bajoi Pbippa, grupplia were procured a ,-l the rlvcr wai dr.ig?e i for ihe !? mIj of ,,., | ,... \ . Hou ? nu,. i.l, ut, bui Mithout :, .-. .1,1 ui' ildUO "I i ?.? atotementol ' raa verlfledfrom offlcli4l h ,ii, , , kUtlicu inii i" luiluec . lawyer i" ii'l. ? of ii r. e n .n-ii--u- idditlnn to tbal of I'lilppa. Al tbe mveatlgatlon, wbich \s ia belug con ,.,,,,, H, m-crel to-day, the aupeiintendeni "t t ,e pianul " t". ;? '; 'P irtmi u ??? ia be ird, md, II i- aaid, ujouj -?" - to -H- ..iu Ibe .4l.?-. 4t i.i.. ol :,., ii. evi al. .1 beri ? tt Pblpp ... , il .-. ol iel-e by .. ;.:. ? ol the Comiuitieo of Oue lluudred. 11: s .-..,-i.i i-.,'.i, . t.uii.i-e. lle wah eharaed with ateallug ? .:.-... tbe ralue ul Jisoo. 8UH II"' OF .1 NEWLY MABB1ED MAN. Chriatian ThoraeB, a NorwegiaB, tbirty yeara of :i^<-,. ommltted - nlghl by taktn \ poiaon ln nglaaaofbt r In a liquor atore hept by J. PB :?-..: . ? ; j | . .? i . \ Urat-Bl rueunforl mateman waa nut-uiiiker, aud llved with bla wife. lo wbom lie bad i" aa uiurrled only t*" *i <?'- , a So ;-.--..;i.| avo. lUA'iMI.S'.?>? UI WESTERA XEfPS. vl'.m -TI I' AFTBB -iai.n TBABB Jamestown, l?. I., Sept 5.?Lynch, aliaa \l,. , i ... leven yeara ugo murdered McNeul. oi Plym .utb, Ind., haa been glvcn to \ l tBBEB -IHil' AND KII.I.l.l'. H\i:i:.n.-i;i ii". Ky., 8ept 5.?" Jeff" Bob a. ii. n, Iai .ie i ? ? Ia plu< ??? waa abnt ,,,., -, ;, ,, , i, -ii . ln ;.:. ? i^ Bam lell li.,!!. wblle \ -it ?? iiiu.ii. i. .here exlaied a Krudg..- between Ui. ui> u. A -11 tMBAll IE ~t'N K IN* A OALB. Ciiiiv.ii. Sept "?. ? 1'iu- probuble tonnda Hon ??? ? ?- . ? ? roix, Blon , ?i ii, . the ? .in WaUk i Ila*. ou i aale. Tba ??? ? ?.,,1. lltVIM. I J IU N A UANi; ON A, OAPITAI. Denveb, Col., Bept. ?">. -A diapatch to Ihe li .::, - . d . ... iaj - ? I 8uh iil ? 11., morniug Ihe d< , ituouutedto iiKiut t "i,i?"", and wore moato madoo) la -.-I ... |, .vi beeu 0 U a-"'...iMI. Ibe d tbe proprletora ol tha bank, Wt tuu, . - i u.ljy. CE1ME8AND VASl dlriEJ?BY TELEOBAPB. .? ? DHOWNED IN OMEIDA LAKB. R?narrai \ V Sept. B. Ii",l n. I; \N ilk-t. .4 ,,,,,,,,,,'n.u york waaarowoedlnOuaUaLakalaaa .""uliia ili.'.'i. U-auol i s i. ui i ii in.ii rttnoA r ci r. I'liu \n i iii i a. >.-|H *? Bra. An:." .'rana, ,,,.'.. irldeihiamorulugbj outtlngboi thro4_ fouo. li. Ii-'lla ? '?" '? ii. i ii ial>-ud ??i _u?ito4oucti_ig?a , t;.. w,.iiii-i a i.-. .' BOOB Bl IBH l BOB ?'ii .1.8 ; v. iii Ai.r..i I'eun., ?> ,.i. ?"?.-?a ???>?'? i ina haa b.-en ? ' Perrj rownaUiptu Iblaeounty ?"' , ? ? . ,'.. i- ,i... --.<? aiii.iiia iiidr awiua. Para i- ? bl i -. . -n ,lP'"' lli,J i?u'li' ue'ora .iciub,"aa- f_ruiviajfi.Ju.i-.^aiu*4_?c_aoU^a_?lei_. PENNSYLVANIA POUTlCa [MDEPENDENCI AT THK CJaJfBBOVaT HOVR. ?TBoao oppoaiTiOB t'i aoaaajjg ta am> Ai:<?r*o IIAUKIMII Kti?rilK TAIlilK t|l 111 stiK IJj INI?*> ri.MH xi iia.nds-a vimi io 8tMoa oajnaaaa irmia amok i'iimi:MuM,i:vi,ii nu imntKici ' HABB18BCBO, lVnn., N-pf. 5.?It would nafur.illf beexpected that at tha beaaaaf tha Cagaaaaank Where tlu* liitlmm*.* of t!u-ir w.-;iltli an t of th.- pulif ical Btestiga of lorty yeara ia atrong.">t, ludepend .?nf aontinannt wonM h.u.ily dara to ahaw it*?*if, if Itexiated. Bet ia agite af thta faet, aad la ?pit?of tha pceaeaee of probably a boodred pct Baetedwlth tha State Qe^reraaaenl vii<? tok.- .m aetiteparl ln politica, Wolfa reeeiredf*5J v..toa l i-t year la thia eonntT?DaaohiB-?rea ly wiihont any cantaaa batiag beea aeada toj hii fator, with only taa aaya* w.rli befote tlu* .I,, limi in dtotnbntion of tleheta aai withaomeparta of tha eoaaty aot etea aupidied witb ti. lu N 1 lu- Indieationa are, i tlu* Htaton.onu of Independenta are aot t<>o mnguine, thal tiii* *>?>< willatleaal bedonbled ihti y?ar. It would woto ul oatatrangeil it aere tu.t bo, eon-udering thal thto year tiu-r.- la aa organiaed party, with aaapai Ume lor a thorongb campaign. la tbe city ei 11 *r rtobnrg i, ' !i 130 fotea were giren for Wolfe, It n not ezp xted thal there will h ? any Jeatooatrataaa intbeeity tbla rear, The lodaenee af lha ? erona i-i t."> atrong to make it comfortabk t..r baaa* neaa men, - oroheepera and tbe like, todefj il epaaly, liut it to atatad thal the beal bnaineaa meo ara lad*> peDdeata, aml whila they will probaUy teaaela sili-nt dnring tlu* caaapalgn, f<>r peraanal r..i?.>ne, th v are tertaln to caat Independenl LieJlota Perhapa tlu- atronghobJ of Independenl aanttaaaal in thiaoounty i> tlu* vill.iiro ealled Bteeltea, lving jtiHt llarrinliiirrf. Tha <n.ti? t> tof of lha plaea ut aufflcientiy Indicated byiunaaaa, Itiaa niill village made up ol operatitea ia tho -t.-l worlu and their famiitea, witb a Cea sf..r.k.-.-i.< ra, etO. It h;i-:i |...|>.ll:itl<>li <>f al.i.ilt 8,000, l.ul tli.-re nn- alao buudreda "t worknaen m taa milto who litaj ln Uarrlaburg. Theaa men, if any, mighl ba -u*> poaad to bate a Jealoaa Cear leaal the tariff aaVmlaj ivi-r roiiu* t.t any baro, batateny af theaa bate nerertheleaa, goue into tha Independeut moreaaaaaC) and only langh when they ar.. aaked whal the] tlunk of tho predlction that tbe tariff wtlt ??? ta pteeee when tba Caoaeroa*a d<>. Bteeltea ha twa Independenl elnbe, one of aboat 200 m mb r* 11 :i aaid,and anotbei of abont Beteuty-Bte i'i roteiu tha boioagh waaexaetly 11. l'li*? luiin* af BBeaaberahip la elnba ar.- aol alwaya aafeiay dicationa, u* politieiana know, ol tbt rota that will ba caal m aleetion <lay, becauae inen J'dn elube eaatty and are of ten pedted away I" fore tbe campaign enda. Bul il ;? alao r* 4;j topreaome thal the Independenta will makeeoa) rerta aa the campaign goea on, aa well n* thedtae warta, and H"- contraal between tlu* flgursa Ju-t giren ln too atriking not t<> i>" rignifii ant, Bteaftei baa alao an [ndlej ndant paper, tbe only paaef if Danphln Connty whieh fliea the ti< kel it the aaai of it- eolnmna; and eoaalderiiig thal tba whoee lifl aml h.'ing of Steeltou are wrappcd up intheataaa imlu-tiy: aml ><'ti Idering alao that Bteel weall probably ''r.'ji $10 a t.m If tne aatee <>t ti,.- s.*,ii from Penuayltania ahoeJd ba aomething olie thuii Cameron; and eonalderlBg alao tlul all tho r.llitig iiiilli would doabtleaa -hut down the momeut they toaraed that tha rn--.,- Goternor "f Pennayltanla woul l net apell im witb a blg, bl| B-.ia! ? rlng all thaaa thiuga, Bteeltoo i i bebating terj rei kh aaly badeaal 1 !i.- man * etna to l"- recogolted aa tl" 1 adeg uf tha "-;? ? Itoo Independenta to Cbartoo II. Babb, who wa- nol one of w olfc 'a anpportera, tlaipty for laah ol ai. uu tl"- motement. Mr. Babb li s i .,' ?? :? ?,.-.-, and la o u* of tba aettv i < uaV aena of the plaee. Ha baa beea fm fiftaata feaaa forem iu ol the roll-turning depaitmenl?.! Ihe rV aa> sylvauia Bteel Company'a worha, and smii.-i with amuaement at ll"- klea that tl"- [ndep ti l"tit ni"*..v ment iaendaugenngthe tariff, Ha aaya tbat tha talkmakeano impreaalonnpon tlu* Baaa, whe aa> doratand p rfectly wall that it 1-. ? n ra palitlaal trii k. I lu-ro iro other t"-.*. ni In theconnty?Mlltoraharg, Lykena and Humm totown?where tbara ia eoaalaV erable Ind pcud itacntlment Itwatrong In aat> ??ia. >.: thecountioaaurronndingDanphl .. aapeelally m Northumh irland and La N< rth ud gato Wolfa 2,084 totea and only S,fMl to tbe Begulax eaudidate. It i-. confidently pra ? l.i.-;i-,i thal Btewart wiU bate a majonl i "i ib>- U-v piildj au tote iu thal coanty. Lebanou Coanty, which lieadirectly to the eaat of Ihtuphia, aml of whichL l.iuot. i** ii.-* priacipal iown, to a.n.1 to bate a large Indep ndent eleaaent 'J lu* wbeM connty gate Wolfe only *_"_? \ ?? - Cumberlaad Uouuty, which g ate bim euljr IfW totea, adjohM Frauklin (.' mnty, tti whieh Itonatoi - aa .it baa bn bome, and 11 t- exp -'-t"'l f!> tt tl"* utth t'- greal "? r -.iii,il pupularity will bring bun a I rga ?."!? ia Cumhci land .i- well aa in A lama v*'!' ' ?' Baa aoath of ( iiiuii. rland -1n? I eaat oi frauklin. 11; !-? are Indieationa .?t trouble ntei the aional eloction in tbe Harrtoborg diatrint. Baanaal I'., the preaentmnuber,wboaeei itobe beakal i,.i renomiiiatiou by tbeCaaaenMia, la *---i . a -j? *!?'! lar, at lea with the Indo|>endeato I l v tUat .',. ., !, reaaou i>>r bia being etorivd toCongl --i waa tbat bi raa dimon Camerou'a prii itoa ?rel iry, tbal I"- doea nol know tbei.pleof tlu diai nordotbej know bim, that ha la neitber a aa 1 nor a creditable ropni8ontallte. Independeata ie nonnce him with a feeling whi. h a emaentirelr dlg* counoctod with the prosent party ttrtfe. Thei i been talk among aouieoi themofuo -..f MoCleary, an iLdepeodout of Mtltou, Borthaual r btnd Connty, who ia a promlncnl aa i r, proaidont "l ? baak, ete. It ts not kri"wti yet wbether tbn will bo dona, lf it is di. i", it will be tontrary t.> tba rale a bleb tha lar dependenta eterywhere leem to ba la fav-n ol toauhmltetento obnoxh ;t aoaaina* tiona for Congreaa ruther than to glte any eolet t? Cbairman i'.'?'(>? r/a Ulh ab<i il ond ing. ring tha t.oit Honae, lf no Independeut caudidal la uomiaated aome of tbe Indopeudenta aay frankly they will %..:.- im the i1- .u' aly to i?. ii, nry C. ''? i onulck, ? brotbei iu-law ??* ator l)on Cameron. Barr'a plurality In 18B0 -i t I i Oi?. ,,f th.- - u ki '. whi tbi r tho " tariff toaue" wonld affect their actioo. ifa aaadl " Whoever ? ?? ? i Coi ltaola? whetber Republican or Democrat, will look Hft-t tbe tariff. We ean ataud putting li, m"i.-i**. n offlce for a little while, lf wa eea broak thia aaa* chlne. Thal la whal we hati ' ;-'"". -llld ire mnal do it al any temp i ? Wantiugtobearall aiitoa, I n.. I'bibumi ? >rre ?pondenl paid a ttoll toex-Senal -? aml f.uiu.i bim on ihe low i>: izza ol i -:,!"it :li,l,. ttone hon. f tue -ii ,ri, Mr- Cameron aee..!?..!., bear* uu; bia many jreara well, and waa h"4. pitubly ready Ie talk ea aay labjaci i,,, po| ui that be wonld aay nothing forpnblicatlon, beeha ba waao 16 4ii' puhllc lif?. II" couiplained I aala* :. - it.-.l by the ae .1 it. ti ii. d u"t t.> app --'ir ln tli'tu. It to a noti tnreof t!i-ti'k"t Harrtobnrg that a mneb kludeg feeling extota toward tbe i - B 4tor thaa toward bia "j him. rhereeeetn to be etomeuta tn the titui aW onlated to i oneiliate u n. whieh ara i wkiag ln tho h.ui. .v.l.l t.> t'.iw tlu* apparenl dlfferenee m the ahtk the two, and there is aa aaay < aplanati m ot tti.* poUtteaJ meoeaaof tha aee aod tha aaeaBjaaj laiiut.* of the other. a\ i>. u TUE hOVlE BAXB MBT1BBD. Sas FiiANciscD, Bepi ?"> -Tha Uodto Uitok haatolmituiil> raaml froui hanlucaa.