Newspaper Page Text
SCIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE. lT.UTIU/.A'i K'S BY BEES, The tbiwersof tho gorse, says Knotrfrihie, form it* irront attraction in tho eyes ot the World al la ive; and, Lodsad, they aro so beauti? ful when tully out Ural out* can hardly wonder fit I,inni ns, "ho, winn ho first beheld tho trna. n all thc golden flory el it> bloeeossing season, fell down rm bis Knees ami thanked God fer Veutly for the creation ol bo exquisite a plant. just nt |.resent (in Englaud) tho flowen an unaly struggling out by twos and threes in li; ile patches inn) the branches are covered for the iiioBtpuit withsonall browu hairy knobs,tbe raaaaentvl bads, vrLieb an only watti og for s f*i ell ni inon genial weather to burst their dusky sheaths and harald Buring inline its tune. This hairiness ol the calyx is nae ot the Vest Rims. Dy which yon caa tell the gnater gorse fruin its dwarf congener; while ali lie burne time the two little bracts which protect the l>a*c sn much larger titan in the summer flowering species. Jhith these pecnliaritiea show that the winter hlonsaina gorse finds some special necessity for protecting its young flower-buds, which is nut c.jually felt hy ita Slimmer neighbor. The wiy tho gons ? laoagei its fertilisation io extremely curious, and nay he followed aa the humble-bee bustles shunt in his burly fashion from flower to Mower. Ile lights on the keel or owcrnio*t petal, which hus two little pits or <leineK>ituis, ono on each Bide, fitted exactly to receive his feet] anil his wright then presses down the keel, so that the stamens within fly Top elastically, and dust bia breast all over willi their golden pollen. As the stigma (or sssiai* five mn face ot tho ovarv) is inclosed in the stamen -tube, it also romes Into contact witta bis breast ut the same time, and rubs off it Soire of the pollen hi ought from the last flower which lie happened to visit in the course of his rounds. Yon can push down the keel of a gorse Moscow for yourself witta your rinper, and you will see the pollen fly ont in a little Blond, like spray from I child's ai nirt; only von must take cine to experiment upon a fresh Bower, toot vet v isited by the bees, or else you will find the keel already depressed, and lbs pollen shed before your antral. The hers themselves know at once which Bowers are fresh, aud Which bays been prevyionsly rilled, by observing the position of the keel \ and thev iii-vi ir .vasts tl.eir precious time hy Bcarcbing for non-exist? ent honey in an exploded blossom. THE VALUE or BOILED WAI ER. In a article in _Cao***k*o\~? on scientific cook* eiy Mr. VV. Mattieu Williams called attention tothe daagerof using drinking water tall of organic Imparities. Such water, he says, sup plies nutriment to those mieroacupic abomtoa lions, the tnurocucci, lnniili, bacteria,etc., which nie now .shown to be connected with blood* fKiioooiiiK -poseihlv du the whole of the poison* ag ouaineaa. These little pests an barniles*, and pin'.'.illly nutritions, wuen cooked, but in their raw and wriggling state an horribly pro? lific iu the blood of people who an in oer ts in Hates of what i*. called " lcccptivitv.'' They (the bacteria, <tc) appear to be poisoned or soinelnivv killed ml bj tue digestive seen ?f the i lood ol sunn' peo| le, and noni ished lux toiiitiitly in the blood ol tithers. A* nobody can be qn te sure to which class he belongs, or Hiay presently belong, ur whether the watei ?supplied tu his boasehold is tree from blood tnnaoniug organisms,cooked water isa mier beveia^'v than raw water. MKellertiug on this subject," says Mr. Will Snni**. -1 have been struck with a eui iou*, fact that has hitherto escaped notice, vi/., that in (he country which over all others ci moises a very large population with a very small allowance <ii eleanliuesa, tho ordinary drink of tbe people is tanked water fiavond by an iufuaion of eaves. Thew people, the Chinese, seem. n fact. I t hiive been Ute inventors ol boiled Watei beverages. Judging fran travellers1 ac? counts nt the state ol the rivers, rivu? lets, ard generaldrainage and irrigation ar* ran^eii. nts of China, its population could Bearceb bave reached iis present density il Chin ut. n wire drinkers Of raw Instead of Cooked water.'' IMPROVED PAPIER-MACHE PROCESS. According tc 'Ihe J'niblrr a durable find inex? pensive method of employing papier-mache as ft substitute for BMtattngSL carpels, oil-clotns and oilier door earnings, has been introduced, the simplicity of the process being also an ad? ditional advantage in its favor. Alter thc Boor fens been thoroughly cleaned, the huies and cracks are then filled with paper putty, made by aoakin*: newspaper in a paste made of wheat flour, vvuter and gnund alum, that is, tonne pound (f sueh flour are added three qusrts of "eater and a tablespoonful of around alum, these in hil' thoroughly mixed. With this paste the Hum is uniformly coated, and noon thi* a thic\nc .-of Manila oi lu rdwaro paper i*; or if two layers a'c di sited, a second covering of past, is spread oa the first layer of Mani a {taper, and then the second thickness of paper s pot on and the whole 11 lowed to iiecoiiie per? fectly drj ; on thia lu ii1, accomplished another of paste is added, succeeded by s layer of wall-paper of any style or pattern desired. On the work's being ? ntirely dry it. is covered with two 01 inure coins o! suing, made bv dis* solvii o one-half poandol white glue in two Unalta ol hot water, and when this has lined, a coat oi ?? hard oil finisfa v.-nnish," nothing mon being required after tin Luier haahadtimeto become iiioroogbly dry in every pan. A BOG IN ftfOTIOX. A correspondent ot Th* Dahlia t?xprt*? thus describe* the moving of an Irish bog caused i>\ ftxeeaa ,. rainsi About mid-way betweeB I as* tlereannd Bellinagar. ?a distance ol six miles ??there i^ a gently sloping vale abounding in rich meadow aad pastaro landa. The road nt thi-; poiut is somewhat higher than the adjacent liebls. Along this valley the bog has forced its ?way. < >n reaching thc road it was held in check for a considerable time, but eventually it burs, acio-s. and rushed with amazina rapidity, co** erini; io its course upward of 120 acres of fine ?* pasture " lauds. Uno farin-bonae stands quite aurrounded with the mud, the occupants tiaving bad to flee for their live-. All communication between Castlerea and Bellinagan loy Una route) ix cut ell, linir*- masses cf peal with ?wether nmsining on the road for neall] s filial ter of a mile fully len feet deep. Being aiixii-iis lo view tho Booree from which il is? sued, I -Luted ap the field toward the bog; I found I' began about half annie from the toao, baying formed a Large subsidence of aina/.iii;-'extent, from which a Stream of mod was std forcing ita way. ihe gigantic masses ot bog borne alon/* in apparently sportive mim? icry balle description. Ihe matter has forced it*" Woy into tho River Sink, and mn,un ? irunntities are paasing toward Ballinaaloc. s? IK AV TO SPLIT PAPER. Tiie BriHtk ami Colonial Printer ami Sta tisser gives these directions lor splitting h sheet ol paper: Get ii piece of plate glass, aod tlace on it B sheet of paper, then Iel fe latter ? thoroughly Beaked. With care aad a little dexterity tho sheet can bo split by the top sur? face being removed. Hut the best plan is to paste a lime ol cloth OT Mroug paper to each {ide ot thu sheet to be Split When dry, \io eutly and without hesitation pull the two I daces asunder, winn pint of the sheet will be ound to have adhered loone and part to the Other. Settee the paste in water, nnd the ?ic( e.* (.in be easily lemoveil lrom tho cloth. 'lie pmcess is generuUy demonstrated asa matter of curiosity, yet it can be utilized in va? rious ways, lt we want to paste in a scrap? book.*, newspaper ai tide printed on both sides of the paper, and possess only one copy, it is Very convenient to know bow to detach the one Side from the other. The paper when split, a* niuy be Imagine-, is more transparent than it araabttfofS being subjected to the operation, Bini lin- printing ink is somewhat duller ; other? wise the two pieces BCBsaat the appearance ci the original, bf again brought together. THE WONDERFUL ELECTROSCOPE. If ThtOlmjo (New-Zealand) '////irs c.n be de? pended upon, applications of dei tinily are Banking rapid progress in the Southern ttemi* Bpheie. '1 hus in a recent address ihe Kev. Mr. Gilbert, of Christ Church, told his audi Sjuco thal it WIS now proved to lie {-Maible to con vi v bv means oi NCO* ricilv vibrations of light?not only to apeak with vouruistant friend, but actually to Bee him. The elect nee opi?tho name Ol the in? strument which enabled us to do this -was the very latest scieutilic discovery, and to Ur. Quid* rah. of Victoria- suid Mr. Gilbert, belonged the {iroud distinction. The trial of this wonderful nslr incut took place at Melbourne on the :ilnt of October last in the presence of aome forty scieiititic and public men, and was ? great suc? cess. Sitting in a dark loom they saw pro* reefton1 on a large disc ot white burnished metal the race course at f'lcminirton with its myriad Of entire baines, Esob ininute detail stood out with derfect fuleliiv to the original, and as they looked at the wonderful picton through binocu? lar {-lasses, it was difficult to imagine that thee were not actually on the coarse itself, nnd moving among thone whose actions they could ao completely scan. I'fiESERVE THE FORE8T8. One of the encouraging signs of tbe times ia the fact that the South is wakiag np to the raine of its timber bind*. "The lumber in len-; i,, the United Bl at**a, and in fact of the c hole world." nays 7/lS Southern. f.iimli riwn, '"h.'ive assumed ci eh important pt opot tiona thst lt is due to the people that our Blat'e Govern? ments sbonld establish a set its of Burveya and Investigations, with a view of determining the exact amount ot their forest wealth, and that in time tiio general Government, through it* proper department, Hhouhl i ubliah in siansiical torin th.' result of aftch State's tiinber ie anureea. While thia authentic report would he of (rrcat value to commerce, the pres, nee cf tbe botanists and their assistants in every portion of the States and Tenitoi ita would arouse tho people to a sense of the Wealth contained in their forest possesshrUS, and would perhaps stimulate them toa mon economical nsi of the timber, and make them mon careful about lieservini; it; at any rate, the timber, its ex? tent, variety and vallie, shouhl be made known at as eat ly a date ns possible." TAMEST OE AS OLD Sl/T OF ARMOR. YA'hero p. mi.inta atroBm and lirioht swords glance, Where M.ailed warion in irritii array At tilt or tournsmeat, or deadly fi ny, Brandish the battle-axe or conch toe ance, Would I were there ! My steel heart panta (nu en n >rc to inin til*, lambie melee I From knightly hresstto ward the apenr away, And guard tbs warrior biavc fruin fell mist h.un e. A Budden bright, onro. with her sufi ?Into bind, Lac, tl tnis si, ?'! norse el nn bei lover's back. Made fast this pinned casque liv boo band, And placed her favor there, liny kissed, aleck! And parted. In this corner dim I stand? kly gassy piuat. I'm only uiie-a-bi.ic. T. J. 1!. HOW ANIMALS PRACTlSk MEDICINE. From Pkt Britltk Medical Journal, If. Delauuay, in a reeeni eommunieation to tbs Biological .sn<i- ty, observed thal medii ina, .i> prac? tised nv sm mala, ls tboronenly empirical, but that the same may l*s said ol thal practised bv Inferior human rac b, or, In other**ords, by the majority of the haman sp oise, animals Inatinctiveiy choose such food as is best suited to thin. M. fDelaunay maintains that tbe haman raes slso sbowa thia in* Ktiiiii. anti lilaim * in, di cal m -m for aol pa] ins auffl 11 nt ifii. it tn t lu- b kc*:;i h. I il isl i kt ?*. 1 the patient a, which be belieree to be s guide tiiiit mav be de jieiiiied on. Women sm more ofien hnngi men, and they do not like tbe same -. in aai luina for ai ed poor, men .< .i women are nut on pt. ri-eh the Bameregii ? I :.i tascaxci 1. wi un. il are nu en i*, meal umi wine, w deb Ihey dislike ai il w hil h I) thia m "-ii "; in tb .-(innis ul Parla, :ni<l sscertained ihsl children do not like meat before they ari about five years of age. Peo? ple vi b ... mum to h.. ii low i : in * .n fj i' eil ii-.. I . ru ? I ah ,a laugh I vMtli regard lo lood, peiiple'a likinga are tbs h - gable. A large i umber ol auimaia ? .ih themselves anil bathe, as elephants, stags, hirds andante. M. Delauuay lay a down aa a gei ? al rule tliat tbei , ? not any sprnns ol animal which voluntanli nina t ti-- r sk ol inhaling em in itions arising from theil man excrement, mihi* animals defaecate mr from tin .i I; lui.ii nu*: "iii i - i.ui v theil . others 1 i ry to a diaiauce i be i i I then young. In llii* ivs; . , ? i ,?-, ab -.a more I I (ban man, arho retains f<n yeara excreuien m *? i tionar.v c< spools, tim* originating epideo - i na lui n "in :ii ? Dfion to t be qm di aee thal their young, kt-t-p tin-in clean, wean i em at proper time, ana eslucnte tb in; bul these ms c.'im. i* are fret] inrnfary iu women oj i.ivili/eii nation*. In la t. man maj Uki1 u ni bj ai< tbs lon er an) Animals gH mt nf i .ieir j ni n-i e* by aa ng Oust, rand, claj Tbose sufleriiiB lrom fever matriel ibt-ii ii .nt. *? 1. tl any places, tirmk water, sou sometimes even plunge Into lt. When . bas lost its appetite :t e its th ii known aa dogs graea ?....'?/, wbi b .1 1 smetie ami purgai ve. i..:>a!-.. eal gi 1--. Bud cows, when 111,.k out certain herbs. When dogs are constipated the] eatfatt} aubatanre - 11* oil and butler, with eviuiiy, 111,1.1 1 inn purged. Tbs same 'hms ls lerved ... hoi ea An animal suffering fr..m chronic 1 benm iti sn al In tba ann. the warrior an * gularl* or? ganised mi.billillie, m. Latreille cut tbe aitonhx ,i ,-mi ut, uinl other iint* earns and eoveri wounded part with a hrsnaparenl fluid lecretrd from their mouths, li a 1 In ,[. .:.,-?? ? lie wounded, itstopet&e h.e.' by placing cs bsud 1 wound, or dressing 11 with I au :,lum il Im* a aai.tiu ? d eg or arm 1. lt completes Ure amputation by maana ol ita teeth. A lieu on being muni: in tbe mossie by a % ip observed to plunge its hi id repeatedly for - days into rnnnrug water, ini* an recovered. A sporting nog wa* run over by na^e. 1 Un mu three weelu iii winter ii nu K mg ii. a bi 0 ?'.. animal recovered. A trriei dog hurl il ? il remained lyi g nndi 1 a counter, m ami beat, altbongb habitually it 1. to tbe in... li adop ed ;i general reatn ent, 1 stet ie e from lood, 1 be lo rn licking tha uppei sui lacei t r e p applied in tbs wounds lt- . ,. the paw when ii 1.ame dry. Cala also, 1 treal themselves bj tbisaiinplctiu lb. il ol co itium u. irrigat on. M. Delanii . ? ii? -* the cai 1.,inn;,, ,1 for sou e time li mg un tbe bat sriver; aiso tbal of auoih<*i cal which bad tun si ar for li mle 1.umi tor forty-eight . n ider a I". "I cold water. An nu traumatic fi vi r treal ibeiuaelves by inc c niiinnod app I..'it is?n .11 ' old, whi h M. I '"i.i.ia poi lobe more certain tnananyol tbcotherirn In viea intereetragfacta, weare, bel forced to mimi thathygiene and therapeutics, a lu.ict is, .1 1.j animals, may. in the interest* "f 1 \ euoiopy, be studied witta advantage. H1 oouln go ? a. 11 luxtber, anil -.->y that ve! nu 1 1 11 ji. inn... ni ii. tin me. could gather lrom thurn some a "lui,m.*, preci , ..illy instinct, ? pp-MMVut! u. or the ic*:tu iii mn ol li PROPOSALS IS soi ELS. Prom The !., nd m Daily \, ira, Kaney, MiasBroughl ! hermiddle au. il w tin 1. among other thing-; that she accepts bun, i". .ni s " I did think ii would be a nu - im tin- h ij -; bul I like 1 "u lui If, b thia arden! roniesaiou ii" " ki--tl bel with asorl *ii diffidence." Hauy men would buv< prelerred to go out ainl ..111. " tbs boj ." Mi. K'.i 1. - 1:'-, iu h." il to Jane Ry re abonld bs read in tbs works both ol Urci Harte sud o( lian r.iM.1". VVeowa that we pi lei Ure I Harte'* Mr. ttawj-aler, who wearily ran tbe poker through bia hair, and wip d his feet on tbs dnas of his beloved. Even in ths original authority. Mr. Roc beater con inn ted in Him-ll rather like a wild beast. " He ground bia teeth," be aeemed ta devour " liias Eyre with bis "flaming glance." Mis* Eyre behaved with mose, "1 retired io ile- dour."' Propoaali of Ibis desperate aiei homicidal aBaraotei an probably rare in 1. ul bis ar at least out ol lunatic asylums To be aura afr, J,'iii:, r'* boUBS WSSB kind ol luiuilif u*vluin, in which hs kept Mr*. Ruoheatur, unfortunately In* aune. Adam Beds/a proposal to Dinah wa* a very thought!ul, eames! pi 11 ponai John Inglssanl bira* aeli etiiiitl not have bean less like that victorious raat-ai, loni Janna. Colonel Ja. k, on the otbai, " used ie1 gi eal ceremony." But < alone! Jack, )ik" lbs womaaof Bamartaia ths eveotcb mimatei 1 aeiiiiuii, " bsd snjoys 1 a laiL'e snd rich rostrlmonial experience,''and went straight lo tba point, being mariisd tbs very day ol Ins snccaasfnl wooing. Munt) ons in a story oi Mi. W i.kio Collina'-, aaki tho fatal question et a oroqoet party, At lawa-iannte, a.s Niuiiml aaid Ionic into, 'tim pace bi too goon te Inquire'' Into matters of tho affections, h. (Sir Waitera gobion jinnie., ur rather la tim Forty-flee si Bir Walter anderstood it, ladies were ls no burry, and eoold select e sgaaj Bsprssaiona, Thus did flora replj lo WaverMy. " 1 can Imt Stplsln to yim willi c.unit. 1 tba let bum which 1 now satertaiO ; how they might be ultarctl br a train of (in uiiiBliincea too favorable Mthaas to l>e hoped for, it wera in vain even te cfuij.act 11 re? did v bo aa*uritil, Mr. Waver ey. lim. Sitar mr inutile.'-, honor mid happiness them ii none which I shall iiuue sioeereiy pray lor tiiiin your*." lim love la Indeed wiiat t^uney baiith beard tbe Scotch lady cull "Love iii tba" Mi. King-alavi* 'Imu llmniali sm?show ssoposad, WMBdMPtSd, anti waa M eoe Yened" ali ai ono*?a umro soroplez eroiiiihsolegii iii pe* foi iesBos was iit-ver heard of before. Many of afr, AI tell'? thu t> live easiflu ora selected lunn SOVelistS of no grunt mink ; u wonld bavs been nore lostruo* tivr to esiimiue only thu traalmont ol the great inaatera ol ro*_aoee. Bat after all thu is of Tit tis oowseqiiennei Ail dav long umi ovary day novelists sreteaebing tho " An io! Love," ami playiug lbs Ovid to tbe tuna, Tbai katey say a tua! in writing ibeaa paseages be nsedtoblnsu Mi rou woola think ba was going i"1" au aiMi)ili*xy. Bstwnat -ow novels witsout lovel Mers wa-at? paser, waly nt to bs reduced to pulp, ami restored to a whtta uosa and flrmnsssott wnlch ssarelovs bi<?..i.M umy bo writieii. __________________ "Ves,v s.'iid the Veinioii! clergymsn, "leon al.ler ll all n^iii fr a ululaterol 1 trade bo "s bat bb a matter of policy b? iho.ild 11 it" wub iuUii-'oue oaiialie Lia own con#re},'atloo. 1 hinton l'uat RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. ? Bpikii d \i " Worship*?A writer in Ila Nete-R a wen Palladium says that not longago be went to a certain church?where, it is not Btnteil kim-, kiln spiritual consolation tobe derived from the devout worship nnd praise of | God, especially boping to le lilied np los higher lira by toe fcm;,'iii<* nf Burna grand old simple hymn. Judging from iii*- account ho waa appal Batty dissppoiated. l*Ws hadbeen Bitting," lu mts, "ia tbe richi] upholstered pew and staling al tbe painted windows bul ? lew moments when the organ anddeuly bashed, and in :i <li?tanr corner ol the church loni laen ionabl* du'.-sed billies and ..'eiitlemen aime lind s.-iti.'. And this is what they sang: 'God ian Spirit ; God isa Spirit ; and they thal worship Hun, and they thal worship Hun. and they that worship llini moat worship Him in Kpiiii sud in lilith. God ia a Spilit: and they thal worship Him ; God ii a Spirit: must worship Hun: they most: must worship: ship Him: in spit il aud in truth ; for the rather aceketh such; (tenor) for the (all, loud) seeketa such, aceketh such, seeketb such to a or sh ip Him. (Very softly) God i* ? Bpirit: (waxing binder.i God i* a Spirit; and they; they thal worship Hun; they; umi they; they that worship Hun, intiat wor? ship Hini, mus! worahin Him, and (loud, yellendo) I ni.V Hint worship Hun; and they; moat; that worship Him (tenor, softly) most; (contralto) worship; (all) Him in spirit and in truth ; (all bm tenor) tor -, (all) tbe Father seek ethsucb; (lia.**) seekoih such; (all, softly) to worship rum- to winship; (sort tr dying away) in spirit and in tm-n-n-th.' Aa tho concluding (-ailence* softly died aw ay BBDOrg ihe Vacant pews, like 'the still, small voice among the dills of sinai, we could not hali? wondering whether those much-tortured wot ila had any mesning, and if bo, whether thal meaaiaghad any application to the perfotmsnee Just ended. What is ' worship in Spirit and in truthT' Tm: r>i'ii:r.w or IIissiobabies.?The Advance has th* following, wbiefa shows thai missions ara aol tis sncoessful ?* they oaght to in-: " ihe Rev. Josiah Strong, secretary nf the Ohio Home Miaaionary Society, delivered an Address to the students of oberlin College, .bum,nv ll,on 'A Famine In the si in ia try.1 He called attention to the fad thal the demand for niini-ti r* I'm home missionary chnrcbea was pressing and increasing, while the number ot meu preparing for the ministry is constantly decreaaiBg: 'one year ago tbe various home missionary fields asked for200mea; to-day im? ate heeded ; nor i-. ths ilemsud confined to the niasionsry churches, Massachusetts alone has eight sell supporting churches noi supplied with pastor-., and knows not Mhiie to gel them. Then be refers to the foreign field, and sn\s that the American Board could use 300or more ordained ministers lo great advantage, makings total ol 700 men now newdell foi borne aad foreign missions. Nor arewealnue in this decrease ol niiiiisterinl bu pol v. Tho I'loiiv terinn i mil h v.-ry oem' same decrease, sud also the !.;? acopulian. Thc l be iu ,i powerful rev iv;il ??I religion in "iur c diem s. 1 lie 1st ts -et forth are painful!* Imo. rhe remedy proposed wo I ie I ie veil to Pe the " il* one ahirn "ill he ? lb i i Ive. Pray for o "i i -ol'- . i * and for our young1 I mt ii their may I il lo the cause of Chi \ Ooni i w Pilli i ? Arcbhi dion of Paris in his Lenten pastoral speaks' lori phy of the present dav : ? * l lie mind nf i the wulla now beingatieiupieii ol constituting ' I w ithoUt I nit'. 1 ne V\ I .dolli illili b ol age* had tonghi thal no society itu ld if it did not acknowledge the authority inn me .laster and legislator, the sa of all hiiimiii authoi!'-. Bud Isw. V society n i.?i n tbe doctrines ol Christianity, sud, in perpetual testimony ol ir.-* origin, it tbe years ol its ? tiatei e from the bu th ullin- , Innovators, however, nbli viona rn the 'nene ii I- el., i-ie.i i., ihe (io* | K 1, ignoring tbe lessons ol sn extierienci a- old sa ths line) i ibu miali fiom aoriel v ideas I I ? ill dm ia, that no uncial in in and nopublii ? ' i ? ,u tbe slump of religious belief. The school is to he wi I God, uinl nothing in the asylums ol the poor atnl ai,i.i lt il i- tn iiill i lie i?? nonce ol a Li.t.v. ra theil (.i ii ls | their sorrows Neither i* any affirmation ol the immortality ol thc soul to il ed ? n tha ???]? .! ni the dear) ibmre mya ol in pe which con? sole the saddest moui i Tm Rot m ''m < it mv- ? World boa the lollou inc mil.rimitiim about tha royal ? I ... I it <d dignitai lea, ' anpointtMl to preach liefon ? ?' uh aigw d liv 1 ni 1 Sydney, the Loni Steward, and liol li) thc Lord Chamberlain, who> controls tbe I .-, :n unlei ii .- io; lie the auacei UL ol lim -e l'i..'i -Lil!' a -.- lin h -nnl nu nt ol a Rom in Catholic a* Lord Chat -?'? "ii ib ""I inn. In le,du>, ibe n hole min ? ol the cha* ? ls i* m thc haiid- ni Ilia Dean, the liialmp ol London, who arranges the lisl ol preachers, and whore Kxcept in Lent, the ? .I lu- the ? h ?; dinarv in rotation. He on] real duty cf tin niberlain is nee.. ?niml ch rirymeu a* royal chaplain* , bul - a mattel ol nurse thal his recommendations are attended to: in-eui.Ti ? I late years (for exninple, i mon Lid? don, nnrainah -1 bj Lord Mo ml ! I -?? m he i th"a hav e been decisively ignored." 'fm. Cm eds or To-1 '. ' aid tluuka that the truths ol vital Christi mo very different from tho cxiatiug rre. Anni ii an Cbriatiauil ?. Ii ;t creeds are worn ont and honeycomlied; that iln'v ure n lice ot the past and net the rounda tion-atom * foi the building of the rhiiirh ol (be living (iori ol to-day. They only auhiced n reiitur* oi two ago, il rontinuea, ?? IracaiiMfl tlu-v were then sa sa tbe issues thal tin n had to Ire met, bul now the* are as dead as i i *n'-, body, longH nee turned to holiest dual sud coro n.lay. I iv could not do work that they hud no power io do. Narrowei than thu Nicene and the Apostle** creeds b* the uubridge?t gull l.etween u statement ol facts nnd a congeries ol opinions, Mn y could do 'buy tor the generation Uiii demanded them, but not foi thal winch lui lo wed iii m.' rheas slut' nu-hi .1 vmII be rig? orously ileuicd by the great hotly of oithodox Chi tatiana, who believe thal a settled aud ii ,i tl en-i-ii ja necesaarj lo the pieaervutiou ol thu* i i.i i: i r y. 1 in; English Chi bi ii in I'vin-, lin ('linn kw ni ~iuies that the Anglican church ol tbe Hue tlarbreuf, Paris, the first and ol desi place "t wm ship oj ie n ed by the Church ol l.i,:> laud in that city, is to in- taken down in order to make room rm improvements. It has been in existeuce slrunt hail u century, ami is noa almost a min. On Mii.ibiy, 28, tba Ibv.Iir. .Mai kay, tim iuciiuibent, Blade sollie appropriate remarks with reference to the deniolitioi ol the building, and tho oonsequenl movement for providing another place ol wor? ship, requesting the sxertiousef uiacongrega* timi for the Speedy erection ol! the piunohftl in-va church in thu Uno den Uassius, A pim ol ground has been purchased thora, on which s teiuporai \ iron church into be placed eiulv iii Murdi, to sarre until ? non permanent edifice i;in he built. The oommlttoss confidently he? il vc thai they will be able to raise the neces? sary funds for thu purpose, and, meanwhile, the congregation will assemble in ihe American chapel ol tba linc de Herri. Prob vtiov.?The subject nf probation is now being generally discussed ly tin* religious pa? pers, and Joseph Cook in Monday lectures, is si ill devoting much attention t" it, Thegeaersl coiiclu*iou appeaii to be that bo ons ano ws anything about it. Many nie charitably in? clined tn the. belief Hint in BOOM argy m other a probation af ter death will be granted tothoas who navet not heard tbe Gospel ru this lit-**, y/i. Examiner ls conspicuous in its advocacy of the oiiur nioie restricted view, lt Baye: "The idea ol n probation in this life does imply the possibility ol salvation, but ths possibility muy never be realised. Ak a matter of fact, wa be? lieve thai, fm- ibo vast majority ol the heathen, thia possibility never is realited, and arc sever yet beard ol an orthodoi theologian who held anv other belief than this." Ile Christian /,*../. leter commend* it f(ir jt? I rankness, and adds: ?? Now lot ii print Its weekly edition ob black paper with s small margin ol white, and ita coior a?ill coiie*i,i,ml willi il* dost i inc." Hobbs ai Ci bi ?j>on.?a colony of Francis Ban monks aad innis in about to settle at rici edon. Tbs largest hotel in the place has lu .-ii bough! lor the new BIOBBttsty. and a rills with cxteiiMvo noonda has bean aeenrad foi the uuunery. ItMalaosmd that the plans fur i rebuilding-Clevedon Court, Sir Arthur tulluna *i"b!o ?M house, beloved of mid o I bsckeray, bare been complep d, and the wort bl lobe coniineiiccd forthwith, luckily tin 1 ir.teii Run- poi lion ol' the ancient manor house eacaped tho ravages rrj me recent fire A great deal ursa lost, but much thal was iu valuable waa a**ea**rved. lt is not generall* snows timi rbackeray visited Clevedon sbm tl j belora he wrote "lamond," and the wlmli nb a oj thc lions,, nt Castlewood wai taken fron Cleredon Court; bnl since that time it has beei restored and ?nlaraed. Da swim oa Missions.?Mr. Darwin waa no regsrdod n* ? Cbnsiian ; hat he had the great j : ie.peet for nil that wis-nod in Christian itv, aaa wsa great enonghte acknowledge il 'I ni- is the way ia which he answered boom shallow ( rilics of foreign miseinnni ies i " Thi j forget, or will not remember, thal human bm i iiii e?, ami the power ol an Idolatrous priest hood ; a system of profligacy unparalleled u aay other pail ni the world : infanticide, s con seqneoceof thal aystrsa; Moody wara,when the conquerors snared neither women nor chil dieu,?flint ull th res have been abolished ; am that dishonesty, Intemperance and licentious liesa have bet ii greatly reduced hy tbe intro duct ion of i iiiisi iiiuitv. In a voyager lo foigei these Ulinga is base ingratitude; forHhouhl bi chaine to be at ihe point ol' shipwreck on tomi nnanown coast, hr will most devoutly pray tha the lesson ol the missionary may hare extendei thus far." _ Kw iv CBHIsTIAlff.?Tho number of Chris tim believers connected with the Ongoli chnrcbosof the American Baptist mission iit Tel ugo. India, ia nearly 21,000; sad tbenomina Christian comm unit j ih estimated at fros B0.000 to 100,000. Tba baptisms, in 1882 from January tu I tetober, averaged not lens t lui 200 ii mooth. Tims work that was begun i few yens ago, when thousands ranouneei heathenism and became Christians, has no suddenly stopped as it began, but in going oi steadily. Those who are received aro aub peted to n careful examination, andalthougJ some of them may be expected to fallaway mont of tin ni will continue Btaadtaat to thc end AxCRBfSIIOF BEKBOIf.?It is nani that tin srraogemonta for tho enthronement of tin Archbishop ol Canterbury.! will be of i Hillie complete character than oa an; pre viona occasion, and already the denium for tickets ia very great. All the Bishops wh< hold provincial offices, BUCU ns 1 lean, lilian cellor iiml Precentor of the piovinoe, aro ex peeled tn be present. Mendelssohn." Hymn o I'laiKi-" ia tobe mihi* in >ho cathedral in tb evening. The new Archbishop "I Canterbury will make bia Aral Mate appearance In tha character cn Calm Sunday, March 18 when he ia to preach ut the Chapel Boyal. Si Jami i*a Palace. _ Bishop II vim..?Bishop Hue, of Niobrars who waa sued fm hiu-l io this, city last aprini bj Hu- Rev. 8. I?. Hinman, one o! hi* m :n ies, hus lui ii upooding --'ime time iu I'hiliiib 1 ph ia, where his father, the Kev. Dr. George K llure, lives, lt is stated thal the Philadelphia friend ii ii.-..up Hiiro will raino the amouut o the damages swarded la Mr. Hinman, inca*' th.i Supreme Court of tins State cou firms tin tb i i .ion of the lower Court. Rinhop ii i uuiformly declined to say anything about th ii, ittei sim e ths nial. - Stat; i? rho memorial ?( i!-ti of the martyr William Tyndale, the firs translator it Ibe New Testament into Eng li*h, is ahoilt to be i tl OB Hi I h. nins, im-iil. I. ? inion. I'u the ped ratal .till he in*, i ib 'd the Dames of auou t'M i,' counties, towns, universities and ti ?* iii i ;ie;ii liri i ai ii. tbe colonies and tbe 1 Stntra, contributing to tin* expense, lb % di *.-ned bv Mr. J.? Boehm, represent I yin!.ile in his Dor-tor's lobes, with lilarigh 1. nd on an open M ew testament. 'lhere is a minor that the Bishop of Han lei and Sir Percival Heywood --i'I come t n cuiiii.nm,i*e. *<> :i* to avoid niinoua am lengthy li'i-itnn as to the vicarage of st .1-,hu. Vile* 1'hittm,*. ll hil* been *aid that Mt L'owgill will Bale tbe patrou to withdraw bit nomination, and that the Bishop will notb tun i ni kui* in examining into the opinions of i strange nominee. _ Ike Pall Matt Ga cns the authentic of London forfailiogto protect the Hal vatioi Army from the attacks of the u Sk e le to: .." u hit h, if - r.s, is composed ol a " . ol hoiiliiedt Lu' * 1 d liv ;i "| ?rt' li I ii '.ll t ol' bia teena, who bnt tlie ollie ? fi the ranks of the Salvation Arm j to bern thu lal Mi ol its .-. ? is much speculation in regard loth .rn ut b bishop to succeed Bishop Tal bu ol Ind ana, recently deceased, ihe Kev. Di i lim in l.m i.e. rector of Grace EpiBcopa I 'huii h, i Im ,i- '. i ( pi uno neut ly nu m.i,ned a a ciiinliil.ite._ The proposed meiuorislsof Hie late \rch hinhop of Canterbury are monuinents tu Cunter lu rr i '.-.tlu ami nt. Paul's< sihedral, a me n.omi lu Westminster Abbey, and the rc lion ol tbe chapel ol Liimbsti I'..lace. Principal Tulloch bus written ? rigoron lei tel to Ht /'tW/ ila . ? ? the opinion lhal tin Scottish Ch ireh van loou bc di seal iblisht-d. Mi re than ? 1 .r?,0(K> ha vc been raised to en . ? ? II ni i -e ut . which is I' Ito erected out ol the Diocese ol Litchfield ii it il. __ I ?? Wsaleynn Methndi la of F.nglnnd havi et|M'tided ne.ii!;. lTi,00(>,(M I) in the err ,,a dui iujs thu lost i w Ii i* itated timi Mr. Moody has l?een very sui ul in bu i\iu p list ic woi 1. ia t kforii ni i ridge. _ Cl BRENT lol t OPl VtON. Mr. c. H. Tey, Proftssorol ilehrew In narran ? a.iv. li* l-l ii ;ii"il ;i " l'i iu,i-r, ulm ii i* nu tha old ..ea Knglamt Primer by several Uaguea u rance, li ia publUlied hy tim Cnitariau Mun u,iv st initii Society, ami Dr. lc. P, btebbioa, i i uiiarian divine, hus rayieWtfd it, and prououncs ii mi tull of ?? obi... ii il isea thal it-, chief use aa ba thin ka. must ba a a arniog amt a guld< Pi 11'ir av im shall take up lits i inn poi ii mi ni nmu lie 1.1. ot th" sunlit kimi." lim " I Miner ' ls un ut tempt I" loWi r doa n tu the i uuipretiSBsion ol - .nil rlren ol twelve veara and upward" tbe rou I lao tim " I hillier l nt.i i*iu,'- ii* -{ivan bj itu moat ml v _ ii .-1-1 ie i vu ate* Dr. Stebbins objects 111 that Pro [i. in i., v . iii *, the Supreme Using " Yah we '?"; Dams children never beard, ami which Boonda ti thea aa barhaioui asthsnams of sn Ojlhway.' lin nu i-r! * J tu lin- li .ti' li i UK Unit it ia "ulm,. i ii :u ii tba! .vi ii*f * 'lui nut a nie tim len command monte." ih-ni. n; i a i tuihe dictum that lt wa nut ut Minuit Mum Hint (iud gSVS Israel Ita lBW Hu (iliianl*. i 1> to the -.lulen,rut Unit l./ckinl um I'./r.i wurta tho urinclusl compilers ami oomoo sara o tim pentateui h, and gives it s blunt di ulai hy aa? lng that there i* nut a lins of .historis aviilsnci timi" Esra wrote a word ol tim Pentateuch." bim mei at inn timi a mi in hpr nfiabjai ti hum, lin diawa lo i conclusion by taring that Un re ought to he a Primal ol Ins old l "-.lament, but objects " to going to sn other lieiiuiiiiiitttiiiu for nu authur " ol tun Pruner the titliei denomination being tbs Baptist, ni whicl it ls nuderstood Professor loy ingulla tmvuti iiioiiilmr. - [ 1 ho 1' tBloekiag over tbs lest number of The Ok wr were Hirreeiiiily surprised By tbe number of TB tituI* of religion mentioned. Prura Bftsea ti twenty ?ere racunleii with reported accssaionsti tint eiiuicli o' ten or more, un io one bundled. Wi sbasrve, aloe, that other papers nail attention ti the mcness of ?.stlrala in many parts af tin errantry. While thara is bo general tho nolv Spirit, it is cerium that there ls a BIBI KS aihlltiuii te the numbai of tln-ae swakenings .'-omi of theae revival* have hean in pi ogress for BS V OTB iiitinth* pass, hut most nf them liiivo followed lin Weeli of Prayer. 'Ile fuel ought IO OB a StlUinlBl ami enoouragernent. If say people have fallei iuto the hiiiiit of tiiiukinu that the day tor revival. Lu BSMBSdj Mini that we me not to ex licet th. (hm eli to he advanced by their ageney, let then remember thal thu- mutt he revived, ll thar ari now cold umi ifo'esH. duce "reviled niraiu" ii nnswei to prayer, by allbwbbs let them -.tay so i in.ssiiiiit. and never lone their warmth and life Vat whal they asea now, tm themselves sud tb i hun h e. ;i revival "Awake, thoa that aloanesl iiml arias from the deed." "lu* tune tn n wake on of rtii-eji.' ii i.e.Ne.i Kort Obssrvsr. A I'irife shiiieof tho objections lo what is c.illii "dogmatic theolsgg" are verbal aalbbhuv wblol loos all their tatra whee sae lu those doctrine* pres iit-tl with tba oratorical fervor of genuine feel 1114 I heite lunn* of thotiftiit have been full en,m. I flt meaning Br meta tbs world, lt ls basia?a wai experience Uso narrow and shallow that we de mead Maa alsar snd somprebsnsivs statemauts o doOtriBS. 1 hu lank lu lum na ol Him geuaratiou Ls Botte bringeui doctrinal statements down to Un level Ol tim e .. neii-ni-e ul a world! V ni i lilied aye hm ts sn I'leai'ii stsinal I mt as Hitit tba ex lament i sf tba ase aimil tie Brought np te tho level ul tin old lui'uiui.ii. ? H'ho Ailvan, e. PRACTICAL COOKERY. a anton or kiti ber uauan with dbxos ?nua bubla 1-Aiii.oA. 1. PUFF PASTE, Kt LAIUS Ufo OTHES DAINTY D18HE& The work thai is being (lune- in Mis* Pail..!-* Cooking Behool, at Ho.283 Bast FlriTinlerath st., la szeiting Increased laterest bothaawngths im;>i!s of tbs Behool am! SBISBlg iii.nv oilier* who huve watched its progress. The number of .'iticmhuits hus grown steadily, mid the Mopaaf the ucl,mil 1* gradually broadened. At arasanl tbavravk cou pr.*,-* ju i. ats elsa SSS and public demonstration leesons. Tha several private elasssa, which oro taught lioth by Mi.-s Parloa and by hst Ba latani, lira Webb, cuiitiiiu nix mem hors each. Tho m strnetoc gives the reeip-s fat the uWereeA dishes to lie mado and the scholtrs pre 1'iiro them under tho Immsdiatl direction ot theil teiicher. In the demonstration' leaaona Miss Parloa rend* the r cinea and prepares tbs (lish?s in rs-if, explaining every stag in thc different ansssses with the utrnoe't care, and in a tnanner that arrest fails to interest her bonn rs, whether they know anything about methods ol i.i,oking or not. 1 bass lMBS_S are given on Moiulav and Tuesday of euell w< ek. TWP. TkIHI'NK lina nub'arrangements; with Miss Paika hy which it will bo utile to give to its renders in cadi Sunday lases the malpas for the dishes prepared at tho two pr. i e.ling demonstration lesson*, together with alias Parloa'a valaatds Ina* meltons aa to the exact manner of applying tho mstpss to tbe prewar 'ion ol the dishes. Theso lessons will bo publish "d as a aeries of article.* under the general title given a I io ve. BabsSOjaSBtly they will bo brought together iiml issued as one of Til" 1 itiHUNB Extras. On last Monday Miss Parma treated ol the making and uni 8 of puff paste, and this subject drew tbe largest aadiensa ol the season. After prefacing her work with the itatemetlt that tbs liauds should list bs Vfasbsd with BBSS and waler, aud then dipped in extremely hot. ami MbSSqBBBtly iu cob), water, Miss Paripa brought tuber table aquartofpaatryffoar, a pint of buller, a tablespoonful of salt, a like quau tity of Miuar, aud ono aud a quarter cupfuls ol lee* water, ami I dd I "Fill a lurg" pan or howl with boiling TTS TIT, .".nd b moment later substitute oold arater, laariag tha bowl dually only hull full. \\ a*h the pint of but? ler in this water, ami srotfc with the hand* until light and waxy; this action freeing it of butter? milk and salt and lightening it, aa that the pastry will ho nene delicate. After having shaped the butter into two thin cakes, put it lu a nea of les . to barden. Mix ths Hour, sugar and sall to* i, and with ths banda rab a third of the butter J into th- flour, Add thi nat withakiufe; and continue atirring quick!* and vigorously until 1 I tho pasts liff,inns a smooth hall. .Sprinkle the ? moulding-board lightly with Hour. Turn tue paste on tbe board sod pound ii qui* ly ami lightly arith' i tbs rolling-pin. Ba car tm not to break thc Roll from you ami to ons sids) or, if i jun prefer to roll from yon all tho while, j turn the pasts around. When it has bean ro'la 1 down to tba ibickne ? | sn inch, wip ? tba r maui i it into hit* and spread thees on tbs pasta. A light sprink? ling of Iltur should follow, sod tho paste should be third from I ll tue edges meat. Neil fold front tha (inls, hut do Bothsra theaa meat Double tho paste, aoand lightly, and roll down te the thickness of shout a thiru of an inch. I'ultl a* h. again. Repeat the operation three timer it lor pica and six if for patties or tarts. When it hu* B86B rolled for tbs last tims place upon lea It should ., bI least .in hour In ths loe-ebesi before ii is used. lu hot weatln-r if the pasto sticks when being rolled, put lt on a tin sheet and na ies. As sm.n us it hus bs n chilled it Brill roll easily. The smaller ths quantity ol flour need when rolling tho - tbs pasts will be; Indeed, no matter bow liv all the work i* dune, the DBStS viii not lu- goutl if mufti Hour bs seed." i: ,\ mg bad bi r pas'- chilled, Miss Parloa mads a i-td-iiu-i'i nf in this manner 1 The paste was lolled into a ten-bach square, plaeed ob a plata fl*g mri i i iii diameter and cut around the ed.;e of tbs plate. Another', about 7 inches in tba' i ir. wat plaeed in tha centre of tho pasta, ami then a nile. Hut bad been dipped into hotwater, v..ts used to cut two-thirds throngs ths pasta around ths edge of the small plate. The pasts put In s ba king-pan sud Into tba oven. lu about t |D tl t of an hour tbe draughts wno I, to alackeu tha beat, and tns sot-en utut waa ? i aluna half au hoot loig'-r, Mis* i in lug careful that it should not burn. When it w;is removed from tina oven the knife was u*. tl to lift lbs centre-pieoe, sad the | unca ? was removed from thor Uau-ctut { with a spoon. Then the eenti . i. place I. 1 "tl that at the I lune for serving, the rol-as-rest should ba bested 1 through, ml ! with ohickc . i rsetbroads. lobster, ! oysters or something rise, aud after Hie cover had , hull replaced, ri -ve i hut. AH tbe work pl this last part con ld be dime Ihe previous d;.y ll inuit1 eoiiVeni'ilt. 1 or patth i M is Parloa rolled a quantity of puff ? down to Ute thickness of thu e-qnarteri sf sa laking patna to have ths thickness even, i cut mit a mund tin cutter three and a hali Inches lo di ame ter sad plaeed in pup*. Another cotter, two and s half Inches in di dipp i! Imo bot water and planed ls utre of each patty, to ha pressed abont two thirds through, tba motion of pressing being rut iv. , i centre-pieces, Miss Parloa said, wera aaail* s parated from the rest of the patties when baked. : The patties were baked ten minutes la a rer? hut oven, th-"i tbs heat was reduced, sad they nets , kept In the oven twenty minutes 1 ager. When , ; they wcie removed tbe ecntre-pieeaa wera bfted I Bnd tbe uncooked paste taken out, leaving space for meal oi bah chopped flo id with pepper sad Malt, and nanned iu a cream Banca; the seven be ng ti na' ly replaced. (?punish curls were next made. The trimmings of pun pasts wsrs rolled very thia and eat into long, naitow strip*. These were wound around small coates! sticks sad baked a Querier of an hour. The removal of tns sticks gave a place for prssarved strawberrii i ami whipped eream. ?Thia waa the rule furnished for fdfass ChautlUp t Aller tullun: puff peate very thin, places plats apon lt aad trim the edges sith a sharp balfe ea a Jag ging-iroa. Plaea the pa*, te sn a tia sheet ami bake lill-eu or twenty iiiumtis in a quick oven. It takea t wo iniMi'v ciikos im- tim anawa, Pat half a pint of rich cream into a bowl with ono tablespoonful af BUgar Bad two of wine, ami whip to a RtilT truth. Cover one side ol each of tho cakes with strawberry prasarve. Plsosaeaksoa a plato, tho spread side up. anti heap whipped cream anon u. Pinesthe other oaks apon ths first, tbs covered anio down. Sprinkle sug.r over the CakSB or heap whipped cream apon them and servo?a delicious dish for dessert. From sileas Chantilly Miss Tarina turned to tho tilling for tho I'id-iiM wat, winch she malle aa fol? lows: Moil a quart of oysters tn their own Innn-r. As som. as scum arises, skim it oft. I hain the oye tera ami return half B plat of tha liquor lethe sauce pan. Mix a BOBBI tablespoonful of dour with two heaping isWsspooafBla of butter, and when the mixlure i* light and creamy, gradually turn upon il the boiling ovster liquor. BOSSOO well with bait and pepper and possibly willi a baro suggealion of nutmeg ur Baaoe, After bailing up once adi three tablespoonfuls of cream and also tho oysters. Stir liver IBS lire half a minute ; theu lill the t-uf-uu-t int faa tetro immediately. Mis* Parloa impie*acil upon ber hearer* ibo bn portanesol using i>oid-nroceash flour for null pa-te, nud alto tba need of working tba batter properly i,ntl attending carefully te the baking. At tho close ui the lecture tbe diahsa ni,nie, during the morning vane served lo the au.lien. e. du 1 iiesduv afternoon Miss Parloa opened Iur lecture by giving thees recipes for eclairs: Pata capful of ho.ling water and half a cupful ot butter lulu a Urge H.iurt -n in, .-inti when Um mi it uro bolla np tura ia a plat of flour, beat well rrithavsaa* lable masher, and when n is perfectly asnreth and velvetr tu the touch remove from tim bro. Break firs OMS mina bowl, and when the DBStS is uisrlv ri,hi heal the (-uga iuio it wits tue li ind. Univ B small part of tho broken eggeshould BS mbini lit one Hine. WBOB the iDUture baa been tli,,roii?hlv beaten, say In twenty minutes, spread ou bu I temi studs tu oblong pieces about four inches looa and ei^ -,-,.| g half wide. These piece* must l... laid nh ni (tao i must bs baked in a rather quick oven fur uhom twenty-five in iii ii ti ia \ - aoon us th Vitr"l.;i!. with chocolate oi va ul.: icing, i nd a * co l. ant th ? ip .t ... ui ,1 lill. Ciiik -.1.11. f milk in a double bu.lei. i; .; r _> t of a cu;iftli ? .,',, ., p j ,| nf ilmir iiml one-tmirih . ni ol -slr, and s'ir fir* :u at i minutes, stirring I reg mut Iv. When sold, havoc wnii a teaspoonful ol rnnilla extract. 1'ut, two iq nares ot scrap* tl chocolate with Ave tablespoonfuls <?; powdered sugar and three of boiling water I stir ovat tbe an till smooth sad glossy. Dip tba lopsel the seisin Into Ibis coating a* fm n the even. Win ii tin- chueolaie iciuir is Sr* , eal pen lin1 Belair* from Hie sole air! lill with cold cream. If achocolate Havoc bc desmxl with Hie en aaa, add a t.i! U pooafal ol dissolved oboeatate. Vanii.ia Ki laibs.?Maka aa king with the whites if two ens iiml a i u.iful and a half of powiei.-d sagsr. 1-lavnr with a Isssi.nful of vanilli -at? tract I rust tbe eclairs, aid. uh.-n thea uro di v. open anl lui Uiun. Theymav bl Ulled with eiei-.i, sweetened, Barursd with vasilis, aad whipped ta a still [Nth, Frosting ?The white of an egg, one tevmnful of powdered sugar, a tableepooaful of lemon juice. 1*01 Ihe white into ii bowl inri add Beeac giauiiuilr. beating with a spoon. When ad bm Leen added stir in Hie lemon {alee. If tho white of the eg< be burrell will rsqntrs a gooilly cupful of sugar, and U ii bc small a "taut mphil will suffice. Ihe egg must not be healan until the sugir has bean added. Hus recipe gives a smooth, tender frosting. Ihe same amount of material, prepared with the whiten of the eggs unbeaten, will make one-third less frost? ing than it will it the eggs be beaieu tn a -tin fruit he tore the gunar is added, but the frosting wi.l hu enough smoother and suiter to pay lor the u*e nf mullunna) material. Half a teaspiiouful ot vanilla extract may be used fur a flavor. ( I' C*.ki-s.?Make a mixture like that for eclairs, and drop id spoonfuls upon buttered tin*, eu i out ibo ekes may ix* run ml instead of dillong. 1 hs cakes should he allowed to bake tilth a mug.i Burfai e and should be tilled -villi a mixture liku that for chocolate seisin. Afier the Eclairs ami cream cakes came queen fritters, for which a paste like that f >r Eclairs wau used. I his pasts was drape ed hy tablespoonfuls iuto boiling lard, and cm,kel until the fritters cracked open. Wine ami sugar were the BetaUB BSBiBBiBts whoa ths fritters were served, though sugar alone u.av i?e ssad. The chief ,li*li of th" afterneoB was the gdteau St. Honan'. Thu also demanded s paste like schuit*, Miss Parloa saul to butter throe sis plates, audaiti r rolling pud'(Tchnpp tl pssts '? iv Hu., to cover tbs platt-* with it. She thou cut uti the pssts shoal au inch from ihe edgo all round the plates and spread a thu lager of Um ooohsd paste aver tba imit' paste. A tube aboir bali an roch in nismiTST waa put late what is called a pastry bag and tba remainder ol the selah, piste waa tuned Into the hag aad pr,*so.l th rou uh hat tu'ie mi to the edgar, of the plate, whees the pull piste bad beni eat-ob. <ar? wss taken to have tho border of even thickness allround. Helsa -rem 1 with a fork in tba paste in the teatr* sf the plates-, ami tin D lu" (Indies were put in a BWdsCBSS oven tor half an hour. Ths remsialag pasta asa mads Into balls tbe -iz-1 el eommo i marbles thean doz.'n. These wnw dropped lota a pea that hu*l been batteredligutly, und wera baked ti.i-cn or twenty minutes, while they were baiting, bait n cupful oi tau er ami hall a eapful ol sugar wacs put bato u small aauoepen to bu.l for tw<-aty_ve ni; 1.ii*? sj. Wh n the lillie balli and Hi- paste ii tba plates had bera cooked, tbe balls were takea ap on the tip of a chewer, di mio tba syrup, which ma.ts th iii adie sive, aud . on .ie: border of pasta,shoat two nu nea part. Mi*s i'ailua a lutioned her auditors aever to -in tba syrup,elss it would beooms grained aaa worthless. A gund plan is to pour part ol the svrup Into a small cub and pince the cup in hot waler. lliai v, liirii re ie.ins in ihe saucepan should be kept hui-wiih m boiling?until a.led. Wheo all tia balls had been me-!, lour dotea liench esajbert cherriss were dipped into tue syrap and plated be? tween the fails. Ai out fifteen che.ri-** -ni red to gn.iisli me ceatcs af Hie Blah. I he remaining nari of tha recias was as folio w si Whip a iiml and a half of cream to a froth. Boas* hun a package ui gelatins in halt a cupful of foi two boura, Poor upon thia eompotiiiou bili * cupful of boiling milk. Place tha pas vf whipp d creamin another of iee water aud sprinkle over it two-thirds of a capful of sugar ami nearly a i*-t spooiiful of vanilla flavor. Strain the ti int me BBOB (hispreparation sud stir g-ntly from the bet i i.n .. i thickening i* perceptible. Wheal! will just pour, lin tue three piatas with it and set them us tho ice-cheat for halt an hour. Garnish the lou with Hit; remaining i.berlins. Ml. NU. Oyster Houp, i. l/ilistei - lievllled <'rulis. K..B*t Beal Mashed i'.itat >r?. ii; ii*.. ,h Sproata. Celery. i Plover on Toast. 11 ?luce ami Watse-Crsss, "tease Dressing. i ,i. eae. ' r.icUei *. Iflaoa He. Granb rn Tarts. Orsa*-**. Ii'ttl Cakes, j Coffee. HOUSEHOLD NOTES, Otbtbb Bouf.?Pal sprat sf ayatccs with th ir liquor into a oalandet Iel them drain tor liva minutes; then, s ter removing tbe oyster liquor, n .in a pint of bodies imi;- run tbs oysters, I'd mw Hus wnii r away, add a runt ol tresa bon mg water to ihe oyster liquor, and ht ii in,ii \u a s-ueslals lined bun,-e-pin nulli ali the m uiii iii.* nasa ami bean skimmedoff; theo add a puk ol' fresh null., oas powdered water cracker, ii pines of hal little silt nu! pepper, boil tee minnies, and just before the soap la to be served turn lo the oyvtors lr..m the f il.ii,th . and Iel them scald for tbraa iota Oyster soup prepacsd in tala way will not disagree a iib lavs Boast Pwtbbti.?Plush and draw the bli l* :*-m son with pepper and '.iii : arrange them ls a drip, pan, with a tittle bot watei ni the bottom of ? m to keen ilwm from ultea with the hoi v' i ? ted b itter, thcin cook shout twenty minutes, herve on lint i t Vivi, t'rn.c.r* a iv Mn will::-.?brown some atletsquickly is hot lard, then nike t.. ?, pan sud th csen thc bot lard with floor; stir un ii the tia mi i bu. i ifficieni boiling m.i er : ? ? ah mt the ti, ; Try stun' nuely minced onion in but'er, then add it to the gravy. Pul in the veal c i ..-ul "lace round tnem abonl sis *1.1 tomat .*e ton io taste, Simmer geutly about two boura, og until tie- cutlet-i are tend ir Tomato Hash. -Chopcold er broiled IOMATO hash. -: .e. im.ii roaai neci or ; lu-.-i st e.r. verj Uno. Puta mint ? rf onion and ate icap f ul of tomatoes on to h ll. When the otitoa bm tomatoes sra th irougnlv done, ,i ld tin-1?- -i, a small piece of butter, p pp*=r salt to taste, berra scaldl ig hot. Obamos Punntxo.?Two la ge oe inges paced and cut iu piece* ooe me a sqaaro, put ia the bottom of a podding uisii, pom uv, i i ii.ui one inp of wtnte i nen mane a plain otu itarch ps Idlag u nii nui sugar and pour u over ibo ocaage sad bubb*. i ..t .i ... i ,, ? l.rt (tau I sud i "?''. Till MB POE I RAI TS. Prom rhe World of Wundaru. If the "bail," or i usliion-llke BBI_MS of the too joint ot Hie thumb, be examined, it caa BS SBSB that in the centre ?as, iadsed,in the lingers alv>?ia a kind of spiral foCBBBl of IsegrSOVSSla Hie skill. The apiral ls, hosraVST, rarely, if ev-r, quito |ier fect?Hiern BIS irregularities, SC places where lin-a run into esch other here and there. Kianinni g both thumba, it will be seen that thor As set exact? ly match i but Hie figure on ?adi thumb is the Hain** i in<iii_l. life. If the thumbs sf any two pensons are ('?mpared, lt will further ba found that no two sra alike, lhere miiy be, and generally is. a " family resemblance' bet ween uieuibarsof the same family, as in other feature.*-; there are also national charao tenstics; but the individuals .bib-r. All this is bet? ter seen by taking "proof nupresiious" of Hie thumb. This i* easily done by pressing it on a slat* covered with a ttbu ol printers' ink, aud then pr-sa ing it on a piece of while paper; ora little dye, Indian iuk?almost anything-may be BBSaL Ihe ChiaesB lake advantage of all this to identify their Important orimlnala ai least la some parts of the Empire. We photograph their faces; they take impressions from their thilluna. These are stored away, aad lt the ajeJiaeeaat sbeald avesagaia tall inlav/tho hands of the police, another impt?astOB BS tuite affords the means ul comparison. The I .'hines** ny tliat, considering the atterauou made in ino Countenance by hair ami heart, ami the j *? wel? man, men have of distorting or altering the act al features, ole., their methoti affords even more cer? tain ana easy maana ot kjeotiieatioe ihaa oar plan oi laking the erinn mil's portrait. Perhaps we might with advantage tags a leaf out of tlit-11 boah. " I (should like to lo excised finn jurv duty, your Honor," -.aid an old Kcutlouian ia Un nd i'uurl ypsienlav. "What excuse have you te offer I" asked Judge I'n-lpa " I'm noi In good hcaita." 'llav you :i physician's certificate effect!" "Nu, reen Honor." "Then vmi'll have t> serve." "Rut, Judge, tueio's aooti.T massa." "What ls Hi" "tsftaa cei oraaky." "Clum cg ina name," commanded the Court iiiiicli'ii iiiMi-l. The olii iieuti.-iunn liobhiad out. aud taea was a iii-or in tbe court ruouL-illaluuiaiie "an.