Newspaper Page Text
sf V5_ g^SYL^l N?-13.346. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY. MAY 31, 1883. price four cento ^TALPANICON THE BRIDGE. ? - FtRVSBEDAyDlBAMPLED TO DEA1D. jpWELVE PERSONS KILLED AND MANY IN? JURED. A BLOCKADE AT THE MEW-YORK AUCHORAGE P08UED AND FORCKD DOWN THK BHORT FLIGHT OF BTAIKS-A OBF.AT HEAP OF DEAD AND WOCNDED-HEABTRENDINO t-C?XE8 AT THE HOSPITALS. A terrible disaster occurred yesterday after? noon on tho East River Bridge, by which twelve persons lost their lives and a great *B_ny othern were injured more or less seriously. While there were no less than l.r>,000 larsons on the Bridge, a blockade was formed cn the footpath at the head of a flight of steps niue feet high extending from the masonry above the anchorage to the iron true*, the same place at which block? ade-, of i*eople have occurred heretofore. A panie followed the pushing and struggling liv which men and women tried to free thein ?elvis from the crowd. In the midst of this rush, started, lt is thought by a gang of roughs, either thoughtlessly or with mischievous intent, several persons were carried over tho tdf? of the steps. They fell on thc landing and at the foot of the stairs, ethers stumbled on them, and BON than forty persons were trampled under foot by the punic-stricken multiuide. It was a long time before they could be extricated. They were then placed in improvised ambulances ami taken to Chambers Street, New-York and St. Vin? cent's Hospitals, where many heartrend? ing scenes occurred. Great excite? ment prevailed in the city and Brooklyn, aud exaggerated stories of the' calamity were apread. Tkiiuxe reporters last night vi-itcd prominent Bridge Trustees New-York and Brooklyn and other offi? cials, and obtained their opinions ns to the cause of the accident and the means that must be taken to prevent similar occurrences in the future. The accident is attributed largely to the iuelliciency of tiie po? lice system and the police force of the Bridge. HOW THK ACCIDENT OCCURRED. Vntil the shadow of a croat calamity settled npon ' it yesterday the great Bridge was the most popular thoroughfare in the city. Tho few sprinkling showers of rain whit li fall about noon dui not seem to chook thc ardor of the thousands who had resolved to devote the- holi? day to sight-seeing from its height-*, and the cheer? ful sunshine thut followed Lilied out many nora who till then had remained housed and snit them on a siir.ib:ir*erraiid. Until the latter part of tha afternoon, when overcrowding caused diseoinfoit, there was no moro delightful place Imaginable than tho breezy pathway from city to etty, and none that commanded so magnificent a panorama, .onie of the brilliant features of oiacuiiig dav mott repeated,. for th? houser- In tho Tiiinity hail not yet dolled their gay decorations, aad the Hags on the shipping at the wharves fringed tho two eltiei with color. At inti rvaK daring Hie day processions with bands of Maia crossed tba Bridge, walking in tho wairo n av and thus allonling a better view of the soldiery ?ral uniformed civilians than could be obtained any Ta'liel rise. 'lt: ie was a fatal fascination in all this. It at? tracted tliousatid-i ami kept them upon tM Bridie, Tuc Superintendent knew that tba crowd of visitors to the structure would strain its aeeomaiodotiooa much more aerioaaly than they had ever baan ?trained before, a.ul lu* mads what Mero suppo-oil to he aionle preparations for the atm*-. He buiit additional toU-boxea at eaeh aad and gave oideis that in eas- ol OYeierowdiOl the title af travel should bc turned into the wagoa-ways. as it was on Sunday. Tiie poUoa foree was nut im r..ised, it h"iu^ supposed tbal tweuty-four men would be aide to direct the human stream into proper channels at the termini, anti prevent loitering in the mots whoie the temptations would bo ?trongest. lt, was knowu te ba extremely likely that between 10,000 aad 'jo,ooo petaoaa would li? on tin- Bridge at unee. imt it was not anticipated that lim conduct of a small trac'ion of the Bamber would bring death to a dozen (.mines and su'iern g te many more. Th" natural eft. ct of the great crowd of visitors Md the attractiveness- ol tho Bridge waa steadily to ri, iv,ise tin- numil,-r upon it. New-York has always contributed tinny more foo', paaaangera than Brooklyn, and when tho retwaing tale met the stream of fresh uriliaN lin,:; New-York as tho afternoon began 'o draw to a close, the leetway gradual ly grew aaora and more ermine 1 and the crowd moy d more and more ? Uggishlv. The iemili was inevitable. With only cue footway tho Bri I ge is a saunteuug pine:*?a promenade, on wi,icu ont can spend all day going lack and forth. Still it WM aol thought mee.gary to th'.ow tho wagon ways open te P'destrians. As 0:1 Jinn.lay, the s:t*h*-.o"rs be? came blockaded mitlway batwaso the New-York entrance ami tho north th towoi. Then th" maota! of a aaetton al railing ead thoopaadag thereby of aa outlet late tbe aide ?eada .ottered tba pia?m Fe terdajr, before thia was done, there came the panie which raoalted in -rOrriblaaafMacaad death. The scene of the oecarreaea u just al oyo the anchorage, a little more than half-way between ti - (few-York aatranee ami thc Bret tower. 1 'p to ah-l place the ro ..dways are all on a level, but lu Itt benin thc iron trusses, which aro lifted above the taaeaaa.ageeblee.Tht! wagoo aad traaawaTaeoaUnue od theil e;i,y prado, bot tha footpath is tuddeuly lilted neatly lo feet by a broken Hight of fourteen ?tapa The path, which is 10 feel and 7 inches a.'!-.'. is narrowed ?tightly, bal bardy enough to be Ptn -ptihie to a trowd. ihe aaeeot ia divided 111 thc middle by a landing about. G feet wide. Tho steps aro nf wood and rather marrow. A sturdy ?tull of m aai ie exteada hon the station te tba Brat truss on Mah tide of the walk, ana giv-i- linn foot ?h-r-' to an irou lenee that meets the truss at the foot of the ht airs. Beyond tho auib is the roadway, twelve feet inches wide, aeataialae the railway tracks, which are laid on alceiton- and ties in Ihe ordinary aarface foahioe and ballasted with rubble. In this part of tba Bringo there wor. vorfcing yesterday a few riveters'. riggen, machinists and laborers, A few Illidge pohcemeu Wen iu the wagonw: is near bf, WaOtt thara aaa abo a steady stream ol havel. About 4 o'clock tho crowd pre.t m dense that a blockale was formed ou the Bridge extend feg from the load of tho (tatra hack several rods to the tower. The number Ol persona who were faced toward New-York was eoflkit'iuiy large to All the entire width 0f tho walk and tue comparatirely small stream going from this cit* hail for a long time been forcing lteelf through tbe serried ranks that met lt at the head of the sta! ra. The oauiw ot the blacliado seems to have been eulelly the slow movement of the crowd down tbe stops. There were man** worooa and children Who made the descent slowly and with great care foi there ia a suggestion ot .auger lu th* narrow ness ol the et*pe aud the ?uw--.Iw-im of the wood. With the teen lona tudu*, from Brooklyn and th. rapid movement along the uninter? rupted and descending pathway from \ the tower, nearly 1,000 feet sway, the slightetit Interruption to tbe regular flow was bound to cause a difficulty that would grow greater with every movement. This is exactly what happened. beginning with a little crowding tbat at first caused only merriment and some Kood-huinored Jostling lt grew until women began to faint, men to shout and children to cry with terror. The danger of going over thc steps in the midst of such a crush dawned udoii those near tho flight and they began frantically to push back and shout to the advancing thousands: "Stand back!" " Give us room!" and other vain expostulation*. It waa like trying to atop the tide, for back of thc struggling bund reds thousands were throw? ing their weight against tho ever-increas inu column. Then roenbectino desperate. Tbey foturht and straggled and added to tho terror of the women and children. A policeman jumped upon the chord of tbo truss and. waving his club, screamed and gesticulated like a madman. Thu crowd would not understand hun and could not obey. Stalwart men wearing the uniform of thc Grand Army of thc* Kcpuhlio followed the example of tho policeman. Shunts went up that people wore being killed, and under tbo trsnsformiBg intluencool terror the report soon spread lo those furl Uer back Unit something was the mutter with the Bridge. In the midst of the excitement the crowd advancing from Raw-York fell back a short distance and left an empty sp;.to at the foot nf tho stairs. At tho same tune a gang of thoughtless rntban**. to whom tl.'e'cru.sli v. as either uhr sport ot an opportunity to ply the vocation of pocket-pit -k in ir, ansivcreil^a command ol "Lat's give 'em the grand shove," willi a concerted nub toward tho Au old woman who wss at the head nf thc steps stumbled and fell forward; a younger woman followed, and tho human avalanche went OB th-ir ptostrate forms. Boon others tripped and f"ll and within a few minutes there were piles i-f crushed ainl I.L edlBg pieces "f human? ity at thc foot "f each Hight of stairs and the pniiu sttiti.'ii erowd was trampling them to death. The scone nov-* beeime dread? ful ('.ist description. Borne nun won changed into maddened brutes, some intuit, a *. Husbands picked up their wives, Straggled tO the edge ol tho walk and placed their bardens all limp and exhansifd u;>o"i tho trass. Others passe I chil? dren over their heads until they were landed ia a' [plaoe of safetv. Hats, umbrellas and canes wen- thrown away IB order thal the might bl cit a: tO fight with fur lite. A pcdler's pack was torn lr.un his back and ita cements strewn far and wine. Coats were torn from mon's backs and slyirta and sleeves trers ripped out of woman's dresses. Stoles of willina hands wore lout tu tin- rcs.'ie of the fallen. I'tifortunitoly there were BO means of communicating with Hie gait un n at cither and of the Bridge and the tide of tr.ucl was not cheeked. It was only from tin* si.le ol tbe walk tbal the persons who wt ro piled apoa tho stairs eoold be rene bed. Finally the Bridge workmen carno to the NOBB*. They took ont a section of th.) iron fence next to tho iron trubs on each side of the walk, re-ted planks u;.' ntbegraaitecopiBgttnraadtbe frantic peoploioto the wagon-ways, and eaabled willing hands to ex? tricate the dead and dying. Tho most of this work waa done bp daring nen, w ba had clambered down Ihe irtvi trustee in order them .fives to ey ape death from sutl'ot-atn.ri. The injured wan carrie! into the division of tho roadway designed far iho railway and laid down BBoottbc sharp edges of the broken stone where simple efforts wore made to bring boob tha lifeless to life. It was h;i If un linn i' before all were extricated and much ionizer before lnclieal nid reached them. Wagons iiml trucks wen- turned into ambnlsncea, and ibe wounded and dead ivor- placed In them ami carried to thc polios station in the City Hull and thence to tho Chambers Street Hoepital. Eight persons w.*re dead or dying, and more than twenty s<. seriously Inlnrsd timt they bad to ??<? taken to hospitals. Intelligence of the dreadful ealamity was strangely long iu reaching the ends <?f the Aridgo, but onie known to tbe BWeatmck cnnv.I out-ido the gateways it travelled like wildlir- aid grew tis it spread. An hour after the uccideiit it was told in tin- vicinity of Mad is >u Square that twenty-five ;i"rs')iit ware killed and hundreds wounded, end at Forty'Second -t. tbal the Bridge bad fallen down and l.DoO people had lost their lives. LIST OF THE KILLED. Tbe following i- I ll-t ol th NS who wore killed : liA/.AKlA.v, Ji itcsin. as* thlitv five, wus the wifn of Ziieiiiiriiih Lot ulan, whoas home i- st Bo, '.i'll I'lyiiioiitb st., in .irkini. He le a carpet-maker. Tbs husband lu an Armenian. He arrives] si tilt* (Ililli.!..: Street Hospital Mt uhollt 0 o'clock inst ev. nm.:, doing Hit'i the room where tbs bodies '?! i lie ii.-.: i w r. Ij lug he look) .1 i srefally at tin fuc.siieaeit woman natl! be reached ilu! ..f inn wito. ile tamed sway without a word or soyezkl tnt Um ol emotion bnyond the expression o: miser] upon i.i? *t. nance, and w*ik<*d np st,ors nt tr lo a dosed condition, then soddenly uttering u piercing ShMt-k in* ruitiieil min the i.ireet.evuliml', La!! crated. His wildness was snell thal it neceteary for n police officer lo t>eUe bim umi put lum Into o hook Bear by, whoa b-- wa* tah n home. cnn i-, William h . ano no. ..r go. 4B0Orsad-st, wat a ti.rk In the employ or Ridley A Bun, Heat irted for Brooklyn yesterday afternoon, after the store had vt-it relativrt there, un.l to trout the Bridge. Uewos In ihe middle of the erowd ol tho Hine nf tin- neel.kui, nial sus taken out <!".itl from undue itlon Hs was o native of COnneetlcnt, ami bsa lived li. New-York the lae! thlriy j ru-. Hr le iii- ;i widow ..ii'i four grown children CB AW runt), Mai rv ape thlrt.i thur, wife nf t ! I es Crawford, wbo ls o clerk, living In Thirty-seventh st., in ur Broadway. Bhe wos crushed against the milln*., then thrown down stamps i ni on. lier huti.uutl was not with*her at the lime. DEBBI MBV, .- ililli . WOS married null SSVOB wookt ugo to John Ile .uesti-v, a wire weaver who i employed ii fJalon-sve. and Alnslte-st., Brooklyn. Be lives it Mo. 190 I'll '.ll "t. Ile: inalilt n inline wes Tibbs, sod sbe wat'jj rears nltl. The husband Hill Wife Wile lOgOtiMII linell till* pOOlC ... lIHTl'd . An a' l'l.iit ha I oe, iir.-ed to the husband a seek SgO, which had 11 lui, il in, left liund. He wu-i holding lt np aad shvwt ug li io his wife when tho ilr-t n sliriiui . "? tie_'nii i'm;, bodjutt reached tho ,i ji- vt tit* New-York aai borage ami were coming toward Mew* York. He -fiir i lu vtif-'- aria with Bis uninjured hand io protect her. J.ut ni that iiio ineii! lie received a blow ...i IBs side ol bis tn.-" that lolled him tu tbt Boor aad hts weal rolling io the liol iola of the stairs He whs able to extricate Iniu Bl-lf from tho crowd witli.tnt being t*r:iHln-il. 'lue blow ni" a ins foes separated bim fiom int wite. When bt: bad eeeaped alter bit fail lie contd nut gad Ber Bad learned notatng mon of ber until he found lui drud Linly at Hie hospital. Ile I!'*-' tonghi for her ot ber home, bul nol Bndiag ber there he weat beek to lae hospital with her father and brother te Hint shs lay thru- ili-j.i. Kasti n. iii-!/i, sae -lity, retldenee Mo. \h:> (inftitii-it., Jersey Cit) Heijrbtt. sin-was sceompooUd i.y her husband. Mr*. Kiiatcu was on old and feeble womau. Wit" Helaine frlfhtoOOd when tie hist onlifuniini annie. Tho ooapie were loosing ai the hosts oaths riv. i ut the tims. B/aen th.* crowd pressed upou them tho hashaad tried to pr .tool ins wife, hut sbe waa thrown dows sod trampled upon, whue ne wes newerleea io itrln b.-r. -sin) wos e ii-rteo out ii it di.iidriiiiy iii.iugie.l eondltlon. The uusban.1 I hei tn lin- hospital, but liho was.I.iud Lei*. ? bel body wi." leiiinvetl ll vin the ittiiliil'uijfe. lin BOSbuBN i.enl home, mil S00B aftei wu.-il hld Non mn. to th.- hospital to can* for ins mother*! remains, Lino, ah. ul*.' fifty-four, u < hlnossaa, wtm boom h> Mew* york (rem tin- Weet Indies ahum ton ? .-ur* uo, Bs wu' iii est.:.1 In dark tout, anti i\alslcn?! anti imi'l trousers, nit hom.-wu* in Baxter-st., and bia ooeo ?allon mi" peddllUB tObOO) '. mn! minti from honse to iiiifie in small .purnim.?. Ho was trampled npon on the BrMxe, nml Ills fare wan horridly dlaflglind. Me Bad aa relatives la thia eoaatry, lon ho mn i.ieuit lkd by ti Deputy .>h.:iifl lom fx-o. O'lHiiUN, inat KM, age fully live, employed as a delivery clerk at Pier Nu. :in Pi-untylTanla Itailrnatt, llvsd at Bo. w* LaiKbt bi. lu eompaay wita his daughter, Elizabeth, who it omens tue injin. d,and bis daughter Mnry ne wn? seonlog the Bruise inr ph anuri sad ts suiut) bis curinsiiv. Mai:hew Welch, wini also whs Moompauled bi bntdoogbier, waa wi hMr.O'Bnea - when the dltasiet tit ure-!. II' took the dead man's wife and inoib-r to the hotplnil. flt. Weleh hlniteif narrowly nseaped death. Ul- taco WIS bruited and his StothSS turi). Ho taw Mr. O'lirtiu, who wai wulkiu-. uut-ad wuh two lime gila, owr'.?U awuy by the p.iiiio-sirickei. erowd, Hosea oeedca In reseuiLi; Kv- and look her homo, mni Wsut hScK with .Mr. O'Bnsu't wire to find him. not bavlug boon aide to set any Huco of lum imme? diately ofter the occurrences B RlORnxv, F.h.e*i; arti forty-five; married; llred at S'o. 3fl She was In company with a woman friend anti one of her sons on the brid.e. They were separate., nnd the son did not find bis metner until tie recognized her inaii-li d remains at tbe hospital. Bl'i.i.iVA.*., Maroaiif.t, age fifteen, residence No. 137 Munros st., was identified hy her fattier, .fames Sulli? van, at S:l*j n'cloek last evening. Ile lia lahorer. Ilo was with Mnrjraret anti Ka'o,a.vouui;erdnuirtiter. Upon the linage. In the panic he fonnd that he could not save lioth of them unaided. He passed Kate over to the care of another man. Tbo latter, however, had another woman to aid and he imt Kate Into the hands of still a (bird man and tims she was t-ken out alive, although badly Ul Bleed. Tin* father mean? while was striving to prevent Margaret from being crushed. He failed. 8be fell under the feet of the struggling t lu and was tnki-n out dead, lier father tlrst lound her hotly at the hospital. SiiritwiHin. Emma C., wife of Caotaiu Sherwood, of Bridgeport, Conn. Bbs was visiting In New-York. Her host, whose nsme could not be learned, with hts littleiboy, was accompanying her across the Bridge when the crowd lugan to press upon. The man BmrM his hoy, lint Mrs. Sherwood was len sway Iron: him. Uer dead body was carried to the Chum bersStreet Hospital tracie lt __terw_rawaeiden? tified. Smith, Gf.orok, age thirty-five; tntek driver, who worked for Baker A Clarke, grocers, No. SS& Oreea Vleh-st., aud lived at No. gi Watti st. Mr. "mtth was wal Ititi-* a Tass the Illidge accompanied Dy his wife, nnd bad lint resetted the top of the step* at the New-York encase ?gs when the panic occurred. He Was thrown donn the step* and Was crushed by the people falling upon him. Altlnni.h alive nh, ii pick-d up In- died soon aficr reselling the th.nubers street Ho*pltal. Ills wife, although overcome by her gr.ef, had MOOPed almost uninjured from the disaster. Tin- deed body was taken to th* undertaker's shop liv romner Kennedy. -, unknown hov, apparently 18 reen old, with !l?'iit blue hair, of slender build and dreMed In dark ilotius. Tickets were found in hi* inn kef nf the Mindai-'fliool of I'ie .-.nilli se-'oiid Street Met ho dist Epiaeopal Churoh, Brooklyn. He was seen by one of the lsrltlge work men at Hie lime of th" disas? ter. He watt il*It'd fruin his liar' lu tae pressure of the crowd ami ivan sque ted SO timi Itt. lu calli lett Instantly. Hie face wee area to express great aeooy u:i i i lian p I Dolores I ile pu suire be e.lino greater, Tin: i.viniF.n. Tboae known to lie injure 1 ar-* as follows: attin'.,i.i:, Baobab., age 18, of Nu 443 Blxth-ct, Injured about lae bead BBd body; Went la.mie Will mil alli. Bakkbtt. Fkancm, age ??? ot No. 19 Mott-et. ms left legend arm wera broken. Th- hay wot t ikea to Hu- ? "ban :>. i' Street Hospital, and was subseiiut-nrlv transferred to Um New-York, and wot dollin well late '? a-t night Biacuorr, Oito, o: Wo. 7 Maabaeaet-plaee, Brooklya; ?lightly Injured; wei.' bom qnaeslsted. Bonni i, Air. iiti>a. Internally InJnrad?eooreyed to the ('bambers Btreel ilospit d aud subaequentlj io .v ir-York Uoepttal She Urea at No. MwDlviaioo* si. , i: ..ii. Maa Manama., age :u. o' Ne. l.l Willett-et. Bbs -.ins i i company wi h Mnranrei Ooll taber, who Waa killi I. .-lie lt a .11 ll 11 I e tm '.tl I.i ui .t:,d tefl HI m. 81 e it a- taken lill-, th tn lu r li tatt. < III Mil :.-. M .:?? Dal il1. - A lui il.ei !i!i r Emma age UL Mi- i '.tab ri wiii 1: Jure.I Internal!) nu I I. rim ;i "i i lie iii.i: i a i .-a Mn- Chiiinbt-i- bad a frae lui -ti.. ..uer Umba, rbej were inc-jmpsuy wah Mr. Coomber . a dent convoyed I beui In a carrugi to their borne, No, lin King st. l>A!',r t. ..;:*. . 79 Henry-et, rec Ired aUght aaalp l,. i. -es. iii wri. able nt tr,i temi a I', tum ci. age :i I, ??! Si >._.lo W* nt T* mty-nlnth n.. ese ,| ? d \,'.::; il islon of t i ? back sud was taken to the New Vo.k Hospital, nbeoi .,,, ? I,, lu- if-iiitiii'd 1." in a i,, e il 1 I !?.-, si U'l lek. Dei ? ixte, David, sgt tah . Ive, of No lu \ II.- tell . i fie fu at .f ibe si ;?-umi received e DtUSlOU ol Ibt slue. Iii- Was I.l-.U U) Ihe .Se 0 Vol k I! .-spits!, n.ii i.e.iv. n i ?e inai be wm able to go howe ? ai jj I ins evening D rr, _i*waai*,ai .. tr*, of No 152 Fe *ry-st., N A.tila. S. J. II-' was taken lo 81 Vincent's tlos.dtal, wbt-re be was fonnd by bis milli in Hit Injuries were Dwi ooaeulered futai, being , ,,.,':?, I ' i ali lo ir I,) Ire- -;. ,i El ?::-. 'ii* LEN ag? ll. of No. 331 lust Fifty loarth- I., bsd bis riant le< fractured ucnr tbi snd received a < intusi.ftbescstp Ile waa taken 1,1-.. Vis mt's h..,.i:. where bc wm doing nell la t un l.t. Erasa, I. e ii. tit Ka 7 Manbass L-plaee, Brooklyn] tlj lid ired . went ,'ei o'- irltl mi ? >Uts i, a ii.a-, u ik. .d? ie, i km. a widow ag 'i'iyi ir., ol Mad? ison nea ? Strict Il'-l ' lj lUoVetl t.. ? Y. rk llospll a.. M. ii a - 1 .ul;,, ll I n- elvin, bei i i] il C.v.; i ' . Jl'',r, ?: ' ' I I'u,- .e.- ut is tbrongb prostration, t and :-? >i thi ? Min-; Hospital. 1Ian*"'>. 1. i'i Url >g al - i brystlt -t, wm wi u aei rn 'i", oa the I . re. ii...a w. rs ?ii.*;.iu Injun d. II_i:n Ena Mn., a tr J ;. nf In i! ? ?'. ? rd st., h. . iver, working for Riobard Walter m Forty-slxtb-sl ll. wm bri?oed aud *irui.i about l b< lt I.i it.-.i i. \, .: n ..... UO of No. 100 Monroe-si In lured n.!? in ?!??? i ? ? ; ' ? ' i. i1 .? la! and ? ibse . e-r ll..? ... Sew \ "ik ll. -, o'HttiF-i, l.i.i/iAii; ni.agell. daua ht i ol JamM O'Hrlen wno wm kiiad. Injured Internally nad probably will die. i rim: bm, M kBT, "_? -, ? a* with b' r f_ ber on th I wheo be wm billed, ind received several bruises ? 1 scratches. Bbs wm sent t" u i bon . -' No. ss Latgbt-aL (a'li .sui as. Maui.i.f No 2.12 i 'berri st. ti.lured Inter* nully ; was taken to 'tri ni'ht -ii tats Hospital. RBQl'A. of Ku 02 llorailo-si Ullgfi su ile M d f rom Mphyatn j weni bonn uua ? ited, ii. in.v moNAs; of No 30 Moutgoui i> st.; mi ir. 1 . ly j t ;? not sd fruin Cbs I Hov -..M', wh ri be was at first taken, t> th Non _orl llospll il Kui Ma lt. .Mrl.l, nv'e ;i". Ol No. 230 ' '. : ll was ei.iin ted to I ,. tin'i. r. - |. '?; Uoeptt?Usugoi In ' fr,,in eiiiiTid-ions and ..- phi il > BMITH. MlKNil ; lives ni No. 308 UoMUm-OU, was Injured latersnlly. Barra. MaaosWET, ac* twentr-flve. Bhe via? on th., lilian'- ll I. b lier hum) nial .ml v, ..a 111 niall iluaii lbs steps. Bhe wm t.-?ei...| with il illy and Issup pus. ii te hare reoelvi d some ,.11,,-tif internal Injury. Bl 11 ta, Mum 0 . "I Vi 267 '.nure rt ( Jersey i iii ; Injured i,11 i a.' ii,-ei wai eared for ai tue Uannbei l JliMpllj!. 'in.mI--..-s. Mawr.age8, if Wo, 113Monroe at.,had her ?knll fi ne tu r. ti and nu nor ? un ina i huh ai nair, tbe bead. BOs wm .am at Bt. Vincent's liosullal lu an uncon Minus condition i.i-t eil :ii:in. and ii is tii...i;;.t will probably die. Tu.i.nkv. i:i.i/aiii ni; a young -iri wim Urai la Bt Murk's piece, Brooklyn, nant borne wltbout aeelat itnea-. Voaau v. Maa < hmm aa -lives ut \o.::. Wool TWeuty n tutti ?t.; Internally lutured; conveyed to Cnaaib is Birect . i.. TIIK MISSING. Tboae reported miasing are as follows: ItSKWI' K. Ill WI ) , 17 V'.llS of r.L"-. of HrventV Sllttl Kt. and liri uv. Ells father la sexton ol Ibe Meihodurt i nun ii la Biaty-thlrd-ei, lita lett home early la Um umi nilli.', aol saying where be wm going. Murk-, i.i.iii'.i N. Ra la Married aad has a family. iii- imme is nt Fourth aad Thirteenth eta. Mi*, i.i IT, A i'i. are lg, living In Eighty il ir ti-..t., a Sliter ol Mrs. Henrie Suilth. \i lione husband luis ki led; It-it lui linnie in company with ber slater un foi tbi purpoMof walkin* ueross tbe itr.i|r;e. Bhe had not returned up to a lute hour l isl ni^bt. Mr ? i I , t : I ii . age 2-, a Sister of Ada Minley, wim lu OOaipnilJ willi lu i and is also Blteot?g Brauao. William, fourteoa .urns of ago. employed at k. H. Macy's store, rn Btzth-ave and lulu ii-i nih st. Ile lefi borne with the Intention ol going to Rockaway wltk a ni-ml. Ile nus inquired tor h., Ins tiitber. V,'. II. Strong ut the I'huiubers Btreet Uo*i>it.t: nt 9:40 p aa Ta.MMAM, iCl'WAIlli, U|,'e ll, of MorilMiIibi. Ile left boure ut 7.45 a. in to wall. OTI r the l'.ilil_e. lie had not telurned ul 10 p. m. I'lBiN-Ri .'?Am ri, righi of a'.*e, ol No 48 Kldrldge st. Ile left home ut au curly boar uni nad not re? turned Ui lop. 1.1. It waa reported thal two aooaofjoho Unmmell, of .Vu. 109 Kldrldge-et., were misaina. and had probably bean ou tbe Bridge. Inquiry at that ti ti in tt. i failed to diacover an.\ such peraotia an aooonntod for, and none ol the boye In tbe Innis,? and there were bum jr?had baan ea the Bridge, CaIIH.iI.I, .lulls, ai."' 14 : lu,- la la' Twelfth st. i u is, aud, of 8'iuth ? vent!, i., Brooklya; n \ eui n old. f ni k. !>*% in, sire U years. Lives at No. J ei soy i ny. Esr i i.n uuii. Rica abd, IS yaam of aga 24 Mtgh-st, Brooklyu. i .nt io n. .J, i: iv, o' No. M6 ' anu'-St. Hassaokn, ih.uki,i, ti yean. Lives ui No. l.r>7 Hleecker-st O'N'i.ii., Anna.i-i.. laves st No 023 Wiishinton-st. O'Neil, Kiumi-. Llrraai No,271 WeatEleventh-et Minn, Mu.i.s, nf l-'urty nr-t si., tour -sououtl uv.., 14 years 0 d. Vi ni it. MICHAEL; ega :i0 years. laves at No. ti Oitver-st. nu Eighth -at., laves at No. TAKING TIIE INJURED PBOJI THE BRIDGE. At -1 .:*.""? p. m. Hie alli titnan ol thc. pedesl i nins in tie- City Hall Park and tha poaaoagera In tha horso eara bwi log uj> and down town was attracted hy tho si.lit "f three men liorriedly oroaalag Chatham-at, h> watdatboCit] Kailatatiooheartag botwaea then th ? body ol a woman, .111 ned ia a nary-blna Banael ooetuioe. Bhe was tpeechleaa, her face was covered With I'l" al and lier dress ami hat wert* torn and la dieorder, Tbe men stopped for a moment ut tho fountain which stand* at tlio easter end of the Matta] roadway and used tho v.utor liberally ot* r her faee and rapidly ehufed her hands. l)..iui_ thin BUNBOUt'a paii-a a dowd closed around tboaaeae not 'he party toaaddlf* licuit.v in raaaarfagthalrprogreaatowarda th.-police nt ut ion in the, c.ij lUi., In reapoaaa to ii"' cxiitod inquiries of tba Inflowing thrwof. Ibo saaa hi'rricdly uusweied that there huJ bega au awi lem on the liridge and a great many people bad neon crushed and injured. At thc itatiou word had just hem received of the catastrophe from a member of Inspector Byrne's staff, and a little boy, i,till unable to speak, but only "nightly injured, had boen brought there In a earring,- hy a citizen. Sergeant Conlin, who wan iu charge, immediately dispatched the reserve force of thirty men to the Bridge, with orders not to allow any moro people to pass tho toll-keepers under any pretence. At the same BJ instant word was sent to the Chambers St Hospital, and to St. Vincent's, New-York, and Bellevue, for ambulance* and surgeons. I.x-Alder man Kraut, who happened to be there when the intelligence arrived, ran over to fhe Aitor Bout for Dr. Farrington. He found tho doctor in, sud tbe two men returned running to the station. By tbis time, the ambulances with sur? geons in charn-t) had ornvdd from the Cham? bers Street Hospital ami wero receiving the wounded and the dying, who wore now bein* car? ried In by citizens and policeman in almost un? broken successlos. They were tirst taken into tbe rear room of tbo station. ThstO rastoratJTM WOW applied ami everything was done to restore con scioiisness to those who bad swooned. Those who were badly injured were transferred as quickly tis possible to the ambulances, and tho more fortunate wero carried into the front olHce, when, tiny re mamet! until th.ry were tn a couditiou to be sent home. As each new victim, wounded, maimed or dead, was hurried aeross tho square Into tho station, tho pitiable light was billowed and d walt OB by il crowd ol men, WOBMA and children, and these constantly arriving delegations loon swelled tho num? ber of people about the entrance to tho station with a luging crowd that fought ami struggled for an advantageous place to what was going on, an 1 theos WOW only kept in tuiiiv kind of order by th ; v,g >r ot half B-OBOB policemen. Mea and boye forced a passags to tho bured windows wbu!) open from the ser geaiit'a o'liie, and gtaad theil cheeks ami foreheads against tho iron lu their eagerness fo catch a glimpse ol tho awt ni and heartrending sights within. Ths Menes hr.-, between balf-pael l ami bili past ,"i..'... eh, were certainly snlBeient to make women tala! ami strong mon turu palo. The doctors alni aiton .a,.ts belonging to the anni,tl in. tt wen* bur? ry lng the dead aad Injured from tbe bach room toi tbs - at th.- door. Thors were, bloated faces, and eyas circled wuh dark bins rings, preternatu rolly swollen; cheeks and facet were covered with I'looti, ami hair w.t i matted with tl; foam was exud? ing from blue lips tu I olotbes wer.) torn and shirts anl dresses wore in tatters. This prooession tin.nigh a group >f pale-faced men anti women, wh ? wen snffnaed with . t vi -. sad who..-' hp- sro*** tr.-milling -,v itii i..? _-111 los I to for vi into words. II. .' .... .. * | s ;. )l ?? vu in elaspiag I pl. Itv, blue-eyed babool eely to bli uniformedooat, Tbe child wm daintily dreatod ni pink and white, and the rocgh policeman wat trying to soothe its fears by gratis w ltd*. As he -r ol there a stout Qernaan Biade Ins way frantically int.. th.* place. Before lie could utter the word4 of inquiry liol.! hv hoking i i.t" nt' h - Uar lilied eyes QSUgbt light of the chill. With a irv of joy he sp,aug toward ber, tore her irom tho officer's gr..-p unit budged ber to bis own breast. lu another porto! t!i r i'ii i -. oung i > -mian girl, who bad liven badly i snd trampled on .nd was still un? conscious, was shrieking ami groaning, snd moving with pain *<> rapidly that the at tend i it- f.'ti ni ililli ctilty in k. eping her on a seat. Ii, th* hack roo io large, beavy stan who hod been a nder the feet of tko crowd* and tl..- lower part ol w boes bod) wm terribl] mangled ami crushed, .- "Hiing piercing outcries to thoa of thc girl ia i h.* .'th.* i snort ment, and these shrieks of pain and "ll added .IV el' Ul* III IO (lie hi'illlll* wbieb wi.s thrilling. The wounded snd dead that win- thus taken through tvu suanye assembly of noises snd people trew pn into tl.'- w ni ti ns :h il.iiiui.,. e. tiiat were rspltljv 'liiv'ti swat to tne vonotis hospitals and uave place to sii.'i i i ij, ii _' aiiiliuiatii'-s that were i 11; ? at I. vi t.t I ute rt uis. to t' e disturb ut??*? snd di-i o.uiitiiio nt t!i" ((in? stantly collecting ct"" H. All toM. t'. : v.. re Mvents. n ired and t?.. ? leal tha' wi |-,* t'lien ,'ivv.iv Iroin tl.'- Cit'.' Hall Station to the hospitals. Tie- dead and twelve ot mi' Injured wiri- taken to Chambers Street Hos? pital, loni injured pcreooi weie carried to m. Vin. elli's. Before tbe dead and injured had been all remored and while the room wm still tiI'? ? 1 witb wounded people uttering .ties nf pain sod noxiously in? quiring friends and relatives, Detectivc-Seraeant Maguire, ul Inspecloi Byrnes s stall, pushed through lbs crowd with his bands on lbs collars of two pickpockets who hal been tungin on tin- Illidge plying linn nimble trade among th.* crowd *l '*? . il t th.- ca? la troplie, I in ir na im s vv. re William Harrigan and < lOCar .Ne|.!|e V ami t vii' Iva! Ill ea ,IH- 1 1 pl .eli! c-d ll) tue Hogues*11..ul. ry. Uy a ti-i past tiv,oi three quarters of bb hour ofter the drat injured person had I.n brought to Ihe station, Ibe hist victim had beenMntowoj to tue ho-pit.ll or had gone I,nilli'. Tbe ..Hiv* wi- i,*ft to tin. policemen who bul hail au hoiii nf such unexpected hud work and excitement, ami io tbe fneudi and relative, nf those w no were on fhn Bridia? ?r who wore supposed to have I.n there, wbo coutlnued foran hour mon h. cullie in an ol mool nnbrokeu procession: -ti,i,i overwhelmed with lear ol Impentliug mn. lortune and scaroely aldo to speak, end others csger with hope and counting all the iiiui' < s of ii favorable natcome. Ai balf-pastsix titer- wei-.- few ol' them left. I hey had g.nio lo the btM-pitnlfoT were saliotiod from dergesnt Conlin's information tbat their fears were groundless. As tn the erowd outside, from hall pool iiv>- on it rapidly .im,h.i bcd Manv weul over to the Cliaml.ts Streel Hospital and in any others repaired ta ih'r Rridgt wuh s morbid do siie io inspect the sceue ol tbe iii astt r. k tew still lingered, however, and talked witta tho groups..f friends and relatives thal wen* constantly coming. As these grew less in number, tbe crowd Mtl" ?"?' th ttli-i tressed, until ti noll] a bond pashln* along Broad war attracted Hu- rewosnt, who quickly dis appeared oorom tIn* Hark, ibo bis! Injured persofl bom the Bridge brough] lo th.- station was a little hov live years old, named Andrew Dougherty. ll" wm caught ."it ol tin- .rush at Hie side hv .1. rv .Morrow, ..I No. lu centi-r-st., who witta bis familywM driv? ing along the Kia.Iw.iy in a Carnage. Ilotei llve 8ergeant Maugtn, ol luspcctor Uyroee's itali, had preceded Mr, Morrow I.y a few minutes, snd had an tbe catastrophe al tbe itation. Bul it was m.t unt-I sir. Morrow's arrival sod that uf Mr. Kalitcber with a dieosrd in a nnvv-olue eo. inne iha: tbe tiiglitiui i-_.i--.ii <?? the dis .stet" \t as made know u. g) l lui.' were, "i coons, many touching scenes when tin- friends ami relatives began to come In. A sad faced willow with ochild a! ber mle tremblingly asked if anything bail been beard >>f ber daughter, Henriette Soar. win. bul been on tbe Bridge witb William Weaver. When as-utud thal uo such name appeared among tin* list of dead or wounded sbe breathed a sigh of relief, and clasped her child's hand moro closely. She had B"tit one child away io Weaver's business addreet to leam or Hot he had gone on some night duty wbieb bis business makes necessary. Bbs had hurled bei husband four months sgo, she explained to tbe sergeat-t, witb a sob, sud bel dangbtei ??, hei only support. <*i coane thew were numerous m tjiiiriet tor people who had been absent from home a f.-w hours ut the time of thu accident ami yin" Inst M at some other poiui as ou the Bridge, A Jewish woman was looking br her boy, who had been awsy hom homo siBCC ll o''lock lu th.-m..ruing. Thora were even eom_ incidents tbat supplied a some what gum humor uud stiled to lighten the otherwise pain? fully soinbie tints of the general pic lime. Tbe mau who sswilled thu! h.-rescued tho mulatto l.viak announced' us thurles Wurley, the popular comedian. fc-VSok'i injune* consisted of a lather badly Ida. kati eye. FIBS! NK\Vs;\T THE BRIDGE ENTRANCE. When tim news of the accident began to spread among Hmm about to rater this Bruigsaad from ihuve quickly passed to IboMoo tbe sidewalks and tho passengers in tbe cart, a scene of tbe wildest excitement OOSBedi Tbe street wns soon blocked up by a denn throng ol people, the more active of .whoa Interaaptad thom coming fiom the crush aud, eagerlv ouojtioning iliem, littcned to tha accounts nt vviiiii tiny hud passed through. TUsmBM wasouly broken bj tbe arrival al the Bmbalaaoes, whoti Slanging b Hg wera now be.nd n.ii, l libliUUl tl Uu -i i Villi*. FOREIGN NEWS. THE HEALTH OF QUEER VICTORIA. Ottawa, May 30.? Colonel Do Wiuton, private secretary to the Governor-General, says that the reports in circulation concerning her Majesty's health ara -xagfaratee. Talagraaaa have been re? ceived since the Queen .arrival at Balmoral stating that with the exception of a continuance of the lameness from tho effects of her recent accident her health la unimpaired. Hor Majesty goes out twice a day iu her carriage. THE FESTIVITIES IN MOSCOW. Moscow, May .'10.?The Emperor and Empress to? day received the congratulations of tbe Grand Duchesses anti the ladies of the Court. Tho sceuo at tha reception -ran very brilliant. THE FRENCH IN TONQUIN. FABIO, May 30.?No B-.iotu lighting is expected to occur in Tonquin before tho middle of July, when tho French will bo ready to take the oflfeu eive. Tho transport A ii n.t. mite sailed to-day from Tou? lon for Toaqain with troops. FIIASES OF THE PAPAL AGITATION. Dtni.iK. May 30.?A meeting of the Irish Na? tional Leaifue was held hero to-dav. Mr. Harring? ton antiouncrd that 3Sl> branches of the League had been formed. Mr. Sexton made a speech in which ha referred to tho success of the Leanne in Aui'iiea. Referring to the Pope, circular, be de? clared tlmt thc interference of tba l'opc iu the Parnell testimonial indicati.l perilous and iutoler abie intervention io the future political eoaraa of the Irish people, but that the pri s's maintame I a dignified mlenee with which Kr. Parnell's admirer* wei'.- nalistii-d. li'.vj I'.. May .'10.? The contributions of rotor's peuce have oontiaued to decrease so rapidly durina tbe past few months that an appeal ada rewed lo all the bishops is being prepared bv thu Pope urging them to awaken tba faithful lo tbe n.mty of providing funds tor the needs ol the Holy S c. A HILL TO AID IRISH LABORER-*). London, Mav :u>.?in Un House of Commong thin afternoon the MU empowering tbe In *.i! authorities in Ireland to Improve tba dwelling* o! laborers aaeeed it- ?eoood reading. CRAROEU WITH INTIMIDATING JURORS LivbbfooLj May 30.?Patrick OTJrien, Ryaea and Patriot Slater, who vero ar* t -i. .1 for printing and forwarding to Duello IibUmiihh ira drawiag attention to Ibo trials wbieb bad taken RELATIONS OF PRANCE AND THE VATICAN. Rome. May 30.?Iho Journal de Botte, con* Denting oa tba u.e re friendly stitt ude vhloh Prance na* ihoivn recently toward Um Vs lean, soya a rapture i ibe Valle an would deprive the r. .i - un r, lu tbe face of Mic trl| le al lanoe, <? n gr* il source ol .',.. Hhe must choose bot ween open mu wita tho Vatican and breaktag witb atna Istlcal radlcalUm. - ?? AFFAIR- IN SPAIN. Madrid, Mav 30.?The Ceramic Exhibition wn? apei ed h re to-day 11 Kli | alfonse, The King la bia address said tbal the exhibit naa proof of tbeproa perity which tbe Kingdom had ettatard Mine the clrll wai i, i he i>: eaencc of ihe k ng aad Qoe *a of Portugal wns, he tald, ?"pledge af sympathy between tfea two emin tr The Cuban budget waa nadda the Chamber of Depu? ties to-day by Befler NunYr tlc Arco, Mtnister of thc co, ric- n venue and expenditure are estimated .: ru H.- mi,;, b. rb surcharge on Imported ? I ir-an i"i per cent t" 22 p >r neut, mid taut on i (pori dui les ni!l lie reduced from 111 percent lo B per a at. r.OUTING IN ECUADOR I Bl tin: i im it ii. ABO 001 ni am kihi'am rLi.r.t.HAl'11 I (.i tTAQi ii., May 30.?Tbpw mu fig-ting in tito river a little above Quayaqi?1 thia morning, _. steamers of tin* contendingparttea Little Jaaia^e la i. !?? . pd i baa been fighting at Malacomb, half a ess bouses bare tn ea closed by the a li lee of Vi intriiillla, the 1)1. iHtor. BURNED BY A POWDER EXPLOSION. QraitEC, Mav III).?A frightful accident OC curie i ai iii-ieiuun, a miali village twenty miles below l'otut Esquimaux, on Monday last, Fourteen mt hud Jual returned bom tho seal tish.-ry wire dividing two kegs of gunpowder la one of tr.eir hom sa One of tiii-'M was smoking >t the Ihae, audit asqppeeed that a r-i ui; fell into the powder. The home was binnu lo ?toms, snd two of the men were carried ?bom a hun.Ired yards. Bevon or the party were terribly burned, hut nobody was killed outright. TOPICS IN (TUA. Havana, May HO.?At a meeting on th- 23il ?nat. ol the Chlefeof Bureau! of tho Cuban Treasury, lt waa resolved lo ask the Captala-Qe-eral for a saapen* r all proceedlngelu the mutter of Boee Imposed? imt -tm unpaid -mi eiipt-ina of rita mari ami sailing ii ?soto, until i be Judicial pcoooadiaga lm-titutcd hy some of the ooaaignoee hara beea terminated. Ile . otifualon arising from the depreciation of the Mes. lean Uiver dollar ls we'd Illustrate 1 by thc fuels that ut < uii...i ii ii itin wholesale sserohaats reoelve it st lu nom? inal value. Hie rel iii sserohaats M cents for and thc rall roadoflea fur BOoaate, Willie at Komi-illos some take lt for 00 cent*, and others for BO cents, and at Cauiajuatn it peases tor BS e mts only. On tbe eetate of Sonora, near Puerto Principe, wore lately foued the dead bodies of Vaierlano I.o__da and Lu wife" Isahel, barbarously mutilated with machetea .hen u no olew to tho aaeaasloa NEW8 FROM THE DOMINION. Mum tii.M.. May 30.?A lotter hus been re ia tia d from thc preslili nt of tho Ilrltlsh Association ui.ti .ii.i. iii? that 110 nu inliers have entered their names ?a Intending to doom to fan merttag af tte laoola?aa lire, at which I. nd Raleigh will preside. i/i i.uti , Hay 30. I'be stostuer Otter has arrived b i m;ii un. i u of Du-1 row of thc Norwegian hark ??bore lu 'Wully Hay. ll.iui ax. N. B . May 80.?Her Majesty's war-ship -Tal lard, ivhuili MTlTed hera" to-dny, hail several cases ot yellow fever on board while at Jamaica. Bhe bud tho yellow Hag Hying wiule coming up the harbor. A large life tiuov ut uked " Kobo, Portsmouth." wnt picked np al asa in-n Sunday by the keeper of the HgbC linu-ii'on Unites Uland, Prospect. Mum ui: n.. May BO.?Aa attempt wss mads to-day by released convtot aaamd Mercier to assisi _ companion who was lu thc St. Ylnoent dc Paul penitentiary to escape. While scaling the walla I tm latter fell and Injured his legs. Warden Lynch coming up at th:- timo shot Mercier In tbe hand with a revolver and ..curri I him. br. .mis. N. H., Mav 30.?An Informal meetlna ot ihe stockholders of the M-irlng Hill Mining Company wa* hold to-tlay, at which lt was resolved to dispose uf tbo company's stock to the Montreal am) yin-bec syndicate, which recently nur cbased the Parrsboro minc. The price ts understood to be 9801,-00. FOREIGN NOTES. f.'iMiiiN. May MK?In th" Cbeaa Tournament to-day steiuli/, and Kugllscb played a drawn game. ? Ional isnwi'i i., May 30.-Tho Porte, replying to a note, maintains its position tu ngari to the concession lor a petroleum depot, LOBOOa, May HO?Thc Government's bill relative to the Agricultural Holdings In Knglaud passed its second reading lu the House of Commons last evening. LOBPOB, May Mb?It is announced that tho Duke of Mnrlhorougb has tleelded to sell tho celebrated collec? tion of Limoges enamels imw at lllentieiui, the seat or his Grace iu oxfordshire. IUtLssr.LS, May HO.-The Ilelglau Oovert.ment bas in? troduced In the fliamttor of Deputies a bill Increasing the Import duties on tobacco to 100 fraucs per lOOkllos, sud the duties on cigars uud clrar-ttus to .oOliuucs per lOOkllos. LOOOOa, May 30.?It ls reported that Lord Derby, CMoutal Secretary, will not give hts sanction to tho au tiexat'.on of New-tlutnea hy queensland. It ls stated, however, that he has agreed to allow the establishment ol stations on lue coast ol that island. br. l'i ii Hi-iiLiio, May 30?A Hr* baa occurred in the I'uuloff Iron Works here, causing a lo.s of 300,000 rcunli'S. Among the workshops destroyed were tiiose iu m!uc i mil" were made., Atay 30.?Throe of tbi- prisoners ohargid wltb participating la thc Obeaaaal dstnoustratton have been found guilty and sentcucod to imprisonment for one year, ami io pay a Hus of 600 Ure. Tho nst nave been acquitted, EO in TEEN CLEEO TMENORDA IN ED. IUkt-cmu, May 30.?The annual ordination exercises at lt.* llrrkeley Kyis-opal Divinity School, at Middletown, occurred to-day. .'oui leen students wara ordained as deacons. Bishop Williams, of ConneofleMi Hlshop Huntington, of Centra! New-York, amt Blthof Faddock, of Masaacbuscttt, took part In ttie exercises. TBE ISDIASA ASH OHIO TORSADOES. FURTHER DETAILS OF D1.8TRt*4_*T_t."*4 OF LIFE AMx* PltOPERTY. iM.tAXAPOLis, May 30.?News of a verv destrno tive tornado which passed over tho counties of ' Clay, Owen, Johnson and Shelby on Monday even? ing was reeoiTefl, here Tho news did not reai Ii here sooner on sccount of the smaller to waa, which suffered most, having no telegraphic comnto nieatlon. At Clay City, a town in the soul hiv-astern part of Clay County, tho bank of I'Loiupson, Jett. * Wiltse waa unroofed, and '? .Ue " Burgess's wa/s rooni was destroyed, ns wor,. nlN,, several smaller buildings. The sttirm passed over a portion of tho town and destioyed John Cuttt's fariuboiiKe, kill? ing five inmates?Mrs. (raft ami child, Mr... Wil liamsou and child and a yuri;, mm named Pft-istsc. who had stopped there to take refuge. Heavy rain arid hail accompanied the wind at Patricksburg, Owen County. Th) path of Ike storm wm a mlle wida. Oreti bama wa. madei* the town, two saw-mills and a dozen houses being destroyed, and a large flouring mill being unroofed. Coates & ."-'chuialtz's store was badly wrecked, aad tho propiiotors wero badly injured. Tbo houses of I):-. Richards and Or. 'Stowe, anti the Christian Chinch were all badly damaged. Tho Flat Kock Valley, in Shelby County, tufter*-! from high winds,which destroyed timber, orchard.-, gardens, fencM and house", aad rendered many af the roads impassable. The loss to property is maty thous iuds of dollars. Cincinnati, May RG. Begorts are still coming in cf tho storm on Monday night. I'p in the Minni Valley lomat?lng like a clo,id-burst occur?*.!. Hooding booses and driving people Irom the lint Boon of their dwellings. At Freeport, a lumire BOMS! ihe Miami was torn from it*) piers ar.-i wrecked, iiiul Stubbs's ilouriiij.' mill was unrooted. In Shelby, Deoatar and Bartholomew Cana-sp lutana, tho flestructioii to barns, fences, tini-v*r and -.rowing oops is almost immeasurable, yat est mi' was bart. lu Butler County, Ohio, a family BOM Wast Cheater, were badly injured by fallug willis. A greal number of hems were unroofed and two or three dwellings wero deinoUabo I. Ar Lancaster, Owefl County, Ind., .V. R. VV .1 lame, his Wife and children ind four brothers naiced Craft, w.*re killed hy falling timbers ami ci-versl (.thor people wore Injured. Reports from varlets oilier points in niuo ami Indiana, state tbat BtA wintle and an extraordinary st omi of rain, biol and lightning prevailed. TUE BELLRVILLB MINING TEOUBLEE a f .umuna* Bri ..mmi'.nhs a bu-ts kui gnp MliNT. m. I.oi is, .May AC).?Thc foinmittee tg potol A by tba Belleville Hoard of Trade t<> consider rm relations estating between miners ami sstas owners io district snd see what e- Bid bs duli.' tOWSldS settlisg the present dlSeoltles has Mads a report in wmcli B ls rvnmuieiid'il tmit ail railroad companies carry iutt ta-Jg to St. lamil furnish copies <>f fie Weights sf SOB) producst by han I-vvoiki'jg mines to (hariet Nesbit, pie-.dent sf the Miners* Union, ob the Mk and'-0th days sf ema iv m h. amt tLat Nesbit furnish a copy ot the came to emh lunn ; tiiat a uiiHi rm ICTea-SlgMhS SeMCO he i'*)> totolllhod ai* ml haod-WOridng tnluet uni tba owat-rtaf moehtne ottaos bs allowed to operate them wlthonl sty reference to legals!loos governing hambasmtagi ton euni'.vitti i* also re.-y tn tue ii i lu tho State Logislat ire tojt.s^ vnlt s Committal Of Arbitration, to whom all dinkuuon between operators eng sitners shall bo su!)mitt?d tal whose decisions nhill be dual. Tbe?e rt a oamendssamg ?in* limply wtut tbs ninon ur* eentendmg Ur. Whether thc nilnc owners will agree to the lerins ?l*$ *.'?, ed li not knowu. No trouble is reported to-day tn any parr of the dist*et-, ami there will no be nay stove. Two i n paules o'militia at Decatur huve licen ordered to bab] themselves In readiness to start tor st. Clair County st a motnent't notice. The funeral of William Anderson, the winer who nm k:'.*.| by the>'. took plats* this ofterooon. 0*sr 1,500 nitiiers st tended thi' faneral ile- inanestasa continued titi- morning. Several wltMtaea, ttieiu<?* Di ity Bherlffi Psgioad nnd Anthony, were ezamuwl Tbe testimony was conflicting as to who began Uta Deputy Mniill" Hauland stated that beta* a man pointings revolver at him and ti_cn aboii were ka niidialely tired. VANDERBILT US I YERAI TT HOS ORA. HV TLLI! itMIII lo TIIK Tltlllt'NE. | N'a.sIIN Ii Tenn., May-M.?Hie eighth ancial Coinmeiicentent of tho Vanderbilt luiversity wm ho'ul to dav. During the year just closed tho wsik dnuo by tie .students has been the'nert ever d_oa in the history ol thc institution. The dogVW ol A. li. was conferred upon swen applicants; thatot B. Ii. upon three; that of U.S. upon six; that of Bachelor of Sacred Theology upon the Kev. J. J. Tiger! of Kentucky; that of CIvU Enginasr BBBg C. L. Thorn I mri*, ot VVest Virginia ; ami that o' B. L. upou fourteen candidates, li. 4'. (.ncr. of Taxes, won tne rounder's Medal tn the Aoh<1*s_hi Ibpartnicnt; J. K. **-.t'iiire8. of Missouri, in theftb lieai Deportment, J. I'* C. Walker iu the Mai'34 Department: M. C. Willis iu the DopartsssaBai Pharmacy: C. W. Baale iu the Law Dapartjuati and 8, ff. Tally la the Dental Depaitment. BOSORLNG TUE MEMORY OF MISS PAR SELL. 'ur TEi.EfJRAiii ru tui: niBOBB.] BogTOVi May HO.*? Delegation! from mxnj of thc branches of the Land League to Bonton and r*~m ltyatteuded memorial icrvices to-day at tbe t*?w_iaf Fanny Parnell lo Mt. Auburn Cemetery. The ( -ural Branch of Button tent an elegant round tower -tl \rp and a barp In brlf-ht oolors. The Irish HMM BalS ".toa Of New-York gave a heart of Immortelles atti Irish rryg sudtbe ladies of a New-York bTMCh aa (decant warnM of lni-uortellee. Atilk.n banner, wtth n punted r?*m by Fanny Parnell entitled " Post Mortem.1* bunt, ba one side of tbe tower. Ths services toelodod iln-nog up a male tiuartot, addrettet by P. A. Collin*, John Baylis O'Rel'lr and F. F. Doherty, and the readies by Mr. T. & A CMURCif SPIRE USEFUL TO FISHERMEN Loxa B-UNCU, N. J-? May 30.?The sarre. of the Methodist Episcopal Church at beag Brauet Vil? lage, which WM badly shattered by lightning tatt aro*. ll the molt promlnentlandiuark on tbe New -Jersey taunt bet ween tbe Highlands of Navettnk anl Bay. and bas been used by fishermen ever sine. |M er.-cu?a at one of their tlghtlng points in locating the meena tithing bauki. Tho Board of him decide*sa tikis what lt left of lt dawn and to erect a .small belfryr ln Ita pla/e. Tho Ushenuon are entering their pr..r.*_0 against tatt dcelilou, and a committee ty them hal offered lo hirulth a portion sf tue wittr Dteded to rebuild tho tpire. as tbey wnl be unable os Hud the flahiug banks If it lt torn down. CUTT1SG BIS THROAT 111 TU A RA ZO IL At Port Chester yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock a well-dretsed man apparently ul nut tlvirty ' yean of age.and a strnti-trer, committed M-dde by MBBBf b(t throat with a nuor. Ile had with him ii panel ad? dressed to lllchard K. Jeukint, of No. 0*2 Klgbth aStog New-York._ TELEGRAPHIC ROTES. ? ? THK KNOXVILI.K WATKK WOllKS. KmiXVII.i.k, Teas., Mav BU.?Tbs Know,Ha Water t't)iii|i?iiv turned (hts water lulo Uni luauit to-day tM everything oorkagwell. TBswolor works, wuh t capacity of t.Ooo.ouo gallons per day, tia vc he-ii ala cutt sf $160,000. There are twelve isliea ot water in ai na. BINKINO OK A BIVBB Bl HAMHIC PlTTBBUBQ, l'.'iin.. May 30.?-The steamboat Jack tiii'iitifrt, plviiiK between Monut Keespon an.l Kit r abets. !'* nv , -trut lt a rock lu tbe rue. thia aisruios au.l stink ia ' t tm minnies. Then* welt) about tnoivo patsi'iinert ?n boa il, but all wire re... neil A cilUKf-H CBLBBRATIOa. llAl.TIMfin!". May itu.?1 he oeuteiiiirv celebration el the organtr.atlon of the l'rote?iatn Bslseopsl (ImieU nt .M *u ju i was . niitli,s-t) thia tuuruiiig at mi. i'vt.-t'a HhuicO. Aftei (liomin* set vi. e ihe Her Orlando Hnttm. .hilve eil e tr rtnoii.ou the luatoty ol the ihui.h In Marytti'. siace l??t AN I.N8LIIANCK PHKblUKM Kb Kl lhiD. IlAint-uliH, Conn., Mav 30.-Tin* Oru-i.t Fire In tnrance 4"euii.auv elected Jolin W. Btoekt St pr.-si.leat la -.lace ol B. C. PlOStSO. nagaM. -Mr. Itruo.s ia luanraaeo luuiuiittiuner of thlt auie, hit iturn entlmslu July. A STAY OF KXKUUriON llllA^TkH Kt. Looia. Mav30.-"Mstt " Lewis, who has Inym convicted faur tlrnat tor murdering his wt'*. sad who Uso bean three tliuet aeateureJ to ba lui.ged, hat bren gnuie* aaolhsr itay of steeinion fruin J tint* *4 to J uue IP, 8UICI0B OK A DANOBKOL'S MAN. ArBCBN, Mav 30.?John Hetkuian, ti moulder, at teapied lo oommlt aoieWt rettstdav hy cullins ii'iriMTll hU tna. He was -urottod tad *ltcUar?.J. Lain bett. tempted to thoet hit wilt wA? t*5oi gun and lbw eui hld u. i oat with s iuut s?T?_risg tM Jaoaiat vsla aod dying log tsw niau toa.