QlmneMnema la-Nigbt ArAimuT OP Muato-t**?" Rigoletto." ambbicam IicaTniTE?Exhibltlon. JIillt BikCH't Opkka HoutB?8?Mlnttwia. Calico?A? "Thin Prlnoeas of Tre'rlzonde.'* -0**8MOpoi_TaV?THEATRB-2:30 aad 8?Professor Barthol? omew'! Educate*! Horses. ?1>ai.v?k ThbatbR?0 and *?:t*>?" Dollar**, and Sens*." V.rwd Opera HocSR-2 find 8-"Zara." Mu.|SONfS\J^ARK(^\KDB?*-II0r?;D8b0W. MAiai<*)*t PaitAKP Tiikatkb?8:30?" The Rn)ah." MEIKol-Ol.ITAN Ol'KRA HOC8E-8?" Lucia." >',\n.' ' Acai)Kmv or Deski*?Art Exhibition. "Nt w- Punt. Theathb?2 and 8?Mlnatrela. "Niin >."?* GAaOB*?I and 8?" Excelsior." hi 4m.ii:D Theatre?8?"LaMaacott*-." . i ii rot 4TKK?8?*'Franofttv-ada Rlnilnl." Thai t*. ThbaTBB?8?" Der BptMsturtent." Tu i lihiiCoMi.i'B?8?"Tho Mulliis'iiu Guard Picnic. Tiinv PABTOB*. Tiikatre?8-Varlety. Wai i.i. k's Theatre?8?"Moth*." Umos P-^iAKii TuEATn_-8-"Thc Cricket on the Hem th." ..;? \\ i vt K'Inr.ATnE-2and *s-"S'lf>f Tee. r.Tit Avkni:bTiieatkk-8?" Tba D_?'? Motto. 14th Strkf.tTheatre?*-?" Fetor;.." BSD a-UWT TllEATKB?8-" Richelieu." JttOet lo AOutrtiscmc.ita. Pare. Col.l *",_ *\CT1_ ATinsetnenta. 7 6 ? Instrurtlon. 8 lie Anununcetneiiis. 8 6 Uctiir. s .<-Mretin_s. 7 0 Busiiiesa t'hanrea... 7 4 U-ira. N'dlces . 6 B Business Notices. ... 4 1 Marriages and Deaths g . . " Boanl and Kooma. 7 4 Miscellaneous. 8 400 t'lipartnerabip Notice 7 4 N.w Publications..-. 0 1 lianrma Acadetuita.. 0 'A Ocean steamers. 8 ? "Dividend Notice* .... 7 3 4;P*.lltiial Notlcea. 5 8 pryG'Hsls . I) ll IT.iposa's.- ? a ZWUmi No'lcea. 7 3 Real Katata. ....... J . ? TCnmpean AdVa . fl 4 spuatlnns Wanted.... 7 4 6 .?.liiiislous. 7 6;*-piH'isl Notices. .... ? 8 Financial . 7 R'steantboiita and R. It. 7 ll Kura . 7 4 tsnmnur UesoiU. J jj Kiata and Rooina. 7 4 Teach*-!* . 8 j* Orates awl Pendera.. 0 4 The Turf. 7 o lintels. 0 & To Whom Concern.... 8 a loel'ream. 7 tl, _ Bnsinfos iVoiicte. "Alderney Brand" Bpv alway a_*_____? Mit.K. Artificial Tkf.tti.?Continnooi Gum, Plat? ina Lined Porcelain Enamelled (flesh Balor). M0 Pt? ??*t| aeneial prlc*-Bum. MC and Bel lld nv.-., southwest comer Itth-Bt. DB. MOI'K"alA.N*l._ Desks and Office Furniture In rn-at variety, manufactured ny T O. Pill IW, No. Ill Fnlton st._ Get the Genuine Article.?Thc great pop? ularity of "Wilboral'mii-sTuml ul Cod-Llvei Oil mid I. line " baa m'tliiiid smni unprincipledperaona t" utninpt tn pnlmoff a nhill.i. ,.itlrle ol th*di "?n mamifuciure . lint aa] perton wholsstiffi-nne from l't)UKh?, (Vals or Consumption, should Ik-careful where they ruirrbnsi- tills artitTe lt ir*. .Ina uti liuffliiR Tht restilta of Ita use are tts tx-st recoinincndtitinn*: ami thc p. oprietor hus ample evidence on Ale of Its rren' Mir. ceaa in puliiudi irv toni]iliiinis. The Pboapbate. ot lAma fauna-ass, s .i mn-.: ni.irvellntis tit-iiUim power, ss t .mMiicd wiin he pur.- t*.-11.lv. i CH hy Dr. W'llhnr. l'rt"Hnlitd hythe media a! faculty. Bold hy A. B. WlLBOK, Cbl-iuiat, Hun Inti, and all drugi:!-ts,_._ Those Who Smoke " Sweet Bouquet " Ci .-.Tutti *. pronoance them auperioi to nil others.______ Francis _ T.oitrel. 49 Maiden-Lane, KUtloucra, Prlnt"rs ami nuuk llistk Mainilniturora, _Bollclt your ctistoin. _ ""USO will biiv Genuine Alaska ReaUVin Hacque, 311 Huhes lonf. sn ivxe, Mann*'" turo-, IOU l'tlm r<_. THR NEW-TORR TRI Bf NE. -.a. BETAIL PLICE HAILY 3 CENT- 6TJ5DAT PAPEU THE SAME. .UBSCRIPTIOlfa Resident*, of thia city wlshlns; TllP. TUI1T TnnT-VP rtcllv. eredat th-irlmust sii.ayl. :n'e th ir ad'.:NBBM nt atiy of the branch IB?ta named Bl?tr, or tli?y tnriy nnler hy postal eard. The paper will be promptly aerved by the nearest aewaUeal er. _ TERMS TO MAIL BUB8CRIBEB& Posttuje/iff in tht I nited States, DAIL.Y, with siuiilay, jut year.fa BO DAILY, with BB?BBJ, ?lxmontlt?. ttl DAILY, Witt Munday, thr*-" months. 2 15 DAILY, ?ltii or without sunday. i>tr mouth. ~:> DAIT.Y, without S.in.lay. per year. fl BO DAI1.Y. without sunday, 0 months. 8 !*>0 DAILY', without bunday' 3 mont hs. 1 75 ?THE SINOAY TltlBIT-iE, P**ryear.$1 BO Remit bv Postal Note. Money Order, or RerUt<-r** m. No. "titi ITiirdavc., n*-*r Forty.sctuli--:. Ma m. io S p. m. No. l.iM.T Third.ave., near B__Btbat., in a. m. to 0 j), in. No. Ill Vivi Cutt BBBendi BBd tWt my lifth.-t.. 1 to 8 p. m. Union "-'pian-, Ka. M i a-t FaB-HO?h th., IO am io i p. m. ix OTB) i: ' ITICI. "tTttentoTiii -i,'.;ii f-.Eir.\*.- Loni LenadowM was itimifruintei, Oovt-riioi-iiciK ral of Cm.mia yeeterdejr. i in Yellow Book wee _sae4 ojiriaii tm ?eeoanl <>f tlie negotiation * l.ctwt-cn 1 Tiince and Clnna. A black li"t of thc juror*, in tniiiil. t trials in ln-laud %MMh scut te _??_adi of eenuni la Duidiu._^_ lieiidit/o won thc Cainliritli;* thiie Btekee, Qeat?ri tRmmha entered l_mo et rYeeidenl of thc Bepiililic. ...? The Fortnirin ?-*? Csbinel Inns been T*Tii.>: wen the irinning lioiKv*at Meini-hi"*. "Tin iailur. ..f JohnK. (iliddt-n. of t ?Toland, is reported ; John w. __ith _ Co. hi.(I E. P. M ml. ,. (.,.,,,I Phi!:.,ie!),.Ti.i, hui,, failed. Mr. Abbott, it ie said, aili decline to run on tl,*' MaeeeehBoette statc? ticket trlth Qeueral Butler. Crrv ask St nt it ii an.?Tin-Xi w-Yoik M:ir Abbo> ciatioi. eja-re ? reoep?ea to Lord Coleridge last t-v. :.m-. Then were Bout llvelj ;.. jreatciduy between coaneel ami Tri tn rot OP in the DiiiMiitTc t-iut. - - Tha lim -i- Rbow wan conti!med. _-_= A man in lirotklyn abut ami jtn.biibly fatally wounded hit wile. ?=-=: roller, the barglar, turreoderi-d hioiaell to ItteB-cetni Bjmee. A thiftleoo la? borer was found (l.it.l, his Hknll hav> lug ix-cn frn< turnL - Tho Edieoa elee tric. liuhts went ont for:i time. I be inventon or.aiii/i-da juotetTivca-sie latiiii. ?___ Maim L"\s epoki- in tiie Eighth Ward of Broohl*rn. Uold eedae ed thetegBj-toador, ailrer dollar (412'g granie), B.r*..T7 eenie. 8tocka ireieactire a nba gi di mJ Bira-eei in imi t.,, an.i ebeed at ahonl beet i.. me, iiiK Wiatui.- li-.utr.*... local ohaerratkniain* dicat.*,- cloudy und miny weather, f'ili..i\e,l by lan or clear and wanner weather, Teoeperatuii tree tcrday : Highaet, 40^ ; loiv.-t, ;_- j BTOtag*, UV* It is a iioti-woilliy fact Unit the last two hang ing* which hare lakea place iii this city have ?rtch batrn EoUowed within a lew days by shuck? ing tnuid.i**. Oa Miucii 0 Mc', linn and Mgjone W-ta put tu death in the Tomb*, aoc Coi ihuol - ing the man \s hose store lie wa? lohhing, and the othi-i tor killing his wife. On the Min.lav folltiwing, OtliciT Casey, ni tin- Long lalaud City police fmee, who bad undoubtedly r* ail every wonl dihciiptive ol theftttl ofMcOloin and .Majoiie, walked into ihe pottei station and eliot dead it Nl*_?fl whom Ju- di-liked. Ca^y is now under htnti nee of thatli. Lari Fritlny Hovey |_ hMfed m t_l Tombs lor thc murder ol' Ilia HUder-hi-law. VeKteidii.\ a mau In Biooklyn named Young deliberately run li in head into the hnngiuauV noose by ihilOllllg hil Wife. And yet Young is just th,-man to have ?read eagerly al] the details of Hon \ '? death. Opponent-of capital puuialuncut v,_i not tail to lind in these facts argumont"! IffitMl tho efficacy of tho death penalty, bo far, at least, ns itu deterring influence ia concerned. But would imprisonment for life have done any better? Despite tho rumors of dynamite plots, the Marquis of Lansdowne landed safely nt Quebec yesterday and took the oath of office ai Governor-General of Canada. The ceremonies WON elaborate and lou/,', nnd there -.vere ap? parently many chances to throw bombs if any? body had wished to do ko. But nobody did. Probably even thc wildest of wild Irishmen appreciate the folly of attacking Canadian officials on account of the sins of Kngland. The supply of Governor-Generals in unlimited. .Moreover, au attack upon tlie In ad of tlie Domin? ion Government would only strengthen the bonds between the British Sovei-eigu and Canada. Apparently nothing will end the quarrel among the doctor., ia regard to Ott question of the Old Code istiict. lt is not to be wondered at that the County Democratl shudder and hold back nt tlie sight of this awful moree] Of crow. EvOT since be d*'tle*l Ihe Governor In the Senate lae! May, ("indy has been particularly hateful in the eyes of the County Democracy. Resolution after resolution, couched in the strongest lan? guage, has been adopted in denuii' iation of the Senator from the Villi. And yet here they are forced to rapport] him for re-election as a condi? tion of Tammany's rapport tn oilier di Mitt-! Uut they will come to it. They have eaten their bitter mokIs so often this fall thal to do it oinc mole trill not be beyond their limit of self-humiliation. By the way, docs any one believe now that Mr. Glady was not acting OB Mi. .John Kelly's orders last Maj winn he defeated the Governor's nominations in the Senate T _____________ THE "TiOTTOM TACT" IBOVT NEW-TOBE, It may be a liitle erne], bul ii set m-* neeeeaary to remind the "' harmonious li* munai y " thal the Republican party Hied to cany New-Yolk without much difficulty when the Democrate were completely and heartily united. Whether their union ii more th?n akin-deep at preeent, the Democrate themselves can judge, Thej doubtleeo know better than ere ?l<> how Ear the swallow ring of th.- County Dcmocracj by Tam? many is likely to eonduee to Indigent!on, ot how (ai the Cleveland and an?-Cfovel___, Til? den and anti-Tilden clemente are likely to h< lp each olin lat the polls, ll ihe union is not mole sinc.Te ami genuine than it appears to be to -peet at. U-, tin- ll umbel ot Mites ci-t (ol' Dem onatic candidate- in November will tall consid? erably -hort ol tin- aggregate strength of the different factions. Bul there io union on the surface, at any rate, and sensible Ek"publicans will tah*-it Fer granted thal the who]. Dem? ocratic rote lo t" be concentrated upon one ticket. On that supposition, it may be w.iiih while to it th min i that thc united Dcmocracj nae been beaten more than once in this State. li is not needful here ion peat in detail tin .-taii-til forgetting them winn the possibilities ol Democratic fusion arc under consideration. For weeks ere have seen ii stated, day after day, that thc Democratic part) was "certain t*? carry New-York, il united." Not lotig ago the facto were pres* nted in some detail bj Tm Tumi m.. and they sieitii il foi tin moment to btu ?>! upon the Dem? ocratic mimi like a revelation, bul thc high de? bate between the factious quickly drowned ilulu out ot all remembrance again, ami pu - eiitly the -illili- voices wen- heard chant ing the tame old tune, "Union means victory.*1 The Democratic party is not in any danger ol being better united th?a itwnafor General Hancock, and il polled untie rotes for him than it did lot Mi. Tilden, and more than it et. i did ol ii- own strength for anv other candidate, Inion- 01 since. Nevertheless, it ran short about 21,000. The trouble is thal lae! year, with th.- aid ol many other voters, the Democratic part) hail about K"0 inoie votes than it gave to General Hancock, and has ever sime been deluding it m it with the notion thal it could cast, -ii united,-1 535,000 rotes. Bul ll woceedi* in forgetting thal IMJft.OOO votes were casi foi Pu-id. nt Garfield; to remembei a mattel of that eort is not comfortable. The result of the election in New-York this yeal reete with the Republican voters them? selves. They have strength enough, if they pleat*?, to elect their stat*' ticket, and thal with? out any doubt oi difficulty, ll tiny etayawaj fi-oi the polls, of course thej will not elect anybody, noi if they waste their energies in dis? puting among themselves. Laggards there will be, of course, as there always arc, and nine tenths ot lin- *? miiih ** of ii campaign consists in dragging t<- th* pulls the men whose rim.*, i- to gu without anv persuasion or reminding, ami to go righi carly sd th,it nobody*! time maj be winsted in huutiug for them. If every genuine Republican in tbe State will quietly make np his mind togo i<> the polls early <>n election day, and eec thal he does it, the |)emo< mts maj have ii 11 the bluster and the braes band-, ail the doubtful, skittish and trickj roten, end ell . tin- iii iii u.I, iiml Iheii will fall short a good many thoueand. Bul human nature is such that a great deal of careful organization and | patient wort will beneceeeary in order to gel out a full vote of Republicans, and even then ! nian_ will probably stay ai home. Neitherdutj inti self-internal will suffice to spur oome men to tlio exerciee ol e right of which they would ; consider it a great outing*- tu he deprived. | still thc (act i.mains- u the Republicans of New-York please to go to Un polls and rote this yent, all the Democratic bragging and bar? gaining will prove not win i li n pinch ol mi nil'. EaIH.E Issi es in a I.ot il. ELECTION. The mnnlrdpal election in Brooklj a thia year ia aa ?vent ol National importance. Thia may be said without < x.iggeialtou ; bul it is not true in i tiie. paiti-uii s. use in whleh the Democratic le*?kn and their candidate for Mayor have in ! tcrprctcd the contest. In accepting the nomina? tion he made the font?otk announce?tent thal ( the Presidential campaign ol' Issi would open : the ii. xl Blaming nt sunrise. The political i uniaiegon were abaohed by theeallou beehneee I ol tinir pupil and by thc bophuiuuiic vchcincuic Tvith *it_ch in tho next breath ho B unsheathed the sword ** in a National arena and anticipated ** the mortial murdo of virtory **? but they knew that he had only Mated ont their secret thoughts and thej heartily approved of the idea of making the Brooklyn municipal election the opening contest in the Presidential campaign. They had reasoned it out in this way: tho lieiuociat- must carry this State in order to chet tho next I'resident ; they must havo an old-fashioned majority in Kings County iu order to do that; a__ to be sure of thai major? ity they must have a Mayor who will serve the IntereatO of the party and make use of the pub* lie patronage to thet ead. That is tim sense, la Which tin? party managers ami their candidate regard thkelection aa an incident of the next National campaign. There le, however, a higher level than that of debased partisan-hip from which this local con? ti -t rn,iv be v lowed ?** an event of National si_ nilicance. livery one who han seriously re? flected upon thc Mibjert knows that the weak? est point in the American system is the govern? ment of cities. The National debt has been reduced with marve?ooo rapidItyj the depart? ments nf Federal administration, such as the customs ami the post-oilier, are efficiently nnd eeonomioally conducted ; the Btatee are grad? ually paving otl'tlieir indebtedness ;|cver\ where nve in the cities Americano know how to gov? ern wioely and well. Thk is the ono reaped in which their system haa not been conspicuously ?oeceeefui. The aggregate ol municipal iadaht - edneee k efanply appalling, and tin re are few signs of letiTTiflii:neut and ecoiioinii al adminis? tration, 'lhere nie few, it any, large cities in this country which can truthfully be said to be thoroughly well governed; nor k it di tlicult to understand Why thk is IO. lu the cities there are hug*? ma ?es ol' imp..rt*-.I ignoi.uice, which are easily manipulated J the taxpimr- -\-f.m atii lilly neglect their own interests and allow politician- to manage tho iiiuni.Tp.il depart mento oo ea t<> give employmenl to theil follow ers ami f*i promote theendo of pitty; ami -", with frequent ocandak an .1 with unending ex? travagance and Inefficiency,the municipalities st.iggei elong, overburdened with debt and pm - aly/ed in their civic action. The gravity ol this [.roi.!, in ot th.* governmi ul of largecitleo is rec? ognized thioiighont the I'nited Slates. Brook lin at the preeenl time holde a oonepicnouo i)..-iiioii aeacity which ieetriving to work ont its own salvation by tl10 eflbite of ito own citi? zens. The experiment which has bren mak? ing then ls watched with interco! by right-minded cit?ena ol other citiee. Tho ro election of Mayor Low will not only eecure for Brooklyn a deliverance from the evileof pei ii-:*ii-lii|. in local administration,bul it will give a powerful impulse to tbe can-' .?; i t. form throughout the country. It k fortunate that the issne in the Brooklyn election io so sharply drawn thal the dullest citizen can understand it. Mr. Hendrix done not stand for any principle ot municipal re? form. II. has been nominated because Mr. McLaughlin considered il necoseary to have .* young nobody,*1 without experience orqualifl* cation- for the otb.e. ll>-is supported by the part) niiiuag. i- because they know that they eaa nae lum itu their own porpoaeo ineeenring control ot the municipal patronage hu.I in op* n ing th* wm for a large Democratic majority in the I'm-i'l-i.'i.il election. 11-it.* ? like administration of thftcfty's allails without nb ii in* to juill-.in Tit* d- ol advantages, for thc nv ? I, purest end i practical uh as ol niunii ipal refoi m. censof Brooklyn arc under the etrongeel ??hil? ga ti..tis. nm univ 1*1 th* m-. I-., s bul to th*- entire country, t*> make o wiso, patriotic ami emphatic choice between these candidnfP*. Thej ran ilo lin Nation a most useful nerviceby n Muyoi LOW bv ii lal ge li. ii'.! il \ GLUING MONLY PSDEB PA LAE EUI ll .N< 1 9. Smite ol the thin.'- GOVI I HOI ll -till nnd done in tho waj "I catering to the dishon* esl * I.1--1 ?- in the communit) would If almost inrredible il we dui nol have hi- own word foi i )i?iii. In a speech Inst Friday evening hi - d, according to a shorthand i* pori : Tuen i- .i Un ii in titi- * .Ti win n tl nilli man a tittle sk?1 el emuji la keep open h* id ?j nm i .-i -. sail thereupon I - ot thin ..tn ni..i* I. . ..nut, ut... \. In. ititi Hun en.i.i.i io.ni tint |;. imi,it, ni, -tai. c..]ini nt. c, ... nt op i tu mti -. iii. um mal nab tin? kept Um rest ! man it inn rel nf il".ii mik! load ol eoal neil ? ntt..r. If th*) ciiiiiiiiT then ? i " iI.i, aii'i thea Ikey ?r1 properly eitel Here iee candidate foi Governor *.l .. Mate openly exulting in the tact thataome of hi mi].)..un i- gol election money I.v Cala, pre? tences limn anothci organization, ..nd then pro < it. |.tl to spend il loi him. Here lethia bj un* candidate openly telling his followers io put themselves bi the way of being bribed, ii the) can, by tbe oppoeite part) to -take all the) .?an gel "?"epoil th*- Egyptians'1?gel ns man) '? lian els ol' floorw and u loads ol coal*1 as poe sibh?provided thej rote for him, after all. Tbe exhortation ia characteristic ol Butlei foi falsehood as well as indecency. He would be gladtogive the impression that the Republi? cans are conducting n campaign nf bribery, which he knows ls nol the wise. Hut even - ip poein. that thtie wa a foundation foi tin ?.'.-ni.n, In- public advice to voters to gel as much bribe money as the) can, and then rotc the othei way, reaches a pitch of shanlelessness which has seldom, il ever, been seen bc fort in Am. h. .rn politics. //// ' ni l<>\ I'l. , // Wi AL. The eily ot New "iii. an- ts makin- energetil preparations to celebrate thc centennial anni vii-aty in \t year of the i'n-i exportatioi ->i colton fio'i. this country, iii perhapeil would be more accurate to -av that thia was tbe orig in;il iiliiii suggested by the Natioual Cotton Planters1 Association of America at their meet inge veal ago. lt has since developed Into I project for a great World's Pair t*. be held in New Orleans from December, 1884, to the end ol Mai. 1885, iiml whose special object shall be the exhibition of Southern prodncta, with ? view to attracting capital and immigration to the siii11 li. lt ha-now beoomo far more than a local .iii. i|)ii-.. The Gull BtAtoe and .nh. rs alf Interesting tbemselvee aetivel] in the matter. The Legislntnre of Texas, al itecom ing --I', (ial rtissioii, will consider thc queation oi making an appropriutioa bi aid of tbe Expo? sition, aiid Arkansiu )ws already don* -tt. lt is siii.l io have ;i generous inioiiici.il lupport in all Ihe Cotton Stale*, r li it-it have been ..nick to s, ,? tte advantage*, thal would accrue to all ol them Irom the mutt ?-- ,,t mu!, a di.s.il.i., of Stint h.iii products ;iinl manilla-mies in th, j. chief city ami seaport. 'J h<- usual ac! of Uoogreee baa 1...1I paeeed, making exhibite tram abroad duty-free, aitd the hope of the amii?gera ia ty ?ttOct bUtii a icuicociiUliuu liuni ot?_ countries na to make their** a genuine World's Fair. Tho MC-eaeg of the Atlanta nnd Louisville Expositions shows that they can at least make it of great service to tho pcoplo of tho South by demonstrating to the North the remarkable de? velopment of that "section, not only in tho rai.s lng of cotton. Pillar, rice, jato, etc.. and in open? ing vast ficld-i of timber, hut in manufactures and Mining. A fair like thU is vt nth I hundred tt??Mad ?paex hes to tlie people of tho .South, lt piove;* their proxies.** at thc same tim*" that it, Baeertl it. It shows that they are acquiring modern ideas and gr ow ina* out of that provin? cialism which has l,een tin CUM of Southern life in every depart incut. It will not only draw capital and i nun ig rat ion, but it will have au excellent effect upon tbe Southern people t_em ?efvee hy bringing them into closer commercial sympathy, if no other, with tin- rest of tho .'.(wntry, and ettm__ttng tin tn. Northern man? ufacturer** mid m. tchants will Bud thal it, will pay to join in -tho New-Orleans Kxposition. The South is still, in many respects, virgin soil ?not so fruitful as tho West, perhaps, hut ht ill pr*_?laing excellent returns. BISHOP El LEV'S RESIGNATION. The General Convention of tho Protestant Episcopal Church is dei?inf* quietly, hut firmly, with the case of Bishop Riley of .Mexico. It has long been the hope of many eleVgJ-MB in the Episcopal Church to bring into close rela? tions with their own communion certaiu Chris? tian liddies in Mexico makiiiK up what is known as the Church of Jesus. At one, time these believers were Roman Catholic, but now they are dissatisfied with Koruanisin, aud yet aro Catholic Bjjoejgt to be Episcopalians. The mis-.ionaly work of the Protestant Episco? pal Church in .Mexico is under tho charge of a commission with llishop Bed* ll, of ohio, at its head. This commission thought lu sf I,, a, t with Bishop Biley ns tin- head of the Church of JeeQB, mid it has Bent large contribu? tions to carry on ihe work. Biahop Biby ou his part was to ?ring about certain chan, es in the liturgy us. (1 in his diocc.-e. and to act in har? mony with the commi-'sion's missionary scheme fol Mexico. Apparently he lias not done ?*t eflWirs does not I si em to be Bottled I but un.o: innately he de? clines to coane to tin., co.mm to explain mat? ter? iii- i* ?aagnation from the control of a?ie simian wink ol tho Episcopal ChttTCfa in .Mexico Ins, therefore, been aaked and practi? cally beeu received. TbowholeafTab lennfortn mite ; but the impression is unavoidable that Um Mexican commission acted hastily and was too confiding in strange! -. MAYNE SEW. The death of Captain elayne Reid l.rinRs tn a cloe, ecareel which hus Wn mainly devoted te Ute * iiteitaitniiiTit un.l iiistriuTi.iii ..f children, lb* wa-, bes*? iii th*- i|iian!it.v ead quality ol his work, th*- ni'ist hu.?< .--fill writer of Juvenile literature of th*- geacfeti"'i- Captain Minty.it's i.ks were iti'irr original uml dieplnyed treater reeooreei of humor aad literary art, bat Ikey were written ex* duaivelj f..r Im;*, wheeeaa Ca].tam Mayne J'.-nl li:i?i u way "t IntormtinK thc glrla un ^^?lt a- the In his wood reagen, s'-uiji booton a -ni whit.. ohlets. The influence of hm hooke waa always - .tur. Hr Wan nol. however, vi I)..liv Ult Ulled with hla reputation as a pate, entertaining and rae* il witt,-t for t-hildna. ll? longed to eddreea ail nhleramii.Tiff, iit.1 WM disheartened I.v Ins fail .inlu i i daily papa i in London, Ab Captain Maya* Raid gi'-w older be became ? i tn hi*, poi11teitl vi.-nts. mul duringhia . toting yean wee a tineen Republican v*-11'*?*! _ ? i ol Eagle?d when he f* lt himself t.> Im est off fr..ni boc ie ty a:i i .' . ually snubbed perhspa, by Um infi-rior country gentry, 4 ? ni. il uinl sighed fa.r another .order of ?h. i.t. His nflectiona apon tha tendencies ,.i. Irilltetioe oadei h moaari bl* el and ariatoeratic fora Ot government bet BOM _' i'l nilli * imbil ti-ri-d. Ilia Beriea of papen pobliahed a yeal au" In Thk i tiiin m:. *.u " Boral Life la England,** bora Um impnea of his npublicanlaiu and hladiacoatent. B,t Um Mm.' tum-it waa a startling revelation of m.ia s phasea of Um aoctal oondition and Impover i-h ti. nt ..t tin- * tm n try. lin- arri lei nf lints,- letten wea nut in aj ttija.it 11.v wtth th. English ideaa, bal be i k* i n ith-*? rmt .iitil a tlini.mi-h11 tdncen and honest num. la spirit ha waa an American rather than un 1 lu .li ihnian, tba beal jean of his Ufa hav lng been paaaed in tba If<- party) a ho drain to bi e justice wieely and fairly administered, would do well t" give bini ih. ii support._ 'Thr I Ai ni.oj Peet suggests tliii! the ret. ntion t.f ?he two-, tnt late of postage ill cities WOOld Nave ail the trouble occasioned by tin old difference be? the city rate end the general rate j elaothat il lin- illy rate ia n-iliict .1 ta oin cent, and the dil . thus re-established the practice ol stopping letten he. ans. they have a * Tty >l tiu.i on iusle ul nf tbe higher rate, shoald be nlit.lt h.-1. I he second BUggOBt it'll is Inure . Ill llillih I h I ll til.' Ill -t. Sn large ii ni..j.i.it mn ol' mail matter ia local tl.at business ultu would probably regard ll as au eppreclable advantage to have a ooe-eeul ratOa Bal there is no good lue son why the Pepertmeiit should not for? ward a letter, Btamped by mistake el the cit] rete itlhtciill of UM filler, lilli! collett (he amount from tl.. i.-i'i]ti.Tii. Thia hi the common-sense way, and in niiiel i -nine cases out of a hundred il WOttld he found to wolli well. _ The snsall and eeleel eompanj af rafflanawho wish to free Ireland by blowing ui> everything ead everybody ?ngb_e, have been thrown Into the wildest < (.inuit.lion hy the lt vc-.Tiltniiti hiter iv hit h .lani's M.Denn..ll has made |.u)>!ie. Me. Dermot! prodeoUy giveanoelew to hie hiding place, otlerwlaa it ie eedeialnod that Mr. Jeremiah Dooo v.in, ? t.iiinit.iiiy knoiiii ?m O'lJonoiTiu Roaaa, ead Mr. l'atti* k Joyce would start iOBtaatly on the trail. They hu- thirst un.' ter MeDenavtt'e gore. iNum, ii ibo iu_liaJi UuKTiiinciit Mu? d stud Mt Dermot* on a search for the open Polar Sea, and the whole dynamite troop would start in prompt pureuit, both England and America would be content to go without news of either *_f*poditlon for the next cen tnry or two. _ And yet another weather prophet has arisen. He hails from tho South and speaks with pleasing con? fidence of tho coming November. Wo learn from bis bulletin that the Hth of tbat month will be a pretty cold day. That's election day. Tbe prophet evidently takes no interest In politico, for he neglects to (date which of tho two parties will bo tho more affected by the in? clemency of that interesting occision. Tho man in Pickwick who filled himself up with crumpets aud then blew his brains out *?_prove that crumpets were not unhealthy, was about as good a legh inn as tho persou or persona unknown who have been tatting and feathering a church organ in a New-Jersey village, to bhow their hostility to th.- holy organist. If they had tarred and feathered the lady they would have shown themselves brutal, but they would at least have been intelligible. We would have understood them. But why tar an organT And why feather it? Persons whoknowsay thatit is extremely disagreeable to be tarred and feathered. Tho tar ls unpleasant wearing apparel, and the feathers _lve one a certain appearance of grotesque? ness which makes lt difficult to sustain personal dignity. But an organ has no sensitive cuticle, and never looks at Itself In the glass. We repeat, why tar and feather an organ t Why didn't they scalp it T Why didn't they ride it on a rail or tako lt out and hang it to a tree t This must remain one of the mysteries of village life and church contro? versy. RR USO SAL. Nathaniel Greene,?the only living grandson of Qeoaral Nathanial Greene, is a practising physician' in Middletown, K. I. Dr. J. ('. Wood, the eminent English scientist will open the Lowell Institute, Huston, lecture Coane on Tuesday evening next, his subject being, " Typical Bttnetntee und 1* hu.se*- of Animal Life." Wendell Phillips will d.[-liver an oration on "Tho Future of tho South" at the convention of the Nation Cotton I'luntcrs' Associatiion, at Vicksburg, Noi t miter 21. Borah Bernhard! is bitterly hated at tbeCoeeed? Francaise, as the following etory will show: Emile de Qirardin hud aa exquisite portrait of her, painted by an eminent aiti.t lit 1876, When he died be beqneathed it to the Com*?Ue Francaise. "Where ie th*, portrait nowt" aaa recently asked of a member otth?* coinipany. " l'p in the' garret) with Ita la. e to UM wall. ' ."suns i;. eve-, Bttribotea mach of Ki- sm et ta te Mil? loo. " ' Paradise Lost,' " bs -ays, " wes my favorite poem, and f read Hover sud over until 1 knew it bj h. ut. lt was a splendid dree_l ol ny youth to the wondrous majesty of the scriptural sub eterpreted in moeie. . . I leaned the senti? ment of oratorio from that, and then nae been my ircesa. Milton exalted my imagination and treated adesin t" -iii.f. in great themes.'' The li*'.. Pr. E. 1.. _agoon, of Philadelphia, who bad already ?ir-t iiimiisht-*! himself by his gifts of worksof mt tt> rations Instit?tione,on Mooday celebrated hie eeventy-thitd birthday by giving to tbe Women's Behool of Design in Philadelphia twenty-two choice oopios of <>1<1 masters, especially imported I.v __ueli. They comprise eopiea oi works by Oiotto.Pra Angelico, Michael Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Betl'a*:i. Correggio, Titian, ami .v edna del Sarto. I teen Btaoley'a baodwritiag ema notork?ily bad, .uni his letti ra, aa a role, Deed pi i * ately to hodel s"1 e carafol nvision of addreasee by toaM .-ember "i his hooeehold Belon they were nulled Ouee, it li ?aid he Berried en a tlleologieel eorreegendenee with aa eilaeated eobMer la Kimland, ami the latter, in ooo of blii lettes*, was tataai te ae__ti, having uibised sons point mada by the Dean, because, bs explained, he e ns ?' tina* eustomed t.< ths caligraph] j ..i the higher orders.*1 \. . ording to l-l Germania, Antonius Andetledy I lie new Cn.r.il of the JeOOitB, w_s b'>rn ut Hrieg (Canton Valais "ii .June 'A, 1819a Beeotered the Society <>f Jesus when aiooteen y*>iirs old, and studied philosophy and theology at Boom and Freiburg. The cateetrophe of 1847 w hich drove I?eJesaits Ena Bwitserbuid found him at Fret barg. Fi.tu Piedmont, when hs had found shelter utter exile, tbe Jesuits wen also expelled. Aft* rthis lie cane with several other nemben of the society nt the (Jolted Stat" ami lii'i'iline a priest ,il (ititeti Bay, Wisconsin. Meanwhile, Qenaanyhad opened her, lateeto tbe Jesuits, and rVnderledy tetnrned In 1891, md li*, cl tm t'Miy.!ii-*asiiiis-i?;i.ny in B.iv.n iu.until n i>-*r.:i ti*s mus Bads rector of the geologica] -. t.l*.t'th.- Roc let r of Jesus et Cologne, In 188*H he i.e. .inn- rectoi ol the Theological College at Peder boro. lu l-ir. he waa appointed profi?mm *>f in*.ml iii**....kv a* Mm iu Laaeh : In lbw hs became rector ii tbe aame place : and lo 1870 he waa appointed Benin tan t of (ie norm! Beche at Rome. Elia thirteen i.ti-.' experience ns the right-hand man <>f the retiring Vicar-General unv.- lum the tint elana to tho post to which he hus just been elected Sarah Bernhardt's latest eeeooal of her sepentton from M. Duniala is to the effect thal she left him because ihe weald not continue t" bear outrageous ??pensen, to pay for carriages, bouquets, penalties foi brokeo engagements, ste, " My equiposant,' ihe says, " eras aol grandenongh, and my carriage lid not stitllee. We had viol.nit alt> ??-* at loni, and tin. day, utter one of those scenes, | ruehed out of lim hons*, wiihotit hat or gloveo, telling hun he ?oiil.l take everything, for aa h.* weald aol go away l wo.dil. and Miould not return so loni: an he remained th..rr. I wandered ab oat the whole day ind .ii nightfall sought refuge at my Bout's, lt wm, ii ter tins Hitit beeotered lota an eagegemeal at the Bynjinane, when I had i___diately afterward to pay the penalty for Ins breae h of oontraei la order to enlist Tu Timi*. He completely equipped him? self for ?tarting, and 1 paid tel thc poul voluntary recruit. Only tbe poor voluuary recruit nerer served. That ts not all. bf. Daniela wished t.. in- leases ofaiheatra. 1 have hud to bear the conaequeuces of thin, too. If,-ts Inquiring wbt-tbei I am realty married or not. Bethuasn may, I have paid for the freak royally, and, marri* d or not married "" ee m'f reprendrmplnt. " QENl r. n Mut S. \n exception oughl t<> have been made In Tit; inuit m.s recent it?temeut tbat tbs Bev. Dr. Shel toa'stsnaaa rector ol Bl Paul'a Protestaal E| (TuutTi in iinii.tiai wu. tin. bmgsal ave* served bj kui i lerK.viu.iii ni tint .a.nu.iiml,m. lie waa rector (or iifty T44.I yean iin.i wa.- iinmiiiitiiy iTttin.-ei.Ti willi tin. pariah for Btty four years, Tha late it.-v. Dr i-:.i-ad, however, lia.I * haiL-e of **t. Anne's I. ii ii re li, Lowell, (Or fifty nina \ f.n a 44 itiiiitit ii breaka Anoflicer Ina Rueelan regiment of inppera, Lieutenant Kondlnofl, baa Invented au Inatruataot for tile ITU.lill toni D_?] Inti ITT p:;.,n nf t. li 4,1.Hill 111. Iii tlmr ot wm The -Alie ti,un wlil.h il Ls ,l,-,n,,l ... st. ,.i b tl.-p..tell is cut ami prompt. Jotaed to a bomU box COUta-?Ulna tha Dee inn. niue, lt then Cutt,tall.U.-1-, traaamlta tba waasags lo a roll oilpaper which caa ba ie ipotor snit iii headquarten. The-nt, \ia..;, welch* onlj about teven pouncU, also contain* tut tiisti Tineiit for -ti.lit.o r?l?e anawers to thr enemy, -mong the conscripta summoned lor the fall iiiaiHiTiiit, nf tha l'.tiii-'.. amy v i one a_dora Nell?-n Sjaelland r, who railed to r. ipoinl In, nu 1.I..4.,1. thai th., tuan hiei u reasonable excuac, having h.-. ii i v.-.ti'itI i.t- murder lani mioimer. n. ??.-. laka his muni' innl nol be* a itrtcki n tt. m the Hats. An mae Nell?m (called tyaellandar beeauae he haUed frurr. tbs Uland o( Blaelland) waa ,in- murdenr al whoa capitation tba exeotiUoner wielded lil*, axe la such a buuKllna manner ? i to provoke gum ral Indignation, The matt* i mus brought before the LegUlaturc rn ihe ronn nf n propoalilon to -ai.-nt.itt. buiitfug aa ihi punl winch linn,Lin,it,, atti?itloai .mist hs pal? Tho report pnbUabed in Featern papen thai ths grsps aro. >.r Qain..ruin this year ttawa a demilas sf ?in par e- nt iiml thal tts doom of tts decline n e_eaeot mil , U iT.iiti.i.llctiU by Th, Krniuid Bulletin ot Mau tr.iuiT.M'o. ThatJanioeleaplalaa tteltt?ados product nf * niifoiniii tts Breena! yeer -elli tieahaaiteanffllso KiiUniis, ,i tiiiniun f_.iii,.iis Ibm thea that el Ilga, and about four milli.ni .ulliiini lens than th* expected pro ilurt. This HliiliikiiiM). bownver, In not due lo phylloxera tu to m.J iithei ill.-ii?oof thc ilni'ti, but to tlnce tia,- _ ncuii-lilia_ lint, I, -Ali? a "uuilhui" W bleb cauib til June and waawtthoat I precedent In the vine-growing dlstrlaaf of the State. Eiporlenoed wine-makers bellevo tba1 the quality will be better tha_ usual. Tho good people of Copen_agen, who art fond of their King and ** the children," have had a (east of royalty thia year. The aumracr-palace of Fredenaborg haa aeldom before housed so many distinguished guests. All of* tin* children "were there to/.ther hot mon?, the married daughters with their hu.band-* aud little own. Atthat tltno the oneroof she1..-., d, b.-ldes Ito regular occupants, the Czar of Russlu aud his lovely wlte, tho Mose of Wales and tho Prince.- Alexandra with their flock of children, the Kin* of Gie.ee, the Duchess of Cumberland and her claimant husband, and the Danish Crown Prince and his family. King ChrUtlan and Queen Louise dearly lovo those family gatherings, at which all foriinillty ls discarded,unI the people, to whom the palari* domain sod garik?I am always open, taite a hearty Interest tn them without obtruding their loyalty nnneeesaaiily. King Christian, who ascended the Minina ender unfortunate circumstance* and with tho crown inherit, d an unjust and dlsBS?OHS war, hus become very popular among lils subjects, as much for the sake of his children oe forhU own really excellent qualities as a niler. _ TOWN TALK. rp.itsovAi. and nU0IM*_ Tiie Horse Clcb.-The Horse Club Just opened ls likely to be a popular place. It lu wonderful how untir? ing a talker a man may become on the subject ot horse; and there are a great many men In this etty in? terested In the subject. Talk ls te be confined to " the noble animal " by the enforcement of a finn for the Intro? duction of any other topic. Thc club seems to have boan. organized by Messrs. Kyerson & Bi own, who have btffll up the cab, or rather the coutte", system for New-York, and hare recently formed a big stock company for tts further development. Mr. Ryerson rates among the first rate business nun of New-York. If lt were not that Mr. Brown ls one of the most energetic of men bb* bad health would have carded bini off loni. ago. But whea told once that ho could not long survive he became In? censed at the suggestlon, and stubbornly resolved to beal consumption. And he has managed to do lt after a long struggle. _ Sherman's- Love or the Plat.?General Sherman'a mistake repeats! hy telegraph, lu bowing to an actress whose bow to one of the characters on the stage he mis? took for a saluatlon to him, was the subject of talk ate club last evening, when un old army correspondent said : " I em sure that la an old story about Sherman revived for advertising purposes. It or a similar tale waa told of him during tbo war, I think, lu conu**.:tton with ths motlier of Ml?s Fay Templeton. Sherman bas always had a liking for the play and for players. Ho used to at? tend almost nightly during his long delay at Nashville ta the winter of |**SJ.*_B, at a little theatre managed by a man named Allen. It was a sort of variety entertain tiient, and the performances were something execrable. Yet Sherman would ko nightly, net naipaul, d usually by two or three of his staff. He affected to be very ,len,,. * m. Mdii>e affidavit of Kr, Cmlen tlt.1T the boy WBB hi- child.'* ? I haTB BO t'.oiT-t of tl is hal* \ cr," said Judi:*' Ilnntt, niiillluar; "and I ha\. t\ ?I fa* Belle flag h) true. Mr. Condon la a reputable ?Bear Ol trna court nih laeartal liniiiaatanres I kasw ts be saeb that i ;iui sure he would not voluntarily iinil ktiuMlnply Commit perlurj'to add another arrow to his foti Bsa*\vas_" Ths court-mom roar* tl; the |B_ge, the father and the ret ot SSS I'.ln. d 'ii Ihe laugh, forgetting to < lo ? k it by lead laps; and the uttoiney in opposition said hs had uothlug more to say. An Ex ample rs Cira Skrvkk. -Fire Marshal 800100 II. I??BBB. beiiig encotuifered In Broadway BB Wata??* day altsrosoa. was Baaed If hs bal mamtttat ths n*-w patent rtrc ladder whleh had 'x-'-u exhibit.-d In City Hill Parka day or two before. No," ho said, " I BBWeaat ln-ard *.f tt. [ hare saaa a treat mmoj riaaVai - i?;it. tte.* hr Bd? '1 and I hal t never se. n one of any value." ? By tooway," said a mutual rrientl after the pa:ties to ths above conversation hail etpeeatei, "Aejeakaear __I flt??lOB hus doun as ti tic ti as anv m.ni in tt? I tn this city to Bil ance the BOOBS of Civil .Service I" ? Xo; never benni of him as advocating lt." ? Precisely; he han only Illustrated lt. Away buck In 1 ST'.! he KOt Into the Fire M it-iiai's saaj a larool] hi aa bm Bstees Orai Isp laiaeaafl him. Ha lee......' Fire Hasshal shortly afi*'r. lt wa- a political ethan then. Now it ls n*> longer a politicel pohltlou, mid the lottUSSBB?lt at pollticlans would I'" '( ll'ti.- mil untaire ttl anybody wttMih. lt. Tl..n BBBBB ?as a very common crime uniting men who Insun .1 sol) ts ' at nu: Tula mt.*. -"Whet? ?oat at tl.- ttte.itre.-1" a neath mau re* tatty totara* .t iraa the ..ii-t. 4 asked st ? lrl.ml whim: he tn* t coining fi'.u a W* tdaeSBBi] nmilli, e. "Ths m.'-t li.>4. - ?? I li. ,4* seen." Hus tho reply, "were Bl VtMo**B, wlur.- Blas* t the auilienee v tie lie u i alli. I im. half?bbbbia eat hall ? ? shaae tell lilltll- of Ute .lllllleUlf Witt' Molll.'U and lag molasses candy." THR STATE CANVASS. Senulor Bowen in tke XlXth Di-tti \ ?senator ?U-worth of the XXXtli iM.-trlet h.ne tx* n rct BSOBBBatad hp their Ra-pulil?lin <-.>n.-tltu. nts. Ihl fill labor for tin Htute amt prompt ettaOttBOtOtlH of th. lr dlaateta Hu? past t\4D i, at-?mut th* ii lion by largs majorities. Thc Diiiitii-rats of th?* XWlIth 1'isiiiit sit ni unable to llml any Denim rut who will take t'.lr i non f..r Beaatsr. As aoattBattta af J. Meal Fasestihef militia, ny the K. pu'.Ile m. has peered aaexception lr popular one ; r-o popular that Democrat after D* lias declined tho opposition nonitnatloo. lu despair iver theMllual1i.il the Dt liitiiriillc tStu.itnil.il C'otii.i..?0 been adjourned to October 20. Steailily tin- number of nominations hy the Prohibition party tnci.iu-e. The aSBBBMtlsas nut .".ly Include, legislative BB?OB, but county, vflUfO ead ch. posltlous. In the Wi-n rn part of ttltt Htat*- the ttl of the Ohio movt luenl ls esp,?.?lally tlisa eruii.le. Ml the Benubll* au 1-.11nti1l.1tc-. (ol Assemblymen t -tated ttl a iMiuiii vote for the -ni.ini--li.it o' a prol nine mi ui'Tit t>. tin pt op!.- th. \ have heaa Indorsed hy tm rtTituhitioiii.-i.s. AeeevabljO?ie I.. It. Locke, ol Wai i (omit), has ben rcliomin..tc.I liv tha lb pul.H. mt*. M> I?eke was on.- of tha heal Joanul et?hs that '??? Asa.-mi.ly ,.Ver h.nl, being energetic, honest hi <1 obliging?ttina tu i-ttl.m almost lad_Beasahta la lee poriPoa, nu biiibiiiiIoo t?. tho nmit of ham niall was 'i t.titiiii.ite one, us the l.epubiii'au party hal lew en peri. ti. ed legislators among Ita rei ri - nt ith thc Ai..Mi of mst. During the sosslnu he remit i i ?. i. e to hla part} lu exposing effect)* ? ' Kalil-. ..r tl... vote on a st'ol'-it! .il'.Mi.,; LIU. ivln.li ia been declared oarrted hy tae Democratic sp. a,., rall u coll nt;! ii tlon al n it nil a-r of iia-iTiefs h.wi uot ititt'l Mr. Lo. ho should he reel, eh .1. 'Hip iiiiti-n:;it hine DottOCmtfo n*'w>]iiip?rs ;ii*o leshtleaali ati.K'Uiui- tile Deauatattg Mata B :- ' -r . I?total Bg tlie Druin.Tali, si it' AdiuitiMi.it!on. thai ' '<* Foiledf_mb auIdm thtsopeBaaaaaltui ttiitleiit Shanahan : ?? 1 lu re hi jT-t BOW Ol il-iial coi.iplalui about the ahllB?I pi,it.-ni bj 1" :> ''" l* sta ea port?ao el ths Bria Oaoal.ae? taoitirlallr "* ****** elxteea Leeka. Va hare beeaai aBaaepaloBtohepihe late the matti'.', and hue BOOM to the Coi llie-e cou,plaint.-,.li 44 lt li i .tu. e. B?M that lian SBiplojrSdSS la..T_ teiiiliTs at Ute |.oilit BS?tf-daM UUtlt for aujr servii-i ol the U.n.l." MUSIC AN'D DRAMATIC NOT! 3. Mr. Roland K<'i*tl la to appeor at tin Thinl Ai. uiie Theatre, Oetoher SO, in ?? (ii< ok." Tho (Ti'-'a-.t tiient of Low teaoe Benetta, it h. itv ir- mp\ Thealee tt Isodoa. (ths LyseoaUi v"111 begin on April ll, is-sl. BBd will b. .I.toI'tI to " Teriee**a Lere." 'I'liti*' \vii8 .in ituitioii s;ili' *ru ut the Thullo Theatre lu Oct mau, provided he shall anuoutio that the production ot lt ls mubo lleeuse froui al ess ra. UoldmHrk nud (>?al< d, snd In- poy them their my ?iles. Mr. Amberg lu the atlyuinUou aoknowlsdafsS