Newspaper Page Text
_I._n_iormrr.i- ?.-Sight. Hitor On aa Boona _?**OiBhe_i _*-ni Eurydice.'' Cimmv-s?- The Merry War. I'nii ki ki***.. Hali - Lecture. Dalt*! IWbatbb- ?*- *? lin (Vnintrv oin." (imMiili'ilia HOTS! ** ?" llnariliita: II' "I -e " ll .i.i-"v -.a eta rnr.ATRi - a.' 'Aiidne i-? ?.' *Mi -ita o' ei i! ev eon _ ii.u-i fl ? Hamlet." hi w Park nu ?>> aa - -Minstrel*. Km Yam. ri.mi i>i 'iiiait.i - "Peek's Bau Boy. Jn'inin- t. ii.lia -n. -?? m.ann Beaton. *' fri w i'm .TRI ?*- ?' Vi!_iiuii- " -limn ina:'. - k .-i hen von nellbronn. P. a ; - -e or* ? -..- .np i .?""!-." mus Se. ia Ki: Tn Fi - - ' ition." \ Hil I RM" I I I u rilKATRl il Wau - ?-'- ' hi irai - np Aviv' im Min - ? i..-v.<\ a.-en anlsse.*' OTU A! I 1.1 I lill !H!I - l )4iii --till i r I in vim - ' Hobbies." Jii_ct to AOPfvit-cmfnts. f AnuiMMtti-nt* . ' '??'? Miseelianeens. 4 6 ti _. om. *< 'i Mamaseaamt Heatbi 7 ti jaii?t!n*- Notices l New PubUrat'na*. . ll reanh Bout aia. ll.a..-n* . .UH ii !. na .na ? 0 '-' Ile ii Karate . 7 11 8 lu Tia n" Nottcea ; Room* ano Flail _ 7 8 i*r.e?_ni__i_iT. '' .minations ?anted.... 1 4 ."i Prv Oood*. 7 -ia-, d v.a ... .'. " >iiiiii.i I... . 7 4 -ninii.m Rt lortu 8 li. ia Vi Hitt."'. ? I*. 8 > i l?*tfiieti li. 8 '-' le-iaeliera. 8 il Nu*.t. - ?: it titiomreo Xotucs. "At.i'KKMi I5i:\>n_>" Rt-t ?'*?-.*_ _ ( ."ix ra rv* in. Mux. Miva Du mont, Manicure nnil Chiropodist) ?iui' for thin hali ;>3;i tfth-ava., aear 81st-st _ l)t-K** VND Oil le V Ft RNI I I RI In _Tf'St vam tv, uiHiiiiliu tuied bv 1 .--ni''*-' ill Kulluli ??._ Dna. Mn.i i.u ami Watsoh uni' Pilks. Fip-.| iii. Vu ku. Kip.ti*i.a. lav tho llruikei ll"lf Mle". re-: tain and Pu.nie-** I'm a--*, -en I lol Ulnstraladpapt reip aininirtne tat with niiini'iiiii- references i Hw 881 _!'ill|.-l.. S Y. I ll -'-?!! 1-U.NiiTteV -r RHO Kn*. ""Wit raei:'- Ciin-Livm Oil uko Lime.?The _T._t i.aijpiilaiiiv e.f Hil- -if.- aili tali, in nm- prernaraOoa la alone atintnitHi'le l" lt* intuit*!, ?fort!) in the eore er (?.pilbil-. a'e,l.!?, A*ih'in?. It!" ai liitt* !!"li"..i"n_ t'n'ieli * rora Iimi* Humor*, and all Consumptive Syn |,teeni*, it Int* no au If equal Let in .an' neales) the sail* symptomsof ii i ema*!', ullin sn anett i? at hand which will oura all com? plaints nf the 1'hrst, i 'mi.'- a: Throat ?' in itaetnredonlj by A lt wil ROB, ("hillls!. Punine Held by aU Un-' TKIBUNE ll.KM- lo mah. BUBSCR1BEB& l'ottittir fire in thr United State*. 1 Teat. 6Months 8 " BAILY, wtth anndav. _*'?> gk 96 aa 18 Htll.V. wit'iaul sttnl-ier .. 7 DU 8N 175 Kl Mill TRIHI NI ... 1 ' .,. Mn._..T order, er Reristered | ttsr U\ Postal Note, ihe remitter wUl please writs on I "*>Ol I III .\ I _ \ .. .P-. . BRANCH OFFICES *-V THE TRIBUNE. Advertise aents foi pn'i li Ition is r,ir ratal ta ?*i t >r 1 iii i per will ot i ' - ?. \ ' . irk City ."?Ililli t7pt*IWn O Ure, 1..' 1* ,!- at lav tl. ? __. -,1 ta ll al. T. ai- !Ve-?t Tw.aita third-! tei8p. ui * IS to, m. J\? I,OCT, i ti.ri ivi- neal -, .ir-tit-*:.. i ) i m. i" I a a. '. tn Itv* etiiv nit h-ai.. 4 to Sp. ia. I line! - .u-am. No. !?_ l.a-t t'o'.uie*.lilli st.. tu 9 p, tn IN ..Till li i Hil - O'ASHIN ITC I?1.8 *> FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, MARCH 10. . JUL MUS I ll Es MORNING. Fobkign.?General Graham lui* announced hi* intention of marching against Oaman Digma on 'lin-.I.... lin- betting "ii Iini' "rei- :i'ie| Rom In London >.-* rda. wna < An Infernal ne -.v.i- (i)iinil in a package addressed to the Comte ile Pana. A newspaper in Spain h;i beao ? : tm aeoooot "l attacki npon the King. Officials of Montreal have robbed the eil! t>1 925.000 ni the In-t year, i I'rutit-i.'i.' nt iln- Dominion baa received threat Minn letters [rom Feniaoa''I l bicago. DoMRaTic?lt is stated 1 hut the Morriaoo bill will ont be reported t" the House to-day, la of the Postmaster-General deny that he is trying to ancoeed Judge Drummond. An an aneeeaafnl att'-inpt wu* aaade yeaterday to timi llai?;in Caah, iln- Siiuili Carolina murderer. \ tlflee-li-vi'Ui-tiltl Imy I'oininitte-el e-ui? i..<? :it Lextng ttin.ohiti. The City Marebal of Wilmington, Ohio, waa killed bj a drunken prisoner. The sturm of sleet elul Hinch damage m New-EngtnneL i i.v ami B< i' litiAN.?lt waa learned yeaterday that a ni min oa< had gagged aod bound ;i yoong >??.aa in the Sloane flats on Saturdaj night uml robbed tha epartmenta, lim e.the tis of Um Delaware mid Hodaon Canal Company **_>kt' t)f the- lif-e-el of laving lin- AdirOD foti te. Ii was st tt eil thal a ->. milt nie negotiating the purchase of a c*m tt tiling iiite-ie-t in i'm i ommercial idrertiter. Tin' li.?!-. Julloa H. Wanl gave the third of hi* leo tnrei t>u the History ol the American E-pteeopal (hurl h. l'r.'te.?m Felix Adler finlahed hia course of lectures on Teuement-hou se Reform. - The Central Labot Union protaated against ths it RitUey'a. 'lin Wi ai,ii u? I iiim ni; i r>c a 1 observations In - dtente rain, followed by colder, clearing weather Temperature yeaterday: Highest, ill**; l.iw?--t, I.'--: :t!e" age, L",:,|-. It looks ii-* if there \s i- need <>t an inrestigat ii: committee in Montreal. Embezzlementa by ofttciala m Um municipal departments there tleiiin_- tbe l.i*i >??;?i bave been discovered which amount to 1)25,000. It !!ill possibly oc? cur t'> some New*York officials th it $25,000 is a small sum foi a city to gel exi it-tl about. ? The l-e-i "ii oi i?-t*i)ti.-win. stilt tm Infernal iii;nliiin- to tin' ('tiuiit nf l'iuii most be ns Ignorant as they are nanlieions. Thc Conni haa novel been popular except arith Iii** <?w- n faction ot Orleanista. Tlii*! attempt on Iii- life will serve i<i endear bini even to the followers of the late Count of Chambord. ll the Socialists viii nilly Ift this man aloin' lu- can never do the. ni anv lin: ni. People us general rule do not buy dinga ao often or in lota ao laige that they ara particu? larly interested in the prieea charged for them. Tte preeenl contest, therefore, in the retail drag innle to keep prices ap to a ct rtgin sched? ule thus not greatly excite the public. Tho piiiie ipa. anxiety ol the apothecaries' customers gel theil drugs and medicines pore. Pot tiiii* reason the lum thal acquires thc reputation of patting ap onlj unadulterated goods ando! filling prescriptions carefully Mem- ]_!,._>, t,, fciiecceal br-t fa the long ran, even it ito prices arv Ugh. And vet it mnsl be admitted that in c?M*tiiiti of th<- .-et called cheap drag stores ol the city excellent wares only are sold. ? No small benefit oughl to follow the action taken yeaterday by the Kew-York State Engi Mm' l nieiu?au organisation m.ieU* up of mea in charge of the stationary engines through oul this <itv. A eommlttee was appointed to examine the condition ol these boflere (there gre _i,(MH?eif thrill,) .'mil al-o to Iitnl out if the-en giaeera ranntng them .-ne- competent to elo their work. The licensing of tbJaelaasof workmen and lin- i.'i-jii-t'tiou of the lx?ilii- an- in the hands of the Police Department] but judging from con!i-ailie-lory statements made in differ? ent oiiiml qnarten ol late, the work of raper risiOfl ia not tlioioni_li. Now m.iny of thetC lu. iii irs nu- under tho sidewalks ol' our most -lowil-el t hot on j-h fnma. Evidently, therefore, the genual public has reanun to hope that tho englnaere' w?ittee will be able to i?-.s,n the IK)_*ibk- dangers ubith tlirnatcii from below. lt Ia painted (.ut la our Albany Utter thnt the Legislature shows t strange bdlfterencc toward Ihi evils Hawtaig bom the prassnl marriage and divorce laws of tbi. .State. Thi_ in duo probably t'i tlie* pratMre of other Important unostiona lind to tlie iuct tlmt no delegations of eitir_jiiH hare peae to Albany to urge tbo lawmaken to udojit hmm rinir-iiini leghdatioa. Jint Ascent* blyineu and .Senators ought not t*o wait to Ix. tpurrod on to tbe pot fornuuoe of thoir pluiu duty. They know that our .marriage and divorce law* are Inadequate. This bas re? peatedly bein nindi- clear bi the columns of Tm Timmi m . Some of thelegislatorsargno thal the root of the- evil cannot be reached except by National legislation. Well, let New York State se! the Nation a good example. Tin- immediate inn--it! is a statute which would explicitlj make il unlawful lor a guilty divorced person to marry outside thia 81 well aa within its limits. Thal would moe! th<* suggestions eil the Court of Appeals in the Van Voorhis case. I- tluii- do Assemblyman or Senator noxious io do himself the credi! ol proposing sm h a law T Tin action of the Assembly to-nigh! in reg ird to tin- preservation of tin* Adirondack I \!ill bc awaited with painful lnteresl by all well-informed residents of this State. Tho prospect of ihe passage of some adequate bill \!hull !\i!l save these wooda trom the destruc? tion non lulu- de-alt ont to the m unfortunately is n-.t bright unless tbe Assemblymen an moro keenly alive to the hiterests ;it -take- than they were ia-t week. The measure noir before them is entirely Inadequate. This is not because s lu tti-i' erne h.i- not been provided. 'I hi | called compromise bill arranged 'ey Benator Lansing .uni tin* Chamber of Commerce Com* mittee i- infinite.] bettor, ami yet ii has already been practically rejected by tin- Assembly, whieh -reins to be tunler peculiar influences on thi- important question. Before our legislators ;it Alh,mv vote-e>n t Iii-- matter finally to-night we suggest ihat they n .ul what the officers of the Delaware nml Hudson Coinpan. have to say aboul the effect upon theil canal of cutting away the- w ennis iii the N.i! i-i uk. Their state? ment- an- printed else., here in titi- Impression and jue directly to the point. DANGEROUS DELAY. Tin- Republicans can accomplish no better work at Albanj than that of providing for the improved government of thi- city. It can only he (lone by concentrating their efforts on a lev um sh.! measures. There area multitude of bills relating to the subject now before tbe Legisla? ture. No attempt should be made to consider all ot those measures, -inly a few of them will effect any decided reform in Ihe city govern? ment. The important bills should bc i?? 11 npon theil pnasage al once. Tho minor ones can wait, Bills such as tim'to lay ont a park at Cocntiea to regulate the heigh! of build? ings, or to permil uniformed firemen to ride free on elevated railroads, should nol be allowed to take precedence of reform measures. If these an* allon i d to drag along until the last weeks of the Bession they will run tbe risk of coming on! in an emaecula ed form, or of being lost altogether. The good work begun losl week In ibo pi ni the Roosevelt bill to take from the Aldermen a I veto power over i!io Muyin'.-, appointments should be followed this week by li gislation that will i.. ike the mi osure one of practical good at tho beginning of tho new Mayor's term. For that purpose Senator Gibbs's bill, relating to vacancies that may occur in offices to be filled thi_ year by tbe Mayor and Aldermen, should be passed. It will end on February 1. 1885, the terms of all sueh new appointmenta. Mr. Gihbs's bill making the Controller elective, which bas been Introduced in the Assembly in an amended form, should likewise receive prompt ami favorable consideration. The Civil Service bill, already ordered to a third reading in the Assembly, is of great importance. Those three measures might well be sent to tbe Governoi before thi close of the week. Tiny should be followi <l by other.- of a similar character. I h<> Dock Deportment ?*hoiilel be. placed on the same footing as other branches of the eitv government, lt should go to the Board e>f Estimate for its appropriation, and no longer be permitted to expend $3,000,000 a year subject to no supervisory power. The Police Department bills should be audited and paid in the Controller's office, tbe same aa is ehnie in the ea-e of other departments. The contracting, auditing and paying power sin.nhl not lu* vested in one Board. There is no reason why this exception should ba- made foi the Police Department. Tbe work of bringing an additional supply of water t<> the etty, including that ol the Bronx River, should all be placed in the h mil-ol the Aqueduct Commission. And the High License bill might well take prece? dence of any measures nol yet introduced. Energetic work of this kind will enablethe tua jori, j in the Legislature to make a record that will be ol' immense advantage to the party, and itt the same time accomplish great and Lasting public j:.1. Il ONOMD ll. li r/OA /'! ENGLAND. Americans onght not to overlook one of the arguments advaoced by English Liberals In favor ol the Government during the recent crisis in tbe Commons. I he Spectator,' steadily advocated fot seven years a strong policy in Egyptian affairs, could not consist? ently defend the course of the Mini-try. It j could assert thal the leaders of the Opposition ? were illogical in charging the Government with , vacillation, but it waa forced to admit that there had been "aperfectiy mulish obstinacy ' tn adhering to an erroneous conception ol' tin facts." A defence which substituted for vacil? lation a consistent adherence to a theory that bad been unsound from the beginning, and was inti tly Impracticable at every stage, waa not calculated to aid the Liberal party in escaping the vote of censure. The attempt waa made, therefore, to whip in tin- stragglers on grounds not connected with the Egyptian policy. This. was one of Tke Speetator't appeals to Liberals to support the Government by opposing the censure i lin-ii-tin-ii nt tin* Conservative, tn power would r.r tainiy lin-aii n raising ii viv. im Indefinite imt paaaloaaU tlit'it-h thal the poll*?Ol ll'-': trail, wah to tua abalidnueeel fm* policy of retaliatory tamil*. We do uni dany mat fir Stationl Norlin-"..' lia* oiirt-fnlly avuiiii il committing tliilfM'lf to any pnllt-y -, ili-.alna. Hilt I_- int -(i'l?lniiv km declared agata and agata that Inquiry lota thc operation of witat Isfanerally knows sa tret trade ir only rosanna lalo; Mr. Jauit*:. Lowther lian ^min in boldly fair protection) Lort Randolph ChanhQI tun ?patna of _ system sf baa Importa with the ilt'iitpaat iiiatrial't. ni).] hu* tte'"! .inl hi- l,.-'i, f ||_.,t t)n. ITnn ti ada polioj in an attar taltarni sad mehvlawi a* Hr. la Teayei's Hie- wiilrly tliiou_r!i IM Gilli SOI tl tn. party, Evei-7 ana kaowi hom ma Manilla sir etafSord northcote baa often proved lathoaaadaaf hla ge anent! follow.m. Ami nona- with thu _ttmllia_t polities) Want tty can elmy that a eli.uti,? of floiwnmoal now woald kati toa ! irv ?i nrral hoi* of thc pto tull ISS_M iitiipn nf a system of protnettoa. it woui.i i*-. tu_ iir*t peal bare ut tbe policy 'if free- trail-* to ru-ton the flimSIS I ill Hil to power at thr jin**, i.t tlmet. This cannot be regarded .*v_ n special plea in? spired by partisanship. This declaration is made by ti jeiiiriml uh conspicuous for it-* candor and independence of thought M for itt. ability and vignr. it is a confession that with the eieep tiou of Sir Stafford Northcote the leaden of one of tbe great political organization, have lost faith in the present e<*niioiiiic policy of England, and that tbe return of (he- pal ty lei power WOttld hi* un epiiijianieet hy a p.ulial restoration of the system of protection* Thai them, an no. cx liava^ant statements enn easily be prove tl hv eil al ions from the SpOOChea nm! writings of Loni Salisbury and Lord Randolph Chine lull, and from the election addrcsse. of Mr. Lowther, Mr. Luoyd and other Cousei vativc members. The Fair Trude Conference al Leamington wm a remarkable demonstration of boatilitj I 1 Free Trade. The speakers uuited in thcdec laration thal a systi m of om' sided Free 1 wa- raining England, nml resolutions were adopted deploring ihe lack ol emploj menl .uni attribnting il to the enormons qnantities i.r manufactured goods nml food products Im? ported duty-free. Lord Dunraven, who pn id i.l the conference, mail'* an nncqnivoeal , in I ivor ol I't"''-! (ion, t.'comn?? ndin ? judicious Imposts upon the manufactures e>i lither oonntries on the ground thal absolute Free Trade was s myth and thal the whole world, England alone except-ed, was in favoi of high tariffs. Americans are asked lo abandon thc economic n under which thej hare pro pered as no oilier Nation on Ihe planet li is * vcr prosp red. They are advised to return to a policy which In their own experience has m?i worked factorily, and which "tn* Nation after another bas given np until Rngland stands almost alone, lh len i the! decide upon so eli-a-i rous an expel - uni'iit, tiny will ilo well to consider these evi? dences of a formidable reaction against Free Ti.nh- Britain. It \!i11 befat-witted l'..i them to renounce the American system at a time win n English Conservatives are already shh lng to proven! the Importation of American cattle aaa means of encouraging home production?e genuine Protection measure clumsily disguised ?and when an appeal to the constituencies may prove "the first great blow at the policj of Free Ti aile." TNSl LL ISO WITNESSES. It is your turn now. Messrs Democrats! Von can insult ami hauy, a* mnth as you please, these miserable persons who have been guilt] of building np useful industry in this country. If they are employers, yon cane-all them rob* luis. Von cati meer to your heart's content at theil sui illative rolly in supposing that the National policy, by which thej were induced to invest their money in costly works, wonld be permanently maintained. Or ii' they are work n call tbi m serfs, and white BlaVI -. ililli !'. ill li lin in imi Id Mite ou the ..allie r-hle ,\ ith their employers next time. Con tem pt for their arguments ls lo be expected. ''I et n i i-i- you will fm ti nm- to treal them as if yon believed all their statements lies. Itisyour turn now : make thc mosl of it! 'I heir turn will coin* in the fall. Yon will pul up some candidate who hos m> opinions, 01 about whose opinions yon can tell as many falsehoods os you please. Von will try to yourselves oil ns tho original and oulj true friends ol American labor. Then you will gel down on your kuees to tlieso same em ployers and workmen, and beg their votes as a hungry a It !! i!l cos! you po lo - ol self respect. In Ohio you will promise the old tariff on wool and woollens, and in Massachu? setts free wool. In l"*.!.-i yon will shout for free fence*, ami in Wisconsin and Michigan you will rave snd rant against free lumber. .'.I'm eatiug dirt i'i this fa hion for months, yon -.ill learn what the e mployi 1 and workmen think about it. Then it will be their turn. Changing bills will do do good. No bill thal on. Democrat bas wit enough to devise can do tho Democratic parts os much hann as one insulting rucci by Messrs Morrison, Mills, Muni et Co. bas alieady done. I be man was s mere citizen, perbapea laborer. Bot he repre? sented stiim-boii!. Ile did not represent mere hai-ronni tricksters who get their living by hoisting soe.illili ?-.-tau amen " into placeafor \! hieh they ure not fit. The mea who were insulted represented American Industry, and their tm ii will iniiie soon enough. HONE? ASH BUSINESS, Tin- strange condition of business curiously Illustrated on Friday and Saturday. About $0,500,000gold went abroad; bu waa intensely dull; aad money in abundance was vainh offered at 1 ??_> percent a year?indeed, broker, it ia said, having tried in vain tn get ?_ per cent, finally offered te*- lend $10,000 tt flat-" The banks reported a loss of $4,950,100 specie, and $2,095,800 currency, and i* hhs well known thal their actual los.ii - were .-till greater, because thi loss of gold exported could not have affected the stale inehl as mm h a.- half its amount, but the surplus above legal ratio of resi i re to deposits is-till $12,?_.0,675. At this date in each of the lour previous years the reaorve haa been near the lowest spi ing level, ranging from about $08,000,000 in 1881 to about $72,000,000 in l **?**_'. tho amount in 18H3 being aboul $09,000,000 and ta 1880 about $70,000,000, but it i- im'.! over .fun,ix mi,i kim i?. .t yoa] the brink- wi rc dos ? to thi I deficit for u .Hal wero ovei $5,000,000 below the legal ratio of ruservi i to deposit*; tlii- year at the .arm- elate they siill hold ?*,I2,i**r20,675 more than the legal ratio, and it would take three weeks ot loss aa great as that of last week to bring them down to la.-t year's level, aa in surplus, and over four week, of losses at the rate of-$7,000,0.ach Week to brin>_ down the cash to the amount held a year ago. Mem e it is not strange that money is abundant and easy, and the; market free from apprehension. The strange feature is thal there) i_ great abundance without any commercial or specula? tive activity to employ it. Looking back, however, we find that for three there has been amazing speculative activity, without rarrant in corresponding expansion of legil iraate trade. The speculation naturally burned itself out and cafite to grief, first in one branch and then in another, until at last lhere -i ems to be a health.! ii ai ot atti mpt inj_: to "booat" prices without substantial reason in progress of legitimate business. Just now, Congress has " upon" legitimate business by threats of legiidation, and so speculation waite. But notwithstanding the Inactivity and tbeacanty demand for money, the Oovernment mill continues to grind ont more currency, and the superabundance, whieh mi long stimulated unhealthy speculation, still continue! to Increase. .More silver is added every week, and now the poad begina toroa over, gold going out ami silver and paper io* maining, of ooaree. spit illation in stocks last week waa ea tame that it lie-eels lin tamil,ii-nr. Hu- ?-. .i, - j >i,-.u feature was inactivity rather than weaknesa, for the average pi ice ol fm ty moat active securities was **-<i'.l <)2 ut the clOM em Friday, iimi .*.?>*?*: 96 at the dote un Baturday, againal $69 09 at the close of the previous week. Bo alight a change In the average of prices, thongh there won considerable changes in mum. itockai bhow_ how anrpoaelees and neaaiaglase the market was. Yet thia same state of things has its significance] there wonld be no lark ni savage attacks to break price*, if a great pro** portion of thu stork* thut bave valae bad mn been graduall] absorbed by invasion, ao tome of the speculators bave loamed to their coat. Tbere is evidence, too. that much tha aame cause- a reaction from exot salve and disastrous iprmlslion arronnts tot the present inactivitj in ollnr inaikeU. lotion hat __ftt flhaBgCid ll pi iee Int **?|Kit," but hal"-* huvo been very neall, reeeipta and export* ure small, und the ti'iideni-y of what little hpee.ulalie.n tin re U M'i'lii- to lu- lo!! ,"I tl lower pi lt e -. Til'' SpCCUlft tive eliipie. ih it have lu fu luboring -o long lo ? .' tomi bodj i'i! ny wheat ami ci rn from them ai high prices, after manipulating i< |">i'- and : - i..i months, show ' iuess, ami prices -..tile down gradually in the ali-, nee ol (h.- i v.,,-, t. d foi, i;::i th marni. It inn no longd I'l' tie -11 il -1 lil.ll t'lf e.'!.!. I le ].ll1 t S li? lli i n.p- abroad were greatly colored in thc interest ofthese cliques; the best proofthnl Eurone is nnt starving is that Europe do buy, len prefers gobi to "iain. Lard am' pro? visions have been dull a ik I lower, a- i- nit ural with corn abundant and cheap, "il has ti bra ted about $1 as a pivotal price, though closing strong at $1 02. Coal Ins been riallj fl ted bj the competition of bituminous along the seacoast. The expansion ol i'u- anthracite trade in the luke region is expected to compensate, however, for any decrease in consuiii|*tioii on the scsiboard. I he ni ul .1 lu: .irv "ootl- In- i hai ly Improved, though the demand lu still so cautious and re? st ric tod that no advance appears, andinlow ?.'laile brown and bleached cottons then- was --..nie concession, Print clotlts fell to 3-*g cents for 64x04s, nml woolton goods sold freely only for plod qualities and at low prieea. The market for textile- i- waiting foi Congn - t-. gel OUt (if III.' '.!.!!'. DIME Soi li. WORK. Tin-work i.f the dime novel ls being performed with even moro than ths usual success. Iii'* other div throe hoys robbed iheir p neats ami started oil for tbe li'piniill--* West. Mi et.- recently a Imi in a Philadelphia public scbool drews revolveron Inn teacher, and examination showed thn' seven other boys present wura armed with revolvers and bowie knives. They had formed a neera! brotherhood, their h-.itl. r, th.- boy who pulled tlie- pistol, having tnla.i! tin- terror-inspiring name ot "Schuylkill .1,<.k." They meant to set off in s little while fen ihe- We*t al,o, being consumed willi a tine sm* liiti-ni to become eua boys. This -itt of ese npadi ? becoming common, and while no doubt there an many iit.-.inl features ul..ait such boyish out? breaks, thoy furnish cause for uneasiness too, 'iii'* i'la---of literature which is mainly responsible for .ill tin-folly ls distributed all over tho country in immense quantities, and it is distinctly evil in its teachings aud tendencies. 'I'll-* horoesofthe dims novel are almost always thieves, robbers and Im? moral characters, and the bcroiues aro no i The stories ubouiid with descriptions of brutality, cruelty ami di.hon. uty. when they do not go further mnl lui- norse. I lt - .ii rom 11, tn t lu- idea tint violence and trickery anil imti mun ly, anti thal the charoctei t" bo admired :- t lu bully and nu.itu who knocks overybody about, ? .il.,, an.! i* hail-fellow b i;li i he I:- i .??* ai -1 dangi I ? 'illy. Through reading thi- \" st boys an undoubted!. p i tho road to ruin, insensibly sciiuires crooked moral vision. They I" in to detei iorate in their a i a . pine tor oppoi tunities I - emulate i he I ibo ut. I'ii se ni i\ tin \ are tempte el to from their parents, fi - I, and tin a though they tiny I" - characters I ? - led a shock which is liable to weaken them permanently, lt ls lo ?!*-:?: adequately u ith tin- evil bec iuse ..t the ah- ace of nml.'im legislation. A g.I deal can no doubt he' linne .- ce .im! local prevent ii ? ..I !!e>tk m Shu A mk. lau proba? bly the most effective remedies an* in the liamls "t pan'iiis and relatives, who, il they will oul* ta l in' trouble, - '?? t.iini.! inii-t hr alii-' to supply in n I.u '.'?? nnmbe Tbe 1..tlpit ot ri lying upon tin- Btate in -ir 'i mat en ia in fro: a ii ul one; and it is alreaelj fal too prevalent The 8tato ought not to be called upon to do anything which can be better or aa well done hv private energy, and allans concerning th" tn-ni Iv ii .-a riv .iii come within tin* category. 'When, t lia-t.', boya m.' Ii.-iiii/ ...nili.t. it I.v ti..- dims novel influences, it i.*r in nr-h-r to inquire what their parents bavs been doing to protect them against tins vicious agency, nml I lu- parent * might nol t-. h.* - aconraged t" look t" someb alj el-'- for relit f from thp-ir unmistakable duties. A CONTRAST Eon ORATITI HE. Mr. M.irtm Tapper lately dropped out of b'atik waree in a friendly way, long enough to pul -.mi" moro or less proverbial philosophy Into lh'- prom of a lotter to 7_4 London lim-.. Prom signs of the i o!il se.isieii he. forecasts "a tempest ou its way tu i.i. .t Britain," which?in meteorologist phi "in likely to develop dangerous energy." Why thu present sensible ferment of the social "willi a secret spirit ->i revolution" ! Well, there era! neglect of active duty, and a refusal of i', - - a e sympathy as between mau .'uni m.-rn, -'hie _|y : ,liilit rr- nf weall h ami t he. lillis ami t .ne* of high position. Furthermore, there un- ino many feudal nate- anxious to live alone in the land, unmindful oi moral i rponsibility, "t kindness toward the poor,of liberal treatmontof tenantry; neil potent friends; not rii ii in lue al love. I hese lal manifestly suit nial foes against theil own worldly interests. Coining to details, there i* excessive i.'..ii..- preset ring in tbe midst of a hungry and et er* Increasing population. "A:.el i-it notahai thal workmen, debarred wholesome habitation on vast domains, trudge nianj a wear, mile to and from the dav's labor as they .rm get nn lodging iieiiei than emile di.-tuut toa n 1" Again, "1* it not un evil that thousands nf fatnl iie?e all the land over cannot preserve In their hovels the decencies of life or the possibilities of health from an enforced overcrowding, while so ninny square miles of man's common heritage in our little Isles of the sea sre kepi without inhab itauts through the selfish luxuriousness of sundry dominant herd*, whose main wi*h it ii to hs rs a* tew human beings as possible on their great estate s,unless indi ed, Ihey happen to possess t Hinges or townships Ulled to suffocation with I e fleld-handi ami their families driven Into such stifling abodes trom tho open counti> .' Sm h, in paraphrase, i? i?_rt of the catalogue eif avowed hardships threatening perilous conse? quent e**. affording practical ton -? t" thc nol illogical non* ami Invectives of the indignant and popnlar agitators. While yet there- j* given t quiet hour, the lull before the .torin, h-t sundry eif our magnates, urges this modern Jeremiah, b to conciliate public opinion by setting their i ? in miler. "Tin- energy ami hom st] of hi*, wami og," ?aye a prominent English agricultural Journal, "la fully warranted bj tbs grave ctn nmstancos the glai ing abuse eif iln- landed social system." As eolon bngbtea hy contra.t, ami "we know the object ol desire bj that which pains us," so the gloomy pietara hen presented may serve ass spur te slnggi -h gratitude for thr American breadth and freedom of u Government ol the- people, by the people, lor tba people i which seoords right ofilia, liberty, and ponai) af happinessi nini. because a.t !,-ist natani resooroas, place i aol monly s cabined ami i.inieil tenant's habitation, but a whole within ea*y r".-n*Ii of tlie booeal thrift of every i iti/e-n and nf the oppri seed of ethel lauds as well ?I liiua aluin- mee pied. 'lin' schemes ol tin* I lommnnisl are* gen. rnllv *'lf dastroyin& bm the French Commnnlkt generally ha? tin.-most iiiarvellnas skill in devising ways to ruiii himself. Eleven deputies wero recently e barged with the duty of reporting a reform m tax* iiiii'ii, uml they gravely proposed to abolish all t.nes on drinks, wines, spirits, aad beer, ami on paper, and te> transfer tlie malntOBanea eif local roads fruin ths Departments ta tha National Gov e mint-lit. 'lo this jilfttMiig -. hi'inii fot t hia omoiir agstaeal of wastafnlaasa sad drunkenness, timy adel snaqnatly Injnrions mode of discouraging economy uml thrill, feir th"v propose, iu order to make np tho deficit, tn put a tax of 3 per cent on rents i'-j per tent on all n-. .nun fi oin lands ami houses, lim ste ail ni the pn-Mtit 'A) jmt rent on all ether int. N ' .md dividend., 5 fd tent ou tuioui. fiuiu uioit *_?'?_) per rent <m --il i I i" allure $300 yearly, and 2 per cen! on all profits ol ut un per i eui <ei tin- average " -tal value The appointment of -'mi i has been propo* .I h. i i British ll inl try st sn earl] -ef the present session of the t om:un:.-. The experi? ment was sat! fae tori ly tested Issi par, two com? plex measures, the Bankrnptcj ami Patents acts having benn carried tbrouKh Hie (louse after being exhaustively discussed hy Ihe Committee on Trsde. At the present -? .-"i'm the Oovernment are anxious ip r?-le-i to the same committee measure * relating to the prob Ilon "l life at sea, snd to the exti of tbe powers ol the Railway Commission. The Committee on Law, which wu* unsuccessful la-t ye ?;. i- nov. expected lo dispose of bills nlatiug to eorrupl practices al municipal elections, and to the lai! -rn t"I' n goods. 1 In- ' four measures, if fat or? al dy reported from tho stauding committees, can be I'U*-e.I t! it hont being subjected to critical examina? tion in Committee <?f the Whole I lu thi.* i great saving ol time csu lie effected, and the Govern tuen I may be snsbled I" force their three groat measures through Ihe Commons -the Fran? chise, London and County Government hill*. Tho Opposition resisted tlu- fir.t proposals for there viva! of the standing committees, and would be well pleased il they could dispense with them alto? gether, Legi dative Industry ls a strong si rumen! for keeping the Oovernment in office. The Con servativea are opposed to a rapid dealing of the cards, when i he t rumps all go into t hs hands of the* Liberals. They have, however, no excosi I struggling sgainsl the roadoption of a common tense system of legislation, which worked admira? bly last year. The practical object iou to indetermbial I is that they ouly substitute oue arbitrary form fot another, and i hal the prop "-eil t bange affords mon' room for injustice even than tin-old system No man can decide with any certainty when s i riminal la reformed. Conduct in prison is never a safe criterion of reform. It ha* been recently declared by veteran superintendents of prisons that fre? quently tie-nie>-t Irreclaimable criminals behave the best in r11>? penitentiary. To make prison behavior Ihe tesl of reform is to make action in one direction the measure .pf what action would ne in a totally different direction. The adoption of Miali a method would Inevitably lead to tho prema tnre release ol many unreclaimed criminals, and the ll Millie- eli temi inn of nth''-. The existing -\-teill doe'* not protend to attain anything like exact justice, but in the lout; run it works more equitably .ni 'in e-- could do, /?"/..' S '?'? INDUSTRY ASl> TR Imix, i ? ? iii ? lie de? mand, such thal the Thomas Company bas be orders for HOJOOO I Januarj I. the market foi iron lim- not chance much as to price. Uncer? tainty about < a i:i _? i.--.-.;a.11;11 action lins a most de? lect in many w r. *: it .tops ? ot ind to Hie minimum i .1 will pi vent - losing and dm I their ? i At IMiilaelelphia, too, n i- noted thal .outli? er!] irons are inn.-h iii' ?-.'ni up for so <'" it,.?While ante liluviau men I i"! want of free coal from Canada, the Cana . hli;_ I hill own t level n ine'ut not to admit free roal from the United Sta!. - and complaining that 90,300,000 wortl in,poi t' el from ia - country last var. ? .71 .tit ii i.i n ii ?.lui .. Of the who'le, 5 J per cent wt I.- ami i "i per - enl bit Men wbo bai e their eyes open Bee thal the whole current ol the coal trade is changing. Beginning nt 1'mston, it ? i.ii lalee mill cont rat t * bave be* n m nie for Cumberland and Clearfield coal, the is said, getting rather the larger number of contracts, rheratesbj the Baltimore and ohio bave been made ao low that tbe Cumberland coal ls offered slongsideio Philadelphia at if:), mit tbe tylrania bas also recentI3 reduced its rate, a Illaara* 1 III [ll,1 tall t lilli lr, Ml'VlTlll I ll Vllr N e. v\ l'.I._ land contracts ii ire been made fa>r New River coal, shipped by ths Chesa|icake and Ohio, and from Newport News st$l 23 to Boston, against $1 23 ,; *! :;.". for bituminous from Philadelphia. *.l 40 Baltimore, s>l BO from Bay of Fundy, and -??'J 25 from Cape Breton. Coming nearer, ii ia thnt the New \ ? i lost d a . ontrae t f< i in a.o.ti te 'i* with a Cumberland linn. At I', lalo great preparations are made for increased tdiipmcnts ol anthracite to the West; owners now a-I. s-1 t" ( lia ..'" ami **? 1 23 to I-ninth, while pera bid 80 cents to Chicago and fl to Duluth. i tin Pittsbui ff, ii appe u* th il a eek" il been formed vi hich !?> ill on? oto market the product for tho smaller opera? tors, and ii" coal miners are struggling to . i of minio . ? ison is tlmt the trades unions have made i itly that tin l\ . . New-Kiver coals bave captured m.m.! t onti i. ta al < iucinnuti and other points on th. oliio hitherto supplied with Pittsburg coal. Meanwhile operators ut Philadelphia rejoice in ?? favorable advices " from Chicago, and Milwaukee markets nay that it the anthracite trade loses :t,ono,ii'io tons In the Hast it will more than ural." a - foi the 1"-- by gain in the lake i ition, and note ",?'"! mir demand also from Be tith .'?. pul*. Bul a "- ni Congress solemnly ii.i-.. i.- tbat a removal of the .lut> of 73 cents pei ton em bi tum inonu coal will I ile-.- the oountry ti the extent "i .-.,11,' on the yearly output of .0,000,0001 asl The mau res ly imag nea thal tbe duty makes the price all over this land. The < lana* diana who are importing coal from Pennsyh could teach bim something. Bren. Raixs.?The official statement of the Iron and Steel Association thoa i that 1,205,7 io tons ol' .-teal rails wn* produced In this country last >ear, t only til.!'.. 1 tem-of non rail*. < inly !'. 1 -il tun- w ero open-beurl h steel; 32,620 a ere Besse mer ? lle-.l in iron rolling mills, and 1,253.029 wero Beesemei rails rolled in Bessemer works. Tbe fol? lowing comparison will be interesting and instruc? tive. Tbs quantities aro in tons of 2,000 pounds; llniiie-tnaale. lui (ion eel. Am. ?te?el. Bteel, lum. Av. Price, 7,225 I ':'.l-:i 250,0i>il gu - iO ... 412,401 -I'.r.i''- 2_7 rr, ?__.-, i--o . t'ti-e.o".") ti'.'t "e.-' _!iii,i*'i c~ r>n 1*--! .1,35.1 >10 I--.-1 8_fl,__l 0113 I---'.lie.ti.'.ijo -JJ7.-71 *__'4,t.. 41.50 \s-:i.1.-.':>..-Tn m,hm 38.077 For the last two months of 1883. after the pries "i American Bessemer rails was reduced by the largo vile- nt ?30 nv tin' .Lackawanna Company, tbs ba* ports nt rail* dropped i" 51 I iou* ia November, and 223 tone in December, lim British production efl ?tee) ral* m 1883 was onlj 1,007,174 grues tons,' against 1,1 ts,Tim In ths United States; In 1882 j Britain mads 1,235,785gross inn*, uml tba United States 1,28-1,007. Bul Qroat Bi italn makes about tons more Bessemer ingots than tina country, and sends part of them hereto bo rolled into raiis. Bu k Wi a vi ks.?Tin- ribbon weavers of Paterson ha \ .? al last i anne to the conclusion that it tines not pay to iii n nt ml higher wag) * a ben all uidusl i.. pi..-I nite.I, uml that it pays still leas to allow a liquor seller to go about ihreatanlog la their aassa to " lioyiott " inertibaatS who mn not willing to pay tbs liquor se lla'i'.. claims Uji.titint idle workmen. Whether the liquor sailor had say authority (rom the workmen ot aot, his pei formauce certainly te tided to arouse feeling against thom, ami the workmen might " bojeott " bun without great harm to lin-m SSlveS. _ Evaii-eii Kaii.wA_e. -Sixteen Uadinf railways tn (ir at Britain earned dpring the last half of IBtlS 93,747,780 mon than in the lasl hali ot l*i-._, this liinranso wss slamat eiiualiy divuloet batwaea Increased axpenaos uud Uiarsased mt revenue, the latter amounting to 11,814.900, er 9*-g per eent. Hui thora was sn iaeioaeeef *_'7npe-r sent ia the mile* run by trains -10-._42.4v] mib-i in tho sn iiiimth.*. ibo iaeroaas ia trefle leselpts was 11,038,010 from passengora, 1849,400 Iron mgr* I'lnintli.-ie, uml 91.148,090 froui num-ral*., i!ilb a .I., In live Hrtoaka Hie .mn ot mile, opi-iiiled wa. les* than l**e per e.ut, so that tlie ro* turn upon capital hu ...... ,.,.,? rather keMel than iO tl"' latter hall nt I s*_J. '| |,? P'*ult, ill -. - f i'u ie ri,.ns depression in man) important Ind i ls one nf mm ii significance. The figure* for ths rear, ii...*., ri r, -koa slight iraUe results thm tipps.' of either of the thies prorioas -_______ ll RSON il. Rei I?r. C. (.. - ar of Bt. T.iil_e\ Choral), Philadelphia, baa rei on-nh i?>i hi. re_iga___ timi, recent , tendered to the vestry, and will re ir..iin ..iree tor. Mrs. Astor did aol sleep * ''il .tun!.tv ma-ht, but fell a little improved during yeste rday. U < ,r<t h.n been telegraphed Ik r son, W. W. Astor, United ?'i'!: tei ai ii'"-.a-, il: ii hi i mother i- oat ot danger bnl rory weak. - Cali ni ly" .Vellei ing" Repn | ;. , . long hi...!, bair, i brown beard that sppaientiy lia* been trimmed with a buzz-saw. When bespeaks he* slashes ihs a r al siiasmoelii angle - and .el the emphasis hi* whole hail.! i an If. Chevreul, the distinguished French ss was recently much offended ats proposition to relieve lum oi his duties ss director "I tin- Oobellm manufactory and place lum on tbe retired ),-t. louie.1' And way f Because of his age, they d Then he stormed moro furiously than ever. Agel Why. In- wa* mil.- ninety-eight! 1ml thej call thal nhl f He would teach the babbling boys of fifty end sixty bettel things than that. Old, E0r_oo.lL and mei yet a hundred I Motbey allowed him u retain his position. M. Chevreul ia a teetotaller, a span- eater taking only two meals *e daj and ile voting only fifteen minutes to each, beean e, he -av-. In e minni waste time in dining - blom wears a bat, and works steadily twa ive hours everj ?! ey. The story goes thal when tbe Emperor William heard of tim recent alleged appearance ol Ibe "White Lady," boding death tom.ftneflohea* Eollerna, be sent for hi* physician, who agreed to have a certain noted gipsy called In to prophecy. This waa done, and the noothaayer said: ** sin*, you will live to be a hundred years old. Your*, m. the Prince Royal, will not reign, but your grandson Prince William, be your immediate -rna.'-snr." is no secret that If;* Maa ?* ur more loudness for William (han loi Fritz, s this promise of fifteen years more ol life, anel then tn lu- nm ta e. lei I Kv bis t'a\ . Ul Te. pl. a-eil ii. in . mtly. ?? Boy," be cried to the sentinel at the door, ?* il ! on chance i" see the* White Lady'again, tell b to come back In fifteen ye tu *.?' Montreal p e, during the recent can ? .1 season, glowing of Lord I. t great t i ? I doa ne Hilde," and ol the bi play of fireworks thal greeted han on i. ii the sttinmi'. I* i- univ related that ai of fact he in-, pt went up tbe bill at all. < rn tin- evenmg appointed for his vi*w. it is said, he snd Linly l Lord Melg md snd s member ol tbe to tim te".i of I - tbe ii.ll. But tbere was a gnat throng of \.pl. lhere, and thesnow-ahoe in n ile't. i mined tei pil <l h - uob lei route. Ile end- avored te. do so, bul the ii.. ?? vi- tors were i ? ;> in -ott miow, They j?11111_r?-? 1 ami doundt-n-d about hel*dt-H_ly for a tune, while faraliove ti" im worU-i blazeel um! tin- crowd cheered?all iiiiconseinun nf ,..'?.? ..| those teer '.! hom lin y were t . l growled I...ul Melgund, crawling ? bank; ** where i* th<* reception commit -" ti. -in i n li!'il ami "tonk :i heade-i "into aiiotbei I'.ink. ?? llon't be angry, Mel" d the Mai -; "perhaps tv cou bin I help it." *? Well, I'm imt going lee .-'UV Ile ll' .111! 1 elli '.'? I . il 11 ! S ri a ," -.1 il 1 I., ni/ ... ne, auel -:,.? ucl nub lowed in bad order oj t.' went back to the- 1 Sw Fr .ncisco M h. h 0, T. re ir, nveii in re last night from Los Angeles. Om !ii!. Mn h !>. Bishop I 01 lition is ll'i.l,:"" el. N - ho ???::;! indication.? 0 Je relopod in thi last twenty-four hours. TALKS A ito ri m IVA. ROOSEVELT BILLI D is. -1 ii"i)e bott Uh Mo* \ iia'i 1 ?iii become laws In tbs Intend of order d nae* ?'. 1 riiiiieiii. (?;. t;.i- If ayer power wuk ro? ar! 1 h. trill aot dam tei prove reoreoat. No phase o' ii'iiipii inn'.? 1 .-a.rm has ever Mghteaed 1 ti.: li'iuor. ?i lie-i - -.. initi.h ie 11 tiik-ii iie^iir,?. u i* .ot eMeriag w**.i<_:o driven uy praetieal legialadea -.viii, h yan rn Um in-art oj the whole bustaeaa In tin* effort to nuki l ? le yon make lt smaller, also, lt aeeoawa wren rhe. Hoax of tts rtghte?aaa tts Bqner eellec M.i* hie ri_tn* uro ?iii tin- preeenl constitution of society. Putting tte re? duced force of dealers on police dUtJ will, In 111 v e[il 11'.. ia, in a abort time oleea out the nnUoense 1 dives -nil ohteg our streets are now boneyeombe ri l ian not yet ritn. fur p: lt la I u>d failure ts attempt to eufome i; la advance of a deep sod weU-dlS fasedpablle sentiment. Whet eaa be ii":." am th.a li ?. mi in 1 'inn. end in -lila' ol tte sm Ul lov. ai I Un:.t_ tbe Uaie ls near ut baadwbeaapra ? alli in- enforced in this city la obedie 1 v. ill. TI 1.1 > I.N AMD PH Oeneral Soper A Pryor. rUdeawlll be iinaiiaalad by an ut Un-1 btcago Convention. Will lie acceptf (Jewill. And Hendricks 1 Tbat does not follow. Than ls no lon lost between thea. [ should ratter aa) Pelmet} . ul.-|ii.mi. 1 Ko. nor -tai nf for reva nue only" either, the Democratic pu stow* lng leeks for boan consumption. And they rauMn't auks - .ail. w tai-in. 1 u^ Carolinas *.v? ? it 1 i>..:t. .i.ii I we e in Congress together, hath Douglas men then, though aa m ..I . t i'ii.I-. ii tiie tame rope tn the tun <c aar, Tin- *tren je?l ticket H'e Re| ld meet sa a 1 Lincoln. lint ii all light. A PB01 la HU I IBU I' TRIUMPH. ,, Oj -a'. I '?' 1 Se e.a . ll ai .-' v oessor to Congresamsa 11.1 -?.e-;i wm in ..ii etd district willi li t.ike * in a third of tte 1'iipi.l.ilii'' Of !n -talc. IVs elected three 1 eajnaaamoa tn iii*tricts anti four at large. kia tie* stun beea properly re-'ll*trn-teil. The elee> tum of Senator Pnaston, after .1 eeateet tu winch pests* tue tanti' wee the principal, la faet, the eely hmas, will have .1 will" I'lll li-lnre In ti:" WaOL [I 1- a COU] le *'* 1*9fO' tatlonof tbeelatan that ths ranters sn he tret trade, C<iiijr. tunion I'.u arl!, ,,] Mot,*,. | trails Item.iii'.it* are* iniicli it'-lie.irtiin-il hythe result ir. Ha* kel i'u nhl district tn Kau?a.*. They had anticipated aa ? q torythrougha ooalttloa, but foond tiie-m- e badly defeated on tts tai-ttastu in _n sgrleattaral ?_-_? t;..ti. i wn* mit fin-re durtnathe navan aad snow thal tie- i?-ue was jmre l\ uti tariff. l.l.M rUOUOHTPOELOCOMOTTTBBEAJHAObTrM, JA Lang, Ina ll ii,ul irtur.r.? Ibo latest ii|i|illeatiiio of sleet ne bah! ls one of the bmss a eada. fal. Bvas -|. ,-.- itsdisoevecy ralhroai mee .*?'? tovaaien k ivs i"-"a tn lin- la) aehtlit it to aa a lOOOOMtlve headlight IhO i__u_ mut le lae esslllatliia nf tbs mea- netae trtaatj vi rihiP'-k the e.ll Ililli* tanfi -tit' r. smii,' ead lie tit.iii.i nu ii hr.!- mi' nini a i" rh e tly halaaesi Isssp to inn.i the i erboea. it ha* h. en reaalaa las thirty -tay* on tin- Paa Haadls Salinas, hst a nea Bradford Juaetlea aad IndiaaapoUst sad haa essa a sasesea Jahn i". Miller, .tipiu'iiii. lulen! ot tliat eiivi?ieiii. tout nu* 11 waa perfect ll l* run Itv ii little norlin- and alyn.omi placed ea UM I * of the loeoasottva hack af the WesttaafcoaM ?ir The engine ls. of course-, ni ssaMatf saMoa, mil tei direct from Hi" boiler hy sn el_li'.li-eif-_niiirh 1ip This Invention will make tra! ellnn-at nu nt tbtot thaa la Ihs tlay-tiuie. The electric ll. ht will ?he>w an ..I.,inaction a ?Ile away. OsUtalsae mostly eeear ea serves, bel shs eoaeof UgM tent eal from ass sf lhasa heeaYtffhti vaaM idsres ihs daltons se far ls s strslgtt '-*t ?? ? *>? seiea Ham say pan ofths sana i a'" ass! amt * : *vi\ sala Kain-D.i.1 parpens ?'* f"1" "u *'" *?"?*- ******* lt ni ths nii'*t Inpartial tn!ciun)u fcvialnoia Mam me p/aadagaaass?irbribe. _ i>i.oi'<?siv nANKKl'i-rcY UMRLkTIOV. lim,ri H. gobbina, ihe Oheataw bf Oeetmaret* tat fi.i.iunitte.'f wimh i tmemahimambeterbtttaabhreteaj tali to ihs rissibsr sf f?s-tris ri fhandap, sa4H wm oiU-ied printed and thal soo.y hesSSglS StSfe meuiost ot Usagnas. ms hill hst okiesli fo.io_.-*_ tts lesief tte I ow ei. hill, and U?e-____?*? Uoui lust ero amwW t*-**lB Uoaliiciiuu of the uisiu foaiuio- of the Meat hu_U_S Usiikrupi law. 1 Ue rUaiuber has uot bkmMM4 or emrosd to ?upi'ort our bill, hut holds lt und. r ,'.._.laloiaii-ii. I__m li _??*'??? dtttoicuco of upmiou HMM tho alas Uiilulred mrnibaiils Who eoi_l**--S ttal SS Ul tt* aniM_T~"~r '"?"*' ?*"""* **,m* ***** *""r,v ..uiio_e'llo li, while Slfesn sis -niyhati. ally lu MM of lt. our bul n resiricUKl lo Ul lill !??."??*? nu agrisauanl anlllshf wkhfc u u_.*.>*-a_ry aanM-*eam wc asa pass only a uulioru. law, sad eaauot biaii tts gaajtggMattm* to SI !????*-ll *- ***?' "? "JB v..- tiliuk ws liana luiiuovod *srr muob oa sw_> mu ?*-" lou >el l>?jeu .ubunlUHl lo l^usr*?s?- Wo -,*,*,rt **T . mo-iaistiui'imabeiweea UooeMjr sud disUouesi/- ***?? end uiieiotiitue. Viulatetevy utter bUM e^sred ? IM ?*?