Newspaper Page Text
NOTES FROM LONDON. i.i i \!iv. M08TI v i" lett AM- faUaTTKM braos rea i t tu rna ruatnii i | , \ ii. iv. .lum 211 '.'?-?."M. Ho \iii.Ti. ni arima ila F Mia, mini" ht' 6ra1 i uni ?'. " ' ' "' ".. ? l i.i . fun batt I J.""? ?,?! i, i an m a. a - ? oas i '? bad r m ? ? ., i bi' on ??? ni ? I md truth - g.* " lethe fault of I ? ,ImI ,l" * """" i , i premonition, i? I a , io go thm .lu allon in tin lu d ', i ol ,, ,n i it ia all the more '.lil- lii'.ae tu I.. ul dreamed ->f |? ti,,- : ii i icenea In proved that she I,,.I , ? . ,.. I il. powei t. ' ipi ... I ,'?.'? ? 1, ?, i f ' bl cold and a ,1 alighl obccaieJ hei \.-. which table foratn ngtli theo t ., . v . . I lid tm- stern : ? meccas or failure, ? mt nil thea ltd' method aad style. , | \| .. Griswold n i al thc bead : deal on the , volume to aod tie reqnireu i Mr. HueBer, "f . - per I ? niton ition as faa 11 leal ? ? lories* .. - . v ? -: I . . r Ainericaus, i slr. 1 , ; two .\ M ti atora, Mr Sar -. Mi. Li ' ?Ulto ?lies I I' T,, , | miloo for some wet ka past, aod is ? ' ,h:!lk - wever, ? demand l u , , | . h ile l"".t. % lough to till a drawing-] aod knee ? i to mak" . rhea V.,- ? I ii".iii bel Satnj la j nt ?> n Mi Bra ?- ting Sir Fralei k. Lei* ||r, || - Mr. trevellan and man) ? J.a-i ! ' v,'r.v ama rho ha to met 1 . . 1 nm - -- "1 W . well-known frit-mil!;, it i rtista, ex i M isa < ?? i ? - i ! _? i Las stolen a march mi London and bas seeing Mt Sarah li' rnbardl th- metro pol ita \ d ? ?;. D [miration. Hen i .tlnl ia!!'... I " n - i - i ? toraiuary energy oi bei i ? iii devilry, expreeeea n ; ? rt. in \ .. and in p i - ? : Hi" itiul ma! 'roi a lii tnumph of h.-ii "ii:" .nt.' i n yonr - lin ? ? i . . formani e. \ -.. nt ?. of MM R in ii re and fi - let" n. Lil "it ." b) Mr. & Criterion ?: "f tli" I - .I.i! 'Hi - -o. i ".ii n! e to Em 'i-i ep t the motives ?a I that ta preaenl aucct ts ii ? ? . ? ? ; ted. Mr. Viii" j :- im' !.,?? ..,,-. 1 - ? .li iuds on i'ii in !i P ? ? a; bul iv n- gi- maa ? ? 1 ? - -?-. Mr. Wj adham's ad think, i" In- ..- no! i-i i in i .i-t. ll" pr ipose,] ! um-,-.i a real ii li ?? " 1 ? ithei h , loee ii"t Mr - . juli,. - ? i . /'. Moil ? ? li. bayer* ul both, lt ia too -., but the warning which ought to pul I ? ? tweri . , I n it.-- to a .I tlie li ii, - . ? i li-\- stamp ? wk. th" p.ii;:, to ,i., ? | 't gt nuineneea an I ? i Bul Mi. -.. Haden ellem athel certa n pobli - . n timi ire in tin- habit number of so-es bron a pinta ulerplate, io In fact print a fai . Bamber. 1 r which they are meru - ir- stamp, for a fce, l . ? . Interesting productions of .the printing press a* tue publisher choosea to pey for. ii- public ia .ml in two waya. Itaoi . to i,. bm ?loni when il ia only paying a priut, ol tar ha - ..iti-i ic raino. Ami ii pa) - a h gb price for thia mi tin- theory that it i- - arc*, when in fat t i-kel in flooded with it. Now u li,,, huur !?.,.n known thal tin- fraud waa sractiaed bj arma wini pretend !?? be reaped I I I if a teeli Ural .; ?licitod n replj which cen onlj bo called impudent ? it, aaa it ilul, inun- of tl ':i,t-. I i- NI r. Seymour Haden, under li- own name, ?annes forward to reiterate thea, large i. The lotter appeared j eeterda). Vu answer ippeen tn-.lay. The priotsellers perhaps require (line. Hut it may ba hoped that this oxpoaiit. ba ?? Home efTert in diminish ...irlv nh naive (arm of dishot ? 'I hf (.lier,,-;,,nu p,.. I'laiulonm. ;,t ..t thal : f arri ral fm Amcruan mella, and have memorialized td. Poet ?aa* ' thal bc has go tilth intention. 'lin Irish malla an to be landed mitton ii - ? ? , , 'ii reg n la tl,, 1 -h .Un! Rt ott ii m ry with bea * Doh I." I.mir,I , v, rv ihorl ' ? ? the f, ,',, in the | '"if ' being ' ? ' on || f ll ? oft,,, |,,| 1 i whole dav, uti ? u. Int th .1. v. ? lui" Vt 1 ' uniii,.,, ,,| r,..I, and in Inward ai, , ' ' !""< Ml. I, al, u,a,ls ii,, -tupia / ". a th, | .. 1 . , ? '. k"''' "."'"'".mt tm,. Uueen.u.wn '" ?" i..I,,. H. Liver].I. '-t .ir,,,,, going ?, ,,?lf ,,,,. ?arwUlBw1 ,,, . ",H"- ,l'" MaraajrtlU a/teg u,,,iti,er deUy, '"'s-"or aborut aeoordmg to the tidal Willi',,., ?""-'ii-h as I,,,,, at?g?,,.4kl Ifseagsjil WtUpeg ?Jjasgeg ti,,,,, bj mv?(iml trwn fam u%jmfl)tA% u ****** malls tor tbs Continent roe. h Leuum aaj Sunilav morning, will sosj dispatch them that inortiing. oi wari till the Baal I V"U Itimw vu will wiut till the Mti, nor will IM mint, n". mt- i N mtmatfaai rn nf Borefsi aad Amen, a stir you gul "f vin iluggishnt as. Teeterdey afternoon 1 areal loone of tbe chief pott ,iiii,,.? in the Weet I'tni af Leemon, i aeked fm ? ? ..I ina penni stamps. The i im* bai t-i tilt.m. il.,., nt. p lii'l 001 ll lalaff li luii .1 lt half a ? , ,,,i,tn. th- n ?? bat I., li ol snothei hunt, md Baall) ps olin i sheet, " \\ lu did yon change them f I i Me bet ii itt d, tm' reread " Wall, lit, thi nm. halfpenny stamps," end beheld them np foi me t" look nt. I in h ill penny and i. i penny Were a.. rina, li nhl.. In ? dm ." I ih ii .,..Him. r than tn misti ' '! ? other, and I aaid a.. to bim and asked bim I liked tin in ii seta ot ?! am pa mae bole " 1 don'l kllOW ll loll "Ul people urn thinkllia Ol liln iillnv ,1 be " W bal i do know i? ll,,I ,| lah, a lin lill"" times aa l"ll" il- ll dill l"i"l' ,. tba public and ss fm the mea loslde |iin< ming 1 suppose, ti. i don I knoe r| n| them iii,"." rheee rn ? I I wrote the other day, have latel) been totretlaced foi wael . or on principle uoliodj can tell. Bal already fresh complaints an heard of dela) in the morning deliverj ol letters I daresaj il will be ti .iimi . -'? oe lay. ___ ,; ? " THE FOUN IA INK SALE. WITH N I'ii'.S ON ROME OF ITS CHIEF IN ( iden rs, ;mt .it tuc ni ? I .i.-i'ii'.-i'ii'-'T ur rm 1 iiMi.i',- Jnt e 21. All tim authorities agree that tbe Foo l,i- been held this week is aaaieoftbt I importance The collection lately removed from Narford Hall and now dispersed under t be hammer of M"--r-. Christie, Manson ot Woods, waa eorely one of tbe fi neal io exiateuce. Long accounti . and bistorj ii'1 i1"- papers. Perhaps it ia ? i ? ? waa begun and bas bs . from time to time En circnuwtancea which an a !"-i of the genuineness and < of the - ii included. Eve carl tile has a pedigree ami long Iini a permanent In.'ur. Most of them ? 1 lillie lui ire prices h .<l rem ."i uni - thing lik" their preaenl mark. The Nnrtonl m baa long been known to contain fl ii est examples in exist- ni >- of of Henri I lem ware, or fats [ Limoges* B . ap in oi der that I I ! I ; may ? capita] be desiree t.. dct . . However that may bc, the art world i rope i . alkiugofthe sale ever since il was announced. Mer" in !.u_'.. I om ? - i induce the Government ' el ol the collodion. They f ai Lid utterly. Money ? ?,..:; like, to ? S ?-. bul n ?l i f to i thia general ..ti will never aga u i.Sered t i ; c'linn!.! on. iim whole m ghi have licen bad for i-.ii.iiii:i: little more than half ? hal d under the nanua sr. Sot I ii the . i ry the economists i I shrill i 'i tu. press echoing this note of the parsimonious party. Winit do ti i'f dish which I - rs ol the I.s. ''"'.a'i refused to bay st ?1-12 because .i was too dear, ead which sold thia w,-"k or i'-.m? In the presence of tl i pt emptory ref mal ol the ? to do uni thing for the * ted lii"!i li,r." tali-oi -trps . a -". ont] chanct Sir the wat. ti.. , formed i ertain ii ???. In t he hope ol ulti tu take them .it >'-'-t price. Mr. Franks, ol I h. and Mi. J. C. Robinson, ol South K< ton. acteJ i"t the syndicate a. buyers with com? plete discretion aa to what they ahonld lui t r nml bow much they should pay. Iii - - spend, al firs! limite 1 to ?12,00 ? to d >ublc that by voluntary subscriptions. They hat] - -? doubtful whether they will succeed int Government to take what they did buy. 1 i- stock a ill Im dispose 1 of otherwise. ? les and incidents ol this extraor? dinary -al" that 1 touch upon. Anybod for an account, not complete, indeed, but dealing with the chief event- most rea ' - i small pnnl in ti" leading journal of the 1 Empire. Mach bas been aaid ol the Henri l?em w ire, of w linn tin"" specimens occurred i a h ag 1,000 guineas, s ? < re 1 50(1 ie, aili a tl un ti- -.i ri ::,".'in guineas. These are suma, but of Henri Lieux ware onl : the best. The - ot cand - C1.310, .nil : ? ?1,102 iimi ?1,1)11 i i. Li ni* millee!irks ?| ,'j] ? ,\ rubino i] sh was not 1 I I ;. foi - min atc bought I the connoi.ira more, perhaps, than tim 1.210 I foi the ? irved ivory I.', ll ll?ai,rr W'.rk by iii' ted to bc tl., i '-,,av of - |e, \! I o'clock ou W ?? . ilavl but it includml ? minn, ii men with long purses and often Inn ked liv i - pit ?-. I- h. . ii pie ! by Mr W who luis n style work. ] huvi some nf ti, il which these or any UH) 1. Il" . in manner. He ra ?? ?-?? ii it- ht to inti:: "up iiiv. N . on the \i area he i- Belling, Tbe catalogue nm mentiot ittendant prodncea the article and a little walk with it ap and down tbe n ? ;iii"il b.v to en ii ii/, t ii. itig from tin- nu I door, lighten* from far above, - ? neig i in the big shahh.v room, broken univ by 1> i-, or liv i buzz of nil- ."!?? a a iderful t bin; ia offered, or ? snit Ined tones oi the am tionet r bira - c beers. i it tim last dozen numbers ai lt ? markalde. ? .? , i ih bj Jean Conrlois, The lia-i of t a Hods, wenl to 1 .I uno, ii hit li. nil!" ni it, tm' ? ? , allowed to fall to the same bidder al ?;;>;. Mr. Wcrtheitner presently sui nred a third for ?577, only ' ? .< far more iiminiificent apecitnen escape him, i? t did Ml Robinson, who ra ray to anni ??in. Tnt hy Jean I "hu li one I | .,., .. ?""ia ||| thi ' no lim." r th in ih"-.- t .,,,. ol intiqui form, h 1,1 "'l'"' '"?, n \ tl, m.,,, i | Ml ? bitwon stn.. till tl ? md it itu unnamed pun ha . 1'" ' ? lonir "I ni irga "iii dish, a iili anni "rune i rod ? iiaun : . IO Ullin |||| ll. I ?I" M' -.i. "i linn, ami Diana ol I' ? a. |be portrait of A ? \\ . Inblo ul . mu ,t|.I a- Herrod I lipid in his "I- uri i . wife ,i.I. hilil. tin i | tn to ? 'I" I .. I" no in lin hat kgi m Un- olin I lin,,,ra ?I" .I'l'iv I" air lilllsll. 1 linn.a! ni" ti lilli , . .,M|(? ol Anio ile Montmorency, with La int,,mt u)1,j onli i "I -1 M.. I aurioiiudi ' rim i a iii a real . nf fm ii ? - . is rn lit . oiered with mask . fm i end flowers, ereueaiiua ll a* tl rea in ki aurollwurk In gold; aiguetl Lt .nerd Limousin i"'? in In ut Si In lin , iii ai I 'ur.1 nat in thia I omit ame rullm tim, I,, Count Leborda In lu. greet emt, on anami U in tin Lom ie collei liol). 'lo Bf'' tina.,ion liftil di'lili'd b-t a erk through < iiiintir'a, ami tai gag it Beld a i ,i brilliant company had assembled, thc room giadu ally filling as the hour approacher!. Almost rvcry li'.'ly waa stginl.tll'. I.l'iies ira III.led, of w hum Owl t few wer. eoueptcaotta "ii UM thrse relied step. win. li t in aronnd Ike room A marmal M Um dish was pfedawed. aod everybody itretrbed forward M see nm e Mi"' ' Sit of us Imd asea sad bandied and Brrutiaized non if it ware to be ludgt d men liv ? it i linn e. it would : sam. \ ? ? was i anal to bt ni ar, ii li i mi!..;. .? iii ileelgn, of drawing, nf color and of le. linn ai perl ' : lon I i""1 ll ?' ll 'P ?" i.ii rt il willi . ai' uni' r wrig? gling ci Linton alni imt bini ll ll lt' i "I 'I i! tm di ? - tltia i. I bal I'ttl' ia-1 dm i liol ililnilllali I |,S . ? i lil . HU rn, Wlin ll. ol nil lina multitude, Hu- nu. lunn i i > lui lo -li ||. M | \\ iiinh |S I .I I le iii,ii.? a I,,, ipeet li, dot not ralat Ila n li ll In ri, mu an Hinch BB ir, , ii , I I,, n . me ol the object vi lin li t Im mn arith an ipi mi and ? lilt I'lpn cap on li." li--ul ia i.ueusdiiiji up ami doa ii tin- im-' ii I'll i it Ile line- lin- I,iiuil.. i ami h ,,. - foi a hill eotuee aliunal atna a to thi tune of two thou . ' i Hi I lue I - US, and io by Iii " I.'. ? tbe bidding -ti', unca - - id* am-es .'.- Mr Uladsl might tey, by leaps and ?ounds, till it tom li'-s five thousand, I ben most <>r the com? petitors fall oft. The r limit . ? eat heil. lim oi th.ii rv i von remain, hat the magnitude of t'ue -inn m.iU''- them cautions, the pa ? ?? hundred it i on tent dow ti. tim.; -ii...!.- hundreds al each other's bernis, Hut id till Mr. ,\ on , - ti.">'?.i guineas, 1 b< i corni - n pane of ball ? m n ate, then .i roict. ami a burst of ap? plause i illowa The auctioneer nuns tn the quarter ii ben au- bearii, ikea Ins In ad ?'?..iini mys, "lt waa your bid al O.hOO, Mr. VVertheimer.'1 The veteran dealer, who pi ? ? .ni '-t knowing and warj of the fraternity, hod fa i io far forgotten hit < aa to advance on hia own offer. His last remaining rival seizes the chance to i;. him 100 betfet 7,000 ia n mic I, ag i n ther . , the little - ,n the air, once, twice, a third time. "Jievcn tho ? vr the place. * thousan i guinea -." i og could have beard drop. The litt i" ii orj I ? r.-ii set "iii- more, ai - doa n on the doak. "Seven thousand . Wert ?." An '. tbe pent np e ? stirred hy a scene dr i tri\ itit' usity heok il of ap? plause. Before this d u i ? I ni t h" World hui I" ? tl S would fetch M.. ? i, aod that I I tum know ledge ?12,1100 h ni 1" i n otb red pt and refused. All lion I a of th" * bal be though) "f thc pi i . monstrun ?." was I ?? and mu h beyond a paid." \ tesl and ii: ' ? -a-brac, ts matter Mr. W ertheimor, a li" dish aboul from one to the other. Other con? noisseurs were of thi group, and bul i was . '.,! .!. i ." dish was mat. bl?. n i os to the pt ice wi ll, 7,000 go ne ii ii min. lint is any sum too great for a ?"rk ol art led Mr. Werthwmei ol hod iliad" him i puaed t" buy I ell il for ?0,000. - : above mentioned that juat te n had been . ? . that I 7,000 . . ol ii"t been bid on rn bnt .lat re enterpi i -?? on t ii" part I :. "And makes a profit on the dish or not," added another ol I ?-, "lie I-, a into i ' ' - OV er, |0 a," i I ". nm! t.< II them he will sell, not tl I do iu>t mia || often l'.. into Wertheim t's. bat my goner. be i" much auder 1" n k||j and t ? chen np to the I Itv :ind by Mr. W nth 'imer -1-?;? i I -h itu k-i mid i- his arm. mni" I - -n through the thronjr nf pt nail ami ti.- pavel lour-ii heeled r iii nm! tl to Iii ' re I Mr. \ underbill f I cai ? ? ?? i;nn will, i, compos Fount.ii tm collection baa last ii bought for America, ( ni ,v//V, ;///. /' i ss/..\ <;/.7.-a. IF SYSTEM IN CS! OM I l-l IND BOATS mi n iv.:-" ? the npper de. k '? ? rnoon. lil? was Coney ] . ... the nw a 'ii. Ital ins who maa g - arere c.unit i . . , extracted from I be tot ta ? !. and then har-, iv I, le f." ? ? I he two fr ends ti li ? ter of ? ? ? m ith '?? ;i i.,1 i." ml, paused to I - - ll . . ou board"" i ? " Wt . great m my too many. I bt oven roe d 1 [believe the . " ,,u-' ia- n-arly l i ? on t ii- Im "Wi loo strong, ?? I mi ss ..".mi would 1" -I bt ?? v ,,,| ,I(. I,,,. ', -. g I !.-in"ii," nina: ki man with ti.-- fail beard. " i i ? 1. inn ? ii hoard.*' ?? So . ? r. u rn I. ?? v\ ell, I wo:, i 1 oiil" w ll ll 111" iin.l 1 li ill a';.. 'IL'." ls followed the .pin t rn m ? -Inn. boat, fi r bj this : lone. i\. re fas! and the i . . to be ? nd ">nii si., that man anthe [anding of tbe pier.' ir lilli"! .m.. olin* hain! us the people begin to pour out ol the ho , I ii- friends! looked, and thc k' ? ne no ti'"d a- the people rushed over "titi" gang-plank au Iii- movement <.f the thumb ol the i i^iit hand, the hand being shut tig -in ii oldwl com ea I ed in jt. I he i" ??,? ? ; ? enl "I tbe thuiiih Brew i oi lespoml i " Non look al niau just Gelou you," -aid the 'Iii "l man. person v ' ? .f i ll |S U tll'iula. | '1 I h" Im i! aui ' I tli" rintel man to tin mi th. pier, w the tr.n tin '.I -li. Mil ? tie " i.: . ? i \l' I ?? i mimi .rn "Fourteen i ? ' ? I i ? i . fed Mr. I ? i ' teen t wei , ||? ' I hi " . arni laid Mr. I " this . ? ii ? i ? i ? rapli to I'm i Ni, i North i ami li ern from th. In th. i.i gol un i? I ill also learn hos 'milli with tl A I' IS UH .nt --. ll,. Hull, ..! ll III Ulnilil lill I I,. |, . i I , kail "ill the . d-sl ii' |?|i r fi I, 4:ii " I tl,mit lil a ' ?" i lib i "i ii,, t vi.. ii . ? M . a -lem ia |.letti perfect ' ??..ii Ml " AP ii . ? ? lui ng thal al I.oi,rf Ulam li, nie connected. Wherever lam I know |uet what lng "nail.. i tn tell w beti rough i wu) pp i enl .t lending I can tell w hei her the t rowd is ... greet thst an et tra boat la ticri|cd al SOI ph I, Md SO OU lt h.ia Ukeii mu. li tum (,, nerti* i 'ina ivateca, hui l tamk il ls .in,, st parla i no*,* i BROADWAY NOTE-BOOK. Mis' ami TUTNGg, nu i '.ii'vniY BOUND. TB! ITu-iivu ,s,,ii - ami v.iii,,v. Of A ?ROAD* w n j.,i miiii. Tin- rir-.iior i.var ti,,. Ana M. aii gawa Hnrnpanv's '? ' li,, ll Ul'" ti ? emt warmed, . i I, Ulai ia a | || io. ' II,. ' , '. . . nv i. ? lour ol . ? -" ll,,,. I, ||? ,, l,!l I lol liol ill ' ' ? .of lill a "I UH I- of ,|a|,| ?I"1" . In ten j ?? irs ''' ni ' ? ll-, iud Mod tie. ? i- i n . ra in n. ni k , rotsehi a |.,r ?. irons -? mi ind ed ?ii.-i papen, told me I U Ki was !?"? , ? ,?i t!l" l" ilse kira ol bim. ?? the yoong ladle In -o. iety di nfs out ni] their taking dinner vt'iiii one of - ? med to be .?, ? . oliver Oi Mi. Ti esotliat I ? ' i np nnder bul tl" -?? ii" sat -ti '"'I: .. .uii,i!ii!i for ? Hui Democratic mr rears, pi "' Motin ti: lal name abo Men' for Inc Lone, inn ria- ,. mdse tnt ; the name . loliiiM.u school, h " ? up with a baa under bi who poi I ;? - - aerii". " ? . ie. You pa] - your ? ? ord -.ii-i-i and .1 atone i. -? ?? - of the I oe n was kai af - i I ? ? . old pt roarers undertook to yell ? ' j. ij ers 'ot . '"I! iiir- I. ? lallrej i -? . ? . ipoki " in v natrlol them all as ? .. - it tbe beet 'lia. inc la contine vt ben I... se Sa . Here arr the State head.) i irtei - crowded Into little rooina rn a . ? three or four -. j .1 ii md ael eat tm lng at pen. It a on tbe earap-meei lng plan . I ir- I nel? lie ri al ve and therefore prolonged; for,indeed,thedele ' Bed, Mme ha the proceedlnxa, I ? both i.los could ie pul ty where I A' Oi ?-..'.?'.. ' i : stopped over on raj il "i Senator i.; ir ? iv bo .".j...-. i i ii under tbe hopi ai bra ? In that town. Ile ? almost blind, and ean ? i ithnritie .. erl - ? i t . lum. II- - ' nsid. red I ? ' I I, ' .- lom willi tliat . . led " Motlier i be ? i i ... -;... ted md i much -inion i ameroo. He I es. tr.' ? ? Mr '? lil I ? 111 Illa "Wen:" la In - ? l.ll-llie--. " Ah." -a. I one Ol 'll" !i"' lillolT I ll . ? ? I . table ubi ire, took me og I i I al the foot ??: one ol tbe . nd bis wife, -.1 . ..?. darker I I ami ? : ras i ?? ... on Hi. ? i lucal on *" ber children i ? ? : bare bad In \. Yort Mrs. fas ? In showing me the photo of the different memnen of her faun r turned at rot l ...... ?? ii- ? ; auld not .ii - I! . i I, ipp ? "If'' remo! v - ? ? ..f the Ulna' ? ' ? ? . . ' li ,... il ' kl I saw a iou..,: ? I . . .1 J . parti la "" ?' '"?' . ? . . rn K.t ill,aud atleebed ? klai "" ? "?'? ' ha .I.-1. ..fl riv lui" thc flout i . . IIP, lo* ": . rm. . amt tn the eVOal ufa trmmiiii for ' ll Um lad v|?, ii.mlil liol in I mi tl"' I'Oarl-ee Hue ,.,,,. to ka in aui of ni in. "mu ? a est itaal inuui .utiis leepaxiUX ut pei .out bc ir.iuiU.ui HUI | have helped Mr nandsll nor kare derived any lien.flt frmn him put.Hr lifo b> ta I.IShtslIBi bf I ----- r. and the perpetual minne "f pllval. ill-'imtlirVafmna with lt mani- nf our moat BBleatS I ?'.?-. I * i ii'iai'v u, n,ia seaatrpaaae i kimi af gwiestraderneertat Monougabt leona try, -ih. rr gtetlltli t ida neighbors disputed hy force tbs power of the gi in from looking wini murnini.t upne Ibis ot i | ?? st ' lion,, ;. it end . a 1,1 ? ? I a hs - v- . . . i : ..... t tat IiIimmI ,.f . tells ' '.Ill O' - - Hil' .' nf I: t u ? ' ... Iii. -....III. ., i Willi.In Th" which h.- bodies of prominent . >iava been rt Um i-llti ni Undies from n distauea to it, \ fem eilsls sm is ? ?? , . d ?le ul.- .i.i I,.- ul, a there In ml'-r t ? ott ? tia. .'? of lilli,e. . rought i iee i ? i is, and I ? ,.alu it Ir I" Mr. lain" oe i aili fn k- of the ".ninty only. " I i- '!," MM "f a ir.'in lunan ai. I I .?"! aaa it for bia i na'. Ot ? . . : ? of chara ter ii waaa praetl m. One "f li.i Laid limn I.- -.of UM -to' W tint iii", n mn is the Rt I rn it u bo M . w's ? ? rho old Vir? us sod th i . : - : (twa -'??>! rb i n-ii mei on common am iud ".. the lower klouon M Hi nae *,i- h ? a.-.mi of BM Of Ike most Import mr famllli - Poop urta but lit , mee with A tte route.a of ? . tolas Weet, are apt to eonsider ? ,.-e ,n iinoseBBflly primeval. ? rda] i tl ? iNt i -\ ? ? nee, oa the greateet axteof tn ' .:? tln.-r bl g -t a have tiiioe beoome Im nerlai in resources and bel er aselni et oven incuts than these Eastern stand. Republican government oe the Atlautl. slope Ut ? with ii i ...ul.lion- whloh eoutlnae in some forma to ^embarrass tbe Western society : like htlaerra from thc brain of Jove. Hence Indiana, Kentucky and i up Abraham Lincoln without a single benefit from Yale or Han uni or any other of the old la? the prtde of medere tunes md 1 , .ucl l'|ir. bUt Iii : A-i-v as tbe remarkable ooltection ot letters Mr. -i-i mi ar ihe time of Lincoln's death luttcti - a the dead stol nuder coally tombs In i rn ?? ii-c iii it, yet the day ls far distant wat - wt ! be dispensed with. They ? :i> plyto local history it- moat durable and venerable records I sri lr? dawomga, Thej autlcipated ' public parka; sod not excepting old - ttl" n.nih in American ierne t.-ri"- are in-- tuo.1 i"-., ttlfu - I ? testify to t la. - American love of I ?? II..Ill if Wf ' gov. rnraental Idea/ Il - i io to tx .- be of violence against oar public men while t , a tbe full ol im of. thi m to the'., ami the . i- hardly ?? i iv. it. even aa a matter of euri ? a in rr itter. r- thai ? ..?"* it im.1, ii ai nm-,- wounded and rounded, lt -1 d "f American public men that the) are like partridges, never ibo! . Mr a. ii Pullman, brother of Georj . -'hr nt of tbe transom llab Company, "f Chicago, .- ' inipton, Kneltiini. . es it tb ? ? 'i.aio of An and tl I tomi ? I I ? ? rem those ol England. M .' ni import thi ' ? .? uni ? on them pal ? ? ? t,--.. Thc Ourney ' ab ;- also a constant ? rr a i.i be very Interesttag ta the future for tba Inhabl if the* splci ii i yoong cities or the mtei a to not" the respect paid to the men of our day, in tbe uameaof tbeli --...i- inti parks, i i> ? s side, ls '.tlur tin - rounded by large amt beautiful parks to the north ? ... - - i ? | ? rollin.. seqacntii icr of tin - -. th li tree. ? . \. Ii. ?', nil, ? l! ?::( Oraiy in r.?iii"r hard and proaaie for the avenue on b man - Um 'ra.I. of Kew York, il fame In Un a,- beautif il ps i rican f. - - in I ina work in almost every i - The Park of Ni-iv-v, ork has thus been one of tb ent a Kor lt to lie rti bly endowed ai :i . 1 h. peop e of I rofthe Eastern 6 intel for as elegant bon] aa their ' ? Ol Hie pres ip. He I- a Nea -York boy a ? - ? which runs down the ndc of tin Tami si b i i-i. -? if- a.v.- thal ind Viv, rep i . "i In II.- w.t- an . emory . . Lion or min. U bent i man i kel ? of him and if be oems lam tlc -lor.- ai ' Idress lum hy name, tile ,i-i ? 1. i mt in IOU ?? Ti. li ''." v.' r 1 , ? . nan's tieigbt, proportion and the cha I b face to adapt il md bad the bau of difl - u, uta si ll ii of i rim. -?oinnr iee uni admire himself and tit itt kim and bu ? 1 from lil. inn ie. |. i noted bi mir i ?y aa Genia ema ,?? , -. fi.nli b tbe ? ay, w m thc n. urn ... of i mil neceutrte mau wt ft the old town of lt ihlo, which stood on n, hill-top on the Wa ? I ? ra . bman or ol french descent, end vasa vhf rs it aad wrote ted intra hook IRrookiya ? ? arn- prominent for Ita kal factories, and most al ne st;. Itsb ?? ? larc mali there. Mr t? ir * ' idnated in " The ? ? ? ; ped Franklin kl ? | so lam k of raiious prieons, as lia lira "f reform In polities, Bads i !>ie Sort bern Bl itas np lo bis blah itaad ir-i ol i i ? -?. sin I i? ,.r the Northern and Boutin rn i iain .-a. h oiiin on th- i refot inuring fm i The ? v . un,,, ? "i ii Mi" I- ? v . I a ma tomi, la lead. ,,,,k ms t '"'? '"-ti. ''? nu monti > i # . l a little nt , i . ? i -li Ilia ' au.I . I.. i I theatrics km ta soon nottos i . . ta li> ten louses ara InaWledal ttie i,.i wiin sapertty, Bud kia ?.iMiuplaea lacks bessel le wears speetaelea, ha. radii ih ola. k beard sols ? ai mustaeha ot lae saosi rho Moe se 0vee ti Lat of the la|.|i|.v lodged i ono il Into .iersta a.bli j by noan presiliiai eas! eesessst arkana weald lae Regabueea gerti ksalsaeeraBsaaaei seahaaaj, ivoryhodf aaa kewseai asa. ami asea after whoa ne read saan.wersM m'seee,*1 "wagered ?t. . .I Ila laat |irofea?SBiial orator in Hie North died ??aj m lits Idea ul autisaijupir tUuvaletl 1 Ueipiao. DIVORCE IX FRANCE, iti'AiMM. AM? Kl i i CT OF lin: I I LULL [rmi* ntr. iti'.t mu . ai-..surir or run run ir J I . i ,. I Im bl tliops who i il- i af ilia Repablic In raise io bis hearing \ .ii tho divorce bill wets more lum ir-, lu r: ? li ititinde limn suv members "t lbs i I kMI i M i. M iii "i A ' they sra dm ile in f . ?,,,, i .... ,, f md iS tl." I" r li - I .lt" o' ll" 'i.nlii tn keep en good] karmi a th Hi* f .* ? -1. i r? I ? - nana, theil pents tim govern.i t,v a ? . pj ,a though) thal ll I, ve ?'.I. i' a. i I il ' \ . I nml ll. . , ? ii ? I Hating i ' ? , ll, ? l ol nen milli itt l. rh mea . i im if,i. ?-.iii! i ia the laas a i .11 -. i. Tt mri entirely ilia;, reed ( \i\ theil . i / i i diane, I - -It to an >f tu ? partial lo mal l ' folks who wen lo lie join.-.I in m.-itrnninj likelj to "i-f on togetbet \- ? mil- silt) . i-i i ia ' li.' the . i.i -I. ll rel, through if match-. makiag ? I make up trf-i in ti ls ka pull a'ong together as well aa they could W - there waa fulness of breed and idleness, the artie weat lur a sj ami the hushan I ba I under f lie eoa> Jugalroofaaepataieestahliflhmant. il- I Iherata. Iv thal ala eyes to 'ur ;/? ,i-? ? ? ?he sinned too publicly, waco ha obliged i" offal liii-ii and pit a! for a separation. This the < , atc da Raanmoni in one week called oat thn i " friends '' of his wife, o ie of tliem wu- Prince Kir bard Met* tennieh, the Anatriaa I from HMM to 1H71. It wm held ongentlemanly for a hui t t" nuke l noise au 'Ut bis cot . .. .? - .,i lome as the wife waa aol oatrageoti br ? "He byealooe Ma getty tradesman ' said C< de Dbm of 'ii" into italie de Chanlaee lon.e koeweledy who wrthoal ii-1 igeittn . lorne or pretty bed extreordiaary personal mag laen, lier merriage waa intended hp her relatives t - ??! ber huabeed to be above al things a a of two grant (artanga, Mm rmnaeuted to beeeeee ir woaldhnve le-.-n tieKl nnsrmmlj I i otsmtwhrn, and te be emeneipnted from the par* petoel aarveilleeoe of her mother end a govei lin- pargon to whom "hi wm lua'-i WM aii'-'it torry aid had had main .-i.-iinr-mt idveotOTM of .vii nh he" nu sm nt. lie wa- ge neut into the " iie-t a,,, nu." and it was cali ni i vd would nuke en excellent guide in l mable world thu inexperien ed ? ? \ ? win tu to take big nani" and snare Ina [ortona Nothing inure wm expected of him. She ? 1 him well enough ??* ? friend, ii ii t" hoc gr fat frffnaternatiim he fell In otc with ber n't-r tliev were married, lin- fa< r af In- .1 pessred te her a bvirrible bceaeb if faith. Them m lie liked h'-r the le.-s the liked bi a. !!? bi icelous of her, which abe bitterly resented, i,' i ir rein t-i..iv p' iee. Iii.' wife atrempte l ? ?aicide by drinking laadennm. Kvenl mllj -e|>:ira!ed. Mu-I..- ame " .itta.-ird ' r,, the |, , irlei pleaded for hex, and weat te live with bin. None of the rim.Irni -?llr lia.I bj i wera legitimate or could be nixed. Che husband eventually consoled h wnlia pretty shop-girl with when be happy. Dot their oflnpringi were 'ia-.-I .i adulterine children. He dying aoddeai] I lateetnte, ell hi fortune went tn aceasin, aud tba miitrees end ber three children found thoms destitute. Ih-v it.'uii have probably starved if .ii widow, who bad long ceased to b a ? m. had not talma pity anon them and trent* | ? ihop-girl a aaukll aaauityand given i i ? money that lulB -I to set hex af a i i ne history of the late Ma 1. n i ? ra - -. - to the one thai I liav. mg. lt waa rory rare, indeed, fur married ra , eba irated from their wivMootteha t here koowa ai fin* i 'm/ ?. The win a,iil"i".l hy i lowdown) tu have irregular establishments. Kal they had clandestine " friendships,*' Thi tiea tm / formed were too easily broken to be i asily drifted mte tbs .' ai i ?' . v rated n ora u 'abe wished I able, obliged to atTecl ? : - aud te live Ilks a widow wbo hid been >1 i -t to har husband or did ant wish to mar. . ? I tune. iii. Princess de Tiega n and tbe stu , . . di (Jail if et were brilliant exceptioai Aad . . they go into verj fashionahte society il ? tli-iti that they ar.- highly ft ? . I ?-. Pastor Preseeuse took a leading pirl tn ? ?ii t ht - ling of I li- b ... I ei rors have bi ? ira mi ire on wires i . ala. lim I liter roillil tll-ali with llll| . until theil .: rowe, provided tln-v did not do -? ai ia tbe i -?;' g il i "nu ile < If lat- i| been decided by the higher tr;;- . tbe conjugal domicile is wherever the hu I Bleeps. N.i'i'i t -1 -1 i.ot try to modi r the a i ? ? ire thc t . : , leal tn it she - i the -ir;ir; o ot mat . Senate voted bil amendment. I'be clo . ? i rent ruble Paattoi lt lt I i ..ia am na*. attended with no! only an lind but* quern es than a n ife/i sin. If he hail adulterine o# sp:u;j; hi eil uer ,r tv them aha Ultimate family or In neglecting them for- 1 t i.:n to |oin the erl minni cleanse, ll" eitbei depraved i whom be bad for a concubiae, wi sha depraved bin. tor li'"s-en-e rem. d what St. Kimon wrote about tbe efft '- "t tbe gallantries <>f lom Uiiartorao oa the royal progeaiture md m a . , tir nrobah iga! ? tl ? k tm ited lite ,,f the Kine .,f the Netherlands bm brought Dutch royalty. A result of the divorce 'aw will be t" oblige novel i-Ua.iii[ playwrights to ceaae from i . of tbe Seventh Commandment the pivots ol then plots lt will nu v? jurors lesa ready Ut acquit hnsbauda whoa jeal is pus adinte homicide and wivee who are moved Ly tnat na - i 10 vitnotiae. It is e good thing for the children of ill-eseorted .."iii'-s wonting Wi sever toe mwruage . e thal div.s uta are nut tn li. reported, lint it I- a bed tmug for the ti i ir la lite journals. ; ievare promises ns readers te give them the ti ut sinu tn. Renate fort.ids the journals, tai coll. * linre am enough ut judi, lal Iv "? j. ira.'l " n .-n and women m Prance to people i tar e < itv. | ol iii. n I hue explained the) are an .iii ferment. I" tm.iu'n ind cape. ? In the peasant - Deration mira nc. lb" wife is essentially a helpmate, ami li.ii -n^ m- - - - -.a dunes, i. \ hi lt ti ? ?( in uni and more brightness i lian the husband s ? ? ?? i the whole the greatei Ile doeg mit hi ti i with nei ml vice, - he -l ??. i ng bun Ile i- ii -??, e to Wheal t In v l?.;'? prosperous |,e i alia lui lin- ' r ' ilm butflieh ? i|iiii aleut du . lin ii ia ? rite inissii ? - lu i> " mi mm. ' bm never as i , nwni mhip i ? i h MISC I lie | lu |.< .min -.von in :- un lt 4 IN tl ! amt got s to I. !?? . il . ut ar i r a ii iii i laud, -'n - ? .ita i v i tuned ami wi ikied, mi eerl I Ul Ina . .,.?.? I,r . . , "I" M. Vital fnfci i . Hl"re Itl l|a| . i jy in itie i nan -t i.o wm allowed ti v ip uni healthy ms I ' ? e d'An Bl 'uno ?'??? Molli lolii ni lill ll n| . I. il i '? i il.n Billi vii-, i, nm ii iv? Im remarked in lin pas woman ? bej wen it ai ah ni i ii. I- ?- 'i'1" - - i m .i-i. and an en el len l farmer and gai.i Hu Ima , i I- lt im aerates beavilj em umlmied s Uh di III In I gilli I I ibip Hie m rleered them md greatlt nun weil their value, 11 ls a ini-laae l" 'Inuit Hie I icu, li w.rn ,. i aa BXiOlieel mothal ba ut e bet tel . ia a .nv respects than the Koallah woman, lu the .irs s i lisa her fault ts that she is in such a Ii-k-i i liri poona t"lk ali. donlee tn. m aiit?o| for studying the world nu Ieee ai achoo! or u ii.-r.ira. rsaaaat'a cbildrea alone are snnared te warn for tneomelvaa m the arhool ot eaaertea l inlet the Maggot law the one tu wlmes favor the divori e ia guan ifill hai.. tin sutlii tliiUlU ul thi shiliUeii av eu attci a act. omi tuan uga I