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SOCIAL SILHOUETTES. gF.lS.i Tilt; IMI'.ii.-i.iss OP MB. MARK MAN II A li \V IV. mr. young (i'.Mi.i.Mw wno aspires. 1 i.,..>ti lniiiui thal New lork society represents cilium i. ? ? chi ige li bi line t bat devi - fruin the lio.u i-"n'''ii- i" t -? bel "f winch ii -? are so ably told in Speuci ? ian phil ? fen da p -ii ?? ia are iu au lu. es rn it it ol dis u 1 ii', wron i'.u in all hinds ol >? i . hi mi... - ii-:'-, from a departure abroad* o a lilian cul I i ? ii a i a ii ii ?;.- il ll - I ii- ".IV lt lan . ill of d'.nh itacit Hut i foti-i-s. allocting i .?? whole lyal a ?? ur actively, tm li i tu i ni ti justi i ol ni. evolutional parallel, As las! ..s lash ,i,i ,1.,-a, ., . fast is it b il ? ? lill. As list as it t ii.?< a.. faal do ?> ,i I' ii Ni m iv gotten I ? i i u and ii" s.i i | i i ? 1 iimi Hon feed it vv Ht an milt lin ,r i ni n nt. ll a a u i bes ita i.pla w be are -ii {.iud ig to gel about." lt does not know the solid debi which ll owei to thia auxiliary pawer. Bul I suppose ;: ? i tgretitude ia univ ? |. .. I of thociltin iii ful plan. As iadividuali we rarely casi a thought tpoa the wholesome tui ot air wbioh we breatbe iuto our luaus -h i>v in i ri : \. mi io,ii h.uiis, I am aol physiologist enough te record. And ii i ,i ri ii v. -i ? . i . mo i il he darkly shocked if it were one calle l np > > t.> re ilise its truly vital k;n a'.iip with l'.-i-i tiis'u Perhaps ns dainty iiereea un rn better treatment than even a ragas allusion ti til- frigid fMt. I lera is something m actually grisly, for lao laval iclon of caste, in being re> miodod that each load, rude thoroughfares as the L ni.?; v an 1 I'iiiiil-. vc an I Avi uue a i outata not a fi iv living anceston of exquisite tatum bail-given and ball-goers I 1 oonfeai lia' tbe contemplation oi -" auster, a truth must be borrifving te any wiil iiidcied patrician mind. And pet I, whet like to luce all .son a I truths, cannot help feeling it ex tremely probable thal my grandohildrefl may one day intermarry (and perhaps somewhat triumph? antly at that) with the graadehildrea of tho man who shovels snow from my smart dooraetep li win t r for 30 coate, orl of the ihabbioc feUow-eitixeu wau dnmpe my auroral aahes mtu his enrtjfot aa wai:.' n hatever. Wham Mi. Lysander Dingley drat sivam late say ken, I rn .ul rt wondering whatnot his energetic lins were not of a m i?t bambie inherited Bam. Bat I afterward discovered that tam yening gentleman had followed a moregmdnal ImpalMof prosrrois, aud thal insteit-1 of springing directly from "the Bsoople," be bad baea saved tbe calamity of this db ?net oontnet by having had a single generation kindly intervene. ? The seo ku I) ngley bad male an.Mt fortune ns a retail furner, and was qaite deetitate of proud inna. 1 DOVOr suv Iii-n, tint I MB picture lii'n as philosophically settling down among the etift accommodations nf ins mink-skins, ermiuea and aaid.?-. t . i raore those r g iroas exposures which for a mau who would seals late la life tlio bleak raia* ja:!- of aristoemey aro sometimes little less than arctic Bnt big ana, LyMnder, had no moa placid wisdom. Lysander had been festally inclined from the age sf one-and-tweaty. The teeta which lam ebon! ta narrate eoacerniog his oereer wera aeenre 1 eouir lim" after my first aoquaintanoe with bim; lint like a faithful biographer who wonld nothing extenuate BOC net duwn aught in maine. I shall give them their carly ami due place in hie Written Listorv. Resembling so many of mir New-York youths, Lvaander had entered Columbia ('ollege at the ab Bunlly ham itara inic of sixteen- Re w is quick ead clever al Irs studies, and ra;.illy tonk a high plane in bia class. He was vary ambitious, too, nf nil tmrts of dietiactioa There were etuno aorta of dla Unction regarding which bogati only the most in Cleu-i-te views. At the same time lie had the gen arally definite view that .he wished ta excel wherever excellence wm". Karly in his fm-hin ii year Lysander made a distressing discov? ery. He had Joined tu-, wrong secret society. In Colombia this lum a most piercing significance. At ins. ipi ? ii perio I ti.-n- w tra i wo doiuin int and eo r.ii sc *?' locieties in thet diego, whoa. I. -i i were mostly chow n for claims of lofty and ia fluential parentage, Theyonng men btdonging to tin-si- two organizations iv.iou' private deeds ur uno!.- '.- were wrapped in severe darkneas) wore little gob] ci, linlle 1 pus nith" lappeteof theil e i - is I. i- rn-,' t wo ur three Greek lei i ? ? ihling import mee, Month is of the other le<- honored banda wore little pins as well, bul be? tween th i.i i siu - i . ? I ? ho -ol' Hm truly elect dwell chasms of d h --. lt was lih.ri r and the (I dd >n Fie ce witti cer tain obs re lim pt tn md ts. Ly indei Dingley goon fell th it he was emphatically one ol thoae who had ueith r been ci Ile I nu i boson. B it .t waa too late foi rebellion ? ? i titntion, ll" had taken his e. i ? t > th" Sigm i i. I a Nil im.-.' i he mu-1 r.-m un till I. i iv or at 1< ti -'I lay ind cv. ii after. Ho rapid i per. rived that bo I one . left. Ho nmst be st loyal to th' . .- .iii j - i seek mil side u ? and ini i.i n " viii t;- ? -' ' . dnppor, .-? 1 young ? .micron I' iis ai tl Dela ' Bal in this m." -hui- ii utterly fa lot] ll ? grad ? ? lized i bu bitlot uud g illili. I iel ol bis si .1 posit on. Univ \ an i lot ? Julinu, Wi ken wt rc nol t ? i>? propii mt- .1. He i oreti to I beni i" t he ri ist room t he re |ii n-d second i-i i sr hie li -iv -ol them from recit nt ional il - i nc; he whisp rctl to them w ih adroit lienavo h '.; bo nd, the magi " orton ae um 'te hborn enigm i In J." cudi" lin i were of no avail, lliiit.t anl .lulu, iv alway* eptotl such favors With ' I m ell eui li id Him to Bini-. ! til .Ide, iii t lu-ir bearii ess, u lob -< it vi iv ; t tey h td repeatedly 1 ? .... I would gomrtii ' drop into the college grounds with a rat In . -..'.iii hud foi a ."' >n fi ' fl i tin V ll li se|i<( I.- 1 it ll oin .1 lil llb 1 Of tired In t!i" 0 'iii- ii ni .il . u . . i ii ? >? :? I in Ins i was) ami so value 11" in na lin ? - an < hun ron psi and i ? ??' ?, was il'' llpiia, t I they wore butti mn -ii ? 'i il young - ihe al lei I di -I sch and reason lea rn i rou i., of i\ hain er ->? \. .!?.'' to I. i I ' .lilli hun eil iv.sli.iio di it he had fa msnbtids hat] ->. I wishing il with a f ? that grail nally took in almost uiouimia ia ilium. tins', i, ? . i.juill.ill lill leg , ni" ol slight III north. They an colleges which nra in reality mere high sch ."ls. as oftou hu- I) '.i ?o , .Him ? ? th ? i iis' 111", i- a shadow, ami lim pro (caa.u inl mil leuce, ll ? I i l-l ui, I if necessity a nu i Lysander might have ii I mouth or lt ? - v. Ile e illili I from I 'oin . i cr, bitten di i he tm erish di - re lo 3<i liol ll.:..' better i.i i bo li ni ii ' * a ke I out." Il" stood iiie t\ pe, 1 ., ri sure | hal I ure b .; I it"i every yea i] ju. puring fm .io iguolde -ii -_?'" a ith mt -. just bs be d d. Ile means one <.t mu manj astonishing r blicau et il-. (ll course he i- m,t to be I Be te not ai ? il", t. Vmi may tell me, if yon please, thal you have found hi tn iu Europe. To this ] will oiil. answer that il be is found there, al', i - turies, all the more rea* tn a hy li hould Ml be lound bera after one oentui v ! | Ilia 1,1st efforts wei > pitiabl. 1 used !?> wit noaa Bom of th n, ao 1 un now continue this orecioui im -m. ii with r. newed cou fi lonee, lt ha I transpired that he was the .s-.n ot "Dingley the Pur-Man." J . body knew ur had known " Dingi y the l-'ur j^lan." io had warmed more of oar New-York dowagers m their ileighi and oo ushea than it wonld gm enayr to tell, .Thia wm doabtliM only an addi 1 reason why th'-y ghoold ri'ri vc bia son coldly. / , - rteialy did im. t hat Lysander persevered. 1 haw and closely ,wnt bed him while li" wm persevering. At this tnue hu had a tall ami rather well-made figure, a 1 aajpple aad decisive way el moving aboat a nunn, Sjajs] au ajjsajgjgej of dntun.t,clt;giiiie.u. liut his lacie was plahtly agarasl aha. lt baa been left lexi in tin d s, ri| lilli, mid dr-.-rvcs li I". It wa- in? ce.I v irrc'ular of feature, ami ItsBoM bad an ab? normal aquiline curve. Itihtokof beauty e deed e preaeace ol ugliness, lt was t sharp and In? cisive im,i'd. nc il a.: inisl sn c ss. ?? ll..iv li he I-!' bet au ? a oui nun ? ona n ai aa - ion u be bad comp Ih I pen de I i ad nil tb n be wm al all. Hui his ge ...i; ami full sm e. il teeth, wai no n i - . un st him; it wm indi id a ith h h. ,ii be - i le i mtv often. 1 us.-i to hmv h.- could smile so amply, 1 ant rebufft "I will ii m." s i il Unac ll mo, on et i h I ia ie . . t. an] a thu vt rgi ol h tw< ni h.ninia.. ?? I thiuk a linc ihonld be drawn wfa i-. a id I pi mi to draw re." ital Rt,se ? :-' know nun i.-i tra thnl pto. iiiiil' waa over, a.ii marmared an una diing oonscnt. II,, ha I g -t somebody ta proscnl hun. He wits , , v . ? - imel ody t" in.--- ut hi u. I \-as -t ,u ling mt fat ae ay trout K-.s -. rn I witnea esl i u ? introduction. He n-'.< I her i i da ice, i d, danced extremcl) well. Rose refused; 1 caught the wi rds ?? so tired," from her languid lina, and that was a... Ano it ten mi 1 san hrs deucing with thal caddish little Englishman, I'liiu Bteepleclieoer, whose only j.'- ible matrimo? nial iriisnt/.r.ii<-it: Wea Iimi In C .ld Hit li.lille- 1^111 fiii Am rican girl who might mai ry bitu to a Scotch third-cousin, 1 ,t>; tl Willotbewisp, Uni still later, during thc progress of the tierman (which, hythe way. "tir hnatess Kindly a iked me to lend myself), I saw I.yalli ler |)i lilley app "l ii tim haughty l.'ose aud "take her out" witta ? splendid amiability. Lysander dan e 1. himself, thal ev fling, with Lu y ll. kenaeck,a young k'.ii <.i supernatural ? mid proverbial stupidity, Pooi alias Lucy mus a weil-flowef ol ats; acknowledge*! seasons, and bad miiie hoiuw I rom niue halls than it would Im decorous or even gallant for bm BOW to chronicle?especially if I had kepi count of their mortifying namber. Tim season ended. Lent laid its Inlli&gshadow upon all festivity. Lysander Dingley had ns;.ucl imd hal not succeeded. We all knew thu. And yot wo all conni-.led tim t.u I til it - imebow it waa ea tn unravel tho complicated problem of * BOW "?Lysander had mau md to make Ins fai-e and figure aud narnu a fait tl a factor il) \> lilts select eesemblagee. o' Daring the easaiag summer his father died. It afterward fed to my knowledge thal " Dingley the Fur-Man " had leen very parsimonious with bbl sun as regarded all personal expenditures. Bntatlnsi the old gentleman wm as dead as one of his own minka or otters. Lysander, lon; motherless, "ns lett the whole hulk of the foitnoe. I re ili/'d some? thing which had not previously dawned noon me. Lysander, though eager enough to thrust himself among the holy-of-holiea, hud never, ta my knowl? edge, mid more than a very occasional hunch .-t Cornelia Cook <>r G/otraot farts rosee al the feol ..| any lady- no, not even al those of the -..sti.. v Ueckensaok. But now in perhaps tim last week of Lent -who 'mt Rom Rivington herself ahoald suv to me nt an afternoon tea whitbi r I bad rather aimlesely strolled i ?? l | .t mah lovely dowan from poor Mr. Dingley this morning. I have u few of them in my dress now thus" great Gloirt <l< Peril kimi -don't you think them swei-tT Poor fellow,hc'i feeling so dreadfully aboul li ? father." I looked .it- Roi * Unaly. She ii a sort of couain ..f mine; all tho Rivington! ara m ire or looa rel ited te all the Manhattans. Hut Rose did nd li.rh. That amber eye of lera, whioh has in it the ray of tne tope*, aud so matches ber sweet, negligent, onrly ice ol ta vu',- hair, wore as coo] a gleam nuder her modish Tar,sim bonnet as though [had jual ventured something blankly commonplMe, like the prophecy of an early spring. Ro e was the heiress to at least three millions, Everybody knew the blocks of houses owne 1 by her deal Krait Ifether, ol whom she wai the solegrandohild. Her r.-tu-ul. two Beasoni ago, of Loni Romp, eldest son of the l>uke of pomp, is a matter of history. "Do do you actually Ute Lysauder Dingley.*" I murmured, r.Innist aghast. Rose froze me with one of her polar looks. "I think Mr. 111;i_r!? ?,- charming," she s,;,i with au audacity that ha 1 in it the elonn ni of the sublime. ?'And 1 do hope, Hark." ih? wcut on, assuming a manner of amazing confidence," thal if you have any disagreeable things to iaj about bim, yon will reserve the n for a mae one wh > is not bis/rt a /." A little later Johnny Weehawken (now a rall grown grandee of foor and tw "it\: said t - me one afternoon in the hall <>f the Metropolitan t'lub: ojost be ii i ' ?; h a I iv ?';. ii" ii i il at D iiioiin n's, Ly I? n-'c gave it." ?* Vc .'" 1 min.u .i i. ra tin ' mj browi, in-. tarli) surprised (Lysamloi hil now lie onie "Ly" to this I ulumbiaii foe this rel. i i t i Alpha ol foruiei dayslj u Was it n largo bi akiast f" 1 tiuce tioued. - \ i i ? ; .." " ime tho drawle 1 ri'i ponse. I'o-i- Riviugl m wis tlnur, ami thc two llesb girls, and a lit ?? Mi - I.' versidn [of the li? les, i nu know, jii-l ba k fi um abroj I Hal iv \'.i!i ('urie ii ?? ll in., Van ('"il".;!" 1 thought. "'Iii. ri !< ni leas, tli" imp! icable Oinici tu r l'...i 1 a ml n .! ii a.. .1,1 pri - ntl) John i ? ll IWkl 'I I' - i'll" I. IS i.-lh- il:'1! ll ? I il !?? ; M Pilli! Ly iiinl" ll - ii ill li ? il " ll" N 111 111" i. li. ,. io li - "ii'n tr, don't i .rn k ??Dingley the Cur-Man." I si I, without betray? ing un a..11 by the i|Uivt r ol a must 1" M I.h f Ah T Yr if ? I J pulling ind . 11 on il ,- ul In lilli I s i i In di I li at ? .it all. I saw thal be tho igli I rn ii very . te, m ill, Im ii ui h. uki intn a little cu mu -, laugh, and i lappc I tu ..ii, boiildttr. ?' I say, Murk, ho exclaimed, M wo uiiistn'1 thin] that s| nd a;iv Ul ne. I i ill pimp, We were ill college tn ethoi L'oliimhia. you know, I ^always liked bim then, ami tm ul up fut him, And, by Imo, li i J i on I ill in I he ? I m i li this last r< ti Iii iiiiue th.,n Koki !.' . || ? :, it ill. I li- tdud that tho < myth. Chere I. uni rn,ic sn Im . ... gUSI ol I bo man ? hu i. HOM I lu i pat i "I a fraud, and thal von sci io i il. pet t it, uii-l tl ,t h" mini do bia In I to muk ? .*, mi lu I. v. tbe coutragVi . . , Next nu ; . i . m tin- i]ve|icsl nu um n.' .ind having I i, liivinvi'-ii hi ? tlc h m. | saw ] nil 11 t In Jerome t'ai l, rut os. I .m. am.i ii rathei alu np] a th Ii" i ? ? i mi uni. .1 ino Ind lluwevt i i in- mat be, I .I .'-lani, ..lui Contrived t<. ha i r a i ,| I r ,,,,) 1, i,, ? - no ri , ol - hut. " \ re you bi ingin ? that felloe I ? ' mit in ? I asked her pt li a ' .-iii a lamil i.II I . i Ul Heil Iii I I'll ll U| till li ? . al |] v.,mal nu! . ' : n Hu n ; il in .i mttitiiii lutli ; ito mulei WI en tl < mb i t linnie its began I mel I. ., - 11 , even w here, ilia lal a-.' ii ul Im him, th. i ? aid, t wo lui "lt lie two i do, in cu I report, tine n al least I esprt i] i ? sentiment ont nl,i to Julinu) Wee . at thu i lilli, 1 still o|.[ms i Un sun td ' I tho Kur-M m " l'.r-,i , I had bl ll ???nt,-,n he was to Host \n.l in apiti ul intense republican theories, whee it ? mit 111 l- i.iii k lisiiiui ol ainswomon to peopj " ' .ir u .i rei,' ih.- verj I" ?t of ll , - ll ,11 III 1,11. , ?? i iii Ly'a gol two koon* millions, Mark, sud ri 'orgei lt." .-..i-l Johiinj. ilium tig h ne i ? . lt.-. " .'uni SOM I'm do.vii his Iini.,,!", u| ,,,! ' nen. Haven't on .. ard i ii" ni wif i " What news f" I qm '? \\ liv, In- en '.'. '" "nt. Ih - i - - i -mi ?oiisin the Kraal li belle. Knse Rii in rion lt isas anno m. iii ut Hu 1 . tats; i li t' dinner ( absolute fact, my leal fellow ; I've just, corni from i 1 li"!'- 1 ;???:. i ? voil t here's lo? ll ni r tea. uo mist ul ?-. ..- I - ton teamed. I kepi s ' vei > straight fa ?? rn lille I uitci .-. aid I.i tamil U nj,. Iii' I to keep a very i i a b also, a bile I congie! ul ited ld ll t pi i I in..kc down a ct i le in tn s !,, t ul t. tn pi. Several moul tia later, when i be rn in ia ?? I I loiiii I in\ . '.'-, .,-:, ii. |., t Philadelphia* Hut I m ul Itu - ?nt. Ir tua- as uni- 11-.,',!, mufi -I .'?! lim Ul" Hui Mrs. Ly son dei Dingle* novel . he gift, though 1 ma.ic sure thal ehc i.. . i.i. 1 (.uyrrislit, Jail, li) KOgai fawcett TOPICS IX LEADING CITIES. BAN I I: I SCI8CO. FRANCE ANT) ('MIN'A RAILROADS THI i IfOI'S li RSONAL. ri-.v ni:, nu i" res rniaesra.1 St-i .. Jnlj I" Reports have been cir ?...ii lunn hu- decided t< . v ? r th li mi e. and thal ball a inillioi dollars hntl btu i ruined nmnng Cbineee merchant1 io . the v .ir party. The rumor were based on tho ntutcmcnl thal aChine*emer I ll 'ell I holli ' " M Illili V ii gil lng nra- iii wa .? prap ir ations and asking for i.l Theconsalate official) hen- pron ni need iii- report i.nerd and no corroh ? . tory of rs lng fonds .: i cn Icrabl. m hera in news pnp -i - .'?..-: th i.ii nit) ol I aliforuin i u med g tods . in t una say th ? ca i mrs do n il bn fruit this yearns n fortier seasons, and that thej nv water in packing instead of sugar, i du | ni- iii.,: tu ly bil) Hie In si fl lit, bul they gel i i fi ai .mi 11 and urah irdi ts, thus s.1N m. ii ision-men. Tit -* attribute thee damaging ni--Ms to commiasion-mercbants wh< wont to get roven ge for losl trade. The market! are filled with Bno fruit, bul pouches sra nearly i mouth lat'i than u uni, owititl to rims nod colt v i- .lier iii , he l .ic -i 11 ,_- I ii |>each i nv. bow cv r, w ill be almost nnpii c dented. The Brat Americen-bniltsteel ship which evei entered this pori came in this week. It was thu T 1'. Oaks, Lu li ni Limit b Iphia, 'Iii.- Central Pa ? ti.' Railroad '!:.l nol wall f.-r tin compli lion ol i p .ii- on il"" pay i ar, but on Mon day sent out another .ni lo pa) all employe; -u the coast \i il inuit delay. hm ait mu Ima dont muon to pnt an end t<> rumors ol Um coinpany'i em li.UI.i.s-Uiiilt. Tim Iimi. tinnies Crocker's tcethnony In thi Colton mil al Santa Rosa has ext ited much Intereel thu week, lt is a denial ol many ol tia i larg s made by lira. Colton and gives a ,cleai idol ot tie part which UeneraJ Colton played in Um affairs of the railroad company. Mr. Crocker ea ?uv-ai iv denies that he ever made threats igainal Mrs. Colton or in invwsy ti uni tu induce bertonmkt a-i ttlciurni .., her claims. Ho declares ihal it we* ins wish lot hm to leinaui connected with tbe com pan) until Uer bU-tbaud'a estate cuutd be settled. Excessive heat during the weeli Ins caused Horn. siitlennx iu this city, as the mercury has ra h ion io tu ..I cu degre i higher 11 uni U customary .ml nights lia * " been i unal!) ..ii)'. lim arrival ol Dr. Znkertorl has aroused* tbe I.i. , h - colon) in I ms ni ir, \ um nil gaiiu ul a,.-,! lit him, bl ndfolde I. nireinsl ti*.-1!.' "i tl ? I mat exp it-m this eily, reen i ted in niue games, w.m, two lost, and one dian n. What carno near being a serious affaiv occurred M u in la imus ..'iain in Mun Joaquin County, Wedin >i. j. I im setilera il em have hail pei mdical li uh ts iv,iii ti.- imii who have received paieuts from the railroad. This limo they declared their intention of cutting tin gram on lau.Ls claimed by ,t railroad mau, mil wont armed in a body to the Inivi'-t inlii, Tin -... i. il of ; i,.- county made a de mund foi militia, untl several companies were neut nu from mi.i ktou. Settlen were iletiunl until they suv. the troops, when they retired quietly. ? - NEW-ORLEANS. SUNSTROKES THE EXPOSITION Mi.ISLA ii \ I.- SOI I AI, AND PERSONAL. t nv ni i OB Mil rn tu- i mm s | Niw-f);;: kw-. .lulv 12.?The weather bl inti neely hot nil the i\.-"k, not an unusual thing in July in New-Orleans, but there have been many sunstrokes, which are minmai, for no matter how 1, it the sun is he e, sunstrokes, gen irally speaking ara rare. Ol' tbe number "f persona "tri. ken four died. Work on tbe main buddina of thi exposition has ? i.ii that within the nexl nek .>r ten days workmen will betti n putting in tbe hoi lera, ? ;i:ul .sha! i mir m huh air ta run th" mai In in-ry exhib? its, li. M. r'orger?on, supervising architect, luis completed the plans aud spi-citications for the Gol '?inniiiii i.inlii ni;, lt will be ra ed with even greater rapitlitv than has been i In- umm strm An age i ol the exposition has boen -'-nt t.< Boston io ti, inul -i . in- tin- groal exposition organ ol thal .iii. il. L. Roosevelt, tho builder, bas agreed t" supt i ile;,,I its niiiii'. al to this city. Tbe police on Monday discovered and broke np an organized band ol juvenile thieves. Tbe people in tim lower district-: had been fm some time an b) ih- .1- prc ! .: ions <i pel ty thieves, ??i 111*41111*111 t hal nt lu ex el ti d I i" i - I . - to d ??.'?: i he |" . I In- I uren es. iv 11 il t h" n - li at itel, I I-" ? t h .Ii.- to I ... ir . \ i ai i iii a 1 ntl i iiii-i .i il -ll win ii a" a.;- unted 1 . A1111? 111_'I- n I.", ons pi" nc*ire li is interfe r I some what with the pi ? i of I he l iiiiiai ion ti.ty, who |,io, lo tfc u \.:i I .nt" ll ?? ? cl a I Ul im -. ' mg in : ll alli inn ' n mal mullllll) UK I III" held on Uni,,. 'lil.I I i.f ' nial i iii ide a I'll lal ornblo shon in gardiug lin* i ph tion of th rpora un in I . I'lll I, . I.I I. I lie |r|io| t of I 'I I ,|. 1 a i.-..11 i. ing Imam al tatt ?.: al The Fri'tii eil - .' i ? :? ? ll.h lu il ni "l lim I Uh ul July, \ Ki md tri lu* erected i ? mid I here ii il I.- hali ? I I"! t||C i. holli ut hpaiiisli l-'orl I Kin] . Hu alt.i.. i i, Ih* i in- in i ?. ... it ever raisetl to a w munn in i lu , i non a! to i I" Hu hal Judah I mi ru wa i ? ?' |.I'l Il? la. lei- to tin in ? .1- . i -a- in I . a mid i lu II n munumi -i lumls in flout ol one ol i... undi ni i.. ii i lt Wis Hill II Pal III ' illili fr Kl ? I il ini lillie ll, Inn . ilnch n milli i. i <i.t hei fail li *iai ticipiteil. II.. Slati ? ' ,!?. li ? - - i ?'. LSI tim. 1,1,,. ,, , | >l I rn- ? ? ol lins city, alni I i ? I in- ohl l.u i n " lull i. mania in j i ll IN been -ali I ,. I .| . I,, I In . d nilpie appropriation to pa) lin uucp .',.-. av CHICAGO. 1 H' ?ES OF i ll" i . ??? VT.N1 ION mi:. KY'S iFFAIItti tar t i rn mimi**.] ( || , , : - a ut ft i ali i [i I oi .. .li I lilli' this )t .11 ll,, cit) I a ? al .'I.''n.In .1 ll-, || t? the excitement incident to sue li an ocrutdon, and i noe led this last t re. li tin i" V- bs - ml n no tin i grt at enliven i .- i- rn pt i- of the ? ulil - i. io] mc lt Mel place, ii ?ion wen*in ni .il.--1 . .. tin- I i volume. 1 . I tiy t||i, .vii lt ' m vi ..nm b) da) and cit) ii.,, ? i. ? mis ? i lien Oft ' Hil "Ila r|| the I,-- pull? en ' ? eland ' .mau ml llcinlricl ? .i.-i i beer , bill ,. . . mu ! tl tu t il.,- mention <i u. li Man a strictly j Caucasian convention. No person of color wns to 1 - - rn tim holly od lim delegates nor in Du) vast anil cae. and in t his it, lind Hu* k'H'it. .st con trnal te the ph tnra praeented by the Southern dele? gation in the Ri publican Convention. Tbe entertainment which mis accorded tbe visit? ing delegations was on a more liberal seal.- than ima probably ever been before attempted. The wealthy membership of the In qttols Club decided u> extend a illili il hospitality to accredited delegates and prominent meiuheraaf tbe party, and thia purpose landsomcl) curried out The rah and spacious quartern of tbe Iroquoia Club were at the aervice of thc committees, and ni irly all t In-.r se noni were held there, winni una spicansnl rebel from tim crowded au.) closely guarded parlors ol the hotels. The pica thal wus urgnd for tho holding ol the ( .ni? ven! nm w is i h.- I ii 11 o. ss tin- enthusiasm "i the Con vent on ii.uil.I have m a local way, and itaehVct upon the canvass in thnhtsle Tho personal tight ina ,e on the th.or ol the t oiiveiiin ii and tl.X traoi dinar) spectacle pi esc n tot I by tbe successive i im rs <>i Hil tier, ' omi iso .-mil Watterson, and their views npou the tar n plank, wera not such a- to awaken Hilt higheutlnouasiu whiob might ba vi bc n .nu ii .j'iti i. iini while tm- campaign may 11" i el . ji ruin .-mi 11 ti i h.- i in pri ms ic lt by tl.losing hours ol i lu- session was nol mob as to pul even the ai. ,,. o l n im. ral i.i a glow, tine ot the incidents of tbe Convention that ap? pears t' have r a-ipi -i mr I notice Was tin-ono rote "f Indiana in support of Butler's tarid mens ? rt aud the personal announcement l>v Senator \ ,1 oi in. - i iini he was the one to cast the vote. The application i"r tbe sppoiutment <>f a eon t-ervator lor Wilbur I. btorey. wnioh was made ? Im ,n.- Hu- present week, han te cns uued very areal local III ttl. -1 ll ha i lu "ll Klan-, ii H,nt I In- i.illo! ..i ii. , im,-, for mora than two years has had only i ? luana.i ill'ilL of till) |iii>'-r, audit has hoon curran! rumor foi nunn limo that various in? terests ia..- io i onti i waa at one time prob? ably tbe iii-i-t widely eirenlated moroni ol tbe ?,,. t Mr. Storey hi now sixty-four yearn ul age, i- ia on '? vi i 'in. ly poor evei siui s a stroke ol paraly isprosl ated bim in IH77, during a sojourn in Swit/eriaml. Tho applical on for a . i ni-erv alor i- m.u le li,- hi- lin "I relatives, who i im t.iai over a quarto! ol a million dollars has been expended upon his private rusidoucc in Hm sou timi u poi lion oi i in- city and t hm it *i ill require *jl30,U0U ii.orr io complete it, I he claim bi iudeliiiitely made thtt Mis Storey, u Illili nie. is eui. avol nix to ?j.i i! absolute control of the paper; hut, on tho other han i. n ia declared thataerious charges an made by that mdy ngsanst those m control ol tim naper, nos loy. r,\<s WAR-GOVERNOR ROBIN..ON-A BOLT t:i.".s EXCUSES im-: PEAB >i?v mi .s':ru. (UMI is.. l-l >s il. . i.;,(..-! 1IMDS.VT ii)' I UK rillltl.'SK. I 1',1-i.iN. .Inly 12.?Forces .int being mar? shalled behind tin- curtain for the ^nmi straggle uver the ina IbtbliOg of til" .it.V of Ho-toli. WOiOb la lo lie Inaugu? rated et a beariaa sppouned lol inn-ila. next t.y tim Board nf Aldermen mt lue petition ot tim projeeted ? Consumers' Uas Company," whiob has boldly eatered tba in ;i-n ion.' ti.; i sacred m tin- lenton Oas Light t i.i.i|.nny. rbi* uld company lia* been sbooked, uni to sa) lilli I, (Iur ii roi Borallon ls au|i|in-- i Io lian- nu rniii r nm -i at tee dse and character of the hat ol namco eup porting the petition of tho mmrloper, i'm* BoatoaOaa I. iii' ? ii ? liv ii i v el iini. io li ii r I.-.iii ill-ray- a pub tn- -piri'i ii and liberal company, giving the oltlsensa iir-t quslltr of light at tin- lowest Bgurerotn 11 Ul il" Ililli 11 l) ll! : il! iii Viii -ll I- lil i 11 l.l Kl ll .' I i'a ann i Me provision against tbs tutors, itu bad exaetedalllt ru lill. Ii'-iii-'a limn i|iniv, ur If lt bed failed tO ext. inl its pleat and keep abreast with arery dement] on lu ser? in ? -, ii would belter understand the alaorit) with whiob so large e portion of toe consuming publlo welooioetbe lint it ..ii Lt tim Boston public know that if the competitor ia permitted to parallel its pipes, ? .' ; ? .1. .vt coal of t a- consumers, lin I <!r.iic ti.i- ni arith ii- iii il. ifni bavlug disposed of il? ma million dollar imrks io the new company, will go n.-o a rou ii un u mn willi thal company to raise prices, a* lt mil have tu ito tu produce tbe same returns oat of a reduced business, This it tbe decided toue adopted by tm- ssssiled .mi. aa ii ri i.ii.a on jt. own part, beneficent monopoly, rho assailant is tee same corporation whiob hasplauted competing lighting eompanies in Chicago am I oin. i .-ii"-- arbors the demand :?,: eoiupetltiuu . ss ii -I a- - not in ll.a Robinson's Hi'p .iiitiiieiit of Edward I. Urooltiiiio a- ru. io ul commissioner still re i.i na . un lonrtl med .ni " io uni,, rim Gol - emin ia vi ii n.irp ininii oi lil" part) pulitiolaus wbo .I lt I I. HUI Itt il 111 pl n " of ! IS worker of their obi. li i- ibu! that n-. will gu nark io lui li" i,n -im - ..t un-1 ml nf ina I. i.n. ii.i caring tu || || . I , , I ? I'"-' Oi ". r.-pi . ,..'!_. ,;- iii- pl 1 vate al tire requite rn- beal attention. ti .- Rev Dr. James Pi - I ' li.? fell .-on ? ? i i.i. .-. lie tween his contemptuous rr r ni",!., Mr Illume amt Ills i, ;, at 11 " iioii,-i -' me liny, au ii.- ;?;.-.,,,, of the ann '.im! ii ..un' alter t.'i" rou .eu.ii 1-7.;. lu. I'la . -. o io i:. ' . ' ?? .1. '? ?' o' 1 .i.ii.I ,,i, lr. plana'uni doea nol relieve bis utterances ut a ver/ un I.- Ulanna I ll) . Tue disc barge of the Jew pedler, Jacobs, arrested on 1 . u ol nIi .ion 1. vv ai"" fur lite 1 !-pI"i"ii- 1 ll-; 1 Hg in ; h.lal - o .: . 11 .-a 1 ? , 1 ? .1 un \t uti ri iii 11 ni -. ii nee a.-", . . ? ? i.-i 111) til I mc an un v . -i.lui inn mir .| io Ur ri Ul Ann 1 Hie Peabody authorities at Cambric .... ill all. ' I la mill o'.1 a . .rn,! mot ms foi ..,.- ranon* t - [bab . : poor. 1 ni an,rs li 1 . I, .., lin 1 I. ? 1 i 11 ii 1. 1V1 1 ?? ? Kubin ? ? iii." |i I ? 'i lill. "oi,. 1 ? ha hi nnmin < I. ll" il lil I . o ,11 :. lal. 1 mumu - .1 ...lair , I ? I ' I; -, .? ' I ... I ,, 'I > io- iii.11. eli - 11 tl,.- 1 i-i ,1 in .Ma) .1 , ii 1.0 Utbel willi. I, ', a I i.n ?. pilli 1 /?/ 1 rm 1. -.u I \l, WU li |?i?N Vii NEW OF lill: WI I .. Ill ? v 1 Iii 11 \ I fir 1 11 : ill',: si j lim Hil I pill \, .li' ' ' ' ", .1 iv il-n ?! ? . millay then 1 or more in 1 a.. m..un. Park foi p. imu. urn I. A pri mil Itl 1 . . 1 ll I, n .1 i! v 1 ? ile lo kim 1 1 ? 1 1 ni m. N , ul 1! I- Li, H. .' .1 iv Un - ?? - iv ,1 . i 1 . ,1. . i 1 .tain la 1 . -V1 ? I ? .- I.'. 1 uni 1 . 1 11.1 lo or Hie II. . n . . .1 SH) lal. I I.I ' ? . I . '. , , I ? m.mon ni in- I 1 . 1 , riley have a plc ile sud Hu rill v uailo, ktuyoi liulib au I lu" r. 11 . ? 11.' iwyer, prill lil r Iii .liil> lent court. ell amoila Ibu nth fl law . \ 1. :? - ' ' i unity -M.I lo I . .. il .11 lite a lonni" i ol mu bo 1 ... .1 Franklin I I ? 1 thirty-five lcd m. ti in - 1 Jil a ll in in itt the lu .1 ? 1 nvi ? 1 11 : 1 , . of i' inn- o leal tu i!"in, in Imu u ut iii. 1 ni... . 1 ,- : 1.1 ? 1 1 1 ? 1 1 . 1 . ucl, ol .Ni- . . 1 . ' .i - man. hus a imttH sar ut I ul .. li.. . 01.1, IV nu. I . led fol III" m. 1 lui ? of ?. 11-ton fi 1 1 ?" v.iv . . ui 11' of iii im-, .in. 1 and ll I- .-ipi . , 1 m. , .01,. mitton ni lite Iii utah A n lu Montreal erlll I-.- pre 1 rn 1 . . tinier ol A.I.un " of mi. ? ? -.. m. n: io fonii . 1. i'i -i ii "i lum of tailor.. there .,)?' local unions In minti ol tin* ' -.11 lion lu ?,H I ll Ai . s monal t nu veil tiona meei m 1 a.nm In ,i n- lin.I. .lilli I "loll.... 1 lo it "bul Uttm business of puollo Importance vi a- I lao- 11 Icil.'' 1 1,'i un T. J.,Spence, formerly ol loee lal army, ta .1 .- io . (anise In this cit) mani branches na possit 5 >?>?! 1 -a i.n 1,'. r nppiopi 1 iii-'im lol Indian i'll 101. '1 ne ? ?ia..- thal li. ..I" Ii I I Ililli.Ul ?a. \ ll , Cu ? Penn., and ForeeHtrove, Ona un I be ni.un 11 il la ?J.ljO.UUO, .11. . 1 udullluU Ul wanted. I MR HEWITTANDTHE SULTA1 CADRE AM> RE8rJLT8 OF A PAMOTJ8 VISIT. HOW a r.rrn.K B"v's misiiai* LSD to a i.ovt i Al K WIIH A linn. flAMIII AND MAMT II1IISI: QI'KS'I CH III I IKS. flilull IUK llli.UI.AI; i UlltK-l'.iNI.KIT or Tim VBIBIIHB vVaBRiIfOTON, duly 12. -i lenemJ tow Wallan it not tho univ Amertean, apnereatly, whom 4ssti tlamld has bonorad ivuh ins frieadabip sad eoan-deoet Mr. A ilium H. Kew in Ina been squall/ i ai oi ri, u ,.?? bu and may henceforth be uumbered among the sm . " ma-iel-" of ii.iatty, a .aiiiu dispatch, printed tbs other day, aaaeaeeet that tim Baltaahad presented Mr. Howitt with seven oostty earpets, -vim-is .uni othereiprassioai of roya gosd-wili. They have tot iirrn received by lim is yet tun .iini,uititniij win arrive In due time Pur more thai one reason Mr. Hewitt moat be glad that Ooogress ha Bdjonroedj for bom more thankful, perhaps, than tba these presents did not reach aim wiuie tim watohfal lye of sn-ti patricia as " li'lune i " Bebb.sadJoba t finerty oooJd h.ive cougal sight of Meei wu it if - Bleb ellen " bIuiiiIiI h,ive ililli uni.',I th it tim Inn- sM BSUyrOI rag which is sum te be amens tbs ooliootloabc beat behind the Speaker*! chair, lo pinn view of tbs windi House ami tim people sasembled in tbe gallerias, ai" i i.en rjellvi red of in- characteristic ipeoobes ii imoan lag tin- decadence of republican virtue, and ended i.j Introdneing a resol itlon calling for Information fr un tin Secretary of Btate concerning; tin- treasonable transac timi. What tf., neil liy lits OWB eloipierice, tie BM demanded timi that genial obi gentleman, slr. Hewitt, sliuulrl kneel down there and then, in front, of tin Speaker, and with the eyes sf aa awe atnmk press upoi lum. commit political barikarl, so io speak, with tin very sword be had reotured teaeeept al the bands of Un Sultan. Let Mr. Hewitt eoagratuiata Uamatl on iu r.i ipe, without any furl her motatialng on ?/ pan. per mit me simply tu record here the strange manner lt whir;, be inlii" tbe BCiaalatanee of the sultan, it r.-11 iik<- a iiiiiin from the greaten glghm. bat tl fe trim ii>?, i/ucir np i win, arnaud doubt Mr. Hewitt'a wont | Mi tii-ivitt found himself, together with tis family ene line da; i lat autumn. In CoestentiBople. Having ox plered tee European guarter be dlreeted Bia st.-pj towan) Bb Sophia's, when in* Bras met ny a oroedof peopfat walting to sec tin- Commander of tbe I',iii hf al on lil* *a> to th.- ftfosooe to ofter tia it ni ly prayera. Tho h?at Bats oppresafve, mid in company with lia li*tio see Mr. Hewitt amt-ht th" simile of a gunnl-house m-ar hy. Thu egpeeam bed prevsd too mueh. tewever, for the hoy, .inri befom loritr l.e fainted, at tho ledlei would ?ay, demi anny. Willing hands carried him Into the home. winn* na! amt what -.led moro Important Just then. something to eat, aooo restored him. When be opened ins mer, tm found himself ta the company of two lads of aiioiit nts own air,, who seemed lo take greet la tercet In tum. amt soon became very trie ';. they weraasoom panled Ly .1 ireutteinau, to whom the oflcei - In the ro tai I io ni" marketl deference. A- anon ita they hut nada sure that the little loiterer waa oul nf danger they took their departure) not, however, without tlr-t ln qulrlng the nami* and the rr.aiience nf their newly found friend. lim next doy Mr. Hewitt wu- Betonlsbed to timi himself watte I up.Ul h,'au ollicin, cvuliuitly of lilith lank .who begged to ti" informed bow tba little boj wes getting along. The Sultan, one or whose Bldee-ds-eaBsp be repres luted bimsi if to be, ba I eomin laded him, be said, to make the Inquiry, ll - Majesty, be shw added, wuuli bs pleased to receive the rVmerican geutlsmee m audi? ence at.any .time that might emt tbe convenience sf tba Int ter. Mr, Hewitt rubbed hts erigin astonlsment Was he dre imlng 1 Had he been reading nf tbe goo l Haroaa al Beseem, or has] a wertor successor of that great Ostini arisen, who silent Ina dara in goittg abaot town looking after utti" beys that iako it into their tinana to faint i No, lien- was tin .mir dfl rainp, rn liv, sad goM I M I Bag sabre, before bim. In tbe street below waa the esrrlaae windi hai brought him. In the door etood theobaequi oes servant who bad shown the visitor np-stairs, and la bli own hani Mr Hewitt bold the card of Bo and so p n'l i Mi Hes me, bat be li unite certain thal he was si least i P u ha n n Ina m.nie ? dbe was awake,Mr. Hewitt Informed tbe olde ? I.- ' un n tout be would give himself the pleasure of a call upon the (Hand 'lurk on thc fotlowlng day al Baenaad such aa hour The afternoon waa ipeni by Mr. Hewitt ta romlaetlng and conjectures es to tbe object of Aluin Hamid's leeire io iee bim. Did tbe Sultan wlsb to consult him abouts proposed revision oftha rurslsb tarni I Dbl bs intend, perhaps, to mil," lim bu Ol ind Pitier, or did he desire only ia -I ia to tbe mysteries of glue and tbe Ann i le tn e ul".la ( Af' I -,n ut in nlie speculations o' tim sut .ml tbe study, al Intervals, o( tut liirki-li pocket dictionary, whleb he had taken the . um', t tua pillow i. fore retiring, the i. p .-"ulallie nt til" \ih N">v York District presented ll al tue up o.ii'.' I Im uue Po lo. ilia vi di - ?? i." i '. han ti i lui ami prepare tiona made to receive bim. Pasalng throtittb a ? res| luti len! ipal tuieut -. bc wa- tina v ushered mu -li I'lio ti"- i" -sciier of ti.r c a mi indei ol the Faithful himself. With tile same self , isa.?rt whleb , . I."-! Ipuu f the ( ? i Mr. Il- ? i "i ain: in liinple rep lill ? ? rn f i ... ? maali . n ? mi lion i is 1 inol.ov. i. | am given to underfund th it the Turkish Kontlemim iv l,o.n lou Clllplu) III .null rii'llp.'-lii, I ii "Ul I , | ..-I limy ' I tn pniiluee here f lilli ii ly md vi Ith the II a. | in tm- lin kith i. .,. ,..,,, rei* I lice it lo ss ? I bis mastery of the lan uage, Mi Me., tt . p..-ii rni.i-i into l-ieiir!i. lr.mi , -I I , I ll I -ll 111 ' , I .III hound ? r his >i vi i i t - i Incl that tl a Mr. li ul mi I n th. ?? ia i I. l-l - .1 I. VI III- ? Ml tOlll I .11 1. , iii u i in iileiil. tl lice r.. i-i j io . in< |,,i | i le camp. I un uni .I"." t louche I upon liuiaiiiiM A ll Hu I ... I I "pii liuprci " I wit ii an ? I in - I || IOU I Ol Hus cullin 1 , I Ililli b) Illa Tlc* cuiii-u ' limn, wera . ? ? h. i.ioi-. , mure if Hie eh.nacl i * , li li" ?.I lo rim. " most U. Il m!.. iii" | lld tu ? de.I tin ile r, ol ' n II llitiltl ; lo il.l.l- liei il il - lo I . i li a . In i lu i . ... I lo .! ' I ? ir,'U lille. lilli I ai, i is . un . i-i Its chi ? tn ?. i ii. ii chtei ll. ll la lia. lint lt ls SO liliiciill io pm. ure ii n nt," he nidi i .* m. a . li I shall . repll .1 Mr. Hewitt, ? i.. . . i ., ii >i . I ii linnie," and i lu a pi op. i li.rani I ii tu I i alni ll ||| .1 mao'' In llnlll mi lie il '''I III" Indell ,|,l p, III I .. O a I p. Ill'i lion |||4 -A ll. || a a..i ii. -i i- ' ? I ? il fl i upon I . I.v. uh mt. I ? i Hu li id nevil a lum Mr. Hi tips ol mil pa asl mt' I . t I i mw n . Ile ii .. ; ' Pur hall ? :.n ' U|| Villi to ?,,i i,, ,l il.lill -"I v I tn '. .n - "ul lin- a early Ulan I I . Ul I,. . id prom - i.i.u ,i ||i tl "...I tin- ls lies a l 11 w a s w 11 ||l ?... ||| . .1 th lt Hie I I ii", lt I" Itl i it iii ?? iti .'.' tin li - min ? ,i lol timi tl lilted that Ml Ilea Iel ol ii.".i - iv ni i u . u , i>. ii . lr. I ,,,"1 ll ... I il" was ll inn hi i n o '.v ?. ? 111 ' V, i,.-ii vir Hewitt rein ned I in ?rli ? ' a m.I i m. it a a .li inn pt ucl run . the sn i iii I lien . lui Ibo i I, the matt ? aron .1 , a in ..a. mi i.i. : ..... ... i , In- -I ? i .- ol li. Hon. A I. il i u.iii tn ii lea Iel lill ? ? . .- .. li ilea Itl in lelliti ? lin Ho r."thalil I J . ll .- un Iii u mn- p. nell ll ? i an ! Ina tim nov - h il" .a. ii one : i i ii al - lian* tty this I , lilts n nui ui ii," ii. ? " bad ru r I.ii.i ll I lal" . I.ll Iii i . liol ? Mr. Hes Hired io ti pm In a b u.i- nie lim titty |m H.- a Virginia I i lie -?,,(,. Department, lu d ?? ... .tm ,o,.|, ,. , ov Mi Hi -a ul itiiithei -st ' . um-" , in -una..t>> . ? Ul thi ii al alni i in- present of cn ni, i. 11." aili! i.i na. tell) lo Vii. ll. v. Ul u. . nu perhaps . ii., lintis lal ?? Kl -'I ' lt ?.u v- [ll -? i: bia eyes to i ,i ? ii v of Mr. Hewitt's ti I ????ni tainui llb hun in i.i ii*ii- i ii nells nml Vu tv |g ir .s.'t/i t UBVLiaUt i rem Vhs Beeton -..,,.? i itt* Th.-rr are utbei kinda ol * wbleh , have no richi io run in eases fi mn novels like that of llenrj v flue, wb rain no ntnl Insanity, b Intense reel i*- upon and l" irtlj li) 'ru ihle, la tbe - ?- "i . Ineipliuatue ai lb it ol ronni Ni I loni all 1 hair lir.U'l ol iii 'li.nt B ? ,,., I,, io ibsl "i s ituiiauibtillsm. tm the ;,? | ,,,ii. to his di ith Ml i ?? li 'I I" cu ill ladiulu room reading while b i two vouug men lends v i . m. ,. i. I., eal shooting. he/ i'!' au. .1 .uni 1.1.ii. i tba : is, ul, Inti dui I. i i i .? u ima tuii in. ai. I tbei pi : i. -i ii ?! lu make any man. YOUBI, Mr. Lowell WHS '?-?..! ulna ir.nilli,'. ai paktuoaooa missal neasoasa. Kc nm to aerie et humor and In splendid mental condition-ont., ?k 7^ on Mowley night. M the three u>7,r?u J ***'"*< stairs, them w^ B friendly a.-ramhl.- ai*, ? W""1 "e nottietiie last man and he olillged to l-icU m.!, "h""**i put out the KM As all thean Mood tm *^ ??* stair one aanl, ?? 0011 you. SSBM .ia ever I ? ,, *' "f B Lowe. s.n.. ?Yee.-'.BMIed uTt JJw -OiffiJL** cheerily as ever, rn me ,,??,,,,,,. ,?. Pfiw. ? -"t M stairs to ii... dunne room, tool the pistol ",'?,!, lk',',*"i pises In a drawer of tim BldebiMsrd. earriedll'bask*1, nut t?,,,y;a^ ?tau-, ju ,; ,Wrj ;??| ?.?,. hun-. H. premeditated, not from despondency, it ?* ,', .*,"** ??' It^rouii not have lee.,thing'eli. "uttan.*^ Bl 'UilAlU FIRST SHOOTING IX CAJIP, wii.L ir bbino iii i i.) rai oan. D> ALENE t * k TRinilfi.V OP f'AMP Itu It'l'.V TRg 1;U;KDT oo ci bro un- aOQtrrrrai. ot rag lumi. fFU'.Vf t -lil ur. , iiiiiH-liiii,|.;-.r?|.- rem vwistncj.] Baolb <irv. Idaho, Jane 20. Th re 1 ''?" are many unpleasant, ways ofdylag,but I eoaetkaew In which death I'lat-i/ii,,?,iiiv?f ?,lr Baton ??r inure BOmptetelf Krmmuii ri,, rn ore Btterlj darren .a*^! dlgOltf and dm md uf all comfort, than dnt. n hy .,??,.,*" tn a munni.'.-amp. Yet avery miner with sal BTStoietaB to BdaeaOea koowa Baal no new camp ,?.,? gs prsagteBaai nilli: at leam .me bj ia i.j-s lama ahas la Its ttreeta, p* ?mity in a Btmlag ramp I- a Lind af BBBBjfrake wino*. teringi from the '.loud of am doced asea Hm u> m ?iwife "f ll,: , nainu Iii ., j,, Sflf fljBjJ wan., of knowle i^e af the world v. lt has been ieJd,fortbe beaettof rnsuklnd ese. evsala civilized .? ie,, ba Irmly asrllt ua I sf ka bast workman im ta sssBsnl it- fimsalBltons. .uni fr?a, the Irilldiiu of the walla of BSSflfl ta tko building Qt tal Brooklyn Bridge, there eave beea aol lee arney fatal*,,. ni . of its truth. The .iistin.oiic ssos i tSattr, Bewevej m the eena ufa mining camp is thal bs doutt ht jj %nl anni to bring lmk an lem lt. be bteeajat ab am t.> ? BtaM, shut ur a kiiifi'-tliruat. get fer all that that. -iTniateltJ si thu I.apt!.-ni in Mood la illili ii aa.i> rt OOgaissd t>) I.n.. ?eui of Eagle, and thoagh then ht Bet a ? te ?. tat m i, ,| lie.utily desiree the prosperity of tbeeaauB,sii winds months were lagered ta pess over th" .n, ettaem aaa day Of them ell finding a man for hrtiagfaat And tilt* showed, as tho miners agree, no small spirit nf forl>.?ar anee in the citizens, for. so ii is Basseted, thara bees teen pteety Bf men about ai tbe price of srhose, llir lin: camp'? BOaeem would have been very cheaply BOOgkflt, Two or three asea have, it ts true, beea shot in omij ? camps, and tU-ro has boen ihseibag lu J .a, ie Basti nu ta., ur Burna oeeasisas, tint until the gay befon rostareas na one tiad heeii killed. Her can tiiis be ascribed te anr lack af ggbttag gue il ties on the part of tin- stttsees, for sae al the olnef - Bahama " of the city Ls rilli hy twu bruthen), well kimwn tl.ruu.'hint tho Pan rh: Meat, and aims* aaoMeers familiar la every aalalag cain,mu Asaarsm as having against them it " record " of twilit) mn, ii.t'ii'-a iiiralii BS "Bed hurled .Inn." "Pistol I', ii. ant "Quick ai,ot.Sam,"apeak forthemselves, ttwaeaserebj .h.m.". then " hid 1.1.ii," man, weald Ball lt) aaiek k?at r uric free froai blood for ao loag. Bow, however, tie ?pell has beea brekeauaadla atom mlsereots tragedy, m mm dots daveta af any teach of light to relieve hg monotony of attar pMfnineas, it would nut he easy t* tm iirine. Yet (lils du.ith was precisely that which ts rust by three Base out at every fear ware die ta. oew nuning .'aie.[ia. Tothe urdlu try mun r's eye n, pu-nut lint ons tr ii urn out of lim ooiuuionplai-o; Int to mm ap.nt his life ut nain;** il MCBSS BS If lt Weald bl li nd ti paint a ileath men dreary amt repulsive in all Us cucum i lances. Tin: tr tain v. DC was a yoong ama Bf a family well known and honored atong 'ii" coast (bal the society of a camp keg hut sn,nil rea;.r for personal awnhwesauMeiaamlaBe* esis in tim uunes, and knTtng reeeetly ma:? a reed sea of iii'.n.'v hy the sale of a f nerti bagge. The min who killed him waa koowa to have the, blood ..f morn th m nus in ni mi ids bands already. They quarrelled abeagg wom.m. ami the ons ams shot on Ike stilewslk wkaes its stood, Oylag ten Bslnutoa aftereard *vith au oath saes lils Ups. A few fret Hom lum. In the Better, lay th" uninos about whom he lum rooght, too leaseless with drink, si wi- Bl one., areli, tobe of any nae aaa" Un.-a Thal ii.ia a go'clock m the tneralng Al 10e^eleekanh> i; SMI was Inid, tad th ? "ii m.- i- i- t n tlpay to sal and the deputy who tunk kia piece waaaeareely sober enough to tro threogk tkekereat formaline, oftheos aaston, lash hs it was, however, the tasjneet was uvw liefore 'noon, and at it S'etOCk the same afteri^-io j twelve hoon siter ha waa nimt, tim dead mm wai h tried la a raceat ha ta Um my. a f.-w muiuiea before the Baas appointed for the hurisl u oi eorred ta sonia sae Biol perhaps it would bs . I to ban ira< kind of a oeremony?some fee nords ot tte Bsriptorea read, j.baps -al the fooerali so whits i-*s 'iiiiv iras even then being carried past bis doer aa u ?? a. i .lin- crave, a vonna lawyer t who bad never! tbe di.".i-i i luau alive) wm sudden Ij i-u.-i upon to ge and" sar a lew wonts ?* by way ol alas ? ? tria di ad rneii. in th*- prose see ot -i seort orsoofmh strangers ?.r chance aoqualntaaem ol a ii-w asyi ur , men .who badperbaps Iran., s glass ol ? iiu'i hun al a ii.ii,or siebs iged an oath or two i*u-i ima on Hie ailee! ?hr iv,is minni. Irrfoin any ni lu.a (aiiilly yr roi.mir. i m..i) 11 keon that hs a ss dead, I'lIK Ililli, ASH BOMB PUAgCa "K . IMI- 1 ? Bett imu n. ? iit ii h.. bim, a ag cabin wsstbeeoort* room, and nt a ro i-h de il tallie in tm side mi two '?? ironer ol the i i) befo ? . tbe c ui il for the di proa., ? r. ashorthani clerk (the l iwyer thal o Bel tted at tbe funei il , ind tn ? pr to th ? .-int ut tin- table -? thu asa a wno was tbe . .-i*.. of tue shu rlcbcrimesa mls| i -ni' .-I ,.ni p.iitii wini in. ooo fooii . i. Bound I ? i*. i in un open sp i ? Of I fl ' U'ttl Boor, a at ? il ?!'. bal lg da a ring ol i ru i- a ii nu i. ii imel . pipe, in their mouths, the smoke from wbleb ms ui den toa .... ipi i ;er a il' ,', , ii igbin : si Im rose to adin -a the co ut. rho huckgrouud ol ro igb puja* ind it w.-isair.i etbera ? i imii, tin small, "ipsi .., Hud In the centre tbe ll iring ei i -I p ile f.r i ivan, in Bot imiiii Itilereal eas taken In the p ' r ni un.- douiued wb tl tba reeu I wo lld h". lt di I i A to in- im body's lt i in---* tobe ps i r tm Ba il. ad .nail, .ind Hull a purely moral -lau I nothing offensive ta * minas la tbs mero eh anting sf a ,M ni ? ? < il, lite III ll I lo- be a. '? 'l|l W scrupulous!) Bul ll U s curious code, sud InBoseial more CU.?> than willi n ltd to till Ufo ?? u ben I ? bo rt s man I do .label foi lt," wa m iy in .iii"iii!j bi o ? ?! i I line ni tbs ". gari ? > ? rona of i uifl ls ? lolnlii-i "' ali"!!" i iii m's | ? .1 'I i.i Iii, i . bom ll toii I'll the ullin hu, I, sgt li in oi , i uni ol ? lumpiag '* Ol mu " I il ?? . il res i . ? ?, put ai i mu in j turi I,,, itu* ra ? .u o' m.- r .intv . n mu.I Ur dour w.lli , 'I'"!"!. i -. ii . n i ? um bi ump inim i.un tm < || J,,. ,. , .11 Iii ? ho, r lt IS I iii i i aui rn m. ni I ... I. I i. ? l III ll Of to . eu ui ? ? ly tu ni; innl "vin ? uhu ki mi mau u : ? ill tn. killer. I ? I . |!.r ? . 1. if Bill v I I,..:? ' ' i'?i ? . i? ami ? ul i i.i, winake) ni ? ??;; I ll ll . laik- llf Ililli ail) ? I an ."lol I name, ttb.t.n u SH n n n d and tn- - n ia neil Iv ? an .-., ni which is tu bring laeh <?- mst _ A 1 Ah'S M.iUM'M ) ' ? ?it ilkSl Ai mal . re aa- related rn rn ' ?ta i ,* s>ai .ni ? - I .,k, a? I ... an, .-? ii ' , - lad ri r lacerate I is , -kia bei.r is tar .epatsted lust hei , ' Hrs I... i - - ? ... . ii ? ' ' o, paru beal uab- ifreib u *> *' *rj IT.-l. i'la - - O0llU.ll U ????? " . ,. known to Bells's brstl I 'sd twilvs .-',,, bsstepssdnp ta tbs phvsielaas and[.s^-usajim-m . I ms tn. ia? aui kt Una . i ?" "Tgisl ii om ms .nu ai ihi sppeiBted l,"'ir.ukl,,w lb e isageuMai, n.,.u btasrsss. ltd M ^^^3 ., rsm pieces of sk'a wi-./'- ? ? ,, and liau.i.ia.trif te Ola lister's tvtfuintt *?' h?, pj growtaa siely. Carlyle say. one umtf aa* o a hrotsei ut sar io ksow what it rn im a?? *> rnXmrnt J