Newspaper Page Text
3ronecnunis ?o-Niflt)t. aar.Rirxs lN*Tinri-;-K?lh-rBtarttag. BWOO OPIK4 H-.tiaK-S-" Adouia. C,mNO-l?-'-Aiv4,une. ?,?,.?, Inv ? #-.,uii,T 1 Hi/iT.iK?8?" A llottie or mx. B"i'.r',";.',.';""^?--"-''"?? " H?crctHrv." . _ . , ?__ .. M,,,.o'e (?ABOB--B-" A B.i.ieh ot Kcyn fTAP IW-aikk -?*-" 1 -'ranceaca .11 RtmlnL RrAMiAni. TBB \tkf. -" A Trlt. to Afrlea, THAI.U I'IIK.ATKL-i?" Nunon. _ 0 U*tioB H?rABB TnKATRa-8-"Throo Wtvea to une Husl'iiti.!." .. ._. ? WAi.i.ArK'aTUKATrti->-<s-"Victor DoMlA. 6th Avivtr nn tTRK?*-?"TIm* >?:!??? ????;:*;,_ .. 14TU Mimf.i Tiii 4TRK-8-" lhe Wmrea ... Mn. iJnbcv to AQncrtiscmcnlo._ Pare. CoJ. i-ii.i-ireix. ... 7 a laatraaaaa. '1 f. g^Bu.: : ? ?-*-::^ CaaaxeaaK'ottoea.. 4 1 Mlaeinianewii. ? B * rtaiikcr* .. .....?., 7 3.M-W Pumteanoni.... n Ij C'..^Mm,M,,,N..tu-'e 7 gft^"E_*m. 7 4 Divieene Notieea... 7 ? Hea. "*?*%?>"??. ?} 5 JjanMiiaA.rauonii.-i.. ? ajBo^aaaa x^BBI-?' ., w...nT..nai 7 1 ?**?ne* Itanx... ? ? ? ? ' B ".11 -iai....- . , _.-.??. 4B_,tafl_7 o . IV.-"...- l?ii" . .?????.-" ? 1 si>?ne? Banla. ' 1 Kltoation* Wented?.. I j BaiBtll Nnticea....... ?> elaaaaaxBaataaaa u ?? 1 ?rat.-a anrtVendera.. J 1 *;,Tn?VT,,t,,'c*. 8 ? fc^-.^".r.: 7 Ji.Tcacfcr,:::::.....::::: ?? ? iinsimeo Kolicco. I.i-i.\np Hotki.. Tl.abeat locatloo iut'lilcasa rnao Piim-Pt*"* Cnnal wiih-mt knife. p.wder^?lre. Bl'awntt cored Wnt? HA lefurenc.ea. Dr. I orklna. 11 BBMB - 'i" ?"> _oi'a>!.-R-.'ua.w th hoard. 8**8, BB, ?BBI a dlj: BBBBM only, Bl 11 'hi'-' an l u;>. The Bootob jotjbbal, Tt.roi.iv M..i-i.i..i' BraalBfl ?!?8>ahlUa?Dadr!tewapaper pnbliahedlti IWMBlHX. *'. oera-inuiu. K*ta dian >i ? .' ? Thc I raeM i-ireiihile'l Keptllilleao nevrapaner ln N**,,.'"*' Kaaa ic.liv Newapapar lhal t* takea. Ita daii) man ? i"? atflBwataeai ont freex th? Baataa POBt offlre.______ TSIBUNI TEaaafS TO MAIL SUU-SCRIBEliS. Posiaje frec in thc VnihJ Slat-cs. ITcar. CMi.nthx. 3Monthx. aUILT. wBB Baaaea. 8188 64 25 *3 15 DAll.Y.?'.tiMtsii.ulo.< .. 70) 3?i> 1,a e: niiw riUBivK. i ?" ? ,T ..?_? Br r'at,rv ?>! t ? r; alttVr -rdi pi ? is, -vrit, aa 1.1 Bata "i'or Ilil BBB-TOBft 'I'ttint'.tB." BRANCB OmCBa OF TIIE TK-HUNF.. MiaiBaixaaaai Bm ?.?.?.hcxti-.u m TOBSaaeBBjaal ar Igx iwe-^iiu. diilrerr ift .0 IVlr mow wlllberaealradat t.? tnlloirinr branch olloea ln JtewYork Oitr ?aaaaBOBt^o?4*Ai.8?^^ \? ? iis ?*e?i, 1 1 x. ?!?.?>8 o. a. *;;,-,;? M--,-iv,..n^rT.-.-tr.,-Ts-,-Vo.l^V'... )V '.-a. ^o 1.1.7 rhlrl-ara.. n?ar 41ttl 1 ?-?? ? V\v ). ?*.b. ? *5aBa^aa1e?Nri?3^^ AnvKiTlsiv; RATB8 Of TlIB TBWUBB. ADTSBTISia rxx wlfiftl* paiir^........ .. Aa., $1 00 per Haa. vTc'dtu ^???::::::"""'">---"'--'--"'--s-'- feoaooRBaa "ii*rt3^trrJfI>ailB xTriuiwit **?* -4>-? T/OUKD^D BYHORACE GRTELEY NEW-YORK. WEDNE8DAY. JAN. 2L 1HEXEWM THIS MORSISB. Fci.i'.iov.?It 19 rejiorte.l that Eaglaad wiil a.xsu.ue the ii.lii.iniMr.ition of Lower und Middle tgviit._: Cablaat Council taed ln Loadoa. - A I'li.inphiet i.y Joba Brighl eoavwraiag tha Caaga. ?-.-.? ,<te.iiu.ship suhsidy bill cousidered by coiu niittee of the }\\ iebataK CkxaoBiao.?'Taa Baaata raaaaaoil tho dlaeaaaioa at Inte:*>- CaaaBinifii == lu thc Haeaa Mr. Ellis tlefended IBO Appropnations Coininitttee iu the n.attci of the starviuu Iinliiiti*. Domkstic-Wiiliani M. Kvarrs was elt-cted United statcs Baaoaar ^?- Taa TeaaaaaBt house C'tfzar bill BBBOaalafad uuciihtitutioiial hy the Court of Appealfi. ===== Unit'd Statos Baaaaaea -eie edaetad) la aan* 0U8 statee, == The Pennsvlvnnia KaUr_?d to euter the antliraiite eoal BBBt, = Oliver Brothara, of PmObafg, have nihmittod a Btatement of tlu ir aftairs. v== FIbiiibu Ball. for taeuty* the law-partncr of Salinon P. I baaa, die.lveMci.lay. -: A'.i ta taBBBtad DB the city tiaaaaij of PaihBlalB-Bla, City am> St bi-miav.?Mr. ETBrta laaarrad aaaaj cotiKratulalions. == t^^aial uatubliui? BataaM clo-sed i.v the police. == Mr. Haatiagtoa teatiflad in tho PatOB niit. == The cut in nuiniurant raU way.raU'* inot l.y thc Wi-st BBBfa, -i.ettntc. uy rinliiaina Qasaa aad Mta, Ai.i.y B. Btabardaoa. ?-? Death nf "Owuey " Gcoght-srau. = t--l?iinicr of aluiauiof the City'a Cllege. = OoldTalaaal the 1. Ka.-ttiiiler silver dullar (413*0 graiaa), PdLtH BBBta. = ? - BOaaaa were dull hut BBctaated arrati* cally aud clOBai fatOfflab. with inagalat iiains and loSsC-i. Tnr Wbatbbb.?Tumt'XK. aooal Obaairatioaa in dicatewaruier, cloudy weather, an.l anoa ??i rain. Temperaturc vi-MeitJay: Htlbaat. 80?1 low est. it>'; aaagaaa, ^4^^. afaBBBBBBi in thc rollcr skatinp rinksviill jirob ably be tluH now for b faa day-,. lt aaa aaid at Central l'ark yc-ti-nliiv thut twcuty-loiu bottTB Hioip of COM would lint lhe icc in tl?' lakofl in caintal tonditioii. WaBO lovi-is ol i-katiii,.' wiil kccp a BBBip lookout lo-ilay lor thc 8ag on tht Btreet ean raaaiag to tho Park. Thc liiiiioi-(lcalfi8 BBJ Ihaj ouco ften $ir.O,0(>() tO Albiny to try to Bjet ccrtain Utwa ' ninalcd. Bart they lailfd to BOCOBipUoh any ?Bitaia. l'i.,!>;il?ly they did not try it Bl tbe right timc. They aliould have BOlootad I BOOOion when tbeir Deiuociatie fneinis were iu pOWOT. -4> It has frequeutly been BBifB, sted, in view of the ?BJOBtial tsbarj) war in Bteoiaaaj rataa on ocean BtoaBBahlpa, tital tho next BtepofthoooBi panies would be to oflef eaeli iinniiKiant a diroino. Tha Ilainhuii-'-AiiKariOBB paeket line doe? Ix-tter ihat that. It OBBBlBfO fiva Bteagago BaaaaaBBvera secoixl-eabiu aoeoaaBaodatioag al trar rales. and piOfiOaaa lo lill its BtOOtagO spaee with freiglil. _m_ Onee in a wbile tlie poltoc lotBO ^ivesevi dence that it ean htOff paaabliag in Utifl eity il tbose biu'b in autboiiiy really desiie it. I.ast niKht, l'or lnstanee, twelve faaahttBg-hoauofl xrm- BgokOB lato and tlie layoatB eaptnred. ln ouly oue 01 taro oaaea did tho Bamhuna boobb to have had w.irnin;,' of what BB8 Lmpoadiog. Captaiu WilliaiiM and hia aetaaaata wiil bo gtieved to lejunthat OaOVOB of tbOM ptBOOO flouiiHhed in the Twent.v-nintli l'reeimt. Of gouioo tho lafiBBBalioa waa bb eatifB Borprioo to tbese woithy oflcOTO. *? There were ele.ii(.n> BBB L'nited States Si-na tors in a nunibei oi Btataa ia tha I'nion jraatat> dav. Mr. F\ Btia w.i^voled for at Albany, an a fliatter of OOajtaa. JoaOthaa C'ha.e \vii> ileeted in Bhotk Ii-land ; Ml. Vootlu-.s iu Iudiana ; Mr. Caiiiei'.ni iu I'eiin?ylvauia J Mr. l'lait iu Connectieut, and Mr. Vcst in MlooOOli lu Arkausiw BO rcsiilt WBO n-.tclied. lu Coioiado, the two llouses of the Li^isl.itai.-.votin'z sejia rately. ehooe Mr. Teller. Mi.C'all wasie-eh eled iii Florida. Nortb Carolioa wUl bo again lepie aeutcd by SeuaLoi Vauco. --*>? Mayor Graee hao proposed a inethod of paj lag the cotipoiiaol the ciiy bolid-s whieh m theoiy at loaat proioiaaa to be an UaproTaateat on the preoentayateai and oqnally ?al'e. It i-t oJ courae iniperative that all chancert of fraud und theft shouhl be cut ofl; but the aafeguarda ?ur-^ louudiug payiueut ahoohj be ehtabli?hed en tirely withiu the Fiuauee Depurliueut, ao that tbe preaanter ol the coupon kIuiII be Bubjected |o uo delay. lie wanta hia iuoney promptly and ho wanta to get it eaaily, aud it^ia not to the city'rt advantage to annoy him by petty regula tions. The auuounccmcnt of tlie oV-U-itteOal in the New-JeiR.v Senate JOaOaTiBy aaa_at was uot reeeived with any < by tlie Hon. Leon Ablx tt. That the elevation of a Kepub? lican to the Prcsiilency of that bmlv by a solid Deuiocratic rotfl 1TB0 BeOOMpUohod without anvthing resen.blini; B 0_*Of i? admitti-d. be caiise everv one WBO took part in the tiausac tion laul hia hand upon his heart and declared with iimoceiit solemnity that there had been nostieh trade and BO proniise. And yet tlie GoTOnOt eould hardly have given Btl-BBBlf seiener satiidaetion if he had naiiied tlie eom mitlees with a view to pBahh-g his personal schenies and gratifyin* his personal spites. All of whieh goen to show that Mr. Abbett is ? lucky BtatOB?MML Persons who read tlie dcftth notices ta the newspapers from day to day must observc that wheucvcr the weather gTOWB suddenly cold tbe mortality MBOBg <?1<1 people greatly b-WOBBOfl, In Tiib Tiuiii nkV obituary lolunin Ofl Monduy moruini:, for iustance.weie reconh d tbo deaths of at least tive Bge4 persons, one of wliotn was scvinty-eiKht, and the others eighty OTBBOTO. This OOean no often thatit i? hardly a eoin cidenee. Indeed, it BeOflBfl 80 BOB* out fully the 88001IIIM* of many physiciaus, that the BOOret of longlife after thlOO OCOTO years and ten w U> keep warni. _ _ The law nnist be legpoeted even if it is bad, anil there is nothing for the BridfB tmstees and the puhlie to do, therefore, but BObmil praoeiully as may bc to the dceision of Ibe t'ourt of AppcaK whieh gives the Coinniis BtOBOr of PobliC tVorks tht. lifbl to i.revent the extension of the Brooklyn BridgO ap proaches aeross Chatham and Ceiitre sts. WO nuist look totheLepislature for reliet. aml if the Senatois and Aoeembly-oen have tlu- eorn* foit of the residents of two cilies atbeart, that relief will I'oiue promiitly in the shape of BB ainenibnent to tbe law. The BWitOtoing faeili ties ofl 0M BlidgO are ntterly inadcipiate. and they eannot bc onlarged until the dooltod OX ten-ion of the appTOBOhoa is made. -+ Texas has becoine tno not for the i'ne lOBOT* anee liien. aud t'ne New-York oompaaiea have directed their sgoota to graal bo biow pollciea iuihat Btate aitor February 1. ThiaaetioB ia dtto toa doeiaion tn tbe PnitedStatea CircoJt t'ourt in e-toel tho foeeofa policy oa> preooei tho tbIuoofl tbo property hioured ifl oaoa K la deatrored by Qre. I'ndi -i writera have alwaya beld thal a law whieh allowa anch a de eiaioB ofiered ogTOot iiuliueiueiit to diaboneal liii-ii to lnirii their own property, to tho greal loea ofl the wrapfmioa and ol the oeai Boighbora ofthepenona arho aro ?uiKr ol bioob. Their positioa haa long boeo decincd reaaonable in New-York, aad tba Iegialatora ofloxaa after tliissuiiiiiiiiiy proeeediog .on tbo partof tbe oofnpaniea will poesibly oonaider tho wigdom ol Bmeadiag uheir atatntea,_ WOBE i"/.' TIIF LEGJ8LATUBB. Kowthat the LegiaUtiira haa tranaacted the bnaineaa ol ebooaing a United Btatea Benator, it is to ba boped that it will addreaB itaell in dead earneel to law-making. The people expeel a good deal from their preaeal repreeentativea al the Capltol. In addition to tbe rootine work of tho aoaaion Boveral meaeorea ofl largo pobbe lai portBoeo are to bo diopoaed ofl. What aball bo done with tho priaona ? ii laa perplexing qaeation. To nutke a ntiatake ln anaweriag it noaytake hutnlreils of thui:s.-iii.U ofl dollara annnallyoal ot tlu- poeketoof tho taxpayera. Baperlntendent Baker, ;is are hare itlici.iy shown, makea a atrong BrgomeBl la hia annuii lepoit Ib liivtu ot theeontractoyatem. I'.iit ;i popnlar roto lm* beoo caal Bgainol tlu Mstnii aud theie i* ;i Btrong detnand for ? change. l.--t tli?-i*- Im- o cbange l>> .-ill eaeana ii ,i bottei sv-i.-iu r.ui i?' fonnd. Bnl lol onr Iegialatora take care thal theydo notaeeom lilish ;i ehange for the woroe. What sh.ill bo doBe with tho AdbroBdocko 1 Thia too io a grare aad preosiog problom. li la generally conoMled thal oni foreata bibbI ba preaerrod it wo wtmld preaetre onr watci anpply?thal ia i<? aayif we bave auj reganl loi the hi-alih or proaperity ol tbe i.pie ol the Btate <?f New-York, Laatwintar annmberoi Adirondack billa were intfodoced in Bcnate and AoaeBibrji but the end of tbe aesaion foond the problom onaolved. Tbe dlachorge ofl thia oon ?pienoBa poblie dutycan oo longer !>.? poat poned. The foreata nnat be proteoted, and tbat l.yini ad ol tlie prvaeal i_egialature. What Bhall Im done with Niaaani Falbi I Tho report of tbe Commiaaioo wUl have to be aelod upon. If the Bppropriation v.lmli tlie report cbUo for ia BUtde tho Beeeeaory huida will be purobaaeti, the Bceoery will be realored, and thf Foil? reBden d ? cceaoibla to the poblie withoul i-o.-t. Ii ia llkelj ilmt -<?'?'<' ,'1' Ibe membera will oppoae the oppTopriation oBthosoofeol icoiiniiiy, hiit we beUevetbe malority, withoul regard to politica, will agiee with tbe Com ini-viuiiiis, thal tlu- uioiii'.v \> aaked for to proBeente "o pablie work with tbe bigheal pab? lie purpoee." Certainly trae e?.y dttea nol d. ui.uiil that aucha work with sach apaxpoae aball be oeglecteiL Whal aball be done for nnnicipal refona I Thonaandfl of the taxpayera ofl thia netropolia :ue earneotly makiag thia Inquiry. The laal Legialatare Boeompliohod mncb thal woa uaeful iu this tiil.l. Bai niiii'li remainanudoiietaal iiri-t bedoite Iflonr greal cilj i* to enjoj the bleaaingoi wholeoome goTernmont 'I'lu ae naatfera, and one or two others, notably the M'vi.-ion ofl tho taxaiioaand baakiughtwo, onghtto take pi*?eedenee of all other buaineaa Bxoepl the Approuriotion WlU. Ifthe Letfiala tnremeeta tbopoblic iixpectatioa, the aeoaioB, ii ia evideiit, will !>?? B Iruiiiul oue. Ilaid work andahort reeooaeawill laake il fruitful. Ihe HepnbUcana who have tbe BBtjority?aad the iT'spoiisiiiility?havr. BBtde bb oxoellenl uii preaaioa upon the puhlie miud in their aelection oi :i*l niti-il si.iiim Benator. Wetrnal thatthe tecord ofl the reol of the aeaaion will !;?? equally feiiU-iliii'tuiy. _________________________________ -MAK1NQ* 0000 T1BE8. Thv KiiiW-y !</.. ol Cbicago, uudor the head. in^r, " oa taake good tiuu-." Brgea that it i>* ?in the power ol llu- prOBO of the eountiy, tt bj u takin^ a roaaoaablj BBBgBiBeTiewoflthlBgB,to " roatorc eoufldeneo, and a ith it bb aro ol oow u mriciiil prooperitj." 'J'hi- excellenl gentleman who ;i aamber oi yearoogo tolift hiuiM 11 hy his owu boototrapa bao been boiat* iBgawayerei aiBoewlthool eaoeb aocceao. lt is ipiiu- trae thal eoofiO>nc? it- one of tl"' tbinga Boodod. A oertoln meaaaro ofl prooperity would eocae, without Biatarial ehaage iu uny other reapoet, ii thore wero more ii.iiii'h'ii.i-. r.ut tbe people laek eoBildeBoe be I'iiuso they lnive OOBUBOfl BOBBe. Tiie.i peieei'.e that there are dUhealtkoaBd diagera, aad try togaard agaiaottheo_,aadU aU thepaporolB the eouulry shouhl stid.leul.v bieak out iu IMMBHUBBI and halh'lujah.s OVOC tlu BBMirod ii-toiaiioii ofl proaperity aad rooaorral ol au daogotBi tho good poopla who baro oobubob bOBOl would siinply woutlei WBO Bad BOOB bif* inj? the BBWB|B*PBtl to talk alisurdities. In aonit ot the Iteiuoeialie BeWBUBPOTBUtOlO appears senii-occaaionally a dupoaitiou to att BBBBB the theory of The Chiotgo Age. Ono of them broke out in this way yeaterday, with ex tended B8BIIIBBII88 that busiues* in this or that depnrtiuent wai remarkably netive and aatia factorv. All rejoirc to know that the greater part oir tho orlinary production and exohantre ..f the OOQOtryta gning ou without iiitvorrup ttoa ; that nitictceii-tweiitiethft of Ita labor is well eii.i.!..y.-.l ; tliat a slill lnrgor proportion of ituworkers have cnough to ent and necessary alothtag and ahaltar. It is also irratifylng to know that in some iinportant branches of m dnstrvand trade there uro clear Imlicationa of iinprovoinent, wliieh. U BO* Interntptod by tintoward evcnts, niny .-piickl.vripenintodelhiite reyival of business. Bflt it is also true that otber huaa bTBaehoaof iadaetry and IraaV are aillutialj dijpiOBBllll J that in thOM the propor? tion of person-t uneinployed is niurh more than one in twenty; that maiiy of the workers iu theae dapailateaU bara at ptaaeat no adaaaatB provision for food or clothing or tho support of lamilies. and that the eauces of this dopressiun still oxist, and do not yet aaa8B likely to bo rc inoved. ThoOB causcs are ln brief, free-trade BsrftataOO), and ailver eoitiaire, DeOBOOTBtk raids OpOB inve-sted pioperty, aud Dcmoeratic stupidity in iBfWathUl generally. I? the .-..iintrv'were aure to-day that its tarift would not be meddled witli for four years to rotne, Ihat tlieic would not be another ilollar of nilver eoined or of paper moiio.v iasued. that t'ongrosa iinil BtatC l,i'i:islatiires would not destroy the ralaa of lavastod propeity, aaaat protaxl oi j.rotcctinir public interesK and that the pttblie ?BtOBOy would not be reeklesslv sijuandered by tlie hundred millions in )?ho bn politieal eiids, there is every probahility that a reiiiarkable im provement in biiaincfl*. would at once togha. Tlu- ditliculty is that thfl eountry |g nn* sure of any such, and in tha 'latiitc ol thitiK"* 6BB not bo, and mtist ]i:iinfully wait until tlie oAodtl of ita laat eleetion have bren cxhaiistcd. TBE POLICE AND THE 8PABRMRB. Two ol thfl Poliee ('oim)issiouers give ;ui ex pUaatkMB of their ])(>sition and poliey as to Bparriag naatcheaiaThb Taiatraa this lnorn inf. What they aay ta plaaaiblo, thoaah ii is no, yet elcar that they were uuable lo ptevent the Bullivan-Byau ail.iir BitoffetheT. PoBee .Justiie Dufly had promised lo iaaUO WBtTBBta for the BITOOfof thfl DUgfliatB OB any proper a|i plicntiou. Such ;iti applleation nighl have been liiiide by ;t inenibei of thfl Pollcfl Dop.irtiii.-nt. The police anowar to thia ia thal ooder Jadge Barrett'a deciaioa thfl Departnaeal cbbboI pra ventaaexoibitioBofbox.Bg;. lt cao only m tiii.-n- when tha btowe exchanged paaa beyood tbe boandaof ordinary drility. Bal arhal an Bbanid poaition oi affaira reanlta ! Bheedy and gnlliVBB and Ryan BTfl allow.-d t-> liitc thfl Btsd* taon Bqnara Qardeo, aoBanoec a boxing match iu wbieb the qaeatioa of BBperiority be iw.'.ti tbe two f'.icino-t flghtera ol tba eountry ahall be aettled, aell tboaaaada ,,f Ueketa, paek tl"- baildiog with people, and theii ;i- BO .'i as t lie int li have ex cluu.ged a* few barmtesa blowa laapeetor Tborne boatlea io to parl them, followed with greal appareol relactaaee bj (apt.iin WUliaaaa wuli hta mighty elnb. The boxera ar.- ool awed by the [napeetor, bnl the Coloaaaa of the Twenty-ninth Piecincl foreea Ibem baek to thelr aeata aad pallfl offlheii gloree. The greal liniliiiii.le ol apeetato-ra i? tbor onghly dioaatialled, and baa raaaoo to l>.>. It eitberboxar had been knockedoff biefeet, it Suiit. ao'a noaa had baaa art aarrj at Brana i-vi- badJj btaiaad. laapaalot Tbaaaa aroaldj have had BOOBfl wairant for inlii I. i< m .-. Mut nothin.'i i lotinal, rickraaor daagaroaa had ral oci-iin-<l. Tho two mea bad thuaaped oach other with a good deal of emphasia, Byaa'a thumpitag bebif alittle nore effectivath ib Bal lirana, bul n.? dantag* bad beeo done, Tho ;...,in ? ? in ...ti gymaaaioaia ia theii daily boata have more atarka oa each other ilmii eithei Ryaa or Bollivan ooa ahowe. If Inapeetoi l borne wiil Bttend one of tho boxlag matehea at the Raeqael Club, or tbe aaaateor i 'hampionahip ooBteato whieh thfl New-York Atliletir Cl.ll. kri\>s. ln Wili *. .- bliitk.lle.l e\ee, i.itii-.cii noaeeaadawelled baada ia profaaioa. liut exeeoaire aympatbj for Salliran, oi < i? tli-ini- telidei'lli -* of ii.ll ? i> nce. M B tTBflhing ?cnaeol reaponHibilityaamaatei ol oeromooiea iiinlei .ludp- Barrett'a nilea, whieh hare taken ihe place oi tbeeffete regalatioaa of tbe Mar* qiiu of Q., pronpted the laapeetor to ruaB ia wli.ii aagala raifjhtwell fear to troad ooleaa tinv were panoplied in atael. \\.- don'l ?i-li to be aod iratood a* regrettiog that li.....) w-i^ not given tfaae in whieh to "kaock out " Siiiliv.ui, a-s be mlght, perhapa, li.ive siii-ii-i-iii-d in doiog ii the polieo had In'pt tbeir handa ofC Tho Boaton ehanpion trga plainly getting woratad. Bal tlie world \s ii i imi siiti'.r Berioualy if tbeqneation of Byaa'a ability to "stop" ot " knock out" Sollivao ianeveraottled, Vet i Boodntan) tbouBaad people la.ated grier oii-ly tbal lus|):'c' wTborue would m.i permil a little nearer approaek toa aolntion of i li? problem, aad nosl of tboae in thc Uarden would h ivc rejoieed over a d 'eided rictory foi Byaa. Sollivana druakeancaa, brataUty and bad teaaper bare made him extremely onpopn* |;ir cveii with tlie in laaealh ii like to aeo apar* rin^'. Then,too, theeommon grudga againat iiu aobroken caroor of auocoaa would ha~8 l.een , Miii-tieii. Cbaiupiona who win maay battiea stirupnewenrywitherery oea trianph. lt Hismai'ck's uiosi rheii-licd mIi'iii.--. abould ini eany, il Lord Wolaeleyahouldbe orerwhelmed with (li-.i-i'i. if a aow play by Domaa ahould piove a il ii failure, if I'.iiii abould be hlaanl. if tbe pecrlcaa race-boraa Bt, Bimon ahould bo ln,it>-n, an unmenae oamberof peoplowould exult aecretly if boI openly. Aud ifSaBiraa abould be " knocked ool " b ahoul of BaUofae* tion wouldgoupia every laod when tho ox ploitaofprixe-flgbteio aretaiked about. In apector Tborne baa niadea greal ataaj aae* ui i ?_ K iiiioii oi i oBgreaa io tnia ivponani uatter. li wnr* t 1j4- iinaniiiK.iiM opioioa ol taadoaagatao thal thfl preoenl laa ta najaal and thal Coagreaa .mi;lit toapplytbfl lemeil.v at one. Tbaargu* ni. ni in fovor ol b icvi..i..ii ..I the law i* atatad in the OOBlBBlttaea iii'inoiial with dii;uity aud, iiud eai.iioi. we ara aara, i.e BaeceaafuBy i.i.swcieil. \\ inie thfl iiiovcment haaorigiuated 4-iititcly in Iha Weat, the praaa of thoeoaatry without referonceto politieal dtatlfJittioaa io ia Bympatby with it. Eaotera BowapBpea have n.>i hitherto apociall* aakaaj fot redaood ratoa of ptiataaa, bal tha JaatioB of tho ohtlai haa not beaa diapatad. 1'iior d? 1^71 Bowopapei pnotaga waa pald by the auboeriber, ln thal year the law waa ehaagod, atapayaMal being raqolrad at the niiii e oi pnblicatioo al tho rata of two oaarta per p.iiiud. PabltabarB found it to be iinpiitetieable lu cover tlie ouil.iy lor pootage by advaucing their ratcs to aubscribers. Postage bccame one of the uecoaeary expensoa of publishing a news paper. It has been a tax upon tho publlsherB yiohliug ahout $1,500,000 to the Oovcrnmcnt. Rinco tho law was paaaeil letter postage haa been largely reduced, and tho ratoa on transient newspapers and periodioals have been eut down one-half; but the tux on newspaper publishers remains BBtihangai Merely to state the case Is to prove tho grievance. Thcro Is no reason why newspaper publiahers should bo excludod from the bouolUs of ohenper poatage. They ask that the proacnt rates should he roduced one half. It Is a logltiniato demand whlch ought to be iniinediately eoncetled by Congreas. . The present law permits all weekly pnbltca tions to gO postage free iu the cotinty whoro thevarcpublished. Thia is an unfair cliacriini natiou againat those newspapers whieh aro taxed |1^600.000BJOBR There ia no reipiest Ofl the part nf the miiiorlty who are paylng thia tax to add to tho burdens of publieations that nre BOW fieo. But it ia only falr to refer to thia liisrriiuinatioii asanother argiunent for rediic ing the present rates. Tho inequalities and lu justice of thp law are plain. There should be a pronipt reailjiisttnent ofl the rates on the basis proposed by the Weatern prcss. THE OLD FJLSEBOOD. Professor Suiiuier, of Yale CollOgO, has ro Biiiued his teaehing of orrors, this time in the adghborhood of Daatoai, ? raglofl where aeoa* miiie falsehonilsiippear to propagato rapidly. Ina li'ftnre before the Taiitl Kelorm Leagtie iu that eity. Ofl Friday ovening, Mr. Suuiner dioetUBOd tlio policy whieh this country has pursued wi'thin tho last tweiity-livo years. and took OOOBainn OMO flBOtO to mako inanifest not only his own oxoeeiling Ig-nttBIieO ot thit poliry iiml it- reoolta, but biore-naikabio indifteronec to the truth. The MBQIbOO of his ohjertion to the Ameriean policv is brielly statod in thOBO senteneea: - The statesineii ofl this country are taxing the ?peopleOO as to tnaintain tho hoino ninrket. "Tho poliev has now beOB earried tO that ?extent that the floaao Baarkothaa reaehedita "limit." Hr.BBflBBOt knowa that thia ia not trae. lle his alarge fandofl BtitiBforiiiatioB, but neverthelesa he is not an igiiorant rross roada polittciaa, Bfld therefore knowa thal what be itatea ia otterly and gtaringlj IWoe. He knowa thal there fce ? number ofl people iBtbiae.itrj whowaal Biore I.Ithan they are Bl pres.-iit ahh- to I'onstlltie. He kuows bIbO thit there are fl greol nnniber of people io thia i-oiintiv who wanl nioie elotbiflg. more bata and boota and ahoea, more toola and more botue roomand tuniituro thaatbey aro al preaeoi ,,1,1- bobny. He knowa that tbo people who wanl foodareable to produoe the houaeoand the rlothing, and tke peopb whowantthe hooaea andclothing are able to prodaee'the t.|. Mr. Atklaoon, another toaeherol tbe aame econoBiie notiona with Mr. Biunner, bnl much more Incllned toroopert the truth in bla oot-girioga, declared in his recenl work on wageethal a ot booiaeaa aetWity in thi* couutrj woold mean a demand tor idl the prod ,?t,.,t . \. l\ Bpiodle aml everv whei-1 now ill tbe i.i,?l. The diflealty is nol thal thi* <?r thal branch of manafaetore baa beea extended beynnd thopoaalble oc pennaaont demand ofl tba people foi eoaMuaptioo. Ii Ib boI trae thal thel.imarkel kaa reaehed lt* limit, Bai it Utruethata _U_rtorbaB00 and d_aorgaa_-ation ?. ,..,1,1-ni.- rxtaaed btrgelj by tlie eoonomic btlaebooda whlch ProfoBOOi Bomaer teaehea haa i.>i tl..- tinii- iiii.-rriii.t.-,l tha iv >ehaage betwaaa pwdaoaak ??d eonaamara. i ?... ahnrl af ita limit, tha}hooaejnarkoi haa beea thrownintoa ttateofpanlc fora tlmobyaaio . iiii-l-iiiitk.-in ot the Siiinii' r \aiiety. A!l thi* Profeeeora teaehinga reol npon a theorj whiefa be baa oTolred from bfaiown Inner ,1,ii-. ii.ii-ne--. oi iioni other them iata V. !... i volved lt lloili tll'll lliliet .'..Il-.Toil-in-*. land whlch he Btatea ao foBowa: M Ib the eorn ?petitloo of the woritfa exehaage thataatlon ?? il. .i.i proopei i-est whiefa baa mool to ofter of - those thinga whiefa other nationa waat." This BMumption thal floreigfl trade i* aomehon Ih-uii im- ;i nition thaa boaee trade, thal it i Hninelmw more bleeeod to oell thlnga afar ofl thaanear at bonte, u the rerj easenee ofthe I'loti *-.i*- blundering tbeory. Bejrjnning with lhal bald earoBoaaie talaehood, whieh be aasnmea withoul agraiaol proof, he naturally Bdvanceo, tbrongh raiioaa ateoool error, toa politieel philooophyoe mlachievooaand falae ti,.it tbe rery te'at ii may la parl be ?doptedhaa proatrated ladoatry loaUpartaof the country, to a degree rteret witneaaed before mi...- tbe ootbreak ol tha eiril war. The truth, on the rontrary, latbata rnttioo prooperomool aml mool peiTiianeutly. if it iaable by dtie ad ?,?,..ui oi ita own lodaatrieoto prondemool ,.??,,,|, lels -tho thiflga neeilllll Ior the Mippolt aml e.niloit <?f its own people by their OWfl well-poid labor. The hlgheol proaperity, the v.oil.l ovei. i* thal whieh depeit.1.4 leasl, n-la tivelj apeaking, apoa trade with Ibreign Dutiona. I ni 11 the Profeeeor can gmapthia almple truth, he wiii not he ahh- toteachaay* thing but error, eithec lu Valo Collego <>i at HoatoB. ____________________ TBE TBOMA8 POPULAB CONCEBTB. our bowb eoluiiiiishave giveu all ooaeiilial in foiinaiioii ab ut tho popnlareoncertaprajoeted i,,i Tbeodore Thomaa nexl aeaooii The acbeme h im oxtenoiro obi?aoextoBaiTO imheil, that toBUtkeitaa aau-eaafa] aoil dooorroa to be madewill tax aoTerelj the reoonreeo of the city'a moaie-lorero. lt oontemplatea tho giTing ofl two high-claaa coaoerta (one la tho afteraooDi tbe other io tbe erefllDfc) orory week for aix DjunthB,namelyfrom tbobegiBnlogofNoTeniber to the beginning of May. makiog torty-elghl eoncerta ln ;?!!? Tho projed aeomoto bave Rowoont ofl tho aneceaa whioh haa crowned tbe yOllBg l'eo|ile's I'oneells. iiml e\|U issi-s therefore, tbe oonrietion thal alnoe the auapen* ?iou ol Mr. Thomis's Central I * ii k Qarden on* terpriae we baae bad ? dearth ofl orcheatral eoncerta deroted tomnaie whieh lagood aud pinr withoul betog oa tho Loftj and aerere pbtneofthe programmea of onr venerable aud ailinirahle l'hilhainionir Boclety. [t ia iniiih to tbe credit of tbe muaical taato Oi NrW-Volk City thal tl.e love tor oithe.-tiiil DioBic of tbo bigbeol cbwa is so ardeol and ? ,,i, ipieadtbal all the aaailable dttinga al the pbilharmoflie t*4B-berta la tbo Acadoaiy ol Mnoie ;,n-jealonsly lusid hy Mbocriberfl yeor after rear. Al tho bbbm tioao tho orerflow ia so great tbat Ut, Damrofleh'a Bymplioaj Boclety haa in i n belped materially by ii to build Itoolfl nnoaaatabia toaadatioa. Iim while tho taato ofthopatroflo ot the PhBharatonle and Bym* uhon) Boclotlpa hflo brttn Btoadlly ralaed oatil iiii-y I'iiii m>fl I'.n.ioyaeoiiiiit wbhthpreooBl itaro il.iHtic bjmphofltoa aeparated. bj ;i plaaofbrte coiiieilii ??l alino-^t ii.ual dimiBIOiOOBi tho .'leater |ioi tion ol the publir lias been BOgioetoda \\'iie il not toi the Yoiing 1'i-ople's Coiiiiita (giTOBOfl Saliinla.v afternooii?), Mr. Van der Btackeo'a Noroltj roniaulaond tho law aaloool* hineoiis COOOOrtO iu whiflh eilher Mr. Thoiuas's or Ur. DoanrOOOh'a hand piiiliiipili-K, flltogflthor loaa tlian ? do/.en enterUiiniiient*, WO should be ltdt without I sinclo oppoitunity to hear those lighter orchestral works whioh are easential to our enjoyment and appreolation of the higher forms of musical composition. Aa wo underetand thenew project, it contom plates a return on the part of Mr. Thomaa to the work 1n whieh he haa been so signally buo cessful. Every alternato woek nfternoou con cert vrill proseut musio within the comprehen sion of the young; thua there wiil be twelve Young Peoplea Coiicerta where now there ore four. The wcekljr ovonlng coneerts wiil be what their title implies, Popular Concerta, and Mr. TnoiBBBB trained alcill in the composition of programmea nnd his devotion to a high artistic purpose wiil combine to call into bcing aueh a degree of musical culture as wiil hasten America along the path whioh leads to a Nntional art. For auch an achiovement the prospects OBflBB to be brlghteuing. Our klns people iu England are idiakiiig ol tho ahacklea of conventiou that bound them ao long, and we shall not need to fear their Influence. With Dr. Damroseh then to esttblish new standards in Opera at the Metropolitau Opera House, Mr. Thomas to lift the masses to an understanding of good miisic at the Aoademy of Music, and the Philharmonic and .Syiii|)hony Soeieties to preserve intelligentreverence for the heritajrea left us by tlm masters, New-York ought soon to doscrvo the congratulatlons of the musical world. __________-?_?_. 77ie Cm-nhill \Manazine movlntrly murmura, * Sup poixe we had no auirar!" J'erhaps The Coriihill Mayaiinr eonld ft-nt ftlonu without it, hut if the Democratie party wero ci.nlrontod with that exi geticy it would havo to dtshaud. -? Aiuoiik Mr. Eviirfa's wpporter* thla year was the Hon. llamilton HnTris. Atnonir. hia most artive OB-aoaaata twaaty-iTO yeara aga waa tho Hon. Ilainiltoii Harris. Tbaa BBBBBB all thinga. Tha raaall ..f Iha Baaatorlal ooatoat taarea Iha Baagwaaap papora aotbhtg ta hoai at. Their for lotaaflaa is beo?tag aatiaaaaly ptttfaL Ono ray oi hope, liowovor, Is left. When they tbid themselves .-ii.soiutely oaaparata f..r aoiaatbiaj to blaekgnord, let theiii bflaaaiiah aaah other. ? ? ? Aci-onliiig to the Dcuiorratic orgons Mr. Bayntd is wafcJag ap to the fact that there hai l.een rather moro Jefferaoaiaa aiaapliaity iu the QawamaaeBt tbaa ht. bad aatiaipatad. ladaad, ba aaaa hhaaalf BBthailaaaod by the aBaxpeetad praaaaaa af no aaaeh of it. He waa the BttoBgBfll Bdaeeataaf Jafetaaa laa -iimilicity while th- U.-niihlmiin party wa- in pewer. aml lost im opportnalty of tizpraaatag Ua anxii ty for fl apaady return to tba hragal i olicy af our BOBjaapea fathen. Now that h ? 1* Bxpeeted to n-aiifii Bia hl" tiinuiii '.f th" S natotial pri/c. t.> tfive np hia profeaaloaal praetiea, aad to takatha poiiti eal rtaka lavolrad ht a ahott Cabiaal BarYMeoaa pattry BB.OOO ayaar, be tarsalto alaraaed t*? j?<-r< <-i\ ?? tbat portfolio Hiiliiriea have all BBBBJ heeii Mmplilicd to aneh a Jaflara taiaa exxeat? ?? lt ii Baderatood thalSataBaaptBioBofBla'Joox tretnely Mveta, Ia tbat relataaa the Judgaaaat ef Tht ffreatag Paal that irraaaonaiblfl aewaaaact oeaBara u a groat eril aad oaght ta ba ohaohad ta jnito tatereatiag, -*? Mr. QladatatM Ifl r<-|>utcd t.. have lhe art af BJBB inCBtotiattaapiotorlaL fna Tbibubb Ai.mavu: hriitloa with rlgurea a* a piBeBahBmdoaBwith piaa, l.nt it t* thorongbiy bttaaaatbtg from aorei d eovai i... inBfl tha politieal labanaatioa of tbe v- bi ia preanuted Inelalrely und without partiaan H|.inr. i:mi, //.-<? Saa'i aat would pnn over il with ?atta ta.-tio'i, notwitbataadiag ? rary aaavbld apaaiitfl f..r ..r-hiLiiy atattaiBM. A mo-it Btrfklauj areef thal Mr. Blaiae prapaaaa> tveraeh >ir. y/raliaghByaan tararatabed by tbatfar-aaaiagioaraal, Tht Aaaa-Fari rtaaaa, uheea \VaahtagtoD crr. Hmadeal haarevaelad tbe horri* Ua fact that Mra Blaiaa lataeda ta "raaaaaa" aa i haraaVaji BTimtaga " Thaaaaaj ." it axplataa la an aiciiut.-d aaaa, "la the Fielinifbuvaene' liny." gtratahing tho .v.'-ial woek to ita BtBBOBt hatlt, tbera are mx iiv.-niiik's aa Wh Bb Mr. and Mr.t. Btataa ciu raeeiva. <?nt af thaaa ??ix daya bbbbb add thoaaaadaof othar famlliea naat ehoaao aa araa ii.C. S.-v.-ral hun.lre.i BBTfl BBqaaatloaBBta'BBlaet c.i Tharadaya If they am iii ataklag a soriai araa npon .-a.- i o.'h. r. what an itnhappy sort of plau" to Iim ni WaalitBgttta aaaal bal .?^. BaBggar Snllivati'a latflfll exploit wusthe Liekiug uf a boraa aatil il raa aw^- an.l antaaaad tba rahi ele to whieh it waa at^aeboa baataaa lafariag aar ,-ial pco'.le. SiiIIivjii .shonlii now kick hifltaelf? rtebodj "U. waata to try u.thoiuh it latba gaaaral pablie veiiliit that badaaarraaa kukrig. Tba ..riv.i/ntioti of frtaada <>f protection, whieh ?ii- bagan al ti>.- aator Uooae .m Tbaraday, aughl hi> made B pet inan.'iit andv.-ty poworfal fatea in anlightaniBg aad direetiag pablia aeatinaeat U'ith lapportiaa and ao*oaeratifa alaba ia all part- ..i tho eoaatry. daTBtad not to tha iataraata ef anyeandi .iit? ..r di.i'i--. hut to the edaeotBBi <>f pabHa tbooghx\|tha iratbaring af aarly|aad full tofat?oattoo iu regard to thapiogiaaBaadcoadittoa of Ibdaatriea. aad tha wata cirouiatloa af traeta und warka daaignadto ptaaont iiii<>im.iti.>iuiu popalarfona? such an orgaataatiaa weahl gawkly eeaaataad publlO attention. and PBUal Bapparl ifl "V.-i V pait of tbaeoaatry. Two thutga ara iatportaat, bewevarj tbal u ahould not rapraaBBttbeapaclal araaparaU iBtataataof paapla btaajr braach of ladaatry, bal ahould banaoBioaalj eooablna tha aforta of ihe frienda af all utduatrtaa lo a ooeaaaoa aadi aaooad, thal Itaboald i" Katiaoal la Ba ahaiacaar, and Blioakt cointnaiid in lhe huthflfll dearee tho l onli dVooe an.l anpporl of tba frtandaof protactiaa Brary. w'ucie. li is unpoiiaiit tbal no BBtafoBtaaaahoaid ariie i.eiw.'.-n aach an aaaoetatioa aod the utber ,-!!,.,-(,ra bodtaa whtah alrsady axtal for the parpaaa ot promotiag tba laaareata of aoaaial braaahea <>f maiiiilact.ire. In tl." s.>l",tion ot oiti.-era tbaafl objeoUoughl toba aaaal aarafally kapl UtTtaw.aa aniaiaiieioaaohaicaforeJtheral ihe more proml nrtit placaa would bajlikaly lo Isipair tha aaeeaaa of tba lagBBirotloa - ?v - - Tlie aaaaal BaaoBBeaaaaat tbat tho paaeh erop of thfl llud.soi Kivcr Vi.lh-v wiil BO 8 failure MBBOa earliai la th>> bobbob than aaaali bal that taao reaaon aby it aboold ba belleTod bbmjo raadfly tnau aaaal. _______?__?_??---. PEB80NAL Tha K.v i>r. 1 lluaaa < lara, ?>f Auiherat. Haaa, la aaa Dftaafeai larrlTorai D^.-tiaoata'aataaa ?.r 18X8,as? lalBlag fortj iiv? ui* ii ? i" otaara ara k. L K.-iioy. or M fBlarport, Ma., aad B. LBrall. ot ctuit. Maaa.. lawyara, lii.a Ui" B. '? "?'? J"1"1 -s''s?i"'.s- ?* oali.i.nd. I ul tba Hoa. HaaalBBl BbbbBb tatataa laat haaajojral aad a l?j hli artal aawapapat .-M" riaaaa. " W Baa UuratloKlngaad l," Baaaya. "boagBI raa/tfaraaaaaa atParii Ba.. wa wara aodac tweaty aaa yaata "f aga i ii.?i..iii'.i m partaaraaoj wiii? bBbataaaeatBa,aad aorkao i.'i- i.n.. ala aaaataa bmtb. i aal Bjaa aad aalpad i.i,,, workoBtha papar bb taa ata hund praaa We aai ,.. -an i.i in-- lak -ii ?uii aalla awaa ?<r -MBkakla. II w?a ve?ialV.riou?.1 aaht aut aay BBBifl al Tht Jtg\rtmitm rorktou i iiia.i.- a v.-i) i;u"?i BpeculaUoB, imii taa i.i.ii.'.-y. i kaow, aalpad bm aaalaatalli ta my law at.idl??. t ,.,t.-r taa paatatal aaarga af taa Bar. Dr. Parat, tataty ri...t.-.i Biaaap af Matylaaa, taa (P.K.)Oaanai ?r Baa EptphaaV, WBaaiagtea, aaaaaal aoaadatl) BaatS^aa. 1.. ,iui.lown M a placo ot and w..r?liip for *?) (ar"i?. in i',,ii-ii.-.i ihla aaataai aa taa aaliaaaefa eoaranaUaa all* Mr. Batarlay twakar, aa wuieii Um tottai?aal.ii......... ??inM-xl.-o l aaaJKgV^g* ,u?ii.,tii,|'.-i. aii. my, "';,r;'> .'?',,? rTirtrata t^uaaiYaiiuiiu. "niircii. uo BBaaaa how iin iiiiwim ul Bf iTai'.l". Aa to iu. afteaal aaa^aaaar for Bm uov,r..or.hip af , ,hi.,. aaaatai aaanaaa aaM to a **a?*ad taaaai^ataii auaadaatlBBl waaki -tba aaaaa raaaaaa wiii,-i,a.-t.mted ?,.,a?,iwi,i,ii i aaaarlal aa a roaaaa wbyl aaaktaal bevo.,.0 a aaaaadaaa two raan aaa, haM laaaiaMjai. aai tb.-y an lu ta.1 BaaBaa IBBB ovor. I culU not l?e a (? w.l Bflfll rBB?JBBBJ BBJ poMt.on ... ^?~_?* a, ...>' I".-'-toa D...u.,e.,4t ttfl 1 <M o ,-rallo llgll-?""?"1 "" ","rU,J' J 'T , ,, lloveruorahlp ol OBM la a klgli oltlce. and a dealral.le one .? ,.?.. ?,l0 wnt.ta It, Imi I <lon't want lt. I teel that ; ^ 13"u 11aaBttaaatB wr aarala tha, Heuata. aai that Im ateaa ii tbire ratUer than ta tl.e atiheriiatorlal ctialr. -i i.H i.Azt taw yeara wlll he moiaeiitiiua onea in Aiuertoiui WaJr"aua Ua Kapublliau party BM no rlfhttorUk _5f_E* r b?u?7?. however, tbat OMo will go BennhB can tbla yenr. and we have a number of men who wtf "kefnale*^ U01'6?0?' *nd aay one of whom can cartj TJEfg TALK OPTBE~DA 7. One hears altogether too mueh of Ute coaeerafaM knava* who are praetislBg aa physlolani upon bonm dlplomas. Tlielr fleld of oparatioB U lararlalily aa bai oa their nuthorlty Is falae. There Is scarcely a ttoubt tha* the Mormona ara ahaaa t'11t.r7toI_?,""l?<'<.lOTiy ln Mcxlco. If tho- aucc?Sfi will be a blrssed thim.' for Utah. It will make a niwiaM for such aa are bound W enter polygamy; for snob^ naveeiitei-ediiolj-MBiTsliice tho. paasage of the Ba? niwids aw. ft wlTl spllt the churrh in t waln; the Im. iiri.satl.les will go away i those who thlnk tne laws of tha M'i^V1*^**?*"*' enough for theia will remali ?[Salt Lake (ity Tribnne. ^^ A glue advertUeinent reada: "Colonel Robert O. Ingaa* soll-alwaya on hl-* de*!:. It haa great concentratag strongth and very remarkable qtialltfe*." That la, tba gluo !, not the deak, necessarlly. Now, thls glue wta stand aiiythlng but flro and hot water. Wuuder If ? of the CoIoaei'B argtiment* agalnst Chrlstlanlty staud any inora I The " ad." looks ?uspirioue* Down from the honae top sllpa Tha anow, Lpon tha passer takuu uuawareBa Bi-low, And ao Florce oaths from out hi* llpe Down flow i In flutlios, tln-i-i- uf a kiml, _*ad paira. ?[Boston roat nrltlshjiistlceaffeetstobestorn and imbendlng. Ba, Edmund Yates whllo he remalns in prlson will not baaF lowert to raai more than one newspaper a day. Tel there are man in New-York. who would not i^nidehar thia a rlgorons pnnlsliinent, provided the one newspaper WM Tiik Tauu'.NK. Home wii'iis ?go, when eorn wa* at lt? lnweet notoh, ?i farmer bronght a lo,i?I to town and lni|iilrod the i?-toa. " Flfteea eaata " was the reply. The farmer paused aud .'.i/i-l upon the gn.iiud thoughtfully. At last he miI.1i ?' I wonder If thoro uln't any plaoe ln town where I oouie trad.'that load of eorn f.<rulo;idof cobe. I'm about out of woDd."-[IIojikln* (Mo.) /ournal. In the United Btate* they are "dynamiter* "; ln Can> ada they are "dynaiiiitcura."; ln Knglaiid they ara "dynamlfards." Chewelah Mlnlug Distrlet, In Washlngton Trrrltory, Bortheaat al Bpekoae, is attraotlng the attentlon of nilnlng men, and eonsldenible davelopinunt work la li.-iua done thls wlnter. A new aaatf called Kniery has been ptari.-i! ai.-l tha pulilleattou of a newaiiape'r haa beea iii'liil/.-il iu by au euterprlslug iirlnter ?'Portland Newa, Oragaa It is generally conreded that Oscar Wlldo, *n aiaihetla, was n-it nn orerpowering suecess. Time ulune can teO liow the now aaeaaaBB aunnthetic will aureeed. Pr. T^iiraii of Hoiiston. tiefniT at the house of Julge CumaxlngB, aahad tlie lutter's littie boy: "Don't yoa want te eee the etephaat ia the eireatdbat hns so muith iiiti-lllgence l II? (-un ,iruw tho cerh out ot a belfle. put tbeaeehof II tn hi* uioitth midciupty It <lownhl*tbl?o,?lt.~ " if tliat 1* all he can do I don't oarc to see hlrn. My i>a randothat I've seen him aVe lt ruuie than n dozan tlme? when he wenl oal M-liIni;." It may bo remarkea lii'-iili-iitally thnt the rn.ini was full of eompany and .Imlce ('uniming* hlmai-lf w;is present, and llstened ta tha < hildish prattia of hih littie boy.?.Texaa BUlinga. A BaajN travellin^ 111 tlie South has to be pretty imart tajpetaberthlaaaleefltaaTaaa Ha aaaaa thiuks of ap piylng to tlie I'ullinaii conductor for accoiuujodatfoni. Bakaewathat tf lhata were a aaaaa raaaai betaha b eohtat stan.i a |host of ;i.Baaaa or ^ctting one, ?., he aralehaaareaod tlUheeaa gal the ear of the eoion*d petter, Efthelatter Informa him that thi re are empty iierili*. anaai BrBh BBah informatlon he boldly ap preaehaa the e.laaaar aai .lomaads hls ri^hts. The eomliiitor dare not reftiie then. Tlie Irlili lanilowner'* lot Is not a happy one. A bar *ta'ed ln tha Westuiluit.'r l'ollre Tourt on BatOlOaf that h>: araa bo| po?aeaseU of large lueans, bla propeiW -. Ing ln he. inii. The azplooarioa was aeeeatad a.* vaBa 11,1-. I. liiiii.l-. BM Of BB iii< l.l. nt ivlih-h li ip_n-i:.-ii in i rlnii i-.-i eniiy. ?* what i- the riirlit tlme- I Baaaa the ex_d iireeuwii'h tltt:.- I" a*k.-.l one of a groufi. Th.n- nnsna rcapoDM. " Bleea me!" coutinuea th<- aeanhac aftei triilti. " .i'je iiiean BB aajTBoaa of you <Tiappiea I..11 a w.iteli I" " .v'o: .1 solltir.v tlcker 88BSB0 n*." aiiBivrea the re. reeeotative i>f a niberninn OeoaerraUra i?or..ughi " wi'n- all Irteb*."?[Lon.lon World. Dak.ita haa a liike t.irteen f<-et deep, whlch 1* truem to tha bottotn. bai the eheek >.f tlie luau who tells UM -.t.iry 1* uli rulit. it haa alwa/a heaa a wonderto uswhythe nottaaaai ?\ I1.1 aeem to take ao miieh more plea*uro in iltinklng tliau lu -.-eitii. a piav should s|>eiiil so uim.h of tin- >-\eu Inglnakla tha lliaalia it aoeltf he atateaaaalVai f<* fhrm tn etav la lha aalooa wiuie the eurnun is ii]>, and eonte Into taa theatrethtriag bataraalaalaa. iiiev would i iij.>y tbeinaalTfa a ereal deol more than aaaaa the preeeat arrang men;. and pe-ipie who are aol abMaai te vlbrata betwaea tho theatre and the aalaea in orler te preaerra their Uvea wrui.l alao be gaaat ?alti.-ri, inaa iniii'li aa tbejr erouU BOI >>e lu illaaijreeablo eompany aa iiMiiy houri. ?, Beetea Tranacript. Tlie raaaai leciuring tour of Mr. lieniy (ieorge Ib Si-utlainl v.,i* not a great aueeeaa. The newapaiiera Oahhai ^hlm " the OBBIheBlaa Pront," and he was fre ? liieritlv siil.ji-eted to the speeifeof torture knowa at " lie<-kling." A fanner** wlfe in Pol'iiiir.-r Cotinty, Mo.. left the baftf ln hl* aata while ahe vaal to town shopping. The fatber, i.eiu.- t>u.*y piouahlac, uatii-d a baa t?i tl.e 1 louxb . nn;. ln whl.-li ba 1 l.t.-.'.l tne bobj *nugl.r. and thui tbe IndusUioiU au.l Ingeiiious father pnweedeil with hla worx, to tho tBtiafaertoa aml itmuseuient of tho lllUe one.- IFhiladelphla In.,uircr. ln the lowa D.-partment of the New-Orleani Exposl Itoathara baoga a pecttatt of Oaaaaal Waik.-r. of ihe Coiifederate Army, who w,is killr.l near Atlanta. The p.iitriiit wiia taken from a house at Hhlloh by a Union ?ul.liar who earneii lt to lowa and prusented lt to Mr*. 1, ii.ilrteh of that Stute. l-'rom the of thls It j> int.i tlie liiiti.N of the Htateffeol Boclety of lowa, aud wa* aaal beta for exhlliitlon ln the hopes that lt aalahl be *eea i-y aaaaa reiative of the ortgiuai and thua !?: rost.M'.'.l Inii* pfOpareWBBBB M. I),?llle, the proorl.-fnrof a large? vlnerard lu the Deparuaeut Of Baoat et-l.olre, ulaluis to have dlscovered B taoeeaafai m.-th...l of ileuUng with ihe phjiloxem. Hi*il nn, ableh leef Ihe etaapleet, consiata in aalah llahing a noaitrjr-haaaa ln thteeutre of the- Haaaaai rioe* f.r llne.-ni.ii.tli* every year, between Juiu- and ?r|,, the lluie when tlie liiae.-ta laaue from the ?,,il. lle has eomiiiunl.Mle.i the results of hls oh*erratloue diii'lug 1 ln-last flre year- to the Vulcultural ?salalf of 1 li i!..n; 1111.I ihe vine-Kro'ver*. preaeiu were ao mueh im prcaaed i.y in* *t.ttement lhal aavaral of theinaunu.iii,.*l tbelr lotentloa of>.-lvlug hls system a tnal in ihe couraa of the present year ?[Ot Jamea's (..i/etie. nn: PBMEJDBMt mnin ii.iye doxe reiter. Tn tht E'litor ot The Triount. Sik : l>o you eonsider the api?ointinent of Mr. J..I111 Darla, a peaag man not over tliirty-tive yeara af aaa, a IH BBmI a*arlB| oue for Mr. Artliur to mako Ior tlu lOoortof CbalaBS l Iti* only thrnuih your valuabla ?aaatthe piirtie* taaaraaaad_the weifare of Ifleeeaa* id iiuv.- ii raaaa Jcarn a. li??/ii*i</f.oi, /). c.,.Tan. l'.?, iss,*,. [ No ; it was a nnstuke, ne.11 ly as had as his r*~ eeat Bffflaiataaaat.efl Mr. riatt Gaefeflter u> ?>e li.ivi-iiiur of Maotaaa. ? The lYaBaiaal (m>t wholly unlike other penplei soinetimes all?w? his gixiil opiaiOB ol his oouiraitos tu overconie his judgtur-iit. -1 </.; i_ lMDI.l.Klllil.K. POOBIBI.Yi BOT ST1I.I. IMMOKAU r,-..,,. ra* awhlya A.'.ri/^. It Is eoneelMililo that ribi .\w rerO rimc* deeireato aiil Mr. Bvarta?hl i>|ipu*uig him. If so, Its preKent Dourae I* qiilt* IntelllgiMe. oal not flaUBBMB by any eaaoa ?f journulistU' morilliy. -#. W1IV THIS I>I-TINCltoN IN PATOI Of HI8 CORPSfl l ffom Th' Imrhi m l/f. Cl lyportrr. tho imiig BBarataa. Pr, w Tht Fi-rniiw J'l'tt Aii the Blalne InMuence 1- u-?'<I 11. -ii!>' ol Mr. Bvarta'* BB-maaay. KXo'VMI'Al.L" iVoui Th* Kcnitr.g Pott /?WM 80, 1HS.">. lle [Itr, I.HII-, l* fcrr mueh plaaaad with bla 1 la l.irv, _iid be hs* ifrent taaaaa to be. All th? jaa trlguereof bla porti n.* I'iatt. foiikling. Hlaiiie I Cororli, an.i oiiier laeBew | work. r? -were BfBBBBl hiiu. KEAUINU DKM()CKATB WITH UtTOKJCAM UU? IM,- . .1 I' ?U I [fl I'AI.I 1 IVtrn r%t CintinnoH OMMoarBal ??"?_H_i fel ta, \m- Vork Timetie doing weU. U 1* i-u-ll uf w lnwsi.ui.f tha Deii.oentie party. Bee hla from We imVlot tl e 16th : "<>m? ot tho lllBBt eo-tlv uxuri.* Bt Ih *, 1 he ii. ni ..?.?att. p..xt> ia.|..*i ao- tofcUalaa vmH T* Mi Kandall. Ihe BaflamfaBB BflBBl ot the le..u?l haulB highlarlU BBBB." '_ IUTI) IN KiM'KMIT HY ITS OWN l'AKTY. ' >,,.?. I h* lr?y I'aiitl Timrt. Tlieiiuii:wiiiiiii'sl.'t i?i..n.' happy oue. The Xem-Torm r.T?? li l a" I.-el.-ct rleieli.l.d. the l)eni..eialie ,, lbl ,i.. Tu.'rfoilowllia, f<""' Tht li.?l?*Ur Vrnon, ahowihon it ia iBfjrm iu th* eyes of tha avorage b'.'.Tl.:.i. I'-"*' raaaai aaaal baaaai Biainoandsup t.ortc.l rievolaud for l're*l.leut. BBfOan to Im tlie le**'"* inViaaiueoririms. Uka Tht Ajeaeal r Dmaai-at. thef ar, oppoelna Brarla for.Uaited .*iiaiea?aiiBt..r. BTg BaaanSea tkat la aa-waataa, laa ttmm wnbsaa Ma Kvart* for l.l-la.k of BeiHlbUoBa orthodox>, aud ita uiaiu i-harge a_ain.*t him U lhat he BiBiutBinfil tbe eoa atitiitinnality ofthe fugltivo slave law ln 1^50,-* id avery lawyer lu lha land wlioao opluiou wa* wortn a CeThe li.diitiiiont BKalnst the Timet I* well Ififia4 eoualden.l rrotii a DemiK'iatli; qaial Ofaa8W.;M fl\M liemoeratio In polltio*. what rlgii thaa lt BMBBa BBT b..dy Ior lack of Kepublican ortho-loxv I If lt l? ?<?! ^ lleai. It aasuinea the i.reolse dlelatorlal ?i"t"l_,*h^ 011 ihe part of Baoahlb-B managera "t^__9**S preteia'a of coiideiunlng. As. howevar. it le eia 1 ly ">'ig iraatataa.theuaturaimoiinatloo ubaleakaaoaB - uoniiuon acold aud UeiU it wiUi Uia ?_aie Hllariou* *??? of reapeob