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JJ55V8 FBOM STATE CEXTRES. _'_/___. ?OLLEB BKAflHO-flTATB FAIR-FAVORIXG B WATER COMMISSION. my ir.t.i. iuvi-.i t.j thk tiiiiidxb-I CTICK Feb. 13.?The Comm.ia C.uneil has paased a re _l_t_tangalr-aj ra_Bwaa_B__j riaba topuy aaaa Tual baaaa faa of *100. Hara tbe r.uka wara opened ib- bat-aaaa af tbe _.,...?? bb**- has bllaa o_ eaaaUtar ably. The i-veddeutof IheLin.ttor Dcilera' l niou ia an Alilaimaa and iidv-.e ucd tha tmm -aaa-ara, The CitizeuV Committee appoint-d by tbe CoaaeBta the < itv chartcr baa had anieetiu; hut its membera cauuot agree npon what amendmtnto B.ionld ba made. .-.__,._- .,,rl (ieneral Manager Ge-ldea. Tre?.ure-? H.yer .nd Fecref..-vllar.i."n,..f the State Agrteultural BoeBBtJ, ^''^l^tha^inccK. ralseil bv M.b_crip. t.on.'and the otT.eera af the .ociety have the matter under advisement. . The Jackaouiaua, tlie le_dinK D-iuoeratic eWb ot Ct-ea has iiotninated Williani for Mayor. Mr TewBeeetaUetawjet and ty-raaiaagalmi-pra ?_. 1 the I t One-da Dtotrlel in the AaaemH*. * The.,,,.m.'a,lyin the week waa ?"^**?? ihreadaaathe horaaear lii>*f? runnin, to-V-w- l.irt fl,,-,. umiWI.ile.ow... from lii.-. l.lockaded and ,riIH^rf^<^.rt^[pLr.rn.;'sd^ >T-??iffij?S- eleeted 0. A. R. g-g*"-' Coov-aadar, has appointod O. P. Utarke. *%"?? Poat Uttoa, aa Baafattnt, an.l _oun ii. Halker! ot Hankin 1W, Brooklyn, aaatataal qua.ter ,t__-?Fr__l % ir.. of HrookUn, waa married in this citv on WedueJavt.. Miss M...,.1." te-wery. daaghter of Tx-s-nator S. B Lowery. The brtdeamaida i-aaUj-fa gnrder. af fcooklyi- May Voabargh, of A-baaJ: _T_r__eriuV. Darltag, of Ctaton, und Lea . Smtth, of ?t .? snii.l Debbatt, of Brooklyn, waa beel man. 1 The report *_ibe B'.anl af Beb-tJ^'aa^^for th- year ruding on Febuary 1 *>owb ie -Uta ffi5,810; ata-or-BBBaata, *a.?*l ou ban.i, ^i-Uovernnrhassi-net, *?'^^Ci^ ___fed the ease Sa paa?aSe of thia law end- tbe Im-. im. Bad D-ftabtaaxaaaded theC-?m_M_onera vonid have been obligod to ataad the -xpen-ea oi the Work themsclvea. .-? BYRACU8M. CIIARTER ELECTION-CONTIPi.NTE GAME ASSIONKE'S BALE. inTTELBURAPHTO THK TKIBt.'MB.I SVRACrar., Feb. 13.?The ebarter election ocenra BB T.iesday. The Kepubli, have ...m.ln-ted for Mayor f;.,Vst,.,,,er Au'tin 0. (W. The ********* have nomiuatcd C. B. Frecinan. A eonfidenoe oicrator obtainfd $50 on a bogua ?baah from A.Bowmi:..ol Corning. on ??"*?[ train in thia city on Wc.ln.-lay n.gbt. Tha awiudler Janrpad off of the train aa it was -a___af a aal n ard out ol the city. ... aaaanaa HahhaU, af WBa-aaaa -. Ca-aaaay i aetato, will offer for aalc Bt a.eti... the ottic* furuiture a..d apa-a in their late At the aaaaa tbaa be ?m ci'or for sale 0'.?0 aharcs af the Ijiaeaaa B Btat W "rk Carapaay'a atoeh; M ah-araa of tba Bjiaeaaa tia^ Llghi Ompaay'i atoaki _3S aharraat tha Haraer aad Cort toadG-B CompanyV Btoeh j 80 lirst ,nortKa?e bonda ot STijUO .-...I. ui.if six flrat mortgaga *&??of*j2_ __nh ..i th,- baakrapt Syraouea 1. -c i\oik-. ine See will be ?iv.n ..,!, aa 1. to the Dtatrtet Fele ^ j\V,V ..-\" uCtaee has rigaad a eull invmn, tbl peaj 1" ol New-York Btate t.. meel at I ttaa . n February _. to _-M__8a a -toto horeatry ABao_b_tion. TheLadie*' Benevol il -ocietj ol the Firat 1 i lartoaChareh raet at tha hoaaa al Mrs. ... w. laaaraa worth yeaterday atte-nooa. , Twoaentlea en from Iticahave been in Byraouae thla week, a-rk-Bg Bp a aentiment amonj! Demoorat* In fuv'orof the uomiuatiou of Fi.iucia KMBBB ft- OOT _a_ator MeCaittry ha.. annonneod co friends in >vr.'i raaa, tbal theheiaht ol bia politkal am >ition u to re the Kipublican nom.natiou lor Lieutcuuut QatafBer._ BVFFALO. DEM0CRAT1C LEOIOK-COUOTT CLEBC8 BALART. rnv ra_aoa_--i ro taa r*ua-__.l Iii-i F4i", Feb. ia-Tba -evcrul haadred antforraed aaaahaaa af tha Ueaaaeratia Lagtaa wtowera togoto V abaajtaa to aaa our dhitmg-kbad towiiaaun m MBvatod i'i.-_dent oi Btatoa araalawlo ___M___k-_Bg-_a-y siM.v-'ive peraaaa ha-iag ;?? ull aa n-tartad ba the trto, The ?? boya " h.? acd ao , . ? iftori thal every Bnfialo ramnwal I ta ?? i orlaadBa hy Iba new Admmtatra i, m. aad tba anthaataam atn r the exj aaafra Waahmi ton jaiint is aorreap aaUagly lean. UB atoted tbat taa aparatira totheoffleeaftha Bank' - B-dhlt t-uata1 Tetograph Coaapany hara ra c.-iMd mii Ifctla >t un.v-uU.yMnce O.-iobe. 1. A re ?BBnliaBai will aaun Ut bbbI to tba raeelvarofthe aom i . aaal ifth's is n .t headad Iba aaaa will probably buve thafa p'.t.-s. !t B itated that theeaaeeal Eaai _tai_BO baa already been eloeed. The eleetion foromoera ?.t the Toung Men - Aaaoeia tion whieb ae-nnad thla weeh, reaaltod la thaehoioa of ati.k.t headrd hv J.wctt M. Rkhmond. Tba jv.ciety of H i aral Sek ."-has electod Dr. L m F. Barrey pre idei:. Tba h"vic weather is eatiffll-g great anfferms on tbe ratar. ihereaii' ov.i oue l.'i'ii.aud 08888 on tba BOM The C'iiyof ' ? and the County ol Erie, eom _ined. arawflUna to apeud 11 i-i>" loi a m-w morgue, andtbe Board-of Baalth la aeektagnewquartara. Bo Bkpawpaaedtopal apa btiUdiaga! tbe rearoftbe t itv'llall whieb may l>e oaed a- otfie. i f"i tha Board ol li.-.ilth. the cuiniui's, the p -ormantei', at.d toi' __0rg-C lie-i v Chflda, pro;.rietirr of the Huffalo Sti am l-Bga, d.cil oa Tueaday, ago a_-ty-ala. A c'lminiiiee ol tlie Board of Bnoerviaori haspn'd a bili ehangiag lha cajojjpenaatlon of tbe Connty i'l.-rk from ftninu aahwy. Thi olerk'a leea at are inppoaed to aet him from gaO.000 to 130,000 a yea- ihe miiu-irleora' bul,whleh.logether arith a aofitioa. will BheBtlyha ?ayaaaaled ta the Legialature, ?aatemptatea uiving him a aalaryaf not more tban gG.tKKi aor 1.-9 thau 4*-t,_KK>?to he lixed hy ihe Uoaid. 7 BO Y. THE CHAMBEBLAIHSniP ICUDDLE -PAS TOBAL CHANUKS-SOCI.VL. [fk'.m an oaxAatoa tLoeaaaflraaaaatat thp. raravaa.j TaOTi Feb. 13.?The municipal niu.ldie hia at la-t pcaccfally cnt' red thfl eourt-i iu Ihe BflBBBB of qm. war rauto pni..dtagJB ba tflfll llntitlcof H. H. Hall, tho Incntnbei.t, to tka Chatalicriain-liip. Thfl (juctinn bow Bt isaue is whether Hall VM BMMaJ appniuted M u Mbhlilufe for tbo fusritive Chamtcrliiiu Cbareb, ur ahcther he waa uouiiuatc'l ('baiiibcrlaiu and tli'-relorc anter.d aaaa.. baaa al aaaaa tli >t aaali aM ba abridged bv the Mayor'a noinination of a snea-e-anr. Hall ntntea that the latltr is the ctme, and tbo Mayor iu linlim- the fornii r. Tbe ia-o will probably be, ou tto preferrod Baiendar at thf> May Circuit Court, bat if a result un favorable to Hall be reached be will uppcal to tlie Btroo-t bmit. Mr. Hall will be (.'ha-nbeilain de for a loug timoyct. Mayor Fitzgerald atand* im peaibed beiore the Baaflaaarbbt taalag aaaa haaaatf tbe autbority oi'the I'olico Coiumissioners und mderiug aVclioc Superintendeut Quigley to ejtct Cbamberlain Sall and inatall Bridgenian. the Mayor'a man. The Bflataaaa are bitter aeainst Kitzgcrald f?r hia treaaou to them atter they ha.l twice BBBaie him Mayor. The Democrate ar? bitter ngainat hitu beoauae lie de gerted tbein to aftiliate with the Kopublicana and to throw tbe old line Iiemoerata froui power. Hotli ura Jiuahiug tbe impeacbnu-nt with vigor. FUzgeralds ollowera, when Jeecuro lrom fear ol reinoval, alao tuin apon him. C'jtjr Attorney Kochc tells the Comnion Couneil tliat he never adviaed tbe Mayor to order the raid aaea tbe L'hamtoTiaiu'e ofiice. BtoflBa/fl atataaaal la aaid to have cauaed a biaaflB betwecn hitu aud the Mayor. MaJ;.r Oeneral J. B. Carr'a Tlurd Mvialon staff gave hlm a dimer al the Troy Club on Wedueaday night. tmoug tbe liottlee oracked waa oue oi Madeira of 770 The laat of a aerii.. of aaaaaahlaa waa given at il.-u toonv Hall on Wedueaday eveumg. C. WVTillinghaat, aid Mra. A. Ocrald Hall, of Saratoga. lcd tbe i;erman. Tto Kev. A. H. Allen, formerljr ol lalip. L 1., waa ln Btalled laat night aa paator ot the \\ oodeide Preaby tx rian Chun-h. The Bev. *'. A. Dilllngbam, ot Dunvera. Maaa., haa b en aaaag by tbe Uuiveraabat Church, whoae paator, Ue Kev. Dr. Taylor. reoently Jlod. ? I be ouperviaora havo i.aid fe.500 tor tne aurremler ot a ...taeot oouuty laud that an adiiitiou to the may a- built. Buauoaa ia rovivina,. Tto Albaar aatl Betuaclaac lron and Steel Company garo work ta 700 addit.onal thia week.__^____?mm EBTBBMINXD TODBALIR ST0CK8. THK MINIXO BOABOTABM ACTION KOHBIDDKN DY TBK STOCK KX01IANOK. As *oc,n as tho dowi.-town excl.atures closed theirdoora >nd left ??"^ Z?*? minglc.n aoclal luteroourae, knota guthered h?ro and there to dlsouaa the boldlactlon taken l.y tuo M-w-mra BMflB and Natloual I'etroloiiui ExchaiiRO ln llatlng tbe atocki and acourltles dealt iu at the Btaek Exebaage, Thtslfl raaaaBaal M the Uuealag ?ewa or thfl g .-intlet Bf war bctweeii tbe sto.-k Exohaugo and tbo I'ltiolouiunndMiuing Boanla. Tbe Mining Exohango fiovernUigCoiniiittee met late Thuralay night and U cided tocaii atoehaaad aaaaa ta MaarBtoM wlth mo aaaadaanttottoeoeatltaUaa afaw aaaae aaa. V.-lei.h.i tl.e foUoatag atooks were nnnoiinced aa Bfltfla, totoaeeJtla aaflarthe Ctaerlag Baaaa mios: CWeage and Norihwestcrn, l.a.kawanna, Erlc Kansaa nnd Toxaa, Lake Phore. New-York Central. Central of Ncw-Jersey, Northern iMciticcoiiini.naml ntetarraa.OiflgM ftaaa Boatlm-ntai. Faetfle Maii. Itoadiag, nt. raui eeaaaMa, TezM Padfia Uaten Pefltfle, Weatora Unloa, Brie aeeona oonaola and weat Bbore Ba Other itoehaand tondamay I.,. traded ln. to bo tollwed under the ralea o.f t he ? Excbauga. Begular calla will not to togun till ??";'>: i he .,? inben to tbe Exchange, bowerer, were P^J"* Informallyto deal it. etorka yeaterday aa.lartor i. ? tbere waaaorna lireiy tradlag,,to ihe exjet it of ai. < 10,000Bharoa The Btandard Bsad aar BMltagaa aaai ''Vliere '.re -al l to be about 200 memtora nf tto WflBB Board w'k, ... e member -... . be ?. -ek Exchange and a ... torty who are partnera ln Btock Kxobange bouaea. rneae -iilumlerih.- rulea ofthe ttook J^ aa peiled to aever their cwuneetlon wltb tto Bto* tonban? Tlu- momtorahlp ol tl.e Btnlng Boardlaabon 1.-100.. lt UtmpoaalbletoflRureoul wwtol extont this m.-t. ber shlp may be tortber depletod by tto ^^?'^?ft,hletr?' ofBtocfc Exchange flrmi who are wnneeted "'"' Mlnlnat Board. Thoaa who ure opposed to tl.e ?"'??? " ofthe latter owinl/.ntl.m ... notelalm tbat tto total numberof wltbdrawala wlllexeeed 400. Antlrlpatiiig lomelegal BeUou by the ?"tock Kxobange to tnterrcre wltb tto " ttcker " aerrlce ..r tto Ulnlng Board, tbelatter aeeured an Injunetton from tto Bupreme Jourl reatraiu Ing tto c.ld aud Btock Telegraph and tto BeaU ?> n ... u Teiiiri-.tph Uompaniea from remorlna tbe etoek inaau toVatbatnow aupply Ua.Mlulng Ekaxru wltb ataab gaata 'Tspo.lal n.eetli.gor the C.overnlnc fommltte.. ol tl.;; Btoek Exobnmr. waa told yeaardaj aftoraoon >iprov > ineaus of defenoe agalnat tto new riv.iiiy. Ii. <:? Uoo waa long and earneel toeauae Ito f*>???^12! twoexohangea bave been for man; yeara. ine onieera of tto stock Exchange eaUmntod that abaal 350 of its meubera w-ro eouneoted iu aome W wlth tto Mining Board. As thla numtor la nearly one hlrd ofthe rntire memberablp, tto diffloulty <.f "'f'"'":,.: ,',C meaaurea waa apprei lated by the e .mmiMoe. A i. ?o.u on aai paaaVd. autbarlzlug ti.e aeeretarr to aaej u the exaot numtor of membrra eonneeted altb tia Mining and retroleum Kxobange and lo aend ta all the mernta ra of the Btock Exchange . olreular letter caUIng ntteutloa totbe artlele ln tbo by-lawa agalnal nnltlna wlth other organlaatlona Tto artiela la a- foltowa : " Any namtor. onlting, fllreotly orbj a parta-r w.ih an. ..utan./a ' whereatocka. b. nda, ete., are deall ln, aball eeaaa totoa member of thla Exebanire. Thla rule ahall not appij xo the New-Yort Mining Stoek Exohange whlle Ha trnnB aetlonaareUaltedto tbeelaaa ol aeMrlttMal paaaai deall iu at tiiat Exehange." -4>-. TB11XQ TO BLOW UP A COXBUL-QBSEBAL. orit.MANY'rt i:i pi'.isKsrAiivr. rBBBATBBl B ? Ar PABXXT IBACTIOB Of l BB POU08. rJOBM iiis,iiic|i.'r.s..ii..r('ra!ikl;ii' toblon iipAugi.streig.-i,fhc(,i-i-u itii ob aMJ i ralMthl port, .m a/edneaday aweeh age. AitorBaahingM toferaal maeblnc ta a eoamon tox aearly tia awe of a ao.v. I,,. wa- afl ifl t" d Un r II 1a peraon aad left lt aad a ofthe seatsof a K? >s. -vcl! -'reet f. rrv I'.iat. BUppOflng that aome oue voold dlaoorM II aad deUrer ll uiad araaaed TheaBalrwaakepI aeeretbrthaOoBaul Oi ?adttopoUoennUI <m ... I ? . abea s ii , laelt, preatdent>9f tto U wm?n Bo ?? . Oa. bwab, lleraan ? ?> \rU ha an I othora ;.-..... ?} >>f lt. they made no delaj lu oalllng upon Mr. i ?.. exteadlna tlu.-ir congratutatlona f'.r bl* <?-.?..!???. i; ii Mr. i elgel > ' ! '"'l ???? daUea yea ... i lV as tb" i- b - bal bapponed He ir'eate.i the lnaf. r llgbt > >'? 1 v*' aoi matter bad beeoiue publio, ua to fean i lt aould def. it la of l tatli.. levcrj bo ly who liiforiuatloii to tli" * i '?-." -..?-->: I : ?? i iu A'eduoaday Bfteruoon ul I i-t we. k oni ,,',,,,.-.,- tto i:?? >a '...: t*i I ? 'l|i-'!iI ? ;<' ,rr '''?' '" ., I freaac Ito'TheU i > ? i ? '" ra aald I. id i.I. t iken fro .. tha top of ? bog fouud under tto aeat on one ol Ibe ferry-noata. i e :. ti. i ??;.? poor.v wrilien ln bad Uertnan, and ? ? . . i.,-i. tb .1 tii >t he ii.i't ? ? holl.lai I.I.UI : oinal tbe ( , ,., ||vi i ' iftei wai ilng t ? ] ral ' '? ?? ? .'....!.?.. ' . wrll forc tto >? ?v. r ol tto tox ?-ai ri mured ba ?? ? aoarlnf akywanl.' Mr. Felgel bad tto boa bro i tlie oill. r .rn ' ilugaud pul Into a uiii of water. I' waaa common ' ., fool wi1.-. aad elgai or len ln. Bmalnlng ta Ito arati r tweutj four b tbe bo\ W?si ? ? ? .' . ' waaf.uii..lln?i laaud lu Ibaiuldd.i m.4 wa at.ito oan. ou tbe top uf whl. ll waa Buordiua work. Attacheil a ou ?' - ' uUtlnum wlre exten.lln| dowu li to tbe h.-re waaaqua itttvol whtu |kiw ler. lt th. n.. n i.!ri.-r.i tbe filctlon cauaed by Ito wire ? ijl I b .y. expioded Ihi |?.n ' ' :, .,,,,? l.iowu uaalltoiilecoa. Ml l elgel at o ue Inl ? , riie boi was kept on > ber? until rhuradai fl I.' waa aent to U ? E l-ou. H'-atiaiw-i the powill r ln th. toiiml 1 ... i.r ,, combl iBtlon of .- .rn - a aa aa t nltrl ?. ? d MKeroua exploaive." ur -. . dnted wlth Mr l ? I exp ???! In ilbrnation and aurp ?? ; itakehlfl llfe.aa to la . to a ni \- mueh aurpriac . ? - ? ? ed that th - . .,.,, q diata .? > froa ibe imil Ilng, aud I ika bo ? ?, ? to reaovc ihe danax roua i?>x. THE WOMAS 8VF9HA0E COKYl" TIOS, At the BeaaioB of tbe New-York Btate a/aaaa BuBrage < onvi ation in Bteiow o Ui tbe foUowlng ofDoen were elected: Preaident, Un LUUc Den aaaa Bl ike ? vlee prt IdenU il Ui--, "' layatavlUe, andMlaaBuaan II. Autb.-iy.of Kocheater; eorre pondlng aecratary. Mary Ueymour UoweU, of Albany; reeonllag lecretary, Mm. lt. l.-.der, of Pouahkeepalei ? ? ? i lag aeeretary, Clara Keyaaua, of Bertln, Uermany; :? r, Mt-s.l' ' ,,f tl.e execuUre romra I ? , Di i adviaory oounael, Jamea W. Huat. i, Peeks i . Murphy, New-York, Chai ' :. Kochoeti r, jam. - lia.---.-itv. ol New-York ..... ? presidei.ti lor each couaty, amoua them lielna Hra. . len.euce H, Lo/.ler, i Ide 11 whlU<umii, Mar* Armi I ydla -. Btro.idge fld Ida C. Dildiue. Addie made by Courtlandt 1'almer, Mra. Matllda Joalyn Uukc, the Kev. Charlea H. Eaton aml Oeorare T. Stearna. Mr. ln tl i couraeof hl. tAdn - ild : "iVrei tl. Ih the haala ol thla and nl " niov. in -nt ln tbia city. The Cbrlal ? bai done D >th el.-vate t!.. condltlon >.i woma i. I .... In favoi ..f VN u ?. in -utiia.'.- i.e... ?c i ain .. i: ? thl iker." fttr.Katon at tto bcgiunlng of bla addreaa aai "Tne uiulatry Bt-euia to b. iudlazrac. I. re to-day. Nov. tb. ,.?-- I am . t.t to re.nalu a mlnletei ....'l . free iblukcr. Itolleve that th< larger numtor of tbose who bave moved for lltorty ta tbe world have been re ?pectora of relbflon. rhere la nothlug thataoirlv. ln. plratlon t-> work f?>r wimt la unpopul ir aa the I bold ln the fundaraenial trutha ..t rellalon Ibe i bood of (tod, tbe brotherlutod >.f man, a>.>l th. ity ,,i theaoul." Mr. Eaton'adofenceof Chrl.tlaull nn aid lt. m .ral reforma erotod Ire lueat aad ajeaarai ap biauso from the au Ui u. >-. QBMTFABOBB OF A PMMBBTTMBIAN OBVBCtt. I)r. Dauiel ."s'iii'iii.ii.s, on" nf tln.- ,n'i.i raem bere of the Beraath PraabyterUa Charah, been ap jM.iute.i by thi eaaajragatata to preeeatBaaeadlttoa to tho Preabytery. M0_r trooble,''heaald yeaterday to a roportor, ?? B targely thafanlt af tha Preabytery. i?r. Day, our paator, la on the baal of torma with the eon gregatton, ami m realgnlng ba earrlaa arltb blm Ibe beatfaeUngon all Bldea,bni heaacma to have b*en un ibletoawakea bbj Intaraal toward oni cbureb to the Preabytery. Tne uiiiiiaterx rertdj cem* to aee bow we ue gettlng on. We hure vlrtuuiiy i.< ??>< eaal out." -?what Tius the, Preebytorj to dowllbtba auppoitof your eburch I" ??The Preabytei j agreed loeontrlliute |l,oO0 a yeai t" ward onraupport. B il wedld nol get tbla laal yea we are -i.60- beblnd In our mlnlater's aatary. we ata dl pay It up after a tlme. TheChurcb BileuelAu Coinwl. ice oit'f ;e.i tooouiiuue thtaaupportU we would glre li a mortgage on our propetty. Br. Jobn Ball, cbalrraan ol tbe committee, aaid tbal weoughtto beooiue a mlaalon, but onr vlew la aupported by Dr. Croaby, I>-. Vlnoeut, aad many othei- mlniatera." -?.-? vjrtmte fob pmotbotiox. The eoiniiiitt.'.' ou _-g*U___-tiO0 g**p0.n.-_ bj the Nutlonal I'lote.tive TurlfT IaB-fttC BMM yeaterday ln the airectois'looiu of the Delawarc and Kadaou f'uial Company. No. 81 <'ort!inidt-at. A datogBtloa from the American I'lntecttio TarlPT AN-ixlatlon, OOnaiatiBg of Wllllam I*. Sliiun, Colonel J. R, BtoeajB aml A. \\. Bopar, were paaaaat, aad tt waa artaagad betweea them aud Thaataa li. Dadtoy, i* Qtaad i?. fTaaaon. U. h. Amm. .loivn uml M. M. BodlO-g lll behalf nf tho couiiiiltteo Ihat the two amodatlona ahonld be unit-4 under anea naine, yet t.. be. ilei-i.ieii <m. 'Uu- detalla wiu bc erranged at a t oafarenee to ba beld m-xt Wedneeeay, BklUOVLDte FAJtBWOM THi: KLMFATMJt BOADB, A bill was iiitroiltieotl ta th<; Anst niliiy <Mi Thurstlay reiiulilnK atavated raUraeda to ptoaa Iruu p_i.s under the atruoturea, eo?4 to proteol paaeatftoaa from droppiniri oal*, water aad | n-uae. An eBTtata ef tha M.i. h.tttaii Kallway Compuiiy M-d about It ye.ier.l.ty : ??It ls the aame blil tbatwaa preaeatod taatwtatar. it waa M-iit to ihe Board of Betlroad < Sommlaalonera tor an epii.i'iii aa lo IU piactieabll.ty, wiih nilurally an Unfav orable reault. Auyaenalbb man would aee at onoe tbal auch a plau eonld aot be carrled toto eflect In tba m t lil.iee the paus wiiul.l aerloualy obatrnel llgbt, bnt lu a.l diiion totbal tbey would bepracth dly aaetaaa. for tbey wouhl be lllla.l witiiMi'.wanil ice ln lue wluter ma and lu the auiuiner every r.iin storiii wauhi ovcino.v them. The bill ia an okj l taiiil-ny." MB. HOSXEK-S BOFMB FOB HAVD H. Robort Bonner, in _pttt__fa_f of b_B iutentiin of brlngini; Mauu I ___B>a__I yeater.l.iy : " H_ir haa aecured aleaseof Belmont l'atk, neai ri.il_.lel.ilii i, uu l wl_._iveu_iCi.i-u->'' P"_k. _i Cluumuati. w in.-.?? h?. been for aeveral yeara. T ahall let Ma taBB Hl n B to Belmout Park aa BMB aa the weat her wiii taaatt. U would never do to brliij; her East while we .... ??"??. aueb eovere weatber. I eswat x ra at UUagaa-f K andM the eumiug aeason. The more l tb luk of be. taa ipe at Lcxlngton Ito MQM l.ktily I a1.1 dl.-Pu.od to regard it. 1/n.k at the uirfavoral.le con.l ti??"-H. ?"? louriiay. a ehangaof attaatea, an unfavorahie aaaaeaax tl a year, and a itaw track. M whleh no horae ha? ?rrflf been able to BBflto good tl.u,--.':l7k, which w. a BMBfl t.y Ifaad I ln ber a*ear-oM torm. being tne _ faat. atei er made there uutll theu-und yet abe u.adc the mllo ui 'JiOUV ~~omTuar yT~ WILLIAM A. OKLLATLY. William A. Gellatly fUflatl yesterd.iy ftt 1ns l.ome li.Llewellyn i'ark, N.J. He wna a partner of tbe toaaefW.S.I eatflawdtBB Co., flhalaaali No. 170 Wllllatn-st. 1I>- wa? Bata lu Kdlnbnrgb flfty'-fo?ir raara ago, and hia pareata aaaa to this eountry la i *?>?'? When he was thlit.-en fflBI of nge the llr-n of S-lii.'flclin A- Co, was ln cntrol of H. II. Scl.lcfl.lln, wlth wbo... Mr. (iellally OMataad einplov.nent n* Bn errand l.oy. 1I? attemled Ibn College of l'liarmacy for two years. lu l B60 ue iw came a partaer 1a tl.e house, and waaa i raoraanlxedln 1SH.1 under W. H.fehteBellB, tto ggaXe rramUonofltsfouicler, Mr. Gellatly took Ua BMoad plaee ln tho partnerahlp. Ai th- aaata ueettaaj^tM KaUonal wholeanle l?ru?tri^t?' AseoetattoB, heid bajtaia cilv two vearsago. ho sueere.le.l Uorace A. BM1WB,bi ( lc'vclaiiii. BA; Ihe tirsl l.ustciu man to wlmm thla honor waa glraa. ... Mr. Gellatly was a promlnenl aember "f the . n.-jm ber of Oommerce and Ihe Ameriean Pbarmwuticai Aaaoclatlon, aud a dlreetor of the Board of rradfl aaa Tranaportatlon. Ha formeriy Uved in BMoklraMi moved t.n yeara aco to Uewellyn I'ark. Hia death w M oauaed bypneumonla HlawUe, theaiater efBowiniu lbirt, and srven children, aurvlve hlm. Tlie fuiieral wlll be li.i.l on Momlay lu tl.e North Otaagfl llaptlat Cuurcu, ?f which ho was CHAKLKS HUBBABP. IBT TB. ClUAlll TO TMB TlUnfSI'-J Pribcbtov, Peb, i:t.?(Miarlra Habbard, colore.l, a well-known huntcr and trapp'-r, dlel lu-r.- lo .1 iy, after a hrlef .iiuess, aue forty tivc. Ba had a targe BUmtor of ac.|i.aliitaiirss ameiig tho stuleuts aud alurantof iho oolage. n? aaad a rlBa artth wota^rfal pr. clsb.n aml in the late war was a shai pshoot.r in t'.u i Blon .irmy. Parsereral raara ba ims nved here, gaiu ln_ a llvellhood l>y aahlag anl trapping <>n tbo BBBenv talaa H.> wm a aktlfal tasJderalel aml many ofthe anlmala whieh ik.w have a placo In tbe Ciillege ?o aeura of Natural Hlatory wew monntad l.y bla. roar v..i;m ago wtouProfeaaorB utt,whoh*a etorge ol tm il.i.artiiicnt of taxnl.ri.iv nt tto aelenttflfl sehool, Woattn aecure apeclmeua, Hubtord actedaa lil- h' nn 1 lt ls matali owlna to his aerrlc that the eapedi tlon was aueeeaaful. llui.l.anl was conaulted nlmosi t>> Ihe >iay of uis death by haataa aad trapfara all over tha > o-.iutry. ^ BOBXBT bt Al'.cO. I.oitsvii.i.e, Feb. 13.?Bobert M. Ar^xli.-tl taOlrard Oooaty, Keataekr, afew days age, ageatita. Ba waa a atopaoa of (feaeral Th..m Kmaedy, Ua ptoaeer. Oeaeral Keaaeily'a plaalBtha waa t iio pttofl froa whloh lawta n.u-k. a alave, IM fcwtjr-BTfl raara agote Caaa ia. Clarh was the orlglBal af Qeerga Harrta, in Mr. Ilarriel Beecher Btowa'a "CaeteToa'e Cabtn." trco knew all tto p i ma*ea ta tto taa. Whllaayoutb be waa wnderoJ entlrelj deai and dumb i.y an attai k >.f nrlet fevcr. Yeara a**o b? devote Ihlmaolf to tbe atudj ...fl.,... ii>> ....itn i.ite.l iniiny lalual'l.-ar , to :>? ifl k. .jMis'joiunals. ? OBITUABY N'-Ti:-. Tbot, Peb. 13.?Jbub i W, Horton, for tlie bat fortv rrara ekarl af Baratoaa caeatjr, >ii"i thla mornlng at ala bon <? ta Ballalim Bpa. Cuicaoo, I'ei.. i:i a dlspatcb fn.m Boekford, IB., day, aayai " Wllliaa Koaaa, JrM tha staga manager af tha M Llahta o* Loalon " eompaay, dtad aad? .!. nl) froa b>".rt dtai 1 ., ? ;. ; i i; .,!.:-- I- ? '. IV tOB, one of the alflV -' Inhabltaata >.f tha aebrhborb.I. dled aanaaalj nU'lit. Porflfteea y-earai.? bad bla wlll drawa up, i.ut nererawera to nnttl yealerdaf, wton be t.s.k it to an . I Iba wlll -ir.-;.' ?? by witn. A. I). Platl dled o:i Thuradaj BtorniBg of ,, i ,:??,.. Mi Plattwaa born al Unntinfltoa, ULIi . tha drj go da bualBi ? lu Ihlf 10, when he moTed to Oeneva, X. 1 I . reiiirned ta i ; .? ? ? I . ? , |.. , . .- . I d lo lai tbe H Oam u ?i 'il. ii- lay ?t lil* 1>... 1.,- iii . ? ? i . oi Ui -. H' a ititj in i-:-. and i m Ib Um drjr . ? ? .1 whlrb bla fath. i m .- ?? -r pal u'-t II..led afierwani ai Ihe b< id of I :? <\. Morria, < uu b Al ... ? . .???.-. lloual lla ." i>,!i.c .-4i:iu. lin.k ..i Bro - .: tivo ? 1.1 ?!. ..._ 7/1 />?'.' 1 fui ? ? . .'?''? t ii"- tsa ;.'../v. Thre< ? u ?' ? ida of 1 t<oi?le ?>.? dI oal ini<> lh< tbe Wll ? ' ' '" "?'' ,1ns ,rii- anow to ace exp4 .I from ? ? ? , ; in Blv( r b the V ? \tt. .1 to ? ?I tlie :i p. 11. I " -; "?? ' ... . : .. . Ii, t .- ? ?. 1 1 to ? .... ? r, m.t ?...<? waa re tfter tbrowiua lhal liu>. ti.' ? . U 11 -..,. - ? .1. ln ? . ? - .1 11 .... 1 11. il tvij. but - da) b| lltlona. Tl.l? llne baa ... i I prou .ii... a 11 .. ... 1. li II |; ., . . ,\ . - - i- r A. W. M01 , ( ?b?,., 1 t. K. Katou. I ii 11 .i , ... '. Ilan. lltan, c M Heal.l, B, Itowllt, |r? and 1 nlon. l >: ? ni ??? ln I ... r.u luie .... Ibe tra I 1 lllvrr al 11 .... .1 ,1.; j. i>> p in., ?... r? ...: aa Igatolta wo:km>;i. 100UMBD Ol Hi ll 1 Ui VLEDHED B0SD8 K liiiiiii.l >. li'.-h. :i I.;..!.>?.? ;it N'?. 4H i:.-M>l B>ay, in Ih. Tombfl yeaterda] ?..< the cooiplal 1 ? .1 imei 11 > .- . a d 1 arltiaa, al S 1 . . , . . v.:.,,.,, ba >.. .1 (i l wltb -? Ulog tli.- ti."?"> .!..l tlnking .un 1 i'.< >i i. .iids of Ihi H* 1 . r. ,-n Koufl-e aad Vat mrg Railroad, a-hleh ? 1 deiMialt. .1 by hlm 1 ? for a loan >>' 1 roiu Mi 1 Hi ii'- te-'i:n.-.r : tbal |,o-:t.- l I I ?? -tb II >?. J (ilarj 27, th. ? be p .11 and the b u ?! ? . : 1 al.l ... . >.. I . ? I'.;?! 1) Mi. I'ii.-h told Mr n. 1 . 11 tb .' whlle I..- e..u;'t ;... ?. then, II woub. .11. a. .?..:..:..'. lai i<>u If paymeni could l?- >l>-r> rr.-.l uulil ii.,. .,,..,.. .. "... 'ii llaeen rvpiled lhal ba bad a , bam >? lo obl .1. .. loan u n ten liouda uf Ito v-v. ilrleana, I'.aton lluuar nuil Vlekaburi llallroad If he eoiildgel them. would il lie 1.Ible for Mr. Kii.b to nbtaln ll-..- adilltti lt ba could ll. .... for a i> a rt I .'???; aold I ?? would i-udcavor to art tbe bomla. l)n l.lay Mr Klteb aald tbal be had lieen nna :? ? tto idditlonal bonda, bul waa prepared lo pa) Ito sii.,.. iom. Mr. Haaen aald tbat be wnaaorry, liut tbe bon la to had lefl is|i ba 1 t"'. ti aol 1 bj hi ? prtai Ipal, II, P, II ?> wanaiT, aud lu pm f >.. Ihla be preslu.-ed a letter frotn Ihe latter aiatlng tbat owlna '" "r. Flteh'a fallnre 10 pay ha. i. Ibi fll 1.1 on K. 1 ?. ? ?? <i. Um bonda bad i? ,.,, aold. II..??. '. and II .11. -t.-.l .?? a w irrant Issued by Juaitci 1: 1... reaterdaj rtoexaai 1 atI.bei.i in a pmnte i.,om, waa na eouipletrtL B QESKRAL PABS8W0BTB UI8RI VHE81 \ll D, S;.c tkm; nf atwo coluinn refiew of lii-t bb nuai i.-p .11. ahiah 11 terday'i Bertdd, ad* j.a.mi Uen. ral rai n 1 . ? .?? a Taiaaaa npertof ia-i > rening: " wby, lt waaaluoat enUrely atoff aad aonaenae, lt aetamedoa . aaadvocaUua; lUiufa that I diatuu.-iiy <>p poaa, aml thlnga I opp 1 <? it deelaraa l adroeato. Tto al lack on mefor the waale of iruupowdar la tto ? perl ni.'ui- down tto bay la verj rlch, .-onalderlug the fa<-t lhattb Unlle^lHtatoa.lii. r.iiueul furnuibed ti..- puw ,i. 1 free of ex|ioiise to tboHtala. lt ircusei me ol io-t.-r Ibgexiieuaive araiMiea, wton 1 m ....iy Kbtfed what bad been dono ta tbe Btate lu that direetmn. I bave oppoaed all aueb plaua Amrther etorge la ibat I favor a rcl u HonofIheantiquated bralded uulform,.wheu iu faei it baa bec-n tto efforl of tto Adjutaul Qeueral'aofBce,botb uuder Ucueral Tawnaend aud myaalf, backed by uov ernoraCornell, Ctarelaud aad Hill, lo aeoura tbo adop tion of a arrioo naUora la plaee ofthe ataaaal taacy ..ii'"." ili: OOMHTOOB WAHMH MkX WOHTHtHOTOM. Hicliiinl Wmt!iink;t4>ii, tlie well-known pab Hsher, la Ua axeloalra agaal tet "<? irge Barry'a Mprlat of ll..- tr.1iislatl.1i. of " I li.-Ai al.l au NlKhts," by .lolin l'ayne, re.ei.lly pulillalied ln BOgaMMl by the Vlllol. Ho BBBtg. 'i'lie woik Is a ln> ial lianslalloii of the faiuoils otigtaal, an>i la, of aaai ?>?>, hatoaatod Bolaly for ibe us.- <<f Baholaraaad lltorary aaaa. TtoBagllah warh aeih f><v .... ?i -s.ii, aml the work bamll. d l.y Mi. Worthlugtou f?r gSa voiiinie, iiuie batag alaa ta the aot ti..- MIUm i* lluiile I to BOO aml hl aald ''tily t" hul.scril.era. Thr lirst voiiinie waa pabUahed aarlTln January and tto Baeoad has just appeared. Oa Wedneaday Authony Goaatoek weat '>?> Ur. iVortbinBton'a atora aml warnad hiia t? >Us eoatlnua lb? -"?? "! 'h8 bool on patil ..r amat Ur. Oonv Htock nile.-. ibal eei'taln pts.-a,;.-- brlng tto BOOk Withln tto acUon of ihe law. Mr. Wvrthiagtofl proalafld u>>t t" all aaottor cena >.r ilu> 1.00k, bul a.-aod Mr. Oematoi k 10 stale li..-. for obJecUag to the work ta wrltinf. I ln- Mi ?''..miloeU has u..t y.-i .Ion... A elerk iu bl* OflBOB yeaterday aald ha was oet ..r town. Mr. Wortalngton aaj s i.e. wiii ooaaaU bi* btwyea bflflan taking aag aciio.. iu ih.- ma.Utr. PCTVRE MAMAQBMBHT 09 ihe BBJDmW. Tba bill BgofidiiiK for the fiitiiriiuianiig.,nient , of tbo Brldae. urepiutd by tb.; 1'ruaUMHi' CunuultUa ou I..: :s' .'iuii.!,--. lu in r.-u'l by Oawuld Ottendorfar. Ac eordiug to Mr. Otteiulorfur the prlnclplc fcaturea aro na follows: The Brtaga B mude. a State work. The new I. inl of Trusteo4 wllleonaiat of the Mayora and Con trollera of Nfew-Ynrk aud Bi-ooitlyn. To prorlde for re pulra, necltlHiils, elo., lucoiue bouda maybe laaued. The Brooklyn tonnlnaaof the Brldga ia placed ut tha city Hall Par_, wiitie the Bew-York tormlnna "haa been and la atlll at or tho City Hall S.iitare," and " any attiietiire tn be areetod on tha N-w-York alde ahall ho aubject to the upprovul of the Mayor." THE OODBTB. OIVKN N'O M.lNKY TO BOOTIIF. rjM ORIEF. Jaiin-8 M. Fair, tho of the Siinday Prhool of Ht. Himoa'a Chtirch in -itaploton, S. I., recelved no ryraaathy yattaraay from tho jury i.efore jmiijo Taa Hoeaen, which waa uske.l to glve Mr. Fnlr datuairea for hia weuaded agbattoaa aad fheleagot thaheaaaheld wiirtli of hia wife. A venlict for Mr?. Matealfa waa there fore glven. Mr. I-'alr aa.erte.1 that I'dul Tlnitnas H. Met? culfe, bla futhcr tn-law, had tnduood Mr*. Fulr to forsako her boaband aad return to her father'fl house. Thereforu Mr. Fair felt taaaly, aad aml aaraaged to the extoat of at lensi *:><? a avoath. Yeaterday Bra. falr taatBted that after Ikt Bmrrtaga in her fulh-r'a abaenee. aad tha hulf Blght booermoon paisctt ln thla city, her huahand aent her baek B0___ Hhu daetand that the purpoae of thla wus toopen the wav fnr Mr. I'alr to Hnd a eonifortnhle bome iu tbe altora famlly. Aft?r I'apiatu Itoteelf-'i return, .Mrs. |'-_|r not huvlng ee.n her hiisbaiul for two moatba, repentod of her aet aaapoodered upon Mr. I'ulr'a small mul uaaettled lucome. and tnrowtog heraelf toto lu-r fotber'a arma, sxetalmed : " 1 ali.ill remulii with you." Tl..'Jury waa OUt about an hour uu.i foiiiul a verdlei tor Mra. _-Otc__ie,aa tho executri of tho will uf PUot Metealfe. ntAOMB-fTB OF LBOAL NKW3. E. F. Utiili'iliill c-onipli-t.-il -rggterdaj bis acarch ln tba Ualre-nBy Balhttag for Prafaaear wniiam l>ariin-> wiii. The Ubrary af BOO rolnaaea wm aaarahad, collection of ProfeaaoT partlna waagoneovercarefully,but bo wiu araa fonnd. The houae of Mr*. Uetaerolex, In Yonkera. will be rabjeetod to a aeareb aome day nezt week, as the laat place lu which another w.11 tban that glnag tho property to Mra. ei may be bhlden. ri.e baaignraenl of F. Mayer h Co., totmerly wboleaale rlotblog dealcra In Wblte-at, made on Beptomber ~'.i. 1883, waa deotared vold yeaterday by Judge Ingraham, in the -uperior court. Tiu- llabiUtlea were oyerg-.OOO, ihm.;iiiiI (be aaaeti 81,000,0 .i?. Tlie membera of the llrm ar oot on hall under Indletamnl for perjury. Thu autt lo aet aalde the BMlgnment waa begua byBwUt <fc Co., rredltora f..r j 1 25,000, on the _mu.ul of fraud. Thoiuus I.. Julu-b || the a*.s|_uce. COURT 0F APPEAIA Ai.hany, Pab. 1 :*. ? In tln? Court of App.als to-iiuy. tha Haa. WUuam C Bagar. 0. J., aad aeeeetotoe prea.nt, ll waa ordared that this Conrl take a 108888 un tn Marah'-'. Tln- fnllowlnr ranaea wera ariruetl; Bo._8 Wllllam I* Pooob-r, edmlnlatreter, op;>elliMt. art. ii.i.rt . -i .ii. .-ir it ii rrapaadeat. .No 87-Jacii) Wt-r.i. ;) I ilolatrafor, rcipoutlenf, atrt. tbe ?? ii."I ;..;? la An fnr re ?|MI .1 Bt, al-tli'l tol _|.|, lUllt." " No "7 I .?m \i lll.-ii. uml itt.era. eTreiit..i-a. raapoid. ni... bct ': ir.aan aml othera. lafaat, uiniclianta; l.ilwaiil Freeiuaii aadotbara r ipmdento ,>u rl -JU.'iu ll rr,-. in IIDlSlrmior, r-nttnnieni. I nnir laland it n'.i.u.i r.i' my appcllani ?-.. "i I tt. h inl i' H la aa I. .'.' geriead- a i:ia eieeatrli, n; ueii.ut, miIhukiou VH. PVLLMATB BMBJOXATIOS AOOMTTMD. Tba l.-.tiii.-rooiii of tbe Chtureh of ('nr -,u in ur, in Bi - i ? - partty lltad last eyaatog with BBoibara, who Bad aeaembtod to laha a.'t'oi. aa lhareatgnattoa af Dr. PuBaaaa. _*. PaUBBaa c.nne ln before ihe meettef waa ealled, and a eeetaeaa -.I'.ia in.i'?. ibi. in'',. rreetlnca on both aidea. Tha pa - of ihe meetlng beeame riiifln- M 1'it'i ? t ? i ? ? ? s..'ii itlon of Dr. l* Ulmao ba aeei pted. and ib ? tr lateea be autborlxed lo taka tho neeesaarf atepa for aeeurtng a new paator. At tbia o( tbe mrmbera amae an i lefl tba room. Kouie of ti.. .ii '!..?;,.r.-.l If Dr. Pullman wenl away tbey woald bo( uraln attemd tbeebureh. Mr. Craao'a a -a- idoptml, and toli waa added ? raqueal ta tba laaator Ib .t ke voul i r. maln until Eaater Buiuiay. ///> FIXF. nKXHIBtLITIEB OFFEXDMD. / i ..i . ull. rnir Teachei i lllmion nlght bcbooI)?"NoWi ? i" ,-s"., t i r I.Ib " ti u iu." i ;...' v. ? > Htn-el CrchlD " liiintiii " i .... I. :?: "Ob, yea, yoodo, Toaforgetth. t I-,, bia " ''"ti". aow Bo ? Plnafore,' pk BARIXh Ls I ELLIGBXOB, ?CIN'I ITITB \'. ' \ -' '. - ? 111 rn ra ?i i _. v-' ? ? . .1 I /.-.--^- i i' - . J . i. ",.. ;i . FOREIGS )TEAMER8 DUE AT TBI8 POAT. i . \ v. r___i rr. 1- *'*?*-. I ' I .A.litvT ITll I ? . M ' ' I ? l' -...,.'. ' ?- ' ii ? ? '.-. - ,' "T , tl i .ovd |. , ,- ?,, Nefi lun 1 A.|rto- .11 .l - lall . .v 'al i ? ? . Whn? ? r .Benaoda . . Ilarani .Wam BTIIPPIXO v."'rv PBIOAY. BKB 1*- lB?g . ' ' _ -v tirttii . i ?. ',. i [orn 'Ri 11 ib, Ha ' i. aara ta i". M I i I k'oung. ... i . . . v.iv .-? aut, Bambara l ? '. . ? i ,.? agrreti li:i..: n.lll ' ... .!(..? ' - tl, Arrtveaal tit" n.r : . . <-.i . r. ndon, 81 lonna S i\ i ? '< '? rla I , .... , . . i paaaeugeratoBowrtof a Arc.'u ? laware, B'laneii i bart-atoa I itaya, wBb BdM ? ? ? i ' " . ,., , ,\, i RrMora, -i'i. _atoa tt. ii.v. 'ni Praneiert- L'l aaya, wlU , ,1ml .,.,,'- I 4-,... t . n ll I'.-.rn. . |_n_rt ??' -t li.hll. Ml . MfonM-e. s, i,;...Uin .n. . ,?iitr 'ls tooider. .'. ? ii ? i.tarlu i yla ot to i ' Mc m ihrewi yaaaal to Paaeb n i i ?,?, ? .ni altrate a| , ". ? || ni .. ? 1 ll 'AH'.' >?"*' i'V i ". , ,;,? ii i.kci", I- ?" ..I ... witb mgai i ,,,',. .-r ? aa.el l? M Uler t II , ,i ?, ,. uavaaa 11 day* witb ?.._ar . , ,,.,... W ll M.i'..ti. , ?.. . ? . ' .- ll ? ?'...?. wttb ?,. u ? awau ?? a ib .... i ? s- iw.ii,' aad r<. i,, ?. m . in- lata-4. hraab, K ta iwlng. ,, ., i , , ,,,-t.i. .*?>'. -. lie r ii.iu -tor. a.l. . \ . ? i , Inar, . i.i a i:t.-i atanmei Ri [tna i.i . naanaoad l_*adaa?Bltaaaea, Bpeaaa '.. \ .. r.r w/illuuaa, Kiagataa, Port aa Prlaea. Ba I-: ,1 i '? ? ' _ . . ;,.,,,:. ni'iui ns llrv 1." .??>.-. M.rMllay (|\\..i-.s ,l.',', , ,-.:., . :? .Marray Bew-0*laaaa-B_Bpaea,apaaei 1 V','"', ' lll nt '.ni \..t.iilo. r. rYrii-iuliiia via Port Ho, ,1 t'll M.,: ? y .t tn. . _ i .uv ,.i neraaaab, Dagaato Ba-aaaab?Baary ' , , r r' '.f inlnitiii, itei'ius, Weit I'oiul, Va, aml SfeWpart, ? ? ll lilll III'I I . ' 11 _u.__.ti Manbaetavaaairban-e. ivnh Am uv J s aitat . ?,, , ;, ..iisii ....i, r,i,i,i'. IIKI Ij-tiroot-d ? ?.i,:, a tt ? .j. ..ti :i". r.i'.Au. Bouibay. BBI ? Heama-ill '"Ti., i iini. M r_ayar,<1ar_a Bhaa-aal Veraoa U Browa n.rk Medl-tor >? .r . i.-n - n. !!? i -?? u?" I -.t.i_b-__?_ ra. ., I : ! . M- -;.?; .. U|tortO -Jg *? t*t B ''\[\ " \. ii,,-. i...wiy. i/.c'i ?? -a Boaltea. BUm i DaUati ? Vll.i.K KKomeraauta riadiaaa tor itaa_ew;ThalU,rjrki 'wlla, ,,,,,,!,?,., liivnf ~?ti Miioeii. I'i rnuu'l " M aBBBBIiaB. -..-?i 'lun. ? " ? H 'ii, lltlliui uu. .,, ,, , i, b i- !, ^..'. A ual l l.iui. I!<l? l' 'li. lol .. iu "!illi:_ thi. ao. i.m.. - r i of araAMB k. 1 ? i | .1 , . i' >,tl'4, Loirioi. pab i.i Ar-lvad, aiiamai Denmart inr>. Kgugaa, '. ' '"'x-o'-.'ilr.'--'!'?"'?' trtma.ataamar Batbaraafa .?r), m, i iiiiui.l. fi.eti liaiinii'ii Jau'iO, ,. , ._ ih . am A.nv. i. ti.-.i,ii-i '..' un, D-agtaaa fr..m Naw.Yorli i ?'. n . Dnnerwaylo i .iv-r-.o'. " p ... t'nyed. .,,,,.rweyfila Bn, Vbealon. I.Kaa?VorB Pab i ou tol ??_? u l.!T.r|.....l .uii'l l.'.lh -? *tui. -;..;..?.....-..,??? urliannfa iBr), Parry.tram Ufaagaal '"vi* isaot iu. r'ei. I.l-Airivel. ?ictm i AcatliB ,Hr'. Jatnle ?.a fiiiui New-Vork -''. ., . . ?.. .,,, Plraoi ni. i"". 18- trrlyed. ataamer Bandal (Br?. Mai ii,?,ie Ii.. '? r.ulliiin.i- .lau'.'.loilhcrwavt) UuutlsUufl. li, mis. I'.-li I ' * ??1. -*TT|?? AycliflV iUr>. _a_B_B, fron, I'lill.ilell.lil. Jan ls UBiraoea. P-h u aalleil. ataamer Oreelaa ' tn. Baataa. H.'-ai ao I" > I---s-ilotl. Westuli-lia i<leo, H* ^?_at-TiiiW rati' lf raflad. ataaaai Waaarla iur>. Bea iferhJaaBa Ui-'iClA. Felila-Arrlve.1. "aleamar OBf ef *}**&{*}* llrvuouU. f-"? M"lU?? port. ou BM war t" BaW-TaiB (Pi'? "?__ I gm- --a.le.l. Newport, curtii. f'?r New-York OLOBIFQ I'JllOKS t)F tJU.Ib'OllSlA STOCK*. han t'.iAs is ?.. Peb. W. !*'*?*) raator-ay. t'..i.v. raaBarnlay. 1'?-''-?/ AH?.:,0 .4\<l ! Meiioan. .^J _ ll. I. itr .7.1 .7.1 U.Hllis l.lil .... ii 'Ml '-.0) Oto-Tal. Tirg.. .10 .!.? i ?ii PaaUta ..- is .h.i cmwn I'niot... ? u.i.ii'i A . urrr .88 .03 B_-t_tBaie*aaa -.73 BBVa .ii-4ic.ti. ,';?,. I l-IL. * I'.ii.mi . -1J -,,-' Bavaata.\|? ;,'. t'll.ol. Uo.l . ?? . ,-H YeilowJaok.t.. l.-'o 1-*4 What, tln- oilitur telh lun .siibaoribcra when gtoy aall toaatOaj .gutn.- [W.i.sur htaato.JBaduea? l.-aily. iWahioie rtur. B-gaetaUi Iii ooi.l weuthar, aa heia oi.U_-d to bur? _ro4_.u--lUoti._ia -ttv Mtoc THE MONEY MARKET. 8ALES ATTHE STOCK EXCHANOE, Fe* 13. THI" orvkra- t,i?r, Xam*. | Actual I aalea. Open--*-' Pl ln?. Hur't. Low't na!. Clti-t-g i bida. -tsbarea BkiiA'a'd ...!?!. t'entof MJ. tvn l'_elUo I'bic tt S W IM ASt F I'o nrel... CKtLA P, prf CM P M * U. tHiirA _. T KI 4* Pac.. t'San ? t'leve _ii.l_* W... D..? If.oana D. A R.o 0... KTen V _<*a.. -?4T U_ IU (.ent. Lake isnora .. I.K4W . U>u_ laiand.... 1,,'n.i .k n . i.i. I.. N.Alu .- O. M nn.?r rona. Mem .t C_a_.. Muti i.'cntra:.. M & st. L.... M. Ji..? I_ Mo. raeiric. N. k.UWt. N Vi,h .i W N V * N _.... tt v...? w.... BYSBW ... Nnr. A Weat I)' Konucrn ra<. N nrth Paa nff. Olnn . ? ii .i... Oreu'.-j lun)? "le.--.; ll_U?. oreaon ? L.... P p car io. Hocli Ji I'ltt... Phll * lU-.'l... bl P M ..V.... reX.? .V l"_B .. I'lli.u: !'??.'. Wahash. Will.asli riref .. ui relo-rao* 08 Rrareee... < Ull-.'l l.ul.l . Paciue M..I.....J C-olI'DBI.I 37-1 934 7.1 _ lnfl 1--4 tfi r-'lV 111 . 7o4 74: ?*. 188 ! 08'4 18 ; 70 88 *J f. 71V .3 IH 124 lll1. 9.4 I'I', 24 Ia* 10-. 1*. 88 a] IM 10', 14 37 U 3'is.. ei*. 73?4 10.1 154 88 . 12-2 1114 B7*~ M 48 | ',.?; I 814 13 I 7.? -5^H MlaJ 8e4 ?e-4 30 30 | 80 | 93 V B8*J 9:1 41 7'.'?. 724 7'-'*4 lOH K'H | 10ft 1 I.Ma lun lmi ! ;?.') 164 IBBj 1*4 ri*a 204 gf*_ 131N l-lMl-lV 1114 lll'i 111 224 224 22 ..1: I ' '..'.'. 1)0 | -6 4 75 78 | 74 74 sv 3 4 48 40 I 1.6 . 12-4 li.Is., Il'l. 18 7o , U*_ 2i |.tl'? 88 I l_l*j 03 41 13 6:>4 18 7tl 1 H 21 74 4 74 4 71 M ! .;i , 33 61 I 01 I .. 1-.4 124 19 10 I I'i I 10 0* 96 I I>1T? 304] 914 724 100 184 112 144 BB4 75 4 a ... ii:i-?i 13 4 704 a-iv H I "14 ?' ! 3,700 1.04.1 27.8.16 38.4 IH) 156 60 HIM. 700 8?5 10.1 50.1I..-I 1,008 *-56 600 300 210 38,1-0 100 100 1,0.10 lo.) 140 3"0 150 100 8,800 2,710 20.170 [ti 2.'.8 120 1.10 .ll. &5 _-41 Total aataB tor tha _ar 7-.408 1 Lx-Illv. RO". iteller oOiteya. OOYXRXMEX1B. US4a Coupon 1..H7 lo.U ki.122?. 6..KJIJ. 1284 LR4a('oup')Q ?_,U00.12-4 IluXH.1 AXD BAXE BTOOKB. N'-rtl. (.'.tr Bpl T_ 11,000. 44 10.000. 5 lo.ouo. 44 10,000.44 lilll,' ss, ,- COII1U bda 21,'mhi .61 Am ix i'.lll 88 . .. 12-4 1 li llur Al q.iincy ileli 6a C"".i" . 88 Cb ii'.. a quin 7a .'i.otMl ..181 Cbea .v " lit M ;us It 10.000.74 ' 4,o.. 1 7i 1 81 i' .M _ OCOfl ta 2,000.I13ia i). .. a- it.4 ut .'?"I. '4 Inl A- H-itaoa lat I'i .1:. 'lll I'.lll I |..l_ Uu I .up 7?, ..4 .1 .... 117i? Erta '-?! Mon 1,000.10'..'a .1.1 I.1.D1. 104 ETena V?.t ua in :.', Loilmv , - .1 M11 N 11.C M tliv M.o.M) _ 7i|"sj 11 I o V 1? A Trx 1 4t :...1 ... 87 4 Mii 1. m a w I*. t '1 ,t Pae Mv . IM Wis.t Mlnnillv I.IMMI '.11 1 Mlt. I'ulut .ln U.OOU.-54 ?: : . s. :i .I.-. . 1074 -. immi 1074 ln.. .. '...7 Nnllll i-.. 1-' OOUP ,.l"l : . 1 '. :-. ... 101 -t v v 1 akc 1 * I,, ? _m eouaol s ".M'i .-. ii", 1 _ M-. .. I . '.'.'.,'NMI. (tt, ..?...". .... 644 .. ij 1,1 .X". B 1 -1 N N W - .- II ? ?t I t.-liMI _IISS, .... 8.00a . ? ? I. .. . ' ,384 ?-" I) ' ?? it.e n.y. Petroleutn BxebsngeandBtoek fto.r.i ? ?- s N Y W 8 _. l.iltT 1 II.immi.354 N YCiiA st 1. lat l,iiu,i. ?:>\ 21,'" 0 . 80 N YCcntextBb 6,1100 . 104 M Y Kterated ut, 8.000.117 1 BoriBwaet eaaaal | I'O.I'.) Kultl tt il 'ls 3.0 "'.1274 :t,.i"o r.'7'4 N j i.'euii-i oaa | Aaaaa tea roupnii ot. 1.IHJ.).... '.17*^ (llllo .6 Ml". M ?.'.-...,..e ..;. mo 10,.taa j Obtoeoutliern lue I 1.',".'". 2"4 Dliio 8ouiberu lsi 2,000 .... -7 .i.imi-i. m;:? 1 iitu 11. _ l Ui 6a 1.0.KI .101'. I 10,000. 1". I'.lll,I 41 If'l ,t Og I 1:1.0 -.'.OO'. .7.".4 ?j on-) 7'i It.cli aml I'sn Ul Oa 8,080 . BB , Hicliinoi'.l d Uin .1. I.. n '.'..Hl'l M I Bl r M .t M Ut 6,000 .. Ilo l.'KI.) ... Ilr?"| BtL ?'. lron B -i 3,0.8 . inl "..1014 Tct?\? A I.!? 1 ll BloUranddlf Au/. . oupon c.11 10,01 ?.-. . ,'. . 4,0,111 C.'l.p.JI. t.ll l.U-il II 7. 63 1 . C i'j ,n. 1. ti . .'?''i Winon 1 .--? bl r :,?""'. ....12- I Itui 1 l( B "> 1 'i S.i ".. . . 1.1. . ? '? ii t.r. v 4'. 0 . 2->a tiu i?u ami N ? ...yr tl-ti 6. l.'.MH) ( ll A SM'M-M . . ,,-l|. _' l le'.. . 1274 Ceetra I1 < . 1 14 "i 1104 k r \u.?? ??. . ? ,Mh, , ,|, 404 8.0?.) 47 .? ' k .,) 4>i '?_? EvansvllloA T II Ut .mi lll.o'll.1004 Moii'.t Vvrnoud I0..H10.lll l.i'Oo . .. B3*a Gu_(ol 48 g 1st 7,000 . 1"? n * st.l,) 8? c.n 1.0,0 _>...10~*a u _ Tez Cent ut Milii um . ? njeii. olT ln.ouy... :. 1 Kau I'ac Ut'.i 4,i"K) . 'J'.". I/Mlle N A A ( Ut 6.000 . ..89 i.'vie.t BaabvUla funaiila'MSJ 1.1100.1174 I. E _ W 1110 4,",..). .20 m Laa \v ui 7.0. ai.looa 3,0.0.i..": 1,000.i"i 4,000 ... 1004 M. mr N J lat 7,i>00.73 N V t)U. * Wcbt Ut .60 N Y t'en' Ut .'oup ?-U.IM.O..-.0 1.1.1 5,000 . 1 I.I v y A .n 1: '? 4t -fl l.Ouo. 100 'ireiron 8 1. ',4 2.O. K).... 884 1 re.on.'. 1 raaalat 10,000 . 8B Illcll A Alle'y Ut 6.000 . 6'-1* O.niio . ..J wii.'-ii -t 1. _ r .1. dly 7.ISI. .754 ev>oo.764 cii 1 * r 1.1 .4 I0.000.44 raii.i.'i Hontb'n Ul tiu ir ilin-il 14.000 . ....07>iiiiti.'i> 2d !"."i?. .. . 78?j It.ter.ri A (I H lsi ,...MMl. 1064 7, gan i'j. '? Ilep lllV 1144'llt-l . 1..7 BOI Klev;it..l - l .. .88 Mo _ .t i.'i aoa 7b 2.000.lo 1 4 N W -J6 y'r .tel) "?. I.OUO .95 4 Nortli Mo lat .114 *t I. Iiun C v N'.ir ti ia Dly lat um m . 1. Brldfa l?t 1,000 -o ~t I. B >?'> Kr -.1 , ! 1.1 l< 1. ... !>!?\ \-l 1 it_ Uml itivor . ? ' 14 I'nl.n I' !?.:!'? . A . it. .,, 1 u.oil. , 814 ,:i4 .N J ?. . 044 7 '. 874 81 *a 65 . ... v 634 06 4- . ? 6 5 'a - 3.430 3.51.' 2 98<i '-'." .1 H> :.2o 3,500 :i.:.i lll.) 35,03 ' -' 'i . ! : .- ? ?:. I ? -fl . 1 .tal 1.. . .I oomla ?"??4 644 514 *:t."") 24.000 438,000 OLOHYO PBJCES 01 BOAtOX ITOOKB, li..-i .-, i' 1 13 Vatei i-ow-r Boato 1 l ... 1 A..'. I . . 1.0*1'-: 1 1 H 1 I ' a N. Y. a v 1 . *...? I..I4. lt. lt . I.,.?!..11 , l I, I.UIU v M .1 1 ? 1 h .-.I' 11. .4 ;'.,'. 1 II. s., V. , ii. ii .. .iuii A i' re ?! lt 1.. it, a r s. . ro-.lav. .. 24 b. r. b 5 '4 5*4 "?'l '''.'uv . Ul ;.'l . al un. 1 A I! lls^i 1184 1 1 . 1 .1 11. ... 1 -i'm 103'-i 'Ji. e.-v 'l .?.'? I UV. Ik'l iv . I ... I . 1. 14-4 : ro 7, 13 J 11 47 11 38 7 9 ? 184 nc-j 104 123 11 47 ! \i -, ? 1'. nt lllt..i"i. 1 r'llUtA 1- M nft B 1. 1 ent. c > u. ,i,-\ ? , ,1 1 ... 1 ?eri.. . 8."-j Uei. .'f?t. 1st Mr. UU... :<"', ! . 4.14 4 v\ 1 |;ell Ic.'ii.i.iUf . ...I 2.1 sj OLOSIXO PBJOEB <>r PIIILADMLPBIA BTOOKB BeporttdbyJoU* H. Uarm 4 Co.. 17 >? B -. ?- ? itt.i. i.1 C'ti ... n.#_137 1 uiU- ? U, 1.J.18J '4 llM S'orr'ii'rn I'i I 1 iu 1. 1, tsi "a ItaU'i Baailioa. i.f.i.iiii, lUOIt. I.rlili 1 Jui?4-j t BUtraL.. .'o1. Noitui-ni PaeUU ? ? .1 . loja at. un. Nai. M. V. ul 71 ? s _ ; , NortB ,si4 l.ein.' Uu ?, -i', I' 11... ,'.y | lliiir.iln, N \ 884 PUII prol , luio. * Erta 18*4 S8S 6 - 40 a 3'i-f 6S 40 ?? garoAT, iv!' 13 ?-!?? "? ritnuiiei' traaaaettoaa thaa aaaay oreyloaadagel tiits week, 11 -(*"??' dly weeh toaa aad aoa-i tarthar Im portant deellnea ta p-taee, lathe brtel taoorderto-dar'a Btoeh Bpeeulatiaa. ?>f eearae ept-ioaa .lifTer as to the enaaaa oftha eheektog ot the adraaee ln flgurea aisl al tbe bubaequenl deoltaa. which alth taa aseeptloaa datea fr.uii I'.st lu.'.-i.tiy. riie iu.i| ..I 'tha oparaton who ,? iiera tbal the deeltoe ia .,,.int-;liiii)r more lhan a ilmple reaetlon. eradll tha eUg-ea with barlag BoeeeeeraUjr marfceted bo many atoeha tbat they aralaeltaaga da .Um-. Aamallmlnofity, however, aad wlthbetter raa .,?,, ao-ahtortog lha amall inuitoiioua ..f tha market, etoim tiiut tha Bdraaea waa eheeked ami tbo aibeagaeat e>allaa baa foltowed beeaaaa tha 11 rurea bad reaehed a polal whara lha allgnea wera dally _.viiuiui,i!tn? itoehfromoatatdeholdara, both fon bja und domeatle, toatead of nalaadtog The argataeal of tha majority torora baytag ea '? reaaaaable raBBlBjaa." ot llie ininorlly, wlillo nol f-voiuu'l.uyini,', la Bto -amragtog ta thaoa n Bo ur.. .i.sp..s.-,i w ipeowlala aa tbe ibort s. ta. and HUidaoa aad Utka Bhara ta-dajr, whltocloalngaaa_ll fraatlaaa tawat thaa taat eveniuK's unirea, wera thaatraag ataaha aftha day Weste.-.. Uulouw_Btbale_d__8-t-ek arlth traaaaettoaa t-8,400 ibsraa) am auittog to maca thaa oB*-to_rth of the day*. bmlite-e.-nd.tand LTbbb. PaaMa wera tha apaatauy weiik atoeha ef lha .Mr- Tha fraagar atoeka Wer? irre-nUr. t.itt all *d U.ciu eloa-.l wUl, tleclmea. D'l.iw.ire, I... ll BWBBfl B _, 1 wcHtern ega.1 <>ii laatggBa aaid al Bg%,reea t" i)7:ia iin.i tinuiiy soi.i ut BBagB-a Oaatral al Bew Jeraey. wllhoal -Otahta B-atna-toaa, deeltoad Irom :u4 t..:i(:4' Tbedealtogi raralaled aama ipaaaaodla aad wi'ie iiui il aal ioi.s, bal tbo market otaaed we.u. (joieiniu-ul .i'ls weiviiulet uiul ate.i.iy. Aniicxetl _m tha etoafhg gaetattonai ^^^^^_ Hld 4.i? ''"'? ***~ rj a iiMitaurea UlViTji\V-????..J?i*?l J^ . ?> 1 ,,is.i.,-,:i lll*-itlS P-$ear.toM8l 189 . |;^^,,'^,::i.iilJJ:.|U^^''^' '??? _'_l.i>_r8al83J ? ?'-'' --I - -^buBtoeaalB-totoboo-a wae aorarad hy aalea al ul Bl BBdOf Norlb r_r.J.ln? *'>* ?88481 tilies ?. it. , ,,i \\ aad eaaaal is ^t M. M CH| baakatoaka Ani.Ti". iu Kxehauaeaald (_B1 at l__*a. i-iiilwuv were very Uull untl ttie tone of the k.u wm a-ator. Brla aeoond eaaaola wera 4 io?ei m 54 We.r*r,.r!.audBiuTaloBa roaa lo BB-a, bat eadadl al ?IM. Bow YorU.('lii.'i-oi4u.l.8t. I...uis lirst t.s were Uull ?ii.i >a mwar at 85*48 ?">? Cauada Boatharn nr.t? were ?i.Vio_7 Miss...". Kanaaa aad T.-tas 8ral .......ols _...-e - oil' i*l 1014. i4..'l tlio iuiilor Isiiie. were ne wto_tel Ch-atpaaka aad Ohta Brato, aartaa n.w.i..;.l*a ?., 73. und tbe ouneney .1. were aA.?B-B.,Ohta _ud lilaalJidnut "*??u_a wwra Ui auoulv _t 10M. _-"U* Till? and Naativllle flrata. New-Orloana and Mohtle dtvla* I ut, advaneed .... to 77. Evuusvlllo and Terre Hanto flrafa, Moi.nt Vernon dlvision, were wcak at Kl ?'.i2V llurliiiifioii aud ijulncy dcbatituro gfl were weak at 09. Oretrou Htate I.tue (la dt-cllii4*l '4 to iin^. Texaa and Pacltic tlrsts, KloHrandedlvtalon, rose \ to ftfli?. anit aold at Bl%BftSj ex-coupon. Nortbcru Piuiiflc flrata were ll:... .r ldi a l.u .4. aud Orecon aud Trauacontluental llrsta were 1 per cent better at ?'i. Tho bMBaaa of tbe 8ub-Trea*t.ry for the week euded to-r.lifht taelndea recelpta of i*7,8."?ji.ri91, aud i.ayiuenU of *l,?7ii,H41,leavltiK the generai l.alunce at fl.>3,4fl7. ?>47, attaluat #l.V?,.1SS.8!i7 Febrnary & ahowlu?-a>n ap parent Kaln of $'_?,s)7h,75(1. H.u de luetlinr fn.m tbe p iy aaaa fl,8Sl,000, aad from the r.-.-eipta foi ce.-tiiln ItoBM of tronifera whleh only aff.-at tbe f^ub Treaaory'Baecouatwlth tha OeaaralTaa?y, ita tnw gala ns BJTeettng tbe baaka is g3.9M.7oa>. To-day'eoper ationa ooveradl Baeelpla M M.298 : paymcnta, fl.M I, "7; currency bolance, B^,4lA3,tgg| colu baiunoe. #1:h,(U1.k;i. The money market was and eaay at l^Wt) l#l*J Mf cent. The (.'learliii,' toitay waa aa followa: Kxehancea, WT7MIA99; balauccs, g3.63Ml 1. Tho Tnllnn fltatna Traaaiirj at waahtagtea to-day re eeiv.d ijd.Vj.iHHi ln Nutlonal bank notes for redernptlon. TtoeafltoflM roeoipta wero fi>:t-',7i)J, and tbo ...ternal revenuereeelpta woro $3A.),0t2. The forelgxi cxchantrea were dull at unehanired nuota* tions for busimas, as followa : Haukera' bllla, $4 '?il'a aml $187 for loin; and ahort sterllnu- respeetlvely ; .'. J'.''a an.l .V_'0'4 f.irf.auca; M*J and 'Xi for rclohmarka ; 3aT? an.l 40 forgalldera In I.oii.lon Hiltish consola were weak, wlth adecllneot il 1(1 toBBIfl for money and a rteellue of S-lfl to "UI4 for t'nlted Htatea boiula were off V? at 12o*a and IIPM respin-tivcly for ni iney an.l arc-uut. imerloaa rallwaya wero naarally eaater, an.l elaaai at the loweaa Igurefl of the day. At I'arls Frcucb 3 per ceuta decllned from Hl.:(7''j to Bl.lo frnnca. Importa of dry-goods at New-York : 1M3. 1H?4. 1MJ. Knteronat th<port... $:i.6')7..'.?ll $3.?3B2ie 92.1M.109 Thr.wBou rnarka.... 3,o.)',47l a,7.>6,sH3 *,65?.055 MnceJanuary 1. Kuteivilatllie port.... l^.B-.'.-adl Li,7:ifl.C0? 13.M!>,74? Tbrown ou market ... 19.M7VBM 1..6U1.567 13,7a7,?W BUBOPBAB PUIABUIAL HAKKBM LOBBOB, Feb.lil.?IflaM n.m. -Uulte I BMBafl Kour Per l*n* l-5*?: Atlantie and (ireat vVestern firal Mortjaaa Truateea ('ertldeatca, 2s\. .lo. HecaM BbarfcjafBX 7; Erle, 12*4 da Hecoad C'onaoia, h'>\. New-York Oeulral, 9?'as Hea.lliii, SV Mcxlcau Orl.11.1ry. iiil, Bt, l'aul Common. 76 >2 I'arls ailnres n,nnto Three Per Cent Itontes Bt Hl frano* 'J'l SjOl litlines Bat thfl t:i o p. m? ('..usola. H;!1* for monev and '.'O'- for the Bfl. rnunt; L'aita.I *tatca Four aml a Hall Pa > ent ltomls. i I4>t Atlantu an.l (Ireat Weatern Firat M'.rtxaae Trusteea Certl tiiab a. 2r,\dn. 8ecoud Mort?axe. 7Hi. Kil- aaa eM ('..naoifl, .",:. V; Now-York Central, 03% Illluoi* (Tritrai, 126\ Kea4 liur. ?\ Mi xtcan ordluary, J4>V Canadlau Paclfic. 3'J>?..St. I'anl ' ' 7j '?. Paris Mrtoa quote Three Per Cent ilintea at 81 fraooa lu cvutimea for tue aecount. OliAIN AM) VRODVCE MARKETS. feati:ki:s of nkw-yokk dkalinos. Niw-Yoltli, I-'eb. 13. The frrain marki'ts rcniuin in tlu' aaine apeca laflvo ei.inlltioii wiiich has been their bed for aome daya. Wln.e B tuvial lncreaso la shown lu tbe recelpta at tha weatorfl potato?rfafleaaaUataM taa snow BtflaaBaBM aro still cbecklng a fre<- n.oven.ent of thfl oer.-ale. Tbe ex porl dnaanl h laaktag and the forelga aaalata n n.-ct a tliuld taqnlrr aml ii iiiodeiatciv free ..if^rnis'. Tat tho bulls beld tlu- upper haud to-day in llie near optlona, tbough for tl.e dellvertefl ?f th>> bater montha prleea doaed Irregularly. The markets end.-l unMttled mid way betweea the hlgheat aml loweat quotaUoaaof tl.e uav. Febrnary wn.-iu r?.-e to !?..% renta, but close.'. aj ccut bl.'her it !M..-ents. Mareh was u.u haiu'. .. al llo'a, Ajull 'm lower at '..'J, aud Mavai.d Jum: unrliatigwl M <M~>* uml !I4?i . ents i-l.-]....liveiy Iu eorn tto 1 el.ruary optlona roae % to .".114; Mareh ended al 49%andAa?fl u lOXa i... ctonce?aud MayfolloB U eent t.. t'^.-enta. 1 nit-. In iplte >f a 1 ite sh irp at from early bgarM, 1 n.b .1 >-j blgher r>.r febrnary at :i7 and '- eent t?-tter for tbe oth.-r optlona M36*a ceata. littawaa aaa a pro rlalona and lard was only a Bhaa aaaarM ? weaker pork market in Cbloaao. At New Verk, Haltlmore. I'liiladelphia and ll.nton the rcciptsof .train to-lay W/heat, ---J'i 1. ish-'ls; ...n., 333,2t2 buehela; mts. 7l.ia?- baatola; toui gratn, 4U3.176 buatols; flour, 19,071) barrela. Tbereoelpti M . in. ..... Mllwankee aml st. L >uis vere: Wheat, 3", 7-j.i buabcla: co 11. !.:i,7iu buabela; oata, 3i),ii9i buatolai total grala, 170^34 baaaaai flour, oai; baircia. THE TRADK IN ClUCAUO. ir.r ntaaBAPa Bl thb raiaciai CmOAOOi Peb. 13-Tlicr.- BJBta liiK'is yea* torday Uat a\raaeM a Oa and Ua PaadUag Oaaaaaaf aara aUlag paaaajfl baawaM taaa lOfiOo baaaabaal p rk. Tto ptieaa aara aaaM ag tica moming. aud f.>r May tho tli{iircs w. nt from |MBB8 t.) $13 25 iu an boar. waeal wits siow, bal ateadjr, f..r ? wbiie at 93 ??, sata, aad eorn at eeaU f>>r May. Oabaa wre ?? 1.. aiisi.." Ofldaaa beaght in iBMBM baabaMata at ai... it tbe top. Aft.r UMhlag lilfl BBatt May w' droppod aud eloMd for Ua regulM ac*a.on at -i!7a BMtfl May wb-at toneladSf aeataatoat tOe'elMk; after tbat dld nol uatU tto aoaeat of tbectoaagMM low aa 8A7* ior any blgher thaa 84*4 ceata M..y cora waa duiler thau wtoit, tocauM while It awuug from 10 - oeatato tO>a >-. ui- aml el.t at 4<>s- J ?!<>... .enis w. re by actual coiint ooljl twelve uuoia tlOOfl sent UVar th- tl.lM! OU lt. l'olk Verlilcl tho sliru* <?f the Booralng. May pork k>>t down to gl3 -j.t. where it .-i..-e.l for May. ll..' markets rkiaad at g:30at the f .ilowtag <|.iotatloi-.a; Ma..-h Mli at. 7-?s.ent-; M .1. - | Mar.-ii 1 < rn, 37ceuta; M.iv, Ui^eenU; afarohpork,fll4t97>Bi ataf TKi I7?fli MaRl. lard. .-rT .'-'?.?; M.i.l. tT -0. All.M.S AND EINlSll. UIBBATTBB WBW-TORK Uivivi ET^Tt f#? Xi:?.Y.tii. Pha, 13. IBBa, ACTlXt. 8a ? ?,;v'-i ",r? ll.lll.. .-. Buiwer . . r;l Al ".-...ia .., Uiirvaoute. . 1 oa. . aliforaaaad viraima . ? r... 1 .?? . c.rado cen. i I .1 r I | . I ? . . I...:- sl v,r. rosse . I.ltl.e i"uef. . I'll' >'l"i . Htaaiiara M. ,'I.. I 1.1...'. ... 1 .... >i.r ;'. ? Uiv ... PR1CE8 IS TBE XtARKETS. A champagco baakef wrappad in a Lirpaulm atoodoTertta foiwar.i batehwag af Ihe alraaar Eihlapta r, si. rdaj .''? ?:?> >"??? lafltaat ttotoakrt atowalewaj ui a lot ot... gi bm were aaa >>f tto tii.e-t laed rlaaa lhal wereev.-r rak.d from tbe , .\r.ot LOfi . 1 -i imi .-oaiul. . .1,1 tt.- baatol a eard atota 1 ti. >t ii?- etaaa were far tne " Duke of Bnlheraa I, Daarohln < -?'?. Olaagww." I'his coiiala-anient waa aenl t.> ?? ii ? rjnaci '' bj i-;-h I'ommisatone. Bto-kfoni. who aald lhal wtonever tlio uulillity ,.r -. ..ti.ini wanteil aomethlng go ad to eat ta tba way ol olama itoj a?a >.pelha toaaad to ffadtaa "?,"?;" n'eU'n'" ito baga aad lahiag BMaaaa ?aaa liroltod th<- aappU ? ? 1 f??-i t.. a ' ,. ii extetil au.l tli.- i-i i.e- at-e high. IJvc ... 1 aold >. a :,:,,',,,, foi IO cente. amall atrlpi'd baaa touctod 30 eeota looil.ld .-..! snai-pel amt ?:o-i|..-r ,-...| 1... ,-ais, f ie,li iiiaeberel coet 18 ceuta, dr-1" ' ?-' ' " md Hlott ?i'at.T ballbilt -J-'. eut-. a lo.nel V.- ,1., 'J....) iH.iiii.laol Haltfax rraebed tto m.ik. t and eaa ', u\a for 1 .ceuta .. ix.uml, bul tbe V". i ????tia n-U .-aiinot lhal from theahoreaof Maaamhuaelia I i?rl.U r.ia ahad e4ial ."?>.?<-u\*. from tbe Bavanuah Blva a| ,V?. aud from North Carolina %i l.ach i>i i-...'-an the auow-whlte rud t irrou.f tl.e far vnrth. are lu the Bimket. Tlicy come fr. IgmAat, webrh about three pounda each, and ->-n for fl - ? a pair. Hlufrwliig aml leal ara w.irtb -i a pwr. he iwn-winiraare the Urg-r. bat tto blue-wiB? ure Ua Ti, L-anvaaback.t Bl. red henda 93 aud aadarM ailiSa iwalr. Hquabs aell torBI IWand fo, wUd pigcma - ? "... .iiil tauie ? HaC?,,]|H fil a d>./eii. ? T,'. d-Vket flril for 30 aad M?-..ta. wliileT Baahingtou Market tto beat .-... .... ca.i astod r iii'i -w centt a imnnd. Hprlng calckeaa welablng rroa three to llve pnimis a ratr .1 for flM aad HSO a pair. LoaA hiliindwiuarcbtckena an montha old. are eteaa aai cxc.ilenteatlngafJOand!?eeiitaapoiind. Tiiii faucv trult atoi-fl.Irualwuy do aot hold the ,,o oi.' of ?o..l..*.r..wl? b.r t!...t fratt cau M ,'?'',',??,,. market-for+1 '-'... quart. T:.e ber, i s , no.ibi.iei. and i.r. bowe??r. BewtowaaaaMB am as a barrel. or 30 and 75 centa a doaea. ?So'ntI c ,M'?etal.i.-s are teglBUlug ta BMBfl aaaa] how in tto market Benuuda new po BtoM aaat W * .el 1I..II...V.S.- owr a foot long are wortb ;''!?',';,llV.'.'-'.iuery buttor baa.w aearaa an^rtmgjk* *>~k , ,' a 'o- I.i. e. Ula B pound. I- Ig 1-. n. 1 u-w bibl UiJ, ;'-ii r..i 3d oeato, gtata Bgn 13 >? flta aaa Baai agga jju oeuta a iloaea_^^_ THE PBTBOLEOM MARKET. NtiW-YobK.Keb. 13. WlbU.-vcr BBa] BB in itOta fo* ibo aVBCUMaBIa in i..-t.-..i.-.i.ii*..i th.-fut.iie,.... laeai araagtaaaat ? lM ihl, Maliaga ba-dav. nv.ii>"- araa aay aataa fouud ln the Mwa from the ...i i.eids. a Bllgkl laanaaa waa aaowatattogaacaof Ua raara Cntm atatrbB -*04J barreU bat th-' eoad weattor la Intarferln*aermiaiy iu tha opeolng ofthe new walla In tbal rcaloii. Baataeofl, ,s ,,.? |..v-,...i witbiu amai i.t?.bul prlc. . ;'?;" rT1 c,a tua from 70?b ta 00*4 eent* Tbe -i--'";?'?'"? Jf" Doenaoqalet alnoe Uonda) Umt a large ue? ator inur ,,,,1, ii.,t' areumiilatal, and i',,,1\,',\''!*,,, .a... s why aeme ahrewd operator. a.-si;e,. tlaa a. ta |,e"" that mail] othera wbo were I..ll.n "> " J riaturday'a adraaoa uow p^aaaa. ""' aaaaaaflaaaa "Tne??'? prioea au.l tl.e total deal.nfcs were BB fuluwa: w Y. Pet Coua. Kx. roaj tiHsj Oiienliur.? 70*8 7(.ia Hl'-';. (j.js^ (J.JJ,, i... i. -?. 70 7() K.nal. 2.0riiAf00 1J997J909 ?;??????. l,.i.VJ.(HM) ? 4,4i4.l.uX>4i ^.,-T;.Vhecb aneea weret .... Cliy. 1.744,^; BP^oW8?.oooTaad ntuharg, oTBj&B baaatat lo'ii'iic.l oil wa-s unchaiiKcd. ,ku?,.,;...1Vi.u. I'cb. lA-OraM Olt-Woak and i,? r aataaal lMaatt aadTtMaratorwaTaaaaBfar, II i.i'i bhU; total al.lpu.euta. ii..,lt.i bbla.; cUartara, -,.'. ,.i i.bls ? elearaueea. l,H-l-',0?M bbla. Natlonal I'rau ;.icer!;; opluied at 70'a aud moeed at 70; hlgboat urleai. 7iisa; loweal prico, 007a.