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mr aun'olit^conclusions. MaMHMgeS ...ur -gjbto u Hm mm An(i.ij(.a,1 li;.? Su'i never look at tli--m atraljrht. thev do not think I ,,- ^ *V1,0 loe* uot BdMIN thetlUVV!^'-;';'' Knrde^tieort aud I. for m;. , ..;i. aiu .,->ue --.,, | > Li,,|. ti-.t 1,.- tn-v r.-iui-e for u rrlvcn penod oM only msmMM late'-o and like Mr. Tivvelyan. aad retalw m the MKh 1- Ja-TwoTthMB toUI-u* tb* iriah ,,..-?.<..,. liniply lK.Vrb^^^ ber e-.t acawilly ?.f b"? **?*?. ";?'** "17u ?,, |U? HUt:? i-nt aupidj <>f the bnaltah -','n,,l"',,1,',,ii.11ii. ? mmmmmu Vi. rt of llilti/a. M mu ' rnK Mtnaaj ??niM-TiNK. rvervwliere we sl-ull Und ln our ItfMkftM BOOltOf war,"m', H aakta 1 the Mll MOrtt. ^ ??????? |a* t -f value. Tlie eommon nit. of p* ? . BW I ? , ?;,r 77 -.<?< at.oiit refoT-ui ,-f tli-- Bonae ..r 1.,-r.t- o - wou.. SbIiSbbiP^ t)ii*iiine." buteventhe Itakoof Awll. de - ? ''?- < Slnd about the land-qoertlon lu *<**??"*. ?""J?.r?" S^.thlnlrtngandapeakh.ginaomejl^ , tliliiKiiitruu-i -1--.1""'- ??? ??',,.,.. l?M*la nro smmmm .???&?? Vlom^eTse-o,,-. gk.??*;..??? to he .ba v,.r-. ii- -1 aad safe.nard of fl ttoBo rI I- '?' ' >f J?? ? gognlar fflft^E* ?JT L, ha|2. ta li ' e in narriaooa to"elleo^ l^wetr. tnot, 1 > 1!: Sr-Ttf aySSt un 'a-Vto., .,,.? -id im would aerve btao hui he mu-t vM t ,e i-.< ; ? *> *? MsioiF*.' How nerverse,yetarraln.ta ?r. Herne t p -i ?'r , l.e verv m-mei.t when paat negieetl andWN MMt ?.- -, a-ie drivlng mi ntOOO o,-ratlou. t,.li,'tli-.-m ?n.u?ltv aet fortbe rmOMe rood tn ita eoltacttv* an? oor ?aoralechara4rtCT.*fl?V Stote. how fierverae taaetae t,.i* Sreaaton for - fromnlgatlag the **rtl*em?*l *Z*2T "1 SStattna'tom: and aet onJy to Bnt tli 'a etead bocao Bl,,;,.. ti,- ,-t.M..' ml biniMif.but t- loSMee Mr. Aubeiw u,.i?rt toaevote hia JavatoB.HOMtUf lt. 11 ? ??i?..-.ur,t?Mv heeenae we ral-tah un mii.tttral uud Mratnedatato. We are Mka pe.rple ?taa*?vuuoh a deran-red by the.r tanktag Ihrnmck n tur 1d md fli-torti,,, HtuioM-ti-fe- Or WbnM i.ioven,-:,ta Br* wi.r.'od bytheeramntog of aeane Mroatnrnl eonawwict. Ktba u*t tufk ouraelvea, lonlruw al tl.e thtai: as pe-pie in-tn -le-ir-.i*of tind.n-.l.e tinlh. bow men wl,..-aw au i ti o,s -m straivl.t wnrdd proeeed. h-.w aa AMerlean. "riSt^-wtaieaeelrMtand tl.lnklnaba*. '"V;1'''1; ii n. ?? ail matter*. ,h eoeasaonly ta enlltleal and aoclal ".'-,-,V.dsnuaiitv--f *rti?t?btnm-hnw au amerieaa wo ld Pi?-eed in tl.e three eonW.HM wbleh rtowjjlvea *>iiia am-e- of Ibe many cmfoeVma nawetn-baw-^fdnr aa. ft? eon Mon of our fore.,r, BMelra. the eo? u*i-.h o tbe House ofC-ninion*. the <M.ntu*i..P Of Irelnod. An-l tlen " rnVf hive.lUeoveredthe kind of pn,(H?dintr B?rrurnl ta *eeeeiaea,tal na aah euraelvea, wtrhth* ?a 'moerltv. what Istheenuae of that P of n.ll.d hiiuii.-n''' mMtofuBfroneeelng *:rai?Ut inlheej, aud "SiTAnirra IroquBea b'aetaeM haa tataly eaHed f-rth fr. a all aktaB many aad barab ai.lma. jwdow apoa I, r < raiiville. who ta rharwad wttb th- dtoeettoo ot eur f.'reiirn ..tlalr* I aball ?"' awell Ibe ehoru*-f c,m ? I i ,L~. v^hi.i.' haa tiiiM.-iied I't.T what ?i< to be ? t^-t.-. "iSS"agS I reni'a-k. -I that it I- tm, I.-rd firmviie htmaelf who (leUrmine- -ur fiwalgu potaw nnd ?,T-s ti" Seclarattana ofCovernment ?-....*.'intog lt. buta power t*>bti.-1 l^rd firanvPle. Me und 1.1s eo - loagnea would eall It tbe power af pabtta o,.,ri.o,, lt la re,T'v the -.pii.l-n of thut preal ?wlta?eta*aa*yna*M naoa WMen I a-ral (-vernniei.t* Have bltberM had to depeol Jorim^-tbe Phmettaea or mMite ataee. Itta m-t. KpeiTwItb LordiiranvdK in bla natnr. itMla BMd force tbat afoivi.n OovernMenl baa todeol; lt a wltb i.T?t i;-a?vil> waitin,; in devrnt -,, .-...,.. to - t-... <? it ? ill iimip-alid tbal cal tl.e I.iltUli 1 Ull Ueu Vr i-e H.aio.rek deala wltt. ?MM tbal bc m not BaaUng mtad ta auad wlta u tatelll L-emeuual hut that be is d.'alingwlh a tumult of llkea 2? Sea. hopeaaud f**.a.?tock lobblai*. rot*stonarv nteeeata. ?uidaouea. new***a*iej?-4>allnf{. taahort wltb to/i??i?er Itehlud LN laUUgenl eqnaT. yeiiruora.'a*^.,.. PhlUaUn* mi-l-lle rtaa. ma. ? l-e ! - volition* on foietan aBalra would have more Inl I, I V HU'leoiisi-teiiey if lltoerad th.o,u-h a -p*!.--.!..!, -., iltelr own elaaa throu.-li a m.>. .-mi.n UJie Lord I'.ille vlio ueitlier tl.e thoUght*. bablto OOI hv.. - ..f tue mldrtle olaaa. and v.-t wtabea toaol m nro-tor for lt. thev have e%e.v,l.,;,.,. II.;M tu... -t ivende luatloe to the PblltoUne *a*lnd.eucb "Jtif*, ?r whtobhela apokeaman; he apprehenAa u Ti -xpounos n laaataetlvety. And -. wttb tn- kcw aitd 1 io-;,-? ot Murdatone thund- rln? at lnm -and tli- - . ^ in tLTjiiah l^.rd iw-ri-v a- tli.-ir taMmreter) fraai tlie i?m. Ita tbe iiex-.rai.i- l'rInM BlaaarcS tl.uiia-ti,,-. at iu I fmii iierlli tl.- thing natUT dly aad* bf I*wd n*-an v ea Uat vnnc U 1"- ndr-it baada an-l ftaeutatl-ut fl K,on-.:a'eiv: : lt is a mtanuderataudtag alto*-. ?. , ?t ,?',,r.- to l.e pltie.l. i.-liaps. WM UlC Lar.l -..-?? of I. ni ki" ?'. r'ei atti-r Ib. M-.t H a 11.11 dljaater Wl?. ean ev.r fornet Unu. poor man. otudytaa tbe faee* of tl, ot the dl.lUug tatereatanue*> tlili.o. "As.dien thourht Mribee m*! Ma. ?e ..--t li -.i-rimr thelalnof nl--l guBUMear Tbjalel'aa !-,,.' li.-tra-tltlon ot I^lf^era. tbe Whlg oUgarobj ot lt;--, aud all Lonl MacaiilavV l'lmtlieon. a BMMoaBxaxyoa BMCfitrr. I aaid that B wmrce of atren-lb to Aineri.n. ta poHl I ?mUoiial I'ot.e. n.s, th- .BB eneooa eunr.icl. .-: a' .- ? aoctety. Au An.-rie,-., atoteamati apea vi;'."',., or, .',d...f bla fellow -Hly. ,,; ITO.U Saba k iu"avnipathv wltb it. owleratan.Hng Bnrtehar K? Certalnly ane must edmti thal If, lu em --uutry Sf*e)r-ee? the>hlU?ttae .nWdle ela*. is roaUy tbe taaplrer ol -ur forelgn poUey, that policy wonld M taaat Weipoun-kd uioMforetaiyifltbada l'l.;.;-'i;," tai it. mkeaMan. Vetltblnkthe trw momJ to -.?,.,.,.,!. i ri her i^rhap*. thte: tbatonr fereign poltaywoMMbe hnorovelIf our wbole aoetetj were homoseneoaa, im to the coofualon ta tbeHooM ol Oemnioue, what. antn ir.?m de eetive rnle* <-t praeedure, are lt?c i ln.tiind foremuet, nodoubt.tbe tempcrandacttan <>l tu<- lr.-li membere. But putting thla eauM ol Bonfm-lon BUtof view lor B li.-iueii.. ev.-iy ,,i?- .-un ?.-.- that ti.. Hoaseot lou.n.i.ii* i* far too la? ^e. and that n u.ulw SjMaauantttyotbnalneM whicb belopga uiur- p;?.;? ir'v m 'tooal aeaembllM. Ibe eonfaeton from cali-^a 1* .me whtab i* eon?tantly Iih teaalng, I-- i th,- i-oimtry becomee fntler and more awakeaed bualneaa nmlttl'lie*. und more an.l BJell.r- ol tue Houa tari IneinVd to take part ta It ta nol the eoreforthla ou- m a (our.v like that followed InAtawneaa.ta Laviue a mucb leaa nuineroua Honae <>f Oommoua. und lu miWuil'.-veralaix-. pa.t afiu bnalneae Mloeal amem !? .. elected, aa tbe Houee ol I ..mmon. Itaell will heaice tol-th he ei-.ted. l.y BUBnge 1 I Iih-f. ..It-ii ?,1,1 tuat we seeui to me M aead at preaeat, a tngtand, thre-, it. eepeetal: More equabty. edeeaaau foi the uriddie elaaeea, aod a thon-u-li munielpaJ Byate*a. AavBtemof looalaeaembtlee la bw th.- nartaraleouipla i?.-n- of a tnorongb aumidpal lyrtem. Wbolea a* It .-?; too lam nor too amaO, not MBeeeBorU" <>r rxiuai popula ti,,n o\ any meaiis. hut with elM aetara rendoriag tMeui ln ?.., uiaelvea latrly bomogoiieWM and eoheml, are the Btuultaforebooalngtbeee taoal *uwembltae. HnohnaUa oecur i? iiu-di .t.:v t<> one'a mmd ta ti?tpre Inoe* ol i | .| tu.-H; htandaand Lewtaadaof tfcotlaud, balea aorth aud aouth.gronpa -.f Kaglleh eonattoB aoeh a? nreaenl ibemaelvea m tne clremu ,.t tle- tadgea er imdi i t?r u-iii.eaot I i.-t Alislia or ll.e Mldlauda. MaOOO WU ?uim.oM- ?jieaullty of tho pedautry of here layuit oal Bei.urtlvedletrtota; I do l.ut Indi.-ate au.-h oaltenamay emii-le tlte reater to e,.iie, ive the l.ii.d ..r law-i- ro.|Uire,l i?t., i..<ai a-.M-iiil.Pea of wbleh 1 utit a).eakiii0'. J u. brulii. -- ol tbeae dlatneto woubl be aaeoa awvBBtaawoualr ,|o-i<- in a-KFiiil,,..-..t the ktedl thev.would torm a BMful ?riKMii lor tbe iiicreaatagnaMberef aagrinMMM public Me .inl the li-'U-e ,-f ( OMMOM "uuul la- rMMVMTb Th- -t'aii. in helaud wo,:ld Im KUeyMdtoo, and by nat lii,. .md rate liteaua. IriahliiCIi nre te l.e f -uad, who, ,:, C. -;-erati..n at the I reeei.t atate nt tl.elr country, MT oat lor'iiiakiiii lrelatid indi-itendeut aiKl BBgaiaM, wlUi a n.i.F-n. i'.K.lam-i.t m Imtiliu, with i..:r own l.u.uu ,,:ti,-.- an<l dlplinuaey her owu army and iuvr. her iwn iinB eolnaaeaBMourroiicy. 'iui.-.* maaitoaUy ?apae iie.,.-..- k.,1 beroaaratii tataaiaek atwbatleMa ~-ople wbalnwaMlioatblnk ?t:aii'tji aud aeej*b*ar; let MObaerve wtaat m Maaa ta tbe UanetaTtotea. ti* (.,.v eniTioiit at WaahimrUH. laeervee maller- of iii,|a,ria. *on<s-.u nnttteis au.-haath.-ee .|u*t enumeriiKd, whleh r,.,n-t ta. reiimiulaiiMi w.tuiKit raMngnlataui tu. anltg ,.t toe SeltUer d<?* il alU.w oue ttreat Hou'.U to l*.oii-tinit>d, oi onetrreat Wert. witii a himtberu i'ai llam- nt or a W*alera. that are t-.o tans BM lm.k?.i Virmiiia has BBOfl l-r-Ueu up. liul lli. ?M-vi-rt' -talo* ; re neverlbeiese ro?i aud iut3?.mani arkelea. eaeb wltb lt* own Leglatotu***; Mm! taeaeavthe ctioi aituin itaotvn borMei . o: all eseaoM MafMrtal ^iieenis ," fieeh CHumltbaL Tbe L ntled-ta. ernu.'Ui iuterveuea onij to l..-j-oid<-r n, th* ,i.-i reaoi Ut neeiippoMaHMuM plaa ippUodln Irelaed. ii,,:. hr?- four pro*taeeethMM, fonatag four tiatuml whataa or i?tImi-i. ni lt ah.-?ihl.-eohi .-Kp-^lieut lo |?it MuiiKter a.,,i(,.iii..i-.-ht log*iheri tbroe, TMai*arllBM*nl M u.e 1 uipire woiiid alill be iu Lniulnn. aml [relaud w-u.U ?aud mcm'uera to lt Butat tbe same time each Iribb nrovluee would iiuv- tt-owi. Leglalatare, aad Bt* < m iioloi iteo*rnr-nl Hfini:*. Tbe Brlttoh londlord u.> l(-ti--er Belermtae tbe deallnt- with Un I m an Insh m..', nee nortie Itnt.-u ProtaMaart the d.-utm/- wttb iUuif h aad rti ?H >n. Api.rt rrom Impertai euucerna. er frowt utaoi > raeh aa to readrr milltwry hiwiventlou t.-.<--iiv tbeiiuverumeat ln Loadon wookl taave Ire Jand to mauage Itaolf. Lord Hpeneer an I tdr.t Binpbj II Bauncnuaii w.mld I -'? to ' ' "d. l.ul.lln Oaatle wonld be the tMate Beuee ol LatneMr. Land um-tlon-. ramelaw*, laillee, thureh, e-iu-ati-.n. woojd E* ir-'ii'ated hy the ].--oj.le and l^aislulitreot L?lli*U-r tor I^m-ter. of L*UMr lor UM?r.of Muuetei aud (on nanarh f<-r Huoeter aud Conaanght. The aarma wtth the like matti ra Ib T. uttand snd -eotianrt. The taoa latutee would re^iilate tliem. a* BXaMTia i?>.'. i:ni.iani>. Rrt there l-ni'.re. Fveryhody a-howatchea thework"-r..ive?. what atrala *.,d ln-li..., la ,au-ed iu lt at pr. scuf. *>T ?ur haimi: u weond r-.ii.T.ttercompoae.tMlm -t euttrel/ ol tr.-,, laml.rwner.. and tei-fWM-n ine the,^ and lntereetaot the c4*aa nfiaiidoanera exclu.liely. bo one. **?tatol/. auder the eoudilKma oi a MMMTB atte Md our aotual llfe. wouidever think or aeviainR aiich a t hauiher. Onwo will alle*- ourwdvea to do morn .than u*erely atate ttua tr-naui, w* will allow nmaelte. to aak vthat aort of rlee..itd Chaoiher 1-ople who tho.urht atralcht and anw eta*. would. Sar S OMMMtaM of a a,;e and of ou7a<'t...l llfe. uaturally make. And wc gCJMMtbe ?x-4.T?*..ce of thelntted Haki, tbal eoch pr..vlm-ia MfrtBlature* aa we have iu*. uow aeeit ti. be the natuiai for Uv ounfiuilou ln the Houae of (nmtuou*. tue natorul re**edy f..r the eonfuaion lu Ireland. have the iurtber great mmM) iliilr ef gtving ua ihe be*t baato tar-ss 5?Krtj ?r r_3Si fli|,,l.elec:-two.-el.utorsto tl.e tMOOOd< u '" r " X! Cooxreaa at Wa-hlugton. ?;. *" "*?, J?* l^ -if we like to kee,.. aa it Ba ?ain-lj ' jMtJBxai . teabj^nat-a anniihoBt of ta^eaaatChaaxfa^gl tltlf lo tvlilell we b..t" I.n OT BO Ul.niy a-. Eaobof tbe prorlaelal -ei^eloturea of(.r at I i 1 n h 10 Ireland would Oleet BMWbew lo' *]* "^^Yatolt. Tbe colonUl -gia-iuroa alao would ? e ""?'',; , , and tbaa we ahould he eonnttlg iu .' m/ ;' ?;l ,,",? yet tn.- moal -!v"i.r way poaall 1,- wltb the pr of le.'i: ti.i- ??..try i"id tn.m .?ror. .. -1 n . ?,,. th.-r. tor s?,tie ?.,,.._-. iitii'i'iM" a. ?*M*01. UM rj?u^ ;!,i;^,,;,a1i:,i,,:,ei.a-i-..f cye'i'iiam -I--' -, ?;; All acl.i.1 forforrolnx a Bocoud/??*?"?*"',.'""?"*. DoMln,.n.w^berbyJ^IYowniH-^nyi^r^ ?i ,,?.....1 iioiii.-neii. xre?i **?;"?''?.,'?' ,\ ".,?,.. ure BB.fbar,?era. T_fi?\h^wouhl^eOt 1' ' m. ?J any fanta-Me. 1 rnbab ?'"?,? ,'.,!. Bnt eertaluiy tbey aVdi'.n.-.-'m.:'!" t winlire^aindlHtl,..lunwul :;:;:.;;; L,ii -?,:?-,.. b..i m^j--"-"1 , .1.-1,1 r of am -'I' li w.iv l.oli- aOOB l?'r afV,nowo.'by.*r'.bUUC_ave^B'le , ,_!_< 11 ,-UI-e .1- H'lhll.ltV. We llllt < ?> lll I" . r,,'::;.; ie-J "?_? aaoclaar aat thla* ^att And l:i;'';,:^r:l;;'ll;,',11;lil,! \1Vi.^p.d,m-? ? ? ;:;, 'hV'.o'*,,;"!; wii;i^Vu--,i.i>Y.;-.meir ?aaoa rai Iraaaataaa,.Ibe ^Su^w^kaew* I ??,.... I Ue Ulit.'l ? la-?a,.'! ine UH.l.ll' 'i- ll' ?' '.?ie % ave eae"','.,.'.U eUPPoae.'. e.-l. .80.1 '? reveiv .ll.l.'l'.'lll fl'Oiai tlie true l.ileie -t- Of lle ' ' Ul _unttr. ">ur veo rlaaaee n.ak. ua dIw-eorlna. ln 0 :':4? tbaa,wrareuriaa wilh ijayaleajo ^f" iii'cii-. :i -o--ietv ..f -ue'u Biinatiiral r-aPlkaUou. inai 1 'w'?. ? i.tionofonr inlaada la haui|iered aud fabjeued g it l retora lo my old theala: tue., ba our tane. ?n.rojt Impedlu ? tata ' 1 our ?... ul pro, ie-- nn a i..,.:'-,,-v.'.il I'toie-iaiit dlaaent. fV-plc tblnk Uu*ll au epigraan; alae, U Umnch nOhara U mi lAi-i: iboca- o? aaiaTocBAtar. 4n arlatoeroth al aodetjllke nara Uoft-tBaWto ba tl,e-.? ,etv fnimwhlrb artlata and ui-n of I'-tlers Iiim' moat ta ratn. Bo1 an laatBtrUon 1* to bojudged. nol br what, one ran aee one-'a aelf xatn from It. hot bj tbe ?!,??' vir Ii it "?!?- np. Aad arlatoei i.y-lf 1 maj caice more repeal wmxla a I leb, b ewevei uften repeai. ?'. Iiove atlll a \..ln- irom theirtrotu?arlatncrae;.waela up j., our e.ii'tr.- u tnl-e Ideul. Wbleb'l:;.',.'.,'- ?ur in.p*r rlaaa. vobrarlica onr uilddl -.-: uu, bnil itlzna onr lower elaaa. it ra-lenta tli<- young. mnkca tlio worhlly more worldly, the llmlted more liiuitod. tbo einilonary aoon atatloaary. Eren to the linnjrlnallve, wbom i.-'fl .T.lin Maonera' tbmka Ba -ure frtead. ll 1- w >re a blndrauee than a help. JohaaoBaaya weB: "t'Batever wakea tbe raat. tlie dlatanl or the rotirre, predoanliiate over tlie 1 l.'-eiil. ;.!'..iiice-tl? lll tl.e .li iiity o! tlliaiklllg leiiiL--." Bntwbal 1- .1 I'.i.-e of SorfolV ur .,11 Kurl Warwlek, dreaaedln broatelotb anl tweed. and eoliia u',,.'!' hia bnahieaa -..r pleasnre in hni ? 0 1 -:' ud rall wavaHkcthe i<--t of nal Immrl-ntlon heraelf wnnld eHtreal lilwi l? take hlmaelf out of the way. and to hmto ,i< to tbe Norfolka and Warwlefca ,.r blatory. I -at thla wituout 11 j.i.iticle ..' liiiir.-.i. and wltl eatii -:,. adaalratlnn ttnd aftectlon for inauj indlnda?ila lu ihe arietoeratleal elaea. Bnt the netloa of thne _nd etrenni atanec 1- fnlad. II oae tMkX one*a aell ? bal 1- reall: to be ,1.-.. rU what laexpedlent, one woold-ofar bevoiidth* Mii.-t:t,re,n (.1 ,111 eleeiel Beeoad .'iriti.'e l- tor llie preaenl lloneeof l-rda. All ronflacatloii Utolutrenro i,at ,1. ill cleioivation (exectit in bal ea?ea af alituni ol wbat M aetnaJlT poaaeaaPd. Bui .woald wia'a. If aaa , ei ai...ut wiahtng. for the exthiction ol tltle afler tne deatli of tlielioller. utl 1 fof tlie ,ll-,.ei-....ll nf pr I- aatrinxent law of li.-.|ueat. 3nr t-o< tty aboiiw lie, ,ii,ri only ln Urti a ry can ll >eeome ao But arlatooraey la la IBtle daaurer. " I auppoae, ab*. ? di-aentlni: iuiui-i.r aald ta aaa BM idber day. -run faand. whea |yaa were ta Amerlea. tbal they eavli ina taereonrxreal artota?raOT." Ilwaa bla alaeera beliel Ohat t?er did. nnd ancn probaldyla Bm alaeera beliel ol our uiiddt, clas- l'i OT, at uliv nii.-. tlint If lll" tRMrteaaadoBaWetrry usttrla |ioaileaatoa. they omrhl to. tad nur rri.'ii.l. one Bfthr great l.tleral nartj a_ieb baa now [ aappoae, raettynearlr rwa'town Its tee-aaed vi'.'s si-i-r. i.rtMag.haa buhand antbean far a- I'olitie- are ennoerned. of ihe queetira of rhnrrb dlaeal ibllehiue-t. H ? 1-, aaeT toael to ? urk Bl n clian-e wiib-k erea K tt ware te_rahle fand I tblnk it la n< i,, ofl tlio line ot tlio- rctoiuia WMoh are I 1 Mr Lrolpk Btaalev. l'r..fe--<.r f-umrf nnd lair.l lucliard Or?ivenor are walllng residy to lulp hlm, and ia; Mr. <*BBia_eT_aki blmaelf wlll load tbe attaek. ladualre Mr. l'liiiiii!.erlain aa a polM-CTBU I.. , aii->- he haa tlio ouuraeo? and it laa wmb ooariixe t., itate la ? ? - we n-ed, 1.. te-i-l of arralmbrlnf them. Bnl like .-anl 1.1- eo'iveraion. be l.rca'li-* OB1 t'nc .'eiili;. mii.1 alau.-liiei uu iinal tfle f?ore*, n:,.'. t- lfl al] . perbapa, t.. 1 *aa aaaaalt apua Bar. Be la a fonind..>?.-- ... aal yet 1 auapeot he Mi-bt hraak wta flrorer-wana on her 11 tbe ciiiueli ba- the innjonty far her. abe wlll ofeoarae ataat. Bal ln nn. eaae tbli Inalltntloa. wltb all Ita f.iiilt-. baa thal derB whleh makea lh< -., of inatititti'ili--41 oflcr* an i'leal a lil'li |. le l.e aod attaelilng. I" .tiallu l- i'? \<r<>'.---.,. if m.i .. it- praetn-e. It mepireewido a'nl deep afleetlon. and ,?,?,.... tbeeefore awimenM atreaglli. ItobaWT tho | -? ,','Khilieiit trlil nof afHIt.l lll Wale-. j.Ml.ab'v It Wlll . |0 lu --..tlalid. In B'rtle. lt ..ll.'ltl not. I Ib nl.. ln InBeatM-dl ataMtdraarai Itatafl: but r .-. ii , barehea ara barn lo aep irathan. a? ihe *|,a>k- Hj iipwart. Al a.,t r,,:.-.'it 1- Ihmugii tl. v? ? ?? ..f laeal ? rea tbafail--.ii,i.ii.b>i-iit la rikely 1. e, i i ii, ..-ur.- renutred ln r*rtuiii pmviBcea, and aol L'eueral moaearra for the wbote eaantry. In i tbe endoavor ferd ? tablbthaw-nt ong ??.?'.? -- -r,-r- ...t totl.ttdeavor for far more Iii.i ?>' iti'"r- f"-ti?-. t." lo praoatc it. _ad Itauvt whether Mr. rhamaerlalii and Ml I vulph VtuuU t will li-ten to'uie wbein 1 plead Ib - ?-nti theaa i rbiitn ba aa ii lta Ineatlty lu B*_xtaad, nnd Uaey will aay I an prie*- rnld.i,. BBxaaa cut-a am> raixBrxa btb_iobt, ObM W?tn there is, wboin a'-ive H'l riil.'-r- I woild fain Buara aeea ai PwrlwwaaaI dwrlng laa ?? ara, am. beheld e-'.ii.'i-b.-d ln Inflaienec fherea. luneture Mr <;..l.l>vin Bmitb. I dn n ?: aty ll il he ai eiii'.i' agalaai tbe Cbnreb; In mynylnloa b< But wilh atn^ii?Tlocldltr aad poneirirtlnn h aaw wkal t-ie.t r< r.-rin-w.r.- aeeded la other dlreetbaia. aad Ihe order of r.-iutlte imi. irtanee In wlilebn I.t,i;? -: anl. Poeb la efaaraeter. atrle and faeriltlea, that aloai |*i bapaamong menof klainalrhl bi waai . bla IdeaafwelglMd and eatertalBod bj no- In n-wen whlle awitd uB faTor a*Bd arader all teinntatPma he wua eertiilntt-a haee atill rom '"ed troe *nMaInaiclit," nn rt,,,,.,, ,i,,w-in(?'rt. itTrterrtfled." 1 thlnl ol hlm aa -..iw.-r for noad ii r..r.tai.iei.t at tbl- t ii,e. bad be ba now i,e.-..ui.. aa be Bfla?I bara beeaaae, on, of Um leaalera ? >. ,,. Bl. ai.- i., ? tt" ii th aaene. h ': ?? Cana?a. laa taaa tohl frt.-iui*. i.ut a atlll craatei bi ? c.nntrv. ,, , Bardly Inferlor ln lnfln-ue- t^ Parnameni iti ^.?iirT'uiiKiii l do not eoaeetTe of Mr. Jobi in-ife for illlnx that po?IBon ii Parlloawnt wbleb Mr. Ooidwm amtth woalt, I ttiluk. ho~e ti'.-l. II beaon tr,,;. m Pratoallaoa in tb<- p~em ad. -ea. byaterleal ,, ,,,.; ,t|i.- lieaettnig danaer ut hieo ?:.-??:-on tl, plaTf.inu and ln Pi : : ?*? ? ?? tbe de.ith k'i'i nol tbe tamnrt of tbe *ou a mrwerfnl In Parllainent; bawlU rl-<-, bi wlll w?ie tuto ,,?;,.?*? hut ho will not du far aa In Parllami ,t. I "ir rjoldwln Bn i'i woald bara l?na. ii nmek ,.f a ratrtlsan. In tnurnalbrm. on the larberband, hewaaaa nui'iue a ll^-nre a- Mr. Oallwin aniltb 1 imc-tie 'b-ive !>r. ti ln Parllainent. A- a Imii Mr John Marrey ataaaaed a aalad wateh aetaed a:.d nnder atflaal the alena ?f the tlmei I tb. alcae of a naan ,.: the !??-. Inanrht, and akrne, |M>rhapa, anmng ineu ol hia Inalirtit be bad the aMllfarmaklna thoae Idaa ptraalnto io.irnullam. B?1 Mr. Jolrn Morley baa do* 1 .im Twere la nlewtyol talent In Parllainent. pb taMntln jouraellaw. bal oo aaa in either to erpound "ihealgaa of tbua Bbm**aatbeae two men might have osi.,.,;'i<l?d them. Tlie aVraa of tbellme. nolhioal and -oeia1. nre left,! ret-r.-t to aay. ta brlng tliein-plva-. a^ tli.v lieat can to tb* iioti.s- of tbe ,it|',l:c. Yet bow ln (ti. etlve an -rge* la litem?irwfor "e anTeyiag tbem aaaa - i'.ar?'.l wltb Partlatneal aml |o >; al mi! Otrre-ed aomeBow, hawarer. tn,?-. eertalnlr alawiM la , ?.?i in ti".- t-aqa-IIlua fhavetrted totnal wltbtheua. Bnttlaapolttiealaad aodal proidom,ai thethtukei it um-t nol ao ooenay fl ae lo make na forxei the buman pr .i.ietn. Tb* prwhteaua are ronnectod Inxetber, bnl tnej are aattteatteaL OarnaBBeal and aoolal oonfa i~n i admlt ; whut I'lif!: ttic-nt is at Ui.- mOOM-nt. 1 ? plore, Yet DewBere i.ut m _axla?d even aaw, nal ln Prunee, not la dariaany.aei In Amorloa, eoabl tberehe 'otind puiiiie men at that aaa_Oy si. aana?la ef fair .leaiinr. of tniating une aaotkaar, aawpaax tbeir WO*l to o-.e Btiotber?a- ti. make poaalble aoeb a boUIcBlienl ef tbe I'ranebl-e aad BOaM lull- aa that wbleb we liHte latelv aeen. PlatO -av- wltb lno-t BtOh.itiul ini.b : "BMBUO wbn would tblnk taaraat imrpaaa maM in- aMalatake mutiv tl.iui's into his vlew Uigetaar." Haw koaaoarei i i 4tuerieaa Boetetyla,! hare toaamyhaal ba ieelare; bow amaothly aml aatorall.T tbe teaUtntbvna of the t"i.lli.l ntataa wirrk bow i leatly, ln aaaaa aamrl Irnportanl re-fe-eta, tbe Aiuericaiiia M-e.'how atra.c.'it t bev , tiiiiik. Yel ^ir l'^pel ttrltBB aaya tba' tbei-e 1* ii" I BtBttry Bnltlng it.elf clvllieed wliere one wnnld not lalher livetbantii Amerieii. exeepl Bumbv ln aatBaaa I Ao ool aaii b tnaal ?sir i>-t"-i '.riti"i. I hopa tiiat ?aatmhtlatanba ladM anina distiiei wbere u profooal baalghl into the i? Im and wnrkin" ol 1n?titulioiia in not reipuaile. Bnt, I aiinv.-e. Of tbe taatra "f blmseil aud Of Ihat largr elaaa al B?g?ah men WhOWl Mr. ? buriea Suiiinei tiu - taiii-bl iih to eall tbe eaaaa of ewiUJa?ima. Ba l- aa itatiimiwurtby repertcr. Awl an I iigllabiuan nf this elaaa would nitber IB e in frane* Muilti. Uolland. Belt'lum. (.'Tiiianv, llali, Hwttaerland. tbaa la the t'attat Statea. tn aatta ef ?.ur eoiiimuuiiv of raoe and apaeeh with them! Th?aaaana tbal in tiu- opiniou of ii.en nf tbat elaaa. the haman prolib'iT) al leaat i- nol well anlve.l in the t'nlte?1 Stat-h. whatevrtbe i.oliiical uml Barlal prnbaaaa nmv be. flad t,, Uie Bl?BM 1 iu llie l uilod BtabM We ou-bl eer talalyta tnra eer attaattea.oaaaMtally w_aa we tiixi UakaaauOh MOOAaet-aaaa iiii-: aml bobm day, tbnogb no' BOW, we wlll ta ?". Htid tn to see wiial tbe obJeetioB eoauea t~. Iharotteoa baaa?xea ta aaa Ualterl axataa, I ain i.oiiii'i tothaw by lha bbobmtj af axeat, aatlrtag, and tu-i-t *attaohb_g klad?eea. I abmiid aol like toaavatn own theaa t" ba "' all eaaatrlea eall lag Ubarnaelvea elvb?ted exe.'i'i Baaa?> tlie eoautry wbere une would loastiilietolhe. Maiuihw AjUMtD. A COLORADO i ll w or Sll.\ l.i:. Ia a tlial wiili ;i Tbibi 88 b porttr Jtatl !.!?>. oaBBBfllai J.?!,,!,,,- ;:. I i.aii.-e. .,? < oi aaa?, aatd ; rTrheaetoT T oaj anjthtnt aranrt tnaartni thatri ia h aowl tbat i inn from Colora?o and u aBror a??Mt eoaraa. i bave eae Botfatxetlen in kaewlaa tbHt if theaa Baah ra luoiiey Idlota have ibeu waj Ibej *i:i hankraal nii the Imuks of New-York. They want the eolnage .,f allva. Btopped?abaolutely aad al ,,- i,-. Any ordlnary bnaineaa mlud .nii flt'iaae ont tvbai that meaaa it wlll tinow a_A,(MH),000 of allror bulllon on the market, and drlra dowu the prloe ,,f illror to Te or 78 centi an ooaee, Tbat wil! niean thal <;i.'n one of tbe 200,000,000 -ih i r douan now tn clrculatlon will hare an Intrtuale ralne of .miy iiiioii! eoconta. Th il la toaay,!; wUl be practicaUyte monetlzed, t"bat happnned when allrer waa detaoae ti/,d bffoia will bai'jM'i. aj-'i.iu. Wliv, <-o1n would beeome aarcer tban yon orierer aaw it. aeorojnal hexlnnlng to tot tbe bonetlt of Bllver eolnaxe. F-iujland bas been depreaalnxallrer. andpnttlnxBucb a bbjh rate <,f ex ci.aiiue on Indln thal tne people of thal eoautry are be gii.ulug tolonk uioiind for Other tradlin; polnta. Tliey wantottrlmproved tuaclilnery und other artidea of man iifncf,ii( . 11 we make Oll tha world uinlei-aland tluat we lutend to u?* ailver bn a coln they wlll BOOB OOBBa back |0 lt. Tbe BUUgoniata of aflver aay ttuU to deinonethe -11 ver wlll atlll furlber depreeiiite tbe indii nij-e, and en ttrely dealroy _nahwt*a trade with that eountry. Bal lt wnnld milv etil off all onr ebaneeof trade there, and la addtllor. lt -on rt ntterly deatmy oue ot the largeat lu Oa_triaa ta tbe OOaatn tbe a-aiair of ailvBr." WORK FOR THE RAOEHORSES THK OtTLOOK POBTH1 SPBIKO. bockaway Barraaag a*d aiaaoaaua aaawaoaai -.WAKKAGl-K'SCHiCKKnKUCARiriB. lVeatrie.farthaa^rfAa?jJ^J ?,,,,,_ .^,,,10., WhtoJ^J-^ PI1.U ? ,,,.,.k are upon the ^^"^ uiinoiinec w.ll bo 5SE2S^^S3?.'.S! ,. .- 1:1. m i-y pnylMg ?28 farlBM -,.-,* bave .mt l nn,o,;..,.,o,!tri,.-.,e-:,a...i.m;ui.t.-i-.i.:'": ? ...?,,. rnneblaiaar before Ihe Hakai etaM.wbeiiMbmbj llliv, KeMMMMtblMg of vliat.'.-..? l-or-e-cati.lo Utf Jeartbi OrartLeag Maad MaepleebaM <i?I artth ilrty Hii iBbiiBll.atoai Tlu- Mtrtaa at pr?nt aaaa , ,?.,. thirty-two. wltb tbe Aj.ri aotnaito como the m ,' ,- thia'year will bl MMM MBM ralMMblM. Th.- MiMaaye rlewaf tboMew mmm will ba raaaTry before tba andoftba MMrtb. UNa baBBMMBS'aalaicd voA ef tbe UUtngrapber's ari an.l ahewa netalewetbe ' eonformattonand aataraaftba groMMdbMtthi toenttoe ol erecy |umb. A few tbonaaitd irttot's **roofb wiO be (track Ot aii-l lold to MMM lIbaTI oftliellunt. Tho tiala:.--< .in-.iii't' J ou'hnl. wiil l? .li-.tilliut.d MBCMg friendaof the aport rba eornera an appnaWtoMly <>ma uieuiei with aoiinna fkow toat rea**i Laag latand Btoepte ehaaa. Tiie Bral ahowa tn- atart nnd praeenti the rt^hteen nompetMota. aM with their iraa aulara. rue teoond pletnrva tba fall >>r Btaaley Mortt-aer wltb Hea a..ira i Uuiie at th-- eiirthl-ank in fr--nl <>f Ihe crand atand. The iiiit-i abowi tbe BaUh nih Teakawsg ImiYbm?aai aml nnd ChMlaniagne ai rMnneranp. AMMMttag mmm uu* ibe fonrth eomer. A Pnnebeetown Bonbto bUMpwul l.e mmTm on the gimiaaa. bmi u will bai*Uy i>-- aaed thla aa-rtag, a* it will be dlfflcnll to acl.I hor >?- MMtotantl- iu aahoU time tn go over II well. It eonatataot adoobl*eartbbaak wttbn dttcfa i.otii on tbe taklngof aad tba laadtag "Jde. it l* vio,.ii; h -.ii t ,p to aaable ? bome to <tan.t mi lt with ? onl eraanlug iiim-.-ir. in tne imm Um U'.rae taapa ta the topiiti-ltli.ii gataariMg BImmW.taoaa down. the dltek Blled a- It Ia a uu rnnnlng watot bomm Ulng Mm t-> taany BeveralMeMbeneftba Reekaway iiunt wfU kavi their boraea aehootol, however, lor thla w..rv and ahmild th.-y piov.- apt ag*fttoMipeolil pMMebartMWMawaaj will be ii,?. ln tpafttag eirele- la*t WM* a protnliu nt tA|d( of OOM rcraatlon waa tbe annonnceaneol oftbe gaiatoga Amo olatton abolMblng bookmaklnx nt tbe Ipitag , aieeptlng ouubtaailoa lai ug, and rwaflntag Im Uiag ta ancttaa and mutual pooli like tbe BrtabtoM Baaeb Aeaoeiatlon. Boakraaken were mneb dtognstad.wlUt Mr. Itaed'a doter mlnatton. iald one of the taodtng Mambera oftbe frn ternlty: 'Thlaatep Boitiwyaevery poealbllltj ofgettlna: ., pool bill paaaed thta year ta Albaey. Itoed ebowed blfl 1, md t.s. HOM. IU.* aellou MdllMtBa(ptataly llt*.t If U-t'lut" ?,,,, n.ii.i--u-.ue bookmakera wonld ba rn irmtby every Basoetatton er mmm. AQ the eeaoeta tlona which now derive a torgetneome from nafer tba UlilUgaufMBtlngabnit waawtaay, ? Oeotlemen, wi oando without you w. wiu im.k<- tbe m*o*y mt irlvea.' Bo, tt ta better for mi to bave Mattera retna they are. an.i II BB Bt* Mpt m MMM to gMM B pool Ull lt niii be f--i "l" ( m ii.-it Friday Ue. laratloua will Ue da- for the r-ul-ur If.ui Handlcap, aud it wUl U tatareetMig.teaee wbat uwnera will take rxeoptton toMr. Laereuoe'a \? bchto. aaean betooniedtaa Dwyera will make no doe MHIMna, aa !"'?> MM n-vet -peMafWiM tn Ibe matter of forfelta Poroe of the top welgbta,, Mlll have thei-ti put thrwagbtbetrnmmm, LaMyear aM ?f ti auhacilbcTB 14 were ctaelared eat m.?-i eftbe eMtrtaa tbla an- Ln ao eamfortably, bewever, t'.at tbe bmm* berof aeeeptancea. ta proportion. ahonld b< Tha - that remaiu in will fIi e the puUlie a ln- aa to the . evi-r. t ferthotwe eow kaiMtaape oftbe AmerleanJoekeyClnb,tbe OotaM,bmiMdte, aml tbe l.n.pire ( .t?. - Mile BMd a ., iiiler. A boi -? thal ? 111!" well Itackad u-f--re ba eeaaea ta tlie a> Um to MTar Eagta, part itarij aa he I will betralnedbi Jlmmj Rac Ibla h..rae. u.-?- Bve years old, arrlved al Bbe*| >b*ad Baj tbeweak before 1 ii-t . and :> nnmber <>f rn lus man Ua.-- lookc l Mm ? rar Btaee tl* ti aMd prtMMMMeeg btat daajwraoa H> i- tn Ibe ' bandleapal 110 pouada Tbeherae haa l: -?i . let d-wn. i.ii-l nt thla lat.- at .re of ln? r to atrlpfood lookn -. Heta ownedbj aetmaaeteroa Ibe ' Ralllin ire and - ?hlo i"< l wbn - '"- m ., t?.. >e u old. if ibe ' aervM him ilclit. he \??-tra.l-<l far a e .w anl U. r eal? I ' If a !. who I ? ?- ! ? ?' ? ? ".' ?' "' ' thla day ttwt WarTRagla onght ta bav*> mt ' .,. ii.. vw.irJ <-n ?'???' al llearta odH ? ?' unOeaera .. 1.-..11 -.-1 \'.'jr i .._;?? i..-t?.- b lb*n tluiF-t! un-1 pte\. ul-.l U.m wart lOltWM Itbat tba Uenaral beal him a au?ii neek. Mj-i ???' I -. i waa htanarty *--ui-l have land*d afermne.aa ant-tag tl.e railv a..-inr l)?'V ) l.lio al 4>- lo 1 aml on IM l.\'?- 11. ? ... t....U'l ? t- I l:ta,l..ek had h*ea*t.|MK*MtoweBr Uw-eaa ' - ? ? ,..t ra.t Ua- <l.,\. In ? ,..???. ?- ' ?le ratl - w.i aealnal [be ra.i-ai.-l h.el bls f< r,hal 1- eonldnnl put ou .1 Bnl 1 , a-uaidhaveeoaMog toaet-rtalaty, aaya ; MwmJ-a'alet.f tbabeel esaandea oftbe asten , ,).,. ,4v,"i, ,i-- runlna : auap , ?Va - made bla ,,., ;,...-..,-?-.- al W;.- . ? ? **?? a ;, .. , llt-wall la-b* weat io the poet. Mr. Uatawell. who rtarfed. remar***. ., .. ?.-?.-: ,,' Mr Hall. -Mha nWBa MM j l, .,,. ,?*. ., - A : .? ..., Ibe I.b t...t?rt a ,.- -t I- <-v!,..r-'-- ( .?'.:,!- ? . ? , - . ?, mtrti foi i.i.i, ?' Aft*i th*n ;. v. ?r I ('-. nl. Bd IV. Mr. II bl ?.-' I Nl (',,,i.,,. -Thafa m> hwrae -.?*., '? "II- l-u t loklnif and wi alwOI pi J ?:...; he'a tnneoodtaU I'.-t l-i?nw. BOd w* anra't dnw wilh tbe t iworf for al . , -. - - ii ,,,.ii,,,i- v ith liiti. '?'?.' ? - I ? |4IUI- Ciei. Il<- aud !-???!! I ? - >'?>? ' I '.\'.? th it tl : -'?? - a < at .' art hBVi opened i ;? the Keutuciu I'.-n-v. th- Weetem tF.nt.iiave -. r-.l ?'\ th-* Brmfie hatanl ,-., ab*et, Iml uo them. ' ? . Im- | ,i f?W ilu. ? a. .li ? . , , , .,?,?? - i Prto ' ., , ,.,iur. ,- -l- ' rtatlou "t hla t-."-i p ?? - - l it ' when put tn , H ,|, , .- beal --I, ol l it a 'I ?" - uee I - I I aiiirpl ? ? tl lb< -?;? al I al aettu loi tbe l? rhy ta i-'?"9 \ i ovUiaton boraeman, bowi ? i ? " i ?? i li?a tn look bevoud tbe l^toula trank foi Ih . ,i w.n aprtni ra<-e f..r three year eM*. II ?-\ , |ie la ifv. i.-ii ... Mr. C'nrri?*o and that hl uata* I ,,, ,. ,|uri>uy. l>) V'lrali out of M?rj Itoward n.i..-..t. wmt ,.,,,.; as llarri U'hlU tbe !;n< r:.-.:. , ,,.,,, ? ,,, ,.. Mr. ' --ii.' in '? ? : ' oaao r la naine. bnt" tbe lairlllanl of tb* WeaC ... lit.n ln hla'native *t.'-. --- m to^beahjira ibe law tu Ihe V e.t uud wbeu he found tha* rarin/ lawa la the I ud wcre'n'ia Ie for all alll aeled dlaan.Ulv. Xow, Ofl puhilc !..i-iii laal y.-ar i ?aac Mui i U* i rtrwn - ,-lalin- l? lt*fW#raJllon. Al ( UiiiuiF- he *oti tlie I U-h aiel K.-ir. fffm! atakea, iM-atnii; lathe latu r raee t'eraae, l avor, Kedetone,Trwuhadour andotbera. I >.r tbe Hrae r.,ik , ,..? ,v i- heut. ii hy Vei .UO ainl f-ir othera. At Haratoeta tor the Baratoria Btaki - be Hniabaa] tatr-.l to bU .,',,,., mipanl.-n Lizih; Dwyer, Itnnthtaek apllttia palr K?r Ihe Kenlueky be WMiiaplaead if. foiiipniilon Llwle Dwyer. ih---- |?rfnrniaa?na ara n*t I, nl Imt the enlt*a pnvat. (..rsa i- even h*tt*| ir th.- -(.ite iiieiit mao> latrue, tbal haaraaMover n-i-i.-n out ta ..ny of in- race*. Auotbor Derby enndldate loo-n* uplnMr. Ut-fihlten'a t.rowu t'-Idtuff Orland... bj BUI*I out of .l.oli.t. Mr. t altaban ef thb. olty, theownw -t th. BMartBlly Mlaa jt, .,, .,., baabeen negotlalinf for eome time with Mr. Meffftiber, wbo telographedtoBtaj laal week thal Ibe ffeldlnar and a atabte eoo.pawtan, tbebayflll) gatltaea, t,y V.riril M-.i.i- I "<t Bouli be h.el r<a g*,. -"" and a p-r .1 i.i.i.-,? of their and wtaolnga. II* Btipulat-te, b.rwevei that tbe patr keer tbelr Weatern enrra ementa. Mr Oaltabaa Ie etlll eenabMrtaic tba bMm Thaaotl hy nu.nv eood pMiea. ta toofcad upoaaa bavioi ., n,|ttai eiiai.'i -? L-r the i>-ii.\, aml aa he wtll remulnio Ihe'M.'glb 1,.., -i.ilile nn'll the-.F.nimer til- pi-.-liilltlc, v. io nol l.e Intarfeirad wltb '?* i ebanr* <>f trainar-.. Tbeiw ta Ukely M b* eonto Irouble raaoardtai tba wall k-iown raeemaraLtdaBtannopo. Phc Uownedbj Mr4. Runhope of Kentneky, and Mr l.-.u I ba - I. ? et ti-r rai-iir ounlltlea. Mra. MflB.hope.ttla uii.|F-r?i?.,d. h.i* i... ad a good oBer for ber ;-? ?> brooda .r- and *aut* in r.-tire her. Mr Lood. however^lalma thal *h<-1* ut for ractni yet and bolda that he laenttlledto ber am noaa Tbe tnate la*t veur had ? pa'tifully enlnrr<-d fetloeh )->int, l.ut deanlte tBla ahe atarted ln no leaa thanflfteen rneea nf wbleh ahe won twa Mr*. Btaohope evldentlr Lblnka that thi* hanMertng pi mbm b III tn|ure Uer qnalltleinan l.roodiiinre. Iiiipniy h;n reefiit;> baOU in ide us to wli it luia lio ronie ->t tbe atjone time -.i naatlonal race hot e xii ralbon. II* la being naedaa a baek by tb* boyo m tbe Blaarave -laiiie al Hheepabaad.Bay. An*tb?r form-i candidaui for turf honor*. Bea Blll, by llonnl* Heotland, ha^ been retlredto a I*m .-x.-itnie bntaaferBeut 11* pulla ? tiiiF-i, nt hheepahead Bay. Tte ?ui,r aaw mm eoe evenlng reoently t'.-iiiL' t<> his atabte raTtar hia day'* InliF.r The vi.-rk BVhtantlr BaTreefl m ith him. f.,i he la I..K andhearty. Deapltobl* Ignoble ocoupatlou be haa . ',.;,.-t tbe eharaci r th - kea*ail uf tiie roeeborat ?i,,i vaihtng aadlaoka Itae a geutlemaata iwduoeal alKumatonoi _ ^ WAB1XB l P fil VBM IX Bl TLSM. As ( lleiijatniii V. Jlutli r aitililcd into Ib Avenae Hotel, Wotaeeday nlgbt, a Mtal l.eme. r. ti- ?ai-l ti I Tltlia ni NpM*Mri ??TtiF- (iem r..l ne-iilv ln; -e.l tlu--i or four of hi* np potntmenta 1a MMhlgaa taM fall beeaMe Ibe people bm tlu- li.un wen- nfrai-1 to wui.-,, i,|,. Tbe mlA f.-ll-.w has \M.n-ieriiti pbystenl ligar. it haabieu prenrrad better ii,au bls rnentaUty. Ithbab OHanaaa Paltar, af Ihe OnenbaeB atato CoBunlttee, ba cbarge af tba apeetal irain mi v, lii-li Ibi I IfMIIMl tr.tvelled out of ]).-troli. I wu? Hl-o on l.oant. After tlie tlr*t atop aud Fsia-eeh tlie flttttr**1 diappaibinlrIbbbi nat ahalhliayM aml fell asleep. Aa we ncared the neit ap]>olntuieiit ( lialrman I- iiiler trted to wakr Itu'ler up llt proiMd a hard ta?k. It waa even ucree'iiry lo aliake hliii anumtly and aa l>e be catne aroused he vented hla aum.vatice tu a VOlley of ei iiletlvea thut would aerve the Irlxl, rauae l.etter than dynamtte. Kitllr-r trled It a^-aln at Ibe IBOOOd appatel nidnt an.l after that aHhl he dldn't prepOM to hay, Ui head aworn offif Butler mlasrd e\er\ iippol itinetit m mealSBB. Uullcia boui-aaitaut. au luUJii.uul colvlcU man. who had kept oat of elght all thia tliM. now ft n to uuderta.e th? delioate task. aud when lt i a mo tliue to wake tbe (Jeucrul up aitaln be l^i^-___2_ faatb-r, out of lha portrr'a dnater. and aently rtekled taa great inat.-a noae. Vtlerelowly aiteiiiptc.l to braahtao aunoviui; thlng away. aneezed banl and w..We an, wniie we all laugbi'd ut onr atup'.dlty aat the c.lored inan a eaaalaf. H" woke tbe ueneaul'up that way uaira ilo/.ii tliues that aftenioon." TBEEEOOELTE yorxo EEBUEUCAEOLUB, its vroitK i.Ahr yr.Ai: iif.vii.wkd hy tiik i xkct ilt _ 0OMBUTT8-, The tB-taal leportt of tbt Execatare Cem mltt.e und ti. .-.ur. i ol th, Broeklya Young Kepiihli. uu f'iui. have beea oe-Maaet. The reyerl ol tha Bxreuttra (oiiimitt,.-. whleh i- Blcnai IfjW-llaai -.jruilama, .-ii.iiiiiian. ra-aawatht verl ?f tl"' elabta Ihe laal -am pafcja. After Matln-' the"-a oader wbleb a t. w ii?l,: cii.i. iu- l'i. tiie ,1 ii. aud the emphatle lu doraeaaeatofBlalne aml Loxaawaa bm-b hy v_tuaUy Bm aatln ou-ai.i/ution. tha rarael eoattanea aabetaa BaB] a- foll.m- : TheExeentlreOeeaaatt^oetlatrtbataddorinxtbe eain pulgn a large uumbei of.?l docomeata, i.f wblcn boreUMimpriutof theClnband wore In ?*',''"":,- ,._ theaplril aml dbraity of the orxanUatlon. Abpu -?'?'""' copbMof tho (oii-titiiiioiial Amenduient, iiiuitui'. m -.-aml lax.itloti ill lar.e citieaol l.i.- "t.ito. ?i rn ciicuiat.,1 ibroughonl th- dty aad .ontilbntcd ln ae mi.:.'.! dexree to tbe au< ceaeof tbol nn aaure. Tbrough tbe Advlaory Cumaitttee aad the Mverai wnra braaehea etoru ware mi, aoaafaBj made to aeeara a iiui,e i-it'l-tratlon. . Tl.l-...uiuilltee would teii.l-r its thanks to Ihe mem bera uf ih* clnl. for tbeir |.ioui|.t an.l beurty reapon-e io aii caBa forroluntoer work. Severb fon Intb. hwtory of tbe nrgauUallon bave no inany BMmlaei - pal i Iclp . e in. l.t.i,.iiii.u tiurk. Tbe worh of tba aereral warfl bra 1.. -ne- baa been eondiMted oa a larxe acali daarlng tne (?,? li.'ia. Tni- eouiuiiti.e tioiiid iirge upon the uiem bera the neceaa li aad valua ..r routtnued vhjur In taa <? ubm! ImnorUnt departaaanta of onr orxanlzatlou. h ib tbrooarh the wacdoraaalzaUoua thal lha uioai eflective reaults cau la aeeo-pllebed. The wurk ul inaaulug and watchlu the ia.1 on elaetion day waa falti.fnily per folllled und- -I- tbe. llie, iloo of tlie WOlt . ll.l I IK.lll iLIld tbe i:a-.-iioii la..\ ' oiiiiulit. >'. Tbe full detalla of tbat work are glven lu tbe report "f the Klectlou Uay Corn uuttee, to which partlcular atteatlou -lavltad. By the troaaurer'a report it appoara that tho reee.lp - from diiea and eoatrlbuUoua during Ibe paat year nate been ?'-.'',?'-. that tiu- .li-i.iu-eiiieiits hare been .?.:..(-. il, aud tbat tb, !,.,:.,!...? on hand, Juniurj l. i--',, waa 8409 71. The ibanka of the ...nnni: ? .ln.- lo thoae whoaa goneroua t*outrtbuUoa?imate-laliy alded iu the pro tvution of ihe cumiailxn work. The e.,u:niltl.e ,1,-ir.s lo aeuli.owie.l.e tlie unt.oia. eourteai aud aupporl reudend Ihe elub byTBg>tw. 1'uxk .'.inn M...I..I ;/., Brao-fpa laaiff rfawaanrlai ioe liuriuathe paal rear i">l memliera bave reabraed .'""1 Ti.iu.i.auibera havo liea u curollad. Ibe ei ur?- ma-m berahip i-iiotv 3,038 a a(?inat-,4*?1 njeiubera on aaa 'ln -iiuu.itiii,' thla i. i ort. it haa been th< oliject >.r the cuiuuilttee t.. ouiBue tho work of fbe club dui "Ka._nt pcrtod ol Ibe polltl. .?i fortaaei ol tbo rouutry. i ne tiattlc ror bVpii illcau pnm: pb -. al.ei i. bad beou rairly an,i buuurabii wou, waa ...-i duxlug tha laat| weex oi Lbi caaupaJca bj a aeriea of unforeaeeu aud accldenti l.,f..'.,t li..- brougbl mlth r repi aui i.ivi.-.lit upoa Ihe BepubUoau'-y. 'Ul baa irrved to uulte aml litvlgorate n. ta Bepubllrana wa bave r.-i- ti to lout foi ward wltb i nufldeiice to Ibe uiu maic aucoeaaof the -!?-..t prluclpli ? foi * nt< baa . onleuded lu iu loag and uacful rurerr. Aa uu mw-i-a of ib. Drooklyii Voun i h>|.H< bu ' b b, wc bavu reiuum lo bo protul ul ita paiuatakiug utbura.aj oteiuum mut.iuiia, iii,t1 igglng u .. . ii d d. aotlon to prlaailple ln a eampiuaii Ior ... nn, ?.,.. .1 fumallon, .nllty, and evil pa -!?.?!. the i i i oci upieo au """"'? ui,... |. ,-ui.iii. ura?utzlng meetlnga ut ,w , tb* large.t Sauoaal i-.u.-a were .lu. u- -l ?uh ? aad puwerby ?l |...;itl. ul U_dera. ctnploylug leglUiiuit, Bg-ueleB fair luBueUclllg I"!1 'Ui uptaloa, aud cuuductiu. tb.- laeal ra?Taea with daeeney aa wall aa , , wiiboui bavlax racuurae lo qaeeUuaa-lo ??-8_B ? ii- ni-. |..nt>iiii Irtckery, nr baae warfbre upon lha prlrata ebaraeter af publle men, We hare the aatlafae BoBu/ka. alagnotoalj ;l.atw, kavedoueaariiBty.bui ain.-tbat our -rvi.ia have beeaapprealated, and thiil, by ItB aiaiiuuiv.H-al attitude ln ih" rai ^. ' ? ? iimu [i_...r tui.ti.-- f,.r* oaofttlueaa h. v<-.a malUpln ,: l .- i;ui ..: iu.-. nii,, aa oflbi Ki pabueau party, tbat It ?a- i .1 orx?ul/ed roi .,? i< rampalgn. L'aviaU?ably Be puUUran lu NatiunaJ polltlea, l' baa vlgoroiwh eon t.-i.d.d lur !.. |.i ii plaa ..f reapouMb?l hoi-e ru'o. auo ,.., arttaaai ? ... ibe adrulaiall il ".. ul m al ilra. lt i. but ao axeary uf faeth u. u? ; lu , U -'-.,:. Itael ' a liut d*|aial ii|H.u the eaprlrea ol |>olltli al f..itun* U- pr." |,. ia an uot rtott-et by ,i, f.-.i |t aUuda for pniu ipie, au.i ?iil , velluue, iu > l.'l ,t) ..i iu ?'?? ?? ?' ? ? !;" ' tuiiou <l*. ui.-. "i" etetl aueh laluence aa ,?,,.:... of t?ot I...IH-1H..-I.I. ....... HU4I uud .Na l.oi?1." ii., re. ,;? ', Bloaofthe report oi th. Eleetloo Day tu:,..,, tteoi ? .'? owa v. rkare al l*aUa aat Ward BMdtaaifari. ?_! taavaaa ? ,,*' - -"; -,,... Wal< I - 1 ?? Appanded lo Ui report aro tha I watitai i Bi I_b- ef ti??< lara: 0 u IL fl - ;,,..., ,.....,. . L Atl at, J ??-I'h I ? ^''". J -:.:i ..?:?-. - - B. li. 1 ? trea* ui. r. Jamea K Caar,aorralary, aat Haary 1 ?i aa . i< ; retary, ? 1UL (..i.> IXPEBTIQATIQB. araxi Br_a ra mai.i m roaa t:u: bi *-aii: < ;.. LATlXa ol I IBI 1 "' -? Bewttora r-ooana, (iibbi aaaa Ualy, tbelmem t., r- ? ' ' "' * "? *,!..?;:..u. i_. ;..' Um flortua Hu...-- >. at. .d-.y t.. I,. al ;? i - .:.iiiu_t. aiateaaeala ea tha auhject fruiu cttlaeaa and ataafl ? Joha li b_< i ' I v ?? - -. i n iii.ira ;, j... i ea 1 BekoBa BBtotflerau n I .. , , -i rpoca ii..ii > ! . ?? ? Bppi ... ,1 foi lta < Ity. In ... i made tha ! deiua .' foi tbe Invi atttatam, a itali - - II.iary. n .rlu i crtaln wbat i |_,.;,; eaUMxa naalea au; ? ??-.,??? I u .Ue fi?n r.-oai euipeBlaon ll'tiryll tudetavn, eaanael f or Bia Omaottdatei Oai atloadaelrod loai . traa: ii. i " aa anu: i werea ? aipali] UM Baw-Yart, Maahauan, >t bi t B-ti i be .? ia ? ,i.. wtth ll ? tnre ??? Ib?. ? .. -? . i rlvate eonaumei larlght tiei i . -?? tor ? ,. bi metet t.-'.d. lf f..,.i..1 oul ol i rdel the .,, badtopa) foi Uie laapecllou, bui .i .... rixhl ;? i'.I ?, ^, jr, . -, ? ?? he hid b ? n Inforni ??', ib il - , , . -tat* li.-|.-.-l..r wbo v. i- ; Late lr< a-tir> . bui b< bad l ? i been . , i,,,.i nn.,. Hou itorUlbbe -ald tbal lha In >| ??? '? i ? name v, i- l.i, a..d _?? v..,- loi li.erl) u lu'uio- : of lUe t? '-''I'lo"'/ - ii-i ine State nmlertooh lo provide f..r tb* aawall >?? .'* '" ' "1"*. and had praeUrally ?i,,i,i?.l fi.iinei- ? o?ipaUUon iu ti.i- city, .'>" mun i um ?b_U_ aa Ihe people bad -?i;. ,.-1 elaougb , ., ?B-|ng ii. atreeta toin up. Bui aoinepraetleal .ui.-i-.>."?. wa ni-adee. Tbe lasrple oturbt uo| lo bc aiode te way dlvldeudB ou aat. red atu. i. I... > |..y t.i i luiieb fer ta-. lle did nei ibbxh Ihat it waa irnelnall eaaca that xaa billa wen blabet anca ihe i*l...i.,n in t r WTi'O Ol Baa, I.ut II waa tl.e lt. iii .iiv'..*-. Ilis ..'?u i.iiis aboal ii.* aaaaa whetherhia axaaea waa d tlmt bi ind tr;..i a!! kJada af oara ; itoraa-d aUll klabl la *i-ad:iy Incraaaat. Mi Uaeombe ..ald tbut Um iii> wa- the largesteoo Bumea "f ?'-? a"d be propoaed tujail m ducu?K nUry *vl ,.."ih , -h .wing prtc s paid M ,?-ii..,ls of com|mtlttoa aud bub couipetltli-u, tbe valuable artvlleajea tbal lha corn mic . ei.Joieil froiu tbe ?n |. lhatr luiiu-n-?? proUla au.i Lbcctrtaiui) ?f tl.--ai '"'" ?' I ?' aaa lawUrag?rd t., t?- u-eoi the (traeta by any new ooMpaay noi oal) pra va-uta eompi'tillou, but il aervea lo extrnd rranrhuea a'.iiil to exptra and oii "Uicb thu wiy lulfc-ht liate liu i.,,a, d reali lellona, Mi Tluirber aald that la **nglaod xaa eomiwabw wrr. P auoelled to pabBafa aadei <?.ttu MMeaaaaal ataveaaenta nf tueir at-l-aas aod ttere all.iwe.l oui> l.-u per cent ,-. lueou taoll actltal ABJ . x.-.-ui inci,.* ? 1. divided two-thlrda t<> thaconauiuera aud one thlrd Ui Um <...'? *r:iin*.ii. Be llioiiKlit aouiu eucb reh'tilalioiis wou ,1 be foiind ue. e.--ary bere. Aliei furth. i telh II waa B0T. I d thal an e\!?-rt ahould !?? i.t.noliif.d toetauiine Ui" booka o, tbe . oiofatil, a. Teatiiiiunj ?-. 111 t? lakenou tbeentlre aubjes't, relutlngto ,, t or lo.'iuiif.unne,ainoiiiit ..f liioney actuully lliveated, ,,*., .-? chaig.'d ln other < 'llie-, aml coirpai :.i li u prteea ' i.i hv eonauaaera In thl eltj far eorraspaadlax inouiba L Ibe redu. tion ln price lant Not,- ei il r> ,,| lo 01 7', |>er 1 .OOOeoblC feet. '! Iie coiniiilltee wtll no'et "ii Krtdai nexl aad tak.- taathnoay lo ba pro Bcatcd by Ih'' i.aa UoBBBBMre' Aa*ociatlou. UIM FAELOA*a IIli HEES, li;.. *l Ou AM' UTTtB JL'ib 'BO-! ALL QVABTb*B8 nt 1 lli: etOBB. "1 li.itc niade ;i rialla-. tinu of iiiti'lu'is" aald IIBbI Parioo liii'ldciilall.v iii her Ic.cliire la-t Weat. m i'liehei ? andtmpeta have Baora e-araetar Baaa onj other dlabea. Atter taa Metara eeme late the baa k aar ','?,? .,n.t-e i.iT'.-vetity-flvellltleplteheta If you Wo.lM Hketoaee what aTaifetyBtoxpraaalaB may N ifrea to a ptti licr." ?j-iis haeh partot la tttod "p *a ? dintiur-ruoui, o? a" i "f brla a braa ihetvea at atalnal ? baal rroundef dark-red i">.er te tarea bato reBef tinu rarted eolora were Baa ptMhere. Bome haai m rewai oth-ra Btood oa the ihetvea. There were ronnd pltehara Hke fut Chlaeae inaadarlaa, i rag -inn patehera. i eoaattM pitrbere whleh were ol oo aaa axeeat tot ihaw, und praetleal, wlde i aathed, reanaea pl bm ptteha ra There -,.'re'- In antlqtM ihapa tlkalha ptteha* la Ihe huxlb jj|.|,i,-iuie of ?? ttebaeeaat Um Well"; aml Qaeen aaae pBebera, whleh mlght havo beea eopted from tha one whleh'd . r.aln to UflMt 6000 <>f fratfiaut, which Blcb irtaoo and im aataatei fi ktatl araah to tha aiiereaaof "CtartaBB BUtUeaO." BUaa l'.nio.i bexaa al oaea to tolk ahent her i"''s. ??Thu beawn fl'ed nwood, with yellow a-wera oa it, is ,,, , ,. !,?,l; flt UM eold.n dull.i.llli. B04 thlfl ic'ief of lh?? lo I', I> it,-lininii IBMhiBg 'al- plpe inat ili'lnklnp h? i?.,.._,;,,. iictui'" ef eoB?ort Bara ia un a?I oflrer BttChet fOX I rtaui au.i kBtt U oue ot old faabloued stoiie war*, made near Boaton and called ' Oorryhlll* after the uiaiit.farturer'a place." " Thla plteher," ?heeawtfMMOll. ete/intr one covered with atranjre red excreacencea. thla one isadevll-flah plteher; Its attraetlon la Ita uirtlness. That sMuare bii of old-faahloned blue baaket BttMMWnn ia eudeared to me hecaueo of lt* bom-ellurar, -lt ia MM a eoMfortabto old -hoo of a pitclier: ' Tbto to Jj - es,-, ? ahe aald. turulmf to a pieee of dnrk blue pott e.iln oiduiii. Bted lu |old with ftoVCM aml htrauifo ?Mi*eoM. "And thla FMzaaoBMl plteher with ita *?MJ'W*,|,? a-round patatod with MtM myrtle l? a Minton. *oUce ta intlque ahape aud wlde haao. A little mald JjhM WMbed dlaboa r-o me never oeaaad to a-lmlre ? tl.e alt or u. 1 im.- pit bera every wbew l go aod tbey are itreM to me byfrleudawbo know mv fiaey. Iheei are two ta n pltch. i in Uarrel ibape on tbe abelf;.wm bojta nt '" Bfew-York, the other lu Detrgit, That bright little bU >>r atoneware iu iiie corner was glven to im: by ? > bm fra* nate ; u wua nacd laat year on tbe table of one oi ino fjnlveralty clnha Her* to a bit of Meileaa BtoBewara decorated with illver aud oo)on; li bohtaonly JwotBlM blefule. Thla la a piece of Hngueuot chlna ta nark umo and gohl; and thla creamy whlte pltcber to aa in?h pot <eiuin, tu exqulalte vartaty of wbm recently wieceeafoiiy copled b tbia country. Tboee ualnty pteoea ol Boytu U..r, <-;ei-oii th.-iiutf, i were glven to me Bt Loulavliio and tin- little ma|oltaa repreaeutluu an ear of green corn I iia-'-l 'Ith mii^li aad milk iu Part*. VoU have iiott thla irtganlle old blue pttcher; lt is over one bunrtreci reara old and waa aent to me last Bummer from San* tnekcl i-y a frlend who wa* raraful to bunl up Iti htatory aud f ouinl lt was fully an old M repn MBted." TIli: MONBI MARKET. lAItEl ATTHK STOCK EXOHAHOB, FMh 11. TIIK (JKVItflU. MT i | Aetiial i I Cl-ismif f aelea bida n-K-n. . ?-?- n- !- ebaree latr. ilir't. L*W*1 BM. A'K'd Sold. MKTALg, f?0*| '?'?"- ??*> K> 2?. 21J .,',?!! rentofNJ. 3fl 3.;% .(??- ?> ? - J?S 2. ??'? CenPaeiAr." 80 -'-', -'?,- ?> ?',"?' 1-,?-1 CMOiatoref. !?"? i?% '"'< !V >.",-',. v '. t'MAIMa, IBI 131 IBI 131 13 IMJl M ? ii,u-.t s w... U3*4j o:i*a ti.' i*V t?."-j ie-'? 84.670 aapref. 12H laa IM 12" l'&, l2*S .. ?'.' ( m .?.- -; -. .??j", :rt 7J 73** .-V "2"i 4'f.h IM ...... ler.i. i.e.i.j io-.'- lo.. ?-. IM 108 . 310 CSIXMI'. 7\ *J4 "'< Ti '?'* v , ???. CHIfM "<?. , 'Ai7a ?.'-'.'. -';'. '-'?'* '-'3 -' ' *L'V *? *"* v* SH S| s-< 9t .?i!.ir.*F,. |.-m isis I91*a lil-a I8l?i t'^'V '-''-' CRIAPae.. il: nt in ni 1" ii IV IM ccc* i. 84*J fcl - ?<*'?> :'?*> ?4*i W 800 Dt'La ?.,.. ni iu,. -...'., ??<>?< ??>???- '."? .;-.'-'.' D..-.-II.. ia* t'. ".'-. ?-.'?. 78*4 ? -:'?-? "-'?> ImJM i- .t (ti . - .... - ' 1 ' Mt -'s -i?-" ETenV*(i3.. H"J :*:v "'?? ?"?' :j'4 ??i ' l-.-l.Vii.i- -l >.r. .'.\ ta. ;,->, B|| .-'4 1. 120 ll.,,,- .v resaa l*J 11 17 11 '??> 80 :<"' III '-:,. . . ! -P. I'J ll 181*1 i-'f. ?'-'i% laiai , 100 i ,..--?;,;: e:.., M? .; '. (Mi, .;:t-- tjtiv, I6.B18 louwA.Naan ...-'4 '-'o-i -.- '-J-'* '-':'- -.*a - ;' I.. N.AIt. ,t- C. 8.l*e '-'?*.. 2;i*ii 2-m 8.1 84 1U0 m,';;, Ka; -is - 'i 8 iJ - i ; s^sr* n a ^l n .-a .-. ts Va i'-aei-..-"" ' ?"? M W?J ?" *? ""' !''L' ,?',,,.SJ N\u ? '.<? S l??a i-'-1* '-"^ ,,:*'* >?*H i'1^ s ^ * n ll ..- iBO 110 I-' i*n IMO l-l | - '" s Y LA r...- -7:, *T'. -?'. "-1. -' 7 r!; n..,,..,v. .-, ia H* W> ?J ?,-* ?S .\, .ii. l'. . .1 ?;??"?? ?? "7- 3 ? 30 a ? ?? , 38 , - - ? ...m.-anr !,!...? is I-! !*? ss ? 'm ";,: ">i ?.,..-. IraiK I2*a 12*5 18*. 12rH .-',t 13 i'" HDA k...'...: i('s ::?'- !??* l". W?a l^1- , l}? I'iiii.v k...-!..., ld*a i' :.. IBJa W> '?*?,,? | ]', '-? ppcar.'a 'IH ll-'. li''. l'-"4 iti ??' 112 ' i< -i r m . .- sr^. 174 ?"'?-? s"'- s7 "? H , fntoarac. 4J , ?.\ W-i ?*| WJi *5a M,f*a am, i .?..?- m -.1 m ?'-., .? . -,*:?- ? r, w i-|..,.- rao) D9*a DIS M - -?*'< .-'? . ; A.taieal-'^i . -? 183 138 - - I8S 1 ^"..?n'r..a K?a 80*, lg?. "<",? WeilaM * 108 IO? 100 IOM 10H 110 PaelBe Man... MS -5N H*a ^-41, -r-^ - M/ CoKVmu i'... Mi '."4 .'? ?"*- ?".. Totnlatleafortb* dav. 8B8.8S1 M.4-4'1 174 r-.oir lot H IllT. GOYERXMEX18. C 14*01 CuagM . IfcOBO. /:./.'./>*? 4.T0 BAMK MT00X9. SutUit'ar"tp'l Tax MoK**T8d kPai lerdfl imci.i.s l.nmi :?- ! n i . tn . ;, MoKan?Ts|etMia i PacileHI N , - .ii l.. .ii " 60 i . ..--I . . 1 * S. ill.KNi 01*4 Mo K .1- lei ei.ii 7a t' 1' I'. It l?t M i,, irtb at'l Bak " ' l"1 '- ' "" ':' '-' .,, i . MiiA at Paal i?' t*hBarM yamey Aitond I li ->1 < bM PW l>tv ,?*?*?"* a. !i7 I :ui?i t'4 j 1000 '.f.f ii;i,. Lbtaaxoaua . 4 I A M div B ? ? lyrdeb 5a 1 fhmi 1034 lo.-aH) 11J 1 I.".*".M . Mld*l -. J :-.; I. ?"" ' ? ' ,,,,,, 7i .... 7'."-.- CUI APacd*alt)17 -.(."4 N V v. ?* dtiintt i aeup n ,- ?-. ,-,.f.151 ?.<??> .. r.'2 f kee. F,|,,.M ur--r .'..<?*->.'I JU,,W0.V \'M . . ,, ? , .-. imh) - I '? n VaAOa io l , ,, , ?? . - i- ?? i ....:..'-'-. -"o.i lli Sa iA t-Vw a?t?. .'>.""?' .?>?', i: .* r tl lat e*n 7 , -, -. i i .?.- \i Moont \ ern?a d V .??, a ,!.?:? ? 1 O"" . '1 ;.; .. l. .-. i,t I. it nt .. ? .i ? ..'-t'? W. .t>rn.lli? 11 ,,,, ? 10.1*1 - . ' . - ? !-n "^ ,. ,, . . ?'? '-!??- H.. .. *" ao.. MS i.?po. ... il . - . i....... Ail Maln Une - ,..^, s v ,t, ,t *( 1 . >t 8.0tv .?.-. , ,,| . .. i .- i |al * Umo -?? -. t .'.? Hhon .1 , , -. r.. I.i eonp ? :i "-ap | rl,-. ,| M."l ... 1"! J ; ,1J m ; il - ? .... ItilU N ^ l-.r< .4 \V I i \ , x ,.j .. . ... |(.IA. e.-i.lriiF ti.Fii ||,.0,HI ('? '..l.'-.H- . ... 1UI '4 '.'5\ I,.,. i,.F, ottou,*ar riMf MYHaaMWeal 4T t.i :.* lat I , iM)0 IB ' 5.100 " 1 j , i . v . - nt oi 'i - ;?? ?t - -ir-." *a ? 1. . ispcildll 1 "? ' ... M> -, ? ..j ? ; .lOOS !".? ? ?' M , , || , t - | ?| . 11 -> . :i 10 .., Ohio .'.- M M 81 u , ,i-? ui, iilii-i HouUi.-rn lai | 1 o?- 1 4 ,. ?i .;?. li.n o -?'? Iti-!i uad 1 'un I.i 1 .'. Itl^ ..WO -7 ??-. II .. -1 I .. :, ? . 1 ? * '- n ' IP0.NI I II '. !. I* . . - '^ ~l I .V M .1 I 1 Jd , ? . . I'taaaU 1 n p . Me la! B.OtMt 0 '1 . . % I... -o , - lai. ? II ,t' 1, 1 - 1 aal ? i'.n '.' 4 M 11, i .',.? ttei -11 I. laa I s .. . -: - t ' - fi -I . -. -, _ - , : |'.i ,1 ;.,?- iij I.i ? . 1,1,'la, . 11.000 ?" f it I'ai l ?: v t lal .:-i.'.. .. Io| .1 I v. 1 ? . uo ;?' *i 1 -' lli 8a . nt.-l 4..HMI .1 4 . .. ?.il BtPal Mlud M -I M 1 - ??'? lat -. \ a < I*: .'il, ..'.- tll?i , ; ? ;.. M .1 N V ' A N -? -i M .( J , ., Nl ., I ?? I 1 nl In ????,<? .I v-i't ? ? ? . . 1 ,:.. . ? - , ,-?-.. ? 0 ? ..) r , a lt r. T< ias ? ;?...-:.,- i-i I.ihai . .... l-'l , BI.HH . 1 ,. 1 1 ,, 1. ? . i Aui ? ?- i[>F-n en l.O-I.F . IU:', .' ", I-... ?. iw.i ;...'4 1 ', 1..11 A i;aia \Ttx I'a* Ine LO Me: I- -vale.1 .' ! , 7a . ' BaTBMOAT, I'-'.. 14. f M. X-. ,| . ? '.-ti f-i- rt- a I." Ini . 1 - .?:. a'- r than thal of j. atei* :; ii tha .. uera ' tturea -f thi marferl derol ipe 1 tbe same charactartatira that bave mnrlred tboee ->f the i?.,|i-.....l!-i--.'..:.\- roaknoaawithanabldlu 1 fulth oftbe i\i-ri.-.- fi--i tor priceaaratot iowotoeneoauaare u iratory to .. further a.u ti rw 1 -..:? .... u? llluatrat-ed by the anxlcty ahown to l-im-li ue. Wcatern Unlon atocfc atter its deeUne lrom .-,.|79 to :,~~g(i',"'u almply becaaM Mr. (iould'a prlndpol broker an-l lii* parUMr did .,, anaanal .1 tiiinw aa lo appear In i..-r*-.n and m ? M? f -?' '' ' ' One a] alone 1 wk 3^00 aharra ont of Ui- total apparant aalea ol .li??ii 10,000 ahan ? ai ."-? -.. -'i Ibe n.F-in Maaoned thal the uiiumi.iI appearanc* ,,f tiie broker ?.-* tor Ibe pM*jpoM .-f breaklag ttie itock. a-> tbal othei brokera rabthl buy t.-r him. aad henee frr.-lj pun-li iae,l for ;, .1111,-i\ turn. Tlie nrlee n lli 1 i.,.-,-'? l.ut it cloaedal 58*4. Ibaoceurnnee referred i-> tlie teallirr .-[ tlie day, aud lt IMMMlMI to l.e MM a-aether tha reaaontag of imfbtft" wai eomat erer roneoua, tTnloa Puelfle, wltb oaty modorate aateo, ?'. .'.Ine-l to 4 -'j/ Is*h TBI BTMagOM MOM ln?.vular. St. paul weal -i-.wu ta .'?-'. bnt Iti taalprtaa, ~-h. w. tbi mom aayeatontay*aeloalag fbjniM, but Kortbweetern, after leUlna ?t W1B92H f>'"' a 9ntl loaa of \ i-er cent i?eiaware. Lartckawaana and Weeteen was largely Iradai ta euriy nt 0BafM*b, '>nt lt latcr decllned t-> BB*! Md etaaed al 96, walto Dela w.neai.-l lludaen.aft. r 7J'4. ut 73>i|Bireaa tlnal taeaef 1 ij per eeiit. (euli iluu.l liudaon opoued weaW uud .Ie i-iiiie.l to iti -V Init It w*? ufterwani rallled lo BB, thon ai-ld at 1)1 Ifl aad < loae-l uut'liaii|eil at IU',.. I ikePbore wa- Brndj held al *',?'> 01 better, exoept for a momeutary de. Une to ?;.'*?. audlt icloaed unchaof*ed H 03la it2:15p. ni. tlie IftUM were weak, bnl ufl.-i tbat ther* waeaabarp rallj lhal makeaa,eompartaonof Ibe titfui-'s ?uii ,.f last erenln** look Iom .uu fav.-rai-l-' than tinv otborwlae irould hare done. QoTernment bonda were eitremel* dull, init were atead) at uachant**d quotatlona aa followa:_ Bl.t. V*W. I .'-"t- Asl. 0 a4*flltMl.r*a 1,1 SdU'^j ''. Keor. Os is:i.| 117 . y ,, .lll'.j 11 .1 tt.-s. eir. .H 1**7 I-! ? . V 'n'isi.n.*. rea I'W'el'-a'Ji V. 8. oor. da l?*l 138 . {??-.?*.l-./. - -i .lJ.-',,:-'.! 1 .-*.,..ii-.iMl*... issig. f.s.i |>-,-i-.-it. . IMU ... I inaL CoL 3-oJa_11.> 114 \l\ - i' 811 i ' > ? 13, ..I _ __ ^_^____ Tha bnalneaa tn Btate bondaoorered aalea of Nortli Carollna ...n-ol 4.s ..i -l^ and epemal taXMUtO, of aiybauk .1.-. a- l .-urtli N.ia.iuill aold nt 1 10. Ibe market for rallwaj bomis \mu dull an.l -xenarally faatiirelcaa. Krle ??. ui.-l coaaoli mau %to54*a.and l;.ll.U|,|.,.| al -I li?nn?l!.ie ileOeiltlltiS |i|VAI|Ced -l"'l' p*Ql 10 UO, aml llir Brita Wld up to U*l. '?"?' Virt;;tiii aad U??rKU flouaola iu-' l- l," un-l euded at aU?-,, a Uual tculn of ?4 per MBb liie-.|F.i Ohio tiisi', aoriee ll, were <.il <% to 7-V. and the - iit> roney Oa were ateady at --'-'a- CMada I luthornnrat t?a Sa w.-i-eatrouicup io'.)7'-j ; OhtaBoutbern Breta ruae '.? t..s7 ; SawYork, < blcaaroandBf. Umla ttrata -.....- areoa ai *.. 1./ *'i; U eal hhorc aud Diutalo Bral 5a were aboul ateadi atllO ? .'-j; the Nortbweatarn ..--ltl" iiuri.n .t .1. aud Oulncj delienturi laauea were aboul *;ea.i>;, "1",1,:' ! in*f-.. U....11.1 iit.i.i-.n, ln aupply at 0tf%i Roek laland 8a aold at 12 and were raUer lu demand. ?*M'tobaceu Mlaweiwtrmal I03?ial04. l>?**M8boi1 1 -ine m a. eluu-d to B0*| TeUI .di'l I'a-lll- iiiionie aer.on -4 Bl M;i.j. but lirai. Kio (ir.tiide divi*i.-u. weio nrm al j(>. Nortbeni I'aclllc Breto adTMced >a to l"?i a. Tbe prlnclpal teatnrool tba weekly atatoment of ban? averatre* laaueziianaionof #4.805,700ln thetaana Tle loaaof*'7lM.ft00lii caah reaerree, #-.101,400 apecle an.l B017 100 Ie?al t.-lider. onl) paitly lell-et* ti..- iciubJ buut Nuatalaed bi tbe Buh-Tiaaaury abaorpltan duiiinf the liuiik week. Tlie result of tbe atat.unenfa BtfUMB 14 .1 reduettan ot B3,?74,060 m the aarplua reeerre. Poltawlng an- the eouiparattre toiau oi uu itataBMBW 01 PebrUMIf 7 and 1-'cbruary 14: Feb. 7. Feb. 14. Dlfferenea, Tx>ana.t294.fl47.oOO f.W.lSH.l'K) Ine. 0^8.-6 ToJ Ooecie. 106.:iMH,*0 lf*..l'l.8O0 Dee. 'AloTiSl Legaltendera SB.191.tfO0 37.ri7?..0O Dee. 617,1.aj IreilliaBBB. 1.14, IH. "00 8 .7.1140.900 Inc 2..j__2m: Cireulatlon .. ll.OTH.l.W 11.0*14,000 Iiee.* Thcfollowln^ahowsthe relttion between the total ro ecrveund tbe total deposit _ahBltfeai K*b. 7. I'eb. 14. nilnea,. fiperla. $li).-,.:i9V.,nO 0101,000,100 Dee B'.l'il?0fl Legal-tendora 08,191*400 ?7.*i7l, >00 ?eu. (iiT.ioi Total reaerve. tUH.Ssy.SDO *110?7l.;ii? Dee. fi,718.T?o Beae'e r.-o/rod __. ag'at ucp'ta.. 8H.0Ot.675 00,000,131 Ibc. i|,'.V1 Burpiua.... "atxjatiai atttUrtra nee. wii?r?T,i> TlieC'leai'liiglloiiseatiiteiifiit to.iuy waa aa BflletBl r;xchaiiges, *7.'>,mi,H',a;j; W.iliiieea,$'_','.i.V_',l7l, t/.u- m* week: tiit-iitoa. ?810,^88,8-8i balaacea, F2t?3a> '1*7. The inoney maiket rnl.-.l a- n-nal eaav nt 1 /,-1 u, ,?.P aent, witb exeeptlunal loaus at _ per out. Tne ia.-i ratn was 11? per eenf. Theeiisioins recelpta re,??rU<l at WaahlflXtOa tndiv were 8375*000 aad tbe Interaal revenne recelpta wrra B.tT5,7_ i. Tbe I'nited .-t.itea naaaarer leeatvet iploH.uoo Katlonal baakaoteafoe redeaax*a?a, au.i tbo recelpta f?r UM week wara aa loiiowa: 1SS4. IW. New-Ynrk .'.*' "e'fiT ?* ' ' 2 Boaton . *f2SL .,5'<-? Pbii-ioipbia. , _V*22 >i;..<wo ..eeullati.ous. 1.0.U.t.*t? h'(ii?? T,,ta,.n, .AA.noo ttaataat The Ualtedetatea Treaanrer now hotta B318JiaaKt I iiilid.-tnt. - iN.iidaloae.nie Natioliai bank nolo ctrcu. lalion, as iollowa: furrencv BB . Sua-awt per centa .,'!?** I'ii.eVperl^ut, :::..:... Ud.lftO.-i.Aj Boat- deposited for durlug tt.e week, $1140.000; bondawlthtrawudarlat Um week. +1.070. i'mio bank clrcnlatloo ontataadfng . urrency notea Ktt4,?S?.3.">ft; irol.l notee, 8*86.004. Airainat theaa auou bheTraooary holda ln BBBB0J 840,818,061, na followa : F.r rodrmption of notea of banWa reduclnx elreii. ^ Fufuute-of Y.i',ka--, ?a^iiouVdiuun:::::::::::::::::.' *? ?-;;';;;; For notea of failed banka.?.??? T ,.? In London Britiab oonaola wore weak, with a aaaUflo ?f u ia?r cent to IM> Ior moaevaat to wM for aoaaMfl, L'nlted NtateB bouda were not qnoted. Amertcan raii wara were irnanlar. but geaeraliy down. ihe Baaa or i.ii'.iimt galued ?19,000bulllon on hajaaee. Aimi Preaeh :i pereente roaa from -?t.l."* to m.-? '?? hl.-m, and aliiht tffhWg** on London dccllned Bt L'j.d- _friuce to llie J?. BxBorta <>f aaeota from NVw-York: B-rtbawaafe 0841.?78 127S.B04 fftofl.sid Pi*vi.malvreportfU. l.?il'.'l7 WWI 3,100.7:1.1 Total ainee-fan. 1. 0l,H.v,,n-."J fl.'lHAA :1 t-4 :I.>7,37d /inanciiil rinTi TKXA8 AM> PACIFIC BAILWAI I ,,.. BBW.TOBX. Janurv OT. 18*8.-'.So'l; .' _ btxa bv Biven tbat tbe Annnal Me tlng of the tstockholdc.r* of bis <'.,i..,,any wUl ba h.-id al ti.o ntflc,' m iii, ... ; !a Broadwar, ea meaday. Mareh ,-t. 1888, at ra . g-for the traaaaetlon of anek haaBMaa_aa aMfbe biouaht before the meet.nit. Ineludlog the electloa of teventeoa lurecf..- for th* en-uina- twn yeara. _ -M Ihe atock tr.inaf.-r i.-,l.- will i,.- -lo e.1 on th. attereoori ot F. ?? aary it. ?od reupeied ^^^ig^^Meor^ m Ai'tws ExrxxM coxraxr, i Ntw.VOKX. Keb. 11. 1888. I rIMIK t'litiifor l.ooksof tliis eunipiiiiy tvill l)rt 1 ebpedftota'J ?^l\*^y&*m* ol ? arcu... ? Treaaurer. THE IERvAITILE TRUST CO., 140 IIBOADWW . NfcWYOItK. caf.tal7$2,ooo,ooo At I IIORI/.KIJ1 BT I.AWTOACTA1 TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR, CUAROIAN, RECEIVER. PnoV-tait- tho onro of KSTATLX \< the le.-al tlepositorv tur IRU8I PUHD6, aml allows INTER-ST ON ALL ACC0UNT3. DIBB-TOBfl. LOriB ITr-BKBALD, President. JOTfB T.TBBBY. ) .. ? _ HKNiii ii. hviik. tvaavrxaah-aaa, I i.w-|, l \l',N ruo-EBV, > .___ ir a iit mmr WM a.rvraa. I li. MA W AND. .I.IIAMI'I.KN ROBB, A I 11 NN S ' TIIOMUH MA< Il.tND, li -'- III.HMiF. WI1I1KI.AU Bf.IB, M K\. \ vniIkR. i W KAVABBO. BIBNBVl.l I."V. Itl.'H.HtVIN. ft n' u\ n ...n in .i. ar. a-kxaSdbb, JOHB W llfNT-B. S^^JS-SIl211' nuVliv 1,1V M. I1AKI I KV . JA1LM BAiaTBP. H. K, KAN i? ,' nt. THO- 1 I'K'Kltr. J'.MNJ M,?.-, , \ itUB A. I IKI.U, B. B.MONRIIK, l Ul l f A.ME8. B A UCIBTAftr\ 0r_\YTT>N IV _?. WM. Il.s..,. I V. G-UBUB L. BIVKS. K r.WIBOlOW, TA?-fl BTOBTJBt, v,- m;?i\'.. rreaaaiaraadaeeietaey. riiil CORBiiw BANKING lll apaadMaa abaafWt. 7 jyn I Mtt Pt-T r_ttT wiKrcAari. Tbat BM ai.-ii..te.i navn. nt- aaaa lovna aa?atb)te4 by na : r- lar more pnuaptl) uMde fiaa tii iee tip.ui ica. ? itau laatia .., ?,,,. i | .? . . -, ? ? i ii na ,.".,i ? , " by coav llsta and WO aaeert ut i.-sit.i'lncly that BB to.Tnof inveatuient . iu be fnnud >? |ua llnx ,n this r.-a|,*<-( tbe <>n* we Ue noder. 4a toaalery. whei can bebetferimi awaU. ii,i|.to.e.i i.utn al... e thlrd m valuel \v e do buain. m m aer> ,? ul ? iiatantly drawtna-nnon Eaatern tttalea aad fotaiaa eo lairieatorapop ilatioa wholauaadbflabr apoa th*;r arrlva'beea?vldeolltleo witb tl.i w.,r? of linprovemeni and'f.-'a llie n, ,v. m.-nt Iher. is roiialanlly forward, In *,. lanipopu ition and wcalth maklnf aeeurluea betrer an.l iiatt-T,??<<?', '."",' ",-' aeaaon, lan ? wbleb teu v*.rs a*. ware lOnaldersd ??? aeblal0Te Wlea. o_ara per aere now eoui inaail?urdtusaa tolartr. _ ..._? We have maliit?Ined oar poaitlon m Ihe nitireli oMmpro\e .,. ? ,ral -t ica atBOa 1W4. are t'-,.'.muliiy randlbtr wltb lawi landa aad people, anl hav* tv- naaaa or -aa ot recocdeof tranaaetioaa ioraqoartec <>f a eeatorr. ?r ? rht loubtoor >i .,? i.ieiita ueonthe ,'? -?.'.?? -uf. iv and ile'ira'..ll'y.>f t ???-? loaaa Be> rnpUv. pau.pbleta aal m'.l lafiiraMt-a sent by bmB to all wko reo,ueat ll _________^___________ Bttnkcrt ini Urijkers._ ""axii.fucW'v^c^. l!a\Vell-a(.. BlVkl!!', Ne>v.Vor_i l.i , ami M't.r. M... r:s tsn BOlfM foR i -:vi i?TOIW f)R ...n mat:h:n. Al.I.l'W IMKULaT OB DEBOBITH a. 11. BinDBt, WAii.iM. ik'..b; II. J M. tt*n. WL 0. Hltl.._ EARTON, MtmS & DAYiS, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 4 EXCHANGE COURT. BEW*~OBK, Iwhnaary lt, is^.'>. to llTTBaT?B-ii M narcetif loyear lioitd". Th*1.yona anl . amnlH-ll llattel and ('att'e I ..-.ipanv. fui.italht.i" *? ' " ?? .? Bral iu... tita?e bonda. 4.1.OOU A Umlted a.u. u... ?>? tbe nr.t B-rt?age apereeni boada a* eaui . ,.., mv are off.-red al aaa aad ? ei eed later. at fre? Jaaa ..r. I t. |i. m> nonda are a 8rat Bea upou tba freaarty of tt'.'. ro-pany. .-ooaiatin? of landv and water rUftBa e ?:. /'..ii iwai.-ui 1 00.000aereanf ?raataa ht-oa ajar ??ver vv.;.?,.i;.-.i, BMOkadwBh avei la\8eu kaad <>'. aaXa> Kr'l'e,uit"'ein.t.iea of the rBBCt BaJ tBBT wrre nrcr -I,-- -.oi ot. more tban thr.e UaaeaBM BMouut r,-.|inrc,l to um tbe Intareat oa the total ia*u -oi '"a.t.s. ... ' Iheprlneipai aud atareatef iBeaaboadaar; tfjrabl. attne I'aru.tis i eaaaa i Traal Campaay. al flew-xeea. OBOAN1ZATIOB OF Tl! K I'OMPANY: BIBKCT >B_, i-ieaid. ot lafla '' Barraa B.B KeavYark. \ ,, i'i,.-i,i.-al.i)!iv*r ^iiinter I. il'. ,.riti--e. N J iieianrer. i -arrtaoa *aafOrd. Ttaaaafax afl-a-aed M 11 Oaaaaaay. Mew-Yafk, , ?, ? ,?^_ *?_,*r. iLouiaa I.yona J youa - OBflaBtatU, B_?0b ?."y. Geiicrui.'.-e are B. Mc('l*llan. <'raii/e BT. J. ?. A .-.unincr rr-'-t fleaaaOIII . . ll? Hrnadw:,- N Y. john r MeCoek. ?f Ale.aa.ler .t oreea. lto Hroad--v, N. Y. Iiraytun lva. ,>r llriyton 1 ws _ . <>. I BraBd Bl , W. \. rieonre B. Poat, Arefalleet. 13 COrtlaaai -t . .N. \ "'s'rrM'Tlp.'inna'1 p!,ya!.'lekMay 1. lett farfMB llM Ml wlll be delivered by Ui? Katm.-ra : om aud Itusti aaaa/), ?i,i aa reeelved at BM oatoe.*^ ki___ . DA 4 Kiehaaxe Ceart, New-Tert. t Imalari with fuU partt-alara wl, beaaai ea appiHatioa, m aVAJIairaO ?l??l ?? M HE.IRY CLEWS & CO., u II AVPl. BBOADtrT-OPP. V. V. snuK BBCBABTfl-. *?aPeBo^^ , . :,,, nlor ia.; ,.ioa uiargln. H.?..uwiti Af^TOR&HOLT BANKERS, IVO. IO tt'AI.I.-M.RKET, ntAVBACT \ "1 B_~_X BANK1M1 8178-10-8. Bft POSITB ItKi ITV1.1I ANU INTIllttST ALLOWKU <j:l Vermilye & Co.r B-tlfKEM t\-fat BROatERS, 16-18 Nassau-3t., New-York City. DEALERS IN INVESTMENTSECURITIES. itrYAMisEi.i. aajMaajaxajaajaaj fob Ottaj ob ON MABUIN AM. HBti'UITlBS MSTKB AT TIIX NKW-VOBKfaTOtK BJU 11AMJB. DKPOMTB B? 1_1VB_ ANlMYrKUKrVr AU-OWBU ON BAlJiNt-S VBJBt'r TB UUArT AT MUUX.