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I LOCAL MISGKLLANY. PIIFLAN TELLS UOW BHOBT STABFED HIM. thb casb jwovwam roa a wxat-aBAX-ta tux FAMi.l'S INIKIIVIKW. Tlie larzo cotirt-room at the Tombs was only naitially lilled Bt 10 a. m. yeaterday. the hour aet Cwuby JnxtieePatteraanfot tho r-xamination of witiieawes in tbo Shnrt-I'helaii assault case. l.ap tain Pbelan wnre a ahort jaeket of dark anoaa. Hisarmstilt hung ln a abag. Serireant Uraingcr took chargo of the captains Uf *??-? -rln.h tba latter taraed lu hia rtttj han.l .ont peeket The J*_k40B?r looked ? tnfle pulo, not from f.-ar but ratbor from diiHii.aii.aii He gleneed around the eourt-ronm Sm.??na?a%afell,iU ?'-'""? -????_- ^nn'snoU withdrawing them. tnmed tn and apoxe afew worda? A.s.sia..t Distri.t-Attoniey Tiirdy called Captaifl PheJaa tn the rtaad. Ho tn.ijl bow be waa attacked bv Sliort in BBBnaVa oftiee. When ctrous-exauiiued by Jaines Uliver, short seyuuseJ, he **'? I ttraaj in Kansaa Citv for twenty-eight 88888, w'tb the exccpii.iiiof tlio time I was in the armv* an.l the three yeara 1 llved m Waahingtou. 1 toox a three moiithVtrip abroad in lHH'A. ___._-. " Were you ever Bt the euiploy of tho Iintisn Government f" . . , ... ._ " I never was," replied thecaptain, without mov ing BBillM-le ol hia faee. . tl-llle ? Did you not have a convcrsation with a bntiou "? ] did, but I did not know he was a British dt teetive until after he had left mv hotel. Mr.Oliverhaiide.ia copy of Tiik litiiirXE of Janusrv 10 coiitaining a ropudiation of the lainoua Ihtervi.'w in 'Ih- Ktaaaa Cily Joiimal to ( aptain Phelaa, and aaked him u> state wbether it waaear rect. Captain Phelaa replied that it coutamed the BBbatan ce of tba article. _ .,, " What brouuht yon to New-York last January T -1 eaxao for two purnoeta, Ono to -anl my an> ter, Mrs. Low, ai nortaampton. afaaa., aad to ex phiin to crtitin persous tho articlo iu Jhc haiuas City .luui i ?'.' ___a_ "C'.aptain Phelan, were vou ever arreste.l T *? 1 ha\e baaa arreated twloe in b-_-bb< Ity?oaee for tearm- down, <>n St. Patriok. Dajr, a pieture in Batore repreeenti-a Irtehaaen aaapesi tneaecoua time 1 was arrestad roreanyint eajaioaaled weapoua J.was charited once with atabbing a mau namod Troiitiiiortiii." , " ihe artiele in The hanna* t ity Juumal called you nn itifi.nii.'i, did it not f" . " lt di.i not. It said that T pnre lnforiimuon tlmt dynamite waaoonoealad ia theQueen. 1 did give tbal liifoiiiintioii. and would do it agatu under ?Bnilai circtiuiatancea." Tfie knife which Bhort naed was prodnced, nnd Capinin Pbelaa identitie.l it. The eonaael called Btteotioo to the i.ut tln.t tbore waa little or no blood in tlie pninl of the knife whl 8 tln 00 WB4 pletity of it near Ihe Inlt. Mr oiiN.r then aaked Ior bb Bdjonrnment of tne case uutil .Saluiday of this week, which waa graiited. -a CELEBSAT1VG CIIIXESE NEW Yl'.AK. riSniNG AND lNDtT.GlNG IN LPXO01-1 WAlTlKfl TO BAJtB A BAIlY. Tlie Chrneac eatendai datea irom tl.e betinniuq of ahereiguing dynaaty. lha proeeitt ralerof L'hina began bia reigu oii the 1 Ithday of tebruary, 1875, eouaruuently yeaterday was the ( hineee aoa keara l?ay. l'otheiii it laacombinatlon >-! our New iaai ? Day Waahington'a birthday, the 4th of Jnly. and Thankagiviug Dav. It ia obaerred with ?ll the pomp and i-.'ii'iii.'iiv known to i hinanii n, and ia eharacterized by rellgioua eeremoBiala. feaata aad Bra-crackera. Tbe I'hinaman whn is fortonate eoouxh io h ive more than ono anit of clothcaiioua lus boat ono, and il L ia bnaineaa will permit, taxea a Boliday. li Bia floant-ial condition will allow it, be aopplementa bia regular diel ni rica with a plate of Sin lau. llecalla upon bia frienda, makea up with his eiieinies. playa Kaa taa, amokea a pipe or two of Opiimi llli'l goea to sleep With food will lll his l.eiirt loward all aien. It is enatoniary for thoae receiving calla to ael onl Chineaeluxnriea, moal prominentol wbich iawbal is called Chineae a biakey. lt la aarred in little jnga aml ka anppoaeil to be iinported from tbe r'lowery Kingdoui. !ti>u ooiabinatioaol alcobol togiveft flavor, uiolaseea to ?_ i % e- 11 color, and water toxire it i.nlk. Its ui to make Ihe biaa cut of the Bfongolian eyea look more biaa, and tbe lirty pre oiaotaol Mott?et. and vicinity appear aabrighl and Bttraetire aa bia own Oriental hoiite, Cbinatown yeaterdaj aaa in bolidai* attire, The abopa were dce,,ratt l ni the Irae Chineae way. lirigbt Haga waia uiiiiiii.-.l. bia paper globrn and Chineae lant.iiis were bangontand pictnrea ?.f Chineae xaaidena with aatoniahingly small feet decorated tha walU, Tlie _r ateei attractfon to all Chinanicn waa tbe Fnng li.iby, was boru juat two weaka ago. Tbefact tlial it is tba only pnre,unadultcratod Chineae baby ever born iu tlns city, is wbal makea it ot M> iiiueb iiiii'ortiince. OfUai-aa kaat eoaa*rata lationa were hcapad npon it in a in?st prodlgal man mer bnt tli.- ebaneea ara taat it wlll aurvive tiiem. Mr and Mr* 1 nng alao came iu for many congratai lat'i.iiis Imt ware lefl out on the oteringa 1 li?? baby Ims not yet been named. lt> paranta ara ?wa.titiK for tbe Gonoral wboeuceeda in wi tiiat overwiicliiiinir xietory over the rrench wbich aUChinameu expectto bearof in tbe near futiire. ll tbroogb anv mi-f rtuiie tlie dynasiy of Ci.ii.i_ ahoul.l chaBge next week, there wonld be another _ew year. day, aml tha ealaadar wonld begin oser B8B-B. _ _ jiomi; NBW8. rnOMINTNl ARRIVAJA 1'ifth Avoiitr tVofai?Jadae Tbeodore Mill.r, of the New-York Court of Appoala.BoJFman floaar? Conxrr?iu?Ji J?.in 8 Wlae, ?f Vlrglnla, an.l c Y. Kuilib ara prealdent of the Bank <>r Montreal.AlbemarU jl?t,i?Countl'ourtalea, ol Oormanv.Ailor Iioute Li. Benator J. 11. Mltchell, ot Oregon. NEW-YOHK (11 Y. The uteanisliip Fins, from Biemen, which arrived yeaterday, bronghl ir_4h,>*."iO iu specie. Piekaoekata ata aaaaero?a, qnieh and bold near taa Brulfe eutianec whea the erowda ara ajreateat, An laaaranea nrokax said yeaterday taat skatniK nnkN were laaared only at tlie hiajheat prloea, Thu atiiaiama nf thu fllonlnainn Llne for Boaton will hereaftet laare thia city at ."> a, m. taily, c_ cept Bt?I'lav. Mrs. 8. E. BL, Lyons, N. Y.-Mis.s K. can be ad djoaanfl . ite of Clarendon UoteL this city ; Mnw, J'., eara ?i her aaaauiger, Bt, J.ouis. A skatiiic eainival wili be gixen in the Knicker Boeter Koiler tifcating Riak, at ihinl-ave. and fcixly-tliird?t. early m Mar.h. The " Morv of the Auaerieafl ReTolutlon.*1 as told by Profeoaor Johu Fis e in thirteea lecturea, will be beauu in Uhiokariai Hall oa l'nfiaday. Mareh 3, at 11 a. ni. As^islant Siipennteiiiletit Oodwin will addreaa the Priiaary TaaaeberVAaaociatlon on "Arith?letic," on laaaday at i:3o p. m. at Qrauunai fcthool No. 47, iii Baat T Aelitli-iit. In the next " 1'. A K. I'optilai " at Cblckering Hall on Inday eveuiiL', Kibi aary'_'<), l'rank Liu aoia, Mrs. Charlea Wataoo, Napowon Barony, ll. A. 'ihouiab, John MaaxanoTitch and lha lletronoiitan Qnartet will take pait. a piioi's rair to bno-abb>. 1'ilot Tlionias Mioley w?s < atri. .1 io Soitthliatnp ton by tha ttfraariliij werra on her last tnp, beiug puablc to gel to tne atatioo buat owing ta the Bearyaea. Ueaaaaebaca oa tha yeaterday, haviug made tbe routid tnp n a_rteen days. ASMiVht; an i.s.mkim man. On Pe-ruary 4 O'Douotbij Roaaa reoelTod a threateuing letter aia*_ed " Mr. Frouka, (Vian.i and Allen-sia." rroieaaor Charlea Fronka wiahea ii to bo knowu that he did nol wute it ot auy letter like it. lle livea at that place, but aoine onat umc.1 liis naine without any au'li'iiiv. and he has been greatly annoM'd by being followed nid watebed by frienda ol the dyaa?tita gang, though ho never uiade aay thieats. Dl-ciiAitiiK or a WOMAN CBABOBB wxrn i-Fitiinv. Miu. Ada VVithana oi Cambrtdge, N. Y? who waa arraated <>n Beptemher-6, IHB4, charged before f'olioe Joatiee W'hite bj Marviu K. (lark witb per urv la teatifying afalaal h'in ta hia diTorea bui! ju ihe Court of Co-unon 1' was diacharged I erday by Jaatiee White, six witueom-.s vlndl naaXaa hax trutlifulnesa. B4BBBB ?'K THK ilAItVAiti) CLUB. The iiiiici.eiith dinner of the llarvard Club will take ].I.ite at I?e]iii.>iiico'a on next BatUT* dayereniBK. ihediniier coaimiitea is eompoead oi iMmuud NVeiuioi-e, (liarl.-s ('. Puineroy, Horaoe J. Uaydao, Arthnr at. Bherwood, George _.6beldon, rraneia <?. French. rrancia K. Appieton, Victoi Morawetz. aud Middleton 8. Hurrill. Prealdent Eliot, Cbauncey M. la.tpew, Oeorite William CuitiH. Henry Lee, II. ll. A-aeraou, Tbeodore Kooaexalt and oibers will make a.laln-asea. n 1X081 OFf aoCBAWAT 8H0A?1 t'MMf.i D. 'ibe hark Casaanalra arrived at this port y< sttr day, Me> davaout fiom miu traneiaeo. On Friday alteruooii, as slie wa-s ruiiniiiK nn iron. the si.iiii 0a_t, tryiuf to make the llook, slie taaeaa?i envel oixmI in a lliick snow atOIlB, and, Kotlmg out i.i ii. r coursi'. struck on tbe Boekaway BbuBla. Filot Harnaoa. No. 8, oomint alonjg. tbe captam ol the Caeaaudra ai-nt to bim ror aaaiaUaee, lt was m^iit when the j.ilot boat came by, a lieavv se.i waa ria iug. aud tb? bark waa poundiii? beavil.v. 1 lio pifiil boat. by buruiii- Hash llghta, attiacte.l tho attoiiti.aii of the tugs B. T. HaTilaad aad Baltic. Tbe HaviJaud made fast to the bark at ."> o < lo.k yeaterday inoriiing, and mauaued to get her on BB" parcutly without damage. UK-XIKLYN. A roller-skaling riuk iu to be built moou at _'ifth Bve. aud L'uiou-et. Jamea Kebmau, of Maapetb, and William 8chu bert. olEaat Williamsburg. weie lined $X0 eaeh by Justico Naeber yeaterday for bclling adulteratcd tailk. The Rooaevelt-at ferryboat Alaaka came into coiliM.'ti witb theateam-ligbter Aexonaatyeaterday Bioou. l'.e\ ond a great deal of exciteuivat. uo dam mmo waa duua TWO LETTERS TIIAT TELL THE STORY. BCLLIVAN HOUSE. CLAREMONT. M, IL, FEB. 13, 1885. HAYWARD nAND-OKKNADE fOMPAMY. DEAR BIR. TIIEHE WAS A FIRE IN TIIE PAR TITIOX IN THE "BfLLIVAN nOU8E.?AND IN TBN MINfTES IT OOtrU NOT HAVE ???*"*** BUT TWO OF YOfR OUENAI.K.S MD IT 1 J' IN OOOIJBHAPE. YOl'HB, *C. E.N.B?WLtH.*fl LEVI HOt'STON'B PATF.NT WOOD-WORKINO MA uHtaaMT. MONTOOMEHY.LYf OM1NO CO., FA.. FEB. 6, 1895. K, F. HAYWARD, OENEHAL AOENT, 407 BROADWAY, MEWYOKK. DEAB 8IR: I WIHH TOftlY TO YOU IW REOAIiD TO EXTINOUIKHINO FIRE*. WE HAVE JTJHT HAD QD1TE A LITTLE TRIAL 1IERE NIGHT BEFORE LAST. TnEIlEIS A I.AROEPLANINO MILL HERE BOME 3* FEET UMO BY 70 FEET WIKE, WHICH TOOK FIHE ABOl'T MIUNIOHT, AND NEARLY ONE-TIIIRD TIIEFLOOR SPACE AND OAltl.E DTD ON BEOOBS BTORY WAS ON FIRE WHEN THK AI.AHM WAS GIVEN AND TIIE WIIISTLB AT MY KITOP RLEW. THEN MY MI.N TOOK TWO Of MY IIAIlCMCK KX TiNOUiBHKaa there, it aaraa bomb little DWTAJfCa AWAY. AND QUKLLKD THE FIRE AT ONCE TIIEHE ARENO OTHKK FIRE EXTI NGU1SII ERH IIKRK IN THB STATION. NOIl ANYMEANHOF PU'I'IING ot-r A FIRE BUT BUCatBTB, TOUBB BEaPaOTFUlXY, LK.VI HoUSTON. UfThe Havward Hand i.reia-Ie and Habeoek Fire Ei tiugulaber BM iMMIflMlllJ tMaWM ?r.- api.ltanoeaext*iit.4*a <>ftli<> of tiie UAYWARD IIANDORENADE Bll.l BABOOCX FIUE KXTlNftrisiiER, 407 Hroadway, Nrw-Yoik._ BEWB FBOM THK 8VBUBB8. THE RICHMOND COUNTY TAXKS. In a recctii laaaa of Tiie Tkibcxi aa explaaatooa wii*. lii.ule of tlie Bllit Ix'Hilll by the StBte Ol New York againet Richmond County for M6,UU0, t* hicn stuteil tbat thla nun rm tbought to !?? a portlonoi the alleged deticiency Lu tbe acoonnta <>t Huirh Mo KoberU while he held tlu- ottlc* of TrMeurerol Riebmoud c-uintv. Mr. McRoberta niakee b totally difleront explanation uf tbe waj the eonntr bacame iii-lelite-lti.ili-. Htate, anddeclarea thal theappar enl deliciencv which wm n iiiiii-il a1 tbe cIom ol bia t- rm wiis tne rosult of circninstaneM for which thonph pecuuiarily liable hewaa not morall** re ?ponaible. Ue said to a Tbibukb raportwjraater Uay: TM reoorda of th* Board ol Supervl ora of Rlchmond County abow tbe Htate taxea, aetfevled bjr Uie Board of Ht;i:< Aaacaaora Inring a faw yearalual prlortoiay t.Tiii ofoRlcA. were not all re-aeaeaaed totin- rarloua t,,?ii* ,,f llli oountj ov tbe Bupervlson it* tbe requirea [waa elected fn 1873. Por MMua time before tbeBupervia ?ra. t-> m ike a ...-o-l aboa ln* '-> the tus| ayera, lefl out oi the tn>. iev> h part of tbe htate .,... ?:..,?. ? i la ui.warrantai.le i.roceedlns wm rc pe-iU'd uutil tbe county owed tue Plate **4il.OOO, nol a 1.,-mii, - aii ver h - d lerled ?>r eolleeted. Ba oould notbtivebeen a partof ni) alletted cv. | ,-. .?,.|ved fi'.-n the Hl ??" ( untroller r- cclpta lu full for all Btale t ixea levied during tbe ihree yeara F.f my lneumbeuey, and Umm rooelpta ara now n:.->l with Uie Board of Bupervtoora I waa abort ln my aeeonnta, bowerer, and il -" ? u ? l In thla way: I depoalied #t>i>,u.f county nionej wltb TuiiK-i-1;:'..i bei*. of No. m* Naaaaii it. When tbey ralled lu 1*71 thev ??-.lli bad |23,.of tiil* fiin.l. I ii-\>T waa abletooollecta|ceiil ol lt. The county owed tne -j"., ooo ln feea. I never ffol tbe feea, nor angi.t elae. it,.; arben mj lerm eiplred mj lelieleuej ?.,* - :>,ou!.. .,-:?! uu $70,000 aa waa a ited lu TiiR raiKi'xr. ln i'.n ii'i.-ii' -.: Ilil* debl I ? [toverielu ?! u > -, If 1 tuijie-l >.ver t..} (.I'.'.COO ln Uiouey, fil.iOO ' ln euiilty of j-i-.-i-?:?;. lu Newark uud Jereey < liy. a farm ln l.ewi". (.inl. thal liii-1 f.'-t ll |J.">,000, an.l 1.. acie* ot woodland aboul roin'a IUv*r aorth at l- tal u.i if n i weut into otnM well to-do,aad oama out poor _ # , JF.RSI V CITY. Tha ati hnetnen lu th. employ of tha Baltimore and Oblo I'eli'Krapb < ompanv wln> were nrreated ;. fo-.v dayi ;i-". ou tbe complaiul <>l PrMideni Lcathei, ol theFire Board, cliarged with inti-rfer* Ing with the wirea ol Ihe fire Alnnn I'elagrapb, Men (li- bargt d by Juati i Milaing ywtei Ju.!(.'-? Knapp \->t-ti.i- rendereda d*ei**lon ln the liabeaa corpua i-i.xlina I rongbt by Mi*. Con Mnlliet t-i i.'-.-iv.-i lu'iii bei fatber tn-law, lleni. J. Maliict, her two chtldren. Mr* Malliet obtained a divoreo le.-entlv CrOM Uei liu-.l.:-inl. 1,1.1 loT littti.-r ui-iuw refnai'd to lat the cblldren ao ont of Ut eara, A dei i*t"u wm giYCM in imyot ?>i*. HallMl I.-i\(, 1-1.AND. BatrriiToa .t. -Tempt rance advoc ?? * irr holding meetinga at differenl pointi in .Suflfolk Couutj ai* utoat every night praparatory to tl.e apringtown electiona, and urgina tbe people to forget tbe dia Beneiona "t laal fall and contmue tne " bo Ii. enae l_'.i\eni::i tit. w bicB bM '? 9V I la TOgUe Iti lll'-*t ol tlie towna for uianj yenra, I'hey are alao proaecuting many peraonn who bave I. -eu *? liug liquor n ithoul a liceuao ainee the November elcction, Daniel C. Cannou wm recentl) conrlcied ol MUing liqnor, andonFriday hia brother-in-law, John NmIwm held foi thetirand Jory, eharged ?ith peijnry in baviugal i annon'i trial tcatined tbat lha uttter had aold no liquor on eertain daya whaa tt waa proved he waa preaent and hu.l paiehaaea and tlrank in the pla< >-. ? WE8TCHE8TER COUNTY. Yonkk.i'.-.?Sii oenoaa yeaterday araaaad tha II.:iir-4*n Kiver on tne Ice, RivEiisiitE,?Mrs. Bannah Lloyd, nu- ttztftrm, tlie widuw of 'IIkuiiuh Lloyd,a machiniit, who lived alone, found on 1 rfdaj almoal burned to a eri*i>. 8be -? cupii -1 the place i.-riu'i ly oa ned by th<. t'oiititcs-H.iiin iih. An the lloor waa oak, it did not ignite. It ia auppoaed that Mra. Lloyd at tamptod to liijlit u lamp and Mt her on tire. ? ? ?. ALONG THE SOl'NI"). BatDOCPOBT. P.T. Barnam mji lha " freat*e| ?bowwwillbe ready for public opening in abonl f'.nr wMka.I he R?v. John Lyon tbu morning, at tbe Churob of ihe Redeemer, will eoutinuebii conaideration of l?r. Bbedd'a urticle on " 1 im Cer tuiuty of Bndli m Puniahment." Btbatpord.?CitiMna will nwt on Wedneaday to oppoee Ihe movemei I lookiug t.i annezation ai any part oi the iowu to Bridgeport. Auuou'"-i-'i. BM It Was a IIokimiili: Night. it was i" Und Btoaday alghl at Pottos -HeaaaiMrlen la Mulb< BMMMI MBM Ot IMkea litnl.a lia.l alroa.Iy MealepiaMd aal IM aaBBaara aaal to th-- MaaaMala Tiie atreeM wer-^ *da >-<i witti Im ?'""1 |aep** BmII a*- MMM voiieya afgtaaaaBaa. Braaaea waee bmm plaMIIMI tMa traetatee, auaco'd.icaut'ht lu ih" iHiuruiK raiu for ottaial BgarM H BTMaaaati ni,'i.t. N- xt .iay tlu; (>uk- <-f Itenion'a Caoclue l', n fi-litlio tro nicuilouaatiinnliia. Ni-ver l,a-) llie.r aootlunr, huhiiiiiit, jialn. ri-lK-viiiit an.l < uratin- iwiw.-r Ix-'-ti liettor BpfrMlBMd l-y tlie (ltl.enn of NsW'Yart IhM (InrliiK tlie lai.tvti.-li. DslWBM ti,<- BatMfy mi'' Ihe Bariara Blrer ihey Mve *aaM Baeaaaada or U'W frl'Tnl*. ui-'l tnany WheMTB MM m . u-iloin-.l t.) uau avrunafoi QMffhl aud BanMBta lor bftaaahav*tktowfOtti IMglMlMBlMBllBTIT Bl u.-auliie.-. ai.<l <-tl.< .?y of llciia?n'a riaei.-.a No otii.ia like tliem. TMf coiubuie BTlMMMB aud reme-ly. W* c.n '|ii?to but fra/uKiita uf wliat pe.Fnle aay: "i bave na "-1 Bea*ea*a PhMtaraaa aiy atde BtMrtMsMitaa my rltia, and f-.Hn.l itiem BBMlleal." -H. W. Gay, ChMlM. " I liave u.*ed BaaaM*B PTaMMH for a .ni-t wlilch a'^tii<-<. on mv kMMPM and ?an cr.mtiy MmMMB." Alf.ed fPBaBBM, lii I-a hBll'-.t.. (liFiaSD. ?? BeMSa**! PllflMri apeBBUf MMe*/M ?? M a--vero jialn*; lu IMhaek.' -M ?*i**aar M caaut aa.. BaMea. Maaa - Bjaatal PImMT Ih ? (fr. al ll.luir for atraiipiiii? Br.nnid a mmtt-ii.duiiWie." (.,:.n .. I'i.oi,, n i a-ct-st., BoaMa,Mbm i jbmw'i naatora bbtM mi fraaa laag fever."?ow< ? t. PartMBd, BoMt'.ii. Maaa. Look ont for anb-(tltiitloiH. TM itenulue lia* tlm TMM Ra<l leala MaM rMMffc BM tM " .1 < MMra |oeki tlna HM iilaMer. -?? Baafl qtntliiy Lroadoa-dreBBod Altiika Bealakia Oarmenta,allaliea; orioearaarkeddown. (i-.-ula Mtd al r* Uil by C. C. hiiaiMU llunuta. turcr, loJ I' *i. -.-? Dit. Ili'i.M tx'i Pad will i>i< viiit Cholera aad ail Fevei* < BieaMalarladnaUlorTaB). iiiduieNtiou, ltiiiuua anu bick UaManhM tmr MotB wUI raaaByM WlB. L>K Lvon's I'i.i.'i i.i i' 1'OOTfl PoWSBIt .An To.l, t I.uiury. bold cveiyvit.e.T. M (xuta. _-^ l)i(l*.K fjKDKRWOOD W\Ti:it. Aak your -irii.-uiat un-l ymir gtotot f-.r li TM lieat in tue World. Ent nothlng far livc daya, Mv daaj-fatar waa MMa wllli lurJaniiiotloiT rheiiiiiaflarn. ll? r :.i..i fln? rrh were dl?lorte<l. crumpwl, IWOlien, and rIk> wbh Iu pi-rfe.'t atjFiuy. lookRev. J.r. Maui el C.vela Ith.-uinalli' Pin* uud wbh uerfceily eur.d. Mean-r Nollou. 41 Anu at.. NewYork. All diiiMHiate, Ou ceuta. eeul by waiL C H fovel,-JB8 Uewoa-aL, brooklyu. M. Y. ? EariJt WilMin'rt ** Hliort-lmtid " Collars nnd bead-ed|? Cufla aro Uie beat Hoid avury tvliere. -? Hgmti a. Damkls, M. I).. 114 I.eiiinrton-aTc, b<-t?7iv?i i ll-i ?ul .it!. <M. Iloura, H to 1, 5 !o 7. Dlacaaoa of IU? Hy4ta a UenlUeUrinary urttaoa. iuu?ui?uo*audauiriUtdr. I i. LUIi & CO. Buceassoaa to A. T. STEWART & CO. CEETAIL), MONDAY, FEBRUARY16, they will display very beautifnl NEW SPRING GOODS IN SILKS, DRESS GOODS COTTON DRESS FABRICS. including a largo varicty of hand lome Bmbroldered Robef maiiu iadured cxclusivcly for them. ThoHO goodl are all markcd at oxcecdingly low prlces and will aniply repay a visit of liixpecUoii. They will also offer the follow? ing very SPECIAL BARGAINS: One lot of iniported eolored -eros grain BUk, in desirahle shades, al 50c per yard; reduced from $1.00. One loi exlra qualily black satin Rhadamea ai $1.00 per yard ; re? duced from $l*3ff. 25 plecei 23-incli black Bro caded Velvel at$2.0Oper yard; reduced lrom $4.00. 50 plecea eolored 811k riush, Une quallty, al $1.00 per yard; reduced lrom $1*75. 100 plecea do., superlor quallty, at $1.50 per yard; reduced from $2.85. noo plecea extra flne Zephyr Glnghama, 32 Inches vride, at 7c per yard ; reduced from 1 -Ie. 350 plecea flne quallty atrlped Seersucken al 8c.per yard; re? duced from ii I!-'-?'. 250 plecea Indigo Blue Batlne, willi brlghl li-ures, at 2ffc per yard ; reduced lrom 40c Broaduay, ifh-a.c, fllli and 10th sK c'tatii<uJ ATTRACTIVE SALE OF UPHOLSTERY GOODS. Will eofltioae Um ir oft< rtaf ol TAPESTRY COVERINGS CURTAIN IVIATER1ALS at Hiu-.|i:ilf tli' Ir funinr price, t<> mtiko r?'?in for tlu- exhibltion <>i Bpring N.?v elti.H. Al*<?. :ui .vlrii liitc 01 Tapestry aci Tarcomau Mm aiid Portiercs prc.'itly belon the coal .>i baportatlaa, YOU PAYTHEER COST TO GASCO. Evory tlireo months. Four times a year, and for indif ferent light. SLEEMAN AUTOMATIC GAS GOVERNOR. TIIE WTIOWL lilS SIVIMi ii i:asi, AIort to Honse-Buyers. Wl tu-- offerlng FOH BALE mmm of thi fin.-st boBBM BT/BT bflllt I.v us at lowrr priflH than Imvc been ntliiik' tor jfBBiB, Bad willraBki UbBcaleoa cca-ioiit. fi.r prompt IBlea Thev bib new, liuili l.y oarielraa, aml mt |bb* init.-. tli>- aforhaiinahlp in every r.-Kj,,., t. The foi* knriagaraiaadf for laimarllBti Beeapatioai No. 19 Kast ('.otli-tt.. 80 f?-.-t niilr. No. 28 Eaet ?;.".i!i-*t., 84 f*--t ?ni.-. No. 81 Emti 81 f,-,-t vsi,|e. N?. :i:i i.t^t ii*.tii-s?., 17 feet wi.i,-. ? BOBBfflT laVBBtBMrflt than BhoialBOfOBI l.tiil-l. W? know <if im r.-.?:il<- in whieh our juir fthiitT bm Bot ictiii/'-.l ti bandaoiM profit. Watehmea bib alwajn la attendaoea, Paaphleta giving deaeriptioni ud prieea eaa hl had M hofliBB. "r ofl epplicatlon t-? Charles Buek & Co., ARCHITECTS, 500 i?iadison-a*e., (or. 52d-s(. BONED TURKEY. Bt tfc*Daancaaatrattoa 1*aaoa ..t bm -, i.i ,,( ?.,,.?_ 192 l-.ttnt 1 . II -I , "Il MOH l-A 1 . I .-I. ].:, Hl III a ||, m | .-, I'AKLOA r,lllalii>wli'iw tu Uuni .ki -/.bimI anll mala Aaple .1 ellv a.i-l Klu-". I" >? ab.-nt .-uriil.liiuti UlIhb. Tlin anhlo t, forl'Ui-.wl.AY. ai v p. in, aif M, If.iiimii, loupi I,f llaiiliut, alai'iuilrtt*, witii Wliiif Kane*, iiraaaa I'adtUai Jallled Oii4iiK<-a. N*W PllOUliwimks ,?.,,. |,? |lw? ,?, BBBllBBttaa i.ahikm' PB1VATB CLAHaBBaietanala**. xow i:i;ai>\. IM)i;\ (o TUE DAILY TtliUIE, 1881 PHItK 50 fK.xia. Sttn Brotlen Will display Monday morning their flrst imporiations of SPRING Dress Goods, comprising many exclusive stylcsa Also, Many New Designs in French Satteens, Figured Mohairs, Toile d'Alsace, Zephyr Ginghams, Figured Lawns, Embroidered Robes, to rvhich (hey direct attenlioii. 32, 34, 36 Wesl 23d St Stcri BfitMcri LADIES' FINE SHOES AT Greatly Reduced Pricss. 300 PAIES AT $1.43, OOBHIBTlMa Of '1'HII TOPB PBBB-B BOATH, ANO HillM'H BlDBi ItMU'l.AH i'l.l' (MRA N'.l S'. i r."'i 1. 81 roaa ta 500 PAiRS AT $1.95, ('. .MI'I'.I- IN'l Klli AM' fl.'ITII TOP8, .lltA. < ?? \ Klli 4M i. ? OKK -"' ' 8, IN FINK .;.A1. II ll - INII I >BB '.BI V BELLINU 1: 11"M tl ?? I ' i 250 PAIRS AT $2.68, COBBIB fl BO "' 1 M i ni * I ?.HA! i am n KIII iBIa PltKNlB BID, AM' i;l. in ? . i PI IB04 4X1.1 I '? i ILL OFTIli: ABOVE ARE STUCTLI FlltST-iLlSS Irfl REUABLI COOD8, ILICBTL1 SIIOIMVOUV, AM) SOLD OX TIIAT ACCOPNT AT OHMI.ILF OF REGILAB PRICE8. Ptppii Dl1 nti opp ululll JJlUlllulijj 32, 34, 36 Wesl 23d-st. ARE THEY APPRECIATED? 4?'. 111..1...1 ...I - of plllrnua. ll." ) |irr??, il.. |iiil|>H. tl,,- -Ii<b< itiiil liiijli aa4 < or|,lr. ,?rr. imlile itiiil <-i|M-rl uxlliorili. ?. i.l.u ln,,.- I.-I.-.I ih... ,11 llll ? Ior Ihe |in?l llir.e lo fl, ?? faaara, 8.10,000 aaaaa for Bral lareaty ?Im>? .lH??Mnr>,'N.T., iw ?"??rj B0aBB 84* ih. 1 ii.... ?, ..11I.I nl. t li ib 1 il,i-? Imi. 11 wrll-nu 1 in ii nii.l 11..1I.I W llll I I |llil.,ll.lll. NATIOXAL li.t* UfN 80. ?41 i: lar I 11 ii-mi . BIliaraB TO Allt NITIKK IN THK iii: ai. iii% i?i:? i:i.oi**ii:> i or \ %a ?:? lf. I rifSI in. Taa twa aBlBtttnl arm bBB b?bIIbi, ragalaieal teraataa _i?..,,. Iaa araa la taa abn-a pi. niu- . ..Il?? >.t a r. if.-. i al Jinu.ieiit uf tl.r.i. t t.. llie UM ali?ulute l'")? I'.nil'. We .all aearelal attmliun to llir Iniiiri.i.-.l l lilM'll hpdoN ' laau .m.-l in ilii, Cursot. tl.e rtiP nf'i aa v.-ry ii, i.i aml piia ii<. ?">?' ia a. b<- BBBrealatea, aattrtaaaa J,. II. < ll> w 11 ll ev.-iy lll.ll. lll'llt i aaaa Caiaaia ara -.uid iBraaa?aal ?itti tha i.a?t <iua:iiy airBBNi'll ii.iM. nn.i ar- laiaaea ailk laaataaaalaaaa 1,,,-Malr Im It I.k.iiiiii U"'"'? llroa., J. 1,1. lu n-.Ii in A a. I liri. I, ll,,,-., l.r lloutilliYr 11...... I llli .1., .loi.ii Blaaaaaaai. a.?i< Bl?aa. .v ii..m.Ji. ,-,- i.t bhBI laaaaasa aaat), ll ?'?". ||(0'|10>. I.ANIJIfON _ ?'0? UI'KN. 711 AB D il wuiu llM' N KW-VOBB._ ARE THEY RELIABLeITdURABLE? Constructfd entirely ol ?Brass; no rubber or loather ??diaphrngms" to be esiten up by gaa and acids. No meicury to poison tho atmosphero. SLEtMAN automatic GAS GOVERNOR. TIIE NATIOXAL li.lS CO., ?41 kant htii.?t, UARCLAY-- 81LVERWAK- sTOKK, l<> Jr t.iai ltiiiHt., farmartr HcCatchaea'a aaaa ?t..r..,? Animil ?nl""' *|.liii M.i'k Bl tlw mlalOB?TT Ur.,'. leilui ll.ii. t niH?i>iite.i .|.iaiiiy. KataBliBBrlaaaalieaee. Halu luiiiiii.'U.iiiK MilNlaAH. I-'I nl.l.UV 1.., an.l lattuia uu aajraaal/. A frot.ire <if llil' aale 801 l.e 880 I-84888 '1 _? Bl t. OaBj Baad, Tl- T vuiu uawlaouio ssaii?r, 84818. yuaiitjr giiaiuiit.-.'.l BM fluoaL GEEAT SALE DRESS GOODS J. & C. JOHNSTON, Broadvray, 5th-ave, and 22d-st* HAVINO PURCHASED AT 45c.ONTHEDOL.LAR 3,.*>00 PIECF.S OP FRENCH DRESS GOODS, Tha rnttr*) stock af ? mannfactnr-T retirlnir from bnatnesa. aroofffruitr tiio eamo at Uie following eitraordlnarlly low prlcea 1 PLAIN DRESS GOODS. All wool Krcnch Oashraere, C4c; worth 37"so. I.Vtnch cauiol'a HulrCbevlote, JTv i worth 75a 40-lnih French Caalim.-re, I'.tc.i worth 85c. 4Mnch Klaun clotha, i.Oc.: worth ?l. 5'. im ti Irlcot Clotha, ti.'.c.; worth $1 50. COMBINATION SUTTINGS. 441nrh all-wool fhevlota, 37H?o.; worth 00c. lolin-h all-wool l'lakla, 15.-.; worth 8'fC. IttlBlB anl I'lalii t h.tvloti,, (J-.,*.; worth *1 2.",. Bllnch all-wool Cloth I', 88.!.. w.irlli #1 35. 44-lnch a'l-wool Coiublnatton SuLiiii?h, 7Se>) worth li 75. 44-lncli lli anl Cowbliutloii Saltluija, #1 '.'5, worth C2?3. BLACK DRESS GOODS. 4(>-1n<:h I-rap ,1'Alina. tttA worth SSe. II bmb|llannl ltaediCiah*aina Wbi worth85c 44in<h AIBairaaa flalttat**, Hau mrtflBl. 4.'. tnrii traparial s.-rpe*. BBai WF.rt'i 11 '.'j. IB lafl Itlaim flalTaa. ' >?: aartitfl ?-'.*>. 4*. liic.'i w.K.I \ . l.jiir... Me.,- wf rtli f 1 St, Thla lariro l.Ft nf tlu-- DtMB loO&BWBI provfl, on OT.-imlita tl-iti. t?- i- ui- ..nt BM tr-t Im.itr.tnisyef mlfivil. ***B"8aaBpl8a <-t ,i:y |oodaaeatitataltaaalytf maiitoaii part. oi laaeaaatJjreBaafUcataoa. J. & C. JOHNSTON, Broau'ivay, 5lii-ave. aad 22d-st. SEGURITY AGAiNST FIRE. No blowing nor snioking |fek._--burners. Insurance risks tSSV\*w greatly reduced. 'kg. SLEE.YIAN AUTOMATIC jf5 GAS GOVERNOR. TIIE UTIOUL GAS IflN CO., I1AVI' lllll-M. nrnncD'C whoVMi.-an.i a**aa rtli Cll O Mf-n'a l'.iriiialiiiii>'()(N?i4. Pieai BBIita Llaaa, BoMaaiatra. forF-otl, -'.V. 811k t ti.t r ! h, ?!. ati'l fltttfl WOttt ln pr-.portion. ?j :. - .ii.. .' batweafl BnaBway .ni Baavet F.BOOSS&BRO., B8TABLUHE0 L8Sa FTTlFtJS GREAT SACRIFICE. 449 BROADWAY. a*?i> 86 MBBI Ei:-*I., rOUB DOOBJ BBLOW i.KAND-sr PALM KOSMEO I"..r prrTi-ntlntr aml fradlratini WKINKIX-*, for PRK_ sknv i MU tli-. IK i sk ..'i-tii - it aaaooth aal fr-n fxaai ptm. plr 4 iiiifI tilit. kt. nl*. Kv.-ryltiuiK > au Iih wtt.t lu It* piaUo, Bam.ihinirerratkaewaBaa bem able to a* aee lalf what TAl.M KOBMEO can no. DfM il "ii thu little bMM faai liaiiiti. that a.F-eip.i*i..I to tli.-roiiKh wui-l, aud you will be ouiviiu'i'.l uf Ul uirrllH an.t that it ta 'WOftb lt. weiglil ta ?juiil." I'tliF-, *?! an.l *'-'? bo\. (au l?-a-'Ut by utail. KOSMEO POUOnt. ii.' i an.t --ii*i . im iu i'i4 elet-ta utor* itkn ca*iu?l than aarthlui jot llacorer*,!. Kla \f,t Rn* tu co-nblnatiou ?nu Palra Koaaimi L'aa toaaaat wttli i-s-ir c.JiiU-l.-u.... I'rUo. ."fOC. Bfld#1 f*XBei. (anbe neul by ui?til. _ Mrs. Langtry'sSecretofBeauty furtli.. It iao\.[iilatt.. .in.l a |faal improvem-ut oTeranv ll.iui-1 fOt uiv.-iit.-il It gtvesttM T.'lvety appoaranre toiboakm altfaaat ia**lte*agieaaBli aataljr aaael BfaBatBan aaajaal* Qaaiaat**d hafralm "? tomtt "eeyeii tttoo, i. aii-U-' a tioltli-. II UKl>ll IIOHB I l\ WI9. an In.lfllt.le tllit for ltpa an.i rhr.-ka ; rau b? uh.-.I ou lh.< itfll-'al<* au-l a?<uaifl\.n p.-iluii wiitoiit in.nry liia tbe rclineiiirat of art. i'nce, |0a aiidfl 0" . ?.???? MRS. C. THOMPSON, H BABT ll!lI.s[lli:KT. ni.\v-v->iik. J. S. CONOVER & CO., DESIOVaBfl AM" MAMl'A. Tl'llKIlH. FIREPLACES, GRATE8 AM) FENDERS, ?AMUEf I.IIATKS, AMMItON". IIHK aillWdM IMPORTERSOF TILE. GAS BILLS REDUCED 15 TO 40 PER CENT. Greator brilliancy, stead ier flaine. No broken globes. SLEEMAN AUTOMATIC _ GAS GOVERNOR, IIIE WTiaWL t;AS SAV1HC GO., 211 I.ASX 11TI1-M1. E, J. MiS 4 CO, ST/ccassoaa to A. T. STEWART & CO. tB-TAIZa) Aro now opening their new stock of Foreigrn and Domeslio CARPETS AND UPHOLSTEBT 680DS. To-morrow they will offor tho foiiowing unpreccdciiLed bar gains: 100 pieces best quality flve fraine body Brussels, ehoice pat terns, at 93c. per yard. 100 pieces tapestry Brusseis, excellent quality, new patterns, at 50c. per yard. 150 pieces very desirable extra lieavy weight Ingraius at the ex treniely low price of 40c. per yard. They havo also now on sale their new spring stock of 6LENIAH VELVffl, in beautiful patterns, fanied for their tcxturc, style and durability, and snperior to any Velvet Carpet luaniil'actiired. 500 pairs Taniboured real lace Ctirtains at $8.00 per pair; re duced from $13.00. 150 pairs llne Nottingham Cnr tains, tape bound edges, at $4.50 per pair; rednced from $7.00. 300 pairs elegant silk Tnreo nian Poitteref at $1).50 per pair; rednced froni $15.00. 250 pairs do. at $15.00 per pair; rednced irom $'25.00. Alao a handsonie stock of Tap? estry Fnriiitiire Covering, new designs and very desirable, at excecdingly low prices. Mtttroaaa-i made to order f.orn pure Sontb Ameriean Hair, Live lieese Feathor?, warranfed inodoroab. Sprini: Undor Heds, tbe btaal in use. Fnrniiure Slips enf aud niadca Sliadcs i speciully. Broadnay, 4th-ave., ?th & 10th sts. CoiitStaluc Ca3 Ca IMPORTANT SALE OF FINE CARPETINGS. WIU busui oa Mon.layllK* aale ..f aa extenslvc 888888 nt'ut uf Fine English Axminster, Wil.on and Brusseis Carpetings at an 888888888 Mwrtflce ln prico. Thaa^ goods arfl utfero.l aa a ai'Cclal uiduuciuent for SPRING FURNISHING, an.l ,*e tho best valuc ei or offertil for tie nioney. Inspection Respectfuliy Solicited. fBu\Xc\\\xu cC) \<)[\] _t. MARVELOUS SANITARY EFFEGT8 No poisonous vaport from unconsumed gases. No vitiated atmosphere. Nosmoked up walls, paint** ings, or drapery. SLEEMAN AUTOMATIC GAS GOVERNOR. TIIE SATIOXAL GAS SWIXG CO., ?11 BAU- 14-ll-MT, ^ARPETS. (TOC?08B OUT QBIO?I.Y.) , IOH'1 IMIHl'S Vi:t.VKTS. BbWbBB-UI AND F.XTRA BtrPBB rJfOBAIBa, * MANUFAnruKUs kntibb l-KoinriTi.N, Ai' a-WOTOHaVKalJ1 TIU) UHLLLAlll'ltliK. XBBMl BB0U8 HAitiiains. 6,0.10 PAiaa tt-boom vn ani) Laoaoutn-aiaa, iau. BB_-)a_,)TOBBCU)aBD OOt AT l.K>a THAN COST Ol- llMl'l. TION. BIIKl'lWBI) KNAIT B CO.. OTH-AVK. ANI> 13T1IST. WASHBURN'S BEST MINNK.\r"I.Is l'ATIlNT I'l.'lLK. MAl.i: 1 11..M MTftB MINNF-aOTAAM. l.AKOTA. 11.\ llll WIIKAT. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. B, 4 lll Ul 11. '"? UKO.tU.MT., a\0BBt fL, WHEAT BAKING POWDER. PURE AND WHOiESOME. II roulalni no lBjiiriou. lUKradlfUta. ? -.----? Illuavaaau) .UM-Poiia aul.aiaai'aa In lh.i liread. aaaii para OraBa. > reaui ..r lurtar an.l Aluia uow.l?rad.v , ?,? ll mitoraa to ih- n.Mir tb? t-i.ortaut couatiiaaii-. raii-ited iu Uib liran of Hia wliaat. h . &aa?8 11 uiakoa a taitiai aail ll?Utor blacuit Ui?n aay otliar oa?. powa" martim KALBKLKlstll'S 8-8*8, i_.UBi_UB4 11*10 ?? fUlalB-ia-a *. T.