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WASIIIXGTON'S MONUMENT. IfftBtTTH TO>IIK ITlvST PltESIDENT. I.VTTFR'* PMOM KVAIlT*. WIIITTIKn AND RIIKKMAN TT,n itr.v. kdwaiii. gTMMMI MAlh'i OBBCBit The NMtMM has ctnpl-te.l ItMMMMMMttMWMh inatT- H wm nru ttfopoeed IM mmmib bmo. This monntneal is to be de lieatad bv Ut Hole? ou iMtMid .v. tha 31M Th.- hlatory of ita ,s .nstrnc ive an.l cbir-u t.-ri itio. M k >'">?"?<'? typical Of the MMf in w i.-b B de;,.n-T:.tic rotninm WMlUlikMMdothlMIM Your d-Hirine tobiiHd,. pvri'n.ilor bm oholtak, mm mm? W wb..<? bfMMl.-MtMrad."I^? M he l.-nlt Ha aiens a Ut ?.f MP? "> Ibat bbm^mm. aud then ,,rae,,caily.l,,,e. For. ifit bl not do, o J. B.tocral t-,,v bave a r, oi III-mmImw. a.d reneinberintf BOMM d -v tM mnt.ument. WlM BBk Whi it IB uot bMilt II" miveve:. cut ofl tba be MM Mf the iMOfie aM IblMM r of ne^en," . li.tilv'-.iiMic.n.vei by dul-r-it methoda, l? wmtb are mmwm likotboMMfMfnMilr. TbMtheiMot?MrofMfMwilyMrat-I*hlBkwni rdMuldhaveafuroan." rhofutherMya: That would be a good thintr." ThM lha aaMoo drope. The next day atbr.v,kr.,tsb"s,yV;\.nw,,,d yon like a .,. ?.??,:? ?/?Hmtb: " "?*???" * hullv. JabMBoudinu' b?i gol <>"'? ^!,,', ?*? mbtactdropea-raln Thooaxl dr- ha aaraj i wuuVtoMr. Bilgor'aa^iiM-idMWMftrrt.tMta ea* It c?st tafl d" But bls farhot '.i al loat m >n-v th,t div i.v .crner it. ml. ai l *av *: Ita all Boaaeuse: hoMWtweirhu old ono." Than tba moih.-r eeewtly luda Mrs. Fodoro Gulineki, a deit, .te PoHah ltdv. who kuowa bow to d.ess and MM furs. She Imm that ihe bny four mlnk akra* for tweuty eonta each, nnd pr.MM tbal the ca-v ahall ba made bv Mn. Padora. The fathw Mn tbat Ihta ta oll mmmmm that tbey will m>t have i ebeap i?p, MrwMjr. 1 ba wwatafaMilvgivantMeap ...?. But tha nustiwaok fhMMtaarlMia whMh BMd he is -w?mpmm1 He oaaaM aa bMM th i oariy, bnya the eap m the **av. Md Hws m the eoldee day m the year. Will htisit 10 i-"> sk.ilinv. 'Ihisisa n.r.ib'.,. to sbow bow daMOentlc P'poh hrs do their bMlUMB. Aml ii tatobe obseived that thev gOttOMlly do it w ell. For is totOMMtad, more or less. M theoe,.1*ton re<|,ltlOs. When the exicency is real. evcrvbody is much inte. Md : BMd so. pr.ictieally. MftM a great (leal of tnlk. therightthiMB bdMMM, TbaWMhlMMtM nioniunent WMBMBMBd IB tiio year 1783. Tbe (Vitiii-mtal CMgIMM, which never h ,d rMMJ e-'otigh to l?iv IM MWB quilM. If ji ,,??| its h.Ml dcbts, was alWMJI lavish iu vot illU MOMMUMtttal Oi, tbe 7th of Anguat, I7sf?. CougrMB r, aolved nnanimonsly " tbat MM erpicstritui etB*M of General WaebMgM l ba BMOtod at the where the noidenoa or ItaMgMM shall be M tablisl...!-.' and dircete 1 that the statuo slioild be MTMOrtod by a marbl* Bt "aMMl, M whtab ehou (1 be re;>rese ne.l four pr ncipal OTOUM of tlie Hevo uii >iirv W ir. tti whtab ba co-nu.ind'd II MHoav ().. tbe psdeital wer" to be e.itraved the following words: -The Unit"d ^tatos. iu Ommmimm MMMbled, orlered tbi^ satue to be ereete-l in tbe year of our l.ord l"s:i, 1,1 honor of OoeCM WMBh inirton. tba WmHtimmOoMBMBder-i?a-Chaef <-f tho An.iie, ot the Fnited States of Amerea. dunt.g tlie war Whtab "/aMMBMdMMd BMUIMd their iiberty, MTOrtUgnty, aud iudependeuce." notliing was.MMMMM this resolution. In tbe iirst piac, no se.t of QMtrMMMMMt was tixe-1 um il tbe year 17!)D. so tliat lill then. there WM M place f?i the statuo to stund. I I IT9B Washtnittoi huuself dtad, and IM the nextyMl a (MBMltlM MMWtad t ia! " a BMMMIMM bl ere tel lor OloffJ WaabiMgtaM iti the city ->f WmbMImmmm," and m the ls' ,?f .laninry next nn BBpropriatlon Of .ftlOO.010 MBde for th it purpose Wl.e:i the new Cilttitol was bOgM* '" *81* the MMM wliie'l MM BOW Mii th-( " old (-'il>' tol,"ai?laee was HMMfld for B s.ircopba,'tis foi tl.e l.olv "f WaahloatMtt, nntler tbo whota. lt iseven said that tiil lately tlMM has bBM an afflMI Mltad "Keeper ef the Crypt." whoM MMMMMM it was to take care of this aaiinphBgii Bm- ?1<,ithpr ""eoobac.s nor bodv was ever there. Madam WaabiBMMM MM aenled tMtha IMMMTBl Mf the b.dv. say ing. " I MM n,.t I MUMtMT, what a sa.ritioe of ind.vidual fMallng I Make to a mum <,f pablta dutv." Bnt tba aier.tic- vva> never exact.-d. at.d tbi body rci.aiu-, wbaM u should remain. at MMVMt Vernon. Meat.'.vbile the fitv Mf Was'iingt-.n had been laid out. OfthtaMltyaBMrgaW*ahiBgMMbi reallv tbe found, r, and in the beautv aud ?ra MaMMT which it ls uow MMMing lt is I MMMMi uot unworthv of hitn. "II voua.k f-?r bis MMMMMt, loo^ rnind. may well be said of tbe city and of bitu. Ob one of tbe eatliest i.lans of ll.e city. tbe spot where IM inrmuinent now MMadl. is destg.iated as the siio for tbe aqMeetrtaa statti". acdeiMd iu the OngMiaioaMl NMlMthN Of 17!?D. The precise place ia at the iiiiersectionof tbe MttUlM and meri.iian lines whi, b pass IhfMgh t o centre of the CMPitol and tlie centre of tlie White House. In all the citv of WMMMMTtM theie ia a good deal uf rieh mathematical and astronomieal suggestion, due to tbo faiicy af L'F.nfant, lha French MMMM, who made the plans. and now neueraly foritotteu. ln tlns case, if the svmbolism means it means that in (Jeorge Washinsitoii the Lxecutive an-l Lein-dativo of the land were as one. PnMdOMl BMhMMM was fond of reoollectinir in his later davs, that when he was in what he called his MpbiMBiril etage of llfe, he brought up tbo MMMMMMl for MMMMfMtMM i<?r the Ilrst time in a quarter of a oentury. On the 15th of Jan.inry. 1824, when ? he ?vras a gMMMfl ineiib-r of tha House of Jicprose.itutives, he olfer.-d tho following resolu tto-i: " Renohei. That a com-nitfee be apn'dtited whOM duty it shall Im? to inquire in what BMMMM tbe IMM lutionsof Congress, MMMdoM tba 21th of I) ?< "in ber, 17'.?.), relative to the erection of m marble in iBMHMMl Mj tho Capitol, at ibe City of ton, t-? MMMl uora'e the t/reat eve its of Ih* tnili tari- and p-.litieil uf" "I QlMBMl Wasbington, may l.e beM BMM i.phshed, and that tho/ have leave to tBBOti by bill or othei wise." ilut ?his resoliiti.u, after BMBBBBMM, was laid npon IM table. CuuglMI eit.ier fortrot or d''.ed the vote for aue'i'.estiiai statue. Whxii ttic rejiutation ->f ll.irati,. QlMMOMgb was fairly edab.ished. Com* gie*s or.bred from hnu a slatue, wliicli was com l.leted in ls.1). BMd is now iu lha publto BfMMN MMMMg the Cajntol. Onee ia 3ve vears, a new let ter-w. iter. ntill ttiven to th- styleof art which rever BMBM enalwd hats and buekskm breecbes, writos a letter, abtising it, whicb in after years ho regrets. But the permiieit judgneiit of lha world will prob.iblv BBBMBd with that of Klward Fverett, ah-n tMBtatMWM tiiiished. For the statuo is uot simplv a pntrait of a MMM. It M|HMMata tba e?erna. trutu that, if this natio-i is to live, it is to livenot bjMPMaliMg loarms, bnt bftbe law of Ood. The gn^at lea.ler lays down the aword, and poltits ta the l.eavena. Alr. BlMBtl said: V.'e teirnnl Mr. OtaMMMgh'l WashlntTton ss one af tbe ar.-utc-t wiFiki...! a.ulpt.ire of uio.lern tl.nea. WOd* Mt Snow Ih.- v?..ik whii-li < an i..?i.y M pn-ferr-wl lo lt, vln-tlier we cuii-lder the purfly of the Uia.o, tlie lofll xic-of the BOMM pilou. Ihe truth ol Ihe cuanuter. or srlutt we own we feel lees ultle tojinltteof, luaur.icv of aiiatoin cal Mttdl aml iu?-< hanieul skill. HaU it I een IM work "t, Chaairvy,M "-flwnraMaea, it w,mi<l E e, ,le> ined, we iloul.r not, vvor hv of elther ?f arti-ts. Nay. we ai(, pi-epare-l to k? furlii. ., and disclaiu.iiu all pretouce io <?iiuuis?eurslii|,, we are per au..ded If. of iFOlt.g a of Washitiiflon, It h .ii o.-i-ii ., attitue of .luli,,s Ouaar or Aiex.u.der the t.real ; if, 11,-te.ui oi coining fi, ui i hestuillo of a youn| Araeriean ut 'te- peeaeul <la>. witii ali its ic-shiiess uaaa lt lt h.Fil o.-.-n ,lti| up I" ilu- r.iliisof tlie hatlm or i'llus M tbe Vlllu of Adrlitu. shaltered und u.utilitt>d-al ...a, le ? uoae and cvcti BMd ?"'ic BlBtald au-1 cnrio-leil, When it had Iteeu ani pl*e*d toifet er, furiiiahed -Sith unxlern eitrcinllies aad MrhaMB head -f-l-aii.tliil eotlieuticilv -and thua r??U,redf been aet up ln the V..llcai. orih. II would bave beou d?,-u.ed as ttne a plecc of sculpturo as aay lhere. It waa by the handful of people who lived in Washington that the stcps were taken which have reaultediu tbe maguihceut and appropriate moiiu liieut this day consecrateid. Wneliington wm Ihirty-three years old. A tew people lived thrre at jaat who did not move away at the end of four years, Among these BMufda the "Monument Asare giation * was foutidod in 1889. f.eoif* Wntterston mar be rnlled the foniider of the plan. For inany yeara he waa aecret try of tbe toeitty and con dneteditaeorre-poudenee. TflatTeal Judge Mar biegTaaberof VToabtagtea, waatke lirst prealdent. He waa auccee.1 hy Madia-.n. Wflfl took the flonorary OaaOt btUl euht.-hfth year, und held it m 1B3S Bfld 1BSA Ja4aa W .Ina... Craneh. a pato nn I nebbj atateeman, BBl waaid.ntilietl with Ihe beflt iiteiests of th- coun? try waa vice-preaident and BOttng nresident. Under tl.e lirst Btflflfl, ao peraon waa pormilted to eoQtribato io the fand ntoro than *i ? roar. Bal thla restnctmn waa reuioved in 1845. 1" 188 ?8,000 had been ct.llected. anl Wflt ItleJJ ??* ve-te.l. Ii, 1^17, this stlil. wit.l illt-est flfld BOW Mboertptiona, amoaatad t? 8*7,000; aud th-aoei oty res.ivel tobagin the, ?onutnent. Ou the 31? of January, 1M8, Coagrasa grasted a ate for lt t? be seleetel I.y the l'lo-ldi'llt ftfld inun:i*-er. II v m sail tbatWaehlagtoa himaelf uaarked tbeapet. aa'carlv 00 1798, Bt I Bl0 lot a mOOflmeflt to the Anieriran rorolfltion. A plau waa flfTeed up m * by the man najeanent, ?nd the eorner-otone wai laki, flnder BMOt au-ipicio'ts cire-i'lat-ine's. <>'i th" I'hofJulV 184a The llon. RobertC. Winthrop deli-ered an oiatio'i. b trulv memnrial <?f ft aahinirlon. (i iki addreaaee were un. le by other gantleiuen. Tbe work wainnahedateadilyiipward for a*xyea? when thefundaoi Ibeanciety weie rxhauatad. in thi- time ibe monnment hadriaen 170 feet, ano ?130,000 bad been oolleeted and exneadodonu. Variona eiTbrta were made to eolleel a new bub Hcription. I i 1882, hoxea were plneed al the pnlla on th.-dav of the Preatdential elecuon, iu inany staies, and tbe alnw thua eoilected were nnei ror theincrei.>f t e fttnd. At tbeannnal eleel o 101 1860, th-p ?nle <>f California oontri'-nteil al tne nollB, $10,0(12 01, wna reuii; ied lottae ncore tarv of tne Bociety. It was Califoraia'a war ol shdwin.h'valtyjiist before t he grefll stru-mc l.ejiaii. It was ii.vested as a nrst-ej.'? for fnrther uso. Ilui work wna nol In fu.t renewed riil after tbe war witb the new Wealth und nmin than fnbul?ua pm - peTity of the oewborn natten-^'imareea aaaume.1 nn [taright, tbe rompletionof the monument, pi-i.-il the work under the iliieciion ol its own "lheci .. :,ii.i pr. aaed it tetbe happy ee-clBaton wbleb now i>- aoon t<> he relebrated. Bome feara haviug been expreaaed Ihat the fonn dation waanni teenre, nn eubnrate and interealinK report waaaacnrad from tbe Engiueer board, wbich provet ita nbaolnte anffleienoy. I>uriflg tiie knof perlod when the flaaoeiatioiibao Ctaarge of tbe work thev inrlled nnd receired blocka nf aiones io be wronght Inte the n from variona Statea and aoeietlee tbrong.i the worirt, There are neariy one hunrtte.1 of the** blovka, many ol tbein curlona ior tbeii t iibhMTM or t>ti,oi inaeription-. Bngham lounc M it oue; one i- from Braddook'a Beld, one pro f ,.i?s to Iie from the riiins of the Alexonlrian Library,one ia from the "Merebanta iu Uhi.a, one ia rrom a temple in Carthage, Bad one from the Uorernmeni of Greeee. ln tbe ongiual pian-1<> hanaon te tho wianea <>i people who wanted aOreak temple with ih- ? o people who knew (bat an obeliak was the ninal lll monument' a drawina waa made ol a eirrniar temide nol nnlike the Udeon al Athene, )? ? l Buvbody evcr been abaurd enotigh t,? pl n a a pnrrli before tbe Odaon. Ib th-s mlddle ol thia temple. and riaiag bigu aboxe it. was tbe Obeliak. rre> cisely when tliia prepooteroua ";,',,l1>, ";,s Bbaudnncd formallyno man aeed i-k. Itwillne-ei he l.uilt. Bul its late was apoke i tbe dav wben a Pennayhrania lar.r t.d.l an ngeal ol tne Monu? ment Becietr that he would not Bubaenbe. riiis houe-t man had a oimpler laat* than b?m? i tan eommittee. " l gire m. tallar," he said, " lo aaybonaeinil anch? ptgeliimblv. Aud thns, tnroiiali the perilsof a hnedred yeara, with tbe actnal eo-nperatien of hnndrailaof th.,u aandaol people, and witb tbe gtad rmpathv ?i all. ihe v'ationbaa i>,nlt lta lit moaumeat to bim wbo laa.ill , . " I'lrsl ln war, *irst ib peaoe, and Dral lll IBe bearta of hia countryuMn." Edwakb Ea 11 il* WA8HIXOTOM A8 8TATE8MAN. [A ptirateletter from Mr.Oladatona, recoatly i.ui> iiiie.i. h.ta drawn forth .. f.-wt aanla .?i elo paeal... n iu.-i,t fro ii Baa Ho i. WIIBa n M. K* irta, ra aaatly rlected rjaBet Btataa BeaaMe frawa Bew-Yark. a*e repriat Ihe Utadeteae Irlhate aa a proper text for tbe hmf aad welghtj worda uf Mr. Evarta ! When I tlr-t te.til In <l*Ull Ih" Ufe ?f M a-hintrlo, I waa ..tni.lly lin:.|e--e.l wilh tbe moral I tioa and grralneaa ef bl ehararter, aad l fouud myaril at a loa- to aaBMameag tbe etateemea of any aaa or eiaaatry maay, or poaalhly aay. who eimM be bla i il ln laylng Ihia l meaa nodlapai?remenl t,? Ihe rla - of polltli nitia. tiie men ?.f mv owa erafl aad elo h; wboi? ii: no own 1 .n l. and m? own eiperlence, I bave fouiid li,, lesa w,.rtli) 1 l.itu ".' liei- iii.-n ot love. BUll ,,f .elu. i , tlon, I ci.ul.l neni* .1111.111/ lln-tii li ? e who "-, ). ni' tOOOme lie.ll ev.-ll l.. h.lll. I -.111 sh ,t OUl tue l.t-t h.tlt t'l-iit.iry rrom the eamparleoa I wlll then *.. tnat tf. aawat ad tne p?al,-atata auppUesl i.y l.l-tory for pnlille elmri.el. ra of eatre-rli aary aoMlBy and pnrlty, I aawone blgber Ihanallthe reat and if I ware r.-'i'.ire.l al it in.o.. nt'- imti.??? 'o name tbe tltte-t oernpanl f->r lt. I nunk 'n> elioMe, ai any time during the laai forty-flTO yeara would hare ngtiad,anu II wi.iilil nuu li^ht U|.i?u Wasl.IUKti.ii. W. K. fll.M.-ToM..] The Bapreutaey of tne ebaraeter and ranae ?f WaahiBgtoa, whiefa Mr. Oladatone aeaigaa t > hnn, baa been ate arded by the moat eminenl ttateamen, bistoriuna aad aratert ef Kaalaad, from tb.- time >>f his eealaaanorariet t<> the preeent d iy. ladead, tiu jndcineiit oi all KflTope ia tetreely h-at gencral or ' lesav exalted in its boautae. In onr own conntry this Kupr-in iev of A'aahinntoti baa been moat ciear ly demonstrateil and illustrated bytboOe 04081 co.u peteat to weigb an.l Bteaaare tbe trne ebMnente of I iimaii gr"at;ins^. aud uio-.t cotiversa it wilh the whole jnihlie au I privato c.iidnct nf hia illtislrioiis hfe. Ihevalueto tho history aad p rinaiience ef oiii Inatltotiont ?.f tbeinuneneeiaflflonee 0f tbia majestie life cannot l>e OXatPtarfltfld, Uth"i nations are ready t .accept, Wltfl ua, tbe impreeairi aentunent of Pmhet Aaaaa, tbal ^Waahiflttoa tihanejrd annnh ina*t Ideaa of pobtieal areatneaa." William bt i\ aih-. WABniNOTOH AH A PKJI7KK IN HI8TOHT. Mr. Ohat-teat flaty we!i expreeabia oultedeatt niationol thecharacier of Waohington an portrayed in hiatorv, but for ua Atnerican-. it is likeatiat teuipt tafih! retaed gold, beraaat Waahington is und ahottld he Bnt m war, lirst iu peaoa.and liisi in tlie, hearts of hia coiiiitrynien ; a M.rt ofdemigod li.r worship raiher than for critiei-m or coinpai isnn. After iwadiag Jrvinn'a " lli?t..ry <>l vfaabington " aa a aobtlCT und ua a inan, I have fc!t a w.rl of Mnef in oeerhanttng teeae BeTelatlonary papera to learn that bo had liunian lnfirtnitiea if not vttinlies ; l.e caii-e tl.oro ia no donbt that be awore ,at bfonBKruth, aud Ihat whileencti ii|)ed fli Valloy ForgO and l.< i matitowii l.e had inany ajolly llelgh rido to I'mla delpbia._ v7. T. Sbbbmab. WABHIKOrON A8 av BXANCIPATOR T? tne etoraal kaaaae of WTaahington let. it bt Pt* BBNabered that a eaatary ago ho had a elear par ception ef tbe eeUa ef atarerr, flfld welearaed t.i? fonaatloB of tbe flrai Abolitien Boeietr, of wbiob Dr. 1'iauklin waa I're,iil?ut, expr?asim{ his dextre tbat ao? nattaa BUajht be feand for tbe total ex tluetlOO of t he evil. Iu his will 00 gOXO hia last < n phailo teetiaaoaj afainet lt i.y freaing bia own alaves. I have alw.iys ragarded thla aa eae 0f tho Htion_est preefa ef ina aaatad ju \ i fltat aud ombb> fltaoof toial Tatlofl. WiHiout thlaerideneeof hit wisdom and hiinianity, his noiilo eharai iei would have lacked ao.iiethina* of iflO pn.|.oi tio.i und aym ineirv. Tlie atatuo ia now eomplete ; there ia notli lag to paajret 00 otaata ia ita majeetioeattllate, 1 bo Eiiiancip-ition PreabjBBatiofl was oali tho tarrylaf lateeffeetoa b?1 ewwaattrietieeoneoptton tn duty. We may w-ll lioieve that his spirit, if peruilt ted lo reco.nize huiiimi eveuta, rejoioed to aee the (Joiisti tiitiou and the Deelaratiou ol IndopendOB00 at last in porfeel airreement, and Ins bolored country Irced forevcr froin danger aud disc.utl of alorery, _ Jonn (J. Wiiittikr. Cop>rlt;ht, 1HS5. FElillU/ASG THE I'ARK l.AH'SS. a-ttapaof btawfl purtii aaat b^aaa Btattaratl over tbe lawna iu tllrt city iiark^, wliere tliey are lirok. n upanilaoread liy tlie riviiia over the groafld tof fetlill/. bagparpaeea Baaaaef ttebtmpaaieaa inr.i aa atone \*ie 11 Inal il.'|i.i-ile.l. i.iit all, , t.i 111/ l.rokeil llilo am .11 fiaartneuta the weaiher an.l tue at.rtna BBOfl .ll-solv? Ihe,ii. A _ri/._ly ald .icilcliuiau w,t, hrxitkiiiK tuoui up with a liaiiiiucr lu ,h.-<'ity .l.tll I'ai k, vti.i n ,t iii.iu ??? I... wa- i>.--. i. ? a .;.-.| iiim if the lertili/.er v...- anaiio ir.iin BaaBlh Ani.-il, a. "(;.nnu from Hniith Aiu-ri. ai" rapaatad Ibe ?i?l "eoteh man, leitniiiK ...i hia Bkeaga, ?? It ii aaaaa hrvea ihe < lautral Parxi BMt'a wh.-ro it aoom from. It'eoeampar'i tfewt'a what it lw>." " Ia the eompoel prepare.l ln the (entral Park I ? You'ro rlght ii is. Tbey take tbe aarapta'a freet tbe roa,la an.l au tue leiaves au'aslie, fr.i.u ti? leavea thot t_.-y bara, aud piie 'eiii up in :i pit. anl aUi iiiem ii f?late a s..ii|>, an.l let them il.y aud luk" for a twehe i....iilij. itinl ln ii in tk>>- Iiiem M ii ?. "1 as thla ouhl liimi> bara, TbeVa a?are ihe eaompo' eouuia ft.?ii." The park authoritlea adapled thla BBBtflod af to|>-dreaa. Inir the lawna two yeara ago. Ibla wlnter they have ha.l a irreat iiiat.v loiis of the e.iiiri|ii>-t, xilitlf le.Ut to illa tnl.iite uver all Ihe purka where tiie aoil la weak ai.,1 r0> (|Uire? noiirl .liinciit, lu many plneea ou tlie " coniinoiia" of the Catiitrai I'ara tbe t.irt Is woni ',y hall-playeia aad l.ii,ai.-? wbo picnle. ou Ibe 4X000, so that It hs- lo l.e itk ulany ireaieu every aprlug that It may cerue up thlok un.! Kreen tor the auicna-r. T0PIC3 W L1SAPIXG CITIE8. SAS MUBCI800. DK. NKWMAX-^PIKITrAl.lsTIC KASfALITY -Ml,'. BALA-^MACBasTHV' HUBIC. ' iur IBIBMirM T.? TIIB BMMMMMI Svv FMAXCIBCO, leb. 1 l.-The strike of iron foundora and toUor-Makora has *utiuMed all ii.m week. It began m tba LTalou IronWocka,wbaN I re.luetion of 13 per cent ... wagM was annout.ce.l. Of MMIM all Mthat foimilrie.sloilow.dMi.t. IM managMractalni that Eaatarn BMBBMtmM whtab has foiowed reductiou iu froifht ratMformath.-mta rediice wagM or cloM shop*. Thgjr etafaH that rneo WllU have rec ived W ? per day OUght not t? f- el t . reJuetlonaeverely. Tl.e workuMM BBaarttbMt Um .ed.iction todoetolrvlng M. ftooit,owiMrol tbe i i.i. 11 Iron Worka. who dealtM lathMwayto 0fl ,., |.i cn rontraeta, and that average wngM bave not ezeeadad ??.-' 78 P'-r day. M no aM can put iu teu hour- a4 IhM MMMM, BMd t h.-y are paid ?<?> Veni - per l""?r. I' l^ l>ro!.al,Ie tba' a BBMBHMaiaa ol io pei (eut icductioti will le Bgjread uu. The Ret. Dr. Newiuan. who recently rdircd from bis pulpit in N.w-V.ik. liinl- bM llMM ca-t in pica-ant placeslntbUcitr. It li mm knowntbal i?. wiH so,,,. be mataJtad a- pMtor af a mom BeetartaB Chnrcb, of whtab Mm. Letand Btanford ,mII be ihe ehtaf pmtam. It i> anl Itodoetrinea -jrill inchue toward Hpiritualuun, ?i -which MfM Atanford bM been a derotao bIbm tbo dMW of ber only mm. SegotlatMMM are now being crrnd M lor Ihe purcha-e uf tbe chiiruh oi the late Dr. Beott, lor whtab 860,000 il doMBMdad. Beaidoa Mrs. Stanlonl. Mrs. Cbartaa l.'r... k.r l? atao m nlioiie.i as Intenoted Ib Ihe new pratact The desia i i- to n.ak the clmich I'tcc t" all. reaervlng ouly a few m*? for fie fonnden. Botb Benutor Stunfurd and Chartae Crockcr are inid to faror the project wannly anl t? glve it QumbcimI baeking whtab luaurei mi, aaaa. The CkromUU this wMh expoaad the systcm ndoptod bv rbouuM Lute llarris, bead <>f the ->i',rit uali.-.tie ('.Mimity near S.inta I.'> a. who bM -,,.,?,irele.-nlrololalar?eestatevalii,,l at 83 10,000. Itarria, who claims inperoatural powen, fMnded bii Met, the Brotberhood of tbe Kow Llfe, al Ani'ii ... N. V. He afterward moved to Porttand, iu the Btata, where ne eatabliahod the Brocton L'ontmnnity. PenMcutton for t. love doctiluea drove him Md bii followeri to Balera, aml tr-m there bere, Among ln* dnpM wero Lawreuee Oly* phmt. tbe Engliab :uttli-.r. and hla Motber. who i?ave Harns .*>r_'...(? ?'?. When they diacovered tbe iiee live omii on whicb tbe bmtherl.I mm i?;in,!e l. tbe* demanded tbe return <-t their noMy. an.l after tbreata <>f law Mita aomproMlMil for rjino.OOO. < >tiier meoihera, who ?ara tiieir little foi* tunea Into ll.ntis's buopiug wereturnedMtwbM iliNsati-ii dwitboul ? penuy, uud two of tbeM mm mitted kuiride ln deepair. llarris bM writt-M a M.ial! library of apintualial l.ka. Hie tateet eon T. it is .ni old lady of l...s Angelea, whobrought to tbe brotuerta.1 060,000. All b. i property ..t ttantn Roan, wbleh Includei several tbouaand ncrea In vinevar-1 anl orcb.irl. is iu Ilu ns's n ime, und is abaolutely i-onirolleU by him. I'hta with th* con tritiutious of tue taithful iu -Englaud and Aineni... gives .uu a .?-. al nvaauM, Tbe Siiprem ? C-.urt has alllrm-.1 tbo il-ci-nm oi tlu- |ff m i cour? ite niu' Hainuel iv. Ilailidaj t th to t ,.- eutire Idock claiuied bv tl.lyaaapuldic pitk. The property wbich ls on Ib. lopiuoel poinl ... i lay-st, in- riiMiking tbe bay, tbe ->< a ,n. and tl.e Uolden OaU*. bus bccn iu htigatMB for tw.-uv yrara, during whtab Uallidaj Iwa held tbe fort on tbe inil-:oi? m teiii.-t-- t ,r gaa, water, aud "il... eit> ,'onv. Il.ellies ,,s Ihtlliah ln- Uvwl Ul I II.OU II11 V . I ln- ileciaion nivea h m vvitl. bia reai i-n <? two full ciiy blocka ? ucli are w??rtb ., tortune, aaco t:> roaidenoei ar. bmldtng ni u '.y. stnpii.teol war inaieii'.l for CMna, thongh not ru ln avy .,* i<-. eutly stat.-d. are large and rsiuelant. li,.- French < b?*n bM taken uo oitlcial noticeol tlies. ahiiMiienta, mainly, |*erbaps, l*fcaua?i of n ebange in tbo L'ouaul. rbe prrsri.licial been hera ouly a tau weeka, and hM made no ln v ?tigatto .. Mneh <>f ti..- luatoria! m eMteredoa ui.iiiii' >t m iiiF-n bandiae. ftaorge AuBuatna s.-.l.i reeeived a hi irly welcome lliia sreek. A dmuei waa ^v i ., in bis bouoi l.y ibe lloll. -llll.ltl Cl ib, ...1-1 i.i* t"" b ? ti.l' ? ?- ?? Blll ,, e.l ln i,,r.-. and ai-pr-ciative'-n. ? - I ln- Hl i ah ,.1,'onv tiiiii-l ">it iu lor.-. ai.-l nrvatapp trieele.l hla relei. !ir.? I.I tlie - lo-e ol tue |. . lllie t" W'.M.Iaatay, aud ins tnbute lo tb<- MMnnrg of Oordon. Themuiieto " Macheth." eoMpo?*d by Rdt?i " Kelly, waa p<' f.d bere f??t I ?ral tiuietbia ?TMk by an orcbuatra --( Btlj pcrforuiers aud full rborus. Tho music waa iBtrml ti, origiuailr, M au orcbestral accouipanimeul lo tharrajular plav, bm in this iii*ta.>l> Mleeti. * wi re read. Ihe muaic >vas pronoiiuca.1 uau*ually Ilu* bf l"-ai critics,"aud cali ulatwl toestablish therepnl itioii ol Ibe , oiiii-.isi-r whererei it la i. -i-l-r.-l. Mr. KeiU is a yonng man, uuder tbirty. thin. and cnanuip lookini; i mnaic leacber wiinian.nlI patrou* nge, 1 witb anl Ition lodo originul wi.rk. VUlCAi ". THE sii)l.'M-i:i.l<H?'N PRAITP8 HAYOR* ai.i v (?ri.t:.\ ii MTIVAL iu. in i...iiAi!t i o uu: ritt . s ? | Chicaoo. Peh 14, He- MMbavge plaw4 bm* n'",,? aeaa geaerally Ib Ibe cHy tai three daya loltawiag tbe gn at -ii.'in ot I ,i- daj aad Ibe Imt- aeelj i *i ?l tl.e tw-> - eding daya, ?.,- .,i!.i unprao. ienMd, uiui a'l.-.t'-.l alniF.-i everj braaeb "t MdaMry, Ihe railwaya wom M *agbl t.. i eoMpleta ataodal !l t'? aearly iorti -eigkl beaua, prevauttag bvm reaideala ol tlie Hiiiinrbs li fiii rea, liin-t tbi citv. I.i lli- citv* snow lav alaugaid*tha ratlwaj traeka ta abalghtal tiMeaevM with the rocfaottha -tr--t-ar?. aad ovm titrief r ail way wnvel lor tba Umm ?n< prartleully abandoMed, 1 be Mbli eara Im't!- -I Um difhealtica with Ml MMMMi MMMl IBM tl.e *i..-r ?-? llaae, l-'.t n tieibaga --t tbe cai.le .ut^i Ihe tirst <ihv proetrated tbal aervtae, Sp< -? ti.tii ..ii 'I'liali^-- ?:,4 at B -t ,'nl-t.ll. I lo- M i 8 Legialatura wa- hampered ln ita aeiMa for Ihre* data ..wiH ' to the t. i tba lullf,oua-ball tbe uiembei - b .411.., hdiiwI.i-'i on theli attempl i" retura li im lb*li 1.*s to tbe t'.ipitai' ".,<? of tbe l?nt irea ineidenl t-> Ihe lifl lag oi tlu- lailwaj bloekada waa tba audoeu | raaenne ... tbe f n 1 "l a t;iF a. erowd ul to iriata Imio all p irtioua ->i tne M.'rtb, Ue.t an.l Kast ako bad .?.?:. helated oa ilnir way ta KewJ irleau Md whon Ihe Mnaettj --t iMaoathorn bound irataa ?..? laaed totLeutMoat to care tor. The approaohing mnnleipal ah eti * 11 alreadj bagln alng to Bxeti* ini*r**t. Keureaantaiiva (.e..i-F- u. Iiavta will 1.1.,l.i,> I-- tenderasl Ib* li. ,..1.111 >an !,, 1,111,a, 1..:i. lu Ibi evenl >.i Mayor llarrison'a .11 > >n iitiue in ihe l.iitci Mi,- - Heaatorablp ttcbt, ba ,.. all likelihood will be a eaadidate lor 1, electiua, Cnloiiel Mapleaoa, tl,<- hMpraauulo, ?,.- entertained at iliinK. ThuraUay ui|bl l>\ geallrmea promiueui iu Ihe Opera I e^ enbrpnae, IViih i- |--t totbe Petttlval lli--..' ls sll, t.l.v anl!'.-u-nt i,-,,iiFiice tlial it wili bc linaui .ully a anorOM A'ii W-OiiLhAXS. EXPOSITIOM MI8MAXA0KMKNT -THE POBD TI.'IAl. I lll. MAtoor. lllV Tl I.I...II M'll lo llll. IKIIHSK.I Niw-Oi.ii w-.l'eli. I I. I I,,-li.nihi'iV Iltiil I Btg,avary aaal atruatura <>u tha BapoalthM xrounla, uiiieii ?;,. eteeled t? tba heednnartei - ,,t uten ..i moaei vtolttag thelalr, waa epeaee1 oa Wedaeeday, au tmarl can tl.iK Btaeented hy Ttt?ny, ?,f Bew-York, a?aaa fartedea tbe eeeaalen. MlanMuaxeiuenl nn th.- pafl al Bome af lta i.xpeeitlefl etwera baa areoaad xreal Utdlg Botlaa eaaoaaj axaJbttera, i ha managnmrnl u.?< lared Ibe admBalaa Bi keta i-u.-.i ahea Um f >n aaa ? .1 ba ba nuii. Hlel illr.-ete.l nilill.iturs h.,,1 i.lli*ia Ik.I.Ii.ik pif-e- lo appty at a atatot pieea f?r new Ueketa Tba aBractlooa aara aberadi i*? iiu>s in aaeaaaataa BM aaalgaatad Btaea waa Vlailr.l. Iiut the BBMaBB w. I o BO| M-ue.l ; iiiul BM w.-n. . ,,u,|?-l|.-,l b? pay lar adrntaatna. ar atar eatatde tba irreaaeu. Oa Wedaaata| aerawdaf exMMtet. awtawred al one of ihe ?atraae.?, aad, aitarpnilaatlr waBtnt iberefaf pr.Bat llcketa, gat ile-perale, at.inii. il th. K,,|,., ?n,| <-Mt*? ir-,1 the graaada eltheel paytaa Tbt aay befara,a Bumbar at infiirlaled pu*iB-hold.-i-a altein, |.,| j,. \ loleiu e to ?? laat ' Miiii.-i, ? inef <>r maiallallea, ahoai Ihe* eooaM ere.i r..i th,- ?aaayaaaae ta whleh thay had iieei, Bahjeatad . bnl he aa apea, The t'hail'.v Ifoapital ha. or/nnl/..-,| an aiiil.u! inee eorpt, aad fcar tbe flrat tbaa pat its aaahnlBBtaa on ibe atneta tbat w*ek. Tbere haa aavei i<e. a aaj thlag al UM kiu.l hare heftnm, 1'i.tii un- ttma aajr aaaaaataal rahlele WHH ealle.l llito s.l vi-e t,. e..i.\. y tUe au k at li.JU|.-,l I" tlie ho-pltal. MayorOnBlattebaao|BMied*a wai nn ra, Ua,rot. ihe we-kly p.t|?-i iu Ihe ..Ih, .? ..f wlm h tlie dlflculli ableh lea.iite.t ln the klllina ?f Bohart Brewalei laufl laaea. Tbe Mayor coatrada thal Uu papet cvutalna obat?u? Iiim lel uiel ha-> Him,'UU, e,l ll.- I,,l,-n|,i,B tn liisliiiel Ihe polue t.rr-l a|.y oue aelllu/ lt, uliil ,il-,i ||i* |.,i 1.1 ? - li-I't If MythBag of au,, ehat.K ,,, appenra la It The BtptdMf with whi. h tbe ea. iieun nl BlteoaVag tbe loul uiiinler irlal bal lUbalded , < wou.toif'i! TU ?*? ..# tl... MaMMMfl BML let of His . Itv. an,t a ln . ... CMT. . u;? Kr.-rt whoeloped with lilm. waa emplojed ln th. r.u er s.,,?,? l.n.l. .... ii! lepariure ln ber coinpany, was cou siilercd MMMM BMd v Irluous. nt or me necn.v-u. iclopc.l v.lth him. vva- BMployed In t untll lu her MBMMM1 MMt an.l \ Irluous. 8P0BBB FROM TIIE Ul'B. Botitnr, Feb, 1 l.-Tl.c niurriafg of Dr. Mm |M lrince.s...i of ex Mayor K. 0, PlfaMB, and ?" lai.t.y UtftMVM l'avsi.ii.orstileio. took place this afler ,,?,?. at t o*eteeka?at. Ntai'i CMnb ta BatoM a reeeptio.i foItawM at tlie hOMMMf Mr. iMaffM IValwIy li WaaktBfftM MM A IBQM party of .elatives and htaada IVvM lS->st--n altemle 1 the receptl-F... Oeaeral ir-melsA. Malkar taltawa Mr. Bdwart Mmm w,?-l macoi.rse-.ftwclce Lowell Institute MMMM M "llielnitclStatesas MM M UM OMMB," Tbe tirst Icctitre WM Itivctl Til'-ail.'VV < vcihiK. two haadaoaM dlnner partM mmi gtaM al th. PoarMr ?,.t ciui, thla w.-.-k: OM Moiutav ajght by Mr. Arthnr K,.tch with c.vcrs lor fourt.e,,. iad M TMadagr>|gbl hy \;r I i.niii-. I. Ainoi v, tlM | rotnltie it law.ver. ' (m i,.MlMeettag ?f IMBeMeM TaehtCtah was MM al me Pnrtor Heuee Tneaday ovmImx. whM im foiloa maoffleeraw re Mmbm MrlMMOwyeMi Beniy | CMBMMdeMI I. I-'orties. Vlce I',,... BHHtaMI Williatn t. Well. IH ar ( MM olore; BdWttd Bnnteaa, -e, r.-taty; I'atrlck T. JnalMBM, ir.. treasiirer. TMMMthly raeattagef tha BmM TBhtaCteh was hel.l nt the lio'i'C nr Mr*. li-'iiry Wliitn an. the IItM. T! 11 layeveniUB, CMtauelT. W. IHmsImm, tl.e preet Mnt.tnthe ahatr. Mr. BeMry a. Ctopp. the ******* ,.rjl.f The A-lr -i-fis-r aml ?ne ?f tlie ri|e->' -halo-p.-.-r ,? ,n -, I..,l.-,r- II. the , rea-1 I | apcr >pM "OgbOlM .??, im .? tion iu Hemtat." Mr. Clapp, i y Ihe wa}. bM ,?,|,?..,1 IW.l-ers ipM "TMTIl.* BtUMMgeaM*! I'lav.." Wbleh Will appc ir "' UM March BMd Apnl MM Mn of Tkt IflMaJta. Mr. ttapp'a able an,l aehotarl* paparnpoa Umij frvtag MetyaM ta TUAttmmtit will lie reineinl e.eil. Mi-,. ,i. s. cabet. ef Heaoon M.,whMi elaboratatert Bllhlly -llitisrs MM l.e.-.uie thls MMM one ot th" fentures ot fa-hl! llfe, ?-'.. 11 I 1 ??' ticulai 1 y plaaaanl wm Ta?tay avonlM el whtab wom preaaot the i:,.v. (,et ivius ii. rrotklMtaun, Mr. and Mr-.. Alerander Coehrane, COtanel BMd Mra Palrohlid, Colonel Md Mm ii, i, v I.--. Mr. \v. ti. Baltauetall aad Mhera. Mr. .1am-s Merein. af New Vorlt, has a bOMM in CMMMMWMlth-aM., where Wltb hts famlly h- I* s|m-iiiI|.:<; ttie wint.-r. Th* MlBBM .Mort.MU an Madylng MMM Mrs. Babaattaa gebhalnirr ->f N-? York. ht vtaltlna; Mra ('.nies I'. ( i.rt.s, of ( oiiiii.oiiw.altl. ave. Mrs. Bcblealajcer ta the rertptanl of inuch attautloa, M*iag furmerl} lived ta Reetoa, wMw aM has hoaM of frtaada. Mra. r. i- tmeafa ball m Tnesday in lonor orher daiu'iiter ili-i.n wns iMhuportaal aoetal evnotoftbe ?i,k. whtab haa abouae*d ta gaycty. Tbi Inteitorof ttohoOMla t.'tter Bdaptel for atarM party thaaaay ...lier t,i .l.-l'.n ta lha citv. a'.o-.vln:.' a lon| rlat* Of llaml ?omely app>*lnu*d rooaaa,.?.- the dnuhle <l---ir? aeparaitaa Ih* inii-ie r.F ..... parlors nn.l l.l.iiu v ,'re IRBUW *" that tbeycaal.rnppeal thn.ii, k tl.e gonra, 0*"er7Wlnvt uuloBBwera la*o*d.aul tha Maaa is mepaetonaHmm ?-,, mmi ftenl *.b rMdanetaa all ihaerenMBj. flowi na .r.-.-e evervwhere In profuaioo. and Mr. Ame* naylni ln 1,1, |.ree,,l,....4e. at l,|s - ???ier l,o?s al North Koatotl lliatineal i-ulleeil.Hi of orehids ln tl.e mrffa nusntlt* ?' tl ?",, waa ii---l lu lee-M itlnn Mr* I" Roillas M.irse anv* a i an Ing enfertalnmenl I .\ Hvemns H n.-r hoii?.- ln (' ini'i.onv -? ,1'h SVe ,... .l.ttnc ?>' la ?:?- -'.- an<l a tl-tl.- pta) ?> lapleal fr.Ihe I , whieh waa em\ Hall) a t.-.i bj Mr. Ai.imr Daxter i.iel Mr R .hert M. <',.?l,.n. | ,,.. l.-t I to l.?- u'l.-'i. M:>i. ' -v ,??. n:-u I.v lt..- Mvopla II,it|, < tiii.nt ...i.i I'ell.w.- 11,11 \.,ll tn.I tbi moal iMshmnahl and l.nlllanl evenla el Ibe ,!?.-,,ur aeaaon ri. urnla ?ra ln th* hands ot promlcent n?*m ,4>ra .,? -Ie- f ?' -,??. Mr Nrtlnir l: .'.-Il anl Mr. Kr-ink -?-a bnrv, ?.*... i- m*a|*r nl tl.e bonnda i-?..luekena f**rnlv*l In'lh* Infereata of the -\,,.|.i^ wmuan'a Indoattsal ITnUr." ls *nll?tl'<? all tb* ?ini ,n- r.,-t-- -i 'Int ?'.,,. te i.i . i_-'it .? ,r lipon .'.?rib- i.e-t eharities of lh*eUy. The aOair. asbta fr .',, it* ..l.'.-rt. wttl l-e ntoal lat. .- ' ' and - |?r?? er?*?l ,, . ,v,ri- !?-?|* It t'?l<e. Ti.,.:, v. -v.-nlllif M? ,, ,,,,,.? ,(,ii. -i,.. i,r e.- IcitbllnK In lowa. Mr. John II -'"I ''" 'h ' -.rcbt'e. >.'-,.. Iiee'iirf II, ' IWl Mr MowaH M n.l.-ov Will hswasterof.e.i..?i.-.. ,, .,.,.,, i :??,-.? ir* tbeOorei mr'aud Mavor. Lieu-.-u ,...ri...r \m-- IP. I- P. Ktl.Pr. i: P. U ,,.,.,,Ie. W. II. Ilowel... II..' l;.T. J..-,e. lre.--?-iK . Mr. ,'l? lt,.:i. Willlnlu I.l'-v-l'.arri*..... tl.-' II-',. v' || V ,. \ !, ,-i Aopli ton ao I in ",l o'.i.-.- th-' ,. -,. ? ,|.,,? will .-|.- 'i at '.l:-l" ?H" :? |.""' -?""' "' ?'"" , ^ ... |n l>l*|-*aa .-->- aiaa. ... , i . *iHcllna f-.r .ii-- t-.-t t**e weeka has *rn annartt, I. s., t* ...Miiei. Pha Mill ' ? ... , -...rf.-e' <? ?"iiv .1 ??' i-.--ii .th* ??????'? rrowlai ..-.?.?? i. inti i i- !? if-Ii. ... .,,,.. ,u,..i, -ci,..?: llva-teue ?r.-......- rlvan .i, , ||... ,,.,.-..- .. IM. M I-.-?,"*'?:<- I ' ??'..'?o' ?'l-t ii, i -,..' K- ..,-'..!..., ta ti.- hall of Ih* Kmtllah II rh ^..,??.i rtnHnaihla monih an?l n*?l,bv tb* tmrnt pr?*n ,,,??- phyaMana ta '-,..,,. ln. ,. II. MllllaMa will |...-,ure ||| >ii lli* "f-e n?.| Cir.-..f tb* I . <- llnrlni V, .r- ' a - ,'. ??' whi ?', -? '- f*1 'If.- ? "-' -? , t r-,'...? I". ".e.r e II -iia'tnek. M ireti 7. w'U , ?.,? - l>r.,l,i Ut* ": .ml Uf f * IH 'l~T->.. " Heat .? ? ,,?i v. , |,|, ...?.'? Th.--- an i nth*m re ti ,,,-ke >.., ih .-...?? hnpcrtani conrse ?*f profeaatonal IceturM to tbe \Fiii,i. ev. r u',v.--i ln lt.? on Mr Ar'itur Itl*)i.?l M'.r-h. a r. c.-nf ?fraonat* ?r 1! n ,r,| ,, ... tl... to-i I ,.f .. Lu-- I-" ? e -eli.i..l ..' NfW IBtrt R l.laelvioi a *. r . . ..f .,' ? rn ,..n r. nlin.-s ?f i .-, imnslatln 4 frotn Oraek nl-v* Btlb*ho?Be ot m,s i>-.(...-.- in I,. -t. Tie -<? t> :t-ii:,*c-) are jartrelj .,tt ratad. I ..,,.,- i!,,.(,.n Mtii.. f.?r Inenrablea " ln |V?r*h< -t*r wi- formsllv or**n*d l.ut w**k. riu* .l-li- ilmv .. ??. I.v Ih* R*V. PhlUlpa Bronks. The hFFine. wbl li li ,- l..-en l.ull lliMiiirl.the l?-, ,ero -H> <?f l>' i\ l.e ,.. i ,. ,,.,,,,.lat!-.',-" 'or twc-ltV tlve p.ltlellts. ?? t ,. the '?,?i- rn* *-> will Ib* eanaeltv nf th* ln?tl .,., Atii-Fiiff Ib* tn,-l-e- ,f Ib* I,--ni- l?* Mr-.. I.,.-.., M l iiablna. Hr. MTIIIIam Apptataw. " " * ,r'"" .,., v|i., ii.iniett. Mr Banioal II Snelllni aad othM ?. ? mawn peopl* II r tal*a for >i e Irvln f ?'-,*.??. op?n*d ni-ir-.liv, an'l ?. ?,,- l.S.'.l ?' 'l.e 1,-n olle* no ibat da? He ,,i..i,. In M C'.'.'ene" MnnUa* nlibt, anrt It eaw i.,.,!,. :,- ir the-,- >?miiii i.e ncrowded 'mm c to wetaonu btiuand Mi-* T. rrr I'llll.A DKLPHl I. BOCIAla, PERSOICAL AM> niEATRICAL. -riMM ts... ? v-i'.Nu., naaaaroanawr ?m? raa raratrae. * I'mi \i>i i.i-niv. Peb. 14.?Tha Amerieaa . nb hall "ii Mwlay night la tba talk af tha tean. Mr. rterelaed wlll ?f eauree he tbe m Baerelti Bftbeeeea ?',,u. li, ia uft.nv nnkaewn hare aad them B artde - , ?.ity.e blin 111- vi-it aalatte of the hall wlll ba ,?,? ,?, |||e .:. .. aa?l.en ,.f r irylna potltlea repreBent tha .llsllie--. Ililele-t- of the ei'y W l!l p.i.V lllIU Ulelr lepeete Ml i Lttlla IHntan, wba far aereral Maaoaa baa been a ? artraaa beea, Naa been ataylaela Laaeaater, ?.,,_** pMHta tti.tiv ..f her relatlraa R.B*afroma .triei rwll ftoua -eet, M 1 If WBB . I?ttle d axhtfUl ;it I'tst i?..v aba mtxhl he raeetvad. hare i bei Immeaeeiy, rae ahe pbtyedtbieeaigbtata erowded hoaai ? The K'-.-iv ui ...,r .mi reaaataaaprn lem. Tberamnal eertalnli ba a laraa anmher --f people who helleva ln lt, rorther.aerallj apiamra ta he Beoney eanaxfl. It ia ??.,--t?t,.,i ti,,. ? mi -.nv with lai -<? .-.|.iui haa n.-en f... uie.i in lt- tnt.-f al ui Bnglaad aad Ihat tbe negotle Boaa were perfeetad by Mra Bloomteld Moora M:s. M,?.,. la the wl low nfa rteh paper Baaanrnetarer ,-f thla eiiy.fai aellkaowaln aaelatynl flomo aat abroad, and haa ;i llterarj raaatathaa. Tanic aaa raeh Bpnaalttaa"laal wtaterfathe maahed halla at the Aeademy ?f Mame, aaal tba newaraper ,..,, ,,t. aera -.aaaUoaal, thal Ibej arere rarhldten hy li,- |?....i.l ..f Dire.loi- Tlils y.-ar Ibe nrohli.Ition w.m >-,l and aereral inaake.1 bal ia hare nararred. The people en|nyed tkemaelvaa te the rwll aad there haa baeu ,?,,.ipialat H.icietv ta raablaxtklnga trt>nwndona|y |nai iu.w owtna to Um raptd approaeh ol i' m. whleh win ofeouraepul b alop te all tbe rart. faahtoaable eater lalnmenta i .n'. hawater, apeaa a bow aad rery enlitvable eaaon t<> tbnee wim know how to luaiiaar it Btilwbere I. uv AUntle tllyea|*olally pi-ilia an.l rbeawell botela tbere darlaa l#nl are emwiien ? .|"? Mar innat alafi r..t a aaare nl tae hnaiaeea, aa the i ..luiiii.n, wbleb eloead a aaaa h ... twn agoBeara i , ,,,,i aud there. aereralnibM honaea tbeteaaflM i aaa Bai i idai raedj r..r aaeate mi m r iiun.iy. i.iitoi af ftt Jfewe, gare a farawell Colonel Kr.nk A. Ilurr. hilelv af l*t Frrag. nal now o.iiiieeie.i with rt? /./???. aad well known Injournal latle en.!. - ,,\.'l Ihe e.iuiitl 1 . I. 11.1 ll l.. tl _ of esl.tlill lilil-' lu re ,t weekl) periodical u|. Um llnea of Tae Ltmtlm i, ,,/A iiilwln :.;. Reaaaaj, Preehtaat ot 'he Hnlon faaaane, frt\i.> a |.il/. ,,t 0100 tor an Bppnwcblllg bllll H.l eonli -at. Mi ii.i baa M-vei-.ti Umea been apokea ot ua a eaudblaM f." Mayor. At the < healimt ,-treof Opera HoeMO ne-t weet " A Ulluebof Keva"; at thel heslnilt Ihe.llie, " K.'B hurprtae I'.uii". at ihe Arob, tlna Wllllaiua ln "t'aptalu M|-liler"; ul lll llitlitut. " Ml, h.icl BfroXOB." Al thl-lasl liou-e AmberX'a New Vorlt 'I linlhi Opera CBW l>itiiy iii ".s.niaii" >ii,i w.ii aml wae wall apoken al durfaathla week. The fli-t performaaea In l.u-iishof atrauaa'a npera. ** The Bat." wtll Be irlvea at llitv.-tly's 'iii.-.ttre i,n Nnaabty. rBe Areh -n.-et opera lloaaeeoh tiiuie- lo ha erowded, wltb apera at bbbbII rate? nf u .linia-.i..ii. .'/.FVEI.AXit's MAMTl 0. Ot OBBBMOVIBB nnthlngion Hi$,,nti-I. tn Ih' HpriDftUU KtpnHiOm*. Tht (Ofltip of the Diatrtel is taat Qeaeral I'atn-woitii is ramlna fr?m Albany la aaeeeed Ihe i-oortl* Clayton McMb'hael aa m.taler ol ceremuiitee al ih.- wiiite II. Whiie drawlng the aalary of ihe liiltl-hitl of Ihe lllalrlet, Ihe liliil-hal I- expeel",l to l.e a aort of kllehen.a.-llor lo Ihe l*,e-l.lent uli.l ao M. Micliael wlll aeeoMlugljr go ..nt. Pred Deuglaa wlll l,i illi.we.l lo serve 1,1- tenn out, iin.l Mr. Uitiii-.lell. tlie l, i |, rof wllla. ia l.ot lo l.i, ill-turhe.l h,'csiil-e ha wiole acampalxa llfe >>r Blalae, aad,taeratore, bla retantlaa ull he a loiirte-V te tlie .lefeatesl ( Hllilldlate. Tbe two lalt.T Uie Ihe llt he-l olb, i - lll tho liisliiel. EDMOND ABOUT. TRA1TS OF TIIE MAN AND SCKNES IN HIS CA-tEBa. ?PBn-riin BtflB-tB ^^^ff^JSS^1 My f.rat meeting with tl.e late M. About waa in a wayaeOB hta BOOt St. Nieolns Varaiigevilie. It wna ui "tbo hop hop-piek.-ra bfld erowded into the gencral room when tneir day'* work waa over. They wero gonerally teagflg inniintaineera who flad ileacen.letl to to tl.e valleys of I.orrame aa I.oi.iloi.ers BO to tho rural parta af Kent lfl Npt.ui har. Bat there the reaenihlance ended, as the iiniii ticrs flf tho fori.icr were rtttit, the l.Iootn of health was in their cheeka. tne WllBfl and girll wero neatly drc-aed in prov.ncial OOatOBBOB, Bfld BOl bJQflf ey,.-. iliii not smell of the younireronos were brigfat with aiiiinul apirits. I waa with a ftW tiuirists ln.ui I'lirie. A couplo ol other travellors .l.s.eiiile.l irom alarmor's WfltUfl wbflMa had given taetflfllifl flloag tberofld. Theyasked toraihf nei tiinl llOOpUtf a.coiiiiiioilation. Oflfl was a boyUh-looking adnll with loag hair and ?' bllly eo,ah " bflt, the worte Ior thewear. He oarriadoa bia back aaatebel an.l a pfllfltec'a box, aad hel.l ? vioiin eaaeflflderMi ann. Theieeofld toarlataad in one hand a lillle nettlflflBtflflfl and in the oih.r a fobling onaeL He wae dt*aaaed in a blna imon.over nll euit, was neat about the and c.dlar Bfld woffl ii bfflWfl atrawhat. The landhidy barlog more. IfldflKtfl than sho could well uttend t<>. waa m Olined t<? turn them away. Bat th.u said tbey would not only pay her. bal if ahe eleared a apaet ifl ;i barn would provide niiisic gralis. an-l if thete areee pretty ftrla lfl tbe hoaae do their likeBeatea. for whutever they miRlit choose to ofTer. Iu a um inettt the hop pi.kers claniored Ior boapitality t<? be Bbowntotho Beweofltero, and a yoath propoaed to go n.uinl th.' vill.i-u te hMjorro if tbere were any beda in a priTsto hoflfle wbleb eooM be obtainod for them :?.! ih- nlfljat, Onatare Dord waa the aearer of ihe vioiin, Itflil Kdmoiid About carried the fold ,ng BoaoL After liinner Onatare P<>r.< "took hu flddle ont of the eaae aml w. nt to a barn. AU tbegneata foi lowed aud rillaga folka came in tO foifl laBflfl. <?ld aud yonng dauced. About waa atill a haehelor. Altboagh ln* had neglectod tt otfl-ol the talt ol r.r|.sii:hore, he was indeffltiiflblfl in kickin,'"up his beeis aml whtaking raond the eoantryfjaia The improrioMl ba I eoded witba aapper, whleh bad for it-. prineipal diah aaapf aaxekomi. Tbecabbiiaxe waa well garnlahed with enaoked eauangee. waa an aetire ln ineher-mao. Ho laogbed snd taiked while be ute,erueked Jotteo with tbe otber gneata who were ionted toabare tbe meal,and onjoyed tbe rongh bomellneoa <>f tba boatelryaad its inmatea ll.. then had a thtcfa h. ad of Ii?ht brewn hair, aud a browfliafa I....rd whi.h m ecrtattfl ligbta waa 1 ur. Ihe eompws <>n was paaty. All the gold that ahould hare been lo tbe hair btyl.ofle migbt hare anp> poaed, <le eended t<> h ? faee 'and in failing not dull. Itut tbe inepr. -sii.le animal aptrita, tbe ainare mae sive head. tbe broiul abouldere. deep eheal aud reu .?ral llnea of tbe framo, oorreeted tbe impreaeioa ?>f unhoatthineee wbleb waegi-en hy tbepaatineai ef the faee. 1 Irwt sit'l.t of About after the ataie <>f PBrM nntii Mh retnrnto bla boMso tn tbo Rne do Douai fron (itnahnrg k'anl, whaw ba had baen apeadingnine dayi for baving abuaad ibe PraaataM in tbe XIX "? Hitclt .1:11 baving talK.-.l at (teverae againet than Ib i cafe. W'lien I weut to eall 00 liim M B iis litt >Bg ..ver a Bre, nnraing his wratb, and thiaking how ba irould Hag-IUto Tkt Tlmtt iL?.nd-,n l, whtab bad judgedwell t-> ilaif-r IbaOenHMMi al bta ombmm IUwmm1*u roTolriug in biamind biwtoturn hi* nnptaaaaut adventnr* ii.t<> k"><><l eopy, But bt* ansnr ovaporated wbou, I baving apoken mt Th, l mm Muiba rhundorer." be likened iUtbMudera t? tbe tan-trny b??Im of CmkkBt in ? l.a Bella llelei.e." I l.e war lurnisbe.l him with one MMmIm t... ii. in Ita eoMlM lita '/,'""- wm rorpaeaed i.y tbe London penny panera, He b il 1 some ->t Ihe apecial H.ndentB. bnt notably rtlnniicr. Forbea and I ,boii. I?r what th-v wrote about Fiaii-c. ||owev?r, thoj ewre men ol tal-nt. wberoM im /,?!,'. he tbon-'ht, waa an ,>'.d prif^ish o.vl. I .... deacrtpl.ol hla Htraaburg adventur* wbleh -i,,.?- .r<- : ni snc easir* laanea "l lh? \l\ me iecAe l.roigbt f.-rtiiiie to Ab.-ut. Ile and a rnonp of .rate *{,??.I'cana furined a joint atockcom panv t? bny tbat pai..-r trom M. t I a leuil. who da I -i ute.l it to anppart I'h era. Al Brat lhe? waa no deaof deiivi.iL' peeiimarv benelil Ir.e-i the ent.-r pria*' lt vv is chii lly iut*nd?*d a- a t- uitieal weapou to k-eo with Ihiers and brinir roaud t-> him the weik knead and wea iI.v boura.?ta which nelfher rared t,,r Klng, Einp*ror nor Republle, f*ared all three and waa tn m-ital dread of a eivil war. M. |.iii,.., ii-f. "the ga" kma."?the rcbeal man in I'l-in-e-llarthtdemy Kt. Hilalre, Raron ,1<- Jan .-. cii ii ie- Simon, ?> -t, of Jntae Himoo,? ernn***! I, and Wilson aiilMcriliM'1 for aharea. t'ernnacbl w.,s .i?>,, inded w!i",, b ilf .a .ti- r :i me nbor >>f Ibe HtHltca.toblniwitha d'.vidend of IN fraoca a sli.ire at ihe eiol ol tl,.- tirst hall' year. Muies w. ut upfrora i.O") I fiam m t<> 9,0.10 franca. and th*n to |.. n mi franc* ? pu - e. A neu , ompauy waa lonued wltb ailock of il,fHMatuuM at BJOfrnnceeneh? balf ?f whicb wo*a tn f? ta -Vb.nit. Me had under the previous arrangemenl balf proflta and :ie.<">i> franea a year aalarv. with B,?K) tr m s a year tor ,.,,,,, -,.-, rnde' the new arrangement newnato haveno beneHt beyond wbal h>s inlary, raisen to i-, .mii rranca, nnd h s abarea hronghl him. Itut be reaerve?l th ? power lo nhlige tbe eompany to pur ,-',,,.? tWO tllildi l?f !,i- stock wli-i.ever h-cho-e to M<|| it The a.hertis. tneiits were to be farmed aud the prlce ?f pvefMMM tu ga into the general fnnd. ||.xtM-ll*.-s l,.-V.1 ll.e.ostof pritltllilt .111,1 l.ill. liahins w*re chiefly in editortal and .. ?ew reportora Bitlariea. There wm iio tolecrnphic c?rr*enond*nce Iksrond wbal the HavM A?ency mpplicd. r.nor* ???, pro'ita were realtaed froni lurr. to Ihhi). .-iu,nrdtiiate mwnberi <>i tha ataft onilted it aftor Ma,-Mahon's rneignation ta tiil biub ..tlie.--. Abonl , ,i?, t-'l apl i?e iu th* .*???.,:,t- aml an KmhuMr. Ile n.v-i? i/ot .t The ihurebolder*. wbo bad political intlnenre kn*w tl.n? ib* per*"* w ubl fr* dowu like a !,,..iflendlf h"**"nitted the editori hair. and ao Intriirnod ncainM h .... I'h-' men m power felt that h* \v.l> too llld-'i.lel.t to l.e l.eld Well Ul hand 11. the n int-. ttti', as an Ambasa^tar. The Oamuettists i,.s...T,t -I bls B.b lltv toOrevy. ThHr wipersehowed ibetrteethal tbout. and be barked and bif them hard in return. Hut as be did not like to rye tbe l.'oval-ts.-.ii-e for chnckling. he onlj now nnd Umh showed snirerand blttof dtaappointiueut. I'dmon 1 About elave 11 ,.:,1 fr enda aud rejallree. Ile ana nol le*eanxioua to ohtain a bi?hoprie tora cousin who waaa priMl Ihantu procnre an hmba-siy f.,r himaelf. I never kuewany one more rvadv t-> do a N*rvtc*to no matt.-r wlio.ii. Ile waa ndroit as an art rritio in talting unaucce aful sculpton an l pnint.rsdowneaavond vs.,s b very atnoer* wrtter. ??,l.| sinreritv uud mobilitv were b.H prednmmant nualitiea. W.tb bia haaty tcmper and keeti bciiwoI the i -li, ilous they were ilau ipialitiM whicb bad a wntiin -i.i.'. About rar.-lv aoucht t? -hine a> a wit. Wiltieiams llnab.vd up In bia bmin and pnased -m. at once to the tip of I.i* tongu*. Hmv were ikewitd. I.ii-fIs i-onitnit up IhrongTl M o,., n tiat" in in nti doaed can*. Oot th-v Hew as [Ml as tbey were eoine.l. Which vvas l-v niiclM, .-us cetel-riltl 11. larlv btwling would have c.iu-'d bm, to hemnre leti.ent. I'.Mt l,e li ,,| l.llt >e'.ool lotl. ||j? sb.-.t wiitten tiot-s vs.iv exnnimte in t.? uracefcl brevity. Tbe little InMrlpttana he wrote in buoka that bearal ln friendawete geiuaol ilever ,.,-s I be high, -inare forebead of tbe man i*em?*.l I,,,. svitb ide.a. nnd b- drew m?st ol what be wrote from tt. i,-r he was nol ? d**M ?-r atiennve ,-bservr llisilroll.rv and wit playesl on eui acee. Ib-mirot humhle biith bia jndgm-nt wm nol tattered bv ?,.,,,?| ronventi.-nalitie*. anl Im said what be flioiielit and wbal atrncb hiM nbpnt Oreeoe. Jtome a leverv; other on whic, howrotaMfrealy ?sil I,* wer, a Western Am.roaii. HW foree lUB araatdcnnsetayia b a or alnalltv. WbM he weut t V ,..'",.* wondered whnl would bocouMol l.e. ? vih,,,,,,! il iheKnallah ,, aae.1 to Mt p.i rake. andwMuotMhaiiMdlM wmmm bia woMdertMBl ia print. __?????^? tf i li 8 IS OEEA r UF.MAS D. ?? We liave told more Hkat.'.s tbii a*_te_ Umn ln any for the taat t.-n >ea.V WBi tl.e Km-iiu. a THIM-I r.|...iterre.eiv..l Ihe other .lay a* ba Bteppat latO iitowutownatoie. luoue of Ihe WladOWa waa B BtouwhtehweaJddoferaaloa.lMat. ?? I aaal a patrof akat?a.M aald a yeeag waanau. advaaetflg te efle of tue cwrta,who moUoned harte a ohair, uud. taklne. ? rata fl.,.,, hia i-oeu.t. ttamdad teaecertain tat iiat of atatt reoalraa. , , _ ??in;!.!" wna tbe abaoat Inaadlble txelamatlofl ol the elara TbeaUeaay betghl ebaaka ?r tba penag uiy baeame a daapet baa aa tba ekwtt, aatlelag her etaxfe .,?? eontit.tie.i Btwlogeneally : " 1 meaa eigal mehe* ?S&*fe?r_ -. ;' Si--ia*W*_P_tl__ ronthalJubYi . t of eehool, widfeefini tl.e ...i.orta.i.e af iir mlaa i.n. demandet ibe BttentMa of half ..lerkain ..' atore. Heverul otber attweeirtelied i>y e,.Vt'.Viveevl.le.,ee tl.nt B _?e .......ber of per Lraa wera taklni advantage ..r the aaattag e.ason. both iu New-Yort BBO BrooklyB. .? , . . "What au- akalea eelllug at thla year I" was aaked at '''??Vo"iit've aorue snllln. for ll*. eenta. nii.t from Ihat to ,hei:?!au.i.lslh.r,Ull-.lani,.cl.ih.a.''-uh ihe . I,tt, un wnpptag apait of haiulaoiuc skate-. " tbr^e nre worth -4. '' ffl, but we hare tbe same make eheaper." A lara-e u*. tory which yearly turna out thousands of dlfterent khvU wua vlalted. The foretnnn polutea out a plle of 3 am Mfaere wrapped ready fordelivery. ,w* " Do you ever go ahead of your ordcrs P aaked th? m. porter wr ** "On theconfrary, It would take ua three weeka of hard work t<> tiil tbe onlers now ou our t>o?ks, to uv nothing of which are still coiiiIuk ln. Wtaan aa order Is received for dlffarent klnds we seud a f,w hIzm of cuch and tbus keep the trade paitly supplled. Her-sia a waitinu' who bss been l.i-re two or three ti.,1,.4 ? day fora week to Kot a certulu ?!/.., ot akate which li* wautafor a custouier." ' SOME MEN ABOUT TOYv'N. liookln; over thn city pay-roll a few daysago I ?? surprised at the n.imber of stouoitruplicrs ln i>iil>llo c?r vk-e and the amount of uionoy paid them ln aalarH* from tlie elty treasury. I countod forty-slx wh<<*M openly on tho roll -le <lt?uatcd as stenoicraibers, and tbi ?aMMgatagaMMM paul them was gPCl'JO a year. Tai ?BtaHM HM'nll tho way from $.",20 to ttf.OOO a yew Aud f aui to'el s '.,.-? ofllciuls ,-u.ploy atlilitliiaal bel. of thls sort at their owu etpcuae, but I don't heiievet, wonl of lt. I (lo bel.eve, however, titat ateno^rapMB BM carrled 011 tlie r?lls under otucr dcslg'iatloua. The development of stcnogranhlc work ln the I14 deca-le or two is fatrly IllustraU-.l hy tlic.-te, bnt they hy ..', uieans MII the while truth. Tlie 1, m.l.croi rapi-I wrlters in the pilva.o eiuploymeiit of lawyera lliiaiieiei-i, r.iilway, tcli-^'i.iph .11.,1 in-ui.tin-. n.a/.-ii.itea aud lu ucwapapcr nWce*. eaunot lie so rcadily ?^tf laii.i ,|. n.e demand for tl.em ls coustautly on tbi incie.'ne. yet I llud many cnplovc 1 ul |ninr tt?-..|>,|g, otlicrs,' to .lo work at sal.rtea ou which I eaunot Im igluo they can llve In cot.ifort. I ?!. not knos ho* Imsiness, partlc.ilarly ln the oourts, cuiild be raa> dfMtad with iltspatch without the ald or llie*e bhi-rtltaai vrltan and tiio tviK*. writtag mmMMmm " Ncd " Cnderbill, as he ta always called. sltl.ongtl nol tlu- oidest of the N'ew-York etenojrxnphers. ta ireneraMf loofeM uj.on aa the Dean atnung 1 hcm. It I* u.-ire ht MMeagMeMM of his aetivltv in the oourts on acconM of his mm. Ile orlgluatcd und waa the president ,.fas laeeetattaa efMeoegmghMewM /;ave * puMie <Hnne? anntially, ant devotnl tl.e MM Of tbe year to ?eeurln| iMbaMptaaMta MMM Cndenlll always ie,i in thi-.11 itter lu he.half of his profc-slo;..-)! Iireth-.n Tb* nsaociatlon also Sxed a acale of ehargea r..r atenosTapfda work, but I do not belleve it auccaedod In maiutaialag the The low aalurtcs at which competent i-tea agiBMban May ba einployed nt presenf would in-licati that tbe eBort waa a fallure. The aasocistion aeetnebj have died allng*riBg death. UnderhlU Imrea m ih* hlfhMt paid of all Um otletal atenographara, reeeivtng tZJOOO. Home Ma years auo he waa engaged Wltb lut futiicr iu tl.e ifile of native wines, and the slttu. " K-tward T. tiiderhill A Futher." was familiar for a tln.e .a *>l>ruc.--t., if I rtineiulier n^'htly. I had another of mv Idols sltattered the other dav on gotMg Into tho Mayor's MMM to have a flr>t talk witb Mayor One*. I bad coneeived the id.-a that Mi. i.r?e was un au*tere, <l..rk lirowed and MMI .neer lookmif. I fni.iid bliu. on tne conirary. wltbjoke* 0,1 liia Upa, -n:!, - m bM Mm, Ughi taataadef dark MeoMgteu* lou, and ultoscthcr aoMMbM M l?ok* and MMMMM \v I. Kh.rence eaya tbat when In Waaemgteo larely ha tohl Prealdent ho had a fiirnntiel Parfc-ava lybur Mie wbtat waa at hiadi-po-al wuenbe r.tlr.-.l fiom oihee lu Mareh next " ABP said the I real ii.ut. ? l aaa iu the aaaaa had ilx. MThBaWtanoa never eaaaeatngty. Myetteeaat hoaae wfll i>e raeaal taaa " r*e htse ?r Mr a-BMetalMagaf hM?lafortuaaa aeeaaeal paitlriilerlj aaaa?hag to ax-CoUeotor t:. bmi Murpby, who ciine up lu time to h ar this laat ?t"i) aud who laealtad bew, only aeaM flflaaa yeara hro, he had bous'bt Mr. Arthur's houae for hlm witb tbe only |*JMI ahleh Arthur then paeaaaaad, an.l bad, i.y kattalaoaa aad uitletiaae witb Tbaaa is (Teamer, then an all pewerfn city orti.-iat, Bioatad the ataae ef Oeaaeai te tbe Ta* < aan iiiissinii aadaeeand Mr. Artimr'a aa^etataaaflttaMatfl aulary ..fifio.ooii. N<w Murpby baa no oftlce an.l tio rlcbeoi aad Oraaaaar la eeetaat to iw OhflBaat ta 'ae Exe-a Bo.rd at a a.ilary ??f |B*t88. Another per*"'' lue-ent fpiutod iretui.-i aa havtnif aaaerted that half of Mr. 4rthara tral boIbt at n oiry ..nt.-tai went. hyaaakaa of wi.iiaui m. Twaaa, to bbBbbbI l*. fJtaartey.ef laaB port. " That la not ao." aanl Mr. Murpby; - I don't care if Creaaaar tbt aay aa Tue taot i?." i.eaddediaughiiiT. ">..ukiio* laat CflBMBM ?.i)s a b?oU luauy thlAgt t.t3idesUia itayera.1' Mr. rtorenee (jnnte.t llenry trvtnr? aa BBeflag tbal nta e.-i,; ii \ had plnyat ta twlaa aa bmmBi.aay ha taaBut Thaatra hare ;~ tn tbe Lyccuiu ln Londoo. I flml BMI the theatrlcal ptaatt here eenerally under al.iud thal tbe fallure of Mrs La>ngtry lu Loudiu waa eomplate aml aamrwaweaaaaj. 4u.i itfltflaaity aaaanahl Bad they aipnaaaymaaibj ?niy f?r Mr. aVbtay. waa Jaiatti reatared witb bat iu * <iau_i'-?.ua autaXtttBa Thia ls the BflB of tbe comnierc'iil younR worjf ti of Ufl ?taa', not tiie reiuautic. ataf,. -trucli iiamsela of y?re, Yeara ajaagirla rau aaay from bome t<> po on the atajie; bobm freea pamata aad uiany fr,.iu bflBflfln tt -v"? <i'ry ttoontbe ?ta*;e purely aa a cotntiiercial tran-.aeti.ui. BoaM larael bi ebataa aa the laajatatta eattti ethera <i,-;,?ti-i oa tneir beatt> for aaeeeaai hnt BMaiytaubaw ?BBy etntiy for yeara to flf tbeuiaelvea. J. M Hill '?',d iu.- that tt waa a part "f bia aaatmet witb ttaaaafat Mathax that aba ab?.ii<i atatf ? y*?'' hefaea nagaatBag in puhlie. Maty Auderamra paients, diaeernlnx B00 Bataral beat f?r awtlag, gaaa her leexe BfeflBBtBtry adnutttaa. but uot euoua-b. Theao two a< trc-aee are t ? he pttt'-.l BgflflafltOfleh otber uext fal'. at thcatrea. a'.uiost ktahtg each otber. Tbe are so Maat Ukgaihawtbal when Mary Atulersoii abrtafca an.l BaBt Bl Jith.f. MaWgatBt Matn.r a" Im'I/j Stneb th In a atate ..f BomnamhaBaax wlll be at.le to hear her rlval'a volee. It would not -eeni, to the onlinary manauer, ifood huatneaa tolley te plav Marfaret Mather atntBBt Mary Aieleraon in tl.e full ti.i- of Baeeaaa abbtl wlll follow aaa reault ol bat Bafapaaa nraarlta but J. M. Hiu ia not ao aidtaari uiauas'er. His uiethods .\rxt bla owu?auil auceraalul. I um tohl that at the recent ineetlna of tba dlrertore of tho B.iltiiuore an.l < >hio Kallroad they ratl'i-sl in a ten l.unut.??' aaaaten BU that Ibe Baltlluoie an.l ObioTele grapt dlraclora had done In aeveral yeaiV to UM iiuit.uiit ?t Uvv uilllloua ou a noaiinai canlUl ol 05*0001 a tfentleman allndlng to tnv teOBOflt publlstted0 few daya ,lk.-., of the hMBflaaa <>f ratatBHea at ? he Oraat < Bafl ii Drpai. aat.l: "Tba aawoaaaaaafll >>f the raad Is bbb, -erj Ibiibbbqiji '>ut do rea know ttwtlaeatate ef I'euiisvlvauia alone haa ui.,r?' BBMBXf invcste.1 iu ler Bdaal BMtBttea Bt thia paat than tbe -late ef New-York has r i waa amprtaat, hut tbe axeMtaaaflt am.i it wa* true. a Do you know," he a-B-t, ehanxitix the lni;:e!l.,ta ti.plO. "tliat tt isafaet that BM l..l-ett \ olutue ,.f mveatad la aeeerltMe af aay aflfl ktmi is m Mrtgexi - "u fainiai" i roaiaaeatto aa-prtaa aaoeaad ttme. "TBi t'.tal isKfe.iter tban tbe.lel.t of KiikUihI; aatfORBl tltirasa jtreaterthaoaawowai aa* larger tban BtoanaatafOilflj Id rallwaya. Baaat reaea bk* tbe farmera naf paoaaawaet aad pfltd at aaaat Bmetgaaaa an.l tbe tataj waa aaaaBb _IXf iniaoaii bflt l uotlc that lt la aicaln flflMflfly iucreaslutf." < ajMBj_Jinff-bu-inesa who la -tateu lalaatl 'TbB teiepii.-tie la uae.1 iu tbe uietrapeha illuotl axdnerrely for InihiiM Ifltf. ''"t B fl am oiag aa aell as amnatng to ahlirai bow lt entera UM s,..ial nt.,1 .to.nealic BM of re-i.tenl-. \|.?o-t every hou e \%.lll kW the atatjB, an.l aOB vei ..ition Is carrlcl on BBBBBf famiuea. nnd juirtleiilarly the -oaager miajbirt of tbem. witb graM Baad ... Mfl eonvenlence In the aiibtirba tbe houaekeeper n-t e.i.y dlckera with the aWtataW and aaatV aud can.l.e.nek iiinker. hut tbe h.-llea atut l.eaiia make enpiReuiei.t-; BB ?Bia talfl toeaat otber Of paat or anticlpated pleasureai frlen.ia tnvlte eaeh other to bi-tlly tu.proviaetl partleai tbey calleacb otber to tbe Itea ?bicb bflffMfl ta tflaflt ?,. .UJlkBPde an.l I nave Ut.?w.i tbe whole liu.iie.llate ,,,. bbochood; to he iBitwii hy Bu-bIibi to the haaaa tomn wbtafl a etratBtt band of mnaiciana had ^poe? t(111.av. TB0 wm la a.moat .....veraa. ... Ihe v,ll.,-4 w?,.,'h' cluater MMXt tbe nartb aborc of '^"^J had ilready ohai-rved tbe aatue pecnlurity .uttiedevel ,, ftbetel-pboti. ln other localli.ea of tbe aau SSflT NcwAork 1. too busv Bl bBbflM BBE! .irJly iiistrunienta; hut bualueaa BBI do uot prrudt tl wlrea to lle ldle bera. -Tbecoutest in tbe curta over tbe Bafl bfl^llBftl contiuuedtbeaauie flialllll 1, ~i*b'"?"Z"u \\Z l,> ihe late tBatatOfl Bl faror of tn+m** ? ? other slde will make furtber flgbt. Tbe declalon i ?"? t.ilnel will gtve the Profeaeor coutrol of ? u>'^ ? iiiuuopoly 0/1000 future cannot be foreaeen". fftl/J TO QRAYE8T0XE. "Is Mr (levelaod bere V aaaed a tantiama ifl? in-h atmnaiut at tbe V.elorU &*&&%?& "Siuire. be'a loI; be weut Ui UraT?awiuayie? tbe polltloal e??rpae.,?