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THE COURTS. TROUBLE a THE HOrr WILL CASE. a COMI'IioMtSK BKJECTEB? MIt. CONKLINQ AND MR. IllIVMAN KO LONGKB KNGAOMD IN IT. A volcauo ha? broken forth from the Hoyt Wlllcouteau There have been n.utterlngs accotnpanled ?with dynam.tic runablinja ln tho eaae Iot some time, aud Bt last flamrs bave broken forth ln the forrn of Mlse Mary lrene Hoyt's wrath. Aaron Kabu waa Mlsi Hoyt's arlgliial counsel in her effort to ol-talu full poMcssion of herfather's milllons, estlmated from seven to fifteen. gbewasnot contcnt with tho plttat.ce of an lncotne on gl.^.".(?,.HK), and ao sho aoutsht for ntore. Mr. Kahn told al! aln.ut this in his offiee yeotenlay and then he MMMMMM ont on the auhjeet of a settlement Which haa MM aaitated in the easo for soino BMM "I understand BMM my," sald he, M that Mr. Conklint; and ei-Judp-o Khlpman aro to appear uo m..r* iu ihe MM In fac?. 1 have nol bad ibe BteMMN Of IMM ireatlemen's as.,stHnce in eot.rt for i,.y la<T baVMSgt -^JBgiffr "^Wen It was nll my eUeafl IMM, Md lt MM fr.-m thls aettiem. nl boMnees. Now. artboogh the otlmr ai-ie ). i,| lli.t ;he ollcr Of a settleineiit cutne fTOM US, lt U notao, Mv elleut haanover inadean4>Ber to eettle, anu Meneverwta AH that ahe destres lsherriMits. she *n>Be.n|.Latl,alty thai it lsnot the hi-.tiey *tae l? aftcrt.ut her rltfhte. Bbe beuVvea that li.-r lather.badbe been left Mfollowhle own mtnd, would hava lefl her his property aa l,.-.,i.n.. ihe wUU of 1870 and 1873. atvlng her the buik ?f It aml toevlug nis brathen Um r.-t. Inaiead ..i reveraimr the bequeaM as be did l>v llf- la*t will ??jfaw," Mr. K.,1,,1 waaton Bayatorloualy. turnlug t<> his safe aml |ir.Mfaciii|{ a ps|s-r, ?? I ha. e h.-.e a ?i*Ie taentdr wn nnby the atoer aMe; II will n, eurprjse o tl- ... tOkbOW that I have lt, MUd they Will woudei howlgat lt when i prodne* II ln court. An offer I.. aetUe the eaeeeajne frotn ?<>t?< "-... - - - taan an oil.-r ?f t?-- m.-i.-t on a.j ., .i ,'..,, . her a* an anuuaJ Income,wltbgn ouiii-i'it. The iutereaUni n.irt of the matter is tbat b; tbal settlen -i,t tu- fees of Mr. ConkUni nnd Jndtre -riin> BBO were i-rovi.l-.d i-.r l,y the oth.r snie.w litl,- laftertwo r?ars'work on tha caae, was Vsfl out in the eold. i He first l kuea otthh)waa through a note from myclient. ghehad refused tbeoBer. Bbealroady had :-.-? anuual ii,,.,,i , ,f *l,".50,000. and what waa the extra aum ol f.-i, i a-ci.'mparc.1 wltb her rlghtat Bbewautspn two-lblrda ol tbe proj^rty, whl.-h ls eattmate I al aou where uearMl5,0(H),(K)O. Pholsanx ouaforajury trial, l,iu m do real propertj ln thla Btat* waa lefl i er Dy tba will. *he can oi.iv ,iav.- alurj trial ln caaetb* natter ?MB to iuc Uei.c-ral Tcriuan! i. MM MMM by lt for sucU *8peakla? of Mr. Co.iklinz, Mr. Kar-.r. sald: "I erudnalli euimated his naiMi nnd at baa eer t.ui.1, .'-.., iiietcl Ihe MM ia ii i.i.i*"-ii> BMn-r. As Ifl - ii.-M refnaed to Mcapj the ee... meai Mopoaed, Mr. CMklM*aud Jnda^Shlpman decUned to i-oi, -.vtthlh-case, |l,-licve. a Wl BO, Ba MlM H , ; elae, tpropoaed Uenerai Sr^'OMkttaB fleoBnod to aayMythfn*. tonchlng the matter. i i-Judgt Shlpmau la eondued to hla bousi u. Aatona with a b.okcii ara. due to a fall Mthelei ? MMkaga, _ A BTAI IX BX-HATOB ED903PS CASE. Tiil. .'.i'1'i/i. TO M AKOVtDAr tiik nST GKK* iRAt. TBTBM. CharlM P. Miller wm on hand brighl and eai'.y )nMndijhnfnfn Tilfji FreedMan h ( .. tbal be Mighl .-n late prai 11 MMInnil iiFFin ludgl Pieedniaw, hotdlag bi M > >? Kdaon jruiii., of cotiieuiid au l woitliy ,-f :,n MMtMdfSM BmBM apioiiitltu B ' 1-u.i.,;. \v..i,.s when Judge BenehhadtoM hb i ... ,y ii, :.i, EUdwrt Bewed and Wl llam A. Smv mbm jrMMtto took ont foi Mr. Ed on'sint. weartt i MMlllj ackn,.vk-U:c-l the reOltpt M Mr. 1 j , the forM ta order -. Ml - :! hai k wl bed ? n : I dc-U'iiat. .1 t->:- Mr. Bdl i ' , :.!l!Otl jBll Ol ' ( 4, aa" : Jii... ? . . . theUentteal oue h* had had tn utal,aad .': i t f ii.,. trouble ? Mr. Bewell theu taadi an applloa eee<li, :s. pOudtaB M aiP-'tl MI ', '? - l.. , . . ' ..--..,. - at -? i led evirj i- ' x . .i atay. .ti ??--? t .< e.iinaii then aatd; ln i:.kWi-i- n i dW i -i ply pcrfoi .,??! .HV dutv ti- mv abiUtr. It but"i 'n. i no rlgbtt I ?that i- i" aay, ? .- tbi r the learu, . ? ant lt. when tnat quea lon was d there was no dUUcult] Infludlni tho d eoatempi ol ? I Juriadi, il?n, how? ever, ? a ?;r..\. . ' "' UIJ' . ii, , . ? apl ? .. aliouldalwavM l.e trranl. .1 lu this spp'.ieati.-n would ?,.- to li ???, that tlth?, i. . !-.-i t . ap .-.,:. v*l lt wo ,t t . ,,-. , . , rould not ')?? rUhl m pro ln -j- ..-: g ol tha 1 .JMgan - ''' " l!" ' " ' "'""' :i!w;'.v' 1S ahuoe. power?., far MttnM) ' ' MMMl fi ,ui ltu;>!'-;?(-.-r Mttag ..' ? I F. |,It t.l lllll .iufck::it: uoi exVrcia* ahould al lea*l ... sn '. .- ?'-. 11 -1 ':. . ty ofl eoun-el re:a neUbyl :? - an;.-,- tbat all tbal can ot ?! be aald. Tbe inoUoa but upon rundltltn lhai the d at ?.?>!?? the m peal at tbe MZt Wbich will .-it ln >! ,r.-;i." . ?Your iloiiF.r uu.ler-l.u, !-. ' sald Mr. Miller h> auilv, ?? lhal i not ouly naake no objeetton, but I 1- tlie'pto,. r, uu "1 Qdnk the (ieiie,:-1 T-:tn will <--.-,pol yon. C'-tt ,1 Ibe Jod . * ? ? '?? tl.ea] ,- ? ' ? il ??? ortl ? second Hon lay ef March It Il ihsn, beeaaM In May Judge Ti ? will alt ta tha Oaaaral Tena." Jiid>re free.lrc!,n tben si^'iie-1 the order o meut .md that a-raotlng ? -ti- of pr ? ?,..i.... -. Mr. Bewell sent ? ird at once te Mr. Edson tbal l ... wna atlll Buspended, . -t Ml Ml , Uioklng forvvurd to 4ni-lity BVanM._ MB BBBOB AGAISST A BBOADWAJ BOAD. CBJIXTIN,. TO GKOOVID BAIM?CL0BM.T QUEg* TloNI 1> 111 LAWTI I. . Henry licrt-'li tntiftod before Ibe Broad ?? MM) MUTMi C(,iuiuis.-;oii yer-f i,;..y that, iu hla opinio;,. a railroad ta Breadway wooto b "a ? MMMMaM to Ibe travel of tbe city a i i .n> li.- BbgaetaB ta ihe uae of but groovad . dl? or atol by whi.U hi.r-.-a' F-hoea miitht !?-. eaogbl and tioir ho-jfs torn ofl. *? lf aaythlng of thlaktod M goJng ta be laid down, ho sail, "it will hmM a eonstaat wm be* MMMMI Society for the Preveutlon of ? ril--Ity to Anl nuti-aud ikerailroa-lconip.ny. I hope Broadwa be kept free fiom .-b.srp JaMbMM.'1 [LaoghtaT.] Ile Matad tbat hla wlto oward bomb atoek lu Mr. Tw. uty-lh.iHi 8tr,*ei Kailioa^l (:?i?|ian> .whi. li aom ? d | ,rri-,,it aml mi^'l,: i -;t v 1? OT 20 i" - eeat Mr ruiler I* v?ur prlnelpal objeetlon to Jucob t!iar|.'a ratiroitdtbe faet'ihai nuTwautf thlrd-at road paj - ":' ) (s mi ceut I A.-No. sir. vir. Fulif-r --npp .s- II |>,;.l l" Ott 6*nl WO lld it all- r your opinion I A.--I don't BM th.-..'-?? ? ?: ol thla Mr. Fuiicr? it ahawsthal It'a IM dlvl i t- la n at yon're lookiug after. not the horaea Mr. llergU?l have noiniereat ln tbe stock. It l?-loiifs to'n.y wife. who ha- a aeparate fortuu*. i ??preaa? I an H|aui?t elarated railroad. al ? bicaering li fere th.-v were tmllt. I gont r.-m m'" r m ieth*r I took adarkptaUUI IhaM aud apoke of it as " the roaa to ?ir i ui'.er '.vhat <]., vou tlili.k of the elevated i D.-w t A.?Well 1 don't kuow what lha; hMtodOWltb this matter. Mr. r-iiinr?You don't think your optaiom ara worth much I A.?No. Mr r'uller?I atrree wltb you i>erfeetly. I atn ln favor af th.- eabat road. Mr. Bcauian He la, too; bat he ebjecta to Ibe slot. Mr. Ki.llvr?He always p?t? u deud tly lu his olntTMBt bef.-n- be ateta throutdi wlih lt. Mr. l).-rtrb aald that he hsd oftan travelled In atri'.t-cara that were paeked with p<...].le, atol had lxcil coiiii..-11-d to rt-i?- on tle glatfFinn. " I fell off a rcar platfonn once," be coiiiln ,-,l, " aud broke my sliouldcr." Mr. Kuller-I'on't y?u thiuk that paektng people Into eai- lu this wm la cruelty to anlMala l Mf- n, rgh tei.ile.l i.y M/lng that .... one eeeaalon when Mr Bbaipwmb wlMMMtuaeeMlu which one <.f hts ?mployea was tried, he liaO answere.1 Mr. Uergh's ,piea tiu , as U. how many people abould t>* eaniad in hla ean Ir -.nug: " Just as lnany as > ou can.,,^ WlutaM Lalor. Aifre.1 Hkitt. Tarenee 0. 0 Brien and (. I.i ii u-atiflcdas to ll.e probable cost of bu -railroad on II.--a.lway. Mr. Bkltt, who la aup*rlntcndent of the Fourth Avcmie Ballroad, eatlmal*d th. expense of bulldiag aud eu.npplug it at gil0,8O0, besldea tho C-o^-t of gr-,und gOtOgOO feet, for Hahlea. anl the oiM-r.tlng expenacs at Hl??it >I <i"<> a d.y. Mr. Church eaulwated that M.000,000 cfpa-scngers would be <arrie<l it. s y ar, and th valne of tbe tranehlM was g?,890,000. To Mr. Beribner thls wltness asld : " 1 am In tne of*l--e of the Areade tta aay OaMMMg." "And thnfi what'i the nuuter With you." rc-pomlcd the Uwjrer. Jacob Hbarp teallflnd tbat netfottatlotia ha-l l.t. et.iei.d into wiih ibeHouib ierry BallroadCcmpanyand w.tb tbe Deit Llue t'oiapauy for tb-- purpoM ol s<-. urlng a'...iiaecti,?? al H<>? ll.itt'?re*u with ll.e tSo.ith Ferry, aa<l that If ueceasary tb* eounecUou would ba ma-le B l'.U ?uiulbua***. _ ^ _ ELECT1D BY REPrBLIGAX YOTEH. Genernl Powill Clayton, ox-Sm.itor of Ar kansaa, who MM MMM 'n lll<' dtj' iM MMMl da)s MjMM> lnir ta rallrotul business. sald to a Tmiu m. MBMMB I " lt waa aoinewbat of n sitri-rlso to me ta read In Tiik Tkikink dlspatcbea recently tbat I was fryiiiat to elect a ltepublican Uult.-d Btatea f*enator fro.n Arkat.sts. There was not tbe slhcblcat chauce of tbatoiitcme. But I did take grtm iriU'n-j.t tn the cholce that lay between the tbr.o Deuiocrallc caudidatos, aud advocaP d the turiilng ef tbe Kejiublicau voto to rAMgMMMM Jouea, by wblcb be wm elMied. 11 wm a auMttoa M to the least offenalva of three Democrata Mr. Jonea la an able man, and toean't draw tbe Unc ef frlendeblp at poUtlea. -a>-??? CABIXET TALK fX XEW-YORK. MB. BAYABD LIKKI.Y TO DKCUSK-MB. MANMXG 8AIB IO BE UNWULISU. Scnator Oorman aml Conzro.^man-elect Scott aaanad ttroagbtalaetty yeaterday on tbeir way from Waahliixton to Albany. In.-edi.Vely afterward 1 bc came rtunored that Mr. Bayart will deellue tne poaitlon of Becretary of Btoto. It la helleved Mr. (lotnian carrtea thia declaratlon of tho DatoWX-0 Benator'a inten Bafl to Mr. Clovrlaud. Mr. fltOtt told fnenla bete that tho aliver queatton WOBld bo BOte tled ln thla Con^rcss ln a ninimer a-.H-factory to Mr. Oveland. Mr. fioriuan alao bellevea that a blll toatop tbe eetaaaw of t-ttx bf alafl-t it in the Praob dcnt'acoutrol can be paaaed. Anionx tho Demoeratle paBtloBiaa flfttWfl yeaterday were Mayor Baely.ef Iee-mweetb, Kan., wbe haa the CaUnetboom of Oeaaral ?1 artoe W. Iiia:r taeia-rge; I. M.,,11. Bf Mlebigan. JobB O. PllBfll, of Bt. LoiiK II. T. M.-rrieif, of Waahlngtoa, and oxfleaator Wallace, of Peiiiiarlvaiila. In a ehat wltb a Tataon reporter, Mr. Mkmfei axtt he baaae nai.irnth.n to tbe Cflbtaot blaaaait, attboagh bla name haa been very fneiy Baad. He -aaaa it awaxwhable that both nn.l (iar'.and wlll gB luto tha Cablnet. t,e eauMthatweald be to weakea tbe weakeat part ef tba lleiuoelatlc U-B, an.l BSAvB It Opea to 10100 BW B abhs dO baten a? Evurte, KdmaW" and sh.iiuan. Aecortlag to Mr. Mawridfa __or_*tlou, Mr. Caawelaad u eonatdartng Qeneral a. b. i-wt.-n. of Oaorfta, in o.nnectiou wltb the Att-rliey-lieiu l-Uhtp. JOBB Q.Prieetaaystwaeeoa't heBere Mr. aefahmd *??"!??" knowa wbo iro to eompoae kW Cablnet. lle Ihtuka .ar "1...1 . been dropped fn 11 eoa-deration aad tha ?,,?,?, . , i ,- -n ..t;,,;.?,->., ueraL ll aa voeatoeJohnO. Broadh ...'. ..fM. Iouib. Mr. Beaton ,.,,- ti?. |,npn .aloii In Alhanj thal Mr Mannlng haa baen ortcred .?: eanbav. yablp of tha u.-a-ury. lle aaked Mr. Manntnx aboal it. anO met alib a ludb... lag greal nowlUliigiMaa to aeeept the poalUon baoan.f BJ , i,bor,andexpenalv. ie itoanj oneen edla a iiayingbuaineaa. Mr. Manninx, howeTer, tofl tne im irVaiionon Mr. Weaton'e m nd thal b.I bl accept. Tbe Mb htxan delaaatlon were told byMr.Cb relaud tbat no oftleo layet forecloeed. ,.,>.,,, , l ,-eu,u.,i'\\.ii:.i.e, when aaked lf ha hadal - oBer in hia bat, replied thal be h ul not aad dldn t wanl ? .. "riiebai i Eabor ol Bueh apoaltlon nndei i Ibe.-lanotl..veted.eapeclallj under tbe rule Mr. ( leveland propoeaa toadoptju ?Mtliitmeuu f bave bad all I waut ?f ttaahlugtoni Bfe anMarn'ono'ti. lo,,'.v,.eiir, la aplta of the bonor attaebed te a < ablnei pl iee, ' Ther"waTaaooddeaiofe.lenl orer Uie lupporl riventoMr Mcllona flby Ibe Uultrd MtateaSen o ?. M Ul n foi hl- appolntmei l ? - taryol ior \ ... in, ? - ti la tbt?.,..'. tbe I Mi Ve rbeeaon the ailver queatlon aud Mr. Mcl'u acceptable hard money reeord may gir. blmf pa llaea. BB1QHT1 ??: ? *' 1 '''"' REALTT. HOBX tenVITt AM> 00 i? V ?'?? '? it. iri:.- 01 1.11. MAllKl 1. Proepecta f ?ran bc Ive obiI -tr. i realeal Be mart l are brbj itor to d -y Ui.-. they werea f,.%, montni ago. In fe< -. I -':' ? ? ?' ! " '' ' ?? ,i:v-i?.. mnln to talk b loyantly "f tt- I N" Hae ? ' ?' boped, wltb ni'i, h fonnJ itl in, thal tl ?-' ''? . ,i nol be ao i - ? ? ? ? laal wi and aace, whlle ] o well i dned under tl.e amaual of p i ? ? A falr bui -? . - l te orei I ? ,, - be oo d -.. -I-.''-"- in ai i ' ; ' ? . n ie ; i ? 1 , ' - - a-tincul ' ? ' - ' wb ? ? ? ratn ? ? ? ! - le en ,,.-. otilbe laml , | , , I W -!? - . . , ach. .! .nn "' '? -" ' :, ; ? ? , . ,'l iHKi fnr >??.. 19 1 th-al. I ? .: ,li.,i.. .- p rort ??.' DO e> MB. LAOOMBB if I w-'IV/ X I B/A I . I>>.'. Corp iration < o m I Lacoinb ? resti rd ij aenl tothi '? Datlon ofcltydepa i ' ! - I ,..;,- . sl by law tormple , ? ,n tb li work " I ' i tn i t ,,,]?. lol- Couiiarl a . Noaii, . '."i li,'--" ? J.,, ,,. Mr l.i, iiuilas aa: a, baa be. a li nl foi Bu.i u'e eoualdrn It an ? ua .,1 n new f-.iii ? "'' ?'' : ?;.,- r dei'artuieni II ,,ei? u< e io-t in auj '? ?? '?'. <> un<h r I--' ?'' '' '? ""-? " J" mattei __rn ,?,,:, ]t. ,.- amoiini of iuon< > ... oollected :?? ll ln caab b. iu? bui alua ? 117/./, TJTS .1ILEOXI. I . ' / ? / IXTEMTIOATEDt II,. n- were a largc uumber ?i ... i Im ol theAaaembl] mtb. dtyyaatarday, and with Oov. nor ll,lj |, ;t. until 3:40, whea he t<>. for Albany. H..(ll. | .,..?.] pratty large dlmenaloni In pollU cal i urt* Ou. ofl ' ' t of InreaU ibe allegedo-abi la Ibe OBj rioveraaaenl la D. oi aiber laat II I ral bellel th ,t aa li ti,,n wUl be bao. in hpii. ol attompta M aaaotbar lt ^.?,?,., i, ii aal'l laal eveiilng: "Ibe raaolutiou i novrlntbeJu ' u. ' ?? ".,'"' "; :'', l'< return lo tbe llouai byrep rt, Bi.d a full lnvealI?;allon. lt wlll not take long or coat mueh to ii.-i '?' Ihe bottoui facteufthli .'?-?? uiatter, witbaat which I?epubUowUI aol " BBttati i." _ JOTTlXaa ABOVT TBB MtTJTJA. Tht l'ittli Ktw-York VoJuBteeit Vettraa A attofl (l)ury."/-ei,N, i) wUlgire Ibeir thlrd i i al ie,, pUoa ..t ln lag b_Jl to-aaorrow erexdag. Tb. r.c.-i.iiou of the 8th BMifbaent and Veteran Oorpeal Ma U 118 laara Oardea, Pebruarj 14, promlaaa to i.e of uiicuiiiiioa mtoreet. Aci.necrt, revlewaiel'l-ea-!. .1 id- of tba 13th Begi BaaatwtUtaaapbMeai Madbwa Boaare Oaraaa U*-me? ro? < reningtn ahi ?.i tha Ariaoi r fund. i:, ., . ,. | ,, . eBcw-Yerh Uuaaara.a aewprganua tlon. la xolng on favorably. aud tt promieei lo be - Uie oraeh ?llllary couipaul - oi tbe Nati mal (luard. Tbe h... i.,-...ii.-i- areatC. W.Dlekel'a lii.ii.i- tcadewy, Bo. 1.8 weat iift> alxtb-at. whert i.Uuk appueaUoae ior memberabip can ba obtotaea, -?, NO WTTBBBBBi LOAIBBI BOBWAB. The f-xumiiiiition ol Justiis II. Behwab wn.a eoatlaaed yeeterday at tba i-aox Markai PaUeeOaort. hcb i., ii -tnieil that he inicio no atVrl to gat away whea he bbw Captala MeCaBagbi ba aad ae weauon i that he did nol nee bolatorona bmKanga, and ihut tue polleedld nol wear either belta or UMMB Aa aistaiii DuitrlcVAttomcj I'urdi decUued toeall any wlt Inrehiilial. -ayinu that be would leave th* eaae lu tnehandaof tbeOranaJury. Inanmmlnj uj. for the proaeeutlon beeommaatod abarplr apoa 8. hwaVare fiia-ti to take aa oaih, aad on bto expraeataa i -i aoa't ,, iev, lu y.a.r Bibbi. IdonHbelleveln rourOodV; In oioslua beaaUl: "Il laforroor Ilonor^decldewhether voii wlll belleve ('itl.taili MeCUllBgh un.ler the MileHti abUxailonofaaoatbortha aoruaed on bla mere ataie rucnl." The 0X04 wita _U;oiirncd iintll next Tueaday. --a>~ OtTOBBD TO FREIOUT DITBBB10B. A coiitn>yti>.v bat baaa ftaag <?" bf P'???' tiiiielnrelatioiitothe.liver-ioiiatid tranafer of frel?ht f,o?, one railroad llneto a.iothcr between the railroad ,,.,1,?ri.t.o,,a aad iMisticu'ii im-., aaata ef thla j^flV? Couiulallrtaof theuienhitiit* h.i>e l.e-u lhe auhje. t or .,me imjuirv on th. partol ti? BallroadJ -;;??;!';?" '"? Mtnon Hterne h'.a been eiii|.l.y.s| I.y tbe men b. ita to di-.tlt it l.ill io l.e*iit*,l lo the la-?Uiature a^itin-t tbe ooutlBuaaoa of tnUht uiveiatou. aud u, Ui Uie ico^ui bllltr of blUa of ladlug. Drrj ?oods. BROOKLYN'S TRIUMPH. MfaMMMM OP A C.RBAT BMMUUMM UOUHB-THB IM STRL'tTlUB OF WECHSLEK * ABEA II \M -mtllOM.Y > l.ADIK-s Ui:i JtJIITEl) OVEB TIIE tJUAM) EtsTABMSIIMENT-A COMTLV AND BEArriHI. Hlll.UlMi-ITH DEtOBA. tio\s,tiie stock.&c When Ilrooklyn trlea to outrlval New-York itgenerally auccecds, even lf lt has to ask Xcw-Yorkera to help lt do eo. Wechsler ? Abraham. tbo popular dry-ffoods nicr ctiauta, who for tweuly years liave caterod to tbe want* of the ladb a iu jur sister city, have erected ln Fulton at. above the City Hall a mngalnceut buildlng whleh Ihlij Blll taffMiallJ BMMta MerrOW mornlns' fer public laipioIlM Tlielocal BMMM have devoted whole pagca nrtptlOMMf the alruclu.-e aud it* dccoratlous, and |*M etitlrocltyjs bMareetad Bl tbo rMBBJaMMMt bouse, wbleh rtvato any we bnvo or pro' almll have In thls city. Etook.yuhas 700.000 now, and auch n storc u thll MM, which abeorta dowui of lndepcndent branohcs. af trade, has Ioiik bMM i.eeded. Tlie flnn were cotnr-alled toeiilura'o thclrold l.ouso savoral tlmca, and verj- wlsely coneluded at last to bulld ao vast a hcuso IhatBrMUya trade could be ceutrcd lu BmoklyM. lf New-York in, rchants couiitcd upon the Bfldgl as M Bdvaai | ? ta then, in that lt wouH take them bmti traBe fr Bm tklj u, the crcction of thls gMBt atorc will m?re than QMIltflhalinlM any advanla ,es that MBMMM Might MM accraed. Now tliere wlU be closc rlvalry : enthe UgMOMaf WMhitormAbrahiM aml lha Uugebo Md tl.ntcri il-'tiglTlrooklyn flr.nls maklnga Md for New-York tralo by tavittag tadtoi tl .?: .. i kfarray :; BtaaMwhatagraM l theirs 1*. Tbe atruoture *to be dedleated ta tt? fntare uae ta id graeefnl -. nttbuMa mid r. M aM m totty aaltaraad iar. it i.? Mta aally aM tataraall] la IM - ?_ ..t art Mr. v.f.i,..' i, IM Jaatoi I : i- mi t< i ??? F' nt denl of? i to I ,: | ..'.... h I - -?'? :" ? . itneture that the elt" i- l-t-.u.i of. IM ? *. b le . ' ? tsiied away ul . laye tbo i I .?ver..l a!.- I TItl. LADlaW rviM.OIl ., .. ? it l- I t ta itohly b ,-.| MM WllnailBttBgi autl-iue iiiant-l ttiel . I ' . ? ? '' ol Um ' ' . . , im a poaittoo at Um rlghl Mde - i 1 by a gra ? , U II T.ill.'i f tala Kv..,t l ;? , impa - . In potnl ... I,, Um i ? - i wh..;. BtrnM ??- ta ii- u f ?? .;,,. ni u uu,i.i bla far Ita aMhlteetaral ,(, , ,. i VprtMB, und th's r.-tondalsoiie - u*lktaM. IM ? -' ? ':' * i froMthebaMtnenttatho tog of Um taM ? ? ? ? rng, w.iieh bMbtaa batag oraaa, I. lieiMtytorpe ? I -a im ihrnefMghtetavatan aad m gMMAitutrway in Um u.uu Muldtag, tageth a .. ,,- Um enpl . MMJ MMar i .,,. o? Um tl.i-.-o lower U....ra; tho fourlh alory htdevoted U lUlttieMIUBllni MgartMaat, a largc and MpMtant toatUN IB tbo bouae, atxl to tho . IBMgttlB BBd dlatrtbattaa M Bry goada pMMaMBtortM houno. On Um flfth lloor ara IM MMwfMtwrtag retMMi Md donn i:, um bnMBMBt, tn .i Ih htad aad heatal MMloa, ih lha MM in- aM for eMptoyM MMM tbey ciiu BMf MM. WMM inder, l<H"k atid key nnd havo w?nn luhclies at wm. ihe attaattoa gavotag to the MMtart of tho MaglMM of tbo house agMMWlll for tho MMllM - - ,r tl.e flnn, which has alwayit uBBWB great Interest ln tho weli.ite oi IM werBMM. Iinle-1, to .thls f.iet Is attrthuted n.ii !; al the mmmi of tha beM ?? Um la-iies M BMoklyn Ui prund *.ot thll MMe,aMd they will crowd lt daily vvli.-ii ltl TMrt IMMMM are made kuown to them. Tbe Wnl'-lcr & Alirahim's of oM li is ceased to l.e, and lu thls new BMaaMMMMt ,tMf bavo multlplb d bbMbj dlpelllMBtl BMl taMMMl their facllUIoa untll there ls piactically n-> llinll to thclr reaouroea. Tbey alm t" Mtartaaetty,aai they ke*p good* of imImMmbI flttrtUTT* to tho li.odluiu, uscful grades dcalrcd B] l'" tnlllloiis. Onoo the atoek la eeen aud rgMMMMM* Uruoklynitos will rexlouhle rejolclnu, for not aMM bave they tho batid-ouiuat bualucas houic, but IM largcst stock af <try goo-la lu lt, of any city, wltb two exeepttons, uud they aro rightfuily MMMl of the fact. A 'great crowd will be attractcd to tbe BBMhaf to-niorrow, and .tho evont Ih ao notnble tlitit tho prcsa ls conatnitned toplve thefacudoo proiuluenco. What concerits Ilrooklyn so much coneerna New-York very much, and an BBMMM Ike tbu la one for mutual oougratulaUon. Drrj &ooa?. SDrtj ?ot&?. Drg 00oftf. ...I....... i ? i Mi.*d 23dSt. LE BOUTILUER BROS. ARE CONTINUING THEIR GREAT SILKS, VELVETS, COLOREB DRESS 600D3, 6LAGE GOODS, GLOTHS AND CLOAEINGS, CLOAKS AND SOITS, MISSES' 8UITS, LADIES'UNDERGARMENTS, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, HOUSEEEEPING 60033, WHITE GOODS, WASH FABRICS, DAHBURGS, LACES, DANDRERCHIEFS, TRIMMINGS, RIBB9N5, FRENCH CLOCES, FANCY GOODS, &0. MHTS FURNI3HIN6S. Tbis being a CI<r ' ".~ SAT.B in tho fullest meaning- of tho word, ETTERTTTEING TTJS? BB SOLD; tho prices havo been made with this object in view, the flnn prefcrring to givc ABSOLUTE BARGAINS rathor than pny for the removal of tho stocl:. AN EXAMINATION OP THE GOODS IS ALL THEY ASK. North side, between 5th and Gth Avenues; uo. .'. 0O1 F. / ? ? .... Tl:. , ? liave !.. .11 derotins long I dlmt ? - o ... . , , . ;..-.! . li .1 .,: Il,a ? ni -?! Parla i ? I ta reiuena Aeeonl - ? . ??? : . lt would bi itilr Him . ? ? -.? of - me i ." ?? v-ar li* bad . ? i iiucie Anatod Be ? ,tb tha ?e: ?f fa?t.n ? bn ware tbe Icadera ? ., iimIi Ibe i . lil - ? |,, i . ,v Karlabl -. olayi foi ? ? ?t hlaronnl . , ; - d bliiieell aui ,-? . , of tbe (.yi ? ' ? ti i ? vii ; be outdrauk all hia, itonlabed tha . , ? , . I ?? -l blin - . ? ? ? . - - - ' ' calncdi .-i ,,. ,t d tOila. .1 luut. ?. :. r i -?' ' ? ? ! t\?- ' p me. aa Met, ? ? >l ,. who i< i pr.Hl.I t - letouon lue prneent L'. ir. fhe . . , ? i Ibala teai after ti elr nnlon; and li " thedlexrane Info uineii bla (??.. ? I ' | hlm Inl tn, Di mld ifl dm . ' and all Pa la aaa told thal tbe Ku - in ...... i .i ii .u . .. ??? : ? i ;>"ir.i buna wltb ihe . -l wlfe, ti, - ,i ..- .1 n,a,|e of ber ha r, Blld B veature. l.n- Ibaatrli al ? Idowerbood did nol laal long. nn ' tii.-n v,.-- ? t? l< ,??!-.. I.r.iuxhl bark ,. ?ec.iinl | ?ife. tbe . Ideel daugbter <.r tbe ? ? lebrated l'i Inceai l lae 1 rou . ' I '. al and ?? I I'urle, ti I aeltled at *an I . it,i, wbleb ba had lnberiteo from bla unele, the tem porari buaband of tbe I'rli o i I 1 -,:- -e h ,- ?? bi ird nothh ( ol I) arban ba aold bla ploturea and obj. etaof art. Bral lt, i -.. ? und tb ?:, lu 1--". a b. n bi pul up to an. tinu iiol nnly tbe pala e cf bla aiieeatora, but absoluteli all tl nt II ,? Dtalnert After tha emaeuBon ol thla eaprlee, Dem\ begauto foim anoiher eallectl |,|et,.r.siiti,t|(.i,'e(<ts ?.f ai t for the Bdornmenl ,>i hu , ,t l'i .!,,,.,,., ii,-u i i ...., bui I ou ii..- r.u.i.oi tbe apleudld real lence a il, li oi ereil - r, loveeeftha Imke i'ranela aud tbe beantlful venetlan i...u, ii ipella A more ueeieae aud lu_.orloua llfe tban thatof Paul,i,l ul l eannot ImBXlnni It te eunitued ii|, ln three worda-eiiinil. oeprlee, exoeM If thla bl tbe t.j" ..r tt.ia grtind m ur, . Iu.r,!,y -,-?-? whj tho fSsaneb aaaettoeni ahould regrel <h> profouudiy ib, dleappaaraaea af Um rae... BABLNh IXTELLIGBNOB Ml?'IA i UU I al. i tBAO Hut. II -t. 0 61; aet...*. 10 Me> i - ti. B M '?l > > t i |'. ' ?- ;,(' un. i WATBB TO-DAT. _.* H,.,'*, 7 iu....... 1-lri I. ?dl ll.-ll '.v\ ?:gl /'..u.-^an.;, ii.Hj.. tiid'Uov.laUod. eaill-H .a.-. 10-0 | REIOB STEAMEE3 DUE AT TBU POBT. ?',VV* Mna Kurtmeaa.i-i..i?u.__S_f i tM.ti.,i. M.marcb .i-t. ?..i.nXbS L';:.,,," ',:' A.inati.- . Uvenwet. v'\ . , knxland.l.l-ei.l .' . ?n uia.,,iiaiii.Liverpoal . \ ,* P-raeaia. ,B?aiButg.-..- ? y *'| , ,' ,-ii .>. .? r tuuii .., Hu iw4e?i ?i^? *',:ri <?'"'" .AB|i.Ul . l-rii.,,la unnoctf..Ber-Bta .bbw-bbbbb KOBBAT. KFII. Ul Newyurt. II ?.,:,i .WBBWB TU-SliAi n ".17- n laateBapbjea. UTerpool .?-. .,.',.",.* Mor.tvla. Iluml ei < .lltun. BaBBB BBIPPJXa HEWt POBT or BBW-TUBB.sMi KUAV. 1 llt. ll. lsMJ AjtBTVBB. ?II?WfB llnnanailli . Cawphall, I.tvrpo.'l ???_;'? .*'''} ,?:,? Mecder-.veaeelM Wataon, flaa?wr af Oa Armraai tbe Bar al I .10 i> 111 _ _. ,._,,., <_,??,?? -t.-.?u,-r LU-dafftlty , BT), v. el-a. nriatol "BB 33. Hwanaee ?.".., witb,- an.l uaea. dc< rato Arkell .t Ooaglaaa A-rtreB "8ti'i._:rrs..i,,;.7 PaanarlTanl. 81 Maaa ?be-gj* 80. i.aiueF.h'.-, aiii.u.i, aad BBiBBaietB to aaaaa flaiaBBi *?-.'.'bbmi Kmaiueri. Ulat trraaMa fat i. BialliBajlia 5. wlta aMaa an<* PBaaeaaeraufOelrteha8 ? ". rjaOBaatt Ktoauier hir < Wobv ?. ''-' ?,;' /,',.? .,a,aiviB D*r l.i. with, aee,1 t..1*r. vaaael to Auatln llaiaiv.B .t . ., Aiiivetl nl Ihe llur at 0 a l?. __..,_ n?.. M I'attaa ate.-tni*rr.?t.i..paliun Mr . !.i>th!an.?eatol>at -\ \*"*? J.:, f.. M.aalua ir>aierB*0 10 ai-.l <i'1'_ ^rad ai UeVar al Uiuraeiiocaaeii*) Ibciua l.roa A c'u. Airlraa ai aa "'? ?? Bll"tV Ul. , , ,,,?,., -. B_L Bliaaiat Flt/r..y ,ni), fllbb, CaUnUJan - _,','?.i \ to eni.o 1',. OOjaaltat tl witti ui.iaa M B * * ,','? *'_,*, Klii,i.aau,>uaaoe A Yeun*. .\in\.>lal Uujiui ... .?_ fateaiuar, hainpt.i,. ttavaanab. aaav. wim bbbbi an.l Baaaaagara le Baan iaaa_>lr. ?___ -.... ,,,.. t> ht.-auier l.lahnoau, Boa/, ^e^TlK)rt M'W8, wllli n.aae t? Old UowluluB Ma i o . . .. ..,,,,,.,!'. st?.,m.-1-n.alUur.. Mllla, Hallltuore, coal te DBBB 'oaa^Brav-waxaa laaaay. Uaea, De., witu f-tea to otd 'XaT*" ^Vaneon... Beuu.-tt. NC0B-A fltfla fltfll ?-? Ptt* Bliatta toUorallo H.UI. .? i.ullaat li llel J_S_U CialatUl IBIII. BaaBITl Boaton, uiballaall. aaa loui A < o ,.-i-,.ti_ loi tlava. wUh ? ual,et ( aatlo BT), !??>-l>*. ( "'* ltut v? ._, BbS to HaUi lire., vcaeel to ai-pasu, duaace A V oaag. "P?OPLE'$ CY0L0P/?DI4." ftalaMMaraMQraHarHeeaai"MMaaa^i CrtlBB.BaalM.-MM aMB uoi ptea Ma ?? i'?-<*:,t,*,,?? l , i?,i .,,..!< I, iMMMl lt, .or, ll,i?lnllrrr?iup.l.Uion ??? born. Mn CIlMMMyM IMMM MIMM MMM ^.,.? ia " Jah?aay aal haa ptauaa mrntm mmt aMMaaaajM TM <.<.?.?><-,a.c.-diiora ?t "Johutmr." ,,,-,. ao( 7: ji,,.-l.r:i.N. H?? i? il *?l?M lho.r ,,l Clic " l?. <>pl<'? "*? One of ihr luu.t BMMM ul ?<)ll Iri t,ll I.,, , f| ?? lt., i;;. ?>( .1.P?**H?la*B *? infrtrm* ..? ?hiil hc "nc?cr wro.r cr pr, pnrcd :uiMlii?a ?hu. ,, r far il." I'r. .i r.-Hl "?*. . I . Wiii'ri ? M***aa* I tii?cr?i.* . wl,,,*.- MMM ??? prlulrd o.i Ma - I'copl, ?', " liilc ,.::;.. ?.l .:,.!?. , <l.i...i,....*l???l H.M.hi. " nam, b?- dr..p,w.l ih MMMliMM" nnd ilMMI, M MBMMM . ?iil, ll,< -t'coplc'*" ?. ,* l.x, .lijjhl ?o wnrra,,. i.? pnbli, a.ion. \\ r *rr MMfcMaMMfl u pirt) u,.,.uli.i,*ol Ifc* r??plc?'' lor ??Johii.oii'.."aiid.,l|.R.iir ul ?<> a .? I | all aud MM A..I.J()<l\*.0\.Alll., I I ?.r? Ml, l.iii. ? ??... >,.?-. <irh. Bt. it. WAlltt llll.O. ?i? IBHhiMl. Kn.iiiii. *lti??. BartJatMBBM t**r*. Brtnkamn HaatMrg Mm BB, MtM ?>rfaat*<>P >r. ?*aa*l t<> HennaaKoop ?* i*. _..__ ,|al . . -t ' Mi . I B?1*r. *.atw*rp . ?'"*? wit i iron aad emptj barreiafc, order: ??***l t..*-,ainmr' iir-a Bark I.v.,-...hI .?' Aiit*.-p J'cc I. ?li, iron aad ru.oir barrela U ocd*n r?a,el to BaaM B Bar ? <;.r . "r .lli.-r*' r PnMM Bl daya, with mrta* ** ?*BB*I '?' , , . , , _ faaaandra idama, n*f ? ?" aad H* dara fio-.u <*.<? B'a'**-. ,. , _ .,,? ?-i.Vll v mi.II ri ???? v- - ' ienrue*oa 16 derajla . ? r. w.tUsuaar MOCManMeMM MMf* too X l ? hi.N-*ri -WitiFtut-*..>it*-it >.f<. fr. ?:i RXBiaaowlMaM v.i> inck. at tlty lalaatl ireau, SfciiatwMl. il ,, ?? -.?..., ' iii-i.iim.-ter. 23; vsiii.; >.,.. u I. !-*. WeaUua, haa*/] aaev. n .. | . ,,r : ,,? n Itr . I.and I.'.v-crt..o' F?b.', Qnr^na towti4 witii aad paaaenr-ra w mir-.n-?< <>. aiuvci ai il.e Uai it U i) ii. a.i.t auatier. d ia thl< k auoa -torm. aal paee. nitreto II. Dderaoq hroa Ainvt-i a, MBM -u MM , of \vin.i4-.r. Ml). Dert 'C Mane M dara. with ., . ? to order, K''<. 11" C W 1;' rtaua. ri...,\Hi.->. M,,?,.. s rmaaMa Brt, D?M BaaBaey. ??! fMM ." -.,,- rr L**eea. l<oadoa BaataMnaIM B, . K,i.?-.iy. UwBMal vla yaaaue . ' . Br). Wlillaaaa, LUmjbbI MQaaMaMawa . : BT), J-.ti. a. Uv-rpool-Ark.'ll A '"rKthtopla RrV Wllaoa. OlMM-BiaaMw MM fet'ani-l I' "k Hr . Ilurto i. AtMMMlfc llM|BM uVMalr'Loulae Br), Fr* 'stliu'lr TMb??"? U i Daa), laiub. stetun vla Copenha*eu '- ;,'i'.T'.^?'."... ,>.?!!.-.. BHMM Tir BaelliaiBlM 0st'*!i''.rf'-V'ut-tum iDtch), d'HMBaaaeri a.hMm ^^Jer^taMund Behrt Mek.-la. Antwcrp-PetorWrifht ABt**u,at M-odan lUar), MlaMaaM, iiavre-Fuucb, Edye utearaer Maaara, Baker. n .vau:?-.i.nK wani*''??. auamer Haa Marcea, bSgtr, OaltealM vu K*r?wt ( HUM^MiT-^MBBhlBr), AMMM NawOriaaaa-Slrap. 1 LV!..'!!' f ,1V,','""- ta ?? r. X-wAlwn. -B R <*an,an. -ia . ai I u ?!>* V.-* f S'aw.....i* J T VM BMMa. x\..,?! \ ...-?'.?? KrMi'toB.8*TBBBab-iljanrYoBM. sl-aiaeir UaU^ara, MMMM CMMllMM 1 W umutard *Mmm? Bee-aMMr, Dbmm, WMMfMa, vr-wm l'Clyda *str,n,ar OM llMlBlll "mlth. Norfolk. t'lty Point and K^,;'r l^feiaaMt^eMMMI WM - West NMt VS j;!;'l",:,r"u!l1^.V''l.icU0Slcr. uaonetowu and AJe^ta drta iii,.iW wittiiinuii. -?_m UMBri l'rau.-..uia. MaaaM I'ortl lod-II- rat o IIall. aiMBMI H I-' Mallrlt. Hoaloi. 11 '"?RJCkL^ ataaawi rarkakn. IMaMaM*, Mew-MiiMB iiimbm ? "?llmi'l-Ycvi -Nor' RBBMM, Ktetlln -MMMM M MjMMB. BbWSS&SIbWb\bu ItaHMAW BAII.F.l). y Mcjer. NtHpurt MeWM ? 0 KDlifhl. UcorRatowa. THt MOVMMBMtM Of BTMAMBM* IOBM ?? tOBTm, UMBfBBM, Keb ll-Arrtv-jd. MMMM OMMMM MMMh ,,. trava rr.>ii> na'timore Jan ?!<?? _ ? , ^? ?w?? 1 it" -Arriv.d. MMMM uKlIMM (Br). Hu|Uea, from NM.h,^rrr\;ed.''.i.,am.r MMMM (Ml. L*.??"S "? Bo?lon rCM MM *M IM I? - fttBrMB, MMMM Ollalaud |M% Balmon. t7>toTa{!^fSbJiT aaniiLMiaaaar ?? Milia OM. MMM. fTv,,Vv,rrr\h.r.V-0ArV;'!can,*r Ithodor. ^TfrW IITBI. tI!r)' "? from ?*????? J*Hi"u. Fcl) U-ArTive.1, MMMM Otranto (Br, K.-rr. from *!*??!?** ffM 1 l AiTlvM. l'totar do OMMB ,n?iJ s ith troui WlW York Feb 1 'ith'-AtiiVeil, maaiuer .-wlUeilaud (llel*>. MMMMM. (r'Hiv^1'T!,i!lU--a?l~l.?team.-r Bl Uoraatn (Fr). Traub. foiNcwVork. Uavana ffM 14 sailed. ataanier City ?f Alexamlria. Mf. nalda, froia Maxlcaa parM Uence lor New York. /Ii'ts ani tbom- ta let._ t<? ur ?APAOTflttarrt ib tb_ CENTRAL PARK BUILD1NGS, COBNBB '?'?. II--T. 1\:.7III.A?1_, 11'. INTIXU O-BTBAJ, PAHK RENTS FROM $1,800 TO $3,000. AaelyM LtlBnBABBB A PMIBOXAM, 0 Itue-af., or to C. C?IlrTOB, Bapertnteu.lent. at i.uCdin/pfc TO IIKM' IV I Iii- ?. I All IN "THE FL0RENCE," 108 | tflT lHl'H.-I'.. OXB 'lt 1 WO t?lBOB ANI> ', DE8IBABLE 01 ITt "1' Al'AKl Mi-.N !'?>. \N ELEGANT omrtment on aeeond ilt>- r ia tbe HAWTUOBX?, dlreeUf eppeelte Centrel ark. Owaera U. iii b uidlnaj. Wi aleapl if roaata, i arlor, .i .r.r-, Ao. l-> B t-at o'uli-at. \T IURKISH MA'III. 7 r.isi Wth-et.-Eia _\ gnaUy fuimlsbed parleXteec an lot'u-r aMIrabta i.i.iub. Vini'fii-aii private faraily will rent larfflj aqnar.. hauiaeuiely fumiah".t. ibird-oeor, aaaa} fioalox back ivoui ; aun.-nolao. >ai BBO??MM au.l Bara. A\ T.UY chbToe tiat. onlv $2H : h.ills he itetC Jaaltofeaei .-. a. l.-".'7 fit.i avo. iWari'.ntou, .Vtbant TSlli al?, ..wn.'i 11 ? - -11 < aeeBB,_ ApVEBTISEafENTS POl THK N'KVV VOBK TBIBUNBWILL BBBBCKIVJ i>Ai ml I'lTowx OFPICE". No. l.'.'MBread-ay, coreei 11 ?? tjr flraia .iiBtliao. r.i..a'i,l3,.s weat, eawM Klcblb-ave- No 13 I 1 ?urihaie.. corner l' at. 7ut Tlilnlate.i''rii*rF,.r'> a-v..nt!i-.-.t. ; No. 1.0. 7 I !i .1 w?^ naarsutietli at.andatllio IIAIU.IM <?l IlL'l ,7.800 I huat BV* eomeroiie hiiii.lri'.l iii.l tw*n'Tl!ril,.at . nnt,,S B. im..b! r?-Ku:i.r,,rtl,. ru ,. Alaa BBOOKf-YN. K.laadt. Cear?Bl PLEOANT Al'AKl MINTS POR ttACljU Jj . lobm -Ptrtb-ave.,cornerofl-d-at. Ir. flrw-proofbailaV li.gof AMEKH AN BA__ BBPOSIT I ? M/ANY. Fi_aaf liM-itii.ui ln . ITCNE ROOMS.?Back pariorwitli snili moni; ui.Hterate. Ad.lroa* UHAMKIK Y, TiiL.niie L i towa Offlee, l.-'i- Breadway._-. EMRST FLOOR APARHIENT t?> taat, ia 1 aen Ireproof tmildlne. ii Weat IBthat. aNaatj ea pre-u.acs.o^NM^.i. er ,ou cp# __R_Vifl, 1,TH\!SIIF.I> iir-i tiat to lot nniil May 1 ; caa beU:r..lforaii.,flier>ear, ftiniiiite l..i-a>. i,i i.?.i.--.'.' <>. iat lStb-ai.. Bew-Yerfc. li lyit'iiFiF.i.i)." _ii--'i- w.-i i;;.i--t~ lt ncar nr,.a.l-ar.-(,iieapartf..ent to reni-. eiavatea, Beat, ac. 070. J. _duab i.uvmu'i I..144 Uroed-afj r|HilKi> FLOOR ot Kuil.iii.l. .")7lii-si. imdT X Bt *h:iv :i betroaeMi i>?ior, f_BafsBBBfl ami .r.cbea TX) LET.?No. 117 Waveriy-plaee, nee. the ? l'ark au elrtu-atit llat of aifitrBIMa. ...nt.liiDB all laa iiiMvemeuia. ln iliat raie ..r.t. r. halla boated: Jui'ler ae preinlaea: wiu ahow you tiat at aerJ_?f. tor Aaraaalaai a|.|?y to Hli'AM BBBBITT. tt a-aaa_ r|"n RENT fortwomonttiifrom Keantarj i_M_l 1 at ti,-Mu.t!-..!i. ...r.-''.tbat. au.l Maliaaaave- a tuuBt aomeli funii-l:*|,iraii,1 twu be.iro mafaciua ih- -uuare. _ M U-- ' H',M _**__ IQTH-8T., :*.? KASl-Niccly turnialied Ia" rooins, refereuce._ t(| WKSI B7TH--T . in tln- B^ttMJfeJjjt ag 4if Weat, ln tbe W-Beld, very aeairaola Am Jauitor. a _? ir.) nicely farutabed, *, forone per^.n. *.'? for two,-g a? jWKSI l"t;l'II-Sl. Al.ove auiiuy nwni . ?? "i Vt witli b^anl (or rooma on fhsu". Ior aeatla uien or coiiu ea. Lieu or i??n> ?>?_ ? 4_i? IRVING-PLACE, fu.Mnir. Qritarrjr rark. ClO -iiBBdaouiely fanilah*! fiout ?*rlur au.1 Uslrooaai hot aud cold water aad batb._-_ . a O._30 W E8T B0TH-8T. ? Haiulsonn BbVXO apartmeuta; elfbt aud iilue rooma; elevator, h-'?V ac. 11,-">"^1 k'i^jab lkay.bait. j att graata ??? _ hl fX 'TH-AVK-, NEXT io r..,Tii-h f.? a'l?) fl. ..aome tetond tlat; eighl, t-1 lo0| ?BBBt k-aeaamT BuaAa_a_.Yc_A**f, 1.444 Unn-way.