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3\ibtx io QVftoertiaentenW. [ ?"-~~7a7TT^r ~~ r?g?- Co,r; M?M"j>,.U ^fit?^MMMMJJ .? \ JggjSSS.II 8? ?ana.*\ ? i)(, .11 t> gualueaa Nc-t.(-.-a.....- ? J Humi.-Vnud MMM 7 &f Tmm?^.^?0 o'^eaii'rrJra":::.^ J fe:'w:-::::::io ^S''^<^:: MMM..ll 4>t?.a,,,...H?laan<l 1U K.U M ?,?,*? ia '. B * leachi-ra. ? ?? mmmm camaaaa.. ;} J wmicr heaort*. ? ? liiaftuonoB. I CnfimcBB i\olift9. "IJfTprHAaBnoi'rK m.ik.s I speoialtv of the BMMJBI Mtiactlou of t-cth at IJU? ?re*dway. fr allark h flieutre ItuiMtaD, cornerof SOtb-al New-",ork.CUjr._ MJaarr prizos have been awardcd to Angos tora MMMMMMM mM MMMMM atlmulant to MBM the MMtta . aad to k< i- tue WajaatlTa mm?" '? Baed aMM_ Pii.ks?r'n r>?1'ii.ks Carel without knlit*. powder or aalve. Ne rharse untll cn.a.1. Write f,.r raferrn. ea. Dr. Crfct**. 11 MMMM-M Bw?--Saaaa* Mtt Mm* M H, A M N n?ny . room. Mi II * d*vv an'1 "u-_?_ " Tho.swp*. from neeleoting n conitnon cold. l? Aimmminv Coi'OB ****** *m ear* ? MMM tBm\ 1" centa. P**M. ?'?.< 4tli-*Tc TKWUNE VBUII TO KAIL HinsruiiiKRS. Fontage free ta thr Umttfi MafM 1 Year. OMontUa. 3 Montha. MAU.Y. with sun.lay . MM *4 Ji *9 19 M4UI4Y. withoat sunlajr ... 70) ?JJ ? '?? ^^^tSV^M-.Var Ul irnnlVr-relL^V." BTP-.?tal Nulo, th> rn-nlttnr .Tiil pljass ^rita o 1 UJ N..U -*or I'MK Blw-TOM fatBOM." AnvF.RTisiso Ratks of The Triiuve. D,aiv .Me.4ttk.BfM. 81 aad B? ffMUaa yOUNDED BYHORACE oreeley NEW-YORK, 8UNDAY, FEB. 15. TWELVE PAGES. THE SBWo TlllS MOBBIBQ. Fokkicn.?MemeMaen from Khattoaa report that tlie city litis not failen; tlnir itoff is dis? crcditod. == Preeantions to prnteet Parliatncnt MdldlBBM. Annesation of the Islnnd of MMMM hy (iirintitiv mmmmmL-: Q;iron Victoria UL :-jitie* LomM Joeeph valMi daad OOMOBBML?The Sciiatr dhWMMed tho Indian Ap ?MMlllIlM bill, = = Tho HtWM considcrcd tiio ftmt OMM Appropriation M1L DOMBMTIC.?Tbe Am.'iicaii Fisli nnd Gnmo Pio trctivc AMOeiMtMM held an inipi-rtnnt niootiiiK in Baataa.*-c= ThabrotlMC mt a tnun lynohod in Bl.iiit.'iii;i atok his way ou tha cars to lowa and was Irozcu. - < >ne voto was i-ast ln the lllinoLs LaglalMtare lor Unltad Btatofl BanMtor. ==?! MMYMMMl tn bahMlfMJ tho Hitriiland Croft.-fs WM Btartcdin t likauo. : = l>r. HetanltaW was n MTMed BMM MMMMM) Msylntti in 1'iiilailoll-hi.i. ("hy am> BCMOMMAM.?TM trial of UMptMln WUllMMMBtmMd. = BMMl ltiarriaco of Dr. Ueinutz. ? h'oport of tha Kxcciitiv.- ('.nnriittee of tho Ilrooklyn Vouiif; Romiblican Clnb. = Weetitiftof the BMBBta t. oinmittoo on G;is. ?? A etuyof i.ioc.cdintrs granted in tha EctaM MM r Col.hiatiou of the ( inii>?? NMM Year. ?? llcnry Derfh aprpeaed a railroad in ILoadv.av. - Cuiiiai" Phelan la tha Tmbm PbIim Conrt .-c.i.i ralM <?f Um legal teader bUym dollar |41S*BfraiM), 83.90 eMta. - = Btocduinecnlarlj netivc and docliinug, closod uuscttled at BOMM par tial rocovories. Tnn Wi.ATiiKi:. -TMBUWB local observations la dicate lurtlv (lotidy weather. reniperature yentor day: llit;hc.-t. 27-; lowest, 17-; nvcrage, 237??. Jndl.'( Fn.dinan i*a..l pulistantiali-y yesterdav^ in iirocccdiiif-'s iu the EdsoM eontompi cmbo, that the lmwor of grantini" injinictiou.s WaB donbtleFs pometimefi abuwd. This is prooisely the point made by the proinbient citizens who aont a pctition to the Legislatiirc a day or two ugo iu ngsVd to the matter, and it i? Kratlfyinv |8 M e it now sitppoittd iu a quarter so uuex pect.d. _ In anticipation ol tlie dedieation of the Waah* Injrton Monuinent at the eapital next Sj-.tuniay, an iatMTMtlBg aketoh of tho Btraetore and ita liistoiy is prinkd ou the fourtb pape of Tiik Titii'.ts)'. to-day. The monument has beefl talkcd of siuce ITS'.I, aud lias been baJkUng, at intcivals, MM 1848. Now that it is finally finished, it is n Batisfaetion to know that it is really a sjilcndid Natioual tributo to the xuemory of WaeliiiiKton. -? In I.ondon the political situatiou is legs Btrained. The bitter desire for NTMOfM on aoniebtxly for the disasters in the Sotidan has MjlTBM way to B calmer leelini*. owiiiK in grMMl tiio inllnence of tbe provincial BMM, which Ibfalt even ln Downinir-st. Tho Mini try now MMMM likely to have more dillioultios with tha Kadicals than tho Tories, althon^rh it has been Htiontfthened so recentlv bf two nien of cliaiactet and action. The chancts are tha! its policy will leceive a sovere ovei-haulini* WMM Pailianiv-nt inoots, but thut a vote of cen aure will not be jia*sed. ? It is jM-rhaps cxiiectinfr too inuch of the Rebcl aMindiora in CmgroM to aoppoM tliat they na e\er wholly forijive tho mtn who whippcd them aome years Bga Not idl of them are M BUaff* naiiiinous as Mr. Reverly Tuckcr, who, the other di,y,aottia!t.v jianloned the la' ? Senator Anthony for hMTiaf bBM loyal to tlie I'nion. liut if they cannot loit'ive, tbo ex-Confedcrates at least ahould (lisscinble. tlt would have b( en wisB, for in.-tanoe, if Um late I'ostniiistcr-Genoiiil of the Coiifcderaey, now a Tnited Slates Representa tive, had not attacked so sharply yesterday II the BOBN tli.-billtoiiK'ica^o the pOOlloofoT tlie Wldow of Geueral Ti.oinai. The North has the MJMBh -t poaaibla love and resj.ect for the niemory of this tfallant commaiidi r, and dOM not behold with OMjMMBMI even indirect BMBOltl Tipon him. Tlie sj-irit in which the consolidated i/a* conipanies nieet the BtBM Setiate Cor.nnittee is indeid eaOOOnifTialg Thej desire ooChiag so much, they say, as to know just what the con Bunurs comj.lain of and how to corrret the evils, lt h;is b< en our impression that tho oom plaints are about overchaiKes bIwBJB, hi^lior bills after the reduction of prices than before, and utt( r indiHerencc on tlie ]?art of the com panies to all ol j( ctions. Asa kiud of general defeiioc tiie coiinsel of the co'iipanies at the coininittec niootinj; yesterday insinuated that poisibly the nieters were to blaine. lt penerally ilthemeUr. The consutiieis bavi? heard this BMMMM lioweve:, and il the comniittee does its vork carelnlly tbis little machine will haidly aerveasa aeapaigOMi berealter. Any one who expected to f?ee tliat patriotic orpanization, the Rrooklyn Young Rejiublican Club, swept out of existence or even dazed bv the result of the last Narional eb ction, made a great mistake, The annual reports show that. on the contrary, the club never has been in bo flounaliing B eondition as since it got rid of tho 154 membcis who opjiosed its policy. Its entire luembership is now 3,<>:W ngaiust 2,423 on January 1, 1884, which ihowi tliat itacourse in Bupporting Mr, Rlaine last fall strengthened it iminensely. lt also appeari that moro than balf the club meinben*., 1,986 m number, wero peraonally enguged iu election day in efforta to briug out a full voto aud iccuro au boucat; count. MorooYCT all this work waa gratuitous. There is uo political organization iu the coun? try. so far as we know, which can ahow a reeord more honontblc than tbis. It is now aiinouiiceil that the English niilitary auth.iriticswill ininudiutcly 8tt about tl.e con Hir.i.tionof arailway trttt-roti BaaUat, and they are confldeot it can be lni.l nt the rnte of fifteenor twenty milee a day. Thistspre cisely what General aleigt, ia MMBt letters to ThbTbibubb printed a ytaxago, said Wftt praetieable and ndvisuble, at lcast under tho dircctioi. .?(' Yunkees. l'crhaps bia lcttcrs bav.' had some t-ttt in Kngl.?nd, for at the time thty ware patdlehed tht fliaflt d-Bataara-feed English cnuinecrs, who have had great cxperience in Iudiu an.l clsoivhcrc, WtWileeiajrtBg ihat even a metre-gntigc POtd OOtM not bf pat doWB at the rateofi-ore than four mib'sa day. PaaalWj it is better that tli< English authoiitics should ha\e eoine to this condusion late than never ; bal it is terribly unfortunate that they did not make ap their miiids to it iu time to do GofdoB soinu good. __________________ WHO WILL 8VFFER1 If the Democrats who are fio carnestly urging tht stispcnsion of the siiver coinage desire to succeed iu that endeavor, they would perhaps do well not to put too inueh stress BpOB its ex pediefley as aflteani of lallaf for Mr. Clewe land's adininistiation. A year ago, when Re pablieaai anxiously nrgeil this mc.isure, Mr. C'arlisle made it impossiblo by organizing the Hou.-e with Mr.151u.ud in churge of the Coni miitee on Coinage. The publio neressities are not gnatar, but only a Uttle more erldV nt, than they were when Mr. Carlisle niade this ont rageous selection. If it has conie to (his, that the Democratie party docs not care what dis astcr the country may havo to bear, and gcts inteiested only when a Deinoeratic Preaidenl maj potaiblj be enibarrassetl, the zeal of soine RepablieaB nicmbcrs is ap! to be chillcd. Hut theie OBghl to be no thought oi nartisnn thip in this matteron either side. The nna-uie onght to be passed, not becausc it will htlp Mr. C'leveland out ot llie very deep hole Iflto which Mr. ('-n'lisb: has pnl the party, bnl beeaatt it is in cc-saiy l'or the weltate ol' the eouiitry nnd the prooperity of its iadnatry. Secretary M< Culloch is qaoted as saving that, unless Con n-reat chaBjtee the law* thia coontryminl bc on a tilver baaia within a year. Do membersof Congreaa know who will tafler in" btobI I Not the etpitaliata bot the corporntiona, bm the j.oor people. 'Ihe banks have pnidently ac ciiiniilatcd gold ever -inee the Siiver bill begun tooperate. Therieh men, who have moneyto h-nd, have been taking eare to get it int.i the form of told here or in LoadoB. The Io00 will fall__pon other people, an.l ehiefly on thoae v, ho live by l.ibor. _ JT.1LY OJt TIIE BED BEA Tht Italian Governmcnl eontiir.ics to make extenaive preparatioDa for a campaigfl on t lu Rad Sea. The landing of troops al Massowah haa been followed by oftera of co-operation with the Britiab on tha Abysalnian frontier and by paeiflc ov. llui'-n to King Johaaoea and by in vitations to open trade rotites to the ooaat Re iiifoiccmcnts bave 1 een rapidly BOfll from Xapletaad tht morementiB faror oteoloaial extension has aaddenly berome popahu throafrhoal Italy. The English fllliaaee It hiiiled by all ptrtiettl RoflM Bl a tiiiinijili of practical statesniaiiship. Thia netv tlepaiture in dipTotaatie and Katloaal poliey oaghl not t<? excite aarpriaa. Activity ia foreign aflairaiaa tradition hfl-ded down from the time of Caroar. The feeble State that nnexpectedly tafltatoatjaatait to tha Cia-ae*afta adaBitted to tha _ext Earapeaa C*a-axefla, This was th.> real begiaalBg of Italian unity, and the pr. s.-nt BTeataeaa of tht NatJoa datea from tbal cam paigfl of adrentnre with the Weatera Powera as allies. From that time Minislrie-at Rome have n.v.-r negieetedaB opportanity for diaplayiag activity in F.uropean OOBBOlla, Firal it arat fl Fiench fllliaaee, and then a QeilBtfl c?al ition ; and now that the Great Powera are in the inre for eolonial <ixteaaios, an Eflfliah alllBBOO tt readily aefiepted. Massowah is one of the BlOai proini-in^' rentresof trade on the Red Sea; and with the exreption of Baakim It poeeeaaea the beat har bor. The popnlation ir- made np of Boodaneae, Arabs and blaeks, with a tpiiakliot:of Gallas, The barbor is fllready well defended an.l can eaaOy be ma.le impregnable by Earopefla en gineers. The iinpoitance of the toW-OOOaiBta in the cloae vieiuity of Abysslnia. Tlie Italian u.iviiiini.rit boob after oceopyiflf Aaaab Bay aeni an etabaaay fo Riog Jobaanoa uud oftered to eatabliah a trade ronte fram the eolony to bia d.uninions. His table niajesty BTflcionaly re ceived the preaenta thal nrereoflered to him, hut deolined to look farorably npon the projeeted road 8OT088 a bmad B-lBbabitable deaert. B-aajjowthil tlie natural pit.ivuv toAbyaainia from tlie-sea, und King JohtBOea has long been ?atpeeted of eorethig it, fllthoagh it was dimenltto undustand what BM this monanh of tha monotflina of the Blae Nile would make of a sea-port. The Italian tratlers fl ill Bad it, however, a inof;t eoiivenient base of op.ralions if they are now enroiitaged by Kiag .Tohanina'l aahjtt-i to peaetrate blaad. The eoaol line from MiiHsnwah to Assab May will be an annex ation of eOBadderablfl nUbfOitode. The rom mereial im]ioitanei of thia rolonial enterpriRo ennnot be vt-ry giiat. Still Ma-Rowah givtfl promise of a future. Tlie relations of Ihe Ttalian QoTOTBIBtBi to AbyaaJnia will render this niilitary and eom menial moveiiK nt at intereslii: g 80 tlie Fi. neh invasion of Tompiin. Massow.'ih its.lf la an EtTptiafl town, and nomiiially is nii.ler tbe sovereignty of the S.iltan. The tribes Kiir roundin;* the toarB are independ. nt and have lu "ii able to defend themselves against assaults from the moimtains. They are not BB-ieeta of the King of Abyspinia. Iiuhed, Mr. Ha-Mini insists that there is no kintidom even in the mountaiiis, bnt only a great traet inhahited by Independenl tribes, anHO?g whoni the -o-ralled King of KinjtB flaOTflfl i.t llie head of a pluuder ing hoide. His Majesty probably ha- his own ideas aboal the utility of trade routes. AE EXCEPT10EAL wisii.i;. Obser vatioiis on tlie weat her which are not btttd upon accuiate meteorulogical reeoids < xtending over con-ideiable periods are alwavs flpt to be inaeciirat*1, fiince there are feiv thintt OO-OBIB ing which the hiiuiau memoiy is more tieacher oua. lt is only the ? ohlest inhabitant " who can invariably bring to mind iiistances of all kinds of weather far more wcmlerful ihan any tliing recent. AiM'xainination of ineteorological records over long periods shows that there is a pretty ste;id> gencral average, notwithstandin^ exeptional phenoinena here and there. For all this the prescnt winter is in somo particuhus re markable. Its lirst half was so mild as to pio duce a belief that it would be open thioughout, but ita latter half hat? been makiug vigoroua eflorta to maintaiu tho average severity, and with tho reBult of causing an appearance of abnormal Inclemeney. While the temperaturo in the Northwest breedingground of storins was during Noveinber, December, and part of January, above tho average, so that cattle on tho rangea aufiered little, tho laat uionth haa brought a auddon and auatuiuod asaaalt of cold , nnd inow, and tbo several Bucccsilve cold wavcs which have swept acrow the contlnent bave also embraced tbe Atlantlc in their passago to a far greatcr extent than usual. All vesseli now nrriving report Intense ccld at sca. Tho Ala*ka enoountercd heavy ice where it is unusual to find it at this time. In fact, it looks asthongh tbe storms to be ex peetod in March had pushed ahead and got into Eebruary this year, imil DO doubt there will bo pk-Dtyto MBffMBl thut climatic changes are ln progress, tlmugh no BMM coiiclusion can be rea.hed from isolated phenomena. A month ,1,0 there seeincl dangcr that the ice crop would fail. Now there is talk of the possible freezing Of the Sotiiid ; Ice is only too nbundant in both tha rlvers; rallwny trafiic has been alniost paralvzo.l by snow ; andyet the sud.len cold has been'ei.iitientlyuseful b diiniu.Hhiiig the de siniotiveness of the freshets which the recent h.avy rains set in motion. The present wintor is not di stined to be reiuarkable so much for it, m \. ritv as l?.i Itl swii't and extreme altorna ti. ns. Changes of thirty or forty degrees in a day have occurred moro than once. Heavy rains have been stopped ratber than followed bv binding frosts. TheiM have been plenty of more wonderful winteis in ivgaid to severitv, and in rcgard to mildnOM ; but not many pcrh.ips la which the two extremes have been inore thoroughly niixed than during thfl present one. It must be .1 trying BMMM for aliiianac-mtikers and ,,rophetic old residenta. The Signal Service Hureau tinils it im possible to keep up with the changes thotigh doing its best. It woubl al? niost seein as though tlie weather WM m thut state of uustable eipiilibrium which perhaps in ineteoiology to the condition of ehaagc aaaoaaeed by politicians when they are unable to dlacorer the toadeacJeaof thiugs. MATTBBW ABSOLD OB AMBBIOA, Mr. Matthew Ainold's pnper OB Ameii?a, fioni Tkt Mnetnnth Gmtarf.ll publisheil into day's TaiBl ne. lt is very inteicsting and sug geatire. Mr. Amohl was atraek Iom bj tbe chiracter of our insiitiitioiis thau bv their suit Bbilitj to the Amerieaa people. He found ab sent the impedinieiits to clear secitiK aud Btraighl thinking which he bapntM 10 the at rangemenl of aocietyin Eaglaad. He itill think-. that we are For the most part PhfliatiaeM, tbough without liarbariaoj and Populaceaboye and below. Bol be admlta tbal Amerieaa l'iiili-tiiiisin is much livclier an-l brigbtel thiin the Britiah aitiele. He doM BOl agree withBir Lepel Oriffln at all M to the corruptiou of our poUtka, It is more eorrnpl than tbat of England. he says, but much leM eorrapl than the ferror of our denuaeiation woubl lead itraagen tobeliere, Ai Waahiag too be mel politielana Mbocompared w.U with tlu- higbeet el m ?>f Engltah membcrsof Pariia lm nt. N.iiuially he litili/c hi- idi aa of Ainei' i<-1 to poiot morals for his own <,>uniiy. Ib would apply our lyatem of Btale Governmeata ;ii bome, beginoing antb Irelaad, aad giring loeal Borereigntj <?n all bnl Imperial aflaira, UeapptovM ol our S.-n.ii.', whieh aeema t-. him the ideil of B BBCOad cbambet under B Democrntic lyatem. Ue is impreaaed by the effecl "t onr priociple ol eqnalitv in modifying the hatn .1 ? ntertaim d for the rieh by the poor. Perhapa oa tlu-. potal be i ?:* little tooMBgaiae, bol il laoodonbttnte that to make mh men graadem ls to inteiiaifj nl! lhaiaevitableenryand boitilitj fell toward them beeaaM of their richee. The abaeaee of latiks aml cbwMM has, he bellevoa, giv.-n us n )>. ciiliar imm and breadth. Totha Amer i, au, wealth bringa ao aadnc intiation. pov< rtj DO btii'iiliitii'ii. He i-. nol toinpt. d, like the, to lleeatloaaoeM, bm like the Engliah toMROgBBMB, We oUi-elve-., BlWMyB tbe I. u*t in, t-.itiil of ("itio*. may n-?t BgTM with Mr. AraoldsJtogetbor Mtooor keenneM and elear BMBOf light, but we OM bttdlj \enture to dis pnte the obaerratiima of m competent a judge Mto thedefeetaol his own aoetoty. aad Mto tha natiire of Ihe loflueaeea whieh briagaboal tbe most strifciag dlfferenoM betWMB ihe two peoplee. Mr. Ainold. in apMhlag his prord abont Ameiii.i, Bpeaha uaaj word*) aboul England und Irelaad ab*o?aad they, too, aill be found woithy of eaiafal attaatwn. Mi* definitiona, comparuooa, allu-ions, aad expoaltioDi are a* liiilliatit, epignunmaUe, pungrat, and ahrewd m ii aad his Btyla ii MdelightfulMever. In (-(uu iti-ioii, he promteea ? tB* oad paper npon the hiiiii.iit problem in the Unlted Btatoa, Intl matlagmoanwhlle tbatbe lanol prepared to lind any iurb verdiot apon oar ancial llfe a* Bb Lepel Griffin so baatilj aml fooliahlj reached. The caution whieh withholda praiae, lest it should MT0C Of llaiteiy, itrengtheaa Mr. Ai? nold's judgmeiit throughout, aad w iil oreata n li\( ly (1< siro for his aubaequeol eommeata upon the more lutlmato phaam <>i Amerieaa liie. Uli: BOMASCM OM DTNAM1TE The dynamitoam are maklag deaperate > Rorl - to save tlieiiiselve> itotn belog < xliniruislieil by tho Ereaher and targor Mnaation oi Buudaneae eventB] and their eadeMTonareao vigoroua that itsieinsa pit.V Ilot toaecold them BNM lecog nilioii. Here in one day we have m, less than three reiuarkable ,.tul lomantie BOBOUBOe* inelits. Firtl tlutre was the logBBlOM slory of ihe I'yiiainite CongTOM Bl l'atis, \. Iien-al ihe propriety aud expedieney of BMBMlnatlng all the memben of the KngUah House of Commoaa who voted for the Criines Aet is to be dtaeUBBl d aml determlned, besldM the mloor question of the use of (lyn.imite ptieinlly, and tiliilialion of the dyaamitoun with the Feaiana, or tbe PeniaM wiih tha dynamiteura. It is to be pro aumed that this eongreu will have opea sessions, atid that it will be under the protec tion of the French Oorerament ThencomM the hlgbly ingenious and altogcther eredible ueoofeMiOB" Of Martin U'l'onnor, tha alleged dynamiteur mdo is represeatad as hariag givintoa Pittabarg reporter aa eUborateao* count ol hi* eoniieetion with the Loodon e\ ploaioaa, together with all aueh detalbiMthe Eagllafa poltoe woul-1 most iriah to know. This ia a liiosi eaadid aud open-heartod a maaia, and the s)ion<aneity of his raTalalkma is only (Fjiialled by their plausibility. Lasi of all, there ia tlu- Bmaxing Montraal ?le teetlvc fraah fron New-York, Mhera he has lueeeeded ln disooreriogaa imdeigrooad dina mileiirs' reiide/voiis, at which one humlreil niul flfty ot the ni'.st triiculeiit ex|ilo(l.-rs are in tha habit of assembli'ig, and where the hlgbly Hibernian picc.iution of putting on inasks to spoak in is adopted. The Moiitrciil delcctive evldently posscsses an iinaginntion which ii wiirled in his present einplovnieni, but which could OB turned to protitable account iu tho m.inufacture of dime liovels. Nevertlu less, bis lainy nojalfM some chastening, fnr the itleu of a s( -cret socicty the ineinbers of which r.veul themselves t<? one another by the OOBBli niethod Of wearing a green uniform ls really a little too crude, and coining after the cpisoilc. la apt to breed susjilcioii in the miiid of the cj nlcal. Dyniuniteurs who dliguiso theniselvea by wearing green unifornig; who discitss all their dark designs in opeu congresa, or in little gatherings of ono hundred and lllty, and who choerfully unbosom thomsolvos, and "givo away" their assoclatos, Ut tho firat roporwir they happcu to mcet, luay be interosting creatnros, but are not likely seriously to cn danger modorn civilization. Slnce, howover, thoy have ccrtainly done somo potitive miachiof already. ft may bo safcst to conclude that tho romanco of dynamite as recently illustrated is not quito all thore is of it, though llttlo vigi lnnoe wlll probably be requlred toguard against the machinations of tho niasked and uniformed niembcrs of the band._ AE ISTERFSTIXG EXPEIUMEXT. St Louls will bo the sccnc of an interesting Mlljtaaa aipatlaieat during tho comiug aeawm of Letit. Tho Kov. Dr. John Fulton, tttttB of a lartto Kpisopnl chiirch in that city. haa Invited aix of liin cloricul hrotliron in St. Louia, repreaentiug six l'roteatant ik'iioiuiniitiiMtt outaide the Kpiacopul to d.'liv.T acoursoof slx lccturt _ iu his church on the Sun.lay eveniuita of Lent. lliahop I'obertson.of tho Dioeoea of Miaaouri, whs consulted By I>r. FflltOfl l.t-fore he developfld his idea. und ho not only annirrloned it.iuitexp.cta ta) aa Bxataat and prcsidc nt tlio aaaBlflf, lectiire. Tho xeneral topic of tin- leetBita will ho tbo oTaBtfleea of Clurtatlanlty, a BflMoet ccrtainly wide eimnifh to allor.l plenty of conunmi Kround for aincere L'briatiaus of all dcnonii nationa to sfuntl on. l>r. Fult"ii is well known thron.hout tbo Epiaco pal Church for his aoBf learniiiK aud cutliolicity. and ls lnteiiscly ilaairous of bieiiking dowu tho BflfleBtttaty diviaiona betwnon prot'eaaing Chris tians. Tha sjiint whieh niilinates Dr. Fultou und tho othor cliiy.vuitui is inost couiuiendalile, and 't is to bo liupi'd that it will apread beyond St. Tho Kpiscopal t'hureh, wliich atanda so lartfoly for church law nnd diacipliuo, can for that very r?iis<>n well aflord to} tlmt nftor all .tlie Church is only a meana to au endand that cccloaii-i tical order is deairalilo only in ao far ns it tends to tho well-luinB of BB0fl aud wouieii. All tlio hranchea of the Clinstian Church shoiild try to roalize tho fuct tlmt in inlidelity they hnvo a enaBBBflfl (Ot that ,-hii only Le mihdiied,. if at all, by ntiited and con eertod acti.ui. In riear ef thla foot aaore qneatlena of worda aml naiu.'s may lu- Mt to B0tt*t thoniselvea. ME (LEYELASh's VALBBTtNBE It is not gen.rally known that tho PreaJdent oleot \i-terd:i> received not onl.v iniiuliorlcss valentmes of tha re_iilution aoit, but tnanythat weto what may ba caiie.i poiitioo omotory. Tho fact tbat tha Aaaoeiflted Preea autkaaao inentt~n of tho eiream staniee lasi iiaiu'-i, aud thal tlio tlbanj oomapond riits toa man are eqnally ajlenl in regard to it, ihowa new aeoladed Ur. Clereland la keepiflg htaa aelf theea daya His rafolatlon raleatinea, nf eonrae,arefot noeyeebnl hia own?with u itrangei batermeddletb notj bnl tbe poiitioo* umatoiv oni - o il! Intereet tho pnblte, and are to bo i.-. irded aa a nmqne contribntion ta governmental biatory. Want of ipaee forbida ua t,i print tbe entire pa.'ku-.f. whleh haa fonnd its way int'? our banda, We mnat content onraelreo witb a few >.f th< ni'.si winaiuf oora, Hereifla iweetii pathetlo l.u!.- Uuai; TO TIIE IT.l -ll'KNT EI.KCT. Bl Ji 1...1. i., ii a> Ooaldlromi bart to yon, Ororcr, Ororer, (', and v.u',1 slt ai nii feel and l< ara, IM .im roaa henpof ailvice for notblag, Qrov.:.,;-. r./lh nl ao i atarn : ii tarecall tbe daya tbal are aol - l ra leil.youe ? ; eonrerni I li-fi wuli at, o.iin lhal -, a>. 1 ii,> back?_n, ..: ., i-r, <,!,>'. ? -..:? la ? ? tu : Toawen bard i qnBe B-ndar to me. Orover, l. abu toiilnaa. .? ???? I reara, Aml ?ct 1 ar ata mVUaa, Orover, Orover, allcul and iteru I RM it t. lejrratn. i,r?i,t. Oror. r. ? bpIi nol my love niii!.- you arateh lt luini, If i..:,r. alilni'l il . ..... ? - - ? t aml Ii i.? difflcnlt to determine whieh has tho otota f. lii._, th. lin-a we bflre ici v ? u 01 tliis : llli.N V?.i"l.i. BEMKMBKB MY.. i i . .ui -< ii / \\ hen is .iir*.Ilpa and Bourbon iwarta ?i ?,!,!,,. ,.f love aball tell, An.l y.'ii t< lt-. I Hiat btl) for apotla You mi i* i.ut loved ?? eall, otii.-n nerhapa there*ll cobm a time w bea you a lll a. b. i? A uuawuiiap .,f uaaelflab biilbl,? t, reutemoei i ? If wh*u the attiia aaatlax Ix.r.te,- i'-ft v?u wora and w.vtii, Too <?. t aboul t., Bad a man v. ho'd m ..rn a ptaee le.k, ? a < ah ni t aaal, a ?laalon urrat i ,..i*..r....: .i .r man t,< i. i.. ? ..? wui.t.. thlnx, >?( ? . -Il.i. r> un-lul.t i ii..-: Tbera'a :.., poeltloo lu poar K'ift 'I ii,\ iml '., >??.', y.,. I, iii.i,-.. .m,p |.i .. - hj daj and uls'ht jrou w lll paaa bim i.-> . F,,r \ i'l i. I- Ba ,,'vn n-u.inl? rotba m ? l!;it II ? '? ? IMUat \ ..ii maj reiii.-ini'.r ma ' Theepiril tbat dominatea tbe aborelyria ii as ,, riiieini.' aa il i-. 1. iK'terisiir of its Blfted nnthor. tqnally plea mn' and oharacteriatie i- tho followiuu: l.IM.-l'.A lll. LO 'A BUI I 'Al.' i.MA.V. ll) ? II I IAB 1--li-lll I 11. t'u". ni.- ti.ine ??ii fond endearlnc, Ca_ ii., " Hweel William," when \-,,i call, An.l tall me l.I. l'i.. aoiueilmna feartna \'u i ina) nol . all me, after all i _oui '? '? " ? i olume bound ln e.ilf) ^..:..... t,i ii,.? and mi alon.. ii, .1.. nel tinu y.i ir o:i.i lauxh. Bui eall me, < .i.n*r itaar, thiac owal CBll ii,.- to aoine commandtnc atatlon, ii. re ,.i al.road a? y?u mar pleoae, Aa Allaa. II Upbol.l Ihe nal)..11 \. lth iin.i i-r.,... .ina eaae; Aml writ* aoove the Whlle Houaa .t"..r u ii.n- It ?iil rut.ii each eaBer/a aya, ln letti ra foiu feet I'.inf. <>r mora .\ li SoMHfttump ift.t u)i/ilu l tall ni.' tiitne bwb eall metbeMwet i hut bullda and braeea up Ui?- tbroue, Ocall ma are the atonaa do lowei - ln, alwaj - al the U lepbone i c.,11 in* t Ui ii? own. n., ui.- fond endearlnc CbII n.Bwoal Williuiii." ttlun v.Mi iitll, A11,l ei.ll BM lou.l. I'ni aotnetlinea faarui^ y.,11 tiitiv mii eall me, after uii'. As tha amber preaerrea the liy whieh it Im! H ao tiif>iie?.t of theenexqnieiteefl?xlona praaerrei th.* niiuioiy of OflO of last year's ra-iialt;.-: IN MKBTOBI Ua. lo nn 00T. ou B?B0?L BtTBCB?O. Aleii" i wiiiked the ",'in'- atraad, A |, ..1 \\ ahell waa ln mj b ind, I itoopeil ia? >,1 ?r..te upon Ibe aaad, | - '.,,,|?-il an.l u lole liiv amlle waa i.l.-ui^. ii oi. !? ,? ne." i i.i> itaiive land.) l vrote um .? Ba, jou iiadBrataadj Orover Cl Nd wavedld w.t-h thoaeBaawar Tha] came ah,woelam*. t,.-tay. Tho ablne moreplalnl] everyilay. Mii.-te . f l 1.1.. a, ?i far, Af.i'.t. tn al. Mlii.r, or lll I'.ir, A t ,>iee eomea nu.- ? taBInx ?iar? " Tliai's Um. Inti.l ?f in.- nit. B," Qrovef 01 An.l hen.'.- li la 1 eall | on mlne, Aml henee lhal >>>u maj .all me thttie, N. n may you .?, iu a loofc hetilirn And t'.HSt in.- ln > un rbirfoaal wluo An,l imii me ua \ .uu- \ alanliBa. OrorerO: Anotlier ratlier patbetie \et bopefnl ditty ia from tbe i>''u of u well known l lemoei ni ie laadi r. n boee bome to on the banka of tba pietaraeqoe Qeneeee. It ia aqaally eredrtable te the head and Lbotearl ?i tha aiithor: A II '..-TV Wl)Kl?. nr a 114?401 I'l iu?i.i. 1. il^t I ?Mten \e?n aakladly, II i,l I -In-i-.l idii iii.i -,, i.lin.tly, li.i.l I nol ih* ehaifea atarlad. I bad iu'.-r beea braxen haaitati ii. Bjad Itaaed you l.-as with peppafi iia.iii't ealled you moral leper, lladn'l t.'i'ii aii.uii.l a.. in,i,liy, IM I..- teellng aol *<> badly. III. Kow that you luivo lianu p|t>cted lli.l lll*. ll'.t t.Bl .l.'J.-ete.l; Mull a pardon-ba aerapale, C'uii I,,) arrora typafrapada, Still nnothcr HtiiluiiK wc niuat atop, olihiiiul, th. I.-ia tniich richueaa reinuiiiing ln tho puckub'o. -_----__?________, The nrnat ri'ccnt aceountH of M. Tasteiir'u cx)icri nionta with <1o>;h, Btbbtti and inonk.-ys iudlciite that ho ia rapidly approa.-liiint tlie cloao of hia 11 vo youra cuinpalgn ai,'.nnst hydro]iliobiii. Whilo he haa not yet -ii,'ci'."l,'tl ln i-olutiiih and Idtuitifyinif a microbo that ia i haiiirl'-riatic of tlie iliHi'iine, lie has diacov or.d tho meiiiia of ourinu. aud pruviuitingrabloa, uud ia daily doiuouatratiug the ofteotivcuuaa of thia troatmeut. lle ia now exiMtrimentiug with a huudred do*'.- whioh luivo btion inoculuted with the attcBuatod virua; and ao ooinpleta ia bia tuooeae that It la not unlikely thatu vaceluation agalnat rabtei" will eventnally be enforced by legtalatioa In Frauce. Already he u overwhelmod with nppllcatiom for the preventive virni from timoroua ownora of flne dogn. ML Puato ir will not oonaent to abaiulon his studiei until he hai discovered the minuto organism that is eithcr the cauae orthe eftcct of hydrophobl.i aud given to the world a full account ot its lifo history. The Sun remarks : " Her? in Now-York tho pnbllo detest statistics aathe boss bore, necessary at timos, jiorliaps, but nlwaya to be aroided as much as pos Hlblc.'' Now Tui: TitmuxR ispubliahod in New-York and paMM rapidly every year to a soeand cdition; and it is as well crammod with statisties ua a ChrMMMM pudding is wiih raisins. Tho public neitltorav.iiils U uor ia bored by it, huys it soaaon after seasou, thia year inore con tMtodlf thau over. -M The Hritish authoritios aro chargod with BBBfUMB* ing GeiKirul Gordon's diary aeut by tho conunaudor of tlie foroo which MM tho Hritiah at Metouiueh. Prohably tho atrictures aro not well foiinded, siuce tho last ui"s-*age received by this inessonger indi aatod that lha bara af KhMitoMa was MaMaat that ho could hotd aal for years, and coneequently tho diary could not iiave coutainod alarnilng informa tion. What is nioro important ls tho fact that tho diary will fiirninh autheutic inforiimtion for an aniinatoil account of General Gordon's last chhi ?iniKii froin tho uen of Mr. Hako or Mr. Forbca, or BMM othor hiographer. Tho Kuropeans with him hav? atl natMhad and unloss thore aro trustworthy rccords of his opcrutinns during tho lontf siogo, tho atory ef his horoism can never b? udoquatoly told. a BatWMB tho Rcylla leadorship of Ely, of Otsego, aud the Charvbdls rivalry of Olivor, of l-'ive Pomts, the ie ininority in tho Asseinbly is fast becomiiiK a diHTganizod tu-.b. Tlioso old-llno Deniuoratie BBWBBuBBBl that are wnndoring why Allon G. Thurtnan has not MM askcd to coutribute his sa<*e counsel to Mr. L'leve lan-i's edilioation, Might do well to rocall tno fact that tha Ohio "li..inan's" canipugn BMMBM did not MOtata even th(> faintost IMMMBM to tho Deinocratic cantlidato. P.-rhaps the old-line Poino erata niay have forgottoB this, l.ut it is qnito safo to say that it sticks l.ard Ifl Ihe mciuory of Cleveland. ? Concrcssman Hnlman betafhNto a BMM of persons wli<? bm extratnely Bhorl ot si/ht and long of wind. There aro ? l--; tl then ln (.'? ngreee, and jrel people w-niii.r a hy Aiiii rican ihipping bo reviv.-.l. Tm: Tiitr.fNK's mtiil* ,-ol-loni oontains any thlai tnnro touehhia than thii l.tii-f h'ttor from Mr. JoMph i". Jardine: " Im loaed ptaaM Und ton dollan t.-r application to tha Praah-AirFnnd. It is tho monej our dead boy .1"-' left behiud bin in tha mt? ingabenk. I .lo not think ho would deeiiM, eonld be apeak, to mako a better diipoaitiin ot bia little MTingi tli.-iti to make some other children happy." Certainiy tbe monoy could uot ho put to better uso than in girmg Mrenl tenement ehildrennfort night'i run in the conntrynexl rommer. Thenii a patboi in tbe hard I"* "t th>- poor in i great eity b.ia -Ftv.r.1 t-, ni.ike Tue Tbimumm'i yearly va<'itiinii journeyi one ot the must popolai eharitiea uf tbe time. The receipta ot tha Freeh-Alr Fuod alre dy < eeed aeaaon after aeaMou thoM of ruany well-fi uuded cbaritable institntiom; and meiuorial in bM tl.i. bow how tinn a hold it BM npoa tbeafli tlomaud lympatble oftbepablia ? //, / i f. ?, Herald lt inellned ta think that tha Mabdl iiCaptain llowgnte. This Ibeory h.-is an nndonbted baaia <>i reaaon, bnt from the way tha M.i'i.Ii baa --t ahowertng fal favoraonhtaheeleia, one woiil'l iint be Mtouiahed to tind tbat he is llnbert <?. 1 hompMn'i e/fer -!/?>. ? A gratifying ntatomenl of tha eondlttao of Bngl md ? rolunte it arg iniiatlon b ill ba tald before Parliament when it reaaaembtaa. BIum tha Biat r.-tuiii", ? quarter of a centnry ago, when tha enroltad volunteer atrengtb of all armi wm Iom than 1.0,000, thla force boa expanded nntil it noa in. lu.l.-s fnlly 214,000 citueo aoldlen. l if tbeee, ai.-iut 103,000 are Iufant****, 30,000 artiltary, und t!.<- alnlag 10,00 l engineera,witb a fow hudnu r.tviiiit. l ii. -.?' nwnbera <ln not mueli ezagMMata the ti.'lititiu* itrength ol tho iirrlee, m ritfid offlciai lu ;.? etion ahowa thal only about thr-v per MBt ar>' to be Muntad <?at m inefflcnoi A toree of 208,000 vM-ll-tr.iiii-'.l roluntoera, in additlon ta rli?> regulara, makoa a eapital garriaon tor tbe BritUh IiImand r.-n Inra it improbable any Bngliah women of i li is. general iou will mm from their bonwa ta-.! oMmp llM Ol n fOM, A eorreipondenl <>f Th nemldmsadt from U'asd iogton :d* b ili?*f thal th>' Demoeral i there will fol lowthe lead of Mr. Cleveland agalnat all oiln-r leaders, If they can onlj aaeertain irhat he wanta. Prubably the wiah la father t.. the tbought If the Donwcrata ol tbepreaenl CongreM can be broncht to ioiiow anrbody in My diroction foroneooniMU* ti\,i wMk, the country will ba graatly lurpriaed, The political wiMaem aro nodding their heada otm tbeannonncement tbal Mr. Clereland and Mr. 'I liiirinaii wiiitiiF.i :,t theAmertauaClub weeption at I'blladelphii >'ii Monday night P.ut after tho three daya of the i.m^ mnn at tir.-y-.toao. tho md bnndanna oaai bMTe noeharmi to tauipl him. ? *?? Sfifhf- sh'-.'I'lt ivf> atatiatlea oon>* fr>>:n I. ?? k, Eoa land. I li- !'?? were Mventy-ftve eaaM ol Infant nortality there !.i-t yttr. AcoordingtotheaTerage of England thireahouldbave boea onl* Bfty-fire. l.t'.-k is not .in iinlii iiitliiul plaee. Upto 1877the doathrateof InfantawMnol above theMVMMjaof England. ln tbal \--ar tha loeal bnrial eoeietydia continned iaaning inaorance polici*B on bafanta h\ ??*; iiti-i ..t ono* tbo rato of infant nortality aa. rreaaed SO per cent. Binee tbea thraa or four otln-r bnrial eociel iea bave enten d into llvely oompotitiou for tbe bnilneMof Inanring Infanta'lifM InLMk; and tbe d-'ath ralo bM uu r- as.-.l to far gnator i>ro ii.iitioii^ than erer before. lt isan iBtereatiBgitudy ol ranae and eOect, aud it niay well be askcd if tho s.iniF- ghaatly conditionaexial ataawhaM, P&RSOXAL. ProfaeMt ToMag, <>f Prinei mm, la <>u bM annuai leeta** tag t-'iu' iMong Kbm rnglanll Mheeta Tbetombof Rogarta,al ChlawtBk,haa beiMrepalrcd Md l-lMlltlli- >i. Tiie iat<> Dukr F.f Bneeleoeh died witii a bearty Boa 'tctiipt f,ir Mr. Henrj Oeorge*a wii.i aoheaMa <>f diaatttar aml ,'i,!ili4i'.itii>n. aml lu lil* will BITailM< for tiio iii;ui agauont >r Ulaeatataa for 1,300 yoan to eoaaa. Baoatac Ciimmd wtll ipcinrt mimtiI MMfci Im Fluildi for ih* i.i'ii.'iii of his bealth. Ho M aa alMirat eoartMl tufli r.-r tr.iiii il> t|*H*aJBi Tlie U<\. K'.IJali galtoBg, tlie|inrulalii?l'aiitli<ir aml praaehM, who reihtoi ut linat.ui ta wtaMr, MMt, Mjn IM*liit'ii Camrier, Mieariy Uta ao;llarpewall totaM laOaaeo Bajr, wb*ra MattU bM ? ItaanHIMI bbbmbm laaMenee. in^t? .1.1 of apeadtag ul-* tim.' la ptay witii iu-. eoMpaaioM wii-'ii a lay, M Beroted atrery Iommm in-iiiii'iil t-> tlie BIMMMbll BRtaOM taak of BTagglBf B bMTyoxehala allorai tba lalaad t<> h*arItaWMlrai rattle en th* atooea nnd Ite aeft "oliink " in tbe iruaa, [f tbia were known tahari i.u tM mmim of the nr er.'tnl ajentloinan'a llUrary Inaplratlona, tM atraatoof l!-i-t,i]i would ba mi orowded ?lth nn-n aml women dratttfltirf oi fli.iltis tliat hOWl IM travel woalil bo i.,i;i..-l,.r llltfli i.tti---. |.imiarlly iinllu M bMMM BMM liltl<- ln BngtaM. Mr. 01adataaa,M T-rtf Ti nf tha Ttmbuij. uftrrtift) yaaMoCertaMt pMbtta Mrrlna. lajaal m mbII * >rt m be mobM tuvrt Mm mm bM baaonMoa bM tuinty tlr^t i.ut.i.l.iy lui.i inlicritatico of aa aiitnitty for ltt.M.rirl.nio. The d..itii of Gardtnnl liaOaha iu Dabtta tha otiier aaj raaalla Btoiam gaanalMlth Dr. c.oLr, tMAiMV Mabof uf (aaiiai, ln mImMm t<> tho UnHee1 Land i^ai;iio ln ir.-laiiil. Tin- ( utilituil MMMMMMi IttaMMMg t<Tiii?, wluui A. M. -.1 ,n .ii.. M. 1 , MMM lUl waa a MMMM of tho bady, wanrdy dafoaded it. AreabMhOf OMta wmtc a Ioiir lettac atoralr eenanrina tha OMrdtaal, mImm " i>o ciillur poUtlM wero rii<-. t-il by tbe overwhelmlng imua of im- peopbj/1 faro anshblaniajM .m ...iiihk om inotbet on iiofitii'iii a^onndi canaed a Krrut eiu- iu Iralaaa. Ar.'lililali(i|i Cr-ik*. waa .ull.'il ta RoMOaadMBii r-turu aatil 1.. owaj " li-i uIIf t(laii(V t<> Cartliiial Mo Ciihe," Tiio two prelalea MMI over aflorwitril biltrrlj oi>iiuarii. A fonn.-r ooiurado of Catuoron, th* eorrespoudont who waa kiilc.l ln tiio tlttlitum- ucur M?l*uuieU, tliat oue day, lu Aftdiaulatitn, au nl.irui waa a-mtuled; tho (itii-ii.) lii Klglit; hriinr ?im NfMtaA ObBMMB lay aiok. "Now, iluii't you got ott your tioolle (atreichen tlll I a.-iid to you," aald Harturiua to lilm; aud then hurrled ofl to aeo tbat hla ooniiiauy waa.falliiu{ ln properly. But ao ' eooner waa the invaild qntte ;eertaln that bla nnrat wat* out of algbt tban oat bo erept from ander the ourtaJni of the doollo, and, dragglng blmaelf on all fonra up to aa emlnenoe, aat dowu tbere, revolrer ln hand, and there, an hour later, he waa found, looklng ao Ul and epectral lt waa feared he would never reoover. When Sartorioa came buck he ? wlgged " bim, to wbloh all tbat Cameroa aald waa: ? Do you think I oame here to alt lualde s doolh) when thare'a ahootlng and all klnda of larke golng on V Agaln, ln ?gypt, relutoa Uie writer, In The Lon4on> Stundard, " I bad aone out to Katnleh fortlfloatloua, and waa trylng to p?ia witbout attractlng our -etitry's atten tlon uu t? it polnt wbenee 1 thonfflit a-ebort walk miKbt glveme a glluipaeot tbe eueiny'e o.itfoata. Luder a Klant Hk tree, heavtly laden wltb hluck frult, I auddenly eucouutertd ('amoron. We exchauged tlie aaaal ' lluiio' of frlenda inoetlng unexpectodly, and tlien ha aald, 'Wbere are you (tolngr ' To thoetralrn tre-a aiong thal iiank, lf I could,' I repllod. ' Can't,' aald C-ineroui ' I biive been wnltlng here au hour to aee If tbat hl*-*ed nontry of oura wlll go away, but hewon't; aud to- - tya tbat lf I try to go over tbe ilttoh h.-'U at me. 1 aeap me bla ordera. But I don't uilud bavUix a try all ibe aamo,' he ud.lod. Tbe aentry, however, waa a ver.tiibla lynx. and evontually w? had to content our*elv-a \tlt_, Bga aud oonvoraailon on tbe ?p..t wbere we bad met." TUE TATk OF TUE DAY. The dcath of promlneut Eu.liahmen la aoraetlmoa la. dlrectly a lieiwftt to the llvlug, by HUg.estlng thee-oo tlon of tiaeful rnamorlala. In uiemnry of the late Arch doacon Jacobaou the great reredoa ln Wfnrheater lathedral la to be completely reatored, aml the nlohes tllled with tblrty-llve atatuee. Of taeao It ta expeeted tbat tbo Qiieon wlll contributo a oonple. of tlcnrea ot twa of her auueatera wbo attalned tho hom r of canonlzatlon, !-i. E.lwanl tbe Confesaor, to wlt, aud Bi E luiund, the uiiirtyred klug of Eaat Anfclla. A oouple of3'hlladolphla vlaltora to the Ncw-Orleana Exixialilon wero aoon examlning and ailmirlng tba Llhertv bell tbe other day. They bad never fcppti tha old refio before. aud tbey aald they were g)u.!|tUej had vlallod tho ahow. -INorrlalown llerald. Into tho glowina* arrate ho gazed In allont inoditation, Uutll hor ayea tho niatden raieed And aald : " Whafa oaculutionl'* Tlio Inver alowly bont bla h.-.t-l, And with aenie trepfdatlon Ba klaaed her oa tbo llpa aud aald: "Sweot love, that'a oaculatton." T?an, whlle her beoat went plt-a-pat, Tlll aho could altuoat it, 8?a aaid : " I ih-,io,'ht lt uu?t be that, Or BoaaBlblni prctty near lt." ?[Toronto MalL .flomo bonoroleuI f?b?Ib?,n ladlea of ?un.lou are trylng to oouvert tho ballct-Kirls by getting up a " mlaaion " for tbeiii. They lnvltc lb? fc-iila 10 afternoou Baa lu eheerlese b-JIbV atll tatflB ' peor creuturei " la a patronizlng way, aud exhort tbetn to learu tho Church oatechlsiu by hoart. After thiia imprevslng upon "thom tbeir dOKTadrd oondltlon, tlie lailiea'gu'hotuo woll aatIsfled with their work. No converalona bave yet been reported. ; i bara aaieeeeaat to tbe ehieftamsiiip af the Tctona, aad I waat to att waeth?r your a_riva aaa iulna ar.-to ln.. .ii tenii- ,f frBindly ciuaUty or abolhcr you want ,inie earaaaja. I woald like to remark that wo will have war on tap for itny iiiatiiuiliiitf repulilli-ait form of g.jvernineiit thal eomea foollng aroaad oat OoasBeaoaaa?I 8a.tru-t. whtla ara wBI be on a peaee loottan tarward year paapta aa lomt ua tb*v ooadnet lhainaelTia wltb <iue rc*ani t.? the preju Ui.'Oa of etvlUaatlOB. Any devlatlon froui thla courao ol iin.d?re wBi reault ln yoat belaq aa?1to tbe t?.wur for the llr-f oflenea BBd lo tWO towers for lta aeciid. - ru'..-,- apeak to yoar Beetetaey of tha luierior aud have Tiim hrii.e uptbe ratloaa laaoet to my tnbea aoaato lnolude an eecaatoaal hiam aud aaaaaaaaal far Baa Aay. Any eaat-ot war maiterla,i. ptagaataat llatt Uterataio ii.iw on tiie ln yoar State DenartaaeBt^arBI be graeef ully r.Ived aaagoaraotae of your g,?od falti..? [ftaaley Iluiitl-y [Spoopen.lyk.-j to I'reaidcnt Arthur. A bay ln I'lttahurg has awallowed a tlieruioineter and the ttoateta ara aaaaae te gct it aat, Dateafl wait tiu Jurn-tiie tu.r.ury will riae ao higb that tbe nistruiuenl will eeaaa aoariiiK out af bis lui.utb. Tba bara beea auymn t?al abouu hundrod tena of mall m-iTrtT t* lyliigatorm-i.ounI lu Cbicaito. i dalaa o',>i"i deal <>f Baattar; aat it wuat i?3 tajaaaaaaatal taal o? ? moI in arejaat uow writing agreat uiauy luttara te M". Cterelaad. (liiu.-e BBIiaillB are becoailnit unpopular In CflaV fi.ri.u. Tbe wagaa of Ah ftiu aro too bl_U. -,l_li.idU phla N'ewa Bea the m?rry ali'ljrh liellajlnx'e, An I thcre'a not a cirl's -luirlo, Iiut w_I _.ik>- her Lovar t.ik* har .mt io rulo, rldo, ridet And he'll slt witiilu tho cutter, yiUed with bBaa ba eaanel attaa*. Wltbhlaelbow crooked arouui bla futuro brfdo, brido, l.n.le. Bnl wiieii sho ishls bn.le, ln a ab Igh sin;'ii aevaf ride. Orenrlch the man wbo kaapa the llvery, ?y, ?y, it .t al bome bar hnatanaV-H?afte Wlll e.-miy hold the haby, U'm.e ahe i.iithfly Btawt tho glaJaomo catntp tca, tea, tca. ?[SoiuiTvllle Jouru.'tl. Tho Aiuei-I. in I'harch Bchool for Cbrlatian Workers la UMtttle af a a-'.vileparturo at CakB0B?BBJflfl, Tbeach.)..! will be ln char^o of Dr. Goorije I*. H.iy-. at .Denver, t'ol. Tbe Suml !>'?ehuat Vmiii ,1 Hepartinent wlll h.-reufter bo kaOWB aa ? Tbt; C'l/urch tSaaday-acbool Norui?. Oooraa." Theeoaatitatloaal BMoadaaoal aet. lutr.^luced'lu tbe Taamaalan llouaeof Aweuibiy, ptwrtt?i for the exten alon >>r tho rrunchlao to iii.iu.irri. U w.niion ?U.i are taipayera The blll h,t.? beou road a socoud tliao.? .i-..,-;.ui TraBaerlBt, " An AIltllrn^)oloa:lat?, wrltea to The PM Mall Ga:etU tbo a. loptlon of cli.the- by barbaroiia Jracea raaulta aeooec or latar in tbeir extiuctlou, aud <ho aliwitlj maaa aaaa bbIaaaaauaiaM not to tafxaaaet thla aeattv?aaftai Maaatna of atrBaaataan .tuiouc tbo p.-opia t? wbom thay Bceaafl. Tbe wb<> ahakes tbe txiat on the d.xiratep may pubUo . .?-. i,ut th, ui.iu w_o rceklaaaly abovela aaow od tha roof makea a u^i-o stilkiug iuipreaaion.?? [loa i Bt?ta BaglBler. Ihe fflot that Mr. Ci.velaud haa hecu nia.le the subjecl of prarac by tb? e_apaaln af tbe laaaate le c-roatiug ?ome uttiestir. aitar ati Oaatnat tt ma<io up aud aaaeaaeaal there wlll baa lat's'e iiiitnlxr of uow ittixloua btate-tucn wiin wiii feci tii.u be ia praytag for. * The dteoorery bt Beaa*eaMtatf af a man wtth a toe on hia li'tt hiili.l. li: pb?M of tb*. lll.l*X BBgar. la reporffd. Hut ttbut pruttetb lt biui U not auiteil. ? [fBaBaBI irau aeript, Taare ara eoaaa brlghI apota ln a reporter'a llf.. Bftaa all. Ono of tbts hard worklui* clu.aa of uien In llri.Uo p..rt has Ju.-t Inhoiitad #70,.HK) by tbe death of au un.Ie. Bal ail reportora doat bappaa to have ricb aaa?b0?>witb wliom Ih.y aiv on K.iod teruia. Iu the ye.u 1-tiS th| nuinher of Iriah aol.liera ln the llriti-li arm.\ wa- ,".:...".-3, or .808 per 1.0.HJ. By ateady gradaUona thal numbarretl lu baa yemato 88.18L 80 ?_i'.? per 1,000; and laat raarll aat falleu te 3l,.i!?4, or 188 pm 1,000. These Igarea apaaar iu tho QareraaaaM , reporta Wbat doea not api.e.n i- the aflpple iiieiit.iry tuet that am.ther ban.t of BIWMd Irlslnueu, a mcre bumlfiil ta 1888, hua I eeu ateudilv liicreaalug la iiiiiiihera au,l in.lls.'lpiiiie evor since, wailluK . . . uuUl th,I tunes uie rii>e. ?[Loadoa Tablot. on a reeent algat, at ParBt, iu ^cotiand, a Baat?aflflfl, wbo wna ralnnilng aaaaa aftat aaatat aeen Mr. Tooie at tbe thLMtt-e, raaanai a nuu froui faliing into tbe Brtaa Thla liu'i.leut has beeu utili/e,l B4 an arcaiueiit in favor of tbe itaga i.y au eiithii-i.tstie playajaae of the town, wbo maintaiiis itt lcn^-th In a uu'ul paper lf Mr. T<?,!e h.i.l uot \ i.-itt-d l'crtb the mau would bavo bocu drawaaa. It la atimHim e.l tlmt iiulte recently M. I.auth. the prea ,'iit aupcrtntendent of tlie Berree cLinu factory, bas hit npon a new tueUui.i of mixlm* ebtra whlrh wBI pr..iu,e a p,,i-,. hiiti rerj auperlor te tb.- oi.l ^evres. Hia di? ooTerj is ii..t ihe reault >.f ebaaea, i.ut af a haaf a.-nea af teata aud combinatloaa, uud b" daliua for tho new product all tbe auallttea of aurtaco and eupabiliiluaof takliik' K'-i.'e of the Ohlnes.i chiy. I'.n snnm time tho t-.-vies tiu ii t ha- beea loslin; KTouud ln the public eatl matlon, but it wlll now be Ukely t<> t..kc lt- ,.i.l bIbob aat foremoal In the rank of cbina mauufuclurea.?[rhii.t.l.'l piiiu BeeoaaT. We knew oar old frlend "the Whirllcl^ of Time" wmiiti turii apagalanii ria_t, lt Bpaaaxa tiu- Baaaai the coluiiius of oar intei-eatiiii* coiitouip.ifiiry The Wor'd, whlrh prtdea Baolf. we bolleve, on ita uuio.uo oud wgor .,::.- rooabalary, i.i.t fadaaadaj ta irwin Oflanty, wtt?a Miaa ahio Prtdxen waa al the iprtag near the houae araahtag, l),>o<le Baah, ? bo bad beea paying bla addreaaea t<> her for aouio tiu,,-, came up. uu l, paaatng ihe naual eompUaMata between lovara, Bsade a propaaal ..f aaaariago, waleh ?.,a aecapted i.y theyomodady. _*avln? her wuahtub ahe went witb Uie young ui ui i<> ,i neighborlng hoaae, wh.-ia tho niipllul wuo lle.l.?[Atlauta t'oiiDllln'.ton. The cxiM'iiso for flowera ut tho reeent dinner to tbe Jndgaa af tha aNtqaaaaa Baaat bf Pro-i.ient Arthur amoiiiited to aeveral hundrcl dollara, ln itvl.iiti.tu lotho rcaourscs ,.f the Wbite llouao coiiaervatorlea. ACana* diaii vi>i:i-.t'? cauoo ?.i- the eentro-ploce. Ila keol waa co'iipoaxl ef stripes of plnk, red aud whltii carnatlona. Tbe riggliifr of sniilax aud llllea of tho valloy, aud Bt cargo WM uiu.lo of I.a FYanee and tea roaoa. An old farm-house, witli paafunia wlde, Banaat with Bawara aa eve.y ?i?lo; A r.'Btl*aa lad who looks from out 'ilie].orob. wilh *.).' Iniii.i twlned about, \. t-ii.'.s a tbouxhl froui lu hishe?rt: ti,if i only .ouiddapait 1 -'1.1111 llUadull placo tho worid to aeo. Ah uie ! bow bappy I would bo 1 A inlil the clt/a ceuaoleaa dln, A man wiio i .iijinl the ttorld haa hoon, V ii,., nn.1 the tuuitilt and the Uiroug, la tblnking, wishiuic all day lon>f: O. could 1 only tr.-.i,1 oiite wore 'ibe ti*l,i patli to tb..- fanu-bouaedoor; Tlie oid greoii uieadowa could I s. o, Ab uie ! now huppy weuld I be. ?[Dubllu (Ireland) Tlm-a. Mr. Hlrsch la the Poter Woolly of tbe Oregon a_adtaBa ure. II*. l.kcked Juat ouo vol? tbe other 0?f to maka bim luited Htutea Henator aud be did not vote for blm? aelf. In John T. Raymoud'a play " For Con_reea," Poter Woolly U an uuwilllng cuudidate for otiioe, and bla rcfuaal to vote for bluiaelf nivea the elootiou to auothor. Tlie odltor ot the Japaueae paper Jigi Olnmbo, with hia wliola fitmlly, li.tvln. .:iuiu'.ieeil Chn.stiauilv.ha.- laaued a luauifeato, culliug ou tbe Jupauea.- uoople to do tbe aanie, on the groiiod of their btting alroady EurouoaaBflal ia erery other reapaot- -(Loudou LUa.