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MUSIC?THE DRAMA. I KF.W-YORK NIILIIARMONIC SOC1KTY. Tha cbicf jFleasure aftordod by the l'Hll'tirnion.o Focletv ai iis iourtb conccrt at tbe Aca.l.-my af Musie lfl-t nigbt. MMBflrMBtliepiuuoioite plajing oi Mr. Kieh aid Ilotlniau. IhM fMtMMM has lor jears i-njoycd a BO-t onviablorcpirtati.-iiani.inn tbo uiusii iana oi ih.-tity, ono of the tcatiiuonials ol whicb ia tho honorary ninn bersbip he holda iu the l'lidhurinouic Beetety. TbM nieniberehip ia our bjmbm! poeraj:* aad Bahad v apholdl it with gMMtor dijrnlty than Mr. Ilotiiiiau. That we do not hear him ofteuer than once or twice in a MMM is a fact tbat ia widely regretted. His purtioipat'ou M taM nigbt'a coucert waa ou invitati- n oi lha dircctersot tho aooiety, who alM re.iueated him to"i.)ay the .Yi..z.irt Coucerto iu 1> minor. mmm ., ??,. 'lhia work to conteuci )y the ImM el Mfar,.,','i m iuterpreter* it exacla ? boih?i.....k '""'?-' ",.,,. ..-.;,.1,. tl.e qual.lies which aro acoc|.teJ as u eoinplete .rtiMk ,,,i !,,???.. wbM theahowr Mi mmotom MMtgtaaof ? ? ,ii are olared ln '< there 1* eeeaihra loi ?? Olapiaj ';',.*.' br-lhint ni.Cm.-ical akjU iMagM.b 1.-. ... V ' ,,??l ..erformance is liupoas.ble witEeMl it. bnl atl this sK.ll .* l-nt tl.e MMM la an Md jit doM no forc* itaoli noon tbe attentiou as n part oi thi purp????"' ]n tho writinj; as il BMl m theiuajoniy of the eMOMtoa viiltcti bv Ihe great plinera wl.o have folh-wcd UM, Coaaortod vvitli this taebntoal niMkMney mm< bc a ?lalicat* at.i.reoiation ot thespintot Mo/art a Bl?, a knowledge ol the artUtic nleals oi n P?rio<l ln fl hiob abaolute Tx-autv MMMBd a hiither aim than any real or fuucied :|.Bvch.'.logioal MgaiaaMee, and mm 4*9?.? awn|.?thetic uiterest ln tho.e lde.ila Thal surli iu lut.-i.-st is aol,.?til.lo with .1... ai-t-rocia tiF.n of the aehievement* of to-di.y it would nol M ncooraary to um- if tbe uiodern spint wero not nMnroiy talf-aafleieal aiid Mr. Boffmao iu a murkod rieiiree i,<,K?es?e8 all the.**- requireniftita Ho rcpro dnoed tho bodv oi the concerto with the KroatMt ti.lelitv to ail ita beaaties. and lillcd it with tho do litrlitfiil spiritualitv whicb Mozart intonded tho ln.dy ta aarr* Tho tochuical exuosition waa tiniahcd an.l clear tbo poetieal aentiment had lovely health. und over all the fnterpretation reated tlie ease and graoe which told ot itpcrfect co-oporation of u!l tho eleiuonts of good ptaaiMHll playing. ihe playiug called out most h?arty and deserved onthuslatiu The othe'r nuiubers were the overtur* to " Hiuzo Kemhold's " I'rtlude. Miuuet. an<t IMMMI tor itriug*. and Kiifl'a " Lenom' lyMphony. Without r.xeeption these works were play.d in the best atyla of tbe aooiety. More need uot bo said, for nouo of theui la novel or untaiuiliar. MU8ICAL NOTES. There will bc a cotccrt at the Melropolitan OMM House thls cveuniR for tho benollt of the box MMM slaft, to MhMM cxcrtlons MMM ot ?ho oomfort enjoyed by the jmtrmia of the opcra thls MMMM has iieen .ine. Ncarly ail the arttotaiof the emnpany will pitrtlolpat.-. ana ciiorus-.Ma.*tcr l.uti.l Will be the 1uuslc.1l ilirettor. Athlseoncert in !?tcliiway Hall to-morrow evenlnt' Wast.-r Mlchacl Bitnner will narotMaaalatanoaof Mlaa Vmmmmi Onthita, MM AdaM Manrollea, M. Vletar l?aut;ou Md Mr. flertortak l)ort:u.-r. M?.-t.r Bannoi wui ptay lirucii's (oucoito la O-mlnor. Vtt (.iiirlce iu 1> tiiaior, Lrnat'i tranacrlptlon of Bebuberl s "Srlklus "Vli u\t- ropa'a "Con*. rtatuck ranlaeleAiinaaion ula." MMOM liis part iu MaiMMMMa'l trio iu t-uiiuor. At the OmMM coucirt to nlttht, Mr. Willlam T. ratlfton. Mi-* JaoatoBMttaU Darls,MlaaKllyCoghlan ?aM 1.poM Qodawikl will bl mm boIo perforMora. Mr. H N. l'enflold. a i-erioii*. niiti-'.cd MWdeton wlm aahtared tl.o honor of elccti-.n as piMldMl >'f tlu Natlonal MaBta-TMehMM1 AmMtatlM attbe laal meotlng ,.f tht- t.-Kiv. kaa rabUahad a eaatata, oltooalna bla worda ltora tue WllliU Paaim. TM work to wrltten for abwaa. aolo TitoM aM Mehaatra, M Bm been itigni* BBMBMMded. Mip* I.ii'.lc P. Beri: pHMata I pa.'tl pfOUMMMI for hor ?; ?t tho BrtsMi, No. .r.ot Kifth-ave. on Moudaj areatac, IMiMiy 98. Iheeewttl be adMM from tha aet of "I-aJunx-," b> MM BlM MMMM Mary BtaM Obin. a rtaiaibMff mt Indgy Bfeea. Ibe brtlhaat ? II Matriuionio BlgrMl" wUlalaofcl Mng. i-'r.,iik Ltaeeta Me MeaaMel ? mom Mnaloal aketcb. Oth.-r ar'i-t* who will rontrlbut* are Thcroae Llebe, Tlolinlat, WHHam Buaaell Caaa, plantot, Mi** Eroma M' l-r.-d Roblnaon,lat*of?allaek a Beraral promineat ladioa of aoototj aro Intareattag ta?M MlTM ta tl.e- all.iir. Kruulein KirchDer, from the Koyal (.per.i at Caaaell, nnd lli-rr iVilhehn Junok. have been entriiittd by Ur. *Damn*arb for Um Ommib Open Cotapaay. LSiiiau i'.u-soii win Ma two baltada al Ike IrM of Ita Bijou Htmljy l'.iiuilar O-noorts at tl.e lli.iou Opera llou?e thi* aiMMag, Md Mr. BlllMM Will o-.tKluct a per toruiance of the overturc t'. blaaMMttM" Polly." Misd Blta Baraetl md Mr. W. B. Clari will -ing also. At tl.e>*ixtliof Mr. 8. P. Wtirr-.ii's Tlmr.-bty aftaMOM MgMMMtatothi a-ragraaaaaa aorapftoed H md--l'acon ?<:;.- ln rj-H:H.oi>. 7, No. 3 (arranRed for orsan aolo by B. :1c Imu^v), il. Lnurd Silby'a aii'luiitt- an-t Iiiirnf 111 I?. Clara BMMMMMMl BMMMM ln f, a tranacrlptlon by j linupt of Chopin'e Ktuiie In 0 Matf MMMT, op. 10, Me 1 4, (M-t.), and Wldor'a tlflh or^au aymphony. Mlsa | IdaW llubt. n-thoven'a" BMMUarLH anl Kul 1.-v Buck*a " Ava Matu " Tha t-- Itala will bc au*poitaed darlni Ix-nt, bnl wui bl nmmmIm AprtlB. Th<-four:hconaorf for youn? pMpM will take pluo^ noxt S.itur<l.iy aftcrnoon tho pro?rann!iii' MlagB aa fol l. w^: March frmi <-ulte. np. 113..?...I*B*MM Inlrv (nerture. ?MeliiMe''.Meu-iel*- iha Orvhreet Bandioa..oim-k :,.,.-..; lha iiirie* b. Uau.-aof tiio llla*ae.lla Elyalan r --la. I InM --I. !.:>!<'b> Mr "lt'' < ?.-*.?-rle. C Mia " I BBvatoal IB* I -ir. !,?-e>." Mi?- . .111! y Wiuaut. ABdanl*. l jryp,, ?**????-)j aifMuar, 0f> U...BiiitaavM Varialivaa for TrouiiKm* .?.M M Ur. f. letaeli. laJotaAmKcn ae.Ha!nt--'.-i-nj Arla," i) KitiuiB".."aa? Maaa Kmllv Winaut B.iiif-t and Wa-Mlna; rroceaaioa. fn-in-reniiDor* '??.xnton Itublnttrln IM f.nrtti BMMMt of tli.- -i.ttiUri QuaiMtM Clnb ?wiiitaki- BtaM at Bteei Ball m Taaaday aMalag, wii?-n th. Btab BJlll have the BBBJatanM of Mr. Albert l'rox Iplananwlii) aad Mr. ImMm Ki-ch (vioi.11. TM pro er.iniiie ia noiapmed of Meadelaaobn'a gnartetteln D, ().. u Ho 1; Bnblnatela'a aouata for pianoforU and 1 .1;,. 19 (Mr. Mav-atahwara. rhda), and lieeihoveu'a QUlntotte,'),-. 20. TM taat wook of "Apajune" it? naneMaead at tha Cuslno N>xt MonJay aml th. rcHft-r for a apaol MM da tcriiituod. "PattaMM" wtii I.- pMlWMii,tM frtaelpal aarta falltaa ta Mary Beabc Laan Joyea lt-11, Irena I'.-i-rv RitMLelgbton, Etb*lClare, J. H.Byley, Dlgbj Hall, C W. Oungaa, J-A. fnrey, Oeorge Koa|MM Md (,.-.-:.> Appk ... "Ninuu" will be glven at the Thaha Tln-atro 011 M.n.iay ?nd IMeeBMJ M-Mlflgl of thla we.-k and IhM be Witadrawa ln favor of^ Mili<M-k<-r'a uow Bgeratta, " lilWl>ill"!"." ^ DKAMATIO H0TE& "Tho liouiany Kye " will be ptMMlMd at th? PeophVa IM ..'.r- ? K- -..riiaiy 18, aml " M> l'a.Uier" will bc pr< iMtad Ita "? IMbrnaay ?-'.'). Tlu- 294 of 1'cbrMUry, Washiii^toti's Illrthlay, fitlla, thiayeat, M I Mtn-lay. Al celcbratloii of lt will o<cur im the following day- BftarnoM p*rfonnan**a atF- m MMMBd M BMM mttht tli.ati- - of NeW-Yerh. 'JI11 (iluv of ?'inir (.o\ciii.i:." ln Whtcb Mr. Md MM Flor.-ii.-e 11 r- to appear, thls WCMk, at the Slar IbMtM, waa wiittcn for th< 111 by MMMM, MMOp 'O'A (il!l, nnd lt bM MM M cptcd by BMdlBMMta WMblngtQM, Baltt ir,,.r?- ini.i ranaMlghta in mmmi f"i' Ita BMbelltoh ji.ciit ha-been l-aiiit<--i. utiil.-i the-!lr< - tloii of Mr Wal la, V. and ti. si- apparal, <>r a aumptuoua .1- aertptlon, will be dlaplayed ln lt o) Mr*. Florenu*. Tbe eujntKcmi nl "' tiiF 1 toranoM, al ti..- star Theatr*, la i.f Ihf-i uu..- weaka Th.- io w ptay ot "S].i.t Oaak," M whtab Mr. M. B. Cnr tia will eaaeeaje, M Monday IMMIMBi M UM flfth Avenm. 'iloHtie, bl B - 'i1"'- to M8aM*l of 1'om-ii," ;m 1 I.f.;li filcit-H WBM WltMM by Mf. IMward M.irble. T)i<" MW ?n< I- ln four aet-, and it oxlill-lls MM*l?/i*MMM II UM BMMM Man af bla bnataiM M n MMMerelal traveller, iie ri> tloi. ict-li^ at a iioti-l, ooutli.uca at a rallway atation, Bi.a t-nd* at Macara I-'uils. Ihe following 1 ial Ii lndloa Um- of tlu . Iii.iaclir of tlie pt, M : tiaiii'l l-la.lrick. Uir (.ne, 1 i,,v, Rann IM I of 1 .swu. M II (urt.a Frert. .l.-r. :i.a. rai.reKeniliiic -omere >t 0 1.1... n>. H. 1., on I.-F.r>,ut4\" v.'il.iuiii Mo-rla PualM.v -iimll. *niM" tlie <>)d?4t ffi F.i, (i.r i ,.4,1 ln lii* liiii, _ II. l:e*ri,ol,la Peadl t ?''?-> a ..n. ar *f the " Bar," t. o. .->?>i4,jb , 1 .h.i ;iiv..|ii.,r <>i ilu- ).i*fI ? 1 \ -ji. ABBil.lla.ina i.xlenui ti.ti -r . Cliarl.-a K Vein-.n HUe 'a.' ??\ash> nv. li'iiel I'ortor.J. i'. - ui.vna Moaii*ru" i"it. ?> "i^.'i Molal < ierl c. K. iioiiiuy i rl iioi.kina. "l.aaaa tha Porier, l.ut ,,. 1,1 .. uttiir 1 at.h uif tl.e MuM- i--i." W. B. Arin.1-1 Jlm rt|l lt|bl ine J W (iardoer 1 C, II. 1. 4 P. K. it. c'/iiiu.tor .FtankW.Bliafer yir , ,, ., 1.HarryMaoi.h f.,i. rfBaUMa|ra.J. Jaaaes Oaraaid hoii.-m-J^n-iw.u>lier. lorumrly kaowa 14. ri 1. i-i,.na .na .Albuian.-M.-r jH,?l?.,i4. llorU-DM-'a IT.u.l. Mui.l . Eullv sfciwi Mra. r.elc-ci i'iii.if.-1-k to-ie Wllmern M.a Jaaaaaa, fnd'a Motdw ... Mra 11 < ounaiue liatte il. k. 1, ? -can naati fort.r wor.lh ? 1,1 , i,i,-. Keaie MMM John T. liayuion-l BMMMn tlu* wi , k iu MlMybto, Clark-sMlle, BopktaavlUa aad Baahvllle. Mr. A. M. i'aiunr'? plan, to glM aftertioon pi ifotiie aneea ercry Tburaiiuy, at th.- KaiMM BgMBMTheataa, aud to ofler a Invli attruction at i-n-i. |n-r.'oiiiiiiui.-, MBBMMMTB its<!lt at once to tli? tavoi ?r )ilay--/<.iTH. It will bave tb* t-rt'. <t of MBMfdMg tb<- iiiouoioiiy of lon? rutia, and It will Klve goinl MMBtaB f?r tMtlnB MM ii'c.Miiid new piaycrs. Tba mrlna bett.m <m Thuraday laat, wltb "Ilroken Hearin." Mr. K*vte'a "l^tiilel Wleatb " will mioi, follow. BtajMM ltoa*i 1.4 MMM t? the (iermun cltlea. A uew play by Mr. Heruutu Moiivalo, latoly actod, is witilled "Tlie Whlp llaud." Mr. Ualjr will ahortly prcaeut at his MMMM " Tbe Country Oiri" aud "Hhc Would and Hbe Wouldn't." He alao haa a uew comedy In preparation, adapted by ldiiiaelf froinaOerman aourco, wltb wbicu he puri??Ro? to cloae hia aeeaoa ln a brilliaut MMMMM. lawrauoa Ravraattti ih* tirw?.?i, Puvk Tliitatra Uila wceV will glve eiffht perforniaie'ca. Tlie aunoiineed pro giauime la made up of " Kranre-ca da Blmlnl. ?'lUehelleu." "A BBOttB the ?Scntchcon," "TheKlng'a rieu-ure," "Yori.ka Love" and "Ju.lua dt-ar. M..coi..i.,i,.iH.i.axer of iioir a-flflanthara Aa-Tflara tour, bas reeelved Ibe fOUOWlBl l'-tt. r; N W-TOBB, leh. 14,1885. DiAKSiif Ileam wilh irreai pleaaara ihat yoii havo c, ? ,... 11 ? ? ..(-r.iiai. aetor. II'tr i.t ... . tor B I..U v ?i, t,. vwV.rit n i- i" he rexretted tbat hia i # . i ?. * .... . . i 1.1 ? v tn wlt !?(?--fi I' ??* tiil |M'ri> lll l iti-i r;.;v,,v: ,,,^r:i)i,wJSsSn'.?-.? *fi*?ufen tongmemoiy tor il.-iu. l are aure lhal ^ *?"*???,'? Ain-'iiea a cordlal retegnltlon of thoae great nwma whlcbnaTe endenred bi.'. to l.i- eonntrymen, aud bewll take hoi...-v,itii hlm tba ateeUonate i.-ii,.-.nhrai.eea .f i ice Tbe baapr eaperieuoe of my Ocnaantoar l.? is ,,!.,.;,,!,?.? tlir..u.h you a neertfelt w-eometo li,,,- Bonm othal, aud to <.xratutate yon on yoar good tor.?'... i......e'.vi..i.(tro:.i." ?f wiioai all ttennaaj le te ju.-tly l""1,,;1UIJ,'\1'r.,l) yOOia, __b?l> iloolll. BENBT IBTtEQ oV TUE AMEEICAE AVDLESCB From ihe rorlnig'.'lv J^rinc. Two tl.ii.Ka aro BOttoeablaj tlrat, the audicncca ara aoBMtlmea xerj BBpojietaal, aad to anJt tlieuildii neea the innnafiers aoinctiines dclny I.eiMU luii- i be aodlenee depend <>n thia delay, aad tne <? ?a Mouinee Ireuuentlf is, that a nrat aet i* BBtiraljr dle turbod bj their eatry; aeooadly, that, after th.- play, it j? etu.i. in edegree nakaewa ta aay Earopaaa , tpltrl t<> adjouru te ratieaa raotaannta te tappor. La tbe j.u.iieu.o " ?u bloc " umain ieatea,ee the lODKtb of tlie l.erloi niulie* inil.-t be tukeii into iiecninl bj nia.iii cera i and eoaimonly two b?i.r-iaad a halfia eonaidered the maximam lenyth to abiel h pertorm ??ee sbould run, theOflh 1 muat aay tbal WW baaa al timaaaiaaed by keeptaf ouraad-meea aeatea nntuii odock, i.tnl ItW beea ereo later. oi eoanya m this brauoh of Ihe aubject muat be alao eoaaldered tbe dimculty ol reaching then homea e-parto-eed by audience* iu citic- whoae Uberal arraugemeaita <>i spaco. aad ?t eheup 0-1*9, rei.dera 1..,-i-,..l y a (llie lo _ard to time. In nutter of duraltoa, bawerer, taa aadknoe la n..t te be trited aittior napoeed ea. J buveheur.l of a tflao in a city ot Lolorado wbereitflO ?anaflirBB*a traralUaf eaapaar, on tbe toatalghtof un engaKenicnt, in order t<> eatofa a throuxb tiniu. hur rie.l the oidiiiarv juu?loriuiiiic ol his pbaj int<> un hour and a hait. When next the couipuny were comiiig to the citv thev were uiet en roufe. -oine tilty milrs out, by tbe sherin, who waraad them t.. paaaaabyeoaM otber wiiv, a- eoxaing was awaited by a larje aaa tlon oltlie abia-boaUed Bjale popalatioa araaedwlth aaaa The eoaweaj did not, I am talormed, oa thal ooeaaloa vi-.t the olty. I may here manUon thal in \nieiiea the .lramiitie BraaOB lfl ts al ont elgbt moatba-from tha baalaalaa of tho " tall " tn nepioaa ter till tb? bol weather begtaa fhe domiaaal ehnra.ter.-tie of the AaXeriOBn au.heiuo aaen- to be Impartlaltty. 1 bay do aol all m tadgaaaat, reaenting as pn-iti^."ca l.ek of powar lo eonroi meaningaora-vergeaeeol taterpretation rd parBoular obaractoror Beena 1 nnderataad tbat whea they do not like a |,eitoruianc" thev aimplj i;" i.?"^. aothat at the eloee of the eveniai the aUeuee ol a deaerted houae uiv.s to tne inanaeeiii. ui ihe v.i.iiet nioie pot.-ai than Hiidn.le c .li.leii.natioii. lhis ilocs not Bpply to uuoa tions of morala. whieh eaa be, aad are, aa qulckiy ludaed here aa daewhere. <>u thla aubjeel IglTeon tlrely the eridenoeol othera, Ibr it hu- beea mj gwnl fortunc to aee audiencoa a.-at.-.l nii tbe laal ralling ofthe ...niiiti. Aaaia, there bi a Wndly leclmg oa tba nait nf the andienoe toward the Bctor aa an li diTidual eapecially U he bo nol i.mpleto atronger, whieh l-.I prceume, a pari ol tbat reoogullion of lo dlviduallty which la ao atriklna a charaelcrlatie in American 1 ita- and enatoma. Uany an actoi drawa bal.itually a portion ol Ins audience, nol m ronaequence of artuiic merit, nol from eapaoity to arouaooi Mclte ?uioti?u, but ? booaoae there la i mrtbina ln bu ,? ra .ualitj ahicb tbey Uha rhla apinl forciblj i, minda meof tbe alory told ot the maaager ol one .,i tbe old ?? i',;,? ,in-." ? be u.i\e a- ,i :, a- i i.,i tbe i ontinuod eagaxeroent oian impoaaibli bad artor, tbal " he aaa ktad to lu- in itber." Tbe ll irough enJ iyi ;< ni ??' ihe audience ta another poiattobe notleed Nol nol. are they quloh to underatand and appraciate, 1 it there ?oema to be a genuioe pleaaure bi Ibi rxpiei ion ol ajiprovai American andicneoa nre t.,.' luniu* ed in quickneea and coropletoneaa "i comprebeaalon l,\ any tbal I ba* ?? yel a"-n, and no aetor need feai t>. make Ins atrongeal ..r hu- mo t aobtb* eAort. Ior *u -1. ia aure i? reocive inat?nl aud fnll aeknowtedgmeat ut thetr "l h'eie li llttle more than thi- to t? aald of the tmerl can audience. liutahort Ihonxh the rr eonl ia, tbo im preaaion upon tl"- player bimaell bj piolound and abid u ? i o doecribe v, lial one -. i - and b< ara ovn I he i avt i gbta I- todnitol* i naier tl an b.nv< < in ide ioI the iie-nial ili-poaiiioii nnd Iceling nl tb. apeclal ra Ib. h,,ii-e is ample aad eoaafortabla, and the audkuco la well-diai.<1 to be pleaacd. Ladi alike i.loatij In mornlng .!r.-a-. dlatlnguiabed ln ap ????. auldrd ? exery reapeel bj a reflnwl .l.e,,iniit. ibe algbt _generalli plctureaque. K.t*. wintei .....,- ibe uul. aad the nnuonty ol ladiei bave I..ue:- .iih. ? ...ii --.I in Ihe bai d or faaU m d aboulder or eoraage, Ai matinee perlorma aapeeially, wbere tbe bvger proportion ol ii.? audi. UcoBipoaed ol ladbM, the eBect i? nol leaa pleaaing to ,.. , . irnera lhan t>, Ihe tvo. < ??, patient, enthuabMtic, tba Amerieafl audience i? aortbr ol any effort whioh theaotoreaa make on lta bebalf, and be wbo haa bad experienee of them would n aa nntruatworthi cbronieler lf ho lalled, oi evon bealut. d. tobearwitaeafl io tb. ir tatalBgB-ce, thatr taata, aal their g<iKi.-ity. _ # _ UTIBCri BBOEIPTt n PBILADELPBIA. riiii.ADi.i.i-iiiA, Feb. 14 (KiKOBtl).?Forthe w.,_,., ,.\.,, fli li ..'.s.ti BaaCaaataut BtreetOp. ia Etoaao wi re 110.700. IMTIXO'B TABEWl l l. n> BOBTOW. Bostob, Feb. li [8peeial .-The opening Btghl ln Bnaloa oa B.laj "f Mr. Inrlag'a f engagement proml ? ? !?? be memorable. 'lh? li dle are tbal be wlll ii a] to alari ? lr,'" at ntiug mori' to bl.u fliinuclallv, than . - ? " " Iiik night in thla eountry the t -ei.'- for ih? nral week'aaaloa amoaated ..t noon to-daj u> aboal r-.tiou. TWO (.IU Al WITUIX A WEEK. Tbe aaaal matainerade <>f tlie Ueilerkrant BoeMty alwaya Bttrae a Um beat elaea of maaki ra Ingrough ordlaordarly l? erer parmlttod, lmt there i no .-he, k t.. iniioe.-tit gayety. PllrtattoB aadfna reaah ineii llanll witiiout paaelng in"> ?i"i Beeaaa, The eoataxaaa oftheBUMkera areiaora alaborateand than tboea worn In anj otbi r maak d i aB, aaa Uu boxea are ooeepted br*>he .i? -? -kaown aad wealthtaBl '?? faniillea iu BM city. Thla, however. is bj ii" exeloalveiy> Oermlaaball. Kiilekeri..ek. r , i bal i Brttaaa, Beotobmen, IrlabmeB, Prieeb?u*n, li Bpaalarda, Cobana.Buaalana. Breeka aad Hebn ra,all the .ihi-i-iii-d ehBDeate that make npthe graai b?lyof ball goera al Ihe bettar elaaa, ala iyi nieet al tbe Ui dei - krHiir. f..r a iiixht of hriak anjoyment. rhla year Ihe Uederkf?u bah u-rt tbe ald bome "i lt* maaquer?taa. tbe Aoademj oflMuale, nnd baa laken H"' llolropolltaa Optra Houae, ableb Ulnuieh aaarar the Uoderkram Bodmurh moreeonveulentla BTerj wai tor tbe meuibera and Ihelr rrlenoa. AU Ibe boxe ? hare i ? n BOld an.l U.e deiuand 1..1 iMki - baa been exireu.ely ?, :,ve Tbe ball vsiu pbaoa ua Taeouuy night, Februan 17. Tba ctiK" Conferenee wlll ue ane of tnanjr bnmorona featuraa lu tbe great proeeaalon durlna tbe Anon maaauerade ball on Peliruary 23, ln lfadla?ii Kijuare (,.,,.',? ii. l'i ue.- VBIamaroh wlll bo iilctaret alttlngnn un Immenac glohe boMbm a lol ol retna aud drlvlnx the repreaentatlvea of rarlouagBVoram?*uta, ?bo areaeen drawlngtbe globe npon wbMh tbe Black Continent will be.i-[... iiioi- Anotber gronp wlll ropreaonl "tbe preaeul dlfBculty ln tbe Hnudnn. Htlll anotber group wlll ropreaanl the aaptrauta for tbe I'reeldeuey ln IBrid. o\er 1*000 paraona wlll part m tbe parada. ? AT. TALEBTJXrt KBTTLBDBUM. Tba threatening -ky of tbo afteruooa and the dlaagreeabhi Bnow-atorm of th. 111 nlag doubi ba ? bad aa' ?tteet npOB th* BtL -mhili.'.- Bl Uie Bt. ValenttaaVa KeaUadruaa, .then aaa glren yeeterday afternooa al Ihe 7i-t BeglmentArmury, Tbere aere, bowarer, eueuat rlaltora t" awell eonalderably tha treaaury of tbi BamarUan Homefortha At;,,i. In aho a b'-hutf tbe ratber novel eutcrtalnmenl ?a- glven. It waauol eltoxelhera falr, nelther w.-ts u a Klrroeaa. i>u< it .en.k in it maaaure "i tbe oharactorlailcaol both Tbere aaa a taatefully arranged lower table, th<- motive of wboae doeoration waa the Jauaneae fana; there ?,-,, grali-baga ?,l"1 atalbi "f fanej arUclea, elabor.iie Bcreena to be ralBad f'.r. and a luncu counter. One i.'.nli>u ul Uie room waa kept elear ror danclng, a blch w n Imiulife.i In by th" rblldraii. Among tboae who had Ublea. or were ureaent durlna the efier uooii, were Mri Cliandlei Itobblna, Mra. Hurry. Mis. I. .1 M'ola. '.. Mi-. w T. .Iiltr.iv, M:a. Blibard irrui, Mra* iiiii.i,... Bartln.Mra. K. J. BeuMoa, Mi?? Bcmj <n aad Mi... Bulkely. a - i i.w \ \i.i.:;iim s is uu: MAILB Tlio woisliip of .suinl \aleniine, loiinerly iiimo.t aulvaraai, haa faUan bxto aoaaparatlri d of reeaal yeara aud bla rotarte. ure noa law. Bnperin tendent Bleharda, of tha I :tt DeBrery Departmenl of th.- r.,?i oiiiee. aaid yeeterta) i " the uumbei ofvalen* in,, - s, nl th. malla aaa aerar ao amall aa noa ln my experienee, Tbere aara .iin.ost boim yaatonlay und t<>- lay tbere a.nlyafew. i ahanld tblnk tbe uum? bei ?.i oonalderably i*-- taaa half taat of laal yoar. l'i ople are gettinx --n-ihlo or llUMa are loe liai.l ; or . i*e b oili cauaea oonibi?a." ? -? TBB KIBMBBi IB BALTIUOBM. Baltimob-h Fab. 14 NjBatatl)*?Tbt KirBtcat whleh haa Rhen aiich BglllBllIlM dlveraion in New y,?k, riiiiu'i. Iphta and elaewbere, la balatjjn haaraad bere by u iiiiini.i-.-oi l.iiies with ib.- iiiieiiiuin "i f_ ruc lt for tha beuefll ,.l Uu- liome for Incurabl. -. 1 he Hrat i.ln, n,,i, wlll be ui ihe Aeademj ol Mualc on Anrll '_*h Bobearaala in. a v.-ti arery alanday ereniag and are partlclpated la bv i-omoal proBiluenl people. aapeeially tbe youngei ui.mi..t? ?f ihe the fainlllee. Tbe mauaaara bara angaged tho aervloe* of PTofeaaer ttarwlg, >.f flew-Teak, WJIY DOKSIf- BT. JOHN 8l*i;i rt-.m Tht i hfuu" AiLaiiC1 rti Ctrflffar Vnion laXeaaxcepttoa te '-ur |...-iilon i_.i. i.n.f Lboeharaaa af i.hi.-iv itkainsi aa-oororaoa 'j Wt nrgS lhal li- sbould hr..i,'u ni,-. .iiit aawlaatt-ataopapara whioh aaade thaaa Aargaa .and ;,'!?lle..Ke,I.O"hu".".i. ."..' eoi,.e,..|."l..ry UUOB BB to taakfor advlalngaChriaUan to appeal to tl.e law ln a;,::,,, .ofbia onaraotar. Sraral i*r.,b.uit.oi.i.tB havo -.ritloii ua iintkiiiK oomplalnU almilar to UUa, b.i. a ijir?;e i,iiii.i.eioi poraouabavn ludofa-deflr elee ol Um bj ttor, , ?i|mi. ie-pi....ihle gaalbMBOfl have oflere.l la, cou Uibulc to a luad Ior Uu; pioaouuUon ol tue eaa*. | TIIE WEEK IN SOCIETY. NO DIMIMTTION IN.FESTIVITY. CAP.KYIVG BALI.*, MfSIClLKS, WEDDIXOS AND RE ceptions 0? to tiik BOMOBH Of VBKt* The curtiim is aboul to fall, nnd tho iiierry danc.-ra will.soon MMM to tho la-t straln* of nnte-lx-nton fe*i!vity. Tho rclt,'U of lltfht and IMWMI BM MMM M nearly ended for the tlmo, MM Mm daaetag BaOi mmM be docrted. in. Ml - N Bl tlM f.isl.ior.alil- WOrtd will fio tothoSoiltb. t" I Kl?ri,la,.?ld r-lnt ODMfMt, Aal.evlll*. N. C, and the I BataMMM Mr. and Mrs. B.B, Howland.Mei.arH. Hlt.'h i cook. Baatocd aad Mbm, Mm Atmou and MM Arnoi.x are MMMg IM0M alr.-udy flown, Hii-I th.-y will be taUOWeo by MMM in a we.-k or two. Mr. .md Mrs. QaOTgl BMTy tfama Mddaaghtan mmmUm1 for i:ur..peforashort trip. laet weak opcail rtaeMMly with the OMUtoa bnll, in Whieh yOMth a.i-l beuuty wero ao larsely rci-r.-ect-t tln.t It WO?M I00B Invldlous to n.e.itlou any BBM M partb-ul ir. KM PMMB l.?rllliir'1. Mra. .lolin ltorlaii-1 and Ml?. s1. V. T. OtBgM re.elve.l MM MMMMy. Chartaa Baseall Hom led the mmmm mm*. fuliv.ntid Ihe pretty nnd ik-v.-I fa-.ors ml-hd to the iroti bmI tatenat Two bMada taft'notategta badMWi H the way of BMMM, and ultotrethor the ball wm weii arrMBMd, Hka ita mmUnnm. Th-- fllMlBgl c*!.:irt,-t MM at the MMM of Ml*? Isabel Haalltus, lu theevenlliK. aniontf A0M pHMMl bltag Mi** Bemtotta Beebe, Mr?. i>e Bary, Mra. HicViey. MM I.,. Oroot, Mr... Beoedtet anl mi*h ftatatori. TM ammrmH McoMpeoedotO. n. Betefard, Dr. KrdgM, f. Hmttnaji Md <;. w. \-iiu Btetan. They raeet at Mra. PmWi >'o. im \i>Kt feety-tatrd at, eo MeMtay. Mrs. Krederlck HMMttag llowell'^ a-.mmn nlaotook place ? ni Monday rveiilntT BBi was well attended. Another pleasuut tcath. riUK took ptoM at OoMM W. HuruhitmV. a diiuic-r party bMag tho attta-.tlon. Mrs. Uuhard IKOeB* MM liold a reiCplloU. IMaeaay taaagM bmmmmm mmU parties. iMMgwMea uone were ptaMMatei than Mra. A. 8. Bawltfl MMMMM. Her parlors held ubout l."><) Kiiosts at 9 p. m.. when tiio conc, rt BMgM, ?""1 ?'"'>' w,r'' BBttBBttfmtt ehanaed bytharetaa of MbiIbmb MBteraa. the ptaM ptaytag of Mi--, Mnigal. and ttortoUM M OrMi Mnsfal BMd Mr. Ilait.l.K'.'ti The MlMtlQMB lailMadWOfBl of Maadetoohn, Chopta, Ltoal and Vra Bntow, MMMMg lli.-*,- praaaal WMM Mr aM Mra. I-'.dward C-ip-i. Mis. \\ il'.tain A-tor.Mr. aml Mr*. Kane.atid Mr. and Mrs.Wllson. Hcccpttoiia w.-nt <fii awrlMg the nfteriio-.n nt Mra. ChartaaF.MeKhn'a aad Mn I'.vrne's ln heooml-ave. mi-* ByrM raade berrtabnt al Mra. BfaraeVa ball ? taM weeksaao. after lha reeeptlon tbe yonng ladtaa reeeta Ing with her enjoyed a "pink,,dtaner.and latt-r .t aoaall ctiiioii waa laduuredln. Mr. and Mr?. Otm >WU* aoa % iv >? Me ot .i lertoa --r dlanora in tha eroolM al Bo. II l liftti ave. Jadge an 1 Mr*. Van ToTSl ?av.- totwelre ROeeta, who won eatertalnad i-y Mr. Uncola. 8*T*ralwetMtagat,-iv.- v.-iri.ty tF> Wadaeaday. MM floranee Eafolle Upidnoott,darutbMr of sh.-piiard II. l.ippiiK-ott, waamarrled to Cbarlea';>-\, ln Chrtol ('11111-1 li. in Ibe f-\. iimt.-. At th- -.i.i.. t.i..- tl,- ( tiiii.ii nt thu TrauafUiiirutlon waa lueacenaof tb* woddinx of Mlaa Ma) i. ( ? m I, daiifhtet of ( harli s B. Coniell, nnd i ' ? cii.tii.'--1- Iteid, of Canada, ltra.Zerega gare b '? cepllou in the atternoon. Thalaatof Ihe T.-,-it??~* Aaeemblr balleoftha I the ereiiliieofThiirwIny with pleaanre. Sfovi tj v..i- allaluml b)? niiii'iiiiir tli" tiio- houorad eollllon ai l ary da.rarda, on wbleh lha jrotinti ,?.,. ii ,- and i o ii |. daueiug ln tl.e iii<<-1 u nrmal i i ih .. i'li-- were onl ln f'-r- e,aa waatoboeipeeted i,t ., M.i !..?? h' ? ball, aud with tbe uaual - ;!-??( --f b.ltchl .- ,-, in ibe dr*aa*a ln tbe aaaeaobl] i . | . IlK-lll ail|o.l| tlu- >t: ? Mra. )>( bl. ffelln, Mra. f. H J<>: < -. Mra, M'< itii.l tii.-ir ....-nl] it.-i- -l'.,.-rvi tn. I'.ttl.'.'!?-.lit f..r Ilu- ,'\ ,?...i,t uiana eruenl -.f Ihe*. balla, Tb* u|-i? r . - : .? i* n i\ f. Fiurt1 | tl f- nft' with f ?--. pti-n?. and i..?? r wltk dlaner p.irti-?. ? . ... bii b !f.i> !?? ? n -.rt: ii.i ?? .1 r^-r I i div, r?lon. niol in Ibe evenim at Mra. W, I* Van K*na . :, , I,,. -i . ,-... M < , i.i.?!. I atll I-. bI Ml < MrKlm'a i ? it l n ,|.,., wli.-li tl,-- BVBI ? '. I ' 1 H ' i Harrii:. |r., - nw i talne.1 tweutj ? at .i.i.i.. l, al No l -l W*al '1 -.. nii ihlrd it %li? |. v.. ( ..ii'lit and Mra L '). Woodbooa* hel-i , ? . i rd all i s i. ?f i -.. . ... . , ,1* did ..:*? Mr. an . .... ? in.. Ua* ,,f , ! f ,.,. xu* Ie a 1 . ? . i, ln i:r.-..k yn, Mr. and Mra i - ? i l rall ???.?. ? . In I'li al l< .. , , f ?l >ral*d with flow, ij , n.-i. preaanl ind anjoyed danrlng ln tho n . ary. , , ? - r ibe bu*le4t f1 iv* i.f ibe weel i ? aftenioon raceptlona were uutnep ia and n >? ? pl ,,.- i!, tbe -?-.? Iuk Mra .' H i .... .1* .". rn ..fii Mt Ii- r I ?!,,-? ln ;, s.iiia.- Bonth, and w.n aaalated ln ii.-r ,i,i 11.--. i-v bei dangbter, hrr t...... id Mra K. < ..'f?t- I larg* naabrr of p, ?f:.. |.i.-..-i-t. and man. "f n. afl*rw*rtla attriido.1 II,,. |. , ttn.i. I-. Mra I ?-'?' "??" * so,.i.-ii Mr,. Mitin r-u |. ?.?...- a -?..?iii.ii.k- I...-:??,. ?n 1 ),-i |. ii- in v,. ,. i ... .:. -t. v..-:. . rwwded with a ?? -'- '?? ::. M. ?? ? i ??? I . . -.-. Tb* Utratrlrala of Ut* init.-ia.iy . f.,r tlu- b.ii.llt of Ihe I . , \p....,., iiror*d a ??"?? attrartlon, and i-1 M.-4 i', ? pori : Mlaa ,,.. were ^-:f. rlallf pleaalna !n tl giid tli'i f tbe Mua ir|ia < lub w ??? . n ? -. -i f. .: by tbi Mi- .i.i.,.- I. I'.'t:.-r. Mra. adllara M li - . M uiu?< I \ an Iti :.- -?? ?>? r. Of t1..- oi tny ?! tni im | ,,-,,i . - ? I ,. oceurred prrbapa i .? ,, ,t/al '?? m tbal a .? ti i y M:?? , . ,? ut I,. r botne, Xa 8 Weal *4*T*nte?ntb-ab ?j |,, ;.,, ... -.|ii ,!.. |. . . > . ? ,i ln.', aml aa on'.y llfl .;????*?:?,?- tl ?ir?viNl u ? . tu- I io-\.-ii.i.-ii.-?t-??, who ,,,. ned allbbai im uer, woreaprelty plnk-fowa. and i v, ,. dn -<? .1 ii - ii aml i? ? ? '...- I \ tiria preaent followi - ? ? I ?*.i of halr-dn-a* Mra llalibl. Mra 1-:t' .. , t \i - M. I.>.l. *f l .,. .,. ni, rtalne 1 dai rl rpartb Mra - \ H L'rn*r< r bad a ronipnnjr "f |u*ata al dlaner. 1 he tw-- larce n .,.,. i, one to Will imM.I lariaal it?>- t'nloa l^aajua < . -??. . ,,.|,, r t.i l -. ? i .. .;, lii 1.r of bl - , . letb'blrthduy,.iliia on tne .?u,e evenlnir, k--pt lb,i ,,,, i, it, aud 1,1.1 i?f - i rank T. Bl, ? f Na 718 Plftb ...'? ant. tt.iii.'-i i".' i ieau la iii<- < \> atng -t \'.i - nlln*'a Day brooihl with tt. yeaterdaj, the an i , k. " edi um .?!>? -'i at i i. . ! ni nl amiory, loi ij? i,:,.!,i F.f ii,- Hainurllau lloma r< ?: tha ii:.. Many fiii,-y Ubtoa praald*,i uveri>rliaiida.>mi wom.-n, tbe w-.ra, the ?? and F.'ii.r attrartlona drew loirethei I fnalih.nithh people. Tbe Mlaae* Berasnn, Mra Ulcbard |i v.,;,, ::...- lra.M I al o na aa I al tha labl.-a. und t< . raaeerred bath aflarnooo and e\.-!iiihv V ,-t. V'aleBilne'a luuchaon alreo by Mi* i i, French wai ? M?( I oeenrreui e, ,i],. ,- nloi * iMlni ni i ? laoui*. Mra latorand Mra. W. M Huydam turt dlnnei parttea l'u-t . .enliiK. and in ihe aft. n.n Mra I red.-rlel lt.. on ?,, n t, ,i tiFiui l uiilll 0 o'cl.a i..'. t.-.i bj aaveraj , !??, aud Mlaa Whllo,ofS?coud-ave?ent*rta .i .I uiolni party. Only two Motw <it?v4 nre i-ft f.?r iliti'-inu' and ... uum- rtn.a Invltatlnna aanl ont f", - ,, . ,? .,.,..,? two ..Tealuga " would aeeni Ihal 11*? - rouiiK iwople u.ual dance untll utidulibt ou rueailay to (uiui in-'ii - n*.--?"?? i-t ? '-.' ratrtaroha* ball "" Tuea ,1,4. ,m |, ,,f ,-...||f..-. t..- the niFF-t IntF-r. .tlu-..F-F-iirni. The ? ollllon wui enu ?itli a \ ntriiu.. i--.-l, in wbleh ererj ,,,,.,,,,.,,,! I* --j-.t'-.i tojoln M.iu) ii..1.1 atranaera are Invlted, and altocetber thi ball wtll be thehaad Bonicat ever fflM"!) bj Ibe flttj roetnliera. Ilie -t,ii.n l-iaii-i i-imitty ba i the aaiae Brenlna will be lanaly atlended. The (lennan Club rooina at - ? Uin w 111 be the acene of the ball, and th* couiMlttee In i rai ;,i- Uro ika, mi- lt--1- rtek I uu ru , Kraatui \siniiii Hi.-l other prontlnrat Btaton lalaudera. rhrra ,... ,? i, f.iii,.ii: aif i ailpuer. liean and Mra. llofTiiiau uave aei.t onl* of Inrlta ti?u f?i ii reeepllon Moudaj arenlng. fonr ?r ii*? hiui'ln-l jru.-t-- ai' < xif?. i.-l, aml lhere will be u -.,.,,- indrefreahi ul Mra. 1 and ^lt i ?'? - iB w||i |tivi a reeepllon at their ftflb-are. realdenoe, aad Miaa V'edder will Im nutnied lu tbi altarnoon. i ?,.,,. weddtaK" ".- Tueedaj ar-. Intereatlna eoni lui eveut*. Mlaa Kuapp, daujebter "f J" M-ph F. Knupp,ol Hadfordave., Brooklyn, wlllltemm ii, ,i iu ibe afi. r.i in Ihe large muMl,'*rociu ofibe houae; and tn. weddlngol Mlaa M.uv arel \U.-<- W ... n-r ;,. | iv.njauiln Klteb wllltaki plaee M lt. Aua'aChureb, ln ?- -l I. < \.i,'i, at. i ...... ,,,.-.,! ..! Mlddleton u. Burrlll to M:** Emll*/ \. i aou, '! ) ..i 11"- kawaj, i* announoed. 11,, in-t f. w ila...-i i.f l^-ni will Im qulet. Ev. rj <"!-? wi " ' ' t t" i' Jt i.-r n litib' while aad then wtllroiw aewlnKpartleonnd dlnnera, '.-i ,. tuuat dlne, n II la i.<-i t, lt i- aald tbal Mlaa BIHotl atll n-iiiii... her ai ii| ela oi tulxed taat year, aad K< ::-1 ls gettlna up one. \ ti w ii-F- ban bera M for entartalnnienta after 1 . ?? i. The Klrio.-* will bealren ..t lh? Melropolilau Op ra Houae on Aprtl 14, and th* ChUdraa'a Cainlvai will ,, ,. taki p -' ? aboul thal Um*. Tbe Badmlnion itaroea at the 71*1 Reglment Arntorj proini e to ln a |M,puiBr during l>nt aa a year ago. ln* viutlona tn aubaerlb* har* h*en laaued, tha c---t belni I m iiaditeu to ih. treaaureraad \. B. Carharl, M. A. Wllka.i .lolin A.'ll.i.i'i. n. Ji . forni the eouii l Mra tator, idra. J. Fierponl Mor**au,Mra B] ramK. >t--v cnaaiid other prouilueul la II - will ovi i... irainea. Mi aMarahl owelland *?!i*...-. U.HchUnlniror will ,,--t ln a ahori pla. for obarltjr ?t ".>? Unlreraltj L'lub l h( alw on I'buraday eveuluR. i - - ir) !I8. Mi~* I all. IM . TlekeU will be 83 eaeh, aad mai ba oblalnwl <-r Mi^. De I --I- at, Mra. John II. Drapi., Mi -. .-. I.. M. l'-'i u,M Mra l-'i".* W. \.,,:.!? ii i.i. M'-. Kdward J. u,,',i... v Mi*. i'i.<nk Wortb uiiit... Mra c f.Chlckertna, Mi? li u Ha.Mra. u illiaui P.Jatfrar, Mi*. !>??! Moi.t*, Mra Charli a I'erkina, Mra Josepk M. Hurt, Mi-* BaTM i?,i t and Mlaa Blodgett Mr. Le Mai-u. wui begtahlaLeatai radtattoMM ln ueb on Februarj UO. Mi:\ WBLBOra BBCEPTION. \Vasiiin-.i.>n', Pab. J 1.?'lli** HiKiw-atortii j-roMil ii" diawb.ok tn the cruwita *t MM M.l.lioy'a ncpiioii t'l-i'.ay. llcaine tho BMf| Waak cii'.l.ia. tb-to was an uiuiHiial iiiiuib. ? of MHMMrl, BWB aro gatlnrlug for the uioiiilineiil BMMMMM und luaiit,'iirt,tl.ui. Tlie denrth of MMtlMMM M tbe brilllantly liKbted Htute purlora wua marked. MaMMl M. Ml. hael preaented vlaltora lo Mra. MoKIroy. who recc v d in a MMBMMM bla.-k tollet ?f aattuaudjot, ?ith knot* of ruhy velvet ou her balr. I ller aaalatn.iU were the wlfe of the fMBMBMf ?' t1'" j Ti.aKiiry, we..rlnK vlolet t:roa graln and pauay velvet; tbe wlfe of heiialor 1'i.udtolou, ln black ailk, draped|wiU tbread laco; Miaa Luay I'*reUiighuyaen, who wore a tralned eklrt of electrlc blue ailk, wltb leaf pauela of red aatln, aud cuiraaa hodlce of gold-colored aatin and velvet broeiidei Mra. Jobn Uuvle, ln garnet velvet and ducheaao lnce; the wlfe of Maraball McMl.hnel lu eream whlte groa grabl and bluck velvet triiniiiliip.; Mra. Bockwell In bjuck 1-coover lilack ailk ; Mrs. Jamea. 0. Kei-.l of New iurk. lndcml leaf aatln aml plnk ostrlch tlpa in her linlr; aml Mra. Jullan Jamea wenrlng blaek ailk with caa< ude rutll, s <,/ whlle. hicc. Baekof the lme Mias Mc Flrov, In a shnrt dre?a of bluck vclv.-t, had with her Mlaa PtoiiKhton of \C\T Ynrk.who w,.re Oriciital lace over whlte ailk, aml MbMShetyBl ln rabyaatla aad jetiod hue. with c..r?aee botiijnet of whlteroaea l)r. Mury Walk.-r tnnped ainilinu'ly ln. retnoved her bat. and aaa Inlrodueed lo Mrs. M, i:ir..v. Tba abaence of dtp.iiiinita waa marked, tha twlaa and Japanaaa Mla iat.ira iti.aie belaa proai nt. I?a wlfe >,f Baa?tai Oaaa eion, of 'A laeonsin, wore a blrtbday boaqaet <>f exqulalte r".-es, which ahe htucjihiifly culled her ? vulentlno " for the day. ? * Antaagtbe iTaaBehithehlM room weie Ihe fhniiBtaiT of Btateand Mra. Frellnghuyeea i Mr.O'Haia.ex-meeabee'Of the Britiab Parllaraent Ml--. Kate Field, Beprraenta tlve Bandotph Tueber,| nnd Mra. gheridan, th*. w -ea of Beaetora Hawley, Blalr aad Waraer Mlller, tlie wlfe of Seoator CorkreU, aml her brother Dr. Kwlng, Ihe wlfe of the l,..Ktiiiast.-r-i.*i,er,il, ii -..|int?r aie! Mr-. l.avl.l I>,im.s. tl?. w|fe ?f JoaUee Pleld, Mrs. Willlitm ijoraheiiHir, Mi-a Bprtgxa, the daughter <>f aaBanatoe Mii, inn of Uregon, wbo oauM lawlth Allafl Attluir, ?ra. KautTmaa ,,f Bow-York, Mlaa Kate Poote, Klaa Churcbill and Mlaa Boot After tha raeapUofl Mrs. KeXIroy teet ? larxe eoaa nanj tothe upper conidorwben the atrtaxed orcheetra ImprorUed from tha -artae band, played, wbilo tea was at'i'vvd. BA 1IBOA l) INTBBB8TB. THOUIU.BH Of THB HICADIMi. PHILA-BI l'liu. Pflb. 1 l.-(i.olr'e \V. Da-Batj apaeial Baaater aaaat tha reeelvenalp <>f tha Baadlag Kallroiul Oaajpaay, to day tlled lu tbe I'nlted Stntea Clr ettlt (oiirt lu-t|ft,.,.|,tb report. The llliltter referred to la tbe car tiust loan. The ma-t.-r la of tbe opinlon tbat tbe e,|iii|.mrnt cvered by tt?I tniat la ncceaaary to a DBaeattaa of tha railroad.aml that Ita earnlnga Hiiinihit to inn, h lnore tbaa the pfllBBBBll rrquired to he ?aato flflner the bbb?a, UMhaaBraj taa 6 per aaatxerae* iiiuu und tbe yoarly paymeut of 10 per cent. Tlie iim-ter leeaaaaaaada ta the aoort tlmt !jr> 1,000, B13oa\OtO, antt20a*000, the payment of wh'ch waa aaaat far by the palltluaaia aad whleh talla tne tatfaary 18, ihaeld be pald. t_ W. Barrlngerfar hiniscif and eoaaaal fnr the other holders of Bm adjiislmi'iit aorip ae.ured by tho Im oine BMrtgage nf tbe PUUd Ipbla aad Readlng Railroad Cotupany to-day flled exceptlona ln the Dnlted Btatoa Clrcult ioiik tothe report of the spe. lul maater ?led on February 12. The report la eieepted t.. becauae the maater dlreota tbat the lntaraat bo iuUd oa ull Um M'.nt ingdebt; becauae, bj tbe report of the maater, "netln come" m tbo baada <>r t !)?? rwelvera i? dlreried from Um ai?ciflc iien upon It glran h) the me,,me mortgaga aml tne rlghtaof thnexc-plAiitadamaxed ; and becauae It la Bgatnal tl.,- |M)il, v ,.f llie ;aw r.,r th,- court thus to ciurt ou the bualneaa o|M>ratlona .,f a railroad, Inatead of order tng a ape+dy foreeioaure and dlatrtbutlon amoog eredi tora Bocordiug ta Um proprlellea of Um Baa ? MfBCELI AM'ifs BAILWAY [X-BTXIOEBC-. Galtbstob, Peb. 1 l. Two btlli in equity bara been ti;, ,l in tbe Uall dStatoaClreultCoartagalnal Um Hooaton aat Taxaa Central BaUway Company by Mraata.Eaton anl Botoal, tha trueteea ,.f Um Bral inortgaga boe.1- oa tha mala llne of the TezaaCentral, and of tbe Bral mortgaged bouda on the Auatln dlvlalou. Th* hiiii- ir.- -??[,.ir.'t. ,,ii ,i !i mortgn re. Tl.bjeel ,,f ti... -ii" ia i.i.j.. i ti..- rompany to u ik. l-.I the alnk ii g : mda for ...?'.. ? ? d boada Bnd t" t. atraln ai y diveraion ..r tbe funda frmn Ihe paymi 11 of th.- aame auuually, and to reacb tbe proc. odaul ih>- . bave been aold. II -??iit-i-.t i:... I'. . Pi b. ' 1 Th.- Wurr. n BBd - CBI Orure Railroad Oompaay, wbleh wlll run from BTarren to a potat on the llne botwean Sow-York and Pennayl ra I i,i ' Bftoen mUea, waa ehart with ,i, ipltal ,,f .--.?..<m.o. < ni< ...... I'eb. li ih.. u. teraroadaarebrlnglng in .lataof frelghl boaad tor lhoEaat.but the i aat.Tti madaaraablpplngprln i ? u?ck.dreaaed rp, rlabable frelxbl thal haa be. n di oa ii.-c iint of the aaow blockadaa The B'eatern Unea ?'.:! he pr r. nta l h i.'? ? ? r a week ind thlsil ly of h .-.-??' i ign l to . ae. k "ii a.-. ? iu.1 of Um aaoa bbx ?.el.?-. DTSAMJTEUB8 0BTA1SINQ BUPPL1E8. Oa tba nreet Bbla "f Pelnam Bay, near ita month opooaite the Bsyeheatei atatloB oi tba Hariem Kiver l.r.ill. h <>f lhe'.\ew-lla\eii itlol llartl d.l Ki.ll i...ul, a tract >>f laii'i i-".'ii|'i''?l bf the Am. 11. mi Dynaaaita Companj i"i tbe mannfaetara ol theex ploaire, Tba arorka rataurise abonl a doxen auiall IranM boildinaja acattered otoi tbe territory. On on.- of tbe l.iiiiiluig". bnllt on a i-icr at tba watei . t, . inataatly diaplayed a red nat aa a warn Ingto iratiK. rs m.t t" apareaeb, 00oa rarlona oe i u?l..iia aariooa aaaldeata ba-a ... .utr. -I. \\ h.-u tho i,..\ of ieaqa? otltleaof Ihe dynainlti ;.i ? aaily hroughl t.. tbo city In li.-at-. m Ithoul attracl i.iK ti,.- 11.-t.f any oue. A f-w nighta ogo t he ie u . ? brohen into and ri_hl eaaa-a ..1 dy? namite wore Btolon. lt i- beliexiN] thal the bu'glary aaa co_imiltod by dynamite flauda, wbo thrreby Bvoid any objoetlonabb qucaliona boiag .iskeil in 1.,- if.i io tba fite for wbleb it "?? ? wanted, 7iii> 8T0EIES OF .1 FAMJLI BBAWL. A nian Witboal BB ov-ieoat. aad we.inng* fl aed bat which dkl not Bt hlm, entered I'olleellead ,t 10 "'? !"? ?? 1.1-t nlghl aith b glrl ul l t< aa. They were corered wltb su..w. ihe aylrl wore onlyaa ? . . , , aad 1.0 ?? ixerli | foi bei baad. "Thla la my .linu-hi.r." the man aald t.. taapevtor l'i la, " bi ?! I would Baa te hare berearad for t?nlgflt. afya drit.-n ua i,"th out ..f tbe bonae. Hhe I- .1 11 ,,-t brutal vt,'u,iiii...f 11 bomli Id dtura. ro-nlghl -!,,? dn .-? 1 the glrl abaal bj Iha h.iir, and attacked me when I In telfeled. ? 4 InuUaK. ! t" .- a|? Ultll .111 ll . . ? . 1 i , .. aorth ue i ttonlng I a lll a k tb. - for the l'i. ventlon >.f Crui Itj to I b . ''en to lutoi (,. huif ,,f ui. , hlld i" morrow." y- the man ?? ni .. ,, ha - ,,,l il, ti he would go lo a lodi Ina bouae i,. - , ? p lle tboiigbt bU wlfe woiilil try to klll hlm if le- wei bume It waa Ida IntenUon. he aald. to havo bla diiuuli ? i m tb< ? ar. of arel tlve li lloa ui luape. tor I, .... ,. ..i tba ?irl ln the i are of Bra ?- bb hh. ?ild ii..,. -',,? waa Ada Bprlnger, of No. IM Itr Ha ll., fatbi i 1. -i I been :..i|ioaltor lu Ih Htar.i ? , ai 1 Bluci il.-- ?"?!" nalou >,f th.- uewapap. i bad nol b. en Bbla to earil li,u lll II-"' '? ? ? A Tbibiixb reporter, wBo wenl to BTra Rprlna-i -, waa adi ii'i'-.l bi a ibort, atout, full-faced ?.iu. ><It la not true," aald Bra Myrlnxer," thal l drovi ni] dauahU r and buaband from t ? ud l did not -it,Me bim. 1 hare acrabblng lu th-i-tewart Bulldlug, and when IeamoIn to-nlgbl I aal down nnd oourfd myaelfacupof tea Bj dangbtor liegan drum mlag on tbo uhlo aa If ?he wen phayluga idauo, i ? il i ? Ada. thla la nol M"-i.and l wanl im piano playlux I,,, ? Hhe anawered: ' I'H play all I waul |o, aud then I alapped Ber faee. tt that her father Jiiuiped up an.l i-ii-I...I i.i .wilh lii- tl-i ralaed. I pr?teeted niy ln-,?i with mi bauda. bui be ?ci it. hed mj nerk. I then idikedup an rmptj wlne bottl". aud tbreuteued i" hit hlinlfba atruck al me igaln. With thal be told Ada to run out and he touowed bei ... ilual no commaud. . OLMBIOn I\ TBB BABi Bl^ BB Tlie llthter FUtt, onrned !>y Tboroe & -ii-ini, ..f No, l'i ,al - a bl yeaterday ra ? i, .lllalon with tha bobBlag beat Charloa BarabaU, o-i,.-,| by BleobM Martln, al Plar No. I-, Eaal lUyer. Tbe laitor boal waa im ired t" tha n.totit "f aioo. n,e - lau cauaed by the beary 8oa of taa m tu.> ii'.... . i i n\e BIM TBBOA l WITB .1 BABOB. JajBefl Draffln, bb lii-lmian, flge forty-oBe, Bttemptod to eommlt BUlclda yeaterday athUh.. Bo. ??- . Motl -t . i.y ruttlng bla Ihroal with Blrator. Hehad IM-,>edju ih- OcoblentalltotellntRe Itowm t..,.i!,v he borrowed a raiortoahave hlmaelf Illawlla ,li? ov.-redhlmlii l, -,l wilh bla Ihroal i ul aml Ibi li.II razor m lu* hand. Bbe took Ibe rawr from b ui aud .. poUcei. Au ambulance fn?m ?t. Vlneeiit a HoaplUl ^a- -uu,.ied uud I" tflln waa taken Surgeon Dar?i aaJd ba ?,.^ aonoaalj lajareO. - ? ? ? T<>\! UU UBB WJDOW TO BB KABBIl 0. Ciih \..?., Peb. li i>'/""'"'. 'I'1" approach. IngmairlageofOountBoaebudaud Kra Tom Thumbla real aBraaaong the dwarfa and mldgeta of the..tiuy, inany ot wbom "M ? ?' '" lir preaenl on ibe Intereettafl eeeaaton. Tha Ooual and hia brother, the llai,,n l.itll.r.uuer, itre now lllline ,,ii . ii_i.l-. no nt Bl B . taoeaxe BHtaaaai. A lettoc haa t.i reeelved from Ni w Vork uniioiiiieiiu- that tha eeremonj lhal Utoaaake Um Wldow Thumh the Crmnteaa Boaebud wlll take plaee, amld li.ii-h aurroundluxa. In Trlulli . hui'-h, n-w irorx, ou AprllO. ih.-. ouufa bi il i >'' '"?'> ' ' ?>'- '""i l"'', tha llaron.or paaalbly Major N?well,tte buabandlot Mlnnle \iiir....i. ul,., waa Mra. rbumb I alatar. he . oiint Boae.iit.,.l Bamn UttleHnger are Italian twlna. ii.e < owna .. ciiiitiv mbi iBluOy.wa-ra hawlB tuke hl? b?tt Upoll llie ue.l.ill.K lour. ciiM-i". k am. lili; aJt-BI-K BIOBIB. To Ihe F.ditor of Ihe Irtl'Unr. Sm: Mr. Antlioiiv t' B-ff-l 80000* piisba world otK.imtn, BBteaaataBaf rtaaUha did i,.,t have aiirh u atroBg leodencj lo he u aoMB-ee^The ?? ArabUn NlghU" la a uo.k tbal baa ?-???'"?:,",';',; It waa ? Ireolated before Mr. i lomatook ???'';"u''?"'? * ' eimtliiuotoheeireuhit.-.l tor mauy .lf le 1 a ,i,?th Itdeaanotnead te be aappreMW I. am er m.. (aauteeh haa iaW bla realallaaa ha.i.i ou au. h ki. u* iUUTaa Ihr i:,lic, OotHtt. and baa ll'' '>',,', ,,f yeiiow-i.i.cked rahawk u?ut p*4eoaa ". "''.' '* SL boughth-achlhlraa.ltwUlbe Umeonough, w ki.o "'? attoutloa to ihe atorlea ?f Baroun Al lt"*"'""'? ? ,_ .W lo//.-, leb. 14, 11H3. *? ?U-N* B0I*< *10 -a> HAXOLEP AXl) RILLLl' HY * TEA IX. CbICaqo, Fob. 14.-Tho lowor part ?>f ? man'a le., lBllXfta| the kner. waa br..u?ht t" tbe patfla atatlon lu the auhurban town of I.ake BBtBdajM Ihe lln.b waa wuim and ataXe-Bf aml h..d kaafl phked up on t lurk and l*_RJ hrht aU.. aborlly after a train ha.t paaaed lo Knglewood. A ae-rch Xur tho reat of Uie body waa J made, and the dead body of M. P. Ball, a tailor, at No. 4.937 state-at.. waa found on Eitrhtletk-at., by the Lake Shore track, nearly three inllen awuy. It waa maugled in a tcrrlhle inanner nnd waa mluiia ono laar. The body waa plaoed ln a box und wua aent to tho ngtaWOOB polloo atation. It ta *uppos*<l tliat 11.11, after loalu* hla letr, acl/ed hold of thu runultiK K.-ar of tho cars aud held on untll he fell from exhaustloii, uud waa then ui.ui.ii.d to death beueath the truui, ? KILLEI) BY IHE EXl'LOMOX OF A BOH.ER. Tottsvillk, IYiin., Feb. 14 (Special).?A loiul report froin the vlclnlty of North Mahnnoy colllery laat nlifht aro'iaed the people of that neinhborhood. It was soon dl.*covercd by the crowii tliat colleeted about the oolllery aa if by i.-i.i/:- that a boller h?<l exploded in lli.- BMglM lioiuo aud thut, beslde the gMMl work of destructiou of property, two llv.-s had been e.t< rlll< e 1. riii-r.- MMI twelve lnrtto MMM ln tho nest, nnd the one next to the colllery ezplod.-d. MNWlMg all the otliers ont of the ucst, NMpletaly ileatroylntr the bulldlnt", leuvlntr eniy a coufu.**-.) uiasi of bn-keu tlmnera aud shattered nia-onry. .I.iMph Lloyd, the llieuian, waa taken out Bonscioue,bnt uunble to flri any cxphiniittou of the eaoasof the axptoaloa. Ba died in a few hours. He nnd john Bwaah were tbe only peraona lu the buiuiiiiK at tlie time of the axptoaloa. "ror boBM time no truco of Uwauk could ba foiiu.l. It m kiiown tbat hc was in the bulld tnx. In the rwareb imong t be rntaa a porttaa of hla body w.i-. reoorered. Hla death must have mm lustantaneoua. lloth were initri i-il BMB, The dainatte to the property will ainount lo n lartre aum. The colllery wua owuod by the I'hliailelplila aml l^a.iiutc Coal and Iron C'on.pany. aml had it eapadty of about 1,600 totis per week. It ttuve MDployment tu 16u men aud buys, and tbey will be ldie for Biiini: lluie. BTWBBOB IX THE CASE 09 OR. OOERSEX.'iiia, Feb. 14 (Sp,cial).?Thm to\ lowinir tottar, nddrmad ta DMMtot*Attamy Omham, ia pnbltobed thls aftenioon froui BMdM tiouder, tbo prlnol pai WitMM in ihe OmMMH case, who is now nt Houth BathlahOM. Ivnn.: "I alt down to wrlto that I anw a plece ln Tlf Philadelyhia HMM ubout me an-l my pnr -i,l* aml MMM, and I bogB you will uot think it true. Thera was i MatfcMMM MM) to liothlehem aud wnnte<i my MMMMM. Ile sald ho wm a-K"lut,' to prlut a book about (Jocrsen, and l ynvo the snine sfateiuont a* I jrave iu court. Las-i week taari wm n (eatleinM MMI to Ml me. His ii..ii.c was Mr. MeNeal, und he wanted me to My that Dr. Qooraea wm all the tlrae drunk.and I sald I could not say ho, aml now he ls apeaklut: falsely aif.iinsC bm t and ba haa aleo aaM that I deatod my etatemcut, which la untriie. Little did I think, when tli.y asked uie thoee queatlona, tbat they wonld make IMh etartoa QMt ofil. An'they eome analn. they woti't be left lu. Mr. Uraaaiu, would you ploaM aead ta tti'. Oovernor aud toil Ii? u, what was pui.lislie-1 ab-.ut uic ln au uuiruth I" .-4?-, ABBBtttMB A BABB 9BBMIDBMT TaOT, Feb. II \Special).?Tlie arrest of Ed wurd A. Bowtoe, pii-i-leiit of the Flrst Xatioiial Uank of st. aUbaaa, Vi., aml H. B, I^ewls, has created great ex -?i'-iii-ut la tbat city. Tho warraata wero obtalaed by tha tMatrtct-Attorney upon tatarniatton iil-'-l with him ebarffins;tbem wuh oonaptrlng with the cit*hlir of thu bank t.. decelve tbo bank cxamiaer bv maklnB li.-tttleus pauerto kmprovi ihe appearauoe of tbe baabfi a.*aote. - - ? AIO F<>Ii TBB BU99BBIMQ 0B09TBBB CmcAOO, Feb. 14.?A attmhec of Beotah nigbland, ra, re ddenta here, baM appotated a mmmIMm to organlM ?a prellmlnary rneettag of every mm M Chlcairowhoaympaihtzea with th-' poorpaoptoof the [i and Noi u ol Muotlaud, with tha oajeel of ratotag ftindi tor tho Crofti TUB WBATHBH BBPOBL OOVERNMBNT INDICATION& \Va-iiim.i--n, Feb, 14.?Fot Ni.-w-Kngland, Itahl inowa, pirt.y elondy weather, aortheaaterly wteda, iowoi barouatar.andasUgbt rtoe ln U mperatam. i.,i th* MifIUo Atlantto siat-*. dearlni weather, northerlj wtnda bccoutlng van.tbie, a .*n?ht ri?u m leinperature, TRIIHTXE NOJUi yiW IVkTl >\**5. BOUBBi Mi r 14. Mtrbt. 1 ? 1 j 1 | 7 - " |f) 1'.' 1 g ,i ?' .*> r, - ? B1BI1 BAJt fntt 1 1 - . nMln*Fj?lar valta H*ar?*>rta?BUta?aaalllail<iai ti ll.. ,. |f] w . ?i,l , , :.., j'l t... ' - <T or '. U. J llD? rrpr.irnt, lla rartail u la .? -??' -'. a< lai,.?,?.! aj i?c t-4< at Haa a?l ? ,.-.....; I.i u . ? ?j. IBMBMI OmOB, Peh. 18?1 a m.?A -t rni centcr d< -,. .),. 11 d :..-- Florlda eaait jreetontaj raomtaa and rapidly up tbe eoaat, wblla a Iom anergetto de V.i.4.1.MUBBBlOWly < aatwnnl from th.- Mlddle Il.-cky MountalBB, and a thtrd appeared la tne Worthweat The BtMoaph. ri- |.'- - inre 'u re f*ll untll afterdark, and then .,,... r ,.t \ .; .d weather prevaltod, with aaoa i |ual i.. --.:;; laeba i nielted, IaU* In Ute dajr. The tamperatur* ranfed between 17 and 27 . the averaga (23Ta i beiiij,* 1 'm hla*h< lhan -- ? l rl.lay. I'aii rhamea ln tempera tiil.- ni.,) Ue exprctod lo-.l.i)- iu ilu* city uu.l wciujiy. THK u-ni-. i:i:-M. iikf. Tlu greal Urc in Wooatcr-at. waa reported to have !? ?!.... .1 I.-"-" harrela of cod llveroll, loaether wltb all tbi alock. ttxturea and niachlnery iMjIontrlni t'. the euiliionl iiiHiitifactunuii rhemiat*, M---r-. .".' A jlowiie, but thia Unu, with .'liar.i. larlatlc etieriry, Itnnie Kllouaquarn-ra al l.'i- and t : i H.uiili j iftb .!-..... and are now prepansl t.. aupply all Ihe demai ; ? f.. ? Peott'a l-rmulalon, u !.i.-,'i hna nowbecome ?r?rld whi. lu Ua ivpul ? tbe inedli ,il profoa .-.,ii r.,i \~ i aud great remedlal ralix ln waatlng dlavruera, ? ? ll-lel' ir.' ' i , nl < i- "):i Ihe tmertean pl:in: ^nt-.-r-i-.r . , ? :it [i rti-s : pnvaM ..... loliel i" -ii. . f, ? ? . ith even an irtra< :it. i -,t i* i. lo.-i'. Pwpneter, ? I.'.sf; Hkvmii As ., Kea Bl Ie Winter Reaect Tbe altention ..' Ib-tae aoel dji - rhana* of alr BBd aeene li,, ,,.. .:, i a-,,i ?? fi y ?i i na inont ? i re* -. ttully lnwiF-.i tothe . ii.i-.iF-i i il ailraiitaiee of lha ? II ?l v?.I ' f.iM: . ..?? I ??,!< 1.1.1 ?:,. M i The baleoni.K uio incioaed iu ?;.-.?, rovertn aa areaol i-.,,., f,,, i ?,, , ara iieated i,\ ateam radlatora and car. p.i.,1 .i.r..iii'i.-1'it. ao that rrue ta eaa I >? e-rved witti i........ ?? n. i*li dlulna-hall > l a la carie ln a uannar eqoal lo Dertjaaelco or ii,,'.,,:i. ^?i!' t.. ii?-.'.-rIhemanaaementof Mr Com. T i, ,,, . M ?., haa *???!..' been I lentlded wlih tba Elberes -,ar. im; th-. euiiiiiH-r.utii* a ...... , . i fo taattlu v. ,il tuil Ul ?< - -? v. i ; * "Uollywood Cottagi a' I oug llrauch, >. J. ? Laadhora'a tttautoh t'otarn**,_ I.uikIIk.i ti's KhoeMah t ataaaav. _ l.iiiiilb.-ra's lllieui-lil etoBM _,lb..F a * Khciii'h ( i.l.mi.e. MARRIKLX i, .i-iii i- -WtrmfORB-IaIWaelty, eaTaaadar.TtaMrn. ary I.' i ; -? bj lha Bet E A. ii.- -t. WUUam ii. :iait,.-,u io IIi i.-i ir.ui. o. Whltmote M U \IINCIT i*OMAt.D ".. Wedneal iy, Pehruary 1:. I8S1, i v tlu-'u.-v I ii-.iiia-i ? i ;-? i.-i. UU bard V, llarurii M Kn Kul- I l-.iii.i'i'. ni.uiNH iN-TAVIOK?Al urace t'bapei. Tiaraday, Feb .,.;,, ... i? tbe i ? ? ?? i ! ' ?b. aaaUtedby tha i.t. Re. Ileort ?'. I'.. t ?? la.totanl lHahop ol New-York., lt. Itoblnaon >< KateJ.,UauxhlerottMlataJeMC luji.i, ai. Ot Sea \ -i BABOOCK Budl -nly.i n in :.v aventnc I.ltbof Fei.rn.i'y. 1 j?h , ? I,,, : ... ? i .1*: , J..i.:i Bal. yWl i ,1 vi? ii ? i . , 'iF.iii Ckarah M th.> Meaalah roniei ' tra-ava an.l ..uti-st. ... .. . ,, . ,,'., , ,,,, , ...... invttod to attead bIMm! furt...-r sSw i.'...i,i.ui. i -i.n.. aad Boaten, M m., bbbom |Iimb aapy. ,ii\M l ?* M ?..!..i,.,l,.-! ri?-,- -l, l.-.-iiutry '.', llc.iiy t. i ,,?l.i forux i r ul ?N<- a 1 ork. li.i.iin, utal Sortb ii-.-ii ( aan. OUVLKK \t lorrtotown, Febrnary 13. Mr.. Marv 0. Coy i, ' ?i-t--.? of Ibe late OeneralJobn M.Cuyler, t . >. A, ao-l icdii-io i eiate amea M. Warne, one ot IM JnatllM Ot 1.', -.i.i. .;i. ?' ??-a t ,.r f a l' mt..! -t. l KiVii.....: rn. i. h i a ? ? .ita.,1.. UoRtotOWTa, V J.. Monday, I abruaty 18 at lacel iek. DAVia-OBBatantay. laMiMf 14, HMt.wMbw of ceorire Fune'rjriJ'rTlceaonMonday. '?'': ;"J ;,! " - h'h ?'?'"' ,..., utoa ol ber aoa, 1. m. Dafl* OryMaa'a Etli, Mbbm CaVnaana will ba ln waM ai al "fompkhMTtttoM BM MMMl M the 1 |- ni f'-> u N-?* - '"k , , i.i.. f i_-. -i..,;..ii .y. ln t .o l-itti y.-ar of hMBBWiMheatl 1 i;,';!a1,fv,:;i:.:,av.u,jN;F.,,,'.iar, Kzuu, i?. .t le-eiMa. 1 r . i .1-. will I'-- aa."?' Bowor* iiKi.u -n.ii.nh <-u ti fth.iay.rJtu.ii -it.. OMaiMa M. I'loid. i-V\!!^'wnVr.!.'!^(.'-..'''r'"vit.^i toMtand Ita mmmbI Mhto l... rVae.-' No l-id, itis-Uyu, MMMMf ".,i,.r.,,-..->ei.....:ui.- IMh at3p.m ?rtientUwlllpleaaeoaiittlowera. ,i-i ltly?<>a I'ri.Uy, Fe'.ruarv 13. at hla reii.loncs. "Sowtl/BTPark. oiSm S. J., v iUumA. OaMMy. ^?", ?>iSj^mtor?K&*?aryia.Mta- MartB rhWMB BapMBl (?iinn ii ai - Shi i.. in-. >"? tha am.aJ ol tM trato :e.i?uiti iho i??,i ,if lay -?r UbriatopMr ai^-. *t taMp. m Kiii,'.,\ ..mii HoweM. llAl.I.<iAHl'KN-At Wieab.ulen, OeraaoT. 00 the l.ttti n* i-V'.ruary. Adiiph llaiittJituu, tonueily IMMMMMMM IIOYT-AI Itr-klyn, N. V ou it..- 1 ith limt. Ann A Cliiaa i, ii ?il.?^ ol ';. lli-isl-.r-? llovt.a^l .V.'veara. 1- i 'al a mcea at tha realdenoe ot hM brja*M, John A. 'niiMii.m.i'V- r.irk.p-a,... beiweea l th aud T.h-ave*. on Mottdar, l' nt, .t ?-'p. iu. im, uu--nt at i-uiibiiiy, (.ouu. I-,, i.i- ..-alt (lowor.*. UKNB BB Knlend Into rest al gaaaMato, Penn . Februarv ' 14 ltl*... rtoiihla U , WlM ol Kobci t J. HMM aud AMgBtM of'the late / II. ituaaell. luueral K.-rvlcra leliruary 1.. at I H p. m. BJOaABD-t'ehrnury 14. M BMMMM, t-'oun., lllcliard n. Blekara, Ua weWtayearol hUa^o. Noll.-a-.f Iiin.-rallieieJi'ter. Hk:VKIilNl-,|n*?atur<Uv. Fehmnrv II, at Na fli Weat 3'Jd -4?>t L -ioiiKaard Mevt-rini, la the 4Stli y?ar el hla a|e. |&ral b*t*mm wlU baBaMMBt Vel*Te?^i\v~* SOtii at.. near i'lh-ave., 'i'ne?li?y afioruwgo, tahruary ?7, aa ieretaM. rrleii'lauremvttal Uatload. KMHi w.iti uoweia. P1ED. BMTTH-At Batonah, WestehoaforOmBtr. B. T, on Frbhay moniln#, Kebrnary 13, Herben W. Boitth. awKOyeeia Beliitlvesandfriennaare reapa. truUy biviieO to attanJ, tba funeral aervlcea from tne ?.etPodiat Kplcopal Cbojxn, oa htinday. Kebruary IS, at'.' e'clctk p m. Train leavea Oraud t'eutrai Lepoi Iferleui ll. B? at9:13 a m, returnlng ?; p. ta. TOWNriBND-Albla realdence, niMon, Staten Ialmd. oa Fr'dey. I8tu of Kebro?t, of peralyaia of the l.oart, Fnee. 1 and ?. Townsend, ehteat aea ol ihe Uie W llllaui B. Towav aeud. of thla. rt). Sotece of funeral i.oreaftor. TUITI.E-Huddeuly oa the 12th Inat, Bocratea Tottle, ln tha ? .'.tli r. ar nf btaafe. Fatnily siirvlcet) at hia lat.) r*-.1.l*uce. I' >n. X. J., at 1" :.<>? in. aud at Flrat i-r> anvteriaii C'hurcu, al II o'clooB, ou I . briiai j 1)1. nelatlvcs ai.,1 fr.euda are invite.l to BBBBat without furtber uolice. VAN IiKBIlUlton?Knteretl Into r-at. at MananBa?BL4flJ Saturd.iy, Kebruary 14, 1-rt"., ceorge _. Vau i .i i.tgi., ta huT-Tyear. Notice of tuueral hetcafter. WO'.LSKY?nn Thuradar, I'.th lnatant at her reaMenea 5'.'l Washmtton ave , lir.ioklrn. Kll.n Woeiary, wblow ot Llcutenaut Willia?... YVuolaty. U. B. fl- ln i_o 7^lb year of ber a*e liii.eia! at 2 p m.. Munday, from st. Luko'a Church, rhutoo ??,.., l.ear i 1.1. ti. ritaae onilt flowera. _ Keaolullona ot ibe IYoprirtnrjr Aa-ociatton on ibe l.citlh of VIr Crllally At a apeclal tneettn* of tlie Aevclatlon nf Manuf ictnrefB and Dtalara ln Propnetary Mcdlclnca, h*lrf yeatrr.lay aftep. uoon, tba : ..I "Mi,:: reaoltitloua were . aaaed: Wbereaa. U.ath has aaaln entor*,l our circle, and r*m?vet from our iii88*u.'e our eatccuiwi an.l resp.-cteu asaiciate, Wa, A. ,.....:[> , an.l Whereaa, our c.mvlctlona of tbe Idvlue powor teach ui ta anbuilt tohla will audvoutrol . an.l Ue?a*_if, a? we do. tbat lle doeth all tb:tiL-a well. w* n e adieonlahed tht- golui of of our fnend ia bnt a atep before tlioao i- n..:.ittu refraln froin BpaaalBg of blin aa w* knrw hlm? an liniicat oian. an upritflit cltizeti. aataeaagratal frieud. \l bue w* r.-xr.t aadden and unei|>*< tcd dc. .a.-e, aod hava a full rellance ln bla happy tiuiucrtailty. wecit*n* our st iu|>all.i. a t<> ibe t,t.!..w aud tiieiiilitix them to the aM-vtlao dl.tpoaur uf btim.n . t.nla; tlier*f,,re, flaatdjet, That our aaaoclall?na with our dereaaed frlend ii.-iiiiiii.l tbat wu alieii,,'. ap.-ak ot bim aa a it i?-nal an.l aaso. late, an.l a clti/.-n. Ae a in.i.,1 att?nyt coniretiial , aa an cs.-ocl.ite, ti..11.-9: an.l aiucoe ; ao.l aa a ciu/eii, earnaat aml eneru ?: ;c. I'.--..' t > ,1. l thlaasaotiitllou alttiud tbo obae.piles of oar lat, aasociato aud titcnd. Sperul .iJiice-. Robcrl "-oniert ille A uf lioi.eer. BY O-TOfBfl _ 00. ABTOAI.r.F.niF.'', iti AVD >-47 nr.o.vDWAY. NOW ON FllEE EMIIBITMN DAV AND EVENIXO. rtUI'EBBOlUENl'AL POtt 1 t-tl-Bj Couiprtaint; a part of the collecllou af COU.NT BLI-X'Z-OW. t-Kl, Frt-nch Miuialcr l'lcmpuiuuiiury to <-hin_ AI.HO A BOTBB FlUVATECULLECTluN OF OLD i'.I.UB ANU WUITF, and many rcmai kably llne apeclmrna ol St.l.lD' 0?OR, BBOXZB, POTTBBT, Ac, Fornunif tbe uioit Iniportaiit aud valuable collectlou of Orf, en a An etBtat Bl BOB?I salc in ^*'Ver.ll y*ara. TO 1IK HOLD \i Al , II \ a*BDBtaBAT,THOaa0Dltf aud FitiD.vY afi BBNoota FKu. it, iiaatta, A i '-'.. 0 0*i i.' B&_ A.? fetacBBaaBaeaB .'und II,a:t!,y aloep ln.luce.1 by mech.inlcil nieau<, uj (Untoinfurt no lu.'.iic.u.t. writeoreaU. Anwawaatad l'lli. -i,M...)!.l/...K COBFAB .. 10 .-i,iace-at._ Hrai nanilatn af ererr deasrlptleo al nty BM4araM pricea,by Dra. AAITfl SM1T1I. 13 Kaat - * , obl ataat. Beiarte Bev. ur. 1 roeby, ur. B. 9. ?i*r, Dr. J. \\. H*we._ Or. Fu-iv.iii. '2-I*. Hih-ntr. baa great -noa. in rtirina eoaamoption caiarrh, deaXneea, paraiyauv Dj-i oi uer.o.ia powera?ilcbro l< diaeaaeawl hi itmi ... um. II. N. >g.iire .'. -on-. Jowolora, !>7 Buflaa Bl, M. V. Dia-ti .ii. l i. _ Kinca mi'. i ? I all -..- -i Watcbea,ouroaru ?aio, .-i't.?i ni. ati.ruu<^uracwara,m\ I'oai OBna Bottaa fauteri for' n -.1 u it l.? BpaeUUr dlrastetfjf ibv mv '.if..,- ii ir -t ?? .1 -nn ..-1 ?;? 11s'oar ? -:,-'ir delivcrratdeattnatioaaaa- rranvAtlaaUj u?au ar.j .??? Bbi ad M ., .i-i : ? ll ? ?' ul .h.c i ..r.-i*;i 11 ? ooefe .'.i:i-' rebnuwy lt attta >.? (FBOKFTLl in ... , '?< (Oll .w* BU>DAY?Al 7?0 i?. tu. f >,' !l., ilit it ..u t Llvhr.'tt m, Dit t, - uitj "' iMllaa, ru N a uri _..:.-; ,n uiua aod Ji.-m. poi i ? ''. f of ItlodaJaualro vii >an Pranclacoi, cuwe bere Kebruary "it M 7 p. ra Ba?l foi tuauraila, Now-Zealaud, san-lwicli and iflj labuuta \", s.,. /,-ia idia iru san i'i i '? are Mareh 7 ai Ip, ?. oronamTalal Bea-Teraotaa Celue w. a BrlUBb???ifer tiiatral? .Tbaaehedala ata oataxof rraaaPae i"i,.u ,a aeraatat ontbeorem nntionol t ,t-.r uuintorrapted nverland traaBt ta bauFrauuai'O Balia irom i?i baa arriv?ii ?? ru14 M t-iin Franciao on tha day .t aaU?uj .,: itaaaatraaaa '!?? pauhcatbenco UmaaaM day. ,,..?,,.. ., , -? B? NBYO. PKABSOB, l .'. ,.;_-'r. Paatoatea New-Yoca. B. V.Beb. Tru??. ? llii.idiiifea and ?Mniiahl-V.l.lei-1 pataatedj fjr I.....I.-, ,.. t.t..-.,.? ii and ? ln utii. :.ii ' ??' ?? I .'? LaJj at:. D.lance f.,r '.uli.-a. < orreol ir .uiie-nt. 1 I'.M'UMI I M..L lf ;. . u. ""r. CJilaiid "-'" lii'a.iv..... i,?i-.,. u .ilst ai.-i . ' r-Yatfl> 1.2 l l llron.lttii j ?ibe/'i..f tl.e aaaateara profl??-: n indlaaaerraa t. bi a, ku..?ie itcd at woadarfal un I BBflaToceaaaaat Tha P0> re i,???:,. . raa11; i. adai - o'f. k a BBly bbbb Be BM rellinn* ItiMuetire of we-lci.t't.r, l flnif-r 00004 Then t.r.' it any ',a.'.l*a aud gaataBflBBB lu tlna BB .u'.ry ?U? iBgai< lha baaullfylag aad iraa ?, ? n ,.f ii., i aafla Bflaal ia iauyecta?aa wBfl th? sare aul pr>i ctuu M i-1- Matfl, the li-U an.ttiiecuinp'.. xl'.ii Thla wortjy pr.,feaa.on aliou'..'. bo i, ,ti m ? .1 ibiI BBPBQUiia1 ba aaaell nol oaly teala ta i.,ent. i.,,t i.a- alao |,r,,-..-. ipmuia induatry, aad ' ?i\?- w .uie i tbeepBortaaitj ot aanBaga li ..i;... a :? -,>>.". | bla man ior. ! Amoa* tbe moat .. ' a MI!H, K. It. , l \ ,\ s - wbo lu, Blfed np <?'.? ?-?atr pari..ra uevoieu lo UM parpuae at 1.214 BiOMl?ar. talaore ttltli cu t...i., . , n.e ,s preparad t ? ? ?.-1 - ? -,t rniioa t., ia?li*-a,.l ?*niien?a. a;-. wlll f.iii.i-1: nianicoioa foi ladio*ai their ro-l lueidltloi, tothe in.ui., j','l.ii in --. gita. K\ ? *'? irai ber peraoual au ntlou lo beautifymx ineeo np r-.ion an.l hair. li n a i.iisT ui, il. k.i, .,f ...? ,i-i. ? p:o 1 01 I 1- DUrp .ae BO li n a 1.1 j.,:. d IBB. , ,?*.. ...'.?,,..' ,:y tlcligior.G Xoticco. ti l...,.lb I iiiiitriHii rinirrU. l.'-i' l. i.'-*-a 4th uti.1 ?!....,..'.- ftei ... w. IIALIA'.ltEB. I'aa t,.r. | i. ... 'i. - al 11 a. iii - nbj t-t. " 1 l.e . '.ma ." No i t, n Ina k . ti.,. 11., i .... ? I a. iu Al KelorineiH II1.1..I1. Maa ' 1 ?.;,'. Btb-ava. ;-.-'?, t.-iir.-.r. :.:?' Fallior >>'? iNN.iil <? ndui'tl 1 -?...,-* aod Bei 11 IT'I.11 N of Uro ki u pr? ? i.-a. I'rotcstanl paatora and Homan iatn?li< pileaia eapeciailr invitcd. (inmUatna ai.ta.i- n*e. 1...i>. .,1, 1. artilj aat C. Uie. 4l ihe Newlork ??pirluall ouleir:. B< ? llraa llBt, PiuidB} id " '.?' "? BB..MB. LOCKLI N "lll iu.,'.- lha ep.niof addreaa. Admlaaloa aaa aeata ree aad -n n.tioi. All >oiila ib.ii.b. 1 i.te. corner _' ? 1: - * - -,.n'ay. .,,. ,,,1 ., -, KVraaoa tl paator, l ot. i iii 'HhiiB i . WII I.IA.MIS, al ll B BL I'.: - ? ll?d. ? Vith*tve-t Preabrterlaa iinn.h. 4?? ''tt an.i 8th ev. , rha Paat.u ' . IOI1M lt. PAX1 >. ?'? B. aill ureacb ou sun.Uy, 15th laal * 11 a m. aad 7:4o p. aa l inerl.'s.n I eionrrniiei' I uio.t.' ':...:k*riii(? Ha I. -nn ... I ,,',;? n 1 :ie\,, i dprnrram ? ??' ? ? a:.,l-.,-.<. Ad I -i broueoftbe ib.eal uud i .,,iuf uurcltv .l.ra)ji.n, Bei MEUitUT HLI.IUKI), Pastor Waahltf iob 8 .o M K. Church. Very clx.l .Ua i.iouiainiuo . - llug ,.f-.,',..-. .lu. II-.,?:.'., I., r >-I'f .u.-.i-.i. ? i i ..i i li,,.r. <;. Fr.OELK ll. oraai -t i> i rii.M'.i oireapoafl. Ina* Secretary ?" IABDI -, I'i.-i '? al ( BliMiv i b ;:.?:.. llhavi . i l .-. I I OBBOi matfl , iu. Moi ? -? -.-?...?.? al llove-a. C >ial a*rvicu at ? ' ? p. i I I rayer. with --r- n : . ;, m : Reetor, tbe lle* lil.Mtv Y. BUTTBB-BBt D. i>.. wtli o:r. al ? j luircii oi iu.I'l'iiaeiiiuii ooni r ifPark-aia aad Wtl Bt, MAU\ l.\ lt. V1MKXT. O. D, PaatOI -*: v.c - lt 1 nu aad s p. m. The eVoOlBg Bet~?a to oceuff et.iy oaeaaaa ii.t lud ii.' a. roioo, "t'liuicli ol -t. Mary Ibe -l.-i.:. 1.ia:l.,u. 7-.I0 ., ? . (??;'.,? . . ,? ..? ra-.'.u '.' . Matlaa, IOj llun L'aBTBBBB' Baa. i.'tij, VeaperBl p. aa. Illaatea acrrtata. & __ t bui.-iioi Tiie Wijatah. ? w ij , -st ail Park***.?Baaa BOIIKBT CtlLLTKB, l'.i-t ,r, ? loralufl al 11, Evening Bt s. luhllc coi.Uall} Invite.l ( Im., h ol ibe lloly Si.irlt. Badia ??. ave. and tl .Bf. Be li,\HM) (.. ILIIEIIT, lle. ; to ,.,., . nonungaerrh ?, ll fcle-.. araalng Mrrlaa and aa.ii 7i ifi IIiiiiiIi et tbr RrsM. . ?? . ' (I - Kel.tiiiiy I .-ihe i i.a hour aonrli of Ui '.nl dol M i m btld at - p. iii. All ' - ? b m hj Baar. d. I'AllKKIl BtOltUAM. M A _ t ol ihe I'tiler ii*. "i ,t.- ,? I ?-' 1'ev'"'it \ Itl.I - II I.U'iV l*BBtor ?- rvico.lla tn i 1< 7-46 d iu Moriiiuar anbjeet a-B\r?lte upponnaltMB I t,;..?. i rui i-ati,l i rroraof m ,. lailam." II.b ol tlie Hdplmni. 4.ili -t.. ie ar I . ? lt.t Al.i'. BD \ i.l i i ' !'? ' ?? l ,, ;.uid ii- v .i ii .1 io ?? ... ??? >??? aaa ni ,;, r. and 7:8op ai '' ? ? '": I ??''' ' ' lliur.-hiil'lhe lloir Tii ut Mt'an -. and t ' ru'Tev ttii.ii. ki* ATKiN * k i rleeal il a n aud 4p. m. atiblicti ' h> mentalaof the I aiih " rbe Itect rwlll 11 IU-, ii.lea.-l (hli-l "', ' ii, i. bmg - . day mormug aad evm ig b) tba I*aiM ,aaa Bev. li. li l'i ? EB, FirM -oclel. ef -|di-IiiiuIM-, ?< PUbll. illll t -Mi. V.iih.H \M 1, .1 ir - - a.; { . *z ^....roiui-ii..,'.".'.. ? fW? ?t I.-. lidreneven ? ''*?<> !i" luvit.'.l. ii.i:i.n.."i ol itblua a ?i ahe _, H*,t fmtt BJ?.-...BWI:?- .^?',' ' .rl'^"-" inu i,y ihe l'.-t-.r. It.v. I. U. II ai.Im.M t n. al ii a. bj. and Tt!", ]<? m M?ri.iint: " rbe Eterua ft. !r.?: "l.e! Alone of l.od." Young lueu ai).i...y tutuod. Uaptbmi -,i ??..,---? rvlte. ___ iin.'ii|>.iii?iii? biir.b foi n.,.,i.,.-. -ly-/"'1',i'';,. ? MII-. l'B 5rBYKEB.ll'?Mat2stha -Hoo .\.U WAJLT, it Brooxlyn. aUlconducI tl % [* iiirl- 18 l ., it.iti.,na and mnalc Doora opci Bl| U": '". ^er. tli.^Uo'..?ck,Uain. lun.ic U...U.I. tiit. .NocoUtrlbU. tlona _ ? .ll?di...i.At..??,. "i'??ari;a:..|.i"al <.,V,7VtM-l';,r * 'ol at.aud Ma.hs.,11 at,- -lli* K.-v. C B St Ii LIAM^^U-oa \. w iiat.n. tti.,i..iu,i aernceaal ll a. -n ' {^"p** n -,, -, l...vat.> M,u;" B. ?. BB.. ** TM OB|y tray 40 BB care n?..i i.a..-." Buoday achoof at 11> ui._-_ Net, Vork r.,'.i>"l ? bu.elt, BeT, A"'*** *? JiiiMi.M. paatoT rfew.Yert *oiie*?..i M.ulo . .o.tfcjfc ttte-u r-*-agtoa -""i tavaa, 10.10 aad 7..iu, ??>???--?? achooL'Jilt i ruy.-i uiectiiu't\t.l...-.t?y. utao. -. ? Bei. Jen.aoli'H. 1 hurch. Ba.l ^-^l*fflf11 E^SilSt I . linrton BTM -Ihe l:-v b, B. hBB AK^', ??i '? ? B ai la m. Mt.i.Uiy-acleoi. 1-MftP '?? "erinou, i.o.oa-? lbeMtreiu;lb of Ihe I.I '?"?!?' -.-;--? "Z-.~ITT,?m?i?""li 1 .1IK> "' ( hri-tuui Adv.Kate, Bev.J.M ??"yhet.lV 'Vuo'lgt Bpaoopaii hurcb.4lat ri:!ii;'i;\\h.av;%,u,uuo'.M7i-.F.u. ns ^ Bana-tf Invit.d._.-??-r '? ..__^.T"h -Mtitdrra. l'_atoi of Ihe feutral HaptUI Cbarah tS-5-.Tthao i 'ti araa, ataaaaaa sunday.u a.ra. aad7:8tip. m. suuii. ?" . "^ -'? '"?-_ - _ .? -r KrieadB -MeeWag for -oru.ip at lilenoa, _e?.i.rJTnT,f,a.-.r "a 141 -401 Tw.uU.taat. lura-aruy Park5. St I0i30 a ~. _- -^ Ht (leerae'a t bMrch.-All a*at? fr??. Ker W. 8. M-iN-hfTiitl. Hcv.r. lloly feinniu.iioii at8a. m. Rea?u lir ..rvlce at t" I hilUitmi M*4M al 3:?0. ttaugchalio aarvloeand ilol-.'ouuuunlunat*i. . ?ai l-nailua Iburrb. aoth at. b-twe-n '.th andtlt* ayea Rev ^MtTl'Ull IllicUIK. lUPlur.?otVtOM Suat-af. tt 10,11a aa, 7iJ0 p. a*. Daily, Ua