Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1885. PRICE THREE CEJVt& T?M-JV__3*?-13*073. THE TROUBLES_IN EGYFT. ISUAIL ?ACUX1EEK1N? THE TH_?? ATT1TVDE 01 AVSTK.A AND ftAUt-**" FOB E the acW ^klu5l9t;nrbi*anr ?s*ort that ^he Khedival ???*? jS^ad**-** the, tl.elioycruraeatHof Auatr^' p d_,.o*itionof ?*?*??*'" ui, .onorted tliat _,?/. ?hf rciilaeoiaent of Isuiail. lt i? .? ?"11 SfimS" iaconaWarlnga to Te-vfik na Y.ccrov <?f Ugg? ond Uwag ???*? Tha PMBfl Aas-iciition atatea. under reaerve. that btB on -alurday narht Ihe War ??????* BiatD to Mflfl Oordoa, at Sontbamgton. to the aflett that Khartoum had aot fallon and that Gordon waa aaiV. #_____? ?? ws recelved at the War Offloe to. dBV-roa. General WoisCey. in which that offlcor eenda an account of the fall of Khartoum aa giveu bv a native who was an eye witness to tha entrance of the rebela into the town. ^"i.rtoum, Bit aaya, was entered bf Ll _Mahdi a forcea at daybreak on the morntug of January 20. General Gordon WflJ iillc-d hy a volley fron, Fflbal nrlcinen while he was on hia way from his head ciuaru-ra to the Austrian Consulate. The Austi uin wa. kilkd in hia koaflfl, aud the Greok COB aul ia neld a pr.souerby tho Mat.di. The (Jovernmcut has Kivcn the contract for ti.e conatruction of a r.ul.vay from Snakim to I--ri.rr to LaflflB Aird & Co. The coutraetors are to pio BMfl all tho materials. which Ihfl (iovoimnei. andcrtakr-a to trausport to Effft *?* 18 U hejriu lminediately. Tbe Ot.var.inie.ita of QflRBflBJ and ta* h-ive Bppointed laagntlnly M. Ri.?hthofcu aml M flaaaabara al the IfTftoap -*? Coui ^G-neral Graham, with his staft. will leave Londoi, Bgfll .atniday for Cflfa*. poi.ighy the way ol 1 r. i Upon his amvalat CuiiohewiU moe G n eral fetephensou, General Dolincr and other nil.itui j ollieia.sincoui.cil.nnd will anbacqnently??** tosuakim. Theexpeetationofthewar ofl.c.als that the force* which are to start fro... -unkuu WlU reach Berber. ii the marcb proves MMflflllM. by **____. LaaaaH n. Courtney and J-hn Morkry, members of Farlinmei.t am ...akiog "?"?J*0* Z hold a conference of a.l Idbfltal BMBflbata of ta IsBaaal who aro Bggoflfli to the co.u.noaaoe ol t .. war Ib tha BaBflaa They haNo B_me>beea aa Bured of ti.e adherenee of forty n.ei.ibi'rs. 1 bfl BBBi-al ii.eii.U-rs aro tflktaf an IHM ol .ction against the Govcrau.ent. Theae- ,??v,n..'.,ts Biar impcnl the cxi.tcnce of the Goverinnci.t if tho Tories M-poae a vote of o.-nsure. r.ip.i Fob 15.-At the rcmiest of (..ntiil AViiV,; . Bfl Laa-1 evf brotherofW Ihedire, baa SB__-.3 ie tomiimndof tl... E_yp:i..? t...o.? m .;..- .Sotid.m with the tltle of Oovernor-GeBeraL li- ss?n 'V wanted hia aweptapw to be made M, .otalupon tl,,u of four thonflflnd xSwah aoldiera. but ii, agr^ad to wc^Maaa. nii'iul of tha Bflvatlana. Th.- plan la .xi<.".i ?" 1 v ? i L. ...1 effecl apoa the BoaaaBaae, aa ehowing that E_gla-.a does uot deeire the conqnaBl t.f Sa Pt for Bflnfl-L i BKVOLT OF THE B0MAL1 HATlVBB. C1.AIMS OF THEUALUN OOVflBflMKBT IM flOCDA-l ai i a:i:-. Boano, r>b. 15.-.\ iiaaateh from -'? b B atataatbal iflc s..u.:iiiu:-.tiv. ibarereT.: Ibfl EgyptlflB forennBeat ia Harai whleh ia thi Wmtt Ifnrtaat territoryiu the tsomnli re-ooB aad b aaaaaxad byEgyp! tatbaielgBoflflBiaU^aeha. The Itallan tcadeca aad coloaiata ?... Harar bare B.ude I clauu ui-o:. lba ltalian governmeut for pro? tection. \ Iti.d'.le.l that the govtnimont baa aml BBg explaoationto tha V\<-^h aathoritiea Kgatdlag tha ltaiian Bxp-dit-oa tothe Bed Bea The i laerto, Iflaaaiafl anl IHaaaa ull agaab ln a ??aii_oii tone. ,, . iagaayxighl on thogartof Pianee tolntag> l*u- w.ih hai.??? aetiofl dni'.'ti.v orindiraotly. Iae c.', tl.evK'.v, baa doveloped Miooa in which Fra.i.e ha* ao clalma. Forthe ItaliamGoraraiaanl to giv? fn '???"?'" liuntiiig the action of Italy woui 1 bfltoactWlth fcabknwaa , . ., , It is said that the Govcmraent baa oaclded faaceag. tba ofl-. oi a?m???f'?' ,r '" Sinn_?ou Walea to e_-4?parata ia tha ^s..l..,..?ln azpodttioa ViKNNA. Fci>. 1.").?l'ive 4-iiiin.iit Aaatriaa atafl flflJiniiflirnantti awll^fogptmalaBi-a-oofforthMT ?arrieaa to the Britiah aatbo-itk- toaaaiat tha Sogtiab expedition it. Egypt Th. .r Nqaaal waa Bflfaial __^_, KKPOT.TED CAPTUBK Ol LAFOSOB. A TiLEGiiAM iik-m BBBBBai. i-i i: tBUB-a llUNCIJ T-OTOBf AT KCLfA. Pakip. Feb. l-r'.?Aii ollki-l tfllagtaai fTo.n Gcn erii BrioM de V 1 that the fUf of ft?Bce now ilo.iisovc-i-Laups.-n. The Cblaaae p aitioB al Kulua haa also been raplui-d by ihe Frcnri. th? thioeae army baviug been ronted aftor ? boi tiul.t. liic l-'iv.i.'ii oconpal onol Lsngaon occorred on Febrnary 13. theongag. tutmt between the Chtpaae army aiid the French forcea takiag place abont tiiiht kilometera beyond the towa. rhe i p pon truot.s tl.-'ii eioaaedthe rlrerand oecnpled liuiua It isr.-,.()rtcdfroir. shau?hai that FreneB and < m neae im-n-of-war have h?d bb angafleiDeot ofl Bbeipoo, the roault nf which isunkuown. fi Vi iv l'.-l). 15. Ti.e notiee lssm-d bv tiu Fwneh war ofllclale declarina thelr riirM aud to tentiontoaearch veeaele in the Cbineae aeaaf-r coiirraband ol war ha . put a st,,p t<. the aatlina Jroiu Hambarg and otber German port* of veaaela Cadad with munitiooa for Cbiiia. A.l ordera are Bow traaafarred to Lontbon and Liverpool, where vcsael owners are laady to take riflkfl. -? ? PK?>POSED TREATT WITH E50LAVD. Ottawa, Feh. 15.?It is mtdgntood tIi:_t tln ?aafaaad aaBadlHoB trnatf bataaaaOraal Brltalnaad the I'nitcd Ulat?l a 'ii :ift al wMflb has be a aabaaltaed to tho I'anadiHB (ioveniiin-ut, will e.iil.rat* the following offeueca : Munler, iDcludlng aaaass.natloii, pafrlelda, ln taiiticiao aml lxjisouiiijt; atU-mpt to, iiian Bl:iu__it<.r, aaaBflaeMMBg or alt<-rln? ttioiiiy or uttcrlng the .uii.p; Bjegeagi cuuut. r teitlni? or uttcrlni? whal l* Bagadi aaa t?._7.icment or larceny, abtalfl-Bfl IBBBf or good. by false pretcnaes, cihins )>>? bankriipts agnlnst tlie baak rni.tcy law; fruud by a ballee, imuki-r, ageat, la.'ior, trustoo or iliiector, or IBBBlhet or paMIe otitc^r of nuy aaaafaay; ragai aadoettoB, ehlM ateallng, banlaij ea Beoae-breaklug. araou, roiibery witb \io V'lic.-', U.rc44t? by li-tti-r ac Dtli.-rwls.- willi Inteutto ?xtort; plracy, as gaBBMfl by tln- laat of .iHtlnii.; aliiV.iiiK or dpstr.iyl.ig a yaeaol ul s.-..; Basault* on board aliiii on thi". I1I5I1 si-hh, uixl n-volt, or eotis|ilr.icv to rt-viiit, by two ot am aaraooa 00 Lrmnl ahip aa lha blgb ata* lha aathai-tf o. tiu inastcr. _ THF. 00-100 OOHFIRKBCE. I.KRLIX, Fib. 15.?'ihe OoagO Cdiifercnoo Couinitttce adjoumed untll Monday. lt i.stand tbnt thetreaty bctwoon I'ortiigal and tlie Afni-Hii IntaniH tloiml At-soclatlon la awaltlng algiiatnrc. Tlie trcaty glvca the luti-ruutlonal Assotlatloti the whole of tbe riffht bank of the Oaagfl kiver, Iricluilln*. llariana, and tbe aaaat aatthwaid to Yal.a, .... tho left b.ui)_. Ihe Aaa.Hlatloii'Bti-rrltorylie^lii?.|ust al.ovi. \nkk..whtrb be loiiirs to l'urtugal. The nu.atloti of cedi.ig to Ihe Aa"<> elation a free deep-wut4t>-poi-t 011 tbe left bauk waa left toi H futun- ilrwisioti. a Tbe Marqulade l'aiiaflel, Porttignace Mlnfster; Colonel Btratieh, preatdeat of tbe Afinan Internatlonal Aaaocla tlon. and Barou fla Oowoal, I'l.-niii Aaobaaaador, have aigned u trt-aty datod February 11, deflnlng tlie terrltory of the Afrleun Intirinitioiial Aaaoclatlon. The boiindary Un.: starts tioui tlie nortl. bank of tho Coiik'o at Ki.ii.iIiii.uIiii. extii .ls to Bouth Kaliliiil.i l!a;., aiid tbi'ii.'i 1 mis jiai _MH, iut. rsiM-tlng tho in.i uliuii of the rouftuence of tbr Colucalla and Luculla rtvera. Thia iiuiidiau la (aUowofl uu? til lt tneeta the l.u.-ullii, whenre tho Uae takca tln-luttrae ol the Luculla to tho conflueuce of Uir nnloaiigii. The bouiidaty als" followa tbe eoitrso of Ihe I'.'i.go tiuui lls uioiilli lo tho of the. laugoii a-'irii ui;. jxiiut beiiM-eii the Di.t. ii and Porttigiiniie fae t. rl?#, |.-:ivlng tho l.ittfi, with llogdl, lu the jMJSsess.-.'ii ?t ^ KING MIEA.^ TO SEEK A DIYOBOB. Vikvma, Feb. 15.?Tho Servian General Ca tarirl is bere 011 a nilaalon. Ue huahad aeveral li.ieri,. .1 . wr,a Count Kaluokl, Mlnlater of Vurelgn Af faua. ll la.. ,?m ,.-d tU_,t ho la trviug to BMg a ri.iffbetweenKliifjMilan aml an Auetrlnn PrtnceBB. haa been aaviae.l l.y ht* physlclane BN nmce Alexnndor, the heir arparcnt to tlie ?weaa" H-rvla. In phyelcolly Bad BBMta y beaP?W?vRnJ "^ that tbe condltlou of QHta Nutullc predudes thejaoan i.iiitv of aaotber belr, Kiug MBm _twni?? *_?!e a Uivu'i'i?(? from Queen Nutalie uml aeek a u.w allluuco. WELOOMIlfG JTSTIN' M'CARTH-. Drni.iN, Fob. 15.-A moctiiiK wns heli? "t Loagfead raatatday to -e'.couio juatin McCurti.y. "uiu i,er of ParBaaeat for Uagfad County. IhflflMfl rowar O'c.iii.or. M. P.. uiado nn addreaa iu whloh bfl comparcl Ean Baaaar, tke Laad UarteaaaB le taa gf/X?}?, bbw. .le said thut a few ?/ean wojdd dedde Ini. i fate. Botb walge and Tortoa ln .tojtonant .S_S_i2S thc Iriab vote, aud lt would only be glTM Inth- iut.ita.i of Urlaud. GERMAX DUTIKS OX fcORH. Bbbub, Feb. ir>.-A debata wa? bdd ta tha Bflh bfltag yesterday M the sul.Ject of tl.e MMtBg <Ialtafl oneorn. PltBM lllamarck ...a.le fl Btaflflb ln Whh* 1 Bhewed tbat the trade ot the Betttfl portt bad not BB* fered M a.-count of tl.e pflUflf of piotvctlon. Bfl Ba clarcd that ho was flaaflflfld to any ?*^? **??" ataaNelltag the laad lainaall alUBaBeaU. Low ?->>n. dutics. be said. faToted imuiense eaUBai then lo , tb.-se in faver of peaaaal boWMffl ahadd vote ro^_T tc.ti..u. If the owners of lapdft eltlii-r clh).s wereiu lowad to be t-Bfld. Bfllabllabed eder would bc at bu end. MOXSIGNOK Swi DYura LOBDOB, Feb. 16.-M0_BliT-0f OMf-i latcly Tapal Saaew Bl I'nria. iadyimtat ttoim-' _A' AJ&ACUVE 8W1XDLBB THE D_l'REDAi-l?)N8 OF .MIU. DR. BVXMOB IN BOB TON-VAKINC. A K'Ol. 09 A CI.KIK. Y.M AN. rarTBuaaaM ti> mr. itaaeaa.1 Bos-rox, Feb. 15.?Bd'stoii merohanta, dnaa ni?t. rs, botal keepaaa, jeweleae, aud atlata bara -uf ferrd eonsi.lernbly from tho BWladttBg d.-vto-of Mra. Dr. Hadaoa, whooeBaa paeoaaea, pleaalBg addraaaad trsteln her oersonal iidornimal havo won tlie beatta .1 c,..ii!.Ji.i? tradflflpeepla BM wortad o.u bar plaaa aritb aueh aklll BBA bM MMMd tlie i.rlM.n. WBarfl BM] for aaeh aaaallaa oBMaM bata ba .. BMt. Mrs Bataoa was beaa aai leeaed i? Baltlaore, BM waa ?tho OaagatM of a wealthy n.amifaclurer. Iu aanrtag Deeid Badeoa aM flaaaded ber relatlTae, wbo WflMefpofladto tia aatea DbtM Hnd |OB was ll.e pr.-a.-her of ? Mfltbodl* cln.rch ln BaoWhUl, M.l.,an.iiiilierofye:.!-.. Hia wife theu aeem.-d t>. M ,i, ,,,;..1 to ht-r baaMrfll aadlarhoae. Iwoebl-dian w. n bon to tiicm. a bey and a gbt Hm baflbaad aab BacjBeaUy BBawed lo Medway, Maaa, aad atadled aed li....'. ll. did ln i S7B. a- Boea Mhebeea.apbyat ci.i.i, tlie town of Medway grt t<>. aaaB f-i Mra Uml....... After her baahaad'a deaUi abfl ls aald to bu\e aada a teaa Utroagb Maaaaebuaelta, Bwladttag peopla rigbl and l.-ft. BM tbea weal to l'li''.|.hla. antl fr.nn ther- tu Ilu.'.l". >r.?. Ir.-iu Baltiaore aM wmI le Bew-York, wbe? AraoM. Oaa ?tflbta 4 ' a., Laad B Taytor, Jmaes MeCreery, l> i d 8o.i. Hfltar k Urant, Bltaaa Uroa , uml tlrms were iwladad ny ber. Mra Hataaa'a aaethod la Maa lor* v.... ? ? at -un .- tl.e Baaaeo. woaaa pcoaBlaMl la - aad obtata by li ivin^- IM bllla eharged. BM trled tMgaiaa IhrMBaaflflaa AraoM, CeaataUa ACo. Th* t'li.i t me tbej Mteeted ber, bihI "Jlm" frrJBg.a'bo n ? I tobe i. d eaberof tbe ln Sew-Yorb. fiimiiy tanpe^ tbe -." ontM siio.ilder on tbe Bfarn4>onot Augusi ll.l"-'l.lii IboOranil Central Depot.Joatae ahe waa niiout t.> taka IM tn? tor Uorawall ou tbe-n wbereaMwM apaaalngtM anuiuwrlaareal Bpienaor. -i.' ct <>ot of Ibe illtlici.ity b) uBjingfpr ih>- *<??i- _.>nd ;?,!. rpoaltlon ol a n ln ad nrnelaL ! rwm York ab? weotta Baltiaore.and fr<mi li.ilti.u?re aae ,. I,, toBoeUii -. ui to atand Bt. Paol* ( ..ur.-ii andaeeuied ao detent tbat abe worfead Mr i l.eartsol wanr good |.le. Bbe turtu Itbebeaslof .. i-nnufl oaal taut rectorof tbeebnrob ao tliat abe imi.icea iii-. too ? nn :..i ii.-r to 080 Instanoe aionfl tbe aiun of ..,' 11, BBdlie in blabUodaea wm frei|uentljr ti-ed to ,, ,? mmfl ol hi l ol awta-UliiM-. H?- la oom removedto adlstiut olty. ir.-r :r.-.-.- il ... in I . t about *W(?.00<_ H.-r .Imiifi.'er waa le-r eon f..!.::. t.-. Bheawlnd ? >1 notel Pelh?m, tbe I'i Ited Bl I llii.-l, 11. nn II. Tnttlfl d ' >> . ?> larafl ?hoc oo Jobn K rarhox, tbe Iuaurauee C.ralaalone i .(. . ,....l'i ....?]? .1. ...:-: -.'.!>?" . i :? tap fl 1.??"?. lewel ,.: . -? ? u<er Uroa . >!"':. " "- ? I ? ,M '? ril.Iiil:... (il..|..l.v; TXlO . .'!,- * < "0. .??"???? ' "? naay a ? , liir.;.i- ? :.1 l atterai K. ii- Btearna. d . ory _,,,,!., ire . ..!..i twentj orll Irtj - aud <lr.nakera. Nesi ? aaked uu-"'>l ber,and fewevei rjeelyedaoeot. 1. | . ii,? : U i.ioi'1'luK Bl a -u'-'iirtiiui b..-..l. CRAZlli WITB REUGJ0V8 BJCTTBMBBT gTBAXOB 0CCCBB1 - * PBOTBAI B D Bl IMi IM OHIO. ri.v tataoaAi- ai mr. lanenra : Matamob-s, Ohio, Feb. 15.?Chriatian Don> K'i-1. aa I-:.'i-; of weeltb and taflu aeel I -.aalty, Btteadedehnrcbfortbeflrattiai onFrldaj nli it n BBttatM rear aad greaa-n laatolaal Ind?areaee until UMiariUttoatoraienrB ;- lo aoaM lo tba altar waa gireo, v.hcn with a l.'u.i <ry fortoerej ba ran 111 I ... ....,,! totln-altur aud kaell dowB. The au bb Barprtaed laM albsiaa for ? Baaent, Thaa ta-prctaadlng Ihe altaaUon, u freaxy ol ahoat?g aad ralBag. Benchafl wera pulled up- Men plcked up ehatn aad aauaabed Ihem , ,. whl .- ? n- is aarched up and dowa ,:,: abontlna \ bubb. r <' ? falnted, and a Miaa Leaia weat iato a traaee, ln i diayetUea. Bei llabi .;>? aara andpllable. Tbe faee preaenta every appi irance of bealth. k falnt br. !?.!-..-ptii.:. .biital ? :!?"? - :?? aron ?? ber bare prored nn aralUng. Aboul aidnlght Dongel profeaaed c.ii. i Mi.ii, aprang up aaddenly,kaorMng tt." alalatai vi.. -i tlie pnlplt, eattln | bla Mad ;.>?l '"?? b v, ri Iy, Bo i. ad waa pi-id te I Mr with blo d atn aalag dowa blafaeai lci a proeeaaka al bmb wM i.,.,-!il .... Ibati ahould. ra, f? V aed | woaen ? .i ii,ic iiiiii.'.' .-..-iii.'-. All wen ibontlm at_tha top ol tbetr vulcea, and tbe aoetlna rontlniicd m-til all were ezbanated. Veaterdai l>om < <?.>e poaaeaaed of the Idea thut he waa apecl lly aent from beuveti lo l?i fur the preacber. He took all bls own avallable i :m.i atarted i>>r tbe mlDlater'a bouae, <m tl?- waj be mel Jaeoh Melaer. wboro be uompelled lo ?>? ti.iu i?. bouae, when be loeked blau in Ihe ?? lloili.-.i forced Mra. Melaer to Rlve bla all th? aoni y m thehouae Juat aa Dongel waa leavlnj, Melaer .-.?.;. I tbe cellar and attemnted to atab DongeL, w).<. -mv agely repelled ll.e ttttuek tnnictlng dangetoiia woiindfl. When the hour for erenin arrlred, Dongel ap neared nt tbe eburcb wltb ?< mde erown on !il? baad an I wiili.. luu'i- ? I ii. ln i.u i.a.i-l. Aavauditig tbe pnlplt be that be waa Cbrlat and bad >>>in>- t? ju>Ik<- Ihe woild After a deaperat. flghl ln wbleh aeveral were aeverelj burt, Dongel was aeearcd au.l pUeed a eoa llllCIH.'lll. .- ?. . ? KLLLBD IB AS r.i > YATOB. 'lirt -vii i b, I'ctiii., Peb. 1B (AjptfliBi).?Ifl tbe Botel Brnnawlck WllUaa Aadnwa, bm of BT. II. An drews, al '?> a aa resterdaj bad aaeaadfld la Ihe eh \ ater t.. bla raa... m tba ti.nd ii??r, Befere gettlag onl M piilled the POpfl of Ue Ifl ll v:.l?.r to BBB? it down. Al IM aaaaaeaanthe atteapted leJaapoat Ue atutnbled aad fail. wltb Iiia body li. the el. v?t..r ;....l baad out ii.? waa eaoght by tl.e ahta ef ihe cl.v.ii?r dlreetlj aeroM theneoh and lnataatly killed. -_?*p. A fBBABVBBB BOBBBD BY MABKBD BBB,>t<>n', Peb. 15.?A NtW9 Qucon City, lex., dtapatebflaya: " Laal Pridar alght, at Uadea, tM county Beat of Gflfla Ooantjr, tM beaM <>f r. it. Kaaki M, county UMMfl r, WM I nt.-n-.l l.y two u,:.-k.-.l BMB, abe atni.-k Mr. Kenkead a Berara Maa aa IM baad wltb a pUtol and tbea robhed the aafe >.f gl.000 ln aonei and *_J_-.tHM> iu se.iilill.s. all belOagtBg to tbe ' county. TM robbera eaeaped." AUA1S IT ls liu: OOA OBBA W. BtSl r.i'.svii.i.K, 0]ii4>, Feb. 15. (Sinr-iiil)-Vr. j. \v. su.wiin of thisciij baa ? tflrtaua aad a ptatty daag?tar, t..t.i racaatlj ha bflgd in i.i- Ibwlly ua ....?>. bbm Qeatga Btatty. a taw daya bba Baattf an.l .miss Stewart r.palred ln acer.-t to l'c.nisyli aiun, w liere llny -era uiiu-ri.-d. TBa> Mra retnnied to HtenlaarUla The j Diiir. wnii.iiB's fiither bM i.'l.-ni.-'l. a. BUICtDB OF A BAMKBB. Gai.VKSTON, Tex., Feb. 15.?A (liapiitcb to 77ie A'c.ea froui llryau.Texaa, snys : ?? Krank Clurke, ?enlor].art.ierof tbo bafl?lag tlrm of filurke, liryun .t lloivell, c.i.nuilttcd auleide thls eveillng at .', ocl.,. _ l.y ahootlng hluiself with aravolver. Thelank laprosperoi.s. Mr. ( Urkc left a iiol<4 ad.lre-aeii to lils partaer, M. Brj aa, |i , wqn?tln? tba bitter t.< UM eharge of bu c-iiii.-' uml see tbut bls cliildren aro provlde.l for." ,- __? ARCHIUSUOP PUBOBLL'B ACTIOS COSDEIfSED. ClKClNNATl, Feb. 15.?All BBBBfllatlea of tlio ereditors of ArebMflhflf, resoive.i, tUflaltaraeaa, to MUb to thfl Clrcuit Oflflai an iij.ik>i*1 froui tbe dm i?i..n of Ih. < iinineii f'oiirt ln that case. They jUflf Bflaaed raaolatkaa ebarglng Arebblabvp PareeU wiib apathy und ooadeaalng bba for it. BJTOri FOR OSE HVShllED ASli BtXTBBB YEAU8. Wilmin(;ton, Feb. 15.?" Auntie'' Wiln.oie, ixaahc waa faunilurlj cialic.i, or Nuiu-y Ciuia Wiliuore, aa ber iiauie la aald to bave MflflbBaad I" thlaeilyun Wtilueaday al the age of ouo Lut.diesl a.ul alxte.n. Bbe -aa umloulitedly thfl oldeat peraon iu tbia rtlate, If not n the Uulted butea. Utr catly hlslory aaa not __ai- ts* her untll on her deatb-bed, when her whole ?*???*? io passI , rrv.i-w before her, Bi.d aP-?ffiUtt XfwBl entwrotedoT.-n her Wetorg ft aM "Jj^l1* born about lha year 17-iL lt. N.uth QbW-BWj. THBOUGU MBW-IOBK STATE. wTAunmtn THK 060EOLA BU_Wl*ABft thev un K..IM. to nr. horonoofl n ??? Fimip.a, Pab. W (A***.*)-!)*--*^ McGulrc an.l H.ekey, of New-York. und_.. detoctlye from BBflalO arrived her to-day. nnd ln company of bt- or I'olh-c Llttle. of thla city. atripped and thoroughly ?* ,?,.,.? .,i ih. Oeeeola Baah bargbaa. tfeUe, MbA ti?. loaaaa af tbe pmaAt aaalarafl ta be "Jack " nlinite.l ln the robbcry of the Ital/.m Baak ta Jicw-vo* ilvc voara BgO, and It la aaid la WBBtfld tn Cbloa-o tt* a uiuidc-r . ou.u.itted aaaaa ttaaa ago. wata aUlppafl. ti.e, | nr.s " 33 " ln blue, Ink w. re found on hia left le?, an.l tln-" J. ... "ln blue l.i't Bfl ann. Wrlls M Mdea the Baek part of Me^ead, wtth atuftofhair m fn.nt He WflB fnllv idc.i1i.liMl brti.e N.-w-Vork Ifltflfl tivcj. Kirwi... ti.e yoBBgaal af tha taag. ihawfll m m abnt waaafl in thfl right tag bei'.w tba kaaa, alaa a.**] ivounl-bealed BB-thMBgb Ibe n_ll. ann. beald. I B aaaa. Ir.oiktBBrB U BBM to bt" foiumy " F.;iti..'isi....e,,. noted baak jobtoer. i" vi,.,t,l,.|..d iiyfttn-e. Mdaaear pfagju.-ab? woand EdamJA?B\^ Vm :,:;!:i':;-vi.1ru,'i,:uarrl^,?,lers.,.rt aud flOOta tbe aole o! bls aBoe. MoPtaraon leaaeeeaped 001 it |,v blBOWD iirkui.wl.' but ?<iiil.l ** *A, ^ ' wbatprlaon. The iiii-ii wllll..-cliar?ed wtlh "rtwaj aleighe, niul %.itu nnnij In ivnn-ylvanla tor lha barglMT 0 tha ? aee a Ml L,.\... bowerer, wlU prooa-1/ bo taken to i hlcano to aoawer tbo eharga al Btarder. ?-? THK Ill'KIAL Of A Vr.TKllAN. Tbot, Feh. l.r> iSprcidi).--The roiddo of Dani.-i IteCBBB, m r.i.Uy. awkaa his burlal... a OBtholle ,-,-,1.,-t.-iy hapoa.IWa, The faaaitj ar.- aeatltata, aad "??>' ?ppaaledtol oloael Bgolf, who haa eharga al thabBrlal of dead . i.ldieis ln e.iiinty. MoOBBB s. r.r.i callantly thrvojcb-ol theChrU War,aad was glaeB aa baaorabte dlarbarxa. To-day Oeleael BgoU aaddi "Ti..- aUt la OakwoodOeroetery raserod lba aetdten la IHefl. Uet >,;.i i ,i-i.e i fnr 15,000, with win.'h to parehaae aa -?**?** tteeal plal of gnaad. bal tha appaal waa nheaaad Wa b?y, Roplaea (b wbkk ... bunr adeaalaetttar. Tbe ?<'; tborltlea at Oahw.l wouW uo plaoe McCBoa'a ImbIj i .V....II niib-sa 1 |.aW th.'.. .-V As.hal w.iul'li.l.-...' urarlj ..ii ibe Btaie appronriai. - for ibe Uorlalol a daad . | went tn! i"iiiot. r.i Hii.l ul.t.i,.1". U" |.rivil-_.''in .ti;.I] ln b raull f.u . ?'? ,,A. :'_' .-,.: f.u fortbe parehaae of uiore grotUMl ia O ak ;v.i (,.?, M-.-. laauedti.-i..... i I..'finiK'-vu!, Mbataa tl.i n.itullluu. OALLBM <?N Tlli: PB1 MfOl NT-LIT.i T. Ai.havv, Peb. 15.?Araong tbe eallen on Pn -.'l'-iit eleei CIbti laad to-ia. fleaatot Oanaan, of Maryland i Ooaareaaraaa WllUam L. Beolt, "f Paaa . jri aala, andBtBlt- M ?.I Ittaaaw ?aaaratead that Mr. (!.-?,. Land ls d.-vutlnir ..11 bl-s|...i- thi.a t.> tln eaav nl of bla taaagaral addraaa, la ?i.i.-h be will i-al i,mii bis )..iity aud tbe i ountry lu poaaeaaloo ol ibe line of pollcy wbh-h be iBlemla to ba the rulue al Bla ao uinutratlon, _ - i:,t..i ii.? irdal .ime bere arlth flenator Oonnan .it a o'elocb tnla tuoi dIuk, and e irlj ln tba forraoon botb Tut i ii'linii reata t, i then n-mesat ibe botel ihat tber 11.. I at. flwialor , , ir?. i......:. -. I, bm tb .i Mr. lluj .'-l waa ln re ii... nol kn.iwii uiii ii the afternoon. Aft-i u-n lo Mr. i in- md he dlned alone at tbe Kenmoro llq.el, II.-.. i.jiUd oil bls way baek toW iablU(t?l.Ibe klDoeliK'k t,.,;... To bo one did be dl*. loae Iba i vlalL I --..! he ( i" ? ?? "? ' eland auawar ui.ou tbe lii-ltetlon tbal be ls ., :..*..i t.. :..,!-., t io enti i :...- I a >li i L Tbe i imor Mr. Bayaid |.iWeb detllued Ibe i- " . ,,r *..-. i- r.n v .-f HUte I- baaed '-? ui'.a Ibe general nndiretandltia Ibal be baa tn] . be preferred to n-niala wbera be ta aod will nol .. pt aplaceln th. ? ? ||, .', . ?; . .,1 wltll W l iiun ! an i Hinltb M. ?. l. i h< tbls un.rulna Ai-^i ir i ln. i-r th r wt-i,' .iii.-. t lo Ibe Lun- uf Ita i Dlli?, wb.'i-tb.y B|. ? :. i ' "' ' ? M j ' tln- lllltj mi. Wll i wouhl - :? ' ll ll :'' hl... 1..-:'-.-. .1..'H....I . ln- did uin i. i ? days n.'u that he waa meixlj .u ..n.-.u . Ihcd. . itiuli i i't' ui T'.I.'K.'.AM.??'?*?* BAH ITO I Tbot, Feb. r> I -i> ti.ih.-.\u t ITorl ia brln i .,,, ...j, 4 , . , .. Wyu II i?n 1" ? ?-.< ". ( ? ? ..-n, Um Baaaata * af wkflag aaa Bseeetji r.?H.,.iriii . . l. tl ... Illlsrlty :..... __l__H_jr. I I'- "-'? "' Bi BB 1.1_ rnhralatBaratocaaaatyaar,after IBeatj.r loatraaL A I ?:??;?? v -tj i ,.i,. I'.uk laal .1.1.1..-. Ui ?i raai Ibaclab Ib ? ,.?'i. to 1.1..1.- tha i ? ? ' - ' ' ' ... ,,,,,?.. .'. ? ln all v -? ol tm- lue-uiberaol tb. ? i . < I kare Troj I i ,1, [rn Mn .li ?:. whi ?? i [g-aiia li if? is... .i ,.'.n t uh an hj -. -. atotfa m m, imi . . ? . Th. l..-..-i '? ? ,,: -.ii..!. . .- -...: . ?:.?.,). aud Ibal It la -? "''; ? ...... ' ?? "?"? ? -i ,. i,,i - is BINUII VM l.'V. BlBOHAMTOB. Keb. 1 "?. - .I.iiik s < ?'l.i"ii x. :ip' . i_ ir ii .i-ii. i4iius.- bi.inr araaat ML ? ihta elty, threa . . , . ? ind 11 .a ml Conpaar'a Kallraad, aad b ? body araa bmbj . ii...:.'.. r. IMaal] ? "' ,:" ? .'.i.uut -:.'eloek Wl llaa, (i Wl -.. n ..tu..- nortbern i irl ol thla .ouuty. hl-a oiii um, un the ? . i i i imi'!; , Bt ? k'ork n.i ru."i Ue waa lo bava baan a I. ?;..). ^mmm_________?^. /iw< \t, \ i. II ll ." Bl i LOVOUOTl\ l ( i AM-, Peb. LH /'""'"' .- AIm.iiI 7 o'elock to-nl(bt lwo _aea wn killad aad a yaang boj bomb - Ibya Bea Unaeaftae oa tha i...?'ks.,f tbat road, al lba foot of Wat r-el Tbe aagiae was luv up. ai.'l ? ...ri'd no laatera oa tbe Iritder. Tha ."r" ?rere walkluaon tb<- traek, wbea tbe i.notlre eama rn, ib. in ftui.i beblnd John Helfner aaa -'.?? d doa b. aad, faUlai aad. >? Un whi . . i to pi .-- Tha ,,i,,, i i.i rn.- part) -'..'? -I 'u i..". - il " "'""'' "" tuaed and ran on to Ibe brldne eroaalng the diyaho a, .,,, i ,i.|.,i.) ii, (roul ol in- euKlue. !?."> ?>? ?? - ? ? ?' ' down.audll ? "I U-llber, ft ll.aml hla 1. ?. rn i-.-.-ut lual ..'.uv.' i.i.? kin aa I n- boy, ? *.? Johu bad ln- rlichl hand eruahad aod bls l-H ..r.i) ii.i.-ii.i.-.i. Un- tmitiinen arrheld raarwnalblr for Ibe Bocident, a- II ls Ibi Ir hualiteaa to bave a u<hl ou IB. tendur. lln .1 BBaa <lMd t"> nUl.t. --*. -- - BBXK1KQ t ggl FOB i /'/ ADLOCB. Cbicaoo, Keb. l-"> [SpeeUU)*--Thfl proapeei i? ?nytblaa bal aaeoaraalaa ?" tha Legtalatare Bo oaa i bb aaa tha way aat ol tha Heaata aiaddle. Thoaa "f lha .-.-ti.ituis and BepnaeataUvaa, both HagBbUeaiia aad pBBiimiata. ?-." baaa aa baaesl purpoae t- i'1-i' t4tef"i tiu'n.t.-ii-si of ib.'Mate aadfaithfally fuiiii tba legtUtaata ehjeeta ut thelr bIboObb, an baeoajtaa la?patl ent aod restive. nn i i|.ii.'t t.iu la bafltaalog t" ba keard ou botb aldaa for deflalng iraya aml ueaoa by aali-ii iM.-.ii.i.iiii's in.i\ take tbe place <>f bopeleaa Iniposalbiii I.- 1k* it n!o'i .louriKil. whlrh baa been au araeni Biipportrrol Logan laya i " ll la follj loatienptta dla uiiist- i.otii- uf tbe eamlldataa for l oltea Mtui.? Henator now oonspleuoualjr befora tiu- pablM aaa b<- lln led, sbnrt uf a iiiIkh I'-." PBOMOTIOB or BIBBOPfOaOBM. AiLAviA, Feb. 15 [8paakU).- Biflbop Onafl. Btflayaaaah, na- ia>aighl oWeiaUy lalaraiod uf bla pro uuiiiuii I- bi- Aniiiiisiiu|.ui i-uiti.iiui,on, MahopOra - was i.-ii.len-.i a re.. |.iiun i,. Blghl i'V tha OMhotta Baele ttaaaf thla ptaoe. al Bhlehaaaay araaa praaaal froai othar oUlaa Haapahaef the tala Pleaary ObbbbM, aa elartafl thal aa a raaall al body*a deUberaUoni Catbollelty wuuid double lu ibls pouutry laa ahort. A leaturaa of reeaat Papal appotal.ul la lha Dnllrd ???iil.sistliiitvaeaiiclr.liav.' IttlB flIIH wltll ri.iutbi'in nn ii._ //.: um \or miss a simr. Mi mpiiis, Peb, 10 (.s'/jiWrt-i.-.l. M. JaefcflOBi ,i i, i.iBliBfltaa. K"i late agaairal witi. u kmik oi ala iuii ll.u, wiiu aaaa ta blaaaptay, aaargaa Kisc. N|1 , The men tri. d to klll hlin. Ile, was urtm d witb a reiolvi.r. II, tlr.'tl-li tlmis aud njiui a man aaeh tlme. thltM Bf uin,in have sin. e ,ii..<i. ,,i.-i erairtylaghia platol,Jaea mii, tlt il, but retiirni-d nnd ^.n relitleieil tu Ihe iilllci-ra. At bla trlal ha waa aoqoltted, as tha praaf ahawafl Ihfll '"' BCtad in '---*> A pol.isii (JOWYBM thix T() BB HI.I.H. St. Paul, Peb. LO [Baaaial). A l'olixh N;i tlmial i uiiventlun will BBBB at Ijht.issi', Wlseuii"'11 tu-inurriiw. Ilel.'Kiit.'s baie ? ariTvn.l from New Torfe, riiiladclplila ...ul ii.any l.earcr iioinls. It ls ix peeted thal _aeet af tha atatea af tha inlou _.ii be rt-pto sentc.l. -?. BBPOF THK BOOMJMB FALLBJBTBJBB CiiMMIU'S, l'l'l'. I'i.?Aliiioiiiiri-liii-iilrt \v.r?' raatfa ta uii parta uf ti.e BoektaB Tallay laday that lha < oiiimlssaiy b*t fllvai.t, tbat alil was uu |o.i|{rr euiii laa in, aud auvlsliik' lha ii.eii tu nel wuik. Thfl l.r.Mtl eally euila lha strlk.-. which BBgM ln Ai>.il. - ? ? BVICIDK FBOU HUKAli OF Hl.tXHXF.SS. Cinlinnati, Ffili. lfj.?Mirta AiU Aiiiialroiijf, uice fnrty-fuiir, daiik'bler uf ox-HUlu Hul.utor Jai.cs M. AruiHtroni;, eomiiiitted Hiiicnle lo day by ahoullntf licr Mlle was [ud lo tlie deed b) Iho lei?r Ihist ak. w_u itu u_ lo loa.- Uar c_ _?._JiL MR. PARNELL'S APPEAL. PLAXS OF TI.E 1RISH EXI'LAINKD. FUNDS ASKKD FllOM THE IIIISB-AMKKICAXS FOR TIIK 8BB??? F.I.FCTION. , I.incoln, Jseb., Feb. 15.? T. Harrington,' meniherof Parllament and aecretary of tho Lengue ln Irel.-iii.l, has wiltten th?> followtug letter to Patrlek Egau, preaident of tl.e Irlab Xatlonal Lcagueof An.erlca: Mr. raniell deslrea tne to WTite and plaee before you the dtfllculty lie haa ln uctlng upon your auggestlon to aeud ove.t two BBMBban of the party ln tho aprlng. Ho had in -en ln bflfM tliat two inoinhera of the party iulght be ablfl to uiiilerlu.e tbo Journey, but the liiimepso lul.or thnt wlll be thrown upon our amall nuu.her I.. tl.e. torthoonlag sessbm or Parilaaaeat, ln n?-iit inR tbe lledistriiiiittoti of Peuta bill aad the BeMWfld Crinics aet, wlll rcn.lcr tho abaenec of every one uniu of ..ur purty 11 aorloua lf wo c;in ehow siitflcleut - r. ii..-.]. lu the House ln the approiK'hli.K aeaalo... wo wlll bfl ablfl t? the BedtfltaioaUoa of seata l.til ln -ii"li a miiiiiii'.- tliat N wlll enuldi. us to tako poasc-sion of elghty-flva seuts lt. tho new Farilaaaeat, whllfl at tia aaaa time, apoa the eaergy aad power wo ilisplay in dlaeuaalna tli" bill wllldepend tha fate of tha criines aet, wiii. b taa Qoveraaenl lateada to raaew. tii.ler tli.'*.'cliciiiiistiinces Mr. l';iriiell dealres mo to aay tliat i our und our frl.nd. ln Atncrlca wlll havo to leave M ?ar full I'jriliimeiitftry strciigtli during thfl BB pro ahlag aeaaloa and you ...ay rely fuiiy ut.on ht* de. aire and Ihat of ihe nurty to hcud you adelrgutlon M -.iii.ii us it ls i.f uil poasible. (lur orgunl; .itr.ii i- iu:.klng aplendld progeca* and d>> i:i_ _T.-at work. 'I.. thr n.-thity whieh our irl-l. btaaebea di-pi.iyoi In wortdag ap Ihe leglalialjnn nf votera itur 1 ii_C the pa-t two vc:irs we flWfl ti.e faet that In-Iaud ls to rec.-lie tlio benellt of tbe extended frauebiso for Bfl -li..\vcl thut, wlth en.rgy and persevreneo, ara r..ii!d s. ean nadertM llalted fraaehlae aaariyevery scut whieli tlu- Ma fr:uii lilse brtngfl withln ?ur <? ,sy grn-.p. A very l:ir_;e nroportlon of our funda waa ex pciniiil ...i this part of thflfltrvggle, nnd even -till our Batpenaefl luattaadlag baoadary aoaalaalonaMd piepar. Ing ?. ti.'in.s and atldflBM i>>r tl.ctu are verj lai ? - if, Mwarer, wo had aot u> anatalB a large i.ui..i>er of evlctcl teiuints, who have .??< us ns a Iflfaeyfran Ba Laad LeaaBevoBror. ganllalloa ?t home wmild M nMe f.. mect lts worklBg expeneea. ti.ts erleted aaaaa* rand i ? ? tlrst ehaiwe apon i.s. aad forma tho laraal part "f <>.ir expendl tarea. We bave re-eiv.-.l froa our Iri-h brnnoheadur IBfl the yeur gfl.000, whlle bb huvc voted o\er _:7,i>0(J i.i aranta t<. theae flvfoted teaanta l bave bmb a -'...t.'iiicnt Inaomeof theAmerleaapapfln attrii.iiied to Mr. Parneu. that m fandawera Beaded in l>. ui I until the generaj election. Uatollsaa h? n.-v. r aa lo aneb ii itateaenL '?u the eontrary, it la with a raa lo preparlBg for tha geeeral eleotloa tbat we ii.aiiiiv HJ.nt funda. Wo aball bava t<> put forward i4>".ut alnetr candidates at tho g<n eiu! eleetli m lt. fraland, and wo ruual bava !". <i maeblnery prepared io ??rk every one of tb.? -I..H-, .is :.ll tlu-i-.iiisiliueli. I.s wlll I..'splll ll). member eoi.atttuenelea nnd <-..o aanwlu bavetofight bls own corm-r wlth tlu- baal aWMaaay reeelve. Mr. f-rnellbaa dlreeted mo torequeatthat anrPar Ilamentary f.u.d at preeent m hand migl.t ba forwar.I. i.s a large Bfonortion nf the preaem nxpendl tnre of tbe Natlonal LeafUfl talla withln tba IIbaoI t parllame itari fund ; aueb afl Ibe preparatton <.f bllla for I'arllaneut, tbe reul aud expeuaea ol ParllBUieuUri oltli .? and Ibe .-\| eu ?? - ..f membera >'.>??? gatcd to atti n l in.-. tn _-a. a< well aa tM preparation <>r pamphleta ol ihe ( ri'.i. s a. t and theanpplylBg ?r othareaeb buMaaav tl.... to r.lli:.ll.:.ll!. T? remove theae off onr llratted raanan ??? wo iw .e:.v< Ba free i.i <i. -. ..'>? a larger projartua "f ?ur funda to ?r itlou. l :..i.-i ..ii th.olreuraatano. .. Mr. Pai iell nr^eul reqiieeta thai i.ui ?ili potat oal lo ourfrtflDda ln An.erieatbe n rnaalt) for anewed exertlOB a _i:i> port >.f tb'- r.n irj fund._^^ QOOD WOBA ?nII TH'' LTLB OUN. Ponri 1'iii-iM. Feb. 15.?Oallant work Bafldoaelnrefl.>g a ahlpwrecked erew laat algbt off l if. -.. IngHtatlou Ba 16, baldBa_?rtoteadentOeorgo W.Baveato-dai i MUai Btghtwaaoaeof tMaeren l Btzhta 1 ever experleaeedoa thla aoBflt Oa aceoaal of ' tbe atora, I reaalaed at ay ofllee bb?I ,i,- r..- aa reporta froa lb? atatlona from Handj Hoeb t? Baraegat, lhal betagtae eati nt >.f i ? i|?... i . .'it I t.'.rn.'.l ln. Al ?40a tn. I M eetved ...-.!.?- tbat l ? > wiaek.aad lM4o' watch woald boI eona ..i> IM Maflh. TM kaepa< "' -v" ... -,.i. i:. r. m ... 'ii | aad nrrlv.d ut .^ ?\\,,rk. TM ?. rr.,:.i IM abon . b >r aldfl t>> . , v.-n i.i.-..: ? ?, - ?-- agaal BBBfll i i rr..... Um i rta gun aara Sred, all aroaatag IBfltwo n:st roatdaMM reaeaM hy th* rirw ,? ,?.. (.I. 'lur .?. lll.r fr.l .... (..>? ..... aad waa aaafljnt by Ikariav, Tne llnea were ba board nd II l .U ed Up >s a ,..-?; _? >.t moi' a ln. oaualug lue ? , . tbat tb< cmtih eiiuldnot ls Ine u..ik of landlng tbe erew ? ? ... ,.-.1 thut tlie nhl|> fouled altb Ibe bawaar. The captain w?a ha in ihe ? nf 1- ??. ? and abore ln Itn i . .Ln._.-. ofdrownlng. wben< aptain tlger, \:fr> i laiiiell, I , , i f, - . ? I'i i.ii rualiod li t > tbe ? uf it . - ?!.. water, i nn -u.-. r. I. .1 ln brlnglt.g bla out ? i.f. ai.d ... m .- ifl_eti I?? ?? ??.?>>? he ? were > an ?! for li- I re." ABOTBBB WJDB8PBI IB BTOBB, Chicaoo, Peb, 15. A dririug bbow atonn i ,....i ai ra i.> art) all day, Maalag I .. t I-, rba aaaa i , . nnd - , wlBd Tralafl eomla ,: ? ,;..- >, aad fflara art et\ Ibat, wltb raa qaantltlefl ol ?,, alaag ih.- t. ..Us, IM bjoekadi , ? iv. k wtil M r. BBB I ' - 0 ibe wlnd alaekeaa. Advleea recelved aa to tbe effeel ,, atorm la of aueb lb? auie .ii.r...(.-r aim >-\ j... There U a D< i .? |?wa. Bnow baa fallen during ... " ?' f . .. : lUlUOlfl, l.U'l i , . TM beavle t anoa aaa s to i ave I uu ? h. ( . HU..I aud f."i.i..'.i. Illltioia, ;. d tralna are repurti-d toi.r laborlng bea .f"*lv "'"*"' ,:,,ii.-.i ln ih.,. regb.B. Baln i- renorted in ? ?? aouiMru portloa of fndiana aad wannei a ather ln lbet_uiB. iv mebeaofs ow foll to-daj Bl B?uh bea BaBroad i.i.-ii fflar a i'i". i. i.i". nCTIBA <>r III? 'I U8H0VAB PIBB. l'liiLADi i i-iiiA, Peb. I"-. Anotlici clinnvd body waa fi.t the ral -?' tbe uaaae der,erl ??.Mf ..fihe li;... ki-v AlBflboUM t...l..y. kleutl rjadaa tbat ot Tboaaa Baab. who oeeupled eell Ba9 ifl u nd m ii.i. n,ci..-.-tl,.-n.iii.'.. i"f vbstlaa t? Biae I,-, ii. i.ii.l, atbcagb Itaflflarehfov __orebodtaa wlll aafl M ahaadoaed uatll IM ralaa Mv? Mfla thoroughly aa. amlned, iMru la little probabllllji ?f aay aatfl being foand. TM i??i> Baaad y--t.-i.i.iy. whtob waaanppoaedtoM tbal of Btllan iharp, age tea, aafl i.i.niiti.-.l to-.Uv as tiu.t ..f a woman na..i Bi?ran i, rheboyHharp wm I.? among tbe patieniN ln the ehlblrena boapltal >>f the lnsili.iii??. Aim ... r i?.,ly whu i. remalna unldeiitlfled up t? lo day, oui wbuii waa auppoaed lu bave lieeu tbal '?? aaan, lurna out to Miaeraaalnaol Prmk-nM Brouuer. Thla makM IM ii?t oi \ iciiiii.-, s.i,'i,t.'.ii iii.-u aad two ii. AC0ID1 WTt io TBAIX8. Ki w-r.i aiii, Imi.. Pab. 15.?Tha last tiiiiii ob th>' Mfluiu. reata, whBe g>>iiu ?<<? il W?b ?*? "f "i"''"' waathrwwa from the traakbya broMaraByeetrrdaj BwralBg. IM ean waa draggad aheal aveaty-ava rarda. Tha baggaaa c?r an.l aaaklag eoaob wflre wna-ked, and wara throwa on ibelr si.l^s about ten riv-i fi..i? tba iriek. li.,-r....r eoach. eoi italulnfl mofl ?>' tbe lUMarnayra waa overturni'4. Ihere were about aeven f,.... paaaengeaon Ua train, twelvfl uf whoa werem jiii. .1. lu.i.e fnl.i li iu BTU.fl, Paa, F-i>. IB. -hortlj altaraldnlghl laat Blgbl.... Baal boaadfreigbl train aa Ua Paaaeylvaaia i;?ii..'.i.i waatbrewB fr.Ua Ita - _ ?*?_?n a**f*' mi.iw.iy betweeu Hpraea Creek ?."" BlralBa*aa. BU leen cara were deaillahed, twelve of wbleh were ilil.-d ui.i.-i... k. Two bundred ahaap,fltghty bega aaBMr . Ial bflfflflfl wen-killed. BOUBD OOMDItlOB 09 AB UTDUMTBIAl 90BOOL. UlDDLBTOWB, COBB. l'.li.ll. Tlio BOBldof Dinclol'.of thel'.iiiui-cllcilt ludiiaiila Hohoi.l for (illls kaaaeal Ita Ifteeatb flaaaal reforl ijathelaHfJalatare. it abeaalha tiniuices uf ti.e M-1.....I to M a a aoaad aea dillou. Thu total nuiubcrof girla uiid.-r cure during 1884 Eapieyaaaat was taaad for 7ft of them, Baa agaoaa ti.osei.ooi <>.. iaaaaryt. i" addlUoatolB sini.tion la tba aaablag of naeful elotblni^ndpaper im.x.s. Ua glrlaare InatrneUd ln __waflMeplnM dutlflfl aml are alv.ifl un el. un-nliiiy flducatlon. -Bfl acBOOl is u priiute.diiii-iiy, ln, ori.oi :ii.-d and employed bv tbemate (,,- ii.,- etatody, flaardiauahlp, dlaolplfn" ?nd lustr.i.'Ti.... of tM and unrul ytruena, raaranta ana mg Kura. nnd also guls fouud lu ?BBJfMt MBffBrM ralll.i(. iuto liablla of vlce. -? MAMAOBB of a i.r mueh OOBPAHT ABBBBTBD. si. 1'ai?!., Pab. ir, (tsp,rial).-K.O. Halataad. aaaagar attM \s bNe Haa baabat Oflaaaai of (.e.ioi., lowa. waali.dicle.l bftbeOl ...dJuiy J".l a.icate.l late 1,,-t ahargM witl, tio aabiaalaaMlel faadaaC IM conipany. Ilis s.ieciiUtloi,* li.ul been ??iu- ?'i f"r '? >'"?"'? aul ..iiiiiiii.l.d to Letwecu HMOO BBd fl 1*090, aa far M trased. Tbe , ,..?|,,.,y I...I not ausp.ctfl.1 ltu_jJ* *3b robblMlben. uui.i a few dara ago. wMb. ber atapl etoBfl iiavii.K' baaa flieited bj Caooaduct, tbe; aapioyau _, exparl a >??...aUu ba beoBa n'a arlafl bi prouaow due to leaaag afaaBtlaa .... the BeaN of ir.uio. A HOHEFOU Tllr: OHWAQO QASQ. CiiKAiio, Fib. l.r> (?j?BMQ.-T-d ilui'y IJ> pe.raarecoiuiiieiilliigunfavorablyou the lease by tho ( li v ( oiincll of tlio lot which baa been OC4 uplcl Bf tho BMBlB.-f olhcua _-_: tlm llre of lB/l uu-idluir B-Bflflfll pletlon of the new City Hall, to which moat of the city olliiilala haye recently movad. It ls more than suspectud thut the buildlug will he the beadquartcra of the " buro inera " and gainblere wbo havo control of tao olty polltl Cul mai lilll''. ?-? THE E1RE REGORD. FORT. PERSONS H0MELES3, Mahabot City, Penn., Fob. 15 (Special).? Adeatructtveflre oocurrod last nlght ln Cataweasa-sL It origlnated from a dcfootlve flue in tho kltchen of a double houae occupled by Wllllara Evana and George (lehrliiif. The three adjolmug houaes were deatroyed, and the flfth house waa ptillcd down to preveut tlio flre from laaabfag bulldlnga ln 8pruce-st. Fortunately a siiow atoriu prevailed ut tho ttuio, aud thlaiirevented tho roofa of btuldlnga in other parta of the towu from takir.g flre. Added to the eold, tho frozen pluga, dcttclout ap paratus, aud ht<ti wlnd, tho quantlty of water ln the BBBBa waa luadfipiato, and an effort waa made tu pump tt fro ii Llttle Mahanony Crook, alxtecn aquarea from tho tlro. The cugino beeau.o cloKircd with co3l duat and had tobo uio.ed stlll further away toBig Mahanony Creek. whi.-h was frozen m-arly Ridld to tho had. Iii aplte of al! tbt-se, iliniculttes tho flre waa hold tu eheck long enotigh to enable the oecupaiita of the hurnlug hoiiaea to reuiovo moat uf thelr houac-hold gooda and valuables. Thebotne less aaapta were cored for by tho townapeonle and will Huun tlnd sew hoaaa. Ti.e loeaea wero na follnwa: Oeor_o Oahrlag aud Jamea ftoodhead, teuanta of Wllllam Evaua, who oociipieti the thinl haif hlurk antl laaea BtJBQQi William Calhoun and bla aon, Ilonry Hana an.l hl* -uu Williani and thelr fomllles loit $-,"??> i Aiidn-wSebiuldt. Mra. Powell aud Frank Herb, gLOOB eaeh The laaBiaaaa aaaooata to less than $3,000. Thero ata fiirty paaaaaa iu tho aaa faaalttaa aaaaaraa uomeiesa. .VYACK TnUEATENEU BY A CONFLAQRATIOX. Nyack, N. Y., Peb. 15 (Special).?Two explo? sion . wero heurd laal nl .ht abnut 10 oVlock ln the baac ment of tha three-story brlck buildlug of Abriuu Merrltt ._ Cu., fliy goeda a_arabaaa\ one of tlio tinent aatahHab nients ln Ny.ick. one of tho i>late-glass wlndows ln Broadaray was Bhatterad,?ad alaaoet lmmediateiy laaasa w.ic (iiseuvered. Tlio eutiro tlro department reeponded tothraaalaraaaaad farattaaa a most disas ti'tiu? eoaJagrattoo In tho heart of tho town ma Ibreatened. By nkhaghl tho Ure was under eoatnri. Kdward Phllltpa, fotvuinn of No. 1 Eugliic (.ou.piitiy. aaabadly eut00 tha wrlat The flrin'a loas ls abottt |lo,ooo aid is fully eorered hv lasanaee. dlatribated aa followai l>i>'l.lln?r, $.,500. Insure.l tu tbo iioyni, Comnwrela] Uulou und Fhaali of Brookurn; sto. k, $l.\noo. insured lu London and taaeaabltvvrhcenli of Brooklyn, Nlagara. Itnviil, Oommerelal l.'iilun und fontinental coniimnles; flxtorea. fll,200 ln the rotnn.?rcinl I'nlun. Mr. Merrltt tblnkfl the lln- war caused by an axplaalOB of the heater. The ahocktbrew down u younK ladrwhowaa crosslng Broadway. Prarera "f tbankfnltieee tor deltretBBee fron a oonflagrauon wara offerad La tuo churches to-day. -?-? LOSTOfl I-V VABIOCfl PLACn. LABCAgTBB, Feh. 15.?Fire last nipht faB* ?trored tha dry gaeda atara af Oaarga E. tock on ?aat Ktagsat. la this,lty. The loiaon aloekl? .ifl.oo... laanraaea gltjlTfrtf Tha loaa on bcdldlag 97,000, eer ere.i hy laeaaaaee. Hyaaa h* BaflhfBtd*a alethtBgaaaaa Uext d(M>r was flaaBBgad to UM BXtpBl ef 15,000, Chnrles i4ebwcbel, a flremau, waa thtowu into tha flamea hy tha breaklng ol a <m whleh he wa itandlngaad wai aenonaly IrOured about tbe bead. He also lnL._ih.-d lba llame. ,-s..w lin.i. mi.. Pab. i."..?lire peatatday deetaeped tha hoaaa ol Jeha B, PraakUa, la thla lowa, with all Its eoatents,eaaalBga daflaaga ef 91*500, tiu!ii Ineared. Taa houae ol J. B.Prtee.adjotaiaaaraa alao deatroyed. Tho lu-_ la g_L500, a'.s.. partlaUyla* Ml. . ll. Lmcour, RL, Pab, 15.?Two bcotbars, " Pred" and : . ii Roagaa, Bhita draak let tire to lha atara af F. vr (i tBurtonVlew. The loaa ta 14,000. Tbo ; . were captured aad tl.< im-ojiIc tbreateaad ta lj ibeaa. /a< -S..NVI1 ii:. Ha.. ivb 15. -a flra broha aal bate al ii ... , ? , to-day, whleh deatroyed flre bnUdtaga Bad I .- ii.iny lu-ir- In tl., blOOk l.otinded hy BogBB, .i . i and Baayer aad UbIob ?ts. abbobb tha balldlnga deatroyed wera tba Perelyal Buildloirand thebouaaol w. n liu'M't. of tbe Bauk ol jackaourUle. The loaa is eatlu . ? OO. w , feb. 15. Dodley * flona* ahottla ahag Ib A ,. . . ? .. _ntton. wai iuned laat Bbcht. eaaalBg a ? |o |15,000 ;,'.-, .7,t?H.. T.'ii: ...'.'woi.v was ORtuir.iij?wiTTT WWWBBT, Ualtibobb, Feb. 15 [BpeaUl).- Il i> leained thal Beredlth, wbo, lt la aUefjad, awlndlad tha people ol 1 un., In t'.,e gi ? aell Uuuwu ln Bal ..... n-. It aeea_a that haeaaw hera la lsi'.i faoai , ity, Indlana, wbara ba baa reapaetable aad iilyea. iiejoimit tha Ughl Btroe! Metho n ii, bal beeaaaa they iaaUaad ta blm tu preaeb be | laed the i bartaa street ?? t to "r- acha trlal aena nl aad biadlaco ? - - Id to bare been abie aad eloqaaBi An.,- ib.i ..? pr. ..-.t w.-r.? 1 >r. l.'.ttletmi I'. MoiKaa an.l ibe Be. '-' i Ward, wbo after tbo aermon walkad hoaia together,amvlngal bo_ne Dr. Morcau took dawa a -?,.. ume of B'ealey'a aermona and b aan raadlBg aaa of the beat A.".-! .1 vhl ? be paoaed aad aaked Mr. Ward lf be badererheardltbefore. "Why, ..-.' -',; the ? tbatU .i'l'.'.ii-h prcaehed Ihls moralng." . ?? , i ... i .. . H ' Uin fl f"r more .4t e. dnftln . country fur :..-.( in- sou.e . "....?:? ui c ? i- ? .. llauovei Hti el ( bureb, '"it. beiu< < ..t Immorallt* .1 shorl tlme art. i - ..,!.., li -,.. !:. Hll .-.' Ih tl im." l.e I, ,41,'., . orer ti.ibi i pl _ v. h.-r?. er h can. Heuaualij Introduera hiinself aaa ? :. ii.-i ,i :. w - : na a _a _lns iua toi papera tbat lo notexlaL -^.-. tFDOXOYAF BOBBA'i FBIEXDB AT WOBM. Fai.i. nivn:. Feb. l"> (Bpeeial.)?(YDonoxaa Boaaabaan iny aympathl-era bere and Tkt I'oll Mittr //...I/./, m,i. b baaaevorely deaoaaeed III.-S..-S eowardly warfare oo Innocenl womea aml dhlhtraa, la, la thelr npinloo, an objeet for daatraetloa. Tbe EdBer haa re ontlyl.n warned tbroogh i.rroou* coauDoatca N'ln- \ ei." To day iM..,? .j:,- in-i, ii, ln 1 _?a. Th* ueranftnaaa e>rs are makinn a thorough Inreatlgatlon lu tbe toatler, mni wlU uu orery effort tu proaoeate tha aooH-hadgBB uiiteiirs FOMOBM1MB l\ CLXCIWSATI. Cibcibm vn. Feb.lfl I Special).?l'.ut D.Biflhop tlie BMaagero! tha WaUoaal Vinegur Wo.ks, isafugitlve from tbo elt) aad a eoatBaeed locgar to the amountof .ti,....!.. Blahop eaaaa bere two reara uga tro_a .^t- _______ Ue waa eeapbryed by Doa'a ageoey, bal dlaahargad fur attaaapted blaatr_aall. Ia the haad Ust year ho was a promluenl areakar, aad dtapeaaad fltsOOO m _aeaep aada i.iiu'e iinuiui.i uf proviatona to towaaaalha aggaa Ohla lUrer. Thoagh poor before, he Baaaaadthaa to have inulici. bOUgBt ll ( ? iiiKineice liieiiil)crshl|), ..lld vrent i.du lha rtaagar baalBBaa, Tha U.a BTrrBonal Baahi-aabed bla dralta i.relly, boi rou?lon Fridaj tbat fourteea were forganee lo Ihe Muoaal af aa,ooo. To aiH-ure tbe bank be gare a aaorigaga oa tus raotory. ,,,,! 44 ,. -i4,-ii iii! M.ui.iny toralae tba aeoaey Baaeeured. il,.!,:, bla iu.i.ti yaatarday aod baa nut alaee baan leea Yesi.i'liii i bauiiaonie woman left at bls offlee tbat lf bedld imt .ull oaherat ?P. ra. lha woald kiil blm. Blahop la now thoughl to be aa i x llll??l? convlet. lie was apUtualble i.ilkt-r. WILL lolis i;o\.... OBMILLTOO TOOAMADA. BoflTOX, Feb. I". (Nyjf(i<i/).-J()liti Boyle (PBellly. theadtterof ThaFBai, was aflaatatai la _ag land ln 19fttT. tf blgb I.eaaoB. aad aaaaaaaad aatwaaag iciirs iicnal s. rvitu.le. EbeeBBgad fnuu [in-ot. in ISflfl iin.l cainc tu BoatOB where hu wai natiirall_ed. Ma baa r.c.iie.i s.-i, i i.i iu\ liallaaa tu addraaa Mah Baaettap iu i ' Before aeeeptuva, theaa. he wpBed throagB^tha - I ?iiictmentii: U...lii.._t.'uandby l.uei .,' i . i . u\ - (j. vvi-iiiii.-.ii tuk.i'.wif ue waa, llabta to ., _ n . i ing Hii.i-Mi sn.l. Ua baa raoelvad a raply to ',Vn- ett.'.-t tbat ho woui.t ba a-raeaai tf eaaghl ou aoll._j. ABBBMtMD TO PBBTBBT A 9VBL. Pbtbb-ACB-. Va., Feb. ir>. - Ueaeral stitli^ llulhngwiis arrested nn his arrlval inie thla evenln. fruui Kii'iiiii.tud. ehaagad attb b.-iua ahaat la aagflga in a .liiel, .nt...-uiation tn that ertei-t havitiif lisci. .? .vlved to day fiuiu laehui'iiiil by Maynr Jarntt. The muue af tba ,,,-i'sun with whnin Oeafleal BaHlBg was to Ught has not l.ccn made known, an.l .i.-ueial Hol.b_g will Kive no in f.i.'.n.itiui. eeaearalBa tha -aatior. Tha su>',:,/",'":i,1.'.' bim tn alre a bond of 91.000 lo kecp the peaoe fur three ,....iin Colonel Jam.a D. Brad* beoame bla boadaman. . . i lug .on.ested tbe rlKht ot the Mayor to ,,,.t , , ,1,'r Duinls. M UO evi.leu.e had 1'uOU llilimlueed lo lurtifybladologao. Oeaaral Boiiiug la nHifllH ot tbt? city. _^__ SUOT BI AX OFFOBTBO LAWTBB, 8r. LoOHb Fob. 15.-ln ? tnul at Forsyth, Taney t'ounty, Mo , <>n Frlday ttftoruoon, an altercatlon, growing mit of paraaaaaaaa uaod lu apeec-hea, took iilaeo between T. O. 8|>alllnK8 aml ?. 9. l'rlcc, oppoaing attor ueya, in whah 1'riee ahot and mortally wouuded Hpell lnits.' Bpelltnga want from lenneesee flve yeart ago. Ile ?as the proseeiiilng a.torney of the county, aBdtaa ? dltor of Ihr Fortylh KnUrprite. Prtoe la a aon of Judge W. OL Prlee. ol hprlugflelJ, Mo., aud baa adlud two or uirt-o t-ouuiy i/auara. DEATH OF DR. DAMROSOH. FATAL END OF A SHORT SICKNE8& NO PLANS TKT ABRA.NOKI) FOB TUTDBR OPBRA-i THK MUSICIAN'fl HO.NORED WORK. Dr. Leopold Dainroaoh died at 2:10 p. au ye.sterday at hia home, No. 160 Eaat Forty aixth-at. Hia death waa nnexpected by all except the phyaiciana ln attendanco and his family, aad their knowledge of tbe likellhooi of aaeh an oui rniiie to hia lllness was only a few honra old wheB tbe end ramo, Few cren of tbe emiueot muaioiana Intimate friends knew thst the illnesafrotn whloh he had been sufferiug for fonr daya waa aerloofl, and on Satnrday afteruoon the phyaiciana in oon* .siilr.ition dechncd to make a proguoaia A aaddoo change iu his conditioa oet in night before laai, Yestcrday moming the phyaiciana iuformed Mra, I)amro>jeh aud tho children that thoy had aban doned all hopo oi recovery, but were nevertheieM not [.ropareil for so speedy a torminatifln of tba struggle for lifo. The (li_onse of which Dr. Dainrosch died VB pneiiinonia, complieatcd by pleurisy, 1 lie nnginat ing QBBBfl was a cold contracte.l laat Tncsday even ing. I.i-ritrning froiu hia ilay's labors at tho Motro politau Opera House. ho threw hiinself aoon a bed m a cold paCBB for a n.ip before dlnner. He liud neglectc.l to opon the furnace register or to cover hiui.self, and he awoke tboroughly chilled. After liaBflf lie went to a rchenrsul of the Oratorio PofJetj at the hall of tlie Young Mcu'a Chrlatian Assoelatioii. Itwftstbe concluding rehearsal for th- pcrfor.nance of the IfflBBBBl Iteiuiem, by Verdi, wl.ich was to take plaee on Thursday evening ef this week. He found liiiu-.-lf M Ul before tho oon clusion of tho rehearsal thai ho was forced to leave the hall an.l hurry homo in a carnage. Mrs. Mor? ria K.-no, an old frieud of the Doctora, feanng the consequences of the ehill which had scized him. threw ber for cloak on him iu the carriage. Dr. Rosenborg. bifl family physirinn, wns sumiiionerf, aud responded promptly. On Wednrsday ntori.itig Dr. Roscuberg laqaafllafl that l'r. .Schuettcr tnight be called la consultarion. This was done, aad Drs. Rosenberg aud Doaariltar thcrcaftcr jointly carrn' 1 tho caae. TRANSFKItUISG HIS WORK TO 1118 SOW. Onc of tha fiiinscnption repiesentationa at the lletropi.iit.ui Opera. Houso reinain tobegivenoa We.lii.-sday ovpiiing. but there BBBBtttl before IT. Daavoeeh ia tha way of opcratic waeh flve aiippia* Baeataryperf raaaaaaB,aa4thaaaaaflBfl ut BaflBBBj ChicagO, CiBOtaaatl. and other plaoee. Thia naturaliy cau~ed the dirc-ctor a gre.'tt of conceru. He deferred to the wishes of his physiciana and eent his on WflltflT, 'u whose sktll he had great coutt deuce an.l pri.le, to coi.iluct thfl perfonnauce of "Taaahiaaoi " oaWedaaday flreataf, haaaagBB thla B?aaar ta teeare aaeh foad ean aa to oaable lii-.u wtthont doabt to ha ia hia ohaht at the Opera EloaM on Friday ev.miig, whflii "Dio Ualkiire* wus t. '.<? iriven. This hope, tOO, WM doomed ta disuppoiutiiifliil. und he l.a.l to s.-mi Lis son a vc i.ud tiiii.ita eobdaet a perforau?n of tbo opera which ha.l !>ut ihfl cai.s'oui! to the astou labinfiy Baeeeaflfal aaaaoa of Gfla-aaa opera ahiehhia leaniiag, skill, eatarpriafl aml p. rae?er eneehad broncht ahoat, Aa iu tho lat iustanca, beweat throogb thai aeon al the aretk with ha son and c:ii|..t ins atteiiti.m to *.> of t!.>> iletaila ..f th.- reapotaibleaad dUBealt task beflflN Ui__ Thfl young BBBB'fl kuowb'dpe ol the scorc and ba Bptitnda la gnapiag the law Mggi atioM which it uy I'.tiiakeco.iiloit.-lau'l.iuirUMl Ua father. aad tho repreeeatatioM at theOpera lluiisc v.cai, .... iu a nwin-r whiflh flBBBBd BBBBB ootnplimontary eom*nent aruing i.i uioal people, ou I'ridav evetttag ii'id Satarday _fteraoo_ i .-.'. ae, whieh la extteoaely prevatflatt thia aot only ln New-York bat t.i > u.hout the . oaatry, was foand t>. liave Mken a ttabbora ho d tick BBaa'fl ayfltem, whieh wm aaaiaalj taa Ion (owfog i<> hia hard work dnhag tha laat aii B-OBtha) to flrithataaai ? laag aii _?? ot riflkaflflft His uighia badbeea ?Bfljr, however,aad ou lataa* daj afteraaoB tia flhyakaaaflagreedthatthai van u?t y.-t in ;. condittou to pradiet i\ bal fhe eataeaal would !)>?. Ai 3a. a. yeeterday ? ohaaaa io. the w....-.-.. i in. aml when the docl 'i-- bmI flatij ia -^ day !???> reellaed thai thaeaM wmhopalaM,9nitaj ,! i.;. ,.i. .i... Dr. Damrtach hlaaaU, ealm and e iBtpoafl I, wa i aot diatorbed :>.t thfl ptaaaaataf death. lie retained hia eoaMBMuaaai BBtil ahaat l ..",'.,.?!., .ml withn bb hour befara thai IhM c.ll.-.l Waltei t. his aida ;. i>i aoggeated tnat aa operaacorc ba broogbl ln order that he iiiisht sng ge.i ;i f athinga for th eon udiug repreaeahv tkma ni thia cltjr, H<- wm aaaurad that -.11 woald go v.eH. Hia laat thoaghl an.l vorda ??.,?., a/itb bifl l'aiuily and worfc. ln disj.>i: . | Dauaao- ha reneatedly Bahad th-i Bwthiag bhafll lufter laeatufl nf lns akkaaMi that iho |.i-e|>..ra tiotn for the opera aad for tne eoBeortfl of tho a4> eiatiea of wbieb he was dircctor. should go on. Wlth biaraindtha.eaptedha Muk laM Baoa_> ?eioaaneaaafl 1 died al faartai pMl - o'cloek ia ihe .. tei aoB. Ai hiabedfllda wereMi . Daairofleh, allof hlflehildreOfexMpI biaeldeataoo Fraak,wboliTM_i Deuver, I ots MiM Ifarie Voa Beiaharg, Mra Daa> naeh'fl Biater. aad Dr. BoaaoberB. Dr. BehMtM i.u,..' bb h..iii or BM aiter death aud wat aa l at I bfl rupKl oiirsc of thfl laat stagc of tke dieeeaa ^ IHE KEW8 AT THE MEl'KOroLITAy. (.ir.iiii oa' DB. DaMBOacafg Altnsis and BBM?M raitrfPti Mr. Cbipnian, * thfl trtasurer of the Metropolitan Opeca EloaM Cooapaay, was at IheeaVeei tho liouse wheu word ol Dr. DaaUOfleh'fl death arnvc.l. Thia wasahoui I p. ni. Bfl at MMfl iafar?ed thoao who wero rabflaraiBg ior tha floaoart Ihat thflBB woul.l bfl BO i>.iioiiu..uce iu thfl e\cint.g. Mr. St.iiit"ii, aa ataty ol tho conipany who arivcd aoou after, prowptiy a|.proved of this actiou and at ti o'cloek u. tnes ware Boatfli that boaaaaa of Dr. Daaunaeb'fl death the Maaart was -inovitably" Mi. Btaatoa aud Mr. CBlfaaia aroceedfld t>> Mr. RoOMTatt'fl home and it wasileU-r liune.l tliat li" peifoiliiau. e flf BBOia ahOB_l bfl KivcU laat aigbt Mr. Chipaan aaid laet eveaiag that uo lurther.lflinite actiou WM taketi. ? How. ver," ho aaid, ? M the Liflda kraafl hall eoa m aB on Tueaday ?odtheaextdai bAflh Wflfl_aaiaj. there cau bo uo BerfonaaaM until Thuraday. 1 am aure that it will bfl delcrniiiicd to gho thfl three ren.aiui.m M.ut.itioiis ot opera on Thureday aud 1'nd Y ?reningaadal ?alBfiflf aflthiM* Mr. Chipaaa aaid that tlu-re had been no coiiBidei .tmii oi the ijiieation ot thfl coiupany's >:..iuk on ua toiir. I h.-re waa a w.-eK yet to ih.nk over that. he said. aud ao tbfl u:att?-i was not ao prOflfllBg. ... . _ \\'aiter DamroMh was couducting tbe rehearsal a little atter 9 a. b_, waeo word thai tathoi waa WofM WM takaa to bioi. He at once haateued to his latl.ei's Hidc Hia i.n.nlv and l.rave beanng umler tla atafortaao whieh had bafallea him w*? obaarvod and apohoB of geueially l.y hia and aeunaiotaaoM ia tha waiaaflflt tflfiaa. l-'rauleiu Mariaiiuo Kraudt, ?aa deeply atlcct.'l by thfl; sho waa a w.irm a.liniier ol Dr. Dan.iob.haud wasovercomc by tho tidiuga ot hu ' Dr DaaroaaarB BflBB?fl away at the tui.e inlualifo wheu he ha.l reacliod tho goal of his ?ml.itiou waa a ?jbjectof aorrowfnl comment at tha .Metropoinan Ooera Hooaa - Ho had laboied tor yeara, aaid ,. who kuew hnu well, - and now tliat Ile ial BBcared a wodd-widfl repatBtioa aaa^_^J?g realuedbifl greM aabittoa, it aeemssail that l.o .hoiil.t be . iit: oil. Yet it i. aaob beMar thau tbough this ha.l happened before hia great s.icc. ss, - He waa on- ot thfl BBBBt ic ...en 1 ever knew'? ,was theacoiuiueut of Mr. Cl.ipman, who i l.l.^l ? " I'iten rhavc Pasa4>.l l.un on the stage and ! 1,1 i'low do you doDoctor t'lllo would bow in tho o , t a stractesl inauuer, hia m.nd e.idently far Iwai -aray up in the clouda; aud then he would -T?__ ah-orhsjsl in his work aud hia projects. H waa IhflBBht by aome that Dr. Damroflcta a death would put au eud to the eoutciiiplated toiir i.f tlie coiupany, aa three or four ol the priaeteal iirtista had conaeut4sd to go out 011 Dr. Dauiroech a earueat persoual appeal. There>afl Llittle canvaaa iug of the iiiu-stion what would bo done for another vearor who would aucceed the dead eonductor. Iho __u_a el-auaudo?t aa*l Mantaek w?m