Newspaper Page Text
IIOME NEW8. M,W-YORK CITY. tt .... n Basaaa will lifgin a prrir-s of the Tbnredny ? veoing, Apnl 2. .?,.,,..,.,. to ibeCantroJ Tnrk ohaeTToUona, tbe .S ', ",'P i..pjs miics lasi week, Ihe th.-r Elimetv. rrlnicd betwooo 13* ood 50? ; averaeo fhei -' W8i no rain. The'impmvf m.-nt in tbe. condition nf HoBff F. Ppanldiiig eontinned yeeterdojr aud his pl-.ysiciaus ftdt greatly eneooragod. afjaf. Man I Fiilion, who was reported to the aoHceon Hinraday aa mnelng, rctiinicrl to her Lome, No. 131 Weot i'iliy-thi:d-st. Sbe bad bcen with fnciul', B\T-WINPOW PAIII-OP-CAHS. Therenii'v!va'i:a Kailroud Co.npuny will intro dnre toinoirow ln their service between Ncw-. Hfc, pbiUdelphio aud Ualtiroore. the new style bay-wiu dow porlor-eara, receutly btult at the company a Blmpa at Altoonn. Tbeee coia have been deseiibcd ln Tll? TniBtNE. They are utiusually comfortablc and bandsomc. MW BOMBOO TnK Cnil.DREN'S All) SOCtKTY. fboChildren's Aid Society will removotbia week from their present buililing, No. 10 East Fourth at, which it hus occupied For Rixteen years, to No. 2-1 Ut. Mark's-placc, Ihe fornier house having beea piirchased bv the Centnry I'uhlisLiug Company to getber with tbe two adjoining buildings at the cor of Lafuyette-place lor the purpose of erecting a largc printiug housc. l.KNDING MONEV AT TlliniY PF.R CENT. Jos"pb Kusbe, of No. 448 Waat Forty-eighth-st., on Scptcmber 4 secured a lonn of 8C>0 forsixty davb froin Cbampioii lliasell. who haa an ofllce at No. 23 Enol Foiirtt-eiith-st. Aa aecurity he gave a cbattel mortgage ou bia bonsehidd goods. Under the terms of .-igreouieut Kushe was to pav lotereet at the rate of 30 WT cent annuallv. At tbe eml of the sixty davs Ruahe paid llr. Biaaell $51. The latter de tminded ^14 more. Mr. Rushe said tbnt BB thougbt he would be able to pav him the money in a week ortwo. Thenext tbing Kushe knew nbont his property was that it had been eold hy Mr. Ki.ssell lor #14. Yesterday Mr. Hissell was taken to the Yorkville Tohce Court aud held for exainination under $2,000 bail. BROOKLYN. Isabella Ciimmings yesterday secured a verdict . f HdMO in a suit for $ 10,000 for damages brougbt against the llrooklyn City Iiailroad. Her five-year-old cbild liesste was ruu over by a car and lost her leg. Ia accordance with instrnctions received from tbe Secretarvof the Navy,Couimodore Cbaudlerbas reinarated Civil Engineer Prindle ns the bead of the Departmeut of Yarda aud Docks at tbe Navy Yard, Jnstioe Bartlctt hns opened the defanlt ia the itnt for $10,(M10 damages brougbt by IVeajaminr. Aahler, a Wcstchester editor, against Edwiu A. WaaL (ieneral.TamesB.Coit, ofNorwicb, Conn., has wntteu to the Committce of Arraup ments for the anniversarv of tho raiaing of the old ilag over rort ISiunter, tVhe celehrated at the Academv of Mtisic, un April 14. that he has the old llag. It was taken ao board of tho ateamer W. W. Coit. owned by .the father of (ieueral Coit, aud prcsentcd to hiiu" A ~XE WrGAS~COMPA X T. The lntest novelty in gas conipanios ia the Tcople1* Mutual Beiietlt Oaa Aasociatlon, whlch la beiug ?rganlzed ou the following baata: Capltal. $5,000,000 huir In atock at |10a ahnre, the reat in bonda ; no peraon to boid moie tbau twenty aharea; dlvldenda not to exceed 10 p?r cent; all aurplua to be paid back te the ronaumer ln ihe ratio of ainouut of gas uaed. A ti uatee aald yesterday that oue bniiking-housc haa offered to take all the bonda at par. Another flrm overlo.oked the twentv-sbare liiuit and aaVeu for 0100,000 of atock. Gaa Is to be furaiahed at 81 a thouaand, atd all conaumers riuat hind themaelrea to take gaa from this as*oclatiou alene, aa long as furnlahed at tbat price, In order to pre Tcnt tbo old coinpaulea from cnttlng ratca and thcn golng back to old Bgaiaa after deatroylug tho newcouier. The preaent truatees or tbe company are : I.indley Murray, V Oppenbetmer. M.W. Conkllna. Hernard S. Levy, Abra ham iiowduev, Charlea E. Loew and 87. K. Fllut. SAD PLIOIIT UF A.V VXDERTAKER. John P. Norton, a Jcrsey City undertaker, went on a dehauch on Frlday. and yeaterday mornlng;he wuko up in Ceorge Crawfonl'a house, in (?arnet-at., near CllnPiti-at., Brooklyn, aud found hlapocketbook, contaln IngirTTO, hi* cvcicoat, drasacoat, ahoea 'tnd aocka and ?watch aud chah. niiaaing. Crawfonra atc:y waa that he found Norton lu a vacaat lot aad u?.k hlm in out of abartty. The police arreated I'atrlck Murray and Tkomaa Hauill, who are auajietted of having rohhed the uiidciuker. ? 11JRIXE 1STELLIGBS0S. MINItrUR-. AHIAVtl fcanrtaea. 5 45, inv 6 17 Moi-i a?ts. 5 06 BOBOrOOahlOi 13 nion wvtbr rt>-uvi. A "-SandvTTnox, f. :tl (ler. Ialind, "Oc, .Tell QBtB, B88 t\M.?aauri'y lle^k. T.ul lIjv. I?U.nd. 1.M iloil Uaie. BilB FOUEldS STEAMERS DUE Al TIUS PORT.Z TO.DA.Y. y, B .Ixiadea.I.N?limi?l CitvcJliontreal..Uvereool. .Inm?D Brttaxuue.Llverooo.\A h?e mm \ c ? i .Iaverpool..Natlonal JnraBla .Liveroool .Cuuard Artoona ........ *.Ltverpoul. <m.on JUmmtmie.naraMirt-.Ilamh A?er Mcriel . WintlwardlBUuifla.(juehoc Orlaoeo.'.'.i......BennaOa..Vluehec WOMiaV, BUBOB 30. Vewport.Itavana.WanVa Alvo.West lmllea .Atiaa Toaanar, march u, Ktate aflfehaaaka.mawew."tate ul.eovi.le .lloraaaax.Bor.ti-itai Mr-nvia. .llamtnrit.Uainh.-Amer Vciia.Hreiuen* hout.lainDton.N. U. Liojd BH1FFINQ NEWS. POIITOF-SKW-VORK... .SATIRDAY. MARCQ 28, 18S5 ARUIVKIi. Steaiier Stat* or t BDnaylvanla iBr). Maun. Hlatuaw M?r.-Ti IS larn'-^ with mrtse and pa?atijceia to Auetin Baiflwin *('?>. ArrlToiat tlie BaratS.-'Oam. Steamir t. ier'lien Melleiera. lircn.en March 18, South Bamiaa 19, witli mtlae aad >?a8ca^er? t? Ot-lricha & Co. Ar Ivedi'.ttbeBarat 4 80 am. htetuier linUnnia (Br>. Parazaila. Maracillea March 1, BaateaS MeaaiBai*. Oibraltar 14. with nidB? and Baaaaagsn to Jaa W F'weii & Oa, Arrived al the Bal at 3 a m. Htear^erL ;akwaicr. Jciim-y, 1/ora, Dai Wlak icdae and aaaaaaMrarato io > .m Domiiiion s? >.? f SV NSi?T?Wlnd at Sanrtv U >six, Ught, 8W| cloudy. At Ciiy laiand. ught, WHWi ataaaty tT.EAREn. Kteamer Crecian Monarch (lin, Bristow, London?Patton, Vlckcrs * Co. _ - _ _. Ht?aniar Uoskenoa Bay (Br>, I.'-Ptg. Loadoa?1 nncb. l.dye *Co. Hteamer Carmor.a (Bn.IIalf-row.London-Fiiuch, Kdve ACo ateamer Adnatic IBt), l'ar?c.), Liverpvul vla tjoeeuttowu R J Cortia- . . ? sieauiri PlBfaOay ';r>, Baiiantlne, Llverpool?liuak a Jev Oli* Ktcaraer Korlnne (Spau). Aberaatura. (Uaa?ow?R J Cortia. aieamer .-scunduiaviau itr ?. MlUhall, (ilaagutt ?Urnderaon Beea t^'earaer Itoraot Hn, Htamt^r. Avonmonth?W D Morgaa, steaieer (iermama <Br), HuupaoD, Mcdlhtrrancan norta fasrer broa IliBxttedl. tsieamc: I'olkria Hr) K. bade. Ilauibnraj-Phrlpa Ilroa A Co isteaiatr Nooruland (Hclt). .Mekc.l?, Auiwcrp?FelcrWrlght * Baaa . . , Hieamar Oco W civde, Holmea, Tnika Ialand aud san Do mli.foCltv-Wm PClydeACo. Mtaai?rNla?ara. Bacer, Havana?TaaK ^A ar.14 Co, Maaser Klaa (Br', Arbnckle. Bar.iroa-II Imuiol*. ?t.??er < olorado. lllsk, Ker West aud Oalveaten-C II MalloryACo . .?.?,. cteani.-r Knieka, Hc.wV New-Orleaua-J T Van Sleklc. Maamre Ltiiilelaua. Uarer. Ncw-Orieana?H II Hcaman Kteamer Uelaware, NVn.DCtt, Charlcaton?J W Umulard A Co. Mteamcr H.rulator, I'.caac, WthalagBBB, NC-WO P Clyde A < o. Hlennier Old roraimoD. Siuith, .Nortolk, City I'olnt an* hlchii.'otal?1>).1 L'ODilnon Hb Co. i-iaamer kc Kn.g it, Cbicheaier, Cieorgetown ana Alexan *rla?TtoaW Wlghtman. -i.:4u..i l'.ouieo iUr? Williama, taltltnore-townlnj A Archlbald. . ? eu-ainer Win Woodward. Yonng. Baltlmore-J K Krema. Bteanier Kleanora. Bi-a^g, POTtfind? Horatlo Hall. hteamer B F Ulaiot k. Bailelt. l'i.atcn-11 F Iiltuock. t<hip Mela itier). Uni, I'hlia...-l^hia? Theo Ruger A Co. Bark Royal Altred (Bn, Jatuee. Calcntia, Bi:i-Ar?cll A XioukUm. _. . _ Bark Kinllle (Atiat). Mandirh. I'ort 9ald -Fuuch, EdyeA Co 8AILM>. Btaawert Ilelvetta ar.d Adrh?t!c forMverpool; fireclan Mnajafab. i imdon laiai.d. CopenuaKnu; Oder, Breinen; .\<aird }aml, Aaiot-ip a.. tllaagew: Advanoe. RloJaoelroi }>luladr<|,oU l^nuayra; Verluinijii*. Kiugatoii; Niaitara, Itavaaa Oe'i w t lytte. Tnrka IalaLtl. < olorado, Oalvoatou; JaiaiRlaca Ki.d f.uraka. Nrw irlcaiia. City of Au/.lhta, BBV^ anaah; D/hiwsrs, charU-atonj Iteuoiator. Wibuiugton, Old Xienibdou BtahaaaaBi Kc Ktdaht. ueoraeu.wn. 1 H 1-. MOVKMKNTH (?? MKAMKIH. r IBKIOB PORTa. I/OXt'OX, Mar'.'8?Salled, ateatner Fnrei^in (BV), ntinett, irtKH., Mar 28?ArTlved. steamer Federlco (Rpas). Oar tlei. froni New-York Marrh 14. uimaa.ow ., Mar'.'S?Arrived. ateamar C'ltror Bei!.n:(Br). l.and. from New-York Marcb .u ouberwayto laTeipooi (and protaedad). _??-? SPRINC MEDICINE. Kverybody needs a aprlng me^ialaa. The blood muat be ynnQett, the aysum ?treaattaeDaa, and tha <*.;Keatlvo eigani fcmed aud regulated. 11 you baverever trled Hood'a Baraa yarllia, do so thla aeaaon. Hhaajnat thoaa purifylux. rego latl'iK and Btieiu-ihciiinf loflaencea which you so Kreatly aeed Take Hood'a SarBapaxiUa now and we are anre yon vbl be glad that vou re*#rt*d to Ud* rellabie aprlng medt Otaa. I>o not delay. " I had heea wuch tronbled hy general doblllty. I*at apriaa HOOD'O BAB8APABII.LA proved Jnat tbe tbing needed. I Oenved aa itnnicaae amoant of oane?t. I nerer felt better." ?II. F. MUi> t. Boaton, Maaa. " For aeven yeara, apiing and fall, I bad aerornlooe aorea aome out on my lega. and tor two years waa nol bree rrom them at au. 1 auOerad very much. i.aat Mby I bogaa u.kiui B00D8 hARSAI'A lliLI.A, and befoie 1 bad taken two bet tlc? the aorea haaiod aud ihe bumor latt iue."-C. A. Arnoid, Ornold, Me. " There la no bleod eonal to HOfiDS SABBAPA. BilXA,"? K. a. Phcij... i.ocbeater, N. Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla Oohl by all <lru< .:-tt. *!. Hiftor*5. rr. by C. 1. JIOO./ ,c >).. Apoll-.ecariea, Loa-e.i, MAaa. 10a Ii,,;-, One lioliar EJrg (SoooJL_ HIGH CLASS~CARPETS. Pprlng Importatlon now ln atore of AXMIN BTBB8, WII.TON8 and IlRl'SSKUS, whlnh for bt auty of deslgn and artiatlo coloriuga bave never beeu cjuala-.I AI/>0 Tocloae at once, a large llne of ENGLISII AX MINSTERfi at 81 75 and Bjf OO per yard. KNGUSH and AMKRICAN WILTONS at 91 75 and 83 OO. :tOO P1ECE8 HAKTFOKD BOaTT BRU88ELS, warranted of the beat quality and full flve frame, at 91 OOieryard. 150 FIECLS M0QUETTE8 ln auporlor colora for Parlore, at 91 13 per yard. Buyere who wlah to avall themaelveaof theae extremely low prlcea Bhould make an early call, aa tbey tanuot be duplicated. iBtoaDwaii c& \<)[fi 6t. FASHIONS. FASHIONS H. M LAZINSK, The Arlislic Ladies' Tailor and Importer 148 5th-ave., bet. 19th and 20th-st, N.Y. FaahlonB cmreapendlng, AFSTItl A-POLANP and RHS RIAN-Sl'ANlsllfOATS. INIUAN HOABLBT JACKKTS. UI S-1AN LONO > OA r?, POLISHCOsTl'MES, and At ?. 1RIANHIDINU HaBITB. Kapeclally and poaitirely ihe beat flt and theflnett of workmaushlp can begotln orir ea talillahmeut. aa no other honae rau be campared to onra v\ e are uslng tbe verv beat clotba. lmlnpa and tnmmlngB, aa our latlv cuBtomera are tbe ueat ln tbe world. Cottou llnlnga. iartner aatln aklrta and readv-made purmrnts are not uaed ln our CBtabliahuieut. our prlcea are tbe ?auie a* lonuerly. H. M. LAZINSK, TITE MOST ARTISTIC TAILOR IN THE WORLD. 1?? FIFTIl-AVE. IMPROVE THE FORM BY WEARINO TnE MME. GRISWOLD CORSET. Prtcea wlthln rcach of all. FIXE COItSETS TO ORDER PARLORS, 923 HROAJlWAY. H.MlFJ' A.6.SFALD1NG&BR0S. CHICAGO AND NEW-YORK, WILL HAVE A FORMAL OPEXINU OF THEIR NEW STORE NO. 241 BROADWAY, ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1ST, AND BBTBJfff A CORDIAI. I.WITATION TO A l.t. 1-ARTir.H 1NTEREBTED IN Ol'TDOOB 0POBT8 TO CAl.L AND IMOrSf T TIIEIK BTOOB Oi* FINE SPORTING GOODS, IM I.t'DINO IIASK I'.AI.I.Sl IM'I.T K-s. I.AWN TF.NNIH. lll-NH, BEVOLVERS. IJSMINo TACKLE. BICYCLBO, ...'.... . . . i ? t . . ,(??.,. ITU ? ?. I . .111. III. < i l .>ia, it r. v ul \ r. iv-\ r ,,.->.? i ...? ? ?- w\ ?.?-.. ,.,.,,? .,,.?., CBICKE1 OCPPLIKft UYMNAKIUM AND ATTU.E1 I< 0OOD8 OF ALL KINDO. _ TIIK EHTAIiMHMKD HFIMTATION OF I1IIIII HOD8K AND THB A< BrTOWLEDQED larPEfUoiu TY OF IIIK IMPLKMENTM UV TIIElR MANCFACTCRE. 18 H\ FKICIEST (HAIlANTKlf yull THS QUaLITT OFTHE OO0D8TUEY WILLHANDLE. Itemembtr Ihe ilny, AI'IUI. lal, and Ihe lorfi lion, No. 211 BBOADWA V, oppeailc 4 lly Ilall Park. ttemcumla PORTER & C0? fteal Katate Agento, 167 EAKT 126TTI-VT., WILL KE.UOVE On or about April 3, to their new and largei offlce, No. 77 EAST 126TH-KT., ncar Ith-ave. -fioteioj._ TMKIUCAN H0U8E, UOHTON, Henry B. Rlce 4 Co. Ncw Daaartnra Amerlran plau *:i je-r dity aml upward. I:- ii.? onlv *1 I"! day aud upward. Refltted aud greatly lraproved hy recout alterationa. ARGYLE HOTEL, llubylon, L. I., Will Inr The reooption ot k.k-bu early In Jnne. For rooma or rurnlahed cottiig.-a apply at tbe New-York othce, Kt.6 liroatlway. itli'ilARD U. h I KARNH, Proprletor. CVERETT II Ol si , 4TB-AVE.AND 17THST., N. T Cent rally I^a-ated. OVERIXiOKINO t NION HQUARB. I ..??,.. -?! v. .- a ... ut-. ci,ari:nim)N uutel. 4TH-AVE. AND 1HT1I-MT, N. Y. Ontlie Auierlcan and Kuiupcaa i ...aa. c. H. KEHNEIl. I'niprleter. _ ANSION IIOUSE. GEDNEY HOUSE, KEW HOTE1, ECROPEAN PI.AN, 40TII-ST. AND R1U1ADWAY. BOWSbBB llROS., Cr.,,.1 i.-t.,ra Ifi^raa. tl per day ; 1-r- aaa 915 per week, en-imte. A jraaaOaa or coiatartabio Rouma tar at $5 p-r week. M hkooKI.YN ItF.IOHTfi. dlrcetly oppoaite Wall-at., New. York : four i> iniit.a' walk froin Fuibin ..r Wall htreet Ferry ; Buperior at r?aauuablo ratca j aeleot (aially aud traualent botel; 20o rooiru._ NOW OFKN. llie moat complete and oomfortabie botel in New-York. THE NEW AND PAI.ATIAL HOTEL NORMANDIE, t'orner llroadw/ny and :i"aih-ai.. 021 THE EUROPEAN FI.AN. wltha reaUuraut of peca llttl eII -II' ln e EBTERBROOK. iDBpector ol Biiildltiga, aava : "Every room la ? piaeo of aecurlty for it*>o. cupant, aa ihe houae la abaoiuielv iircprtKif-" hteitn he?t. apeaklng luhea, elactrtc bolla, burglar and flre uiaruis atu. beil to all taraANITAllY ARRANOEMENTS PERFECT. !,?rallou Ihe moat hesllhv In the ? .1 v ttpeeial weddlDfa, reoeptlona. tluintr partlaa. Uutiui ajrau^.-iueiiU loperuiaiieut (ueila VLKDINAMI 1*. EAUXt; Proprletor. Corpcls, vv'c. OARPBTS. WILTON 0lu" Manufacture. MOQUETTE, Our Manufacture. VELVET 0lir Manufacture. BODY BRU88EL8,0111 Manufacture. TAPESTRY " 0ur Manufacture, THREE PLY8, 0ur Mamifacture, INGRAINS, 0ur Manufacture. WK ARE OFFERINO A LAIIOE LINE OF AUOVE CARPETINOb FAR BELOW MARKET VALCE. JOHN & JAMES __ DOBSON, MANITAGTURERS, 40 & 42 WEST 14TH-ST. JACKSON'S MOURNING STORE, 777 BROADWAY, EVERY DErARTMENT IN OTTR ERTABLIHRMENT 18 NOW 8T0CKED WITU NEW AND CAREFULLY BELECTED ' KPHIMi OOODS. ALL OF 8UPERIOR QUALITY AND THOROl'OIILY DKMKAIII.E IN EVERY RKHPECT. ?a 1. NAME TUE IdlYVT.MT PniCF.H AT wniCH IT IH fOUllll 80 OKFKR STRICTLY flMU'Cll IM riEHiRAiil.E OOOM WE ARE OFFERINd AN ENTIREI.Y NEW FAnitlC FORBUMMER WEAR USUKK TIIE NAME OF t'LAIRETTF, FINE. MGHT, 0001. AND BOPT, WIIICII CRACK Noll KE INJVRE1) BY 8EARIDE DAMPNEM8. IT OAN BE HAD IN ALL Qt'AT.lTIES ?' miHIIKl ORDERN IXrClTEI) ATTHE 8UORT E8TN0TICE, AT REABUNAIlLE PRICE8. JACKSON'S 777 HROADWAY. ITI.T 9T1I AM? 10TII 888 NOTICE. Tn ron?eqnen*o of the rtl?aelntlon of thr l?t?> flrtn of KEFT MAM FAiTt'KlNd 00. and rav fnitn aald flrtn. I AM8ELLINO ALL ?l CR HlIIKI .-* and MKNH FCE .\hlllN<.hu wor.'taken brmoinlho DIVISION of the ASfcETHof tlir laleflrm at PuwITIVELY LAEOE ItKIiff TidNB ftotu ixMUfJtn pniopja. lio ???""T*??? TATKiN 18 AI.LOWE0. TIIE TRt'TII la atrlctly adliored to, THKRK.F'iRK IThTOMERH <if the lite flrtn WII.L FINDlt toTHKIRADVANTAOE to patronlic BKRMINU UAJl'f 8TORE8. 119 FULTON-ST. b?t? ,-r, Niiua and WlllLua at? ?"?! 1,193 BROADWAY ibeteeeu PJM ?i,,1 PJMj ala ) BERMINGHAM'S arPERlORvil-'ALITY opnroM SUinTS. BAI.AN( KO YOKE8, (Trade Maik . MADE TO MKA-it'llE. 6 FOR $9. I'l.rv'ALE ajrjTjmvoa in au the mr ipbivo 8TYLE8 (iriitlam'a wlia .Valrr to np-rlrnr*. tnr rmnfort of l'rrfrct fltllna Hhlrla ahuuld trr HKIIMINUHAMM IIAI.AN. I.H YoKKHIIIRI'H. m thpyarc *u?rant?-d bcttrrln rvary re ? prrt ttnn anjr othrr Hhlrta MU anvwTirr*. flprtn? atylra of NE.KW'I. \ tl. I MillliWIMn and ME.VB Ft'll.MHIIINOS nt E . EKY DMOPJ I'TI'lN PJOW RKAUY. allat POFL'I.AR I'lUi I - BOHTON BHANi Jl si'i.Rl-:. r.'f! Traniont-at, A -HKIi MA.II'STVS ('ORflET REDCCE8 j\m ti.e aop and un rra*a? tli>-i. tik't', nf tha wilnt of flrnhjr iBdMfl wttaoal lajarteafl mi,i laatagi "y iii.-u. aa'iafac ll.ill KUrftallli .'! Ol nidllfV r.'fillldrd. M.MPfl i.N, i llAWKollfl B KIMPSON. j> -I Kl< MA.IK.S'I'Y'SCiiKSKI ISINVAI.I' ? aiii i ti, teiin| MM t"r?u?.-it BtrfaftMaa laa aptna; Ml irnmi. k iM have all -'..?.. It aUa reatevea aad pi>-\ r-n tn atoopin* ?nd romd ah.m dera LKillOUlll.LlEH HR'iH., Mtb-at C-HEB MA.JI's'1 V'S COK8ET 1H THE ? brni ^jilnal aTpportrr rvi>r ma<la and lt ?ul>rorta aejaany w>u MeaMaMaa an-t aii o'tn-i partanfihn iio.iv, anilncnt phyaioUiii r.< uiiiuirnd thrtn lUMl'U .% BOlfB, \\ -nrv IfER m \.ii:>i vs t(5BflETi !f 1 '? n^ittirr itrftrhoa nor hrcaka ou th;hlpa, tlie Man nevcr uiovr or come out .n tt.ari *' rr<ymnu<-nd thriu JAMI H A IU:aUN d BO!! |^"-Hf Ii MA.n.STVS CORSEf WILL ll? ncTrr BBBBgB lta fonn. alwifa r'talnlna Ita nilrlual ?liapo. KIlWAMi) RIDI.KY & BONH. rnriuturc. C'o.fip%Ri: i*ssin:s FURNITURE And MB gunrniiK'c llinl alniilnr qunlilii ? ot good* ii. our* t iiiuiol bt- prorurril 10 lo -O |?r i . ..I ?? low, (ompnrr il>. .i,l, .....I trorkmanthip ot our in ?? Onli lt. itn.nio Muila, riuht pircca, al ft'J.1, our t lr t ...I f brrrr Un >>,ii|( It or. un Muila nl ? IO, \i . \ (in. < ihihil of lliuio--lt..,nii | iirniliiii , ,.,.. ii.|iM iinil oll.i . -liln,. I.tiilbt-r-t otiTi-.l I luiira, ?? |. J.1, iiml MhIi Imorila ... ms alltl II[l. ward, I ..iii|.iir. tiur iK.oiliiiuii ol I' Ior...Ior. ; Ihr nrwrtl, otltli-at <l. aigBM in ri< lo >| laprslritu, pln?h, A. \? . . .-.II ntii mi.... i.i our -|,..i,il nrrnngrmrnla for Ihr foi i.i-Iiihu of rou.iiri rraitlt-nrr*. Iluii.l >??li io ll-l.l?ilr llinillliir Im .1 ulii.l. I.oua. lllul bt' lin.1 ....- ??.-?oo. * Buy of tho 3Iaker." 6E0. C. FLINT & CO, 104,100 AND 10S WEH* 14TII-HT. 'nlald FloorltiK, Wool tsMMtl and t-rrry tlud of flni? Hard?ood Work mad.< at our llithut fa/tory, EASTER. Neck-Dressings> Gloves and Fixings. Newest Parisian Shirtings. ? 8PRING 8TYLES OERBY HATS, NOW READY, TETJNK AND BAO SALE CONTINUED, KEEF MANDFACTDRING CO., (i.N'I.Y STOKi: IN N i:\VYoitK, Rroml?inv :ui<I Bleeeker St. Ctoitt^e. Maxwcll'H | Oilir.- i'l.i aitiitc. 'J'riiuks, iJ.'ir. Uatea Be'raM >-. I fh.1 >.?.!?., ,\.:^..,. -. fti,i ??? Iloiiact I'.'r it'.itvi 1'tu'nM, ara ' 0 ti. c lul. Vj'.hbi.'I , f. i ttiuiatMfaralaWl. narban Paciuaga a.pwug. i-'uuu-u.ooou^ui. uhn ?oobs. ?>AII,Y, our new Nprin_r BBJoi Kommer alyleai of IIO VV and \OI IIIV g| |T?J nna OVKRCOATN, IIATM, < APN, *I1IRT WAINTN, Ao; MI**F.S' and < Hll.l>ltl:VN (loilka, llrcaaea, MII11 nery, llo?lrrw, and 1XFAXTM* CLOTU. l^KJ 0| ,.,1'i'T deacrlptfon. An early aelectlon will aecure attrac tirc norcl tlca that canuot b?- duplicat?d lafer In the aeaaon. Tboee who have been In the hablt ol aetertlng their chll dren'a gooda from the lluitetl aaaortmenl uaualiy found ln the BOjatBBMaUOf dry-goodaand clothlng Btorea wiil apprrclate tl.e niiin. I,,.- and varied atock we offor? the unusually low prlcea,? and other advautagea oi our eatabliabmi-ut BEST & CO. 60 and 62 West 23d-st. iHate anb ttaom- to ?et. AiiVKltriSEMKNTS FOR THE NEW YOItK TBinUNEWIt.T, IIF, RECEIVKD AT THE I'PTOWN OFilCRei.No. 1..38 llroadwny, corner Thlttr flrat a-., and Sos Weil Twcnty-thtr<i-at? cornrr Kiiciiiii-ave., No. 188Taortaava..coraat rourteenth-at., to Third ava , curoer Forty fsVaalMVl No. 1,0<?7 ihlrd-ov*, Hlttietb-aU.and at the IIARI.Kg OKFICE,2,300Tlurd m-ar ave , r<<K u ,r,.-!,. ?? rat-a ave . corner One hundrod jml tw.-mr ti.'ih at , uptoHp. Alao. HROOKI.YN, *:. andH7 Conrl-at. rP() I.E'I tili Dctober.?i urniaBad Ba* m tue I Newpurt ALAKOE, HAND.Xl.Ml.l.V ITKNISIIM) Ui >0M. w.tbinit Imarrl i alao anuill one , geutlcineo only , private fainily 1 to Weat 21ft at. A" T Tittkish Batri, 7 Eoot 46th-ot,?Elegaatfj furnlaticd parb.r floor and other dealrable roonis. APARTICENT8 in tbo paiticuLirlv eJefant hnlldlng No. I4S aml BM Wcat Clal-at, near Rtoadway ; exrec.lingly b[8cioiib rnoiia. BS abatts. ateaui heated ; ateain lanudry. inuulre on nren.iacs, or _PE1ER A. LaLOB, 1,035 3d._ve._ APARTMENT8 ln the CTveloe*. 339 VV< *t 1- _:h1-at ; nnturpaaae.1 rorelagance ; romplete tor houae keeping. i"i<t A|ii.iynr c. \an I'.ri.n r, AparttaaaMT. \N ELEoANT apartinont on socond floor ta the HAWTHOBBBL dlr.-elly oppoalte Central l'ark. Uwu. ia iive lu bulldlug. mi Hi.-.-p.iig ioouib, parlor, lihrary. Ae. 12* Weat SOtb-at. ?_ 1/ I.Ki; AN I' A PAKTMENTS beliiitifTi'llr .1?< .? \i on Ibe blitheat land Bod moat healthy loratlon ln tbe . ltv. evi-rv . .iivcnlfBce, renta very low ror tl.e accoiuuio <lal <ui?. IiKju.r. ol JANITuR, No. 1S2 Eaat BJ d at. _ l?LE0ANt Al'ARTMENTS Koli BACH I_ 1 l.i iltM-Flrth-ave, corner, ln flre-i>roor l.iili.t lacafAMBBK anmaIE DBPOSJT t'CMPANY. Ucatloa la tn.- city._________ P^LATS.?in thci thfJBBt Bpartmrmi boaoe, No.9 I aat (Sth BB.. afeani-heat<-d aud all Ught rooniB ; rt-uta ?Aotutii. Iiu|iilreotJanltor._ MODERATE BENT8.?Stofli tlats, 7 and 8 lar*e rnoma. all tmi.r.vement* natural aronnd; new carptta. M reiiued fauilllea rect .V.-.1. norhlhlr.-n Mli* PIKBOB, _ N... IU.'. laat llUthat.^ DRETTY FI.ATS, 7 roonn, only $20.? I Waahmirtoi. ll.-lirhlB. l'ure A.r. ?? raud iscei.try. Amcr Iran nrlali'k?i lio al, tu hoola and ' hurchra II n BADOLKY, . ..r lnh aw ai.d 1 Mh at . nr72 Wal!-at. SIXaadaeTea room ilafn, ncw![j deooratod, BOBa aaaaa 0 LBTti Newp..rt ?ruotua. Bteam. Elevator. All improve mrnU. Addrcia D. W.. Trlbnne Ofll. <? THK MA!>ISON\ 25 MAD1B0N-AVE. 1 ' Apartmeiitarii aulle and aln?> naiiui r.iral'bed and un luruithed; one t llag aut auib- tor phjalciaB'B ufflce , reuuur aut._ IOTIt^KT., :i'.' I i*i.?Nicidy funiished iooiiih; ?" eirellent l<a-at!on , reterence. ________________ .>?> WI.S1 R3D-8T.. ln tlie Koekland ; 19 ^?) kraaj ?'?7th-af.. in the rtancy ; -i07 Weat r.cta-aU, iu tho WlnAekL e.ejaiill..rB. |_ /??> [RV1NQ 1'LACK.?Thehonao luia eha-BfOd l)?l lan.l- b-en patul.-d .ind papered thrmi.lioot; rooma ue . \f rur_iah-_ ra bbius <u atualy, \>r year or aeaaou i (eaue auMi onl-. ________________?_????_ . i Oil IRVINti PLACE.?C'hoiw nMinia for tlen < ?f I rlal, on groobd floor; t.ot aad cold waler; other rooaa a a oaljr. ' Alisol IT1.1 Y FIRK-PROOF. rme amall at<>re U. iet i haadaomelr decorate.t; marble floor lullab..- tor Uauk or uisBi-ace .iin. e. Auply b! tbe ?"}? THE CHELSEA. .-J-J Weat -..' TIIE FINKSr HRE.PROoK AFARI-ENT UOl -E IN lllt WollI.1). Tlirre verr deairable non imuaekeepluv anitea, haautir.illy .1,!"r?.e.\ at *)::<?>. and three othera aTItHK), locatloi. cr reataaranl u:.?iirpas*-.L _ . TO I.ET-AI'AIIIMENT^ IN TIM: CENTRAL PARK BUILD1NGS, lOllNEH 1?TII-*.T. \M)?TH-A?__, illiiMIVn t KN ril.Vl. I'AIIK. RENTS FROM $1,800 TO $3,000. Appiy iaI_Ho~B?BBB .v FKiKiniAN. t? i'lne-at.. or- to ( . ? LIFToN, Suporlntenilent. at hnlldlnT T<? I.ET APAHTMENr** fN TUE ViMOKMAIt 4PABTMB1VT HOCSB, 7t_-ave.. 6Jth and ftOth ata. Renta. ai.7.*.0 toa'J.OOO. Apoly totbe f-uy.-rlntendent of tli" Imlldlng. Summcr tUaottB. A OVEBTI8EMENT8 FOR THE'NEW-1 A VOI-.K TB1BTJKEWILL HKRECEIVEP AT HE i (TOWN OFFICtrt.No. l.-.'SM Rroadway. corner Tblrty ?r*iai.ui.tlllMi m. and 3.i* We?t, c.irncr Eulitb-avc, Nn. l:,.iF?orih-ave..aoruer ionrteenth-at, 7'U Tblrd-are c.irnfr Forly a.-veiith-at | No. 1.0o7 lhlidave, B,!.r il tt.-dh .? and ut^ia IIA IlLKU O r'KJO I . 1.900 TMrtV ave .eorneroue hundr.*! and tw.-nty fifth at . up tort [. n... at regularottlc rat-?. Alao. ?jtOOK f.\ N, *.*? and 81 ( oo.i-at. ln'.RKSiiiftr. 7in;i.fT. . ,? _ , 1 ? PIBOT-CLABH I ulNTRY BOARD at one of the flneat realrtencea in Rerkahlre Coiiury. Houae and rooma^VBITIBIM. (Iroundaliirge witb bandat.iaelawna and ilnelv ah-AM I.o ruiei-.u hlgh grnuiid, be.iutiful acenery an.1 dnvea la tlie B4_<h_orb00d. lloua.- open Inm May 1 Ui Novnubor I. Tcr_.-0.le.?l? Addr.-at ??,-. ' l beahire, Rerkahlre Co.. Maaa. I>R"(?TpEr;inriT?i;sE, sii.-lt.-r iBJaaa." LX 1 N V.-ThlanopiilarandUBll BaeWB liotel will ol .I N about M i ..r SaaramB ..r lotuna and othaa lafonaanaa call or addr-a. the P_^^TrrAW_Y, __,. r?c,lln, f onn_ Ijaddon nouss. _ ATLANTIC CITY, N. I. Splandlrt locatlon ra< laa tha ocean. lUnlanmely flopnln.ed with B?ar? . ?B*rui*M .? ror wlnicr and BU-imer naltora. Edwim u_?________ UARAT<x;A, U'ZKRNK and all llirontrli th<? ~? Adlroiidaeka. dtillfhttul rea d.ucea fully rurtilabod ; private and Wr-lag. w o. I iMPBELL. 1,00*1 -th-ava CRANSTON'S, AVIOST poi-^r, on IB Bl/BBC* HEASON CoMMENl B8 THI USDAY. APItIL 30. Rooma can be cugagud at the New-York liotel, Nrw York ntJ H. CRANSTON. WASHBURN'S BEST. TIIK IIKST FAMILY AND BAKEBM' FMHTt. MINNEAI'OI.IS PATENT. MADE FltoM I't'llK MIN. NEhOTA AND 1.AKOTA JIARD WIIEAT. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. W. B_ < IMTK II, 90 HROAD-MT., Aiicn. CDtfun Stcamer* \OKIH (iKRMAN I.I.<?YD BHl. CO. il HBOBT BOU l-.-: TO M"M?. NEW.YORK, BOVTHAMPTOB AND hHEMEN ElDEIl. Wial. Ap 1. ll.toa. ui I _ A I N...--at. Apr. II, ? a. m. WKIUIA, Hat. A&4,OiOOa. ?. I Kl'LI.A Wed. Apt?8.8a,BB. Ei.R_.Wod.. \Pih ll:W>aa_ i XI i KA'V??t"A,'18-'?f;.1*,m Hy Wetb Htt-amer. Flrat caMn. B80.9lOO. BBeaiJ_Ca8tt. ?il<). Rv isaturday st?.a_er. Firat c?bln, $75. bocohU Cahlu, __. Hteerare at loweat ratea. OKI.HIriis. .t . ?>. -N". -' Uowllug Oreen._ WIIITK STAR IdNE-MACRY^ROJITE LNITED MTATKM AN!) KOVAI. MAIL BTKAMElW K,ll UUKKNOTOWN ANI> I.IVEitlMOl,. RRITANNIC i anu I'errv.Matur.Uv, Auni 4. H.uia. m. Iti.i'i 0LIC ? ,.nt. irvliur . Kaiur.tay. April 11. - p. B < Capt. KeiuvMv....e_turday. A',L 'J. '.!:, *' ? i i i ii o.i ii .-. <ii Kalonlay. iri JS,-'J p ui fYoin ln* Wi.Ue Mtar Do.k. f.M.t af Weat lOth-at. ltATKH._valt?ni. filO. fio and AIOO. ReMirB tlf.kaU OB lavoral.lairri.ia str-raxe at Inw . itaa. iLterniedlate i Aiiri aiiimiiii -.ij. ra;|capeoU.f plana and other laforma ??PP1- .,, -ue.,,..,.a.,y. Slaaa ia >* '^'^^^w a,._t.r..r ''-""'-'^"^.rAurATouEY.iou VaBBOMO Ittbeical. THE LIVER, AND THE STOMACH. Consumpfion, LIVER CDHFLAIIiT, AND DYSPEPSIA DLJ.H.SCHENCK, OF PHILADELPHIA, WHO HAS FOR 80 MANY YEARS StC0r:S8FTJLLY TREATED THE ABOVE DISEASES WITH 1118 MEDICINEH, 6CHENCKS PULMONIC SYRUP, SCHENCK S SEAWEED TONIC ? 8CHENCKS MANDRAKE PILLS, t'AN I1E CONWLTED FnEE OF CIIARCSB ON WEDNESDAY AND TEURSDAY, APRIL 1st and 2d, At il.< ?.!'. \> l? < I \ TH tl.HO I >:i ., ny. oppocilr H..n<l-?i . >. -.t-Yorlt, FROM 10 O'CLOCK A. M. TO 8 P. M. DR. SCHENCK'8 MEDICINE8: PULMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC and MANDRAKE PILLS i AJM B018 HY ALL DRVOOI^TS. AND FTLL DIREC TI'i.NH FOR THIMR L'SE ARK PRINTED ON THE WRAITEK8 <>F EVEHY PACK'AOE. HIS BOOK ON OOPaUMPTIOP, I.IVER COMl'I.AINT AND DY8PEP BIA 18 HP.NT KREE TO ALL. I'osT-PAII). ADDRE88 un. j. b.autuacK*aoN, philadelfhia. fenn. (Pccun Gtcamcra. A NCHOB LINE, D. s. MAIL STEAMSIIIPS r-all frimi Mew-Yerl re*nlarly OLAHOOW na londonderrYi gTHIOPIA, April t. U a. m. I AN< IK.lilA.ApnrJS, 3 p.m. DEYONIA. April 18, Ta. in. | llul.lVIA . ..Mi; :,,|,ig. < aMn paitaaic.' fdnto BW, Seoond claaa $.t*0. l.lVI.RPi'oL AND QUEEN8TOWN NERVICK. CITY of ROME.naila Wettneaday. April s, May<l Uid .TiTT fonrth Wedueaday ttiereafter. Cahln paa?a<e *(!<) to |ll>u. seeond vlaaa 115. st.-. ra<f ..utwartl, orprapald $15. For uBHanaKe or furtlicr infonuation apply to HENDERHON HRoTHKRM. Oeneril Agenta. 7 Uowiinc Oreaa, New-York. B6JU>KAGX LIN BT" New an.l rtlreet Une to tba sonth of Fnnoe. NKW.YORK AND B(JRDEAUXDIRE<T. LEOVILLE. fMMkrday, April 11 From ? PreutlCf'a Btorea " ^noar Wall&treei Ferry,, lirouk Tiht. llora for Francit. 8paln and Italy. I'rti'iinM, Pau, Nlre, Ao.. wlll aa?>> tune an.l expflBSf hy taklna thla Une. Fui i iiluii Uii'liiiUua wlnn. *-u to *l.iO; Hct-oud Cahln. J."..".; f t.'cra?e, *Ji. For paiaaae apply to F Li. Uul I aN'.ii:. 10 1J, irer -u rjUNABD LINE. NOTTOF-'-LANE Rnt'TK." FROM NEW-YORK 10 LIVKRPOOL, VIA QEEEN* ToWN. FROM TIER NO 40 WORTH RIVER. IIOTIINIA.WetUieadav. Apnl. 1,7a tn. AUKAMA.Sitorday. April ?, !? a. ra. U \I11H1A. ..-..liiiM.ii. Apnl II.3 p in. HEKVIA.Hatorday, Aprn 18, Sa. ra. Cahln paaaaae, $.:n, $si> and Sliin. r-toorage tlclrt* to an.l fr.nn all pur.'a ,if Eoropfl at very lo* ratea Frela-bt iiul paaaaao offl.-o, .Vo. l Ilowluia (irfx-n. _ \*ERNi..N 11 lUlU-A'N A (")., AK.-nta. I7UR0PB. " KfltOPE. CdOK's nOUMIOal PABTTM 'all from New-Yoikin Ainii, May. Juni> an.l Juiy, by BnfceUM MeaMaMM hpeciai. ui' RIBT TlCKaTTa for iNinviDFAr. \H\\ l.l.l.KR* at REDUCED RAlEd, hy tho Ucst routes for pleaaure travel. ('iu.K ? BXCUBaiOVIBT Bttt niiipa, contalus full par ttculara, hy mall f"r ten centa. XHOa. COOK * BOB. PJl Broadway. N. Y. I/oK I'.KKMlhA. 1 WEKKLY STI'AMKMI The elegaut inw iteaaiera ot the Quctnv stratnahlp Com pouy TRlSIDADi.nttORINoC.i. will bedlapatched KVERY TllVltKDAY froiu New.\ork aud "< rmoco" fioiu New-York April'J. Kitiuaiou ratea $ju to tol). For oaaaaKe. Inforniatlon, Bo , apply to A K OTJ I'EHHRIOE i ('o . Aeenfa, ?1 Rroadway. WORI.I) TRAVEL. ( OMPANY, 'J,'," Dioudway. /JENERAL TRAN8ATLANTIC COMPANY \ W BflMrflaa Rew-Tark aad iiuvre. Coinlianr'a I'ler (new) No. i'i .N'orth Kirer. foot of Morton-aC H l. I.A U Rl-.> 1'. .Ir Jou?aeltn....\\ etlinj.nlav, April 1. 7 a. ra. AM BKIUU K, Niiiit. III.Wedni.-t.lay. ApriM, 11 a. m. ^i tiEHMAlN, irauh.WataiMay,AytHlt.8 a. tn. Ki'raih'.c .Wetafladar, Aprdll, il ,'. m. (Iii'ika payahleat atifht, in amounta to sint, on the lianijuo Trautatiantiiiui'Df l'ana. Loi'Ds Dl 1IKBIAN. Ae?nt. No. (I Ilowlmg Oroen. QUION I si;. rJMITKD STATF.8 MAIL 8TEAMER8 FOR Ut'EKNb'MlWN AND I.l VKU.PUOL Leavlnx PLr3S, N lt.. of Klnitat. WY'iMINU.Tuemlav, March II. S.:(0 a. ra. ari/ona.taaaaay. Aprti 7. iu?. m. NKVADA.-..Tuead*y, April 14. * p. iu. Al.A>.KA.Tuemtut. April 21. !?:3oa. m. wiHc.iNsiN.Taaaaay.Aartiaa, * .. ra. ( ulmi paaaaitn a> .??rdliiK to atatermi m, WO, $80 and B100. lnt.'tiueitlat... 4-:(') . Mt.'.-ra?<> at low rat-'a. OPPtOl Ra M BftOaDWAT. orio.v & co. HAMBUBQ AMERICAN SS. CO'S LINE ror 1'1.1 Uul 1 Ii l l.< i ,'ana an.l llaiiiliuirf. FRI>IA.. April '.'. 7:;iUa. ui I BAM M< >M A.Apr. 'J. l.'.IMpui MORAVIA. April l. I (1EI.LKRT.v >r.l 1(1, l p. ra. Flrat cahln, *V>. $(11 oti.t $7.1 steeraKe *lo. Round trip atr.Hl.iced prlrea. Heml for ?? Tourl?t Oaaatte." KiMl IRDTA oa, ?. It. KtCHARDACO. Oen. A?ta. II llroad-tt. N. Y. (len. ra?. A?U. UlB'way, N.V. 1NMAN LINE OF BTEAMEB8, I FOB UUEEN8TOWR AND LIVERFOOL CITY ol M.'.N l KI.AL... .Tl,ura.lay. ajtii '.', ;ip. m. city OKI'HD'AOO.Tliuiaday. April U, 1 p. ra. i-i i v uf RK'M afOND.Tliuratlay. Apr.l io. ., p. iu. Froiu PlerSii mew uuuiIhi') Nortb River. CABIN l'ASHAOE, $?)(), *^n, auil$l(IU Internie<llato$31. KTFEllAdl'.. tonr fiom Rew.l ork. $1 ?>. IMMMaMM, Ae. apply to Um i.nmaN bTBAJOJuPOO. . Witnl.inKton lli.lldlnjt. Ilrootlway. N. Y. l'luladelplnaunicu, we. los, II...:. PACIFfC MA1L 8TEAM8HLP COMl'ANVS I INM FOIICVI.IFOKNIA, BANDWIOH Isl.ANLM, JAPA\" CHINA, NK\V-ZKAl.AM>, AFSTRALIA, CEN TBAL lND BODTU AMKRK'A an.l UEXIOO. From New Y'ork. pler fool Caual-ai., N. R. For --an Frau. laco via tlie lathmua ot Pasama. (': I S .il- I'AK \ aalla Uetltiea.iav I. tioou. tonnectiBg for Centrai and Soutb Auierlca nnd Maxioo. From Han Franrlaco. lataud llraunan sM For Japau au.l (.'liuia CITY OF I'KKimi haila .^aturnajr, AprtU, J p ra For UONOLLLU. NEW-ZEALAND and AL8TRAMA CITY ? F sydsky aalla Matunlay. ApiU 11, ?-'p.ra., or on arnral of l.oudon malla at han Franoiaeo. Far rretaht, paaaaae ?o't Iteneral lufonuaiiou apply at I'ouipaojr'a oftlre on tlie pler, foot canul-at., N H. " ** 11 J. Hl'l.LAY. wuptrintandont- __ RED STAB LINE.?For Aiitwcrp and Parta. dalllna from Nuw-Yotk aud Aiitwi-ip every -atunur. in.i (ii-.nlaND.aaMrlap, Apriia. W vi -LAND . Ma.ur.lay. \pril II, 3:80 p. in. i-ain.-n v " t.jf .ii excaralon,$ilo to$l(ii>. BBBMI Cab.n, *;-,u, etiMii tum, *'n., alet-raae at loweat rataa. I't.ti.K SVRIOIIT* 80N8, ucu't Af'ta,33 Ilroadway. rpHE V. 8. AND HIiA/.IL MAIL 88. CO. 1 IMMMM llnsfor Bt. I hoiuaa, Ilarhadoa, Para, M iiaiiliani. I'l'inaiii'i.i.-.i, lialitaaad Rlodo Juii.-uo. ADVANCF, lueailay, .Manti :il. i At noon from FINANCE. \\falniia.tay, Apnl J'J. > Robrrt storea, M i RUIM ??>:?. --alui-diy. May 2B, S Rrnoklyn. Frrnn NawfO.l New\ Va., on thir.f .lay a'l.'cot diuj al 7 p. m. I'AUI. I?'. i.l.i'.HARD .1* Co., A<auU, 0* LroHd-st. X"-8TOXIN<JTON LINE. _-., J\. FABES REDUCED, PAVORfTB WINTERROT TB tteainera have rrotu Wer :i:f. N. R., dallr, exoapt i-uu-i. ra af.1 p. ra. Firet-caa* 'o Boafoo. *::. Correapondlnx rotioa tiouateallpoiata ^f|i, ,??,.,,, PMi)en|fW 44. -.t._ E~niE RATt WAY, rmw known M 8*W*"? YORK.L\Kr. BHIEANli ?K-J'KM RA1L iOAD. Arrau^emcDtaof Iiati'.'r^ at. D?pot. rrota . n ?t. lftiniiiute'e'.rlicr. :.._? 0 a. m -Dally ete -nt Hondaya. Day I*P?'? !).r?wS^ruo0M* Coachea to hinauaiito:.. ElMlra aad BuilaiO ftWBMg Coachea ta Clevelnnd. (.Inelnn ttl and Oblrajro. Op. ta -Dally. "Ht, Loaia Umlted" f tpreea H""'???;'r*? Jer Uv.l t.'.ie. Pullman llurfet Pleeplna roaehaa to I nUo, .r rivuig 7:31 ?. a.: RMgarfl lalia. P :(4 a. BU; Hau-Ptoo. W. l(':45ani.: Defrolt. XdOp m. ?alam?ue?i.(.:5- a ?;>C"'T* land. 1 '16 p. n.. Clnrlceatl. ?:11p m.; Bt. Lonie. U:(>o a m. aacon.l day. Coonectlu* traaua arrlve Toledo 7:81 p. m. and Indlanapolta 10:40 p. ni. - ? . ? ?. , i|.,u mii 8p m.-i-!iry CBMaaa Kxpr-aa MM *Mb*J2'&lml ot Pullman Day and rileepmc Ctavbea lu BiBrtmWn, Ji mira Buffiio. Nleeara Fa:l*. Cticuu*:! an.l Cblcaje, nnih'prrnrn airt raiaalc S 4*. 7:20 7:50 0*0 10:3(-am 13 uoon Ban.laye5-.45 >-:<0 10:30 am 1:4". 6:30 ? P m 13 mldiiUtht. Petereoa 5:45 7:20 7.50 ? M I 0*20 a a 11 noon :45 8 MB 4:40 "l8 8:30 HtlO fl'(0 7:30 8 1:30 K):3n v m aa 13 m.dulrht, BnndaraS 45 83" 10:'-0am ):4nt.:SO ? 0 D nil'J trt-inUnt. NewTrV.ud r.teraoa vl. New.ik 6:15 ifr flM a mIjllf 4'J0 8 30 5:60 0:20 7:30 u m and l'J nildtil?ht. Haturdty aUhu'nulT. Hundayafl:15 am :( -10 fl: '0 p m. Buft>rn V46 7 .10 10:30 am 14'. 3:50 6 .1:30 0:10 ?:? P M and 12 "nr"iJt. eaadayi 5:46 8.30 1? ?-? ? ? l!? ?** * ? w and 13 mldulaht. __.... ?,.?_. warwlck 7-48 10-15 am 4:16 p m. Snndaya ":lo a io. > " burg and CarnwaU 7:65 9 a m 3.30 1(30 o p tn. Bnnday ^BoSilout and EoiMrtoB and Montgomery 9 am. ..30dm, ?oMMarW^fJi 9 10.20 aaVjBJ 3:50 4:30 ? 8.30 t^^^^^rK^^iranU^^gnitim^mk!^ PoriJarvte Wi 9 10:20 am 4:30 bo 8:30 pm. Sun-fey 8iroi,0.!'l^Ten33d:itquPart.r of and qnartar aftar ?"*?><>? friToVftBBtoDMo'prn every tblrty mlnnUa. aad trjni io-11'n m to 12 45 a m overy hour. _ . TMkat?for paa.we aud apartm"ata In Orawlna Room and filaoulna co.?1ie?Van be ..btained. -nd ord-ra for fh* eheokli.? Vm U??f? *?r n.?a?.. may he lel. a; the -omnaav;. o-nr,^ Koa. 4<H or B57. Rroadway. 1*7 Wc^t-at., N. Y, Nfl. i Courtat.. Brookl^n. orBtthaCtmipanyaDepota. Expreaa tralna froni tha Waatarnveln hew-York at 7.10, fiSO. il:35 a m and 10:20 p m. ??Va,k . iuilsi a?. ABiio7?r c-rc'l Paaar Agont. New-York. VORTHESM BAILBOADOP KBW JRHUBT ll Traina leave from CBaaabara M? DBBfl* M aJMtoweBl Cloater. Pler nout aml Xya.-k 7. ?:.VI, 10 a m., 1 a 90, 4. 4:11 6:40,0:40. rt:30 p. m . l'J BBBBlpM. Sntl.nya 7, !) a. ui. an I Nanuet', Hp.lng Vallcy and Moavy 7. 10 a. m., 4 .10 p. m. 8un:l.i}a((a. m. AR?r)Tr j.^., ,,,,,.,. A?rnu N,.w.York. FALLRIVRR LINE.?The Bm) AonmlKohlo to noitonanrt the Ka-t. lo-.v f.ire?. Large aadTf>w-'riu1' tfaSMMl iiRiaroLand rRovli)!-::\Ci. from Ptcria, N.rta Itlrer, dally iduu'laya axceptfld] it ZJ.o p. tn OEOROE L. CONN<)R,Ocneral Paaaengar AnonJ. BQRDEM d; LOVfciL. bmmMi Nflw-Yorg. T?0R NEW-HAVEN.?Stcamnrs leave Veck X BMMlp. m. aad 11 p. m.,UyeMert?jK 11pm. ateamer amvea ln tin?e Mr early triuua nortb aud eaat Ex cr~*tun to NeaVBarea and ntara. $i 60< HARLEM RTVER BRANfrH _ NEW.YORK.NEW.nAVEN AND HARTFORD R, TL Traina Jeave "lartem Rlver ftatlon. foraft is9dat. aal Llncoln,ave, near Thlrd Brldtte bciom Har em Rlvai (reaeUedbrTbirdAveDue PMwMl Raliroal). lalhr.aaaMrJ B,inil?T?. lt fl-lfl 7i45 0:00, 10:00, 11:5.1 a. m.2:l'>. :50. 4 0. 5:40 ?s4o and Ha)0 p. m. for Fon Morria, Cjaan;.va (oS Potnl . Wnnta Polnt. a est F?rm,. Van N<?at, w?( ( heawr, Tlippaona, Bay ( heater Peihain Bay i, Bartow i Cirt WaadJ. Pelnain Sfanor awd New.Roch?l.i;. connec.ln: A New.Rochel'.elRtlitraUislor al! tminta on the nialn ttnaol UieMew-York, New.Haven at.d Rartiorl RMltwvli a!,0M Mne and Air 1 la^ Div|M?ma: New-Cnnaati. Midde.'own. New-imtaln aadsnffleld Brancheai aud Roatou aud all polaa "lrtniaUttraln for New.Rochello and all intarmedUto Mjp ?ona ail2,10 n m. dallT. extept Moudava. aBMdar traina 7orNew.ft..ohell, an.l aU taf>rmedlate ita. Oow ?U3 il"noon and '. 3f p m., ti.e lattcr trjuu cor.B^tlafl aWow.Ro.'V?le with way trolua t.. i.rr.n t Cential Dopot au3 auaSjro. and wrtU etprwe trala to Bo^oa vla "how Clna. TEHIOHVALLEY RATLROAD.?Paaionget Aj ?r?ln? leave &*i>n\ t><ot ot Cort'acdt and Deabroaao* itiT ? and 7 p. ni. fer Eaaton. hathleha:d, AMeatbwn R'.ding, Mauck Ciiunk, Wllkeai.arra,ITowaada, Waver^y?ItliaeaT(Taaeva. Lyona, Hu'aioand tbjWeat. "KJ7 Baa th/ourh coacliea pn dally. l>ecal traJn; at T a.* aml ?:id a m for H.latou, Ueth'ehem and Coplay. ^ftJni aMftaj at H:lo a. m . 1. aad tM P- m. ofnnect far all Dotnte in Mahaltoy a.m Haile.ou coal reitlo^a. gandar u*lal Ewvei for iuae'i Chnnk ai.4 BllJefflBi. *10|, tn. ^I?eral Ba. Offlt* Ba tf RfillW *. F. A._ J^ORW.'CH LINE. ^ FAVORITB INSIDE ROUTB' T?BOHTONB\ WORCE8TERr3 31, NAbUCA*115. POKTLANDfa. and no traai'art. PteiBifra 'ftty af WoreeafeT" and "Cityof BtMtM* laaTe Pler 40 N. R.. foot of Watta-ar. MMMaVafMM Daa aroeaee-at, Ferry), dally, exc^ptsundaya. at ?:0O p. ?. MF.W-TORK CENTKAL AND HUDSON la RrVER RAILROAD?Commenelna OCtober 8, l"6K tbroiifrti traina wlll laave (trand Oenlial '.-?...u t a " a in , Rocheeter and Moutreal Expreaaj thronghdraw. BkareeM eara. _ . _ ?8:10 i. n., Faat I.lialted Chlcayo and st Loala Kxpreia with dlnlna; cara. atopoine at Albany. ytica. Hyraca?e, Roeb. HUt, Buffalo, Nlagara ralla Erie, Ctevelaad and Toledn, arnnac at Chlca?o lo. i o a m and lt Loaia 7:30 p a. nazt aay. 10:30 a.m., ChMaae Expr?i.8. rtra^ln?-TOom cara tocaoaa dalnua. Rochaater, Nlufara Fallaand builalo, cwaureta for Oaw^iro. Hla. m.. Weatern New-York and Narthcrn, witb dratriair-rooni cara. 3:30 p. m, Albany. Ttoy and Utlca Exprcaa toroafb arawlnf rooDieara ?4 p m, Aceommodatlon to Albany snd Troy. ?fl ii. m . Ht Loala tiprcae. with ale^pinjt-cara for Nla?ara Falli, Riitlalo, ( inemcail, loledo. Dctrolt and tit, Ionia. 0:3" r m , Expreaawith ?l?euln?-flar? to syracaae aod to ABbnra read and to 8.irat<a3. alio to Montreal. , ? ? ft p m.. racltlc Exprea^. with al.vninu: cara for Rocheeter,' riiffalo, Nia?ara I'alla, Clevelaad Toledo, Lctroit. UBMkpaw 11 p. m , Nlant Expreaa, with ileepln?car? to Albany ajijT Troy. Connecta witn the morniuK train* for the Weet aud' for (he North .exoept Satarday ,,.? Ut I1,'ke?? on eale at 'lran.1 central Pepet, Na. 3 Howltng Oteen. 352 and 413 Broanway. and at Weatcfltt'fl EvptrsB' Offlc^t. .1 Parkplace. ana 7a3 aiid W42 Broadway, New-Torajj aud s?? WMkluaion and 730 Fulton ita., Brooklya, and 7t 1 oarthat.. wllllamabarr. , , Arromuiodatloaa ln drawlnn-roora and aleepln* rara caa ba prmured ai any of tha tick.t officoa la New-\ork City, aad at' WJ \\a',Brooklyn. Jlait^'k-e .atled for and obeekad frotn reitd?B/,e. *Tiie?e trjln? run dally. All oth.-ri daiiy extat't "anday. tTtuae tralua t.ip at tlarleui a'2Jih-at. aa>l 4th-ava , yTStTOUCKY, ? CRMEEkER. Oaneral Miiperlutendent._ Oencral Paaaenrer Afeni. PorrLAR 8H0RR LINE.-For .B08TON and the Eaat. AU rall fn.n, <iri.nd Central Dapot. Thr a expreaa trains dally to Honton at 8 ,.. ,?.. 2 p. ni. ipari.irrarattaehed an<t D.n. m, (?Uh palacealeepln? carei.l huudaj a at 10 p. m. IwtUi IIBMlMllljlBjrMBaE^ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. A (jn aud afti-r -. ". I . lt-|5. .? . ORI A I l RDNK LINE AND DNITEH KTATE8 MAIL ROt'TF. Traint leave NowYork via Deabroaafla and Cortlandt ?tr?et ferrl.'it aa tollowa IlBrrui.iira, Plttabarc ti.e \^.-?t ind Boatn, wllh Pnli i.aa l'.il.t.e C?ra attache.1, H a. ni.. 0 a:il I n. m. .Utllr. New. York an.l Cbic.i^,) ot I'ai,.:. I ini.i^. binoaua aud Hleepliu; cara at U a m eterv.iay. . ? Wlliiaraaport. Lock Haren. 8 a. m, ? a.w. fMifMlM at 8 p. ni connectlna al ' ony :>* lltuaviue, Petreleum Crutreaiiil the tltt Keftiona. .... , r.altlni.ire. Waahlnit.on an.l ihesouMi "l.lmlU'd Waahinaton Kxpreaa" of Pullman Par'.or (jr^. da !? axi apt Banaay. 10 a. in : aiitve w.-iaHliitrtoi. 4H?5 p. ni Reiru'ar at b:-'o. 8:,K1 a, m., 1. :t:lu ar.d !? p. -u. u".l 12 nlght. buuday, I I ,.m,!)f iu. aml 1 J niv-Lt For Atlaatlocity FBceptaaaday with thro-njl. la.-.or i.u\ I ou p. m. ForC:i:?e May. exeent sninlay. 11:10.1. m. l..unr jtr.ui" ii. 'iav Mciwi Junrtiuii, nn.1 att tlona, via Rahway aml AinlMjy. il:.. nv U noon. 11:30, 5 p. m. On SUB t:iv. 9 a. ui. and 6 p. tn. la n"t Mflf at Aaburr Park.) Ko; l,i i .i t ni ...i:,..!!, 8: i.i <n . >l,. Roatao' Rrooklyn Aiinex eaaaeet ritb all thr.urh traina at Jetsev^'ity, affor.liiiK * apee ty and direct tianaft-r for TrBJMamv.?FroMPlt?a?arg?a?aal lliWa.M. TatJ aad 10-30n in daily and 7:00 a. m. Bally.i irept Mnuday. From Waaainirton aaa'aalUmow iir.>o. i u a. m, L'JO, *40. :i 10. fi-io U"u and 10:05 p..... sun.lay. >'??? ???: o a. 111., I0:<>J n m 'From Baltlmore l>:30p. m. Croni rhilade!phla.H60, R.50' 0-ao, 7KM) ,ex,'ept Monttay). 8: o :i.:o. Pr.fil. li.;4i), II siia 111 1:20, U.-00, 1:4ft 8 <?, 3 SO, <:. ?>. 7:30, 7:30, R.:,?>, ii"ii 10-08 and 10:30 p.m., and lS.'.'o nlirl.t. sundav 1.60, r. '.'.' B. .. 7:01. S i UM a. m..(i:3>, 7:S5. 11:30. 10:06 aud 10 30 P '"TOPH1LADi:LrHlA Y1A THE PENNsYLVANfA RAILROAD. tiik oiaaMg ROUTE ortTltAINfl EACH W.IV WBRK DAYB ANDOON SCN. DAY. I BTl'ATIONH IN PHIL l IH-XPHIA. 3 IN NEW YURK. ?BBMM tralns leave New-York. ?la Jieabroaaea and court, Mni'l Kerrtea. aa follawa: ,, . B:20 7-0 >.S.i i t;i au.l lo l.uiilteiD. 11. 11:10 a. m. 1.3 30, 3 4'L 4, 4i4tk .'?. 0,7. 8 and*' p in. and 1 * uijjl.t. Miudaya. 6:15, 8 0 Lltnlteili an.l 10 a. ni : 4. 0. 7, 8 aud 9 p. ni? and 13 n Kht BaUarraot aad ?oe.,n l otaaa, fa 9 p m Traina leatniK New-Voik dally: ex.ept Mindav. 6:?0. " c:m an.l 1 I io ?? m . I, 3, 4, .. aud 8 p. m., counect at Trri.tnn ter Cani.u n. Retnriilutf.tiaina leave llro^l llreet station. Phlla.lelphla, l".i) Vl > :i;3.i. 4.'? M..n,lay>, . 0:50. 7:30.Ss& H^fd 11 and 11:1.1 a. m. , l.iuilte.t Kxpreaa, 1:30 and V-'O nui'i 1 ?7i. 8, ?, 0:30. 7:411.7:46 aad :I6 B. M. OB BBnaMR I*oi .il"'. 3..'0. 4:3a. 8:30a. m.. 4 1.1:30 limited:.0.3,1 7 40and 7 4*. p. m. Leave Phlladeiplila, via t ani.lea, 8:o4l \^%^0,^!"i:C aad Mfl i;roadw.y. i **. BniMf and fiait of Deabrot^-aan-lCortiaudl ata, 4 CourUat, ?ii,l n'rii'iKlyu Annel aution. lia?t of P.illon-at., Br,x>klyn; ?'. tl'.t.l. llobokan; Mat ,?i. Jerae, City BaagMM Ttekel ofll.e, N" 8 Batvery Plara laytCaatu darden , Ti.e Ni-w 1 ork Tranafer conpany wlll c.all for aud BMM ,Ma??. jr-";. hor...j ...i^reaMaucea. ,_ ,{ W?()D (Jeneral Mana?er. ti.uual l'aaa'r.Ageat. rpHE NEW LINK > BETWBEN NFW.YORK. PIIILADKi.PIIIA. VoIIFII.K. OLH POINT COatFORT an'H '?!? SOOTH. o IKlCnS KASTKRTIIAV ANV OI'.IKR'TK. TV N.wYork. Phlladrlplna i Nortolk Railr'iatl ( omp.iny now rmma Kaat Dav and NUhl Kxpreaa It'twif'n New-l.irk aml CaM < harlea. Traina leave New-xorn. \ . 1'euaaylvaiila Rallr.ia.'., 0:SO a. n. week dava und ^ r- ra oa I/. anajrina ">id I'mi.t < ointort 5 1.'. p m. wt-ek-days aud ^..''i .t ui. daily. Nor. folk 0 p in. aud 9:16 a. m. Hleeplnit i tra t!ir .u?b froiu New York ti i une Charlea and Parh.r Car in?m Pi.lla.telpbla wltn out charne. ll.-Keta. parlnr.i ar Heata and elaeplna; oertht caa Ik> reciirelutany Tiekei ClHceof tbe iv.,i,?ylvanla Ra.lroaa tompnny. R. B.COOKK. Gea'l raa aud Irelfht AgflM U W IM'NNK. Rap rli.f.ii.liit._ WEST SHORE ROTTTE. ? f VIA WE9T 9IIORI-: OK IllTDflON RIVgR. Al! trulua leavo Weat 4 .M-at, Cortlaudt a.ul Deabroaaoaau,. tatlont. CUlrairo, "10 a m^ *H p. m. Pailniaii aleepera thrunco. ftu 1 ooia. *S:60, *8 p. m. Pu:l,n..u ??Ireia-ra., ?10 a. ui., ?5;A0, *8 p. iu. 1'u..:.ian aleepera. r-nan. ii?ion Brld^e. Maaara I'a.l-, luinalo. Roc.eatar, *ll a. ni, *4: '.o. "i p m S'.eepinji and parlor cara Uu-ouah. Byraenao, 7il0. ?lo a m., ?5:50. 'H p. ,-i Ctlc*, 7:10,'IO, lLiHia. m.: *6i50. ?8 o. m. Ncwbuia. Kluadon. (,'atekl'i, Albouy *7il0. *10, UiOB a. m.i 8:*o, 'b-M, ?8p. m. For Montreal and Canada Eaat, 7:10 a. tn.. 6t6G p. m. llaiiult.iu, London, *10 a. .n.. *3 SO, *S p. m. TorontO, *5:50 ?Dally. Other traina datly Bnndar. For tukcta, tiuio ublea. parlor or aleeping car acoommodaa. Uona. ?r Ixiforniatlou. luiny at ofloea: Jtreey (Iiy, Fefln R.? BUU..U. lioboken. 118 Lrookbra. 4 Coart-ak, Anuei ofti.-e. foot Fulton-at.i N. w-Yoi k (. ity, 31, 307,301, " " aH.t, 381, P49, 1.140, l.aas I'roatiway. 7^7 Cth-ave., 140 U6that. 153?nBowery, Peun. R. R. Rtadona. foot ol < laadi and Doabroeaaa ?ta.. and Weat Khore ntaUoa, foot, WaM 43d-?t. Baitraae eallod for and ckeoked from aad leeidenoea. CuOera oaa be left at tioket offloaa. ntablau-aa. BLEN RV MON ET1. CeawflFaaBi Aaaat