Newspaper Page Text
tibmtt NEW-YORK, SATIRDAY, APRIL 18, 1883. PRICE TIIREE CENTS. V01"XLV_N0-14,I KOKAKOFF BETlBlNa BUBMISSIONOFJH^AFGHAN CHIEFS. .,? urKAT TO RK8IST TH* RVPSIANS aJ 17-Advicea rcrcived from Ttr leH Klti in Vienuathat adiapatch NNN there ??>* that ih. Afghan^chtefa hatr.,?.t. deputat.ou toGeneral Kon.ort.ffto announo. their .aLtaion. II also Uy. that ? proclamatton aigncd by the Goveiuor haa been uaued at Herat ordenag that nM| be .1 owrd to enter the citadel. that tho clty SZ be cLcd frorn 7 ? -V ? 5 a.m.: that no ?? oerea.a ? oliTo oil beexported: that cara Tana bo perinitted to enter tho etty only ?.a a epecial lirouaa; that .11 Buas.aa. be direced to preaent tbeu.selve, to tha Governor; aud tha ? ovorv houae hold io readmew for aervico **? w? ll tT;fl'1:utnWl1nS,Fetcr9burRthatTurk7ha, positmdy assured IMaaia that in the event of war ,... KiiRliah inmclad will be allowed to enter the Black Bea. Twitay, H i? *aid. haa alao d.-clared that ahe could u.ako the Dardanellca iiupaaaublo inafewhonrs, if aeoeasary. Tho papera in Bt. FMatatati to-day chuckled over tho factthat -00 EngliahMoatneraareat preaent in the I lack *m B,,dtl.oSe-Aof Aaat The Turkaaxobtiildiugiorts at Batouin with the utmost randity. TheVail)/ Ar.r? thia morning aaya that Ihe OOT nMD haa aoa yal dawdad apaa tho amonut ol tndit to i.e aakod, which aOl doaoad npoo davaloa wntH hotwaaa aow aad Tuesday. It is ra portad that the am-.unt will be ?.1.000.000. It. uneditorial The A?M aaya ? "Thebelief thatIfoaoa v ,11 be maiutainod lucreases. We truat thal the .e liefwillbe juatitied. It ia bett.rf. make u.ode.l conceaaiona ouraelvea than t? truat to the u.e.ha tioti of a third 1'ower. It U so.netimes said that 1 he iroi.tiersof Jloaria and Brituh todia mual aoonibo ilv.ncing Into Ibo iuiervenmg apaoe. Bach M Bvent" woold probably be attondoi with sonw ad ;;U mbjoetion of tbe PJU?a?? AJJ"" * h-i-to Raaaiaoi Bnglandwould doobtleoo un provothatriatanial oondition, bnt at pr- ?entfc-^ j?ud is i.oiind to reoaoot and pioteet tbetntegrltj S Afabanktan, wbioh woold, fom a ebaapordo ?;.ot lud.a lhanwoold lhel..11?i11.-ot Wdel wooM 5 aaodad it the ahould be auda Wfir322d-ayatl-3 now froatt- mU -a.-ly fo low the l.essar Zultiear. hmvrver, Wtllro i ii. toAffhaaiatan. 1 heq.uiuon wbotbar 1'ju. d. \vill l>a under AUthaa rule or iHll be eedod to Ku^ia iBIh left to tho ..J'XW.'.n .t ltminilArv Con.niias'.on. it tne OMianm ?.. t?coa^?b^?t^tR^^ BCta little vaiue opoa the plac ? will enl. r tnta U rect necotiat ?na with the t zar loi u ??.ii lt will not be ceded to Boana, bonvror. ?l a drn-fl reanlt of the DegotUtiooi botwooo that Goven.meut aud Kngland. A REPOKT FROM SIR PBTEH L0M8D1 S. MH. GLADSTONK'8 BIATEMKnT IN ?? BOOM Of COMMON8. Losdon, April 17.-Mr. Cladstone, in the ilonsc of Coniinoua thia illarJMoa. atated that tbe Governiuent hwl to-day rece.ved txom Bll PetM Lumotlen a reply to their roqaoat for an tadopend ei.t report upon the 1'enjdeh incidmt. In tha it'8 tttaU-d that (ieiural Kon.arott ?aa aWnre at M e,rlv adute aaMareh '28 of the aadontaadlaf afiaad upun onMar<hl7 between B?ia aadEnglaod. AccordinRto the tormaof thia understaiidinK Bug land waa to deter the Afghana and tho C/ar waa to dctorhis troops froin advan<i"g beyotid tl,< v * tionathevthfu r.apectively occupied uutil 0B?0 nnbaenaont agreen.ent abont Un daaaareatlaa Of thoAfghanfrrtntier conld be NMbad botwOOBtbO twDtiovern.neuts. The battle on theKushk?HH fought, thereforo, aeveral dayB after (Jen.ral Komaroff had been inade aware of tha aftTOHDOal notto advanee. Captain Vatee, a Bfttlal oQieer Wha witneased the buttle. wos naauied by a Kuaaian offleer who con.manded in the iight be knew nothing of the ndoiataadJaf <>f Mun h 17. ijir l'eter Luniad/sn'a preaent r< port appeara to warrant the infennoe that whatever Oonoral KomaroS knew oQicially about Bi POtOfabaiftt agreeinent with Londou he kept to hm.aelf. Mr. Cladstone. being aaked if the (ioveri.i..<i>t had proUated against the receut occupation of Ptnjdob by (Jeneial Komaroll. and hia lortning a Ruaaiau admiuiatration thero. answered that the Govem ment had not yet n.a<le either occunonco a aubje< t of official comiuuuication with Kuaeia. The Uov erna.ent wai awaiting further Inlorrnation, the Piemier said. conc. rning theae mattcra. Continuing. Mr. Gladatone aaid : ? Wo aaked 8ir Teter Luinaden for a full aud conaecutive aceouni oitheaflalrof March 30 (the day the battle on the Kuahk waa fonght). A teiegram froin hiin haa arrivei since we aent our requeat Thia telegraui ladatodat Tirpnl on April 13. lt isnow being decipherod. Wo ahall be unablo to aay onytlnng further upon thia branch of the aubje.ct u.itil thia diapatch ia fnlly dociphered. The fact that the Baaaiau coinmander waa awaie of the of March 17 belore March 30. and the qutution aa to wbether or not he acted upon inatmctiona or contrary to inatmctiona. concerning that Igiaa ment, would forin the aubject of future coi.ttuuui. a tioua iHstween the Governiuent and Ruasia. In re gard to the reported eetabliahinent by the BaMiaat of an administration at renideh, the QoVMwMlfl knew nothing oflicially. and tnunt await luller in fonuation." Mi. Gla.Ntoue concluded by aaying: * Tho Govern.neut will on Monday or Tuesday ncxt Hl the Houae to aanction a voto of credit. Wln-n thia ia requeated we will stato how innch inoney ia wanted. and what it ia wanted for. and then ahall probably be able to cover the entire queatiou fully." Lord Edrnond Fitzrnauriee, Under Foreign laeia tary. iu anewor to an interrogatory put by hir Statlcrd Northcote, Conservatlve leailcr in theCoin Biona, aaid that the Goveiimient eonaiderod I'enjdeb in Afghauistan proi>er, but not far liou. tho Ruaaian frouti.r. Kt. I'KTKitsBiRi;, April 17.?Geuaral Komaroff re porta to the Czar aa followa : "IheAfgbana have'cvacuated all their ffOBtiac poata. Our outpftata uow oceupr tboir foriuer po aitiana. 1 will procoed aoon to inapect their out poata." Ihe Central Nowa. whose afatetnenta in regard to thepropoaod .esMoi. ?f I'enjdeh i* Baaata woia elaaaoU by Earl Grauville in tlie BaaM ol Lordfl HMMHI " iinauthorize.l and ina.curate K|)ort8" which ho could DOt alb.r.l to wasle time in auawernig. attirma |x.aitiveiy thal Lofd l.ufleriu aeut a d.spatch to tbe Ilouio (ioverunn nt ? whif-h l.o said that iu hia opiuiou P?a|doh waa not wofthigbting f.,r. Jbo aaaao agency aaaerta that ti.f Cabtnot. aftat doliboratiou, adoptod Lord l.utterin'a nportod viow of tho siiuaimn, and n.arataina that the delniiMalion of tho fionliat will now be earried foiward toaatifeo.^.tul laai.e. i he AdmiraUy haa ehartered four more large iteaine-- to be um-,1 a* e.niaera. A uuinbei of eightvtoH gdna are being abipped f.(,m\\.K,lwHl.AraeMalto Hoag Kong and ot ler Lugiiah atatioua iu thiua. 00MMU.VICATIOX8 WITH UL'SSIA. Ciwcago, Apnl 17.?A diBpatch from London Xolke Morning A-te* aay a : 8everal duya mUKi ,i,ti,m. bcfoie tbe (>oven.?ie?t will be abl.i to make a toflatta atatru.eut of tbe n-?ult of herti'utl.iK* wlih Itnmla.Thero Ww a large atteudauce at Tarliaiueiit la-t ni^'bt ln ex pectatu.u that Mr. Gladatone woul.l unke a NOaaaitag ?Ui.'uic nt, ai.U dctplto tbe Kdeanlte ..ature of tbe auieuii iUi be actaally uiade, a hopeful feelliif a?Dtiuued to prevall, tho bellef being tbat tbe Caar will bo ii.fliieuce4 by urg. iu advloea from tbe Kmi>eror of Gtnuany to Biaintatn pt-aee. At tbo saiue tnue j>olltl? iar.K agi ee tbat pr.ce cai. only be trini.orary. kuaaia will puab lurward (be railWHjr t.<? ihe Alguao fiontier. Koiuaiuit's in n tii-iKt- witb blfi .aneniinent la exi.lalnrd at lii rllu bv ihe bliiteiueul tbttl be ln tbo iiaturaf a?i. of tbe (.zar Nicbolaa auil tberefore uuele to tbo praieut Ciar. A leadiug RumIaii ln Parta, lu ooaveraatlon *ltb ajouruaiUt, ?iiiii tbat Kuaaia could not oci-upr oaajdea excopt with tho nrm reavlutiou of adyaucing toward Herat. not witli a Ylew of Jnradlng It""1* *?Jjj (ontiauinirheriailnay frmnthe Caeplnn fcliBBaJBBTT to', andtlienoatotha IVrslan (Julf. Th'a wouiu glve n.r niinifnae advantatrea. He BUaaatat tb?* \? a?old wnr, Eaglaad aaoold balld the railway from M. ry tothe IVnlan (iulf end allow Ruwdu t<> umj ??"*S, thui.-atl?fylog Rnaaia. wblrh nallon eoBM avold thr Baoeealty of provldlng tho nete?aary MpHU, lmroaur hartrndoaadat the ?am? tiuie glre i-nglaud a good luvestment for ber mouev. FM'CTUATIONS IN FOREION MARKETS. Londov, April 17.-The ieclinK that the polltltal eituation fcaj imrroTed ls ahown to-day by an advance ln the price of connoU and Bbbbbbi Mrurltlea ln London. aud a <U-oline lu wbeat at Llverpool. Connula^ oponed at 9C?a aud,except two initaiiees, advanced ateadlly until4:30p. ui.. WfeM they eloned at i>7 3-10. Tbe quotatlon at MM wm 9?i?a | at 12:30 p. m.. 96 Mi I atlp. m.. 96 1116: at 1:30 p.m., Wn; at 2 p. in., 06 13-16 ; at 2:30 p. ro., 96% ; at 3 p. m., N 13-16 | at 3:30 p. iu.,l)ti76; Ht 4 p. m, 97 1-16, and at 4:30 p.m., 97 3-16. At 12:30 o'elorkat Uvcrpool the wlieiit mnrkot was qulet and thedeniand ha<l fallon off. Holdrr* werc offerlng freely. CnlJforula No. 1 liad drcliued from 7*. 1M.3.7*. 11,1.; tho clomng prlceyeaterday, to 7a. 7d.?7a. 9(1.: Call forula No. I froui 7a. M.d7?. *d. to 7a. dd-ftfa, ??? **? Wp-u-rn Bpring liotn 7a. 7d.w7s. Bd to TfcJN 07* fA BDd rr.i Weatern Winterfroin7i?. lOd-OSa, 3d. to 7?. Od. a 9m. 2d. At 8:80 p. m. tba decaaad wa* poor. ... PARI8 Aprll 17. 1 lu- Botirao to-day wiw niiniiated ln Byinpiithy with tholniprovcd i?.n<litu>n of the Bondon inak.-t. Buaalaa ecurltich advann-d 1 >2 poliits., April 17.-TIiht w?? a tlnn Irolmg on tne Bourne to-day a? a result of the Bon farorabla Mpacl "r the Afirhati queatloB. At ITimklorton-the-Maln ao lin portaiit BdraBCe ln nriflMtook place on tho ?trrn>.'tu or Bopeful iii-wh froui 1/ondon. Vii nsa april 17.-Theahearfnl char.vter of the nd TlMa froui I.diin to-.Uy bud a niarked ifteet ou tho Bourse aud tht-re wa? an inijioiiai.i rist- lu prlcet. TUBBATB T0 MVRDSB AMBBWAHB. DKTAIL8 OF THK lU'KMNG 0P QOWS. VOff AM) CONNOII l.M'i'-M) TO IIKK, BUT NAB ?UWLT K-CATKn. TbettMIMfcip Colon, of tli?- I'aciflr Mail Line. ?hichsail?d from A?pinwalJ on April 8. anivrd lu tlnsdty >chI. rd;iv. ttwim licr .dllcTi-i am! Mkei MOIMt a.iiiulonai parllealan wereototalned reffsrdlng I ?trnetlM alttodtyoi C & ui.y tiiv.and ikc progn ^ "f iht- rt-v.dmioii on tho totkaoa. Ttonma** aniw-d al licr l hsrf ui OokW n M ir.-li -':?? I'n-vicMH t? tliat t.inf all the troopoat < olon. or A-pinwall. had h?M ttmt to 1'anaina i>y ordOT of Um Mtlag Praaldaat,OobIhMi t<> ii.f. nd that oilinal fr.'in tbeatUcka ofOcMral Aiiparn, who \r?s esd*?T< rtng lo ptac? blmaeli il th? kc il "f Um liovrrinniMii. Bt -ii... ? i.d ui MptnrlBi P i riiciv li'ini: :io ti '.>;>s al l?plBW?U, aud t'ac rnfct belnf abaent, a Iswyar.MM Pnatan,aaanaMdeoaaaail H'.d gatberadobMl him a noUey erwwtf <>f BdTent??rt wtn-n tii? itf mnr Ootoa arrlred Praatan dsmaad* i tiio MlTWy of BCTtMl arnis on Tkla fll i.fii-cl b) sii|i<-riiit< t'onn ir. of tho BlaMMhtp Kiinpany. wh-Ti'iipon 1'i.xti.ii aii<h1?d him and lm k d him U|>. 1'rextou theu to^k pOMAMioa ><t tlM iMMMt und b?gM to bMNfe f>"' tbe urm*. l.ul lir dM i,.,l ilnd th. hi. The crcw of UM TMHl jJknJ iip r?ntanra Oaptata Dow, lfc? gcaenl agral of Ui.- -i.aih-.lilp couip.iiiy. -.".ii aftor arrivrd, and liinu. .11;.!.;.. alter bta arrlvaJ moonteroaaawm mmU latka I'... .:!.? Mail otli.o, at whicli w. n> pr.-?-:it PlMtN Hlid -p\t ia! ai.!> -. gwirdcd l>y ii lurtr tottt ?f nn-ii, wi!h dp tain !?..*, Mr. Coaaor. Ooaattl Wriffbt, LlaaMnaul Ja 14, Bii.ICa.lft Bi.liai.l-- ?.. of tlir I'mt 4 SU* - (...i.n.i. Praataa aaada fenoaJ aad aacoadttl?al dcaaaad for the liini e.liatc d.-liM-ry of IbBinMi OaptaiB DoW r. fu-ed the dclivcry, gtrtaf an LU ICM0I tii?u a.- hai baea atlflad i.y th<- HattoaaJ (J..v. rnini-iit not to dallrat Ininr aad aitboulfaitbarreaaarkPrraUa ..rd.r..i bla Kuidlera to arrrat evaryuod/prvM-Dt, arblcb waa dona, aud thajr wera all marvbed to tba ealabooM. 8.i aii.r Prt-man raleaaed L'adel Klt-bardaoa aad ?.-.ii blm on i...Hnl lha QaV oa arlth tba uiea?a?e toCapUiu Kano tbal be wonld boM tb< aa men nntll t ?>? ann? w< n Hiid that if tba (ial.-na att.-mpn-.l t.. land a fonra for th. iiurpo-*' of raleaatng tbeaa uini h? (Praataa) tir^ ,,i, lli<- and if tlit' (Ire ?m i.l ui n.d iik vould ?l.t rvcry prlaonar ln Ika twlahanar aad mnrdei i v.rv Am>r Iran in the rltv. And Wlowtag np h?i llnrai. a l?.r. r of twanty Baamaa, aripad a Itb maebattex, balted Ia fiwal of lli.'l'aiuiiia Kaliroail ollnr. wln io Ui. y f.inaiiied all day. I aptain Kane dld not attempt to land Iiih for.-e, kaow* lai th<- deaparata ebaraeter <-f Praataa and tii.tho wonld earry outhls tbreata. Boon afierthe prlaonan aera lecked up 1'raatan Djada aaotbcr drmaad (or tba aitim umiir Uiraal >.l nbfHitlni l>oa nr.l W'rlKbt, and tba] gaveordara r..r ih>- dnU. ry ..f tbe fralgbt t-'.w lalo Kane, ot lha Oaleua, refUBad t>. d". imr tbe araia, ln Ibc aren laahalaadadsforMoa tba Parifle Mail do k. i- k p..? npnnlon ot tba wbari an.i otBra, caal "rt lli"'? <>f tba Colon aad baalad ber out mio the atrrara. Ha tfcen hrouaht tbaOalaaa alougalde lb? wbart In tbe pia<<-<.! the 1 olon Ia tbe maantlne Ptretaa areiug wbat a/aa g??lu?-on re arr?--t.-d Capialn Dow and Mi. Oonaoi and inar. In-.l lb< in to Ui. ealabooae. Al 8 a. m. oa Nareb 81 Ui* <. look Captaln Doa aad Mr. Conuor ffom the ralal.?'? and iiianhi-d tlirm up t<. Moukey Hiil, whera Pmnun oa i a hlu-ht engaaanM-ui wuh tin- OoTeramaBl tr..o|.? from Pauama. Darlaa tba engmgemeiil thry plaeed Captaln Dow and Mr. CoDDOr ln aUOXpoaOd p.millon. Iiul fort nnately for taoaa geBileBtan the guarda i>uv .-.i <>\. r tli.-mbeeaatafrighti-aad and ran away glrfngtbem an opportnaity to aacape, of arbich tkaj dld not baaitateto arall thtiini.-ivaa, and tbarwalked baek to Colon, aad w. nt'i. Ifu MatlaU-BBierby boatfroa < rm tohal ColoB. In the inointiiK ( ajdalu Kai.f laadedhl? entire forea, laelndlng a Uatllng gun, 8-lueh rtfle aad a 12-poander bowitcer, nn.l. r r..inin. n>i of i.ii-iitai>aiit Ju.ld, wilh ln?triiction?. noi knowiu* tli?- pnoon.m excaprd. to ohtain tlnlr relaaaa at all b.i7.uidH. '1 ln: for. a oceapted tba UnRed Htatea CoaealBte, Paaaaia ttallroad offlea and Paelflc Mail ? barf aud onVa. Iniiiieiilaf, ]y after th-- Daltad Btatea (on ei takni tbairpoMltiooa tba Coloniblaa Wailonal Uuoaa cam?- ln from Btoakey um aaddroTa tbe laanraaata baah bita their barracka, aad a eoatlaaaaa tirr aaa k? i>t up i.y both partlea dm ,uk the forenooa. Tba tiriui; ?!ait< .1 ut aboet iioi.ii. aad Preetan aaeteg he ??? betag defeated tin-d the ntv Ia BBBMroea plaeaa aad lad. At lha asaM tlnn- a atroag traiic wind w?n i>)o?ni({. aud ib.' deatrno tlon of tbe elty aaa eompleta. Notblng remalaa bal lha Panama Railroad Coeipany'a bnlldlnga, on t ?,#- heaeb, and the Paetfla Maii and th? Cunai Ooaipaalaa' proparty on the " TerrapM n." Tbo limuriiiicc eoajpaBlM r? fn?<- pai meut for a'l lo<>>.r-. oa tba crouad that taey wera daa to laeaadiariaai or war. The flnvernmi-nt wlll h? lield reapoiixlhle, l.ut a ciaim agalaatItwaaid t<> ba af amail ralaa Ptaataa waa the owner of xeaeral lioune*. Imt It i? IbouKht the tor< ?d routrlhiitiona ha aoUactad ni.ilo l,iu, n?t to II!- 10i-<''?. Wbi-ii tba ataaniar left, (U neral Itmnrz had Ix-en natned Ooraraat ot Colon by Aiiparn, wao waa Ia i.laaloa of j'^nauia. T<*n tbonaaad peraoui were made koaaelaaa by the flro. The linU.d Haten Uiarima wt rc ptcaanrlng ordi-r. The ncwn that BMTga Aimnr.m forea a a? oomiBg to tin- latlimim eraatad graal axritaateai, aa aaaaxativa wiik fnired. But whcn thuJ'acla bocaiuu known bbbbV iaaaa ?kh raatafad. Chii ai;o, Aprll 17.?A djaaatai from tho Ctty of Meil coaaya that wlien tbe troojmof th' t'olomliian i,ov?tii incnt flnally entered Colon, allarltaad baai bataad by tbe n-bela under tbe leadrmkip af I'ri-?taii, tln-y BBB> tur' 4 aeveral aquada of irl.rH. In tin- p.tnt l. n dayi tbo iiuinlirrof tbeae prlaonera BM bet-n coimlderalily :ui. iiMiit.-.i by baa laoaita af ?Cnaadtag aaaala eaptared in theaurroiiiidiiiKdlntrlrtN. it Ia not known bO? inaiiy w.t.- ii.iu bild priaoaeraat ? aloa, but good autbuntie* plaee the nunibi-r at iiliout 400, -? Tin: TBOUBLFJ IN THE NORTMWF.ST. INUIANH OM THK WAKI'ATII ? Rt'MORH OK A MAR SACUK. Cnir.AOO, April n.?'lhc Daily Neus, from \viniiip?K aafi i " a BJaaafBB from Madtataa iiat m.H that tho lilnrkfeet have bi-en and aro on tbo warpnth ln aaaaBBjajMBM ef dianulotliig rurnora fjaaj tho Ited Iw-errountry whotc the iieeH are BoatBlltttBg di-predatloi.a. A ??oiupniiy af BIBIod BBOata uii.itr i.n ut.iaaai carjin han baaa asatto aappraaa tm-m. It !? iipoilr.l tliat a ii,a?-arrc ha* oicurred tbtre uud that tea Itlackfeel are hiuoi.k lha klll.-d. TOPICH I.N TI1K DOMIMON. ?fOWTBBAL, April 17 (Special).?The scinity of niiriiiitf BTohaaia lu Ikai markct haa aaaipaUod baakan to BarakaM it in New-Vork vhan tkajrara obllged to remllaKHinstit. Nrw-York fuiid.i Bfg tn-day MlMag ?> ikiaa faailk pai aaal premiuin, and bbM m IhjIuk sbipped dally to Ncw-Vork to covor linli-bti?dmm tin n-. Tin- Bfaaaaa] af tlieao Hiilptn- un co'itluuliig BM aaaaajaal both tbo Fmanco Minmtor at ott.twa aud baakan baaa, aa the ataaaat aaafty af goi,i in tbe loiintry iHexcaodlngly aina',1, tho (iorniuini-ut hol.llng IkaaaaaU aaaj af ff.tll.biflalIktalM? of Itarskaoalaat arir. iilatloli lu Dominiou notea afflB^000?10l and pul> iic dapaaMi af ir'i4,r,:fH,.7M. Baaaaoia ataa waak. Oa Kiliruary M tbey held 07,100^04 ag ilunt a clnulatlon ot 880466,061 and paMfc dapaatta af |01j00OXM0, all af whl. h ln payalile Ia gold or l>otnlnlon not. ? |. di-t uialila lugoldofwuok laaOorenuaartbm oniy nf*b,M5. a yawaga ihe Pedaral banka' doman.i apoa tke Oovara m.-iit ior ?:.iHif(MM) oauaed it aerloua loooaTealaBea. Tkla i/uillow of fol.i 1? lik-lv to Increaioi aa tno tiuio druwa Baar forthapayBMBtax Uoreruiucut baad luu-roal iu laaduu. bJMllyui Ih naklnjrrtpld atrldea ln thlaelty. The Ilr?i oaaa wan dlarnvored only a w?rk ago and ihore are now flfi?<:ii patleuta lu tbe boaplial aflllcted wltb tbo acourge. IlAi.irAX. Aprll 17.?Tho amendment to tho Franrblae blllallottiliK unmaiiii-d womcu bavlng tho projn.rty qualltiratioa to vote, waadeleatod by u majwrlty of one iu the llouae to-day. lii 11 kmi.i.k, ont., Aprll 17.?Tbe damage rauaed by tba floo.i la iiiiiili greator tban waa aupiMtfied laat nlgbt. Many dwellinga, barna and ottter bulldluga bave b?-en wreekcd and fenrea aud treea toru dowu. The waler roaa ao rapldly that the peojde had ta leava thelrdweU Inga wlthout aavlng anythlng. One woman waa nearly ktllrd by a of to* forolng open bordOBTBB^rtOg 1,,-r to tbe ftoor. Many aaratMM were rearued fW? taan U.aea. but Ihe uiajorlty had to paaa I .? tght WBOW theywere. Tbla u.oruing all WBtB^laaaMd.^Ajang numberof Mttlt, ptg* B?rj Ihe.-pp?-rlab.-d. Tkol ?M ?* glOft.000. P^g^^tJ^ZSlSS. , downatraan L'<h? rardaaad tbawaaM auw*^* Tha woik of cl.arlug theatrcotiof lce baa beguo. A COMING MEETINO OF EMPERORS. Londos, April 17.-Tho Kmpcrors of Gor niany and Auitrla aud the Czar of Ruaala are arranglng for anotber meetlng to be held thia aprtng. The BMM cboaen for the n.aetlng la 0?J?*????*?*m9$Z u.ait, on Auatrlan tcrntory. cloao to tbe Ruaalan rrou tler. _^_ RARRIOS Klf-LKf) HY 0*1 OF IIIS OWB MEV. Nkw-Oklfanb, April 17.-A report reacheu hrre irom Guaten.ola by private aourrea that tbe of Oeneral Rarrloa, lnte I'realflrnt ef Ouatemnla, waa broiiKhtabout by the lutrlcueaof ofPan halvador. and tbat be wi.a klllrd by oao of hia own iilitUT It ia aaid tbat a eonahlerable cabal had been wafkad up Iu On.He.uala Harrloa.wlU the h!<loffuhdaf.. ..W.edbyDr. Z-ldlvar. and thal a r war.l waa oller. d BMNtfi foTtha 5^*?%^! ,, ii,... a , Maptnci Io Ihta ead axtrted m-jaldto {,,. ?TerwtMtalBg, aud to be forthcoailug for publ.catlon at au early day. _ MORE TROVni.E BXPfJCRD IN' TONQITN. Paris, April 17.-It ia thoupl.t that Mff troul.le will urise betweeu the I'n n. h and the^Chlncae OoTcramaaH ln MMaaajtMO of ei-Preini.r Fcrry'a havin* laidliy iHHtnielr.l Admlral ( not to araoaata tbo laioad af FOrtaeaa, . Bereral ofthe Frencb iniuralBripreasthr oplnlon taai Praace ah.uid temporarlly ?m?,? tbe tVH,a.i..ic? lalandj aa a reeoajpeaaa f.-r tho ovacuation of paaaMBB. O.-MAN DIGVA1 POBOBI TO Bl ATTACKI !>. Siakim, April 17.?Thrceeolumna of Britiah tfoepa wfll ?dTaaoofioaigoaMaa.HaBdoaAaBd Otaa, ra tpecUr. ly. at laybrcaft taHBaaww aad ?on ?). towari ])P.,t ln an eadeaVM t-> aunound aud rapiuro O-inan Dlgaa'a bbKUoti ti.ere. Doroola, AprU 17.?lt la nportoi thal tbe Madtraf laka aai i. nfonod tho gatrlaoa ai Baaaaa ibo Maadl baa dUpatoaed Boopa agatnat Boa mk m:a< mi.n i Of 1 IBLt WBWi. PABta, Ap ll 17.- At ii lartein. etingof Au.erie in- in tbh cl.y to- aj a coiuuiittoe of lw. Ira waa ap|M>ti.t. (to ? irrangi-ntcnta fora complluu utary bauuUM lo itr. Ilorl m. Uwooa, Apni 17.?Ia tha Boaaa <>f natnaaone thia erenlngtha feiryptlan eoareaUou paaaad ItetblrdiaM ina l.y * vate of ?- lo 17. Pabib, April 17. Tha ?bm CbbbI Oomnilaelofl to-day adoplrd a i aua. eitendlng tbe prtarlpl. of neutrahtj toluoBwecl M atrr t'anal. At Momlay'a Braalonefibe MM. i-.'i.hh..i..i bi d Cb irM d? Laaaepa ?m .?> ptain ii.- ir s lea ? h. r. aaid t" Ibo ? r. AU I ? l M -i < TED OIL Wi.I.h. PlTTSBCXO, April 17 [Bpttial).?Tht ph* BoawaoB o: au alta ed flawlag ail wall wltbta erea iiiiiea of tbla dty baa giaatly awited Ihoaa not ? engaged la Ibo all ir ..!<?. Haaj) af tbo acolwi ,ko. otrer, pl .,,:?? ;. tbo itattanal aaado tiii- afli rae m b] w uilaa. Barton, oi - ol tha aw. on al Ibo wi 11, tl Ibo il.w to-daj ii.'i laereaaod lo tha rate ol 100 b day. II la aaM that a teat atadi in thud-y abowed tb< olltoba of aa Bnaaaall] good aaaUty. Ibo aellkttwo and a balf adlea back oi Kaaawettli aa Ibo Pari Vayaa Kallroad. Ii lalaa rariao, wltbta200featal Um Ml Sei..i Cbnrcb, oa tho watet shcd I ? i.ra.1 ?.,:? i ... ;. i i. aa, lt la aa .. dln al llao, raaalng tbroagb tb ar* DMriel t.. Ibo i v,. ;i ? ... n ly. a larga nanbei "f p. opla w, p. ?i Ml '? ? i"'" .rorlng ... eara tning ai. ml tbe ? .i. At Kwawui h I ? Ib'ir proiH-rty <>u faroraOl. t. i . ?- rhe ownera of tb* wcIIhi-fI I. A wi i- i.n.r all day puttlna up tai v .?? Two all m. i at ML Kebo from Brmlford eodravoH lraa? tbe iurrouadl bnl Ihe o. weU hare !.??.: 2,000 a...- <>f tl.o ??nd lutBwdiatelj!. ^^^^^ // i/./>.; i r a MtMMMf /m//."'i i. Tukm.'N, N..I., Apsil 1 ; * Sji.cfii). W hintlio str. ? i (mm .?: - . ?-?') i i" "i trtad i" raa ..?>. iIh-ii tiaaka fi.n.i thiaettj lo Chaai arabaig tbh. ui.h.i laga loBg aartbia of Ibo ralia i.. baal <>f Um R? Wlrt Mllla waa foaad to h iw b - ? lota ap la tha atght, U..-IpariBgearafallf rataJd aad in tha oaalia abara tbe iraek bad keea a baga Irao paatdriTOB dowa aelfclly, AtraagoBpaata wara ? ata la traaafei paaooagan aroaad ii,,? i,i. . baa boaa i arrt. i aa that way all day. Tbo toariaa ap af Ibo Uaofe tn th-- r. ? aaltaf adlaagTaaaaeal >.t loag ataadlag i>.t*.eii Ibo bga and th*ehlaf awaera of tha < u> Ra -? Tb* trooble la aaid to bara ariaaa froa. oaonteal between llearyMklrin aud Fredertcb Itoobllng for Ibo poalttoa id delegalo to tbe ttrpubllcan Gourontlon al Cbieago ilm to owb tbe -tt" i iu of tb>'ir workaover wblrb tbe traeka raa Tha ralhi ? ro ckiae ta the entraBeo lo their yard aad thay Bliegu that Iherarafroquenily Interfered ?in. *>??-?'<-">? "" llty Kallway pro|.Iiaputo tho RoebllBga1 ui.n to lh? Btreet aad allogo thal bafow laytag tha tra.-Ua tbej m enred cauBent to their bolng put (Iowb. Tbo pobllr will !>.? |? .11 tn greal ln. iniTBiilaaaa. a blla Ibo < aataal.? baiag l.m^ijt out iu Ikoooarta, -? MMD Of tBM CASfMT WMATMUt tTMlKM. I'Mii.Ai.i.l.i'Miv. April 17 I N/erid/).?Tho ?trikooftaa KonalBgtoalagrabiearpat woavota, wbi h baa baaa t'.'iiu' aa f.n twoaty^ao aaaka, wa? ptaeHoally end. <l to day. WBOfl an agfaOBMIBl WBI rfgBOd hj .oinlint ti-.-N raproaaatlag tbo waavan aad aaluVowaora. Tha Bgrooaaaal proTtdoa laal n.e prioa of waavtag aball bi". ?ad bhj. ...i- a rard. a aaaapraaalaa al '?.? a aaat, tbo ra d.i.Uoa abjoeted io betag 4^j an.t r> eaata it ai?o pladnii ti.<- ?ri.u'i. not to hclag aay <>f tbo <>r tba Knighti ?f lakar uata tbo miii* aad to aMda by tba ilm.- rognlatltaB..? bafora, aud provides that borsaftai all iiiij.iitr^ ai.oiii wagM ahall i.e dalatajlaed by ? baoad ..I arbiti .tora nempoood of nv? Btaaafaetarara aad iue Braavata. Thii i? piactiaally .?.lei?Mt foi tbo Knigi.ta of Lni.or. Theagreemant will be adoptrd by tbo localaa. wuiblyof weavarato-morrow, Tboatrlko baa boobtha uioat urolonged r\.-i known hr.e, bb4 It haa been ? ly one. Iu BBgCfl llo- WaBTerfl BBVC loal al.1 *JHO,00<?| aad aa 7.000 people were tbrown ...n of worktbatotal ??.(.? lo^? alll nol !"? fai froai 11.500,000. The ralue of earpat ..>>t produecd Iu couaouueuce ol the atrtka u ba> twaaa 14,000,000 aad n"i,(>oHt,ooo. >, fVIt II 90LT1WB MJLLtOWi Of DOLLAMM TOCMOgTOWVi OblOi April 17 (Si><ci<il).-Thc aaalataB toadatod la day by aaaatal Maataf Harriaaa la tbe mm of gJabariy agalaal Anm, hM attraotod moeb latoroot la tbla part of Oato, aa it laaatvad HV00O.OO0 and UM tille !? ? laigo piojioilion or the ilmk ln IM i.ra.i.i Caalial Mtaiai at Teaabataaa, AriMaa, P. U Kliiiberly, an entciiidve ln... D.anufarlurer and ('. I>. ArniH, a nllrrd <n|.n..lihl Iu 1M"1 furniexl a partnerihlp to aad aall WTMteni propertlea, i.ut Atm ? aarted thal ih. pnraba. a uf tba Uraad Uaatral MIM vh hlaowaentei prlaa, exrlualvaly, Tba report ..f the afaa t.r attlmi thal Klmbeiiy la entltled to 11,003,000, one iniiiiou to bo pald In atoek af tbo mlno aud 103,000 l? eaah, balag balf of tbe dlvtdenda ahirh Anm had ro? i'i-i.r.l ap to tbo tlino wheu auit w?a bro.igbl IBNO jr. l ugO. _ _ A iiisy an i \ /?./ VB1 IM WHMMLIM9,*;. W. Vu., April 17 (Sprcinl).? Thia ellj hM r. r.i.ed -.. r 11 ,i ili.tklng up tod.iy l.y tht rofjortl of tln- Graiid ai It never bad liffur.'. OaO hiindr.-d and tweutyilve baaaMMMal MN re(iii'ii..|. ilxty being for gMBBlbJg. IbO llat la a MBIthag <">e, Baaaag Iba aaaaM bafaag au BS*OafaraM "'<d A tanflHati for Dadtad MMM Heaitor. tYMBtaaal and Inllii. nti il i.j.-rrlmiiU ajki uuuufartiirrr*. *o <i. iv . ouiig in..., uttoi in )? aad otb. r pcof. aadoaal bboo an- Iu tha llat. One .n>iniirr of Ute CltJ. < oun.-il haa 11 ve iinii. tiii'-ni- agalaat i..and anoiher eity oitirinl la la the II..I of gamaater. Keapeatabla n-ai aatato ao/aota and aganta aro Indlcted for laaalng propertr to bo u?.?i for Immoral parpoaea. Ta< newajpaper ofBoea ara Ibronged with pooplo i.i'ggiug tbat tba llat af naaiaa M aot pab? li-iird. it n geaerafly uii.liTito.Mi thal it will u<>t hr, lhi ptaMBM oi. tbe MwapapafB U M gVMMMWt roi.lTWAi. WCOMOU1 MOt WMMDWtX 1', April 17.?Wliart.m Hark'T, Maaf IhatraMtM af tbe Uatvantty af Faaaayrfaalai aaya be la not awar.' Ihat PNfMaM Hiinuier, of TBBBi baa mm luvitrd t<> laatan m aalttaaal MMMay at that laabV tutlon, ai.J he baa not BjlBMi nny mcetlnga of fcraaoBMi A Iloiton pafM re.eiitly a.iiioiiiif.-d lhat PMMMM Poa> in r had allghtlngly reinark. .1 tbat the iiiauag.?iiient of tbla nnlvaralty uecldad ? u.?t dootriaa t<> leach. aml than elerted l'rofianor A. H. l!i,llr>t a l'roloetlonlat. to taecb Iti aad tbat la eoaaaqutnee PrafaaaM Sumuorbail been uskt-.i to dellver a eoeno of leeturea here, Mr. Uarkar'a atatemuiii waa callcd out by tbla atory. FAILrKK OF UADDDX PtfffaTrTPff Cincinnati, April 17.--Muddtix wholoaalo griK-eraimd doalnra In MatOagBM ln Peari-at., havo inado au aaalgnmeut to Tborutm. M. Hlukle. Tbelr aai.ta are eatluiated al $180,0XK>, and tbelr llablilllrs Bl 0180,000. -4> DOS I'lATTS llltOTHEU VOMMITB RVJOIDE. Cincinnati, April 17.? Hcti M. I'iatt, of tho flrui Of JloiiUhbell, I'iatt At liolat, eoiumlttod aul. Ide to day on aocouut (il la auppoaed) ol bualuoaa euilmriaaa luaiita. THE MURDER OF PRELLER. WIIAT Wll IIEARD IN THE NEXT ROOM. WILI.IAM K. ROSfi'8 KXPKRIFNCE IV TBB BOUTBERN HOTK.L? pkki.lkr's DYINO. OROANS. "William K. Koss, who occupicd tho roora in tho Houthem Hotel. ln Bt. Lonla, adjolnlng tbat ln whloh ('. A. Preller waa murderod, an tbe day of the OomrolaaloB of tbo erlmo, la engaged ln tho hardwaro trade, and ha* an offlco at No. 07 Chambera-st To a Thiiiink reportor who eaw him at hla bome ln CUfton, N. J., liut nigkt, bo gave hni reooUecUun of tbo Incldeuta of that day lu tho boteL ? I spent Knater Hunday," ho eald, ? ln Bt. Loul*, at the BiuthcrnJ Hotel. Tbe afternoon I panaed ln my rooui, wlth only adoor botween mo and the terrlble tragody whlch I afterward luarued waa taklng placo lntbonext apartinent. Ah 1 waa not at llrst abn.lutoly certatn of my \ roximlty to tho Hrene of tbe inurdor, and aa I really BBW notblng and lieard littlo tbat bad uny boarlng on tbe caoo, I baaa not liifonned tbe authorltlen of the faet. I went to my looiu aaaaf 2 o'clock on that Ruuday after? noon to do HouiM writing. At 3 :m, a? uear a - lncmii.-r, I drew the wrltlng bxkto up to tho wiiulow, wlthln iilniiit cU fei-t of tho dnor leuillng lutotbouext ro..and began wrltlng. Hoou after there waa a low, nioiiiliitf aoaad froui tbe next i-oniii, together wlth tbe MMinil of Watat MMilnff Into a bowl orit of afaueot; not vlolently, but wlth a steitdy flow that wonld not aaaaa It to tin ui* aud ruu orar. [atoppad to Uatea at iir?t, bal ronidu.lint; that onn of my neiglihorH wa? III, I agnlu bo OBBM hIi.-i.i'Im ,1 Ia my WntuW. I uientionod tho matter lolkd brll-lioy oaoa or twion, aa ho BBBM to my room, init ba aald ho raeaoad there wm notblug tbematter. I am not BaoagB of a phyalclan tc know whether tbe Bwiadawara tbonewhbh i tenoa partlallyaadextha Infloaaea nt eblarofom woald niake, bal thay aeanied to iiu? hke (ba gRNUU of ouo BUdarlag mjiuo dull, coutln'ioua pain." " l?ld tho walor run conflniiomiiy. m tliougb Intended to drowu the inoi.iiM, or wm the bobb i brokao :n if gnr nonta aan balag eoukwl or waeaadf aakad tbe re aarter. ?? A* T roeotltct, If raa alOBg wlthout any break or ehaage wha'ever nntn 5 o'eloek, wbea 1 waal todloaor wlth a fMoad, to wbou I menitonad tho faet that aoaa one BBeaaad tu !"? -i.ic iii lha aext rooax, I left tbo botci ut 7 o' aud look tho 1 :M traiu for Chlciuro." A 0ON8PIRACT BU8PE0TID. a naon ot rmor. u>cii drtbotithl [nr tki.kuuai*ii tu Tita lUMM,] St. T.oim, April 17.? SofJM of thr tlrtortives and maiij of tbo Mwapapar m. ? who buve tollowed tho Soatkata Hotal eaaa froai tbo atartkava foraaad the throiy It if a coiiMplrary und that the body In the Motgae i. not PraUafaa, but. that of BaaMaakaawa psreoa, obtalned for the aaoaalaa. It baaaaTar baaa poeitrrery Meotlaed. ln faet, it eaBaat ba,beaaaaa 14 bt aobadlyaV.npoaad,aad tba tdaaUfteatloa ataada for aotkiag a-.iin-t tbe graal ii-t ..f raaiarkablflaaaaaaf iniit iken l.h-ntity 00 r.-roid. Tb I fjoroaer after tbe IIr->t exaimi: i'i..ii aald t ' tbe body bad baaa daad al leael two waeka, aad thiH woald aanvaarata lha baUaf that it waa broagkl froai BMtoa. MapatcbM from Boatoa kkoa tbai M-xwrii wm taaklagj for a aorpMtkata. Preil. r dlaappi ared tbe d.iy bafara Maxw.ll.andtioi-ffnrt bM i ? ??? traea hl ... Tba pollce bold t<> ika ibeoi) ibatMai aMaeraak aad Ikaa aeaoaatfor hialaek ol . autli , iod . itnulug. I ka <Hy ia aa aproar o\er ih<-. ?<-. and .. ir.iiy ta.nagreaM totha motlve ?ad f,.t. Tm pai ui mutllatlot, of lhacorpaelanoi aeeoiii.l. d for. A ill-pttl. Il lioin B IB Pl ai.'1-.o -.,>? tnit Captaln Ro ' tnn, laon tbe aleatuer Bydney ?nb Maxwall. Om of Prellar'a nunk-., in-id atPort itonta .lu'). b?>- baon otdered to ba opened. .?t beglna to-iuoii-iiw, imt notblng new aillbe dovi ,?|? i. i ba polli aora on rwhelmi .1 wlth luggeatlona r. all orer taa (Jallad btataa, and tbaBaaibaraf araaka appean t.. bt laefaMlac, A I Kli ' DOP I ?Kl.l.l.l.B IM'KMIIYIN'i I III. OODY ,ii i -? i.i-i:\Ti II.] Bt, I.ot is April 17, Jatnr*, of ! Ula, M Intlmate frl.n.l of Pn-lb-r, arriT.d bBM ,.!y Ideiitirl.-d tbe l.ody at tba Morgiia a IBBl "f bM Ii.en.l. iCCVlUNO~A UIHHISQ OLJUUL Kam IIim.i:, Miisi., April 17.?Joho Bltia rk la iba WaaaMBM ktlll, taab hla aaaaitaia aa | from thlne'.ty by tbe Kt-anier PIlgrliB for New I ? ioaMfrtaadaaad ?ii taiatan ,,. Il,- f.illed to return. howover, and tora of the mlll baraoM aaaaay aaaaaralag kH An exaatlaattoa ?.f bu MtaaaN waa aaaaa and niin.ri to tho rffeet that bli aernimta wrm i,..t ttnifM lallawad, Raaaora kaaaaM more pr.ialent Ihli aft.rno .n and atorlea af bj rIoi k IBBUBlBliBB w-re eurreiit. Blaladall la tappoaad to ba la Caaada. Ba Ii Ika aoaof Jadga J. C biaiwb ||, .,f t iiu iny. and bM alwaya borna an .?> 111 laul r- pfltatloo. Ile ?.?< not obllged to ruralafa boada lu aerepting tbe noaltlon whleh ba uiat hekl. 1 ne Wi atauioa Mlll Corporatlon for tha laal elgbtean montba bM not hen, Rueceaaful an.l bM not patd it* itockboldera a divniend in tlaie. TM par ralua ?f tba ataek la r I o i par ?haru. Inil It ha* r.iinlly aobl, and i- at Btaaaat ,|,...'.'.i ii, ibe arbadula of mlll atoeka .?i 830 a ahare. Wiliiaai l.lmiaay, tbe treaaurar of tbe ralU, laal to ?? i bad io> luaplclou* aroaaed by tha youag dxbb falliag toput in .in appaarai.uTbura>lay M ka bad promiaed, and alao by dlacorarlag a piirata aoeoant uin. b <n-< i"?. d ibe fiu-t thai ne bad baaa daallag la railroad atw-ka. k partlal exaaiiaalion af tba carpora llon'a i..?k< wax ma |e to-day, aad ui> t.. ika praMol inue notblng orookad baabi ?n dlaroyarwflii blaaarouBla. I do nol ?..nt io aay, taarafora, thal ha baa embaxxlad uny of i|Miiy'a tuonry, Imt btaabaenca aud tba dltaovery of hla daallag In atoeka eauBM grava waplatoaa and tbo rrault cannot ba aaeertalned utitil b Ibornugb taarob of the m roonta i? Tba exaaxlaaUoa of the baoka wlll ii.i Inued i.-iii"ii'ow." Tbara ta a raawr eurraat to-nlghl tnat a dl<rrepniiey ofbatween |H,000 lo |10,000 bm bean dlaoorered la Blai-xleli'i aoooaata, bm tbe raunot in dNcredit,-d. t:\niuiTioss a y.\ui\ior\T vm;k. Piiii Ain.i.iiin, Apkil 17 [Sp.cial).?ThrCotn initt- eon tba Plaaaaf tiie rarn Ouaualaataa thin morning graatad nmrlaalaa la tba I raa tal n?^t Clab ta bold it* aaaaal raajatta aa Batatday, May 69, aad adoptad a r.-eoniu,. u.i.iiion of tbe MpejiBtaadaal thal the SarBBM i':, aat a4 tba dlapeaal af taa Waaaaa'a BUb Cul ture A.i.ition. arartdlBg tbe huildlng may r-o uted at all tlmix a* a nurk ?hr;ter. The Couimlaatonrrahaya ai-j agreed io alloa laal portloa ot Ika park i> mg nortb andeaatof Itelmont Manalou, wlth tho ?id Centeuolal agHciiHural ground, to ba ael a|..iri bata-MO Juno2S and J I . ini?lu-.ive. for the i>uoullipilii-lll of botween ft.tJOO and 10,000 miiltla froui tho l.a-t-r,i, VSwutetu aud Muldle BUlea. ?-? 0LOMIW0 4 0JT0J WOTMDMOTML. riiii.ADLi.niiA, April K! (>>rm/).-0iiy'? Putal otaaalItadoaiato day dtaao ttaMtafa araatka . iMlahral dafall Ika PkUadolakta boatacrtaa, it badawarldaida faaaa [twMtkaa, howoyora ?mall beaaaaritkaOkjktatataaa laadlag lata tba bar-iaata. lUproaaarltywMMfraal baal Ika aaamafan batll a u-:eat botai aTltktkatItadMadaaeabaaaa After the death of Mra. MlUer, tba daogbtar of tha oriflaal pro? nnetor. afr. Ouy,a v-ar or mora Bgo, *"?>< 4?atlemeB Irom UncMtor bacamo aroprlotora. Om raUrad aud Mr Klley then tbe ivnialufng partMrglTMM t io reaaoa forlbeuvaaatl.?f bMUieaa, thal r..r ?oTcral montba pa?t the bolai baa aal paid axpaaaaai ?-- ? ? MATOM silliil UBIOVMLT tLL. rim.AiiKi.i-iliA, April 17(cfraaff|,).-CU6l t?f I'ollee.-iewail thin ?QflBg that tBO oondltlon of UayOf -mllb wai serloiii. A piomlnenf phy-delan, aft-T ?, BfafalaxMBtaattaa, aaaaaad Ib il bladlaaaM ?M pmb> ,,,.,1,1.1 TM Mayor uttendo.l u l.all of one of ihe branches ?f tba Maaonle rratarnlty on htonjlay Blgbt {Jinoa tben not B0M out -f blh b.d. Tb. ie Ii no doubt Ifcat iniiebof ilieMiiyoi-'aillneaaladiio to bia reocnt polltlcul troubki. --a>-? tUOOMJUOM ot' OLD OLMAM OBIT. Lk.xim.ios, Kv.. April 17 (8p<cUtI)*?AiU* three wrekV ne.irch ln thl? nulghborlwod for ? trottlnK' .tuiiiou to taka taa alaea af OH fiearont, .?.-orgu Wkltely. af BaafaHk, Caaada, akaoo Cartlala,a imy oatt lhrMyaaiao4d,ay Kla?Baaai aaaa, Ballla Jokaaoa, by ini;.- Morgan aud i.aek to a ikoroogbbrad baala, i?'|>J''? r2.0O0 to, blm to Bowan A Uoltaa. af, rank i. Ojuaty. tkia.?ifalliBBdoa.rd of 8:46**.aadloaold fraa f,o,n hla aogagaiMBU tbla yoar ln two aukaa kara aad om ln .-i I....,,-. iu i* a laraa,atraag animai, wtii aulted lo Cubadu. ^ THR URKAT HKASl>rATHF.ll OF TMM nWUBMMf, I'liiiADin-iiiA, 17 i.spM(t/).-'lhr Itev. Aaron Clcveland, who dl.d la I>r. I-'ranklluN bon-e on Aagaat 11. 1767, wm aaafad laC6?aH < kajak pwra. yard. lllHtrave haa baaa imnotleed for nearly UI paata, but it || aOW known tbat he was the great-grand rataarafOiwaaf CUraiaad, l'remdent af tba Ualtad bUtea a mambar oi the Praaldaal i y ? ? ' ' clty yaaterdaj aad vlattad tbo grave. Ou tho tomb atono tbo nuu,e la Bpt-lletl Ueaveland. amawMMA tiqbtu* rnostaatOK, Davkm-ort, Iowa, April 17-The lowa Btoid Browera1 Aaaoelatlon In aeanloii baa deelded to con tluuetha lltlgattoii agnlnat tho problbltory law. Tho ( entral I omralttec waa lintructod to prepa.e an add.r-s to tha pooplo to bo aaad ln the eomlng eampalgn. V aMPJ wlll bo aakad to aaaaaaj all Aaaainbly eandldalaa known to favor jirohlh.t.oii. The BOBMaHtM wm aBtpawarad^ta lery a apcclal tax ou all bbbb*? M cauipalgu ex P?uhm._ MF.D FROU A. DOMS OF 1U.IR TOXIO. Bai.timore, April 17.-Mra.IIattieF. Hevan, a la4ly well known In aoelal elrolea. dled auddenly laat night undor pacullar clrcuiuaUmo*. Hbe had bean under ?Mxlical trcauaant foraoaie Ume audhadaUa baou ualnf a halr tonlo contalalng acenlte. A large doie of the lat ter taken by mlatake eauied ber death. TBM F1BB SBOOaW. MEN BURIED IN FALLING RUINS. 6INGVLAR XSCAPK FKOM DEATH?A REPORTER WHO WANTKD NO BRANDT. Bt'FFALO, April 17.?Thia city haa had ita lull abare ol exciteroent ior the lnat twenty-four houra. The fire man worked all night'iu wettlng down the ruina of " The Morning Expreea " officc, and it waa etill blazing thia morning. The excitcment oi the fore part of tbe day oonalsted of tBlae alarma of fire, firat in the Mafl'ord Ilouae and afterward in St. John'a < hurch, both of which atand cloac to the ruina. At 1:40 p. m. the firemcn were again oallod out by the report that tho interior ruina had tallen, and that a large number oi workmon and tlremen were buned. The facta in the caao were that aeveral uiachlniata and eniployea of " Tho Expreaa" were ln the building looking af ter materiala lcft on tho eoii.noi.lag room floor. The men who went down were frrank Burna, a maohiniat; Frederick Thomaa, nlght clerk in the connting room : Cl.arlea II. Dobbina, reportcr. a aon of Asaiatani 1'oatmaater Dohbiuai and Hcnrj Hendcraon a machiniat, who waa looking aiter a preaa on the floor above. The door fell witbout an.v warnlng, taking with it the root and aeveral pieoea ol heavy machlnery. Huina waa ablo to aavo himaelf by jumi.lng through an open doorway iuto the ruiua of anotlier buildiug. Tho tireincn went to work with a will and aoon had Thomaa out. Ho waa found to have austaioed aeveral aarOM rontualona about the hcad, but waa able to walk. It waa lully forty ninutoa before Dobbina waa diaoovered doep down 111 tho ruina. He waa pinned down bv a pouderoua beam, wlnoh reated acroaa hia foot. 'il.e tiremen turned tho water on bim, but he begceil tli'-ni to atop A bottle ot brandy waa paaaed t<> bim, but he refuaed it. He wna flnally IMBM. aud aaide BOM a aevore out acroaa tLe ankle. he waa found to ho imiujiireil. It wa-t au hour and a balf belore Haadaraoa could bo reachod Ho talked to tha men and told them that it waa no u*e to hiirrv aa he waa " .l.ino for." A heavy ahaft lay acroaa hia breaat, and hia lega wero beld by heavy bcama. Hia lega were broki n, aud be had aoveral gaaboa on diQcrcot |>a.t? of his Aa he ia uitornally injured. it la not tbought that be oan rceover. Ho waa takcu to on omcrgency boapltaL Ihe eomplete llat of loaaea by tho flre here laat nlght ia a- lollowa Mattbows, Northrup 6t Co., $70,0.10 ; JaaiM N. Matthawa (oa buifdingt, $f?5,000; " Expreaa." plant, |1S,0001 0. H. Dunston. litho grapber, $10,(M>0: (J. L, rTflllaaia bather aealar, i'JO.OOO; De?Mcker & \\eill, elotblng. f30.OOOj Ein -l.-M, Emig A Co., elothing. a? 10.000; O'Neii \sitL'on (o., 97,0001 Boary Araah at Co., book bindera, 90.000] E.lwai.I lloitinan, 03,000; Canada Kouthera I.ine, 91,000; aaroral bbmII aaaeMBitaa building, 11,900; total. 1201,800, laofoUowbag ia the in-.iir.iMe- Hattbowa, goftbrapA Co., $9<),ooO; JaaaM N. .MatthowB (or. building) $03,000; " Expreaa" plant, 137.000; 0. II. Duuaton, 130,0001 i;. u UiiiiM.i.i, 930,0001 DoobookK & Weili. 130,000; bUaalold. Emlg <St Co. *!'..'000; Henr.v * Co . 97,000; <'...ladaSootbeta Liue, $1,000; soveial auiull auioiints, 9700. I'l.AMI- o.V l.o.N.J I-r.AND. A fire waa nbrinf all day yostcrday in the aa. dlaad <>i ?? Bdk aorth al Bayaart, L I.. andovcr loo aoioa were hurm.l. A nuiub.-r of farmhouaea and barna aamwly BOaapad destruetlon, and tbe Inbal.ltauta were llghilug the llauje* to picvt-nt thalr apread, but with little aiu-eca*, aa the flre wu* atlll ragtligat a lato hour. Tho tlmbar wm aot raluabla exoepl for tics and ttrc U.....I. bnl th>- leaa will probahljr rearh $:i..?oo. Yeaterday aftaraooa a ilro hroke aal ln the prlnt benaa <?f i/'i.dol Sampeen >v BaBa* atleloth worka at Uaapetb, town af NewtoWB. The building, a large four-atury frame, wiih Ita OOBtenta, of ollclolh, paluta, ina. bineiy. etr., waa totally di?tmyed. The losa <?.i building and atookwlll not rallahortof 9JO.OOO, upou u hl. ii tbere la a BBfttal Inaurance. a bomn ix varioih n.ACES. Fai.i. River, April 17.-A flre this morning in iba rJaaaaaa Baaaab au.t Dyo Worka. at 9wbbmb iBBaad prabahly glff.ftftff Tnaa i laanrad Tbe worka had Juat bOM atartad after a atoppago of aeveral weeka, and wero well aupplled with ord.ra. Tliey were owned b. arovparatloa,af wbteh JaaaaaKlritar waa pfaaidoat and J. < . liuttiTwortb Uaaaarar. Auioug the gooda m> atio)i-d were 4(M? pleiea of elotli. QOMm, April 17.?A largo tenement at tbe foot of Dai ldaot,'a Ilill waa bVM 1 to-day. Three chlldren, two aaaaad tlrav.l ?nd tbe oili.r I.i/.otto, woro burned to death. KaXWUbABOO, Mlch., April 17.?Dewlug A Sona* planlng worka wi re luirue.l laat ntrfht. Eiguty BBM aro thrown niu of etuployineut. Tbo loaa U PJBtOOO, lnaurauce 923^100, llvitiUM.N, Mlch., Ai.rll 17.?WUMB*! planlng mlll, ahlngle nilll, dry kllu. aaib aud door factory, MffBthM ?!t!i i'k.Ih nii.I a large i.uiotmt of IiiinlnT. wero burned lant Blght, 'i'lie Io?a |fl .??.tlinate.l at .f'J.">.(K.O. ajoarov, April 17.?Al Chclacathu morning Oaataa A. iiaira gtoeaiy aad Bcaabaaa atoro waa daiuaged $j,.")00 by tlre. It waa luauri-d. Ihintos. N. J., April 17.? The lo?a by the flre la tho KatBMb .<li Ua:- Iwan BBlBbllablMBl laat nlght 1? now ea tlmated at 98B.0O0, Uoogra Lebarre, tha b..okkeei*r, waa l.a.l.v buii.e.l uii.l aliuoat b.nto' ate.l wbllo trylua! to jmi tlia iiooka lo tho aufo. LABCABTBB,PWBm April 17-The large barn, two to xh. da, oarrlage boaaa aad nll tbe fann bulldlnga of farael I.. Lan.lla, near fatanMVg, W8R burned laat nlght wlih thclr conteiita, liicludlng liaMXH) poui.da of caaod tobacoo and tweaty acroa al baatyaai'a crop. Taa lo?* ia $^o,oooi partUQj Inamad. UM I IlAvr.N, IVnn., April 17.-MarahaU's warebouao, KVJ BMM of leaf tobaeco owned by J. W. flinlth, waa burned laat nlght. Elve atiiblea were alao deatroyed. Tho loai on tbe faotory la eatlnutted at r.;,.., aad ?n tlic BtablMgaVOOO ; partlally luaurod. OlMtttan. N.J.. April 17.?Tbo roundhouao on the Weat Janoy Balhaad in tbla plaoo waa burned at 3 a. m. t.nlay. In the building waa e.igliie N... 17, which thev ?rereuaabla to get oot,aad li la thought tbat lt la rulned. Tho buildiug wm TBloed at ahaal 9C&00. A llgbted nintch wna thrown under the alnk where karaaoae <.u waa kept la tba draaaabaf af fndario naga, at No. l.'JJ'J Broadway, Broaklya, yaatatday, and a ilm naulted. oaaatag a loisof $l,o.H)iuatockand $J0Oon tbo buildiug. ________?_?aaaaaai COLORED MMM THE fMMtZDMMT. WAgtmroroiTi April 17. -TaMdetagattM to tho gfrieaa Ifalbadrrl Um OaatataaM which l.aaboenin ?ea?luii ln tbla city called upon 1',-eaMeut t'levelaud to day. Tbey wero cordlally rcceivod by the Presldent, and PrafMMt BoWBtd Day dellvcred an addroaa lu behalf of tho delegutoa. Aiuoiig other tbtnga ho aaid : "1 or the lliat tliue ln inany.yeara waeheerfully r>ay onr IMpaela toa PlMhloBt who la a DohMemi ae belleve bim to be a I.euioerat ln tho truo nnna?< of tbat tenn. Wo truat the Prealdent. Wo bavo aakad aad wtU aak our peopla to iruat blai." Tho Prealdent Naaaadai aubstantlally aa followa: 1 bave U?teiie.l with uiiich tablMOltO tho worda ln which you hara addreaaod me, utid 1 aui ^lad to learu tbat roa are dotonatBad to eUlai oalr tbo rigbta and privllegea of cltUeua bj a propar periarBMBM of your dutloa Maoeb eltiMM. It has beaa aaid that eterual Tlgllniice la fbo prlce of llberty. I doatra to reuilnd Voii of thls.iin.l to BBJ that the vlgli.mce to which I refer UbMad Upon tbat li.t.dllgence un.l coualderatloi. wl.lcb ludiieeayou 10 aec aad apprabOBd the thluga tlu.t pertuli. to your lntere?la aa cltlzeiia, and to Mtfl a kuowli'.lKi' of thew. thlnga In your OWD way aud wtthoiu boi.igblli.dly b*d orounnlnglydecelved ; and when tbla 10 fully accoinpllabed tbo day will coine, wblob I for ono wl'lbe glod t? aeo when aou.ethlug b, tler tbau [MM rolor will dlvide the poiltkal actlon ef thoio wbo aro Oltlzeua of tbo L'ulied Statoi. ll.iXUEDBYA HOli OF lirFFIAXS. VlW-OaUUBB, Apiil 17. (NpiCT'o/.)?Inlormation wns receive.l to-day ot tbe 1 yuching of a colored uian in I'oint CaaPM 1'arisb on Wadueaday night. The nian, whoae uiuue waa Aaron Jonea, waa charged with bavlng killed a mau in 1??2. Ho waa tried tho eamo veur and coiiviiti'd of niurder without capitnl pnni*U iiifut, Tho .Supreine Coiiit ol tba MBt* gxihatal hiin a MW 'trial, piudiug which ho eacaped Inun jail. 1 hia waa nearly two yeara ugo. Ho wna reeapturcd thr. e Weakl ago aud aoalaad ia tbo jail Irom which he ha.l aaeaped. Oi ^Wadaaaday atghi apmtyof men broke lnto Iba piiaon. took Jom-aout and huuged hini to a trec by the roud aide. -?,-? XMLMOMAPBJO NOTMS, 9WALL0WUIO A PAFBI Of Tacks. WlUtSMABBB, I'euu., AitiI 17.?E.lward Le (irand, MB of l^wia Ia. Oraad, a proinluent camage inanufact* nrer hara. waa recently coudtted to tho county priaon for ab.ulug bla fainlly. Thia morning ho bocamo doa pondent ln hlaeelland attempted to aulcldo by Bwallowlng a paSMOl tacka and drinklng the eoutent* of a ull lau.p. DEI.AWAKi: FISHEBY LAWS. Wm HiaOTOM. Dol., Apiill7.?The Ho?M by a vote of 11 i.l.d not to coiiciir tu tho H.-nato blll for aua petidiug tbeojieratlon ot the tlabery lawa. Tbo a*'tlon of tbe Houato conteuiplated the aua| of tbo law of 1S71 with all aniondiuenta, iHMidlng a doclalou by the Hu preme Court of tho Cnlted Htatca. SLUTDE BCCAUtl OF 008SIP. Ho.itii Rktiii.xiikm. l'ei.n., April 17.-taiwo Foltz, of riooth Bctl.leboui, waa found bangiug in bla atalilo at noon to day. He waa the owner of the a'.irt factory In tbe Kxcolaior Knltting Mlll, biirnod on H . iirday nlght, and ibcro waa a Buaplclon that bo waa tUo iu.en liary. Thia cauaed bim totake bla llfe. He waa a maa of good atuudlng ln tbe cou.inunlty. ALMOHT MURDBBIHO A CHINAMAN. Nrw-Havcn, April 17. -Marvin II. An.eabury and hia Bou. Charloa II. Aiuoabury, wero to-day couvlcted of ?murd?rouaaaa*ultonBlng Won, a Chlneae lauudry aiau, ou Jaauary \i, to obtalu #iOU which he had aavad. HIGGINS'S SCHEME. HIS PLANS FOR KEMOVING REPUBLICAN8, MAKINO PRKFARATIONS FOR TAKIVO APVANTAOO OF WKAg firots IN THK CIVIT. SRRVIC* LAW. [BT TBLSQBA.rU TO THB TBJBOMB.] Wabrinoton, April 17.?Althoup;h Appoint ment Clerk Hlgglns la by no meaua wllllng te admlt tual tbe aalary he recalTM fiom tha Qorernmeal la anythlng llke a falr equivalent for tha aervlcea of a nian of hla ablllty and dcaerta, ha haa been able to realiza the polltloal lmportanee of tha offlco ha holde. " Tbla ia tha key ot tha TreMury, ao far aa appolntments are eoncerned, aud I muat biarn all ita uaes," aald Hlggiua to hlmaeif. Tba Inaoeent Clrll Ber vlce Reformera who hare beou trylng to extenuateSeo retary Mauniug'a offenee agamat Clrll Sorvloe Reform la the appouitment of Hlgglna, aad to exoune tha Prealdonl for hlf fallure to rebuke lt, hara lou.Ily conteuded that the place Hlgglns occuplea la " merely elei leal," and of very Uttle consequeuce. They wlll probaidy alng a diffcrent lune before uiidauuimer. Uiggina "ineano bualnoss," and a groatdeal ot It Ile la keeu and abrewd and fertlle ln reaourcea, m well m ener getlo. A duller in'iu and one leaa exporleneed la tbe arta of evaafou aa applled to tbe lawa of the land would?If he dealred to evade them? havo raad tbo Clvil Berrlce law carofully, abakan ala head gloomlly, and folded bls banda ln doipalr of tludlng any way to evade lu provtsloBa. Not ?o Hlgglna. Ha reuaonod thus: " I poaaeaa lln ooiuplete coulldanoe of Secretary Manning aud Oormau wlll b.i.k me. liere aro tbousanda of Republioaus lu tha aerviee ot tbo Treasury DcparVuent aud they muat go la order to niake room for our frlcuda, W'here shall I bei/ln I Why, of oourae, wlth theae who are above or bolow the olaasea who thlnk tboy are pro teeted by tbis lnfcrnal Civll Borvloo law tbe chlefa of dlvltlon and the messengers, watchmen aud laborer*. Tbey ean be tiirued out and our frienda put lu wiihoufi troubllng the Civll Bervlco Comiuisalou." Aa tbe flrat step Ulgglua loat no tiuio ln prrparfncr a lt?t of all tho meaeengere, watchmen and laborera, and ho found that tbey nuuibcred nearly 4,000. Oppoalto tbe name af eaeb peraou aro set forth all tbe facta na teaaary to bo known?wbou appolntod, pollllca. by wiiom. roooiinr.euded.eto Auotucr lncludes tho namea of all tha clerka uud chlefa of dUlalon, abowing the dato of appolutment af e.i.h, bla polltica, by whom recommended, wbetber appolntod under the Clrll Servloe mlea, ObOj All lu.'ludediuthe tirat llatcau be dlacliar^-ed aud thelr plaeoH tllled by taa aacratary ut hfa pleaaara. It la uu aerotood to be the lataattoa ta ?' pargo " this liat by tba di?cburge, before July 1, of every peraou tkaretn uamnd who la a Republican. Tbe aame couraa can and prob thiy will bo puraued ln rogar.l to moat of tbe ilnef- of divla lou, allhough tbe BtaeOOO will bo ucccaaarlly uiore grad ual. HlCgtaa haa dlscoreied also that of the clerks In tho OlaaaUlod aervleo itlvoly (aw WBfe appolntod llnoa tbo Civll larrloo law and ragulatloua beeaine op eiiitlve. In IbO matterof daaajlaaalo the Bccretary of taa Treaaary aoaaaoM. fuil power, but uppoiutmenta eaa be uule oaly la tho maniier provlded by law. Ilero agalaBlggtaaloraady wlth a My au*irea'ion. "It lo true," he na-oiiK, " that wUen we want|? clerk We aaaaj akaoM one out ot four whoae uauiea huve Iieen arnt to ua bv itie civll Bervleo t'oiuiiiH-lon, or elae rejeet all aud havo the namea of four otber persone cerlfl.d to ua. It will beattaaaa if wa oaaaad nu.i at loaat one iii.i?o> crat ln every four or elgbt pcraoua who bava p.iage.l the ctvll aerviee exiuninationa." Iu otber worda, aaleaa < aad lafalllaonf ooa-rvere who aro hla frnnda arek.reatly ajuetakaa, Mr. Uiggtua Btapaaaa to Hiipplenieiit the Civll Bervice exainln .tmn in IBak caa. wltii oue of hia owu lnvautloii, to diacover whother or oottbaapplloaat loa Doaaaotat, Iu coiiveiaation with hla Intimate fftoodo Mr. IIig-Mna iiiHkea no eecret of hla purpoae lo dlaeorer aud tak ad vautauo oforory waak ipot ln'tbe Olftl lar*tM law aud regulatlotie. In atlll aaotber laoff et be baaaj M bo eapeelally uaeful. In the Governinent aervlen ln waOB> liigton aro a niauy luen and woni-n from Marylaud. nioat of them ex-Unlon aoldiont or tbelr ralattras, It la unlers'o.Hl that Mr. IllgKina l? onuaved ln tho preparatlon of a MBiplota li?t of the.-io i?eri?on??not ouly of thoae lu tin- Tiea*ury Departnieiit, but ln ev.ry otber brancb of the tioveru in. ut aervice a<* well?and thit came wlll ba opoedllf found for tho dlaniliaal of every Repubilcan among tb.iu. i he dlaeharga oa ypaterday for polltleal raaaoM of Cap tain WiddUoinbe, the ellicletit cblef of Bdlvbdou ln tha Blxtb Aintiior'a otllce, was tbe tlrit blow. It wtll tbna l>e aoaa that lltgcln* la determtued that hiaunaelfl^h aial ihall aet be ,ooled nor bla eaergy abated N-cauaa a paraltuooloua OoreraaaeBt bai- fallod to paartao hl<a with a aalary coiumcnsurate with tbe vulue of Bla dlv tlUkrul?hed aervlcen. ? APPOINTMENTS BV THE PKESIDEN'T. MAXY "HAYARD MKN ' aJffOtBTTBD TO THK COK* 60X66 SKKVICF. Wasiiinc.ton, April 17.-The rrcsulent inudo the foilowlngappolutmenta to-day: h> b'- Consult-rnniritl ?f Iht Vnitnl Stattt: JaaBM M. Motg.iu, of Boatb i 'arolina, for tba Briti-h Mleatao ln, Aoatralaala, al Melboanta; Jaeab Mueller, of oblo, aa Fraiikfort-oiitho-.Maiu.tierniany. io b< (imsult of the U*Ue4 .sf?f<-?-Chorlea W. Wag Bor, of Mlooonrl. at Tareatai Tkoaaai R. aTalea, of Arkaaaaa, at Hamiitoii. Oaaadaj Praaeta H. wiutiii, of Marylaad, Bl Loodo. KafUad; Chariee Joaaa, of Wiacoa atu, at I'rague, Austria-Ilunitary ; lllchar.l Btoektoa, of Naw .lernev, at Bottefdaa ; Wllllam Siade, of oblo, M Braaaola, Bebflam ; J. Harra* Brlfham, ofLoalataaat al Paaodel Norte, Mixleo j Wtlliara J. Bl.ick, of iHjIawaro, at Nuremberir. Oerniany. Jwlici-il-W. H. Brinker. of Warrenshurg, Mo., to ba Aaaodata Ju-tlee of the 8upr?'iuo t'ourt of tho Terrltory 0f New-.\Ie\leo; Tbomaa W. Bcott. of Vlrcinla, to b? L'nlted siat?i* kfarakaU for the Eaatera Dlatrti t of Vlr Klnla, vlce IIUKb.i*. reaUnod; llenry W. Hobsoii, ot Dea ver, Coi., ta aa Unlted BtatM PUtnct-Attoraay for tba iJintrlct of ColaradO, vtce A. W. Bra?e, reuiov.d. Praacla Wburtou, of PtBBtrlTaala. to bo Kxamiuor of ('biiiui in the Dcpartment of otate. Tue followiug aoaoaaaakaai were coaimlaalonoil to-day: James D. (orcoran, Rome, N. V.; Jeroine I.i DOJBj Weattleld, N. V.; Exia Evaua,67084OhOOtor, I'eiin.; Jameo Lirury, Brlftol. I'enn.; Oeorge T. Oroaa, Allentown, i'ouu.i DavM Overuian, Marlon, Ind. Krom an examliuitlon of the appalntmenta to tba Coa sular aervice, lt appears that .Secretary Bayard hai ba gan to carry out hla deterinlnatlon, (OfOOhadawad ln a BTpohlBjlBB dispatoh published lu We^liiemlay'* Tkiiii >B, af inaklngacleausweep. Itlanaldthat wlth threo er* ceptloua tbenew Couaular oillccra appolntod to-day aro " hayar.l meu." SKETCIIE8 OF THE XEW OFEICIALS. Blehard Stockton, the uew Coniul-tieneral at Rottar* dam, ia tbo tblrd son of Attorney-Oeneral John V. Btoek ton, of Trentou. Ho waa edueated lu Italy wblle hla father was Minlater to Rome, aud galncd aomo know Udge of statecraft by aaalstiug tbe latter wben he waa ta tbe Unlted Btatca Bonate. It la bolloved that the ap polntin.nt waa made to nppease tho anger ot tho Htock tou faniily over the Prealdeat'e negleot of tbo Attoruey Oeueial, who wanted to be Sacieury of War. Jacob Mualler, who haa been appolutcd Coniul-Ocu oral at Fraukfort-ou-tbe-Main, la a realdent of Clevelaud, Oblo, aud the Editor of tho Wachtrr am Erit. He hl about aixty yeara of age, lt a nativc of Oerniany, and until four or flva yeara ago be waa a Republicau. Ha laft tbo Republican party becaune of bla dUapproval of the poaltlon takeu by tbat party upon tho ?' peraoaal llberty" ouemlou, whicb waa an laaue In oblo aaaaj polltlea u fcw yeara ago. He haa Ulled aeveral suta ofllcea waa at oue tlme LleiiUnauKiovaruor of Ohlo, and Lu' 1*73 waa a member of tho Conatltutioual Con?ear U??o'lonel Jatuen M. Morgan. the new ConanlCeneral al Uelbourao, ia a natlra of Loalataaa, and after the late ava War waa a plantcr iu South Carolina. He alao aerred al one tlme on the ataffot tbe Kbedlveof Egypt wlth Slooew Eorlng and Loug. Ho la in tbo prlme of llfe, ts au ae roinpllahed llu^ulat and baa travellcl eiteiiMvely. NViiium dtada, who laaapatatad taaaaoaadjaka ? u*oa aa Coiiaul ut Bruaa,-la, Is a cltlien of Oblo. He waa bora ln Veraiont, of whlch Btato hla fathor waa once Oor arnor Ho waa In tho Conauiar aorvlce durliig Mr. l'ierca'a Adminlatratlou aud la about alxly yeara of age. a A PLACE FOR LEON ABNETFI DROT1IER. \Vashin<;ton, April 17.-Socri;tary Miinuiaa* to-day appoluud B. Fraak Abbctt, of Now-Jer?cy, cbiof of a dlvlalon lu tbe BBBM of tbo audltor of tho Trcaaurp for the 1'ost Offlco Ocpartmaut, vlce Mr. Wlddl.omba, of Marylaud, rcaigned by requeat. Tbe appolutociaa brotberof Uovcruor Abbctt, of Ncw-Jeraey. Secretarp Mauniug'a actlon lu thiia tllllnf tho offleo by appolnte in.nt froui the outside luatead of by promotlon, la ra ganled aa important by Clvil Hervlco refonuera. amee 14 U tbought to be M ludloatlon of tho poliey whlch tna Admtiilatcatlou wlll puraue wlth raferenoo to aaMMb, meiita to IIU IBO PUMM of eklef of dlvlalon. Elfoita hara baaaUJada7tt u tatd! to ladaao th. Piaoldinl> ??????. tho clvil Berrloe rulea ?o aa tplaelada ehlaia of ****** anioug lha aaaaoro wkoaapaattlOM are mied by exaaua* ation uud prouiotiou, but ao far witbout bbbbbbb, GENERAL HAZEN CEN8URED. THE tmmtQA OF THK COCRT-.MARTIAL APPKOVKD 01 THK rREXIDKNT. WAOHDtOTOM, April 17.-The court-inartiai proceodtng ln the ca?e of Oeneral Wllllam B. Haxea were made publlc to-day. Tbe aautetieo la a repHmand, whlch ia made by tho Preaident m followa: Tha proceedinga. tindinga and aentonco ln the oaae of Bi>aa.||er-(ieuoral Wllllam B. Ha^eu, Cblef S'fual Ollner l". B. A., aro herebv approved. In givlng ellecl to tbo aontence of the couii-uutrtlal it Is to be observed that the uiore exu,ted tbe rank beld by an ottlcer of th. Ariny the grealor la tbo reaponalbllltr re?t iiiK upon him to afford tbrough hla owu aauordlBation to hla aai>erior ofncero au examplo for all othera who may be pf infwrtojr rank lu tbe aervioe. To au offlcer of tluo #enalbllitlea tha mere faet of balng brought to trtal before a court martial muat bo ln ltaelf a mortlttoatlon aud punlaa BMUt. lu tha foxagouig aaao the aoeoaed, whoao kigf