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ROUND ABOUT TOWN. A FOUE1QN KSTATK HUNTBB. QUEER ROOMS OE AN OLD CLA1M LAWVER. -WOPLE INMAXK OYBB KOltTLNK 1HTNTINO-IHOHT8 OK AIJKN3 TO KNGI 1811 IIMl'KRTY. Thero ls a.liniry old building. not fur from Prlotiug Huuee S.|..are, tbat louk* as lf B 9*9 outltv.d the peviod of Ita uaefulneiu. auo was now eullrely out of Byropatby wltb the vanltlca of this frlvolous age. One ?MM euppoa* from ita gcuerai app<-..rfti.oc, Indeeil. tbat ? Bteru aud rigld ao.iae of duty waa all tliat kcpl it from wenkly fulllng to tbo groimd. Upon . battcred tln slgu tbat haa el.iug devot.-dly to tbo door pai.el like a blt of old laee to a La ganuent. a llat af tbe ol.l buildltufs taaaat* ma. be auppoaed to ba prluted. Inue haa long alneo got tbe better of the palut, however, and tbe lnaoriptlou oa OtOlgltra'e Neodlo ls quite as int*lligi hle to the caaual observer as the btalucd aud faiut out Bnca that reroali. on the *lgn. Ifan adventuroua apliit should BBpnu-t yrm to tmsli ?pen the balf wlde door, and pcuetrate bal* the eutry, n Wllkored little old mau. will. a niucaky vulce am? ? ?""!> tu bla wulk would bob up frou. ? hKh.1 ?n<l BB* you you wanud- You wouldu't seo bha at flrst, and you eouldu't answer ll you did. for it la ueceaaary to becouie aeeUiuated befer* you oan couduct even tl.e BBBBleot of operatlons lu that entry. You muat walt ui.ill your eyea have expanded ao aa to adiult BBoagh of Ita diu.. gteoaay Ught to lako in ti.o tttlla Oll man. ..n<l lUilll your noee- haa coaaed rcalatliiK the muaty, ball garrct. kali-cellur at.noapliere that would aceui to bo Ifeuerated on the pre.n.lacs. The little old BM* 0*8*0 tl.e Building and has a pawn-ahor on the flrst rloor, to wbh-h fact he will dlroct >onr atlt iitiou wilh many want. asaui BBCC8 that tlmea are hord and mouey senroe, but that be will do the beat ho can. After you have aiic ceedcl by eontluuoua an.l uu.uisiakeable proU-sta in . ..nvliieing tlie aldmun that you ure not redurcd to tho lic.-eseliy <>f "hocSIng" anythtng, nor desiroua ot rodot-mlng auy articlo i-rcvlously " Locked," aud that you are ciitlieiy Bupervloua to the giiuiaecs wldol. ha tobeso aeductive as to ?agaetfaa yao hit* hia earlsoi aaa, ha Will reluoiantly g? over Ibe in.uies of l.ia teiiants on the npper floorH, and den.aud to know with wl.on. your bu?t m-88 ls and what tt ls atic.uU It soon b.?cines j i.lufully evldnt tliut you know nothing of fenaral la uriuatum tbe little old man will not know, a youlelLUn kicpyou parleyms tbere tn the hall. When lns queslloi.a lH-ouir tedioils, and Ihe lutcreating nov.-lty of his iiticoulli Bi?iH ara.ue und queer ucthuis weurs oti, Uns cmirse talo llirow hiin toon.-Mde aud loilow your imaeupthe Burroa- Btalrway, *0*e loo elean. to the lotte aboya. . luoueof llu-ae, away up uuder the Bky-llgbt tbere lives a remarkai.le man. Hia aaaw mighl bc Mnitli. or lt inl-l.t be Browu, bui f?r purpoaca purely oonvenll.inal, he mav bo oalled MaaglBB. Tttaagll ue ia uearly i-eveiily yeara old, an.t luyv.-s ihoal alowly and ratlitr leealy, bla black hair acun-elv tingai witu gr.iy, Inlla I* eButrra over his broa.l but BtouplU sli.iuln.ia, aa MMM ami beav r aa 1: . ould bave beeu lorty > eara aga. Hia 1*06 l.a Inme uud bairy.aad every feature ia promiaent. Under B broa.l iorvi.c-.Mi. plouglied vrlth wiinkles, t nu Jet black eyoa tlash out kueu and diarrindnaUag gianeea l be w* above ti.eni ure bishy nnd stern. liie moulli. wl.lel,? i-ui, soinetliiiM exiands aud a chuekie. nonc too Biel.atiouH, iaeiiee irom it. This mra oeciirr. neo mdi cuiieait bla* de.ree of liuinor and n-reiil.a iwo ro?s <>r (eetb. Mr. Mugglus'a fuca I* auppoNt-.l to 1* abuveii, aud perhapa tbal uperatto* inay bave occa.ah.n Blly iK-falleu lt. An (.1.1 aiik aknll cap uauaiiy Mla on lhe baek ol bia bead. A dirty nock. rciiief la 0*8, aHilor aiouud bis Hi? onco aii.-ug and aull he.tvv tlgiiro ls clad iu a faded brown s.ut ?I cloihes. of a patu-ro atrange toui.Klern tailors. the low wdsteoat revcaliu.' an old oott..u a!iirt thal look* us It lt had nevcr bad lha pleoaure ?f maklng a waahiab'a aoqaalatanea flBBBBB Mr. M.iggma'a geaeral npiH-araiiie may fail to linpreaa you I', bui ir IMthlakya* aieanl.eir to a* old eatale lu Ureat Hritaln, Frmiee or oen.i my, bo le alin.^t tl... milv man ln Amei-lea wlio can decide tlie valldity of vour o'laiui and the po*ail.niiy of Ita rooovery ln aa lltlle "tliue bj lt takoa Tilutty Church bclla lo ohiiuo il.l's la'wbat ho la-an old claitu lawyer._He knows ?very laanly creat aud coat of nriua ut .aigbt, aud haa a tbou-,ai..I old duaty, muaty b.K)ka, and DBrahiueat aerolis, and of ?ld willa aud leataiaanlBry papata to reiro.ah hia uiruioi-y. All Ihaae thiuga wilh two pme tubiea, four chuiirtto liiateh. aad a little weod bbbyb with a box of Blt.ka, ilil bia two imiri.iv, th? aalla of which ;oie eoverod wilb fau lly ere.*ta, arius aad emalcius. Perhapa your *o*M ls K.mndt.ip and you tiiiuk you.urc deacfii led iu tl.e oiKbtl. |?eratBBB fraa ,.n only brother Bf nir Tiiuolhy Bui-'wug, of llugwug Mauur, lvvouahirr, Kngland, who la aup|> to bave died InleatHloaud Without laaue. having left f (10.00(1, whleh haa l.e. ti held tu iruat by tue AoooiiBlBnt (lannral of tho isritl?h Court of Cbanci-ry. Mr.Mugi.-lua can tell you all atoat youf eoualu.a" Kouudtop, roiuoved lu rt.latloiial.ip however d.a taut, fu-t wl.cre tho inouey ia, if lt reilly exlsis, aud juat what your h?i>eB of reoovery :nay bo. " Are eatates ln Kuglsnd really recoverablel' he waa aakod tue other day. He hai a hoari-?% tlnuk voiee. all that reiuatua of a tiuinnet voieu tliat aaad U> aound Bbov e the temi>eaU of tte ooeau, for l.e waa a aea cap tain ve.ira ago. - "Ob, ves." be raplled. "Durlng the last quarter of a eent.iry l have got baek i.utidred* of ihi.iiaan la -t Bwllara for Aiuericau ... ir*. ;kTli.-r*>I I*. of_eoi.r^e. au Im BBBBBB aiiii.unt ol buuibug lu tUta bualueas. 'V.oii no lde.? or the Maaharof paepl* wb*MBhtaot trooatha* aneeatrv baok ot tbelr gran.lfHtbera, who are sorely alili.-u-l witb the diseaae of fortiine-huntlua. I heir airy aoAtleabavebNomau oryaulilaed.lo tbelr ImaginaOoB that they i .vo gonc from my orti.-o afier.l ha.e doue my hStaawee* away their coi.wei t.ed roBaloa wltb my liitle brooi.i of every peuuy ttey toull acr..i.e fogetbor with aoino unaorupulous awin ller Bf aclaliua?'tnt. The uialady usu.lly eada ln Insaniiy. lufact. I know ahuudred pi-rsoiis now in Um aollury aonlineuientof lunatlo aaylunit whoso dlsorder is ot tbla -"'it la very eaay to nud ont the atrength of a claitn iinon ft.relgu eatates, however 9101 walt th* ilualicovcry may be ll.-re ure booka oonlaiulug tbe i.aniea uf ten thoa Bandealates that bave beeu advertised lt. prot-eaw* ol law riii-re are boxea eoatatalag the ortglnal adverilso uicnia of uiany of tbeui. Here la a.i.<H)kof family er"au There ure volumes of geiiealoniea. Hero aro Btauaaeripl booka of wllls, old faiuily pai er*. jaataaaeate aad lagaelaa I eau tell iu .... hour if there ia auy auj Btautial nrolK-rty lu any or tbeae naiucs. My ugenU iu Great Hiltaiu cau get Ht tl.e ooinple.te fa.-a tn u roonth. At leaat nlnety-nve per eent of these naraes roproaunt Bothlnx. But here is something Uiumli-. It la tl.e eourt record ol eat.tea ln chaucery prlut.-d olllcially. They eome out about ouee ln teu yeara. rnere ure b'indrods of ca.-ee here an.l aeveral tbouaand ln tao eourt ?very ona ol wblcb eoiitains mouey. If you have a valnl elaiui ty rrlatlonahlp ou tbeae eaUt^a thero la a chanco ?I teitilig aome mouey." " Hut doea not Ulackjttoue aay tbat allcna uro Incaj able -^ViBll BB BT T-* wilh lin.ltatlona. But tha expreaa nrovlaioiiH of tlie KuKlir.b law luako lt po?tl.le f?r au .ll-ti to take and bold every specle* of peraonal property aafallraaU be were a nallvo B.ibK'ctt.luc.ludlug.all ku. ls of proiK-rty le't by alll. And he i.iay jul.cnt l.y aaaaaat frnai tagBab are* tl.-ugh ina own rau-nt* were bom out of tlie kingdoin. rVr Instuin-e. ilichaid Yerbury left a a:t:all fotttino by will ln 17M. Out or tbla eatate $'.M.0OO was ie.ov,re.l by uBtlTB boni Ainerlcuna of tl.e namea or (;..ldaborous.'li, from tbe Eaatrrnr-horcot Muivl..ud,1u lHo.l. A case even moro Btrikii.g is lUal of Frauces Maiy Bbud, wbo left a fortnne of al oat ?.'>0,(KHi iu tbe earlv part of tbe elgbt eenth century. H?r seeond co. ain, (ieorge I...vla, to Au.erita in 1742. In 18-">8 al) thl* nioney wae rooovered from tlie Crowii for his deaceudaiita In thia eoiutry. Tbe pedlgrara eatablished were;both old aud dataut. 8..I..0 mouey was left ln 1712 to Wllllaiu {au.l, and 9B.OOO of it waHaectrcd Ju IH.i^. J?uu l_wrcuce-Uo,l lu 1814. Hia n-it ot k.u waa au Auierican. wuu obtalued aisiut $M.").(Hmj in litit. laaao ami ( arrle Wood left X50.O00 lu th- Ir eatata. l'heir Bou was ' leineiit Wood, who oamo to llmldi ln 178 .. Bis heir* aned for the eatate, and tu this c.iKe, wi.ieh eost a fortnne o .ntestiug it au.l wa* only dcclded in 1870. the le^ai dlacrimiuutiou waa inade between native and nlien belra. Tl e Court dcclded thal Ctewoal WaaoVa ebUdraa could not reeover, becaiuo thapoa ? of tbe eatate were related U. the ii.teal.ite cmiple Ib the aame degree aale kmerleaa clalinai.t?.;,i:,c..niil mentli-n balf a b.indied otber caaoa, but ti.ese are 0000*8 to property duoa not aaobeat to tho f rowu upon the exttuoilon ot nuo branol. of a family, but tbe helr at law lu anolher brai.cb inay reeover." ? Ia lt uanal for tnese bcir* to kuo a- tho goo I fortune tbat awulta them I" ?__v_L. "On tbt conlrurv, the odd part of tbla buidnoas la thnt tbe 9a*aaaa vb* talak ihey bave Bwelga eatatea are decelvlug themoelvea. whlle thoae who really fn.ea.-aa clalms are In ro-nplete tirnormie.e ol tbelr oitune I generally know of sucit clalma !i>hk betore tl.e helr* are ap-.rl?ed of them. fou.el liuea,>?iiideed,'> I liave a vact deal or t.-oubie g.-lllug at tbeui. I am low advrr tlslaif lu balf a doien caaea for tlie. deaoeudanla of luloata.e isaraona in claiui* Ibat aggregato balf a million aldolUvra." _ _ TBE CITF BMLD BM6FQNB1BLB* LARGE AMOUNTfJ A^KED FOR ISJURIES. O'CITS FOB UUNDKKD8 UY THOIBAXUS OF DuLLAR* ? 1 -K 08 THK PIIOTOyilAPHKit'H CAMEBA, TThero are about _,000*action8 arTaiiist the City ^?Bew-Yorknow pondlng in Ita courts, exelualve of about 1.800 aaseaauieat casa* pendlug before tbe Aeaets BBenlC-onuuHNiau. I'l.ere are a larite nuuihor of auits, aiaonntlngln tbe ajgrogate lo mariy bundreda of thou Baiiila of dollara, for damagea alleged to bavo been raoelredby varlouapcraoni fraiu falllug ou tbe aidewalka aadatreets owlng to the allegod ne-kleoi of tho eity to heep auoh walk* aud sireots lu proper rei.alr. The 1'ubllo Worka L>epartu>eul la cbloHy to blaine In oaaaa of thia glud wnero tbere ls any real cause of aotion. Mauy of tbe oaaoa are brought by ihsmoiib wbo -fall bi-oause of lo* oraaow. If aperson U kllled tbe eity oau ;bc ruade to pay at tbe moat only 85,000. But If dcath Is nol oauaed by an Injury tbe amouut of dau.agea I* dI-?retlouary wltb tbe |ury. Tbe city la ebarged with bavlng cauaed tlie death of a good uiany peraoua fi-oiu criiulual uegleot. hlra. Mary F. Connaily, aa adrntotetratrU suca for 8A.000 for peraonal lu).iriea eauscd by beiu'< tbrowu oO and run nmr hy a tniok whleh rao ln a bole at Pler No. 80, Rartb r.lvcr. Oosa. aa aduilnlatrator, aaka for 03,003 d.migoa for a death causeal by falllng Into an ?xoavatlon iu Oue-bundred-uod-flrst-tU Maortoe Lyoua auo* lor 95.0O0 damagea for tbo loae of bla U.y, who waa drowned at PlerNo. ;i7. Kikat Rlrer. leanie ThompaoB vantaaaliuilarsuiufor lhe death of Arthur Tbomi?on, wbo was kilk-d by tha fall ofa waur-tower; aud tbere are many aucb eaaea pending. Kordamagea from laraoual Injnriea not resulting In geaib luge suu.a are asked. Boae Brady, wbo feil on Ba ley aldewall lu front ot Bo. 627 Bintb-ave., haa au.-d |he city for 850.000. A lahoe De Puy aaka for $10,000 hooauae of Injurlea cuiiaral by a defeotlve aidea-alk In Banaevoort-at. Henry Koator caugbt bla boel in a ptank tgtik la_WeeHt.,aod reoelrcd lujurlca, lur wblcb be waato tke clty to pay blm f85.000. Kac J. ?*J*J felllnTe,ut_-ave,.owlr.gto .eeoatue -*?_***!"? herlnjurlcs abeaoka *50,000; from the clty. ***** Perlbafier fell hito a coa-l-hoio ln Porty-aeoood-at., ano ho aaka tbe court to award h!m ->*^*?_"* Willlnm Klik fell ontheiccon tbe sldewalk In Talr y ttlth-st., an.l ha llllBlllll bla Injurlca at $..0,000. A BM 0*08 la aaked by Jo-eph W. Ilawxliurst for reoclv.dat tbe Hmni Klver Brldge. T.n.othy fullon the al.lcwalk at No. ? Mar!_ct--... and for Iila lujoilc* he aaks ?*....,000. 'Anua MeUuIre was lu.ur.d by a brokcn aldewalk lu Gotivernciir-st., and ahe ********* ilaiiiageo at 910.000. Kicbard Slurpby was Injnrod to tbe amouatof 1*3,000, he s.y*. by an insecuro m fcfcac.x-et. Ja.nes Ma.key suoa for *10.0.0 MBM8 of a defectlve walk ln fr..nt of No. 7 ********* Bt' Bobetta 0. Rnokert bolds tbe. clty leallBB-kla for the lee la of No. BBOWOOt Thirty-ei-l.tb-el.. whlch she B070 dainago.1 b.-.r to tbe extont of ***_-?* **** TmtBV, BJf almllar Injurlca. ask. 010*00, BOdJaaO I'lai'-ey osks at.oilicr glCVOOO, ld v ir.l Woo la drove Iuto a hul. lu the -tfOOt at.-'lilitl -af*. and .Vwcutr MOOOH m? nn,1 tor h.s BBartOO bo BOeko_*?J*?? i-ioooo. FannyO. Baata fell orer a **"^.no*Sl IndUir b.r.njnri.-a abo Bsk. 910M0- *?_**- Bar wbo ai.c.l.... ao ley -Jdewalk lal "{?*?;,.'?, s' ii.,.l-twcull.t..-at.. cHtin... .' kerduiiag. s it gs.,000. Praak o. Barndge i..r ?'"'''.".-".T ''!'.._ f.uTi'I'lvliii o\er aplleof t.ri.iksmWc-t l.irij-eig.illi t, ?aka Bl-soSo Bda ard Parnll MlBoaa ao onibank 111.1.. at bev.uly-niiiib at. ..ud Efc-?ei.l > ?.v .. nnUlll ooi.-ii.-r. if lalarad ta ibe amooatof W? Matibcw Parioyfalluaa aaaootb eeeJ-i.,.i,*i .rat > . ,, !,?sl 'll,irty-il..t-sl..i.i..l l.e at.cs lOT ??_*& J__? Kul.icricll:iitoamaulmlc Bi 'hc.ri nnd Jackson sta.. ,,mi Boooolutoneo-?rBlO.(WOtemoffoa^ JobuJ. UBtaey waa l..,i." <">'?? "?ff_J__dde_t (,v,-r inm ln Thirtcciitli-ave. He aaya tn l l. BCCW. n aaoa-OBO a wai.tof sircct lami.a, aml 1? ae ka ncuvcr ni dainag.-e .-5,011- froui tlie oltj At, M .1 ?r ptpoo under Broadway liuTed Wi.ilcrW. ??"'?? "/' be hia biougl.t a eidtJw-^-HWB-O^"*f"- olff"'-! Km.ufIch:, ot B ,.a ?? l m Bjbv < lloepltal waa due. tn the ucgleot of ii foinur BWin*. cb.itity OomulBBloaen, aad abo aoaa tbo ettj for o*.ooo. Urtdgol l-eonard icll over hrok.n otaae iu >?" M-veitk st., und aha aeka lor 110.000 *********** *? Uilbaaeo Bliegea thal bo wao lu urvd to tb?* 10nlol *25,l>00 hythe fulllngef a tne, or ?-,?** **'_ i...ui.a H. Uttoa fell lnto n vanlt ex .* tii>_i_t No U7 (...rtlandt-st.. nnd be BBkB tor ***.>iM*?i' la..gc? 'llesno v fellofl froui the roof ol Tiaapklu. [it'onFrauk Ncwl...,-cr. |i.. nnd for the LBfone. ,,.tulued bla a-ardlaa ._aka 1.10,000 lf*^?^id_ ,-iini-O'IIrleti f.-ll at Ibml-avo. an.l Oaa BOndrM _' e".tl.-at. an.l ahe alleaea th.ititb*; clty Wa.|ia?appn., .; ..ud plaeea hardamagea al *-oott>. BrtOaet irk m te. roraa-Bl-rlall. aaka W0_J00 V,1 \l;'T^h',,, i^l-.u. 1 Kellh foU lu 11 holc ln tno Hidewalk ln _?_ ,l ' "'^. ,' ! , llllh-st., an.l co.isi.lcra blmaclf teaMged^?^O*^ l'aincK J. Bmitkwaa tbrowa from u lagorbcir truck und he oaeo tbe clty for 130,000. ixn.lln. TB-M BM B lari.e num'-rr of oilicr rases p<nuiii> ag.lnat thcclty f...; toMgaa r^^,^^ To^l utbir Injurtea recetva. lu tue a*neto of Wei Ity. Tnero nre alao m.ii.y aaaaa Mr bHarioa rooelh_dIby *?]T\ i;,l?ar.l l^vy oska for fBJOO _f bm booanael la l,orae? felllotoa- aaearatiaa ln OuUainli-Ht .^. -ntrZvn Mk.for *ajoOO beoaaaa of m oriea t?_blbiUm ? noraa s:,,,t ..ii.u.iciion. Haary Borajaaa loa II ^^(1u;(1 1.111 on .11 in and be Mlee tho clty toi I. v.I"" Altocetaer tho elty la aotad te ?ey ?any tim ,,.mds ... doliara for tue laat ol oadlojon lo fcjwBe* b.< sun OgaJBBt the elty have bOgaB Eb BBBl I; y to bi 1 ? that the (oi porallon Colli.acl MMPUMi pbotographcr who Imwedlately cocs to tbajda <> a here a p, .am, c' to kaVO D.-n InJnfOd BadtBtoBB ^ itfortlto U-iicIlt ofthe Jury- ,*'''?? ,"r,".'""??V-^n fatal tu a ____aat Wke goea bome lu o tou b.ippj .ou ditiun._^_ JTfJ BJNB-BOTBS OVT OF FOUR. NEW DKV1CK OK BABCAU TO 0BBA1 THK OOVKRN MICXT. Homor 1*o. of tho llomrr I.ffl R?>"k Note Company, Mtttaf wlth a'Nf. reporter rer.-ntly. rcmarknl that tbetv, -_re no Oovern.neut laaues of m ipc.r ouri-noy or money from whloli the ro 1 nuiut.era oani.'.t be reuioveJ by eliouiloaU exr<*pt tho post.n iioUv- Inl. I_liainaarnr-~iy*? ?* poaolka*.aador the ia** ?aa-kag anv ftagpa.Bato.aaaaa ooai aataa tiftus ralaiai al.'.--at IU full value. for shrewd raacala to ma-o nmea oot of four. Thal waa reoeutly BOOOOapUOBOd here aud the rreaearycheatedoutof $lot), IBaagB-M procrsa _snotgenerallykn.wri. The old way waa to tike llva notes nnl oej eaeb B*a in two plcoe.. stralgl.t BOrBOB the fwe. Thi cutson the __f*fO_Bl nolo. would bo repra .euted by tbcae llnca: From eaeh nnte a dlPerent pleoe was tnken away to makeanew noto, an-1 tho remaluder patclied togelher. The ditllciilty lu thla pro-ese waa that it shorUmod tbe li-iigtn t.f the not?>. Tho nirn v, ho lmv?- lo-taii at -?-..rk lu thij tleld lately ...sde a pitt-in of Irrrgular ahape, -;?o tblug like this. each part repreacutlug exactly 00* llfth: The lrrcgular tearlng by this pattern Is calculi.ttd eompletely to ileeclve tae Goverument ofllclal*., eepeeiallv lf the nuuiliers on the pit.ln-.l oatOI BIO removed* l>y eheinlcals and made lo correapon.l. Tlio atten'ion of Oongraaabaabaeo calle.1 to thedaoger to tiu -ovaroBBoal oader the preeeat luw aa to rademptleo, and It i.i iv t>e BBaBf-L There ia, tmwever. a ren.c.l.i lu the Btaooal law, waioh plooeob beavy paaaliy ao lha iiitiili.tmn oraltecatloa afaQ***fa_a8taotB.**d u>r knowle Ige of thia faot ls llkely to prevent many such M-Ooaeo lor i|..iraii.llng tbo (Jovernment fmm botag eutorod upon before Ceagfoaa oppllaa B better rcuiedy. THE SMALL BOY AND HIS PEG TOI'. suns .nviKNCK to fasiiio.ns?wiieiie and iit.w THK BBlBBBBg ABB Madk. The boy, like hia grown-up brother, haa hla fatblDi.s, bls tlme. aud eea.ions for doing c.rt.11.1 tliingd; an.l wlu-u tboae tluica oad BOaeaaa BOOBB uruuml, he doe. the, cir.'cct llnng, evim if Nature m fotir uiotitlis kO__??IinI wlth hor ordera and lela Mareh drig into July. II lya aru ex.ict ln tho oBoorvaaOO of tlieir aetf apiMilnte 1 faalilotis, nn 1 tho eccentne youtli who should play jKtgtop lu the klte-llylug _neuson would lin.l hliuaclf iu in, aeve.r.'.Iy frowncd down lliau tlie inan who sho.ild Ko to bOOtaOOO lu adrcat ault. The present la about tha bi'._fiuuiiig of tho t m 888*88). It BBB8B8 In after hnp ? ? it.-.i haabSB* taiten oil the. hoarda. aud beft-re tho groiiud haa bOOBBBS safl OBMgl for marhlcs. Now, wlth tuo song of tlio turtle.wrncU by p.ictlo BooaOB la BapfOOBi |0 be u?-erlii_; lu goiitlo spiing, ia hoard tlie wail of tlie si.iaii Boy wbooa toj haa k*aa spiit by a wall-dtoaeBod thut of hia oppo.'ient. or knookod (>Ut of tha rmg anl aualiaceut aewer. Fow pcraons have any Idea of the uuuibcr of thoao little playtlilug* wMleh Yonng Atnerica thus 1*008 or flostroys every season. There 1* a factory near Tow.ui.l 1, I'ennaylvanU. lnto which the prodaota of tne fa<t diaap] earlag foraota are f.. 1, to coiuo out lu a atreaml of tois, orer aevon miillon a year, aupplvnu iiiuctv por oaal uf tho tiado lu thla euuuiry- Ttiev ure turned out of tbe hlock by *i>ei iul m.ic.lilni-ry, 11 bola morliaod la the lll) aud Ihe peg ilrivtm iu, wiic.ii tlio iippiicatlou or a little p or at.uniuif flul.l -01 lu the caso of tbo iluor yualltiea, some varulaU? eoiupletce the lob. .,_,.. ..... A uovclty thla seaa*n ta a glldc.l top, whleb haa a col.leneli.-le aboat the larceat pottlou. and ls tlt ped w?lh the same eolor. Auotlier varlety hlghly prUod l>r the boy who regarda a top BO an Instrument af d.atti'e tmn aud uot a tanie playtl.lug to be apuu for tbe fun of hHiklngat it, la tho-acrew-pagger," so callod. This I* a regular plrate iiiuong lts kind. LargO and made of some har.l. beavy wood. It haa a long sbarp peg or ajmr awaWOd lnto lt. The spur wlll thus never roact upon aod apBt tko body aflBe t<>p as la tbo oaaal aaootraa mstter "how hsrd It Is - iwigged," while the aiiai'iKir polnt uiakcs short work of tbe enetuy. Tbe uiore eoKtlv ...p* are mudo oi llgnum vltao. and eosttlve dollars'agroas, retiilling at ten cenU eeeh. Tbe great, majority aro uudoof boxwood, or of Uogwood, lubclled boxwood. llothoftheae woods are tough au.l fn*e from*. They deut eually but wlll Bot warp or spllL Tbey are aolil at four or fl-e cniita eaeh, wlth a loas inargln for proflt than ln the blgber-prloed varletles. The cheap urtlcle ls mado out of eoumiou whlte wood. lt retnlis for a penny. and Is dear at any ptlce. : The wblp top ls little iuied ln thla country.'It Is an oiltgrowlb of tu.- cdcle Uespoll.Mi.a of l.uroie that l.aa never takeu r.ait bcre. Iu evsry Kugllsh book of aebool t.oy life can be aeou oxtraordluary woodouta of little Jaeky 1MII tn tall hat and i.aggy tmnserM, iDdustrlousiy ea?iigatliig a non-realatlng top, bnt tbat apeclas of amuaoiui-nt ls too slow aml barmlesa for bi* Yanki-e oo 1 -ln I.vcn ln peg tops ihe boy of to-day Improve* on tbo ni-dol haadod down from the tlme when the eharlty imva ? oeaaad " away ta tbatr ooato of many color* and .Ki'llainliali cut. Tlio flrst tiilcg he does wlth a new top istoaawofl the little knoti on top. CBMtal wimllng renders that a uieleaa acccsaory, and by drlving taek* In tbe plaee of lt. the top splna hetter, huin. Iiettc-r and ls elataaj aawltha eoat.of mail agalust the apur ot tbe eoemy. There are varloua stylea of tin tops for rhrlatmas sala aud wlnter usi*. whlch wlll play fl tune, walk a Itght an I do many other pri-.i*o.teroua tldngs. but tney are ' eftemluate Inventlons aod have none of the hardy free liootlugchariicier of the peg top. Tbey are all made at Nureiubcrg, Bavarla. XO CLEAR TIILB TO JBB ROOKAWAT BOTEL. Sil.'w Gurney, of tbe Treuiout Hotel, Boston, waa ln tbe clty Wedueaday, toconfer wlth Urezal, Morgan h Co.. and other persons Intareated ln tbe Kockaway Hotel property. He aald to a Ti;mCKi. reporter before aiariisg for bome:' "I ha.1 made arrangamanta to huy the property. It waa my lnteutlou to niake a atook company and put a mortgage on the property. Tbla could not be done unlaaa tho tltle waa ln every way atrolght and eie.r. II wao a condltloa of tbo purobaoe tbat tke tltle ebouid bo oko wa te bo oloaa 1 oamo of or taday for .laal | arpoao., There la a 88988*1 of th* property Indlapnte, and Ibava droppad ib* wbolc n a ter. lonn'thuy a law-*nlt. TBE NBWARMY AND THE NEW NA VY. AGRKATIMPItOVEMK.Sr IB TIIB IMTKLUOKNOB 0? Ti'iK MKN-O'.OD 080*90 AXO DIACIPUWB. MTho Navy of to day," Baid nn offlccr of that Berrlce " I bollovo to bo ln a better condltion, as renanla omcers aud men. than It evor was before. The problbl tlon ln re.gard to gambllng 1* atrlotly enforeed aod carda are not allowed abimrdshlp. Thero I* littlo drtnklng on Bhlpboard, tho regulatlona prohlbltlng hanl li.juore from being brought aboard a Both ortlcera and men do, of c..ur*?. soinellmea sniuggle llquor aboard, l.ut there lano public drtnklng of anytlung except wluo or heer on a inau-of-war. Kor the 1*8*1 fow yeara the rcgu ) itimia In regard to drlnklng have been more strl.tly en f,,i-cedthnii?v.:r. How waa It In tl.e ol.l Navy 1 Why, Ihaveboen ab .Bfi ?!>ip? ln the old tlma and aeen a pltc.her of whlakoy atat. llng on tlie w.rd room table aa we would h^ve a pitelinr of water In those day*. I have a.-i. tho tlma when oltlcers would riilu theinselvea In one nlkiit OVoytag eata* ln lhe ward room. I knew au oH. er lOlBlbBfBir whi loat two pUntatlona one nlcht ptajtageardaahMBiahlo, N-.w lt 1* all and ____a_ f?r ibe better. In lhe old Nary dls.-ipllno waa c. r,nalV.y ? ..,.".-. ii.-l riieana. au.l I have oeenlhe Uuo whentu er'e wa* B gMBr*! Ighl all over tl.e *h.p ??' e or tii..- . .,,?i,.l, No ....... waa cou*ldcred a good mannf-wa."* n.un lu thoae day. BBBBBO M WBB a thoro.iKll l-i.tllaii. Now iiiedlae.PliiioUeoperfe. ttliBlIt ia, rc. > fet.-r aaa*. Theaalfcre are tWougi, v iu ?trueted in their bttataeaa aod are crderty and reflatAa. "Aahort tlma ago. whao I wa* ..n lhe I'.-whatan. 8 board rt InapaetloB aame Bhaard one n.?rui..g oullo uueimeuW Iii- al.lp bad n.-l B*e* liisperl.-d l.y a b,i'l..-r....'f..r.wo yeara. Tl.e ,,.,-al.lei.t of the board onlcre.tthe.lru.nto beat to quarter*. 0**_eM oi l.e moat thoroagb Inapectiona I ever??w took Pjaa*. Tbeu ',: ? ,',.,? .,?! lo tba pre-ldl Bt of tl.e '.oard : ? You OM Dtokanymeooatef tba ahlp'a ewaapaay. barrlng;? f.-w , udaioin |..*t ablppad. and i WlU aaram * bat l-y know about lori-edo pr.ictlcc.' A HBf for ouo of tho atea.n la.iiicli.a 'waa he|e.led at raimoui from BBwag the nieinlM-ra of tl.e crew. Au empty 00*80 (8B ?** ifivet. ue n,and tba lagredlenta f'?r inaaang * torpedo. Tnev look with Iheui i? cil nf wlre, a pulley and B apar luto the lauu.-h. Au empty horrel Waa thrown over . -.i-.l.^ll..- man, wlthoat - waed of i.Mtructl.... ftaai aa orti '.r.'flgge.l ..p IBBlr laVaedo. ataaasedI ta tho barrel au.l blew lt up- Any one who *W*B auythlng oftoi pado pnntlee know. WBBl tbla ...eana. ? ___*?IBBB r.!..iar-l :.t the rerelving ahlp Vermont, I be.leve evciv o,...exee,.t thi. newly enllate.l li.n.Uii.ei. know* how to "iiaiiuf.ii- nre aad eaptode u torpedo. Tln* ls .... i ...... ..r 1,",?a,.rtl.l..! tbla pro eaaton !? whk* tbev are protl.ient. I farK'.t t"> Btala thai Ibe report of the boar.i ?f taapoetloa <>.. lha Powhataa coiisiat.-d ol tl.e w..rd ? p rfcot.' I balleTe lhat *o B*tt lota* world en eompare with thal af tho UalteeVBtate* I* the Intelllgenoa and ptoBctaBOT af Um oaaaaf and awa, *th..ugh I say It as abouldn't, II Ifl tll? aame way wilh tbe Ar?v. Oo to Willetl'a Polnl an I aelecl ..ny aetgrant, and hfl will go out nnd roam nronii.l lhe oouutry and come baek and u.ake a perfrrl topoaraphkial iketeb ..nt. cunatlon tl." ni'i. i.'.o.h subniarlno uilne* and BM ^?rnadoea and tbe naa of hiu'b aBptoatvaa an.l roa will tlituk they ara profeoaora la nnlfora. AaU them ni.oiii fortln.-aliona nnd rim will tlinik that Vrmiian bafl com* to lireagola. Soon tbrougu all Braaehee ofthe aervico. Ix t the caitlc BBWOOI 1 " --? BASEHM.L PLATEB9 EBINETATEB. ATRIUMl'll 800 M1L I.r.-v- -C iMVIKNIS OM YKF TKI IIAV'H MI-.i tlN'.i. Amorfinirof the (lirccf.irs <?f lOO Baaaball Laagoa waa hahl at lhe fUtk aV'eaae n W laateidBf. aad all the raeenretaloaad a**tr**l bcaakera wero rcluatated. AsearlyaaO a. m. baaohaB mlllion nnlr-a anl playera, who will prahahlf be mouey kli.?a lu alewyaara, bagaataMaeh the oeetMota <>r the l'lfti. Av-iiiiie. H..U-I. At 10 o'cliM-k lhe U*g*0 getogalao wi-ut Into sei ret ?ra-ion. Ti.e d. lagBBH were John B I? iy, of; tho NewYnk Club; A. H. Soimi. of lloaton. J. _, Allen, of rrovideuca; John I. Rogen of PhOadelahlai an.l a. (?. 98a*ldl**> of en: c.i.-o. PaaaMeat Bleh*l*e B. Voaag repeaaoiitsd tlie Detroit an l I-...1.I.. elit .? by proxy. Tl.e gfBthul nea? was tiiaa.lopti.if the BBBOMbaaaM toiln- BaBoa .1 n^T?-enient aiigg.-atcd a: th.. re.-.-ut BMOttBg af tha Arbl traliou Cotuuiillca ln I'htladolpblo. Tho followtug riao liitimi* wero Iben adopted :, tl.e r anlntlon known aa the - I?.iv He ...inini." adoptad ..t tae in- Btlag laal year, ahall nol app \ i..ihec.i-e< or ii i -I. D >r.'?. I B Oroaa, Pradeneb ii.ini.iii ami (i<> Ti-r BaaatTor. Tb*a." ara takafl baek tut.i ii..- an.l Ibo.10900 aaeb. pruvkling that tba moii-y i? |.reui|.tiy paid into the Leaga* tr*aa*ry ar * aatlalaetoi v eu iraataa glvaa, Rrjiolt.d.' Tliat <;. u. tria**enek. fharlc* Bwaeaay, fliarl.a 1. Hriody, Jan.e* Moforuil.k an.l K. I. __B? ahall l.e reluidated. Tho rrovi.l.B.eand 1'hlla.lelphla df I- eatea rcbeilnl airalnat relnatating aome of the Inai t.uined ia.-n. but tho reaolutlon waa pi?-*cd over head*. Tliea.. men bn.ko th'-lr contr... I' and earh la tltied 91..MK). TM.-re waa a loi.r debatO nv. r tha aaw pttahtag ralee, whlc* c..iiip?'i a pltaher t?. k.-.-p ii'.n. faai ...i ti..- graaad afta* the 1..1M i; ib k.18 iiti mm. tin- I' ?i?i 11.1.1011 Blaba worbool banl to liave Ilm new rule abollaaed, luit aflrr long d> lt waa ?!??< 1 l.-.l to Klve lha uew rule aoolhi-r BIOBlB a irlal; then II It doea not work aatlafactorly tb* O..I alvle ot pllihlng "III l>e lea imcil. II. V. I.iea*. of lhe Hl. 1>. n? LaagBO <lnb, waa the lii|,|>ie?t man I* tlie i . \.?(.-rday. S. v. ral uf tha ti-Liied iiii-u pluved ln hia l ul i. A-?>.. lit on club laat year. and he Ba* haa lha ptck uf IhOOO BN* f'.r bia aaa Leaawe alah. Wltb lxiuup. Bebager, Laiiey. Hw.. ti.-y, Ulaaaooch, Brlady, M. fjuraBek, Bha* an.l (...aa. Laeaa wlB bara ? im.> BlBheahlet**ofe au.i.-aa fuliv with any af tbe othar buaar alaaa A well-Kiiown baMjball man aal.l to a THini'NB reporter afti-r lhe lu.-eii.ig : " I aouio of tbe?e uiili aiioi.l.t have beeu t..k. u baek, bal thal i.H Bh?Id be ro Inatalad aoaeaa t? bm a paat pieee of work. \t erery meeitag bri.l ui. to yeater*ay lhe di-iegat.-a were aaaa ItUOUB lu lln II o|,llilotia rrliiatallog tli'-ii- uieu. b it ta uBjr'aaaaalon ihiiTra tbal ih.y have had a oouipleU Bbanga af nlnd. Tba awtter m * nutaheli i? tuia: witn apeoralaa aa laeaa wo*ld have hnd witii.n.t ti.r>e ineii, the r>t. LBOia ehah *ca?ou would bave l.e. n a one froin B nuanelal polnl of vl.w, and all tiie ntin r .lillia would Bat* Bugera* ecarreapoadlBgly. Tha Ot. Law* ciut. ha* bee* a.. fr.-eiy o.lvei it will >lr.? iiiiim-uae . r? wln i- ver It goea. Tbe LaBMOa dlrei tora' b.-tlor Jiidguieut told them to :i?.iln?t tlie r. lu-taleni. nt ot IbeflB BMB w l.lle llii-ir p.i. k.-La vearned to tliem t iketi liaok." Otheraaaid tbal tin-.v tbuughi that the tahiag be*9 "f the iilne would not have a good clfeol upou the deport ii.i-nt of other players. WORK1SQ OF THE KAHBA3 UQUOE LAW Dr. I. Grer-nn Ciirdiu-r, of I-rf'xiiiKton-avr-.. wi... aj.ent a large purt of laat year ln tt.e Wi a', aaid to a TBIBBsB reporter niceutly: " Aa ? B?Bploa*a*l I* TB* TuilU'.aiK'S K-inarka al.oilt tlie ojiciatlon* af the llijuor la* ln lowa. let BM tell f*i how I liminl tlie Kiiiiaaa law to work I waa aatoBlohad ..i|the of ur.iK Btotaa ani doatara 1* all lha gaaaaatwwa* i atop|.e.l fur a whlle lo Plltetarg, a thrtlt.v little Bla**, <-....t.niiin r uii.iut peaple. I oouated 9fteea drag ataneaud iwenly toelore' aU-na ou ihn main aliaet, I ..-ki-ta at..rek.:c|.er If IMtainirg waa . <.t u tiinnlv iilace. ' Oli. uo,'he aal.l, ' bat peopie gi-l alck auditeliiy ln ie.", "Th*BBIBII of lt la that thOOO ilrug BtOfW are little BiBI* llian ri.iii aliops. II.ey acnrcel) pr. lenl to kasp liic'll.-lnca. onlv Ui" alii.|'.<?-' Wiinl iinil a I.ii nf nl nti.ll. Hut tli.-y BBll BBJ i|iiaiiiuv of llipn.r. Mun.v af th? abyaleiaaa an p.itiy at vhaaUf th* propr tataia of the Irag aalonn* and iIto praaenptloH for gta, aad tak.. their feea in tha proBta ..r ti.e laiea otw ib* eo**tar. I fi.uii i ttii? t.i ia. tne i.uaitieaa or thedootoro and ii-.ii.-t !-.<? ln all tne part* ot Kaaaaa I viaited, aod fr-i.ii my inuulrie* or othera 1 aiu couvluued that 11 la lhe cubo throughoiit the Hiate. " -? TUE ADVLTMMAT70M OF DRVGB. In conversatiou witb a ilillltM- reporter ahout tlie adultcratioi. ..( druga nnd aiti-1.* of inod, fi,l,>tiel Clurk, aecretary of the lleard of llcalth, aaid- "'lhe lloard made :.iie iltetineiion betWCO* the driiggiaU who were aelliug adulteratcd <| uud Ihe cundv inuiiu fBoturera who uacd poiaonoua coluia. lt waa bcllaaad t) ,.t the latter did m.t kuow the dunger ol uaiug cei talu oolora until tboy had been warned by Df. I viua Kd *(.|i. A* tln-v prnmii-ed not to une poiaonoua prep arati.uiB in tiio lulure, their naniea were not made pulilie. Tlil prr-paraiinii ai,.l aalo of adultoiatcd ijulniiie, ou ihe i-.iiitiaiy, were earricd ou b_\ druggiata who well knew the dingcr of tbe fraudwlncb w.ia practiscd ou the publia. F.very wh.deaalo driigj;i,t kuuws exactly what quiuiue i- aorlh bv tlie oiince. and when any quininn ia oO*rad lef aale hy bim at Ir** than the market rates he muat know that it I* aduliarnt. <l. There waa uo healtatiou ou the part ol tbo Board of Healtli. llierefor*. to furniah tlie i.aroea of tbe oflfend \\x\f, druggista for pnhlication. It any oi the caudy inanufactiirera who have beru warned agaluit tho uae ol poiaonuue colors are csugbt uaiug thoae oolura agaiu they will he proaeeuted promptly aud tbe pubho wili know who they are." TIIE SAI.?tiWOm/>.\"S FAIR. The Pnlr-swomr-ti'B Falr will op?n fo-morrow rveulng under fuvorable au?plcea. It haa an B8888BI Board of Maaageri, many of ?bom have beeu ldonurtfd wltb aeveral orthe 88881 falr* everghen ln tbla eity. ThOI hava 1. arned by experleme ikut the propar way to conduct a falr la to niake lt beautirul and attruotlve to sharge imalf rata prlrei, lo avold all uti.ltic *ollrttlng aod to lenva all their vlaltora perfectly free to apeud mouey or not, a* beat anlla tbelr jniraea Thoae In a poaltiun to know aav thut any one vlaltlsg It will},, will repmd for Um.- aud trouble. The floral ileparlineut on the npeulng evenlng will lie In chi.rgaof Mr*. Wllhara ? - i,. ?;. 11,,, ,, and air*. Krank Hurtoi. Koblnaon. (tn Tueaday aveunig Mra. A. II. Coroell will tako It; oa Wedneaday evemag Mra. (leorge Willii.m Hall; on 'Jimr-.lay evenlnc Mr* ( laik Bell. and on Thuraday evenlng Mr*. nnlaamb ine siilea. ihe ladlea lu thl* departaiviit have had many flower* promlael, but tbev uii the flnrlata or tha clty Will rontrlb.rte to tha fl<>ral booth, where somo preily young ladlea wtll be r-ady to aupply citatoiners. ?? -? ? - COOKED BY TWELTE LITTLE MA1DEXI. A rcpaat whicb would rejoicc tlie heart ot a working mau, and plcajx tbe eya of a faatidioua hnuatkreper waa ci.oked and aerved by twelve littln maidens yeater day at the ehildrcn's featlval In Covenant Cbapel, ia East Forty-eecond-et. The sawing acbool there la tbe Iirat in cnnnection with which cooking haa been tauglit, after tbe new Cooking (iar.l.-n ayitern j altnough tbia to onlv one of tweoty claaaea, with 290 puuila. whioh bave beeuoonnuoted iluriag the wiuler upon tbe Cooking Oarden plan. Tbia, bsThk Trihunk. haa prariouaiy aoiute.1 out, aimatoadiiaatatbaeblidrcBol ibs working elaaaea Ib preaariag maala aoaaoinloally aad taataf ully, aadajaautaodanlch littadneae BBBBk aad othanrla* makes tbe Instrnetiona aa laaclnatlng aa a garue. Tbe expense attending this apenial eonrae at (ovenant (hapcl waamet by Mra. William whose MM ia as.ociatcd wlth many aimilar charilies in thw clty. The diahcs prepared yc.-tcr.lay, like those al Olhet (hapcl on Krldav, gsve satlsjactory evidence or tho thoroiighness with which the tcaching had been done ; and the display wn* atrongly snggestive of ibo prnctical valne 0. thia now bcnevolence. Not the 100*1 Importaat pliaae of it ia that teaebers need to be siieciallv trained f..r it; and anothor oppo.-tuuity ia tiiua opeucd to young women. 8TOOK BXCBAMBM XOMINATIOX8. Tlio noniin.-ititiK coraniitteo ycatcrday ro port.-d tbe followlng ticket for tbe autiual electiou of BB.ljaiB8.f-8 Bloek Excl.ange: Preslilent, J. Kdward .?atmnioiisi cbnlr.nun, J.iuies Mltchell; vlee-cbulr tnaii, A. I. Onn.hee; treaaurer, 1). C. Hays, and sctary, Oeorgo W. Ely. Tbo only ch.ingo la tbo nomliiation of Mr. Oruuboe as vice-chairraau m alaoa >.f al-nadat Boartqaoo, who has neidthopo Mti.m for 00*00*1 yeara. Of the ten nioinbers of tlie i.ovcrnliig ConnilttOO whoso tcnnsexplru thla year, 1..1 Braadon, K. K. Btnrgla, l>- *. Boody, B. L. Audor Drake wt.? r< h ii. Tbou-B*. 8. 'llWhm.ii. W. 1!. WtllUuis, William \. CBTO liu aml II. .1. Moraewrm n..inlnut_.l to taka tbe p.ncea or B. T. Ku-ai-ll. O. I-. Ilalght. J. H. Uecker. J. I). I'robat aml T. F. Kyau. Al.ic.i 11 III11 wa* noiuinatcd to nll a i,,. ii,, -, iu ti..- Iwe-yaara ciaaa uu.l JTuaaaa w. DavU aud p,.)ua<ikenbuab two vaancle* lu tbe oae-year elaaa Hamuel II. Kleeam waa oaaaad a trnateo of tho gratuity r.iu.i. ? MItS. tMBLAWB f/r.A/.'.V fBOM HER IIURBAS'D. As.'.iH' District-Attnniey D.ivi*. neetrad BBOthor vlalt yeotorday from Mrs. Mary Iielaud, wlmao baabaad, nu daaetloo* eitiicn. was ladaood to go to Cun adn, .'ml waa Ibora BIM lad BB B* abi cbnrge of desert lugfroni a Hrttlah rcgtimnt ln wblch he had been a l.iper. Mrs. Ireland has re. clve.l frcn licr hua fiuii.l wblch have told ol hia leitwng Cuiadn un.l hla ar rivni iu Eaglaod. VeatarO-y iko racalvad a postal earo wlth the postmnrkof Mterllng, Hcotlnnil. <m thecnrd was wrttton: " I am reloaoed. I have nn uioucy. Wlll have to foot it to i; iii.imrgii. Mako roodj a llekel fOf return BOdWBIt Ulltil I Wllte llgalli beftiro )<>il eoild lt. No ,\..i.i,.c of Identlloatloa poailblc. 1 would uot eur rcudcr. l:?l..-:t." THE MONEY MARKET. BALE8AT THE STOCI BXCH-UfO* Ai>ril 18. TnK (IB.VKItAI. I.IST. Xnme a Tonttar... I'SIl l'*t I'll ... (Vi lof NJ.... tti. I _c.0e ... i ,t Altoo, .. . BM *BW . au i.rt-i. I'o nrel. Ihtl' M .v c C8l P M BO.B i liurA . ( 1. 1 ._ 1'a. . ('( C. 1.... lwi.Ua *. Clealn. | Ma -1 Hkire, IIU A'g'dt Ml't. II. |i A Kio <l ... K.'I.Vsa'l Bf riraea nar ii- ii-.-_ i. i.i. III l en: . II. I ?le - II .'. W . . I . ... ,s NaaC MmB .1 > ...l Mtui A i'll*. um i. . eauai M rv.' I *?t\ n V V I M.I -i. r . 1 .. . . N *i A N r. .\ . A N Y l,_W.... > \ 11 .*. a.. Ni.n..-rn r.w Nt iii. I'ac u'e uae b .iimun 1 rai r , Reti* A laar. r. .1 .inin. . k.? w r. ... al I.A.'. I 11 St r A l?Ul. -i r .? aa lt is* l l..ul, ! ... Waliaali ? I l... .-, to1 ln I ihl-a... I'M M?re*a Wrli?-t i- Kn I'wiu. Bau... t.,.1 1 ul I'oteiaal**.' -_?i:?..a?.u*. ,- - ?.. ...i;...n. 18*1 ? H-*BB MXS noXlis A.v ? BAMB er.c'v'.. Atili i ..I A I*-r l?l iinaai ia) raa,. a uie leiaai l..,.HIO li., .. 10.000 .. 1.000... 4. IB*. .10 10 >| ....!-?? Pui t ll * N lat ti.. liust .'.* l.iaai 88 '* c It 1 *P hx (<* ...IHlll... '.oa t..(ii>0 . K'o'a ? ?tll"il .*! 1,11 11 Jlllr'-.l 4,ooo. ??.* 10 .IM) . t'a'i .1.II , . ...ilh'u -rt ...(HHI ?". CMI !? V A nmn d.lMMl .. 1 I J1* I (i.>0. IU V.ISKJ.1 1 lJ4 tol. II Val * 1 Ist 1 ooo.76 ?jiHii. 74 tlm- i.t.t'i >*l aartea " n ,?H. . oas 1,000. .eil'a i'i-nlr*i I'arltlr. ..?.* ? ? >.* '....iai. IHS 7,ooo CJO. I ' ' \ 1,000 IU 1). ti A Itla'tB Ul (I..I.M) . I'l kiu i*x i B - ny 88 1.IMSI H.'i H.m.>' I' I' '1' U Isl roa 1 IH..I 104 ii a in Oaal ist Main l.ina ( ii:l|...ll BB I....K) J8 lutern'l A (1 ?*? l?l 11 in.i ii a Bartao ist 1,00- Bi Kauaas l'_.ilir 1 0* 10*8 1,000.HO Kuu T ?. Itt conaii V..KMI.H*.1-! H.ia.o. '.?!,' M.iKIO |0.u<H).BU'l 4..SJO .0/ |*li I'ac lll Ile* (UT .iaa'nt'1 7,lMHj..aB 110 l.'T'l.-.t NsahTlll* N ii A M a.v '.O.IHJO ...Hl LottlavtUe a Na?h c.nat.l ?J.iaj ... llflij IM liluolll A Mau 1*1 6,IMMI.76 lu.'i.uie 4.000.1* M-.n* A w latit _.IKH).Tl Ifulvsn '- liliiili H.ooti. OH 16,000.**?? ?^.(a.i).6M\ 14,(XK).flBaj ld.UiK). f'.a* D.OOO.6? 8.000.60*. Uo h-n A T. X (.en -J k ..* Mmhi . f.M?? l:(,.MMI .'.Ha, UoK A tex con 7a C.H.o .. IM ^...||(l. n.j?i U.lSMJ . II)..', Mo I'.iO 1*1 CUI.aOl 'iO.ISMl.1*6 6..MHI.'." .:_ M.IMMl 11 . '. Mo rac.tlc .m1 1,1*00 110 Mlll lai.o TelO* 7.i. .rn 71 .71 Ul) a at r Ui i ii ,* y w n? 1,000 .85*7 1.U..O ll. \ Mo Min dlr 1,0<M).U'-'_ W A M Llv fl.onn .B4S Mii _? nt P lerm 6* l.iaai .80?4 7.INKI _ '.'1 N V lukr ? A W u.w .'.I eoiiao' ? lO.iK... .... B4> a.oiM) .c... .'.4 4 V'b.lMNI.M'? :a...a..'.64?? 86,000. 6*1. Ni. . * m W con in.'rt 8.0UU. ?C?? s v w .- *u_a ia U.000 Wa* all :;. V 'J.iKMI. 16.ISMI. '.?l.lWHI .... n j Uaatral oou Aaa '.'.ixai 100 Nnrlh I'ac, ui.ciip .'..uou.1U1-* ( I.i, ?.-.. SI..I ^ w '.'6rr ft?h n* :i,.hmi . .97 'Jrrgon A I'l.ius Ist 1.000.. 7J Ort'?..n -ahort I.'la .',.(.. o 88 *. ;(,o(H).?.'.?? I'.-ii .v I'eklu V 1st l.iHiii. . .loia. i'm paa B Kvi ist K.v*ii*vllledlv l.issi wl3? lli. I. and lal 0* lU.u. Hn'n A ..< Bs80 7.000. 7**4 .1 I.A 1 M < i ........ r li 6. 1(164 1.000.108 l.OOO.10i7? Hl I, A 1 M 1*1 '.'!.. O . IU ? ? i ? Inm H _<1 bt 1. A I Muuot lo 1,000.71*4 6.ia(?.7I?4 !_,(H)0.Ti l.O(M). 71?? r t I.A haa l-'i 2d ( l-ia* II* 1.000.100 1 .d 101 -11 '4 '.'.. - !_?<? bl I. A > C'las 6ia. .. ' 1 ' ooo T*iaa A I'arlBn 1*1 ln... .i-iii.'. .nr Aug. i-ij.ii?iii on . . fi.OOO.63*4 ( . ? i ... ..J ...iaa?. 40 W t 1 IteK 1900 I.ihhi.110 Ul'KK 1st M .'.,o?io.l is ll.l.OO ... .1 1.1% l.i'a 4,(S)0_ 11.1% WiDoaa A M r i-t 4,004) .... 10.1% WaUasli Kt 1. ?_ 9 (ti au S.o.Ni .7H ?.iHio _77 Mlaa.MirUia 18*8 lo7 Allai. A i -o W dlv Ist 18.1K)0.70 6.(K)0 .('.'JN ?Voou.7o% i'h? ,. lllt.m*... Vto.lKMl. D'O M. .V I ...-I lll lat .'..IMHI UB% Chlc A N W H f ilcb 6* 1.000 .US (?? .ut r A U Ut l.o.MI. 116 I..HK) .ll.a. (lal A a-.n Anl Isl 8.000.1??s* I_ak* : ti... .? -I t np 10,(aio 116% Uo K A I. . _e Oa ?J.> .'(id .78 It.O.H) . li Mn ,i .-ai raul con o.OOO.188% Mli I. - a W Ul MOO.1041 H \ t'h B >*l 1- 1*1 6.000 _ I. 7 I 'a 6(i.o<lo.7'a 6.)MK).77% 1( .ooo.70% '..ii * ? ,'.-?: iv 1,1)0(1 .... 110 N J (' lal ooa a* 4,(HMI. '.".) i.IMM) . ',.U_ iitliiuiwat.' la..* - M l mn 1*1 .'.a 17,(SHI. 101% 1,000 .101% Or*g..u IiuCo l*t ln.OOO.hO% Mt l, AMau l'r 0 M 6.1KK). 96 l ni..n I'ac 7* 1. (I 7.0O0.Il)5% D. 1 I. A W 7* 11)07 Urrat Weitaru lat 1,000.106 Si Miduf N J Ut H.OOO....83 NortulB A W e*tern gen intB 1,0410 .Vi Niiltl. Mo Ist 1.000.111 ohlo Moathern 1st -..ile* at tha N. Y. I'etroleum Exohange aud Rtock Board. t i - ??/ moeU, H v ('mt- "ul Wver. Ijtkr *aher*. Clllt ;oANWOO-l-. t iii, ii.i Aht raul, coa.. M lt A Va'-al . La.on I'aclBo. Ueal.ra Untoa. FaclBc Mail. ? J -*?__.??*!. Tatal aalaa af atoo-a., TtlgKTXo'w-1 Wo. *f ?it | cat. I ?Baraa. ~U0%! 80% "wo 6..% 6u% MOO 87% 06% 1,170 ,2 .1 '?o% 108*3 106% 4-i ?-; 47'* 61.1 67% 66%. ad %i 146 _ .16 .! 1.-10 810 6H0 660 4 ? '. ll.ll 8.440 W**t Bh?r*tr*ta .1 98%| 99>*| 8-.eon Bri? -ec*ii? ean .| 64%l 64%l_0,000 ~Tt__ _alaa af baada. 80.00 Pa . i . i. . i. Aprll 1 ?* -1-. M. The atuck speculatlon wa* Irrrgularand lluiltod ln boih transactloua aud attracllou*. Tho total bualuasa ouiounted ouly to U05.77I abarea, ol wblch tlirc* ?locks furulshad l'.3,4()0 ibaraa. Tko opeutng waa tuade wlth Iricguli.r ehanges? some stocka were a little lower, nblle other* began wlth a amall-sl/ad boora. There waa niathod and a purpose ln opculng tbe prlro of Lake Bhore t% |>er ceut htgher than lt closod laat evenlng aud ln holding It at 8U*%aM>% for tha greacer part of the day, wklle Northweateru aud St. Paul opened i.arely autady at about yeatcrday'a laat llgurci aud dld uot sell klgber during tho wkolo day. Unlou 1'aclllo and l'a*ltlo Mail both made abarp ailvuncea ln tha aarly and inld-ilay houra; Unlou raolllo 1% to 48%, and I'aeifle Mail % to (">.'>_. Mlaaourl 1'aciilu alao roao from 82% lo 93*a Tbo reat.iin.tcr af ths markat rulad about ataady witk flnotuatlona not eir**d ing%?Hper oanlUll aftar3 a'olo.k. X deellae ln the Otaaba atoeka of l%*2por oont waa tho algnal (or o drop aU araual* aad la Uo laal _om tho market waa heavy lf lt waa daU aad everything auftered from a very allght preaaure to aeJl tTulou Paeifle loat all but >* i>er ceut of Ita earlr galu. l'netilc Mail lost *a more Uiaii Ita gatn, and Mlaaouri l'aeitio ended with an advance of *8lusteu.l of l^asit atood nt mld-day. Nortbwestern, St. Paul and Barliugton ami quiiiey decilned *o that their tinal loaaca wero 11* a\*H an.l Itock laiand siinws a loea of \ per cent. Tba Ouuiiuia further.ici lined bo tliat tbelr tlnal BBaBBI are 2 Ei-i- cent tor tba oommon aud if-j far tbe atork. iplawnre, I.ackawnuua and Wa.atern narly roae ?? per cent to liMHg. but ltclosed at 105V<"> l(>5\ an aalea *f only '.?,1."i.i ahares, and lielawara and Htidaon at H3Lj alioTia a Iaa* of *i per cent. I.ake Hhore decllned to 59? Li lower tban la-t evenlng. Krle and We?tern further feil 1 Lj to 7*8 '1 he market aloaed weak. Oovet iiinniit l.oiul* were dull, but tbe market waa flrm at ui.i-b.-iiiged quotatlnns, aa foliowa: lltd. Aaa. I K SE C.*.a???iiaai.r?'?aU8??l 17-a our. ?a 1H9? IM . B.B.IVjiiHiH. coB.ll'J^USVjlU.B. o?ir. 8alA87 I3t . U.B.4*1'J.)7. reg..l'JlMi'J , 0. S.cnr. 8? iii? Ui . t. A. ii 1 i.ii. 000 .1810*190 U. ti. cur. 8a 1999 135 . U.H..I B'!reenti....loi V0'-"* 0*8, OOi -l-da?....HS . V.HaiurJ.H.i ...1J7 .I _ Btate bonda were negleetod with the aale of fl.OOO Mls-ouil 0a, 1888, Bl 107. Thero wero uo trauaactloua ln i-lty bank stock*. Tbe rallwoy bond market waa much like tbe ahare market: all tln. uctlvlty waa dlrccted towaid a alnglo elaaa, whlle lu all othera there was a total absence of Int.-rcat. Tbe Mlaaouri, Kansaa uud I'.xaa issues aud tho linti Moiintalii '.s were the spech.l features ; aoiiiuu i ao that they were tlie occaaion of cnai...I hy l.rokera who make tlie deallng* lu bonda aepecialty. Mtsaourl, Kiuiaaa aud Texita general Oa roae from Os tnnilLj an.l oloaed at 90%: tho aaawal (la aold at 79 and cm'cd al 70, Bt. I,..inaand Iron Muiiutuln 5s agatn wero odvauced to 7'J<*717m iigaln?l713i! yeaterday. Kauaas Paclflc eousols alao woroa p*tt nf tao latni laaoalattea au.l ree* from 94>a to i.7. Brle aeeead esaaou were stcady and dull at r?4i>B?..4L,. Chiaaniake an.l ohlo ftrats, a.rlca B, wt-i.i bIT :,4 ut i;:i'4. Ohaad*Boathern nrai SadX-llaed :,s and were weak at !18, hii.I tlie acconds aold at 08U- New Vork. Uilcuga and rlt Loms firat (ia wero off 1 ^ per ceut at 7(iBa- Weat Shorc and Buffalo 5a ruled atoady at 'jy^JOLj. Hoilatou aud T.'X.a Ccntrul llr.-.t* agaln aold down to 85. Ijifayette, Blooliiliigtoti ajiii Mliaclo lll -ta ikelliied to 7ft, und L*B* F.rlo and Weau-rc l.rats to Ti, nnd both w.r at gtlu e lU-urcs. Mlssonrl 1'ncltle coiiaola alu.uld have been meiiitoned nnioug tho claas nrat referr.d to; they sold at 99%0991* All the 9t Paul U-uea liru. with aale* of amall lols. Onaba rouaola declini.d 111%. Itock Mnud 5* *et*% higher at 10K?a, Clilcugo ai.d Kaat llllnols cniisoia aold Ir.ely ai Kmi. VVubaah flrats Cblcag* dlvialon decllued 1 per cent to 77. Union 1'a iiti. Brala roae % to li:i^j. iitul OiitruiP.ctlc Ur.atewere up>4iitll-2. Atlantl. and Paelllc Urata advanced \ lo 70%, aad tholncoaaaa, aftar eeUlag ap '?<? atlim.. eloeai ut l.">rM. Norlbeiu Paelllc flrata were wciia at 104k. 'iiu- weeklyatalomaotuf baaBaTacaaaaaaaweaiq*** o 98,8(10,000ln B*ata ami tliedltleienee between tbe tncreaae ln ilepiHitsand thoamoiint of Increiiac that the o,her cbangee call for ludleataaa further aicuuiulatlon of 8700,000 lo tb* ahape of countiy natloual bank uotea. Tln- rhangee ??** aa (aanaae ol 91,079,450 t.. the aur plus reveiuie aud iiKain take lt above $.*.il,ii<M?,<MKJ. Bollowing are the oaaiparatlvc toial* of the statementa of April 11 and April IH : April 11. April 13. filfr-rences. fxain*. a4jni',.i!iH,i-(Mi 19 1881,800 Dec. 9iM,7U0 St.ecie .. .. 10" Oy'i.;l(.(l l(,7.(ilH,h.(l Inc. I.ii l.l.'OO I..?a. teiiilera S0.'.?.'i8.600 88.1 -.i.10.1 luc. l,'-.TJ..r. 0 lieixtaiL-v .. 361.41 V. I.M 867,887,800 IBO. 9,bTi.\!?U CireoUUBB... lo.i?o:i, MM Uce. 4*J,700 Tbe rollowing showa th* relation between the total ro .-. r w aad the tetal aapaall B*hflltli s: April 11. Apnl IH. Cliau'ea. Speete. |100,08 ?.300 $lo,.0 .1 SOO Ino. f 1.(13., 5oO I.egal-I. .ni. ra. 3u..i. i .? (10 32, la.,. 10.1 IlKJ. 1,'J.I.,0'.0 Total reaerve. 81*7,208,000 *13.>,.>!77,'JO-l Ine. fi.hUV.Oilil I....- v i.iiulr'il agat oapoaltB h<. 108,771 90.4*0.88) ruc. 8H0..1B0 surpin*. 948^409,198 95918*9,971 .'na 91,999,IM Tho ciearliiK Honaaatataaeat to-day **e na foliowa : Ksebungea, 875.318,708; balaueaa, 93,008,533. lor tha w.-.k: Ki.haugea, 94a8.510.4S8; balaiiL-ea, 928.24H 792. M.mey 011 uall rnle.: ca?y at m.', and cloaed at 1 per BOBti Thecusloins re.-Plpts reported nt Wii*blngfr:i to-day w.-ie 9400,911 aad tbe Intaraal rereana ree*tpla w.-re 1 16 lhe liiii-'i Mtataa rraaaurer raeelr*d .?...".-..i...? bank uotea f,.r r.-.iemption, and the n-. eiiiiM for tiie w.-ck ns rollowa : 18-14. 1HS'.. Kew-Vork.$l,<*J.i,li?0 fl.l.r.8.000 t.,-:.,n . '.'jT.osi jn.vaHj PltUadelpbU. Ii;...0(i0 13. .(j<?0 1 uini/i. . 141.10(1 H4.0H) Mlai'eiluu.oiu. l.Ol.l.OX'O 6;.fi.iiQ0 Total.92,689,099 The Ualtad Otatee lr**eai*f ...>w haide 0115^10,900 I'n t.-.l Blalea bonda to sacuro Nutiotia! bank no:e circu lail.i:., aa foliowa: cuirenrv 6a . 8X -20.0<K1 l-.i.u an.loue-h.iir per centa. 4H, ,i|..5isj raiir per cenu . 1'i-i7*-sr,,J thiaa l>er teuta .115.34.V.!I.0 Ooada i*peot809 for ilr.-tilallon dunug lhe Week, 9M12..'>00; bonda wtthdrawn durlng Ihe BBak, 0427UMM. bank ?m-iih.tiou oiitatandlng nolca. ij;i-l.-l ?">.-' -ia; goid BOtea, 9438.194. A,-al..^t Iln-te BUUM tho Trearury holda iu lawfitl mouey 9^8,303,7'-'3 aa follows: For radamption of notr* af bank* rednctng eir.'.a laUou..?.'0.387.100 For nutea of liai.ka tn liauldallon. 17,071,76.1 larsaieeof taUadbaaka. u3U3oS Ib Lnad** Ibera waa a iwaetloa ?f 5-io for Untiah eona.,l< to !?il "h. but tbey remalncd flrm at that flu-ure. UuliadBIMOfl 4 per ceuta wero ate.idy ut ll.r>Lj<rllo. Aai.-ruaii ralUny-" wero uroKular, bui geueraily ? little luwer in.tii ya*t<r..'ay. Tba Uuuk of l.iiiilanil aalned UOS.OOO bullleri on liilan. e. At I'aria Krench 3 pcro ula roae lo 7H..r>(? au.l slght en haiue ,,n waartniier ?i 9tk37 fraaaala the x. in. weekly sUieuient uf the impertal liin.k uf Oeruiany hliuMH a apn le kkiii of H,040,00(1 inarka. giaaale of ?eraheadlaa froaiiVew-Vorg: Jortheweeg. 1H83. 1901 BJ09, I.rvK'aala .. 81.43M.ll) I1.K.U.8I8 91.428 408 Oeen ui.rchandlae . fAMfcAttt 8813,20* WmiMM Tulal lor weea . fH.i07.0JJ 48.^.3.041 |7w0-.l 0 1-rcviuu*!/ ropoitod 198,219,881 134.099,089 110,408,181 Totoi aince Jan.1 ...$1.7,712~iTl.i?14.',07.a,127 8HV,i?08,30J Iiiiportaof ? at New-York: Fnrlhew.-eB . |69.<>tl 81.385.213 989,9_9 l-revtoualy n-poried. 8.307,3 "J l.-.'Oi'.liS 4,?ltt.;78 10,4.0,34.1 |3,J7A334 84,117',, 308 Exportsof ?pecle froin Now-Vork: ler 'lieweeh. . 81?u\072 fr...'.41.572 WO'1.944 i-iev.uiiaij r.p.irto.1. ?.143,.'??l 23.'JO-J.644 8887,789 Total a.nco Jau. 1. 9M99J99 084,994,919 *ll,l...,04d Purify Your Blood. Yonr I.I.mmI may be laden with Impnritt.a, but llo.aV* sarj aapanlla will timrou^hlv rle.nae. enrl.'h and vitalize Ir. Tbe moataeri-recaaea of acrofula aalt rheum. boila, pmiplea -la. fart, all arirctl.iiia analnir froin Inipure blood. y.ct.l to kHo Kt'a eara .par.lla, tl.e arn-at bloou pnnri.-r It alao enrea .1yai,-.,ai? MB**aaeoa*lab h8*9aeha kidne. a-nl livcrcomplalnta.ahoxp eua the B*BObB* au.l l.ul.-la n,. tlie wiiole ayateui. . BOriOB I' I ..I" r a. i a-t 81BW. B. Y., h.-d 19 acmfiilous aor.Hnn hia (are and neck. Nothing h elp.-d htiu till he took Beoofa Nar-.apailila. which elfectcd a complete c.irn. Hia driiKB'at aaya Ula '? A (Ireal Vlctory " for llooJ'* Haraapa 00* "Ihave b.>en trnubled wltb acrofulena hnmor ami aorea breakit.R oul all my bialj for tbe l*al tlfte b y. ara. I have lakeu uiur boit.oaof itnodi --aiaapanlla and it has en tln-ly cur d rao. I re.-nuim.'ii.l It rerv htghly to any on? tr.iubed wltb acrofula or any l.loo I dl*eaae." ?HKNKY BIOOB, 1,811 Canipboll-aL. lvanaaa ."'.ty. Mo " ITood'a Naraa;iar.;l.i iia. curcd mu of lilood polaoa."- W. II. nAIItl. : toiibouvli.e, <'hi>>. Hood's Sarsaparilla A by all draitrista. *1 ; alx for 85. Made aaly b/ ( 00 0 >.. Aputliii.Mri.ei, L,).rall. UiMi. 100 Doses One dollar JOanttcro anb flroltcro. lAlKiXehc&eo. IMValUai.i BANKKRB, New.Yora. BUY AND 8F1.L 9TQOB8 AND BOND8 Koll INVESTOIIH Oll <>N ICABOIH, A1I.OW i.MhBEaT ON DBFOOITO. A. U. KBNNHtj WATIABB TBiia, H MOIU.B. WM. 0. Ilii-i.. KOUNTZE BR0TH?RS, BANKRIIM, 120 BliOAUWAY t.? WI I IAI1I.K IU-1 l.l.i *,)., N. Y. Draw lilllaon tbe Union Bank of Loudoa. Make Cable i ranaf. ra. Iaane LeabBrl of Credtt and ( ircular N?t?s for the uae of travalleiB. arallable in a.l p.Tia ol tlie Wuikl._ P. W. GALLAUOET & CO., iC4>i4i:ns ( OV.MKIK lll. PAHKn, STOIKM AVD HO.MIs. UN1TKL. BANK IIU I I.I.IN.I. WAl.I-flT, ('(.BN'EB BllOADWAY, Member N. Y. 98MB Kxchanra. NKW-YdRBT. TAINTOR&HOLT BANKERS, I\0. 10 IVALL-STKUET, TBANSAOT A QRNKKAI. BANKINO UUHIXI^S. DE. roam BOCOlVoU and int-h-st alxuwkl. on b\4L8JI0BB\ Vwmiljfe & Co*. BAIVKERS AAD BROKER?, 16-18 Nasaau-st., New-York City. DEALERS IN INVESTMENTSECURITIES. IIUY OMCO.THIlaWIOM POtt (1ABM OU OB MARUIN Alt BBOBaUTIOfl UBTKO AT TUB MtW.VUBKSTOUK KXUHANttB, OBrOBTN SB. tKIVBDANBINTaUlBVrT AJXOVVBO ON aUL-BOBO , OlJUaXTTa .IJLaJT AI Bb8Bb*B> linatmal. **55_.__5_?.__J. F. CLARk, 6i Uro-rtwayT if.;ri,o^^^^ E'nS.a^te^^ cnrltlei unon thla liae hanag aaaented. tu wtlttBi_Ti__ iiUn of reorgmil. atlnn aa ?gret*.t upoe by Jaiue* H ltMiii^t Jauie* C. I'arrtau aad Howard fllnckiey all holderaot tha stock of ihi* ooaipany au.l the itoclc an.l i)..n.ta of tba Bt Joa pb and l'aciflc Rallroad Company, and tlio stock *u_ laiBdaof the KaiiaisaudNo .raska Kalfwav OiniDanv oran. qu-.ted tlietn with the ('entral Tmtt . oiuuaaraf New-YorB on or before May tftb, recelvlag thcrefor a-_ro__ blerecetpta. ?"a-?a K__uttit.s notdeposited wlll not recelve tha bcnrOu ol taa r_.rg_uiU?t_eu. .Higued] HiiWAKl) HIN. JAMIH H. UKNtDICT. KRANK K. PE .DI.hToN (HncCCMCTtO JAMKIS C. FAKK:hlI,l P. S.-Tb. Pnrcliaaiag Comniitt-*. reserve to t?i?.u.?.i-?_i _,? rt-Mtof rcfu?in . to rccive apy scenriilaa after .lavunahS co ible the pn-senl asaesamnul of ooe-balfef ono iwr ceutiT* t ?(-, al'X-ksuil ou.- p. i- c ut upon lli. keifi shall ? e |ia J. NOTICE TO F1RST MOUTOAGE HUND. HOI.DKKI OF 11(11 S'lH).". and TEXAX CKNTBAt. II. R. (O.-AII tioltlera of Ihera boiifl* who Xc_el ?ny conoir*i_Z t-.tlieir t. call at tlie otti.* gr"T IIUlnaON A CO, 74 Rtoadway. betwerii Ihe hoursof n _J 8 P.m. JAME* Mll.DI.KlJli'Il. _ eecrcUry l.oudaolaei*' ( ..inrultu*, NY? Cliiciiiro and St. Loitis equimnent~7i ' boughtandsoid. -? *? ?? _V_ BRENTQN WELLfyq,2_Wall*t NEW-YOHK" CENTKAL A\D HUDSOji. RIV..R BAII.ROAD CO. __ I KBAHI rbb's OrncB, I I-BW-YOBK. April 1. to-.. I 8PF.CIAL NOTI. E. This Company ls HapOM to rwleetu m eash th* KECOirj) M'UUOAlil- ROMfeol tlio HUD-a.jN Ill\ K R I'AI 1.IIOAB ( (IMPANY uiaturln. Juqe lli next. whenever piu*?uted a/ thla ottke. The f I* e valns of tlie bond wlll he paid lo_;et'ier wita aa crnetl I tero.t to date of ..-i-i-utu'i >,i, iiu to Uul inolo__a* Jui.el'i, loofi, after wbicti date uitcreat wHl cease. J_. V. W. HUMBITBH, IkakBBBBB TO TIIE"B0N1...0LI>KI.S ofthe OhioCea I tmi idiiii .mi Coaipaay, niver PlilaBa The iintleralgned coiumlttea of l-ondlioMera of the 'ihla r?f trtil Raliro 8Company, ltiv-r Dlvlslon. havepr.-|iare<l aplta ?odngrt-cnentof reorgaul/.atiao, wluch ba* a.r.Mtljr rroelTol Ib. -ii ipuri. of more than two niiliimi* uf Uu: tirat aiurW-Wti i ? i. * . ?i)tt-s of tbe pa.eiinri csi. be ohtaiaed trom aay nicuiue " Jer of t eco:t:tnlttt'(* or from toe aevr-tary. EltWIN DAVIS. OKOItOE M. B.YIITIIOI.OMEW, J A M I-.s T. '.'I,- :.--ON, > Com-Blttea. J. BB H BBA( II. EDWAKDC IIUM.VVS. WILLIAM H. BAR1.CM, Seeretary. No. 11 l'iae-at. New- iork. 1 THK OAYTON AND IRONTON R. R. CO. Flitar MORTOAOE 8 PER CENT forty-ykar gold noxns. IS8CE, 81.700,000. LIMITKD TO $11,000 PER KILB ARE OKFERED FOlt 8AI.EAT PAIIANP IXTEBB3T, ANU FUI.L INFORMA I IOB WILL BBOtVBB BY THE (UltHIN llANKINi; CO., NEW-YOBK. . E. B-M-UBB HOKBB -V ni.o.. !i i-to\ THE HERCAITILE TRUST CO., 120 IMOADWAY, XEW-YOlfK. CAPITAL7$2,000,000 At'TlIORIZED UT UWTOACT JU TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR, CUARDIAN, RECEIVER. I'Ddortakes the caro of ESTATES. Is the I._ai depository tor TK18T FU.N'DtS, and allows INTEREST ON ALL AGG0UNT8. DIRBCTORB, I.OUI8 FIT/OEUALll. Prcsldent JOBN r. TKR.tY. > IlhNKY II. I1YDK. > Vtce-lTealdanta. rOWAKDL. MO.NTOUJIERY.) H. A. HUHLIU T. WM. M IVINM II. (I. MARyl'AMl. J. HIMHDKN I'.OBB, A. L. Di-.NNIH, TIIOVIAa, MMTLANO Ul'MSlSLL S.M.I.I WIIITLLAW KLIl), H. M AI.fXA.Vi.KB, J 9. HAVA aiOVKV DII.L..N, KICIfAItD flt.'IV. 18. XOill IN UIIKKN, J W. AI.I..V (NDJ-R, JOH.V W. HfHTl-R, WM. L. SIRiiNil, IlKNKYUAY, M. HARTI KY. JA-. M. HAISTRD, B. 9. RANU?.I.P_ TH> 8 T. KCKKUT, JOIIN J. Mc" OOK, JAMI-.S STOKE.a, B. B. MdNltO . FKKl) L. AMK-. B. A ?1UIN I'ARO, BI'.AYTON IVRS, WM II. SI.Oi'L'M, OKOltUE L. BIVfeB, -, *. IUV.1I.OW. HtxiiY C. PEMINO. Treasnrer and Secrctary. S5,685,000. FIBfaT MORTGAGl^C'OXSOLlDATBn 7 FER CVTt COIFON IKlMia. DUE JULY 1, 1900; INTEREST PAYABLB SEMI-ANNLALLY, JAN. 1st"and JULY 1st Earhnngeablr. if <l> -irrd. nflrrjul. I.I for Rrgi* (. rt tl Koml-. |iii| hBf iulrreal qiuirlrrljr. Pobacrlption* will be recelvtal for Ihe uosoid portion af above 3 127 I'KK CKNT ANt) AC.liCKJ. IN rF.RE8T TODATE OF SUB-C11IPTION. Thr in.'tri--! bci.ttn. * ilair nnd April J.'iih, when Ihr bontU -vill be i. idi for *rliverr. la ga io Ihe ?nl>at i ibtr. Full ptrttcular* upoa applicattoa to tbe anderal^aed. II. B. IIOI.LINS & < o? Xo. N nilOADWAY. YER.U1I.YE <_. ? <>., No*. IU nnd IS ITIfl-fr 11 THE CORBIN BANKING CO., lll llr- uiir n, .%>!_!. lur.w 1jtXI> ? f_U CBBT FAUU MOhTrtAGR*. That proji^rlr Deir.tUtetl flrst m >n-_r. .<* lo-ins ai_>B I? proved tariu* ln itino.iut* uut c\..- .1 . s' "?'? I ",l'" ? l'r ccBto'th.'ir \Ao<- un* ttie b?st |aeork-A*oMaijaiila,laavl !'.?'... > .1 l.jr th" s.H.f.aa of all who bave i.ivc.t.d iu tli*'n tiirough us Wo an- pr.uarcd toilejiniiaiiste fruni tio icc.rl* ol a hualuvcs exl* dlu< ovc-r inn.o lh-ui % ijaartM oi * . tMiturjr thiiiiinae aiortgaaea aro s* t-iit*. a.a^iat.* or .wvarnaiaBi bonda, aud ai _rum.-_.t.a in opposUmu t.? ilit-ni. a- nc..i'. u-a br na. will uoi a'.iadfi.roiti'Biouiriit la ficeailheo'.rirtl.i'iiiiiiiji piotifa Him-1 oiur r.-c-.r.:* uflord i'o :itti-< u-1???eiistitujin ?l u.ost ev.r. otn.r fm ui of lovrsriuent are l.u ?-n - in tlicse, ml while we io not iiret.n.l tfcal th.-y are ih.- oulv aaf? atvnriiiea tohehal. wedo *;ir thst the ? oiub.u.tmu o! -* lt.-ji v asf.'ty siiti ut-arly if uot uult* twit-e th.- taeoia* oiiuiu* m.le from *neli as wi> would plan> lu tlie mtni'j c iaa, raO-OB tLtv.i tl.-t-i '.-t'.iv ;iti'- ,,-iim.. Haa tioi uut |>ro.eti *ati?factorf to our rtiataners flurlB r tho | ait tweiit>'-tive vrar- )in U__B ?ttlona iu Ibcin wou d ha>o soauely i.-j. tml .I.a '.'* proportiuiia whl.h our rooonlo melna Melu-iu: nll *iiosa *t:< ut inwtii'iv tn: a li jc ett l.v ouradvoiilM'ai.'uts tonls forni of Invtatuientto call au.l iu.fMtli.-te f?r tboatawvaaBaOWQ ii?fn'.ii._r Hi;it our claluis for theae Mt-urltie*. *tron_t . s?* i.ia?.i them. are uot basrd bi ou a I..iind-'l"u. UlAUTCn ronds of WAN I CU THE RAII.ROAD fc>.UII'MKNT CO. MATI'RINO IN 1*4S_. POSl'. MAIll i.N A CO_. 31 I'lm ? .at A D tn.cii. KT I'AI'l. AXU NOKTIIIBll I'At'lKlC KAllWAV I i OMPA.XT. MiW-YOLB, April ", Ihii. 1 DIVIPENI) UF ONE AFjU oNi.-UAI*P ll1*' p r t ent hns been dccUre.l upon Ihe (.r.t?uu.',lD_ eapltal *uc_ of Ibls compativ ; ?>. I. ,it th.- i..i:.'.'e houna of .lessrs. w IB L >\i, i,a m lt.. ((?.. 90 Naaaau ?f., No ?-1 urW ('Uf. ?n soila'ti'r April I... IHHA, Tn_n*fer book* ?lll bo tloseu irotu Aprll ll tnl'tli in t la elusive. i.EO 8.IH.V'*, fwaaana (MH;<TUAT)0 CKNTKAl. COM.i>LiiiA 1^*0 \J MINIMi COMPANY. Dlvltleail Na -' ot 5 88881 P? a'.are liaa n.-.-ii ili-r .ne.l 'li.. .ln. pavaole t.? Hl-v k- ??! l-ri ol tll.a ruiupisiv Bt tht* F:U'iu. ia I ..a_i aud liul ? ? 'd thia clty on aml atter May 1.1. Tia.-t-i boaOa wlll oiaoo MMJ LfoaoaaawMaala, h. v. ma..iiNa. h, Naw-^ark, Aprll... Iks.v_ir>*<*arer._ of?cb vr vviLTua i'. liuoa, Aaam'Bi ori M, MuRiiMCa bO-ie, Diti xki. BUILUJBO, > BttOAusT > M.IV V. Hl. At-ii.L lr, l-ja... ) I^HE h;'8 iliis day doclared a dlvMeiilof ten yereeat to thecrellturaof M. >inr*-ua faoas. oajrahl* OB aaJ aftur M.tluo-lay, Aprll ??? , Ih5. *V^ _ WILLIAM P. D1XON. A?sun***__ PACIFIO M All. HTBABs::ir ( O.. PIK : l\a)l or I CABAL taiKBKT, N. II.. .\ BW-YOUK, Aurii 16. iaSj. I THE BOARD OF I)1UFCI"0U> iiav.- thia itav deeiared a ?ua.terly iii\.d.*ml of OMB aNI> ONK-QVAKTi-H I'KK CKNT ou tbe eapltal stock of f.h] romi.any, payabiajnauJ after May 1. llA, ut tho oAce ot tho Meroaullle Tnisl Company, Na 13d Rr lulw.iy, -sfa Yoik, k>uookaal-oaoa_ raconlattua rloain. of t ? b_?ka. Tha tnuMfer Book* wlil eloaa a' the offlco of ihe Ua.ea 1 ru?l Coiaoany, No. 78 Broadwar, New-York. Wedaealay. Aprtl %2.1888, at thrao (8) o'olook p n... aod will rooaoa aataraay. MayB.lW.all^aOlo'i-laoha^^^^^