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MURDEK OKTHE OUTPOSTS. A MT8rERYOFTHEREBELLIOS. TOLD FOR THE TIUBl'NK BT AS OLD BOt-I?? It wao in Virginia durius; tho autnmn of 1881. the lirt.1 vear of tbe war. 1 waa a aaniean. in aa Infantrv cmpany which had been eeiecu... on ac eouut ol it* tigutiug qualities to guard an itnpor lant on the liae of cam-nunicutiona. ine tmmW Branch. risiug a .ousidorablo distance abovo MniltlH. winda along north until it PBMB8 WmW 9m,mmAf*m bbUob i-yond that awaafcrtajaaliai aalaral bonda abruptly to ac ?BB ? IU way 10 juiu the great.r Htreain af tbo ? ..toma... 5T2 b.n.1 tlie tu...pik.-roaa connecting Rotn tL where ihe l.nion foree waa dinpoaed. with Greiu BprtBBB Run. ihe dep.-t of 8aa?H00Ba thr Baltiaiura aud Ohio Kailroad. crossod the nvorby a ?JHBJBB bridne. Tbo wriltan order M? our captain cminanded him to bold tbia hndw to the laat man, kf neceasary." And tb_re wo ********* unlil Bonio weeka latcr, when (he Ooi.fedrraios tnano.uvrod our cntixe foree back ta ita baso on tbe railronii. _,,... , Th. war had Btxipped this part of \ir_rinia of moal of its people. Hillaido and valley aeoroed to belong agaiu to tho wild thiag* of nature.. Ibe ecream of an eagle Boariug ui tbe gray sky wonld eallimtaaorfootdtn of aaimal aot.-?. Kveu tbe hatidfulof .....l.liereprow.ed about as st*~n!ihilv ae the foxestheraselves which now and agmn seani poreo out of tbe laurol huslies. tloer. witb opreading aDtlere, soiuetiiu.'S |>?ered out from under the ferest growth. Oue aftarnoon a tajat even made bold lo mvade a pi.-k. t-poo. - cooking cainp kettle lirkingthe lat from the edge with great relioh 'and contentediy laftag -<V before the startlcd ?oldierBcoiildiaallaetho chan-cter of tho Tiaitor and fix their aayouete to turn biui iuto botier iu?al ihan tness |>or___, Oue eveiung. Just at 6. ao the aocond relief waa changiug poeta, the aharp crack of a uiusket thot rang out, from down the river apparently. It was a dark nlght aad notbing could bo see.n. At tbeahantieathepoker-decks wore caat asido and tbere wasbusile for a moment, tbe rtish of feet. the rattlo of leathet straps as tbo men put on their barne?-., acursoor two ai Mome one tailcd to nnd his own musket. and thoa all was still airam. Cartridgea wero looked at, pieoos clutchod au.l balaneed iu a half-jocoae manuor, aa if to ?ay the "Johnnies" would get more than thoy caino for, Bnd all hst-med for the next shot, or a vo.ley, aud tke orderto"f?H ra!" We nad a captain and two lieutenants. Bnt the first lieuteaant, a crtiaty, good ooldior, wbo wns killed tho next year at Autietam. was BMllag his lurn on guard that day. Just before dusk, we kuew, be had crosw _ th? hricge a corporal and privata to go to the Ieft along the river and up the ravines, to aee that all waa m order at the posta for tbe nighL T<?u of tho raeo alao from the shautios baal been misaiug since oariy m tho af tor noon. and it waa supposed they bad dodged the p.,Bts in order to ford tbe river, and had gone to a hut in oue of the ravines whore au old ne*ro had been am.iggling whiskev for some time and eelling it rland.^tinaly to our aolOier. The lietiteaatit had luteuded to Tiait the liut m queat of tl.o atrac Minutea pa.*-**ed, and thoutrh we stood abonf at the ahantiea wilh arma la hand ao sound eaaao but the murmur of the rivor eddving aloug nndor Ihe bndge, tl.e aighing of tho treee, aud the cough of a aeuti'i-l p.-aing hia beat down tbe roal m nont of tlie gviuri.-houee. (.uddeiily ihere wae a cliallenire Bcroes the river. "Halt! Who ooines ther*al' Otiiek footat-'.pa up the roa. bronght a meaaenper, and the captain orderad tuo to take aoquad to tha ouard-hou.-ie. Down tho ateep road my B.jn:>d and 1 went at tbe donble-quick. The moon was riaing from bahtnd the mountains loward Winohewter. throwing her whito brhi throngh the RTBeefnl wirea of tke bridge aud athwart the treuibling rir.ples of the river. I arranged my men at th< gnard-house as 1 h?d been ordered. and took my stand near Ihe oentinel. A little rrrocession ap ?iroarhed ua from the other aide and as H neared be centre. whero tho eurving oablea aeemed al most to tonoh it on either flitnk. wa oould ?-? lt was fonned bv eioht men hearing another wrapped in a blank t on tneir shouldare, and thal it waa led hy the lMMit.*uanl of Ihe ruard. Behfnd. betweea two auari-i with Axed bayoBeta, reoled a drunken aoldier I waa oalled from aiv a?f4)Diabment by tlie eharp voieo ofthe offioer ordenng we to give him men to ralieve hia of their burdan. Tba eight men and tUair burden. and tbo drunken one who followed, wure tbe ten atraagler. lo tha nugro hut. Tho trsBsfer wao made and tbo proe-vnion con tinned np ihe road to th* ahantiea. Thointoxieated man fell to the ground as ka neared Ibe gaard honsewithan attack of mmnia a pofa. Ile waa a raw-botied. generallr well-liehavod Pennsylvaniiu. We carned him in and lal 1 bim on tba bar.l bunk, mtwle of pine-bark with a blanket spread on it. Theexciteiaent of fiading the dead h.xlv of Parr, who wa* well liked in tbe eompanv, had sobered all of the a.ra?glers bnt the I'ennsvlvaman. and hnd made tht-in eantions oa to what tliev said that could have any l>*aringon Parr's death. Ihe hxly bad b.-en m u.ub'e-1 on in tbe durk bv the lientouant when ou the otber aide of tbe river near tlu* OBItol to ? he raviue, aa he waa returning from thn aoatro hnt with th-a niae sear^iTace* he had mef there. Bisfon-the bodv had baen earrieo far. it had been eTami.ied iu th" light of a uioket-t)te and uo wouud or Ita"** of violeace oonld be found. Wha1 was the eonneetion between thn ahnt nf 6 o'eloek and Parr's deaiht Ha**! the agemy bad anything to do witb lt, m >ra than one shot wonld bave b^en hnard. for all tha atraaajon were anned. and, drutik un tbey roa.' have been at the ttaao, "r rathei aoooaaa tbey waredrtink, there wonl.l baro been a livo'.r fusillade. liut all agreed that there was but one sh?t. The Ponnaylvantan writhed In h's delirintn on the bunk. and ?as held down bv tln<e or men. He apneared to have no latareot in aiiL'ht bnt tbe bobgoblins and ereeping thinus tbat asaailed him in bis fauey. Hut ho bad seini rational monients. when h<? wonld sit np and parry on ? eonversation with himself in mnrtered. m eoherent ti-ne* not en-iv to iiud?r?tnnd. whnn over he spoke we liatan-d, as if for a revelation. Our onlv liirht in tbe hut waa from a Kingle candle Bet ititfl tne Boeket of a bavouet etiien m tbe oarthe-i fli_.r. From time to time he wonld forea hiuiself o il of the strone hands that were holdiug him, an 1. as h** Bwiinc his araia moiimfullv aboat, hia ahadow and aurs would be thrown n.?on ih rude v.?il? and eotfon e.otling of tbe hut, m.ikittir al.-iii.l. vot, under tho ciicnmstanee*., frtirhtful cancniiire_i of huuiati stifTennif. (inlvon.o did bo Bsv Biiytlnng worh while: " Poor Parr! Imt 1 wae n't to blame." Yes, pour Parr! but wbo was to hlame 1 lt waa a dreadful thitig to believo tbat murder cou.d liave b'-en entninitted there, among eumradea whosfl lives were in conatant peril f?r u BaBBBMfl cauae, even if done ia a drunken brawl. Bnitoora waa uo certamty tbat aM of tke nitie bud in.'i nnn h m liqnor. Aa I aeanned the (aoaa of ibe oh?r atraeglers I was nnzzled by otio eountenanee, th i* of a liitle Welahinaii, well-knit, al.out thirtv, ^aik-coinnlexiotif**'!, and having a tiasr of k .'ick e ea, whieh even on ordinary oeeasions were full of t'n-e. Hut now Iiia evaa glowed like two bai?__ coals aud Iii? cheeka were as.en while.. Hia tnati ner aud voie*. were agitutiad in the extrorne, aud t every qne^ion hia answer varied but slightly from: ''l^>ok ye. ah know nofhin' abnut if." The delinons fellow's ravings had BBBBBBa atrnnpe. hnt npw a aiiapi.-ion waairrowing that rbe man who did tlie murder. if a murdT wib dotie, was this We.ghina't. whose violent tetuimr aad vtudictive aatnre were known 1o us all. While the boriible thoughla ntfi.c'cd to mv mmd hv all thal had oo.?erred on this ?'irrnii_: night were rtowding np-an me, aiother ??r?ennt relievcd rae with arder* U> take the atraagler* ta t e elitm tiea, ali but the Peunsylvaniau, wbo ould not bo i. in .\ r i. In a ho low plaee behmd the shanties btirned the rre< t fire -vnere the co'npanv'a cooking w:ia done. Ita trlare waa hi 1d>-n froA diat-ut obaervora, and the wmd kept oil by toe siiantiaa in front aad tbe ridtce which raae steeply bvbiad, and at earh eiHl waa saaded hv Kereeas of laurel biia'tes ini<*rlseed wit n tif _>rine)ies. In the open space be'ore the bnthi?uitMirsthataparkl*d a^ainota hocehork-log, the men r.ilb-real t.? while awav tbo longevenintra ontil ihe honr rt.e to " turn ia'' for sleep. Many of th- Bnl.tiora were atripliaga, nat vot out of th?ir foeu*. Mnt there were aotne there in fha (rroups that iised u? ?tieu b their foot into tbe oahea nafore th.* ira who eonld ne doubt have told atrangr tulestHan any Ihev t?ld, had tbe*. been so inilmed ? half-gmrlad waifs.ftaB_i rartont parta of tlia world Te.-ar.ins of Mtrepeon. Amm aad Afriean wars': aailora who h.-id naied ib all 4ba known bohs?one of tbeae liod made sevaral slava voya-e*. anot ner had beea an acr-imphce in a fawous mntmy whoia tbe Orew Bil)?_ Hs inaater aud iaaif? and were iwaalaa the ship oft to turn her laio a piralo when nver taken and c^ptiired by an Areenean ratvn of-wnt. Thero wero taa fair-ead* of buataaity enliatad for aelf and from batred of work, aad iia.-ocia._-d witb boi-est and patnotic bbobv Like some of the cruaadera of old tbsy wero nghtiog for meat and dr nk, and aay, in a gioriona cauae. Yet mercena ries aa msuv ef theeo men worr*. aad frankly Soknowledeed Hiomae)ve? to be, they were moatly rava and ware loyal ta tbe ilag they bad ehoaeh to ftiliew. And over us ali was a enptain who waa an aarneat man tn tha eatiao of the ITaion, a galhtnt a?d *kilful aaldier, rary piooo, and a great Babar of iumxieating drink. In froui of tha bre, within a aetoi-ctrele fonned by all of oaal tho ahantiea. I?v Parr'o body. dc t*a\\f otretehed oot aa tbo blanket tn whioh ho ?adbeau brougbtaoroaa tho brtdge. Fifty f.v<*a ??aod down apos their daad oomrado. ruggod fac* Parr w** a flnely-ehaped man with etrong aaaaa rmin-o-warVmBn, ho wore a th ic k haaaaj eticirclimr hie throat from ear to. ea .the raat ..1 bia fioe heiug Bhuved smoatn. J bero wm no M we could aa* of a 8J988Qjj90_h. Hewimacaroolyevonpaler than naual. ?J?Jt taiii ordomi tb* strafftflers piaead n. the tront191.nB of the seiiii-.iiole. and m hia iiitliiriiatiou hurat uito a aeaihiag haraagaa ag-init dnaknig. The W.NIunan. however. diew t.10 covert aciu tmy of uli hy his baaaaytar. H?> jaaai vioieutiy n Bia ar** aearcb.-d all th? faoes about Uia rniK. bb.I it waa noiiced that uevrr ouce did ba lai ma turn toward 1'air'a t-ody. But whlle the captatn wae at tbe beight vt hiaeloa,B*ae*. aarallBg 10 tne koaon oi i?t:.i abatiaaaao k* ba draai from ;a* tragieal lacident, one of tbe Ktracelers. a Yery loqnacioaa fftliow, of an envioiis ini-.l ;?,"'.'.",Ii di'lik.-B, hnd beea ir e;??iiy watchmg tho N.-Mi inaii. Saddealy, as if hy an iaettnet, he rua-iieu ov.r u. tha bodv, aad, kaaaltBg down w, the firat lieuteuaut's attuiil 1011 t* uuder Parr'a beanl. lt waa a rlireo-rorueied ga* tb- throat. At tha exuosnn. of Ihm wouu.f, B*W f-r tbe tir>t time abBBfrad. anotherof a?9Br*9*riata, Beaally the apngtnli -st raaag lollnw in the c.mpanv. fr-ll in a famt acroaa tfaaeana*. Ta*ea*9ai*c?**d bla bbtbb** aaa ? -hiap*r*d -onfereuic to*k plaoe amoa* t'10 oBtcera. Tbaatragglaia w<-ie or.leic.i to gire over tunr iiiUHketalorinapecliai. All were foiuid 98 b* load od. as wa* usual at sii.h an aataaat ami imuo BBB t.eiu Kceut.y tiredori. Baft*4a,aad bayoaeta to*. siioiie nkesilver, wi 80Bl atai.i, 89 ruai. or l.awnn ateel or otank. Tbo bayaaai aoabbarda t<>o nne-bt harabaeaezamiaed, bal ae?B*h*w la tne exme Baaal thia aa*arerlcok*d. Tao deUrieaa falhawa arau at the gaard aaaao bet* tba aeaieb, e.iu-.nv well. It waa ii-iiaiulv uiyaterimis. Ibe algBI Kobar atraa-gicni all agraed ahont one. tlunir. or aamaad to agraa aboal n, that il.-y had druak litiuor freelv al tlie BBgro hut and Iiud then broBi n II . in <> amall nartics wilh no show ot ill-will so far, l.ut ooiie 8008919*1 to raoallaet who cmistituteil tne'several paruea, or when or how l'arr BMBBB* Beparaud fr.uu tho rost, or wbo bad beea Bbb) 98*9 III BJB noBIBBBT All bat P8n ha.l retiirn.-.l lo IM hut for 111010 liitu.-r and were tarat* fo.ind l.y tl.e. Iir?t lieiibenant. Ihe nine wero sent BB ??? Koiiiim-v u.-xt.l.iy uiij put 111 iious. but alt.-r 11 pi'.-lmiinurv exaniinatioa nll wero n-ieas.-.! l.ut tho WalabBiaa. who waa .aeat to Cuuiherlainl jail to 887011 his tnal lorn.ur.ler. , . . ,. . , stonewail JaaBaea shortly aftarayd dlaajaoaii usall from tbut glooinv roaioii aud g**tTOY9d the boautiful hrulgo. Tba >evou Daya linht waa a. ar.ely over wuen the Welahmn.i, wa-t.d BWBf almost to a sk?leton tho etrrrta of nj.irlv 11 ynnr's au l?w diut. ma*M u> M Hamaoa'B Laadiag. H? bad baao let out al jml far waat of *Yidaa9a agaiaat biaa. Hut vvti.t was iiUav* > iiuuiia Ui 11s waa the nftrr aaiaeg a* tli? raaag f.-iiow wbo falntad by*t i*arr*B t.o.iy Bearaaoararodaawallafter that, tfaougta be aad bafbr* b**a raaatrkably aetiy* aad vigorous ?the athlot." 111 a BOaaaay of uthletcs. Ho wa* aoBataatly ia and oal "f boawtal, a itady and puizlo to'the me ucai B88 wh.. saw thal 08 waa Blllag, hut c.iil.i nol BBBgBoai bia aii'iii-nt. Ho Iinallv awuv and difd 111 a inililary li.iai.nal 111 I'hila.l.-u.hi.i, ot BBBBO lonir liatlii-nalin-.l di.aoase, ar.orditig t* hospital IBBnrt, which bad loglT*B0*ae sci.-ntiii.: rcaaoo for hw doath. ne died tliasaiiii-(!aythat.thc-\Vi-l?huiaii WMdaWibaigad irom ( tiinl.--rlaii.i jail. Mat long atier, m septeml.-T, 18C2. thecavalry of lioth ridBB, niaiKonvriiiK aitr>r tbe ri?tUe of Antie tam, came into OOBtBOt nenr BarpaTI I'oiry- a verv tntiinjr allair lB.le.d. One ol tbe 87889080 fadei .1 cavalryuimi waa hroughi to the r.-ar. D*8ib waa aottliiiK dowu upon I11111 and ha bagaa 1898889 to tln. aurgeou in eharce of a luurder 111 th<- oatpo te not quito a year before. The aiirifeon, aiim.-e 1. Iisteuod attentively an.l hear.l the.lying man inaul tbal a Welshnia.i 89*BBBd of 1 u- uiiir.ler was luno cenr. But the . ,.v.ih vmaii, when ho had b<J' H?Ht f,tr WM Baiaod b? tbe la-t agonie* an.l lns rolc* was ailenced for ever. i'lns man. who had l>e..u traiiaferred irom 88998010807 te888 ravalrv n-gi nientin which benjet ni. late, waa the talkative paCBBB who had calle.l aluiilion l? tho wound in l'arr'r. throat What did ho know T and how did he know itt , _ .. The mysiery of thnt night at th<- Wire Bridge waa never 8j8918d U|?._ A MORNING AT MONMOUTII. WIIATTBK KACERSAKE DOING. FA8T WORK BY TWO-YEAK-.iI.Ds-TIMT..N NOT LIKRI.Y IO 1IIY FOB 1RK WIIHkks. Whnii'ver the writer (turin/; tho laat f.-w woeWa vUIIihI elther JBfMBO i'ark ur Hheepauaad Day tho firat queatlona Invariably put l.y traiue.r* wltn uaplra Uonafurthe Withera wern : " liave you a.-ou Iriton or Hupof'.ill Wbataagaa know about theml I* Aleoek goiug todo ua all up I" Toaorurelf po*alt>l? a auliitlon of thia prohlem, an rarly Bsornlng trlp waa eaadn to the* Newninrket of Arnarlea, at Monmouth Park.on Th.irsdny laat. Oolonal \V. A. Morrall, the new a.i|.erlnteinleiit of the traek.atr.od on the atep* nf lila hmi'" and with o:d-f^ahlor?Ml ho-iiltallty ext.-nde.l hia weloun.e. "Btiringat laat." aaid ho, "and liUh tlui" too. Wlir. w.xild yoube.ieve It I A waek ago ,n day th.- frBfll waa aot out of th* ground, but we are 4ata* v. ry w.-ll no.r. ?nd our l..?n>?? are riilleping In about .*.'J. Mr. WHher* waa dowu the olhar day and waa verv ni'idi nie:ia.-.l '.. tA'.iae be bad heard taut we were working ln bo. but that 1* nut tbe geaeral rula." "Any objectlon t?a little totitlng, Mr. Al.o.k I" a-k.-l the wrtter ofthe traiu.-r wbo atuiKl near t;.e n.ii* Bitfe watoh ln liand. " Nut the allfhteat, only you're a Ml Hte. BaWTBg, PmJwt *>eal atalag ?*y y?ag ?e * faat a*lf aatl , 1 you ran aee tliat." Tbaealtaaa ? in tae fnlloa-lng order : Eler tr;.-. raaag,Ot, Mbbb, fttar, T:iy. Martoer, Plaetwlag. whlle tbe thiee-i 1:1:-.,. 1 Hup fu! bruilgtit up the Ti.ey walkeii up to tl... balf ?tts pala ahat* they aBaaeal tl,-iiiM-lvea and in an inaiant they were awny. A rloud of iiuat enveiup'.'t tii.-'ii bal before th*y Badraaebad tba Qiiartcr K'.oetrlv and faaef partad roapany aithtbo re-t nnd riinnlng 1 :?-i*?l h.,.1 h.-iul,- Int* Ibo air.leu lagaib r, wltb Eleatrte next to tbe raila Panci bung OB wall to the eu.t. l.ut lie BMnage* tu kie], Bli*atly lu tront .ind pu>ae.l Um Boal tliat l.y ? in-.i.l, Kiun-i lnu t*a laagtaaln frnat rrl 8V 1 aa, raaaBagla " Wliat du you umke it I" aabed ?iOO*t tuiulng to tlie loo'uoraon ln t!:e gtaad aiand. " Fifty-fuiir 8'-.-...;-:a," rogUed CaarbM Ltttlaflald. MT*af* lt," repiifd AI.-o.-li. "ll waa a g xmi muve. Tlie iltat .juaiter waa ruu ln 38, an.l Bat BBOaaOl la 89. 1.1.1 yuii have uiiich lu haai at the I" he aaked tbe "No; weju-t u'.oiit got there," was th. reply. "And a*w, how laTritun i" Mr. Ai.-.u-k araa aaked. " Very well. tnde.-l. II? ta dolng ni ely, o< :.ll ..f my huraca are. He glvia tue nn truutile whutevi-r, uud taofe bia work thl-i.iuinlng. He la in.viu? ln alimti 1:54. I havo not a-ke.l hlm to do ntiv BatUW, anu I auall DOt burry nini f.u tii<-VS itl.era. If hoeoioaa to band ? w.-ll and good, i>ut I'ni aol Rotng tu ponn ! in ? life onl ..f liij-. lo wm tha Orat roae of tfe***W. iu.-ro am otle-r ra.ea latar 011 Juel na good." >!? iinwlille HuiM-ful, the "dark 0110," w:th w ..iu Ak-o. k, acrurdini; to Ih* M_a*wt*| mo:*." la lo awu .|. down BB Withera day, went by. Ba la r.illi-r d?-fi. I?1 ' .11 auli.-.'iui. e ui.d aSggg, Hia laga ure < u-.tu, nnd 98 i? ru.i.i-i-.ikr, Bat he ll B ialloaal BMiOfV Tu cuun u-i.i. t tl.ia Alcui k, evor allve to tbe lutereat ..f bla rburgea, had a patent irun BMBuVbox iiilt it|i ln kla Imi, TbB u ita ,ir.- ). ,t lu a auiall bln like reeyptae!.-aud Ihriaoa iIhi'hM to a parforatad aaa ra aaibliag a slara Xhe la* al 1... oata cau !>?? ragauata9 aathal laara ta nol mm.- inaa a ii__..iful ?iu ll.e pau at 11 time. A buiae tliat w.uild tuy witW nu.l aaasa bla faedlf ha gat It all at oaea, i.ib'.iaa up d tue quantlly ho wuulU othorwiae cuiiautua. While tlie horaea that h*d Juat wurked were eoolln< out, Mr. Aicoek klndly aliowed the other* ln th.-lr !.o\ea. Bt. Auvualnio la ? inueh luiprov.-d < ot, uud In tl.e pmk uf < ' In fa.t he leoka ao well that If he aturti fur th-vvithar* he will beat nrnre than will beat lilm. Yal*baa*at*aaB*ehaabaaaaaaaaiaa eatt, bui Alouck B.o* thal eli* h*a put 011 umrn lt. -n tid-, aluiei tnuu evor befora. Bhe will bo p-ady fur Jtiom ? l'.nk. " And bere la hor ladrahlp," aaid Aleoek tbrowlug oim 11 thcitiiur of thaadiuliiiiigbox. " Da yo*rraoaalaaBat t" ba ak.-^l aud bla faea B*a**ai will. ptaaaau* Ma the atateiy La*laa8M lurn.-d h.;r i.n-Hj liead I* a.^ whu bal ? iaito'ra wi-te. ehe la a i:rat.d lo.iklng inare iu every re apacl. l.e. p iln.i.i.ii lhe lu-urt, with aliouldrra nnd anaaaive quartera a.igge*Uug drivltig puM.-r uf lhe blghiat ..rde.r, >he Qila tho *ye aud latBTOoaao 0*0* tbe in..-: nupa?aive. Dncheaa haa apmad unl Into u ii.are uf briiuty uud Hiibataii.-i, L. r nv?i Loulaette baatl n, i on louka. .-Ue la lu the beat, of i-uiidiiiuu aud luo.ta wall. (i..| Motiltur louklui flne a* sllk ranie forward a* nlui t.l. >K a iwo uid .nl aiiiii.-Kted hia vlaltura to a claae " ' Olrl Baldy ' la dWInc verv wall." aaid Ai coi-k. " Hola a ki.owiug fellow. Nothing aaoanea hltu, 1.11 notbuu: worriet hiui, ba 1* ao eaualuin uud aeeuia lo b| |i.'ipelitu!,y Ba*kt*g .'..aiUleuU Lo liimaeli." Thaakumv waa neii aliuwn Thia coll la bv all tbo moat forward of the lot and ha* worked lu l.'.J. Batblag alla bim and II Aleoi k haa lu.k with hiui he la lik'-ly to re.-ur la hl* exeelleiil iwo-i eiir-olrt funu. " He wa* i.auked at > 1.000 t > 91(>0 far Ue lu lha eurlv pari of Ibe week," aucce-Ud tha writer. ?? Ye* I Well tliuu the Bawl muat hara get lari.-r agalnar hlm, ae yeaterday I put glOoou ^*i,o*tl." waa tbe reply. " Aud lu re I* Iilluu," aaid Aleork. A rlt h dark brown, of abutit the aamo sl/o aa Dwyer BrothOrB' lli. hiiioml. he haa tt pli.ln bead. a laxy eyn, a blood-lika ne.k, **U iiUu-.-.i aiioiiiders, and good quarter*. A* ba (landa !>? fur.- ou* he apprura a time jdui h?-?l tn tbe flat.k, but tlna la caua.-d more by lhe reflacilon of Ina brigtit than by a.t.ial deflfleuoy. Ha la exiremely woll put toaeiber. and, ibougb aniall, he ahuuld ba able to pack weigJiL lila lega were i.audaged balf-way up te the knee, but a* Aleork bandago* all bla huraea lu their work tbla mav not al<nlfy uuy tlilng aeriuua. Rereller waa nax't *hown. " Tbla horae waa ln tha aaivliat Ii.ra weak laal wlnter for g'J.r.wai," aaid Aloock, " but be la aot for aale uow. l-ook ut hlm ; ba baa not beea la lot.g from hia work, and there la not a pnlf. He ta a k-ood lioraeaud wtll pay bla way." Ladyblrd.aUUr lu Hiaa, iaa tiuu t....iuy two yanr-uld. bui at ah-a iaa late foai. havlag beeu dropped May 'Jtt, Aleoek doea not burry her. " And how i* tbe Iudlan cbief, Teciirnaeh V LHtleflald wa* atked. " Ob, thry'li tall yot. all about bim," aaid tha tralner, iHilutlng to Aleoek aud tha mbare laugblag. " I gara min a faat mlle yaoteraay, bat ii'a sa aeo* to .Ba, aa tliay all know tt. YoM aaa Jagar WaJileo baa a prlvata track, oa whlrk ba goilopa bla b'.raea uutt! he La* ainortM-ig good aaaagb ta aataalab ua with, aa ba tbiuka, aad tueahe brlag* 11 oiar hara. Ou Tueaday be brougbt out tbe foa*-yaar-old Banquet by Klng Ban.who ahowed am'lelnlrlB. ni-Bt-B-fl was made tn N eecotid* ao.l Uie ___>___2___S 1:110. Yesterday mornlug I aaveTecninseh hl* BHM ho dld It la 1:48%. niakinx $____???""JiJ! a.-coad*. Thia I ttiii.k I* the he.tnilie._f __?nay aaaaa. Teouiuseh U n coltef wkioh great thl-K* *?^??E"'?? laat year. Wltk aueh work a* thi* uuw bi* admirera aro lltelv tu cel recuinpeused this year. The beat work tfone by two-year-olda tkla ~MTWOB done by Mr. Kelly'a twefllenelg oolt*. one a BlOlMVao tt,e Hetintrope oolt. and the Uobaa gfr. ?""'J ,.n We ln. art.u arternoon, took themoi-t aud they_"_w_? hn.i al.4.fn.tle ln 5.%. Wlth *uoh iiiovea a* t.? th-re wlll be aouie llvely mmjnm^Jm^tm JoraallO. Mr. Kelly haa alwaya li.-.l im eaia-. ralfltBey f?r twe-y-a- BlaKaaBwtlk aaa- raajoaaaafcaaaataoo ,,??? kaadloa fur iiim the oaaary ooa oo*_l loJbo'JJL* Ibo fore rreqnentlyoo theT. V. C-thl./eer. Ibo Bono tr.,** bora e^u-lldate, la a flne inlnial aud ls dulnif vtrv w.-.l tii.leed. , . r.?t. Appleby k JeBaaoa'e bet-aa ar- nnnrtered at lawia fatcwurt's alnea at.i.ut - qua'-ter ef B nall" frnta ll "ri. k ,1a-. ..f i-t-arta 1. 'la ihe of aaaBlttooaaB laoka bett-r th..a Be ever Ufora. ^{?raaoiM lil.n .me can ...V.-r-tn-.n the ,! lu hl- bal. r wtit-n bowaa kaeke. ftroaj S? tu 1 _o*?*?Af,___ Bnburban. Katehl of Blloralle, l?W_ ???***" .topp-al ll. hla work. ne went lau.e on ____* ?22!?% a?. alueagk than. la notnine "'^???SS!*??**^ i,e,tt?iot up?.u hhatora litti._wi.ile. OeMfeilow. tke aark Wltaoro een-ldala, toaka well. but M ao kU a hotwe aa he la. standing l*_JL*J ,,-._ht to have m.ire s.ib.tanra. Tiirk I* J'"?* bat he la i.nderal/ert aa. .l.-fl.-l.-nt ln ___; rt'.a 1 ir... I- iirmnla.,,. aml Old Mamniot. st wlll probably win BWBBJ a tW.,:>-rtera 400k T-t I He twi?.yca nlda luok oonie what backwaia. Herirai of them went baaetatketr BOtly w..rk an.l ?te-:.rt. WtOO andrare.ul traltiertBut ne la, is ni.i UiirrvltikT theui. ... ,. , _ ,*,. Mr'aatnog waa relnforeed laat weelt i.y tne fl.l.iiti.i, uf Reder, tfreealan. bo_ lha *__?<?"",-.,ra.i_'.- OlTl flllv from Mr. JobBOM a farn . ureealaed looka oad aawee well. Ilwl-r o,,,* ..r tn. Mortemar rast-oA froai BoBBaraa, la a ?BaBtag l>U loii, hal kardly aa eariv Ut?_^^^ A NIGHT-CAP PARTY, HY onk mh) WAS THEU. R,v,nltK, Maaa., April ?.-"You'il bad better bv ha! You'll h.ive a nawful |BOd time if f do. I w .ut 1.1 faaa I d' kaow m.thnrhow l sba'li a?tin' it t'i hoiue. Bat ve know," shakinif h-r liead ?,lv. 'yo know I coui.l no ways laa** l.oh-rt. Kobert he | inl7/ih!e." Mra. N.vicy llolland nonsed an Instant ln her breathlc-** hurry "f 8p8B8tl. aud he.oro oithor of us could niake ;i rcm.rk, slm l.e-an ngain. MQyalaral _ eike, 'n pie! and the sighte-t of hai -iioanil Oh, I Jao ortoh I o*dl laaaa BaaartP1 "If my haallk BI aparai, and the weather ia go .(!, aod ara daa't have company, I nioan to go to th it Plgbt-oap Party thiseveiting/'aaid I wben we iuo arara i.-n aloaa Periiaps aiicli parties nre eusfomary antertain ments iu the otiler world from whieh we are a>.iit oil. bal they have never oome under my observa tioa. The aiinouneement of oue aets this little Nj'ttleiiieut iuto a flutter of interoaf. We have iaojutiod as to their orgin nnd purpo.e. Their germ, their embryo, we have beoti entirolv unable lodiOOOTat, hnt wo have f.nind out for what pur poaoa night-enp party is h*-ld. It la to holp pay the niii.ister; and the mmister himnclf aud his family aie expe.-t.-d to he pn-aeat a id earh roatrili ute tlier tifteeti or twe itv-livo centa to go into the aaneral fund for their hetiolit. Piolere nii^iilall, while I waa in the harnyard feadlngtbe Rymouth Raek h?na, I *-.iw ihe t.>;. ><' a liead tightly tii-tl aboal with a w hlte rloud enfer at Ihe Iiont gate. I h.iat*tao4 foi war?l and met Mra. BwaiL <>ur aolBBtMBL wlma* buabaiid aad di?*d a f.w m'.iiths i.ef re. aad al whose luueral we had offletatod iu a new eaaaatta. "(lood eveniii'." shc sat.l in her raaping v..jee " N.., I i uti't OOOJM ia. we're a goin' ter Ml a fOBtlTal up ler the veatrv ler iii^'ht. 'ti wu'ie motaf t-er boV Jainea liatid's team'n all of ua go. It'll he a gi Mr time. 'u I raa ? ><r siater might BOjiooaa inler lli" tciiiu witb us.' Baa waa rory klad aad I told h<T so. Sh* koew of im irii Btar tre.u that BOald posaihlr Im offerod to us. At pntise'y half-past ? that ingbt, Oottrado and 1 "eajBM)818-1 mto the t.-.itn" .itnl v.ere lakOB ui? t.. the vihage, and dopooitad at im raatry ll "?'? Iti the uf tlw yt-atrv waa a suiall aaartmaol ealle.l t!if "aiit?-i"oiti, ' mto wliu li all tho wometi imiiirdiiitelv erowd-d, and which snielled s'ronglv of citronolla hatr-oii. aod oalagao of tho kml aahl |naaiall trial battioobyaedlara Thatawaaa boteylindel st..i.< and a I.M.kiug-giasa. Thto ? i* all the fiirniture, aml **-as all tHat *v.i* do oa~otwoaettooo aaaiaat tha oraO. Wa aotoboa. and did BSaetly "hat tlm i-*ai ? ii*.. laa .m.i of each tiew.otiier w ;is, flnt. t'' foi ?!f her elotid and rnbbor OTaiatooaaafl roll thaaa BB H 1 i ? ,t ho ni .. ptaaod taaal ai ortth a l_r.e pm. I lua buii.lie was tiiuti de H,?iteil ou a M*it.*e. Iu this **av. when you fonnd unv of your "things" you fi.ti'tid tb-in all Alao, when jroa loat uny of ihe 11 yo 1 1 ?>.?! taoaa ali. Btoct ayoaoa h*a iu drawli.i. ks. ||y a|s'(.r anl f bad paokad wrupa ut..! 1 > 111 tBoiallooa laa niie of Btaailai ob toota. aud auw that ctir naii more waa to txith aml atru.irle toward tlio tiiirror, and th-ie give a laat uttnatioti t? u::.l ".'.lar. Mra Kwell wo* cs nlf.l'.v in'cinlitlg l'i be our e!i.i;.er?ue, for *-h. kopt noar ua aad aatapafa. 1 ?? wiieu vou're raady, |ao aay tho w..r.i. aad we 11 tro iu. I \%.j 1 >t I*. bo in tlm. for lho Btagia for u'a 1/0111' Vtt bo extry. I'hc\ ? booa I'ul *m M ntiily H'li.i fi.. b tho ei aa-ro Brtdootly neiriv ototj ona badthoaani0 aiaa to booai lv. for whiaa aro v boob l mr 11 n* v-atry Ui ro om, ?"'? a raa 1 laryc ooo,waa aoarly full. ?- " a . lliiali it-ll ii|....i t . I -...*. lli- 111 i.lM. 1 ooaduel ng to ti." pla?ionaa till girl iu a platd ,lte.a and .? larwe aoektia " Am't **tie dreaa...| he latlfolT" " S w I guesa vou'll hear ?. m.-tl ri'!" ?? in.i iho ? ? iha' baofl ia heraolfl lf ahe did, ah'-'a a pg'l.r bora ? iar,that'a all I aa? tor aaj !' .,,.,. I ..--.? remarka I overlieard, ntnl baforo Him 1, i',,.,!! bogaa. Mr*. Earali to bm wi'li pi oi- : ,,._., " 8-0*0 BB) ? ? vv i 1 cusili. I .1 .ol BBt a BtfDl bj M'nndy.*1 rhoa tbo prima-donna fmm the I lanc. Ofcooraaii ??? ta timply droadfnl. Knt tbeoe peoplo wore (h.ri.c!; they tbamped and elat?i*ed nml cbattared a 1 otot, aad are foared M'rl '? W.t.ihi ll.ive to dng -t.'il :: I?' 11 tbe pOOpM rrally t"" eagar f"t Ine featiral to go oo BBlonisblUS :>i-;,.-.-f ?.f BVOrrtblBg t.> tne waa, n ?? ih.ii iiu v .1.(1 not do icit.r, bal laat thoy i.crli'iiiy aattoflod with tlicir aehioronanto, and tboroagaly connaeed that nowbero in tho world hiiCing ..i acting bo iap< rlor. At the endTuf tbio tboro wi lant huah. At one r-.inci oi tho io *tii. earofallf railed off, wsjg ;. largo moand of Bometblni oovared wlth s otriped a spread. [hadaakea Mra. Kwoll wbal lhal pilo waa. aad boeo Bnawerad by n tuiiiue bm.i u : cant Mttiiic. Now Deuoon Eira Hawkris . ? i witb n poapaaa a;r, aad earofally ro? .rod tboapread, roveallag a eolleottoo of white (iijia with eolored llantitr border*. Tbo si?ht created a nniroroal tittar. Deaoon Hawkiaa lliiag tbe Miip-;;.! graoofally over bt| arm, anu eloan tl, roat " |)tai Ir enda naa-uihW'd hi-rc Ii.-tnu'lit." h<? said. Mwe baro oome togntber foi -i m irl . porp ?.(>rt!,. purpooo: ittatoboipi i tbo oleryol rcir bolovod p.tat .irc. lt- lo .ni" of Ihe; hieal pnr poaoo tbat we can anrwara apeod our in.> ;e\ f >r, aod 1 ho e khepVU boao stiat. Put yoai liamls into your poeketa gentleiaon, and walk ap and oeliekj ooroapo, reoaoaiboria' II ii for a worthy purpooo U iicti ho liad il'tic apoaklng, the men, psrtt. "i' n lv ti,.- yaaaaeroeoa b#aan puahmg np loward 'he doaoonand Bucooaa wbiUtba wotaon Inoenatnlr aeparated tbea>>elreo fr.nd theu prntaetora BM ...ii ..ii the ... bec - t'i" of i li? room, "I trpaae yoo aln'l got n.> c.p," said Mrs. Kw.ll tO BI Slalcf utld |||... Wonderiuglr we anowerad thal we h ul aat, "I thoogbl 'twould bo ao, ao' I'to' brougUl o;ia far each -lj'', I want.ii ya toonjoy yoi i lT< *?'' Kho dicw out of i,.-r para t tnrao big whito nlghtaasapo; one bad a blaa tnll roaad tba ou? u pink, aud ooa a iad aad Uai a ebe. k. Bba pui me rod aml blaek aa ner owa baad, au.l aald i "Taaoeoaow Us. Put /oara rtghl oa they are a begiuuiii' tu." AsBure.llv they were "a hesintiiti' tn." Kearij nll tha woiii.ii uuw woretheoa ' uga lappiag notw.) niiko, aml tba Bishi wai .... groiaoQaa thal weallbegau te laugh. W'e ilouued uuim, und iu a nioiueui. a bla, N4*_aadad (oliOW came up |0 .... atatafl aml bbmi "I dou't nntt bnt wha'. y.ui'll have to go out |B stip|?er with uie. J eee your eap matche* iniitc.'' It wao true. All tbe enpa we/e made ln pair*. nnd the man whuhoitghl out- miist lin I bia inatch und take h r out to oyat.-ra aad uie and cuke. und tbe " of ice-crcam" (lertrudo'a galluut wore bis BBf very ibucIi on om- rida atnl oailiod hlajBOlf wuii i.iihcr a danditinl air. I ho IW0 walkeil nll ii.g.itlier. their uapa tlappmg. Kvery lune a itentlciuau foui.d hia matcli. aa it was'.B.I, und took her to Ihe supper in tbe next to .iu. tboro was a ruar of good-nuiurt-1 lauirlitar. S*ou the woro lilled. aud tbeta ttu a great clatterof cupa nnd aniccrs, and a guhblmg uf uianv aoiay -. I>?>*icoo Ilawkins bod mv mateh, and ne BBd I wora the laat at the table, wheu tbo oystoro were cold and the icc-creain gettitig warm. Tha deacon waoaahrewd mau anl said oome "iuto Ihiugs" during the ne al. of wiiich ho nartook with imiflonm' guato. A wouian n'-tt me, a'ler eallng two bowls ?f OTsteretew, and I don't know hnw inanv eeg menta ol pie and eake, informed me, appnrentty by way of explanation of her gastronoiBical fe.-its, tbat " lt wa'a't ofteu ahe had a ehanco to eat ot mr folka' victiials, hut wb?n abs ditL tbey Us-nl anighty good to ber, aud alui meunt ta tuaka tho m'?st of um." "I opeaa we*U clear flfteen or twenty ddlnrs," aaid ileacou Hawktns at his third ciip of enlfee. " Yo aee thia Mipuer* twouty-hv. oenls a head, and wao moatly furniabej by tbe s'un-tv iisuili 'bout al! profiu There goea tbo luiulauir witb bis matek Great ideato tnake BBB help pay hiaowu aelery. atnt itt" . Al lune o'clock we had all had our eupiera, and wo waaaan woro ln tha aate-rooui, sirusJitag to obtaln from tho aatteea tbe rulia wh.cU aaoaaapntaa anr orcrsboea and wraaa. THE PHILOSOPHY OF DRESS. BY OSCAB WILDE. Copyrtght IHSH. There bas been withiu tbe laat few yeara, both in Aimrica and in England, a marked development of nrtistic taato. It ls impossible to ?o iuto the botisoe of any of our frieuda without seeing at onco that a great ehange has taken plaee. There is a far greater feolmg for color. a far gn-.ater feeling for the delicaey of ft.rm, as well as a sense that art lonch tha comnioneat thinga of the boaoobold into n certain grace and a enrtain lovclincM. Bat there ia alao a whole side of hunian life whteb bas be> n Ieft almoat entirely untonched. I uieau of conreo the dres.a of men and of wumen. . . I ha.o been Boinetinies aertised of setting too high tan imiiortaneo BB IfBBB To thio I BB-rWOf tbat 14*088 iu iia.-lf |g a thiug to me ahtolutoly unitnpor [afBettha more coTipleto a dn>ai looks on tho .l!iiiiiiiv-:i,nre of tlu- milliner's m1i.?p, tho lese oaitabletatl brbatagfrara. riiagorgeomcostiunej of M. Wortln al-Uer s.-eins to BM liko tliose Capo di Monte etipa, which aro all curvea an.l coral-han d!ea, BB ! . ov.-n* 1 over wit!i a PaBlhaOB of godo aud goddaaBB*!* higii excit-.metif aml lnglierrolief; that ls to say. they are curiotia thln_|s to look nt. bat en? tirely iinlit for uae. Tbe French milliuera eonanler that wnnco aro crc.itcl ap-.-ially foi thoa by Provi h-nce, in or.lor lo diaplay thoir elahurate and CTpeuaivo wan?s. 1 hold that dreaa ia made fur the servico of llumanity. Thoy think Beaaty is a niatt.-r of frillaatil fiirbelow.a. I care aothing nt nll fur fnlls. nnl 1 non't ka**/ wliat furbulo*. nre, but I esre a greit deal for the wonder aml urace of th.) iiuiuati Forin. aad 1 lio'nl that tho **ry ftrat canon of art is that Beaaty la alwavs organle, and B0BB08 from witliui, nml uot fro.u without, com is froni the porfoetloa of its otvn heiuir nml not fron anyndlol pr.-tt.nca,. Anl th it c.ins.-iiueutly th 1 l.e intv of a dreaa d"p -mla .iittr.ilv nnd nh.olutely on the lovelinesa it a i .-Ma, BBd 00 tlio f re.-.lotn and iiiotion tl. it il .!?.<>? not impntlo. Frnm this it folinws that tiiera om be no beauty of utitionil BOOtaaaa nntil lhaa* ia a national knowl edge of the oroporliona of the liumaii form. To .irc.-k and Roiuan anc i kao-rledga ea m aalotally frorn thn'gyimiasitim and tne pshostra. from tlio danee in the ?taflffir and the mee by the TtTtBTT We mtist acjiiin* it hv the etnplov.n?nt of art in adueation. And knowle.lge of tba kind I woald8*0* btaSBM tho inUeriUneo of all, if each i wero taagM to dr.w ?a ettrly aa it is tatight to wrtte. . . And if a child doos sfu ly th ? human flguro it will learn n gl**| many valnable lawa of diaaa It will loaia, for laataaoa that a waiat taa vory be.iutiful aml delleato i urvo. the mm* doHoato|tho _aoro iicautitiii. au I uot. M tlm >B0T foiidly iliiagiuc*, aa abrnpt righl augie auddeniv occarnag in tba midlle of the peraou. Ile will leafti Bgaiq that s./i* baaaaihiagt<> do with baaaty. Thia.ldaro oay. oooato a vory obTiona prapooitioa. Baltfca All trutus are porfoetly obviaua oaaa on? eoea tliem. Tho anly tning ia to ooa tbooa Biao ia a aaon aoot* dont ..( oalotenea. it ia boI a noaltty of Baaoty ever. B graat eatbodral l* baaatiral, bat aoiataa blrd lhal llt'*a r.iun.l its pmuacle, aml the biitt-irily that ? lonitashaft. A toot io not oBcaooarily aoaa* ttfal aaeauao il bi atnalL Th* aoiallool laal in the wiirld are tboae of tho ChinaOB la.ltea, aud tbey are tbo nalieal alaa\ It ia i tirioua that ao mnny people. while they are ojnite rej ly to r.g'n/e. in Innki'ig at nn ordinary drawiac-roooa, tu il tne boriteatal Ime ol frici" aml iUdo dmiiti.aliea th" hoight ot tne room, liii'-a of pi I ?r <>r poaol ifl . -a*ie it. ict ahonld boI aaa that tho aaraa laora apply to iln-.a alao, tndead in aaoiloro caatama the m>ri /t.ntnl Itit* ta ua..| far too ott.-n. th.? vertu al Itue fai loo rarelv, aml tiie obliajao hua acarcely at all. I.,.- walBt, for laataaa*. is aa a mU ploced to* ],,w .l.wu. A long waist impliee u short -kiri, irblob Ualwayaaagraoafal ao it oonvevsan oaVot of short l.inoa, WMfaaa a hi.h w.uat givs an opportiiuily of a tiua seriee ol vertn al Uaea falltng in ihe I'.lda <if ttn* 4*088 down t? Ihe foet, aud a aenoo "t talloeaa aml gra. *>. Hr-.?<l pu rod ?leave*. agaia. by inteuaityiug tha botiaoatal litie Btroae tlie nbonhlor*. ma. ba* wuru by thaaa Ibal are t.ill aml -liglit. aa lh"V diuiiuiah auy 010808 I* beigbi -.ul k,.*'< Bropartioni b| thaaa who un aiaall they anoald lx> ar.iuled. And the oblique Uae, whieh one geta by a cloak failing from the tlioul.lar aoro?otbo aady.oc by u g..wti loofodap at tl e anle. ia auitahle to altinct ali lU'iirea. |ti* a Ilne whteb rorroei-omla i. tho dtraetioa ol taotioa, BBd envovaan imprcaaion of di-iiitv aa well as ot rn-.-.h.rii Thero ara of eourae taaay other anptioa Uoas of theao lluaa, I bara maatioawl taaraly oao or two tn order to remtml paaala how Mantioal tlie law*t.f aiahnoolaia aad al ar?ae reniiv ara aad bowuiuciiilep.-n.laou lae aad pr..|>oi i,.>u. laBood I he f.*at .it a MMld I''"! "U" la Ita OUhOlMBI*. BOW, ill faet, it would lonk iii s. iilpture. Um booldoa '.in* thera m alao oolof, In deeofatlng aroooa. aatooo uu? wnuu tm* r.><uu to booitbei ehaoa or a mbbbbbi oaa Binat bo qalto oertaia ol o e'aeolora bi .?*. no alao in dreaa Ihohannonj ..; ... ->r muat l.e elearly aattled lt ooo ia omalUtbo Bimplieitf of one oolof h?a Buwyadvaoloaeo. If om ia t.tiler tw.. eoloraec thraoaay banoad- ido ti..t wiohtogivaa aaroly arltbmetical i.aets for au ,i. th?ti( ijueation, bnt pei h ipa tiir-?- ahadeaof color .- litmL At anv rat- ll ihould h.* rrmombered that lo lookinc al aay beaotlfnlly dreoaod aaraoa. t t ? ya abonld bo attra ted by lho lorolineoo al Ime au.l pr..p .ltion. and tba di-sa oboold app-ir a coinpfete harnioay fron tbo head to tbe foot i and ? .? auddeo appearaneo .>! any rlolaot con traatingoolor. la bowor rtband, di tn 'a from tbo dlirnity of tha ud ooa aatratoa it an a mcru dotatL Then aa reaarda the kind of c..l..ra, I nh.xild like t. ?t ite "ii ?? tor all thai tbera ia do aoch tbing aa a Si,? ., ,. ,;!..: color. All good c.lora ar.- e.,ii.nlv lie iu| t il ; it ia only iii tho ineatioa ol Ibelr oo n blnation tbatarl cotueo in. And oneobonld bato Do m iia pr.-ferc.i- e for "ii" eolor ov-r an.ituer tlnin lu,. 1. m for ono note >.n tbo piano otbi ita neigbbor. s..i ara Ihora my aad oolora rbora an- l*ad colora, rocb ae Albart blue, and magenta, and arM-nto ireeo and tb* oolora ot aalliaa gvaa ganarally. but Bgnod eoloi alwara gl?oa .me pleaeum. Anl the lertiarr and sooonalary i ibwa aro for general u?e tbe aif-at. ao tbey .L> ao. jhow wear aaeily, aad ... glve one n aen-e of rapoao and iinet. A dreaa should not be like a stoatn whlotla, for all that M. VVorth may a.-,. i_oa ao reganla pattern. It should oot bo ta* ilcii.iite. A Btrong-f marked, for inataneo, haa waa* diaadrantagaa !'?' makea tbe aiigbtaat laaqoality ln Ibo B_nro, aoeB ao oatweofl tbo two ahoulilera, very apparent; Wen il ladifl mt to jotn tbe pattera aeeuraUly at tbo .- aud laetl*. Itdiatiaeta tbaereaway froni the proportiooo of tae (gora, and girea lho a_*ra .[? til-. au abnoimal Importaaoa Iii"... agaiu. tho pattern ohoali nal betooblc I ? ? thia, be tauae I hapaaaad ataly iu London to bo looking for ooma ataaajM^I gray plnab or t, aiiitubla for aiaking a oloak ot bveryebop I went Into tbo raan abowod me tbe moal atmrniona patteraa, thinga far loo blg for aa orai* m.rv wbII paper. far too blg lor ordinary eurtaino. thinaa. ?a Cct, tbat wonld r.uie a larpjo pablio bnildlng to ohow ibem oil lo aay adv.mta-e i t...| t'ie "am...rn ni to ohowaaea pattern loal would I.- it. some aud preportioo t" th" '..'..:.. Ol a..-.I.' WhO ***J^*l*iJ*nw*l twolvo f.-et in hc_ht. II- ropliod ho waa e-tr-me'v sorry bnl th.t ii was Impooaible i tbe ???].?* pattarno wero no |..n;.:.'r ''"""'?r''x,",.-i " t the big pBtterno wol* tbo fashioa. B*w wban .1 tha w.itd f.iahion. be noationed erhat ia tba ? euetar of att io thia oeatnry. as iu ali i an? turies. FsohiOB r.sts ?p?? Art--cstsup.,i? Poahion laepbemeral Ail taotarnaL Indeed - ia.. raabion roallyl a faa. ia i> . formol ngCneeaao abooloUly ??hearablo ttrtn baaa i.. mtent oaert ali aiaatbal ll "s qulte oiear tbatwor* ith.a.iiitol ond rat-onalarowoald aot ?Hor anytbinf thal o-aibtnad tbooa two aua i.nal.ti. a And whero-er droaa baa ba** aa.ll *aa rVmain i anebanged in law aud orineiple ?wtor hundred yeara And if anv of my iractloal Wenda ib tb* Statao refnoo to raoogaiao tlm value oftbe p,-I..,.,.,.-?.?.rllBtlC lawa. I ..... .1.11 ere.'l. v ;.. nattbepolul entirely ea an oeonee-io baola, tdo oaoaal of naaoy tbat ia spent o-aaw rmu la America on dr.?a ta amnethiti- JtJ*??_i.tTl?lTSJlJ ,i:lvo ,,.. doaini to w.-irv niv ra tdora wHn ",;l,'2ti''H' hat if I wi ... tu state the oiiin that is aMtyaarUr otihinnets, I am sun* that _?___*__?/ iC coaunuu.ty would he IlLodf ortth BBai*ad %*? ?tbai half witb deapair! So I will ciitent u ,a f wilhsa.iug thal lt ia Boopoibiag iiiiito outi-ti i ? p..rth.n to thooplondorof modora inmuaail ti at nTraaaoaaioolbe lo-Aod for. ^J^-Egft ,, doo ... tbo apparol. bat rather in that un.boaJ t ly necoaaitv toi .'liauge wlii. h Kaahiou lmposes on Ua heautlul and misgiii.led volaiiea. .. t ., . 1 am to'.d. aud I ?ui afraid thut I *&J*Jg3 if a pcrson aaa raekleealy laToalod m ^"J.^* " ii.*. lateet 1 _ria boiinet," snd worn it to th? ra>? nnd j.-ulotia- of the neighhorl.....;! *BC a Im*mght. ber daaraat frtoad is nuite certain to ra l upon ber an.lto .mutmn inci.fe.itally thal tbat JW?** kind nf homiot haa entirely out of laaliioii. Conaeonently a new bouuet b?s at oiioe to ie l.on.'l.t, thal Fiftb-ave. be mJB***?*\ f'V* " ' ,f ?KPOBM entcred into. WUi'fM wore tho. UwoMBf dress toun.le.lon art inateod ol ',\f"?l,'"ul'1.t'l*_ would bo no neceeelty for t.s ro.ia******** _g of borrer froui boiror. Wbal la bnaut ul look? alwavs MW aud alwaya deligbtful. aud nau no ore ?ld-fas!.lone.l\han a flower can. [^'u reckleaa of the hidiriduallty of her wor sr.ppera. carea notbing. wbetber tbey ba ull or Hl...rrf..irordark.tata:y or olight. ?*??#H*,|mJ ll] be attire.1 ex.u tly iu tne aame way, BaW_-BOaaB ?nvct aaaaa bm w.ckodu?-, y^ruX^Ztii nay evau io each, tbat perfe.t ll > ?y wtt-ehc.a iromobedieneo to law.^aad?<_?????{'J e.r,_etii ._ f..' ha'tter ??r luimaoity tbaa tbo Sraaai of la_M U_u_aortbo anatcnyof anilin* _>.a And now at regarda the ctit of the dresa. The Iirat and laat rtile ia thia, that each eeparnt* article of apparel is to ba euepen.led froui tha sIiouloYiBiilwavH. atidnever from tue wuiat. Nature. it should be tiotod. giveaone no opportunitv at all of anspending anything from the waiat's delicata etirre. Couseqnently by nieans of a tight coreet a legular artifirial le lge has to be proiluceal. froin which the lower guriient may he aecurely hutig. \\ liere there aw prttkoat*. tnere muat becorseta. Annihllut" tbe fonner and the lattef daaaf**r. Anti I have uo h.sit.ition in sayintjthiit whenever in hisiury we |_4 that dre*s has l?ecoine ahaoluMy Btaaaara** an.l ugly. it has l.aen partly of courao tbroagh tb* adataaaa i.iea that dresa haa an iu te Befldeai eziatanoa of tta own. hut part'y alao tbrongb tbe faabloa ..f baagiBg the lower garru?:nu froin the waist. In the aixteenth century. for, to givetho iicoessary coiiipreaaiau. L'ath ariae de M.-.liei*. Exagb-Prieaaaai of poison aad petticoats, iuvented a corset which may he lagaidad aa the, climax of a 189*81 of crinie. It was ol sioel, bad a fi'.mt au.l a liack ln it like the OBlraai 8f a lircbiigado, and waa eecurcd under tbe. left arm hy a Inisp and pin. like a Baratag* Ita abjaet waa to diiuinish the .?iriMi;iiii-reiii-,e of tl.e waist to a circle of ihirfvn iu. baa, which waa the fashianable size sitiiout which a ladv was not allowed t?. apsear at court; and Ita intlnenee on the healfh and he-nutv of the a.e mav l.e eatiiiiat.-d hy tho fact that tb* iiormal wauB of 8 well-grown wotuan Is an oval ol twenty bix tu t wenfy-eight inchea certainly. Aa aae baa halut bbW*** bf**dl unother, iu or.lcr toaitpport the aenriit of tlie pi tticoata the lar dtogala waa inveut*.! also. I'his wua a huge striictiire. nutnctiiiies of wicker-work like a large clPtboa baaket, s .inetimcs of st.-el ril.s, au.l cxtt'iiileii i.'.i e.icli side to Ntu-h an ext.iit laal m tb* r.-itrn ol Kli/.abetli an Kngtish in full 81888 took up qalie as much room as we would givo now to u very gooil Bized political meetmg. I need hardlv t>i.i:if cut vvlut a seltiah fa.ahiou thia was, rnnalnarl** Iba llmltad earfae* of the glohe. Tbaa iu the la8t ceutur) thure waa the tioop, aud m thia the crinoliii.'. Hut, 1 will l.e told, ladn-s have long Bg* mven np crinoline. hoop aud fardngale. Thai is so. An.l I am snre we all te.'l very gratefol la them. I certainly do. Still, does there not luiger. avea now. amougst ua that dr.-a.tful, tbat wieked t'.iu :. callud tho l.ress Improverf ls not thut vilest of all diiniiiutives, the critiolette. 8tiil to l.e seen f I am qnite anr?. that none oi tnv rradera ITBT droaia af WBaiiag anything ofthe kind. Hut there may l.e others who are net so wiae. aud 1 wiah it could ba aonvoyed ta them. delioataly and cniirteoualy. that the hu-ur-glaas. ia not the ideal nf Furm. Often a inodeiu drees hegius cxtremely well. i roin the n.-ck to ilm waist the linoa ot the dreaa Iteslf foi low out w ith more nf lots couipleU-neas the lines ofthe flgiire ; bat the lower part of the c<n tti.iio heconira iiell-sliaped and heavy, and hreaks out into ,i aenea of iiaish 188881 and coarse curvea. Whareao U froea the shouluers. nnd the should. ra only. aaebatparataarttala huug, there wuui.l l.e then no ueo-asitv lor any artiticial auppnrts of thalUBdl h.iTi-alludrii to. and tifflit lacing cutild be il-.i.e away with. lf aume support ia BBBBBleBBd Deeaoearr, as it attaa u, a baaad aaaUaa band. ?r band of elastic wel.hing, held 80 hy 9888*881 rtrapa, will be found uuite sulrinent. So much on the cut ot the droas, now for ita .lo.-urati.ui. The Frenrh milliner 0888898 larid and lucrative exi-.tetice in sewinr on bow* wliere there should he no, and ttouur'-s whoro Ibat* should BB BB DoBBOBB, oJaei hs nidustry ls in vain. For ull oii.auieiitati.iii merely makes a drBB8 ugly to louk nt aud ctiinheraoiiie to wcar. The beaaty al dreaa, as the beaaty ot liie, 90BM9 ulwav-. li'dii treedoin. At every n.oiuent a dreaa sliuuld reopond to the play of the g.rl who 88918 it, and exqnieitely oobo to* awrody <>t aaeb bmvbbmbI and each gesture'a grace. Ita loveliness is to be aoogbt f*T ia thadelieate play of light aud line iu daioty rippUng fohla, au.l :iot lo tba uselcs.i ugliue.a.a uud ugiy naeleeaaeaa of ? atiff and itmeotyped decorstioB. It is true that in many of the lateat PaiBI diaaa** Whieb I hare soen there seemn to h?. sotne roeogaltioa of tne value of Hut unfor tuuuteiy tho are ali artiii. i.iliv made aud sewn down, and so their charin is entireiv deetrojM. Kor a fol.l in a dreas i? not a fa. t, an iiein ia baaotarad ia a hiil, l.ut a oartala od*et?( light and ahade which is only exunisite becauae it ib eraaaaaaat, tadaadao* odgbl taataaarall paint a aiiudow oa a dreaa as sew a fol.l down ou one. had the < hier rr.iAi.n that a inodorn ilrosa weara bui h a ahort time is t.' it caniiat he smoo he.l out, m adrraa ahaald be, wb*a it is lai.l aiide in the wanlnilMJ. In fact in a faahionaMe dreea thera ia far t .o much "shaping"; the vcry wealthy ol Boaroe will aot care, t.ut it is wonh wlnln t<? retalnd tii..-,a w ho me not m.llionairea tliat tlie more BBBBia the atiahbineaa. A well made should laat almoat aa long aa a shawl, and if it is well .na.le lt doea. And what I liieati hy a well-nia.le dtOOB is a stntple dreaa huiiga from tho slioii.d.-ra. that takeaita BBap*fr*en tba Iganaad itsfolda from Ib* iiioveinents of tb* gnl wna weara it, nnd what 1 iiie.,n hv a li.idly mado dreaa a an elahoralo atruit ure ol baleiuieanuBl matenals, which havmg iweu iirat .-ut to picceB with tb* ahaara, and t.ien sewu touether hy the ma.hir.e, nre ultimatelv ao covered with frills aud b*W9 and l*aa*ea as to baeeaao ea.-.r.ible to look at. expeuaive to pay for, an.l ahaolutely ua-(ees to wear. Well. tbeae are tb* principh-B of Dreaa. Aud pr..l> it ?i'l be a.u.l thai all tbeae principlea mialit Ih. earried out to porfoction, and yet uo detinite bivle l.e the result. l^uite ao. Uith a d. in lo atv 1.-. in tbe .a.-nae ol a In-lornal style, we have liotiimg ?hat*a*Y8t la aa, Taata muat i?- as atti-iiip' to levive an an- ieut nio.le of apparel auaply baeaaaa it la nn.-ient. or t<? turn liie Into tliat i-liai.a of coatnme. tiie Fancy I>ress Hall. WI ^tat?t, m.t Ifuin lli-t .ry, hut from tl.e prop.irtiuiiB af tba liiiiuai. forui. l'ur auu is DOl ar.-tur-ological aoeurai y. bat tbe blaheel posainle aumunt of fie.-.i.i.ii vvitn tba bbooI i.tiiabie dii.tril.uti..ii oi wai.iilli. And tlie oaeetioa "I wariilth brtBgBBM to iiiv' last point. It hiia winietimea b*0fl aaid to ine. by tha I'bilwtia* merely **1 hv artMtle people w lio ar* really ii.t**r?"^i?*.i in tlie (Mis^ihility of a beaatifaldrca*.that lhaeald climate ?f Noithem eooutrie* Deoeeoitataa oar aeaiiag s.? paaygar meiit <. one oval tln- ot lur, that il ls i|U te impoasihle [ordrooa to follow out oroxpre?.s th.. Im.-s ol tiie liaui.-ai all. Thia o!.j. ctiou, however. wlucli at Bia) Bigbl mav booob t* be ? r*a*aaable oue. ia in rrality i.miu lad o* a wroag Idaa, *a iho ulea m faat, thal tba wanatb <.t apparel aapaadsaa ih^ nuiiilier ol gaiavta w..rn. Kaaj ihe waigbl af apparel deponda rary nuteb ou tho Baaib*r af gar ui.'nta wi.iii. i.ut th* wariilth or anpatel ilepen ia autirely au tha material <>f whleh tbnae garie*ti air ina.l.. And one of tb* .-liutf errors in inodeiu costiiui. i-omea Irom th* particiilar aiat*rl*l whteb iaalwayi aalectod aa the baaie lor dreaa Wo have always uaed liaaB, what*** tbe proper matciiai ia W.Hll. Wo..!, la bagta with, ls a non-condtictcr of h.-ar. That in'eana tlllt in th* aiimtil-r the viol. nt heat of tliesundoee nol enter un.l acAtah tho bodv. and that tho iu wiiitcr reuiaina at itn liorimtl naturai t.-iii|..-raiuie, au.l does not W*BtO it-a vital warinth on tho an. Tbaao ol my r**d*ra wb* piav lawn ti'iinis aad like oat-daai iportakr*w tbat, tf they a*?r a complete _aoo*l aait, they are aor le, ll, eool ?u the holteat d iv. and n.-rfooilv wartu ir baa tha day ia aaid. All ti-at I claim 8) that the 8.11.10 lawa wlnch are tiearly ic.oguued ou the l? ii it iaa gioiind. d*BB*l heing a woollon toxture. ahould be recagaiaad alao as being tao .11* aaitable i..r tbe dreee at p"?t<l? wln. live la tawaa, aad irboa*liv*a atwoft** Baoeeoartlyaed**taiy. rbet* aie other <|U,il.ties in wool. sm-li B* ita lu-ing an Bbearbar iwnl diaaribatof of moi-ture. w,tu regard t.> a bieb I would to reier my tuadara to ?little baad-book *B"Haalth Cultar*," i.y Ur. Jaeger, tho Profraaarof Pb/alology at Stuttg.ut. Ur. Jaagi r doea ??! entar Into tbe qaealioo *l lor u ur l.e.uiiv. .t l.' when b*d**B B? hardly 888*881* me verv ane. eaalill, but oll tho BUiilUl V valu.-s ot diderant taitoraiaad eolori be *p?aka ?f ooaree witb authuiitv, an.l t' a cottiliiialiou ot tiie prineiplee >.f aeienoe aitb lhe lawa *l art will eona, 1 feel suie. tbe coatume of the future. For if wool .ia B0*B*9ed as tlie I. .sis nnd chief material *f dreaa. far fewor garmentj. may Ih. w.nn tha* at preeoat, wlab the raoait >>t [?.loalw iaoreaaad w?rmtb and mtuh grent.T lightneaa and coroforl VVael alao has tho adYBBtaga of being almoat the moat dalleate tnxtnre *ra**a. Bitk M often eoarao eaojeared to lt. balog at aae* hsrdec ai .i .-..l.ier. A large CaahaaT*ahawl ..t pure wool caa hedrawn throiigli a tmy ring. in.l.-rd hy 'hia methoddo the shawl-sellera of tho husteru ha/.aar show t? *a* tha laaaaai of tbeir gooda. Wool, ogaia abawa a* *r**aae. I should he aorry to aee Bnnh a !..velv toxture as satin ? inoil.-rn araa*. hut every ladv who w.-ars nuytlittig of tha kind kuovvs hut tuo well hovr eaailv lt , rnaipli s i h?*Uee it is tM.tter to wear a a?tt tban a hird material. for in the latter thuro ia alwaya a iiaiiger oi barab and coarae liu?e. whereas to the j (orniar v?u get the most azaaUate deln-acy ot fol.l. Wei.n.l tb -ii. on lhe utioatiou of iiiuterial Scieiico and Art are one. And bm regarda ihe milliner*1 ra.-thod of dreas I would iike to make mn last olmervalion. TL-ir whole ayatea*. ia not un-re y uglv but iiw-lees, It isof no avnil that a siately lady nincliee in her wai*t in order ta look ahgbt. For si/e la a qtieation of piipaiiilB. And an unnatnrally amail walat merely makea the shoulder* look abuormi.lly hroad and h-avy. Ibe tiiu.t not imiMjine tliut they look tall. N?r n.^s the waaring of a lolly headdraaa impiove the matter. Its elleet ta maraly to n.uko the head ili.sproporlioii titely large. A dwarf thr<-e leet high with a bal <?t aix enhiteon hia head will look a dwart thrwe leot hlffh to the and. Indeed height m 98 bi Mieasninl more by the poaltion of the eyea and the shouldera than by anytning else. And partioular care should he taken not to mak? the head too larga Ita iiarfeot proportion ia ouo-eighth ot the wiioie ligure. ... Hut I know that. Irreepectire of Cnngress th* wometi of Amerlra ran earry any raform tl.ev like. Aud 1 feel certain that they will n?t coiiimtie raadl iougor t.. encourage a style of dreaa whicu ia fouudad oa tbe idea that tho humau ngur.* is de foruied au.l re.iniree the devieea of the milliner to l.e presr-utal.liL Kor have they not the moat deli.-ate aud daioty aud feet m tha world f Have they aot **mplaxi*na like ivory ataiued with * roae-leaf I Ara tbay uot alwaya ln oltice in their own coautry, and do thoy notspread hajroc tarougta Kuropaf 4B**k m ?'oCT/'vJ'ilT*. CURRENT ANECDOTES. AX AnTTTTL PIO. Trom A'otet and Qfteriee. On Monday afternoon. Mar.k s?. I bad eccaMoo to rbtf| a newly arectad cowbouae ou a farui oa my prouarty a) Mirop.hlre. In one purt of tlio euwhouee. partlikine- ol from tbe reet of th* bullditig, tho farmer bad slz uilok row* tled np, and alao a Utter of flne vuuug piga ranatna lvoae and taparaied froui tbe aow. whllst couvaralnx, 1 ;...-?.. \ eti one of tbe young piga waa husllr sucfc liiK tb* loilk trom one of the oowa, whieh waa ataadtng l't-i:,t-tl> qulef. The (ucklug pig, whlrh had paid aoaa* teoiioti toour eiitreiicit. waa erect, aupporiing ltsell witb ira loielcga ogainal tke luanla of Uie cow'a ?>ft hiod let In tlii* iiiiniii-r lt wa* alile to reacu, aud coatliuiog sucklng vtgorouaiy, wlth ev.daut rellah, uutll tha far_ ar*? wife, to *ave ber niiik, diura lt, witk the othe* jtouuk piga, out of the cowuuuso. SOLYIXQ A PROBLEX. Frrm The Manenuttr ftiiww. An aui'islng atury is told of Uae iut? .Ma Juatlce Balea Tht- l.-iirnetl Judgc waa an ezcelleut akoitliaud wnier. hartng enrly ln life graduated aa a rcporiar. Al tliO Boaoefool _a*l_w*? ou one ucoaaiou, aa waa eustomarr, bo r. .i.i portioua uf UiAei i.lcucc lu the (ury, but tluuu.-erad b(i|?*ieesly lu tbe nr.ddle of a .acnt.-ncc '1 here was aa aakwari pause, and tlie Jury and bar nervouuily Ui.: i. su.t. III* i inlalup at loal, after niauy eflorts to deelpher tba inlsalng word, drupued hl* dLniiy, and leamug over toward tbe reporter* bolow, lunuireiL ? Caa auy of you gentleuieo ao-dst uie lo a word here I I have not put In the vnwela, aud what 1 baro tn my book looka aa If a wltueaa bad aald: ' (io aml oall In tho Ii-ii.y.' but "- with a puzzled look?" ll can't be that, tiecaiiae tliere la no babv lu the caae." ime oi tlie reporter* wa* equal lo the oeen*lnn. nnd putliDg lu the ngui vowei, tae wonl " hobby " waa taa icault, and Uie judge cuutlmiod Ua churge. A.V AUBAXTEE OENTLEXAX. from C'hrottleU* ot Xo-Man'i Land. The Aslianti geutU-tuau haa ueither a flat noae, not tbick lipa, nor euouy *kin. To take Koasoonogo a* a MBtmeiL. helauot daiker than many Hnaniarda. haa leaiuros uf the BarwoaB caat, and au eye thal proirudaa lu Un- mau ucr aduiired oy I'ic-.u I. people, au.l oalied a jtrur de ii-te. IIis droes. even when a pneotwr, a* 1 saw nnn. ls m mlracle of t t?t<-. uoequall.-d uuw Uie Kumaa to.a vanl.alit d. Une alugle pece of ? cloLh " lt i*. a uoUua print. liouia spun and nwno dyed. Tirnr aatlTB rinilB inan, whether from east or weat, woulil uot enti.l. sokikJ tu wear Mancbeator stufla, au 1 be Is conapiuuoualy rlgbt. iu .a.-c Ho.asootiugo waa t? aee a pictuit. ul autnjue grace. It was a niarvui how lie kei>t ao Oteaa t abec.t ot cottoii. ailiiiiia.l with blue uialttsiiuee aud floeer* ona wuite grouu.i. k'otliing BOM dai be wear hy day ex. upl tlie " liie.-ch clout," friuged with sllk, the euds ot whicB feil below hia kueea. At nlght ha rulled lt rouiul hliu. aud so ali-pl. -ui the sllQeuliii; nerer weut uul ul iu anl ita folds were nlwajs atatueaipie. Ile louked aswell. every 1'ic.i, bilght aud w.ioieaoin... taud oourteous, tbough tled by hla wnst, and irudKtug uarefoot through the u;ud. When i" nnltted the use of a csrnaxe huiuu.itek (Instead of waikiug ohaiuud to a coiuuioii aoldien 1;.j*. auuuug.i alepl*tl iuto bla conveyaiice wlth a OOOBIOOOg buw toward tha ui*rit_e; through my Interpreter bo expreaaed tegret that circumataiicos o\er whu-U he bad DooouUol torbade him to reward l'rlvate Siulth for hla " uuiiurm <*ou*ldcraUon." eto. Tbe face of tliat goilaoB soldler wlieu he tbnroughly maatered thl* parttog aiiafl of pollteuea*. did oi-e goud li. aee. " Why?ahyl" ha said. "Unanlgger?be?oh, bicw Itl" tVorda wouid uok cuui* to hi-u lltting t'i deacrliK* hlf ai-ullu.eLt*. 1 saW mm agiiin two davs after. wlth IiU rcinamlag OOgtiWBB stiii m tow. Prirateaaatlhhad ebaagari laloatBaaga* fal mau; ihe sublliulty of Aabauiee uiauuora bad over powered blm. A JOKE OF ABOUT. From The London Timei. Ltke Plnto I" " Lothair " he rtid aot seero to tbose who ?aw htni for the flrat tlme to be un lalelleotual milli ui* a.n- IiU kta poekota ware full of Siveetiilma plaa'ea. Uo once wrote lu a/euiUeton that All*ual'a alugtng (ibe wao fai) waa "like aniglitiui.-ale pi;.iugoiitof aiuuip ot ?u_.." Tlie liulltnant pryma aonnu K-ut blm a gooae-<iuill by tn- l:_iutla of a raarqul*. About reeeived th* pen wlth bis etianulngsiuile, aud s.n.i. "I regrtl, alr. thaO Madame. A.bonl should bave plucked you for my sake." A STRAXU*: MCRDBR. from Tht LvniUm Ololr*. A rapev oalied haturt, puului.e.1 in PuH*. has plcked up a story almoat t.lipelng ibat ol the aoek aud Uill, (of wlileh lt cltee aa an outhority tha direetorof a giaaa t ictt.rv in tbe dlstnet of Aaicue. Thla gt-Lttaman had a mt and thla dog waa turueal out to play witb other ilngsiu tha open 8?ld balilnd tlie faotury. It waa tho Utae uf haru weather, atiorUy after the ie.;eot souw stunu and the dog,which aas a rougb-batred terrler, had um fliiiabe.1 bla gamhol wuen he waa atUM)ked,liy a whule Uock of bird*. deaenhod by the KreuuB paper aa crow*. B) thla. probably, roeka ara meaut, for the crow, aa Yarrell taforni* ua, ls a attllury blrd fouod only al-ma or io paira, wl.traaa lha glaaa manutactur-r wrltea tliat tliere were 100 of the nlaek blrla lu queallon lu the 8eld ahaao the dog waa, out ot whlch onlv a..>ut Uslrty aaaaj _ ln tne ouslaught. However. tba batt^ once begun, nruvetl a very one-*lded aftalr, balf the atUeitiu* aoindron keeptng In front of the wretuhed ?fua<lniued aud th* other half behln.l him or en tlie baok. Tho f.irmer, boverlng at a helght uf about eix faet, raado daahea from tlme to tlme at the head ot tue vlullin, ,iiini.g their heak* at hl* eyc* and at a partle?lar apot la his ucek. where they ?a>s *s_?bllstie4 au 0|>eu wouod. The itufnnuaaie beaat. wbo ln valn attemptad tu tlee. wimld hava lK*en actually pleked to pieca- on the spol bad he not BeeB t-arriedullby a boy wi.o oame to tuo aaaaa aud tirougbl blm ooiue ln hU arm*. whila tho dt-t.chtueiit of uerseeutora boverad wlth angry iu..\a ments overhead. The dog** life waa saved for llie tlme, imt tbe uarrator add* that a day or two aferward hlo wt.tinda boraioe ao daiiren.-u* that be waa odliged to liave th* ia>or wretoh elecuted. Atlar tkla we may expect -oou t? bear or a fox aeaaulled aud doaa to deata U> a confraternlty of geeao. ? MADAXt SUOKXD TT. From, TKt Detroil JournaL w.imea aro eapablo of hrrole aot* la theae daya of eoiiimonplsoe aa iu tbe Amatouiaa tlmee. A (Jabau gen tleuuiD and his wlfe. au American arnved trom tha ? .eriuudas a few daya ago. 8ha wa* evMeiitly very lll, and wheu tney uere detslned by tha euston; bouao iiispeetor. whom the fut>at) naaiired wouid tlul not'ilag ituilable ln tlie toaiated upou examlnlug. \I'.-r luiumsglog .rmiud be fouu.i a t-oi cuLtaiuiu, tea r. ,cka_:e* or eli'srettes. Then the laspector waa trluin iitiiPt, lor the law allews a iia**enger to Brtng only 10* cigareilea (or peraonal uae fre* of du:y. Ha waa b?h>u| tuitruuuan-e aoatoaoo upon the Cubaa. when uia wifo -ti-i>i?-.i forwa.l. tremiiltng wlth w.akna. ?. aud *ald: - Tn- aee-ml hunlre.1 are for my own aw, ?Ir." ? l'ben madame cauoot ohjeol tobmokiiiguua," aaid tha laOMOtai .Mthaaueer. "Certalnli, I wlll amoke ona," and she smoked oneol Huvans eigarettea On tbelr way to tbe ?_ Jaine* Hotel she wa* tarrloly alck. aud had lo stop at m Uuitor'e forau hour. HB COFLDX'T UAEK IT OUT. rtom Kvry Ottmt >'?'ur_a?. The proprtetnr ot a tauueiy having erecied t^bulldlng on the uiaiu street for tue _,.* of bl* ieather, the nur cbaae ul ludes, eto., began to coaalder wnat kind of a ?uu would no muat attiactlra. Al laat what he tho ight a happy l.iea siruck bim. H? hoied an auger-uolo througii tbe tloor-pnst aud atutk a cail'e tall into lt, wllk the liuahy i-nd tlauiitm-. our. After a whlle he nolioe* ii _rave-loa.kmg persou *Undlng near the door, witk ?ue. laele* on. gaxiug luteu'ly at the ?ign. Bo loug dld bo glixn that ttiiall) tue lauuor *_*pped out and addre**e<t Ibe ludivldual: - ilood muruiugl" ? Moruiug," ?apttod tbe man, without movlng hla eyea ?? You want to bny leather I ? No. ? Want to aell hiae* I"?" So/' ? Are ymi a farmer '"?" No. "Are you a uiercnant 1"-" So. "l^w>er l"->u." ? Doctor I"?" No." "Miuister I"-" No." -ahat lu thiinder are yoat"?"Tma phlloaoi.her. I've tM-eii s.andlng heie half an nour trytug to d. .-ldo bow tliat cairgot through that au?er-hoie, and fur gkg life of mo, I caa't make it outrV' BE RAD SO HEART. From The Txstruit J.urnal. Mr r H B'ebb, botler kuowu ?a "JohnPanl, o? TitB Tkihine la a very fuunj mau-which goo* aitboul sa.lug as hruiiisthave been to wntc - I.lltith Lank uud *\o Tweluio." But he 1* eveu fuuuiei ln pn.prvt nert'inie thau ln prtut, f?r he ua* -n imp-ailmeui ln hia M?ie?*U wtneu vaatly adJ* to hl* -oiuteal ul.?i*Uc-a. Mr 1* an haliltuo ul tlie I-oloa Club. aud hl* luoU iii-e uuiou* t.i? aaaarfal iraditioa* ur tna houae. Kt-otmiv. at a trleudly gaa.e ol whi-t. he PU)-.1 the uiua ol ma......!.--. A l.uuw-l. ayer *iM>ke ?''_?.'-*?'?? b* ,.,,,. ii..o.i which the Imke of -*uu.lerlaol wnue i.ia ""..,...!i -nl?r*_ the u.a*?.cre *f ttt- B.-rtholomaw, w i t-rt-iipon \\e>)l) said: ?__._, - . .U. that waa i roh-probably b?-eaii-? he ha4 n-u l.o h* all." A PRAC1ICAL (HRL. From n.r rhtla.lelphia Pretl. ne'eu nuntetf* latlier wa* au llyuola fatmer, wl_a . g "ai urm of. Berbapo, 200 anm kni without any oaa ". -ha'.' kS labVfra ur luhen. h.s ea ate. Ha aaoar Bagtf .i.i.i^hl.ipbtadaitu-btar Helen veiy much aa be m.,uU , ? up a aay. She waa atrong aud beal uy, UU'Ugeut. anl wlth adeci.le.1 tastr f.-r uut d.iaB lf.. ai.lalie very .-..on attalaed a rei uialiou for - judg ;,,u- " aul for ki.uwle.lge aecoud H t.iat of uo lariuer or Moek ra.aer 1.1 tbe violulfy. When a.,e was algl.t-cn vears old her fatuer dlel, Htidltst-uie-l ue.__*al. .hat ahe oBaald carry ou tbe plaee for *t a yeat l.. .0...0. ataaUto v.l,lcl. ?ha wa. fuliy e.lUal. The oraoe wera accor.lngly planted uuder her 1ll1e.-1.011. an.l 'be weat out t. luv iitoers.a. her latlier went at that aammm Wtm lawBaao* aixty av? Baad ui si.-.-r.. paatute.l tbe... dunug tne au.m.ier aud a, I 11 tlien, at tha eti.l of llie aeaaon at a pn.rtl of ex_M?<iy *1.04.u. 8h0 kll*w . v.ry kind of Uud aa ihe fHnu. " ev.r> tii.h oMM gruuud." aa tha OBPUM ... and ju.l what a .ouMta .I..110 vrl'ti ll- Kvery mau lu the vi.inlty un.lerat,?,Kt thal aha VMtaataagMytBtettigoal la mr bByaaaa.******* woul.t be ua. lesa to lt) lo ?'*******!** J^S-SS when queatluued al^ul ber, r.iua.Ue.1 lu tne voiaa. of me i-.,uiiln. - There a.n't a mau in Iba Male BM - *0 upabeid.. Ueofaaaoleoa aaahoeaa.aad ""?"?? s.ys.hel-ata 1.1... al a ba^alii e?.-r> . u-r. \et -? i-O | lielt-u llui-detl 1* a. BJ"?*?e-t and U-ll -^?**1J&*? I <i I-..-...1 at iti-a Tlie i.roter dnl no ?ii' ? .11 ("ai *<im ! ab^M&Mrar^beut himout." i-m BH.pIy^siefi ( aaaaraBaee^aa_e Ui BoaJdaattiaoir-peiaio- *m 1 'N^SbB-W*. Murtcn year. oM. ber^the- -HVO her penntsalon to oo an.l boy 0 eow fo. kensax ?? w.ut forth alaue und luicp.ii.leui. boughl oei 00*. uua . cau-ebouieleadttigllli.. the rupe. ,nvMfment. "I Tlcrcowurovedto be ao ?*-?& -SSaaaaaali | BS1^J-...rf.^.hI^i'co'-U,.:yaelf. and l beiiar. Iier.audappieelaledhc. >-- HU fatber ??,';;' "i^J,,! II wtia e-.nijleted ia.iat ad.-l.aMf. Tu^otiue U uken tu i,er waddlno diaos. anl th. i)-Ja4 ntVff. h.Vhtr-.l tace would ludtcate J__?~'"?"* UaVpr?e.ideSt.po*s.bly au artlat or a wrliar.^ ]*>.<** wiiU4.usi--?t thl* elagantly Btttrel aad aeif-p.-ia.'.Be* young wui-au of a Uorough farmer and MMgg Lnolk-raiaer "1 tell jon." aald a koou old ma,:. \ HO SS?"w-tcvied her p.?i,ei trom eaily gtHh-a-d. -__a| Lie-T mau gat- Holaa BurdoB for s wl a. /"/aj d\i,.;ichi.p._,m_,tn Kf^aLT-^^ Oul> take ber edvtec, ln>ide of *?a *-??