Newspaper Page Text
cibtnte NEW-YORK. MONDAt APRIL 20, I88& PRICE TIIREE CEi\Ta V0LXLV_JS?14,( MR BFARKOT ULTIMATUM. TIIREATEN1NG TO RESIGN HIS OFFICS. VIKW9 OK C1V1I. "KKMCIt. ^^dfSdtaMw ^reeenee of hla boaeui frtewda tkat be SSS ;?!oas he ahall be elothed with full ai.thorlty ?rat* iu thelr p.acc and *?? ?*? J"* M fa ..1,1. hM NMM tl.o ears of tho 1T,m !,nt i?d hi? ktrtfM ni MMi ?*??? to ,helr, *"* Who U Hpark*! * laCo.niuK.ionorof tho iem-ral Land Ohiceaudaiiex-atatCHman. Fvery'.ody addresa,a him M ?? MHHI " Hparta. A nnn wbo aervod w.tli h ? ln QW1WM mWM the orlKin of the - Qwnl e uiilitary title aa follows : .?WparaVafatlierwaBaJaOKSoinan Dctnocrat. and he na,nedhlsHonAndre-*Jackso.,. afler the hero of ?l> Srleana. ln tbe XI.VU. Oeatfteae Speaker Kand.ll ?avo kim aplaeeoiilbe Approprlatlons OMSttt? and tbe AWbrtlwaBplaoedlnhlaehawe. He b?..?bt h.u.aelf Jhatnfnillttary ahano. and at onee became known a? "colonel' hparka. Iu tbe -rt <W- 1-to" M* him oh.lrman of tho OWiW" kelm.nrdUtelyboi.Rhta neat cord and ta.sel for hh, nnlltaryhat.andbaabeon callod Spnrks from tbatday tothla." Whethorornotthleexplanatlonlie. rorrect it li eer. taln tbat a Mtd and tborough search of a?JWg?? ColonelsandGoneraU of the Kegular andl ??*?** force. of the United Htatc. ffle * dlaolow tbe ...nn of B...H llHTlwlHl-' tl"> Gen,'ral IIJl,n(1 ?j? An IMnola tteniocrat. who aerred tn tbe l.nion Army. MMtti that Mr. Sparks wus a pronouncod " peace ix-mocrat diiring the war. He that a. It may. H "eo.nx probable-inoredlble aa tbe realgniillou by a Democrat. underany 1?.U ?? ?" onlce w01,h ?4*00 a ycar would appear-tbat unleaa tho President ahall con Beut to walvc tho fjffl Servlce law. of whleh Commls ?loner Sparka ha? a poor opinion, ?o far as IU ?lllkjlil Bff.-ot the pnblic laads aervioe. and Klre the Coiuuilaalo.ier carfc MffncAr l? the MNK of MMflk and apiH.iiit.ucnt*, that offlcer will tl.row up his BIHll hoii and let tbo Adiululstration and tbe pnbllc lauds fc-o totbedoKBKJgetber. Comn-lmiioner Spark* -would not lntorfere wltl. ap outalde hla Jarl*dlotlon; haelniply detlrea to uianace the Land Offlee iu hla own way. If hle ad niluistratlon falla to be efflclent lt will not be for lack of proolamatlous or InatteBtlon to dctalls. No woek day i? allowed to pass without a publloatlou of HMtUlf that he baa done or proposes to do. Ou oue day ho l.Kuea an order to au*i^ud the lMue of all land iMt.nU, and ou the next day he dlscovers hl? oftice i? too liberally aui.plied wlth Kepubli ?M nowspapera and that many of h:a clorks aro addicted to readtn? tho.n. " I read now?papar* niv ?i"f "?he aaid. " bul I profer Demooratlc i.ew.papon.. Tne.i he addod tbat be doea not read Tiik rKiiii'M.. I"t Cin.inmTti CommrrcNl OturtU or The Chiea?o hjr <Aorrt?, whleh fact ghowstbat he noi*eg?oa stroim PfWeri of *e.f deatal. On a aucea?dlnB day be .lUcovered that a ,1!" il a.-eut of tbo Land offloo bad Ineluded la hla b.i of tMvellii.Kex,M...!.eaite?iiforaIaeplu?f car fart and ctbc?^"?tvll8hthiIl^?.?' No tnore bllls of tkataort wlll Ix'uilowed. Yeiterday ho made another ataatliug di? e?To'a'repopter of a Pemoeratlo newapaper ho oald : ? Kraud KM hoou perpetrated U) an exceaaive extout m nverv branch of the Land Department. I have IWM narticularly iuipreaaed wlth the cro..kedne*j E! the luatt.r of IktfWtWM and other rlaima. The law IMOtlM that oa( b lauil entrv nbail be adverHsod in the uoareat newapaimr. Tlia Kepublicai. rceivtra aud regiaters bave KTOaal) perrerted tbe meaninK oi tbls prarlalon. a ioiniiiauce of authority they hare conotruod it? inoaiilne It ?? tbo ncareat 'reputablo' pai^r. Aa a uiaferof courae. l)eui(K;rallo papera are n..t adn.ltted l.itr. t:.e vocalniiarv of 'reputuble' Jouruals. The .uattor of dlv tance Ihoy liave itetcriulaed at th. lr owu ?weet will ]n?toadof wloplinitancoKrapliloal i.ue as a ineaauro of rniM-e betw.oii two pointa, they bave reaorted to Ml tmuitous route tbat would hrltis the way of trav.-l ?withlutha rauKo of Kepubln-au lufluenoe. Iha\ejuat Uaued an order to reiriatera aud pcoivera euioiulnjf tho.n to adverttae lana entries in Sb iuipcr? of jtoin ral elreulatlou neareal to tlir land takcn up by geocraphital mea-ureni.Mit. or in coimuoi. parlano? 'aattecrow uea. I au. oon viuced that thore muat i>e dtciaire and awo??idii? ebantfia in tbe I^nd Doparti.M-nt hofore Ita manaffemeut Citii E roduoed to an, ellicieut and econoumal V'*j!i't whyCominiaalonorHpa.ka thinka lt ?'amattorof contae" that " Damoeratle HMMienaN MtadioUted into'.he voeabulary of Toputable' newapapera li wonM beratberIntereaOnt to know. lt mi-iit heaaked alao ?whollior whi-ii Mr. Sparka ?iraw? hls inil?-ak.'<- a- a niem berol conKtaaa,beoompntedtkedlataaee "a- iMeroa 111. a" or by "tkeaatwl (Urcot route of uaual t.avol. Tbe oxecution of hia ordor to rr^ia;. ra and lauairaw would eeem to reqalro tbat aacb ow Diiould be auppliod wllb a nuinbcr of iiitollijfent erowa t<i ?aaiiirn the dUtaBoeftwBtfcolAnd Ofllee totbe n.-aroat MwapaiMi <>'bc.-, or autbortzed to ewploy a < om petaal HUrrcjW for tbe BMM pnrposo. m-? REPORT OF THE DISBCTOB OF THE MINT. PkOOCCTKMI 0? <i"l? ax'> WtTBi IN rUM OOVJU lltY LAS1 VEAli. Wasimnoti.v, April 19.?Mr. Dorchard, tbe dlroctorof tho Mitit, ln lns ai>.< ial aunua! n pert <>n tln produotion of t-old and ailver iu the I'uiu.i HUtM for 18M, ??-ilm i.??- tke produotion of tho coiintiy lo h;i\. Imcii, foM 180,900,000, silvor, couiputed at tlie ailvor ?tn*r trrtntrg nrte, I4MOO^) >??? Ikli akowaaaii ovettho yioidof tbe prevloua yoar of aboiit fOOtXOOO jo.d. aud 92,400,000 silv.-r. Tiiotoial d>-|".si!a of |rold at tbo iniut-aiuoiiut'-d t? 190^18,179, of wbMt 107^00 waMvpor'od as doino?tlc. Tho Upcrt* of gold biillion, exoiualve of Unttod states bara, ?woiiUfl t< ouly $11*>.1R>0. To tbe a.uount depoaited at tlio BlnU and tl.o BBJ .11 aiuountoxporicd, i..i?l.t BTOporly be added ajHM ^?;(H),(KK) of gold eontalned ln allrer Ipulllon oxport ecl, and alao poaaildy ^T<k?,<mhi of uud. po-,it.-d gold m tlio fonn of nu(t?et?, Krama, ete., uaed iu on.a n.iMtatioii, and .-?J>m.,imK) in bara In pti Tate retlnerifs uaed for atu.ilar ?UfOtfta, Bklbk would aaaka in all an addltion of akoot klJrOOjftOtl aM of the gold reoeived frou. Uritiali 0a> luu.bia and the NOrtlien. Mato, of Moxioo. HMtMttBf 10 about Jl.UKI.iflo, oniy *l?H?,.Kli) waa dtfoaMod at tlio fcan Kiauomoo nilul aa fore.K'n, an* tho ?tat<^ui'-nt? fur b:mm d b> reUneri ?lo>w tkbi u waa rotlne.1 by ikea and li.oh.ded ln iebne<l bullion depoalted at that ralut andar tli.'boad of douiostio. UoiluotiiiK Ih'.a would tttll loa\o ovor !^5tX?.0<MJ to add to tbo a.uoiint of it?l>\ t\< jm.-i..-i at iho uiints. ao tbat lt U aaio to aaaane that do irold proluoioii of tka ini'iea of tbo I'liitod Staios lot 1 ?- I would ba uoderatated rather Ikaa oraraatiioated bi takiug tka aaaont dapoattad at tka mmts and aaaaj w h> ? a? uoineallc bullloll. Tka lotai depoalta of allrer loiilion excloalre of r? do.H.-it^. at tbo uiiuta aud aaaay otteea, werc f?ti,C7ot731, ot wbtcb ?82.30ft,03fl waa eutored aado kwaUo. The exiM.rtaof domeatte allrerwera |I7.i'.'.i7,<?ii7. o: wbiou sj.i4s,">7^ waa la I'uito.iHta?aabaf?and B700, oboHawaiianootB m.m.ifaoturedof doaaaatleailTerai tio ?Ndaettou of 1H84, whleh would loavo tke oxport ot loaaeatleundapoalted ailvor, aa ewtaradkt tkeCoatowi Bouae at its oomaaenial valae,f 14,848,479, In<- ? j. ?- of ailvor woto ^li/J"..;,!.:!". of whleh 92.2ttti.218 eanie to tho uunta. leavlnt aearlf 91,0(10,000 eximrloil aa doiueatic. l>e^luottii(tlbia leav.H $1;4,HX7,<mmi as the cou ui.'rclui vaiuo of tke not azportof aadepaalted <to jii.mii ^llvr, wh.ob at ite coiniu({ rate e.juala |l?'.,4tM(,(xw. lt la eatliuated tkatdomeetlC allrer bul? lion wortl. about tH.hi.ixm. waa fnrmaliM by pilvato re Unorg tojewelleraand olbara. Addintr of dewiaatle allTar depoalted at tke ailuta. tke not exporte ot uti<lepo?ito<l and tln- aiiioimt of un I- po-i'eil uao.l |fl tho arta would inako tka aiive; produotion ot tbo ooim tryaboui k48,800,000, or at Ita eoinuierclaJ ralue about ?42,000.000. Whleh ia about |l,d00i000 less tlian Mr. Viilenllne'a eatinia'o. Tke uriKliiol ui tha yaar and diap.iaition may approxl ?Utely be *taU?d aa followa:_ _ ~\ Uptd. | Hllrer. Pivirtctloo, ?TaH,woo,Oi?o lIlHpOHIl.'lll | Dopoii.ed. leoa forolvn . fBdnpotite-i. exeorta. Uiulrposite.l. u<nl ia ln aila lotal..?:.0,80o,0iHi $14,*\.(,.ihv lifty throo iaoorporaled companie* woiklnic BaM and ?llver iniiiea paid tii the yeH ln 227 >:it idoii i?, 97,567,008. In ilio periaal aouie 'J'?7 a-*?"infiiia wero it-\ iom ou 117 u.inoa, ou wbioh lt la ealliuated that ovei IjU.OOO.iKH) haa boen paid. ?-?-? COIX>XKLM01'.ltI?*ON ANDTIII; IIXrNOI800I< Washix<;tos, April l!l (>p,,,?/,._Coagreflt man to ulgkt. Helawell and, but look* jaded. Calowel Morrleoa aayi that ho fee!a kapaflM that tho k, sece eaateel will reault il. hla favor and dentea that bi* prownl \ ult to Wa%binitt?i. beara nav relatlon to U. Ho d. nioa alao Uiat he baa eouio here for tbe purpoM of eonaultiag wuli ?thei Ulli.ola Dari/ocratic iHintioiaua h, i?^ard to tlio diairlbutiou of 1'oderal patronaRe ln tbat Btaio. ln tm t CoIodoI Morriaon expreaaM tke oplnlea that ike oniy ob ^10/1:8 viait UtO b.ek atler coriaiu uiattcta aUeetiui; own Congreaaional JJiot:jou ? 8PECIMENS OF UOOlVrt " RFFOBM " Wa8iiin<;ton, April 19 (Speciolj.? I h? ap polutriieiit of a brotbor of the Ik-uiocrulic OofMMt of Kew-Jgraey to aucceed Mr. Widdlcouibo M tblefo/tUe yoroign Malla Dlvlaioe Iu tka OaVa N the hixth Amlitor Of tbe Treaauiy LepHrtineiit, and of Mi. O'.Wil, a l>< ? ocratic polliioian of Ilobokeu. R, J.. in j?:a<o of Mr. Caai lear, aeCklef of the Knitravera' Divlmoo of tbe lluroau ef Engrarlof aud 1'r.niuiK, ?).ow tkat tl.o iiiK-m a<-Iieiiio or ?? roforn. " baa lx guo to bear fruit. Beih of awaaen dUaiUaodkare i^ou loux ln tho publlc aerrlec and bulu hare be?-n faltbfulai.d ethlienl m tbe disoharcr af thelr dutiea. There were no char^ea atlectlug tbe in I-tO.'iO'i.e'Ki, 32,8O0,BO0 I1..0K1 Kj.lKO.IIi o ? 1^4,"Ot I KMJ.OOO ?aailll or rfflelenev of either. but thejr nre i.otii Repnbltrana. Neither one <>f them fajoyaa taa nrotectlonof tbeClvllf rvice law. It ia plaln thattneir inoceaaora wera appotated aololy for pollUMl reaanB* hihI taat neither <>f them weuld have been nren a pi* ? |f |M had DOt BOOB 1111 aetive DMlMMTBl WBO*? ?PpoW* atcal vaa nrged by talaoattal Demoeratt; pon tlrlaaa. There is erory mm t.. beiM?e tbal BM hv one the nfllrial heada of *???T (blef of Divl-ion 1n thoTren?ury Department will r?*H beiieath tbe aharp ivform hafehet Inrenled liy Illiftflin and wlelded by the atiirdy arm of Mr Ma.B?, ?"" ln' dicetlona nr* not wantlng tbal tta aaaae l'1:'" J?' '," adoptedand exeentod ta tiie ataoc exeoattre aepatv lueuta. ^ THE GtTABGBfJ AOASm OBOBGX W. viEMAMfl. WAiHWQTOK, April 19 (Spccial).-lt BppeWI tliat while rofn-inir 10 dtHBlBBa tB QBBrfe W. WBUMM tl.KIBIB BBBtgOB" BgBlBBt hlin Mr Hayard or NB4 otiierofflclal of thestaie Ifep.trtmeiithaa been lesa rc tleent toward the BBWBBUBdBBtB of Democratle wn? papera. ln Thr V.ostnn l'ntt of Fiiday appeared lf?* jrivinz anoutllne Sf the rharcea. One Bklllb flllHTII attlMtlrm TT1*"* when ln Europe " two yearaatfoorao." Mr. Willlnnia. who aTM the bearer of iettera o/inlroduetlon from Mr. Frelinirhuyaeii. " hor rowed moiicy rlgM ?nd 1. ft and Btartod back to thi< eoiintrj witliout raOOBeOttag to pay lt." In reply to tlils aeousatlon Mr. Wllllama to-nK-ht ?BM: "I BOTBt was in Kurope nntll HBa yaar. I dld earry a lettor Bf lntrodiietion from Mr. Frolinirhuy aen. While In Knropc 1 never borrowed any nioney from anybody exeept on one oecailon. When I wa? iu QOBOTB t'onsul Adaiua reeommeinled to BM to aJaMga the routo 1 had marked out throiiKU Hwitzerland. I had BBVjri t tfl Ix>ndon a tioket wlth liotel eoupon for my entlro jnurney on the Continent and carried little nioney with BM, My lettcr of crodlt wa-> In l-ondon. I oxplalnrd tlili to f'on -mI Adanm and rBBIBftBll that I woiild not BSTC moiicy to BWkB UwehUMCB BBBBCfrBatad, llo aaid thattljpa.l oipense woiild !><? onlv *ld wlilch be woiihl leail to ino. [took the moiicy and f.wr hlin my wnttcii ob UgBtiBB for the amoiint. WkBfl I rBBtkBO 1-on don I wa* aurioiialy 111 and a Irlrml lOBB mo down to I.lverpool and ?aw BM al>oar?l the uteanier. I wao ill wh?-n I arrlved ln New-York. but I (Iclivered a upeceh In Brooklyn and BBBOrtWOlB OUW plaoe*. I then aufftTed a relapae and for weeki wancon flnod toray bsd. a?m.** I waaabla l wrsM Is < ?n xul AdaiUH the reanons Bf tha delay and BfBBllaad a re mltUDOe. I reeened hoflj hlm a letter BBjrni that M had BBBt mv noie tO the 8UtB Depnrtinent aud that I BudbecapaM hv AaataUst iecraUrj DbtIb. ib forr that tlme I had a'ln.. explainel the m.itler to the I m - (l.nt. I pahl the $10 to A??l?tant H.-. i, tary D.ivln mul, aelaraa Itaow,baaadMr. FyaUagBoyaea wara ootfc ?atl?ticd wlth mv azplanalton ?f the clremii?taii<-en aml delay. If Mr. FrelliiBkiiysen had thonght that I had aoted diohonorably in tuo matter [ cliould aay lhat he woiild have offered nonie objeition to uiy BppOlBtment as Mlnist?r to llavtl. On the contrary ho alirm-d my (UBinilaalnll a? BMBMlar iindperaouallyeonKratiilaii >l iu> upon my api'ulntoieiit." OEN'KRAI, OHDERS MUCD BT Mli. MANNIN';. Wa<5HIN<;tos, April 19.?The Strntiiry of the Treasurv kBBtBBBBi a BBBMtBl order to BsOBCMtB of cuRtoin*. banail ou a reoent daci^ion of the Attorney (ien eral, apprlnliiK theiu taat chromo lithoRraph* and ei>ier sinillar articles imported Bf mail for saleanmerohandi-e, wlll hereafter be required to pay the retrillar duty of iJft per eent ad Viilorem tlxed by tho aot of Marrh 3. 1--: The rulln^diM* not, howeyer, apply to mattar uf that klnd iinport?d for pereoual u?e, uor to uewap.ipcra and perlodloala. 1 be QuuiBlBIJ ha? aJ*o lanued a general onler amend iiik: in BOBM KSPecta tha ?lepurttuent'a reKulatioim for the aampling auil elaaBtftBBUBBJ of ingara and uiolaa?ei. -? WORDS OF TRAIRE FKOM MATOB OHACE. WaSHIXOTOV, April 19 (i>rcift/).-iMayor tirace wan in WaMiinjftori yester ay. He 1r whmh ln hm prtil?e of the Admlnliitratlon. To a rolt reporter he tald : ?' I regard the Adininl?tratioii aa ? aurcrsa. Tho IYBBV dent'a appomtnienta have been apjiropriate and Jndl eloiin. Of eoiir?e, the n ai>polntment of Ilenry (i. I'earaoi. to tha Poattoaatarship of Kaw-Tork eiejjte.i Koine dt? aatialaction ln tbeeity, but that ia ln u k'rrat BMBBOfa allayed and I have bo donbt win ?non antlrelj dlaappi ar. TheDenioeraey of New-Yoik repono Mich ConfldC i???IB Mr. Clcveland that ttiey entertaln no fears a? t<> the Ilual reault of hls admiulatration." MEETINO OF THE AC A1>EMY OF BCIBSfCM. WAftOVOTOIfi April 19.?The ueolittf of the National Aeadeiny i.f .-rl.n.ei will b.- held tlils weck ln IbaNatioi il Maaanm. haflBBlBf tf Tmra- (> rUETESDlSG lO C.HEAT WMALTB. DSaUrrCAJUtfOal Of A.v ai.lrocu OALtFOKMU MM I.KiNAIICR. [BT TKI-KORATII TO THK TUIHI M ! Ncw-Havkm,April 19. -Aboataii treekftafo D.ivi'lT. Woodruff. oi Cal., ave tifly. reuiMini to the homo of hit youth to iiiduee hls reuialu ing relatlvea to ro wi;h hlm to CalUonii, wliere ba wmiid aiso aaifeb tbsaa. Ho ?a? a bmb of tino eoarer* ittooal aawan and vaa bbbboiimbM by 1,1- wif.-, M i?. I.-.i i \\.. .triifl. ;?u ??:?!? i ly VOBMB, aml a BMaaenraat wko Baraeda vea*4 bla BMatai raoatTad faan .^^ la a UtoifaaB berdai ^klrlul^h. Woodrai iaM ? Horj af a raaiBrfiBhla ri ?? ap Um bwlder of fortoae. Thlrt* jroaia ago be baft bara a poorprlrata ba tke Bagalar Arnjr. I ??? b.< .iiiic a ipecoJaUrr, um of Keana'i lot Ita itea. His Ufe, m.i iu' to biastorr, ?..s after tbal UtcraUj boaad wlth Koidi-n bulUon. ifa aftetad bla brotbar, Bliaa i;. Woodi "I, a plala caWaat-BiakaT, ? oompo. teiu-.v. Ttft* laller dn.l.d to BBll OBl and f0 WBSt wltakla brother, whoin ba walcoBasd a* one froai Um doaaV Chaaiefl a. UalJlver, jK.proprtatorof tba fali CoUeaa bookaton, aad a ioa-lB-laa of Ella , bocaiuc i tuvontool u,e hii.u f< i aml l.e o!i.-;ni mm and bll lainilv BUU,UUU and a lUUTt IB btialliOaa ll .'?'? Um wonid aell oul aud nin.ii o/eal wltb blia. Mr. Unlllver al oara aold lii? rioiu fot i7,000 i o Alpheai N. Allen, abntfei dealer wb.. ?..? bia Imyb.1 i-i!iiin. tii'- -nppost il uillllouaira oflferrd afl loronia of 11 u(ooo a \ 'in no.naoftUaaiaay tllvai nln<M >f ba taa BtoaJd ^o alooc. HaTafaJ <?iL'i peraona reeclTed equaUy 11 bara I offrra, an.i all ejai ready t" itart Veatardaj Hie cIIdjm bbbm and iii'- Betltlouj mUllouaira ulaappeared uuder circiuntUui i - wbl< bnow aeem n.Ileato tbatba maal i.. inaane. Uiadeacrtad wlfelaa atiaagar and iu daap dlatraaa Inheratory she dlaplari bar lanoranea "f her bn* baad'a ttaiament bara. aaa aiarrtrd bla <1111- jri-ar a^o in r.u rani'?nto. Ifa rapra* bentad h.ui'eif to bc .<? peraoD of (treat araallk. ln Deoember lo- laduead bcrtocome t^wttoaattle nptba HiitK'd aatatc "f <!aptaln Janjaa Pai nam, of Now Havan, he'l WOUld D< I hlin BttO.OOO, HttC aohl a bOBM itaad to farniab ready ajoaay fa* Um trtp, aod be Kare ber a b;u,000 certlflcate in a aonhleaa Maxieau nnne for tBS inoiny. Uniln here ba haa been .1* ite idily dacali Ing bar, and now the hady w Is a (nuaa of iiiind borderlDj on freiixy. Tbe paraoaa wbo wara ax pectlng to baoome tue atrange bmb's beaefldBrtaa ara niad aaongta lo abool blni on algbt DMC1MI0M OFTBf ut>>.\ a.xjj 9TMML WOMMMMM. PrrrsBCKOi April 19 [8peetal)^-Th& BoaJe cDiivcniiun of Um aVflaalgBaaatad aaaoelaUon, wbtob bagaa Itaasaaloa al 10a. m.. faatarday, dld aot adjonrn iiniii6p. in. lo-.i.iy. TaoUaMwaa lakaa ap wiin Um iii-i ii--mli af potaMotdiiiiiini??? ui> iu aiaiboaaof ??ik. Oa the kiibjeet of WBgjBS IB K'neral, the BatogatOl OBtX nnaBlMoai bj agiaalag to gaaaaad a oeeMtaaaaoaol preoeal ratea. Tbay aay tha' Um naoa/aetaren ar? bj ?iu poaltkni t" eloae ibair nillia, and tbal altbougb tbere may baoonaldarabla loo4 uik bafon Jonoli Uiora wni ln no Booeoaiti for a ntnke. One af Um raa toei i"i iiii? betlef M Um kaovlodga tbal baa oobm to taa worfciuen tbal iii" Baw aaoal prooaaa, ablob ?a? ezpected lunii'di.iinv toteToluilonlaetaa ayataan nt arsrinug m tbe iiuiis. oi not yei a -ii< eaaa, aud arlll uoi i?- Iu timr to ail'ect Umaattletaeatthiarear. iin?< avealBg a;ord wai raoelred thai tbanall plate beaten aud roUeranf tbe Wbeellng diatrtal had dactded to arltbdraw imai iin BMBlgBMBtod aVaaoatattofl. l bla Ii eoualilared good aaa? by the uiaHiifaeiureia. TtM Workineu have BBtblBg to aay. Wiiki.iin., Apnl 19.?TtM nail jdate rottoiB and ImbIbib of TTboaHng. W Ta. Ballalrs and Martta l <i i... oido, yeatordaj organlied aa uadepandaat uuiou lo bb> braoa aii mlUa iu tiie Otao \ aUay. -? A B01 KHOT fOM a// i / /1 8 FLOWMMM Bt, I.di is, April ii>.?Hearj Mei-kel, ftbuup Ughtor^aga Blaa,wkUa Baaklog lns aarly moruiiiK roaaal on Fiiday, elimbed over lho feme af chailon Itataaaajyay, and BOfflM 10 plek loBTOTB. Mr. BtOfBBOyaf flrcd at lho ,.id * in aaaotgniL Atthe buopltal mauy ahol wtn p ekod out, aud the boy'i a/oauada aron diaaiaod. He win WALK1SG OVt 09 A TMAIM L\ 1IIS fXlflP. Mar^iiai.i., Iini.. Ajuil 19.?Hitrrj K. Brown of lliii piai-e, while retuimuK fiuui su LbbJI Bf nU'hl, gat apfroao kla tdeepiat aai bertfc bi ius aleop, aad aralkadog tbapuUforaL TbatralB oa^golng loit.-ine Bllos aa hour. blr. Broa/B bwded la laa mud ai Um ruadaide, und wan aoaaowaat broiaaal ? ltECAi-rruisti a OOMYJOt. BofTOBi Ajiril l'J (Spccinl).-.hAm M:iitin, oneof Ihi; coiivu-ta wlio ewaped Iliiiu tho CBBCtoatOVB I'n-oii on -at .ruav. waa reeapturcd in l.ynu. Two cou vh u ur? niiii at lurt(e. ilir. VMW-JMMMB1 MMMATOMMSJT. TbBBIOX, April l'J (Speaal).?blatciiienlrt hnre reoentiy beea publiabed tu lln- afbof that M gaajB i'.r lii.lian of tli? Kepublnan .Natiunul L'nuiMltUe, au<l reagMiiaiBB winium Waloar Ptaolpa aron bi Um tiebi aa < aadldBtoa f>>r Uattoi Htate^ faaaaor, t? a? aaod Naafaar Balrall Iu l.^a7. Mr. Hwburtaalled ior ?ajajaaj on tha H.r via yeaterday, but bOfaVO fatag d.m.-d paaUlfBlf that i baga wa? any truth in the report ?o far aa he waa aaa> cri'd, und aaid lhat bolh he and Mr. 1'haipa bOllOTad tbat beualor tkjweU wua eutitlcU to a re-eltcliuu lf lho Lealslature ahould be Repnbllcan tbat year 1-.x-C... U. A. Ha aoy. wbo waa ..No ...on tined >' be aatiie connection aa a probabie opponont of r, na or 8eWf u. aar? ?hat tbe Btalement waa Mrthwlj ".? ?.r !/,.,! and wlthonl I.lation. Honatora to Lc eloctou thia fall win twta for jtawelPa aoeeeeear. TMM FIHR RtOOBD. FOITK ri-RSONS IUJKNED TO DEATH. BXAMKfl ATIIMIHTKD TO TlfK CAIlEI.rSSXKSS OF A BIMI'LKION. [nr tfi MBATII to rm: TBlBim.] Rfapim;, lYmi.. April I'.t.On tho fnrm of AupuM.ia L. Went/oil, a ikorl diatiim I aatl <>f tl'1" "V. four reaag awa aaaaafal tka appat aaaf of a amall two atoryfran.e bulldlnit about M fe. t from the bouae of Mr. Went/ella* a aloeplnir aparttnont. Two were aona of.Mr. Waataafl and tka etkera bi* Mred aaaa. Thia aaorviag tke bnlMiag wa? dleoarered to be aa kra by eaa oflbeaervanta, wbo gavr tbo alarin. Mr. Weul/oll at MM wont to the re*eue of hla cblklron. but whan nn rearbed the acone the llanios had a-alnod ao much hendway that all attcmpt* at reaouo frotn tka lower tb.or w.-re uaele--.. He got a laddor and endoavorod to roaoh tbo aleeping room tkraaga aa appat wtadow, kal waa eeaapaned ta r.ninuiathebiiildltichid alroady bou'iin to aottlo. Tka atruoture tottered an.l foll w Ith a .-raah. hurrliiK a 1 ln tbe riiliia. Thenemeeof the rtetlma are Frederlca tie*< linirer. age twonty-alx; Charlea II.-tflnt-.-r. iiko mxloen; Harry Wentxell, aga ebsren, and n arlea Weattel, a?ro iweiva. Tho UAtinfrera were Oennan emurranta, im Cbarlea had oniy beeo ln thla enuutiy aiiout four weean. 1 he ebarred remalni af tke rietiuia were taken from tne ruina ab nl H> a. iu. and romovod to tho bain, wheio tlii-y wiire rlewod h.s m-v. ral tliotiaa'.id persoiis diiring Thelre Uattrfbated t<> tka uaialaaaaaai af a half-wltted ?aa naaed Danlel Noll, wkoa Mr. a/enttellkad allowed tke pnvileite Of aleeptua OO tka hrat llo.r. Larly tbla iiinrmug be awoko. pul aoino onal 011 tho tlro, aliut U10 (looi and lefl the nrenlaea to v wu a aelgkbor, unkaawn 10 tbe Inmate*. Corooer Bebaedler keld an luiiueat tnia moralaa and kotl w..* ckanrad tho erlaae. Ha waa aubeequenlly arreeted. Tbeeahuulty was ulludedtoiu inauy of tkepatptta bcre to-day. AVKHTINU A CALAMITY IN A TIIKATKK. BOSTON, A|iri! 19 (>>ri/?/).-In the lusf nct of ?? Ma waikuro ?' at the Beetoa Taaatra aa Baiaiiajr nftenioon, tne tlamos which play M luii.ortant a part In tbo tlre aeene awept bewm.l ?be contlnoa aiiottod to thom. Tkeybagaa ta blaaa aatkaaletk wfctek furniahed tho restlng place for Hriinnhit'lr. The atl dionco bad aartllj parialTil tka aaaaarwkaa Rraaaaa Hiilllvan oatne 011 th<- atage at a livoly pare, and 111 rauoh le-s tlnie -ban It takoa lochronlele tba faet extlngtilahod tho ewtkartag i>i.i/e. karac waa imtII anara awJekl* averted. Not oven for a tuouient waa the ad tion laterrupted. IkSinnAaiak aud Wotan, appar* ontly Wltkoul knowl.dko of tho Ilretaan and bla role, wont 011 Wltb tbolr diltloa. A roand of applaiiae wa-. oheeked tbat tbo pcrfortnanco niiicht ?uft<-i D0 inter ruption. Itut wbon tbeoiirtalu foll. Mr. hiilllvan waa bn.ugiit forward by Waltor D.imroaoh to akara tka plaudlU ofthi o(ca?ion. and tbo vaal aildlem-e abowo.1 tholr rooognttloii of tao farl 1I1.1I be li id fnltlile,! a moat iBportaat part la tka atace raptaaaalattaa of tkaaOar uoou. _ OOLOSSD OBPBaJ aBTUTM DAMAOKD, Firo Ntdaaferod tbg liw?-o? <>f ttw eifhty-ati lakaei arpkaa nklltlm f~ tka Diaallja HawardOrpfcaa Aaylum, at Deaa-ht. and Troy-avo., Mrooklyn. laat ovon bag, tim aaaapaaai of tbo aaiMtag had faaaa aat kaara la ? up]>or, u few mlnutoa bafan g ?'? look, when a aorvant k.-lil iiiiiii downataira and to! I the matron ln ekataa af the ohildroBinat tlro had biokou out on tbe thlnl floor. ili. < hildrou wore haallly aatit lnto the yard aud n lln> alarui waa aout In from thu noanat 1h>x. Iii re apouae aafatal aagfaaa wan. apeedlly at work. and Ikfl i^art of tho biiildlar wbore the tlre htatM out iudreaehed ln water. Wltbla half an honr tho nre waa axtlBirulaued. rkeehUdraa woreacm lotbenelch 1.Ukr in?ti;utlona, which opeui d tboir doora f?r tbem, aooie balacraertred by the Brooklya Orpkaa Aayluui, r.iii. ra bi tke Aaylum of tke Chureh 1 barlty Poundatlon, aod atin othera ayHt Joha'a Doaa, wboro tho diaastroua Urr 00c irfii r*T\y lael wmtar. I bo flreorU'lnatod friiin ad-footive fluo. and the ilnm Me eaoeed by It amounted to93,00a ib" busldlng u luanred foi glft.ooa rbe l>uHdiu? la a n.w on? an.l waa o|wii"l for ii?o laat iiiiiiiuor. Ihe :iuuil'?r of oluldrou ln 11 raagaa treaa 78 to 100. ? OBAPERfJB IHD HOT-HOU8B8 BUBHED. TtM Mteoait'g fraperieg and bot^boataea on tho* of tbe lato ri- May or Kkagalaad, at* I'liint. mi. Plaaaaat, weradeatreyad by graawBatnrday. Kuine warkaaaa weea t'liri'inif laaraa aini tbe iir?? win eoeaaiuah ated to aoaae aait b ?y aruund tio grai err aud ael ibe craper] aa nr?'. ibe io?-? wni be at>out aiy.inx;, parttaU] corered i>> baawaaaa, ? A >!MMi.l: BOTftli BUBJfBJX Alarffa two-B^orikd bnildJng oaed aa k aaajH in.-r ketal for - reral laaanaja al i ranhlla Bqaara, Beaap ?to.oi, i.. l. waa totallf aaatrayad by Oia al an earlj bour yraterday. Tbe buildle* waa owued by Ja?-ob lt?ru> beluier, aud waa unoceupled. rbe loea i* about fU.ftoo. i bere wa-> do Inauranoe. Dm flio u bellerad to b<- of ln cendlaryui . I... BI IV V 1RI0U8 Pl aCCM [ndianapolis, April 10.?A dlapatch to '//'? jtKivniii from BulltraD. in.i , reporta that ttre at tbat pl,,, tiii? Rtornincdld ?! ? - 0,000. Ai.ig tke b - ??'?? the fullowiag M i Hail and fii l ? v'i"i lean BoUl, f :.""". I'lmiiiat I y' >? ? irlea K"tu and A. J. Whllloek, yi .mi,,,. ti . ? H - """ ? Buahneli Broa . >;i'niHi; /,/, -.? ii"- tot.n inauraiM ,? k -!I, 00 Boaioa, April 19, Plra broke out In the four-atory rranlte bullding ou Iba eornar of Waaklagton-at aad (ouriaro, ownoi bj Ckarlea BolUaa aad Iraaed by iiaii .v Wblpple, of Vonag'a DoteL Ua tke uppor ibair were Bereral aoti ,.,?,,??-,,d in tka boi.-i. wbo < ?? ij i I" thelralabt elothea, Ifamllton'i rallwaj prlntlni ofllee on tbe tblrd -! ? ''? ?' waa contld trably daiuaged, a ..i tUM'k belng burued ll waa ih-ui'd loi ?..""" Ika loaa n tbo buUding la aboul 02,. DsaMuiaaa, Iprll Ifl ? Pka louting ?* Ulty. Oalhoun Couaty, waa barned lael BiMkt, I 1.000 ; laauraaoa 97,000. iuvi liin. i. M iv. tprtl 19. <ni Batnrday algkl B, r.. JeWatt1 li ()|ori-!aiMl-''., w.ia Imiiii.-.| with an adlolnlng alabte. rbe loaa i- 94,000; laenranee, .??.'..'iia'l. I ln- oimI of Inrii. r A AleXBBdcl lOul took tno from apal k*and weredainaaed9ltAO0 j Ineured. Attheaaiuel. laraa baru belonKlng to Andrew l.a< key, aouii II lauce away, waa dl*. I i.>? v?.?- ii. atroyed; l????, 91,900 ; Inaurad. __________??__?^ lli! hl .1!II Ot /'//. VAVID8TKBS. kftQUBATflllfO Blg UBHAB1 i" i"\ m:i BI n r n11. or CBK A?ici. |ar t.:i I'.iuru r?i mr. ntBOWal] WlLKEBBABBK, PeOD.t April 19. I?r. I?;ivnl moi n dled at9a ?. to-day. Early thle tuorntag bla eeao iiiiion aaaatad tawartaat kapa, b?i tka paiaea bad ab tanioil too tli in a holdoa tka (J Inn, and ho <|iiiolly paaaadaaray wltkonl regalBfag eaaaafoaaaaaa Tka ha> ti:ia aud papi-i - I m hla WefB "Xainlnod and roiid by tbe i oioio-r. One af tbaaa appotatad alx of hla elaaaat frlaada la tkla etty aa kta pall kaarara. Aootkaa rtad aa faltowa: I'hii w<\ t iiii i, April, 1999. ln eonaldcratlonof the numerou* farora auowa bm at vitiloui tliaea by tke Ker. ln. n. Felaentbal, of ?kh i >?. .No. j;tv ?-outii lio-piaini??-?!., I h< ii-iiy pre? ut Liin with iny llbnry, atorad ln iivn boxea at the onice of t*. L. Brown A I ?>. ut a/llkeebami in? renl for tba aaiue U hereln lu> eloeed. l>r. Felaentbal la the onlj Aaaencan rabbl wbo appreclated my abtlltiae and underatood uiy obarai'tor. Hll. Il \i 11. Kl I RM. P.O. [aolemnly requeal A. B. Wetl, e( Wllkeabarre, to BM tlial tba, my la-it ui-b,aball be graatOd WlthoUl rtelay. 'I'hore eeeaai ta aa aa leaajaraay doui.t tkat auieido ?;o aauaad bi moni.ii troabla oa rallcfciaaaabjecta, wiii'r lo- waa alwayi reanrdad aa a RuVtenailal an.l an adranc. d freethlnaei, Il i ? * - beeo learaed Ur-daj ibai n. waa ta raality aChrtaUan. When la PhlUvleipbla, h..ii,<- tlio. auo. bo Wna lu coiudiuiiI calloli with Llabup M.voiia, of tbo Fpiacopal Chureh, ll<- Bxpreaaad bi? boiief ln tka dlVlBlty of rlirial, and tlnally uiado a loi mnl appl catleu to be admltted lo ihe tpiaoopol ( bureb, and niaUe a eon olaeaudempbatic prefeaalon of taiin m ttrtot aooord aoce wlth tba rlewa ol tbatehurch. Blahop Hterana.ll lannderatood,expreaaad hla raadineaa to ?omply kul tbe wlahea of i>r Htera an.l raeatre hlrn lato tim eburck jtut when tkelattar niade bia dataraataadoa known to iu- ratker In tinglaad, aad otbar pereoaaJfrtaoda,ka encoueterad auch eppoaltlon that he reqaaeted Blakop BUrcua to poatpoaa ibe aiatter, tucloaod ui tne atkei lettera waa ooa addreaaad par> aonall) loA. B Wall, af tbia. Uy, m whleh be -aj? : ?? Aa voii will "'?? fiom tho luoloaed papors, lt waa' my ii.iontion to dla m Philaaalphla. i.ut almoat at Iba laal aiontent l determlned to ,i:i- in ii.> laio boiiio. i .ti,. beoeaee i do not care ic ii\o and deatfa la ? dnal reUef rrwa a ?tni|tiri? whleh 1 no louger ean eontluue. P/hon i endadmyiaat m i inoii Iu N\ 11 k. abarre, I aud ta m> oiiemlea : ' Forgive, "li t,..l, tboy kuavf not what tkay do.' 'lboll tboy (lld ii.,t undorataiul M Perkapa tkay will andarataad m.< aow. i<t ii.. Jewlah ral.i'l, or any otlioi oloiKyman, wlth Ika aele oxeeptlen ot Dr. Felaentbal, of < blcago, uara to pt iirea.haii.iyi.raro. I forbld It LaTnj heqaaai to Dr. l-'alaeiitlial be faitbfully i x>. ulod. aud lot Iny 0111-0 raat upun niiu wbo wui iiimlri oi praTonl it. Tiuio onlr two tkli.gatbat grtere um la iearlng tkla world. auo la tka taoagbt tbat foela llfa aad heget foola, whilet tka iiiai.ofliralli-.biat.idlo. Tho oilior la tbo kliowlo'lge tbat my frteada win be palaed bi the a. t. Bai 1 im too weairtoaawitnoa,aadafcallaeekraet, i.> *m an.l my filoiids, | ? a. >' and bapiiluoaa iu tbla wolld, aud 1 will grect you bayonU," TROOPS STEALING FOOD. no trovisions for dominion forces. BBBASJBB INTi) PRIBM Kilt gHIIIHl glUMIIBB BY MOU.YIKD niLlCI. fartlBBBaPW to tiik TKtnrva.1 MOBTBSAX, April IU.?rt 1h reported bero tbat ft dlaaattth was laaaarfad to-day by tbe wife of ati ofBeot "f the f.r.iii eoaetTaiag the recent di? tnrbauco. Tbe affati af ihe telegram is tbat tlio ni'ii bave been Tfitliont Caod for two daya, Bxeepl wfatl tbe.y cnuld piek iipntnl tbal lliev brnke into pmviMon atnres in Calgarry nodrr Iaatraetioaa, \\ bila thueengaaed tiie noontod poliea inniilaad them. and Oionol Iliiglien. wbo attonrptod to iatoriere, had a nfl? poiuted at hlm. l his polieaaiaa wm aftanrard ar rrated. |t m turther Btatad that tho bbbb ita fur contonted and tniaataaadto rotora OTaa tf tbey liail to inanli back. CAPTUBtNOTBUt: BIOUX INKIAN8. aoovsur or waira oar ia ctjotodt?tbb mip LABB BATTAUOB TO ADVANCK. Bt, PaIrt, April 1!>._77?> GfoaVg Winnipep dl-ipateh glfOSttM followmg: A Clarke'a Croaatng dla palch gtfw ,,n aeooaat Of the aaptaia of three Indlana aaaaa dtataaaa aarUi <>f that patat One of them turned outtoboa aaaata to Whito Cap. chlcf of the Hloux Indlana now wlth Rlel. They expl.ilned that Batta Caf/a band aaa ladaoad to rlatl Bfol by a promlao of paaaty ??f Bwvaaaao, aad bad baoa foreed to ibbuIb wlth hlm. The three BBBttvaa ha<l been up to the roaarra for Ihhsm .m,l were on thelr way back whou Uiken. Tkiiy auld that Kiel waa ut hla houae at Batoucho. He haii ISO hall bneda with hlm aud Hiui rotalaad aerea arlaaajata. Soaetal Mhadlataaallowod aaa of the indlana lagoaad raparl to ?ThltaCaaoa wbM he bad aaaa and tell hlm t<i tatan to BM roaarra, Ho promlsed to reward hlm |f he brounht lilel'a prlaonera with lilin. Two more of BtaTa Hemtta were aeen to naaa near the ramp gg flarkeVa Croaalng yeaterday morninB on thclr way north. A Calgarrydlapatoh of Paturday aaya : The Rev. John Ma< I>ou(fi?||. wlth flve Stoney Indlana aad taa of Major M? ie'? aaaata atartad tiiia BMratagto eacort tho iuau of Bad r?" r-ni kaaaaM n mH to taotr baaaea, after watoa they wlll pr.irced to F.dmonton. Cnualderabli; anxlety Ia felt 'or BdBMBtBB and the North country. The itage diiehere .m \V,dne?d.iv BM not arrived yet. MalorMleele wlth tlfly BBBBta, moatly eowboya.twenty alx i-ollre and iwenty flve other inounlod mun. atartut (Bf IMuiontoii on Mniiday tnornlmr. It la aipoatad tliat the gfMft and Baltgra battallona wlll follow ahortly, ex ceptinjr BM BMaaaay af Pinltli'a, who wlll g? tO Fort MarLBOat COaOaol IfMfMBd bMarrfrad here from Fort MMtVaOd nml ropjerta the Mlooda aad Plegana ijulct. Arm?, BbddMa ,ni,l aiiitnunltlon for tho aeoiita arrived on 1 hnradaj. A rtwlft Qtrraal alapatOh aaya: Ordera have been raoataad aora rot basMdloai advanco of tho afrllnaf Itattalioii tu tiie .-outh Waakatehewan croaalng. They wlll otart thla afternnoti and tt.vh the erosalng on Thuraday nitfht. The rUht wlnir of the battallon uuder Ooloncl Wllllama wlll f.inn au eaenrt to ateamera carrylnif pra> vl-bma. iiiniiiiinlilon and a (iatllnn gun, oa the danger our trip dowii the Miialiatrhewan to riarke'a Croaalntr. The atoraa .1 t.atiiu* gua arafor MMViMtoa. 11 ia ?aldthal thrae "leiiineia fiu'u Madietna Mat wlll be aent down taflMOt Wiillama. but thla la doiibtful aa Ihey are now ataeb 011 a aand bar. The Blacoa Itattallen haa baoa orderad ia<k to i^eAnpeiie. Ookmol Ottorbaa beoa doiatnednaarly Ibtm tiavaat taafarryby hiith wmda. IIla Whola COlBOia. IneliidliiK the tjuceifa Own, atartetl at I p. 111 fr. tb" H??katohewan t'roaalng to marebovar Um pralrte ta liuttlefurd. It looka aa lf a i:??h a, roaa h ,d boaa Bbaadoai d. THE CE8SIOM OP PENJDEH DCAOINART. MTBI DAILT RTBWg * Tiusga THAT MH.itaKY PBBp. BBaftom ai:k rruxVRCBMABT. L0BBOB1 Ajinl 20.-2*4 I'aily N?Wt says atatekirtita ref'irliiK to the rcaalun of lYnJdeli tu BBaalB a;e purely Imarflnary. " Wo fear," Tht VeM ?ai>, " ui.ittera have not paaaed out of ihe ?i!is'.' wijiiiu ableb BiUltary praparatlaaai are baporaUveJy raqalrad. it ia aafortaaately too .v,r tbal Um avll affaet of Dtarastfa Afgiian aUU remalna and aiakea BMM iperatlna witb tha AaMar." Tht Wmtt bapaa tii.,1 tbe Obinet wlll declde to altbdraw the KgyptiM et|t*f*tb?i> HUieli, tt aaya, M now wltaoal au> mulive' i ? 1 VABBA. April 19.?The I'nrte BM replle<l lo England taal iu aaaa or war botavean Bngland and Buaala. I ink> \ ^ii! n in.11111 eutral and wi 11 eloaethe UardanalbM and Hoapborua to men-of-war of eltber aatlon. Botiea of thlaaeeialna ln, be*a atal by the 1'orte to the v.ti iutM fon taaad ira al ? !onal nitlo ipla. ViKNXA,April 19 1 ?>'? fr 111 lub'iti learM tlnt the Rngllab Uovernmeal baa aarnod Engilab tradora M - ? .1 poi 1. t 1 ii, pr. I'.ind in li a\i. Frei^hta 011 the Haa bara naaa Bftj pereoofc BUBSfAB PREPABATIOirg POB WAIt. Bt. I'i 1 i i:-i'.i i:>;, April 19. The umiflg of bwb-oI '??? 11 a' ? rosatadt eoatlBuea Unlora ai :'? 1 woad to-d iv t.i bara all pal to taa. ; ? ti ttOeneral KonarofTa vlrtor) the A favorably uapraaaed tho . ,ni- ,,i Bvkbara. l.Ni.l l-ll -i i: \ l-llil- Ml N KIADY rOB WAII, Ii u.m H ported j;i ahipping circleg y< iterdaj ,j, alB, a l'i i"-, r.iiiiin mdliit llie OBiM itaaBv ?? of tba aoBlor eaptalM In Um Royal - -. ln, bf 11 "ld, r ??! lo ii.iv,-1111111 til -er\ ii-i diity. up "ii lua r,-;iiinio Uvorpool, by taoBrltlab Ad uiii-.,n-.. ' aptain I'ih ? ? ruii'il not ba aeen on hn ? 1 acoafl inatlonoftbe rnmor. Hareaentlv 11,,, tu tbe (Jovei naient, aud. Ihi ?oratbanalxt] yaara of aga, II la experted thal be wlll Im anlered to eoinmand tbe Oragon. Captaln fltllaui II ?...;,! ,,f one ,,i tha Engllab iteamablp 1 thla rlty, ? 1 ll< ntenanl In tba Koj d ^;,^ ai 1 maa Uraaaaj. ohalrtuan Hoirdol tdmlralty, tbree waeka ago, Muderlng biaari itoa f"i naval iluty. Ile expecu lobe orderad tad aaya he ihlnkathare wlll nol bepeace be> twrea l.ii-iand and Ruaaia untilaoma Hghtlngla done. 1 rhoiupaain waa for manj reara oomuiaiider ol the W'hlte Hlar 1I1 tiaahlp Brltaiinic, and lua bMO Iii . for ihe laal four yeara, ? ATtACKlNG QLAJ)8TONE'8 POLICT. I., ki, BA 1 ?? > 1 l-il CHVKCIIILL'a IPKKCH Al TBI PBIMBOBI LKAUI K BANqUI T. LobdoXi April 19.?Tha Primroae Leftgne , tNuiqnol in Bi JaBMa'a Hall but nlght Lord John Maonen preahted. Blx luindni aud BTtygtMeta wera I .-. ,1, iiieiiidiiiK maaj BMBiboraol Um Hombof Lorda und tM Honee "f ?omBMBa, Baadalph Charcbill propoaad the touat "TM PrlairoaaLeagaa.M He pald a wana triimto to Lord 1 d aad roferrod to Um ipontaaarty of Um aa thmi .ihhi foi -Ihe liiemorv ot Ihe dOOd llBtMMBB whi. Il theaaalranary al lua doaUi avoked Uu*oagaoal Um taaatry. t'aaUaatng, h? aald taal Ubm Um Qladatoaa Miiu-ti?>? e.nae tatopnwar Um aouatryaad aot baoa rree troaa war for aix naaaatbe, Bo eoiinlrv eould po-albly eiidure BMh eimafunt djaal ,,.,ti?n af tta vii.ii focao, raaalttag rr"'? ;l BoMayof in tataated labeelltty aud drlralllag kUooy, ?? araataakof gawaralag ladla," M aald. "ia one af trrat dittieiiity aad daagoT' Taa aoaatlMM ataalUiy, IOBMUBMB open. alwaj-i but 1010 advance of . noa Uka a aaraoat, taoa hke a ti?er. ?jitoiutoly pievenii Um QorarBBMBl af tndla fraaj ?Minlrtng real atabUlty or <>f atrlklng roota daoply Ljuoiif theuattvepeaplea. Untlltbe uiallgnaal and la .Mioiia advanoa or Ku-aia baa naaa perarjaaaaUy ar> r,.f d it ia foollab to bopa for realaoolal progreaa ,,, ladla, whoae prlnraa .1 jieople only r, ,?.,?, toyal vvhih- England fttTllIa bar ,, ,.,i. ?- Thequeatlon aaa rea< hed ?n aoataerlala. rbere } ra lf tba PTeaent debataa ?Hh Ruaaia have abowed ? on our part la oppoaa aaoa for all her baa 11,. neelgna, "ur ruie In ladla wUJ racelva ., ,.tal blow. Tbe deadly deeivpltude whleli ',, il ,,n t; e nid BladM and Mogal Emplraa Irlll fiiii on BagUnd, and the analbllatlM of our pawar W|j| I.Iily a i|iieallun or lluie." Ih' toaai totiie ininii.ry of Uir.l BBBMMfMld wua druiik Iu "lleiue. , , . li? Oiieon acnl a wreath of prlmroa,-* tobaplaeed upeii thi- Kiuve of Lord i:e.n.ittVld loday. Ihi- b mg ihi- loiirth ol bM diuih. BBPOBTBD rBBECfl VIOTOBT IBTOBQUrB. Bobo-Kobo, Aprtl 19.?II ld reported tbat there haabren a< vere llghllllg ill W.Mern ToIi.|lllll bO twren Irenrh aud < blBOM troopa. TM CbIBOM aaaert tbat they wara rletorloaa, bai a?iiuit that they aunor?iu baary Maaaa. ? lin. BLO KAni: 0? rOBMOfU BT Tili: FKEM'H. i'viM-, April 19.?Tba btockad* of Foroaoaa bj iii, Praaab waa ralaad oa tattl n>. PBBMBBTOTBB a BATIOBaIJBI FI.acarp. LOBPOBDBBBT, Apiil 19, 1 aVIW il ?*??< ,,x" attoaaaal in nna attf o\ar taa poating of plaearda by BattaaarMta, aaaoaaolBg ?? ,.,,nMter aaalaal aa/oxpraaalon of '"yaby ??il oalcoma lhat aay be aaade diiriag tho vlalt of the 1'iiin, aad i'Hie *M of Walea. a GEUMA.V OBXWI BATSB I1Y CANNIHAI.-. BbBUB, April 19.?H bi rwyjortad Umt tialivos af the Heruiit l.iaiida la tho l'acttle Ocean have e?Uu the crewa of two fierman morchant reaaela. The gun bout Hyaeua baa oeeu acnt to puulah the cannlbalft. XO MILITARY COXdPIRACY IX Sl'AIN. Paris, April 19.?The Spanisli Embaasy bere dony the repnrt of a tnllltary couapiracy in 8paln, publmUud In Lt Parfl yr-turday. UEVKSGE OF A JBALOD8 HU8BABD. A MADMAVS WORK WITH A JACK-KNIFE. TI1K ATIKMPT 09 JuSKP I MTBkg TO KII.L HI8 WIFK, JAMKS HAIiKIKY AN'H HIMSE1.F. NaTtfBtTBO, April 19.?Tbfl liouso iu tvhicli tho butcbory of tka Myera faiully took place ia In tbe uppor end of Auu-at. Iu the Firat Ward. The fainily oo eapted tbo tbir.l atory of lt Tboy had ainall r.ioma M ha li .oiinootod wlth eaoh otber and tho aoene .ifter the traitody boggara doaorlption. Tho wlfo lay upon the lo.ingo with h.-r boad uearly cut off. There had beon the iiiuat brutal iia-klng at her neck and the cuts woro long and doop. Tl.o work waa dono with a two-bladod Jaok knife, tbo blade uaod befug a blunt-polntod one bilt sharp. It waa aftorwar.i found in au epafl < losct in tho rear of tka yard, where tbo ono who used it had thrown lt ufter he eaatptatai bla work. The wouiati could not talk, but by mottons and low guttural sminda ludlcated that bor hu-b.ui.l bad done tbe cuttlng. Joaeph Myers lay upon tho tloor wlth hla throat cut frona ear to eur, apparontly dead ; btii tho lu charge sald that ha w.ia "liaiuiulng, .11 the ipiantity of blood he had lost aad not akkat hla padaa Harkiey, whoae ttttaal waa alao cut, llod without or eoat noarly half a milo for a diug atore, paasing ?ereral on hta way thlther. Myers'a out waa iihI as docp an tho othora, although It took ton Btttakaa taaaw lt up. It exteudod frotn tho left ear aoroaa iindor tho ohln to near tbe rigbt oar. Barkley had ono loug doop out from hla left ear lu the sido of tbe Tlio woiaau'a llve or slx ragged gaahea aovered her wiudplpe coinplrtaly, aud in-r tingon were alao haoked with tho knlfe. Botb aaaaaai froiu the loadmau by riiiiulng down staira. The carpeta wore covered wlth IiIo.mI, tho be.l waa red and the sldo walla were boainoarod. The atiaggla for lifo waa erldently adeaparato and there ia 110 ipie.otlon but that If a ra/.or had boeu uaed all Ibree would bavo beeu niurdered. Tka two uiHu, although badly out, win reeorer, but there la acareely u ohanee for Mr*. Myers'a lifo. 8h? is neariy i..i iy yoara ?i.i aad baa beea auarrted about tirtoeu yaara. There la aoareely any attraetlreaeaa about her, aud the Infaiiiation of yotiug HaiK.oy for her ia ono of thestrang aat foaturos of the atl.ilr. I.uia Myera, age thlrtoon, waa taken by Bergeant tke beoee of her parenta. Hhe said tkat Rark lay had liv.d wlth the faunly ln Montgoiuory about one year. ?' I'.ipa," .-he aald, " trled to get uiatuuia to aeud liiin away lenia ttaaa ago, but aUo womd not do it." She waa then dowa with a atroko of paralysla, and Lula aaya that Barkley huu< about tho hoaaa all the timo paylug uiore attantlon and aeemlugly aaore to Ifre. Myera thaa aay oae elea Him aald ehe would uot drlrehuaaway while she waa alok, and Myera waa angry at the atatul bla wife took. of the crlme yeaterday ahe aald : ?' Paaa loddealy throw ono arm around MainmVa nook as Ive ofton aoeu him do and ahe screamed. 1'apa had beeu slulng by the window, cuttlng hla lluger nalla with a kmfo that I're often aoeu him hare Leforo, aud I tbiiik. although I could not say poaitivclr. that he cut bor tliroat while he b;wl ono arm around her ueck. Aa Bka a.rianied, I ran down atairatogot the la.lyliol.iw to eoma up. 1 waa afraid tbat I'apa would htirt uietao. Tka lady down stalrsaald wheu I told bar that tbore waa aouiotbing tlio m.itter with Maiuiua's throat, ahe waa alao siok aud locklng the door refused to go up. I theu woot down to tbe rlrat floor aud couid get no one tbore. Three yoiing fellows that I'aw ou the atreot atarted for tbe poliea when I told tliom what had happened. Mniuiua foUowad modown ataira. 8h? put her apron up to bac uook an.l wkaa aka took it ii.mii I aaw ibe aklu all baugiag dowu. Hhe wrung tho blood out of her apron on tho ha.ll and I told her that that waa not our hall aud ahe auiat not do it. Hhe. put tbo apron haok to b-r ueck and aa it got full of blood, ahe would wring tho blood out agaln. I dul not aee what Harkiey aud Papa dld. I Bad before Harkiey c.iB.o ln. Ho waa tbore all day and I dld not aaa any troubie before tbe euttlng, i think I'apa dld lt, for I know there waa Jealouay tietwoon th.-in." J.iinn Harkiey waa aaoii lu a ooll at tho pollce atation. Hla ahfrt waa rod wlth hla own blood and hla in-..i waa bandaged all over. " lr iny poor boiio* haiis they will bing innoooniiy," he aaf.l. Coutiiiuing he aald: "Myera waajealouaof bla wife. My?ra came ta the aooat ta day al a II t'le before oooa. Woato dlaaeraad aupper togethef an.l matters appeared pieaaant all around. I?a* boardlBg with Mra. Myera. aud bavo boarded wlth then for a year ar bmmb iu ktontgoaaary, i an batweaa tweaty-four and tweiny-tlre yaara of age an.l Myera aad hla wtta are about thlrty eUtht or forty. MN.T.a waa lu tbe bouao ull tlio a!t<TQooii and ao waa I, liin be n.vor apofca an angry word to me. I won't aay be waa aebwr. nor arUl I aay be waa drunk, but be had been dnuklng. I hare ai on Mr. and M -a Myera bavo spata wlth eacbeiber ln my preeence, and aiio baa told me that ha had tkraateaed lo take her lifo and ohoke offhor wlad. I di.i not auttoipaio any troubie to-day, an.l I dld not alope with Mra Myera. I oame wlth her aaa boarder. Tka fral i hoar.i af any braabla teday waa raaailag of .Mra. Myera. I waa iu uiv rooui lookiug for my neektte. I found lt aud waa puttlng it on. when I tho aoroaiua. I ran out and luterfered. Myera waa tkaa tlniaing away al lu wtfera ti roai wlth,aa I thongbt, a rasor. I waal la hetweoii tham an.l lna wife erled,' <?. Jlm." I waa dolag the baat l could io aeperata then wbea Myera plungad tba knlfa in m\ iin >at. Be turned on aw aa qulek aa a flaah aad gaahed . twe <>r three tlaaea, oaee on the left alde of in\ ueck below tbe ear, and once ??:? iwio.- hlcberupoa tbe aaine alde. The weapon bad a aharp blade aud tbe out waa -o U.'oii tbat I dld oot know I waa out uutil I aaw the blood atreamlng dowb over myclotbea. Myera ha l puahod hla wife over ou tbe bad when I Interfered, aad ? ,i. backlBB away at lior there. Aa toon a- I found tbat i taei lotialy i.iir:, I ruafa d oul of tbe houae for a doo> lor. Myera mual bave cul hla own tbroal after I left, aad ln order t" i. al the crlme throw ib? weapon out of ii aabingawaj al Mra. Myerawhea i |. .i tbe room. 1 bal N tbo plalu tratb of the ailair. an.l i .ii-i hai done n. Wa lefi Montgomery oa M.>n o couie here to Ure, aud Mra. Myera tuppuae i tbat Uer liuaband bad lefi her. Bbe baa told ate that lt waa tbe tblrd iiine he bad lafl har." To di<> Mra, Myera mi de aa ante-mortem itatem int t? tkeeffecl 'hatborhuab.ind dld tbe cuttlug, aad Myera .d tbai Barkley'i atory about tbe attempted ntur a. r and mlclde ii lubataatlally true. ? TO REBUIIJ) TBE BUFFALO MTBIC H.VI.L. BurPALOi April L9 SpeekUt.?Tht Babaerip tloua to tka fund for rebuUdlag tbo baraed Muate Hall aad iIioh:. LouiaChurchareateadily Increaalng, tboaa for the foni'or b.iving rearhed 904,000, aad tka lattnr .. rhero aeeau to be nodoubt tkat botb will be IVblllit. ? PBESB-WATBB TIKil.i:- POBBOUP. Amitt, April 19.?Ouo reaulent of thia plaea recenily ablpped toNew-York tweaty-ali doaaa anap lli ? to be dia|ioeed ..i for food. r.i / ;?: r/.v/i KRsn v *> ibsmxx. Ni.\v-il.v\KN, Apnl 19 (SiHTtat).? Ccorpc . ili 1 ...-,--ful, Wka waa in-tnnn.-i.t i! ln tke aaeoaaaea of tka Yala erew af I890 aad 1991, la here lookiug tka men our. He aaya that Captala Flandera ia dolag weU wlth th.-m. bat Uutwttktka preaeat progreaa, Barrard wlU praaaal a aiuek bott.-r balai.i elgbt on ihe rlrar at Kew-Leadon lu Juae. Hoadda that the Barrardcrea are alee dmug nueh ImII.I Work au.l :>\f ln d. onlodlv bott.r forin. I 'bo Yalo irru la now, atroke, Fleader*, 05; l, Applatoa, 'xO; ft, r. i.r- '-o ; i, Cuwlea, 's8 i 3, Pntten, *80, aad .'. Bobba, ?-, Kourne, >*3; Matbeaon, ?->;..-. B, -.; Bolton.'BO, B.S H.,and Yerplaak,'8<*, ira irylng for tbebowoar. . aii or ihenenrowed Intbe wlualng boatlaat rear. Tbe Tala eutaa ra. ea take place oa Baturday, May 16, Preparailon for tkrai is Kulngoa bn-n.y. -^. _ KOBBMBM I\ A VBMtOEt IUMS. DAL1 19, TeX? April li'.?A bold traiti rob- - bor) o.oiirr. d iato int BlghtOB tbe Toxaa I'a.lllo Rall roadatawaod aaatluB a fow nllea weat af Min.oia. joaeph roblowaky, a aaMraaaal af DaUaa, aad a atraagac took paaaaga in the i akeeaa >.f a trelght trata la order to reaek DaUaa noarly u rull day earller tbaa by waltlag for the regnlarpaaaenger traln. rbe trala waa a loug one, aud when uatopned forwood at a wood yard tba tralntuen ;ili weal to tiie euglne, \<-a\ Ibr tke cabooee au.l ii - paaaongora a long way bach in ihe darkaaaaand thuk tnui.r. Three uegroea, anaed wlth aary reTalrera, apraug Into the eal.aa. Mr. Toblowaky waa rellered <>f nearli #100, a gold watoh an.l ehaln, aud hia eompaaloa of flaand hlajeweiry. rberobbera then fle.t Iato tbo tiiiii.oi, and bad flfteen mlnutaa' atarl bafkaatkatralav men learaod of me ooourreaea. _- - ?. OXLABOMA ci.y.Ait Ot COLOXIBTi KANH.vs ClTTi April 19.?Ihe /iW.seorrc-pon daat telegrapha troai Camp Ruaaoil, ladlaa Terrltory, 7/.v unriMS i.\ WMtt viito/yri. Qlbnwooo. W. V;i., April 19 (Speetal).?Tbe ,,',;,,?: uf Baieialitiaageu wh.. hara aaaatai thia rlota j.y for aaaaa ttaaa kaaaaaa kaowa yaaterday, wkaa a iy wlth B eapltal of 9250,000 tlle.i hutaaa wlth tne ivanty Clerk onsto.000 aerea ot land m tuia rlelntty. It la aald tbai they hare a tiunOaa af raat extout, tbo aeaay abaartng 37per eanl al tta, .4 OBIMMBM WlfM AND TMM LAW. riiii.AHKi.i'iiiA, April li?.~A iiiass-iticctinpr win ha kaM kara aa Tua alay ta ptotaet agamat tiie rattag af tka eaarta tkat a Cklaaataa wka baa Uved here teu , uauuui lu-ing Into tbla countrj a wBa ?bou? ho ,, , , niij nuilllod IU Cliina WBlhl llioro on a vlalt. A DINMMM FOM atat KM1LMT. l!i. BMOMP, April L9. -Mr. Kcili-y will lio on terUlmil aldlunor lu thia oily aa Wodnoaday nlght, by j.iouni.. nt ratMaataj m lecogultiou of hla tliuoaa for tho Uallan uiiaalou A DESPEBATE 6NEAK THIEF. ONLY CAPTURKD AFTKR PlsTOL 8HOT8. A NKORO WOUNDKD IN AT1KMPTINO TO R8CAPB FROM DKTKCTIVK8 HR HAD KIRK.D UPOM. ItiNpector Llyrnee regularly details a nuinber of his nien to patrol tiie tinper parf of tiie city to keep a lookout for eueak tlinv.a. ln tertivi? Sergeauta Vallely and Lanthier were .1, tailed for that work on Kriday night Wbtte walkmj through Weat Thirty-eitjbtli-at., iu the ev,-ninvr. the drtetiTee f-aw | stoiit, atliletic locking negro ou the oppoaito aide of th" street bchaving in a suspicious inanner. I(e woiild witlk until ho found a bouse witb a portico in front of tho window, theu go up into tho portico and try to ttiilateli tiie window*. He tried three lionsi a unsiiceessfully in, und thon went uroaud into Thirty-mutb-at., aud made another unaiircesMful attcmpt. Ihe detec tives followod liim liome to Thilticth-Bt., bctween BoTOBth and Kighth ave.a., and theu going to Polica Ileadqtiarters rcported what they had aeen to tha Inspector. Ou Katurday evening, about 7:110 o'cloek, the man left the houae. He went up to Thirtieth t. ann Sixth-ave., theu to Tbirty-eecond-et., and theu to Ninth-ave.. and '1 hii ty-third-at. Bi went to tho window of No. 'Ml Weat Thirty-thirci-af., and endeavored unsuccessfully to force back tho e.atch on the window. Wliile be waa at work a let ter earrier bbbbMV Without heeitatuig tho negro took & hig vvtiite bamlkiTi' out of lua pocket and went induatriously to work scrubbing the ?iu duw. Heuext went to the front door of No. 'MO W'est Thirty-third-at., tricd severai skoleton keya ou the door; found oue that litted and went in. Iu about len minutes he cameout agaiu with a buu dle un.l.-r hia ann, and went to tho pawushop of H. Poznanski, at No. 430 F.ighth-ave. He left his hundle in the pawnshop and rutraced hia stopa to the bouse that he had robbed. He again op? ned the door and went in, reappearing iu a fvw tniuutea with a handaome fur-lmed aiik circular, with wluch he tuurted toward Ninth-ave. Dotectivc Vallely waa < I. at tbe heela of tha thief and wheu he reached Ninth-.iw., walked up to biiu clanped his band on his alioulder and said : ?' I ? an* you." As qaiek as a Ilasb tbe uegro lurned, drew a pistol and tired two ahota at tbe detei live. an i tben, with a qttick inotion, tbrew tbu circular ovt Vallely's head so entangliug him ho wa.s perfect y helpless for a short titne. Tho tbief turued toward Eighth-avc, on a dead run. He waa brought up bv a aharp, " llalt!" Iroiii datMtiro LauihitT. " <iet out of my way '." ahouted tbe de^perate man, pointing his atill ainokii>K biatol at l.antbier. Tho d't'-eiive bad his weapon out and tired. The negTO lell to tbe ground. bleealiug copioosty froiu a wouud in the head. He waa only stuuued. bowever. aa the bullot had atruck him on top ul the head and pioughed a deep furrow aioug the acalp. Lantbu r iiimped ou him but before he could alip ou tho haiidiurls, tiie mau bad reeovere<l couacioiiaiicsa aud waa lighting deaperately. Valely m ho had in tha nieaiitime succeedod iu disentaiigling himaelf from the circular, ran to the aaaistame af hia partm-r. Ilutli tbe detectivea are powerlul meii but it took th, ii iinited etlorta to aecure tbe uegro and start biiu toward the Thirty-aeveuth-nt. pohce atation. Ho fought desperately all tbe way aud wtini tlio ileti-i rives inet a policeman iu unifonn they anaaj glad to call hun tu their amiatame. At the statiou lioiise tho prisoner waa aecure! y haudi nfted and taken to the eentral offcre. Ho guve the narae of John L Davis, ago tbirty. a eoaobuiaa bf trade. In bia poaaaaaioa were foiiiulpawn tiekets iMaMj by l'o'.iianaki to Krankliu for an ul-der. two dress coat.a, a nair of tronsers and a baaiaaM aail Ur. Doraa waaealladia to drMaDarkra ajaaaai, Ho aald tbat the wound wa.a not in the lea*t danger nua. The deteetiven went to No. :l?!0 \\>>t Tlinty third-otj yiaterdiv inorniugaad found that Miaa Bophie Tignor wm tba owaor af tba atolaa ettcotlatj wluili bad been taken fiont h?r room uti the r^eotid lloor. The clothe.a were recognized by TboniaH Wltliama aa bia propartr. Taa pawabrakag wa* MBt for aad faeaffaiaad tba aagta aa Umbbbb wlio had pawnad tbo Blotbea oa Ratarday tugiit. DBrtag the acntlle procediug his canture. tbe thief threw away the jiininy w th which he bad e,i leavored to force open tbe window a and a butnli af ikalataaa keya Detective Vallely laaaeadad la apaaiag tha doarof No 300 Wot talrty-thlrd-at., vitbaaaal tba keyaToaterday inorniug. aVaawl book waa found iu Havia'a peaasBaaao, eoataiaiagtba nuin bais of about twentyiive hoaaMla gaad Batta of the i ifv, WBMJi it ia suiipoaed lie intended to worlc on ifa waa taken to tiie Jaftorana .Market I'oliea (Jourt ycaterday aud reaiaaded uutil tlua nioruing. MUMDEM WITEOUT AFPAMMUT MOTIVM. A BIBBO MAV KILIS Hia MUTBBOg AND TMKM Hanc.s BIM8BI P, Wllliaai Jatata agg t?playad by AbMBUMMB Kin nay.ofStooay Hiii, akwaly plaaa abagd foavaataai baal troin I'lamtield. N. .!.. m Someraet Countv, BI take eata of tba tlaM Brbila he worke.1 iu Now fork, Kinit.-y oaaaa oat obm a wee< ba see hia wic, who waa left BjaM OB ihe place witb .1 ?> iea. Kirmey e.'iine out a-s ustial ou S.iturday uigiit, bul found B0one waitiug for huu. He wal&ed houio, arriving there at 11 oelnek. He could not get in the boaaa aad ao araoaed aoaai aaigbbota, They btokg into tho alaog iad loni poalg ?>? biood in tho kitcheii and paihu, the or.'an aniaalieii with an axe and a roat torn aud blwodv iu Jonea'aroom. Inaoornerof ino Barrow aallway lay Mrs. K'nuey. I,er head a BMMOf blooil. Anaxa had eut her skull in two, bar BOM wa^ Baaaahsd aiui bum her ahoalder. Tliree boya imaaedialely araataa Plointield aud loiamad Ubief of PoIim I?odd of tbefaetaaad ba aaal arord lotbe aatbotitMa of Komerael Coontr, Aboal ~> o'cloek Joaoa waa found atrong ap in tba bara, bia Back bfokaa. No iiintiveia aaatgaed for tba dead etbat tbaa that JoneawM aoidto be ia Ioto with the raajBaast d.uu'ht' r e Mr. Kintiev. who is a doBMOtie in 1'lain hei'i. Tbaorgaa belonged lo the girl. Joaga had i?<;i iMtii in. faiuiiv foaryean, aa iaqaaat arag hald yMtarday aftarnooB. ,t.Y lTALI.i\ PROUAlll.X FAVALLY WOVSltKD. Tbo police of tlio Baaond PrfMtBet fouud Lutci Toroul, an Itallon. a^'e forty lour. of No. J10 Eaat, Iu frunt af a Mfjaaf atora at nitfh Brtalgaaarly yaaBtaay BMralag BBaartag froma niiiiib.-r of atab wouad* whleh had been inttietc-d by An-rU 1'ioie. The wouuded mau waa BMBBB to tha m ety-nlntb gtreel BaaBttal, aaaata it waa fnund thatha WM MUVBrlag frotu no le>a thaii aatBB wounda lu the baab waMb had baaa bMBatai with a Baaaaat prattlotto. "i.f the etaba bad pMBtrated tao rtajbl tuBg, and tha aaaa'aneorary waa ao doubtful that tho Corouei waa auaiaaonod to take Teroal'a aaUhflaurtaaa atateuiant, Torool ani'1 that ne lud been ta HigB l!i|,|-i- to viaii anine eoiiiiti?BM "f bla, BM whlle thera had mat I'lore aud hia broiher l.uui. TBOTC ha<t beea bad faellng betweea alnMalf aad ajageleflere f?r koiua tlwe and liadar the liilluenee of nuiii'-roua potatioiia tha oid auarrel wm riaawad, aml Aiik'eio ttuaiiy araar bia kinre aad tho winiiida. I.iuki w*? th? only other man preaoal at Ihe tline. The arreaUd 1 ugi but Augelo atade bla reeape aad a gaaaral aurra waa aent out laaUtMUag iu< polica lo look out for hlm. Toroul ia a tall, well-proportlouod man and ia a l.iborur <?? the l'eiiiiayiv.tnia Ballroad lla ia BMrHadaaBBao two ohlldren, who are at praatnl la ttaly. He haa b?oa ln UdJ country aiiout three years. rs/\<; A BBT0X7BB laUlBfr T9VMa%UMM. Poor BrooUyB joajag BBtaB, aaaaaafl Chavlo* tUai. aaa aaraalooB, af Ba :t<>:) fktiiman-uve.; Samuei PMtarMa. aga bibbIbm af 'J-o Bartk Eighth-at. i Jamea WnNli, a--e iBBBtj ITB. of No. M7 Eweli-at., an* PatM Mii'ue, a?'' twenty-four, of No. II laakaaa* ?I went into the Ibjiior store of WilliatB Huediker, iM \u 229 L'uion-ave., Hrooklyu, laat avaatag and de maiideu drlnka. Upoo la-itu rofaaadttMy becamatur bulentaadaolay,aad ttnally taeproprlator droreUMBl ?ui ii! the piaoa with arevolver, tlringUve taoMattBMBj one of Um belleto woundad Paturaaala the left ann. The w.uiii I waadreaaed at ?at. i'aili-i-iiie'a Uoapltal, aua all aix nien w.'ia> arre^ted aml locked up lu tbo SlxtB PrrolMt Polloa Htatlon. -?? WILLIAU UKLWa MIStOUTl'SE. At tha Ho?k;iway liunt on S.ittuday, Wiiliam Uatta BMtbrawa troai btoaaaai abfla kaajaag a feuo? aad betb hia k*aa wero baaaaa. Uo wa* brougut to tM city ou a ipaotal tiaiu. a To VtOtM WOMTM CABOUMA OOtfO* UILL8. Wh.mim.his, N. U., April ll?.-ln couso gaaaaa -f haa aaataaaaai in tue aataMtflaaN^aaaWaV .uin^oncttoitmillawill ahut Uown for aixty aaya un I...1 aaaUMMlBaaNraa Me.ii.tiu.e OM tnill* .uauufaete unprlal elotaa aaalualTely' a1m?U LB6 baada will be tiirown out of eniployiueut. a Kii.i i.i> BI a ritAiy. Gaevkston", April li).- A dispatili from Mar liu to mr .\.ic? aayai * B, B. Maxay, a praeataaMaotton buyer, wuo la deaf, while ivalklug on ihe track of the HooatoB an I T? i^ Oaatral KuiiroadtiiU momiug, ?aa (atally bdarad uy ., tiaiu."