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amBBcmerUB. Buor Opkba nouMt?" Adonie.' fjaaiao?** Nanon." SSS^^^' *<"<?<>****,? ^^T^rK^BtAcknuaaar. Paee, CoU ,??_?., ... 7 0 Mltcellaneona fiaaaaaaaaaat 8 liBariajareaaa ***** j B.iT,-v.:'''i.. * lXrwP.lhll-i.nat...-. ^ i |?:',nne*c..ncea .... 7 ? V**m~~??>~- j 2 Unari aim K'-eu*. 7 - impoeeia...- _ . iit-UM-a an" ilta-at Mie**.....-7 - It.-i-aVp. . ? 8'Kooro.aoo Flata-7 J Imr*.::? *{gffire?rigl H Cneincss Xotten. ~ 1 la-ali iBTMlil BhotiUl be on everv table. -jt" For ?le brjUl gr>:oer-^A^_Kl^iJ~? TBIBUNr: TKUVIS TO MAH. -r*J*''MtIBEI-M. '?-'^ *? " ?? ft^.S&a SMonth, abaaMaaajeaxaar.. *: ;<> -j.^ ?ffl IlallT. wifionivinlty - ?'? ?5" . f SI Steu -*. *----' -*5or R_,r">r:ie--V '.? > Br Poeae. \o ...-) r-ult'-r mU plnne wltooatbe N.-ta. 3S Saao, "ToiaaVm **fi~Tala??^5^ A.Wre*a all ojirrei^ji leaoe ai?i*ly. T-? ranwaB. Pnw ^?" RRvvni UvPBftJafJ <">K TBrB TRTBUNR. AdTeruv.'-ie,-. for tmMle-Ur-n ln TO? .*?^:?K Hs^'r^^-'"^ . p. -. j ,* *:.*? lae-ban tr-l and two wr-Vt-i a... t t^405. No' rn\ouV?% Ba ffi ? .a-.'i- .ve.. or .er uf Koartee itl-af, IN OTIIKIt cITIE-k , ?. Wamuz-" ?-i.s3. F-et i ganna fMniMiilB BBaaaa. WOTJNDED BY HOIIAOB GBEBL-iT. ~NEW-YORK, THn*>l>VY, JULY 16. TUE SEITS THIS M1 >RSL\G. FoRFitiN. - I he Ruaau a were report-d to be in <*r*a*ing tb.-ir forres at Zuttik:ir*'a>w. -__=-=- l.ti-ii-h and Ku-t-ian s?cuntiea wer.< lower 111 the I'aris and London inarkct*. __=_= Ihe excitein.-nt cuntinued over the failurc ..f the MunMt-r Ba-.k in Irelaud. :?- The coniuuttev BB iDve.*tigate charges of vice la London Iw-gau ita w..rk. I),.m.*?mc.-Fight between the atrikers at CIcvo land and the poltce, **=**-3 BBBBBaB of tiie Nati-n-il Kaucatli.nal A**?v>oi?tiou coutinued at t>ar*t?-ga. m?; Reput.licau Notnin.iting Conveution iu Kuh mond. -ssrsa Juege Shipuian refn-ted to aet m tha tele,rai>u litigation at Hartford. r**=*3 Foimal naaaaaa] of theNn-,ara Full* ??a.rf.Maa -1 Appointmenta l.y Freaident llcvehtid. I hy AM- Bt iu" a runawu.v marriBK-e. -? A BTatJaaal l'roiectiv.- Tartii laTaaajaa faiatll sasa 0*M ?a~en for silver b] tb. baiika. ----'- Motion for a rcceiver for Ihe S>>uth lVi.navvania BBBtai -= 11?* hai0*B63 Bia. Vaten I.v tb.- Nt-w-Yurk-v. = r.-iiinvivaiiiapoJi tlciaoB in eonfereace. ===== l>.parture of tw.. Freah Air parties. S=S Au oid man fonnd dyiug. ===== Ezatuining .-illes-ed bnl.ery iu r.r.M.klyn. ===== A S'vack edn-.r tin.-.l for flght ing. F.z-.Vs-i-.ii'iij' GHItbaarianuxf. Uold vaiue .,f the legal tendcr ailvcr dollar 112*1 giam*' IS.-it 6338)3. - 4t??BBB 36*1 ve aud buoy tut und il"-. 1 BBTBI g vrith some reactionx Tm Wia'HH:. ikiufn. I"ral .l.K-rvatioui in dicate warmer. fair or part I.v alaaatf w.atlor. Temiveratnre ye-terday: Higheet. *iJ; loweet, GT-; arcrage, 74 "U^ ferton* Uannj toicn tor the ?ta*on, and rBXet m?r tror-Urro. cttn ItaBM TtTJ Daii.v TbIBIntB Bjanaai t,> tn.?. po^tpnil. **r lEmmte /?-?? m>nth, thraidrest bcinj ehatjri an ofl-n aa Jaafirntf. TUK 1>AILT rillBUSK *C?" 83 "'lt to l tf ? ' lf ** rfj Europe tor iii > i>er>?iAh? it'ue. .ae.UkiV* tht ocranp?*la./e. .-?-. f-Ju-HU'r fltteU art frrjn-nUy d-*ijnt!'i hy the Gorernm'nt an regular I'ont OJicr*. H fore fonrinlini thtir aaajraaj f*9 in~ ritnuNR ro.) Ur* at BglBtBUT rttorts xi" it 'C ll fo a*>-r tain th* rxict oS-iil title ot the Poit OfhMtti tr'iich they tjeptet to reeeioe their m iii. J>e!iy aml cvrre^>ondt?ce -' S tmtkUi bu 88 aMnf. It i.v.ksasif th.- Et Mjuan BBaaillng ntoiBew in Olevehiud wi-re iiiiinr tlifir f**llowa ef f-?r?-iiru butii t.. 84x11 tae Batnitente na_J ??f tlu- iir.-. Peled nnd l.<.;!* i.riuo pnllj WpBeni BBB party whu-h u'.ic v. al ttht l.l.iti- uiill yesU-rluv, aud if U nott-.l tln: .it all tiie i!H-t-:nli.iry !iR-.-tiu>:i th apeeoh.-.-) in Eutflish ar.- protty pt'.ic-e.ib!.- wliilt tlu- Bfaaj il* in 6 foreigu haaifne are nfftj in the eitieuie. lt i* likely, n,.vkcv.-r, tlu- i.-il* <d Um (u'ht with the police yeaterday will m.tke the l'oles und B .hetnians cautiourt Cleatin>r a tli-ttubuie" "irain. m It looks as if there BaXfjBI have been puliti. al as w.-ll a* otlicr r.-.H'?us the reeent action of the New-Y .rk banks in aaaetiatrto lann faW for ailver to tlu- (iovernment. Tiie I'liit.-il State* Trraiurer r.Milil indeed siy vrith coiitideu.-e -he liad ii" BB)gajaataaxa3 to make and 110 favors to ank"' niure B6 knew that -u-vei tl bank*. rep reaented at the eonfer-iioc, a't.- idy hel.l Trea iuy|?-ettiii( .F.-i.'l d.-in.-it stauipcl ? itii .111 nfpan lueiit to tuke auy lawful uuiuey iu repa> nit-ut. TIm- bank.* invitt-d the Trcasurer to the uu. t liij:;but he had alre.idy t?eci:r.-d an itiiportatit 45onc4-Afiiou from tlu-tu uud vvxs oure al a tab eu|iport. Appar.-ntly the Ni-w-Vi.ik Cle.triu)-' Hoaaa ..Bneeaaaaan has Bwerved vvi.l.-ly Jtuiu it> rewtlution to luainuiin a gold standaid. The Banaaaj moitentitled to nyitipatliy oaac eount of the a.iooting airair at the Allman Houaearethe pareata of the imhappy womai who wa* rthot by her worthless hnsb.ind. They etlueated their child carefully and 8JBT6 her I happy hoine ; but Baal retr.irded tlu ir kindne.-vs by ruDnin^' away with a man they could not approve. Atter that even, th.y providod for her and left Bothini. umlone to aotten the terlei-nre which she apeut in rej-entiii** her ha-ty inarriaK.. Hut the dark cloid <>f the pareute Um a ailver liuing ; the dauirhter will probably recover. while the husband is likely to die. Kveii if he re<-overs he will Ih- put wht-re pbtols to ahoot with aud wives to uh.-ot bt are not handy. _ _ Niagara FalU becaine the Btaaanrtj of the peo? ple of New-York yesterday, and our dLspatche*. ?c_.ut.uu an uccount of the way th<- traiiif. r was euTecte-rL The project of tiiakiu^* a free park about tlio Falla h;us beeu di-A-ussml for years ; but nothinir practi.-al mus don<- ab-mt it nntil 1-.".?. w!ien (Jot-eruor Kobiusoa in hi*iu.-i Baa^te to the I.egislaturos-urgested the iTopri.-ty oftakitiK etepi to that end. Coinniissioners were then appointi tl who uindr iiujuiry into tho xuAtU-r. aud iu report nvcounueuded that land about the Falla shouid bo purchaAod. Then followed the inevitable le<i*i.itive delay ; but m 1SS3 a bill was pajajnal iiuder wiiich the 3ubA.-iiu.-iif stepA were takeu. l_ast winter, a* eTerylKxly know*, the tsoiiey waa appropri.ited to pay the bill; and ye.stetday the State took poasesNioi). lt now raaaaBBJ for the C.tnadian nuthontit-a to entublUh a similar raeerration ou their aidr of the rlver, anal thea the ri^-ht to n<l ?aiire this wondcrof naturo frotn all poiuta of Tiew will be free to the world. Of couree theaix well-kuown Demormtie pol ltichtua froin PennfylTania did not raeet at the Fifth Avcnuo liotol to talk poltiea ; u'u-y niet a*/ c-U-uice, tbe uaual way witii three or aix of a kind. But if PreAident Clerclami had wanted to get a safc opinion as to the 999% way to distnb ute the Federal offic-s in Pennsylvan.a 86 aa to help beat the Rcpublicans this full he could not have g.?t 8ix bettor experts together. A glanee at the Baxntee of the politieians who inet by chauce) d.H-a not reveal any man ao devoted to Civil Service reform as to lx- utt.-rly incapable of giving advice on the point above mentu-nrd. Uow thene Bourbons iiiimt BeB* fof the good old tiuies when the spoils were openly divideil an.l when no quiet little ineetiugs (by chatice) were neceasary. It ean at least be aaid for Mr. Squire that he does not contimially nng the changes on the acarcitv of Croton water. as his predrcessor, Mr. II. 0. Ti.ompion. aaaaj to do. As a r.-ult. the average New- Yorker has drunk nnd bathed in the- Cwton sujipl. thiia te this Mtinmer with a qaiet auad. HuinttWlfraai. twda s.-ason's expe riencc BbOWB that a m-w u.-iu-diu-t was abso lutelv detnanded. and that the building of it was not b-egun a day too soon. Owmj: to the gpringdrouth the natural BOW ofthe Crot.-n Uiver fiiiled to supply the aqueduct as cailv a* June 1'2, an.l snu'c then. despite tlie supply lTom the Bronx, we have been drawing on the st?r.i_-<- resirvoirs. Tiie r.oent rains have giveu relief. however, and danger of a water famine for this year BOenaa to be over uow. A imx viscrisF. Ifanything could be more foolish than the seerecy in the c<>nterence b. tvv.-eu the b.inki and ihe Treanir.r, it is th.- tu.inner iu which ttiecoiirsetakciiisc.nne.l BJ B63n3 ot the bunkers. They are not g?ing to r.ceive -ilver iu settlenient ; by no BBMUhB. lf tht Tte.isurer BtM not gold witii which to pny them. tbey wi'.l leud him the gold theiiise.ves and take his sil? ver 83 seiurity. 01' coiir-n- evrry b .nker kuovvs that tlu- r.-sult is exaet'.y the same an if the p.vii.eiit had b.-.-u Bt bUtW. Tb* 86303 aiiiuint ol BxlfOI J0B3 into the vaults nf the baaka in plnee <?f g"l?l. BBMI Anre are baakers who fanev in 88086 cuiioiis way tln. *MM1 ?>. thiug la ajning BB u pr.-veut publie appi.h.n sion." and avert the evil conse.|i:-mes whieh th-(.i.eti iibiiiiloniiient nf the gald 03.68 bj tlie b.mks would oOBfeoeedlj involve. It ia loba uuticed, t..o, that most of tlie biiiku-- WBO Bxlk at ail s-eak witu un.. n.ealcd eniiteinpt "t the 33*3X33 whieh bna been taken. It la ? ihn-wiug a trabtS the whale." one says ; " we an- only w.tip pteat th?- d.-vil reoad the BtaflBp," ob-.-i v ee an other; -we doti'l lik*- thi- .* Iv.-r p av -ie. but I thiuk it will taste better n--ct wiuter than it I d,M-iu<.w."sii.v*aiiother; -tiicre will Bowb. no ! ditliciihy ln iii.iiutiinin-: gold payiueuts untll : i.'uiigre*i me t*." says a fourth. Nc |"" ' u.u; elnttfl auy ntna enn p.iy ln gold. it hia .-i.-.litor will let Luu have the feM to |. iv vvi'h. | ..ixl t.ike his enta aud .io-.'* laetaad..- -? ll it the bnnkei whn call* thla -gold luymeni " ehow- that he is mo:e 9*sUm tO ? BaBJlBill iiaukers .-.tli ?eoafkleaee " thaa to pfnoarr. ln* own repiitaton for soiind B0008. The opiui'iiis of aha .? > ai n a 1 -a are nqneilf inixed. 77ir 8mm thiuks that silver piyments are projK-r, unl tha so mer the Tn .n.iiei lua-'ins tlu-iu the b.-tt.-r. lh- li fi-ankly a.huils ihat "Tha S. eret.iry ol Ia6 u rre.isirv h i* eootiniiing aiitliority under th. -i.-t of Jaaaary, 1889, whenevet tln- retorre ? fur tlu- redenxnaion <?f Qnited 81 itea natea be? ?enanee In i> lir.-d. to n 1 b mda i<> oh, iln gold.*1 Hut it thiuk* th.-re aie rtool reneOO. why thia |.i).ver siioul'l not be Bftod, :ind thal tln- baaka for th.-it own latetoel to -t?'i? In nnd aare tii.- Tianetery irom tha neeeeaity <>f u.*ing it, wlreh is a frunk enntonaton that the palitienl eiiu-rg.-tiitien of IBO A luif.i-tt.i.ititi ouchl to cousiraiu the luinki t>. t ike the loail exY Ita -hoilldeis. Anotlier i'lilillill i.iv-1 the banki ? l.ave a v.i.*t fuiid ->l guld." ;ind th-y e ni therefore artord to apaV. a little of it. I'.ut vvti..-e tn. :i.v is this wliieh the b uiks bold T Thora ia tha raol nl t.ieiu.itter. The ntonoy ia the banks is not their own. It bdoBIBn ta0B0 totii.-rs. who have trusted the bank- le thev have giv.-n solenin Baanntnoea that I ? ? I w,.ii!d lu.intain mali ...ivuieiFs L.r theraa Iv ---. I wbethee the (jWretraanenl did <>r not. I iat ; iiiiui-y boloan to indiviiliials. and it is ;t -..t.-rcl ' trtist with w;.ieh t!u-I'l'ik* hafe no ruht to | tnanpor. Lot the aoapteion go out they I are Ailling to take enta nnd do-'-. <>r -ih. ; c.rtilieatei, or silver dullat-, into their I . in pl.iee ul' the L'old wiiieli halotatTX to tl.- ir <l. |..i-ito!>, and the i_old which U-loii..'* to their i tlc|i.i-i* will be dr.ivvn ui; nioie i.ipuliy than | they deeire. The nlntn tru;ti i* thal the hnnka hav i- not a large fund nf gold. Their enototaera hara, nnd theywnnl to keep it. They bnre ti iit.-d tha bi:iks. beennna Ihe biuk* M-euied diatMteadnad able to pefforaa ln good imtii their oUigntaon to retnrn in go I iiuuiey iiitlnrio euti BBtod BB tli.-ni. If ti.e banks ia not int-iif) tO ituk t-> liiul.-i -t in.l nig, and ta do it re.iolut.a.v. ttuniL'ti it tii.t.v c-t BOOac iimUiVenienie, an.l involve the npaatlng of s.-jiiiia;.'iiecoiints for silv.-r, then tlhBBOaner they let the eoBBBBiirelnl oneaiannlty kno. fact Ihe better. C.rf linly they niiist iiinier Btnndthat no-bodria aVoni-radwhen thej pra tt*nd to Ih- niaintainiiig gold p.iyiueiita, are in fa*t 1. ti litag BB the Trenuty tlie gold whieh they n-ecive. Neitlu-r the couiliilii it k . lior. l!U hiippily. the silver in C-mgress, will be for a luoineut delnd.d by sucli a peifoituaiiee. .i.v ALAEMLSO BUMOB. Englaiul ha* a^-.iin 0660 di-t.nb. d by a ruinot of .unilhcr advauce of the Kus-u.iii ont;,..-t- iu Afchani*tan. Lord Sali-bary in his first a ithoiitative ap***aoBna PiinhB MioJetor etated tliut the Goveriifueiit would fultil ihe pledgo niiule by the lihwlstone Mini-try to the Aineer resiH-eting the reteiitio:i nf l'.i*-i. Mr. (.l.iilsUine subseiiueutly c uitiruied the aeeuracy nf this s; itctueiil, virtually adniitting thal the Aineer eoneideied the occupation t>f the p.i.>? as esscutial to Uie aecunty of Ilerat an.l that Kiii-ia promin-.l it Bhoold uot be 8 izt-d. Lord Handolph Cli.irchill ha* boon reliceut ou Uie eubjeet of Atghatiist.ui Bineohd becaine a Minisler of tlu- Crown, but on 1'ues day he bluutly aekniwledgcd l! tlie Auieei shouid a_ik for help, the liovernin.-iL wheth.-r Cunservative or LilH-ral, WM under obligutioua to coinply with tho dein.unl. Froin theae otl'u ial aUit4*uients it is plaiu th.ii Englaod baa agreed to euforce the Aiiie.-r's right to h ?ld Zultikar I'a-s aud ti> render milit iry u*.i-tBBMB if he a-ks for it. If the sianling riiuior tuat the bVb3388JB6 h.ive atlvanceal in CaffOB t" thal point be conlirine.l, tho a.tiiiiioii will at onee beeouie At-ricUS. It Will b- Uothllig lee* tii.Ui a tiirect Ba_nllaa_Bjn to tho l'linn- Mniiater. who has entered upon ObBOB With the eiuphatic d? tiuu Zaliikar iiui-t iciiiaiu iu tlie lumda of tlie Afgli ins. Two circumstrinces aeem to conanrni this alartuin* report. Uue is an onportum- expi.iti i tio i frotn >t. reteisbarg that KoBBBrohT has coinpla'tied ol tiie advauce of the Afghan oiitpostsand receive I instiu tiona toavuid .uiy BU-p that niight lead BB ? collision and | ? luaiii atricUy ou the defenaifw. 1 B I re the tacticx which pntcled the bif.le n.-ir Penjdeii. There was a aeries of stealthy a.l vanct-s ou tiie put of the Kussian and there was a tlnal Bwoop upon the town it-i-!t, aud every stop w.ia j.istilied as a'.irc rendered neceaaary by Afgbau mcnacca. Tho Czar'a Govei ntnent never eeased to warn the stat-thut it ?___* n-iiiftin strictly on the .leleiiMve, antl wh?*n the bnttle was foupht erioeed ita inainca-rity by lavishly n \var.lin>r ntlicer* aii'l mm wkt ha.l __t?gg--MM its foi iiiatnu*tion_aii.l rarrit-tl ont its t-ocr.t purp.nes. If G.-neral Koniiiroff has ladeel I ?' eeived orders to rrmaiti on the d.fcnsiTe UM nt.t to provoke hostilities. sinpicion is gfgnged at once, that annther l'eii.j.U"h is in the air. This inipression is Btm_fthea_od by tae wiili draWBl ?t the Hritish ft?ini.ii'*>i'?ii and military gggorl irom ih.- hills to Heiat. BBbaeqeoal ??_ planatn.iH may l.r.-ak the force of these I6_6 picious lIlllBIBalantina bnt tippamitly the Afghaa Qegettoa bi ta he raetaaeda Tliei.repiirations for the fort ilifi't i.n. of H.rat under the auprrriaioo of Hritish gagtaoen h.i.e w.irn-il the Ba_86-f_B orlicers that they tniist act at MM* it th.-.v afabed to pate formidable military opetationa in the future. The K-BJUUoA and AUkhBBofl. are t..-ii:li-aiitl-r.".uly soldiers who pr.f.-r a cavalry m a ai.K'e. Tuc.v have ptoWb.T asked the lli.tiif (;..v.rn:iii"iit : *W_J shonld we have "the troul'le of hauli-f? artillery over the hills ?* an.l cnrinonadiiiK th.* town n year or two henre, B when we can take it hand over hund within a -u.'.kr The Iniperiul anth.ritiea may not have hteii ttlapiBM- to arjfiie the case in virw of th?- paeaJiai ibIbbIbbi of partiea in Eaajaad, wheie no Ministry ean f.-?-l tliat it has the gnr_ad under its f.-et unlil the Noveinber elec? tion-h.ive paiafll It is a politieal 1'iisis -hal will tempt the Kusaiaiis to a.lvan.e. TUE VEW FEBSIOBAl OF I ORSF.I.L. The ac-c-sion of a new president Bi CoCBell rniv.Tsity .-..n.-ernsall *ho tak.- an inteie-t in liiK'li.-i t".iiii'.iti..n. rn-i<lctit White haa BBade th.- position from which he now one n<>t Mq toi..- Alled. Hebroaji-l Mthi aerrtoeei tlu- tiniv.rsitv n?.r mny aonnd sciit.lar_.hip. but al.x.Tutiv.- (itpacity ot B ktgfa OWaBT. ABI iii in ol iitViit.-, irltll views etiiai-ed l>y diVWBllJ ..f int.-i.-M.a. bj ti.iv-1. l-.v di-i'ii-- i.n, l.y th. friilion ofpabtta l'f'-.'t bOBM iind al.roiid. he oi-i U' 8 808B what BBBBBal P-BM BBBOBg .?.liic;ii..|a an.l dUr_tS8a_ a.i iiilliieii.e not ea-iU inia-iii.d by a.-.i.l.mic Btaodaid-. T l.<- BaB pnwiddBt. Iiofcs-.u I'h.iilis Ken.liill Atiati-. Will d..,:l.!l.-*a liml that UM BtMtp 0- -il Bf _JfCtBB6lJ6 in.livi.lual.ty is upon e.ei\ BBpait* inent ot the tiiiiv. iMly. To the irraduafes ot C.inell th. BB08I aig cant I.n-: .\.l..!ii-'.-> BeCOBBMM Will bt he BTBa I'i.- 'I'liI Wnite's e niilnLte. I!t dooa nui obom m Um lepteooBtatiTg .<f bob ideae in stmly and diaeipllae*b?l m Umbmb whom bia pr. loeesaoi baa t .r reara roganledea beal qoalifled ta t.ii.e ui> tbework abete Im lit.ii-.-ii M1..H..I leere il. ''?'. - ' iii ?ne.-, tlirr.toie, oi it difterval porpoae, it i- tu I., i tp. eted Ihai tlu- bbb adBUBialiatioa will U* in geoaral a cooUbbbUob ot tnr old. |'ii-,i,l,-;.l Ail.ima bfiBfa ffOBI M.i '.i.'.in I'ni reraii] aa aatabliahad pepetatioa toi laeroioiKi cultore, iii.Uuifiii aod diaeratieai. Bol hie werk mmtt baaaohledy m Iheelaaa rn in aad tlu- aml I.i- talaBta f'.r altintii-. tr.itioii iu ..-t noa bataatadoa a lars. icale ft>; ih.-in.-t um.. IL ia f.iituii.iit iti ili? ?iiiuin -ia:i.? be waa tba ebeieeela largi nia'.'ii-y ol the U.a ?-.?-. Bpofl 8/bOM lnm aaoport ta tho porploriiaM ol lua bob poa be mi- ."i.n " i.-l.i. 9o__a <?! thaalaaiBi will regiel thal tha dea re. bj ? prootpl ?i* i I ?? ot Profeaooi Ad .m-*. to < wdeeaa the aoapie. of hia litentrj methoda Bbiek Braa uadeUic hauia ol oppoalttao to n.m ia eertaio quartera, ptecloded the furtber eoBaideratioa ef othai cacdidateei bol thej nr.- doabtleaa leadj t. ,.-,' tt. tha bob |i.?id.'iit theb Inralad boraaea Bad tojota in the gvaoral aiol h ?' adii.iu.-.u_iti..n ba brtlliaal aadaaeoaaafaL Ai 11 Al. BTATB i>F IHE l RI 141 /. V. Booaebodj baa beea eagafwl m gieatlj mia i. ?!..-. nuiifc' tti?" aetaaletate of lhe Treaeaij. i be t-i! i. porta, in.itli" piil.iir !?_. - .Maiiiiibi.' and I le.iaiirer Jofdaa, do ii"i s.itn ataioBioBta ?__*. ii boom pocaoaa aee rt Mr. Jordaa mi i.i.- i- ?".<? tha baakera m euafor ni, i- on Moaday. Aceordinit t<< ti.??-? ..--? - i.j.i" d thr Tiaoeat] bad beea rapidlji kadog Ita tappljol gold. Tbk w .i-on M"!i'iav. and tue lat.--t pretrloM stat. iii.-nt o'whiek be could bare badkaee i gi wi- thatwhiek aboved the eoaditioo >.f 11.* Treaaory <>n Batordaj, >*'iiii-ti araa .i- f.._;-n\.-?. Uold in tbe I re ieai ?. |_ 17,020.91 8; gold Uflcatee oaUtaadiajb $128,724,930; mt | >l l -.295, ?-?-*. rhe amooBl <>f gold tbeo be lougiag to the rreaaorj araa i |BI,.1,000 tiie aaaoaat beluaalng ;?> the rieaaon July l, aa aho-TB b) the rnaaarer'a atateoieot, theeigb tha BBtoaat <?f gold aetoallj held atai . 1 ..- Ji.i. UU ill Of !?? l li.ul prodoeed,aa \n.i-* aataral,a lemporarj redactioa. Bol l?! ae n<^ l'x.a. baek. 0 ?j-.'ui uf M.t.*., Mr. Jordaa'e report ahoaodgold iu the 1 j? ."T-' 11..*.i:>..*? 111. th it ia to thaa ?'*?-'.,, |",,?,",? tliati w;ta h.-l.l .1 ll, aad after dedaetiag eertideatea, aH ?_".ii oaraed $115,810^33, thal i? t?> mmj, eearlj $2,500,.? leaa than waa oarned July ll. M.-iic- ii appeare thal within the lael mi ?...... MHwitbataadiog the pojaaeBtof iotereel l, the in.i-.i.. baa iaereaaod ita etoek of gold. lt !>?? Buppoeed, boweTer, thal tiie r.-ji;. eeatatioae reeeatlj m id>- refer, n..t lo tlu BBItim. "? K'"id a.l...ili> li* 1 tl. l.ut tO the DTO poi'tiou of gold its ?it!i thr leg t.n.ltia to be r<deeaaad, ln tln-. reekoaiag,il ia ti?*'"e.aa.u v tir.-t to d.-dit.-t t tn-th in intl liitliili tit*-. l?u( ause liabilities eannot |tl;n tlr.tli) li. in. i w 11U r-iher. Um preeise etateaaeal foi July ll c.iiiuot be glvaa, b\n U bfaii topre .?..uu.- tiiat nt nt ..t iuicie.-i! redaeea the deeaaad liabUitiea ahieh ereie laneBjaimd ia tl.e atatein.-iit of July 1 as miieh as it ml ... _ th.- eaaii mi li in l. Oa the Nt of Jily, gflag <lr daeCiag ioaBaad UabUitiee, the Treaaan] keld in Ire." gold for the fdoBipliOB of l.-i/iil-t.-iuliin $56,367,985. Ob tha l-t oi Jaao. after <h* doetiog tl.-iii.ri.l, tlu- Treoearj beld ni i:.c j;..iii $45,348,100. lh.* pmporttaa of iiec gold thaa tadd to lhe logBl-leadera out ataadtBfaraa 17 per eoal Ju\j l, aad oadj 11 pereeat Jaao l. Moreorer, if we n> baekto tlu- tit-t Btatoaaeal aaade la tho praoaal fonn, after Beeretary MitminK took chariie, naiiit.'ly thal <>1 M.u.-l. 111. lt ther.- :.|>|*. ... a tl.e> baldtafterdedaettag aeaiBad liabili liea, ine gold BB-lbiiBliiig t.? $53,699,088, ??! utitily $3*000*000 le-*. than it ln hl ou ti?- l.; of July. Tne proportn-ii of Iree irol.l tlm^ bold Mareh :il to Ihe _egal*teoden bo! in the Tn-iusiiry waa 1 ti.."_ pei 61 nt, ii<!y l.-ss tli.n it \ July 1. ll.-nce lhe truth is that the Tiia-ui;. baa bo! beeu lo-iii>r, eithet in arlaal atoeh ot gold or in relativc ll|8Bglh tor the n doaiptloB af legal-teeder Botaa. Theeadjia ^p.?t?t in which it M-ein- to have l>'-.-ii loaiui; ia in the eoefidcace an?l pidekol the Boeulaij. A 11>.\ TEAET, \eai- (nitod St.itea Army b?-f..rc* IfaBhlagtoB Ih->:iiii its faoaf greai BMveMaal to aaaafl a Deaaoa i li ..i. Tne order.a w.-re i--.u-(l .lulv 1 ?, aml the Army bogaa its tnareh July lt!, and ? baW days att.r t'.ie di--i-trotis battle ut Huli Hui was fou^li:. The firat Kejuthliiau Adiinii;-tration had t i.!i Im'.-ii iu power ju _t as lon^ as the tirst Dcuiocrulk X aiacc that litut. kiu been in power now. But how diflerent were the tasks iiiipos.-d! In 183 day8 Abraham Lincolii had created n Governmeot out of the wre.-k left by rebellion nnd had created an arniy out ol noflung. Meanwhile Ri piiblicun leaders were already consiuei itur that long series of aplendid niea-ures wliieh uot only brought vietory to Ihe N.itionul eause. but opencd to the new Nation u grander industrial. and linancial fiiliue than its uioat euthusiastic 8ons had ever imagiue.l. In .Marcli 1'n sidetit Liucoln found the i.ov ernnn-iit a wre.-k. Traitors disgttisetl or undis giiis.d lilled the most contidetitial plaees at vV,i-iiiiij_ton nnd lhfOB?Od in every depart iiiiiit. For all i.Ktfiil intent, nnd cspecially for the pr.-servntion of Sational existonce, the QuraHIBBOnl bad to pieces. Traitors swarnied betw-en the Capital und the Nottheru St.it4.-s, and tried to block the railroad* by wliieh tr.-ops went to the def.-tice of Wushiiigton. Thf cretlit of the ijovernment had beOO aV-stroy.-d, it* nuval forces neatterel <?r stolen, itn arsenals t-ei/'d by rebels. In this condltion of ahV parallele'd diilieitlty the liVjnblican party took the Uoverniuent, and by this time in lf-u'l wns prepar.-d to lu _rin -arious ctl'oits for the sup ptaealon of rebeUion. President Cleveland did not lind a rebellion to Hubdue, foi He|uiblicans do uot try to destroy Ihe Nation because thev are beuten. He did not Ind tr.iitors lllling the publie oftices, but iu rttend tnlthfn] aud eomnoteal wotkers, whoor /eal .111.1 .-kill ill perlolTlllllg their diitiesundei the new Adiiiiiiistraii.u have extorfed the i.i.,;-,,- ,,l ]...litie,il opiioii.-nts. He foutld 066)66, and a united countrv, and a National credit nerer sitrpassed, aml BBtOt38666 riserves in th< rntaenij Vfbmt has he done vvivhiii fmir rn.ui!h- nnd a half ? He has Hpeiit that time in Ii?tening to the clainisof paithhBSM f..r lle ha* speiit that lini. iu deterniiniug which of tlu- BBU who trietl io d. *troy the rjnion ahall nowbe aeleeted tn leiT'-i.-iit it i.''.i.-ial plneen. lle ha* apenl that rime- in rewnrdiag, nnd in rowniding tha still more de-|.ic;ibie ciiine bv wh.cii lree (1. ,in nf mitlrug-- has for yeurs been d. *':,,\ cl in Boathern 8tnt?ra,nnd the eleetlon <>f nDaaaa crnic I'rem.l.-nt inade po-nble. Ilis tiim- 866 been BBaSnl in trviug te i? W6ld his Mondfl and |. i'ii lh his eneintea, and hi* enentioa 816 mainly the tion why s.iv.-d the I'nion aud pBl down u h.-ni rerntie tohaUtoa. Ai>;...retitty policnien in tlua nty may club ic-i.l.-i.t. Ihat-tel with iinpunity; hat cviit-titly ranii'.t *r-rfari.*r- wnh napaalty. Tw. iiii.wa wiio iiiiii 1.a an aTead'a Blab eu hi* n-.t it hi .-I vt. r. | ?,-. ? .: ' i* in M.itc laetatday liut-** r. ? ha aad ku k.-.l ?.r atraeh Bar-nsben ot the Barea *A.-ie alan Bt-r-araiy Ilt!!ll-l|.-<t. __ H (,. ?!. riil da Ce-exay to, a* t.;, irtaat, :<> l.e r ffin \iiam baeaa ?? ,-i th. - v >?: tv "t hia po) ey. tha > ill',4 a aaw oapartara la Prenab warfara, It uiiiy ba thal tha ptnaaet r> illy w-h.-H Fi irain ;? r--i>:itat!,>n d.r eleni-ru y. or tl. it it , . .-. .,:i ,,i tba wai ll baral . n . hat hlthaat. tha Ptea ii have . , uc.-ii trouiilf.l L) avrujile* Ui th. ir trcitiiicat of w.i,er aui.'-i r.i.ea. aml tlie i.ltl army ra w.U nodout-t Bv nni.!) a.*t..ii;*lie.l ia l--.ini that It ib no |k,rinitte.l to uia-aeacre the ll ,f tha I .rvivors. ? In a thal the otin-rday a?-"tit ' bio nolltiOB, OS -w*aaaaa Abmm rawaaaaui, ef ClafwlaBd, aaid ..,,., Kapnh iea .... otach atteattoa iii.ini lattoaa tea oeeaty oant an ^.,J ... : i . I _ -. .' :?-. iu <Til r that ?Ue p.trty ii.iiv h-iTe uo weak puiiit* in ita Ita. >?! battie ttn* year. ThtB M vt b. dea. every where. _ _ King Alfon-o his nni tlie .lo-katle of the cholera . . . . teb, gaa :>. thl liunln-l<.l ta - F rr;l>le ;,Uk."i.-. le* ',-< iiuva.i ,.ar.iiie aud icitr ?iti-in l-y v hala *a King Iluiu..rt aad lawSkhad daaj. ' -.-. II - Irftn -' r- oppiMod Lau,a;'i'i*n-ut!y l>e> aaa. tlier f'.r? iw tba dlaaatroaa ,i bia unt u.e.k- deatk i lea.1. Uie K:lig ? '?. bot Wbefl l | ..:...! f> i- - gn a- - ibadtted. A* ti.e iie : ' -' B8? At .. ? aabf ii"t r> 111.1.11 Ib t!.- aa i - aab vtrre ilving in tb. r;t.f-a Witlcit a WrStd <>t ..nil.itliv fni ai li:m II.- i.ii!.'.li)iit vtitt,.,i.,-,it ? by aa e..ri-. traia f'>r Ar.i - i iat iu F,-i!..a_- tha Cabiaaf af a * purpe-za, aad bafwra tbey .?;.-.- .. a ba li...I fapaal a .u- la tba wjl.ii at.d IU hn'i.-M-a vtlicte peOfJfl atri I-.-a v* .th the diiw-.i***, All that hia c-iin ?lt. w.ia t? faatinat. huu wbaa he ralarned, II.a 80 .ra e !i..- . . ni tba i.'ail "t ), - bb !? '-. II' ?'?? - v - t .-.r .ii.-. i .', ..I,.i ...v.i'.ty. fo. ba h n a k.u . ie art .ti.,1 ia i :.. let tliuiii ku,.-- thal - I 6 il tiiulliou. *? ng'*etder BOtantting-: atmhip . oni|..i.;? -i t" I->? I ?- I '- '- ; ra promiaaa tv. bnag htat lato traante. btr. -tirm thxeataa. a agal eeataa*. while th-* >ecre tary'a authorttv to tual--) auch au order toaa-rtoetljf ..l iat.) naaothaa. LaBgraaa appropfiatexl i.mi t.i ti ii..1 tl,e 1! r_-'ca-, anu the atatute dc. laraa it to be "Lt the ?? owaaaandaiuta af iiasoei. _era airivmg by EatapenB BtaeBtaga, aad ia ?? la.xaaaiB. th. banaaga ?! aaveh paaaanajag..' Th. Uaaiatarj'a otdea la a ataetu il i I thi. ?tatate. If he La? auy ?u tf he will pgabnblj 11 .i v e. o ??;>?: t : ? 11 f v to siiov.- it. ? Hy the way Uovernor 11 ill *aile.l aroiind at I ,ta Kalls yi'iteriLki. aaa iinght Batarally tl.itik all U.e rredll foraaving tii. i - <? toagatohtaa.aad that ba haa aiwavs beaa h?*art .,!..! -..,; iafarocofeehaanea tobaaaii th. pnblte. Heeii ladaed ttgn tha Niagara np*-aopaiatloa btili but well- iif.irucd men kunw how tu-ailk lie , atu>> to iuif ?ii".ii:ik' it. Moic.ver. ba d.-it..: ?!''! th. pae? |.|? .un ? i .i . ? rawtfl thi. >ear, wh < li freaa ? i ? . poiletoef T03W wa*> u.s *e.iillik a 3< 8033333 thl tu,:i ..f th.- Kuil*. < 'n the whole, rawSptte bia P -lug. Mr. rUlltae taty peaay-a*iea i>>iund fiM)..ah kmd ol aOoieiaor. _ _ Pre.iidout <'l.vela:.d. wh.> S'.'st -uuday with a liihuiK' party ". 'h<- r^taa_aa. may be rnpi au tij !>. -?t im tii. ndi ui nnnr tna Btate |Aitdvi-v- i hii*tiana vrho are Kejutbiu un* to voie : ..ini iti'.'i tieket, in on'.er that the D<m in-riiitc piriy. of vtIucIi he i* tha BKaoaMit, inay ! at th. aOUB iu retawung lt* h.-id i.ii tlie - . . .tud tho Nation. The ILurd on FortiU.-itiona !:.i- v-t oal to laaneel t:,,. ...i.t ii. aa aa la there ar.> a leoaal -t.-f. n..-a . , ._:,'t.i li-.i i..aie.vli;tt light iiud'-rt.ik.iig: but if tho inr-n.l* U iiitrl* all t tn- B-JMafl v. li.-re coaat drteiK-ea alioiild ue it will have a tulerabiy ar nn. ii txik to BIB_aBBBtaw-B. aud ouo Whteb ia hable to take it all the auiuin.-r. -e> Tho wHhdtawal ef the Paeita MailCwapeaj^a a'caincr* froin the Auatraliun nuie will ;? axach more by the aeleBltthj thnn by the peonle of tho UnHed Itataa. nnd tha aaabablHty la that a will hav.- to Ik.- c.t.tiFiiiii 1. if only lor the aake of ni.ul .'ii.-ilitie.*. I'.ut it ia to ln- r. gretud f,.r axaay raaeena that CoagraaaaheoJd ba*tonag I,-. t?d t .ii s in ilt< r, fur la Hagh tae Au*f ratlaB c.-in nierce w light at present there ib a large tdd there lor Atn.Ti. an prua-uct-) il it ta judici.iualv ilev.-lop.-d. and the Iluo Innu **an 1 r.mci.-Ho. ptofpattl jeirtcd. weald h...- ai ttednenfeotheldnndlad u>i to L<H.-r tliitikta iu the futurc. ? Mu r-i-eojiio analyai* "t tha aaaaed beof Whieh rc-ntlv jm)i? uied ao -nanv people iu sn Iilinoia tiv?ii api**)iira to have d.-tertuiued the lact tb..t ihe ?O'- tl wae pui np Wbaa iu un ualit Btate for hniiiub food, and then-fore tlie re aiMiiiaibililV of tbo ciuuer* ia d.r.a t ..n,l . i.-ar. lf tlua ia ao tuero ahuiill Ih- BO hen tat. 36 a tOBJl pro*e culiug l-ic paik-tia, tor lliu ui.w.i u a luual airioue one. M.n who for the aake of profit are ready to their fellowa with decotuposed or .liaeaneal mrat ought to he in th" peniteutiary. and they wdl be if tbe people of llliuuie are not bafHed by defecte in tlu* law. The adnlteration of cnnned fooda otiuhi to l*e puuished aeverely in allcaaes; but when. aa in thia tnstauce, then* seeuis no room for tloul.t that the unwliol.-aoit.e character of the nieat haing aaaaal waa fully known to the utanufae tiireia, tha penalty intli. titl shiuld bc excinplary. A correspondent of The 1'hicago Tribune givea aome iuBtrnctive facts about theeflectsof piohil.ition in lowa. T.iking a anijtle town?OMtaloosa? aa an lllustratiou of the workmg of the law. he showa that wl.ereas nntler bigh litenae drunkenueaa waa largely tiituiniahed, lhe nnmlier of aaloona reduced, taxat itm lovtered, and tiie aocial eoudition generally laBBBBf-d, prohibition rrmlte.l in a mark.-d increase of iuteiuperance, in Mghaf taxiition. im.-rea_.-d city debt. aml gcueral tleiiioiitliziitiou. The law after a time could not be eiiforce.l at all, aad thaBB beiBg uo liceuae the number of aaloous increased, while more li'iunr waa aold witb correspoudingly bad re siilt-t. ln proaecatioaa for riolatloaof tiie li(|iior law jiiri.-a wiiulil nut conrict. no nritter what tb? cvidciice. Tin* 68688888 bas boen di litatrous in all Wdys in faet. and the writer ratMied to conelades by Bayira: "There is 80 greatBchaiig. hl publie opiniou that if the Bepablieaa Convt-ntion iadaaaaa the law this ciuuty will go 088800*66-6, although iu Ins. it gavoa majority of over stx haadred." Prinee Riamarck can find no tnnre eftective way of gratifying his d siike of Mr. Qladataae than that of reudcruig aid to l.ord Saliabury iu tbe l"_y.,ti_n ncgdti.ttioiib. Hy ludueing France aud the other Pawan te eeaaaal to tue aabetttatiaa ef au Eugiish for a fBH.8888 gaaraalM ??( tbe loaa and bv agree ing to aancuon a peaaeeaaraia, he can ilii aaeefcps make tha BOW ii.liniiii-tratii.n popular. Engiiehuien aio aoreiv gtiglaiad aad eeafaaai bf thalatae n.iti.:iai pbaeee ?f Ibo Bggpllaa .uestion. They peobaMy d.? not waal the eoealiy, and are aegaaad on priaeiple lo ioereaaiag tbe buniensof the areary TitM ?vrr ekoan th.-y are com niially groaning. Ilut tbey will ..eieoiii." any "Ifiiinte mLi-iu'" for nx tog their reaooaaibUitieaaad bringmg aadereal of ^ ka tba Mlle eoaotnea 1 he l_i_.ypt.iin .-pliiux baa atarad Iheaa aat <>f aaanteoBBfa Thaajwill baaa luhter baarta -.*? -aa the n.i.lle bas been aolved by -.ii.e iiiteiligil'le pl m ot a.tion. FEBSOBAL WMlllai lalBae thut. beeMea -taasftt, Eiizur Wrigbt .l*rt l'nrvi.4 ..r** tl.i-.,i,iy ? irii.|i:_raiK-nera ofthe la'.i.iuia .tin rleverj <i. i lara.lea la II ??>? M ? I '.'?? ?*ra. OL 0, A i.'tir. OlM Iii- jn-i r*en rrlievivl of oniiiiati-l lu tl.e l><-piirtiueut ?f tu - BUaaaOfi la now rtattiM |"-' aaola Braaataa, m.. and eieagtBai t??* tin:. . oi.-iinicl I.i a t> i ? of the wiil ii- i.i'iin. r Ibam WTa-alagtae, howerer, win I !i<- bia t" noaaeat BeaM. Hi*tirr C. lU-nant-e. -iBBJBI Bai hu.nort-tt, la to have a ?hir*ini-^ eanaeaafelg aae B_aaaa*a_Mai of ihe new Uibii il iBa ibiIbib baaa of MeaaB weaaiagaae. In tii. !>? rforiti-in ? .. lt. -a I'n.led BtBlea CBBB li.:a-lo:..-r uf BattaagB, Oea. ral Jo-eiiti __ Jo!__.?.oli left .. . i Uat week fu ? * I >aa Fraaalana 11 ?? la . ? i-Mitety joiirat-y. W. J. 1 lorenrr. thr ar tor. I??ar. otT the a .Imun-kiliinK, niileia aottie art] -i -. a ..I ia. !' :, i ll imi tli WmUM, I'n. I).. ..f Il-.-tiin, la r : t,n taepreaU 4MMBIawaiyCBH668. , ? i <? ..- < Watio. and a - Himiltou OaOaaa Ba liaa I , | tae!?r of Ti,r Inlei* rtfeeiallgteea ? i il?*|. ir.l.ii-'iTa uf lln- f.:itli fntt.-l -t ? ?? . i >r -..t.i'- tl ie- i'.ia .!?? ii i- baaa ?? tiwi> latar r-t<Nl iii tiie Alnt'll'-ttl Ilia'iltllP of ll.l'.. I'T. Wilite woald aaake a rlgiiro-e aa4 aib ?- i.reaiaeuL TBE IM-h OF THE D1T. -..* <*f > _tir wliite-f iceil dania. le fur ine." aald the Be? J"'.n Bf. -ri! 1.:. 'tf MflBM ,i?>n-. in a rreent - aereae ofeaaa ' c** la aal wit'J eaaaauagllfeae Otraawtaa nat urowu itirl wlioaLuudoni ?pr MB-aeaaaa. w ... c-.u alBaa a trei* with any l*oy. wUc Ma rar.iinela. and liakcd Tui-_.ui ?f _n-u_el fur me -. -? I |g paaaia,aai hu uiore oa:l for craahtoae.a r..?m. HP4. Merwai.t ia m -re ulne tn oir 0?aaf?ie ? - ?? -* BtralgBI a*. an arrow. aleei" -.' eaaraaiajr.-aaaelearaaai,a itunt auiiir uud iaaj?y 18 th -o -r.tiivt iin " la Mr. BeaMef lookmn ;,.r a wife or a aenaat, or ll ha JUal 84-088886 tho lio?;*el BttB ,..* I Ttioar arlekei Laa-oaera _ -- other and ? ?haa ti.-r -.?.?'. I - ? t-i h-w otopped hia Jalt U ,1. OascUr. -.Wii i r>.ury Aun-rie-ai. The ralif'tn'aii ? B.B.B8 Baler who refti?rd to HB i 6..00 l..t <tf lml Ma( iiiDaitum for 81.(>'t happy aiter all. He partod ?ith ll M a -<-u .me u.olve Aa fru.i war r>a<"- Nr 8600, a*Ba lB ''im p-i.-ui-tly anltl lt t<> Cataaflaaaaraaaaataea Am B-lBOOtBere 1. a" >? ?- |B ? 't laal lot wlnoh uia-i*. tUf uiu-ii-nl n?iirr aefe ev.ry tl he ae-aa it. ltat the natlre - tmnt i'tritju aut-eatry anl the r "?0o l>r..nt. au.l c_.K?.ea :i la Bl TfeaaaaaM-flha Haail'erellaiaaare ve.y atrlet. Ifa il*'|a M| uj. |8 Ul. * _. -, i ?. ii.- -.:. i i .i -??. ,-i t" deatb If aa aleala, i.:i - icii _ ,lM,it. .ii .. it. p'lla a-..;i to. l_v?ry n__in niual J : ru-v l''t-*?. -i am b in MW". (iii, fur th?- tri.: ..f U.<* r>>i>iit'a uote 1 . ?l.. f.r t ii- -0. ii". >. .- iltxima !? A MN .* 'li M -i-\ ? r wa- a in.- ti. r-.tu ; ?Vri.: ah uukuoatu lu cilj r.>oiua. ON. for Uu- lu-.i l'.*'a ?i:?/'-ry ?lif n. . - . laaiai i. . > . - .. m__da! K.. rr at-.:*- o' '? ? . -? ati Bt U'r .: ' . fa.CTIIHfl. trod} Kint t1.*?.r..' I -a io*-. a.18. ???at ? ?<>-l ! M _| AiU i . Boeel in The Curi-ant mjm - ? ir e?!_**\i*-l <N.nt?.nii>orarie* IBa ?- '? ' Bai He Fh"'ii-iphM BntorA I ....... J u-_* >a'a A lin al .?i it la d.iiu'. :.*.i* lo tli*oii44aach a , , iniottlod ?ute of tli, p lunnl. wii.n Mn..* CBaualaea Beeaaae greelieotaflBaPreaa . ,ui i. ? ma la n'4 a Mro-i i _ Ue Impmreal rapllly. howarer; e ich a;> ~cU WM i..--.-*-!., .-a I li.a l.tot^BiTt waaaa t-r' liaut _- UL ur.iii.-. wui.-U 1'K ia i_.vlii_t aonie tala< . . ..- i . n.-rv? for 18 ? li <" ..' it eerlalB oAttot ??' raa Um au.l prealiaal "f tue New Y .rk l'reaa l lu'.'.an.l tht. a.. ._irr 186 aomlfrrro covera ;'i tu.- belter. Ba_ \ -r* I Itiaaa. >N ODB tf ihk BBBIBBUA Tliri'iu-I. the aaltry. Jua.y day, Tin* apri'ikiinitiiiri -.k.-r ifrtafea ha way, Bfllakll-g a|ii-1nkl.-a ererywhrre Wl'hiut :i l.other or a e.\re. In vain the Igrtg ttg -;>;;:, _ v.'>ota i ,:?.- tii.- igrlaklei igrlaaa hia noi-ta In Taln il" Igr-Bklei l.iJlea aufftT. Au 1 vttw itiaaiier to the duffer Th it ?|.riiikimir apnn.l**r apnnklea oa Until lila raaalai *pr.nk ia ilone. >..r | ...- ? aa'i-.i for iur?*i or T1U that lila ftnal *pritik ia a|.r mt. V K.'.itiiekv lirn. wl Re ????iiiK tlrltren "it fi/a ueli.-' mrBeo. lel tall aa eaa. wbtei tae womaa vbodrvreher out uloked l|i ? ' A auit au. l.rouclit ln eo.irt t<> K<i'..H'i tue i rloe ".' I'.f egg. when li wa- <i<-.-i:. i tb .t ? 1 .?:. luf |.:i'tii.?e. of the .li-f. ii.l.m: it w.ia i.. i ?--? l . t'l'ti aaa takra lo ? hJajBareoart. w " '"??'?- d. oa aiv.mnt <>f tue word ,. toc i*4_4sn ii-.-1. " J'iiia i.en 'III not Im Ifee ,-grf! l.tit iim; i"-d it." i'i*' ni..r_l <*f thta atory La not vrrj ??:.- are "? Boal ? J .urual. II. \i i- f:..,u tl,.- i> i r .-4 uf t'ia (rn?:it Weat. and h#i itiKMt on tht- iaekoroHoiaaa Bleoe Blooafeoaa* looklag at tne ('at-klll Miiniitaina " Wh it do j>>u think ofthe , r ,i?K,-.l a f<*..i* vi4A~t-u_.Hr. ~ Weil." ue *_nd - ii 'a f-ir. atraaaar, ti'a labri t*ut it airikea mo tlnl li's * little hit tt^. Ul ] " **.? to'.if Iii lh" rii*' irt-aaa." e\cl.iiuiaa ncw?}^per Ueakoali |.? ?! t.irued Into a gtareelBoe tortuwlth. - lii'itini I'ruii-ciiiit. k gaO-_oaaao BBbI ? l> -.y anl aaked o'elhck lt .t.i.. I ? .- ' . ? . _ : HUM ?orgrlae. ari aald be tboogtrt lt waa ui-i.- "It'ai ? 1. i.i taaeeparta, alr," ^_'l Um Bey aimpiy, * tt liio.ilcr te BX|4ala iu u iliaar uud ,liniii? aaaaoor tba aeeeaaitr ol tn mbm id tl itanrtartt. a aeboolnMntar n l.e mi.-ut t>> .ln witti lila w.i|.-i tf it went aottiPliiu^a i.i..4 !???> >:.*. - ."-.-ii ii." *a.i> Uu* iii.i.- ; i'. ? r> -:- ii-.*. v.-iiitl . .- Biaaleioi l_at ...ted, beeaua.-. ahe .. i .iK'.i tne, iiit.t i-i.iuiiiiiii i ,-ut aadaaaee n i |._i|.a i . : ,.f: in i .ul. l -all put lo bed al "o'clock." r- Ol I..,!!__. 1VI( hutfilo F.rprett thitiki the Moriuons mUJt Iflg up three or I.nn- ul iUom- Mt-xii-ni BtafeM wlt'.cb i?:e iu lhe r.i.W't. Tnn Hragv li. ii.iui wlm room through thora S-ate* llil?fhl t,l,je,l. a m ... laaMlaa aa '"?* ttae of n rattraai haa tanidit hia ,!?,?. t.i b.ira i ...ilt-iiiiiali al BTOfff pA-aiii.: I uo lUiiuilae of im- in, .,'i la to oaleh for the barkiugdog uud mi1. |i . ta t> . " tl it l.lin iu |*.im!ii_. Tiio ruiiilt ta i tin. uaiiiit la Ui_U tio li_ia duuieivd al bia tloor ail Uie C4>al be rtqnlree for bia owb nae too ot eoet, aL ? teniplatltur tba openlog of a eoal yard for tfee aappt* oi hia neigbbon.. tle tbloki be eaa eompote ta prtee wlth the oldeat eoal deulera in tbe vlelnlty. -[Troy Tiiuea. Houa?-himter?? Wby, la It tbat ao many people*! tho ?nmmer reaorto rent big eottiwe now. wn.a a eoupleef rtxiiiia ln a hotel would afcommodate thetnt" Real eatale a .-e n t -* Beeanae they cao't aflord to go to the ho uU. Tea know timee are bard now." * You are lotklng touzh. O, Diogenea," quoth Booratae. " Now, by the (ln.. what hare rou beeu dotng." * I iiitve been aeoreulng for a.i houeat man In the <h'.."n_.i City Council," replied the griua pblioaophar, mourii fully. ? Witli re.u'.tl" lti'inlr*-1 the other. "W.ll, you it-e." aaul InogeoM Mrcait-eally. "_ey pocketa are eleauef out aud my laatern la aooe! I Sralae Zeue tuat they lett ine lay glrdie."?[('hleage ews. Tbla la bow a Brunawtck atew ooght to be made, aceonllng lo Thr lt, tr "_..?. i Courirr: Take a bondrai eara of t-orn. a buahel of to i_?t.*e*. half a baahel of Irtah pofatoes, balf a buahel of okra, alxteen fat beua, flve amip ii.iiic.-. three poanJa of breakfait baeon, alx pounde of butter, two doien leinont, a box of muatanl. two bottlca or Wor.-eaterahlre aauoe, and ealt aad pepper ta Uete. Ths nlne tree, anra an aitthnrity, aerrea aa a refnce for m ie than four hunlrel ap-cteaof luaerta. Weeainow e.-allv nnderatand wby Mr. I.otu.'el i?w waa ao atretnione ln tli.-?t-;iir:ii_t n,in-in-!i to * be waro tbe piao tree'a wliherel brancu.,'-;iJo_ton Tranaerlpt. Tha Oerman Emperor haa ennferred upon Mroe. Minole Ilaik a new honorarv tttle. - Impeiial Cha.uner f>ln|cr.** a thal urtl..ii -i.iitv 1 l.y only iiirne otber prinia donnaa? Artellna l'.ittl. J.-i.tiv I.lnl (_4> aod Arti/ Padilla.? [I'hlladelpUla Inqulrer. PAL'CE gOB 00081 AND OANDER. from T\e Sonnaft'lA f'nt n. W" are not autpnaed thut I he .\m> tewB Etening Pont, which diatliiguiabed H-elf laal luium.r aaoneoftito liaeiagapalarhta for uorliaatlty in t>.ii.:ir tn*-n. baa _.,_? Into eounlption tlta over The Pall MBB Oat ttr't rx poaurea of crtiue In I>.u lo;i. It haa no 88888 to <le uo.ii.ce the lionM>- pnictlcea <? ? j. ,a> I. but the axpoaara baa ahoeked IU vlriuoua inind beynud exptoeiton. II exp?-'-i. U* -<*.? all Kniclan.t aml the t'nited Sutea . ul:. ? >ii'-_v fii.lon mi. the Iyoutloii example, uaiag The '?aultt'e ni -it 1I08 ??- a t* xt booii. If. aa lhe l?et aud a year ?_;o, off.ncea againat chaatlty " hn ve been cooiiateot wltu tbe j.c-?<???. ii of all the qit.ihliea uhieli huoiaa Batareatid dlgmfy buuiau Ute and ni.ikrbuman p: ..areae Maetble," w*' tlou'l qaite aee wby Ike HaulU _b.uid bo ileuouuced aa a " beaatly pulilicailou." A IT.OVISO OP 80m 00B8SQU-EBCB. From Tne CU_na8_8 D'ipateh. Tbe Pemocr.ui." outioo. In Ohio ia that Govarnof II adly la to i.e leti'.ii.iii-teJ witli II.888801 I- OaB> veeaa iaa I.ientea.mM.overiior and Mr. Tannnaii aa t.,e pri>ap<*ctiTe heuator. In B8BB the l.e_fl?lalur? la lK-mo cr.uie. In the eveut of the re-election of Oa 8 llii.nlly, Mr. rievlind will aee tbit he Ia lo-I.-ed iu lhe >Jpreiu" Ciurt'>r in a'.aie other plaea for wiucb li? ia w. 11 qiialirte.1. .Mr. 080*8888 will th. u itep Into the aho^a ot Mr. Iloa.ilv, aa liovi-ri.'.r. anl bw.uie. of ci.iira-. ti,.- in _t c_n .t.iiite for Uoveruor of Ohm. vvnh Mr. Tlnniii-in au I Mr. I'ayne lu the Senati., Mr. II ladly ori th- Hiipre.ue lieueb. Mr. V- n-ileton in the <_>? r.naa MiaaliiB .111,1 Mr. t_?nv. rae .ia tioven.or. w<- aee uo r. awa tih li.i.iiniUT alioH'.d n,.t pr.-vall aiionr the ot tha lii-nioi-i-airy of Ohio. pro.IJed Mr. McLeau c__ bul* duot-d to c-tiiaeut to the arr.nij.eiueut. WA sni.SGins BOBMiF. KX-dUSraCT mWBBHTI DKSPAIB ? MR. SWITZLtKS S< HKMK. ia?a IQB 88801IB cuBRE_(Po?t?K!ir or THr TRiBrifB.] Wa-iiim; 081, Julv 15.?Wdlard'a U a larorlt* haunt ot the offic'-etkent. They erowd iu lobhies troni au early h-ur ia the momiug uatil Ute at :... It ia a BBaaBBBBg groucd f>r "' Jud^ea " an<t " 8 >' '? i\* BOitlHH-ghlaa '' II. f'. tl.e Wah" giiitleaiea prel'er gea eraily to put nu at th-* Metropolitan or tht- Nat.'.nai, the> nevar .l:-.l.iin to dr.p in at .ViHard'a il tht-re ia a driak in rfgM or " little gatne " to be arranged. It m a kin.l of [M* e ...h.i.'ii_e where counci.a are ! ..i and plana !a.d lor tbe capture ot ? rieea. Jiat n-'W taa air around WilUrtt'a ia apt to be blue 8_th the t>ad i.e uf ___aa68B_a_aai "ffi' e-aeakera. liut that iu t.? be eaaaaaaa. Ootaaajad taalBga nm-t iind rehef ?eaaawhera. H ?u,-h r,-H.-f tak-a the f.,r:u ?.f de:,:inei__ Haoa rt the Pk-i l n?, haa i.'abinet aod t H iaaky o'oja wne hara, ?lr-__dy eeeiired fa. plaei ? j .!? r t'. ii .t -j. ni<nt and preeume to pttt on aira iu th^ pre.-ence ol t.. ir leea taeBBaaaa rivala. ahoeriH Uaaaa the poor .lrtili lett out in the cold. witliout hope, wilhotil proaperta. witb.-ut couaolationl One of the ha*_t known tigurea in thia trowd of < ffice Beehaea i* ot a little gaadaaaaat about dity-dra | resra of age. Ibe t >p of bia head ha* be. om-h .1J 1 almoat, aiac- ba lir-: cauie here iu llarch. The bair | tbat ia lett him e*eap.a in grac* lil i* trla iBgBd flith ' gray fr^>in uuderneiith a l.tat aeaaon'a etraw bat. Ka weara a BBBBJglBBg niuataebe aud goateo. Th? r- ;-a I tarawar. dreamy, hiilf-tanii.hed i..ok. ang-j^atlve ot iiil guat and 188886-8886. d.aeemible in bia connti-u .neo. The U-aturo* are ('.-itie la rbararter. A " gray 88888886 ^a looaely aio it an? uuderai/.. d, but otbi'twi-o ewiiov-tlr kmt haaaa, raaa ia tbe great bfak patiin and ex-aii-i*. t. Mi'.Swe.By. **h>iu te ,.:..:- of tia I?. in N-i_ik , ..ine_8 U?t vtar. in [airtt.. at -;> BMBBh ex . :i .ui ire...u.i t.. >.i i*t the lack ot t-a-rgy ?u >.r. . ji^rt ii, r>--e.r.ii z " An.eriean " ciluen-. ircaa }ir;tt-h ?! laxeaoa HeSaweay baa be.:: ia VFaak I i ereraBeee tae _aaanrat_am Ba aiiivad baee faRr as> peet-Bg laal aaythi-g ae adgbt aok fcr weaal i bp* tull v be giten to* him. H-d he not tunied tli<- tlle ??( i ittie au.l ^r.-ient'-.t th.* Iriah h *t* from g .in.' .a a IhnIv ovt-r to the gnpnn.ioan party I ll aaybo Iy antw hia "worth aad p it the proper val'ie aa ' biether HeBweeay did. Looking uU'iit Im.. : . >f the Port t >?,il'tiD wi-'.litt, |7 uOayear aa ikeattlM m??* of rai iril . d-datoreaUd aenieea. II." lilef hi- ip; c I 1 .-rt l-o 'it.-ii iu ci.ii.ti.rt uuiil ibe truit _t-iu:.i .Irop into hia lap. Aawtek | ai.-ed afer we.-k aad hi*. ..ama 1 to atpaei <-n tbe dail.. h-t ol :.p[?..intme_i'~ - ,t oat It'iif tiie W ''.te ll.t.iae. h- g:? w ao-uealmi tr I ,, ilei 8a the -Wflaaeraiie petty badais (,. ar^. .- ti >ii U.f'.rt tk.- iie-i.le_.t ancl :.i:n ?? ?? '.V :iy. the latu-r -_..?!. M y.i i u.. s dou- uo"_i_g i >r ita. . ..ii ne.-.T eeese aaee aar Bkmmt Ba . ,- ..m iM-.-t na io MeaaaeBBae gaal ibere are aal o.ti.-ea ro ?_b iu Ibe >t tj :!ie eaaJlaadiadtl parl oi th^ae lejtim itelt eatitled te laarard.' - ?.( -?,->iv weotbaakteMaeara Qeiam, I'.ir:.-. aml Maanitig. Ra retiewedt hia plrad.u-. " l r.<-id ha.c beea eleeted io l'ar.iita-nt. aa I c mm it I h_.lnt roair nr- bereaad loat u.t e.:ii.,' a -n IheotberaMe by nghtiu_ lU* lK-.:i.K-r?iic bittie.. !.- ?\ ? "?? Whj tiidu t you a'.at there f'' un'oelirijily retorted (..-irniiii. ?? le-. to >?e aui*. whv didu't yei *' aal 1 riarniim. Mc>w.?t.y \*a* %.iM ll- t. .:ew.-.l baa aaaealta aa-B tha V- . ? ? . . ne ?__. a . - r li- t .:..- ":. - ? - ? ? ? r-. Ir. . ? ? ? . Ihe < erki . c . I the d-. tr. i:. ? a ? a... ihe PreaUeaiaggaaatod tha aewCafleea_rfa -a. -e... it *?a- aat _d.->*.?-utt. ibe aahaggf ? ? ISgeet '""' BBI bell ? 888888% He ru-_.*l t. taO . . i a Iinii: t::i -.11 mandetl aa iinraed I I I'te-.J-i I bl Uy . .1:1 >i.""" ? ih?-ta I laasoj Jie* buoaell ut: lo bia lell boiebt ? Vo. Mr. Pran tlent. N?. I t'lan "t .eee; t that. h- H-M. "* 1 'll ne-d i.i.t, ot BBalfae, eoolly ti*i?iarktal tbe I'reaident. aa Mettwooay laroei hia baok him av.e_.ring rtngeaoee. He rej .ira.1 u h.? Jaiatag-baoM ci- ol hotel ii:e had laagaaa paaa I aadaiogoiai _ uia tin.ka. Ue! *re it?:_atime t t tb. nui tram t^ Btart kia BafM hol i* H.U-1 d. wn. " giie liitu^r. hanee. hetlwofhl Aga n he I _? a to h miit ih -t.eet- aad ba* ia. Al _.eit-__a_?-iii..a , i t.. l.aie teli him. haaiever. II* be.aa U>-h.*w u - dttepeoiaOatal unJ ?3ti?'r. Hv aud br he re i iiii-1 mm ti i.iv viaita M thr wkiBB Beoaa Again he .. thedreadol the doorhoepara, ef the elerka. of i .u. ? i. imoi t H it h- peraaated. LtMl oi ? ib- I'le-itieul iihe:?.l the gr-at BB8 ? ^1,."?<K> p.'a ii _.-'.t :-l::p. lt t.e.i.'li t . .'?!? ?? ? <,eayB breeta avay. " What, thia to rie. Late fera -e ti iu tl.e Hr>.;.-! I'.ii .i iiii-at, a uun wh . elee i _>?''. Mr. Treaiil. ?"." h- wa. :i>*.. ;t to aay. Bat ba :? 181 BBSB tiii.'i-. lt. ' N.i. Ic ti:iall. Iiund w >.d. to e\.-. mu. I .-. pi aethiag leaa thaa a 63,00* oi r2.0t)O ptooo and pre?ervo tuv ai-ll-e-U.-m. ' a ..1 witb aa-lnei* t ui bia lotie hi-1 iriie.l aml lett Mr. CtereUai6 NM8. Neartv tea tlara ba>e p_aae.l *inee I t.iv.w t.'.x jlu-e. Mr. M.>areeny U ue--.> I g haggard looking. I'Umli. he uativi'ia. ^ n .1 ihe t.. da I He aaaaal rriua.u ini.h 1 m^er in Waab I ' a . i .- intereat ol ? h .: h ? ????? a, V* , t'.o, to ? aiil'iuia i- l>. i. ?-:?ciali. ?: th_B II8M ef 188 viai. Aml w.tlk:ii?' i> ll -Und to *ak<- jmi-i . ' a ? .u? o?er tlieie 14 out of lli - queatioa 8BT ob% ioi:- nu- - ? li i_ ? Ua.-U'ly ?!iaro* tliey way th-y trata Mi-th?r HeSwaoy," tle frfreil aay. atd wUoia ihcretaal *adl not agicr*\?i:h then.'. Se.rce.v li ti tbe lit'le icheme been tl.-f.ated ia - h.rb Mr-- - Hi- iaa Waraor aa J Cheaowolh van eagagid to eafbal the Bojeata br vhtahthadrd ^e.llv?? ur waa aaaeted, that Mr. S?:l_ler. ot tho Hnit.ii of Btadatka. t irn- uii with a aimila. tdau to oi:e. nucal th il lrt,uble-i _l ? law. Congreaa, laat a<*_aion. tiriatid g46,54U IU I laiup aiim lor th- BMOtlBB Itiirea-i. Afl.*r addlag t't:e arno-mt ao ?? i k ?'. tot tba ehkl ef Bareaa, aeael ele.k. clerka nt the ? ??'al elaaaea, ?ni,--t;:;,'i aud three laioier*. there m?waa nnc|.i\ t ? ..*.i i.n . ;t\ ?:- *?...'.< rui.u-vairal lhe act uatl.o.i/.'d. 'I'li.a wri't'id ha^c giv... *IH?> ia . out w.'dld iil.o have brottgiti ihem mitbia th.--?? i ? ??? theCii Ben Hl Tmhn waa8*8kyaaf ns nn- Mr. Swit.ler a itit.-ut t*n. 'le waated fo lu-tri.ti.l-to Ibeaa ;??.?? Dtm i Ba, too. ?-*> M -.n.l that tbe p.\ -h'...'. b g7?J ohotko al: harl brought tbe ape ??-. taide tbeeperationa ol1188 ti\il garrlea art. II- ?tibiaiti*.! tb- .pi.-*i...n <*t "? |M>Wf. ? , ' ' ??'' letiiDOa ' t,. thei i\ ,i eienriee ? ???" uiaM<.:i t.- th.- lir-t. ? ..i.oikr. Mr. l?nrh.uu deet.l.-d ihai Mr. haiUler aaald. ae 818 S.-iu- t-r MeC'ue. Boih at?erward lound eut tt, t too \; ? .? _t ai dirarted I epaj"' ?'??- ?' :''t?\Z I.' - ' ai l'herewaauo aibor w i> tbau to ie> '**.'??*: btat dee_4t..n and tiila they d:d to duy. Mr. M?? -j*? baa made, howeter, t_e ai*|?oiataienU alreadi -'???'. 1_ . town. \i bt u he r.turaa he will and that ????? *?"*2 j to prortde plaot-a lor bia pidilK-l lnuida Irom Bta****" 1 haa --t-u i_.-a.Uil_